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我的一些最佳评论是关于Quentin Tarantino的,但这不是其中之一。 塔伦蒂诺(Tarantino)脱离了我所爱的导演(请参阅我的论文 低俗小说“),送给我最讨厌的导演(请参阅我对以下内容的评论: 杀死比尔一世无耻混蛋),对我刚刚讨厌的导演(Django的奔放),我只是对一位董事不予理.。

塔伦蒂诺唯一的精彩电影是 低俗小说“,此时可以安全地宣布那是a幸。 他的其余作品从令人反感的(落水狗),友善的piffle(成龙布朗),虚无主义的解构( 杀死比尔 电影),种族灭绝(尽管自我毁灭),反白人犹太人的梦wet以求(混蛋),以实现灭绝种族的白色黑梦​​(Django的),看一部我从未想过的电影(可恶的八).

这使我们进入了塔伦蒂诺的第九部长片, 黄飞鸿在好莱坞。 我也打算跳过这部电影,但是正面和负面的评论都吸引了我,令我惊讶的是,我真的很喜欢这部电影。

黄飞鸿在好莱坞 没有触及诸如以下的深层道德主题 低俗小说“,但比Tarantino的其他电影要好。 我们对他的期望并不令人反感。 它不是特别暴力,粗暴,淫秽或反白。 基本上,这是另一个 成龙布朗-精心设计,讨人喜欢,但并不特别令人反感。 在塔伦蒂诺的案子中,我倾向于争取最高级的人,但是 黄飞鸿在好莱坞 绝对是他最有趣的电影,尽管他可能不愿听到,但这也是他在道德上最有益,最令人满意的故事。

黄飞鸿在好莱坞 剧情背景设定于1969年的好莱坞。影片讲述了两个哥们(Rick Dalton(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo Di Caprio)),她在电视牛仔剧中饰演)和特技双胞胎Cliff Booth(Brad Pitt)的故事。 里克(Rick)从电视到电影的尝试失败了,他的系列 赏金法 已被取消,他现在在电视连续剧中扮演客串演出,喝很多酒,梦想着重新开始他的职业生涯。 由于DUI,Rick失去了驾驶执照,因此Cliff现在是他的驾驶员和助手。

道尔顿-布斯(Dalton-Booth)的主要情节曲线以相当悠闲的步调蜿蜒而行,与两个子图交织在一起,其中一个是关于克利夫·布斯(Cliff Booth)会见曼森“家族”成员并参观他们蹲在的Spahn Ranch进行检查的情况。它的所有者乔治·斯潘(George Spahn),布斯在他的住所拍摄之前认识了几年。 另一个子情节是关于道尔顿的新邻居莎朗·泰特(Sharon Tate)(玛格特·罗比(Margot Robbie)),跟随她在好莱坞的一生。

道尔顿在他忠实的朋友布斯(Booth)的帮助下,通过辛勤工作,控制自己的饮酒和举止得体,成功摆脱了职业生涯的低迷。 他最终去了意大利,出演了三部西方电影和一部欧洲间谍戏弄的服装,回到了与意大利小明星结婚的状态,并在他的相框中加入了XNUMX磅的意大利面。

他及时回家与克利夫(Cliff)合作,为好莱坞最可怕的真实故事之一带来了童话般的幸福结局,这很有意义 黄飞鸿 。 。 。 标题,我以为是塞尔吉奥·利昂的寓言,但这只是一个巧妙的转移。

黄飞鸿在好莱坞 这是一部令人讨厌的,非常详细的怀旧巨星,里面满是古董车和衣服,时期歌曲和广告,以及数量可观的电视,电影和流行文化琐事。 这部电影充满了真实的历史人物,所有这些人物都经过精心铸造和良好实现。 虚构人物是其他历史人物的丰富寓言。 虚构电影和电视节目的剪辑和海报非常逼真,而且常常是滑稽的模仿。 这一切都是非常放纵的,但是必须佩服塔伦蒂诺的巨大能量,对细节的关注以及对历史真实性的热爱。

但是,这对于当今的SJW评论家来说是一个问题。 风包理查德·布罗迪(Richard Brody)在 “纽约客” 谴责这部电影是“淫秽的回归”和“荒谬的白色”。 (我发现 “纽约客” 布罗迪对其中一些淫秽的白人人物和演员是犹太人这一事实不屑一顾,尽管在其他情况下,犹太人当然是“形形色色的”。

从前是好莱坞当然,所有内容都与历史的正确性和真实性有关。 1969年的好莱坞是一个绝大多数是白人和犹太人的小镇。 自由主义者,嬉皮士和彻头彻尾的共产主义者蜂拥而至,但是按照当今的PC标准,这样的人似乎像是超级反动派。

但是,与时俱进并不是当今中世纪和伊丽莎白女王时代的黑人与黑人的共同防御。 完全违反了塔伦蒂诺(Tarantino)对历史准确性的承诺,使演员蒙上阴影,但与《大替代》(The Great Replacement)的当务之急相比,艺术上的完整性没有任何意义。 我相信理查德·布罗迪(Richard Brody)与塞缪尔·杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)扮演罗曼·波兰斯基(Roman Polansky)不会有问题。 上帝知道我不会。

塔伦蒂诺(Tarantino)总是通过在屏幕上放上种族化的词来使小伙子们感到蠕动。 在这里,里克·道尔顿(Rick Dalton)嘲笑“豆子”,克里夫·布斯(Cliff Booth)告诫道尔顿不要在墨西哥人面前哭泣。 他们还经常提到肮脏的“嬉皮士”。 在电影中最有趣的场景之一中,李小龙自命不凡地坚持 青蜂侠 直到Booth够用了,打电话给他的废话,然后在战斗中羞辱他。

女权主义者实际上举起了有问题的眼镜,皱了皱脸,数了数女性所说的话。 他们没有被逗乐。

此外,道尔顿和布斯是两拳的“古男性”英雄,充满力量,精通,荣誉和友善。 最后,道德主义者喜欢谴责的过度的电视和电影暴力表现为宣泄,救赎和彻头彻尾的搞笑。

当然,塔伦蒂诺还没有成为反动派。 他仍然是一个讨厌自己的白人。 但他还是一位固执己见的艺术家,他和左派的前锋 时代精神 分道扬.。

黄飞鸿在好莱坞 充满了Tarantino商标:复杂的叙事结构,古怪的人物和对话,悠闲的步伐,平庸的拜物教,以及热衷于将复杂而聪明的对话放到黑人的嘴里。 尽管这部电影中没有黑人,但塔伦蒂诺(Tarantino)与一个八岁的白人女孩实现了相同的喜剧效果。 DiCaprio和Pitt的表演轮流和而令人着迷。 Spahn Ranch的场景非常悬疑和令人毛骨悚然,最近的Tarantino成为了僵尸电影中的僵尸。


• 类别: 艺术/信件 •标签: 电影 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. fenestol 说:


    • 同意: Moi
    • 回复: @Revelation
  2. obwandiyag 说:

    Only a complete retard would say there are “great moral themes” in a piece of stupid, utterly manipulative and pandering, fratboy crap like Pulp Fiction. Must be a fratboy.

    • 同意: Old Prude, Ghan-buri-Ghan
    • 回复: @GeeBee
    , @John Yuma
    , @Anon
  3. 我对塔伦蒂诺的看法和特雷弗·林奇在这里表达的一样,我对好莱坞也有同样的感觉。 我不愿意去看 很久以前…,但在阅读了 Steve Sailer 和他博客上的一些评论者对此的评论后,我决定亲自去看看。 史蒂夫是对的,他的评论者是对的,林奇也是对的。 你自己去看看吧。

    这部电影的深度也比这篇评论涵盖的要多。 例如,克里夫·布斯(Cliff Booth)就是一个出色的角色,他体现了我们所遗留下来的美国男人的一面。 小猫咪和莎伦是女人的两个侧面,一个天真无邪,一个攀登好莱坞山丘。 塔伦蒂诺把它们颠倒过来,这样天真无邪、她的脚干净而处女,已经落到了一个我们不希望找到她的地方。


    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Maria Elisa
    , @Thirdeye
  4. Kirt 说:

    我不是塔伦蒂诺的忠实粉丝,并且已经传递了他的大部分电影。 但我真的很喜欢这个。 在泰特大屠杀期间,我住在洛杉矶,塔伦蒂诺在将历史改写为一个更幸福的结局时,获得了恰到好处的氛围(显然还有人物)。 对这个竖起大拇指。

  5. Leni 说:

    The comments on Blacc people in LA at that time are quite telling. I recall visiting a relative in Alabama during the Sibbil rahts era. I was surprised as Hell when we flew into Birmingham to put it mildly. A relative had married a Navy man from there, White of course, and thought of his entire clan of being KuKluxers. My parents and I were picked up at the airport by a BLACK MAN. In fact, he was a friend of the supposed klan members, who were anything but the stereotypes. People just worked, did their business and socialized with whoever they pleased, which tended to be those they worked with. Surprise, surprise. Hell, I never saw black people in California till high school. I still remember being called n***ger by my classmates in elementary school because I have an olive complexion. Thought it was hilarious then, and still laugh at the memory. The point is that the supposedly bad South was more integrated by a long shot than Southern California. The suburban movement exacerbated the situation even more. But Hollywood’s bullshit would have us believe that Alabama was some kind of Israeli apartheid state. Again, horse sh*t. Same thing for New Jersey. Went there for TDY. Great place. Hollywood likes to call it a dump. Probably is in Newark , but the reality is it’s a beautiful place, ponds, wildlife and family farms. While Hollywood is a dump and has been a sh*thole since the 50s. Even worse now.

    Moral of the story is Hollywood and its owners lie and have been lying to the rubes since time immemorial.

    • 回复: @Emslander
    , @Patriot
  6. syonredux 说:


    总体:相当不错的QT。 至少,这比他最近两次出游要好(Django的 仇恨八)... ..

    Best Scene: Probably either the visit to the Spahn Ranch (nicely sinister) or the beautifully quotidian scene where Pitt’s Cliff Booth prepares food for his dog.

    60 年代洛杉矶驾驶颂:忘记了有多少次我们看到角色们一边听广播一边幸福地在 SoCal 周围行驶……但所有这些场景都非常令人愉快……

    美国牛仔与新秩序:该死的肮脏嬉皮士与旧西部的肖像之间的大量隐含/明确比较:嬉皮士走过詹姆斯迪恩的壁画 巨人,迪卡普里奥的道尔顿对他的角色在 蓝瑟 电视西部片将看起来像嬉皮士/地狱天使(“1869 年遇上 1969 年!”),斯潘牧场本身(许多西部片被枪杀)被曼森家族接管,等等

    政治上最不正确的时刻:皮特的悬崖布斯在一场陪练比赛中击败李小龙(不打脸) 青蜂侠.

    Where’s Samuel L Jackson?: There are no Black people in the movie….At least none that I saw….and this is coming from a director who managed to have Black characters in the Occupied France of Inglourious Basterds…

    QT's Cleanest, Least Violent Movie?:对于 QT 电影,对话非常干净。 残酷的暴力仅限于最后,克里夫布斯和他忠实的狗遏制了曼森家族……


    Young Women are scary: Interesting how QT frames the Manson women as the real threat:they out-number the men, sing creepy songs, assemble in sinister throngs, spout dogma (E.g., the scene in the car where the pale Manson girl goes off on a tirade about the moral rightness of killing the star of a ’50s Western TV series)….Perhaps a past-as-present commentary on how women act as the Mao-esque enforcers of WOKE-America?

  7. Toy 说:


  8. Dumbo 说:

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood does not touch on deep moral themes like Pulp Fiction

    I stopped reading here. Which “deep moral themes” are investigated in Pulp Fiction? Is it in the “bring out the gimp” scene? From what I remember it’s basically what the title says. Tarantino was always mostly about making people laugh about violence and other over the top stuff, and dialogs about Madonna or fries with mayonnaise. He may have some talent, but Kurosawa he ain’t.

  9. Mark James 说:

    这里没有提到的是事实。我只想说莎朗·塔特在这部电影中的表现比她在 69 年的表现要好(唉)。如果你同意——我不同意——那么这张照片真的适合你。

    另一方面,如果您喜欢其中的演员并且只想看到他们在 60 年代洛杉矶的背景下表演。加油吧:它以塔伦蒂诺式的方式非常有趣。简直也太蠢了吧。

    至于莎朗·塔特(Sharon Tate),她看起来就像一个洋娃娃,而波兰斯基做了什么才配得上她,我不知道?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  10. theMann 说:

    Jesus, Mary , and Joseph, what would it take to get everyone at Unz Review to FUCK OFF about this film already.

    BTW, agree with commenters numbers one and two 100%.

    • 哈哈: Z-man
    • 回复: @Kent Nationalist
  11. JimDandy 说:

    Whew, I wasn’t sure where you were going with this and I was about to get really pissed off, because I loved this movie. I agree with everything you said about Tarantino’s movies, aside from Reservoir Dogs, which, in my opinion, was a total gamechanger knockout when it came about. Ironically, people who see it today for the first time might find it rather run-of-the-mill, precisely because they have seen SO many films that were profoundly influenced by it or, indirectly, by other films that were influenced by it.

    The opening line of Steve Sailer’s review of Hollywood was perfect and honest advertising for the film: “The stifling conformity of the Great Awokening has now driven even Quentin Tarantino to the subversive right.”

    It’s interesting that when creating Brad Pitt’s character Tarantino clearly based him in part on Donald “Shorty” Shea, a stuntman who lived at the Spahn ranch. Shea hated Manson, in part because the Manson clan hated blacks and Shorty’s ex-wife was black. Shea ended up kicking the shit out of Manson after Manson beat up a female native American friend of his. Sadly, Manson and Co. ended up later murdering Shorty in revenge.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @SteveRogers42
  12. @theMann

    On the strength of SS’ review, I went to go and see it and it was just tedious. At least IB was covertly anti-semitic.

  13. iffen 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    The hippies are a return to primitivism. A theme that has been around since the Roman sages were decrying Roman decadence and praising German barbarians. In a magnificent horse riding scene that the Lone Ranger and Silver could only dream of, Tex rides to the rescue. The primitive hero fails while modernity and Cliff drive off victoriously into the sunset on Happy Trails.

    I like your take on innocence and virginal. But he mixes everything together here. The decadent and promiscuous hippie chick has the virginal clean feet while the air-brushed Playboy party girl has dirty feet. The virgin should have clean feet while the slut should have dirty feet. Does he not allow for pure virginity and innocence in a woman?

  14. Blankaerd 说:


    我不再关心电影和电视剧了,因为它们太多样化了,而且故事讲述通常非常肤浅。如果我看一部电影,那会是一部老电影。 (九十年代前是一个很大的转折点,当时个人电脑和多样性配额大幅增加)我觉得好莱坞已经失去了创作精神,现在只制作能保证成功的电影;对已经很棒的电影进行无休止的翻拍(有时最终会变得更糟),而像《星球大战》这样的系列现在已经完全毁了(即使它一开始就不是很棒的)


  15. Sounds like a movie I would enjoy, unlike anything else that has flowed out of the Hollyweird sewer pipe in the last few years.

  16. For the moment suffice it to say,

    I came out of this movie having a had profoundly enjoyable experience. Even the counter factual was well done as it served for the purpose of the overall sense of innocence lost of what might have been – by embracing a naivete’ harmlessness of Hollywood’s acting community (Whatever innocence Hollywood has or had real or imagined).

    Mr. Tarantino remains a great story teller and the cast chosen to tell this story did a wonderful job. I even managed a smile and a chuckle from the increasingly annoying use of precocious little kids in film.

    There’s a lot going on on this film, the arguments, suggestions, meanings about a variety of subjects, not the least of which is the isolation of Hollywood from everything and everyone else around it and the desirability to keep it that way. The relationship between the Mr. Pitt and Mr. DiCaprio in the film does a wonderful job of how the outsiders protect that insider world and even serve as its salvation, feeding its ego, protecting its ego, encouraging its ego, sacrificing self to ensure that its ego survives.

