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今天的《纽约时报》刊登了 刊文 题为“阿富汗士兵加大对盟军的杀戮力度”的开头是“美国和其他联军在这里被他们并肩作战和训练的阿富汗士兵杀害的人数越来越多,这些袭击是由所谓的盟军之间根深蒂固的敌意引发的”据美国和阿富汗官员以及《纽约时报》获得的一份联军机密报告称。 阿富汗战争已经过去十年,该报告明确指出,这些杀戮已成为困扰战争努力的更深层次疾病的最明显症状:双方对对方的蔑视……”

怎么会有人读完上面的内容后仍然坚持认为有充分的理由留在阿富汗呢? 谁愿意成为美国最后一个在这样的事业中失去儿子或女儿的家庭呢? 与塔利班达成协议并撤离。


(从重新发布 美国保守党 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 阿富汗 
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  1. I am reminded of a scene from “Full Metal Jacket”

    Pogue Colonel: Don’t you love your country?

    Private Joker: Yes, sir.

    Pogue Colonel: Then how about getting with the program? Why don’t you jump on the team and come on in for the big win?

    Private Joker: Yes, sir.

    Pogue Colonel: Son, all I’ve ever asked of my marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God. We are here to help the Vietnamese, because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out. It’s a hardball world, son. We’ve gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over.

    Private Joker: Aye-aye, sir.

  2. Chris 说:

    Hear, hear. We never learn from history, do we?

  3. This points to a very deep cultural divide between any western troops and our “Allied” counterparts. It reminds me of our army’s relationship to the Apache Scouts. It’s a tenuous employment of savages to kill each other rather than ourselves. Things will go wrong and “Our” will savages turn their weapons in the wrong direction, especially when we try to impose civilized behavioral norms on them. Just prohibiting their rape of little boys can set off real trouble.

    Our use of Apaches to rid us of Apaches rendered peace in Arizona and New Mexico. What will we gain by organizing good Afghans vs bad Afghans? To quote Geronimo, “Nada.”

  4. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    We should cede the honor of being the last to leave Afghanistan to the French, who are highly experienced in the withdrawal protocol of fin de siecle colonial enterprises.

  5. daddysteve 说:



  6. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I often wonder, after a victory in 2002, over Taliban rulers, in Kabul, why do our leaders insist on occupying foreign lands, and installing leaders to our liking ?? It only worked in Japan (1945), when massive death & destruction occured with the A-bomb. In 2012, unthinkable.

  7. Nick K. 说:

    阿富汗人对西方士兵的杀戮凸显了两种价值体系之间的根本不相容。 只有我们被种族灭绝、不道德的精英们可能病得很重,以至于想把我们的士兵和财富浪费在与我们没有共同之处、没有真正理由关心的人身上。

  8. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Forget about cutting a deal with the taliban. Just get out.

  9. This is a little off topic, but perhaps somewhat relevant.

    Wouldn’t the methodical reduction of our global overstretch go better if we could somehow show the American electorate what redeployment would look like? If you’ve got tens of thousands of troops in Europe, why not have the President push to identify the regions of the US those troops could potentially be redeployed?

    If an economically depressed area like (just for example) Flint, Michigan got wind that we could be relocating an Armored Cavalry Regiment, with lots of soldiers, family, civilian workers, etc., would that not get Congressmen competing to get these bases? Not to mention the Chambers of Commerce across the country. Create a constituency that can be used to level the playing field against the political forces that support the status quo (e.g. Private Security contractors in the Middle East).

    I can see it now. Why relocate those troops to a new base in Michigan when Fort Dix is right here? Turn Congressional habits into a force for reeling in our global commitments.


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