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胡志明的住所将以天堂般的假笑来品尝。 越南是10个东盟国家的虚拟主办国,加上中国,日本,韩国,澳大利亚和新西兰,在37个国家的最后一天签署了区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP)。th 东盟峰会。

RCEP成立八年了,将全球经济的30%和2.2亿人口捆绑在一起。 它是《愤怒的二十世纪》的第一个吉祥地标,首先是(暗杀了伊朗的索莱马尼(Gen. Soleimani)将军),然后是一场全球性的大流行,现在是对狡猾的“大复位”的不祥暗示。

RCEP将东亚封为无可争议的地缘经济主要枢纽。 实际上,亚洲世纪早在1990年代就已经开始兴起。 在那些认出该字词的亚洲人和西方移民中,我于1997年出版了我的书 21世纪:亚洲世纪 (节选 点击此处.)

RCEP可能会迫使西方做一些功课,并且了解这里的主要故事不是RCEP“排除美国”或“由中国设计”。 RCEP是由东盟发起的一项东亚范围协议,自2012年以来在包括日本在内的平等组织之间进行了辩论,而从实际出发,它本身已成为工业化全球北部的一部分。 这是有史以来第一个将亚洲强国中国,日本和韩国联合起来的贸易协议。

到目前为止,很显然,在东亚的广大地区,RCEP的20章将全面降低关税。 简化海关,至少有65%的服务行业完全开放,并增加了外资持股限额; 通过享有共同的原产地规则来巩固供应链; 并编纂新的电子商务法规。

当涉及到棘手的问题时,公司将可以节省开支,并能够出口15国光谱范围内的任何地方,而不必为每个国家的额外单独要求而烦恼。 这就是集成市场的全部意义。


相同的划痕CD将在RCEP如何促进中国的“地缘政治野心”方面发挥不间断的作用。 那不是重点。 关键是,RCEP演变成中国作为几乎每个东亚国家的主要贸易伙伴的角色的自然伴侣。


《环球时报》分析 是正确的:西方并未停止扭曲“一带一路”倡议,而没有承认“他们“毁的倡议实际上在沿“一带一路”倡议的绝大多数国家中如此受欢迎。”


尤其是在整个东南亚,将特别重视“健康丝绸之路”。 战略项目将是优先事项:它们围绕经济走廊,物流区,金融中心,5G网络,主要海港,尤其是与公共卫生相关的短期和中期高科技的网络发展。


下一步可能是建立一个比欧盟还要强大的经济集团,而在中国,日本,韩国和东盟十国共同努力的情况下,这并非遥不可及的可能性。 从地缘政治上讲,除了一系列迫切的财务妥协之外,最大的诱因是巩固诸如“贸易而不是战争”之类的东西。

RCEP标志着奥巴马时代TPP不可挽回的失败,这是国务院梦was以求的“亚洲枢纽”的“贸易中的北约”分支。 特朗普在2017年推翻了TPP。TPP并不是要与中国在亚洲的贸易优势“平衡”:它是对参与其草案的600家跨国公司的所有人免费的。 尤其是日本和马来西亚,从一开始就想到了。

RCEP也不可避免地标志着脱钩谬论的不可挽回的失败,以及所有试图在中国与其东亚贸易伙伴之间楔入的尝试。 所有这些亚洲参与者现在将享有彼此之间的贸易特权。 与非亚洲国家的贸易将是事后的想法。 每个东盟经济体都将把中国放在首位。



然后就是众所周知的印度一团糟。 来自新德里的官方说法是,RCEP将“影响弱势印度人的生计”。 这是廉价和高效中国产品额外入侵的代码。

从一开始,印度就是RCEP谈判的一部分。 退出-“有条件我们以后再加入”-再次成为刺伤自己背后的一个壮观案例。 事实是,Modi-ism背后的Hindutva狂热分子押注于错误的一匹马:美国培育的Quad合作伙伴关系加上Indo-Pacific战略,这明确表明是对中国的遏制,因此妨碍了更紧密的贸易联系。


俄罗斯将做一个非常有趣的地缘经济后续行动。 目前,莫斯科的当务之急是与西西弗(Sisyphean)进行斗争:处理与俄罗斯最大的进口伙伴德国的动荡关系。

但是,这就是俄中战略伙伴关系,应该在经济上加强这种伙伴关系。 莫斯科的“大欧亚大陆”概念涉及东西方的更广泛参与,包括欧亚经济联盟(EAEU)的扩张,例如,该联盟与越南等东盟国家建立了自由贸易协定。

上海合作组织(SCO)不是一个地缘经济学机制。 但是,看到习近平主席在联合国大会上的主旨演讲中所说的话很有趣。 上海合作组织国家元首理事会 上个星期。

这是习近平的关键语录:“我们必须坚定支持有关国家依法顺利推进国内重大政治议程; 维护政治安全和社会稳定,坚决反对以任何借口干涉会员国内政。”


显然,这与RCEP无关。 但是有很多交叉点。 不干涉“外力”。 北京考虑到了上海合作组织成员的Covid-19疫苗需求,这可以扩展到RCEP。 上合组织以及RCEP是成员国调解争端的多边平台。

以上所有这些都说明了BRI,EAEU,SCO,RCEP,BRICS +和AIIB的相互交叉性,这意味着亚洲(以及欧亚大陆)在地缘经济和地缘政治上的一体化程度越来越高。 反乌托邦犬的狗吠时,亚洲人和欧亚人的商队不断前进。

(从重新发布 亚洲时报 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 经济学 •标签: 中国, 自由贸易, 新丝路 
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  1. RoatanBill 说:



  2. GeeBee 说:

    A very informative article. But ‘Beijing taking into consideration the Covid-19 vaccine needs of SCO members’? They, surely, are above the largely Western ‘Great Reset’ being ushered in via the Trojan horse of the fake Covid plandemic’…

    • 回复: @SteveK9
  3. 主要问题是美国和西欧认为为其他人制定标准是他们的神圣权利。那是过时的想法。无论如何,这对亚洲来说是件好事,事情可以简单化。愚蠢的西方媒体将这归咎于特朗普。希拉里和伯尼也反对TPP。事实上,这一谈判已经进行了 8 年——这意味着在特朗普退出 TPP 之前。可悲的是,大众都是愚蠢的,因为没有佩佩·埃斯科巴给他们真正的分析。

    至于金砖国家、欧亚经济联盟和上合组织。他们都关注的一件事——RCEP 不关注的——是以当地货币而不是美元进行交易。拜登肯定也会对此感到不安。他会做什么……?这会很有趣。但对世界其他地方发号施令的日子正在迅速结束

  4. Anonymous[137]• 免责声明 说:

    If somehow China can get Russia on board with a *真的* free trade arrangement, then this would set the seal on Chinese economic global invincibility – and would also be a mighty good force for Russia, in finally ridding those nasty evil bullies in the USA and EU off its back.


    • 同意: GomezAdddams
  5. Anonymous[350]• 免责声明 说:


    • 不同意: Jack Bray
  6. SteveK9 说:

    There is no need for a Covid vaccine by … anybody. Any vaccine will be no more effective than flu vaccines … that is to say, not at all. Constantly mutating viruses are ‘handled’ by human immune systems. What can and should be done, is to work on identifying means to boost immune systems (Vitamin D, etc.) and treatments (HCQ, etc.).

  7. SteveK9 说:

    We had a plan, and I’d like to go back to it … a plan written by David Hume, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, etc. Whatever China does for itself is fine by me.

    • 哈哈: Rufus Clyde, frontier
    • 回复: @Rdm
  8. 深层政府的全球战略家想要破坏几乎完工、耗资 11 亿美元通往德国的北溪 2 号管道,作为保持美国在 21 世纪影响力的更大石油战略的一部分。




    • 同意: Jack Bray
    • 回复: @xcd
  9. @RoatanBill

    Yeah Japan was neutered in the 1980’s but the US can’t do the same to China. So now they are hoping to use India tp try to stop Asian rise and/or dominance. India is silly enough to think thwy wouldd be treated as equals if the plan works. Delusion. The world is returning to a multi polar system – India is at risk of falling betwen the poles.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @xcd
  10. barr 说:

    India eventually did not join .It s not clear why . Economically under developed countries and economically powerful fully developed countries have joined . Economic argument for not joining doesn’t make sense

    Pakistan grew up thinking it is part of Islamic world and thinking it is militarily powerful whose help would always been sought by Arab dynastic despot . It has not progressed psychologically economically socially or politically . It at least should have made an attempt to join

    In many ways Pakistan is more like USA but only in the realms of dishonesty corruption and presumptuous importance .

    • 回复: @antibeast
  11. RoatanBill 说:

    Maybe Kamala Harris got the nod because she’s of Indian heritage and the deep state figures she can use that ethnicity to further their plans for using India as a proxy to get damaged. If Biden / Harris ends up as the new team, time will tell if she starts courting India herself as the tip of the spear for TPTsB.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
    , @Thomasina
  12. RoatanBill 说:
    @Philip Owen

    I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Your comment offers no detail.

    The EU is a dead man walking. It will crash and dissolve in the next few years. One more major financial situation and it’s toast.

    • 回复: @JasonT
    , @Philip Owen
  13. JasonT 说:



    • 哈哈: Jack Bray
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  14. RoatanBill 说:


    The weaker states will be set upon to carve up their resources. I’d hate to be Greek when that happens.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Jim Christian
  15. 中国滥用“一带一路”倡议的潜力巨大,就像第二世界银行或国际货币基金组织一样,它们都利用经济恐怖主义的目的是向主权国家提供无力偿还的外债,然后要求主权国家的公共资产被偿还。交还贷款。 中国已经采取行动,在亚马逊地区夺取了巴西的金矿以偿还债务。 中国人实际上是很残酷的,实际上是极端种族主义的。 在伊朗,强奸和盗窃行为已经开始。 伊朗拥有建立管道,港口和水过滤系统的技术,资源和材料。 在伊朗屈服之前,中国拒绝与伊朗进行贸易,并同意与中国签署为期25年的协议,向中国提供价值25年的石油。 这是寄生主义。 无论来自美国,国际货币基金组织,世界银行或中国,它都是错误的。
    伊朗公民对此并不认同。 这可能是伊朗政府终结的开始。 很难相信有44名伊朗议员死于共产主义。 我认为,蒂尼被暗杀了,因为他不想与中国签署为期25年的协议。 这些事件是同时发生的,这在任何给定人口中所占的百分比太高,以致无法死于共病而难以置信。 奥地利人现在正在一个偏远地区管理水,这也是伊朗人数千年来一直以专业知识和效率来做的事情。 在这些交易中,穆拉人正在穆拉交出拳头。

    安德里亚·拉瓦尼(Andrea Iravani)

    • 巨魔: d dan, Godfree Roberts
    • 回复: @Showmethereal
    , @Badger Down
    , @xcd
  16. antibeast 说:


    The US Deep State is hostile to pan-European unity and has been actively subverting Europe by expanding NATO, dismembering Yugoslavia, destabilizing Ukraine, promoting Russiaphobia and encouraging Islamicization in Europe. Remember that the Euro is the only international reserve currency at this moment that rivals the USD which makes the EU the geo-economic rival of the USA Empire. That’s why the US Deep State abandoned the Iran Nuclear Deal which would have allowed the Europeans to buy Iranian oil in Euros, bypassing Arab oil which is priced in Petrodollars maintained by the House of Saud. The US Deep State also sabotaged the Nord Stream II pipeline to Germany in order to deprive Europe of reliable natural gas supply from Russia.

    The weaker states will be set upon to carve up their resources. I’d hate to be Greek when that happens.

    That’s been happening for quite some time already with Eastern Europe being carved up by the US Deep State for political destabilization, economic exploitation and social disintegration following the Fall of the Soviet Union.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  17. antibeast 说:

    India eventually did not join .It s not clear why . Economically under developed countries and economically powerful fully developed countries have joined . Economic argument for not joining doesn’t make sense.

    India withdrew from the RCEP because of pressure from Indian Elites who want to protect their economic interests from foreign competition, especially from China. But almost all other signatories such as Japan, Australia as well as ASEAN countries implored India to join, precisely to counter-balance China, going out of their way to offer terms which would have been favorable to India but to no avail. In the end, the Indian Elites won the day using the so-called “China Threat” as their favorite bogeyman, to deflect from their own complicity in keeping India out of the largest trade deal in world history.

    Here’s a video explaining why RCEP is important:

    Note the Vietnamese delegate proposed to keep RCEP open for India to join in the future. If an ASEAN country like Vietnam — which is no friend of China — thinks the RCEP is beneficial to its national interest, then why didn’t India — a nuclear-armed power more than ten times larger than Vietnam — join the RCEP which would have benefitted its massive population? To paraphrase your last post:

    Indian Elites grew up thinking they were part of the Western world and thinking India is militarily powerful whose help would always be sought by Western Elites. It has not progressed psychologically economically socially or politically . It at least should have made an attempt to join. In many ways India is more like USA but only in the realms of dishonesty corruption and presumptuous importance .

    • 回复: @xcd
    , @Malla
  18. @RoatanBill

    Exactly. Hopefully China’s leaders will be able to stave-off the ‘beggar thy neighbour’-capitalism we’re seeing in the west.

    I do wonder what the third-world is thinking as they watch the clash between western and Chinese civilisation. I’m guessing there are plenty in Africa sitting back and wondering if the Chinese model is more suited to them than the tried-and-failed western model. China’s ability to raise a billion people out of poverty inside a couple of generations must be very enticing.

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @Showmethereal
  19. @RoatanBill

    Roat,好好收拾一切。 多数同意。 当您远程查看时,欧元呢? 它必须走,不是吗? 当欧盟去世时,我认为所有欧盟国家都恢复了原来的货币(英镑,法郎等)。 合理吗?
    Then, what’s the payment system for Russia to get paid for Germany’s take from NordstreamII? Probably
    德国将是堕落的欧盟国家之类,弗拉德将在信仰上留下印记,不是吗? 如果美国能够停止NStream,那将是犯规的。 以各种方式。

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @Eugene Norman
  20. Rahan 说:

    The fact is the Hindutva fanatics behind Modi-ism bet on the wrong horse: the US-fostered Quad partnership cum Indo-Pacific strategy, which spells out as containment of China and thus preclude closer trade ties.
    No “Make in India” will compensate for the geoeconomic, and diplomatic, blunder – which crucially implies India distancing itself from the Asean 10.

    Now, now, that’s not quite fair. India would end up becoming completely dependent on China–its regional rival. In this sense yes it’s better to lose out, but not become the “catamite” in the trade relationship.

    India has options. It doesn’t have to develop world-class weaponry–it gets the newest stuff from Russia and the West instead. It doesn’t have to develop world-class tech–it gets it from Japan and the USA instead. Also, geopolitically, it’s turning into the biomass generator for the Anglosphere, building upon old imperial connections and a common language.

    Back in the days of the British Empire, you’d get Hindus acting as the middle layer between the Brit overlords and the conquered populace. In Egypt and in Kenya you’d have the Indian managerial strata acting as an imported bureaucracy for the Brits.

    Today this relationship is being reinvented. Anglospherical companies can duplicate China’s population pluses, by doing their big data and cashless economy and pharmaceutical research in India, and also import the lower-managerial and shopkeeper class from there into their own societies.

    India is accepting the role which the West thought first Russia and then China would accept within the framework of Western hegemony. This is in fact the ONLY way forward to India, keeping in mind the state of its human capital. India is lucky that Russia and China turned down this role and India thus get it now. No joke. India will benefit immensely. Already is, but that’s just the start.

    And just like the astoundingly smart Western analytics couldn’t foresee how trying to use China as a cheap biomass pool can be in turn used by China’s elites to finance its turning into a separate power center, so they do not foresee now, how using India as a cheap biomass pool will allow India to gradually become a major competing power center within the, let’s call it “neo-Anglosphere” or “post-Anglosphere”.

    Now that the Chinese are gradually turning into “badasians” who deal with “badwhites” like Russia and Hungary, the “goodwhites” of the Anglosphere are going to increasingly deal with “goodasians” such as Indians, Hong-Kongers, and the Taiwanese. But the supply of the latter is limited, while the supply of the former is unlimited.

    India is on its way to become a new power center by making use of its strategic profitability to the Anglosphere. India is now officially a “goodasian” giant, probably will increasingly eclipse the former “goodasians” such as Japan, and if it plays its cards well, it will have anything it wants handed to it on a platter by the US, the UK, and Canada. And Japan.

    It doesn’t need RCEP when it has the Anglosphere and the Japs. Having the Anglosphere and the Japs taking care of your needs is the best deal in the world, if you yourself do not have obvious global ambitions.

    India also doesn’t need to try and transcend its human capital limitations, because the US and Japan will keep feeding it supertech just to keep China on its toes. It doesn’t need its own satellite grid, it doesn’t need its own Internet giants, it doesn’t need its own microchip industry, it doesn’t need its own futuristic weapon developments.

    It will get all of this from others, and in return all it has to do is not be friends with China.
    I think this is a deal India will accept gladly.

    And, being an ancient Asian civilization just like China, it also knows how to subvert and assimilate stronger barbarian invaders. By 2050 the neo-Anglosphere will be very, very Indian.

  21. RoatanBill 说:


    I keep wondering why the Europeans put up with this. If I were Merkel, I’d tell the US to pound sand and while you’re at it get the hell out of Germany; close every US military installation and the US Embassy.

    The Europeans in NATO is another thing I don’t understand. NATO leaders would wet themselves if Russia just farted in their direction. The Europeans function as though they’ve all been neutered. There’s no stomach for another war on the continent, so why pretend to have a fighting force that isn’t really a fighting force? NATO is a welfare program for military wannabe types that get weekly manicures and have their hair coiffed.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Curmudgeon
  22. RoatanBill 说:
    @Marshal Marlow

    If you hadn’t mentioned Africa specifically, I’d agree with you. Africa is one corrupt regime after the next. No leader I’m aware of has anything but me, me, me on his mind. They like the status quo. Spending money for projects that benefit the people reduced the take for themselves. Muammar Gaddafi was the only leader that at least appeared to want to do the right thing. I read his Green Book and found it reasonable.

    Other more civilized countries should be looking at China and how they operate to see if the Chinese model can be applied to their situation. I don’t doubt that China has learned from the Economic hitmen the west has used for decades. All their infrastructure projects have lots of strings attached that ultimately benefit China or specific oligarchs.

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
  23. RoatanBill 说:
    @Jim Christian

    The Euro is on life support now, as is the Dollar. Its fate is tied directly to the EU. When the EU dies, the Euro becomes worthless.

    Each country will definitely dig up their own currencies. That’s a shame, really; they should introduce money instead. I’m waiting for one country, even a small one to make gold and silver their money and avoid the fiat currency trap the bankers always want and politicians crave because it allow them to purchase votes by spending artificial money that’s really debt.

    When all else fails as money, commodities are traded. The most sought after commodity for payment has been gold for millennia with silver a close second.

    The Chinese are dumping dollars and hoarding industrial raw materials right now. Russia could trade Germany’s machine tools and other products for the energy that Russia supplies. Countries can afford to barter to some extent in the short term, but quickly some form of monetary exchange has to happen. That’s got to be gold and silver in my estimation. All the crypto noise is bullshit. It’s a speculators bet and nothing more.

    • 同意: Joe Levantine
    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  24. Anonymous[107]• 免责声明 说:


    The concomitant is of *大量的* subcon immigration into the USA – and western Europe – of the type which makes the Mexican influx into the USA from the 1970s to present look like the proverbial vicarage tea party. Mark my words.
    In fact, the Indian government is quite up front and honest about promoting this mass emigration into whitey policy – they use it as a condition of trade deals. They are betting heavily on it for two reasons, firstly in order to relieve the desperate population pressure in India, and secondly as a source of remittances. The Indians know full well they can never replicate the Chinese economic and industrial miracle, so their game is of an entirely different character.

    Of course the big fat dumb gullible Economist whipped fools who run the west are happy to be played by the Indians. And when did they *曾经* give a shit about indigenous whites?

    • 同意: Rahan, HeebHunter
    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
  25. antibeast 说:

    I keep wondering why the Europeans put up with this. If I were Merkel, I’d tell the US to pound sand and while you’re at it get the hell out of Germany; close every US military installation and the US Embassy.

    Because Europeans are sheeple while Merkel is the head of the German sheeple, under US military occupation since 1946.

