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“五角大楼的美国同事毫不含糊地告诉我,美国和英国绝不会允许欧苏关系发展到足以挑战美英政治、经济或军事主导地位的程度。和欧洲大陆的霸权。 将通过一切必要手段阻止这种事态发展,必要时在中欧挑起战争。” 克里斯托夫·莱曼

16 月 XNUMX 日来去匆匆,没有任何意外。 美国官员和媒体传播的信息被证明是错误的。 俄罗斯没有入侵乌克兰,也没有任何未经证实的警告被证明是真的。 到目前为止,媒体和政府都没有提供任何证据表明俄罗斯确实计划入侵乌克兰或假定的入侵“迫在眉睫”。 整件事可能是华盛顿为推进其地区议程而炮制的骗局。 我们只是不确定。 然而,我们所知道的是 政府、媒体或情报机构没有人对其错误的预测作出任何解释、道歉或撤回。 其中,我们可以 100% 确定。

我们要怎么做? 为什么政府会将其可信度押在如此牵强的预测上? 当媒体显然没有确凿的证据支持这些说法时,为什么他们会参与这个诡计? 他们真的认为普京的认知能力如此受损,以至于他会命令他的军队进入乌克兰只是为了遵循华盛顿的疯狂剧本吗?



也许这些警告是为了转移人们对乌克兰目前正在发生的其他可疑事件的注意力。 例如,为什么乌克兰寡头和财大气粗的精英会大批逃离这个国家? 以下是 24-7 通讯社的报道:

“乌克兰寡头和商人正乘坐包机离开乌克兰。 据《乌克兰真理报》报道,过去一天,约有 20 架包机和私人飞机从基辅起飞。

据该报报道,Rinat Akhmetov 和 Boris Kolesnikov 的飞机今天从乌克兰起飞…… 反对平台副手还下令一架可容纳50人的私人飞机 – For Life (OPPL) 派对,百万富翁伊戈尔·阿布拉莫维奇。 据《乌克兰真理报》报道, 这架飞机应该是带党员亲属和商业伙伴的 乌克兰寡头和商人乘坐包机离开乌克兰”。 (“ 乌克兰寡头和商人乘坐包机离开乌克兰”,247 News)

得到图片? 趁着还有时间,“大手笔”的人现在就出来了。 但为什么? 他们是否担心虚构的俄罗斯军团袭击基辅,或者他们是否被了解即将发生的事件的内部人士告知? 它是哪一个?

为什么中央情报局会同时出手? 这似乎有点可疑,你不觉得吗? 从 Tass 的一篇文章中查看此剪辑,标题为: “美国暂时将其中央情报局车站从基辅迁出“:

“据《纽约时报》报道,美国当局已将中央情报局 (CIA) 的雇员暂时从基辅迁出 周二援引消息人士的话。 据消息人士称,中情局驻地于周二从基辅“临时搬迁”……据消息人士称,中情局员工的搬迁可能会使收集有关俄​​罗斯在该国所谓“活动”的情报变得复杂。”

这篇文章没有解释为什么中央情报局关闭了办公室并进行了调查,所以我们不得不假设他们知道其他人不知道的事情。 但那会是什么?

通常情况下,除非遇到危险,否则人们不会撤离,对吧? 因此,中央情报局设施的特工一定已经被告知即将发生的事件会使他们的生命处于危险之中。 换句话说,中央情报局和基辅的商界精英在风暴来袭之前就准备撤离,这表明他们是由了解华盛顿计划的人告知的。 但那可能是谁,这些古怪的发展如何与“俄罗斯入侵”惨败相适应? 有联系吗?

是的,有,但首先,让我们把“俄罗斯入侵”模因放在上下文中。 许多看穿造假的人今天都为自己感到自豪,而且有充分的理由,毕竟他们是对的,而媒体是错的。 但我们不应该忽视更大的图景,即今天的战鼓正在像预测被证明是错误的之前一样猛烈地敲打。 为什么?

这是因为媒体仍在为公众准备与俄罗斯对抗或更糟的事情。 看看周三的头条新闻样本:

因此,尽管俄罗斯从未入侵乌克兰,但媒体仍在加大支持战争的宣传力度。 这告诉你什么?

它告诉你危机还没有结束。 它告诉你,媒体仍在将公众推向恐俄狂潮。 它告诉你,山姆大叔手上还有一些没人真正预料到的东西; 一个出人意料的事件,它将以一种对华盛顿有利、对俄罗斯有利的方式重新构建叙事。 这就是我们可以从周三的头条新闻中得出的结论。 战争仍在进行中。

本专栏的读者都知道,我们认为华盛顿的真正目标根本不是乌克兰,而是连接德国和俄罗斯的天然气管道 Nord Stream。 这就是使管道如此重要的原因:

Nord Stream 创建了连接欧洲工业强国(德国)和俄罗斯庞大能源储备所需的关键基础设施。 这一联系加强了商业联系,为两国关系升温、跨境监管放宽以及两大洲逐渐合并为世界上最广阔、最繁荣的自由贸易区铺平了道路。 北溪是中国“一带一路”倡议的能源组成部分,该倡议将通过一个可降低航运成本、促进对外贸易并将世界重心向东转移到亚洲的广阔高速铁路系统拉近欧洲和亚洲的距离。

底线:欧亚自由贸易区的出现意味着美国主导的当前全球权力结构的终结。 它为新的多极世界秩序指明了道路,在这种秩序中,所有国家都享有更大的平等和正义。 但是,有没有人认真地认为华盛顿已经准备好放弃其权力并接受在国际大家庭中的一席之地?

不,这不会发生。 至少不是没有战斗。

看看北溪的争吵。 自 2015 年北溪成立以来,华盛顿一直反对北溪,并一有机会就加大制裁力度。 然而,最近拜登取消了制裁,因为它们在需要清洁能源来弥补(退役)核电站短缺的德国人民中如此不受欢迎。 华盛顿面临的问题是,除了制裁之外,几乎没有办法阻止管道上线。 这意味着华盛顿将不得不诉诸更极端的措施,如胁迫、煽动和虚假旗帜。 查看周二在塔斯社发表的一篇文章的摘录:


炸弹由一部手机、一个雷管、两块总重 400 克的 TNT 平板和破坏剂(如钢棒)制成。 该部表示,有理由相信该装置的引爆是为退伍军人集会而计划的 原定于 15 月 XNUMX 日上午举行。

该部表示,乌克兰的颠覆团体可能参与了这次未遂袭击,因为他们试图破坏 LPR 局势的稳定。 该部表示,在卢甘斯克市中心的一大群人群中引爆爆炸装置可能造成平民受伤。” (LPR的安全部队挫败了卢甘斯克的恐怖袭击”,塔斯)


可能不会,但它确实有助于展示恐怖袭击如何被用来为报复甚至战争辩护。 例如,一个小型核装置或化学武器在基辅引爆,造成数百名平民死亡,数千人致残。 会发生什么?








的确,他们会的。 事实上,这些涉嫌恐怖嫌疑人的陷害在美国如此普遍,以至于流氓联邦调查局特工已经将“诱捕”变成了一种艺术形式。 没有理由相信这种做法不能出口到乌克兰。 简而言之,毫无疑问,这些相同的“所谓的俄罗斯”馅饼将被迅速处理并受到严厉惩罚,而不会看到法院内部。


这将为乌克兰军队入侵顿巴斯提供正当理由 并消灭成千上万与恐怖爆炸无关的俄罗斯族人。 反过来,这将迫使普京派军队越过边境结束战斗并恢复和平。 那时华盛顿会通过称其为“入侵”来否定俄罗斯的行动。 这将对德国总理奥拉夫·舒尔茨施加额外的压力,要求其放弃德俄管道项目并阻止北溪的启动。 这就是如何使用虚假旗帜来实现自己的地缘政治目标。 以下是 RT 上一篇文章的摘录:

“由英国训练的乌克兰突击队正计划在顿巴斯发动‘一系列恐怖袭击’,以此作为假旗行动的掩护。 当地民兵发言人爱德华·巴苏林(Eduard Basurin)周三表示,基辅将发起挑衅,指责俄罗斯入侵该国……

然而,巴苏林坚称,他掌握的“可靠信息”表明,乌克兰武装部队第 8 特种目的团 (VSU) 的六组破坏者已接受英国专家的培训,并部署在接触线附近。 据称,他们的目标将包括天然气和供水以及发电站。

他们所谓挑衅的目的是指责俄罗斯“假旗”袭击准备对乌克兰进行“侵略”,并在当地居民中制造恐慌, 他加了…。

去年 XNUMX 月,俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古声称,美国私营军事公司已开始向顿巴斯的城镇运送“不明化学成分”,作为袭击的潜在前兆……

上周,华盛顿指责俄罗斯计划在分裂分子控制的领土上发动“假旗”袭击,以此作为入侵乌克兰的借口. 这一指控与乌克兰政府的说法相呼应,并且是在中央情报局局长威廉伯恩斯访问基辅之后提出的。 俄罗斯认为这是毫无根据的,并称美国对计划入侵的暗示是“假新闻”。 (“乌克兰策划‘假旗’顿巴斯事件”,RT)

这篇文章的有趣之处在于,所有三方都在指责对方煽动同一个非法计划。 这表明他们都认为在当前情况下可能会出现错误的标志操作。 换句话说, 灾难性大规模伤亡事件的可能性被用作战争的借口,不再被视为冲突主要参与者之间的一个遥远的阴谋论。 相反,他们将其视为预期的行动方案。 我们同意这个结论。 以下是 PBS 的一篇文章的更多内容:

“周四,美国指责克里姆林宫精心策划了乌克兰军队的袭击,俄罗斯可以以此为借口对其邻国采取军事行动。 五角大楼发言人约翰柯比说,该计划包括制作一个图形宣传视频,展示舞台爆炸,并使用尸体和演员描绘悲痛的哀悼者。

最近几天,在与乌克兰官员和欧洲盟友共享的解密情报中披露了对俄罗斯领土或说俄语的人进行虚假袭击的计划。 这是美国和英国最新指控俄罗斯密谋以虚假借口对乌克兰开战。

白宫去年 XNUMX 月指责俄罗斯开展“假旗”行动,为入侵制造借口... 美国没有提供支持情报调查结果的详细信息。 (“美国情报显示俄罗斯正在策划在乌克兰发动假旗袭击作为入侵的借口”, PBS 新闻)

这是一个锅叫水壶黑色的例子。 俄罗斯从乌克兰的一面假旗帜中得不到任何好处,因为俄罗斯的唯一目标是与美国一起签署具有法律约束力的协议,限制北约的扩张并消除罗马尼亚和波兰的核导弹基地。 而已。 这就是普京想要的。 那么,挑衅如何帮助实现这些目标呢?

它没有。 唯一从暴力煽动中受益的是美国。 对华盛顿来说,一面假旗可能是阻止北溪并防止其全球力量持续受到侵蚀的最后机会。 而这种挑衅是否带有绝望的味道,完全无关紧要。 美国仍然全力以赴,不惜一切代价维持其在全球秩序中的主导地位。 以下是十多年前政治分析家克里斯托夫·莱曼 (Christof Lehmann) 的总结:

“五角大楼的美国同事毫不含糊地告诉我,美国和英国绝不会允许欧苏(re:俄罗斯)关系发展到足以挑战美英政治、经济或军事主导地位和霸权的程度。在欧洲大陆。 将通过一切必要手段阻止这种事态发展,必要时在中欧挑起战争”。

那里是黑白的。 华盛顿不会在全球出现新的权力中心时翻车和装死。 这不会发生。 美国将找出可能给他们带来问题的国家,并尽其所能粉碎他们。 这就是帝国的工作方式。 他们迫不及待地想被打倒。 他们抓住公牛的角,先发制人。 保罗沃尔福威茨这样阐述美国外交政策的基本要素:

“我们的首要目标是防止新对手再次出现,无论是在前苏联领土上 或其他地方,这对苏联以前构成的威胁构成威胁。 这是新的区域防御战略的主要考虑因素,并要求 我们努力防止任何敌对势力控制一个资源在统一控制下足以产生全球力量的地区。”

这是指导美国外交政策的核心原则:识别对美国霸权的潜在威胁,然后毫不留情地消灭它们。 这表明乌克兰出现假国旗的可能性更大,很有可能。

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 我们把华盛顿改名为施瓦辛顿怎么样?

