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美国东部时间晚上4:30更新. A besieged neighbor of Nancy Pelosi’s tells you the rest of the story.


Funny. I haven’t seen left-wing blogs in a snit over the anti-war loons’ invasion of Nancy Pelosi’s neighborhood. They did more than just pass by her home. They’re squatting across her residence, aggravating the neighbors, and hanging their clothes in her trees. Oh, and building a large Buddha on the sidewalk (via 点名 – hat tip to 黄鼠狼拉链):

“I’ve had four or five months of people sitting outside my home, going into my garden in San Francisco and angering my neighbors,” Pelosi said at a gathering sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

Pelosi added that the squatters have engaged in decidedly non-neighborly behavior like hanging their clothes from the trees; moving in sofas, chairs and other “permanent living facilities”; and, oddly, building a large Buddha on the sidewalk in front of her home. “You can just imagine my neighbors’ reactions to all of this,” she said. “And if they were poor, and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they’d be arrested for loitering, but because they have ‘impeach Bush’ across their chest, it’s the First Amendment.”

I spy with my little eye a word that begins with U.


From one of the Code Pinkos who’s been stationed at “Camp Pelosi

Lelsie Angeline, Code Pink: “We’re here to occupy her house, to show here what it feels like to be occupied.”

一个场景来自 营地:


The Code Pinkos encourage others to harass their congresspeople at home…DIY: Do It Yourself Activist Guide to Camping Out at Your Congressperson’s Home.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 代码粉红色, 他们不支持部队