    The Europeans in NATO is another thing I don’t understand. NATO leaders would wet themselves if Russia just farted in their direction. The Europeans function as though they’ve all been neutered. There’s no stomach for another war on the continent, so why pretend to have a fighting force that isn’t really a fighting force? NATO is a welfare program for military wannabe types that get weekly manicures and have their hair coiffed.

    The goal of NATO is to keep Germany down, Russia out and the USA inside Europe. Europeans may not realize this salient fact yet but they will once the US Deep State moves in to subvert the EU. Like the boy who cried ‘wolf’ too often, they will realize that the ‘wolf’ ain’t Russia but the USA.

  26. @RoatanBill

    Predictions of the EUs immediate failure have been made since it started to form in 1956. Hence the 70 years. In reality it has become stronger and stronger. The UK was the most disruptive element now it’s gone.

    The spice route was the maritime route that European traders used to reach East Asia. It worked a lot better than the Silk Road. RECEP is a welcome development and will result in great things but the EU has UK on one side and the EaEU on the other both effectively EU clones. Gravity matters.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  27. Smith 说:

    It is bad to compare RCEP with TPP.

    TPP is much more strict and it is clearly a way for America to dominate Japan and ASEAN’s industries.

    RCEP is started by ASEAN and led by ASEAN and then invites the other key players in the region.

    Alas, it is bad that Taiwan and India cannot join.

  28. Avianthro 说:





    RCEP实际上不是一个中国新殖民帝国,而是一个在TPP下将一直存在-继续存在的美国新殖民帝国吗? 帝国不是帝国吗? 中国帝国会证明比美国及其之前的其他国家(包括古代中国)更好,更人道吗?


  29. Rahan 说:

    Isn’t the RCEP in effect going to be a Chinese neocolonial empire rather than the US neocolonial empire that would have existed-continued to exist under the TPP? Isn’t an empire an empire?

    This depends on whether China will continue to act like trad imperial China or like Western colonial empires.

    The trad China empire, border disputes aside, ignored the rest of the world utterly in the military sense. It did not aggressively take over societies on all continents, and did not go to war or engineer coups in order to get new markets. I.e. the complete opposite of the empires of Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain; as well as the attempts of Italy, Japan, and Germany; and then later the US.

    Russia is also closer to China, being a typical land empire as opposed to a sea empire, but unlike Russia it didn’t have a messianic component. Or rather, it did, but it wasn’t expansive. The healing heavenly Emperor does not take over other countries in order to heal them, but welcomes all who come with respect to heal them as they kneel before him, stuff along those lines.

    Trad Western version–we come to you and take you over and force you to be part of our system
    Trad Chinese version–you come to us and beg to be part of our system.

    At its height the original Silk Road provided revenue (“a cut”) for every king and chieftain from China to Italy. The olden Viking-ran Kiev Rus kingdoms were to a large extent “Silk Road distribution institutions” dealing with the product flow that got filtered through Byzantium.

    However, in a world ran by western whites and jews, Russia and China had to learn some tough and cruel lessons in order to survive. So let’s see how this China 3.0 will function internationally.

    I’ll make this prediction: the main mechanism will not be to suck dry the neighbors and impoverish them, in order to make Chinese oligarchs super rich. Countries WILL get ensnared by various contracts, but their overall prosperity will in fact increase, or at least not decrease. The poorest ones will get infrastructure bonuses as well.

    During the latter decades of Cold War 1.0 two divergent economic developments began on both sides.
    In the USA, the GDP started increasingly being made up of “air”, as in “the Wall Street sector” plus various services.
    In the USSR, the GDP was at first glance generated by solid manufacturing, but at second glance it was “dead manufacturing”, in the sense of factories fulfilling state productivity plans by producing tons of pig iron and concrete blocks and faulty tractors, which then all went into warehouses to rot forever.

    Both the US and the SU economies were gradually hollowed out and stopped real development after the 1970s (the US decline masked by spiraling debt until 2008), but for opposite reasons–the US economy became “too Jewish” (based on promises of future riches and debt circulation), while the SU economy became “too Slavic” (based on finding the easiest ways to get your bosses off your back).

    If modern China continues managing to not fall into the “American trap” of the Wall Street sector becoming a parasite that takes over the nervous system of the nation, or “the Soviet trap” of starting to produce crap no one wants just for the sake of writing glowing reports upstairs, then things should work out. All things being equal. As in the CIA not spreading germ warfare or arming insurgents hehe.

    The Soviet trap could only work because the state covered the lack of proper profits through selling oil and gas to the imperialists. China does not have this option, so it can only regress to overproducing crap, if it somehow forces vassals to only buy stuff from it and no one else.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @showmethereal
  30. Bob Gwen 说:



    • 同意: GomezAdddams
  31. Anonymous[315]• 免责声明 说:
    @Philip Owen

    If you call the 30+ years of EU economic stagnation – if not actual economic collapse in southern Europe – whilst the rest of the world is *surging* ahead with the fastest growth increment ever seen in economic history, a ‘success’.

    Note how EU economic stagnation more or less coincides with the introduction and implementation of the Euro currency and ‘European Monetary Union’.

    So fucking obvious. But not to the blind who cannot see.

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  32. Anonymous[315]• 免责声明 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Funny how the exact same wankers – The Economist magazine, the Labour Party etc – who used to go on and on and on about ‘globalisation’ are now repeating like demented parrots ‘gravity!’, the polar opposite of globalisation.

  33. antibeast 说:

    I’ll make this prediction: the main mechanism will not be to suck dry the neighbors and impoverish them, in order to make Chinese oligarchs super rich. Countries WILL get ensnared by various contracts, but their overall prosperity will in fact increase, or at least not decrease. The poorest ones will get infrastructure bonuses as well.

    Agree. The empirical evidence so far proves that China’s foreign investment in developing countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America has benefitted the host countries rather than ensnaring them in debt traps, as commonly asserted by the Western media. The principal reason is that the biggest Chinese investor in these foreign ventures is in fact the Chinese State which tends to invest in infrastructure projects as well as heavy industries.

    The Soviet trap could only work because the state covered the lack of proper profits through selling oil and gas to the imperialists. China does not have this option, so it can only regress to overproducing crap, if it somehow forces vassals to only buy stuff from it and no one else.

    Disagree. The Soviet model failed for lots of reasons, one of which is the absence of a competitive market economy which ensures the efficient allocation of investment capital and industrial capacity to supply the demand of consumer and industrial markets. The fact that the Soviet Union was self-sufficient in oil & gas meant that they could just ignore Western markets altogether by producing their own consumer goods, industrial commodities and tech products to serve their internal market. But they failed precisely because the Soviet planned-economic system was too inefficient to produce those goods.

    This is not case in China which has arguably the best infrastructure as well as the most-efficient technocratic-run industrialized economy in the world. What it lacks are the natural resources such as oil & gas which its industrialized economy depends upon. But that’s changing as China shifts to alternative energy industries including nuclear, solar, wind, biomass, etc. as well as electric-driven transportation systems such as high-speed rail, maglev, electric vehicles, etc.

    There is also a misconception about China’s economic growth being driven by exports to foreign markets. As China becomes wealthier and more developed, its domestic market will drive its economic growth, most of which will be served by its domestic industries. The RCEP is a two-way street allowing ASEAN countries to export their goods to China which is keen to open its vast domestic market as a way to reduce its trade surpluses with ASEAN countries. China increasing imports from ASEAN would then drive economic growth in ASEAN which would increase business opportunities for Chinese traders and investors.

    What most Westerners don’t realize is that RCEP countries have a combined population of some 2.2B people (China’s 1.4B + ASEAN’s .6b + Japan/SK/Aus/NZ’s .2B). That market — led by China — will become the biggest in the world as more countries in North Asia, Central Asia, South Asia and West Asia join the RCEP in the decades to come. By way of comparison, the EU has a combined population of 448M which is one-fifth of RCEP.

    • 回复: @Rahan
    , @Rahan
  34. Rahan 说:

    There is also a misconception about China’s economic growth being driven by exports to foreign markets. As China becomes wealthier and more developed, its domestic market will drive its economic growth, most of which will be served by its domestic industries.

    Thanks for this reminder.
    China – Exports Of Goods And Services (% Of GDP)
    They really learned their lesson after the 2008 crash.
    Or, rather, it forced them to hasten their plans, more likely.

  35. Rahan 说:

    What most Westerners don’t realize is that …

    That’s an endless topic.
    They don’t realize, for example, that today India, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, and Turkey, have the levels of motor vehicle production of South Korea in the 1990s or China in the 2000s.

    Or that Brazil is in the top 5 aircraft exporters.

    Westerners today, at least those older than zoomers, still tend to be stuck in a “perpetual 1990s” view of the world, and when this view is challenged by reality, for example when it turns out that Russia or China are no longer in the 1990s, these westerners go into total menopausal hysterics, they lose their shit completely.

    You tell them that in today’s Russia, for example, you can get one of those houses built for you from scratch for $4000

    Or that Russians absolutely can own local-made hunting rifles like this https://www.huntworld.ru/catalog/okhota_i_sportivnaya_strelba/okhotniche_oruzhie/nareznye_karabiny/filter/brend-is-kontsern_kalashnikov/model-is-%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%B3%D0%B0/

    Or that Russian-made cars today look like this https://www.allcarz.ru/novinki-avto-russia/

    And the poor wretches first go into denial, and then either explode into aggression, or start doing even more antidepressants. Same with fact about China in 2020 (as opposed to China in 1990) and so on down the line all the way to modern Thailand and Turkey being serious industrial producers and exporters almost on par with Russia.

    If you tell them Nigeria has film and TV industry (“nollywood”) that covers a billion customers, they’ll foam at the mouth while rolling their eyes and shaking.

    If you tell them overall quality of life in Pasadena and comparable cities in Romania or Croatia are the same now, they’ll get a stroke.

    All this economic info is, of course, from before the Global Great Reset currently being rushed through by Our Betters, but still…

    • 同意: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @antibeast
  36. @RoatanBill

    That is indeed a real possibility. As has been noted on Unz – she did terribly in the primaries – so there is some “reason” that she was chosen as VP.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  37. @No Friend Of The Devil

    Where do you get your info? I will only touch on Iran. Persians and Chinese have been cordial for a couple thousand years. Below is a documentary that is much more realistic about current and historical relations between Iran and China. There is very little fear of China in Iran. In fact – like the Pakistanis – the average Iranian very much appreciates that the Chinese didnt capitulate to the west and turn their back on them.

    • 回复: @anon
  38. antibeast 说:

    Westerners today, at least those older than zoomers, still tend to be stuck in a “perpetual 1990s” view of the world, and when this view is challenged by reality, for example when it turns out that Russia or China are no longer in the 1990s, these westerners go into total menopausal hysterics, they lose their shit completely.

    It’s worse than that. Westerners think Asians are just peasants still living in the pre-modern age, a racist worldview shaped by five centuries of Western colonialism. Here’s a video showing the high-speed rail projects being built by China in Thailand:

    To be sure, there will still be peasants living in rural villages in Thailand but they’ll be the first in ASEAN to have high-speed rail, courtesy of China.

    And the poor wretches first go into denial, and then either explode into aggression, or start doing even more antidepressants. Same with fact about China in 2020 (as opposed to China in 1990) and so on down the line all the way to modern Thailand and Turkey being serious industrial producers and exporters almost on par with Russia.

    Just like Trump, they go into denial, then anger and then finally explode into existential angst.

    If you tell them Nigeria has film and TV industry (“nollywood”) that covers a billion customers, they’ll foam at the mouth while rolling their eyes and shaking.

    This video shows the LRT project completed by China in Abuja, Nigeria, the first in West Africa:

    Note the commentator saying that people all over the world would not have imagined that such things exist in Africa. Nor would Westerners ever imagine that Nigeria now has the biggest economy in all of Africa:

    If you tell them overall quality of life in Pasadena and comparable cities in Romania or Croatia are the same now, they’ll get a stroke.

    Western conceit is typified by their pride in their ‘GDP’ which is mostly an illusory measure of wealth made possible by piles of debt. For a true ‘quality of life’ comparison, here’s a video by an American living in Kiev, Ukraine:

    Lastly, here’s a video on why Indians are now looking at their own country for their high-tech future:

    Note the scene at 10:35 when the commentator asked Indians who had studied or worked in the USA why they came back to India to found their own high-tech startup. Their answer: Trump.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @DavidinJapan
  39. Anonymous[350]• 免责声明 说:

    是的。 是的。 是的。

    But I only wish Nigerians would stay in Nigeria, and not try to take over the UK.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  40. antibeast 说:

    But I only wish Nigerians would stay in Nigeria, and not try to take over the UK.

    What’s wrong with Africans living and working in the West? I am sure they still love Africa and will return once they have earned enough money to move back to Africa unlike the overstaying Europeans in South Africa, Namibia, etc.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @JackTheRipperr
  41. Anonymous[350]• 免责声明 说:


    They would rather die – which they have done in many cases – than live amongst their own kind.

    The main problem is that Nigerians replicate Lagos, in terms of crime, corruption and nastiness, wherever they go.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  42. @Anonymous

    It was 7 years and down to the high price of oil.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  43. antibeast 说:

    The main problem is that Nigerians replicate Lagos, in terms of crime, corruption and nastiness, wherever they go.

    Nigerians don’t even make it to the top 10 countries of origin in the UK which granted independence to Nigeria only in 1960. The top migrants to the UK are from Europe (34%) , followed by South Asia, as shown in the graph below:

    The fact that BREXIT was largely driven by British opposition to European migrants from within the EU confirms this demographic reality in the UK. Besides, there are far more UK migrants living outside of the EU (75%) than within the EU (25%) with British nationals making it to the top tenth country with the most migrants in the world, as shown in the graph below:

    I am pretty sure there are more British nationals living in Africa than there are Nigerians living in the UK, most of whom will probably move back to Nigeria after they’ve earned enough money to start their own businesses in Africa. I doubt those British squatters in Africa are going to move back to the UK.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  44. Rahan 说:

    Their answer: Trump.

    Still, clown or not, Trump is the US champion of grass roots “people’s democracy” as opposed to the alleged “technocratic managerial elite”, which is in fact a network of incompetent corporate and special interest mafias.
    Unconstrained by either a paternalistic centralized tsar, or a people’s democracy, this scum becomes an agent of entropy and chaos.
    If this scum wins in the US, it wins in the whole world.

  45. Anonymous[285]• 免责声明 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Waiting for EU economic growth is like waiting for Godot.

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  46. Anonymous[285]• 免责声明 说:

    Look, mate.

    I doubt if you have ever set foot in the UK, let alone ever lived there.

    I’ve lived in the UK all my life.

    Unlike you, I actually *知道* 我在说什么。

  47. @Marshal Marlow

    Indeed many African economists are doing just that. It is making the west even more nervous.. Many are looking and saying “following the western way hasnt made us rich”…

    • 回复: @Eugene Norman
  48. @Rahan

    IF and that is a big IF India were to ever get its house in order and exploit that “opportunity” as you see it – then it would face the same problem that Japan did in the 70’s and 80’s. India by its size would have too much of a say because its eco omy would be too big because of its sheer size. So even though it is not as smart (talent wise) as Japan – it would still be big. And like Japan it would be expected to fall on its sword. Would the Indian elites be happy with that..??
    My guess would be no. In any event – none of India’s immediate neighbors want it to be too strong. Nepal – Bangladesh – Myanmar – Sri Lanka – Maldives dont really trust India and are growing links with China. (Bhutan would like to but is constrained). So it wouldnt be smooth sailing… But hardly anything ever really is…
    The growth isnt really in the Anglosphere going forward… Its Asia.

  49. @RoatanBill

    Russia since the Crimea sanctions dumped US Treasuries and has bought tons of gold. And since Trump – as one analyst put it – China is buying up more gold publicly and privately than the amou t that has been mined in recent years.
    As to crytpo – all non US allies are actually moving i to crypto on a govermmenr level. Yes there is a lot of street hype and a lot more research needs to be done – but i expect crypto on a legal level will function with the precious metals market to a degree. Its way too early to tell – but it seems thats the direction its going. Though not crypto based – Ghaddafi wanted to do that for all of Africa. But Libya was not powerful enough to do that – which is really what got him killed. With Russia and China working together it is much more likely to happen in some form.

  50. @Avianthro

    Actually – it was the weakest countries ASEAN (though per capita India is weaker) who were the lynchpin of RCEP… RCEP isn’t like TPP. RCEP doesn’t try to force changes to local labor and environmental laws. It is more about ease of doing business (customs clearance – lower tariffs – etc.)

  51. @Rahan

    “If modern China continues managing to not fall into the “American trap” of the Wall Street sector becoming a parasite that takes over the nervous system of the nation”

    Ant Financial – none other than superstar Jack Ma’s company was about to have the largest IPO in history… The government pulled the plug at the last minute precisely for that reason… To remind the market of who was in charge.

    Yours is very good analysis overall…

  52. @Anonymous

    Business Week used to prattle that from the 1970’s onwards, yet the EU is here bigger and riched than ever. The EU tends to grow when the US is stagnant and vice versa. The US media does not comment on foreigners who are doing relatively better than it, at least not more than one at a time.

    • 回复: @frontier
    , @Meena
  53. RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s


    East Asia is not breeding. Maybe it needs Islam.

    到目前为止,很显然,在东亚的广大地区,RCEP的20章将全面降低关税。 简化海关,至少有65%的服务行业完全开放,并增加了外资持股限额; 通过享有共同的原产地规则来巩固供应链; 并编纂新的电子商务法规。


    More globalist assault on nationalism. An AU or Asian Union. Bad idear.

  54. frontier 说:

    If somehow China can get Russia on board with a *真的* free trade arrangement

    There’s no such thing as “free trade”, no matter how many acronyms swear by it – BRI, EAEU, SCO, RCEP, BRICS, AIIB, on and on… one more or less – what difference does it make? The Russians know it, they are simply playing along, going through the motions, nothing more. At the end of the day… consumer protection kicks in, safety issues are found, pipelines burst, etc, etc. It’s a silly game which won’t be played for much longer… “free trade” is on its way out, regardless of hype… it’s over, the official funeral isn’t far off.

  55. anonymous[321]• 免责声明 说:

    You are right to fear India, you godless yellow demon. India will rise and punish the godless Chinese, who are the enemies of God, religion, and spirituality on earth. It is India where spirituality thrives and God dwells. Not godless China – a country filled with soulless, shallow people obsessed with money, power, and status. The Chinese have done everything to harass and intimidate India, encircling them, arming Pakistani terrorists, trying to acquire ports in Sri Lanka, and now even using microwave weapons. China’s greed and arrogance will be its destruction as usual.

    • 哈哈: Erebus, HeebHunter
    • 巨魔: showmethereal
  56. frontier 说:
    @Philip Owen

    EU growth is an oxymoron. EU has become a wholly political organization, at the expense of economics. This is from the most powerful and confused country in EU:

    German Police Bust Door, Pointing Firearms At Doctor’s Head, For Live Streaming About COVID:


    • 回复: @Biff
  57. Anonymous[324]• 免责声明 说:

    The reverse sounds more true, China and Russia’s only vision seems to be the fall of “the West”. That’s what Russia in particular seems to be motivated by and they’re desperately trying to ally themselves with China in order to achieve it.

    不幸的是,对于俄罗斯来说,这种感觉与中国并不相互。他们将俄罗斯人视为异族 地区,他们最终可能会入侵并占领西伯利亚。

    • 哈哈: RoatanBill
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  58. Anonymous[324]• 免责声明 说:

    Most whites in South Africa are of Dutch descent, and in Namibia of German descent, so you going on about there being more British people in Africa than Nigerians in the UK is laughable nonsense and shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  59. xyzxy 说:

    The West has no comprehensive plan? Not so. The West has the Globo Homo Plan, backed by the Color Revolution Plan. And don’t forget the Make the World Safe for Democracy Plan. Plus the ever popular We Must Oppose The Next Hitler ™ Plan. LOL

  60. @Showmethereal

    RCEP 特别鼓励以当地货币和特别提款权进行交易。

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  61. RoatanBill 说:

    Those dastardly Russians have all those military bases surrounding the US. They are part of NATO which is inherently part of Russian foreign policy with even more bases and weapons systems pointed at the US.

    The Russians are sanctioning their allies to not ship fuel to the US. The Russians voided arms treaties with the US.

    Is that really how you see the world – ass backwards?

    • 谢谢: HeebHunter
  62. Biff 说:

    EU has become a wholly political organization, at the expense of economics.

