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Open Thread 245

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Here’s a new Open Thread for all of you. To minimize the load, please continue to limit your Tweets or place them under a MORE tag.

For those interested, here are my two most recent articles, the first on the remarkable public statement by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs that JFK was probably killed in a conspiracy involving the CIA and the second on the very doubtful roots of the R2P doctrine, including the official narratives of the Rwanda Genocide and the Balkan Wars:

Also, here’s a recent podcast interview I did on the Israel/Gaza conflict:

Video Link

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Gaza, Israel/Palestine, Russia, Ukraine 
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  1. Summary of the results of the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall:

    Killed – 137; wounded and suffered from smoke inhalation – 182; evacuated ~5,000 (including >100 people helped by two teenagers working in the cloakroom), saved by firefighters from the cellar and the roof ~100 people.

    Apprehended: 4 perps and 14 accomplices. FSB is looking for additional accomplices, those who ordered this attack, who trained them, and those stocked the weapons cache for the perps.

    • Replies: @songbird

    >100 people helped by two teenagers working in the cloakroom
    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name "Islam."

    I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but this is exactly the kind of narrative, which is typically promoted in Western countries. Each time there is a terror attack in some way linked or facilitated by immigration, they trot out more immigrants and promote the idea that they saved the day. Or else, that they are just exuding a special sympathy.

    In the case of the Boston Marathon bombing. Some illegal immigrant used his belt as a tourniquet. Regardless of what the potential value of Latinos might be, it seems obvious that Chechens are complete undesirables.

    The mainstream coverage of the Paris attacks was vomit-inducing, the way they concentrated on the false tears of migrants and hardly showed one French person. And no skeptics of migration.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Dmitry

  2. @AnonfromTN
    Summary of the results of the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall:

    Killed - 137; wounded and suffered from smoke inhalation – 182; evacuated ~5,000 (including >100 people helped by two teenagers working in the cloakroom), saved by firefighters from the cellar and the roof ~100 people.

    Apprehended: 4 perps and 14 accomplices. FSB is looking for additional accomplices, those who ordered this attack, who trained them, and those stocked the weapons cache for the perps.

    Replies: @songbird

    >100 people helped by two teenagers working in the cloakroom

    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name “Islam.”


    I don’t know if it is coincidence or not, but this is exactly the kind of narrative, which is typically promoted in Western countries. Each time there is a terror attack in some way linked or facilitated by immigration, they trot out more immigrants and promote the idea that they saved the day. Or else, that they are just exuding a special sympathy.

    In the case of the Boston Marathon bombing. Some illegal immigrant used his belt as a tourniquet. Regardless of what the potential value of Latinos might be, it seems obvious that Chechens are complete undesirables.

    The mainstream coverage of the Paris attacks was vomit-inducing, the way they concentrated on the false tears of migrants and hardly showed one French person. And no skeptics of migration.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name “Islam.”
    There is nothing surprising about it. The majority of Central Asians are normal people trying to make a buck by honest means. There were several Central Asians in my class at the University, and they were perfectly normal people. Two of them brought some horsemeat sausage (kyzy in Kirgiz) and introduced me and several others to it. It was very tasty, I like it ever since (now you can buy kyzy in most supermarkets in Moscow). The fact that the four scumbags who murdered people in the Crocus city hall were Tajiks does not mean that all Tajiks are bad. Just like the fact that some Ukrainians murdered civilians by shelling Donetsk, Lugansk, and Belgorod, while others gave criminal orders to do that, does not mean that all Ukrainians are scum. Just like the fact that some Americans are murderers does not mean that all Americans are murderers. In all cases criminals should be punished for their crimes, but innocent people do not share the guilt of those criminals.

    Lying libtard propaganda, as well as disgust it causes in normal people, do not change the reality.

    Replies: @Jazman

    , @Dmitry

    Interethnic harmony is an important priority of the government.

    After 9/11, in America, a lot of people in America were becoming hostile against Muslims, there was discrimination against Muslims after the terrorist attacks. In Russia, they want to avoid this kind of situation after terrorist attacks* so this is part of why television in Russia is trying to not generate negative feelings in relation to the religion of the terrorists. This is common and expected.


    *Terrorist attacks are more common in Russia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

  3. AP says:

    I and others have noted that Putin and Putinism are Russia’s analogues to neocons: invade the world/invite the world. Russia is much weaker and poorer than the USA so although it could send troops to Syria or Africa on adventures, it could only actually invade its immediate neighbors. But still it does so, while bringing in millions of Central Asians.

    Of course Putin, it turns out, is less successful than Bush was. Bush captured Baghdad in a few weeks, Putin has only managed to grab 9% or so of Ukraine after more than 2 years (19% if you include what was taken in 2014). Bush did not get 100,000+ US troops killed, Putin has wiped out 100,000+ Russian troops and counting. Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.

    Bush successfully spun 9-11 as being the fault of Iraq. Putin is trying to spin this attack in Moscow as Ukraine’s work. 70% of Americans gullibly came to believe that Saddam was somehow behind 9-11. We don’t know if Russians will be similarly gullible. Except for AnoninTN: 100%.

    Here is our former host writing sensibly about the terror attack in Moscow. Karlin writes:

    (1) As I initially said, confirmed not a false flag. Large number of Tajiks in Russia x sad Tajik propensity to sympathize with Islamic State = was always the most obvious explanation; not everything has to revolve around Ukraine. Islamic State has amusingly gone overboard insisting on its culpability amidst the wave of online conspiracy theories that it was Ukraine, FSB false flag, Mossad, CIA, etc.

    (2) Initial skepticism aside, the suspects are almost certainly the correct ones. Amongst other things, the clothing matches. Don’t think FSB could have all set it up so quickly and competently.


    Putin’s standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that “terrorism has no nationality”, which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they’re fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).

    5) Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small.

    (6) I am agnostic over the extent to which this will be weaponized against Ukraine. On the one hand, it’s extremely dumb and only 90 IQ mouth-breathers and David Sacks will earnestly believe it. On the other hand, this entire episode makes Putin, kremlins, and the Russian security services come off very badly, so there’s also a chance that they’ll just try to sweep it under the carpet once this initial wave of anger wears off. Current Russian media propaganda blaming Ukraine seems to be them proactively anticipating to what they think the kremlin position on this will be, should be clearer in a few days once the Presidential Administration finishes precisely formulating the official line on this.


    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @QCIC

    Why import migrants when you can repatriate Slavs?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Only 264 likes.

    Karlin is clearly not contributing to his per capita homosexual activity. Maybe he is taking steroids and it's slowing him down.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Putin’s standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that “terrorism has no nationality”, which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they’re fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).


    Interestingly enough, I think that simple racial/ethnic/religious profiling by the Russian government (including both the Russian police and the Russian security services) might do the trick here. As in, still allow Central Asians to immigrate to Russia in large numbers, but aggressively screen them for radicalism beforehand and also afterwards, along with aggressively checking them for weapons, bombs, and the like whenever there is the potential for a dangerous situation. Central Asians might of course be offended by this, but when Islam as a religion is unique in just how many bad apples it produces in the 21st century, such Russian moves would at least be understandable. FWIW, I personally support narrowly tailored racial/ethnic/religious profiling when it is necessary to save lives and prevent harm based on Neven Sesardic's arguments in an article of his.

    Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.
    I think that Bush also supported race-based affirmative action, no? At least in some form(s).

    BTW, I suppose that having Russia let in Central Asians en masse is perfectly rational and logical if Russia wants to undo the effects of decades of Communist rule. A Russia without decades of Communist rule, with internal freedom of movement, and one which would have permanently kept Central Asia would have likely experienced a lot of internal Central Asian migration to the East Slavic heartland for as long as most of the good jobs would have been located there. I don't think that even if a non-Bolshevik Russia would have managed to maintain a relatively high TFR among its Slavs, that this would have cardinally altered the situation. After all, a lot of Southern blacks moved to the Northern and Western US from 1910 to 1970, including during the 1945-1965 post-WWII baby boom years, when the US's total fertility rate was very high by developed Western standards.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @Dmitry

    Putin isn't really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.

    Neoconservatives support Ukraine because it's a democracy seed. They are mix of believing in the ideology of democracy, with Cold War foreign policy style of "Eisenhower Doctrine" and John Foster Dulles.

    Putin doesn't care so much about ideology. His probably main obsession, is stabilization of power after the image control and halls of mirrors. Putin is more similar to the 19th century conservative politicians. He believes in "order and stability".

    If you watch Putin's discussion about Black Lives Matter, he explains his priorities. He said he ideologically agrees with Black Lives Matter. He believes there needs to be reform of American police. He says Russia has always supported a fight against the racial injustice in American society and will continue.

    But, he is very criticizing against Black Lives Matter protesting in the streets, creating disorder and creating destabilization. When he is ideologically agreeing with BLM, within the country, he can see as a geopolitical rival, Putin is opposed to them because they represent protests, disorder and probably he views them in 2020 as similar to protests in Belarus which ask for regime-changes.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

  4. Alastair Crooke said in his interview it was the fact the Azeri oligarch with his bodyguards present that prevented the attack being on the Shaman concert.

    • Replies: @Gerard1234

    Not that it is the country responsible or linked , but it is unusual coincidence that the innocent truck driver carrying the bomb on the Crimean bridge was also an Azeri.

  5. @AP
    I and others have noted that Putin and Putinism are Russia’s analogues to neocons: invade the world/invite the world. Russia is much weaker and poorer than the USA so although it could send troops to Syria or Africa on adventures, it could only actually invade its immediate neighbors. But still it does so, while bringing in millions of Central Asians.

    Of course Putin, it turns out, is less successful than Bush was. Bush captured Baghdad in a few weeks, Putin has only managed to grab 9% or so of Ukraine after more than 2 years (19% if you include what was taken in 2014). Bush did not get 100,000+ US troops killed, Putin has wiped out 100,000+ Russian troops and counting. Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.

    Bush successfully spun 9-11 as being the fault of Iraq. Putin is trying to spin this attack in Moscow as Ukraine’s work. 70% of Americans gullibly came to believe that Saddam was somehow behind 9-11. We don’t know if Russians will be similarly gullible. Except for AnoninTN: 100%.

    Here is our former host writing sensibly about the terror attack in Moscow. Karlin writes:

    (1) As I initially said, confirmed not a false flag. Large number of Tajiks in Russia x sad Tajik propensity to sympathize with Islamic State = was always the most obvious explanation; not everything has to revolve around Ukraine. Islamic State has amusingly gone overboard insisting on its culpability amidst the wave of online conspiracy theories that it was Ukraine, FSB false flag, Mossad, CIA, etc.

    (2) Initial skepticism aside, the suspects are almost certainly the correct ones. Amongst other things, the clothing matches. Don't think FSB could have all set it up so quickly and competently.


    Putin's standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that "terrorism has no nationality", which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they're fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).

    5) Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small.

    (6) I am agnostic over the extent to which this will be weaponized against Ukraine. On the one hand, it's extremely dumb and only 90 IQ mouth-breathers and David Sacks will earnestly believe it. On the other hand, this entire episode makes Putin, kremlins, and the Russian security services come off very badly, so there's also a chance that they'll just try to sweep it under the carpet once this initial wave of anger wears off. Current Russian media propaganda blaming Ukraine seems to be them proactively anticipating to what they think the kremlin position on this will be, should be clearer in a few days once the Presidential Administration finishes precisely formulating the official line on this.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    Why import migrants when you can repatriate Slavs?

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Why import migrants when you can repatriate Slavs?
    Slavs are as different as Central Asians. E.g., Ukies who ordered shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk, or Belgorod, as well as those who obeyed those orders, are Slavs, but the only thing they deserve is public hanging.

    Replies: @AP

  6. Guess it’s time to repeat some graphs where some serious alltime genius Putin fetish for islamic imports can be seen, especially Tajikistan immigrants were getting citizenship like candy last decade, with full acceleration lately:

    First graph is number Tajiks getting citizenship each year since 2016, second comparison in thousands with immigrants from Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data) of islamic immigrants also were imported into RF without giving citizenship yet.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Immigrant country origin list – 10 million immigrants (not war refugees from UA) were counted in RF just during first nine months of 2022 and 96% of them came from Islamic countries, (immigrants from christian Armenia, Georgia +Mongolia are those remaining 4%):


    Can’t find it quickly, but IIRC Ivashka also posted data from all 2022 and the final number was about 13 million immigrants into RF in 2022, so “conservative” IslamoPutin indeed has been very busy fulfilling the given multi-ethnic quotas and agendas for him:

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    , @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    Just to be clear you dumb POS - number of Ukrainians getting Russian citizenship in that same period is at least 20 times the Tajik number.

    As Russia is a free country that people want to live in , work and prosper in ( the complete opposite to decaying shithole litva) .........policy to allowing central asian migrants, perceived over tolerance/weakness of law enforcement to central asian ( and north caucasus) peoples general violent actions ( not terrorism, just everyday assaults) are FREQUENTLY criticised in Russia for 20 years you stupid idiot.

    In reality mainly as source of cheap labour, but also as Russia being inheritor state of USSR, Russia being a big country, the bilateral relationship with the central asian states.........there was always going to be this dynamic.

    Different to an irrelevant shithole as Litva, every important western country has this exact issue - except Russia is on a principle of making our country as one with many cultures, not a multi-cultural ( there is a big difference in the terms) one with freakish stuff like the USA about to become over 50% hispanic etc.
    Also, on the cheap labour point - Russia despite our much larger population has much less central asians working here than France, Germany, Italy, Spain,UK do with Africans, North Africans, Asians, Middle East muslims. Proportionally we have less central Asians then Americans have Mexicans and Guatemalans.
    Indians relation with British Empire, Morrocans with Spanish, French with Algerian.......German with none of them can't be compared with Tajiks/Uzbeks /Kyrgyz with Russia because of the relative recency of USSR.

    Kazakhs generally are not much of problem on this issue, plus much larger number of Kazakhstan citizens are ethnic Russian citizens anyway.......but in what world would it be possible for Putin to have a lenient migration policy with Kazakhstan, but a strict one with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan you stupid dickhead? Anyway, as I said, being the inheritor state of the USSR does require obligations.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data)
    That's people crossing the border, each time counted, not the actual number of individual people who have come into Russia you f**king idiot. It may also include the Lithuanian scumbag diplomat who hit a women while driving........and fled the country.
    In reality there are close to ( or probably over) 1 million of each Armenians, Gruzians, and Moldovans also who work in Russia.

    Replies: @sudden death

    , @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    This was always gonna be the avenue of attack.

    Johnny Johnson’s at Langley have been salivating over the prospect of Central Asian Muslim gunmen shooting up Moscow. Planning it and planning for it.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  7. A123 says: • Website

    As promised.

    The 12 Hours of Sebring. Full race coverage.

    The livery on the Corvettes is just awful. They were going for some sort of gold. The result in action is concrete camouflage.

    Tip to Cadillac. The rubber wheel bits should be on the bottom.



    PEACE 😇

  8. @AP
    I and others have noted that Putin and Putinism are Russia’s analogues to neocons: invade the world/invite the world. Russia is much weaker and poorer than the USA so although it could send troops to Syria or Africa on adventures, it could only actually invade its immediate neighbors. But still it does so, while bringing in millions of Central Asians.

    Of course Putin, it turns out, is less successful than Bush was. Bush captured Baghdad in a few weeks, Putin has only managed to grab 9% or so of Ukraine after more than 2 years (19% if you include what was taken in 2014). Bush did not get 100,000+ US troops killed, Putin has wiped out 100,000+ Russian troops and counting. Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.

    Bush successfully spun 9-11 as being the fault of Iraq. Putin is trying to spin this attack in Moscow as Ukraine’s work. 70% of Americans gullibly came to believe that Saddam was somehow behind 9-11. We don’t know if Russians will be similarly gullible. Except for AnoninTN: 100%.

    Here is our former host writing sensibly about the terror attack in Moscow. Karlin writes:

    (1) As I initially said, confirmed not a false flag. Large number of Tajiks in Russia x sad Tajik propensity to sympathize with Islamic State = was always the most obvious explanation; not everything has to revolve around Ukraine. Islamic State has amusingly gone overboard insisting on its culpability amidst the wave of online conspiracy theories that it was Ukraine, FSB false flag, Mossad, CIA, etc.

    (2) Initial skepticism aside, the suspects are almost certainly the correct ones. Amongst other things, the clothing matches. Don't think FSB could have all set it up so quickly and competently.


    Putin's standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that "terrorism has no nationality", which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they're fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).

    5) Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small.

    (6) I am agnostic over the extent to which this will be weaponized against Ukraine. On the one hand, it's extremely dumb and only 90 IQ mouth-breathers and David Sacks will earnestly believe it. On the other hand, this entire episode makes Putin, kremlins, and the Russian security services come off very badly, so there's also a chance that they'll just try to sweep it under the carpet once this initial wave of anger wears off. Current Russian media propaganda blaming Ukraine seems to be them proactively anticipating to what they think the kremlin position on this will be, should be clearer in a few days once the Presidential Administration finishes precisely formulating the official line on this.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    Only 264 likes.

    Karlin is clearly not contributing to his per capita homosexual activity. Maybe he is taking steroids and it’s slowing him down.

    • LOL: QCIC
  9. @sudden death
    Guess it's time to repeat some graphs where some serious alltime genius Putin fetish for islamic imports can be seen, especially Tajikistan immigrants were getting citizenship like candy last decade, with full acceleration lately:

    First graph is number Tajiks getting citizenship each year since 2016, second comparison in thousands with immigrants from Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data) of islamic immigrants also were imported into RF without giving citizenship yet.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Gerard1234, @Wokechoke

    Immigrant country origin list – 10 million immigrants (not war refugees from UA) were counted in RF just during first nine months of 2022 and 96% of them came from Islamic countries, (immigrants from christian Armenia, Georgia +Mongolia are those remaining 4%):


    Can’t find it quickly, but IIRC Ivashka also posted data from all 2022 and the final number was about 13 million immigrants into RF in 2022, so “conservative” IslamoPutin indeed has been very busy fulfilling the given multi-ethnic quotas and agendas for him:

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @sudden death

    , @QCIC
    @sudden death

    What is the "genetic distance" and "cultural distance" for these pairings?

    1. Caucasian French vs African migrants
    2. Anglo Britons vs Indian migrants (or Caribbean/African migrants)
    3. Northwestern Russians vs Central Asian migrants
    4. 'Average Caucasian American' vs recent Central American migrants (>90% Indio, < 10% European)

    I wonder if Russia is more of a melting pot in the first place so people care less about this sort of thing than in places where the group traits are still more distinct?

    A Sovok atheist may be less concerned that migrants are Islamic, based on the premise that this cultural trait will soon be washed away by secular progress.

    , @Philip Owen
    @sudden death

    And in Saratov the first reaction of the provincial government to the war was to open discussions with Uzbekistan about importing labour brigades. It really was.

    Just now Saratov is worried that there won't be enough workers for the Ozon and Wildberries huge distribution centres under construction unless 10,000 immigrants (not counting families) are found from somewhere. This partly reflects that Ozon and Wildberries came to Saratov for low wages (it isn't the roads) but that many jobs will put up wages for the unskilled. The Tajiks (cheapest) and Uzbeks will have to be able to read.

    State sponsored Central Asian immigration is going to be a hard sell.

    Russia's rural population is still large compared to fully industrial countries. Can rural Russia be weaned off alcohol and onto work? Low wages won't do it.

    Replies: @QCIC

  10. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Immigrant country origin list – 10 million immigrants (not war refugees from UA) were counted in RF just during first nine months of 2022 and 96% of them came from Islamic countries, (immigrants from christian Armenia, Georgia +Mongolia are those remaining 4%):


    Can’t find it quickly, but IIRC Ivashka also posted data from all 2022 and the final number was about 13 million immigrants into RF in 2022, so “conservative” IslamoPutin indeed has been very busy fulfilling the given multi-ethnic quotas and agendas for him:

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

  11. @songbird

    >100 people helped by two teenagers working in the cloakroom
    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name "Islam."

    I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but this is exactly the kind of narrative, which is typically promoted in Western countries. Each time there is a terror attack in some way linked or facilitated by immigration, they trot out more immigrants and promote the idea that they saved the day. Or else, that they are just exuding a special sympathy.

    In the case of the Boston Marathon bombing. Some illegal immigrant used his belt as a tourniquet. Regardless of what the potential value of Latinos might be, it seems obvious that Chechens are complete undesirables.

    The mainstream coverage of the Paris attacks was vomit-inducing, the way they concentrated on the false tears of migrants and hardly showed one French person. And no skeptics of migration.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Dmitry

    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name “Islam.”

    There is nothing surprising about it. The majority of Central Asians are normal people trying to make a buck by honest means. There were several Central Asians in my class at the University, and they were perfectly normal people. Two of them brought some horsemeat sausage (kyzy in Kirgiz) and introduced me and several others to it. It was very tasty, I like it ever since (now you can buy kyzy in most supermarkets in Moscow). The fact that the four scumbags who murdered people in the Crocus city hall were Tajiks does not mean that all Tajiks are bad. Just like the fact that some Ukrainians murdered civilians by shelling Donetsk, Lugansk, and Belgorod, while others gave criminal orders to do that, does not mean that all Ukrainians are scum. Just like the fact that some Americans are murderers does not mean that all Americans are murderers. In all cases criminals should be punished for their crimes, but innocent people do not share the guilt of those criminals.

    Lying libtard propaganda, as well as disgust it causes in normal people, do not change the reality.

    • Replies: @Jazman

    The terrorist attack was prepared very professionally and in such a way that it was practically impossible to prevent it . From what I hear Crocus center is built like labyrinth very easy to get lost . It took them 18 minutes - during this time they shot people at point-blank range, set fire to a huge building in strictly defined places and quickly disappeared.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  12. @QCIC

    Why import migrants when you can repatriate Slavs?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Why import migrants when you can repatriate Slavs?

    Slavs are as different as Central Asians. E.g., Ukies who ordered shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk, or Belgorod, as well as those who obeyed those orders, are Slavs, but the only thing they deserve is public hanging.

    • Replies: @AP

    Slavs are as different as Central Asians. E.g., Ukies who ordered shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk, or Belgorod, as well as those who obeyed those orders, are Slavs, but the only thing they deserve is public hanging.
    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  13. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Immigrant country origin list – 10 million immigrants (not war refugees from UA) were counted in RF just during first nine months of 2022 and 96% of them came from Islamic countries, (immigrants from christian Armenia, Georgia +Mongolia are those remaining 4%):


    Can’t find it quickly, but IIRC Ivashka also posted data from all 2022 and the final number was about 13 million immigrants into RF in 2022, so “conservative” IslamoPutin indeed has been very busy fulfilling the given multi-ethnic quotas and agendas for him:

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    What is the “genetic distance” and “cultural distance” for these pairings?

    1. Caucasian French vs African migrants
    2. Anglo Britons vs Indian migrants (or Caribbean/African migrants)
    3. Northwestern Russians vs Central Asian migrants
    4. ‘Average Caucasian American’ vs recent Central American migrants (>90% Indio, < 10% European)

    I wonder if Russia is more of a melting pot in the first place so people care less about this sort of thing than in places where the group traits are still more distinct?

    A Sovok atheist may be less concerned that migrants are Islamic, based on the premise that this cultural trait will soon be washed away by secular progress.

  14. @AnonfromTN

    Why import migrants when you can repatriate Slavs?
    Slavs are as different as Central Asians. E.g., Ukies who ordered shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk, or Belgorod, as well as those who obeyed those orders, are Slavs, but the only thing they deserve is public hanging.

    Replies: @AP

    Slavs are as different as Central Asians. E.g., Ukies who ordered shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk, or Belgorod, as well as those who obeyed those orders, are Slavs, but the only thing they deserve is public hanging.

    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?
    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians, including children, for many years. Russia responded a lot later, in 2022. I can only fault it for responding later than I would like. Not to mention the blockade of Crimea that the scum intended to be as devastating as the blockade of Gaza by a different scum.

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    Replies: @A123, @AP, @John Johnson

  15. @AP

    Slavs are as different as Central Asians. E.g., Ukies who ordered shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk, or Belgorod, as well as those who obeyed those orders, are Slavs, but the only thing they deserve is public hanging.
    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?

    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians, including children, for many years. Russia responded a lot later, in 2022. I can only fault it for responding later than I would like. Not to mention the blockade of Crimea that the scum intended to be as devastating as the blockade of Gaza by a different scum.

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    • Replies: @A123

    The worst creatures are those who use women, children, the sick, and injured as human shields. Hamas is the worst scum around. Hundred of vile Islamic terrorists have been captured while hiding and cowering in Shifa Hospital.

    • Why do Muslims keep their coreligionists imprisoned in Gaza?
    • Would it not be better to help them return to their religious homeland in Arabia?

    Russians and indigenous Palestinian Jews face existential threats from hostile forces. The minimum necessary force us being applied.

    Is it not obvious that IslamoGloboHomo stands against both Russia and Israel?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @AP

    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians
    Russia started the war in 2014 when it sent volunteers such as Girkin to start killing Ukrainian police officers and soldiers.

    Russia responded a lot later, in 2022
    Does that justify killing women and children?

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants
    If that were Ukraine’s goal and strategy don’t you think the civilian death toll would have been a lot higher than 3,000 over a period of years?

    and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex


    Often, but not always (or even mostly). Do you think the civilian deaths recently in Kharkiv and Odessa were acceptable?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @John Johnson

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk)

    Please cite one of these shelling incidents.

    Date and location.

    with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    Is Russia attacking military assets by sending 2 stroke Iranian drones at Kiev?

  16. @AnonfromTN

    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name “Islam.”
    There is nothing surprising about it. The majority of Central Asians are normal people trying to make a buck by honest means. There were several Central Asians in my class at the University, and they were perfectly normal people. Two of them brought some horsemeat sausage (kyzy in Kirgiz) and introduced me and several others to it. It was very tasty, I like it ever since (now you can buy kyzy in most supermarkets in Moscow). The fact that the four scumbags who murdered people in the Crocus city hall were Tajiks does not mean that all Tajiks are bad. Just like the fact that some Ukrainians murdered civilians by shelling Donetsk, Lugansk, and Belgorod, while others gave criminal orders to do that, does not mean that all Ukrainians are scum. Just like the fact that some Americans are murderers does not mean that all Americans are murderers. In all cases criminals should be punished for their crimes, but innocent people do not share the guilt of those criminals.

    Lying libtard propaganda, as well as disgust it causes in normal people, do not change the reality.

    Replies: @Jazman

    The terrorist attack was prepared very professionally and in such a way that it was practically impossible to prevent it . From what I hear Crocus center is built like labyrinth very easy to get lost . It took them 18 minutes – during this time they shot people at point-blank range, set fire to a huge building in strictly defined places and quickly disappeared.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    The terrorist attack was prepared very professionally and in such a way that it was practically impossible to prevent it .
    The four perps appear to have been trained, judging by the footage from cameras showing them changing the direction of the fire and reloading very professionally. While the ability to shoot random unarmed people shows that they are the scum of the earth, their performance with firearms cannot be achieved without serious training. They worked for money and prepared their getaway, which excludes ideological Islamic terrorists who never do either (they usually hope to get their 72 virgins in heaven as a reward). The scale and the speed of the fire suggests that it is very likely that highly combustible materials were pre-stashed in several places in the building: the bandits won’t be able to cause such large-scale fire with a few bottles of gasoline they brought. Another suggestive vignette: the company that supplied guards in Crocus city hall, “Crocus profi”, has dozens of firearms (pistols IZ-71, self-reloading rifles Saiga-20KB, etc.). All these weapons were stored in the next-door building, while the guards at Crocus city hall only had batons and electric shockers. Moreover, rapid reaction group of this company was also stationed in the next-door building, but did not even move when the attack happened. It is impossible to believe that they did not see and hear what’s going on next door.

    I am confident that the investigation will get to the bottom of it all, as well as identify those who organized this attack and prepared weapons for the perps. The perps’ leader bought the car they used to come to the Crocus city hall and to get away eight days before the attack. Those who sold him the car are already detained for questioning.
  17. A123 says: • Website

    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?
    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians, including children, for many years. Russia responded a lot later, in 2022. I can only fault it for responding later than I would like. Not to mention the blockade of Crimea that the scum intended to be as devastating as the blockade of Gaza by a different scum.

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    Replies: @A123, @AP, @John Johnson

    The worst creatures are those who use women, children, the sick, and injured as human shields. Hamas is the worst scum around. Hundred of vile Islamic terrorists have been captured while hiding and cowering in Shifa Hospital.

    • Why do Muslims keep their coreligionists imprisoned in Gaza?
    • Would it not be better to help them return to their religious homeland in Arabia?

    Russians and indigenous Palestinian Jews face existential threats from hostile forces. The minimum necessary force us being applied.

    Is it not obvious that IslamoGloboHomo stands against both Russia and Israel?

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    indigenous Palestinian Jews
    What fraction of Israel population do “indigenous Palestinian Jews” constitute, and what is the fraction of various carpet-baggers (Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Sephardic Jews)?

    Replies: @A123

  18. @Jazman

    The terrorist attack was prepared very professionally and in such a way that it was practically impossible to prevent it . From what I hear Crocus center is built like labyrinth very easy to get lost . It took them 18 minutes - during this time they shot people at point-blank range, set fire to a huge building in strictly defined places and quickly disappeared.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    The terrorist attack was prepared very professionally and in such a way that it was practically impossible to prevent it .

    The four perps appear to have been trained, judging by the footage from cameras showing them changing the direction of the fire and reloading very professionally. While the ability to shoot random unarmed people shows that they are the scum of the earth, their performance with firearms cannot be achieved without serious training. They worked for money and prepared their getaway, which excludes ideological Islamic terrorists who never do either (they usually hope to get their 72 virgins in heaven as a reward). The scale and the speed of the fire suggests that it is very likely that highly combustible materials were pre-stashed in several places in the building: the bandits won’t be able to cause such large-scale fire with a few bottles of gasoline they brought. Another suggestive vignette: the company that supplied guards in Crocus city hall, “Crocus profi”, has dozens of firearms (pistols IZ-71, self-reloading rifles Saiga-20KB, etc.). All these weapons were stored in the next-door building, while the guards at Crocus city hall only had batons and electric shockers. Moreover, rapid reaction group of this company was also stationed in the next-door building, but did not even move when the attack happened. It is impossible to believe that they did not see and hear what’s going on next door.

    I am confident that the investigation will get to the bottom of it all, as well as identify those who organized this attack and prepared weapons for the perps. The perps’ leader bought the car they used to come to the Crocus city hall and to get away eight days before the attack. Those who sold him the car are already detained for questioning.

  19. @sudden death
    Guess it's time to repeat some graphs where some serious alltime genius Putin fetish for islamic imports can be seen, especially Tajikistan immigrants were getting citizenship like candy last decade, with full acceleration lately:

    First graph is number Tajiks getting citizenship each year since 2016, second comparison in thousands with immigrants from Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data) of islamic immigrants also were imported into RF without giving citizenship yet.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Gerard1234, @Wokechoke

    Just to be clear you dumb POS – number of Ukrainians getting Russian citizenship in that same period is at least 20 times the Tajik number.

    As Russia is a free country that people want to live in , work and prosper in ( the complete opposite to decaying shithole litva) ………policy to allowing central asian migrants, perceived over tolerance/weakness of law enforcement to central asian ( and north caucasus) peoples general violent actions ( not terrorism, just everyday assaults) are FREQUENTLY criticised in Russia for 20 years you stupid idiot.

    In reality mainly as source of cheap labour, but also as Russia being inheritor state of USSR, Russia being a big country, the bilateral relationship with the central asian states………there was always going to be this dynamic.

    Different to an irrelevant shithole as Litva, every important western country has this exact issue – except Russia is on a principle of making our country as one with many cultures, not a multi-cultural ( there is a big difference in the terms) one with freakish stuff like the USA about to become over 50% hispanic etc.
    Also, on the cheap labour point – Russia despite our much larger population has much less central asians working here than France, Germany, Italy, Spain,UK do with Africans, North Africans, Asians, Middle East muslims. Proportionally we have less central Asians then Americans have Mexicans and Guatemalans.
    Indians relation with British Empire, Morrocans with Spanish, French with Algerian…….German with none of them can’t be compared with Tajiks/Uzbeks /Kyrgyz with Russia because of the relative recency of USSR.

    Kazakhs generally are not much of problem on this issue, plus much larger number of Kazakhstan citizens are ethnic Russian citizens anyway…….but in what world would it be possible for Putin to have a lenient migration policy with Kazakhstan, but a strict one with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan you stupid dickhead? Anyway, as I said, being the inheritor state of the USSR does require obligations.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data)

    That’s people crossing the border, each time counted, not the actual number of individual people who have come into Russia you f**king idiot. It may also include the Lithuanian scumbag diplomat who hit a women while driving……..and fled the country.
    In reality there are close to ( or probably over) 1 million of each Armenians, Gruzians, and Moldovans also who work in Russia.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    That’s people crossing the border, people crossing the border, each time counted, not the actual number of individual people who have come into Russia
    Knowing you as being not a serial, but straight out pathological liar here, who can't stop lying even knowing that he will be quickly be caught, no surprise that this time isn't any exception again, lol

    That column with numbers is called "Quantity of facts about inclusions into migrationary registry of foreign nationals and persons without citizenship'" in RF and those are immigrant individuals counted, but not their border crossings. Citizens of different countries have differing terms for such mandatory inclusion in RF migrationary registry, eg:

    We remind you that when entering the Russian Federation, visa-free foreign citizens are required to register with migration authorities within 7 working days from the date of entry.

    Citizens of Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan need to register for migration within 30 days from the date of arrival.

    Citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – within 15 days.

    Within 90 days, citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, as well as the LPR and DPR must register for migration.

    So those foreign nationals who are crossing the border for visiting just for several days or even more (depending on a specific country) don't have to be included into such migrationary registry.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

  20. @sudden death
    Guess it's time to repeat some graphs where some serious alltime genius Putin fetish for islamic imports can be seen, especially Tajikistan immigrants were getting citizenship like candy last decade, with full acceleration lately:

    First graph is number Tajiks getting citizenship each year since 2016, second comparison in thousands with immigrants from Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data) of islamic immigrants also were imported into RF without giving citizenship yet.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Gerard1234, @Wokechoke

    This was always gonna be the avenue of attack.

    Johnny Johnson’s at Langley have been salivating over the prospect of Central Asian Muslim gunmen shooting up Moscow. Planning it and planning for it.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Johnny Johnson’s at Langley have been salivating over the prospect of Central Asian Muslim gunmen shooting up Moscow. Planning it and planning for it.

    It's really sad that you think about me even when I haven't posted.

    Are you still maintaining the theory that the CIA is responsible for the Moscow attack?

    All the brains at the CIA decided that the best possible conspiracy involving ISIS-K was to gun down 21 year olds at a rock concert? They couldn't find an officer's function or something with high level dignitaries? Some CIA director in a secret meeting said LETS DO THE ROCK CONCERT IDEA!!! BOBS IDEA IS THE BEST U GUYS!!!

    This is really what you conclude?

    You are going to maintain that the most recent ISIS-K video where they threaten Putin was made by the CIA?

    You do realize that Putin has propped up an atheistic eye doctor in Syria that is hated by numerous Muslim groups including ISIS?

    And to top it off the CIA warned Putin about their own attack? Is that right Wokechoke?

  21. @LondonBob
    Alastair Crooke said in his interview it was the fact the Azeri oligarch with his bodyguards present that prevented the attack being on the Shaman concert.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Not that it is the country responsible or linked , but it is unusual coincidence that the innocent truck driver carrying the bomb on the Crimean bridge was also an Azeri.

  22. @AnonfromTN

    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?
    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians, including children, for many years. Russia responded a lot later, in 2022. I can only fault it for responding later than I would like. Not to mention the blockade of Crimea that the scum intended to be as devastating as the blockade of Gaza by a different scum.

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    Replies: @A123, @AP, @John Johnson

    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians

    Russia started the war in 2014 when it sent volunteers such as Girkin to start killing Ukrainian police officers and soldiers.

    Russia responded a lot later, in 2022

    Does that justify killing women and children?

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants

    If that were Ukraine’s goal and strategy don’t you think the civilian death toll would have been a lot higher than 3,000 over a period of years?

    and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex

    Often, but not always (or even mostly). Do you think the civilian deaths recently in Kharkiv and Odessa were acceptable?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Russia started the war in 2014 when it sent volunteers such as Girkin to start killing Ukrainian police officers and soldiers.
    Apparently there's some evidence (though I'm unsure just how reliable) in one of the Russian-language books about the Donbass War that Girkin and his pals launched their Donbass expedition on their own, defying orders from the Kremlin, with the Kremlin subsequently having to improvise due to the huge enthusiasm that the Donbass War generated in the Russian World. Would have been much better had the Kremlin quickly annexed the Donbass back in 2014, honestly. That or let Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising, but that would have been politically unfeasible for the Kremlin.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  23. @A123

    The worst creatures are those who use women, children, the sick, and injured as human shields. Hamas is the worst scum around. Hundred of vile Islamic terrorists have been captured while hiding and cowering in Shifa Hospital.

    • Why do Muslims keep their coreligionists imprisoned in Gaza?
    • Would it not be better to help them return to their religious homeland in Arabia?

    Russians and indigenous Palestinian Jews face existential threats from hostile forces. The minimum necessary force us being applied.

    Is it not obvious that IslamoGloboHomo stands against both Russia and Israel?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    indigenous Palestinian Jews

    What fraction of Israel population do “indigenous Palestinian Jews” constitute, and what is the fraction of various carpet-baggers (Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Sephardic Jews)?

    • Replies: @A123

    What fraction of Israel population do “indigenous Palestinian Jews” constitute,
    It is entirely about religion. The issue has 0% to do with ethnicity. Judaism and Christianity are indigenous to Palestine. Therefore, the TRUTH is simple:

    • 100% of Palestinian Jews are indigenous.
    • 100% of Palestinian Christians are indigenous.

    The non-Palestinian religion if Islam contaminated Palestine ~600 AD. One can be:

    ♦︎ Palestinian -- Jew or Christian
    ♦︎ Non-Palestinian -- Muslim

    These are really easy and undeniable concepts.

         Muslim Colonies are the Problem
      Muslim Decolonization is the Answer

    PEACE 😇

  24. @AnonfromTN

    indigenous Palestinian Jews
    What fraction of Israel population do “indigenous Palestinian Jews” constitute, and what is the fraction of various carpet-baggers (Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Sephardic Jews)?

    Replies: @A123

    What fraction of Israel population do “indigenous Palestinian Jews” constitute,

    It is entirely about religion. The issue has 0% to do with ethnicity. Judaism and Christianity are indigenous to Palestine. Therefore, the TRUTH is simple:

    • 100% of Palestinian Jews are indigenous.
    • 100% of Palestinian Christians are indigenous.

    The non-Palestinian religion if Islam contaminated Palestine ~600 AD. One can be:

    ♦︎ Palestinian — Jew or Christian
    ♦︎ Non-Palestinian — Muslim

    These are really easy and undeniable concepts.

         Muslim Colonies are the Problem
      Muslim Decolonization is the Answer

    PEACE 😇

  25. @AnonfromTN

    What about Russians who ordered missiles or shelling of Kharkiv, Odessa, etc.?
    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians, including children, for many years. Russia responded a lot later, in 2022. I can only fault it for responding later than I would like. Not to mention the blockade of Crimea that the scum intended to be as devastating as the blockade of Gaza by a different scum.

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    Replies: @A123, @AP, @John Johnson

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk)

    Please cite one of these shelling incidents.

    Date and location.

    with the purpose of murdering non-combatants and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex.

    Is Russia attacking military assets by sending 2 stroke Iranian drones at Kiev?

  26. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    This was always gonna be the avenue of attack.

    Johnny Johnson’s at Langley have been salivating over the prospect of Central Asian Muslim gunmen shooting up Moscow. Planning it and planning for it.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Johnny Johnson’s at Langley have been salivating over the prospect of Central Asian Muslim gunmen shooting up Moscow. Planning it and planning for it.

    It’s really sad that you think about me even when I haven’t posted.

    Are you still maintaining the theory that the CIA is responsible for the Moscow attack?

    All the brains at the CIA decided that the best possible conspiracy involving ISIS-K was to gun down 21 year olds at a rock concert? They couldn’t find an officer’s function or something with high level dignitaries? Some CIA director in a secret meeting said LETS DO THE ROCK CONCERT IDEA!!! BOBS IDEA IS THE BEST U GUYS!!!

    This is really what you conclude?

    You are going to maintain that the most recent ISIS-K video where they threaten Putin was made by the CIA?

    You do realize that Putin has propped up an atheistic eye doctor in Syria that is hated by numerous Muslim groups including ISIS?

    And to top it off the CIA warned Putin about their own attack? Is that right Wokechoke?

  27. @AP

    Kiev regime started the war in Donbass in 2014, murdering a lot of civilians
    Russia started the war in 2014 when it sent volunteers such as Girkin to start killing Ukrainian police officers and soldiers.

    Russia responded a lot later, in 2022
    Does that justify killing women and children?

    Besides, there is a huge difference between deliberate shelling of areas where there are only civilians (like the area where my mother used to live in Lugansk) with the purpose of murdering non-combatants
    If that were Ukraine’s goal and strategy don’t you think the civilian death toll would have been a lot higher than 3,000 over a period of years?

    and targeting military assets (as secondary detonation often proves) and military-industrial complex


    Often, but not always (or even mostly). Do you think the civilian deaths recently in Kharkiv and Odessa were acceptable?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Russia started the war in 2014 when it sent volunteers such as Girkin to start killing Ukrainian police officers and soldiers.

    Apparently there’s some evidence (though I’m unsure just how reliable) in one of the Russian-language books about the Donbass War that Girkin and his pals launched their Donbass expedition on their own, defying orders from the Kremlin, with the Kremlin subsequently having to improvise due to the huge enthusiasm that the Donbass War generated in the Russian World. Would have been much better had the Kremlin quickly annexed the Donbass back in 2014, honestly. That or let Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising, but that would have been politically unfeasible for the Kremlin.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Apparently there’s some evidence (though I’m unsure just how reliable) in one of the Russian-language books about the Donbass War that Girkin and his pals launched their Donbass expedition on their own, defying orders from the Kremlin

    Girkin is on record stating that the war was a Russian operation. Even if you ignore Girkin there are early videos of Putin's green men refusing to show their passports. Meaning Putin sent in troops early on to back the separatists. The Vice videos made it clear that the real separatists were mostly rural jackass type Slavs that could not have done it on their own. Vice basically showed up and filmed them and the separatists constantly made assess of themselves on camera.

    Girkin is now in a prison cell for criticizing the war.

    Amusingly he is not against the war but was instead thrown in the Russian glass cage for calling Putin and his generals incompetent.

    Girkin supports the war but wants a different dictator or general in charge.

    Would have been much better had the Kremlin quickly annexed the Donbass back in 2014, honestly. That or let Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising, but that would have been politically unfeasible for the Kremlin.

    Ukraine should have sent in special forces immediately. That was the huge mistake they made.

    If Mexican separatists killed a bunch of police and political workers in New Mexico the Federal government would not let them have the buildings and then negotiate a settlement. It would be a night of headshots.

    The Ukrainian government completely wimped out and that is why there was a counter-militia movement.

  28. @AP
    I and others have noted that Putin and Putinism are Russia’s analogues to neocons: invade the world/invite the world. Russia is much weaker and poorer than the USA so although it could send troops to Syria or Africa on adventures, it could only actually invade its immediate neighbors. But still it does so, while bringing in millions of Central Asians.

    Of course Putin, it turns out, is less successful than Bush was. Bush captured Baghdad in a few weeks, Putin has only managed to grab 9% or so of Ukraine after more than 2 years (19% if you include what was taken in 2014). Bush did not get 100,000+ US troops killed, Putin has wiped out 100,000+ Russian troops and counting. Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.

    Bush successfully spun 9-11 as being the fault of Iraq. Putin is trying to spin this attack in Moscow as Ukraine’s work. 70% of Americans gullibly came to believe that Saddam was somehow behind 9-11. We don’t know if Russians will be similarly gullible. Except for AnoninTN: 100%.

    Here is our former host writing sensibly about the terror attack in Moscow. Karlin writes:

    (1) As I initially said, confirmed not a false flag. Large number of Tajiks in Russia x sad Tajik propensity to sympathize with Islamic State = was always the most obvious explanation; not everything has to revolve around Ukraine. Islamic State has amusingly gone overboard insisting on its culpability amidst the wave of online conspiracy theories that it was Ukraine, FSB false flag, Mossad, CIA, etc.

    (2) Initial skepticism aside, the suspects are almost certainly the correct ones. Amongst other things, the clothing matches. Don't think FSB could have all set it up so quickly and competently.


    Putin's standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that "terrorism has no nationality", which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they're fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).

    5) Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small.

    (6) I am agnostic over the extent to which this will be weaponized against Ukraine. On the one hand, it's extremely dumb and only 90 IQ mouth-breathers and David Sacks will earnestly believe it. On the other hand, this entire episode makes Putin, kremlins, and the Russian security services come off very badly, so there's also a chance that they'll just try to sweep it under the carpet once this initial wave of anger wears off. Current Russian media propaganda blaming Ukraine seems to be them proactively anticipating to what they think the kremlin position on this will be, should be clearer in a few days once the Presidential Administration finishes precisely formulating the official line on this.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    Putin’s standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that “terrorism has no nationality”, which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they’re fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).

    Interestingly enough, I think that simple racial/ethnic/religious profiling by the Russian government (including both the Russian police and the Russian security services) might do the trick here. As in, still allow Central Asians to immigrate to Russia in large numbers, but aggressively screen them for radicalism beforehand and also afterwards, along with aggressively checking them for weapons, bombs, and the like whenever there is the potential for a dangerous situation. Central Asians might of course be offended by this, but when Islam as a religion is unique in just how many bad apples it produces in the 21st century, such Russian moves would at least be understandable. FWIW, I personally support narrowly tailored racial/ethnic/religious profiling when it is necessary to save lives and prevent harm based on Neven Sesardic’s arguments in an article of his.

    Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.

    I think that Bush also supported race-based affirmative action, no? At least in some form(s).

    BTW, I suppose that having Russia let in Central Asians en masse is perfectly rational and logical if Russia wants to undo the effects of decades of Communist rule. A Russia without decades of Communist rule, with internal freedom of movement, and one which would have permanently kept Central Asia would have likely experienced a lot of internal Central Asian migration to the East Slavic heartland for as long as most of the good jobs would have been located there. I don’t think that even if a non-Bolshevik Russia would have managed to maintain a relatively high TFR among its Slavs, that this would have cardinally altered the situation. After all, a lot of Southern blacks moved to the Northern and Western US from 1910 to 1970, including during the 1945-1965 post-WWII baby boom years, when the US’s total fertility rate was very high by developed Western standards.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Interestingly enough, I think that simple racial/ethnic/religious profiling by the Russian government (including both the Russian police and the Russian security services) might do the trick here. As in, still allow Central Asians to immigrate to Russia in large numbers, but aggressively screen them for radicalism beforehand and also afterwards, along with aggressively checking them for weapons, bombs, and the like whenever there is the potential for a dangerous situation.

    So stop attacks by aggressively screening them for bombs and weapons. That will work as well as those "gun free zone" signs at schools. Should they be given a questionnaire on their intent?

    Welcome to our country! Before letting you in we just need to ask a few questions to see if you can assimilate.

    Will you take part in a terrorist attack:
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

    Do you plan on trying to acquire weapons:
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

    Thank you and have a rainbow day!

    More Muslims = increased chance of Muslim extremism. There is no way around that equation and their religion tolerates violence.

    In fact statistically the children are more likely to become terrorists than the parents.

    Russia can't racially profile at this point. They have too many Muslims and plenty of networks. A couple Muzzie randos can sneak across the border and do this type of attack. It isn't hard to kill innocent people and guns aren't needed. Russians are lucky that most Muslims aren't creative or original and resort to boneheaded "kill everyone at a concert" type attacks.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  29. @Mr. XYZ

    Putin’s standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that “terrorism has no nationality”, which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they’re fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).


    Interestingly enough, I think that simple racial/ethnic/religious profiling by the Russian government (including both the Russian police and the Russian security services) might do the trick here. As in, still allow Central Asians to immigrate to Russia in large numbers, but aggressively screen them for radicalism beforehand and also afterwards, along with aggressively checking them for weapons, bombs, and the like whenever there is the potential for a dangerous situation. Central Asians might of course be offended by this, but when Islam as a religion is unique in just how many bad apples it produces in the 21st century, such Russian moves would at least be understandable. FWIW, I personally support narrowly tailored racial/ethnic/religious profiling when it is necessary to save lives and prevent harm based on Neven Sesardic's arguments in an article of his.

    Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.
    I think that Bush also supported race-based affirmative action, no? At least in some form(s).

    BTW, I suppose that having Russia let in Central Asians en masse is perfectly rational and logical if Russia wants to undo the effects of decades of Communist rule. A Russia without decades of Communist rule, with internal freedom of movement, and one which would have permanently kept Central Asia would have likely experienced a lot of internal Central Asian migration to the East Slavic heartland for as long as most of the good jobs would have been located there. I don't think that even if a non-Bolshevik Russia would have managed to maintain a relatively high TFR among its Slavs, that this would have cardinally altered the situation. After all, a lot of Southern blacks moved to the Northern and Western US from 1910 to 1970, including during the 1945-1965 post-WWII baby boom years, when the US's total fertility rate was very high by developed Western standards.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Interestingly enough, I think that simple racial/ethnic/religious profiling by the Russian government (including both the Russian police and the Russian security services) might do the trick here. As in, still allow Central Asians to immigrate to Russia in large numbers, but aggressively screen them for radicalism beforehand and also afterwards, along with aggressively checking them for weapons, bombs, and the like whenever there is the potential for a dangerous situation.

    So stop attacks by aggressively screening them for bombs and weapons. That will work as well as those “gun free zone” signs at schools. Should they be given a questionnaire on their intent?

    Welcome to our country! Before letting you in we just need to ask a few questions to see if you can assimilate.

    Will you take part in a terrorist attack:
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

    Do you plan on trying to acquire weapons:
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

    Thank you and have a rainbow day!

    More Muslims = increased chance of Muslim extremism. There is no way around that equation and their religion tolerates violence.

    In fact statistically the children are more likely to become terrorists than the parents.

    Russia can’t racially profile at this point. They have too many Muslims and plenty of networks. A couple Muzzie randos can sneak across the border and do this type of attack. It isn’t hard to kill innocent people and guns aren’t needed. Russians are lucky that most Muslims aren’t creative or original and resort to boneheaded “kill everyone at a concert” type attacks.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Asking them if they support murder over Muhammad cartoons could make a lot of sense, no? But then they could lie about this as well.

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    For concert-type events, aggressive screening of everyone might be a good idea, with again there being much more aggressive screening for people who look Muslim (which includes a lot of people, but not everyone).

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no? Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity. While it's likely to be far less successful than a secularization campaign, there are some Muslims for whom this might have a chance of working. Whether or not we believe in God is in part based on our genes, after all. For people with such inclinations, it might be easier to get them to believe in a different God than to completely secularize.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Wokechoke

  30. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Interestingly enough, I think that simple racial/ethnic/religious profiling by the Russian government (including both the Russian police and the Russian security services) might do the trick here. As in, still allow Central Asians to immigrate to Russia in large numbers, but aggressively screen them for radicalism beforehand and also afterwards, along with aggressively checking them for weapons, bombs, and the like whenever there is the potential for a dangerous situation.

    So stop attacks by aggressively screening them for bombs and weapons. That will work as well as those "gun free zone" signs at schools. Should they be given a questionnaire on their intent?

    Welcome to our country! Before letting you in we just need to ask a few questions to see if you can assimilate.

    Will you take part in a terrorist attack:
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

    Do you plan on trying to acquire weapons:
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No

    Thank you and have a rainbow day!

    More Muslims = increased chance of Muslim extremism. There is no way around that equation and their religion tolerates violence.

    In fact statistically the children are more likely to become terrorists than the parents.

    Russia can't racially profile at this point. They have too many Muslims and plenty of networks. A couple Muzzie randos can sneak across the border and do this type of attack. It isn't hard to kill innocent people and guns aren't needed. Russians are lucky that most Muslims aren't creative or original and resort to boneheaded "kill everyone at a concert" type attacks.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Asking them if they support murder over Muhammad cartoons could make a lot of sense, no? But then they could lie about this as well.

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    For concert-type events, aggressive screening of everyone might be a good idea, with again there being much more aggressive screening for people who look Muslim (which includes a lot of people, but not everyone).

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no? Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity. While it’s likely to be far less successful than a secularization campaign, there are some Muslims for whom this might have a chance of working. Whether or not we believe in God is in part based on our genes, after all. For people with such inclinations, it might be easier to get them to believe in a different God than to completely secularize.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    Ok so we screen them at airports. That already happens. No one packs an AK-47 in their luggage. They get off the plane, become citizens and then have their terrorist network deliver the guns. These terrorist cells attract angry losers that are borderline suicidal. Islam promises them virgins in heaven and eternal happiness.

    Or their kids make pressure cooker bombs and kill a bunch of people at a parade. How do you stop that scenario?

    More Muslims = increased chance of terrorism. Why take the risk? Why do White people have to die for third world immigration? The founders of this country never would have supported importing third world randos for some inexplicable ideal.

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no?

    I see no reason to believe that. If anything the secular government countries are more likely to have Muslims that want to go on a killing spree because they associate secularism with degeneracy. They view Britain and America as what happens when you don't have Islam. It can end up affirming their twisted beliefs. Some of the most dedicated ISIS killers were British but Muslim born.

    I actually was against shutting down the ISIS state. If anything we should have left it open as a honey pot for Muslims in the West. It was attracting the worst of them.

    Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity.

    Yea that would go over real swell. Muslim to Christianity conversion rates are low because their prophet becomes a lying mass murdering sand raider who married a child. Christianity to Muslim conversions are more common because Jesus is maintained as an important prophet.

    Or we could avoid all these problems and not import them.

    Why should anyone import Muslims? There are plenty of Catholics all over the world if laborers are needed.

    I really don't understand your tendency towards globalism. Asian countries like Japan tell the Muslims to stay in their own borders. Whites used to do the same and it is a statistically safer policy.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    , @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Tajikistan is an aggressively secular state, while it also does the authoritarian cult of Presidential power. Also appears to be pretty friendly with China Russia and US all at one time.

    But somehow the CIA got to four of their migrant laborers and started a fight with them in Moscow.

  31. IslamoGloboHomo hates Judeo-Christians. (1)

    Chamber of Commerce Foundation Moves Hard Left?

    Embattled Business Org Turns to Soros-Funded Groups,
    Democrats to Keep Dwindling Operations Alive

    Tax documents for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and for a major foundation funded by leftist billionaire George Soros show the organization that purports to represent the U.S. business community has turned hard left in recent years.

    The Tides Foundation’s public filings from 2018 to 2022 show the Soros-funded organization has given more than $12 million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation over that five-year span. In 2018, the Tides Foundation gave the Chamber’s foundation $450,000. In 2019, Tides gave the Chamber group $1,450,000. It gave another $100,000 in 2020, followed by $10 million in 2021 and another $175,885 in 2022. That totals $12,175,885 in a five-year span.

    Is anyone surprised that the anti-American “Chamber of Commerce” is seeking out SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim funding?

    Their open hatred of Christians is openly on display. Is there any doubt that their goal is the Great Muslim Replacement native workers?

    PEACE 😇


  32. @Mr. XYZ

    Russia started the war in 2014 when it sent volunteers such as Girkin to start killing Ukrainian police officers and soldiers.
    Apparently there's some evidence (though I'm unsure just how reliable) in one of the Russian-language books about the Donbass War that Girkin and his pals launched their Donbass expedition on their own, defying orders from the Kremlin, with the Kremlin subsequently having to improvise due to the huge enthusiasm that the Donbass War generated in the Russian World. Would have been much better had the Kremlin quickly annexed the Donbass back in 2014, honestly. That or let Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising, but that would have been politically unfeasible for the Kremlin.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Apparently there’s some evidence (though I’m unsure just how reliable) in one of the Russian-language books about the Donbass War that Girkin and his pals launched their Donbass expedition on their own, defying orders from the Kremlin

    Girkin is on record stating that the war was a Russian operation. Even if you ignore Girkin there are early videos of Putin’s green men refusing to show their passports. Meaning Putin sent in troops early on to back the separatists. The Vice videos made it clear that the real separatists were mostly rural jackass type Slavs that could not have done it on their own. Vice basically showed up and filmed them and the separatists constantly made assess of themselves on camera.

    Girkin is now in a prison cell for criticizing the war.

    Amusingly he is not against the war but was instead thrown in the Russian glass cage for calling Putin and his generals incompetent.

    Girkin supports the war but wants a different dictator or general in charge.

    Would have been much better had the Kremlin quickly annexed the Donbass back in 2014, honestly. That or let Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising, but that would have been politically unfeasible for the Kremlin.

    Ukraine should have sent in special forces immediately. That was the huge mistake they made.

    If Mexican separatists killed a bunch of police and political workers in New Mexico the Federal government would not let them have the buildings and then negotiate a settlement. It would be a night of headshots.

    The Ukrainian government completely wimped out and that is why there was a counter-militia movement.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
  33. @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Asking them if they support murder over Muhammad cartoons could make a lot of sense, no? But then they could lie about this as well.

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    For concert-type events, aggressive screening of everyone might be a good idea, with again there being much more aggressive screening for people who look Muslim (which includes a lot of people, but not everyone).

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no? Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity. While it's likely to be far less successful than a secularization campaign, there are some Muslims for whom this might have a chance of working. Whether or not we believe in God is in part based on our genes, after all. For people with such inclinations, it might be easier to get them to believe in a different God than to completely secularize.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Wokechoke

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    Ok so we screen them at airports. That already happens. No one packs an AK-47 in their luggage. They get off the plane, become citizens and then have their terrorist network deliver the guns. These terrorist cells attract angry losers that are borderline suicidal. Islam promises them virgins in heaven and eternal happiness.

    Or their kids make pressure cooker bombs and kill a bunch of people at a parade. How do you stop that scenario?

    More Muslims = increased chance of terrorism. Why take the risk? Why do White people have to die for third world immigration? The founders of this country never would have supported importing third world randos for some inexplicable ideal.

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no?

    I see no reason to believe that. If anything the secular government countries are more likely to have Muslims that want to go on a killing spree because they associate secularism with degeneracy. They view Britain and America as what happens when you don’t have Islam. It can end up affirming their twisted beliefs. Some of the most dedicated ISIS killers were British but Muslim born.

    I actually was against shutting down the ISIS state. If anything we should have left it open as a honey pot for Muslims in the West. It was attracting the worst of them.

    Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity.

    Yea that would go over real swell. Muslim to Christianity conversion rates are low because their prophet becomes a lying mass murdering sand raider who married a child. Christianity to Muslim conversions are more common because Jesus is maintained as an important prophet.

    Or we could avoid all these problems and not import them.

    Why should anyone import Muslims? There are plenty of Catholics all over the world if laborers are needed.

    I really don’t understand your tendency towards globalism. Asian countries like Japan tell the Muslims to stay in their own borders. Whites used to do the same and it is a statistically safer policy.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Well, TBF, I was kinda hoping to accept Muslim immigrants who want to reform and improve their religion (there are plenty of progressive Muslims in Orange County, California, for instance), but Yeah, we could certainly do without the rest of them. Certainly without the religious fundamentalist intolerant bigots and violent, unstable ones.

    , @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    So, Yeah, progressive and pro-Western Muslims only, please!

    That said, though, out of curiosity: Would you have advocated a similarly restrictive immigration policy for Italians and Jews in the early 20th century had you been alive back then? More Italians = more mafia and more Jews = more (elite) Leftism.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  34. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    Ok so we screen them at airports. That already happens. No one packs an AK-47 in their luggage. They get off the plane, become citizens and then have their terrorist network deliver the guns. These terrorist cells attract angry losers that are borderline suicidal. Islam promises them virgins in heaven and eternal happiness.

    Or their kids make pressure cooker bombs and kill a bunch of people at a parade. How do you stop that scenario?

    More Muslims = increased chance of terrorism. Why take the risk? Why do White people have to die for third world immigration? The founders of this country never would have supported importing third world randos for some inexplicable ideal.

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no?

    I see no reason to believe that. If anything the secular government countries are more likely to have Muslims that want to go on a killing spree because they associate secularism with degeneracy. They view Britain and America as what happens when you don't have Islam. It can end up affirming their twisted beliefs. Some of the most dedicated ISIS killers were British but Muslim born.

    I actually was against shutting down the ISIS state. If anything we should have left it open as a honey pot for Muslims in the West. It was attracting the worst of them.

    Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity.

    Yea that would go over real swell. Muslim to Christianity conversion rates are low because their prophet becomes a lying mass murdering sand raider who married a child. Christianity to Muslim conversions are more common because Jesus is maintained as an important prophet.

    Or we could avoid all these problems and not import them.

    Why should anyone import Muslims? There are plenty of Catholics all over the world if laborers are needed.

    I really don't understand your tendency towards globalism. Asian countries like Japan tell the Muslims to stay in their own borders. Whites used to do the same and it is a statistically safer policy.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Well, TBF, I was kinda hoping to accept Muslim immigrants who want to reform and improve their religion (there are plenty of progressive Muslims in Orange County, California, for instance), but Yeah, we could certainly do without the rest of them. Certainly without the religious fundamentalist intolerant bigots and violent, unstable ones.

  35. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    Ok so we screen them at airports. That already happens. No one packs an AK-47 in their luggage. They get off the plane, become citizens and then have their terrorist network deliver the guns. These terrorist cells attract angry losers that are borderline suicidal. Islam promises them virgins in heaven and eternal happiness.

    Or their kids make pressure cooker bombs and kill a bunch of people at a parade. How do you stop that scenario?

    More Muslims = increased chance of terrorism. Why take the risk? Why do White people have to die for third world immigration? The founders of this country never would have supported importing third world randos for some inexplicable ideal.

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no?

    I see no reason to believe that. If anything the secular government countries are more likely to have Muslims that want to go on a killing spree because they associate secularism with degeneracy. They view Britain and America as what happens when you don't have Islam. It can end up affirming their twisted beliefs. Some of the most dedicated ISIS killers were British but Muslim born.

    I actually was against shutting down the ISIS state. If anything we should have left it open as a honey pot for Muslims in the West. It was attracting the worst of them.

    Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity.

    Yea that would go over real swell. Muslim to Christianity conversion rates are low because their prophet becomes a lying mass murdering sand raider who married a child. Christianity to Muslim conversions are more common because Jesus is maintained as an important prophet.

    Or we could avoid all these problems and not import them.

    Why should anyone import Muslims? There are plenty of Catholics all over the world if laborers are needed.

    I really don't understand your tendency towards globalism. Asian countries like Japan tell the Muslims to stay in their own borders. Whites used to do the same and it is a statistically safer policy.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    So, Yeah, progressive and pro-Western Muslims only, please!

    That said, though, out of curiosity: Would you have advocated a similarly restrictive immigration policy for Italians and Jews in the early 20th century had you been alive back then? More Italians = more mafia and more Jews = more (elite) Leftism.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    So, Yeah, progressive and pro-Western Muslims only, please!

    How would we know that? Ask them nicely? What else would they say if they want in the country?

    How do you stop the Boston bomber problem? Where their kids decide that they hate the West and adopt Muslim extremism?

    Would you have advocated a similarly restrictive immigration policy for Italians and Jews in the early 20th century had you been alive back then? More Italians = more mafia and more Jews = more (elite) Leftism.

    The Italian mafia is mostly Hollywood folklore. Of course it existed but its influence is grossly exaggerated. Both the Wild West and Italian Mafia are mostly Hollywood storylines. But even the worst mob leaders didn't order attacks on parades. Actual hits were quite rare compared to what you see in the movies. The Sopranos seems realistic in how it is filmed but the NY mob never ordered that many hits in such a short period and they would never have the boss or even high level officers take part in that many murders. Tony Soprano was basically a serial killer.

    As for Jews that would be Russian immigration and yes I would have capped it. I also think too many Irish were let in. There is a lot of focus on Jews and the left while the Kennedy type Democrats seem to get ignored. Both the Jews and the Irish forged urban alliances with Blacks while avoiding them in their personal lives. Both groups also mostly moved to the burbs when they had the chance.

    But for the record I'm a racial realist but not a White nationalist. The problem I see with multi-culturalism is that various groups start competing against each other and making disingenuous alliances like Jews/Blacks and Irish/Blacks. But I have just as many complaints about Anglos before such alliances existed. It was the wealthy Anglo 1% that decided to bring over slaves and then fought a war using poor Whites to maintain that system. White man's greed is a real problem and so is race denial. This country was put on a very unstable path in 1865 as the North did not want to face the reality of race and the South was morally wrong and defeated but right about race existing. There was never a healthy accounting for reality between the two sides.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  36. Ukraine hits landing ships in Sevastopol

    Makes me wonder if Ukraine got wind of a coastal invasion.

    I have no doubt that Putin has at least considered pulling a Gallipoli on Odessa.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    Possibly the opposite if the West needs to bring in something at Odessa and wants to push the Russians back slightly beforehand. If so, the Russians may close down the port soon.

    , @Gerard1234
    @John Johnson

    Ukraine hits landing ships in Sevastopol
    Makes me wonder if Ukraine got wind of a coastal invasion.
    Surely a demented scumbag as yourself has been told to stop posting on here these equally demented western black propaganda videos making false claims........and adding your own false claim idiocy to them?

    Stop making stuff up. It was not speculation by the US or the result of some investigation.

    It was ISIS that claimed ISIS was responsible on their own channel. ISIS-K actually and they released another video that threatened Putin.


    What part of tried "escaped through border region with Ukraine" is a shithead as yourself too thick to understand? Who gives a f**k what some group called ISIS-K is claiming?

    There was one other terrorism at a mobilisation training base, involving Tajiks shooting 16 of our guys dead- that interestingly was also in a border region (Belgorod). The terrorists were killed in carrying out their evil act - but as I understand direct Ukrop involvement in that was not definitely concluded.

    Are you going with the theory that the US is actually controlling ISIS and also warned Russia about their own attack?
    No, this non-warning "warning" was completely unprofessional and almost certainly malicious. Additionally the inference of it was clear that it was directed at target of National Public holiday (Women) or Presidential elections the next week. Not this 2-3 weeks later.

    Then there is history of allowing numerous Chechen terrorists to escape and live in the west

    Ukronazi terrorist bitch who placed car bomb in Daria Dugina's car escaped via Baltic border and appears to be in zero pressure to be extradited

    Maidan false-flag terrorist massacre
    Bucha absurdity
    Novaya Kakhovka dam destruction
    Murder of one of the Kiev scumbag negotiators
    100's of terrorist acts by the Ukronazi scumbag coward military
    Total false-flag provocation by the west involving the plane forced to land (after fake bomb threat) in Belarus
    Nord Stream explosion
    One girl recruited/brainwashed by ukronazis into terrorist action in Saint Petersburg killing Tatarsky ( and severely injuring others)
    Yushchenko fake "poisoning" provocation by the west

    Those are just what I can remember - although the prelude "warning" from the US does make me think that part was black propaganda op designed to make US look good to western sheep idiots in the process of terrorist action against Russia.i.e entire terrorist act was American created and ordered.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  37. It is possible for a skinny person to crawl through a wombat tunnel. Burrows are cool and tend not to be frequented by venomous snakes, of which Australia has plenty.

    There is some danger of collapse, though.

    • Replies: @LatW

    It is possible for a skinny person to crawl through a wombat tunnel.
    Imagine being crushed by a wombat's behind as a skinny person? Like what happened to that fox in that other video you posted. :) Hopefully, they're not that powerful. The wombat has adapted well to the perils of this world, though. And to be found in a wombat tunnel is a "human error" par exellence.

    Btw, another cute creature popped up on my feed the other day (and made me want to share it with you, lol). Prehensile-tailed porcupine (from South America). The little guy's really hungry (I love how they open the peanut with such adorable determination). Would be funny to see it roll up in a ball, lol. The quills are awesome.

    Replies: @songbird

  38. Counter to the wishful thinking trolls who babble on about the Kiev regime winning –

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack
    That has not been established yet. Only one thing s certain: as the US for the umpteenth time claimed that ISIS was responsible, it is 100% guaranteed that it was not ISIS.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @John Johnson

    , @Mr. Hack

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.
    Sure Mickey, everything that comes out of the kremlin is believable - only in your crazed world! :-)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

  39. @John Johnson
    Ukraine hits landing ships in Sevastopol

    Makes me wonder if Ukraine got wind of a coastal invasion.

    I have no doubt that Putin has at least considered pulling a Gallipoli on Odessa.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Gerard1234

    Possibly the opposite if the West needs to bring in something at Odessa and wants to push the Russians back slightly beforehand. If so, the Russians may close down the port soon.

  40. @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    So, Yeah, progressive and pro-Western Muslims only, please!

    That said, though, out of curiosity: Would you have advocated a similarly restrictive immigration policy for Italians and Jews in the early 20th century had you been alive back then? More Italians = more mafia and more Jews = more (elite) Leftism.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    So, Yeah, progressive and pro-Western Muslims only, please!

    How would we know that? Ask them nicely? What else would they say if they want in the country?

    How do you stop the Boston bomber problem? Where their kids decide that they hate the West and adopt Muslim extremism?

    Would you have advocated a similarly restrictive immigration policy for Italians and Jews in the early 20th century had you been alive back then? More Italians = more mafia and more Jews = more (elite) Leftism.

    The Italian mafia is mostly Hollywood folklore. Of course it existed but its influence is grossly exaggerated. Both the Wild West and Italian Mafia are mostly Hollywood storylines. But even the worst mob leaders didn’t order attacks on parades. Actual hits were quite rare compared to what you see in the movies. The Sopranos seems realistic in how it is filmed but the NY mob never ordered that many hits in such a short period and they would never have the boss or even high level officers take part in that many murders. Tony Soprano was basically a serial killer.

    As for Jews that would be Russian immigration and yes I would have capped it. I also think too many Irish were let in. There is a lot of focus on Jews and the left while the Kennedy type Democrats seem to get ignored. Both the Jews and the Irish forged urban alliances with Blacks while avoiding them in their personal lives. Both groups also mostly moved to the burbs when they had the chance.

    But for the record I’m a racial realist but not a White nationalist. The problem I see with multi-culturalism is that various groups start competing against each other and making disingenuous alliances like Jews/Blacks and Irish/Blacks. But I have just as many complaints about Anglos before such alliances existed. It was the wealthy Anglo 1% that decided to bring over slaves and then fought a war using poor Whites to maintain that system. White man’s greed is a real problem and so is race denial. This country was put on a very unstable path in 1865 as the North did not want to face the reality of race and the South was morally wrong and defeated but right about race existing. There was never a healthy accounting for reality between the two sides.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Wouldn't a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    Replies: @John Johnson

  41. @Mikhail
    Counter to the wishful thinking trolls who babble on about the Kiev regime winning -

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack

    That has not been established yet. Only one thing s certain: as the US for the umpteenth time claimed that ISIS was responsible, it is 100% guaranteed that it was not ISIS.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    So there's no misunderstanding, I repeat -

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.

    , @John Johnson

    That has not been established yet. Only one thing s certain: as the US for the umpteenth time claimed that ISIS was responsible, it is 100% guaranteed that it was not ISIS.

    Stop making stuff up. It was not speculation by the US or the result of some investigation.

    It was ISIS that claimed ISIS was responsible on their own channel. ISIS-K actually and they released another video that threatened Putin.

    Are you going with the theory that the US is actually controlling ISIS and also warned Russia about their own attack?

  42. @AnonfromTN

    Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack
    That has not been established yet. Only one thing s certain: as the US for the umpteenth time claimed that ISIS was responsible, it is 100% guaranteed that it was not ISIS.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @John Johnson

    So there’s no misunderstanding, I repeat –

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.

  43. @AnonfromTN

    Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack
    That has not been established yet. Only one thing s certain: as the US for the umpteenth time claimed that ISIS was responsible, it is 100% guaranteed that it was not ISIS.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @John Johnson

    That has not been established yet. Only one thing s certain: as the US for the umpteenth time claimed that ISIS was responsible, it is 100% guaranteed that it was not ISIS.

    Stop making stuff up. It was not speculation by the US or the result of some investigation.

    It was ISIS that claimed ISIS was responsible on their own channel. ISIS-K actually and they released another video that threatened Putin.

    Are you going with the theory that the US is actually controlling ISIS and also warned Russia about their own attack?

  44. @John Johnson
    Ukraine hits landing ships in Sevastopol

    Makes me wonder if Ukraine got wind of a coastal invasion.

    I have no doubt that Putin has at least considered pulling a Gallipoli on Odessa.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Gerard1234

    Ukraine hits landing ships in Sevastopol
    Makes me wonder if Ukraine got wind of a coastal invasion.

    Surely a demented scumbag as yourself has been told to stop posting on here these equally demented western black propaganda videos making false claims……..and adding your own false claim idiocy to them?

    Stop making stuff up. It was not speculation by the US or the result of some investigation.

    It was ISIS that claimed ISIS was responsible on their own channel. ISIS-K actually and they released another video that threatened Putin.

    What part of tried “escaped through border region with Ukraine” is a shithead as yourself too thick to understand? Who gives a f**k what some group called ISIS-K is claiming?

    There was one other terrorism at a mobilisation training base, involving Tajiks shooting 16 of our guys dead- that interestingly was also in a border region (Belgorod). The terrorists were killed in carrying out their evil act – but as I understand direct Ukrop involvement in that was not definitely concluded.

    Are you going with the theory that the US is actually controlling ISIS and also warned Russia about their own attack?

    No, this non-warning “warning” was completely unprofessional and almost certainly malicious. Additionally the inference of it was clear that it was directed at target of National Public holiday (Women) or Presidential elections the next week. Not this 2-3 weeks later.

    Then there is history of allowing numerous Chechen terrorists to escape and live in the west

    Ukronazi terrorist bitch who placed car bomb in Daria Dugina’s car escaped via Baltic border and appears to be in zero pressure to be extradited

    Maidan false-flag terrorist massacre
    Bucha absurdity
    Novaya Kakhovka dam destruction
    Murder of one of the Kiev scumbag negotiators
    100’s of terrorist acts by the Ukronazi scumbag coward military
    Total false-flag provocation by the west involving the plane forced to land (after fake bomb threat) in Belarus
    Nord Stream explosion
    One girl recruited/brainwashed by ukronazis into terrorist action in Saint Petersburg killing Tatarsky ( and severely injuring others)
    Yushchenko fake “poisoning” provocation by the west

    Those are just what I can remember – although the prelude “warning” from the US does make me think that part was black propaganda op designed to make US look good to western sheep idiots in the process of terrorist action against Russia.i.e entire terrorist act was American created and ordered.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Surely a demented scumbag as yourself has been told to stop posting on here these equally demented western black propaganda videos making false claims……..and adding your own false claim idiocy to them?

    That was obviously a cell phone video recorded by a Russian.

    Are you not able to see that or do lock your mind into a safety bubble and tell yourself that any unwanted information must be propaganda? Did the attack happen or not? Was it real or fiction?

    I will take rules from Ron Unz but please don't invent your own rules using the same imagination that you rely on to deny reality.

    What part of tried “escaped through border region with Ukraine” is a shithead as yourself too thick to understand? Who gives a f**k what some group called ISIS-K is claiming?

    Escaping to a warzone makes sense and is not evidence of a conspiracy. If you actually read the news you would know that ISIS-K took responsibility and threatened Putin. Maybe try reading outside your bubble:

    Why ISIS-K Hates Putin—and Went After Moscow

    No, this non-warning “warning” was completely unprofessional and almost certainly malicious.

    Do explain how warning Putin that a concert could be attacked is malicious.

    Additionally the inference of it was clear that it was directed at target of National Public holiday (Women) or Presidential elections the next week. Not this 2-3 weeks later.

    So you are suggesting that the CIA is part of a grand conspiracy involving the holiday of women (who even celebrates that???) and they also warned Putin of an possible ISIS attack even though the conspiracy would require that they control that right? So they warned Putin of their own attack? This all makes sense to you?

  45. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    So, Yeah, progressive and pro-Western Muslims only, please!

    How would we know that? Ask them nicely? What else would they say if they want in the country?

    How do you stop the Boston bomber problem? Where their kids decide that they hate the West and adopt Muslim extremism?

    Would you have advocated a similarly restrictive immigration policy for Italians and Jews in the early 20th century had you been alive back then? More Italians = more mafia and more Jews = more (elite) Leftism.

    The Italian mafia is mostly Hollywood folklore. Of course it existed but its influence is grossly exaggerated. Both the Wild West and Italian Mafia are mostly Hollywood storylines. But even the worst mob leaders didn't order attacks on parades. Actual hits were quite rare compared to what you see in the movies. The Sopranos seems realistic in how it is filmed but the NY mob never ordered that many hits in such a short period and they would never have the boss or even high level officers take part in that many murders. Tony Soprano was basically a serial killer.

    As for Jews that would be Russian immigration and yes I would have capped it. I also think too many Irish were let in. There is a lot of focus on Jews and the left while the Kennedy type Democrats seem to get ignored. Both the Jews and the Irish forged urban alliances with Blacks while avoiding them in their personal lives. Both groups also mostly moved to the burbs when they had the chance.

    But for the record I'm a racial realist but not a White nationalist. The problem I see with multi-culturalism is that various groups start competing against each other and making disingenuous alliances like Jews/Blacks and Irish/Blacks. But I have just as many complaints about Anglos before such alliances existed. It was the wealthy Anglo 1% that decided to bring over slaves and then fought a war using poor Whites to maintain that system. White man's greed is a real problem and so is race denial. This country was put on a very unstable path in 1865 as the North did not want to face the reality of race and the South was morally wrong and defeated but right about race existing. There was never a healthy accounting for reality between the two sides.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn’t a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn’t a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    No I don't see how it would violate the constitution.

    There is nothing in the constitution that requires that we take immigrants from every country or religion.

    Rights defined in the constitution are for US citizens. An immigrant is not a citizen.

    Replies: @GreatWhiteKiller, @Wokechoke

  46. @songbird

    >100 people helped by two teenagers working in the cloakroom
    At least one of them was a Central Asian. With the name "Islam."

    I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but this is exactly the kind of narrative, which is typically promoted in Western countries. Each time there is a terror attack in some way linked or facilitated by immigration, they trot out more immigrants and promote the idea that they saved the day. Or else, that they are just exuding a special sympathy.

    In the case of the Boston Marathon bombing. Some illegal immigrant used his belt as a tourniquet. Regardless of what the potential value of Latinos might be, it seems obvious that Chechens are complete undesirables.

    The mainstream coverage of the Paris attacks was vomit-inducing, the way they concentrated on the false tears of migrants and hardly showed one French person. And no skeptics of migration.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Dmitry

    Interethnic harmony is an important priority of the government.

    After 9/11, in America, a lot of people in America were becoming hostile against Muslims, there was discrimination against Muslims after the terrorist attacks. In Russia, they want to avoid this kind of situation after terrorist attacks* so this is part of why television in Russia is trying to not generate negative feelings in relation to the religion of the terrorists. This is common and expected.

    *Terrorist attacks are more common in Russia.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Russia also cucks much more in favor of radical Muslims than the US does. Koran burning in the US is still legal due to the First Amendment. In Russia, Koran burners get thrown in jail and brutally tortured by sadistic Chechens.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Gerard1234

    , @songbird

    It is strange because the Soviet Union broke apart, in large part due to ethnic differences. But Putin can't seem to acknowledge that.

    It is kind of like if America lost the SW and politicians kept saying "diversity is our greatest strength.". Though I suppose that is exactly what they would do.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  47. @AP
    I and others have noted that Putin and Putinism are Russia’s analogues to neocons: invade the world/invite the world. Russia is much weaker and poorer than the USA so although it could send troops to Syria or Africa on adventures, it could only actually invade its immediate neighbors. But still it does so, while bringing in millions of Central Asians.

    Of course Putin, it turns out, is less successful than Bush was. Bush captured Baghdad in a few weeks, Putin has only managed to grab 9% or so of Ukraine after more than 2 years (19% if you include what was taken in 2014). Bush did not get 100,000+ US troops killed, Putin has wiped out 100,000+ Russian troops and counting. Bush let in lots of Mexicans and Latinos while Putin lets in millions of Tadjiks and Uzbeks, and gives Chechens special status above that of ethnic Russians.

    Bush successfully spun 9-11 as being the fault of Iraq. Putin is trying to spin this attack in Moscow as Ukraine’s work. 70% of Americans gullibly came to believe that Saddam was somehow behind 9-11. We don’t know if Russians will be similarly gullible. Except for AnoninTN: 100%.

    Here is our former host writing sensibly about the terror attack in Moscow. Karlin writes:

    (1) As I initially said, confirmed not a false flag. Large number of Tajiks in Russia x sad Tajik propensity to sympathize with Islamic State = was always the most obvious explanation; not everything has to revolve around Ukraine. Islamic State has amusingly gone overboard insisting on its culpability amidst the wave of online conspiracy theories that it was Ukraine, FSB false flag, Mossad, CIA, etc.

    (2) Initial skepticism aside, the suspects are almost certainly the correct ones. Amongst other things, the clothing matches. Don't think FSB could have all set it up so quickly and competently.


    Putin's standard position on terrorist attacks and their relationship with ethno-religious issues is that "terrorism has no nationality", which he has wheeled out again now. This is logical and rational. Russia cannot currently afford to scare away Central Asian workers with out of control pogroms since it suffers from a labor crunch as it is. Nor can Russian security services diversify into an anti-Islamism campaign at the same time that they're fully occupied with fighting Ukraine (in addition to their pastime of hunting liberals and gays).

    5) Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small.

    (6) I am agnostic over the extent to which this will be weaponized against Ukraine. On the one hand, it's extremely dumb and only 90 IQ mouth-breathers and David Sacks will earnestly believe it. On the other hand, this entire episode makes Putin, kremlins, and the Russian security services come off very badly, so there's also a chance that they'll just try to sweep it under the carpet once this initial wave of anger wears off. Current Russian media propaganda blaming Ukraine seems to be them proactively anticipating to what they think the kremlin position on this will be, should be clearer in a few days once the Presidential Administration finishes precisely formulating the official line on this.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    Putin isn’t really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.

    Neoconservatives support Ukraine because it’s a democracy seed. They are mix of believing in the ideology of democracy, with Cold War foreign policy style of “Eisenhower Doctrine” and John Foster Dulles.

    Putin doesn’t care so much about ideology. His probably main obsession, is stabilization of power after the image control and halls of mirrors. Putin is more similar to the 19th century conservative politicians. He believes in “order and stability”.

    If you watch Putin’s discussion about Black Lives Matter, he explains his priorities. He said he ideologically agrees with Black Lives Matter. He believes there needs to be reform of American police. He says Russia has always supported a fight against the racial injustice in American society and will continue.

    But, he is very criticizing against Black Lives Matter protesting in the streets, creating disorder and creating destabilization. When he is ideologically agreeing with BLM, within the country, he can see as a geopolitical rival, Putin is opposed to them because they represent protests, disorder and probably he views them in 2020 as similar to protests in Belarus which ask for regime-changes.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What's interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Dmitry

    , @AP

    Putin isn’t really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.
    Putin’s ideology (or lack of a sincerely-held one) is indeed very different from that of neoconservatives. You are correct.

    But both engage in foreign invasions and war without thinking of their own people under the banner of fake patriotism, and both have presided over mass immigration into the country they lead. For neocons this was for the sake of ideology, for Putin it is about the stable monopolization of power and wealth for himself and his inner circle. Neocons invaded Iraq, Putin invaded Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  48. If we will look at the election map, there is now a possibility that Trump can attain 270 in November.

    Unlike before 2016, Trump winning Florida was viewed an attainment, Florida is viewed as a Republican state this decade.

    Florida is important because it has 30 delegates.

    So, with Florida, Trump can win 270 even after losing Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota.

    Trump just needs to win Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

    Trump is currently in polls a little more popular than Biden in these states although it’s not a large difference.

    It’s maybe especially Latino voters who could be important in Arizona, Nevada, Afro-American voters in Georgia.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Trump is also leading in Michigan:

    There are some angry Muslims in Michigan due to Biden's Israel policy. Few are going to vote for Trump (who is even more pro-Israel than Biden is), but a lot of them could abstain simply to fuck over Biden, even if this will result in a Trump victory.

    , @A123

    If the election were held today, the result would be: (1)
        312 -- Trump
        226 -- Biden

    Trump is popular with independent and other swing voters.

    Hispanics who arrived legally are in play for Trump. As a group, they are heavily undercut by the surge of illegals.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇


  49. @Dmitry
    If we will look at the election map, there is now a possibility that Trump can attain 270 in November.

    Unlike before 2016, Trump winning Florida was viewed an attainment, Florida is viewed as a Republican state this decade.

    Florida is important because it has 30 delegates.

    So, with Florida, Trump can win 270 even after losing Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota.

    Trump just needs to win Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

    Trump is currently in polls a little more popular than Biden in these states although it's not a large difference.

    It's maybe especially Latino voters who could be important in Arizona, Nevada, Afro-American voters in Georgia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

    Trump is also leading in Michigan:

    There are some angry Muslims in Michigan due to Biden’s Israel policy. Few are going to vote for Trump (who is even more pro-Israel than Biden is), but a lot of them could abstain simply to fuck over Biden, even if this will result in a Trump victory.

  50. @Dmitry

    Putin isn't really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.

    Neoconservatives support Ukraine because it's a democracy seed. They are mix of believing in the ideology of democracy, with Cold War foreign policy style of "Eisenhower Doctrine" and John Foster Dulles.

    Putin doesn't care so much about ideology. His probably main obsession, is stabilization of power after the image control and halls of mirrors. Putin is more similar to the 19th century conservative politicians. He believes in "order and stability".

    If you watch Putin's discussion about Black Lives Matter, he explains his priorities. He said he ideologically agrees with Black Lives Matter. He believes there needs to be reform of American police. He says Russia has always supported a fight against the racial injustice in American society and will continue.

    But, he is very criticizing against Black Lives Matter protesting in the streets, creating disorder and creating destabilization. When he is ideologically agreeing with BLM, within the country, he can see as a geopolitical rival, Putin is opposed to them because they represent protests, disorder and probably he views them in 2020 as similar to protests in Belarus which ask for regime-changes.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    What’s interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    What’s interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    Putin isn't sympathetic towards Hamas.

    He will makes comments about the US but won't do anything to piss off Israel.

    He could at any time threaten to cut off their oil and chooses to do nothing.

    Putin is all talk when it comes to the Middle East. His pathetic fans here were hoping that he would take the side of Hamas after October 7th and he went back to doing nothing and selling them oil as I predicted.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @Dmitry
    @Mr. XYZ

    Putin doesn't "support Hamas". His personal view is definitely sympathetic/friendly in relation with Israel. His geopolitical view, is being in the rival, non-West bloc. But, if he had been an American politician, he would probably work as a Republican or centrist Democrat.

    Israel and Russia are part enemy of each other's blocs in the New Cold War, when Iran supplies Russia for the war in Ukraine since 2022. America supplies Ukraine, while Israel is behaving like an American military base and an enemy of Russia' ally Iran. Russia is an ally of South Africa, which prosecutes Israel. Television in Russia still hasn't adjusted to all the details of the blocs in the New Cold War, and the news show on the first channel is still more sympathetic for Israel in Gaza, compared to CNN or BBC.

    For comparison, about television nowadays, the television is very negative about countries like Great Britain which are in the Western bloc.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

  51. @Gerard1234
    @John Johnson

    Ukraine hits landing ships in Sevastopol
    Makes me wonder if Ukraine got wind of a coastal invasion.
    Surely a demented scumbag as yourself has been told to stop posting on here these equally demented western black propaganda videos making false claims........and adding your own false claim idiocy to them?

    Stop making stuff up. It was not speculation by the US or the result of some investigation.

    It was ISIS that claimed ISIS was responsible on their own channel. ISIS-K actually and they released another video that threatened Putin.


    What part of tried "escaped through border region with Ukraine" is a shithead as yourself too thick to understand? Who gives a f**k what some group called ISIS-K is claiming?

    There was one other terrorism at a mobilisation training base, involving Tajiks shooting 16 of our guys dead- that interestingly was also in a border region (Belgorod). The terrorists were killed in carrying out their evil act - but as I understand direct Ukrop involvement in that was not definitely concluded.

    Are you going with the theory that the US is actually controlling ISIS and also warned Russia about their own attack?
    No, this non-warning "warning" was completely unprofessional and almost certainly malicious. Additionally the inference of it was clear that it was directed at target of National Public holiday (Women) or Presidential elections the next week. Not this 2-3 weeks later.

    Then there is history of allowing numerous Chechen terrorists to escape and live in the west

    Ukronazi terrorist bitch who placed car bomb in Daria Dugina's car escaped via Baltic border and appears to be in zero pressure to be extradited

    Maidan false-flag terrorist massacre
    Bucha absurdity
    Novaya Kakhovka dam destruction
    Murder of one of the Kiev scumbag negotiators
    100's of terrorist acts by the Ukronazi scumbag coward military
    Total false-flag provocation by the west involving the plane forced to land (after fake bomb threat) in Belarus
    Nord Stream explosion
    One girl recruited/brainwashed by ukronazis into terrorist action in Saint Petersburg killing Tatarsky ( and severely injuring others)
    Yushchenko fake "poisoning" provocation by the west

    Those are just what I can remember - although the prelude "warning" from the US does make me think that part was black propaganda op designed to make US look good to western sheep idiots in the process of terrorist action against Russia.i.e entire terrorist act was American created and ordered.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Surely a demented scumbag as yourself has been told to stop posting on here these equally demented western black propaganda videos making false claims……..and adding your own false claim idiocy to them?

    That was obviously a cell phone video recorded by a Russian.

    Are you not able to see that or do lock your mind into a safety bubble and tell yourself that any unwanted information must be propaganda? Did the attack happen or not? Was it real or fiction?

    I will take rules from Ron Unz but please don’t invent your own rules using the same imagination that you rely on to deny reality.

    What part of tried “escaped through border region with Ukraine” is a shithead as yourself too thick to understand? Who gives a f**k what some group called ISIS-K is claiming?

    Escaping to a warzone makes sense and is not evidence of a conspiracy. If you actually read the news you would know that ISIS-K took responsibility and threatened Putin. Maybe try reading outside your bubble:

    Why ISIS-K Hates Putin—and Went After Moscow

    No, this non-warning “warning” was completely unprofessional and almost certainly malicious.

    Do explain how warning Putin that a concert could be attacked is malicious.

    Additionally the inference of it was clear that it was directed at target of National Public holiday (Women) or Presidential elections the next week. Not this 2-3 weeks later.

    So you are suggesting that the CIA is part of a grand conspiracy involving the holiday of women (who even celebrates that???) and they also warned Putin of an possible ISIS attack even though the conspiracy would require that they control ISIS…is that right? So they warned Putin of their own attack? This all makes sense to you?

  52. @Mr. XYZ

    What's interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Dmitry

    What’s interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    Putin isn’t sympathetic towards Hamas.

    He will makes comments about the US but won’t do anything to piss off Israel.

    He could at any time threaten to cut off their oil and chooses to do nothing.

    Putin is all talk when it comes to the Middle East. His pathetic fans here were hoping that he would take the side of Hamas after October 7th and he went back to doing nothing and selling them oil as I predicted.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    There’s a plausible theory that Al Aqsa Flood was done to overstretch US resources. It’s diverted ordinance and other assets already. It’s also been a black eye for US credibility regarding US claims that Russia is acting in a genocidal manner in Ukraine.

    One simply has to look at the civilian death toll in Gaza and cross reference that with Ukie civilians deaths and look at how the US supports the Israeli massacre of Arabs.

    I’m not opposed to the idea that Hamas was encouraged to strike Israel by Russian diplomats and military attaches.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  53. @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Wouldn't a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Wouldn’t a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    No I don’t see how it would violate the constitution.

    There is nothing in the constitution that requires that we take immigrants from every country or religion.

    Rights defined in the constitution are for US citizens. An immigrant is not a citizen.

    • Replies: @GreatWhiteKiller
    @John Johnson

    A total ban is necessary

    , @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Inalienable rights…foreigners are alien.

    But they do have rights, just alienable ones.

  54. @Dmitry

    Interethnic harmony is an important priority of the government.

    After 9/11, in America, a lot of people in America were becoming hostile against Muslims, there was discrimination against Muslims after the terrorist attacks. In Russia, they want to avoid this kind of situation after terrorist attacks* so this is part of why television in Russia is trying to not generate negative feelings in relation to the religion of the terrorists. This is common and expected.


    *Terrorist attacks are more common in Russia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

    Russia also cucks much more in favor of radical Muslims than the US does. Koran burning in the US is still legal due to the First Amendment. In Russia, Koran burners get thrown in jail and brutally tortured by sadistic Chechens.

    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Mr. XYZ

    This same result would happen if you dance in an Orthodox church or burn the Torah. Russia is not a First Amendment country. Authorities prioritize the interethnic harmony and social stability.

    They are enjoying power and money, they don't want to lose power and money because of allowing social instability.

    There are some angry Muslims in Michigan due to Biden’s Israel policy. Few are going to vote for Trump (who is even more pro-Israel than Biden is), but a lot of them could abstain
    Biden can enter a conflict with Israel to become more popular with Arab voters in Michigan. Conflict with Israel, also would cause his foreign policy to look more incoherent in 2024 after he was supporting Israel in October 2023.

    Biden/Blinker already has aspects of the incoherent policy appearances, for the voters, because of the disorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan and intermediate policy in Ukraine. In a poll, he only has 33% approval in the section of foreign affairs.

    , @Gerard1234
    @Mr. XYZ

    Russia also cucks much more in favor of radical Muslims than the US does. Koran burning in the US is still legal due to the First Amendment. In Russia, Koran burners get thrown in jail and brutally tortured by sadistic Chechens.
    That's the "first amendment" that has forced Trump to pay nearly half a billion dollars, ex-New York Mayor Giuliani 200 million USD, and Fox News nearly 1 billion you cretin?

    Of course, in reality you can't compare a country separated 1000s of kms by ocean from the Islamic World, and one like Russia on this issue.

    Have you read Bin Laden's history you dimwit? Even upto his death the Anglo-Americans were "cucks" for him.

    And Koran burning ( as a public or distributed video) should be a crime - as should Torah and Bible burning in non-Christian/non-Israel countries. I haven't heard of any cartoon drawings of the Prophet Mohammad in the WSJ or NYT recently either?
  55. Doubtless HA and JJ will soon be here to celebrate the destruction of the bridge … sorry, wrong bridge.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    "Hey, how do you turn this thing?"

    , @LondonBob

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.

    I expect the channel will be cleared in weeks, the bridge will take years to rebuild.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

  56. @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Asking them if they support murder over Muhammad cartoons could make a lot of sense, no? But then they could lie about this as well.

    Racially profiling at airports is easy according to both Sam Harris and Israeli Jews. Give everyone a basic screening but screen people who look Muslim much more aggressively.

    For concert-type events, aggressive screening of everyone might be a good idea, with again there being much more aggressive screening for people who look Muslim (which includes a lot of people, but not everyone).

    Seems like aggressively promoting secularism could also do wonders in regards to reducing Muslim violence, no? Of course, this could also be combined with a campaign to convert Muslims to Christianity. While it's likely to be far less successful than a secularization campaign, there are some Muslims for whom this might have a chance of working. Whether or not we believe in God is in part based on our genes, after all. For people with such inclinations, it might be easier to get them to believe in a different God than to completely secularize.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Wokechoke

    Tajikistan is an aggressively secular state, while it also does the authoritarian cult of Presidential power. Also appears to be pretty friendly with China Russia and US all at one time.

    But somehow the CIA got to four of their migrant laborers and started a fight with them in Moscow.

  57. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    What’s interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    Putin isn't sympathetic towards Hamas.

    He will makes comments about the US but won't do anything to piss off Israel.

    He could at any time threaten to cut off their oil and chooses to do nothing.

    Putin is all talk when it comes to the Middle East. His pathetic fans here were hoping that he would take the side of Hamas after October 7th and he went back to doing nothing and selling them oil as I predicted.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    There’s a plausible theory that Al Aqsa Flood was done to overstretch US resources. It’s diverted ordinance and other assets already. It’s also been a black eye for US credibility regarding US claims that Russia is acting in a genocidal manner in Ukraine.

    One simply has to look at the civilian death toll in Gaza and cross reference that with Ukie civilians deaths and look at how the US supports the Israeli massacre of Arabs.

    I’m not opposed to the idea that Hamas was encouraged to strike Israel by Russian diplomats and military attaches.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    There’s a plausible theory that Al Aqsa Flood was done to overstretch US resources.

    Well go ahead and explain the theory given that the IDF responded with limited US resources and US military aid to Israel represents about 20% of their military budget. They in fact have excess cash from being able to buy cheap Russian oil and could easily fund their own military. The amount the US contributes is pocket change. I support ending that aid but good luck suggesting it to either party.

    I’m not opposed to the idea that Hamas was encouraged to strike Israel by Russian diplomats and military attaches.

    I doubt that was the case. The attack reeks of poor leadership. The Russians would have come up with a better plan and would have discouraged an attack on a concert. Any poster here would have come up with a better plan. Attacking a bunch of girls at a concert while filming it with GoPros was incredibly stupid. It actually would have been easier to draw the IDF into a trap but Hamas is dominated by thugs that have bloodlust. I think the theory that they targeted the concert in part to get some rape time is plausible. This was a bunch of angry Muslim incels breaking through the border and going on a rampage. Most expected to die within 12 hours.

  58. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn’t a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    No I don't see how it would violate the constitution.

    There is nothing in the constitution that requires that we take immigrants from every country or religion.

    Rights defined in the constitution are for US citizens. An immigrant is not a citizen.

    Replies: @GreatWhiteKiller, @Wokechoke

    A total ban is necessary

  59. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn’t a total Muslim ban violate the US Constitution? Or do you want to do it by country instead rather than directly by religion?

    No I don't see how it would violate the constitution.

    There is nothing in the constitution that requires that we take immigrants from every country or religion.

    Rights defined in the constitution are for US citizens. An immigrant is not a citizen.

    Replies: @GreatWhiteKiller, @Wokechoke

    Inalienable rights…foreigners are alien.

    But they do have rights, just alienable ones.

  60. @YetAnotherAnon
    Doubtless HA and JJ will soon be here to celebrate the destruction of the bridge ... sorry, wrong bridge.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LondonBob

    “Hey, how do you turn this thing?”

  61. @Dmitry
    If we will look at the election map, there is now a possibility that Trump can attain 270 in November.

    Unlike before 2016, Trump winning Florida was viewed an attainment, Florida is viewed as a Republican state this decade.

    Florida is important because it has 30 delegates.

    So, with Florida, Trump can win 270 even after losing Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota.

    Trump just needs to win Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

    Trump is currently in polls a little more popular than Biden in these states although it's not a large difference.

    It's maybe especially Latino voters who could be important in Arizona, Nevada, Afro-American voters in Georgia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

    If the election were held today, the result would be: (1)
        312 — Trump
        226 — Biden

    Trump is popular with independent and other swing voters.

    Hispanics who arrived legally are in play for Trump. As a group, they are heavily undercut by the surge of illegals.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇


  62. @Dmitry

    Interethnic harmony is an important priority of the government.

    After 9/11, in America, a lot of people in America were becoming hostile against Muslims, there was discrimination against Muslims after the terrorist attacks. In Russia, they want to avoid this kind of situation after terrorist attacks* so this is part of why television in Russia is trying to not generate negative feelings in relation to the religion of the terrorists. This is common and expected.


    *Terrorist attacks are more common in Russia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

    It is strange because the Soviet Union broke apart, in large part due to ethnic differences. But Putin can’t seem to acknowledge that.

    It is kind of like if America lost the SW and politicians kept saying “diversity is our greatest strength.”. Though I suppose that is exactly what they would do.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire as a lot of land Moscow controls has populations of non-Russian nationality although not non-Russian citizenship. The wider near-abroad which Moscow wants to control has mainly non-Russian populations in both nationality and citizenship.

    So, the option for Moscow, was to integrate non-Russian populations or allow nationalism and lose control of important regions, become a smaller country and regional power, instead of great power or super power.

    Some of the regions of the Russian Federation that would be lost to separatism if allowing nationalism, have a large part of natural resources, which are a basis of Moscow's wealth and power like Yakutia. Some of the postsoviet states like Ukraine had strategic areas like Crimea which were threatened by nationalism in 2014. Some of the regions like Central Asia can be national security threats because of their borders with Russia and unstable countries like Afghanistan.

    Moscow chooses the first option, to integrate non-Russian populations, try to control areas they live, in smaller extent the postsoviet countries in the near-abroad. Is this only Putin's choice? I would not say he begins this choice. Yeltsin's response in 1994 to Chechen independence, was showing postsoviet Russia would not allow extreme retreats inside the Russian Federation to the nationalist/separatist process. Putin extended this more aggressively as Russia's economy recovered, to the postsoviet countries where Russia still has leverage.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

  63. The outbound vessel lost power at the worst possible time.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Where is Poupon Marx?

    He can probably explain what we see in the video with the lights and smoke.

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    All accidents are preventable.

    I wonder if there are statistics on marine crashes sailing up river versus sailing down river. I once had a long discussion with a corporate safety manager in which I attempted to convince the man that going downstairs was inherently more dangerous than going upstairs, with the conclusion being that I learned it takes a lot of energy to argue with an idiot. Safety manager is not a fast track promotion job. If done right it is going to be absolutely perfectly invisible.

    , @AnonfromTN

    Curious vignette. The captain of the ship that destroyed the bridge in Baltimore is a Ukrainian. The US should bring in more Ukrainians, there are many more bridges left.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

  64. @A123
    The outbound vessel lost power at the worst possible time.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN

    Where is Poupon Marx?

    He can probably explain what we see in the video with the lights and smoke.

  65. @Mikhail
    Counter to the wishful thinking trolls who babble on about the Kiev regime winning -

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.

    Sure Mickey, everything that comes out of the kremlin is believable – only in your crazed world! 🙂

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    You always miss the point, is it already that hot in Phoenix?

    Russia can claim what it wants as much as the West. Since you are ok with the Western far-fetched lies to start wars and kill civilians you have no standing. If Russia says "Kiev did it" and holds them accountable, what exactly is your objection?

    They can also say "oooops" 10 year later when it doesn't matter any more. Why can't they act the same as the West? Morality and 'rules' have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    , @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Such is the overly provincial mindset that find cartoons clever.

    Beckow answered you well.

  66. @songbird

    It is strange because the Soviet Union broke apart, in large part due to ethnic differences. But Putin can't seem to acknowledge that.

    It is kind of like if America lost the SW and politicians kept saying "diversity is our greatest strength.". Though I suppose that is exactly what they would do.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire as a lot of land Moscow controls has populations of non-Russian nationality although not non-Russian citizenship. The wider near-abroad which Moscow wants to control has mainly non-Russian populations in both nationality and citizenship.

    So, the option for Moscow, was to integrate non-Russian populations or allow nationalism and lose control of important regions, become a smaller country and regional power, instead of great power or super power.

    Some of the regions of the Russian Federation that would be lost to separatism if allowing nationalism, have a large part of natural resources, which are a basis of Moscow’s wealth and power like Yakutia. Some of the postsoviet states like Ukraine had strategic areas like Crimea which were threatened by nationalism in 2014. Some of the regions like Central Asia can be national security threats because of their borders with Russia and unstable countries like Afghanistan.

    Moscow chooses the first option, to integrate non-Russian populations, try to control areas they live, in smaller extent the postsoviet countries in the near-abroad. Is this only Putin’s choice? I would not say he begins this choice. Yeltsin’s response in 1994 to Chechen independence, was showing postsoviet Russia would not allow extreme retreats inside the Russian Federation to the nationalist/separatist process. Putin extended this more aggressively as Russia’s economy recovered, to the postsoviet countries where Russia still has leverage.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire
    Recent Russian joke:
    Whatever Russians build turns out to be an empire. Whatever Europeans build turns out to be a Reich.
    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Yeah diversity is not our strength but more like diversity is the real world and we have to deal with it.

    , @QCIC

    This issue of Russia's near-abroad relates to her need for a security buffer zone. If Russia lets these regions go, it is likely the West or China will eventually grab them. Even Turkey and Iran could be interested in controlling former Soviet territories. This gradual encroachment and pressure has a nuclear warfare dimension so it is not a trivial concern.

    If Russia were not worried about these countries being pulled out of her orbit, Putin might not care. Most of these countries would simply wither without strong ties to Moscow. Even Ukraine was at risk of decaying, since the Europeans did not want the competition. The growth of China had already disrupted world trade and the West did not want a Ukrainian economic incursion into the high value-added first world industries. So Ukraine's highest value to the West was as a permanent thorn in Russia's side. Her second value is with low tech industries like agriculture and coal. Third is organized crime and vices. The demonstrated high tech strengths of Ukraine were most valuable to Russia working as partners. Unfortunately it seems that by 2010 much of this leftover technological capability from Soviet glory days had been "strip mined" away by the world. Now Russia may not be expecting much from the once vibrant Ukrainian aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding, nuclear and machine-building enterprises. Future capability will be rebuilt almost from scratch.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

  67. @Mr. XYZ

    What's interesting is that both Putin and BLM support or at least are sympathetic towards Hamas.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Dmitry

    Putin doesn’t “support Hamas”. His personal view is definitely sympathetic/friendly in relation with Israel. His geopolitical view, is being in the rival, non-West bloc. But, if he had been an American politician, he would probably work as a Republican or centrist Democrat.

    Israel and Russia are part enemy of each other’s blocs in the New Cold War, when Iran supplies Russia for the war in Ukraine since 2022. America supplies Ukraine, while Israel is behaving like an American military base and an enemy of Russia’ ally Iran. Russia is an ally of South Africa, which prosecutes Israel. Television in Russia still hasn’t adjusted to all the details of the blocs in the New Cold War, and the news show on the first channel is still more sympathetic for Israel in Gaza, compared to CNN or BBC.

    For comparison, about television nowadays, the television is very negative about countries like Great Britain which are in the Western bloc.

    • Replies: @Gerard1234

    Russia is an ally of South Africa, which prosecutes Israel.
    Non-enemy, which is completely different to "ally" on the issue of Russia and South Africa.

    Direct Flights and trade - plenty with Israel, not so much with SA on direct flights. Trade I think is proportionally about the same. Neither SA or Israel involved in sanctions against Russia.

    In practise Israel is probably assisting ukronazi military, South Africa probably providing Banderastan apartheid-era ammunition ,but it would not surprise me if Israel is effectively doing more for Russia since 2022 than South Africa. Israel and Turkey both have similiar relations with Russia.

    South Africa not only didn't reject the fake ICC "war crimes" request for allowed itself into be blackmailed into not allowing the agreed Rosatom NPP that was to be built there - and South Africa's electricity problems are supposed to be extreme.
  68. @A123
    The outbound vessel lost power at the worst possible time.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN

    All accidents are preventable.

    I wonder if there are statistics on marine crashes sailing up river versus sailing down river. I once had a long discussion with a corporate safety manager in which I attempted to convince the man that going downstairs was inherently more dangerous than going upstairs, with the conclusion being that I learned it takes a lot of energy to argue with an idiot. Safety manager is not a fast track promotion job. If done right it is going to be absolutely perfectly invisible.

  69. The head of the SBU (Ukrainian Gestapo) Vasil Malyuk just bragged about successful Ukie terrorist acts on the RF territory: the explosion on the Crimean bridge, assassinations of former Ukrainian MP Kiva and Vladlen Tatarsky, attempted assassination of Zakhar Prilepin, and several assassinations and attempted assassinations of officials of Lugansk People’s Republic. Looks like an attempt to take credit for the terrorist attack on Crocus city hall.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    What that tells us is the SBU is a fake and gay intelligence agency. Which I suppose is not news to folks who have been paying attention.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  70. @Dmitry

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire as a lot of land Moscow controls has populations of non-Russian nationality although not non-Russian citizenship. The wider near-abroad which Moscow wants to control has mainly non-Russian populations in both nationality and citizenship.

    So, the option for Moscow, was to integrate non-Russian populations or allow nationalism and lose control of important regions, become a smaller country and regional power, instead of great power or super power.

    Some of the regions of the Russian Federation that would be lost to separatism if allowing nationalism, have a large part of natural resources, which are a basis of Moscow's wealth and power like Yakutia. Some of the postsoviet states like Ukraine had strategic areas like Crimea which were threatened by nationalism in 2014. Some of the regions like Central Asia can be national security threats because of their borders with Russia and unstable countries like Afghanistan.

    Moscow chooses the first option, to integrate non-Russian populations, try to control areas they live, in smaller extent the postsoviet countries in the near-abroad. Is this only Putin's choice? I would not say he begins this choice. Yeltsin's response in 1994 to Chechen independence, was showing postsoviet Russia would not allow extreme retreats inside the Russian Federation to the nationalist/separatist process. Putin extended this more aggressively as Russia's economy recovered, to the postsoviet countries where Russia still has leverage.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire

    Recent Russian joke:
    Whatever Russians build turns out to be an empire. Whatever Europeans build turns out to be a Reich.

  71. @Dmitry

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire as a lot of land Moscow controls has populations of non-Russian nationality although not non-Russian citizenship. The wider near-abroad which Moscow wants to control has mainly non-Russian populations in both nationality and citizenship.

    So, the option for Moscow, was to integrate non-Russian populations or allow nationalism and lose control of important regions, become a smaller country and regional power, instead of great power or super power.

    Some of the regions of the Russian Federation that would be lost to separatism if allowing nationalism, have a large part of natural resources, which are a basis of Moscow's wealth and power like Yakutia. Some of the postsoviet states like Ukraine had strategic areas like Crimea which were threatened by nationalism in 2014. Some of the regions like Central Asia can be national security threats because of their borders with Russia and unstable countries like Afghanistan.

    Moscow chooses the first option, to integrate non-Russian populations, try to control areas they live, in smaller extent the postsoviet countries in the near-abroad. Is this only Putin's choice? I would not say he begins this choice. Yeltsin's response in 1994 to Chechen independence, was showing postsoviet Russia would not allow extreme retreats inside the Russian Federation to the nationalist/separatist process. Putin extended this more aggressively as Russia's economy recovered, to the postsoviet countries where Russia still has leverage.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

    Yeah diversity is not our strength but more like diversity is the real world and we have to deal with it.

  72. @AnonfromTN
    The head of the SBU (Ukrainian Gestapo) Vasil Malyuk just bragged about successful Ukie terrorist acts on the RF territory: the explosion on the Crimean bridge, assassinations of former Ukrainian MP Kiva and Vladlen Tatarsky, attempted assassination of Zakhar Prilepin, and several assassinations and attempted assassinations of officials of Lugansk People’s Republic. Looks like an attempt to take credit for the terrorist attack on Crocus city hall.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    What that tells us is the SBU is a fake and gay intelligence agency. Which I suppose is not news to folks who have been paying attention.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What that tells us is the SBU is a fake and gay intelligence agency.
    SBU is a wholly owned subsidiary of a real intelligence agency. Their own capabilities do not go beyond torturing prisoners. In everything that requires serious capabilities SBU is run directly by MI6 and indirectly by the CIA.

    Replies: @A123

  73. @Emil Nikola Richard

    What that tells us is the SBU is a fake and gay intelligence agency. Which I suppose is not news to folks who have been paying attention.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    What that tells us is the SBU is a fake and gay intelligence agency.

    SBU is a wholly owned subsidiary of a real intelligence agency. Their own capabilities do not go beyond torturing prisoners. In everything that requires serious capabilities SBU is run directly by MI6 and indirectly by the CIA.

    • Replies: @A123

    SBU is a wholly owned subsidiary of a real intelligence agency. Their own capabilities do not go beyond torturing prisoners. In everything that requires serious capabilities SBU is run directly by MI6 and indirectly by the CIA.
    Making Ukraine worse diminishes Not-The-President Biden's re-election prospects.
        • Why would the CIA undermine him?
        • Are you suggesting the CIA wants to help TRUMP 2024?

    France's Macron wants to escalate in Ukraine. It is much more likely that SBU is currently dominated by French intelligence.

    PEACE 😇
  74. @Mr. Hack

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.
    Sure Mickey, everything that comes out of the kremlin is believable - only in your crazed world! :-)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    You always miss the point, is it already that hot in Phoenix?

    Russia can claim what it wants as much as the West. Since you are ok with the Western far-fetched lies to start wars and kill civilians you have no standing. If Russia says “Kiev did it” and holds them accountable, what exactly is your objection?

    They can also say “oooops” 10 year later when it doesn’t matter any more. Why can’t they act the same as the West? Morality and ‘rules’ have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.

    • Agree: Catdompanj
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Morality and ‘rules’ have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.
    Morality is not applicable to politics. There are no rules in politics, either. Otherwise how can the empire of evil and its cocksuckers claim that Putin’s moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    Replies: @Beckow, @John Johnson

    , @Mr. Hack

    If Russia says “Kiev did it” and holds them accountable, what exactly is your objection?
    My objection is that there is absolutely no proof that Kyiv was behind the recent bombing of the theater in Moscow. I can see that for you and your fellow travelers that this doesn't matter, because you all blindly believe whatever Batko Putler tells you. Believe what you want. :-)
  75. @Mr. XYZ

    Russia also cucks much more in favor of radical Muslims than the US does. Koran burning in the US is still legal due to the First Amendment. In Russia, Koran burners get thrown in jail and brutally tortured by sadistic Chechens.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Gerard1234

    This same result would happen if you dance in an Orthodox church or burn the Torah. Russia is not a First Amendment country. Authorities prioritize the interethnic harmony and social stability.

    They are enjoying power and money, they don’t want to lose power and money because of allowing social instability.

    There are some angry Muslims in Michigan due to Biden’s Israel policy. Few are going to vote for Trump (who is even more pro-Israel than Biden is), but a lot of them could abstain

    Biden can enter a conflict with Israel to become more popular with Arab voters in Michigan. Conflict with Israel, also would cause his foreign policy to look more incoherent in 2024 after he was supporting Israel in October 2023.

    Biden/Blinker already has aspects of the incoherent policy appearances, for the voters, because of the disorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan and intermediate policy in Ukraine. In a poll, he only has 33% approval in the section of foreign affairs.

  76. Brussels today is full of shit. You’d say that’s nothing new, Brussels was always full of shit. But today Belgian farmers added a lot of manure to the shit Brussels was always full of.

  77. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    You always miss the point, is it already that hot in Phoenix?

    Russia can claim what it wants as much as the West. Since you are ok with the Western far-fetched lies to start wars and kill civilians you have no standing. If Russia says "Kiev did it" and holds them accountable, what exactly is your objection?

    They can also say "oooops" 10 year later when it doesn't matter any more. Why can't they act the same as the West? Morality and 'rules' have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Morality and ‘rules’ have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.

    Morality is not applicable to politics. There are no rules in politics, either. Otherwise how can the empire of evil and its cocksuckers claim that Putin’s moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Morality is not applicable to politics.
    We are heading there. But if there are no rules than literally everything is permitted and it is down to brute power. The last time I checked that gives a huge advantage to Russia in Ukraine. Abandoning rules and lying was the dumbest thing for the West to do. But they did it and now it's too late.

    moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?
    The kind of absurdity you end up with in a purely tribal world. Who in the West thought that was a good idea and would benefit them? They are fools.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @John Johnson

    Otherwise how can the empire of evil and its cocksuckers claim that Putin’s moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    Putin has been indicted with war crimes over kidnapping children under the guise of moving them out of a warzone.

    Most of those children were old enough to talk and described it as being kidnapped. They did not want to leave.

    Here is the work of your dwarf protector:

    He most likely ordered a mass kidnapping to boost the Russian population.

    Putin has divided Russian/Ukrainian relations more than any Tsar of the past.

    Ukrainians will hate Russians for a thousand years.

    Oh and NATO expanded beyond what anyone thought possible in 2021.



  78. A123 says: • Website
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What that tells us is the SBU is a fake and gay intelligence agency.
    SBU is a wholly owned subsidiary of a real intelligence agency. Their own capabilities do not go beyond torturing prisoners. In everything that requires serious capabilities SBU is run directly by MI6 and indirectly by the CIA.

    Replies: @A123

    SBU is a wholly owned subsidiary of a real intelligence agency. Their own capabilities do not go beyond torturing prisoners. In everything that requires serious capabilities SBU is run directly by MI6 and indirectly by the CIA.

    Making Ukraine worse diminishes Not-The-President Biden’s re-election prospects.
        • Why would the CIA undermine him?
        • Are you suggesting the CIA wants to help TRUMP 2024?

    France’s Macron wants to escalate in Ukraine. It is much more likely that SBU is currently dominated by French intelligence.

    PEACE 😇

  79. @AnonfromTN

    Morality and ‘rules’ have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.
    Morality is not applicable to politics. There are no rules in politics, either. Otherwise how can the empire of evil and its cocksuckers claim that Putin’s moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    Replies: @Beckow, @John Johnson

    Morality is not applicable to politics.

    We are heading there. But if there are no rules than literally everything is permitted and it is down to brute power. The last time I checked that gives a huge advantage to Russia in Ukraine. Abandoning rules and lying was the dumbest thing for the West to do. But they did it and now it’s too late.

    moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    The kind of absurdity you end up with in a purely tribal world. Who in the West thought that was a good idea and would benefit them? They are fools.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    if there are no rules than literally everything is permitted and it is down to brute power.
    That’s a fair description of the world we live in. There used to be checks and balances when both the US and the USSR were around. After the dissolution of the USSR the US broke all rules, which made them obsolete for everybody (it’s as simple as 2x2=4, but the geniuses responsible for the US foreign policy didn’t figure that one out). Now anything goes, the only law is the law of the jungle.

    Replies: @Beckow

  80. @Dmitry

    The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic empire as a lot of land Moscow controls has populations of non-Russian nationality although not non-Russian citizenship. The wider near-abroad which Moscow wants to control has mainly non-Russian populations in both nationality and citizenship.

    So, the option for Moscow, was to integrate non-Russian populations or allow nationalism and lose control of important regions, become a smaller country and regional power, instead of great power or super power.

    Some of the regions of the Russian Federation that would be lost to separatism if allowing nationalism, have a large part of natural resources, which are a basis of Moscow's wealth and power like Yakutia. Some of the postsoviet states like Ukraine had strategic areas like Crimea which were threatened by nationalism in 2014. Some of the regions like Central Asia can be national security threats because of their borders with Russia and unstable countries like Afghanistan.

    Moscow chooses the first option, to integrate non-Russian populations, try to control areas they live, in smaller extent the postsoviet countries in the near-abroad. Is this only Putin's choice? I would not say he begins this choice. Yeltsin's response in 1994 to Chechen independence, was showing postsoviet Russia would not allow extreme retreats inside the Russian Federation to the nationalist/separatist process. Putin extended this more aggressively as Russia's economy recovered, to the postsoviet countries where Russia still has leverage.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

    This issue of Russia’s near-abroad relates to her need for a security buffer zone. If Russia lets these regions go, it is likely the West or China will eventually grab them. Even Turkey and Iran could be interested in controlling former Soviet territories. This gradual encroachment and pressure has a nuclear warfare dimension so it is not a trivial concern.

    If Russia were not worried about these countries being pulled out of her orbit, Putin might not care. Most of these countries would simply wither without strong ties to Moscow. Even Ukraine was at risk of decaying, since the Europeans did not want the competition. The growth of China had already disrupted world trade and the West did not want a Ukrainian economic incursion into the high value-added first world industries. So Ukraine’s highest value to the West was as a permanent thorn in Russia’s side. Her second value is with low tech industries like agriculture and coal. Third is organized crime and vices. The demonstrated high tech strengths of Ukraine were most valuable to Russia working as partners. Unfortunately it seems that by 2010 much of this leftover technological capability from Soviet glory days had been “strip mined” away by the world. Now Russia may not be expecting much from the once vibrant Ukrainian aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding, nuclear and machine-building enterprises. Future capability will be rebuilt almost from scratch.

    • Replies: @Philip Owen

    Ukrainian industry is not completely gone. Yet. Some have bee exploring venture capital opportunities in my network. Funds are being set up to buy mechanical engineering assets cheap. China is not going to be supplying iron founding products for much longer.

    Replies: @QCIC

  81. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    There’s a plausible theory that Al Aqsa Flood was done to overstretch US resources. It’s diverted ordinance and other assets already. It’s also been a black eye for US credibility regarding US claims that Russia is acting in a genocidal manner in Ukraine.

    One simply has to look at the civilian death toll in Gaza and cross reference that with Ukie civilians deaths and look at how the US supports the Israeli massacre of Arabs.

    I’m not opposed to the idea that Hamas was encouraged to strike Israel by Russian diplomats and military attaches.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    There’s a plausible theory that Al Aqsa Flood was done to overstretch US resources.

    Well go ahead and explain the theory given that the IDF responded with limited US resources and US military aid to Israel represents about 20% of their military budget. They in fact have excess cash from being able to buy cheap Russian oil and could easily fund their own military. The amount the US contributes is pocket change. I support ending that aid but good luck suggesting it to either party.

    I’m not opposed to the idea that Hamas was encouraged to strike Israel by Russian diplomats and military attaches.

    I doubt that was the case. The attack reeks of poor leadership. The Russians would have come up with a better plan and would have discouraged an attack on a concert. Any poster here would have come up with a better plan. Attacking a bunch of girls at a concert while filming it with GoPros was incredibly stupid. It actually would have been easier to draw the IDF into a trap but Hamas is dominated by thugs that have bloodlust. I think the theory that they targeted the concert in part to get some rape time is plausible. This was a bunch of angry Muslim incels breaking through the border and going on a rampage. Most expected to die within 12 hours.

  82. @AnonfromTN

    Morality and ‘rules’ have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.
    Morality is not applicable to politics. There are no rules in politics, either. Otherwise how can the empire of evil and its cocksuckers claim that Putin’s moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    Replies: @Beckow, @John Johnson

    Otherwise how can the empire of evil and its cocksuckers claim that Putin’s moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?

    Putin has been indicted with war crimes over kidnapping children under the guise of moving them out of a warzone.

    Most of those children were old enough to talk and described it as being kidnapped. They did not want to leave.

    Here is the work of your dwarf protector:

    He most likely ordered a mass kidnapping to boost the Russian population.

    Putin has divided Russian/Ukrainian relations more than any Tsar of the past.

    Ukrainians will hate Russians for a thousand years.

    Oh and NATO expanded beyond what anyone thought possible in 2021.



  83. In 2004, I was at an exhibition in Moscow. I was staying at an hotel/hostel run by the Ministry of Electronic industry near Kolomenskaya Metro. That day, the expo was ending so we were about 5 minutes late as we were taking our bags with us. (Across to VDNK in the rush hour!). It was fortunate that we were late.

    The train but one ahead of us was bombed by Chechen terrorists between Avtozavodskaya and Pavletskaya metro stops. We were stuck. Even in those days there were enough mobile phones that within 5 minutes we knew what had happened. Within 20 minutes we were being led off the train onto buses by emergency services and taken to Pavletskaya. This was a very impressive response time. I was extremely glad as I have a tendency to claustrophobia when stressed. (It was standing room only).

    The whole of that week, any young man that looked vaguely Caucasian was being stopped and his papers were being checked by the police at every metro station and even some bus stops.

    Fast forward 20 years to a richer more security orientated Moscow. A terrorist alert was ignored. I have been to Crocus City hall for concerts and Expos. There are few sites in Moscow so easy to secure. The OMON are nearby! Even if inspections at every metro station were not appropriate after Putin’s dismissal of the warnings, a few armed guards at concert venues, particularly Crocus, a degree of alertness and evacuation plans (in 2004 one was obviously ready) would still have been appropriate. Moscow emergency services in 2004 were impressive. In 2024 they seem to have been a shambles. Were the shootings allowed to happen? Bribery? Putin using the opportunity to increase support for mobilization? Incompetence? Lack of manpower after losing the best Rosgardia in the attack on Kiev? A message to Putin that there is not always someone at the end of the phone line?

    And now Lukashenko has all but accused Putin of lying by backing his own border guards claim that the fugitives were heading for Belarus. The remnants of Wagner are in Belarus.

    Something has happened. Power has shifted.

    If Putin fails to maintain his narrative against; the US/UK warning, Ukraine not ISIS-K, Ukraine not Belarus is he fatally weakened? Perhaps he stays in office but will he stay in power? He has two levels of Praetorian Guard between him and the FSB/Army so there should be no immediate physical threat to him but there could be to his trusted advisors. Underlings just stop obeying?

    Russia used the NK shells at Avdiivka. (The terrorists were using uncoated ammunition – North Korean – so where did they get the guns?). There are no more to come in quantity. Ukraine is about to receive mountains from European NATO production and purchase. F16s eventually. Time for Russia to quit while its still somewhat ahead even if none of Putin’s goals have been acheived?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Philip Owen

    Something has happened. Power has shifted.
    Apparently there is something going on with Patrushev and there are two factions of FSB fighting for influence.

    (The terrorists were using uncoated ammunition – North Korean – so where did they get the guns?)
    Yesterday I heard from Ilya Ponomariev that the guns they used are some new model of Kalashnikov that is not even available to the Russian military - it is some kind of a gun that is not widely used or easily accessible.

    Also, the safety measures at the Krokus hall were not sufficient - the fire was very big, where were the sprinklers? There is another version that this could be a kind of an expropriation effort of the Krokus hall by some siloviks (what they call otzhym - taking someone's property via violent means).