  2. Lagertha 说:


    华盛顿是 不再?,既不是华盛顿特区,也不是总统!美国叛徒需要控制他们的宣传,哈哈哈哈——失败者、卑鄙小人和撒旦主义者,你们中的许多人……以一种很好的方式向你的孩子们说再见。你真的不值得拥有孩子……你知道你是什么。不会有任何交易。你知道你做了什么。没有优惠。

  3. “美国和英国永远不会允许欧洲与苏联(即欧盟与俄罗斯)关系的发展……这种发展将通过一切必要手段来阻止,如有必要,将在中欧挑起战争。”

    自 1938 年以来,我们的政策从未改变过。

  4. Cookie 说:





  5. When a nation’s secret-police/spy Agency openly assassinates a sitting president, his brother, a probable nominee to run against the Rottenfeller-controlled Richard Nixon in ’72, the leader of the Civil Rights movement, Senator Paul Wellstone, the primary voice against aggression upon Iraq, the assassinated president’s son and numerous lesser-known Americans, to say nothing about hundreds of leaders and tens of thousands of activists abroad and then caps the whole thing by the 911 Inside-Job; I would not put one goddamn thing past them.

    This ruptured republic is getting its act together as the little dictator up on Ottawa has now pulled rank by being the first on his block to turn his nation into a police-state…and the Di$trict of Corruption and those who call the shots are not about to be showed up by some juvenile delinquent member of Klaus Schwab’s international “new leaders” of the NWO, Globalist Great-Reset.

    烟花应该仅限于 4 月 XNUMX 日的和平烟花,但似乎某些病态精神病患者似乎是大爆炸理论的信徒。

    • 同意: JR Foley
    • 谢谢: JWalters
  6. IronForge 说:

    Just a Matter of Time. The Only Time NATO’s Article 5 was Invoked was to drag Europe into a False-Flag Instigated War of Invasion and Occupation over Afghanistan for over 20 Years, which Collapsed with the Defeat of the Retained AFG Regime+Army.

    Now Biden is Talking About Invoking Article 5 Type Responses from NATO and EU Members – over a Declared-Yet-Non-Existent False Flag Situation that involves Non-NATO, Non-EU Ukraine and their Secessionist Regions.

    Biden and Son are Beneficiaries of Favors brought to them by Burisma Corporation.

    Russia are Proposing a Security Scheme that would bring Security to All of Europe. That would bring NATO into Obsolescence. The Only Declared Threat to Europe’s Security are ISIL-Daesh, who are considered to be Hostile by the Russians as well.

    Add NordStream2, Yamal-Europe, BLU-TRK_Stream, and the CHN SilkRoad.

    The RUS and CHN Offer much more for Europe – aside from the Anglo-Murican ZioMasonic Vassal-State of Affairs…

    • 同意: Rev. Spooner
  7. Ghali 说:

    Why the media sided with the Washington mafia? It is because most (or all) US-led Western state/corporate media are owned and controlled by Jews. The entire misinformation campaign is orchestrated and controlled by Jewish supremacist power.

    • 同意: TheTrumanShow
    • 回复: @Tom Welsh
    , @TheTrumanShow
  8. Sean 说:

    Nord Stream 2: Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline Published 20 May 2021.

    President Biden gave Germany the go ahead for Nordstream, and being able to hold the cancelation of it over Russia’s head gives the US important leverage over Russia. The US could cut Russia off from trade with the entire West, but that would drive Russia into an alliance with China, which US strategist view as the ultimate nightmare.

    The main ones who want Nord Stream 2 cancelled are the Poles, who want America to supply Poland’s energy needs through heavily subsidised US LNG. Poland is already building terminals for the ships. But fracked US energy is leveraged-capital intensive and of dubious profitability even without lowering the cost to allies and shipping it across the ocean.

    • 同意: Jim Christian
    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @Levtraro
  9. 布林金说这是他们的游戏计划:“这可能是在俄罗斯境内捏造的所谓恐怖爆炸事件、发明的乱葬坑发现、对平民的分阶段无人机袭击,或者使用化学武器进行的虚假甚至真实的袭击。” '

    我们会看到。 基地组织是否也会这样做,还是会成为美国的新纳粹英雄? 奇怪的是,所谓的入侵者不会接受人们恳求他们脱离俄罗斯的要求。 美国没有能力在俄罗斯境内进行轰炸,所以无论他们计划如何,都将在乌克兰本土或顿巴斯进行。 普京将不得不完全愚蠢地贯彻布林金的任何想法。 普京可以轰炸自己,给自己一个借口来入侵想要被入侵的人。 我有点希望他们进行核交换,只要没有人进入他们的核掩体。

  10. sally 说:

    我认为,自 1788 年宪法批准之日起,寡头们及其英国伙伴、那些发明了美国并利用美国赚钱的人的政策就没有改变过。

    • 回复: @Erikassimo2
  11. Anon[343]• 免责声明 说:

    The Euros seem to have finally realized Washington’s grand strategy is a chaotic and destabilized Europe. Their challenge is to elegantly block Washington without getting either Arkancided nor color revolution’d.

    • 回复: @profnasty
  12. Readers of this column know that we think that Washington’s real objective is not Ukraine at all, but Nord Stream, the natural gas pipeline that connects Germany to Russia.

    Biden has already promised to destroy that pipeline if anything happens. What’s to prevent him from doing the deed before anything happens?


    Might not some Ukranian Nazis do the same thing? Or at least, they could take credit for the many simultaneous explosions along the length of the pipeline.

    I’ll stick with my own belief there are other and more important issues in play than that pipeline.


    I can’t thnk of any other reason for the mass flight of “important people” from Kiev besides something very big being scheduled to happen there. Something horrible.

    I think the Ukranian Army starting a massive all-out attack on the Donbas Rebels would be the first step. The Russians are all set up to react to that, and when the Horrible Kiev Event happened, the explanation (from Unnamed US Intelligence Sources) would be that a Russian commander either got carried away, or accidentally hit the Red “nuclear” button instead of the Blue “conventional” one.

    • 回复: @Tom Welsh
  13. Refl 说:

    这种说法有些不合时宜:自 1960 世纪 2 年代以来,德俄能源交易一直是欧洲缓和的推动力。 事实上,东德的日子已经过去了,当时苏联人意识到联邦德国是一个可靠的贸易伙伴,而东部的德国共产党只会让他们头疼并损害他们的声誉。 这个东西被称为 Nord Stream 15 是有原因的,因为 Nord Stream 已经运行了大约 XNUMX 年。


    谈论德国经济增长完全不是重点,因为这个国家正在以惊人的速度去工业化。 事实上,我们的政府或多或少地公开鼓励本国民众参与 FOAD。 当孩子们冬天坐在学校教室里,窗户大开,以保护被强制隔离的奶奶免受恶作剧病毒侵害时,他们不需要汽油。

    我同意作者的观点,即一些险恶的事情正在酝酿之中。 但这不仅仅是破坏天然气协议。

  14. JWalters 说:



    是什么 兴趣?历史上他们曾利用英国和美国军队掠夺全球各国的资源。俄罗斯拥有丰富的自然资源。





    • 回复: @Anonymous
  15. GMC 说:

    The US and Israel could have some mini nukes placed in various places. This seems to be their calling cards, going back to the 9/11 take down. After all, America and Israel are home to the Sucker Punch Move, the one they use on the Palestinians in Israel and in Beirut, and the niggers use on the rest of the public in the states. Good observations from the article.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 谢谢: ThreeCranes
  16. Anon[370]• 免责声明 说:

    The Ukranian army invading Donbass “would force Putin to send his troops across the border to end the fighting and restore the peace.”

    It would do nothing of the sort. Russia can crush the invading army and its supporting artillery with standoff weapons in one day without one Russian soldier crossing the border.

    • 谢谢: Tom Welsh
  17. Mass casualties are not a consideration. Remember 9/11?

    How hard could it be to blow up an underwater pipe line and blame it on the truckers? Why does it have to be so complicated?

    • 回复: @JR Foley
  18. “OSCE observers have recorded 500 explosions in Donbass per day”


    • 回复: @follyofwar
  19. meamjojo 说:

    Biden needs to keep Russia out of Ukraine because there are documents there that implicate him and son Hunter in nefarious schemes. This is why Biden and his team appear so desperate and scared like a deer in the headlight these last few weeks.

    • 同意: Mis(ter)Anthrope, JR Foley
  20. JR Foley 说:

    Let’s think now like Blinken: –“We won in Afghanistan —Iraq- Libya – Syria – Somalia – Vietnam – Korea- and likewise defeated the German Nazis WWII and the Japanese and liberated God’s people in Auschwitz–onwards now to Russia –it will be a cake walk!!!” and Joe Biden nods and blinks his eyes wondering where and how Hunter is doing and if Hillary Clinton was double anally penetrated this week by charming Bill and Tommy Cotton.

  21. goldgettin 说:

    Is this a joke? 1938? Our policy? Another war in … >,/’…?

    This WHOLE shit show is a “false flag”.

    The “whole” damned thing.We lost reality long before 1938.

    One continuous,recurring false flag shit show. “NOW”


  22. Sepp 说:

    I agree with Mr. Whitney that some garden variety false flag terrorist attack is not going to suffice to get a war started. It will take something like a WMD or Nuke to cause enough sensational news headlines to justify a retaliation.

    Despite all the US/UK and Nato bluster, Ukraine is not in Nato and their is no alliance that compels the EU or Nato to enter into a retaliation on Ukraine’s behalf. The deep western state has absolutely no credibility any more. After all the Covid lies and the crass overreach in Canada and Australia, the sheeple are highly unlikely to be easily misled into war fever.

    Clearly the Khazarians like Nuland, Blinken and their stooges like Stoltenberger, would love to get a war started, and they would certainly try to predictively program such a war by getting embassies and elites to evacuate, and they would even cause some random mortar and planted bomb attacks, but this will be enough to get Nato or Ukraine to commit suicide by really attacking or retaliating against Russia.

    More economic sanctions on Russia in order to stop Nordstream II are going to be ineffective as well, especially long term, so I don’t think that this is the real motivation either. Sure, the Khazarians would love to get control over Crimea and the Black Sea too, but once again that does not explain the desperation here. They already own Ukraine and Odessa and Mariupol. There is no rush.

    To me it looks like all this theater is about Central Banking wars. ((Central Banks)) have been calling the shots across the planet for over a century, but especially ever since Bretton Woods. The entire Fiat edifice is crumbling, and the WEF/Davos crowd are united with big Jewish Power in wanting to maintain its primacy. This also explains why Trudeau cannot simply lift his vaccine mandates to solve the Trucker crisis in Canada. The stakes are far higher than that.

    China and Russia, and many smaller states like Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, are threatening to break away from the IMF/WB/BIS axis, pulling down the entire scam. This was one of the real reasons why the Third Reich was crushed, and the same applies to Saddam Hussein and Ghadaffy.

    If Russia, with China, were to break off of the IMF/WB/BIS axis it would cause the implosion of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency and the collapse of the Euro as its siamese twin. Russia already has SWIFT alternatives in operation, and is now conducting its gas trade with China denominated in Euro’s.

    One of the requirements for participation in the IMF/WB/BIS world order was that central banks keep base reserves in US dollars/treasuries. Over the last couple of years Russia has been selling off these treasuries, and likely there have been major tantrums going on behind the veil. All these threats about Nordstream II likely are centered around this reality, and the message likely being broadcast to Vlad is “Don’t expect to be able to sell gas to Germany if you sell off your treasuries and exit the BIS banking cabal”. This of course coincides with all this false flag sabre rattling in Ukraine.

    This is one reason why the recent price rises in gold are so interesting. I doubt that the IMF/WB/BIS axis want gold price going up because this reveals the fragility of their debt based Fiat system. The more gold rises, the better China and Russia stand economically. I doubt that Russia or China are willing to run the gauntlet and simply drive the gold price up like they easily could, but as US/EU/Nato applies more pressure on them the gold price will rise on its own accord, giving Russia and China the plausible deniability they need.

    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
  23. Anonymous[194]• 免责声明 说:

    How can a totally corrupt Angloamerican “political primacy / hegemony” survive, let alone dominate a far more based continental Europe in the long run? Time is up.
    How can a totally corrupted, financialized “economic primacy and hegemony” have permanency?
    How can a now second grade “military primacy and hegemony” be dominant in Europe and under what right?
    Jewmerica is one hell of a sucker, with or without fake dollars, and the world is getting tired of it.