    The EU is mostly financial institutions comprising of the IMF and World Bank, and most transactions are denominated in U.S. dollars and flow through Wall Street. NATO is its enforcement/security arm led by the U.S. military, and if Ghaddaffi were alive today he would tell you that they are all quite violent and deadly.

    • 同意: frontier
    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  63. Oh America, for the first time in our short and sorted history we find ourselves running headlong into a tornado..

  64. john weber 说:

    如果您说的是真的,那么在2001年WTO签署之后,美国本应主导和削弱中国经济。相反,两国都繁荣了。 唯一的区别是,中国能够在国内重新分配财富,而美国则允许大公司用钱经营,没有人分享。

  65. Z-man 说:

    Ah, the world of 1950, when the Anglo Saxon Norman empire was at it’s peak and Europeans ruled most of the world with their culture and religion held in highest esteem and the Judeo Zionists hadn’t completely infested this great civilization and taken almost complete control.

  66. sally 说:

    西方经济的基础是军事工业综合体和为其封建领主创造垄断权力的法律。 MIC 通过操纵其控制国家的领导层并摧毁由不妥协的领导层领导的国家来控制市场。西方的营销手段包括酷刑、政权更迭、垄断权力、颜色革命、公然入侵、战略轰炸、窃取石油、种族灭绝和武器开发以及外层空间军事化控制。西方政府寻求将每一项技术武器化,并入侵和控制那些拥有商业企业或发明与其内部竞争的技术的民族国家。对西方垄断势力的零竞争是西方的计划。

    . .The west protests it the monopoly powers it has bestowed on its feudal lords, so that never must its feudal lords endure competition from anyone. The congress and parliaments in the west have degraded the ability of the govern by reducing education quality to a zero sum game. Two bits for Phd in under water basket weaving’ 4 bits if the title of the degree is to include a weaving under water with a snorkel endorsement.

    华尔街将军已下令进行下一次杀戮,对于所有说没有计划的人来说,你错了,该计划是向任何拥有值得拥有的市场或可能会成为竞争问题的技术的弱势群体开战。 。

    The west would like to eliminate its masses it governs because the cost to its top few, is so much.. Human rights in the west translates into 3 votes at election time and two that don’t count. The Chinese people seem to be entering the world just as the western people are on their way out. Its to bad, because the America people are much like the Chinese people, its just that the stock and bond bankers in the west will not allow that similarity to be recognized. Friendly relations would likely reduce the world to a Wall Street Bankruptcy. Great article.

    • 回复: @xcd
  67. No doubt blessed by the CCP’s financial backers. That would be the Rothschilds and Wall Street. Anyone who thinks China will be the big liberator from the Anglo Zionist empire… well I have some bridges in Atlantis to sell you. They are really beautiful and well built. We of European heritage are about to get ours because the neoliberal training was too effective, and we are no longer needed. Now it is time to expand the matrix in Asia. Halford Mackinder would be pleased. Not sure he ever considered the empire would be that of bankers rather than that of a nation state. As for the US, we still have nukes. That should scare the hell out of everyone as the desperation level intensifies.

  68. Thim 说:

    People in Asia don’t want this. The leaders are wallowing in Chinese bribe money. No one in the Phillipines wants this. Their dictator has people locked in their houses, wearing plastic shields if they are permitted to go outside.

    A lot of people who just participated in that 20 nation Zoom meeting are going to die in prison.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  69. Meena 说:
    @Philip Owen





  70. antibeast 说:

    Most whites in South Africa are of Dutch descent, and in Namibia of German descent, so you going on about there being more British people in Africa than Nigerians in the UK is laughable nonsense and shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    I am talking about the British nationals who number some 212,000 in South Africa alone, according to this article:


    If we count South Africans whose first language is English as White Africans of British descent, then they number more than 1 million in South Africa.

    Speaking of the Netherlands and Germany, most of their black Dutch or German citizens (who number around 500K each) trace their origins to the colonial era when their African ancestors were imported to Europe from Dutch colonies in the Caribbean and German colonies in Africa. But White Africans of Dutch or German descent in both South Africa and Namibia outnumber Black Europeans of African descent in both the Netherlands and Germany by 3-4x easily.

    In any case, I stand by my original point which is that there are increasing numbers of Africans moving back to Africa, as proven by this Nigeria-based organization whose mission is:

    To establish a “Hospice” of Home away from home and relationship of belonging among the Africans who had emigrated back to Africa from the WEST, particularly BRITAIN.


  71. @antibeast

    Hahaha. Exactly! Rule of conduct: never overstay your welcome, a concept totally incomprehensible to Europeans.

  72. anon[392]• 免责声明 说:

    A bad deal that Iran is forced to make under extreme distress is sufficient reason for Iranians to reject it.

    Iranians made a huge (huge) mistake in ’79. Please review condition of Iran, South Korea, any “Gulf” emirate, and other neighboring countries, around late 70s. What was the trajectory of Iran?

    How many of you are aware that Ayatollah Khomeini was flown on a French flagged Air France with French crew to Iran? Why would Republic of France put potential shoot down victim in French flagged aircraft? Why would the plane be filled with Western journalists?

    In the past 40 years, the clowns in Qom and Tehran, have taken Iran to a dead-end corner where Iran is forced to give away resources as if it was a colonized nation. If the poor Shah has even mentioned a deal like this they would have been fuming against him in their so called mosques.

    So the issue is not the Chinese nor the American, for that matter. The issue is the Global Cabal has LONG insisted that Iran can not be developed. A developed Iran has a history of turning into an Empire. Neither the Russians, nor the Chinese, and certainly not the Arabs nor Turks have ANY desire to see a resurgent Greater Iran. That Greater Iran spans a good chunk of Asia. This is btw one of the reasons that “friend” or “foe” of Iranians keep using “Persian” (such as RT refering to the “Persian State”).

    Chinese and Russians are btw not too keen on banking on Iran. (Have you noticed that while hired pens like Pepe try to sell us a “resistance” that includes China-Russia-Iran, Iran is actually left out of ALL of the groups being formed in “Asia”? Sure, invited as a guest, but not as a member.) :

    Classic Iranian culture is very influential and civilization impact of Greater Iran is long standing and still vital. This is an issue for expansionist Russia (which did everything it could in guise of USSR to destroy the ethnic cultural continuity of e.g. Tajikistan by changing the alphabet for example.) Same issue for the exapnsionist Turks. It is possibly an issue for western realms of Muslim China, but for CCP, the main issue is that they recognize the Mullahs are an opportunistic group that holds power via terror; are divided (with some wanting to sell out to the West, after all); and may at any time be swept aside by the people and any and all agreements with CCP broken. This is why China is not betting the farm on Iran. They’ll get whatever deal under duress for now, but strategically, everyone knows Iran has NO FRIENDS.

    The Mullahs fucked Iran truly well and good. 40 years ago and now today: it is not a trajectory of success nor of liberation nor of optimism and certainly not progress. Btw, the “Left” in Iran were the agitators that helped these monkeys come to power. The same precise role they are now playing in America.

    Conclusion: sympathetic, and even warm civilizational regard between two nations is not the issue that is causing Iranians to rationally, naturally, and logically reach the conclusion that Islamic Republic of Iran is selling Iran and Iran’s future to Communist Party of China, because the hapless monkey mullahs managed to take Iran from its position 40 years ago to the designated kicking bag of “international community”, singularly tasked with “confronting Israel”.

    Why aren’t China, Russia, and the rest “confronting” Israel, btw? I’ll tell you why: Because they are not assigned the chump role. That is why.

    (Pepe. you are a slime bag of the highest order. Just FYI)

    p.s. speaking of “roles”, did ya’ll year the guvner of Empire State got an Emmy for his acting during the Cornoa scamdemic? They are not even hiding it anymore.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  73. Antiwar7 说:
    @Philip Owen


    A million pages of regulations? Check.

    Actually better economic conditions for their people? Um, we’ll get back to you on that.

  74. Antiwar7 说:

    Those are all versions of:

    Keep the sheep occupied while the elites live like kings plan.

  75. @Anonymous

    俄罗斯不会增加太多,而欧盟也很难被欺负。 但是,中国,俄罗斯和欧盟之间的联盟将受到欢迎。

  76. @Jim Christian

    除了英国退欧选民的狂热头脑之外,欧盟什么都不会发生。 毫无疑问,它在2009年犯了很多错误,但它了解到可以打开印刷机。 欧洲的民族主义者想改革它,而不是结束它。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Ugetit
  77. @Anonymous

    “They are betting heavily on it for two reasons, firstly in order to relieve the desperate population pressure in India, and secondly as a source of remittances”.
    You are wrong on both counts. The number that emigrate are minuscule in number. The second reason you give is partially true i.e remittances.
    The main reason is the Indian manufacturers fear being swamped and want protection, as stated by Escobar and damned if this leads to stagnation. The second reason is Indians are deeply racist. They look down on the Chinese and blacks and believe upper class Indians are really white and suntanned.

  78. Tim too 说:

    以及…nexplandemic计划。 和NexVaxx计划。 每个人都必须惊呆了!

  79. @anonymous

    “You are right to fear India, you godless yellow demon. India will rise and punish the godless Chinese, who are the enemies of God, religion, and spirituality on earth. It is India where spirituality thrives and God dwells. Not godless China”
    Do you realize you are demeaning all Indians by writing such hateful rubbish? And to claim that it’s only in India that god dwells and spiritually thrives proves that you have cow dung stuffed between the ears.

  80. @Showmethereal

    确实,许多非洲经济学家正在这样做。 这使西方变得更加紧张。。许多人在说:“遵循西方的方式并没有使我们致富”……

    这是有道理的,因为经济学家,《华尔街日报》(WSJ)等人所支持的模型虽然也使富人变得更加富裕,但也没有使西方工人变得富裕。 中国模式更接近凯恩斯主义的战后模式,具有强大的国家支持,移民和资本管制

  81. @Meena



    至于匈牙利和波兰,它们的内政与你无关。 实际上,如果您像我怀疑的那样是土耳其人,就洗劫了匈牙利人。

    欧盟确实需要对中国的政策,这应该是一个有利的政策。 欧盟,俄罗斯和中国将是一个令人印象深刻的联盟。 北约需要扔进历史的垃圾箱,特别是考虑到土耳其人仍在其中。

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 不同意: Rdm
    • 回复: @anon
    , @Meena
    , @Rdm
  82. Curmudgeon 说:


    Well, you are half correct. Under the FTA then NAFTA, standards were “harmonized”. In the case of the FTA, I was acquainted with a Board Member of the Canadian Standards Association who informed me that all of the more stringent manufacturing specifications were being reduced to the Underwriters Laboratories standards. Electrical wire and switches were examples standards reduced. With NAFTA some standards fell even further when harmonized with Mexican standards.
    The standards in Europe for many things were higher than the US. The reality is, the owners of the so-called “markets” control the standards. The US was the largest market, it got to call the shots. The EU was the next largest market.
    Unlike Mr. Escobar, I have always seen trade deals as corporate deals. Paying a dollar less for something while my neighbour becomes unemployed because of the product being off-shored or “free traded” in, is of no benefit to anyone but the corporations.

  83. Curmudgeon 说:

    If I were Merkel, I’d tell the US to pound sand and while you’re at it get the hell out of Germany; close every US military installation and the US Embassy.

    Merkel can’t do that. Merkel is the head of the occupation government established by the All-Lies post WWII. The German Constitutional Court ruled, in 1956, that the “old reich” i.e. the Wiemar Republic still exists, but has no form of government. It was the German military that surrendered, not the government. If memory serves me correctly, it confirmed that opinion 15-20 years ago.
    The All-Lies have no Peace Treaty with Germany, and as with Syria and Israel, a state of war still exists. NATO was never about “communism” it was about containing Russia and/or the Russian Empire.

    • 谢谢: Majority of One
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  84. HeebHunter 说:

    Not godless China – a country filled with soulless, shallow people obsessed with money, power, and status.


    t. Western quadroon muttoids who serve Moloch worshippers

  85. Anonymous[350]• 免责声明 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    *一* salient feature about the EU, and one only.:




    • 回复: @Eugene Norman
  86. Metropole 说:

    Too many people think that China and India are somehow equal, but they’re not. Average IQ in China is at least 25 points higher than in India.

    That’s why India is, and will always remain, dependent on other countries for high technology, both weapons and commercial equipment. For 50 years they’ve been trying to build their own fighter jet and still can’t do it, and have to buy jets from Russia and the West.

    But no worries. Lack of development in India is more than compensated by Hindus, fully supported by Jews, taking over America. Indians have been given control of the top companies in America–Google, Microsoft etc. Once Kamala Harris becomes president, Indians will rule the world.

    Which is better? Making plastic toys or ruling the world?

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  87. Anonymous[350]• 免责声明 说:
    @Rev. Spooner

    Well, if Indians are getting on whites having any power or influence in the future, they will be sorely disappointed. I mean, this is so damned *明显* that even a child can see it. By century’s end, whites will be a trivial force, both in terms of absolute numbers and economic/political power, in the world. Hell they won’t even be running their own homelands. An awful lot on here is just mere speculation, but this is a cast iron certainty.

    On the other hand, China goes from strength to strength, from triumph to triumph. Of course, it just shipped the ass off India in a recent nasty little spat in the Himalayas. HINT: (As the old exam papers used to say), that crushing humiliating defeat is in the order of one of nature’s little precursors, omens, if you will, like the small tremors that happen in the same spot years (literally) before the catastrophic earthquake.

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  88. RoatanBill 说:


    That this insanity exists and is condoned and verified by a country’s court just confirms my near life long conviction that all gov’t is evil.

  89. tomo 说:




  90. anon[560]• 免责声明 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    Hungary and Poland want to piggyback on the braider western identity . They are opportunist . Folloing Brexit one came to see more anti Eastern European graffiti and racial incidents than reported against other immigrants in London Liverpool or Glasgow . In USA, they have been involved with petty and dangerous corruption,illegal market capture ,bribing of the city halls for contracts ,involved with driver’s license scandal and many more . They try to challenge and question the skill status and rights of other non -white immigrants in USA and Canada with the air of the entitlement they think due to them because they are white. But a peasant is peasant . Hungary belongs to the same closely related invading species that Ottoman belongs .

  91. Anon[560]• 免责声明 说:

    British went down . Marathi and Bengali went down They lived as they enforcers of the British . USA goes down .India is done.

  92. Ugetit 说:

    The West has no comprehensive plan?

    He did not write that. Go back and read what he wrote and note the words, “comparable” and “improving” as in doing what could generally be considered constructive. Other than that, you’re correct.

    • 回复: @xyzxy
  93. Ugetit 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    …No doubt it made many mistakes in 2009 but it has learned that it can turn the printing presses on.

    And how is that supposed to end well for anyone but the “elite”?

  94. gavishti 说:

    Insightful analysis.

    In fact China has just defined India’s path forward through it’s belligerence.

    As far as Indians are concerned, China can go try it’s hand in becoming the next Hegemon.

    As per the above stated article –

    this is Xi’s key quote: “We must firmly support relevant countries in smoothly advancing major domestic political agendas in accordance with law; maintaining political security & social stability, and resolutely oppose external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states under any pretext.”

    Which in simpler words means that China now has the ‘social right’ to intervene in ‘relevant countries’ whenever it deems it necessary to enforce security and stability, but China should do it in ‘accordance to law’.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @britishbrainsize
  95. xyzxy 说:

    We must speak by the card or equivocation will undo us. Can’t even make a topical funny playing off a post anymore before someone accuses another of not being able to read. Jeesh! But I’m glad that, other than that, I am correct. 🙂

  96. d dan 说:

    “this is Xi’s key quote: “We must firmly support relevant countries in smoothly advancing major domestic political agendas in accordance with law; maintaining political security & social stability, and resolutely oppose external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states under any pretext.”

    Which in simpler words means that China now has the ‘social right’ to intervene in ‘relevant countries’ whenever it deems it necessary to enforce security and stability, but China should do it in ‘accordance to law’.”

    Dumb comment. I thought Indians are supposed to be better in English – apparently not. What is so difficult to understand the Xi’s sentence?

    • 回复: @gavishti
  97. Meena 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    法国总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)指责俄罗斯和土耳其通过资助人们在媒体上煽动对法国的不满情绪,在非洲传播反法国情绪。

    “马克龙在接受《 Junee Afrique》杂志采访时说:“我们在这个问题上不能太幼稚:许多讲法语的媒体中出现的讲话者,制作视频的人都是由俄罗斯或土耳其资助的。同时指责莫斯科和安卡拉试图“发挥后殖民主义的怨恨”。

    马克龙说:“当我决定攻击激进的伊斯兰教时……我的话语被歪曲了。 穆斯林兄弟会的影响广泛,但也有土耳其的影响,它有能力影响很多舆论,包括在撒哈拉以南非洲。”


    1法国在撒哈拉以南国家建造了什么? 它在北非建造了什么? 没有什么 。
    2 Thailand is the classic example in Asia .Lack of or escape from colonization ensured the linear friction -free social economic and educational developments of this country missed by many neighboring colonized countries. Thailand tells that one doesn’t need to be colonized Same goes for Japan

    宝贝,它被称为喜剧演员。 如果可以容忍反对恐惧的谎言或仇恨言论,则应容忍和拥护反对利润殖民和非法存在的宣传。
    另一个错误-这不是后殖民时期。 它仍然被殖民。

    “BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – The Azerbaijani embassy in Paris has filed a complaint with the judicial authorities in order to investigate alleged war crimes committed by French citizens in the Karabakh region.
    The embassy stated this in a statement via Twitter on Friday, adding that “according to our information confirmed by French media as well, a large number of French mercenaries of Armenian and non-Armenian origin associated with the French extreme right passed to Yerevan, before they headed to the Azerbaijani lands that were occupied by Armenia. “https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/azerbaijan-files-complaint-against-french-mercenaries-in-karabakh/

    看来ISIS没有种族或宗教信仰。 否则世俗的法国突然被宗教信仰的冲动所震撼。 可怜的马克龙和他的自由露面的意识形态在自己的摇篮里猛烈地摇摆着。

    • 回复: @Eugene Norman
    , @A.K.Patal
  98. gavishti 说:

    Your relevant question –

    “How can the RCEP end up becoming, despite good intentions, anything other than a vehicle by which the stronger exploit the weaker ?”

    However, agreement’s are not made for ‘good intentions’ but rather from interests.

    As Thucydides elucidated –
    “Law and interest cannot coexist in the same thing !”


    在这些州中,可以说柬埔寨和老挝是中国的附属国,而马来西亚,缅甸和菲律宾则处于观望状态。 其余各州是净出口国,中国居首位。


  99. @RoatanBill

    “The West”

  100. @Anonymous



    您将欧盟与美国混淆了吗? 欧盟实际上并没有推广白人特权等意识形态,尽管有些国家总体上是这样做的。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Jim Christian
  101. @No Friend Of The Devil

    “Austrians are now managing water, in one remote region,”
    多么不平凡的主张! 奥地利人在全国范围内对水的管理相当好。 你是说澳大利亚吗?

  102. @Meena

    法国总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)指责俄罗斯和土耳其通过资助人们在媒体上煽动对法国的不满情绪,在非洲传播反法国情绪。

    这向我表明,按照美国的指示,我们在欧洲失去了在俄罗斯的宝贵盟友。 北约需要走了。

    否则世俗的法国突然被宗教信仰的冲动所震撼。 可怜的马克龙和他的自由露面的意识形态在自己的摇篮里猛烈地摇摆着。


    让我对其他事情说清楚。 您和您的国家无权讨论有关法国世俗宪法的任何事情。 实际上,您曾经拥有一个自己。

    这也是北约一团糟的原因。 土耳其需要走了。

    • 回复: @Meena
  103. gavishti 说:
    @d dan

    Indians understand only little-little they don’t have the all-encompassing understanding off the Chinese


    microwave with sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me)

    • 回复: @d dan
  104. @Rahan

    Way back in the last century, me and my buddy decided to blow out of Kerala and go hiking in the Himalayas. Our (Indian) sandals fell apart in Kashmir, so we looked for hiking shoes or boots in the market. There were two kinds: Indian, and Chinese. Both were brown canvas plimsolls (gym or tennis shoes). I bought the largest Chinese size; my friend had to buy the Indian ones, because of his slightly larger feet.
    Long story short: my Chinese shoes took me hundreds of kilometres through high passes. His Indian shoes completely disintegrated after three days’ walking on the flat.

