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上周,我们追溯了必要的历史和地缘政治步骤,以了解 为什么俄罗斯让西方疯狂.

然后,在上周五,就在金属牛年开始之前,俄罗斯外交大臣谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergey Lavrov)惯有的沉重打击发出了重磅炸弹。

在接受热门脱口秀节目主持人弗拉基米尔·索洛维约夫(Vladimir Solovyov)的采访时, 完整成绩单 俄罗斯外交部出版的拉夫罗夫说,莫斯科“必须准备好”可能与欧盟决裂。

不祥的突破将是欧盟新制裁的直接结果,特别是那些“给我们的经济带来风险的地区,包括最敏感的地区”。 然后,是孙子式的硬道理:“如果你想和平,就为战争做准备。”

随后,克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫(Dmitri Peskov)确保向人们解释拉夫罗夫是脱离上下文的:可以预见的是,媒体抓住了一个“耸人听闻的”标题。

俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)在前俄罗斯总理叶夫根尼·普里马科夫(Yevgeny Primakov)的纪念碑上献花,以纪念10月XNUMX日外交日,在俄罗斯外交部莫斯科总部前。 照片:法新社/俄罗斯外交部
俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)在前俄罗斯总理叶夫根尼·普里马科夫(Yevgeny Primakov)的纪念碑上献花,以纪念10月XNUMX日外交日,在俄罗斯外交部莫斯科总部前。 照片:法新社/俄罗斯外交部


“我们相信我们将为此做好准备。 我们是邻居。 总而言之,他们是我们最大的贸易和投资伙伴。 许多欧盟公司在这里开展业务; 有数百甚至数千个合资企业。 当企业对双方都有利时,我们将继续。 我确信我们已经在国防领域完全自给自足。 如果我们再次看到(我们已经不止一次看到)制裁是在可能对我们的经济造成风险的领域(包括最敏感的领域)实施的,我们还必须在经济中保持同样的地位,以便能够采取相应的行动零部件供应等领域。 我们不想与世界隔离,但是我们必须为此做好准备。 如果你想要和平,做好战争的打算。”

很显然,拉夫罗夫并未表示俄罗斯将单方面切断与欧盟的关系。 实际上,这是在欧盟法庭上进行的:莫斯科表示,它不会采取先发制人的选择来破坏与布鲁塞尔欧共体的关系。 这本身与打破与27个欧盟成员国中的任何一个成员国的关系也大不相同。

佩斯科夫提到的背景也很明确:欧盟特使约瑟夫·博雷尔(Josep Borrell)在灾难性的莫斯科之行后提出了布鲁塞尔正在考虑实行进一步制裁的问题。 拉夫罗夫的回应显然是为了使欧洲委员会(EC)的高层领导人从某种意义上说出一些道理,该委员会由臭名昭著的德国前国防部长乌尔苏拉·冯·德·莱恩和其外交政策“首领”博雷尔领导。

Ursula von der Leyen(C)在9月XNUMX日在布鲁塞尔举行的欧洲议会全体会议上。照片:AFP
Ursula von der Leyen(C)在9月XNUMX日在布鲁塞尔举行的欧洲议会全体会议上。照片:AFP

本周早些时候,佩斯科夫被迫敏锐地回到了火山的传奇故事:“令人遗憾的是,布鲁塞尔一直在谈论制裁,而对美国持狂热态度的美国也是如此。 这是我们永远不会欢迎的事情。 这是我们根本不喜欢的东西。”


因此,为下周一举行的欧盟外长会议的喧闹(至少可以说)做准备,他们将在会议上进行讨论,还有什么呢? –可能的新制裁。 最有可能的是,包括对部分俄罗斯人的旅行禁令和资产冻结,其中包括与克里姆林宫非常亲近的人,欧盟将其归咎于本月初对右翼博客和定罪的欺诈者的入狱责任(针对伊夫·罗彻的骗局)阿列克谢·纳瓦尼(Alexei Navalny)。

绝大多数俄罗斯人将纳瓦尼(最高普及率为2%)视为低消耗性的北约资产。 下周的会议将为27月底举行的成员国领导人峰会铺平道路,欧盟可以在该峰会上正式批准新的制裁。 这将需要欧盟XNUMX个成员国的一致决定。




无论如何,俄罗斯与欧盟的贸易将继续下去。 欧盟非常需要俄罗斯的能源。 俄罗斯愿意出售它,石油和天然气,管道及其他所有产品。 那绝对是生意。 如果欧盟出于种种原因不希望这样做,那就没问题:俄罗斯正在整个东亚发展稳定的业务,包括能源。

例如,总部位于莫斯科的智囊团“瓦尔代讨论俱乐部”一直与之相关, 仔细追踪 中俄战略伙伴关系的贸易方面:

“美国的政策将继续寻求中俄之间的分裂。 欧洲仍然是莫斯科和北京的重要伙伴。 中亚局势稳定,但需要俄中合作。”

从侧面看,普京 权衡 关于欧盟与俄罗斯的传奇,这是俄罗斯与西方之间长期战斗的潜台词:“一旦我们开始稳定下来,重新站起来–威慑政策随之而来……随着我们变得越来越强大,这种威慑政策正在越来越激烈地进行。”

我上周暗示 柏林-莫斯科-北京轴线的星际距离可能性。

媒体和电信分析师彼得·斯宾格勒(Peter G. Spengler)在给我的一封冗长的电子邮件中优雅地将其归为罗伯特·穆西尔(Robert Musil)的 可能性感, 如他的杰作中所述 没有素质的人.

彼得·斯宾格勒(Peter Spengler)也呼吁注意莱布尼兹(Leibniz)的 中华新星报,尤其是曼弗雷德·冯·博蒂切尔(Manfred von Boetticher)发表的一篇文章 莱布尼兹和俄罗斯以沙皇彼得大帝为代表,其中强调了俄罗斯作为欧洲和中国之间桥梁的作用。


尽管最终莱布尼兹从未见过彼得大帝,但我们了解到,“莱布尼兹的目标始终是为他的理论发现提供实际应用。 在他的一生中,他一直在寻找一个“伟大的有才华的人”,他对现代思想持开放态度,并在他的帮助下可以实现他对更美好世界的想法。 在专制主义时代,这似乎是一个学者的最有希望的观点,对于他而言,科学技术的进步以及教育和经济条件的改善是紧迫的目标。”

“沙皇彼得(Tsar Peter)像他一样对所有新计划持开放态度,并且无论如何都令他着迷,因此对于莱布尼兹来说,一定是一次非常有趣的接触。 由于西欧通过耶稣会访问团与中国建立了更紧密的联系,并且莱布尼兹已经认识到具有千年历史的中国文化的重要性,因此他在俄罗斯也看到了欧洲和中国文化领域之间的自然联系,这是未来综合的中心在东方和西方之间。 随着俄罗斯帝国的动荡不断,他的希望似乎得以实现:充满期待,他跟随俄罗斯的变化,因为这些变化正在彼得一世的领导下出现。”

哲夫弗里德·威廉·莱布尼兹(1646-1716),哲学家和数学家。 皮埃尔·埃米尔·德斯梅森(Pierre-Emile Desmaisons)的石版画(1812-1880)。 照片:法新社/ Roger Violette
哲夫弗里德·威廉·莱布尼兹(1646-1716),哲学家和数学家。 皮埃尔·埃米尔·德斯梅森(Pierre-Emile Desmaisons)的石版画(1812-1880)。 照片:法新社/ Roger Violette

然而,在这个阶段唤起莱布尼兹是在梦想天界。 行人的地缘政治现实是,欧盟是一个大西洋主义机构,事实上隶属于北约。 拉夫罗夫可能想要表现得像道士般的和尚,甚至想拉莱布尼兹,但是当您被迫与一堆假人打交道时,这很难。


狂野的大西洋主义者认为非实体Navalny与Nord Stream 2直接相关。 (斜体矿)被通常的犯罪嫌疑人用作破坏北河2的重击公羊。

原因是管道将巩固柏林,成为欧盟能源政策的核心。 这将是欧盟整体外交政策的一个主要因素-至少在理论上,德国将对美国行使更多的自治权。

这就是“肮脏”的秘密:这都是主权问题。 每个地缘政治和地缘经济参与者都知道谁不想要更紧密的德俄协定。




柏林的战略重点是增加出口量–在欧盟内部,尤其是对亚洲的出口。 德国工业家和商务人士确切地知道Nord Stream 2代表什么:日益自信的德国主权引导着欧盟的心脏,这转化为欧盟主权的提高。


Musil的可能性意识已经在发挥作用吗? 现在说还为时过早。 自2014年以来,霸权对俄罗斯发动了一场无止境的混合战争。 大概是70%的财务和30%的信息战。


(从重新发布 亚洲时报 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 经济学, 对外政策 •标签: 中国, EU, 德国, 俄罗斯 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 这就是“肮脏”的秘密:这都是主权问题。 每个地缘政治和地缘经济参与者都知道谁不想要更紧密的德俄协定。

    The Zionist rats are still fighting a world war for global hegemony. We’ll call it the Great War of the Rat Race.

    • 哈哈: Zarathustra
    • 回复: @Jake
  2. 这就是拜登正在集结力量推翻叙利亚政府的原因。 长期以来寻求的从卡塔尔经叙利亚进入欧洲的天然气管道可能会打破俄罗斯的天然气垄断。 俄罗斯知道这一点,不会和平离开叙利亚。

  3. Does this surprise some people, to wit, the fact that Germany is not a sovereign nation? Why? There are few sovereign nations in this world. That’s the dirty little secret.

  4. Joel Ryan 说:


    • 同意: Skeptikal
  5. GeeBee 说:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    Germany never actually surrendered after 8th May 1945. The whole situation is murky. I have heard rumours that there is a clause in the USA’s German occupation that will only expire in the year 2099, and which more or less decrees that Germany is no more than a USA satrapy, and that this clause is only revealed to incoming German Chancellors. It’s secret: no-one knows what it contains. Whatever it says, however, the crucial issue, as always, lies in having a spine. The time is ripe for Germany and the clustering kindergarten of nations that surround her to stick a well deserved two finger salute in uncle Shmuel’s direction and pivot east.


  6. Mikael_ 说:

    但我怀疑安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)虽然不是俄罗斯恐惧症患者,但是否有这样的长期目标。

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  7. @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    Australia for one is a US colony. Our political, intelligence and fakestream media robopaths are all 100% up Uncle Satan’s fundament. Satan is the greatest investor in our economy, and public figures from academia etc, interviewed over various topics are increasingly coming with Yankee accents intact. We’ll go down with the Five Eyes ship, no doubt about it.

    • 同意: Ann Nonny Mouse
  8. @GeeBee

    Selection for admission to the ruling German elites depends on one crucial criterion-total and abject servitude to the Zionazis. All else is immaterial.

    • 回复: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  9. @Carlton Meyer

    但管道穿过充满愤怒和疯狂的人的地区是有点冒险的。 每隔半英里就有必要保卫一个单位,而这些单位需要薪水。 这个世界上没有什么是免费的。

    • 回复: @Ukraine Tiger
    , @Alfred
  10. Ron Unz 说:

    关于美国对俄罗斯/德国历史的误解,以下是我 2018 年文章中的一些相关段落:

    在我不合理的傲慢态度中,我有时还喜欢看到杂志或报纸记者完全错误的显而易见的事情,这些错误也经常渗入历史叙事中。 例如,关于20世纪德国和俄罗斯之间巨大的军事斗争的讨论经常偶然提及这两个伟大民族之间的传统敌对状态,数百年来,两国人民一直是敌对的对手,代表着斯拉夫与图顿为争夺统治而进行的永恒斗争。东欧洲。

    尽管两次世界大战的血淋淋的历史使这一观念显得显而易见,但实际上是错误的。 1914年之前,这两个伟大的民族已经有150年没有交战过,甚至18世纪中叶的七年战争也涉及俄罗斯与日耳曼奥地利结盟对抗日耳曼普鲁士,这根本算不上冲突沿着文明的路线。在无休无止的拿破仑战争中,俄罗斯和德国一直是坚定的盟友,并在随后的梅特里希和俾斯麦时代密切合作,而直到 1904 年,德国还在俄罗斯对日战争中支持俄罗斯,但未取得成功。 1920年代,魏玛德国和苏俄曾有过一段密切的军事合作时期,1939年的希特勒-斯大林条约标志着第二次世界大战的开始,在漫长的冷战期间,苏联没有比东方更忠诚的卫星了。德国。在过去的三个世纪里,也许有两打的敌对关系,而在剩下的大部分时间里,俄罗斯人和德国人之间保持着良好的关系,甚至是彻底的联盟,这很难表明俄罗斯人和德国人是世袭的敌人。

    而且,在那个时期的大部分时间里,俄罗斯的统治精英都带有相当大的日耳曼色彩。 俄罗斯传奇的凯瑟琳大帝一出生就曾是德国公主,而且几个世纪以来,如此众多的俄国统治者都娶了德国妻子,以至于后来罗曼诺夫王朝的沙皇通常比俄国人更德国。 俄罗斯本身拥有大量但被大量同化的德国人口,在精英政治圈子中有很好的代表,德国名字在政府部长中很常见,有时在重要的军事指挥官中也能找到。 甚至在19世纪初期的Decembrist起义的最高领导人中,他都有德国血统,但在思想上却是一个热心的俄罗斯民族主义者。

    在俄罗斯和德国混合统治阶级的统治下,俄罗斯帝国稳步崛起,成为世界上最重要的强国之一。 的确,鉴于其庞大的规模,人力和资源,再加上最快的经济增长率之一和自然人口总数的自然增长(紧随其后),一位1914年的观察家很容易将其钉住,以很快在欧洲大陆占主导地位,也许就像托克维尔(Tocqueville)在19世纪初期的几十年著名的预言中所说的那样。 第一次世界大战的一个重要根本原因是英国认为,只有预防性战争才能阻止崛起的德国,但我怀疑一个重要的次要原因是德国的平行观点,即对崛起的俄罗斯必须采取类似措施。


  11. @Carlton Meyer


  12. @Joel Ryan

    The good news is nuclear weapons don’t exist, just another hoax. The bad news is, with enough missiles you can create a firestorm which can erase a city. No nukes needed. Ever wonder why US and Russia need about 7000 “nuclear” devices each? Seems excessive, no? Look in Wikipedia, it says 90% of the damage from a nuclear weapon comes from the ensuing firestorm. Hmm.

  13. Notsofast 说:


  14. @Ron Unz


  15. I think that the author misses the critical fact that Russia and China are not free, moral alternatives to the west. The western governments are evil and essentially puppets to (((corporate))) interests. The Chinese are looking out for their own wealth and power, and have cooperated closely with American elites for decades. In some ways they may be better, but in many ways they are even worse than the west. Russia is heavily compromised, and simple things like questioning the holocaust are illegal there. They both are part of the NWO agenda with the central bank digital currencies, social credit scores, contact tracing, surveillance state, etc. The west is a joke; China and Russia are perhaps more competent but just as evil, which makes them even more dangerous

    • 同意: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Ugetit
  16. A Russian-German-Chinese Concordat would cause Furst Otto von Bismarck to smile in his grave. His was the policy of the Drei Kaisers’ Bund, a peacekeeping alliance among Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia. That combination was established to maintain the peace. No other combination of nations could possibly overcome their combined military and economic power.

    Ultimately, several developments destroyed that alliance. Firstly, upon the death of his father, a slightly physically deformed Kaiser Wilhelm II, dumped Bismarck as his chancellor. Like many individuals with physical problems, Wilhelm’s ego made him go all macho, infatuated with the military and in that colonialist era, decided to go all in with his naval Kriegsmarine. That upset the “Brittania Rule the Waves” mentality in the sceptered isle. Meanwhile, the true fly in the ointment was the satanically clever Benjamin Disraeli, the number one minion of the Rottenchild Crime Clan. He sent agents to both Russia and Germany and stirred the shit.

