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Michigan State University seems to have a problem. It has failed to teach its student agitators how to engage in civil discourse with opponents.

倒叙: December 1, 2006 – Mob rule at Michigan State University

Flashback: January 26, 2009 – 3 students arrested in Gaza protest

Two of those students, who were charged with trespassing during an anti-Israel protest at Michigan Democrat Sen. Carl Levin’s office in the incident last year, have now been implicated in an appalling assault on Levin today, via the Detroit Free Press:

U.S. Sen. Carl Levin got an apple pie – no whipped cream or ice cream on top either – in the face this morning during a question-and-answer session for the Mecosta County Democrats at a Big Rapids deli after being criticized by a young man for his stance on foreign policy and defense of Israel.

Witnesses at Pepper’s Café and Deli said as the Detroit Democrat who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee asked the audience to let the man have his say, a young woman circled behind him and squashed a pie into the 76-year-old Levin’s face.

…Big Rapids police said the woman, 22-year-old Ahlam Mohsen of Coldwater was arrested not far from the deli and charged with assault and disorderly conduct. It was not immediately clear this afternoon if she was still being held.

Nico Rubello, a reporter for the Big Rapids Pioneer, said Levin stuck around and answered more questions after the incident. His newspaper reported that the man who asked the question was Max Kantar, 23, of Big Rapids. It also quoted Mohsen as saying, “We wanted to target Levin today to send a message that liberals and Democrats are just as implicated in the violence (of war) as the Republicans.”

Pathetic. Levin issued a statement noting that these punks only hurt themselves — a point I’ve made for years after repeated physical assaults by the Left on conservative speakers and public figures.

But don’t look for any hysterical columns from Krugman or Rich on the “insane rage” of campus Israel-haters any time soon.


倒叙: 番茄人:Unhinged 面部照片系列的另一个补充

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 教育, 伊斯兰教, 以色列, 精神错乱