    If Europe manages to summon her strengths and actually provide more help (and eventually the planes), then RusFed doesn't really have such a long window for action - possibly this summer. The window to act and go on a major offensive is now (and the nearest half a year or so). Of course, the question remains if Europe will do this (or wait until the war comes on their own territory - which most likely will not be allowed).

    Replies: @Beckow

  84. @QCIC

    This issue of Russia's near-abroad relates to her need for a security buffer zone. If Russia lets these regions go, it is likely the West or China will eventually grab them. Even Turkey and Iran could be interested in controlling former Soviet territories. This gradual encroachment and pressure has a nuclear warfare dimension so it is not a trivial concern.

    If Russia were not worried about these countries being pulled out of her orbit, Putin might not care. Most of these countries would simply wither without strong ties to Moscow. Even Ukraine was at risk of decaying, since the Europeans did not want the competition. The growth of China had already disrupted world trade and the West did not want a Ukrainian economic incursion into the high value-added first world industries. So Ukraine's highest value to the West was as a permanent thorn in Russia's side. Her second value is with low tech industries like agriculture and coal. Third is organized crime and vices. The demonstrated high tech strengths of Ukraine were most valuable to Russia working as partners. Unfortunately it seems that by 2010 much of this leftover technological capability from Soviet glory days had been "strip mined" away by the world. Now Russia may not be expecting much from the once vibrant Ukrainian aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding, nuclear and machine-building enterprises. Future capability will be rebuilt almost from scratch.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

    Ukrainian industry is not completely gone. Yet. Some have bee exploring venture capital opportunities in my network. Funds are being set up to buy mechanical engineering assets cheap. China is not going to be supplying iron founding products for much longer.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Philip Owen

    Sure, but Ukrainian industrial high tech capability now is a small fraction of 1990. In many sectors Russia has surpassed 1990. AP claims the Ukrainians are strong in software. I can accept this but software is not a brick and mortar industry.

    Do you mean China has moved above the price point for iron foundry products? So what then, the new bridge comes from Nikolayev????

  85. @A123
    The outbound vessel lost power at the worst possible time.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN

    Curious vignette. The captain of the ship that destroyed the bridge in Baltimore is a Ukrainian. The US should bring in more Ukrainians, there are many more bridges left.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Russian bloggers are already mocking the US. They say that the RF Foreign Ministry issued a statement that there is no evidence that ISIS is responsible for the destruction of the bridge in Baltimore by Ukrainian ship captain.

    , @Mr. Hack

    Aren't you a Ukrainian? How many bridges have you destroyed?...

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  86. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Immigrant country origin list – 10 million immigrants (not war refugees from UA) were counted in RF just during first nine months of 2022 and 96% of them came from Islamic countries, (immigrants from christian Armenia, Georgia +Mongolia are those remaining 4%):


    Can’t find it quickly, but IIRC Ivashka also posted data from all 2022 and the final number was about 13 million immigrants into RF in 2022, so “conservative” IslamoPutin indeed has been very busy fulfilling the given multi-ethnic quotas and agendas for him:

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    And in Saratov the first reaction of the provincial government to the war was to open discussions with Uzbekistan about importing labour brigades. It really was.

    Just now Saratov is worried that there won’t be enough workers for the Ozon and Wildberries huge distribution centres under construction unless 10,000 immigrants (not counting families) are found from somewhere. This partly reflects that Ozon and Wildberries came to Saratov for low wages (it isn’t the roads) but that many jobs will put up wages for the unskilled. The Tajiks (cheapest) and Uzbeks will have to be able to read.

    State sponsored Central Asian immigration is going to be a hard sell.

    Russia’s rural population is still large compared to fully industrial countries. Can rural Russia be weaned off alcohol and onto work? Low wages won’t do it.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Philip Owen

    It sounds like Russia needs more automation to get more productivity out of their existing workforce.

    Which countries make the cheapest factory automation/robots?

    Replies: @Philip Owen

  87. @AnonfromTN

    Curious vignette. The captain of the ship that destroyed the bridge in Baltimore is a Ukrainian. The US should bring in more Ukrainians, there are many more bridges left.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Russian bloggers are already mocking the US. They say that the RF Foreign Ministry issued a statement that there is no evidence that ISIS is responsible for the destruction of the bridge in Baltimore by Ukrainian ship captain.

  88. @Mr. XYZ

    Russia also cucks much more in favor of radical Muslims than the US does. Koran burning in the US is still legal due to the First Amendment. In Russia, Koran burners get thrown in jail and brutally tortured by sadistic Chechens.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Gerard1234

    Russia also cucks much more in favor of radical Muslims than the US does. Koran burning in the US is still legal due to the First Amendment. In Russia, Koran burners get thrown in jail and brutally tortured by sadistic Chechens.

    That’s the “first amendment” that has forced Trump to pay nearly half a billion dollars, ex-New York Mayor Giuliani 200 million USD, and Fox News nearly 1 billion you cretin?

    Of course, in reality you can’t compare a country separated 1000s of kms by ocean from the Islamic World, and one like Russia on this issue.

    Have you read Bin Laden’s history you dimwit? Even upto his death the Anglo-Americans were “cucks” for him.

    And Koran burning ( as a public or distributed video) should be a crime – as should Torah and Bible burning in non-Christian/non-Israel countries. I haven’t heard of any cartoon drawings of the Prophet Mohammad in the WSJ or NYT recently either?

  89. @Dmitry
    @Mr. XYZ

    Putin doesn't "support Hamas". His personal view is definitely sympathetic/friendly in relation with Israel. His geopolitical view, is being in the rival, non-West bloc. But, if he had been an American politician, he would probably work as a Republican or centrist Democrat.

    Israel and Russia are part enemy of each other's blocs in the New Cold War, when Iran supplies Russia for the war in Ukraine since 2022. America supplies Ukraine, while Israel is behaving like an American military base and an enemy of Russia' ally Iran. Russia is an ally of South Africa, which prosecutes Israel. Television in Russia still hasn't adjusted to all the details of the blocs in the New Cold War, and the news show on the first channel is still more sympathetic for Israel in Gaza, compared to CNN or BBC.

    For comparison, about television nowadays, the television is very negative about countries like Great Britain which are in the Western bloc.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Russia is an ally of South Africa, which prosecutes Israel.

    Non-enemy, which is completely different to “ally” on the issue of Russia and South Africa.

    Direct Flights and trade – plenty with Israel, not so much with SA on direct flights. Trade I think is proportionally about the same. Neither SA or Israel involved in sanctions against Russia.

    In practise Israel is probably assisting ukronazi military, South Africa probably providing Banderastan apartheid-era ammunition ,but it would not surprise me if Israel is effectively doing more for Russia since 2022 than South Africa. Israel and Turkey both have similiar relations with Russia.

    South Africa not only didn’t reject the fake ICC “war crimes” request for VVP………it allowed itself into be blackmailed into not allowing the agreed Rosatom NPP that was to be built there – and South Africa’s electricity problems are supposed to be extreme.

  90. @Beckow

    Morality is not applicable to politics.
    We are heading there. But if there are no rules than literally everything is permitted and it is down to brute power. The last time I checked that gives a huge advantage to Russia in Ukraine. Abandoning rules and lying was the dumbest thing for the West to do. But they did it and now it's too late.

    moving children out of the war zone shelled by Ukies is a crime, whereas murdering ~15,000 children in Gaza is not?
    The kind of absurdity you end up with in a purely tribal world. Who in the West thought that was a good idea and would benefit them? They are fools.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    if there are no rules than literally everything is permitted and it is down to brute power.

    That’s a fair description of the world we live in. There used to be checks and balances when both the US and the USSR were around. After the dissolution of the USSR the US broke all rules, which made them obsolete for everybody (it’s as simple as 2×2=4, but the geniuses responsible for the US foreign policy didn’t figure that one out). Now anything goes, the only law is the law of the jungle.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...After the dissolution of the USSR the US broke all rules, which made them obsolete for everybody
    That is a very bad thing in the world with nukes. US broke the rules for 30 years and killed the goose that has been laying golden eggs. The stupidity is astounding.

    On Unz, Mr.Hacks' ignorant simplicity, AP's autistic defensiveness, JoJo's angry lying - each one handles it in his own way, but they all reflect the mentality that knows US screwed up and there is no way to fix it. They did to themselves, fools don't get to run the world. Or maybe the nukes.

  91. @Philip Owen
    In 2004, I was at an exhibition in Moscow. I was staying at an hotel/hostel run by the Ministry of Electronic industry near Kolomenskaya Metro. That day, the expo was ending so we were about 5 minutes late as we were taking our bags with us. (Across to VDNK in the rush hour!). It was fortunate that we were late.

    The train but one ahead of us was bombed by Chechen terrorists between Avtozavodskaya and Pavletskaya metro stops. We were stuck. Even in those days there were enough mobile phones that within 5 minutes we knew what had happened. Within 20 minutes we were being led off the train onto buses by emergency services and taken to Pavletskaya. This was a very impressive response time. I was extremely glad as I have a tendency to claustrophobia when stressed. (It was standing room only).

    The whole of that week, any young man that looked vaguely Caucasian was being stopped and his papers were being checked by the police at every metro station and even some bus stops.

    Fast forward 20 years to a richer more security orientated Moscow. A terrorist alert was ignored. I have been to Crocus City hall for concerts and Expos. There are few sites in Moscow so easy to secure. The OMON are nearby! Even if inspections at every metro station were not appropriate after Putin's dismissal of the warnings, a few armed guards at concert venues, particularly Crocus, a degree of alertness and evacuation plans (in 2004 one was obviously ready) would still have been appropriate. Moscow emergency services in 2004 were impressive. In 2024 they seem to have been a shambles. Were the shootings allowed to happen? Bribery? Putin using the opportunity to increase support for mobilization? Incompetence? Lack of manpower after losing the best Rosgardia in the attack on Kiev? A message to Putin that there is not always someone at the end of the phone line?

    And now Lukashenko has all but accused Putin of lying by backing his own border guards claim that the fugitives were heading for Belarus. The remnants of Wagner are in Belarus.

    Something has happened. Power has shifted.

    If Putin fails to maintain his narrative against; the US/UK warning, Ukraine not ISIS-K, Ukraine not Belarus is he fatally weakened? Perhaps he stays in office but will he stay in power? He has two levels of Praetorian Guard between him and the FSB/Army so there should be no immediate physical threat to him but there could be to his trusted advisors. Underlings just stop obeying?

    Russia used the NK shells at Avdiivka. (The terrorists were using uncoated ammunition - North Korean - so where did they get the guns?). There are no more to come in quantity. Ukraine is about to receive mountains from European NATO production and purchase. F16s eventually. Time for Russia to quit while its still somewhat ahead even if none of Putin's goals have been acheived?

    Replies: @LatW

    Something has happened. Power has shifted.

    Apparently there is something going on with Patrushev and there are two factions of FSB fighting for influence.

    (The terrorists were using uncoated ammunition – North Korean – so where did they get the guns?)

    Yesterday I heard from Ilya Ponomariev that the guns they used are some new model of Kalashnikov that is not even available to the Russian military – it is some kind of a gun that is not widely used or easily accessible.

    Also, the safety measures at the Krokus hall were not sufficient – the fire was very big, where were the sprinklers? There is another version that this could be a kind of an expropriation effort of the Krokus hall by some siloviks (what they call otzhym – taking someone’s property via violent means).

    If Europe manages to summon her strengths and actually provide more help (and eventually the planes), then RusFed doesn’t really have such a long window for action – possibly this summer. The window to act and go on a major offensive is now (and the nearest half a year or so). Of course, the question remains if Europe will do this (or wait until the war comes on their own territory – which most likely will not be allowed).

    • Agree: Philip Owen
    • Replies: @Beckow

    You are really reaching, stay closer to reality. It reminds me of "Putin is dead!!!" and 'Wagner will take Moscow' - earlier infantile attempts to feel better fed by intelligence leaks. "I heard that..." or "expropriation effort..." are silly - leave that to Mr. Hacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act till the end of the year. They are slowly winning the war but Nato is working on the next escalation cycle and can reset it back. It is about where the final border is - there will be no deal. Nato is trying to keep the rump-Ukraine viable, meaning with Odessa, Dnipro, Kiev...they would also like Kharkiv since it is right on Russia's border.

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands - one of the most valuable natural assets in Europe. Russia today controls 1/3 of Ukie chernozem and can make an additional large buffer unusable. The reason Ukies are desperately fighting in places like Bakhmut and Avdeevka is that if they fall back the huge chernozem lands will go to Russia - Ukies defend the built-up fortress Donbas cities to protect the indefensible fields further west. Or they can scoop up the chernozem and move it to Galicia....:)

    This will be studied for years as a classical example of a foolish overreach - if we survive. But it won't bring back the sacrificed Ukie lives or the lands they are losing.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @LatW

  92. @AnonfromTN

    if there are no rules than literally everything is permitted and it is down to brute power.
    That’s a fair description of the world we live in. There used to be checks and balances when both the US and the USSR were around. After the dissolution of the USSR the US broke all rules, which made them obsolete for everybody (it’s as simple as 2x2=4, but the geniuses responsible for the US foreign policy didn’t figure that one out). Now anything goes, the only law is the law of the jungle.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …After the dissolution of the USSR the US broke all rules, which made them obsolete for everybody

    That is a very bad thing in the world with nukes. US broke the rules for 30 years and killed the goose that has been laying golden eggs. The stupidity is astounding.

    On Unz, Mr.Hacks’ ignorant simplicity, AP’s autistic defensiveness, JoJo’s angry lying – each one handles it in his own way, but they all reflect the mentality that knows US screwed up and there is no way to fix it. They did to themselves, fools don’t get to run the world. Or maybe the nukes.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
  93. @YetAnotherAnon
    Doubtless HA and JJ will soon be here to celebrate the destruction of the bridge ... sorry, wrong bridge.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LondonBob

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.

    I expect the channel will be cleared in weeks, the bridge will take years to rebuild.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.
    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Beckow

    It was probably "ISIS". Those guys get around, ISIS-B.

  94. Impressive missile strike from Crimea to Kiev, the mass attack on Sevastopol looks like another failure. If anything the missile gap is growing.

  95. @songbird
    It is possible for a skinny person to crawl through a wombat tunnel. Burrows are cool and tend not to be frequented by venomous snakes, of which Australia has plenty.

    There is some danger of collapse, though.

    Replies: @LatW


    It is possible for a skinny person to crawl through a wombat tunnel.

    Imagine being crushed by a wombat’s behind as a skinny person? Like what happened to that fox in that other video you posted. 🙂 Hopefully, they’re not that powerful. The wombat has adapted well to the perils of this world, though. And to be found in a wombat tunnel is a “human error” par exellence.

    Btw, another cute creature popped up on my feed the other day (and made me want to share it with you, lol). Prehensile-tailed porcupine (from South America). The little guy’s really hungry (I love how they open the peanut with such adorable determination). Would be funny to see it roll up in a ball, lol. The quills are awesome.

    • Replies: @songbird

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog's dilemma: (though formerly he used the word porcupine.)

    The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

    Arthur Schopenhauer conceived this metaphor for the state of the individual in society. Despite goodwill, humans cannot be intimate without the risk of mutual harm, leading to cautious and tentative relationships. It is wise to be guarded with others for fear of getting hurt and also fear of causing hurt.

    Am not really into philosophy much, but it is an interesting metaphor, though wholly wrong zoologically.

    In point of fact, porcupines nudge each other with their noses quite intimately, when courting. And they will climb straight up people they are familiar with and get in their faces.

    BTW, I once found the overwinter layer of porcupines. I could never quite figure out if they were huddling under this big rock or living in the trees near by. (I would say the rock, but I don't know if it would fill up with water or not.). Anyway, there were massive amounts of spoor nearby. Buckets and buckets of it. My theory was that one alone could not have produced that much.

    I was quite scared a few years back when one came out of the darkness and suddenly starting sniffing my toe, which I had up in the air. They commonly chew through the boots of campers to get at the salt inside, and I was afraid he would chomp down. But perhaps the smell put him in fear of the taste.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.

    Replies: @songbird, @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

  96. @LondonBob

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.

    I expect the channel will be cleared in weeks, the bridge will take years to rebuild.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.

    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.
    I should add, black humor, Russian-style. Too bad some random people perished in that bridge collapse.

    Replies: @LondonBob

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Trickster deities are all over the literature. In our literature you can start with Hermes but he is not a solo act. I could explain my take on Job but it is rather contentious and I do not want to derail the entire sector of the internet.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  97. @LondonBob

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.

    I expect the channel will be cleared in weeks, the bridge will take years to rebuild.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    It was probably “ISIS”. Those guys get around, ISIS-B.

  98. @AnonfromTN

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.
    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard

    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.

    I should add, black humor, Russian-style. Too bad some random people perished in that bridge collapse.

    • Replies: @LondonBob

    I don't rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it. The attack did coincide with when civilian casualties would be minimised, as well as other factors.

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

  99. @AnonfromTN

    Rather ironic God brings down the bridge in Baltimore the way man tried, and failed, to bring down the Kerch bridge.
    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Trickster deities are all over the literature. In our literature you can start with Hermes but he is not a solo act. I could explain my take on Job but it is rather contentious and I do not want to derail the entire sector of the internet.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Trickster deities are all over the literature.
    Religions with crowded pantheons have lots of trickster deities and really entertaining stories about them. Religions that claim to be monotheistic tend to be more boring.

    I say “claim” because revered saints/apostles/prophets are essentially semi-deities, some of them function as local deities. As far as I know, Judaism is the only religion approaching monotheism (it is possible that I just don’t know enough about it).

    Replies: @Beckow

  100. Ban on fag/BLM flags in state own buildings abroad imho can be good even if small example of checks/balances working properly and indeed balancing worst possible excesses of each branch without paralysing everything:

    President Biden signed a $1.2 trillion spending bill into law Saturday but not without regrets, as the White House blasted a provision tucked inside the legislation that will prevent his State Department from flying Black Lives Matter or gay pride flags at foreign embassies.

    “President Biden believes it was inappropriate to abuse the process that was essential to keep the government open by including this policy targeting LGBTQI+ Americans,” the White House said in a statement Saturday.

    The ban applies to all State Department buildings and all flags other than a select list that includes the American flag and state, tribal and territorial banners, federal agencies and the POW-MIA flag.

    It was one of a handful of provisions Republicans managed to secure in the massive spending bill to roll back what they see as an overbearing “woke” agenda by the Biden administration. Gay rights groups said Democrats successfully blocked dozens of provisions that specifically targeted the LGBT community.

    The White House made clear it was not part of the negotiations over the flag provision.

    “While it will have no impact on the ability of members of the LGBTQI+ community to serve openly in our embassies or to celebrate Pride, the Administration fought against the inclusion of this policy and we will continue to work with members of Congress to find an opportunity to repeal it,” the White House said.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @sudden death

    This is great news - at least something to thank the Republican party for.

    They were flying BLM flags, too? That's insane. Where - in African countries?

  101. @LatW
    @Philip Owen

    Something has happened. Power has shifted.
    Apparently there is something going on with Patrushev and there are two factions of FSB fighting for influence.

    (The terrorists were using uncoated ammunition – North Korean – so where did they get the guns?)
    Yesterday I heard from Ilya Ponomariev that the guns they used are some new model of Kalashnikov that is not even available to the Russian military - it is some kind of a gun that is not widely used or easily accessible.

    Also, the safety measures at the Krokus hall were not sufficient - the fire was very big, where were the sprinklers? There is another version that this could be a kind of an expropriation effort of the Krokus hall by some siloviks (what they call otzhym - taking someone's property via violent means).

    If Europe manages to summon her strengths and actually provide more help (and eventually the planes), then RusFed doesn't really have such a long window for action - possibly this summer. The window to act and go on a major offensive is now (and the nearest half a year or so). Of course, the question remains if Europe will do this (or wait until the war comes on their own territory - which most likely will not be allowed).

    Replies: @Beckow

    You are really reaching, stay closer to reality. It reminds me of “Putin is dead!!!” and ‘Wagner will take Moscow’ – earlier infantile attempts to feel better fed by intelligence leaks. “I heard that…” or “expropriation effort…” are silly – leave that to Mr. Hacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act till the end of the year. They are slowly winning the war but Nato is working on the next escalation cycle and can reset it back. It is about where the final border is – there will be no deal. Nato is trying to keep the rump-Ukraine viable, meaning with Odessa, Dnipro, Kiev…they would also like Kharkiv since it is right on Russia’s border.

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands – one of the most valuable natural assets in Europe. Russia today controls 1/3 of Ukie chernozem and can make an additional large buffer unusable. The reason Ukies are desperately fighting in places like Bakhmut and Avdeevka is that if they fall back the huge chernozem lands will go to Russia – Ukies defend the built-up fortress Donbas cities to protect the indefensible fields further west. Or they can scoop up the chernozem and move it to Galicia….:)

    This will be studied for years as a classical example of a foolish overreach – if we survive. But it won’t bring back the sacrificed Ukie lives or the lands they are losing.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands
    Yes, that’s one of the drivers in this conflict. In fact, Western agro-giants have already bought up most of these lands for a pittance. They are desperate to keep their loot. It is obvious that on territories Putin ends up controlling the thieves would be left empty-handed. As we all know, thieves hate that.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

    , @LatW

    Those are infantile attempts to make yourselves feel better fed by unserious leaks. And “I heard that…” or “expropriation effort..” are very silly.
    I'm not positing any version as the right one, I'm simply pointing out to things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid - Russia has made a lot of enemies among the Sunni because of its air raiding in Syria (and other places). This is most likely going to remain as a permanent problem now and the war in Ukraine is only going to strain the systems even more and make them more vulnerable to external attacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act, probably till the end of this year.
    This is not a given, but if Europe does summon her strength (I'm not counting on America to get their act together, ever from now on... but that, too, is not excluded a year? Another 6 months?) - then it could be serious for Russia, they are trying to surround Kharkiv now and are hoping to get it without a real fight but that is delusional - it would be an insane, long and bloody battle. Do they have the systems in place to mobilize another couple of hundred thousand? Not everything is that great from the point of view of the psychology of their population.

    I don't get why you're gloating over other people's land being brutally stolen via mass murder - it is going to be your own kids and grandkids who will have to live in a world where this is normalized. If there's a larger conflict, the Slovaks, too, will have to fight, at least some of them.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

  102. @Beckow

    You are really reaching, stay closer to reality. It reminds me of "Putin is dead!!!" and 'Wagner will take Moscow' - earlier infantile attempts to feel better fed by intelligence leaks. "I heard that..." or "expropriation effort..." are silly - leave that to Mr. Hacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act till the end of the year. They are slowly winning the war but Nato is working on the next escalation cycle and can reset it back. It is about where the final border is - there will be no deal. Nato is trying to keep the rump-Ukraine viable, meaning with Odessa, Dnipro, Kiev...they would also like Kharkiv since it is right on Russia's border.

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands - one of the most valuable natural assets in Europe. Russia today controls 1/3 of Ukie chernozem and can make an additional large buffer unusable. The reason Ukies are desperately fighting in places like Bakhmut and Avdeevka is that if they fall back the huge chernozem lands will go to Russia - Ukies defend the built-up fortress Donbas cities to protect the indefensible fields further west. Or they can scoop up the chernozem and move it to Galicia....:)

    This will be studied for years as a classical example of a foolish overreach - if we survive. But it won't bring back the sacrificed Ukie lives or the lands they are losing.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @LatW

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands

    Yes, that’s one of the drivers in this conflict. In fact, Western agro-giants have already bought up most of these lands for a pittance. They are desperate to keep their loot. It is obvious that on territories Putin ends up controlling the thieves would be left empty-handed. As we all know, thieves hate that.

    • Replies: @Philip Owen

    The Chinese had bought huge parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia. Also at loot value.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @LondonBob

  103. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Trickster deities are all over the literature. In our literature you can start with Hermes but he is not a solo act. I could explain my take on Job but it is rather contentious and I do not want to derail the entire sector of the internet.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Trickster deities are all over the literature.

    Religions with crowded pantheons have lots of trickster deities and really entertaining stories about them. Religions that claim to be monotheistic tend to be more boring.

    I say “claim” because revered saints/apostles/prophets are essentially semi-deities, some of them function as local deities. As far as I know, Judaism is the only religion approaching monotheism (it is possible that I just don’t know enough about it).

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...revered saints/apostles/prophets are essentially semi-deities
    I always ask believers if there is one (G)od in the Universe, why wouldn't it be possible to have more? Most Protestants are also monotheistic, no saints or semi-deities...but definitely more boring. It can be oppressive, but we read a lot and don't have to confess...:)
  104. @Beckow

    You are really reaching, stay closer to reality. It reminds me of "Putin is dead!!!" and 'Wagner will take Moscow' - earlier infantile attempts to feel better fed by intelligence leaks. "I heard that..." or "expropriation effort..." are silly - leave that to Mr. Hacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act till the end of the year. They are slowly winning the war but Nato is working on the next escalation cycle and can reset it back. It is about where the final border is - there will be no deal. Nato is trying to keep the rump-Ukraine viable, meaning with Odessa, Dnipro, Kiev...they would also like Kharkiv since it is right on Russia's border.

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands - one of the most valuable natural assets in Europe. Russia today controls 1/3 of Ukie chernozem and can make an additional large buffer unusable. The reason Ukies are desperately fighting in places like Bakhmut and Avdeevka is that if they fall back the huge chernozem lands will go to Russia - Ukies defend the built-up fortress Donbas cities to protect the indefensible fields further west. Or they can scoop up the chernozem and move it to Galicia....:)

    This will be studied for years as a classical example of a foolish overreach - if we survive. But it won't bring back the sacrificed Ukie lives or the lands they are losing.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @LatW

    Those are infantile attempts to make yourselves feel better fed by unserious leaks. And “I heard that…” or “expropriation effort..” are very silly.

    I’m not positing any version as the right one, I’m simply pointing out to things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid – Russia has made a lot of enemies among the Sunni because of its air raiding in Syria (and other places). This is most likely going to remain as a permanent problem now and the war in Ukraine is only going to strain the systems even more and make them more vulnerable to external attacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act, probably till the end of this year.

    This is not a given, but if Europe does summon her strength (I’m not counting on America to get their act together, ever from now on… but that, too, is not excluded in….er… a year? Another 6 months?) – then it could be serious for Russia, they are trying to surround Kharkiv now and are hoping to get it without a real fight but that is delusional – it would be an insane, long and bloody battle. Do they have the systems in place to mobilize another couple of hundred thousand? Not everything is that great from the point of view of the psychology of their population.

    I don’t get why you’re gloating over other people’s land being brutally stolen via mass murder – it is going to be your own kids and grandkids who will have to live in a world where this is normalized. If there’s a larger conflict, the Slovaks, too, will have to fight, at least some of them.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    I don’t get why you’re gloating
    Frankly, I don’t see Beckow gloating. He just points out that the whole thing is largely the fault of the empire. Without imperial meddling Ukraine would never degenerate into cavemen-level nationalism. Without imperial push to expand its military reach to Ukraine there would be no reaction from the RF, no war, and no dead Ukrainians.

    I agree with his view up to a point. As an American saying puts it, fool me once – shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me. In my book the aborigines who sold their land for beads are just as guilty as the fraudster who paid them beads for land.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Beckow

    ...things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid
    Nothing is weirder than "ISIS": islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban. Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn't it? I am skeptical.

    There will be many versions on who is behind it and we will never agree. Enough evidence - by Western standards - ties the attack to Kiev: they were driving to Ukraine. The head of Ukie Nat Security was just fired, Nuland was 'retired'. US "warning" issued on March 7 was for 48 hours - inapplicable.

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was "fake". So their views don't matter - they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    The chernozem is in play because Kiev and Nato stupidly attacked Russia and gave them a strong reason to counter-attack. If Ukies lose it they have only themselves to blame. Mistakes have consequences - theuy should have acted normally or took the Minsk deal. I am not happy about any of this, I just describe reality and you don't like reality if it doesn't suit you. It doesn't change it.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson

  105. @LatW

    It is possible for a skinny person to crawl through a wombat tunnel.
    Imagine being crushed by a wombat's behind as a skinny person? Like what happened to that fox in that other video you posted. :) Hopefully, they're not that powerful. The wombat has adapted well to the perils of this world, though. And to be found in a wombat tunnel is a "human error" par exellence.

    Btw, another cute creature popped up on my feed the other day (and made me want to share it with you, lol). Prehensile-tailed porcupine (from South America). The little guy's really hungry (I love how they open the peanut with such adorable determination). Would be funny to see it roll up in a ball, lol. The quills are awesome.

    Replies: @songbird

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog’s dilemma:

    (though formerly he used the word porcupine.)

    The hedgehog’s dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

    Arthur Schopenhauer conceived this metaphor for the state of the individual in society. Despite goodwill, humans cannot be intimate without the risk of mutual harm, leading to cautious and tentative relationships. It is wise to be guarded with others for fear of getting hurt and also fear of causing hurt.

    Am not really into philosophy much, but it is an interesting metaphor, though wholly wrong zoologically.

    In point of fact, porcupines nudge each other with their noses quite intimately, when courting. And they will climb straight up people they are familiar with and get in their faces.

    BTW, I once found the overwinter layer of porcupines. I could never quite figure out if they were huddling under this big rock or living in the trees near by. (I would say the rock, but I don’t know if it would fill up with water or not.). Anyway, there were massive amounts of spoor nearby. Buckets and buckets of it. My theory was that one alone could not have produced that much.

    I was quite scared a few years back when one came out of the darkness and suddenly starting sniffing my toe, which I had up in the air. They commonly chew through the boots of campers to get at the salt inside, and I was afraid he would chomp down. But perhaps the smell put him in fear of the taste.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.

    • Replies: @songbird

    I don't believe this ridiculous theory myself, but will post it because it is related:

    Some believe that the difference between French and German philosophers has its origin in the differences between French and German cuisine.

    French is very refined and an abstraction from the thing you are eating. But Eisbein has the skin and bone and reminds one of life and death.

    Rather, I would say that it reminds one of ice-skating using pig bone skates while eating ham, which encourages a certain joie de vivre, but perhaps a wistfulness at the difficulty of acquiring such equipment today.

    , @LatW

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog’s dilemma:
    It makes sense of something like that coming from him (as he was quite a little hedgehog himself - someone who was impossible to live with, even though he had some cool ideas).

    Unfortunately, this is a real thing where people are so averse to genuine intimacy that they end up sabotaging their own happiness. It's sad and regrettable.

    Highly doubt that's how real hedgehogs act (they seem more sensible and not stuck up, with real healthy instincts and impulses).

    Didn't realize porcupines can be that affectionate (as shown in that video). I thought they were more "mechanical" and indifferent. Super adorable creatures. I'm sure they just want to feel the warmth, it's natural. They are quite huggable for a rodent.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.
    Huge. Good for him to benefit from the bounty of the Earth. Never seen one, but probably could, if I tried, they're common.

    Replies: @songbird

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arthur Schopenhauer was a brilliant writer and one of my all time top tens for sure.

    With regards to humans, behavior, psychology, topics like that he was utterly retarded. He was born in the .1% and never actually knew one regular human.

    Apparently his mom was a real piece of work.

    Have you seen Kerry Howley's New York Magazine expose' of Andrew Huberman? It's the best thing I have read this year. She is razor sharp. Poor Andrew Huberman is going to regret hearing the name Kerry Howley for a very long time.

    Replies: @songbird

  106. @AnonfromTN

    If there is God, He must have a sense of humor.
    I should add, black humor, Russian-style. Too bad some random people perished in that bridge collapse.

    Replies: @LondonBob

    I don’t rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it. The attack did coincide with when civilian casualties would be minimised, as well as other factors.


    • Replies: @QCIC

    Interesting theory, but maybe too much hyperventilating.

    Can the hazmat material shift to rail and barge shipment?

    Maybe they can now reroute the hazmat traffic through urban Baltimore. A few big accidents could do that place a lot of good by giving it a fresh start.

    Replies: @LondonBob

    , @AnonfromTN

    I don’t rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it.
    Do you mean that Ukrainian captain was Putin’s agent? Or maybe Kremlin agent? From the POV of Ukrainian media Ukrainians fall into two categories: Putin’s agents and Kremlin agents. Curiously, Ukies believe that this distinction matters.

    Replies: @AP

  107. @sudden death
    Ban on fag/BLM flags in state own buildings abroad imho can be good even if small example of checks/balances working properly and indeed balancing worst possible excesses of each branch without paralysing everything:

    President Biden signed a $1.2 trillion spending bill into law Saturday but not without regrets, as the White House blasted a provision tucked inside the legislation that will prevent his State Department from flying Black Lives Matter or gay pride flags at foreign embassies.

    “President Biden believes it was inappropriate to abuse the process that was essential to keep the government open by including this policy targeting LGBTQI+ Americans,” the White House said in a statement Saturday.

    The ban applies to all State Department buildings and all flags other than a select list that includes the American flag and state, tribal and territorial banners, federal agencies and the POW-MIA flag.

    It was one of a handful of provisions Republicans managed to secure in the massive spending bill to roll back what they see as an overbearing “woke” agenda by the Biden administration. Gay rights groups said Democrats successfully blocked dozens of provisions that specifically targeted the LGBT community.

    The White House made clear it was not part of the negotiations over the flag provision.

    “While it will have no impact on the ability of members of the LGBTQI+ community to serve openly in our embassies or to celebrate Pride, the Administration fought against the inclusion of this policy and we will continue to work with members of Congress to find an opportunity to repeal it,” the White House said.

    Replies: @LatW

    This is great news – at least something to thank the Republican party for.

    They were flying BLM flags, too? That’s insane. Where – in African countries?

  108. @LatW

    Those are infantile attempts to make yourselves feel better fed by unserious leaks. And “I heard that…” or “expropriation effort..” are very silly.
    I'm not positing any version as the right one, I'm simply pointing out to things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid - Russia has made a lot of enemies among the Sunni because of its air raiding in Syria (and other places). This is most likely going to remain as a permanent problem now and the war in Ukraine is only going to strain the systems even more and make them more vulnerable to external attacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act, probably till the end of this year.
    This is not a given, but if Europe does summon her strength (I'm not counting on America to get their act together, ever from now on... but that, too, is not excluded a year? Another 6 months?) - then it could be serious for Russia, they are trying to surround Kharkiv now and are hoping to get it without a real fight but that is delusional - it would be an insane, long and bloody battle. Do they have the systems in place to mobilize another couple of hundred thousand? Not everything is that great from the point of view of the psychology of their population.

    I don't get why you're gloating over other people's land being brutally stolen via mass murder - it is going to be your own kids and grandkids who will have to live in a world where this is normalized. If there's a larger conflict, the Slovaks, too, will have to fight, at least some of them.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    I don’t get why you’re gloating

    Frankly, I don’t see Beckow gloating. He just points out that the whole thing is largely the fault of the empire. Without imperial meddling Ukraine would never degenerate into cavemen-level nationalism. Without imperial push to expand its military reach to Ukraine there would be no reaction from the RF, no war, and no dead Ukrainians.

    I agree with his view up to a point. As an American saying puts it, fool me once – shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me. In my book the aborigines who sold their land for beads are just as guilty as the fraudster who paid them beads for land.

    • Replies: @LatW

    They shouldn't sell the land to foreigners (we should check this factoid for accuracy, highly doubt you're right, and, btw, neither should've Jared Kushner been allowed to buy properties in Serbia) or only in limited numbers, but neither is this land yours - you are primitive, brutal thieves as it has always been through out history. Nothing has changed and probably will not change. Hence, a big wall is the only option.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  109. @Mr. Hack

    As of now, Kiev regime involvement in the Moscow terrorist attack is arguably more believable than the earlier claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and blew up the Nordstream 2 Pipeline.
    Sure Mickey, everything that comes out of the kremlin is believable - only in your crazed world! :-)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    Such is the overly provincial mindset that find cartoons clever.

    Beckow answered you well.

  110. @songbird

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog's dilemma: (though formerly he used the word porcupine.)

    The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

    Arthur Schopenhauer conceived this metaphor for the state of the individual in society. Despite goodwill, humans cannot be intimate without the risk of mutual harm, leading to cautious and tentative relationships. It is wise to be guarded with others for fear of getting hurt and also fear of causing hurt.

    Am not really into philosophy much, but it is an interesting metaphor, though wholly wrong zoologically.

    In point of fact, porcupines nudge each other with their noses quite intimately, when courting. And they will climb straight up people they are familiar with and get in their faces.

    BTW, I once found the overwinter layer of porcupines. I could never quite figure out if they were huddling under this big rock or living in the trees near by. (I would say the rock, but I don't know if it would fill up with water or not.). Anyway, there were massive amounts of spoor nearby. Buckets and buckets of it. My theory was that one alone could not have produced that much.

    I was quite scared a few years back when one came out of the darkness and suddenly starting sniffing my toe, which I had up in the air. They commonly chew through the boots of campers to get at the salt inside, and I was afraid he would chomp down. But perhaps the smell put him in fear of the taste.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.

    Replies: @songbird, @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    I don’t believe this ridiculous theory myself, but will post it because it is related:

    Some believe that the difference between French and German philosophers has its origin in the differences between French and German cuisine.

    French is very refined and an abstraction from the thing you are eating. But Eisbein has the skin and bone and reminds one of life and death.

    Rather, I would say that it reminds one of ice-skating using pig bone skates while eating ham, which encourages a certain joie de vivre, but perhaps a wistfulness at the difficulty of acquiring such equipment today.

  111. Polish brigadier general dies suddenly on his day off. Perhaps he fancied a day-trip to Kiev?

    Information about the general’s death was provided by the Operations Command of the Armed Forces. “We deeply regret to inform you that on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, Brigadier General Adam Marczak, Chief of Staff of Operation EU Althea in Mons, died,” we read in the announcement.

    The Operations Command noted that “the unexpected death of the general occurred due to natural causes, in free time from service”.

    Is a missile on the bonce a natural cause?

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Officially Polish brigadier general Adam Marczak died of natural causes while off duty. By an interesting coincidence, on the day of his death Russians used ballistic missile Iskander to destroy buried Ukrainian command center near Chasov Yar (Donetsk region).

    Russian bloggers wrote a few weeks ago about US marines that you can easily drown in the Red Sea while being in a hotel in Kharkov.

  112. @songbird

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog's dilemma: (though formerly he used the word porcupine.)

    The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

    Arthur Schopenhauer conceived this metaphor for the state of the individual in society. Despite goodwill, humans cannot be intimate without the risk of mutual harm, leading to cautious and tentative relationships. It is wise to be guarded with others for fear of getting hurt and also fear of causing hurt.

    Am not really into philosophy much, but it is an interesting metaphor, though wholly wrong zoologically.

    In point of fact, porcupines nudge each other with their noses quite intimately, when courting. And they will climb straight up people they are familiar with and get in their faces.

    BTW, I once found the overwinter layer of porcupines. I could never quite figure out if they were huddling under this big rock or living in the trees near by. (I would say the rock, but I don't know if it would fill up with water or not.). Anyway, there were massive amounts of spoor nearby. Buckets and buckets of it. My theory was that one alone could not have produced that much.

    I was quite scared a few years back when one came out of the darkness and suddenly starting sniffing my toe, which I had up in the air. They commonly chew through the boots of campers to get at the salt inside, and I was afraid he would chomp down. But perhaps the smell put him in fear of the taste.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.

    Replies: @songbird, @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog’s dilemma:

    It makes sense of something like that coming from him (as he was quite a little hedgehog himself – someone who was impossible to live with, even though he had some cool ideas).


    Unfortunately, this is a real thing where people are so averse to genuine intimacy that they end up sabotaging their own happiness. It’s sad and regrettable.

    Highly doubt that’s how real hedgehogs act (they seem more sensible and not stuck up, with real healthy instincts and impulses).

    Didn’t realize porcupines can be that affectionate (as shown in that video). I thought they were more “mechanical” and indifferent. Super adorable creatures. I’m sure they just want to feel the warmth, it’s natural. They are quite huggable for a rodent.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.

    Huge. Good for him to benefit from the bounty of the Earth. Never seen one, but probably could, if I tried, they’re common.

    • Replies: @songbird

    I thought they were more “mechanical” and indifferent.
    They make these different noises at night, which can sound a bit eerie, or alien, if you are camping, and they are close, and getting closer, and you don't recognize what beast to associate with it, or what might be encouraging it to make the noise.

    They are quite huggable for a rodent.
    They do remind me somewhat of capybaras. (At least compared to other rodents). Still, I wouldn't want a quill in me, and so would rather pet a skunk.
  113. @Philip Owen
    @sudden death

    And in Saratov the first reaction of the provincial government to the war was to open discussions with Uzbekistan about importing labour brigades. It really was.

    Just now Saratov is worried that there won't be enough workers for the Ozon and Wildberries huge distribution centres under construction unless 10,000 immigrants (not counting families) are found from somewhere. This partly reflects that Ozon and Wildberries came to Saratov for low wages (it isn't the roads) but that many jobs will put up wages for the unskilled. The Tajiks (cheapest) and Uzbeks will have to be able to read.

    State sponsored Central Asian immigration is going to be a hard sell.

    Russia's rural population is still large compared to fully industrial countries. Can rural Russia be weaned off alcohol and onto work? Low wages won't do it.

    Replies: @QCIC

    It sounds like Russia needs more automation to get more productivity out of their existing workforce.

    Which countries make the cheapest factory automation/robots?

    • Replies: @Philip Owen

    Takes money, time and skilled labour to install. Right now warehouse costs in Russia are sky high because the Enterprise Planning Systems have been cut off (if cloud based) or are not maintained if purchased to run on the firm's own computers. To go from there to robots is a very big reach. The software engineers are all in Dubai anyway.

    Replies: @QCIC

  114. @AnonfromTN

    I don’t get why you’re gloating
    Frankly, I don’t see Beckow gloating. He just points out that the whole thing is largely the fault of the empire. Without imperial meddling Ukraine would never degenerate into cavemen-level nationalism. Without imperial push to expand its military reach to Ukraine there would be no reaction from the RF, no war, and no dead Ukrainians.

    I agree with his view up to a point. As an American saying puts it, fool me once – shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me. In my book the aborigines who sold their land for beads are just as guilty as the fraudster who paid them beads for land.

    Replies: @LatW

    They shouldn’t sell the land to foreigners (we should check this factoid for accuracy, highly doubt you’re right, and, btw, neither should’ve Jared Kushner been allowed to buy properties in Serbia) or only in limited numbers, but neither is this land yours – you are primitive, brutal thieves as it has always been through out history. Nothing has changed and probably will not change. Hence, a big wall is the only option.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Hence, a big wall is the only option.
    That’s as childish as it gets. Planes, rockets, and artillery shells easily fly over walls, even children’s ball can do it.

    Your talk of walls reminds me of a Russian joke. I guess you know Russian fairy tale about the golden fish that fulfills three wishes if you let it go.

    Here is the joke itself.
    A Russian and a Ukrainian caught the golden fish, which promised to fulfill three wishes if they let it go. Ukrainian said: two wishes are mine, one is yours. Russian says, OK. Ukrainian voices his first wish: I want Ukraine to be surrounded by a 10-meter wall. Fish says: done. Ukrainian voices his second wish: I want that there were no Russians left in Ukraine. Fish says: done. Russian asks the fish: so, Ukraine is surrounded by a 10-meter wall and not a single Russian is left in it? Fish says: yes. Russian says: than pour concrete all over the place.

    Replies: @LatW

  115. @songbird

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog's dilemma: (though formerly he used the word porcupine.)

    The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

    Arthur Schopenhauer conceived this metaphor for the state of the individual in society. Despite goodwill, humans cannot be intimate without the risk of mutual harm, leading to cautious and tentative relationships. It is wise to be guarded with others for fear of getting hurt and also fear of causing hurt.

    Am not really into philosophy much, but it is an interesting metaphor, though wholly wrong zoologically.

    In point of fact, porcupines nudge each other with their noses quite intimately, when courting. And they will climb straight up people they are familiar with and get in their faces.

    BTW, I once found the overwinter layer of porcupines. I could never quite figure out if they were huddling under this big rock or living in the trees near by. (I would say the rock, but I don't know if it would fill up with water or not.). Anyway, there were massive amounts of spoor nearby. Buckets and buckets of it. My theory was that one alone could not have produced that much.

    I was quite scared a few years back when one came out of the darkness and suddenly starting sniffing my toe, which I had up in the air. They commonly chew through the boots of campers to get at the salt inside, and I was afraid he would chomp down. But perhaps the smell put him in fear of the taste.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.

    Replies: @songbird, @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arthur Schopenhauer was a brilliant writer and one of my all time top tens for sure.

    With regards to humans, behavior, psychology, topics like that he was utterly retarded. He was born in the .1% and never actually knew one regular human.

    Apparently his mom was a real piece of work.

    Have you seen Kerry Howley’s New York Magazine expose’ of Andrew Huberman? It’s the best thing I have read this year. She is razor sharp. Poor Andrew Huberman is going to regret hearing the name Kerry Howley for a very long time.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    He was born in the .1% and never actually knew one regular human.
    have sometimes wondered what percentage of people In Europe had their own portraits painted.

    Apparently his mom was a real piece of work.
    would like German_reader to review her travelogues and post any anthropological excerpts here. I will start off the thread:. (as I was speaking a while ago about how common it was for people to go barefoot in the past.)

    Schon hier, so nahe an der englischen Grenze, fiel uns der Unterschied zwischen dem englischen und schottischen Volke merklich auf. Freundliches, gutmütiges Zuvorkommen, Treuherzigkeit, verbunden mit großer, aber fröhlicher Armut, erinnerte uns immer an die Bewohner deutscher Gebirge. Schuhe und Strümpfe, ohne welche man in England keinen Bettler erblickt, sind hier schon hoher Luxus. Die arbeitende Klasse und der größte Teil der Kinder, selbst wohlhabender Eltern, laufen Sommer und Winter barfuß; vielleicht geschieht dies fast ebenso oft aus Gewohnheit als aus Armut; aber es fällt sehr auf, wenn man aus England kommt, wo dergleichen unerhört ist

    BTW, I have often wondered how people went barefoot in winter. I mean not as cold there as where I am, but still pretty cold.

    She does sound quite haughty, but I only read the tiniest bit.

    Have you seen Kerry Howley’s New York Magazine expose’ of Andrew Huberman?
    Have not.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  116. @Philip Owen

    Ukrainian industry is not completely gone. Yet. Some have bee exploring venture capital opportunities in my network. Funds are being set up to buy mechanical engineering assets cheap. China is not going to be supplying iron founding products for much longer.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Sure, but Ukrainian industrial high tech capability now is a small fraction of 1990. In many sectors Russia has surpassed 1990. AP claims the Ukrainians are strong in software. I can accept this but software is not a brick and mortar industry.

    Do you mean China has moved above the price point for iron foundry products? So what then, the new bridge comes from Nikolayev????

  117. @LatW

    They shouldn't sell the land to foreigners (we should check this factoid for accuracy, highly doubt you're right, and, btw, neither should've Jared Kushner been allowed to buy properties in Serbia) or only in limited numbers, but neither is this land yours - you are primitive, brutal thieves as it has always been through out history. Nothing has changed and probably will not change. Hence, a big wall is the only option.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Hence, a big wall is the only option.

    That’s as childish as it gets. Planes, rockets, and artillery shells easily fly over walls, even children’s ball can do it.

    Your talk of walls reminds me of a Russian joke. I guess you know Russian fairy tale about the golden fish that fulfills three wishes if you let it go.

    Here is the joke itself.
    A Russian and a Ukrainian caught the golden fish, which promised to fulfill three wishes if they let it go. Ukrainian said: two wishes are mine, one is yours. Russian says, OK. Ukrainian voices his first wish: I want Ukraine to be surrounded by a 10-meter wall. Fish says: done. Ukrainian voices his second wish: I want that there were no Russians left in Ukraine. Fish says: done. Russian asks the fish: so, Ukraine is surrounded by a 10-meter wall and not a single Russian is left in it? Fish says: yes. Russian says: than pour concrete all over the place.

    • Replies: @LatW

    That’s as childish as it gets. Planes, rockets, and artillery shells easily fly over walls, even children’s ball can do it.
    Seriously, you thought I was just talking only about the physical side of the wall? I'm talking about everything.
  118. @LondonBob

    I don't rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it. The attack did coincide with when civilian casualties would be minimised, as well as other factors.

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

    Interesting theory, but maybe too much hyperventilating.

    Can the hazmat material shift to rail and barge shipment?

    Maybe they can now reroute the hazmat traffic through urban Baltimore. A few big accidents could do that place a lot of good by giving it a fresh start.

    • Replies: @LondonBob

    Says the only option is a questionable tunnel. Baltimore is also a huge RORO port, apparently, of much use to the US military. If the Russians had been working on retaliation measures, this bridge would have been top of the list.

    Of course it could still be an act of God, the timing and the location certainly were highly fortuitous.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  119. @QCIC
    @Philip Owen

    It sounds like Russia needs more automation to get more productivity out of their existing workforce.

    Which countries make the cheapest factory automation/robots?

    Replies: @Philip Owen

    Takes money, time and skilled labour to install. Right now warehouse costs in Russia are sky high because the Enterprise Planning Systems have been cut off (if cloud based) or are not maintained if purchased to run on the firm’s own computers. To go from there to robots is a very big reach. The software engineers are all in Dubai anyway.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Philip Owen

    Yes, but it might be a wise investment versus flooding the country with cheap labor. It doesn't work for everything and I have mixed feelings about extreme automation, but there may be a place for it.

  120. @AnonfromTN

    Hence, a big wall is the only option.
    That’s as childish as it gets. Planes, rockets, and artillery shells easily fly over walls, even children’s ball can do it.

    Your talk of walls reminds me of a Russian joke. I guess you know Russian fairy tale about the golden fish that fulfills three wishes if you let it go.

    Here is the joke itself.
    A Russian and a Ukrainian caught the golden fish, which promised to fulfill three wishes if they let it go. Ukrainian said: two wishes are mine, one is yours. Russian says, OK. Ukrainian voices his first wish: I want Ukraine to be surrounded by a 10-meter wall. Fish says: done. Ukrainian voices his second wish: I want that there were no Russians left in Ukraine. Fish says: done. Russian asks the fish: so, Ukraine is surrounded by a 10-meter wall and not a single Russian is left in it? Fish says: yes. Russian says: than pour concrete all over the place.

    Replies: @LatW

    That’s as childish as it gets. Planes, rockets, and artillery shells easily fly over walls, even children’s ball can do it.

    Seriously, you thought I was just talking only about the physical side of the wall? I’m talking about everything.

  121. @YetAnotherAnon
    Polish brigadier general dies suddenly on his day off. Perhaps he fancied a day-trip to Kiev?

    Information about the general's death was provided by the Operations Command of the Armed Forces. "We deeply regret to inform you that on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, Brigadier General Adam Marczak, Chief of Staff of Operation EU Althea in Mons, died," we read in the announcement.

    The Operations Command noted that "the unexpected death of the general occurred due to natural causes, in free time from service".
    Is a missile on the bonce a natural cause?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Officially Polish brigadier general Adam Marczak died of natural causes while off duty. By an interesting coincidence, on the day of his death Russians used ballistic missile Iskander to destroy buried Ukrainian command center near Chasov Yar (Donetsk region).

    Russian bloggers wrote a few weeks ago about US marines that you can easily drown in the Red Sea while being in a hotel in Kharkov.

  122. @LatW

    Schopenhauer came up with this famous idea now called the hedgehog’s dilemma:
    It makes sense of something like that coming from him (as he was quite a little hedgehog himself - someone who was impossible to live with, even though he had some cool ideas).

    Unfortunately, this is a real thing where people are so averse to genuine intimacy that they end up sabotaging their own happiness. It's sad and regrettable.

    Highly doubt that's how real hedgehogs act (they seem more sensible and not stuck up, with real healthy instincts and impulses).

    Didn't realize porcupines can be that affectionate (as shown in that video). I thought they were more "mechanical" and indifferent. Super adorable creatures. I'm sure they just want to feel the warmth, it's natural. They are quite huggable for a rodent.

    Would say he was about a 40 pounder.
    Huge. Good for him to benefit from the bounty of the Earth. Never seen one, but probably could, if I tried, they're common.

    Replies: @songbird

    I thought they were more “mechanical” and indifferent.

    They make these different noises at night, which can sound a bit eerie, or alien, if you are camping, and they are close, and getting closer, and you don’t recognize what beast to associate with it, or what might be encouraging it to make the noise.


    They are quite huggable for a rodent.

    They do remind me somewhat of capybaras. (At least compared to other rodents). Still, I wouldn’t want a quill in me, and so would rather pet a skunk.

  123. @AnonfromTN

    The key is who gets the chernozem lands
    Yes, that’s one of the drivers in this conflict. In fact, Western agro-giants have already bought up most of these lands for a pittance. They are desperate to keep their loot. It is obvious that on territories Putin ends up controlling the thieves would be left empty-handed. As we all know, thieves hate that.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

    The Chinese had bought huge parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia. Also at loot value.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Philip Owen

    The Chinese had bought huge parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia.
    If memory serves, the Chinese bought “Motor Sich” in Zaporozhie. Clown’s regime stole it from them. End of story.
    , @LondonBob
    @Philip Owen

    Value trap.

  124. @Philip Owen

    The Chinese had bought huge parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia. Also at loot value.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @LondonBob

    The Chinese had bought huge parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia.

    If memory serves, the Chinese bought “Motor Sich” in Zaporozhie. Clown’s regime stole it from them. End of story.

  125. @LatW

    Those are infantile attempts to make yourselves feel better fed by unserious leaks. And “I heard that…” or “expropriation effort..” are very silly.
    I'm not positing any version as the right one, I'm simply pointing out to things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid - Russia has made a lot of enemies among the Sunni because of its air raiding in Syria (and other places). This is most likely going to remain as a permanent problem now and the war in Ukraine is only going to strain the systems even more and make them more vulnerable to external attacks.

    I agree that Russia has a relatively short window to act, probably till the end of this year.
    This is not a given, but if Europe does summon her strength (I'm not counting on America to get their act together, ever from now on... but that, too, is not excluded a year? Another 6 months?) - then it could be serious for Russia, they are trying to surround Kharkiv now and are hoping to get it without a real fight but that is delusional - it would be an insane, long and bloody battle. Do they have the systems in place to mobilize another couple of hundred thousand? Not everything is that great from the point of view of the psychology of their population.

    I don't get why you're gloating over other people's land being brutally stolen via mass murder - it is going to be your own kids and grandkids who will have to live in a world where this is normalized. If there's a larger conflict, the Slovaks, too, will have to fight, at least some of them.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    …things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”: islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban. Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn’t it? I am skeptical.

    There will be many versions on who is behind it and we will never agree. Enough evidence – by Western standards – ties the attack to Kiev: they were driving to Ukraine. The head of Ukie Nat Security was just fired, Nuland was ‘retired’. US “warning” issued on March 7 was for 48 hours – inapplicable.

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was “fake”. So their views don’t matter – they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    The chernozem is in play because Kiev and Nato stupidly attacked Russia and gave them a strong reason to counter-attack. If Ukies lose it they have only themselves to blame. Mistakes have consequences – theuy should have acted normally or took the Minsk deal. I am not happy about any of this, I just describe reality and you don’t like reality if it doesn’t suit you. It doesn’t change it.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”[..] I am skeptical.
    I haven't followed this whole terrorist attack closely, so I won't comment - but there are several versions floating around. I don't believe the "ISIS" version a 100% either. There may be some kind of a clandestine collaboration behind the scenes among various actors, but to claim this without any real info is not smart. I only go by what I read myself from sources that I trust, I know full well, mostly from reading KavkazCenter for years, that a considerable part of Muslims are angry at RusFed. Muslims are all different, so this is just a faction.

    There also seems to be a discrepancy between the shooters (they looked professionally prepared with spetznaz methods, worked in pairs, one shooting, the other covering, shooting from the hip, able to leave, etc) and those pathetic looking guys they caught. There are other things.

    US “warning” issued on March 7 was for 48 hours – inapplicable.
    The Western warning (afaik, it was not just the US, but others as well but may be wrong) was quite accurate - they mentioned that the attack is "imminent" and that the attack would be "at a concert". Then from what I understand the dates were postponed - it might be that the RusFed made security preparations once they first received the warning. There is info explaining the delay. Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues? Maybe they didn't believe the US had good intentions.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Beckow

    , @John Johnson

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”: islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban.

    Muslim on Muslim violence has been the norm for most of Islamic history. Just look at how Muslim factions were fighting both each other and the Syrian government.

    Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn’t it? I am skeptical.

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.

    I don't support Muslim extremism but I understand the strategy. If they created an ISIS state in the Middle East then they could use it to launch revolutions in nearby countries. It's much more long term and a better plan than going on a rape 'n kill spree in Israel. Is Hamas in a better place today or a year ago?

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was “fake”. So their views don’t matter – they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    ISIS-K took responsibility and has posted video from the attackers. It actually appears that they want to make sure no one believes it was some conspiracy involving Ukraine. They also released a new video where they threaten Putin.

    I am for a rational discussion and I see nothing rational about a US/Ukraine backed conspiracy where the US warns Russia of a possible attack. The people uninterested in a rational discussion just want to blame the Jews and then call any skeptic a Jew. That was occurring at Unz before anyone knew what happened. That also happened with the Hamas attack where the Jew blamers actually suggested it wasn't real. I was called a Jew numerous times for pointing out that Hamas had posted their own videos of the attack. We have some serious reality avoiders and they tend to overlap with Jew hatred and Putin support.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

  126. @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Trickster deities are all over the literature.
    Religions with crowded pantheons have lots of trickster deities and really entertaining stories about them. Religions that claim to be monotheistic tend to be more boring.

    I say “claim” because revered saints/apostles/prophets are essentially semi-deities, some of them function as local deities. As far as I know, Judaism is the only religion approaching monotheism (it is possible that I just don’t know enough about it).

    Replies: @Beckow

    …revered saints/apostles/prophets are essentially semi-deities

    I always ask believers if there is one (G)od in the Universe, why wouldn’t it be possible to have more? Most Protestants are also monotheistic, no saints or semi-deities…but definitely more boring. It can be oppressive, but we read a lot and don’t have to confess…:)

  127. @Beckow

    ...things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid
    Nothing is weirder than "ISIS": islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban. Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn't it? I am skeptical.

    There will be many versions on who is behind it and we will never agree. Enough evidence - by Western standards - ties the attack to Kiev: they were driving to Ukraine. The head of Ukie Nat Security was just fired, Nuland was 'retired'. US "warning" issued on March 7 was for 48 hours - inapplicable.

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was "fake". So their views don't matter - they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    The chernozem is in play because Kiev and Nato stupidly attacked Russia and gave them a strong reason to counter-attack. If Ukies lose it they have only themselves to blame. Mistakes have consequences - theuy should have acted normally or took the Minsk deal. I am not happy about any of this, I just describe reality and you don't like reality if it doesn't suit you. It doesn't change it.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”[..] I am skeptical.

    I haven’t followed this whole terrorist attack closely, so I won’t comment – but there are several versions floating around. I don’t believe the “ISIS” version a 100% either. There may be some kind of a clandestine collaboration behind the scenes among various actors, but to claim this without any real info is not smart. I only go by what I read myself from sources that I trust, I know full well, mostly from reading KavkazCenter for years, that a considerable part of Muslims are angry at RusFed. Muslims are all different, so this is just a faction.

    There also seems to be a discrepancy between the shooters (they looked professionally prepared with spetznaz methods, worked in pairs, one shooting, the other covering, shooting from the hip, able to leave, etc) and those pathetic looking guys they caught. There are other things.

    US “warning” issued on March 7 was for 48 hours – inapplicable.

    The Western warning (afaik, it was not just the US, but others as well but may be wrong) was quite accurate – they mentioned that the attack is “imminent” and that the attack would be “at a concert”. Then from what I understand the dates were postponed – it might be that the RusFed made security preparations once they first received the warning. There is info explaining the delay. Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues? Maybe they didn’t believe the US had good intentions.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    There also seems to be a discrepancy between the shooters (they looked professionally prepared with spetznaz methods, worked in pairs, one shooting, the other covering, shooting from the hip, able to leave, etc) and those pathetic looking guys they caught.

    They didn't disguise themselves and there is a picture of them escaping in their car.

    Then from what I understand the dates were postponed – it might be that the RusFed made security preparations once they first received the warning.

    Stop making excuses for Putin.

    All he had to do was post a goon platoon at every concert.

    He chose to ignore the US warning. Why would anyone expect him to take it seriously? He is arrogant and would assume that his FSB would detect any potential attack on his own territory.

    , @Beckow

    Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues?
    That's the way they are, they tend to be blase until something happens. But the warning was only from US on March 7 and was very specific: Next 48 hours in Moscow. If the Western media were honest they would say so - it is right there in the warning.

    I also noticed that the shooters look very pathetic - but after what they went through (escape, capture, etc..) that is explainable. Two perps were also shot on the spot - maybe they were the tough guys.

    It is likely there was some Ukie-Western oversight or at least fore-knowledge. It doesn't have to be "government" - there are multiple actors within each country, groups that can act unsupervised. The chief of Kiev National Security, Danilov, was fired with no explanation. Why? It is possible he perished in one of the latest Russian missile attacks - fired In memoriam. Or he was involved with this and there is panic.

    But Russia needs no definite proof - not after Nato lied openly to justify its wars. They can say: we think it was Kiev and that's it. What exactly is the West going to say? That's the problem with lying - nobody listens to you when it matters.

    Replies: @LatW

  128. @QCIC

    Interesting theory, but maybe too much hyperventilating.

    Can the hazmat material shift to rail and barge shipment?

    Maybe they can now reroute the hazmat traffic through urban Baltimore. A few big accidents could do that place a lot of good by giving it a fresh start.

    Replies: @LondonBob

    Says the only option is a questionable tunnel. Baltimore is also a huge RORO port, apparently, of much use to the US military. If the Russians had been working on retaliation measures, this bridge would have been top of the list.

    Of course it could still be an act of God, the timing and the location certainly were highly fortuitous.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Says the only option is a questionable tunnel. Baltimore is also a huge RORO port, apparently, of much use to the US military. If the Russians had been working on retaliation measures, this bridge would have been top of the list.

    Do you just ignore the news completely?

    It already came out that they lost power and ships in that channel use a bar pilot.

    Replies: @QCIC

  129. @LatW

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”[..] I am skeptical.
    I haven't followed this whole terrorist attack closely, so I won't comment - but there are several versions floating around. I don't believe the "ISIS" version a 100% either. There may be some kind of a clandestine collaboration behind the scenes among various actors, but to claim this without any real info is not smart. I only go by what I read myself from sources that I trust, I know full well, mostly from reading KavkazCenter for years, that a considerable part of Muslims are angry at RusFed. Muslims are all different, so this is just a faction.

    There also seems to be a discrepancy between the shooters (they looked professionally prepared with spetznaz methods, worked in pairs, one shooting, the other covering, shooting from the hip, able to leave, etc) and those pathetic looking guys they caught. There are other things.

    US “warning” issued on March 7 was for 48 hours – inapplicable.
    The Western warning (afaik, it was not just the US, but others as well but may be wrong) was quite accurate - they mentioned that the attack is "imminent" and that the attack would be "at a concert". Then from what I understand the dates were postponed - it might be that the RusFed made security preparations once they first received the warning. There is info explaining the delay. Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues? Maybe they didn't believe the US had good intentions.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Beckow

    There also seems to be a discrepancy between the shooters (they looked professionally prepared with spetznaz methods, worked in pairs, one shooting, the other covering, shooting from the hip, able to leave, etc) and those pathetic looking guys they caught.

    They didn’t disguise themselves and there is a picture of them escaping in their car.

    Then from what I understand the dates were postponed – it might be that the RusFed made security preparations once they first received the warning.

    Stop making excuses for Putin.

    All he had to do was post a goon platoon at every concert.

    He chose to ignore the US warning. Why would anyone expect him to take it seriously? He is arrogant and would assume that his FSB would detect any potential attack on his own territory.

  130. @LatW

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”[..] I am skeptical.
    I haven't followed this whole terrorist attack closely, so I won't comment - but there are several versions floating around. I don't believe the "ISIS" version a 100% either. There may be some kind of a clandestine collaboration behind the scenes among various actors, but to claim this without any real info is not smart. I only go by what I read myself from sources that I trust, I know full well, mostly from reading KavkazCenter for years, that a considerable part of Muslims are angry at RusFed. Muslims are all different, so this is just a faction.

    There also seems to be a discrepancy between the shooters (they looked professionally prepared with spetznaz methods, worked in pairs, one shooting, the other covering, shooting from the hip, able to leave, etc) and those pathetic looking guys they caught. There are other things.

    US “warning” issued on March 7 was for 48 hours – inapplicable.
    The Western warning (afaik, it was not just the US, but others as well but may be wrong) was quite accurate - they mentioned that the attack is "imminent" and that the attack would be "at a concert". Then from what I understand the dates were postponed - it might be that the RusFed made security preparations once they first received the warning. There is info explaining the delay. Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues? Maybe they didn't believe the US had good intentions.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @Beckow

    Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues?

    That’s the way they are, they tend to be blase until something happens. But the warning was only from US on March 7 and was very specific: Next 48 hours in Moscow. If the Western media were honest they would say so – it is right there in the warning.

    I also noticed that the shooters look very pathetic – but after what they went through (escape, capture, etc..) that is explainable. Two perps were also shot on the spot – maybe they were the tough guys.

    It is likely there was some Ukie-Western oversight or at least fore-knowledge. It doesn’t have to be “government” – there are multiple actors within each country, groups that can act unsupervised. The chief of Kiev National Security, Danilov, was fired with no explanation. Why? It is possible he perished in one of the latest Russian missile attacks – fired In memoriam. Or he was involved with this and there is panic.

    But Russia needs no definite proof – not after Nato lied openly to justify its wars. They can say: we think it was Kiev and that’s it. What exactly is the West going to say? That’s the problem with lying – nobody listens to you when it matters.

    • Replies: @LatW

    That’s the way they are, they tend to be blase until something happens.
    They can be both - they are commonly blase (poh*istic) but Moscow also has some of the highest surveillance systems on the planet. The siloviks arrived late. However, it is also likely that they cannot provide security everywhere (they have been cruising through so far based on things being relatively peaceful, except some anti-insurgency operations in Dagestan and surveillance of local opposition groups).

    It's possible that something is going on within the FSB.

    Does it also not seem weird to you that this happened so quickly after the "election"?

    We may never know the full truth, these kinds of things are often not fully revealed. Or only revealed after many years or decades.

    The questions:

    - How many shooters were there? Do we even know?
    - Where did they really head out to - how did they manage to drive 400kms through the Moscow region where they should've been chased by special services with everything they got (helicopters, canines, etc)? Why run towards Belarus where there is another strict pro-Russian regime in place? The Ukrainian border is also swarming with siloviks. Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    - The payment - what kind of an idiot agrees to something like this for a relatively modest payment?
    - Why were the US warnings ignored? Arrogance, mistrust? Paranoia that it would be a provocation?
    - Is all of the video footage available from the security cameras? This is a huge venue, with tons of cameras. There is not that much footage, most of it is from the terrorists themselves or from witnesses, where is the security camera footage?
    - What happened with the sprinkler system - the system was supposed to pull the air out so the people wouldn't get smothered. Did it work or no? There was some kind of a special, professional inflammatory substance used as well.
    - Why were the siloviks so slow to react (the OMON base was very close)?

    Replies: @Beckow

  131. @LondonBob

    Says the only option is a questionable tunnel. Baltimore is also a huge RORO port, apparently, of much use to the US military. If the Russians had been working on retaliation measures, this bridge would have been top of the list.

    Of course it could still be an act of God, the timing and the location certainly were highly fortuitous.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Says the only option is a questionable tunnel. Baltimore is also a huge RORO port, apparently, of much use to the US military. If the Russians had been working on retaliation measures, this bridge would have been top of the list.

    Do you just ignore the news completely?

    It already came out that they lost power and ships in that channel use a bar pilot.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    I'm impressed that these cargo ships cross the oceans with only one engine and no backup (as far as I know). I wonder how often a ship loses an engine in the middle of the ocean?

    Ice rated vessels and LNG tankers have multiple drivetrains. Some ships have a backup to drive the propeller through through a secondary power source but my impression is this capability is uncommon. Bottom line is that marine propulsion systems are extremely reliable.

    There is some room for skepticism. The generator is usually powered by separate engine, so the lights going out does not mean propulsion is lost. I assume there is temporary backup power for steering and essential bridge controls.

    I don't think the Russians would do this sort of thing unless they think WW3 has already started and is in a slow early phase.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  132. @Beckow

    ...things that look a bit weird. The ISIS version is totally valid
    Nothing is weirder than "ISIS": islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban. Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn't it? I am skeptical.

    There will be many versions on who is behind it and we will never agree. Enough evidence - by Western standards - ties the attack to Kiev: they were driving to Ukraine. The head of Ukie Nat Security was just fired, Nuland was 'retired'. US "warning" issued on March 7 was for 48 hours - inapplicable.

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was "fake". So their views don't matter - they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    The chernozem is in play because Kiev and Nato stupidly attacked Russia and gave them a strong reason to counter-attack. If Ukies lose it they have only themselves to blame. Mistakes have consequences - theuy should have acted normally or took the Minsk deal. I am not happy about any of this, I just describe reality and you don't like reality if it doesn't suit you. It doesn't change it.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”: islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban.

    Muslim on Muslim violence has been the norm for most of Islamic history. Just look at how Muslim factions were fighting both each other and the Syrian government.

    Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn’t it? I am skeptical.

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.

    I don’t support Muslim extremism but I understand the strategy. If they created an ISIS state in the Middle East then they could use it to launch revolutions in nearby countries. It’s much more long term and a better plan than going on a rape ‘n kill spree in Israel. Is Hamas in a better place today or a year ago?

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was “fake”. So their views don’t matter – they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    ISIS-K took responsibility and has posted video from the attackers. It actually appears that they want to make sure no one believes it was some conspiracy involving Ukraine. They also released a new video where they threaten Putin.

    I am for a rational discussion and I see nothing rational about a US/Ukraine backed conspiracy where the US warns Russia of a possible attack. The people uninterested in a rational discussion just want to blame the Jews and then call any skeptic a Jew. That was occurring at Unz before anyone knew what happened. That also happened with the Hamas attack where the Jew blamers actually suggested it wasn’t real. I was called a Jew numerous times for pointing out that Hamas had posted their own videos of the attack. We have some serious reality avoiders and they tend to overlap with Jew hatred and Putin support.

    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @John Johnson

    The perps said they took money and attacked on Ramadan. They were caught heading towards Kiev regime controlled Ukraine. Nothing suspicious about that. ISIS has been involved in the Russia-Kiev regime conflict:

    Some other factual points running counter to your preferred spin:

    Feel free to ramble on about something else as you typically do.

    , @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.


    Yes, the Taliban are nationalist Islamists while al-Qaeda and ISIS are transnational/international Islamists. The Taliban is quite content to rule their own little fiefdom and not seek trouble elsewhere. But the other two have much broader ambitions.

    BTW, off-topic, but it's quite interesting: Had Putin not invaded Ukraine in 2022, it's entirely possible that Uzbekistan (and Tajikistan as well) would be actively seeking Eurasian Economic Union membership today. This would likely be even more true had Putin either quickly annexed the Donbass in addition to Crimea back in 2014 or not done anything at all other than loud, vocal complaining back in 2014.

    I wonder if the Crocus attack will cause Russians to sour on the Eurasian Economic Union since the goal of the EEU post-2022 is to reintegrate Russia with Central Asia.

    , @Beckow
    @John Johnson

    ...I am for a rational discussion
    No, you are not. You suffer from serious Russo-phobia, don't address reality, go on silly tangents, and transparently manipulate.

    With "ISIS" you try too hard. There is no such thing as ISIS-K took responsibility - we have no idea who is posting and who manages them. There is not a scintilla of evidence among the caught terrorists that they had anything to do with "ISIS". They were made to look like they could be "ISIS", but ISIS would not attack on Ramadan Friday - they would pray. It is an obvious misdirection.

    The question is why are some so desperate to point to "ISIS"? Quickly and with no time to deliberate. Have you ever read a good detective story? Not the trash in WalMart, something intelligent?

    Replies: @John Johnson

  133. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arthur Schopenhauer was a brilliant writer and one of my all time top tens for sure.

    With regards to humans, behavior, psychology, topics like that he was utterly retarded. He was born in the .1% and never actually knew one regular human.

    Apparently his mom was a real piece of work.

    Have you seen Kerry Howley's New York Magazine expose' of Andrew Huberman? It's the best thing I have read this year. She is razor sharp. Poor Andrew Huberman is going to regret hearing the name Kerry Howley for a very long time.

    Replies: @songbird

    He was born in the .1% and never actually knew one regular human.

    have sometimes wondered what percentage of people In Europe had their own portraits painted.


    Apparently his mom was a real piece of work.

    would like German_reader to review her travelogues and post any anthropological excerpts here. I will start off the thread:. (as I was speaking a while ago about how common it was for people to go barefoot in the past.)

    Schon hier, so nahe an der englischen Grenze, fiel uns der Unterschied zwischen dem englischen und schottischen Volke merklich auf. Freundliches, gutmütiges Zuvorkommen, Treuherzigkeit, verbunden mit großer, aber fröhlicher Armut, erinnerte uns immer an die Bewohner deutscher Gebirge. Schuhe und Strümpfe, ohne welche man in England keinen Bettler erblickt, sind hier schon hoher Luxus. Die arbeitende Klasse und der größte Teil der Kinder, selbst wohlhabender Eltern, laufen Sommer und Winter barfuß; vielleicht geschieht dies fast ebenso oft aus Gewohnheit als aus Armut; aber es fällt sehr auf, wenn man aus England kommt, wo dergleichen unerhört ist

    BTW, I have often wondered how people went barefoot in winter. I mean not as cold there as where I am, but still pretty cold.

    She does sound quite haughty, but I only read the tiniest bit.

    Have you seen Kerry Howley’s New York Magazine expose’ of Andrew Huberman?

    Have not.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    BTW, I have often wondered how people went barefoot in winter.
    The adaptability of homo sapiens is astonishing. Eskimos in igloos to Kalahari bushmen. When we bring back the velociraptor he will quickly learn to stay the hell away from humans.
  134. @John Johnson

    Says the only option is a questionable tunnel. Baltimore is also a huge RORO port, apparently, of much use to the US military. If the Russians had been working on retaliation measures, this bridge would have been top of the list.

    Do you just ignore the news completely?

    It already came out that they lost power and ships in that channel use a bar pilot.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I’m impressed that these cargo ships cross the oceans with only one engine and no backup (as far as I know). I wonder how often a ship loses an engine in the middle of the ocean?

    Ice rated vessels and LNG tankers have multiple drivetrains. Some ships have a backup to drive the propeller through through a secondary power source but my impression is this capability is uncommon. Bottom line is that marine propulsion systems are extremely reliable.

    There is some room for skepticism. The generator is usually powered by separate engine, so the lights going out does not mean propulsion is lost. I assume there is temporary backup power for steering and essential bridge controls.

    I don’t think the Russians would do this sort of thing unless they think WW3 has already started and is in a slow early phase.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    I’m impressed that these cargo ships cross the oceans with only one engine and no backup (as far as I know). I wonder how often a ship loses an engine in the middle of the ocean?

    I don't know and I wonder if they put the anchor down to at least try to slow it.

    There is some room for skepticism. The generator is usually powered by separate engine, so the lights going out does not mean propulsion is lost. I assume there is temporary backup power for steering and essential bridge controls.

    With a bar pilot there would actually be two captains on board. The bar pilot reported it was mechanical and the ship has a history of problems.

    I don’t think the Russians would do this sort of thing unless they think WW3 has already started and is in a slow early phase.

    If they wanted to go after a port this wouldn't be a very good one. Makes more sense to sabotage a German port which is where the weapons go from multiple countries.

    Replies: @QCIC

  135. @Philip Owen

    Takes money, time and skilled labour to install. Right now warehouse costs in Russia are sky high because the Enterprise Planning Systems have been cut off (if cloud based) or are not maintained if purchased to run on the firm's own computers. To go from there to robots is a very big reach. The software engineers are all in Dubai anyway.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Yes, but it might be a wise investment versus flooding the country with cheap labor. It doesn’t work for everything and I have mixed feelings about extreme automation, but there may be a place for it.

  136. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    He was born in the .1% and never actually knew one regular human.
    have sometimes wondered what percentage of people In Europe had their own portraits painted.

    Apparently his mom was a real piece of work.
    would like German_reader to review her travelogues and post any anthropological excerpts here. I will start off the thread:. (as I was speaking a while ago about how common it was for people to go barefoot in the past.)

    Schon hier, so nahe an der englischen Grenze, fiel uns der Unterschied zwischen dem englischen und schottischen Volke merklich auf. Freundliches, gutmütiges Zuvorkommen, Treuherzigkeit, verbunden mit großer, aber fröhlicher Armut, erinnerte uns immer an die Bewohner deutscher Gebirge. Schuhe und Strümpfe, ohne welche man in England keinen Bettler erblickt, sind hier schon hoher Luxus. Die arbeitende Klasse und der größte Teil der Kinder, selbst wohlhabender Eltern, laufen Sommer und Winter barfuß; vielleicht geschieht dies fast ebenso oft aus Gewohnheit als aus Armut; aber es fällt sehr auf, wenn man aus England kommt, wo dergleichen unerhört ist

    BTW, I have often wondered how people went barefoot in winter. I mean not as cold there as where I am, but still pretty cold.

    She does sound quite haughty, but I only read the tiniest bit.

    Have you seen Kerry Howley’s New York Magazine expose’ of Andrew Huberman?
    Have not.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    BTW, I have often wondered how people went barefoot in winter.

    The adaptability of homo sapiens is astonishing. Eskimos in igloos to Kalahari bushmen. When we bring back the velociraptor he will quickly learn to stay the hell away from humans.

    • Agree: songbird
  137. @LondonBob

    I don't rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it. The attack did coincide with when civilian casualties would be minimised, as well as other factors.

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

    I don’t rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it.

    Do you mean that Ukrainian captain was Putin’s agent? Or maybe Kremlin agent? From the POV of Ukrainian media Ukrainians fall into two categories: Putin’s agents and Kremlin agents. Curiously, Ukies believe that this distinction matters.

    • Replies: @AP

    You are predicably gullible, believing and repeating all the nonsense from the Russian channels. The ship had a Ukrainian captain in 2016. This crew was Indian.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  138. @Beckow

    Yet why did they ignore the danger to the concert venues?
    That's the way they are, they tend to be blase until something happens. But the warning was only from US on March 7 and was very specific: Next 48 hours in Moscow. If the Western media were honest they would say so - it is right there in the warning.

    I also noticed that the shooters look very pathetic - but after what they went through (escape, capture, etc..) that is explainable. Two perps were also shot on the spot - maybe they were the tough guys.

    It is likely there was some Ukie-Western oversight or at least fore-knowledge. It doesn't have to be "government" - there are multiple actors within each country, groups that can act unsupervised. The chief of Kiev National Security, Danilov, was fired with no explanation. Why? It is possible he perished in one of the latest Russian missile attacks - fired In memoriam. Or he was involved with this and there is panic.

    But Russia needs no definite proof - not after Nato lied openly to justify its wars. They can say: we think it was Kiev and that's it. What exactly is the West going to say? That's the problem with lying - nobody listens to you when it matters.

    Replies: @LatW

    That’s the way they are, they tend to be blase until something happens.

    They can be both – they are commonly blase (poh*istic) but Moscow also has some of the highest surveillance systems on the planet. The siloviks arrived late. However, it is also likely that they cannot provide security everywhere (they have been cruising through so far based on things being relatively peaceful, except some anti-insurgency operations in Dagestan and surveillance of local opposition groups).

    It’s possible that something is going on within the FSB.

    Does it also not seem weird to you that this happened so quickly after the “election”?

    We may never know the full truth, these kinds of things are often not fully revealed. Or only revealed after many years or decades.

    The questions:

    – How many shooters were there? Do we even know?
    – Where did they really head out to – how did they manage to drive 400kms through the Moscow region where they should’ve been chased by special services with everything they got (helicopters, canines, etc)? Why run towards Belarus where there is another strict pro-Russian regime in place? The Ukrainian border is also swarming with siloviks. Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    – The payment – what kind of an idiot agrees to something like this for a relatively modest payment?
    – Why were the US warnings ignored? Arrogance, mistrust? Paranoia that it would be a provocation?
    – Is all of the video footage available from the security cameras? This is a huge venue, with tons of cameras. There is not that much footage, most of it is from the terrorists themselves or from witnesses, where is the security camera footage?
    – What happened with the sprinkler system – the system was supposed to pull the air out so the people wouldn’t get smothered. Did it work or no? There was some kind of a special, professional inflammatory substance used as well.
    – Why were the siloviks so slow to react (the OMON base was very close)?

    • Replies: @Beckow

    I agree we will not know the full truth - that is the case with most of these attacks.

    - How many shooters were there? Do we even know? 4 to 6

    Where did they really head out to?....Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    East is too far and the roads are bad. They didn't go to Belarus - on the map the turn to Belarus was 50 km earlier and they didn't take it. They were going to Ukraine - whether they had a welcome prepared we don't know. But if they knew where to cross and the other side was waiting it was possible.
    Regarding the late response: it is always like that - in the first few hours there is chaos, nobody knows which way to go. Friday nights a lot of people are partying.

    The payment: The debit cards were only to cover expenses ($5k). If there was a payment it was much bigger and not on the Russian MIR debit cards. Think.

    Why were the US warnings ignored? They said in 48 hours on 3/7. It was 3/22.

    Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don't know) maybe they were drunk.

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place - it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine. The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK - that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic. And the Westie media weird "look at ISIS" scripted - and too eager - response.

    Other versions are possible, or it could have been more complicated. But Occam's razor is usually correct.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @LatW

  139. @John Johnson

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”: islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban.

    Muslim on Muslim violence has been the norm for most of Islamic history. Just look at how Muslim factions were fighting both each other and the Syrian government.

    Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn’t it? I am skeptical.

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.

    I don't support Muslim extremism but I understand the strategy. If they created an ISIS state in the Middle East then they could use it to launch revolutions in nearby countries. It's much more long term and a better plan than going on a rape 'n kill spree in Israel. Is Hamas in a better place today or a year ago?

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was “fake”. So their views don’t matter – they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    ISIS-K took responsibility and has posted video from the attackers. It actually appears that they want to make sure no one believes it was some conspiracy involving Ukraine. They also released a new video where they threaten Putin.

    I am for a rational discussion and I see nothing rational about a US/Ukraine backed conspiracy where the US warns Russia of a possible attack. The people uninterested in a rational discussion just want to blame the Jews and then call any skeptic a Jew. That was occurring at Unz before anyone knew what happened. That also happened with the Hamas attack where the Jew blamers actually suggested it wasn't real. I was called a Jew numerous times for pointing out that Hamas had posted their own videos of the attack. We have some serious reality avoiders and they tend to overlap with Jew hatred and Putin support.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    The perps said they took money and attacked on Ramadan. They were caught heading towards Kiev regime controlled Ukraine. Nothing suspicious about that. ISIS has been involved in the Russia-Kiev regime conflict:

    Some other factual points running counter to your preferred spin:

    Feel free to ramble on about something else as you typically do.

  140. @John Johnson

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”: islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban.

    Muslim on Muslim violence has been the norm for most of Islamic history. Just look at how Muslim factions were fighting both each other and the Syrian government.

    Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn’t it? I am skeptical.

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.

    I don't support Muslim extremism but I understand the strategy. If they created an ISIS state in the Middle East then they could use it to launch revolutions in nearby countries. It's much more long term and a better plan than going on a rape 'n kill spree in Israel. Is Hamas in a better place today or a year ago?

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was “fake”. So their views don’t matter – they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    ISIS-K took responsibility and has posted video from the attackers. It actually appears that they want to make sure no one believes it was some conspiracy involving Ukraine. They also released a new video where they threaten Putin.

    I am for a rational discussion and I see nothing rational about a US/Ukraine backed conspiracy where the US warns Russia of a possible attack. The people uninterested in a rational discussion just want to blame the Jews and then call any skeptic a Jew. That was occurring at Unz before anyone knew what happened. That also happened with the Hamas attack where the Jew blamers actually suggested it wasn't real. I was called a Jew numerous times for pointing out that Hamas had posted their own videos of the attack. We have some serious reality avoiders and they tend to overlap with Jew hatred and Putin support.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.

    Yes, the Taliban are nationalist Islamists while al-Qaeda and ISIS are transnational/international Islamists. The Taliban is quite content to rule their own little fiefdom and not seek trouble elsewhere. But the other two have much broader ambitions.

    BTW, off-topic, but it’s quite interesting: Had Putin not invaded Ukraine in 2022, it’s entirely possible that Uzbekistan (and Tajikistan as well) would be actively seeking Eurasian Economic Union membership today. This would likely be even more true had Putin either quickly annexed the Donbass in addition to Crimea back in 2014 or not done anything at all other than loud, vocal complaining back in 2014.

    I wonder if the Crocus attack will cause Russians to sour on the Eurasian Economic Union since the goal of the EEU post-2022 is to reintegrate Russia with Central Asia.

  141. @AnonfromTN

    I don’t rule out it was an act of man, an element of Russian humour in it.
    Do you mean that Ukrainian captain was Putin’s agent? Or maybe Kremlin agent? From the POV of Ukrainian media Ukrainians fall into two categories: Putin’s agents and Kremlin agents. Curiously, Ukies believe that this distinction matters.

    Replies: @AP

    You are predicably gullible, believing and repeating all the nonsense from the Russian channels. The ship had a Ukrainian captain in 2016. This crew was Indian.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    AP, I've got an off-topic alternate history question for you:

    Would an early Entente victory in WWI have been such a bad thing? I mean, a late Entente victory in WWI was pretty bad because it helped lead to both Nazism and Communism, both of which subsequently caused unparalleled suffering in the history of the world. But an early Entente victory, such as if there would have been no Haber-Bosch process, thus ensuring that Germany would have ran out of ammonia to produce munitions around 1916 and thus ensuring that Germany would have subsequently lost WWI by default, sounds like it would have been a pretty good scenario, no? Well, other than for the Turks, who will likely get ethnically cleansed from Constantinople, et cetera and lose Ottoman Armenia as well, being pushed back to their historical homeland of the Anatolian highlands before Russia possibly eventually takes it over as well, especially if it will become a dysfunctional state (similar to what Russia did with Kokand in Central Asia several decades earlier). And of course the Poles might not get their independence, at least not until and unless Russia will eventually implode later on, such as if a revolution (hopefully a non-Bolshevik one) still eventually occurs in Russia even with an early Entente WWI victory. And this would have been a great scenario for Ukrainians because Galicians could have spread Ukrainian nationalist ideas into the rest of Ukraine much more easily once Russia would have annexed Galicia, even after accounting for subsequent Russian repression.

    What do you think?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  142. : I have a question: Should we categorically refuse to admit any immigrants from groups that have above-average crime rates? You use that logic in regards to Muslims and terrorism, even for liberal/reformist Muslims. And should the same logic apply to housing? Should the US Supreme Court overturn its past precedents that made racially restrictive housing covenants unconstitutional, for instance?

  143. @AP

    You are predicably gullible, believing and repeating all the nonsense from the Russian channels. The ship had a Ukrainian captain in 2016. This crew was Indian.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    AP, I’ve got an off-topic alternate history question for you:

    Would an early Entente victory in WWI have been such a bad thing? I mean, a late Entente victory in WWI was pretty bad because it helped lead to both Nazism and Communism, both of which subsequently caused unparalleled suffering in the history of the world. But an early Entente victory, such as if there would have been no Haber-Bosch process, thus ensuring that Germany would have ran out of ammonia to produce munitions around 1916 and thus ensuring that Germany would have subsequently lost WWI by default, sounds like it would have been a pretty good scenario, no? Well, other than for the Turks, who will likely get ethnically cleansed from Constantinople, et cetera and lose Ottoman Armenia as well, being pushed back to their historical homeland of the Anatolian highlands before Russia possibly eventually takes it over as well, especially if it will become a dysfunctional state (similar to what Russia did with Kokand in Central Asia several decades earlier). And of course the Poles might not get their independence, at least not until and unless Russia will eventually implode later on, such as if a revolution (hopefully a non-Bolshevik one) still eventually occurs in Russia even with an early Entente WWI victory. And this would have been a great scenario for Ukrainians because Galicians could have spread Ukrainian nationalist ideas into the rest of Ukraine much more easily once Russia would have annexed Galicia, even after accounting for subsequent Russian repression.

    What do you think?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

    I might as well add a second question to this:

    Had Austria-Hungary somehow collapsed before WWI, would this have really been a less stable European arrangement than was actually the case in real life?

    It would have ben more oppressive for certain peoples, such as the Czechs, Poles, and Ukrainians, no doubt about that. But a general European war, let alone a World War, would have been much less likely to occur in such a scenario, no?

    Replies: @Derer

  144. Ok!

    The U.N has given the world ammunition to act against Israel if they continue killing Palistinians when a ceasefire has been demanded.

    Lets see which nations will sanction Israel and which will only prevaricate, we know the U.S is the first prevaricator.

  145. Earlier in the month at Crocus City Hall, there was the return of Kirkorov on the first channel for International Women’s Day.

    Kirkorov has been banned at the New Year Eve show on channel one this year, apparently some bloggers were angry about pictures of a semi-nude party of famous Moscow celebrities before New Year and this had been viral on the internet.

    On the 8th of March, it seemed like harmony had been restored in Russian television concerts.

    Kirkorov (10:00) and Baskov singing together, for the festive concert at Crocus City Hall. Dima Bilan (47:00) has also returned on channel one after the same semi-nude party as Kirkorov.

    It cannot be imagined that in 2 weeks, the concert hall was burned and the roof collapsed.

    • Replies: @A123

    Could this exp!ain Baltimore?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

  146. @LatW

    That’s the way they are, they tend to be blase until something happens.
    They can be both - they are commonly blase (poh*istic) but Moscow also has some of the highest surveillance systems on the planet. The siloviks arrived late. However, it is also likely that they cannot provide security everywhere (they have been cruising through so far based on things being relatively peaceful, except some anti-insurgency operations in Dagestan and surveillance of local opposition groups).

    It's possible that something is going on within the FSB.

    Does it also not seem weird to you that this happened so quickly after the "election"?

    We may never know the full truth, these kinds of things are often not fully revealed. Or only revealed after many years or decades.

    The questions:

    - How many shooters were there? Do we even know?
    - Where did they really head out to - how did they manage to drive 400kms through the Moscow region where they should've been chased by special services with everything they got (helicopters, canines, etc)? Why run towards Belarus where there is another strict pro-Russian regime in place? The Ukrainian border is also swarming with siloviks. Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    - The payment - what kind of an idiot agrees to something like this for a relatively modest payment?
    - Why were the US warnings ignored? Arrogance, mistrust? Paranoia that it would be a provocation?
    - Is all of the video footage available from the security cameras? This is a huge venue, with tons of cameras. There is not that much footage, most of it is from the terrorists themselves or from witnesses, where is the security camera footage?
    - What happened with the sprinkler system - the system was supposed to pull the air out so the people wouldn't get smothered. Did it work or no? There was some kind of a special, professional inflammatory substance used as well.
    - Why were the siloviks so slow to react (the OMON base was very close)?

    Replies: @Beckow

    I agree we will not know the full truth – that is the case with most of these attacks.

    – How many shooters were there? Do we even know? 4 to 6

    Where did they really head out to?….Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    East is too far and the roads are bad. They didn’t go to Belarus – on the map the turn to Belarus was 50 km earlier and they didn’t take it. They were going to Ukraine – whether they had a welcome prepared we don’t know. But if they knew where to cross and the other side was waiting it was possible.
    Regarding the late response: it is always like that – in the first few hours there is chaos, nobody knows which way to go. Friday nights a lot of people are partying.

    The payment: The debit cards were only to cover expenses ($5k). If there was a payment it was much bigger and not on the Russian MIR debit cards. Think.

    Why were the US warnings ignored? They said in 48 hours on 3/7. It was 3/22.

    Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don’t know) maybe they were drunk.

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place – it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine. The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK – that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic. And the Westie media weird “look at ISIS” scripted – and too eager – response.

    Other versions are possible, or it could have been more complicated. But Occam’s razor is usually correct.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place – it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine.

    How do we know they planned on escaping to Ukraine? Lukashenko thinks they were going to Belarus.

    The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK – that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic.

    US/UK share intelligence which means.....they warned Russia of an attack they supported? That doesn't make any sense.

    Why would they target a rock concert and not a social function with officers or Putin supporters?

    You do realize this is the second time that Muslim extremists have attacked a theater in Russia? Was the first one also a US/UK conspiracy?

    All Putin had to do was put a goon squad on the concert and these Muslim losers would not have been able to overwhelm the guards. But he ignored the warning and the world can see that. What an embarrassment to have the CIA outshine you in your own country.

    But such a stark contrast is nothing new. Let's not forget that the Soviets would have lost WW2 if not for the Turing machine. The entire German Kursk battleplan was handed to the Soviets by the Allies. In fact they tried warning Stalin of an impending attack in 1941 and he ignored them on the belief that it was propaganda. All he had to do was put his military in a defensive position as a precaution. Sounds awfully familiar.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @LatW

    – Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don’t know) maybe they were drunk.
    It doesn't matter for special forces that it's a Friday night - they are always ready to go. And of course they are not drunk (that was a joke, right?). It took them an hour and 15 minutes to start storming?

    Replies: @Beckow

  147. A123 says: • Website
    Earlier in the month at Crocus City Hall, there was the return of Kirkorov on the first channel for International Women's Day.

    Kirkorov has been banned at the New Year Eve show on channel one this year, apparently some bloggers were angry about pictures of a semi-nude party of famous Moscow celebrities before New Year and this had been viral on the internet.

    On the 8th of March, it seemed like harmony had been restored in Russian television concerts.

    Kirkorov (10:00) and Baskov singing together, for the festive concert at Crocus City Hall. Dima Bilan (47:00) has also returned on channel one after the same semi-nude party as Kirkorov.

    It cannot be imagined that in 2 weeks, the concert hall was burned and the roof collapsed.

    Replies: @A123

    Could this exp!ain Baltimore?

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @QCIC

    To whom it may concern, select your cruise:

    Next stop Lekki


    Next stop Cabello


    Next stop Limon.

    Bon voyage!

  148. @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    I'm impressed that these cargo ships cross the oceans with only one engine and no backup (as far as I know). I wonder how often a ship loses an engine in the middle of the ocean?

    Ice rated vessels and LNG tankers have multiple drivetrains. Some ships have a backup to drive the propeller through through a secondary power source but my impression is this capability is uncommon. Bottom line is that marine propulsion systems are extremely reliable.

    There is some room for skepticism. The generator is usually powered by separate engine, so the lights going out does not mean propulsion is lost. I assume there is temporary backup power for steering and essential bridge controls.

    I don't think the Russians would do this sort of thing unless they think WW3 has already started and is in a slow early phase.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    I’m impressed that these cargo ships cross the oceans with only one engine and no backup (as far as I know). I wonder how often a ship loses an engine in the middle of the ocean?

    I don’t know and I wonder if they put the anchor down to at least try to slow it.

    There is some room for skepticism. The generator is usually powered by separate engine, so the lights going out does not mean propulsion is lost. I assume there is temporary backup power for steering and essential bridge controls.

    With a bar pilot there would actually be two captains on board. The bar pilot reported it was mechanical and the ship has a history of problems.

    I don’t think the Russians would do this sort of thing unless they think WW3 has already started and is in a slow early phase.

    If they wanted to go after a port this wouldn’t be a very good one. Makes more sense to sabotage a German port which is where the weapons go from multiple countries.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    Hopefully we will get a complete and credible report on the ship accident, though it is often surprising how much seemingly useful detail can be given without explaining the root cause.

    The sinking of the Norwegian frigate Helge Ingstad is a perfect example of this issue.

  149. @Beckow

    I agree we will not know the full truth - that is the case with most of these attacks.

    - How many shooters were there? Do we even know? 4 to 6

    Where did they really head out to?....Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    East is too far and the roads are bad. They didn't go to Belarus - on the map the turn to Belarus was 50 km earlier and they didn't take it. They were going to Ukraine - whether they had a welcome prepared we don't know. But if they knew where to cross and the other side was waiting it was possible.
    Regarding the late response: it is always like that - in the first few hours there is chaos, nobody knows which way to go. Friday nights a lot of people are partying.

    The payment: The debit cards were only to cover expenses ($5k). If there was a payment it was much bigger and not on the Russian MIR debit cards. Think.

    Why were the US warnings ignored? They said in 48 hours on 3/7. It was 3/22.

    Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don't know) maybe they were drunk.

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place - it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine. The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK - that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic. And the Westie media weird "look at ISIS" scripted - and too eager - response.

    Other versions are possible, or it could have been more complicated. But Occam's razor is usually correct.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @LatW

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place – it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine.

    How do we know they planned on escaping to Ukraine? Lukashenko thinks they were going to Belarus.

    The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK – that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic.

    US/UK share intelligence which means…..they warned Russia of an attack they supported? That doesn’t make any sense.

    Why would they target a rock concert and not a social function with officers or Putin supporters?

    You do realize this is the second time that Muslim extremists have attacked a theater in Russia? Was the first one also a US/UK conspiracy?

    All Putin had to do was put a goon squad on the concert and these Muslim losers would not have been able to overwhelm the guards. But he ignored the warning and the world can see that. What an embarrassment to have the CIA outshine you in your own country.

    But such a stark contrast is nothing new. Let’s not forget that the Soviets would have lost WW2 if not for the Turing machine. The entire German Kursk battleplan was handed to the Soviets by the Allies. In fact they tried warning Stalin of an impending attack in 1941 and he ignored them on the belief that it was propaganda. All he had to do was put his military in a defensive position as a precaution. Sounds awfully familiar.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The Ukraine situation has been near the brink of starting a World War for two years. There is no reason to expect ANY of the players to tell the complete story or even the truth. Actions speak louder than words, assuming we find out what the actions turn out to be.

  150. @John Johnson

    Nothing is weirder than “ISIS”: islamists who only attack other Moslems: Syria, Iran, even Sunni Taleban.

    Muslim on Muslim violence has been the norm for most of Islamic history. Just look at how Muslim factions were fighting both each other and the Syrian government.

    Now Russia. ISIS never fought the West or Izrael. They appeared very well armed in Syria as US was trying to overthrow the Syrian government. That is weird, isn’t it? I am skeptical.

    What is weird? ISIS-K wants an Islamic state that spans Syria, Afghanistan and Iran. They actually oppose the Taliban for not wanting to take part. The Taliban correctly views them as foreign.

    I don't support Muslim extremism but I understand the strategy. If they created an ISIS state in the Middle East then they could use it to launch revolutions in nearby countries. It's much more long term and a better plan than going on a rape 'n kill spree in Israel. Is Hamas in a better place today or a year ago?

    If Russia chooses to blame Kiev they can. West will never agree even if the perps were caught with Ukie documents and phones. They would say it was “fake”. So their views don’t matter – they are in a tailspin of Russia-hatred (as are you), there is no point in a rational discussion.

    ISIS-K took responsibility and has posted video from the attackers. It actually appears that they want to make sure no one believes it was some conspiracy involving Ukraine. They also released a new video where they threaten Putin.

    I am for a rational discussion and I see nothing rational about a US/Ukraine backed conspiracy where the US warns Russia of a possible attack. The people uninterested in a rational discussion just want to blame the Jews and then call any skeptic a Jew. That was occurring at Unz before anyone knew what happened. That also happened with the Hamas attack where the Jew blamers actually suggested it wasn't real. I was called a Jew numerous times for pointing out that Hamas had posted their own videos of the attack. We have some serious reality avoiders and they tend to overlap with Jew hatred and Putin support.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    …I am for a rational discussion

    No, you are not. You suffer from serious Russo-phobia, don’t address reality, go on silly tangents, and transparently manipulate.

    With “ISIS” you try too hard. There is no such thing as ISIS-K took responsibility – we have no idea who is posting and who manages them. There is not a scintilla of evidence among the caught terrorists that they had anything to do with “ISIS”. They were made to look like they could be “ISIS”, but ISIS would not attack on Ramadan Friday – they would pray. It is an obvious misdirection.

    The question is why are some so desperate to point to “ISIS”? Quickly and with no time to deliberate. Have you ever read a good detective story? Not the trash in WalMart, something intelligent?

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    No, you are not. You suffer from serious Russo-phobia, don’t address reality, go on silly tangents, and transparently manipulate.

    I don't have a fear of Russians. In fact there are some Russians I admire like this man who unlike Putin does not have to wear high heels to look taller:

    With “ISIS” you try too hard. There is no such thing as ISIS-K took responsibility – we have no idea who is posting and who manages them.

    I try too hard by sourcing them directly? Does that make sense to you?

    Worldwide intelligence agencies believe that the ISIS channel is legitimate and they posted videos from these losers. If you want to argue a conspiracy theory then go ahead. The default assumption is that the ISIS-K source is actually composed of Muslim extremists and not a Jewish conspiracy led by Nulan or Blinken as some at Anglin's blog have hilariously suggested.

    There is not a scintilla of evidence among the caught terrorists that they had anything to do with “ISIS”.

    ISIS posted images of them before the attack:

    So you're wrong....again.

    The question is why are some so desperate to point to “ISIS”?

    ISIS is the one that took responsibility. It isn't desperation by anyone to simply quote them. They immediately claimed responsibility and posted a video that threatened Putin.

    If a Ukrainian terrorist group took responsibility would you say it is desperation to point at them?

    How do you get through daily life with this level of reality denial? Are you on disability or have some type of trust fund?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  151. @Beckow

    I agree we will not know the full truth - that is the case with most of these attacks.

    - How many shooters were there? Do we even know? 4 to 6

    Where did they really head out to?....Why not run somewhere eastwards?
    East is too far and the roads are bad. They didn't go to Belarus - on the map the turn to Belarus was 50 km earlier and they didn't take it. They were going to Ukraine - whether they had a welcome prepared we don't know. But if they knew where to cross and the other side was waiting it was possible.
    Regarding the late response: it is always like that - in the first few hours there is chaos, nobody knows which way to go. Friday nights a lot of people are partying.

    The payment: The debit cards were only to cover expenses ($5k). If there was a payment it was much bigger and not on the Russian MIR debit cards. Think.

    Why were the US warnings ignored? They said in 48 hours on 3/7. It was 3/22.

    Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don't know) maybe they were drunk.

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place - it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine. The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK - that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic. And the Westie media weird "look at ISIS" scripted - and too eager - response.

    Other versions are possible, or it could have been more complicated. But Occam's razor is usually correct.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @LatW

    – Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don’t know) maybe they were drunk.

    It doesn’t matter for special forces that it’s a Friday night – they are always ready to go. And of course they are not drunk (that was a joke, right?). It took them an hour and 15 minutes to start storming?

    • Replies: @Beckow

    You are using partial info out of context - there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either. The attempts to blame it on Russians only show how low you have sunk in your hatred.

    How would French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you focused on the "inadequate" French security? They are not supermen. In 911 hundreds of firefighters were storming the Towers' staircases as they collapsed. They are only human.

    Replies: @LatW

  152. @LatW

    – Why were the siloviks so slow to react? The attack took 15 minutes and it was Friday night. If they were slow (I don’t know) maybe they were drunk.
    It doesn't matter for special forces that it's a Friday night - they are always ready to go. And of course they are not drunk (that was a joke, right?). It took them an hour and 15 minutes to start storming?

    Replies: @Beckow

    You are using partial info out of context – there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either. The attempts to blame it on Russians only show how low you have sunk in your hatred.

    How would French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you focused on the “inadequate” French security? They are not supermen. In 911 hundreds of firefighters were storming the Towers’ staircases as they collapsed. They are only human.

    • Replies: @LatW

    there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either.
    What the hell does that have to do with anything, when we're talking about a specific event here? Why, is there anything wrong with just asking questions? It took OMON and Sobr an hour and 15 minutes to start storming the building. This is in Podmoskovie.

    How would the French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you only focused on the “inadequacy” of French security?

    What does this have to do with anybody's feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Emil Nikola Richard

  153. @John Johnson

    I’m impressed that these cargo ships cross the oceans with only one engine and no backup (as far as I know). I wonder how often a ship loses an engine in the middle of the ocean?

    I don't know and I wonder if they put the anchor down to at least try to slow it.

    There is some room for skepticism. The generator is usually powered by separate engine, so the lights going out does not mean propulsion is lost. I assume there is temporary backup power for steering and essential bridge controls.

    With a bar pilot there would actually be two captains on board. The bar pilot reported it was mechanical and the ship has a history of problems.

    I don’t think the Russians would do this sort of thing unless they think WW3 has already started and is in a slow early phase.

    If they wanted to go after a port this wouldn't be a very good one. Makes more sense to sabotage a German port which is where the weapons go from multiple countries.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Hopefully we will get a complete and credible report on the ship accident, though it is often surprising how much seemingly useful detail can be given without explaining the root cause.

    The sinking of the Norwegian frigate Helge Ingstad is a perfect example of this issue.

  154. @John Johnson

    It looks like a few credible looking but dumb Tajiks were hired to shoot up the place – it went easier and bigger than the organizers anticipated. They were supposed to escape to Ukraine.

    How do we know they planned on escaping to Ukraine? Lukashenko thinks they were going to Belarus.

    The organizer could be in Ukie security apparatus with a wink from US or UK – that explains why Nuland and Danilov were fired and Kiev is in panic.

    US/UK share intelligence which means.....they warned Russia of an attack they supported? That doesn't make any sense.

    Why would they target a rock concert and not a social function with officers or Putin supporters?

    You do realize this is the second time that Muslim extremists have attacked a theater in Russia? Was the first one also a US/UK conspiracy?

    All Putin had to do was put a goon squad on the concert and these Muslim losers would not have been able to overwhelm the guards. But he ignored the warning and the world can see that. What an embarrassment to have the CIA outshine you in your own country.

    But such a stark contrast is nothing new. Let's not forget that the Soviets would have lost WW2 if not for the Turing machine. The entire German Kursk battleplan was handed to the Soviets by the Allies. In fact they tried warning Stalin of an impending attack in 1941 and he ignored them on the belief that it was propaganda. All he had to do was put his military in a defensive position as a precaution. Sounds awfully familiar.

    Replies: @QCIC

    The Ukraine situation has been near the brink of starting a World War for two years. There is no reason to expect ANY of the players to tell the complete story or even the truth. Actions speak louder than words, assuming we find out what the actions turn out to be.

  155. @Beckow

    You are using partial info out of context - there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either. The attempts to blame it on Russians only show how low you have sunk in your hatred.

    How would French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you focused on the "inadequate" French security? They are not supermen. In 911 hundreds of firefighters were storming the Towers' staircases as they collapsed. They are only human.

    Replies: @LatW

    there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either.

    What the hell does that have to do with anything, when we’re talking about a specific event here? Why, is there anything wrong with just asking questions? It took OMON and Sobr an hour and 15 minutes to start storming the building. This is in Podmoskovie.

    How would the French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you only focused on the “inadequacy” of French security?

    What does this have to do with anybody’s feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate. So calm down and try to see things in perspective - terrorists attacks are always messy and there is always incompetence, chaos and delays. But the focus should be on the perps and who was behind them.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    What does this have to do with anybody’s feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.
    We care. Now will you please pipe down about this? Nobody here is going to do diddly squat about it.

    Andrew Huberman's ex's are conspiring to destroy his awesome reputation. At least this is funny.

    no paywall:

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC

  156. @A123

    Could this exp!ain Baltimore?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

    To whom it may concern, select your cruise:

    Next stop Lekki


    Next stop Cabello


    Next stop Limon.

    Bon voyage!

  157. @LatW

    there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either.
    What the hell does that have to do with anything, when we're talking about a specific event here? Why, is there anything wrong with just asking questions? It took OMON and Sobr an hour and 15 minutes to start storming the building. This is in Podmoskovie.

    How would the French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you only focused on the “inadequacy” of French security?

    What does this have to do with anybody's feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Emil Nikola Richard

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate. So calm down and try to see things in perspective – terrorists attacks are always messy and there is always incompetence, chaos and delays. But the focus should be on the perps and who was behind them.

    • Replies: @LatW

    This is not about hatred - you are very casually accusing Ukraine of a huge terror act, while Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely. And yet you can present zero facts. And I'm simply asking questions (there are many).

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    , @AnonfromTN

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate.
    In a way, hate should come natural to Latvians: after all, Swedes sold them like cattle to Peter the Great. Not to mention natural inferiority complex of residents of a three-village country. It takes significant intelligence and sophistication to get over all of this and have a reasonable human view. Most people lack required intelligence and sophistication.

    Replies: @Beckow

  158. @Beckow

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate. So calm down and try to see things in perspective - terrorists attacks are always messy and there is always incompetence, chaos and delays. But the focus should be on the perps and who was behind them.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    This is not about hatred – you are very casually accusing Ukraine of a huge terror act, while Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely. And yet you can present zero facts. And I’m simply asking questions (there are many).

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.
    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.
    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson, @Mikhail, @AP, @Jazman

    , @Beckow

    I answered your questions and we don't yet know who organized it. But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine - the perps were escaping there. There is also circumstantial evidence: Kiev threats and previous terror attacks, firing of Danilov and Nuland, Western eagerness to exonerate Kiev and point to Isis one hour after it happened...

    There is nothing casual about it. It is casual and shallow to dismiss any suspicion of Kiev - they had motive, means and opportunity. That makes them a primary suspect.

    Replies: @sudden death

  159. @Beckow

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate. So calm down and try to see things in perspective - terrorists attacks are always messy and there is always incompetence, chaos and delays. But the focus should be on the perps and who was behind them.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate.

    In a way, hate should come natural to Latvians: after all, Swedes sold them like cattle to Peter the Great. Not to mention natural inferiority complex of residents of a three-village country. It takes significant intelligence and sophistication to get over all of this and have a reasonable human view. Most people lack required intelligence and sophistication.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok. But their obsession with one-sided history is a big problem and too many like sheep follow that narrative.

    It is important to preserve Balts existence as unique, ancient IE nations. The single worst way to do it is for the Balts to brown-nose Anglos or Scandies and fight the Russians. They are more likely to disappear in the Euro-gender mishmash and by fighting Russia on Anglo behalf. A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts. They would live better. But too many are not rational enough to see it. Maybe one day they will.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

  160. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    You always miss the point, is it already that hot in Phoenix?

    Russia can claim what it wants as much as the West. Since you are ok with the Western far-fetched lies to start wars and kill civilians you have no standing. If Russia says "Kiev did it" and holds them accountable, what exactly is your objection?

    They can also say "oooops" 10 year later when it doesn't matter any more. Why can't they act the same as the West? Morality and 'rules' have to be consistent, otherwise they are only tools.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    If Russia says “Kiev did it” and holds them accountable, what exactly is your objection?

    My objection is that there is absolutely no proof that Kyiv was behind the recent bombing of the theater in Moscow. I can see that for you and your fellow travelers that this doesn’t matter, because you all blindly believe whatever Batko Putler tells you. Believe what you want. 🙂

  161. @LatW

    This is not about hatred - you are very casually accusing Ukraine of a huge terror act, while Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely. And yet you can present zero facts. And I'm simply asking questions (there are many).

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.

    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.

    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    • Replies: @LatW

    You have been terrorizing them for 2 years (or rather 10), consistently, so if they pay you back (and will continue to do so) is understandable.

    , @John Johnson

    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine.

    If that is indeed true then how is that evidence that the Ukrainian government is involved?

    A warzone is an ideal place to hide from a government that wants to hunt and kill you. They could easily blend in with a pro-Ukrainian Chechen group. They could shave their heads and describe themselves as rebels that fled their unit. No one is going to ask for a passport.

    Fleeing to Ukraine makes more sense than staying in Russia or trying to hop borders to Tajikistan. Just look at a map of Russia and how far it is from Moscow to Tajikistan. Make way more sense to hide in the chaos of a warzone.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke

    , @Mikhail

    ISIS-K, formerly involved with US supported Afghan government, they go after Iran, Russia, China and the Taliban, but not Israel and the US. Once again noting ISIS presence in Ukraine:

    The Kiev regime-ISIS-K and possible MI6 and/or CIA connection isn't as off the wall than the claims that Russia blew up NS2 and paid the Taliban to kill Americans.

    , @AP

    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc



    “Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small”

    Ukraine has not made ISIS style attacks.

    As your repetition of the story that a Ukrainian captain wrecked the Baltimore bridge demonstrates (and not only that), you believe whatever nonsense is put out there.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @Jazman

    It is clear that the terrorist attack in Crocus, the attacks on Belgorod and the oil refinery - the whole complex of these events was aimed at provoking Russia to hasty and thoughtless actions. They hoped that it would turn out like Hamas did with Israel.
    Another provocation by the West did not achieve its goal.

  162. @AnonfromTN

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.
    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.
    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson, @Mikhail, @AP, @Jazman

    You have been terrorizing them for 2 years (or rather 10), consistently, so if they pay you back (and will continue to do so) is understandable.

  163. @Beckow
    @John Johnson

    ...I am for a rational discussion
    No, you are not. You suffer from serious Russo-phobia, don't address reality, go on silly tangents, and transparently manipulate.

    With "ISIS" you try too hard. There is no such thing as ISIS-K took responsibility - we have no idea who is posting and who manages them. There is not a scintilla of evidence among the caught terrorists that they had anything to do with "ISIS". They were made to look like they could be "ISIS", but ISIS would not attack on Ramadan Friday - they would pray. It is an obvious misdirection.

    The question is why are some so desperate to point to "ISIS"? Quickly and with no time to deliberate. Have you ever read a good detective story? Not the trash in WalMart, something intelligent?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    No, you are not. You suffer from serious Russo-phobia, don’t address reality, go on silly tangents, and transparently manipulate.

    I don’t have a fear of Russians. In fact there are some Russians I admire like this man who unlike Putin does not have to wear high heels to look taller:

    With “ISIS” you try too hard. There is no such thing as ISIS-K took responsibility – we have no idea who is posting and who manages them.

    I try too hard by sourcing them directly? Does that make sense to you?

    Worldwide intelligence agencies believe that the ISIS channel is legitimate and they posted videos from these losers. If you want to argue a conspiracy theory then go ahead. The default assumption is that the ISIS-K source is actually composed of Muslim extremists and not a Jewish conspiracy led by Nulan or Blinken as some at Anglin’s blog have hilariously suggested.

    There is not a scintilla of evidence among the caught terrorists that they had anything to do with “ISIS”.

    ISIS posted images of them before the attack:

    So you’re wrong….again.

    The question is why are some so desperate to point to “ISIS”?

    ISIS is the one that took responsibility. It isn’t desperation by anyone to simply quote them. They immediately claimed responsibility and posted a video that threatened Putin.

    If a Ukrainian terrorist group took responsibility would you say it is desperation to point at them?

    How do you get through daily life with this level of reality denial? Are you on disability or have some type of trust fund?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @John Johnson

    Are you on disability or have some type of trust fund?
    Next best thing. Beckow claims that he runs a small business that is involved in the repairs of old castles. That's why he has so much spare time on his hands that he can afford to waste away all of it here 24/7. Either that, or he's a professional troll assigned to monitor this blog site,drawing a small monthy pension(who knows, maybe he's actually paid piece time?). :-)
    One of Beckow's imaginative ideas that keep him well employed.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  164. @AnonfromTN

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.
    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.
    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson, @Mikhail, @AP, @Jazman

    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine.

    If that is indeed true then how is that evidence that the Ukrainian government is involved?

    A warzone is an ideal place to hide from a government that wants to hunt and kill you. They could easily blend in with a pro-Ukrainian Chechen group. They could shave their heads and describe themselves as rebels that fled their unit. No one is going to ask for a passport.

    Fleeing to Ukraine makes more sense than staying in Russia or trying to hop borders to Tajikistan. Just look at a map of Russia and how far it is from Moscow to Tajikistan. Make way more sense to hide in the chaos of a warzone.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @John Johnson

    The terrorists were detained a little West from Bryansk, close to borders of both Belarus and Ukraine.

    It was maybe 105 kilometres from the border of Belarus and 108 kilometres from the border of Ukraine.

    Belarus would be more easy for them to enter, the border is not really guarded. Although, Ukraine is also an open border, there is military activity there so it could be more difficult to enter. Inside Ukraine might be easier for them to hide and not be sent back to Russia.

    The earlier part of the border for Kazakhstan would be driving 1000 kilometres from Moscow. Areas of Kazakhstan more easy to enter at night would be possibly more distant .

    , @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Central Asians really blend in, in Kiev or Minsk…right. Lol.

    Rather than the Caucasus or Central Asia.

    Replies: @songbird

  165. @LatW

    there is no special force outside the concert venues ready to go in the West either.
    What the hell does that have to do with anything, when we're talking about a specific event here? Why, is there anything wrong with just asking questions? It took OMON and Sobr an hour and 15 minutes to start storming the building. This is in Podmoskovie.

    How would the French feel after Bataclan or Nice attacks if you only focused on the “inadequacy” of French security?

    What does this have to do with anybody's feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Emil Nikola Richard

    What does this have to do with anybody’s feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.

    We care. Now will you please pipe down about this? Nobody here is going to do diddly squat about it.

    Andrew Huberman’s ex’s are conspiring to destroy his awesome reputation. At least this is funny.

    no paywall:

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I don't know much about this guy - in fact, the only time I watched him was that one time you linked to his video (watched about 10 minutes of it, not the whole thing, it was too long). It was something neuron related (can't remember now).

    Yes, this is pretty funny, and the guy is pretty crazy (total control freak and one of those verbal braniacs which isn't bad, but maybe not combined with those super controlling characteristics). It's not uncommon to take out the anger on the spouse or partner and then just appear as a nice and competent person to the outside world (and it's understandable that he was jealous, it's not easy to be a stepparent).

    I was wondering at first how in the world was he able to have a long term relationship, simultaneously spin plates and have a full time job as a famous podcaster, but then I read in this article that he used to "disappear". Hahaha!

    This chick who wrote it is a smartass.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    You kids.

    Thanks. I've never heard of Hubee, we don't get that channel here at the rock I live under. Skimming the article he sounds smart, hyper, conflicted and very gay. Maybe I jumped over the part where he has 10 illegitimate super kids. I hope it all works out and for God's sake get that dog a blankie.

    To celebrate Herr Doktor Huberman, I offer the following fine song, especially since this is a Bay Area Saga:

    PS: Is a potent duet by Linda Perry/Grace Slick.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

  166. @Emil Nikola Richard

    What does this have to do with anybody’s feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.
    We care. Now will you please pipe down about this? Nobody here is going to do diddly squat about it.

    Andrew Huberman's ex's are conspiring to destroy his awesome reputation. At least this is funny.

    no paywall:

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC

    I don’t know much about this guy – in fact, the only time I watched him was that one time you linked to his video (watched about 10 minutes of it, not the whole thing, it was too long). It was something neuron related (can’t remember now).

    Yes, this is pretty funny, and the guy is pretty crazy (total control freak and one of those verbal braniacs which isn’t bad, but maybe not combined with those super controlling characteristics). It’s not uncommon to take out the anger on the spouse or partner and then just appear as a nice and competent person to the outside world (and it’s understandable that he was jealous, it’s not easy to be a stepparent).

    I was wondering at first how in the world was he able to have a long term relationship, simultaneously spin plates and have a full time job as a famous podcaster, but then I read in this article that he used to “disappear”. Hahaha!

    This chick who wrote it is a smartass.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Omg, this is a total LOL:

    "His detractors note that Huberman extrapolates wildly from limited animal studies, posits certainty where there is ambiguity, and stumbles when he veers too far from his narrow realm of study, but even they will tend to admit that the podcast is an expansive, free (or, as he puts it, “zero-cost”) compendium of human knowledge. There are quack guests, but these are greatly outnumbered by profound, complex, patient, and often moving descriptions of biological process."

    "Extrapolate from limited animal studies..." - hilarious!

    "Zero-cost" - LOL.

    If a guy is going to be this kind of a brainiac, it might be better if he is a bit more chilled out, than this energetic and "ambitious".

    Is he or isn't he a "scientist"? LOL

    Replies: @LatW

  167. @AnonfromTN

    Curious vignette. The captain of the ship that destroyed the bridge in Baltimore is a Ukrainian. The US should bring in more Ukrainians, there are many more bridges left.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Aren’t you a Ukrainian? How many bridges have you destroyed?…

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Aren’t you a Ukrainian?
    After post-coup Kiev regime started committing heinous crimes in Donbass in 2014 I thought that it would be shameful to admit that I am a Ukrainian. However, then I decided that I should say that loud and clear, so that people know that there are normal Ukrainians, that not all Ukrainians are scumbags, like Porky, clown, and various functionaries of the post-coup regime.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  168. @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I don't know much about this guy - in fact, the only time I watched him was that one time you linked to his video (watched about 10 minutes of it, not the whole thing, it was too long). It was something neuron related (can't remember now).

    Yes, this is pretty funny, and the guy is pretty crazy (total control freak and one of those verbal braniacs which isn't bad, but maybe not combined with those super controlling characteristics). It's not uncommon to take out the anger on the spouse or partner and then just appear as a nice and competent person to the outside world (and it's understandable that he was jealous, it's not easy to be a stepparent).

    I was wondering at first how in the world was he able to have a long term relationship, simultaneously spin plates and have a full time job as a famous podcaster, but then I read in this article that he used to "disappear". Hahaha!

    This chick who wrote it is a smartass.

    Replies: @LatW

    Omg, this is a total LOL:

    “His detractors note that Huberman extrapolates wildly from limited animal studies, posits certainty where there is ambiguity, and stumbles when he veers too far from his narrow realm of study, but even they will tend to admit that the podcast is an expansive, free (or, as he puts it, “zero-cost”) compendium of human knowledge. There are quack guests, but these are greatly outnumbered by profound, complex, patient, and often moving descriptions of biological process.”

    “Extrapolate from limited animal studies…” – hilarious!

    “Zero-cost” – LOL.

    If a guy is going to be this kind of a brainiac, it might be better if he is a bit more chilled out, than this energetic and “ambitious”.

    Is he or isn’t he a “scientist”? LOL

    • Replies: @LatW

    Oh, and he promotes AG1. I was going to get it. I was fluctuating between getting AG1 or Ka'Chava. I really, really wanted AG1 but wasn't sure if what they're writing about it is true (hahaha, now I will probably not get it because of this Huberman guy). They lock you in with a monthly purchase (which is ok, as long as the product is good). Oh, what a bummer... this is terrible. I hope all these people find peace. :)

    Ok, I'm getting Ka'Chava now. Finally decided.

  169. @John Johnson

    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine.

    If that is indeed true then how is that evidence that the Ukrainian government is involved?

    A warzone is an ideal place to hide from a government that wants to hunt and kill you. They could easily blend in with a pro-Ukrainian Chechen group. They could shave their heads and describe themselves as rebels that fled their unit. No one is going to ask for a passport.

    Fleeing to Ukraine makes more sense than staying in Russia or trying to hop borders to Tajikistan. Just look at a map of Russia and how far it is from Moscow to Tajikistan. Make way more sense to hide in the chaos of a warzone.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke

    The terrorists were detained a little West from Bryansk, close to borders of both Belarus and Ukraine.

    It was maybe 105 kilometres from the border of Belarus and 108 kilometres from the border of Ukraine.

    Belarus would be more easy for them to enter, the border is not really guarded. Although, Ukraine is also an open border, there is military activity there so it could be more difficult to enter. Inside Ukraine might be easier for them to hide and not be sent back to Russia.

    The earlier part of the border for Kazakhstan would be driving 1000 kilometres from Moscow. Areas of Kazakhstan more easy to enter at night would be possibly more distant .

  170. @LatW

    Omg, this is a total LOL:

    "His detractors note that Huberman extrapolates wildly from limited animal studies, posits certainty where there is ambiguity, and stumbles when he veers too far from his narrow realm of study, but even they will tend to admit that the podcast is an expansive, free (or, as he puts it, “zero-cost”) compendium of human knowledge. There are quack guests, but these are greatly outnumbered by profound, complex, patient, and often moving descriptions of biological process."

    "Extrapolate from limited animal studies..." - hilarious!

    "Zero-cost" - LOL.

    If a guy is going to be this kind of a brainiac, it might be better if he is a bit more chilled out, than this energetic and "ambitious".

    Is he or isn't he a "scientist"? LOL

    Replies: @LatW

    Oh, and he promotes AG1. I was going to get it. I was fluctuating between getting AG1 or Ka’Chava. I really, really wanted AG1 but wasn’t sure if what they’re writing about it is true (hahaha, now I will probably not get it because of this Huberman guy). They lock you in with a monthly purchase (which is ok, as long as the product is good). Oh, what a bummer… this is terrible. I hope all these people find peace. 🙂

    Ok, I’m getting Ka’Chava now. Finally decided.

  171. @Emil Nikola Richard

    What does this have to do with anybody’s feelings? Do they care about my feelings? No.
    We care. Now will you please pipe down about this? Nobody here is going to do diddly squat about it.

    Andrew Huberman's ex's are conspiring to destroy his awesome reputation. At least this is funny.

    no paywall:

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC

    You kids.

    Thanks. I’ve never heard of Hubee, we don’t get that channel here at the rock I live under. Skimming the article he sounds smart, hyper, conflicted and very gay. Maybe I jumped over the part where he has 10 illegitimate super kids. I hope it all works out and for God’s sake get that dog a blankie.

