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美国最近对叙利亚空军基地的巡航导弹袭击在很多方面都是一个极其重要的事件,因此对其进行详细检查非常重要。 我今天将尝试这样做,希望能够对一个相当奇怪的攻击有所了解,但它将产生深远的后果。 但首先,让我们先看看实际发生了什么。


我认为没有人认真相信阿萨德或叙利亚政府中的任何其他人真的下令对任何人发动化学武器袭击。 要相信它需要您找到以下合乎逻辑的顺序:首先, 阿萨德几乎赢得了与全面撤退的伊斯兰国的战争。 然后, 美国宣布推翻阿萨德不再是优先事项 (到目前为止,这都是事实和真实的)。 然后, 阿萨德决定使用他没有的武器. 他决定轰炸一个没有军事价值但有很多孩子和相机的地方。 然后,当俄罗斯人要求进行全面调查时,美国人会在这个想法得到任何支持之前尽快出击。 现在 美国人正在调查俄罗斯在这次所谓的袭击中可能扮演的角色. 坦率地说,如果您相信其中任何一点,您应该立即停止阅读并重新开始看电视。 对于我们其他人来说,有三个选择:

  1. 一个经典的美国执行的错误标志
  2. 叙利亚袭击了一个恰好储存某种气体的地点,可能是氯气,但绝对不是沙林。 此选项要求您相信巧合。 我不。 除非,
  3. 美国向叙利亚人提供了错误的情报,并让他们轰炸了美国知道储存有毒气体的地方。

显而易见的是,叙利亚人没有从他们的飞机上投下化学武器,也没有在 al-Shayrat 空军基地储存任何化学气体。 没有视频显示任何会释放有毒气体的弹药或容器。 至于美国和其他雷达的记录,他们所能显示的只是一架飞机在天空中,它的航向、高度和速度。 没有办法通过雷达来区分化学弹药或化学攻击。

无论你选择什么选项,叙利亚政府显然对使用化学武器的指控是无辜的,这是不言而喻的。 这很可能是一次虚假标志攻击。

此外,为了记录在案,美国过去一直在考虑这种假旗攻击。 您可以阅读有关此计划的所有内容 点击此处点击此处.


美国和俄罗斯的消息来源都同意以下事实:2 艘美国海军舰艇在叙利亚的 Al Shayrat 机场发射了 59 枚战斧巡航导弹。 美方并未在政治层面与俄方进行磋商,而是通过军事渠道提前2小时向俄方发出警告。 在这一点上,账户开始不同。

美国人说所有导弹都击中了他们的目标。 俄罗斯人说只有23枚巡航导弹击中了机场。 其他人“下落不明”。 在这里,我认为美国人在撒谎,俄罗斯人说的是实话,这是无可争辩的:主跑道完好无损(俄罗斯记者提供的镜头证明了这一点),只有一条滑行道被击中。 此外,叙利亚空军在 24 小时内恢复了行动。 36枚巡航导弹没有达到预定目标。 这是事实。


攻击中使用的导弹“战斧”可以使用三种制导系统的任意组合:GPS、惯性导航和地形测绘。 没有证据,甚至没有报道称俄罗斯人甚至发射了一枚防空导弹。 事实上,俄罗斯人已经与美国签署了一份备忘录,其中明确承诺俄罗斯不干涉美国在叙利亚上空的任何飞行,无论是否有人驾驶(反之亦然)。 虽然战斧巡航导弹是在 1980 年代开发的,但没有理由相信所使用的导弹已超过其保质期,并且 甚至有证据表明它们建于 2014 年. 众所周知,战斧是准确和可靠的。 完全没有理由怀疑超过一半发射的导弹只是自发故障。 因此,对于 36 枚失踪的巡航导弹发生的事情,我只看到两种可能的解释:

解释A:特朗普从来没有打算对叙利亚人进行真正的重创,整个袭击只是“作秀”,美国海军故意在地中海上空摧毁这些导弹。 这将使特朗普有可能显得强硬,同时不会造成真正破坏他与俄罗斯合作计划的那种损害。 我不相信这种解释,我将在下面的政治分析中解释原因。

解释B:俄罗斯人无法合法击落美国导弹。 此外,假设这些巡航导弹从地中海直接飞向目标是不正确的(因此几乎飞越了俄罗斯的雷达阵地)。 战斧是专门为能够在某些雷达类型周围飞行的切线航线而设计的,而且它们的 RCS(雷达能见度)也非常低,尤其是在正面区域。 其中一些导弹可能飞得很低,俄罗斯雷达看不到,除非俄罗斯人在空中有预警机(我不知道他们是否有)。 然而,由于俄罗斯人被警告了这次袭击,他们有足够的时间准备他们的电子战站来“炸毁”并以其他方式使至少部分巡航导弹失效。 我相信这是正确的解释。 我不知道俄罗斯是否在技术上无法摧毁和混淆到达基地的 23 枚导弹,或者是否做出政治决定让不到一半的巡航导弹通过以掩饰俄罗斯在摧毁 36 枚导弹中的作用导弹。 我可以肯定的是,36先进巡航导弹不会“消失”。 俄罗斯人决定使用他们的电子战系统而不是他们的导弹有两个原因:首先,它为他们提供了“合理的可否认性”(至少对于公众来说,毫无疑问,美国的信号情报单位确实发现了俄罗斯电子干扰(除非它以非常低的功率和非常高的频率发生在远离内陆的地方),并且因为通过使用电子战系统,它可以让他们保留防空导弹以保护自己的部队。俄罗斯真的能做到吗?

看看这张照片,拍的 来自俄罗斯网站,这似乎是由生产一些关键的俄罗斯电子战系统的 Kret 公司制造的。 你有没有注意到,在左手边,就在 AWAC 飞机的正下方,你可以清楚地看到一枚战斧型导弹在转身并最终在海上爆炸?

这是如何做到的还有待猜想。 我们被告知的只是导弹被指定了一个“虚假目标”,但对于我们的目的而言,这真的无关紧要。 重要的是,俄罗斯人基本上已经泄露了他们能够使巡航导弹转向的信息。 还有其他可能性,例如定向能量束,它基本上会炸毁或至少混淆地形跟踪和/或惯性导航系统。 一些人建议使用“终止开关”来关闭整个导弹。 也许。 同样,这对我们的目的来说真的无关紧要。 重要的是,俄罗斯有办法欺骗、重定向或摧毁美国的巡航导弹。 可以肯定的是,这些系统似乎是第一次在愤怒中使用。




我要指出,那些说俄罗斯防空系统不起作用的人并不知道他们在说什么。 俄罗斯不仅与美国签署了不干涉美国飞行行动的协议,而且俄罗斯在叙利亚的防空系统也没有保护叙利亚领空的任务。 这是叙利亚防空系统的任务。 俄罗斯在叙利亚的防空系统只是为了保护俄罗斯人员和设备。 这就是为什么俄罗斯人从未瞄准以色列战机的原因。 这并不奇怪,因为在叙利亚的俄罗斯特遣部队从来没有关闭叙利亚领空的任务,或者更不用说与美国或以色列开战。

然而,这可能正在改变。 现在俄罗斯人已经退出了与美国的协议,更重要的是,已经宣布叙利亚人迫切需要更先进的防空能力。 目前叙利亚人很少使用先进的俄罗斯防空系统,他们的大部分装备都很旧。


美国的袭击直接违反了美国法律、国际法和联合国宪章。 首先,我要说,有强有力的法律证据表明,美国的袭击违反了美国宪法、总统战争权力法和 2001 年军事授权 (AUMF) 决议。 但由于我并不真正关心特朗普犯罪行为的这方面,我只会向你推荐两个关于这个问题的很好的分析(见 点击此处点击此处) 并且只是简单地总结那些说特朗普所做的是合法的人的论点。 归结为:“是的,这是非法的,但是所有美国总统都这样做了很长时间,以至于他们因此创造了一个法律先例,呃,这毕竟使它合法“。 我认为这种“辩护”不值得回应或反驳。 所以现在让我们转向国际法。

大多数人认为危害人类罪或种族灭绝罪必须是国际法下的终极罪行。 他们错了。 最终的罪行是侵略。 这是纽伦堡审判关于这个话题的结论:

因此,发动侵略战争不仅是国际罪行,而且是国际罪行。 它是最高的国际罪行,它与其他战争罪行的唯一区别在于它本身包含了整体累积的罪恶。

因此,在他之前的其他美国总统的长长而有声望的名单之后,唐纳德特朗普现在是一名战犯。 事实上,他是“最高战犯”。 他只用了77天就达到了这个状态,大概是某种记录。

至于联合国宪章, 至少对于文章 (1, 2, 33, 39) 禁止美国对叙利亚进行的那种侵略​​。

我认为没有必要详述这次攻击的完全非法性。 I would just underscore the supreme irony of a country basically built by and run by lawyers (just see how many of them there are in Congress) whose general population seems to be totally indifferent to the fact that their elected representatives act in a completely illegal manner . 大多数美国人关心的只是非法行为是否会带来胜利。 但如果是这样,绝对没有人在乎。 你不同意? 告诉我,关于美国对南斯拉夫的完全非法侵略,美国有多少次和平示威? 确切地。 QED。


我儿子完美地总结了特朗普的行为所导致的结果:“恨他的人现在还恨他,支持他的人现在也恨他“。 哇! 特朗普和他的顾问们怎么没有预料到这一点? 特朗普没有兑现他无数的竞选承诺(以及他自己的推特声明),而是决定突然打出 180 分,完全背叛了他所代表的一切。 我想不出更愚蠢的动作,我真的想不到。 我不得不说,特朗普现在似乎让杜比看起来很聪明。 但还有很多,更糟糕的。

这个clusterf**k最糟糕的方面是这让特朗普出现是多么不道德。 想想看——首先,特朗普卑鄙地背叛了弗林。 然后他背叛了班农。

[侧边栏:我最喜欢弗林。 我对班农一点用处都没有。 但事实是他们不是我最好的朋友,他们是特朗普最好的朋友。 他没有为他们挺身而出,而是将他们献给了总是嗜血的新保守派,以期安抚他们。 这就是我写的关于这种愚蠢和极度不道德的背叛的事情发生的那一天:

还记得奥巴马是如何展现他的真面目的 虚伪地谴责他的朋友和牧师小耶利米·赖特牧师。? 今天,特朗普向我们展示了他的真面目。 特朗普没有拒绝弗林的辞职,也没有解雇那些敢于对弗林提出这些荒谬指控的人,而是接受了辞职。 这不仅是一种卑鄙的懦弱行为,也是一种令人惊讶的愚蠢和自欺欺人的背叛,因为现在特朗普将独自一人,完全孤独,面对马蒂斯和彭斯这样的冷酷战士类型,意识形态的核心,伙计们想要战争却根本不在乎现实的人.

最糟糕的是,通过背叛左右的人,特朗普现在表明你不能信任他,他会毫不犹豫地背叛你。 你会为这样的人冒险吗? 相比之下,普京因支持他的朋友和盟友而“臭名昭著”,即使他们做错了事! 盎格鲁犹太复国主义者无法推翻普京,以及为什么他们只用了一个月就将特朗普绝育是有原因的:普京是钛制成的,特朗普只是煮过头的面条]

现在特朗普背叛了他自己,背叛了他自己所代表的一切。 这几乎是莎士比亚的可悲和悲惨方面!

在竞选期间,特朗普做出了许多出色的承诺,他确实激励了数百万美国人支持他。 我个人认为他的意图是真诚的,我根本不相信“这都是一场表演”的理论。 看看新保守主义者对特朗普获胜前景的全面恐慌,然后告诉我这一切都是假的。 不,我认为特朗普是真诚的。 但在面对新保守派和美国深层政府的无情反对时,特朗普突然爆发,瞬间崩溃,因为他显然完全没有骨气,拥有拖车公园妓女的道德和道德。

所以我们真正拥有的是一个悲伤和可悲的奥巴马版本。 如果你愿意的话,一种奥巴马 2.0。 这个人激励了数百万人,他承诺改变你可以相信的,除了对美国真正的主人和所有者的卑鄙屈从:新保守派和深层政府之外,他什么也没做。

不过,特朗普确实得到了他显然想要的东西:他声称鄙视的同一家企业媒体现在正在称赞他。 再也没有人称他为“普京特工”了。 顺便说一句,这些都不会阻止新保守派弹劾他。 他选择了一个快速修复解决方案,该解决方案将在几天内停止运行。 他多么愚蠢。 他显然还选择了“表演攻击”的选项,这变成了历史上最可悲的攻击之一,可能是俄罗斯电子战的礼貌,现在美国已经浪费了大约 100 亿美元的东西,特朗普要展示什么? 一些他一直讨厌的媒体的讨人喜欢的文章,一旦被新保守主义者的主人命令这样做,这些文章就会再次讨厌他。 如果你问我,那很可悲。

自从他进入白宫以来,特朗普一直表现得像典型的安抚者(这让我怀疑他的父亲是否是个酒鬼)。 像他这样的人是如何在商业上取得成功的,对我来说是个谜,但现在很清楚的是,新保守派完全屈服了他,他们现在会把他变成政治道路杀手。



特朗普单枪匹马地摧毁了美国与俄罗斯进行任何形式合作的希望。 更糟糕的是,他还摧毁了任何能够击败达伊沙的希望。 为什么? 因为如果你真的相信没有俄罗斯和伊朗的支持就能打败伊斯兰国,我想卖给你全世界的桥梁。 它没有发生。 更糟糕的是,现在 我们再次处于战前状态,就像我们和奥巴马一样,也会和克林顿在一起。 让我解释。


  1. 在联合国谴责(意料之中,没什么大不了的)
  2. 决定加强叙利亚的防空系统(很重要,这将使叙利亚人有办法锁定他们的领空)
  3. 决定取消与美国的备忘录(现在叙利亚的俄罗斯人将有权决定是否开枪)
  4. 决定关闭与美军的电话热线(现在美国将无法打电话给俄罗斯人要求他们做或不做某事)

决定 2、3 和 4 的组合并不意味着俄罗斯人下次会开枪,而不是自己开枪。 俄罗斯人仍将受到他们自己的交战规则和政治决定的限制。 但这将极大地影响美国的决策,因为从现在开始,也无法保证俄罗斯人也不会开枪。 俄罗斯人基本上已经拥有叙利亚领空。 他们接下来想做的是为叙利亚人提供类似的能力。 这不仅可以让叙利亚人保护自己免受美国或以色列未来的任何袭击,还可以在他们决定击落美国飞机或无人机的那一天为俄罗斯人提供合理的否认。 最后,俄罗斯人正在将一些最先进的船只赶回叙利亚海岸。 因此,在让特朗普受益于怀疑之后,俄罗斯人现在在叙利亚又回到了奥巴马时代的姿态。 好样的特朗普,干得好!

是的,我知道,蒂勒森本周有望与拉夫罗夫会面。 讨论过这个 令人作呕 俄罗斯电视上的共识是,俄罗斯人没有取消这次会议的唯一原因是,在一般原则上,他们不希望成为拒绝与对方交谈的人。 美好的。 考虑到我们正在谈论一场潜在的国际热核战争,我明白这一点。 不过,我更愿意说拉夫罗夫告诉蒂勒森去迷路。 为什么? 因为我得出的结论是,与美国进行任何形式的对话都是毫无意义和无用的浪费时间。 一方面,美国对任何事情都没有政策。 在过去一周左右的时间里,我们看到 Nikki Haley 和 Rex Tillerson 一次又一次地完全自相矛盾:“不,我们不想推翻阿萨德。 是的,我们确实想推翻阿萨德。 是的,我们这样做。 不,我们没有“。 这几乎是痛苦和尴尬的观看。 这只是表明,就像奥巴马政府一样,特朗普人民是“недоговороспособны”或“无法达成协议”。 我在 这个分析 (关于奥巴马!不是特朗普):

俄罗斯人对这次袭击表示完全的厌恶和愤怒,并公开表示美国人是“недоговороспособны”。 该词的字面意思是“无法达成协议”或无法达成并遵守协议。 虽然礼貌,但这种表达方式也非常强烈,因为它暗示的与其说是故意的欺骗,不如说是缺乏达成交易和遵守交易的能力。 例如,俄罗斯人经常说基辅政权“没有达成协议的能力”,考虑到纳粹占领的乌克兰本质上是一个失败的国家,这是有道理的。 但说一个核世界超级大国“不能达成协议”是一种可怕而极端的诊断。 这基本上意味着美国人已经疯了,失去了做任何交易的能力。 同样,一个违背承诺或试图欺骗但至少在理论上仍有能力遵守协议的政府不会被描述为“没有协议能力”。 该表达仅用于描述一个实体,该实体甚至不具备谈判和坚持其政治工具包中的协议所需的技能。 这是一个绝对毁灭性的诊断。

这是不好的。 特别糟糕。 这意味着俄罗斯人基本上已经放弃了与成年人、清醒和精神健全的伴侣对话的想法。 这也意味着,俄罗斯人在保持非常礼貌和对外打牌的同时,现在得出的结论是,他们需要简单地假设他们需要单独行动或与其他伙伴一起行动,并基本上放弃美国。

这仅适用于官方克里姆林宫。 独立的俄罗斯分析家并不羞于表达他们对特朗普的完全蔑视和厌恶。 他们中的一些人暗示特朗普决定展示他在准备蒂勒森莫斯科之行时有多“强硬”。 如果是这样的话,那他就严重失算了。 一方面,他们中的很多人说特朗普所做的是“показуха”——一种完全虚假的武力展示,实际上什么都没有。 可以肯定的是,在俄罗斯文化中,武力的展示非常不受欢迎,俄罗斯文化坚信一个真正的硬汉不必看起来很重要。


可以肯定的是,约翰韦恩这种人永远不会在俄罗斯街头生存,他们会立即被认为是假的、软弱的、炫耀的,试图掩饰自己的力量不足,他们会被压垮和羞辱。 如今,当美国人采用我所说的“三角洲部队/黑水风格”(尖胡子、长发、深色太阳镜和大量肌肉等)时,按照俄罗斯的标准,俄罗斯特种部队(我见过很多人)看起来很滑稽其中)*从不*看这部分,因为他们努力不去看它]。

就我个人而言,我不认为给俄罗斯人留下深刻印象是特朗普的计划。 我也不像某些人那样认为,在中国总理习近平访问期间发动袭击是蓄意侮辱或某种“信息”。 事实上,我认为除了表明特朗普“强硬”并且不是普京的朋友之外,根本没有什么计划。 而已。 我认为掌管美国的所谓“精英”是无限的傲慢、愚蠢、没有文化、无能和不负责任。 我不认同“管理混乱”理论,也不认同如果在盎格鲁-犹太复国主义者之前将他们的秩序强加于其他人,现在他们将他们的无序强加于他人。 是的,那是他们行动的结果,但这不是某些恶魔计划的一部分,它是一个无知、恐惧、愤怒和傲慢的帝国堕落的标志。

我已经解释了 在我之前的分析中,为什么特朗普的 击败 ISIS 的计划是行不通的,我不想在这里重复这一切。 我要说的是,埃尔多安对特朗普攻击的背书同样愚蠢和弄巧成拙。 我真的很想知道埃尔多安希望达到什么目标。 美国人不仅在一次政变企图中差点杀死他,而且他们现在正在努力在土耳其边境建立一个半独立的库尔德斯坦。 是的,我知道,埃尔多安想摆脱阿萨德,这很公平,但他真的相信特朗普能够将阿萨德赶下台吗? 如果阿萨德被撤职,一旦在叙利亚宣布塔克菲里斯坦酋长国成立,土耳其真的会更好吗? 我非常希望公投后埃尔多安能够恢复一些现实感。

以色列人呢,他们真的认为对付阿萨德比对付这个塔克菲里斯坦哈里发更糟糕吗?! 但是,我们可以期待那些有着如此悠久历史的人做出非常糟糕的决定。


然后是来自欧洲和乌克兰的令人尴尬的起立鼓掌。 我真的为他们感到尴尬。 他们为试图推翻中东最后一个精神健全的世俗政权之一而感到高兴。 难道这些欧洲“领导人”没有意识到,如果叙利亚被塔克菲里斯坦的哈里发取代,欧洲真的会崩溃吗? 我很惊讶这些人是多么的盲目……

现在让我们从中国和朝鲜的角度来看看发生了什么。 首先,正如我所提到的,我不认为习近平认为他在访问美国期间的袭击是一记耳光或侮辱。 也许来自另一个文明国家。 但不是来自美国。 中国人完全不幻想美国总统完全没有老练甚至基本的举止。 这并不是说他们没有感到愤怒和非常担心。 毋庸置疑,他们也注意到美国海军取消了卡尔文森号航空母舰在澳大利亚的计划停靠港,而是将航空母舰及其附属部队派往朝鲜半岛的“巧合”。 他们还注意到,这一举动在美国的宣传机器中得到了最大的关注。 叙利亚的一次“武力秀”现在紧随其后的是东亚的另一场“武力秀”。


如果有的话,此举只会加强中俄之间非正式但非常强大和深入的伙伴关系。 就像俄罗斯人一样,中国人会保持微笑,并就国际和平与安全、谈判等发表非常漂亮的言论。但在中国重要的每个人都会明白,华盛顿特区的真正信息很简单:“现在是阿萨德——但你可能是下一个”。

这离开了朝鲜。 我不是读心术者,也不是心理学家,但我问自己以下问题:更糟糕的是——如果美国人没有真正吓到金正恩,或者他们成功地吓到了金正恩? 我没有答案,但考虑到朝鲜领导人过去的行为,我强烈建议吓唬他们和不吓唬他们都是非常危险的选择。 “恐吓”的概念不应包含在任何与朝鲜有关的政策中。 但取而代之的是,华盛顿的傻瓜们现在正在泄露一个故事(无论是否真实),美国情报机构已经敲定了计划,我不骗你,“消灭金正恩“。 只是为了确保消息通过, 联合国安理会最新的美国鹰身女妖以战争威胁朝鲜.




