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There’s been a little 头晕 ,在 博客 over Newsweek’s hiring of 马科斯·穆利萨斯·祖尼加 在左边和 卡尔·罗夫 on the right as campaign commentators/contributors.

I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. The fact that they both accepted the invitation shows they share a need for mainstream approbation and a common belief that writing for a circulation-losing, influence-dwindling publication is worth their time.

I predict they’ll write preemptively safe, toned-down pieces to match expectations of MSM respectability–and they’ll save any truly newsworthy, interesting insights for their own home bases (dKos for Kos, conservative talk radio/Fox/etc. for Rove).

在“exploding heads.” Just heads nodding off…

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 卡尔·罗夫, 科斯