    Another relatively weak ruler, after the Marxist/anarchist assassination of Alexander II who happened to be a great Tsar, his son Nicholas II, took over the throne in St, Petersburg. Nicholas and his ministers gave ear to the blandishments of the British-French Rothschild agents and dumped the Drei Kaisers’ Bund to form the Triple Alliance with Perfidious Albion and the Revanchist elements in France, still sore after having lost Alsace-Lorraine to the united forces of the German states in 1870. Thus was the stage set for the “War to End all Wars”.

    Now, back to the present and project to the future. A de-facto recapitulation of Bismarck’s dream gradually develops. The Atlanticists and their Bank$ter covert rulers virtually go berserk. But militarily they are effectually checkmated by the Russia-China informal alliance. A major setback to their long-range plans which have been developing generationally for a long-long time. Maybe its time to play it cool and pull back the horns…quietly and see what they can do to disrupt the threat utilizing glacially gradual strategies they have honed over centuries of plotting and scheming. But the counter to that bit of accumulated wisdom is the threat of losing it all on the economic front. What to do?

    So we turn to the ancient Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.”

  17. bayviking 说:

    The majority in leading EU countries believe that the US political system is broken and that China will be more powerful than the US within a decade. Only 27% of polled Europeans believe that ‘Americans can be trusted’ after they voted for Trump in 2016.

    Coupled with Washington’s global retreat, ‘Brexit’ decisively ended any illusion that a post-WWII political scenario can still be possible. The EU will have no patience for any American ultimatum to choose between Washington and Beijing.

  18. Seraphim 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Australia is still a British colony.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  19. @Ron Unz

    梅特涅 是的
    他是斯拉夫后裔(捷克)Nepomuk 的根源

  20. Rahan 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    We’ll go down with the Five Eyes ship, no doubt about it.

    Who knows. Perhaps, to borrow from the great Spike Milligan’s WWII “memoirs”, the members of the Australian Deep State are now busy writing two sets of diaries, one in which they were always supporting the Five Eyes against evil China, and a second in which they were always working to free Australia from the Five Eyes system and make her an indie South Pacific player.

  21. @Sparkylyle92

    That is a liberating relief.We do not have to worry that building will collapse on our heads. And we can breathe freely radioactive dust for hours. And the pressure wave that will lift us up and carry us for hundreds of feet will be only pleasant experience.

  22. @Zarathustra

    It wasn’t full of pissed off and crazy people before 2013.

  23. Refl 说:


    目前,德国和欧盟在更广泛意义上的政策是:无用的人通过强制移民进来,聪明的人出去,因为他们再也无法忍受“领导人”的难以言说的白痴。 赌博是,如果及时出现一个能够胜任他们任务的领导层。

    令人高兴的是,所有支持当前疯狂行为的好心人都必须阻止自己呼吸,接下来将不得不服用所谓的疫苗来帮助消灭他们。 现代战争确实有一些有趣的特征。


  24. Anon[256]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    A simple way to make sense out of any foreign policy which makes no sense…is to ask yourself what role do the International Bank$ters play in it?  

    China, Russia, and Iran are breaking away from the US PetroDollar Central Banking
    System by establishing their own reserve currency system, and the International Bank$ters are desperately trying to manipulate the situation, just like they did in WW1 and WW2.  

    The International Bank$ters destroyed England, Germany, Europe and Russia with WW1 and WW2 and shifted the center of their central banking power from England to the US and Israel.  

    These Bank$ters are now planning to do the same thing again, but this time will try to destroy the US, Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and then shift their central banking power from the US to China and Israel.  We would be naive to blame China, Russia, Germany, Iran, Syria, even the US or any country for that matter…because they are ALL being manipulated by the International Bank$ters.

  25. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Is that why they jail Holocaust deniers? How can they be so crazy? Whose idea? Why didn’t they just laugh it off?

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  26. @Ron Unz

    事实上,鉴于其庞大的面积、人力和资源,再加上最快的经济增长率之一和紧随其后的总人口自然增长,1914 年的观察者可能很容易认为它很快就会主宰欧洲大陆,也许甚至世界大部分地区

    Well, we whittled them down to size, did we not, Ron? Can’t remember the numbers for the two World Wars, plus the miseries afterward through the nineties and 2000s, but isn’t Russia down to around 150-200 million population, and in decline at that? Tragic, staggeringly. And not necessary, except for the profit of war industries. Smedley Butler, boy did he have them pegged. He called all of it.

    • 回复: @steinbergfeldwitzcohen
  27. Sirius 说:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    世界上只有三四个真正的主权国家:美国、中国、俄罗斯,可能还有伊朗。 伊朗为行使其主权付出了最惨重的代价,其次是俄罗斯。 中国和俄罗斯太大或太强大(前者在经济上,后者在军事上),不能被摆布太多。

    • 同意: Joe Levantine
  28. Sirius 说:


    非常有趣的一点。 它可以很快发生吗? 这很难预测。


    这是美国过度使用和滥用的经济武器,有一天它会卷土重来。 权力太大通常会产生傲慢。


    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  29. German hegemony was never desired by its neighbors, starting with the Hussite uprising in 15th century.
    In fact, insisting on just a SINGLE pipe for whatever price, Germany is again proving its political lack of flexibility. Moreover, it is advertising the fact that a lot of its industry is, in fact, obsolete. Imagine industry whose prospects depend so severely on ONE pipe.

    Similarly ridiculous reason like the ‘Polish corridor’ of 1939. You were supposed to believe that Germans of East Prussia were somehow strangled by the lack of it. They were mocking every island state in the world in this way. Is the island of Ireland strangled due to its location ?

    As for Russia and Germany, it is unrequited love on the site of Germany. Building up German Golem would create more problems for Russia than solve it. Also, considering the fact that German industry is so severely depended on one pipe, the clever way for Russia would be to propose to re-locate it to Russia. What does German industry in Germany bring to Russia? Surely, much less than German industry in Russia…

  30. Mikael_ 说:

    由于持续不断的宣传攻势(Navalny?),德国公众对 Nordstream 2 的支持不断下降。

    只是因为默克尔认为,如果在她担任总理期间停止 NS2 项目,这将是一场“巨大”的政治失败,所以它仍在建设中。
    2021 年 2 月之后,她可能的继任者 Laschet 将是一个较弱的支柱,因此(已完成的)NSXNUMX 的关闭并非不存在可能性。不要提出财务问题,在这个“有趣的钱”时代,没有政客会因为财务原因而被阻止。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  31. @Another Polish Perspective

    I brought the example of Hussite wars, not of Polish-Teutonic Order wars, since Bohemia was a part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (the king of Bohemia was even an elector of an emperor), so formally it was a civil war inside the German state.

    Another state which did not really like to be a part of HREGN was Netherlands.

  32. GMC 说:

    Actually, I hope/think the German people and some of their companies, hold the key to sovereignty, because Merkel, Nato and the Brussels mafia won’t dare let Germany head towards Russia. Without a long term huge public protest – forget it.
    Russia – whole heartedly gave Germany back their Eastern section – and what did Russia get in return – Neo Nazis on their borders, sanctions, German made gaz cylinders in Syria, and the list goes on. Yet Russia, still holds its hands out for Peace – to Nyet avail. I wonder – if Russia still owned East Germany – would the people of western Germany be climbing that Wall – in order to get to Russia – today ? LOL
    No – because Russia would have a border and the German people would be invited to visit. Any country in Europe that doesn’t see the advantage of opening dialogue and friendship with Russia is pretty stupid, no matter how much money the EU gives them and the US – threatens.

    • 同意: Biff, Theophrastus
    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  33. SafeNow 说:

    “Musil’s sense of possibility, as described in his masterpiece The Man Without Qualities”

    A masterpiece, yes, but it is 1,700 pages. On “possibility,” Rashida Jones’s explanation is more concise. I will set it forth in full:

    “Anything is possible in the perfect blazer.”

    (She is the daughter of Quincy Jones, and Peggy Lipton of Mod Squad.)

    Btw, regarding Russia. I play online speed chess. My observation is that Russian players (1) Make what chess players call “quiet moves”; and (2) never make nasty comments in the “chat” space.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  34. @Notsofast

    并非如此…… faaaast ????

    Germany and Austria are not sovereign:


    Killing Nord Stream 2 可能 be too obvious … a Jew-controlled pipeline through Syria would be just as odious as a Jew-controlled pipeline through Ukraine.
    Mutti Merkel and the Soros Barbie are sock puppets, but should they develop funny ideas one look at the Mossad putsch in Austria will make them catholic again (small wonder JackD views the situation with optimism).
    Still, (((they))) are getting second thoughts; both Brexit and the NATO eastward expansion are above all the Jew repositioning against German 放松 与俄罗斯。

    – Russia will not risk a nuclear war with USrael just to better Germany´s situation,
    and nothing else will work at the moment; so “pulling back their hands” is the logical thing to do.

    – What I see happening next is Germany unable to drag along both the Jew
    and the PIGS (but only after Germany being looted bare by softening the Euro)
    and the PIGS turning to China (they already own the Piräus).

    事情 ,那恭喜你, in motion … but that´s all.

  35. Alfred 说:

    Nothing is free in this world.

    But that small inconvenience did not prevent the dunderheads in DC from occupying Afghanistan in order to get pipeline(s) across that unstable place. 🙂

    It seems the Taliban is offering “protection”. But they could have made a similar deal decades ago.

    Taliban vows to guarantee safety of trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline (Feb 6, 2021)

  36. @GeeBee

    The surrender of 8 May 1945 was a full military surrender which accepted that later occupation edicts would be applied by the Allies. All of those were theoretically brought to a close by Article 7(1) of the Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany (1990).

    • 哈哈: but an humble craftsman
  37. @Sparkylyle92

    Ever wonder why US and Russia need about 7000 “nuclear” devices each? Seems excessive, no?

    You should have seen what the arsenals were in during Cold War 1.0 .

  38. @Notsofast

    Just look at what is happening in Texas right now, and then tell me if LNG via ship from the US is something you could solely stake the well-being of one’s country and people upon.

  39. “And then, the Sun Tzu-style clincher: “If you want peace, prepare for war.””

    “A more sovereign Germany closer to Russia and China may be the straw that breaks the hegemon’s back.”

    Russia would be better off staying clear of China lest it comes to regret it.

  40. Alfred 说:

    the Germans have too much invested in Nord Stream 2 (95% complete) to walk away now.

    You don’t know the energy history of Germany.

    They subsidised their loss-making coal mining industry for 50 years – when they could have bought coal much more cheaply from Poland, Russia, South Africa, the USA etc. Importing coal would also have preserved their coal reserves for emergencies.

    They are shutting down all their nuclear power stations – despite there being no risk of a tsunami or of earthquakes in that region. That is a rated capacity of 20GW of stable base supply.

    They built a massive number of wind turbines and have encouraged the installation of solar panels – despite the wind and sun being seasonal and diurnal. During really cold spells, there is almost no sun or wind.

    The investment in Nord Stream 2 is by private companies – not the German government.

    Frankly, expecting politicians to think like engineers is asking too much. 🙂

    Germany until March 2011 obtained one-quarter of its electricity from nuclear energy, using 17 reactors. The figure is now about 12% from seven reactors, while over 40% of electricity comes from coal, the majority of that from lignite.

    Nuclear Power in Germany (2019)

    • 回复: @Schuetze
    , @Showmethereal
  41. Schuetze 说:


    Germany is still occupied by the US and Zato. Germany seceded control of its own currency to the Rothschild banking syndicate’s ECB. Germany’s one proud military industrial complex has been shattered and strewn to the wind. Germany’s people have been brainwashed with fake guilt and cucked by an invasion of untermensch. Germany’s current chancellor is was raised as a communist and is constantly flashing Illuminati hand signals like so many of Europe’s “leaders”.

    To talk about “German sovereignty” is absurd, almost as absurd as discussing “Russian sovereignty” or “US sovereignty”. Putin’s mother was a jew and he is a crypto-jew. Russia is owned and operated by the same Ashkenazi mafia that owns and operates Israel, the US and Germany. Biden’s entire family are married to jews, Trump’s too.

    The ashkenazi mafia crime lords are in continual struggle for preeminence and they have no qualms about spilling goy, or even jewish, blood in their machinations. But in the end they are all on the same side and will circle the wagons against any attempt by goyim to usurp their power. This is the situation right now between Germany and Russia, and between Democrats and Republicans.

    So, to paraphrase:

    The ashkenazi jews running Russia hold the keys to the ashkenazi jews running Germany getting enough power to break out of the orbit of the ashkenazi jews running the EU, the US and Israel.

  42. Alfred 说:


    名义上,我同意你的观点。 但实际上,每一位新当选的澳大利亚总理都会赶往华盛顿宣誓效忠。

    • 同意: Ann Nonny Mouse
    • 回复: @Silicon Silence
  43. @GMC

    – More exactly Russia still holds part of East Germany (Königsberg) and Poland occupies the rest. What was your point again?
    – The death squads in (((Ukraine))) are not Banderites (who have not forgotten the (((NKVD))) prison and the cathedral of Lemberg).
    – Every European country (except Austria, Finland and the Netherlands IOW the net payers) has a vital interest in subverting German-Russian rapprochement if only for the extortion proceeds (much the same for Israel).
    –国家 之间 Germany and Russia have nowhere to turn but USrael.

    NATO has become the new definition of insanity.

    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @GMC
  44. Bill Jones 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Yup, you had your one chance with Whitlam back in 75.

    One thing that I’ve found astonishing is the degree that Australia has, not fallen for, rather embraced, the Covid scam. The carefully nurtured image of an independent, resilient and resourceful people is utter bullshit.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  45. Spanky 说:

    Yet another good laugh this morning…

    You and @Iris ought to chat.

  46. I always considered


    To be Roman since it was Latin

    I worry Lavrov is so much better educated than his Western interlocutors

    Certainly Russia has a great Foreign Minister. If only Germany had Genscher

  47. Schuetze 说:

    Those of us who believe that weather and climate engineering is a continually ongoing operation also believe that this cold wave in Texas is not just bad luck. Mike Morales was talking about ship tracks in the pacific when the polar vortex first split, and the split vortex is highly abnormal. It likely was caused by ionospheric heating and the cold front directed directly at the deplorables in flyover country.

    Texas went for Trump and is a bastion of “white supremacists”. There is also an entire country that is still atoning for their white supremacy and the 6 gorrillion gassed and cremated money changers. Germany will face its own freeze, next winter if not this one.

    Just as with the Texas freeze, and just like the plandemic, the planning goes back decades. Clearly stifling German manufacturing prowess is the goal of making the energy infrastructure fragile, just as with Texas. And just as this cold front is having a devastating impact on agriculture in Texas, so will it in Germany and Northern Europe too.


    • 同意: Ugetit, GMC
    • 回复: @Alfred
    , @Peripatetic Itch
  48. HeebHunter 说:

    It is extremely important that any amerimutt agent in Europe must have their skulls bashed in. The stake for humanity is too high.

    Luckily, they are already seen as subhumans to Europeans with working braincells. And the Corona Hoax put survival back on the top of the list. BRD GmbH has lost legitimacy because of this farce. And real, tangible German welfare (Nord Stream 2) will not be stopped short of the amerimutts exposing themselves yet again. And this time, it will be the straw that breaks the (((camels))) back.

    Oh, and where I live, nobody knows who “Nalvany” is. I will make sure people be informed of his criminal records if they ask me 🙂

  49. HeebHunter 说:

    Countries between Germany and Russia have nowhere to turn but USrael.

    The well deserved fate for huwhite niggers. Maybe they shouldnt have dunked in the Holohoax too hard.
    And you are being too broad. Only pooland and the serbs subverted the Axis war efforts in the regions. Most of Eastern Europe hates pooland anyway. The whole Visegrad/V4 chest beating was absolutely hilarious, just like the (((trump))) theater. Holohoax Kino no.2 would lead Europe back to ethno nationalism? Pffft.

    Werd ich echt sauer
    Schreien “white power”

    Lol 🤣😂

    • 哈哈: nokangaroos
  50. HeebHunter 说:

    Man, the whole kikes controlling the whole wotld schtick is tiresome. If you really believe that, then just screw the optics and go in. It wouldnt count as suicide (or would it? God knows what you are doing, always).

