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俄罗斯政府一遍又一遍地做同样的事情,却期待着不同的结果。 俄罗斯政府不断与华盛顿达成协议,而华盛顿不断违反协议。

爱因斯坦定义为精神错乱的最新演习是最新的叙利亚停火协议。 华盛顿违反协议,派美国空军轰炸叙利亚部队阵地,炸死62名叙利亚士兵,炸伤100人,从而为ISIS重新发动袭击扫清了道路。

2015 年 XNUMX 月,当俄罗斯空军被派去轰炸叙利亚境内的 ISIS 阵地时,俄罗斯让华盛顿措手不及,从而使叙利亚军队重新获得了主动权。 俄罗斯赢得了与 ISIS 的战争,但在工作完成之前就出人意料地退出了。 这使得美国或其代理人能够向重新发动袭击的伊斯兰国提供补给。

所以俄罗斯不得不返回叙利亚。 在间隔华盛顿插入自己。 现在俄罗斯对伊斯兰国的空袭更加复杂,叙利亚的上空也是如此。 俄罗斯通知华盛顿它计划袭击伊斯兰国,华盛顿警告伊斯兰国,也许还有击落一架俄罗斯飞机的土耳其。 尽管如此,叙利亚军队还是取得了胜利。

但每次胜利都因“和平谈判”或“停火”而受阻,在此期间,美国支持的部队将重新集结。 因此,一场俄罗斯和叙利亚本可以赢得的战争仍在继续,并带有新的元素。 现在华盛顿直接袭击了叙利亚军队。

美国军方声称它认为它正在打击伊斯兰国。 想一想。 美国自称是军事超级大国。 它监视整个世界,甚至监视其欧洲附庸的个人电子邮件和手机。 然而,不知何故,所有这些间谍力量都未能将已知的叙利亚军队阵地与 ISIS 区分开来。 如果我们相信这一点,我们就必须得出美国在军事上无能的结论。

这就是发生的事情:在当前的“停火”之前,俄罗斯人可以攻击美国支持的圣战分子,但美国不能直接攻击叙利亚军队,只能通过其圣战代理人。 美国利用“停火”开创了美国直接打击叙利亚军队的先例。


俄罗斯政府认为华盛顿和莫斯科对叙利亚的结果有任何共同利益,这是一个谜。 华盛顿的兴趣是推翻阿萨德,让叙利亚陷入统治利比亚和伊拉克的混乱局面。 俄罗斯的利益是稳定叙利亚,使其成为抵御圣战蔓延的堡垒。 不寻常的是,俄罗斯政府被误导,认为莫斯科和华盛顿在打击恐怖主义方面有共同利益,而恐怖主义是华盛顿破坏中东稳定的武器。

俄罗斯人的记忆怎么这么短。 华盛顿向戈尔巴乔夫承诺,如果他允许德国统一,北约不会向东移动一英寸。 但克林顿政权将北约置于俄罗斯边境。



奥巴马政权推翻了乌克兰政府,并在俄罗斯的一个前组成部分设立了一个美国傀儡政府。 傀儡政府对乌克兰境内的俄罗斯民众发动战争,引发了被华盛顿错误描述为“俄罗斯入侵和吞并”的分裂运动。



(从重新发布 保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 俄罗斯, 叙利亚 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Diogenes 说:

    就在罗伯茨博士身上; 我也不明白。 俄罗斯的行为,即美国似乎在叙利亚和其他地方接近于自我挫败。 我认为他们只是单纯地害怕美国,并努力迎合美国的利益,因为他们还没有做好战争的准备。 他们正在为住宿争取时间,直到他们准备好与想要征服他们的敌人抗衡。 这就引出了一个问题:是否有可能在军事上影响美国的“政权更迭”? 如果不是,这可能解释了俄罗斯的行为。


  2. landlubber 说:


    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  3. Cyrano 说:

    They say that the first casualty in war is truth. In that case, U.S. has nothing to worry about. They’ve put that baby to sleep long time ago.

  4. 罗伯茨:

    “The US military claims it thought it was striking ISIS. Think about that a minute. The US claims to be a military superpower. It spies on the entire world, even on the personal emails and cell phone calls of its European vassals. Yet, somehow all this spy power failed to differentiate a known Syrian Army position from ISIS. If we believe that, we must conclude the US is militarily incompetent.”

    Well, the US military is larger than those of 13 or 14 countries combined (!). The bigger any organization becomes, the result is bureaucratic incompetence and sloth. Of course, the American attack could have been deliberate.

    • 同意: Realist
  5. I am disappointed in Putin for trusting the U.S. He should have known better.

    Paul Craig Roberts lays it out so clearly.

  6. @landlubber

    ” . . . We don’t have a decent government.”

    That’s the understatement of the 21st Century!

  7. If you think the Russians are fools for trusting the US Gubmint, what league of fools does that put the US people into? Most of them still go along with the Demo/Repug double illusion
    act and are actually getting all worked up about the upcoming US “elections”, wink, wink.