    China: “The US will be punished”.

    Let us hope for that false flag. If they really want a hot war the JewSA & Israhell will find a way to start it, with or without false flag. But Europeans might not like the JewS do another war on their grounds. It might turn out to be the final straw on the European camel’s back that will break it – finally sink the rotten relationship with the JewSA & Israhell.

    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
  24. steve K. 说:


    • 哈哈: JWalters
  25. 美国及其同伙从基辅撤退似乎是在为分裂乌克兰做准备。与冷战时期相比,沿着第聂伯河竖起新的铁幕对于美帝国来说将是一个巨大的胜利。

    • 回复: @Alfred
    , @Ukraine Tiger
  26. Franz 说:

    The White House in December accused Russia of developing a “false-flag” operation to create pretext for an invasion…

    They read their own plan and thought the Russians were going to do it?

    “Washington” is dead. The man and the city. The Free World is dead too.

    • 回复: @JWalters
  27. Since the oligarchs are fleeing, it could be a massive false flag that wont discriminate between posh neighbourhoods and other localities. It should be enormous to do that. Now what could it be?…. 😉

  28. 我一直想知道海豹突击队是否不再有能力破坏管道。好吧,也许现在美国军方致力于组织和宣传觉醒作为其主要目标,但他们不再有能力做到这一点。



  29. Quarelia 说:

    What Germany and Russia really want is a return to what they had in the good old days, i.e. when Bismarck was in charge. Good old German-Russian imperial friendship at the cost of Poland and all the other smaller countries of ‘Eastern Europe’. In other words, a German-Russian Condominium, as they call it in Poland. That has always been Putin’s offer to Germany and Germany has wholeheartedly accepted it by building gas pipelines together with Russia on the bed of the Baltic Sea. Fortunately, these plans can be foiled by accelerating the process — already started by the Americans — of bolstering Eastern-European integration at the cost of … the imperial interests of Germany and Russia.

    • 同意: Tom Welsh
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  30. Andreas 说:







    NS 2 的论文也得到了保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨 (Paul Craig Roberts) 的响应。鉴于美国/北约在烟雾弹虚假信息活动的掩护下明显撤退,这是完全合理的。他们需要挽救一些东西。

    因此,破坏 NS 2 似乎是美国为数不多的有形好处之一。但迫使德国陷入经济不利地位,购买物流不便且价格过高的美国天然气而不是俄罗斯天然气,也会以美国和德国之间深刻的怨恨和摩擦为代价,尽管这种情况可能只是表面上明显的。

    如果计划扰乱 NS 2 US 并成功的话,那么这种强制关系的意外后果将值得关注。即使它只能持续这么长时间。

  31. Height_776 说:


  32. Anonymous[107]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes, it really looks like the Globohomo is planning to put Russia in a position where they’ll have to intervene militarily. That could easily lead to another World War or, at the very least, provoke a carnage “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down” 未来很多年

    The world is running out of time to resolve the JQ.

    • 回复: @MarkU
  33. RoatanBill 说:

    The pipeline will be blown up into multiple sections. The US may take out NS1 too.

    Repairing the damage would be very difficult, requiring special equipment, and would take considerable time.

    Putin has been too soft up to this point. He should know they want his head. He should get ahead of this and blow the shit out of the new weapons stashes in Ukraine and wherever non Ukraine troops are housed inside the country using only missiles. He should then take credit for it and announce that the same will happen in Poland and elsewhere unless things are rolled back to where the US promised decades ago.

    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
  34. 如果华盛顿关闭北溪2号,由于绿党的核武器退役等政策,德国将经历严重且长期的停电。根据电力短缺的严重程度,电力可能会优先向国内消费者提供电力,而牺牲工业、但德国工业和政治权力紧密相连,所以我认为这种可能性不大。无论哪种方式,德国的反美情绪都会像滚雪球一样滚雪球,这将不可避免地给领导层带来压力,要求其将所有美军驱逐出去。


    • 同意: Tom Welsh
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  35. …Russia’s sole objective is to join the US in signing legally-binding agreements limiting the expansion of NATO and eliminating nuclear missile sites in Romania and Poland. That’s it. That’s all Putin wants.

    This must be a joke. Did the demigod (“plays 4D chess“) Vlad personally tell you this? It is obvious that Russia does not care to abide by legally binding agreements if they are not perceived to be in its interest.

    NATO expansion in Europe was provoked by Russia not abiding by basic international law due to its failure to relinquish its occupation of Königsberg / Kaliningrad, from which missiles threaten Europe.

    Russia already consented to the subsequent expansion of NATO in a 1997 treaty signed in Paris. Ukraine does not even meet the requirements for being able to join NATO, so its imagined membership is a fake issue.

    The ongoing and extremely assertive military posture by Russia at its border with Ukraine clearly constitutes a violation of the United States Charter, Article 2, Paragraph 4, which states:


    In other words, the threat by Russia to use force in an attempt to coerce a new agreement by making hypocritical demands, because it does not wish to abide by an existing treaty, is clearly an illegal provocation. Russia is again showing off its old-style Stalinist obsession for raw power.

    In addition to wanting Donetsk and Luhansk, as well as the city of Charov near the border with Russia, Putin would surely also like to eventually take the formerly Russian port city of Odessa, along with the entire northern coastline of the Black Sea.

    In the view of many historically minded Russians with traditionalist sentiments, for whom international law and treaties are an inconvenience, Ukrainians do not deserve to be in control of such large territory because they are basically just Ruthenians derived from the peasant class, who only emerged onto the political scene in the late 19th century due to the leniency of the Austrian Hapsburg rulers in the region of Galicia and Lodomeria.

    My guess is that there are plenty of European countries within NATO that would be ready to concede Russian claims to those parts of Ukrainian territory with a predominant majority of Russians in exchange for relinquishing the territory of Königsberg / Kaliningrad that it illegally occupies in the Baltic region, for which it has no historical claims and which is located more than 200 miles west of Russia.

    I could imagine that Russia would even agree to allow this Baltic territory to be taken by NATO, so that new facts on the ground (a 既成事实) that are beneficial to both sides (Europe and Russia) can be created quickly and then accepted as part of a comprehensive package deal resulting in a more secure framework for the future. This kind of planned war theater would be to the detriment of Ukraine, which none of the parties really care about that much anyway.

    If Russia is suddenly talking so much about its “security”, then the perfect opportunity, for engaging in personal discussions and negotiations to achieve a peaceful and lasting understanding, would be in Munich, at the annual Security Conference, which begins today. Interestingly, there will be no Russian delegation there, according to news reports. This indicates that Russia’s security demands are superficial and contrived, whereas Europe’s deserved security desire from Russian military threats is perceived as irrelevant by Russia’s leadership.

    • 哈哈: Thor Walhovd
    • 巨魔: Tom Welsh, Alfred
  36. And why did the media participate in the ruse when they clearly had no hard evidence to back up the claims?


    • 哈哈: ThreeCranes
  37. Tom Welsh 说:

    Another possibility, which seems plausible to me, is that the Western authorities are desperate to divert the attention of their citizens from the accelerating implosion of the Covid-19 hoax.

    See, for example, this stunningly simple and obvious graph of “Covid-19” “cases”, hospitalisations, and deaths against the percentage of people vaccinated. The bottom line is that vaccinated people in Scotland are about twice as likely to “die of Covid-19” as unvaccinated people.

    For the entire article, see https://dailysceptic.org/2022/02/17/public-health-scotland-announces-its-going-to-hide-its-dire-vaccine-data/

    • 同意: Alfred
  38. Anon[343]• 免责声明 说:

    the Hasbara talking points on this thread are.m most illuminating. Hasbara has changed its narrative in the last 10 days. Hasbara realizes it’s old lies didn’t convince anyone, so it’s trying new lies.

  39. Tom Welsh 说:
    @Zachary Smith

    “Biden has already promised to destroy that pipeline if anything happens. What’s to prevent him from doing the deed before anything happens?”

    Nothing, I suppose – unless his advisors find the courage to warn him about provoking “the anger of a patient man”.

    For the USA to blow up (let’s say) the pipeline would be an act of war against Russia. Surely some people in Washington must understand that Russia’s patience has limits. Just because they don’t believe in roaring and screaming and making threats, no one should make the mistake of believing that they won’t react at some point.

    The nature of the reaction is unknowable, but they wouldn’t like it. The question is: are they giddy enough to push ahead regardless? It would be like driving carelessly into a minefield.

  40. Tom Welsh 说:

    “Why the media sided with the Washington mafia?”

    Money. Taken from taxpayers by the threat of lethal violence, and handed out to the government’s servants.

    Most of the media are now government employees.

  41. 华盛顿会发动大规模伤亡“假旗”来破坏北溪吗?

    如果他们认为他们可以侥幸逃脱——当然,他们会的。 问题是俄罗斯人不会只打击乌克兰纳粹——弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇说得很清楚——俄罗斯人也会打击决策中心。 这些中心不在基辅和利沃夫; 他们在布鲁塞尔和华盛顿。 需要注意的是,关闭 Nord Stream 2 根本不会伤害俄罗斯人; 他们只需将天然气量重定向到他们的亚洲客户(尤其是中国)。 至于钱——数量减少会导致价格上涨,这将弥补 GazProm 的差额。 唯一的输家将是德国和欧盟其他国家。 但这就是练习的全部意义,不是吗?

    • 谢谢: Tom Welsh
  42. Fred777 说:

    The February 16 invasion didn’t happen because a hard-nosed steadfast Joe Biden stood down the evil Vladimir Putin, look for it on CNN. Joe probably even believes it himself.

    • 哈哈: Levtraro
    • 巨魔: Orville H. Larson
    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  43. Anon[159]• 免责声明 说:

    Hello… Earth to Whitney… Hello…


    • 回复: @Hapalong Cassidy
  44. Herald 说:

    有人会说大约从 1910 年开始,至少对于英国来说是这样。

  45. Anonymous[193]• 免责声明 说:

    The richest man in the Ukraine is Moslem and the nation is controlled by Jews… where are the Ukrainians, i.e. the orthodox Christians? I am afraid a false flag by US would prompt Putin to go bezerk and resort to nuclear weapons and it would be the end.

    • 回复: @Herald
  46. InnerCynic 说:

    Yes the “big money” is fleeing aboard chartered flights but where are they headed?

    • 回复: @republic
  47. Anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:

    假设这篇已经消失的文章在 外交事务 对以色列多年来背着美国进行谈判幸灾乐祸,并明确目的是让中国取代美国成为以色列的恩人和保护者,这是准确的。做到这一点就可以解释为什么在拜登分散注意力的背后运作的犹太人正在积极推动中国的议程,违背美国的利益。


    • 回复: @MarkU
    , @JWalters
  48. Da's Reich 说:




    你可以在赫尔曼·巴尔克 (Hermann Balck) 所著的《混乱秩序》一书中找到一句话,他的一位亲戚受雇于一位德国皇室成员,该皇室是当时的英国国王的亲戚,国王毫不含糊地说,英国“只是不允许'等,




    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  49. Robjil 说:

    RT just mentioned that civilians of Donetsk should flee to Russia. It looks that Russians know that something is going to happen from the US puppet of Ukraine. The “false flag” that the US Zion wants so much.


    • 谢谢: Orville H. Larson
  50. Athena 说:



    数百万人抱怨:“毕竟,一个人什么都做不了!” - 真的吗?



    “The “annexation of Crimea” is manipulated into people’s heads, constantly repeated. That is propaganda. In the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” there was an article by a Hamburg lawyer, an international law expert: “The annexation was a secession, approved by vote!”

    Three things are important for the Americans in their European policy: to keep the Americans in, to keep the Russians out (against good cooperation between Russia and Germany and Europe); to keep the Germans down.=

  51. MarkU 说:

    Depopulating the US is a stated goal of the Chinese? When, where, who?

    Aside from that rather puzzling assertion you made some good points.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  52. Alfred 说:



    • 回复: @Michael Korn
    , @Erikassimo2
  53. MarkU 说:

    The world is running out of time to resolve the JQ.

    Resolving the banker question is more to the point, once the money weapon has been neutralised the problem will be over.

    • 回复: @inspector general
  54. Altai 说:

    This is about Russia’s intervention in Syria and the deep atavistic ethnic hatred of the neocons for Russians and Ukrainians. Nordstream is just another part of their aggression towards Russia, not the central agenda.