  105. Meena 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    应该通过世俗而非世俗的力量将法国从联合国拥有否决权的俱乐部中撤出,从非洲撤出。 土耳其绝对可以加快这一进程。 这就是我们所谓的世界迫切需求。 应该对法国ISIS进行电视广播和游行,使法国成为恐怖分子庇护国的名单。

  106. frankie p 说:



  107. @antibeast

    @Antibeast and Rahan,

    I am nearing 60 and I have lived in Japan for 25 years and have travelled extensively throughout Asia for most of that time. I have an engineering business here (a bit of a unique situation). What you say is very true. When I return to the U.S. and visit relatives and friends I am continuously amazed at the complete lack of understanding of the world outside of the U.S.A. by the average American. While Americans are fighting over “red” and “blue”, “D” and “R”, or worrying about who can use what bathroom East Asia continues to slowly and gradually chip away at Western dominance. It is sad to watch. I have used mass transport in Bangkok, Singapore, Indonesia, Korea, China, and of course Japan. I would prefer riding mass transport in ANY East Asian country than using mass transportation in the U.S.

    While American kids are studying social justice issues in Universities the Asian kids are continuing to study STEM related subjects. Most engineering graduates in the U.S. are now foreigners and most return to their native countries and it is not all because of Trump (as the Vice documentary says). This has been going on for a few decades.

    Americans tennd toifill up their garages with crap while in Asia people still consume but more in line with their incomes and also focus on quality rather than quantities of stuff. The personal debt that has consumed and overwhelmed the lower and middle classes in the U.S. does exist here but nowhere even close to what is seen in the U.S. The countries are run in a similar fashion (in spite of stagnation in Japan there is a reason the Yen is still considered a safe haven currency).

    Japan is building a maglev train to supercede the shinkansen (bullet train) which will double the speed. Is it absolutely needed? I am not sure. However it is technological innovation and from this other industries are continuing to develop and additional inventions are being made.

    There are things I miss about the U.S.; the open spaces and driving my old F150 around. On the other hand I no longer hold the illusion of the U.S. as the land of the free. During the Coronavirus pandemic here in Japan there has never been (not for a single hour) a government mandated lockdown. The government declared the State of Emergency (and most people cooperated) but saw the locking people in their homes to be unconstitutional (interesting as the Japanese Constitution is still the document which was provided by the U.S. after WW2).

    Sadly enough this is all coming to fruition; The Asian economic bloc is being formulated and China will be at the center (like it or not). As a westerner living here I see this as the result of western arrogance. As an American and due to my work I have had the opportunity to meet with Ambassadors, Consuls, and the American Chamber of Commerce here and when I bring this up nearly everyone either becomes overly defensive or seems to have a “blank” look in their eyes as if I have started to speak Latin or in tongues.

    The real losers will be the West and also Taiwan. This agreement will be the final nail in the coffin for the Taiwanese as once this takes hold there will be little resistance to China’s full occupation and take over of the Island. Once this is accomplished China will also acquire several advanced manufacturing processes (related to semiconductor manufacturing; i.e. Taiwan Semiconductor) which are now not available to China due to export restictions.

    The modern fall of Rome (the U.S.) which has been gradual will now, I believe, accelerate in dramatic fashion and it will be primarily due to U.S. arrogance. China will evolve as the new global leader, and if the U.S. dollar loses its status as the international reserve currency (a near certainty now) it is all over for the United States.

    I am an expatriated American and it is sad to watch all of this play out. I would come back to “fight the good fight” but I am too old and I am also old enough to realize that there is nothing that can be done about this as it is likely part of a larger plan to make the world into something resembling what now exists in the mainland China.

    • 同意: HeebHunter
    • 谢谢: Majority of One
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  108. @RoatanBill


    No plan to improve ourselves. The entire focus seems to be on trying to stop other’s growth.


  109. @Metropole

    This is actually really happening. At least in the tech sector. But big tech is the economy right now.

  110. d dan 说:

    “Indians understand only little-little they don’t have the…”

    Irrelevant rant. Still can’t justify how Xi’s sentence implies that China “has the ‘social right’ to intervene in ‘relevant countries’ whenever it deems it necessary to enforce security and stability”, as you claim in your previouspost.

    Never mind, I don’t expect you are able to do so anyway.

    • 回复: @gavishti
  111. anon[193]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s natural for Asians to want to do more business with Asians. But I’m glad the US is not part of this deal. First of all, no part of US is in Asia. Secondly, due to the huge disparity in income level, such a deal would only ship more jobs from US to Asia while bringing in more cheap goods and even more immigration. Thirdly, this is just more globalism, which is the last thing America needs. Thank you President Trump for not entering into this.

    The Central Asian countries that signed on to the Belt and Road Initiative will regret it in no time; they will soon watch their millions of mom and pop businesses – carpet makers, weavers, craft makers, all out of business, replaced with cheap inferior Chinese products, not to mention swamped with Chinese tourists, workers, restaurants and business people. A few well connected will get rich building rail road and other infrastructure projects with the Chinese and selling natural resources to China, while the majority become poorer with dwindling job prospects and a disappearing culture.

    • 同意: Philip Owen
    • 回复: @antibeast
  112. Bookish1 说:

    Except for one thing-Siberia. Russia has it and China claims it as theirs. Siberia has it all: gold, timber,iron, diamonds, oil and everything else all untouched because no one could get into that frozen earth. Now they can. That will be the big war evedyone talks about.

    • 回复: @denk
  113. Metropole 说:

    如果您有一个宽广的视野,那么看来世界被分为两个主要集团,即中国集团和以色列集团。 我不是说“美国人”,因为是以色列做出决定,因此各小组必须以各自领导人的名字命名。









    • 同意: A.K.Patal
    • 回复: @anon
    , @Mefobills
    , @Malla
  114. @Biff

    And yet as many months as not, SWIFT shows the Euro being ahead of the USD as the currency of international trade (not to be confused with reserve currency stocks).

  115. @Meena

    Unilever, Nestle, Renault, Volkswagen, British American Tobacco, BP, Total to name a few can be found in most of them.

    The British Empire worked so effectively because it traded not looted. Built infrastructure to make it happen too. Way ahead of modern China.

    • 回复: @Meena
  116. @Anonymous

    The biggest in terms of headcount and most sustained action of WW2 was the attack of the British Indian 14th army against the Japanese. It was bigger than Bagration. 1 million soldiers mostly Indian with British officers, technicians and heavy infantry fought a continuous campaign that pushed the Japanese from India to Java in a single continuous advance. Some African soldiers were in the mix too. US aircraft joined the RAF and Nationalist Chinese guarded the supply routes. It would be foolish to underestimate the fighting capabilities of Indian troops under good officers. Also note that about 45,000 of the 50,000 Indian POWs who had joined the Indian National Army to fight for the Japanese deserted to the British Indian Army as soon as they were in reach.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @ChinaplusSEasia
  117. Meena 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Unilever, Nestle, Renault, Volkswagen, British American Tobacco, BP, Total to name a few can be found in most of them.”- agents of profit generating scheme at the cost of the local industries . IMF makes sure that it stays that way . Those days are increasingly under attack. That is good sign . An equilibrium will evolve . China is the new variable countries like Bangladesh rebuilding Syria and other can exploit the fights between two colossus .

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  118. denk 说:

    15 Asia Pac countries have signed on the RCEP deal.

    Its only logical that India choose to exclude itself, its the Washington anointed ‘natural leader of 印度 Pac’.
    It doesnt belong !

    But what the fuck is Oz doing in RCEP ?


    fukus has no friends, only 人质

    Oz is that proverbial slave who’s even haughtier than the master.


    • 回复: @Erebus
  119. Thomasina 说:

    “Maybe Kamala Harris got the nod because she’s of Indian heritage…”

    I’m sure that had a lot to do with it.

    Biden, along with the globalists, have been saying they DON’T want to decouple from China. Just this spring the Wall Street banks set up shop in Shanghai.

    China was U.S.-made. Without the U.S. corporations setting up shop in China, China would still be a backwater. The Chinese and U.S. elites made a fortune off China, and now they have their eye on the rest of Asia.

    I’ve wondered who Escobar is working for as he’s always “rah-rah China”. At first I thought maybe the Chinese, but I’m wondering if maybe he’s not in the employ of the U.S. multinationals/globalists. He says:

    “Still, American multinationals won’t be isolated, as they will be able to profit from RCEP via their subsidiaries within the 15-nation members.”

    No sh*t, Sherlock. This agreement has all the markings of the globalists, especially with Australia, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam in there. No way Japan sneezes without permission from the U.S.

    This is another U.S.-made deal, a kind of TPP through the back door.

  120. denk 说:

    Are you born yesterday ?

    China never made claim on a territory once the border is properly delimited.

    Stop repeating this canard 广告恶心。, it makes you sounds like a stupid cunt.

    Is USA the land of stupid cunts ?

  121. anon[719]• 免责声明 说:

    Russia is reaching out to Muslim countries . Sudan. Egypt , Syria, UAE , Azerbaijan, Turkey , Libya – all have different level of connection as frenmie, vassal , partners . Pakistan and Afghanistan will eventually join Russian camp also . Iran will be more or less in the same camp




  122. @Rev. Spooner

    With 1,500,000 Indians living in the UK, we can say that “miniscule number” cannot be correct.
    And about 4,000,000 in the USA.
    True, that leaves about 1,300,000,000 back in India, a minuscule percentage of whom may emigrate soon.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  123. A.K.Patal 说:

    马克龙可以责怪俄罗斯或土耳其或任何其他他喜欢的国家,但吸撒哈拉以南非洲的血将会赶上法国!没有办法绕过它。如果俄罗斯和土耳其能够揭露法国的犯罪行为,法国的犯罪行为夺取了撒哈拉以南非洲 70% 的自然资源收入,这对俄罗斯和土耳其来说是件好事。我不知道法国人是否会将这次抢劫归咎于犹太寡头,有趣的是,尽管所有媒体都在他们的指尖下,但有趣的是,犹太寡头对此只字不提,但对法国来说,对撒哈拉以南非洲抢劫的清算日已经临近。

    • 回复: @Malla
  124. Anonymous[708]• 免责声明 说:
    @Eugene Norman


    塞西莉亚·马尔姆斯特罗姆(Cecilia Malmstrom)
    彼得·曼德尔森(Peter Mandelson)。


  125. Anonymous[708]• 免责声明 说:
    @Philip Owen

    ” ….. 50,000 Indian POWs ….. deserted to the British Indian Army ……”.

    A very good and flagrant example of why subcons, as a rule, *绝对地* 无法信任。

  126. antibeast 说:

    The Central Asian countries that signed on to the Belt and Road Initiative will regret it in no time; they will soon watch their millions of mom and pop businesses – carpet makers, weavers, craft makers, all out of business, replaced with cheap inferior Chinese products, not to mention swamped with Chinese tourists, workers, restaurants and business people. A few well connected will get rich building rail road and other infrastructure projects with the Chinese and selling natural resources to China, while the majority become poorer with dwindling job prospects and a disappearing culture.

    The BRI is a means to an end, the means being building the infrastructure to connect Asia to Europe and the end being the economic integration of the Eurasian continent which used to thrive on the ancient Silk Road across the landlocked countries of Central Asia. But trade is a two-way street, with good/services flowing both ways, not just with China but with all the countries in the Eurasian continent. No amount of Western delusions will change that fact.

    • 同意: Iris
  127. Erebus 说:

    But what the fuck is Oz doing in RCEP ?

    Hedging its bets. As is NZ.

    What’s almost equally interesting is that Japan and S. Korea signed up but Russia didn’t. One wonders if Russia didn’t so those 4 could. Wouldn’t be surprised if it joins later, once RCEP matures and the 4 are fully embedded.

    • 回复: @denk
    , @Philip Owen
  128. Anonymous[162]• 免责声明 说:
    @Badger Down

    The massive immigration of Indians – and other subcons, for that matter – to Europe and north America, to the extent that they will, certainly, demographically dominate in those regions, will be another defining feature of the 21st century.
    The 21st century is usually framed in terms of the rise of China and the decline of the ‘white’ west, but this trend, which is steadily picking up, unnoticed and deliberately concealed by the powers that be, is at least as just as significant, visible and epochal.

  129. Mefobills 说:

    There is no need for a Covid vaccine by … anybody

    Turns out it is not a vaccine.

    There is also the mRNA aspect to it that I don’t understand yet.

    • 谢谢: Erebus
  130. Anonymous[162]• 免责声明 说:

    I’m not a fan of foreign travel, myself, I would never travel to any third world non white population majority population country, for pure self preservation reasons regarding crime, violence, distrust, disease, disorder, safety etc. My idea of a holiday is of a Mediterranean beach, good food and a good hotel.
    Likewise, I wouldn’t visit the USA even if someone paid me.

    However, just out of sheer curiosity, I would like to see China with my own eyes – in order to see what the future actually looks like. The brave new world of Julian Huxley. Ultra modern mega cities of skyscrapers, modern mass transit, maglev, high speed trains etc.
    What I imagine Europe would look like now if it didn’t fuck up 70 years ago.

  131. Mefobills 说:




    Pale of Settlement Jews vs Tsar’s is a better way of looking at Russia.



    The West, especially the Holy Roman empire was the inferior partner in the West East relation. The Byzant gold price didn’t fall until after the fourth crusades, which was a plot by Venice and “judeo christianizing” west. After the fourth crusades, “finger bones” of saints, and the like were removed from the east to the west, which validated the west from being the “inferior” partner.


    Globo-Homo is a better term than “Israel.” Israel is a term that was absconded with by the Zionist Pharisee types who merged with Rothschild at the first Zionist Congress. Globo-Homo are all about usury, private banking money, corporate control, sea power, rim theory, and atlantacism.

    Today’s globo homos are little different than polish oligarch wannabees that are described in the link above.

    顺便说一句,中国所做的一切几乎都是美国殖民地的梦想,特别是当殖民地试图摆脱 1694 年形成的英国/犹太财金体系的枷锁时。


  132. denk 说:

    So the Aussies expect to latch on to that 重力火车 to China, while Canberra carry on poking the dragon’s eyes with glee ?

    What do they take the Chinese for ?

    • 回复: @Erebus
    , @dfordoom
  133. @Meena

    China also seems profit. They lend directly to governments so the whole population, including the poor have to repay. As a large part of the money disappears into political pockets, the rest going to Chinese contractors, the economic impact is lower than it should be. The country is enslaved by debt to China. Led by Blair, the EU forgave most African debt nearly 20 years ago. There have been no development loans to government’s since. (Lots directly to small private sector firms-but socialists don’t have them. Hence complaints from some quarters). The Chinese are now learning the same lesson. Once the credit runs out, there will not be gratitude.

  134. @Erebus

    Russia plans to join the EU. The EaEU is an exact replica. It gives Russia the leeway to negotiate different terms than joining as a single country. Probably an FTA close to EEA terms rather than full membership.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  135. britishbrainsize [AKA“ britausnzbrainsize1325ccsnicker”] 说:

    You idiot thank the chinese they did not take over all of handsome slant eyes ne india in 1962, instead they withdrew back to the filthy mcmahon line drawn up up by the filthy british

  136. britishbrainsize [AKA“ britausnzbrainsize1325ccsnicker”] 说:

    I can understand all the vitriol from india towards china its because you are deasthly afraid of another 62 war and are shivering in your sarongs loongis my lowly brahmin dost.

  137. Erebus 说:

    What do they take the Chinese for ?


    Poking eyes comes and goes, interests linger. Everybody involved in the business deals knows it’s just grandstanding by thoroughly corrupted “politicians”.

    That, plus the fact that there’s a lot more to RCEP than China.

    • 回复: @denk
  138. Erebus 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Russia plans to join the EU.

    My gut feel is that the inverse is true.

    The EU will be forced to look to Russia for energy and regional security. Who else can they look to after the US withdraws? If it still exists, I expect a rump EU to enter the EaEU as a block, and the breakaway states to join individually. Some will make deals with Russia directly.

  139. denk 说:

    The poking is relentless.

    巧合的是, Oz goods are piling up at Chinese ports waiting for clearance.

    Morrison feign innocence

    NO fair, this is coercive diplomacy

    What coercion ?
    This is Confucian ethics

    Its rude not to return a favor


    • 回复: @Erebus
  140. @Rev. Spooner

    You dont anything about indians they worship fair skin and know chinese are better than them and refer to them as sahib or memsahib chinese in india have good lives on the other hand, nepalese and ne indians are looked down upon because of brown skin, heres a story for you a chinese mother in a large city of india went to the local municipal office to get classified as schedule caste so her kids could get admitted to college , the officer just sent her on her away saying she was not schedule caste , they also look down on anglo indians and whites because of your degenerate lifestyle , chinese kids in school are always head of the class and very popular, theres no mixing though because schools in india are not co-ed

  141. @Philip Owen

    Indians are better fighters than Australians who deserted by the thosands when Japan invaded singapore and malaysia the chief deaserter was maj gen Gordon bennett, also Indians don’t rape as much as australians see what australians did in vietnam and ww2 all covered up by the military.

  142. gavishti 说:
    @d dan

    Please, if possible, could you explain in simpler words, without any diplomatic jargon, the meaning of President Xi’s key quote:

    “We must firmly support relevant countries in smoothly advancing major domestic political agendas in accordance with law; maintaining political security & social stability, and resolutely oppose external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states under any pretext.”

    Do help us understand this very relevant statement

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @denk
  143. @anonymous

    Which one of the Hindu gods are you even talking about? You call others demons??? I don’t see anywhere with more demon possession than India. And I don’t mean that lightly either.
    The only thing I fear about India is that your leaders are crazy enough to try to use nukes.

  144. @Godfree Roberts

    I was not aware of that… I will have to look further into it. Thanks for the heads up.

  145. @Thim

    That would make sense – except it was ASEAN who crafted the deal and got everyone else to participate.

  146. @anon

    Rubbish…. Parthians and Persians had relations (both political and business) for almost 2000 years… In fact much of what the west knows about the Parthians is from Chinese sources.
    Anyway – another conspiracy theorist. Dime a dozen.

    As to 1979 – had the west not interfered by installing the Shah in the first place – there wouldn’t have been an Islamic Revolution in all likelihood. Too late now.

    • 回复: @anon
  147. Vidi 说:

    There is no need for a Covid vaccine by … anybody. Any vaccine will be no more effective than flu vaccines … that is to say, not at all. Constantly mutating viruses

    Not quite true. The influenza viruses have been around a long time, maybe millions of years. They’ve mutated into dizzying variety. According to the US CDC (链接), Influena A has at least 131 major strains, and who knows how many minor variations of each. And that is just for type A; there are also B and C. The huge variety is why no single vaccine can hope to protect against them all.

    In contrast, SARS-CoV-2 is brand new; that is why it’s called a “novel” virus. Only a few strains of it exists so far; there’s reason to expect a vaccine that covers most of them.

    You are far too hasty in dismissing the possibility of an effective tool against the new pandemic; your attitude is much like anti-vaxxer propaganda.

  148. d dan 说:

    Please, if possible, could you explain in simpler words, without any diplomatic jargon, the meaning of President Xi’s key quote:

    “We must firmly support relevant countries in smoothly advancing major domestic political agendas in accordance with law; maintaining political security & social stability, and resolutely oppose external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states under any pretext.”

    Firstly, you are the one who assert that China claim to have the “‘social right’ to intervene in ‘relevant countries’ “, so the burden of proof is on you to explain why you think the implication is correct, not for me to prove the reverse.

    Secondly, the literal meaning is clear. Xi says China “oppose[s] external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states.” So, this is diagonally opposite of what you claim Xi says – that China has the “‘social right’ to intervene.” You can claim China is “hypocrite”, or China did/does intervene, or whatever, but that would be a separate charge/issue. You simply can’t claim Xi says the opposite of what Xi says.

    Finally, you are likely trying to stretch the meaning of “support relevant countries… in accordance with law” to imply “intervene in ‘relevant countries’ “. But that is a big leap in logic. When you say you are supporting your children to go to college, are you saying you intervene in your children’s college lives?

    • 同意: denk
    • 回复: @gavishti
  149. Rdm 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    It’s the same argument used to play out between Korea and Japan. Japanese men raped Korean women during war. Their argument was it’s because Korean women want children to rear and build a family. So they provided one.

    It’s a lame excuse as ever spoken by some retards thumping their chest for something their grand, grand, grand father did inhumanely.

    Let’s say your mom wanted a kid, and I raped her without her consent. But at least I provide her one to accompany her and grow up with her. Besides, I also fulfill her libido during sex. For all the wars and poverty, she’s happy with what she’s got. After years, her kid grew up and thought “How lucky I am. My mother was raped by some stranger so that now I can breathe and comment in Unz !! “

    因为即使没有得到我的同意,我也满足了她的需求​​,所以她可以全神贯注地工作,从此过上幸福的生活。 当然,一开始她很抵抗,但是经过一番摸索,她意识到自己需要它。





    - 日本
    - 泰国

    If any countries that were colonized and fully developed by those colonialists, why don’t we hear the success story from

    – Fiji
    – 委内瑞拉

    You’re just picking up countries that became successful and traced their colonization history and claim their success as your forefather’s vision of colonization.

    Why don’t you bend over and look at the mirror and tell us what you see?

    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  150. anon[108]• 免责声明 说:

    Parthians weren’t dealing with Communist Party, you moron. Parthians. What a joker.

    It is fitting that your feeble response is the sole reply. IRI really is a bottom dredging operation.

    No one installed the shah. Stop reading new york times. Only idiots who want to be lied to read that stuff.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @showmethereal
  151. denk 说:


    Well since you’r asking for it..

    China supports countries such as Nepal to conduct its policies, independent from Indian interference.

  152. Erebus 说:

    The poking is relentless.

    You may be taking it personally, but you can be sure that the trade negotiators take a longer term, impersonal view.

    The Chinese foreign affairs people know that your “relentless” started recently, is driven by pressure from the US, and that it will dissipate in the foreseeable future. The fact that OZ signed up indicates rather strongly that its real, long term trajectory is greater integration into Asia. Neither country’s trade negotiators let bloviating politicians drive their work.

    Morrison claiming innocence is prima facie evidence that even he understands that.

    You also seem to forget that there’s a lot more to RCEP than China. Even if the tensions between Canberra & Beijing were real and set to continue indefinitely, there’s still every reason for OZ to sign. It has trading relations with all of the signatory states, and it’s not gonna watch those relations whither away by staying out.

    RCEP doesn’t compel signatories to trade. Nor does it compel stupid politicians to behave as if they were intelligent. It simply sets the rules which govern any trade that takes place. These are set up in such a way as to facilitate and encourage trade, but they don’t say “You MUST trade” much less that “You can’t elect stupid politicians that say stupid things.”

    BTW, Aussie goods “piling up at Chinese ports waiting for clearance” is 大概 (I haven’t looked) in violation of RCEP’s rules. Chinese goods aren’t piling up in OZ’s ports.

    • 回复: @denk
  153. xcd 说:

    It will be a very cold day in hell when the major North Atlantic current – that keeps eastern North America and western Europe liveable – fails, together with the gas supply.

  154. xcd 说:

    Japan was neutered in 1945. Serving as an industrial base to for the imperial invasion of Korea helped it to recover. However, it was too successful in the “free” market, and hence suffered the slump in the late 1980s.

  155. xcd 说:
    @No Friend Of The Devil


  156. Malla 说:

    France looting African natural resources is bullshit. The same bullshit blame game of “colonialism” not based on any facts. Yeah Macron is a Rothshild ass licking scumbag, but Erdogan is a scumbag too.

  157. Malla 说:

    Japanese men raped Korean women during war.

    That WW2 propaganda bullshit can be debunked and is controversial.

    If any countries that were colonized and fully developed by those colonialists, why don’t we hear the success story from

    Colonialism laid the groundwork for development later. Colonialism did not last long enough to show you results, it was a much slower project than say Communism+Capitalism path taken by China but it was a more solid long lasting project. Colonialism was destroyed by many forces before its time was over. Hong Kong is an example in which colonialism lasted long enough and we could see the success. Same with Australia, New Zealand and Australia. They were colonies too.

    – Japan – China – Thailand

    Countries that were never colonized (atleast not for a significant time) and have not succeeded, these counties were famed for being rich countries pre-Industrial/ancient times

  158. Malla 说:


    Europe did not loot the Third World, Colonialism was always expensive. Your Muslim invaders like Nadir Shah looted more out of India for example than any European power did.

    • 回复: @Metropole
  159. xcd 说:

    After the completion of a cross-Himalayan highway that China financed, Pakistani lorries have been carrying cheap Chinese goods to the Arabia Sea for at least a decade. Apart from complaining, India did improve its economy. This may partly explain the deadlocked relations between Pakistan and India, meant to stop such goods. This is not meant to whitewash Pakistan.

  160. Malla 说:

    The fact is the Hindutva fanatics behind Modi-ism bet on the wrong horse: the US-fostered Quad partnership cum Indo-Pacific strategy, which spells out as containment of China and thus preclude closer trade ties. No “Make in India” will compensate for the geoeconomic, and diplomatic, blunder – which crucially implies India distancing itself from the Asean 10.

    I doubt the QUAD partnership has much to do with India not taking part in RCEP. QUAD is at the end of the day a defense partnership of the USA, Japan, Australia and India with a possible future inclusion of Vietnam and RCEP is primarily an economic partnership. Two of the QUAD powers Japan and Australia are part of RCEP, India thus could have been too. And Japan absolutely wanted India in RCEP as some kind of balance against China and still India decided to stay away.
    The opposition to QUAD has been primarily internal. Indian industries are not happy about a possible tsunami of Chinese Industrial products flooding the Indian market and thus put pressure on Modi to oppose it or to get concessions against China.
    There is one more threat Indian industries faced, not written in this article and it was a hot topic in our media. The threat was New Zealand and upto a lessor extent Australia. And it was about the dairy industry. India is a huge producer and consumer of dairy products but it is not efficient enough to face the dairy industry of New Zealand. There was a huge fear of Kiwi Dairy products flooding the Indian market and the local industries would have to compete hard which they did not want. So rather the powerful dairy lobby (India is huge dairy producer with many huge companies/ cooperatives like Amul) put pressure on PM Modi to “do something about it”.

    • 回复: @Malla
  161. @Eugene Norman

    您将欧盟与美国混淆了吗? 欧盟实际上并没有推广白人特权等意识形态,尽管有些国家总体上是这样做的。

    Seriously, Gene? In Europe, if Pakistani muslim ‘refugees’ rape your daughter, the police won’t pursue it and if you become public about the who of the matter, you are guilty of a hate crime against muslim humanity. Imagine that,your daughter handcuffed and raped by ten guys. Somalis, Iraqis, Libyans, they’re raping their way across the Continent and the mere mention of it is a hate crime.

    Not that that’s anti-White European or anything. The things they DON’T and WON’T talk about are far more dangerous than what they do. And it’s damned well happening here. The press and DOJ wouldn’t have the conversation of Joe Biden’s corruption long before his installation and here we are with an alleged President Elect with obligations to four or five countries and a corrupt son in the mix who is being investigated all over the world.. It’s what they won’t talk about is the danger.

  162. denk 说:

    Taking it personal

    I have no dog in this fight , other than I cant stand the [[[five liars]]] big lies, hence my mission as a voluntary B.S. buster.

    Oz has been spewing tons of B.S. China’s way…
    on HUawei, BRI, HK, Xinjiang, SCS, Chinese hackers, Chinese fifth columns, China’s plan to take over Oz [SIC]

    The Chinese aint amused.
    Dont get mad , get even.

    NO Morisson isnt repenting.
    He’s doubling down on his lunacy.

    *He’s taking order from Washington’

    Every Oz PM except Whitnam had his mouth glued to uncle sham’s asshole, a case of shit in shit out.
    多数民众赞成 特权 of signing up as US ‘ally’
    We all know what happen to Gould Whitnam !

    Oz is hedging its bet

    They might well be.
    BUt if Oz insist on biting the hand that feeds them, then dont cry like a babe when the hand decides to go somewhere else !

    The trouble with these [[[five liars]], they have forgotten all their forebears sage teaching like….

    If you cant stand the heat, dont stoke the fire in the first place.

  163. Malla 说:

    Actually it was the ((West)) which got rid of the Shah and sent in the Ayatollah from a French Commune protected by French secret service agents.

  164. @anon

    The only moron is you… China is a continuous civilization. Did you watch the video I sourced??? In Iran they teach the history of their ancestors relations with China.
    Actually I don’t read the NY Times. CIA and MI6 uncovered as well as declassified documents can tell you that the elected government in Iran was overthrown and the Shah placed back into power. That’s not even negotiable. It’s scary how many ignorant people there are in the world.

  165. gavishti 说:
    @d dan

    But the first part of statement declares –

    “We must firmly support relevant countries in smoothly advancing major domestic political agendas in accordance with law; maintaining political security & social stability, ”

    In simpler words this means –
    If China deems that a particular ‘relevant country’ requires support in the maintenance ‘political security & social stability’ it will ‘intervene’ in the affairs of that country to do so. Which is why the phrase ‘social right to intervene’ was used, for this is a matter of the social and political affairs of a third country. This also implies that those ‘relevant countries’ are now under the protection of China.

    The second part of the statement –

    “and resolutely oppose external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states under any pretext.”

    gives a right or an obligation for China to ‘intervene’ when it deems that external forces are interfering in the internal affairs of ‘relevant countries’. This as you have rightly stated is ‘hypocrisy’ on China’s part.

    As you wrote –
    “so the burden of proof is on you to explain why you think the implication is correct, not for me to prove the reverse”
    So I’ve given my understanding and explanation of the statement or declaration made by President Xi in detail using simpler words.

    Instead of clarifying your replies used demeaning words like- dumb, rant inability to understand, to which I replied in a satirical manner and asked you to explain the statement, no hard feelings.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @denk
  166. Metropole 说:

    To be fair, both the 1,000 years of Muslim rule in India and the 200 years of British rule helped India. For example, human sacrifice was a common practice among Hindus, which the Muslims stopped. The British stopped the practice of burning of wives after their husbands’ death.

    Most of the celebrated architecture in India, like the Taj Mahal, was built by Muslims. It would not be fair to say that India benefitted from one and not the other.

    • 回复: @Malla
  167. @denk

    So the Aussies expect to latch on to that gravy train to China, while Canberra carry on poking the dragon’s eyes with glee ?

    What do they take the Chinese for ?

    Australia’s problem is that our foreign policy is determined in Washington, not Canberra.

    We will eventually have to make a choice between China and the US. If we have any brains at all we’ll choose China. It’s the only sane choice. But the US will tell us that we’re not permitted to do that. And we’re not only a US vassal, we’re under US military occupation.

    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @denk
    , @Anonymous
  168. d dan 说:

    “If China deems that a particular ‘relevant country’ requires support … it will ‘intervene’ in the affairs …”

    I already anticipate you obfuscating “support” with “intervene”, and explain to you that is a “big leap of logic” with an example (“supporting your children college education”). If you still don’t believe, check the dictionary definitions of the words. Alternatively, try real experiments. Tell your colleague that you are going to support her works, your neighbors that you are going to support their gardening project, your friends that you are going to support their social activities, your congress person that you are going to support his re-election,… etc. See how many of them will start worrying you intervene in their affairs.

    “The second part of the statement – “and resolutely oppose external forces interfering in internal affairs of member states under any pretext.”

    gives a right or an obligation for China to ‘intervene’ when it deems that external forces are interfering in the internal affairs of ‘relevant countries’. ”

    Is this a joke or what – China opposes something means China will do that same thing, and even claiming the “right” or “obligation” to do that thing? You really don’t know what the word “oppose” means, and again, trying to obfuscate it with “intervene.” This is a fine example to illustrate how perverted an anti-China mind work among Indians.

    “This as you have rightly stated is ‘hypocrisy’ on China’s part.”

    Firstly, I did NOT claim China’s hypocrisy – you should read my comment more carefully. Secondly, you are piling up additional charge (i.e. “hypocrisy”) against China that require additional evidences or explanation – which you fail to do. To help you a bit, look up the definition before you move on.

    “As you wrote – “so the burden of proof is on you to explain why you think the implication is correct, not for me to prove the reverse” So I’ve given my understanding and explanation …”

    And you should do that FIRST, without trying with diversion on irrelevant issue (i.e. “PLA using microwave weapon”), and without asking me to explain my position before you.

    “Instead of clarifying your replies used demeaning words like- dumb, rant inability to understand…”

    That is because your comment is really dumb – you fail to even understand the basic definitions of simple English words, and you try to distort logic beyond common sense. And then you tried to shift the burden of proof to me, and also introduce irrelevant issue. And finally, in this comment, you throw out additional “hypocrisy” charges without further evidences.

    • 回复: @gavishti
  169. Malla 说:

    To give you an idea

    RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) threatens Indian dairy producers.
    The short video mentions the fear of major Indian dairy corporations and cooperatives of facing competition from the dairy industry of New Zealand and Australia. They are a politically strong lobby in milk drinking India, putting pressure on PM Modi.

    RCEP and India’s dairy sector
    More in details

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  170. Malla 说:

    Sure both were beneficial in many ways but the brutality, mass killing and looting during the Islamic era and invasions of India has very little parallels in history. Hindu Rajput women (my fiance is Rajput) would jump into the fire with their children to save their honour when facing sure defeat to an Islamic enemy. This practice was called Jauhar. The alternative was much worse. Mass slavery of Indian Hindus was carried out during the Delhi Sultanate. Mass destruction and looting of temples such as Somnath. Compared to them the British Raj and even the EIC rule was extremely benign.

  171. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    Strange that a people who are generally lactose intolerant consume so much milk.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  172. denk 说:

    With China, nobody is required to choose side.
    Morisson can have as many bedfellows as he wants, he can lick Trumps ass to his heart’s content….as long as he doesnt sign up for any anti Chinese 拥有.
    Fair enough ?

    The problem lies with Washington, which brooks no middle ground.

    “You’re either with us or against us,” he continued. “And if you’re trading extensively with China, and you’re friendly with China, you’re undermining the United States in this security competition. You’re feeding the beast, from our perspective. And that is not going to make us happy. And when we are not happy you do not want to underestimate how nasty we can be. Just ask Fidel Castro’

    然而 北京 is the one being accused of ‘coercive policies’ !

    The worst kind of hypocrisy

    • 同意: dfordoom, showmethereal
    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Anonymous
  173. denk 说:


    China opposes foreign interference in any sovereign state.

    NOthing new about that, China championed non interference from day one.

    Why are Indians getting into a tizzy over such an innocuous principle?

    UNless somebody want China outta way, so they can complete that unfinished biz, Sikkimising or Bhutanising Sri Lanka, Nepal, the only two South Asian countries not yet fully absorbed into Greater India.

    , Nepalese scholar diplomat Keshar Bahadur KC



  174. antibeast 说:

    China just called Mearsheimer’s bluff, by banning Australian imports of beef, wine, seafood, etc. Now the Trump Administration is furious why China is following Mearsheimer’s wish that “if you’re trading extensively with China, and you’re friendly with China, you’re undermining the United States in this security competition.”

    Be very careful what you wish for because you might get your wish.

    • 回复: @denk
  175. denk 说:


    Every other day, Pompass and co would openly admonish MOrisoon how to run his country, especially how Oz shouldnt have any biz to do with China.

    Even a mere political ‘analyst’ like Mearsheimer feel free to offer such 在你的脸上 警告
    to the Ozzies in an open forum…


    Guess whats Canberra’s response ?
    No uproar, Nuthin !

    Cuz MOrisson and co are too busy standing up to…..中国 !

    • 回复: @d dan
  176. d dan 说:

    “Cuz MOrisson and co are too busy standing up to…..China !”

    And killing Afghan civilians (Note: this is just the tip of iceberg):

    Yes, this happens in 21st Century – and Australian Special Forces are joining American one in pursuit of the fame of war crimes.

    • 回复: @denk
  177. Malla 说:

    Yeah it is strange but we are partially descended from those milk drinking, pastoralist horse riding Aryans. Converting milk to ghee (clarified butter/butter oil) or in the form of curd/yogurt could make up for the comparative lactose intolerance. Cow milk and dairy products are huge in the Indian diet, especially northern India and more common in upper caste households. go to many traditional Brahman households and the place stinks up of ghee. Also since many are vegetarians, dairy products are crucial in getting that Vitamin B-12.
    And since most of the countries in RCEP are Mongoloid or semi mongoloids, who are comparatively not that much into drinking milk as us, our most dangerous competitors in the dairy industry within RCEP are the Caucasoid Kiwis and Aussies down south.

    Check this out. From

    In fact, India has grown to become the world’s largest producer of milk, using both cattle and water buffalo as dairy animals. Cheese, yogurt, and cream-based curries are a staple of the Indian diet, and many Indian citizens consider themselves lactose tolerant. But other than a few small studies, nobody had looked at whether Indians have their own unique mutation – or whether they were even as tolerant of dairy as commonly thought.”

    “The final tally included almost 2,300 individuals from 105 different tribes and castes, five different language families, 22 of 28 states, and even one group from Nepal. Romero and a team of researchers from the United Kingdom, Estonia, India, and the United States then zeroed in on the chromosomal region where most of the previously-detected lactose tolerance mutations are located. To the authors’ surprise, what they found there was not a new India-specific mutation, but a familiar genetic pattern – a single switch from C to T, characteristic of the common European mutation.
    “We thought they would have a different mutation, because they’ve had cattle for a long time and they’ve been drinking milk,” Gallego Romero said. “But it was all European, except for a couple mutations that we haven’t proven yet do anything. We were very shocked by that, it was interesting.””
    “When I became interested in this project, everybody said ‘Everyone in India drinks milk,’” Gallego Romero said. “But when we got the results, we said, ‘No, only 18 percent of people in India are digesting milk, nobody else is.’”

    The mystery then is why so many people believe themselves to be lactose tolerant when they are in fact genetically unable to produce lactase into adulthood. One theory is that non-Europeans experience less severe symptoms of lactose intolerance, and thus may not notice the consequences of failing to digest dairy as much. Another answer comes from how Indians prepare their milk – often fermenting it to use as yogurt or paneer, which breaks down the lactose within.

    “I guarantee you that if you make most Indians drink a big glass of milk, they will not come back to you saying everyone in India drinks milk any more,” Gallego Romero said.”

    Does that 18% lactose tolerant Indian folks have any relationship with caste as upper caste Indians have more Steppe Aryan ancestry?

  178. gavishti 说:
    @d dan

    Hey, no need to get all worked up, this is just a discussion.

    But as Friedrich Nietzsche stated –


    I used the term ‘social right’ as an allusion, because China is after all a somewhat communist country. China has now deemed it appropriate to interfere in the internal affairs of a third country, be it in their social, political or external sphere. So there’s that nibbling in the sovereign powers of a different state by China from here on out, or, was it happening already.

    • 巨魔: d dan
  179. Anonymous[211]• 免责声明 说:

    Whites in Australia face a dilemma. Let’s look at the USA. It is controlled by Jews, and those Jews seem to have decided on an anti-White policy. It is their mission to disempower Whites all over the globe. And so we have plummeting White birth rates, increasing non-White immigration and increasing numbers of non-white children being born in all our countries.


    It seems that the Jews have gone crazy. By promoting this, they would weaken the countries that form the basis of their power. It’s kind of like untreated HIV. In killing off the immune system of their host, they also kill off their host. In HIV this can work, because a gay man can infect many people before dying. But for Jews… once they enfeeble the USA, Australia, Canada, Europe… where do they go? Which White nations are they going to move to? The world is finite. And Jews have not proven particularly successful in controlling non-White nations. Especially mongoloid nations.

    So in Australia, we have a constant diet of anti-White soft power, whether it is on the commercial stations, SBS, ABC, or in the newspapers. “We are one but we are many, and you will notice how increasingly fewer there are white people at all.”

    Ok, so let’s look at China and Chinese influence. To have appreciable numbers of Chinese in your country is for the ownership of your country and its wealth to increasingly become Chinese way before they have outright majority. At this point, your politics starts getting controlled. Your universities get controlled. Look at the end game. What is life like for the Tibetans? For the Uyghurs? What was life like for the Dutch in Formosa? How about Singapore? White institutions not controlled by White people any more, and ethnic balance maintained in support of Chinese numbers.

    If we choose China we will choose to have an eventual ethnic majority of Chinese. We will find it hard to adapt to Chinese language. We will be outcompeted by the Guangxi relationships in business. Whites will spend their money without regard to race or creed, while others spend in their communities.

