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Tonight’s topic: Hate speech on the Left.

不不 Geraldo’s. The focus is MoveOn.org’s despicable ad. I worked in a plug at the end of the segment for all of the pro-troops, pro-mission counter-demonstrations taking place this Saturday. See my 老鹰聚会 category for more info. Hope you can be there with us.

And to answer all of the readers who have asked whether I’ve complained to top Fox people about stupid spit-gate, I have. They’ve gotten an earful from me.

I’m not going to let it get in the way of my job. But I won’t forget. Thanks to all of you who’ve expressed your disgust by e-mailing Fox News and thanks for your support of my work.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 老鹰聚会, 因素