    It all comes back to the Israeli first mentality of the neocons and that nobody mentions this is why they’ll continue to get away with it. They are the ones driving this and this is why they’re driving this. If they can’t be named and exposed then they’ll continue to get away with it. It’s crazy it’s gotten to this stage where they’re provoking a country with thousands of ICBMs and basically pushing unending so their choices are pushing back or total submission. There will be no negotiations that are worth anything, they’ll forget whatever agreement was made a year later.

    They don’t care, they’re playing with free money, America isn’t their country and they don’t care what happens to it or any other country in the way. They only care about Israel.

  55. MLK 说:

    This is the core doctrine that guides US foreign policy: Identify potential threats to US hegemony and then obliterate them without mercy.


    What about the last three decades, from Unipolar Moment to flop and twitch with a “Yeltsin” at the helm looks like the competent, non-corrupt pursuit of the US national/imperial interest?

    Washington has opposed Nord Stream since its inception in 2015 . . .

    Nonsense. I simply don’t understand the peas in a pod retconning by all concerned on this recent history. Nord Stream II was, oddly enough, preceded by Nord Stream I. Obama gifted the first and teed-up for Hillary to gift the second. How can I possibly be the only person who remembers that Pepe Escobar was among the few paying any attention. With the malefactions in full swing to destroy Trump’s presidency, Nord Stream II was green lighted in 2018. Whenever Trump criticized Nord Stream II, the entirety of the establishment in Washington started shouting that only Putin’s puppet would want to stop it. After all, Putin really didn’t want it. Why would he? He only went along because noisy Merkel wouldn’t stop nagging him.

    This all became crystal clear when the illegitimate Biden was installed and one of 他的 first actions was to promise not to sanction German-involved companies . . .

    The Climate Change/Green New Deal rackets need high oil and natural gas prices to if there is any hope of enacting them to hobble and further loot the US economy and beggar the American people.

    Trump threw a monkey wrench into their plans. Cancelling the Paris Climate Accords giveaway, and not only forcing them to pushback their timeline but giving the US dominance over oil and gas markets by holding the unique position given the size of its production and consumption.

    Nor should it be so difficult to figure out that if your objective is to stop a direct link between Russian energy and German demand the last thing you would do is monkey around with Ukraine. Imagine the luck and good planning — Nord Stream is good to go just as gas transit through Ukraine becomes ever more uncertain!

    As I’ve explained many times, the “Trump Must Go!” alignment — anybody who is anyone, foreign and domestic — has been insistent on getting paid for their participation and even acquiescence after the Biden regime was installed.

    You know it’s bad when foreign powers, purported allies of the US and not, squabble between themselves over who gets what first. All Washington wants in return is some of that perpetual power magic CCP China has bottled and is selling across the West.

    As for Ukraine, as my previous comments attest, I never assessed Russia “invading” at zero. The reason being that Russia has the US boxed and, as many have recognized, goading it to do so is desired by factions with the “Biden” regime, including not the least the Neocon filth.

    That is the present context in which Russia is going public with a two-decades in the making plan for a do-over of the post-Cold War contours. Say what you will about them, they’re great at strategy and timing. Believe me, it’s ‘let me count the ways’ when it comes to how dangerous this situation is. But, so far, there has been a pathetic consistency. “Biden” quickly detonates American energy dominance; removes the sanctions threat from German companies; Shouts out self-defeating sanctions plans “if Russia invades,” like barring it from Swift. And then says that’s off the table after allies and everyone else who can fog a mirror points out that’s insane; Mumbles that he’s been thinking about the difference between a no big whoop “incursion” and an “invasion” that commands a ‘Let it burn’ response . . .

    As The Rolling Stone song goes, “You can’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need.” Unfortunately, for those in control of the American ship of state at the moment that has nothing to do with the national interest or that of the American people, geopolitical or otherwise.

    • 同意: h74betatester, InnerCynic
    • 谢谢: Bro43rd, DevilAdvocate
    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  56. eudion2 说:

    The hard truth is that if a false flag is used by the USUK to invade Donbass, the best strategy for Putin would be to not invade and let Donbass fend for itself — with covert arms shipments, of course. But to directly engage the USUK/NATO alliance at this time has the potential to escalate into a war that would kill ten times the casualties of an abandoned Donbass, and even escalate to a global nuclear war that would kill millions.

    If, however, Putin ‘abandons’ Donbass, then the Nord Stream project can continue and European/Russian unity will be solidified. The West (ie, Anglosphere) will continue its social death spiral without a war to distract its civilian population, and even if the spiral stops short of collapse, USUK will most certainly be economically diminished to the point of being unable to counter a Europe-Russia-China alliance.

    Give the process of USUK/NATO decay five more years, Vladimir, and invading Ukraine will be a cakewalk greeted with flowers, in perfect irony to those oft-claimed words used to justify US neocon invasions. In the meantime, the Donbass insurgency will likely prove to be far worse for the morale of occupation troops than the Iraq insurgency ever was. If anything could break up NATO, it would be five years of a fruitless, pointless, expensive, and deadly occupation of Ukraine. The neocons should be careful what they wish for, because they just might get it.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Old and Grumpy
  57. @Sepp

    It will take something like a WMD or Nuke to cause enough sensational news headlines to justify a retaliation.

    If one of them deflagrates on Donbass, it would be obvious it was launched by the ukrainian army or by its supporters. Retaliation would just be the continuation of present conflict on Donbass, except the ukrainian army would be razed down by standoff weapons, with no need of invasion.
    If it falls over Kiev or central Ukraine, why would the Russians be forced to invade ? They could stand over their own ground and blame someone else as the responsible. Soon would become clear the responsibles lie elsewhere because Russia did not invade.
    And if it falls over anywhere in Russia, what does this has to do with Ukraine ?

    Trudeau cannot simply lift his vaccine mandates to solve the Trucker crisis in Canada. The stakes are far higher than that.

    I can’t see the relation. In any case it’s probably too late and his government will fall down.

    • 回复: @Sepp
  58. While the USA and EU/UK have trade, it’s not mind boggling, mostly on par with NAFTA. Nordstream does not change that factor, outside of helping lower energy costs. This must, therefore, be some kind of useless climate change initiative by the brain dead honchos in Washington trying to prevent more pipelines delivering low cost energy to meet demand (like Keystone, perhaps). Trump was blamed for blocking this pipeline because he wanted to substitute American gas for the Russian supply. While the fact remains LNG is exportable, it does not equal the low cost opportunity of high priced Russian gas via pipeline. The Russkies can always lower the price of their product to keep LNG out. What Germany needs to do is to continue producing electricity with nuclear power and bring in new molten technology reactors on line to reduce its energy costs. Then it will have more pricing power with both the Russians and Americans if they want to bring their fossil fuels for sale.

    As an aside, it should be noted the Obama administration started the Syrian war for precisely the same reason, to bring in a pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the EU, which the Syrians refused to negotiate on. My oh my, how we fight and fight and fight for oil and gas still. Syria’s war gave us 3M refugees and another endless war and ‘ISIS’ instead of a pipeline.

    • 回复: @Sparkylyle92
  59. Realist 说:


    Nothing is beyond the realm.

  60. @Erikassimo2


    • 回复: @Erikassimo2
  61. follyofwar 说:

    What a joke! The US fracking industry is bankrupt on its last legs, and completely unable to supply Europe with sufficient LNG, from across the Atlantic Ocean, to meet its basic needs – especially at a cost that EU consumers could afford. I thought that Europeans, due to still working school systems, were smarter than us dumb Americans, but apparently not.

    Germany has gone from the smartest nation to the dumbest. They could just go ahead and permit the opening of the already completed Nordstream 2, but are scared to death of what “tough guy” Brandon might do to their occupied country. Senile Brandon is all bark and no bite. (When I speak of Brandon, I am including the entire ZOG cesspool – I know that Brandon is too old and stupid to be calling the shots).

    Germany stupidly shut down its nuclear power plants as they were afraid of the Greens. Now they’ll be stuck with thousands of ugly windmills and millions of dead birds. So much for improving the environment. If Germany and the EU, thru its cowardice. allows the Anglo-American Empire to bring a third world war to its shores it will get what it deserves.

  62. follyofwar 说:

    If true, could this spell the end Putin? There were lawmakers in the DUMA who wanted Putin to take back the Donbass when he (non-violently and with popular support) took back Crimea in 2014. What was stopping Putin from doing so, when Donbass (a disputed territory) is full of ethnic Russians? It would have been a much easier task then than now.

    Putin is showing himself to NOT be a Strongman, regardless of the lies the Anglo-American Empire keeps repeating. If Putin is forced out of office, I suspect a much stronger nationalist, sick and tired of endless and fruitless negotiation, will step in and start kicking ass.

    • 回复: @Levtraro
  63. Desert Fox 说:

    Washington D C is under zionist control and has been for over 100 years ie since the zionist privately owned FED was created and has been the creator of wars and numerous false flags , the most in our faces false flag was the Israeli and traitors in the ZUS attack on the WTC on 911, which was done to have the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda and is still ongoing.

    The Gulf of Tonkin, etc.,, there is no end to the zionist false flags, the school shootings, et al, they were all false flags.

  64. These oligarchs and businessmen, foreign diplomats and CIA agents who have fled Ukraine – may they never come back.

  65. Hirflawd 说:


  66. @RoatanBill

    Putin is quite probably getting to the point where he once stated:
    “If confrontation is inevitable, be sure to strike first.”

  67. Che Guava 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Very apt, Priss.

    Have never been there, but read abt. it. Seems to be govt. buildings and negro gangster wonderland.

    Something called ‘Beltway’, I never really understood, but on thinking, suppose it is a road boundary to protect your elected and appointed morons safe from the savages who make up the majority of the city’s population.

  68. @Been_there_done_that

    there will be no Russian delegation there, according to news reports. This indicates that Russia’s security demands are superficial and contrived

    No, it’s because:
    Russia’s sole objective is to join the US in signing legally-binding agreements,
    not on pursuing endless speeches and talks with deaf people, which lead nowhere.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  69. Greg S. 说:

    我认为他们在这里不需要任何详尽的计划。 他们需要做的就是让一些乌克兰纳粹民兵开始不分青红皂白地炮击顿巴斯,而第二个回程炮弹又回来了,他们开始尖叫:“俄罗斯人正在入侵! 俄国人入侵了!”


  70. Anonymous[356]• 免责声明 说:

    Wait after all his antivaxx garbage fails to pan out this guy just moves on to some new schizobabble? And people read it?

    • 巨魔: RadicalCenter
  71. @sally


  72. Having been indoctrinated in American public schools and its culture, it took me decades of reading to finally clear my thick noggin from the propaganda.
    Here is what war is all about – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-war-on-terror-no-its-actuallya-war.html?m=0 – it’s America’s BUSINESS! Takes some reading with lots of links included, but it’s an education. Check it out – many of the references are to folks you’ve already read and trusted here. All I did was string them together.

  73. Anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:

    I’ve just tried but can’t find the reference although I’ve read this from several sources, the purpose being to repopulate North America with Chinese. I believe this has been mentioned on Trunews fairly recently. I apologize for not having the reference at hand.

    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  74. According to my sources with Black Congressional Caucus, the NAACP and BLM, February is Black History month and they will not allow a war between whites slave masters to take place in February.

    Just look at what they did to Mexico who supplies 80% of avocados to US when they were caught cheating with banned avocados from another state and threatened to kill a black department of agriculture agent who wouldn’t take a bribe, they banned all imports of avocados into the US until all their agents are safe. Now if that’s not Magik Negro power, I don’t know what is.

    Those .99 cent tacos just got a hell of a lot more expensive, and you can say goodbye to guacamole dip for Cinco de Mayo. I can see it now, millions of illegals running back to Mexico for cheap guacamole.

    Here’s to bean dip Tuesday and all the gas that it brings.

  75. Notsofast 说:

    major explosion reported in donetsk, near government buildings, no details yet.

  76. @MarkU

    No, the point is to see how the JQ and the banker question are ultimately the same question.

  77. The synagogue of satan that runs the US MICIMATT, alongside their vassal states like Canada and the UK, has been pumping billions of $ worth of arms and killing supplies to the corrupt, neo-Nazi thugs in Ukraine in preparation for their long-planned genocidal assault against Russian ethnic groups in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, which are as we speak evacuating their women and children to Russia. All the “Russian invasion” hype has been a smokescreen and projection by the Satanists and their media to distract from their own aggression and murderous intentions.

    Except even this obscene level of depravity and lies will NOT benefit the US MICIMATT. Nor will it benefit the Ukraine or stop Nordstream 2. Like everything else the flailing empire touches these days, it will fail miserably and blow up in their faces because they are too stupid and hubristic to see what they are doing.

    And those who WILL benefit are not the people of any nation state or political group or ethnicity, but as always the arms dealers, tank builders, bomb makers and mercenary corporate business interests that drive US policy both at home and around the globe.

  78. Anonymous[107]• 免责声明 说:

    the best strategy for Putin would be to not invade and let Donbass fend for itself

    Invade? You mean “defend”? Man, you Tel Aviv shills are getting dumber by the minute and it was a short bus operation to begin with..

    Thanks for the “advice”, Shlomo. The goyim will surely fall for it.

  79. anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    Are oligarchs really leaving or is this just more fake news? If there is something like this going on then what percent of that class are leaving? Also, where would they be going? It’s pretty interesting that in a relatively poor and unstable country there’s an oligarchic class of parasites who’ve got private planes and can fly around at will leaving the peons behind.
    Would the US try to bomb or physically sabotage the pipeline since it has threatened that in case of any conflict it’ll never become active? US and UK are reportedly training Ukrainian soldiers and “commandos”. They did a good job with their Afghan puppet army and had 20 years to do it. US-UK troops can only fight third-worlders and only when they have a huge material advantage so it’s hard to see what they have to impart. The mass of Ukrainian draftees are under the gun and will probably leave the scene when they get the chance. Getting a bunch of people killed, other people that is, destroying countries, creating flash-points and instability, this is the policy. Has there ever been a time in the US when there haven’t been the drums of war hysteria beating constantly, this threat, that threat, on and on?

  80. @MLK

    Obama, the greatest Magik Negro to ever walk this planet and beyond, and his (((financial backers))) have complete control of the illegitimate babbling buffoon and his gate keepers. They operate in dark places with a (((shadow government))) that rules the Western Hemisphere.
    How else do you reconcile endless wars, uncontrollable immigration, unsustainable debt and militarization of alphabets, technopolies, monopolies and BLM/Antifa?

    It’s WWW III and CW 2.0 all rolled into one, as the meek have become hypnotized into their social media amnesia indoctrination devices in a CRT/VR universe of GlobalHomo rainbows and Black Lives Matter euphoria.

    • 回复: @MLK
  81. Sepp 说:

    The vaccine mandates are a critical part of the “great reset” agenda. The unlawful measures taken to force these mandates on the people undemocratically have started faltering all over the planet, but up until now no government has been forced to remove the mandates through demonstrations or acts of civil disobedience performed by the populace. Once one country buckles to the demonstrations, other protesters will take heart all across the planet. In this sense Ottowa is the WEF equivalent to Stalingrad in 1942/43. Hitler told Paulus that there would be no retreat, and in precisely the same fashion Schwab has told Trudeau that there will be no retreat.

    If Schwab and the vaxx-whores openly admit that the vaccines are a pathetic joke, the entire narrative will collapse and all the useful idiots like Ron Unz who have given big Jewish Pharama the injection carte blanche will be forced to accept that they were punked.

    It is perfectly clear that the vaccines are completely ineffective, and even dangerous, but the narrative demands that the march of mandatory vaccines continues. This also parallels the failure of the Luftwaffe to keep the skies over Stalingrad clear after the USSR started receiving thousands of Hurricanes and Aerocobras through lend lease.

    The Yid globalist agenda that has the upper hand today, just as they did across the entire planet in 1942/43. Sure, there are not that many hebrews, but then as now there were hundreds of millions of stupid shabboz goyim willing and eager to believe talmudic lies.

    • 同意: Alfred, JWalters
    • 谢谢: DevilAdvocate
  82. @Anonymous

    I was in Australia a few years ago and Sidney’s tourist shops were almost all Chinese/Asian operations. The same is happening here in California, Chinese are paying top dollar for businesses, and with that comes Chain migration X millions.

  83. Anonymous[351]• 免责声明 说:

    Pooland sucks just like your silly projection is in complete disregard of today’s reality.
    Pooland was and is very eager and invited Jewmerica towards eastern Europe.
    Without Pooland priests & politicians there would have been not Nato extension.
    Pooland is once again the splitter and hence anxcious.
    I suggest all Poolish migrate and enrich Jewmerica, so nothing stands between Russia & PRussia.
    The only likeable Pole is Ted Kaczynski.

  84. MLK 说:

    Look on the bright side, what Bush did to the Republican Party, Obama has done to the Democrats.

    My longstanding forecast has been that one of the two major parties won’t survive what they’ve conjured over the last two decades. Until Trump, any betting man would have put all his money on the Publicans going the way of The Whigs.

    Obama’s magic took it to even money. He utterly demoralized and destroyed the Democrat Party. Now through his avatar “Biden,” the ruling and governing classes are at war with the working class.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
  85. Athena 说:

    FIRE, the weapon of the coward, the anglo-saxon’s signature for centuries

    Order of Saint John (chartered 1888)


  86. Anonymous[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Maine was a United States Navy ship that sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish–American War in April. American newspapers, engaging in yellow journalism to boost circulation, claimed that the Spanish were responsible for the ship’s destruction. The phrase, “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!” became a rallying cry for action. Although the Maine explosion was not a direct cause, it served as a catalyst that accelerated the events leading up to the war.

  87. @Anonymous

    This will be the first time Asian powers will go head to head with western powers with technology that’s about equal. Let’s see.

  88. @Been_there_done_that

    Done there/been that: A massive melange of confusion and misapprehension. As the largest country on the planet, Russia has no need for territorial expansion. At some point, those primarily Russian-speaking/Russian-ethnic regions should be reunited with Mama Bear. Under no conditions should they be dominated and put-down by a hellish consortium of Galician Fascists and Khazarian revanchists.

    It would appear that this poster has been edjumacated far beyond his capacity for critical thought. He’s programmed and then composes his deductions from that programming. Evidently, the left-brain is almost totally dominant, while the right-hemisphere is suppressed except for underlying emotional connexions with his Uber-programming.

    “Russia’s security demands” are really quite simple. They do not want enemy nuclear warheads located within ten minutes flight-time to Moscow. Emplacement of U$$A nuke-capable missiles located in Poland and Romania, to say nothing further of the puppet regime in Kiev.

    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  89. @Anon

    Please: Masked behind anon: Semantics rules. OUR term for that disreputable Bernaysian propaganda mill is inclusive of an additional letter: “F”. When their term becomes clarified by insertion of that magical letter, it becomes “HasbarFa.”

    Too much sacramental wine imbibed at the Bris Millah perhaps?

  90. Athena 说:

    US-UK led NATO in Europe

    “Global Britain, global broker”
    “A Blueprint for the UK’s Future International Role”




    “The UK and the EU should continue to pursue common policy approaches to Russia, including on sanctions, and towards Ukraine and the Balkans.”


    “Despite the need for Britain to prioritize coordination with its continental European neighbours and the EU after Brexit, the US will remain the country that requires the UK’s biggest bilateral diplomatic investment. (…) The fact that the differential in resources between the two countries will continue to widen over the coming decade should make little difference to the quality of the relationship – providing the UK sustains its current level of investment in international capabilities, and providing US and UK foreign policy goals remain broadly aligned设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    Although the UK’s absence from EU decision-making is a diplomatic setback for the US, the UK will continue to be strategically valuable to the US in Europe because of its leading voice and presence alongside the US in NATO.=

  91. S 说:

    As someone said upthread, they need another spectacular ‘Remember the Maine!’ type incident. That shell hole at the kindergarten which wounded a couple of teachers and may have deflated a couple of soccer balls ain’t gonna cut it.

  92. 为什么美国会在 16 月 XNUMX 日赌上它的信誉。有几个(经过尝试和信任的)原因。 首先,全球权力的转移和即将举行的选举掩盖了拜登和克林顿的家庭罪行


    1. 当前的金融体系正在分崩离析。
    2. covid19 的犯罪阴谋即将分崩离析。 Peole 将诉诸谋杀来避免入狱。
    4. 中期选举即将来临。
    无论如何,奥拜登都必须迫使俄罗斯人越过乌克兰进入。 虽然没有发生在 16 日,但 19 或 20 已经足够接近政府工作了。
    1. Covid19 通过减少人口、选举舞弊等好处拯救银行系统
    2. 2008 年金融危机……掩盖华尔街欺诈行为并拯救银行家免于被捕
    4. 911 加强政府对民众的监视和控制,同时强奸国库以掩盖盗窃万亿。
    6. 越南……东京湾窃取选举 ++
    7.肯尼迪暗杀。 保存法定货币..停止银证...保存以色列的核武库
    8. 二战。 安抚伦敦银行和以色列和罗斯福政权的安全建立
    9. 大萧条……以确保法定货币并以低廉的价格购买实物资产。
    10. 第一次世界大战……另一场银行家为欧洲霸权而战

    当然,还有其他例子可以列入名单,例如:俄克拉荷马城爆炸案、琼斯镇大屠杀、吉米卡特和 21% 的优惠利率。但这已经足够了。 我所说的只是我们被告知的一切都是谎言,包括为什么、什么和谁。

  93. @eudion2

    I thought UK forces have been fighting with the Donbass region for the past eight or so years. They have been theoretically invading, although it really couldn’t be considered an invasion due to Donbass region is considered part of Ukraine.

  94. 作为地球上最大的国家,俄罗斯没有扩张领土的必要。



    归根结底,正如许多俄罗斯人所看到的那样,问题不在于 需要 但欲望、野心和命运,想要纠正历史的挫折,并伴随着复仇情绪。你对我所谓的编程和大脑半球的无端评论简直是荒谬的。如果你是另一个弗拉德教徒,你应该给自己买一个 宝珀 Aqualung 大日历 手表。

  95. Oddly enough, I heard a BBC feminazi (expletive deleted)moronically observing that, while Russia was going to engage in some sort of regular nuclear weapons training, that no nuclear devices were expected to be detonated. Some sort of BBC cretinism, or predictive programming?

    • 回复: @Athena
  96. Bill Jones 说:

    I agree. Sometimes Sean is a bit slow on the updates.

  97. Height_776 说:

    在谈话中,KBP(仪器工程设计局)的一名员工——机械师维克托·扎加耶夫斯基(Viktor Zagaevsky)——简直跳到总理面前说道:“我有两个儿子,都是军人。普京有些愕然,但他并没有拒绝工人的要求。他从手上取下手表,交给锁匠。
    – 我给了图瓦牧羊人的儿子一模一样的东西, – 普京评论道 – – 我真的很喜欢它们。我买了第二个。


    俄罗斯总理更喜欢百达翡丽、朗格、宝玑品牌的手表。首相拥有数台精密计时器,其价值达60万美元。顺便说一下,自 2007 年初以来,首相就佩戴了一款更为低调的腕表出现在公众视野中——Leman 系列的“Blancpain”腕表,配有黑色皮带和黑色表盘。他乘坐它们抵达图拉。现在,它们被印在图拉国防工人的手臂上。


    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
  98. @Da's Reich

    It’s sobering to imagine how much more advanced civilization would be today if the British, the Americans and the Jews had not conspired to bring German genius down.

    • 回复: @Da's Reich
  99. @Been_there_done_that

    Watch it Bubba. Last time I wore one was in ’96. When my enemies attack another party, that attacked party cannot be my enemy. It’s that simple. Capsice?

  100. @h74betatester

    不要忘记 Nordstream II 付款可以用欧元而不是美元结算。俄罗斯有一个不使用美元的既定目标,当管道沿线没有一堆北约国家时,做到这一点要容易得多。这一点没有被太多提及,但这些能源交易有很大的杠杆作用。如果德国和俄罗斯的所有贸易都以欧元和卢布进行呢?更快地告别美元标准。犹太经济主义者根本不会喜欢这样……

  101. @follyofwar

    Germany is subverted by Russophobic false ‘Greens’, whose priority is groveling to the USA and Israel, and attacking China and Russia. The mutation of the Greens into openly racist, neo-liberal, fascists, tells you all you need to know about Western ‘liberals’.

  102. @DevilAdvocate

    There is NO SUCH THING as a ‘legally-binding agreement’ with the USA.

