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拉里·克雷格·梅斯(Larry Craig Mess)
说谎的crapweasel。 另外,参加民意调查:他应该辞职吗?



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美国东部时间晚上5:15更新. Here’s the full statement on Craig’s site. He’s not just a lying crapweasel.

He’s a supremely arrogant, lying crapweasel. Blaming the press. Non-apology apologizing. How do you spell creep? C-r-a-i-g.

更新 4:30pm Eastern press conference scheduled. 这是视频。

东部时间 1 月 30 日下午 8:28 更新。 The poll results so far…



更新: The Idaho Statesman has two detailed articles. The 第一 recaps the Minnesota incident. The second is a five-month investigative piece into Craig’s past alleged acts of indecency and solicitation dating back to 1982, when an underage page made allegations that he had had sex with three House members.

美国广播公司新闻 has the docs from the Minnesota incident.

Any takers on a Larry Craig Resignation Date/Time Betting Pool?



He plays the “Don’t you know who I am?” game by whipping out his Senate business card. He pleads guilty. Then he blames the police for misunderstanding him and “misconstruing” all his bathroom antics.


Let me amend my reaction. He’s not just a weasel.

He’s a lying crapweasel.

Should he 辞职? Well, yeah. If he cared about the dignity of his office, he would. But he obviously doesn’t, does he?

Here’s a poll. Have at it:

Should Larry Craig resign?
Who cares? They’re all crapweasels


Here’s the Romney endorsement video Craig made that has been disappeared from the Romney YouTube channel.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 共和党, 拉里·克雷格(Larry Craig)