简单回答:我不知道。 但是让我解释一下为什么我不知道。 在我所有多年的军事分析训练和工作中,我一直不得不假设参与其中的每个人都是我们所说的“理性演员”。 苏联人肯定在哪里。 至于美国人在哪里。 然后,从奥巴马开始,我不得不越来越多地质疑这种假设,因为美国采取了看似疯狂和弄巧成拙的行动。 你告诉我——威慑对一个没有自我保护本能的人是如何起作用的(无论是由于无限的帝国傲慢花园的各种小傲慢、粗鲁的无知还是单纯的愚蠢)? 我不知道。 要回答这个问题,需要的不是军事分析家,而是某种专门研究妄想和自杀类型的心理医生。

有些读者可能会认为这是夸张。 我向你保证,事实并非如此。 我死定了。 我不仅发现特朗普政府“没有能力达成协议”,而且我发现它完全脱离了现实。 换句话说,妄想。 你认为拥有核武器的金正恩不好? 奥巴马或特朗普的核武器呢? 它们不是更可怕吗?


首先,简单的答案:欧洲人。 他们无能为力。 它们无关紧要。 他们甚至不存在。 至少在政治意义上不是。

然而,一些国家表现出绝对惊人的勇气。 看看玻利维亚驻联合国安理会代表敢做什么:

这对欧洲来说是多么的耻辱:像玻利维亚这样一个贫穷的小国比整个欧洲大陆表现出更多的尊严。 难怪俄罗斯人根本不尊重欧盟。

玻利维亚所做的既美丽又高贵。 但真正需要挺身而出的两个国家是俄罗斯和中国。 到目前为止,是俄罗斯做了所有的努力,自相矛盾的是,俄罗斯一直是最愚蠢和最忘恩负义的缺乏感激之情的对象(尤其是来自扶手椅战士)。 这需要改变。 与俄罗斯相比,中国有更多的手段迫使美国恢复到某种半清醒的精神状态。 俄罗斯所拥有的一切都是卓越的军事能力。 相比之下,中国有能力在真正重要的地方伤害美国:金钱。 俄罗斯陷入困境:她不能将叙利亚交给塔克菲里疯子,但她也不能与美国就叙利亚进行核战争。 问题不在于阿萨德。 问题是,至少在这个时间点上,他是唯一有能力保护叙利亚免受伊斯兰国袭击的人。 如果阿萨德被撤职,叙利亚就会沦陷,伊朗就是下一个。 俄罗斯绝对不能让伊朗被盎格鲁-犹太复国主义者摧毁,因为在伊朗之后,她将是下一个。 俄罗斯的每个人都明白这一点。 但是,正如我所说,军事反应的问题在于,它们可能导致军事升级,进而引发战争,而战争可能很快就会变成核武。 所以这是我的中心论点:


我意识到对于某些人来说这可能是违反直觉的,但请记住 威慑只适用于理性的行为者. 俄罗斯已经做了很多,比伊朗以外的其他国家都多。 如果俄罗斯不是世界警察,她也不是世界救世主。 其余的人类也需要停止做一个沉默的旁观者,真正做点什么!

俄罗斯和中国可以阻止美国,但他们需要共同做到这一点。 为此,习需要停止表现得像一个超然的微笑小佛像,大声说出来。 尤其如此,因为美国人对中国的恐惧甚至不如对俄罗斯的恐惧。

[侧边栏:中国军队仍然远远落后于俄罗斯所拥有的那种能力,但中国人正在追赶,真的非常快。 就在30年前,中国军队还只是落后和原始的。 今天不是这种情况。 中国人在创纪录的时间内取得了巨大的进步,他们的军队现在与过去完全不同。 我毫不怀疑,美国也无法赢得与中国的战争,尤其是在靠近中国大陆的任何地方。 此外,我预计中国将全力推进一项非常有活力的军事现代化计划,这将使他们能够在创纪录的时间内缩小与美国和俄罗斯的差距。 因此,任何关于美国对中国使用武力的想法,无论是在台湾还是朝鲜,都是一个绝对可怕的想法,纯粹的疯狂。 然而,也许是因为美国人相信他们自己的宣传,在我看来,华盛顿的人们认为我们处于 1950 年代或 1960 年代,他们可以用航母战斗群来吓唬“中国共产党农民”。 没有意识到的是,美国航母每向中国移动一海里,对于专门从事美国航母破坏行动的军队来说,他们的目标就更大、更容易。 美国人应该问自己一个简单的问题:如果中国击沉或严重损坏一艘(或几艘)美国海军航母,他们会怎么做? 与能够将许多美国城市变成核荒地的核中国进行核战争? 真的吗? 你会用纽约或旧金山换卡尔文森罢工集团吗? 再想想。]

到目前为止,中国一直在支持俄罗斯,但只是在俄罗斯的背后。 这是非常好的和非常谨慎的,但俄罗斯正在迅速耗尽资源。 如果白宫里有一个理智的人,他永远不会做任何可能导致与俄罗斯开战的事情,那将不是问题。 唉,就像他之前的奥巴马一样,特朗普似乎认为他可以赢得一场与俄罗斯的核鸡比赛。 但他不能。 让我明确一点:如果被逼到墙角,俄国人会战斗,即使这意味着核战争。 我一遍又一遍地说,美国人和俄罗斯人有两个不同之处

  1. 俄罗斯人害怕战争。 美国人不是。
  2. 俄国人已经做好了战争的准备。 美国人不是。

问题在于,俄罗斯的每一个谨慎迹象以及俄罗斯试图缓和局势的每一次尝试(无论是在乌克兰、土耳其还是叙利亚)都一直被西方解释为软弱的迹象。 当一种重视吹嘘和威胁的文化与一种相信外交和谈判的文化之间发生冲突时,就会发生这种情况。

[侧边栏。 美国和俄罗斯之间深刻的文化差异完美地体现在两国对最先进武器系统的极端差异上。 一旦美国人解密了他们的一种武器系统,他们就会展开一场巨大的营销活动,将其描述为“世界上最好的”(总是,“世界上”,好像有人费心研究这个或甚至比较)。 他们详细解释了他们的技术有多棒,以及它使他们多么无敌。 完美的例证是所有(现在回想起来,相当荒谬)关于隐形和隐形飞机的宣传。 俄罗斯人的做法恰恰相反。 首先,他们试图将其全部分类。 但是,当他们最终解密一个武器系统时,他们极力低估了它的真实能力,即使很明显整个星球都已经知道真相! 在任何情况下,苏联裁军谈判人员都比美国同行更了解苏联的真正能力! 最后,当俄罗斯出口他们的武器系统时,他们总是强烈贬低出口模型,至少在俄罗斯向印度出售 SU-30MKI 之前是这种模型,其中包括推力矢量,而俄罗斯的 SU-30 是后来才用 SU 购买的-30SM 型号,所以这可能会发生变化。 问问自己:在叙利亚首次使用俄罗斯 Kalibr 巡航导弹之前,您听说过吗? 或者你知道俄罗斯有 核水下导弹 自 19 月底以来 70能够以超过每小时 230 英里的速度“在水下飞行”吗?]

俄罗斯的处境非常困难,而且非常糟糕。 她非常孤独。 欧洲人是懦夫。 拉美人有更大的勇气,但没有办法对美国施加压力。 印度希望双方都能发挥。 日本和韩国是美国的殖民地。 澳大利亚和新西兰属于 梯队/五眼 帮派。 俄罗斯在非洲有很多朋友,但他们或多或少都生活在美国/法国的靴子下。 伊朗已经做出了比任何其他国家都多的牺牲和最大的风险。 要求伊朗人做更多是完全不公平的。 唯一能在中国有所作为的演员。 如果有希望避免再发生四年的“奥巴马式噩梦”,那就是中国介入并告诉美国冷静下来。

与此同时,俄罗斯将在各种糟糕的选择之间游刃有余。 她最大的希望,也是人类其他人最大的希望,是美国精英们如此卷入彼此的战斗中,以至于这将留下很少的时间来制定任何外交政策。 唉,特朗普似乎已经“发现”在内部政治中变得聪明(或者他认为)的一种方法是在外部政治中做一些愚蠢的事情(比如攻击叙利亚)。 那是行不通的。

也许弹劾特朗普可能是因祸得福。 如果迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)成为总统,他和他的新保守派将再次拥有完全的权力,他们不必通过做愚蠢和危险的事情来证明他们是强硬的? 彭斯总统会比特朗普总统更好吗? 恐怕它可能。 尤其是如果这在美国内部引发了深刻的内部危机。

很遗憾,接下来的四年将是可怕的。 我们的下一个希望——无论多么渺茫——对于白宫中某个理智的人来说可能是 2020 年。也许 Tulsi Gabbard 会兑现和平的竞选承诺并真正排干沼泽? 如果加巴德这么说,也许“美国优先”会有意义? 马上 她似乎几乎是唯一一个拒绝接受“阿萨德做到了”的废话的人. 那么也许她可以提供许多美国人真正想要的和平与进步社会政策的结合? 也许她可以成为第一位女总统,原因是正确的,而不是错误的。 我不知道。 2020 年仍然非常非常遥远,让我们只希望我们都能够赶上那个日期,以免华盛顿的一些白痴认为与俄罗斯开战是个好主意。

可以肯定的是,民主党与共和党以及保守党与自由党的二分法只会使一个设法背叛左翼和右翼价值观的制度永久化。 这是自相矛盾的,因为很明显大多数美国人希望他们的国家处于和平状态,不再经常处于战争状态,并拥有文明的社会和劳工标准。 当然,铁杆自由主义者仍然相信 自由放任 是一个很好的解决方案,即使这会将所有权力交给公司,即使这会让个人公民对寡头政治毫无抵抗力。 但是你敢打赌,即使是铁杆自由主义者也更喜欢和平的“国家主义”(正如他们所说的那样),而不是战争的“国家主义”。 同样,许多顽固的进步主义者希望严格限制许多美国人(小企业主、枪支拥有者)的自由,但即使是他们也宁愿没有规则和规定的和平而不是没有规则和规定的战争。 所以我认为可能的统一平台可以用“和平与公民权利”的概念来表达。 这是绝大多数美国人都同意的事情。 即使是黑人的命也是命的人也应该同意这种“和平与民权平台”。 我认为,这应该是联邦政府的首要任务——拆除战争机器并拆除国家镇压机器:全面撤出部署在世界各地的美军,并像以前一样全面恢复公民权利和人权9/11 错误标志。 让各州处理所有其他问题。

唉,恐怕掌权的财阀永远不会允许这样做。 一个月内被压垮的特朗普告诉我,他们会对任何不属于他们自己的人这样做。 所以虽然希望总是一件好事,虽然我喜欢梦想一个更美好的未来,但我并没有屏住呼吸。 我发现盎格鲁-犹太复国主义帝国突然而残酷地崩溃,随后美国解体(如所述 点击此处) 更有可能。


我们唯一的安慰是,目前在美国发生的所有戏剧性事件都是软弱的迹象。 美国精英正在互相攻击,虽然新保守派已经打破了特朗普,但这不会阻止美国富豪内部的自相残杀战争。 纵观全局,看看帝国是如何在每一个缝隙中裂开的,记住这一切都是因为我们在获胜而发生的。

帝国主义将被所有那些不得不经历即将到来的以美国为基地的盎格鲁犹太复国主义帝国的崩溃的人所灭亡、抹黑和憎恨。 希望这一次它将成为历史上的最后一个帝国,人类将吸取教训(这将是时候了!)。

(从重新发布 造酒者的葡萄园 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Nuclear weapons should probably be reserved for ethnostates such as North Korea, China and Russia (although I’d personally be comfortable with Japanese acquisition of nukes). I increasingly favor nuclear disarmament for the U.S., France and Great Britain.

  2. Imperialism will die, discredited and hated by all those who will have to live through the upcoming collapse of the US-based AngloZionist Empire. Hopefully this time it will be the last empire in history and mankind will have learned its lesson (it would be about time!).

    I’m afraid this is terribly naive. Maybe American Imperialism will die and our boys can come home and we can be a simple folk again. But empires will rise and fall as long as mankind exists.

  3. Kiza 说:

    This is a very nice and entertaining write up, but its reasoning often has big holes. For example, “those who hated him still hate him while those who supported him now also hate him“ is a nice flowing statement but meaningless. What does it matter to Trump if those who voted for him now hate him? This has always been the principal problem of “democracy” and “elections”, that the candidate only has to say the right things before the elections and after the election can serve any constituency he wants (always the moneyed and weaponized one). By the time of the next election, the dumb voters will vote for him again, because the people he served will promote him as a lesser evil again by offering an even worse alternative.

    In other words, the way things are shaping up, if the planet survives till the next US election, Hillary is likely to be again the opposition candidate. Given such impossible choice, I would still have to vote for the war criminal who warned his victims two hours before killing them, than vote for a war criminal who kills without compunction. To understand this think of the Serbian TV station that Clinton hit in 1999 by a Tomahawk missile killing 16 civilians: TV technicians, face makeup artists, cleaners, janitor and similar staff. And if I abstain from voting somebody else will vote for the lesser evil and Trump will be elected again anyway, because he killed for the Establishment.

    I will address the issue of the missing Tomahawks in my next comment.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Joe Wong
  4. Almost four years ago when the US launched missiles against Syria the same thing happened. This account credited to Israel Shamir describes it. A similar account appeared in Counterpunch at the time.



    Three days later, at 06:16 GMT Tuesday, September 3, two missiles were launched “from the central part of the Mediterranean Sea” heading for the Syrian coast, but they did not reach Syria.(3) “Both missiles crashed into the sea.”(4) There are several different accounts of what took place. According to Israel Shamir:

    “It was claimed by a Lebanese newspaper quoting diplomatic sources that the missiles were launched from a NATO air base in Spain and they were shot down by the Russian ship-based sea-to-air defence system. Another explanation proposed by the Asia Times says the Russians employed their cheap and powerful GPS jammers to render the expensive Tomahawks helpless, by disorienting them and causing them to fail. Yet another version attributed the launch to the Israelis, whether they were trying to jump-start the shoot-out or just observed the clouds, as they claim.”(5)


    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  5. The information is coming out. Here’s a defense intelligence agency officer spilling the beans about how the US knew there was no attack with chemical weapons. As I have said earlier this could be A clever way to impeach Trump.


    • 回复: @Longfisher
  6. Kiza 说:

    There are three possible reasons why some Tomahawks disappeared:
    1) they failed
    2) they were shot down
    3) they were jammed.

    The Tomahawks were launched in a barrage on purpose and this is why some got through whatever the Russians threw at them. The missiles were numerous and they were probably programmed to take different routes to the target, therefore it was impossible to stop all of them with limitted air defence (anti-missile or jamming) resources available in a foreign country. Whatever the Russians used, they could apply the same on a much bigger scale over Russia against nuclear tipped US missiles.

    But Saker’s description of the reliability of the Raytheon’s missiles is borderline silly, it reminds me of the old Saker weapons specification aficionado. Raytheon is one of the most marketing oriented MIC company in the World. Saker should recall the stories of the capabilities of the Raytheon’s Patriot system defending Israel against Saddam’s Scuds. They claimed the shootdown rate of about 99%, whilst in reality it was about 8%, if I remember correctly. Pure, refined bull. Does Saker think that only Lockeed Martin Co is capable of stuffing up? Admitdly LM stuffed up the development, but is it not equally possible to stuff up a series of missiles in production? The principle of irresponsibility with the tax payers money is the same.

    Finally, I fail to understand the logic that Russia would strictly respect an agreement with a country which never respects any agreement, a country which used the self-declared position of a Russian SU24 to organise its shoot-down by a couple of NATO countries, using two Turkish figher jets. Also, is it not true that the International law overrides any bilateral agreement? It is almost like saying – the US launched a First Nuclear Strike on China and Russia, but Russia will still respect an agreement with US. In other words, when someone does aggression, all agreements fall by the wayside. On top, why would the Russian air defence in Syria not try to battle test S400 and thus increase its value on the international armaments market by battle proving it? One does not get such opportunity very often, if the Russians missed it then they are crazy.

    In summary, all three options are possible. In terms of probability, I would select a combination of shooting down and jamming as more likely, but with a possible contribution of failures. I believe that the Russian military will eventually leak what actually happened with the missing Tomahawks, probably within a year.

  7. Randal 说:

    Magnificent tour de force from the Saker.

    Meanwhile, here is an official statement of the new Trumpist world order: the US as self-appointed world policeman and global judge, jury and executioner:



    Just to emphasise the usefulness of this policy for justifying intervention at will, the US regime’s mouthpiece Spicer then let slip that barrel bombing (essentially what the US and UK did to Germany and Japan in WW2 with free fall bombs, only much less destructive) could also be used as a pretext to attack Syria, before the White House later comically tried to limit the damage by pretending, absurdly, that he had been talking about “barrels filled with chlorine”.


    Truly, the Trump regime is descending into depths of farce only predicted by his worst enemies prior to his election, ironically precisely as a result of following those same enemies’ advice on foreign policy.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  8. Whoa, I read the whole thing.