    • 同意: Avery
    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
    , @Desert Fox
  103. anonymous[589]• 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Stupid GOYIM …we are being played AGAIN…The jews that rule over USA and the jews that control Putin will lead the Goys into another WWar I,II,III,,,who loses the goys who gains The Israeli Central Rothshield Bankers with about $500TRILLIONS gain..Europe/Russia will lose another 20millions ppoeple…and guess what the fabricated Victims will be the jews with another Holocaust Hoax…WISE UP..GOYIM…

  104. @follyofwar

    The ‘dead bird’ canard is a really moronic denialist lie. You know you’re dealing with a real cretin when you see this shite. Wind TURBINES, not ‘windmills’ you imbecile, are ugly, but they will be a short-term solution, hopefully. Off-shore, out of sight, out of mind, turbines are better, of course, but they are better than runaway climate destabilisation with billions dead.

    • 回复: @Athena
    , @follyofwar
  105. RoatanBill 说:
    @Simon Tugmutton



    • 回复: @Athena
    , @Simon Tugmutton
  106. @emerging majority

    “‘Russia’s security demands’ are really quite simple. They do not want enemy nuclear warheads located within ten minutes flight-time to Moscow. Emplacement of U$$A nuke-capable missiles located in Poland and Romania, to say nothing further of the puppet regime in Kiev.”

    And perfectly legitimate, too.

    Piss on NATO. Strictly speaking, there’s no reason for it to exist. At the very least, the U.S. should get the hell out.

  107. Athena 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    The BBC sometimes has foreknowledge of ”detonations” or ”special events”:

  108. Athena 说:

    Euronext Dublin registers 5-year $5bn Eurobond programme to be launched by Russia’s Sovcombank

    ”Euronext Dublin (the Irish Stock Exchange) has registered a five-year framework $5bn Eurobond programme to be launched by Sovcombank, one of Russia’s top ten lenders.

    Multinational investment banks J.P. Morgan and Renaissance Capital are acting as co-arrangers of the programme while Bank of New York Mellon is the trustee and principal paying agent. Multinational law firms Latham & Watkins and Baker McKenzie have prepared documentation for the issue, Sovcombank said in a statement.

    Sovcombank has already carried out four Eurobond issues worth a total of $1.2bn with 62 per cent of the securities having been sold to investors based in the United States and European Union countries and including pension funds and insurance companies, the lender said.

    Sovcombank owns assets totalling 1.9 trillion roubles ($25bn) according to international financial reporting standards. It has 23,000 employees working at 2,600 offices in 1,050 Russian towns and cities, the statement said.”

  109. Athena 说:

    Powerful explosion hits another city in eastern Ukraine – reports

  110. Anon[159]• 免责声明 说:

    When will those that know the Truth about the Jews, and the damage they do to all of us, finally speak out, telling that Truth?

    Too late, obviously, to stop the coming disasters.

  111. Anon[217]• 免责声明 说:

    Powerful explosion hits another city in eastern Ukraine – reports

    18 Feb 22: 02 (about 30 minutes later)


    Ukraine conflict: Russia accused of creating fake crisis in breakaway region
    Published7 minutes ago

  112. 此时此刻,数十万讲俄语的平民作为难民涌入俄罗斯,顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克遭到猛烈炮火,乌克兰政变政权现在显然要发动全面入侵该领土,这将意味着俄罗斯必须要么

    1. 最终且为时已晚地采取军事行动或

    2. 在世人面前公开羞辱。

    但我是一个“巨魔”,一遍又一遍地说普京主义政权应该在 2014 年入侵乌克兰,或者至少允许顿巴斯军队解放俄语区,而且普京没有做到这一点是不可原谅的。这样做了,对吧?

    让我们看看俄罗斯入侵乌克兰会在 2014 年取得怎样的成就:

    1. 组织混乱的纳粹分子,他们尚未巩固对国家的控制,并开始消灭他们自己的一些不方便的成员(例如 Pravii Sektor 的 Oleksandr “Sashko Bilii” Muzychko),本可以被空运到的两个特种部队营摧毁基辅。

    2. 北约当时在仍在孕育中的乌克兰没有存在,即使它想干预也无法干预(无论如何它不会干预,就像它在 2008 年没有在格鲁吉亚一样,就像它承认现在不会那样在乌克兰); 这解决了我经常遇到的普京粉丝俱乐部复制粘贴论点之一。

    3. 尽管事实上俄罗斯没有入侵,但制裁仍然适用,到现在,到 2022 年,制裁已经崩溃,而且美国不会有任何新的宣战理由来迫使其北约附庸服从。

    4. 一个友好且由俄罗斯主导的乌克兰将意味着克里米亚的回归无论如何都是没有实际意义的,即使不能说服它自愿回归克里米亚。

    5. 乌克兰已经 8 年没有被 EUNATO 阴谋集团系统性地掠夺,对于俄罗斯来说仍然是一个相对可行的经济伙伴,而不是像现在普京愿意采取行动时那样消耗资源。


    6. 10000 或更多说反纳粹的俄罗斯(和乌克兰)平民不会死亡,还有数百万经济难民,以及至少数十万人现在逃往俄罗斯。

    直到今天,普京仍在继续谈论早已死去的明斯克二世协议,乌克兰政变政权已公开否认该协议,这将迫使说反纳粹的俄罗斯和乌克兰人屈服于自治权有限的基辅政权(这可能会被废除)在未来的任何适当时机); 同一个基辅政权炮轰他们的孩子,狙击他们的祖父母,称他们为蟑螂,活活烧死他们的抗议者同伴等等。如果他们拒绝这样做并坚持保护自己的独立,他们将被普京强迫这样做,我认为?

    银河系所知道的最伟大的天才大师普京,预见到了这一切的到来,对吧? 所有这些都是一些杀手级的 5D 棋步,对吧?


  113. Tony_0pmoc 说:


    今天英格兰东南部风很大。 O2 的屋顶被炸掉了,我觉得这很有趣。现在是美国在伦敦格林威治拥有的大帐篷。屋顶现在沿着泰晤士河漂流


    就我个人而言,我认为乌克兰战争的事情完全是一种转移注意力。甚至乌克兰《每日邮报》上也刊登了孩子幼儿园的照片。炸弹没有击中那个……所有的积木的颜色,无论是里面还是外面,都和孩子们的玩具一样,就好像《每日邮报》用 JCV Digger 或乌克兰或俄罗斯的类似物来拍摄照片一样。一份便宜的工作..



    这是一种转移注意力,因为新冠疫苗接种造成的死亡人数(包括美国军人)增加了 40%。


  114. Herald 说:

    保持酷。 普京不发狂。

    • 同意: Decoy
  115. Athena 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    UK guidelines: Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands



  116. @mulga mumblebrain

    There is NO SUCH THING as a ‘legally-binding agreement’ with the USA.

    For the USA, of course there isn’t. But signing that paper would be a serious political show for Europe (specially for Germany), giving them more boldness to secure NS2, to take a stance regarding their own security architecture, and all the subsequent commercial partnerships with the East.
    And it would be a show not only to Europe, but also to the rest of the world, signaling them the hegemon can finally be pushed to bow down.

    • 回复: @Michael Korn
  117. Desert Fox 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Agree, just ask the American Indians, the US broke every agreement and tried to genocide the Indians, just like the ZUS is doing to us with the covid-19 scam and psyop and genocide.

    • 同意: Michael Korn
  118. peterAUS 说:
    @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    银河系所知道的最伟大的天才大师普京,预见到了这一切的到来,对吧? 所有这些都是一些杀手级的 5D 棋步,对吧?



    Now….The regime in Moscow has been doing preparations for the war by the book. Military have been doing their part of the work very well.
    The problem is….ultimate decision won’t come from military; it will be political.


    ….the biggest and most expensive military bluff in world history…


    And yet………………………………………….

    We shall see and soon enough. I’d say…..within next 2 weeks.
    Rasputitsa 减去 2 周即可到达第聂伯河。

  119. JWalters 说:

    I agree it’s likely the City of London / Wall Street gang did have big plans to replace the US with China as their main vassal, and support for Israel. That fits with their shipping US manufacturing jobs to China (and letting American cities collapse). Their ultimate goal was to take over the Chinese financial system, as they had done with the UK and US (and Five Eyes).

    But after acquiring the manufacturing base, the Chinese wised up to the bankers’ financial takeover scheme. A book on London cabal’s treacherous history called 货币战争 by Song Hong Bing became a best seller in China (and much of Asia and Eastern Europe). So the Chinese pulled the plug on the banking cartel’s financial takeover. In retaliation the London gang’s corporate American media began bashing China. Trump made it okay to acknowledge that it wasn’t smart to outsource vital industrial capacities to China. Now the Dems are on board with that (as per their London & Wall Street overlord’s instructions), while trying to avoid crediting Trump in any way.

    So now the world is wise to the London cabal’s machinations (except American citizens, thanks to its criminally controlled MSM). China, Russia, and others are moving to extricate themselves from the Jewish supremacist London cabal’s financial spiderweb of debt. The Jewish supremacists have nobody else’s interests at heart. (See how they treat the Palestinians, and the Americans.) And the cabal is left with a plundered, weak American economy (as per their plan A). Even with their highly profitable Covid pandemic, their real economic strength may be collapsing.

    So they may be desperate. Thus they have their media moutpieces scaremongering and beating the drums for more war. They may be hoping that a war in Ukraine will be profitable (one of their traditional profit centers) let them escape in the fog of war.


    • 同意: Michael Korn
    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  120. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:

    I don’t like saying I told you so, and I do admire Putin, however he has gone along with the 9/11 false flag attack for the last 20 years, smiling and groveling to the corruption in Schwarzington DC. So it would be truly poetic Justice if he ends up getting victimized by a false flag attack from the same criminal cabal. It would teach him a lesson that staying silent in the face of what he knows is a depraved lie only makes matters much worse.

    • 回复: @Avery
  121. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:

    All Germany has to do is announce they are withdrawing from NATO. Isn’t that easy enough? Does the Pentagon inject that much money into the German economy that they’re dependent on it?

    I met an American Air Force pilot who was stationed in Germany in the 1980s. He had only contempt for the Germans. He said the young Germans would stage demonstrations outside US occupation military bases demanding that the US leave their country, calling the Americans hypocritical warmongers, etc. And this pilot disdained them for desiring their own nationalist identity.

    The Germans have to simply tell the Americans sayonara and nicht aufwiedersehen.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @DevilAdvocate
  122. JWalters 说:

    They are zombies controlled by Jewish supremacists.

    • 同意: Franz
  123. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:

    You mean it will be a lot further east!

    • 回复: @Alfred
  124. Tony_0pmoc 说:



    我们一家人没有被注射过,只是偶尔戴口罩。为了挽救生命,我两年内曾戴着口罩在急症室待了 4 个小时。我病了,他们给我注射抗生素,救了我的命。他们没有接纳我,认为我最好的生存机会是和我的妻子一起回家,她照顾我恢复健康——大约六周。




    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  125. All Germany has to do is announce they are withdrawing from NATO. Isn’t that easy enough?

    In theory yes. But what we see is a rampant self-defeatism.
    Those 1980’s youngs are now in their 50-60s, mostly embittered by decades of lies, propaganda and a pervasive woke culture.

    The germans placed themselves in a very bad situation by cancelling their coal and nuclear energy programs, and are now letting US decide about their last resort, the gas supply ?? And why elect such a woke defeatist government, which is in contrast ruthless when it is about imposing vaxx mandates to their own people ?
    My impression is, if they are not pushed they will not move by themselves.

    That’s why even small victories (eg a signed paper) are necessary to give some courage to this flock of chickens (=europe NATO members) to take some action.
    And that’s why the ZUKUS are determined to not concede it…

  126. Avery 说:
    @Michael Korn

    {… smiling and 闲逛 to the corruption in Schwarzington DC}

    Now, now, now [Mevashir]: you are being unfair to Vladimir Vladimirovich.

    Putin grovels to no one: it’s contrary to his constitution.
    What he thinks in private and what he says in public are almost never the same.
    You and I don’t know what he knows or his Intelligence Services know about 9/11.
    Do you really think he or Lavrov or Shoygu or ….. would let the public know what they know?

    And Putin and his inner circle have seen it all and know pretty much who did what and who was involved.

    Example: when the Chechen terrorists of Shamil Basayev massacred all those children at Beslan, Putin said in one of his interviews at the time that they have the radio intercepts of who was guiding the terrorists from the West. And he left it at that. Russians don’t act or react as West/Hollywood portrays them. But they remember: have no doubt.

