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What the anti-Bush brigade will be doing in San Francisco tonight before the State of the Union address: (via SFChron):

San Francisco police will close several streets around Union Square this evening for a demonstration by activists protesting President Bush’s policies, city officials said today.

The protest by the 世界不能等待 coalition is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m., one hour before Bush’s State of the Union address. Rally organizers secured a permit for the square that runs through 9 p.m., officials said.

Police plan to close off Post and Powell streets at the square. In addition, the northbound lane of Geary Street and the westbound lane of Stockton Street will be closed.

More protests nationwide:

Protests are now planned in 64 different cities on Jan. 31, including New York City, Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Bianca Jagger, Rev. Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan & 戈尔维达尔 are set to speak on Jan. 31, more TBA.

艾碧杰利 (who?!) joins the circus. The Ben Franklin quote doctors乔治敦 will also be on hand.

现在都在一起了: Waaaaaaah!


咬脚踝专家 put the spotlight on some more very unhappy campers.

我上线了 Hoist the Black Flag! 现在。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan