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Photoshop中: 里奥·阿尔贝蒂

It’s not just what’s in the bill. It’s the 方式 they rammed it through the House.

Just like the porkulus: Under-handed, transparency-defying, and stuffed with earmark payoffs and bribes concocted in middle-of-the night, backroom deals.

Taxpayers are mad again. And they’re not going to sit still.

Impromptu flash protests are taking place today at state capitols and federal buildings across the country.

In 芝加哥:

If you are anywhere near Chicago’s Federal Plaza this afternoon, where the Tax Day Tea Party took place, then be there at 1:00pm for a cap-and-trade protest. Federal Plaza is at 230 S. Dearborn.

In Orlando. And in Canton, Ohio.

In Upland, Calif.: noon at the corner of Foothill/Euclid.

In 亚特兰大 via Barracuda Babes:

Saturday, June 27, 200912:00 noon


Bring signs in Opposition to Cap and Tax

Ideas include: Cap and Tax, Cap and Traitors, Cap and tr8tors, No Taxation without Reading the Bill, Tea Party Patriots Vote

If you are not in metro Atlanta, protest at the Federal Building in your county.

Arizona protest info at Arizona Tea Party.

San Diego: Noon, 880 Front St # 4236

Temecula, CA: Noon, Ynez & Rancho California Road @ Duck Pond (This is Cap-and-Trade 8 member Mary Bono Mack’s district.)

更多 茶党爱国者。

Don’t forget to let the GOP Cap-and-Tax 8 听到你的消息。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 限额交易, 环境机智, 地球暖化, 茶话会