    To celebrate Herr Doktor Huberman, I offer the following fine song, especially since this is a Bay Area Saga:


    PS: Is a potent duet by Linda Perry/Grace Slick.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The dog died.

    He cries about it on camera. He doesn't cry about 200 different things like Jordan Peterson. Just that one. When he first started I was busting through a plateau and obsessed with health and fitness information and I listened to his first 40 or 50 shows start to finish. It took me months to figure out Costello was his dog and not his boyfriend.

    Replies: @songbird

    , @LatW

    He seems at least part Jewish (and some of them can be super hyper).

    But to sleep with 5 or 6 women simultaneously and be able to keep them all on a relatively short leash... in your late 40s... that's a lot. :)

  172. @LatW

    This is not about hatred - you are very casually accusing Ukraine of a huge terror act, while Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely. And yet you can present zero facts. And I'm simply asking questions (there are many).

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Beckow

    I answered your questions and we don’t yet know who organized it. But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine – the perps were escaping there. There is also circumstantial evidence: Kiev threats and previous terror attacks, firing of Danilov and Nuland, Western eagerness to exonerate Kiev and point to Isis one hour after it happened…

    There is nothing casual about it. It is casual and shallow to dismiss any suspicion of Kiev – they had motive, means and opportunity. That makes them a primary suspect.

    • Agree: Chebyshev, Mikhail
    • LOL: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @sudden death

    But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine – the perps were escaping there.
    The only "evidence" about that so far is words by serial liars from Kremlin, when even Lukashenko said they "had to turnaround" from Belarus, but nevermind let's assume it for the sake of thought experiment - there were/are countless various American or other criminals running south into Mexico, does it mean Mexico as a state previously organized it all in USA?;)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke

  173. @AnonfromTN

    If you show people hatred long enough they will reciprocate.
    In a way, hate should come natural to Latvians: after all, Swedes sold them like cattle to Peter the Great. Not to mention natural inferiority complex of residents of a three-village country. It takes significant intelligence and sophistication to get over all of this and have a reasonable human view. Most people lack required intelligence and sophistication.

    Replies: @Beckow

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok. But their obsession with one-sided history is a big problem and too many like sheep follow that narrative.

    It is important to preserve Balts existence as unique, ancient IE nations. The single worst way to do it is for the Balts to brown-nose Anglos or Scandies and fight the Russians. They are more likely to disappear in the Euro-gender mishmash and by fighting Russia on Anglo behalf. A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts. They would live better. But too many are not rational enough to see it. Maybe one day they will.

    • Replies: @LatW

    A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts.
    We have lots of information (lots of it classified) about what is going on, what the plans are etc and so can't really be relaxed (unlike others who do not border RusFed). Also, the rhetoric from RusFed... is too hostile. We should be left alone. You'd flip out if it were directed at you.

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @AnonfromTN

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok.
    Generally speaking, most people of any nation are OK, so this is likely true. I don’t have sufficient personal experience to draw any conclusions. As far as Balts go, I personally knew fairly well one Latvian, a reasonably pretty and reasonably intelligent (but not strikingly so in either way) woman. She had too weak personality, though: in Soviet times she clearly sucked up to the administration of the institute I worked in. As I was anti-establishment at the time, this did not endear her to me. However, she was not alone in that by far, so I can’t count weak personality or the tendency to conform as a Latvian trait. I knew one Estonian fairly well, he was MSU student and an undergrad researcher in the lab I worked in (I was a grad student at the time). He was fairly smart and pretty sophisticated. He lives with his family in Finland for >20 years now. When I met him at one of the scientific meetings ~15 years ago he complained that Finnish is not as close to Estonian as outsiders believe, so that he had hard time learning good Finnish. Do not personally know any Lithuanians from Lithuania. We had a grad student in the department with Lithuanian last name (proper male form; their last names have different endings for husbands, wives, and unmarried daughters). However, he was born in the US, so from my perspective he is about as Lithuanian as I am Chinese.

    Replies: @Beckow

  174. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    You kids.

    Thanks. I've never heard of Hubee, we don't get that channel here at the rock I live under. Skimming the article he sounds smart, hyper, conflicted and very gay. Maybe I jumped over the part where he has 10 illegitimate super kids. I hope it all works out and for God's sake get that dog a blankie.

    To celebrate Herr Doktor Huberman, I offer the following fine song, especially since this is a Bay Area Saga:

    PS: Is a potent duet by Linda Perry/Grace Slick.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    The dog died.

    He cries about it on camera. He doesn’t cry about 200 different things like Jordan Peterson. Just that one. When he first started I was busting through a plateau and obsessed with health and fitness information and I listened to his first 40 or 50 shows start to finish. It took me months to figure out Costello was his dog and not his boyfriend.

    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It took me months to figure out Costello was his dog and not his boyfriend.
    I know someone who made the opposite mistake, and thought his lesbian boss was talking about her dog.
  175. @Beckow

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok. But their obsession with one-sided history is a big problem and too many like sheep follow that narrative.

    It is important to preserve Balts existence as unique, ancient IE nations. The single worst way to do it is for the Balts to brown-nose Anglos or Scandies and fight the Russians. They are more likely to disappear in the Euro-gender mishmash and by fighting Russia on Anglo behalf. A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts. They would live better. But too many are not rational enough to see it. Maybe one day they will.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts.

    We have lots of information (lots of it classified) about what is going on, what the plans are etc and so can’t really be relaxed (unlike others who do not border RusFed). Also, the rhetoric from RusFed… is too hostile. We should be left alone. You’d flip out if it were directed at you.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    You live in paranoia and there is no more hostile rhetoric than what the Balts say about Russians. Russia has left you alone and you used it to openly discriminate against the Russian minority (20-25%). And shrink your country by over 25%.

    But that's past now. You are itching to fight a much stronger country counting on the endless support from the West. That is simply not a good idea. It is a lose-lose, but you being in the middle and lacking resources would lose the most. But if that makes you 'happy', who are we to advise you?

    Replies: @LatW

  176. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    You kids.

    Thanks. I've never heard of Hubee, we don't get that channel here at the rock I live under. Skimming the article he sounds smart, hyper, conflicted and very gay. Maybe I jumped over the part where he has 10 illegitimate super kids. I hope it all works out and for God's sake get that dog a blankie.

    To celebrate Herr Doktor Huberman, I offer the following fine song, especially since this is a Bay Area Saga:

    PS: Is a potent duet by Linda Perry/Grace Slick.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW


    He seems at least part Jewish (and some of them can be super hyper).

    But to sleep with 5 or 6 women simultaneously and be able to keep them all on a relatively short leash… in your late 40s… that’s a lot. 🙂

  177. @LatW

    A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts.
    We have lots of information (lots of it classified) about what is going on, what the plans are etc and so can't really be relaxed (unlike others who do not border RusFed). Also, the rhetoric from RusFed... is too hostile. We should be left alone. You'd flip out if it were directed at you.

    Replies: @Beckow

    You live in paranoia and there is no more hostile rhetoric than what the Balts say about Russians. Russia has left you alone and you used it to openly discriminate against the Russian minority (20-25%). And shrink your country by over 25%.

    But that’s past now. You are itching to fight a much stronger country counting on the endless support from the West. That is simply not a good idea. It is a lose-lose, but you being in the middle and lacking resources would lose the most. But if that makes you ‘happy’, who are we to advise you?

    • Replies: @LatW

    Russia has left you alone
    No, they have not, they had a whole doctrine of meddling in our internal affairs since the 1990s.

    there is no more hostile rhetoric than what the Balts say about Russians
    Yes, there is. You simply do not have visibility of it or you just choose to ignore it. It's a very different dynamic there, which you pretend to not see but so be it. Things look different from our side than yours, not to mention from the Ukrainian side. You like to paint a convenient one sided picture for yourself as well. So be it.

    Replies: @Beckow

  178. @Beckow

    You live in paranoia and there is no more hostile rhetoric than what the Balts say about Russians. Russia has left you alone and you used it to openly discriminate against the Russian minority (20-25%). And shrink your country by over 25%.

    But that's past now. You are itching to fight a much stronger country counting on the endless support from the West. That is simply not a good idea. It is a lose-lose, but you being in the middle and lacking resources would lose the most. But if that makes you 'happy', who are we to advise you?

    Replies: @LatW

    Russia has left you alone

    No, they have not, they had a whole doctrine of meddling in our internal affairs since the 1990s.

    there is no more hostile rhetoric than what the Balts say about Russians

    Yes, there is. You simply do not have visibility of it or you just choose to ignore it. It’s a very different dynamic there, which you pretend to not see but so be it. Things look different from our side than yours, not to mention from the Ukrainian side. You like to paint a convenient one sided picture for yourself as well. So be it.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Ok, let's agree to disagree. But fearing a "doctrine"(?) and hiding in 'but if you would know, but we can't tell you...' seems unhinged. My point is that you are too weak and vulnerable and definitely don't need this. By the time you wake up it may be too late.

    Replies: @LatW

  179. @LatW

    Russia has left you alone
    No, they have not, they had a whole doctrine of meddling in our internal affairs since the 1990s.

    there is no more hostile rhetoric than what the Balts say about Russians
    Yes, there is. You simply do not have visibility of it or you just choose to ignore it. It's a very different dynamic there, which you pretend to not see but so be it. Things look different from our side than yours, not to mention from the Ukrainian side. You like to paint a convenient one sided picture for yourself as well. So be it.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Ok, let’s agree to disagree. But fearing a “doctrine“(?) and hiding in ‘but if you would know, but we can’t tell you…‘ seems unhinged. My point is that you are too weak and vulnerable and definitely don’t need this. By the time you wake up it may be too late.

    • Replies: @LatW

    My point is that you are too weak and vulnerable and definitely don’t need this.
    Nobody needed this. Not even Putin.
  180. @Beckow

    Ok, let's agree to disagree. But fearing a "doctrine"(?) and hiding in 'but if you would know, but we can't tell you...' seems unhinged. My point is that you are too weak and vulnerable and definitely don't need this. By the time you wake up it may be too late.

    Replies: @LatW

    My point is that you are too weak and vulnerable and definitely don’t need this.

    Nobody needed this. Not even Putin.

  181. @Beckow

    I answered your questions and we don't yet know who organized it. But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine - the perps were escaping there. There is also circumstantial evidence: Kiev threats and previous terror attacks, firing of Danilov and Nuland, Western eagerness to exonerate Kiev and point to Isis one hour after it happened...

    There is nothing casual about it. It is casual and shallow to dismiss any suspicion of Kiev - they had motive, means and opportunity. That makes them a primary suspect.

    Replies: @sudden death

    But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine – the perps were escaping there.

    The only “evidence” about that so far is words by serial liars from Kremlin, when even Lukashenko said they “had to turnaround” from Belarus, but nevermind let’s assume it for the sake of thought experiment – there were/are countless various American or other criminals running south into Mexico, does it mean Mexico as a state previously organized it all in USA?;)

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @sudden death

    They were running away to Ukraine, that is evidence. Luka only said that they didn't go to Belarus because it is too well guarded, you are a serial liar when you claim more.

    I listed circumstances adding to the suspicion that Kiev was involved. The most salient point is that in a reverse situation - if the terror was in the West and the perps run to Russia, there would be no hesitation to blame Russia.

    Why aren't you applying the same standard? That is the root of all problems - people unwilling to use the same objective consistent criteria.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @sudden death

    , @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Captured in Khatsun still on the M3 long after the junctions that would have brought them to Gomel in Belorussia.

    Stop being an ass about this location.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    The main strategic fault line in the RusFed is the White Orthodox population and the Muslim Central Asian population. The Poles and Ukies know this.

    The CIA knows it and so does MI6.

    Academics like Zbigneiw Brezinzski knew it back in the 1980s. Indeed exploiting that fissure turned into a real crack by the time Gorbachev was in power.

    Need we play Zbig giving his pep talk to the Mujihadeen in Pakistan as he handed out stingers to the jihadists?

  182. @Philip Owen

    The Chinese had bought huge parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia. Also at loot value.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @LondonBob

    Value trap.

  183. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The dog died.

    He cries about it on camera. He doesn't cry about 200 different things like Jordan Peterson. Just that one. When he first started I was busting through a plateau and obsessed with health and fitness information and I listened to his first 40 or 50 shows start to finish. It took me months to figure out Costello was his dog and not his boyfriend.

    Replies: @songbird

    It took me months to figure out Costello was his dog and not his boyfriend.

    I know someone who made the opposite mistake, and thought his lesbian boss was talking about her dog.

  184. @John Johnson

    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine.

    If that is indeed true then how is that evidence that the Ukrainian government is involved?

    A warzone is an ideal place to hide from a government that wants to hunt and kill you. They could easily blend in with a pro-Ukrainian Chechen group. They could shave their heads and describe themselves as rebels that fled their unit. No one is going to ask for a passport.

    Fleeing to Ukraine makes more sense than staying in Russia or trying to hop borders to Tajikistan. Just look at a map of Russia and how far it is from Moscow to Tajikistan. Make way more sense to hide in the chaos of a warzone.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke

    Central Asians really blend in, in Kiev or Minsk…right. Lol.

    Rather than the Caucasus or Central Asia.

    • Replies: @songbird

    Russia has <10% the miles of paved roads of America. Much of that in the West. I imagine it is very few roads that lead to the Caucasus or Central Asia.

    IMO, blending in is kind of an obsolete concept. The Stans have good facial recognition tech now.

  185. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Central Asians really blend in, in Kiev or Minsk…right. Lol.

    Rather than the Caucasus or Central Asia.

    Replies: @songbird

    Russia has <10% the miles of paved roads of America. Much of that in the West. I imagine it is very few roads that lead to the Caucasus or Central Asia.

    IMO, blending in is kind of an obsolete concept. The Stans have good facial recognition tech now.

  186. @John Johnson

    No, you are not. You suffer from serious Russo-phobia, don’t address reality, go on silly tangents, and transparently manipulate.

    I don't have a fear of Russians. In fact there are some Russians I admire like this man who unlike Putin does not have to wear high heels to look taller:

    With “ISIS” you try too hard. There is no such thing as ISIS-K took responsibility – we have no idea who is posting and who manages them.

    I try too hard by sourcing them directly? Does that make sense to you?

    Worldwide intelligence agencies believe that the ISIS channel is legitimate and they posted videos from these losers. If you want to argue a conspiracy theory then go ahead. The default assumption is that the ISIS-K source is actually composed of Muslim extremists and not a Jewish conspiracy led by Nulan or Blinken as some at Anglin's blog have hilariously suggested.

    There is not a scintilla of evidence among the caught terrorists that they had anything to do with “ISIS”.

    ISIS posted images of them before the attack:

    So you're wrong....again.

    The question is why are some so desperate to point to “ISIS”?

    ISIS is the one that took responsibility. It isn't desperation by anyone to simply quote them. They immediately claimed responsibility and posted a video that threatened Putin.

    If a Ukrainian terrorist group took responsibility would you say it is desperation to point at them?

    How do you get through daily life with this level of reality denial? Are you on disability or have some type of trust fund?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Are you on disability or have some type of trust fund?

    Next best thing. Beckow claims that he runs a small business that is involved in the repairs of old castles. That’s why he has so much spare time on his hands that he can afford to waste away all of it here 24/7. Either that, or he’s a professional troll assigned to monitor this blog site,drawing a small monthy pension(who knows, maybe he’s actually paid piece time?). 🙂
    One of Beckow’s imaginative ideas that keep him well employed.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Mr. Hack

    In the 1800's somebody did a great illustration of Wemmick's house for Great Expectations which I can't find with image search right now. Wemmick had a ditch-moat with drawbridge in the front and a cannon and he visualized for his house a magnificent castle.

  187. Linked below is a somewhat informal interview of Maria Zakharova by Jackson Hinkle. This version is from the Russian MFA. I know little of Hinkle and gather he is controversial and also married to Miss Russia 2022. Maria is well known. She seems a bit ragged here after finishing a long formal Q&A, but makes her points. She related a story about Nazi Germans murdering kids in the town of Kerch to explain that hearing modern Germans enthusiastically discuss bombing the Kerch bridge makes Crimean people really upset, probably to a degree others may not be able to comprehend. Near the end around 56:00 she discusses the efforts of the West to split the Ukrainians and Russians. She explains this is truly evil and that Russians have no forgiveness for this, more so that such forgiveness is beyond human capacity to give. She amplifies that point by mentioning the travesty of splitting off the Ukrainian church. She ends saying that one should vote for Peace, not people or policies. I agree.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    It is a bit disjointed but illuminating. The Westies don't get that you can't rewrite WW2 history - tens of millions were murdered by the West in eastern Europe. It is tragically real and nothing on that scale happened in the West - all the lies and myths notwithstanding.

    It was a genocide and the West can't walk away from it: Germans, Austrians, Italians, French, Romanians, Latvians, Finns, Belgians, Dutch...all actively participated. They were defeated but not really held accountable. The idiocy of Germans going along with the historical lying and using of the same WW2 allies (Galicians, Balts...) is astounding.

    It will not end well and it will not go the way the Westies would like - they stepped into a quagmire and unleashed sleeping passions. They are fools, but the biggest fools are the Ukies for lending themselves as cannon fodder for the doomed half-ass repeat of WW2 crusade on the east. It will be a black mark on the West for uears and they could have left it alone.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  188. @sudden death

    But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine – the perps were escaping there.
    The only "evidence" about that so far is words by serial liars from Kremlin, when even Lukashenko said they "had to turnaround" from Belarus, but nevermind let's assume it for the sake of thought experiment - there were/are countless various American or other criminals running south into Mexico, does it mean Mexico as a state previously organized it all in USA?;)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke

    They were running away to Ukraine, that is evidence. Luka only said that they didn’t go to Belarus because it is too well guarded, you are a serial liar when you claim more.

    I listed circumstances adding to the suspicion that Kiev was involved. The most salient point is that in a reverse situation – if the terror was in the West and the perps run to Russia, there would be no hesitation to blame Russia.

    Why aren’t you applying the same standard? That is the root of all problems – people unwilling to use the same objective consistent criteria.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    It is a partisan debate. You are conversing with somebody in the other party. Have you ever read Yudkowsky's Politics is the Mind Killer essay?

    It is now seventeen years old and Yudkowsky has since killed his mind but it's short and it makes good points. There are some great reasons politics is a taboo conversation topic inside the Freemason fraternity lodge. That's on the premises. If you get one of those guys in your living room watch out.

    Replies: @Beckow, @A123

    , @sudden death

    Once again, Lukashenko literally said that perps "had to turnaround" from Belarus (direction) and yes one of the reasons that it was well guarded according to him. Confusion here may arise, cause being the perfect weasel he is, Lukashenko didn't specify the time of that turnaround, cause in theory you can make decision to turnaround from going here and then do start plan B in different time and stage. e.g that turnaround can happen both being 20 and 200 km away from actual border of Belarus.

    However such expression still implies that their primary wish was going into Belarus, but after an unspecified (so far) moment in time, priority was changed.

  189. @Beckow
    @sudden death

    They were running away to Ukraine, that is evidence. Luka only said that they didn't go to Belarus because it is too well guarded, you are a serial liar when you claim more.

    I listed circumstances adding to the suspicion that Kiev was involved. The most salient point is that in a reverse situation - if the terror was in the West and the perps run to Russia, there would be no hesitation to blame Russia.

    Why aren't you applying the same standard? That is the root of all problems - people unwilling to use the same objective consistent criteria.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @sudden death

    It is a partisan debate. You are conversing with somebody in the other party. Have you ever read Yudkowsky’s Politics is the Mind Killer essay?

    It is now seventeen years old and Yudkowsky has since killed his mind but it’s short and it makes good points. There are some great reasons politics is a taboo conversation topic inside the Freemason fraternity lodge. That’s on the premises. If you get one of those guys in your living room watch out.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    ...politics is a taboo conversation topic inside the Freemason fraternity lodge.
    I know, one can't argue rationally with ideologues - their fanaticism can't be breached. But there are others and making one's points about what we observe seems only takes a minute and maybe focuses minds.

    Only reality will convince the fanatics, it will be a painful lesson. Possibly for all of us.

    , @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It is a partisan debate.
    Yes. I am trying not to be pulled into repetition of futile discussions.

    Those who back senseless Kiev/Hamas aggression against Russians/Jews are now experiencing losing first hand. They are emotionally wrapped up in the failure of the chosen immoral scum. They cannot move past that to look at the future.

    It is particularly sad on the Ukie side as there is enough land to come to a reasonable and durable partition. The biggest issue is preventing Kiev from arming up to start Round 2. Tricky but achievable. The European Empire's puppet, Führer Zelensky, needs to be moved out in favour of sensible Ukrainian leadership.

    Degenerate Islamist aggression against indigenous Palestinian Jews is much more complex. Any credible solution will require at least partial Muslim Decolonization. The lack of fresh water in Gaza makes this inevitable. The entire international community is in abject denial over this inexorable reality.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @LatW

  190. @Mr. Hack
    @John Johnson

    Are you on disability or have some type of trust fund?
    Next best thing. Beckow claims that he runs a small business that is involved in the repairs of old castles. That's why he has so much spare time on his hands that he can afford to waste away all of it here 24/7. Either that, or he's a professional troll assigned to monitor this blog site,drawing a small monthy pension(who knows, maybe he's actually paid piece time?). :-)
    One of Beckow's imaginative ideas that keep him well employed.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    In the 1800’s somebody did a great illustration of Wemmick’s house for Great Expectations which I can’t find with image search right now. Wemmick had a ditch-moat with drawbridge in the front and a cannon and he visualized for his house a magnificent castle.

  191. @QCIC
    Linked below is a somewhat informal interview of Maria Zakharova by Jackson Hinkle. This version is from the Russian MFA. I know little of Hinkle and gather he is controversial and also married to Miss Russia 2022. Maria is well known. She seems a bit ragged here after finishing a long formal Q&A, but makes her points. She related a story about Nazi Germans murdering kids in the town of Kerch to explain that hearing modern Germans enthusiastically discuss bombing the Kerch bridge makes Crimean people really upset, probably to a degree others may not be able to comprehend. Near the end around 56:00 she discusses the efforts of the West to split the Ukrainians and Russians. She explains this is truly evil and that Russians have no forgiveness for this, more so that such forgiveness is beyond human capacity to give. She amplifies that point by mentioning the travesty of splitting off the Ukrainian church. She ends saying that one should vote for Peace, not people or policies. I agree.

    Replies: @Beckow

    It is a bit disjointed but illuminating. The Westies don’t get that you can’t rewrite WW2 history – tens of millions were murdered by the West in eastern Europe. It is tragically real and nothing on that scale happened in the West – all the lies and myths notwithstanding.

    It was a genocide and the West can’t walk away from it: Germans, Austrians, Italians, French, Romanians, Latvians, Finns, Belgians, Dutch…all actively participated. They were defeated but not really held accountable. The idiocy of Germans going along with the historical lying and using of the same WW2 allies (Galicians, Balts…) is astounding.

    It will not end well and it will not go the way the Westies would like – they stepped into a quagmire and unleashed sleeping passions. They are fools, but the biggest fools are the Ukies for lending themselves as cannon fodder for the doomed half-ass repeat of WW2 crusade on the east. It will be a black mark on the West for uears and they could have left it alone.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen this?

    It is long and he doesn't come right and say it but I infer from his collection of recent historical facts that the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    I would be interested in a Russian analysis of this idea. Or even better, a Chinese one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow, @Mikhail, @Gerard1234

  192. @Emil Nikola Richard

    It is a partisan debate. You are conversing with somebody in the other party. Have you ever read Yudkowsky's Politics is the Mind Killer essay?

    It is now seventeen years old and Yudkowsky has since killed his mind but it's short and it makes good points. There are some great reasons politics is a taboo conversation topic inside the Freemason fraternity lodge. That's on the premises. If you get one of those guys in your living room watch out.

    Replies: @Beckow, @A123

    …politics is a taboo conversation topic inside the Freemason fraternity lodge.

    I know, one can’t argue rationally with ideologues – their fanaticism can’t be breached. But there are others and making one’s points about what we observe seems ok…it only takes a minute and maybe focuses minds.

    Only reality will convince the fanatics, it will be a painful lesson. Possibly for all of us.

  193. @Beckow

    It is a bit disjointed but illuminating. The Westies don't get that you can't rewrite WW2 history - tens of millions were murdered by the West in eastern Europe. It is tragically real and nothing on that scale happened in the West - all the lies and myths notwithstanding.

    It was a genocide and the West can't walk away from it: Germans, Austrians, Italians, French, Romanians, Latvians, Finns, Belgians, Dutch...all actively participated. They were defeated but not really held accountable. The idiocy of Germans going along with the historical lying and using of the same WW2 allies (Galicians, Balts...) is astounding.

    It will not end well and it will not go the way the Westies would like - they stepped into a quagmire and unleashed sleeping passions. They are fools, but the biggest fools are the Ukies for lending themselves as cannon fodder for the doomed half-ass repeat of WW2 crusade on the east. It will be a black mark on the West for uears and they could have left it alone.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen this?

    It is long and he doesn’t come right and say it but I infer from his collection of recent historical facts that the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    I would be interested in a Russian analysis of this idea. Or even better, a Chinese one.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have sometimes thought that perhaps the fall of the USSR was linked to Jewish emigration.

    I mean, doesn't seem like gigantic numbers, but perhaps they were influential.

    Overall, between 1970 and 1988, some 291,000 Soviet Jews were granted exit visas, of whom 165,000 migrated to Israel, and 126,000 migrated to the United States

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    There was a general run-away-from-socialism and Jews were a big part of it. But there were many other reasons. By the 1970's-80's the commie-socialists achieved what they were originally put in power to do: built-up prosperous countries with basic economic rights for everyone: good infrastructure, housing, education, health, pensions...none of that ever existed in those countries before. But by 1980 people wanted more.

    In the West it was also implemented at the same time under the fear of communism - the Westies never had it so good, do they ever ask why were the bosses for 50 years suddenly so accommodating? And why they slowly went feudal again after 1990?

    The Jews also reacted to the Soviets' taking the other side in the Arab-Izrael war - it was a major trigger for the appearance of neo-cons - basically a leftist, statist ideology that is centered around Israel. We are going through another ideological transition and will end up somewhere else. I am not sure where, but the "leftism" in economy is coming back.

    , @Mikhail
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.
    Probably right that the '73 war further enhanced an anti-Soviet position among them which was already evident. Keeping in mind how the situation was after the '67 war as well as beforehand.
    , @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.
    Interesting, credible theory - but one I think is incorrect. It could be possible though that American-Jew elites of the 70's Soviet diaspora are a key factor in the current SMO of Russia against NATO & 404.

    Cuban Revolution, overthrow of communist/democratically elected communist-leaning leaders in Africa & South America, Atomic bomb droppings ( the theory it was less about about casualties against Japan, and more about sending a message to USSR)............. even a century earlier on how the Panama Canal came to be built - all these are pre-1973 examples of America ruthlessly/cynical using it's power to maintain dominance.
    America having very tough campaigns in Korea and Vietnam I would guess as giving them the extra determination to undermine communism - though I am sure that economic co-operation actually was at its peak in the 1930's, 70's and 80's .

    Irish Republicanism as a military/terrorist force completely stopped after the 2001 plane attacks on USA. i.e American Irish elites stopped something they had controlled for decades - although in fairness a political agreement was reached about 3 or 4 years before that which reduced but did not stop the terrorism). So American using any evil method for total dominance and the diasporas are the key factors in global events. With Pogrom Jews, anti-Castro Cubans, Polish lunatic scum, Hungarian WW2 diaspora, anti-communists from around the world.........there was no shortage of influential diaspora in America trying to work against USSR.
    So other events such as China-US bilateral and China and USSR not having good relations, plus Egypt peace with Israel 5 years later and general western control or union with the oil rich Arab states after the oil crisis.......these are more important in my opinion.

    Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

  194. @Beckow

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok. But their obsession with one-sided history is a big problem and too many like sheep follow that narrative.

    It is important to preserve Balts existence as unique, ancient IE nations. The single worst way to do it is for the Balts to brown-nose Anglos or Scandies and fight the Russians. They are more likely to disappear in the Euro-gender mishmash and by fighting Russia on Anglo behalf. A relaxed attitude of let bygones-be-gone, focus on prosperity and normal relations with Russia would strengthen the Balts. They would live better. But too many are not rational enough to see it. Maybe one day they will.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok.

    Generally speaking, most people of any nation are OK, so this is likely true. I don’t have sufficient personal experience to draw any conclusions. As far as Balts go, I personally knew fairly well one Latvian, a reasonably pretty and reasonably intelligent (but not strikingly so in either way) woman. She had too weak personality, though: in Soviet times she clearly sucked up to the administration of the institute I worked in. As I was anti-establishment at the time, this did not endear her to me. However, she was not alone in that by far, so I can’t count weak personality or the tendency to conform as a Latvian trait. I knew one Estonian fairly well, he was MSU student and an undergrad researcher in the lab I worked in (I was a grad student at the time). He was fairly smart and pretty sophisticated. He lives with his family in Finland for >20 years now. When I met him at one of the scientific meetings ~15 years ago he complained that Finnish is not as close to Estonian as outsiders believe, so that he had hard time learning good Finnish. Do not personally know any Lithuanians from Lithuania. We had a grad student in the department with Lithuanian last name (proper male form; their last names have different endings for husbands, wives, and unmarried daughters). However, he was born in the US, so from my perspective he is about as Lithuanian as I am Chinese.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    I have worked with some. They are subdued, sober, less conformist than Scandies. They often hesitate to take strong positions. But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it - there is nothing like that.

    Their downward spiral into the mad Russophobia is more among the elite that is Western-centric, often born and living there. (We see it with LatW.) They are disappearing demographically and their lands could be overrun by second-rate Westies - the economy is run by Scandies-Germany. As an armed camp on the Russian border they would be very seriously damaged in any hostilities - why do it?

    There is a common characteristic among small nations in and around Russia: they only accept Russians if they can use them or dominate them. The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out. One sees it among Armenians, Jews, Georgians...the Balts have less of it. Russians are partially responsible by being unassertive most of the time and then coming down like a ton of bricks when it goes too far. It is a bad dynamic.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

  195. @AnonfromTN

    I actually like Latvians in person, they are ok.
    Generally speaking, most people of any nation are OK, so this is likely true. I don’t have sufficient personal experience to draw any conclusions. As far as Balts go, I personally knew fairly well one Latvian, a reasonably pretty and reasonably intelligent (but not strikingly so in either way) woman. She had too weak personality, though: in Soviet times she clearly sucked up to the administration of the institute I worked in. As I was anti-establishment at the time, this did not endear her to me. However, she was not alone in that by far, so I can’t count weak personality or the tendency to conform as a Latvian trait. I knew one Estonian fairly well, he was MSU student and an undergrad researcher in the lab I worked in (I was a grad student at the time). He was fairly smart and pretty sophisticated. He lives with his family in Finland for >20 years now. When I met him at one of the scientific meetings ~15 years ago he complained that Finnish is not as close to Estonian as outsiders believe, so that he had hard time learning good Finnish. Do not personally know any Lithuanians from Lithuania. We had a grad student in the department with Lithuanian last name (proper male form; their last names have different endings for husbands, wives, and unmarried daughters). However, he was born in the US, so from my perspective he is about as Lithuanian as I am Chinese.

    Replies: @Beckow

    I have worked with some. They are subdued, sober, less conformist than Scandies. They often hesitate to take strong positions. But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.

    Their downward spiral into the mad Russophobia is more among the elite that is Western-centric, often born and living there. (We see it with LatW.) They are disappearing demographically and their lands could be overrun by second-rate Westies – the economy is run by Scandies-Germany. As an armed camp on the Russian border they would be very seriously damaged in any hostilities – why do it?

    There is a common characteristic among small nations in and around Russia: they only accept Russians if they can use them or dominate them. The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out. One sees it among Armenians, Jews, Georgians…the Balts have less of it. Russians are partially responsible by being unassertive most of the time and then coming down like a ton of bricks when it goes too far. It is a bad dynamic.

    • Replies: @LatW

    But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.
    There isn't and there won't be. The Baltic people are doing a good job taking care of their culture. You are hypocritical - you claim that this is worth preserving, yet you praise those regimes whose only goal is to destroy it. And you will deny it because you don't want to admit it and you don't even have the visibility as to their true nature. If you did, you would come up with some kind of an excuse.

    The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out.
    This is not just a natural, healthy instinct to defend one's own but common human decency, in fact. The problem is that the Russians (or rather what is at this point a composite nationality that is not even fully Balto-Slav anymore) want to assert themselves at the expense of others. We do not try to dictate how they should live inside of their own ethnic lands, but they try to dictate to us how to live on our own ancestral lands. That's a no go. You pretend to not see it when in fact if somebody did that to you - some German or some other former colonial overlord nationality, you would flip out.

    The other week, I heard a well known Russian (non-Jewish) opinion maker who literally said on public tv - "The Baltic lands are ours, we need to raise our kids so that they go and take them". And they don't give a sh*t that my children will live there and they are fully aware that they will have to kill my children. No, on the contrary - they know full well that my children are different so they need to be done away with, removed from their ancestral lands. This is in no way better than what the Nazis used to do yet you fail to admit it.

    All that we ask is for the RusFed to stop and stay within the borders of 1991. They already got Crimea - and the West was silent. But no.. not enough.

    As to atavistic hatreds, we live with normal Russians side by side without issues. But when it comes to the expansion of the Horde, we have defended Europe from it for centuries, as a buffer. Most of our Northern and Western neighbors know this full well.

    You might also find it interesting that the ancient Balts were scattered across Eurasia - lived around the Oka river possibly, around Dniepr. The Balts are much older than the Slavs and there was a Slavic expansion that assimilated a lot of the Balts - so essentially there is a Baltic substrate in Slavs. There was a Russian geneticist who researched this (but he died recently, unexpectedly, it was an accident apparently, but I'm not really sure).

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @AnonfromTN

    But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.
    The preservation of Balts is in their hands. If they continue on their current suicidal course, they won’t be preserved: nobody can help a suicidal person/nation; besides, helping suicides would be against natural selection. Natural selection always wins, no matter what we think or do. It’s part of the reality. The reality is politically incorrect (libtards would gnash their teeth at this point). If they volunteer to become like Ukies, a battlefield between waning empire and the RF (as their “leadership” appears to want), they will be preserved in museums, like dinosaurs.

    If Balts come to their senses (always assuming they have those), they have a good chance to survive and preserve whatever genotypes/cultural traits they have. The size of their populations is their problem. If they commit demographic suicide, so be it.

    As far as the RF is concerned, to the best of my knowledge it has exactly zero interest in them. It won’t help them survive (in sharp contrast to the 1980s, there is no good will left), but it won’t do anything to accelerate their demise (they are too insignificant for that). If we go by history, Russian empire (tsarist, then Soviet, then the RF) never exterminated a single nation, however small. In contrast, Anglos exterminated quite a few (North American Indians and Tasmanians are telling examples).

    If Balts are unhappy about their current geographical position, they should follow Trump’s advice and move to Africa. Nobody is going to miss them. Crocodiles might find them tasty.

    Replies: @LatW

  196. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen this?

    It is long and he doesn't come right and say it but I infer from his collection of recent historical facts that the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    I would be interested in a Russian analysis of this idea. Or even better, a Chinese one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow, @Mikhail, @Gerard1234

    Have sometimes thought that perhaps the fall of the USSR was linked to Jewish emigration.

    I mean, doesn’t seem like gigantic numbers, but perhaps they were influential.

    Overall, between 1970 and 1988, some 291,000 Soviet Jews were granted exit visas, of whom 165,000 migrated to Israel, and 126,000 migrated to the United States

    • Replies: @QCIC

    The Jackson-Vanik amendment blows my mind.

  197. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have sometimes thought that perhaps the fall of the USSR was linked to Jewish emigration.

    I mean, doesn't seem like gigantic numbers, but perhaps they were influential.

    Overall, between 1970 and 1988, some 291,000 Soviet Jews were granted exit visas, of whom 165,000 migrated to Israel, and 126,000 migrated to the United States

    Replies: @QCIC

    The Jackson-Vanik amendment blows my mind.

    • Agree: songbird
  198. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen this?

    It is long and he doesn't come right and say it but I infer from his collection of recent historical facts that the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    I would be interested in a Russian analysis of this idea. Or even better, a Chinese one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow, @Mikhail, @Gerard1234

    There was a general run-away-from-socialism and Jews were a big part of it. But there were many other reasons. By the 1970’s-80’s the commie-socialists achieved what they were originally put in power to do: built-up prosperous countries with basic economic rights for everyone: good infrastructure, housing, education, health, pensions…none of that ever existed in those countries before. But by 1980 people wanted more.

    In the West it was also implemented at the same time under the fear of communism – the Westies never had it so good, do they ever ask why were the bosses for 50 years suddenly so accommodating? And why they slowly went feudal again after 1990?

    The Jews also reacted to the Soviets’ taking the other side in the Arab-Izrael war – it was a major trigger for the appearance of neo-cons – basically a leftist, statist ideology that is centered around Israel. We are going through another ideological transition and will end up somewhere else. I am not sure where, but the “leftism” in economy is coming back.

  199. @Beckow

    I have worked with some. They are subdued, sober, less conformist than Scandies. They often hesitate to take strong positions. But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it - there is nothing like that.

    Their downward spiral into the mad Russophobia is more among the elite that is Western-centric, often born and living there. (We see it with LatW.) They are disappearing demographically and their lands could be overrun by second-rate Westies - the economy is run by Scandies-Germany. As an armed camp on the Russian border they would be very seriously damaged in any hostilities - why do it?

    There is a common characteristic among small nations in and around Russia: they only accept Russians if they can use them or dominate them. The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out. One sees it among Armenians, Jews, Georgians...the Balts have less of it. Russians are partially responsible by being unassertive most of the time and then coming down like a ton of bricks when it goes too far. It is a bad dynamic.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.

    There isn’t and there won’t be. The Baltic people are doing a good job taking care of their culture. You are hypocritical – you claim that this is worth preserving, yet you praise those regimes whose only goal is to destroy it. And you will deny it because you don’t want to admit it and you don’t even have the visibility as to their true nature. If you did, you would come up with some kind of an excuse.

    The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out.

    This is not just a natural, healthy instinct to defend one’s own but common human decency, in fact. The problem is that the Russians (or rather what is at this point a composite nationality that is not even fully Balto-Slav anymore) want to assert themselves at the expense of others. We do not try to dictate how they should live inside of their own ethnic lands, but they try to dictate to us how to live on our own ancestral lands. That’s a no go. You pretend to not see it when in fact if somebody did that to you – some German or some other former colonial overlord nationality, you would flip out.

    The other week, I heard a well known Russian (non-Jewish) opinion maker who literally said on public tv – “The Baltic lands are ours, we need to raise our kids so that they go and take them”. And they don’t give a sh*t that my children will live there and they are fully aware that they will have to kill my children. No, on the contrary – they know full well that my children are different so they need to be done away with, removed from their ancestral lands. This is in no way better than what the Nazis used to do yet you fail to admit it.

    All that we ask is for the RusFed to stop and stay within the borders of 1991. They already got Crimea – and the West was silent. But no.. not enough.

    As to atavistic hatreds, we live with normal Russians side by side without issues. But when it comes to the expansion of the Horde, we have defended Europe from it for centuries, as a buffer. Most of our Northern and Western neighbors know this full well.

    You might also find it interesting that the ancient Balts were scattered across Eurasia – lived around the Oka river possibly, around Dniepr. The Balts are much older than the Slavs and there was a Slavic expansion that assimilated a lot of the Balts – so essentially there is a Baltic substrate in Slavs. There was a Russian geneticist who researched this (but he died recently, unexpectedly, it was an accident apparently, but I’m not really sure).

    • Replies: @Beckow

    You suffer from a serious case of paranoia. An "opinion maker on TV" is literally of no importance - people all over the world are saying crazy stuff on TV, including many Balts. There is no evidence that Russia wants to "remove the Balts" - they had full control for decades and the Latvian culture and language flourished, Latvian numbers rose dramatically - everyone got along well.

    I am not sure why you display the paranoia or why you call Russians the "Horde". You have real anger issues. Maybe the rapidly declining Latvian population and the danger in fighting Russia on behalf of others is unbalancing you.

    I like the Baltic ancient culture. If you do, then stop acting irrationally and look at what is actually happening and not at feel-good myths. If you insist on the foolish confrontation with Russia (50 times bigger) and count on infinite support from the West you will be sorry. There is no winning - it either ends as a loss, small or big we don't know yet, or in a nuclear exchange where the Baltic is the primary early target. At least you have Finland and Sweden to share that with.

    Replies: @LatW

  200. Has Steve Sailer ever heard of this guy?

    I assume he has the alleles that favor sprinters. But he has was born without legs, so he is the hand-racing champion.


  201. @LatW

    But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.
    There isn't and there won't be. The Baltic people are doing a good job taking care of their culture. You are hypocritical - you claim that this is worth preserving, yet you praise those regimes whose only goal is to destroy it. And you will deny it because you don't want to admit it and you don't even have the visibility as to their true nature. If you did, you would come up with some kind of an excuse.

    The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out.
    This is not just a natural, healthy instinct to defend one's own but common human decency, in fact. The problem is that the Russians (or rather what is at this point a composite nationality that is not even fully Balto-Slav anymore) want to assert themselves at the expense of others. We do not try to dictate how they should live inside of their own ethnic lands, but they try to dictate to us how to live on our own ancestral lands. That's a no go. You pretend to not see it when in fact if somebody did that to you - some German or some other former colonial overlord nationality, you would flip out.

    The other week, I heard a well known Russian (non-Jewish) opinion maker who literally said on public tv - "The Baltic lands are ours, we need to raise our kids so that they go and take them". And they don't give a sh*t that my children will live there and they are fully aware that they will have to kill my children. No, on the contrary - they know full well that my children are different so they need to be done away with, removed from their ancestral lands. This is in no way better than what the Nazis used to do yet you fail to admit it.

    All that we ask is for the RusFed to stop and stay within the borders of 1991. They already got Crimea - and the West was silent. But no.. not enough.

    As to atavistic hatreds, we live with normal Russians side by side without issues. But when it comes to the expansion of the Horde, we have defended Europe from it for centuries, as a buffer. Most of our Northern and Western neighbors know this full well.

    You might also find it interesting that the ancient Balts were scattered across Eurasia - lived around the Oka river possibly, around Dniepr. The Balts are much older than the Slavs and there was a Slavic expansion that assimilated a lot of the Balts - so essentially there is a Baltic substrate in Slavs. There was a Russian geneticist who researched this (but he died recently, unexpectedly, it was an accident apparently, but I'm not really sure).

    Replies: @Beckow

    You suffer from a serious case of paranoia. An “opinion maker on TV” is literally of no importance – people all over the world are saying crazy stuff on TV, including many Balts. There is no evidence that Russia wants to “remove the Balts” – they had full control for decades and the Latvian culture and language flourished, Latvian numbers rose dramatically – everyone got along well.

    I am not sure why you display the paranoia or why you call Russians the “Horde”. You have real anger issues. Maybe the rapidly declining Latvian population and the danger in fighting Russia on behalf of others is unbalancing you.

    I like the Baltic ancient culture. If you do, then stop acting irrationally and look at what is actually happening and not at feel-good myths. If you insist on the foolish confrontation with Russia (50 times bigger) and count on infinite support from the West you will be sorry. There is no winning – it either ends as a loss, small or big we don’t know yet, or in a nuclear exchange where the Baltic is the primary early target. At least you have Finland and Sweden to share that with.

    • Replies: @LatW

    An “opinion maker on TV” is literally of no importance
    There are several propagandists that have talked this way for years and they are very important. Otherwise they simply wouldn't be there.

    people all over the world are saying crazy stuff on TV, including many Balts.
    Not true, we do not say that we're going into their land to take over it and murder their people. Plus, coming from us it wouldn't sound all too serious (in normal circumstances), but coming from them, it is dead serious. You are just being nonchalant because the Slovaks and Hungarians are not directly affected (but you will be).

    And there are penalties for that type of hate speech in the Baltics, but there aren't in the RusFed.

    the Latvian culture and language flourished
    The real culture was suppressed, what "flourished" was a very specific type of Soviet Baltic "culture", you do not talk about all the culture that was destroyed, the very fact that you believe it is acceptable for the Baltic peoples to be occupied and controlled by a culturally alien outside power, is disgusting. I'm starting to doubt how Lutheran you really are, if you don't get this. Everyone else gets it. Even the French now.

    Latvian numbers rose dramatically
    No, they did not. We lost over hunderds of thousands of people due to the occupations, and 200K of the best people due to the Soviet re-occupation. Our numbers and quality of people would be much higher if it hadn't been for the Soviet occupation. The rise in population that you are alluding to was not due to the Soviets, but due to the 1950s baby boom (which would have produced MORE Balts if it hadn't been for mass deportations and exile). I'm not even talking about all those losses that happened during the Soviet era with some of our men migrating into Soviet Russia via work and military deployments.

    everyone got along well.
    No, not everyone - and you know it damn well, yet you keep lying. But I also accept that you are simply uninformed. In ancient Greece, an uninformed person was called an idiot.

    I am not sure why you call Russians the “Horde”.
    Because they are deeply mixed. Both ethnically and culturally. And because they retain the "politics" of the Horde (which can't even be called real politics, the state systems I should say, politics is something entirely different).

    You have real anger issues.
    Regardless of that, I present totally legitimate arguments, which tens of millions in EE support. And probably even in America we still have those who will agree, not to mention in Europe. You're the ones who are the outliers now - the Slovaks and Hungarians. You are in the minority, against everyone else. You are siding with the murderers of European children.

    Maybe the rapidly declining Latvian population
    It's not declining rapidly anymore.

    the danger in fighting Russia on behalf of others
    It's not on behalf of others. They had designs on us immediately after 1918. They did sign the Peace treaty but didn't mean it. This is an old problem. As to the others, the ones across the ocean seem to have bailed.

    I like the Baltic ancient culture.
    You should, it is quite special and may still be hiding some secrets. But why don't you stop worrying about it, whatever happens, happens.. time passes on. The Golden Age of Balts was two thousand years ago. Worry about your own and leave us alone.

    If you insist on the foolish confrontation with Russia (50 times bigger)
    Nobody is insisting. But we'll fight them if we have to. All of us together, will not make them "50 times bigger", all of us together, we will be bigger. We knew 30 years ago this was going to happen. It always happens this way for 300-400 years already.

    There is no winning
    Why can't they just stop and back up to where they should be? Why are they so special that everything is forgiven them? Why is it always us who have to compromise? No.

    And you know Beckow what really ticks me off about people such as yourself and other of these so called Russophiles - is that you yourselves would not tolerate living around actual Russians or much less under them, with everything that comes with it. If you were faced with them in large numbers, you would only become friends with a few of them (the more supplicating ones), but would immediately start competing with the better ones or fighting them outright, and start loathing the more pathetic ones (you are aware of some of their dysfunctions, aren't you? "The East is messy" - that's what you said once, yea, it can be, you know that they were thrown out of the Austrian ski resorts). Yet you expect us, Balts, to just "suck it up". Damn hypocrites.

    Replies: @Beckow

  202. @AnonfromTN

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.
    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.
    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson, @Mikhail, @AP, @Jazman

    ISIS-K, formerly involved with US supported Afghan government, they go after Iran, Russia, China and the Taliban, but not Israel and the US. Once again noting ISIS presence in Ukraine:

    The Kiev regime-ISIS-K and possible MI6 and/or CIA connection isn’t as off the wall than the claims that Russia blew up NS2 and paid the Taliban to kill Americans.

  203. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen this?

    It is long and he doesn't come right and say it but I infer from his collection of recent historical facts that the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    I would be interested in a Russian analysis of this idea. Or even better, a Chinese one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow, @Mikhail, @Gerard1234

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    Probably right that the ’73 war further enhanced an anti-Soviet position among them which was already evident. Keeping in mind how the situation was after the ’67 war as well as beforehand.

  204. A123 says: • Website
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It is a partisan debate. You are conversing with somebody in the other party. Have you ever read Yudkowsky's Politics is the Mind Killer essay?

    It is now seventeen years old and Yudkowsky has since killed his mind but it's short and it makes good points. There are some great reasons politics is a taboo conversation topic inside the Freemason fraternity lodge. That's on the premises. If you get one of those guys in your living room watch out.

    Replies: @Beckow, @A123

    It is a partisan debate.

    Yes. I am trying not to be pulled into repetition of futile discussions.

    Those who back senseless Kiev/Hamas aggression against Russians/Jews are now experiencing losing first hand. They are emotionally wrapped up in the failure of the chosen immoral scum. They cannot move past that to look at the future.

    It is particularly sad on the Ukie side as there is enough land to come to a reasonable and durable partition. The biggest issue is preventing Kiev from arming up to start Round 2. Tricky but achievable. The European Empire’s puppet, Führer Zelensky, needs to be moved out in favour of sensible Ukrainian leadership.

    Degenerate Islamist aggression against indigenous Palestinian Jews is much more complex. Any credible solution will require at least partial Muslim Decolonization. The lack of fresh water in Gaza makes this inevitable. The entire international community is in abject denial over this inexorable reality.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @LatW

    It is particularly sad on the Ukie side as there is enough land to come to a reasonable and durable partition
    You're not in a position to dole out other people's territory. It's not yours to dole out. You have more than enough domestic problems to deal with. Are you ever going to deal them? I'm not counting on it.

    When are you going to deal with the fentanyl problem and the teenage girl suicide problem? Oh wait - you're too busy worshipping the Hubermans of this world. Or busy selling your real estate to the Chinese.

  205. @Beckow

    You suffer from a serious case of paranoia. An "opinion maker on TV" is literally of no importance - people all over the world are saying crazy stuff on TV, including many Balts. There is no evidence that Russia wants to "remove the Balts" - they had full control for decades and the Latvian culture and language flourished, Latvian numbers rose dramatically - everyone got along well.

    I am not sure why you display the paranoia or why you call Russians the "Horde". You have real anger issues. Maybe the rapidly declining Latvian population and the danger in fighting Russia on behalf of others is unbalancing you.

    I like the Baltic ancient culture. If you do, then stop acting irrationally and look at what is actually happening and not at feel-good myths. If you insist on the foolish confrontation with Russia (50 times bigger) and count on infinite support from the West you will be sorry. There is no winning - it either ends as a loss, small or big we don't know yet, or in a nuclear exchange where the Baltic is the primary early target. At least you have Finland and Sweden to share that with.

    Replies: @LatW

    An “opinion maker on TV” is literally of no importance

    There are several propagandists that have talked this way for years and they are very important. Otherwise they simply wouldn’t be there.

    people all over the world are saying crazy stuff on TV, including many Balts.

    Not true, we do not say that we’re going into their land to take over it and murder their people. Plus, coming from us it wouldn’t sound all too serious (in normal circumstances), but coming from them, it is dead serious. You are just being nonchalant because the Slovaks and Hungarians are not directly affected (but you will be).


    And there are penalties for that type of hate speech in the Baltics, but there aren’t in the RusFed.

    the Latvian culture and language flourished

    The real culture was suppressed, what “flourished” was a very specific type of Soviet Baltic “culture”, you do not talk about all the culture that was destroyed, the very fact that you believe it is acceptable for the Baltic peoples to be occupied and controlled by a culturally alien outside power, is disgusting. I’m starting to doubt how Lutheran you really are, if you don’t get this. Everyone else gets it. Even the French now.

    Latvian numbers rose dramatically

    No, they did not. We lost over hunderds of thousands of people due to the occupations, and 200K of the best people due to the Soviet re-occupation. Our numbers and quality of people would be much higher if it hadn’t been for the Soviet occupation. The rise in population that you are alluding to was not due to the Soviets, but due to the 1950s baby boom (which would have produced MORE Balts if it hadn’t been for mass deportations and exile). I’m not even talking about all those losses that happened during the Soviet era with some of our men migrating into Soviet Russia via work and military deployments.

    everyone got along well.

    No, not everyone – and you know it damn well, yet you keep lying. But I also accept that you are simply uninformed. In ancient Greece, an uninformed person was called an idiot.

    I am not sure why you call Russians the “Horde”.

    Because they are deeply mixed. Both ethnically and culturally. And because they retain the “politics” of the Horde (which can’t even be called real politics, the state systems I should say, politics is something entirely different).

    You have real anger issues.

    Regardless of that, I present totally legitimate arguments, which tens of millions in EE support. And probably even in America we still have those who will agree, not to mention in Europe. You’re the ones who are the outliers now – the Slovaks and Hungarians. You are in the minority, against everyone else. You are siding with the murderers of European children.

    Maybe the rapidly declining Latvian population

    It’s not declining rapidly anymore.

    the danger in fighting Russia on behalf of others

    It’s not on behalf of others. They had designs on us immediately after 1918. They did sign the Peace treaty but didn’t mean it. This is an old problem. As to the others, the ones across the ocean seem to have bailed.

    I like the Baltic ancient culture.

    You should, it is quite special and may still be hiding some secrets. But why don’t you stop worrying about it, whatever happens, happens.. time passes on. The Golden Age of Balts was two thousand years ago. Worry about your own and leave us alone.

    If you insist on the foolish confrontation with Russia (50 times bigger)

    Nobody is insisting. But we’ll fight them if we have to. All of us together, will not make them “50 times bigger”, all of us together, we will be bigger. We knew 30 years ago this was going to happen. It always happens this way for 300-400 years already.

    There is no winning

    Why can’t they just stop and back up to where they should be? Why are they so special that everything is forgiven them? Why is it always us who have to compromise? No.

    And you know Beckow what really ticks me off about people such as yourself and other of these so called Russophiles – is that you yourselves would not tolerate living around actual Russians or much less under them, with everything that comes with it. If you were faced with them in large numbers, you would only become friends with a few of them (the more supplicating ones), but would immediately start competing with the better ones or fighting them outright, and start loathing the more pathetic ones (you are aware of some of their dysfunctions, aren’t you? “The East is messy” – that’s what you said once, yea, it can be, you know that they were thrown out of the Austrian ski resorts). Yet you expect us, Balts, to just “suck it up”. Damn hypocrites.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...we do not say that we’re going into their land to take over it and murder their people.
    Oh yes, quite a few among you say it - US senators asking to "kill more Russians", books and articles on how Russia could be split up, and the Balt PM's openly calling for an all-out war with Russia. If you want to find mad "opinion makers" there are plenty on your side. Paranoia has a way for spreading.

    All of us together...
    Who would that be? Macron volunteered 2k Frenchies, Poles and Balts, maybe even a few thousand others (Romanians?) Of course the Ukies if there are any left. Add the mysterious "ISIS-X" guys and you may have something...but more likely it would be an absolute fiasco and your own people would run you out of town.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by the unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are better looking. But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them, Poles, Ukies, Romanians are not any less disruptive than the Horde Russians and also often unwelcome. Your desperate attempt to separate from the Horde doesn't work - you are in it and always will be...

    By the way, I know a lot about Latvia and you are painting a false picture. You lie and exaggerate about the past ills and you also lie about today's apartheid. Maybe the war would solve it - I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.

    Replies: @LatW

  206. @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It is a partisan debate.
    Yes. I am trying not to be pulled into repetition of futile discussions.

    Those who back senseless Kiev/Hamas aggression against Russians/Jews are now experiencing losing first hand. They are emotionally wrapped up in the failure of the chosen immoral scum. They cannot move past that to look at the future.

    It is particularly sad on the Ukie side as there is enough land to come to a reasonable and durable partition. The biggest issue is preventing Kiev from arming up to start Round 2. Tricky but achievable. The European Empire's puppet, Führer Zelensky, needs to be moved out in favour of sensible Ukrainian leadership.

    Degenerate Islamist aggression against indigenous Palestinian Jews is much more complex. Any credible solution will require at least partial Muslim Decolonization. The lack of fresh water in Gaza makes this inevitable. The entire international community is in abject denial over this inexorable reality.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @LatW

    It is particularly sad on the Ukie side as there is enough land to come to a reasonable and durable partition

    You’re not in a position to dole out other people’s territory. It’s not yours to dole out. You have more than enough domestic problems to deal with. Are you ever going to deal them? I’m not counting on it.

    When are you going to deal with the fentanyl problem and the teenage girl suicide problem? Oh wait – you’re too busy worshipping the Hubermans of this world. Or busy selling your real estate to the Chinese.

    • LOL: A123
  207. @Beckow

    I have worked with some. They are subdued, sober, less conformist than Scandies. They often hesitate to take strong positions. But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it - there is nothing like that.

    Their downward spiral into the mad Russophobia is more among the elite that is Western-centric, often born and living there. (We see it with LatW.) They are disappearing demographically and their lands could be overrun by second-rate Westies - the economy is run by Scandies-Germany. As an armed camp on the Russian border they would be very seriously damaged in any hostilities - why do it?

    There is a common characteristic among small nations in and around Russia: they only accept Russians if they can use them or dominate them. The moment Russians reassert themselves the deep atavistic hatreds come out. One sees it among Armenians, Jews, Georgians...the Balts have less of it. Russians are partially responsible by being unassertive most of the time and then coming down like a ton of bricks when it goes too far. It is a bad dynamic.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.

    The preservation of Balts is in their hands. If they continue on their current suicidal course, they won’t be preserved: nobody can help a suicidal person/nation; besides, helping suicides would be against natural selection. Natural selection always wins, no matter what we think or do. It’s part of the reality. The reality is politically incorrect (libtards would gnash their teeth at this point). If they volunteer to become like Ukies, a battlefield between waning empire and the RF (as their “leadership” appears to want), they will be preserved in museums, like dinosaurs.

    If Balts come to their senses (always assuming they have those), they have a good chance to survive and preserve whatever genotypes/cultural traits they have. The size of their populations is their problem. If they commit demographic suicide, so be it.

    As far as the RF is concerned, to the best of my knowledge it has exactly zero interest in them. It won’t help them survive (in sharp contrast to the 1980s, there is no good will left), but it won’t do anything to accelerate their demise (they are too insignificant for that). If we go by history, Russian empire (tsarist, then Soviet, then the RF) never exterminated a single nation, however small. In contrast, Anglos exterminated quite a few (North American Indians and Tasmanians are telling examples).

    If Balts are unhappy about their current geographical position, they should follow Trump’s advice and move to Africa. Nobody is going to miss them. Crocodiles might find them tasty.

    • Replies: @LatW

    If Balts are unhappy about their current geographical position, they should follow Trump’s advice and move to Africa.
    You wish. They won't be moving anywhere, but will stay in their ancestral lands. And there will be a big beautiful wall.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  208. @AnonfromTN

    But they are authentic with unique ancient IE language and culture. It is important to preserve it – there is nothing like that.
    The preservation of Balts is in their hands. If they continue on their current suicidal course, they won’t be preserved: nobody can help a suicidal person/nation; besides, helping suicides would be against natural selection. Natural selection always wins, no matter what we think or do. It’s part of the reality. The reality is politically incorrect (libtards would gnash their teeth at this point). If they volunteer to become like Ukies, a battlefield between waning empire and the RF (as their “leadership” appears to want), they will be preserved in museums, like dinosaurs.

    If Balts come to their senses (always assuming they have those), they have a good chance to survive and preserve whatever genotypes/cultural traits they have. The size of their populations is their problem. If they commit demographic suicide, so be it.

    As far as the RF is concerned, to the best of my knowledge it has exactly zero interest in them. It won’t help them survive (in sharp contrast to the 1980s, there is no good will left), but it won’t do anything to accelerate their demise (they are too insignificant for that). If we go by history, Russian empire (tsarist, then Soviet, then the RF) never exterminated a single nation, however small. In contrast, Anglos exterminated quite a few (North American Indians and Tasmanians are telling examples).

    If Balts are unhappy about their current geographical position, they should follow Trump’s advice and move to Africa. Nobody is going to miss them. Crocodiles might find them tasty.

    Replies: @LatW

    If Balts are unhappy about their current geographical position, they should follow Trump’s advice and move to Africa.

    You wish. They won’t be moving anywhere, but will stay in their ancestral lands. And there will be a big beautiful wall.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    They won’t be moving anywhere, but will stay in their ancestral lands. And there will be a big beautiful wall.
    Latvian joke: a note posted at Riga airport “whoever leaves last, please turn off the lights”.
    Happy wall-building.
  209. @LatW

    If Balts are unhappy about their current geographical position, they should follow Trump’s advice and move to Africa.
    You wish. They won't be moving anywhere, but will stay in their ancestral lands. And there will be a big beautiful wall.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    They won’t be moving anywhere, but will stay in their ancestral lands. And there will be a big beautiful wall.

    Latvian joke: a note posted at Riga airport “whoever leaves last, please turn off the lights”.
    Happy wall-building.

  210. Wow, Putin’s agents are not only swarming all over the Ukieland, they are in Poland, too. Poland just dismissed its Eurocorps commander general Gromadzinski:
    Or maybe he is the agent of Kremlin? Ukies, please weigh in.

  211. And by the way – it looks like there is an attempt to supplant the Russian masculinity, as a result of this Krokus attack. There seems to be a trend going around praising young Muslim boys acting as saviors – of course, those boys may have happened to be there and helped the victims, since there are many Central Asians and Caucasians in Moscow. But at least a couple of boys have been elevated now for their valor and they are migrants with names such as Islam and Rustam. It might be just a small trend now and obviously the authorities need to be keeping the multi-ethnic peace, but this is visible now. The Slavic boy is being replaced.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Your deeb goncern for the welfare of the Slavic Boy is touching.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, you don't think that Islam promotes hyper-masculinity better than the now-sissified Christianity does?

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Dmitry

    praising young Muslim boys
    After 9/11, in America, a lot of Americans were becoming hostile against Muslims in reaction. The government avoids this situation in Russia.

    In official Russia, they want to avoid the anti-Muslim situation in the USA after terrorist attacks so this is part of why television in Russia is using media, to avoid creating negative feelings in relation to the religion of the terrorists. This is common and expected, it happens after terrorist attacks.

    Inter-ethnic harmony is one of the priorities of the government, who don't want to lose control of the country. This is one of side of their policy.

    They also ban Islamist extremist texts just like they ban nationalist texts.

    After the attack, they also reduced reporting.

    It is only last night 120 hours after the beginning of the terrorist attack. It was a story which is near the end of the news.

    ht be just a small trend now and obviously the authorities need to be keeping the multi-ethnic peace, but this is visible now. The Slavic boy is being replaced.


    Governments in postsoviet countries often seem like they want to reduce of young men because the demography with less young men increases political stability, it is more easy to control the society, less likely for events like "Tahrir Square 2011" which were created by what demographers call "youth bulges".

    But, this policy, will be more in some Muslim areas than most slavic areas. There was proportionally, a lot more mobilization in Makhachkala. The authorities are not going to worry about reduction of men in rebellious areas than in obedient areas. They would be more worried to reduce the proportion of young men in rebellious populations.

    This is also how emigration for brain drain and mobilization threat, can be useful for them. This postsoviet process of emigrations, reduces some not always obedient populations.

  212. @Mr. Hack

    Aren't you a Ukrainian? How many bridges have you destroyed?...

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Aren’t you a Ukrainian?

    After post-coup Kiev regime started committing heinous crimes in Donbass in 2014 I thought that it would be shameful to admit that I am a Ukrainian. However, then I decided that I should say that loud and clear, so that people know that there are normal Ukrainians, that not all Ukrainians are scumbags, like Porky, clown, and various functionaries of the post-coup regime.

    • Agree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I thought that it would be shameful to admit that I am a Ukrainian.
    I understood that you were a Ukrainian traitor long ago, hence I've since renamed you appropriately as Professor Jannissar and Mr. Хрунь. I mean really, who in his right mind likes to brag that he's against his own people, and is supporting the war of a psychopathic invading midget? I do, however, applaud all of the Russian "traitors" out there. The sooner they swell their ranks, the sooner this evil war will end.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  213. @Mr. XYZ

    AP, I've got an off-topic alternate history question for you:

    Would an early Entente victory in WWI have been such a bad thing? I mean, a late Entente victory in WWI was pretty bad because it helped lead to both Nazism and Communism, both of which subsequently caused unparalleled suffering in the history of the world. But an early Entente victory, such as if there would have been no Haber-Bosch process, thus ensuring that Germany would have ran out of ammonia to produce munitions around 1916 and thus ensuring that Germany would have subsequently lost WWI by default, sounds like it would have been a pretty good scenario, no? Well, other than for the Turks, who will likely get ethnically cleansed from Constantinople, et cetera and lose Ottoman Armenia as well, being pushed back to their historical homeland of the Anatolian highlands before Russia possibly eventually takes it over as well, especially if it will become a dysfunctional state (similar to what Russia did with Kokand in Central Asia several decades earlier). And of course the Poles might not get their independence, at least not until and unless Russia will eventually implode later on, such as if a revolution (hopefully a non-Bolshevik one) still eventually occurs in Russia even with an early Entente WWI victory. And this would have been a great scenario for Ukrainians because Galicians could have spread Ukrainian nationalist ideas into the rest of Ukraine much more easily once Russia would have annexed Galicia, even after accounting for subsequent Russian repression.

    What do you think?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I might as well add a second question to this:

    Had Austria-Hungary somehow collapsed before WWI, would this have really been a less stable European arrangement than was actually the case in real life?

    It would have ben more oppressive for certain peoples, such as the Czechs, Poles, and Ukrainians, no doubt about that. But a general European war, let alone a World War, would have been much less likely to occur in such a scenario, no?

    • Replies: @Derer
    @Mr. XYZ

    From what year is this concocted map. Where is Hapsburg (or Austria-Hungary at Vienna seat) empire, Hungary was always a minor partner subjugated by Vienna or Ottoman.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  214. Apparently, the bridge collapse in Baltimore killed a bunch of nationals from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. No, I am not joking.

    In Boston, 18 years ago, a ceiling panel in a tunnel that was held by only one bolt (cost cutting) slipped and killed an illegal.

  215. @Beckow
    @sudden death

    They were running away to Ukraine, that is evidence. Luka only said that they didn't go to Belarus because it is too well guarded, you are a serial liar when you claim more.

    I listed circumstances adding to the suspicion that Kiev was involved. The most salient point is that in a reverse situation - if the terror was in the West and the perps run to Russia, there would be no hesitation to blame Russia.

    Why aren't you applying the same standard? That is the root of all problems - people unwilling to use the same objective consistent criteria.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @sudden death

    Once again, Lukashenko literally said that perps “had to turnaround” from Belarus (direction) and yes one of the reasons that it was well guarded according to him. Confusion here may arise, cause being the perfect weasel he is, Lukashenko didn’t specify the time of that turnaround, cause in theory you can make decision to turnaround from going here and then do start plan B in different time and stage. e.g that turnaround can happen both being 20 and 200 km away from actual border of Belarus.

    However such expression still implies that their primary wish was going into Belarus, but after an unspecified (so far) moment in time, priority was changed.

  216. @LatW
    And by the way - it looks like there is an attempt to supplant the Russian masculinity, as a result of this Krokus attack. There seems to be a trend going around praising young Muslim boys acting as saviors - of course, those boys may have happened to be there and helped the victims, since there are many Central Asians and Caucasians in Moscow. But at least a couple of boys have been elevated now for their valor and they are migrants with names such as Islam and Rustam. It might be just a small trend now and obviously the authorities need to be keeping the multi-ethnic peace, but this is visible now. The Slavic boy is being replaced.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    Your deeb goncern for the welfare of the Slavic Boy is touching.

  217. @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    Just to be clear you dumb POS - number of Ukrainians getting Russian citizenship in that same period is at least 20 times the Tajik number.

    As Russia is a free country that people want to live in , work and prosper in ( the complete opposite to decaying shithole litva) .........policy to allowing central asian migrants, perceived over tolerance/weakness of law enforcement to central asian ( and north caucasus) peoples general violent actions ( not terrorism, just everyday assaults) are FREQUENTLY criticised in Russia for 20 years you stupid idiot.

    In reality mainly as source of cheap labour, but also as Russia being inheritor state of USSR, Russia being a big country, the bilateral relationship with the central asian states.........there was always going to be this dynamic.

    Different to an irrelevant shithole as Litva, every important western country has this exact issue - except Russia is on a principle of making our country as one with many cultures, not a multi-cultural ( there is a big difference in the terms) one with freakish stuff like the USA about to become over 50% hispanic etc.
    Also, on the cheap labour point - Russia despite our much larger population has much less central asians working here than France, Germany, Italy, Spain,UK do with Africans, North Africans, Asians, Middle East muslims. Proportionally we have less central Asians then Americans have Mexicans and Guatemalans.
    Indians relation with British Empire, Morrocans with Spanish, French with Algerian.......German with none of them can't be compared with Tajiks/Uzbeks /Kyrgyz with Russia because of the relative recency of USSR.

    Kazakhs generally are not much of problem on this issue, plus much larger number of Kazakhstan citizens are ethnic Russian citizens anyway.......but in what world would it be possible for Putin to have a lenient migration policy with Kazakhstan, but a strict one with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan you stupid dickhead? Anyway, as I said, being the inheritor state of the USSR does require obligations.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown, as millions (IIRC about 13 million overall, will try to find later data)
    That's people crossing the border, each time counted, not the actual number of individual people who have come into Russia you f**king idiot. It may also include the Lithuanian scumbag diplomat who hit a women while driving........and fled the country.
    In reality there are close to ( or probably over) 1 million of each Armenians, Gruzians, and Moldovans also who work in Russia.

    Replies: @sudden death

    That’s people crossing the border, people crossing the border, each time counted, not the actual number of individual people who have come into Russia

    Knowing you as being not a serial, but straight out pathological liar here, who can’t stop lying even knowing that he will be quickly be caught, no surprise that this time isn’t any exception again, lol

    That column with numbers is called “Quantity of facts about inclusions into migrationary registry of foreign nationals and persons without citizenship’” in RF and those are immigrant individuals counted, but not their border crossings. Citizens of different countries have differing terms for such mandatory inclusion in RF migrationary registry, eg:

    We remind you that when entering the Russian Federation, visa-free foreign citizens are required to register with migration authorities within 7 working days from the date of entry.

    Citizens of Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan need to register for migration within 30 days from the date of arrival.

    Citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – within 15 days.

    Within 90 days, citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, as well as the LPR and DPR must register for migration.

    So those foreign nationals who are crossing the border for visiting just for several days or even more (depending on a specific country) don’t have to be included into such migrationary registry.

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    Knowing you as being not a serial, but straight out pathological liar here, who can’t stop lying even knowing that he will be quickly be caught, no surprise that this time isn’t any exception again, lol
    LMAO - stop projecting again you despicable slimebag.
    It's very simple - Russian population did not increase by 10 million central Asians in 2022 you idiot. About 3-4 million different INDIVIDUAL people came to Russia (not including from Ukraine of course) - and from those numbers they entered the country about 3 or 4 times during the year, as you would expect . i.e - exactly as I wr0te.
    80-90%+ of them are here for work for extensive periods (i.e more than 15 days)

    Numbers are still far from pre-coronavirus levels that would be something like 17-20 million registrations covering a much smaller number of millions entering .

    So is a thick idiot as yourself trying to say that in 2018 plus 2022 - the Russian population increased from 144 million to 144+ 10+ 17 million central asians to 171 million???!!!!!!! Useless cretin.

    Bilateral with Gruzia has always not been good, but it was particularly bad with Saakashvili, throughout the 30 years Gruzia has been a key route of escape/entry for Chechen terrorists. Central Asia has many muslims, many young men, except Kazakhstan they don't have in addition to wanting the cheap labour issue - because of the example of Gruzia with North Caucasus terrorists, because of radicalism caused by US dogs invasion of Afghanistan and CIA attempts also to instigate radicalism fused together also by natural post-sovietism/nationalism, and because the leaders of these countries are concerned at not being able to provide enough jobs for these young men who could be susceptible to terrorism or generally bilateral interest of Russia and the central asian countries there is these migration policies you dumbfuck.

    So the migration policy of authorities has zero "multi-cultural" element to it, and does have a security context to it - clearly with what has happened in Krasnogorsk the security context looks irrelevant, but it is there. That is different to the west where the mass migration has zero security element to it, plenty of "multi-cultural" to it, and a higher proportion of cheap labour

    And obviously, because of start of SMO and immediate devaluation of currency - plenty of the Uzbeks and Tajiks returned to their country, before coming back again and thus multiplying the entry number into RF you dumb prick.

    Replies: @sudden death

  218. @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

    I might as well add a second question to this:

    Had Austria-Hungary somehow collapsed before WWI, would this have really been a less stable European arrangement than was actually the case in real life?

    It would have ben more oppressive for certain peoples, such as the Czechs, Poles, and Ukrainians, no doubt about that. But a general European war, let alone a World War, would have been much less likely to occur in such a scenario, no?

    Replies: @Derer

    From what year is this concocted map. Where is Hapsburg (or Austria-Hungary at Vienna seat) empire, Hungary was always a minor partner subjugated by Vienna or Ottoman.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It's an alternate history map:

    Replies: @Beckow

  219. Had no idea bears could be found in such steep terrain.


    • Replies: @sudden death

    The first reccomended video for me next to the bear attack was video about (semi?)domesticated otter couple in Japan. Guess it could be because recently was watching Lithuanian amateur parody video about otter in love, lol

  220. @Derer
    @Mr. XYZ

    From what year is this concocted map. Where is Hapsburg (or Austria-Hungary at Vienna seat) empire, Hungary was always a minor partner subjugated by Vienna or Ottoman.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Hungary was less than 50% ethnically Magyar. That was very unstable since they tried the Ukie-like mono-ethnic state. Same with Czechia that was 3/4 Czech and Prague 90% - how would you avoid instability? And there was more of that with other ethnic groups.

    Central Europe had a choice of different versions of instability and most would lead to a war. It actually worked out quite well: Habsburgs gone, Hungarians and Germans in smaller ethnic states. Ukies should learn from it.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  221. @AnonfromTN

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.
    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.
    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson, @Mikhail, @AP, @Jazman

    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc


    “Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small”

    Ukraine has not made ISIS style attacks.

    As your repetition of the story that a Ukrainian captain wrecked the Baltimore bridge demonstrates (and not only that), you believe whatever nonsense is put out there.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Does the opinion of that person prove something? Our cleaning lady also has opinions. Should we find out what her opinions “prove”?

    Replies: @AP

  222. @LatW
    And by the way - it looks like there is an attempt to supplant the Russian masculinity, as a result of this Krokus attack. There seems to be a trend going around praising young Muslim boys acting as saviors - of course, those boys may have happened to be there and helped the victims, since there are many Central Asians and Caucasians in Moscow. But at least a couple of boys have been elevated now for their valor and they are migrants with names such as Islam and Rustam. It might be just a small trend now and obviously the authorities need to be keeping the multi-ethnic peace, but this is visible now. The Slavic boy is being replaced.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    To be fair, though, you don’t think that Islam promotes hyper-masculinity better than the now-sissified Christianity does?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, you don’t think that Islam promotes hyper-masculinity better than the now-sissified Christianity does?
    Yes, that religion is quite masculist (but they are often protective of women as well, so there is a sort of a balance), however, in real life they sometimes lack impulse control. The classical Western masculinity, if revived, would be possibly more valuable, since it is based on Roman virtue (virtus) - it is strength and temperance (self-control) combined. Not to mention the chivalry from the Midle Ages which on an even higher level.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  223. @songbird
    Had no idea bears could be found in such steep terrain.

    Replies: @sudden death

    The first reccomended video for me next to the bear attack was video about (semi?)domesticated otter couple in Japan. Guess it could be because recently was watching Lithuanian amateur parody video about otter in love, lol


    • Thanks: songbird
  224. @Dmitry

    Putin isn't really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.

    Neoconservatives support Ukraine because it's a democracy seed. They are mix of believing in the ideology of democracy, with Cold War foreign policy style of "Eisenhower Doctrine" and John Foster Dulles.

    Putin doesn't care so much about ideology. His probably main obsession, is stabilization of power after the image control and halls of mirrors. Putin is more similar to the 19th century conservative politicians. He believes in "order and stability".

    If you watch Putin's discussion about Black Lives Matter, he explains his priorities. He said he ideologically agrees with Black Lives Matter. He believes there needs to be reform of American police. He says Russia has always supported a fight against the racial injustice in American society and will continue.

    But, he is very criticizing against Black Lives Matter protesting in the streets, creating disorder and creating destabilization. When he is ideologically agreeing with BLM, within the country, he can see as a geopolitical rival, Putin is opposed to them because they represent protests, disorder and probably he views them in 2020 as similar to protests in Belarus which ask for regime-changes.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    Putin isn’t really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.

    Putin’s ideology (or lack of a sincerely-held one) is indeed very different from that of neoconservatives. You are correct.

    But both engage in foreign invasions and war without thinking of their own people under the banner of fake patriotism, and both have presided over mass immigration into the country they lead. For neocons this was for the sake of ideology, for Putin it is about the stable monopolization of power and wealth for himself and his inner circle. Neocons invaded Iraq, Putin invaded Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, the neocons' invasion of Iraq, while possibly having too high of a cost relative to its benefits, did at least have better intentions than Putin's invasion of Ukraine had. Putin could have achieved much the same effect by simply quickly annexing the Donbass in February 2022 or, better yet, back in 2014. But there was no realistic way to bring democracy to Iraq without invading it. The West isn't going to accept Iraq's entire population (nor should it!) and I doubt that any countries in the Muslim world would do so either. Unfortunately, even for Syrian refugees, there has sometimes been insufficient hospitality from some other Muslim countries, especially the oil-rich Gulf states.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @QCIC

  225. @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Aren’t you a Ukrainian?
    After post-coup Kiev regime started committing heinous crimes in Donbass in 2014 I thought that it would be shameful to admit that I am a Ukrainian. However, then I decided that I should say that loud and clear, so that people know that there are normal Ukrainians, that not all Ukrainians are scumbags, like Porky, clown, and various functionaries of the post-coup regime.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I thought that it would be shameful to admit that I am a Ukrainian.

    I understood that you were a Ukrainian traitor long ago, hence I’ve since renamed you appropriately as Professor Jannissar and Mr. Хрунь. I mean really, who in his right mind likes to brag that he’s against his own people, and is supporting the war of a psychopathic invading midget? I do, however, applaud all of the Russian “traitors” out there. The sooner they swell their ranks, the sooner this evil war will end.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    against his own people
    Equating people and government is either shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit. I would be deeply offended if someone equated me with Alzheimer-in-Chief or the scum using corrupt senile half-corpse as a puppet.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  226. @AP

    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc



    “Ukraine is not above terrorism, but it has exclusively been undertaken in the form of assassinations, or attacks against legitimate military targets (albeit through illegitimate means). The chances that it was materially involved in any way are extraordinarily small”

    Ukraine has not made ISIS style attacks.

    As your repetition of the story that a Ukrainian captain wrecked the Baltimore bridge demonstrates (and not only that), you believe whatever nonsense is put out there.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Does the opinion of that person prove something? Our cleaning lady also has opinions. Should we find out what her opinions “prove”?

    • Replies: @AP

    Was he wrong? This was not an opinion. Previous attacks were either upon militarily or strategically important places or targeted specific individuals. Nothing like this theater attack. But others had attacked a concert.

    I quoted him because he wrote it first.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  227. @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, you don't think that Islam promotes hyper-masculinity better than the now-sissified Christianity does?

    Replies: @LatW


    To be fair, though, you don’t think that Islam promotes hyper-masculinity better than the now-sissified Christianity does?

    Yes, that religion is quite masculist (but they are often protective of women as well, so there is a sort of a balance), however, in real life they sometimes lack impulse control. The classical Western masculinity, if revived, would be possibly more valuable, since it is based on Roman virtue (virtus) – it is strength and temperance (self-control) combined. Not to mention the chivalry from the Midle Ages which on an even higher level.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    (but they are often protective of women as well, so there is a sort of a balance)
    Western women are much freer than Muslim women are and Western men are not uncontrollable horndogs. But Muslim men sometimes are when they see Western women, unfortunately:

    You yourself alluded to this here:

    however, in real life they sometimes lack impulse control.
    As for classical Western masculinity, I completely agree with you in regards to this:

    The classical Western masculinity, if revived, would be possibly more valuable, since it is based on Roman virtue (virtus) – it is strength and temperance (self-control) combined. Not to mention the chivalry from the Midle Ages which on an even higher level.
    I honestly think that both classical Western masculinity and Western sissification are great things just so long as the latter does not descend into Cuckdom.

    Replies: @LatW

  228. @Mr. Hack

    I thought that it would be shameful to admit that I am a Ukrainian.
    I understood that you were a Ukrainian traitor long ago, hence I've since renamed you appropriately as Professor Jannissar and Mr. Хрунь. I mean really, who in his right mind likes to brag that he's against his own people, and is supporting the war of a psychopathic invading midget? I do, however, applaud all of the Russian "traitors" out there. The sooner they swell their ranks, the sooner this evil war will end.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    against his own people

    Equating people and government is either shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit. I would be deeply offended if someone equated me with Alzheimer-in-Chief or the scum using corrupt senile half-corpse as a puppet.

    • Agree: A123, A123
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Equating people and government is either shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit.
    How so?

    The concept of a nation/state has been the driving force in the organization of humanity, at least of Europeans, during the 20th century. I realize that this is changing, but to call this concept " shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit" is a ridiculous concept in itself.

  229. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, you don’t think that Islam promotes hyper-masculinity better than the now-sissified Christianity does?
    Yes, that religion is quite masculist (but they are often protective of women as well, so there is a sort of a balance), however, in real life they sometimes lack impulse control. The classical Western masculinity, if revived, would be possibly more valuable, since it is based on Roman virtue (virtus) - it is strength and temperance (self-control) combined. Not to mention the chivalry from the Midle Ages which on an even higher level.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ


    (but they are often protective of women as well, so there is a sort of a balance)

    Western women are much freer than Muslim women are and Western men are not uncontrollable horndogs. But Muslim men sometimes are when they see Western women, unfortunately:

    You yourself alluded to this here:

    however, in real life they sometimes lack impulse control.

    As for classical Western masculinity, I completely agree with you in regards to this:

    The classical Western masculinity, if revived, would be possibly more valuable, since it is based on Roman virtue (virtus) – it is strength and temperance (self-control) combined. Not to mention the chivalry from the Midle Ages which on an even higher level.

    I honestly think that both classical Western masculinity and Western sissification are great things just so long as the latter does not descend into Cuckdom.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Western women are much freer than Muslim women are
    Oi, I really don't want to start on this topic... I must admit though that freedom does have its good sides that must be appreciated and not taken lightly.

    I like how in particular the Chechen men are very protective of their women.

    Overall, what is sorely needed today is moral leadership, above all. That might be a more scarce resource than male physical strength.

    and Western men are not uncontrollable horndogs

    I notice that you seem to really dislike conventional Muslims (the majority) - is that because you are part Jewish or is it because you resent normative masculinity?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  230. @Mr. XYZ

    (but they are often protective of women as well, so there is a sort of a balance)
    Western women are much freer than Muslim women are and Western men are not uncontrollable horndogs. But Muslim men sometimes are when they see Western women, unfortunately:

    You yourself alluded to this here:

    however, in real life they sometimes lack impulse control.
    As for classical Western masculinity, I completely agree with you in regards to this:

    The classical Western masculinity, if revived, would be possibly more valuable, since it is based on Roman virtue (virtus) – it is strength and temperance (self-control) combined. Not to mention the chivalry from the Midle Ages which on an even higher level.
    I honestly think that both classical Western masculinity and Western sissification are great things just so long as the latter does not descend into Cuckdom.

    Replies: @LatW


    Western women are much freer than Muslim women are

    Oi, I really don’t want to start on this topic… I must admit though that freedom does have its good sides that must be appreciated and not taken lightly.

    I like how in particular the Chechen men are very protective of their women.

    Overall, what is sorely needed today is moral leadership, above all. That might be a more scarce resource than male physical strength.

    and Western men are not uncontrollable horndogs


    I notice that you seem to really dislike conventional Muslims (the majority) – is that because you are part Jewish or is it because you resent normative masculinity?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I like how in particular the Chechen men are very protective of their women.


    That's compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though. Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public. You'll probably get arrested, if not stoned! And LGBTQ+ rights are brutally repressed in Chechnya.

    I notice that you seem to really dislike conventional Muslims (the majority) – is that because you are part Jewish or is it because you resent normative masculinity?


    Neither, actually. Rather, it's because of the radicalism of a huge number of Muslims:

    It's also because when it comes to religious bad apples specifically, the Muslim world appears to have significantly more of them relative to the rest of the world. Satiric cartoons of other religious figures won't get one murdered, after all. But stories like Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie are simply too common among Muslims; if you engage in blasphemy, a huge number of Muslims are going to want to kill you. Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this. I subsequently clarified that I had no personal desire to draw such cartoons but nevertheless insisted that many Muslims' reactions to such cartoons is indeed a severe overreaction.

    Other religions have their bad apples, but not quite to the same extent, especially in the West. Hindu cow vigilantes are much rarer than Muslim terrorists, I would suspect. And Hindus in the West don't murder Westerners for killing and eating cows. And while violent homophobia is a very severe problem in some Christian Sub-Saharan African countries, the rest of the Christian world, including Latin America, is relatively progressive on LGBTQ+ rights, other than of course pseudo-trad Russia and Belarus.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom. From the side, they looked rather similar. I ran away from him as fast as I could and thus managed to successfully escape him without any harm to myself. I subsequently reported him, but it took me two months to discover his name, which is when I found out that he was Muslim. But I also do know that there are a lot of good, progressive Muslims here in southern California and that one shouldn't generalize from one example. My own main concerns with Muslim radicalism have to do with Muslims both in their home countries and in Europe.

    There are some relatively progressive Muslim countries, such as Kazakhstan, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo, but they are exceptions rather than the rule. In contrast, it is bigoted Christian countries that are more likely to be the exception rather than the rule.

    I actually think that Muslims have very legitimate grievances against Israel and that Israel should give the Palestinians a state in borders roughly similar to those of the 2003 Geneva Initiative (but slightly more in Israel's favor), even if this Palestinian state will have to end up being an Israeli puppet/satellite state, at least for its first several decades of independence. Unfair to the Palestinians but they might never get a state of their own otherwise.

    BTW, I also dislike religious Jews for being all too eager to spit in the faces of people such as myself.

    Replies: @LatW

  231. @AnonfromTN

    Does the opinion of that person prove something? Our cleaning lady also has opinions. Should we find out what her opinions “prove”?

    Replies: @AP

    Was he wrong? This was not an opinion. Previous attacks were either upon militarily or strategically important places or targeted specific individuals. Nothing like this theater attack. But others had attacked a concert.

    I quoted him because he wrote it first.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    When did he write it? For example, if I said “it’s 1 pm CT” seven hours ago, I’d be correct, if I said exactly the same thing now, I’d be wrong.

  232. @AP

    Was he wrong? This was not an opinion. Previous attacks were either upon militarily or strategically important places or targeted specific individuals. Nothing like this theater attack. But others had attacked a concert.

    I quoted him because he wrote it first.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    When did he write it? For example, if I said “it’s 1 pm CT” seven hours ago, I’d be correct, if I said exactly the same thing now, I’d be wrong.

  233. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Western women are much freer than Muslim women are
    Oi, I really don't want to start on this topic... I must admit though that freedom does have its good sides that must be appreciated and not taken lightly.

    I like how in particular the Chechen men are very protective of their women.

    Overall, what is sorely needed today is moral leadership, above all. That might be a more scarce resource than male physical strength.

    and Western men are not uncontrollable horndogs

    I notice that you seem to really dislike conventional Muslims (the majority) - is that because you are part Jewish or is it because you resent normative masculinity?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ


    I like how in particular the Chechen men are very protective of their women.

    That’s compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though. Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public. You’ll probably get arrested, if not stoned! And LGBTQ+ rights are brutally repressed in Chechnya.

    I notice that you seem to really dislike conventional Muslims (the majority) – is that because you are part Jewish or is it because you resent normative masculinity?

    Neither, actually. Rather, it’s because of the radicalism of a huge number of Muslims:

    It’s also because when it comes to religious bad apples specifically, the Muslim world appears to have significantly more of them relative to the rest of the world. Satiric cartoons of other religious figures won’t get one murdered, after all. But stories like Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie are simply too common among Muslims; if you engage in blasphemy, a huge number of Muslims are going to want to kill you. Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this. I subsequently clarified that I had no personal desire to draw such cartoons but nevertheless insisted that many Muslims’ reactions to such cartoons is indeed a severe overreaction.

    Other religions have their bad apples, but not quite to the same extent, especially in the West. Hindu cow vigilantes are much rarer than Muslim terrorists, I would suspect. And Hindus in the West don’t murder Westerners for killing and eating cows. And while violent homophobia is a very severe problem in some Christian Sub-Saharan African countries, the rest of the Christian world, including Latin America, is relatively progressive on LGBTQ+ rights, other than of course pseudo-trad Russia and Belarus.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom. From the side, they looked rather similar. I ran away from him as fast as I could and thus managed to successfully escape him without any harm to myself. I subsequently reported him, but it took me two months to discover his name, which is when I found out that he was Muslim. But I also do know that there are a lot of good, progressive Muslims here in southern California and that one shouldn’t generalize from one example. My own main concerns with Muslim radicalism have to do with Muslims both in their home countries and in Europe.

    There are some relatively progressive Muslim countries, such as Kazakhstan, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo, but they are exceptions rather than the rule. In contrast, it is bigoted Christian countries that are more likely to be the exception rather than the rule.

    I actually think that Muslims have very legitimate grievances against Israel and that Israel should give the Palestinians a state in borders roughly similar to those of the 2003 Geneva Initiative (but slightly more in Israel’s favor), even if this Palestinian state will have to end up being an Israeli puppet/satellite state, at least for its first several decades of independence. Unfair to the Palestinians but they might never get a state of their own otherwise.

    BTW, I also dislike religious Jews for being all too eager to spit in the faces of people such as myself.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though.
    There have been some changes in that regard in Chechnya recently (women dress up more and dress more liberally, not sure if they put out more), but this is not the priority for most Chechen women, at least not typically or traditionally.

    Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public.
    That's not all that valuable actually especially if you end up giving up other valuable things, and a woman can still be beautiful even without wearing short shorts in public.

    Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this.
    It's pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things. But why provoke needlessly with those Mohammad cartoons? Of course, best would be if there would be no Muslims in the West, these problems would fall off on their own. Or Westerners in Muslim countries.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom.
    If he was much stronger than you, it's probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don't start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get "knifey". There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

  234. @Mr. XYZ

    It's an alternate history map:

    Replies: @Beckow

    Hungary was less than 50% ethnically Magyar. That was very unstable since they tried the Ukie-like mono-ethnic state. Same with Czechia that was 3/4 Czech and Prague 90% – how would you avoid instability? And there was more of that with other ethnic groups.

    Central Europe had a choice of different versions of instability and most would lead to a war. It actually worked out quite well: Habsburgs gone, Hungarians and Germans in smaller ethnic states. Ukies should learn from it.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I would presume that Germany would be willing to use military force to protect Hungary's territorial integrity, no? And that Russia would not be willing to risk a World War for Subcarpathian Ruthenia or Slovakia--or for Romania's claim to Transylvania and the eastern Banat--for Serbia's claim to Vojvodina and the western Banat, for that matter.

    The German Empire could have easily annexed and absorbed Czechia. It might have subsequently been a headache for the Germans like Posen or Alsace-Lorraine were, but nevertheless a manageable headache. If the German Empire will not want to annex the Czech lands, though, then it will likely simply make them a protectorate instead while directly annexing the Sudetenland. Germany would benefit from annexing Slovenia and Trieste for sea access, though, but of course Italy can get Trentino (but not South Tyrol).

    And Yes, interwar Czechoslovakia's ethnic diversity was a part of the reason as to why exactly it broke up in 1938-1939. Ditto for interwar Yugoslavia's ethnic diversity causing Yugoslavia to break up in 1941. Of course, in both cases, Humpty Dumpty got put back together after the end of World War II, only in both cases to subsequently break up again after the end of the Cold War. I don't think that the Russian Empire's and USSR's diversity was a super-huge strength either, for that matter.

    I wonder which future countries will break up due to their diversity.

    Replies: @Beckow

  235. A123 says: • Website

    I do not want to suggest a conspiracy…. But… (1)

    $600,000 For 20 Minutes Work – Ronna McDaniel Likely to Have Significant Payday After NBC Firing

    McDaniel expects to be fully paid out for her contract — two years at $300,000 annually — since she did not breach its terms, according to a person close to McDaniel. That means that her single, not-quite-20-minute interview Sunday could cost NBC more than $30,000 per minute, or $500 per second.

    That might be just the beginning of the fallout following yesterday’s announcement from NBCUniversal News Group Chair Cesar Conde that the deal, first announced on Friday, would be canceled. McDaniel spoke yesterday with Bryan Freedman, renowned lawyer to the estranged cable-news stars, to discuss legal options even beyond recouping the dollar value of her contract.

    It’s enough to make you wonder if this entire NBC fiasco was just a purposeful laundering of money for previous services rendered.

    Instead of going the book deal route, McDaniel gets hired by NBC then fired without cause a few days later.

    Cha-ching, $600k, and NBC gets all the eyeballs and clicks that go with the hot mess story.


    You decide.

    Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious…

    How do I get a job(?) that pays $500/second?

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇


  236. Thought they had found the ancient Irish microbiome, and that I would live forever now, but it just sounds like it would make me lose all my teeth.

    Researchers have recovered remarkably preserved microbiomes from two teeth dating back 4,000 years, found in an Irish limestone cave. Genetic analyses of these microbiomes reveal major changes in the oral microenvironment from the Bronze Age to today. The teeth both belonged to the same male individual and also provided a snapshot of his oral health.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I wonder if any pussy juice was preserved on his teeth if he ate out a woman shortly before he died lol.

  237. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Hungary was less than 50% ethnically Magyar. That was very unstable since they tried the Ukie-like mono-ethnic state. Same with Czechia that was 3/4 Czech and Prague 90% - how would you avoid instability? And there was more of that with other ethnic groups.

    Central Europe had a choice of different versions of instability and most would lead to a war. It actually worked out quite well: Habsburgs gone, Hungarians and Germans in smaller ethnic states. Ukies should learn from it.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I would presume that Germany would be willing to use military force to protect Hungary’s territorial integrity, no? And that Russia would not be willing to risk a World War for Subcarpathian Ruthenia or Slovakia–or for Romania’s claim to Transylvania and the eastern Banat–for Serbia’s claim to Vojvodina and the western Banat, for that matter.

    The German Empire could have easily annexed and absorbed Czechia. It might have subsequently been a headache for the Germans like Posen or Alsace-Lorraine were, but nevertheless a manageable headache. If the German Empire will not want to annex the Czech lands, though, then it will likely simply make them a protectorate instead while directly annexing the Sudetenland. Germany would benefit from annexing Slovenia and Trieste for sea access, though, but of course Italy can get Trentino (but not South Tyrol).

    And Yes, interwar Czechoslovakia’s ethnic diversity was a part of the reason as to why exactly it broke up in 1938-1939. Ditto for interwar Yugoslavia’s ethnic diversity causing Yugoslavia to break up in 1941. Of course, in both cases, Humpty Dumpty got put back together after the end of World War II, only in both cases to subsequently break up again after the end of the Cold War. I don’t think that the Russian Empire’s and USSR’s diversity was a super-huge strength either, for that matter.

    I wonder which future countries will break up due to their diversity.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much. You seem obsessed with them being minorities (if that) in Germany and Hungary. Since you claim you are Jewish, maybe the Jews in Izrael could accept a minority status in a Pali state. Are you ok with that? It would certainly remove the instability...

    Or is your retarded historical what-if limited to keeping any Slav as a minority? Even the Czechs, most obedient and quiet nation but you would still want them in Germany. Something odd is going on in your mind...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @AnonfromTN

  238. @songbird
    Thought they had found the ancient Irish microbiome, and that I would live forever now, but it just sounds like it would make me lose all my teeth.

    Researchers have recovered remarkably preserved microbiomes from two teeth dating back 4,000 years, found in an Irish limestone cave. Genetic analyses of these microbiomes reveal major changes in the oral microenvironment from the Bronze Age to today. The teeth both belonged to the same male individual and also provided a snapshot of his oral health.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ


    I wonder if any pussy juice was preserved on his teeth if he ate out a woman shortly before he died lol.

  239. Mikhail says: • Website

    ISIS-K, Connecting the Dots

    Let’s start with the possible chain of events that may have led to the Crocus terror attack. This is as explosive as it gets. Intel sources in Moscow discreetly confirm this is one of the FSB’s prime lines of investigation.

    December 4, 2023. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, only 3 months after his retirement, tells CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night (…) You gotta get back there and create a campaign behind the lines.”

    January 4, 2024: In an interview with ABC News, “spy chief” Kyrylo Budanov lays down the road map: strikes “deeper and deeper” into Russia.

    January 31: Victoria Nuland travels to Kiev and meets Budanov. Then, in a dodgy press conference at night in the middle of an empty street, she promises “nasty surprises” to Putin: code for asymmetric war.

    February 22: Nuland shows up at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event and doubles down on the “nasty surprises” and asymmetric war. That may be interpreted as the definitive signal for Budanov to start deploying dirty ops.

    February 25: The New York Times publishes a story about CIA cells in Ukraine: nothing that Russian intel does not already know.

    Then, a lull until March 5 – when crucial shadow play may have been in effect. Privileged scenario: Nuland was a key dirty ops plotter alongside the CIA and the Ukrainian GUR (Budanov). Rival Deep State factions got hold of it and maneuvered to “terminate” her one way or another – because Russian intel would have inevitably connected the dots.

    Yet Nuland, in fact, is not “retired” yet; she’s still presented as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and showed up recently in Rome for a G7-related meeting, although her new job, in theory, seems to be at Columbia University (a Hillary Clinton maneuver).

    Meanwhile, the assets for a major “nasty surprise” are already in place, in the dark, and totally off radar. The op cannot be called off.

    March 5: Little Blinken formally announces Nuland’s “retirement”.

    March 7: At least one Tajik among the four-member terror commando visits the Crocus venue and has his photo taken.

    March 7-8 at night: U.S. and British embassies simultaneously announce a possible terror attack on Moscow, telling their nationals to avoid “concerts” and gatherings within the next two days.

    March 9: Massively popular Russian patriotic singer Shaman performs at Crocus. That may have been the carefully chosen occasion targeted for the “nasty surprise” – as it falls only a few days before the presidential elections, from March 15 to 17. But security at Crocus was massive, so the op is postponed.

    March 22: The Crocus City Hall terror attack.

    ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms

    The Budanov connection is betrayed by the modus operandi – similar to previous Ukraine intel terror attacks against Daria Dugina and Vladimir Tatarsky: close reconnaissance for days, even weeks; the hit; and then a dash for the border.

    And that brings us to the Tajik connection.

    There seem to be holes aplenty in the narrative concocted by the ragged bunch turned mass killers: following an Islamist preacher on Telegram; offered what was later established as a puny 500 thousand rubles (roughly $4,500) for the four of them to shoot random people in a concert hall; sent half of the funds via Telegram; directed to a weapons cache where they find AK-12s and hand grenades.

    The videos show that they used the machine guns like pros; shots were accurate, short bursts or single fire; no panic whatsoever; effective use of hand grenades; fleeing the scene in a flash, just melting away, almost in time to catch the “window” that would take them across the border to Ukraine.

    All that takes training. And that also applies to facing nasty counter-interrogation. Still, the FSB seems to have broken them all – quite literally.

    A potential handler has surfaced, named Abdullo Buriyev. Turkish intel had earlier identified him as a handler for ISIS-K, or Wilayat Khorasan in Afghanistan. One of the members of the Crocus commando told the FSB their “acquaintance” Abdullo helped them to buy the car for the op.

    And that leads us to the massive can of worms to end them all: ISIS-K.

    The alleged emir of ISIS-K, since 2020, is an Afghan Tajik, Sanaullah Ghafari. He was not killed in Afghanistan in June 2023, as the Americans were spinning: he may be currently holed up in Balochistan in Pakistan.

    Yet the real person of interest here is not Tajik Ghafari but Chechen Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, the former leader of the jihadi outfit Ajnad al-Kavkaz (“Soldiers of the Caucasus”), who was fighting against the government in Damascus in Idlib and then escaped to Ukraine because of a crackdown by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – in another one of those classic inter-jihadi squabbles.

    Shishani was spotted on the border near Belgorod during the recent attack concocted by Ukrainian intel inside Russia. Call it another vector of the “nasty surprises”.

    Shishani had been in Ukraine for over two years and has acquired citizenship. He is in fact the sterling connection between the nasty motley crue Idlib gangs in Syria and GUR in Kiev – as his Chechens worked closely with Jabhat al-Nusra, which was virtually indistinguishable from ISIS.

    Shishani, fiercely anti-Assad, anti-Putin and anti-Kadyrov, is the classic “moderate rebel” advertised for years as a “freedom fighter” by the CIA and the Pentagon.

    Some of the four hapless Tajiks seem to have followed ideological/religious indoctrination on the internet dispensed by Wilayat Khorasan, or ISIS-K, in a chat room called Rahnamo ba Khuroson.

    The indoctrination game happened to be supervised by a Tajik, Salmon Khurosoni. He’s the guy who made the first move to recruit the commando. Khurosoni is arguably a messenger between ISIS-K and the CIA.

    The problem is the ISIS-K modus operandi for any attack never features a fistful of dollars: the promise is Paradise via martyrdom. Yet in this case it seems it’s Khurosoni himself who has approved the 500 thousand ruble reward.

    After handler Buriyev relayed the instructions, the commando sent the bayat – the ISIS pledge of allegiance – to Khurosoni. Ukraine may not have been their final destination. Another foreign intel connection – not identified by FSB sources – would have sent them to Turkey, and then Afghanistan.

    That’s exactly where Khurosoni is to be found. Khurosoni may have been the ideological mastermind of Crocus. But, crucially, he’s not the client.

    The Ukrainian love affair with terror gangs

    Ukrainian intel, SBU and GUR, have been using the “Islamic” terror galaxy as they please since the first Chechnya war in the mid-1990s. Milley and Nuland of course knew it, as there were serious rifts in the past, for instance, between GUR and the CIA.

    Following the symbiosis of any Ukrainian government post-1991 with assorted terror/jihadi outfits, Kiev post-Maidan turbo-charged these connections especially with Idlib gangs, as well as north Caucasus outfits, from the Chechen Shishani to ISIS in Syria and then ISIS-K. GUR routinely aims to recruit ISIS and ISIS-K denizens via online chat rooms. Exactly the modus operandi that led to Crocus.

    One “Azan” association, founded in 2017 by Anvar Derkach, a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir, actually facilitates terrorist life in Ukraine, Tatars from Crimea included – from lodging to juridical assistance.

    The FSB investigation is establishing a trail: Crocus was planned by pros – and certainly not by a bunch of low-IQ Tajik dregs. Not by ISIS-K, but by GUR. A classic false flag, with the clueless Tajiks under the impression that they were working for ISIS-K.

    The FSB investigation is also unveiling the standard modus operandi of online terror, everywhere. A recruiter focuses on a specific profile; adapts himself to the candidate, especially his – low – IQ; provides him with the minimum necessary for a job; then the candidate/executor become disposable.

    Everyone in Russia remembers that during the first attack on the Crimea bridge, the driver of the kamikaze truck was blissfully unaware of what he was carrying,

    As for ISIS, everyone seriously following West Asia knows that’s a gigantic diversionist scam, complete with the Americans transferring ISIS operatives from the Al-Tanf base to the eastern Euphrates, and then to Afghanistan after the Hegemon’s humiliating “withdrawal”. Project ISIS-K actually started in 2021, after it became pointless to use ISIS goons imported from Syria to block the relentless progress of the Taliban.

    Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

    The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

    But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

    The case of the CIA flying “black” helicopters to extract jihadists from Syria and drop them in Afghanistan is more like an exception – in terms of direct contact – than the norm. So the FSB and the Kremlin will be very careful when it comes to directly accusing the CIA and MI6 of managing these networks.

    But even with plausible deniability, the Crocus investigation seems to be leading exactly to where Moscow wants it: uncovering the crucial middleman. And everything seems to be pointing to Budanov and his goons.

    Ramzan Kadyrov dropped an extra clue. He said the Crocus “curators” chose on purpose to instrumentalize elements of an ethnic minority – Tajiks – who barely speak Russian to open up new wounds in a multinational nation where dozens of ethnicities live side by side for centuries.

    In the end, it didn’t work. The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    That reads like spies dictating to Seymour Hersch.

    Are you familiar with Baudrillard Simulacra?

    Also Umberto Eco Hyperreality.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. Hack

    , @AnonfromTN

    When FSB establishes real culprits who organized this terrorist attack, it is unlikely to present the evidence to anyone except maybe allied secret services. Devils in Hell will present the charges to the guilty parties. No assigned lawyer will be present, even though the Hell must be full of lawyers.

    A good example is recent arrest of one of the bandits who attacked Russian forces during the second Chechen war 20 years ago. If the scum thought that there is statute of limitations for his crime, he'd better think again. There will be no statute of limitations for anyone guilty of this massacre. They will only have devils in Hell to appeal to.

    , @sudden death

    In order to balance out and avoid tunnel vision/one sidedness, this needs to be added here too:

    Russia knew in advance about the preparation of a terrorist operation in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, but allowed it due to either a “fight of towers” or an underestimation of the scale of what could happen, said the head of the main intelligence department at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Kirill Budanov.

    “At a minimum, on February 15, 2024, Russia knew about the preparations. I’ll tell you more, this information went through the group’s intelligence department in Syria. From there it went to Moscow. And let them not tell tales that in a strange way it all materialized out of nowhere,” - said Kirill Budanov during the Third International Forum on Strategic Communications.

    According to him, Russia knew where the combat groups would come from, through which the two countries they moved to the territory of the aggressor state.

    “Why they allowed this to hatpen - there are several options. The first is, as is their custom, a fight between the “towers” in order to remove several officials now. The other option is that they actually underestimated the scale of what would happen. They thought that it would be more local, and they wanted to blame it all over Ukraine,” noted the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

    According to him, the Kremlin has already changed the version of what happened in the shopping center near Moscow three times, trying to somehow link the so-called “Ukrainian trace” to the terrorist attack.
    “There were explanations from Patrushev and Bortnikov, who accused me personally and that Ukraine did all this. This is nonsense. By the way, if we touched on this painful issue, even though this is the enemy, I do not approve in principle of terrorist acts against civilians,” - said the head of intelligence.

    Budanov added that Russia itself sowed chaos and confidently believed that it could control it.

    “There is such a stable expression, even a truth. It always works among special services: everyone is trying to create controlled chaos. Absolutely all more or less serious organizations tried to do this at different times. And the axiom is that none of them was able to do it make it controlled. The same thing happened here,” summed up the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    , @Dmitry

    March 9: Shaman performs at Crocus.


    The date is incorrect. I posted the concert for International Women's Day in the thread already. This concert was for International Women's Day. This is the 8th of March, not the 9th of March.

    Shaman was one of the less famous novice singers. There was Kirkorov, Leps, Gazmanov, Gagarina and Baskov who are the people which Ukraine sanctions and wants to prosecute. There were also Bilan, Lazarev. It was a return for Kirkorov for the first channel after he was banned for a couple months for being in a semi-naked party with some other celebrities.

    8th of March in Crocus City Hall was a famous concert for the media, because it was the return of Kirkorov to the first channel. I explained it there.


    Kirkorov was banned from New Year's Eve. He was the heart of the New Year's blue light show for the last decade, before those days when people like Zelensky were more important. So, on the 8th of March at Crocus City Hall, he was returning from an important ban. Shaman was not the main part of the concert.


    In Kirkorov missing New Year Eve, singer Sergey Lazarev started to look a bit like Zelensky for me? Lol, you can never know, which celebrities will be our next leader. -

    10 years ago he was just opening champagne to Maxim Galkin and Vladimir Zelensky.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  240. @Mikhail
    ISIS-K, Connecting the Dots

    Let’s start with the possible chain of events that may have led to the Crocus terror attack. This is as explosive as it gets. Intel sources in Moscow discreetly confirm this is one of the FSB’s prime lines of investigation.

    December 4, 2023. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, only 3 months after his retirement, tells CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night (…) You gotta get back there and create a campaign behind the lines.”

    January 4, 2024: In an interview with ABC News, “spy chief” Kyrylo Budanov lays down the road map: strikes “deeper and deeper” into Russia.

    January 31: Victoria Nuland travels to Kiev and meets Budanov. Then, in a dodgy press conference at night in the middle of an empty street, she promises “nasty surprises” to Putin: code for asymmetric war.

    February 22: Nuland shows up at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event and doubles down on the “nasty surprises” and asymmetric war. That may be interpreted as the definitive signal for Budanov to start deploying dirty ops.

    February 25: The New York Times publishes a story about CIA cells in Ukraine: nothing that Russian intel does not already know.

    Then, a lull until March 5 – when crucial shadow play may have been in effect. Privileged scenario: Nuland was a key dirty ops plotter alongside the CIA and the Ukrainian GUR (Budanov). Rival Deep State factions got hold of it and maneuvered to “terminate” her one way or another – because Russian intel would have inevitably connected the dots.

    Yet Nuland, in fact, is not “retired” yet; she’s still presented as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and showed up recently in Rome for a G7-related meeting, although her new job, in theory, seems to be at Columbia University (a Hillary Clinton maneuver).

    Meanwhile, the assets for a major “nasty surprise” are already in place, in the dark, and totally off radar. The op cannot be called off.

    March 5: Little Blinken formally announces Nuland’s “retirement”.

    March 7: At least one Tajik among the four-member terror commando visits the Crocus venue and has his photo taken.

    March 7-8 at night: U.S. and British embassies simultaneously announce a possible terror attack on Moscow, telling their nationals to avoid “concerts” and gatherings within the next two days.

    March 9: Massively popular Russian patriotic singer Shaman performs at Crocus. That may have been the carefully chosen occasion targeted for the “nasty surprise” – as it falls only a few days before the presidential elections, from March 15 to 17. But security at Crocus was massive, so the op is postponed.

    March 22: The Crocus City Hall terror attack.

    ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms

    The Budanov connection is betrayed by the modus operandi – similar to previous Ukraine intel terror attacks against Daria Dugina and Vladimir Tatarsky: close reconnaissance for days, even weeks; the hit; and then a dash for the border.

    And that brings us to the Tajik connection.

    There seem to be holes aplenty in the narrative concocted by the ragged bunch turned mass killers: following an Islamist preacher on Telegram; offered what was later established as a puny 500 thousand rubles (roughly $4,500) for the four of them to shoot random people in a concert hall; sent half of the funds via Telegram; directed to a weapons cache where they find AK-12s and hand grenades.

    The videos show that they used the machine guns like pros; shots were accurate, short bursts or single fire; no panic whatsoever; effective use of hand grenades; fleeing the scene in a flash, just melting away, almost in time to catch the “window” that would take them across the border to Ukraine.

    All that takes training. And that also applies to facing nasty counter-interrogation. Still, the FSB seems to have broken them all – quite literally.

    A potential handler has surfaced, named Abdullo Buriyev. Turkish intel had earlier identified him as a handler for ISIS-K, or Wilayat Khorasan in Afghanistan. One of the members of the Crocus commando told the FSB their “acquaintance” Abdullo helped them to buy the car for the op.

    And that leads us to the massive can of worms to end them all: ISIS-K.

    The alleged emir of ISIS-K, since 2020, is an Afghan Tajik, Sanaullah Ghafari. He was not killed in Afghanistan in June 2023, as the Americans were spinning: he may be currently holed up in Balochistan in Pakistan.

    Yet the real person of interest here is not Tajik Ghafari but Chechen Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, the former leader of the jihadi outfit Ajnad al-Kavkaz (“Soldiers of the Caucasus”), who was fighting against the government in Damascus in Idlib and then escaped to Ukraine because of a crackdown by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – in another one of those classic inter-jihadi squabbles.

    Shishani was spotted on the border near Belgorod during the recent attack concocted by Ukrainian intel inside Russia. Call it another vector of the “nasty surprises”.

    Shishani had been in Ukraine for over two years and has acquired citizenship. He is in fact the sterling connection between the nasty motley crue Idlib gangs in Syria and GUR in Kiev – as his Chechens worked closely with Jabhat al-Nusra, which was virtually indistinguishable from ISIS.

    Shishani, fiercely anti-Assad, anti-Putin and anti-Kadyrov, is the classic “moderate rebel” advertised for years as a “freedom fighter” by the CIA and the Pentagon.

    Some of the four hapless Tajiks seem to have followed ideological/religious indoctrination on the internet dispensed by Wilayat Khorasan, or ISIS-K, in a chat room called Rahnamo ba Khuroson.

    The indoctrination game happened to be supervised by a Tajik, Salmon Khurosoni. He’s the guy who made the first move to recruit the commando. Khurosoni is arguably a messenger between ISIS-K and the CIA.

    The problem is the ISIS-K modus operandi for any attack never features a fistful of dollars: the promise is Paradise via martyrdom. Yet in this case it seems it’s Khurosoni himself who has approved the 500 thousand ruble reward.

    After handler Buriyev relayed the instructions, the commando sent the bayat – the ISIS pledge of allegiance – to Khurosoni. Ukraine may not have been their final destination. Another foreign intel connection – not identified by FSB sources – would have sent them to Turkey, and then Afghanistan.

    That’s exactly where Khurosoni is to be found. Khurosoni may have been the ideological mastermind of Crocus. But, crucially, he’s not the client.

    The Ukrainian love affair with terror gangs

    Ukrainian intel, SBU and GUR, have been using the “Islamic” terror galaxy as they please since the first Chechnya war in the mid-1990s. Milley and Nuland of course knew it, as there were serious rifts in the past, for instance, between GUR and the CIA.

    Following the symbiosis of any Ukrainian government post-1991 with assorted terror/jihadi outfits, Kiev post-Maidan turbo-charged these connections especially with Idlib gangs, as well as north Caucasus outfits, from the Chechen Shishani to ISIS in Syria and then ISIS-K. GUR routinely aims to recruit ISIS and ISIS-K denizens via online chat rooms. Exactly the modus operandi that led to Crocus.

    One “Azan” association, founded in 2017 by Anvar Derkach, a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir, actually facilitates terrorist life in Ukraine, Tatars from Crimea included – from lodging to juridical assistance.

    The FSB investigation is establishing a trail: Crocus was planned by pros – and certainly not by a bunch of low-IQ Tajik dregs. Not by ISIS-K, but by GUR. A classic false flag, with the clueless Tajiks under the impression that they were working for ISIS-K.

    The FSB investigation is also unveiling the standard modus operandi of online terror, everywhere. A recruiter focuses on a specific profile; adapts himself to the candidate, especially his – low – IQ; provides him with the minimum necessary for a job; then the candidate/executor become disposable.

    Everyone in Russia remembers that during the first attack on the Crimea bridge, the driver of the kamikaze truck was blissfully unaware of what he was carrying,

    As for ISIS, everyone seriously following West Asia knows that’s a gigantic diversionist scam, complete with the Americans transferring ISIS operatives from the Al-Tanf base to the eastern Euphrates, and then to Afghanistan after the Hegemon’s humiliating “withdrawal”. Project ISIS-K actually started in 2021, after it became pointless to use ISIS goons imported from Syria to block the relentless progress of the Taliban.

    Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

    The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

    But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

    The case of the CIA flying “black” helicopters to extract jihadists from Syria and drop them in Afghanistan is more like an exception – in terms of direct contact – than the norm. So the FSB and the Kremlin will be very careful when it comes to directly accusing the CIA and MI6 of managing these networks.

    But even with plausible deniability, the Crocus investigation seems to be leading exactly to where Moscow wants it: uncovering the crucial middleman. And everything seems to be pointing to Budanov and his goons.

    Ramzan Kadyrov dropped an extra clue. He said the Crocus “curators” chose on purpose to instrumentalize elements of an ethnic minority – Tajiks – who barely speak Russian to open up new wounds in a multinational nation where dozens of ethnicities live side by side for centuries.

    In the end, it didn’t work. The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @sudden death, @Dmitry

    That reads like spies dictating to Seymour Hersch.

    Are you familiar with Baudrillard Simulacra?

    Also Umberto Eco Hyperreality.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    More believable than the claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and Russia blowing up NS2

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Any important ideas that you uncovered reading Eco's compendium of essays?

  241. @Mr. XYZ

    I like how in particular the Chechen men are very protective of their women.


    That's compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though. Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public. You'll probably get arrested, if not stoned! And LGBTQ+ rights are brutally repressed in Chechnya.

    I notice that you seem to really dislike conventional Muslims (the majority) – is that because you are part Jewish or is it because you resent normative masculinity?


    Neither, actually. Rather, it's because of the radicalism of a huge number of Muslims:

    It's also because when it comes to religious bad apples specifically, the Muslim world appears to have significantly more of them relative to the rest of the world. Satiric cartoons of other religious figures won't get one murdered, after all. But stories like Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie are simply too common among Muslims; if you engage in blasphemy, a huge number of Muslims are going to want to kill you. Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this. I subsequently clarified that I had no personal desire to draw such cartoons but nevertheless insisted that many Muslims' reactions to such cartoons is indeed a severe overreaction.

    Other religions have their bad apples, but not quite to the same extent, especially in the West. Hindu cow vigilantes are much rarer than Muslim terrorists, I would suspect. And Hindus in the West don't murder Westerners for killing and eating cows. And while violent homophobia is a very severe problem in some Christian Sub-Saharan African countries, the rest of the Christian world, including Latin America, is relatively progressive on LGBTQ+ rights, other than of course pseudo-trad Russia and Belarus.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom. From the side, they looked rather similar. I ran away from him as fast as I could and thus managed to successfully escape him without any harm to myself. I subsequently reported him, but it took me two months to discover his name, which is when I found out that he was Muslim. But I also do know that there are a lot of good, progressive Muslims here in southern California and that one shouldn't generalize from one example. My own main concerns with Muslim radicalism have to do with Muslims both in their home countries and in Europe.

    There are some relatively progressive Muslim countries, such as Kazakhstan, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo, but they are exceptions rather than the rule. In contrast, it is bigoted Christian countries that are more likely to be the exception rather than the rule.

    I actually think that Muslims have very legitimate grievances against Israel and that Israel should give the Palestinians a state in borders roughly similar to those of the 2003 Geneva Initiative (but slightly more in Israel's favor), even if this Palestinian state will have to end up being an Israeli puppet/satellite state, at least for its first several decades of independence. Unfair to the Palestinians but they might never get a state of their own otherwise.

    BTW, I also dislike religious Jews for being all too eager to spit in the faces of people such as myself.

    Replies: @LatW


    That’s compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though.

    There have been some changes in that regard in Chechnya recently (women dress up more and dress more liberally, not sure if they put out more), but this is not the priority for most Chechen women, at least not typically or traditionally.

    Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public.

    That’s not all that valuable actually especially if you end up giving up other valuable things, and a woman can still be beautiful even without wearing short shorts in public.

    Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this.

    It’s pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things. But why provoke needlessly with those Mohammad cartoons? Of course, best would be if there would be no Muslims in the West, these problems would fall off on their own. Or Westerners in Muslim countries.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom.

    If he was much stronger than you, it’s probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don’t start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get “knifey”. There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It’s pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things.
    What else are you talking about here? The dolls, which I view as a civil rights issue? Those several fully-clothed photos that I shared with you earlier, where you warned me not to get into trouble?

    If he was much stronger than you, it’s probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don’t start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get “knifey”. There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.


    Had I fought back, I would have likely lost, gotten severely beaten up, and probably gotten into trouble as well. Why exactly would I actually want that? Especially when I had a science test right after the end of lunch, which is when this occurred?

    Replies: @LatW

    , @songbird

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom.

  242. @Emil Nikola Richard

    That reads like spies dictating to Seymour Hersch.

    Are you familiar with Baudrillard Simulacra?

    Also Umberto Eco Hyperreality.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. Hack

    More believable than the claims that Russia paid the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and Russia blowing up NS2

  243. @Mikhail
    ISIS-K, Connecting the Dots

    Let’s start with the possible chain of events that may have led to the Crocus terror attack. This is as explosive as it gets. Intel sources in Moscow discreetly confirm this is one of the FSB’s prime lines of investigation.

    December 4, 2023. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, only 3 months after his retirement, tells CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night (…) You gotta get back there and create a campaign behind the lines.”

    January 4, 2024: In an interview with ABC News, “spy chief” Kyrylo Budanov lays down the road map: strikes “deeper and deeper” into Russia.

    January 31: Victoria Nuland travels to Kiev and meets Budanov. Then, in a dodgy press conference at night in the middle of an empty street, she promises “nasty surprises” to Putin: code for asymmetric war.

    February 22: Nuland shows up at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event and doubles down on the “nasty surprises” and asymmetric war. That may be interpreted as the definitive signal for Budanov to start deploying dirty ops.

    February 25: The New York Times publishes a story about CIA cells in Ukraine: nothing that Russian intel does not already know.

    Then, a lull until March 5 – when crucial shadow play may have been in effect. Privileged scenario: Nuland was a key dirty ops plotter alongside the CIA and the Ukrainian GUR (Budanov). Rival Deep State factions got hold of it and maneuvered to “terminate” her one way or another – because Russian intel would have inevitably connected the dots.

    Yet Nuland, in fact, is not “retired” yet; she’s still presented as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and showed up recently in Rome for a G7-related meeting, although her new job, in theory, seems to be at Columbia University (a Hillary Clinton maneuver).

    Meanwhile, the assets for a major “nasty surprise” are already in place, in the dark, and totally off radar. The op cannot be called off.

    March 5: Little Blinken formally announces Nuland’s “retirement”.

    March 7: At least one Tajik among the four-member terror commando visits the Crocus venue and has his photo taken.

    March 7-8 at night: U.S. and British embassies simultaneously announce a possible terror attack on Moscow, telling their nationals to avoid “concerts” and gatherings within the next two days.

    March 9: Massively popular Russian patriotic singer Shaman performs at Crocus. That may have been the carefully chosen occasion targeted for the “nasty surprise” – as it falls only a few days before the presidential elections, from March 15 to 17. But security at Crocus was massive, so the op is postponed.

    March 22: The Crocus City Hall terror attack.

    ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms

    The Budanov connection is betrayed by the modus operandi – similar to previous Ukraine intel terror attacks against Daria Dugina and Vladimir Tatarsky: close reconnaissance for days, even weeks; the hit; and then a dash for the border.

    And that brings us to the Tajik connection.

    There seem to be holes aplenty in the narrative concocted by the ragged bunch turned mass killers: following an Islamist preacher on Telegram; offered what was later established as a puny 500 thousand rubles (roughly $4,500) for the four of them to shoot random people in a concert hall; sent half of the funds via Telegram; directed to a weapons cache where they find AK-12s and hand grenades.

    The videos show that they used the machine guns like pros; shots were accurate, short bursts or single fire; no panic whatsoever; effective use of hand grenades; fleeing the scene in a flash, just melting away, almost in time to catch the “window” that would take them across the border to Ukraine.

    All that takes training. And that also applies to facing nasty counter-interrogation. Still, the FSB seems to have broken them all – quite literally.

    A potential handler has surfaced, named Abdullo Buriyev. Turkish intel had earlier identified him as a handler for ISIS-K, or Wilayat Khorasan in Afghanistan. One of the members of the Crocus commando told the FSB their “acquaintance” Abdullo helped them to buy the car for the op.

    And that leads us to the massive can of worms to end them all: ISIS-K.

    The alleged emir of ISIS-K, since 2020, is an Afghan Tajik, Sanaullah Ghafari. He was not killed in Afghanistan in June 2023, as the Americans were spinning: he may be currently holed up in Balochistan in Pakistan.

    Yet the real person of interest here is not Tajik Ghafari but Chechen Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, the former leader of the jihadi outfit Ajnad al-Kavkaz (“Soldiers of the Caucasus”), who was fighting against the government in Damascus in Idlib and then escaped to Ukraine because of a crackdown by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – in another one of those classic inter-jihadi squabbles.

    Shishani was spotted on the border near Belgorod during the recent attack concocted by Ukrainian intel inside Russia. Call it another vector of the “nasty surprises”.

    Shishani had been in Ukraine for over two years and has acquired citizenship. He is in fact the sterling connection between the nasty motley crue Idlib gangs in Syria and GUR in Kiev – as his Chechens worked closely with Jabhat al-Nusra, which was virtually indistinguishable from ISIS.

    Shishani, fiercely anti-Assad, anti-Putin and anti-Kadyrov, is the classic “moderate rebel” advertised for years as a “freedom fighter” by the CIA and the Pentagon.

    Some of the four hapless Tajiks seem to have followed ideological/religious indoctrination on the internet dispensed by Wilayat Khorasan, or ISIS-K, in a chat room called Rahnamo ba Khuroson.

    The indoctrination game happened to be supervised by a Tajik, Salmon Khurosoni. He’s the guy who made the first move to recruit the commando. Khurosoni is arguably a messenger between ISIS-K and the CIA.

    The problem is the ISIS-K modus operandi for any attack never features a fistful of dollars: the promise is Paradise via martyrdom. Yet in this case it seems it’s Khurosoni himself who has approved the 500 thousand ruble reward.

    After handler Buriyev relayed the instructions, the commando sent the bayat – the ISIS pledge of allegiance – to Khurosoni. Ukraine may not have been their final destination. Another foreign intel connection – not identified by FSB sources – would have sent them to Turkey, and then Afghanistan.

    That’s exactly where Khurosoni is to be found. Khurosoni may have been the ideological mastermind of Crocus. But, crucially, he’s not the client.

    The Ukrainian love affair with terror gangs

    Ukrainian intel, SBU and GUR, have been using the “Islamic” terror galaxy as they please since the first Chechnya war in the mid-1990s. Milley and Nuland of course knew it, as there were serious rifts in the past, for instance, between GUR and the CIA.

