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I’ve written extensively on the 国土安全部乱七八糟crony appointments with little to no experience in immigration law enforcement who 填充 upper echelon s of DHS management. 黛比·施卢塞尔 has also been on the case for a long time and has a new column in the NYPost on the toxic mix of cronyism and dhimmitude. ICE head and crony appointment Julie Myers is set to speak tonight in Dearborn at a joint known derisively as the “Hezbollah Social Club.” Peachy:

Julie Myers, the head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), is set to deliver tonight’s keynote address in Dearborn, Mich., to a group that honors lax judges – including ones who interfere with enforcement of our immigration laws. What’s worse, the head of the group – the Michigan American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee – is a suspected former terrorist who repeatedly violated U.S. immigration laws, then used political ties to avoid deportation.

The venue: a place known to local cops and federal agents as “The Hezbollah Social Club.” Yes, Dearborn, Mich.’s Bint Jebail Cultural Center is named after the village in south Lebanon that sheltered the terror group’s chief, Hassan Nasrallah, during last year’s Hezbollah-Israel war. Rockets are shot from Bint Jebail into Israel even today.

The Dearborn center has hosted many pro-Hezbollah rallies featuring fiery anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and anti-American speeches. (At one rally I attended last year, Haj Mohammed Turfe, the center’s founding chairman, won raucous applause for saying he looked forward to Armageddon because “only a few thousand Jews will survive.”) Federal agents tell me it has also been the site of gatherings of Hezbollah agents and money launderers.

But it’s the man who’s hosting Myers that has ICE agents aghast. The head of the Michigan ADC is Imad Hamad – who, while living in California, allegedly recruited, organized and fund-raised for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). More, federal officials fought for almost two decades to deport him.


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 裙带关系