    Oh well, one thing is clear: the US and the EU are in a deep crisis. One would hope that their elites will follow the example of the Soviet elite and just let it go and initiate a transition to a less …uhm… dead-end ideology…

    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
  9. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Russia has intelligence from “trusted sources” that chemical weapons provocations are currently being prepared in more regions in Syria, including Damascus

    • 回复: @Ace
  10. KA 说:

    ” However, and maybe because the Americans believe their own propaganda, it seems to me like the folks in DC think that we are in the 1950s or 1960″

    Until these people could say with no shame in their eyes that they are waging wars for no valid ethical moral reasons but for complex dynamic of foreign lobby ,money men and for politicians dependent on them , they have to keep on lying,changing logic,and keep on pummeling on naysayers . But the efforts wasted this way renders these people unable to look into the strength of the adversary and underestimate the weakness of US. The moment they will focus and talk about the weakness, Americans will wake up to the possibility of something bad .This might prevent the marching to war. To prevent that possibility,war hawks don’t want to engage in serious debate .

    This also means these people would take chances with reality and truths and capacities .Morbid hope is their best hope. They will inflate American ability at technological level. ( They have earlier inflated the persuasive soft power, attractions of options offered by America , love for west, love for American fast food to Lady Gaga and hate for local [Middle eastern ] values and have inflated the weakness of human resilience in Iraq,Libya, and Afghanistan war at a great cost of Americans) . This also leads to less emphasis on improving the strength and less focus on research and development . Macho replaces the understanding of the complex issue . But the effects are not only limited to specific .It becomes general default position. because any other position will challenge the world views these guys impose on Americans . They can’t correct themselves to get the best result or to be able to impose their world views because correcting these weaknesses will require certain steps that will undercut and undermine their world views and eventually destroy them sooner ( it remind me the firing of the Army biss ?Schinksy who wanted more troops before Iraq war .Wolfowitz knew that Schiksky was right but he could not allow the fear and debate to appear and derail his religious mission to destroy Iraq ) . What a pickle America is in!.

    On another level , the unraveling is so obvious Look at the comments from Haley ,Tiilerson, and “experts “. When genuine discussion is not allowed , one gets disingenuous spontaneous not thought through plans or suggestion No one wants be seen deviating from the perimeter of the safe confusion . Media is not going to destroy somebody for suggesting more wars and for immediate wars .
    This is a remarkable fall from the tightly controlled Bush Cabinet . Does it mean that this conflicting behaviors will also spread to the society soon?

    • 回复: @Kiza
  11. anon • 免责声明 说:

    Sorry to break the consensus in the echo chamber, but I can’t see why Russians would have been giving away (read “advertise”) their anti-missile defense abilities. I can’t see how much damage was avoided if Russians stopped half of the missiles, and Shayram doesn’t seem that useful anyway – so if the “Russian defense” were real, it was all for demonstration purposes.. Since we all agree they received 2 hours warning, which likely included the type of strike, Russians’ ability to repeal subsonic cruise missiles looks less impressive than it were, if a real surprise was enacted – so the demonstration also falls flat.

    A demonstration of 50% repeal rate is not that impressive. Next time, they’ll get two nukes instead of one, and that’s that.

    Analyzing an imaginary Russian defense will only take you that far.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Kiza
    , @Wizard of Oz
    , @Bill
  12. nickels 说:

    So Trump/Tillerson making Obama/Kerry look intelligent and measured in comparison.
    Maybe the sodomy-war party was the better choice?
    Boy, maybe its time for another ‘pearl harbor’ so we can all get on board with the annihilation!

    • 同意: Kiza
  13. anon • 免责声明 说:

    why did US choose a safe area of no military significance ? It has same emotional political personal; values as the attack had on Sudan for American and Clinton.

  14. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Times have become strange in the US since this unexpected turn of events. We’re all speculating as to what this means. Is there a deeper game being played or is much of what’s been done simply due to blundering incompetence? The country is pretty much run by too-smart-for-words rich kids who graduated from Harvard, an effete and sheltered class that’s removed from everyday reality. Presidents need staff who are well-versed in their specialties since no one person can be expert in everything. So Trump, a businessman, appoints another businessman as his SoS, a man who is just another moneybag with little knowledge beyond what he did for a living. It’s no wonder Tillerson just flounders around saying contradictory things. Haley is revealed to be a babbling idiot, an embarrassment before the entire world. The gossip that Trump’s daughter and son-in-law were influential in his decision to attack Syria is really flabbergasting, if true, as if he were taking advice from an astrologer (would one do worse than Tillerson?). If this were a onetime thing recognized as a mistake we could move on. Or does this portend other things to come? There’s also an unnecessary escalation of rhetoric and tensions with N Korea which is also heating up. I’m starting to get an ominous feeling.

  15. El Dato 说:



  16. I shared this article, like the Saker a lot. His insights have opened my eyes to Russian POV.
    However, I am a libertarian and I don’t think the Saker understands what Laissez-Faire is. His comment is typical of the simplistic economic mindset that believes laissez-faire will turn everything over to the corporations.
    First of all, corporations are creatures of the state. Laissez faire (LF) will cut the ties of corporations to the state. You dont need government permission to have a business entity that is perpetual and offers limited immunity to stockholders. That can be done strictly contractually.
    Secondly, it is a myth that unregulated corporations would soon have everyone working for $1 an hour. Markets will still set compensation based on production.
    Third, monopolies are always state created, not market created, at least over time. Standard Oil was not broken up by Teddy Roosevelt, it was broken up by market forces.
    The very thing that Saker dislikes, the IMF post war western central banking establishment will no longer have government backing and will disappear. Central banks will be replaced by regional, a political currency clearing houses.
    I recommend to those who do not understand Laissez Faire a classic book by a Marxist peacenik, Gabriel Kolko, called “The Triumph of Conservatism”. My liberal friends never read it, but the first half in particular is an excellent analysis of Laissez Faire in the gilded age and the myths about it generated by Progressives.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @MarkinLA
    , @utu
    , @Bill
  17. Kiza 说:

    KA, what a high quality comment delivered with extraordinary carelessness to interpunction. You forced the reader to work hard to extract the value that you deliver (not right).

    Most people would call the essence of your comment “group think and its consequences”, which I have commented about before myself. But I absolutely love the detail you add in explaining the nuances of it and the results of it.

    Another way of summarising what you typed is that the individuals in power cannot lie to their subject for long before losing touch with reality themselves. The key risk of a professional liar is that he very soon starts lying to himself even more than to others.

    Perhaps, a third way of looking at it is that your comment helps explain why and how the empires fail.

    Finally, I for one am very glad that Putin’s steady hand is guiding Russia in these testing times when totally nutty US, which lost all bearings to reality, is threatening the annihilation of the whole world. I say to people – just imagine if the Russian leadership was similar to the current US leadership. Putin is probably the only leader in this whole world who could deliver US to its almost certain suicide, without US becoming a suicide bomber (taking the rest of the World to death with it).

    • 回复: @KA
  18. Kiza 说:

    Who says that “we” agree on anything, least of all that the “two hour warning” was not a US launched disinformation (just a little part of the whole package of Sarin gas bull)? But you are just a troll who cannot count: since when is 36/59 = 50%? Is this how mathematics works on the Hasbara troll world?

    I would not like to think of driving over a bridge that you designed.

    • 回复: @anon
  19. @Robert Magill

    Can one seriously believe a Tomahawk can be disabled merely by jamming or spoofing GPS? There’s a little more there there.

  20. @Kiza

    “On top, why would the Russian air defence in Syria not try to battle test S400 and thus increase its value on the international armaments market by battle proving it?”

    Because once you’ve illuminated the target, you’ve given up a treasure trove of signals data that can be used to figure out how to defeat your system. You only turn it on when you think you will really need it.

    • 回复: @Kiza
  21. Kiza 说:
    @The Alarmist

    You really have no idea what you are commenting about: a secret signal for shooting down a missile or a plane? In theory, your comment could be relevant to the other option – the jamming of the Tomahawks, because revealing the jamming signal could offer a chance to US to develop protection against the Russian jamming method. But your comment to Robert Magill is also pure BS.

    A serious person retains credibility by not venturing into commenting on things he/she knows nothing about. Or did you just mix up your troll-handler’s guidelines on how to BS on this zine?

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  22. MarkinLA 说:

    Markets will still set compensation based on production.

    Yeah, that’s why Apple and other Silicon Valley companies just settled a lawsuit alleging that they colluded to hold salaries down by not poaching other companies employees.

    Third, monopolies are always state created, not market created, at least over time.

    Wrong, the market drove everybody in the west out of the airliner business except Boeing. It took the state (actually states of Britain, Spain, Germany, and France) 17 years to create a competitor in Airbus. Nobody in the private sector had the resources to compete with Boeing once McDonnel-Douglas and Lockheed left the market.

    Free Market fundamentalists are just as delusional as the commies were.

    • 同意: Digital Samizdat, reiner Tor
    • 回复: @nickels
    , @Kiza
  23. nickels 说:

    Also, libertarians forget–“who do you think the state is?”
    Well, its all the corporations and ultra rich.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  24. “俄罗斯的处境非常困难,而且非常糟糕。她非常孤独。 ”


  25. Chaban 说:






    但现在一切都结束了。 Faker知道俄罗斯在军事上对西方绝对无能为力。我的意思是,我们在这里谈论的是地球上所有最强大的国家。


    Faker 是一位优秀的分析师,当特朗普当选时,他和他的追随者一样兴奋不已。这些人确实相信你可以在系统的游戏中击败它。太容易上当受骗了!太糟糕了,我在他的博客上(或者在这里,我不记得了)留下了几条消息,说特朗普应该让普京放松警惕,就像奥巴马应该让阿拉伯领导人放松警惕一样,俄罗斯将大吃一惊。当然,所有 Faker 的粉丝都嘲笑我……你所看到的特朗普和当权派之间的“战斗”只是 WWF 的目的,旨在迷惑俄罗斯领导层。每个人都非常专注于此。傻瓜!

    就好像过去几周发生的一系列事件并不是几周甚至几个月就计划好的一样。 Faker 的追星族现在正在抓住救命稻草(伊万卡、婴儿照片等),但他们不能承认自己已经被抓住了。



    现在拉夫罗夫和蒂勒森一整天都在努力……这意味着正在进行大量谈判。这意味着俄罗斯处于弱势地位。他们正在尽一切努力来挽回面子。他们无能为力。 Faker知道这一点。所有(真正的)军事分析家都知道这一点。当然,如果俄罗斯的核武库仍然正常运转,它可能是他们的王牌,​​但他们不可能去那里。


    Kiza 的所有人身攻击都无法改变这一切。

    • 回复: @Kiza
    , @Gleimhart
    , @KA
    , @CMC
    , @Aedib
    , @Skeptikal
  26. Kiza 说:

    I usually like your comments, but this one is an absolute disaster. You are totally blinded by your own ideology.

    OK, so the free market proponents claim that “monopolies are always state created, not market created, at least over time” and you find fault with this, whilst as the next thing you accept that the airliner manufacturing duopoly had to be (EU) state created, over 17 years. If you were an economist, you would understand that the difference between a monopoly and duopoly is only a couple of letters. Duopoly is not a free market, almost as much as monopoly is not a free market. With just a little bit of signaling between only two market players, the market becomes as cornered as in a monopoly. Your misunderstanding of the free market is that you can imagine only black or white, whilst the market situation can be many shades of gray. The law of the market is: the more players in the market the more difficult the signalling (collusion) between players. But in some special situations, even for example 10 market players could be colluding, this can be the case in some mature markets where the market players exchange staff which makes collusion easier.

    It is not the market which drove out McDonnel-Douglas and Lockheed. MCD failed due to mismanagement (OK that is partly due to the market punishing mismanagement exhibited by airliners falling out of the sky), but Lockheed turned to a much more lucrative MIC, which is a prototypical monopoly-hugging government-business (oxymoron) domain, and acquired several other military contractors to strengthen its monopolistic position in this domain. Soon after this monopoly position was established, the biggest disaster in the US military development history so far ensued – F35.

    Finally, similarly, you interpret the illegal signalling (collusion) between Silicon Valley companies as failure of the free market. But a free market can fail only if it exists, the labor market in Silicon Valley is not free if there is signalling between companies on labor costs.

    The free market proponents accept an inclination of the market players towards collusion (better screw customers instead of competing) but make it illegal. Even then, it is not the state which should regulate markets and prevent collusion then a market authority established by the free market players and enforced by courts free of government interference. But, ultimately, the best court is the court of public opinion, as in the case of United Airlines physical abuse of a Chinese national one one of their flights.

    • 回复: @Kiza
    , @utu
    , @MarkinLA
    , @Bill
  27. Kiza 说:

    Look, you deserve one of those you call “ad hominem” too. There is plenty of idiots and trolls on unz now and I have backed out of wasting my time on dealing with this bunch until just recently. I will soon probably go out of this zine again, because dealing with commenting idiots is not inspirational at all, it is very much the job of Sisyphus.

    Regarding your empty claims that Saker has been predicting this and that for many years, the collapse of which did not come true. Firstly, neither Saker nor I have ever given a moment in time of a collapse because the exact moment is impossible to predict. Only a stupid commenter can claim – “because it has not happened then I am right and you two are wrong”, which you appear to be doing. Your claim is like stating – time can flow forward or backward. No, a collapse can happen only once, and then the collapsed entity is no more. It exists, it exists until it does not.

    Secondly and finally, I am not sure about Saker, but I have posited that neither US nor Ukraine will collapse before US Petrodollar or US$ as a world reserve currency is replaced. Once this status of US$ is lost, the precipitous decline of US will begin and Ukraine’s survival on the free-printing US$ drip-feed will be terminated. At the moment, all of the World is financing the US military adventures by trusting the US$ which is being printed completely out of this World. With a skilful market manipulation, the value of US$ is even increasing whilst the US is printing it like crazy: 印得越多,它就变得越有价值。俄罗斯和中国正在努力取代美元作为储备/石油货币,因为它们不太乐意资助对自己的攻击。美元不会崩溃,直到替代品到达某个临界点并且价格操纵到达某个点,在这个点上美元不会像纸牌屋一样先下跌然后崩溃。


    • 回复: @Chaban
  28. Kiza 说:

    Just to clarify my point about how McDD and Lockheed exited the airliner market. Even though one could argue that McDD was punished by the market for killing too many end customers and not doing as much marketing as Boeing, Lockheed exited the airliners market because another, the MIC monopoly-hugging market was much more lucrative. Therefore, it was the monopolistic nature of the state domain (whining by lobbying and corruption) that created the monopolistic airliner market, by attracting the smallest player from the airliner market triopoly. Therefore, this is fully consistent with the free market theory, although this monopolistic market was created by state in an indirect way, not by a decree. Take out the rotten MIC domain and Lockheed would probably still be competing in the airliner market.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  29. Chaban 说:


    请甚至不要开始你想玩的游戏:Faker 和其他克里姆林宫的低层宣传者,比如“石油峰值”(别笑!)奥尔洛夫,已经写了几十篇文章,谈论石油即将崩溃。我们



    • 回复: @Erebus
    , @alexander
  30. @Kiza

    Suggest you follow your own advice, mate … you really are clueless.

  31. KA 说:

    Thank you Kiza . Thanks a lot. I have learned a lot from you over the years here at this site.Thanks again .

    • 同意: Kiza
  32. anon • 免责声明 说:

    “Who says that “we” agree on anything, least of all that the “two hour warning”” It’s in the article we are commenting on. It’s stated twice. So “we” in “we agree” means, at a minimum, The Saker and me. Sorry for not including you, but I was strictly considering people who read the articles they comment on.

    36/59 is not a perfect score, especially with a two hour warning. (Now we all agree, including trolls, that there was a 2 hour warning.) It’s not even close to a perfect score. It’s really not something I would be advertising as a deterrent.

    Can you say something of substance to what I just re-stated?

  33. Erebus 说:



  34. Chaban 说:


    • 回复: @Erebus
  35. Anonymous [AKA "PaulT"] 说:

    Good article. Credit to Saker. He was the first to call out Trump and is proven correct.

  36. Taras77 说:

    演示“政党领袖”中的图尔西·加巴德 (Tulsi Gabbard) 遭到了刀杀,因为她拒绝加入“思考表达”组织,讨论毒气骗局。



    • 回复: @RobinG
  37. Max Payne 说:

    Tomahawks fail all the time, oh look an article from 1998:


    They just fall out of the sky. It’s all those made in China components I tell ya….

    Uhh just for the record, Brat 1 & 2 does come in English subtitles.

  38. Gleimhart 说:
    @Diversity Heretic



  39. Gleimhart 说:


    我想知道他是否知道约翰·韦恩只是一个演员。为什么他将俄罗斯特种部队人员与约翰·韦恩进行比较。他应该将它们进行比较 我们的 特种部队的家伙们。


    和我 我讨厌特朗普在他的总统任期内允许发生这样的事情,但是那种认为俄罗斯人有能力对美国人说教的观点是垃圾,就像俄罗斯人是真正有男子气概的男人,而美国人只是一个男人的观点一样。一群假冒的约翰·韦恩斯。这是一些非常奇怪的事情。


  40. Anon-og [又名“迈克·约翰逊”] 说:

    I’m curious how Shamir is gonna swing these newer developments in favor of Trump….

  41. Hail 说: • 您的网站

    I have to say that Trump now appears to make Dubya look smart.

    Both were subject to the same pressures from the same gang that has had a kind of veto power in U.S. government and society for decades.

  42. Hail 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  43. wayfarer 说:

    How are U.S. taxpayer dollars spent?

    (a). Not including the high-cost to maintain two underway U.S. guided-missile destroyers, fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles sunk into Syrian dirt, at $1.59 million each, cost U.S. taxpayers a total of $93.81 million.

    (b). This money could have fully funded Meals-on-Wheels for poor U.S. senior citizens, through 2029.

    (c). This money could of fully funded U.S. taxpayer’s $91 million 2016/2017 budget for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    What other ways could this $94 million have been used?

    • 回复: @Ace
  44. Successful gas attack to execute is not so easy as people imagine. Air velocity and direction as well as a dispersion velocity of poisonous gas are critical. This can be determined by person in near proximity of area of attack. It cannot be determined from miles away. Success of dropping a one barrel bomb filled with gas is practically zero. Efficient delivery of canisters with poison was only practiced by artillery shells. All this gas attack is cooked up farce. Also somebody watching the scenes from injured indicate a staged action. People are stupid they believe they believe anything.

    • 回复: @Diversity Heretic
  45. RobinG 说:


    [Is this too good to be true? I hope Steele’s sources are right.]
    罗伯特·斯蒂尔 内部消息称布伦南、麦凯恩和麦克马斯特对叙利亚假旗事件负有责任 – 5 minute update

    • 同意: Amanda
  46. Kiza 说:

    The only characteristic that exceeds the lack of knowledge of the majority of US people is their aggressive stupidity, on great display in comments here. I realised this a long while ago. For example, have you heard of a US movie called “Animal”, rated very lowly because it describes the true moral nature of the US population? Another relevant one is “Idiocracy”.


    • 回复: @Gleimhart
  47. utu 说:

    There are three possible reasons why some Tomahawks disappeared

    There is a fourth one: only 23 were launched and 59 were reported just for accounting purposes.

    • 同意: Ace
    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    , @jacques sheete
  48. Erebus 说:


    I’m wondering if that was addressed to me? If it was:


    However, I agree that they’ve propped the dollar up. That was the quid pro quo for getting into the WTO, and it was in their interest to do so. The canny Chinese, however, saw to their upside. Namely, they got to turbo-charge building their country on America’s credit card (and their hard work, of course).

    They traded a pile of plastic toys & cheap toasters for a massive manufacturing base and the world’s most modern infrastructure, while all the US got was a very expensive military machine. What is the US gonna do with it when the US can’t pay the rent on their overseas bases, and their overseas personnel are hitch-hiking rides home? That’s the question that has stalled things to this point.

  49. utu 说:

    By mistake I pressed Agree under your comment. I meant to press “Nonsense” or “Must have been written buy an idiot” by there were no such options.

