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t 2012年? 不,谢谢。



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The most prominent GOP endorser of radical leftist NY-23 congressional candidate Dede Scozzafava is openly musing about running for president in 2012.

No, thanks:

Callista and I are going to think about this in February 2011. And we are going to reach out to all of our friends around the country. And we’ll decide, if there’s a requirement as citizens that we run, I suspect we probably will. And if there’s not a requirement, if other people have filled the vaccum, I suspect we won’t.

“They” shouldn’t bother.

保守基数是 醒悟推回来。并且不断地 援引里根的话 不会删除 损伤 Gingrich 多年来对他的品牌所做的贡献 在核心问题上摇摆不定 并与一些左派最大的小丑合作。


Al Sharpton 作为教育部长。

斯科扎法瓦(Scozzafava) 作为劳工部长。

戈尔 作为全球变暖沙皇。



A reader sends video of Gingrich “going Alinsky” on Hoffman supporters:


Related NY-23 news: Have you read about Scozzafava’s scuzzy family business?

Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman in the NYPost on Sunday: Take back the party!

Still stuck on stupid: GOP officials: We won’t abandon Dede


Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates and liberals in the American populace in 2009, confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in June. Forty percent of Americans describe their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate, and 20% as liberal. This marks a shift from 2005 through 2008, when moderates were tied with conservatives as the most prevalent group.


芝加哥太阳时报 covered my speech in the Windy City to Republicans:

Conservative firebrand and columnist/blogger Michelle Malkin came to Chicago on Thursday night to slam President Obama in his hometown and to slap Republicans who work with Obama instead of fighting him.

“Many of you fight not just the culture of corruption among Democrats but the culture of corruption that has paralyzed and plagued much of the Republican Party nationally and locally,” Malkin told 250 members of the United Republican Fund of Illinois.

And Malkin made it clear to the crowd at the Hilton Chicago that she thinks Illinois and Chicago are “ground zero” for political corruption in America.

“You know the White House and its tax cheats, crooks and cronies better than anyone else in the country,” she said. “You tried to tell your friends around the country, and they wouldn’t listen, and now they’re having tremendous buyer’s remorse.”

Malkin did not name any Illinois Republican candidates she considered disloyal or corrupt, but she said, “One of the problems I see here is you have Republicans candidates accepting money and support from some organizations that funded Barack Obama.”

Malkin also took a shot at Education Secretary Arne Duncan: “There are some delusional mainstream conservatives who think Arne Duncan is a friend because he pays lip service to charter schools. Wake up and smell the radical socialism!”
