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85 days and counting. From the office of 参议员约翰·科宁:

*In case you missed it, according to Congressional Quarterly today, even though the conference report on the supplemental bill for our troops was adopted by the House and cleared by the Senate last week, House Speaker Pelosi “wanted time to personally read it and sign it before sending it to Pennsylvania Avenue.” [CQ Daily, “President’s Veto Dependent on House Speaker’s Signature,” May 1, 2007]

*Responding to this report on the Senate floor this morning, Senator John Cornyn, Vice-Chair of the Senate Republican Conference, said, “Today is a sad day for our nation because it represents the 85th day that our fighting men and women in uniform have been waiting for emergency aid from the Congress, yet they have been left waiting because of political gamesmanship and political theater here in Washington D.C. The latest is reported in “Congressional Quarterly” today…the report is that Congresswoman Pelosi wanted to personally read the emergency supplemental bill and to sign it before sending it to Pennsylvania Avenue. I would have thought that Congresswoman Pelosi and that Members of the Congress would have read this legislation before they voted on it – not afterwards.”

* Senator Cornyn continued speaking on the floor, stating, “I think it’s an embarrassment when our troops are waiting on an emergency spending bill that would provide them with essential equipment, that they are staging signing ceremonies and going through political kabuki theater just to demonstrate their disappointment with the President’s strategy in Baghdad and Iraq. I think it’s inappropriate and irresponsible.”

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 白旗民主党人