    We can beat them and sent them to the hell where they belong. It will be a generations spanning struggle though.

    Oh, Ferkel is a poolish kike, FYI. You dont need to add “communist” to that, it is redundant.

    • 回复: @Schuetze
  51. MLK 说:

    As I predicted in real time, the Navalny drama was a risibly obvious pretext for delaying Nord Stream II until Trump was gone.

    Less incisive observers were perplexed that Putin would allow him to go to Germany, seemingly opening himself up to another poisoning hoo-ha. I can’t be the only one to have figured out that Navalny was the hostage to ensure Putin kept his end of the anti-Trump bargain.

    Soon enough Nord Stream II will come on line and the salient question of what the USG got in return for delivering Germany and Russia this long-term geopolitical win will be memory-holed.

    Indeed, Clinton-Bush-Obama-PAUSE-Biden will get back to what can only be described as geopolitical treason that is deepening the Strategic Alliance they drove Russia into with China.

  52. The ball is actually in Berlin’s court….

    That’s good on them. It sounds great. Now, if the Germans would only expel all American troops, then we Americans could extricate ourselves from Nordstream and all the rest of that mess.

    We’ve got our own problems.

    Once American meddling ceases, I have zero fear that, Berlin, Moscow and Beijing might suddenly discover a general confluence of interests. If there is a confluence presently, the confluence is chiefly a side-effect of persistent American interference.

    So we Americans should just stop. American interference helps nothing. It helps American interests least of all.

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  53. anon[264]• 免责声明 说:

    Rabid Atlanticists argue that non-entity Navalny is directly related to Nord Stream 2. Nonsense: Navalny was built (italics mine) by the usual suspects as a battering ram to undermine Nord Stream 2.

    “Italics mine”. That’s funny.

    Pepe, you’re not supposed to let us know you are passing on prepared texts. If you feel like emphasizing something go ahead and just do it. This “italics mine” ruins the entire experience.

    Nice touch, btw, with the Latin link! I bet you read that in full, right?

    People, you’re entire rights, your entire way of life is being reengineered in your own countries. Stop wasting time on geopolitical theatre. Pepe gets paid for this, this is his job. Are you getting paid for reading his crap, emphasis included?

    • 回复: @CyrusTheGreat
  54. Ugetit 说:

    The Chinese are looking out for their own wealth and power, and have cooperated closely with American elites for decades.

    British “elite” aka dope peddlers, slavers, and usurers as well.

    Who can doubt that they had plenty of help from slavish, whining, paranoid, and greedy myrmidons?

    [Around 1939], some 18,000 refugee Jews, mainly Ashkenazim of German origin were living in Shanghai.

    -斯坦利·杰克逊(Stanley Jackson),《沙宣》,第253页,(1968年)


    Food, shelter, medical care, schools for children and houses of worship had also to be provided, and Victor [Sassoon] made himself personally responsible for providing free milk to all refugee families. Jobs were, however, the top priority. He placed many immigrants in his own offices and associated concerns, while using gentle pressure on other employers. It was characteristic of him to remind the refugees, many of them stateless, that they now owed loyalty to those who were giving them sanctuary. As a result, about two hundred and fifty fighting men were soon being trained under a Jewish commander for the Shanghai Volunteer Corps.

    -Stanley Jackson, The Sassoons, pp 237-8, (1968)


    Who would be surprised to find that virtually all volunteered to serve in the Quartermaster, Military Intelligence, or Propaganda Corps?

    Even Japanese leadership attempted to kiss their butts, to no avail, since they were competition as well.

    • 回复: @stevennonemaker88
  55. Aedib 说:

    And then, the Sun Tzu-style clincher: “If you want peace, prepare for war.”

    It is not a Sun Tzu’s sentence. It is an ancient Roman sentence.

    “Si vis pacem, para bellum” Vegetius.

  56. Jake 说:
    @Chris Moore


  57. El Dato 说:

    This must be the new replacement for the “Moon Hoax” meme.

    The good news is nuclear weapons don’t exist, just another hoax.

    Your young age leads you to brash generalizations. Do not fret. There is much to learn. Here is something to get started.

    You were wondering whey there are so many nukes?

    Apart from the fact that it is an excellent way to transfer money into the MIC, it’s because you don’t attack cities (a strategy that became obsolete in the 50s), it’s because you attack multiple military targets, as fast and as massively as possible, and let loose while you still didn’t get nuked yourself. That’s the name of the game.

  58. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    你早在 1999 年就被警告过(当然翻转了几次,结果是 6661,……哈哈)


    • 回复: @Silicon Silence
  59. @Alfred

    “……每一位新当选的澳大利亚总理都会赶往华盛顿宣誓效忠。”——是的,但必须得到所有者的许可。 如果贝蒂·温莎(Betty Windsor,伦敦转交)说“不”,那么政府就会解雇这个家伙——问问老高夫·惠特拉姆就知道了。

    • 同意: Seraphim
  60. @Majority of One

    You forgot the third Kaiser, Franz Josef Karl, who sold out the German peoples of Austria in an attempt to cement his reign over the Hungarian side of their multi-culti house. The Habsburgs were perhaps the worst allies Bismarck and Germany could have found.

    • 同意: nokangaroos
  61. Von Rho 说:

    Why is so difficult for this guy to undestand that the Eurasian union among Russia, China and Germany will never occur? And that Western elite, that is light-years above, will never allow it. As British think-tank say, Russia is never as strong as it wants to appear nor as weak as we would wish, this being the reason why that country often gets some alms in order to keep those three geopolitical poles equidistantly suited. China, by its turn, is a creation of Western capitalism, which wants profits, not charity, then the “cooperation between nations” claimed by Chinese government to promote the new silk road (that now is slowed with pandemics – has the guy noticed this?) is a merely ideological speech. About Germany, we should firstly ask which of the three Germanies are we talking about: The Prussian one of WWI? The Bavarian-Austrian one of WWII and Trump? Or the Rhineland-Hanseatic one of EU? The guy shold accept that Trump losed, because he was already a looser, since when he was launched as a Trojan horse by those people who are light-years above him.

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
    , @antibeast
  62. I want to thank Russia for their concern for Trump voters human rights. We ‘re actually going to need that. As for Germany, will this happen with Merkel in charge? If so, I’ll be genuinely surprised and suspicious. Cecil Rhode’s little secret societies have been playing both Russia and Germany for over a century. The bankers of London with the help of Wall Street has financed all sides of all WW’s, and all subsequent radical regimes. Has that ended? Has the Roundtable been relegated to the ashbin yet? Has Putin figured out the riddle to rid the world of these monsters? One can hope, but one should never bank on it. Especially a guy name Vladimir Putin. Also the US is destroying itself from the inside, and it makes us extremely dangerous. Can Vlad talk us out of our nukes, biologicals, and Gate’s Foundation? Finally I do hope post Merkel Germany can do the split from NYC and London, and maybe give up its guilt mindset.

  63. A123 说:

    In the long term, the best strategy for Putin and the Orthodox Christians of Russia is:

    • Opposing Merkel’s IslamoGloboHomo
    • Helping Europe reclaim traditional Christian values

    Mutti Merkel is the #1 advocate of the Muslim invasion of Europe. She is the originator and #1 defender of the “Welcome Rape-ugees” program that has plunged multiple European nations into chaos.

    If completed, NordStream 2 will be nicknamed “Putin’s Folly”. As an orthodox Christian nation, the worst long term enemy Russia can have is an empowered, far-left, SJW Muslim block (a.k.a. IslamoGloboHomo). Making sexually deviant, sharia compliant, Berlin more powerful is guaranteed to blow up in Russia’s face at some point.

    Orthodox Christian Russia should align with other pro-Christian nations in Europe such as Poland and Hungary. This will require overcoming some historical baggage dating to WWII and earlier. Fortunately, the invading Islamic hordes, gives both sides more room to maneuver. A common, deadly, implacable enemy makes those past issues much less pressing.


    • 巨魔: Mulga Mumblebrain
  64. GMC 说:

    Na , I was talkin about the part of East Germania that had the Wall. Konyberg the Empires last little chunk, has a very important location and could be gotten to, thru Belarus – if and when the time comes. But last time I was in Kyiv, the tents were still up, but the party was over and I did see a couple of red and black flags and yes the Donbass boys consider the Azov battalion – Nazis. And I totally agree – once those East Europe countries got on the EU, Nato, US welfare wagon, they weren’t worth a shit. Spacibo

  65. chris m 说:

    15 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日星期一 –

    这似乎是欧元许多困境的答案,特别是自 2008/9 年全球金融危机以来




    • 回复: @A123
  66. @El Dato

    You’re doing your case no favors by showing the cover photo of that book. It’s a pasteup. Look at the unnatural line of the crowd in the distance. It’s not a particularly good fake.
    One fake photo, no biggie. But virtually every photo purporting to show a nuclear test is fake, usually in obvious ways like this one. Why the fakes if it really happened?
    Here’s a challenge: if nukes are real, tell me where I can see a damn big hole in the ground left behind by a blast. Should be easy, there were literally thousands of tests.
    By contrast, I know nuclear reactors are real because I’ve driven past power plants with big wires going out and no pipelines or railroads going in. Logic.

    • 同意: Peripatetic Itch
    • 回复: @Theophrastus
  67. @V. K. Ovelund

    – Should the US abandon the Heartland Theory (“isolationism”), 80% of the World´s military spending would become moot overnight; do you have any idea what that would do to the 库存 市场?!
    Besides, apart from relaxation nothing much would happen …


    One can dream 😀

    • 回复: @V. K. Ovelund
    , @Sirius
  68. Two thirds of Germany’s 1500 tonne gold reserves are being held hostage by the US government.

    Germany can ask about getting it repatriated, but it will not happen. The gold is Germany’s, but in name only. The Western banking cartel is holding it as leverage.

    • 同意: nokangaroos
    • 谢谢: Majority of One
  69. @Von Rho

    About Germany, we should firstly ask which of the three Germanies are we talking about:

    Nice try but a bit short 😛
    Why, of course the one and only legitimate one, the All-German delegates in St. Paul´s church in Frankfurt 1848.

    • 回复: @Von Rho
  70. @El Dato

    As far as the Apollo hoax, you don’t need to be particularly knowlegable or smart to decode it. Just verify that the mainstream narrative says that astronauts in Mercury, Gemini and ISS programs could see the stars, but Apollo astronauts “don’t remember seeing any stars” as Collins says in the A11 press conference. Well which is it? Can you see stars from space or not? And if you can, why not snap a photo or two of stars from the moon?
    Our rulers have no respect for our intelligence. If they did they wouldn’t claim to have lost 200 boxes of Apollo digital video.
    Prediction: Artemis will never happen.

    • 同意: Peripatetic Itch
  71. Lavrov was clear that war is always better avoided. But history shows it is hard to avoid, even if the aspiration is for peace. Mankind is still on the treadmill of war, getting off it has proven impossible in the past. But it is imperative we do get off.

  72. Miro23 说:


    There are alternative straws that could break the hegemon’s back. For example the failure of the US Ponzi-scheme economy. (Ref. the neglected Off-Guardian article linked by 埃姆斯兰德 https://off-guardian.org/2021/01/22/the-old-lady-who-swallowed-a-fly/ )

    Or gun control efforts that turn chaotic.

  73. Alfred 说:

    A masterpiece, yes, but it is 1,700 pages

    I read it a few years ago. It was on discount in Melbourne. It was so unremarkable that there is little that I remember of it. Except for the description of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph. I am hardly surprised that the eminent author could not think of a way of ending the book. 🙂

    • 哈哈: Fred777
  74. Alfred 说:

    Here is a simple explanation of what is happening now that we are in a solar minimum.

    The real experts on the oceans and how they function were at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. It was in 1956 when they published A theory of Ice Age by Maurice Ewing and William Donn. They were the most influential oceanographers to date, yet the Global Warming people have completely ignored their work and bastardized it for political gain. The core of what they unveiled was that if the Arctic Ocean would get warmer and the ice melted, this would signal an Ice Age, not the sinking of coastal cities. A warmer Arctic Ocean would mean that water would flow more freely between it and the Atlantic, dissipating the cold making the Atlantic colder. There is the key to an Ice Age. If all the ice melted in the Arctic Ocean leaving open water that was then warmer by mixing with the Atlantic, then a warmer Arctic Ocean surrounded by colder land around it would produce evaporation and that water would then return back to the land as snow. More snow that falls in Greenland and Northern Canada is what makes glaciers grow deeper. When the Arctic Ocean is covered in ice, then there is NO EVAPORATION and thus we do not move into an Ice Age.

    Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it’s Now Incorporated into the Great Reset | Armstrong Economics

    • 回复: @Schuetze
  75. Johan 说:

    I’d keep an eye on China, Mammon marching the Chinese way.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  76. A123 说:
    @chris m


    问题在于,德国精英喜欢欧元提供的锁定的、可开发的出口市场。如果没有 TARGET 2 系统提供的人为补贴,德国在欧洲的出口将立即大幅下降。您可以查看任何图表来了解德国价值的提取过程。

    只要德国精英银行和大型企业受益于欧元的隐性补贴,他们就不会自愿退出。他们将不得不被一个或多个主权外围国家为了自身利益而驱逐。什么时候 Italian Euro Printers go BBBrrrrrr…. 德国精英将失去控制。只有这样,德国才会逃离欧元区。


  77. Alexandros 说:
    @El Dato

    Well that’s the thing. You don’t need a nuke to take out a military target. Obliterating entire cities is the point of such a weapon. For smaller strikes you have ordinary explosives. Far cheaper, far more effective.

    The best way to transfer money to MIC would be to have 7000 “nuclear weapons” on paper only, while spending the money on something real, something useful. Nukes are just another global warming, moon landing, environmental hoax. The recipe for these things should be quit obvious for anyone bothering to look. Fantastical claims only rivaled by fantastical fear. And the public needs to pay up!

    • 同意: Peripatetic Itch
  78. antibeast 说:
    @Von Rho

    Why is so difficult for this guy to understand that the Eurasian union among Russia, China and Germany will never occur? And that Western elite, that is light-years above, will never allow it. As British think-tank say, Russia is never as strong as it wants to appear nor as weak as we would wish, this being the reason why that country often gets some alms in order to keep those three geopolitical poles equidistantly suited.

    A ‘Eurasian union’ between Germany and China is possible but not with Russia whose assigned role as the greatest ‘threat’ to Europe serves as the 存在的理由 of NATO to ‘divide and rule’ Europe, especially in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Without the ‘threat’ of Russia, Europe would not need NATO which would cease to exist.

    China, by its turn, is a creation of Western capitalism, which wants profits, not charity, then the “cooperation between nations” claimed by Chinese government to promote the new silk road (that now is slowed with pandemics – has the guy noticed this?) is a merely ideological speech.

    No, it is not ‘merely ideological speech’ as proven by the recently signed EU-China investment treaty which could result in stronger EU-China economic ties, thus implying a de-facto ‘Eurasian union’ between Germany and China.

    The guy should accept that Trump lost, because he was already a loser, since when he was launched as a Trojan horse by those people who are light-years above him.

    Trump was hired to dupe the White Working Class in the USA while his son-in-law Kushner acted behind the scenes to serve the interests of a Foreign Power in the Middle East. That Foreign Power used Trump as a Trojan Horse to seize control of the US Republican Party which is now 100% beholden to Trump.

    • 回复: @Von Rho
    , @Seraphim
  79. @Schuetze

    the split vortex is highly abnormal. It likely was caused by ionospheric heating and the cold front directed directly at the deplorables in flyover country.

    All done by that HAARP machine, right? Or did Angela Merkel do it with those Illuminati hand signals you were so on about in Comment 44?