    Initially it appears as though we are between the devil and the deep blue sea, the frying pan and the fire, the Great Satan we know and the inscrutable devil we are have yet to learn our lesson about.


    If Australia sticks with the USA, it can at least mostly govern itself although it still receives the cancerous soft power (which it will receive regardless). Yes, it may be negatively impacted by the trade stick that China will beat it with. But it will be defended when push comes to shove. The biggest problem is to get a numerous army across an ocean, and that is where the strength of the USA is. Yes, China is attempting to build immobile hardened land bases, but still, a navy is needed.

    And what does China want?










    9. ‘Politicisation and stigmatisation of the normal exchanges and co-orperation between China and Australia’




    13. Calls for an independent inquiry into COVID-19


    This is what they are pushing now, with the control they have. They want a pro-Chinese press in Australia, a pro-Chinese government, Chinese control over our data, aquiescence while the Chinese build hardened military bases in every strategic island from China to Australia.

    You would give the Chinese more control? You must be Chinese, or not so well informed perhaps.

    I think our best chance is to stick with the USA while our people come to their senses, and maybe Jews will also come to their senses to.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @dfordoom
    , @dfordoom
    , @denk
  180. d dan 说:

    “To have appreciable numbers of Chinese in your country is for the ownership of your country and its wealth to increasingly become Chinese way before they have outright majority. At this point, your politics starts getting controlled. Your universities get controlled.”

    Ahh, another harebrained cold war warrior afraid of Chinese “invasion” and yellow peril.

    “What is life like for the Tibetans? For the Uyghurs? What was life like for the Dutch in Formosa? How about Singapore? ”

    At least they are all doing better than the Afghan civilians who had the misfortune to meet the Australian Special Forces. See comment #181 above.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @dfordoom
  181. Anonymous[211]• 免责声明 说:

    This comment deserves its gold box. It does seem like there is a Greater East Asia Co-Propesperity Sphere emerging along trade lines. However, militarily there are things like the Australia-Japan defence pact that are coming to fruition also, so it’s not like Australia is going into this with its eyes shut.

    I think that we are about to see the hard times from which the strong men emerge, if we are lucky. The European majority world (the so-called “West”) still do have significant numbers of capable people. However, they need to apply their minds to the problems at hand.

    One thing that you may not understand as well because you are within the bubble, is that although there are Chinese people who do have a reasonable understanding of the world outside of China, China is so big in terms of land mass + population that their leadership also have as insular a view as the people of the USA and its leadership. They know that internally, to disobey the CCP is foolish. We’ll give you a few hints, but mess with the bull and you get the horns.

    What they are doing now is shooting themselves in the foot, diplomatically speaking. I don’t think they have consolidated enough yet to make the moves that they are now making. And what they are doing is tone deaf and threatening.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  182. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    Ahh, another harebrained cold war warrior afraid of Chinese “invasion” and yellow peril

    Yellow Peril predated the cold War was a common theme during WW2 against the Japanese. People have the right to fight for their borders and demographics. Allow some few million Indians into China and soon the Chinese will be singing about the brown peril. That I can guarantee you. Recently we have Chinese write on social media against any mass immigration into China. White people have similar tendencies too, but actually have been very tolerant for the last half a century.

    • 回复: @d dan
  183. denk 说:
    @d dan


    Oz hands are drenched in blood just like every single one of the [[[five liars]]], who followed ring leader uncle sham into hundreds of naked aggression since WW2

    Yet talking about just their war crimes is like missing the forest for the trees.....

    Chief American prosecutor, Robert Jackson , Nuremberg

    a war of aggression “is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    the tribunals would certainly be a 闹剧 if the United States failed to apply the Nuremberg standards to itself in the future.


    BUt it never happen.

    Why are the [[[five liars]]] still prancing around the world with total impunity, anointing themselves judge, prosecutor and executioner ?


    It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest . The crimes of the U.S. throughout the world have been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless, and fully documented but nobody talks about them. No body ever has .


    基于规则 [[[five liars]]] declare themselves above the law.


  184. Malla 说:



    No shit. Hinjews (Hindus) are in awe of Jews, they are a superior version of us. It is in the DNA. Very soon Satanyahoo will ditch “Onward Christian soldiers” and change it to “Onward Hinjew soldiers”, only to find out that unlike White gentiles and just like Jews, hinjews are not the best soldier material in general, by international standards, good to fight Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans or some African war lord in Africa under the UN flag but that is about it.
    Remember what happened to the rabble rousing Jews when the Roman Legions moved in. The Jews as usual rebelled, shouting in the streets like smelly barbarian mobs, chanting about their Yahweh, being a headache to the Romans and humanity in general, brutally kill goyim and Jews alike in a feeding frenzy until…the Roman Legions move in, then their Yahweh ditched his Jews and ran away and hid somewhere at the sight of those tough brave gentile White Romans. From then on the Jews have created a 2000+ years plan to get rid of these scary capable White gentile “Northern Barbarian”populations and make them extinct from this planet so that they are never a factor in human affairs. Oy vey, Never Again, they are freakin scary!! Cannot fight them in battle like men, we sneak into their nations and slimeball to power and spread mental poison. Even now, fighting and defeating pathetic Sunni Arab armies is one thing, so Israelis chest thumped about their military prowess. The shit hit the fan for them when they faced the Shia Hezbollah in Lebanon and they have not faced the Persians face to face yet and they were craping their Rabbi blessed kosher underwear.
    And remember how a tiny British company which bankrupted several times in its existence conquered the Indian subcontinent, nice and easy like hot knife through butter. The headache started when the British sat down to govern the argumentative corrupt Indians, that was the hard part, conquering was easy. Just like what the Romans felt in Judea!!!! Can you see the parallels!! Roman Empire—>Judea with Jews=headache, British Empire —> India with HinJews=headache. No wonder the British left India without a fight, they just marched out. I have seen many of those videos where the last British marched out of India, the supposedly Jewel in their crown of Empire, all smiles and glee among the Brit officers, it was more like “good riddance”. Hell the British even advanced the date of independence wanted by the Indian Congress itself, hell if we read the Montague Clemsford report we may even conclude that the British even engineered the Indian Independence “struggle” to get out of the argumentative shithole in a dignified manner. The report laments that most Indians actually are happy with British Raj but we British are not happy with that, “have a revolution already god damn it, so we can leave with dignity and have it fast”. So you had the “saint” Gandhi having his marches, the British arresting him only to release him. Rinse and Repeat. It was a nice arrangement, a nice kabuki theater. They won India by war but left India without one, it was not worth it. Not so when they left Hong Kong, during the handover ceremony, one could sense the genuine sadness in the eyes of Prince Charles and Chris Patton.
    Also Jews will realize that hinjews fight the best when led by White Christian officers preferably British. That was the mighty Japanese Imperial Army faced in WW2. If that army would have been an Indian Army led by Indian Officers, the Japanese would be running through India, hot knife through butter. But the headache would start when the Japanese Empire Government of India, would have sat down to run the subcontinent….. full of argumentative, corrupt, cunning Indians. Maybe one day the Japanese too would have marched out of India with glee and all smiles. “It is not worth it, good riddance, why the hell did we conquer this shithole in the first place”, they would mutter to each other in Japanese, waving and smiling to Indian masses as they embark on the ship back to the Land of Rising Sun.
    A parallel hinjew Army today led by British officers would defeat the Indian Army in War. I kid you not. Maybe the Jews need to hold back their White Genocide plans. Who will supply the officers to make their Hinjew slave army, globally effective? Hinjew soldiers led by Jew officers would be even more comedy. LOL. Maybe would work against those Sunni Arabs armies and blacks in Africa at most, excluding the tougher Ethiopians. But would be comedy against anybody else, Yahweh and Shiva would both again abandon and run. Yeah the Hinjews are dying to fight for and ass lick Jews but who will make their armies effective? Those hated “Evul” YT Anglo gentile officers who are to be genocided. Oy Vey.

    • 同意: Miro23
  185. d dan 说:

    “People have the right to fight for their borders and demographics.”

    Sure, Australia has the right to set its immigration policy. But why single out the Chinese, which are probably the more law abiding and wealthy ones among the immigrants. And this also misses the main thrust of the discussion.

    That anonymous poster’s intention is obviously trying to stir up discord and bad feelings toward China and Chinese. He/she is not just objecting to legal Chinese visitors / immigrants, but maliciously warning about a potential military invasion of Australia by China, and promising America will come to its defend:

    “But it [Australia] will be defended when push comes to shove. The biggest problem is to get a numerous army across an ocean, and that is where the strength of the USA is. Yes, China is attempting to build immobile hardened land bases, but still, a navy is needed.”

    • 回复: @Malla
  186. antibeast 说:

    What they are doing now is shooting themselves in the foot, diplomatically speaking. I don’t think they have consolidated enough yet to make the moves that they are now making. And what they are doing is tone deaf and threatening.

    You have it backwards, mate. China is already a world power — in military, political and economic terms — while the UK and Australia can only hope to become vassals to the rapidly declining USA Empire. Europeans in the EU don’t share the same historical worldview as the Anglo-Saxons who ironically enough have closer and longstanding ties to non-Western countries than the EU due to the colonial legacy of the old British Empire. But the UK no longer has an Empire and has left the EU in a hurry. What the Anglo-Saxons have today are Western delusions of a bygone era — the British Empire — the same delusions of grandeur feeding the imperial hubris of the US Deep State who cling to the obsolete relics of the Cold War era.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @dfordoom
  187. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    But why single out the Chinese, which are probably the more law abiding and wealthy ones among the immigrants. And this also misses the main thrust of the discussion

    Yes that is true, the Chinese like East Asians in general are definitely one of the best non white immigrants one can get. More intelligent and civilized and compared to South Asians and Middle Easterners actually integrate a lot more into White culture even high European/Western culture like classical music. Blacks integrate too but not much into high culture and bring a lot of pathological social problems on average. We talk all in Averages as individual variations exist in all peoples.
    Guess there is fear that many Chinese immigrants are more loyal to the CCP and push CCP ideas in Australia/West, some kind of fifth column of CCP, with whom the West is “at war” right now. But the truth is this is true for most immigrant groups including Indians, many Indians too push for the point of view of the Indian government even after getting citizenship but the West is not “at war” with India right now, indeed it is very pro India. There was similar fear with the Japanese in the West as many thought at the eve of WW2 that they would be loyal to the Japanese Emperor as at that time, it was the Japanese Empire which was becoming the enemy of the Anglo World. The Japanese Emperor was God like in Shinto religion which many Japanese immigrants still followed.

    One more fear and anger towards East Asians even if East Asians are more law abiding and maybe more agreeable than other races is that East Asians (at least the First generation) work hard and become economically very competitive. Whites tend to like working hard and smart but also party hard in the pub after a good day’s work, that is their racial tendency but because of high East Asian competitiveness, they are forced to become like those first generation East Asians and their party time reduces. Whites in general deteriorate without their leisure time faster than other races. They will work hard and smart in their eight hours, be the most excellent workers but need the recharge of leisure, holidays and pubs compared to other races. East Asians would like leisure time too but can go without it with much more ease when needed without deteriorating.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @sb
  188. @Anonymous

    Let’s look at the USA. It is controlled by Jews, and those Jews seem to have decided on an anti-White policy. It is their mission to disempower Whites all over the globe. And so we have plummeting White birth rates,

    The only people responsible for plummeting White birth rates are White people.

    • 不同意: Malla
  189. @Anonymous

    So in Australia, we have a constant diet of anti-White soft power, whether it is on the commercial stations, SBS, ABC, or in the newspapers. “We are one but we are many, and you will notice how increasingly fewer there are white people at all.”

    所有 of that anti-White propaganda comes as a result of our relationship with the United States. So you want us to continue being an American vassal, so the Americans can continue to deluge us with anti-White propaganda?

    如果你看一下 一切 that is wrong with modern Australia, it comes from the United States.

    The US is destroying us and you want them to keep doing it?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  190. @d dan

    Ahh, another harebrained cold war warrior afraid of Chinese “invasion” and yellow peril.

    That is basically what it comes down to. Australians who want their country to continue being a US vassal are still stuck in the mental world of the 1950s (or even the 1940s).

    And yes, the Yellow Peril thinking is (unfortunately) still very evident in Australia.

  191. Malla 说:

    I agree with China being a major World power. No doubt about that. But the UK could be an important power too in its own right without the USA and EU. Sure not as big as China or the USA but a comparatively important but minor power in its own right. Even today, the UK has one of the largest economies in the World with cutting edge research and high standard of living. But truth be told, the UK does not need to be a major World power anymore. They have more internal problems like excessive immigration and presence of hostile Third World aliens, cultural and social destruction thanks to half a century of cultural Marxism, too much emphasis on the City of London at the expense of manufacturing (look at Germany and Japan going the opposite direction) etc.. But for the British Government to realize this, you need a sane government which actually cares for native Britons, something like the BNP.
    The problem with the UK is not so much the delusion of grandeur, the Brits are quite practical about these things if you ask me, it is more of the Jewish Banking Globalist power in British power structure which uses Britain like the USA for its own global ends as well some remnants of the White Man’s burden mindset in a section of the population. That mindset is not all wrong, the mindset to raise our voices if we see some injustice ANYWHERE on Earth. The problem is one thing, this mindset though good morally is not wise and diversity of human nature and affairs are unfortunately make things far more complicated than the simplistic tendency of this worldview. Secondly the elites manipulate the information the British (and all Western people) people get as well as their emotions via controlled (but seemingly free) media to rise them up for their own needs, i.e. exploit their White man’s Burden universal morality tendencies for their own nefarious ends. Thus the British and Westerners becoming more nationalistic and comparatively detached from the affairs of the rest of humanity as well as expelling out all foreign infiltrators including Jews may be a good practical step to take. But for that to happen we need parties like the BNP to come to power in Britain.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  192. Malla 说:

    To give you an idea of the Milk drinking craze in India this is an old advert by the Indian Government back in the 80s and 90s.

    Amul Doodh hai wonderful/ Amul Milk is Wonderful.
    Amul = Major Indian Dairy cooperative dead opposed to RCEP due to fears of facing competition from NZ and Aussie dairy.
    “Doodh” in hindi=”Milk” in English

  193. antibeast 说:

    Now that the UK is finally out of the EU, the British would have to depend even more on their former colonies in the non-West, specially India, for trade, travel, education, banking/finance, investment, etc. Indeed, Indian companies account for a large share of FDI in the UK, second only to the USA, with big names like Tata, AccelorMittal, Infosys, Wipro, etc.

    While the UK does have world-class technology industries in aerospace, semiconductor, defense, biotech, autos, etc., the British are too dependent upon their banking/finance industries centered in the City of London. Without the EU market, the City of London would have a hard time attracting foreign capital such as Chinese companies who have put on hold their plans to use the UK as their gateway to the EU market. The only way the City of London can maintain its status as an international financial center is to serve as an offshore financial center to its former colonies in Africa and Asia. But losing the EU market would still be a huge blow not only to the banking/finance industries in the City of London but also to the professional/business/IT consulting services industries in London.

    I agree with you that the British economy has been over-financialized and de-industrialized since the Thatcher era. That’s why the British will become far more dependent on international trade/investment with non-EU countries such as India after BREXIT because their internal market is too small to sustain industrial economies of scale. One of the reasons why BREXIT succeeded was due to colonial nostalgia of British conservatives who long for the glory days of ‘Rule Britannia’. This Western delusion suffered by Anglo-Saxons in the UK also afflict the 命名法 in the US Deep State who behave like they’re ruling the Anglo-American Raj all over the world.

    Just look at the way the so-called ‘Five-Eyes’ behave towards China. The Anglo-Saxons think they can impose the 21st century version of the ‘Unequal Treaties’ by waging another ‘Opium War’ type of gunboat diplomacy using the SCS as their excuse. Ironically enough, they think China will submit to their demands by ceding HK to them.

    Someone ought to tell them that they better be very careful what they wish for.

    • 回复: @Malla
  194. @antibeast

    What the Anglo-Saxons have today are Western delusions of a bygone era — the British Empire — the same delusions of grandeur feeding the imperial hubris of the US Deep State who cling to the obsolete relics of the Cold War era.

    Well the British never recovered psychologically from the shock of losing their empire and being reduced to the status of a third-rate power. They clung desperately to the illusion that Britain was still a major player and they still cling to that delusion. Their “special relationship” with the United States (which is pure fantasy – they’re a vassal not an ally) was a way of trying to pretend that they still counted.

    I think that applies to Australia as well to some extent. We went from the fantasy of being a partner in the British Empire (when in practice we were still a colony with no power to determine our own fate) to the fantasy of being a partner in the American Alliance (when in practice we were a vassal state with no power to determine our own foreign policy).

    And there is a bit of a racial aspect as well in the case of Australia – many older Australians simply cannot accept that the Chinese are no longer obsequious coolies. They just cannot accept the idea of having to deal with Asians as equals.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  195. Malla 说:

    Indian Elites grew up thinking they were part of the Western world and thinking India is militarily powerful whose help would always be sought by Western Elites.

    Idiotic, Indian elites (even the Westernised ones) hate the Western World or hated it till a decade ago but many still do. Indian elites are coming closer to the West because of China, jealousy of China’s rise which they believed should have been India’s paramount rise in Asia. It is like an angry kid who cannot accept he never came first in class. Also you ignore that some of the biggest opponents of RCEP have been labour unions and small farmers and small businessmen. I see the Chinese are stuck in their “India as sepoy of the West” mentality, the world is divided into Revolutionary Chinese vs Imperialist West. You are either “with us or against us”. Only childish fools think this way, because their minds are simplistic. The Truth is the World is full of entities looking out for their own interests. It is not West Vs China or NATO vs Warsaw Pact, it is everybody vs everybody as well as cooperating with everybody if they think it is in their interests or have been arm twisted into it. NATO countries bickered with issues with each other including with the USA just as Warsaw Pact countries bickered on issues with each other including with the USSR.


    1] The Indian elite have always wanted the Indian market for themselves. They chest thumped that they control the second largest population on earth ignoring that it is a very poor population and thus overall not that great a market as marketed. The Indian elite have also bought into the idiotic Marxist monkey theory of West exploiting the colonies (which is bullshit) which got twisted into Britain got rich on the back of India, that means India is awesome and creator of wealth. What these idiots do not realise that British rule coincided with the Industrial revolution which created more wealth than all the diamonds, gold and silver of the ancient world combined. Success in the agriculture age does not guarantee success in the Industrial age. Productive LAND in the agricultural age as a major asset of success has now changed to productive PEOPLE in the Industrial age as a major asset of national success. Thus Egypt, Iran or Mexico or Iraq or Greece are not guaranteed more success just because they had land which gave rise to awesome civilizations in the AGRICULTURAL PRE INDUSTRIAL Age which was far more backward than today’s technological age countries. The average Zimbabwean is way richer today than average people living in major civilizations a 1000 years ago.

    2] Indian and South Asian labour productivity is low, has been during British rule, is now. That is why it becomes extremely hard to compete with economies which are similarly positioned and especially economies with many White and East Asian people. Other browns and blacks are not that much of a problem. But it seems even South East Asian economies can be bit of a challenge sometimes.

    3] The fear of China and the desire to be protectionist is a continuation of similar tendencies during British Raj against British industrial products. Those movements within the Indian Independence movement was funded by rich Indian Industrialists, Gandhi was surrounded by them all the time, indeed Gandhi was even funded by rich anti British industrialist Birlas. Gandhi was in the forefront in burning of British goods and pushed swadeshi (buy Indian) and charkha cloth. You can see videos of Gandhi spinning threads. It was all bullshit. Also Muslim shopkeepers never supported this ban of British goods and openly sold British goods leading to Hindu Congressi mobs attacking and killing and burning Muslim shop owners leading to more Hindu-Muslim split. This same attitude is being directed at the Chinese today. What the idiots do not realize nor realized a century ago was that for both Britain then and for China today, India is not their major market (which they cannot believe as we are such a big population) and the impact to them both was/is limited. The rich Industrialists want protectionism to capture the poor but big market of India for themselves.Valentine Chirol wrote in his masterpiece book “Indian Unrest” that “The Indian in his heart is a protectionist”. The problem was the British Raj had a policy of free trade economic policy which the Indian economic elites as well as workers did not like and hence the anger. The British Raj, like the whole Empire, did become protectionist during the Imperial preference System in response to the Great Depression and directed it against the USA. But this hurt Japan too. That is why the Indian National Congress after Independence pushed for a protectionist socialist economic model after independence, Nehru was influenced by the Soviets and FDR’s New Deal. Ironically British India exported more and had a positive balance of trade after 1880 as part of the British Empire than after Independence.

