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我们都知道发生了什么。 我们都知道是谁扣动了扳机,杀死了在亚特兰大探望女友的英国​​人马修·威尔森博士。

但在一个黑人特权占主导地位的国家,承认谁是威尔森博士之死的幕后黑手,无异于维护白人至上、白人特权、系统性不平等、隐性偏见和公然歧视。 哦……还有红线和食物沙漠。

但我们都知道,在布鲁克海文(亚特兰大和巴克海特郊外的一个城市),一名黑人扣动了扳机,“随机”发射子弹杀死了威尔森博士。 [英国人的女友在他垂死时在床上被枪杀并希望枪手“付出代价”:马修威尔森博士的女友凯瑟琳谢泼德透露了她如何将她的伴侣抱在怀里20分钟,因为他们在枪击事件后等待救护车布鲁克海文,亚特兰大,《镜报》,22 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日]:

一名英国人的女友在他躺在床上时被流弹击中致命,他在他垂死的时候将他抱在怀里长达 20 分钟。



自上周悲剧发生以来,Shepard 女士在她令人痛心的第一次采访中透露了她在等待救护车到达时是如何抱住 Wilson 先生的。

她告诉WSB-TV:“在我们等救护车的时候,我又抱了他 20 分钟。








威尔森博士的妹妹凯特向她的兄弟致敬,告诉 WSB-TV:“他让他周围的每个人都笑了笑,他总是给他周围的人带来欢乐。”




基塞尔中士说,击中威尔森博士的流弹不到 100 码,穿过公寓的外墙进入。

“发生枪击事件的两个公寓大楼和马修住的地方,他们被一片树林隔开,所以他们相互支持,”该官员告诉 PA 通讯社。




“对于我和我 15 年的执法生涯来说,这是我第一次处理这种情况。


害怕说真话使这个阴险的系统保持活力。 布鲁克海文是成功合并的迪卡尔布县的一部分。 对于那些想知道的人来说,亚特兰大位于富尔顿县和迪卡尔布县。 Brookhaven 最富裕的部分靠近 Peachtree Street 的 Buckhead,围绕 Brookhaven MARTA 车站而建。




我们本可以在火星上,但我们不得不假装平等 60 年。

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Trevor 说:

    我们本可以在火星上,但我们不得不假装平等 60 年。



    • 同意: Realist, Lancelot_Link, Adolph 2nd
  2. Dr. Matthew Wilson could have been on Mars by now, but he died in Atlanta because of TNB.

    Only too depressing.

  3. 女友希望在这起案件中得到正义,但也希望其他人得到社会正义。





    • 同意: NY Girl, Augustus
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  4. 根据亚特兰大本地人的经验,布福德高速公路/克莱尔蒙特路地区有大量西班牙裔人,并且被称为西班牙裔帮派活动的温床,所以我不会这么快就假设枪手是黑人。

    • 回复: @Jack Kennedy
    , @atp
  5. usNthem 说:

    Practically the only way these apes kill anyone with a firearm is by accident. So in these ape centric hellholes, not only does one have risk of direct confrontation, but also random shots flying hither and yon. The disaster of catering to the negro can in no way, shape or form be overstated.

    • 同意: NY Girl
    • 回复: @Dani
  6. Unit472 说:

    威尔逊可能一直住在 ATL 较富裕的一侧,但他似乎住在一个便宜的胶合板/石膏板公寓大楼。 一座砖砌的建筑可能会挽救他的生命,至少在他走到外面并在街上遇到持枪的猿类之前。

    复活节周末爆发的大规模枪击事件引起了广泛关注。南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚购物中心遭到至少 3 名年轻黑人的袭击,造成 10 人中弹受伤。随后,南卡罗来纳州弗曼市的卡拉酒廊发生枪击事件,造成 9 人受伤。我查了一下,因为媒体没有描述它。这是一家黑人拥有的“企业”,提供辣椒热狗和免费枪伤服务。在匹兹堡,AirBnb 不允许出租房屋举办派对,但却允许 200 名青少年这样做,更多的枪支暴力事件随之爆发。两名 17 岁青少年被枪杀。其中一只是长相令人厌恶的兜帽啮齿动物,另一只显然是一只可怕的假发怪。有人想知道为什么梅里克·加兰(Merrick Garland)还没有开始逮捕爱彼迎高管,因为他们允许这些免费防火区作为其商业模式的一部分。这起枪击事件是九天内第三次在 Airbnb 出租屋举行的聚会上爆发枪声,其中一次发生在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托附近,造成一名青少年死亡,另一次则震动了休斯敦郊区的一个住宅区。你认为如果这种事在 Best Western Motels 一次又一次发生的话司法部会忽视吗?