    Your “ionospheric heating” (so termed become you want us to think of a satanic hand) is properly called a 平流层突然变暖. It’s been associated with sudden outbreaks of cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere for many years. There was one in January, 2019 and another in January, 1985:

    The January 1985 Arctic outbreak was the result of the shifting of the polar vortex further south than is normally seen. Blocked from its normal movement, polar air from the north pushed into nearly every section of the eastern half of the United States, shattering record lows in a number of states. The effects of the outbreak were damaging. At least 126 deaths were blamed on the cold snap and 90 percent of the citrus crop in Florida was destroyed in what the state called the “Freeze of the Century.” Florida’s citrus industry suffered $1.2 billion in losses ($2.3 billion in 2009 dollars) as a result of the inclement weather. The public inauguration of President Ronald Reagan for his second term was held in the Capitol Rotunda instead of outside due to the cold weather, canceling the inaugural parade in the process.


    Unfortunately (for your theory) the HAARP machine was only completed in 2007, so we’ll have to pin that one on Miss Angela for sure. As for this year, the sudden stratospheric warming preceding the outbreak of cold weather occurred in early January, before the inauguration. About the time of the “Insurrection” actually. Maybe Sleepy Joe snuck into the control center while Trump was giving his Rally speech? Used that “Mario Kart” console his grand-daughter gave him for Christmas, no doubt.

    The breakdown of the polar vortex is an extreme event known as a Sudden stratospheric warming, here the vortex completely breaks down and an associated warming of 30-50 degrees Celsius over a few days can occur.


    Here’s a simulation video showing the sudden stratospheric warming that preceded the cold outbreak two years ago. No way you’re going to pin that massive event on HAARP. Or Honest Joe Biden.

  80. AnonFromTN 说:

    A more sovereign Germany

    Thing is, to attain sovereignty, Germany must kick out the occupiers. As Soviet Union voluntarily withdrew its troops ~30 years ago, this is now a question of kicking out the US occupying forces. To do this, Germany needs a leader who cannot be blackmailed by the Empire. Mutti does not qualify.

    • 同意: HeebHunter
  81. Schuetze 说:

    “Ferkel is a poolish kike”

    A quick search does not produce any convincing evidence unlike for Trump and Putin. Not that I doubt it.

    As far as “kikes controlling the world” goes, I am afraid I do believe that. Perhaps they just represent the majority of the “oligarchs”, but just as with the Boschevics, it is the Ashkenazi who are really calling the shots. All the goyim are there for show.

    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  82. @nokangaroos

    … do you have any idea what that would do to the 股市?!

    I have barely a clue.


    To the extent to which PE ratios are in fact rationally connected to returns on investment, I presume that stocks will find levels at which their PEs are performant—which is exactly what stocks ought to do. On the other hand, to the extent to which PE ratios are (whether rationally or irrationally) corruptly manipulated and artificially elevated by the Fed’s absorption of speculators’ losses, stock prices should fall, and the sooner, the better.

    I have no idea what the balance of these two tendencies is.

    … China would claim Mongolia and the Primorye and Priamurye, Japan the Kurils, but all in good humour …

    I used to think that the United States missed a golden opportunity to disengage at the end of the Cold War, but the opportunity now is better. The U.S. is obviously in decline, and yet easily strong enough to defend her interests at home. It’s ideal.

    If the U.S. would just withdraw and stay withdrawn for 15 years, foreigners would be forced to assume that the U.S. were no longer very capable of helping or interfering—after which various foreigners would have figure out various ways to solve their own problems without involving the U.S.

    Ideally, the U.S. would become as irrelevant to Eurasian power mechanics as Laos is, say, to lunar exploration.

    Regarding Mongolia, the U.S. has neither a vital interest nor a practical ability to intervene. The correct U.S. response to a Chinese invasion of Mongolia would be a U.S. invasion of Panama, kicking the Chinese out of the Canal.

  83. @anon

    您一站式解决方案 Level of Illiteracy (italics mine) is in Total Clear Display.

    • 回复: @but an humble craftsman
  84. @Peripatetic Itch

    Sorry to question the vision of the almighty US gov, but it is all about the ongoing pole shift.
    Poles are wandering towards the equator, and the cold weather with them.
    The cold spell over Jerusalem and Houston should be coupled with a similar phenomenon somewhere behind 30 degrees S.
    We are 30 degrees from the catastrophe.

  85. Schuetze 说:

    I follow Armstrong and enjoy listening to his interviews. I agree with him that “global warming” is not due to Co2. My problem with Armstrong is that he always stops any real investigation into the motives behind this scam with some blanket explanation about how politicians are idiots and kooks. There is much more going on here, and most politicians are following orders. Armstrong’s problem is that he people who are ordering politicians around are the same ones who order him around. But he won’t tell us that. This is why he will never talk about weather engineering.

  86. Schuetze 说:
    @Peripatetic Itch

    Your carrying over of vendettas from one thread to another makes it hard for me to interpret precisely what your point is. HAARP was set up in Alaska long before 2007. We cannot know exactly what tools were used to create this cold front blasting through flyover country, we can only try to connect the dots. I don’t rule out the possibility that this weather anomaly was an unforeseen side effect of some other manipulation, or even the result of weather warfare by the Chinese, the Russians or even the Kazarians. But I am convinced that governments across the planet are manipulating weather and using it as clandestine warfare as well.

    If we look at the goals of WEF, the plandemic, “the great reset”, “climate justice” and “food justice” it is clear that their agenda is all very anti-white, anti-middle class, and anti-resiliance . Freezing, starving and economically devastating Texas, and later Germany, all align with these goals. The motive is established. The crime scene is under our noses. Now we just need to find the murder weapon.

    • 回复: @Peripatetic Itch
  87. @Schuetze

    HAARP was set up in Alaska long before 2007

    Not before that January, 1985 polar incursion:

    Work on the HAARP facility began in 1993. The current working IRI was completed in 2007


    Sorry, but your flippant reliance on what you call “tells” — Angela Merkel’s well known hand gestures, or a dying woman’s hand contractures — tends to bring disrepute on the entire blog as well as your entirely valid arguments about the great reset. Do some actual research on weather phenomena that recur regularly over much of human history before going off half-cocked.

    We cannot know exactly 什么工具 were used to create this cold front blasting through flyover country, we can only try to connect the dots.

    Your assuming what you need to prove. Weather and climate changes happen naturally. They are not man-made. They don’t need “tools.” No more than the hurricanes that hit Texas last year.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 巨魔: Schuetze
  88. @Anon

    Yes. Great comment.
    Hence, Zuckerberg marries Chan.

    The Jew fully intends to play the race card. In the search for a new host, a parasite will do Anything to keep a constant supply of blood.

    • 回复: @Anon
  89. @Jim Christian

    I.’m no demographer but WW2 cost them 20 million maybe 30. WW1 a million or 2. Soviet massacres in the Holodymr and the overall Red Terror 20__30 million.
    My guess is that without the instability and insanity of Jewish funded and executed Bolshevism, Russia would have 200 to 250 million now.

    Now, if past is prologue, how many Americans’ will be alive in 50 years?
    Considering Gates, an openly avowed Satanist, owns significant amounts of farmland in American I know what is coming. They always telegraph their actions. Always.

    • 同意: Theophrastus
    • 回复: @stevennonemaker88
  90. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    The Nazis crimes were no joke, although those of the UK and USA are far greater. The Germans must drop the eternal penitence, apologise to ALL the victims of the Nazis, not just the Jews, and, like true friends, speak truth to the Zionazis regarding their abominable behaviour. Before it’s too late. King Bibi is preparing a New Masada for his people.

  91. @Sirius

    真正令人作呕的景象是看到福克斯新闻的孔雀鱼嘴因中国胆敢制裁野兽蓬佩奥而愤怒地尖叫。 这种虚伪远远超出了银河系,达到了只有精神病患者才知道的程度——而美国精英是最优秀的。 事实上,非常出色。

    • 谢谢: Sirius
    • 哈哈: Showmethereal
  92. @Schuetze

    He has a pension that he depends on from a very, very, very vindicative government.
    Just ask Conrad Black if you have any doubts.
    He is a great analyst but must stop short. What he would say over a coffee in private is another matter.

  93. Miro23 说:

    A more sovereign Germany

    Thing is, to attain sovereignty, Germany must kick out the occupiers. As Soviet Union voluntarily withdrew its troops ~30 years ago, this is now a question of kicking out the US occupying forces. To do this, Germany needs a leader who cannot be blackmailed by the Empire. Mutti does not qualify.

    Disconnecting from the NWO is not so easy. The ZioGlob CIA seems to be much deeper entrenched in Germany than the Soviets ever where. It’s not just Merkel – blackmail, bribes and threats extend through government and media in the UK and France and Western Europe. For example it’s plain to see, that the populations of the UK and France do not want mass non-European immigration but it still continues. The UK public doesn’t like the Woke agenda but the government (both parties) and the BBC force it onto them. The Germany public is tired of Muslim immigration and client CIA media but it’s what they get.

    It all mirrors the source – the US ZioGlob CIA. Trump was supposed to “drain the swamp” but in fact he was just as blackmailable and powerless as Merkel.

    So the real government of the US and Western Europe resides in Davos, Switzerland, and is the Kissinger, corporate/client-political/media elite, which is currently orchestrating the Covid-19 panic (their “Great Reset”) mass removal of citizen’s rights in the countries they control. If you are obliged to wear a facemask, then you live in their Empire (note that for the Chinese and Russians they’re optional – and most of their businesses are open).

    And if you accept that the Achilles Heel of the Soviet Union was its failed economy – eventual leading to its collapse – then, in this respect, the US may be following in its footsteps. If/when the US implodes then Western Europe will in a sense be set free, and IMO much better placed to assess it’s genuine national interests.

  94. @Bill Jones

    Our one chance, 72-75, destroyed by Uncle Satan and his local minions. All downhill since, and accelerating. When climate destabilisation renders Indonesia uninhabitable, we’ll be replaced as we replaced the blackfellas. Nemesis.

  95. @Ugetit

    Exactly right. While their are a few very decent Jews, you tend to find them at the root of most global evil in the last couple hundred years.

  96. @Schuetze

    Putin’s mother was a Jew: Proof, Schuetze?

    • 回复: @Schuetze
  97. Schuetze 说:
    @Majority of One

    Proof? Prove to me that you won’t merely deny proof because you are a fool.


    普京的外祖父是参与布尔什维克革命的犹太人,他的祖父一生担任列宁和斯大林的厨师。他的祖父斯皮里东·伊万诺维奇·普京(Spiridon Ivanovich Putin,1879-1965 年)在弗拉基米尔·列宁位于高尔基的别墅中担任厨师,1924 年列宁去世后,他继续为列宁的妻子纳德日达·克鲁普斯卡娅工作。后来,当苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林参观他位于莫斯科地区的一栋别墅时,他为这位苏联领导人做饭。斯皮里东后来受雇于苏联共产党莫斯科市委员会的一栋别墅,年轻的普京会在那里拜访他。

    Putin was put into power by the Federation Of Jewish Organizations In Russia. The Jewish Chairman of this organization Abramovich stated in a 2005 interview that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted as an ethnic Jew. And that his mother was a Jew Shelomova. This makes Putin full Jewish by Jewish law.“


    “有一个文件-申请签发30年2000月XNUMX日的俄罗斯公民普京·弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇的新护照,其中表明了父母的公民身份。 根据官方数据,父亲–普京·弗拉基米尔·斯皮里多诺维奇–俄语,母亲– Shelomova Maria Ivanovna –犹太人。”

    • 哈哈: Rdm
  98. Alfred 说:

    But he won’t tell us that.

    Armstrong is treading a narrow path. He has already spent 7 years in prison on false accusations. He only got let out because the Supreme Court wanted to look at his case.

    You will also notice that he never mentions Israel or Jews. He repeats the official version of 9/11 incessantly as though to protect himself. He knows that he is being carefully watched and must behave accordingly. I cannot blame him for being fearful.

  99. Petermx 说:

    Good article and German sovereignty would be good for Europe and the world. For one thing, it would reduce the hostility to Russia, which has been a force for good in the middle east and is reluctant about using military power (as all countries should be) while the US blows up countries thousands of miles away from themselves, telling the world everything in the world is relevant to US interests and the US doesn’t hesitate to use the US military to protect its interests.

  100. mcohen 说:

    默克尔好 弗拉德好 埃尔维斯好

  101. Papa 说:

    有趣的文章。 尽管它还需要等式的另一半:中俄关系。 这种地缘政治的欧元战略要求俄罗斯有人可以利用,毫无疑问,中国知道俄罗斯也知道这一点。

  102. @Sparkylyle92

    Exactly. Artemis, a twin sister of Apollo…. how could she be more real than he?
    Besides, Apollo was a god of manufacturing, of arts and poetry – so you should have been expecting to get some product of such MANUFACTURING too.
    If the mission had been a serious Moon mission, it would have been named Selene (the goddess of Moon), or in this mold.
    Just to show you how the name givers think.They convey the real meaning through names, sometimes at least.

    There is an asteroid probe cruising around Sun, named OSIRIS-REX. If you know why, you know everything 😉
    The world is much simpler than you think, simpler even than Matrix, but you are not expected to know.
    Sadly, people make the matter too easy for architects – the game is too easy for them already, and their task is to put some sands into their machinery. And yet there is a judge (and this is not ZOG), but people are terribly failing at showing that they are worthy of salvation. Where is the camp of saints? Nowhere in sight…

    BTW, Musk operation is not about Mars, but Earth. He is to terraform Earth, should such a need arise in future. I finally got it when I read some interview with him where he claimed that his “Mars” business is his most important one. And yet this is a business with no products at all, so you know this is not a business really.
    To put things together, I already knew that the Soviet Mars probe, Phobos 2, was shoot down over Mars in March 1989 (Musk never mentions this) …. and soon the great political changes of the 1989 autumn followed on Earth. Besides, the name itself, Phobos, suggests fear that the Mars moons brought into the hearts of the name givers, when they realized that from a gravity point of view the moons should have different trajectories.


    Here another Phobos goes down in flames, this time already over Earth. Clearly we are not wanted on Mars! Musk knows this, especially as he was himself (his ‘spaceship’) burned few times too. Earth is indeed a prison planet…
    … therefore, enjoy the movie!

    For your consolation, the powers exist which make ZOG itself to shiver and tremble.

    • 巨魔: Sparkylyle92
  103. HeebHunter 说:



    Anyway, if the kikes had already had truly conquered Earth, we should have seen a version of “I have no mouth and I must scream” planetwide.
    That is not the case. Even if they win for a short time on Earth, hell is eternal, and every kike and wilful golem is bound to go there.

  104. TheIdiot 说:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    “这是否让一些人感到惊讶,也就是说, 德国不是一个主权国家这一事实?“
    你不能说 在德国,无需承担持久后果




    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
    , @Skeptikal
  105. @Schuetze

    That nose is typically Slavic.
    Please notice the nose is warping in.
    Shabes deckle does mean anything.
    Once I was at Jewish funeral and they forced me to wear it.

  106. TheIdiot 说:

    “我听说美国对德国的占领中有一个条款,到2099年才会到期,这或多或少地规定了德国只不过是美国的一个总督辖区,而且这个条款只对即将到来的德国人透露。”各位校长。 “


    • 回复: @GeeBee
    , @Skeptikal
  107. @Sparkylyle92

    Here are just a few images from the Nevada Test Site.

    • 回复: @Sparkylyle92
  108. anon[201]• 免责声明 说:

    Per the WSJ, Germany has near equal amount of annual trade with the US and China, so they are caught right in the middle. Germany exports to China 3x more than France and Italy combined. Their automakers are esp. dependent on the Chinese market:

    But Germans are now much less enthusiastic about the U.S. than other Europeans, according to recent polls. That reflects both antipathy toward President Trump and unease about past U.S. policies, from the Iraq war to the National Security Agency’s spying on European citizens and leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

    Germans now see their country’s relationship with China as equally important to their relationship with the U.S., according to a survey published last month by the Pew Research Center.

    Germans “are fairly cynical about shared values with the U.S.,” said Mareike Ohlberg, senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Berlin.

