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早在2003年, teenager was arrested and charged for joking about a bomb in his luggage.

在2004 British student was arrested and released after making a bomb joke before boarding a flight from Miami to Britain.

我们是 constantly warned not to make light of homeland security while passing through airport checkpoints and threatened with criminal prosecution.

But at TSA, it’s “Do As We Say, Not As We Do.” Look what happened on April Fool’s Day at Minneapolis-St. Paul International, via KSTP:

A Canadian woman and her boyfriend didn’t think it was funny when security officials at Minneapolis-St. Paul International made them pawns in an April Fool’s prank.

Kate Burgess and her boyfriend were returning from Mexico when they had a two-hour layover at MSP.

As they placed their bags on the conveyor belt and went through security, Kate’s bag triggered a detector.

According to Kate, when the detector went off a Transportation Security Administration employee said, “That’s it, call police.”

As more TSA employees surrounded her, Kate suffered a severe asthma attack.

That’s when a supervisor told her it was an April Fool’s joke.

TSA’s response:

In a statement, the Transportation Security Administration said, “TSA staff communicated with Ms. Burgess and expressed our regret. While our inquiry revealed no irregularities in the actual screening process, we do not condone or tolerate inappropriate remarks or behavior by our staff.

Question for Congress or whomever: Why doesn’t the zero-tolerance, no-joking rule apply to the chuckleheads at TSA?

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 航空保安, 双重标准