    费城上周末报告发生 39 起枪击事件。巴尔的摩市有 10. 4 名青少年少年在波特兰被枪杀,因为比波克人的入侵导致法律和秩序崩溃。我很高兴地得知,随着房价和租金的飙升,我在佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的家已经变得“难以负担”。希望这能将剩下的猩猩赶出新镇,并迫使它们搬到内格罗维尔。

    • 谢谢: AR in Illinois
    • 哈哈: NY Girl, In Ohio
    • 回复: @NY Girl
    , @Sick 'n Tired
    , @atp
  7. Dr. X 说:


    Naturally, the British blame the American “gun culture” rather than the black “culture.”

    • 同意: NY Girl, Lancelot_Link
    • 哈哈: loren, Bite Moi
  8. loren 说:
    @Dr. X

    UK -EU has muslim knife culture. ask theo van gogh. that ‘hater’.

  9. HT 说:

    Poor guy should have been warned about coming to a “chocolate city” and how unsafe it is. Just another example of how we have allowed black savages to run amuck and destroy once great places while pretending we don’t know the real causes.

    • 同意: Trevor
    • 回复: @AnalogMan
  10. 令人惊讶的是,有些人是多么无知。他们从来没有在网格周围长大。他们说些蠢话,就像我认识一个好人一样。傻瓜。

    • 同意: In Ohio, AceDeuce
    • 回复: @dixonsyder
  11. Rooster14 说:

    在密尔沃基,他的兄弟与一名男子发生争执后,一栋新租客的房子遭到枪击 30 次;他和他的兄弟当然都是黑人。隔壁邻居表示,他在那里住了12年,从来没有见过这样的事情……


    • 哈哈: Howa.308
    • 回复: @Detroit Refugee
  12. @Hapalong Cassidy


  13. 如果她想要正义; 她将不得不冷着吃。

  14. Piglet 说:

    OT: SBPDL readers will remember the news of the stabbing over cutting in line at a Popeyes in Oxon Hill, MD, a short distance from DC, when a popular chicken sandwich was re-released. (If that isn’t a reason to murder someone in duh hood, what is?/sarc) Readers will be pleased to know that the perp has finally been found guilty (the murder took place in Nov 2019) and will be sentenced in July. The wheels of justice move quickly. Or not.

    Of course, surely this murder was somehow Whitey’s fault.

    Man found guilty in 2019 fatal Oxon Hill Popeyes stabbing
    Jose Umana
    2022 年 4 月 15 日

    The man indicted in the deadly stabbing of a customer at a Popeyes in Oxon Hill, Maryland, in 2019 was found guilty of second-degree murder Friday.

    According to the Prince George’s County State’s Attorney office, Ricoh McClain, 32, stabbed Kevin Davis, 27, on Nov. 4, 2019 at the Popeyes located on Livingston Road in Oxon Hill Plaza.

    Police said a dispute began about Davis cutting in line to enter the fast-food restaurant to order the chain’s popular chicken sandwich that had just been rereleased. The confrontation led to a brief argument that ended with McClain stabbing Davis and fleeing from the scene. Davis died about an hour later at a hospital.

    “Deadly violence erupted in 15 seconds,” then Prince George’s County police Chief Hank Stawinski said.

    After a 10-day search, McClain was arrested. A month later, a grand jury indicted him on charges of common-law murder and carrying a dangerous weapon with intent to kill.

    McClain is scheduled to be sentenced on July 25.