    There are currently two factions within Germany vying to succeed Merkel when she steps down this year as Germany’s Chancellor. One faction wants closer ties to the US, the other to China. It’s not clear which side will win.

    At an international security conference last year in Germany, then SoS Mike Pompeo and defense secretary Mark Espers tried to talk up the danger and evilness of China to keep Europe from forging closer ties with China. Both received a cool reception, with Jared and Ivanka Kushner the only two people in the audience to give them a standing ovation.

    Germany is a politcal schizo at the moment. One side is well aware of the danger of the JWO, the other only seeks to kowtow and despises China. We shall see who succeeds Merkel.

    • 回复: @Badger Down
    , @HeebHunter
  109. AnonFromTN 说:



  110. Anonymous[414]• 免责声明 说:

    对此的看法很有趣。因此,没有北方蒸汽将意味着德国天然气价格上涨,经济缺乏竞争力,因为电力是经济的关键组成部分,也是煤电生产的锁定因素。 (因为他们决定不使用核)我听到你说什么?德国将在 2050 年实现零碳排放,但他们没有任何工程技术可以实现这一目标。我听你说风力发电越来越多。


    So cancel Nord stream and Germany becomes un competitive ( They already have the highest tariffs rates in Europe) and somewhere along the line then watch while thousands perish when ‘the grid’ breaks down due to unreliable green power. I must say it might take something like this to finally show how weak the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming theory/premise is.



    • 不同意: Badger Down
    • 回复: @Mikael_
  111. @Joel Ryan



    • 同意: Sparkylyle92
    • 回复: @Sparkylyle92
    , @Tom Gregg
  112. Anon[256]• 免责声明 说:

    I still don’t understand why Unz allows comments which call out the Corruption of Zionist Israel, International Bank$ters, and the Jewish Mafia…? This is the only website I know of that doesn’t censor people for naming “jewish” supremacy, oppression and subversion. Is this a trap…can anyone explain?

  113. ImaBotKnot 说:

    Youtube Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Remarks Following Senate Impeachment Vote ….. and watch Mitch McConnel do the hand jive also.

  114. Von Rho 说:

    Frankfurt… In other words, the Rhineland-Hanseatic branch, the most pro-globalist of them, since the times of gnostic Meister Eckhart. Not without reason, French was widely spoken in that region before Bismarck’s union.

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  115. @Theophrastus

    What’s your point? Those craters are 2-3X the road width. A few railcars of ANFO makes a bigger hole than that.
    Tell me where I can see a half mile at least diameter crater. My terms are liberal. For example, I’d accept flying over it or viewing it from a mountain 10 miles away, whatever.
    If you were just reinforcing my point, sorry for the brusque response.

    • 哈哈: Theophrastus, nokangaroos
  116. @Silicon Silence


    ISBN 10:1863161384 / ISBN 13:9781863161381

  117. @Andrei Martyanov

    Interestingly, the US acts like it doesn’t even care anymore.
    海军坚持航行坐鸭又名航空母舰。现在才使用F-18,其战斗力比使用F-14、A6和F-18时要低。当 F-35 取代时,这一数字很快就会减少。
    The F-35 project is a joke. It’s so slow because the Marines wanted space for a lift fan like a Harrier. So cross section of two engine plane + thrust of one engine plane = slow. I don’t believe it. I think they gave it one engine because it’s cheaper to build. They don’t care about performance, they’re only going to use it to bluff and bomb third world countries.
    The day the US attacks Iran, let alone China or Russia, is the day the dollar crashes. The professionals in the Pentagon know this. But there’s no telling what orders they might receive.

    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @showmethereal
  118. Von Rho 说:

    But what you said means that the Eurasian union will not happen anymore, since that is USA who will thread the connection between the extremities of Mackinder’s Rimland, even if freigth will go on by high speed trains (ships are being demolished in Asia). The former clown at White House maybe was tasked, with his “nationalism”, to begin the dismantling of the world manufacturing chain in order to prepare the new scenario in the backstage, even if he surely did not have the less idea about what would happen. As Sean Penn said, playing Mick Cohen, a business worths till when is time of insurance pay for it.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  119. @Schuetze

    If she were Jewish, Putin’s mother would have Miriam for a middle name and not the archetypically Christian “Maria”. As a general rule, Jews would have no truck with that name. Mariam, on the other hand is a rather common Jewish name.

    • 同意: Von Rho, Alfred
    • 回复: @Alfred
  120. Von Rho 说:

    Didn’t VVP’s mother give him a piece of Virgin’s blessed sheet which saved him from a fire in his summer shack? This would mean that his mother is orthodox, especially if she is also named Mary.

  121. @Majority of One

    1887年,俾斯麦站在俄罗斯的对手英国和法国一边,以避免欧洲大陆发生战争,随后与俄罗斯签署了《秘密再保险条约》。 俾斯麦最关心的从来不是在两条战线上与德国交战,如果他被迫在奥匈帝国和俄罗斯之间做出选择,那么他会选择俄罗斯,因为他知道俄罗斯人比哈布斯堡帝国强大得多。 德皇威廉二世取消了与俄罗斯的秘密再保险条约,俾斯麦在回忆录中批评了这一鲁莽行为。 法国人利用沙皇与德皇不能和睦相处的机会,积极寻求与俄罗斯和解,遭到俄罗斯知识界的质疑,但沙皇尼古拉斯上钩,让俄罗斯走上了与俄罗斯发生冲突的道路。德国,一个命运攸关的决定,让背信弃义的阿尔比恩得以采取分而治之的政策,使德国屈服,因为后者的工业和商业增长不受挑战。 狡猾的迪斯雷利就这样播下了不和的种子,为第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战世界上最严重的大火埋下了伏笔。

    今天,美国正试图效仿英国的分而治之的战略,这种战略在七十年代苏联和中国之间的敌对行动期间对美国大有裨益。 对美国来说不幸的是,俄罗斯和中国现任领导人太聪明了,不会落入这个陷阱。

    毫无疑问,将德国的创造力与俄罗斯巨大的资源以及“一带一路”倡议相结合,将给两国和中国带来福音,并使欧亚大陆成为世界地缘政治和经济活动的中心。 这种情况将受到英美帝国的抵制,因为它将把美国和英国推到一边,并迫使波兰和波罗的海国家重新考虑对俄罗斯的敌对政策。 德国商界领袖有责任迫使德国政治领导层采取大胆行动,修复与俄罗斯的关系,并停止遵守英美斯克里帕尔和纳瓦尔尼流派的恶作剧以及接下来的事情。

    • 同意: Zarathustra, Alfred
    • 谢谢: Majority of One
    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Sirius
  122. Seraphim 说:

    ”Russia whose assigned role as the greatest ‘threat’ to Europe serves as the raison d’etre of ”Europe” long before NATO. Think of ‘The Will of Peter the Great’, the Polish-French fabrication, of ‘La Russie en 1839’ of the Marquis de Custine. ‘Russophobia’ and ‘containment of Russia’ became a mental reflex for ‘Europeans’.

    • 回复: @platypus119
    , @antibeast
  123. Skeptikal 说:

    ” You cannot say that in Germany without enduring consequences”


    Namely, all of those who have over the years protested the deployment of missiles in Germany and the use of U.S. bases at Landshut and Rammstein, among others, to support illegal U.S. military adventures in Afghanistan and elsewhere. And have thereby learned that their govt. has no power to order the USA out of “their” country, which is not really their country but is an occupied country.


  124. antibeast 说:
    @Von Rho

    Despite his tendency to appease Putin’s Russia, Trump nevertheless imposed sanctions against the Nordstream II pipeline which effectively precludes closer economic ties between Germany and Russia. When construction of the Nordstream II pipeline continued despite US sanctions, the Navalny affair then happened which looks more like another ‘false-flag’ operation designed to sabotage the Nordstream II pipeline project. My view is that the US Deep State carried out this ‘false-flag’ operation because it wanted to prevent any sort of German economic dependency on Russia which would have geostrategic implications for Europe in the same way that the US Deep State opposed Trump due to his hostility to NATO as proven by his last-minute order to withdraw US troops from Germany.

    As far as MacKinder’s Rimland theory, the US Deep State wants to use India as part of its ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy to contain China. But Trump became averse to this ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy because it contradicts his ‘America First’ ideology which seeks to ‘decouple’ the USA from any and all geopolitical entanglements whether in Europe or Asia. In fact, Trump did just the opposite by cutting H1-B visas granted to India despite his public ‘bromance’ with Modi. That was true also of Trump’s foreign policy towards Japan and South Korea from whom he extracted economic concessions while demanding that they pay more for US troops stationed in those two Asian countries.

    This article misses the elephant in the room which is the US Deep State as it holds the key to Germany sovereignty not Russia which acts as the useful bogeyman to keep the US military as part of NATO in Europe. Without the Russian ‘threat’, NATO ceases to have any reason to exist which makes the USA marginal if not irrelevant to the affairs of Europe.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  125. Skeptikal 说:
    @Ron Unz

    “A crucial underlying cause of the First World War was Britain’s belief that only a preventative war could forestall a rising Germany, but I suspect that an important secondary cause was the parallel German notion that similar measures were necessary against a rising Russia.”

    Some of this confirmed in Docherty and Macgregor, Hidden History, but some, not. Russian was not “rising” in the sense that Germany had already risen. Russia was politically, economically, socially a backward country, an enormous backward country, that needed a lot of help and foreign investment and know-how to modernize. Germany already was the most modernized country on the continent, largely due to her advanced educational system, relatively advance political system, and *相对的* lack of the ancient rigid class system that handicapped Britain. From this p.o.v. the rapid rise of Jews into leading positions in German banking, education, science, communications, the arts, and industry (despite very real obstacles and very real anti-semitism) can be compared positively to Britain’s relative lack of social mobility and consequent failure to use all of the country’s potential human resources.

    According to HH, “underlying cause” is way too anodyne: a group that Docherty and Macgregor label the Secret Elite, originally instigated by Cecil Rhodes and a few others, inlcluidng Natty Rothschild (who financed Rhodes’s diamond mines and other activities in Africa), actively connived to drive Britain toward war with Germany starting in about 1890. Germany, once unified, was cranking on all pistons economically, socially, intellectually, scientifically, and was on track to overcome Britain in all of these metrics. Sound familiar? So, war was the only way to get rid of the new competitor.

    Per Docherty and Macgregor, and amply documented by them where documents have not been destroyed, King Edward VII was part of this conspiracy, which successfully undermined cabinets and “official” government policies by placing conspirators in crucial posts and and making secret treaties—first with japan, then with France, then with Russia. Britain prepared Japan as a proxy by supplying it, over a period of 10 years, with a first-class navy, with which it tanked the Russian navy.

    As for Germany seeing a dangerous rival in Russia, so far in my reading of the book (I am ca. 1/4 of way through) this is not the case. Wilhelm seems to have had far more “cousinly” feelings toward his cousin Nicholas, whereas Edward hated his cousin Wilhelm and started a charm offensive to move Nicholas and Russia into the British camp for the upcoming planned war, despite the hatred of the British public for Russia and its backward autocratic regime. The Russian state was easily manipulated because it had huge debts to the English Rothschilds, for construction of its rail lines and other industrial development. But Germany as the leaders in engineering, chemistry, etc. were natural allies of a developing country.


    Back to Britain and “underlying cause” getting a war started with Germany in order to bring Germany down and destroy a rival was a long-standing British project that was pursued proactively. British imperialists were not dumb. The Secret Elite had to wait for the death of Victoria and the accession of Edward to the throne to really get the ball rolling, but they had been working on this for at least a decade already, mainly infiltrating their men into both parties, the government and its ministries, cranking up the war machine (retooling the army and the navy), creating secret deals with France and Belgium, and “turning” the British public—manufacturing consent via an ongoing vicious negative PR campaign directed against Germany, Germans, and Wilhelm personally.

    • 同意: HdC
    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Ron Unz
  126. Russia would never do it, but…

    ‘Kaliningrad’ is a bit of a failure anyway. Think what it would do for Russia’s position if she just unilaterally returned it to Germany.

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
    , @Alfred
  127. Skeptikal 说:

    “For Nord Stream 2, the loan from Uniper, Wintershall Dea, OMV, Engie, and Royal Dutch Shell covers 50% of the project costs of €9.5 billion. The rest is being financed by Gazprom.”

    Not sure how many euros the German state has invested, but I think the political investment is pretty big. I /expect German business and industry wants the gas. Russia is a lot closer than Qatar.

    A pipeline in the hand—one managed and supplied by Gazprom with contracts guaranteed by the stable Russian state, with which Europe has an established record of long-term gas deals, not some new fly-by-night outfit run by Qatari autocrats and maybe some Yankees— is worth two in the bush. My 2 C/ worth!

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  128. @GeeBee

    GeeBee, ‘Unconditional Surrender’ basically means whatever the USUK came up with. It means you’re not a country anymore. This is why the entire nation threw itself into the struggle because it was clear that what the Americans intended is exactly what Germany has become- a satrapy as you say. And the word Satrapy comes from the Persian Empire, which Alexander broke. The Persians were the United States of the day. An invulnerable military powerhouse which commanded entire nations comprising most of the known world. Hubris met Nemesis at Guagemela in 331 BCE and that was time’s up for Persia.

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
    , @GeeBee
  129. central 说:


    “1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代末,作为伦敦经济学院的一名经济学学生,她的名字是 Rose Ladson”——维基百科

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  130. @steinbergfeldwitzcohen

    I’m afraid you are right. Funny screenname you have by the way. You could also use kaplansandlerskibaumweinrothschild

    • 回复: @steinbergfeldwitzcohen
  131. Seraphim 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    I really don’t understand the insistence on blaming the Franco-Russian alliance on Tsar Nicholas II, when it was Tsar Alexander III who concluded it after the lapse of the Reinsurance Treaty, a steady worsening of Franco-German relations, the resurrection of the Triple Alliance in 1891, and the rumors that Great Britain would join the alliance, at a time when Anglo-British relations were also tense.
    The first steps were made during the visit of a French Navy squadron visited the port of Kronstadt on 23 July 1891 during which an agreement was concluded in the form of an exchange of letters between the ministers of foreign affairs. France was the most interested part endeavoring to supplement the 1891 agreement with military obligations. Negotiations led to the signing by the representatives of the Russian and French general staffs of a military convention on 17 August 1892, providing for mutual military aid in the event of a German attack. On 4 January, both governments announced their ratification of the military convention. Tsar Alexander III died in November 1894.
    So, talking about ‘Tsar Nicholas taking the bait’ is completely inaccurate. The only explanation I can think of is the persistence of the defamatory myth of ”Nicholas the worst Tsar of Russia”, on whom to blame all the ills of Russia as justification for the revolution and the no less persistent attempts to paint Russia in the posture of perpetual aggressor that must be ‘contained’.

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  132. @Johan

    Mammon is a Western concept, you dear little Orientalist, you.

  133. chris 说:

    I have heard rumors that there is a clause in the USA’s German occupation that will only expire in the year 2099, and which more or less decrees that Germany is no more than a USA satrapy, …

    Something suggesting this came out when Obama was revealed to have spied on Angela Merkel (tapped her phone).

    At the time, when all the German politicians were feigning shock, someone in the government, maybe even from the secret service, apparently reminded them that Germany had some clause which allowed the US to spy on them at any time.

    • 谢谢: GeeBee
  134. Mikael_ 说:

    对我的内容进行有趣的“解释” 没有做 写。

    是的,德国将在今年和明年关闭最后 6 座核电站。
    是的,2 年 11 月 2021 日上午 10:00,德国电网几乎需要轮流停电,只有进口 5 吉瓦的电力才能勉强避免这种情况。在这个几乎实时的图表中 https://energy-charts.info/charts/power/chart.htm?l=en&c=DE 更改为第 6 周,然后记下负载曲线(黑线),然后通过单击图表下方的“导入平衡”来激活它。

    不,德国不会成为纯粹的绿色国家,即零碳国家,现在不会,到 2050 年也不会。


  135. GeeBee 说:

    Many thanks for that. I couldn’t recall where I’d heard it, so your information is most welcome. (I seem to remember originally reading it on a now ‘de-platformed’ blog some five or six years ago).