    Smile. There’s a lot going in this film.

    There’a a lot going on.

  17. @Blankaerd

    What great movies have come out in recent years? … My question was not a rhetorical one by the way.

    I only see movies when they’re free on TV, so I sort of have a five-year lag, but:

    2013 - 重力。效果显着,布洛克和克鲁尼都堪称完美。
    2012 - 少年Pi。隐喻诗。
    2009 - 区9。这不是我期待的电影,比典型的科幻片更深刻。
    2008 - 本杰明·巴顿。皮特是一位忧郁的英雄,我终于可以理解塔拉吉·P·汉森的作品了。这是我的最爱之一。
    2004 - 寻找梦幻岛,但只是最后三分之一。
    2002 - 芝加哥。导演罗布·马歇尔完美地演绎了每一个场景,剧本节奏合理,对剧本进行了恰到好处的修改。
    2001 - 红磨坊。我意识到导演巴兹·鲁尔曼要么是个精神病患者,要么是个天才。
    2000 - 角斗士。老式好莱坞史诗的巅峰之作。与同一部电影 勇敢的心.

    My recent “guilty pleasures” include We’re the Millers, Secret Life of Pets (亚历山大·德斯普拉特出色的配乐), 间谍、死侍、银河探索、绿里奇迹 and others I can’t recall right now.

    PS 低俗小说“ 太糟糕了。按原样 鸟人、爱乐之城,以及其他所有犹太宣传项目。

  18. Gordo 说:

    I’ve gone off Tarantino, like in the way when you see through a magician’s trick.

    But this film was entertaining, I would recommend seeing it, however I’m not sure I liked it.

    The Manson plot was bizarre, I mean WTF was that all about.

  19. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Tarantino`s movies , good movies ???? they are disgusting .

    That was a movie : Il padrino ( 1972 )

  20. GeeBee 说:

    You clearly haven’t read the 2011 review of Pulp Fiction which Mr Lynch linked to. I did so, and I have to say it contains within it – and in the form of using the events in the film as exemplars of his theme – one of the most remarkable analyses of the overarching (yet little discussed, much less understood) socio-economic and political battle that defines our times. I refer to the triumph of Modernism (and its late-phase offshoot, so-called Postmodernism) over Traditionalism.

    The latter enshrines spiritual values, and is characterised by the cardinal virtues of duty, truth, goodness, beauty, self-sacrifice and, above all, honour. The former is really nothing more than materialism and the primacy of money. This great and seemingly final victory of Modernism has, as it were, seen the merchant installed on the ruins of throne and altar, and all talk of ‘Left’ vs ‘Right’; Communism vs Capitalism; Liberalism vs Conservatism is little more than a discussion of who gets to ‘own’ the shallow, tawdry and deracinated world of Modernism, in which 经济人, the wretched sub-species brought into being to serve his masters’ ends, crawls abjectly in the loathsome shadow of Zio-America and its Globo-homo ‘New World Order’.

    Modernism’s final victory over Traditionalism’s last great bid for freedom occurred on the 8th May 1945 (the blackest day in the history of the White race). Since that day, the original division of men into masters and slaves has been subsumed into a new, Modernist society in which almost everyone has been bribed, brainwashed and bludgeoned into accepting their status as mere slaves. Traditionalism took for granted that our societies would be composed of (and more especially led by) men whose credo was ‘death before dishonour’. In today’s world of shallow materialism, a man’s worth is no longer measured by his devotion to courage, truth, duty and self-sacrifice, but rather by the balance he can boast of at the bank. We have become despicable hedonists, whose pathetic mantra is ‘dishonour before death’.

    • 回复: @Emslander
  21. The way I understand what happened to Sharon Tate (who was my father’s secretary before she moved to California) was that the Manson people break in to Dalton’s actually happened and occurred before Sharon Tate was murdered. Manson’s people were in fact killed in their attempt.

    Manson’s people had mistakenly picked a house, which they believed was the Tate house but were caught out before they could correct their mistake resulting in the carnage we saw in the movie.

    This angered Manson so much that when he had his people return to the Tate house, they made the murders there particularly gruesome.

    I could be wrong about all of this but this is what I understand from my wife who read about these murders…

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  22. @Blankaerd



    A 2018 film I would call one of classic excellence is that of “Novitiate”, which shows a young women’s journey through the nunnery of the 1960s and who ultimately rejects its hypocrisies.

    “Labor Day”, a 2017 movie, with Josh Brolin is quite good for its romantic drama.

    However, you are right. Today the majority of movies are complete rubbish and are mostly created for the moronic audiences that populate theaters today…

  23. Logan 说:



  24. @Mark James




    But they were both of the same silhouette. Marked psychic trauma from horrific childhoods, both physically short with short men’s complexes, both eerily charismatic, both obsessed with young girls, both heavy drug users, both obsessed with Satanism.

  25. @iffen


    Sharon Tate was not innocent when she met Roman Polanski. She had nearly married Jay Sebring, a drug-dealing hairstylist with mob connections known as the “candyman”.

    The house was full of drugs-surprisingly, Manson’s followers did not steal them-a half of a kilo in cocaine, 30 grams of hashish, mescaline, MDA (Which Frykowski had subcontracted from a Canadian dealer to introduce to the US market).

    As Roman Polanski pointed out, Sharon had stopped using drugs during her pregnancy. But she had used LSD previously.

    Not that these people deserved to be killed for this. Melcher was the one who continued to screw around with a dangerous lunatic and promise him recording contracts he had no intent on delivering; Wilson stole one of Manson’s songs.

  26. TRM 说:

    “to a movie I never bothered to see (The Hateful Eight).” – You missed his best work. I divide his movies into 2 groups. Classic Tarantino (RD, PF, HE) and Weird Tarantino (KB I & II, IB). I find them all to be weirdly entertaining in a mindless way but I’m firmly in the classic camp.


    • 同意: GoRedWings!
    • 回复: @James M Dakin
  27. @JimDandy


    Manson killed Shorty because he believed that he had informed the police of the stolen dune buggies in order to clear Manson off the property so that Spahn could sell it. Whether Shorty Shea actually informed the police or did not is unclear.

    Manson was released by the police after the Spahn ranch raid. Amazing, considering he was a parolee. This leads credence to conspiracy theories.

    Curiously, Manson got his ass kicked both by Shea and Dennis Wilson but continued his association with both of them. Shea trusted him enough to get in a car with him.

    • 回复: @JimDandy
  28. Gunga Din 说:

    The last film I went to see was the Stars Wars film with Liam Neesom many years ago. It sucked, the sound system was way too loud, and a young couple had brought their screaming, crying infant and would not take him outside. Never again. What little I’ve seen of today’s films, they are too PC and the acting is terrible. Thank God for Turner Classic Movies.

  29. @TRM

    Thank you. If you love QT dialog, Hateful Eight was about his best movie. I can’t believe so few see this.

    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  30. 塔伦蒂诺最接近制作僵尸电影。



    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @ThreeofSwords
  31. wayfarer 说:



    记得我五岁时,花时间透过工作室的铁丝网围栏凝视。 观看穿着戏服的演员在 2D 场景中漫步。 回到家,打开电视,发现这只是一个虚假的世界。 年轻时就失去了对娱乐业的迷恋。

    在行业里干过几份工作,认识或认识了不少“名人”。 更有趣的角色之一是我弟弟威尔·哈珀的替身演员和密友。



  32. @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    寻找梦幻岛, I was thinking of 节能Banks先生. Similar theme, senior moment.

    And POS-of-the-Decade Award goes to 少年时代. Tablet magazine says

    少年时代 is not only the best movie many of us may see in 2014—it’s one of the least Jewish serious movies around.

    … which is completely false. Especially notable is the scene where the housewife in her doorway fantasizes about making love to Obama, while her conservative redneck neighbor threatens to shoot us if we don’t get off his property. Followed by stars Ethan Hawke and Ellar Coltrane ripping up McCain yard signs and driving away with them in their trunk.

    You don’t necessarily need a shyster banker character to represent Jewish values. Like Michael Moore, director Richard Linklater pisses on Americana but thinks it’s okay since he’s doing it from Austin (or Flint).

  33. Anonymous[425]• 免责声明 说:

    the excessive TV and movie violence that moralists love to condemn is 如图所示 cathartic, redemptive, and downright hilarious.


  34. Emslander 说:

    The whole of the Los Angeles basin is now a third world shithole. In 1962 it was paradise. By 1969 it had become Charles Manson and then it went downhill. The regular world out here is just struggling to hang onto something. If a fantasy Hollywood is all we can get, it might hold us over.

  35. Boycott Hollywood/Plato’s Cave.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  36. I am deeply opposed to most everything Hollywood when it comes to the social order and politics.

    But the entertainment industry can and has produce some great films that inspire and move the needle on social and inter/intrapersonal issues as well as educate and even aspire to “wholesomeness”. I am careful here because when anyone talks about something that includes a high degree of taste — the standards one uses to determine a quality a film varies.

    “Unbroken” by directed by Angelina Jolie, an ardent enemy of my kind of political and social conservativism. She probably think anyone who actually endorses celibacy, much less adhere’s to it should locked up.

    “Chronicle’s of Narnia” in spite of themselves, though that hat trick they did with the theme song was petty beyond petty.

    “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” painfully worth the watch — great fun and painfully funny.


    And I guess what one means by recent matters . . . but there are very good films that don’t require diving into Hollywood’s political and social agendas.

    Case in point: anyone promoting “Boyhood” as anything other than “not at all typical boyhood” claiming it has merit beyond the experiment. I watched it with a woman and she thought it well — not familiar to any boys she knew. I am being polite.

    • 回复: @Mr. Anon
  37. Emslander 说:

    You’re only really talking about the billboard themes of traditionalism. Everybody knows that there was plenty of cowardice, sexploitation, hedonism and materialism in the pre-modern world. The heroism of this time is unrecognized, unrewarded (in this life) and deliberate.

  38. John Yuma 说:

    Only a complete retard would say there are “great moral themes” in a piece of stupid, utterly manipulative and pandering, fratboy crap like Pulp Fiction.

    Agreed — and that dancing scene was especially idiotic. Anyone watching it in real-life would have laughed like a loon.

    The film was vile, as well. As one reviewer noted: “The way that this picture has been so widely ravened up and drooled over verges on the disgusting. Pulp Fiction nourishes, abets, cultural slumming.”

  39. Morphine2 说:

    Haha this has got to be one of the stupidest movie reviews I’ve ever read. I guess if you’re a writer, and the rent is due, you just sit down and churn something out.
    Toss in some grad school lingo (“nihilistic deconstruction”, “genocidal and self-deconstructing”, etc) so that the reader knows he is in the presence of an expert. Btw, remember that time you walked out of a movie theater and said to your wife, “I thought the theme of nihilistic deconstruction was fascinating”?
    Yeah, me neither, because that’s not actually a thing plus no one talks like that.

    Lynch chides other reviewers for viewing this movie through the lenses of progressivism, feminism, and race. Then proceeds to do the exact same thing through the whole fucking review.

    If you think Tarantino’s movies are distasteful, amiable piffle, obscene, nihilistic, wet dreams, or are simply too
    persistently genocidal or self-deconstructing, then for heaven’s sake don’t go see them.

    But if you’re a normal person, and you just want to go see a decent movie and be entertained without having to pick the goddamned thing apart, this is a pretty damned good movie. You get to hang out with Brad Pitt, cruise around LA, meet a bunch of other interesting people, listen to cool music, walk around with a serenely beautiful Sharon Tate, and see some bitchin’ retro cars and clothes. It’s languidly paced and ends with an utterly fictional spasm of hilariously
    satisfying violence.

    But where are the Jews?
    Where are the Negroes?
    What do the characters really represent?
    Is this film overly self-deconstructing, or even…nihilistic?

    Who gives a shit? You don’t have to overthink every single thing, ya know. Life is short. Go see a good movie. Relax and enjoy it.

    • 同意: Chris Mallory
  40. John Yuma 说:

    我的转折点是 蓝湖 in 1980. Clearly intended for ignorant teenagers, it was panned by critics, but nonetheless a major box-office success which grossed app. $60 million ($240 million in today’s dollars). This set the tone for Hollyweird producers going forward: “since dumb kids go to movie theaters more than adults, let’s make crap aimed at 他们设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    • 回复: @Feryl
    , @NoCriticHere
  41. Che Guava 说:

    I always appreciate your reviews, Trevor.

    Wanted to read your reviews of the others you gave links to, Inglourious is a link to a review of one of those Swedish crime dramas with a tattoo and piercing woman, and the byline is something like Paul Gottfried.

    My summary of Tarantino below.

    I think you over-rate Pulp Fiction, although I enjoyed seeing it and see your points re. the plot. Never wanted to see it again, although I have, at a friend’s house on vid.

    I really liked True Romance, I suppose he was only the screenwriter on that, but it falls into a subgenre of the time, your namesake (surname) also did a good one in similar flavour, Wild at Heart.

    Reservoir Dogs, never seen, perhaps I should watch it some time, perhaps not. From the shorts, it looks pretty violent and boring.

    Jackie Brown, I got so bored that I walked out, and I am not an impatient watcher, for example, I had no trouble with watching von Trier’s Dogville without an intermission, although I badly needed to micturate by near the end.

    I sat through the putrid Inland Empire by David Lynch, hoping for mnre than a few interesting moments per hour, but that was never the case.

    Point is, I am a very patient viewer, Jackie Brown was just a total bore.

    Kill Bill, I preferred part II to part I, the scene in the giant Ginza restaurant, with the 5,6,7.8s playing, and things happening to drive the plot before, in the background, and after, is great. As a whole, it is a pretty poor movie, but a few scenes (as that above) are great.

    I have no desire to watch the whole again.

    Then we come to the Death Proof/Planet Terror pair, the latter is far better.

    Death Proof is great until the final scenes, the proper endhng would have been Kurt Russell’s character wiping out most of the four multi-culti and somewhat dykey antagonists, with a possible sequel where one or two survive, and come back to get him in a sequel. The best ending would have heen Kurt Russell drivimg off in his death-proof car, after wiping out their chase.

    Instead, Tarantino signals his intentions by appearing in a scene at a bar with the women. It is pathetic.

    After that, I was watching nothing by him, no Inglorious, no Django, no Hateful 8.

    Perhaps the new one will be worth watching at the cinema, but I always have trouble taking Di Caprio seriously when he acts as an adult, and believing that Brad Pitt isn’t gay.

  42. @Steve Naidamast


    You’re wrong. The ending of ONCE is pure fiction.

    Charles Manson had associated with Terry Melcher and partied at Polanski’s house several times prior to Melcher moving out.

    On one occasion, Manson did show up after Tate had moved in seeking Melcher. Tate never spoke to him, but they saw one another. She would refer to him later as “that creepy-looking guy”. In the words of Vincent Bugliosi, he was treated “shabbily” and may have resented this.

    Exactly why he targeted Tate is unknown. It has been theorized that the Helter Skelter theory was propitiated by Bugliosi so as not to drag Hollywood names who had long used Manson’s women as hookers and purchased drugs from him into the case and that Bugliosi was under pressure from Hollywood to simply dismiss the entire thing as apocalyptic.

    A number of Hollywood actors recall Manson-Michael Caine met him, Melcher definitely knew him and Dennis Wilson lived with him at one point (Tex Watkins met Manson through Dennis Wilson).

    In the case of Labianca, Manson had once parked his bus outside the house next door and Labianca had called the police to chase him off. Manson apparently resented this.

    Yet, Manson was beaten up once by Dennis Wilson. So why didn’t Manson set his sights on Wilson.

    However, the mundane reality is that by the summer of 1969 Manson was deep into drug deals gone bad. The first one involved a mob-connected vending machine owner who subcontracted Tex Watkins to sell 25 kilos to a black gangster and Watkins ripped the man off. This resulted in the black dealer threatening to come to the ranch with Black Panthers and Manson showed up and shot (But only wounded) him.

    This prompted Manson to request Straight Satan bikers to protect him from Black Panthers. The bikers agreed, but wanted drugs.

    Manson approached Gary Hinman, a music teacher who sold mescaline on the side. The drugs were apparently bad and the bikers threatened Manson which led to Hinman being killed. A Manson associated ended up caught and jailed and Manson feared he would confess which would have put Manson in prison for life with his record so he hoped to commit the Tate and La Bianca killings in part to throw the police off the trail.

    We can say without a doubt that the Tate killings were not about drugs because there were huge piles of drugs all through the mansion-cocaine, mescaline, MDA, hashish. None of Manson’s gang stole any of them.

    In the case of La Bianca, there is some evidence that Manson stole what he could and then immediately went to the biker clubhouse in Venice and paid them in order to get out from underneath the drug debt due to Hinman’s bad batch of mescaline.

    Shorty Shea was killed because Manson believed he was a snitch who had led the police to Spahn on the stolen dune buggy raid.

    The other Beach Boys contend that Dennis Wilson-who was also racist and prone to violent outbursts-and Manson got into an altercation with an African-American at Spahn ranch and both shot the African-American and dumped his body in a well. However, Manson followers claim that Wilson was so high on LSD at the ranch that he hallucinated this…on the other hand, some have been paroled and would not want to confess to another murder.

    Bugliosi himself believed that Manson was responsible for as many as 35 murders after getting out of jail in 1967. All of this happened in an amazingly short period of time. Manson was paroled in early 1967 from Terminal Island and was only on the street for two years.

    Curiously, Manson saw Dennis Wilson once after the Tate-Labianca murders. Again, mundanely, Manson seemed to simply want his money for the song CEASE TO RESIST. It is speculated by Beach Boys that Manson committed the murders in an attempt to scare Wilson into paying him some amount for the use of the song.

    There is no question that Charles Manson was a serial killer. None. Bugliosi himself believes that Manson was responsible for far more homicides than he was ever convicted of.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @SunBakedSuburb
  43. @Morphine2


    There is a Jew in ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. He’s played by Al Pacino. Of course Al Pacino is as Italian as meatballs in real life but he’s played Jews (And Hispanics) before so no big deal.

    Also, Gypsy Share, one of Manson’s girls was Jewish.

    In the book HELTER SKELTER, Bugliosi advanced some evidence that Charles Manson’s father might have been a Jewish chef. Manson himself denies this, claiming to be wholly of Irish and Scottish descent…Manson is usually played by English or Irish actors (Or WASP Americans like Steve Railsback). And yet, Manson’s eyes were very black despite his purported Irish and Scottish roots.

    Where are the Negroes? Well we know Manson shot one over a drug deal gone bad (Albeit he was sort of dragged into this by Tex Watkins, who was introduced to him by Dennis Wilson) and it is odd that Tarantino did not include that in the film by way of introducing Charlie. Other Beach Boys claim Dennis Wilson (Also a racist) confessed to getting into an altercation with a black at the ranch and shooting him and then assisting Manson in dumping in a well. Family Members deny this and no body was ever recovered. Then again, Shorty Shea’s body was never recovered either prior to Clem Grogan agreeing to show authorities where it was in exchange for parole-he was the only member of the Manson family to actually get paroled back in 1985.

    Women? The film is full of them.

    The characters of Pitt and Dicaprio seem to have been inspired by a number of different hell-for-leather actors and stunt men of the era. There is some of Neville Brand, some of Clint Eastwood, some of Nick Adams…

    • 回复: @Gordo
    , @Morphine2
    , @JimDandy
  44. Anon[326]• 免责声明 说:

    Only a complete retard would say there are “great moral themes” in a piece of stupid, utterly manipulative and pandering, fratboy crap like Pulp Fiction. Must be a fratboy.

    Someone didn’t like the “dead nigger storage” line.

    Luckily for our shattered egos, negro comments about White “frat boys” are innately irrelevant.

  45. @syonredux

    “Where’s Samuel L. Jackson?”

    Making beaucoup bucks off credit card commercials and complaining about systematic white racism.

  46. Bad Links 说:



    这显然是吉拉德·阿兹蒙 (Gilad Atzmon) 的评论,但由于某种原因,林奇 (Lynch) 的整个评论都出现在阿兹蒙 (Atzmon) 的下方。



  47. 自从特朗普在亿万富翁阿德尔森和萨班的帮助下当选以来,统治阶级放松了对白人基督教美国集体脖子的紧握,作为交换,承认耶路撒冷是以色列的永恒首都,并视而不见。关于戈兰高地,那么为什么好莱坞不应该这样做,尽管是通过最新的塔伦蒂诺电影……别担心,平静是暂时的,“伟大的替代者”的沉重靴子将压在陷入困境的大多数人脆弱的脖子上真快。 暴风雨前是平静的!

  48. follyofwar 说:

    Lynch was talking of the films that Tarantino has directed. Robert Rodriquez directed that one, though Tarentino wrote the screenplay and also acted in it. I must say that Salma Hayek’s dance was one of the sexiest bits that I have ever watched on screen. But big snakes give me the creeps.

  49. Gordo 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    In the book HELTER SKELTER, Bugliosi advanced some evidence that Charles Manson’s father might have been a Jewish chef. Manson himself denies this, claiming to be wholly of Irish and Scottish descent…Manson is usually played by English or Irish actors (Or WASP Americans like Steve Railsback). And yet, Manson’s eyes were very black despite his purported Irish and Scottish roots.

    Bugliosi also said in the book that he found a juvenile detention record on Manson that stated that Manson’s father was black.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  50. Morphine2 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Mr. Stryker,
    The questions near the end of my original comment were intended to be rhetorical. As if they were questions a liberal/progressive/SJW viewer or very important film critic might ask themselves instead of simply enjoying the movie at face value.
    The questions were not meant to be taken literally. I was not actually posing those questions in regard to this movie. They were simply a rhetorical device intended to skewer the self-seriousness of so many film critics.

  51. Che Guava 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Most of what you are saying has nothing to do with a film review.

    Also of dubious accuracy.

    I have read the novel by Bugliosi, it is very interesting, I am sure that it reflects the truth by a high percentage, much over fifty, perhaps into the eightieth percentile.

    Who really could care now? These were things that happened before most of us were born, or at the time of infancy..

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Che Guava
  52. syonredux 说:

    The hippies are a return to primitivism.

    In OUATIH, they’re dumspter-diving trash.

    A theme that has been around since the Roman sages were decrying Roman decadence and praising German barbarians. In a magnificent horse riding scene that the Lone Ranger and Silver could only dream of, Tex rides to the rescue.

    He doesn’t rescue anybody. Cliff’s already gone. And Cliff is the true hero in the scene. Note how he risks his life to attempt to save the blind owner of the Spahn ranch, a man that he knows only slightly (Cliff did stunt work on his ranch years ago).

    The primitive hero fails while modernity and Cliff drive off victoriously into the sunset on Happy Trails.

    That’s a complete misreading of the scene. In this scene, Cliff is the hero, the man with a code of conduct who will not tolerate an insult.

  53. @Jeff Stryker

    Manson is paroled in ’67 to San Francisco and immediately gathers followers. Manson and his followers relocate to LA in the spring of ’68 and immediately has contacts in the entertainment industry. Manson was an operative for a network that combined Satanism, narcotics and human trafficking, and intelligence connections.

    Manson had contact with Louis “Jolly” West, an MKULTRA psychiatrist operating a clinic for hippies in San Francisco in 1967. Manson had connections to the Process Church — a splinter faction of the Scientology cult — while in San Francisco and LA. The Process Church originated in London in the mid-60s and was partially led by Mary Ann MacLean, a former high society prostitute and MI6 asset.

    The Manson Family was a particularly dark psyop.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Alden
  54. @Toy

    A whole canton? That’s quite a bit more than a mere canyon.

    Seriously, though, he face itself has always disturbed me. It has a weird, pushed-in baby doll look to it, like the kid in Pasolini’s Roma.

    Come to think of it, so does Tarantino’s.

  55. @Gordo


    I stand corrected. Bugliosi said the report stated “a light-skinned Negro cook who called himself Colonel Scott.”

  56. JimDandy 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The accounts I’ve read tell of Manson and several other guys wrestling Shorty into the car.

    Chaos is an excellent book on the subject. I do believe there was much more to the story than the public has been told. And Bugliosi was a bonafide psycho and a liar.

  57. @Che Guava


    1969 was before my time. The public is fascinated with Manson for the same reason they are fascinated with Mussolini or Rasputin, in the words of Bugliosi himself Manson is that 1/1000 of the one percent of the population who become cult leaders.

    As far as a film review goes, I found it to be typical Quentin Tarantino. Hiring actors nobody remembers like Nicolas Hammond from the original Spiderman TV series (Late seventies), pop culture references to other actors nobody here would remember (Nick Adams, Neville Brand are some of the influences on the DiCaprio character), giving his Kiwi muse (Mistress?) a pointless role because the woman has an annoying presence and cannot act (She must be mad in the sack) and so on.

    Jackie Brown never caught on because it hit the cinemas the same month as Boogie Nights, which most people here would not remember (I was 23 at the time). All the rough-and-ready filmmakers of the late nineties who imitated Tarantino with execrable films like Killing Zoe, Keys to Tulsa etc. have come and gone but Tarantino is still around.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  58. @iffen

    This is a dyadic movie. There are two stories going on simultaneously: The Show and the dirty reality.

    Note that Cliff Booth wears moccasins. That makes him a primitive, an Indian in western parlance, like Pussy and the Manson family. Real suspense plays out at the ranch at the same time that Rick Dalton (Cliff’s “boss”) acts in the Hollywood western.

    The primitive, “real” side of things is: Cliff Booth/Pussycat/the ranch. The Show, the civilized, modern side, is: Rick Dalton/Sharon Tate/the studio.

    This is like the age-old dichotomy between matter and mind.

    These are two sides of life and people. Every one of us puts on a show outside but also lives a real life inside and at home. Seldom does anybody use a toilet in the movies, but we all do every day. Real life is dirty, like Sharon’s feet. (Yes, Sharon is the archetype of “The Whore,” while Pussy is a lost innocent with clean, virginal feet.)

    想想 绿野仙踪. The Wizard was a man behind a curtain, and the characters were also Dorothy’s family back in Kansas. There was the colorful, Hollywood fantasy and the real, black-and-white life at home.

    Stay for the credits after Tarantino’s film and you get to see a Rick Dalton TV commercial for cigarettes and how good they are for you, and you get to hear the theme for Batman, another fantasy hero from the childhood of so many of us viewers.

    • 回复: @syonredux
    , @iffen
  59. Feryl 说:

    I could buy Leo in his teenybopper roles, but after he got older, yeah, he doesn’t seem all that convincing at projecting toughness or maturity. I mean, a boyish actor like Tom Cruise at least seems aware of his limitations and makes the best of his God-given emotional and physical character. But what exactly is behind the now sustained casting of Leo in roles that don’t suit him?

    • 回复: @JimDandy
    , @Colinsky
  60. 笑。

    Well Mrs. Pinault (Salma Hayek) doesn’t have the legs of Ms Tina Turner nor the power, but that dance is alluring.

    Though, I still prefer the legs of Ms. Joely Richardson, “I’ll Do Anything” (fun film). Though apparently acknowledging a woman’s beauty is a political error — strange this – so mentioning her legs must be criminal.


    • 回复: @Buzz Mohawk
  61. Feryl 说:
    @John Yuma

    In the late 70’s (when we got stuff like Star Wars, Halloween, and Animal House) it was becoming clear that older children and teenagers are the ones who will see the same movie in the theater multiple times. Also, young viewers are the primary audience for big “event” movies that make tons of money upon initial release, whereas older viewers are more dependent on word of mouth. It’s called the movie “business” for a reason. You can’t blame the studios for wanting to make more money.

  62. @SunBakedSuburb



    Personally, I don’t think Manson’s relationship with Wilson and Melcher has a ring to conspiracy about it. Charles Manson had intentionally sent his girls out to hitchhike in the hopes that some horny celebrity would pick them up. Which is one reason why nobody hitchhikes anymore-you might pick up somebody like the members of the Manson family.

    Dennis Wilson and Terry Melcher liked girls and drugs. They were not the only celebrities who slept with Manson’s harem-surprisingly, old Sadie and Leslie have been tight-lipped about which celebrities they slept with.

    We do know that Tex Watkins was a friend of Dennis’s initially. He was a mid-level drug dealer with a front as a wig shop owner who sold large quantities of marijuana. Dennis Wilson viewed Tex as a hanger-on and mooch and eventually cut him off; Manson says as much.

    There is evidence that Dennis Wilson was far more deeply involved with Manson than was ever made public; he refused to testify at the trial unlike Melcher. Manson and Tex Watkins had both been in Melcher’s house on Cielo Drive.

    Few people are aware that Angela’s Lansbury’s daughter was one of the Manson girls although she was underage and Angela got her away from the family before the crimes occurred. But not before she ran up huge bills.


    If there was a conspiracy, I suspect it had to do with drugs. Frykowski was also a drug dealer-this was his sole support as a Polish immigrant in America. He and Abigail Folger had actually gone cross-country selling drugs previously to arriving in Hollywood. Jay Sebring was also reputedly a cocaine dealer, known in Hollywood as the “Candyman”.

    Some have theorized that one of them “burned” a mob-connected supplier who reached out to Manson or Watkins.

    导致谋杀的事件是半途而废的毒品盗窃。事情始于特克斯·沃特金斯(Tex Watkins)敲诈了他的黑帮供应商和黑人经销商伯纳德·克罗(Bernard Crowe),在克罗威胁要把沃特金斯从斯潘牧场赶走后,曼森开枪射杀了伯纳德·克罗。




    You also have a point about Manson’s parole officer. The killing of Shorty Shea occurred after the raid at Spahn Ranch-Manson believed that Shea had tipped off the police. And yet Manson was released on that charge. As a multiple recidivist criminal on parole, that should have put him back in the slammer. Yet he got out and proceeded to kill Shea, who obviously never expected Charlie to see the light of day again.


  63. @EliteCommInc.

    Do not shy away from acknowledging beauty, or the power of beauty, wherever you see it. You are actually showing great respect. The name-calling clowns are too stupid to see what you see. Women are beautiful. Nature wants men to see that, and we do.

  64. Rurik 说:
    @Jon Baptist

    Boycott Hollywood


    What I’m wondering is what the box office would say about De Nero’s new movie The Irishman.

    Now that De Nero has outed himself as a crybaby SJW, what is the reaction from his fan base going to be?

    ‘Take this you racist Italian American Trump voters!’

    ‘Christopher Columbus was a racist scumbag just like Trump!’

    ‘And all you God damn deplorable racist Italian scumbags!’

    • 回复: @Jon Baptist
  65. @Morphine2

    Hear, hear; but to arrive at the product you enjoy, someone has to use these concepts and whatever else he can to build the damn thing. You flush your toilet and just think you’re taking a shit, but somebody had to understand plumbing to put it all together so you could sit on it, as you are doing here.

    • 回复: @Morphine2
  66. Patriot 说:

    确实,1980 年的南方与撒谎的自由媒体所描绘的完全相反。

    I grew up in California, where we were taught that the South was a cesspool of ignorant, toothless, backwards racists. In 1981 I took a postdoc position in Georgia, and over the next 9 years lived in or visited most of the South, including cities, small town, and back woods – Black and White.

    1. 南方的种族关系要好十倍,那里的黑人友好善良,不怀怨恨。由于北方白人不断灌输白人种族主义,北方黑人感到愤怒。

    2. 南方白人社会有礼貌、有礼貌、有道德、轻松、以家庭为中心,而且比我想象的要聪明得多。不是每个人、任何地方,但总的来说,比加利福尼亚州更是如此。


    4. It is the constant drumbeat of Racisim, and “You are a victim”, from our media, politicians, and academia that fuels the fires of racial discord and hatred. If certain Whites would stop screaming about this false narrative, we could probably live in peace.

    • 同意: Old Palo Altan
    • 回复: @Rhett Langston
  67. syonredux 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Real life is dirty, like Sharon’s feet. (Yes, Sharon is the archetype of “The Whore,” while Pussy is a lost innocent with clean, virginal feet.)

