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Crikey, can they hurry up and get this over with? Now, he’s shouting Koran verses and inciting violence from the courtroom when he isn’t snacking on 奇多 in his cell. It’s a circus and a nightmare:

The chief judge at Saddam Hussein’s genocide trial has expelled the former Iraqi leader from court after he shouted out a verse from the Koran.

It is the fourth time in recent weeks the former dictator has been ejected from his Baghdad trial for alleged war crimes and genocide against the Kurds.

Judge Mohammed Oreibi al-Khalifa cut off Saddam Hussein’s microphone and ordered bailiffs to escort him out.

A second defendant was also ejected and the trial continued in closed session.

The former Iraqi leader was heard to say “fight them and God will punish them” before the audio transmission was cut.

When the judge ordered Saddam thrown out of the court his co-defendants stood up to protest.

One of them, Hussein Rashid al-Tikriti, was ejected and punched a bailiff who had tried to force him into his seat.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 萨达姆·侯赛因, 古兰经》