    You are delusional libertarian. I hope you are very young. Libertarianism infect young minds (usually boys not girls) and after some life experiences most of them are cured of it. But if you are not young it means there is no hope for you. You are just too stupid to figure out that you believe in nonsense. You will die like that. I am sorry.

    • 回复: @Ace
  50. utu 说:

    I am disappointed with you. You have lots of sensible views but just what you have spouted about economy totally compromises you.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  51. “I think that the so-called “elites” in charge running the USA are infinitely arrogant, stupid, uneducated, incompetent and irresponsible.”

    There is a term for that: psychopath

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  52. @Kiza

    Do you blame Hillsry Clinton for the 1990s attack on the Belgrade TV station? Why?

    • 回复: @Bill
  53. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Actually, I’m not sure China should do much of anything right now. I get Saker calling out Xi to act out against the US and support Russia. But the way I see it, that is what the elites want.

    They want to provoke China now, instead of later, when China has the chance to improve its military. And they want to provoke Russia now, to prevent Russia from getting a stranglehold in the ME. And they definately want a distraction from the coming depression.

    Trump is showing a display of force along Russia and China’s flank to see where the best opening is. Whichever opening cracks first will grant Trump the opening to strike. If that opening is denied, Trump will be SOL. And America will likely collapse.

    Both Putin and Xi are playing the long game, and doing it well.

  54. @anon

    I think the point attempted to be made about your arithmetic approximation is ludicrously trivial (I guess you didn’t remember the exact alleged figure and thought 50% was better than citing an incorrect figure). However, have you not considered that the Russians may have been using the occasion simply to test the weapon in something like real hostilities? We may have no real idea how many failures they had but they know and if there were failures they have valuable information, even more than if there was 100 per cent success.

    • 回复: @anon
  55. MarkinLA 说:

    You are totally blinded by your own ideology.

    Wrong. I am responding to the stupidity of ideology. The free market ideologist always seem to make up phony excuses for why the free market really hasn’t failed when it has. They always blame something other than the free market. I am just pointing out the inconsistencies in their religion, I have no ideology.

    Sometimes markets work and sometimes they don’t. However there is no magic in free markets. In a true free market people are free to collude with each other, free to assemble a monopoly, create cartels, and corner the market for essential commodities.


    But a free market can fail only if it exists, the labor market in Silicon Valley is not free if there is signalling between companies on labor costs.

    ??? What does this even mean? The CEOs doing the colluding were acting freely and with no coercion by government when they entered into this agreement. The CEOs of coal companies were acting freely when they paid their employees in company script only usable at the company store. Nobody in government forced this upon them. They took advantage of the relative weakness of their employees. There is no market anywhere where everybody has equal leverage and cannot be taken advantage of.

    The problem with free market ideologists is they have a distorted view of capitalism that makes them think stupidly. They think the main driving force in capitalism is people competing to provide the best products and services to their customers at the lowest possible price so as to beat the competition. However, this is not true. The main driving force in capitalism is to make as much money as you can with the least amount of effort. When you see capitalism in this light it makes it easier to understand what really happens.

    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  56. It always used to be assumed that there was such a thing as secret diplomacy. Supposing a message was conveyed to Putin so he knew it was genuinely from Trump to the to the effect of “Let’s catch the bird on the wing, let’s amaze the world: we’ve got six weeks within which to pull off a foreign relations coup 100 times greater than the Northern Ireland settlement (OK Vladimir you probably don’t remember that imposition of kindergarten discipline) or Camp David so, if you are in on this let us know where you would put your first priority without any bullshit. Subtleties will be necessary on several issues as we both know….” what would/should Trump’s priorities and sticking points be?

    If Crimea and Ukraine were part of the deal then an obvious possibility would be for Crimea to be allowed to vote for independence now and merger with another country not sooner than 20 years from now. And wouldn’t they at least talk about both sponsoring a Kurdish state after defeating Daesh?

  57. MarkinLA 说:

    Lockheed exited the airliners market because another, the MIC monopoly-hugging market was much more lucrative.

    This is another one of those excuses that doesn’t really make sense when you get past the religion. If Lockheed was running a successful commercial aircraft business and had a more lucrative military aircraft business it makes absolutely no sense to abandon the commercial aircraft business. Both businesses are not operating in the same facilities and can both be run parallel to each other. Litton Industries at one time had 109 distinct divisions. Having the commercial airline business also allows Lockheed to compete in the other military aircraft areas such as cargo transports and in air refueling planes.

    Lockheed had plenty of production capacity to keep every one of their divisions going. In fact, they had too much capacity and closed their Burbank facility with the military downturn in the 1990s.

  58. alexander 说:





    任何一个美国公民都不应该为他们的战争欺诈所造成的高达 20 万亿美元的债务承担责任。




    I don’t want to speculate on what countries around the world will continue to purchase our bonds to underwrite our heinous war debt.

    I want my money back….. NOW.

    If our war mongers are so convinced their stupid, unconstitutional, wars of aggression are worth it…..So WORTH IT they are willing to LIE to every American Citizen to get them started …then they should be willing to DIG DOWN DEEP into their OWN pockets … to PAY for it….the WHOLE WAY.

    This is America, buddy….IF you saying our “deceitful” war mongers should get a FREE RIDE BECAUSE THEY LIED ……


    On behalf of 320 million Americans….I have just one thing to say to you ….



    • 回复: @Chaban
  59. mp 说:



    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  60. @Mao Cheng Ji

    What do you know about Soviet Union to post this? Stick to something you know because to me you sound like Jack of all trades and master in no.

    • 回复: @Mao Cheng Ji
  61. Sacker greatly underestimates Russia and overestimates China. I would say that Chinese should not be trusted and no one should expect them to be savior’s. It is not in their national psych which is merchantelistic and self serving. They will do only what they consider is good for their long term stability as IMHO China has major issues which if not treated carefully might undermine China stability or worse. Hence I do not believe Russia can expect much from China.

    • 回复: @Cyrano
  62. KA 说:

    American fall has been predicted by Saker ( I am not aware but I wil accept it for the argument’s sake ) It has not happened because the “fall” has been exported to other countries abroad . The dire economic situations in Asia ,Africa, EU and Latin America are the shining example of the tortuous American forceful manipulation . Without the rest of the world shouldering the burden , America would be Greece asking tourists to visit with no identity .
    It doesn’t mean America has not screwed itself . The issues that give rise to coup in other countries give rise to stealing of election in this country by unique way -it forces the winner and office holder to change sides overnight Information is suppressed not by force but by nepotism of highest order ,by fear ,insinuation and relationship and economic pressure . The tension gets amplified in the streets,parks,schools,movie theaters mall,and in police encounter. Bodies pile up because the hate fear and the insecurity undermine confidence in the system.

    这种促使美国对海外民选机构发起攻击的理由通常会被那些惊慌失措、倒霉无知的美国人所忽视。 (想想 CITI 发给奥巴马的有关内阁选举的电子邮件。这类事情会引起索罗斯-中央情报局资助的外国政权更迭或袭击或政变的威胁)。这不是持久的力量。


    过去 17 年来,美国在军事、政治或社会方面有什么进步吗?美国人民已经沦落到观察和观看争斗精英们所进行的表演,而没有他们的参与。这就是力量吗?

    There are animals who can survive on rotten meat .Other animal cant . These animals may die if they try . It basically proves one can’t ignore,override and bypass the rules and ingredients on which it is built and can’t replace with another set for convenience. The system that has built and protected America is being poisoned from inside .

  63. @Gleimhart

    Maybe Saker has good reasons to be anti-American. Russia was nestly destroyed dusting the Clinton years…It was a deliberate policy to gang rape Russia.

  64. @Hail

    One that doesn’t pose an existential threat to Christian Russia…

  65. @MarkinLA

    That’s right…Pure free unadulturated free markets across the boards=psychopathy writ large….This would be the morality of Hell itself.

    Kiza is pushing the fairy tale about virtues of the free markets…specifically:pure unsdulturated free markets….Silicon Valley is a testament to the violation of undulturated free market principles.

    Kiza wants us to have a fairly tale debate about free markets. I have 0 tolerance for asperger-autistic free marketism…Is this any cure for this?…Perhaps a year of slave labor in Apple’s chattel slave rackets in China.

  66. alexander 说:


    Thanks for a very thorough and almost breathtaking article….It covers an awful lot of ground in a very short amount of time.

    The schizophrenic nature of our policy “flip-flopping” is a sight to behold.

    I think statements made by our state department in regards to engagement in Syria at this time, underscore an enormous amount of tension within our government about what our goals should be, both long term, short term, and in between.

    There are a lot of policy makers who want us to smash the “brutal” Syrian regime.

    There are a lot of policy makers who want us to smash “despicable ” ISIS, the nemesis of the “brutal” Syrian regime.

    In an ongoing civil war, where both sides may be evil, brutal, and ruthless, why should the US be picking a side at all ?

    Why not just stay out of the fray, let them duke it out, save our troops and tax dollars for what to do once there is a clearly defined outcome to the conflict ?

    If hurting ASSAD helps ISIS, and hurting ISIS helps ASSAD…..then any action we take favors at least one of our enemies and none of our friends….and probably gets a few more thousand innocent civilians dead.

    Restraint, at this time, is the smart play…..because there is NO upside to intervention.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @NoseytheDuke
  67. Anti-Americanism is very justified…Specifically the Chickenhawk-Warhawk Ronnie Reagan-John Delorean-Lee Iacoca-Donald Trump -the four cockroaches-worshipping of the 1980’s was a death sentence for White Male Republican Party Voters…..The only alternative is anti-war Alt Rightism…

    I suspect as a young lad, Comrade Saker was a worshipper of these aforementioned greedy narcissistic psychopaths…..but he has since had an epiphany…..

  68. @utu

    What do you disagree with in his economic views touching monopoly and how and why it is created and sustained. BTW would you not agree that quasi natural monopoly or duopoly/oligoply could easily result from the economies of scale and perhaps purchssing power in an industry being so large that most competitors on price can’t earn enough to stay in business (even if the reason is that they can’t raise needed capital).? In Australia we have had a near duopoly in full service supermarkets which is only just losing ifs blue chip growth record as Europeans like Aldi have taken a long view and entdred the market. Alternatively you could say that the cost of entry for private capitalists are too great as appears to be the case with ccivil aircraft.

  69. anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Indeed it would have been a great opportunity for testing such a system. (Remember the howling of the Western MSM when the Chinese shot down one of their own satellites?)

    But advertising it would have required even better success rate.

  70. @Johnny F. Ive

    No, that is not a term for it. Being a psychopath hardly overlaps in definition. That’s not to say that more than a few of them are not psychopaths.

  71. Avery 说:

    {On top, why would the Russian air defence in Syria not try to battle test S400 and thus increase its value on the international armaments market by battle proving it? One does not get such opportunity very often, if the Russians missed it then they are crazy.}

    You are correct that actual combat demonstration would be very valuable.
    So far despite the announced capabilities of S-300 and S-400, there is no actual track record of combat effectiveness of either system (….although previous generations of Soviet/Russian air-defense missiles have an excellent track record in various wars).

    However, I think S-400 would be an overkill to shoot down a Tomahawk.
    It’s old tech cruise-missile costing about $1 million each. (chump change for the bloated US military).

    I don’t know how much an S-400 missile costs (the missile, not the system), but it can’t be cheap: it is large, it has to fly far, and fly very fast.
    There is a limited number of these missiles on hand in Syria.
    And it is somewhat complicated process to ship them from Russia to Syria.
    It’s not like a crate of bullets.

    An F-16 costs around $20-$30 million (depending on what it is loaded with)
    An F-22 costs $340 million.
    If Russians were to shoot down a NATO F-16 or F-22, “by mistake” of course, like you know, the NATO shoot down of the Su-24 “by mistake”, wouldn’t it be a far better demo of S-400 capability?

    Also I think Russians are preserving their limited number of S-400 missiles to defend their own assets (as Saker said), in case there is an actual, direct clash with NATO in Syria.

    As to Russian leadership being ‘Crazy’:

    I think they are quite smart and prudently cautious.
    A direct clash with NATO/US will cost them far more than any potential new sales of S-400 systems. They will try to avoid it until absolutely necessary.

    • 回复: @Avery
  72. Chaban 说:





    严重地?这种情况已经持续了 240 多年。再说一次,尽管你夸夸其谈,但你对此无能为力。

    • 回复: @alexander
    , @Stonehands
  73. Bill 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Perhaps because he is not infected with terminal methodological individualism?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Kiza
  74. @Sergey Krieger

    What do you know about Soviet Union to post this?

    Quite a bit actually.

    Stick to something you know because to me you sound like Jack of all trades and master in no.

    Well, since you’re giving me a personal advice, I hope you’ll accept one from me too: calm down and try to avoid acting like an asshole, especially for no good reason.

    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
  75. Avery 说:

    My thinking is that Russian leadership is keeping the ultimate goal of them being in Syria firmly in focus.

    The ultimate goal is to wipe out all the invaders and restore Syria as a functioning state – then leave (aside from a naval base and such).
    The goal of the Empire of Chaos is to leave Syria a broken country, with perpetual fighting amongst various groups. A country in name only, like Iraq or Libya.

    The slow and steady grind-down of the cannibalistic invaders by SAA, Russian AF, Iranians, Hezb fighters and such has been successful. Aleppo was liberated after years of terrorist occupation and is slowly returning to normal life, for example. After Raqqa is cleansed of the infestation, things will get much better. Raqqa is a hard nut to crack, because NATO/US have already seeded it with troops. The idea is to use US troops as targets, then use the excuse of “…they killed Americans….” to go all in. So Syrians, Russians, Iranians, etc have to move gingerly.

    The Empire of Chaos will try everything to detail the successful process of cleansing Syria of the infestation.
    The perfect example is the latest false flag chemical attack, followed by direct US illegal attack on Syria.
    The idea is to drag Russia into side-shows and bleed them, so they up and leave Syria.

    Without Russian AF, NATO will rule the skies over Syria, and SAA will be chopped to pieces in short order.

  76. @utu

    The fifth reason: all 59 hit target, just for whatever reasons the Russians claim only 23, and the Americans for whatever reasons don’t deny it.

    • 回复: @Delinquent Snail
  77. Chaban 说:


    • 回复: @RobinG
  78. Bill 说:

    This seems like a better point than your critics are giving you credit for. The attack and its outcome were both weird.

  79. Bill 说:

    utu exaggerates, but he is mostly right.

    When I was in college, people said libertarians were either republicans who wanted to get laid or republicans who wanted to smoke dope. These are actually pretty insightful descriptions. Libertarians (the non-druggie ones) seem mostly to be people who want a reliable, formal, and moralistic intellectual structure through which to see the world but who reject the one the historical West offers because it isn’t socially approved (and thus will interfere with getting laid—at least in their minds). They want this moralistic structure while simultaneously they want to embrace the Satanists’/Cultural Marxists’ “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Not noticing that this makes no sense, they decide that “freedom” must be the touchstone of the true morality (which they can’t actually call the true morality most of the time, since, you know, it’s wrong to impose your morality blah blah blah).

    The people libertarianism sticks with longer term tend to have problems similar to those of autists—and, of course, the resemblance of libertarians to autists is much commented upon. The salient ones here are 1) a need for structure and 2) a terrible failure to understand their own motivations and needs. My views are not the consequence of my psychological limitations and shallow emotional reactions! I was convinced by arguments! The fact that my arguments are only convincing to a small minority of (white) teenage boys just proves that teenage boys are the only rational people on earth! Or something! Leave me alone! Ad hominem fallacy! Can’t you see I just need to be left alone to reason!! Leave me alone! Lots of engineer libertarians. Lots of economist libertarians. But I already said autist twice.

    Shorter Bill: Take a good, hard look at David Friedman and Bryan Caplan.

    • 回复: @utu
  80. I had an old neighbor, immigrant from Russia, served as a conscript for two years in the Russian air Force, would drone on for as long as you let him about Russian military prowess, really couldn’t understand American military, bad or good, to save his life. His name was Viktor.
    That you Viktor?
    Cool gig you got.
    Who knew you could turn those rants into a following. Admirable, in a way.

  81. @Bill

    With that freedom he could generously spread the blame and given Chelsea and Monica places under the lights with Hillary, Bill grinning wickedly in the background.

    • 回复: @Bill
  82. CMC 说:



  83. Bill 说:

    Finally, similarly, you interpret the illegal signalling (collusion) between Silicon Valley companies as failure of the free market. But a free market can fail only if it exists, the labor market in Silicon Valley is not free if there is signalling between companies on labor costs.

    Do you really fail to see the No True Scotsman fallacy here? Do you similarly accept the argument of the anarcho-socialists that socialism hasn’t really failed because “real socialism” hasn’t been tried?

    • 同意: utu, reiner Tor
    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  84. Aedib 说:


    Faker……离题了。 再次!




    • 回复: @Chaban
  85. Chaban 说:



    顺便说一句,Faker 确实说到做到:他住在佛罗里达州。

  86. @Bill

    Why would anti-war-anarcho-scocialist economically populist Native Born White American Racial Patriotism-Racial Xenophobia be such a bad idea? This was the direction the US Labor Movement was rapidly moving towards during the late 19th century-pre-WW2 AS an alternative to narcissistic-treasonous Trump-Kushner-Clinton rule…The White Greedy Cheating Class fought back with the anti-commie crusade…which was a direct road to the passage of the 1965 Native Born White American Extermination Act….and imminent thermonuclear war with Christian Russia in 2017…The month of Easter…

    Anarcho-capitalism is such an obviously inherently evil idea…

    • 回复: @Pachyderm Pachyderma
  87. @mp

    Very good comment. Trump’s reaction could have been anticipated. Trump needed to put an end to that idiotic Congressional investigation, that was heavy burden on his presidency.

  88. Aedib 说:



  89. @Mao Cheng Ji


    • 回复: @Ace
    , @Zzz
  90. @Chaban

    The US will collapse right after the 2020 POTUS ELECTION when the voting population openly unapologetically votes along racial lines…And when when you throw in a Mega-drought…wage slave employment for Native Born White American Males…a Hindu-Chinese Overlord Class in California taunting Native Born White American Males…

    US Military intervention in the Middle East and US Military excercises right on Christian Russia’s borders is last ditch effort of the treaonous GREEDY CHEATING WHITE LIBERAL MEGA CEO ELITES to keep the phony-MUH MERICA-support-the-troops!! corpse going.

    The US is going to break up along racial national boundaries…and then a race war begins….

  91. Agent76 说:





    “这是一份备忘录,描述了我们将如何在五年内将七个国家排除在外,首先是伊拉克,然后是叙利亚,黎巴嫩,利比亚,索马里,苏丹,最后是伊朗。” 我说:“它是机密的吗?” 他说:“是的,先生。” 我说:“好吧,别给我看。” 大约一年前,我见过他,我说:“你还记得吗?” 他说:“先生,我没给你看那条备忘录! 我没给你看!”

    • 回复: @alexander
  92. Anonymous [AKA "Art Thomas"] 说:

    I enjoyed your article but it doesn’t read smoothly because there are so
    many grammatical errors.

  93. longfisher 说:



    并不是我们不关心。 而是我们完全无力阻止这种事情,而且几十年来一直如此。

    选举没有帮助。 代表不代表我们。 只有枪才能改变一些事情。 而且,任何人都不应该对美国政府会对革命者做什么感到困惑……这并不漂亮。



  94. Amanda 说:


  95. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    I am truly embarrassed that I supported Trump and voted for him while operating under the delusion that he was man enough to stand up to the Zionist, neocon, Israeli agents that currently run the USA. I will never make this mistake again.

