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另一个 朝鲜导弹发射...

North Korea launched another missile into the Sea of Japan early Wednesday, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported, citing an official at Seoul’s presidential office. The action marked the third straight day the nation has tested missiles and came as members of the U.N. Security Council met to discuss a punitive resolution against North Korea for its apparently successful nuclear-weapon test Monday.

还有更多 圆满的 declarations in the works:

Ambassadors of the five permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Japan and South Korea met Tuesday to draft a resolution on North Korea’s second nuclear test, U.N. diplomatic sources said.

The seven countries have already agreed to issue a resolution on Monday’s North Korean action, which sparked global condemnation as violating Resolution 1718 banning the country from all ballistic missile and nuclear activity.

The ambassadors from the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China, as well as Japan and South Korea, apparently tried to coordinate their stance on the draft resolution, being prepared by Japan and the United States.

The 15-member Security Council is believed to be aiming for the resolution’s adoption by the end of the week, when Russia’s monthly council presidency expires, the sources said.

They’ll get around to expressing official “grave concern” for today’s launch…next week, I guess.


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 北朝鲜, 战争