    Trip down memory lane: after the 2nd Chechen war ended with Russian victory and victory of anti-Wahhabist Russophile Chechens, most of the Chechen terrorist commanders* fled to Turkey, thinking they’d be safe there. Many years later FSB sent assassins to Turkey to take them out one by one. They all completed their missions and got away clean.

    That’s how Russians do it.


    * Shamil Basayev was assassinated by FSB in Chechnya.

    • 谢谢: Michael Korn
    • 回复: @Michael Korn
  127. Ron Unz 说:

    • 同意: Blinky Bill
    • 谢谢: Michael Korn, Decoy
    • 回复: @Avery
  128. Haven’t false flag stunts by Rome-on-the-Potomac become so common –and so consistently ham-handed, inept, and obvious– that any such major undertaking to start a war with Russia will be seen by even the most credulous for what it obviously is?

  129. @JWalters

    Just to add to your comment. The Chinese started to change their economic development around 2008.

  130. Wokechoke 说:


  131. follyofwar 说:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Of course, I know they’re wind “turbines,” you horse’s ass, but colloquially they are usually called windmills. You say that “the dead bird canard is a … moronic denialist lie,” but that’s not what the US Fish & Wildlife Service says. They estimate that wind turbines kill between 140,000 and 500,000 birds per year. As turbine capacity is mandated to increase 6-fold, bird deaths could reach 1.4 million/year. A veritable bird holocaust. PETA should step in and stop this slaughter. Also, offshore turbines are still ugly, and they disrupt the fishing industry.

    • 回复: @grr
  132. Avery 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Matt Lee is a true American patriot. Gold bless him.
    A miniscule antidote to the massive Neocon infestation of DC.
    I remember him challenging the WH lies years ago.
    我很惊讶 “他们” haven’t been able to smear/silence him.

    [State Dept’s Harf accuses AP’s Matt Lee of ‘buying into Russian propaganda’] (2014)

    Another gem by Matt Lee, challenging the idiot Kirby.
    [Blame game: NATO expanded to Russia, or Russia moved towards NATO?] (2014)

    • 谢谢: Orville H. Larson
  133. Athena 说:

    Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) : The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries

    ”Fifty years ago, an international legal system was created to protect the rights of foreign investors. Today, as companies win billions in damages, insiders say it has got dangerously out of control.”

    Germany sued by foreign countries for closing its nuclear power plants:

    Vattenfall vs. Germany II: Pitting parliament against nuclear profits

    ”Germany agreed to pay Vattenfall €1.606 billion (slightly above US$1.9 billion) while Vattenfall agreed to end its claim at the World Bank’s ICSID arbitration tribunal.”

    另请参阅 双边网站

    Nord Stream 2 invokes Energy Charter Treaty to challenge EU gas link rules

    EU governments under pressure to quit Energy Charter Treaty

    Nord Stream 2 sues EU using ISDS

    Nord Stream 2 takes unusual legal step against the Commission

    Nord Stream 2, EU drifting towards legal arbitration

    ”The European Commission and the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline company are heading toward legal arbitration in their dispute, with a risk of huge fines for EU taxpayers.”

    • 同意: Decoy
    • 回复: @Decoy
  134. gay troll 说:


    • 回复: @Flying Dutchman
  135. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:

    我毫不怀疑你是对的,普京和俄罗斯领导人知道 9/11 到底发生了什么。 我的观点是,他们的公开立场是肯定美国的掩盖行为。 我担心,因为他们通过这种公开的阿谀奉承的姿态增强了美国的实力,他们将付出惨重的代价,并被送上门。

    • 同意: Avery
    • 回复: @Michael Korn
    , @Refl
  136. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:
    @Michael Korn

    Numerous European officials did call out the American false flag event of 9/11. There was an intelligence minister in Germany, French and Italian officials, and others. I understand Putin is playing a treacherous game. But there’s also a principle of “Woe to those who call light darkness and darkness light.” How many people in the world have been swayed by Putin’s public position affirming the American cover up? This is the reason I’m concerned that he is now going to receive Divine comeuppance.

    • 回复: @Bert Bervoets
  137. @emerging majority



    • 回复: @but an humble craftsman
  138. @Anon

    Putin should be let it known to Netanyahu that if it comes to a nuclear war between Russia and the US, Israel will be targeted too.

  139. Anon[178]• 免责声明 说:

    What happened to Julian Borger ? Now she is carrying the festoon of democratic peace and prosperity for Biden -Boris . She was a different person in2003 She was questioning neocons She was questioning Bush Cheney and the falsehood raised for causing the war .
    But today she is an apologist of the terror – war state built by Bush -Cheney .
    发生了什么 ?

    Similar transformations occurred for France and German . They resisted the pressure to support and join Iraq war . But soon the countries were lassoed and harnessed into service by the warmongering Atlanticist .

  140. @Ghali

    ” It is because most (or all) US-led Western state/corporate media are owned and controlled by Jews.”

    And not just any old Jews, but the hidden (un publicized) owners of Vanguard, who own just about everything, including Blackrock, and State Street.

  141. Anon[178]• 免责声明 说:
    @Michael Korn

    There are enough spies , shysters , compromised , and careerist in Germany . They even have media that was already turned into a bitch for America by 1970 .
    Bastard Lantos called Shrodder and Chirac whore and prostitute while allowing the fleeing oligarchs to be vetted by the Congress . That was very crude attempt by that cadaver looking clone of Joe Lieberman to hurt the independence of Germany and France but it worked .

  142. JR Foley 说:

    Tommy Cotton and Gordon G Chang care to disagree with you WorkingClass—how can you put trucks into a pipeline?

  143. I have no idea whether there’s any truth to this “word on the street” but if there is, it reminds me of the stories circulating around 9/11.


  144. @gay troll






    • 回复: @gay troll
  145. Mike S 说:

    Great writeup, excellent analysis, it’s so refreshing reading things that make sense instead of msm garbage. Thank you for another great article.

  146. Decoy 说:

    Most Americans are not aware of two facts pertinent to Nord Stream II.

    First, Gazprom paid for and owns only 50%, not 100%, of the pipeline. The remainder is owned by 5 large European based public owned companies.

    Second, the certification process currently used to delay pipeline operations was put in place in 2019 at a point when the pipeline was substantially complete. The new regulations were implemented solely to delay Nord Stream II opearations.

    In any fair court of law the pipeline owners could successfully litigate and win damages if the German government bows to the Biden Administration and closes the pipeline down.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
  147. Levtraro 说:

    Recently, however, Biden lifted the sanctions because they are so unpopular among the German people who need a source of clean energy to make up for the shortfall from (decommissioned) nuclear power plants.

    You need to research this part a bit more. What happened in May 2021 was that the US waived sanctions on the Russian company laying the pipes because that company has a German CEO and the US did not have the strength to sanction a German bigshot of the business community. Nothing to do with impopularity of sanctions amongst regular German people.

    The other weak part of your thesis here is that for the Ukie leadership, a false flag that would cause hundreds to thousands dead in Kiev and leads to the Ukraine attacking the Donbass will most certainly lead to the Ukie leadership losing the Ukraine. While the Jewish comedian and his bigshot Jews in the executive and parliament may run away and settle in London or Tel Aviv, many other necessary participants would remain in the Ukraine and fall to the Russian forces, they will lose everything, even their lives. So I don’t think Ukies themselves are in this plot if there is such a plot.

  148. Levtraro 说:

    President Biden gave Germany the go ahead for Nordstream,

    False. In May 2021 the US just waived sanctions on a particular company doing important work for NS2 because the company has a German CEO. The US did not have the strength to sanction the German CEO. The spin given to that weakness was some stupid BS.

    • 回复: @Sean
  149. @Michael Korn

    Putin did not call out the American false flag event of 9/11.
    Obama did not call out the Russian false flag event of 10 April 2010, the Smolensk air disaster.

  150. Levtraro 说:

    DUMA 中有立法者希望普京在 2014 年(非暴力并在民众支持下)收回克里米亚时收回顿巴斯。当顿巴斯(一个有争议的领土)充满种族时,是什么阻止了普京这样做俄罗斯人?

    I’ve explained this before. Crimea was a Republic inside the Ukraine, with an autonomous Parliament, while Donetsk and Luhansk were two provinces of the Ukraine without their own law-making houses. Crimea’s parliament passed a law to have a referendum to leave the Ukraine and ask for inclusion in the Russian Federation (RF). Donetsk and Luhansk could not pass a law to have a referendum to leave the Ukraine. So they could not be legally admitted to the RF. Thus instead of legally seceding from the Ukraine and then join the RF, Donetsk and Luhansk have to start a civil war of secesion. The RF provided covert support.

    明斯克协议包括给予顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克特殊的行政地位,这将使它们在一定程度上自治。 该条款被 Ukies 接受为明斯克协议的一部分,因为他们面临军事失败,但他们知道实际执行该协议将导致合法分离。 所以等战局平息下来,他们可以在亚速海保留一些他们注定要失去的城市,他们干脆背弃协议,等待,从而减少了他们已经很大的损失。

  151. Alfred 说:
    @Michael Korn

    You mean it will be a lot further east!

    Erikassimo2 proposed that the new “Iron Curtain” would be along the Dnieper (Kiev-Dnipro) . My suggestion is the former border of the Austro-Hungarian Empire which lies hundreds of kilometres to the west of the Dnieper River and north of the Black Sea.

  152. Observator 说:

    There is a certain symmetry in the US regime’s current prattling about Putin scheming a “false flag” op as a reason to invade Ukraine, when it was in fact Putin who sabotaged Obama’s attempt to use a false flag chemical attack in Syria to justify carpet bombing that unhappy country – where Russian forces were present at the invitation of the legal, elected government and protecting their country’s vital national interests.

    This smells strongly of the vindictive vengeance (and endless global destabilization attempts) that one small Middle Eastern nation with great power ambition (and endless influence in Washington) is rather notorious for.

  153. Alfred 说:









    7- 俄罗斯在石油和天然气价格方面处于弱势得多。



    • 同意: Avery, Jazman
    • 谢谢: DevilAdvocate
    • 回复: @Avery
  154. @Michael Korn

    I’ve replied to you, comment #134, but apparently your identifier did not appeared on top.

  155. Avery 说:

    {….t those who are always so keen on war have no grasp of things like logistics and economics. }


    显然,普京和他的公司比@unz 或其他任何地方的任何人都更了解他们的后院以及他们的优势和劣势。然而海报却坚持认为 “Putin should do this…..Putin should do that…..should have done this or some other thing….”.

    Andrei Martyanov, who has good sources and knows Russia better than most here in US, said in one of his Youtube monologues that Putin’s decision NOT to invade Ukraine in 2014 was strategic genius (or words to that effect).

    • 回复: @RobinG
  156. @Doug Hillman


  157. @Alfred


  158. @Ukraine Tiger


  159. Athena 说:

    WION 频道 = LIARS:文字与 Zelensky 所说的不符。

    The text is propaganda (Such as ”why is Ukraine not a NATO member yet?”) NOTHING IN THE TEXT DISPLAYED CORRESPONDS TO WHAT ZELENSKI IS SAYING. He wants that the West stops predicting when ”Russia will invade”. He does NOT SAY things such as ”When will Ukraine become a member of NATO?, or ”Why hasn’t Ukraine been accepted as a NATO member yet?”. This channel is a PACK OF LIES.

  160. profnasty 说:
    @Priss Factor

    After all US’ve been through over the past 100 years; are those bastards at Pentagon going to murder White Europeans AGAIN??!!?
    No support, no help.

  161. profnasty 说:

    Perhaps many or most White American soldiers are going to Ukraine only to protect their paychecks and retirement stubs. This is cowardice and…
    War Crime.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  162. Notsofast 说:

    excellent explanation, also crimea was promised a referendum on independence in the early 90’s but never received it.

  163. Refl 说:
    @Michael Korn

    我毫不怀疑你是对的,普京和俄罗斯领导人知道 9/11 到底发生了什么。

    9/11 事件发生时,普京执政大约两年(包括在耶尔津领导下担任总理)。 他在一系列极其暴力的恐怖爆炸事件的印象下赢得了总统职位,这些爆炸事件带有浓重的虚假旗帜的味道。 因此,双方都是为了各自的利益而互相支持对方的虚假叙述。

    出于类似的原因,俄罗斯领导人今天部分支持了新冠疫情的故事。 人口控制和心理战对他们来说并不陌生。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,今天的俄罗斯是一个正在崛起的大国,其人民有充分理由信任其领导人。 对于那些假装领导自由世界(TM)的怪胎表演来说,没有什么可说的。

    • 回复: @Michael Korn
  164. Cookie 说:




  165. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:

    Ok. Thanks. I didn’t know any of these things about Putin. But what you have written makes me dislike him even more. Because if you are correct he is just as ruthless and cynical as the people running the West.