    I am ashamed for my country. Most of its leaders are bumbling buffoons who have sold their souls to their Israeli masters. I cannot understand why any independent republic would have anything further to do with the putrid government of the USA.

    I recently discovered that I am legally entitled to citizenship in another country. I am formalizing that now and when I acquire that country’s passport I am planning on leaving this pathetic rump province of Israel that calls itself the USA. It is sad that a great people are under the yoke of their corrupt federal government and its Israeli masters. I can only hope that for this oppressed people a day of reckoning and cleansing is at hand.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  96. Rurik 说:


    kudos sir, and thank you Ron Unz and Saker

    This is almost Shakespearean in its pathetic and tragic aspects!


    shame for Europe: a small and poor country like Bolivia showed more dignity that the entire European continent.


    that Bolivian guy holding up that particular picture says it all

    that there are so few who show such nads just goes to show the breath of Rothschild’s nefarious tentacles

    Russia is in a very difficult situation and a very bad one. And she is very much alone

    cue Rurik’s tiresome mantra that Putin seek rapprochement with Eastern Europe by simply toning down the May Day belligerence. And stop demanding that all of Eastern Europe who fought against the Red Army rapists were genocidal fascists and Nazis. (they weren’t ; )

    Could President Pence be better than President Trump?


    as bad as Trump is seeming to be, Pence is an ambitious, unprincipled evangelical = End Times

    Hopefully this time it will be the last empire in history and mankind will have learned its lesson


  97. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    I’ve had thoughts along the same lines. Preparing aeriel bombs with poison gas is very tricky, especially if you don’t have binary weapons. A whole lot of people in chemical warfare suits at an airbase would be very difficult to hide. As you note, most gas in WWI was delivered by artillery, mostly because to be effective you have to keep delivering it to the target as the wind disperses it. (I think Central European Soviet invasion Cold War scenarios contemplated gas but I’m not sure about the contemplated means of delivery–some of it might have been by air.) So I think that the likelihood that this was an aeriel bomb delivered poison gas attack is close to zero.

  98. utu 说:

    “My views are not the consequence of my psychological limitations and shallow emotional reactions! I was convinced by arguments!”

    Good point. I would add that one should look into the nature of this libertarian argument. It has quasi-mathematical consistency and clarity: competition–>minimizes prices and costs and that’s why is attractive. But on one mathematical principle one can’t physics or mathematics and they think they could build all economics and psychology.

    It would interesting too look what kind of young people are attracted to Anarchism as opposed to Libertarianism. Is it random or there is something in genes?

    Bottom line, in my opinion, Libertarianism is a pro system ideology that is targeting youth to prepare them for affirmation of capitalism in the future and be the future cadre of the System. Its purpose is pretty similar like Komsomol in Soviet Union. I would not be surprised there are some shady forces behind the promotion of Ayn Rand, von Mises, Rothbard, etc. Money is necessary for any movement regardless of how many useful idiots are willing to do it for free.

    • 回复: @Darin
  99. Longfisher 说:




    不需要花哨的阴谋理论来解释他的行为。 从精神上来说,那里根本不存在“那里”。

    老实说,我希望我相信他在某种程度上在政治上很狡猾,并且有一个深思熟虑的地缘政治战略。 但我认为,如此深思熟虑的策略完全超出了他的心理承受能力。


    • 回复: @utu
    , @MarkinPNW
  100. gwynedd1 说:

    If North Korea can survive this long, I think Russia can. Russia is not completely isolated. She still has Belarus, Serbia , China, Iran other former SSRs like Kazakhstan etc. She is also a rather large state. I would also not count on Greece or Bulgaria to be very excited about Russia’s demise.

    If Russia abandons Syria, it would only hasten its demise. Thus I would warn the West that Russia is fighting for its life while we are not. Russia will ripe out the steering wheel …

    Brace for more false flags. Not like I didn’t know this was coming.

  101. alexander 说:



    And you see when their GREAT leaders and generals went off to war…they would return victorious with untold SPOILS of war,… tons of gold, and silver…acquiring thousands of hectares of fertile land..for grazing livestock…or growing wheat and wine……They would return with a bounty a THOUSAND times more valuable than the cost of the expedition itself…and they were Heroes to EVERYBODY…because their success brought great wealth and power to their nation…One and All.

    But when they failed..and their expedition cost a THOUSAND times what their spoils yielded…they became villains…. because they brought nothing but shameful poverty to their country…and were probably fed to the lions.

    When leaders make wars for no other reason than to rob their OWN countrymen of their OWN money…They are not leaders at all…They are the foulest of traitors to their nation.


  102. utu 说:

    Hey Saker, You must get some help to clean up your articles or fire whoever is doing it for you now. You yourself fall in love with every one of your thoughts, this is common among writers, but in truth some of your thoughts are pretty lousy and stupid. Sometimes you have excellent insights like this one:

    也许弹劾特朗普可能是因祸得福。 如果迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)成为总统,他和他的新保守派将再次拥有完全的权力,他们不必通过做愚蠢和危险的事情来证明他们是强硬的? 彭斯总统会比特朗普总统更好吗? 恐怕它可能。 尤其是如果这在美国内部引发了深刻的内部危机。

    but then you are overcome by boyish phantasies of John Wayne and some character in a Russian movie. BTW, Saker, have you ever been to Russia?

  103. Rurik 说:

    I am ashamed for my country. Most of its leaders are bumbling buffoons who have sold their souls to their Israeli masters

    I hear ya, but please keep in mind that it’s no different across the pond, where all of Europe is also under the thrall of the Fiend. If Germany or France or Sweden were the sole superpower, then it’d be leader terrorizing the planet and lecturing the world on why false flag attacks have to be responded to.

    The rot and corruption is very pervasive, and it boils down to them vs. us. Meaning the ZioFiend and its whore governments spread all across the Glob, vs. the seven billion + souls suffering their Orwellian intentions of turning us all into Palestinians / Kulaks / Winston Smith.

    there are some very ugly things that lurk in the human id, and what the world is witnessing is the human/baboon lust for total power over other people unleashed with old testament, genocidal fanaticism

  104. utu 说:

    ” he’s a man-child with aggressively progressing dementia and that his daughter, Ivanka and her husband, easily manipulated him”


  105. Longfisher 说:
    @The Scalpel



  106. anon • 免责声明 说:

    But ISIS was created by USA. The Redirection by Sy Hersh refocused the beam of light on that fact in 2007 . (New Yorker 2007 )
    RAND corporation has envisaged this grand plan of using Jihadist against anybody not toeing lines few years ago . Both are borrowing heavily form American playbook adopted against Soviet in 1979 Both are borrowing same pages from CIA ‘s 1980 document against Syria. Nothing new
    The new thing is some people do believe that IS showed up out of thin air

    Some believe that US can can sit back , not destroy IS and let IS fight Syria ( NYTimes.COM -Tom Friedman 4/12/17 )
    Some uses the opportunity to excoriate Islam ( Bill Maher Sam Harris )
    and all there are connected through the labyrinthine structure of the Government -Media- Lobby complex

    • 回复: @alexander
  107. Anonymous [AKA "Bird"] 说:

    Saker; good article, but you need a proof-reader. Way too many typos.

    As long as the neocon Zionists are embedded in US affairs, there will be nothing but life-threatening trouble!

  108. Olorin 说:


    You mean you aren’t in the habit of doing this always?

  109. RobinG 说:



    Clear, concise, and right on target, this petition directly supports Syrian sovereignty, Tulsi Gabbard’s bill, and Americans’ interests. [N.B. That’s the interests of Americans, not the hegemonic intentions of our elite Deep State.]

    To scoffers and nay-sayers –

    It’s no skin off your ass:



    “US support of Syrian rebel factions has enlarged and intensified the conflict to the detriment of Syrian civilians. An escalation of hostilities with the Syrian Government risks a broader regional war including confrontation with Russia. This conflict is not in the interest of the American people and further, military strikes against a sovereign nation without a declaration of war is a war crime under international law, and in violation of the Constitution. Immediately cease all hostilities against the Syrian Government including airstrikes and the equipping and training of Syrian rebels.”


    • 回复: @Chaban
    , @iffen
    , @iffen
  110. @Kiza

    In summary, all three options are possible

    No. There is literally 0 chance that crappy Russian tech could have shot down or jammed Tomahawks. The Saker and the crew here of gay Russian fanboys understand absolutely nothing about military matters.

    Also note that Trump’s approval numbers haven’t dipped at all from the attack. The American public doesn’t care what happens in Syria and nothing you say will ever change that.

    • 回复: @Avery
  111. Ram 说:

    For Trump to describe Al Assad as an is reprehensible, when the gas attack was a false flag event. I am sure he should be reminded that Churchill gassed Iraqis in the 1920s, aand the latte r is a hero to him whose bust he keeps in the Oval Office.

    Blaming the Russians of complicity is beyond the pale,

  112. Chaban 说:


  113. iffen 说:

    If I sign your petition, can you assure me that a Zionist controlled Deep State death squad is not going to show up looking for me?

    I’m thinking about signing, just need a little confidence building that it’s safe.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  114. Cyrano 说:
    @Sergey Krieger

    I agree with you on this one. China only cares about itself. Which is maybe a good thing. They’ll never try to rule the world just for the prestige that it will give them. China is not a natural ally of Russia. Japan is, but they are not a free country, and they are not able to make alliances that will suit them. I don’t think Russia trusts China, and I don’t think they should. There won’t be any help coming from China, particularly not a military one.

  115. iffen 说:

    I was not familiar with this WH petition site.

    It seems to me that a petition could (would) be “tainted” by the first 150 signers and any connections among them. Do you know where the 1st 150 signers came from?

    • 回复: @RobinG
  116. Art 说:

    The Syria gas attack (false flag or not) was an unfortunate event – the retaliatory missile attack is another matter.

    Looks like the Trump cruise missile attack on Syria was pure political genius. Was it intended – was it planned out? Who knows – but it was effective. It changed the political landscape in America. It has totally upended the “Russia/Trump traitor cabal” scenario of the Jew MSM. The media are still trying to pump the story, but it is falling on death ears.

    One could suspect that the left will try to keep it going, just to blunt the Obama/Rice election spying investigation. The Democrats will stop the Russia election meddling charge, if the Republicans will stop the Obama/Rice domestic spying investigation. The American people want neither.

    The political story that is not being reported is the role that Ivanka Kushner played in her father’s decision to attack. She is a neoliberal, steeped in the NY Jew political agenda. There is no one more important to daddy Trump then Ivanka. He trusts her politically. She wants daddy to go mainstream. Understand that and you will understand where the administration politics are going.

    Make no mistake – Ivanka is the power behind the throne. She is the political story of the Trump era.

    • 回复: @L.K
  117. @Ghost

    这是一个鼓舞人心的视频,我认为这比不真实; 但它回避了一个问题:为什么数百万处于战斗年龄的叙利亚男子逃离该国。

    如果他们是爱国的叙利亚人,那么他们应该被算作视频中描绘的自由战士之一。 显然,他们是胆小鬼。



    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
    , @Anonymous
  118. Darin 说:

    Bottom line, in my opinion, Libertarianism is a pro system ideology that is targeting youth to prepare them for affirmation of capitalism in the future

    If it were true, libertarianism would be pushed by the media 24/7. It is just another Western failed ideology, together with Marxism, Nazism, nationalism and now upcoming “HBDism”.

    • 回复: @utu
  119. Avery 说:
    @Greasy William

    {Also note that Trump’s approval numbers haven’t dipped at all from the attack}

    As a rule, when POTUS kills innocent people overseas – Ayrabs, ‘towelheads’, and such – POTUS approval rating shoots up.
    Fact that Trump approval rating flatlined means his base does not approve.

    {crappy Russian tech }

    Russian Kalibr cruise missiles launched from Caspian Sea had a 99%+ hit rate. They pulverized your cannibal ISIS buddies.

    At best, whether due to Russian ECM or poor performance, US Tomahawk hit rate was at best 50%: whose crappy tech again ?

    {The Saker and the crew here of gay Russian fanboys understand absolutely nothing about military matters.}

    And _you_ do ?

    • 回复: @Greasy William
  120. RobinG 说:

    Good chance to explain “For the People,” the WH petition site.

    It’s anonymous, so nobody knows (except some WH geeks, I guess, and the NSA of course), who are the first 150 signers. Unlike private (NGO, whatever) petitions that try to get prominent figures to sign first, the White House petitions are started by individuals only known by their initials. I.E., no taint.
    (Some years ago, they would post the initials of all the signers, along with their states of residence. I thought that was kind of cool, and I could verify my own signature even though no one else could. But they stopped that under Obama. Now, they only show the initials of the creator and the total number of signers.)

    官方回应. There are thresholds, (the rules may not be the same as when I first reviewed them), so many thousands to be archived on the site, and for 100,000 signatures there will be an official response from the President. While a few things have been successful, the usual answer is “Sorry…” but even so, it means they have to notice, and they are well aware what resistance there is to going on record about an issue like this.

    还有其他问题吗? Who is S.M.? I’d like to know. This is so well written, to the point, nothing extraneous or unnecessarily controversial.

    “US support of Syrian rebel factions has enlarged and intensified the conflict to the detriment of Syrian civilians. An escalation of hostilities with the Syrian Government risks a broader regional war including confrontation with Russia. This conflict is not in the interest of the American people and further, military strikes against a sovereign nation without a declaration of war is a war crime under international law, and in violation of the Constitution. Immediately cease all hostilities against the Syrian Government including airstrikes and the equipping and training of Syrian rebels.”


  121. alexander 说:

    That’s interesting ,anon

    I find the entire mess a total disaster….and we should have never gotten involved militarily anywhere over there.

    I also find our pattern of behavior has created a new species of war…where the desired outcome is NO outcome at all….not ever……just more WAR….

    Take Libya , for example, we overthrow a milk toast dictator, which creates anarchy, chaos and a breeding ground for new terrorists…which we will ,one day soon, need to destroy..then we will install another dictator… who we will eventually “tomahawk”….. to create “more” terrorists….


    I really don’t……. Do you ?



    The decimation on human lives is just immense….and all we have to show for all this bloodshed and heartache is a monstrous 20 trillion dollar HOLE in our balance sheet.


    It is a very sad time for all of us…

    Whats worst of all is our “elites” seem almost pathologically addicted to killing people…..Like where does that come from ?


    Do our elites feel EMPOWERED when the hit the million dead number ?….. or when they can successfully false flag us into war ? is that the big rush ?

    Is this the “creme de la creme” of global power ? Like the finest “wine of war” or something ?

    Is it the ultimate high….like going 240 in your Ferrari around Le mans ?


    Is there a big “Ohh Baby” we did it .again !…YES !…….Sweeeet !!…….. Is that it ?


    • 回复: @Mark Presco
    , @anon
  122. Bill 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Chelsea was a little young to be party to a conspiracy during the Clinton administration, but, yes, it’s hard to see why she shouldn’t inherit blame now to the extent that she is a participant in the Clinton crime family’s activities and since she is an adult now.

    It’s pretty typical to spread blame for a conspiracy’s wrongful acts among its members. What, exactly, is your problem with this?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  123. @Avery

    As a rule, when POTUS kills innocent people overseas – Ayrabs, ‘towelheads’, and such – POTUS approval rating shoots up.
    Fact that Trump approval rating flatlined means his base does not approve.

    His base doesn’t give a shit about dead sand niggers, period. There are no protests, there is no movement in the polls, just some loudmouths on Twitter and the usual Paultards on Unz. You Paleocon homos are inconsequential, he doesn’t care about your votes. You can go back to fucking your Ron Paul blowup dolls for all Trump cares.

    Russian Kalibr cruise missiles launched from Caspian Sea had a 99%+ hit rate. They pulverized your cannibal ISIS buddies.

    And yet ISIS is still going strong. They just rid the world of 30+ Copts only a few days ago. ISIS is doing just fine, thank you very much. This is despite Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia throwing everything they have at them. And keep in mind that ISIS is doing this all with only 20,000 guys.

    Russian weapons are junk. They sucked in 67, 73, 82, the first Gulf War and have continued their suckage up to the present.

    By the way, even Russia isn’t claiming that their air defenses shot down any Tomahawks, because they know they’d be laughed out of the room if they tried to claim that.

    Just another defeat for the Ron Paul crowd.

    The Jews always win, but you just never learn.

    • 巨魔: L.K
  124. Art 说:

    Looks like Putin has blinked – he met with Tillerson. He had to suffer the Jew/Trump big lie that Russia was backing the wrong guys – when it is Syria and Russia that is fighting ISIS. It is Syria and Russia who are protecting the Christian and non-Sunni minorities from the Wahhabist ISIS murders.

    In order to save his political hide – Trump is siding with the Israeli Zionists that want to breakup Syria — SHAME!


  125. @Bill

    As long as their Panamanian lawyers made sure the tax structure was efficient I don’t think it really matters that no-sex, non-inhaling William managed the magic trick of causeless bombing of Belgrade (including the Chinese Embassy).

  126. Svigor 说:

    To believe that it would require you to find the following sequence logical: first, Assad pretty much wins the war against Daesh which is in full retreat. Then, the US declares that overthrowing Assad is not a priority anymore (up to here this is all factual and true). Then, Assad decides to use weapons he does not have. He decides to bomb a location with no military value, but with lots of kids and cameras. Then, when the Russians demand a full investigation, the Americans strike as fast as they can before this idea gets any support. And now the Americans are probing a possible Russian role in this so-called attack. Frankly, if you believe any of that, you should immediately stop reading and go back to watching TV. For the rest of us, there are three options:

    All of this hinges on “no military value.” Do you have any evidence for this crucial assertion? If this piece is like your usual tripe (I don’t read your stuff much, but when I do, it’s bad).

    I’m guessing not; it appears in a link-free dead zone in the paragraph.

  127. mcohen 说:

    the incident with the israeli jets being shot at a week ago,then lieberman issues warning,then a fifth of assads airforce is destroyed by missles coming from the red indians from dakota.
    the sunni army heading west are now in hama and moving towards the coast.
    saker and debka.a nice couple from la la land.dancing the internet away.

  128. Svigor 说:

    To elaborate: there are military situations that make poison gas attack very tempting. Say, breaking up a heavily defended urban area that will cost you a lot of men to clear.

  129. @Agent76

    Hi Agent 76,

    I remember very well when Wesley Clark spilled the beans on the entire neocon agenda…it seems so long ago…yet everything he stated has coming to pass…

    Out of curiosity, what are the steps you take to post a you tube video on 乌兹网 ?

    • 回复: @Agent76
  130. Anonymous [AKA "W Lindsay Wheeler"] 说: • 您的网站

    Saker hits the nail on the head—delusion. Neocons and the Left live in a fantasy world; they are utopians. As Adorno and Horkeimer push is that one has to forego facts and live in theoretical imaginations! The American academia is just this. America is a Marxist country, culturally and so delusion is the name of the game.

    It is very very dangerous. America is delusional in all of its aspects. It is a false construct to begin with anyway; it just breeds delusion.

    The Natural Law is “Like to Like”. Once somebody adopts a lie—more follow. It’s natural.