    • 回复: @Charon
  15. 在佐治亚州立大学学习天文学时认识了她的男朋友

    模糊。我相信他是在佐治亚大学(斗牛犬队,伟大的橄榄球队),而不是佐治亚州立大学(将授予卢达克里斯荣誉博士学位)。他是一名博士后(他仍然列在该部门的人员页面上),即他是 执业 物理。我不认为她正在研究这个主题。

    这里的 他与人合着的一篇论文。英国媒体报道称,他的妹妹正在瑞典攻读分子生物学博士学位。

    “威尔森”,两个埃尔斯。 “沙漠”,其中之一。

    • 谢谢: AnalogMan
    • 回复: @AnalogMan
  16. Art Deco 说:

    But we all know a black individual pulled the trigger of the gun firing the bullet “randomly” killing Dr. Wilson in Brookhave


    • 回复: @usNthem
    , @dixonsyder
  17. Dream 说:

    Blacks form less than 4% of the population of England & Wales but commit over 20% of the homicides.

    • 回复: @HT
    , @loren
  18. Bite Moi 说:

    loren———–Even the “nice” parts of Atlanta are subject to “random” violence.However,at the risk of being obvious,Dr. Wilson didn’t have to leave merry old England to get “enriched”.

    • 回复: @AnalogMan
  19. Stories like this will keep happening until white people learn to stay out of negro infested cities. There’s no way in hell I’d ever go to Atlanta, Memphis, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia or any other city that’s been over-run by blacks.

  20. Charon 说:

    “Deadly violence erupted in 15 seconds” –police chief

    Ain’t that just how it happen! Da 比朗 出现 完全 without warning, and then just wreck yo sht.

  21. human beings should never visit Atlanta or its environs

    • 回复: @The OverSeer
    , @MunchMyWench
  22. dixonsyder 说:
    @Stonewall Jackson's ghost

    As a teenager and young adult I was at many crowded parties, sometimes I was invited other times crashed in. Never in dozens of times was there ever anyone shot, stabbed, killed. A couple of times some alchohol fueled shoving matches took place that ended with someone being asked to leave, but nobody ever returned and shot up the place in anger for being “disrespected” as the anger control gene worked, the gene that most negroes dont have.

  23. HT 说:

    Blacks form less than 4% of the population of England & Wales but commit over 20% of the homicides.

    Probably way more than that considering many of them go unsolved and aren’t counted. Just like in America where blacks probably commit closer to 80-90% of the murders because so many in urban ghettos are not solved.

    • 同意: Polistra, Hangnail Hans
  24. @Rooster14

    The White neighbor has lived here 12 years and never seen anything like this…


  25. Curmudgeon 说:

    It’s all a big misunderstanding. The “Unidentified Black Suspect” was a jogger.

  26. Anonymous[419]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. X

    They have Knife Culture in England.

    How quaint for her to gloss over that fact

    • 哈哈: loren
  27. usNthem 说:
    @Art Deco

    Only to about 98% certainty. I’ll give you 2% not, and that’s pushing the envelope…

    • 哈哈: Augustus
    • 回复: @Art Deco
  28. NY Girl 说:


    • 不同意: Abolish_public_education
  29. dixonsyder 说:
    @Art Deco

    Correct, I suspect it was a racist, white privileged, white supremacist, KKK member on their way home from an NRA meeting, the usual suspects.

  30. XBardon Kaldlan [又名“Bardon Kaldlan”] 说:

    What’s she doing living in Atlanta?

    • 同意: Realist
  31. loren 说:
    @Priss Factor

    YT should be bending and black standing behind yt s behind.

  32. @Unit472

    问题是,糖叔只会增加分配给第 8 节代金券的金额,HUD 会偷偷在更好的社区买房,这样山雀希亚和她的 5 家就可以使用魔法泥土和学校,大多数新的公寓楼和公寓大楼都是必需的为低收入租户预留一定数量的单位。 其中许多人觉得有权使用人们在高价公寓中支付的便利设施。 一个例子:


    • 回复: @Bite Moi
    , @PO'd in PG County
  33. diva 说:


    • 回复: @atp
  34. @Meretricious

    Or Memphis…or NYC…or Chicago…or Birmingham…ad nauseum.