    Pussy is a prostitute. She’s gets rides in exchange for fellatio:

    Note that Cliff Booth wears moccasins. That makes him a primitive, an Indian in western parlance, like Pussy and the Manson family. Real suspense plays out at the ranch at the same time that Rick Dalton (Cliff’s “boss”) acts in the Hollywood western.

    The primitive, “real” side of things is: Cliff Booth/Pussycat/the ranch. The Show, the civilized, modern side, is: Rick Dalton/Sharon Tate/the studio.

    As Pussy notes in the clip, Cliff’s a stuntman; unlike actors, he’s actually risking his life. In the land of make believe, the stuntman represents reality.

  68. Muggles 说:


    One thing seems evident. Like the current Ident-O-Marxism now in lefty vogue, films made in Hollywood now are either amped up comic books and/or fairy tale stories, designed for children and screen addicts, or navel gazing productions about show biz, El Lay, and the numerous trials and tribulations of clawing ones way up the ladder to meaningless fame and fleeting fortune.

    This film is more evidence of that. Perhaps technically pretty good, as some LA-centric products tend to be. Lots of score settling in most, and site locations are easy to find and relatively cheap. No airfare required.

    But just as the self absorbed woes of bitter femninistos, ever fatter formerly skinny gay fellas and others who eagerly blame everyone else for whatever failures they have, self absorbed Hollywood gets very boring very quickly. #MeToo somehow made a Hollywood truism into some sort of McCarthyite-Stalinist purge movement (absent even the show trials) in 21st century America, yet sheds no new light on the subject. We are left with nothing but shrill unproveable accusations and more bad films laden with talent-less quota queens that no one watches.

    Hollywood has become dull and even sinister as a subject. Even the most gruesome horrors of the past history of the place fails to spark much interest. At this point, Hollywood’s self absorption has just become #MeTooMuch. Even the Toronto-as-NYC films of yore now seem more interesting. Alas.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  69. Anon[189]• 免责声明 说:

    Most Politically Incorrect Moment: Pitt’s Cliff Booth getting the best of Bruce Lee in a sparring match (no hitting the face) on the set of the Green Hornet.

    It wasn’t really that politically incorrect. A basic element in Tarantino’s movies is that Jews and blacks have moral authority and dominance over whites (and everybody else, but the Jewish/black vs. white dynamic is primary), so this bit did not cross this ultimate line. Tarantino would never have, for example, portrayed Pitt’s Booth beating Muhammad Ali. In fact, Tarantino said in a recent interview that he was inspired to make this scene because he had heard Bruce Lee claim that he could beat Ali. The scene was sort of an indirect way of Tarantino asserting black dominance.

    Interestingly enough, there’s no black people in the movie precisely because of Tarantino’s insistence on black moral authority and dominance over whites. He could only make the two masculine white men heroes in a film without blacks.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  70. JimDandy 说:

    It’s all subjective. But he doesn’t play a tough guy in this movie. He plays an actor who plays tough guys. A lot of actors who play tough guys are straight up pussies in real life. In “The Aviator” he played a crazy rich guy. Even in “The Departed” he played a fairly privileged kid who goes fish-out-of-water because of some complex. I thought he was great in all three of these films.

  71. Morphine2 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk


    The word “literally” is vastly overused, often incorrectly.


    I literally have no earthly idea what your comment means.

    • 回复: @Buzz Mohawk
  72. @syonredux


    莎朗·塔特 (Sharon Tate) 十七岁时在意大利的一个军事基地被一名美国大兵强奸。与公众的想象相反,她的职业生涯始于意大利电影中的小演员/群众演员,当时她的父亲驻扎在那里。

    莎伦抵达好莱坞并很快开始与杰伊·塞布林约会。他坚持开放的关系;他喜欢在可卡因刺激的 SM 游戏中捆绑和鞭打女性。这一切都在混乱中,并且是公开记录的问题。

    Sharon’s drug of choice, however, was LSD. On the set of FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS, she ditched Sebring the lowly hairdresser and drug dealer for Roman Polanksi. She subsequently introduced him to LSD during which they made pornographic films.


    The Tate residence was just loaded with drugs-surprisingly, the equally drug-addled killers did not steal them. Sebring had both grams of cocaine and marijuana in his car. There was also 30 grams of hash in Folger’s room. Also MDA, which both Folger or Frykowski had huge amounts of in their system.




    • 回复: @Whitening
  73. Grumble grumble . . .

    Excuse me, but Mr. Bruce Lee did not get beat. He got thrown, the fight continued and was interrupted.

    It is not beyond imagining that Mr. Bruce Lee in any number bouts under estimated his opponents and got stung.


    “The name-calling clowns are too stupid to see what you see. Women are beautiful. ”

    Laughing sigh. Its seems strange to have to defend that one finds women attractive. Miss Ann Coulter in her little black dress and knee/thigh high boots —- she is going to get my attention.

    So shoot me — I like women.


    • 回复: @SteveRogers42
  74. @Rurik

    Great point bringing up De Niro. He fits in perfectly because he personifies the garbage that comprises all of Hollywood. https://www.timesofisrael.com/de-niro-strong-arms-schwarzenegger-over-trump/

    De Niro has no problem supporting the IDF that shoots children and pregnant mothers. However, he sure has a problem with Schwarzenegger supporting Trump. That doesn’t stop Bob from taking a picture with Saban. Saban has a great rapport with fellow Zionist gangster Adelson who is Trump’s benefactor.

    Also note Larry King of Russia Today was in attendance. What does that tell us about the perceived https://www.unz.com/article/hollywood-reboots-russophobia-for-the-new-cold-war/


    • 回复: @Mark James
    , @Rurik
  75. Ragno 说:

    The readers dumping on Trevor Lynch ought to click the link for his review of DJANGO UNCHAINED, which is not only the single best review of that film, hands down – it’s one of the best film-related essays I’ve ever read.

    Can’t really give HOLLYWOOD yea or a nay – haven’t seen it, nor am I in any hurry to do so, but I notice with some annoyance that once again Tarantino has taken the lazy man’s way out – grossly falsifying history as he did in his Nazi flick, INGLORIOUS BASTARDS. In fact, reading Lynch’s laundry-list of QT’s blatant historical fuck-ups in DJANGO has convinced me that this rewrite history to my specifications tactic, rather than some form of poetic license or creator’s prerogative, is simply a shaken martini of apathy, sloth and plain old unwillingness to work. With its own built-in defense/excuse against any sort of critical blowback, as it allows him to hide behind “I 意思 to do that, dumbass”… the sort of stance that allows him, if challenged or called to account, to reduce and thus dismiss everything from simple sincerity to what supposedly are his deepest-held beliefs as only poses, to be discarded as the circumstances dictate.

    When the pendulum swings back as it inevitably must, and an entire lost generation of movie watchers comes at last to understand that technical proficiency in lieu of actual soul – worse, masquerading as soul – is the very cutting edge of 21-st century vileness, Tarantino will certainly be the personification of that vileness.

  76. @Morphine2

    I literally have no earthly idea what your comment means.

    That’s okay, I don’t either.

    All seriousness aside, I’m just saying writers and moviemakers are aware of the subtexts and they use them to produce the product you enjoy.

    There is Cliff Booth behind Rick Dalton, and there is the subtext behind the story you are watching. Clever, huh?

    But you know this already, and of course you don’t have to think about it to enjoy the movie.

  77. syonredux 说:

    It wasn’t really that politically incorrect.

    Not according to the WOKE…..

    Interestingly enough, there’s no black people in the movie precisely because of Tarantino’s insistence on black moral authority and dominance over whites. He could only make the two masculine white men heroes in a film without blacks.

    Quite possible. QT has a lot of issues where Blacks are concerned….

  78. syonredux 说:


    There’s some good stuff amidst the dreck: 曼彻斯特由海, 爱与友谊 , 沉默, 该好人, 幻影线程, 敦刻尔克,...。

    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  79. @Feryl


    这就是汤姆克鲁斯,他几乎是个侏儒,却自命不凡地扮演杰克里奇这个角色,他在 23 部小说中的显着特征是他身高 6 英尺 6 英寸,是一个能够让每个人都瘫痪的人甜甜圈店没有从他左手自己的甜甜圈中取出任何糖粉?

  80. Poophead 说:


    我也有同样的感觉 Taboo II.

  81. @syonredux

    Perhaps a past-as-present commentary on how women act as the Mao-esque enforcers of WOKE-America?

    Yep. An interesting aspect of this film. – Has a lot to do with Jordan Peterson’s remarks about the tendency of women to succumb to leaders – and to enforce rebellions.

  82. @Jeff Stryker



    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  83. mcohen 说:

    D 代表 dalet。根据这篇文章,这是没有机会的。哈哈


  84. @Buzz Mohawk

    I saw the film for the same reason as you, because of Sailer’s recommendation. I laughed a lot, at Bruce Lee, at Dalton’s self-pity and at those preposterous hippies who are despised by commonsensical people like Booth and Dalton. Great entertainment that doesn’t denigrate anyone as inglorious bastards did with the Germans.

  85. fnn 说:

    Once Upon a Time is Hollywood, of course, is all about historical exactness and verisimilitude.

    Well, I’m pretty sure Pit Bulls were not a thing in 1969 Hollywood.

  86. 深夜




  87. @Blankaerd





    Blackcoat’s Daughter**
    Moana(I don’t like this kind of animation, but best of its kind)

    Lleywn Davis 内部*

    Journey’s End*
    吉普车 爬行者 3^

  88. @JimDandy

    There’s some Judo Gene LeBell in the Cliff booth character, as well.


    Steven Seagal’s mouth writing a check his ass couldn’t cash.

    • 回复: @JimDandy
  89. @EliteCommInc.

    Bruce Lee never fought in any competitive tournaments and no one ever saw him defend himself on the street.

    Great athlete, great teacher, interesting philosopher…everything else is unproven.

  90. @syonredux

    I went too far calling Sharon “The Whore.”

    Jeff Stryker is closer to the truth in his reply:


    Her pregnancy is an alternative history which in this case is about to begin.

    One really does wonder how things would have been different if America had been saved by Cliff Booth. As his T-shirt says, he is the champion, the hero and the biggest reason why those of us who are tired of Hollywood find this movie worthwhile.

  91. “Bruce Lee never fought in any competitive tournaments and no one ever saw him defend himself on the street.”

    I don’t think I make those arguments. But he did spar as part of his training. And given the amount of work in films, it is not unlikely that something of the sorts might occur.

    No point giving anyone, including Mr. Bruce Lee God like status. Whether he caught one or two has nothing to do with whether he fought or entered tournaments. I say that with all due respect to Jim Kelly, who states that Bruce was “untouchable”, but I don’t think he would claim that Mr. Lee never took a hit or two, in sparring — and as I understand, it was “full contact” sparring.

  92. 根据这里的评论,我今天去看了这部电影。这实际上是两部电影:第一部是一位西方电视明星缓慢的“五十岁人生”,尽管德卡普里奥有时表现过度(他也有辉煌的时刻),但它做得足够好,仍然很有趣。 ,)然而,前两个小时对我来说被虐待狂、过度、最糟糕的“从黄昏到黎明”恶魔遇见琳达·布莱尔的雷根·麦克尼尔幻想曼森杀手死亡场景毁了。多么令人厌恶的震动啊。就像当你看到一个漂亮的女孩朝你看去然后微笑时,却露出一张满嘴又黑又烂的牙齿;这完全破坏了交易,让你忘记了前两个小时的愉快时光。如果你能在他们进入道尔顿的房子时就走开,你的生活会因此而更加丰富。我什至会为你剧透一下:坏人和女孩们惨死,明星和他的妻子毫发无伤,而电影中永远自我牺牲的英雄(布斯)则受了轻伤逃脱。



    • 回复: @Old Prude
    , @Revelation
  93. roo_ster 说:



    • 回复: @Toy
    , @Chris Mallory
  94. Mark James 说:
    @Jon Baptist



  95. @John Yuma

    《蓝色泻湖》是主流儿童色情片,是充满性色彩的 60 年代和 70 年代的自然发展。

  96. @syonredux

    《敦刻尔克》令人难以忍受,因为它在 1940 世纪 2 年代饱受战争蹂躏的欧洲人的对话中注入了千禧年主义的情感。我在一位二战老兵的家庭长大,可以说他们无法承受整部电影中描绘的那种自我中心的焦虑。

    • 回复: @Toy
  97. syonredux 说:


    Defining “recent” as less than 15 years ago and confining ourselves to the Anglosphere, the following films come to mind:






    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  98. @Kevin O'Keeffe



    乔尔·普 (Joel Pugh) 是美国人,曾是曼森家族的一位女孩桑德拉·古德 (Sandra Good) 的男朋友,他对这个团体感到害怕并逃到了伦敦。

    布鲁斯·戴维斯 (Bruce Davis) 于 1969 年移居英国,表面上加入了山达基教派。

    In UK, Davis fell in with Charles Manson’s distant relatives, themselves druggy lowlifes. He was kicked out of the Scientology group.


    It is suspected by Scotland Yard that Bruce Davis and Manson’s cousins-though Charlie’s family was from Scotland they were all over the UK-killed Pugh.

    Why? We don’t know. Some believe that it was because Pugh had seen something. Manson is thought to have murdered dozens more people than the nine he was eventually apprehended for.



  99. Che Guava 说:
    @Che Guava

    You have a point. I had enough interest to read the book (difficult for me at the time), also read ‘net posts from people who were communicating with him in letters late last decade (play-act nazi crypto-satanists).

    I think you are a little foolish to compare Manson to the cliched rote list of twentieth-century dictators, every one of them, from Mussolini to Mao, had some favourable actions and qualities.

    I had an Italian friend when overseas, enjoyed discussing Mussolini with him, like me, an old-school leftist, none of the intersectionality (po-mo, post structuralist, Vienna school) crap, he said that his father liked Mussolini until the Concordat with the Vatican (so, anti-clerical).

    God-free Roberts provides us with regular fairy-tales about China and its history, but the truth is, Mao was not all bad at all.

    IMHO, China of now would be just as modernising if Deng’s short-term counter-revolution never happened. Westerners always ignore that it was immensely destructive to rural healthcare and education.

    Manson was the leader of a minor cult.

    His album is pretty interesting, one of the titles was Mechanical Man, which, IIRC, Devo either covered or plagiarised.

  100. Che Guava 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You have a point. I had enough interest to read the book (difficult for me at the time), also read ‘net posts from people who were communicating with him in letters late last decade (play-act nazi crypto-satanists).

    I think you are a little foolish to compare Manson to the cliched rote list of twentieth-century dictators, every one of them, from Mussolini to Mao, had some favourable actions and qualities.

    I had an Italian friend when overseas, enjoyed discussing Mussolini with him, like me, an old-school leftist, none of the intersectionality (po-mo, post structuralist, Vienna school) crap, he said that his father liked Mussolini until the Concordat with the Vatican (so, anti-clerical).

    God-free Roberts provides us with regular fairy-tales about China and its history, but the truth is, Mao was not all bad at all.

    IMHO, China of now would be just as modernising if Deng’s short-term counter-revolution never happened. Westerners always ignore that it was immensely destructive to rural healthcare and education.

    Manson was the leader of a minor cult.

    His album is pretty interesting, one of the titles was Mechanical Man, which, IIRC, Devo either covered or plagiarised.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Priss Factor
  101. 漏洞百出


    Manson knew a bunch of hippie actors and a Polish drug dealer lived there, not tough guys. He had met Tate and the others when he went up there looking for Melcher and was told he’d moved.

    Manson was not a tough guy. None of the family were. Dennis Wilson beat Manson up on one occasion. So did Shorty Shea. Manson was 5’2 and survived prison on his wits. He understood positions of strength. He knew that druggies in early middle-age and actresses lived there, not guys like Leonard or Brad.


    • 回复: @Toy
  102. mcohen 说:

    Saw the movie and found it mildly amusing.Probably the only character of note was the dog.The thought of a pitbull grabbing you by the nuts is frightening.The coen brothers make good movies.