  131. @alexander


    据我所知,有很多混蛋,其中一些有很多钱,他们只是想要他们想要的东西,而不在乎谁会在这个过程中受到伤害。 事实上,其中一些精英认为,他们通过消除世界上过剩的人口来为世界带来好处。


    美国政客的主要目标是连任,所以他们必须卖身以获取捐款。 它们都是由上述混蛋购买和支付的,而混蛋也希望这样。 美国对此极为敏感。 深层政府的动机远不那么透明,但与政客一样自私。

    美国军方和军火供应商随时随地都做好了准备、愿意并渴望开战,因为这有利于利润和晋升。 还有什么值得担心的,因为没有人因战争罪而被起诉。

    几乎所有这些人都比特朗普被指责的更加疯狂、更加短视。 他们不关心长期,就像公司季度报告的短视一样。 他们中很少有人关心世界公民。 让我极其失望的是,特朗普似乎从军队和情报界的爱国美国人那里得到的帮助如此之少,他们仍然相信宪政共和国和法治。


    这与自由主义者的话题有关。 每当精英拥有太多控制权时,无论他们是社会主义者、资本主义者还是君主主义者,其影响都是令人窒息的。 给予一个国家公民最大程度的自由可以让奶油上升。 我不知道具体该怎么做,但在我看来,这个国家最伟大的进步时期是当它如此开放以至于个人成就不受限制的时候。

  132. RobinG 说:

    MIT Professor Theodore Postol on “SARIN” False Flag –

    “About the Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria.” 西奥多·A·波斯托尔

    Links to all charts, figures and photos are in comments.

  133. Skeptikal 说:

    “crimes against the innocents”?

    Surely Tillerson makes himself a laughingstock and also invites an accounting of all “innocents” killed by drone strikes—just for starters. Perhaps the most obvoius place to start counting the innocents obliterated by the American president (hit the WH directly for retaliation against drone strikes ordered from there?), the American military, and their proxies.


    What would the world, or Americans, or anyone, think if Putin announced similar “punishment” of all attacks on “innocents”?

    • 回复: @Parbes
  134. Skeptikal 说:

    “Of course all the Faker groupies laughed me off… The “battle” that you saw between Trump and the establishment was just WWF meant to confuse the Russian leadership. Everyone was sooo focused on that. Suckers!”

    I don’t get Chaban’s “fakers” and “suckers” and I don’t get Chaban’s vitriol against the Saker and those who follow his blog. Maybe Chaban wanted to write a piece at the Saker blog and was turned down? Anyone can post there, and many others will both agree and disagree. So Chaban definitely seems to have a chip on his shoulder regarding the Saker

    Anyhow, I follow many threads on the Saker’s blog and I can state with confidence that the overwhelming number of comments there regarding Trump both before and following the election had few illusions about Trump and were in “wait and see” mode, but had a “glimmer” of hope that he might be less belligerent than Hillary, less beholden to the powers that be and the Neocons. It was well understood that Trump was an unknown quantity, and Trump was seen by most to many to be the devil you don’t know as opposed to the one you do.

    • 回复: @Parbes
  135. anon • 免责声明 说:

    http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/04/09/breaking-fox-news-tries-to-censor-truth-on-idlib-chemical-weapon-attacks-from-ray-mcgovern/--Peter Lavelle has posted the following status to Facebook concerning the astounding reaction of Fox News to an RT interview with Ray McGovern, exposing the lies surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib.

    Another backstory. Why, you ask, did we wait until now to post this particular interview? A couple of VIPS members had watched it live on RT International. However, when RT tried to post the interview on YouTube, Fox News demanded that it be taken down. Here is the message that appeared on the screen when those few who knew of the link tried to download the interview

    “This video contains content from FOX News Network, who has blocked it on copyright grounds. Sorry about that.” ( FOX always takes things off as it did the 911 and Israeli spying and dancing )

    • 回复: @RobinG
  136. @nickels

    Also, libertarians forget–”who do you think the state is?”
    Well, its all the corporations and ultra rich.

    Yup. Should be obvious by now.

  137. 等等等等等等…。




    • 回复: @JL
  138. @utu

    There is a fourth one: only 23 were launched and 59 were reported just for accounting purposes.

    That’s it, by Jove!

    The Pentagon has historically had some trouble with accounting (pun intended). Remember the unaccounted for TRIllions?

  139. utu 说:

    “If it were true, libertarianism would be pushed by the media 24/7”

    如果目标是针对逆向者、那些独立思考的人、那些对媒体有一定免疫力并反对媒体的人,则不然。 不管怎样,最终的结果是人们对公司的任何过度行为都持肯定态度。

    • 回复: @Mark Presco
  140. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    The darkest hour is just before dawn. Let’s mentally skip over the “darkest hour”.

    The Great Migration … of a Prodigal Humanity


  141. RobinG 说:

    Guess what? “The page you are looking for no longer exists.”

    • 回复: @geokat62
  142. L.K 说:

    Art goes: “Looks like the Trump cruise missile attack on Syria was pure political genius. Was it intended – was it planned out? Who knows – but it was effective. It changed the political landscape in America.”

    Sigh. Art, what this imbecile, this war criminal, Trump, has done, is painted himself into a corner.
    He’s surrendered in 3 months, worse than Obama.

    • 回复: @Art
  143. @utu

    也许我很笨,但我试图遵循你关于自由主义的思路,但我不明白你在说什么。 有些讽刺的评论可能对你有意义,但对我来说毫无意义。 我还没有听到你们中任何一个人提出令人信服的论点。

    你完全反企业吗? 比尔的言论与保守的基督教有关系吗?

    尽管存在种种缺陷,美国企业界还是帮助美国人实现了世界历史上最高的生活水平。 确实存在问题,但你没有提供令人信服的解决方案。 其他人尝试过的一切都糟糕得多。

    我的自由主义概念就是最大化个人自由。 这使得奶油上升,从而最大限度地提高个人成就。


    我对自由主义的一个警告是它只适用于白人文化。 只有白人才能表现出使其发挥作用所需的个人责任。 进口黑人奴隶、第三世界劳动力或外包工作把一切搞砸了。

    • 回复: @bluedog
  144. @alexander

    The situation is not helped at all by referring to this war as a civil war, rather it is a proxy war. As anon has pointed out, one side consists of foreign mercenaries (paid for by the US and/or its allies) and jihadis while the other side, led by Assad, is the legitimate government.

    • 回复: @Ace
  145. @Mark Presco

    Agreed, and the same can be said of young men from Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. Truly it is shameful not to defend one’s own country and people. The vast majority of “refugees” are young, single men.

    I know an old guy who has taken in two Iranian “refugee” boarders out of the kindness of his heart. They have suddenly “found” Christianity and are desperately seeking women (with citizenship) to marry ASAP. One dated a Chinese woman briefly but ended it pronto upon discovering that like himself she neither had citizenship nor permanent residency.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  146. Parbes 说:

    “……我不明白 Chaban 对 Saker 和那些关注他博客的人的尖酸刻薄……所以 Chaban 似乎对 Saker 抱有不满”


  147. Stonehands 说:

    “…Seriously? It’s been going on for over 240 years. And again, 你对此无能为力, despite all your grandiloquence.”




  148. @Diversity Heretic

    Nuclear disarmament might be a good idea for the U.K. and France, just to prevent those nukes from falling into the hands of Muslims as the countries turn majority Muslim. Sad to contemplate that prospect.

    The USA? Well, I’m American, and I doubt we’d be able to deter much more populous powers forever without our nukes, so I can’t go for that here.

    • 回复: @Diversity Heretic
  149. Parbes 说:



    但问题是——普京和他的外交政策团队软弱、胆怯、胆怯。他们继续称美国新保守派/深层政府/盎格鲁-齐奥建制派 — — 他们是美国正式宪法秩序的实际篡夺者,而且是犯罪精神病患者 — — 为“伙伴”,并希望“在打击国际恐怖主义方面进行合作” “ (!) 从他们。

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Skeptikal
  150. No matter who uses the WMD it is a horrible act and it should be condemned by all countries on this planet! However, there are 4 countries, now 5, which are the victims of WMD in human history and they should have a lot to say about this horrible attacks than the other countries in where chemical weapons are being manufactured and or using them against others:
    1. Japanese cities were attacked by A- bomb and H-bomb
    2. First is Vietnam in where the US used Napalm to setup humane on fire and later the US used agent orange and killed many Vietnamese as well as many American GI’s. No one protested against it and if there was no one was listening
    3. Saddam Hossein used mustard gas, which was made in Germany and delivered to Saddam by the CIA, against its own Kurdish citizens and no one said or protested the horrendous attack.
    4. Once again Saddam used the same chemical against the Iranian personnel in 1980 – 1988 and killed many people but no one protested. In fact Reagan, Rumsfeld at that time he was an advisor to Reagan and German chancellor were celebrating over the event
    5. Sarin was used in Syria once following which Assad’s chemicals were removed and destroyed. There were some noise and protes around this incident but with no follow up
    6. Now that appears the terrorist in Syria using their chemical, of course mostly enriched with chlorine and water soluble that is why the children were being hosed down with water!
    Bottom line those who manufacture, sell, have used or are using WMD’s are not qualified nor credible to have an opinion about others or preaching others. I believe the victim countries of WMD are the only credible countries who can protest and investigate these horrible events or follow up and calling the users as “crime or criminals against humanity” and taking the users representative to the international court!

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  151. Gleimhart 说:





    • 回复: @Kiza
  152. Gleimhart 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    好吧,如果我们要记仇,那么我们该如何对待俄罗斯在 20 世纪的大部分时间里让每个人都感到紧张的事实呢?



    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  153. reiner Tor 说:

    这里有一个 分析 which I find more plausible: it says almost all missiles hit their targets. Here’s 另一个,该报告说,自袭击发生以来,叙利亚空军从该基地起飞的飞行次数已大大减少。


  154. geokat62 说:

    Guess what? “The page you are looking for no longer exists.”

    The page does exist. The trouble is the URL anon posted inadvertently included this string (–Peter Lavelle) at the end of it:

    http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/04/09/breaking-fox-news-tries-to-censor-truth-on-idlib-chemical-weapon-attacks-from-ray-mcgovern/–Peter 拉维尔

    If you remove that string, this link:


    will take you to the appropriate page.

  155. JL 说:
    @Thales the Milesian

    So, your argument is that Assad is still in power because that’s what the US wants? I would agree that the truth is often the opposite of appearances, but it sure looks like the US wants Assad out of power and Russia is stopping them from attaining that goal.

    • 同意: reiner Tor, Randal
  156. Joe Wong 说:

    This is real synicsim ;, American people can vote politicians who will do what they campaigned, all the American people need to do is to ban private donations in elections and to make all elections public funded only. Americans need to mobilze like anti-Vietnam war for the election reform and overhaul. If Americans do not do that then they are the willing partners of the current evil war criminal empire.

  157. @Diversity Heretic


  158. Kiza 说:

    你的反应很能说明问题。从我写的两件事中 大多数 美国人(这绝对不意味着全部):

    当然,由于上述原因,我不会对您进行不值得的详细讨论。我希望继续与 MarkinLA 以及所有其他支持他的人讨论自由市场。与你不同,我尊重那些批评我对自由市场观点的人,因此他们应该得到回应,只是我现在没有时间回应。对不起大家。

  159. Avery 说:

    {普京和他的外交政策团队软弱、胆怯、胆怯。 }


    仅美国就有 320 亿。

    At the UN Russia is usually alone: China did not join Russia in vetoing the latest anti-Syria resolution. US, UK, France, on the other hand regularly vote in lock-step as permanent members. China should be shoulder to shoulder with Russia at the UNSC, but often isn’t.


    Russia is staying the course in Syria: that’s what counts.

    The reserve currency is the US $; several of the largest economies of the world (Germany, France, Japan,…) are vassals of US and do as they are told to advance US interests; US & Co are masters of deception and propaganda (Russians have no Hollywood….) and on, and on.

    因此,普京及其团队知道自己的极限,并且非常谨慎地不过度扩张。普京等人称新保守派为战犯 “伙伴” 是游戏的一部分:普京知道他们到底是谁;美国知道普京知道他们的真实身份;普京知道美国也知道。

    • 回复: @Parbes
  160. Tad 说:

    卫星照片显示点击次数超过 23 次。俄罗斯人又撒谎了。

    • 回复: @reiner Tor
  161. @Tad

    Truth is the first casualty in war, so it’s natural that all parties are lying.

    In any event, that’s what the articles I linked to previously were arguing for. See 点击此处点击此处.

    I’d be also happy if someone engaged these articles (perhaps they are propaganda lies, who knows?), but I usually assume US military capabilities are high and Russian capabilities are much lower, until proven otherwise.

    • 回复: @Kiza
  162. Skeptikal 说:

    Putin should counter such “innocents” nonsense with pictures held up for the media at the UN.


    • 回复: @Ace
  163. Skeptikal 说:

    I signed.
    Least I can do . . .

    • 回复: @RobinG
  164. Skeptikal 说:

    克格勃对美国造成了巨大损害。 。 。


  165. bluedog 说:
    @Mark Presco


    • 回复: @Mark Presco
  166. Art 说:

    Sigh. Art, what this imbecile, this war criminal, Trump, has done, is painted himself into a corner.
    He’s surrendered in 3 months, worse than Obama.

    I agree 100% – but he has taken the “Russian poodle” story off his back.

    His bombing Syria, stopped the fevered pitch of the Jew MSM, regarding Russia and the US election.


    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  167. Agent76 说:

    All you need is the youtube link as all have and the information provided by the producer as well is all I do. Press play and put your cursor over the video when playing and you should see a box on the lower right hand side that says youtube and click direct for entering it and obtaining the information included. I hope this is clear enough. Be blessed and enjoy!

    • 回复: @RobinG
  168. @reiner Tor

    Reason six: those other missiles were intended for other targets and they are still classified. Since trump informed russia of the plan before hand, it could all be kept quiet untill a later time.

  169. Kiza 说:

    You two gentlemen obviously missed the US election campaign, in which Hillary claimed that she and Chelsey were under sniper fire at Sarajevo Airport and claimed that she singlehandedly convinced Billy-Pants-Down to bomb the evil Serbs. This claim most obviously would include the evil TV station and its staff, although Hillary was not involved in choosing individual civilian targets such included schools, hospitals and trains, the usual US humanitarian treat.

    In US, if a war criminal is born every minute. Then why would anyone be surprised that after US killed half-million Syrians through a proxy war on behalf of Israel, Trump would with tears in his eyes directly kill another 12 or 15 Syrians?

    • 回复: @Rurik
  170. RobinG 说:

    That’s interesting. I just copy the url from the toolbar and paste it in the comment. Then do the same with caption.

    • 回复: @Agent76
  171. Svigor 说:




    Europeans do have a leg up on Americans. A big part of this is the nature of the countries involved (it makes a lot more sense to worry about foreign affairs when foreign countries are a so much bigger part of your world). But a lot of people really really exaggerate the disparity because envy. Also, people who speak a second language (which is usually English) tend to be more educated, so their opinions are heard by English-speakers more.

    Tell me what country YOU call home

    That is almost never on the menu.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  172. Svigor 说:

    Didn’t mean to say “really really” there. Just “really.” Could’ve left both off, to be honest.

  173. RobinG 说:

    Thanks for signing.

    If you wanted to do a little more than “the least,” you could share with all your contacts. Maybe you already have. But a friend and I were discussing how to ask, since there’s either a) resistance to ‘petitioning’ Trump for anything, or b) resistance to ‘petitioning’ in general (like Chaban and others who prefer lying down in a puddle of defeatist sanctimonium).

    Instead of “Please Sign…” we kicked around –

    “Sound off…..”
    “Give a piece of your mind…”

    Maybe you can suggest something more Madison Ave. to motivate….
    Anyway, just reading this paragraph might stir a few brain cells:

    “US support of Syrian rebel factions has enlarged and intensified the conflict to the detriment of Syrian civilians. An escalation of hostilities with the Syrian Government risks a broader regional war including confrontation with Russia. This conflict is not in the interest of the American people and further, military strikes against a sovereign nation without a declaration of war is a war crime under international law, and in violation of the Constitution. Immediately cease all hostilities against the Syrian Government including airstrikes and the equipping and training of Syrian rebels.”


  174. @bluedog


    更大的事实是,西方文明的经济引擎改善了世界上每个人的生活。 科学、技术和医学使我们比 200 年前更加富有。

    500 年来,我们一直在向世界展示它是如何做到的,但除了日本、中国、韩国和其他少数亚洲国家外,世界其他国家并没有明白这一点。

    世界其他国家未能成为第一世界国家,这是绝对没有借口的。 因此,他们使我们所有人成为受害者。 他们不是负责帮助真正有需要的人的“国际社会”的一部分,但他们自己却长期需要帮助。

    你所说的混乱是由这样的事实造成的:他们唯一想做的就是挤进白人文化,把自己倾倒在白人身上,并要求白人为他们提供这些。 如果我们不为他们做到让他们满意,我们就会被妖魔化为种族主义者、纳粹分子、法西斯分子等。种族不平等唯一可能的解释是白人男性特权。

    我再说一遍。 如果没有高度的个人责任,白人文化就无法正常运作。 当寄生虫从系统中索取的东西多于其贡献时,不仅自由主义的理想会失败,而且我们构建的综合社会福利系统也会崩溃。

    • 同意: Ace
    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  175. Agent76 说:

    Well, RobinG this also allows you view all of the channels videos as well to find out if they are a real good source of information and if they actually know a thing or two about what they produce. I just like to be sure I am not sharing propaganda and evaluate what I share and match it to what I know is factual by being a book reader. Thank you for your time and comment and be blessed!

  176. Parbes 说:


    美国新保守主义/英国犹太复国主义者/全球主义者/深层国家政策制定者实际上非常容易受到国际舆论的影响——尤其是美国和西方的舆论——只要国际舆论能够刺激他们反对他们,因为实际上他们构成了一个人数很少的寡头阶级。他们自己社会中的权力精英。实际上,他们最大的权力不是来自他们所掌握的经济或军事资产,而是来自他们通过充满自私谎言和充满情感的宣传的无可争议的叙述,对公众舆论(国内和全球)的心理情感和信息控制。 。国际舆论被西方全球主义MSM的叙述和“事件和问题版本”所迷惑和制约,这服务于美国精英的全球霸权议程。例如,就当前的叙利亚冲突而言,美国的绝大多数公民以及您列出的所有“先进盟国”通常不会支持或宽恕伊斯兰教法和压迫性的伊斯兰教法取得胜利并成为叙利亚的叙利亚。把这个地方变成粪坑。但绝大多数上述公民对西方领导人和 MSM 的了解不足、天真和信任;这个问题是以人道主义、情感和“民主主义”的术语呈现给他们的,而不是其本质——针对美国权力精英及其伊斯兰/犹太复国主义盟友所不喜欢的主权世俗政府的残酷圣战叛乱、入侵和战争。他们被煽动到对俄罗斯、叙利亚、阿萨德、普京、卡扎菲、米洛舍维奇、萨达姆等荒唐且完全不恰当的情绪歇斯底里。

    普京和其他俄罗斯政府人物在联合国和其他国际论坛上冷淡地谈论“国际法”以及“美国如何越界”,同时称美国政治军事领导人为“伙伴”并提出“合作” ” 与他们在一起,即使他们公开咆哮、侮辱、妖魔化和威胁俄罗斯,也没有什么效果;它是无效且软弱的。他们需要在情感层面上应对全球公众舆论。他们应该不断地强调美国及其中东盟友与美国及其中东盟友结盟,帮助和支持伊斯兰圣战恐怖分子袭击国家并杀害人民。他们应该用图像展示并以清晰明确的语言不断谴责美国政府及其盟国政权及其恐怖代理人一直在屠杀平民和犯下暴行,同时指责对方这样做。

    • 回复: @Zzz
    , @utu
  177. Rurik 说:

    But a lot of people really really exaggerate the disparity because envy.

