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The Working Families Party, an ACORN front group whose ballot line Newt Gingrich-endorsed radical leftist Dede Scozzafava has embraced on multiple occasions, is up to no good again.

NYPost 报道:

The labor-backed Working Families Party has engaged in “an audacious scheme to violate the law” to help the party’s favored political candidates get elected, a sweeping new lawsuit charges.

The first-of-its-kind suit says the WFP created a political outfit, Data and Field Services, that it is using to “circumvent state election and local campaign finance laws.”

The way the scheme works, according the suit, is that the WFP gets involved in local races, backing its favored candidates, who in turn hire DFS for vital campaign services, such as phone banking, polling and get-out-the-vote efforts.

But under the plan, the WFP-endorsed candidates pay only “a nominal sum, well below fair market value,” for those services — giving those candidates a major, unfair advantage over their opponents, whose spending is limited by law.

“This is a case about an audacious scheme to violate the law by using corporate subterfuge to hijack our local election process,” says the suit, which was filed in Staten Island.

“It goes to the very heart of our local democracy and undermines the fairness and integrity of our local elections.”

The suit, filed on behalf of five aggrieved Staten Island voters, highlights the relationship between the City Council campaign of Debi Rose, a WFP-backed candidate, and DFS.

The court papers provide a case study for how the WFP, which has been increasing its influence, operates.

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The NYPost editorial board endorses conservative Doug Hoffman for Congress:

不,共和党人不必毫无偏差地顺从保守路线。 鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)等温和的共和党人已经设法在一些问题上偏离了方向,而没有完全背叛他们的政党。

但是共和党人应该遵守某些最低限度的共和党原则。 Scozzafava 经常在左边太远。

不仅在社会事务上,比如同性婚姻和堕胎。 在奥尔巴尼,斯科扎法瓦是一个如此挥霍无度的税收和支出者,她几乎可以让谢尔顿·西尔弗议长脸红。

在与 ACORN 结盟的工作家庭党的支持下,她支持大工党最喜欢的组织法案——卡片支票——以及联邦刺激计划,但遭到所有众议院共和党人的反对。



Andrew Marcus shines light on WFP legislators at work in New York siphoning away federal stimulus money for a green slush fund.

And Carl Horowitz at NLPC further probes the Scozzafava family ties to ACORN/WFP.

Darleen Click: Whodathunk?

• 类别: 思想 •标签: ACORN手表, 纽约州23