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I have received a smattering of e-mails from liberals who are siding with Denmark and the European newspaper editors in the Cartoon Jihad. (See, for example, the liberal blogger at Deep Thought.) For the most part, however, the American Left has had nothing to say about the escalating war. Instead, the Bush-deranged faction spent yesterday at a Washington, D.C., “世界不能等待” protest holding up signs like these:


(Courtesy of Kristinn T./Free Republic)



Related good reads:

Tigerhawk: The silence of the left

杰夫·戈德斯坦: Identity Politics, Free Speech, and the Future of worldwide Liberalism, 2: a follow-up

Myrhaf scours the left side of the blogosphere for commentary.

达米安·佩尼 spotlights the voices of surrender–and hypocrisy.

埃德·莫里西 on the incontinence of the Bush-bashers. Too funny.