    • 同意: Realist
  35. @Dr. X

    他们总是至少会公开。 见鬼,他们会说它是什么,但它实际上是什么。 人们现在称之为煤气灯。 我称之为尿尿,告诉我正在下雨。 我不仅厌倦了哔哔声,而且他们的借口制造者和推动者需要离开。 和他们一样。 就像在国外一样。 制造的废话借口刚刚成为一个行业。 系统性结构性制度种族主义。 我不能容忍有人胡说八道而没有一个人反击。 我看了乔恩·斯图尔特的“白人问题”节目,一位客人说有一个系统会对黑人产生负面影响或伤害他们。 斯图尔特说红色衬里。 哈哈。 我不敢相信这是他的榜样。 然后客人说黑人如果专注于家庭和教育会更好。 其他 3 位客人摇了摇头,他们都称客人是种族主义者。 这就是这里所处理的。 你不能和疯子讲道理。 他们绝望了,走了,需要这样对待。

    • 同意: Sick 'n Tired, AnalogMan
  36. Bite Moi 说:
    @Sick 'n Tired

    Sick ‘n Tired————–Damn,what a term “financial apartheid”. It sounds like you don’t wnat to share your stuff with Shanqueshia and her keeds. If i didn’t know you better,i would think you resented being taxed to keep up keeds you didn’t father.

    • 哈哈: Augustus
    • 回复: @Sick 'n Tired
  37. Anonymous[178]• 免责声明 说:

    Negros gonna Negro. Popeye’s of course is a fried chicken place.

    And yes, Hispanics gonna Hispanic.

  38. @Bite Moi

    我做到了,这就是为什么我兑现并拒绝贡献更多的汗水资产来资助一个不再有利于我或我的利益的崩溃系统。 我已经完成了对 groid 功能障碍的贡献,为私生子买单,糟糕的生活选择,失败的学校和 TNB 20 年的监禁。

    我的用户名是 Sick 'n Tired 是有原因的。 在这一点上,我真的不在乎黑人问题、问题或功能障碍。 当他们因胡说八道而随意射击对方时,就会给出零乱搞。

    • 回复: @Bite Moi
  39. atp 说:
    @Hapalong Cassidy


  40. AnalogMan 说:

    Millions of people didn’t get shot in bed that night. With those odds, would you have acted differently? People will take much greater risks for the right incentive. I can’t say I blame him, He was just hellishly unlucky.

    She was very lucky. Well never know how lucky/unlucky. Think about it; if he were not in her bed, might she have caught the bullet instead?

  41. atp 说:

    该公寓场地就在布鲁克海文市范围内,隔壁可能距离佐治亚州钱布利市范围不到四分之一英里,那里的人口结构完全不同!钱布利最大的人口是西班牙裔,而钱布利绝不富裕!布鲁克海文从来都不是文章所说的白人飞行区。这是亚特兰大近百年历史的地区,一直都很富裕。在过去 30 年的大部分时间里,我一直住在亚特兰大的那个地区及其周边地区,并且非常了解它!而且,假设射手是黑棋也是不切实际的。以下是钱布利的人口统计数据。


    • 回复: @fnn
    , @Augustus
  42. AnalogMan 说:

    Thank you. I like “nicety” , in the original meaning of the word “nice”.

    It would be churlish of me to point out (but that’s me), that you meant to say “he was practising physics”. OK, I understand, you’re writing in American. In English, 在练习上 是名词, 实践 是一个动词。


  43. atp 说:

    显然,她一直在佐治亚州立大学学习。公寓距 I2 公路仅 85 分钟路程,从那里可直接到达大学出口。这是我能想到的唯一原因。

    我以前住在 PDX 机场以北 3 英里的布鲁克海文 (Brookhaven),经常从 I-85 出口驶入克莱尔蒙特 (Clairmont),以便从市中心更快回家!特别是,如果我想在 PDX 的 Downwind 餐厅停下来享受亚特兰大最好的汉堡包和机场景观! 2020 年 Chamblee 的人口统计中,西班牙裔约占 36%,白人约占 34%,黑人约占 18%。这就是成为西班牙裔的可能性。

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  44. Augustus 说:

    The sister pretty much summed up the smug and superior British attitude with her statement that there is no ‘gun culture’ in Britain.

    Well lady, we colonists do have guns, and that’s why we still have free speech, whereas you have……..well, whatever you have. If we had no blacks, our murder rate would be less than Britain’s. The Brits have the most over regulated, socialist system in the world.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Howa.308
  45. @Dr. X

    Or blame the Dem-Run-City culture. A culture which turns a blind eye to black on black crime, black on white crime and black violence in general.

  46. @Meretricious

    Left there in 2003. I lived in Buckhead prior to leaving. Numerous areas of Atlanta had charm. No longer.