    4] Indians cannot accept foreigners taking even a dollar from India. It burns the asses, we are a very miserly people trying to keep our money in our clan. It is as if we want foreigners to come to India and invest here without the ease of withdrawing it when they feel. Basically we want foreign charity like Africans who remained poor and backwards. It is all a zero sum game in the minds of most Indians and Africans. Low IQ simplistic thinking, “evul foreigner/ other tribe member/ other caste member take my thing away” not “we could come together to create more wealth together”.

  196. Anonymous[394]• 免责声明 说:

    And all of that anti-White propaganda comes as a result of our relationship with the United States. So you want us to continue being an American vassal, so the Americans can continue to deluge us with anti-White propaganda?

    First of all, the entire world consumes Hollywood anti-White propaganda. Unless we get a White Nationalist government, Australia will still consume this propaganda.

    People who aren’t your enemy aren’t necessarily your friend either. Diarmait of Ireland is a good example of inviting in someone to defeat your enemy, only to become a bigger scourge than your original enemy.



    Considering what it costs to build, maintain and staff a Carrier Battle Group, if Australia is a “vassal” as you put it, the vassal gets the vast majority of the benefit IMO. The Americans have already proved their worth in WW2. The Japanese went though Singapore like a dose of salts, and if left to expand unchecked could have taken Darwin fairly easily in time without help from the likes of the USA.

    What policies of Australia has the USA mandated or would mandate that are along the lines of the 14 grievances of China?

    The USA probably helped remove Whitlam, but since then their influence has been pretty hands off. From my perspective, Australia was better off without Whitlam.


    Now currently, it appears that China is using trade as a method of ousting Scomo so that they can get a more compliant PM. Do you honestly think this is a good thing?

    • 回复: @dfordoom
  197. Malla 说:

    In Egypt and in Kenya you’d have the Indian managerial strata acting as an imported bureaucracy for the Brits.

    Bullshit, Indians were never a managerial class in Egypt. In British Egypt, it were the Armenians or Syrian Christians. Basically in Egypt before it became a part of the British Empire, the Turko Egyptian elites exploited the Sheikhs below them and the Sheikhs exploited the Felaheen commoners below them. British Rule stopped all that. The most pissed off folks with the British were the Turco Egyptian elites as their exploitation of those below stopped, the Sheikhs were grateful was they were not exploited by the Turko Egyptian elites above them anymore with British rule but were pissed as they could not exploit the Felaheen commoners below them now. The Egyptian Coptic Christians were pissed at the British as they lost their monopoly over accounting works and the entry of Syrian Christians and Armenians instead as competition. The Turko Egyptian elites were like the Brahmin elites of India pissed off at British Empire or the Yangban elites of Korea pissed off at the Japanese Empire. I wonder if the Wafd which led the anti-British “struggle” (with a lot of help from Kaiserite Germany and Ottomans without which Egypt may not have become independent from the British Empire) had many of these Turkco Egyptians in their ranks. But anyways, no Indians in British Egypt in any powerful position.
    In Kenya, Indians went as labour to build railways as Indian labour was more intelligent, hard working and dependable than native African labour. But the vast majority of them were from Gujarat part of India with a spattering of Sikhs and others. And the Gujrathis are naturally mercantile Jew like population. So after their service in the railway constructions, most of them became shop owners as typical Gujaratis and were called dukkawalas from the hindi term “dukanwalas” or shop keepers.
    They were extremely castist, tribalist hated by both blacks and Whites as being typical Hindus of those days were very inward looking and insular, desiring to keep distance from “the others”, “those wierdos of the World with their weird and wrong cultures” as is our natural tendency.

    Now that the Chinese are gradually turning into “badasians”

    Yup the Japanese were the “badasians” during WW2 and the Chinese the “goodasians”. Today ironically Chinese are the “badasians” while we Indians are the “goodasians”.

    India also doesn’t need to try and transcend its human capital limitations, because the US and Japan will keep feeding it supertech just to keep China on its toes.

    You missed the most important point that the Hindutva upper caste Deep State of India has made an alliance with the Zio elite deep State of the West and Israel and may merge into one in the future. Losers out of this will be the common Indian poor, White people of USA and Western Europe, Black Americans etc… Japan has to help along because it is a vassal of the USA system and also because Japan looks at India as balance to China. Also the Japanese rightwing (like the German rightwing like Kaiserite Monarchists and later Hitler’s National Socialists) has an old history of supporting Indian causes against the British Empire during the British Raj days via its Pan Asian ideology which was supported by many Indian revolutionary leaders. Unlike Chinese and Korean traditional elites and thus the brainwashed people, Indians never considered the Japanese as “upstart barbarians” but the premier people of Asia against Whitey. When Asian Japan defeated European Russia a century or more ago, Asians from Iran to India hailed Japan with this status of premier of Asia. We (non North East Asian Asians including Middle Easterners) never had this jealousy and hang up the Chinese and Koreans had with Japan’s rise.
    Strangely India is emotionally behaving towards China like how Chinese behaved towards a rising Japan a century or more ago. Indians who look at Chinese civilization below theirs and maybe even a derived civilization from Indian civilization (like all other civilizations) by hinduvadi Afrocentrist like logic cannot stomach the rise of the Chinese mleccha over us. “It is us who should have been the leaders of Asia as we are the oldest civilization on earth from the Treata Yuga when all foreign barbarians like the Chinese and British and Arabs and Persians and Greeks lived in caves, ate bark while we superior Hindus whisked around in our vimana airplanes chanting holy Sanskrit mantra. Who are this Chinese barbarians eating all kind of nasty things like barbarians taking our rightful spot?” shout a billion Indians. Basically Brahmanical elitist thinking permeating into the Indian masses.
    According to many Indians, Chinese are a “dumb, roboltic, souless people as against us full of life, super smart, original thinking son of the soil Indians. Even a slum dwelling Indian can outsmart the robotic Chinese with his talented Indian genes”. or that the “Chinese are a Yellow posh pussyboy race as against us macho, hairy chested, dark skinned son of the soil types and their posh pussyboy Chinese army would collapse infront of our macho mustachioed manly army”. This was the thinking in 1962, when we lost we would not believe it hence the “scheming pussyboy Chinese backstabbed us” or our macho son of the soil Indian army would have beaten those “delicate darlings” Chinese like a drum,version of bullshit history. They will be in for a rude surprise when the Indian Army runs away like pussyboys in front of the Chinese PLA in case of a serious war. More so if it happens under super Indian Modi’s rule. LOL. The look on their low IQ faces would be priceless.

  198. antibeast 说:

    Well the British never recovered psychologically from the shock of losing their empire and being reduced to the status of a third-rate power. They clung desperately to the illusion that Britain was still a major player and they still cling to that delusion. Their “special relationship” with the United States (which is pure fantasy – they’re a vassal not an ally) was a way of trying to pretend that they still counted.

    The Spanish and Portuguese have come to terms with their status as former world powers and behave just like any other EU member-states today. But the UK has not because the British still retain political ties to their former colonies such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand while maintaining their “special relationship” with the USA which is the dominant Western power in the world. But as you said, this is pure fantasy because the Anglo-Americans don’t treat their British cousins as part of the US ruling class nor are the British Monarchy accorded any kind of ‘royal treatment’ in the USA, unlike in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British have closer relations with non-Western countries in the British Commonwealth than they do with their Anglo-American cousins in the USA. Many rich Indians send their children to elite boarding schools in England while living lavish lifestyles in the UK while some of the best cricket players in the world are from India and Pakistan. You don’t see the same behavior from Anglo-Americans.

    I think that applies to Australia as well to some extent. We went from the fantasy of being a partner in the British Empire (when in practice we were still a colony with no power to determine our own fate) to the fantasy of being a partner in the American Alliance (when in practice we were a vassal state with no power to determine our own foreign policy).

    White Australians remind me of a Latino friend who hails from a wealthy, landed aristocratic family in Puerto Rico. I asked him why he doesn’t work and he told me: “My family are rich Spanish people. Only poor 外国佬 work. We don’t.” He behaves like the Spanish Empire still exists and thinks his family are still Spanish because Puerto Ricans were the only Latin Americans to be granted Spanish citizenship before being colonized by the USA after the Spanish-American War.

    That’s pretty much the same case with Australia. But things could change with Scotland now restless for another run at independence after BREXIT. Once Scotland goes, then Canada, Australia and New Zealand might consider severing their political ties to the UK with each going their own way just like the USA did back in 1776.

    And there is a bit of a racial aspect as well in the case of Australia – many older Australians simply cannot accept that the Chinese are no longer obsequious coolies. They just cannot accept the idea of having to deal with Asians as equals.

    Same with White Americans. It’s hard for them to treat Blacks as their equals, much less their superiors. That’s how Trump conned his way to become President of the USA, by pandering to the racism of White Americans who elected Trump as their reaction to Obama’s term as the first Black (or Mulatto) President of the USA.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @dfordoom
  199. Malla 说:

    Well agree with nearly everything you write except few things.

    That’s why the British will become far more dependent on international trade/investment with non-EU countries such as India after BREXIT because their internal market is too small to sustain industrial economies of scale.

    Their internal economy is still among the top ten in the world. Not great but not bad either.

    One of the reasons why BREXIT succeeded was due to colonial nostalgia of British conservatives who long for the glory days of ‘Rule Britannia’.

    British suspicion about the rest of Europe and and belief of being different is quite old, maybe older than Empire. The English channel has a big impact on human psychology. Due to the Channel, England did evolve a bit different than the rest of Europe. Protected by the channel, there had a push towards more liberty of the people from the Kings. This is something Dr. Ambedkar the writer of the constitution of India, spoke about where he lamented India lacked a natural English channel of her own due to our central position.

    Also even if some nostalgia for Empire may have played some role in Brexit, many Britons and Europeans are not happy with how the EU is run. There was also anger that Britain paid too much, sacrificed their rights too much for what they got in return. I have spoken to British fishermen who complained about restrictions British fishermen faced while Spanish fisher boats could come and fish in British waters with ease. Many such issues existed. Many Britons and Europeans are afraid the EU may turn into a EUSSR which they never signed for. Also German power within EU means the British were like “who won the war?”. The old outdated and harmful anti-Kraut tendencies also played a lot in Britain.

    One more point, the EU allowed a lot of Eastern Europeans to go to Britain and out compete the native British workmen. Now these Eastern Europeans like Poles and Czechs and Lithuanians are definitely more agreeable to the large number of non White immigrants into Britain. There is a lot of hidden anger towards immigration in Britain towards uncontrolled immigration pushed on them by their elites but they could not say shit against non Whites. It is not “kosher”, that is the culture created by the elites and non Whites are to be worshiped, the black and browns (not yellow so much) . So when the White Eastern Europeans came (who are much more hard working) all that latent anger towards immigrants burst out towards them. As the Eastern Europeans were fellow
    White, it was kosher to attack them. This also created anti EU feelings.

  200. denk 说:

    I think our best chance is to stick with the USA

    So you intend to carry on with the 14 points ‘civilising program‘ on China ?

    Then dont whine ‘no fair’ to Xi when China return the favor, cry to papa Trump , ‘see what a mess you’ve gotten me into”

    But you wouldnt dare , would you ?
    When the sheriff call the shot, you’r supposed to shoot your own foot,.
    left foot or right, sir ?’

    I feel you pain.
    But if you insist on sticking with the sheriff’s ‘civilising program‘ on China, the Chinese are bound by their Confucius ethics to reciprocate.
    Its rude not to return a favor

    You study the Newton’s law ?
    Action ====> reaction,.

    Actually Confucius beat Newton by a 1000 years…
    “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you.”

  201. Malla 说:

    But the UK has not because the British still retain political ties to their former colonies such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand while maintaining their “special relationship” with the USA which is the dominant Western power in the world.

    Idiotic, Portugal still maintains special relationship with her ex colonies.
    The Commonwealth is not any more destructive than the ex Soviet CIS or OIC Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. It is in the interest of China to see this Commonwealth go the way of the dinosaur, the Chinese want Australia to be a Chinese ally just because Australia trades the most with China. But money is not everything, there are ties of culture and history.
    I have a feeling Chinese people really misunderstand the World a lot and they look at the World with their lens of historical experiences and their interests. They definitely misunderstand India. The whole India as a sepoy ideology is a case in point will bite China very hard, the Indian elite are very difficult to deal with and extremely smart to get what they want.

    But things could change with Scotland now restless for another run at independence after BREXIT.

    It will not be in Scotland’s favour to severe relationship with England under the direction of the so called Scottish Nationalist Party. The SNP is a globalist globo homo leftist multi culturalist party. Just like you accused Britain as a whole for Brexit will now mean more links with the non white world, the SNP will lead to more non White immigration into Scotland. they are just like the fake “nationalist”globalist Sinn Fein of Ireland which acted like heroes against the British (was that independence struggle fake as well?) but are now mum as black and muslim gangs make their appearance in Dublin.

    Once Scotland goes, then Canada, Australia and New Zealand might consider severing their political ties to the UK with each going their own way just like the USA did back in 1776.

    How will this be beneficial? The problem these countries face is being vassals of the USA today not the UK.

    It’s hard for them to treat Blacks as their equals, much less their superiors.

    What are you smoking? Blacks are worshiped in the USA and the West in general. Many blacks are CEO’s of American corporations and American TV stations are full of Black News hosts. It is actually Asian men who are underrepresented in American Media. Also in the UK, blacks are far more over represented on British media compared to South Asians even if we South Asians are more numerous than Blacks in the UK.

    That’s how Trump conned his way to become President of the USA, by pandering to the racism of White Americans

    Again stupidity. The whole racism nonsense is bullshit pulled by the elites to keep Whitey down. Obama would not have won without the White vote, blacks do not have enough numbers. But Whites were sick and tired of still being called “racist’ by the elite leftist media even after Obama became president, remember all that BLM fiasco towards the last days of Obama’s tenure. Also White Working Class Americans, who had been the backbone of the Democratic party and the left were abandoned by the Champagne Socialist Left for the more “vibrant, and exciting” darkies and homos. They were ignored by the Neocon right wing fatcat capitalist Republicans as well. They also lost out a lot due to globalization, it were their Leftist unions who had fought hard for more better pay and rights for American workers only to have the fatcat capitalists move their production out to the Third World cheap labour. And now these Workers who had fought hard for Worker’s rights and supported the Left in the past are called deplorables by the slimeball Leftist elite snobs!!!!! Trump just went and addressed this ignored demographic. Simple as that.

  202. Malla 说:

    But as you said, this is pure fantasy because the Anglo-Americans don’t treat their British cousins as part of the US ruling class nor are the British Monarchy accorded any kind of ‘royal treatment’ in the USA, unlike in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    In Canada, Australia and New Zealand the Royal family are not British monarchy but Canadian, Australian and New Zealander monarchy respectively. The Queen is at once the Queen of Canada, the Queen of Australia and the Queen of New Zealand. She is represented by Governor Generals, many of whom have been non White in White majority commonwealth countries. yeah talk about evul White racism. LOL
    New Zealand gradually became independent from Britain and the monarchy evolved to become a distinctly New Zealand institution, represented by unique symbols. The person who is the New Zealand monarch is today shared with 15 other countries within the Commonwealth of Nations, all being independent and the monarchy of each legally distinct. As a result, the current monarch is officially titled Queen of New Zealand (Māori: Kuini o Aotearoa) and, in this capacity, she, her consort, and other members of the royal family undertake various public and private functions across New Zealand and on behalf of the country abroad.

    One of the Governor Generals of New Zealand representing the Queen of New Zealand has been Sir Anand Satyanand of Indian ancestryOne more has been Sir Jeremiah Mateparae of Maori ancestryoy vey, evul racist Anglo Whitey NZ allowing such darkies at high positions?????
    But idiots still shout evul racist YT. Obama becomes president, Whites be racist and sheet. LOL.

    • 回复: @Malla
  203. Malla 说:

    As afar as Australia, the present monarch is Elizabeth II, styled 澳大利亚女王,who has reigned since 6 February 1952. She is represented in Australia as a whole by the Governor-General, in accordance with the Australian Constitution and letters patent from the Queen,and in each of the Australian states, according to the state constitutions, by a governor, assisted by a lieutenant-governor. The monarch appoints the Governor-General and the governors, on the advice of the respective executive governments; State and Federal. These are now almost the only constitutional functions of the monarch with regard to Australia.

    As far as Canada, the current monarch is officially titled Queen of Canada and, in this capacity, she, her consort, and other members of the Canadian royal family undertake public and private functions domestically and abroad as representatives of Canada. Canada is one of the oldest continuing monarchies in the world!!!! Initially established in the 16th century, monarchy in Canada has evolved through a continuous succession of French and British sovereigns into the independent Canadian sovereigns of today.
    The Queen of Canada is represented by the Governor General of Canada. Some of them have been
    Francophone Michaëlle Jean of Haitian ancestry.

    Oy vey “Racist” Anglophone Canada no??

    As well as Adrienne Louise Clarkson of Chinese Cantonese ancestry from Guangdong

    Well the same Her majesty Elizabeth II is also the Queen of total 15 nations independently. She is also the Queen of Papua New Guinea and, in this capacity, she, her consort, and other members of the Royal Family undertake public and private functions domestically and abroad as representatives of the Papua New Guinean state.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  204. Anonymous[286]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes that is true, the Chinese like East Asians in general are definitely one of the best non white immigrants one can get.

    What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that every immigrant type (even white people into non-white countries) are relatively inoffensive when they are in small numbers. They have to be, in order to get along and not make themselves a target. However, as they gain in numbers they operate more and more like they have done in other countries when they have had numbers. And there is a relation with the home country.

    It seems that white people these days are fairly inept or out of practice at playing the long game. Partly it is because of Jewish propaganda not to think in that way. The kings of Europe also used to perform this function for them. However, Jews have also managed to convert the system of politically active royalty to figureheads, where the levers of power are in the hands of politicians, who they can in turn control. Or outright deposed them, as they did in Russia.

    But I digress. In order to understand the danger of any source of immigrant, one must look at societies where they have higher percentages of their people. Tibet. The Uyghurs for China. Taiwan. Singapore. Once they have control it is their way or the highway. Who can forget the video of the Uyghur woman forced to marry the Chinese man.

    Muslims, similarly, behave in a progressively nastier fashion the higher percentage of the population they have.

    Blacks are usually too stupid to moderate their behavior much, so are a problem from the beginning.

    It seems that if this is pointed out to the addicts and apologists of non-white immigration, they then try to “manage” the system so that no one group will “get the numbers”, while the power and influence of white people inevitably declines, and the immigrants work out that as long as you bash whitey, that’s ok. As if this is something to aim for.

    • 同意: Malla
    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Malla
  205. d dan 说:

    “Who can forget the video of the Uyghur woman forced to marry the Chinese man.”

    Alert: CIA / Falun Gong troll sited.

  206. Anonymous[286]• 免责声明 说:

    This is not written to you as you are obviously a CCP shill. It is written to others.

    Mearsheimer also said this:

    “Security is more important than prosperity because if you don’t survive, you’re not going to prosper,” he says. “That’s why you’ll be with us.”

    If the end point is a Chinese takeover, prosperity is like exchanging Manhattan for some trade goods.

    Australia has its share of fools who place short term money over long term security. If they can’t understand their own longer term interest (and it’s true that both the US and Australia sees each other as brother nations) to the point where it threatens US security, then the reality is that the US will play for keeps.

    Mearsheimer is the same guy who partnered with Walt in his book on the Israeli lobby.


    AFAICT he is not a US deep stater, though I could be wrong. You don’t generally write such a book if you are of the deep state, surely. Instead he talks about realism in geopolitics. So when he says “this is what happens when you present yourself as an enemy of the USA, you get treated like one”, this is the reality. The reality of Australia with its 25M population (vs 330M USA and 1.4B China) and limited arable land is that it will likely be the junior partner with any regional hegemon. Does AU have the resources to either build CBGs or artificial island bases across the pacific? No. Let’s be realistic. And it can’t be the Switzerland of the Pacific, due to its geographical significance.

    So Australia and US position is something like the position of a son and a father. If the son is good, mows the lawn while the father slaves away at work providing the house and buying a car, paying for college etc. it is good for both parties. But if the son starts doing drugs, stealing stuff from the house to pay for the drugs, smashing the car he has been given, won’t do his chores, partying at all hours… eventually there comes a time when the priveleges get withdrawn. He takes it too far and he gets kicked out of the house.