    • 回复: @Dieter Kief
  103. Toy 说:


  104. Toy 说:


    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  105. Toy 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    是的,但是能够打败一个 5 英尺 2 英寸的小伙子也并不是真正的强硬的定义。


    • 哈哈: Alden
  106. @roo_ster


  107. @Toy


    Manson’s following included a couple of Jews (None involved in the murders however) and none of the victims were Jewish. Fail to see your point.

    Much has been made of Manson being “terrifying”. In fact, Manson was said to have been sexually abused in prison by other inmates, including blacks. No other convict ever reported being terrified of him. Dennis Wilson was not terrified of him. He had a scary stare and that is about it.


    Tarantino overlooks the fact that most of this was a result of drugs. Manson was Melcher and Dennis Wilson’s drug dealer and supplied them with girls from the Manson family. Frykowski was a drug dealer who was only in the US because he was a major drug dealer. Jay Sebring was also a drug dealer and a cocaine addict. Tate and Roman had an open relationship and he was beside Sharon Tate in the bedroom smoking a joint when the killers burst in.

    • 回复: @Toy
  108. “However, the film is sheer rubbish. Manson would never have gotten the wrong house because both he and Tex Watkins had been there for parties when Terry Melcher lived there. They knew the address very well.”

    Trying to make sense of a climax that is by choice a fictional account designed to provide an emotional expiation for Hollywood seems a a tad fruitless.

    And under the circumstances, I found it plausible that they could very well get the wrong house.

    That whole scene with car in the driveway was hilarious and tense given the circumstances. There plan was up in the air after that. The film is shadow of actual events so that an entirely different history of “what might have been”.

    Dalton’s hopes are revived by an invitation by new stars who actually know who is and admire him. Miss Tate’s hope’s and dreams are maintained as she starts her new career. Mr. Sebring goes on to be a successful producer.

    Had they made the drug use and issue, it would have made the wrong house even more plausible.

    Hollywood is free and safe to pursue their ambitions and joys saved from the dangers outside.

  109. JimDandy 说:

    For sure. I’m sure the scene with Bruce Lee was inspired by the time Gene manhandled Lee in real life. He was a beast.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  110. @JimDandy


    Bear in mind that Seagal allowed Kelly to choke him. To say that Seagal or Bruce Lee were complete frauds is unfair.

    The scene in the film is clearly in Pitt’s imagination. Tarantino has stated that.

    Nobody believes that a fifty-something chain-smoking borderline alcoholic stunt man would have defeated Bruce Lee or would have put in the time necessary to learn a martial art.

  111. @JimDandy


    A couple of Manson’s followers were Jews. Catherine Share, for example. There was another one, who I have forgotten. Neither of them participated in the murders, however.

    Roman Polanski was Jewish and he is in the film, albeit briefly.

    Terry Melcher was half-Jewish. Though he is not seen in the film.

  112. @syonredux

    15 yrs is too long for ‘recent’. I think he meant like last 5 yrs.

    大布达佩斯酒店 is too cute. I stopped watching after 30 min. I still think Rushmore is Anderson’s only truly remarkable movie.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  113. @Jeff Stryker

    Wasn’t the Bruce Davis sent by Manson to London episode a murder-for-hire job? That is, Manson receiving orders from the Scientology splinter-faction known as The Process? This was Ed Sanders’ speculation in his book The Family.

    As you illustrate in the above comment, Manson and those around them were deeply involved in narcotics trafficking. That’s how these intelligence-connected networks are funded, with proceeds from narcotics, weapons, and human trafficking. The latest example being Jeffrey Epstein who was an operative for a private intelligence network connected to Mossad. His role was trafficking weapons and children for the network. He also ran the now infamous compromise operation.

  114. @Che Guava

    All the rough-and-ready filmmakers of the late nineties who imitated Tarantino with execrable films like Killing Zoe

    Roger Avary who did KILLING ZOE was not an imitator but peer of Tarantino. They developed the style together. They worked on PULP FICTION together. I don’t like KILLING ZOE, but Avary is a more impressive(and original) stylist than Tarantino. RULES OF ATTRACTION is about a bunch of odious scum, but it is a stunning piece of film-making.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  115. @Che Guava

    God-free Roberts provides us with regular fairy-tales about China and its history, but the truth is, Mao was not all bad at all.

    Mao was all bad beginning with the Great Leap. He accomplished NOTHING except for totally kicking out the foreigners, but he went too far in his regard as China needed trade and world influence to develop. Mao even managed to alienate the USSR, leaving it totally isolated. Stalin killed millions but built heavy industry. Mao destroyed the economy. Stalin’s cultural policies were brutal, but he did appreciate the arts and there was some flowering under his reign. Ballet, classical music, cinema, and etc. Mao was a total philistine when it came to arts, and there is NOTHING to show for culturally. Mao’s reign was of total non-achievement and tremendous amount of loss.

    IMHO, China of now would be just as modernising if Deng’s short-term counter-revolution never happened. Westerners always ignore that it was immensely destructive to rural healthcare and education.

    Rural healthcare and education under Mao? Red Guards with zero medical knowledge playing doctor in the countryside? Rural education as in dumb Maoism crammed into the minds of rural folks. One inadvertent positive side of Mao’s intellectualism was that many educated people were sent to the farm to do manual labor. I suppose some, in contact with rural bumpkins, taught them a thing or two.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @Che Guava
  116. @Toy

    “I just wish Roman Polanski was home that night.”

    But then Macbeth (1971) and Chinatown (1974) and The Tenant (1976) wouldn’t exist. Polanski is a great filmmaker, and a horrible, quite possibly evil person.

    • 回复: @Toy
  117. 莎朗·塔特 (Sharon Tate) 的父亲是一名军事情报人员,参与了旧金山 LSD 场景和洛杉矶电影工厂的工作。

    整个 Cielo 的设置就是一个电影布景。

  118. Mr. Anon 说:

    绵绵 was a big surprise. It was pretty good, and did not seem to pay homage to the customary PC/SJW shibboleths.

    • 回复: @Mr. Anon
  119. Mr. Anon 说:
    @Mr. Anon

    I find Tarantino to be repellent and I haven’t seen one of his movies since 低俗小说“ back when it came out 25 years ago. But I went to see 黄飞鸿在好莱坞 on the stength of Steve Sailer’s review and just because I wanted to see something that was at least well made. Most movies now seem to be comic-book-based movies or just awful PC-suffused garbage, and most are just poorly made. Tarantino does at least know how to make a movie that looks good.

    I thought it was mostly pretty good. The period detail was impressive and lovingly reproduced. I dug the “LA lights up at night” scene with all the neon-lights turning on to the sound of the clunk of circuit disconnects (anybody else remember the old A-frame Wienerschnitzel joints?). The Lancer film-set part dragged on a bit and was kind of boring, but the rest of the film held my attention. The portrayal of the Manson family was suitably creepy.

    There were a lot of 1960s movie references that only a die-hard film buff would pick up on. I think the movie was, in part, an homage to Hitchcock, or at least to Bernard Herrmann. When Cliff is looking through the ranch house for Spahn, the soundtrack is, I think, from 心理. And in the WWII movie scene, when Rick is torching the German staff officers with his flame-thrower, the music is from Herrmann’s unused score to Hitchcock’s 撕破的窗帘. That might be the first time that particular movie music has been used in an actual movie.

    • 回复: @Buzz Mohawk
  120. syonredux 说:
    @Priss Factor

    15 yrs is too long for ‘recent’.

    My choices were under 15 years. The oldest picks were from 2007 (黄道带 杰西·詹姆斯的暗杀)

    I think he meant like last 5 yrs.

    Did he offer a definition? One of your picks (严肃的男人) was from 2009….

    The Grand Budapest Hotel is too cute.

    I think that it’s just cute enough. It’s the apotheosis of Wes Anderson’s dollhouse aesthetic.


    I’ve watched it about a half-dozen times.

    I still think Rushmore is Anderson’s only truly remarkable movie.

    Thought that it was OK. Only watched it once.

    Incidentally, kudos for making 遇险少女 one of your double asterisk picks. It’s a great movie and seriously underrated.And it’s also profoundly conservative :

    “我喜欢各种陈词滥调和陈词滥调。 你知道为什么吗? 因为它们在很大程度上是正确的:我们的语言留给我们的成百上千种陈词滥调和陈词滥调实际上是人类洞察力和理解力的宝库。”


  121. syonredux 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The scene in the film is clearly in Pitt’s imagination.

    Was it? I took it as a recollection scene, Booth thinking back on the events that led to his current status as Rick’s gofer.

    Tarantino has stated that.

    Where did he do that?

    Nobody believes that a fifty-something chain-smoking borderline alcoholic stunt man would have defeated Bruce Lee or would have put in the time necessary to learn a martial art.

    That’s why Cliff Booth is a fictional character:

    “克里夫是二战英雄,也是世上最致命的人之一。 他可以用勺子、一张纸或一张名片杀死你。 因此,他是一个很少烦恼的颇有禅意的家伙。” – QT 与今日美国谈话

  122. peterAUS 说:

    Seen the movie.

    那张脸 was……..哇…。.

    Brad Pitt, 55 …on the roof? The man has his diet and training perfect I guess. Genes help too, but, smart and hard work and self-discipline are evident.

    Fight wise, I did expect a bit more. Like Western (dirty) boxing vs Jet-Kune-Do/whatever.

    A bit too much of a foot fetish thing even for Tarantino.

    Good movie. Very watchable.

    Looking forward to seeing, apparently, 4.5 hours version to come up.

  123. Thirdeye 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    我不知道我是否会说小猫咪是无辜的。 她似乎比其他任何人都更有控制欲。 但深刻女性气质的真正源泉是这位八岁的女演员:天真、智慧、善良,在道尔顿的关键时刻给予她关爱。

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Revelation
  124. @Mr. Anon

    The soundtrack and shot of the gate at the very end — when Rick Dalton walks through, up the driveway and into the alternative American future with the Sharon Tate people — reminded me of a horror flick. Or was it from the end of Citizen Kane? Not sure, but it seemed unexpectedly ominous.

    Sometimes I think QuentinTarantino is just mixing things up and f*cking with our heads.

    It’s like the whole dirty vs. clean feet thing, and whoever belongs to whatever side of reality. Tarantino can do whatever he wants, and I think he knows that. We are the dorks who try to figure it out. The commenters here who have criticized us, those who just enjoy the damn movie, are right. Maybe, or maybe not. Quentin probably doesn’t even know.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @iffen
  125. “Unbroken was a big surprise. It was pretty good, and did not seem to pay homage to the customary PC/SJW shibboleths.”

    It was a peasant surprise. A tad top heavy at times. But a very very good story and well directed. Though I squint a little on the issue of how PC. She did not highlight the relationship to that Lt. and Olympian Louis Zamperini had with faith. But she instead focused on him as a man — and there is nothing wrong with that per se. But I suspect, that Ms. Jolie’s choice was deliberate and very PC, even if just her own.

    Though the brutality of the Japanese POW treatment and conditions was not spared, in my view.

    Still I agree a very good film.

    • 回复: @Mr. Anon
  126. iffen 说:


    然后发生了什么事。 他把她摔到该死的地板上。

    • 回复: @Thirdeye
  127. @syonredux

    Regardless of what QT said about it (and he could have said it was a daydream to avoid PC flak), from a dramaturgical stand point, the way it is played, shot, and cut indicates that it is clearly a flashback memory of a real event. (I mean real to the character, not the actual Bruce Lee).

    Here is the sequence:

    1. Brad Pitt, a skilled professional stunt man, is ordered to do a humiliating task: go up on somebody’s roof and do a nuisance repair job.

    2. Pitt climbs up on the roof on a hot sunny day. The whole thing is sort of a headache, it’s not how he should be spending his time. His mind wanders to…

    3. On a studio lot, working professionally, Pitt gets tangled up with Bruce Lee, who insults him. Pitt responds by throwing Lee into the side of a car. His boss yells at him, fires him, tells him to pack up his stuff and leave at once. Nether implication is that Pitt will never work in movies again, he’s just ruined his reputation by beating up an arrogant star.

    4. Back in the present, on the roof, doing his grimy task, Pitt chuckles to himself and says something like, “OK, fair enough.” Meaning he deserved to have his career derailed, but it was worth it to be the Man Who Kicked Bruce Lee’s Ass.

    From the internal logic of the movie, the scene was clearly real. Plus it is realistic dramatic foreshadowing, in that it shows why, later on, Pitt is not the least bit scared of three creepy weirdos with guns and knives.

    • 同意: syonredux
    • 回复: @iffen
    , @SteveRogers42
  128. ” His boss yells at him, fires him, tells him to pack up his stuff and leave at once.”

    Well, sort of.

    The deeper issue is that he has been warned to keep a low profile. Because the person calling the shots is a women who thinks he got away with murdering his wife. She didn’t like him before and she certainly wants his head for killing her friend. Having not avoided a challenge — he invited the very thing he had been warned to avoid.

    What sealed the deal was not the manly challenges, that no doubt are not uncommon among men, but rather causing a commotion so as to invite the one person he was warned to avoid.

    He is actually fired as a suspected murderer of his “nagging of a b . . . wife.”

  129. syonredux 说:
    @Priss Factor

    You know, I had totally forgotten that the old boy was still alive….and blogging, too!Nice to see that he retains his fondness for Edgar Rice Burroughs:


  130. @Cloudswrest


    It appears that the German band Rammstein may have used this scene as inspiration for their music video for their song “Kein Engel”, since the movie came out in 1996 and Rammstein’s DVD with this song in 1997. Love their snake dancer better.

    As for “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, I only went because my son wanted to see it and it was being shown in 70mm. It had its moments, but…. Maybe if I saw it a second time? No, thanks.

  131. Toy 说:


    • 回复: @SunBakedSuburb
  132. Toy 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    • 巨魔: Chris Mallory
    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  133. Mr. Anon 说:

    True that the movie did somewhat soft peddle Zamperini’s faith, however it was still respectful of Christian faith (Catholic faith, no less). That is rare enough in movies nowadays.

  134. iffen 说:



  135. @Toy


    Actually, Sharon wanted Roman’s friends to leave. It was Roman who insisted that Frykowski and Folger be allowed to stay in the house; she knew very well that both Frykowski and Sebring were both drug dealers of the mid-level. Frykowski trafficked in Ecstasy, a new drug in America at that time (The first time MDA was mentioned in court was when it was found in the Tate residence). Sebring was a cocaine dealer-supposedly out of his hair salon.

    Tate had split up with Sebring because he was a drug addict. He would never have been a film producer or anything else depicted in once upon a time…a few years down the road he would have discovered freebasing and probably ended up another broke crackhead. Producing films requires money and Sebring had a huge cocaine habit.

    Frykowski was, in the words of Roman, a man of great charm and no talent. He’d moved to the US to become a drug dealer.

    1977 年案件发生后,泰特本人无论如何都会与罗曼·波兰斯基离婚。我看不到他抑制自己与生俱来的欲望。

    • 回复: @Toy
    , @Alden
  136. iffen 说:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    4. Back in the present, on the roof, doing his grimy task, Pitt chuckles to himself and says something like, “OK, fair enough.”

    Cliff, the epitome of manly virtues, refuses to give in to voyeurist desires and look toward the window. Instead, the scene is flipped, he takes of his shirt and through the camera the woman becomes the voyeur.

  137. iffen 说:

    My brief synopsis: Nice guys finish last, women are raging sluts and that’s the way our society likes it.

  138. Old Prude 说:


  139. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Also, the “reality” of the Bruce Lee scene serves to validate Booth as a confident and competent street fighter who might be expected to prevail later on over three armed attackers. If the earlier scene was some sort of internal fantasy, it wouldn’t serve to set up the more important fight at the end of the film.

    Booth’s effortlessly-agile vertical triple jump onto the roof also lets the viewer know that the character is not just another late-’40’s guy who enjoys a few cocktails and cigarettes. If it wasn’t important to show his unusual physical prowess, QT could have had him just climb on the roof with a ladder, like an ordinary mortal.

