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今天在索契举行的瓦尔代国际讨论俱乐部会议上,俄罗斯总统普京正确、正当地谴责华盛顿破坏世界稳定,以牺牲其他国家的利益为自己的狭隘自私利益和华盛顿私人利益集团主子的利益服务。世界。 现在是世界领导人谴责华盛顿凶残的新保守主义政权的时候了。 普京用罗马短语描述了华盛顿的双重标准:“上帝允许的东西[美国]不允许牛[世界其他地方]。”

RT报道普京在这里的地址: http://rt.com/news/198924-putin-valdai-speech-president/

RIA Novotsi 在这里报道: http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141024/194537272/Putin-Global-Security-System-Seriously-Weakened-Deformed.html

奇怪的是,在撰写本文时,俄罗斯媒体还没有对普京的全部讲话进行英文翻译。 或许俄罗斯媒体没有意识到普京这番话的重要性。 太多的俄罗斯媒体归外国利益集团所有,他们利用接触俄罗斯读者的渠道攻击和抹黑俄罗斯政府。 令人惊讶的是,俄罗斯政府允许华盛顿在自己的队伍中进行宣传。 也许莫斯科接受华盛顿在俄罗斯人中的宣传是为了保护 RT​​、RIA 和俄罗斯之声在美国的广播。 但平衡是不平衡的。 西方的俄罗斯广播报道其他未报道的新闻; 他们没有诽谤美国。


普京:世界领导人被勒索:h ttp://en.ria.ru/world/20141024/194542305/Putin-Says-Reports-Show-World-Leaders-Could-Be-Blackmailed-With.html

普京:美国升级全球冲突: http://rt.com/news/198924-putin-valdai-speech-president/

德国国会议员:没有证据的制裁: http://en.ria.ru/interview/20141014/194062719/German-MP-Germany-Has-No-Evidence-of-Who-Shot-Down-MH17.html

我没有在美国平面媒体和电视媒体上看到任何关于普京讲话的报道。 显然,在美国,没有公开讨论美国的外交政策和外国对此的反应。 一个宣传和沉默排除了意识和公众讨论的国家不是一个民主国家,不管它自称什么。

华盛顿很久以前就学会了用诽谤掩盖真相的黑暗艺术。 1953年,华盛顿利用诽谤推翻了伊朗民选领导人摩萨台,1960年推翻了刚果总理帕特里斯·卢蒙巴,1954年推翻了危地马拉总统阿本斯,2002年推翻了委内瑞拉总统乌戈·切韦斯。 2013年推翻乌克兰民选总统亚努科维奇,2009年推翻洪都拉斯总统塞拉亚,2013年推翻埃及历史上第一个民选政府总统穆罕默德·穆尔西,推翻卡扎菲在利比亚,萨达姆侯赛因在伊拉克,在叙利亚推翻阿萨德和伊朗政府的持续努力,以及在推翻印度尼西亚的苏加诺、越南的胡志明和古巴的卡斯特罗的失败尝试。

今天华盛顿的目标是弗拉基米尔·普京。 这是愚蠢和狂妄的高度。 普京的公众支持度远远超过历史上任何一位美国总统。 目前,公众对奥巴马政权和美国国会的支持程度太低,无法与正常运作的民主制度兼容。 如果美国真的是一个民主国家,那它就是世界历史上功能最失调的民主国家。 除了拥有华盛顿的强大私人利益集团外,几乎没有人支持美国政府。 其他人都鄙视华盛顿。

由于 13 年来对中东和非洲生命和财产的致命破坏、功能失调和崩溃的美国经济,以及无与伦比的傲慢表现,华盛顿已经摧毁了美国的软实力。 在国外,只有少数受骗的人和受美国资助的非政府组织出钱的人对美国有好感。

在所有世界民意调查中,美国都被列为对世界和平的最大威胁。 华盛顿使我们的国家成为一个被鄙视的国家,而我们人民对此却无所作为。

你永远不会从美国平面媒体或电视媒体,甚至大多数英国和西欧媒体那里知道这一点。 正如我在 16 月 XNUMX 日报道的那样,德国最重要的报纸之一《法兰克福汇报》的前编辑乌多·乌尔夫科特(Udo Ulfkotte)写了一本畅销书,他在书中报道说,中央情报局拥有欧洲主要媒体中的每个重要人物。 用乌多·乌尔夫科特自己的话来说,他“被教导说谎、背叛,而不是向公众说出真相”。http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/10/16/cia-owns-everyone-significance-major-media/

作为前华尔街日报编辑、商业周刊专栏作家、斯克里普斯霍华德新闻社专栏作家、德国杂志以及法国和意大利报纸的专栏作家,我观察并经历了华盛顿路线的任何异议逐渐被压制的过程。 很明显,西方新闻业成功的道路是华盛顿的机构,主要是一个私人机构,以及由美国世界霸权的新保守主义意识形态支持的黑暗预算外“安全”机构。

许多俄罗斯媒体和普京的顾问都充分了解华盛顿媒体诽谤总统弗拉基米尔普京的行动。 http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/756160 互联网网站“俄罗斯内幕”今天提出了一个相关问题:“中央情报局是否正在对普京进行诽谤运动?” 正如《俄罗斯内幕》所言,答案是肯定的。 http://russia-insider.com/en/politics_media_watch/2014/10/24/04-54-03pm/cia_running_defamation_campaign_against_putin