  136. @anon

    It’s funny, isn’t it? China never done nothing to Germany. While the US delivered hate, bombing, torture, intolerable cruelty, and insults.

    • 同意: HdC, HeebHunter
  137. @Von Rho

    It is a putdown to learn one´s ancestors who took the trek under Alexander I*
    were snail-eating Ohnehosen. Or is there a more general issue with Americans and foreign languages (trick question) ?
    Paulskirchen legitimists regard Bismarck as little better than the Habsburgs
    (from Franz II onwards). “Ein Volk, ein Reich” was a catchphrase long before the Great One was a filthy idea; did I mention Jews were vastly overrepresented in this line of thought?
    (it gave Britain Karl Marx and the US Carl Schurz – seems about right 😛 )

    *.. who frankly would have shot himself in the pipi before asking for more French.

    • 巨魔: Skeptikal
  138. GeeBee 说:
    @Majority of One

    Well, thanks to commenter ‘The Idiot’ (comment number 112) I have found the item I referred to. In his book 德国卡, former head of West Germany’s Military Intelligence unit General Gerd-Helmut Komossa claimed that Germany is controlled by the United States and its allies, and was even viewed as a possible target in the immediate aftermath of the war:

    At a NATO meeting, I realized that a possible plan was for the alliance to hit the largest dam in West Germany with a nuclear bomb. If strikes had taken place, a great number of civilians would have died,”

    He described a secret pact signed in 1949 between Germany and the US, effective until the year 2099 (i.e. for exactly 150 years), which among other things gave control of all political parties in Germany to a special Washington-based body, insisted that the country’s armed services take part in all NATO missions on demand and that all German gold reserves are stored in New York.

    In support of this, Aleksandr Fomenko, a political analyst from Moscow, pointed out evidence:

    “Remember Prime Minister Putin’s proposal to Germany, to share with Russia natural gas trading throughout Europe? It was made a couple of years ago. And the German leadership answered exactly the same way as the German leadership did in 1952 – with silence. But what is the reason for Germany not to participate in such a lucrative business as trading natural gas throughout Europe? Of course, somebody had to advise them not to rush into it immediately”.

    The fact that no publisher inside Germany would touch Komossa’s memoirs seemingly reinforces their veracity. They were eventually published by a small Austrian publisher, the head of which was Wolfgang Dvorack-Stocker, who remarked:

    ‘My personal opinion is that it was obviously clear that the Democratic Republic of Germany was not a sovereign country, and that it was really under the rule of the Soviet Union, and if it comes out that the Federal Republic of Germany also was not a really sovereign country, I think this could change the discussion of history a bit.’

    Komossa died in 2018 at the age of 92.

  139. @Anon

    I guess Unz thinks people are smart enough to recognise the truth. If “israel” is the rightful owner of Palestine, if the US, UK, Australia, and France have no Jewish Problem; if the Holocaust of the six million Jews really happened; and if the Jewish Mafia had nothing to do with JFK’s murder or 9/11; then there is no need to censor anyone who claims otherwise. Just follow the evidence, or lack of it.

  140. @Colin Wright

    Apart from putting the Fear of the Living God into the waterpolacks and their bowel movements there is no discernible upside for Germany in the current situation.

    For the Russians OTOH it is insurance against getting bottled up in the Newa estuary (even moreso with NATO pushing the Baltic states) i.e. it is far more valuable to them than a piece of swamp and ruins with Kant and Klöpse but without hinterland could be to the Germans.

    The sensible resolution would be a kind of renewed Hanse (again, fat chance 😀 ).

  141. @Sparkylyle92

    You mean nuclear weapons were invented to provide a “honorable” capitulation for Japan in 1945…? Or what?
    No one said that nuclear weapons should generate very large craters. All pictures of nuclear detonation show shockwaves mainly going up, not down. The use of nuclear weapons is generally detected not by craters, but by increased radioactivity, which is real. Geiger counters measure real stuff. If craters in test sites showed no radioactivity, that would be something, though.

    Fission reaction is real, as provided to us by nuclear power plants. Therefore, nuclear weapons deploying nuclear fission are real. Although, it might be that nuclear contamination dissipates faster than we expected, as shown in Chernobyl where life currently abounds.

  142. @Anon

    Because Jews are the lightning rods. Do you think the influence the power they wield in the media and academic goes unnoticed by the traditional elites?

    It has always been about rich vs poor. The Jews are just camouflage.

    Class warfare is the real deal.

    Covid 19 propaganda is the real deal, hence the smack down this website received when it covered this pandemic.

  143. @Skeptikal

    It is not “dependence on Russia” (or anyone else for that matter) that is irksome;
    它是 independence from USrael that must not be tolerated.
    (the Urengöy-Uzhgorod pipeline to Baumgarten/Austria was a different situation, and is way overtaxed already).

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  144. @Another Polish Perspective

    When nuclear devices are fired from towers, we see typical nuclear mushrooms.


    Underground tests fired 2 km down resulted in earthquakes of 6 Richter magnitude.
    The crater looks pretty large to me, too.
    A bit strange that some of those test sites are in seismic regions, maybe they investigated Earth crust as well…. ? Earthquakes are sometimes measured in energy… but how do we know how much energy an earthquake produce? By producing artificial one with a nuclear device…?

  145. @Another Polish Perspective

    Here one deep crater too, surely deeper than any ANFO crater.


    Besides, actually the majority of test sites is in seismic regions.

  146. @Another Polish Perspective


    This instructive publication claims that the optimal depth for ANFO charge is just 18 feets, 5,5 meters… The craters profiles are uneven, too.

  147. BB753 说:

    What makes you think that China and Russia are allies? In fact, now the US is closer to China than Russia is.

  148. Tom Gregg 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov


    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  149. JamesinNM 说:

    An attack on Syria should be the U.S.’s Waterloo, the end of the end, a U.S. uninhabitable for eternity.

  150. @Generalfeldmarsschall von Hindenburg

    卓越, you are missing the point;
    unconditional surrender (“Ergebung auf Gnade und Ungnade“) is odious –
    reserved for bandits and mutineers. In modern times the first ones to foist it on an honorable enemy were the Union in the War of Northern Aggression.

    Geez. Whoda thunk it 🙁

    • 谢谢: but an humble craftsman
  151. @antibeast

    You do not understand!
    Sanctions are coming out from Congress, which is totally under control of Zionist Jews and president
    only signs them. Maybe Trump would not sign those sanctions, but there was this Russia hoax investigation that did tie Trumps hands. If Trump would not sign those sanctions it would be interpreted that he is Putin’s puppet. It is the Congress that does have all power in US not the President.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  152. GeeBee 说:
    @Generalfeldmarsschall von Hindenburg

    Yes indeed. The Casablanca conference was a despicable thing, but of course, the plan all along was to crush Germany, and thus remove her as a threat to the Internationalists’ swindle being run by their own satrapy, which the USA had lately become.

    So who will be our latter-day Macedonian one wonders?

  153. There should be no doubt about it that Zionist Jews are still ruling the world. But their rule is becoming more and more precarious every day. Russia and China are holding US by the balls and they can now squeeze those balls anytime they please. Russia is holding one ball militarily and China is holding the other ball economically.
    So military adventures oft he US around the world incited by Zionist are now dying out.
    There could not come attack on Capitol by flagpoles, but this time it could be those new Russian missiles.
    China still prefer trade with US in US dollar, but they are ready throw those Two trillion on bond market and there is the end of US dollar.
    So US times of being arrogant state came to an end. US from now on must thread carefully and be finally righteous and friendly with the world.
    The world must become Democracy and not Dictatorship of the US.
    (The present position of US is Grotesque. Democracy at home Dictatorship outside)

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  154. antibeast 说:

    No, you’re wrong. Trump opposed the Nord Stream II not just the US Congress:


    Trump To Europe: Drop Nord Stream Or We Won’t Protect You From Russia

    We’re supposed to protect you from Russia, but Germany is making pipeline deals with Russia. You tell me if that’s appropriate. Explain that.” Trump to Stoletenberg

    Germany has approved a new pipeline to carry Russian gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea, but construction is being blocked at European Union level, where Eastern European countries have formed a blocking majority against it. Germany, along with transit countries Finland, Sweden and Denmark (who have also approved the pipeline), say the pipeline will increase Europe’s energy security by avoiding potential cut-offs from the volatile Ukrainian route.

    But the Eastern Europeans led by Poland, backed by Washington, say the new pipeline represents a threat to Europe’s security because it makes the EU more dependent on Russian gas. Washington believes the pipeline is a Russian attempt to punish Ukraine by bypassing the pipeline that currently runs under the country.

    Trump didn’t care that much about NATO as proven by his last-minute order to reduce US troops in Germany. But he wanted to sell US LNG to Europe at higher prices than Russian pipeline gas which drove him to block the Nord Stream II pipeline project.

    With less than a year before the completion of the Nord Stream II project, the US Deep State then planned and executed the Navalny ‘false flag’ event in Germany to implicate Russia which responded by arresting Navalny upon his return home. Now, there are calls for EU sanctions to force Germany to abandon the Nord Stream II project at all costs.

    Once completed, the Nord Stream II pipeline has the potential to reshape the geopolitics of Europe for decades to come because it means Germany will be able to treat Russia as a business partner rather than as a geopolitical rival, thereby allaying fears of the alleged Russian ‘threat’ in Europe.

    If there is peace, progress and prosperity in Europe, who needs NATO?

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  155. @Tom Gregg



  156. Skeptikal 说:

    The original comment, by Notsofast, that I responded to:

    “the germans have too much invested in nord stream 2 (95% complete) to walk away now. once they see they can get away with ingoring the petulant foot stamping of the reigning hegemon they will be emboldened to reach out to both russia and china.”

    My comment and info related to the concept of “investment.”

    Obviously the larger issue is Germany’s geopolitical independence—it is the topic of Escobar’s piece (;-).

  157. Skeptikal 说:

    I don’t doubt it, but documentation would be very useful.
    Actually, it’s Komossa.



    I don’t speak Russian so cannot check that, but see URL below.

    Here is a Youtube video in German titled “Die deutsche Karte – Ein Land ohne Souveränität Gerd Helmut Komossa”

    One states that the relevant material is on pp. 21–22.

    根据 Roland Stadler 的评论:
    “Die Kanzlerakte steht im GG Art. 1.
    艺术。 1(1) Die Alliierten garantieren die Menschenwürde der Deutschen zu schützen, seit 60 Jahren kennen wir das Ergebnis, nur Lippenbekenntnisse sonst nichts.

    。 。 。

    Komossa’s Wiki entry suggests that he had plenty of opportunity to learn of special arrangements for German “security”:


    以下是德国国家图书馆 Komossa 资料来源的 URL:

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  158. @Mikael_

    In my estimation Merkel was trying to steer the EU away from being just “atlanticists”. It would seem the Obama admin had that feeling too – which is why they were listening in on her calls.

  159. @antibeast

    Yes I do agree with you. So congress did not have to push Trump too hard to sign the sanctions. Trump is also conscious about money. Although North stream pipeline is good deal for Russia because does not have to worry about Ukraine steeling the gas, the same time it is a sweet deal for Germany because Germany will pay for Russian Gas, and Germany will redistribute the Gas in Europe, so naturally they will put on price their overhead. This naturally also will increase German control over the Europe.
    The culprits in this case was Ukraine who is against Russia while they wanted to get free Gas from Russia.
    Now come on, how cheeky Ukraine can get. Polaks are getting expensive Gas from USA so Ukraine can make a pipeline to Danzing and get now expensive American Gas from there. Problem solved.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  160. AnonFromTN 说:

    The present position of US is Grotesque. Democracy at home

    You call democracy the elections where we were given a choice between a moron with Alzheimer and a moron w/o Alzheimer, and then massive election fraud made a moron with Alzheimer a “winner”? Did the meaning of that overused word change so drastically?

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  161. Alfred 说:
    @Majority of One

    If she were Jewish, Putin’s mother would have Miriam for a middle name and not the archetypically Christian “Maria”

    True. She is just another typical Russian Masha. 🙂

  162. Alfred 说:
    @Colin Wright



    It is a fortified camp between Poland and Lithuania. With S-400’s there, Russia controls the air over much of the Baltic Sea, Poland and Lithuania. Anti-ship missile batteries can close off the Baltic to shipping. Belarus is nearby. It would not take much for the Russians to occupy yet again Warsaw as a recent Polish war game proved.

    NATO is delusional as can be seen in this article. The assumption is that the Russians would just wait and watch the Poles preparing to invade them – a process that takes some months. 🙂

    分析称,根据全面战争的末日情景计划,北约成员国波兰必须以足够快的速度冲入突破口,以阻止核交火。他们说,华沙军队的 45,000 名现役士兵必须战胜 50,000 名加里宁格勒驻军,并在俄罗斯守军按下红色大按钮之前夺取设施的控制权。


  163. @Skeptikal

    (Ad #162 Sorry, must have gotten mixed up 😉 )

    Thanks … first time I hear of the book, but none of that is particularly new or controversial.
    There have always been rumours Adenauer sold out to the “West” when the Soviets offered neutralization Austrian-style – and I somewhat doubt the agency supervising German parties sits in Washington 😛

    If anything, it´s worse.

  164. AnonFromTN 说:

    Analysts say Poland could win Russia-NATO war by invading Kaliningrad & securing Moscow’s nukes

    This is beyond stupid, considering that Poland did not win any wars for many centuries, and Russia did not lose a war for a very long time.

  165. @Alfred


    根据我的“场景”,RT 应该解雇一个在这篇文章中提到一些糟糕的新闻聚合器“公开防御”的白痴:


    写者是某个波兰小伙子,他唯一的名字(Wojciech)为人所知,他不是“分析师”,但很可能是一些波兰迷玩家,或者充其量是只有新兵训练营级别军事背景的中士级别的怪物。这篇文章完全是胡言乱语。我什至不想去讨论这个废话——没有一个真正的军事专业人士会写出这种愚蠢的东西,更不用说能够参加参谋级别的实际兵棋推演(或指挥人员演习)了。 RT 因完全欺诈和迷恋军事色情而陷入困境,这都是 RT 的错。

    • 回复: @Avery
  166. @Alfred

    Yeah talk of German power – i know they are trying to go all in on solar and possibly hydrogen to replace nuclear. But how can France replace nuclear? Isnt it like 70%?

    That said – you really think Germany would pull the plug on N2?

    • 回复: @Alfred
  167. HeebHunter 说:

    Both received a cool reception, with Jared and Ivanka Kushner the only two people in the audience to give them a standing ovation.

    I hate the damn amerimutts so f*cking much…
    Vile, satan serving subhumans. Every day passes I think they are actually worst than the kikes at this point.

  168. HeebHunter 说:

    The sad thing is, pooland will actually they can pull this polacken tango off, just like back then in the late 30s, when they were provoking us and dreaming about steamrolling Berlin in two weeks. I wish they would try 🙂

  169. @Halal Butcher of Lhasa

    Yes and Russia is also going to be participating in the Space Station China is planning to launch in 2022 – once its ISS obligations are done. And Russia is helping China on space based missile early warning system.

    That is why Trump came up with “Space Force” and the “race to the moon”. Lets ee what Biden does. Most likely the same path.

  170. Avery 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    {“…. RT should fire a moron……”}

    For some reason that escapes me, RT has been writing articles for quite a while that are bizarre, the say the least. It appears they are trying to appear “balanced” and/or “even handed” in their coverage. For what purpose ? Western MSM is uniformly, virulently anti-Russian. Why would Russia-Today even try to appease the GloboSorosaNazis?