  47. Realist 说:

    我们本可以在火星上,但我们不得不假装平等 60 年。


    This is a horrible tragedy. But why would any White go to or live in Atlanta?

  48. Realist 说:


    为什么学习天体物理学的人会参加 PBI???

    • 回复: @loren
    , @Punch Brother Punch
  49. @Tina Trent




    Most Whites don’t give up their fantasy views unless personally affected.


  50. Anyone that chooses to live 20 min from downtown Atlanta knows the risk they are taking.

    They have seen the thugs at the stores and the gas stations.

    At least 95% of childless grad students in a city like Atlanta take the position of yes race exits but let’s lie about it for egalitarian reasons. That is why they remain while their friends moved back to the burbs to have families. They aren’t that naive. They know the truth and support lying. Grad students are some of the most left-wing Whites in urban areas.

  51. fnn 说:

    It’s black enough:

    最大的钱布利种族/族裔群体是西班牙裔 (36.1%),其次是白人 (34.4%) 和黑人 (18.2%)。

  52. loren 说:

    whats a bpi

    maybe they pay her to intern

    • 回复: @Realist
  53. Augustus 说:

    According to your source, Chamblee is 36% Hispanic, and 18% black. My readings of crime rates tell me blacks could easily account for 60% of that community’s crime, and easily more. If I looked at Hispanic murder rates, I’d bet it’s 60-40 that the stray shot came from a black person.

  54. Bite Moi 说:
    @Sick 'n Tired

    Sick 'n Tired————正如 Slick Willie 曾经说过的,“我能感觉到你的痛苦。” 我记得我花了好几个小时努力“取得成功”。 我终于意识到,税收制度被操纵以防止工人“出人头地”。 我和妻子削减开支,学会了一些生活技能,如烹饪、简单的木工、园艺等。我们从来没有“出人头地”,但我们还清了债务,该死的舒服。我在鼓励我 15 岁的孙子学习技能,成为专业的水管工、电工等。 大学现在浪费了4年的时间和金钱。

    • 同意: Mr. Rational, Sick 'n Tired
  55. Art Deco 说:

    Again, about 47% of the homicides in this country are committed by people who are not black. Mr. Kersey is innumerate.

    • 巨魔: Mr. Rational
    • 回复: @usNthem
    , @Mr. Rational
  56. usNthem 说:
    @Art Deco

    Ok, that means about 53% of homicides are committed by black people, representing around 13-15% of the US population – probably more like 5% or so (males aged 15-40), hardly a good thing no matter how you cut it. And in cities with large black populations such as Atlanta, it’s a hell of a lot higher than that.

    • 谢谢: Augustus, AR in Illinois
    • 回复: @loren
  57. Realist 说:


    • 回复: @Boo Alcindor
    , @AnalogMan
  58. loren 说:


    and then figure the % in jail prison is it 2%?

  59. AceDeuce 说:



    That’s mighty White of her. She’s upset now, but has never given two schitts for any other White people who have been murdered/victimized.

    And I’m sure any other Whites who stand up for nothing more extreme than law and order, common decency, and the continued existence of White people in their own country would be disgusting to her. She probably wants nothing to do with the likes of us now, even after all this.

    Welp, as Poor Richard said: ” “He that drinks his cider alone, let him catch his horse alone.”

  60. @atp

    PDK,你的意思是,两次。 (让我困惑了一分钟。)

    • 回复: @atp
  61. In Ohio 说:




    上次我在亚特兰大机场时,那里到处都是可笑的“非洲”艺术品,有人在浴室的地板上拉了屎,踩了进去,然后沿着航站楼走了整整 100 码。


    • 回复: @magilla
  62. @Augustus

    Free speech? Depends who’s doing the talking. If one lives a life of delusion and make believe where everybody loves everybody and everybody hates straight white males then yes you have free speech. If you’re one of those pesky white males who use logic, critical thinking, and facts in a conversation then ((they)) will shut you down. Not only that, they will literally set out to ruin your life forever. Don’t believe me? Ask the woman who runs the “libs of tik tok” account on twitter. Washington post used all their resources to not only dox her but all her relatives as well. I’m not exactly sure how that’s legal today. Actually yes I do understand how that’s legal today. It’s fucking clown world. I’m waiting for the day someone shows up ar somebody’s door to dox them and , to quote WyattEarp, gets their head turned into a canoe

  63. @Realist

    乔治亚州不是 HCBU。
    但鉴于亚特兰大的人口统计数据,它可能是一个 PBI。

    • 回复: @Realist
  64. AnalogMan 说:

    When I was a kid, it meant Poor Bloody Infantry. WWII memories still fresh.