    • 同意: syonredux
  140. “That is rare enough in movies nowadays.”

    I think your comment is “fair enough”. It’s a pretty intense film.

    You might also enjoy . . . “Hacksaw Ridge”


    “Then what happened. He slammed her into the damn floor.”

    That’s a movie device, part of the scene. Though I suspect it could be some manner of internal subconscious revenge or irritation with her. I don’t think so. I think it is the movie device in which “the woman” reminds the cowboy of his place in the world and to buck up and do hid duty. In this case you get female innocence in a child. But I think he is moved to press forward to jeep at it. And it’s no coincidence that his best “performance” is that seen. And as the later exchange goes on to tell — he checks on her person afterward and lo and behold, she is none the worse for wear and a sort of redemption is achieved.

    Of course I could be reading too much into the scene and the film in general. Laugh.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  141. iffen 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    What could be more humilating than having your woman leave you for some flashier guy?

    Having your woman leave you for a fat tatooed lesbian.

    Brandy leaves Cliff for the Italian eye candy.

  142. Che Guava 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Priss, you mis-place your reply. The comment re. claimed copiers of Tarantino was not by me.

  143. AceDeuce 说:

    That chick is Andie McDowell”s daughter, BTW–she looks/sounds a lot like her mom.

  144. Che Guava 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Priss, as you would well know. China under Mao maintained contact with the Communist Parties, particularly in Poland and Romania.

    Albania, under Hoxha, was the only far-abroad state to be a Chinese ally.

    After his meeting with Nixon, Chinese foreign seemed to feel free to set up nationalist movements to thwart USSR geo-politics. That backfired on the home front, with massive riots against African ‘students’ because of their atrocious behaviour.

    However, I would challenge you to say, for example.that 红色娘子军 (ballet) and The White-Haired Girl (dramatic opera) are not masterpieces. They are, of course, only so as masterpieces of totalitarian art, but masterpieces none the less.

    Watched any of the crap Hollywood Jews crap out lately? Neither have I

    Yet, masterpieces they certainly are. Chinese people of now are divided in their assessment of such works, but many still like them.

    One may apply the same logic to Triumph of the Will, etc. I am very glad to have had the chance to view it at a cinema. OTOH, we who viewed it there had to joke about such entities we invented as the United Association of Deutsche Gardeners.

    The opening parts really are on that level, but we enjoyed and were impressed by the whole.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  145. Che Guava 说:
    @Priss Factor

    One thing to add, the CPC did nothing against Japanese forces (except for one light skirmish, it was only the Nationalists who fought, so the big ‘victory over Japan’ parade next week is a complete joke.

    I hope that some Chinese people understand this.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  146. syonredux 说:

    “Then what happened. He slammed her into the damn floor.”

    That’s a movie device, part of the scene.

    he checks on her person afterward and lo and behold, she is none the worse for wear and a sort of redemption is achieved.

    Exactly. He proves himself as an actor, and the girl is perfectly fine (“I got pads!”).

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
    , @iffen
  147. @syonredux

    “Exactly. He proves himself as an actor, and the girl is perfectly fine (“I got pads!”).”

    Though the comment I was responding to suggested something less amiable. But I acknowledge your agreement.

  148. iffen 说:


    QT is slamming the entire concept of:

    … real fount of deep womanhood … innocent, wise, kind, and nurturing …

    into the floor.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  149. @Che Guava

    However, I would challenge you to say, for example.that The Red Detachment of Women (ballet) and The White-Haired Girl (dramatic opera) are not masterpieces. They are, of course, only so as masterpieces of totalitarian art, but masterpieces none the less.

    They are amusing for one viewing. Beyond that, they hold zero interest. Also, when we consider the destruction of so much culture during this period, we must ask ‘all that destruction for…. this?’

    And it’s not comparable to TRIUMPH OF THE WILL which has stunning film-making. Madame Mao just turned Western ballet into cartoons where some angry-looking girl makes a lot of fists and then clenches a pistol while hopping around like a lunatic.

  150. @Toy




  151. @Che Guava

    One thing to add, the CPC did nothing against Japanese forces (except for one light skirmish, it was only the Nationalists who fought, so the big ‘victory over Japan’ parade next week is a complete joke.

    It’s a way for the government to gradually the foster the notion of a United China, to eventually erase the distinctions between KMT Chinese and communist Chinese. For a long time, the CCP vs KMT feud was so bitter that Red China made little of the fact that the Nanking Massacre happened. After all, it was the KMT that got slaughtered there. But the current regime is less about representing only the CCP than all of China regardless of ideology. Smart move there. What is dumb is alienating Japan. China and Japan should come to terms and gradually push the US out of Asian Pacific. But their petty politics has made it so easy for US to play divide and rule among Asian nations.

  152. syonredux 说:


    QT is slamming the entire concept of:

    … real fount of deep womanhood … innocent, wise, kind, and nurturing …

    into the floor.


    • 回复: @iffen
  153. @Toy

    Karma is coming for Polanski. He’ll answer for his crimes.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  154. iffen 说:



    Of course I’m okay.

    QT has given us hope for redemption. Even though we (society) have slammed the womanly virtues into the floor, women (those virtues) can protect themselves and survive.

    Now, as to the symbolism of pads as protection for women and the womanly virtues …

    • 回复: @syonredux
  155. @Jeff Stryker

    Seagal pretty much is a complete fraud.

    Way back in those Fabulous ’90s he was making public statements about what an unstoppable badass he was, to the point that a dozen actual fighters publicly challenged him to put up or shut up.


    Seagal wasn’t intrested in any actual – you know – fighting. One of these guys even drove to Seagal’s dojo and camped out in his car in the parking lot, but The Master used his ninja invisibility skills to avoid any contact.

    And as far as athleticism, he ain’t exactly Cliff


    • 回复: @syonredux
    , @Jeff Stryker
  156. syonredux 说:

    Abandon hope all ye who enter here’


    Of course I’m okay.

    You’re okay, but are you OK?

  157. syonredux 说:

    And as far as athleticism, he ain’t exactly Cliff


    And that was Seagal at his physical peak……Whereas nowadays…..

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  158. @syonredux

    Seagal was born in in 1951. The guy is in his late sixties.

    He was a latecomer to Hollywood, He was already in his forties in the nineties. Not exactly a kid.

    Lee on the other hand died when he was 33 years old or something.

  159. @SteveRogers42

    Brad Pitt is in fairly good shape for a 55 year old.

    This man is only five years short of sixty. Kind of like Charles Bronson.

    If you go back to the early 1950’s when Charles Bronson first got into films, that man is ripped.

  160. “… real fount of deep womanhood … innocent, wise, kind, and nurturing …

    into the floor.”

    Had he not checked on her, I might think you have some room, but as he clearly checks on the young girl’s welfare, I think your suggestion is a stretch.

  161. @syonredux


    I’ve read various statements in the press regarding this. One is from Tarantino himself, speaking to VARIETY in reply to Shannon Lee’s criticism of the portrayal of her father.

    In the context of the film, it is inferred that nobody wants to hire Pitt because he killed his wife (And somehow got away with it) and not because he sparred with Lee. “I don’t dig the vibe he brings to the set,” is Russell’s reply to DiCaprio. Not “he damaged my wife’s car” (I think it is inferred the obnoxious Kiwi is Russell’s wife).

    Assuming the flashback is real, we can also assume that Pitt had been a stuntman for decades and had already been trained by choreographers when Lee-born in 1940-was only in a kid. He also mentions being stationed in the Far East during the war, so we can assume that Cliff had some martial arts training overseas as well. Doubtlessly, he’d been in numerous brawls in before.

    Brad Pitt is amazing. This man is nearly sixty years old. Yet he has the physique of a college athlete. In that sense, he reminds me of Charles Bronson.

  162. @SunBakedSuburb


    Polanksi is already in his eighties. That is questionable. He was 46 years old in 1977 when he raped the girl-older than I am now and France has shielded him.

    People overlook the degree to which Manson and Polanski were similar. Both were small men whose lack of stature caused ego problems.

    Both suffered horrendous childhoods that left them with psychic trauma.

    Both were obsessed with Satanism.

    Both made amateur porno films.

    Both used drugs on the women.

    Both loved sodomizing young girls. Diane Lake said this was how she was initiated at age 14 into the family; of course we all know what Polanski did.

    Both were friends of Terry Melcher.

  163. @Jeff Stryker

    By my count, Bronson was 54 years old when he made Hard Times, and that was when I decided that Mr. Bronson was on my list of people not to mess with.

    He evidently had steel cables where most people have arms:

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  164. Che Guava 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    I haven’t seen the movie yet, but your description brings to mind the ending of 在猛鬼街, the original, of course.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  165. @Patriot


  166. iffen 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    The soundtrack and shot of the gate at the very end — when Rick Dalton walks through, up the driveway and into the alternative American future with the Sharon Tate people …

    It was The Pearly Gates for Rick.

  167. @Che Guava


    Craven hated that ending and wanted Kreuger dead when Nancy turned her back in the bedroom scene.

    Just as John Carpenter hated the ending of HALLOWEEN when Loomis looks down to see that Michael Myers has disappeared after being shot off the balcony.

    In both cases, executive producers wanted sequels.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  168. @SteveRogers42


    In my mind, there was a marked difference between Bronson in the seventies and Bronson in the eighties. Once he turned sixty in 1981, he just seemed to look his age and by the time he was roughing up punks in DEATH WISH 3 it looked ridiculous.

    But of course Bronson was a two-pack a day man until he was in his early sixties. I recall reading some article somewhere that he quit in 1983.

    Of course Bronson was short. He was the only actor honest about his height and made it clear he was 5’8. He towers over Daniel Trejo (Who sort of became his replacement so it is ironic that Bronson semi-discovered him in the eighties) in DEATH WISH IV.

    Also, Bronson was a coal miner from the age of 16 who volunteered for dangerous jobs to make more money.

  169. Rurik 说:
    @Jon Baptist

    De Niro has no problem supporting the IDF that shoots children and pregnant mothers.


    If he said he hated Trump because of his support for the genocidal regime in Israel, then I’d respect him.

    But instead, it’s very clear that he hates Trump = because he hates the ‘Deplorable’, working class white males who put Trump into office (and are his fan base). The.. in a word – ‘racists’.

    Who’re being officially discriminated against and replaced in an unprecedented wave of cultural and ethno genocide. But if they object, little Bobby De Nero wants to punch them in the face.

    Guys like Schwarzenegger and Mickey Rourke and Bryan Cranston seem to me to be ‘hating on’ Trump in order to keep working in (((Hollywood))), but for De Nero, it’s obviously personal.

    I hope his movies bomb, big time. And Italian Americans remember Robert De Nero when Columbus day is nixed for being racist.

  170. Che Guava 说:

    You are correct. However, it is impossible for the current polity.

    There are also justifiable points of resentment, from the amount of aid from Japan, the role of Japan in normalising the CPC-ruled mainland in terms of international diplomacy, the extent of tech theft (best exemplified by China’s call for tenders on high-speed rail, they may be payhng a few patent royalties to SNCF and JR, but the whole point was to steal tech, there never was an intention to award a single contract).

    Thus the several disasters in early high-speed rail in China.

    Many other examples.

    China also has many legitimate grievances, both historical and contemporary. The ludicrous claims of Japan to islands to the south of the former Ryuukyuu Kingdom (Okinawa), the fact that our foreign minister was threatened with no ‘return’ of Okinawa, if as had been agreed between the USSR and Japan, a peace treaty was drawn up on the basis of the two southernmost Kuriles to Japan.

    Okinawa is not even really and never was a part of Japan, but was annexed in the mid-to-late 19th c. They had a tributary relationship with the Shimazu, who had earlier seized their northernmost islands, but the southern part remained in tributary relations with China, and only with Japan’s southermost domain, which was an open secret at the time, I would guess.

    U.S. officers at the time were aware of this, so far more intelligent than their successors of now, they supported Ryuukyuu independence. Sure. It would have likely have remained a giant U.S. base complex, possibly on better terms than now.

    However, the situation of now, where the Okinawans could not win a vote (but it came very close abt. ten years ago, I suspect ballot stuffing as the reason, her policy was to kick out the bases, but there are just too many invaders (in this case, mainly Japanese). She came so close to winning the election.

    In any case, I have been too verbose. Japan’s meaning to the U.S.A. is a set of military bases, but, also, as a bonus, blocking the Pacific w.r.t. China.

  171. @Jeff Stryker

    I flipped through Jim Brown’s autobiography to read the part about filming The Dirty Dozen. He described Bronson, who was 45 +/= during filming, like this:

    “I flew over to London with Charles Bronson. He was the strangest mofo I had ever met. I sat right next to him, man did not say one word to me. He stared straight ahead, appeared to be brooding. I spoke to him once, but I knew not to say too much. After that, I was surprised at how much help he gave me on the set. I like men I can’t intimidate, and I liked Bronson. He was tough and forward, if you were weak you’d be scared of him. He used to be a coal miner, never pretended he hadn’t. Bronson was in tremendous physical condition. He would walk to a car, stop, jump right over it. The London women were after his ass. He wasn’t a face man, but they liked his body and they liked his walk – Bronson had a great walk, tight and contained. Watching Bronson, you could tell he thought he could fight. I don’t know if Bronson could fight or not, but you didn’t want to fuck with him. The mental thing he carried around was no joke.” Jim Brown 出界

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  172. @Chris Mallory


    Bronson wasn’t a big man. Five eight (Unlike Burt Reynolds and other short men of the era, he never claimed to be taller than he was) and about 170 pounds. Jim Brown was not a huge man-he was small for a pro ball player-about 6’2 and 220. Funny he should have found Bronson intimidating.

    • 回复: @SteveRogers42
  173. @Jeff Stryker

    Jim Brown was (is) a connossieur of intimidation and male antler-clacking. Bronson was a WW2 combat vet, which is probably what JB was picking up on — the Cliff Booth effect.

  174. “Absolutely true that 1980 South was the complete opposite of that portrayed by the Lying Liberal Media.”

    I think you are mistaking history of political correct posturing for netter relations. Sure as long as blacks made no complaints, white southerners noted just how well they got along with “their” blacks. It was those troublesome northerners agitating for equality.

    • 巨魔: Chris Mallory
  175. DRMANCHILD 说:

    我最喜欢的真实浪漫是他早期的电影剧本。 这个场景很经典。

    • 回复: @WhiteWinger
    , @Che Guava
  176. Toy 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    • 巨魔: Chris Mallory
    • 回复: @Alden
  177. I am afraid, those many of have don’t have much imagination when it comes to sensuousness . . .

    Because along with an slow moving earth’s circumference of lava tube of sensuality that invades every pixel, Ms. Angelina Jolie has a Marianas Trench depth of something yet asking to be discovered/uncovered . . .

    And I couldn’t find a single photo that demonstrates that sense. Though there are tons of wonderful images.

    but for sensuality: lying backwards over a sprawled out over a red Ferrari or Lamborghini comes mighty close

    for the Marianas: standing alone face forward as a bullet just grazes past her face . . . (she even manages to pull off a sense she feels the breeze as it passes).

    Mr. Pitt might want to reconsider, letting this woman go despite what a pain she may be — that’s usually a two way street.


  178. Alden 说:

    Polanski has a movie at the Venice film festival. It’s another about Saint Dreyfus the holy martyr. I’m sure it will win all sorts of awards.

  179. ” Troll: Chris Mallory ”

    Just look at the history. It’s accurate that the south gentile relations with blacks has a tame history, unless you examine periods in which blacks acted as citizens. The riots, land confiscations, murders, and other mechanisms to deny blacks power and once accomplished . . .

    Sure whites say all is good and well. That doesn’t take a degree to understand or review. But look at the utter mayhem about statues. Statues of men who literally made war against the US and cost about a million lives. based on a knee jerk reaction to an election that did shift southern fortunes one iota and wouldn’t have.

    The south held the trump card of rebellion, when they pulled that trigger as they did — they wasted it.

