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Straight outta moonbat central casting…

Some people think the Occupy Wall Street/Whatever movement harkens back to the 1960s.

Me? I’m getting bad, late 1980s flashbacks.

It’s like watching Oberlin College freshman orientation parties sprouting up all over the country.

僵尸 caught an Occupy L.A. protester babbling about the “violence” necessary to achieve “fundamental transformation:”

In Philadelphia, two, self-identified “Maoist” and “socialist” freaks were caught on tape by Temple University student Erik Jacobs:

Halloween came way too early this year.


Nathan Wurtzel quips on Twitter: “#OWS is working on their mine-mine-mine plan.”

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 月球蝙蝠, MoveOn组织, 政治