    • 回复: @DevilAdvocate
  166. grr 说:

    另一个愚蠢的说法。 渔业得到纳税人的大量补贴,是名副其实的破坏环境的重罪犯。 它正在使鱼类资源枯竭,濒临灭绝,并用塑料垃圾填满海洋。


    • 回复: @Levtraro
    , @emerging majority
  167. Sean 说:

    What nonsense you talk, Biden publicly threatened he would stop Nordstream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine. He would hardly say that if he was determined to stop it at all costs, because Russia might not go to war with Ukraine.

    If Russia invades Ukraine, there will be no Nord Stream 2 …https://www.reuters.com › business › energy › if-russia-in…
    7 Feb 2022 — U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday warned that if Russia invades Ukraine, there would be no Nord Stream 2, but did not specify how he would …

    America does not want to be subsidizing the Poles by selling them LNG at well under the going rate. American fracked energy is not really making a profit at the market price.

    • 回复: @Levtraro
  168. Levtraro 说:

    What nonsense you talk, …

    You don’t have an argument. Just check the news at the time, it was in May 2021. The US imposed more sanctions in August 2021.

    • 回复: @Sean
  169. Smith 说:



  170. @emerging majority

    我错过了 72 可能被暗杀以防止与尼克松竞争。 1969 年不是在玛莎葡萄园刺杀了自己吗?


  171. @Michael Korn

    But what you have written makes me dislike him even more. Because if you are correct he is just as ruthless and cynical as the people running the West.

    And you believe any leader who would openly denounce ALL wrongs happening around would stand any chance of not being killed immediately ?
    I believe he is doing what he can, and some important steps have already been done.

    • 回复: @Michael Korn
  172. Levtraro 说:


    关于第一个断言,它在几个方面具有误导性。 首先,过去十年全球对渔业的补贴有所减少。 其次,这些补贴包括用于进行科学研究以改善渔业管理的资金。 制药公司也通过这种方式获得大量用于科学生物医学项目的资金补贴。 第三,最大的项目只是免除支付燃料的税款,而不是直接从纳税人的钱包中转账。 第四,最大的补贴在亚洲,该地区的鱼类资源枯竭或状况不明的数量也最多。 第五,有必要区分提高产能的补贴(促进库存消耗)和其他类型的补贴更良性(例如免除燃油税)。


    不对。 在美国、加拿大、欧盟、澳大利亚、新西兰、智利、秘鲁和阿根廷,大多数鱼类种群要么处于良好状态,要么正在从过度捕捞中恢复。 全世界大约三分之一的鱼类资源状况良好或正在恢复,另外三分之一处于未知状态,另外三分之一正在枯竭。 大多数情况不明和库存枯竭的库存都在非西方国家,主要是在亚洲,缺乏积极的管理。

    人类营养有四大支柱:农业、畜牧业、水产养殖和渔业。 在这四大支柱中,捕鱼的温室气体排放量最少,对自然栖息地的改变最少(不为种植园和放牧而砍伐森林地区,不使用化学药品来对抗害虫,不使用抗生素来对抗动物疾病,捕鱼是自然狩猎猎物)。

    海洋中的塑料大部分(约 80%)来自陆地,通过河流径流运输。 渔船、商船和海洋平台的排放量合计占剩余的 20%。


    • 回复: @Flying Dutchman
  173. Sean 说:

    America sees Russia as a country to be always under sanction The Jackson-Vanik amendment of 1974 that imposed economic sanctions on the Soviet Union for not allowing Jews to emigrate was only lifted in 2012, although Jews had been emigrating from the USSR/Russia for decades. Congress looked around for something else to justify new sanctions because Russia must always be under some sanctions. Hence the “Russia and Moldova Jackson–Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012”.Any stick will do to beat a dog, but it was not the really big stick.

    Even as the Administration continues to oppose the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, including via our sanctions, we continue to work with Germany and other allies and partners to 减少 the risks posed by the pipeline to Ukraine and frontline NATO and EU countries and to push back against harmful Russian activities, including in the energy sphere.

    Reduce not eliminate. Hence as late as NOVEMBER 22, 2021 the ongoing sanctions were not designed to stop the project and no such measure has been enacted to date. Those sanctions you refer to were minor, not on the NordStream2 pipeline’s operator, and so could not kill the project. The Biden administration came to an agreement with Germany over NS2, whereby Germany undertook to punitively act if Russia used the supply of energy to pressurise Ukraine. It was in mid September 2001 that the NordStream2 project was halted just as it was about to begin supplying energy to Germany ECT ECT and it was the Germans who did that.

    The objection of Russia piping gas to and through Ukraine is they kept stealing some of what was intended for other countries to the west of them. Nordstream 2 bypasses Poland and Ukraine with energy not intended for them so they cannot keep stealing energy and saying it is them collecting transit fees owed to them. Anyway, Biden wanted and still wants to have the NordStream2 project ongoing if somewhat delayed so he can have it to threaten as a way to keep Russia in line. It will be totally cancelled in a few days when Russia invades and conquers most of Ukraine.

    • 回复: @emerging majority
  174. @but an humble craftsman

    Apples and oranges, my dear man…or do you suppose that Russia is still under Bolshevik rule. It’s funny, the twists and turns of history. At one time it was the U$ and the USSR. Today the operative truth is that some of us happen to be living in the U$$A.

  175. @grr

    Your exchange just got me to thinking. Birds can hear. Correct? Birds fear large raptors. True? So why can’t those “windmills” all be equipped with attack sounds coming from those most feared raptors? Seems simplistic, I know, but has it been tried? There must be a medley of sounds which would be capable of “freaking” birds.

  176. @Sean

    “WHEN Russia invades and conquers most of Ukraine”. You appear to believe this is a done-deal—inevitable. Perhaps we should wait and see. My take is that the mercenary (U$ mainly) and Galician fascist elements connected with the Ukraine military would need to massacre thousands of people in that primarily Russian populated area for Russia to feel compelled to strike…And strike they would.

  177. gay troll 说:
    @Flying Dutchman




    • 回复: @Flying Dutchman
  178. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说:

    Maybe you are correct. I guess I have been hoping he would be a Russian-variety truthspeaker like our very own Ron Ronovitch Unsky

  179. @Levtraro


    TheDonbass people have never tried to take over the central government or stated that was their goal. They want simply to free themselves from rule by Kiev.

    That means free themselves from the rule of people in the western ukraine who are often Ukrainian Orthodox Catholic Church adherents and/or ethnically/culturally Polish/slovak/Hungarian, with all the historical grievances and animosities that implies on both sides.

    Many of the people in those far western oblasts typically dislike or even wish to harm eastern Slavs, nonCatholic Orthodox Christians, and drive out the Russian language (even though it’s quite close to their own language). They showed their true colors by supporting the law limiting Russian-language instruction and media, even though Russian is a native language for most “Ukrainians” and they speak it more than Ukrainian at home and in public life.

    This is not a civil war. One side wants to rule the whole territory. The other side wants only to secede on their portion of the territory.

    • 回复: @emerging majority
    , @RobinG
  180. @but an humble craftsman

    You’re only 31 years behind the times. Bolshevik Communists don’t rule the Russian federation.

    (Maybe they’re advising the us regime instead?)

  181. @profnasty

    Correct. F— the US soldiers and their thug friends with badges here at home. Aggressors and bullies for pay.

  182. @RadicalCenter

    The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is a new invention. The Kiev regime felt they needed to cut off all possible allegiances between Ukrainians and Russians and the Russian Orthodox Church was attended by most religious Ukrainians. So this “nationalist” alternative was set up.

    However, that was not true in Galicia and some other far-western areas which had long been under Polish and/or Austro-Hungarian rule by exceedingly Catholic regimes. So many of those westernizing Slavs made up a Uniate Church which combined an essentially Orthodox liturgy along with falling under the broad umbrella control by Rome.

  183. @Levtraro



  184. @gay troll






    帝国媒体突然发起了一场宣传攻势,宣传“流行病压力”如何导致心脏病新一轮激增。 (这讽刺地支持了我们之前的论点,即恐怖主义宣传和封锁本身会比所谓的“新冠”杀死更多的人。)

    我们的论点是,注射导致了 VACS(疫苗获得性心脏病综合症)的流行。你的论点是什么,要反省你从电视里用勺子喂的东西?


    我们的观点是,注射导致了 VAIDS(疫苗获得性免疫缺陷综合症)的真正大流行。你的立场是什么,模仿电视?

    • 回复: @gay troll
  185. @but an humble craftsman

    What you do not seem to grok is the same Jews that murdered millions of
    Ukies, Tatars, Poles and Volga Germans (and pointed the finger at the Russians)
    are now running the USraeli coup regime in Kiew and 再次
    the Russians – the pattern should at long last become familiar.
    I have every sympathy for Ukie and even Polish self-determination,
    but not like .

  186. gay troll 说:
    @Flying Dutchman

    我们的论点是,注射导致了 VACS(疫苗获得性心脏病综合症)的流行。你的论点是什么,要反省你从电视里用勺子喂的东西?

    完全不是,我只是说没有零证据表明 动机 疫苗的背后是 灭绝。也没有理由将人类的具体罪行归咎于撒旦。撒旦是不负责任的。


  187. 任何试图通过援引撒旦力量来论证科学观点的人都是他妈的白痴。





    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  188. RobinG 说:



    • 回复: @Peripatetic Commenter
  189. RobinG 说:

    Recognizing Luhansk and Donetsk at this point seems like a well calculated chess move. The West is screaming that it’s a violation of Minsk, but Ukraine has been violating Minsk for years. (And John Kirby seemed very desperate on TV yesterday, like he’d have an aneurism if we didn’t believe him, lol.)

    • 回复: @Barr
  190. Anon[394]• 免责声明 说:

    The Saudis Salafist will be there


    What’s wrong with Putin ? Why does he engage to Saudi
    UAE Bahrain Qatar Israel Turkey ? He at least should throw the Saudi under the bus .

  191. Barr 说:

    Putin has called west’s bluff . It could be one of the worst experience for Biden just when he was dangling the prospect of a meeting to Putin .

    There is a possibility that the conflicts will be frozen again for years .Using this lull , US would focus inside the Russian politics and economy . It will delay hamper bd might succeed in preventing
    NS 1 and 2 .
    Ukraine will be forced to scream loudly against Russia but the practicality will force it to be accommodative to Russia .
    The cold war with attendant gravy train running to the bank has been sorely missed by the thugs and corporates. Continuity of Cold War is preferable to unpredictable outcomes of hot wars .
    Iraq and Afghanistan don’t provide confidence to the vassals of the USA .

    Main shit show will play out in US politics for domestic purpose .

    This failure might prevent JCOPA . 160 Dogs from GOP have found a tree to bark their throats off .

    Who knows whether USA would take a hair cut or use the salafist wahabis ISIS again ?


    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  192. @RobinG



  193. Atle 说:

    Jesus Christ. The UK hasn’t mattered for shit in like 80 years.

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
  194. Looks like they don`t even need a false Flag operation , North Stream has been stopped .
    As a German it is frustrating to see what Idiots we got as Government .


    • 回复: @Kurt Knispel
  195. @Height_776

    Germany’s remnants are ruled by German haters. (And that goes partly on Russia’s account – with “Russia” I do not mean Russian people per se.)

  196. @Atle

    Behind the scenes, through The City, things are different.

  197. @Barr

    The ‘Unipolar Moment’ is OVER. Russia MUST expel EVERY Western NGO, and keep a close watch on Western ‘Embassies’. Local compradores need to be rounded up, or exposed as traitors. Navalny needs a good, long, sentence for his blatant treason.

  198. @Flying Dutchman


  199. @MeMyselfandI

    But not US import of Russian Oil;
    Sanctions against our gas purchases but not against Jewnighted States oil from Russia (“with love”).

    Should Russia not be consequent and stop the oil flow to the US (500 – 1500 thousand barrels a day!)?


  200. Da's Reich 说:






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