  65. atp 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    天色已晚! PDK(桃树-迪卡尔布)!我想我明天会去那里吃一个汉堡!

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  66. @Art Deco

    about 47% of the homicides in this country are committed by people who are not black.

    Those are the homicides for which the race of the perp has been identified.  There are a great many homicides in the ‘hood for which “nobody saw nuffins”, so are listed as un-closed with an unknown race of perp even though we can be certain they’re black.

    Mr. Kersey is innumerate.

    You’re willfully ignorant.

    • 同意: usNthem
    • 回复: @Bite Moi
  67. @Sick 'n Tired

    It cracks me up that they’re whining about the lack of a dishwasher. I didn’t have a house with a dishwasher, until 2018! And I’ve never had Section 8 subsidizing me, either.

    • 回复: @Howa.308
    , @Sick 'n Tired
  68. Bite Moi 说:
    @Mr. Rational

    Mr.Rational ——–Your comment to @ Art Deco,” You’re wilfully ignorant.” is spot on. The sad thing is that for most important topics,90% of American adults are also willfully ignorant. They do indeed cherish their ignorance.Any attenpt to shine the light of truth with facts and logic repells them like sunlight to a vampire.

  69. @atp

    No prob. With all those exclamation points, they must have REALLY good hamburgers. For you it’s not the proverbial “hundred dollar hamburger”, but that is no joke anymore – the fuel is up!

  70. Dani 说:

    I haven’t been on here in a while due to how depressed it tends to make me. I picked a hell of a story to “catch up” with. I was, however, as always, glad to come across your comment. You always, ALWAYS, nail it, at least as far as this woman is concerned.
    As I was reading this, I was thinking to myself, is this somehow a horrific tragedy that should be treated as nothing more than a very misfortunate “happenstance” for the ‘fact’ it was a “stray bullet”, an expression I have always LOATHED and it’s clear it was thought up into reality in order to continue the ever-ongoing minimizing of violent, subhuman crime that has been terrible for our White numbers?

  71. magilla 说:
    @In Ohio


    Dindus 喜欢在最奇怪的地方拉屎。 在我的贫民窟初中学校,他们会在小便池和水槽里拉屎。

    • 同意: In Ohio
    • 回复: @Sick 'n Tired
  72. @PO'd in PG County

    The audacity of the building owners to not furnish a dishwasher and make the “renter” buy their own lamps in the bedrooms. Im surprised the bleeps haven’t moved out after treatment like that.

  73. Trevor 说:

    Another heinous black on white murder that the ape actually streamed on Farcebook:


    It sounds like she may have been burning coal with him previously. Miscegenation kills again!

    • 回复: @Detroit Refugee
  74. @Realist

    为什么学习天体物理学的人会参加 PBI???

    People studying astrophysics are magicians who can conjure up which universities they attend.

    Realist is is the stupidest, most childish ass-clown on 乌兹网.

    • 回复: @Realist
  75. Realist 说:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    People studying astrophysics are magicians who can conjure up which universities they attend.

    All prospective university students are responsible for deciding what university offer they accept.

    Realist is is the stupidest, most childish ass-clown on 乌兹网.

    I don’t stand a chance with you on here.

    The fact that your daddy was a bellhop has really warped your mind…seek help.

    • 哈哈: Non PC Infidel
    • 回复: @Punch Brother Punch
  76. @Realist


    Why? Psychiatry is not a STEM field, therefore it is unmagical and worthless.

  77. @PO'd in PG County

    当我改造我拥有的最后一个公寓的厨房时,我们实际上移除了洗碗机,因为我们从未使用过它,而是放入了葡萄酒冰箱。 只要不让它们堆积起来,洗碗就没有那么难了。

    也许我们应该申请一些联邦资金来启动一个计划,让自恨的白人可以去 Sheboon 的第 8 区的某个巢穴洗满碗碟,以此来对抗他们的白人特权并为他们的曾祖父母赎罪,他们很可能从未拥有过奴隶?

  78. @magilla



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