    Other commenters here have previously remarked that Putin is beholden to the very same masters that the US “leaders” are and this topic only adds credence to that viewpoint.

  8. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    It turns out that Britain, Australia and Denmark also participated in the airstrike against the Syrian army. These once proud nations have been reduced to disgusting flunkies of the US. The US and it’s servants seem to have few qualms about throwing bombs around the world, creating hatred of the US everywhere. Some more people just got added to the list in Syria. Was this alleged ‘mistake’ an intended message to them? The peace agreement may well just be a ruse to buy time for the terrorist proxies of the US to reconstitute themselves before hostilities break out again. If they can’t win then perhaps the US intention is to just keep the country bleeding for as long as it can, a real heartwarming prospect.

  9. Andevro 说:

    Thank you for the analysis Dr. Roberts. The bombing of the Syrian soldiers has to be one of the most despicable acts the us and its allies have inflicted on the Syrian people. I just hope there is a God in Heaven…but after observing man’s inhumanity to man …and the killing of all the innocent children in all these wars of choice…I doubt my faith.

  10. Here is the explanation: Putin is Russian, and Russians are Gentiles, and Gentiles are an evolutionary primitive hominid species. Gentiles have a median IQ of 100 or less, meaning that all Gentiles are mentally retarded, since 110 is the threshold for mental retardation, not 70.

    Gentiles should already be extinct, similar to how Gentiles at one time made the Neanderthals extinct. Evolution must keep on marching upwards, and Ashkenazi are the new superior evolution of hominids.

    So, here is my answer to Paul Craig Roberts “Go figure”: you expect too much from Gentiles, and you are Gentile yourself, which means you yourself can’t figure things out. You see, the West is managed by the new evolution of mankind: Ashkenazi, and the Russian Gentiles are no match for them. No Gentiles are a match for the intellectually and emotionally superior Ashkenazi hominid species.

    Roberts: did you really think Russian Gentiles can outwit the Ashkenazi?

    Roberts, I propose you switch teams, if your brain can allow it, and support Ashkenazi instead. As a Transhumanist eugenicist nationalist, I must support the most advanced hominid species, so I support Ashkenazi taking the place of the obsolete Gentiles.

    The old has to go, the new has to take its place. Imagine if only one species ruled forever: upwards evolution would never happen. Imagine if Australopithecus ruled for ever, or if Homo erectus ruled for ever, or if Neanderthals ruled for ever. Evolutionary progress would stop. So, it is required that less evolved species, after they had their time on Earth, yield Earth to the next more advanced species. So, in order for evolution to march upwards, it is required that Gentiles yield Earth to the superior Ashkenazi species.

  11. CalDre 说:

    The problem for Russia is that it is split internally between the Eurasianists, that want to integrate with Asia and accepting parts of Europe and forget the rest, and the Atlantacists, who want to curry favor with the “West”. Fortunately or unfortunately, the Atlantacists (of whom Medvedev is apparently a member) are deeply ingrained in Russia’s power structure. The Atlantacists are not necessarily the “fifth column” in Russia (foreign-funded traitors), but fools who sincerely believe that the Empire would ever deign to treat them as relative “equals” as, say, China does.

    As a second matter, Russia has not yet successfully removed itself from the Western financial and industrial systems. Although Putin has made this a high priority, the work is not yet done. Many of the country’s private enterprises are still relying on dollar-denominated assets or Western technology in core areas (i.e., which impact national security).

    I think the Empire is fomenting a third world war and is in the process of pushing all the pieces into place so that is can control the outcome. My prediction is the third world war will signal the end of the Nation-state and religion in favor of a global government. To this end, the global rulers are setting the table to blame WW III not on them, the globalist plotters, but on nationalism and religion (by that principally Islam since Christianity has been almost entirely subverted already and Judaism is a much smaller force and may even be spared). To that end the globalists are currently stoking all kinds of passions against both nationalism and Islam while creating facts on the ground that are meant to pave the way for the “Clash of Civilizations”, to be known as WW III.

    • 回复: @AshkeNietzsche
  12. @CalDre

    What the Russian Gentiles are not genetically able to understand is that a species needs living space. The new Ashkenazi species, in order to survive and thrive, need an empire similar to the Roman Empire. Historically, they make claim to the entire Middle East. As such, it is required that all of the Arab Gentiles in the Middle East be removed. I am opposed to animal cruelty, so as such, I believe the Ashkenazi species should peacefully relocate all the Middle East Arab Gentiles to Europe, Australia, and Canada, leaving the Ashkenazi species to use the entire Middle East as a starting point for the coming expansive Ashkenazi Empire.

    Unz Review should change their mission to nurturing the growth of the new Ashkenazi super-species, since the primitive Gentile species has become obsolete. Paul Craig Roberts should advice Putin on how to grow the Ashkenazi species.


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