    Following the symbiosis of any Ukrainian government post-1991 with assorted terror/jihadi outfits, Kiev post-Maidan turbo-charged these connections especially with Idlib gangs, as well as north Caucasus outfits, from the Chechen Shishani to ISIS in Syria and then ISIS-K. GUR routinely aims to recruit ISIS and ISIS-K denizens via online chat rooms. Exactly the modus operandi that led to Crocus.

    One “Azan” association, founded in 2017 by Anvar Derkach, a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir, actually facilitates terrorist life in Ukraine, Tatars from Crimea included – from lodging to juridical assistance.

    The FSB investigation is establishing a trail: Crocus was planned by pros – and certainly not by a bunch of low-IQ Tajik dregs. Not by ISIS-K, but by GUR. A classic false flag, with the clueless Tajiks under the impression that they were working for ISIS-K.

    The FSB investigation is also unveiling the standard modus operandi of online terror, everywhere. A recruiter focuses on a specific profile; adapts himself to the candidate, especially his – low – IQ; provides him with the minimum necessary for a job; then the candidate/executor become disposable.

    Everyone in Russia remembers that during the first attack on the Crimea bridge, the driver of the kamikaze truck was blissfully unaware of what he was carrying,

    As for ISIS, everyone seriously following West Asia knows that’s a gigantic diversionist scam, complete with the Americans transferring ISIS operatives from the Al-Tanf base to the eastern Euphrates, and then to Afghanistan after the Hegemon’s humiliating “withdrawal”. Project ISIS-K actually started in 2021, after it became pointless to use ISIS goons imported from Syria to block the relentless progress of the Taliban.

    Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

    The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

    But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

    The case of the CIA flying “black” helicopters to extract jihadists from Syria and drop them in Afghanistan is more like an exception – in terms of direct contact – than the norm. So the FSB and the Kremlin will be very careful when it comes to directly accusing the CIA and MI6 of managing these networks.

    But even with plausible deniability, the Crocus investigation seems to be leading exactly to where Moscow wants it: uncovering the crucial middleman. And everything seems to be pointing to Budanov and his goons.

    Ramzan Kadyrov dropped an extra clue. He said the Crocus “curators” chose on purpose to instrumentalize elements of an ethnic minority – Tajiks – who barely speak Russian to open up new wounds in a multinational nation where dozens of ethnicities live side by side for centuries.

    In the end, it didn’t work. The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @sudden death, @Dmitry

    When FSB establishes real culprits who organized this terrorist attack, it is unlikely to present the evidence to anyone except maybe allied secret services. Devils in Hell will present the charges to the guilty parties. No assigned lawyer will be present, even though the Hell must be full of lawyers.

    A good example is recent arrest of one of the bandits who attacked Russian forces during the second Chechen war 20 years ago. If the scum thought that there is statute of limitations for his crime, he’d better think again. There will be no statute of limitations for anyone guilty of this massacre. They will only have devils in Hell to appeal to.

  244. • Replies: @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The velociraptors are going to love it.
    LOL Yea :) It's going to be warm, too, - global warming. :)
    , @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  245. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The velociraptors are going to love it.

    Replies: @LatW, @songbird

    The velociraptors are going to love it.

    LOL Yea 🙂 It’s going to be warm, too, – global warming. 🙂

  246. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The velociraptors are going to love it.

    Replies: @LatW, @songbird

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    It looks like an f'n kangaroo. I wonder if it was afraid of snakes.

    Replies: @songbird

  247. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    It looks like an f’n kangaroo. I wonder if it was afraid of snakes.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Some say that the fear of snakes is deeply embedded in any animal that has an evolutionary history where it had some predecessor that was prey to them. Under this theory, hadrosaurs would be afraid of them, despite their size advantage.

    I tried to look up elephant and snake on YouTube and only got a joke in very bad taste.

  248. @Mr. XYZ

    I would presume that Germany would be willing to use military force to protect Hungary's territorial integrity, no? And that Russia would not be willing to risk a World War for Subcarpathian Ruthenia or Slovakia--or for Romania's claim to Transylvania and the eastern Banat--for Serbia's claim to Vojvodina and the western Banat, for that matter.

    The German Empire could have easily annexed and absorbed Czechia. It might have subsequently been a headache for the Germans like Posen or Alsace-Lorraine were, but nevertheless a manageable headache. If the German Empire will not want to annex the Czech lands, though, then it will likely simply make them a protectorate instead while directly annexing the Sudetenland. Germany would benefit from annexing Slovenia and Trieste for sea access, though, but of course Italy can get Trentino (but not South Tyrol).

    And Yes, interwar Czechoslovakia's ethnic diversity was a part of the reason as to why exactly it broke up in 1938-1939. Ditto for interwar Yugoslavia's ethnic diversity causing Yugoslavia to break up in 1941. Of course, in both cases, Humpty Dumpty got put back together after the end of World War II, only in both cases to subsequently break up again after the end of the Cold War. I don't think that the Russian Empire's and USSR's diversity was a super-huge strength either, for that matter.

    I wonder which future countries will break up due to their diversity.

    Replies: @Beckow

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much. You seem obsessed with them being minorities (if that) in Germany and Hungary. Since you claim you are Jewish, maybe the Jews in Izrael could accept a minority status in a Pali state. Are you ok with that? It would certainly remove the instability…

    Or is your retarded historical what-if limited to keeping any Slav as a minority? Even the Czechs, most obedient and quiet nation but you would still want them in Germany. Something odd is going on in your mind…

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I simply flirted with an alternate history scenario in which A-H collapses in a different manner without a World War. Frankly, I am quite fine with an alternate history scenario in which A-H gets partitioned similarly to real life, except with Russia avoiding Communism and annexing eastern Galicia after the end of World War I in place of Poland. I just think that the price--a World War--to secure Austria-Hungary's partition in real life was too high.

    And BTW, I am only 1/4 Jewish. I am 3/4 Eastern Slavic. Which is still good enough for immigration rights to Israel if I wasn't already an Israeli citizen due to me being born there.

    As for a Palestinian right of return, I was open to the idea in the past, began having significant doubts about it due to the fear of Palestinians discriminating against Jews sooner or later in any one-state solution, and concluded that this idea was completely unrealistic after October 7.

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @AP

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much
    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power. You dislike it strongly.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    Who do you dislike Slavs so much?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Gerard1234, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    , @AnonfromTN

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much.
    You keep talking to someone who is not worth talking too. That’s your problem, though, none of my business.

    My two cents about Slavs. Slavs of any nationality are as different as people of any other nation, ranging from despicable scum to those who deserve admiration. Just a few examples. Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov were Slavs. These are in the scum category. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Smetana, Zelenka, and Tchaikovsky were also Slavs. These are the people to be proud of. The majority of Slavs, like the majority of all people, is somewhere in between.

    As to Slavic nations, most are relatively small. Some are OK with that and retain sanity, some suffer from inferiority complex. Only two Slavic states ever rose to a great power status: Poland (under the name of Rzeczpospolita) and Russia (under various names). Poland overstretched itself, tried to compete with Russia, and fell into insignificance. Some Poles are still smarting, consumed with inferiority complex. That’s their problem. Russian empire and later the USSR did a lot to help smaller Slavic nations (e.g., Russian empire with great sacrifice liberated Bulgaria from Turkish occupation, the USSR invested a lot of people and treasure into numerous Eastern European Slavic states). Subsequent history showed that no good deed ever goes unpunished.

    The RF apparently learned from the mistakes of the Russian Empire and the USSR. It defends its interests, its help to other states is strictly determined by the interests of the RF. It does not treat Slavs preferentially: Syrians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, the population of Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, or North Koreans are certainly not Slavs. From my POV this is sane and rational policy devoid of romantic stupidity.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

  249. @LatW

    An “opinion maker on TV” is literally of no importance
    There are several propagandists that have talked this way for years and they are very important. Otherwise they simply wouldn't be there.

    people all over the world are saying crazy stuff on TV, including many Balts.
    Not true, we do not say that we're going into their land to take over it and murder their people. Plus, coming from us it wouldn't sound all too serious (in normal circumstances), but coming from them, it is dead serious. You are just being nonchalant because the Slovaks and Hungarians are not directly affected (but you will be).

    And there are penalties for that type of hate speech in the Baltics, but there aren't in the RusFed.

    the Latvian culture and language flourished
    The real culture was suppressed, what "flourished" was a very specific type of Soviet Baltic "culture", you do not talk about all the culture that was destroyed, the very fact that you believe it is acceptable for the Baltic peoples to be occupied and controlled by a culturally alien outside power, is disgusting. I'm starting to doubt how Lutheran you really are, if you don't get this. Everyone else gets it. Even the French now.

    Latvian numbers rose dramatically
    No, they did not. We lost over hunderds of thousands of people due to the occupations, and 200K of the best people due to the Soviet re-occupation. Our numbers and quality of people would be much higher if it hadn't been for the Soviet occupation. The rise in population that you are alluding to was not due to the Soviets, but due to the 1950s baby boom (which would have produced MORE Balts if it hadn't been for mass deportations and exile). I'm not even talking about all those losses that happened during the Soviet era with some of our men migrating into Soviet Russia via work and military deployments.

    everyone got along well.
    No, not everyone - and you know it damn well, yet you keep lying. But I also accept that you are simply uninformed. In ancient Greece, an uninformed person was called an idiot.

    I am not sure why you call Russians the “Horde”.
    Because they are deeply mixed. Both ethnically and culturally. And because they retain the "politics" of the Horde (which can't even be called real politics, the state systems I should say, politics is something entirely different).

    You have real anger issues.
    Regardless of that, I present totally legitimate arguments, which tens of millions in EE support. And probably even in America we still have those who will agree, not to mention in Europe. You're the ones who are the outliers now - the Slovaks and Hungarians. You are in the minority, against everyone else. You are siding with the murderers of European children.

    Maybe the rapidly declining Latvian population
    It's not declining rapidly anymore.

    the danger in fighting Russia on behalf of others
    It's not on behalf of others. They had designs on us immediately after 1918. They did sign the Peace treaty but didn't mean it. This is an old problem. As to the others, the ones across the ocean seem to have bailed.

    I like the Baltic ancient culture.
    You should, it is quite special and may still be hiding some secrets. But why don't you stop worrying about it, whatever happens, happens.. time passes on. The Golden Age of Balts was two thousand years ago. Worry about your own and leave us alone.

    If you insist on the foolish confrontation with Russia (50 times bigger)
    Nobody is insisting. But we'll fight them if we have to. All of us together, will not make them "50 times bigger", all of us together, we will be bigger. We knew 30 years ago this was going to happen. It always happens this way for 300-400 years already.

    There is no winning
    Why can't they just stop and back up to where they should be? Why are they so special that everything is forgiven them? Why is it always us who have to compromise? No.

    And you know Beckow what really ticks me off about people such as yourself and other of these so called Russophiles - is that you yourselves would not tolerate living around actual Russians or much less under them, with everything that comes with it. If you were faced with them in large numbers, you would only become friends with a few of them (the more supplicating ones), but would immediately start competing with the better ones or fighting them outright, and start loathing the more pathetic ones (you are aware of some of their dysfunctions, aren't you? "The East is messy" - that's what you said once, yea, it can be, you know that they were thrown out of the Austrian ski resorts). Yet you expect us, Balts, to just "suck it up". Damn hypocrites.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …we do not say that we’re going into their land to take over it and murder their people.

    Oh yes, quite a few among you say it – US senators asking to “kill more Russians”, books and articles on how Russia could be split up, and the Balt PM’s openly calling for an all-out war with Russia. If you want to find mad “opinion makers” there are plenty on your side. Paranoia has a way for spreading.

    All of us together…

    Who would that be? Macron volunteered 2k Frenchies, Poles and Balts, maybe even a few thousand others (Romanians?) Of course the Ukies if there are any left. Add the mysterious “ISIS-X” guys and you may have something…but more likely it would be an absolute fiasco and your own people would run you out of town.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by the unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are better looking. But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them, Poles, Ukies, Romanians are not any less disruptive than the Horde Russians and also often unwelcome. Your desperate attempt to separate from the Horde doesn’t work – you are in it and always will be…

    By the way, I know a lot about Latvia and you are painting a false picture. You lie and exaggerate about the past ills and you also lie about today’s apartheid. Maybe the war would solve it – I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.

    • Replies: @LatW

    and of course your Balt PM’s openly calling for an all-out war with Russia
    They are not calling for an "all out war" but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine. It's a common opinion in all of Europe. Ukraine is not Russia. If there is going to be a large war, then it is better that it is fought there - yes, it sounds terrible, but that might be the reality at some point in the future. Of course, there is still hope it will not happen, but it's better to be ready than rely on hopes. Given the unraveling of frozen conflicts across the whole globe due to the loss of the world hegemon, it is a very dangerous moment for the war to spread. If they ever come into the Baltics, they will be beaten.

    If you want to find mad “opinion makers” there are plenty on your side.
    I do not speak for Lindsay Graham (his recent stances are quite pro-Trumpian vis a vis foreign policy).

    But nobody in the Baltics ever talks about how we're entitled to their land or to rule over them or try to control their territory, yet they talk that way all the time - these are people who were themselves emancipated relatively recently, historically speaking, and had no power even over their own lives. And they are not on average superior, yet some of them pretend they are (those of them who do not have an attitude, we have no issues with - we were living quite ok before 2014). It's just entitlement and that kind of thinking and claiming that other countries are "fake and gay" leads to children in rubble. There is a direct line there.

    You add the mysterious “ISIS-X” and you may have something…
    Actually, this ones is interesting. Remains to be seen what will happen and if there will be any other attacks by this Khorasan (apparently they have small cells inside of RusFed). If this is just the beginning and they do start fighting RusFed, then essentially a second front has been opened for RusFed. Hard to say yet.

    Your desperate attempt to separate from the “Horde” doesn’t work – you are in the Horde and always will be…
    Absolutely not, you're making a huge mistake there. There is a clear distinction. Lithuania fought the Horde quite well. You missed my point. We are not internationalists, but they are. We are not Eurasianist or Eurasian, but they are. Just look at their army - already in my dad's time, they had plenty of Asians in it. I have nothing against these peoples, some of them are victims and used. But this is a fact. Look who they are adding to their army now - all kinds of mercenaries from Asia and Africa. That's actually quite cowardly. They have also begun to display brutality that was not characteristic of them in my life time (except in Chechnya and very recently in Syria). I'm not claiming thats "Asiatic" as you say, that's their own nature. My point was that Ukraine alone is fighting all these different peoples.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are a lot better looking.
    I was talking about something else. You revealed your own attitude to those East of yourself. You were not talking about Poles and Czechs but Ukrainians and Russians (even though Russians are ofc übermenschen to you that you hold in special status - they can't do no wrong in your book). I know exactly what you were talking about, you gave yourself away. You don't want to live that kind of a life and consider it inferior.

    But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them
    Most Balts are not loud (I'm an exception as I'm way more extrovert than typical). Most Balts are very subdued, quiet, dress in earth tones. They differ from Russians who are louder and more extravert. I'm not saying this to differentiate, I'm saying it because it's true. We are Western Christians, they are Orthodox. That's a big difference. Even some of our own Russians differ from the ones over in RusFed.

    You lie and exaggerate about the past ills
    Not really, I do not ever lie. I fight against lies about my country and Ukraine. I simply add those things which you choose to leave out. That there were a few talented Soviet Latvian writers (whom I read as a kid and was able to distinguish easily from ideology and normal prose), doesn't mean that a large body of classic Latvian culture was not canceled or suppressed.

    I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.
    You are funny. One minute you say that Balts are an ancient IE culture (which they are), the next you write the above - listen, I really don't care if you, some random person on an obscure website, consider me Euro, it is absurd. I don't answer to you and don't have to prove my "Europeanness", I love my culture as it is and don't need your approval. We have a specific situation there. That was pushed on us artificially by alien powers and we have handled it - maybe not ideally, but somewhat bearably.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

  250. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much. You seem obsessed with them being minorities (if that) in Germany and Hungary. Since you claim you are Jewish, maybe the Jews in Izrael could accept a minority status in a Pali state. Are you ok with that? It would certainly remove the instability...

    Or is your retarded historical what-if limited to keeping any Slav as a minority? Even the Czechs, most obedient and quiet nation but you would still want them in Germany. Something odd is going on in your mind...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @AnonfromTN

    I simply flirted with an alternate history scenario in which A-H collapses in a different manner without a World War. Frankly, I am quite fine with an alternate history scenario in which A-H gets partitioned similarly to real life, except with Russia avoiding Communism and annexing eastern Galicia after the end of World War I in place of Poland. I just think that the price–a World War–to secure Austria-Hungary’s partition in real life was too high.

    And BTW, I am only 1/4 Jewish. I am 3/4 Eastern Slavic. Which is still good enough for immigration rights to Israel if I wasn’t already an Israeli citizen due to me being born there.

    As for a Palestinian right of return, I was open to the idea in the past, began having significant doubts about it due to the fear of Palestinians discriminating against Jews sooner or later in any one-state solution, and concluded that this idea was completely unrealistic after October 7.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...the price–a World War–to secure Austria-Hungary’s partition in real life was too high.
    Yes, it was. If Germans and Magyars who dominated A-H had more brains and better elites they could had avoided WW1 by giving to the other nations in A-H normal rights. The others were more than 50% of A-H, it was a non-brainer.

    But as we see in Ukraine, Baltic, Izrael it is hard for the self-appointed special people to do it. But they don't and instead come up with all kinds of reasons why they can't: the "Horde" is coming or Oct 7...Well, s..t happens and people eventually fight back. So due to its own narcissistic stupidity A-H eventually got WW1, lost it, and the special nations - Germans, Magyars - were much worse off. There is a lesson there somewhere...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  251. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though.
    There have been some changes in that regard in Chechnya recently (women dress up more and dress more liberally, not sure if they put out more), but this is not the priority for most Chechen women, at least not typically or traditionally.

    Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public.
    That's not all that valuable actually especially if you end up giving up other valuable things, and a woman can still be beautiful even without wearing short shorts in public.

    Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this.
    It's pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things. But why provoke needlessly with those Mohammad cartoons? Of course, best would be if there would be no Muslims in the West, these problems would fall off on their own. Or Westerners in Muslim countries.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom.
    If he was much stronger than you, it's probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don't start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get "knifey". There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird


    It’s pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things.

    What else are you talking about here? The dolls, which I view as a civil rights issue? Those several fully-clothed photos that I shared with you earlier, where you warned me not to get into trouble?

    If he was much stronger than you, it’s probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don’t start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get “knifey”. There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.

    Had I fought back, I would have likely lost, gotten severely beaten up, and probably gotten into trouble as well. Why exactly would I actually want that? Especially when I had a science test right after the end of lunch, which is when this occurred?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    What else are you talking about here?
    When you made that phone call. I hope that's water under the bridge.

    Had I fought back, I would have likely lost, gotten severely beaten up, and probably gotten into trouble as well. Why exactly would I actually want that?
    I agree, it's better to avoid needless fights. One can get seriously hurt. I just wanted you to be able to defend yourself.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  252. @Beckow

    ...we do not say that we’re going into their land to take over it and murder their people.
    Oh yes, quite a few among you say it - US senators asking to "kill more Russians", books and articles on how Russia could be split up, and the Balt PM's openly calling for an all-out war with Russia. If you want to find mad "opinion makers" there are plenty on your side. Paranoia has a way for spreading.

    All of us together...
    Who would that be? Macron volunteered 2k Frenchies, Poles and Balts, maybe even a few thousand others (Romanians?) Of course the Ukies if there are any left. Add the mysterious "ISIS-X" guys and you may have something...but more likely it would be an absolute fiasco and your own people would run you out of town.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by the unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are better looking. But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them, Poles, Ukies, Romanians are not any less disruptive than the Horde Russians and also often unwelcome. Your desperate attempt to separate from the Horde doesn't work - you are in it and always will be...

    By the way, I know a lot about Latvia and you are painting a false picture. You lie and exaggerate about the past ills and you also lie about today's apartheid. Maybe the war would solve it - I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.

    Replies: @LatW

    and of course your Balt PM’s openly calling for an all-out war with Russia

    They are not calling for an “all out war” but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine. It’s a common opinion in all of Europe. Ukraine is not Russia. If there is going to be a large war, then it is better that it is fought there – yes, it sounds terrible, but that might be the reality at some point in the future. Of course, there is still hope it will not happen, but it’s better to be ready than rely on hopes. Given the unraveling of frozen conflicts across the whole globe due to the loss of the world hegemon, it is a very dangerous moment for the war to spread. If they ever come into the Baltics, they will be beaten.


    If you want to find mad “opinion makers” there are plenty on your side.

    I do not speak for Lindsay Graham (his recent stances are quite pro-Trumpian vis a vis foreign policy).

    But nobody in the Baltics ever talks about how we’re entitled to their land or to rule over them or try to control their territory, yet they talk that way all the time – these are people who were themselves emancipated relatively recently, historically speaking, and had no power even over their own lives. And they are not on average superior, yet some of them pretend they are (those of them who do not have an attitude, we have no issues with – we were living quite ok before 2014). It’s just entitlement and that kind of thinking and claiming that other countries are “fake and gay” leads to children in rubble. There is a direct line there.

    You add the mysterious “ISIS-X” and you may have something…

    Actually, this ones is interesting. Remains to be seen what will happen and if there will be any other attacks by this Khorasan (apparently they have small cells inside of RusFed). If this is just the beginning and they do start fighting RusFed, then essentially a second front has been opened for RusFed. Hard to say yet.

    Your desperate attempt to separate from the “Horde” doesn’t work – you are in the Horde and always will be…

    Absolutely not, you’re making a huge mistake there. There is a clear distinction. Lithuania fought the Horde quite well. You missed my point. We are not internationalists, but they are. We are not Eurasianist or Eurasian, but they are. Just look at their army – already in my dad’s time, they had plenty of Asians in it. I have nothing against these peoples, some of them are victims and used. But this is a fact. Look who they are adding to their army now – all kinds of mercenaries from Asia and Africa. That’s actually quite cowardly. They have also begun to display brutality that was not characteristic of them in my life time (except in Chechnya and very recently in Syria). I’m not claiming thats “Asiatic” as you say, that’s their own nature. My point was that Ukraine alone is fighting all these different peoples.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are a lot better looking.

    I was talking about something else. You revealed your own attitude to those East of yourself. You were not talking about Poles and Czechs but Ukrainians and Russians (even though Russians are ofc übermenschen to you that you hold in special status – they can’t do no wrong in your book). I know exactly what you were talking about, you gave yourself away. You don’t want to live that kind of a life and consider it inferior.

    But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them

    Most Balts are not loud (I’m an exception as I’m way more extrovert than typical). Most Balts are very subdued, quiet, dress in earth tones. They differ from Russians who are louder and more extravert. I’m not saying this to differentiate, I’m saying it because it’s true. We are Western Christians, they are Orthodox. That’s a big difference. Even some of our own Russians differ from the ones over in RusFed.

    You lie and exaggerate about the past ills

    Not really, I do not ever lie. I fight against lies about my country and Ukraine. I simply add those things which you choose to leave out. That there were a few talented Soviet Latvian writers (whom I read as a kid and was able to distinguish easily from ideology and normal prose), doesn’t mean that a large body of classic Latvian culture was not canceled or suppressed.

    I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.

    You are funny. One minute you say that Balts are an ancient IE culture (which they are), the next you write the above – listen, I really don’t care if you, some random person on an obscure website, consider me Euro, it is absurd. I don’t answer to you and don’t have to prove my “Europeanness”, I love my culture as it is and don’t need your approval. We have a specific situation there. That was pushed on us artificially by alien powers and we have handled it – maybe not ideally, but somewhat bearably.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Actually, this ones is interesting. Remains to be seen what will happen and if there will be any other attacks by this Khorasan (apparently they have small cells inside of RusFed). If this is just the beginning and they do start fighting RusFed, then essentially a second front has been opened for RusFed. Hard to say yet.


    There's a radical hypothesis that I and my family members discussed that ISIS-K actually wants Russia to expel its Central Asian Muslims so that ISIS-K could subsequently get huge numbers of them as recruits when they will inevitably have nothing better to do in Central Asia. Then, ISIS-K could use these new recruits of its to build a secret army that will (in its view) hopefully allow it to eventually overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan and thus take over Afghanistan for itself.

    It's a crazy hypothesis, and we made it up, but it does have an aura of plausibility to it. I think that ISIS-K would really enjoy ruling over Afghanistan in place of the Taliban, after all. Even in such a scenario, it's unclear that the West would actually be willing to go to war in Afghanistan again.

    I'm unsure that ISIS-K would actually be able to get enough Central Asians to join it even in such a scenario, though, since they might be severely pissed at ISIS-K for getting them expelled en masse from Russia in the first place in such a scenario. But maybe their newly-found hate for Russia will make ISIS-K a useful ally of convenience for some of them, albeit an extremely repulsive one? ISIS-K can at least promise them better lives if it will ever succeed in taking over Afghanistan from the Taliban, after all. Plenty of booty to loot in such a scenario.
    , @Beckow

    I am still getting over your explicit embrace of terrorism with "ISIS-X" as a "second front on Russia". Seriously? And you find the "Horde" aggressive? Think about what it says about you.

    Afro-Asiatic nature of today's world is not unique to Russia. Visit France, UK, Germany, US, is a multi-Afro-Asia-Latin-mestizo wonderland. Unlike in Russia it is in all layers of the society. Check out the ads with the corpulent Afro women and who is ruling them. (Hint: Indians everywhere.) Pointing it out in Russia and ignoring it among your best friends is quiet odd.

    All of us who live east of Germans are in the "Horde" (your label). There are some exceptions, but the general Westie view is that there is not much difference between Ukies and Russians, Latvians and Romanians, etc... We are Eastern Europeans, some of us are noisier, messier, there is also a gradation as one moves further east, but we are not French or German. Trying to be one at any cost is a fool's errand - see what it has done to the Ukies.

    I am aware of our shortcomings and that even many of us often prefer some distance from it. But you should never forget who you are, the Westies won't. We have the better things that I listed and we also can improve over time. That requires balance and harmony with who we are and not blind devoted brown-nosing to the West. Do you know what the Swedes think of you Latvians in private? I do, but it is unpublishable.

    They are not calling for an “all out war” but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine
    It amounts to the same thing - the Balt leaders are also more outspoken and militant about it. So are you sometimes - allying openly with "ISIS" terrorism is a bridge too far. It will also backfire.

    Replies: @LatW, @LatW

  253. @Mr. XYZ

    It’s pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things.
    What else are you talking about here? The dolls, which I view as a civil rights issue? Those several fully-clothed photos that I shared with you earlier, where you warned me not to get into trouble?

    If he was much stronger than you, it’s probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don’t start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get “knifey”. There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.


    Had I fought back, I would have likely lost, gotten severely beaten up, and probably gotten into trouble as well. Why exactly would I actually want that? Especially when I had a science test right after the end of lunch, which is when this occurred?

    Replies: @LatW


    What else are you talking about here?

    When you made that phone call. I hope that’s water under the bridge.

    Had I fought back, I would have likely lost, gotten severely beaten up, and probably gotten into trouble as well. Why exactly would I actually want that?

    I agree, it’s better to avoid needless fights. One can get seriously hurt. I just wanted you to be able to defend yourself.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    When you made that phone call. I hope that’s water under the bridge.


    It was two phone calls, actually. Followed by another two phone calls deeply apologizing for what I did.

    And Yes, thankfully it does appear to be water under the bridge. :) Around three months have already passed since then, after all, and still no trouble, thankfully!

    I agree, it’s better to avoid needless fights. One can get seriously hurt. I just wanted you to be able to defend yourself.


    Yes, I get that. But I don't think that I was anywhere near as strong as he was and when you're dealing with someone who's both crazy and unstable, even defending oneself might be risky, especially--again--given the strength difference between us.

    Replies: @LatW

  254. @LatW
    And by the way - it looks like there is an attempt to supplant the Russian masculinity, as a result of this Krokus attack. There seems to be a trend going around praising young Muslim boys acting as saviors - of course, those boys may have happened to be there and helped the victims, since there are many Central Asians and Caucasians in Moscow. But at least a couple of boys have been elevated now for their valor and they are migrants with names such as Islam and Rustam. It might be just a small trend now and obviously the authorities need to be keeping the multi-ethnic peace, but this is visible now. The Slavic boy is being replaced.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    praising young Muslim boys

    After 9/11, in America, a lot of Americans were becoming hostile against Muslims in reaction. The government avoids this situation in Russia.

    In official Russia, they want to avoid the anti-Muslim situation in the USA after terrorist attacks so this is part of why television in Russia is using media, to avoid creating negative feelings in relation to the religion of the terrorists. This is common and expected, it happens after terrorist attacks.

    Inter-ethnic harmony is one of the priorities of the government, who don’t want to lose control of the country. This is one of side of their policy.

    They also ban Islamist extremist texts just like they ban nationalist texts.

    After the attack, they also reduced reporting.

    It is only last night 120 hours after the beginning of the terrorist attack. It was a story which is near the end of the news.

    ht be just a small trend now and obviously the authorities need to be keeping the multi-ethnic peace, but this is visible now. The Slavic boy is being replaced.

    Governments in postsoviet countries often seem like they want to reduce of young men because the demography with less young men increases political stability, it is more easy to control the society, less likely for events like “Tahrir Square 2011” which were created by what demographers call “youth bulges”.

    But, this policy, will be more in some Muslim areas than most slavic areas. There was proportionally, a lot more mobilization in Makhachkala. The authorities are not going to worry about reduction of men in rebellious areas than in obedient areas. They would be more worried to reduce the proportion of young men in rebellious populations.

    This is also how emigration for brain drain and mobilization threat, can be useful for them. This postsoviet process of emigrations, reduces some not always obedient populations.

  255. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    What else are you talking about here?
    When you made that phone call. I hope that's water under the bridge.

    Had I fought back, I would have likely lost, gotten severely beaten up, and probably gotten into trouble as well. Why exactly would I actually want that?
    I agree, it's better to avoid needless fights. One can get seriously hurt. I just wanted you to be able to defend yourself.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ


    When you made that phone call. I hope that’s water under the bridge.

    It was two phone calls, actually. Followed by another two phone calls deeply apologizing for what I did.

    And Yes, thankfully it does appear to be water under the bridge. 🙂 Around three months have already passed since then, after all, and still no trouble, thankfully!

    I agree, it’s better to avoid needless fights. One can get seriously hurt. I just wanted you to be able to defend yourself.

    Yes, I get that. But I don’t think that I was anywhere near as strong as he was and when you’re dealing with someone who’s both crazy and unstable, even defending oneself might be risky, especially–again–given the strength difference between us.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    when you’re dealing with someone who’s both crazy and unstable, even defending oneself might be risky, especially–again–given the strength difference between us.
    It's ok, you did the right thing, one should be able to fight, but if the risk is too high to get hurt, absolutely avoid it. Most Latvian dudes deescalate, even if they are quite tall and strong. Because it's the right thing to do.
  256. @Mikhail
    ISIS-K, Connecting the Dots

    Let’s start with the possible chain of events that may have led to the Crocus terror attack. This is as explosive as it gets. Intel sources in Moscow discreetly confirm this is one of the FSB’s prime lines of investigation.

    December 4, 2023. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, only 3 months after his retirement, tells CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night (…) You gotta get back there and create a campaign behind the lines.”

    January 4, 2024: In an interview with ABC News, “spy chief” Kyrylo Budanov lays down the road map: strikes “deeper and deeper” into Russia.

    January 31: Victoria Nuland travels to Kiev and meets Budanov. Then, in a dodgy press conference at night in the middle of an empty street, she promises “nasty surprises” to Putin: code for asymmetric war.

    February 22: Nuland shows up at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event and doubles down on the “nasty surprises” and asymmetric war. That may be interpreted as the definitive signal for Budanov to start deploying dirty ops.

    February 25: The New York Times publishes a story about CIA cells in Ukraine: nothing that Russian intel does not already know.

    Then, a lull until March 5 – when crucial shadow play may have been in effect. Privileged scenario: Nuland was a key dirty ops plotter alongside the CIA and the Ukrainian GUR (Budanov). Rival Deep State factions got hold of it and maneuvered to “terminate” her one way or another – because Russian intel would have inevitably connected the dots.

    Yet Nuland, in fact, is not “retired” yet; she’s still presented as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and showed up recently in Rome for a G7-related meeting, although her new job, in theory, seems to be at Columbia University (a Hillary Clinton maneuver).

    Meanwhile, the assets for a major “nasty surprise” are already in place, in the dark, and totally off radar. The op cannot be called off.

    March 5: Little Blinken formally announces Nuland’s “retirement”.

    March 7: At least one Tajik among the four-member terror commando visits the Crocus venue and has his photo taken.

    March 7-8 at night: U.S. and British embassies simultaneously announce a possible terror attack on Moscow, telling their nationals to avoid “concerts” and gatherings within the next two days.

    March 9: Massively popular Russian patriotic singer Shaman performs at Crocus. That may have been the carefully chosen occasion targeted for the “nasty surprise” – as it falls only a few days before the presidential elections, from March 15 to 17. But security at Crocus was massive, so the op is postponed.

    March 22: The Crocus City Hall terror attack.

    ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms

    The Budanov connection is betrayed by the modus operandi – similar to previous Ukraine intel terror attacks against Daria Dugina and Vladimir Tatarsky: close reconnaissance for days, even weeks; the hit; and then a dash for the border.

    And that brings us to the Tajik connection.

    There seem to be holes aplenty in the narrative concocted by the ragged bunch turned mass killers: following an Islamist preacher on Telegram; offered what was later established as a puny 500 thousand rubles (roughly $4,500) for the four of them to shoot random people in a concert hall; sent half of the funds via Telegram; directed to a weapons cache where they find AK-12s and hand grenades.

    The videos show that they used the machine guns like pros; shots were accurate, short bursts or single fire; no panic whatsoever; effective use of hand grenades; fleeing the scene in a flash, just melting away, almost in time to catch the “window” that would take them across the border to Ukraine.

    All that takes training. And that also applies to facing nasty counter-interrogation. Still, the FSB seems to have broken them all – quite literally.

    A potential handler has surfaced, named Abdullo Buriyev. Turkish intel had earlier identified him as a handler for ISIS-K, or Wilayat Khorasan in Afghanistan. One of the members of the Crocus commando told the FSB their “acquaintance” Abdullo helped them to buy the car for the op.

    And that leads us to the massive can of worms to end them all: ISIS-K.

    The alleged emir of ISIS-K, since 2020, is an Afghan Tajik, Sanaullah Ghafari. He was not killed in Afghanistan in June 2023, as the Americans were spinning: he may be currently holed up in Balochistan in Pakistan.

    Yet the real person of interest here is not Tajik Ghafari but Chechen Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, the former leader of the jihadi outfit Ajnad al-Kavkaz (“Soldiers of the Caucasus”), who was fighting against the government in Damascus in Idlib and then escaped to Ukraine because of a crackdown by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – in another one of those classic inter-jihadi squabbles.

    Shishani was spotted on the border near Belgorod during the recent attack concocted by Ukrainian intel inside Russia. Call it another vector of the “nasty surprises”.

    Shishani had been in Ukraine for over two years and has acquired citizenship. He is in fact the sterling connection between the nasty motley crue Idlib gangs in Syria and GUR in Kiev – as his Chechens worked closely with Jabhat al-Nusra, which was virtually indistinguishable from ISIS.

    Shishani, fiercely anti-Assad, anti-Putin and anti-Kadyrov, is the classic “moderate rebel” advertised for years as a “freedom fighter” by the CIA and the Pentagon.

    Some of the four hapless Tajiks seem to have followed ideological/religious indoctrination on the internet dispensed by Wilayat Khorasan, or ISIS-K, in a chat room called Rahnamo ba Khuroson.

    The indoctrination game happened to be supervised by a Tajik, Salmon Khurosoni. He’s the guy who made the first move to recruit the commando. Khurosoni is arguably a messenger between ISIS-K and the CIA.

    The problem is the ISIS-K modus operandi for any attack never features a fistful of dollars: the promise is Paradise via martyrdom. Yet in this case it seems it’s Khurosoni himself who has approved the 500 thousand ruble reward.

    After handler Buriyev relayed the instructions, the commando sent the bayat – the ISIS pledge of allegiance – to Khurosoni. Ukraine may not have been their final destination. Another foreign intel connection – not identified by FSB sources – would have sent them to Turkey, and then Afghanistan.

    That’s exactly where Khurosoni is to be found. Khurosoni may have been the ideological mastermind of Crocus. But, crucially, he’s not the client.

    The Ukrainian love affair with terror gangs

    Ukrainian intel, SBU and GUR, have been using the “Islamic” terror galaxy as they please since the first Chechnya war in the mid-1990s. Milley and Nuland of course knew it, as there were serious rifts in the past, for instance, between GUR and the CIA.

    Following the symbiosis of any Ukrainian government post-1991 with assorted terror/jihadi outfits, Kiev post-Maidan turbo-charged these connections especially with Idlib gangs, as well as north Caucasus outfits, from the Chechen Shishani to ISIS in Syria and then ISIS-K. GUR routinely aims to recruit ISIS and ISIS-K denizens via online chat rooms. Exactly the modus operandi that led to Crocus.

    One “Azan” association, founded in 2017 by Anvar Derkach, a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir, actually facilitates terrorist life in Ukraine, Tatars from Crimea included – from lodging to juridical assistance.

    The FSB investigation is establishing a trail: Crocus was planned by pros – and certainly not by a bunch of low-IQ Tajik dregs. Not by ISIS-K, but by GUR. A classic false flag, with the clueless Tajiks under the impression that they were working for ISIS-K.

    The FSB investigation is also unveiling the standard modus operandi of online terror, everywhere. A recruiter focuses on a specific profile; adapts himself to the candidate, especially his – low – IQ; provides him with the minimum necessary for a job; then the candidate/executor become disposable.

    Everyone in Russia remembers that during the first attack on the Crimea bridge, the driver of the kamikaze truck was blissfully unaware of what he was carrying,

    As for ISIS, everyone seriously following West Asia knows that’s a gigantic diversionist scam, complete with the Americans transferring ISIS operatives from the Al-Tanf base to the eastern Euphrates, and then to Afghanistan after the Hegemon’s humiliating “withdrawal”. Project ISIS-K actually started in 2021, after it became pointless to use ISIS goons imported from Syria to block the relentless progress of the Taliban.

    Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

    The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

    But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

    The case of the CIA flying “black” helicopters to extract jihadists from Syria and drop them in Afghanistan is more like an exception – in terms of direct contact – than the norm. So the FSB and the Kremlin will be very careful when it comes to directly accusing the CIA and MI6 of managing these networks.

    But even with plausible deniability, the Crocus investigation seems to be leading exactly to where Moscow wants it: uncovering the crucial middleman. And everything seems to be pointing to Budanov and his goons.

    Ramzan Kadyrov dropped an extra clue. He said the Crocus “curators” chose on purpose to instrumentalize elements of an ethnic minority – Tajiks – who barely speak Russian to open up new wounds in a multinational nation where dozens of ethnicities live side by side for centuries.

    In the end, it didn’t work. The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @sudden death, @Dmitry

    In order to balance out and avoid tunnel vision/one sidedness, this needs to be added here too:

    Russia knew in advance about the preparation of a terrorist operation in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, but allowed it due to either a “fight of towers” or an underestimation of the scale of what could happen, said the head of the main intelligence department at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Kirill Budanov.

    “At a minimum, on February 15, 2024, Russia knew about the preparations. I’ll tell you more, this information went through the group’s intelligence department in Syria. From there it went to Moscow. And let them not tell tales that in a strange way it all materialized out of nowhere,” – said Kirill Budanov during the Third International Forum on Strategic Communications.

    According to him, Russia knew where the combat groups would come from, through which the two countries they moved to the territory of the aggressor state.

    “Why they allowed this to hatpen – there are several options. The first is, as is their custom, a fight between the “towers” in order to remove several officials now. The other option is that they actually underestimated the scale of what would happen. They thought that it would be more local, and they wanted to blame it all over Ukraine,” noted the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

    According to him, the Kremlin has already changed the version of what happened in the shopping center near Moscow three times, trying to somehow link the so-called “Ukrainian trace” to the terrorist attack.
    “There were explanations from Patrushev and Bortnikov, who accused me personally and that Ukraine did all this. This is nonsense. By the way, if we touched on this painful issue, even though this is the enemy, I do not approve in principle of terrorist acts against civilians,” – said the head of intelligence.

    Budanov added that Russia itself sowed chaos and confidently believed that it could control it.

    “There is such a stable expression, even a truth. It always works among special services: everyone is trying to create controlled chaos. Absolutely all more or less serious organizations tried to do this at different times. And the axiom is that none of them was able to do it make it controlled. The same thing happened here,” summed up the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @sudden death

    In order to balance out and avoid tunnel vision/one sidedness, this needs to be added here too:

    Reminded of US Intel aware of an impending terror attack prior to 9/11. Ditto Pearl Harbor 1941.

    Having prior warning of something happening, but not exactly where and when doesn't by default put the onus on the party getting attacked. The warning the US gave was for a 48 hour period prior to the Russian election. According to Russian sources, there was beefed up security during that period.

  257. @Mr. XYZ

    When you made that phone call. I hope that’s water under the bridge.


    It was two phone calls, actually. Followed by another two phone calls deeply apologizing for what I did.

    And Yes, thankfully it does appear to be water under the bridge. :) Around three months have already passed since then, after all, and still no trouble, thankfully!

    I agree, it’s better to avoid needless fights. One can get seriously hurt. I just wanted you to be able to defend yourself.


    Yes, I get that. But I don't think that I was anywhere near as strong as he was and when you're dealing with someone who's both crazy and unstable, even defending oneself might be risky, especially--again--given the strength difference between us.

    Replies: @LatW


    when you’re dealing with someone who’s both crazy and unstable, even defending oneself might be risky, especially–again–given the strength difference between us.

    It’s ok, you did the right thing, one should be able to fight, but if the risk is too high to get hurt, absolutely avoid it. Most Latvian dudes deescalate, even if they are quite tall and strong. Because it’s the right thing to do.

  258. @LatW

    and of course your Balt PM’s openly calling for an all-out war with Russia
    They are not calling for an "all out war" but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine. It's a common opinion in all of Europe. Ukraine is not Russia. If there is going to be a large war, then it is better that it is fought there - yes, it sounds terrible, but that might be the reality at some point in the future. Of course, there is still hope it will not happen, but it's better to be ready than rely on hopes. Given the unraveling of frozen conflicts across the whole globe due to the loss of the world hegemon, it is a very dangerous moment for the war to spread. If they ever come into the Baltics, they will be beaten.

    If you want to find mad “opinion makers” there are plenty on your side.
    I do not speak for Lindsay Graham (his recent stances are quite pro-Trumpian vis a vis foreign policy).

    But nobody in the Baltics ever talks about how we're entitled to their land or to rule over them or try to control their territory, yet they talk that way all the time - these are people who were themselves emancipated relatively recently, historically speaking, and had no power even over their own lives. And they are not on average superior, yet some of them pretend they are (those of them who do not have an attitude, we have no issues with - we were living quite ok before 2014). It's just entitlement and that kind of thinking and claiming that other countries are "fake and gay" leads to children in rubble. There is a direct line there.

    You add the mysterious “ISIS-X” and you may have something…
    Actually, this ones is interesting. Remains to be seen what will happen and if there will be any other attacks by this Khorasan (apparently they have small cells inside of RusFed). If this is just the beginning and they do start fighting RusFed, then essentially a second front has been opened for RusFed. Hard to say yet.

    Your desperate attempt to separate from the “Horde” doesn’t work – you are in the Horde and always will be…
    Absolutely not, you're making a huge mistake there. There is a clear distinction. Lithuania fought the Horde quite well. You missed my point. We are not internationalists, but they are. We are not Eurasianist or Eurasian, but they are. Just look at their army - already in my dad's time, they had plenty of Asians in it. I have nothing against these peoples, some of them are victims and used. But this is a fact. Look who they are adding to their army now - all kinds of mercenaries from Asia and Africa. That's actually quite cowardly. They have also begun to display brutality that was not characteristic of them in my life time (except in Chechnya and very recently in Syria). I'm not claiming thats "Asiatic" as you say, that's their own nature. My point was that Ukraine alone is fighting all these different peoples.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are a lot better looking.
    I was talking about something else. You revealed your own attitude to those East of yourself. You were not talking about Poles and Czechs but Ukrainians and Russians (even though Russians are ofc übermenschen to you that you hold in special status - they can't do no wrong in your book). I know exactly what you were talking about, you gave yourself away. You don't want to live that kind of a life and consider it inferior.

    But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them
    Most Balts are not loud (I'm an exception as I'm way more extrovert than typical). Most Balts are very subdued, quiet, dress in earth tones. They differ from Russians who are louder and more extravert. I'm not saying this to differentiate, I'm saying it because it's true. We are Western Christians, they are Orthodox. That's a big difference. Even some of our own Russians differ from the ones over in RusFed.

    You lie and exaggerate about the past ills
    Not really, I do not ever lie. I fight against lies about my country and Ukraine. I simply add those things which you choose to leave out. That there were a few talented Soviet Latvian writers (whom I read as a kid and was able to distinguish easily from ideology and normal prose), doesn't mean that a large body of classic Latvian culture was not canceled or suppressed.

    I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.
    You are funny. One minute you say that Balts are an ancient IE culture (which they are), the next you write the above - listen, I really don't care if you, some random person on an obscure website, consider me Euro, it is absurd. I don't answer to you and don't have to prove my "Europeanness", I love my culture as it is and don't need your approval. We have a specific situation there. That was pushed on us artificially by alien powers and we have handled it - maybe not ideally, but somewhat bearably.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    Actually, this ones is interesting. Remains to be seen what will happen and if there will be any other attacks by this Khorasan (apparently they have small cells inside of RusFed). If this is just the beginning and they do start fighting RusFed, then essentially a second front has been opened for RusFed. Hard to say yet.

    There’s a radical hypothesis that I and my family members discussed that ISIS-K actually wants Russia to expel its Central Asian Muslims so that ISIS-K could subsequently get huge numbers of them as recruits when they will inevitably have nothing better to do in Central Asia. Then, ISIS-K could use these new recruits of its to build a secret army that will (in its view) hopefully allow it to eventually overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan and thus take over Afghanistan for itself.

    It’s a crazy hypothesis, and we made it up, but it does have an aura of plausibility to it. I think that ISIS-K would really enjoy ruling over Afghanistan in place of the Taliban, after all. Even in such a scenario, it’s unclear that the West would actually be willing to go to war in Afghanistan again.

    I’m unsure that ISIS-K would actually be able to get enough Central Asians to join it even in such a scenario, though, since they might be severely pissed at ISIS-K for getting them expelled en masse from Russia in the first place in such a scenario. But maybe their newly-found hate for Russia will make ISIS-K a useful ally of convenience for some of them, albeit an extremely repulsive one? ISIS-K can at least promise them better lives if it will ever succeed in taking over Afghanistan from the Taliban, after all. Plenty of booty to loot in such a scenario.

  259. @Mikhail
    ISIS-K, Connecting the Dots

    Let’s start with the possible chain of events that may have led to the Crocus terror attack. This is as explosive as it gets. Intel sources in Moscow discreetly confirm this is one of the FSB’s prime lines of investigation.

    December 4, 2023. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, only 3 months after his retirement, tells CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night (…) You gotta get back there and create a campaign behind the lines.”

    January 4, 2024: In an interview with ABC News, “spy chief” Kyrylo Budanov lays down the road map: strikes “deeper and deeper” into Russia.

    January 31: Victoria Nuland travels to Kiev and meets Budanov. Then, in a dodgy press conference at night in the middle of an empty street, she promises “nasty surprises” to Putin: code for asymmetric war.

    February 22: Nuland shows up at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event and doubles down on the “nasty surprises” and asymmetric war. That may be interpreted as the definitive signal for Budanov to start deploying dirty ops.

    February 25: The New York Times publishes a story about CIA cells in Ukraine: nothing that Russian intel does not already know.

    Then, a lull until March 5 – when crucial shadow play may have been in effect. Privileged scenario: Nuland was a key dirty ops plotter alongside the CIA and the Ukrainian GUR (Budanov). Rival Deep State factions got hold of it and maneuvered to “terminate” her one way or another – because Russian intel would have inevitably connected the dots.

    Yet Nuland, in fact, is not “retired” yet; she’s still presented as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and showed up recently in Rome for a G7-related meeting, although her new job, in theory, seems to be at Columbia University (a Hillary Clinton maneuver).

    Meanwhile, the assets for a major “nasty surprise” are already in place, in the dark, and totally off radar. The op cannot be called off.

    March 5: Little Blinken formally announces Nuland’s “retirement”.

    March 7: At least one Tajik among the four-member terror commando visits the Crocus venue and has his photo taken.

    March 7-8 at night: U.S. and British embassies simultaneously announce a possible terror attack on Moscow, telling their nationals to avoid “concerts” and gatherings within the next two days.

    March 9: Massively popular Russian patriotic singer Shaman performs at Crocus. That may have been the carefully chosen occasion targeted for the “nasty surprise” – as it falls only a few days before the presidential elections, from March 15 to 17. But security at Crocus was massive, so the op is postponed.

    March 22: The Crocus City Hall terror attack.

    ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms

    The Budanov connection is betrayed by the modus operandi – similar to previous Ukraine intel terror attacks against Daria Dugina and Vladimir Tatarsky: close reconnaissance for days, even weeks; the hit; and then a dash for the border.

    And that brings us to the Tajik connection.

    There seem to be holes aplenty in the narrative concocted by the ragged bunch turned mass killers: following an Islamist preacher on Telegram; offered what was later established as a puny 500 thousand rubles (roughly $4,500) for the four of them to shoot random people in a concert hall; sent half of the funds via Telegram; directed to a weapons cache where they find AK-12s and hand grenades.

    The videos show that they used the machine guns like pros; shots were accurate, short bursts or single fire; no panic whatsoever; effective use of hand grenades; fleeing the scene in a flash, just melting away, almost in time to catch the “window” that would take them across the border to Ukraine.

    All that takes training. And that also applies to facing nasty counter-interrogation. Still, the FSB seems to have broken them all – quite literally.

    A potential handler has surfaced, named Abdullo Buriyev. Turkish intel had earlier identified him as a handler for ISIS-K, or Wilayat Khorasan in Afghanistan. One of the members of the Crocus commando told the FSB their “acquaintance” Abdullo helped them to buy the car for the op.

    And that leads us to the massive can of worms to end them all: ISIS-K.

    The alleged emir of ISIS-K, since 2020, is an Afghan Tajik, Sanaullah Ghafari. He was not killed in Afghanistan in June 2023, as the Americans were spinning: he may be currently holed up in Balochistan in Pakistan.

    Yet the real person of interest here is not Tajik Ghafari but Chechen Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, the former leader of the jihadi outfit Ajnad al-Kavkaz (“Soldiers of the Caucasus”), who was fighting against the government in Damascus in Idlib and then escaped to Ukraine because of a crackdown by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – in another one of those classic inter-jihadi squabbles.

    Shishani was spotted on the border near Belgorod during the recent attack concocted by Ukrainian intel inside Russia. Call it another vector of the “nasty surprises”.

    Shishani had been in Ukraine for over two years and has acquired citizenship. He is in fact the sterling connection between the nasty motley crue Idlib gangs in Syria and GUR in Kiev – as his Chechens worked closely with Jabhat al-Nusra, which was virtually indistinguishable from ISIS.

    Shishani, fiercely anti-Assad, anti-Putin and anti-Kadyrov, is the classic “moderate rebel” advertised for years as a “freedom fighter” by the CIA and the Pentagon.

    Some of the four hapless Tajiks seem to have followed ideological/religious indoctrination on the internet dispensed by Wilayat Khorasan, or ISIS-K, in a chat room called Rahnamo ba Khuroson.

    The indoctrination game happened to be supervised by a Tajik, Salmon Khurosoni. He’s the guy who made the first move to recruit the commando. Khurosoni is arguably a messenger between ISIS-K and the CIA.

    The problem is the ISIS-K modus operandi for any attack never features a fistful of dollars: the promise is Paradise via martyrdom. Yet in this case it seems it’s Khurosoni himself who has approved the 500 thousand ruble reward.

    After handler Buriyev relayed the instructions, the commando sent the bayat – the ISIS pledge of allegiance – to Khurosoni. Ukraine may not have been their final destination. Another foreign intel connection – not identified by FSB sources – would have sent them to Turkey, and then Afghanistan.

    That’s exactly where Khurosoni is to be found. Khurosoni may have been the ideological mastermind of Crocus. But, crucially, he’s not the client.

    The Ukrainian love affair with terror gangs

    Ukrainian intel, SBU and GUR, have been using the “Islamic” terror galaxy as they please since the first Chechnya war in the mid-1990s. Milley and Nuland of course knew it, as there were serious rifts in the past, for instance, between GUR and the CIA.

    Following the symbiosis of any Ukrainian government post-1991 with assorted terror/jihadi outfits, Kiev post-Maidan turbo-charged these connections especially with Idlib gangs, as well as north Caucasus outfits, from the Chechen Shishani to ISIS in Syria and then ISIS-K. GUR routinely aims to recruit ISIS and ISIS-K denizens via online chat rooms. Exactly the modus operandi that led to Crocus.

    One “Azan” association, founded in 2017 by Anvar Derkach, a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir, actually facilitates terrorist life in Ukraine, Tatars from Crimea included – from lodging to juridical assistance.

    The FSB investigation is establishing a trail: Crocus was planned by pros – and certainly not by a bunch of low-IQ Tajik dregs. Not by ISIS-K, but by GUR. A classic false flag, with the clueless Tajiks under the impression that they were working for ISIS-K.

    The FSB investigation is also unveiling the standard modus operandi of online terror, everywhere. A recruiter focuses on a specific profile; adapts himself to the candidate, especially his – low – IQ; provides him with the minimum necessary for a job; then the candidate/executor become disposable.

    Everyone in Russia remembers that during the first attack on the Crimea bridge, the driver of the kamikaze truck was blissfully unaware of what he was carrying,

    As for ISIS, everyone seriously following West Asia knows that’s a gigantic diversionist scam, complete with the Americans transferring ISIS operatives from the Al-Tanf base to the eastern Euphrates, and then to Afghanistan after the Hegemon’s humiliating “withdrawal”. Project ISIS-K actually started in 2021, after it became pointless to use ISIS goons imported from Syria to block the relentless progress of the Taliban.

    Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

    The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

    But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

    The case of the CIA flying “black” helicopters to extract jihadists from Syria and drop them in Afghanistan is more like an exception – in terms of direct contact – than the norm. So the FSB and the Kremlin will be very careful when it comes to directly accusing the CIA and MI6 of managing these networks.

    But even with plausible deniability, the Crocus investigation seems to be leading exactly to where Moscow wants it: uncovering the crucial middleman. And everything seems to be pointing to Budanov and his goons.

    Ramzan Kadyrov dropped an extra clue. He said the Crocus “curators” chose on purpose to instrumentalize elements of an ethnic minority – Tajiks – who barely speak Russian to open up new wounds in a multinational nation where dozens of ethnicities live side by side for centuries.

    In the end, it didn’t work. The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @sudden death, @Dmitry

    March 9: Shaman performs at Crocus.

    The date is incorrect. I posted the concert for International Women’s Day in the thread already. This concert was for International Women’s Day. This is the 8th of March, not the 9th of March.

    Shaman was one of the less famous novice singers. There was Kirkorov, Leps, Gazmanov, Gagarina and Baskov who are the people which Ukraine sanctions and wants to prosecute. There were also Bilan, Lazarev. It was a return for Kirkorov for the first channel after he was banned for a couple months for being in a semi-naked party with some other celebrities.

    8th of March in Crocus City Hall was a famous concert for the media, because it was the return of Kirkorov to the first channel. I explained it there.

    Kirkorov was banned from New Year’s Eve. He was the heart of the New Year’s blue light show for the last decade, before those days when people like Zelensky were more important. So, on the 8th of March at Crocus City Hall, he was returning from an important ban. Shaman was not the main part of the concert.

    In Kirkorov missing New Year Eve, singer Sergey Lazarev started to look a bit like Zelensky for me? Lol, you can never know, which celebrities will be our next leader.

    10 years ago he was just opening champagne to Maxim Galkin and Vladimir Zelensky.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    In Kirkorov missing New Year Eve, singer Sergey Lazarev started to look a bit like Zelensky for me? Lol, you can never know, which celebrities will be our next leader.

    At 1:45 there is Zhasmin (Jasmin), the wife of Moldova's oligarch Shor, who Moldova said has stolen 12% of national GDP.

    After 2022, America says Moscow is viewing Shor almost like an exiled king of Moldova. Well, at least it seemed Jasmin is performing more than before on the first channel.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  260. @Dmitry

    March 9: Shaman performs at Crocus.


    The date is incorrect. I posted the concert for International Women's Day in the thread already. This concert was for International Women's Day. This is the 8th of March, not the 9th of March.

    Shaman was one of the less famous novice singers. There was Kirkorov, Leps, Gazmanov, Gagarina and Baskov who are the people which Ukraine sanctions and wants to prosecute. There were also Bilan, Lazarev. It was a return for Kirkorov for the first channel after he was banned for a couple months for being in a semi-naked party with some other celebrities.

    8th of March in Crocus City Hall was a famous concert for the media, because it was the return of Kirkorov to the first channel. I explained it there.


    Kirkorov was banned from New Year's Eve. He was the heart of the New Year's blue light show for the last decade, before those days when people like Zelensky were more important. So, on the 8th of March at Crocus City Hall, he was returning from an important ban. Shaman was not the main part of the concert.


    In Kirkorov missing New Year Eve, singer Sergey Lazarev started to look a bit like Zelensky for me? Lol, you can never know, which celebrities will be our next leader. -

    10 years ago he was just opening champagne to Maxim Galkin and Vladimir Zelensky.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    In Kirkorov missing New Year Eve, singer Sergey Lazarev started to look a bit like Zelensky for me? Lol, you can never know, which celebrities will be our next leader.

    At 1:45 there is Zhasmin (Jasmin), the wife of Moldova’s oligarch Shor, who Moldova said has stolen 12% of national GDP.

    After 2022, America says Moscow is viewing Shor almost like an exiled king of Moldova. Well, at least it seemed Jasmin is performing more than before on the first channel.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    At 1:45 there is Zhasmin (Jasmin), the wife of Moldova’s oligarch Shor, who Moldova said has stolen 12% of national GDP.
    Actually I think that is a very similar also not-so famous singer Zara.


    Shor's wife with Emin, the owner of Crocus City Hall, father of Aliev's grandchildren, who accidentally caused part of the Trump-Russia conspiracy by hosting Miss Universe 2013 in his hall with Trump.

  261. @Dmitry

    In Kirkorov missing New Year Eve, singer Sergey Lazarev started to look a bit like Zelensky for me? Lol, you can never know, which celebrities will be our next leader.

    At 1:45 there is Zhasmin (Jasmin), the wife of Moldova's oligarch Shor, who Moldova said has stolen 12% of national GDP.

    After 2022, America says Moscow is viewing Shor almost like an exiled king of Moldova. Well, at least it seemed Jasmin is performing more than before on the first channel.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    At 1:45 there is Zhasmin (Jasmin), the wife of Moldova’s oligarch Shor, who Moldova said has stolen 12% of national GDP.

    Actually I think that is a very similar also not-so famous singer Zara.

    Shor’s wife with Emin, the owner of Crocus City Hall, father of Aliev’s grandchildren, who accidentally caused part of the Trump-Russia conspiracy by hosting Miss Universe 2013 in his hall with Trump.

  262. France has a budget deficit of 7 percent but wants to fund a European army to fight Russia.

    How is that supposed to work?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Russia is quickly losing the means to support its war effort in Ukraine and to continue financing much needed domestic infrastructure projects due to successful Ukrainian bombing of energy depots, processing plants (maybe even NS2). Only yesterday, India reneged on receiving Russian energy stocks.

    How is that supposed to work?

  263. @sudden death

    In order to balance out and avoid tunnel vision/one sidedness, this needs to be added here too:

    Russia knew in advance about the preparation of a terrorist operation in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, but allowed it due to either a “fight of towers” or an underestimation of the scale of what could happen, said the head of the main intelligence department at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Kirill Budanov.

    “At a minimum, on February 15, 2024, Russia knew about the preparations. I’ll tell you more, this information went through the group’s intelligence department in Syria. From there it went to Moscow. And let them not tell tales that in a strange way it all materialized out of nowhere,” - said Kirill Budanov during the Third International Forum on Strategic Communications.

    According to him, Russia knew where the combat groups would come from, through which the two countries they moved to the territory of the aggressor state.

    “Why they allowed this to hatpen - there are several options. The first is, as is their custom, a fight between the “towers” in order to remove several officials now. The other option is that they actually underestimated the scale of what would happen. They thought that it would be more local, and they wanted to blame it all over Ukraine,” noted the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

    According to him, the Kremlin has already changed the version of what happened in the shopping center near Moscow three times, trying to somehow link the so-called “Ukrainian trace” to the terrorist attack.
    “There were explanations from Patrushev and Bortnikov, who accused me personally and that Ukraine did all this. This is nonsense. By the way, if we touched on this painful issue, even though this is the enemy, I do not approve in principle of terrorist acts against civilians,” - said the head of intelligence.

    Budanov added that Russia itself sowed chaos and confidently believed that it could control it.

    “There is such a stable expression, even a truth. It always works among special services: everyone is trying to create controlled chaos. Absolutely all more or less serious organizations tried to do this at different times. And the axiom is that none of them was able to do it make it controlled. The same thing happened here,” summed up the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    In order to balance out and avoid tunnel vision/one sidedness, this needs to be added here too:

    Reminded of US Intel aware of an impending terror attack prior to 9/11. Ditto Pearl Harbor 1941.

    Having prior warning of something happening, but not exactly where and when doesn’t by default put the onus on the party getting attacked. The warning the US gave was for a 48 hour period prior to the Russian election. According to Russian sources, there was beefed up security during that period.

  264. @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    against his own people
    Equating people and government is either shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit. I would be deeply offended if someone equated me with Alzheimer-in-Chief or the scum using corrupt senile half-corpse as a puppet.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Equating people and government is either shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit.

    How so?

    The concept of a nation/state has been the driving force in the organization of humanity, at least of Europeans, during the 20th century. I realize that this is changing, but to call this concept ” shameless propaganda or a sign of severe mental deficit” is a ridiculous concept in itself.

  265. @Emil Nikola Richard

    That reads like spies dictating to Seymour Hersch.

    Are you familiar with Baudrillard Simulacra?

    Also Umberto Eco Hyperreality.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Mr. Hack

    Any important ideas that you uncovered reading Eco’s compendium of essays?

  266. @Emil Nikola Richard

    It looks like an f'n kangaroo. I wonder if it was afraid of snakes.

    Replies: @songbird

    Some say that the fear of snakes is deeply embedded in any animal that has an evolutionary history where it had some predecessor that was prey to them. Under this theory, hadrosaurs would be afraid of them, despite their size advantage.

    I tried to look up elephant and snake on YouTube and only got a joke in very bad taste.

  267. @LondonBob
    France has a budget deficit of 7 percent but wants to fund a European army to fight Russia.

    How is that supposed to work?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Russia is quickly losing the means to support its war effort in Ukraine and to continue financing much needed domestic infrastructure projects due to successful Ukrainian bombing of energy depots, processing plants (maybe even NS2). Only yesterday, India reneged on receiving Russian energy stocks.

    How is that supposed to work?

  268. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen this?

    It is long and he doesn't come right and say it but I infer from his collection of recent historical facts that the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    I would be interested in a Russian analysis of this idea. Or even better, a Chinese one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow, @Mikhail, @Gerard1234

    the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.

    Interesting, credible theory – but one I think is incorrect. It could be possible though that American-Jew elites of the 70’s Soviet diaspora are a key factor in the current SMO of Russia against NATO & 404.

    Cuban Revolution, overthrow of communist/democratically elected communist-leaning leaders in Africa & South America, Atomic bomb droppings ( the theory it was less about about casualties against Japan, and more about sending a message to USSR)…………. even a century earlier on how the Panama Canal came to be built – all these are pre-1973 examples of America ruthlessly/cynical using it’s power to maintain dominance.
    America having very tough campaigns in Korea and Vietnam I would guess as giving them the extra determination to undermine communism – though I am sure that economic co-operation actually was at its peak in the 1930’s, 70’s and 80’s .

    Irish Republicanism as a military/terrorist force completely stopped after the 2001 plane attacks on USA. i.e American Irish elites stopped something they had controlled for decades – although in fairness a political agreement was reached about 3 or 4 years before that which reduced but did not stop the terrorism). So American using any evil method for total dominance and the diasporas are the key factors in global events. With Pogrom Jews, anti-Castro Cubans, Polish lunatic scum, Hungarian WW2 diaspora, anti-communists from around the world………there was no shortage of influential diaspora in America trying to work against USSR.
    So other events such as China-US bilateral and China and USSR not having good relations, plus Egypt peace with Israel 5 years later and general western control or union with the oil rich Arab states after the oil crisis…….these are more important in my opinion.

    • Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

    China switched to USA's side against Soviets, that was the key to it going USSR going down.

    KMT China was a Soviet proxy against Japan in WWII. Japan surrendered more due to Soviet entry than the nukes, so that it allies with America against Communist bloc.

    Soviet entry and American DS support of CCP is how it win the Chinese Civil War in 1949.

    Soviets wanted a KMT-CCP stalemate and were rooting against the CCP.

    Soviets started the Korean War, when Stalin gave Kim the go ahead to invade. PRC got dragged in the Korean War, Soviets were once again rooting against the CCP and didn't give air support.

    Mao unleashed the Cultural Revolution mainly to purge the pro-Soviet factions in the CCP.

    A lot of CCP fan boys are deferential towards Russia but hates on Japan so doesn't bring this up. This account actually lampoons it brilliantly

  269. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s compensated by a smaller amount of freedom for Chechen women in regards to things such as clothing choices, though.
    There have been some changes in that regard in Chechnya recently (women dress up more and dress more liberally, not sure if they put out more), but this is not the priority for most Chechen women, at least not typically or traditionally.

    Good luck being a Chechen woman and wearing short shorts and knee socks in public.
    That's not all that valuable actually especially if you end up giving up other valuable things, and a woman can still be beautiful even without wearing short shorts in public.

    Heck, I myself got a death threat on Quora from a Muslim several years ago for simply saying that people should have the right to draw Muhammad cartoons without being arrested, jailed, or murdered for this.
    It's pretty funny how you sometimes engage in somewhat risky things. But why provoke needlessly with those Mohammad cartoons? Of course, best would be if there would be no Muslims in the West, these problems would fall off on their own. Or Westerners in Muslim countries.

    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom.
    If he was much stronger than you, it's probably a good idea that you ran away but it might be a good idea to fight back in some cases (sometimes it is needed to balance the playing field so they don't start thinking they can have the upper hand). The problem though is when they get "knifey". There has to be a way to control or fight that somehow.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird


    I also admit that once in tenth grade in school this extremely aggressive and muscular Muslim dumbass student wanted to beat the living daylights out of me for confusing him for one of my friends in the restroom.

  270. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much. You seem obsessed with them being minorities (if that) in Germany and Hungary. Since you claim you are Jewish, maybe the Jews in Izrael could accept a minority status in a Pali state. Are you ok with that? It would certainly remove the instability...

    Or is your retarded historical what-if limited to keeping any Slav as a minority? Even the Czechs, most obedient and quiet nation but you would still want them in Germany. Something odd is going on in your mind...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @AnonfromTN

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power. You dislike it strongly.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    Who do you dislike Slavs so much?

    • Disagree: Mikhail
    • LOL: LatW
    • Troll: Derer
    • Replies: @Mikhail

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.
    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder. Regardless, the collective imagery on this matter has numerous exceptions. "Muscovites" fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side
    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers. Lindsey Graham, Lloyd Austin and Mitch McConnell have said similarly to Zanny Binton Beddoes:

    “Aiding Ukraine, giving the money to Ukraine is the cheapest possible way for the U.S. to enhance its security,” Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor-in-chief of the Economist, recently told the Daily Show's Jon Stewart. “The fighting is being done by the Ukrainians, they're the people who are being killed.”
    Putin/Russia clearly gave reasonable time to seek a viable peaceful alternative.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Gerard1234

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves).
    LMAO at this deranged, idiotic lie -. Russia is literally the biggest saviour of Slavs, biggest "non-killer" of slavs and biggest saviour of Orthodox people in history - to an exponential level higher than anyone else you useless POS.

    Ukronazis in the 1940's literally killed more Poles in a few weeks (maybe) days........than Russia has killed in 400 years you dumbfuck. It's also far past stupid to call "slav-killer" those eliminating in self-defence , Polish scum (men) who were Hitler's best friend, Napoleons best friend/a$$-licker, and trying to invade and destroy Russia several times over the last 500 years..........vs Ukronazi subhumans killling and raping and burning women, children and elderly ,as part of their union with the Nazis - purely for opportunistic reasons

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..
    1. You know nothing about Slovakia, and are a known fantasist liar
    2. Slovakia literally did partner with the USSR against Nazis in WW2 you braindead cretin. Banderastan (Galicia)? LOL. Imagine what permanently cursed-in-hell scum those Ukronazis trash would have to be who decided to stay in Germany after WW2, immediately after they have just tried to eliminate you them off the planet?!
    3. Polish prostitute state has literally partnered with Anglo-Americans, Nazis, Swedes, French,Germans and Turks against Slavs, so to mass-murder them. Russia of course is the complete opposite you retard

    You are not exactly one to talk.
    Slovakia has been "saviour" to a large number of Ukrops, desperate to work there since and before the SMO. I think Beckow said he has been employing some of them. You though, LOL, in addition to being non-Ukrainian who has never been to Russia or 404 , have saved of them. Even though millions of ukrops would break their arm if it would allow them to live and work in America - and in current regulations they don't have to do this as they are allowed to come.....if they can find some Banderite dogshit ( or anyone) wanting to let them live in their house.Which you can't even do, LMAO.

    Like the cockroach you are - you do support as many Ukronazis dying as possible as part of "creating national identity" freakshow BS - that failures with evil histories can indulge in from safety of several 1000s of kms.

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.
    LMAO - an unbelievable amount of lies in 1 paragraph. Further amusing for a creep already exposed an not even knowing BASIC knowledge about European royal families. Polish EU "success" is hugely overated - certainly in comparison to Russia post-1990's success, with the second part of this fake "success" entirely from exploitation of ukronazi cheap labour - picking their fruit, wiping their asses,cleaning their toilets ....and servicing their adultery.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power.
    It was a major FAILED slavic power. One that I suspect Slovaks have near zero historical interest in.....just like the entire western world, who all haven't even heard of it.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin
    The largest saviour of Slavs after WW2 is Putin you worthless tramp. The largest killer is of course this Zelensky drug-addict/Poland/Anglo-Americans/NATO deathcult.

    LOL - as I said, to be a "Ukrainian" is to betray your family, your religion, your culture and your history.

    N.B Amusing to see a sociopathic retard as yourself ( with your 100s of sockpuppets on other blogs) use the braindead term "Muscovites".

    Amusing to see a shameless imbecile return here after the comedy of "90% voting is bad" with the total ignorance of Galician bydlo voting history, and the "Kravchuk the best anti-communist" . Unbelievable.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Frankly, the biggest mistakes that the Hapsburgs made was not implementing universal suffrage in Hungary. I've heard that Franz Ferdinand planned to do so had he lived, but even so, the situation for minorities in Hungary was very miserable for decades. AFAIK, minorities had to Magyarize if they wanted to have any kind of career advancement or professional success in pre-World War I Hungary.

    I've previously speculated whether an attempt by Franz Ferdinand to impose universal suffrage in Hungary could have trigged a new Austro-Hungarian civil war, and the answer is Yes, quite possibly. But with German support, Austria was quite likely to win it unless other foreign powers, such as Russia, directly intervened. But intervening in Hungary while Austria's new leader Franz Ferdinand (had he lived) wants to implement universal suffrage in Hungary would have looked very bad, so I have my doubts that even Russia or Serbia would actually be interested in doing this.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, in regards to the EU, you have previously said that you expect Poland and other Eastern European countries to move in Czechia's direction, but what about Western European countries? Are they going to move in Israel's/India's direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?

    Replies: @Coconuts

  271. @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    the undoing of the Soviet Union was backing the Arabs in the 1973 war. Or at the very least one of the most important factors.

    Before 1973 American Jew elites implicitly were friends of the Soviet Union.
    After 1973 American Jew elites became bent on destroying the Soviet Union.
    Interesting, credible theory - but one I think is incorrect. It could be possible though that American-Jew elites of the 70's Soviet diaspora are a key factor in the current SMO of Russia against NATO & 404.

    Cuban Revolution, overthrow of communist/democratically elected communist-leaning leaders in Africa & South America, Atomic bomb droppings ( the theory it was less about about casualties against Japan, and more about sending a message to USSR)............. even a century earlier on how the Panama Canal came to be built - all these are pre-1973 examples of America ruthlessly/cynical using it's power to maintain dominance.
    America having very tough campaigns in Korea and Vietnam I would guess as giving them the extra determination to undermine communism - though I am sure that economic co-operation actually was at its peak in the 1930's, 70's and 80's .

    Irish Republicanism as a military/terrorist force completely stopped after the 2001 plane attacks on USA. i.e American Irish elites stopped something they had controlled for decades - although in fairness a political agreement was reached about 3 or 4 years before that which reduced but did not stop the terrorism). So American using any evil method for total dominance and the diasporas are the key factors in global events. With Pogrom Jews, anti-Castro Cubans, Polish lunatic scum, Hungarian WW2 diaspora, anti-communists from around the world.........there was no shortage of influential diaspora in America trying to work against USSR.
    So other events such as China-US bilateral and China and USSR not having good relations, plus Egypt peace with Israel 5 years later and general western control or union with the oil rich Arab states after the oil crisis.......these are more important in my opinion.

    Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

    China switched to USA’s side against Soviets, that was the key to it going USSR going down.

    KMT China was a Soviet proxy against Japan in WWII. Japan surrendered more due to Soviet entry than the nukes, so that it allies with America against Communist bloc.

    Soviet entry and American DS support of CCP is how it win the Chinese Civil War in 1949.

    Soviets wanted a KMT-CCP stalemate and were rooting against the CCP.

    Soviets started the Korean War, when Stalin gave Kim the go ahead to invade. PRC got dragged in the Korean War, Soviets were once again rooting against the CCP and didn’t give air support.

    Mao unleashed the Cultural Revolution mainly to purge the pro-Soviet factions in the CCP.

    A lot of CCP fan boys are deferential towards Russia but hates on Japan so doesn’t bring this up. This account actually lampoons it brilliantly


    • Thanks: Gerard1234
  272. Battle of the Nations
    Russia United States


    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Pegula could be on her way down generally, realising that maybe won't be able to win Major tournament........but to me it appears silly to play this Miami tournament in Western Easter week, and this is the main reason no American women in the tournament still, or Swiatek - as they want to relax over their holiday period.

    There are alot of world class players from Orthodox countries (Zverev is ethnic Russian, could be Orthodox) , but looking at the players still in the tournament, majority are Orthodox except this new Hungarian kid, and Alcaraz who has not won much since Wimbledon last year, i.e both are very eager to do well. Everyone else wanting to enjoy their holiday!

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  273. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much. You seem obsessed with them being minorities (if that) in Germany and Hungary. Since you claim you are Jewish, maybe the Jews in Izrael could accept a minority status in a Pali state. Are you ok with that? It would certainly remove the instability...

    Or is your retarded historical what-if limited to keeping any Slav as a minority? Even the Czechs, most obedient and quiet nation but you would still want them in Germany. Something odd is going on in your mind...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @AnonfromTN

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much.

    You keep talking to someone who is not worth talking too. That’s your problem, though, none of my business.

    My two cents about Slavs. Slavs of any nationality are as different as people of any other nation, ranging from despicable scum to those who deserve admiration. Just a few examples. Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov were Slavs. These are in the scum category. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Smetana, Zelenka, and Tchaikovsky were also Slavs. These are the people to be proud of. The majority of Slavs, like the majority of all people, is somewhere in between.

    As to Slavic nations, most are relatively small. Some are OK with that and retain sanity, some suffer from inferiority complex. Only two Slavic states ever rose to a great power status: Poland (under the name of Rzeczpospolita) and Russia (under various names). Poland overstretched itself, tried to compete with Russia, and fell into insignificance. Some Poles are still smarting, consumed with inferiority complex. That’s their problem. Russian empire and later the USSR did a lot to help smaller Slavic nations (e.g., Russian empire with great sacrifice liberated Bulgaria from Turkish occupation, the USSR invested a lot of people and treasure into numerous Eastern European Slavic states). Subsequent history showed that no good deed ever goes unpunished.

    The RF apparently learned from the mistakes of the Russian Empire and the USSR. It defends its interests, its help to other states is strictly determined by the interests of the RF. It does not treat Slavs preferentially: Syrians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, the population of Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, or North Koreans are certainly not Slavs. From my POV this is sane and rational policy devoid of romantic stupidity.

    • Agree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Beckow
    @AnonfromTN good deed ever goes unpunished.
    When the good deed is to save them from extermination or from total subservience and assimilation the resulting ingratitude is too cosmic. That can't stand and is true about Poles in WW2 and Bulgars in Ottoman Empire. For the others less so, but Czechs and Slovenes would not exist today without Russian help and sacrifice.

    I understand your viewpoint and it is inevitable that the repeated betrayals by the smaller Slav nations led to it. The posturing and hatreds of anything "Russian" in Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria... will have very bad consequences. It dramatically weakens them - they are already small, poorer, and exposed to Western domination.

    It is not universal in any of those countries (well, maybe in Poland - you description of them is spot on). In Czechia the Russophobia is concentrated in Prague and among the cultural elite. Same in the other countries. But in general at least half of the population disagrees - the most common attitude is neutrality, and that in today's emotional situation speaks for itself.

    It is too bad and weakens all of us, divide et vince, right? It looks irreversible.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    , @Mikhail

    Point well taken on refraining from collective imagery of a given group.

    Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov are different. The first two led a movement which was especially gruesome in its activity. Those most fond of them come across as bigots.

    Pilsudski's Machiavellian action during the Russian Civil War helped pave the way for the dreaded Commie expansion.

    The mass deaths resulting from Polish internment following WW I are another negative. Within reason, it could be said that Pilsudski didn't see the long term manner of his diplomatic double dealing, along with Poland losing control over the humanitarian debacle of the tens of thousands they interned during a war time situation.

    Following Polish independence, Pilsudski's stance on minority rights wasn't as bad as some other Polish officials.

    Concerning Vlasov:

    The Russian based SCF venue where this initially appeared doesn't cater to anti-Russian propaganda. Operating out of the present Kiev regime controlled Ukraine, the modern day "Russian Volunteer Corps" aren't a contemporary version of Vlasov. Vlasov wasn't committed to Nazi ideology and wasn't known to have gotten along with the OUN/UPA and vice versa.

    Replies: @LatW

  274. @Mr. XYZ

    I simply flirted with an alternate history scenario in which A-H collapses in a different manner without a World War. Frankly, I am quite fine with an alternate history scenario in which A-H gets partitioned similarly to real life, except with Russia avoiding Communism and annexing eastern Galicia after the end of World War I in place of Poland. I just think that the price--a World War--to secure Austria-Hungary's partition in real life was too high.

    And BTW, I am only 1/4 Jewish. I am 3/4 Eastern Slavic. Which is still good enough for immigration rights to Israel if I wasn't already an Israeli citizen due to me being born there.

    As for a Palestinian right of return, I was open to the idea in the past, began having significant doubts about it due to the fear of Palestinians discriminating against Jews sooner or later in any one-state solution, and concluded that this idea was completely unrealistic after October 7.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …the price–a World War–to secure Austria-Hungary’s partition in real life was too high.

    Yes, it was. If Germans and Magyars who dominated A-H had more brains and better elites they could had avoided WW1 by giving to the other nations in A-H normal rights. The others were more than 50% of A-H, it was a non-brainer.

    But as we see in Ukraine, Baltic, Izrael it is hard for the self-appointed special people to do it. But they don’t and instead come up with all kinds of reasons why they can’t: the “Horde” is coming or Oct 7…Well, s..t happens and people eventually fight back. So due to its own narcissistic stupidity A-H eventually got WW1, lost it, and the special nations – Germans, Magyars – were much worse off. There is a lesson there somewhere…

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    One could just as easily argue that just like Austria-Hungary's demise was paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Russian Serbia and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome, it's entirely possible that the Putin regime's demise will be paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Western Ukraine and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome.

    If Russia has a right to be paranoid about NATO, then surely Austria-Hungary had a right to be paranoid about Russia and Serbia, no?

    The fact that Hungary treated its Slavs and Romanians like total crap (other than perhaps the Croats) was a huge mistake. Austria treated its own Slavs much better but still not enough to prevent its own disintegration. Germany and Prussia also made a huge blunder in mistreating their own Poles, et cetera. Poles in Germany/Prussia consistently voted for opposition parties in the northern Polish Corridor and Posen Province.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow

  275. @sudden death

    That’s people crossing the border, people crossing the border, each time counted, not the actual number of individual people who have come into Russia
    Knowing you as being not a serial, but straight out pathological liar here, who can't stop lying even knowing that he will be quickly be caught, no surprise that this time isn't any exception again, lol

    That column with numbers is called "Quantity of facts about inclusions into migrationary registry of foreign nationals and persons without citizenship'" in RF and those are immigrant individuals counted, but not their border crossings. Citizens of different countries have differing terms for such mandatory inclusion in RF migrationary registry, eg:

    We remind you that when entering the Russian Federation, visa-free foreign citizens are required to register with migration authorities within 7 working days from the date of entry.

    Citizens of Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan need to register for migration within 30 days from the date of arrival.

    Citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – within 15 days.

    Within 90 days, citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, as well as the LPR and DPR must register for migration.

    So those foreign nationals who are crossing the border for visiting just for several days or even more (depending on a specific country) don't have to be included into such migrationary registry.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Knowing you as being not a serial, but straight out pathological liar here, who can’t stop lying even knowing that he will be quickly be caught, no surprise that this time isn’t any exception again, lol

    LMAO – stop projecting again you despicable slimebag.
    It’s very simple – Russian population did not increase by 10 million central Asians in 2022 you idiot. About 3-4 million different INDIVIDUAL people came to Russia (not including from Ukraine of course) – and from those numbers they entered the country about 3 or 4 times during the year, as you would expect . i.e – exactly as I wr0te.
    80-90%+ of them are here for work for extensive periods (i.e more than 15 days)

    Numbers are still far from pre-coronavirus levels that would be something like 17-20 million registrations covering a much smaller number of millions entering .

    So is a thick idiot as yourself trying to say that in 2018 plus 2022 – the Russian population increased from 144 million to 144+ 10+ 17 million central asians to 171 million???!!!!!!! Useless cretin.

    Bilateral with Gruzia has always not been good, but it was particularly bad with Saakashvili, throughout the 30 years Gruzia has been a key route of escape/entry for Chechen terrorists. Central Asia has many muslims, many young men, except Kazakhstan they don’t have wealth……… in addition to wanting the cheap labour issue – because of the example of Gruzia with North Caucasus terrorists, because of radicalism caused by US dogs invasion of Afghanistan and CIA attempts also to instigate radicalism fused together also by natural post-sovietism/nationalism, and because the leaders of these countries are concerned at not being able to provide enough jobs for these young men who could be susceptible to terrorism or generally problematic……….in bilateral interest of Russia and the central asian countries there is these migration policies you dumbfuck.

    So the migration policy of authorities has zero “multi-cultural” element to it, and does have a security context to it – clearly with what has happened in Krasnogorsk the security context looks irrelevant, but it is there. That is different to the west where the mass migration has zero security element to it, plenty of “multi-cultural” to it, and a higher proportion of cheap labour

    And obviously, because of start of SMO and immediate devaluation of currency – plenty of the Uzbeks and Tajiks returned to their country, before coming back again and thus multiplying the entry number into RF you dumb prick.

    • Thanks: QCIC
    • Replies: @sudden death

    Later will have to to find the data for the previous years, but very charitably for a short while taking all the claims at face value we get rather interesting contrast on the ground level - allegedly post-Covid reduced numbers of migration somehow are resulting in record breaking attendances of muslim religious festivities in RF;)


    Eid al-Fitr became record breaking for St. Petersburg

    Today, the holy holiday of Muslims was visited by 383 thousand people – this is a record number of participants in recent years. This was stated by the clergyman of the Cathedral Mosque Adam Rashidov to the Prigozhin owned newspaper “Nevskiye Novosti”.

    According to him, only about 200 thousand believers came to the main mosque on the Petrograd side, and the announced figure is the total attendance of all mosques in St. Petersburg. Rashidov noted that there are not enough mosques in the Leningrad region, so many people go from the region to the city, but even here the Cathedral Mosque cannot accommodate everyone.

    You can appreciate the scale of Eid al-Fitr near the Cathedral Mosque in the photo of Alexei Polyakov, who captured the holiday from a drone.

    That is already 7 percent out of all current 2nd largest RF city population going out to mosque these days and those were only just male muslims who were doing that day, females were not allowed, but they do exist too.

    Replies: @sudden death

  276. @Emil Nikola Richard
    Battle of the Nations
    Russia United States

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Pegula could be on her way down generally, realising that maybe won’t be able to win Major tournament……..but to me it appears silly to play this Miami tournament in Western Easter week, and this is the main reason no American women in the tournament still, or Swiatek – as they want to relax over their holiday period.

    There are alot of world class players from Orthodox countries (Zverev is ethnic Russian, could be Orthodox) , but looking at the players still in the tournament, majority are Orthodox except this new Hungarian kid, and Alcaraz who has not won much since Wimbledon last year, i.e both are very eager to do well. Everyone else wanting to enjoy their holiday!

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Maybe. The impression I get is the top competitors take a day off only when their brutal training schedule allows. So they work like they are in the gulag with an armed guard 9 days and take a day off. Or 7/8 or 14/15. If Christmas Day is a training day that is the price you pay for trying to stay with the competition. Alexandrova is streaky and very tough to beat when she is on. I don't think Swiatek was coasting. I think she got a sound beating on Tuesday.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

  277. @AnonfromTN

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much.
    You keep talking to someone who is not worth talking too. That’s your problem, though, none of my business.

    My two cents about Slavs. Slavs of any nationality are as different as people of any other nation, ranging from despicable scum to those who deserve admiration. Just a few examples. Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov were Slavs. These are in the scum category. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Smetana, Zelenka, and Tchaikovsky were also Slavs. These are the people to be proud of. The majority of Slavs, like the majority of all people, is somewhere in between.

    As to Slavic nations, most are relatively small. Some are OK with that and retain sanity, some suffer from inferiority complex. Only two Slavic states ever rose to a great power status: Poland (under the name of Rzeczpospolita) and Russia (under various names). Poland overstretched itself, tried to compete with Russia, and fell into insignificance. Some Poles are still smarting, consumed with inferiority complex. That’s their problem. Russian empire and later the USSR did a lot to help smaller Slavic nations (e.g., Russian empire with great sacrifice liberated Bulgaria from Turkish occupation, the USSR invested a lot of people and treasure into numerous Eastern European Slavic states). Subsequent history showed that no good deed ever goes unpunished.

    The RF apparently learned from the mistakes of the Russian Empire and the USSR. It defends its interests, its help to other states is strictly determined by the interests of the RF. It does not treat Slavs preferentially: Syrians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, the population of Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, or North Koreans are certainly not Slavs. From my POV this is sane and rational policy devoid of romantic stupidity.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    …no good deed ever goes unpunished.

    When the good deed is to save them from extermination or from total subservience and assimilation the resulting ingratitude is too cosmic. That can’t stand and is true about Poles in WW2 and Bulgars in Ottoman Empire. For the others less so, but Czechs and Slovenes would not exist today without Russian help and sacrifice.

    I understand your viewpoint and it is inevitable that the repeated betrayals by the smaller Slav nations led to it. The posturing and hatreds of anything “Russian” in Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria… will have very bad consequences. It dramatically weakens them – they are already small, poorer, and exposed to Western domination.

    It is not universal in any of those countries (well, maybe in Poland – you description of them is spot on). In Czechia the Russophobia is concentrated in Prague and among the cultural elite. Same in the other countries. But in general at least half of the population disagrees – the most common attitude is neutrality, and that in today’s emotional situation speaks for itself.

    It is too bad and weakens all of us, divide et vince, right? It looks irreversible.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Beckow, not much was asked of Russia - just stay in your borders (including no cyberattacks), and don't threaten with nukes. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this wave of what you call "Russophobia" would not be there. Not much happened when they annexed Crimea.

    Btw, what is going on in Slovakia? Who was at that recent demo - was it just the flaming liberals or also some nationalists or normal democrats? Same for Hungary - who is in the demo, just liberals?

    Replies: @Mikhail

    , @AnonfromTN

    divide et vince, right?
    The imperial camp succeeded with dividing, but has serious trouble with winning. Serves it right, if you ask me.

    General feeling in today’s Russian society (based on what I know from annual visits and communication with relatives and friends living in Russia) became a lot more pragmatic than it used to be 30-40 years ago. Nobody is perceived as “brothers” (meaning that nobody is seen as deserving forgiveness), other countries are perceived as allies, enemies, or neutrals on a purely rational basis. Chinese, Syrians, and Koreans are viewed a lot more favorably than many Slavs. I think this is healthy attitude.

    Replies: @Beckow

  278. @LatW

    and of course your Balt PM’s openly calling for an all-out war with Russia
    They are not calling for an "all out war" but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine. It's a common opinion in all of Europe. Ukraine is not Russia. If there is going to be a large war, then it is better that it is fought there - yes, it sounds terrible, but that might be the reality at some point in the future. Of course, there is still hope it will not happen, but it's better to be ready than rely on hopes. Given the unraveling of frozen conflicts across the whole globe due to the loss of the world hegemon, it is a very dangerous moment for the war to spread. If they ever come into the Baltics, they will be beaten.

    If you want to find mad “opinion makers” there are plenty on your side.
    I do not speak for Lindsay Graham (his recent stances are quite pro-Trumpian vis a vis foreign policy).

    But nobody in the Baltics ever talks about how we're entitled to their land or to rule over them or try to control their territory, yet they talk that way all the time - these are people who were themselves emancipated relatively recently, historically speaking, and had no power even over their own lives. And they are not on average superior, yet some of them pretend they are (those of them who do not have an attitude, we have no issues with - we were living quite ok before 2014). It's just entitlement and that kind of thinking and claiming that other countries are "fake and gay" leads to children in rubble. There is a direct line there.

    You add the mysterious “ISIS-X” and you may have something…
    Actually, this ones is interesting. Remains to be seen what will happen and if there will be any other attacks by this Khorasan (apparently they have small cells inside of RusFed). If this is just the beginning and they do start fighting RusFed, then essentially a second front has been opened for RusFed. Hard to say yet.

    Your desperate attempt to separate from the “Horde” doesn’t work – you are in the Horde and always will be…
    Absolutely not, you're making a huge mistake there. There is a clear distinction. Lithuania fought the Horde quite well. You missed my point. We are not internationalists, but they are. We are not Eurasianist or Eurasian, but they are. Just look at their army - already in my dad's time, they had plenty of Asians in it. I have nothing against these peoples, some of them are victims and used. But this is a fact. Look who they are adding to their army now - all kinds of mercenaries from Asia and Africa. That's actually quite cowardly. They have also begun to display brutality that was not characteristic of them in my life time (except in Chechnya and very recently in Syria). I'm not claiming thats "Asiatic" as you say, that's their own nature. My point was that Ukraine alone is fighting all these different peoples.

    Yes, the east is messy. It is compensated by unique gifts that people in CE-EE have: they are generally smarter, stronger, healthier, and the girls are a lot better looking.
    I was talking about something else. You revealed your own attitude to those East of yourself. You were not talking about Poles and Czechs but Ukrainians and Russians (even though Russians are ofc übermenschen to you that you hold in special status - they can't do no wrong in your book). I know exactly what you were talking about, you gave yourself away. You don't want to live that kind of a life and consider it inferior.

    But when we talk about loud, noisy, messy easterners you are also among them
    Most Balts are not loud (I'm an exception as I'm way more extrovert than typical). Most Balts are very subdued, quiet, dress in earth tones. They differ from Russians who are louder and more extravert. I'm not saying this to differentiate, I'm saying it because it's true. We are Western Christians, they are Orthodox. That's a big difference. Even some of our own Russians differ from the ones over in RusFed.

    You lie and exaggerate about the past ills
    Not really, I do not ever lie. I fight against lies about my country and Ukraine. I simply add those things which you choose to leave out. That there were a few talented Soviet Latvian writers (whom I read as a kid and was able to distinguish easily from ideology and normal prose), doesn't mean that a large body of classic Latvian culture was not canceled or suppressed.

    I am increasingly thinking there is no other way to shake you up into being normal, into being European.
    You are funny. One minute you say that Balts are an ancient IE culture (which they are), the next you write the above - listen, I really don't care if you, some random person on an obscure website, consider me Euro, it is absurd. I don't answer to you and don't have to prove my "Europeanness", I love my culture as it is and don't need your approval. We have a specific situation there. That was pushed on us artificially by alien powers and we have handled it - maybe not ideally, but somewhat bearably.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    I am still getting over your explicit embrace of terrorism with “ISIS-X” as a “second front on Russia“. Seriously? And you find the “Horde” aggressive? Think about what it says about you.

    Afro-Asiatic nature of today’s world is not unique to Russia. Visit France, UK, Germany, US, Canada…it is a multi-Afro-Asia-Latin-mestizo wonderland. Unlike in Russia it is in all layers of the society. Check out the ads with the corpulent Afro women and who is ruling them. (Hint: Indians everywhere.) Pointing it out in Russia and ignoring it among your best friends is quiet odd.

    All of us who live east of Germans are in the “Horde” (your label). There are some exceptions, but the general Westie view is that there is not much difference between Ukies and Russians, Latvians and Romanians, etc… We are Eastern Europeans, some of us are noisier, messier, there is also a gradation as one moves further east, but we are not French or German. Trying to be one at any cost is a fool’s errand – see what it has done to the Ukies.

    I am aware of our shortcomings and that even many of us often prefer some distance from it. But you should never forget who you are, the Westies won’t. We have the better things that I listed and we also can improve over time. That requires balance and harmony with who we are and not blind devoted brown-nosing to the West. Do you know what the Swedes think of you Latvians in private? I do, but it is unpublishable.

    They are not calling for an “all out war” but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine

    It amounts to the same thing – the Balt leaders are also more outspoken and militant about it. So are you sometimes – allying openly with “ISIS” terrorism is a bridge too far. It will also backfire.

    • Replies: @LatW

    I don't get why you have decided to assign all of these things to me that I never said. I never said that the Westerners accept Eastern Euros as equal and I'm not trying to be Western. I never will be and I prefer my own culture. I have a Western Christian background but I don't identify with modern Westerners, nor am I trying to - where do you get this? Being in a Western block doesn't mean you have to be like a Western Euro, we are all part of our civilization and our block and we can be a bit different. Why can't I study classic Western thought? That's what people in my country have done for hundreds of years (along with maintaining their own culture).

    There are objective differences between different peoples in EE and I pointed those out - they are real, why do you deny it? Why do you put everyone in the same pot when we obviously are different? There are commonalities between Russians and their Western neighbors and then there are serious differences.

    And, yes, I know very well what Swedes think - I've read their private and online conversations in their language. It doesn't bother me, their attitude is mostly ok. Finns call them gay, so what? The attitude is also improving and becoming less condescending in the recent years.

    Why can't you accept that we Balts and Ukrainians have our own position that is only coinciding with the West with regards to the war of Russia against Ukraine? Our attitude stems from the fact that we despise this invasion. Not because we "support a Western position". Is that really that hard to understand? That a victim hates the abuser? It's totally natural.

    I never said we are "allied" with ISIS, that is ridiculous. You are very manipulative - but it is transparent. I simply said that if this continues (it may or may not), then it is possible to assume that someone has opened another front against RusFed. It's a figurative statement. It doesn't mean the same actors opened two different fronts or that they are allied, it would simply mean that Russia has to fight another front - Russia has made many enemies in different parts of the world. So has the US (except the US doesn't border them). And now that Russia appeared challenged in the war with Ukraine, because the war goals have not been met on their timeline (or possibly won't be met at all), others see this vulnerability as an opportunity. That's one possible scenario of what this is.

    And, yes, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania fought the Horde well, how is this a problem? How is it wrong to fight an invader? You are ridiculous.

    , @LatW

    By the way, your Swedish attitude towards the Balts example is not all that well informed - there are nuances there. Thing is, there are a few minor differences in Scandinavian attitudes even among themselves. The attitude of Danes & Norwegians towards the Balts is much better than that of Swedes. So your example is not that great.

    As to Russians, you talk as if they haven't changed in the last two years. But they have - significantly - they've entirely given up the previous relationship model - this is very new. There are also internal changes - the Russian security are now cutting people's ears off on live TV (they didn't used to do this kind of sh*t- they must have learned from the Kadyrovites), and Simonyan apparently even said that she finds this kind of a sight "satisfying".

    And it's all happening very fast. To leave Ukraine alone, face to face with this, is simply not right.

    Replies: @Beckow

  279. @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    Knowing you as being not a serial, but straight out pathological liar here, who can’t stop lying even knowing that he will be quickly be caught, no surprise that this time isn’t any exception again, lol
    LMAO - stop projecting again you despicable slimebag.
    It's very simple - Russian population did not increase by 10 million central Asians in 2022 you idiot. About 3-4 million different INDIVIDUAL people came to Russia (not including from Ukraine of course) - and from those numbers they entered the country about 3 or 4 times during the year, as you would expect . i.e - exactly as I wr0te.
    80-90%+ of them are here for work for extensive periods (i.e more than 15 days)

    Numbers are still far from pre-coronavirus levels that would be something like 17-20 million registrations covering a much smaller number of millions entering .

    So is a thick idiot as yourself trying to say that in 2018 plus 2022 - the Russian population increased from 144 million to 144+ 10+ 17 million central asians to 171 million???!!!!!!! Useless cretin.

    Bilateral with Gruzia has always not been good, but it was particularly bad with Saakashvili, throughout the 30 years Gruzia has been a key route of escape/entry for Chechen terrorists. Central Asia has many muslims, many young men, except Kazakhstan they don't have in addition to wanting the cheap labour issue - because of the example of Gruzia with North Caucasus terrorists, because of radicalism caused by US dogs invasion of Afghanistan and CIA attempts also to instigate radicalism fused together also by natural post-sovietism/nationalism, and because the leaders of these countries are concerned at not being able to provide enough jobs for these young men who could be susceptible to terrorism or generally bilateral interest of Russia and the central asian countries there is these migration policies you dumbfuck.

    So the migration policy of authorities has zero "multi-cultural" element to it, and does have a security context to it - clearly with what has happened in Krasnogorsk the security context looks irrelevant, but it is there. That is different to the west where the mass migration has zero security element to it, plenty of "multi-cultural" to it, and a higher proportion of cheap labour

    And obviously, because of start of SMO and immediate devaluation of currency - plenty of the Uzbeks and Tajiks returned to their country, before coming back again and thus multiplying the entry number into RF you dumb prick.

    Replies: @sudden death

    Later will have to to find the data for the previous years, but very charitably for a short while taking all the claims at face value we get rather interesting contrast on the ground level – allegedly post-Covid reduced numbers of migration somehow are resulting in record breaking attendances of muslim religious festivities in RF;)


    Eid al-Fitr became record breaking for St. Petersburg

    Today, the holy holiday of Muslims was visited by 383 thousand people – this is a record number of participants in recent years. This was stated by the clergyman of the Cathedral Mosque Adam Rashidov to the Prigozhin owned newspaper “Nevskiye Novosti”.

    According to him, only about 200 thousand believers came to the main mosque on the Petrograd side, and the announced figure is the total attendance of all mosques in St. Petersburg. Rashidov noted that there are not enough mosques in the Leningrad region, so many people go from the region to the city, but even here the Cathedral Mosque cannot accommodate everyone.

    You can appreciate the scale of Eid al-Fitr near the Cathedral Mosque in the photo of Alexei Polyakov, who captured the holiday from a drone.

    That is already 7 percent out of all current 2nd largest RF city population going out to mosque these days and those were only just male muslims who were doing that day, females were not allowed, but they do exist too.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Very quickly looked at the available data of overall immigrants in RF for the year of 2023 and the cumulative number of 10 million real existing (legal+illegal) immigrants residing in country remains quite realistic, even if stats for inclusion into migrationary registry indeed does reflect potential repeating inclusion of the same person, thus making yearly statistical number of inclusions higher:

    16 November 2023

    In January-July of this year, the number of foreign citizens registered for migration amounted to 9.1 million people (a year earlier for the same period - 9.6 million people). In the first seven months of the year, 64,695 work permits were issued (for the same period last year - 49,731), temporary residence permits - 49,860 (107,815), residence permits - 146,108 (163,600), Russian Federation citizen passports - 9 .4 million pieces (7.1 million).

    There are 6.4 million foreign citizens in Russia, most of whom entered the country for work purposes, Valentina Kazakova, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' main department for migration issues, reported in November. According to various estimates, there may be from 1.5 million to 3 million illegal migrants in Russia, said Vyacheslav Postavnin, a migration expert and former deputy director of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (abolished in 2016).

    However it needs to be remembered that at the very least cumulative million of earlier islamic immigrants have been granted citizenship, so they are not "immigrants" anymore for statistical purposes while in practice the difference is obviously non existant atm.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  280. @AP

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much
    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power. You dislike it strongly.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    Who do you dislike Slavs so much?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Gerard1234, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder. Regardless, the collective imagery on this matter has numerous exceptions. “Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers. Lindsey Graham, Lloyd Austin and Mitch McConnell have said similarly to Zanny Binton Beddoes:

    “Aiding Ukraine, giving the money to Ukraine is the cheapest possible way for the U.S. to enhance its security,” Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor-in-chief of the Economist, recently told the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart. “The fighting is being done by the Ukrainians, they’re the people who are being killed.”

    Putin/Russia clearly gave reasonable time to seek a viable peaceful alternative.

    • Replies: @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.
    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion - actively supported by the Russian state - with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ, @Gerard1234, @Gerard1234

  281. @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Pegula could be on her way down generally, realising that maybe won't be able to win Major tournament........but to me it appears silly to play this Miami tournament in Western Easter week, and this is the main reason no American women in the tournament still, or Swiatek - as they want to relax over their holiday period.

    There are alot of world class players from Orthodox countries (Zverev is ethnic Russian, could be Orthodox) , but looking at the players still in the tournament, majority are Orthodox except this new Hungarian kid, and Alcaraz who has not won much since Wimbledon last year, i.e both are very eager to do well. Everyone else wanting to enjoy their holiday!

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Maybe. The impression I get is the top competitors take a day off only when their brutal training schedule allows. So they work like they are in the gulag with an armed guard 9 days and take a day off. Or 7/8 or 14/15. If Christmas Day is a training day that is the price you pay for trying to stay with the competition. Alexandrova is streaky and very tough to beat when she is on. I don’t think Swiatek was coasting. I think she got a sound beating on Tuesday.

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Alexandrova is streaky and very tough to beat when she is on. I don't think Swiatek was coasting
    Well, I saw highlights of her match with Collins - and she was abysmally bad. Not even amateur standard. I did not see the match against Swiatek. Dmitrov beat Alcaraz - which is similarly surprising, although both Swiatek and Alcaraz won the previous week's tournament.

    "Streaky '- is something I associate with players like Kvitova, Ostapenko, early-era- Sabalenka - players with very similar styles, high-risk, not particularly cerebral players, and all capable of playing incredible tennis in one game or set - and then being useless in the next one.
    To me - Alexandrova is just abysmal for entire match, entire month, and doesn't have the talents of the 3 I mentioned above.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  282. @Beckow

    I am still getting over your explicit embrace of terrorism with "ISIS-X" as a "second front on Russia". Seriously? And you find the "Horde" aggressive? Think about what it says about you.

    Afro-Asiatic nature of today's world is not unique to Russia. Visit France, UK, Germany, US, is a multi-Afro-Asia-Latin-mestizo wonderland. Unlike in Russia it is in all layers of the society. Check out the ads with the corpulent Afro women and who is ruling them. (Hint: Indians everywhere.) Pointing it out in Russia and ignoring it among your best friends is quiet odd.

    All of us who live east of Germans are in the "Horde" (your label). There are some exceptions, but the general Westie view is that there is not much difference between Ukies and Russians, Latvians and Romanians, etc... We are Eastern Europeans, some of us are noisier, messier, there is also a gradation as one moves further east, but we are not French or German. Trying to be one at any cost is a fool's errand - see what it has done to the Ukies.

    I am aware of our shortcomings and that even many of us often prefer some distance from it. But you should never forget who you are, the Westies won't. We have the better things that I listed and we also can improve over time. That requires balance and harmony with who we are and not blind devoted brown-nosing to the West. Do you know what the Swedes think of you Latvians in private? I do, but it is unpublishable.

    They are not calling for an “all out war” but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine
    It amounts to the same thing - the Balt leaders are also more outspoken and militant about it. So are you sometimes - allying openly with "ISIS" terrorism is a bridge too far. It will also backfire.

    Replies: @LatW, @LatW


    I don’t get why you have decided to assign all of these things to me that I never said. I never said that the Westerners accept Eastern Euros as equal and I’m not trying to be Western. I never will be and I prefer my own culture. I have a Western Christian background but I don’t identify with modern Westerners, nor am I trying to – where do you get this? Being in a Western block doesn’t mean you have to be like a Western Euro, we are all part of our civilization and our block and we can be a bit different. Why can’t I study classic Western thought? That’s what people in my country have done for hundreds of years (along with maintaining their own culture).

    There are objective differences between different peoples in EE and I pointed those out – they are real, why do you deny it? Why do you put everyone in the same pot when we obviously are different? There are commonalities between Russians and their Western neighbors and then there are serious differences.

    And, yes, I know very well what Swedes think – I’ve read their private and online conversations in their language. It doesn’t bother me, their attitude is mostly ok. Finns call them gay, so what? The attitude is also improving and becoming less condescending in the recent years.

    Why can’t you accept that we Balts and Ukrainians have our own position that is only coinciding with the West with regards to the war of Russia against Ukraine? Our attitude stems from the fact that we despise this invasion. Not because we “support a Western position”. Is that really that hard to understand? That a victim hates the abuser? It’s totally natural.

    I never said we are “allied” with ISIS, that is ridiculous. You are very manipulative – but it is transparent. I simply said that if this continues (it may or may not), then it is possible to assume that someone has opened another front against RusFed. It’s a figurative statement. It doesn’t mean the same actors opened two different fronts or that they are allied, it would simply mean that Russia has to fight another front – Russia has made many enemies in different parts of the world. So has the US (except the US doesn’t border them). And now that Russia appeared challenged in the war with Ukraine, because the war goals have not been met on their timeline (or possibly won’t be met at all), others see this vulnerability as an opportunity. That’s one possible scenario of what this is.

    And, yes, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania fought the Horde well, how is this a problem? How is it wrong to fight an invader? You are ridiculous.

  283. @AP

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much
    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power. You dislike it strongly.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    Who do you dislike Slavs so much?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Gerard1234, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves).

    LMAO at this deranged, idiotic lie -. Russia is literally the biggest saviour of Slavs, biggest “non-killer” of slavs and biggest saviour of Orthodox people in history – to an exponential level higher than anyone else you useless POS.

    Ukronazis in the 1940’s literally killed more Poles in a few weeks (maybe) days……..than Russia has killed in 400 years you dumbfuck. It’s also far past stupid to call “slav-killer” those eliminating in self-defence , Polish scum (men) who were Hitler’s best friend, Napoleons best friend/a$$-licker, and trying to invade and destroy Russia several times over the last 500 years……….vs Ukronazi subhumans killling and raping and burning women, children and elderly ,as part of their union with the Nazis – purely for opportunistic reasons

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    1. You know nothing about Slovakia, and are a known fantasist liar
    2. Slovakia literally did partner with the USSR against Nazis in WW2 you braindead cretin. Banderastan (Galicia)? LOL. Imagine what permanently cursed-in-hell scum those Ukronazis trash would have to be who decided to stay in Germany after WW2, immediately after they have just tried to eliminate you them off the planet?!
    3. Polish prostitute state has literally partnered with Anglo-Americans, Nazis, Swedes, French,Germans and Turks against Slavs, so to mass-murder them. Russia of course is the complete opposite you retard

    You are not exactly one to talk.

    Slovakia has been “saviour” to a large number of Ukrops, desperate to work there since and before the SMO. I think Beckow said he has been employing some of them. You though, LOL, in addition to being non-Ukrainian who has never been to Russia or 404 , have saved exactly………zero of them. Even though millions of ukrops would break their arm if it would allow them to live and work in America – and in current regulations they don’t have to do this as they are allowed to come…..if they can find some Banderite dogshit ( or anyone) wanting to let them live in their house.Which you can’t even do, LMAO.

    Like the cockroach you are – you do support as many Ukronazis dying as possible as part of “creating national identity” freakshow BS – that failures with evil histories can indulge in from safety of several 1000s of kms.

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    LMAO – an unbelievable amount of lies in 1 paragraph. Further amusing for a creep already exposed an not even knowing BASIC knowledge about European royal families. Polish EU “success” is hugely overated – certainly in comparison to Russia post-1990’s success, with the second part of this fake “success” entirely from exploitation of ukronazi cheap labour – picking their fruit, wiping their asses,cleaning their toilets ….and servicing their adultery.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power.

    It was a major FAILED slavic power. One that I suspect Slovaks have near zero historical interest in…..just like the entire western world, who all haven’t even heard of it.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin

    The largest saviour of Slavs after WW2 is Putin you worthless tramp. The largest killer is of course this Zelensky drug-addict/Poland/Anglo-Americans/NATO deathcult.

    LOL – as I said, to be a “Ukrainian” is to betray your family, your religion, your culture and your history.

    N.B Amusing to see a sociopathic retard as yourself ( with your 100s of sockpuppets on other blogs) use the braindead term “Muscovites”.

    Amusing to see a shameless imbecile return here after the comedy of “90% voting is bad” with the total ignorance of Galician bydlo voting history, and the “Kravchuk the best anti-communist” . Unbelievable.

    • Replies: @AP

    Ukronazis in the 1940’s literally killed more Poles in a few weeks (maybe) days……..than Russia has killed in 400 years you dumbfuck
    Banderist criminals (whom many Ukrainians unfortunately revere) were not a Ukrainian state. They killed (by Polish estimates) between 60,000 and 100,000 Poles.

    While USSR was not Russia, the Soviet regime (whom Russians revere) killed more than twice as many Poles as did the Banderists. And for far more dubious reasons.

    Over 100,000 ethnic Polish citizens of the USSR murdered in the late 1930’s:

    Another 150,000 Poles (from Poland itself) killed by Soviets after 1939:

    Putin’s war has now killed far more Slavs than Banderists killed Poles. Or than Stalin killed Poles. Putin’s dead Slavs are Ukrainians and Russians.

    I think the Lithuanian here has adequately described you, no need for me to repeat it.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

  284. @Beckow
    @AnonfromTN good deed ever goes unpunished.
    When the good deed is to save them from extermination or from total subservience and assimilation the resulting ingratitude is too cosmic. That can't stand and is true about Poles in WW2 and Bulgars in Ottoman Empire. For the others less so, but Czechs and Slovenes would not exist today without Russian help and sacrifice.

    I understand your viewpoint and it is inevitable that the repeated betrayals by the smaller Slav nations led to it. The posturing and hatreds of anything "Russian" in Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria... will have very bad consequences. It dramatically weakens them - they are already small, poorer, and exposed to Western domination.

    It is not universal in any of those countries (well, maybe in Poland - you description of them is spot on). In Czechia the Russophobia is concentrated in Prague and among the cultural elite. Same in the other countries. But in general at least half of the population disagrees - the most common attitude is neutrality, and that in today's emotional situation speaks for itself.

    It is too bad and weakens all of us, divide et vince, right? It looks irreversible.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    Beckow, not much was asked of Russia – just stay in your borders (including no cyberattacks), and don’t threaten with nukes. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this wave of what you call “Russophobia” would not be there. Not much happened when they annexed Crimea.

    Btw, what is going on in Slovakia? Who was at that recent demo – was it just the flaming liberals or also some nationalists or normal democrats? Same for Hungary – who is in the demo, just liberals?

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Beckow, not much was asked of Russia – just stay in your borders (including no cyberattacks), and don’t threaten with nukes. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this wave of what you call “Russophobia” would not be there. Not much happened when they annexed Crimea.

    Btw, what is going on in Slovakia? Who was at that recent demo – was it just the flaming liberals or also some nationalists or normal democrats? Same for Hungary – who is in the demo, just liberals?
    Free societies have protests. In turn, the election result of those democratically elected into office should be respected. It's nice to know that countries like Hungary and Slovakia exist within the EU.

    On your other point, a neutral Ukraine respectful of its pro-Russian constituency wasn't threatened by Russia. This shouldn't be confused with what occurred in Ukraine after the Euromaidan coup.

    Replies: @LatW

  285. @AnonfromTN

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much.
    You keep talking to someone who is not worth talking too. That’s your problem, though, none of my business.

    My two cents about Slavs. Slavs of any nationality are as different as people of any other nation, ranging from despicable scum to those who deserve admiration. Just a few examples. Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov were Slavs. These are in the scum category. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Smetana, Zelenka, and Tchaikovsky were also Slavs. These are the people to be proud of. The majority of Slavs, like the majority of all people, is somewhere in between.

    As to Slavic nations, most are relatively small. Some are OK with that and retain sanity, some suffer from inferiority complex. Only two Slavic states ever rose to a great power status: Poland (under the name of Rzeczpospolita) and Russia (under various names). Poland overstretched itself, tried to compete with Russia, and fell into insignificance. Some Poles are still smarting, consumed with inferiority complex. That’s their problem. Russian empire and later the USSR did a lot to help smaller Slavic nations (e.g., Russian empire with great sacrifice liberated Bulgaria from Turkish occupation, the USSR invested a lot of people and treasure into numerous Eastern European Slavic states). Subsequent history showed that no good deed ever goes unpunished.

    The RF apparently learned from the mistakes of the Russian Empire and the USSR. It defends its interests, its help to other states is strictly determined by the interests of the RF. It does not treat Slavs preferentially: Syrians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, the population of Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, or North Koreans are certainly not Slavs. From my POV this is sane and rational policy devoid of romantic stupidity.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    Point well taken on refraining from collective imagery of a given group.

    Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov are different. The first two led a movement which was especially gruesome in its activity. Those most fond of them come across as bigots.

    Pilsudski’s Machiavellian action during the Russian Civil War helped pave the way for the dreaded Commie expansion.

    The mass deaths resulting from Polish internment following WW I are another negative. Within reason, it could be said that Pilsudski didn’t see the long term manner of his diplomatic double dealing, along with Poland losing control over the humanitarian debacle of the tens of thousands they interned during a war time situation.

    Following Polish independence, Pilsudski’s stance on minority rights wasn’t as bad as some other Polish officials.

    Concerning Vlasov:

    The Russian based SCF venue where this initially appeared doesn’t cater to anti-Russian propaganda. Operating out of the present Kiev regime controlled Ukraine, the modern day “Russian Volunteer Corps” aren’t a contemporary version of Vlasov. Vlasov wasn’t committed to Nazi ideology and wasn’t known to have gotten along with the OUN/UPA and vice versa.

    • Replies: @LatW

    the modern day “Russian Volunteer Corps” aren’t a contemporary version of Vlasov. Vlasov wasn’t committed to Nazi ideology and wasn’t known to have gotten along with the OUN/UPA and vice versa.
    RDK draw some inspiration from the White officers of the Civil War era (and a few members from ROA, as well). But mostly it is modern E.Slavic ethno nationalism.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  286. @LatW

    Beckow, not much was asked of Russia - just stay in your borders (including no cyberattacks), and don't threaten with nukes. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this wave of what you call "Russophobia" would not be there. Not much happened when they annexed Crimea.

    Btw, what is going on in Slovakia? Who was at that recent demo - was it just the flaming liberals or also some nationalists or normal democrats? Same for Hungary - who is in the demo, just liberals?

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Beckow, not much was asked of Russia – just stay in your borders (including no cyberattacks), and don’t threaten with nukes. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this wave of what you call “Russophobia” would not be there. Not much happened when they annexed Crimea.

    Btw, what is going on in Slovakia? Who was at that recent demo – was it just the flaming liberals or also some nationalists or normal democrats? Same for Hungary – who is in the demo, just liberals?

    Free societies have protests. In turn, the election result of those democratically elected into office should be respected. It’s nice to know that countries like Hungary and Slovakia exist within the EU.

    On your other point, a neutral Ukraine respectful of its pro-Russian constituency wasn’t threatened by Russia. This shouldn’t be confused with what occurred in Ukraine after the Euromaidan coup.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Free societies have protests. In turn, the election result of those democratically elected into office should be respected. It’s nice to know that countries like Hungary and Slovakia exist within the EU.
    You didn't understand what I wrote. I wasn't talking about freedom of assembly, but simply asked who was in the demo. Which factions... since all of them matter (especially in the context of the current changing geopolitics).
  287. Russia and the rest of the world are fortunate that Putin is Russian president. It doesn’t take too much digging to reveal that Navalny had an opposite view of some non-ethnic Russian citizens/residents of the Russian Federation. Keeping in mind that many predominately ethnic Russians are proudly aware of their non-ethnic Russian roots.

  288. @Mikhail

    Point well taken on refraining from collective imagery of a given group.

    Bandera, Shukhevych, Pilsudski, and Vlasov are different. The first two led a movement which was especially gruesome in its activity. Those most fond of them come across as bigots.

    Pilsudski's Machiavellian action during the Russian Civil War helped pave the way for the dreaded Commie expansion.

    The mass deaths resulting from Polish internment following WW I are another negative. Within reason, it could be said that Pilsudski didn't see the long term manner of his diplomatic double dealing, along with Poland losing control over the humanitarian debacle of the tens of thousands they interned during a war time situation.

    Following Polish independence, Pilsudski's stance on minority rights wasn't as bad as some other Polish officials.

    Concerning Vlasov:

    The Russian based SCF venue where this initially appeared doesn't cater to anti-Russian propaganda. Operating out of the present Kiev regime controlled Ukraine, the modern day "Russian Volunteer Corps" aren't a contemporary version of Vlasov. Vlasov wasn't committed to Nazi ideology and wasn't known to have gotten along with the OUN/UPA and vice versa.

    Replies: @LatW

    the modern day “Russian Volunteer Corps” aren’t a contemporary version of Vlasov. Vlasov wasn’t committed to Nazi ideology and wasn’t known to have gotten along with the OUN/UPA and vice versa.

    RDK draw some inspiration from the White officers of the Civil War era (and a few members from ROA, as well). But mostly it is modern E.Slavic ethno nationalism.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    RDK draw some inspiration from the White officers of the Civil War era (and a few members from ROA, as well). But mostly it is modern E.Slavic ethno nationalism.
    The White officers from that era wouldn't IMHO be supporting the present day "Russian Volunteer Corps". Putin has honored the White officers along with a Russian movie having been produced with a sympathetic portrayal of Admiral Kolchak.

    Replies: @LatW

  289. @Beckow
    @AnonfromTN good deed ever goes unpunished.
    When the good deed is to save them from extermination or from total subservience and assimilation the resulting ingratitude is too cosmic. That can't stand and is true about Poles in WW2 and Bulgars in Ottoman Empire. For the others less so, but Czechs and Slovenes would not exist today without Russian help and sacrifice.

    I understand your viewpoint and it is inevitable that the repeated betrayals by the smaller Slav nations led to it. The posturing and hatreds of anything "Russian" in Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria... will have very bad consequences. It dramatically weakens them - they are already small, poorer, and exposed to Western domination.

    It is not universal in any of those countries (well, maybe in Poland - you description of them is spot on). In Czechia the Russophobia is concentrated in Prague and among the cultural elite. Same in the other countries. But in general at least half of the population disagrees - the most common attitude is neutrality, and that in today's emotional situation speaks for itself.

    It is too bad and weakens all of us, divide et vince, right? It looks irreversible.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    divide et vince, right?

    The imperial camp succeeded with dividing, but has serious trouble with winning. Serves it right, if you ask me.

    General feeling in today’s Russian society (based on what I know from annual visits and communication with relatives and friends living in Russia) became a lot more pragmatic than it used to be 30-40 years ago. Nobody is perceived as “brothers” (meaning that nobody is seen as deserving forgiveness), other countries are perceived as allies, enemies, or neutrals on a purely rational basis. Chinese, Syrians, and Koreans are viewed a lot more favorably than many Slavs. I think this is healthy attitude.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...The imperial camp succeeded with dividing, but has serious trouble with winning.
    True, without winning it is all for nothing. After the losses in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan... they are used it and just like the chaos it and the weapons it sells.

    Russia became a lot more pragmatic than it used to be 30-40 years ago. Nobody is perceived as “brothers”
    It should be that way. But deep down the Russians should understand that most people in these smaller nations are not against them and would prefer normal relations. That's also probably true about most Westies, but they are more detached.

    The difference is that with the exception of Poles, Balts and Galicians (possibly Romanians) none of the other small nations would initiative an attack on Russia or do what Germans, Anglos, French and Turks are quite capable of - and did in the past to Russians. But that may not mean much of a difference in practice.

  290. @Beckow

    I am still getting over your explicit embrace of terrorism with "ISIS-X" as a "second front on Russia". Seriously? And you find the "Horde" aggressive? Think about what it says about you.

    Afro-Asiatic nature of today's world is not unique to Russia. Visit France, UK, Germany, US, is a multi-Afro-Asia-Latin-mestizo wonderland. Unlike in Russia it is in all layers of the society. Check out the ads with the corpulent Afro women and who is ruling them. (Hint: Indians everywhere.) Pointing it out in Russia and ignoring it among your best friends is quiet odd.

    All of us who live east of Germans are in the "Horde" (your label). There are some exceptions, but the general Westie view is that there is not much difference between Ukies and Russians, Latvians and Romanians, etc... We are Eastern Europeans, some of us are noisier, messier, there is also a gradation as one moves further east, but we are not French or German. Trying to be one at any cost is a fool's errand - see what it has done to the Ukies.

    I am aware of our shortcomings and that even many of us often prefer some distance from it. But you should never forget who you are, the Westies won't. We have the better things that I listed and we also can improve over time. That requires balance and harmony with who we are and not blind devoted brown-nosing to the West. Do you know what the Swedes think of you Latvians in private? I do, but it is unpublishable.

    They are not calling for an “all out war” but expressing the hope for the Russian army to be defeated in Ukraine
    It amounts to the same thing - the Balt leaders are also more outspoken and militant about it. So are you sometimes - allying openly with "ISIS" terrorism is a bridge too far. It will also backfire.

    Replies: @LatW, @LatW


    By the way, your Swedish attitude towards the Balts example is not all that well informed – there are nuances there. Thing is, there are a few minor differences in Scandinavian attitudes even among themselves. The attitude of Danes & Norwegians towards the Balts is much better than that of Swedes. So your example is not that great.

    As to Russians, you talk as if they haven’t changed in the last two years. But they have – significantly – they’ve entirely given up the previous relationship model – this is very new. There are also internal changes – the Russian security are now cutting people’s ears off on live TV (they didn’t used to do this kind of sh*t- they must have learned from the Kadyrovites), and Simonyan apparently even said that she finds this kind of a sight “satisfying”.

    And it’s all happening very fast. To leave Ukraine alone, face to face with this, is simply not right.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    I know Swedes better than the others, that's why I used them as an example. I am glad that you and I roughly agree on not embracing everything in the West - I didn't mean to assign to you those attitudes, I was commenting that they exist.

    cutting people’s ears off on live TV
    One ear. Do you remember what happened to some people after 911 and in France-UK after terrorist attacks? Don't be so pompous, it inevitably happens after a bloody attack.

    To leave Ukraine alone, face to face with this, is simply not right.
    Yet, you will probably leave it alone. There is no alternative other than to die with them. Ukies brought this on themselves by attacking their own civilians in Donbas killing 2.5k Ukie Russians. And by allowing Nato to move in and by trying to join it. They are not innocent victims, they aggressively provoked the war. But we have been over that, the Nato-Ukie nationalism issue - you will not accept it and deny what is obvious to any objective observer. So I will let it go.

    Let the winner set the new rules - it is always like that. You will get used to it and maybe even learn a lesson.

    Replies: @LatW

  291. @Mikhail

    Beckow, not much was asked of Russia – just stay in your borders (including no cyberattacks), and don’t threaten with nukes. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this wave of what you call “Russophobia” would not be there. Not much happened when they annexed Crimea.

    Btw, what is going on in Slovakia? Who was at that recent demo – was it just the flaming liberals or also some nationalists or normal democrats? Same for Hungary – who is in the demo, just liberals?
    Free societies have protests. In turn, the election result of those democratically elected into office should be respected. It's nice to know that countries like Hungary and Slovakia exist within the EU.

    On your other point, a neutral Ukraine respectful of its pro-Russian constituency wasn't threatened by Russia. This shouldn't be confused with what occurred in Ukraine after the Euromaidan coup.

    Replies: @LatW

    Free societies have protests. In turn, the election result of those democratically elected into office should be respected. It’s nice to know that countries like Hungary and Slovakia exist within the EU.

