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If you feel compelled to weigh in on his admission of “transgressions” and plea for privacy (shoulda thought about that before committing the transgressions against your beautiful wife/mother of your children, don’t you think, Tiger?), have at it.

Takeaway quote from his press release: “Personal sins should not require press releases.”

Well. You can’t be one of the most famous celebrities in the world, carry on multiple affairs with fame-hungry women, cheat on your gorgeous, dedicated wife with whom you have had two gorgeous children (whom you have 构成 with for 国家 photos), and expect to be left alone.

Are tabloids out of control? Sure. But Tiger needs to man up and stop whining about the press. Like it or not, his bad judgment is news.

Cone of Shame Award 给您!



• 类别: 思想 •标签: 白痴