    {” It is RT’s fault that it fell for utter fraud and fanboy military-porn.”}

    I don’t think they fell for anything: I believe Margarita let it see the light for some reason that is beyond my comprehension. It was on purpose: they knew they were publishing B_____S____.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
    , @Alfred
  171. @Seraphim

    You clarify some historic facts that I am not aware of. Nonetheless, the French intentions towards Russia were completely utilitarian and devoid of any ideological pursuits. France that had occupied Russia under Napoleon was beaten fairly and squarely by Prussia in 1870 when Napoleon III declared war and ended up losing Alsace Lorraine. Here an important footnote is seldom put under the light and that is Bismarck never wanted any territorial concessions from the French but knew that he will not be able to complete German unity without squashing any resistance from France. Unfortunately for France and Germany, the German generals twisted Bismarck’s hand into claiming Alsace Lorraine on military strategic grounds. Bismarck sought to encourage France to expand colonially into Africa hoping that the French will forget about Alsace Lorraine but the strategy failed. As Machiavelli states in the Prince “ it is easier for someone to forget who killed his father than who stole his land”.

    It does not matter under which Tsars’ reign the Franco Russian entente started. Nicholas II was a mediocre political strategist who blundered the first time in his war with Japan who was financed by Jewish Zionist New York bankers under the leadership of Jacob Schiff, and almost lost his crown in 1905, and blundered again in 1914 when the assassinated Stolypin’s reforms of the agrarian land redistribution started to bear fruits by enriching a new class of farmers and catapulting Russia into the greatest grain producer by 1911. Nicholas II stampeded into WWI when he could have stayed neutral, and by his unwise decision to declare war on Germany confident about victory by forcing her to fight on two fronts, brought the end of the Romanov dynasty and the rise of communism.

    • 同意: stevennonemaker88, HdC
    • 回复: @Seraphim
  172. @AnonFromTN

    Yes you are correct American politics is limping but it still a democracy. Maybe it needs a walking stick which should be used on buts of both parties. Maybe system would work better with three parties.
    Or maybe there should not be a presidential election and be instead voting for party which would give the party the power to chose the president and have the right to remove him . Present system is too vulnerable for fault play. What I am trying to say is to take some responsibility from president and give it to the party.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  173. @stevennonemaker88

    Ice age farmer is a good source for many ag related issues.
    The screen name was inspired by the desire to mock. I’ve seen these ‘half my ancestors died in the holohoax’ ashkan nazis up close. The level of narcissism, self-pity, dishonesty and entitlement is hard to grasp until you see it and experience it first hand.

    • 谢谢: stevennonemaker88
  174. @Sparkylyle92

    I read they got rid of the F14 for the less capable F18 because of maintenance costs…

    And yea the F35 appears to be a jack of all trades and master of none

  175. antibeast 说:

    Ukraine is relevant to Germany only because it has the pipelines that carry Russian gas to Europe, from which it charges transit fees. But once Nord Stream II is completed, Germany becomes the new distribution hub for Russian gas to Europe, displacing Ukraine. That’s why Kiev opposed the Nord Stream II pipeline project as did Poland as their strategic importance to NATO will decline as Germany gets closer to Russia.

    Nord Stream II is a game-changer for the geopolitics in Europe which is why the USA wants to derail that project as much as it can for as long as possible. Who cares about Ukraine once Germany gets its gas from Russia? And if Russia is no longer a ‘threat’ to Germany, then what is the US military doing in Germany?

    That’s what Trump was saying: why should the USA protect Germany from Russia if the Germans buy their gas from Russians? If Germany no longer feels threatened by Russia, then why are there US troops still in Germany?

    • 同意: Alfred, showmethereal, Zarathustra
    • 谢谢: HeebHunter
  176. @Avery


    不,玛戈很好,在各个政治领域都受到尊重,但我不确定她是否能完全控制一些编辑政策,而且 RT 主要是面向西方的。但是,是的,他们偶尔会发表一些奇怪的失败作品。

  177. @Seraphim


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  178. Seraphim 说:

    ‘Hidden History’ is a sensationalist ‘conspiracy theory’ novel through and through, written with much emotion by dilettante pseudo-historians, appealing to the insatiable public’s fascination with ‘Secret Elites’, ‘Secret Societies’, ‘Cabals’ endowed with irresistible almost magical powers to ‘manipulate’ (always) corrupt and debauched politicians (Churchill, Eduard VII…) or feeble minded (Nicholas II) and ‘dictate’ policies. Public who would always prefer ‘Da Vinci Code’ over the Gospels.
    It is part of the renewed efforts of revisionist ‘historians’ to place the responsibility for two world wars on Russia and her ‘scheming’ for world domination, to reinforce the negative images of Russia’s backwardness, backward autocratic regime, Russia manipulated by the eternal ‘English’ Rothschilds (in actual fact the bulk of Russia’s debt was to French banks), Russia’s ‘ambitions’ (always suggested as illegitimate) in the Balkans (”that backward corner of south-east Europe”), the ‘Constantinople carrot dangled before Russian noses’, Russia’s ‘imperialism’, etc.
    At the same time presenting Germany in glowing terms and whitewashing her for the responsibility of starting two world wars: the brave Germany standing firm against Russia’s Tsars, Stalins, Putins insatiable ‘anexionist’ appetites (almost racially unavoidable), defending the ‘Western civilization and its cherished ‘values’ (heroic Teutons vs Slavs – Serbs and Russians – low-lives, bent on raping the blond beauties) with Nazi steadfastness.
    It is part of the various attempts to discredit (and silence) the ”Fritz Fisher thesis”, expressed in his book ”Griff nach der Weltmacht: Die Kriegszielpolitik des kaiserlichen Deutschland 1914–1918” (published in English as ‘Germany’s Aims in the First World War’), based on irrefutable documents (some discovered after the publication). Of course, HH appeals much to supposedly ‘destroyed documents’ by the conspirators to cover up their mischief!

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
    , @Anon
  179. Ron Unz 说:

    Some of this confirmed in Docherty and Macgregor, Hidden History, but some, not….According to HH, “underlying cause” is way too anodyne: a group that Docherty and Macgregor label the Secret Elite, originally instigated by Cecil Rhodes and a few others, inlcluidng Natty Rothschild…Per Docherty and Macgregor, and amply documented by them where documents have not been destroyed, King Edward VII was part of this conspiracy

    I finally read Docherty/MacGregor a year or two ago, and was extremely unimpressed. Here’s a comment of mine:

    好吧,在过去的一年或更长时间里,我看到许多评论者对 Docherty/Macgregor 的书给予了热烈的认可,所以自从我把它放在身边后,我终于决定看一看。 到目前为止,我并没有真正留下深刻的印象。


    真的那么出色吗? 假设从未形成“秘密社会”? 我们难道不自然地认为,正常的,普通的英国领导人会尽最大的努力来增强大英帝国的力量和财富吗? 如果不是,这会更令人震惊吗?

    如果有人写一本书:“ Google的高级管理人员正在秘密地试图扩大Google的财富和权力,并在整个互联网上获得统治地位。” 或“高盛(Goldman Sachs)的高管正在暗中试图扩大高盛的财富和权力,并永久支配华尔街。”



    • 回复: @Alfred
  180. @AnonFromTN

    ‘This is beyond stupid, considering that Poland did not win any wars for many centuries, and Russia did not lose a war for a very long time.’

    1919 1920?

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  181. @Aedib

    In fact it is where the inventor of 9mm ammunition took the word Parabellum from

  182. @Aedib

    Georg Luger 1902 invented 9mm Parabellum ammunition taking his cue from the Latin quotation from Vegetius

  183. Alfred 说:

    you really think Germany would pull the plug on N2


  184. Alfred 说:

    For some reason that escapes me, RT has been writing articles for quite a while that are bizarre, the say the least.

    I suspect they want their readers to know what a bunch of fools those in the West promoting war are. 🙂

  185. Seraphim 说:

    This perception reflects a reluctance to search the facts under our eyes. It is so much easier to fall back on ‘historical parallels’ (not really put in real historical perspective), on abstractions learned at school, operate with received ideas. Russia is the ‘giant with clay feet’, a simple stone would smash the feet. But in the political reality it might be disastrous. Bismarck repeatedly warned ‘don’t mess with Russia’, because you don’t know what you are up against (I paraphrase!). The Kaiser and his generals did exactly that, Hitler and his generals did exactly that, they messed up with Russia, confident that they were the stone which would smash the clay feet, unaware that the giant will fall on them.But it seems that the ‘West’ is still ‘trapped’ in this illusions.

  186. Alfred 说:
    @Ron Unz


    It would be interesting to see how many Rhodes Scholars have penetrated the upper reaches of the USA and the UK. If they have done a good penetration job, that would suggest that this cabal can maintain the same strategy for over 120 years and that it works.

    Personally, I think that this has worked very well. Take a look at the names and you will see what I mean.

    1- Bill Clinton Repealed the Glass-Steagall Act which led to the collapse of 2008.

    Clinton Defends Big Banks & Repeal of Glass-Steagall | Armstrong Economics

    2- Clinton also signed North America Free Trade Agreement and thereby launched the rapid collapse of manufacturing in the USA.


    If you go down the list of names, you will find one consistent theme. Forget about recent additions and sports people. Globalisation, Financialisation and War.

    It takes at around 30 years for a Rhodes Scholar to reach his/her designated spot. But these people are patient. The list obviously does not include those who are promoting them. Those who prefer to remain in the shadows.

    • 回复: @Schuetze
    , @Joe Levantine
  187. @central

    Yeah it is almost unbelievable that people love to quote Wikipedia as if it is some impartial source. I have found plenty of errors – and regardless of what they say it is a fairly “closed” system.

    • 回复: @Sirius
  188. @Alfred

    Interesting…. I don’t know enough of Eastern Europe…. But what is the mood in Estonia – Latvia – Lithuania? They seem to be siding more with the EU and NATO against Russia. Is that accurate?

    • 回复: @Alfred
  189. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Colin Wright

    1919 1920?

    Poland successfully prevented the Soviets from occupying it, but that was it. Then it starved to death tens of thousands of Red Army POWs. A dubious victory followed by criminal actions.

    You might remember that at the beginning of the seventeenth century Poles had their greatest success, never to be repeated: they occupied Moscow. The end of that victory was also grim: Minin and Pozharsky assembled Russian volunteer force, liberated Moscow, and laid siege on the Poles in Kremlin. Besieged Poles ate their horses (allegedly also each other) and surrendered in the end.

    After that Poland was going down in strength and influence. It was divided several times between Russia and Germany, ended up completely absorbed by the Russian Empire, and got independence only after Bolshevik revolution that destroyed the Russian Empire. It was divided between the same players in 1939. It was made ostensibly independent, but in reality got absorbed by the USSR after WWII. It was lucky to get independent again after 1991. However, Poles are pushing their luck ever since, annoying both Russia and Germany by dimwitted statements of their elites. Poland has been there, done that before, and the result was never good for Poland. Its rulers are dumb enough to count on the US support. When push comes to shove, the US support would be exactly as effective as British and French support in 1939.

    • 同意: Jazman, Alfred
    • 回复: @erzberger
  190. Alfred 说:


    I have never been to them. From what I understand, they have quite a few ethnic Russians. They often treat Russians as second-class citizens. They won’t let their kids study Russian at school and that sort of nonsense.

    俄罗斯和现在的白俄罗斯正在改变其运输网络,以避开这些国家。 俄罗斯人在圣彼得堡附近建立了一个新港口。 石油、煤炭、精炼燃料、谷物和其他许多东西现在都绕过波罗的海国家。 这对他们来说是相当灾难性的。

    Many Russian speakers have moved to Russia. The young and educated people from the Baltic States are leaving in large numbers – mostly to other parts of Europe.

    The leadership in these countries is sometimes ex-Communists who now pretend that they always hated everything Russian. 🙂

    这是更具毒性的例子之一。 维基百科对她进行了很好的修饰。

    随后,她进入圣彼得堡国立大学(当时称为列宁格勒AA日丹诺夫国立大学)政治经济学专业学习。 与此同时,她开始在圣彼得堡当地的一家工厂工作。 1983 年,格里鲍斯凯特以优异成绩毕业并返回维尔纽斯,在科学院担任秘书职务。 学院的工作机会很少,因此她转到维尔纽斯共产党高中,在那里讲授政治经济学和全球金融。 1983年至1989年1989月,她是苏联共产党党员,1990年1988月立陶宛共产党脱离苏共后,她一直是CPL党员,直到XNUMX年XNUMX月。XNUMX年,她为自己辩护莫斯科(社会科学院)博士学位论文。


    Here we have them calling Lukashenko a dictator – he is undoubtedly hugely popular in Balarus – while moaning that Belarus is moving its business to Russia. Their stupidity is stupendous.

    尽管当时立陶宛很少有人相信这一点,但白俄罗斯独裁者亚历山大·卢卡申科已经部分落实了他去年的威胁,将白俄罗斯货物从克莱佩达港转移出去,到 2020 年,克莱佩达港的货物量占该港口年货运总量的 32%。作为对该国针对他镇压国内抗议活动采取强硬立场的惩罚。


    • 谢谢: Joe Levantine, Robjil
    • 回复: @Sirius
    , @showmethereal
    , @Seraphim
  191. Sirius 说:

    不幸的是,就像许多互联网大型科技公司一样,没有真正的竞争。 每个人都会涌向一个搜索引擎或一个社交媒体平台或其他任何平台。

  192. Sirius 说:

    去过这三个国家后,我可以告诉你,你所说的大部分内容都是真实的。 我真的不确定这些国家如何维持其经济并最终维持名义上的独立。

  193. @AnonFromTN

    Poland won the 1919-1921 war with Russia. Also, unlike Russia, Poland has never engaged in Pyrrhus-style wars, like the Winter War with Finland, or Chechen Wars. In fact, Poles won many battles despite numerical inferiority.

    Contrary to what is suggested here, Polish goverment has been quite wary of Russia even when being victorious. Two examples:

    1) Despite the great victory of Klushin 1610, the Polish Parliament still disapproved so called secunda genitura for the later Polish king Wladislav IV Vasa, thus making impossible for him to become a Russian tsar as Russians wished (he was to convert to orthodoxy to achieve this). It must be remembered that unlike French or German invasions of Russia, Poles did not attack on their own, but as an ally to a Russian party in a civil war. This used to be the usual pattern of war in western Europe, just to mention the Anglo-French 100-years war, The War of the Spanish Sucsession, and The War of the French Succession. Please also note that during Smuta Sweden was leading another foreign intervention.


    2) During the Ryga treaty negotiations of 1921, Polish goverment took fewer lands than it was offered by the Soviets. Poland could have been bigger in the east, and yet Poles thought prudent not to go too far.

  194. @Another Polish Perspective

    Talking about Sweden:


    The war with Sweden was much more disastrous for Russia than the war with Poland since Russia lost its entire Baltic coast for a century. And yet Russians seem to be more rabid about Poland than about Sweden… Strange.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  195. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Sorry to point this out, but if Wiki is a reliable source, I am the Pope. As a Catholic, you should address me “your Holiness”.

  196. @AnonFromTN

    You are allegedly “gold star” commenter but this is pathetic trolling.
    Both Klushin battle and the Ingrian War are events well established in history.

    I provided Wikipedia entry as a kind of standarized, multi-language input for everyone. Besides, I already had had to know about those events in order to search for them.

    BTW, I am not a Catholic. Trolling went wrong again.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  197. @Seraphim

    “ At the same time presenting Germany in glowing terms and whitewashing her for the responsibility of starting two world wars: ”

    Yet during WWI Germany was the last country to mobilise.
    As for WWII, only a superficial historian would approach the subject of responsibility for the war without putting the ignoble Treaty of Versailles under full scrutiny.

    History and historians will always be at odds through different theories. David Irving who was vilified like no other for challenging the victor’s narrative, was the most fact based historian who built his side of the story on genuine research and wrote many books about the subject of WWII with “Hitler’s War” being a landmark book that exposes the blatant lies of the victors.

    Notwithstanding the history debate, I hope you agree that closing the rift between the Teutons and the Slavs is one of the most prominent hopes to create a new status quo that would check the highly disruptive policies of the Anglo Zionist Empire. It is time for Germany and Russia to turn the page and engage in full cooperation in league with China for a more balanced world.