单击上面的 URL 并查看英国太阳报、每日镜报和每日快报的头版。 我敢打赌,这些是在华盛顿或兰利设计的头版,实际上是中央情报局或国家民主基金会或赞助华盛顿海外宣传的共和党或民主党组织之一的付费广告。


当然,这些英国破布可以被视为耸人听闻的垃圾,可与杂货店收银台出售的美国版本相媲美——“在不明飞行物中被外星人绑架的电影明星”。 因此,向下滚动上述 URL 的页面并查看《新闻周刊》和《经济学人》的封面。 这些曾经是受人尊敬的出版物。 今天我敢打赌,没有人阅读它们,它们的存在依赖于中央情报局的补贴。 然而,它们影响了欧洲、加拿大、澳大利亚和日本的媒体,毫无疑问也影响了美帝国边境其他国家的媒体。 许多容易上当的傻瓜仍然认为美国拥有新闻自由。


“The issue of manipulation of news by intelligence services has been in the news recently with revelations that the CIA and German Secret Service (GSS) have long-running programs to influence how media executives and top journalists convey and interpret the news, including direct cash payments.

“Here are some examples they point to:

  • Portraying him [Putin] as a scheming dictator trying to rebuild a repressive empire.
  • Claiming he personally ordered the murder of a number of journalists, and personally ordered a KGB defector to be murdered with radiation poisoning.
  • Frequently citing unsubstantiated rumors he is having an affair with a famous gymnast.
  • Allegations that he has stashed away billions for his personal benefit, without providing evidence.
  • Recent article in newsweek claiming he leads a luxurious and lazy lifestyle, sleeping late.
  • Recent article in NYT focusing on a supposed personal arrogance.
  • Hillary Clinton mentioning in speech after speech that he is a bad guy, a bully, that one must confront him forcefully.
  • Frequently using pejoratives to describe his person – “a jerk and a thug” (Thomas Friedman this week in the NYT)
  • Mis-quoting him on his regret about the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • Articles about a supposed super-luxury villa built for him in southern Russia.
  • The over-the top headlines in the western media (they were worst of all in Germany) portraying him personally responsible for murdering the victims of MH17.
  • And soft stuff – magazine covers making him look sinister, monstrous, etc.”

If you are not already aware, I am pleased to introduce you to The Saker, a pseudonym for a high level US military analyst who lives in Florida. No, it is not me. Be sure to read Saker’s interview with Russia Insider which is at the bottom of the article: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics_media_watch/2014/10/24/04-54-03pm/cia_running_defamation_campaign_against_putin

Every day readers ask me what they as individuals can do. Some possibly are government trolls who hope I will answer “overthrow the government” so that I can be arrested as a terrorist. My answer to the question is that people are powerless until enough of them are informed. If people become informed and will take a stand, then the people can force the government back under their control. If this does not or cannot happen, democracy in America is dead, and our life as a free people protected by the Constitution and law against the power of the state is finished.

Possibly America is already finished and will now finish the rest of the world in its insane neoconservative drive to establish Washington’s hegemony over the entire world. Russia and China are not going to submit to being Washington’s vassals and India had enough of being a colony under Great Britain. If the crazed hegemons in Washington persist, nuclear war will be the outcome.

(从重新发布 保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 普京, 俄罗斯 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. eah 说:


  2. What impresses me about Vladimir Putin is his ability to sit and answer questions from anyone. If you watch his performance on the Q&A part of the Valdai International Discussion Club presentation his honesty and knowledge about Western politics, USSR and Russian history is immense. He does not need a teleprompter to deliver a good speech and does not use notes when answering questions.
    I always judge people on actions and not words. However, a good leader has both and Putin is one of these rare people.
    To me it is such an irony that the US and his allies continue to paint him as a dictator whereas his words and actions show he is more democratic than any of the ,so called, western ” leaders”.
    The US, the UK, Canada and Australia all have the audacity to use straight out lies and propaganda as their only defence against diplomacy and open dialogue which Putin has been pushing for the last four years.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Sam Haysom
  3. Realist 说:
    @Truth Miner

    “The US, the UK, Canada and Australia all have the audacity to use straight out lies and propaganda as their only defence against diplomacy and open dialogue which Putin has been pushing for the last four years.”
    That is because those countries are full of idiots that believe that crap.

  4. Sam Haysom 说:
    @Truth Miner

    I’m sorry but as much as you obviously look up to him, his elections were definitely more fraught with irregularities and a state run media machine than are any elections in Western nations. Putin would definitely have won anyway, but doesn’t it say something about his character that he still feels it necessary to intimidate opponents.

  5. Matra 说:

    Russians intellectuals ask state media to admit to falsehoods in Ukraine reports – 链接

    No doubt they must all be Nazis as only Nazis ever disagree with the Kremlin. PCR is probably the only living non-Russian who still believes the infamous crucifixion story.

    Russian TV claims Ukrainian massacres of civilian but gets caught using photo of MH17 victims as its proof – 链接

    How many times have they been caught doing this type of thing? I’ve lost count. I grew up distrusting the Beeb but Russian media make it look semi respectable.

    BTW what happened to the Russian sub in Sweden? Let me guess. They just used the same GPS as those Russian soldiers who “got lost” in Ukraine. It was an innocent mistake.

  6. “BTW what happened to the Russian sub in Sweden? Let me guess. They just used the same GPS as those Russian soldiers who “got lost” in Ukraine. It was an innocent mistake.”

    As you must know by now, no such sub was ever found despite a massive search.

    Obvious falsehoods like this in reply to Roberts give him more credibility, not less.

  7. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    How dare you write such crap!!!!!!!!


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