    Note: I have no particular animous against southern statues – part of our history. But I certainly get why others might have a different opinion. Things were fine in the south until someone actually voiced opinions about the rebel symbol — then there was trouble. Free speech is not a one way corridor.

  180. @EliteCommInc.


    knee jerk reaction to an election that did not shift southern fortunes one iota and wouldn’t have.

  181. @EliteCommInc.


  182. “It appears you have confused free speech with anarchy, and the rule of law with mob rule.”

    If you are seeking a response, I will need some clarification on where the confusion exists. What i mean by free speech is that one is allowed to make a counter argument. Though rioting might be considered “free speech” I am shy to suggest it because of the coercive violence.


    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  183. @mcohen

    There is a nod to the Cohen brothers 大地惊雷 in 曾几何时… – the two takes with Di Caprio and the girl – first in front, second in the saloon.

    • 回复: @mcohen
    , @Chris Mallory
  184. Staudegger 说:

    塔伦蒂诺制作这部电影的唯一原因是他虚构的莎朗·泰特可以生下波兰斯基的强奸婴儿。 他的整个职业生涯都是写给使他出名的犹太人类型的情书,即哈维温斯坦。 他所有电影中的恶棍都被认为是这些犹太人的敌人:三K党人、“纳粹”、乡下人、嬉皮士,甚至是落水狗中的(可能是种族主义者)洛杉矶警察。 当然,除了《杀死比尔》中的黑帮之外,全是白人。

    • 回复: @Chris Mallory
  185. Che Guava 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    Yes, I read about it. There is some reference to it on the DVD (which has three endings), and the money man talking about it.

    Craven (RIP) directed at least two of the sequels, though. They weren’t bad, even if most of the rest were. So he can’t have been too furious.

    I didn’t watch the Halloween sequels, until the pretty good final one.

    I also ignored most of the Fri. the 13th/Jason sequels, but you’ve likely seen it, Jason X is a pretty great reference-fest., cheap as hell, much wooden acting, I loved it.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  186. @Che Guava


    Craven didn’t direct any of the sequels. Jack Sholder directed the second (He did the Sci-Fi film HIDDEN) and this was sort of weak. Chuck Russell did ELM STREET 3 and went on to do THE MASK with Jim Carrey (This sequel was arguably the best of the lot). Renny Harlin did the fourth ELM STREET.

    Craven produced them and wrote the script for one. But he had intended for the film to end with the first one.

  187. @mcohen

    Thanks! There’s two of us now, standing on the bridge between the Titans, below us the raging waters of neglect and ignorance! – But we hold out! – There might even be a third one in the misty distance, trying to find this shaky bridge! – It won’t take long! Our just case is too sound and solid!

  188. @EliteCommInc.



    但你对南方黑人与白人的种族关系没有真正的经验,除了你从远处读到的色情头条新闻,就像南方 2-3% 的白人拥有奴隶一样,其余的人满足于生活和让别人生活,尽管存在异族通婚。如果你对此有问题,那么你对整个人类历史就有问题。

  189. “No one had a problem with statues 10 years ago because there isn’t a problem with statues. The same as no one had a problem 10 years ago whether cops or citizens were shooting unarmed blacks that they were being attacked by. ”

    The issue of civil war emblems first started in the late 1980’s concerning the rebel flag. It was just a ripple. But anyone think that the black population living in the South thought of Southern civil war heroes as heroes, doesn’t comprehend the meaning of political correct authority. That you honestly believe that blacks in the South embraced the Flag of South sincerely in any manner other than to avoid ruffling the feathers of whites . . . is to mistake that political correctness for docility.

    And I would grant out that as subsequent generations have to come to the fore that issue has gained some steam– and even whites got the message that the flag is the flag of a rebellion against the US that it flies at all anywhere is an indictment of the country’s real views regarding blacks and freedom. One only flies an emblem of the rebellion if in fact they are still in rebellion, that’s the message and that rebellion as a symbol represents a society that claimed a state’s right to imprison other human beings and use them as chattel and in no small cases on par with beasts of burden.

    good grief, what a murder in Detroit has to do with the Confederate flag and it subsequent symbols is strange, unless you believe that the flag was used as a mechanism to instill fear in blacks to ensure compliance.

    In truth the symbol has nothing to do with contemporary crime. It is tragic that anyone murders anyone. However, there’s no evidence that blacks as a majority or even as a minority of thinkers save some strange outliers that blacks are anymore entitled to kill whites as vice versa. The symbology and that incident has no relevance in this discussion and your muddying the water is uncalled for. But it does support my position. That in the face of a free speech discussion your retort is one predicated not relevant or related material but some extreme totally unrelated.

    Just because blacks were polite in the south to southern sensibilities does not mean they were in agreement. Whether it’s the flag, statues, bathrooms, education . . . it has only been when they voiced opposition — then of course,

    “uppity” is the turn of phrase voiced in a myriad of ways. And that is practice among whites North South East and West. Liberals and Democrats are not foreigners to manipulating power on black silence. And it makes sense to be silent when you are out of the power position — lest, whites and others get you mixed up with the police and falsely accuse and destroy your life. And underdogs know this game very well. I suspect that blacks in the US know better than most.

    But it has only since gaining some clout in social, economic and political force that the black population (and not all of them) have been willing to express some sentiments on the issues of just what those symbols have meant and what they imposed as the same. I think we should embrace all of goods and ills. But if you can’t grasp the bizarre juxtaposition of Gen Lee as hero at West Point of all places — then you don’t understand loyalty to country and what Gen lee so politely chose as course of choice against the nation that bore him and blessed him. Odd this, Gen Lee did not say let the states deal with John Brown — he went out to arrest him, then Col Lee, I think.

    Note my comments are not based on modern standards — but the standards of the time concerning loyalty to country.

    Pres. Jackson would have had his fellow southerner hung for joining the rebellion.


    I am going to let slide the “police” inclusion here. I think I am on safe ground to acknowledge the use of the “attacking black man” has after 100 plus of use is finally losing its force. Fortunately and sadly as increasing video reveals, the police are not so clean as advertised, and that is now becoming a reality to more and more whites. Something that blacks have cataloged since they left plantations and something whites claimed was a thing of their imagination.

    It appears not so much. There is no war on police. But there is acknowledgement that there are problems with the conduct of enough officers to be concerned.

    • 回复: @Chris Mallory
  190. Amended: “One only flies an emblem of the rebellion if in fact they are still in rebellion, that’s the message ”

    One flies the flag for any number of reasons — excuse my self acknowledged narrow view — and my comments first line is too narrow.



    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  191. Che Guava 说:

    I don’t think that you are correct, at least the final one was directed by Craven. Earlier, one where he wrote the script.

    In any case, the original and last are the best.

    The original, such a great horror film, to me, the transitions from dreams to reality, brilliant.

    My most scary viewing was after taking (unwisely) anti-psychotic pills (not for me, but fnr a friend at the time), they put one on a bad trip, but intensify the horror.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  192. @Che Guava


    What is interesting is the original cast. For my money, the Spanish guy who played Ron Lane showed the most talent. He was the only actor who seemed to breathe in the role. For some reason Depp, who was only 21, did not stand out as an actor. He was rather flat.

    • 同意: Che Guava
    • 回复: @Che Guava
  193. @Dieter Kief

    I haven’t seen “Once…..”, so was it the Cohen Bros’ 大地惊雷 or the original that won John Wayne the Oscar for Best Actor 1969.

    • 回复: @Dieter Kief
  194. @Staudegger

    “Hippies” were the enemies of the Jews? Ignoring the fact that many of the hippie leaders were Jews.

    • 回复: @fnn
  195. @EliteCommInc.

    It was secession, not rebellion. Lee was loyal to the nation that bore him, the State of Virginia as it should have been.

  196. fnn 说:
    @Chris Mallory

    “Hippies” and the New Left began as separate phenomena. The former had Germanic roots, the latter mostly brought into being by Jewish Red Diaper Babies. But the Vietnam War protests brought about a lot of cross-fertilization between the two things .

    Hippie Origins:

    • 回复: @Dieter Kief
  197. “It was secession, not rebellion. Lee was loyal to the nation that bore him, the State of Virginia as it should have been.”

    This is an old retort.

    Supremacy Clause in response to the ineffective Articles of Confederation which each state signed on to support.

    The states used all of the federal mechanisms to resolved disputes, including the Supreme Court.

    And no state was an independent nation. That ended with the US Constitution and the Supremacy Clause sealed that arrangement.

    The war commenced when the state of South Carolina fired on Ft. Sumter.

    Despite the counter-factuals this film has a better grasp on history than you are willing to demonstrate in your comments.

    • 回复: @Chris Mallory
  198. JimDandy 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    He was a white gentile badass in the movie, and he was tougher than Bruce Lee. Nothing you can do about it now.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  199. @JimDandy


    Considering the film was a work of fiction, there is nothing anyone can do.

    • 回复: @JimDandy
  200. @EliteCommInc.




    南北战争爆发之前,人们对他们进行了很多指责,从他们的行为可以看出,奴隶制是北方选择的道德遮羞布,以证明他们自己对南方农业的奴役是合理的。 (你又来了,尽管规模要小得多:你同样厌恶黑人和无政府主义者,但是嘿,如果他们可以被用来满足你的政治目的,那么……林登·约翰逊与你的道德选择无关。)



  201. @JimDandy

    Chuck Norris was unable to defeat Bruce Lee in his prime and Norris was better-trained than a fiftyish borderline-alcoholic who’d probably been a pack-a-day man since he was ten years old.

  202. Hrw-500 说:

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a interesting attempt to do an alternate history movie theme. Had Sharon Tate lived, I wonder if she could had become an has-been due to competition from Raquel Welch or later in the 1970s from other stars like Farrah Fawcett, Carrie Fisher, Sally Field, etc…?

    And speaking of movies with alternate history theme, just imagine what if a producer do a movie featuring some uchronias like for example Mark Chapman shooting Yoko Ono instead of John Lennon or Hendrik Verwoerd avoided his assasination in 1966 by Dimitri Tsafendas?

  203. “There was plenty of blame to go around leading up to the Civil War and it can be argued by their actions that slavery was the North’s moral fig leaf of choice to justify their own version of enslavement upon the agrarian South.”

    Uhhhhh, this is really very simple. There’s no mystery here. Despite clear declarations from the president newly elected that he had no intention of risking civil conflict over slavery because it was legal and he had no intent of pursuing a policy to change that —

    South Carolina attacked the sovereign US. That was an act of war and the response was a war response.


    Whatever disputes disagreements should have been pursued by every means legal and in place. One state chose war and the other states followed — during the war of 1812, the country fought as a country, not as separate countries —

    all the ring around the posey temper tantrum, but this, and that . . . and the north hates blacks to — despite its truth — is simply irrelevant.


    “You detest the blacks and anarchists just as much but hey, if they can be used to suit your political ends, then… Lyndon Johnson has nothing on you moral selectitude.)”

    and the rest . . . I have no idea what you are on about. I have my personal view of symbols quite clear.

  204. ” . . . which is why you’ll be standing alone when the ones whose indefensible actions you now defend, train their sights on you next.”


    黑人、白人、棕色人种都讨厌。黄色,绝对是好莱坞,女性(甚至非女权主义女性),宗教。民主党人、左翼人士、独立人士、共和党人、右翼人士、自由主义者。 。 。

    I am keenly aware of what it means to be out looking out . . . as for being targeted. Get in line, it’s long and filled the distinguished and distinguished alike.



    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  205. Whitening 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


  206. Whitening 说:


    可惜我永远无法做到 my 这个故事的版本……家族继续他们的谋杀狂潮,但不是被谋杀的 6-7 名受害者,而是家族屠杀了数十名音乐和电影左翼分子,包括简和彼得方达、杰克·尼科尔森、伯特·施奈德和鲍勃拉斐尔森、坎迪斯·伯根、罗伯特·奥特曼、艾伦·鲁道夫、克罗斯比、斯蒂尔、纳什和杨、范·戴克·帕克斯、里奥·潘和他的小儿子、肖恩、休·海夫纳、马龙·白兰度、好莱坞十人组的幸存成员、所有月桂谷音乐创客(70 年代的大、小、未来之星)……你明白了。
    然后他们用鲜血留下了所有反白人的信息。种族战争发生了,只是在我的版本中,黑人根本没有获胜,他们很容易被击败,因为各地的白人都重新唤醒了他们的骄傲,即使是在旧金山,海特-阿什伯里, 滚石 杂志总部和伯克利被洗劫一空,清除了所有左派激进分子。支持白人在媒体、电影、电视等中恢复到自 1800 年代以来从未有过的有利地位。结束。吃掉它,昆汀,自我厌恶的怀蒂!!!!

  207. @EliteCommInc.




    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
    , @NoCriticHere
  208. @Chris Mallory

    Supremacy Clause – union by choice case closed

    Fort Sumter federal territory located in the US in the state of South Carolina named after a South Carolinian hero. And welcomed as federal installation by South Carolinians as long as it defended their slice of land.

    Squirm, twist, yell, shout, have your philosophical entreaties — but at the end of the day, South Carolina had no unique jurisdiction over the installation and no authority to demand its abandonment.

    I don’t have any views on the peculiar creator ruler line. It’s quaint but has no force as by law the state of South Carolina signed on to be part of the US and as such becomes subject to said authority until by law otherwise released.

    Firing in Fort Sumter was an act of treason.


    The debate about succession would have been a very interesting one had the Southern states actually used it in some manner of due process, but as they chose war — the country responded in kind.

    Tell you what — if you can show me a single senator looking to get rid of federal installation today, maybe we can chat. Show me of any South Carolinian seeking to get rid some military fort or base.

    • 回复: @Chris Mallory
  209. @Chris Mallory


  210. @EliteCommInc.



  211. “笑。”

    You are welcome to provide evidence otherwise.

  212. “(regardless that there were still at the time white slaves captive in Islamia,) so he had that horse to ride on.”

    I won’t comment on the opportunistic perspective about Pres. Lincoln — and we are far afeild from reality, but i don’t think the US executive had any authority in the region you suggest and he certainly was the global king of the whites with a mandate to rescue these whites.


    • 回复: @NoCriticHere

    The “Sicilians have Black blood” scene???? That’s an early example of his anti-White, race-baiting propaganda, that he’s unleashed in almost every film he’s done . And he really believes this! ALL Sicilians do not have Black blood, and the Moors were not Black either, they were North African ARABS.

    • 回复: @drmanchild
  214. ” . . . the Moors were not Black either, they were North African ARABS.”

    I think I will stick with Sir William Shakespeare on this one.


    Correction: . . . was not the global king of the whites with a mandate to rescue these whites around the planet

  215. drmanchild 说:

    我并不反对你,但他们在某个地方得到了橄榄色的皮肤和黑眼睛。 会不会是新的少数派? OSM(橄榄色皮肤问题)。 我想要我的免费狗屎。 我只是喜欢两个伟大演员之间的场景。 其中一些是即兴创作的。 我妈妈是第一代,这是她的 DNA
    我没有看到任何非洲人,她的橄榄色皮肤,深色头发和眼睛,就像他们来时一样。 我完全同意你对塔伦蒂诺的看法,他是最高学位的冲洗者

  216. @EliteCommInc.


    我会权衡你对这样一种假设的看法,即南方可能会使用立法或外交手段来分裂国家,以对抗美国的武力威胁,这可以被解释为对南方领土的挑衅,也可能带来了“明显而现实的危险” ”,朝鲜迈出了第一步军事行动,而且是在前草坪上。北部湾事件的阴影。

  217. “I was opining that slavery was a widely practiced institution from the dawn of humanity up until that time, not that Lincoln had any interest in its occurrence outside the US.”

    Well, it makes as much sense now as it did then. Because the US is predicated on a philosophy that all men are created equal. That is what made slavery an anathema here. It’s quaint to bemoan that slavery was universally practiced — but its practice among various societies was unique among them.

    For the US slavery juxtaposed against the reality of “all men are created equal” and was bound to turn in upon itself eventually.


