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Don’t forget: For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, there will be a pro-troops demonstration to counter the Code Pinkos at the Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley. Melanie Morgan and Move America Forward have all the info:

CALL TO ACTION: Code Pink has vandalized the Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley, California and is harrassing the landlord to cancel the lease for the ‘illegal, immoral, unjust’ war machine–calling our military men and women ‘TRAITORS.’

我们将团结起来支持我们的部队,并谴责 Code Pink 和其他人将军队“赶出”北加州的努力。 我们在刚刚被反战抗议者污损的伯克利海军陆战队招募中心展示我们的立场。

We are calling on YOU the patriotic mainstream of this nation to join with us and counter their effort with a pro-troop show of support for our military men and women! Bring your American flags and signs supporting our troops and our veterans!

17 月 12 日,星期三 – 太平洋时间中午 00:XNUMX

United States Marine Corps RecruitingCenter

64 Shattuck Square


Located at Shattuck Square (Intersection of University Avenue and Shattuck)



Daily Kos loons are planning on showing up to try and sabotage the event.




5 月 XNUMX 日: Code Pink 破坏伯克利征兵办公室; 更新:攻击将继续,需要支持

10月7: 在湾区反抗 Code Pinkos

8 月 XNUMX 日: 在伯克利抗议代码粉红色

有关: 僵尸的照片 粉红色代码与海军陆战队 上个星期。

倒叙: Capt. Richard Lund’s open letter to Berkeley

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 代码粉红色, 他们不支持部队