    You didn’t understand what I wrote. I wasn’t talking about freedom of assembly, but simply asked who was in the demo. Which factions… since all of them matter (especially in the context of the current changing geopolitics).

  292. @AnonfromTN

    divide et vince, right?
    The imperial camp succeeded with dividing, but has serious trouble with winning. Serves it right, if you ask me.

    General feeling in today’s Russian society (based on what I know from annual visits and communication with relatives and friends living in Russia) became a lot more pragmatic than it used to be 30-40 years ago. Nobody is perceived as “brothers” (meaning that nobody is seen as deserving forgiveness), other countries are perceived as allies, enemies, or neutrals on a purely rational basis. Chinese, Syrians, and Koreans are viewed a lot more favorably than many Slavs. I think this is healthy attitude.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …The imperial camp succeeded with dividing, but has serious trouble with winning.

    True, without winning it is all for nothing. After the losses in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan… they are used it and just like the chaos it and the weapons it sells.

    Russia became a lot more pragmatic than it used to be 30-40 years ago. Nobody is perceived as “brothers”

    It should be that way. But deep down the Russians should understand that most people in these smaller nations are not against them and would prefer normal relations. That’s also probably true about most Westies, but they are more detached.

    The difference is that with the exception of Poles, Balts and Galicians (possibly Romanians) none of the other small nations would initiative an attack on Russia or do what Germans, Anglos, French and Turks are quite capable of – and did in the past to Russians. But that may not mean much of a difference in practice.

  293. @LatW

    By the way, your Swedish attitude towards the Balts example is not all that well informed - there are nuances there. Thing is, there are a few minor differences in Scandinavian attitudes even among themselves. The attitude of Danes & Norwegians towards the Balts is much better than that of Swedes. So your example is not that great.

    As to Russians, you talk as if they haven't changed in the last two years. But they have - significantly - they've entirely given up the previous relationship model - this is very new. There are also internal changes - the Russian security are now cutting people's ears off on live TV (they didn't used to do this kind of sh*t- they must have learned from the Kadyrovites), and Simonyan apparently even said that she finds this kind of a sight "satisfying".

    And it's all happening very fast. To leave Ukraine alone, face to face with this, is simply not right.

    Replies: @Beckow

    I know Swedes better than the others, that’s why I used them as an example. I am glad that you and I roughly agree on not embracing everything in the West – I didn’t mean to assign to you those attitudes, I was commenting that they exist.

    cutting people’s ears off on live TV

    One ear. Do you remember what happened to some people after 911 and in France-UK after terrorist attacks? Don’t be so pompous, it inevitably happens after a bloody attack.

    To leave Ukraine alone, face to face with this, is simply not right.

    Yet, you will probably leave it alone. There is no alternative other than to die with them. Ukies brought this on themselves by attacking their own civilians in Donbas killing 2.5k Ukie Russians. And by allowing Nato to move in and by trying to join it. They are not innocent victims, they aggressively provoked the war. But we have been over that, the Nato-Ukie nationalism issue – you will not accept it and deny what is obvious to any objective observer. So I will let it go.

    Let the winner set the new rules – it is always like that. You will get used to it and maybe even learn a lesson.

    • Replies: @LatW

    One ear.
    It's not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don't fall to that level. The official security forces and even the militia which is typically more lax (because it looks like it was the territorial militia that captured them, strange) should not act with such barbarism. First, because it debases the security forces themselves, second, because it's not humane, third, because the rest of the world will see it (even if your own population is thirsting for bloody revenge and you want to display it to them).

    This is typically an MO of radical Islamists. Not Slavs. But I suppose they have degraded to that level after this war (since they did similar things and worse in Ukraine so it's now normalized - I used to think that it is only Caucasians who do it but now it is Slavs, too. Wow.

    The difference is that with the exception of Poles, Balts and Galicians (possibly Romanians) none of the other small nations would initiative an attack on Russia
    We have entered a period in history when we'll have to use our words very responsibly and be accountable for them. This is a very loud, bold statement (and a blatant manipulation, ofc). The ones mentioned above cannot "initiate any attack on Russia" even if they wanted to - because Russia has already initiated - by sending their troops in Ukrainian territory and bombing them. They broke a lot of international rules and this was admitted by the UN.

    Let the winner set the new rules – it is always like that.
    More likely it will be a permanent war of all against all. Because that's what will inevitably happen if RusFed is allowed to get away with such enormous aggression. Same as Israel. If you believe that this is ok or a nice world to live in, that contradicts everything you've said before about peace being a good, etc.

    Russia as a "winner" will not be able to set rules for everyone - they can only murder people and bomb, and then occupy by force. This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow

  294. @Beckow

    I know Swedes better than the others, that's why I used them as an example. I am glad that you and I roughly agree on not embracing everything in the West - I didn't mean to assign to you those attitudes, I was commenting that they exist.

    cutting people’s ears off on live TV
    One ear. Do you remember what happened to some people after 911 and in France-UK after terrorist attacks? Don't be so pompous, it inevitably happens after a bloody attack.

    To leave Ukraine alone, face to face with this, is simply not right.
    Yet, you will probably leave it alone. There is no alternative other than to die with them. Ukies brought this on themselves by attacking their own civilians in Donbas killing 2.5k Ukie Russians. And by allowing Nato to move in and by trying to join it. They are not innocent victims, they aggressively provoked the war. But we have been over that, the Nato-Ukie nationalism issue - you will not accept it and deny what is obvious to any objective observer. So I will let it go.

    Let the winner set the new rules - it is always like that. You will get used to it and maybe even learn a lesson.

    Replies: @LatW

    One ear.

    It’s not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don’t fall to that level. The official security forces and even the militia which is typically more lax (because it looks like it was the territorial militia that captured them, strange) should not act with such barbarism. First, because it debases the security forces themselves, second, because it’s not humane, third, because the rest of the world will see it (even if your own population is thirsting for bloody revenge and you want to display it to them).

    This is typically an MO of radical Islamists. Not Slavs. But I suppose they have degraded to that level after this war (since they did similar things and worse in Ukraine so it’s now normalized – I used to think that it is only Caucasians who do it but now it is Slavs, too. Wow.

    The difference is that with the exception of Poles, Balts and Galicians (possibly Romanians) none of the other small nations would initiative an attack on Russia

    We have entered a period in history when we’ll have to use our words very responsibly and be accountable for them. This is a very loud, bold statement (and a blatant manipulation, ofc). The ones mentioned above cannot “initiate any attack on Russia” even if they wanted to – because Russia has already initiated – by sending their troops in Ukrainian territory and bombing them. They broke a lot of international rules and this was admitted by the UN.

    Let the winner set the new rules – it is always like that.

    More likely it will be a permanent war of all against all. Because that’s what will inevitably happen if RusFed is allowed to get away with such enormous aggression. Same as Israel. If you believe that this is ok or a nice world to live in, that contradicts everything you’ve said before about peace being a good, etc.

    Russia as a “winner” will not be able to set rules for everyone – they can only murder people and bomb, and then occupy by force. This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.

    • Replies: @songbird

    -One ear.

    It’s not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don’t fall to that level.
    Holyfield forgave Tyson and they are now close friends.

    (Actually Tyson tried to bite off both ears, but only succeeded on his first attempt.)

    In 2022, they teamed up and made cannabis candies in the shape of Holyfield's ear.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    , @Beckow

    It’s not about the number of ears...
    It is, one ear is symbolic, but hundreds of water-boardings by US is not. Many were done in Poland and Romania, are you ok with that? Your selective outrage is reaching bizarre levels.

    it will be a permanent war of all against all...This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.
    I agree, except the chaos in the international relations started with Nato bombing Serbia, then with attack on Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan...all against UN Charter and all bombing and killing civilians. Where were you as it was happening? And when Kiev bombed Donbas killing 2.5k civilians?

    It's too late - others have joined in. It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order. The tough talk by the Baltic ministers is very stupid - they are prancing around way ahead of their sponsors screaming that they hate Russia and have nothing to back it up with if Russia moves.

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils - what difference would it make? That's the problem with the demonization propaganda, if you call them that anyway they stop paying attention to anything you think. That's what this tribal-level crazy propaganda against Russia has achieved. You must be proud.

    Replies: @LatW

  295. @LatW

    the modern day “Russian Volunteer Corps” aren’t a contemporary version of Vlasov. Vlasov wasn’t committed to Nazi ideology and wasn’t known to have gotten along with the OUN/UPA and vice versa.
    RDK draw some inspiration from the White officers of the Civil War era (and a few members from ROA, as well). But mostly it is modern E.Slavic ethno nationalism.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    RDK draw some inspiration from the White officers of the Civil War era (and a few members from ROA, as well). But mostly it is modern E.Slavic ethno nationalism.

    The White officers from that era wouldn’t IMHO be supporting the present day “Russian Volunteer Corps”. Putin has honored the White officers along with a Russian movie having been produced with a sympathetic portrayal of Admiral Kolchak.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Of course, these White officers supported keeping the Empire intact - albeit not in the current form (which RDK do not - but then again, the RDK support the Russian ethnic idea which those officers wouldn't be averse to). And they definitely would not be supportive of the neo-Soviet tendencies in the current RusFed.

    This is not so much about being historically accurate, but more about purely the ideology. It can exist in a new form. They also like the idea of Novgorod.

    Here is the basis of their ideology, symbolized by Спайка (it roughly translates as "juncture", "adhesion", "unity" - for now, I'll liberally translate it as the "Joining") of the White officer Viktor Larionov:

    "The Joining - a sword within a crown of thorns, the distinguishing sign of a participant of the Ice Campaign, in emigration it came to mean the cohesion in the struggle based on the principle of relentlessness of the soldiers of Viktor Larionov's "White Idea" organization*. Relentlessness is a phenomenon of the highest order. Implacability to the Bolsheviks, to anti-Russian power, enemies of national identity as such, to executioners and murderers.

    Today, as it was almost a hundred years ago, the principle is still the same - it is impossible to cooperate, engage in dialogue and coexist with the Bolsheviks and their successor - the Kremlin regime. And irreconcilability will not disappear as long as there is something with which peace is impossible, and the banner with the Joining will be raised again and again by the Russian people until Russia is cleansed of the red evil.

    That's why the Joining is worn by fighters of the Russian Volunteer Corps. They wear it with the hope that future generations will no longer have to do this."

    * Viktor Larionov's "Idea of the Whites" - an organization founded in 1929. Main tasks of the organization: to raise a warrior int he midst of the Russian youth - a political instructor, who carries not only the fire and sword, but also the spiritual creative idea, to participate in the struggle for the future of the Russian people.

    In this symbol, the sword represents the struggle, while the circle which holds it, represents unity. The RDK have chosen to transform the circle into a shield - which represents the defense of the Russian people and of Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  296. @AP

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much
    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power. You dislike it strongly.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    Who do you dislike Slavs so much?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Gerard1234, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Frankly, the biggest mistakes that the Hapsburgs made was not implementing universal suffrage in Hungary. I’ve heard that Franz Ferdinand planned to do so had he lived, but even so, the situation for minorities in Hungary was very miserable for decades. AFAIK, minorities had to Magyarize if they wanted to have any kind of career advancement or professional success in pre-World War I Hungary.

    I’ve previously speculated whether an attempt by Franz Ferdinand to impose universal suffrage in Hungary could have trigged a new Austro-Hungarian civil war, and the answer is Yes, quite possibly. But with German support, Austria was quite likely to win it unless other foreign powers, such as Russia, directly intervened. But intervening in Hungary while Austria’s new leader Franz Ferdinand (had he lived) wants to implement universal suffrage in Hungary would have looked very bad, so I have my doubts that even Russia or Serbia would actually be interested in doing this.

  297. @Mikhail

    RDK draw some inspiration from the White officers of the Civil War era (and a few members from ROA, as well). But mostly it is modern E.Slavic ethno nationalism.
    The White officers from that era wouldn't IMHO be supporting the present day "Russian Volunteer Corps". Putin has honored the White officers along with a Russian movie having been produced with a sympathetic portrayal of Admiral Kolchak.

    Replies: @LatW

    Of course, these White officers supported keeping the Empire intact – albeit not in the current form (which RDK do not – but then again, the RDK support the Russian ethnic idea which those officers wouldn’t be averse to). And they definitely would not be supportive of the neo-Soviet tendencies in the current RusFed.

    This is not so much about being historically accurate, but more about purely the ideology. It can exist in a new form. They also like the idea of Novgorod.

    Here is the basis of their ideology, symbolized by Спайка (it roughly translates as “juncture”, “adhesion”, “unity” – for now, I’ll liberally translate it as the “Joining”) of the White officer Viktor Larionov:

    “The Joining – a sword within a crown of thorns, the distinguishing sign of a participant of the Ice Campaign, in emigration it came to mean the cohesion in the struggle based on the principle of relentlessness of the soldiers of Viktor Larionov’s “White Idea” organization*. Relentlessness is a phenomenon of the highest order. Implacability to the Bolsheviks, to anti-Russian power, enemies of national identity as such, to executioners and murderers.

    Today, as it was almost a hundred years ago, the principle is still the same – it is impossible to cooperate, engage in dialogue and coexist with the Bolsheviks and their successor – the Kremlin regime. And irreconcilability will not disappear as long as there is something with which peace is impossible, and the banner with the Joining will be raised again and again by the Russian people until Russia is cleansed of the red evil.

    That’s why the Joining is worn by fighters of the Russian Volunteer Corps. They wear it with the hope that future generations will no longer have to do this.”

    * Viktor Larionov’s “Idea of the Whites” – an organization founded in 1929. Main tasks of the organization: to raise a warrior int he midst of the Russian youth – a political instructor, who carries not only the fire and sword, but also the spiritual creative idea, to participate in the struggle for the future of the Russian people.

    In this symbol, the sword represents the struggle, while the circle which holds it, represents unity. The RDK have chosen to transform the circle into a shield – which represents the defense of the Russian people and of Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    In this symbol, the sword represents the struggle, while the circle which holds it, represents unity. The RDK have chosen to transform the circle into a shield – which represents the defense of the Russian people and of Ukraine.
    I'm okay with this symbol:
  298. US didn’t share full intelligence on Moscow terror attack – NYT

    Investigators establish link between Moscow terrorist attack suspects and Ukrainian nationalists

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Investigators have obtained “substantiated evidence” that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack, that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack,
    From what I understand, one of the values of cryptocurrency is that it is difficult to track and know who exactly owns it. I guess the investigators are waiting to expose who these Ukrainians were based on the right time geared towards maximum effect?

    The Ukrainians may have been preparing a “window” for them to cross back over the border, the official said. “On the other side, they were to be welcomed as heroes,” he added.

    Now, it's starting to get real interesting, but even Lukashenko finds this stuff hard to swallow,. Although the Ukrainian side has shown nothing but sympathy towards the innocent Russian civilians who perished in this great tragedy, the Russian investigator knows that the perpetrators were to be welcomed in Ukraine "as heroes". Maybe he also knows where and on what street in Kyiv the parade was to be held including throngs of appreciative onlookers too?

    However, the investigators said at that time that, despite the group’s [ISIS] claim of responsibility for the terrorist act, another party, such as a Ukrainian intelligence agency, may have been involved in the plot.
    This must be the clincher folks, where Putler's KGB (oops, I mean the FSB) secures its airtight case against those sneaky Ukrainians? :-)

    Personally, I think that it's a tremendously weak case. I would suggest that they get into contact with kremlinstoogeA123 for help in rewriting the script of this unbelievable conspiracy theory. He's the best at this kind of stuff, Averko is just an aging stooge who's just not up to the job.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  299. @LatW

    Of course, these White officers supported keeping the Empire intact - albeit not in the current form (which RDK do not - but then again, the RDK support the Russian ethnic idea which those officers wouldn't be averse to). And they definitely would not be supportive of the neo-Soviet tendencies in the current RusFed.

    This is not so much about being historically accurate, but more about purely the ideology. It can exist in a new form. They also like the idea of Novgorod.

    Here is the basis of their ideology, symbolized by Спайка (it roughly translates as "juncture", "adhesion", "unity" - for now, I'll liberally translate it as the "Joining") of the White officer Viktor Larionov:

    "The Joining - a sword within a crown of thorns, the distinguishing sign of a participant of the Ice Campaign, in emigration it came to mean the cohesion in the struggle based on the principle of relentlessness of the soldiers of Viktor Larionov's "White Idea" organization*. Relentlessness is a phenomenon of the highest order. Implacability to the Bolsheviks, to anti-Russian power, enemies of national identity as such, to executioners and murderers.

    Today, as it was almost a hundred years ago, the principle is still the same - it is impossible to cooperate, engage in dialogue and coexist with the Bolsheviks and their successor - the Kremlin regime. And irreconcilability will not disappear as long as there is something with which peace is impossible, and the banner with the Joining will be raised again and again by the Russian people until Russia is cleansed of the red evil.

    That's why the Joining is worn by fighters of the Russian Volunteer Corps. They wear it with the hope that future generations will no longer have to do this."

    * Viktor Larionov's "Idea of the Whites" - an organization founded in 1929. Main tasks of the organization: to raise a warrior int he midst of the Russian youth - a political instructor, who carries not only the fire and sword, but also the spiritual creative idea, to participate in the struggle for the future of the Russian people.

    In this symbol, the sword represents the struggle, while the circle which holds it, represents unity. The RDK have chosen to transform the circle into a shield - which represents the defense of the Russian people and of Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    In this symbol, the sword represents the struggle, while the circle which holds it, represents unity. The RDK have chosen to transform the circle into a shield – which represents the defense of the Russian people and of Ukraine.

    I’m okay with this symbol:

  300. @AP

    I wonder why you dislike the Slavic nations so much
    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power. You dislike it strongly.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    Who do you dislike Slavs so much?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Gerard1234, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, in regards to the EU, you have previously said that you expect Poland and other Eastern European countries to move in Czechia’s direction, but what about Western European countries? Are they going to move in Israel’s/India’s direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?

    • Replies: @Coconuts
    @Mr. XYZ

    Are they going to move in Israel’s/India’s direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?
    This is interesting. At the moment in a lot of Western countries the general norm seems a type of asymmetrical multi-culturalism where the majority ethnic group is expected to adopt highly liberal norms, while expanding minorities can continue to hold ethnocentic, nationalist or anti-liberal values.

    The political philosopher Pierre Manent was writing about this in one of his recent books:

    An eminent sociologist, a recognised specialist on Islam, condemns Christians who publicly express reservations about 'LGBT rights' because it brings them into conflict with 'shared European values', but at the same time declares that the Islam of the 'new Muslim elites', an Islam that is 'not necessarily liberal', is 'compatible with our modern societies'. In this way Olivier Roy explicitly condemns among Christians what he refuses to judge among Muslims. So it is not only in 'our countries' but only 'among us' specifically that the criteria of human rights must be applied without reservations or taking mitigating circumstances into account. We have the universal criteria of the rights of man, we must judge in virtue of this criteria, at the same time this criteria decrees that we are obliged to judge, or forbids us from judging, according to particular cases.
    The India or Israel options may be possibilities because once ethnic/religious minority communities reach a certain size it seems likely that asymmetrical multi-culturalism will lose credibility, the contradictions will be too obvious.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @Mr. XYZ

  301. There is a growing understanding across the Western allies that Ukraine is losing the ground war against Russia, and by summer could face defeat.

  302. @LatW

    One ear.
    It's not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don't fall to that level. The official security forces and even the militia which is typically more lax (because it looks like it was the territorial militia that captured them, strange) should not act with such barbarism. First, because it debases the security forces themselves, second, because it's not humane, third, because the rest of the world will see it (even if your own population is thirsting for bloody revenge and you want to display it to them).

    This is typically an MO of radical Islamists. Not Slavs. But I suppose they have degraded to that level after this war (since they did similar things and worse in Ukraine so it's now normalized - I used to think that it is only Caucasians who do it but now it is Slavs, too. Wow.

    The difference is that with the exception of Poles, Balts and Galicians (possibly Romanians) none of the other small nations would initiative an attack on Russia
    We have entered a period in history when we'll have to use our words very responsibly and be accountable for them. This is a very loud, bold statement (and a blatant manipulation, ofc). The ones mentioned above cannot "initiate any attack on Russia" even if they wanted to - because Russia has already initiated - by sending their troops in Ukrainian territory and bombing them. They broke a lot of international rules and this was admitted by the UN.

    Let the winner set the new rules – it is always like that.
    More likely it will be a permanent war of all against all. Because that's what will inevitably happen if RusFed is allowed to get away with such enormous aggression. Same as Israel. If you believe that this is ok or a nice world to live in, that contradicts everything you've said before about peace being a good, etc.

    Russia as a "winner" will not be able to set rules for everyone - they can only murder people and bomb, and then occupy by force. This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow

    -One ear.

    It’s not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don’t fall to that level.

    Holyfield forgave Tyson and they are now close friends.

    (Actually Tyson tried to bite off both ears, but only succeeded on his first attempt.)

    In 2022, they teamed up and made cannabis candies in the shape of Holyfield’s ear.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @LatW

    LOL, kinda yuck... except the cannabis candies might be ok.

    In EE, there is a common pastry called Lil' Ears. :) They're called palmiers in French / English.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  303. @songbird

    -One ear.

    It’s not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don’t fall to that level.
    Holyfield forgave Tyson and they are now close friends.

    (Actually Tyson tried to bite off both ears, but only succeeded on his first attempt.)

    In 2022, they teamed up and made cannabis candies in the shape of Holyfield's ear.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    • Thanks: songbird
    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The most interesting thing here is that you knew of this poem.

    How and...why?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  304. @songbird

    -One ear.

    It’s not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don’t fall to that level.
    Holyfield forgave Tyson and they are now close friends.

    (Actually Tyson tried to bite off both ears, but only succeeded on his first attempt.)

    In 2022, they teamed up and made cannabis candies in the shape of Holyfield's ear.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    LOL, kinda yuck… except the cannabis candies might be ok.

    In EE, there is a common pastry called Lil’ Ears. 🙂 They’re called palmiers in French / English.

    • Thanks: songbird
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Speaking of losing ears, here's a funny Family Guy Vincent Van Gogh skit:

  305. @LatW

    One ear.
    It's not about the number, but about the very essence of such an act of barbarism.You just don't fall to that level. The official security forces and even the militia which is typically more lax (because it looks like it was the territorial militia that captured them, strange) should not act with such barbarism. First, because it debases the security forces themselves, second, because it's not humane, third, because the rest of the world will see it (even if your own population is thirsting for bloody revenge and you want to display it to them).

    This is typically an MO of radical Islamists. Not Slavs. But I suppose they have degraded to that level after this war (since they did similar things and worse in Ukraine so it's now normalized - I used to think that it is only Caucasians who do it but now it is Slavs, too. Wow.

    The difference is that with the exception of Poles, Balts and Galicians (possibly Romanians) none of the other small nations would initiative an attack on Russia
    We have entered a period in history when we'll have to use our words very responsibly and be accountable for them. This is a very loud, bold statement (and a blatant manipulation, ofc). The ones mentioned above cannot "initiate any attack on Russia" even if they wanted to - because Russia has already initiated - by sending their troops in Ukrainian territory and bombing them. They broke a lot of international rules and this was admitted by the UN.

    Let the winner set the new rules – it is always like that.
    More likely it will be a permanent war of all against all. Because that's what will inevitably happen if RusFed is allowed to get away with such enormous aggression. Same as Israel. If you believe that this is ok or a nice world to live in, that contradicts everything you've said before about peace being a good, etc.

    Russia as a "winner" will not be able to set rules for everyone - they can only murder people and bomb, and then occupy by force. This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow

    It’s not about the number of ears…

    It is, one ear is symbolic, but hundreds of water-boardings by US is not. Many were done in Poland and Romania, are you ok with that? Your selective outrage is reaching bizarre levels.

    it will be a permanent war of all against all…This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.

    I agree, except the chaos in the international relations started with Nato bombing Serbia, then with attack on Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan…all against UN Charter and all bombing and killing civilians. Where were you as it was happening? And when Kiev bombed Donbas killing 2.5k civilians?

    It’s too late – others have joined in. It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order. The tough talk by the Baltic ministers is very stupid – they are prancing around way ahead of their sponsors screaming that they hate Russia and have nothing to back it up with if Russia moves.

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils – what difference would it make? That’s the problem with the demonization propaganda, if you call them that anyway they stop paying attention to anything you think. That’s what this tribal-level crazy propaganda against Russia has achieved. You must be proud.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils
    We know them very well from 1940, we have always known what to expect from them.

    It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order.
    There won't be one global hegemon anymore - no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can't pull it off, nobody can.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @YetAnotherAnon

  306. @Beckow

    It’s not about the number of ears...
    It is, one ear is symbolic, but hundreds of water-boardings by US is not. Many were done in Poland and Romania, are you ok with that? Your selective outrage is reaching bizarre levels.

    it will be a permanent war of all against all...This will only cause everyone else to arm themselves. And for the sleeping conflicts elsewhere to be reawakened. It will be chaos.
    I agree, except the chaos in the international relations started with Nato bombing Serbia, then with attack on Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan...all against UN Charter and all bombing and killing civilians. Where were you as it was happening? And when Kiev bombed Donbas killing 2.5k civilians?

    It's too late - others have joined in. It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order. The tough talk by the Baltic ministers is very stupid - they are prancing around way ahead of their sponsors screaming that they hate Russia and have nothing to back it up with if Russia moves.

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils - what difference would it make? That's the problem with the demonization propaganda, if you call them that anyway they stop paying attention to anything you think. That's what this tribal-level crazy propaganda against Russia has achieved. You must be proud.

    Replies: @LatW

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils

    We know them very well from 1940, we have always known what to expect from them.

    It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order.

    There won’t be one global hegemon anymore – no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can’t pull it off, nobody can.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    LatW, are you surprised by the extreme utter lunacy that is coming out of the mouths of even some of the ostensibly most respected Russian thinkers and analysts over the last couple of years? For instance:

    The original is here:

    There are also several other writings of this nature, two by the same guy (Dmitry Trenin) and one by Sergey Karaganov:

    Thankfully, not all Russian thinkers are bashit crazy:

    But Yeah, seeing all of this, and you can understand Biden's cautious attitude towards Ukraine.

    These types of hotheads are very dangerous. Similar to the ones who were arguing that the US should invade Cuba back in 1962 or to the ones who argued that the US should wage a preventative nuclear war against the Soviet Union back in the late 1940s or 1950s.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

    , @YetAnotherAnon

    "There won’t be one global hegemon anymore – no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can’t pull it off, nobody can."

    The US could and did pull it off, but somewhere around 1970 it all went wrong, and by 2000 it was very wrong. Boeing is the story of US decline, a parable if you like.

    Replies: @QCIC

  307. @LatW

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils
    We know them very well from 1940, we have always known what to expect from them.

    It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order.
    There won't be one global hegemon anymore - no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can't pull it off, nobody can.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @YetAnotherAnon

    LatW, are you surprised by the extreme utter lunacy that is coming out of the mouths of even some of the ostensibly most respected Russian thinkers and analysts over the last couple of years? For instance:

    The original is here:

    There are also several other writings of this nature, two by the same guy (Dmitry Trenin) and one by Sergey Karaganov:

    Thankfully, not all Russian thinkers are bashit crazy:

    But Yeah, seeing all of this, and you can understand Biden’s cautious attitude towards Ukraine.

    These types of hotheads are very dangerous. Similar to the ones who were arguing that the US should invade Cuba back in 1962 or to the ones who argued that the US should wage a preventative nuclear war against the Soviet Union back in the late 1940s or 1950s.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    The first article you linked by Trenin is very wise. I am a bit surprised that anyone at Unz would be confused by his meaning. The West has intentionally created this state of affairs, so why pussy foot around? The USA dropping out of nuclear treaties and placing missile sites in Eastern Europe was huge. These steps were much worse than the Cuban missile crisis because they are so premeditated.

    Trenin wrote:

    Thus, the concept of strategic stability in its original form – the creation and maintenance of military-technical conditions to prevent a sudden massive nuclear strike – only partially retains its meaning under current conditions.

    Strengthening nuclear deterrence could be the solution to the real problem of restoring strategic stability, which has been seriously disrupted by the ongoing and escalating conflict. To begin with, it is worth rethinking the concept of deterrence and, in the process, changing its name.
    The USA dropping out of the treaties and placing the missile sites near Russia were threats. They were an intense escalation of the West's aggressive posture against Russia. I did not appreciate this at the time, maybe because I naively hoped this was part of some post-Cold War mutual defense arrangement. What an idiot I was. The other acts by the West such as NATO expansion made it absolutely clear that the West wants to destroy Russia. I think Western weasels (planners) must have hoped that by installing a compromised Russian government they could gradually get Russia to weaken its nuclear capabilities to a point where the Russian strategic defense forces could be gutted. Or maybe the West really wanted to reduce the Russian threat until it was weak enough so that Russia could be attacked with nuclear weapons by the West. Whatever they thought it was foolish and insane. Trenin is right to point out that Russia needs to send a clear message to shake the West out of this demented fugue. As he suggests, this process will be extremely dangerous.

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    No, I'm not surprised by this (the likes of Karaganov I've had to listen to with their threats against the "near abroad" for decades, it's just that recently it was taken up a level and it is now against the whole West or world). The nuclear set up should probably be negotiated after this.


  308. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @QCIC

    The most interesting thing here is that you knew of this poem.

    How and…why?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I know a lot of poetry. Did you listen to the audio? It's much better out loud.

    My biography is boring. This is the internet. We are like zombies. Except that most of us are much more lively than zombies.

    Have you read any of Yarvin's poetry? It might be inconceivable but it's even worse than his prose.

    Replies: @QCIC

  309. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The most interesting thing here is that you knew of this poem.

    How and...why?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I know a lot of poetry. Did you listen to the audio? It’s much better out loud.

    My biography is boring. This is the internet. We are like zombies. Except that most of us are much more lively than zombies.

    Have you read any of Yarvin’s poetry? It might be inconceivable but it’s even worse than his prose.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    No and no but I will consider it. I don't know any modern poetry.

  310. @Mr. XYZ

    LatW, are you surprised by the extreme utter lunacy that is coming out of the mouths of even some of the ostensibly most respected Russian thinkers and analysts over the last couple of years? For instance:

    The original is here:

    There are also several other writings of this nature, two by the same guy (Dmitry Trenin) and one by Sergey Karaganov:

    Thankfully, not all Russian thinkers are bashit crazy:

    But Yeah, seeing all of this, and you can understand Biden's cautious attitude towards Ukraine.

    These types of hotheads are very dangerous. Similar to the ones who were arguing that the US should invade Cuba back in 1962 or to the ones who argued that the US should wage a preventative nuclear war against the Soviet Union back in the late 1940s or 1950s.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

    The first article you linked by Trenin is very wise. I am a bit surprised that anyone at Unz would be confused by his meaning. The West has intentionally created this state of affairs, so why pussy foot around? The USA dropping out of nuclear treaties and placing missile sites in Eastern Europe was huge. These steps were much worse than the Cuban missile crisis because they are so premeditated.

    Trenin wrote:

    Thus, the concept of strategic stability in its original form – the creation and maintenance of military-technical conditions to prevent a sudden massive nuclear strike – only partially retains its meaning under current conditions.

    Strengthening nuclear deterrence could be the solution to the real problem of restoring strategic stability, which has been seriously disrupted by the ongoing and escalating conflict. To begin with, it is worth rethinking the concept of deterrence and, in the process, changing its name.

    The USA dropping out of the treaties and placing the missile sites near Russia were threats. They were an intense escalation of the West’s aggressive posture against Russia. I did not appreciate this at the time, maybe because I naively hoped this was part of some post-Cold War mutual defense arrangement. What an idiot I was. The other acts by the West such as NATO expansion made it absolutely clear that the West wants to destroy Russia. I think Western weasels (planners) must have hoped that by installing a compromised Russian government they could gradually get Russia to weaken its nuclear capabilities to a point where the Russian strategic defense forces could be gutted. Or maybe the West really wanted to reduce the Russian threat until it was weak enough so that Russia could be attacked with nuclear weapons by the West. Whatever they thought it was foolish and insane. Trenin is right to point out that Russia needs to send a clear message to shake the West out of this demented fugue. As he suggests, this process will be extremely dangerous.

    • Agree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Beckow

    Among the decision makers in the West there is a deeply embedded loathing of compromise. They are losing but can't admit it.

    The dreamers are lost. They have lived the dream of defeating Russia all of their lives, this was the moment that waited for - now the unfolding disaster. People don't change their deep underlying life philosophy, what they believe in and what they want to happen. They only grow older waiting for something to make it happen. Ukie-fans here are like that - it is very emotional for them.

    Only a radical transformation event changes this deep mentality. We may to go through one to come out better on the other side. I don't like it one bit. But there seems to be no alternative, these people need to be shaken from their moronic dream.

    Replies: @QCIC

  311. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I know a lot of poetry. Did you listen to the audio? It's much better out loud.

    My biography is boring. This is the internet. We are like zombies. Except that most of us are much more lively than zombies.

    Have you read any of Yarvin's poetry? It might be inconceivable but it's even worse than his prose.

    Replies: @QCIC

    No and no but I will consider it. I don’t know any modern poetry.

  312. How good is the coverage on this Chinese emperor’s genome? If they cloned him, would Erdogan immediately call an emergency meeting of the OTS?

  313. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    The first article you linked by Trenin is very wise. I am a bit surprised that anyone at Unz would be confused by his meaning. The West has intentionally created this state of affairs, so why pussy foot around? The USA dropping out of nuclear treaties and placing missile sites in Eastern Europe was huge. These steps were much worse than the Cuban missile crisis because they are so premeditated.

    Trenin wrote:

    Thus, the concept of strategic stability in its original form – the creation and maintenance of military-technical conditions to prevent a sudden massive nuclear strike – only partially retains its meaning under current conditions.

    Strengthening nuclear deterrence could be the solution to the real problem of restoring strategic stability, which has been seriously disrupted by the ongoing and escalating conflict. To begin with, it is worth rethinking the concept of deterrence and, in the process, changing its name.
    The USA dropping out of the treaties and placing the missile sites near Russia were threats. They were an intense escalation of the West's aggressive posture against Russia. I did not appreciate this at the time, maybe because I naively hoped this was part of some post-Cold War mutual defense arrangement. What an idiot I was. The other acts by the West such as NATO expansion made it absolutely clear that the West wants to destroy Russia. I think Western weasels (planners) must have hoped that by installing a compromised Russian government they could gradually get Russia to weaken its nuclear capabilities to a point where the Russian strategic defense forces could be gutted. Or maybe the West really wanted to reduce the Russian threat until it was weak enough so that Russia could be attacked with nuclear weapons by the West. Whatever they thought it was foolish and insane. Trenin is right to point out that Russia needs to send a clear message to shake the West out of this demented fugue. As he suggests, this process will be extremely dangerous.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Among the decision makers in the West there is a deeply embedded loathing of compromise. They are losing but can’t admit it.

    The dreamers are lost. They have lived the dream of defeating Russia all of their lives, this was the moment that waited for – now the unfolding disaster. People don’t change their deep underlying life philosophy, what they believe in and what they want to happen. They only grow older waiting for something to make it happen. Ukie-fans here are like that – it is very emotional for them.

    Only a radical transformation event changes this deep mentality. We may to go through one to come out better on the other side. I don’t like it one bit. But there seems to be no alternative, these people need to be shaken from their moronic dream.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I agree, but those in power do not hesitate to turn their back on failure and simply move on to the next project. There may be a career window of opportunity for the event planners, such that if the plan fails they are simply retired. At that point the next big thing takes precedence.

    On the other hand, the big picture conspiracy here is not anti-Russia as much as global control. That agenda may advance if the West and Russia are both wrecked by the Ukraine mess. Broad economic collapse could be a natural lead in to world government. I hope things are not that bad...

    Replies: @Beckow

  314. @AP

    Putin isn’t really similar to neoconservatism.

    Neoconservatism is based on spreading democracy, importance of ideology.
    Putin’s ideology (or lack of a sincerely-held one) is indeed very different from that of neoconservatives. You are correct.

    But both engage in foreign invasions and war without thinking of their own people under the banner of fake patriotism, and both have presided over mass immigration into the country they lead. For neocons this was for the sake of ideology, for Putin it is about the stable monopolization of power and wealth for himself and his inner circle. Neocons invaded Iraq, Putin invaded Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, the neocons’ invasion of Iraq, while possibly having too high of a cost relative to its benefits, did at least have better intentions than Putin’s invasion of Ukraine had. Putin could have achieved much the same effect by simply quickly annexing the Donbass in February 2022 or, better yet, back in 2014. But there was no realistic way to bring democracy to Iraq without invading it. The West isn’t going to accept Iraq’s entire population (nor should it!) and I doubt that any countries in the Muslim world would do so either. Unfortunately, even for Syrian refugees, there has sometimes been insufficient hospitality from some other Muslim countries, especially the oil-rich Gulf states.

    • Replies: @LondonBob
    @Mr. XYZ

    The neocon goal in invading Iraq was to destroy, remove the Palestine friendly Saddam, and fracture Iraq, in that they were successful. The Oded Yinon plan. the longer term Iran has taken advantage and US standing in the region has declined, so perhaps a pyrrhic victory. That it was motivated by anything but malice is laughable, bringing democracy was just framing for moral superior Westerners.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    Making a serious comparison between the USA invasion of Iraq from six thousand miles away and the Russian defensive involvement in Ukraine is one of the more ridiculous things you have written and you have set a very high bar.

    Attempting to justify the invasion of Iraq is equally ridiculous.

    I know you are just trolling, but don't you get tired of spewing crazy shit after a while?

    Replies: @AP

  315. Question: If Russia will ever significantly liberalize and democratize and seek to join the EU, would it have to let go of Chechnya? Or forcibly liberalize and democratize Chechnya as well? I can’t imagine the EU actually accepting a Chechnya that’s brutally ruled by the Kadyrov clan inside of the EU, after all.

  316. @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, in regards to the EU, you have previously said that you expect Poland and other Eastern European countries to move in Czechia's direction, but what about Western European countries? Are they going to move in Israel's/India's direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?

    Replies: @Coconuts

    Are they going to move in Israel’s/India’s direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?

    This is interesting. At the moment in a lot of Western countries the general norm seems a type of asymmetrical multi-culturalism where the majority ethnic group is expected to adopt highly liberal norms, while expanding minorities can continue to hold ethnocentic, nationalist or anti-liberal values.

    The political philosopher Pierre Manent was writing about this in one of his recent books:

    An eminent sociologist, a recognised specialist on Islam, condemns Christians who publicly express reservations about ‘LGBT rights’ because it brings them into conflict with ‘shared European values’, but at the same time declares that the Islam of the ‘new Muslim elites’, an Islam that is ‘not necessarily liberal’, is ‘compatible with our modern societies’. In this way Olivier Roy explicitly condemns among Christians what he refuses to judge among Muslims. So it is not only in ‘our countries’ but only ‘among us’ specifically that the criteria of human rights must be applied without reservations or taking mitigating circumstances into account. We have the universal criteria of the rights of man, we must judge in virtue of this criteria, at the same time this criteria decrees that we are obliged to judge, or forbids us from judging, according to particular cases.

    The India or Israel options may be possibilities because once ethnic/religious minority communities reach a certain size it seems likely that asymmetrical multi-culturalism will lose credibility, the contradictions will be too obvious.

    • Replies: @LondonBob

    Of course it is not coherent, the ideology is melded around what is worst for Europeans, the new left is deeply grounded in the Jewish outlook, who/whom. It is not remotely coherent, unfortunately we are wedded to concepts of partiality and justice.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    The India or Israel options may be possibilities because once ethnic/religious minority communities reach a certain size it seems likely that asymmetrical multi-culturalism will lose credibility, the contradictions will be too obvious.


    On this one forum that I used to be on several years ago, this one Korean poster said that he speculates that India would have been more tolerant of Muslims had Muslims been 3% of India's total population rather than 14%.

    I suspect that a similar dynamic might emerge in Europe once a larger (unselected) Muslim % will result in more and more Muslim radicalism. In France, Le Pen's support appears to be increasing with each election, for instance. Though she might be a disappointment in office similar to Meloni in Italy.
  317. @sudden death

    Later will have to to find the data for the previous years, but very charitably for a short while taking all the claims at face value we get rather interesting contrast on the ground level - allegedly post-Covid reduced numbers of migration somehow are resulting in record breaking attendances of muslim religious festivities in RF;)


    Eid al-Fitr became record breaking for St. Petersburg

    Today, the holy holiday of Muslims was visited by 383 thousand people – this is a record number of participants in recent years. This was stated by the clergyman of the Cathedral Mosque Adam Rashidov to the Prigozhin owned newspaper “Nevskiye Novosti”.

    According to him, only about 200 thousand believers came to the main mosque on the Petrograd side, and the announced figure is the total attendance of all mosques in St. Petersburg. Rashidov noted that there are not enough mosques in the Leningrad region, so many people go from the region to the city, but even here the Cathedral Mosque cannot accommodate everyone.

    You can appreciate the scale of Eid al-Fitr near the Cathedral Mosque in the photo of Alexei Polyakov, who captured the holiday from a drone.

    That is already 7 percent out of all current 2nd largest RF city population going out to mosque these days and those were only just male muslims who were doing that day, females were not allowed, but they do exist too.

    Replies: @sudden death

    Very quickly looked at the available data of overall immigrants in RF for the year of 2023 and the cumulative number of 10 million real existing (legal+illegal) immigrants residing in country remains quite realistic, even if stats for inclusion into migrationary registry indeed does reflect potential repeating inclusion of the same person, thus making yearly statistical number of inclusions higher:

    16 November 2023

    In January-July of this year, the number of foreign citizens registered for migration amounted to 9.1 million people (a year earlier for the same period – 9.6 million people). In the first seven months of the year, 64,695 work permits were issued (for the same period last year – 49,731), temporary residence permits – 49,860 (107,815), residence permits – 146,108 (163,600), Russian Federation citizen passports – 9 .4 million pieces (7.1 million).

    There are 6.4 million foreign citizens in Russia, most of whom entered the country for work purposes, Valentina Kazakova, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ main department for migration issues, reported in November. According to various estimates, there may be from 1.5 million to 3 million illegal migrants in Russia, said Vyacheslav Postavnin, a migration expert and former deputy director of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (abolished in 2016).

    However it needs to be remembered that at the very least cumulative million of earlier islamic immigrants have been granted citizenship, so they are not “immigrants” anymore for statistical purposes while in practice the difference is obviously non existant atm.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Tajikistan is a very exotic case.

    Conquered by the Russian Empire in the same time frame as the American civil war.

    Lost to the USSR at the very end of the Cold War. Subsequently the dominant political economic and cultural population of Russian ethnics fled (150,000) during the Tajik civil war. So the poorer Tajiks however rely on remittances from Moscow to get by in the post Soviet space. Many go to live in Russia proper. Not unlike Algerians moving to France after fighting the vicious war of independence in the 1960s.

    The most notable Tajik ethnic in the late twentieth century Shah Masood, the Lion of Panjishir, lionised as a freedom fighter against the USSR by the BBC and US media. Agent of MI6 and to a lesser extent CIA asset. While he was a Tajik ethnic he was an Afghan citizen.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @Mr. XYZ

  318. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Very quickly looked at the available data of overall immigrants in RF for the year of 2023 and the cumulative number of 10 million real existing (legal+illegal) immigrants residing in country remains quite realistic, even if stats for inclusion into migrationary registry indeed does reflect potential repeating inclusion of the same person, thus making yearly statistical number of inclusions higher:

    16 November 2023

    In January-July of this year, the number of foreign citizens registered for migration amounted to 9.1 million people (a year earlier for the same period - 9.6 million people). In the first seven months of the year, 64,695 work permits were issued (for the same period last year - 49,731), temporary residence permits - 49,860 (107,815), residence permits - 146,108 (163,600), Russian Federation citizen passports - 9 .4 million pieces (7.1 million).

    There are 6.4 million foreign citizens in Russia, most of whom entered the country for work purposes, Valentina Kazakova, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' main department for migration issues, reported in November. According to various estimates, there may be from 1.5 million to 3 million illegal migrants in Russia, said Vyacheslav Postavnin, a migration expert and former deputy director of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (abolished in 2016).

    However it needs to be remembered that at the very least cumulative million of earlier islamic immigrants have been granted citizenship, so they are not "immigrants" anymore for statistical purposes while in practice the difference is obviously non existant atm.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Tajikistan is a very exotic case.

    Conquered by the Russian Empire in the same time frame as the American civil war.

    Lost to the USSR at the very end of the Cold War. Subsequently the dominant political economic and cultural population of Russian ethnics fled (150,000) during the Tajik civil war. So the poorer Tajiks however rely on remittances from Moscow to get by in the post Soviet space. Many go to live in Russia proper. Not unlike Algerians moving to France after fighting the vicious war of independence in the 1960s.

    The most notable Tajik ethnic in the late twentieth century Shah Masood, the Lion of Panjishir, lionised as a freedom fighter against the USSR by the BBC and US media. Agent of MI6 and to a lesser extent CIA asset. While he was a Tajik ethnic he was an Afghan citizen.

    • Replies: @LondonBob

    A lot of these countries need to be re-colonised, they were better off being ruled by a European elite, everything is backwards now, the only countries doing this are the Gulf Arab countries who import Westerners to manage higher level affairs.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Do you think that it would be a good idea for Tajikistan and Afghanistan to unite if both of these countries will ever get normal governments? I mean, even right now, AFAIK, there are more Tajiks in Afghanistan than there are in Tajikistan. Greater Afghanistan could be a binational state shared between Pashtuns and Tajiks. It already is that way right now, except here there would be more Tajiks and it wouldn't be Taliban-ruled, so Tajiks would actually have some political power, like they had in Afghanistan before 2021.

    I also wonder if Afghanistan would have acquired Tajikistan in 1918 at Brest-Litovsk had it entered WWI on the CP side.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  319. @LatW

    Remember that more Russia is demonized easier it is for them to act like devils
    We know them very well from 1940, we have always known what to expect from them.

    It will be chaos until one side wins (if ever) and reestablishes some order.
    There won't be one global hegemon anymore - no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can't pull it off, nobody can.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @YetAnotherAnon

    “There won’t be one global hegemon anymore – no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can’t pull it off, nobody can.”

    The US could and did pull it off, but somewhere around 1970 it all went wrong, and by 2000 it was very wrong. Boeing is the story of US decline, a parable if you like.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    The Boeing commercial aircraft story is a bit like the GM story. I see the downfall in Detroit as caused by a combination of management decisions combined with high US costs (unrealistic union agreements, taxes, etc.). Then the government started increasing automotive regulations leading to massive planned obsolescence beyond GM's wildest dreams. Unfortunately, by that point GM did not have the engineering resources and capital to keep up with the regulatory dreams of the mandarins, if they ever had these capacities. This allowed the foreign manufacturers to gain major market share in the USA. These companies are much more effective so that even forced to build cars in this country they still can do a better job than strictly American concerns.

    Once the chip industry became globalized the remains of the US economy are largely based on dollar reserve currency status and our FIRE economy. The good news is that technology keeps inching forward, increasing productivity and allowing things to stay afloat. Or something like that.


    The Lockheed scandal may have been a factor in the development of the Boeing-Japan relationship.

    Replies: @songbird

  320. AP says:

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.
    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder. Regardless, the collective imagery on this matter has numerous exceptions. "Muscovites" fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side
    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers. Lindsey Graham, Lloyd Austin and Mitch McConnell have said similarly to Zanny Binton Beddoes:

    “Aiding Ukraine, giving the money to Ukraine is the cheapest possible way for the U.S. to enhance its security,” Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor-in-chief of the Economist, recently told the Daily Show's Jon Stewart. “The fighting is being done by the Ukrainians, they're the people who are being killed.”
    Putin/Russia clearly gave reasonable time to seek a viable peaceful alternative.

    Replies: @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.

    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion – actively supported by the Russian state – with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition. Hitler himself an Austrian. Reform Judaism movement noticeable in north eastern Germany where Jews were among the more intertwined with non-Jews relative to the rest of the world. Numerous accounts indicate that traditional Prussians viewed Hitler and Nazism as a bit quirkish in a way that as more guarded than in Austria and southern Germany.

    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    And Sherman burned Atlanta. A historical nitpick from long ago. Nobgorod and MJoscow fell part of the same nation for centuries.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion – actively supported by the Russian state – with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    The rebellion happened after the coup in Kiev which went against the internationally brokered agreement violated by those involved in that coup which was top heavy with anti-Russian advocates which were understandably opposed by pro-Russian elements in Crimea and Donbass and some other areas.

    Putin waited years for Minsk Accords to be honored. In the weeks leading up to the SMO, OSCE observers confirmed a dramatic increase of Kiev regime shelling on Donbass rebel held territory. There was open talk of the Kiev regime doing an operation Storm move. Stolttenberg acknowledged a war like situation in Ukraine in the years leading up to the SMO. In those prior years, he said that NATO armed and trained Kiev regime forces.

    The SMO was a limited action that brought the Kiev regime to the negotiating table where it was leaning to sign a closely related version of the Minsk Accords. The Kiev regime foolishly walked away from that at the prodding of Boris Johnson in line with Western neocons and neolibs.

    US killed many more German and Japanese civilians than the latter two killed American civilians. People on the side of an aggressive regime can end up suffering greatly as the result of the policies of the regime purporting to represent them.

    Replies: @Beckow, @AP

    , @Beckow

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first. So we can assign the victims to Ukie nationalism - more precisely to their Western sponsors who seem happy to kill lots of Ukie men as long as enough Russians are also killed.

    Ukraine has now more heroes and fewer people. Is that a good thing? Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don't go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920.

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets. What did you mean by "Ukies when killing the Poles had less dubious reasons"? You are on a slippery slope to indirectly justify Nazism...

    Like LatW who first boasted that "ISIS could form second front against Russia" have few moral constraints. In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.


    Even if one considers Balkan pseudo-Slavs (everyone other than Slovenes and northern Croats) as Slavs, then apparently Putin's death toll would still surpass that of Milosevic. In the Yugoslav War, apparently something like 140,000 people in total got killed, not all of whom were Slavs or even pseudo-Slavs (there were Albanians who got killed in Kosovo who aren't even pseudo-Slavs).

    Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    Seems like 18th century Russia's worst sin, even worse than bringing serfdom to Ukraine and even worse than partitioning the PLC, was making a separate peace with Prussia back in 1762 instead of completely conquering and destroying Prussia.

    For every war that Russia failed to destroy Prussian/northern German power, the next war that Russia had an opportunity to do this in always ended up being much bloodier for Russia. WWI was much bloodier than the Seven Years' War for Russia, and WWII was much bloodier than WWI for Russia. (In WWI, Lenin was the 1917 equivalent of what Tsar Peter III was back in 1762.)

    , @Gerard1234

    Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    LMAFAO. Just when thought it couldn't get any more of you being a bimbo and a compulsive liar "raise" your level. Just about the most non-accurate statement in history you stupid prick.

    Goebbels - Catholic
    Himmler - Bavaria - not Prussian. Catholic of course
    Stangl - Austrian
    Mengele - Auschwitz torturer - Bavaria - not Prussian
    Hitler- Austrian, Catholic
    Goring - Bavarian
    Dirlewanger - Bavaria - probably the worst Nazi war criminal
    Eichman - don't know - assume Prussian
    Heydrich - think he was Catholic, probably Prussian.
    Jekeln - South German - Catholic - between him and Stangl for the worst sicko. Pure evil.
    Franz Stangl - Austrian
    Von Weichs - Bavarian
    Paulus - Prussian, but could not personally have been a sicko if Soviets allowed him to live
    Hess- don't know where from, probably Protestant - either way not regarded as evil Nazi
    Ernst Rohm- Bavaria
    Von Ribbentrop - Prussian - not a sadistic Nazi

    Then you have Rommel and then Donitz, head of Kriegsmarine ( so naval operations obviously not implicated in any warcrimes) - both I assume Protestants, and so from Prussia. Skilled military commanders who were members of the Nazi party - not particularly ideological Nazis, certainly not evil , sadistic Nazis.

    So in that list that includes what 13 of them are Catholic out of the 15 who are absolute definite, evil, established Nazis. 11 of the 13 aren't from Prussia but from Austria and Southern germany.
    For those unaware - Prussia classifies mostly as northern Germany and Protestant. South Germany and Austria- Catholic

    Now, those Nazi names are the ones instantly recognisable to me. For some people ( German Reader?) that list may be different, but large majority of those names will be shared by everybody.

    For a dumbshit as yourself who uses an abnormal amount of time on here, pretending to know about history, highly autistic and messed up, it's simply abnormal you could type this piece of retardation:

    Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon
    Even though you and your sockpuppets accounts probably would have encountered people making similar lists to me, to explain your disinformation, numerous times before.

    It just couldn't be any more wrong you fantasist retard. LOL.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @AP

    , @Gerard1234

    blockquote>Muscovites genocided Novgorod.
     A complete idiotic lie statement. Nothing close to a genocide you dumb retard. Regurgitating idiotic pseudo-intellectual statements from Banderetard "historians" is braindead. What did happen though was standard actions for the time. Far more civilised then what was happening in western Europe under similar circumstances.

    And most amusingly............without those actions - "Ukrainian" nation would NEVER have existed!!!! Orthodoxy as defining part of culture and life in that part of world, and therefore for 404, was preserved by these events.

    Amusingly that a lowlife cunt with zero functioning life as yourself would type such there is probably more remains of Novgorod from that time ...........then there is of ANY "Ukrainian" city from that time, any Rus', Orthodox cultural buildings/artefacts from that time in areas of ( created by Lenin and Stalin) what is now called Ukraine, LMAO. Even the khokhol-scumbag "historians" aren't making any attempts to raise funds (corruption) to rebuild some lost building or whatever of "Ukrainian" culture in Kiev from this 1200-1600 time period. Looks very similar to Banderetard experience in Lvov pre-Soviet time in their non-existance of their culture in these cities.

    We could compare evidence of this from travels........but that would be fotos from my trips to Novgorod, Tver, Peskov etc.......versus your zero visits there and zero knowledge and wikipedia copy& paste BS.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.
    Misleading idiocy. They razed ( quite rightly) a "city" that was emptied of people, certainly of civilians. Difficult to understand what point your Bimbo self is trying to do. Mazepa had betrayed the Slavic world, his religion, his people. As is typical for Ukronazi myth nation-building........this wasn't a rebellion or insurrection, it was a simple, completely unexpected, parasitic betrayal in favour of the enemies of both Slavic and Orthodox world.In doing this he allowed Swedes to raze, rape and pillage Orthodox churches. In other words......typical khokhol pussy-coward.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion


    Errm no you dumb, cursed in hell permanently, piece of excrement...........the illegal, installed by Americans, Nazi, puppet government responded to Donbass peoples lawful and RECIPROCAL actions copying not only those in Kiev protesting Yanukovich....but also , and crucially, those in Lvov shithole local authorities, who had practically and officially stopped recognising Yanukovich as President, and Party of Regions as a legal party. This was BEFORE the (Ukronazi done) false-flag shootings at Maidan you thick idiot. The difference being those in Donbass in their reciprocal actions were responding to a freakshow ( typical for Banderastan) series of events, completely inexplicable, anarchy, power-vaccum, completely confusion, violent events - and making reasonable demands.

    Those at Maidan and the shitheads in Galicia were paralysing the country, creating anarchy in a situation of a leader voted into power by millions in election......not a ( even after 10 years unsolved) false-flag murder operation.

    by both sides.
    errr ,no. One side you demented retarded. And TWICE these civilian mass murders were stopped BY Russia, by Putin after Donbass heroes had forced these scum into negotiation and ceasefire with both Minsk Agreements. In other words, thanks to pro-Russian military action in self-defence of Donbass peoples against these Nazi scum, the rate of murder was much reduced. That western scum facilitated the Nazis to not make ANY attempt to follow the agreements, is why this deathcult has killed so many of them.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.


    Putin responded to Banderastan/NATO invasion - the Anglo-Americans, Gayropeans and Zelensky, Poroshenko/Valtsman and other Jews and Ukronazis, as a result, have killed 400000+ ( high majority ukronazis) in this deathcult. The most since WW2. Putin has been saviour for several million slavs however you lying dipshit,

    Replies: @Jazman

  321. @Beckow

    Among the decision makers in the West there is a deeply embedded loathing of compromise. They are losing but can't admit it.

    The dreamers are lost. They have lived the dream of defeating Russia all of their lives, this was the moment that waited for - now the unfolding disaster. People don't change their deep underlying life philosophy, what they believe in and what they want to happen. They only grow older waiting for something to make it happen. Ukie-fans here are like that - it is very emotional for them.

    Only a radical transformation event changes this deep mentality. We may to go through one to come out better on the other side. I don't like it one bit. But there seems to be no alternative, these people need to be shaken from their moronic dream.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I agree, but those in power do not hesitate to turn their back on failure and simply move on to the next project. There may be a career window of opportunity for the event planners, such that if the plan fails they are simply retired. At that point the next big thing takes precedence.

    On the other hand, the big picture conspiracy here is not anti-Russia as much as global control. That agenda may advance if the West and Russia are both wrecked by the Ukraine mess. Broad economic collapse could be a natural lead in to world government. I hope things are not that bad…

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...the big picture conspiracy here is not anti-Russia as much as global control. That agenda may advance if the West and Russia are both wrecked by the Ukraine mess. Broad economic collapse could be a natural lead in to world government.
    An interesting idea. It could be true, but I am not ready to subscribe to it yet. It is too cynical even for me. Cynicism is too easy, maybe tomorrow...

    those in power do not hesitate to turn their back on failure and simply move on to the next project
    Where can they go next? They are running out of targets. Defeat in Ukraine would be an order of magnitude worse than the previous ones that were remote and easy to walk away from. If Russia wins in Ukraine the consequences will be more dramatic. There is hysteria and panic among the Westie leaders - look at Macron - they sense that Nato-in-Ukraine was a bridge too far. Nuland is gone for a reason.

    Replies: @QCIC

  322. AP says:

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves).
    LMAO at this deranged, idiotic lie -. Russia is literally the biggest saviour of Slavs, biggest "non-killer" of slavs and biggest saviour of Orthodox people in history - to an exponential level higher than anyone else you useless POS.

    Ukronazis in the 1940's literally killed more Poles in a few weeks (maybe) days........than Russia has killed in 400 years you dumbfuck. It's also far past stupid to call "slav-killer" those eliminating in self-defence , Polish scum (men) who were Hitler's best friend, Napoleons best friend/a$$-licker, and trying to invade and destroy Russia several times over the last 500 years..........vs Ukronazi subhumans killling and raping and burning women, children and elderly ,as part of their union with the Nazis - purely for opportunistic reasons

    Your people have and do ally with all 3. You support 2 if those 3..
    1. You know nothing about Slovakia, and are a known fantasist liar
    2. Slovakia literally did partner with the USSR against Nazis in WW2 you braindead cretin. Banderastan (Galicia)? LOL. Imagine what permanently cursed-in-hell scum those Ukronazis trash would have to be who decided to stay in Germany after WW2, immediately after they have just tried to eliminate you them off the planet?!
    3. Polish prostitute state has literally partnered with Anglo-Americans, Nazis, Swedes, French,Germans and Turks against Slavs, so to mass-murder them. Russia of course is the complete opposite you retard

    You are not exactly one to talk.
    Slovakia has been "saviour" to a large number of Ukrops, desperate to work there since and before the SMO. I think Beckow said he has been employing some of them. You though, LOL, in addition to being non-Ukrainian who has never been to Russia or 404 , have saved of them. Even though millions of ukrops would break their arm if it would allow them to live and work in America - and in current regulations they don't have to do this as they are allowed to come.....if they can find some Banderite dogshit ( or anyone) wanting to let them live in their house.Which you can't even do, LMAO.

    Like the cockroach you are - you do support as many Ukronazis dying as possible as part of "creating national identity" freakshow BS - that failures with evil histories can indulge in from safety of several 1000s of kms.

    Slavs flourished under Hapsburg (not mediated by Hungarians) rule and did fine under Lithuania (Balts are cousins of Slavs). You dislike both of those. They’ve done quite well in the EU also. You dislike all 3 of these.
    LMAO - an unbelievable amount of lies in 1 paragraph. Further amusing for a creep already exposed an not even knowing BASIC knowledge about European royal families. Polish EU "success" is hugely overated - certainly in comparison to Russia post-1990's success, with the second part of this fake "success" entirely from exploitation of ukronazi cheap labour - picking their fruit, wiping their asses,cleaning their toilets ....and servicing their adultery.

    Rzeczpospolita was a major Slavic power.
    It was a major FAILED slavic power. One that I suspect Slovaks have near zero historical interest in.....just like the entire western world, who all haven't even heard of it.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin
    The largest saviour of Slavs after WW2 is Putin you worthless tramp. The largest killer is of course this Zelensky drug-addict/Poland/Anglo-Americans/NATO deathcult.

    LOL - as I said, to be a "Ukrainian" is to betray your family, your religion, your culture and your history.

    N.B Amusing to see a sociopathic retard as yourself ( with your 100s of sockpuppets on other blogs) use the braindead term "Muscovites".

    Amusing to see a shameless imbecile return here after the comedy of "90% voting is bad" with the total ignorance of Galician bydlo voting history, and the "Kravchuk the best anti-communist" . Unbelievable.

    Replies: @AP

    Ukronazis in the 1940’s literally killed more Poles in a few weeks (maybe) days……..than Russia has killed in 400 years you dumbfuck

    Banderist criminals (whom many Ukrainians unfortunately revere) were not a Ukrainian state. They killed (by Polish estimates) between 60,000 and 100,000 Poles.

    While USSR was not Russia, the Soviet regime (whom Russians revere) killed more than twice as many Poles as did the Banderists. And for far more dubious reasons.

    Over 100,000 ethnic Polish citizens of the USSR murdered in the late 1930’s:

    Another 150,000 Poles (from Poland itself) killed by Soviets after 1939:

    Putin’s war has now killed far more Slavs than Banderists killed Poles. Or than Stalin killed Poles. Putin’s dead Slavs are Ukrainians and Russians.

    I think the Lithuanian here has adequately described you, no need for me to repeat it.

    • Replies: @Philip Owen

    Destroying Poland is an old Russian idea. Nicholas I tried very hard. The Bolsheviks had the idea of cooperating with Germany to do it well before Hitler arrived.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  323. @YetAnotherAnon

    "There won’t be one global hegemon anymore – no one else on the planet can pull it off. If the US can’t pull it off, nobody can."

    The US could and did pull it off, but somewhere around 1970 it all went wrong, and by 2000 it was very wrong. Boeing is the story of US decline, a parable if you like.

    Replies: @QCIC

    The Boeing commercial aircraft story is a bit like the GM story. I see the downfall in Detroit as caused by a combination of management decisions combined with high US costs (unrealistic union agreements, taxes, etc.). Then the government started increasing automotive regulations leading to massive planned obsolescence beyond GM’s wildest dreams. Unfortunately, by that point GM did not have the engineering resources and capital to keep up with the regulatory dreams of the mandarins, if they ever had these capacities. This allowed the foreign manufacturers to gain major market share in the USA. These companies are much more effective so that even forced to build cars in this country they still can do a better job than strictly American concerns.

    Once the chip industry became globalized the remains of the US economy are largely based on dollar reserve currency status and our FIRE economy. The good news is that technology keeps inching forward, increasing productivity and allowing things to stay afloat. Or something like that.


    The Lockheed scandal may have been a factor in the development of the Boeing-Japan relationship.

    • Replies: @songbird

    It is interesting how in the Crichton novel Airframe (1996), China and Korea are the countries trying to get the wings offset there, not Japan, which was the center of Rising Sun (1992.)

    I wonder if that was Crichton mixing it up, or whether he was discounting Japan by that time.

    Crichton was married five times. That is more than Redd Foxx.

  324. @QCIC

    The Boeing commercial aircraft story is a bit like the GM story. I see the downfall in Detroit as caused by a combination of management decisions combined with high US costs (unrealistic union agreements, taxes, etc.). Then the government started increasing automotive regulations leading to massive planned obsolescence beyond GM's wildest dreams. Unfortunately, by that point GM did not have the engineering resources and capital to keep up with the regulatory dreams of the mandarins, if they ever had these capacities. This allowed the foreign manufacturers to gain major market share in the USA. These companies are much more effective so that even forced to build cars in this country they still can do a better job than strictly American concerns.

    Once the chip industry became globalized the remains of the US economy are largely based on dollar reserve currency status and our FIRE economy. The good news is that technology keeps inching forward, increasing productivity and allowing things to stay afloat. Or something like that.


    The Lockheed scandal may have been a factor in the development of the Boeing-Japan relationship.

    Replies: @songbird

    It is interesting how in the Crichton novel Airframe (1996), China and Korea are the countries trying to get the wings offset there, not Japan, which was the center of Rising Sun (1992.)

    I wonder if that was Crichton mixing it up, or whether he was discounting Japan by that time.

    Crichton was married five times. That is more than Redd Foxx.

  325. 19 out of 20 biogenic amino acids immersed in sulphuric acid solution persist for some time.

    What was it that held this mission up? It has one instrument. I guess now it is the launch window, but what about earlier?

    • Replies: @QCIC

    The Venusians put down their feet, I mean flippers, and said no more Earth contamination of our planet. Why wouldn't there be life on Venus?

    Replies: @songbird

  326. @QCIC

    I agree, but those in power do not hesitate to turn their back on failure and simply move on to the next project. There may be a career window of opportunity for the event planners, such that if the plan fails they are simply retired. At that point the next big thing takes precedence.

    On the other hand, the big picture conspiracy here is not anti-Russia as much as global control. That agenda may advance if the West and Russia are both wrecked by the Ukraine mess. Broad economic collapse could be a natural lead in to world government. I hope things are not that bad...

    Replies: @Beckow

    …the big picture conspiracy here is not anti-Russia as much as global control. That agenda may advance if the West and Russia are both wrecked by the Ukraine mess. Broad economic collapse could be a natural lead in to world government.

    An interesting idea. It could be true, but I am not ready to subscribe to it yet. It is too cynical even for me. Cynicism is too easy, maybe tomorrow…

    those in power do not hesitate to turn their back on failure and simply move on to the next project

    Where can they go next? They are running out of targets. Defeat in Ukraine would be an order of magnitude worse than the previous ones that were remote and easy to walk away from. If Russia wins in Ukraine the consequences will be more dramatic. There is hysteria and panic among the Westie leaders – look at Macron – they sense that Nato-in-Ukraine was a bridge too far. Nuland is gone for a reason.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I expect the puppet masters will turn up the heat on the other existing big projects including forced immigration of unassimilable peoples, systematic destruction of clear thinking and undermining the economy. These efforts are more inexorable and less likely to get out of hand and explode compared to Ukraine. AI and robotics are separate concerns, that is, what will the control freaks do with all the people who actually have nothing to do? I doubt the elites will be content simply to allow people to live a life of science fiction abundance.

    Replies: @Beckow

  327. @songbird
    19 out of 20 biogenic amino acids immersed in sulphuric acid solution persist for some time.

    What was it that held this mission up? It has one instrument. I guess now it is the launch window, but what about earlier?

    Replies: @QCIC

    The Venusians put down their feet, I mean flippers, and said no more Earth contamination of our planet. Why wouldn’t there be life on Venus?

    • Replies: @songbird

    Personally, I am a skeptic. I think the phosphene was most likely due to abiotic Venusian-specific processes.

    But I am very pro reasonable pricetag missions to poke around. Been ages since anyone tried to put something into the atmosphere of Venus.

    NASA does it wrong, should be more, cheaper missions. Rather that big over-budget ones. Mass-produced, small solar sails with chips to the asteroids.

    Right now, they just want to sent black lesbos to the Moon. I think the Chinese will beat them, even though their schedule runs later. Either that, or they will get there first but it won't go as planned.

    We must discover life on other worlds to stick it to the vegans.

  328. @Mikhail
    US didn’t share full intelligence on Moscow terror attack – NYT

    Investigators establish link between Moscow terrorist attack suspects and Ukrainian nationalists

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Investigators have obtained “substantiated evidence” that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack, that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack,

    From what I understand, one of the values of cryptocurrency is that it is difficult to track and know who exactly owns it. I guess the investigators are waiting to expose who these Ukrainians were based on the right time geared towards maximum effect?

    The Ukrainians may have been preparing a “window” for them to cross back over the border, the official said. “On the other side, they were to be welcomed as heroes,” he added.

    Now, it’s starting to get real interesting, but even Lukashenko finds this stuff hard to swallow,. Although the Ukrainian side has shown nothing but sympathy towards the innocent Russian civilians who perished in this great tragedy, the Russian investigator knows that the perpetrators were to be welcomed in Ukraine “as heroes”. Maybe he also knows where and on what street in Kyiv the parade was to be held including throngs of appreciative onlookers too?

    However, the investigators said at that time that, despite the group’s [ISIS] claim of responsibility for the terrorist act, another party, such as a Ukrainian intelligence agency, may have been involved in the plot.

    This must be the clincher folks, where Putler’s KGB (oops, I mean the FSB) secures its airtight case against those sneaky Ukrainians? 🙂

    Personally, I think that it’s a tremendously weak case. I would suggest that they get into contact with kremlinstoogeA123 for help in rewriting the script of this unbelievable conspiracy theory. He’s the best at this kind of stuff, Averko is just an aging stooge who’s just not up to the job.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Budanov and Zelensky have been lax in expressing condolences. Within a corrupt, lying, undemocratic and neo-Nazi influenced regime that severely restricts pro-Russian identity.

    March 24, 2024 at 8:31 am

    24 March, 2024, 18: 27

    A Ukrainian bar has named a dish in honour of the terrorist “Crocus” attack

    The “Ofenziva Bar” has begun to sell a fried cheese dish called “Crocus City”

    Located in Kiev, a bar called “Ofenziva” began selling the dish “Crocus City” after the terrorist attack in the Moscow region. Information about this bar was posted on its page in the social network Instagram (the owner of the company Meta is recognized as extremist in Russia and banned).

    “Who’s being dehumanized?” This message accompanies the story with an image of the dish.

    Judging by the menu, the dish consists of French fries, onion rings and fried cheese, and its cost is 250 hryvnia (about 600 rubles).

    “Ofenziva” presents itself as a “patriotic meme art bar”. In the list of dishes, you can, among other things, find the steak “Daria Dugina”, which was introduced to the menu after the bombing in the Moscow region of the car in which philosopher Alexander Dugin’s daughter was driving.

    A story is going round that at the bar you can find in comments that customers have made during their visits such phrases as “10 Belgorod children out of 10”.

    On the evening of 22 March 22, a terrorist attack occurred in the concert hall “Crocus City Hall” in Krasnogorsk. Before the performance of the band “Picnic”, armed men broke into the hall and opened fire on the audience. After that, a series of explosions occurred and a fire broke out.

    Earlier it was reported that the office of the Ukrainian head of State Vladimir Zelensky had insisted on the non-involvement of Kiev in the “Crocus” terrorist attack.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  329. @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.
    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion - actively supported by the Russian state - with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ, @Gerard1234, @Gerard1234

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition. Hitler himself an Austrian. Reform Judaism movement noticeable in north eastern Germany where Jews were among the more intertwined with non-Jews relative to the rest of the world. Numerous accounts indicate that traditional Prussians viewed Hitler and Nazism as a bit quirkish in a way that as more guarded than in Austria and southern Germany.

    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    And Sherman burned Atlanta. A historical nitpick from long ago. Nobgorod and MJoscow fell part of the same nation for centuries.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion – actively supported by the Russian state – with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    The rebellion happened after the coup in Kiev which went against the internationally brokered agreement violated by those involved in that coup which was top heavy with anti-Russian advocates which were understandably opposed by pro-Russian elements in Crimea and Donbass and some other areas.

    Putin waited years for Minsk Accords to be honored. In the weeks leading up to the SMO, OSCE observers confirmed a dramatic increase of Kiev regime shelling on Donbass rebel held territory. There was open talk of the Kiev regime doing an operation Storm move. Stolttenberg acknowledged a war like situation in Ukraine in the years leading up to the SMO. In those prior years, he said that NATO armed and trained Kiev regime forces.

    The SMO was a limited action that brought the Kiev regime to the negotiating table where it was leaning to sign a closely related version of the Minsk Accords. The Kiev regime foolishly walked away from that at the prodding of Boris Johnson in line with Western neocons and neolibs.

    US killed many more German and Japanese civilians than the latter two killed American civilians. People on the side of an aggressive regime can end up suffering greatly as the result of the policies of the regime purporting to represent them.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition.
    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia - given to Poland after WW2. The weakest support was in Berlin.

    12 million Volksdeutsche in CE Europe were strong Nazis and were among the biggest victims of WW2 - they run away, were expelled or killed after 1945. They don't exist. Many Ukies after the war will possibly do something similar and move.

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich, peaceful country that prospered after 1945. Ukraine was a founding member of UN and was in many ways independent and recognized as the second most important part of SU. It formed 20-25% of SU, was an important industrial base, the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians.

    Then Ukraine experienced independence, Orange Revolution, Maidan, revival of Banderism, Nato against Russia - and what do they have today? Maybe 20-25 million impoverished Ukies in a state of war - and the prospects are worse.

    Great job morons. But you made the neo-con Westie cheerleaders happy, so I guess it was all worth it.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    , @AP

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition
    That only proves that there were enough Nazis in Austria for a parade.

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:,_March,_1933.svg

    Muscovites and Prussians - historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    As a Vlasovite you of course have sympathy for both.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikhail, @Wielgus, @songbird

  330. @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.
    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion - actively supported by the Russian state - with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ, @Gerard1234, @Gerard1234

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first. So we can assign the victims to Ukie nationalism – more precisely to their Western sponsors who seem happy to kill lots of Ukie men as long as enough Russians are also killed.

    Ukraine has now more heroes and fewer people. Is that a good thing? Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don’t go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920.

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets. What did you mean by “Ukies when killing the Poles had less dubious reasons“? You are on a slippery slope to indirectly justify Nazism…

    Like LatW who first boasted that “ISIS could form second front against Russia“…you have few moral constraints. In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.
    Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    , @AP

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first
    Sequence matters and the violence began with pro-Russian forces including those led by Russian citizen Girkin storming Ukrainian positions:

    So from the perspective of sequence mattering, Russia was responsible for the total casualties of the Donbas war.

    Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don’t go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920
    You have your excuses wrong. Soviets excused the murder of the Polish officers at Katyn by mentioning the deaths of a similar number of Soviet POWs of disease in the camps. Not the killings of 250,000 Polish civilians.

    Btw, 19 year difference and those POWs weren’t murdered but died of epidemic, same as POWs in Soviet or other camps (or soldiers in the fields).

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets
    Of course if according to you “sequence matters” then you have no right to complain about Banderist crimes.

    Deliberate targeting and killing of civilians by anyone is unacceptable, no matter what the reason.

    Banderists murdered 60,000-100,000 Polish civilians in order to prevent the takeover of Ukrainian lands by Polish nationalists.

    Soviets murdered 250,000 Polish civilians in order to maintain their empire in non-Russian lands in Eastern Europe.

    Whether keeping invaders out is a better cause than invading or occupying someone else is a value judgment I suppose.

    But in your case, you predictably choose the side who kills the maximum number of Slavs.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  331. @QCIC

    The Venusians put down their feet, I mean flippers, and said no more Earth contamination of our planet. Why wouldn't there be life on Venus?

    Replies: @songbird

    Personally, I am a skeptic. I think the phosphene was most likely due to abiotic Venusian-specific processes.

    But I am very pro reasonable pricetag missions to poke around. Been ages since anyone tried to put something into the atmosphere of Venus.

    NASA does it wrong, should be more, cheaper missions. Rather that big over-budget ones. Mass-produced, small solar sails with chips to the asteroids.

    Right now, they just want to sent black lesbos to the Moon. I think the Chinese will beat them, even though their schedule runs later. Either that, or they will get there first but it won’t go as planned.

    We must discover life on other worlds to stick it to the vegans.

  332. @Mr. Hack

    Investigators have obtained “substantiated evidence” that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack, that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack,
    From what I understand, one of the values of cryptocurrency is that it is difficult to track and know who exactly owns it. I guess the investigators are waiting to expose who these Ukrainians were based on the right time geared towards maximum effect?

    The Ukrainians may have been preparing a “window” for them to cross back over the border, the official said. “On the other side, they were to be welcomed as heroes,” he added.

    Now, it's starting to get real interesting, but even Lukashenko finds this stuff hard to swallow,. Although the Ukrainian side has shown nothing but sympathy towards the innocent Russian civilians who perished in this great tragedy, the Russian investigator knows that the perpetrators were to be welcomed in Ukraine "as heroes". Maybe he also knows where and on what street in Kyiv the parade was to be held including throngs of appreciative onlookers too?

    However, the investigators said at that time that, despite the group’s [ISIS] claim of responsibility for the terrorist act, another party, such as a Ukrainian intelligence agency, may have been involved in the plot.
    This must be the clincher folks, where Putler's KGB (oops, I mean the FSB) secures its airtight case against those sneaky Ukrainians? :-)

    Personally, I think that it's a tremendously weak case. I would suggest that they get into contact with kremlinstoogeA123 for help in rewriting the script of this unbelievable conspiracy theory. He's the best at this kind of stuff, Averko is just an aging stooge who's just not up to the job.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Budanov and Zelensky have been lax in expressing condolences. Within a corrupt, lying, undemocratic and neo-Nazi influenced regime that severely restricts pro-Russian identity.

    March 24, 2024 at 8:31 am

    24 March, 2024, 18: 27

    A Ukrainian bar has named a dish in honour of the terrorist “Crocus” attack

    The “Ofenziva Bar” has begun to sell a fried cheese dish called “Crocus City”

    Located in Kiev, a bar called “Ofenziva” began selling the dish “Crocus City” after the terrorist attack in the Moscow region. Information about this bar was posted on its page in the social network Instagram (the owner of the company Meta is recognized as extremist in Russia and banned).

    “Who’s being dehumanized?” This message accompanies the story with an image of the dish.

    Judging by the menu, the dish consists of French fries, onion rings and fried cheese, and its cost is 250 hryvnia (about 600 rubles).

    “Ofenziva” presents itself as a “patriotic meme art bar”. In the list of dishes, you can, among other things, find the steak “Daria Dugina”, which was introduced to the menu after the bombing in the Moscow region of the car in which philosopher Alexander Dugin’s daughter was driving.

    A story is going round that at the bar you can find in comments that customers have made during their visits such phrases as “10 Belgorod children out of 10”.

    On the evening of 22 March 22, a terrorist attack occurred in the concert hall “Crocus City Hall” in Krasnogorsk. Before the performance of the band “Picnic”, armed men broke into the hall and opened fire on the audience. After that, a series of explosions occurred and a fire broke out.

    Earlier it was reported that the office of the Ukrainian head of State Vladimir Zelensky had insisted on the non-involvement of Kiev in the “Crocus” terrorist attack.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Although I find the menu and modus operandi of the "Ofensiva Bar" to be offensive (an aptly named venue), this is the kind of nonsense that one comes to expect within a democracy. Although this information might be found useful in helping the FSB come up with more "proof" in making their case, I'm still betting on kremlinstoogeA123 to come up with some better goods, no offense Mickey. Unless of course, you can prove that either Zelensky or Budanov own this bar?

    Budanov and Zelensky have been lax in expressing condolences.
    On the contrary, Zelensky states that it's Putler who should be more supportive of the families of those killed in Crocus, and not be spending inordinate amounts of time trying to concoct fabulous conspiracy theories blaming others instead of himself for providing inadequate defensive postures in an around Moscow:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  333. @Beckow

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first. So we can assign the victims to Ukie nationalism - more precisely to their Western sponsors who seem happy to kill lots of Ukie men as long as enough Russians are also killed.

    Ukraine has now more heroes and fewer people. Is that a good thing? Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don't go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920.

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets. What did you mean by "Ukies when killing the Poles had less dubious reasons"? You are on a slippery slope to indirectly justify Nazism...

    Like LatW who first boasted that "ISIS could form second front against Russia" have few moral constraints. In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.

    Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?
    Sure. But I was alluding to the fact that AP, LatW, JJ and others are trying to distance from Banderites or from "the second front by ISIS", and from some things Kiev did. It doesn't work that way in a war, one doesn't get to cherrypick: there are only two sides.

    It is similar to the Galician or Latvian WW2 Nazi collaborators trying to have it both ways by saying that they fought against Russia or commies - no, they fought with Nazi Germany, they own the massacres, atrocities, the planned genocide of Slavs. There is no middle ground.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Mikhail

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).
    Petlura picked Pilsudski. Concerning Skoropadsky:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  334. @Mikhail

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition. Hitler himself an Austrian. Reform Judaism movement noticeable in north eastern Germany where Jews were among the more intertwined with non-Jews relative to the rest of the world. Numerous accounts indicate that traditional Prussians viewed Hitler and Nazism as a bit quirkish in a way that as more guarded than in Austria and southern Germany.

    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    And Sherman burned Atlanta. A historical nitpick from long ago. Nobgorod and MJoscow fell part of the same nation for centuries.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion – actively supported by the Russian state – with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    The rebellion happened after the coup in Kiev which went against the internationally brokered agreement violated by those involved in that coup which was top heavy with anti-Russian advocates which were understandably opposed by pro-Russian elements in Crimea and Donbass and some other areas.

    Putin waited years for Minsk Accords to be honored. In the weeks leading up to the SMO, OSCE observers confirmed a dramatic increase of Kiev regime shelling on Donbass rebel held territory. There was open talk of the Kiev regime doing an operation Storm move. Stolttenberg acknowledged a war like situation in Ukraine in the years leading up to the SMO. In those prior years, he said that NATO armed and trained Kiev regime forces.

    The SMO was a limited action that brought the Kiev regime to the negotiating table where it was leaning to sign a closely related version of the Minsk Accords. The Kiev regime foolishly walked away from that at the prodding of Boris Johnson in line with Western neocons and neolibs.

    US killed many more German and Japanese civilians than the latter two killed American civilians. People on the side of an aggressive regime can end up suffering greatly as the result of the policies of the regime purporting to represent them.

    Replies: @Beckow, @AP

    …Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition.

    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia – given to Poland after WW2. The weakest support was in Berlin.

    12 million Volksdeutsche in CE Europe were strong Nazis and were among the biggest victims of WW2 – they run away, were expelled or killed after 1945. They don’t exist. Many Ukies after the war will possibly do something similar and move.

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich, peaceful country that prospered after 1945. Ukraine was a founding member of UN and was in many ways independent and recognized as the second most important part of SU. It formed 20-25% of SU, was an important industrial base, the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians.

    Then Ukraine experienced independence, Orange Revolution, Maidan, revival of Banderism, Nato against Russia – and what do they have today? Maybe 20-25 million impoverished Ukies in a state of war – and the prospects are worse.

    Great job morons. But you made the neo-con Westie cheerleaders happy, so I guess it was all worth it.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich, peaceful country that prospered after 1945
    The most important thing about history is that it’s irreversible. Ukraine was, but isn’t, and won’t be again.
    , @AP

    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia
    Another Beckow post, another lie.

    Nazi electoral support:

    Nazis were unpopular in Bavaria compared to other parts of Germany. Their putsch in Bavaria failed, so they came to power legally based on the votes of northern and eastern Germans. Let me guess: your favorite type of Germans?

    The weakest support [for Nazis] was in Berlin.
    Correct there. Slav-killing Bolsheviks were more popular in Berlin, where Nazism was unpopular. Was that much better?

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich
    Lol at rich. It was even poorer than 1990 Russia.

    the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians
    You lie as usual.

    Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    But only 2 of the 30 members of the Politburo were Ukrainians (6.6%):

    There were as many Moldovans, Estonians and Armenians as Ukrainians.

    Replies: @Beckow

  335. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Budanov and Zelensky have been lax in expressing condolences. Within a corrupt, lying, undemocratic and neo-Nazi influenced regime that severely restricts pro-Russian identity.

    March 24, 2024 at 8:31 am

    24 March, 2024, 18: 27

    A Ukrainian bar has named a dish in honour of the terrorist “Crocus” attack

    The “Ofenziva Bar” has begun to sell a fried cheese dish called “Crocus City”

    Located in Kiev, a bar called “Ofenziva” began selling the dish “Crocus City” after the terrorist attack in the Moscow region. Information about this bar was posted on its page in the social network Instagram (the owner of the company Meta is recognized as extremist in Russia and banned).

    “Who’s being dehumanized?” This message accompanies the story with an image of the dish.

    Judging by the menu, the dish consists of French fries, onion rings and fried cheese, and its cost is 250 hryvnia (about 600 rubles).

    “Ofenziva” presents itself as a “patriotic meme art bar”. In the list of dishes, you can, among other things, find the steak “Daria Dugina”, which was introduced to the menu after the bombing in the Moscow region of the car in which philosopher Alexander Dugin’s daughter was driving.

    A story is going round that at the bar you can find in comments that customers have made during their visits such phrases as “10 Belgorod children out of 10”.

    On the evening of 22 March 22, a terrorist attack occurred in the concert hall “Crocus City Hall” in Krasnogorsk. Before the performance of the band “Picnic”, armed men broke into the hall and opened fire on the audience. After that, a series of explosions occurred and a fire broke out.

    Earlier it was reported that the office of the Ukrainian head of State Vladimir Zelensky had insisted on the non-involvement of Kiev in the “Crocus” terrorist attack.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Although I find the menu and modus operandi of the “Ofensiva Bar” to be offensive (an aptly named venue), this is the kind of nonsense that one comes to expect within a democracy. Although this information might be found useful in helping the FSB come up with more “proof” in making their case, I’m still betting on kremlinstoogeA123 to come up with some better goods, no offense Mickey. Unless of course, you can prove that either Zelensky or Budanov own this bar?

    Budanov and Zelensky have been lax in expressing condolences.

    On the contrary, Zelensky states that it’s Putler who should be more supportive of the families of those killed in Crocus, and not be spending inordinate amounts of time trying to concoct fabulous conspiracy theories blaming others instead of himself for providing inadequate defensive postures in an around Moscow:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    It’s not fanciful to connect mysterious Islamic warriors attacking Russians with CIA and MI6 backing.

    Did you miss the Soviet Afghanistan war in the 1980s?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  336. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Tajikistan is a very exotic case.

    Conquered by the Russian Empire in the same time frame as the American civil war.

    Lost to the USSR at the very end of the Cold War. Subsequently the dominant political economic and cultural population of Russian ethnics fled (150,000) during the Tajik civil war. So the poorer Tajiks however rely on remittances from Moscow to get by in the post Soviet space. Many go to live in Russia proper. Not unlike Algerians moving to France after fighting the vicious war of independence in the 1960s.

    The most notable Tajik ethnic in the late twentieth century Shah Masood, the Lion of Panjishir, lionised as a freedom fighter against the USSR by the BBC and US media. Agent of MI6 and to a lesser extent CIA asset. While he was a Tajik ethnic he was an Afghan citizen.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @Mr. XYZ

    A lot of these countries need to be re-colonised, they were better off being ruled by a European elite, everything is backwards now, the only countries doing this are the Gulf Arab countries who import Westerners to manage higher level affairs.

  337. @Beckow

    ...Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition.
    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia - given to Poland after WW2. The weakest support was in Berlin.

    12 million Volksdeutsche in CE Europe were strong Nazis and were among the biggest victims of WW2 - they run away, were expelled or killed after 1945. They don't exist. Many Ukies after the war will possibly do something similar and move.

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich, peaceful country that prospered after 1945. Ukraine was a founding member of UN and was in many ways independent and recognized as the second most important part of SU. It formed 20-25% of SU, was an important industrial base, the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians.

    Then Ukraine experienced independence, Orange Revolution, Maidan, revival of Banderism, Nato against Russia - and what do they have today? Maybe 20-25 million impoverished Ukies in a state of war - and the prospects are worse.

    Great job morons. But you made the neo-con Westie cheerleaders happy, so I guess it was all worth it.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich, peaceful country that prospered after 1945

    The most important thing about history is that it’s irreversible. Ukraine was, but isn’t, and won’t be again.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
  338. @Coconuts
    @Mr. XYZ

    Are they going to move in Israel’s/India’s direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?
    This is interesting. At the moment in a lot of Western countries the general norm seems a type of asymmetrical multi-culturalism where the majority ethnic group is expected to adopt highly liberal norms, while expanding minorities can continue to hold ethnocentic, nationalist or anti-liberal values.

    The political philosopher Pierre Manent was writing about this in one of his recent books:

    An eminent sociologist, a recognised specialist on Islam, condemns Christians who publicly express reservations about 'LGBT rights' because it brings them into conflict with 'shared European values', but at the same time declares that the Islam of the 'new Muslim elites', an Islam that is 'not necessarily liberal', is 'compatible with our modern societies'. In this way Olivier Roy explicitly condemns among Christians what he refuses to judge among Muslims. So it is not only in 'our countries' but only 'among us' specifically that the criteria of human rights must be applied without reservations or taking mitigating circumstances into account. We have the universal criteria of the rights of man, we must judge in virtue of this criteria, at the same time this criteria decrees that we are obliged to judge, or forbids us from judging, according to particular cases.
    The India or Israel options may be possibilities because once ethnic/religious minority communities reach a certain size it seems likely that asymmetrical multi-culturalism will lose credibility, the contradictions will be too obvious.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @Mr. XYZ

    Of course it is not coherent, the ideology is melded around what is worst for Europeans, the new left is deeply grounded in the Jewish outlook, who/whom. It is not remotely coherent, unfortunately we are wedded to concepts of partiality and justice.

  339. @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, the neocons' invasion of Iraq, while possibly having too high of a cost relative to its benefits, did at least have better intentions than Putin's invasion of Ukraine had. Putin could have achieved much the same effect by simply quickly annexing the Donbass in February 2022 or, better yet, back in 2014. But there was no realistic way to bring democracy to Iraq without invading it. The West isn't going to accept Iraq's entire population (nor should it!) and I doubt that any countries in the Muslim world would do so either. Unfortunately, even for Syrian refugees, there has sometimes been insufficient hospitality from some other Muslim countries, especially the oil-rich Gulf states.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @QCIC

    The neocon goal in invading Iraq was to destroy, remove the Palestine friendly Saddam, and fracture Iraq, in that they were successful. The Oded Yinon plan. the longer term Iran has taken advantage and US standing in the region has declined, so perhaps a pyrrhic victory. That it was motivated by anything but malice is laughable, bringing democracy was just framing for moral superior Westerners.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    That it was motivated by anything but malice is laughable, bringing democracy was just framing for moral superior Westerners.
    “Bringing democracy” was not the only lie. There was blatant WMD lie and Colin Powell shaking a vial with laundry detergent at the UN.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  340. @LondonBob
    @Mr. XYZ

    The neocon goal in invading Iraq was to destroy, remove the Palestine friendly Saddam, and fracture Iraq, in that they were successful. The Oded Yinon plan. the longer term Iran has taken advantage and US standing in the region has declined, so perhaps a pyrrhic victory. That it was motivated by anything but malice is laughable, bringing democracy was just framing for moral superior Westerners.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    That it was motivated by anything but malice is laughable, bringing democracy was just framing for moral superior Westerners.

    “Bringing democracy” was not the only lie. There was blatant WMD lie and Colin Powell shaking a vial with laundry detergent at the UN.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arab terrorists had nothing to do with the 11 Sep 2001 spectacle.

    Pimping out Colin Powell was pretty stylish though you have to admit.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  341. Man Sues 27 Women for Comments on ‘Are We Dating the Same Guy?’

    Twenty Seven

    If he has time to write a book I’m buying it. Also today I learned there are facebook groups in major cities trying to find out if the man they are dating is a rat. How long is this been going on is what I want to know.

  342. @AnonfromTN

    That it was motivated by anything but malice is laughable, bringing democracy was just framing for moral superior Westerners.
    “Bringing democracy” was not the only lie. There was blatant WMD lie and Colin Powell shaking a vial with laundry detergent at the UN.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arab terrorists had nothing to do with the 11 Sep 2001 spectacle.

    Pimping out Colin Powell was pretty stylish though you have to admit.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arab terrorists had nothing to do with the 11 Sep 2001 spectacle.
    I won’t bet my money on all Arabs one way or another, but it was 100% certain that Saddam and his regime had nothing to do with it. Just as it was 100% certain that Saddam had already used up all chemical weapons supplied to him by the US and Europe.

    Pimping out Colin Powell was pretty stylish though you have to admit.
    It was a brilliant idea of Bush’s handlers. Powell was stupid or gullible enough to go along with it. His memorable UN performance nipped in the bud any political prospects he might have had.
  343. @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.
    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion - actively supported by the Russian state - with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ, @Gerard1234, @Gerard1234

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Even if one considers Balkan pseudo-Slavs (everyone other than Slovenes and northern Croats) as Slavs, then apparently Putin’s death toll would still surpass that of Milosevic. In the Yugoslav War, apparently something like 140,000 people in total got killed, not all of whom were Slavs or even pseudo-Slavs (there were Albanians who got killed in Kosovo who aren’t even pseudo-Slavs).

    Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Seems like 18th century Russia’s worst sin, even worse than bringing serfdom to Ukraine and even worse than partitioning the PLC, was making a separate peace with Prussia back in 1762 instead of completely conquering and destroying Prussia.

    For every war that Russia failed to destroy Prussian/northern German power, the next war that Russia had an opportunity to do this in always ended up being much bloodier for Russia. WWI was much bloodier than the Seven Years’ War for Russia, and WWII was much bloodier than WWI for Russia. (In WWI, Lenin was the 1917 equivalent of what Tsar Peter III was back in 1762.)

  344. AP says:

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first. So we can assign the victims to Ukie nationalism - more precisely to their Western sponsors who seem happy to kill lots of Ukie men as long as enough Russians are also killed.

    Ukraine has now more heroes and fewer people. Is that a good thing? Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don't go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920.

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets. What did you mean by "Ukies when killing the Poles had less dubious reasons"? You are on a slippery slope to indirectly justify Nazism...

    Like LatW who first boasted that "ISIS could form second front against Russia" have few moral constraints. In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first

    Sequence matters and the violence began with pro-Russian forces including those led by Russian citizen Girkin storming Ukrainian positions:

    So from the perspective of sequence mattering, Russia was responsible for the total casualties of the Donbas war.

    Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don’t go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920

    You have your excuses wrong. Soviets excused the murder of the Polish officers at Katyn by mentioning the deaths of a similar number of Soviet POWs of disease in the camps. Not the killings of 250,000 Polish civilians.

    Btw, 19 year difference and those POWs weren’t murdered but died of epidemic, same as POWs in Soviet or other camps (or soldiers in the fields).

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets

    Of course if according to you “sequence matters” then you have no right to complain about Banderist crimes.

    Deliberate targeting and killing of civilians by anyone is unacceptable, no matter what the reason.

    Banderists murdered 60,000-100,000 Polish civilians in order to prevent the takeover of Ukrainian lands by Polish nationalists.

    Soviets murdered 250,000 Polish civilians in order to maintain their empire in non-Russian lands in Eastern Europe.

    Whether keeping invaders out is a better cause than invading or occupying someone else is a value judgment I suppose.

    But in your case, you predictably choose the side who kills the maximum number of Slavs.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Of course if according to you “sequence matters” then you have no right to complain about Banderist crimes.

    Deliberate targeting and killing of civilians by anyone is unacceptable, no matter what the reason.

    Banderists murdered 60,000-100,000 Polish civilians in order to prevent the takeover of Ukrainian lands by Polish nationalists.

    Soviets murdered 250,000 Polish civilians in order to maintain their empire in non-Russian lands in Eastern Europe.

    Whether keeping invaders out is a better cause than invading or occupying someone else is a value judgment I suppose.

    But in your case, you predictably choose the side who kills the maximum number of Slavs.
    Was the Banderist move in regards to this more "rational" (albeit also extremely evil) relative to what the FLN did with the pieds-noirs (mass expulsion to France) in Algeria due to the fact that having Poland return to eastern Galicia after the end of WWII was much more plausible than France ever coming back to Algeria after it has already agreed to give Algeria its independence?

    Ironically, keeping the Poles in eastern Galicia would have actually served the interests of pro-European Ukrainians in the post-Cold War era by adding more pro-European voters to Ukraine, but of course Ukrainian nationalists in the early 1940s couldn't foresee the future, such as the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union or even the eventual formation of the European Union.
  345. AP says:

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition. Hitler himself an Austrian. Reform Judaism movement noticeable in north eastern Germany where Jews were among the more intertwined with non-Jews relative to the rest of the world. Numerous accounts indicate that traditional Prussians viewed Hitler and Nazism as a bit quirkish in a way that as more guarded than in Austria and southern Germany.

    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    And Sherman burned Atlanta. A historical nitpick from long ago. Nobgorod and MJoscow fell part of the same nation for centuries.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion – actively supported by the Russian state – with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    The rebellion happened after the coup in Kiev which went against the internationally brokered agreement violated by those involved in that coup which was top heavy with anti-Russian advocates which were understandably opposed by pro-Russian elements in Crimea and Donbass and some other areas.

    Putin waited years for Minsk Accords to be honored. In the weeks leading up to the SMO, OSCE observers confirmed a dramatic increase of Kiev regime shelling on Donbass rebel held territory. There was open talk of the Kiev regime doing an operation Storm move. Stolttenberg acknowledged a war like situation in Ukraine in the years leading up to the SMO. In those prior years, he said that NATO armed and trained Kiev regime forces.

    The SMO was a limited action that brought the Kiev regime to the negotiating table where it was leaning to sign a closely related version of the Minsk Accords. The Kiev regime foolishly walked away from that at the prodding of Boris Johnson in line with Western neocons and neolibs.

    US killed many more German and Japanese civilians than the latter two killed American civilians. People on the side of an aggressive regime can end up suffering greatly as the result of the policies of the regime purporting to represent them.

    Replies: @Beckow, @AP

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition

    That only proves that there were enough Nazis in Austria for a parade.

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:

    Muscovites and Prussians – historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    As a Vlasovite you of course have sympathy for both.

    • Troll: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.
    Worth noting that Saarlanders voted 90% in favor of reunion with Nazi Germany in 1935 even though the Saarlanders were mostly Catholic. So, it's unclear that a majority of Austrians would have actually voted to oppose the Anschluss in 1938. IIRC, an overwhelming majority of Austrians (and Sudeten Germans) supported the Anschluss back in 1919. But of course even getting, say, 75% or 80% or 85% support for an Anschluss in Austria in a free and fair referendum might have been deemed insufficient for Hitler. Though the question also remains whether Austria's pre-Nazi government would have actually allowed a free and fair referendum on the Anschluss question either. It wasn't a democratic government, after all.
    , @Mikhail

    There was no noticeable Austrian WW II era opposition to Hitler who was himself Austrian. Nazi forces were very well received entering Vienna.

    As utilized by yourself, "Muscovite" is a Banderite svidomite used term. Prussians are a mix. Of the Muscovite "murdered" are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    , @Wielgus

    The weaker support for the NSDAP in Berlin and Hamburg reflected the high levels of support for the KPD and the SPD in those cities. The weaker support in the Rhineland was partly due to the same reasons, partly due to high levels of support for the Catholic Centre Party, also strong in much of Bavaria. Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.

    Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms, @Mr. XYZ

    , @songbird

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:

    Muscovites and Prussians – historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.
    East of the Elbe is the most Slavic part of Germany. If it extended further, we would be able to see without question that Slavs were the most enthusiastic supporters.

    And in particular, former aristocrats and landlords.

    Replies: @AP

  346. @LatW

    LOL, kinda yuck... except the cannabis candies might be ok.

    In EE, there is a common pastry called Lil' Ears. :) They're called palmiers in French / English.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Speaking of losing ears, here’s a funny Family Guy Vincent Van Gogh skit:

  347. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Arab terrorists had nothing to do with the 11 Sep 2001 spectacle.

    Pimping out Colin Powell was pretty stylish though you have to admit.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Arab terrorists had nothing to do with the 11 Sep 2001 spectacle.

    I won’t bet my money on all Arabs one way or another, but it was 100% certain that Saddam and his regime had nothing to do with it. Just as it was 100% certain that Saddam had already used up all chemical weapons supplied to him by the US and Europe.

    Pimping out Colin Powell was pretty stylish though you have to admit.

    It was a brilliant idea of Bush’s handlers. Powell was stupid or gullible enough to go along with it. His memorable UN performance nipped in the bud any political prospects he might have had.

  348. @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, though, the neocons' invasion of Iraq, while possibly having too high of a cost relative to its benefits, did at least have better intentions than Putin's invasion of Ukraine had. Putin could have achieved much the same effect by simply quickly annexing the Donbass in February 2022 or, better yet, back in 2014. But there was no realistic way to bring democracy to Iraq without invading it. The West isn't going to accept Iraq's entire population (nor should it!) and I doubt that any countries in the Muslim world would do so either. Unfortunately, even for Syrian refugees, there has sometimes been insufficient hospitality from some other Muslim countries, especially the oil-rich Gulf states.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @QCIC

    Making a serious comparison between the USA invasion of Iraq from six thousand miles away and the Russian defensive involvement in Ukraine is one of the more ridiculous things you have written and you have set a very high bar.

    Attempting to justify the invasion of Iraq is equally ridiculous.

    I know you are just trolling, but don’t you get tired of spewing crazy shit after a while?

    • Replies: @AP

    Neocons lied about Iraq being defensive for the USA, as pro-Putin people lie about Ukraine being defensive for Russia.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  349. @Coconuts
    @Mr. XYZ

    Are they going to move in Israel’s/India’s direction? As in, become hyper-nationalistic, around 15-20% Muslim, and anti-Muslim but still have their liberals be somewhat committed to tolerance (just not to continued mass Muslim immigration)?
    This is interesting. At the moment in a lot of Western countries the general norm seems a type of asymmetrical multi-culturalism where the majority ethnic group is expected to adopt highly liberal norms, while expanding minorities can continue to hold ethnocentic, nationalist or anti-liberal values.

    The political philosopher Pierre Manent was writing about this in one of his recent books:

    An eminent sociologist, a recognised specialist on Islam, condemns Christians who publicly express reservations about 'LGBT rights' because it brings them into conflict with 'shared European values', but at the same time declares that the Islam of the 'new Muslim elites', an Islam that is 'not necessarily liberal', is 'compatible with our modern societies'. In this way Olivier Roy explicitly condemns among Christians what he refuses to judge among Muslims. So it is not only in 'our countries' but only 'among us' specifically that the criteria of human rights must be applied without reservations or taking mitigating circumstances into account. We have the universal criteria of the rights of man, we must judge in virtue of this criteria, at the same time this criteria decrees that we are obliged to judge, or forbids us from judging, according to particular cases.
    The India or Israel options may be possibilities because once ethnic/religious minority communities reach a certain size it seems likely that asymmetrical multi-culturalism will lose credibility, the contradictions will be too obvious.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @Mr. XYZ

    The India or Israel options may be possibilities because once ethnic/religious minority communities reach a certain size it seems likely that asymmetrical multi-culturalism will lose credibility, the contradictions will be too obvious.

    On this one forum that I used to be on several years ago, this one Korean poster said that he speculates that India would have been more tolerant of Muslims had Muslims been 3% of India’s total population rather than 14%.

    I suspect that a similar dynamic might emerge in Europe once a larger (unselected) Muslim % will result in more and more Muslim radicalism. In France, Le Pen’s support appears to be increasing with each election, for instance. Though she might be a disappointment in office similar to Meloni in Italy.

  350. AP says:

    ...Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition.
    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia - given to Poland after WW2. The weakest support was in Berlin.

    12 million Volksdeutsche in CE Europe were strong Nazis and were among the biggest victims of WW2 - they run away, were expelled or killed after 1945. They don't exist. Many Ukies after the war will possibly do something similar and move.

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich, peaceful country that prospered after 1945. Ukraine was a founding member of UN and was in many ways independent and recognized as the second most important part of SU. It formed 20-25% of SU, was an important industrial base, the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians.

    Then Ukraine experienced independence, Orange Revolution, Maidan, revival of Banderism, Nato against Russia - and what do they have today? Maybe 20-25 million impoverished Ukies in a state of war - and the prospects are worse.

    Great job morons. But you made the neo-con Westie cheerleaders happy, so I guess it was all worth it.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia

    Another Beckow post, another lie.

    Nazi electoral support:

    Nazis were unpopular in Bavaria compared to other parts of Germany. Their putsch in Bavaria failed, so they came to power legally based on the votes of northern and eastern Germans. Let me guess: your favorite type of Germans?

    The weakest support [for Nazis] was in Berlin.

    Correct there. Slav-killing Bolsheviks were more popular in Berlin, where Nazism was unpopular. Was that much better?

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich

    Lol at rich. It was even poorer than 1990 Russia.

    the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians

    You lie as usual.

    Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    But only 2 of the 30 members of the Politburo were Ukrainians (6.6%):

    There were as many Moldovans, Estonians and Armenians as Ukrainians.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Beckow

    Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.
    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU - around 20%. It was in UN since 1945, Ukrainian language and culture were completely free everywhere in Ukraine.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine. Ukies were over-represented. Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky and most of the personnel in NKVD were from Ukraine. Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a "Russian" dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.

    The past was not what you so desperately try to present. Those 'merican' schools and Hollywood videos didn't teach you much...:) You lack either critical thinking or honesty.

    How is that "paused" offensive going? When is Zelko planning to "un-pause" it?

    Replies: @AP

  351. @Beckow

    ...the big picture conspiracy here is not anti-Russia as much as global control. That agenda may advance if the West and Russia are both wrecked by the Ukraine mess. Broad economic collapse could be a natural lead in to world government.
    An interesting idea. It could be true, but I am not ready to subscribe to it yet. It is too cynical even for me. Cynicism is too easy, maybe tomorrow...

    those in power do not hesitate to turn their back on failure and simply move on to the next project
    Where can they go next? They are running out of targets. Defeat in Ukraine would be an order of magnitude worse than the previous ones that were remote and easy to walk away from. If Russia wins in Ukraine the consequences will be more dramatic. There is hysteria and panic among the Westie leaders - look at Macron - they sense that Nato-in-Ukraine was a bridge too far. Nuland is gone for a reason.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I expect the puppet masters will turn up the heat on the other existing big projects including forced immigration of unassimilable peoples, systematic destruction of clear thinking and undermining the economy. These efforts are more inexorable and less likely to get out of hand and explode compared to Ukraine. AI and robotics are separate concerns, that is, what will the control freaks do with all the people who actually have nothing to do? I doubt the elites will be content simply to allow people to live a life of science fiction abundance.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...I doubt the elites will be content simply to allow people to live a life of science fiction abundance.
    There are way too many people to allow that. It ruins the views, fills up the roads, there is always a risk that they will get out of control. The elites don't need 8 billion people - either disease, wars, or something else will have to be found to manage it.

    But the most important lesson in our human history is the ultimate powerlessness of the so-called powerful people. The elite was better positioned this time - the uni-polar moment with Davos, C19, surveillance - but they blew it. The stupid move against Russia by trying to grab Ukraine without willing to actually fight is one of the main reasons.

    People plan and Gods laugh...

  352. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Tajikistan is a very exotic case.

    Conquered by the Russian Empire in the same time frame as the American civil war.

    Lost to the USSR at the very end of the Cold War. Subsequently the dominant political economic and cultural population of Russian ethnics fled (150,000) during the Tajik civil war. So the poorer Tajiks however rely on remittances from Moscow to get by in the post Soviet space. Many go to live in Russia proper. Not unlike Algerians moving to France after fighting the vicious war of independence in the 1960s.

    The most notable Tajik ethnic in the late twentieth century Shah Masood, the Lion of Panjishir, lionised as a freedom fighter against the USSR by the BBC and US media. Agent of MI6 and to a lesser extent CIA asset. While he was a Tajik ethnic he was an Afghan citizen.

    Replies: @LondonBob, @Mr. XYZ

    Do you think that it would be a good idea for Tajikistan and Afghanistan to unite if both of these countries will ever get normal governments? I mean, even right now, AFAIK, there are more Tajiks in Afghanistan than there are in Tajikistan. Greater Afghanistan could be a binational state shared between Pashtuns and Tajiks. It already is that way right now, except here there would be more Tajiks and it wouldn’t be Taliban-ruled, so Tajiks would actually have some political power, like they had in Afghanistan before 2021.

    I also wonder if Afghanistan would have acquired Tajikistan in 1918 at Brest-Litovsk had it entered WWI on the CP side.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The fall of the Soviet Empire was supposed to usher in the liberation of these Central Asians.

    They were freer back in the days of the Soviet Union.

  353. The Greenland shark is an interesting example of how slow growth ties to longevity. Grows about 1 cm/year. Female takes about 156 years to reach sexual maturity. They are the longest-lived vertebrates on Earth. Living possibly more than 500 years.

    • Replies: @songbird

    It is pretty crazy how, at least in theory, one could be eaten by a 500 y.o. monster.

    (Though in practical terms those waters are very cold and don't invite any kind of diving or bathing.)

    In fact, Greenland sharks often go blind due to parasites, so it may be that they would be less distinguishing than other sharks and more readily attack a person.

  354. @AP

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition
    That only proves that there were enough Nazis in Austria for a parade.

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:,_March,_1933.svg

    Muscovites and Prussians - historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    As a Vlasovite you of course have sympathy for both.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikhail, @Wielgus, @songbird

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Worth noting that Saarlanders voted 90% in favor of reunion with Nazi Germany in 1935 even though the Saarlanders were mostly Catholic. So, it’s unclear that a majority of Austrians would have actually voted to oppose the Anschluss in 1938. IIRC, an overwhelming majority of Austrians (and Sudeten Germans) supported the Anschluss back in 1919. But of course even getting, say, 75% or 80% or 85% support for an Anschluss in Austria in a free and fair referendum might have been deemed insufficient for Hitler. Though the question also remains whether Austria’s pre-Nazi government would have actually allowed a free and fair referendum on the Anschluss question either. It wasn’t a democratic government, after all.

  355. A Ukrainian found in Japan would maybe be pretty atypical psychologically, but I found it interesting how materialistic the answer this first woman gave seemed.


  356. She’s sweet. I assume she is upset over the war, what young Ukrainian wouldn’t be upset?

  357. @AnonfromTN

    In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.
    Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    …Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?

    Sure. But I was alluding to the fact that AP, LatW, JJ and others are trying to distance from Banderites or from “the second front by ISIS“, and from some things Kiev did. It doesn’t work that way in a war, one doesn’t get to cherrypick: there are only two sides.

    It is similar to the Galician or Latvian WW2 Nazi collaborators trying to have it both ways by saying that they fought against Russia or commies – no, they fought with Nazi Germany, they own the massacres, atrocities, the planned genocide of Slavs. There is no middle ground.

    • Replies: @LatW

    LatW [..] and others are trying to distance from Banderites
    Where have I done this? You are putting us, Ukrainian patriots, in one big pot, while there are nuances. I don't know enough about OUN-UPA, shamefully (should fix that), but to the extent where they have acted in the role of the povstantsi (armed rebels against a foreign occupation), I have never distanced myself from them.

    Really don't see the point in distancing - when our governments distance, it is never appreciated by your side - you keep screaming about "Nazis". And ignore facts.

    It is similar to the Galician or Latvian WW2 Nazi collaborators trying to have it both ways by saying that they fought against Russia or commies
    But they did. History is not always black and white, it is often grey. I suggest sticking to facts as much as possible, instead of hyperventilating about "Nazis".

    Replies: @Beckow

  358. @Beckow

    ...Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?
    Sure. But I was alluding to the fact that AP, LatW, JJ and others are trying to distance from Banderites or from "the second front by ISIS", and from some things Kiev did. It doesn't work that way in a war, one doesn't get to cherrypick: there are only two sides.

    It is similar to the Galician or Latvian WW2 Nazi collaborators trying to have it both ways by saying that they fought against Russia or commies - no, they fought with Nazi Germany, they own the massacres, atrocities, the planned genocide of Slavs. There is no middle ground.

    Replies: @LatW

    LatW [..] and others are trying to distance from Banderites

    Where have I done this? You are putting us, Ukrainian patriots, in one big pot, while there are nuances. I don’t know enough about OUN-UPA, shamefully (should fix that), but to the extent where they have acted in the role of the povstantsi (armed rebels against a foreign occupation), I have never distanced myself from them.

    Really don’t see the point in distancing – when our governments distance, it is never appreciated by your side – you keep screaming about “Nazis”. And ignore facts.

    It is similar to the Galician or Latvian WW2 Nazi collaborators trying to have it both ways by saying that they fought against Russia or commies

    But they did. History is not always black and white, it is often grey. I suggest sticking to facts as much as possible, instead of hyperventilating about “Nazis”.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Where have I done this?
    Ok, don't distance (AP did), own up to it. But you are on the side of mass murderers who fought for the Nazis. There are always "reasons", but that's who they were. You won't get far with that narrative - Nazism is generally frowned upon even in the West.

    History is not always black and white
    What part of the German-Nazi genocide do you consider "white"? The 140k Polish victims of Banderites? Or the 150k murdered by the Latvian Nazis? Can you be specific? Possibly the millions killed among the "sub-human" Slavs?

    You are really on thin ice. What you say indirectly defends Nazis and their allies. I don't think anyone would put up with it in 1945. Do you count on people forgetting?

    Replies: @AP

  359. @QCIC

    I expect the puppet masters will turn up the heat on the other existing big projects including forced immigration of unassimilable peoples, systematic destruction of clear thinking and undermining the economy. These efforts are more inexorable and less likely to get out of hand and explode compared to Ukraine. AI and robotics are separate concerns, that is, what will the control freaks do with all the people who actually have nothing to do? I doubt the elites will be content simply to allow people to live a life of science fiction abundance.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …I doubt the elites will be content simply to allow people to live a life of science fiction abundance.

    There are way too many people to allow that. It ruins the views, fills up the roads, there is always a risk that they will get out of control. The elites don’t need 8 billion people – either disease, wars, or something else will have to be found to manage it.

    But the most important lesson in our human history is the ultimate powerlessness of the so-called powerful people. The elite was better positioned this time – the uni-polar moment with Davos, C19, surveillance – but they blew it. The stupid move against Russia by trying to grab Ukraine without willing to actually fight is one of the main reasons.

    People plan and Gods laugh…

  360. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    Making a serious comparison between the USA invasion of Iraq from six thousand miles away and the Russian defensive involvement in Ukraine is one of the more ridiculous things you have written and you have set a very high bar.

    Attempting to justify the invasion of Iraq is equally ridiculous.

    I know you are just trolling, but don't you get tired of spewing crazy shit after a while?

    Replies: @AP

    Neocons lied about Iraq being defensive for the USA, as pro-Putin people lie about Ukraine being defensive for Russia.

    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Another false equivalency on your part. Iraq nowhere near US unlike Russia-Ukraine situation.

  361. @AP

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition
    That only proves that there were enough Nazis in Austria for a parade.

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:,_March,_1933.svg

    Muscovites and Prussians - historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    As a Vlasovite you of course have sympathy for both.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikhail, @Wielgus, @songbird

    There was no noticeable Austrian WW II era opposition to Hitler who was himself Austrian. Nazi forces were very well received entering Vienna.

    As utilized by yourself, “Muscovite” is a Banderite svidomite used term. Prussians are a mix. Of the Muscovite “murdered” are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Of the Muscovite “murdered” are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.
    Sometimes nothing needed to be done. E.g., Poles besieged in Kremlin in 1612 ate each other without any help from “Moscovites”.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    , @AP

    As utilized by yourself, “Muscovite” is a Banderite svidomite used term
    You give the 20th century Banderists too much credit.

    Muscovite is the traditional term used for centuries by the Rus people of Rzeczpospolita when speaking of their eastern cousins. It can be found in the old Volhynian chronicles. Kotlyarevsky (Moscal-Charivnyk) and Gogol used this also.

    It should be restored as the official term for people who call themselves Russians.

    That you don’t know this and attribute it to Bandera reflects your deep ignorance of Ukraine, Russia, their languages and their peoples.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail

  362. @Mikhail

    There was no noticeable Austrian WW II era opposition to Hitler who was himself Austrian. Nazi forces were very well received entering Vienna.

    As utilized by yourself, "Muscovite" is a Banderite svidomite used term. Prussians are a mix. Of the Muscovite "murdered" are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    Of the Muscovite “murdered” are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.

    Sometimes nothing needed to be done. E.g., Poles besieged in Kremlin in 1612 ate each other without any help from “Moscovites”.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    He babbles on about "Valsovite" who weren't like Banderites:

  363. @AP

    Neocons lied about Iraq being defensive for the USA, as pro-Putin people lie about Ukraine being defensive for Russia.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Another false equivalency on your part. Iraq nowhere near US unlike Russia-Ukraine situation.

  364. Everytime a Neopanamax crashes, I’d like to hear the question “could AI have prevented it?” addressed.

    In this case, it seems there are at least two components: 1.) piloting, 2.) maintenance. And perhaps, 3.) Giving the alarm quickly.

    #2 seems a pretty obvious “yes.”. (I mean just tracking equipment and performance, and estimating probable failures.)

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Safety systems are engineered to have multiple redundancies. An accident like this always has more than one cause. An accident like the Deepwater Horizon had to have at least three. The public explanation will be the cause that is most convenient for the man in charge of the doing the explaining. The captain was negligent is a favorite. A multi-ten million dollar asset has systems to lock out stupidity of ship captains.

    Replies: @songbird

  365. @AnonfromTN

    Of the Muscovite “murdered” are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.
    Sometimes nothing needed to be done. E.g., Poles besieged in Kremlin in 1612 ate each other without any help from “Moscovites”.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  366. @songbird
    Everytime a Neopanamax crashes, I'd like to hear the question "could AI have prevented it?" addressed.

    In this case, it seems there are at least two components: 1.) piloting, 2.) maintenance. And perhaps, 3.) Giving the alarm quickly.

    #2 seems a pretty obvious "yes.". (I mean just tracking equipment and performance, and estimating probable failures.)

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Safety systems are engineered to have multiple redundancies. An accident like this always has more than one cause. An accident like the Deepwater Horizon had to have at least three. The public explanation will be the cause that is most convenient for the man in charge of the doing the explaining. The captain was negligent is a favorite. A multi-ten million dollar asset has systems to lock out stupidity of ship captains.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Haven't been able to find a pricetag for the Dali, but I think the Costa Concordia probably cost more but was done in by an Italian touching everything but the third rail. Am not saying it was a woman who was the pilot, but was it a woman?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  367. @Mr. Hack

    Although I find the menu and modus operandi of the "Ofensiva Bar" to be offensive (an aptly named venue), this is the kind of nonsense that one comes to expect within a democracy. Although this information might be found useful in helping the FSB come up with more "proof" in making their case, I'm still betting on kremlinstoogeA123 to come up with some better goods, no offense Mickey. Unless of course, you can prove that either Zelensky or Budanov own this bar?

    Budanov and Zelensky have been lax in expressing condolences.
    On the contrary, Zelensky states that it's Putler who should be more supportive of the families of those killed in Crocus, and not be spending inordinate amounts of time trying to concoct fabulous conspiracy theories blaming others instead of himself for providing inadequate defensive postures in an around Moscow:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    It’s not fanciful to connect mysterious Islamic warriors attacking Russians with CIA and MI6 backing.

    Did you miss the Soviet Afghanistan war in the 1980s?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    It’s not fanciful to connect mysterious Islamic warriors attacking Russians with CIA and MI6 backing.
    It is, if you have no credible evidence to backup any such claims.

    Did you miss the Soviet Afghanistan war in the 1980s?
    No, did you?
    Famous photo of Soviet troops hightailing it back home from Afghanistan.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  368. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    It’s not fanciful to connect mysterious Islamic warriors attacking Russians with CIA and MI6 backing.

    Did you miss the Soviet Afghanistan war in the 1980s?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    It’s not fanciful to connect mysterious Islamic warriors attacking Russians with CIA and MI6 backing.

    It is, if you have no credible evidence to backup any such claims.

    Did you miss the Soviet Afghanistan war in the 1980s?

    No, did you?

    Famous photo of Soviet troops hightailing it back home from Afghanistan.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    Into Tajikistan in fact.

    Perhaps the Soviet’s should have been encouraged to stay there given what took over.

  369. @AnonfromTN

    In wars there are only two sides. You need to pick one or stay out.
    Don’t you think that this personage has already picked a side?

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mikhail

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).

    Petlura picked Pilsudski. Concerning Skoropadsky:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Brzinski chose the Jihad.

  370. For those who still did not get it, the US just approved transfer to Israel more bombs and warplanes:

    In particular, the US will give Israel 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs.

    Apparently to help Israel with humanitarian bombing of Palestinians. After all, the court instructed it to make sure that it kills the next 15,000 children without violating anti-genocide rules.

    • Replies: @A123

    For those who still did not get it, the US just approved transfer to Israel more bombs and warplanes:

    Russians & indigenous Palestinian Jews are in existential fights for survival.

    Hamas are degenerate war criminals using their own coreligionists as human shields. The kidnappers could end this tomorrow by releasing the hostages and laying down arms. Of course, senior leadership in Qatar and Tehran will never order that.

    It is clear that negotiation is not working. The Veggie-In-Chief's UNSC shenanigans rewarded Hamas, thus effectively ending talks.

    • How should Palestinian Jews get their people back?
    • Or, are you proposing abandonment the hostages?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mikhail

    "Russia's unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine" as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.

    Replies: @A123, @Wokechoke

  371. @AnonfromTN
    For those who still did not get it, the US just approved transfer to Israel more bombs and warplanes:

    In particular, the US will give Israel 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs.

    Apparently to help Israel with humanitarian bombing of Palestinians. After all, the court instructed it to make sure that it kills the next 15,000 children without violating anti-genocide rules.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikhail

    For those who still did not get it, the US just approved transfer to Israel more bombs and warplanes:


    Russians & indigenous Palestinian Jews are in existential fights for survival.

    Hamas are degenerate war criminals using their own coreligionists as human shields. The kidnappers could end this tomorrow by releasing the hostages and laying down arms. Of course, senior leadership in Qatar and Tehran will never order that.

    It is clear that negotiation is not working. The Veggie-In-Chief’s UNSC shenanigans rewarded Hamas, thus effectively ending talks.

    • How should Palestinian Jews get their people back?
    • Or, are you proposing abandonment the hostages?

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @AP

    It would be funny if the Russians whom you shill for actually got their hands on you:

    Viktor Cherniiavskyi is now a first-person view (FPV) drone pilot, but he said he was a chaplain to evangelical Christians in the Ukrainian army in 2014 when Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula.

    While serving as a volunteer in the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, Cherniiavskyi said he was captured by Russian-aligned forces.

    During his 25 days of captivity, Cherniiavskyi said he was held in a basement cell in a prison in Luhansk, where he said he was beaten with a baseball bat, had unloaded pistols shot at his head, and was repeatedly Tasered.

    When his captors became aware of his evangelical faith, a Russian Orthodox priest from Moscow was called to carry out a form of exorcism on him, he told Business Insider.

    "When the priest tried to cast demons out of me, he gave me two reasons: First, because of my 'black eyes.' Second, because I'm an evangelical Christian. Crossing his hands, he pushed me to kiss the crucifix," Cherniiavskyi said.

    He added that the Kremlin had a particular hatred of Protestants and evangelical Christians and that Moscow saw anyone affiliated with US churches as "foreign agents."

    Replies: @QCIC

  372. This elephant gave the woman TB.

    Actually, kidding. Seems less common in elephants in open air environments.

  373. @AnonfromTN

    Ukraine had nothing to do with this most likely.
    Ukraine performed a lot of terror acts in the RF: murder of former Ukrainian MP Kiva, murder of Dugina, murder of Tatarsky, attempted murder of Prilepin, etc. That’s not even counting shelling of residential areas since 2014, murders and attempted murders in LPR and DPR, or an explosion on the Crimean bridge. The head of Ukrainian SBU very recently bragged about success of their terrorist attacks in the RF.

    And yet you can present zero facts.
    The perps tried to run away to Ukraine. These won’t be the first bandits hiding in Ukraine after terrorist attacks in the RF.

    However, I suspect that the fact that they were arrested before reaching Ukraine saved their lives: those who organized this terror attack would likely get rid of them, like they “suicided” pilot Voloshin before: dead people tell no tales.

    Replies: @LatW, @John Johnson, @Mikhail, @AP, @Jazman

    It is clear that the terrorist attack in Crocus, the attacks on Belgorod and the oil refinery – the whole complex of these events was aimed at provoking Russia to hasty and thoughtless actions. They hoped that it would turn out like Hamas did with Israel.
    Another provocation by the West did not achieve its goal.

  374. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Safety systems are engineered to have multiple redundancies. An accident like this always has more than one cause. An accident like the Deepwater Horizon had to have at least three. The public explanation will be the cause that is most convenient for the man in charge of the doing the explaining. The captain was negligent is a favorite. A multi-ten million dollar asset has systems to lock out stupidity of ship captains.

    Replies: @songbird

    Haven’t been able to find a pricetag for the Dali, but I think the Costa Concordia probably cost more but was done in by an Italian touching everything but the third rail. Am not saying it was a woman who was the pilot, but was it a woman?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Emil Kierkegaard is taking a scrap of data and trying to infer the universe. Only a fool would do this. There are far more interesting questions to ponder.

    1. What was Kerry Howley's take on Tiger Woods?

    Exact same situation except.
    Tiger is a hapa.
    All of Tiger's ho accomplices were strippers and porn stars.

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.

    2. What do the FTX books look like with 70 thousand dollar Bitcoin? Poor Sam Bankman-Fried could be one of the top 5 oligarch wannabes like Musk and Altman and Thiel if he could have just hung in there for one more year. Yes?