    That’s not a perfect analogy but it does show that you can have a mutually beneficial relationship with a power differential, and to call the Australian junior partner in the relationship “hostage” is not true, even if there are ramifications to siding with the other hegemon. The US offers the olive branch or the arrows.

    • 回复: @denk
  207. @Anonymous

    First of all, the entire world consumes Hollywood anti-White propaganda. Unless we get a White Nationalist government, Australia will still consume this propaganda.

    A White Nationalist government is pure fantasy.

    And all that anti-White propaganda originates with the Americans. The more we distance ourselves from that dysfunctional mess of a country the better. The anti-Chinese propaganda originates with the Americans as well. I don’t want anti-White propaganda or anti-Yellow propaganda. I don’t Australia to become race-obsessed like the Americans. It hasn’t done them any good.

    The Americans have already proved their worth in WW2.

    That was a long long time ago. Check your calendar. It’s not the 1940s any more.

    The USA probably helped remove Whitlam, but since then their influence has been pretty hands off.

    So as long as they only overthrow Australian governments occasionally that’s OK?

    Now currently, it appears that China is using trade as a method of ousting Scomo so that they can get a more compliant PM. Do you honestly think this is a good thing?

    It would be a very very good thing indeed if that asshat Scomo was gone. From my perspective, Australia would be a hell of a lot better off without Scomo. The sooner the better.

    • 回复: @Malla
  208. Anonymous[302]• 免责声明 说:

    A White Nationalist government is pure fantasy.

    That’s why I wrote that – we are going to get Hollywood propaganda regardless, and people will consume it. It’s a given. So embracing China is not going to result in the end of Hollywood propaganda.

    OTOH remember that from the time of Federation until say, the Menzies government, say, 1966, Australia had an effectively White Nationalist government. It would take a sea change of opinion to bring that about again though.

    And all that anti-White propaganda originates with the Americans. The more we distance ourselves from that dysfunctional mess of a country the better. The anti-Chinese propaganda originates with the Americans as well. I don’t want anti-White propaganda or anti-Yellow propaganda. I don’t Australia to become race-obsessed like the Americans. It hasn’t done them any good.

    Anti-Chinese sentiment predates the US eclipse of the British Empire in Australia. From Wikipedia:

    The Attorney General tasked with drafting the legislation was Alfred Deakin. Deakin supported Barton’s position over that of the Labor Party in drafting the Bill (the ALP wanted more direct methods of exclusion than the dictation test) and redacted the more vicious racism proposed for the text in his Second Reading of the Bill.[15] In seeking to justify the policy, Deakin said he believed that the Japanese and Chinese[16] might be a threat to the newly formed federation and it was this belief that led to legislation to ensure they would be kept out:

    “It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors.”[17]

    So… has this changed? In addition to their incredible numbers that can swamp us, they now have vast wealth.

    I don’t dispute that some anti-Chinese propaganda does originate with the USA. But is Clive Hamilton CIA, or American?


    I note you haven’t mentioned pro-Yellow propaganda as being a problem. Or pro-Chinese propaganda in particular (they are more likely to be provincial rather than pan-Asian in their approach). Do you see no downsides in where this is all heading?

    And BTW race obsession is well and truly already here. Maybe you have watched SBS sometime as well?


  209. antibeast 说:

    You’ve just proved my point: the UK maintain political ties to Canada, Australia and New Zealand because they share the same British Monarchy as their Head of State.

    Here’s the oath of allegiance of the Canadian Armed Forces:

    “I, (full name), do swear (or for a solemn affirmation, “solemnly affirm”) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

    Here’s the oath of allegiance of the Australian Armed Forces:

    “I, (name), swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law, as a member of the (insert Royal Australian Navy , Australian Army , or Royal Australian Air Force ) … and that I will resist her enemies and faithfully discharge my duty according to law. SO HELP ME GOD!”

    Here’s the oath of allegiance of the New Zealand Armed Forces:

    “I, [name], solemnly promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, Her heirs and successors, and that I will faithfully serve in the Royal New Zealand Naval Forces/the New Zealand Army/the Royal New Zealand Air Force [Delete the Services that are not appropriate], and that I will loyally observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors, and of the officers set over me, until I shall be lawfully discharged. So help me God.”

    The last country to drop the British Monarchy as its Head of State is Barbados:


    Barbados has announced that it will remove Queen Elizabeth II as the country’s head of state and transition to a republic by November 2021, becoming the first country since 1992 to remove the Queen—but the monarch will still continue to rule over 14 countries in addition to her home nation of the United Kingdom.

    In addition to the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Queen Elizabeth II currently serves as the Head of State of Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I am not passing moral judgement on but merely making a statement of fact about the peculiar history of the British people. As a member of the EU, the UK loses its sense of Imperial Grandeur in a sea of White European nations. But as a former colonial power, the UK preserve its special status in the British Commonwealth, both in WASP-settler countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand as well as in non-WASP countries like India, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Nigeria, etc. Who could resist that? Even the Anglo-Americans emulate the British in the conduct of their USA Empire.

    • 回复: @Malla
  210. denk 说:

    CCP shill

    Wow, a fucking genius, !

    The US offers the olive branch or the arrows.

    YOur ‘father’ [sic] offer you two ‘choices’…

    Follow me to do China in, the most Rio Tinto share drop a few points

    Disobey and you might end up like Castro or worse,

    Thats not much of a ‘choice’ eh ?
    So You chose to offend China.
    Yet when goods are piling up at Chinese ports, you wonder why …and cry ‘bully’ ?

    你是 开玩笑 me sonny ?

    When are you gonna grow a pair and stand up to your abusive ‘father’ and stop this 责备受害者 nonsense ?

  211. Malla 说:

    and the immigrants work out that as long as you bash whitey,

    I think it is more than that. Many darkies have a natural hatred for Whitey and this has very little to do with Colonialism or slavery. Partly it is because, we darkies are ourselves racist and tribal to each other and Whiteys and yellow. It is our human nature.
    Also Whitey give us inferiority complex feelings. Looks, mannerisms, White society etc… and all that. Also perceived “posheness” of Whitey and White culture even Working class White culture though actually Whites in reality are more revolutionary and down to earth than darkies who suck up and twerk to and lick ass of powerful thuggish men shamelessly. Why do you think the Third World is so fucked up. Many reasons, but one is we darkies have got rid of the European colonial benevolent gentlemen rulers to only twerk to and suck dick of powerful local Thug Sultan/Big Chief types who we love like a diseased slut loves a thug, but the thug elite sultans/ big chiefs exploit us diseased whore third world populations. And like any slut whore we blame the “nice guys” (White Race) while our own Thug Sultan bad boyfriend elites beat us and demean us. The BROWN BLACK RACES IS TYPICAL WHORE SLUT RACE. IT IS IN THE DNA. ALWAYS WILL BE.
    And nothing creates anger in a man’s/woman’s heart in the world so much but the hatred for the so called “posh”. Because poshness makes us feel like barbarians or monkeys.
    At the same time we darkies are extremely arrogant “We be the best in da World and our culture is tha best, others be sheet and their culture sucks”. 95% of Darkies think the same. We think the same about other darkies, we think the same about Yellows, we think the same about Whitey. A combination of darkie arrogance and inferiority complex feelings. Does strange things to a person’s mind.
    Also we darkies inspite of our gas talk of superior culture and “family values” etc… and all that bullshit tend to have a more “law of the jungle” mindset. People who are good and kind are to be exploited. Darkies tend to find White people naive and kind and thus our animalistic monkey brain kicks in and thus we are bound to exploit Whitey. We cannot help it, it is in our DNA. High trust Whitey behaviour and Whitey kindness is seen as “weakness” by thug slimeballed brained darkies and Jews. It is in the DNA. We cannot help it. We shall always be like this, for the next 5000 years. A few of us are exceptions to this like me personally, but we are a minority among darkies.

    And finally the Jews. the Jews in general thrive on creating hatred for Whitey in the hearts of darkies. That is their dirty trick. We are their brain washed minions to do their dirty work. Tho really it are the Jews who mostly exploit us. Check out Malcolm X, the revolutionary black leader who stated that blacks in the USA are mostly exploited by Jews but blacks cannot criticize Jews in particular but Whitey, which the Jews promote.
    That is why Colonialism and Trans Atlantic Slavery and so called Nazi “crimes” are promoted so much and why our history books and media are fixated so much on these events. Humans have always conquered and enslaved other humans from the beginning of time. And many of the criticisms of Colonialsm and National Socialism are made up bullshit. Colonialism did a lot of good things, but one has to dig thorough historical documents to find it all out, why so? Why this cover up of historical facts and a kind of propaganda pushed as history. Why Jews play a significant role in this? And if not Jews, their Marxist minions, Marxism the secretion of the Jewish brain after all. Most African countries were colonised for less a century. Korea was colonised for at most half a century at most. You will find many brutal empires of the past which have spanned for several centuries, they are not talked about much. Why so? Why fixation on European Empires even after nearly a century of them coming to an end? There is an agenda. That is why.
    Jews fan the hate-filled flames already present in the hearts of darkies out of jealousy for Whitey. Make the flame big.

  212. Malla 说:

    I don’t Australia to become race-obsessed like the Americans.

    Listen naive Whitey fool, you Whiteys snobs may dream of “transcending race” and all that bullshit. All that different races coming together and working together for change or whatever bullshit Hollywood has been feeding you and destroying your grey cells. Maybe blood and soil and race and all that are “below you” Whitey snobs but we darkies will ALWAYS be tribal and race obsessed upto some extent. Always, for the next 5000 years. Deal with it. And thus we will out survive you.
    Leftard Whitey monkey goes to a baniya Marwari grocery shop keeper in India. Baniya Marwari shopkeeper always hires people of his own clan, people from his own village. He discriminates. Dumb Laftard Whitey goes to baniya marwari seth and gives a big speech against discrimination. LOl. The baniya marwari Seth laughs his ass out. he looks grimly and speaks “My people have been doing business from thousands of years, when all you non Indian barbarians were hanging from trees, you gora buffoon will teach me how to do business and live my life? We shall always discriminate, and thus we will outlive you, your kind will become extinct with your high flatulent bullshit of tolerance and races coming together and all that bullshit , and when you fools become extinct, we will still discriminate”
    Mind his wisdom.
    And this is coming from me, an ex-Leftist/ ex-Libtard. I believed in all that bullshit. I was naive childish fool then. Not anymore.

  213. Malla 说:

    You’ve just proved my point: the UK does maintain political ties to Canada, Australia and New Zealand because they share the same British Monarchy as their Head of State.

    It is more than that, the UK maintains historical, traditional and cultural links with these three countries as well as similarity in values. Anyways the Monarch has very little power anyways, atleast officially.
    Also about Australia coming on the Chinese bandwagon. See, we all on Unz know that democracy is partly fake and a scam. But the point is most Aussies would still be more comfortable being allies of a “democratic” country like the USA or UK than Communist China. That is how it is. Human nature is human nature. Selling China over “democratic” USA would be difficult. AND YOU THINK THE GROWING INDIAN POPULATION IN AUSTRALIA WHO TEND TO BECOME POLITICALLY DOMINANT WAY OVER ITS WIGHT WILL EVER ALLOW Australia becoming an ally of China?? Fat chance. Same with Canada. What these First world countries will become are battle grounds in between different immigrant lobbies who will push for the interests of their home countries. They will be forced to interfere even more in the future in World affairs, may be become more imperialist in the future. We darkie immigrants will ensure that happens.
    As far as the oaths of the arm forces. Obviously they would take their oaths to the head of State and that is the Monarch in Constitutional Monarchies. Also The Statute of Westminster 1931 is an act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom whose modified versions are now domestic law within Australia and Canada; it has been repealed in New Zealand. Passed on 11 December 1931, the act, effectively both established the legislative independence of the self-governing Dominions of the British Empire from the United Kingdom and bound them all to seek each other’s approval for changes to monarchical titles and the common line of succession. It thus became a statutory embodiment of the principles of equality and common allegiance to the Crown set out in the Balfour Declaration of 1926. As the statute removed nearly all of the British parliament’s authority to legislate for the Dominions, it had the effect of making the Dominions largely sovereign nations in their own right. It was a crucial step in the development of the Dominions as separate states.
    As far as Australia is concerned it was followed by The Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 is an Act of the Australian Parliament that formally adopted sections 2–6 of the Statute of Westminster 1931, an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom enabling the total legislative independence of the various self-governing Dominions of the British Empire. With its passage, Westminster relinquished nearly all of its authority to legislate for the Dominions, effectively making them de jure sovereign nations. With the passage of the Adoption Act, the British Parliament could no longer legislate for the Commonwealth without the express request and consent of the Australian Parliament.

    Here’s the oath of allegiance of the Canadian Armed Forces:
    “I, (full name), do swear (or for a solemn affirmation, “solemnly affirm”) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

    Yes, the Queen of (航空公司) not the Queen of Great Britain. Same like wise with Australia and New Zealand. She has limited powers, most of the power lies with the parliaments.
    And what good has it done to the USA by becoming a republic as a Republic USA goes bombing Iraq, Germany, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Japan, Afghanistan…you name it. Has becoming a Republic made the USA any less Imperialist? Has becoming more Multi-Racial or multi Cultural made the USA any less Imperialist? Remember a 90% white USA fought the Nazis and Japanese Imperialists as well as played a big part in dissolving the European colonial Empires behind the scenes. Today 65% White USA, bombs darkies in Iraq and Afghanistan and brings regime change in Libya and attempted regime change in Syria. What good as multiracialism done? Less White USA has bombed more darkies than more White USA of the past. France was a republic too after the French Revolution though it again turned into a monarchy for a while. It had a Colonial empire just as Monarchist Britain had. It was Republic France which “fought” the Algerian FLN.
    Actually in the case of Syria, the REPUBLIC USA did not directly intervene partly because the parliament of CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY United Kingdoms of Britain and N. Ireland rejected any possible direct involvement for British forces in Syria after all that Iraq fiasco.
    And had the british not conquered India, we would be mass of monarchies and tyrants attacking each other and fighting wars, pindaris looting Indian farmers, high taxations on poor peasants that they could build those grand buildings, which we are so proud of today, built on the bones of our ancestors. But it were built by people of OUR RACE, the British taxed less and finished off the pindari dacoit menance but they were foreigners. Race matters, our own anti-colonialism was racist as they come. LOL.

    The last country to drop the British Monarchy as its Head of State is Barbados

    If that is what they want, they are free to do it.

    As a member of the EU, the UK loses its sense of Imperial Grandeur in a sea of White European nations.

    That may be true up to some extent but there were more important factors as I have listed above. It were the common people of Britain who wanted to leave the EU, the common sons of the soils. The elites and their minions wanted the UK to stay within the EU.

    as well as in non-WASP countries like India, Pakistan,

    The UK has zero privileged position in India or Pakistan or even Nigeria and the British know this very well. In 1950 we became a republic, before that from 1947 to 1950, we were independent but a monarchy represented by a Governor General C Rajagopalachari (C.R.) who was an Indian independence activist, lawyer, writer, historian and statesman.
    And trust me, it is not in British national interest not of France or Netherlands or Portugal to have deep links with the Indian subcontinent, Middle East, Latin America or African World. These places are hellholes and headaches in the long run. South East Asia and Central Asia are comparatively better places. Let the Chinese make the mistake of getting involved in these hellhole minefield parts of the World. Now is the opportunity to disengage from this hellholes. Already the darkies are shouting and complaining (are we surprised) that China is “exploiting and looting” them or some bullshit. It has already started and is bound to become louder as anybody who honestly understands darky nature and psychology would attest. This part of the world is full of thankless people who love blaming others for everything. From a Western point of view let China wade into the thankless minefield, good time to disengage further. Remember that Indian commentator Grahamno (64) sayin why does China want to enter into the South Asian meat grinder hellhole World? He knew what he was sayin. But for the West this is Golden opportunity to disengage further. For the real West , if the real West really controlled the West, the Globalist Zio elites of the West will never do it.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  214. sb 说:

    My understanding of Australian history is that the White Australia came about not because the whites of Australia saw East Asians as “inferior ” but because they saw them as talented and extremely hard working . Too much so in fact .
    The ethos of Australia at that time was to create an egalitarian levelling society for working white family people and not a dog eat dog super competitive society ( the political leaders well knew the American experience and didn’t want to repeat it )

    There were Australian political leaders who were very pro White Australia who were also China scholars ( say Alfred Deakin and Arthur Calwell )

    • 回复: @Malla
  215. antibeast 说:

    Malla, I think you’ve misread my earlier posts on the role of the British Monarchy in perpetuating the colonial history of the British Empire. I was not trying to pass moral judgement on British history but merely making a statement of facts which might explain why the Anglo-Saxons behave the way they do today. Now that the UK is out of the EU, the British are keen on reviving their ties to the British Commonwealth, whether driven by colonial nostalgia or economic pragmatism. The French, likewise, maintain their political ties to their former colonies in North and West Africa.

    Again, good or bad, right or wrong, those are the facts.

    By way of comparison, Spain and Portugal behave just like any other EU member-state today and do not maintain any political ties whatsoever to their former colonies in Latin America. Neither are there Spanish-American nor Portuguese-American elites ruling over Mexico or Portugal, respectively, unlike the USA where an Anglo-American ruling class forms the core ethnic group of the US Establishment. The richest person in Mexico is the son of Lebanese immigrants while the richest people in Brazil are mostly of Italian and German ancestry. Culturally, Mexico is a mestizo nation while Brazil has a mulatto identity. Mexicans and Brazilians view themselves as Latin Americans while Spaniards and Portuguese view themselves as Europeans. And I can personally attest to this reality: my Brazilian customer in Sao Paulo has a German-sounding surname, speaks Portuguese and plays in a Samba band but her family trace their ancestry to Italy and Germany. I asked her about Portugal and she told me that Brazilians don’t care about Portugal which is just another foreign country to them, except for their language. Same with Mexico where the Spanish colonial elites fled to Puerto Rico after becoming independent of Spain. That’s why there’s hardly any Spanish-American ruling class in Mexico today.

    • 回复: @Malla
  216. Malla 说:

    OK, I understand. Cool. I agree with your point
    Anyways the reason the British left the the EU had many other factors playing for it as I have explained in my earlier post as well as your point of relationships with commonwealth. Very complex issue.

  217. Malla 说:

    Thanks. Yes exactly. North East Asians (including Vietnamese) are just too hyper competitive for the kind of society envisioned by Northern Europeans. More so for the earlier generations. White people issues with East Asians are very different than their issues with Black people or even Middle Easterners.

  218. @antibeast

    That’s pretty much the same case with Australia. But things could change with Scotland now restless for another run at independence after BREXIT. Once Scotland goes, then Canada, Australia and New Zealand might consider severing their political ties to the UK with each going their own way

    It would be a good thing to break our ties with Britain. It would be an even better thing to break our ties with the US. We need to rid ourselves of the sentimental irrational illusion that the Anglosphere nations have common interests. They don’t.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  219. antibeast 说:

    The colonial legacy of the British Empire is applicable to not just Anglophone nations like Australia but also to a French-speaking nation like Quebec which has to pledge allegiance to the British Monarchy. Such an anachronism no longer makes any sense in the 21st century.

  220. denk 说:


    intensifying competition between the U.S. and China is pressuring other nations to choose sides, and urged the superpowers to give governments “more room to move.”

    Morrison, who has long tried to balance Australia’s close trading ties with China and enduring security alliance with the U.S., said the ongoing rivalry had created challenges for 印度-Pacific nations that could spread further west

    Like other sovereign nations in the 印度-Pacific, our preference in Australia is not to be forced into any binary choices,” Morrison said in a speech to a U.K.-based think tank on Monday night. “Our present challenge in the 印度-Pacific though is a foretaste for so many others around the world, including the United Kingdom and Europe

    gawd damned !

    I cant stand these tongue [[[five liars]]]

    China didnt say..
    ‘Look son, If you dont help me fix those @!#$%@ , I can get very nasty, ‘

    It was your father,
    ‘YOu’r either with me or against me !’

    Hence witness the deputy who’s even nastier than the sheriff, with that infamous 14 points ‘civilising program‘ on China. !

    YOu wont get out of this self inflicted mess by 站在中国 吠叫错误的树。 !



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