    • 同意: Alfred, HdC
    • 回复: @Seraphim
  198. Sirius 说:

    如果美国放弃心脏地带理论(“孤立主义”),世界80%的军费开支将在一夜之间变得毫无意义; 你知道这会对股市产生什么影响吗?


  199. Anon[256]• 免责声明 说:

    A simple way to understand conflicting historical narratives is to ask: what role did the International Bank$ters play?  

    China, Russia, and Iran are breaking away from the US PetroDollar Central Banking
    System by establishing their own reserve currency system, and the International Bank$ters are desperately trying to manipulate the situation, just like they did in WW1 and WW2.
    The International Bank$ters destroyed England, Germany, Europe and Russia with WW1 and WW2 and then shifted the zionist center of their parasitic central banking power from England to the US and Israel.  

    These Bank$ters are now planning to do the same thing again, but this time will try to destroy the US, Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and then shift the zionist center of their parasitic central banking power from the US to China and Israel.  

    We would be naive to blame China, Russia, Germany, Iran, or even the US…and any country for that matter…because they are ALL being manipulated by the International Bank$ters.

  200. erzberger 说:

    “It was divided several times between Russia and Germany,“

    Russia got most of “poland”, the other dividing powers in the late 18th c were Prussia and Austria. Germany (German Reich) didn’t exist before 1871

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  201. @Alfred

    Right on time with your mention of Kaliningrad. A site I read from time to time on military issues – just did a write up on Kaliningrad. See here:


    And yes I did read about the ethnic Russians in those countries leaving.. I’m not sure what those countries think they will be gaining…

  202. Seraphim 说:

    You just remind me that Alfred Rosenberg, who was a “Balt’ also, was born in what was then the Russian Empire, graduated from Riga Polytechnical Institute and later from ‘Moscow’s Highest Technical School’ in 1917.

  203. AnonfromTN 说:

    the other dividing powers in the late 18th c were Prussia and Austria.

    Correct. But Prussia was a cornerstone of Germany. W/o it there would be no Germany.

  204. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Another Polish Perspective

    BTW, I am not a Catholic.

    Having quite a few few Polish acquaintances, I know that not all Poles are mad. You suggest that not all Poles are Catholics, either. I accept that. Still, this does not negate the fact that Polish elites are suicidal, and were for centuries.

  205. Malla 说:

    第一次世界大战中,德国皇帝被用来摧毁沙皇,第二次世界大战中,苏联俄罗斯被用来摧毁第三帝国德国。 两者对犹太人都有好处。


  206. @Carlton Meyer

    B-b-but Assad is a ruthless anti-democratic dictator! Not like the democratic dictator Mbasogo in Equatorial Guinea – he lets us take his oil, for freedom! He can stay.

  207. @AnonfromTN

    I am tired of this Nazi-like propaganda: there is only one way, “All is One” in the service of Russia/Germany.
    This is the Lebensraum argument a rebours. And in the end it leads to One World Gov, just from other side (Germany-Russia-China).
    Here in the Central Europe the elites like to think that a strong ‘Central Empire’ is needed; be it Poland, Austro-Hungary, or Bulgarian Tzardom, you choose. Just something local: not Germany/Prussia, not Turkey, and not Russia too.
    I already hear “But Austria-Hungary was a burdensome ally of the Great Teutons!”. Yes, of course, we live in a Darwinian world (but we don’t), and the weak must perish with the applause of the strong.

    To Teutons (Germans and Swedes) we have already said many times “No, thanks, thanks for “civilization” but no, thanks”. By the way, the different perception of Austrians (that kind of Germans which are more ready to hear others) proves that the entire matter is not based on merely sentiments, but on historical experience.

    As for Poland and Russia: it is well known that Russia started most wars with Poland, starting with Ivan the Terrible, the first tzar of Russia. Are we to applaud that or what?
    I repeat my question: why is Poland treated differently than Sweden by you? “Teutonic” pass? Teutons can do more since Teutons always do good ?!

  208. @Another Polish Perspective

    As for Teutons, their mass complicity in their own subjugation should put their own imperial worthiness into question. Today, for example, Teutons are celebrating the coming of Jews to Germany, with the first Jewish settlement in Cologne allegedly around 300 CE. What if diabolic Jews were driving Teutons from the beginning, essentially…?!


    For me it looks more like the confirmation of Winston Churchill statement “The Hun is either at your throat or at your feet”. It must be concluded that Teutons will sell themselves for a couple of shekels more… they lost their “bond” long time ago… they are not Huns at all. Or are we to think, that like Hebrews once, Teutons are in “Egyptian” slavery, biding their time like “Joseph”, and waiting for their “Moses”?
    BTW, in Poland the opinion is widespread that Teutons were actually treated pretty well by the Allies.

    But, wait, I already hear “Teutons are occupied by ZOG”. Oh, yes, and Poland is entirely free to decide its fate…?

  209. Schuetze 说:


    Susan Rice, Jake Sullivan, Pete Buttigieg, Eric Garcetti, Bruce Reed, “Anthony Blinken is not himself a Rhodes Scholar, he is a life-long friend and classmate with Robert Malley“。

    Of course Clinton was a Rhodes scholar and his cabinet was infested:

    “With Clinton’s 1992 presidential victory, Rhodes Scholars like Strobe Talbott (Assistant Secretary of State and co-architect of Perestroika) and Robert Reich (Secretary of Labor), were joined by Rhodies Ira Magaziner, Derek Shearer (Senior Economic Advisors), Susan Rice (Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs), Kevin Thurme (Health and Human Services Chief of Staff), George Stephanopoulos (Communications Director)”


  210. @Another Polish Perspective

    The often mentioned argument about Russia being developed by Russian Germans is just the reverse of the often mentioned argument of countries being run by Jewish doctors, lawyers, scientists. One good, another bad. Hm. Why the Russian peasants and workers did not defend their Promethean German masters, I do not know. But surely not because they were more clever than Germans: that must be taken for granted.

    Disclaimer: I personally met Germans who emigrated to Germany because they did not feel treated well in Russia. Well, they did not feel treated well in Germany too.

  211. antibeast 说:

    Think of ‘The Will of Peter the Great’, the Polish-French fabrication, of ‘La Russie en 1839’ of the Marquis de Custine. ‘Russophobia’ and ‘containment of Russia’ became a mental reflex for ‘Europeans’.

    Russophobia has long existed ever since the Mongol Conquest of Russia in the 13th century. Ironically, the Tsardom of Russia centered in Moscow emerged to resist the Mongol Yoke until the 16th century, having replaced the Princely States that ruled Russia before the Mongol invasions. Peter the Great was the first Russian Tsar who attempted to ‘Westernize’ Russia by transforming the Russian Tsardom into the Russian Empire based on Western European models and relocated its Capital from Moscow to his newly-founded city of St. Petersburg. Alexander II continued to ‘Westernize’ Russia by emancipating Russian serfs. By the time of Nicholas II, Russia was on its way to becoming as ‘modern’ as Western Europe with a ‘semi-constitutional monarchy’ established after the Russian Revolution of 1905. But the October Revolution of 1917 short-circuited this ‘Westernizing’ process after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia and murdered Nicholas II and his family who were the last Romanovs to rule Russia.

    The Russophobia that exists today in parts of Europe especially in Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States stems from the Soviet era of Russian history which the US Deep State has mischievously exploited by cultivating anti-Soviet sentiments and blaming Russia for whatever the Soviet Union did to Europe. That’s how NATO was able to expand all the way to Russia’s borders even though the Soviet Union has ceased to exist for three decades!!!

    While the old stereotypes of the 19th century Russian peasant serfs romanticized by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky still abounds in the West, Russia today is a modern European Nation-State of the 21st century, albeit with a vast Asian hinterland in Siberia. Unlike the Russian Empire of the 19th century, Russia today is a nuclear-armed military power second only to the USA.

    As the largest and most powerful country in Europe, Russia being treated by the US Deep State as a ‘threat’ to Europe undermines the security of Europe. THAT 事实本身 constitutes the existential threat facing Europe in the 21st century.

  212. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Another Polish Perspective

    I am tired of this Nazi-like propaganda: there is only one way, “All is One” in the service of Russia/Germany.

    What I said was exactly opposite. The knowledge that geography cannot be changed should give in-between countries like Poland the wisdom not to annoy either big neighbor. The only way a country like Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, and others in the same position can have independence is to keep good relations with both big powers without allying with either. Polish elites repeatedly failed in this for centuries, and keep pursuing the same suicidal course that led Poland to grief many times over.

    • 同意: Robjil, HdC, HeebHunter
    • 谢谢: nokangaroos
  213. @AnonfromTN

    Prusso-German model (Kleindeutschland) is actually still an ephemeride, starting really on in 1871. No reason to think it will stay here. It is actually younger than USA.
    Why should older countries like Poland or Bohemia or France treat it as a responsible adult when it is not..?
    Prussia-Germany is still a spoiled, impolite brat. Moreover, Prussia used to be a former Polish land, so it is simply raison d’etre for Prussians to say everything bad about Poland. If you abused your father, would you be saying good things about him? Just remember the Biblical story of Noah, and his son Ham, and his own son, Canaan. Prussia is Canaan to Polish Noah.

    As for Russia, as I said many times, most of the time it was Russia that attacked Poland. Poland is no danger to Russia, as it does not covet Russia territory. I see no reasons for Russia-Poland conflict.The old story of 3 brothers – Lech, Czech, and Rus – puts Russia on par with Poland, and part of Slavic family.

    As for Baltic Pipe no 2, why Russia should be wanting to sell more gas at the LOWEST price in Europe (Germany has lowest price in Europe, Poland one of the highest)…. ?! I see why Germany wants to be a second Belarus, but sorry, this is NOT a reasonable, economic reason for Russia.
    Something else is in play here, and this is not a well-meant Russian interest.

  214. @Another Polish Perspective

    After failure of his “Promethean” policies, Pilsudski ran the policy of “equal distance” from both Germany and Russia (non-aggression treaty with Germany 1934, non-aggression treaty with Soviets 1932). But 1939 made this policy a false promise. And both pacts were to run for 10 years.

  215. @Alfred

    Another disastrous contribution of the Clinton administration was the overhaul of the Communication Act of 1934 by replacing it by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The new law allowed for cross media ownership which culminated in a consolidation of the media industry into six corporations. No wonder Americans are the least informed people since the narrative hardly changes in substance among the media majors. This act marked the most significant descent into an Orwellian society.

    • 谢谢: Majority of One
  216. @Another Polish Perspective

    Isn’t it strange how close is Cologne, the place of today celebration, to the Neanderthal Valley?

    Isn’t it strange that Jews appear in Cologne when the emperor Constantine the Great “In Hoc Signo Vinces” takes the matter in his hands?


    Could Askhenazim Jews have something to do with the famed Neanderthals, who by the way, appear to have resided close to Jerusalem too?


  217. Seraphim 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    ‘It does not matter under which Tsars’ reign the Franco Russian entente started’.
    On the contrary, it makes all the difference. The chronology is of crucial importance. But it became a consensus among ‘revisionist’ historians that Tsar Nicholas is the principal bearer of ‘war guilt’. ‘He blundered the first time in his war with Japan’, no matter that the Japanese were the aggressors, pushed and financed by the Americans. ‘He declared war on Germany’, because he was ‘a mediocre political strategist’, when it was the other way round.
    But no matter how many times these ‘truths’ have be found wanting, the ‘historians’ would again retort ‘reading their notes’, written by a Harry Elmer Barnes in 1926.

  218. Seraphim 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    I couldn’t agree more that it is time for Germany and Russia to ‘turn the page’. But the ball is in the German court. Germany had ample opportunities to do it in the past, but it squandered them (twice) when it let ideology and hubris dictate its policies. This danger is still in place.
    As an aside, Germany was not the last country to mobilize in WW1. The bugbear of ‘Russian mobilization’ as the principal cause of WW1 is false. Russia ‘mobilized’ after two days of Austrian declaration of war and initiation of hostilities on Serbia (28 July). One conveniently forget the fact that Austria and Russia nearly went to war in 1885 and 1912-13 (with ‘mobilizations’ on both sides) and German military was pushing for war in 1912. That the ‘anti-Bismarckian fronde’ was agitating for a ‘preventive war’ against Russia in 1890. The dismissal of Bismarck and the lapse of the Reinsurance Treaty, the sudden increase in the German armed forces, the daunting prospects of Britain joining the Triple Alliance led to the Franco-Russian alliance (directed rather at Britain, France working for a broader Franco-German-Russian understanding, rejected by Germany). France mobilized after German declaration of war against Russia, which was clearly an obligation of the treaty.

    The new ‘revisionist push’ started with Sean McMeekin’s “The Russian Origins of the First World War” (2011) and Christopher Clark’s ”The Sleepwalkers” (2012) published shortly after the ‘reemergence’ of Russian ‘ambitions’ under the ‘KGB thug’ Putin, are full of anti-Russian stereotypes, openly ‘pro-Turkish’ and ‘anti-Armenian’ in McMeekin’s book, full of rhetorical sleight of hands and righteous denunciations of Russia’s “enormous imperial ambitions”, “annexationist war aims” (adumbrating the hysteria provoked by Russia’s intervention in Syria and which went in overdrive after the ‘annexation of Crimea’).
    Clark’s tone is more polite and moderate and his analysis has a wider scope, but the aim is the same, shifting the blame on Russia. At the origin of the war pride of place take ‘Russian adventurism in the Far-East’, ‘Greater Serbia’ dreams to dominate the Balkans, attended by ‘genocide and ethnic cleansing’ -hints at the ‘Rambouillet Agreement’ and Srebrenica -, abetted by Russian Pan-Slavism, fear of Russian growth (naturally qualified as ‘illusory’), pointed hints at ‘Austro-Hungarian Empire center of European cultural, administrative and industrial modernity’ as opposed to ‘Balkan states, especially Serbia, still locked in a spiral of economic backwardness and declining productivity’, the ‘culture of ”the celebrated medieval suicide-assassin Miloš Obilić, who ‘passes for a hero wherever Serbs live’” (Kossovo in the background!).

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  219. @Seraphim

    You shed light on historic events that are hard to find in the Western European narrative.

    I do agree wholeheartedly with you about the Western anti Slav bias, with the tragedy of Kosovo being the event of the late 20th century that would make the blood of any person with a sense of justice boil, especially when one considers the Western connivance with murderous acts in occupied Palestinian Territories.

    Germany’s only chance to liberate herself from the yoke of the Anglo-Zionist empire is by stretching a welcoming hand to Russia. Putin has given the world a new hope to re-establish a multipolar world. Western hubris might ignore the peaceful and reasonable proposals of Putin for a new world based on diplomacy and international law. If Germany fails to firmly align with the Moscow Beijing axis, she might end up footing the bill of a possible Thucydides trap.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  220. @AnonFromTN

    No one who is qualified by your criteria is possobly qualified to be allowed within shouting distance of the levers of power in Germany.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  221. AnonFromTN 说:
    @but an humble craftsman

    No one who is qualified by your criteria is possibly qualified to be allowed within shouting distance of the levers of power in Germany.

    Which means: Germany, RIP.

  222. Seraphim 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    The only chance for ‘Europe’ to liberate herself from the Anglo-Zionist grip is to ‘repent’ (in the sense of ‘metanoia’- change of mind and heart and change of its ‘way of life’). To renounce the idea that it is the defender of the ‘values’ of LGBTQIA and its promoter among ‘retarded’ peoples who still stick to their traditional values. To return to its Christian ‘values’ which made Europe great. It is a high call, but I am afraid that ‘Europe’ has reached a point of no return. Not only that ‘Europe’ has forgotten its Christian values, its Christian past, but is actively engaged in the destruction of all its remnants. The “Untergang des Abendlandes” reached the point of no return.

    • 同意: Joe Levantine
  223. Escobar is just another misinformed idiot similar to Saker in desire and intent. The US is doing an good job of breaking its own back as is Russia and China. Germany will play no part in the disintegration of the US.



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