    Also what is going on with the bankruptcy disposal? Did the lawyers dump all the Bitcoin at 16 thousand and make recovery impossible?

    I have no idea but I guess they did.

    As Soren Kierkegaard famously quipped "life goes forward but is only understood backward."

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

  375. @AnonfromTN
    For those who still did not get it, the US just approved transfer to Israel more bombs and warplanes:

    In particular, the US will give Israel 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs.

    Apparently to help Israel with humanitarian bombing of Palestinians. After all, the court instructed it to make sure that it kills the next 15,000 children without violating anti-genocide rules.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikhail

    Russia’s unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine” as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.

    • Replies: @A123

    “Russia’s unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine” as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.
    Given their lack of morality, why are you surprised?

    The Fake Stream Media serves IslamoGloboHomo. Pali/Ukie hatred of Judeo-Christian values is natural match to Islamophile SJW Globalist media. This is what they encourage...


    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    , @Wokechoke

    Who actually created the Jihad?

    Replies: @A123

  376. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Haven't been able to find a pricetag for the Dali, but I think the Costa Concordia probably cost more but was done in by an Italian touching everything but the third rail. Am not saying it was a woman who was the pilot, but was it a woman?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Emil Kierkegaard is taking a scrap of data and trying to infer the universe. Only a fool would do this. There are far more interesting questions to ponder.

    1. What was Kerry Howley’s take on Tiger Woods?

    Exact same situation except.
    Tiger is a hapa.
    All of Tiger’s ho accomplices were strippers and porn stars.

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.

    2. What do the FTX books look like with 70 thousand dollar Bitcoin? Poor Sam Bankman-Fried could be one of the top 5 oligarch wannabes like Musk and Altman and Thiel if he could have just hung in there for one more year. Yes?

    Also what is going on with the bankruptcy disposal? Did the lawyers dump all the Bitcoin at 16 thousand and make recovery impossible?

    I have no idea but I guess they did.

    As Soren Kierkegaard famously quipped “life goes forward but is only understood backward.”

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.
    Standards should be higher for White men (because those are the men we care about, especially if we're going to give them status, our attention and money). However, Huberman is a Jew presenting himself as White. Some of them can have kind of charming, verbal qualities and women love with their ears.

    Isn't Tiger part black? Those women that he played around with - weren't those just high end hookers? Whereas Huberman was actually misleading regular women that he is dating them exclusively - strung them along and convinced them to have unprotected sex with him and transmitted HPV to them. That's incurable - from now on, every partner these women have, a long term one or husband material, they will pass this on to the new partner (or even worse - pass it on to their future baby during childbirth). How is this ok? And he didn't just sleep with hookers but he led on classy women - he only dated women who are high IQ and with good habits. Yet he never intended to be exclusive with them, and in fact lied to them. This is why they have ENM relationships on the West coast (ethically non-monogamous), it's not for everybody, nor am I a fan of this, but it is more honest. That's what he should've done, however, in that case the women would not be classy, since few normal women will sign up for this, and his reputation would take a hit.

    This is trashy behavior. His tattoos look trashy as well. Not sure about his presentations, he throws out a ton of complex words and keeps saying "science" in every other sentence, but not really sure how valuable his health advice is. It is somewhat interesting, imo, so maybe worth a listen.

    Tiger Woods is just an athlete (although in golf they should have much higher standards, they were wary of letting him in for a reason - the first black they let in, and he ends up being promiscuous and ruins the reputation of golf), while Huberman was actually selling a product to women, he was giving women wellness advice. Normally, it shouldn't matter what a guy does in his private life (if he's not holding some important post), how many simultaneous partners he has, if it wasn't for this one aspect - that he is a wellness coach who makes money off of women and pretends to give them good lifestyle and health advice. The way he gives his advice - he pretends to have high standards. Also, this is not fair to AG1, he really screwed them.

    He's not the first Jew to lead this kind of a double life. I don't judge, they are just trying to get by with what they have - they are witty. He just took it too far. Also, those women he was "dating" - they should've known better, too, they slept with a guy who was not committed to them, probably deluded themselves - they should've confirmed his commitment (and there are ways to tell if a guy is cheating). So the women, too, have to take some of the responsibility (maybe not the one he did the IVF with, that part is insane, or the ones who were completely in the dark who were out of state), but you can sense when a guy is not fully committing or if he's cheating - sooner or later that comes out. Also, he's in his late 40s and never married? They should've known better.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The transcript of the radio communications for the shipwreck is so ridiculous it would be fun to know the real story of the bridge crew.

    , @Mr. XYZ
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What's the relationship between FTX and bitcoin, please pardon my ignorance? How could bitcoin have helped FTX achieve a much better outcome?

  377. @Mr. Hack

    It’s not fanciful to connect mysterious Islamic warriors attacking Russians with CIA and MI6 backing.
    It is, if you have no credible evidence to backup any such claims.

    Did you miss the Soviet Afghanistan war in the 1980s?
    No, did you?
    Famous photo of Soviet troops hightailing it back home from Afghanistan.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Into Tajikistan in fact.

    Perhaps the Soviet’s should have been encouraged to stay there given what took over.

  378. A123 says: • Website

    "Russia's unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine" as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.

    Replies: @A123, @Wokechoke

    “Russia’s unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine” as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.

    Given their lack of morality, why are you surprised?

    The Fake Stream Media serves IslamoGloboHomo. Pali/Ukie hatred of Judeo-Christian values is natural match to Islamophile SJW Globalist media. This is what they encourage…



    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Gerard1234


    A few decades before, many of the western leftists were anti-nuclear weapons, wanting nuclear disarmament.
    Now, these same people became high profile scum politicians who are either indifferent or not in anyway anti-nuclear weapons, are rabidly pro-NATO, pro nuclear deterrence (particularly if aimed at Russia) and are just subhumans in general.
    There is no modern western generation of so called "leftist" anti nuclear weapons campaigners

    For whatever reason, with the Palestine issue, those same historical "leftists" have not "grown out" of that topic since they were students , and are as rabidly pro-Palestine /antigIsrael now, as they were 30/40/50 years before.
    Different to the nuclear weapons topic - there is what appears a big number of modern generation western "leftists" who are fanatically pro-Palestine.

    If you are a Muslim or know and lived in that part of the world- that's fine, a true leftist?OK. To me though,it looks like 99.9% of these younger generation leftists are bydlo-cultist, intellectually-vacuous, narcissistic trash. They know as much about Palestine, the culture etc, as they do about Ukraine/Russia (I.e zero) - but they support one issue and not the other. This is criminal. Even more so because of the leftist /socialist sympathies that Donbass, as coal and Soviet region should attract.

    This explains the "queers for Palestine" freakshow.

    Same thing with fake right "nationalists". Zero is more sovereign or national than national defence - but these "nationalist" whores are most eager to sacrifice sovereign national defence, to a third-party country..... for the "defence" of another, irrelevant, chaotic disaster country!

    And to further confirm how fake these fake leftist picks are, if there is "genocide" in Palestine.... why are they not allowing them to run to the EU like they did with ukronazis? Germany allowed nearly 2 million ukrop and over 1 million Syrians but nothing like that offered to Gazans, where if they did allow, you would guess 100000 at least of the 2M of them would very eagerly love chance to move there. That would reduce chance of "genocide".... but nothing done. It just shows behind a these superficial "humanitarian" statements and gestures... there is some cynical, even sinister political motive.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  379. @Mikhail

    "Russia's unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine" as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.

    Replies: @A123, @Wokechoke

    Who actually created the Jihad?

    • Replies: @A123

    Who actually created the Jihad?
    His name was Muhammad. You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.

    The Anti-Christ Muhammad brought his colonial Jihad to Palestine ~600 AD. After 1,400 years, it is time for the invaders to take their non-Palestinian religion of Islam back home to Arabia.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

  380. @Mikhail

    The side that is doomed to lose, as is centuries-old Ukrainian tradition (Mazepa picked Swedish Karl XII, Skoropadskyi picked Germany in WWI, banderites and OUN/UPA picked Hitler in WWII).
    Petlura picked Pilsudski. Concerning Skoropadsky:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Brzinski chose the Jihad.

  381. A123 says: • Website

    Who actually created the Jihad?

    Replies: @A123

    Who actually created the Jihad?

    His name was Muhammad. You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.

    The Anti-Christ Muhammad brought his colonial Jihad to Palestine ~600 AD. After 1,400 years, it is time for the invaders to take their non-Palestinian religion of Islam back home to Arabia.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.
    Wasn't such behavior normal in his time and place? Not that I'm defending it, but people should be judged by the standards of their own times, not by the standards of our times. Else, future humans could view us as savages for factory farming and for killing animals for their meat.

    Replies: @A123

    , @Wokechoke

    Just so that everyone gets an idea of what’s in that clip…

    The Polish American Zbyignew Brezenzskizzzssszzzwwwzzzzz (MSNBC’s Mika is his daughter) is chatting with Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, Pakistan telling them to go kill Russians.

  382. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Emil Kierkegaard is taking a scrap of data and trying to infer the universe. Only a fool would do this. There are far more interesting questions to ponder.

    1. What was Kerry Howley's take on Tiger Woods?

    Exact same situation except.
    Tiger is a hapa.
    All of Tiger's ho accomplices were strippers and porn stars.

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.

    2. What do the FTX books look like with 70 thousand dollar Bitcoin? Poor Sam Bankman-Fried could be one of the top 5 oligarch wannabes like Musk and Altman and Thiel if he could have just hung in there for one more year. Yes?

    Also what is going on with the bankruptcy disposal? Did the lawyers dump all the Bitcoin at 16 thousand and make recovery impossible?

    I have no idea but I guess they did.

    As Soren Kierkegaard famously quipped "life goes forward but is only understood backward."

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.

    Standards should be higher for White men (because those are the men we care about, especially if we’re going to give them status, our attention and money). However, Huberman is a Jew presenting himself as White. Some of them can have kind of charming, verbal qualities and women love with their ears.


    Isn’t Tiger part black? Those women that he played around with – weren’t those just high end hookers? Whereas Huberman was actually misleading regular women that he is dating them exclusively – strung them along and convinced them to have unprotected sex with him and transmitted HPV to them. That’s incurable – from now on, every partner these women have, a long term one or husband material, they will pass this on to the new partner (or even worse – pass it on to their future baby during childbirth). How is this ok? And he didn’t just sleep with hookers but he led on classy women – he only dated women who are high IQ and with good habits. Yet he never intended to be exclusive with them, and in fact lied to them. This is why they have ENM relationships on the West coast (ethically non-monogamous), it’s not for everybody, nor am I a fan of this, but it is more honest. That’s what he should’ve done, however, in that case the women would not be classy, since few normal women will sign up for this, and his reputation would take a hit.

    This is trashy behavior. His tattoos look trashy as well. Not sure about his presentations, he throws out a ton of complex words and keeps saying “science” in every other sentence, but not really sure how valuable his health advice is. It is somewhat interesting, imo, so maybe worth a listen.

    Tiger Woods is just an athlete (although in golf they should have much higher standards, they were wary of letting him in for a reason – the first black they let in, and he ends up being promiscuous and ruins the reputation of golf), while Huberman was actually selling a product to women, he was giving women wellness advice. Normally, it shouldn’t matter what a guy does in his private life (if he’s not holding some important post), how many simultaneous partners he has, if it wasn’t for this one aspect – that he is a wellness coach who makes money off of women and pretends to give them good lifestyle and health advice. The way he gives his advice – he pretends to have high standards. Also, this is not fair to AG1, he really screwed them.

    He’s not the first Jew to lead this kind of a double life. I don’t judge, they are just trying to get by with what they have – they are witty. He just took it too far. Also, those women he was “dating” – they should’ve known better, too, they slept with a guy who was not committed to them, probably deluded themselves – they should’ve confirmed his commitment (and there are ways to tell if a guy is cheating). So the women, too, have to take some of the responsibility (maybe not the one he did the IVF with, that part is insane, or the ones who were completely in the dark who were out of state), but you can sense when a guy is not fully committing or if he’s cheating – sooner or later that comes out. Also, he’s in his late 40s and never married? They should’ve known better.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    How is this ok?
    He is a rock star. Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho. Well not everybody. All blanket statements are wrong. Let's just make it P~.99.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass. They will do a little market research and could find out this ain't going to hurt one bit. The people who buy AG1 on Andrew's endorsement and the people who think Kerry Howley's article was a big hit are possibly two completely distinct market pigeon holes.

    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.

    The best observation was this fellow on reddit who said it is not possible to do a weekly podcast and come up with killer content every week. If you just consume the first 20 or 30 episodes there is high signal to noise ratio but after that it slowly degrades into stuff that is eventually just bobbing for corn kernels in poop piles. That he could go to Sydney and sell out the opera house to people who want to see him peddle this schtick in person is merely sad. If it's any consolation Andrew might be the saddest of all. For now. He will probably get over it eventually.

    If you hit all your goals you aren't aiming high enough!

    Replies: @LatW, @AP

  383. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Emil Kierkegaard is taking a scrap of data and trying to infer the universe. Only a fool would do this. There are far more interesting questions to ponder.

    1. What was Kerry Howley's take on Tiger Woods?

    Exact same situation except.
    Tiger is a hapa.
    All of Tiger's ho accomplices were strippers and porn stars.

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.

    2. What do the FTX books look like with 70 thousand dollar Bitcoin? Poor Sam Bankman-Fried could be one of the top 5 oligarch wannabes like Musk and Altman and Thiel if he could have just hung in there for one more year. Yes?

    Also what is going on with the bankruptcy disposal? Did the lawyers dump all the Bitcoin at 16 thousand and make recovery impossible?

    I have no idea but I guess they did.

    As Soren Kierkegaard famously quipped "life goes forward but is only understood backward."

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    The transcript of the radio communications for the shipwreck is so ridiculous it would be fun to know the real story of the bridge crew.

  384. • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    According to a statement on the Ukrainian institute’s website, the writer was an “imperialist” in his views despite the years he spent in Kiev and that he “despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated the Ukrainian desire for independence, spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”
    This seems to summarize Bulgakov's feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe. Although banning his books is going overboard IMHO, I don't see any good reason to waste government resources to maintain any public places that commemorate his memory and honor his achievements.

    I notice that it wasn't until 2015 that a monument was finally established in Bulgakov's honor in Moscow, after decades of debate and an outcry that Bulgakov was a satanist. If many Muscovites felt this way about the man, why should Ukrainians keep a special place of honor for this inveterate Ukrainophobe?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @AP

  385. @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.
    Standards should be higher for White men (because those are the men we care about, especially if we're going to give them status, our attention and money). However, Huberman is a Jew presenting himself as White. Some of them can have kind of charming, verbal qualities and women love with their ears.

    Isn't Tiger part black? Those women that he played around with - weren't those just high end hookers? Whereas Huberman was actually misleading regular women that he is dating them exclusively - strung them along and convinced them to have unprotected sex with him and transmitted HPV to them. That's incurable - from now on, every partner these women have, a long term one or husband material, they will pass this on to the new partner (or even worse - pass it on to their future baby during childbirth). How is this ok? And he didn't just sleep with hookers but he led on classy women - he only dated women who are high IQ and with good habits. Yet he never intended to be exclusive with them, and in fact lied to them. This is why they have ENM relationships on the West coast (ethically non-monogamous), it's not for everybody, nor am I a fan of this, but it is more honest. That's what he should've done, however, in that case the women would not be classy, since few normal women will sign up for this, and his reputation would take a hit.

    This is trashy behavior. His tattoos look trashy as well. Not sure about his presentations, he throws out a ton of complex words and keeps saying "science" in every other sentence, but not really sure how valuable his health advice is. It is somewhat interesting, imo, so maybe worth a listen.

    Tiger Woods is just an athlete (although in golf they should have much higher standards, they were wary of letting him in for a reason - the first black they let in, and he ends up being promiscuous and ruins the reputation of golf), while Huberman was actually selling a product to women, he was giving women wellness advice. Normally, it shouldn't matter what a guy does in his private life (if he's not holding some important post), how many simultaneous partners he has, if it wasn't for this one aspect - that he is a wellness coach who makes money off of women and pretends to give them good lifestyle and health advice. The way he gives his advice - he pretends to have high standards. Also, this is not fair to AG1, he really screwed them.

    He's not the first Jew to lead this kind of a double life. I don't judge, they are just trying to get by with what they have - they are witty. He just took it too far. Also, those women he was "dating" - they should've known better, too, they slept with a guy who was not committed to them, probably deluded themselves - they should've confirmed his commitment (and there are ways to tell if a guy is cheating). So the women, too, have to take some of the responsibility (maybe not the one he did the IVF with, that part is insane, or the ones who were completely in the dark who were out of state), but you can sense when a guy is not fully committing or if he's cheating - sooner or later that comes out. Also, he's in his late 40s and never married? They should've known better.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    How is this ok?

    He is a rock star. Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho. Well not everybody. All blanket statements are wrong. Let’s just make it P~.99.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass. They will do a little market research and could find out this ain’t going to hurt one bit. The people who buy AG1 on Andrew’s endorsement and the people who think Kerry Howley’s article was a big hit are possibly two completely distinct market pigeon holes.

    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.

    The best observation was this fellow on reddit who said it is not possible to do a weekly podcast and come up with killer content every week. If you just consume the first 20 or 30 episodes there is high signal to noise ratio but after that it slowly degrades into stuff that is eventually just bobbing for corn kernels in poop piles. That he could go to Sydney and sell out the opera house to people who want to see him peddle this schtick in person is merely sad. If it’s any consolation Andrew might be the saddest of all. For now. He will probably get over it eventually.

    If you hit all your goals you aren’t aiming high enough!

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho.
    Maybe this can be some general rule, but there are plenty of male celebrities with wives and kids. Can't judge for Jewish ones, but definitely White ones. Although can't judge for this type of business, it's a bit different than regular acting or being a musician.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass.
    Yea, he does sound a bit full of himself. What I meant was their sales dropping. But maybe they won't. It's possible that now all these chicks will find him "interesting" (lol, heavily "preselected"). Probably not the quality chicks (the comments on his Instagram page are funny - "you won't be nr 7"). I don't think younger guys buy AG1 much. They don't need it. But if he made a positive impact on men's health, then that's great.

    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.
    Did she mention she used to be his fan? Maybe she wanted to be his girlfriend, hahaha. Yea, it's funny that she's did that. It's probably fun to go after a guy like that and "expose" him (lol). I think it's good - these types should be held accountable. Although normally it wouldn't matter, if he were just a regular person. It's more honest to plow through women openly than to mislead them in personal life and manipulate them. It sounded like he wanted to control his audience by giving all that minute advice.

    How many podcasts can one make about dopamine? The good thing about the internet is that you can just keep regurgitating the same content over and over.

    By the way, those things he is saying about sunlight - that was known in the paleo community already ten years ago, but it's good to remind people of that.

    One thing I learned from this "scandal" (lol) is that ashwagandha may have negative long term effects - it's been marketed a lot in the recent years and I wanted to try it. Might be ok to try a few times.

    I like that he's Jewish, he seems to have a warm, bubbly personality that a Nordic guy would not typically have.

    I like this conclusion:

    "Huberman’s personal integrity is newsworthy because he has made it a large part of his personal brand. But the overall moral of this story isn’t that he is some monster or fraud; it is that there is no magic “protocol” to health and wellness. You just have to use your common sense: eat a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, move your body, don’t drink much, don’t smoke. You don’t need any books or influencers or Stanford professors to tell you this: it’s common sense. But common sense is boring. We all long for magic solutions. We all long for someone to help us exert control over our lives. Which is why it doesn’t really matter that Huberman is in a media storm. What he is selling will always be popular. He might have lost some of his credibility now but people will always want to be told a better life is just around the corner."

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @AP
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    He is a rock star. Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho
    Bono (married 1982, 4 kids), Bruce Springsteen (married second wife in 1991, 3 kids), the singer for the Killers (married 2005, 3 kids), Robert Smith of the Cure (married 1988, no kids), Bon Jovi (married 1989, 4 kids) have had long stable marriages. Paul McCartney was married for almost 20 years when his first wife died; they had 3 children together. It’s not as rare as you think.
  386. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...the price–a World War–to secure Austria-Hungary’s partition in real life was too high.
    Yes, it was. If Germans and Magyars who dominated A-H had more brains and better elites they could had avoided WW1 by giving to the other nations in A-H normal rights. The others were more than 50% of A-H, it was a non-brainer.

    But as we see in Ukraine, Baltic, Izrael it is hard for the self-appointed special people to do it. But they don't and instead come up with all kinds of reasons why they can't: the "Horde" is coming or Oct 7...Well, s..t happens and people eventually fight back. So due to its own narcissistic stupidity A-H eventually got WW1, lost it, and the special nations - Germans, Magyars - were much worse off. There is a lesson there somewhere...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    One could just as easily argue that just like Austria-Hungary’s demise was paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Russian Serbia and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome, it’s entirely possible that the Putin regime’s demise will be paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Western Ukraine and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome.

    If Russia has a right to be paranoid about NATO, then surely Austria-Hungary had a right to be paranoid about Russia and Serbia, no?

    The fact that Hungary treated its Slavs and Romanians like total crap (other than perhaps the Croats) was a huge mistake. Austria treated its own Slavs much better but still not enough to prevent its own disintegration. Germany and Prussia also made a huge blunder in mistreating their own Poles, et cetera. Poles in Germany/Prussia consistently voted for opposition parties in the northern Polish Corridor and Posen Province.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Right, that’s why the Austrian Empire fragmented…lol.

    , @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Austria-Hungary’s demise was paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Russian Serbia...
    It was a trigger but by 1914 A-H was a dead man walking - they made fatal mistakes and it was too late.

    Hungary treated its Slavs and Romanians like total crap was a huge mistake.
    A bit of an understatement - it was all about that. The Habsburgs stupidly went along with it like EU did when the Ukies-Balts mistreated their Russian minority. That is often fatal.

    Hungary before WW1 consciously and proudly denied any rights to the non-Magyar half of the population. Other than to Jews who were privileged since they did the dirty work for aristocracy. Before WW1 Magyar chauvinism was unique in its madness - they proudly called themselves chauvinist, celebrated it, openly planned for elimination of all minorities. Habsburgs just watched although they were legally in charge.

    Why the Habsburgs went along to meet their sad end is hard to understand. The small 'reform' ideas Franz Ferdinand had were of no importance: too little, too late. The lesson is that one can't negotiate with madmen obsessed with destroying your identity - WW1 settled it. It ended very badly for the A-H elite and for Magyars in particular.

  387. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Emil Kierkegaard is taking a scrap of data and trying to infer the universe. Only a fool would do this. There are far more interesting questions to ponder.

    1. What was Kerry Howley's take on Tiger Woods?

    Exact same situation except.
    Tiger is a hapa.
    All of Tiger's ho accomplices were strippers and porn stars.

    My guess is Tiger got a pass in her book.

    2. What do the FTX books look like with 70 thousand dollar Bitcoin? Poor Sam Bankman-Fried could be one of the top 5 oligarch wannabes like Musk and Altman and Thiel if he could have just hung in there for one more year. Yes?

    Also what is going on with the bankruptcy disposal? Did the lawyers dump all the Bitcoin at 16 thousand and make recovery impossible?

    I have no idea but I guess they did.

    As Soren Kierkegaard famously quipped "life goes forward but is only understood backward."

    Replies: @LatW, @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    What’s the relationship between FTX and bitcoin, please pardon my ignorance? How could bitcoin have helped FTX achieve a much better outcome?

  388. @A123

    Who actually created the Jihad?
    His name was Muhammad. You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.

    The Anti-Christ Muhammad brought his colonial Jihad to Palestine ~600 AD. After 1,400 years, it is time for the invaders to take their non-Palestinian religion of Islam back home to Arabia.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.

    Wasn’t such behavior normal in his time and place? Not that I’m defending it, but people should be judged by the standards of their own times, not by the standards of our times. Else, future humans could view us as savages for factory farming and for killing animals for their meat.

    • Replies: @A123
    @Mr. XYZ

    You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.
    Wasn’t such behavior normal in his time and place? Not that I’m defending it, but people should be judged by the standards of their own times, not by the standards of our times.
    No. It was not.

    Aisha was betrothed and then married at 6 years old. Such prearrangements were not unusual. Having the wedding that early is a bit off, but not outrageous. Despite being married, the child bride would stay with the mother's family until a later date.

    Consumating the marriage was, at the time, immoral until the girl was able to become pregnant. Given the diet and environment at the time that would typically be 14-15. Clearly raping a 9 year old was not valid then either. The Anti-Christ Muhammad was both lustful and deviant. Not unsurprising for demon spawn.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  389. @Emil Nikola Richard

    How is this ok?
    He is a rock star. Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho. Well not everybody. All blanket statements are wrong. Let's just make it P~.99.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass. They will do a little market research and could find out this ain't going to hurt one bit. The people who buy AG1 on Andrew's endorsement and the people who think Kerry Howley's article was a big hit are possibly two completely distinct market pigeon holes.

    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.

    The best observation was this fellow on reddit who said it is not possible to do a weekly podcast and come up with killer content every week. If you just consume the first 20 or 30 episodes there is high signal to noise ratio but after that it slowly degrades into stuff that is eventually just bobbing for corn kernels in poop piles. That he could go to Sydney and sell out the opera house to people who want to see him peddle this schtick in person is merely sad. If it's any consolation Andrew might be the saddest of all. For now. He will probably get over it eventually.

    If you hit all your goals you aren't aiming high enough!

    Replies: @LatW, @AP

    Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho.

    Maybe this can be some general rule, but there are plenty of male celebrities with wives and kids. Can’t judge for Jewish ones, but definitely White ones. Although can’t judge for this type of business, it’s a bit different than regular acting or being a musician.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass.

    Yea, he does sound a bit full of himself. What I meant was their sales dropping. But maybe they won’t. It’s possible that now all these chicks will find him “interesting” (lol, heavily “preselected”). Probably not the quality chicks (the comments on his Instagram page are funny – “you won’t be nr 7”). I don’t think younger guys buy AG1 much. They don’t need it. But if he made a positive impact on men’s health, then that’s great.


    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.

    Did she mention she used to be his fan? Maybe she wanted to be his girlfriend, hahaha. Yea, it’s funny that she’s did that. It’s probably fun to go after a guy like that and “expose” him (lol). I think it’s good – these types should be held accountable. Although normally it wouldn’t matter, if he were just a regular person. It’s more honest to plow through women openly than to mislead them in personal life and manipulate them. It sounded like he wanted to control his audience by giving all that minute advice.

    How many podcasts can one make about dopamine? The good thing about the internet is that you can just keep regurgitating the same content over and over.

    By the way, those things he is saying about sunlight – that was known in the paleo community already ten years ago, but it’s good to remind people of that.

    One thing I learned from this “scandal” (lol) is that ashwagandha may have negative long term effects – it’s been marketed a lot in the recent years and I wanted to try it. Might be ok to try a few times.

    I like that he’s Jewish, he seems to have a warm, bubbly personality that a Nordic guy would not typically have.

    I like this conclusion:

    “Huberman’s personal integrity is newsworthy because he has made it a large part of his personal brand. But the overall moral of this story isn’t that he is some monster or fraud; it is that there is no magic “protocol” to health and wellness. You just have to use your common sense: eat a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, move your body, don’t drink much, don’t smoke. You don’t need any books or influencers or Stanford professors to tell you this: it’s common sense. But common sense is boring. We all long for magic solutions. We all long for someone to help us exert control over our lives. Which is why it doesn’t really matter that Huberman is in a media storm. What he is selling will always be popular. He might have lost some of his credibility now but people will always want to be told a better life is just around the corner.”

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did she mention she used to be his fan?


    From the article:

    For Andrew Huberman to become your teacher and mine, as he very much was for a period this fall — a period in which I diligently absorbed sun upon waking, drank no more than once a week, practiced physiological sighs in traffic, and said to myself, out loud in my living room, “I also love mechanism”; a period during which I began to think seriously, for the first time in my life, about reducing stress, and during which both my husband and my young child saw tangible benefit from repeatedly immersing themselves in frigid water; a period in which I realized that I not only liked this podcast but liked other women who liked this podcast — he must be, in some way, better than the rest of us.
    It's totally worth a re-read. Howley is good enough to steal stuff from. This behavior she describes is not being a fan. It is being fanatical. I am a fan and I don't do 90% of what Hubris man swears by.


    Athletic Greens
    Cold water plunges
    Rotting, er fermented, food
    Dogs in my house
    probably a few more I forgot

    I wonder what her husband thought of the article. I think I have a good idea what I would be thinking if she was my wife and I read that sucker.
  390. @Mr. XYZ

    LatW, are you surprised by the extreme utter lunacy that is coming out of the mouths of even some of the ostensibly most respected Russian thinkers and analysts over the last couple of years? For instance:

    The original is here:

    There are also several other writings of this nature, two by the same guy (Dmitry Trenin) and one by Sergey Karaganov:

    Thankfully, not all Russian thinkers are bashit crazy:

    But Yeah, seeing all of this, and you can understand Biden's cautious attitude towards Ukraine.

    These types of hotheads are very dangerous. Similar to the ones who were arguing that the US should invade Cuba back in 1962 or to the ones who argued that the US should wage a preventative nuclear war against the Soviet Union back in the late 1940s or 1950s.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW


    No, I’m not surprised by this (the likes of Karaganov I’ve had to listen to with their threats against the “near abroad” for decades, it’s just that recently it was taken up a level and it is now against the whole West or world). The nuclear set up should probably be negotiated after this.


    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
  391. Lavrov began to imagine UA in 1991 borders;)

    “Let’s imagine that Ukraine has returned to the borders of 1991. Look on the Internet what Ukrainian politicians and parliamentarians are saying about what will be the fate of those people who now live in Crimea, in the Lugansk and Donetsk republics, in Zaporozhye, in the Kherson region. They say that there will not even be a “cleaning”. There is a lady in the Verkhovna Rada who said that twenty-five thousand people in Crimea should be executed for show. If this is the meaning of the “formula,” then it is an “invitation” to genocide. Our colleagues from Africa, Asia, and Latin America must understand where they are being invited.

    In 1991, the Ukrainian SSR left the Soviet Union on the basis of the Declaration of Independence, which stated that Ukraine is a neutral, non-aligned state, lives in good neighborliness with all former republics, respects human rights and the rights of national minorities. There is nothing left of this”

    In place of UA would try for fun to catch RF on this all BS rhetorics – ok, no NATO formally, but you’re returning to us everything we had prior 2014;) Maybe in reality UA even wouldn’t want all the figurative vatnik population share to return once again, but then could offer to lease for RF (like Hong Kong was given to UK for 99 years, while officially remaing part of China) what they were not ruling on 2022.02.24 and the financial charge for lease should be big enough to rebuild UA and pay for all the damages done;)

    Quite sure all this BS rhetoric about NATO threat would vaporise immediately then at least for a while, lol

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.

    Replies: @sudden death, @AnonfromTN

  392. @AP

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition
    That only proves that there were enough Nazis in Austria for a parade.

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:,_March,_1933.svg

    Muscovites and Prussians - historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    As a Vlasovite you of course have sympathy for both.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikhail, @Wielgus, @songbird

    The weaker support for the NSDAP in Berlin and Hamburg reflected the high levels of support for the KPD and the SPD in those cities. The weaker support in the Rhineland was partly due to the same reasons, partly due to high levels of support for the Catholic Centre Party, also strong in much of Bavaria. Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.

    • Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

    Those same regions are today the regions with fewest migrants, and vote the most for AfD and Linke

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.
    Interesting that living next to Slavs made Germans more passionate about Drang Nach Osten.

    Here in the US, the effect is the opposite. The closer that one lives to minorities, the more positive one is likely to feel towards things like immigration. Trumpists in large part live in rural areas while liberals mostly live in urban and suburban areas.

    Though the US states with the most blacks are also the most conservative ones, historically speaking. There's a correlation there in the sense that they were dominated by conservative slaveowners centuries ago who were all too eager to import a lot of black slaves. And even after slavery was abolished, the descendants of these conservative slaveowners often helped shape the local culture there for generations to come.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Wielgus

  393. @sudden death
    Lavrov began to imagine UA in 1991 borders;)

    “Let's imagine that Ukraine has returned to the borders of 1991. Look on the Internet what Ukrainian politicians and parliamentarians are saying about what will be the fate of those people who now live in Crimea, in the Lugansk and Donetsk republics, in Zaporozhye, in the Kherson region. They say that there will not even be a “cleaning”. There is a lady in the Verkhovna Rada who said that twenty-five thousand people in Crimea should be executed for show. If this is the meaning of the “formula,” then it is an “invitation” to genocide. Our colleagues from Africa, Asia, and Latin America must understand where they are being invited.

    In 1991, the Ukrainian SSR left the Soviet Union on the basis of the Declaration of Independence, which stated that Ukraine is a neutral, non-aligned state, lives in good neighborliness with all former republics, respects human rights and the rights of national minorities. There is nothing left of this"

    In place of UA would try for fun to catch RF on this all BS rhetorics - ok, no NATO formally, but you're returning to us everything we had prior 2014;) Maybe in reality UA even wouldn't want all the figurative vatnik population share to return once again, but then could offer to lease for RF (like Hong Kong was given to UK for 99 years, while officially remaing part of China) what they were not ruling on 2022.02.24 and the financial charge for lease should be big enough to rebuild UA and pay for all the damages done;)

    Quite sure all this BS rhetoric about NATO threat would vaporise immediately then at least for a while, lol

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    All the living men in UA already are dead or abroad and RF is fighting just the ghosts there, according to RF propjunk estimates;)

    On a more serious note, it's up for UA to decide, cause they have all the needed actual data and know way better than crocodile tearjerkers in West or East. From a military standpoint, the biggest problem seems to be RF longer range gliding bombs atm, but only time will tell whether this problem will persist with arrival of Western aviation.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @AnonfromTN

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.
    This dream of the puppeteers of the current Kiev regime won’t come true, either. They did not take into account pervasive corruption in Ukraine and wiliness of its residents. Most men who were in Ukraine in 2022 will survive, some even remaining on its territory. Lots of officials implementing conscription in Ukraine got filthy rich. Mass dismissal of those who already received a lot of bribes only brought another crop of bribe-takers to the trough. As they say in Ukraine, stealing is patriotic: when Putin comes, he is going to find that everything is already stolen.

    Replies: @Jazman

  394. @Mikhail
    Hail to the svidomites:

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    According to a statement on the Ukrainian institute’s website, the writer was an “imperialist” in his views despite the years he spent in Kiev and that he “despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated the Ukrainian desire for independence, spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”

    This seems to summarize Bulgakov’s feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe. Although banning his books is going overboard IMHO, I don’t see any good reason to waste government resources to maintain any public places that commemorate his memory and honor his achievements.

    I notice that it wasn’t until 2015 that a monument was finally established in Bulgakov’s honor in Moscow, after decades of debate and an outcry that Bulgakov was a satanist. If many Muscovites felt this way about the man, why should Ukrainians keep a special place of honor for this inveterate Ukrainophobe?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    White Guard is the only interesting book about the revolutionary era set in the Kiev location. That’s how feeble Ukraine’s literary culture is.

    Doomed Imperials are always a good subject for an historical fiction, besides.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. Hack

    , @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    But Bandera is okay, thereby making the case for Ukraine to not exist within its Commie drawn boundary.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    This seems to summarize Bulgakov’s feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe.
    I’m rather sure (but not 100%) that Bulgakov briefly and unenthusiastically served in either Petliura’s or Skoropadsky’s army as a physician.

    He was not particularly anti-Ukrainian given his background. He was a Russian colonist, born in Kiev, with a dismissive and mocking, but not virulently Ukrainophobic attitude that was probably quite typical of people from his circumstances. He was not some kind of Black Hundreds anti-Ukrainian activist.

    Bulgakov was a great writer and IMO his skewering of Soviet values redeemed his negative attitudes towards Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  395. @Mr. Hack

    According to a statement on the Ukrainian institute’s website, the writer was an “imperialist” in his views despite the years he spent in Kiev and that he “despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated the Ukrainian desire for independence, spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”
    This seems to summarize Bulgakov's feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe. Although banning his books is going overboard IMHO, I don't see any good reason to waste government resources to maintain any public places that commemorate his memory and honor his achievements.

    I notice that it wasn't until 2015 that a monument was finally established in Bulgakov's honor in Moscow, after decades of debate and an outcry that Bulgakov was a satanist. If many Muscovites felt this way about the man, why should Ukrainians keep a special place of honor for this inveterate Ukrainophobe?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @AP

    White Guard is the only interesting book about the revolutionary era set in the Kiev location. That’s how feeble Ukraine’s literary culture is.

    Doomed Imperials are always a good subject for an historical fiction, besides.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    At the time around 1812, literary culture of Russia was just as feebly and light years behind from France then in quality/quantity, so should fit the same standard and acknowledge that Napoleon had the full right to subjugate them and locals had the duty to just lay down&submit, instead of fighting off;)

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @Mikel

    , @Mr. Hack

    That’s how feeble Ukraine’s literary culture is.
    Name even one book that you've ever read written by a Ukrainian about a Ukrainian subject?
  396. @Mr. XYZ

    One could just as easily argue that just like Austria-Hungary's demise was paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Russian Serbia and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome, it's entirely possible that the Putin regime's demise will be paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Western Ukraine and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome.

    If Russia has a right to be paranoid about NATO, then surely Austria-Hungary had a right to be paranoid about Russia and Serbia, no?

    The fact that Hungary treated its Slavs and Romanians like total crap (other than perhaps the Croats) was a huge mistake. Austria treated its own Slavs much better but still not enough to prevent its own disintegration. Germany and Prussia also made a huge blunder in mistreating their own Poles, et cetera. Poles in Germany/Prussia consistently voted for opposition parties in the northern Polish Corridor and Posen Province.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow

    Right, that’s why the Austrian Empire fragmented…lol.

  397. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.

    Replies: @sudden death, @AnonfromTN

    All the living men in UA already are dead or abroad and RF is fighting just the ghosts there, according to RF propjunk estimates;)

    On a more serious note, it’s up for UA to decide, cause they have all the needed actual data and know way better than crocodile tearjerkers in West or East. From a military standpoint, the biggest problem seems to be RF longer range gliding bombs atm, but only time will tell whether this problem will persist with arrival of Western aviation.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @sudden death

    Time will tell. Don't forget that Ukraine started out with many planes. After experiencing serious losses, flying was limited in order to conserve aircraft. Note that with proper tactics and electronics upgrades even the older MiG-29 and Su-27 may be competitive with the F-16.

  398. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    White Guard is the only interesting book about the revolutionary era set in the Kiev location. That’s how feeble Ukraine’s literary culture is.

    Doomed Imperials are always a good subject for an historical fiction, besides.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. Hack

    At the time around 1812, literary culture of Russia was just as feebly and light years behind from France then in quality/quantity, so should fit the same standard and acknowledge that Napoleon had the full right to subjugate them and locals had the duty to just lay down&submit, instead of fighting off;)

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    This looks like a really cool premise for a Literary Imperialism game.

    Count me in!

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Mikhail
    @sudden death

    At your logic level, you make the case for Russia in Ukraine.

    Replies: @sudden death

    , @Mikel
    @sudden death

    Hi SD, yesterday I learned that there are upcoming elections to the European Parliament in June and I immediately thought of you. I know that you are bitter than I am allowed to vote in US elections (though I'm sure you wouldn't object too much if I was voting Nikki or Biden) but I don't think you would like me to be prevented from voting in European elections as well. You can't possibly be that Sovok in Lithuania after so many years. I really need some guidance on who to vote for. I'm not particularly interested in local matters anymore but, as the Polish PM said the other day, there are winds of war blowing in Europe again so this vote is probably more important than any other in the history of that parliament. Any suggestions?

    Replies: @sudden death

  399. @AP

    Nazis were enthusiastically greeted in Austria with no noticeable opposition
    That only proves that there were enough Nazis in Austria for a parade.

    The fact that Hitler invaded Austria before a referendum suggests he was unsure of the results.

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:,_March,_1933.svg

    Muscovites and Prussians - historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    As a Vlasovite you of course have sympathy for both.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikhail, @Wielgus, @songbird

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:

    Muscovites and Prussians – historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.

    East of the Elbe is the most Slavic part of Germany. If it extended further, we would be able to see without question that Slavs were the most enthusiastic supporters.

    And in particular, former aristocrats and landlords.

    • Disagree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @AP

    There weren’t many Poles in East Prussia. As for German Silesia - since obviously the ethnic Poles in those lands weren’t voting for Nazis, the Germans there were even more pro-Nazi than the map indicates.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. XYZ

  400. @sudden death

    At the time around 1812, literary culture of Russia was just as feebly and light years behind from France then in quality/quantity, so should fit the same standard and acknowledge that Napoleon had the full right to subjugate them and locals had the duty to just lay down&submit, instead of fighting off;)

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @Mikel

    This looks like a really cool premise for a Literary Imperialism game.

    Count me in!

    • LOL: Mikhail, HammerJack
    • Replies: @QCIC

    This belongs in the Sailer section.

  401. @sudden death

    At the time around 1812, literary culture of Russia was just as feebly and light years behind from France then in quality/quantity, so should fit the same standard and acknowledge that Napoleon had the full right to subjugate them and locals had the duty to just lay down&submit, instead of fighting off;)

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @Mikel

    At your logic level, you make the case for Russia in Ukraine.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    How so? Myself don't agree with such logic, just offered to all the types like you to apply it equally in history;)

  402. @Mr. Hack

    According to a statement on the Ukrainian institute’s website, the writer was an “imperialist” in his views despite the years he spent in Kiev and that he “despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated the Ukrainian desire for independence, spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”
    This seems to summarize Bulgakov's feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe. Although banning his books is going overboard IMHO, I don't see any good reason to waste government resources to maintain any public places that commemorate his memory and honor his achievements.

    I notice that it wasn't until 2015 that a monument was finally established in Bulgakov's honor in Moscow, after decades of debate and an outcry that Bulgakov was a satanist. If many Muscovites felt this way about the man, why should Ukrainians keep a special place of honor for this inveterate Ukrainophobe?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @AP

    But Bandera is okay, thereby making the case for Ukraine to not exist within its Commie drawn boundary.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    But Bandera is okay, thereby making the case for Ukraine to not exist within its Commie drawn boundary.
    Never having read any books (Bandera only wrote one or two books at most) written by Bandera (not that I wouldn't if one were conveniently placed in my vicinity) I couldn't say. Are you suggesting that Bandera wrote somewhere that "Ukraine [should] not exist within its Commie drawn boundary?

    I'm positive that no monuments exist of Bandera within Russia. I have no problem with this. Do you have any problem if no monuments of Bulgakov existed within Ukraine? Apparently a lot of Ukrainians would feel comfortable if this were the case.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  403. @Mikhail
    @sudden death

    At your logic level, you make the case for Russia in Ukraine.

    Replies: @sudden death

    How so? Myself don’t agree with such logic, just offered to all the types like you to apply it equally in history;)

  404. @songbird

    Meanwhile, northern and eastern Germans enthusiastically voted for Nazis. Nazism had the most support among Prussians:

    Muscovites and Prussians – historically the peoples most murderous towards Slavs and their Baltic cousins.
    East of the Elbe is the most Slavic part of Germany. If it extended further, we would be able to see without question that Slavs were the most enthusiastic supporters.

    And in particular, former aristocrats and landlords.

    Replies: @AP

    There weren’t many Poles in East Prussia. As for German Silesia – since obviously the ethnic Poles in those lands weren’t voting for Nazis, the Germans there were even more pro-Nazi than the map indicates.

    • Replies: @songbird

    For the record, I was trolling you based on your seeming tendency to assign blood-guilt labels to ethnic groups to which you don't belong. (Though of course not all groups.)

    That and following the forum-tradition of sh-posting about WW2.

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can't comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.

    Forceful global ideologies have moved on. (Though moralizing about WW2 is one of their main underpinnings.)

    I understand you were partly talking specifically about Russians, but to go off on a tangent - I think talking about Commies serves a similar purpose to talking about Nazis. At least in an American context, it often suggests its own ideology of radical materialism and abiologism. That the American system is the best there is or could be.

    Honestly, I strongly think it is high time that Europeans should be worrying about things other than WW2. Like collapsing fertility. Third world invasion and parasitism. Traitorous elites. And the malevalent influence of feminism and a general materialism and lack of spirituality and purpose. And degeneracy.

    I might add that bringing up the Nazis and connecting them to modern Germans seems very gauche to me. Like going to the Sioux reservation and calling them cannibals and child-killers.

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won't find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.

    Replies: @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Mr. XYZ

    There weren’t many Poles in East Prussia.
    You're wrong about that, actually. Southern East Prussia was actually very Polish, albeit of a unique Protestant flavor of Polish (Masurian):

    They overwhelmingly voted for Germany over Poland in 1920:

    And many of them were apparently Nazi supporters in the early 1930s:

    Support for the Nazi Party was high in Masuria, especially in elections in 1932 and 1933.[34]
    After the end of World War II, the Communist Polish government allowed them to stay (unlike the Germans) because it considered them to be Poles:

    There's still a German-identifying minority in that part of Poland (former southern East Prussia) even today:

    I suspect that they are of Polish descent (Masurians) but nevertheless have come to identify as Germans. A lot of Masurians have moved back to Germany after 1956, of course.
  405. AP says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    How is this ok?
    He is a rock star. Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho. Well not everybody. All blanket statements are wrong. Let's just make it P~.99.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass. They will do a little market research and could find out this ain't going to hurt one bit. The people who buy AG1 on Andrew's endorsement and the people who think Kerry Howley's article was a big hit are possibly two completely distinct market pigeon holes.

    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.

    The best observation was this fellow on reddit who said it is not possible to do a weekly podcast and come up with killer content every week. If you just consume the first 20 or 30 episodes there is high signal to noise ratio but after that it slowly degrades into stuff that is eventually just bobbing for corn kernels in poop piles. That he could go to Sydney and sell out the opera house to people who want to see him peddle this schtick in person is merely sad. If it's any consolation Andrew might be the saddest of all. For now. He will probably get over it eventually.

    If you hit all your goals you aren't aiming high enough!

    Replies: @LatW, @AP

    He is a rock star. Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho

    Bono (married 1982, 4 kids), Bruce Springsteen (married second wife in 1991, 3 kids), the singer for the Killers (married 2005, 3 kids), Robert Smith of the Cure (married 1988, no kids), Bon Jovi (married 1989, 4 kids) have had long stable marriages. Paul McCartney was married for almost 20 years when his first wife died; they had 3 children together. It’s not as rare as you think.

  406. AP says:

    For those who still did not get it, the US just approved transfer to Israel more bombs and warplanes:

    Russians & indigenous Palestinian Jews are in existential fights for survival.

    Hamas are degenerate war criminals using their own coreligionists as human shields. The kidnappers could end this tomorrow by releasing the hostages and laying down arms. Of course, senior leadership in Qatar and Tehran will never order that.

    It is clear that negotiation is not working. The Veggie-In-Chief's UNSC shenanigans rewarded Hamas, thus effectively ending talks.

    • How should Palestinian Jews get their people back?
    • Or, are you proposing abandonment the hostages?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AP

    It would be funny if the Russians whom you shill for actually got their hands on you:

    Viktor Cherniiavskyi is now a first-person view (FPV) drone pilot, but he said he was a chaplain to evangelical Christians in the Ukrainian army in 2014 when Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula.


    While serving as a volunteer in the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, Cherniiavskyi said he was captured by Russian-aligned forces.

    During his 25 days of captivity, Cherniiavskyi said he was held in a basement cell in a prison in Luhansk, where he said he was beaten with a baseball bat, had unloaded pistols shot at his head, and was repeatedly Tasered.

    When his captors became aware of his evangelical faith, a Russian Orthodox priest from Moscow was called to carry out a form of exorcism on him, he told Business Insider.

    “When the priest tried to cast demons out of me, he gave me two reasons: First, because of my ‘black eyes.’ Second, because I’m an evangelical Christian. Crossing his hands, he pushed me to kiss the crucifix,” Cherniiavskyi said.

    He added that the Kremlin had a particular hatred of Protestants and evangelical Christians and that Moscow saw anyone affiliated with US churches as “foreign agents.”

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @QCIC


    Are you suggesting that A123 needs an exorcism? I don't think it will help, but maybe it's worth a shot. Ivashka probably knows a guy.

    Replies: @A123

  407. @sudden death

    All the living men in UA already are dead or abroad and RF is fighting just the ghosts there, according to RF propjunk estimates;)

    On a more serious note, it's up for UA to decide, cause they have all the needed actual data and know way better than crocodile tearjerkers in West or East. From a military standpoint, the biggest problem seems to be RF longer range gliding bombs atm, but only time will tell whether this problem will persist with arrival of Western aviation.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Time will tell. Don’t forget that Ukraine started out with many planes. After experiencing serious losses, flying was limited in order to conserve aircraft. Note that with proper tactics and electronics upgrades even the older MiG-29 and Su-27 may be competitive with the F-16.

  408. @Wielgus

    The weaker support for the NSDAP in Berlin and Hamburg reflected the high levels of support for the KPD and the SPD in those cities. The weaker support in the Rhineland was partly due to the same reasons, partly due to high levels of support for the Catholic Centre Party, also strong in much of Bavaria. Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.

    Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms, @Mr. XYZ

    Those same regions are today the regions with fewest migrants, and vote the most for AfD and Linke

  409. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.

    Replies: @sudden death, @AnonfromTN

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.

    This dream of the puppeteers of the current Kiev regime won’t come true, either. They did not take into account pervasive corruption in Ukraine and wiliness of its residents. Most men who were in Ukraine in 2022 will survive, some even remaining on its territory. Lots of officials implementing conscription in Ukraine got filthy rich. Mass dismissal of those who already received a lot of bribes only brought another crop of bribe-takers to the trough. As they say in Ukraine, stealing is patriotic: when Putin comes, he is going to find that everything is already stolen.

    • Replies: @Jazman

    especially this guy , it is sad and funny at the same time

  410. @AP

    It would be funny if the Russians whom you shill for actually got their hands on you:

    Viktor Cherniiavskyi is now a first-person view (FPV) drone pilot, but he said he was a chaplain to evangelical Christians in the Ukrainian army in 2014 when Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula.

    While serving as a volunteer in the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, Cherniiavskyi said he was captured by Russian-aligned forces.

    During his 25 days of captivity, Cherniiavskyi said he was held in a basement cell in a prison in Luhansk, where he said he was beaten with a baseball bat, had unloaded pistols shot at his head, and was repeatedly Tasered.

    When his captors became aware of his evangelical faith, a Russian Orthodox priest from Moscow was called to carry out a form of exorcism on him, he told Business Insider.

    "When the priest tried to cast demons out of me, he gave me two reasons: First, because of my 'black eyes.' Second, because I'm an evangelical Christian. Crossing his hands, he pushed me to kiss the crucifix," Cherniiavskyi said.

    He added that the Kremlin had a particular hatred of Protestants and evangelical Christians and that Moscow saw anyone affiliated with US churches as "foreign agents."

    Replies: @QCIC


    Are you suggesting that A123 needs an exorcism? I don’t think it will help, but maybe it’s worth a shot. Ivashka probably knows a guy.

    • Agree: AP
    • LOL: A123
    • Replies: @A123

    AP wishing physical harm upon me is just another example of his degenerate Ukie nature. He personally supports the killing of Russian children by Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews.

    Does AP only want me injured, not dead because... I am a Christian, not a Jew?

    His hatred of Judeo-Christians is hard to comprehend.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Cloud Posternuke

  411. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    This looks like a really cool premise for a Literary Imperialism game.

    Count me in!

    Replies: @QCIC

    This belongs in the Sailer section.

  412. AP says:

    There was no noticeable Austrian WW II era opposition to Hitler who was himself Austrian. Nazi forces were very well received entering Vienna.

    As utilized by yourself, "Muscovite" is a Banderite svidomite used term. Prussians are a mix. Of the Muscovite "murdered" are those who committed aggression, which at times included many Poles.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    As utilized by yourself, “Muscovite” is a Banderite svidomite used term

    You give the 20th century Banderists too much credit.

    Muscovite is the traditional term used for centuries by the Rus people of Rzeczpospolita when speaking of their eastern cousins. It can be found in the old Volhynian chronicles. Kotlyarevsky (Moscal-Charivnyk) and Gogol used this also.

    It should be restored as the official term for people who call themselves Russians.

    That you don’t know this and attribute it to Bandera reflects your deep ignorance of Ukraine, Russia, their languages and their peoples.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    It’s used by fairly stupid Ukies and their hangers on in a weird passive aggressive way.

    I like the old English, Muscovy best.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    , @Mikhail

    I said as utilized by your likes dummy. Russians are for the most part recognized by Russians. Banderite svidomites are more prone to calling them Muscovites. The latter have no more of a legit correct stand. on this matter.

  413. @AP

    As utilized by yourself, “Muscovite” is a Banderite svidomite used term
    You give the 20th century Banderists too much credit.

    Muscovite is the traditional term used for centuries by the Rus people of Rzeczpospolita when speaking of their eastern cousins. It can be found in the old Volhynian chronicles. Kotlyarevsky (Moscal-Charivnyk) and Gogol used this also.

    It should be restored as the official term for people who call themselves Russians.

    That you don’t know this and attribute it to Bandera reflects your deep ignorance of Ukraine, Russia, their languages and their peoples.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail

    It’s used by fairly stupid Ukies and their hangers on in a weird passive aggressive way.

    I like the old English, Muscovy best.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    It's not like Russians en masse call them Little Russians. They're such hypocrites when it comes to matters like respect.

  414. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    White Guard is the only interesting book about the revolutionary era set in the Kiev location. That’s how feeble Ukraine’s literary culture is.

    Doomed Imperials are always a good subject for an historical fiction, besides.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. Hack

    That’s how feeble Ukraine’s literary culture is.

    Name even one book that you’ve ever read written by a Ukrainian about a Ukrainian subject?

  415. @A123

    Who actually created the Jihad?
    His name was Muhammad. You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.

    The Anti-Christ Muhammad brought his colonial Jihad to Palestine ~600 AD. After 1,400 years, it is time for the invaders to take their non-Palestinian religion of Islam back home to Arabia.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    Just so that everyone gets an idea of what’s in that clip…

    The Polish American Zbyignew Brezenzskizzzssszzzwwwzzzzz (MSNBC’s Mika is his daughter) is chatting with Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, Pakistan telling them to go kill Russians.

  416. AP says:
    @Mr. Hack

    According to a statement on the Ukrainian institute’s website, the writer was an “imperialist” in his views despite the years he spent in Kiev and that he “despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated the Ukrainian desire for independence, spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”
    This seems to summarize Bulgakov's feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe. Although banning his books is going overboard IMHO, I don't see any good reason to waste government resources to maintain any public places that commemorate his memory and honor his achievements.

    I notice that it wasn't until 2015 that a monument was finally established in Bulgakov's honor in Moscow, after decades of debate and an outcry that Bulgakov was a satanist. If many Muscovites felt this way about the man, why should Ukrainians keep a special place of honor for this inveterate Ukrainophobe?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @AP

    This seems to summarize Bulgakov’s feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe.

    I’m rather sure (but not 100%) that Bulgakov briefly and unenthusiastically served in either Petliura’s or Skoropadsky’s army as a physician.

    He was not particularly anti-Ukrainian given his background. He was a Russian colonist, born in Kiev, with a dismissive and mocking, but not virulently Ukrainophobic attitude that was probably quite typical of people from his circumstances. He was not some kind of Black Hundreds anti-Ukrainian activist.

    Bulgakov was a great writer and IMO his skewering of Soviet values redeemed his negative attitudes towards Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    So, with his "dismissive and mocking" stances against Ukrainians and of Ukraine, do you think that it's particularly unreasonable for the Ukrainian government to remove this colonial symbol of Russian imperialism away from the public view?

    Replies: @AP, @Wokechoke

  417. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    But Bandera is okay, thereby making the case for Ukraine to not exist within its Commie drawn boundary.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    But Bandera is okay, thereby making the case for Ukraine to not exist within its Commie drawn boundary.

    Never having read any books (Bandera only wrote one or two books at most) written by Bandera (not that I wouldn’t if one were conveniently placed in my vicinity) I couldn’t say. Are you suggesting that Bandera wrote somewhere that “Ukraine [should] not exist within its Commie drawn boundary?

    I’m positive that no monuments exist of Bandera within Russia. I have no problem with this. Do you have any problem if no monuments of Bulgakov existed within Ukraine? Apparently a lot of Ukrainians would feel comfortable if this were the case.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    The point being that monuments, books,articles praising Bandera are allowed in Kiev regime controlled Ukraine as that entity cancel cultures Russian cultural/historical contributors from that territory.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  418. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.
    Wasn't such behavior normal in his time and place? Not that I'm defending it, but people should be judged by the standards of their own times, not by the standards of our times. Else, future humans could view us as savages for factory farming and for killing animals for their meat.

    Replies: @A123

    You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.

    Wasn’t such behavior normal in his time and place? Not that I’m defending it, but people should be judged by the standards of their own times, not by the standards of our times.

    No. It was not.

    Aisha was betrothed and then married at 6 years old. Such prearrangements were not unusual. Having the wedding that early is a bit off, but not outrageous. Despite being married, the child bride would stay with the mother’s family until a later date.

    Consumating the marriage was, at the time, immoral until the girl was able to become pregnant. Given the diet and environment at the time that would typically be 14-15. Clearly raping a 9 year old was not valid then either. The Anti-Christ Muhammad was both lustful and deviant. Not unsurprising for demon spawn.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    So, why don't critics of Islam, such as Christians and atheists/agnostics, make a much bigger deal out of this?

  419. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    This seems to summarize Bulgakov’s feelings towards Ukrainians and their right to national formation quite accurately. In other words, he was a total and unabashed Ukrainophobe.
    I’m rather sure (but not 100%) that Bulgakov briefly and unenthusiastically served in either Petliura’s or Skoropadsky’s army as a physician.

    He was not particularly anti-Ukrainian given his background. He was a Russian colonist, born in Kiev, with a dismissive and mocking, but not virulently Ukrainophobic attitude that was probably quite typical of people from his circumstances. He was not some kind of Black Hundreds anti-Ukrainian activist.

    Bulgakov was a great writer and IMO his skewering of Soviet values redeemed his negative attitudes towards Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    So, with his “dismissive and mocking” stances against Ukrainians and of Ukraine, do you think that it’s particularly unreasonable for the Ukrainian government to remove this colonial symbol of Russian imperialism away from the public view?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    It would be silly for Ukrainian taxpayers to build monuments to him but I wouldn’t be against historical plaques or whatever showing where he was born. He wasn’t as anti-Ukrainian as the article made him out to be.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    Says the Slav squatting in Arizona.

  420. A123 says: • Website


    Are you suggesting that A123 needs an exorcism? I don't think it will help, but maybe it's worth a shot. Ivashka probably knows a guy.

    Replies: @A123

    AP wishing physical harm upon me is just another example of his degenerate Ukie nature. He personally supports the killing of Russian children by Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews.

    Does AP only want me injured, not dead because… I am a Christian, not a Jew?

    His hatred of Judeo-Christians is hard to comprehend.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Cloud Posternuke

    "Führer Zelensky, enemy of Jews"? Yeah, I know of this vitriolic antisemite.

    He is next up with Benjamin Mileikovski, the Hitler-fan who claims to be a descendant of Heinrich Himmler and is said to have read Mein Kampf at least 500 times. I heard he even wants to exterminate Israel and nuke New York, total madman!

  421. In the past week I have seen a few reports on Youtube that Russia is taking out power plants in Ukraine more definitively, starting with Kharkov. Is this confirmed?

  422. @Mr. XYZ

    One could just as easily argue that just like Austria-Hungary's demise was paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Russian Serbia and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome, it's entirely possible that the Putin regime's demise will be paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Western Ukraine and actually being willing to go to war to try reversing this outcome.

    If Russia has a right to be paranoid about NATO, then surely Austria-Hungary had a right to be paranoid about Russia and Serbia, no?

    The fact that Hungary treated its Slavs and Romanians like total crap (other than perhaps the Croats) was a huge mistake. Austria treated its own Slavs much better but still not enough to prevent its own disintegration. Germany and Prussia also made a huge blunder in mistreating their own Poles, et cetera. Poles in Germany/Prussia consistently voted for opposition parties in the northern Polish Corridor and Posen Province.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow

    Austria-Hungary’s demise was paved by its unwillingness to accept a pro-Russian Serbia…

    It was a trigger but by 1914 A-H was a dead man walking – they made fatal mistakes and it was too late.

    Hungary treated its Slavs and Romanians like total crap was a huge mistake.

    A bit of an understatement – it was all about that. The Habsburgs stupidly went along with it like EU did when the Ukies-Balts mistreated their Russian minority. That is often fatal.

    Hungary before WW1 consciously and proudly denied any rights to the non-Magyar half of the population. Other than to Jews who were privileged since they did the dirty work for aristocracy. Before WW1 Magyar chauvinism was unique in its madness – they proudly called themselves chauvinist, celebrated it, openly planned for elimination of all minorities. Habsburgs just watched although they were legally in charge.

    Why the Habsburgs went along to meet their sad end is hard to understand. The small ‘reform‘ ideas Franz Ferdinand had were of no importance: too little, too late. The lesson is that one can’t negotiate with madmen obsessed with destroying your identity – WW1 settled it. It ended very badly for the A-H elite and for Magyars in particular.

  423. @AP

    There weren’t many Poles in East Prussia. As for German Silesia - since obviously the ethnic Poles in those lands weren’t voting for Nazis, the Germans there were even more pro-Nazi than the map indicates.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. XYZ

    For the record, I was trolling you based on your seeming tendency to assign blood-guilt labels to ethnic groups to which you don’t belong. (Though of course not all groups.)

    That and following the forum-tradition of sh-posting about WW2.

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can’t comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.

    Forceful global ideologies have moved on. (Though moralizing about WW2 is one of their main underpinnings.)

    I understand you were partly talking specifically about Russians, but to go off on a tangent – I think talking about Commies serves a similar purpose to talking about Nazis. At least in an American context, it often suggests its own ideology of radical materialism and abiologism. That the American system is the best there is or could be.

    Honestly, I strongly think it is high time that Europeans should be worrying about things other than WW2. Like collapsing fertility. Third world invasion and parasitism. Traitorous elites. And the malevalent influence of feminism and a general materialism and lack of spirituality and purpose. And degeneracy.

    I might add that bringing up the Nazis and connecting them to modern Germans seems very gauche to me. Like going to the Sioux reservation and calling them cannibals and child-killers.

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won’t find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.

    • Replies: @LatW

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won’t find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.
    Well, when were you last there?

    Btw.. in today's whale news (I'm getting a lot of that stuff now on my feed since browsing all the orca stuff, lol) - turns out there is something called vaquita out there - it's this cute but slightly weird nearly extinct porpoise with a permasmile and a cool metallic color.

    Replies: @songbird

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can’t comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.
    What description label would you apply to this system we enjoy today? Nick Land says we all are fascists now. I can't think of a strong argument to counter him. The best I can come up with is he is a speed freak, which is about the weakest argument of any.

    Replies: @songbird

  424. @LatW

    LatW [..] and others are trying to distance from Banderites
    Where have I done this? You are putting us, Ukrainian patriots, in one big pot, while there are nuances. I don't know enough about OUN-UPA, shamefully (should fix that), but to the extent where they have acted in the role of the povstantsi (armed rebels against a foreign occupation), I have never distanced myself from them.

    Really don't see the point in distancing - when our governments distance, it is never appreciated by your side - you keep screaming about "Nazis". And ignore facts.

    It is similar to the Galician or Latvian WW2 Nazi collaborators trying to have it both ways by saying that they fought against Russia or commies
    But they did. History is not always black and white, it is often grey. I suggest sticking to facts as much as possible, instead of hyperventilating about "Nazis".

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Where have I done this?

    Ok, don’t distance (AP did), own up to it. But you are on the side of mass murderers who fought for the Nazis. There are always “reasons”, but that’s who they were. You won’t get far with that narrative – Nazism is generally frowned upon even in the West.

    History is not always black and white

    What part of the German-Nazi genocide do you consider “white“? The 140k Polish victims of Banderites? Or the 150k murdered by the Latvian Nazis? Can you be specific? Possibly the millions killed among the “sub-human” Slavs?

    You are really on thin ice. What you say indirectly defends Nazis and their allies. I don’t think anyone would put up with it in 1945. Do you count on people forgetting?

    • Replies: @AP

    Another lie:

    The 140k Polish victims of Banderites
    Estimates by Polish historians (not by activists) is 60k-100k.

    Somehow you forgot to mention the 250k Polish civilians killed by Stalin. Why?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

  425. @songbird
    The Greenland shark is an interesting example of how slow growth ties to longevity. Grows about 1 cm/year. Female takes about 156 years to reach sexual maturity. They are the longest-lived vertebrates on Earth. Living possibly more than 500 years.

    Replies: @songbird

    It is pretty crazy how, at least in theory, one could be eaten by a 500 y.o. monster.

    (Though in practical terms those waters are very cold and don’t invite any kind of diving or bathing.)

    In fact, Greenland sharks often go blind due to parasites, so it may be that they would be less distinguishing than other sharks and more readily attack a person.

  426. @songbird

    For the record, I was trolling you based on your seeming tendency to assign blood-guilt labels to ethnic groups to which you don't belong. (Though of course not all groups.)

    That and following the forum-tradition of sh-posting about WW2.

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can't comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.

    Forceful global ideologies have moved on. (Though moralizing about WW2 is one of their main underpinnings.)

    I understand you were partly talking specifically about Russians, but to go off on a tangent - I think talking about Commies serves a similar purpose to talking about Nazis. At least in an American context, it often suggests its own ideology of radical materialism and abiologism. That the American system is the best there is or could be.

    Honestly, I strongly think it is high time that Europeans should be worrying about things other than WW2. Like collapsing fertility. Third world invasion and parasitism. Traitorous elites. And the malevalent influence of feminism and a general materialism and lack of spirituality and purpose. And degeneracy.

    I might add that bringing up the Nazis and connecting them to modern Germans seems very gauche to me. Like going to the Sioux reservation and calling them cannibals and child-killers.

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won't find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.

    Replies: @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won’t find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.

    Well, when were you last there?

    Btw.. in today’s whale news (I’m getting a lot of that stuff now on my feed since browsing all the orca stuff, lol) – turns out there is something called vaquita out there – it’s this cute but slightly weird nearly extinct porpoise with a permasmile and a cool metallic color.

    • Replies: @songbird

    Well, when were you last there?
    Obviously, my goal isn't to write a travelogue, but to guilt-trip AP and Mikhail. As such, I may indulge in a tiny bit of literary effect. Still, I think I am not far off the mark.

    Though, it may be worth noting that many countries do not even have something like the AfD, or hope of getting something like it. (Though I am dismissive of solutions in the existing framework.)

    it’s this cute but slightly weird nearly extinct porpoise
    nature (or perhaps, I should say modern man) is unkind to the K-selected. I hope that they are at least able to preserve a genome.

    Btw.. in today’s whale news
    It seems they are always finding new things.

    BTW, I was partly wrong about Greenland sharks. They can on occasion be found as far south as the Gulf of Mexico or Cuba. In a way, one could say that they frequent the latitudes of every beach I have ever been to, though I am not sure they would be around the shore in swimming season.

    Icelanders apparently eat them, and have some sort of process for reducing the toxic compounds present for deep diving.

    Replies: @LatW

  427. @AP

    As utilized by yourself, “Muscovite” is a Banderite svidomite used term
    You give the 20th century Banderists too much credit.

    Muscovite is the traditional term used for centuries by the Rus people of Rzeczpospolita when speaking of their eastern cousins. It can be found in the old Volhynian chronicles. Kotlyarevsky (Moscal-Charivnyk) and Gogol used this also.

    It should be restored as the official term for people who call themselves Russians.

    That you don’t know this and attribute it to Bandera reflects your deep ignorance of Ukraine, Russia, their languages and their peoples.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail

    I said as utilized by your likes dummy. Russians are for the most part recognized by Russians. Banderite svidomites are more prone to calling them Muscovites. The latter have no more of a legit correct stand. on this matter.

  428. @AP

    Austria and Bavaria were strongholds for the Nazis. But the strongest Nazi support was in Silesia
    Another Beckow post, another lie.

    Nazi electoral support:

    Nazis were unpopular in Bavaria compared to other parts of Germany. Their putsch in Bavaria failed, so they came to power legally based on the votes of northern and eastern Germans. Let me guess: your favorite type of Germans?

    The weakest support [for Nazis] was in Berlin.
    Correct there. Slav-killing Bolsheviks were more popular in Berlin, where Nazism was unpopular. Was that much better?

    1990 Ukraine had 50 million people, good infrastructure, huge resources, rich
    Lol at rich. It was even poorer than 1990 Russia.

    the government in Moscow was disproportionally staffed by Ukrainians
    You lie as usual.

    Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    But only 2 of the 30 members of the Politburo were Ukrainians (6.6%):

    There were as many Moldovans, Estonians and Armenians as Ukrainians.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU – around 20%. It was in UN since 1945, Ukrainian language and culture were completely free everywhere in Ukraine.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine. Ukies were over-represented. Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky and most of the personnel in NKVD were from Ukraine. Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a “Russian” dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.

    The past was not what you so desperately try to present. Those ‘merican’ schools and Hollywood videos didn’t teach you much…:) You lack either critical thinking or honesty.

    How is that “paused” offensive going? When is Zelko planning to “un-pause” it?

    • Replies: @AP

    <blockquote>Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU – around 20%
     Many of those weren’t ethnic Ukrainians.
    But a higher % would even further invalidate your false claim the Ukrainians were overrepresented among the Soviet leadership.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine


    Khrushchev was an ethnic Russian, born in Russia, who lived in Ukraine for a few years when he participated in the killing of Ukrainians. He wore a Ukrainian embroidered shirt sometimes. Doesn’t count.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.

    Podgorny was Ukrainian.

    So Ukrainians were indeed underrepresented among Soviet leadership.

    Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky


    They were as Ukrainian as Sudeten Germans were Czech. By your logic, there were many Czechs among Nazi leaders.

    Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a “Russian” dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.
    You, not I, are the one who consciously misleads when you insist on referring to Soviet as Russian.

    Thanks for admitting it, I’ll remind you of your words next time you do it.

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.

    As usual, your poor education shows.

    How is that “paused” offensive going? When is Zelko planning to “un-pause” it?


    This would depend on the Americans, it seems.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

  429. @Wokechoke

    It’s used by fairly stupid Ukies and their hangers on in a weird passive aggressive way.

    I like the old English, Muscovy best.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    It’s not like Russians en masse call them Little Russians. They’re such hypocrites when it comes to matters like respect.

  430. @Mr. Hack

    But Bandera is okay, thereby making the case for Ukraine to not exist within its Commie drawn boundary.
    Never having read any books (Bandera only wrote one or two books at most) written by Bandera (not that I wouldn't if one were conveniently placed in my vicinity) I couldn't say. Are you suggesting that Bandera wrote somewhere that "Ukraine [should] not exist within its Commie drawn boundary?

    I'm positive that no monuments exist of Bandera within Russia. I have no problem with this. Do you have any problem if no monuments of Bulgakov existed within Ukraine? Apparently a lot of Ukrainians would feel comfortable if this were the case.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    The point being that monuments, books,articles praising Bandera are allowed in Kiev regime controlled Ukraine as that entity cancel cultures Russian cultural/historical contributors from that territory.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I'm sure that if Ukraine wasn't involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I've always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler's dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their "brothers" from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow

  431. @LatW

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won’t find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.
    Well, when were you last there?

    Btw.. in today's whale news (I'm getting a lot of that stuff now on my feed since browsing all the orca stuff, lol) - turns out there is something called vaquita out there - it's this cute but slightly weird nearly extinct porpoise with a permasmile and a cool metallic color.

    Replies: @songbird

    Well, when were you last there?

    Obviously, my goal isn’t to write a travelogue, but to guilt-trip AP and Mikhail. As such, I may indulge in a tiny bit of literary effect. Still, I think I am not far off the mark.

    Though, it may be worth noting that many countries do not even have something like the AfD, or hope of getting something like it. (Though I am dismissive of solutions in the existing framework.)

    it’s this cute but slightly weird nearly extinct porpoise

    nature (or perhaps, I should say modern man) is unkind to the K-selected. I hope that they are at least able to preserve a genome.

    Btw.. in today’s whale news

    It seems they are always finding new things.

    BTW, I was partly wrong about Greenland sharks. They can on occasion be found as far south as the Gulf of Mexico or Cuba. In a way, one could say that they frequent the latitudes of every beach I have ever been to, though I am not sure they would be around the shore in swimming season.

    Icelanders apparently eat them, and have some sort of process for reducing the toxic compounds present for deep diving.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Obviously, my goal isn’t to write a travelogue, but to guilt-trip AP and Mikhail. As such, I may indulge in a tiny bit of literary effect
    No worries. :) Do indulge, especially in "literary effect". :) I like your "literary" kind of language. I was just thinking that Germany would not be the worst vacation. At least the castles.

    They can on occasion be found as far south as the Gulf of Mexico or Cuba.
    They swim all the way down across the Atlantic? It's really cool that they live that long, maybe because they stay in the colder waters. But so do many others. It is indeed special to be eaten by such an old creature (no matter how grisly), imagine how rare that is.
  432. @Mr. XYZ

    Do you think that it would be a good idea for Tajikistan and Afghanistan to unite if both of these countries will ever get normal governments? I mean, even right now, AFAIK, there are more Tajiks in Afghanistan than there are in Tajikistan. Greater Afghanistan could be a binational state shared between Pashtuns and Tajiks. It already is that way right now, except here there would be more Tajiks and it wouldn't be Taliban-ruled, so Tajiks would actually have some political power, like they had in Afghanistan before 2021.

    I also wonder if Afghanistan would have acquired Tajikistan in 1918 at Brest-Litovsk had it entered WWI on the CP side.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The fall of the Soviet Empire was supposed to usher in the liberation of these Central Asians.

    They were freer back in the days of the Soviet Union.

  433. Ambition doesn’t correspond directlyy to budget, but there must be cultural factors that allow the Japanese to make much cheaper movies.


  434. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    The point being that monuments, books,articles praising Bandera are allowed in Kiev regime controlled Ukraine as that entity cancel cultures Russian cultural/historical contributors from that territory.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I’m sure that if Ukraine wasn’t involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I’ve always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler’s dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their “brothers” from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.

    • Disagree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    I’m sure that if Ukraine wasn’t involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I’ve always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler’s dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their “brothers” from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.
    There were moves seeking to curtail Russian identity beforehand. A truly healthy society would say it's not against Russia/Russians. Instead, the Kiev regime goes out of its way to do things like seek to ban Russians from sports even as neutrals.

    Once again, Putin didn't actively seek the military option. He didn't violate the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement, Minsk Accords and the nearly signed agreement in Istanbul. Russia accepted a neutral Ukraine on good terms with Russia and respectful towards pro-Russian sentiment within Ukraine's Commie drawn boundary. The Kiev regime with prodding from Western neolibs and neocons chose another path.

    Just as Germans and Japanese en masse didn't hold such an extended grudge against the mass killing of their civilians, many Ukrainians will see the culpability of the Kiev regime and its Western neocon/neolib backers.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    The usual chicken-and-egg: what started it?

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!, then banned Russian language in offices-schools, Odessa massacre and bombing Russian-speaking Donbas because they objected to a very dodgy 'revolution' in Kiev. I would say the Ukies are at least equally responsible.

    In the long run the current emotional attitudes won't matter. What matters is who controls what territory and how many people are left in the rump-Ukraine. It is not looking good for the Ukies - they provoked a storm and are suffering the consequences. Russia will be fine with new lands rich in resources and Nato getting a bloody nose. Ukies can hate, they hated the Russians hating even more a real thing? How could anyone tell?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @LatW

  435. @Mr. Hack

    I'm sure that if Ukraine wasn't involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I've always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler's dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their "brothers" from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow

    I’m sure that if Ukraine wasn’t involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I’ve always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler’s dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their “brothers” from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.

    There were moves seeking to curtail Russian identity beforehand. A truly healthy society would say it’s not against Russia/Russians. Instead, the Kiev regime goes out of its way to do things like seek to ban Russians from sports even as neutrals.

    Once again, Putin didn’t actively seek the military option. He didn’t violate the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement, Minsk Accords and the nearly signed agreement in Istanbul. Russia accepted a neutral Ukraine on good terms with Russia and respectful towards pro-Russian sentiment within Ukraine’s Commie drawn boundary. The Kiev regime with prodding from Western neolibs and neocons chose another path.

    Just as Germans and Japanese en masse didn’t hold such an extended grudge against the mass killing of their civilians, many Ukrainians will see the culpability of the Kiev regime and its Western neocon/neolib backers.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it's become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  436. @Mr. Hack

    I'm sure that if Ukraine wasn't involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I've always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler's dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their "brothers" from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow

    The usual chicken-and-egg: what started it?

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!, then banned Russian language in offices-schools, Odessa massacre and bombing Russian-speaking Donbas because they objected to a very dodgy ‘revolution’ in Kiev. I would say the Ukies are at least equally responsible.

    In the long run the current emotional attitudes won’t matter. What matters is who controls what territory and how many people are left in the rump-Ukraine. It is not looking good for the Ukies – they provoked a storm and are suffering the consequences. Russia will be fine with new lands rich in resources and Nato getting a bloody nose. Ukies can hate, they hated the Russians before…is hating even more a real thing? How could anyone tell?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Enjoy cultivating your new lands:

    And celebrate NATO getting a bloody nose:

    , @LatW

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!,
    That's not true. What they were chanting was "The one who doesn't skip / jump is a Moskal" (Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal'!). It might not be very seemly (although it is funny), but it's not as aggressive as you try to paint it.

    Another lie. LOL You just can't stop.

    Replies: @Beckow

  437. @songbird

    For the record, I was trolling you based on your seeming tendency to assign blood-guilt labels to ethnic groups to which you don't belong. (Though of course not all groups.)

    That and following the forum-tradition of sh-posting about WW2.

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can't comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.

    Forceful global ideologies have moved on. (Though moralizing about WW2 is one of their main underpinnings.)

    I understand you were partly talking specifically about Russians, but to go off on a tangent - I think talking about Commies serves a similar purpose to talking about Nazis. At least in an American context, it often suggests its own ideology of radical materialism and abiologism. That the American system is the best there is or could be.

    Honestly, I strongly think it is high time that Europeans should be worrying about things other than WW2. Like collapsing fertility. Third world invasion and parasitism. Traitorous elites. And the malevalent influence of feminism and a general materialism and lack of spirituality and purpose. And degeneracy.

    I might add that bringing up the Nazis and connecting them to modern Germans seems very gauche to me. Like going to the Sioux reservation and calling them cannibals and child-killers.

    I would encourage you and Mikhail both to take vacations in Germany. I promise you won't find a more degraded and degenerated and hopeless place.

    Replies: @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can’t comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.

    What description label would you apply to this system we enjoy today? Nick Land says we all are fascists now. I can’t think of a strong argument to counter him. The best I can come up with is he is a speed freak, which is about the weakest argument of any.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What description label would you apply to this system we enjoy today?
    Good nomenclature is pretty hard. Ideally, it would be short and catchy, while helping people understand the process and what might be its opposite. Something universally understandable and easy to pronounce.

    I don't think there is a such a term. Haven't heard one I 100% like.

    What could apply equally to the US, Germany, or South Africa? A term that even Japanese or Chinese could understand.

    "Radical egalitarianism" carries some of the meaning but not all of it and is way too long. My mental default is probably "multicultism", which is comparatively short, but not still not ideal. In particular, it doesn't include the feminist element, and might not be wholly applicable to societies that were previously diverse but more functional. Or, if you want the broadest compass, more homogeneous societies, that carry some amount of the dysfunction.

    I think a good term would probably reference genetics, and reproduction. Have heard a lot of other contenders but none of them seem to do this.

    I like the term "bioculture" but I don't know what would be the name for what attacks it.

    If you ask me, language is missing a lot of words. Perhaps, it is the human limitation of not being able to signal with visual cues like a cuttlefish or hear variations in pitch like a dog and have scent glands and a nose to pick up on them.

    Just the other day, I was thinking it would be good to have an antonym for co-ethnic (with the same syllable count) but regrettably there is not really a good one.
  438. @AnonfromTN

    All the men in Ukraine are gonna die if they keep fighting.
    This dream of the puppeteers of the current Kiev regime won’t come true, either. They did not take into account pervasive corruption in Ukraine and wiliness of its residents. Most men who were in Ukraine in 2022 will survive, some even remaining on its territory. Lots of officials implementing conscription in Ukraine got filthy rich. Mass dismissal of those who already received a lot of bribes only brought another crop of bribe-takers to the trough. As they say in Ukraine, stealing is patriotic: when Putin comes, he is going to find that everything is already stolen.

    Replies: @Jazman

    especially this guy , it is sad and funny at the same time

  439. Niggers.

  440. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    I’m sure that if Ukraine wasn’t involved in a rapaciously inspired war with and from Russia right now, Russian cultural promotion would remain unhampered, as it was prior to 2014. I’ve always maintained that Russian soft power promotion within Ukraine by Russia was seriously derailed by Putler’s dumb ass war. Do you really think that this sort of expression would remain vibrant and accepted in Ukraine, when so many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by their “brothers” from the north (ironically, mostly Russian speakers from the East and South). What a stupid concept. Russia has seriously shot itself in the foot as regards Ukraine, and has lost any good standing amongst the vast majority of Ukrainians. To pretend otherwise is a feeble expression of fantasy.
    There were moves seeking to curtail Russian identity beforehand. A truly healthy society would say it's not against Russia/Russians. Instead, the Kiev regime goes out of its way to do things like seek to ban Russians from sports even as neutrals.

    Once again, Putin didn't actively seek the military option. He didn't violate the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement, Minsk Accords and the nearly signed agreement in Istanbul. Russia accepted a neutral Ukraine on good terms with Russia and respectful towards pro-Russian sentiment within Ukraine's Commie drawn boundary. The Kiev regime with prodding from Western neolibs and neocons chose another path.

    Just as Germans and Japanese en masse didn't hold such an extended grudge against the mass killing of their civilians, many Ukrainians will see the culpability of the Kiev regime and its Western neocon/neolib backers.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it’s become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it’s become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.
    Collective West grossly interfered in Ukrainian internal affairs. The legally non-binding Budapest Memorandum had to do with nukes which weren't under Ukrainian control.

    Violating the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement and Minsk Accords makes the Kiev regime and its main Western backers unreliable. In comparison, Russia has been far more reasonable.

    As for imperialist monster, Russia borders Ukraine unlike France, Germany, UK and US.

    Keep dreaming about Ukraine's Commie drawn boundary being brought back together again. Maybe as a modern day Skoro proposal (not the svido, neocon, neolib geopolitical wet dream):

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

  441. @AP

    There weren’t many Poles in East Prussia. As for German Silesia - since obviously the ethnic Poles in those lands weren’t voting for Nazis, the Germans there were even more pro-Nazi than the map indicates.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. XYZ

    There weren’t many Poles in East Prussia.

    You’re wrong about that, actually. Southern East Prussia was actually very Polish, albeit of a unique Protestant flavor of Polish (Masurian):

    They overwhelmingly voted for Germany over Poland in 1920:

    And many of them were apparently Nazi supporters in the early 1930s:

    Support for the Nazi Party was high in Masuria, especially in elections in 1932 and 1933.[34]

    After the end of World War II, the Communist Polish government allowed them to stay (unlike the Germans) because it considered them to be Poles:

    There’s still a German-identifying minority in that part of Poland (former southern East Prussia) even today:

    I suspect that they are of Polish descent (Masurians) but nevertheless have come to identify as Germans. A lot of Masurians have moved back to Germany after 1956, of course.

  442. @A123
    @Mr. XYZ

    You know, the false prophet who raped Aisha when she was nine years old.
    Wasn’t such behavior normal in his time and place? Not that I’m defending it, but people should be judged by the standards of their own times, not by the standards of our times.
    No. It was not.

    Aisha was betrothed and then married at 6 years old. Such prearrangements were not unusual. Having the wedding that early is a bit off, but not outrageous. Despite being married, the child bride would stay with the mother's family until a later date.

    Consumating the marriage was, at the time, immoral until the girl was able to become pregnant. Given the diet and environment at the time that would typically be 14-15. Clearly raping a 9 year old was not valid then either. The Anti-Christ Muhammad was both lustful and deviant. Not unsurprising for demon spawn.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    So, why don’t critics of Islam, such as Christians and atheists/agnostics, make a much bigger deal out of this?

  443. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    The usual chicken-and-egg: what started it?

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!, then banned Russian language in offices-schools, Odessa massacre and bombing Russian-speaking Donbas because they objected to a very dodgy 'revolution' in Kiev. I would say the Ukies are at least equally responsible.

    In the long run the current emotional attitudes won't matter. What matters is who controls what territory and how many people are left in the rump-Ukraine. It is not looking good for the Ukies - they provoked a storm and are suffering the consequences. Russia will be fine with new lands rich in resources and Nato getting a bloody nose. Ukies can hate, they hated the Russians hating even more a real thing? How could anyone tell?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @LatW

    Enjoy cultivating your new lands:

    And celebrate NATO getting a bloody nose:

  444. @Wielgus

    The weaker support for the NSDAP in Berlin and Hamburg reflected the high levels of support for the KPD and the SPD in those cities. The weaker support in the Rhineland was partly due to the same reasons, partly due to high levels of support for the Catholic Centre Party, also strong in much of Bavaria. Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.

    Replies: @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms, @Mr. XYZ

    Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.

    Interesting that living next to Slavs made Germans more passionate about Drang Nach Osten.

    Here in the US, the effect is the opposite. The closer that one lives to minorities, the more positive one is likely to feel towards things like immigration. Trumpists in large part live in rural areas while liberals mostly live in urban and suburban areas.

    Though the US states with the most blacks are also the most conservative ones, historically speaking. There’s a correlation there in the sense that they were dominated by conservative slaveowners centuries ago who were all too eager to import a lot of black slaves. And even after slavery was abolished, the descendants of these conservative slaveowners often helped shape the local culture there for generations to come.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The whites who remain around blacks are generally too poor to run off. Or too oblivious to reality.

    Most whites who live around blacks are childless.

    I do not count Jews in that white cohort btw.

    Proximity and diversity equals racial conflict in the US.

    Only the motorcar and 3 lane highways allowed well to do whites to avoid nigfestations.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Wielgus
    @Mr. XYZ

    The impact of armed clashes bordering on all-out war between Freikorps and Polish nationalists after WW1 should be factored in. The clashes mostly happened in Silesia. It is notable that NSDAP support was lower in Upper Silesia (Oppeln), than Lower Silesia, but Upper Silesia had the bulk of Silesia's Poles, ie. people unlikely to vote NSDAP.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  445. @Mr. Hack

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it's become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it’s become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.

    Collective West grossly interfered in Ukrainian internal affairs. The legally non-binding Budapest Memorandum had to do with nukes which weren’t under Ukrainian control.

    Violating the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement and Minsk Accords makes the Kiev regime and its main Western backers unreliable. In comparison, Russia has been far more reasonable.

    As for imperialist monster, Russia borders Ukraine unlike France, Germany, UK and US.

    Keep dreaming about Ukraine’s Commie drawn boundary being brought back together again. Maybe as a modern day Skoro proposal (not the svido, neocon, neolib geopolitical wet dream):

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Keep dreaming about Ukraine’s Commie drawn boundary
    Speaking of maps…

    Preamble for those who don’t know much about Armenia: Western puppet Pashinyan ceded Karabakh to Azerbaijan, then ceded to Azerbaijan six villages in Armenia proper. Azeris have a point calling Armenia Western Azerbaijan.

    Recent Armenian joke.
    A guy comes to the map store and asks:
    - Do you have a map of Armenia?
    - Of course we do. Map for what month do you want?
    , @Mr. Hack


    You like to point out that the Budapest Memorandum was not "legally binding", but fail to point out that the Minsk Accords were also never ratified. Why the double standard? Seeing things once again through your kremlin crafted reading glasses?

    Replies: @Mikhail

  446. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it’s become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.
    Collective West grossly interfered in Ukrainian internal affairs. The legally non-binding Budapest Memorandum had to do with nukes which weren't under Ukrainian control.

    Violating the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement and Minsk Accords makes the Kiev regime and its main Western backers unreliable. In comparison, Russia has been far more reasonable.

    As for imperialist monster, Russia borders Ukraine unlike France, Germany, UK and US.

    Keep dreaming about Ukraine's Commie drawn boundary being brought back together again. Maybe as a modern day Skoro proposal (not the svido, neocon, neolib geopolitical wet dream):

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Keep dreaming about Ukraine’s Commie drawn boundary

    Speaking of maps…

    Preamble for those who don’t know much about Armenia: Western puppet Pashinyan ceded Karabakh to Azerbaijan, then ceded to Azerbaijan six villages in Armenia proper. Azeris have a point calling Armenia Western Azerbaijan.

    Recent Armenian joke.
    A guy comes to the map store and asks:
    – Do you have a map of Armenia?
    – Of course we do. Map for what month do you want?

  447. @Mr. XYZ

    Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.
    Interesting that living next to Slavs made Germans more passionate about Drang Nach Osten.

    Here in the US, the effect is the opposite. The closer that one lives to minorities, the more positive one is likely to feel towards things like immigration. Trumpists in large part live in rural areas while liberals mostly live in urban and suburban areas.

    Though the US states with the most blacks are also the most conservative ones, historically speaking. There's a correlation there in the sense that they were dominated by conservative slaveowners centuries ago who were all too eager to import a lot of black slaves. And even after slavery was abolished, the descendants of these conservative slaveowners often helped shape the local culture there for generations to come.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Wielgus

    The whites who remain around blacks are generally too poor to run off. Or too oblivious to reality.

    Most whites who live around blacks are childless.

    I do not count Jews in that white cohort btw.

    Proximity and diversity equals racial conflict in the US.

    Only the motorcar and 3 lane highways allowed well to do whites to avoid nigfestations.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Living next to Hispanics and Asians has been more pleasant for whites in the US relative to living next to blacks, I would think.

  448. @sudden death

    But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine – the perps were escaping there.
    The only "evidence" about that so far is words by serial liars from Kremlin, when even Lukashenko said they "had to turnaround" from Belarus, but nevermind let's assume it for the sake of thought experiment - there were/are countless various American or other criminals running south into Mexico, does it mean Mexico as a state previously organized it all in USA?;)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke

    Captured in Khatsun still on the M3 long after the junctions that would have brought them to Gomel in Belorussia.

    Stop being an ass about this location.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Stop being an ass about this location.
    Pro-Ukies cannot stop being asses. That would mean acknowledging the reality. The reality is very much anti-Ukie.
  449. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Nazis and Communists were caused by certain very specific historical factors, not duplicated today. Frankly, I can’t comprehend the fascination that they continue to hold here.
    What description label would you apply to this system we enjoy today? Nick Land says we all are fascists now. I can't think of a strong argument to counter him. The best I can come up with is he is a speed freak, which is about the weakest argument of any.

    Replies: @songbird

    What description label would you apply to this system we enjoy today?

    Good nomenclature is pretty hard. Ideally, it would be short and catchy, while helping people understand the process and what might be its opposite. Something universally understandable and easy to pronounce.

    I don’t think there is a such a term. Haven’t heard one I 100% like.


    What could apply equally to the US, Germany, or South Africa? A term that even Japanese or Chinese could understand.

    “Radical egalitarianism” carries some of the meaning but not all of it and is way too long. My mental default is probably “multicultism”, which is comparatively short, but not still not ideal. In particular, it doesn’t include the feminist element, and might not be wholly applicable to societies that were previously diverse but more functional. Or, if you want the broadest compass, more homogeneous societies, that carry some amount of the dysfunction.

    I think a good term would probably reference genetics, and reproduction. Have heard a lot of other contenders but none of them seem to do this.

    I like the term “bioculture” but I don’t know what would be the name for what attacks it.

    If you ask me, language is missing a lot of words. Perhaps, it is the human limitation of not being able to signal with visual cues like a cuttlefish or hear variations in pitch like a dog and have scent glands and a nose to pick up on them.

    Just the other day, I was thinking it would be good to have an antonym for co-ethnic (with the same syllable count) but regrettably there is not really a good one.

  450. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Captured in Khatsun still on the M3 long after the junctions that would have brought them to Gomel in Belorussia.

    Stop being an ass about this location.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Stop being an ass about this location.

    Pro-Ukies cannot stop being asses. That would mean acknowledging the reality. The reality is very much anti-Ukie.

  451. @Mr. Hack

    So, with his "dismissive and mocking" stances against Ukrainians and of Ukraine, do you think that it's particularly unreasonable for the Ukrainian government to remove this colonial symbol of Russian imperialism away from the public view?

    Replies: @AP, @Wokechoke

    It would be silly for Ukrainian taxpayers to build monuments to him but I wouldn’t be against historical plaques or whatever showing where he was born. He wasn’t as anti-Ukrainian as the article made him out to be.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I guess there must be degrees of Ukrainophobia, some a little less offensive than others. I do remember once reading about the exact insults that Bulgakov had made, and remember them being what would be today considered classic Ukrainophobic insults, but I don't have the time to try and locate this article. I know that a plaque that bore his name has already been dismantled at the Kyivan university that he had attended, and I don't recall anybody getting particularly shook up over the matter. At the current Bulgakov museum (in reality small house), I think where his monument closely lies, is a caretaker lady making waives about its removal. I guess that I would too if my livelihood might be in peril. :-)

    "To be,or not to be, that is the question"...

  452. When Disney got the distribution rights for Princess Monoke, (Miramax division) they were adding sound effects and dialogue in places where there was silence. They would try to work in dialogue, when the characters faces were not on screen.

    I think this speaks to the fact that Japan is more introverted, and Hollywood more extroverted. Though I also recall hearing that Bambi was a pretty quiet film in many ways compared to ones today.

  453. @songbird

    Well, when were you last there?
    Obviously, my goal isn't to write a travelogue, but to guilt-trip AP and Mikhail. As such, I may indulge in a tiny bit of literary effect. Still, I think I am not far off the mark.

    Though, it may be worth noting that many countries do not even have something like the AfD, or hope of getting something like it. (Though I am dismissive of solutions in the existing framework.)

    it’s this cute but slightly weird nearly extinct porpoise
    nature (or perhaps, I should say modern man) is unkind to the K-selected. I hope that they are at least able to preserve a genome.

    Btw.. in today’s whale news
    It seems they are always finding new things.

    BTW, I was partly wrong about Greenland sharks. They can on occasion be found as far south as the Gulf of Mexico or Cuba. In a way, one could say that they frequent the latitudes of every beach I have ever been to, though I am not sure they would be around the shore in swimming season.

    Icelanders apparently eat them, and have some sort of process for reducing the toxic compounds present for deep diving.

    Replies: @LatW

    Obviously, my goal isn’t to write a travelogue, but to guilt-trip AP and Mikhail. As such, I may indulge in a tiny bit of literary effect

    No worries. 🙂 Do indulge, especially in “literary effect”. 🙂 I like your “literary” kind of language. I was just thinking that Germany would not be the worst vacation. At least the castles.

    They can on occasion be found as far south as the Gulf of Mexico or Cuba.

    They swim all the way down across the Atlantic? It’s really cool that they live that long, maybe because they stay in the colder waters. But so do many others. It is indeed special to be eaten by such an old creature (no matter how grisly), imagine how rare that is.

    • Thanks: songbird
  454. @Beckow

    ...Where have I done this?
    Ok, don't distance (AP did), own up to it. But you are on the side of mass murderers who fought for the Nazis. There are always "reasons", but that's who they were. You won't get far with that narrative - Nazism is generally frowned upon even in the West.

    History is not always black and white
    What part of the German-Nazi genocide do you consider "white"? The 140k Polish victims of Banderites? Or the 150k murdered by the Latvian Nazis? Can you be specific? Possibly the millions killed among the "sub-human" Slavs?

    You are really on thin ice. What you say indirectly defends Nazis and their allies. I don't think anyone would put up with it in 1945. Do you count on people forgetting?

    Replies: @AP

    Another lie:

    The 140k Polish victims of Banderites

    Estimates by Polish historians (not by activists) is 60k-100k.

    Somehow you forgot to mention the 250k Polish civilians killed by Stalin. Why?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    The most extraordinary factoid here is that between Bandera and Stalin no Jews of any notable quantity bit the dust.

    That required the Germans to make a move on their nemesis a few years later.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Out of curiosity: Why didn't Poland do a population exchange with the USSR in 1921 like the Greeks and Turks did with each other a couple of years later? At the very least, Poland could have offered the remaining Soviet Poles a safe haven in Poland, thus saving them from Stalin's subsequent purges.

    Replies: @AP

  455. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    The usual chicken-and-egg: what started it?

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!, then banned Russian language in offices-schools, Odessa massacre and bombing Russian-speaking Donbas because they objected to a very dodgy 'revolution' in Kiev. I would say the Ukies are at least equally responsible.

    In the long run the current emotional attitudes won't matter. What matters is who controls what territory and how many people are left in the rump-Ukraine. It is not looking good for the Ukies - they provoked a storm and are suffering the consequences. Russia will be fine with new lands rich in resources and Nato getting a bloody nose. Ukies can hate, they hated the Russians hating even more a real thing? How could anyone tell?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @LatW

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!,

    That’s not true. What they were chanting was “The one who doesn’t skip / jump is a Moskal” (Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal’!). It might not be very seemly (although it is funny), but it’s not as aggressive as you try to paint it.

    Another lie. LOL You just can’t stop.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Oh, please...and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 was also "funny"? Or bombing and killing 2.5k civilians in Donbas? Just fun?

    You know very well what the "Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal’! meant - imagine for a minute something similar in London or Paris, or at Jan 6 demo in Washington. It would be seen as hate speech and people would be arrested and denounced. You try to omit facts and are running away from what you previously embraced. You must sense that you are losing, so time for cya...

    Replies: @AP, @Coconuts

  456. @Beckow

    Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.
    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU - around 20%. It was in UN since 1945, Ukrainian language and culture were completely free everywhere in Ukraine.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine. Ukies were over-represented. Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky and most of the personnel in NKVD were from Ukraine. Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a "Russian" dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.

    The past was not what you so desperately try to present. Those 'merican' schools and Hollywood videos didn't teach you much...:) You lack either critical thinking or honesty.

    How is that "paused" offensive going? When is Zelko planning to "un-pause" it?

    Replies: @AP

    <blockquote>Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU – around 20%

    Many of those weren’t ethnic Ukrainians.
    But a higher % would even further invalidate your false claim the Ukrainians were overrepresented among the Soviet leadership.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine

    Khrushchev was an ethnic Russian, born in Russia, who lived in Ukraine for a few years when he participated in the killing of Ukrainians. He wore a Ukrainian embroidered shirt sometimes. Doesn’t count.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.

    Podgorny was Ukrainian.

    So Ukrainians were indeed underrepresented among Soviet leadership.

    Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky

    They were as Ukrainian as Sudeten Germans were Czech. By your logic, there were many Czechs among Nazi leaders.

    Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a “Russian” dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.

    You, not I, are the one who consciously misleads when you insist on referring to Soviet as Russian.

    Thanks for admitting it, I’ll remind you of your words next time you do it.

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.

    As usual, your poor education shows.

    How is that “paused” offensive going? When is Zelko planning to “un-pause” it?

    This would depend on the Americans, it seems.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.


    Wouldn't that still qualify as an ethnic Ukrainian? I mean, if someone is exclusively of Italian descent, but had all four of their grandparents move to the US from Italy, surely we would still refer to them as an ethnic Italian, no? (As well as as an Italian-American.)
    , @Beckow

    ...This would depend on the Americans, it seems.
    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money - it is the definition of a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine...
    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas. Do you claim the regions as Ukraine but deny that those people represent Ukraine? It makes no sense, it would be like excluding Scots or Germans from UK royalty - more than half of the recent ones.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy - Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc... were atheists born and raised in Ukraine - are the Ukie atheists not Ukrainian for you?

    Your arguments are increasingly incoherent. You need to be consistent - that's the problem with your cherrypicking. Rational intelligence is defined by applying consistent principles. If you randomly cherrypick maybe you should do arts, that is about being creative and inconsistent. Or you are just infantile and devoted to your cause.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @AP

    , @Gerard1234

    LMFAO. Having been exposed (again) as even more useless with your instantaneous BS " Nazi's are North German/Prostestant "chronic Bimbo cretinism, you now " improve" on that with the following post that makes the Nazi comment of yours look like "profound intellectualism" by comparison, LOL.:

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.
    The pathological level of attention-whoring stupidity required to type that is ridiculous. As I say - if you lose your anonymity - 100% sure a tramp as yourself would commit suicide out of shame.
    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion.

    Gorbachev, South Russian, half-Ukrainian, regularly singing in "Ukrainian", stayed long times in childhood in Ukraine, ethnic Ukrainian wife.

    All this has been emphasised to you, and all your many, many sockpuppet accounts stalking pro-Russian ( in english, of course) blogs several times over several years I am sure. The sociopathic, scumbag non-life of a dogshit that you must be to continue with these idiotic , time-wasting lies is astonishing. Amusingly I notice Mikel on previous thread is yet ANOTHER commentator mentioning that fact that to do this filth on idiotic things, for abnormal high number of times, using abnormal length of time in your non-life.

    The security apparatus is something most westerners associate with USSR. Head of KGB from it's creation in the 1950s:

    THREE Ukrainians leading it for12+years you serial dumbfuck!!! - Fedorchuk, Chebrikov & Semichastny. In addition to 2 South Russians and 1 from Voronezh

    Soviet Interior Ministry - if i remember correctly lead by ukrainians for 20 consecutive years!

    Minister of Defence ( or equivalent position)......lead by Ukrainians for nearly 20 consecutive years (Grechko & Malinovsky). In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!

    Now that's just SOME of the security apparatus positions, I only listed them because of the high recognition it has with westerners about the USSR. In reality all of the major political, scientific research institutes, cultural, sport, space program, military,education, cinema, heavy industry were massively represented by Ukrainians throughout period of great USSR you bimbo retard.

    That's all in addition to the huge power given to the Ukrainian SSR itself.

    So people of a certain generation grew up in a time when USSR was literally controlled by Ukrainians you stupid imbecile.

    South Russian/border region characteristic is also very important, because if you lived or knew about the USSR ( which obviously you don't) - you would know that Ukrainians & Russians didn't all all see them as different people, indistinguishable at the time. NEVER.

    And of course there wouldn't be you thick POS - we are talking about cossack lands, villages either side in Russia that could be malorossiyan (dialect) speaking, or on 404 side, exclusively Russian speaking, steppe, chernozem, mentality, easily understanding eachother, people often khokholising or russifying their surname , completely shared and intermixed cultures, lifestyles. Of course the people thought they were the same. Andropov, Shelepin etc - their appointments INCREASED ukrop parachiolism to them.

    Then there is the post-Soviet, SMO -factor to this. Irrelevant of the schizophrenic, idiotic statements & policies of their puppet authorities - ukronazis grew up thinking they were the kings of USSR. This shows itself in the regular complexes of entitlement and parasitism towards Russia and western scum that we see today from their "elites" and brainwashed, bydlo- Nazi section of population.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

  457. @AP

    Another lie:

    The 140k Polish victims of Banderites
    Estimates by Polish historians (not by activists) is 60k-100k.

    Somehow you forgot to mention the 250k Polish civilians killed by Stalin. Why?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    The most extraordinary factoid here is that between Bandera and Stalin no Jews of any notable quantity bit the dust.

    That required the Germans to make a move on their nemesis a few years later.

  458. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    It would be silly for Ukrainian taxpayers to build monuments to him but I wouldn’t be against historical plaques or whatever showing where he was born. He wasn’t as anti-Ukrainian as the article made him out to be.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I guess there must be degrees of Ukrainophobia, some a little less offensive than others. I do remember once reading about the exact insults that Bulgakov had made, and remember them being what would be today considered classic Ukrainophobic insults, but I don’t have the time to try and locate this article. I know that a plaque that bore his name has already been dismantled at the Kyivan university that he had attended, and I don’t recall anybody getting particularly shook up over the matter. At the current Bulgakov museum (in reality small house), I think where his monument closely lies, is a caretaker lady making waives about its removal. I guess that I would too if my livelihood might be in peril. 🙂

    “To be,or not to be, that is the question”…

  459. 58% of Americans named Ukraine as one of the main allies in the future global war. Wouldn’t it be better to just prevent this thing by assisting Ukraine now?

    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    It would help create ww3 if the US intervened. If that’s what you meant to say but couldn’t simply stare out loud.

    Are you from Hell?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  460. Has Silvio seen the new Shogun? Am curious to what extent it has been influenced by modern politics. Have heard there are no blacks in it, but I would be very surprised if they didn’t sneak something in. OTOH, I wonder if the Clavell family had to sign off on it somehow.

    BTW, I have been curious about whether the guy it is inspired on, William Adams, has any living descendents in both England and Japan. But I don’t think they can be traced in England, if he had any there, which maybe makes the point moot. No known lineage in Japan, though he did have children there.

    It is possible but uncertain that they have discovered his bones in Japan. However, it doesn’t sound like they were in good shape due to soil acidity. Sounds like they only got a mitochondrial read.

  461. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Russia had no right to interfere into Ukrainian internal affairs, certainly not to the extent of causing a cataclysmic war that will unhinge both countries for many years to come. It should have adhered to the spirit of the Budapest referendum, instead of trying to play the part of an imperialistic monster. By doing so, it has shown Ukraine and the world that it is not a reliable partner that Ukraine should try and cultivate. On the contrary, it’s become any enemy of the highest degree that must be pushed out of Ukraine, the sooner the better.
    Collective West grossly interfered in Ukrainian internal affairs. The legally non-binding Budapest Memorandum had to do with nukes which weren't under Ukrainian control.

    Violating the internationally brokered power sharing arrangement and Minsk Accords makes the Kiev regime and its main Western backers unreliable. In comparison, Russia has been far more reasonable.

    As for imperialist monster, Russia borders Ukraine unlike France, Germany, UK and US.

    Keep dreaming about Ukraine's Commie drawn boundary being brought back together again. Maybe as a modern day Skoro proposal (not the svido, neocon, neolib geopolitical wet dream):

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    You like to point out that the Budapest Memorandum was not “legally binding”, but fail to point out that the Minsk Accords were also never ratified. Why the double standard? Seeing things once again through your kremlin crafted reading glasses?

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved. Your idiotic preferred cartoons aside, it was a practical route for peace and security.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

  462. @sudden death

    At the time around 1812, literary culture of Russia was just as feebly and light years behind from France then in quality/quantity, so should fit the same standard and acknowledge that Napoleon had the full right to subjugate them and locals had the duty to just lay down&submit, instead of fighting off;)

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail, @Mikel

    Hi SD, yesterday I learned that there are upcoming elections to the European Parliament in June and I immediately thought of you. I know that you are bitter than I am allowed to vote in US elections (though I’m sure you wouldn’t object too much if I was voting Nikki or Biden) but I don’t think you would like me to be prevented from voting in European elections as well. You can’t possibly be that Sovok in Lithuania after so many years. I really need some guidance on who to vote for. I’m not particularly interested in local matters anymore but, as the Polish PM said the other day, there are winds of war blowing in Europe again so this vote is probably more important than any other in the history of that parliament. Any suggestions?

    • Replies: @sudden death

    Suggestion would be simply to get rid of legal procedural loopholes allowing the voting at two continents/countries simultaneously;)

    Replies: @Mikel

  463. @Mr. Hack


    You like to point out that the Budapest Memorandum was not "legally binding", but fail to point out that the Minsk Accords were also never ratified. Why the double standard? Seeing things once again through your kremlin crafted reading glasses?

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved. Your idiotic preferred cartoons aside, it was a practical route for peace and security.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved.
    Minsk is dead. Killed by Ukraine, Germany and France directly, by the empire indirectly. Next step - unconditional capitulation of Ukraine. The West is hysterical.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    , @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps if Putler hadn't been so hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead something might have come out of it. It certainly didn't help any that two days later he decided to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail

  464. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved. Your idiotic preferred cartoons aside, it was a practical route for peace and security.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved.

    Minsk is dead. Killed by Ukraine, Germany and France directly, by the empire indirectly. Next step – unconditional capitulation of Ukraine. The West is hysterical.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    They were given another chance at Istanbul.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  465. @AnonfromTN

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved.
    Minsk is dead. Killed by Ukraine, Germany and France directly, by the empire indirectly. Next step - unconditional capitulation of Ukraine. The West is hysterical.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    They were given another chance at Istanbul.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    They were given another chance at Istanbul.
    The usual suspects killed that chance, as well. Minsk and Istanbul were both conditional capitulation. Now it is going to be unconditional. Hence the hysterics.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  466. @Mikhail

    They were given another chance at Istanbul.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    They were given another chance at Istanbul.

    The usual suspects killed that chance, as well. Minsk and Istanbul were both conditional capitulation. Now it is going to be unconditional. Hence the hysterics.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Great sarcasm on their latest spin:

    Elensky, ready to talk 2022 borders. Lavrov, Macron WW3 distraction. Ukraine, cancel Bulgakov

  467. @LatW
    58% of Americans named Ukraine as one of the main allies in the future global war. Wouldn't it be better to just prevent this thing by assisting Ukraine now?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    It would help create ww3 if the US intervened. If that’s what you meant to say but couldn’t simply stare out loud.

    Are you from Hell?

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Are you from Hell?
    You are offending devils. They are supposed to be smart and wily, not self-blinded to the point of clinical stupidity. They see the consequences of their actions a lot better than Ukies or Balts.
  468. @Wokechoke

    It would help create ww3 if the US intervened. If that’s what you meant to say but couldn’t simply stare out loud.

    Are you from Hell?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Are you from Hell?

    You are offending devils. They are supposed to be smart and wily, not self-blinded to the point of clinical stupidity. They see the consequences of their actions a lot better than Ukies or Balts.

  469. @AnonfromTN

    They were given another chance at Istanbul.
    The usual suspects killed that chance, as well. Minsk and Istanbul were both conditional capitulation. Now it is going to be unconditional. Hence the hysterics.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Great sarcasm on their latest spin:

    Elensky, ready to talk 2022 borders. Lavrov, Macron WW3 distraction. Ukraine, cancel Bulgakov

  470. A123 says: • Website

    Easter is tricky as an adult. What are the correct emotions?

    Around children it can be simplified down to “Jesus loves them”.

    With age comes wisdom. And, the understanding to honor sacrifice.

    PEACE 😇

    Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven,
    exult, let Angel ministers of God exult,
    let the trumpet of salvation
    sound aloud our mighty King’s triumph!

    Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her,
    ablaze with light from her eternal King,
    let all corners of the earth be glad,
    knowing an end to gloom and darkness.

    Rejoice, let Mother Church also rejoice,
    arrayed with the lightning of his glory,
    let this holy building shake with joy,
    filled with the mighty voices of the peoples.


    (Therefore, dearest friends,
    standing in the awesome glory of this holy light,
    invoke with me, I ask you,
    the mercy of God almighty,
    that he, who has been pleased to number me,
    though unworthy, among the Levites,
    may pour into me his light unshadowed,
    that I may sing this candle’s perfect praises.)

    (V. The Lord be with you.
    R. And with your spirit.)
    V. Lift up your hearts.
    R. We lift them up to the Lord.
    V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
    R. It is right and just.

    It is truly right and just, with ardent love of mind and heart
    and with devoted service of our voice,
    to acclaim our God invisible, the almighty Father,
    and Jesus Christ, our Lord, his Son, his Only Begotten.

    Who for our sake paid Adam’s debt to the eternal Father,
    and, pouring out his own dear Blood,
    wiped clean the record of our ancient sinfulness.

    These, then, are the feasts of Passover,
    in which is slain the Lamb, the one true Lamb,
    whose Blood anoints the doorposts of believers.

    This is the night,
    when once you led our forebears, Israel’s children,
    from slavery in Egypt
    and made them pass dry-shod through the Red Sea.

    This is the night
    that with a pillar of fire
    banished the darkness of sin.

    This is the night
    that even now, throughout the world,
    sets Christian believers apart from worldly vices
    and from the gloom of sin,
    leading them to grace
    and joining them to his holy ones.

    This is the night,
    when Christ broke the prison-bars of death
    and rose victorious from the underworld.

    Our birth would have been no gain,
    had we not been redeemed.

    O wonder of your humble care for us!
    O love, O charity beyond all telling,
    to ransom a slave you gave away your Son!
    O truly necessary sin of Adam,
    destroyed completely by the Death of Christ!
    O happy fault
    that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!

    O truly blessed night,
    worthy alone to know the time and hour
    when Christ rose from the underworld!

    This is the night
    of which it is written:
    The night shall be as bright as day,
    dazzling is the night for me,
    and full of gladness.

    The sanctifying power of this night
    dispels wickedness, washes faults away,
    restores innocence to the fallen, and joy to mourners,
    drives out hatred, fosters concord, and brings down the mighty.
    On this, your night of grace, O holy Father,
    accept this candle, a solemn offering,
    the work of bees and of your servants’ hands,
    an evening sacrifice of praise,
    this gift from your most holy Church.

    But now we know the praises of this pillar,
    which glowing fire ignites for God’s honor,
    a fire into many flames divided,
    yet never dimmed by sharing of its light,
    for it is fed by melting wax,
    drawn out by mother bees
    to build a torch so precious.

    O truly blessed night,
    when things of heaven are wed to those of earth,
    and divine to the human.

    Therefore, O Lord,
    we pray you that this candle,
    hallowed to the honor of your name,
    may persevere undimmed,
    to overcome the darkness of this night.

    Receive it as a pleasing fragrance,
    and let it mingle with the lights of heaven.

    May this flame be found still burning
    by the Morning Star:
    the one Morning Star who never sets,
    Christ your Son,
    who, coming back from death’s domain,
    has shed his peaceful light on humanity,
    and lives and reigns for ever and ever.

    • Thanks: songbird
  471. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The whites who remain around blacks are generally too poor to run off. Or too oblivious to reality.

    Most whites who live around blacks are childless.

    I do not count Jews in that white cohort btw.

    Proximity and diversity equals racial conflict in the US.

    Only the motorcar and 3 lane highways allowed well to do whites to avoid nigfestations.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Living next to Hispanics and Asians has been more pleasant for whites in the US relative to living next to blacks, I would think.

  472. @AP

    <blockquote>Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU – around 20%
     Many of those weren’t ethnic Ukrainians.
    But a higher % would even further invalidate your false claim the Ukrainians were overrepresented among the Soviet leadership.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine


    Khrushchev was an ethnic Russian, born in Russia, who lived in Ukraine for a few years when he participated in the killing of Ukrainians. He wore a Ukrainian embroidered shirt sometimes. Doesn’t count.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.

    Podgorny was Ukrainian.

    So Ukrainians were indeed underrepresented among Soviet leadership.

    Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky


    They were as Ukrainian as Sudeten Germans were Czech. By your logic, there were many Czechs among Nazi leaders.

    Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a “Russian” dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.
    You, not I, are the one who consciously misleads when you insist on referring to Soviet as Russian.

    Thanks for admitting it, I’ll remind you of your words next time you do it.

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.

    As usual, your poor education shows.

    How is that “paused” offensive going? When is Zelko planning to “un-pause” it?


    This would depend on the Americans, it seems.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.

    Wouldn’t that still qualify as an ethnic Ukrainian? I mean, if someone is exclusively of Italian descent, but had all four of their grandparents move to the US from Italy, surely we would still refer to them as an ethnic Italian, no? (As well as as an Italian-American.)

  473. @AP

    Another lie:

    The 140k Polish victims of Banderites
    Estimates by Polish historians (not by activists) is 60k-100k.

    Somehow you forgot to mention the 250k Polish civilians killed by Stalin. Why?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    Out of curiosity: Why didn’t Poland do a population exchange with the USSR in 1921 like the Greeks and Turks did with each other a couple of years later? At the very least, Poland could have offered the remaining Soviet Poles a safe haven in Poland, thus saving them from Stalin’s subsequent purges.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Out of curiosity: Why didn’t Poland do a population exchange with the USSR in 1921 like the Greeks and Turks did with each other a couple of years later
    The Polish nationalist government beholden to Dmowski disliked those Poles because they were pro-Ukrainian and pro-Pilsudski, so it didn’t mind stranding them, indeed they benefited from fewer Pilsudski supporters and voters within the Polish state. The Polish nationalists also foolishly believed that they could forcibly Polonize the Galicians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  474. @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Anybody who sleeps with a rock star is a ho.
    Maybe this can be some general rule, but there are plenty of male celebrities with wives and kids. Can't judge for Jewish ones, but definitely White ones. Although can't judge for this type of business, it's a bit different than regular acting or being a musician.

    AG1 might give Hubris man a pass.
    Yea, he does sound a bit full of himself. What I meant was their sales dropping. But maybe they won't. It's possible that now all these chicks will find him "interesting" (lol, heavily "preselected"). Probably not the quality chicks (the comments on his Instagram page are funny - "you won't be nr 7"). I don't think younger guys buy AG1 much. They don't need it. But if he made a positive impact on men's health, then that's great.

    Like I was saying this is the most hilarious thing on the internet all year. Howley is an excellent writer and she is a bitterly disillusioned fan which means the article got 100.0% of her energy focus.
    Did she mention she used to be his fan? Maybe she wanted to be his girlfriend, hahaha. Yea, it's funny that she's did that. It's probably fun to go after a guy like that and "expose" him (lol). I think it's good - these types should be held accountable. Although normally it wouldn't matter, if he were just a regular person. It's more honest to plow through women openly than to mislead them in personal life and manipulate them. It sounded like he wanted to control his audience by giving all that minute advice.

    How many podcasts can one make about dopamine? The good thing about the internet is that you can just keep regurgitating the same content over and over.

    By the way, those things he is saying about sunlight - that was known in the paleo community already ten years ago, but it's good to remind people of that.

    One thing I learned from this "scandal" (lol) is that ashwagandha may have negative long term effects - it's been marketed a lot in the recent years and I wanted to try it. Might be ok to try a few times.

    I like that he's Jewish, he seems to have a warm, bubbly personality that a Nordic guy would not typically have.

    I like this conclusion:

    "Huberman’s personal integrity is newsworthy because he has made it a large part of his personal brand. But the overall moral of this story isn’t that he is some monster or fraud; it is that there is no magic “protocol” to health and wellness. You just have to use your common sense: eat a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, move your body, don’t drink much, don’t smoke. You don’t need any books or influencers or Stanford professors to tell you this: it’s common sense. But common sense is boring. We all long for magic solutions. We all long for someone to help us exert control over our lives. Which is why it doesn’t really matter that Huberman is in a media storm. What he is selling will always be popular. He might have lost some of his credibility now but people will always want to be told a better life is just around the corner."

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did she mention she used to be his fan?

    From the article:

    For Andrew Huberman to become your teacher and mine, as he very much was for a period this fall — a period in which I diligently absorbed sun upon waking, drank no more than once a week, practiced physiological sighs in traffic, and said to myself, out loud in my living room, “I also love mechanism”; a period during which I began to think seriously, for the first time in my life, about reducing stress, and during which both my husband and my young child saw tangible benefit from repeatedly immersing themselves in frigid water; a period in which I realized that I not only liked this podcast but liked other women who liked this podcast — he must be, in some way, better than the rest of us.

    It’s totally worth a re-read. Howley is good enough to steal stuff from. This behavior she describes is not being a fan. It is being fanatical. I am a fan and I don’t do 90% of what Hubris man swears by.


    Athletic Greens
    Cold water plunges
    Rotting, er fermented, food
    Dogs in my house
    probably a few more I forgot

    I wonder what her husband thought of the article. I think I have a good idea what I would be thinking if she was my wife and I read that sucker.

  475. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    Hi SD, yesterday I learned that there are upcoming elections to the European Parliament in June and I immediately thought of you. I know that you are bitter than I am allowed to vote in US elections (though I'm sure you wouldn't object too much if I was voting Nikki or Biden) but I don't think you would like me to be prevented from voting in European elections as well. You can't possibly be that Sovok in Lithuania after so many years. I really need some guidance on who to vote for. I'm not particularly interested in local matters anymore but, as the Polish PM said the other day, there are winds of war blowing in Europe again so this vote is probably more important than any other in the history of that parliament. Any suggestions?

    Replies: @sudden death

    Suggestion would be simply to get rid of legal procedural loopholes allowing the voting at two continents/countries simultaneously;)

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @sudden death

    So you do want to deprive me of my voting rights, knowing what type of votes I am likely to cast. Once again, I seem to have underestimated the Sovok influence in the former USSR countries 30 years later.

    Even so, you may be able to make me choose my vote wisely, if you are at least capable of giving an honest answer to a very simple question. If you have any children, would you be willing to risk their dying in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn't, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children's deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @sudden death

  476. • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Paris mayor has no idea what is about to transpire. The whole world is watching and there are millions of Muslims in France about to go nuts @ Israel for two weeks. People are very likely to get killed and she is about to experience rapid onset of gray hair.

    When George Bush 2's sister died they say his mom's hair turned gray "over night". That is a physical impossibility since it takes weeks for a full head of hair to grow. What they meant is that she had fastest conversion to gray hair anybody had ever seen. This might be like that.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Wokechoke

  477. Not sure how true this story is but I heard that years ago, the US wouldn’t let the Japanese military buy a communications satellite. So the Japanese etertainment companies got big loans from the banks and entered into partnerships with DirectTV. They had advertising campaigns and a multitude of fake TV channels that mostly had audio only of old sports games and old horse races, and the subscriber base was conglomerate’s employees, who got it for free. And the whole thing was designed to fail, so that the military could take it over.

  478. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Minsk Accords are UNSC approved. Your idiotic preferred cartoons aside, it was a practical route for peace and security.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps if Putler hadn’t been so hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead something might have come out of it. It certainly didn’t help any that two days later he decided to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    That was a coup. The invasion is happening this summer.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Kiev regime had seven years to honor it. Along with the French and Germans, it acknowledged that it never intended to honor it. Instead, it bolstered its armed forces for an eventual planned conquest. In the weeks prior to the SMO, OSCE observers noted a sharp increase in Kiev regime shelling of Donbass rebel territory. Shortly after the SMO, the Kiev regime was again offered a very closely related version of the Minsk Accords. It chose the pah of the neocons and neolibs.

  479. @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps if Putler hadn't been so hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead something might have come out of it. It certainly didn't help any that two days later he decided to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail

    That was a coup. The invasion is happening this summer.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    A "coup" where nobody was replaced and nobody was installed as the new leader? Only in your strange little imaginative world could this sort of thing occur.

    Replies: @Beckow

  480. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    That was a coup. The invasion is happening this summer.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    A “coup” where nobody was replaced and nobody was installed as the new leader? Only in your strange little imaginative world could this sort of thing occur.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...A “coup” where nobody was replaced...
    That nobody was the legally elected President. The rebels stormed and occupied the Parliament and declared their leaders to be the new government - that is literally the definition of a coup. Remind us what happened when 1% off that happened in US on Jan 6 and thousands were put in jail.

    ...hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead
    Waiting seven years for Kiev to implement the Minsk treaty was hasty? All Minsk required were equal rights for Donbas and no Nato - both already in the 1991 Ukie Constitution. Was Russia supposed to wait another 10-20 years and watch another 3,000 Russian civilians killed by Kiev? Or wait until Nato builds bases on the Russian borders and aims missiles at Moscow from 300 miles? Would US wait? You know the answer, you are just angry that the bluff that Kiev-Nato attempted failed and is backfiring horribly.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  481. @A123

    AP wishing physical harm upon me is just another example of his degenerate Ukie nature. He personally supports the killing of Russian children by Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews.

    Does AP only want me injured, not dead because... I am a Christian, not a Jew?

    His hatred of Judeo-Christians is hard to comprehend.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Cloud Posternuke

    “Führer Zelensky, enemy of Jews”? Yeah, I know of this vitriolic antisemite.

    He is next up with Benjamin Mileikovski, the Hitler-fan who claims to be a descendant of Heinrich Himmler and is said to have read Mein Kampf at least 500 times. I heard he even wants to exterminate Israel and nuke New York, total madman!

  482. @Mikhail
    Paris Mayor

    Scum of the earth:

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Emil Nikola Richard

  483. @Mr. Hack

    A "coup" where nobody was replaced and nobody was installed as the new leader? Only in your strange little imaginative world could this sort of thing occur.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …A “coup” where nobody was replaced…

    That nobody was the legally elected President. The rebels stormed and occupied the Parliament and declared their leaders to be the new government – that is literally the definition of a coup. Remind us what happened when 1% off that happened in US on Jan 6 and thousands were put in jail.

    …hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead

    Waiting seven years for Kiev to implement the Minsk treaty was hasty? All Minsk required were equal rights for Donbas and no Nato – both already in the 1991 Ukie Constitution. Was Russia supposed to wait another 10-20 years and watch another 3,000 Russian civilians killed by Kiev? Or wait until Nato builds bases on the Russian borders and aims missiles at Moscow from 300 miles? Would US wait? You know the answer, you are just angry that the bluff that Kiev-Nato attempted failed and is backfiring horribly.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    He's a clear waste of time.

  484. @sudden death

    Suggestion would be simply to get rid of legal procedural loopholes allowing the voting at two continents/countries simultaneously;)

    Replies: @Mikel

    So you do want to deprive me of my voting rights, knowing what type of votes I am likely to cast. Once again, I seem to have underestimated the Sovok influence in the former USSR countries 30 years later.