    “I would weigh your take on the supposition that the South could’ve used legislative or diplomatic means for secession against the sabre-rattling of the US, which can be interpreted as provocation on Southern soil which also may have presented a “clear and present danger,” in that the North had taken the first military steps, and that on the front lawn. Shades of the Gulf of Tonkin incident.”


    The clear and present danger standard was not noted until 1919, about sixty years after the conflict in question. And contrary to your advance, it would not have been applied to an open debate and discussion in Congress or the Supreme for separation. The clause was applied to subversive behavior. it’s application was to wartime activities. Clearly advocacy in the courts and legislature discussion or debate on the question of severing a state’s union would be legal and proper in the legislature and furthermore — said would be engaged instead if war.

    That discussion makes the suggestion of the subversive standard incorrect because the discussions in Congress regarding the state of the union and concerns of the citizens of the US via their elected representatives entirely moot. That would be what I refer to as “due process”. In otherwords as opposed to a war to overthrow the government said process would actually employ the standards and practices of the government such the ability authorize a state into the union — the same could be utilized to cecede, leaving the US fully intact minus one.




    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  218. Che Guava 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Rod’s predicament is touchingly great.

    Depp is pretty bad, foreshadowing every piece of crap he acts in, at least for many years lately (he did have many interisting roles for a time, but long ago now). He is just a bag of puppy-fat in Elm St. The bed-blender sceme, in terms of splatter, is pretty good, but only as splatter.

    Heather Langenkamp is perfect as Nancy. The woman who plays Tina, also quite brlliant. Nancy’s mother, also very good.

    Also, of course, Craven’s favourite choice to play a cop, John Saxon (RIP), does a great job as Nancy’s father.

  219. 注:无论北部修正案如何,美国都将保卫南越。

    The US would not have responded with war had the southern states not first engaged warfare.

  220. Che Guava 说:



    The best part of Kill Bill was in part 2, in Ginza, the giant restaurant scene with the 5,6,7,8’s playing, and much happening with that as the foreground. Otherwise, not so interesting.

  221. @EliteCommInc.








    直到 1919 年,明确且现实的危险标准才被注意到,

    它可能直到 1919 年才被编入法典,但自古以来就已被承认。



  222. @James M Dakin

    如果你喜欢 QT 对话,《八恶人》是他最好的电影。



  223. “The institution of slavery was as socio-economic as it was cultural in the preindustrial age.”

    You still at it. The measure of that morality is not by modern times. The measure of morality is by their times. The debate at the Continental Congress was a debate about that contradiction — in other words, the founders knew it was at issue.

    Good grief look at Pres Jefferson’s own self debate (personal turmoil) and twisted logic. The fact slavery existed in no way suggests that it existed as universal moral good or even ok. As the history of slavery makes very plain — slave runaways, slave revolts, etc.

    In the US against the foundation of freedom, a war for the same — it was absolutely a matter of concern. It almost broke any union. And the matter continued to plague the country to this day. The founders were well aware on intelligent, diligent blacks operating as all other men as the free blacks in their midst and even according to European history —

    There is no way to defend the founders – it was a monumental flaw in their entire proposition and that by their standard and by their own discussion.


    laugh. it’s a moral fig leaf you brought to the table. Out of context, rejected by the “clear and present danger standard” and utter useless in any debate regarding the Southern states choice to engage in war before pursuing other means. it has no bearing on the issues and when formulated was applicable to speech during wartime or advocacy for war — completely the opposite of a legislative debate seeking redress that would end with states being severed from the union.

    Take responsibility for your contentions. My response is a reflection of the reality of Vietnam. Why people insist on dragging Vietnam into every discussion on war in spite of the blatant incorrect points of comparison is funny.

    You went the colonies, to the civil war to 1919 to 1964 without so much as a relevant connection between them.


    Rely on technical complaint as you will. It will not assist you in any way from getting out of the Canyon you have dug yourself. There is little defense for the southerners who engaged in treason. They were extended grace over the backs of blacks. The triple and quadruple negatives that matter are those that have hamstrung our country and the constant attempt by others to justify falsehoods and the consequences that came them.

    And to be clear, “grace” is extended in spite of wrong or because of it. Correcting a wrong is not grace, that’s undoing what should have never been done – that called righteousness. Falsely accusing someone requires righteousness as those who committed the wrong have no moral authority to extend grace. Grace would be the wrong forgiving or in some manner easing the redress required.

    There’s no rope long enough to rescue you.

  224. @Chris Mallory

    At first glance the Coen brothers. Not last, because of the drunkard in their movie (Jeff Bridges) – and the fabulous young girl actress Hailee Steinfeld. The Coens said, they had been looking for a girl like her – with 真正的毅力 – for a long time, and they succeeded in the end.

  225. @fnn

    Thanks for the two Hippie-links! – Don’t know exactly what to make of them with regard to Tarantinos take on the Hippies, but nevertheless, these links sure are interesting!

  226. @EliteCommInc.

    If you can find me a current senator who is not a lickspittle traitor to the people they claim to serve?

  227. “If you can find me a current senator who is not a lickspittle traitor to the people they claim to serve?”

    Not my burden. But I thought that the contentions are that southerners were not capable of being traitors because their loyalty was to their state. Yet in the case of maintaining federal installations and the income streams they provide, their loyalty is now traitorous.

    Certainly southern honor is not capable of being bought.

  228. 但我们谈论的是一个支持自由战争同时维持奴隶以保护他们的个人收入的社会。然后在建国后,将所述奴隶分类为个人,以便利用该个人身份确保国会的积极计票,以最终保护同样的收入。






    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  229. 然而好莱坞拒绝制作任何声称 65 万人在左派进步马克思主义苏联古拉格灭绝营系统中被杀害的电影。


    古拉格电影 https://gulagfilms.org/

    这是人类历史上最大规模的种族灭绝事件,好莱坞对此保持沉默长达 100 多年。

  230. anonymous[191]• 免责声明 说:

    I will not go to see this movie because I hate modern theatres with their horrible amplified noise and endless commercials. As for Tarentino, I wouldn’t waste my time going to see anything he makes or has made. Look at his face, its pure evil.

  231. @EliteCommInc.



    捍卫/认同内战前的南方并不是一个 事实 无论你在这个评论部分有多么需要道德高尚,都要捍卫奴隶制。

  232. “Your virtue-signaling has been duly noted. Slavery, after the onset of the Industrial Age would’ve died a natural death in the egalitarian U.S. without the threats of the North which led to the secession and preemptive strike from the South.”

    I don’t think you know the meaning of “virtue signaling”.

    It’s an interesting idea that slavery would have died out. Perhaps, but I think the evidence is pretty clear given the aftermath that the country would have been an apartheid nation and given the numbers successfully so. That in spite of the Constitution.



    Hmmmmmm . . . I did not make any argument suggesting that defending Southern ethos, itself was a defense of slavery. The civil war was not an attack on “Antebellum Southern Aristocracy” or life. It was soley in response the attack by a southern state against the US in an attempt to sever the Union.

    The primary issue of why the southern states revolted was slavery and while one can make some distinctions — they are very tough. Let’s just admit that slavery was considered ” a way of life”.

    The problem is always – the very cause of the country. That declaration of independence and what it dilleneates as a cause for war is magnitudes by 100 for slaves to revolt. It so deeply contradicts everything the country stands that it destroys the very core of the nation. it all but erases it. How men of faith could it, I have no idea. And then to violate how the “good book” says slaves ought to be treated —- the entire enterprise in the US cannot be justified save as to do the unjustifiable call human beings property. This is not a problem of the south – but for the US.


    • 回复: @NoCriticHere
  233. @EliteCommInc.

    独立宣言以及它所引发的战争对于奴隶起义来说是 100 倍的影响。

    原则上,也许吧。事实上,没有。奴隶在抵达美国之前或之后都没有宪法。进口奴隶是否被视为美国公民?不,他们几乎没有被考虑过 智人(Homo sapiens)。 而且并不是唯一陷入困境的人,因为它可以通过 1790 年的《入籍法案》建立,该法案只包括“自由白人……”想象一下,一个保护同质性的新兴国家。



    Here you go with the hand-wringing again. And that from the same guy who earlier spoke of the contemporary moral culture. If you can’t place yourself in the pre-industrial age when there wasn’t a Walmart on every corner, and no Amazon.com, then you’re unqualified to defend your own assertions. Was chattel slavery going too far. Of course it was. When haven’t societies gone too far? The good ones sense it and rein back in. That bad ones continue and make worse as we see in Africa and the Middle East, where chattel slavery and other atrocious human rights violations, many exclusively racist in nature, are in practice to this day.




  234. 请原谅某些扬声器技术的延迟,以及另一个经常使用的系统上的问题。

    “In principle, maybe. In reality, no. Slaves had no Constitution before or after their arrival in the US. Were imported slaves even considered US citizens? No. They were scarcely considered Homo sapiens. and were not alone in their plight in that it can be established through The Naturalization Act of 1790 which was only to only include “free white peoples…” Imagine that, a budding nation protecting homogeneity.”

    I see you are still at it. Uhh excuse me. But the Declaration the philosophical foundation for the revolution ans that establishing a nation was written before any official established cause of nationhood. Your constant squirming is humorous. Free black persons worked and lived in the colonies and did as all others. When I was kid, my teachers loved to pull out the Crispus Attucks card as a black who along side white colonials fought for freedom. Now I won’t parse through the issue of just how human blacks were considered in the colonies. And I am not going to defend the practices that discriminated against them — that would be me being as hypocritical as the many of the founders – not all but many.


    Unfortunately, as free blacks did conduct business, attended church, spoke the King’s English, paid taxes, ate, drank and even chose which side to fight on in the revolution, commadered ships at sea, read, wrote the King’s English — I think it is a very safe bet that whatever discrimination they faced, the colonials saw them as people. And the Constitution makes it clear that they were “playing fast and loose” with reality of that when it came to consider the vote count with 3/5’s clause. And that is where the hypocrisy is in full tilt as North and south battled over how many of those persons could counted to the electorate —- laugh. Clearly they were people, even if one wanted to hopscotch around with rhetoric for legal reparte’ sad part of our history for sure. I am not going to defend that either.


    I have no idea what you by hang ringing as stated before. These standards are not mine nor are they contemporary. They were the issues of the day. There’s not a month that goes by in which the issue what to do regarding slavery and blacks is not an issue. I cannot recall the reference, but there is a book that records the legal proceedings of the time, and barely a month passes in which the legal issue slavery is not on some judges docket, even in the south. The moral question is not new — and the complaint by abolitionists makes that abundantly clear. It is not as if one needed an awakening. it is not as if people suddenly woke up one day in 1860 all alight and aflame with a revelation that “slavery was counter to the purposes of the country”. Take a look at Harper’s from that period, not two months goes by without the issue of slavery as issue.



    trying to hod tie the US to European and US ventures in Africa based on some supposed character flaw doesn’t have much in the way of support. And is another discussion. I understand why you want to run from this one — however, I intend to remain where I entered.

    I beg your carelessly entreaty to whom I owe gratitude. That simply is a comment out of time and space — say as far as Pluto as to relevance. I owe no more or no less than any other citizen. I have no idea why even suggest something so obtuse.





    My sole position on slavery is very simple. Based on the morality of that time and place – it was hypocrisy – period. And there were no small number of colonials who knew so and no small number who made that case.

    There is no room to hide behind –“But in those days,” based on the rhetoric about what that meant to be human by the most read, and intellectually expressive men of the time. And of course we are grappling with those consequences.


    • 回复: @roo_ster
  235. roo_ster 说:



    • 回复: @Alden
  236. “You sure are a windy sperg cluttering up this and other comment threads. Welcome to the ignore feature.”

    Laughing. Ohhh I am crushed. Look I know that my failure to tow some sacred cows around my neck troubles many. But it’s those sacred cows that have fueled mountains of failure. A growing number in the country want to move forward, and they are abusing southern sensibilities to do it.

    Certainly, not all things southern are bad — but the unhunged attempts to defend the civil war are just roundly defeated by historical fact. In many respects the knee jerk emotional reaction is irrational of any “jew” or “black” about whom there is constant complaint.

    Your failure to find adequate response wind bag or not will not change whether I am on ignore or not. In the mean time, I will remain crest fallen.


  237. foulkes 说:


    我一直不明白为什么他这么受欢迎。他是一个水灵的演员。他最好的表演是《Catch Me if You Can》,因为他看起来很年轻,可以扮演一个青少年


  238. “He ruins every movie he has ever been in.”

    Over the top. He did not ruin:


    J. Edgar or the Titanic.

  239. Revelation 说:

    我不同意。 我讨厌《姜戈》,虽然《混蛋》是一部犹太手淫幻想,但《OATIH》确实是一部非常好的电影。


  240. Revelation 说:

    “But the real fount of deep womanhood was the eight year old actress”

    A character based on Jodie Foster….

  241. Revelation 说:



    When the film goes into the “once upon a time” alternate history, its cathartic to see the dirty hippies get their comeuppance.

    • 同意: Alden
  242. Alden 说:

    That was the Haight Ashbury free clinic. It was set up so middle class White hippies wouldn’t have to endure the horrors of sitting in waiting rooms with ghetto blacks at the Free County hospital. It was primarily a STD birth control and pregnancy clinic. The pregnant girls were set up with welfare for themselves and the babies which subsidized the hippie community.

    If there were any elite nefarious plots going on, it was using the White hippies to create a barrier that prevented the Fillmore Divisadero blacks from expanding into Masonic Heights inner Richmond neighborhoods

    It worked!!!!!!!!

  243. Alden 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Angela Lansbury and husband moved the family home and children to rural Ireland to get them away from Los Angeles.

    It’s very easy to meet entertainment people in certain residential and business neighborhoods of Los Angeles. If you’re a pretty young woman, it’s extremely easy to attract entertainment industry men. Just walk around, park the car and get out sit down in a coffee shop, just exist

    It’s easy to see how Manson operated. Send the girls to wander around the recording studios bars and clubs where the musicians roadies sound engineers hung out. Go to the beach and shopping centers hang out near restaurants in Malibu and a pretty girl can meet if not a celebrity, a friend neighbor or business associate of a celebrity in 30 minutes.

  244. Alden 说:

    精英共产主义者似乎是一位学士研究的黑人传教士教授,精通标准英语。他的评论真的不是评论。这些讲座是他花了好几个小时才听完的。啰嗦的黑人传教士风格明显。他重复了 1950 年代 60 年代初的言论,即黑人实际上也是普通人,只是需要平等的机会来证明自己。


  245. Alden 说:

    1967 年,堕胎是非法的。她已婚并想要一个孩子。她为什么要堕胎?你只是嫉妒她嫁给了一个犹太人。你为什么关心54年前谁嫁给了谁?

  246. (EliteCommInc.) which has no political references at all.

    “Elite commie seems to be a black preacher professor of BS studies with a good command of standard English.”

    Black preacher – not even close

    As with many that peruse this site, your powers of soothsaying are bankrupt. When all else fails make nonsensical assessments that have no relation to the subject.



  247. Trevor Lynch: “I highly recommend this film, simply as well-crafted grown-up entertainment that does not go out of its way to insult the intelligence, race, or moral sensibilities of its overwhelmingly white audience.”

    Yes, it’s a great film in the eyes of anyone who prefers a Jewish pedophile such as Polanski over the likes of Manson, who is a bogeyman for both left and right. It’s also a great movie if you share Tarantino’s fetish for inflicting sadistic blows to the face on white women of lower economic station, particularly the part at the end where Squeaky gets her face bashed in by Cliff Booth (the foley art is good here, you can hear the bones crunch), although I don’t believe Brad Pitt, who plays Booth, looks muscular enough to hold her unconscious body up with one hand by the hair while simultaneously smashing her face into the stone mantle piece. Also, if you hate Nazis this is a must-see film for you, as there are several who get turned into human torches with Rick Dalton’s flamethrower, as does Manson girl Sadie Glutz. Certainly none of that would insult the intelligence, race, or moral sensibilities of a salad-tossing turd burglar like Trevor Lynch; nor, I’m sure, of your average white Christian American.



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