    I don’t think it’s because of envy

    I think it’s because of two things..

    one is that it’s America that is the frothing bully who is acting as the Zio-rabid dog terrorizing the planet on behalf of Israel. It’s easier to blame the Zio-dog, than to blame its master, because no one can call you an anti-Semite for heaping scourge upon Donald Trump and his deplorables, (who voted for him to get us out of the wars ; )

    and the other thing is the chest-beating, USA!, USA! chanting ‘exceptional” people who turn the rest of the planet’s stomach with their bold, arrogant ignorance as a badge of pride.

    we’re often guilty of the latter, but we’re innocent of the former, at least as innocent as any other nation who is under the thrall of the Zio/Rothschild/Fiend. (all of Europe and Scandinavia and Japan and Australia and so many others)

    • 同意: Kiza
    • 回复: @Ace
  178. @RadicalCenter

    Deter more populous powers from what? Invasion across two oceans? Don’t think you need nuclear weapons for that. Defense from Mexican invasion is a matter of political will, not military capability.

    I too am an American and used to do some work involving the Department of Energy’s nuclear weapons’ facilities. I was a big believer in maintaining the nuclear capability. But when I see the demographic changes that will almost certainly happen later this century, I am increasingly concerned about very dangerous weapons being turned over to a society increasingly dominated by excitable Negroes, dull-witted Mestizos and clannish Asians. I think that they’d be more likely used in a civil war than deterring foreign aggression. In addition, in the last week, I’ve begun to doubt the rationality of present-day American leaders. I’d prefer global nuclear disarmament (yes, I know it makes the world safe for conventional war, I used to make precisely that argument) but unilateral American nuclear disarmament may be the next-best choice for the U.S.

    • 同意: bluedog
    • 回复: @Corvinus
  179. Zzz 说:



  180. Sean 说:

    Trump is apparently cucking his supporters by refusing to be little tin god Putin’s girlfriend.

    I would note that those who say that the Russian air defense systems did not work don’t know what they are talking about. Not only did Russia sign an agreement with the US not to interfere with US flight operations,


    The anti-drunkenness campaign comes home to roost. Russians need vodka, then they don’t give two shites what they blow up (like the inebriated bosses of Chernobyl’s plant plant deciding to disconnect the safety system to relieve their boredom)..

    And now Trump has betrayed HIMSELF by turning against everything he, himself, stood for. This is almost Shakespearean in its pathetic and tragic aspects!

    and thus the native hue of Resolution
    Is sicklied o’er, with the pale cast of Thought,
    And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
    with this regard their Currents turn awry,
    And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,
    The fair Ophelia? Nymph, in thy Orisons
    Be all my sins remember’d

  181. Duglarri 说:







    以色列人准备好在以色列边境部署 3000 辆坦克吗?



  182. Skeptikal 说:

    “His bombing Syria, stopped the fevered pitch of the Jew MSM, regarding Russia and the US election.”


  183. utu 说:

    When observing the ineptness and indolence of Russia’s media and propaganda the defeatism is unavoidable.

    • 回复: @Mao Cheng Ji
  184. @NoseytheDuke

    I entirely agree that most of the refugees ought to be on a program which is intended to lead them out of my non-Muslim, non-African country but I wonder about your moral prescription for the young men (and why not women? The Zionists got on to that at least 75 years ago) who don’t stay and fight. “Defend one’s own people”???

    I had 7 years military training (not fulltime) but it’s a long time since I was in the army or air force (briefly the latter to get free flight training) and I can’t quite envisage the typical scenario you have in mind to avoid the shame of not being defenders of one’s country or people. How about “I’m going to Germany to earn enough to buy enough guns and ammunition for the men and young women of my village so know one will be able to mess with us again? ”

    • 回复: @Art
  185. Kiza 说:

    I learned not to take such statements too much to heart. It has been a long standing policy of both parties in Australia to lick the war criminal US ass and to participate in the US crimes on occasions. Most Australians are against such policies, but prefer “do not ask do not tell”.

    To the credit of the ex-Goldman-Sachs mega crook currently serving as a Prime Minister of Australia (the mug in the photo to the article you linked to), he still appears to respects the law in general. I am referring to the case of MH17 in which a high number of Australians were killed. Despite attempts of US and its coalition of puppets to pin MH17 on Russia even at the International Court of Justice without a shred of legal-grade evidence, Australia resisted and appears to be aiming for the Ukrainian Government instead. In the media, the mega-crook PM still keeps repeating the US mantra that Russia shot-down MH17, but the Australian legal team appears oriented at blaming Ukraine for “using MH17 passengers as human shields during military operations”.

    第二个令人印象深刻的壮举是澳大利亚政府于 9 年 2016 月 XNUMX 日终止了对克林顿基金会的所有捐款。


  186. @Monty Ahwazi

    Nice first draft. Come back later when you’ve tightened up a bit on facts and logic. Best if you don’t throw in a real doozy of a factual error at the outset if you want to grab and hold your readers.

    No H bomb was detonated till four years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.

    Napalm was an established conventional weapon of war when used in Vietnam – flamethrowers were used in WW1. Agent Orange was a defoliant which had bad side effects on people, including American soldiers, not a weapon

    What makes you say all Assad’s sarin gas was destroyed? Evidence?

    If only victims can investigate and credibly protest actions we now regard as criminal how long does this apply for? As nearly all countries have been associated with slavery at some stage in the last 500 years is it unacceptable for the US, UK, France, Turkey, China etc. to be involved in putting an end to slavery in Sudan and elsewhere?

    Are you suggesting that a country that once suffered one kind of outrage (say atomic bombing) is thereby qualified to protest and be a credible investigator of say a sarin attack? And would that apply despite the record of that countries atrocities?

  187. Kiza 说:
    @reiner Tor

    Raytheon and its trolls must be getting desperate if they are activating the same Israelis who claimed that Patriot missiles shot down 99% of Saddam’s Scuds during the First US Aggression on Iraq (aka Gulf War I). It took some US experts (I believe from MIT) to dispel the Raytheon’s marketing bull. This claim of 58 missiles hitting target is very similar. BTW, the number could not be all 59 because Syrians published in image of one Tomahawk in some field, far away from the targeted airport.

    All such reports are valid as much as the Patriot efficiency claim. But many US dummies will believe them.

  188. Kiza 说:

    Rurik, in addition to Julian Assange and John Pilger, here is another Australian journalistic legend that most Australians are immensely proud of: John Helmer. His most interesting summary of Tillerson recent visit to Russia to deliver the US ultimatum: “Get out of Syria or else …” http://johnhelmer.net/capitulation-rex-tillerson-authorizes-us-hacking-against-russian-war-targets-us-television-demands-sergei-lavrov-speak-in-english/#more-17451

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Rurik
  189. Corvinus 说:
    @Diversity Heretic

    “But when I see the demographic changes that will almost certainly happen later this century, I am increasingly concerned about very dangerous weapons being turned over to a society increasingly dominated by excitable Negroes, dull-witted Mestizos and clannish Asians.”

    Or psychopathic white Europeans.

    “I’d prefer global nuclear disarmament (yes, I know it makes the world safe for conventional war, I used to make precisely that argument) but unilateral American nuclear disarmament may be the next-best choice for the U.S.”

    The U.S. is NOT going to give up their nuclear weapons. Because vibrants.

  190. Rurik 说:

    Australia to lick the war criminal US ass and to participate in the US crimes on occasions

    as the US politicians lick Israel’s ass

    appears to be aiming for the Ukrainian Government instead


    Australian Government terminated all contributions to the Clinton Foundation


    most Americans I talk to are against the wars but clueless as to most goings on. They’re too busy with life’s details and just aren’t that curious. PCR calls them insouciant. You’re very close with Idiocracy. It sure is heading that way, and fast.

    • 回复: @Kiza
  191. Art 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    (and why not women? The Zionists got on to that at least 75 years ago)


    With your undying love of all things Jewish – you must be ecstatic right now.

    以色列是地球上唯一的幸福国家。 北美和南美,欧洲,亚洲,非洲和大中东地区都充满了麻烦,但以色列却没有。


    Israel is a country with a political cast system, apartheid walls, summary killings, preventive detention, it shoots children that throw rocks, its government sanctioned land theft, and it jails 10,000 political prisoners.

    How do you explain this oddity – happy Israel – unhappy world?

    How do you explain your exaltation and adoration of Israel?


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  192. Kiza 说:

    I am not sure if either country can be excused for serving the Zionists. Australia does it both directly and indirectly, by serving the US war criminals. I have learned to accept when Australia does it in word rather than in deed. Therefore, the verbal bull to support US and Israel is all in a days job for the worthless scumbags in Canberra. In other words, bullshitting is cheap. But when they send troops to commit war crimes, to Afghanistan, Iraq, or before to Vietnam, that is totally unacceptable. I have done some anti-participation-in-Iraq-war acts of my own. Wish I have done more.

    Thanks for understanding my points, this is why I emphasised that not all US people are amoral imbeciles.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  193. @Mark Presco

    Yes, we’re all wealthier now at a time when debt has increased exponentially. Don’t you just love 21st Century economics? All those gleaming American cities with state of the art industry and infrastructure, they have never looked better I have to admit. Another good bit is that it is now possible to eat a slice of delicious Black Forrest cake and find it still there after you’ve finished eating it. Truly amazing stuff indeed.

  194. unseated 说:


    • 回复: @Kiza
  195. @utu

    When observing the ineptness and indolence of Russia’s media and propaganda the defeatism is unavoidable.

    Propaganda is a simple thing, it’s (mostly) an endless and loud repetition of the same message, coming from all directions. I don’t think there’s much more to it than that, and therefore, as long as western mainstream media is consolidated (and it is, at the moment), it wins.

  196. @Art

    I’m not sufficiently interested to wander OT to that extent. Besides I have no idea if Israelis (which Israelis?) are happy. It doesn’t seem to be in tjeir nature for it to be a lasting condition. Who wants happiness if you can have a good abusive argument anyway. A bit of temporary euphoria, if observed, shoulfn’t have too much read into it.

  197. @Kiza

    GYou certainly have imagination if you can think of any circumstances under which Australia would inititiate a dust up with China. I do agree however that China is most unlikely to attack Australia. I would go further and say that it is No.1 of the status quo powers in the region wrt Australia. It wouldn’t want anyone else to disrupt its well run quarry and ag supplier and no other country would want to upset the status quo or allow it to be upset either. Obviously the balance now and for quite a few years to come is in faour of Australia keeping its top 5 or so position as reliable American ally. I think John Howard is/was wrong in his justification of the Iraq war but, so what, he should get credit for a very low cost Iraq cotribution (one soldier dead, accidetally, by his own hand!). And soldiers do need practice with live ammunition aganst real enemies or you have experiences like the Canadians in Rwanda ad the Dutch in Bosnia.

    Why do you call Malcolm Turnbull a criminal? I don’t know/can’t guess what you are talking about even if you are using the word metaphorically. He made his money mostly out of launching an early ISP Ozemail.

    • 回复: @Kiza
  198. @Kiza

    Perhaps Australians should be proud of John Helmer but I am sure that you are wrong because in fact very few have heard of him unlike John Pilger and Julian Assange** where it is only the pride in them I doubt. They are well publicised but you have to go looking for Helmer mentions as very little of his income comes from Australia.

    ** I am one of those indignant at what the UK has cooked up for Assange starting with tbe awful Tony Blair’s acceptance of European Arrest Warrants.

  199. @Kiza

    I was unawate of the Australian representation and representations in the International Court case brought by Ukraine against Russia. Interesting, so I have searched with all the obvious words and can find nothing of interest or relevance apart from a report that Russia’s counsel has departed from Russia’s script hitherto and basically denied motive rather than supply of weapon. Can you help with a link?

    • 回复: @Kiza
  200. Kiza 说:

    I never said that China would attack Australia first, then that some in Australia want to punch up China and then hide behind the skirt of the transgender Uncle Sam. The latest was the Labor opposition minister of defence, who in some conference on security in Asia-Pac delighted US junta by asking to be given the right to enforce the “freedom of navigation” on behalf of the big Uncle. In other words, Australian boat sinks some Chinese boat and then hides behind the US aircraft carrier battle group.

  201. Kiza 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I do not normally reply to you, but I will make an exception for a polite query. You may have heard of this Australian journalist living in Moscow John Helmer. He has a blog Dances with Bears. He has been covering MH17 in greater detail than anyone else online. I am on a tablet so I do not have my bookmarks available, but if you go back through his blog’s recent archive you will find the one about the Attorney General George Brandis and PM Turnbull switching (softly, softly, hush, hush) to blaming Ukraine for killing the Australians. In the briefest, the new Australian legal approach is that regardless of whether the rebbels have shotdown the airliner or not, the airliner should not have been flying over the war zone, especially after several military planes have been shot down over the same area in the previous days. The Ukraine tried to blame Russia at the ICJ for “state terrorism” in the MH17 case, but Australia bailed out of this legal case and it fell apart. You will find many interesting details in Helmer’s writing, such as that the chief of the Ukrainian air defence has been sacked a few days after MH17, to be re-instated six months later.

    The reason why this was important is that the compensation to be paid to the victims’ families depends on whether the act was intentional or negligence. It appears that legally, the case for terrorism (against Russia) was much weaker than the case for negligence (against Ukraine). You may know or not that the families of German victims have already initiated a legal case against Ukraine. The only barrier to the legal resolution of MH17 and payouts to the families of the victims is the protection of Uncle Sam for his Ukro-puppets through the national governments of the victims (political pressure). The Australian Gov appears to be the first to break ranks to allow the compensation cases to proceed.

    Find the second last Helmer’s blog about the shootdown and enjoy details that you will never find in the Australian MSM or by searching Google (this could not be because Google is a CIA outfit, noooo). Good luck and please let me know if you do not find it. I will pull out my bookmark.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  202. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Mark Presco


    大规模谋杀以及维持这样的行为对你来说毫无意义。 它证明了道德密码,邪恶的和精神病态的,就像你们一样。

    而且,像你们这样的人很可能是异教多神论的偶像崇拜者,而你们其他人则来自不敬神的行列。 这证明你是精神上的失败者。

    The “cowards” you mention above are running away from war, created and sustained by the likes of you. At least those “cowards” see the evil that war brings to your soul, and want no part in it.



    • 回复: @Mark Presco
  203. Kiza 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I saw your last challenge to me first, I saw this one after. Why is the Turn-bull character a crook, asks a supporter of the Liberal Party. Certainly not because he and a few friends ripped off this stupid US company by selling them the worthless Ozemail. At the time, the US was flush with funny-money and the US telcos were on a crazy M&A spree. Our current PM Turn-bull happened to be at the right place at the right time and he scored tens of millions. About two years later Ozemail went belly up and its US parent got investigated, not sure if it also went bankrupt.

    Why is all this relevant – because it proves that Turn-bull knows something about telecommunications. Yet, this crook singlehandedly sabotaged the Australian National Broadband Network, a $36+ B project. He replaced a high quality design with a multi-technology mishmash which will be obsolete before it is completed, whilst it will cost as much as the initial costing of the proper network (which would have been exceeded).

    Now, how many political scumbags can claim that they cost a nation $36B and its (priceless) techno future? How many can claim that they ensured that their country remains a World’s backwater for the next century? If Trump causes a global nuclear war, he will exceed Turnbull, till then we have a clear winner.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  204. Rurik 说:

    thanks for the link Kiza

    he seems like a good egg

    the latest from Pilger


    “What is it about some Australian politicians whose obsequiousness takes charge of their senses?”

    it isn’t just Aussies. They all assume the position and slurp shekels from the CIA $lop trough.

  205. @Kiza

    Thanks. I shall look it up tbough I don’t think I need to. It sou ds like a pretty simple case of trying to help some Australians obtain damages. If, as you ptobably correctly say, it was a matter of assesssing whether intention could be proven sgainst Russia or inly negligence relied on then it isn’t difficult to see why Ukraine’s negligence in taking the money for the flight path over Ukraine might be thought to rank ahead of Russia’s cintribution – though why not both of them?

    • 回复: @Rurik
  206. Rurik 说:

    serving the Zionists. Australia does it both directly and indirectly, by serving the US war criminals.

    they both take their marching orders from Rothschild, slithering around in London

    but at least Australia is remote enough that it doesn’t suffer so much of the strife that the Zio-boyz impose on England or the US.

    Eternal War, exacerbated tribal/ethnic hatreds, Goldman Sachs looting of the economy and the Treasury, perpetual debt slavery, moral sewage, spiritual rot…

    we seem to have no dearth of tikkun olam here in the good ol US of A!

    dumbed down to the point of Kim Kardashian’s ass as our royalty

    anyways, we’re just a piece in the puzzle. What is happening in England and Sweden and France and the ZUSA – is all headed to the far corners of the planet. Libya got its Rothschild central bank after all. Syria will get its too and then Iran. Russia will get gay parades and have the Russian soul and its heroes mocked and scorned and ridiculed from every organ of the state/media. And with it all will come the provoked and forced ethnic hatreds and strife, [what was it Gen. Wesley Clark said about Serbia’s transition into the 21st century to justify the bombing?] .. the looting and the spiritual rot.

    the end game is the “uni-polar world” domination’ mentioned at the top of the John Pilger article. That one world government, so that when Rothschild makes a decree, it won’t just be the ‘Five Eyes” and Germany and France, and the rest of Europe and Scandinavia that will crawl in fealty, but Russia and China too. Rothschild is like an old, senile alpha baboon overlooking his troop (the nations of the planet) with glowering wrath at any who show signs of indifference to his domination. They MUST be made to bow to his {divine} will {literally like Xerxes in that movie}. Rothschild is like the cops that throttled Freddy Grey into ultimate submission. It’s the same primitive baboon imperative to see others submit to a dominant human’s will, that drives so much of the violence on the streets, and domestic violence, all the way up the food chain to the menopausal old men (and women) who feel the same imperative to see nations (and world leaders) bend to their will, and 提交。

    it’s been going on from the beginning of time, and will go on well after we’re all long gone. But I see no point in pretending that it is anything other than what it is: a primitive, primate, baboon-like need to see others submit to their (alpha baboon-like) domination. Period.

    we may fly around in jets and use touchscreen super computers, but the fingers on those touchscreens are scarcely more evolved than the denizens of the African savannas. And the more convinced they are of their own divinity, the more bloody will be their wrath.

    I’m ranting …

  207. Rurik 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Russia’s cintribution – though why not both of them?

    perhaps because Russia had nothing to do with Ukraine jets riddling MH17 with 30 caliber machinegun bullets? And murdering everyone on board the plane?


    but don’t let the truth get in the way of your tiresome agenda wiz 😉

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  208. @Kiza

    So it is a metaphorical use to describe what you characterise Malcolm Turnbull as doing for political motives in bad faith knowing the facts dictated a contraary view.. I have certainly read, over the years, plenty of unbusinesslike tech enthusiasts insisting that nothing but something as good as Korea’s complete fibre coveraage would do. And you seem to say the saame. But it wasn’t only Malcolm Turnbull who saw the huge built in waste of the Rudd-Conroy $43 billion fantasy. A brilliant satire, possibly prompted by Ziģgy Switkowski who had been physìcist turned Telstra CEO (he certainly applauded it) shoeed up the apslling decisionmsking process thaat gaaave birth to the NBN. A few ponts

    1. Labor promised a <$5 billion scheme for fzst brosdband and cslled for tenders. Within three months of the tender fàilure Rudd summoneb the rdlevssnt minister Stephen Conroy to join hypersactive snd disorganised PM on a flight to zzBrisbane and at the end of thd dzy the $43 billion scheme was announced without the slightest attempt attempt to justify the costing or any cost-benefit study. (Before long $93 million becsme zccepted ss moŕe plsusible).

    2. From the first sod turned the cost overruns were massive snd spsrt from totally political aand uneconomic work done in Tasmzniss snd Tony Windsor's New Engpand electoratè way behind schedule.