    Even so, you may be able to make me choose my vote wisely, if you are at least capable of giving an honest answer to a very simple question. If you have any children, would you be willing to risk their dying in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    • Replies: @sudden death

    Nobody wants you to deprive the inalienable right of voting in EU/US - you just would have to chose one preferable place where you want to do it. Or is it the hypocritical case here of isolationism for thee, but not for me, when always selfstyling as wannabe old stock traditionalist American isolationist on the net, however IRL still desperately wants to participate in matters over the ocean in the old homeland while ignoring George Washington given advice?

    As said before, this type of nuclear scaremongering demagoguery could work even regarding US as somebody in Utah would begin wringing hands about why his children should be dying for godless woke shitholes in California, so better should give up and give it away immediately when hearing nuclear threats;)

    Replies: @Mikel

  485. @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps if Putler hadn't been so hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead something might have come out of it. It certainly didn't help any that two days later he decided to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikhail

    Kiev regime had seven years to honor it. Along with the French and Germans, it acknowledged that it never intended to honor it. Instead, it bolstered its armed forces for an eventual planned conquest. In the weeks prior to the SMO, OSCE observers noted a sharp increase in Kiev regime shelling of Donbass rebel territory. Shortly after the SMO, the Kiev regime was again offered a very closely related version of the Minsk Accords. It chose the pah of the neocons and neolibs.

  486. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...A “coup” where nobody was replaced...
    That nobody was the legally elected President. The rebels stormed and occupied the Parliament and declared their leaders to be the new government - that is literally the definition of a coup. Remind us what happened when 1% off that happened in US on Jan 6 and thousands were put in jail.

    ...hasty and declared that the MINSK agreement to be dead
    Waiting seven years for Kiev to implement the Minsk treaty was hasty? All Minsk required were equal rights for Donbas and no Nato - both already in the 1991 Ukie Constitution. Was Russia supposed to wait another 10-20 years and watch another 3,000 Russian civilians killed by Kiev? Or wait until Nato builds bases on the Russian borders and aims missiles at Moscow from 300 miles? Would US wait? You know the answer, you are just angry that the bluff that Kiev-Nato attempted failed and is backfiring horribly.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    He’s a clear waste of time.

  487. @AP

    <blockquote>Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU – around 20%
     Many of those weren’t ethnic Ukrainians.
    But a higher % would even further invalidate your false claim the Ukrainians were overrepresented among the Soviet leadership.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine


    Khrushchev was an ethnic Russian, born in Russia, who lived in Ukraine for a few years when he participated in the killing of Ukrainians. He wore a Ukrainian embroidered shirt sometimes. Doesn’t count.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.

    Podgorny was Ukrainian.

    So Ukrainians were indeed underrepresented among Soviet leadership.

    Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky


    They were as Ukrainian as Sudeten Germans were Czech. By your logic, there were many Czechs among Nazi leaders.

    Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a “Russian” dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.
    You, not I, are the one who consciously misleads when you insist on referring to Soviet as Russian.

    Thanks for admitting it, I’ll remind you of your words next time you do it.

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.

    As usual, your poor education shows.

    How is that “paused” offensive going? When is Zelko planning to “un-pause” it?


    This would depend on the Americans, it seems.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    …This would depend on the Americans, it seems.

    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money – it is the definition of a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine…

    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas. Do you claim the regions as Ukraine but deny that those people represent Ukraine? It makes no sense, it would be like excluding Scots or Germans from UK royalty – more than half of the recent ones.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy – Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine – are the Ukie atheists not Ukrainian for you?

    Your arguments are increasingly incoherent. You need to be consistent – that’s the problem with your cherrypicking. Rational intelligence is defined by applying consistent principles. If you randomly cherrypick maybe you should do arts, that is about being creative and inconsistent. Or you are just infantile and devoted to your cause.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Don't forget that back in their time of imperial dominance, the Polish dominated PLC proponents referred to Russians as Muscovites - something that should be rightfully re-instituted, never minding how the majority of Russians feel.

    , @AP

    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money
    By your logic Lend-Lease made USSR a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine…

    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas
    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk region, Russia. He moved to Donbas as a teenager. I know honesty and accuracy are impossible for you.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy – Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine


    Jews are an ethnicity.

    According to you, this Nazi leader was a Czech because he was born and raised in Czechia:

    Karl Hermann Frank (24 January 1898 – 22 May 1946) was a Sudeten German Nazi official in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia prior to and during World War II. Attaining the rank of Obergruppenführer, he was in command of the Nazi police apparatus in the protectorate, including the Gestapo, the SD, and the Kripo. After the war, he was tried, convicted and executed by hanging for his role in organizing the massacres of the people of the Czech villages of Lidice and Ležáky.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

  488. Palestinian in Ramallah just says fuck it and finds his proverbial hill. Quite epic.

  489. @LatW

    On Maidan Ukies were jumping up and down in thousands yelling kill the Moskali!,
    That's not true. What they were chanting was "The one who doesn't skip / jump is a Moskal" (Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal'!). It might not be very seemly (although it is funny), but it's not as aggressive as you try to paint it.

    Another lie. LOL You just can't stop.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Oh, please…and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 was also “funny”? Or bombing and killing 2.5k civilians in Donbas? Just fun?

    You know very well what the “Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal’! meant – imagine for a minute something similar in London or Paris, or at Jan 6 demo in Washington. It would be seen as hate speech and people would be arrested and denounced. You try to omit facts and are running away from what you previously embraced. You must sense that you are losing, so time for cya…

    • Replies: @AP

    Oh, please…and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014
    And on Easter you repeat lie after lie.

    The “50” (I think it was 48 or so but am too lazy to check) includes the Ukrainian who was killed first and whose killing led to the clashes and fire in which around 40 (42?) pro-Russian activists died.

    You like to mention sequence matters when it’s convenient for you but then pretend it doesn’t.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    , @Coconuts

    ...imagine for a minute something similar in London or Paris
    In London there would need to be a diversity, equity and inclusion audit to understand how to deal with it.
  490. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    So you do want to deprive me of my voting rights, knowing what type of votes I am likely to cast. Once again, I seem to have underestimated the Sovok influence in the former USSR countries 30 years later.

    Even so, you may be able to make me choose my vote wisely, if you are at least capable of giving an honest answer to a very simple question. If you have any children, would you be willing to risk their dying in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn't, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children's deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @sudden death

    Nobody wants you to deprive the inalienable right of voting in EU/US – you just would have to chose one preferable place where you want to do it. Or is it the hypocritical case here of isolationism for thee, but not for me, when always selfstyling as wannabe old stock traditionalist American isolationist on the net, however IRL still desperately wants to participate in matters over the ocean in the old homeland while ignoring George Washington given advice?

    As said before, this type of nuclear scaremongering demagoguery could work even regarding US as somebody in Utah would begin wringing hands about why his children should be dying for godless woke shitholes in California, so better should give up and give it away immediately when hearing nuclear threats;)

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @sudden death

    Nobody wants you to deprive the inalienable right of voting in EU/US – you just would have to chose one preferable place where you want to do it.
    AP said the other day that he's earned the right to vote in the elections of a EU country that he only has an indirect relationship with. I suspect he doesn't even speak the language. So I'm guessing you're even more opposed to his having that right and he should also choose where he can vote, right? Or is that different because you know his votes here and there are going to be Baltic-friendly?

    this type of nuclear scaremongering demagoguery could work even regarding US as somebody in Utah would begin wringing hands about why his children should be dying for godless woke shitholes in California
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here but it's no surprise that you have been unable to give an honest answer to the simple question I asked.

    Not that it's necessary for you to confess how you feel anyway. The idea that anyone in Lithuania would be willing to go to war with a nuclear superpower so that Basques can exercise their right to self-determination is so ridiculous that I would expect to be laughed at (or perhaps arrested and expelled from the country) if I went to Vilnius to request that type of solidarity. However, the idea that Westerners should be willing to go to war with a nuclear superpower so that Balts and Ukrainians can exercise their right to self-determination from the Russians has become acceptable because... reasons.

    Are you really unable to see how asymmetrical and indecorous this inter-European pretense of solidarity is? And I'm using the Basque example just so you don't evade the point questioning my legitimacy to raise it. Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe that doesn't directly affect the Balts. It's actually called common sense.

    Replies: @sudden death

  491. @Mikhail
    Paris Mayor

    Scum of the earth:

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Paris mayor has no idea what is about to transpire. The whole world is watching and there are millions of Muslims in France about to go nuts @ Israel for two weeks. People are very likely to get killed and she is about to experience rapid onset of gray hair.

    When George Bush 2’s sister died they say his mom’s hair turned gray “over night”. That is a physical impossibility since it takes weeks for a full head of hair to grow. What they meant is that she had fastest conversion to gray hair anybody had ever seen. This might be like that.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Someone from Paris sent me this note -

    This vile party hack, who has never been personally elected to any office, has the gall to speak for Parisians, saying that Russian and Belarus athletes are “not welcome” in Paris.
    I wish I had to energy to protest. She is mayor only because the leaders in the arrondissements where the Social Party candidates won chose her. She is extremely unpopular in Paris, where her “green” policies win international praise and torment the residents. Trash and rats proliferate.

    Speaking in undemocratically run Kiev regime controlled Ukraine, the Paris mayor offered this -

    When asked about Israel’s Olympic participation – in the context of the Gaza war, raging since the Hamas attack on October 7 – Hidalgo insisted there was no comparison to be made because Israel is democracy.

    Related -

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    If you were a Russian athlete would you necessarily want to show up anyway?

    There will be mysterious Tajiks gunning for them.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  492. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Paris mayor has no idea what is about to transpire. The whole world is watching and there are millions of Muslims in France about to go nuts @ Israel for two weeks. People are very likely to get killed and she is about to experience rapid onset of gray hair.

    When George Bush 2's sister died they say his mom's hair turned gray "over night". That is a physical impossibility since it takes weeks for a full head of hair to grow. What they meant is that she had fastest conversion to gray hair anybody had ever seen. This might be like that.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Wokechoke

    Someone from Paris sent me this note –

    This vile party hack, who has never been personally elected to any office, has the gall to speak for Parisians, saying that Russian and Belarus athletes are “not welcome” in Paris.
    I wish I had to energy to protest. She is mayor only because the leaders in the arrondissements where the Social Party candidates won chose her. She is extremely unpopular in Paris, where her “green” policies win international praise and torment the residents. Trash and rats proliferate.

    Speaking in undemocratically run Kiev regime controlled Ukraine, the Paris mayor offered this –

    When asked about Israel’s Olympic participation – in the context of the Gaza war, raging since the Hamas attack on October 7 – Hidalgo insisted there was no comparison to be made because Israel is democracy.

    Related –

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Munich 2.0 The Paris Boogaloo!

  493. AP says:

    Oh, please...and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 was also "funny"? Or bombing and killing 2.5k civilians in Donbas? Just fun?

    You know very well what the "Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal’! meant - imagine for a minute something similar in London or Paris, or at Jan 6 demo in Washington. It would be seen as hate speech and people would be arrested and denounced. You try to omit facts and are running away from what you previously embraced. You must sense that you are losing, so time for cya...

    Replies: @AP, @Coconuts

    Oh, please…and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014

    And on Easter you repeat lie after lie.

    The “50” (I think it was 48 or so but am too lazy to check) includes the Ukrainian who was killed first and whose killing led to the clashes and fire in which around 40 (42?) pro-Russian activists died.

    You like to mention sequence matters when it’s convenient for you but then pretend it doesn’t.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    It was 48 murdered Russians, is that not enough for you? You are a very sick individual.

    Since it is Easter, your bizarre lying is right there with your previous wish that more Russians died to liberate Poland. Immorality and ingratitude that cosmic never stands - so you have that to look forward to.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    AP, this is somewhat off-topic, but in relation to Ukraine, didn't you previously say that if Russia will ever succeed in taking over much/most/all of Ukraine, Ukrainians are going to behave towards Russia similar to how Iraqis have behaved towards the US after 2003? If so, then I have a question: In such a scenario, couldn't Russia treat Ukraine much like Israel treats the West Bank? As in, with a huge indefinite Russian military presence throughout Ukraine, constant security checkpoints, regular raids inside of Ukraine by Russia's military and/or security forces, with the cooperation of any pro-Russian Ukrainian puppet government, possibly even a giant border wall/fence to separate Ukraine from Russia in order to prevent Ukrainian terrorists from entering Russia proper. The pro-Russian Ukrainian puppet government in such a scenario would function towards Russia similarly to the Palestinian Authority's role towards Israel in the West Bank.

    Of course, I would expect Novorossiya to look more like post-2020 Belarus, with a lot of repression but still a relatively calm and subdued atmosphere. We already see some of that in Melitopol right now, albeit also with the occasional terrorist attack, which of course are a nuisance but not much more than that for Russia. But central and western Ukraine would probably look much more like the West Bank under Israeli rule in such a hypothetical scenario, which I really, truly hope will never actually happen in real life.

  494. @Beckow

    ...This would depend on the Americans, it seems.
    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money - it is the definition of a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine...
    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas. Do you claim the regions as Ukraine but deny that those people represent Ukraine? It makes no sense, it would be like excluding Scots or Germans from UK royalty - more than half of the recent ones.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy - Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc... were atheists born and raised in Ukraine - are the Ukie atheists not Ukrainian for you?

    Your arguments are increasingly incoherent. You need to be consistent - that's the problem with your cherrypicking. Rational intelligence is defined by applying consistent principles. If you randomly cherrypick maybe you should do arts, that is about being creative and inconsistent. Or you are just infantile and devoted to your cause.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @AP

    Don’t forget that back in their time of imperial dominance, the Polish dominated PLC proponents referred to Russians as Muscovites – something that should be rightfully re-instituted, never minding how the majority of Russians feel.

  495. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Out of curiosity: Why didn't Poland do a population exchange with the USSR in 1921 like the Greeks and Turks did with each other a couple of years later? At the very least, Poland could have offered the remaining Soviet Poles a safe haven in Poland, thus saving them from Stalin's subsequent purges.

    Replies: @AP

    Out of curiosity: Why didn’t Poland do a population exchange with the USSR in 1921 like the Greeks and Turks did with each other a couple of years later

    The Polish nationalist government beholden to Dmowski disliked those Poles because they were pro-Ukrainian and pro-Pilsudski, so it didn’t mind stranding them, indeed they benefited from fewer Pilsudski supporters and voters within the Polish state. The Polish nationalists also foolishly believed that they could forcibly Polonize the Galicians.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Ironically, accepting those Soviet Poles, even if they were mostly Pilsudski supporters, would have made it easier for Poland to Polonize Galicia since it would have made more Polish manpower to work with for this purpose. Indeed, Poland could have insisted on resettling these Poles en masse in eastern Galicia, similar to what Nazi Germany did later on with resettling the Baltic Germans en masse in the former Posen Province, before they were expelled them there en masse after the end of World War II.

    On a similar note, the German Empire would have really benefitted from accepting Russian Germans en masse (up to the point of extremely actively encouraging them to immigrate to Germany) and resettling them en masse in Germany's eastern Polish borderlands.

    P.S.: Off-topic, but did you see my post about you being wrong about East Prussia not having very many Poles? It had a sizable (15%) Protestant Polish population in the form of the Masurians.

    Replies: @AP

  496. AP says:

    ...This would depend on the Americans, it seems.
    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money - it is the definition of a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine...
    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas. Do you claim the regions as Ukraine but deny that those people represent Ukraine? It makes no sense, it would be like excluding Scots or Germans from UK royalty - more than half of the recent ones.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy - Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc... were atheists born and raised in Ukraine - are the Ukie atheists not Ukrainian for you?

    Your arguments are increasingly incoherent. You need to be consistent - that's the problem with your cherrypicking. Rational intelligence is defined by applying consistent principles. If you randomly cherrypick maybe you should do arts, that is about being creative and inconsistent. Or you are just infantile and devoted to your cause.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @AP

    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money

    By your logic Lend-Lease made USSR a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine…

    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas

    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk region, Russia. He moved to Donbas as a teenager. I know honesty and accuracy are impossible for you.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy – Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine

    Jews are an ethnicity.

    According to you, this Nazi leader was a Czech because he was born and raised in Czechia:

    Karl Hermann Frank (24 January 1898 – 22 May 1946) was a Sudeten German Nazi official in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia prior to and during World War II. Attaining the rank of Obergruppenführer, he was in command of the Nazi police apparatus in the protectorate, including the Gestapo, the SD, and the Kripo. After the war, he was tried, convicted and executed by hanging for his role in organizing the massacres of the people of the Czech villages of Lidice and Ležáky.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    There’s a case to be made that Hitler was a Czech though.

    Nepomuk is a name that occurs in his family history. He also has that black hair and pale skin like many Czechs.

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @Beckow

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia. You got nothing.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine

    Jews are an ethnicity.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews. If you exclude the commie Ukies who were by ethnicity Jewish, you must also exclude Zelko. But you are completely lost in inconsistencies. Learn some critical thinking skills (not usually offered in the US education).

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk...
    ...and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine. Or are millions of Russians in Ukraine not real? You only want the land, but the people can be killed or expelled, right? That is not going to work, this is not WW2 and its aftermath.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?
    By that logic, Chernenko was an ethnic Ukrainian from Russia, no?

    Replies: @AP

  497. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Paris mayor has no idea what is about to transpire. The whole world is watching and there are millions of Muslims in France about to go nuts @ Israel for two weeks. People are very likely to get killed and she is about to experience rapid onset of gray hair.

    When George Bush 2's sister died they say his mom's hair turned gray "over night". That is a physical impossibility since it takes weeks for a full head of hair to grow. What they meant is that she had fastest conversion to gray hair anybody had ever seen. This might be like that.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Wokechoke

    If you were a Russian athlete would you necessarily want to show up anyway?

    There will be mysterious Tajiks gunning for them.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The only one I really follow is Daniil Medvedev. I have read that he intends to compete. If he wins the gold they aren't going to have that traditional ceremony where they raise the flag and play the national anthem. I almost always root for Medvedev.

    He is just a tennis pro. Really it should not be that big a deal! : )

  498. @Mikhail
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Someone from Paris sent me this note -

    This vile party hack, who has never been personally elected to any office, has the gall to speak for Parisians, saying that Russian and Belarus athletes are “not welcome” in Paris.
    I wish I had to energy to protest. She is mayor only because the leaders in the arrondissements where the Social Party candidates won chose her. She is extremely unpopular in Paris, where her “green” policies win international praise and torment the residents. Trash and rats proliferate.

    Speaking in undemocratically run Kiev regime controlled Ukraine, the Paris mayor offered this -

    When asked about Israel’s Olympic participation – in the context of the Gaza war, raging since the Hamas attack on October 7 – Hidalgo insisted there was no comparison to be made because Israel is democracy.

    Related -

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Munich 2.0 The Paris Boogaloo!

  499. @AP

    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money
    By your logic Lend-Lease made USSR a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine…

    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas
    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk region, Russia. He moved to Donbas as a teenager. I know honesty and accuracy are impossible for you.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy – Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine


    Jews are an ethnicity.

    According to you, this Nazi leader was a Czech because he was born and raised in Czechia:

    Karl Hermann Frank (24 January 1898 – 22 May 1946) was a Sudeten German Nazi official in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia prior to and during World War II. Attaining the rank of Obergruppenführer, he was in command of the Nazi police apparatus in the protectorate, including the Gestapo, the SD, and the Kripo. After the war, he was tried, convicted and executed by hanging for his role in organizing the massacres of the people of the Czech villages of Lidice and Ležáky.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    There’s a case to be made that Hitler was a Czech though.

    Nepomuk is a name that occurs in his family history. He also has that black hair and pale skin like many Czechs.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Hitler's ancestors came from Austria-Bohemia border - it was the same country for 400 years so some mixing was likely. Hitler's male DNA was from North Africa, in Europe closest would be Albania. The family name Hiedler could be from Czech huta - Hutter, living in a forest cottage. The black hair-pale skin are very common among Austrians and Bavarians, could be Celtic.

    Living in Vienna before WW1 he came to viscerally hate Czechs - they were 20% of Vienna and as with Jews he felt they were taking his birthright opportunities. His best friend from school was of Czech origin. He had the common hatred for a related neighboring nation - similar to Germans-French, Ukies-Russians, the Euro history is basically a history of these neighbors' hatreds.

    Physically he was a mutt, as are most people. In a way, he was a typical mixed Austrian.

  500. @AP

    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money
    By your logic Lend-Lease made USSR a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine…

    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas
    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk region, Russia. He moved to Donbas as a teenager. I know honesty and accuracy are impossible for you.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy – Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine


    Jews are an ethnicity.

    According to you, this Nazi leader was a Czech because he was born and raised in Czechia:

    Karl Hermann Frank (24 January 1898 – 22 May 1946) was a Sudeten German Nazi official in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia prior to and during World War II. Attaining the rank of Obergruppenführer, he was in command of the Nazi police apparatus in the protectorate, including the Gestapo, the SD, and the Kripo. After the war, he was tried, convicted and executed by hanging for his role in organizing the massacres of the people of the Czech villages of Lidice and Ležáky.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia. You got nothing.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine

    Jews are an ethnicity.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews. If you exclude the commie Ukies who were by ethnicity Jewish, you must also exclude Zelko. But you are completely lost in inconsistencies. Learn some critical thinking skills (not usually offered in the US education).

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk…

    …and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine. Or are millions of Russians in Ukraine not real? You only want the land, but the people can be killed or expelled, right? That is not going to work, this is not WW2 and its aftermath.

    • Replies: @AP

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia
    He was in charge of the security of Czechia, a region of millions of people. He was very important. You consider him to be a Czech, right? Like Trotsky was a Ukrainian, in your muddled mind. Don’t be inconsistent.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews
    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Don’t pretend to be too dumb to understand the difference or that there is “inconsistency.”

    Btw do you consider the writer Bulgakov, ethnic Russian, to be a Ukrainian because he was born and spent his youth and early adulthood in Kiev? Answer the question please. Be consistent.

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk…

    …and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine
    He moved to Donbas from Russia at age fourteen and later returned to Russia.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

  501. @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    If you were a Russian athlete would you necessarily want to show up anyway?

    There will be mysterious Tajiks gunning for them.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The only one I really follow is Daniil Medvedev. I have read that he intends to compete. If he wins the gold they aren’t going to have that traditional ceremony where they raise the flag and play the national anthem. I almost always root for Medvedev.

    He is just a tennis pro. Really it should not be that big a deal! : )

  502. @Beckow

    Oh, please...and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 was also "funny"? Or bombing and killing 2.5k civilians in Donbas? Just fun?

    You know very well what the "Kto ni skochit, tot Moskal’! meant - imagine for a minute something similar in London or Paris, or at Jan 6 demo in Washington. It would be seen as hate speech and people would be arrested and denounced. You try to omit facts and are running away from what you previously embraced. You must sense that you are losing, so time for cya...

    Replies: @AP, @Coconuts

    …imagine for a minute something similar in London or Paris

    In London there would need to be a diversity, equity and inclusion audit to understand how to deal with it.

  503. @Wokechoke

    There’s a case to be made that Hitler was a Czech though.

    Nepomuk is a name that occurs in his family history. He also has that black hair and pale skin like many Czechs.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Hitler’s ancestors came from Austria-Bohemia border – it was the same country for 400 years so some mixing was likely. Hitler’s male DNA was from North Africa, in Europe closest would be Albania. The family name Hiedler could be from Czech huta – Hutter, living in a forest cottage. The black hair-pale skin are very common among Austrians and Bavarians, could be Celtic.

    Living in Vienna before WW1 he came to viscerally hate Czechs – they were 20% of Vienna and as with Jews he felt they were taking his birthright opportunities. His best friend from school was of Czech origin. He had the common hatred for a related neighboring nation – similar to Germans-French, Ukies-Russians, the Euro history is basically a history of these neighbors’ hatreds.

    Physically he was a mutt, as are most people. In a way, he was a typical mixed Austrian.

  504. @AP

    Oh, please…and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014
    And on Easter you repeat lie after lie.

    The “50” (I think it was 48 or so but am too lazy to check) includes the Ukrainian who was killed first and whose killing led to the clashes and fire in which around 40 (42?) pro-Russian activists died.

    You like to mention sequence matters when it’s convenient for you but then pretend it doesn’t.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    It was 48 murdered Russians, is that not enough for you? You are a very sick individual.

    Since it is Easter, your bizarre lying is right there with your previous wish that more Russians died to liberate Poland. Immorality and ingratitude that cosmic never stands – so you have that to look forward to.

    • Replies: @AP

    It was 48 murdered Russians [referring to the Trade Union fire], is that not enough for you
    It’s actually amusing to examine the number of untruths you’ve made in a single statement.

    1. 48 was not the number of Russians killed in the fire but the total number of people killed that day in Odessa. 48 includes 2 Ukrainians killed by the pro-Russians. One of the Ukrainians was the first person killed. Pro-Russians started the killing. Didn’t you insist that sequence matters?

    2. The fire was accidental and occurred while both sides were throwing Molotov cocktails at one another. Those people were thus not “murdered.” It can’t even be ruled out that the fire wasn’t accidentally caused by the pro-Russians themselves. These were not executions or deliberately planned deaths (some of the pro-Ukrainians on the outside were shown trying to save the people inside using scaffolding equipment). It was a deadly riot in which some of the aggressors lost their lives.

    3. Most of them were not even Russians, but pro-Russian Ukrainians.

    The dishonest fairytale you peddle has been used to stir up the later war that killed thousands. You are a very sick individual.

    your previous wish that more Russians died to liberate Poland


    Your fantasies are ever more bizarre.

    Replies: @Beckow

  505. Battle of the Nations
    Italy Bulgaria
    United States Kazakhstan


    The WTA video is 16 and a half minutes but only the first 5 is the match highlights. This is a quantum leap of accomplishment for Collins’ last year and she gives an interminable thank you speech. She is a fine tennis player but she is a dumb jock.

    Do they have female jocks? They seems like it is an oxymoron.

  506. Hitler was fundamentally a Natufian, which is both why he went East and why he was against the establishment of a Jewish state in his ancient homeland the Levant, but briefly flirted with the idea of Madagascar, not being an Austronesian-Bantu hybrid.

    Am fascinated by this theory that Somerled has 500,000 male descendents, even though it sounds like his sons’ families were killing each other, as was common in tanistry, if that was in fact the system they were using. (No clear record.)

    What makes it interesting is that Somerled was likely R1a (Norse), so while they might not necessarily all be his descendents, it is more plausible than some of these other claims where the haplotype may have been in the area for thousands of years previously.

    • Replies: @songbird

    The big question for me is whether star patterns in haplotypes partly derive from the adoption of disruptive technologies. The leverage of using them generation after generation.

    Like armor and castles. Or iron swords and horses.

    It is often said that our ancestors were mostly peasants. But perhaps the male haplotypes all derive from warriors or aristocrats.

    Did these founder effects have some sociobiological outputs? Some preliminaries to medieval clan battles were to invoke old or mythical ancestors.

  507. @Mr. Hack

    So, with his "dismissive and mocking" stances against Ukrainians and of Ukraine, do you think that it's particularly unreasonable for the Ukrainian government to remove this colonial symbol of Russian imperialism away from the public view?

    Replies: @AP, @Wokechoke

    Says the Slav squatting in Arizona.

  508. @sudden death

    Nobody wants you to deprive the inalienable right of voting in EU/US - you just would have to chose one preferable place where you want to do it. Or is it the hypocritical case here of isolationism for thee, but not for me, when always selfstyling as wannabe old stock traditionalist American isolationist on the net, however IRL still desperately wants to participate in matters over the ocean in the old homeland while ignoring George Washington given advice?

    As said before, this type of nuclear scaremongering demagoguery could work even regarding US as somebody in Utah would begin wringing hands about why his children should be dying for godless woke shitholes in California, so better should give up and give it away immediately when hearing nuclear threats;)

    Replies: @Mikel

    Nobody wants you to deprive the inalienable right of voting in EU/US – you just would have to chose one preferable place where you want to do it.

    AP said the other day that he’s earned the right to vote in the elections of a EU country that he only has an indirect relationship with. I suspect he doesn’t even speak the language. So I’m guessing you’re even more opposed to his having that right and he should also choose where he can vote, right? Or is that different because you know his votes here and there are going to be Baltic-friendly?

    this type of nuclear scaremongering demagoguery could work even regarding US as somebody in Utah would begin wringing hands about why his children should be dying for godless woke shitholes in California

    I have no idea what you’re trying to say here but it’s no surprise that you have been unable to give an honest answer to the simple question I asked.

    Not that it’s necessary for you to confess how you feel anyway. The idea that anyone in Lithuania would be willing to go to war with a nuclear superpower so that Basques can exercise their right to self-determination is so ridiculous that I would expect to be laughed at (or perhaps arrested and expelled from the country) if I went to Vilnius to request that type of solidarity. However, the idea that Westerners should be willing to go to war with a nuclear superpower so that Balts and Ukrainians can exercise their right to self-determination from the Russians has become acceptable because… reasons.

    Are you really unable to see how asymmetrical and indecorous this inter-European pretense of solidarity is? And I’m using the Basque example just so you don’t evade the point questioning my legitimacy to raise it. Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe that doesn’t directly affect the Balts. It’s actually called common sense.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    lol, there's no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he's not the hypocrite "isolationist", who wants to continue participating in EU affairs, while declaring himself being the new but the same as old American man with isolationism as a principal traditional value;)

    Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe
    Wrong as usual - those two are indeed quite good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it's lands down the south;)

    Overall you seem to have very hazy idea about isolationism (i.e. USA or all West raising both hands up in surrender while running away at the same time as soon as hearing any nuclear threats) somehow being helpful action in order to reduce the risk of total annihilation.

    But in real cold harsh world it would only increase the risk of such event because the any perpetrator will continue to use those threats more frequently as a policy tool and also it will inevitably lead to further nuclear proliferation down the line both in Europe and Asia, e.g. potentially Poland, Germany, South Korea, Japan.

    Now that will indeed raise the all risk levels, cause the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.

    Leaders in Poland, literally on the frontline of the conflict between NATO and Russia, have proposed hosting NATO nuclear weapons on their soil. Manfred Weber, a senior German politician who leads the center-right European People’s Party, the largest grouping in the EU parliament, recently argued for Europe to develop its own nuclear deterrent. He told Politico: “Europe must build deterrence, we must be able to deter and defend ourselves …We all know that when push comes to shove, the nuclear option is the really decisive one.”

    The idea of such a “Euronuke” is not new, but the fact that the discussion is being revived in a serious way is a telling indicator of Europe’s existential anxieties in the age of Putin and Trump.
    Some analysts have gone further, suggesting that rather than host NATO nuclear weapons under ultimate American control, Poland ought to have full control of them. As Dalibor Rohac, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, recently wrote, “for deterrence to be credible, the weapons ought to be controlled by the party that bears the most risk of a direct Russian attack: Poland itself.”

    For now, that idea looks even more unrealistic, and Polish leaders have mostly stayed away from explicitly backing it. But a recent comment by Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during an appearance in Washington suggested it’s not entirely off the table. “If America cannot come together with Europe and enable Ukraine to drive Putin back, I fear that our family of democratic nations will start to break up,” Sikorski said at the Atlantic Council. “Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their safety. They’ll start hedging. Some of them will aim for the ultimate weapon, starting off a new nuclear race.”

    Meanwhile, a host of German politicians from across the political spectrum, including Weber, have been tentatively calling for Germany to seek a European nuclear deterrent, separate from the United States, a major shift for a country where public opposition to military force in general and nuclear weapons in particular has been high for decades.

    Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister and leader of the liberal Free Democratic Party, recently argued in an op-ed that Germany should give serious consideration to France’s offer of dialogue on European nuclear deterrence and that “we should understand Donald Trump’s recent statements as a call to further rethink this element of European security.”

    Of course, many Germans may not consider French security guarantees to be all that more reassuring than American ones. One anonymous official recently told the Wall Street Journal that Germany should be wary of a nuclear alliance with a country that was “one election away” from electing a pro-Russian president, referring to France’s increasingly prominent far-right National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen. This has led some national security experts in Germany to argue that the country should look to acquire its own nuclear weapons, which would be held separately from the US arsenals in the country.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel

  509. “Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  510. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Out of curiosity: Why didn’t Poland do a population exchange with the USSR in 1921 like the Greeks and Turks did with each other a couple of years later
    The Polish nationalist government beholden to Dmowski disliked those Poles because they were pro-Ukrainian and pro-Pilsudski, so it didn’t mind stranding them, indeed they benefited from fewer Pilsudski supporters and voters within the Polish state. The Polish nationalists also foolishly believed that they could forcibly Polonize the Galicians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Ironically, accepting those Soviet Poles, even if they were mostly Pilsudski supporters, would have made it easier for Poland to Polonize Galicia since it would have made more Polish manpower to work with for this purpose. Indeed, Poland could have insisted on resettling these Poles en masse in eastern Galicia, similar to what Nazi Germany did later on with resettling the Baltic Germans en masse in the former Posen Province, before they were expelled them there en masse after the end of World War II.

    On a similar note, the German Empire would have really benefitted from accepting Russian Germans en masse (up to the point of extremely actively encouraging them to immigrate to Germany) and resettling them en masse in Germany’s eastern Polish borderlands.

    P.S.: Off-topic, but did you see my post about you being wrong about East Prussia not having very many Poles? It had a sizable (15%) Protestant Polish population in the form of the Masurians.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but did you see my post about you being wrong about East Prussia not having very many Poles? It had a sizable (15%) Protestant Polish population in the form of the Masurians
    Yes, I acknowledge that I was mistaken in that (it happens, rarely).

    Though it’s a slight grey area because the Masurians weren’t quite Poles, in the way that self-declared Rusyns aren’t quite Ukrainians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  511. @AP

    So how is Kiev in any respect independent? Ukies go to fight and die when Washington sends more weapons and money
    By your logic Lend-Lease made USSR a vassal state.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine…

    Brezhnev was from Dnipro, Krushchev from Donbas
    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk region, Russia. He moved to Donbas as a teenager. I know honesty and accuracy are impossible for you.

    I am not aware of any Sudetens among the Nazi leaders, who are you talking about? It is anyway a faulty analogy – Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine


    Jews are an ethnicity.

    According to you, this Nazi leader was a Czech because he was born and raised in Czechia:

    Karl Hermann Frank (24 January 1898 – 22 May 1946) was a Sudeten German Nazi official in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia prior to and during World War II. Attaining the rank of Obergruppenführer, he was in command of the Nazi police apparatus in the protectorate, including the Gestapo, the SD, and the Kripo. After the war, he was tried, convicted and executed by hanging for his role in organizing the massacres of the people of the Czech villages of Lidice and Ležáky.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?

    By that logic, Chernenko was an ethnic Ukrainian from Russia, no?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Chernenko was certainly of partial Ukrainian descent but wasn’t part of a Ukrainian community. Brezhnev had two Russian parents and lived amongst others Russian colonists. He was as Ukrainian as Bulgakov.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  512. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    Nobody wants you to deprive the inalienable right of voting in EU/US – you just would have to chose one preferable place where you want to do it.
    AP said the other day that he's earned the right to vote in the elections of a EU country that he only has an indirect relationship with. I suspect he doesn't even speak the language. So I'm guessing you're even more opposed to his having that right and he should also choose where he can vote, right? Or is that different because you know his votes here and there are going to be Baltic-friendly?

    this type of nuclear scaremongering demagoguery could work even regarding US as somebody in Utah would begin wringing hands about why his children should be dying for godless woke shitholes in California
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here but it's no surprise that you have been unable to give an honest answer to the simple question I asked.

    Not that it's necessary for you to confess how you feel anyway. The idea that anyone in Lithuania would be willing to go to war with a nuclear superpower so that Basques can exercise their right to self-determination is so ridiculous that I would expect to be laughed at (or perhaps arrested and expelled from the country) if I went to Vilnius to request that type of solidarity. However, the idea that Westerners should be willing to go to war with a nuclear superpower so that Balts and Ukrainians can exercise their right to self-determination from the Russians has become acceptable because... reasons.

    Are you really unable to see how asymmetrical and indecorous this inter-European pretense of solidarity is? And I'm using the Basque example just so you don't evade the point questioning my legitimacy to raise it. Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe that doesn't directly affect the Balts. It's actually called common sense.

    Replies: @sudden death

    lol, there’s no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he’s not the hypocrite “isolationist”, who wants to continue participating in EU affairs, while declaring himself being the new but the same as old American man with isolationism as a principal traditional value;)

    Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe

    Wrong as usual – those two are indeed quite good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it’s lands down the south;)

    Overall you seem to have very hazy idea about isolationism (i.e. USA or all West raising both hands up in surrender while running away at the same time as soon as hearing any nuclear threats) somehow being helpful action in order to reduce the risk of total annihilation.

    But in real cold harsh world it would only increase the risk of such event because the any perpetrator will continue to use those threats more frequently as a policy tool and also it will inevitably lead to further nuclear proliferation down the line both in Europe and Asia, e.g. potentially Poland, Germany, South Korea, Japan.

    Now that will indeed raise the all risk levels, cause the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.

    Leaders in Poland, literally on the frontline of the conflict between NATO and Russia, have proposed hosting NATO nuclear weapons on their soil. Manfred Weber, a senior German politician who leads the center-right European People’s Party, the largest grouping in the EU parliament, recently argued for Europe to develop its own nuclear deterrent. He told Politico: “Europe must build deterrence, we must be able to deter and defend ourselves …We all know that when push comes to shove, the nuclear option is the really decisive one.”

    The idea of such a “Euronuke” is not new, but the fact that the discussion is being revived in a serious way is a telling indicator of Europe’s existential anxieties in the age of Putin and Trump.
    Some analysts have gone further, suggesting that rather than host NATO nuclear weapons under ultimate American control, Poland ought to have full control of them. As Dalibor Rohac, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, recently wrote, “for deterrence to be credible, the weapons ought to be controlled by the party that bears the most risk of a direct Russian attack: Poland itself.”

    For now, that idea looks even more unrealistic, and Polish leaders have mostly stayed away from explicitly backing it. But a recent comment by Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during an appearance in Washington suggested it’s not entirely off the table. “If America cannot come together with Europe and enable Ukraine to drive Putin back, I fear that our family of democratic nations will start to break up,” Sikorski said at the Atlantic Council. “Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their safety. They’ll start hedging. Some of them will aim for the ultimate weapon, starting off a new nuclear race.”

    Meanwhile, a host of German politicians from across the political spectrum, including Weber, have been tentatively calling for Germany to seek a European nuclear deterrent, separate from the United States, a major shift for a country where public opposition to military force in general and nuclear weapons in particular has been high for decades.

    Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister and leader of the liberal Free Democratic Party, recently argued in an op-ed that Germany should give serious consideration to France’s offer of dialogue on European nuclear deterrence and that “we should understand Donald Trump’s recent statements as a call to further rethink this element of European security.”

    Of course, many Germans may not consider French security guarantees to be all that more reassuring than American ones. One anonymous official recently told the Wall Street Journal that Germany should be wary of a nuclear alliance with a country that was “one election away” from electing a pro-Russian president, referring to France’s increasingly prominent far-right National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen. This has led some national security experts in Germany to argue that the country should look to acquire its own nuclear weapons, which would be held separately from the US arsenals in the country.

    • Replies: @A123
    @sudden death

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)

    Even non-military observers see the obviously precarious status of Kiev aggression: (1)

    Elon Musk has once again urged negotiated settlement to end the Ukraine war while warning Ukraine that seeking to keep up and expand the fight will inevitably lead to the loss of Odessa and thus Kiev's access to the Black Sea.

    The Tesla and SpaceX CEO underscored that Ukraine's position continues to weaken even as its leadership refuses negotiations while pressing the West for more weapons. "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question,"
    "The longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain until they hit the Dnepr, which is tough to overcome. However, if the war lasts long enough, Odessa will fall too," Musk wrote.

    And that's when he concluded, "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question. I recommend a negotiated settlement before that happens."

    The sooner Kiev negotiates, the better off the Ukrainian people will be. The obstacle remains the European Empire and their puppet Zelensky;)

    the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.
    The real driver of this risk is sociopath Khamenei. Both Erdogan and MbS are looking at nuclear counter strategies. Türkiye is a threat to Christian Europe.

    An EE Nuke will be desperately needed. Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and Hungary comprise the most likely core group. As a bonus, EE Nukes can also be pointed at Berlin and Paris.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN

    , @Mikel
    @sudden death

    there’s no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he’s not the hypocrite “isolationist”, who wants to continue participating in EU affairs
    Thank you, I knew you would be very helpful in shaping my vote in these EU elections. I haven't decided 100% to take part yet, I've indeed been an isolationist for the past 30+ years and have never taken part in any European election since I moved to the Americas. I wasn't motivated enough. But, as Churchill said, a conversation with the average voter makes you see democracy in a different light and a conversation with an average Balt is making me see better than any long essay what our Western idiotic leaders got us into.

    You are shamelessly stating that I should be deprived of my voting rights in at least one of the countries I am a citizen of. But on the other hand, you are saying that it is OK for someone who will vote according to your liking to have the right to vote in (a) a country he doesn't feel assimilated in and also in (b) a country he only has a very distant connection to and possibly doesn't even speak the language of. Moreover, you don't care that in both cases he is going to vote exclusively in the interests of a 3rd country that is the only one he really cares about. In your own words that is "no problem".

    This is actually much more than I expected you to confess. If people in your ex-USSR countries have this level of understanding of what democracy is, it is no wonder that all of you enthusiastically supported your fellow ex-USSR neighbor killing thousands of its own civilians and we got to the situation we are in now.

    good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it’s lands down the south;)
    I don't know how stupid you think I and the rest of the readers here are to think that we can believe that Lithuanians would volunteer en masse to go to war with a nuclear power so that Spain maintains a firm grip over its African enclaves. But let me tell you a secret: if anyone managed to organize a free and fair referendum asking the population of any Western country (including very much Macron's) if they are willing to risk the death of their children in a nuclear war so that Ukraine can keep its Soviet borders or the Baltic countries can win whatever their disputes with Russia today are, the result would be a huge, resounding NO.

    If you believe that you really enjoy that level of solidarity from your European partners to the West you are incredibly deluded. I was born and raised there. I know the place very well. People go along with this insane expansion eastwards of NATO and the EU for the very same reason that they go along with their countries being invaded by masses exotic aliens or the gender insanity. Westerners are going through a period of apathy and lack of clear moral principles. They get easily brainwashed by the media and the elites. But you may be in for a very rude awakening. An awakening that, as usual, has already given its first, chaotic steps in the US and may well expand to the rest of the West if the movement solidifies.

    Just to clarify, I am totally in favor of the Balts' and Ukraine's independence. But I also think that it was always perfectly possible to preserve this independence while maintaining a good relationship with Russia and avoiding war. That your neighborly disputes have resulted in war and the real possibility of a NATO-Russia confrontation that the Russians can only win with nukes is as insane as the mass population replacement with 3rd worlders or the hundreds of new human genders. Perhaps even more insane.

    Replies: @sudden death

  513. @songbird
    Hitler was fundamentally a Natufian, which is both why he went East and why he was against the establishment of a Jewish state in his ancient homeland the Levant, but briefly flirted with the idea of Madagascar, not being an Austronesian-Bantu hybrid.

    Am fascinated by this theory that Somerled has 500,000 male descendents, even though it sounds like his sons' families were killing each other, as was common in tanistry, if that was in fact the system they were using. (No clear record.)

    What makes it interesting is that Somerled was likely R1a (Norse), so while they might not necessarily all be his descendents, it is more plausible than some of these other claims where the haplotype may have been in the area for thousands of years previously.

    Replies: @songbird

    The big question for me is whether star patterns in haplotypes partly derive from the adoption of disruptive technologies. The leverage of using them generation after generation.

    Like armor and castles. Or iron swords and horses.

    It is often said that our ancestors were mostly peasants. But perhaps the male haplotypes all derive from warriors or aristocrats.

    Did these founder effects have some sociobiological outputs? Some preliminaries to medieval clan battles were to invoke old or mythical ancestors.

  514. Would be cool to develop some whale-specific endoscopy capsule or probe, something that they could swallow and which could be recovered later. But which would provide images and data of their insides.

    The ultimate test of engineering would be to design something that could operate through the 0.3 km intestines of the sperm whale. Perhaps, taking samples along the way, and which would be recovered afterward. Would it require an atomic battery?

  515. A123 says: • Website

    Shrinkflation has reached Scotch Whiskey. I just noticed the new bottle is 700mL — not the traditional 750mL.



    At the $30-35, Islay Journey (1) is half the price of island competitors. Alcohol forward and pleasing to the nose. Lacks complexity and depth.

    For the price point, a peaty and acceptable offering — ★★★☆☆

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @songbird

    A bag of Doritos is now like $7, which for some reason I find quite comical.

    Replies: @A123

    , @Mr. Hack

    Trump, the "Christian" hawking his $60 bibles and now kremlinstoogeA123 the "Judeo-Christian" promoting his favorite Scotch whiskey at the right price line on Easter Sunday. When will this hypocrisy end?

  516. @A123
    Shrinkflation has reached Scotch Whiskey. I just noticed the new bottle is 700mL -- not the traditional 750mL.


    At the $30-35, Islay Journey (1) is half the price of island competitors. Alcohol forward and pleasing to the nose. Lacks complexity and depth.

    For the price point, a peaty and acceptable offering -- ★★★☆☆

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack

    A bag of Doritos is now like $7, which for some reason I find quite comical.

    • Replies: @A123

    Apparently this is is *not* a joke. (1)

    Experience the indulgent flavors of your favorite snack in a liquid form. The spirit opens with umami and tangy aromas of nacho cheese, moving to the deeper, corn-forward flavors of the chip to finish on a soft salty note.



    There are no words to express the horror.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Wokechoke

  517. A123 says: • Website

    A bag of Doritos is now like $7, which for some reason I find quite comical.

    Replies: @A123

    Apparently this is is *not* a joke. (1)

    Experience the indulgent flavors of your favorite snack in a liquid form. The spirit opens with umami and tangy aromas of nacho cheese, moving to the deeper, corn-forward flavors of the chip to finish on a soft salty note.



    There are no words to express the horror.

    PEACE 😇


    • LOL: songbird
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    There are no words to express the horror.
    Maybe there are people who like this abomination. There is no accounting for tastes.
    , @Wokechoke

    Burger cocktail. Tequila, tomato juice and a shot of pickle juice. It’s weird.

  518. @A123

    Apparently this is is *not* a joke. (1)

    Experience the indulgent flavors of your favorite snack in a liquid form. The spirit opens with umami and tangy aromas of nacho cheese, moving to the deeper, corn-forward flavors of the chip to finish on a soft salty note.



    There are no words to express the horror.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Wokechoke

    There are no words to express the horror.

    Maybe there are people who like this abomination. There is no accounting for tastes.

  519. A123 says: • Website
    @sudden death

    lol, there's no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he's not the hypocrite "isolationist", who wants to continue participating in EU affairs, while declaring himself being the new but the same as old American man with isolationism as a principal traditional value;)

    Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe
    Wrong as usual - those two are indeed quite good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it's lands down the south;)

    Overall you seem to have very hazy idea about isolationism (i.e. USA or all West raising both hands up in surrender while running away at the same time as soon as hearing any nuclear threats) somehow being helpful action in order to reduce the risk of total annihilation.

    But in real cold harsh world it would only increase the risk of such event because the any perpetrator will continue to use those threats more frequently as a policy tool and also it will inevitably lead to further nuclear proliferation down the line both in Europe and Asia, e.g. potentially Poland, Germany, South Korea, Japan.

    Now that will indeed raise the all risk levels, cause the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.

    Leaders in Poland, literally on the frontline of the conflict between NATO and Russia, have proposed hosting NATO nuclear weapons on their soil. Manfred Weber, a senior German politician who leads the center-right European People’s Party, the largest grouping in the EU parliament, recently argued for Europe to develop its own nuclear deterrent. He told Politico: “Europe must build deterrence, we must be able to deter and defend ourselves …We all know that when push comes to shove, the nuclear option is the really decisive one.”

    The idea of such a “Euronuke” is not new, but the fact that the discussion is being revived in a serious way is a telling indicator of Europe’s existential anxieties in the age of Putin and Trump.
    Some analysts have gone further, suggesting that rather than host NATO nuclear weapons under ultimate American control, Poland ought to have full control of them. As Dalibor Rohac, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, recently wrote, “for deterrence to be credible, the weapons ought to be controlled by the party that bears the most risk of a direct Russian attack: Poland itself.”

    For now, that idea looks even more unrealistic, and Polish leaders have mostly stayed away from explicitly backing it. But a recent comment by Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during an appearance in Washington suggested it’s not entirely off the table. “If America cannot come together with Europe and enable Ukraine to drive Putin back, I fear that our family of democratic nations will start to break up,” Sikorski said at the Atlantic Council. “Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their safety. They’ll start hedging. Some of them will aim for the ultimate weapon, starting off a new nuclear race.”

    Meanwhile, a host of German politicians from across the political spectrum, including Weber, have been tentatively calling for Germany to seek a European nuclear deterrent, separate from the United States, a major shift for a country where public opposition to military force in general and nuclear weapons in particular has been high for decades.

    Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister and leader of the liberal Free Democratic Party, recently argued in an op-ed that Germany should give serious consideration to France’s offer of dialogue on European nuclear deterrence and that “we should understand Donald Trump’s recent statements as a call to further rethink this element of European security.”

    Of course, many Germans may not consider French security guarantees to be all that more reassuring than American ones. One anonymous official recently told the Wall Street Journal that Germany should be wary of a nuclear alliance with a country that was “one election away” from electing a pro-Russian president, referring to France’s increasingly prominent far-right National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen. This has led some national security experts in Germany to argue that the country should look to acquire its own nuclear weapons, which would be held separately from the US arsenals in the country.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)

    Even non-military observers see the obviously precarious status of Kiev aggression: (1)

    Elon Musk has once again urged negotiated settlement to end the Ukraine war while warning Ukraine that seeking to keep up and expand the fight will inevitably lead to the loss of Odessa and thus Kiev’s access to the Black Sea.

    The Tesla and SpaceX CEO underscored that Ukraine’s position continues to weaken even as its leadership refuses negotiations while pressing the West for more weapons. “Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question,”

    “The longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain until they hit the Dnepr, which is tough to overcome. However, if the war lasts long enough, Odessa will fall too,” Musk wrote.

    And that’s when he concluded, “Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question. I recommend a negotiated settlement before that happens.

    The sooner Kiev negotiates, the better off the Ukrainian people will be. The obstacle remains the European Empire and their puppet Zelensky;)

    the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.

    The real driver of this risk is sociopath Khamenei. Both Erdogan and MbS are looking at nuclear counter strategies. Türkiye is a threat to Christian Europe.

    An EE Nuke will be desperately needed. Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and Hungary comprise the most likely core group. As a bonus, EE Nukes can also be pointed at Berlin and Paris.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Elon Musk is about the last person I look to for an opinion on anything. He's been saying this is the year we get self driving cars for ten years now.

    Here's a survey of power-educated high IQ monkeys:


    They probably asked them if they are poly and if they have a cryonics pod but these questions are not included in the paper.

    The Ukraine's fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski's Grand Chess Board.

    Replies: @songbird, @A123, @Beckow

    , @AnonfromTN

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)
    As a matter of fact, they’ve lost six. However, the main reason is not Ukie incompetence. There are two reasons. One, Abrams and Leopard tanks are no better than Russian tanks (consolation: British Challengers are a lot worse). Two, Russian soldiers get special payments for killing Leopard and Abrams tanks, so they hunt them. The result is that as soon as one of these tanks appears on the battlefield, it is promptly destroyed. Russian soldiers even recorded a mocking video asking Alzheimer-in-Chief to send more Abrams tanks and promising that corrupt piece of shit as a kickback 10% of their payments.

    Replies: @Jazman

  520. @A123
    @sudden death

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)

    Even non-military observers see the obviously precarious status of Kiev aggression: (1)

    Elon Musk has once again urged negotiated settlement to end the Ukraine war while warning Ukraine that seeking to keep up and expand the fight will inevitably lead to the loss of Odessa and thus Kiev's access to the Black Sea.

    The Tesla and SpaceX CEO underscored that Ukraine's position continues to weaken even as its leadership refuses negotiations while pressing the West for more weapons. "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question,"
    "The longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain until they hit the Dnepr, which is tough to overcome. However, if the war lasts long enough, Odessa will fall too," Musk wrote.

    And that's when he concluded, "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question. I recommend a negotiated settlement before that happens."

    The sooner Kiev negotiates, the better off the Ukrainian people will be. The obstacle remains the European Empire and their puppet Zelensky;)

    the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.
    The real driver of this risk is sociopath Khamenei. Both Erdogan and MbS are looking at nuclear counter strategies. Türkiye is a threat to Christian Europe.

    An EE Nuke will be desperately needed. Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and Hungary comprise the most likely core group. As a bonus, EE Nukes can also be pointed at Berlin and Paris.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN

    Elon Musk is about the last person I look to for an opinion on anything. He’s been saying this is the year we get self driving cars for ten years now.

    Here’s a survey of power-educated high IQ monkeys:


    They probably asked them if they are poly and if they have a cryonics pod but these questions are not included in the paper.

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chess Board.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Motherjones recently put out a YouTube clip claiming Elon was the center of a racist network on Twitter that includes promoting the idea that beaver dens are comparable to African huts and Africans inferior in intelligence to gorillas.

    It mentions Sailer and that Will Stancil guy. The comments are so stupid that I can't tell how many are bots.

    If Elon was really promoting such things, I would bite the bullet and get a Twitter account because Twitter would be a great place for joking around.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chess Board.


    Zbigniew Brzezinski is an antithesis of Elon Musk.

    Führer Zelensky is indeed a pawn on Scholz & Macron's ludo board. It is not going well for his aggression.

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine
    Ukraine's fate is controlled by those who serve the European Empire. A rational administration in Kiev would jettison Scholz and strike a deal.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chess Board.
    Sure, but at some point an enthusiastic pawn who jumps up and down "me, me, use me!" is also responsible. I have been struggling with it, to what extent can any of us be responsible for what our countries do in our names? The Ukies are obviously manipulated and used, they also don't seem like the smartest bunch, they have failed to anticipate - the only smarts that matters in statecraft.

    But as dumb and used by others as they are, still - how did they get into this disaster? Why didn't the more sober ones among them point out the obvious?
  521. @AP

    Oh, please…and burning 50 Russians to death in Odessa by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014
    And on Easter you repeat lie after lie.

    The “50” (I think it was 48 or so but am too lazy to check) includes the Ukrainian who was killed first and whose killing led to the clashes and fire in which around 40 (42?) pro-Russian activists died.

    You like to mention sequence matters when it’s convenient for you but then pretend it doesn’t.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    AP, this is somewhat off-topic, but in relation to Ukraine, didn’t you previously say that if Russia will ever succeed in taking over much/most/all of Ukraine, Ukrainians are going to behave towards Russia similar to how Iraqis have behaved towards the US after 2003? If so, then I have a question: In such a scenario, couldn’t Russia treat Ukraine much like Israel treats the West Bank? As in, with a huge indefinite Russian military presence throughout Ukraine, constant security checkpoints, regular raids inside of Ukraine by Russia’s military and/or security forces, with the cooperation of any pro-Russian Ukrainian puppet government, possibly even a giant border wall/fence to separate Ukraine from Russia in order to prevent Ukrainian terrorists from entering Russia proper. The pro-Russian Ukrainian puppet government in such a scenario would function towards Russia similarly to the Palestinian Authority’s role towards Israel in the West Bank.

    Of course, I would expect Novorossiya to look more like post-2020 Belarus, with a lot of repression but still a relatively calm and subdued atmosphere. We already see some of that in Melitopol right now, albeit also with the occasional terrorist attack, which of course are a nuisance but not much more than that for Russia. But central and western Ukraine would probably look much more like the West Bank under Israeli rule in such a hypothetical scenario, which I really, truly hope will never actually happen in real life.

  522. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Elon Musk is about the last person I look to for an opinion on anything. He's been saying this is the year we get self driving cars for ten years now.

    Here's a survey of power-educated high IQ monkeys:


    They probably asked them if they are poly and if they have a cryonics pod but these questions are not included in the paper.

    The Ukraine's fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski's Grand Chess Board.

    Replies: @songbird, @A123, @Beckow

    Motherjones recently put out a YouTube clip claiming Elon was the center of a racist network on Twitter that includes promoting the idea that beaver dens are comparable to African huts and Africans inferior in intelligence to gorillas.

    It mentions Sailer and that Will Stancil guy. The comments are so stupid that I can’t tell how many are bots.


    If Elon was really promoting such things, I would bite the bullet and get a Twitter account because Twitter would be a great place for joking around.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The alpha African-American should closely read the biography of Howard Hughes. The end especially. It is ghastly.

    He probably gets real tired of hearing that. Mother Jones cannot enslave the man. The CIA can.

    Replies: @songbird

  523. A123 says: • Website
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Elon Musk is about the last person I look to for an opinion on anything. He's been saying this is the year we get self driving cars for ten years now.

    Here's a survey of power-educated high IQ monkeys:


    They probably asked them if they are poly and if they have a cryonics pod but these questions are not included in the paper.

    The Ukraine's fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski's Grand Chess Board.

    Replies: @songbird, @A123, @Beckow

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chess Board.

    Zbigniew Brzezinski is an antithesis of Elon Musk.

    Führer Zelensky is indeed a pawn on Scholz & Macron’s ludo board. It is not going well for his aggression.

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine

    Ukraine’s fate is controlled by those who serve the European Empire. A rational administration in Kiev would jettison Scholz and strike a deal.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Ukraine’s fate is controlled by those who serve the European Empire.
    Is it supposed to serve the Russian Empire like you do? Ukraine wants in to the EU. You'd be better off going to Russia and peddling your high end Scotch to Putler and his oligarch buddies (or whatever is left of them). .
    kremlinstoogeA123 would have more success peddling his own home made "white lightnin", something that the common man in Russia knows a bit about. Keep your airplane glue at home.

  524. @A123

    Apparently this is is *not* a joke. (1)

    Experience the indulgent flavors of your favorite snack in a liquid form. The spirit opens with umami and tangy aromas of nacho cheese, moving to the deeper, corn-forward flavors of the chip to finish on a soft salty note.



    There are no words to express the horror.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Wokechoke

    Burger cocktail. Tequila, tomato juice and a shot of pickle juice. It’s weird.

  525. AP says:

    It was 48 murdered Russians, is that not enough for you? You are a very sick individual.

    Since it is Easter, your bizarre lying is right there with your previous wish that more Russians died to liberate Poland. Immorality and ingratitude that cosmic never stands - so you have that to look forward to.

    Replies: @AP

    It was 48 murdered Russians [referring to the Trade Union fire], is that not enough for you

    It’s actually amusing to examine the number of untruths you’ve made in a single statement.

    1. 48 was not the number of Russians killed in the fire but the total number of people killed that day in Odessa. 48 includes 2 Ukrainians killed by the pro-Russians. One of the Ukrainians was the first person killed. Pro-Russians started the killing. Didn’t you insist that sequence matters?

    2. The fire was accidental and occurred while both sides were throwing Molotov cocktails at one another. Those people were thus not “murdered.” It can’t even be ruled out that the fire wasn’t accidentally caused by the pro-Russians themselves. These were not executions or deliberately planned deaths (some of the pro-Ukrainians on the outside were shown trying to save the people inside using scaffolding equipment). It was a deadly riot in which some of the aggressors lost their lives.

    3. Most of them were not even Russians, but pro-Russian Ukrainians.

    The dishonest fairytale you peddle has been used to stir up the later war that killed thousands. You are a very sick individual.

    your previous wish that more Russians died to liberate Poland

    Your fantasies are ever more bizarre.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Sorry, everything I said about the Odessa massacre of Russians by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 is true. There is a French documentary, find it on the EU Arte channel. I am not going to argue with an OCD moron about "48 vs. 46" - it was 49 according to the documentary. Go and count your spoons over and over if you must.

    You are defending mass murder. Think about what it says about you.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  526. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ironically, accepting those Soviet Poles, even if they were mostly Pilsudski supporters, would have made it easier for Poland to Polonize Galicia since it would have made more Polish manpower to work with for this purpose. Indeed, Poland could have insisted on resettling these Poles en masse in eastern Galicia, similar to what Nazi Germany did later on with resettling the Baltic Germans en masse in the former Posen Province, before they were expelled them there en masse after the end of World War II.

    On a similar note, the German Empire would have really benefitted from accepting Russian Germans en masse (up to the point of extremely actively encouraging them to immigrate to Germany) and resettling them en masse in Germany's eastern Polish borderlands.

    P.S.: Off-topic, but did you see my post about you being wrong about East Prussia not having very many Poles? It had a sizable (15%) Protestant Polish population in the form of the Masurians.

    Replies: @AP

    Off-topic, but did you see my post about you being wrong about East Prussia not having very many Poles? It had a sizable (15%) Protestant Polish population in the form of the Masurians

    Yes, I acknowledge that I was mistaken in that (it happens, rarely).

    Though it’s a slight grey area because the Masurians weren’t quite Poles, in the way that self-declared Rusyns aren’t quite Ukrainians.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, fair enough, I suppose. You previously told me how only 30-40% of Subcarpathian Ruthenia's population right now would have actually self-identified as Ukrainian had this region been given back to Czechoslovakia after the end of WWII instead of being given to the Ukrainian SSR.

    Masurians did have their own census category in the German Empire, but of course so did Kashubians (but not Silesians):

    Though what's interesting is that according to this linguistic map of the German Empire for 1900, only a part of southern East Prussia's Slavs actually spoke Masurian; the rest of them appear to have spoken regular Polish.

    Anyway, the post-WWII Communist Polish government did consider Masurians (and Kashubians, and Polish-speaking Silesians) to be Poles, which is why it did not expel them en masse after the end of WWII like it did with the Germans. But as I said, a lot of Masurians (and also some Polish-speaking Silesians, apparently) did voluntarily move back to Germany after 1956, when they were finally allowed to do so.

    Masurians are quite a unique people because they are to my knowledge descended from Polish settlers who moved to southern East Prussia from the Polish territories further to the south (such as Masovia) in the Middle Ages and/or Renaissance and who then converted to Protestantism while living in East Prussia and gradually became politically aligned with Prussia and Germany over the centuries even while they retained their traditional Polish language. Ethnically they are indeed Poles, but they are nevertheless significantly separated both historically and culturally from the main body of Poles further to the south. Perhaps comparable to the Zoroastrian Parsis in India (who are 75% Iranian by ancestry, apparently) in comparison to the Shi'a Muslim Persians in Iran. One original ethnic stock but still huge religious, cultural, and historical differences between the two groups.

    As a side note, I think that since the Masurians and Silesians got their own plebiscites after the end of WWI, it would have been fair to also hold a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor. But the difference is that Masuria (southern East Prussia) and Silesia were either not historically Polish at all or not Polish in over half a millennium whereas the Polish Corridor was still Polish slightly less than 150 years before 1918-1919. This fact, combined with the fact that Alsace-Lorraine did not get a plebiscite, might have possibly caused the victorious Allies to believe that it would be unfair to insist on a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor. FWIW, I think that the most likely outcome of such a plebiscite would have been a Polish northern Polish Corridor separated from Posen Province and the rest of Poland by a German southern Polish Corridor strip. How do I know this? Because this was the general voting pattern for decades in pre-WWI German and Prussian parliamentary elections:

    95+% ethnically German Danzig of course would have certainly voted for Germany in such a hypothetical post-WWI plebiscite unless still made a free city without a plebiscite, as in real life.

    Replies: @Cloud Posternuke

  527. AP says:

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia. You got nothing.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch etc… were atheists born and raised in Ukraine

    Jews are an ethnicity.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews. If you exclude the commie Ukies who were by ethnicity Jewish, you must also exclude Zelko. But you are completely lost in inconsistencies. Learn some critical thinking skills (not usually offered in the US education).

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk...
    ...and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine. Or are millions of Russians in Ukraine not real? You only want the land, but the people can be killed or expelled, right? That is not going to work, this is not WW2 and its aftermath.

    Replies: @AP

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia

    He was in charge of the security of Czechia, a region of millions of people. He was very important. You consider him to be a Czech, right? Like Trotsky was a Ukrainian, in your muddled mind. Don’t be inconsistent.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews

    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Don’t pretend to be too dumb to understand the difference or that there is “inconsistency.”

    Btw do you consider the writer Bulgakov, ethnic Russian, to be a Ukrainian because he was born and spent his youth and early adulthood in Kiev? Answer the question please. Be consistent.

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk…

    …and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine

    He moved to Donbas from Russia at age fourteen and later returned to Russia.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?
    Any prominent Ukrainian nationalists among the "many"? Just curious...

    Replies: @AP

    , @Beckow

    ...They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch, etc... were all citizens of SU - as was Zelko until 1991. It is exactly the same. If Zelko counts, so does Kaganovitch.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?
    I don't, but Kiev and the West do - if you haven't noticed they are fighting a bloody war over that issue. Ipso facto all people from Donbas - all commies, etc... - count.

    Frank was not a top Nazi. Why do you make up things? He was a Sudeten German with Czech citizenship killed after WW2 by Czechs. Other than ethnicity he was similar to Quisling. He had relatively little power in the Protectorate - he claimed at his trial that he was controlled by 2-3 more powerful Nazis from the Reich like Heydrich, etc...

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    What are your thoughts on Brezhnev's documentation (possibly inaccurately) listing him as Ukrainian?

    Or is this simply a case of identity being somewhat fluid between the three East Slavic ethnic groups? My own maternal grandmother and her two surviving sisters were all apparently at least half-Belarusian (through their father, at least) but apparently had Russian listed as their ethnicity/nationality on their documentation. At least two of them were born in the Russian SFSR, FWIW. The eldest one I'm not sure about.

    Replies: @AP

  528. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Elon Musk is about the last person I look to for an opinion on anything. He's been saying this is the year we get self driving cars for ten years now.

    Here's a survey of power-educated high IQ monkeys:


    They probably asked them if they are poly and if they have a cryonics pod but these questions are not included in the paper.

    The Ukraine's fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski's Grand Chess Board.

    Replies: @songbird, @A123, @Beckow

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chess Board.

    Sure, but at some point an enthusiastic pawn who jumps up and down “me, me, use me!” is also responsible. I have been struggling with it, to what extent can any of us be responsible for what our countries do in our names? The Ukies are obviously manipulated and used, they also don’t seem like the smartest bunch, they have failed to anticipate – the only smarts that matters in statecraft.

    But as dumb and used by others as they are, still – how did they get into this disaster? Why didn’t the more sober ones among them point out the obvious?

  529. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but did you see my post about you being wrong about East Prussia not having very many Poles? It had a sizable (15%) Protestant Polish population in the form of the Masurians
    Yes, I acknowledge that I was mistaken in that (it happens, rarely).

    Though it’s a slight grey area because the Masurians weren’t quite Poles, in the way that self-declared Rusyns aren’t quite Ukrainians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, fair enough, I suppose. You previously told me how only 30-40% of Subcarpathian Ruthenia’s population right now would have actually self-identified as Ukrainian had this region been given back to Czechoslovakia after the end of WWII instead of being given to the Ukrainian SSR.

    Masurians did have their own census category in the German Empire, but of course so did Kashubians (but not Silesians):

    Though what’s interesting is that according to this linguistic map of the German Empire for 1900, only a part of southern East Prussia’s Slavs actually spoke Masurian; the rest of them appear to have spoken regular Polish.

    Anyway, the post-WWII Communist Polish government did consider Masurians (and Kashubians, and Polish-speaking Silesians) to be Poles, which is why it did not expel them en masse after the end of WWII like it did with the Germans. But as I said, a lot of Masurians (and also some Polish-speaking Silesians, apparently) did voluntarily move back to Germany after 1956, when they were finally allowed to do so.

    Masurians are quite a unique people because they are to my knowledge descended from Polish settlers who moved to southern East Prussia from the Polish territories further to the south (such as Masovia) in the Middle Ages and/or Renaissance and who then converted to Protestantism while living in East Prussia and gradually became politically aligned with Prussia and Germany over the centuries even while they retained their traditional Polish language. Ethnically they are indeed Poles, but they are nevertheless significantly separated both historically and culturally from the main body of Poles further to the south. Perhaps comparable to the Zoroastrian Parsis in India (who are 75% Iranian by ancestry, apparently) in comparison to the Shi’a Muslim Persians in Iran. One original ethnic stock but still huge religious, cultural, and historical differences between the two groups.

    As a side note, I think that since the Masurians and Silesians got their own plebiscites after the end of WWI, it would have been fair to also hold a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor. But the difference is that Masuria (southern East Prussia) and Silesia were either not historically Polish at all or not Polish in over half a millennium whereas the Polish Corridor was still Polish slightly less than 150 years before 1918-1919. This fact, combined with the fact that Alsace-Lorraine did not get a plebiscite, might have possibly caused the victorious Allies to believe that it would be unfair to insist on a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor. FWIW, I think that the most likely outcome of such a plebiscite would have been a Polish northern Polish Corridor separated from Posen Province and the rest of Poland by a German southern Polish Corridor strip. How do I know this? Because this was the general voting pattern for decades in pre-WWI German and Prussian parliamentary elections:

    95+% ethnically German Danzig of course would have certainly voted for Germany in such a hypothetical post-WWI plebiscite unless still made a free city without a plebiscite, as in real life.

    • Thanks: Beckow
    • Replies: @Cloud Posternuke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Your last illustration is interesting. An antisemitic party in pre WWI Germany? Learned something new.

    The brown colour was a logical choice by the illustrator I guess, lol.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  530. @A123
    Shrinkflation has reached Scotch Whiskey. I just noticed the new bottle is 700mL -- not the traditional 750mL.


    At the $30-35, Islay Journey (1) is half the price of island competitors. Alcohol forward and pleasing to the nose. Lacks complexity and depth.

    For the price point, a peaty and acceptable offering -- ★★★☆☆

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack

    Trump, the “Christian” hawking his $60 bibles and now kremlinstoogeA123 the “Judeo-Christian” promoting his favorite Scotch whiskey at the right price line on Easter Sunday. When will this hypocrisy end?

  531. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Motherjones recently put out a YouTube clip claiming Elon was the center of a racist network on Twitter that includes promoting the idea that beaver dens are comparable to African huts and Africans inferior in intelligence to gorillas.

    It mentions Sailer and that Will Stancil guy. The comments are so stupid that I can't tell how many are bots.

    If Elon was really promoting such things, I would bite the bullet and get a Twitter account because Twitter would be a great place for joking around.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The alpha African-American should closely read the biography of Howard Hughes. The end especially. It is ghastly.

    He probably gets real tired of hearing that. Mother Jones cannot enslave the man. The CIA can.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset, while seeming to push back on a few things. Perhaps, it is all part of a script to try to obscure the fact that he is an asset. Kind of like how Tim Cook was blabbering about privacy on the iPhone, and it sounded like a bad play being staged.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

  532. Sher Singh says:

    Blade issues fixed.
    Friendship with American 1095 over.
    Panjabi 5160 Spring Steel New Best friend.

    Spring steel doesn’t break under hard use.
    Gets sharper, but also dulls a bit faster – we’ll see though.
    40% the cost as well or less tbh.
    Also, same steel for Knife & Sword builds experience.


    Got the Pulwar for Jhatka.
    The Straight Kard for religious symbol.

    Still keeping a Bowie for Skinning
    & a cold steel hunter for food prep.


    • Replies: @songbird
    @Sher Singh

    No scrimshaw or ivory?

    Would be kind of cool to have a weapon made from a sea monster. Something like this:

    It was made from the bone of a sea monster, the Curruid, that had died while fighting another sea monster, the Coinchenn
    And you could carve your own design. Woolly mammoths would be a really good source of ivory if they were ever brought back, as they had large tusks.

    But I am not sure that ivory would be good for a weapon. Maybe, would break. And you'd have to worry about maintaining it, so it would be more work.
  533. @Mr. XYZ

    Proximity to Slavic areas sometimes had the effect of increasing the NSDAP vote.
    Interesting that living next to Slavs made Germans more passionate about Drang Nach Osten.

    Here in the US, the effect is the opposite. The closer that one lives to minorities, the more positive one is likely to feel towards things like immigration. Trumpists in large part live in rural areas while liberals mostly live in urban and suburban areas.

    Though the US states with the most blacks are also the most conservative ones, historically speaking. There's a correlation there in the sense that they were dominated by conservative slaveowners centuries ago who were all too eager to import a lot of black slaves. And even after slavery was abolished, the descendants of these conservative slaveowners often helped shape the local culture there for generations to come.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Wielgus

    The impact of armed clashes bordering on all-out war between Freikorps and Polish nationalists after WW1 should be factored in. The clashes mostly happened in Silesia. It is notable that NSDAP support was lower in Upper Silesia (Oppeln), than Lower Silesia, but Upper Silesia had the bulk of Silesia’s Poles, ie. people unlikely to vote NSDAP.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It is worth noting, though, that the parts of Upper Silesia that remained German after 1921, while possibly being majority-Polish, had the overwhelming majority of their population support German rule (as evidenced by them mostly voting for Germany in the 1921 plebiscite in Upper Silesia; AFAIK, some or even many of the ones who didn't vote for Germany in this plebiscite subsequently moved to Poland, and vice versa). So, even though they were ethnic Poles, they were still patriotic Germans, just like the Masurians were, only Upper Silesians were Catholic instead of being Protestant like the Masurians were.

    I don't know just how anti-Polish the Nazis were in their 1932 and 1933 election campaigns. Does anyone here have any information in regards to this? Hitler pursued a relatively pro-Polish foreign policy between 1934 and 1938, contrary to Weimar Germany's anti-Polish foreign policy. Hitler only turned sour on Poland in 1939 when Poland allied with Britain and refused to address issues of perceived vital German importance.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Wielgus

  534. @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. Like the writer Bulgakov. Maybe you’ll claim him as a Ukrainian too?
    By that logic, Chernenko was an ethnic Ukrainian from Russia, no?

    Replies: @AP

    Chernenko was certainly of partial Ukrainian descent but wasn’t part of a Ukrainian community. Brezhnev had two Russian parents and lived amongst others Russian colonists. He was as Ukrainian as Bulgakov.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I don't think that being part of a particular ethnic or religious community should be a prerequisite for someone being ethnically X (or half-ethnically X), though. For instance, I strongly suspect that there were (and still are) many people in the former USSR who are half-Jewish but who have never been a part of any organized Jewish community. But their half-Jewish ancestry is still enough to secure entry to Israel for them. Ditto for quarter-Jews, even if they have never been a part of any organized Jewish community.

    I guess the question is if Ukraine had an ethnicity-based Law of Return, would Ukraine be eager to invite people with backgrounds similar to those of Chernenko (half-Ukrainian by ancestry, two out of four grandparents were born in Ukraine and subsequently left Ukraine), at least if they opposed Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine?

  535. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The alpha African-American should closely read the biography of Howard Hughes. The end especially. It is ghastly.

    He probably gets real tired of hearing that. Mother Jones cannot enslave the man. The CIA can.

    Replies: @songbird

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset, while seeming to push back on a few things. Perhaps, it is all part of a script to try to obscure the fact that he is an asset. Kind of like how Tim Cook was blabbering about privacy on the iPhone, and it sounded like a bad play being staged.

    • Replies: @AP

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset
    China’s government?

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. XYZ

    , @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.
    This is an interesting conspiracy theory, something that I don't see you produce very often. Who knows, with a little bit more effort your might be able to outdo kremlinstoogeA123. :-)

    Replies: @songbird

  536. @Sher Singh
    Blade issues fixed.
    Friendship with American 1095 over.
    Panjabi 5160 Spring Steel New Best friend.

    Spring steel doesn't break under hard use.
    Gets sharper, but also dulls a bit faster - we'll see though.
    40% the cost as well or less tbh.
    Also, same steel for Knife & Sword builds experience.

    Got the Pulwar for Jhatka.
    The Straight Kard for religious symbol.

    Still keeping a Bowie for Skinning
    & a cold steel hunter for food prep.


    Replies: @songbird

    No scrimshaw or ivory?

    Would be kind of cool to have a weapon made from a sea monster. Something like this:

    It was made from the bone of a sea monster, the Curruid, that had died while fighting another sea monster, the Coinchenn

    And you could carve your own design. Woolly mammoths would be a really good source of ivory if they were ever brought back, as they had large tusks.

    But I am not sure that ivory would be good for a weapon. Maybe, would break. And you’d have to worry about maintaining it, so it would be more work.

  537. @AP

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia
    He was in charge of the security of Czechia, a region of millions of people. He was very important. You consider him to be a Czech, right? Like Trotsky was a Ukrainian, in your muddled mind. Don’t be inconsistent.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews
    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Don’t pretend to be too dumb to understand the difference or that there is “inconsistency.”

    Btw do you consider the writer Bulgakov, ethnic Russian, to be a Ukrainian because he was born and spent his youth and early adulthood in Kiev? Answer the question please. Be consistent.

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk…

    …and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine
    He moved to Donbas from Russia at age fourteen and later returned to Russia.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    Any prominent Ukrainian nationalists among the “many”? Just curious…

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    Oops. Russia should have been Ukraine in that sentence. My mistake.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  538. @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine. They are a pawn on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chess Board.


    Zbigniew Brzezinski is an antithesis of Elon Musk.

    Führer Zelensky is indeed a pawn on Scholz & Macron's ludo board. It is not going well for his aggression.

    The Ukraine’s fate is controlled by people who are content to continue this fight until the end of the Ukraine
    Ukraine's fate is controlled by those who serve the European Empire. A rational administration in Kiev would jettison Scholz and strike a deal.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Ukraine’s fate is controlled by those who serve the European Empire.

    Is it supposed to serve the Russian Empire like you do? Ukraine wants in to the EU. You’d be better off going to Russia and peddling your high end Scotch to Putler and his oligarch buddies (or whatever is left of them). .

    kremlinstoogeA123 would have more success peddling his own home made “white lightnin”, something that the common man in Russia knows a bit about. Keep your airplane glue at home.

  539. @Mr. Hack

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?
    Any prominent Ukrainian nationalists among the "many"? Just curious...

    Replies: @AP

    Oops. Russia should have been Ukraine in that sentence. My mistake.

    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Speaking of which, I have a question: Had Tsarist Russia survived and actively encouraged (Great) Russians to move to Novorossiya and even Malorossiya (such as Kiev), just how successful would it have actually been in this endeavor? I mean specifically to cities in those places.

    And what do you think of Arnold Toynbee's 1915 suggestion to make Ukrainian a co-official language throughout the entire (hopefully reformed) Russian Empire, not just in the Ukrainian-majority parts of it?

  540. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset, while seeming to push back on a few things. Perhaps, it is all part of a script to try to obscure the fact that he is an asset. Kind of like how Tim Cook was blabbering about privacy on the iPhone, and it sounded like a bad play being staged.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset

    China’s government?

    • Replies: @songbird

    China’s government?
    No way they could be paying him more than the DoD.

    And he doesn't seem like the Godfree Roberts type.

    Have wondered if he might have a tiny bit of Malay in him, but probably not enough to be a Han nationalist. (And Malays don't seem to recognize any shared connection besides.)

    I think he is a guy who just doesn't want ww3.
    , @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but given just how badly Musk obsesses about underpopulation, surely having him pump a few (or more than a few) billions into the development of artificial womb technology should not be too much to ask for, right?

    Of course, he could also throw in a couple hundred thousand dollars to separate the Filipino Magsino conjoined twins while he's at it. Seriously. That's chump change for him, after all.

  541. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset, while seeming to push back on a few things. Perhaps, it is all part of a script to try to obscure the fact that he is an asset. Kind of like how Tim Cook was blabbering about privacy on the iPhone, and it sounded like a bad play being staged.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.

    This is an interesting conspiracy theory, something that I don’t see you produce very often. Who knows, with a little bit more effort your might be able to outdo kremlinstoogeA123. 🙂

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    It is fun coming up with backstories for characters.

    Not to dox, but from your moniker, one could equally suppose you have been a taxi-cab driver and/or a NYT bestseller. Or perhaps a butcher, specializing in Ukrainian meats?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

  542. @A123
    @sudden death

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)

    Even non-military observers see the obviously precarious status of Kiev aggression: (1)

    Elon Musk has once again urged negotiated settlement to end the Ukraine war while warning Ukraine that seeking to keep up and expand the fight will inevitably lead to the loss of Odessa and thus Kiev's access to the Black Sea.

    The Tesla and SpaceX CEO underscored that Ukraine's position continues to weaken even as its leadership refuses negotiations while pressing the West for more weapons. "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question,"
    "The longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain until they hit the Dnepr, which is tough to overcome. However, if the war lasts long enough, Odessa will fall too," Musk wrote.

    And that's when he concluded, "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question. I recommend a negotiated settlement before that happens."

    The sooner Kiev negotiates, the better off the Ukrainian people will be. The obstacle remains the European Empire and their puppet Zelensky;)

    the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.
    The real driver of this risk is sociopath Khamenei. Both Erdogan and MbS are looking at nuclear counter strategies. Türkiye is a threat to Christian Europe.

    An EE Nuke will be desperately needed. Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and Hungary comprise the most likely core group. As a bonus, EE Nukes can also be pointed at Berlin and Paris.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)

    As a matter of fact, they’ve lost six. However, the main reason is not Ukie incompetence. There are two reasons. One, Abrams and Leopard tanks are no better than Russian tanks (consolation: British Challengers are a lot worse). Two, Russian soldiers get special payments for killing Leopard and Abrams tanks, so they hunt them. The result is that as soon as one of these tanks appears on the battlefield, it is promptly destroyed. Russian soldiers even recorded a mocking video asking Alzheimer-in-Chief to send more Abrams tanks and promising that corrupt piece of shit as a kickback 10% of their payments.

    • Replies: @Jazman

    I think it is already 8 Abrams if we count last one destroyed 2 days ago plus one hit by new version of dancing Lancet drone , so I do not know outcome probably damaged

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mikhail

  543. @AP

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset
    China’s government?

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. XYZ

    China’s government?

    No way they could be paying him more than the DoD.

    And he doesn’t seem like the Godfree Roberts type.

    Have wondered if he might have a tiny bit of Malay in him, but probably not enough to be a Han nationalist. (And Malays don’t seem to recognize any shared connection besides.)

    I think he is a guy who just doesn’t want ww3.

  544. @Mr. Hack

    Perhaps, JJ is a descendent of Howard Hughes (HH). Defrauded of his inheritance by the Mormons he surrounded himself with, and therefore carrying a grudge against them.
    This is an interesting conspiracy theory, something that I don't see you produce very often. Who knows, with a little bit more effort your might be able to outdo kremlinstoogeA123. :-)

    Replies: @songbird

    It is fun coming up with backstories for characters.

    Not to dox, but from your moniker, one could equally suppose you have been a taxi-cab driver and/or a NYT bestseller. Or perhaps a butcher, specializing in Ukrainian meats?

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    from your moniker
    More hypotheses: 1) expression “what the hack”; 2) the term “hacker”.
    , @Mr. Hack

    Very good! Although I never was really a meat cutter, I did work in a Ukrainian deli/meat market as a kid and did learn how to cut up whole chickens into eights on a bandsaw. Also, in my youth I did work as a yellow cab driver for two summers while attending the university (most interesting job that I ever had, and I often worked 12 hour shifts and aside from getting a sore behind, never much noticed the time that had elapsed).

    Actually, I chose my moniker when I first started to write comments to several blogs. I chose it because I never wanted to take myself or what I was doing too seriously, therefore I thought of myself as a lowly, dime a dozen "hack writer". :-)

    Replies: @songbird

  545. @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    It is fun coming up with backstories for characters.

    Not to dox, but from your moniker, one could equally suppose you have been a taxi-cab driver and/or a NYT bestseller. Or perhaps a butcher, specializing in Ukrainian meats?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    from your moniker

    More hypotheses: 1) expression “what the hack”; 2) the term “hacker”.

    • Agree: songbird
  546. @sudden death

    lol, there's no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he's not the hypocrite "isolationist", who wants to continue participating in EU affairs, while declaring himself being the new but the same as old American man with isolationism as a principal traditional value;)

    Nobody in the Baltics would in a million years accept the need to prepare their nuclear shelters so that France can exercise their right to expel their unassimilated immigrants, Spain can exercise its sovereignty over its African enclaves or any other matter in Western Europe
    Wrong as usual - those two are indeed quite good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it's lands down the south;)

    Overall you seem to have very hazy idea about isolationism (i.e. USA or all West raising both hands up in surrender while running away at the same time as soon as hearing any nuclear threats) somehow being helpful action in order to reduce the risk of total annihilation.

    But in real cold harsh world it would only increase the risk of such event because the any perpetrator will continue to use those threats more frequently as a policy tool and also it will inevitably lead to further nuclear proliferation down the line both in Europe and Asia, e.g. potentially Poland, Germany, South Korea, Japan.

    Now that will indeed raise the all risk levels, cause the more individual nuclear players will appear the more probability of things getting out of control, no matter if accidentally or deliberately.

    Leaders in Poland, literally on the frontline of the conflict between NATO and Russia, have proposed hosting NATO nuclear weapons on their soil. Manfred Weber, a senior German politician who leads the center-right European People’s Party, the largest grouping in the EU parliament, recently argued for Europe to develop its own nuclear deterrent. He told Politico: “Europe must build deterrence, we must be able to deter and defend ourselves …We all know that when push comes to shove, the nuclear option is the really decisive one.”

    The idea of such a “Euronuke” is not new, but the fact that the discussion is being revived in a serious way is a telling indicator of Europe’s existential anxieties in the age of Putin and Trump.
    Some analysts have gone further, suggesting that rather than host NATO nuclear weapons under ultimate American control, Poland ought to have full control of them. As Dalibor Rohac, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, recently wrote, “for deterrence to be credible, the weapons ought to be controlled by the party that bears the most risk of a direct Russian attack: Poland itself.”

    For now, that idea looks even more unrealistic, and Polish leaders have mostly stayed away from explicitly backing it. But a recent comment by Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during an appearance in Washington suggested it’s not entirely off the table. “If America cannot come together with Europe and enable Ukraine to drive Putin back, I fear that our family of democratic nations will start to break up,” Sikorski said at the Atlantic Council. “Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their safety. They’ll start hedging. Some of them will aim for the ultimate weapon, starting off a new nuclear race.”

    Meanwhile, a host of German politicians from across the political spectrum, including Weber, have been tentatively calling for Germany to seek a European nuclear deterrent, separate from the United States, a major shift for a country where public opposition to military force in general and nuclear weapons in particular has been high for decades.

    Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister and leader of the liberal Free Democratic Party, recently argued in an op-ed that Germany should give serious consideration to France’s offer of dialogue on European nuclear deterrence and that “we should understand Donald Trump’s recent statements as a call to further rethink this element of European security.”

    Of course, many Germans may not consider French security guarantees to be all that more reassuring than American ones. One anonymous official recently told the Wall Street Journal that Germany should be wary of a nuclear alliance with a country that was “one election away” from electing a pro-Russian president, referring to France’s increasingly prominent far-right National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen. This has led some national security experts in Germany to argue that the country should look to acquire its own nuclear weapons, which would be held separately from the US arsenals in the country.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel

    there’s no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he’s not the hypocrite “isolationist”, who wants to continue participating in EU affairs

    Thank you, I knew you would be very helpful in shaping my vote in these EU elections. I haven’t decided 100% to take part yet, I’ve indeed been an isolationist for the past 30+ years and have never taken part in any European election since I moved to the Americas. I wasn’t motivated enough. But, as Churchill said, a conversation with the average voter makes you see democracy in a different light and a conversation with an average Balt is making me see better than any long essay what our Western idiotic leaders got us into.

    You are shamelessly stating that I should be deprived of my voting rights in at least one of the countries I am a citizen of. But on the other hand, you are saying that it is OK for someone who will vote according to your liking to have the right to vote in (a) a country he doesn’t feel assimilated in and also in (b) a country he only has a very distant connection to and possibly doesn’t even speak the language of. Moreover, you don’t care that in both cases he is going to vote exclusively in the interests of a 3rd country that is the only one he really cares about. In your own words that is “no problem”.

    This is actually much more than I expected you to confess. If people in your ex-USSR countries have this level of understanding of what democracy is, it is no wonder that all of you enthusiastically supported your fellow ex-USSR neighbor killing thousands of its own civilians and we got to the situation we are in now.

    good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it’s lands down the south;)

    I don’t know how stupid you think I and the rest of the readers here are to think that we can believe that Lithuanians would volunteer en masse to go to war with a nuclear power so that Spain maintains a firm grip over its African enclaves. But let me tell you a secret: if anyone managed to organize a free and fair referendum asking the population of any Western country (including very much Macron’s) if they are willing to risk the death of their children in a nuclear war so that Ukraine can keep its Soviet borders or the Baltic countries can win whatever their disputes with Russia today are, the result would be a huge, resounding NO.

    If you believe that you really enjoy that level of solidarity from your European partners to the West you are incredibly deluded. I was born and raised there. I know the place very well. People go along with this insane expansion eastwards of NATO and the EU for the very same reason that they go along with their countries being invaded by masses exotic aliens or the gender insanity. Westerners are going through a period of apathy and lack of clear moral principles. They get easily brainwashed by the media and the elites. But you may be in for a very rude awakening. An awakening that, as usual, has already given its first, chaotic steps in the US and may well expand to the rest of the West if the movement solidifies.

    Just to clarify, I am totally in favor of the Balts’ and Ukraine’s independence. But I also think that it was always perfectly possible to preserve this independence while maintaining a good relationship with Russia and avoiding war. That your neighborly disputes have resulted in war and the real possibility of a NATO-Russia confrontation that the Russians can only win with nukes is as insane as the mass population replacement with 3rd worlders or the hundreds of new human genders. Perhaps even more insane.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU? Quite vaguely remember EU parliamentary election voting qualifiers already being not only formal citizenship, but also having factual residence requirement, then perhaps it's you who might be swindling the law in this particular election, not him in the future;)

    Whatever the case, too lazy to go checking precisely because of some petty feud on the net with stranger, but from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching, no matter if you have the formal right to vote or not.

    Replies: @Matra, @Mikel

  547. @AP

    It was 48 murdered Russians [referring to the Trade Union fire], is that not enough for you
    It’s actually amusing to examine the number of untruths you’ve made in a single statement.

    1. 48 was not the number of Russians killed in the fire but the total number of people killed that day in Odessa. 48 includes 2 Ukrainians killed by the pro-Russians. One of the Ukrainians was the first person killed. Pro-Russians started the killing. Didn’t you insist that sequence matters?

    2. The fire was accidental and occurred while both sides were throwing Molotov cocktails at one another. Those people were thus not “murdered.” It can’t even be ruled out that the fire wasn’t accidentally caused by the pro-Russians themselves. These were not executions or deliberately planned deaths (some of the pro-Ukrainians on the outside were shown trying to save the people inside using scaffolding equipment). It was a deadly riot in which some of the aggressors lost their lives.

    3. Most of them were not even Russians, but pro-Russian Ukrainians.

    The dishonest fairytale you peddle has been used to stir up the later war that killed thousands. You are a very sick individual.

    your previous wish that more Russians died to liberate Poland


    Your fantasies are ever more bizarre.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Sorry, everything I said about the Odessa massacre of Russians by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 is true. There is a French documentary, find it on the EU Arte channel. I am not going to argue with an OCD moron about “48 vs. 46” – it was 49 according to the documentary. Go and count your spoons over and over if you must.

    You are defending mass murder. Think about what it says about you.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    everything I said about the Odessa massacre of Russians by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 is true.
    Another vignette. Every person murdered by Ukie nationalists in Odessa in 2014 was a citizen of Ukraine. The murderers searched the pockets of victims trying to get proof that the protesters were sent by Russia and all they found was Ukrainian passports. This was on live TV, as well as the massacre itself. Ukie propagandist Shuster’s show was on, live footage of the ongoing crime in Odessa was broadcast, and those present in the studio cheered on live TV.
  548. @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.
    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion - actively supported by the Russian state - with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ, @Gerard1234, @Gerard1234

    Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    LMAFAO. Just when thought it couldn’t get any more of you being a bimbo and a compulsive liar retard………….you “raise” your level. Just about the most non-accurate statement in history you stupid prick.

    Goebbels – Catholic
    Himmler – Bavaria – not Prussian. Catholic of course
    Stangl – Austrian
    Mengele – Auschwitz torturer – Bavaria – not Prussian
    Hitler- Austrian, Catholic
    Goring – Bavarian
    Dirlewanger – Bavaria – probably the worst Nazi war criminal
    Eichman – don’t know – assume Prussian
    Heydrich – think he was Catholic, probably Prussian.
    Jekeln – South German – Catholic – between him and Stangl for the worst sicko. Pure evil.
    Franz Stangl – Austrian
    Von Weichs – Bavarian
    Paulus – Prussian, but could not personally have been a sicko if Soviets allowed him to live
    Hess- don’t know where from, probably Protestant – either way not regarded as evil Nazi
    Ernst Rohm- Bavaria
    Von Ribbentrop – Prussian – not a sadistic Nazi

    Then you have Rommel and then Donitz, head of Kriegsmarine ( so naval operations obviously not implicated in any warcrimes) – both I assume Protestants, and so from Prussia. Skilled military commanders who were members of the Nazi party – not particularly ideological Nazis, certainly not evil , sadistic Nazis.

    So in that list that includes what 13 of them are Catholic out of the 15 who are absolute definite, evil, established Nazis. 11 of the 13 aren’t from Prussia but from Austria and Southern germany.
    For those unaware – Prussia classifies mostly as northern Germany and Protestant. South Germany and Austria- Catholic

    Now, those Nazi names are the ones instantly recognisable to me. For some people ( German Reader?) that list may be different, but large majority of those names will be shared by everybody.

    For a dumbshit as yourself who uses an abnormal amount of time on here, pretending to know about history, highly autistic and messed up, it’s simply abnormal you could type this piece of retardation:

    Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon

    Even though you and your sockpuppets accounts probably would have encountered people making similar lists to me, to explain your disinformation, numerous times before.

    It just couldn’t be any more wrong you fantasist retard. LOL.

    • LOL: songbird
    • Replies: @Mikhail

    You made some great debunking points in this one.

    , @AP

    Your list is irrelevant because these people failed to gain power among southern Germans and Austrians but were popular among northern Germans and Protestants (in Bavaria the Protestant enclave around Nuremberg was the only place where Nazis were popular). They won the election based on their popularity in northern Germany and especially Prussia. They failed to get majority support in the Catholic parts of Germany.

    (It was ironic that in the 1932 presidential election, German Catholics supported the Protestant Hindenburg, while German Protestants supported the Catholic Hitler).

    Here is the 1933 parliamentary electoral map again, showing percentage support for the Nazi party in Germany:

    And here is the 1932 presidential election, grey was support for Hindenburg and brown for Hitler:

    So Nazism was consistently a northern German and Protestant phenomenon despite, as I said, Hitler himself having been an Austrian (lapsed) Catholic.

    As for your list, Goering was born in Bavaria but his father was from the Prussian Rhineland. You conveniently left out Nazi ideologue Rosenberg, a Baltic German from Estonia.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  549. @AP

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia
    He was in charge of the security of Czechia, a region of millions of people. He was very important. You consider him to be a Czech, right? Like Trotsky was a Ukrainian, in your muddled mind. Don’t be inconsistent.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews
    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Don’t pretend to be too dumb to understand the difference or that there is “inconsistency.”

    Btw do you consider the writer Bulgakov, ethnic Russian, to be a Ukrainian because he was born and spent his youth and early adulthood in Kiev? Answer the question please. Be consistent.

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk…

    …and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine
    He moved to Donbas from Russia at age fourteen and later returned to Russia.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    …They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch, etc… were all citizens of SU – as was Zelko until 1991. It is exactly the same. If Zelko counts, so does Kaganovitch.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    I don’t, but Kiev and the West do – if you haven’t noticed they are fighting a bloody war over that issue. Ipso facto all people from Donbas – all commies, etc… – count.

    Frank was not a top Nazi. Why do you make up things? He was a Sudeten German with Czech citizenship killed after WW2 by Czechs. Other than ethnicity he was similar to Quisling. He had relatively little power in the Protectorate – he claimed at his trial that he was controlled by 2-3 more powerful Nazis from the Reich like Heydrich, etc…

    • Replies: @AP

    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch, etc… were all citizens of SU
    But not of Ukraine.

    Answer the question: according to you, was the Russian writer Bulgakov (born in Kiev, citizen of the Soviet Union - just like Trotsky born in Ukraine and Soviet citizen) actually a Ukrainian?

    Be consistent in your stupidity.

    as was Zelko until 1991. It is exactly the same
    Zelensky was also, after 1991, a citizen of Ukraine while Trotsky never was. So it was not the same at all.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia? [should have written Ukraine]

    I don’t, but Kiev and the West do
    We’ll if you don’t, then you shouldn’t claim that a temporary Donbas connection made the ethnic Russian Khrushchev, born in Russia, a Ukrainian.

    Do you consider everyone born in Ukraine currently residing in Slovakia to be a Slovak? Be consistent in your stupidity.

    Replies: @Beckow

  550. @Beckow

    Sorry, everything I said about the Odessa massacre of Russians by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 is true. There is a French documentary, find it on the EU Arte channel. I am not going to argue with an OCD moron about "48 vs. 46" - it was 49 according to the documentary. Go and count your spoons over and over if you must.

    You are defending mass murder. Think about what it says about you.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    everything I said about the Odessa massacre of Russians by the Ukie nationalists in May 2014 is true.

    Another vignette. Every person murdered by Ukie nationalists in Odessa in 2014 was a citizen of Ukraine. The murderers searched the pockets of victims trying to get proof that the protesters were sent by Russia and all they found was Ukrainian passports. This was on live TV, as well as the massacre itself. Ukie propagandist Shuster’s show was on, live footage of the ongoing crime in Odessa was broadcast, and those present in the studio cheered on live TV.

  551. @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, fair enough, I suppose. You previously told me how only 30-40% of Subcarpathian Ruthenia's population right now would have actually self-identified as Ukrainian had this region been given back to Czechoslovakia after the end of WWII instead of being given to the Ukrainian SSR.

    Masurians did have their own census category in the German Empire, but of course so did Kashubians (but not Silesians):

    Though what's interesting is that according to this linguistic map of the German Empire for 1900, only a part of southern East Prussia's Slavs actually spoke Masurian; the rest of them appear to have spoken regular Polish.

    Anyway, the post-WWII Communist Polish government did consider Masurians (and Kashubians, and Polish-speaking Silesians) to be Poles, which is why it did not expel them en masse after the end of WWII like it did with the Germans. But as I said, a lot of Masurians (and also some Polish-speaking Silesians, apparently) did voluntarily move back to Germany after 1956, when they were finally allowed to do so.

    Masurians are quite a unique people because they are to my knowledge descended from Polish settlers who moved to southern East Prussia from the Polish territories further to the south (such as Masovia) in the Middle Ages and/or Renaissance and who then converted to Protestantism while living in East Prussia and gradually became politically aligned with Prussia and Germany over the centuries even while they retained their traditional Polish language. Ethnically they are indeed Poles, but they are nevertheless significantly separated both historically and culturally from the main body of Poles further to the south. Perhaps comparable to the Zoroastrian Parsis in India (who are 75% Iranian by ancestry, apparently) in comparison to the Shi'a Muslim Persians in Iran. One original ethnic stock but still huge religious, cultural, and historical differences between the two groups.

    As a side note, I think that since the Masurians and Silesians got their own plebiscites after the end of WWI, it would have been fair to also hold a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor. But the difference is that Masuria (southern East Prussia) and Silesia were either not historically Polish at all or not Polish in over half a millennium whereas the Polish Corridor was still Polish slightly less than 150 years before 1918-1919. This fact, combined with the fact that Alsace-Lorraine did not get a plebiscite, might have possibly caused the victorious Allies to believe that it would be unfair to insist on a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor. FWIW, I think that the most likely outcome of such a plebiscite would have been a Polish northern Polish Corridor separated from Posen Province and the rest of Poland by a German southern Polish Corridor strip. How do I know this? Because this was the general voting pattern for decades in pre-WWI German and Prussian parliamentary elections:

    95+% ethnically German Danzig of course would have certainly voted for Germany in such a hypothetical post-WWI plebiscite unless still made a free city without a plebiscite, as in real life.

    Replies: @Cloud Posternuke

    Your last illustration is interesting. An antisemitic party in pre WWI Germany? Learned something new.

    The brown colour was a logical choice by the illustrator I guess, lol.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Cloud Posternuke

    Anti-Semitism was not exactly rare even among pre-WWI German nationalists. Heinrich Class, for instance, in his 1912 book If I Were the Kaiser, condemns German Jews (unlike some other Jews) for allegedly being both internationalist in mentality and outlook and supporters of socialism.

  552. @AP

    You are not exactly one to talk. The worst Slav-killers have been northern Germans and Muscovites/Russians (despite the latter being Slavs, themselves). Hungarians get honorable mention but they are a very small nation with more limited means.

    If anything, more so among south Germans and Austrians regarding the bigoted Nazi mindset leading to mass murder.

    Nazis won elections in northern not southern Germany. And they invaded Austria before a referendum on union. Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.

    Muscovites” fought their enemies which at times have included some Slavs.
    Muscovites genocided Novgorod. They did the sort of thing that Teutonic Knights were up to.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    The largest killer of Slavs after World War II is Putin. You make excuses for him and take his side

    More applicable to the Kiev regime and its main Western backers

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion - actively supported by the Russian state - with a war within Ukrainian territory that resulted in a total of around 13,000 deaths (about 3,000 civilians, and 10,000 soldiers or militants) by both sides. If you ignore the Russian provocation in Ukraine’s territory you can blame Kiev for 13,000 deaths.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    No comparison.

    No one has killed more Slavs after World War II than has Putin, with his decision to invade Ukraine in February.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ, @Gerard1234, @Gerard1234

    blockquote>Muscovites genocided Novgorod.

    A complete idiotic lie statement. Nothing close to a genocide you dumb retard. Regurgitating idiotic pseudo-intellectual statements from Banderetard “historians” is braindead. What did happen though was standard actions for the time. Far more civilised then what was happening in western Europe under similar circumstances.

    And most amusingly…………without those actions – “Ukrainian” nation would NEVER have existed!!!! Orthodoxy as defining part of culture and life in that part of world, and therefore for 404, was preserved by these events.

    Amusingly that a lowlife cunt with zero functioning life as yourself would type such nonsense…….as there is probably more remains of Novgorod from that time ………..then there is of ANY “Ukrainian” city from that time, any Rus’, Orthodox cultural buildings/artefacts from that time in areas of ( created by Lenin and Stalin) what is now called Ukraine, LMAO. Even the khokhol-scumbag “historians” aren’t making any attempts to raise funds (corruption) to rebuild some lost building or whatever of “Ukrainian” culture in Kiev from this 1200-1600 time period. Looks very similar to Banderetard experience in Lvov pre-Soviet time in their non-existance of their culture in these cities.

    We could compare evidence of this from travels……..but that would be fotos from my trips to Novgorod, Tver, Peskov etc…….versus your zero visits there and zero knowledge and wikipedia copy& paste BS.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.

    Misleading idiocy. They razed ( quite rightly) a “city” that was emptied of people, certainly of civilians. Difficult to understand what point your Bimbo self is trying to do. Mazepa had betrayed the Slavic world, his religion, his people. As is typical for Ukronazi myth nation-building……..this wasn’t a rebellion or insurrection, it was a simple, completely unexpected, parasitic betrayal in favour of the enemies of both Slavic and Orthodox world.In doing this he allowed Swedes to raze, rape and pillage Orthodox churches. In other words……typical khokhol pussy-coward.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion

    Errm no you dumb, cursed in hell permanently, piece of excrement………..the illegal, installed by Americans, Nazi, puppet government responded to Donbass peoples lawful and RECIPROCAL actions copying not only those in Kiev protesting Yanukovich….but also , and crucially, those in Lvov shithole local authorities, who had practically and officially stopped recognising Yanukovich as President, and Party of Regions as a legal party. This was BEFORE the (Ukronazi done) false-flag shootings at Maidan you thick idiot. The difference being those in Donbass in their reciprocal actions were responding to a freakshow ( typical for Banderastan) series of events, completely inexplicable, anarchy, power-vaccum, completely confusion, violent events – and making reasonable demands.

    Those at Maidan and the shitheads in Galicia were paralysing the country, creating anarchy in a situation of a leader voted into power by millions in election……not a ( even after 10 years unsolved) false-flag murder operation.

    by both sides.

    errr ,no. One side you demented retarded. And TWICE these civilian mass murders were stopped BY Russia, by Putin after Donbass heroes had forced these scum into negotiation and ceasefire with both Minsk Agreements. In other words, thanks to pro-Russian military action in self-defence of Donbass peoples against these Nazi scum, the rate of murder was much reduced. That western scum facilitated the Nazis to not make ANY attempt to follow the agreements, is why this deathcult has killed so many of them.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.

    Putin responded to Banderastan/NATO invasion – the Anglo-Americans, Gayropeans and Zelensky, Poroshenko/Valtsman and other Jews and Ukronazis, as a result, have killed 400000+ ( high majority ukronazis) in this deathcult. The most since WW2. Putin has been saviour for several million slavs however you lying dipshit,

    • Replies: @Jazman

    This AP guy is so funny every time losing badly from you and Annon , look like he is proud of his stupidity

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  553. @Gerard1234

    Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    LMAFAO. Just when thought it couldn't get any more of you being a bimbo and a compulsive liar "raise" your level. Just about the most non-accurate statement in history you stupid prick.

    Goebbels - Catholic
    Himmler - Bavaria - not Prussian. Catholic of course
    Stangl - Austrian
    Mengele - Auschwitz torturer - Bavaria - not Prussian
    Hitler- Austrian, Catholic
    Goring - Bavarian
    Dirlewanger - Bavaria - probably the worst Nazi war criminal
    Eichman - don't know - assume Prussian
    Heydrich - think he was Catholic, probably Prussian.
    Jekeln - South German - Catholic - between him and Stangl for the worst sicko. Pure evil.
    Franz Stangl - Austrian
    Von Weichs - Bavarian
    Paulus - Prussian, but could not personally have been a sicko if Soviets allowed him to live
    Hess- don't know where from, probably Protestant - either way not regarded as evil Nazi
    Ernst Rohm- Bavaria
    Von Ribbentrop - Prussian - not a sadistic Nazi

    Then you have Rommel and then Donitz, head of Kriegsmarine ( so naval operations obviously not implicated in any warcrimes) - both I assume Protestants, and so from Prussia. Skilled military commanders who were members of the Nazi party - not particularly ideological Nazis, certainly not evil , sadistic Nazis.

    So in that list that includes what 13 of them are Catholic out of the 15 who are absolute definite, evil, established Nazis. 11 of the 13 aren't from Prussia but from Austria and Southern germany.
    For those unaware - Prussia classifies mostly as northern Germany and Protestant. South Germany and Austria- Catholic

    Now, those Nazi names are the ones instantly recognisable to me. For some people ( German Reader?) that list may be different, but large majority of those names will be shared by everybody.

    For a dumbshit as yourself who uses an abnormal amount of time on here, pretending to know about history, highly autistic and messed up, it's simply abnormal you could type this piece of retardation:

    Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon
    Even though you and your sockpuppets accounts probably would have encountered people making similar lists to me, to explain your disinformation, numerous times before.

    It just couldn't be any more wrong you fantasist retard. LOL.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @AP

    You made some great debunking points in this one.

    • Thanks: Gerard1234
  554. @AnonfromTN

    Out of the 31 M1 Abrams, how many have your incompetent Ukie forces manage to lose? Is it 4? Or 5;)
    As a matter of fact, they’ve lost six. However, the main reason is not Ukie incompetence. There are two reasons. One, Abrams and Leopard tanks are no better than Russian tanks (consolation: British Challengers are a lot worse). Two, Russian soldiers get special payments for killing Leopard and Abrams tanks, so they hunt them. The result is that as soon as one of these tanks appears on the battlefield, it is promptly destroyed. Russian soldiers even recorded a mocking video asking Alzheimer-in-Chief to send more Abrams tanks and promising that corrupt piece of shit as a kickback 10% of their payments.

    Replies: @Jazman

    I think it is already 8 Abrams if we count last one destroyed 2 days ago plus one hit by new version of dancing Lancet drone , so I do not know outcome probably damaged

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    I think it is already 8 Abrams
    Possibly. The numbers keep changing. Bottom line is, every Abrams Ukies move to the front lines is doomed. The PR of Abrams will inevitably become as bad as the PR of Leopards. But that’s manufacturers’ problem.

    Replies: @Jazman

    , @Mikhail

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  555. @Jazman

    I think it is already 8 Abrams if we count last one destroyed 2 days ago plus one hit by new version of dancing Lancet drone , so I do not know outcome probably damaged

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mikhail

    I think it is already 8 Abrams

    Possibly. The numbers keep changing. Bottom line is, every Abrams Ukies move to the front lines is doomed. The PR of Abrams will inevitably become as bad as the PR of Leopards. But that’s manufacturers’ problem.

    • Replies: @Jazman

    I am waiting for Abrams nickname Russian soldiers already calling Leopard 2 Лохопард

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  556. @AnonfromTN

    I think it is already 8 Abrams
    Possibly. The numbers keep changing. Bottom line is, every Abrams Ukies move to the front lines is doomed. The PR of Abrams will inevitably become as bad as the PR of Leopards. But that’s manufacturers’ problem.

    Replies: @Jazman

    I am waiting for Abrams nickname Russian soldiers already calling Leopard 2 Лохопард

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    I am waiting for Abrams nickname Russian soldiers already calling Leopard 2 Лохопард
    Russians are good at inventing derisive names for things they despise. I have no doubt that after the first dozen of killed Abrams tanks they will think of something.
  557. @Jazman

    I am waiting for Abrams nickname Russian soldiers already calling Leopard 2 Лохопард

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    I am waiting for Abrams nickname Russian soldiers already calling Leopard 2 Лохопард

    Russians are good at inventing derisive names for things they despise. I have no doubt that after the first dozen of killed Abrams tanks they will think of something.

  558. Today I learned Nicole Shanahan was not the woman with Sergei Brin wearing that stupid google glass. That was a different companion.

  559. @Wielgus
    @Mr. XYZ

    The impact of armed clashes bordering on all-out war between Freikorps and Polish nationalists after WW1 should be factored in. The clashes mostly happened in Silesia. It is notable that NSDAP support was lower in Upper Silesia (Oppeln), than Lower Silesia, but Upper Silesia had the bulk of Silesia's Poles, ie. people unlikely to vote NSDAP.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It is worth noting, though, that the parts of Upper Silesia that remained German after 1921, while possibly being majority-Polish, had the overwhelming majority of their population support German rule (as evidenced by them mostly voting for Germany in the 1921 plebiscite in Upper Silesia; AFAIK, some or even many of the ones who didn’t vote for Germany in this plebiscite subsequently moved to Poland, and vice versa). So, even though they were ethnic Poles, they were still patriotic Germans, just like the Masurians were, only Upper Silesians were Catholic instead of being Protestant like the Masurians were.

    I don’t know just how anti-Polish the Nazis were in their 1932 and 1933 election campaigns. Does anyone here have any information in regards to this? Hitler pursued a relatively pro-Polish foreign policy between 1934 and 1938, contrary to Weimar Germany’s anti-Polish foreign policy. Hitler only turned sour on Poland in 1939 when Poland allied with Britain and refused to address issues of perceived vital German importance.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The enigma of the era is simple enough.

    Zionism was super concentrated in Poland (the Poland borders of 1918-39) while all this other stuff was going on between great powers. Very few academics want to pay attention to the dynamic of Zionism and how it was a very powerful culture in Poland (with Warsaw as an international center of gravity) in the 1930s. Poland was Zion North.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Wielgus
    @Mr. XYZ

    The "Potempa affair" of 1932 perhaps sheds some light. Potempa was a hamlet in Silesia. Five Nazis broke into the home of Konrad Pietrzuch and killed him. Pietrzuch was a KPD sympathiser and one of the ethnic Poles of Silesia - the Nazis claimed that over a decade before he had fought on the Polish nationalist side against the Freikorps. (The KPD rejected the claim.) The assailants seem to have known him in that out-of-the-way part of Silesia, and the brutality of the killing suggests some personal animosity - one of Pietrzuch's eyes was put out with a pool cue. The killers were sentenced to death but reprieved after vociferous protests, and released from prison after the Nazis came to power. The killing took place at the time of an election campaign.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  560. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Chernenko was certainly of partial Ukrainian descent but wasn’t part of a Ukrainian community. Brezhnev had two Russian parents and lived amongst others Russian colonists. He was as Ukrainian as Bulgakov.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I don’t think that being part of a particular ethnic or religious community should be a prerequisite for someone being ethnically X (or half-ethnically X), though. For instance, I strongly suspect that there were (and still are) many people in the former USSR who are half-Jewish but who have never been a part of any organized Jewish community. But their half-Jewish ancestry is still enough to secure entry to Israel for them. Ditto for quarter-Jews, even if they have never been a part of any organized Jewish community.

    I guess the question is if Ukraine had an ethnicity-based Law of Return, would Ukraine be eager to invite people with backgrounds similar to those of Chernenko (half-Ukrainian by ancestry, two out of four grandparents were born in Ukraine and subsequently left Ukraine), at least if they opposed Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine?

  561. @Cloud Posternuke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Your last illustration is interesting. An antisemitic party in pre WWI Germany? Learned something new.

    The brown colour was a logical choice by the illustrator I guess, lol.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Anti-Semitism was not exactly rare even among pre-WWI German nationalists. Heinrich Class, for instance, in his 1912 book If I Were the Kaiser, condemns German Jews (unlike some other Jews) for allegedly being both internationalist in mentality and outlook and supporters of socialism.

  562. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    Oops. Russia should have been Ukraine in that sentence. My mistake.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Speaking of which, I have a question: Had Tsarist Russia survived and actively encouraged (Great) Russians to move to Novorossiya and even Malorossiya (such as Kiev), just how successful would it have actually been in this endeavor? I mean specifically to cities in those places.

    And what do you think of Arnold Toynbee’s 1915 suggestion to make Ukrainian a co-official language throughout the entire (hopefully reformed) Russian Empire, not just in the Ukrainian-majority parts of it?

  563. @AP

    Musk is kind of interesting because he is simultaneously a government asset
    China’s government?

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but given just how badly Musk obsesses about underpopulation, surely having him pump a few (or more than a few) billions into the development of artificial womb technology should not be too much to ask for, right?

    Of course, he could also throw in a couple hundred thousand dollars to separate the Filipino Magsino conjoined twins while he’s at it. Seriously. That’s chump change for him, after all.

  564. @AP

    Frank was not among the top 100 Nazi leaders, he was local to Czechia
    He was in charge of the security of Czechia, a region of millions of people. He was very important. You consider him to be a Czech, right? Like Trotsky was a Ukrainian, in your muddled mind. Don’t be inconsistent.

    Zelko, Shmyhal, many current Ukie leaders are also Jews
    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Don’t pretend to be too dumb to understand the difference or that there is “inconsistency.”

    Btw do you consider the writer Bulgakov, ethnic Russian, to be a Ukrainian because he was born and spent his youth and early adulthood in Kiev? Answer the question please. Be consistent.

    Khrushchev was born in Kursk…

    …and spent his youth and work-life before promoted in Donbas, Ukraine
    He moved to Donbas from Russia at age fourteen and later returned to Russia.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    What are your thoughts on Brezhnev’s documentation (possibly inaccurately) listing him as Ukrainian?

    Or is this simply a case of identity being somewhat fluid between the three East Slavic ethnic groups? My own maternal grandmother and her two surviving sisters were all apparently at least half-Belarusian (through their father, at least) but apparently had Russian listed as their ethnicity/nationality on their documentation. At least two of them were born in the Russian SFSR, FWIW. The eldest one I’m not sure about.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Lazy/sloppy bureaucrats? His parents were from the center of Kursk oblast before moving to Ukraine, and he described himself as Russian by ethnicity.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  565. @Mr. XYZ

    It is worth noting, though, that the parts of Upper Silesia that remained German after 1921, while possibly being majority-Polish, had the overwhelming majority of their population support German rule (as evidenced by them mostly voting for Germany in the 1921 plebiscite in Upper Silesia; AFAIK, some or even many of the ones who didn't vote for Germany in this plebiscite subsequently moved to Poland, and vice versa). So, even though they were ethnic Poles, they were still patriotic Germans, just like the Masurians were, only Upper Silesians were Catholic instead of being Protestant like the Masurians were.

    I don't know just how anti-Polish the Nazis were in their 1932 and 1933 election campaigns. Does anyone here have any information in regards to this? Hitler pursued a relatively pro-Polish foreign policy between 1934 and 1938, contrary to Weimar Germany's anti-Polish foreign policy. Hitler only turned sour on Poland in 1939 when Poland allied with Britain and refused to address issues of perceived vital German importance.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Wielgus

    The enigma of the era is simple enough.

    Zionism was super concentrated in Poland (the Poland borders of 1918-39) while all this other stuff was going on between great powers. Very few academics want to pay attention to the dynamic of Zionism and how it was a very powerful culture in Poland (with Warsaw as an international center of gravity) in the 1930s. Poland was Zion North.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Yep, Poland was certainly a giant Jewish cultural center pre-Holocaust, along with the Soviet Union (especially before Stalin's purges) and the US. I wonder if Polish Jews would have intermarried with Poles and Ukrainians/Belarusians en masse over the following 85 years (1939-2024) had it not been for WWII similar to what eventually happened with both Soviet and US Jews. What do you think? Were Polish Jews more immune to mass secularization relative to Soviet and US Jews? Even after huge numbers of them would have moved to Poland's large cities, as many of them have already done by 1939?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Another Polish Perspective

  566. @AP

    Sequence matters and Kiev killed the people in Donbas first
    Sequence matters and the violence began with pro-Russian forces including those led by Russian citizen Girkin storming Ukrainian positions:

    So from the perspective of sequence mattering, Russia was responsible for the total casualties of the Donbas war.

    Regarding the sequence in killing (if we don’t go too far back) the Soviet persecution of Poles in 1939-41 was a direct result of Poland murdering tens of thousands Red Army POWs in 1920
    You have your excuses wrong. Soviets excused the murder of the Polish officers at Katyn by mentioning the deaths of a similar number of Soviet POWs of disease in the camps. Not the killings of 250,000 Polish civilians.

    Btw, 19 year difference and those POWs weren’t murdered but died of epidemic, same as POWs in Soviet or other camps (or soldiers in the fields).

    You suggested that the Banderite-Nazi scum had better reason to kill the Poles than the Soviets
    Of course if according to you “sequence matters” then you have no right to complain about Banderist crimes.

    Deliberate targeting and killing of civilians by anyone is unacceptable, no matter what the reason.

    Banderists murdered 60,000-100,000 Polish civilians in order to prevent the takeover of Ukrainian lands by Polish nationalists.

    Soviets murdered 250,000 Polish civilians in order to maintain their empire in non-Russian lands in Eastern Europe.

    Whether keeping invaders out is a better cause than invading or occupying someone else is a value judgment I suppose.

    But in your case, you predictably choose the side who kills the maximum number of Slavs.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Of course if according to you “sequence matters” then you have no right to complain about Banderist crimes.

    Deliberate targeting and killing of civilians by anyone is unacceptable, no matter what the reason.

    Banderists murdered 60,000-100,000 Polish civilians in order to prevent the takeover of Ukrainian lands by Polish nationalists.

    Soviets murdered 250,000 Polish civilians in order to maintain their empire in non-Russian lands in Eastern Europe.

    Whether keeping invaders out is a better cause than invading or occupying someone else is a value judgment I suppose.

    But in your case, you predictably choose the side who kills the maximum number of Slavs.

    Was the Banderist move in regards to this more “rational” (albeit also extremely evil) relative to what the FLN did with the pieds-noirs (mass expulsion to France) in Algeria due to the fact that having Poland return to eastern Galicia after the end of WWII was much more plausible than France ever coming back to Algeria after it has already agreed to give Algeria its independence?

    Ironically, keeping the Poles in eastern Galicia would have actually served the interests of pro-European Ukrainians in the post-Cold War era by adding more pro-European voters to Ukraine, but of course Ukrainian nationalists in the early 1940s couldn’t foresee the future, such as the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union or even the eventual formation of the European Union.

  567. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The enigma of the era is simple enough.

    Zionism was super concentrated in Poland (the Poland borders of 1918-39) while all this other stuff was going on between great powers. Very few academics want to pay attention to the dynamic of Zionism and how it was a very powerful culture in Poland (with Warsaw as an international center of gravity) in the 1930s. Poland was Zion North.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Yep, Poland was certainly a giant Jewish cultural center pre-Holocaust, along with the Soviet Union (especially before Stalin’s purges) and the US. I wonder if Polish Jews would have intermarried with Poles and Ukrainians/Belarusians en masse over the following 85 years (1939-2024) had it not been for WWII similar to what eventually happened with both Soviet and US Jews. What do you think? Were Polish Jews more immune to mass secularization relative to Soviet and US Jews? Even after huge numbers of them would have moved to Poland’s large cities, as many of them have already done by 1939?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Jews there would have started to kill the Poles and aggrandise there in Warsaw on the spot. It would have been what we now see in the Levant.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    , @Another Polish Perspective
    @Mr. XYZ

    I suppose intermarriage wouldn't be popular, due to the fact that there was powerful secular yiddish culture as represented by Bund and its social organisations. Bund was the most popular Jewish party in the pre-war Poland.
    Zionism in Poland was supported by Polish post-Piłsudski goverments, which desired emigration of Polish Jews, so it wasn't purely natural phenomenon.
    Otherwise, Orthodox Jews were quite popular. Both Bund and Orthodox were anti-assimilationist. Having a separate langugae - yiddish - did prevent any substantial assimilation and intermarriage. Moreover, both Bund and Orthodox Jews hated Zionists.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @AnonfromTN

  568. Ex-German Poland didn’t have that many Jews in a relative sense in 1931.

  569. @Mr. XYZ

    Yep, Poland was certainly a giant Jewish cultural center pre-Holocaust, along with the Soviet Union (especially before Stalin's purges) and the US. I wonder if Polish Jews would have intermarried with Poles and Ukrainians/Belarusians en masse over the following 85 years (1939-2024) had it not been for WWII similar to what eventually happened with both Soviet and US Jews. What do you think? Were Polish Jews more immune to mass secularization relative to Soviet and US Jews? Even after huge numbers of them would have moved to Poland's large cities, as many of them have already done by 1939?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Another Polish Perspective

    The Jews there would have started to kill the Poles and aggrandise there in Warsaw on the spot. It would have been what we now see in the Levant.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    What about Ukraine?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Only if Poland would have gotten a 1930s Stalinist-style Communist government, which the Poles would have fought and resisted to the death. Even the 1940s Stalinist-style Communist government that the Poles ultimately ended up getting was nowhere near as bloodthirsty as the 1930s Soviet Union was, I suspect.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  570. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Jews there would have started to kill the Poles and aggrandise there in Warsaw on the spot. It would have been what we now see in the Levant.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    What about Ukraine?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    You would have seen much more intermarriage between Jews and Ukrainians. Look at Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine's President, a proud son of Zion and yet married to a Ukrainian woman and also personally a Ukrainian patriot.

    A new master race would have eventually emerged: Hebrainians. Not to be confused with the master race that would be produced from mass intermarriage between Koreans and Ukrainians: Korkrainians.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  571. From r/mapporn. Euro genes in Latin America.

    Maybe can skip the comments.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    So, it's primarily the Incas who are not good enough for an Israeli-style white ethnostate.

  572. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Jews there would have started to kill the Poles and aggrandise there in Warsaw on the spot. It would have been what we now see in the Levant.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    Only if Poland would have gotten a 1930s Stalinist-style Communist government, which the Poles would have fought and resisted to the death. Even the 1940s Stalinist-style Communist government that the Poles ultimately ended up getting was nowhere near as bloodthirsty as the 1930s Soviet Union was, I suspect.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would have been where Jabotinsky built his Israel.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  573. @Emil Nikola Richard
    From r/mapporn. Euro genes in Latin America.

    Maybe can skip the comments.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    So, it’s primarily the Incas who are not good enough for an Israeli-style white ethnostate.

  574. @QCIC

    What about Ukraine?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    You would have seen much more intermarriage between Jews and Ukrainians. Look at Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s President, a proud son of Zion and yet married to a Ukrainian woman and also personally a Ukrainian patriot.

    A new master race would have eventually emerged: Hebrainians. Not to be confused with the master race that would be produced from mass intermarriage between Koreans and Ukrainians: Korkrainians.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s the mayor of Mikolaev

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  575. AP says:

    Genocidal Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon despite Hitler himself having been an Austrian.
    LMAFAO. Just when thought it couldn't get any more of you being a bimbo and a compulsive liar "raise" your level. Just about the most non-accurate statement in history you stupid prick.

    Goebbels - Catholic
    Himmler - Bavaria - not Prussian. Catholic of course
    Stangl - Austrian
    Mengele - Auschwitz torturer - Bavaria - not Prussian
    Hitler- Austrian, Catholic
    Goring - Bavarian
    Dirlewanger - Bavaria - probably the worst Nazi war criminal
    Eichman - don't know - assume Prussian
    Heydrich - think he was Catholic, probably Prussian.
    Jekeln - South German - Catholic - between him and Stangl for the worst sicko. Pure evil.
    Franz Stangl - Austrian
    Von Weichs - Bavarian
    Paulus - Prussian, but could not personally have been a sicko if Soviets allowed him to live
    Hess- don't know where from, probably Protestant - either way not regarded as evil Nazi
    Ernst Rohm- Bavaria
    Von Ribbentrop - Prussian - not a sadistic Nazi

    Then you have Rommel and then Donitz, head of Kriegsmarine ( so naval operations obviously not implicated in any warcrimes) - both I assume Protestants, and so from Prussia. Skilled military commanders who were members of the Nazi party - not particularly ideological Nazis, certainly not evil , sadistic Nazis.