    3. Improved software, use of existing cable and doubling up of coper connections eere obviously going to do a lot for speed aand saalready have. Then the possibility that wireless could be better or good enough arose and the prospsct of 5G is reslly cramping the NBN’s ricing snd oversll dconomics.

    4. Those who have an economic justification for very fast broadband speeds have already got it. Ďo you know snyone who would hsve s grest business but for the hybrid replacement of Rudd”s uncosted extrsvsgsnza?

  209. @Rurik


    Though profoundly uninterested in the truth of MH17’s end I did you the courtesy of taking you seriously and reaading whaat you linked. When zi found thaat it did nothing to support your assertions even sfter I did az seaarch for “machine” and “bullet” I was bewildered by your claiming impllicitly to hsve a reasoned srgument…

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @NoseytheDuke
  210. @Anonymous

    所以你讨厌白人。 太棒了,很高兴听到。 我有一个解决方案给你。 远离白人文化,远离白人文化。

    证明你错的是,有数百万、数百万、数百万、数百万……。 数以百万计的人决心将自己置于我们邪恶的白人压迫者的脚下。

    事实上,对于这些人来说,我们注定要成为自己国家的少数群体。 显然对于像你这样讨厌我们的人来说。 任何理智的白人都应该反对这一点。

  211. Rurik 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    profoundly uninterested in the truth of MH17′s end

    well, a lot of Australians died in that doomed flight, and it’s been lied about as a pretext to start a war with Russia, so I figured you might at least have a passing interest in who actually murdered the people on the plane.

    the reason anyone’s who’s been paying attention knows that it was shot down by a Ukrainian air force jet is because the wreckage was riddled with bullet holes- that could have only come from a machine gun.

    not that you care

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  212. @Wizard of Oz

    You do nobody a courtesy when you can’t be bothered to correct so many typos, if fact everyone who bothers to read your typo ridden tripe is doing you a courtesy, one that you scarcely deserve. I read them to summon the gratitude that I feel knowing that I am not nearly so deluded, confused or distanced from any resemblance of truth.

    Get a tablet, laptop or make the effort to type comments correctly, please.

    Kisa is correct. One of Australia’s greatest problems has always been what is referred to as the tyranny of distance. Rudd’s Labor government sought to change that by introducing the best technology available to make distance largely irrelevant. The Turdball crony alliance sabotaged that, possibly to aid Murdoch’s Foxtel. The very selling off of Telecom at the dawn of the digital age was a grand theft from the Australian people, robbing them of vast revenues and “giving” it to cronies on the cheap. Ziggy and Co were complicit in the great multi-million dollar salary packages that were/are disgusting by their very nature.

    Closet turd-burglar Abbot accused Russia of shooting down MH17 withing a couple of hours of the event. The cruel hag Julie Bishop cost Australian farmers almost a billion dollars worth of dairy exports to Russia due to sanctions based on lies. The dairy products were promptly supplied anyway by our neighbour, New Zealand.

    That you endorse these petty thieves says much about your own character.

  213. @Kiza

    If I was aiming to put an airfield out of commission, I would target roads, railways, electrical power grids, water supplies, mobile phone masts and any other infrastructure I can’t think of now as well as the airfield. So the Russian liaision officer at the airport counting the explosions may have been out of earshot of the other targets. Some explosions may have coincided. Anyway, other than a Russian statement that may have been completely made up, what evidence is there for the losses or indeed Trump’s claim of 100% success? (one missile obviously didn’t launch or it would have been 60).

    And if I was Syrian I would admit to either the smallest losses possible or greatly overstate the damage whichever was opposite to the truth. RT’s pictures seemed designed to obscure.

    Russian EW could confuse a GPS signal but that is one of 3 guidance systems and an anticipated form of attack. And we are talking about 59 missiles each of which needs an EW delivery platform to be directed at it and it alone. The same applies to SAMs. The Russians and Syrians had a two hour warning. If they had a full suite of systems in place configured for US cruise missile attacks with trained crews operating the kit, a 60% kill rate might be feasible. To do this at two hours warning without preparation seems incredible.

    If you read Russian military statements about the Donald Cook incident, there is a claim is that they inserted code into an IT system on the Cook. Tomahawks can be reprogrammed in flight. If there was espionage against the US Navy then a large scale diversion of missiles by a well prepared and trained counter measures group could occur. Again without exactly the right spies, warning and training it seems incredible. And giving away the existence of your capability in such a trivial affair would be idiocy. if it worked against the Cook, if indeed anything happened, it would be a once only affair.

    Conclusion, neither the Russian claim of failed missiles nor Trump’s claim of 100% success is backed up by evidence.

    • 回复: @bluedog
    , @Kiza
    , @Wizard of Oz
  214. Zzz 说:

    如果您读过俄罗斯军方关于唐纳德·库克事件的声明,有一种说法是他们将代码插入到库克的 IT 系统中


  215. @Rurik

    You can’t be serious. Are you trolling, and if so why? You seem to exhibit an extreme form of confirmation bias (especially of the interpretative varietty).

    You rest your case against the Ukrainians on the aircraft having been shot down by machine gun bullets and you support that belief first by a link which says nothing about it and then with a picture which proves nothing.

    Does it not occur to you that mere assrrtion

  216. @Rurik

    Continued… editing problem doing this supine in bed….

    Does it not occur to you that mere assertion is not enough when the Dutch led investigation, after many months, concluded that a Russian made missile brought the plane down?

    And what do you make of the fact that the plaintiffs’ counsel are completely ignoring your killer argument for getting their clients the best possible damages, as it would, if correct and proven, because the damages would be much larger (as someone pointed out above) for an intentional shooting down.

    I trust you have as a commenter on UR the intelligence to understand the force of those argumdnts and, unless you actually have a reasoned counterargument, to apologise for wasting readers’ time with your frivolous diversions.

    • 不同意: Kiza
    • 回复: @Rurik
  217. Ace 说:
    @Sergey Krieger

    So what was his big mistake about the USSR? Did the Soviets elite in fact struggle to maintain it after 1991?

  218. @NoseytheDuke

    First to deal with your tiresome and trivial typo objection.

    1. You seem to have taken a while to learn that it is stupid to crow about misspelling when it is obviously typos and literals that are the (very minor) problem;

    2. True a UR algorithm seems to have picked up what it (unlike you in earlier silly comments failed to see) could see were typos. But it does not go so far as to add the truth “the typos in question are not such as to prevent an average educated 10 year old with an IQ of 100 so even mentally shortwinded old alcoholics like NtD shouldn’t find it difficult”.

    3. As it happens the typos occurred while I was flat on my back in hospital which rather undermines your pompous and misconceived effusion.

    For the rest I’ll wait till you have had a chance with a fresh morning head to perhaps see if you can produce a coherent argument

  219. Ace 说:

    I look forward to Rex Tillerson’s explanation why it would make sense for Assad to use gas yet again after almost being attacked by Obama and actually being attacked by Trump.

    The absurdity of “yet another” gas attack with zero political and military benefits would be so enormous it will be interesting to see how the issue will be handled if those sources are correct.

  220. RobinG 说:

    That’s interesting that Russia imports so much dairy. The commonly available dairy products in the former USSR, including a whole range of sour creams, yoghurts and kefirs, are so superior to those here in the US. I’m especially fond of the foil-wrapped, chocolate-covered soft cheese snacks. Forget what they’re called…..

    • 回复: @Zzz
  221. Zzz 说:



    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  222. bluedog 说:
    @Philip Owen

    Why what’s the problem it boils down to if you believe Trump which I don’t or you believe someone else, why the stupid American people even quote anything coming out of any government source be it the BLS report (long for bullshit report) or what rolls out of Trump, again more bullshit reports, yet people always quote “a government report”

  223. Ace 说:

    I don’t know why taxpayer money is spent on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    If we’re going to spend on things like that it should be on the German, Soviet, Turkish, Arab, Cambodian, German South West African, and Chinese holocausts.

  224. Ace 说:

    I agree with you about libertarians. Sooner hour later the guy with the jock strap gets up on the stage to dance.

    I don’t know how much government you think is best. As an abstract proposition, however, toward the dirigiste side of the spectrum there is also no place where wise, realistic, disinterested, caring, just governors can devise the optimum point where there is efficient, economical social justice.

    The best that the perfumed wise people have been able to manage is a Europe awash in hostile foreigners and a US with a public debt curve that hurtles into Jack and the Beanstalk territory on the right side of the graph.

    Keeping power out of the hands of people who want “to govern” and embracing a healthy degree of anarchy (liberty) with a light touch of imposed order (government) seems like the best approach.

  225. @Zzz

    如果你顺着线索追根溯源,当讨论用来妖魔化俄罗斯的各种手段时,对话才真正开始。其中之一是假旗事件,当时乌克兰寡头击落了一架民用客机 MH17 航班,并立即指责俄罗斯。


    • 回复: @RobinG
  226. Ace 说:

    Precisely. Many read about Chechen, Saudi, Libyan, Jordanian, Egyptian, Swedish, Tunisian, Turkish, British, US, and German jihadis fighting in Syria but cling to the idea it’s a “civil war.”

    All that’s missing is the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

  227. Ace 说:

    ** black citizens beaten **

    It is mandatory for police. I myself participate with other citizen militias in this sport when our sports programs are unavailable on TV.

  228. Ace 说:

    ** bold, arrogant ignorance as a badge of pride **

    That applies also to the Swedish, French, German, and Dutch governments as well as the EU leadership, Frans Timmermans in particular.

    • 回复: @Ace
  229. RobinG 说:

    OT ? This made me laugh….. and wonder…


    Bad Guy Ranking:
    2) Babar (Assad)
    3) Pharaoh
    4) the Jews (!!!)

    Easter Message from Sean Spicer – SNL

  230. Kiza 说:
    @Philip Owen

    You are just another stupid monkey Hasbara troll here. The Russians absolutely never said that they even did anything to Donald Cook let alone that they inserted a piece of code (presumably a virus).

    Bullshit is cheap and you are one of leading supplier on unz. Your comments will never be read again, f.o.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  231. This discusses how the power is utilising data mining and mass data collection to predetermine the response of the public to actions like the Tomahawk attack and generally get away with murder. It also addresses the techniques used by Cambridge Analytics and SCL to formulate and control strategic efforts at consciousness control to subvent the rising consciousness of our species as we head for the next level of the game.

  232. Rurik 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Dutch led investigation, after many months, concluded that a Russian made missile brought the plane down?


    the “official” investigation into this highly charged political theater is no more honest than the 9/11 commission

    rather all we get is hyperbolic idiocy like ‘Putin shot down the plane!’

    here’s an honest assessment as if you cared

    “No Sign Of Missile But Lots Of Machine Gun Holes: OSCE Monitor On MH17 29Jul2014”

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  233. @Rurik

    So a naive Canadian sometime journalist and aid worker says something looks like damage by bullets or shrapnel over two years before the Dutch led investigation’s report was published. Have we heard of him any time since supporting the interpretation that the damage to the cockpit was not caused by shrapnel from an exploding BUK missile? No and doesn’t that strike you as pretty deadly for your supposed evifence?

    But if you want to hold this fellow up as an authority you may not like this piece by him where he describes an essentially peaceful patriotic uprising in Kiev to put pressure on the corrupt Russian backed President who had just been threatened by Putin and turned his back on trade with the EU.


    You seem a bit too shortwinded to read anything but comic book confirmations of your prejudices that you have plucked from who-knows-where so msybe, rather than read the full report of the Dutch led investigation, you can get the gist grom this


    Why do say thst the passage you quote from me is “bullshit”. As what I said is exactly and literally correct I have to wonder whether you even know what that marvellous useful word “bullshit” means!

    And what is your evidence of dishonesty? In what universe do you find anyone that matters to the investigation who utters the “hyperbolic idiocy” about Putin? Why, since you obviously have not a shred of evidence for what you would like to be the truth, do you not just join the band of common sense agnattics in saying that, other than madmen who could be disowned and probably exevuted, who would have the motive to commit such a deliberate crime knowing that there are many satellites and signals intelligence operations that would make deception unreliable – even if there waa some macabre rationale for murdering hundreds of foreigners? No one. So isn’t it most likely that it was an unintended mishap by a missile crew whose decisionmaker intended only to shoot down Ukrainian aircraft?

    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  234. @Rurik

    My editing time eas curtailed in #246 do I hope the typos aren’t a barrier to getting the gist.

  235. @Wizard of Oz

    Simple, more bullshit from a bullshitter. The Dutch “investigation” was fatally flawed from the start with the inclusion of the prime suspect, Ukraine. Add to that the agreement that all nations participating must agree on everything and you no longer had an investigation seeking the truth but a whitewash committee instead. The vague and unscientific report eventually produced confirms this.

    Small, symmetrical (30mm bullet sized) holes going both inwards and outwards through the same panel could not possibly be caused by shrapnel, especially the specially shaped shrapnel from a Buk. The report skates over this by referring to “high-energy objects” LOL.

    The BBC put up videos of eyewitness accounts of two small warplanes flying close to MH17 before it made an almost U-turn and subsequently crashed. The BBC promptly removed the video but I saw the witnesses’ accounts with my own eyes. To my knowledge the fact is omitted from the investigation report.

    It is the Wiz who dwells in comic book land and writes like a cartoon character with typos, waffles and all.

    I do hope you are felling better however.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  236. @NoseytheDuke

    Why do you want to maintain the case that Ukraine shot down mh17? I mean why positively argue for that perticular outcome?

    And why, so motivated are you so lazy as to rely on your obviously faulty memory and make assertions WHICH THE RUSSIANS ARE NOT MAKING

    Every time you use ‘bullshit”or other words of abuse your mental shortwindedness is drawn attention to.

    Just so I won’t have to waste time finding this link for just one of the 99 per cent killer refutations of your case look at

    If you had bothered, as I have, to Google for the Russian arguments in the mh17 court case you would know that there is no pretence now that it was not a BUK missile that brought it down.. An eatlier attempt was to say the shrapnel fragments wrte from an earlier BUK model that Russia no longer deployed! Oh did that limited memory and concentration span of yours lose the detail that fragments of the cuboid and hour glass shaped shrapnel had been found in the bodies of the captain, purser and first officer?


    Try this too

    But this will really make you weep. Not even a Russian in Malaysia standing ip for you!


    On the investigation (sic), actually two, it is hard to say whether you are weakest on logic or fact. As my brief researches disclose there was the Dutch Safety Board investigation with seven nations actually or nominally involved. No unanimity required – where is that in the protocols and Russia as much potentially part of it as Ukraine so your absurd point is doubly absurd. The criminal investigation apparently involves five nations. Wbat basis have uou for suggesting any kind of stitch up?

  237. @NoseytheDuke

    I hope this is a better version…

    Why do you want to maintain the case that Ukraine shot down mh17? I mean why positively argue for that perticular outcome?

    And why, so motivated are you so lazy as to rely on your obviously faulty memory and make assertions WHICH THE RUSSIANS ARE NOT MAKING

    Every time you use ‘bullshit”or other words of abuse your mental shortwindedness is drawn attention to.

    Just so I won’t have to waste time finding this link for just one of the 99 per cent killer refutations of your case look at

    If you had bothered, as I have, to Google for the Russian arguments in the mh17 court case you would know that there is no pretence now that it was not a BUK missile that brought it down.. An earlier attempt was to say the shrapnel fragments were from an earlier BUK model that Russia no longer deployed! Oh did that limited memory and concentration span of yours lose the detail that fragments of the cuboid and hour glass shaped shrapnel had been found in the bodies of the captain, purser and first officer?


    Try this too

    But this will really make you weep. Not even a Russian in Malaysia standing ip for you!


    SORRY that is duplication that resulted from distraction and difficulty eith the medium over several hours since I started….

    *** *** ***
    On the investigation (sic), actually two, it is hard to say whether you are weakest on logic or fact. As my brief researches disclose there was the Dutch Safety Board investigation with seven nations actually nominated as part of it. As Russia was one of them the fact that Ukraine had a representative on the investigation means your point about Ukraine’s place, absurd anyway unless you can point to how it differs from a standard arbitration with three arbitrators, is doubly absurd. As to unanimity – where fo you get that, and how has it mattered in practice? More pub talk! The criminal investigation apparently has five members. But none of this matters in view of the total demolition above of the case which I care about not at all but you are apparently obsessed by.

    Try common sense. Some Russians got the bright idea to move a BUK missile launcher into Ukraine to help the rebels and Oops! Boys will be boys and mistakes will happen: better take the heavy dangerous toys back to Uncle Ivan’s house. And let the spin commence. Anyone can play – and have and will – and some of them are just old soaks in a bar having a bit of a josh based on their fading memories of yesteryear’s news.

  238. @NoseytheDuke

    Well I hope you and your boomer-fogey mates enjoyed the port, though it sounds more like a 10 pm pub beer emission

    “Tyranny of distance” is of course an expression coined or picked up by Geoffrey Blainey to describe the influences on the development of Australia of its geographical remoteness from, principally, the UK and says nothing without your taking the trouble to explain what you want it to mean about the implications of Australia’s geography (including demographics) for its telecommunications infrastructure.

    Actually I’m finding it a bit hard to go on bothering to answer the windy, factless or erroneous, rant of an ageing alcoholic who simply hadn’t the mental stamina to expound any argument in detail or conscientiously. Just to start with what you said about Telstra was rubbish. (We might agree on one point though I hold the view only tentatively. That is that Telstra’s original infrastructure should perhaps have been separated from the rest of the business).

    The formula for the various tranches of Telstra’s privatisation was actually very far from a handout to cronies but a political exercise to multiply the number of happy little capitalists making a small profit on the stockmarket. This was partly to overcome Australians’ conservatism about selling public assets, despite the fact that first moving Victoria had actually saved its public finances by the early Kennett-Stockdale privatisations. (Incidentally applauded by Keating which is not surprising as federal Labor privatised the Commonwealth Bank and Qantas. Qantas was even better than Telstra in getting government out of a business that it had no talent to run in a changing world).

    Have you not noticed what has happened to Telstra’s share price since the various tranches were floated to the public? If you made money out of your shares, especially the second and third tranche issues then it must have been luck or maybe your observation that these supposedly great national assets were such duds that British Telecom was already disappointing its new private owners.

    My 1990ish experience of lecturing to and receiving questions from a whole lot of Telecom people, mostly males with engineering backgrounds, on how to service government, made it clear that you would have to be from a family of Green voting state school English teachers to fail to see the need to make Telstra, as it became, a private for-profit business.

    Ziggy Switkowski’s remuneration as CEO was, as easily confirmed, quite modest by Australian standards for large corporations. His successor Sol Trujillo was paid much more. (Anything paid to Sol’s awful offsider Phil Burgess would have been too much).

    Your support for Rudd”s uncosted decision to cover his embarrassment by announcing an almost completely undefined fibre optic system so completely avoids all issues, including those already posed, about costs and benefits; changing technologies etc that I’ll leave it that you can’t get beyond abusive bluster and speculation about motives in the most childish terms.

  239. @Kiza

    Have you any idea what impression your words make on other people – if you actually care as one infers from your choice to join UR threads? As I was about to thank Phiip Owen for the measured tones and joined up thoughts of his contributions,in contrast to at least 80 per cent of commenters, I flicked down to your unhinged reply.

    “Hasbara troll” leaps out as words which must surely have been uttered at random just for some “Yah boo I hate you” effect without any actual meaning. But none of the rest stacks up as defensible, let alone sensible, either.

    I was so astonished that I did an extensive search of his UR comments and I can only conclude that, if you have not suffered from mistaking his identity – which should be at least mildly worrying for you and yours, you have suffered some kind of breakdown.

    I commend to you and yours the same search of his comments and hope it helps you. “Hasbara troll”???? And the rest.

  240. @Philip Owen


    BTW what is his rant about Cook to do with?

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