    So in that list that includes what 13 of them are Catholic out of the 15 who are absolute definite, evil, established Nazis. 11 of the 13 aren't from Prussia but from Austria and Southern germany.
    For those unaware - Prussia classifies mostly as northern Germany and Protestant. South Germany and Austria- Catholic

    Now, those Nazi names are the ones instantly recognisable to me. For some people ( German Reader?) that list may be different, but large majority of those names will be shared by everybody.

    For a dumbshit as yourself who uses an abnormal amount of time on here, pretending to know about history, highly autistic and messed up, it's simply abnormal you could type this piece of retardation:

    Nazism was a Prussian and northern German phenomenon
    Even though you and your sockpuppets accounts probably would have encountered people making similar lists to me, to explain your disinformation, numerous times before.

    It just couldn't be any more wrong you fantasist retard. LOL.

    Replies: @Mikhail, @AP

    Your list is irrelevant because these people failed to gain power among southern Germans and Austrians but were popular among northern Germans and Protestants (in Bavaria the Protestant enclave around Nuremberg was the only place where Nazis were popular). They won the election based on their popularity in northern Germany and especially Prussia. They failed to get majority support in the Catholic parts of Germany.

    (It was ironic that in the 1932 presidential election, German Catholics supported the Protestant Hindenburg, while German Protestants supported the Catholic Hitler).

    Here is the 1933 parliamentary electoral map again, showing percentage support for the Nazi party in Germany:

    And here is the 1932 presidential election, grey was support for Hindenburg and brown for Hitler:

    So Nazism was consistently a northern German and Protestant phenomenon despite, as I said, Hitler himself having been an Austrian (lapsed) Catholic.

    As for your list, Goering was born in Bavaria but his father was from the Prussian Rhineland. You conveniently left out Nazi ideologue Rosenberg, a Baltic German from Estonia.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    You conveniently left out Nazi ideologue Rosenberg, a Baltic German from Estonia.
    Who hated Russians unlike this Baltic German gentleman:
  576. @Mr. XYZ

    You would have seen much more intermarriage between Jews and Ukrainians. Look at Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine's President, a proud son of Zion and yet married to a Ukrainian woman and also personally a Ukrainian patriot.

    A new master race would have eventually emerged: Hebrainians. Not to be confused with the master race that would be produced from mass intermarriage between Koreans and Ukrainians: Korkrainians.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    That’s the mayor of Mikolaev

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What's the source for him being Jewish?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  577. AP says:

    ...They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch, etc... were all citizens of SU - as was Zelko until 1991. It is exactly the same. If Zelko counts, so does Kaganovitch.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia?
    I don't, but Kiev and the West do - if you haven't noticed they are fighting a bloody war over that issue. Ipso facto all people from Donbas - all commies, etc... - count.

    Frank was not a top Nazi. Why do you make up things? He was a Sudeten German with Czech citizenship killed after WW2 by Czechs. Other than ethnicity he was similar to Quisling. He had relatively little power in the Protectorate - he claimed at his trial that he was controlled by 2-3 more powerful Nazis from the Reich like Heydrich, etc...

    Replies: @AP

    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch, etc… were all citizens of SU

    But not of Ukraine.

    Answer the question: according to you, was the Russian writer Bulgakov (born in Kiev, citizen of the Soviet Union – just like Trotsky born in Ukraine and Soviet citizen) actually a Ukrainian?

    Be consistent in your stupidity.

    as was Zelko until 1991. It is exactly the same

    Zelensky was also, after 1991, a citizen of Ukraine while Trotsky never was. So it was not the same at all.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia? [should have written Ukraine]

    I don’t, but Kiev and the West do

    We’ll if you don’t, then you shouldn’t claim that a temporary Donbas connection made the ethnic Russian Khrushchev, born in Russia, a Ukrainian.

    Do you consider everyone born in Ukraine currently residing in Slovakia to be a Slovak? Be consistent in your stupidity.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Be consistent in your stupidity.
    I leave the consistent stupidity to you, you never disappoint us...:) Anyone trying to claim that Trotsky, Kaganovitch are "not" from Ukraine, but Zelko, Shmygal are, has issues with logic or honesty.

    I appreciate your view that Kiev should let go off Donbas for its own good - but you are not Nato or Kiev. They refuse and so it is fair to consider that. They are killing their own citizens. Imagine Madrid bombing Barcelona murdering thousands as "terrorists".

    It is not our views on who is who that matter - it is what the two sides say. Kiev claims all of Ukieland as theirs and that makes all people like Kagan, Trotsky their "Ukies".

    Replies: @AP

  578. @Mr. XYZ

    Only if Poland would have gotten a 1930s Stalinist-style Communist government, which the Poles would have fought and resisted to the death. Even the 1940s Stalinist-style Communist government that the Poles ultimately ended up getting was nowhere near as bloodthirsty as the 1930s Soviet Union was, I suspect.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    It would have been where Jabotinsky built his Israel.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I thought that Jabotinsky was an actual Zionist who wanted European Jews to move to Palestine en masse because he feared that something very bad was eventually going to happen to them?

  579. @Mr. XYZ

    What are your thoughts on Brezhnev's documentation (possibly inaccurately) listing him as Ukrainian?

    Or is this simply a case of identity being somewhat fluid between the three East Slavic ethnic groups? My own maternal grandmother and her two surviving sisters were all apparently at least half-Belarusian (through their father, at least) but apparently had Russian listed as their ethnicity/nationality on their documentation. At least two of them were born in the Russian SFSR, FWIW. The eldest one I'm not sure about.

    Replies: @AP

    Lazy/sloppy bureaucrats? His parents were from the center of Kursk oblast before moving to Ukraine, and he described himself as Russian by ethnicity.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Or maybe simply an attempt to fit in?

    I suspect that this might be a part of why exactly the Belarusian and Ukrainian numbers in Russia have declined so rapidly among the younger generations relative to the older generations right now, for instance:

    (And Putin is talking about the cultural genocide of Russians in Ukraine! When assimilation for Ukrainians and Belarusians in Russia is so much more intense!)

  580. @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    It is fun coming up with backstories for characters.

    Not to dox, but from your moniker, one could equally suppose you have been a taxi-cab driver and/or a NYT bestseller. Or perhaps a butcher, specializing in Ukrainian meats?

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Very good! Although I never was really a meat cutter, I did work in a Ukrainian deli/meat market as a kid and did learn how to cut up whole chickens into eights on a bandsaw. Also, in my youth I did work as a yellow cab driver for two summers while attending the university (most interesting job that I ever had, and I often worked 12 hour shifts and aside from getting a sore behind, never much noticed the time that had elapsed).

    Actually, I chose my moniker when I first started to write comments to several blogs. I chose it because I never wanted to take myself or what I was doing too seriously, therefore I thought of myself as a lowly, dime a dozen “hack writer”. 🙂

    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    If my initial guesses had failed, I still had one last, desperate card to draw: that you are a hacky sack enthusiast who was been to Hackensack, NJ.

    I did work in a Ukrainian deli/meat market as a kid
    Must have been a tough business during Lent. What is the Ukrainian meat that ethnics go for? Among the Irish community, it seems to be bacon (different cut) and sausages.

    did learn how to cut up whole chickens into eights on a bandsaw.
    would like to see one of those robots try to cut chicken with a circular saw.

    Also, in my youth I did work as a yellow cab driver for two summer
    I think cabbies see the most complete cross-section of America. It is always interesting to hear them speak about the people they meet. Have the morbid curiosity to ask how many times someone threw-up in your cab.

    and I often worked 12 hour shifts
    That is a long time to sit. I remember really suffering through Return of the King

    I chose it because I never wanted to take myself or what I was doing too seriously, therefore I thought of myself as a lowly, dime a dozen “hack writer”
    It is a pity that Aaron disappeared. I had wanted to ask him if he had ever read Lorna Doone.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  581. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would have been where Jabotinsky built his Israel.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I thought that Jabotinsky was an actual Zionist who wanted European Jews to move to Palestine en masse because he feared that something very bad was eventually going to happen to them?

  582. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Lazy/sloppy bureaucrats? His parents were from the center of Kursk oblast before moving to Ukraine, and he described himself as Russian by ethnicity.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Or maybe simply an attempt to fit in?

    I suspect that this might be a part of why exactly the Belarusian and Ukrainian numbers in Russia have declined so rapidly among the younger generations relative to the older generations right now, for instance:

    (And Putin is talking about the cultural genocide of Russians in Ukraine! When assimilation for Ukrainians and Belarusians in Russia is so much more intense!)

  583. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s the mayor of Mikolaev

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What’s the source for him being Jewish?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Korean?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  584. @Jazman

    I think it is already 8 Abrams if we count last one destroyed 2 days ago plus one hit by new version of dancing Lancet drone , so I do not know outcome probably damaged

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mikhail

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I don't know what type of tanks were included in the very recent obliteration of 12 Russian tanks in the largest Russian tank operation including 48 tanks near Adviivka. That's a lot of tanks destroyed in one days work.
    Videos of the failed attack show how the ill-fated convoy travelling along one single road quickly became sitting ducks for highly-skilled Ukrainian drone operators, who were aided by a barrage of artillery and anti-tank missiles.

    Together, they stopped the attack in its tracks - vaporising 12 tanks and eight armoured vehicles and scores of troops, a spokesman from Ukraine's military told the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mikhail

  585. @AP

    Your list is irrelevant because these people failed to gain power among southern Germans and Austrians but were popular among northern Germans and Protestants (in Bavaria the Protestant enclave around Nuremberg was the only place where Nazis were popular). They won the election based on their popularity in northern Germany and especially Prussia. They failed to get majority support in the Catholic parts of Germany.

    (It was ironic that in the 1932 presidential election, German Catholics supported the Protestant Hindenburg, while German Protestants supported the Catholic Hitler).

    Here is the 1933 parliamentary electoral map again, showing percentage support for the Nazi party in Germany:

    And here is the 1932 presidential election, grey was support for Hindenburg and brown for Hitler:

    So Nazism was consistently a northern German and Protestant phenomenon despite, as I said, Hitler himself having been an Austrian (lapsed) Catholic.

    As for your list, Goering was born in Bavaria but his father was from the Prussian Rhineland. You conveniently left out Nazi ideologue Rosenberg, a Baltic German from Estonia.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    You conveniently left out Nazi ideologue Rosenberg, a Baltic German from Estonia.

    Who hated Russians unlike this Baltic German gentleman:

  586. @Mr. XYZ

    What's the source for him being Jewish?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The Korean?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Mykolayiv's mayor is Oleksandr Sienkevych. Apparently the governor is Korean, though:

    Hence the confusion.

    Zaporizhia had a Korean mayor a decade ago:

    Vitalii Kim's children are Korkrainians.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  587. @Mr. XYZ

    It is worth noting, though, that the parts of Upper Silesia that remained German after 1921, while possibly being majority-Polish, had the overwhelming majority of their population support German rule (as evidenced by them mostly voting for Germany in the 1921 plebiscite in Upper Silesia; AFAIK, some or even many of the ones who didn't vote for Germany in this plebiscite subsequently moved to Poland, and vice versa). So, even though they were ethnic Poles, they were still patriotic Germans, just like the Masurians were, only Upper Silesians were Catholic instead of being Protestant like the Masurians were.

    I don't know just how anti-Polish the Nazis were in their 1932 and 1933 election campaigns. Does anyone here have any information in regards to this? Hitler pursued a relatively pro-Polish foreign policy between 1934 and 1938, contrary to Weimar Germany's anti-Polish foreign policy. Hitler only turned sour on Poland in 1939 when Poland allied with Britain and refused to address issues of perceived vital German importance.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Wielgus

    The “Potempa affair” of 1932 perhaps sheds some light. Potempa was a hamlet in Silesia. Five Nazis broke into the home of Konrad Pietrzuch and killed him. Pietrzuch was a KPD sympathiser and one of the ethnic Poles of Silesia – the Nazis claimed that over a decade before he had fought on the Polish nationalist side against the Freikorps. (The KPD rejected the claim.) The assailants seem to have known him in that out-of-the-way part of Silesia, and the brutality of the killing suggests some personal animosity – one of Pietrzuch’s eyes was put out with a pool cue. The killers were sentenced to death but reprieved after vociferous protests, and released from prison after the Nazis came to power. The killing took place at the time of an election campaign.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I do wonder if the Nazis were more motivated to kill him by his alleged Red ties (which apparently weren't true, but maybe the Nazis believed in them anyway?) than by him being Polish. Though maybe I'm wrong about this.

    As a side note, it's quite interesting that the Upper Silesian paramilitary clashes in 1919-1921 were rather similar to what occurred in the Donbass over 90 years later in 2014.

    Replies: @Wielgus

  588. @Mikhail

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I don’t know what type of tanks were included in the very recent obliteration of 12 Russian tanks in the largest Russian tank operation including 48 tanks near Adviivka. That’s a lot of tanks destroyed in one days work.

    Videos of the failed attack show how the ill-fated convoy travelling along one single road quickly became sitting ducks for highly-skilled Ukrainian drone operators, who were aided by a barrage of artillery and anti-tank missiles.

    Together, they stopped the attack in its tracks – vaporising 12 tanks and eight armoured vehicles and scores of troops, a spokesman from Ukraine’s military told the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Mr. Hack

    "including 48 tanks" s/b 36 tanks and 12 armoured vehicles.

    , @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Pro-Kiev regime BS like the Ghost of Kiev and other such tales.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  589. @Mr. Hack

    I don't know what type of tanks were included in the very recent obliteration of 12 Russian tanks in the largest Russian tank operation including 48 tanks near Adviivka. That's a lot of tanks destroyed in one days work.
    Videos of the failed attack show how the ill-fated convoy travelling along one single road quickly became sitting ducks for highly-skilled Ukrainian drone operators, who were aided by a barrage of artillery and anti-tank missiles.

    Together, they stopped the attack in its tracks - vaporising 12 tanks and eight armoured vehicles and scores of troops, a spokesman from Ukraine's military told the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mikhail

    “including 48 tanks” s/b 36 tanks and 12 armoured vehicles.

  590. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    there’s no problem with AP voting in EU cause at very least he’s not the hypocrite “isolationist”, who wants to continue participating in EU affairs
    Thank you, I knew you would be very helpful in shaping my vote in these EU elections. I haven't decided 100% to take part yet, I've indeed been an isolationist for the past 30+ years and have never taken part in any European election since I moved to the Americas. I wasn't motivated enough. But, as Churchill said, a conversation with the average voter makes you see democracy in a different light and a conversation with an average Balt is making me see better than any long essay what our Western idiotic leaders got us into.

    You are shamelessly stating that I should be deprived of my voting rights in at least one of the countries I am a citizen of. But on the other hand, you are saying that it is OK for someone who will vote according to your liking to have the right to vote in (a) a country he doesn't feel assimilated in and also in (b) a country he only has a very distant connection to and possibly doesn't even speak the language of. Moreover, you don't care that in both cases he is going to vote exclusively in the interests of a 3rd country that is the only one he really cares about. In your own words that is "no problem".

    This is actually much more than I expected you to confess. If people in your ex-USSR countries have this level of understanding of what democracy is, it is no wonder that all of you enthusiastically supported your fellow ex-USSR neighbor killing thousands of its own civilians and we got to the situation we are in now.

    good two reasons to prepare the nuclear shelters, would do that in heartbeat if it really somehow helped France to get rid of all the recent arrived filth or Spain got even more tighter rule over it’s lands down the south;)
    I don't know how stupid you think I and the rest of the readers here are to think that we can believe that Lithuanians would volunteer en masse to go to war with a nuclear power so that Spain maintains a firm grip over its African enclaves. But let me tell you a secret: if anyone managed to organize a free and fair referendum asking the population of any Western country (including very much Macron's) if they are willing to risk the death of their children in a nuclear war so that Ukraine can keep its Soviet borders or the Baltic countries can win whatever their disputes with Russia today are, the result would be a huge, resounding NO.

    If you believe that you really enjoy that level of solidarity from your European partners to the West you are incredibly deluded. I was born and raised there. I know the place very well. People go along with this insane expansion eastwards of NATO and the EU for the very same reason that they go along with their countries being invaded by masses exotic aliens or the gender insanity. Westerners are going through a period of apathy and lack of clear moral principles. They get easily brainwashed by the media and the elites. But you may be in for a very rude awakening. An awakening that, as usual, has already given its first, chaotic steps in the US and may well expand to the rest of the West if the movement solidifies.

    Just to clarify, I am totally in favor of the Balts' and Ukraine's independence. But I also think that it was always perfectly possible to preserve this independence while maintaining a good relationship with Russia and avoiding war. That your neighborly disputes have resulted in war and the real possibility of a NATO-Russia confrontation that the Russians can only win with nukes is as insane as the mass population replacement with 3rd worlders or the hundreds of new human genders. Perhaps even more insane.

    Replies: @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU? Quite vaguely remember EU parliamentary election voting qualifiers already being not only formal citizenship, but also having factual residence requirement, then perhaps it’s you who might be swindling the law in this particular election, not him in the future;)

    Whatever the case, too lazy to go checking precisely because of some petty feud on the net with stranger, but from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching, no matter if you have the formal right to vote or not.

    • Replies: @Matra
    @sudden death

    The word 'isolationist' is just a slur directed against those who don't support the users favourite foreign or trade policy. Since it has no real meaning beyond that it is pointless calling someone an isolationist or accusing them of not being consistent isolationists or hypocrites. I have, however, noticed an uptick in Eastern Europeans using the term - presumably as part of their usual charm offensive - to shame Westerners (esp. Americans) in to doing their bidding for them.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Mikel
    @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU
    No, I'm pretty sure he said he had acquired citizenship of the EU country his grandparents had been citizens of after leaving Ukraine a long time ago and he lamented that he didn't get it in time to vote in the last election (in favor of Ukraine of course, what else would he feel that sorrow about?).

    But you think it's OK for him to vote in two continents while I should be deprived of my voting rights in the country where I was born and most of family, including my daughter, continue to live lol.

    from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching

    Well, you can lie to yourself as much as you want. Now that you are in the EU you get that right too so enjoy it.

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don't know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.

    It's also very funny to hear you accusing me of hypocrisy right after you state that AP should be allowed to vote in the same two places that you want to deny me the right to vote :-)

    Funnier still when you claim that you would be willing to let Lithuania risk nuclear war so that France can close its borders or Spain can keep its African enclaves. In reality, as we have seen in this very blog, what Ukraine defenders are totally willing to do is let Biden continue to pour millions of illegal aliens into the US, as long as Ukraine gets its billions in weapons. That's the solidarity we can expect from you guys.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of "fascist" is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @sudden death

  591. @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU? Quite vaguely remember EU parliamentary election voting qualifiers already being not only formal citizenship, but also having factual residence requirement, then perhaps it's you who might be swindling the law in this particular election, not him in the future;)

    Whatever the case, too lazy to go checking precisely because of some petty feud on the net with stranger, but from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching, no matter if you have the formal right to vote or not.

    Replies: @Matra, @Mikel

    The word ‘isolationist’ is just a slur directed against those who don’t support the users favourite foreign or trade policy. Since it has no real meaning beyond that it is pointless calling someone an isolationist or accusing them of not being consistent isolationists or hypocrites. I have, however, noticed an uptick in Eastern Europeans using the term – presumably as part of their usual charm offensive – to shame Westerners (esp. Americans) in to doing their bidding for them.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    What's next - maybe the word "white" will be called a slur? Isolationism is entirely traditional old US political stature, just not the single among other competing ones and largely abandoned in practice roughly since 1917, but that doesn't mean such abandonment is truly forever for the ages as anything can happen in an undefined future.

    Replies: @songbird

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    George Washington was an isolationist. Of course he didn't do anything but talk and write letters about it and factions in the U.S. were soon allied with factions in England to keep the French and Spanish, and anybody else who might get ideas, greedy hands out of the western hemisphere.

    I am so isolationist I have not yet caught the corona virus that has had (almost) all of you running about like beheaded chickens. They have youtubes of beheaded chickens which is cruelty to animals but are actually sometimes humorous. To be fair chickens deserve more respect than to have that video recorded for amusement purposes.

  592. @AP

    They are ethnic Jews and also citizens of Ukraine.

    Trotsky was an ethnic Jew but not a citizen of Ukraine.

    Trotsky, Kaganovitch, etc… were all citizens of SU
    But not of Ukraine.

    Answer the question: according to you, was the Russian writer Bulgakov (born in Kiev, citizen of the Soviet Union - just like Trotsky born in Ukraine and Soviet citizen) actually a Ukrainian?

    Be consistent in your stupidity.

    as was Zelko until 1991. It is exactly the same
    Zelensky was also, after 1991, a citizen of Ukraine while Trotsky never was. So it was not the same at all.

    Are you insisting, alongside many Ukrainian nationalists, that Donbas is Russia? [should have written Ukraine]

    I don’t, but Kiev and the West do
    We’ll if you don’t, then you shouldn’t claim that a temporary Donbas connection made the ethnic Russian Khrushchev, born in Russia, a Ukrainian.

    Do you consider everyone born in Ukraine currently residing in Slovakia to be a Slovak? Be consistent in your stupidity.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Be consistent in your stupidity.

    I leave the consistent stupidity to you, you never disappoint us…:) Anyone trying to claim that Trotsky, Kaganovitch are “not” from Ukraine, but Zelko, Shmygal are, has issues with logic or honesty.

    I appreciate your view that Kiev should let go off Donbas for its own good – but you are not Nato or Kiev. They refuse and so it is fair to consider that. They are killing their own citizens. Imagine Madrid bombing Barcelona murdering thousands as “terrorists”.

    It is not our views on who is who that matter – it is what the two sides say. Kiev claims all of Ukieland as theirs and that makes all people like Kagan, Trotsky their “Ukies”.

    • Replies: @AP

    Anyone trying to claim that Trotsky, Kaganovitch are “not” from Ukraine
    Who claimed that? Not me.

    I stated that Trotsky, Kaganovich, and Bulgakov were not Ukrainians.

    All three were neither ethnic Ukrainians, nor citizens of Ukraine.

    Zelensky is not an ethnic Ukrainians, but is a citizen of Ukraine. So his situation is very much different from that of the three non-ethnic Ukrainians we have been discussing. Zelensky is a Ukrainian by citizenship.

    You insist that Trotsky (neither ethnic Ukrainian, nor citizen of Ukraine) was a Ukrainian because he was born there - well, so was Bulgakov.

    You see how stupid your claim is?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  593. @Matra
    @sudden death

    The word 'isolationist' is just a slur directed against those who don't support the users favourite foreign or trade policy. Since it has no real meaning beyond that it is pointless calling someone an isolationist or accusing them of not being consistent isolationists or hypocrites. I have, however, noticed an uptick in Eastern Europeans using the term - presumably as part of their usual charm offensive - to shame Westerners (esp. Americans) in to doing their bidding for them.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Emil Nikola Richard

    What’s next – maybe the word “white” will be called a slur? Isolationism is entirely traditional old US political stature, just not the single among other competing ones and largely abandoned in practice roughly since 1917, but that doesn’t mean such abandonment is truly forever for the ages as anything can happen in an undefined future.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @sudden death

    maybe the word “white” will be called a slur?
    Obviously, in ethnic terms, slurs are the banned words that have no power, unless that which can be brought to bear against those who are accused of utilizing them, to cancel them, such as the guy who Amazon locked out of his own house, when a schizo deliveryman wearing headphones thought he heard the word Nigger.
  594. @Matra
    @sudden death

    The word 'isolationist' is just a slur directed against those who don't support the users favourite foreign or trade policy. Since it has no real meaning beyond that it is pointless calling someone an isolationist or accusing them of not being consistent isolationists or hypocrites. I have, however, noticed an uptick in Eastern Europeans using the term - presumably as part of their usual charm offensive - to shame Westerners (esp. Americans) in to doing their bidding for them.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Emil Nikola Richard

    George Washington was an isolationist. Of course he didn’t do anything but talk and write letters about it and factions in the U.S. were soon allied with factions in England to keep the French and Spanish, and anybody else who might get ideas, greedy hands out of the western hemisphere.

    I am so isolationist I have not yet caught the corona virus that has had (almost) all of you running about like beheaded chickens. They have youtubes of beheaded chickens which is cruelty to animals but are actually sometimes humorous. To be fair chickens deserve more respect than to have that video recorded for amusement purposes.

  595. The tally of bold anti-anti-vaxxer warnings in the comments of Ron Unz’s latest Sachs article is now TWO.

    • Replies: @H. L. M
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Ron has effectively quashed comments on the "virus" and the (ridiculous) "vaccine" by flying off the handle with personal invective and threats to commenters that he will erase the commenter's history on his site.

    You have to wonder why would Ron be so sensitive about this one topic.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

  596. @Gerard1234

    blockquote>Muscovites genocided Novgorod.
     A complete idiotic lie statement. Nothing close to a genocide you dumb retard. Regurgitating idiotic pseudo-intellectual statements from Banderetard "historians" is braindead. What did happen though was standard actions for the time. Far more civilised then what was happening in western Europe under similar circumstances.

    And most amusingly............without those actions - "Ukrainian" nation would NEVER have existed!!!! Orthodoxy as defining part of culture and life in that part of world, and therefore for 404, was preserved by these events.

    Amusingly that a lowlife cunt with zero functioning life as yourself would type such there is probably more remains of Novgorod from that time ...........then there is of ANY "Ukrainian" city from that time, any Rus', Orthodox cultural buildings/artefacts from that time in areas of ( created by Lenin and Stalin) what is now called Ukraine, LMAO. Even the khokhol-scumbag "historians" aren't making any attempts to raise funds (corruption) to rebuild some lost building or whatever of "Ukrainian" culture in Kiev from this 1200-1600 time period. Looks very similar to Banderetard experience in Lvov pre-Soviet time in their non-existance of their culture in these cities.

    We could compare evidence of this from travels........but that would be fotos from my trips to Novgorod, Tver, Peskov etc.......versus your zero visits there and zero knowledge and wikipedia copy& paste BS.

    They also razed Mazepa’s capital.
    Misleading idiocy. They razed ( quite rightly) a "city" that was emptied of people, certainly of civilians. Difficult to understand what point your Bimbo self is trying to do. Mazepa had betrayed the Slavic world, his religion, his people. As is typical for Ukronazi myth nation-building........this wasn't a rebellion or insurrection, it was a simple, completely unexpected, parasitic betrayal in favour of the enemies of both Slavic and Orthodox world.In doing this he allowed Swedes to raze, rape and pillage Orthodox churches. In other words......typical khokhol pussy-coward.

    Kiev’s government responded to Russian rebellion


    Errm no you dumb, cursed in hell permanently, piece of excrement...........the illegal, installed by Americans, Nazi, puppet government responded to Donbass peoples lawful and RECIPROCAL actions copying not only those in Kiev protesting Yanukovich....but also , and crucially, those in Lvov shithole local authorities, who had practically and officially stopped recognising Yanukovich as President, and Party of Regions as a legal party. This was BEFORE the (Ukronazi done) false-flag shootings at Maidan you thick idiot. The difference being those in Donbass in their reciprocal actions were responding to a freakshow ( typical for Banderastan) series of events, completely inexplicable, anarchy, power-vaccum, completely confusion, violent events - and making reasonable demands.

    Those at Maidan and the shitheads in Galicia were paralysing the country, creating anarchy in a situation of a leader voted into power by millions in election......not a ( even after 10 years unsolved) false-flag murder operation.

    by both sides.
    errr ,no. One side you demented retarded. And TWICE these civilian mass murders were stopped BY Russia, by Putin after Donbass heroes had forced these scum into negotiation and ceasefire with both Minsk Agreements. In other words, thanks to pro-Russian military action in self-defence of Donbass peoples against these Nazi scum, the rate of murder was much reduced. That western scum facilitated the Nazis to not make ANY attempt to follow the agreements, is why this deathcult has killed so many of them.

    Putin invaded Ukraine and as a result there have been 200,000+ dead Slavs on both sides.


    Putin responded to Banderastan/NATO invasion - the Anglo-Americans, Gayropeans and Zelensky, Poroshenko/Valtsman and other Jews and Ukronazis, as a result, have killed 400000+ ( high majority ukronazis) in this deathcult. The most since WW2. Putin has been saviour for several million slavs however you lying dipshit,

    Replies: @Jazman

    This AP guy is so funny every time losing badly from you and Annon , look like he is proud of his stupidity

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    This AP guy is so funny every time losing badly from you and Annon , look like he is proud of his stupidity
    It’s not necessarily stupidity. The person has a very hard job: defending the indefensible. Naturally, he has to lie, deny or ignore the facts that directly contradict his fairy tale, repeat ad nauseam things that at least don’t directly contradict it, cite concocted false “evidence” from disreputable sources, etc. At least he is doing is with better grace (if we can call his intricate dance that) than some other pro-Ukies here (naming no names).

    Replies: @AP

  597. @Mr. Hack

    Very good! Although I never was really a meat cutter, I did work in a Ukrainian deli/meat market as a kid and did learn how to cut up whole chickens into eights on a bandsaw. Also, in my youth I did work as a yellow cab driver for two summers while attending the university (most interesting job that I ever had, and I often worked 12 hour shifts and aside from getting a sore behind, never much noticed the time that had elapsed).

    Actually, I chose my moniker when I first started to write comments to several blogs. I chose it because I never wanted to take myself or what I was doing too seriously, therefore I thought of myself as a lowly, dime a dozen "hack writer". :-)

    Replies: @songbird

    If my initial guesses had failed, I still had one last, desperate card to draw: that you are a hacky sack enthusiast who was been to Hackensack, NJ.


    I did work in a Ukrainian deli/meat market as a kid

    Must have been a tough business during Lent. What is the Ukrainian meat that ethnics go for? Among the Irish community, it seems to be bacon (different cut) and sausages.

    did learn how to cut up whole chickens into eights on a bandsaw.

    would like to see one of those robots try to cut chicken with a circular saw.

    Also, in my youth I did work as a yellow cab driver for two summer

    I think cabbies see the most complete cross-section of America. It is always interesting to hear them speak about the people they meet. Have the morbid curiosity to ask how many times someone threw-up in your cab.

    and I often worked 12 hour shifts

    That is a long time to sit. I remember really suffering through Return of the King

    I chose it because I never wanted to take myself or what I was doing too seriously, therefore I thought of myself as a lowly, dime a dozen “hack writer”

    It is a pity that Aaron disappeared. I had wanted to ask him if he had ever read Lorna Doone.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Must have been a tough business during Lent. What is the Ukrainian meat that ethnics go for? Among the Irish community, it seems to be bacon (different cut) and sausages.
    The Irish and the Ukrainians are like two book ends that hold together all of Europe, and they seem to share many habits and proclivities. Ukrainians are very fond of sausages and bacon too. The bacon is prepared so that it's ready to eat as soon as you buy it. A shot of hootch is almost mandatory too. The deli had a lot of really good non-meat products, so "where there's a will there's a way"!

    think cabbies see the most complete cross-section of America. It is always interesting to hear them speak about the people they meet.
    This is very true. Airport runs were the most lucrative and you would meet out of towners and find out what brought them to town. You visit parts of the city that you've never been to before and find out the real pulse of the city and what was really going on. People just don't realize what's going on all around them. Nobody ever threw up during any of my trips...

    It is a pity that Aaron disappeared. I had wanted to ask him if he had ever read Lorna Doone.
    I agree about Aaron and miss his commentary, but don't follow about "Lorna Doone"?

    Replies: @songbird

  598. WBD (whale biodiversity) is almost as interesting as HBD.


    There are now thought to be three species or races of orcas in the north Pacific. Residents, transients, and deeper ocean orcas.

    In at least the first two cases, their ranges overlap. But they have never been observed to socialize genially or interbreed in the wild (but they do breed in captivity.)

    What is the right comparison: Human/Neanderthal/ Denisovan?

    The divergence estimates (300,000-200,000 years) put it in the range of Bushmen. But perhaps, also within the range of some of the lowball estimates for Neanderthals.

    Estimates of total orca species/races run as high as about 34. Controversially, the Soviets discovered two hobbit-orca species in the Antarctic. (Although the size differences exist, they do not appear to be very large.)

    Why do they not genocide each other and seize each other’s territory? Is it because each has gut advantage over the other in his home territory? Do the others get the runs or plague or smallpox or malaria, when they try to invade?

    Or is it simply too tough to fight without a military advantage in weapons? Are they waiting on technology, to facilitate the deed for them?

    If I understand correctly, there may be some analogy to the way Neanderthals got human mitochondria. (I.e. some of the groups may have had their dysfunctional mitochondria replaced, while maintaining their chromosomal DNA largely intact.

  599. @Mr. Hack

    I don't know what type of tanks were included in the very recent obliteration of 12 Russian tanks in the largest Russian tank operation including 48 tanks near Adviivka. That's a lot of tanks destroyed in one days work.
    Videos of the failed attack show how the ill-fated convoy travelling along one single road quickly became sitting ducks for highly-skilled Ukrainian drone operators, who were aided by a barrage of artillery and anti-tank missiles.

    Together, they stopped the attack in its tracks - vaporising 12 tanks and eight armoured vehicles and scores of troops, a spokesman from Ukraine's military told the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mikhail

    Pro-Kiev regime BS like the Ghost of Kiev and other such tales.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    It was for real Mickey. Watch it and weep. :-(
    Launching an attack with 36 tanks and 12 combat vehicles, Russian army was ambushed in Avdiivka

    Replies: @QCIC, @Philip Owen

  600. Just 8% of Ukrainians ready to take up arms against Russia – pollster

    The lack of military volunteers is a “sensitive issue” ahead of mobilization reform, a leading Ukrainian sociologist has claimed


    Aaron Maté: “Ukraine Defeat Inevitable, and it’s Only a Matter of Time.”

    How Ukraine Became a Nexus Hub for Jihadists & the Drug Trade

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Just how many Russians were still willing to take up arms (without them being forced to do so at gunpoint) in late 1917?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Derer

    , @Wielgus

    I suspect morale is in decline, but how do you take a valid poll in a conflict zone anyway?

  601. @sudden death

    What's next - maybe the word "white" will be called a slur? Isolationism is entirely traditional old US political stature, just not the single among other competing ones and largely abandoned in practice roughly since 1917, but that doesn't mean such abandonment is truly forever for the ages as anything can happen in an undefined future.

    Replies: @songbird

    maybe the word “white” will be called a slur?

    Obviously, in ethnic terms, slurs are the banned words that have no power, unless that which can be brought to bear against those who are accused of utilizing them, to cancel them, such as the guy who Amazon locked out of his own house, when a schizo deliveryman wearing headphones thought he heard the word Nigger.

  602. One could imagine an anti-allergenic dog. A dog bred or imbued with traits, so that when a child played with it, it would lead to nearly the complete prevention of common allergies, rather than just a decrease in allergies.

    Meanwhile, a useful dog for South Africa might be one that wouldn’t eat poison or which would be resistant to it. How far would one get by adding alleles found in rats?

  603. @Mikhail
    Just 8% of Ukrainians ready to take up arms against Russia – pollster

    The lack of military volunteers is a “sensitive issue” ahead of mobilization reform, a leading Ukrainian sociologist has claimed


    Aaron Maté: "Ukraine Defeat Inevitable, and it's Only a Matter of Time."

    How Ukraine Became a Nexus Hub for Jihadists & the Drug Trade

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wielgus

    Just how many Russians were still willing to take up arms (without them being forced to do so at gunpoint) in late 1917?

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Mr. XYZ

    Relative to what I said, the point to your question being what?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Derer
    @Mr. XYZ

    You are miserable troll (a la AP and JJ dimwits) that constantly reply by changing the topic. The topic was about Ukraine situation. How is your stupid reply qualify for comment on that? Grow up!

  604. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Korean?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Mykolayiv’s mayor is Oleksandr Sienkevych. Apparently the governor is Korean, though:

    Hence the confusion.

    Zaporizhia had a Korean mayor a decade ago:

    Vitalii Kim’s children are Korkrainians.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s right.

  605. @Wielgus
    @Mr. XYZ

    The "Potempa affair" of 1932 perhaps sheds some light. Potempa was a hamlet in Silesia. Five Nazis broke into the home of Konrad Pietrzuch and killed him. Pietrzuch was a KPD sympathiser and one of the ethnic Poles of Silesia - the Nazis claimed that over a decade before he had fought on the Polish nationalist side against the Freikorps. (The KPD rejected the claim.) The assailants seem to have known him in that out-of-the-way part of Silesia, and the brutality of the killing suggests some personal animosity - one of Pietrzuch's eyes was put out with a pool cue. The killers were sentenced to death but reprieved after vociferous protests, and released from prison after the Nazis came to power. The killing took place at the time of an election campaign.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I do wonder if the Nazis were more motivated to kill him by his alleged Red ties (which apparently weren’t true, but maybe the Nazis believed in them anyway?) than by him being Polish. Though maybe I’m wrong about this.

    As a side note, it’s quite interesting that the Upper Silesian paramilitary clashes in 1919-1921 were rather similar to what occurred in the Donbass over 90 years later in 2014.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
    @Mr. XYZ

    It took place in the heightened tension of a late Weimar election campaign, and was not the only violent incident in Silesia at the time. I suspect political, ethnic and personal hatred all played some part. The killers attacked at night but otherwise were not particularly surreptitious - apparently some even wore swastika armbands.
    Of the five sentenced to death and later released, the apparent ringleader died in an Allied air raid early in 1945, two of the others were killed serving on the Eastern Front in WW2.

  606. @Jazman

    This AP guy is so funny every time losing badly from you and Annon , look like he is proud of his stupidity

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    This AP guy is so funny every time losing badly from you and Annon , look like he is proud of his stupidity

    It’s not necessarily stupidity. The person has a very hard job: defending the indefensible. Naturally, he has to lie, deny or ignore the facts that directly contradict his fairy tale, repeat ad nauseam things that at least don’t directly contradict it, cite concocted false “evidence” from disreputable sources, etc. At least he is doing is with better grace (if we can call his intricate dance that) than some other pro-Ukies here (naming no names).

    • Replies: @AP

    The person has a very hard job: defending the indefensible. Naturally, he has to lie
    Have you figured out yet who was the captain on the ship when it rammed the bridge in Baltimore?

    How about when metro stations were built in Kiev after 1991?
  607. @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU? Quite vaguely remember EU parliamentary election voting qualifiers already being not only formal citizenship, but also having factual residence requirement, then perhaps it's you who might be swindling the law in this particular election, not him in the future;)

    Whatever the case, too lazy to go checking precisely because of some petty feud on the net with stranger, but from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching, no matter if you have the formal right to vote or not.

    Replies: @Matra, @Mikel

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU

    No, I’m pretty sure he said he had acquired citizenship of the EU country his grandparents had been citizens of after leaving Ukraine a long time ago and he lamented that he didn’t get it in time to vote in the last election (in favor of Ukraine of course, what else would he feel that sorrow about?).

    But you think it’s OK for him to vote in two continents while I should be deprived of my voting rights in the country where I was born and most of family, including my daughter, continue to live lol.

    from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching

    Well, you can lie to yourself as much as you want. Now that you are in the EU you get that right too so enjoy it.

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don’t know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.

    It’s also very funny to hear you accusing me of hypocrisy right after you state that AP should be allowed to vote in the same two places that you want to deny me the right to vote 🙂

    Funnier still when you claim that you would be willing to let Lithuania risk nuclear war so that France can close its borders or Spain can keep its African enclaves. In reality, as we have seen in this very blog, what Ukraine defenders are totally willing to do is let Biden continue to pour millions of illegal aliens into the US, as long as Ukraine gets its billions in weapons. That’s the solidarity we can expect from you guys.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of “fascist” is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don’t know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.


    The Western interest in the ex-USSR is to expand the EU into there.

    But Yeah, as for the rest, intervening can sometimes do more harm than good, and sometimes regime change produces a new regime or situation that is worse than what existed beforehand.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of “fascist” is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.


    I wonder if Latin Americans here in the US would put a lot of pressure on US politicians to militarily intervene if Ceuta or Melilla will ever get attacked by Morocco. After all, surely shared Spanish blood has to count for something--right?

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @sudden death

    Previously you had the gall to cite G. Washington as an example about the need for USA to have near zero political connections, also being unwise to partcipate vicissitudes, combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities of Europe, also lambasted others for having sentiments/attachments to historical homelands, but now all of a sudden wannabe American traditionalist isolationist, begins to care what France, Spain etc. will do or not do in Europe to the point of participating in EU elections. So yes, the purest imaginable hypocrisy repeatedly on the display at the open;)

    Also should cite or refer when talking to - nowhere you'll find me supporting having open borders anywhere, always said the questions of borders and aid should not be comingled at all, but both definitely need to be adressed, tweaked or fixed.

    Replies: @Mikel

  608. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU
    No, I'm pretty sure he said he had acquired citizenship of the EU country his grandparents had been citizens of after leaving Ukraine a long time ago and he lamented that he didn't get it in time to vote in the last election (in favor of Ukraine of course, what else would he feel that sorrow about?).

    But you think it's OK for him to vote in two continents while I should be deprived of my voting rights in the country where I was born and most of family, including my daughter, continue to live lol.

    from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching

    Well, you can lie to yourself as much as you want. Now that you are in the EU you get that right too so enjoy it.

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don't know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.

    It's also very funny to hear you accusing me of hypocrisy right after you state that AP should be allowed to vote in the same two places that you want to deny me the right to vote :-)

    Funnier still when you claim that you would be willing to let Lithuania risk nuclear war so that France can close its borders or Spain can keep its African enclaves. In reality, as we have seen in this very blog, what Ukraine defenders are totally willing to do is let Biden continue to pour millions of illegal aliens into the US, as long as Ukraine gets its billions in weapons. That's the solidarity we can expect from you guys.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of "fascist" is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @sudden death

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don’t know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.

    The Western interest in the ex-USSR is to expand the EU into there.

    But Yeah, as for the rest, intervening can sometimes do more harm than good, and sometimes regime change produces a new regime or situation that is worse than what existed beforehand.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of “fascist” is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.

    I wonder if Latin Americans here in the US would put a lot of pressure on US politicians to militarily intervene if Ceuta or Melilla will ever get attacked by Morocco. After all, surely shared Spanish blood has to count for something–right?

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    After all, surely shared Spanish blood has to count for something–right?
    LOL. No, surely most of them would root for Morocco. 200 years later they're still full of resentment. They will never forgive Spain for having been the one who colonized them instead of the Anglos.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  609. @Emil Nikola Richard
    The tally of bold anti-anti-vaxxer warnings in the comments of Ron Unz's latest Sachs article is now TWO.

    Replies: @H. L. M

    Ron has effectively quashed comments on the “virus” and the (ridiculous) “vaccine” by flying off the handle with personal invective and threats to commenters that he will erase the commenter’s history on his site.

    You have to wonder why would Ron be so sensitive about this one topic.

    • Replies: @A123
    @H. L. M

    I do not get it either. There is a much better option via reframing the discussion, exclusively on the COVID vaccines — Two new terms are required:

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.
    Manda-Vaxx — Those who insist everyone *must* receive COVID vaccine & multiple boosters.

    I think that Mr. Unz could be brought into the Vaxx-Realist camp.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @Emil Nikola Richard
    @H. L. M

    Moderating the commenters here or anywhere else on the internet is a thankless job. Our host seems to limit himself almost entirely to comments on his own articles. Don't understand this one bug-a-boo myself but I don't complain too much. I don't know the man but I would surmise he does not personally know of one severe vaccine injury. I sort of wish I did not.

    , @QCIC
    @H. L. M

    Just revive the conversation in one of the other threads Ron mentioned. List the thread and the comment number and include the link. I think part of Ron's concern is that these arguments are attractive to both trolls and other very emotional commenters which leads to a very chaotic discussion. He does not want this sort of dialog on every thread; this is simple quality control. On the other hand he implied this discussion is fine in the correct thread where it is not being used to browbeat people who are less interested in COVID/Vax issues.

    , @Philip Owen
    @H. L. M

    Where do I comment. I would be happy to be wiped out. I followed Karlin here before I understood the whole nature of the site.

    Replies: @H. L. M

  610. @Mr. XYZ

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don’t know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.


    The Western interest in the ex-USSR is to expand the EU into there.

    But Yeah, as for the rest, intervening can sometimes do more harm than good, and sometimes regime change produces a new regime or situation that is worse than what existed beforehand.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of “fascist” is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.


    I wonder if Latin Americans here in the US would put a lot of pressure on US politicians to militarily intervene if Ceuta or Melilla will ever get attacked by Morocco. After all, surely shared Spanish blood has to count for something--right?

    Replies: @Mikel

    After all, surely shared Spanish blood has to count for something–right?

    LOL. No, surely most of them would root for Morocco. 200 years later they’re still full of resentment. They will never forgive Spain for having been the one who colonized them instead of the Anglos.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Given the fact that tens of millions of them have already immigrated to the US, sometimes illegally, and that many more of them are still eager to move over here, you might indeed have a point here. But the thing is that the Anglo magic might not have worked as effectively in Latin America as in North America (north of the Rio Grande) simply because there were many more surviving Native Americans in Latin America than there were in North America. Anglo countries are so good because they have a gigantic Germanic (and Ashkenazi Jewish, and Asian) smart fraction. But the smart fraction relative size would have been less had the Anglos controlled Latin America.

  611. @Mr. XYZ

    Just how many Russians were still willing to take up arms (without them being forced to do so at gunpoint) in late 1917?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Derer

    Relative to what I said, the point to your question being what?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The fact that few people are actually willing to voluntarily fight does not prima facie mean that a country's cause is not worth fighting for. Russia, for instance, would have been better off fighting to the very end in World War I even though that's not what its troops actually wanted to do.

  612. A123 says: • Website
    @H. L. M
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Ron has effectively quashed comments on the "virus" and the (ridiculous) "vaccine" by flying off the handle with personal invective and threats to commenters that he will erase the commenter's history on his site.

    You have to wonder why would Ron be so sensitive about this one topic.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    I do not get it either. There is a much better option via reframing the discussion, exclusively on the COVID vaccines — Two new terms are required:

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.
    Manda-Vaxx — Those who insist everyone *must* receive COVID vaccine & multiple boosters.

    I think that Mr. Unz could be brought into the Vaxx-Realist camp.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.
    I guess I fall into this category.

    Collectively, the info I have clearly indicates that COVID was ~10% disease and 90% psyop. Otherwise it is impossible to explain how Putin managed to cure the whole world of COVID by starting SMO.

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard

  613. Recently, heard a Vietnamese claim that the name Nguyen is so common because the Nguyens genocided all the people with a different name.

    Actually, funnily enough, what he said is that they genocided all the people with the name Tran (#2) so that the remaining Trans changed their name to Nguyen.

    I appreciate his theory more than the common and rather wan one that everyone changed their name to show loyalty to their rulers. (How is that an explanation, unless it is assumed that Vietnamese are more subservient? Or their rulers were more tyrannical?)

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    This is absolutely the best book on southeast Asia I have read:

    I don't know if it is in this one but Scott claims it has made absolutely no difference whether emperors, warlords, colonialists or commies were in charge for 2000 years, for the peasants the policy has been invariant. Put everybody on a rice paddy and extract all of the surplus.

  614. @songbird
    Recently, heard a Vietnamese claim that the name Nguyen is so common because the Nguyens genocided all the people with a different name.

    Actually, funnily enough, what he said is that they genocided all the people with the name Tran (#2) so that the remaining Trans changed their name to Nguyen.

    I appreciate his theory more than the common and rather wan one that everyone changed their name to show loyalty to their rulers. (How is that an explanation, unless it is assumed that Vietnamese are more subservient? Or their rulers were more tyrannical?)

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    This is absolutely the best book on southeast Asia I have read:

    I don’t know if it is in this one but Scott claims it has made absolutely no difference whether emperors, warlords, colonialists or commies were in charge for 2000 years, for the peasants the policy has been invariant. Put everybody on a rice paddy and extract all of the surplus.

    • Thanks: songbird
  615. @H. L. M
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Ron has effectively quashed comments on the "virus" and the (ridiculous) "vaccine" by flying off the handle with personal invective and threats to commenters that he will erase the commenter's history on his site.

    You have to wonder why would Ron be so sensitive about this one topic.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    Moderating the commenters here or anywhere else on the internet is a thankless job. Our host seems to limit himself almost entirely to comments on his own articles. Don’t understand this one bug-a-boo myself but I don’t complain too much. I don’t know the man but I would surmise he does not personally know of one severe vaccine injury. I sort of wish I did not.

  616. @Mikhail
    @Mr. XYZ

    Relative to what I said, the point to your question being what?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The fact that few people are actually willing to voluntarily fight does not prima facie mean that a country’s cause is not worth fighting for. Russia, for instance, would have been better off fighting to the very end in World War I even though that’s not what its troops actually wanted to do.

  617. @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    After all, surely shared Spanish blood has to count for something–right?
    LOL. No, surely most of them would root for Morocco. 200 years later they're still full of resentment. They will never forgive Spain for having been the one who colonized them instead of the Anglos.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Given the fact that tens of millions of them have already immigrated to the US, sometimes illegally, and that many more of them are still eager to move over here, you might indeed have a point here. But the thing is that the Anglo magic might not have worked as effectively in Latin America as in North America (north of the Rio Grande) simply because there were many more surviving Native Americans in Latin America than there were in North America. Anglo countries are so good because they have a gigantic Germanic (and Ashkenazi Jewish, and Asian) smart fraction. But the smart fraction relative size would have been less had the Anglos controlled Latin America.

  618. The world’s oldest verified living man has passed away in Venezuela at age 114 years and 311 days:

    Age 115 is a very tough nut for men to crack. (Fake male claims to age 115+ abound, of course.)

    Latin Americans perform rather strongly among the world’s oldest verified living men right now:

    Men #3, #4, and #9 (tied; there are two of them born on the very same day) are all from Latin America on the world’s oldest verified living men list.

    Among the oldest verified men ever, men #3, #4, and #10 were from Latin America, and man #7 was from Spain, which shares a lot of its genes with Latin America.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. XYZ

    The world’s oldest verified living man has passed away in Venezuela at age 114 years and 311 days:
    He lived in the tropics, but probably the highlands. Still, they should have tested him to see what tropical diseases he may have had.

    Must have witnessed Venezuela really decline.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  619. AP says:

    ...Be consistent in your stupidity.
    I leave the consistent stupidity to you, you never disappoint us...:) Anyone trying to claim that Trotsky, Kaganovitch are "not" from Ukraine, but Zelko, Shmygal are, has issues with logic or honesty.

    I appreciate your view that Kiev should let go off Donbas for its own good - but you are not Nato or Kiev. They refuse and so it is fair to consider that. They are killing their own citizens. Imagine Madrid bombing Barcelona murdering thousands as "terrorists".

    It is not our views on who is who that matter - it is what the two sides say. Kiev claims all of Ukieland as theirs and that makes all people like Kagan, Trotsky their "Ukies".

    Replies: @AP

    Anyone trying to claim that Trotsky, Kaganovitch are “not” from Ukraine

    Who claimed that? Not me.

    I stated that Trotsky, Kaganovich, and Bulgakov were not Ukrainians.

    All three were neither ethnic Ukrainians, nor citizens of Ukraine.

    Zelensky is not an ethnic Ukrainians, but is a citizen of Ukraine. So his situation is very much different from that of the three non-ethnic Ukrainians we have been discussing. Zelensky is a Ukrainian by citizenship.

    You insist that Trotsky (neither ethnic Ukrainian, nor citizen of Ukraine) was a Ukrainian because he was born there – well, so was Bulgakov.

    You see how stupid your claim is?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman. Also British. The era that produced men like Trotsky or more importantly Lazar Kaganovich had many characters with quite curious identity markers.

    Certainly Trotsky was from Ukraine in a way that he was never quite from Russia. So it is reasonable to say he was Ukrainian as a native.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow

  620. @AnonfromTN

    This AP guy is so funny every time losing badly from you and Annon , look like he is proud of his stupidity
    It’s not necessarily stupidity. The person has a very hard job: defending the indefensible. Naturally, he has to lie, deny or ignore the facts that directly contradict his fairy tale, repeat ad nauseam things that at least don’t directly contradict it, cite concocted false “evidence” from disreputable sources, etc. At least he is doing is with better grace (if we can call his intricate dance that) than some other pro-Ukies here (naming no names).

    Replies: @AP

    The person has a very hard job: defending the indefensible. Naturally, he has to lie

    Have you figured out yet who was the captain on the ship when it rammed the bridge in Baltimore?

    How about when metro stations were built in Kiev after 1991?

  621. @Mikhail
    @Mr. Hack

    Pro-Kiev regime BS like the Ghost of Kiev and other such tales.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    It was for real Mickey. Watch it and weep. 🙁

    Launching an attack with 36 tanks and 12 combat vehicles, Russian army was ambushed in Avdiivka

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    We should all weep for both sides.


    I wonder if Ukrainian kills now will be seen as merely spiteful and therefore more likely to lead to repercussions against Ukrainian civilians after the fighting ends? Spiteful in the sense that capitulation is inevitable now and recognized by all, so that any kills have no military value, only spite.


    Has anyone here commented on Russia's attacks on power infrastructure last week? I saw a quote attributed to the mayor of Kharkiv stating the power was out.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Philip Owen
    @Mr. Hack

    Russia has worked out that losing 50 tanks takes all the ammunition carried by a Leopard 2. Russia has so many tanks it hopes to use all the ammo available to Ukraine.

    Trouble is European shells, purchased and made, are arriving in Ukraine in greater quantities than ever before. Russia used most of the NK shells in Avdiivka. Ukraine may not yet have recovred offensive capability but defense is going to be stronger than ever since the major Russian retreats.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  622. Is it true that in Southern China there is so much humidity that kids can climb the walls like spiders?


  623. @AP

    Anyone trying to claim that Trotsky, Kaganovitch are “not” from Ukraine
    Who claimed that? Not me.

    I stated that Trotsky, Kaganovich, and Bulgakov were not Ukrainians.

    All three were neither ethnic Ukrainians, nor citizens of Ukraine.

    Zelensky is not an ethnic Ukrainians, but is a citizen of Ukraine. So his situation is very much different from that of the three non-ethnic Ukrainians we have been discussing. Zelensky is a Ukrainian by citizenship.

    You insist that Trotsky (neither ethnic Ukrainian, nor citizen of Ukraine) was a Ukrainian because he was born there - well, so was Bulgakov.

    You see how stupid your claim is?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman. Also British. The era that produced men like Trotsky or more importantly Lazar Kaganovich had many characters with quite curious identity markers.

    Certainly Trotsky was from Ukraine in a way that he was never quite from Russia. So it is reasonable to say he was Ukrainian as a native.

    • Replies: @songbird

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman
    Granted, I don't think counter-insurgency is necessarily the best ethnic identifier, I would still claim him for being against the legalization of buggery and for apartheid.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @Beckow

    Agree. But AP doesn't get complexity - he will go down with the ship screaming. He is so razor sharp focused on his agenda of mini-details he argues about that he has no idea what is actually going on. His Ukieland is f..ed and they did it to themselves.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  624. @Mr. XYZ

    Mykolayiv's mayor is Oleksandr Sienkevych. Apparently the governor is Korean, though:

    Hence the confusion.

    Zaporizhia had a Korean mayor a decade ago:

    Vitalii Kim's children are Korkrainians.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    That’s right.

  625. @Mr. XYZ

    Just how many Russians were still willing to take up arms (without them being forced to do so at gunpoint) in late 1917?

    Replies: @Mikhail, @Derer

    You are miserable troll (a la AP and JJ dimwits) that constantly reply by changing the topic. The topic was about Ukraine situation. How is your stupid reply qualify for comment on that? Grow up!

  626. @Mikhail
    Just 8% of Ukrainians ready to take up arms against Russia – pollster

    The lack of military volunteers is a “sensitive issue” ahead of mobilization reform, a leading Ukrainian sociologist has claimed


    Aaron Maté: "Ukraine Defeat Inevitable, and it's Only a Matter of Time."

    How Ukraine Became a Nexus Hub for Jihadists & the Drug Trade

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wielgus

    I suspect morale is in decline, but how do you take a valid poll in a conflict zone anyway?

  627. @Mr. XYZ

    I do wonder if the Nazis were more motivated to kill him by his alleged Red ties (which apparently weren't true, but maybe the Nazis believed in them anyway?) than by him being Polish. Though maybe I'm wrong about this.

    As a side note, it's quite interesting that the Upper Silesian paramilitary clashes in 1919-1921 were rather similar to what occurred in the Donbass over 90 years later in 2014.

    Replies: @Wielgus

    It took place in the heightened tension of a late Weimar election campaign, and was not the only violent incident in Silesia at the time. I suspect political, ethnic and personal hatred all played some part. The killers attacked at night but otherwise were not particularly surreptitious – apparently some even wore swastika armbands.
    Of the five sentenced to death and later released, the apparent ringleader died in an Allied air raid early in 1945, two of the others were killed serving on the Eastern Front in WW2.

  628. @Wokechoke

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman. Also British. The era that produced men like Trotsky or more importantly Lazar Kaganovich had many characters with quite curious identity markers.

    Certainly Trotsky was from Ukraine in a way that he was never quite from Russia. So it is reasonable to say he was Ukrainian as a native.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman

    Granted, I don’t think counter-insurgency is necessarily the best ethnic identifier, I would still claim him for being against the legalization of buggery and for apartheid.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    The family did live in Donegal for centuries.

    It’s also an Anglo-Norman ancestry.

    Admittedly the family were all Bishops in the Church of Ireland…lol not Catholics.

  629. @H. L. M
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Ron has effectively quashed comments on the "virus" and the (ridiculous) "vaccine" by flying off the handle with personal invective and threats to commenters that he will erase the commenter's history on his site.

    You have to wonder why would Ron be so sensitive about this one topic.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    Just revive the conversation in one of the other threads Ron mentioned. List the thread and the comment number and include the link. I think part of Ron’s concern is that these arguments are attractive to both trolls and other very emotional commenters which leads to a very chaotic discussion. He does not want this sort of dialog on every thread; this is simple quality control. On the other hand he implied this discussion is fine in the correct thread where it is not being used to browbeat people who are less interested in COVID/Vax issues.

  630. @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    If my initial guesses had failed, I still had one last, desperate card to draw: that you are a hacky sack enthusiast who was been to Hackensack, NJ.

    I did work in a Ukrainian deli/meat market as a kid
    Must have been a tough business during Lent. What is the Ukrainian meat that ethnics go for? Among the Irish community, it seems to be bacon (different cut) and sausages.

    did learn how to cut up whole chickens into eights on a bandsaw.
    would like to see one of those robots try to cut chicken with a circular saw.

    Also, in my youth I did work as a yellow cab driver for two summer
    I think cabbies see the most complete cross-section of America. It is always interesting to hear them speak about the people they meet. Have the morbid curiosity to ask how many times someone threw-up in your cab.

    and I often worked 12 hour shifts
    That is a long time to sit. I remember really suffering through Return of the King

    I chose it because I never wanted to take myself or what I was doing too seriously, therefore I thought of myself as a lowly, dime a dozen “hack writer”
    It is a pity that Aaron disappeared. I had wanted to ask him if he had ever read Lorna Doone.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Must have been a tough business during Lent. What is the Ukrainian meat that ethnics go for? Among the Irish community, it seems to be bacon (different cut) and sausages.

    The Irish and the Ukrainians are like two book ends that hold together all of Europe, and they seem to share many habits and proclivities. Ukrainians are very fond of sausages and bacon too. The bacon is prepared so that it’s ready to eat as soon as you buy it. A shot of hootch is almost mandatory too. The deli had a lot of really good non-meat products, so “where there’s a will there’s a way”!

    think cabbies see the most complete cross-section of America. It is always interesting to hear them speak about the people they meet.

    This is very true. Airport runs were the most lucrative and you would meet out of towners and find out what brought them to town. You visit parts of the city that you’ve never been to before and find out the real pulse of the city and what was really going on. People just don’t realize what’s going on all around them. Nobody ever threw up during any of my trips…

    It is a pity that Aaron disappeared. I had wanted to ask him if he had ever read Lorna Doone.

    I agree about Aaron and miss his commentary, but don’t follow about “Lorna Doone”?

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    Nobody ever threw up during any of my trips…
    That surprises me a great deal. I thought nights on weekends were the busiest and drunks one of the biggest customers.

    I agree about Aaron and miss his commentary, but don’t follow about “Lorna Doone”?
    He had expressed an interest in Victorian and historical novels. Lorna Doone is a popular book that was both. I read it myself many years ago, and thought it had elements that might appeal to him. And so I was interested in hearing his opinion on it, or recommending it to him, if he hadn't read it.

    I remember the story more than the prose, but I think much from that era is the antithesis of hack writing.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  631. @Mr. Hack

    It was for real Mickey. Watch it and weep. :-(
    Launching an attack with 36 tanks and 12 combat vehicles, Russian army was ambushed in Avdiivka

    Replies: @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    We should all weep for both sides.


    I wonder if Ukrainian kills now will be seen as merely spiteful and therefore more likely to lead to repercussions against Ukrainian civilians after the fighting ends? Spiteful in the sense that capitulation is inevitable now and recognized by all, so that any kills have no military value, only spite.


    Has anyone here commented on Russia’s attacks on power infrastructure last week? I saw a quote attributed to the mayor of Kharkiv stating the power was out.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    that capitulation is inevitable
    You're dreaming. Things may get ugly (for both sides), but Ukraine is far from any capitulation. If you're so sure that Ukraine is close to capitulation, any time frame you'd care to share?

    Replies: @QCIC, @Derer

  632. @Mr. Hack

    Must have been a tough business during Lent. What is the Ukrainian meat that ethnics go for? Among the Irish community, it seems to be bacon (different cut) and sausages.
    The Irish and the Ukrainians are like two book ends that hold together all of Europe, and they seem to share many habits and proclivities. Ukrainians are very fond of sausages and bacon too. The bacon is prepared so that it's ready to eat as soon as you buy it. A shot of hootch is almost mandatory too. The deli had a lot of really good non-meat products, so "where there's a will there's a way"!

    think cabbies see the most complete cross-section of America. It is always interesting to hear them speak about the people they meet.
    This is very true. Airport runs were the most lucrative and you would meet out of towners and find out what brought them to town. You visit parts of the city that you've never been to before and find out the real pulse of the city and what was really going on. People just don't realize what's going on all around them. Nobody ever threw up during any of my trips...

    It is a pity that Aaron disappeared. I had wanted to ask him if he had ever read Lorna Doone.
    I agree about Aaron and miss his commentary, but don't follow about "Lorna Doone"?

    Replies: @songbird

    Nobody ever threw up during any of my trips…

    That surprises me a great deal. I thought nights on weekends were the busiest and drunks one of the biggest customers.

    I agree about Aaron and miss his commentary, but don’t follow about “Lorna Doone”?

    He had expressed an interest in Victorian and historical novels. Lorna Doone is a popular book that was both. I read it myself many years ago, and thought it had elements that might appeal to him. And so I was interested in hearing his opinion on it, or recommending it to him, if he hadn’t read it.

    I remember the story more than the prose, but I think much from that era is the antithesis of hack writing.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    My normal hours were anytime from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Not late enough to catch the bar crowd woofers. :-)

  633. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    We should all weep for both sides.


    I wonder if Ukrainian kills now will be seen as merely spiteful and therefore more likely to lead to repercussions against Ukrainian civilians after the fighting ends? Spiteful in the sense that capitulation is inevitable now and recognized by all, so that any kills have no military value, only spite.


    Has anyone here commented on Russia's attacks on power infrastructure last week? I saw a quote attributed to the mayor of Kharkiv stating the power was out.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    that capitulation is inevitable

    You’re dreaming. Things may get ugly (for both sides), but Ukraine is far from any capitulation. If you’re so sure that Ukraine is close to capitulation, any time frame you’d care to share?

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Ah, the sixty four dollar question ($64), when will Ukraine capitulate? My guess remains that Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed. In other words, I doubt Russia expects to be negotiating terms with a government which simply turns into a guerrilla warfare machine. I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks. The earlier this happens the more dangerous it is for all of these individuals.

    If Russia actually destroyed the power stations for Kharkiv as has been recently claimed, then this city may be the next target. It would be interesting if both sides temporarily abandoned this large city. It is in the interest of Ukrainian citizens to capitulate sooner, but this doesn't change the Russian requirement. So an actionable Ukrainian capitulation requires acceptance and resignation and rejection of Western puppeteers. This does not seem imminent.

    Wild guess:

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.
    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.
    Full capitulation of Kiev government next summer, allowing time for some rats to leave the ship.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Derer
    @Mr. Hack

    Please explain how can Ukraine defeat Russia and give us a time frame for that hallucination. Hacky, give up and face the reality.

    Replies: @AP

  634. @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    Nobody ever threw up during any of my trips…
    That surprises me a great deal. I thought nights on weekends were the busiest and drunks one of the biggest customers.

    I agree about Aaron and miss his commentary, but don’t follow about “Lorna Doone”?
    He had expressed an interest in Victorian and historical novels. Lorna Doone is a popular book that was both. I read it myself many years ago, and thought it had elements that might appeal to him. And so I was interested in hearing his opinion on it, or recommending it to him, if he hadn't read it.

    I remember the story more than the prose, but I think much from that era is the antithesis of hack writing.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    My normal hours were anytime from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Not late enough to catch the bar crowd woofers. 🙂

    • Thanks: songbird
  635. On 1 April 2024, an Israeli drone fired three consecutive missiles at a convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK), killing seven aid workers who had been distributing food in the northern Gaza Strip, which is experiencing an ongoing famine caused by Israel’s siege and blockade.,Israel%27s%20siege%20and%20blockade%20during%20the%20Israel%E2%80%93Hamas%20war.
    • Saif Abu Taha, a 26-years old Palestinian local from Rafah.
    • Damian Soból, a 35-years old Polish national from Przemysl. Soból has worked with the WCK since 2022.
    • Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom, an Australian national.
    • James Henderson, a 33-years old British national.
    • John Antony Chapman, a 57-years old British national.
    • James Kirby, a British national.
    • Jacob Flickenger, a dual Canadian-American citizen.
    Do you think that the governments of Britain, Poland, or Australia will say anything against the murderers or those who supplied murder weapons? Fat chance!

    • Replies: @A123

    Hamas started this war on Oct 7. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival.

    an Israeli drone fired three consecutive missiles at a convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK)
    Do you think that the governments of Britain, Poland, or Australia will say anything against the murderers or those who supplied murder weapons? Fat chance!
    How do you know it is 'murder' rather than a tragic mistake? There will be an investigation and, if needed, trial. If orders were wilfully disobeyed, expect consequences for the perpetrators.

    Sadly, civilians die in combat zones all the time. As Hamas started the war, Islam owns 100% of the collateral damage. Why do you refuse to call out the actual aggressors?

    Russia/Israel have the right to defend themselves from senseless attacks by Ukies/Palis. If you want the fighting to stop, you have to deal with the Palis/Ukies who created the problem. Of course, this means calling out EU leaders who support the Muslim and Kiev offensives.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @Wokechoke

    Glass Tel Aviv is proportionate.

    Victorian Era gentlemen used to take the slaughter of their compatriots very seriously.

  636. Ukies follow the example of their puppeteers in total misunderstanding of human psychology. There was a noticeable uptick in Russia of those volunteering to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense and serve in SMO after Crocus terrorist attack on March 22. Up to 1,700 come with the intention to sign the contract every day. Many cite their desire to avenge March 22 as a motive.

    Since January 1, 2024, more than 100,000 Russians joined the military on contract.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Ukies follow the example of their puppeteers in total misunderstanding of human psychology.
    They want to create a chimera of winning! They don't consider what Russians think - the focus on Putin! is an attempt to disregard Russia. It was always a fantasy and has backfired horribly. It may destroy Ukraine as a viable state.

    NY Times today has a sad article by A.Kramer about Ukraine and draft with an air of resignation and coming to terms with reality. They went so far on the limb cheerleading and lying to Kiev - not hard to do to morons and psychopaths - that taking it back will be very gradual.

    They are hoping for a miracle - maybe another big event to overshadow Kiev's loss, or US elections. They are stalling because they are paralyzed.

    Over half a million Ukies dead or maimed so Ukraine can join Nato, possibly the dumbest bunch of people on this planet. Or with the most corrupt elite. They will never be able to explain it to the survivors.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  637. @A123
    @H. L. M

    I do not get it either. There is a much better option via reframing the discussion, exclusively on the COVID vaccines — Two new terms are required:

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.
    Manda-Vaxx — Those who insist everyone *must* receive COVID vaccine & multiple boosters.

    I think that Mr. Unz could be brought into the Vaxx-Realist camp.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.

    I guess I fall into this category.

    Collectively, the info I have clearly indicates that COVID was ~10% disease and 90% psyop. Otherwise it is impossible to explain how Putin managed to cure the whole world of COVID by starting SMO.

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.

    • Replies: @A123

    The mRNA spike concept makes a certain amount of sense. However the WUHAN-19 vaccines were rushed and were thus experimental for emergency use.

    Could they be useful for those 75+ with preexisting conditions? Possibly. I would have considered it if I already had two strikes in my health background.

    The problem was that BigPharma wanted the $$$. Not-The-President Biden's regime wanted the fascism. All of a sudden it became mandatory for everyone, which defied the science. Why vaccinate those with near 0% risk?

    Heart attacks and other sudden deaths are up in young and healthy demographics. Over use of the jab will be with us for decades. And, BigPharma is stubbornly impeding investigation. Even if they cannot be sued, they rely on having a trusted reputation.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.
    Here is what I want to know and have been unable to find out. It appears that virus pathogens are generally too diffuse and too elusive in diseased organisms to be isolated and identified and studied. The properties are inferred from indirect evidence. Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch's postulates criteria. All of the provable virus characteristics are established on a handful of large and prolific particular viruses. Almost all completely harmless to humans.

    HIV seems to be as quantified as Dark Energy out in the vastness of the universe.

    This illustration seems to be an invention.

    I might be totally wrong but I have never seen contrary evidence and I have been looking for four fscking years at this point.

    Your 100% sure looks high to me.

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

  638. @Wokechoke

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman. Also British. The era that produced men like Trotsky or more importantly Lazar Kaganovich had many characters with quite curious identity markers.

    Certainly Trotsky was from Ukraine in a way that he was never quite from Russia. So it is reasonable to say he was Ukrainian as a native.

    Replies: @songbird, @Beckow

    Agree. But AP doesn’t get complexity – he will go down with the ship screaming. He is so razor sharp focused on his agenda of mini-details he argues about that he has no idea what is actually going on. His Ukieland is f..ed and they did it to themselves.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    He is so razor sharp focused on his agenda of mini-details he argues about that he has no idea what is actually going on.
    There is an applicable Russian saying “fails to see the forest behind the trees”.
  639. A123 says: • Website
    On 1 April 2024, an Israeli drone fired three consecutive missiles at a convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK), killing seven aid workers who had been distributing food in the northern Gaza Strip, which is experiencing an ongoing famine caused by Israel's siege and blockade.,Israel%27s%20siege%20and%20blockade%20during%20the%20Israel%E2%80%93Hamas%20war.
    • Saif Abu Taha, a 26-years old Palestinian local from Rafah.
    • Damian Soból, a 35-years old Polish national from Przemysl. Soból has worked with the WCK since 2022.
    • Lalzawmi "Zomi" Frankcom, an Australian national.
    • James Henderson, a 33-years old British national.
    • John Antony Chapman, a 57-years old British national.
    • James Kirby, a British national.
    • Jacob Flickenger, a dual Canadian-American citizen.
    Do you think that the governments of Britain, Poland, or Australia will say anything against the murderers or those who supplied murder weapons? Fat chance!

    Replies: @A123, @Wokechoke

    Hamas started this war on Oct 7. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival.

    an Israeli drone fired three consecutive missiles at a convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK)

    Do you think that the governments of Britain, Poland, or Australia will say anything against the murderers or those who supplied murder weapons? Fat chance!

    How do you know it is ‘murder’ rather than a tragic mistake? There will be an investigation and, if needed, trial. If orders were wilfully disobeyed, expect consequences for the perpetrators.

    Sadly, civilians die in combat zones all the time. As Hamas started the war, Islam owns 100% of the collateral damage. Why do you refuse to call out the actual aggressors?

    Russia/Israel have the right to defend themselves from senseless attacks by Ukies/Palis. If you want the fighting to stop, you have to deal with the Palis/Ukies who created the problem. Of course, this means calling out EU leaders who support the Muslim and Kiev offensives.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    How do you know it is ‘murder’ rather than a tragic mistake?
    A lot of murders are “tragic mistakes”: wrong person is killed instead of intended victim. Killing a person is a punishable crime. No existing criminal code accepts this mistake as an extenuating circumstance.

    Next you must say that killing ~15,000 children were 15,000 “tragic mistakes”. In fact, these were 15,000 crimes calling for proper punishment of every perpetrator.

    Replies: @A123

  640. A123 says: • Website

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.
    I guess I fall into this category.

    Collectively, the info I have clearly indicates that COVID was ~10% disease and 90% psyop. Otherwise it is impossible to explain how Putin managed to cure the whole world of COVID by starting SMO.

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard

    The mRNA spike concept makes a certain amount of sense. However the WUHAN-19 vaccines were rushed and were thus experimental for emergency use.

    Could they be useful for those 75+ with preexisting conditions? Possibly. I would have considered it if I already had two strikes in my health background.

    The problem was that BigPharma wanted the $$$. Not-The-President Biden’s regime wanted the fascism. All of a sudden it became mandatory for everyone, which defied the science. Why vaccinate those with near 0% risk?

    Heart attacks and other sudden deaths are up in young and healthy demographics. Over use of the jab will be with us for decades. And, BigPharma is stubbornly impeding investigation. Even if they cannot be sued, they rely on having a trusted reputation.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    The mRNA spike concept makes a certain amount of sense.
    Maybe for those totally ignorant about cell biology and biochemistry.

    Facts are:
    1) nucleic acids, both RNAs and DNAs, cannot cross cell membrane, whereas all the machinery for making proteins encoded by mRNAs is inside the cell;
    2) mRNAs are extremely unstable, cellular cytoplasm and everything around us is chock-full of RNase activity (the activity of enzymes that destroy RNAs;
    3) you can increase RNA stability by chemical modifications;
    4) ribosomes do not use chemically modified RNA, so no protein can be made from it.
  641. @A123

    The mRNA spike concept makes a certain amount of sense. However the WUHAN-19 vaccines were rushed and were thus experimental for emergency use.

    Could they be useful for those 75+ with preexisting conditions? Possibly. I would have considered it if I already had two strikes in my health background.

    The problem was that BigPharma wanted the $$$. Not-The-President Biden's regime wanted the fascism. All of a sudden it became mandatory for everyone, which defied the science. Why vaccinate those with near 0% risk?

    Heart attacks and other sudden deaths are up in young and healthy demographics. Over use of the jab will be with us for decades. And, BigPharma is stubbornly impeding investigation. Even if they cannot be sued, they rely on having a trusted reputation.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    The mRNA spike concept makes a certain amount of sense.

    Maybe for those totally ignorant about cell biology and biochemistry.

    Facts are:
    1) nucleic acids, both RNAs and DNAs, cannot cross cell membrane, whereas all the machinery for making proteins encoded by mRNAs is inside the cell;
    2) mRNAs are extremely unstable, cellular cytoplasm and everything around us is chock-full of RNase activity (the activity of enzymes that destroy RNAs;
    3) you can increase RNA stability by chemical modifications;
    4) ribosomes do not use chemically modified RNA, so no protein can be made from it.

  642. @A123

    Hamas started this war on Oct 7. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival.

    an Israeli drone fired three consecutive missiles at a convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK)
    Do you think that the governments of Britain, Poland, or Australia will say anything against the murderers or those who supplied murder weapons? Fat chance!
    How do you know it is 'murder' rather than a tragic mistake? There will be an investigation and, if needed, trial. If orders were wilfully disobeyed, expect consequences for the perpetrators.

    Sadly, civilians die in combat zones all the time. As Hamas started the war, Islam owns 100% of the collateral damage. Why do you refuse to call out the actual aggressors?

    Russia/Israel have the right to defend themselves from senseless attacks by Ukies/Palis. If you want the fighting to stop, you have to deal with the Palis/Ukies who created the problem. Of course, this means calling out EU leaders who support the Muslim and Kiev offensives.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    How do you know it is ‘murder’ rather than a tragic mistake?

    A lot of murders are “tragic mistakes”: wrong person is killed instead of intended victim. Killing a person is a punishable crime. No existing criminal code accepts this mistake as an extenuating circumstance.

    Next you must say that killing ~15,000 children were 15,000 “tragic mistakes”. In fact, these were 15,000 crimes calling for proper punishment of every perpetrator.

    • Replies: @A123

    Next you must say that killing ~15,000 children were 15,000 “tragic mistakes”. In fact, these were 15,000 crimes calling for proper punishment of every perpetrator.
    Hamas killing ~15,000 children by using them as human shields fits the definition of a war crime. Every Gazan jihadist should receive the proper punishment for their abuse of civilians.

    Why do you not call on Hamas to release all hostages and lay down arms?

    Do you really expect indigenous Palestinian Jews to give up on their hostage rescue operations? This could end tomorrow if Muslims stopped their senseless & inhumane atrocities. Until then, count on native Jews to continue resisting murder, rape, and kidnapping by colonial Muslim aggressors.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

  643. @Beckow

    Agree. But AP doesn't get complexity - he will go down with the ship screaming. He is so razor sharp focused on his agenda of mini-details he argues about that he has no idea what is actually going on. His Ukieland is f..ed and they did it to themselves.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    He is so razor sharp focused on his agenda of mini-details he argues about that he has no idea what is actually going on.

    There is an applicable Russian saying “fails to see the forest behind the trees”.

  644. @AnonfromTN
    Ukies follow the example of their puppeteers in total misunderstanding of human psychology. There was a noticeable uptick in Russia of those volunteering to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense and serve in SMO after Crocus terrorist attack on March 22. Up to 1,700 come with the intention to sign the contract every day. Many cite their desire to avenge March 22 as a motive.

    Since January 1, 2024, more than 100,000 Russians joined the military on contract.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Ukies follow the example of their puppeteers in total misunderstanding of human psychology.

    They want to create a chimera of winning! They don’t consider what Russians think – the focus on Putin! is an attempt to disregard Russia. It was always a fantasy and has backfired horribly. It may destroy Ukraine as a viable state.

    NY Times today has a sad article by A.Kramer about Ukraine and draft with an air of resignation and coming to terms with reality. They went so far on the limb cheerleading and lying to Kiev – not hard to do to morons and psychopaths – that taking it back will be very gradual.

    They are hoping for a miracle – maybe another big event to overshadow Kiev’s loss, or US elections. They are stalling because they are paralyzed.

    Over half a million Ukies dead or maimed so Ukraine can join Nato, possibly the dumbest bunch of people on this planet. Or with the most corrupt elite. They will never be able to explain it to the survivors.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    They will never be able to explain it to the survivors.
    They won’t have a chance to explain. The lucky ones among the functionaries of the regime will run away to their masters. Some of them will serve a bit more as “government in exile”, whereupon they will be dropped like Venezuelan Guaido, possibly disposed of (crashes, “suicides”, death of “natural causes”). Less lucky ones will be hanged by the survivors right there in Ukraine. No explanations will be accepted.

    Replies: @Beckow

  645. A123 says: • Website

    How do you know it is ‘murder’ rather than a tragic mistake?
    A lot of murders are “tragic mistakes”: wrong person is killed instead of intended victim. Killing a person is a punishable crime. No existing criminal code accepts this mistake as an extenuating circumstance.

    Next you must say that killing ~15,000 children were 15,000 “tragic mistakes”. In fact, these were 15,000 crimes calling for proper punishment of every perpetrator.

    Replies: @A123

    Next you must say that killing ~15,000 children were 15,000 “tragic mistakes”. In fact, these were 15,000 crimes calling for proper punishment of every perpetrator.

    Hamas killing ~15,000 children by using them as human shields fits the definition of a war crime. Every Gazan jihadist should receive the proper punishment for their abuse of civilians.

    Why do you not call on Hamas to release all hostages and lay down arms?

    Do you really expect indigenous Palestinian Jews to give up on their hostage rescue operations? This could end tomorrow if Muslims stopped their senseless & inhumane atrocities. Until then, count on native Jews to continue resisting murder, rape, and kidnapping by colonial Muslim aggressors.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Beckow

    How many thousand randomly picked Pali civilians are in Izrael's jails? That fits the definition of taking hostages.

    Your inability to see the reality in Palestine and be minimally objective suggests that you are a fanatic. Or you possibly choose to play one.

    It is an unfolding disaster for Izrael, few will stay if it becomes an armed camp surrounded by tens of millions enemies. They should had made a deal - either give Palis a viable state (West Bank-Gaza...) or a single state with some rules. But they didn't and are now only left with bad options. If you think an expulsion or genocide in 2024 is a good idea you are deluded. And what you call it doesn't matter.

    Replies: @A123

  646. @A123

    Next you must say that killing ~15,000 children were 15,000 “tragic mistakes”. In fact, these were 15,000 crimes calling for proper punishment of every perpetrator.
    Hamas killing ~15,000 children by using them as human shields fits the definition of a war crime. Every Gazan jihadist should receive the proper punishment for their abuse of civilians.

    Why do you not call on Hamas to release all hostages and lay down arms?

    Do you really expect indigenous Palestinian Jews to give up on their hostage rescue operations? This could end tomorrow if Muslims stopped their senseless & inhumane atrocities. Until then, count on native Jews to continue resisting murder, rape, and kidnapping by colonial Muslim aggressors.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

    How many thousand randomly picked Pali civilians are in Izrael’s jails? That fits the definition of taking hostages.

    Your inability to see the reality in Palestine and be minimally objective suggests that you are a fanatic. Or you possibly choose to play one.

    It is an unfolding disaster for Izrael, few will stay if it becomes an armed camp surrounded by tens of millions enemies. They should had made a deal – either give Palis a viable state (West Bank-Gaza…) or a single state with some rules. But they didn’t and are now only left with bad options. If you think an expulsion or genocide in 2024 is a good idea you are deluded. And what you call it doesn’t matter.

    • Replies: @A123

    Your fanaticism in blaming Jewish victims of Muslim violence is extremely irrational. Let me re ask the questions AnonfromTN ducked:

    Why do you not call on Hamas to release all hostages and lay down arms?

    Do you really expect indigenous Palestinian Jews to allow Hamas to keep the kidnapping victims?

    Your histrionic one-sidedness is very hypocritical.

    They should had made a deal – either give Palis a viable state (West Bank-Gaza…) or a single state with some rules.
    This has been tried multiple time. Do you remember the Oslo deal? The Muslim colonists in Judea and Samaria almost immediately went back on their word.

    Who are indigenous Palestinian Jews supposed to negotiate with? You may have noticed that Abbas is in the 20th year of his 4 year term in office. He is the most credible leader of the Muslim colonists.

    Sadly, you are delusional about current Muslim capability for deal making. This is the same problem Russia faces trying to negotiate with the current Kiev regime. It is hard to see hope for progress until outside actors stop propping up Ukie/Pali aggression.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

  647. @songbird

    You can accurately claim that Bernard Law Montgomery was an Irishman
    Granted, I don't think counter-insurgency is necessarily the best ethnic identifier, I would still claim him for being against the legalization of buggery and for apartheid.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The family did live in Donegal for centuries.

    It’s also an Anglo-Norman ancestry.

    Admittedly the family were all Bishops in the Church of Ireland…lol not Catholics.

    • LOL: songbird
  648. @AnonfromTN
    On 1 April 2024, an Israeli drone fired three consecutive missiles at a convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK), killing seven aid workers who had been distributing food in the northern Gaza Strip, which is experiencing an ongoing famine caused by Israel's siege and blockade.,Israel%27s%20siege%20and%20blockade%20during%20the%20Israel%E2%80%93Hamas%20war.
    • Saif Abu Taha, a 26-years old Palestinian local from Rafah.
    • Damian Soból, a 35-years old Polish national from Przemysl. Soból has worked with the WCK since 2022.
    • Lalzawmi "Zomi" Frankcom, an Australian national.
    • James Henderson, a 33-years old British national.
    • John Antony Chapman, a 57-years old British national.
    • James Kirby, a British national.
    • Jacob Flickenger, a dual Canadian-American citizen.
    Do you think that the governments of Britain, Poland, or Australia will say anything against the murderers or those who supplied murder weapons? Fat chance!

    Replies: @A123, @Wokechoke

    Glass Tel Aviv is proportionate.

    Victorian Era gentlemen used to take the slaughter of their compatriots very seriously.

  649. @Beckow

    ...Ukies follow the example of their puppeteers in total misunderstanding of human psychology.
    They want to create a chimera of winning! They don't consider what Russians think - the focus on Putin! is an attempt to disregard Russia. It was always a fantasy and has backfired horribly. It may destroy Ukraine as a viable state.

    NY Times today has a sad article by A.Kramer about Ukraine and draft with an air of resignation and coming to terms with reality. They went so far on the limb cheerleading and lying to Kiev - not hard to do to morons and psychopaths - that taking it back will be very gradual.

    They are hoping for a miracle - maybe another big event to overshadow Kiev's loss, or US elections. They are stalling because they are paralyzed.

    Over half a million Ukies dead or maimed so Ukraine can join Nato, possibly the dumbest bunch of people on this planet. Or with the most corrupt elite. They will never be able to explain it to the survivors.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    They will never be able to explain it to the survivors.

    They won’t have a chance to explain. The lucky ones among the functionaries of the regime will run away to their masters. Some of them will serve a bit more as “government in exile”, whereupon they will be dropped like Venezuelan Guaido, possibly disposed of (crashes, “suicides”, death of “natural causes”). Less lucky ones will be hanged by the survivors right there in Ukraine. No explanations will be accepted.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses. Some to a quiet life in Maryland, Perth, Winnipeg, few lucky ones in Salisbury or even London. They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.

    I was referring to the millions more Ukies - not all Galicians and Banderites - who supported this madness even as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival. These willing jump-into-the-fire-for-Nato enthusiasts will not be taken care off. Some will move west and assimilate, many will claim they were deceived, some will switch sides. But what are they going to tell the Ukies who will stay to live in what is left of Ukraine, how are they going to explain it?

    Telling future generations they chose more heroes and fewer Ukies over the crucial issue of the Kiev membership in Nato will be seen as stupidity. Like destroying a country over what FIFA region it plays in - some are better than others, but what country would destroy itself over it?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @A123, @AnonfromTN

  650. @AnonfromTN

    Vaxx-Realist — Those who want to weigh disease risk vs. COVID vaccine risk.
    I guess I fall into this category.

    Collectively, the info I have clearly indicates that COVID was ~10% disease and 90% psyop. Otherwise it is impossible to explain how Putin managed to cure the whole world of COVID by starting SMO.

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.

    Here is what I want to know and have been unable to find out. It appears that virus pathogens are generally too diffuse and too elusive in diseased organisms to be isolated and identified and studied. The properties are inferred from indirect evidence. Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch’s postulates criteria. All of the provable virus characteristics are established on a handful of large and prolific particular viruses. Almost all completely harmless to humans.

    HIV seems to be as quantified as Dark Energy out in the vastness of the universe.

    This illustration seems to be an invention.

    I might be totally wrong but I have never seen contrary evidence and I have been looking for four fscking years at this point.

    Your 100% sure looks high to me.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I think one problem is that the popular discussion mostly concerns viruses implicated in respiratory illness. Many of these conditions have very similar symptoms shared with some bacterial infections so sorting out cause and effect is difficult if not impossible. I wonder if there are viruses which cause unique and specific symptoms so that satisfying Koch's postulates is possible? Maybe some virus causes small blue spots or something along those lines.

    At the beginning of the AIDS-HIV mess such a unique symptom had been found with a version of Kaposi's sarcoma, or so some investigators thought. The new condition was hypothesized to be caused by the virus, but later was explained as damage caused by amyl nitrate exposure and dropped from the list of definitive AIDS symptoms. Oops.

    , @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch’s postulates criteria.
    What Pasteur or Koch did with cellular parasites cannot be done with viruses. Viruses are the ultimate parasites: they cannot live by themselves, they use the machinery of the infected cell to reproduce their genome and make their proteins. Yet they can be produced, purified, and studied. E.g., for research purposes we use special cultured cells to produce lentiviruses and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) for delivery of genes to cells in living animals. BTW, AAVs are even more defective than most viruses: they need a cell infected by adenovirus to reproduce, as they need to use the machinery of the cell and that of adenovirus (hence the name).

    Viruses infecting bacteria are relatively simple: genome is packaged in an envelope that has machinery for its injection into the cell. T7 bacteriophage is a typical example (when the subject is not politically sensitive, Wiki articles tend to be true):,to%20change%20structure%20when%20it%20enters%20the%20cell.

    Viruses of eukaryotic cells are usually bigger and more complex. In addition to packaged genetic material (which can be single- or double-stranded DNA, coding or complementary to it RNA) they have some cytoplasm (borrowed from the cell they bud off) and bilayer lipid membrane (also borrowed from the host cell, but containing viral proteins necessary for it to infect next host cells). Viral proteins on this membrane determine its possible hosts (cells it can fuse with to deliver its genetic material). For example, if you want to make an animal virus to infect humans, all you need to do is change the gene(s) encoding its targeting membrane protein(s) to corresponding gene(s) of a human virus.
    Here is a useful piece on classification of viruses:

    COVID-19 virus has typical structure of eukaryotic viruses:

    There are lots of human viruses that are its close relatives, they cause common cold. So, if someone wanted to make human-targeting virus out of it, the task wasn’t too complicated (in sharp contrast to gain-of-function: it is very hard to improve on something perfected by evolution for millions of years).

    Making the virus jump species is the surefire way of making it aggressive and deadly. Obviously, killing the host is against the interests of a parasite. Therefore, most viruses and other parasites of any species are either fairly benign (like common cold viruses in humans), or even useful for the host (becoming a symbiont, like E. coli living in our intestines).

    I am not a virologist, but I hope I answered your question.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  651. A123 says: • Website

    How many thousand randomly picked Pali civilians are in Izrael's jails? That fits the definition of taking hostages.

    Your inability to see the reality in Palestine and be minimally objective suggests that you are a fanatic. Or you possibly choose to play one.

    It is an unfolding disaster for Izrael, few will stay if it becomes an armed camp surrounded by tens of millions enemies. They should had made a deal - either give Palis a viable state (West Bank-Gaza...) or a single state with some rules. But they didn't and are now only left with bad options. If you think an expulsion or genocide in 2024 is a good idea you are deluded. And what you call it doesn't matter.

    Replies: @A123

    Your fanaticism in blaming Jewish victims of Muslim violence is extremely irrational. Let me re ask the questions AnonfromTN ducked:

    Why do you not call on Hamas to release all hostages and lay down arms?

    Do you really expect indigenous Palestinian Jews to allow Hamas to keep the kidnapping victims?

    Your histrionic one-sidedness is very hypocritical.

    They should had made a deal – either give Palis a viable state (West Bank-Gaza…) or a single state with some rules.

    This has been tried multiple time. Do you remember the Oslo deal? The Muslim colonists in Judea and Samaria almost immediately went back on their word.

    Who are indigenous Palestinian Jews supposed to negotiate with? You may have noticed that Abbas is in the 20th year of his 4 year term in office. He is the most credible leader of the Muslim colonists.

    Sadly, you are delusional about current Muslim capability for deal making. This is the same problem Russia faces trying to negotiate with the current Kiev regime. It is hard to see hope for progress until outside actors stop propping up Ukie/Pali aggression.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Beckow

    You work hard at being a parody of an ethno-fanatic...It is almost credible...:)

    I answered your question about the hostages - Palis say that the thousands of their people who were (and still are) picked up at random and kept in Izraeli jails are also hostages. They have a point. There are two sides in wars.

    Replies: @A123

  652. @Mr. Hack

    that capitulation is inevitable
    You're dreaming. Things may get ugly (for both sides), but Ukraine is far from any capitulation. If you're so sure that Ukraine is close to capitulation, any time frame you'd care to share?

    Replies: @QCIC, @Derer

    Ah, the sixty four dollar question ($64), when will Ukraine capitulate? My guess remains that Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed. In other words, I doubt Russia expects to be negotiating terms with a government which simply turns into a guerrilla warfare machine. I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks. The earlier this happens the more dangerous it is for all of these individuals.

    If Russia actually destroyed the power stations for Kharkiv as has been recently claimed, then this city may be the next target. It would be interesting if both sides temporarily abandoned this large city. It is in the interest of Ukrainian citizens to capitulate sooner, but this doesn’t change the Russian requirement. So an actionable Ukrainian capitulation requires acceptance and resignation and rejection of Western puppeteers. This does not seem imminent.

    Wild guess:

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.
    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.
    Full capitulation of Kiev government next summer, allowing time for some rats to leave the ship.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed.
    And when will this occur? How do you know that Zelensky wont be reelected? He still seems to be quite popular.

    I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks.
    Pro-russian politicians in Ukraine are still very unpopular. So what do you base this hackneyed opinion on?

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.
    Even after Kharkiv has already repelled two unsuccessful assaults? After a long lull and plenty of time to build up its defensive posture, it seems that Kharkiv will be ready for anything that the orcs throw their way.

    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.
    Even though the invaders have not already launched any serious attempts to take Odessa? Have already retreated from Kherson, the gateway to Odessa, and are not poised to retake it anytime soon? Have lost their mastery of the Black Sea, and have lost at least two carrier ships that would be needed to take this port city? Do you realize that any Russian ship that leaves any Russian port city (on the Russian side) is clearly targeted for destruction by Ukrainian drones within two hours of launching into the Black Sea? I think that you're thoughts are more formed by pro-kremlin sentiments, rather than by anything factual.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Philip Owen

  653. @Mr. XYZ
    The world's oldest verified living man has passed away in Venezuela at age 114 years and 311 days:

    Age 115 is a very tough nut for men to crack. (Fake male claims to age 115+ abound, of course.)

    Latin Americans perform rather strongly among the world's oldest verified living men right now:

    Men #3, #4, and #9 (tied; there are two of them born on the very same day) are all from Latin America on the world's oldest verified living men list.

    Among the oldest verified men ever, men #3, #4, and #10 were from Latin America, and man #7 was from Spain, which shares a lot of its genes with Latin America.

    Replies: @songbird

    The world’s oldest verified living man has passed away in Venezuela at age 114 years and 311 days:

    He lived in the tropics, but probably the highlands. Still, they should have tested him to see what tropical diseases he may have had.

    Must have witnessed Venezuela really decline.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    He died in San Jose de Bolivar, Táchira, Venezuela. Is that in the highlands? He was born in El Cobre, Táchira, Venezuela.

    Testing him might have been risky in the sense that it might have increased the odds of him getting a deadly infection or virus that could have killed him simply due to him being exposed to more people. But maybe I'm being overly paranoid about this.

    Must have witnessed Venezuela really decline.


    Yep; absolutely! A couple of years ago, on the 110 Club forum, I read that his family was too poor to afford to buy new dentures for him. That's just how poor they were, unfortunately. Maybe they got some donations for this after he became the world's oldest living man slightly over two years ago, though. He did get more fame internationally as a result of that, after all.

    Replies: @songbird

  654. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.
    Here is what I want to know and have been unable to find out. It appears that virus pathogens are generally too diffuse and too elusive in diseased organisms to be isolated and identified and studied. The properties are inferred from indirect evidence. Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch's postulates criteria. All of the provable virus characteristics are established on a handful of large and prolific particular viruses. Almost all completely harmless to humans.

    HIV seems to be as quantified as Dark Energy out in the vastness of the universe.

    This illustration seems to be an invention.

    I might be totally wrong but I have never seen contrary evidence and I have been looking for four fscking years at this point.

    Your 100% sure looks high to me.

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

    I think one problem is that the popular discussion mostly concerns viruses implicated in respiratory illness. Many of these conditions have very similar symptoms shared with some bacterial infections so sorting out cause and effect is difficult if not impossible. I wonder if there are viruses which cause unique and specific symptoms so that satisfying Koch’s postulates is possible? Maybe some virus causes small blue spots or something along those lines.

    At the beginning of the AIDS-HIV mess such a unique symptom had been found with a version of Kaposi’s sarcoma, or so some investigators thought. The new condition was hypothesized to be caused by the virus, but later was explained as damage caused by amyl nitrate exposure and dropped from the list of definitive AIDS symptoms. Oops.

  655. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I also know enough about cells, mRNA, and ribosomes (cellular protein-making machines) to be 100% sure that most “vaccines” pushed on the population by libtards were pure fraud.
    Here is what I want to know and have been unable to find out. It appears that virus pathogens are generally too diffuse and too elusive in diseased organisms to be isolated and identified and studied. The properties are inferred from indirect evidence. Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch's postulates criteria. All of the provable virus characteristics are established on a handful of large and prolific particular viruses. Almost all completely harmless to humans.

    HIV seems to be as quantified as Dark Energy out in the vastness of the universe.

    This illustration seems to be an invention.

    I might be totally wrong but I have never seen contrary evidence and I have been looking for four fscking years at this point.

    Your 100% sure looks high to me.

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

    Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch’s postulates criteria.

    What Pasteur or Koch did with cellular parasites cannot be done with viruses. Viruses are the ultimate parasites: they cannot live by themselves, they use the machinery of the infected cell to reproduce their genome and make their proteins. Yet they can be produced, purified, and studied. E.g., for research purposes we use special cultured cells to produce lentiviruses and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) for delivery of genes to cells in living animals. BTW, AAVs are even more defective than most viruses: they need a cell infected by adenovirus to reproduce, as they need to use the machinery of the cell and that of adenovirus (hence the name).

    Viruses infecting bacteria are relatively simple: genome is packaged in an envelope that has machinery for its injection into the cell. T7 bacteriophage is a typical example (when the subject is not politically sensitive, Wiki articles tend to be true):,to%20change%20structure%20when%20it%20enters%20the%20cell.

    Viruses of eukaryotic cells are usually bigger and more complex. In addition to packaged genetic material (which can be single- or double-stranded DNA, coding or complementary to it RNA) they have some cytoplasm (borrowed from the cell they bud off) and bilayer lipid membrane (also borrowed from the host cell, but containing viral proteins necessary for it to infect next host cells). Viral proteins on this membrane determine its possible hosts (cells it can fuse with to deliver its genetic material). For example, if you want to make an animal virus to infect humans, all you need to do is change the gene(s) encoding its targeting membrane protein(s) to corresponding gene(s) of a human virus.
    Here is a useful piece on classification of viruses:

    COVID-19 virus has typical structure of eukaryotic viruses:

    There are lots of human viruses that are its close relatives, they cause common cold. So, if someone wanted to make human-targeting virus out of it, the task wasn’t too complicated (in sharp contrast to gain-of-function: it is very hard to improve on something perfected by evolution for millions of years).

    Making the virus jump species is the surefire way of making it aggressive and deadly. Obviously, killing the host is against the interests of a parasite. Therefore, most viruses and other parasites of any species are either fairly benign (like common cold viruses in humans), or even useful for the host (becoming a symbiont, like E. coli living in our intestines).

    I am not a virologist, but I hope I answered your question.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I hope I answered your question.
    Thank you very much for your comment but you did not exactly answer my question. Those links you posted were very useful! In re-reading my own comment I see my question was poorly posed so let me re-phrase it.

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?

    More questions if anybody would like to take a stab.

    What is life?

    Are viruses alive?

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?

    Wait until Ron Unz gets to see my commentary on how asteroids didn't wipe out the dinosaurs. It was Atlantis nanobots. : )

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

  656. @Mr. XYZ

    Yep, Poland was certainly a giant Jewish cultural center pre-Holocaust, along with the Soviet Union (especially before Stalin's purges) and the US. I wonder if Polish Jews would have intermarried with Poles and Ukrainians/Belarusians en masse over the following 85 years (1939-2024) had it not been for WWII similar to what eventually happened with both Soviet and US Jews. What do you think? Were Polish Jews more immune to mass secularization relative to Soviet and US Jews? Even after huge numbers of them would have moved to Poland's large cities, as many of them have already done by 1939?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Another Polish Perspective

    I suppose intermarriage wouldn’t be popular, due to the fact that there was powerful secular yiddish culture as represented by Bund and its social organisations. Bund was the most popular Jewish party in the pre-war Poland.
    Zionism in Poland was supported by Polish post-Piłsudski goverments, which desired emigration of Polish Jews, so it wasn’t purely natural phenomenon.
    Otherwise, Orthodox Jews were quite popular. Both Bund and Orthodox were anti-assimilationist. Having a separate langugae – yiddish – did prevent any substantial assimilation and intermarriage. Moreover, both Bund and Orthodox Jews hated Zionists.

    • Replies: @Another Polish Perspective
    @Another Polish Perspective

    The basic difference with USA is that USA has no powerful secular Yiddish culture, only orthodox one.
    In fact before WWII, Poland was the world capital of Yiddish, with Jewish writers like the Singer brothers (Israel and Isaac) writing in Yiddish. Also there was a lot of Yiddish movies made in Warsaw, like Dybbuk. This culture essentially disappeared with the Holocaust.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @AnonfromTN
    @Another Polish Perspective

    I suppose intermarriage wouldn’t be popular
    One of my colleagues, a Jew (normal, non-observant), once told me how Jews managed to avoid assimilation in many countries where they were a minority. He said that Jewish rituals are idiotic enough to prevent non-Jews from marrying Jews. An interesting hypothesis. Consistent with the tendency of non-religious Jews to marry non-Jews.
  657. @Another Polish Perspective
    @Mr. XYZ

    I suppose intermarriage wouldn't be popular, due to the fact that there was powerful secular yiddish culture as represented by Bund and its social organisations. Bund was the most popular Jewish party in the pre-war Poland.
    Zionism in Poland was supported by Polish post-Piłsudski goverments, which desired emigration of Polish Jews, so it wasn't purely natural phenomenon.
    Otherwise, Orthodox Jews were quite popular. Both Bund and Orthodox were anti-assimilationist. Having a separate langugae - yiddish - did prevent any substantial assimilation and intermarriage. Moreover, both Bund and Orthodox Jews hated Zionists.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @AnonfromTN

    The basic difference with USA is that USA has no powerful secular Yiddish culture, only orthodox one.
    In fact before WWII, Poland was the world capital of Yiddish, with Jewish writers like the Singer brothers (Israel and Isaac) writing in Yiddish. Also there was a lot of Yiddish movies made in Warsaw, like Dybbuk. This culture essentially disappeared with the Holocaust.

    • Replies: @Another Polish Perspective
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Moreover, both Communist Jews and Zionists Jews disliked Yiddish. The former saw it as a kind of nationalistic particularism, hampering the international cause of workers. The latter, which mostly originated within Germany/Austria Haskala movement disliked Yiddish as a symbol of Jewish backwardness and Orthodoxy. They wanted to create "new Jew", not transplant shtetls to Palestine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Did you see this comment in the Samantha Power thread?

    They claim her husband (and child) is a trackable direct descendant of this famous Jew nicknamed Vilna Gaon.

    Maybe he speaks Yiddish? Don't know how in the world he would get married outside the clan though.

  658. @Another Polish Perspective
    @Another Polish Perspective

    The basic difference with USA is that USA has no powerful secular Yiddish culture, only orthodox one.
    In fact before WWII, Poland was the world capital of Yiddish, with Jewish writers like the Singer brothers (Israel and Isaac) writing in Yiddish. Also there was a lot of Yiddish movies made in Warsaw, like Dybbuk. This culture essentially disappeared with the Holocaust.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Moreover, both Communist Jews and Zionists Jews disliked Yiddish. The former saw it as a kind of nationalistic particularism, hampering the international cause of workers. The latter, which mostly originated within Germany/Austria Haskala movement disliked Yiddish as a symbol of Jewish backwardness and Orthodoxy. They wanted to create “new Jew”, not transplant shtetls to Palestine.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Another Polish Perspective

    I guess the crucial question would then be what percentage of pre-WWII Polish Jews were non-Zionist leftists, since that demographic of Polish Jews would have probably eventually become the most open towards intermarriage with non-Jews.

  659. @Another Polish Perspective
    @Mr. XYZ

    I suppose intermarriage wouldn't be popular, due to the fact that there was powerful secular yiddish culture as represented by Bund and its social organisations. Bund was the most popular Jewish party in the pre-war Poland.
    Zionism in Poland was supported by Polish post-Piłsudski goverments, which desired emigration of Polish Jews, so it wasn't purely natural phenomenon.
    Otherwise, Orthodox Jews were quite popular. Both Bund and Orthodox were anti-assimilationist. Having a separate langugae - yiddish - did prevent any substantial assimilation and intermarriage. Moreover, both Bund and Orthodox Jews hated Zionists.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @AnonfromTN

    I suppose intermarriage wouldn’t be popular

    One of my colleagues, a Jew (normal, non-observant), once told me how Jews managed to avoid assimilation in many countries where they were a minority. He said that Jewish rituals are idiotic enough to prevent non-Jews from marrying Jews. An interesting hypothesis. Consistent with the tendency of non-religious Jews to marry non-Jews.

  660. @AnonfromTN

    They will never be able to explain it to the survivors.
    They won’t have a chance to explain. The lucky ones among the functionaries of the regime will run away to their masters. Some of them will serve a bit more as “government in exile”, whereupon they will be dropped like Venezuelan Guaido, possibly disposed of (crashes, “suicides”, death of “natural causes”). Less lucky ones will be hanged by the survivors right there in Ukraine. No explanations will be accepted.

    Replies: @Beckow

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses. Some to a quiet life in Maryland, Perth, Winnipeg, few lucky ones in Salisbury or even London. They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.

    I was referring to the millions more Ukies – not all Galicians and Banderites – who supported this madness even as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival. These willing jump-into-the-fire-for-Nato enthusiasts will not be taken care off. Some will move west and assimilate, many will claim they were deceived, some will switch sides. But what are they going to tell the Ukies who will stay to live in what is left of Ukraine, how are they going to explain it?

    Telling future generations they chose more heroes and fewer Ukies over the crucial issue of the Kiev membership in Nato will be seen as stupidity. Like destroying a country over what FIFA region it plays in – some are better than others, but what country would destroy itself over it?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Wasn't there a soccer war in South America? (OK I looked it up. Honduras and El Salvador in 1969.)

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @A123

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses.
    They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.
    This seems unlikely.

    If Zelensky's survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe's Globalist glitzy power centers -- Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Graft and corruption is endemic in Kiev's administration. Many others will flee to where their European owner/operators can protect them. There they can live well on what they have siphoned off for personal use.

    Would anyone trust assurances from Not-The-President Biden? The U.S. will be highly disfavoured as a destination. Trump's 2nd term should lead to a detente with Russia. Extradition of Kiev leaders accused of war crimes would yield considerable traction with Putin.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    , @AnonfromTN

    as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival.
    Current regime severely damaged Ukrainian nation and will do more damage in the coming months. However, the nation will survive. Those who move to the West won’t play any role in its survival. They will be as impotent and irrelevant as some personages on these threads, good only for bullshitting on the web.

    The fate of real Ukrainians who remain on the current Ukraine territory would depend on whether their part becomes the RF or remains in an “independent” Ukraine under indirect RF control. The areas that become the RF will develop faster and sort of prosper in a few years: living standards in the RF were a lot higher than in Ukraine even before 2022, the difference was maybe 1.5-2-fold back then, it is more like 4-5-fold today. In fact, this is a remarkable “achievement” of Ukrainian independence: in 1991 living standards in the Ukrainian SSR were higher than in Russia proper. The recovery in the “independent” part will be much slower, but it will also recover, reaching pre-2014 level in maybe 5-10 years.

    The language will survive, too: it has 10-15 times more native speakers than Latvian or Estonian (somewhere at the level of Quechua with ~10 million speakers). Hopefully after the current compradores are kicked out the new Ukrainian government will make some effort to develop it and make it competitive, rather than push it down people’s throats like covid vaccine in the US. Ukrainian language is beautiful and has potential, it’s just woefully under-developed, as nobody bothered doing anything about it since Soviet times.

    I guess I am an optimist believing that current cancer is not terminal, can be eliminated by drastic surgical methods. We’ll see.

    Replies: @Beckow

  661. @Beckow

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses. Some to a quiet life in Maryland, Perth, Winnipeg, few lucky ones in Salisbury or even London. They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.

    I was referring to the millions more Ukies - not all Galicians and Banderites - who supported this madness even as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival. These willing jump-into-the-fire-for-Nato enthusiasts will not be taken care off. Some will move west and assimilate, many will claim they were deceived, some will switch sides. But what are they going to tell the Ukies who will stay to live in what is left of Ukraine, how are they going to explain it?

    Telling future generations they chose more heroes and fewer Ukies over the crucial issue of the Kiev membership in Nato will be seen as stupidity. Like destroying a country over what FIFA region it plays in - some are better than others, but what country would destroy itself over it?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @A123, @AnonfromTN

    Wasn’t there a soccer war in South America? (OK I looked it up. Honduras and El Salvador in 1969.)

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Salvador won and went to the World Cup in Mexico, but they failed to do much there.

    Funny that it happened around the time of the first man on the moon. That cannot be a coincidence...:)

    Replies: @Mikel

  662. @Another Polish Perspective
    @Another Polish Perspective

    The basic difference with USA is that USA has no powerful secular Yiddish culture, only orthodox one.
    In fact before WWII, Poland was the world capital of Yiddish, with Jewish writers like the Singer brothers (Israel and Isaac) writing in Yiddish. Also there was a lot of Yiddish movies made in Warsaw, like Dybbuk. This culture essentially disappeared with the Holocaust.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did you see this comment in the Samantha Power thread?

    They claim her husband (and child) is a trackable direct descendant of this famous Jew nicknamed Vilna Gaon.

    Maybe he speaks Yiddish? Don’t know how in the world he would get married outside the clan though.

  663. A123 says: • Website

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses. Some to a quiet life in Maryland, Perth, Winnipeg, few lucky ones in Salisbury or even London. They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.

    I was referring to the millions more Ukies - not all Galicians and Banderites - who supported this madness even as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival. These willing jump-into-the-fire-for-Nato enthusiasts will not be taken care off. Some will move west and assimilate, many will claim they were deceived, some will switch sides. But what are they going to tell the Ukies who will stay to live in what is left of Ukraine, how are they going to explain it?

    Telling future generations they chose more heroes and fewer Ukies over the crucial issue of the Kiev membership in Nato will be seen as stupidity. Like destroying a country over what FIFA region it plays in - some are better than others, but what country would destroy itself over it?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @A123, @AnonfromTN

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses.

    They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.

    This seems unlikely.

    If Zelensky’s survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Graft and corruption is endemic in Kiev’s administration. Many others will flee to where their European owner/operators can protect them. There they can live well on what they have siphoned off for personal use.

    Would anyone trust assurances from Not-The-President Biden? The U.S. will be highly disfavoured as a destination. Trump’s 2nd term should lead to a detente with Russia. Extradition of Kiev leaders accused of war crimes would yield considerable traction with Putin.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but question about Muhammad for you: If having sex with a nine-year-old was indeed very unusual even back in the early 600s, then why exactly did so many people follow Muhammad? Surely him having sex with a nine-year-old (even within marriage) should have discredited him if what you're saying is true, no? And even if people back then didn't know about this sex, surely they and their descendants would have found out eventually, no? Yet even nowadays this information doesn't cause huge numbers of Muslims to reject Islam.

    Replies: @A123

    , @Mr. XYZ

    If Zelensky’s survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.


    If all of Ukraine will ever fall (extremely unlikely, IMHO), Zelensky can move to Israel. Of course, this could fuel narratives among Ukrainian nationalists about how Jews like Zelensky aren't really loyal to Ukraine.

    If inappropriate behaviour around children is unusual today, why exactly do so many people follow Not-The-President Biden?
    There's a huge difference between having sex with a child and touching a child or an adult inappropriately in a non-sexual manner.

    Replies: @A123

    , @Derer

    Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.
    Unlikely. He will stay away from public places...Trotsky's fate will always be on his mind. Thousands of Slavs perished for him being in bed with Slav haters.

    Replies: @A123

  664. @H. L. M
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Ron has effectively quashed comments on the "virus" and the (ridiculous) "vaccine" by flying off the handle with personal invective and threats to commenters that he will erase the commenter's history on his site.

    You have to wonder why would Ron be so sensitive about this one topic.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    Where do I comment. I would be happy to be wiped out. I followed Karlin here before I understood the whole nature of the site.

    • Replies: @H. L. M
    @Philip Owen

    Kindly give me your opinion on the nature of the site. I'm still confused about it.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

  665. @Beckow

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses. Some to a quiet life in Maryland, Perth, Winnipeg, few lucky ones in Salisbury or even London. They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.

    I was referring to the millions more Ukies - not all Galicians and Banderites - who supported this madness even as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival. These willing jump-into-the-fire-for-Nato enthusiasts will not be taken care off. Some will move west and assimilate, many will claim they were deceived, some will switch sides. But what are they going to tell the Ukies who will stay to live in what is left of Ukraine, how are they going to explain it?

    Telling future generations they chose more heroes and fewer Ukies over the crucial issue of the Kiev membership in Nato will be seen as stupidity. Like destroying a country over what FIFA region it plays in - some are better than others, but what country would destroy itself over it?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @A123, @AnonfromTN

    as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival.

    Current regime severely damaged Ukrainian nation and will do more damage in the coming months. However, the nation will survive. Those who move to the West won’t play any role in its survival. They will be as impotent and irrelevant as some personages on these threads, good only for bullshitting on the web.

    The fate of real Ukrainians who remain on the current Ukraine territory would depend on whether their part becomes the RF or remains in an “independent” Ukraine under indirect RF control. The areas that become the RF will develop faster and sort of prosper in a few years: living standards in the RF were a lot higher than in Ukraine even before 2022, the difference was maybe 1.5-2-fold back then, it is more like 4-5-fold today. In fact, this is a remarkable “achievement” of Ukrainian independence: in 1991 living standards in the Ukrainian SSR were higher than in Russia proper. The recovery in the “independent” part will be much slower, but it will also recover, reaching pre-2014 level in maybe 5-10 years.

    The language will survive, too: it has 10-15 times more native speakers than Latvian or Estonian (somewhere at the level of Quechua with ~10 million speakers). Hopefully after the current compradores are kicked out the new Ukrainian government will make some effort to develop it and make it competitive, rather than push it down people’s throats like covid vaccine in the US. Ukrainian language is beautiful and has potential, it’s just woefully under-developed, as nobody bothered doing anything about it since Soviet times.

    I guess I am an optimist believing that current cancer is not terminal, can be eliminated by drastic surgical methods. We’ll see.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    It seems that Ukraine has been damaged by all governments since independence. But Zelina takes the cake, maybe electing clowns is not such a good idea. The war is now about the precise border between Russian Ukraine and rump-Ukraine - if Russia keeps its gains small, Ukraine would still be a sizable Euro nation, like Romania.

    The language sounds nice, I am sure it will do fine. But there will be a few big issues: bad blood from the war and the continued Western meddling. It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before. That was already true in 1991-2022 - Ukraine lost 10 million people, 20% - it will get much worse.

    Russia will encourage migrants to settle in their part and not many will be Russians. How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don't in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts. Maybe it wasn't meant to be - the Darwin award exists for a reason.

    Replies: @AP

  666. @Mr. Hack

    It was for real Mickey. Watch it and weep. :-(
    Launching an attack with 36 tanks and 12 combat vehicles, Russian army was ambushed in Avdiivka

    Replies: @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    Russia has worked out that losing 50 tanks takes all the ammunition carried by a Leopard 2. Russia has so many tanks it hopes to use all the ammo available to Ukraine.

    Trouble is European shells, purchased and made, are arriving in Ukraine in greater quantities than ever before. Russia used most of the NK shells in Avdiivka. Ukraine may not yet have recovred offensive capability but defense is going to be stronger than ever since the major Russian retreats.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Philip Owen

    Are you having a seizure?

    These tanks are vulnerable to FPV drones. I would not say that tanks are obsolete but they are now so vulnerable to precisely guided RC planes, in effect, that the battle field utility of a tank is dropping to near zero.

  667. @AP

    Ukronazis in the 1940’s literally killed more Poles in a few weeks (maybe) days……..than Russia has killed in 400 years you dumbfuck
    Banderist criminals (whom many Ukrainians unfortunately revere) were not a Ukrainian state. They killed (by Polish estimates) between 60,000 and 100,000 Poles.

    While USSR was not Russia, the Soviet regime (whom Russians revere) killed more than twice as many Poles as did the Banderists. And for far more dubious reasons.

    Over 100,000 ethnic Polish citizens of the USSR murdered in the late 1930’s:

    Another 150,000 Poles (from Poland itself) killed by Soviets after 1939:

    Putin’s war has now killed far more Slavs than Banderists killed Poles. Or than Stalin killed Poles. Putin’s dead Slavs are Ukrainians and Russians.

    I think the Lithuanian here has adequately described you, no need for me to repeat it.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

    Destroying Poland is an old Russian idea. Nicholas I tried very hard. The Bolsheviks had the idea of cooperating with Germany to do it well before Hitler arrived.

    • Agree: AP
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Philip Owen

    I wonder if a White-led Russia would have also eventually tried partitioning Poland together with Germany just like the Soviet Union actually did in 1939 in real life. In this TL, of course, it might be with an authoritarian right-wing but non-Nazi Germany.

    I also wonder just how much of an insurgency there would have been in Poland afterwards in such a scenario, as well as how exactly the West would have reacted to this had the German regime that did this not been Nazi and the Russian regime that did this been White rather than Red. In such a scenario, though, I could easily imagine a rump Poland surviving west of the Curzon Line, but one that doesn't include the Polish Corridor (other than Gdynia) and perhaps some of eastern Upper Silesia as well (though Germany might be more willing to compromise on this, as well as on Gdynia, in exchange for getting Poland to recognize renewed sovereignty over Danzig and the Polish Corridor and for the West to lift any sanctions on Germany for its aggression against Poland).

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  668. @songbird
    @Mr. XYZ

    The world’s oldest verified living man has passed away in Venezuela at age 114 years and 311 days:
    He lived in the tropics, but probably the highlands. Still, they should have tested him to see what tropical diseases he may have had.

    Must have witnessed Venezuela really decline.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    He died in San Jose de Bolivar, Táchira, Venezuela. Is that in the highlands? He was born in El Cobre, Táchira, Venezuela.

    Testing him might have been risky in the sense that it might have increased the odds of him getting a deadly infection or virus that could have killed him simply due to him being exposed to more people. But maybe I’m being overly paranoid about this.

    Must have witnessed Venezuela really decline.

    Yep; absolutely! A couple of years ago, on the 110 Club forum, I read that his family was too poor to afford to buy new dentures for him. That’s just how poor they were, unfortunately. Maybe they got some donations for this after he became the world’s oldest living man slightly over two years ago, though. He did get more fame internationally as a result of that, after all.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. XYZ

    He died in San Jose de Bolivar, Táchira, Venezuela. Is that in the highlands? He was born in El Cobre, Táchira, Venezuela
    Tàchera is mostly in the highlands or Andes. Mean elevation of San José de Bolívar is 1450m.

    He was close to 2x Chavez's age, at death!
  669. @Philip Owen

    Destroying Poland is an old Russian idea. Nicholas I tried very hard. The Bolsheviks had the idea of cooperating with Germany to do it well before Hitler arrived.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I wonder if a White-led Russia would have also eventually tried partitioning Poland together with Germany just like the Soviet Union actually did in 1939 in real life. In this TL, of course, it might be with an authoritarian right-wing but non-Nazi Germany.

    I also wonder just how much of an insurgency there would have been in Poland afterwards in such a scenario, as well as how exactly the West would have reacted to this had the German regime that did this not been Nazi and the Russian regime that did this been White rather than Red. In such a scenario, though, I could easily imagine a rump Poland surviving west of the Curzon Line, but one that doesn’t include the Polish Corridor (other than Gdynia) and perhaps some of eastern Upper Silesia as well (though Germany might be more willing to compromise on this, as well as on Gdynia, in exchange for getting Poland to recognize renewed sovereignty over Danzig and the Polish Corridor and for the West to lift any sanctions on Germany for its aggression against Poland).

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    What’s new about things is that the British suddenly started to care about Poland and chucked away an empire over who runs Warsaw.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  670. @A123

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses.
    They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.
    This seems unlikely.

    If Zelensky's survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe's Globalist glitzy power centers -- Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Graft and corruption is endemic in Kiev's administration. Many others will flee to where their European owner/operators can protect them. There they can live well on what they have siphoned off for personal use.

    Would anyone trust assurances from Not-The-President Biden? The U.S. will be highly disfavoured as a destination. Trump's 2nd term should lead to a detente with Russia. Extradition of Kiev leaders accused of war crimes would yield considerable traction with Putin.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    Off-topic, but question about Muhammad for you: If having sex with a nine-year-old was indeed very unusual even back in the early 600s, then why exactly did so many people follow Muhammad? Surely him having sex with a nine-year-old (even within marriage) should have discredited him if what you’re saying is true, no? And even if people back then didn’t know about this sex, surely they and their descendants would have found out eventually, no? Yet even nowadays this information doesn’t cause huge numbers of Muslims to reject Islam.

    • Replies: @A123
    @Mr. XYZ

    question about Muhammad for you: If having sex with a nine-year-old was indeed very unusual even back in the early 600s, then why exactly did so many people follow Muhammad?
    Let me answer your question with a question:

    If inappropriate behaviour around children is unusual today, why exactly do so many people follow Not-The-President Biden?


    Muhammad and Biden are effectively soul(less) mates. Those who believe in traditional Judeo-Christian values are repulsed by the White House occupant's "Cult of Personality".

    Freethinkers, who resist cult like behaviour, are thus attracted to MAGA in the U.S. This is why Trump 2024 continues to strengthen with independents and other swing voters. MAGA 2028+ will continue to prosper after Trump term limits out. MAGA is about policy and values, not personalities.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇

    Replies: @sudden death

  671. @Philip Owen
    @Mr. Hack

    Russia has worked out that losing 50 tanks takes all the ammunition carried by a Leopard 2. Russia has so many tanks it hopes to use all the ammo available to Ukraine.

    Trouble is European shells, purchased and made, are arriving in Ukraine in greater quantities than ever before. Russia used most of the NK shells in Avdiivka. Ukraine may not yet have recovred offensive capability but defense is going to be stronger than ever since the major Russian retreats.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Are you having a seizure?

    These tanks are vulnerable to FPV drones. I would not say that tanks are obsolete but they are now so vulnerable to precisely guided RC planes, in effect, that the battle field utility of a tank is dropping to near zero.

  672. @Mr. XYZ
    @Philip Owen

    I wonder if a White-led Russia would have also eventually tried partitioning Poland together with Germany just like the Soviet Union actually did in 1939 in real life. In this TL, of course, it might be with an authoritarian right-wing but non-Nazi Germany.

    I also wonder just how much of an insurgency there would have been in Poland afterwards in such a scenario, as well as how exactly the West would have reacted to this had the German regime that did this not been Nazi and the Russian regime that did this been White rather than Red. In such a scenario, though, I could easily imagine a rump Poland surviving west of the Curzon Line, but one that doesn't include the Polish Corridor (other than Gdynia) and perhaps some of eastern Upper Silesia as well (though Germany might be more willing to compromise on this, as well as on Gdynia, in exchange for getting Poland to recognize renewed sovereignty over Danzig and the Polish Corridor and for the West to lift any sanctions on Germany for its aggression against Poland).

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    What’s new about things is that the British suddenly started to care about Poland and chucked away an empire over who runs Warsaw.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The guarantees to Poland were certainly stupid in how they were done. The Anglo-French should have first secured a Soviet alliance at almost any price and then told the Poles to either accept all three countries (UK, France, USSR) as allies or else either go it alone or make some kind of deal with Hitler. And making military intervention on Poland's behalf contingent on having Poland make concessions to Nazi Germany on Danzig and the Polish Corridor (minus Gdynia) would have probably been a good idea. That way, if Hitler still attacks, the German people could indeed see that it was an unprovoked war of aggression and hopefully--if France doesn't subsequently fall--anti-Nazis in the German government and military could quickly overthrow Hitler and the Nazis and negotiate a status quo ante bellum peace deal.

    Hitler did subsequently use the Polish rejection of his pre-war ultimatum as a propaganda tool. Here he is talking about it in his December 1941 speech declaring war on the US, for instance:

    When the nationality problem in the former Polish state was growing ever more intolerable in 1939, I attempted to eliminate the unendurable conditions by means of a just agreement. For a certain time it seemed as if the Polish government was seriously considering giving its approval to a reasonable solution. I may also add here that in all of these German proposals, nothing was demanded that had not previously belonged to Germany. In fact, we were willing to give up much that had belonged to Germany before the [First] World War.

    You will recall the dramatic events of that period -- the steadily increasing numbers of victims among the ethnic Germans [in Poland]. You, my deputies, are best qualified to compare this loss of life with that of the present war. The military campaign in the East has so far cost the entire German armed forces about 160,000 deaths, whereas during just a few months of peace [in 1939] more than 62,000 ethnic Germans were killed, including some who were horribly tortured. There is no question that the German Reich had the right to protest against this situation on its border and to press for its elimination, if for no other reason than for its own security, particularly since we live in an age in which [some] other countries [notably, the USA and Britain] regard their security at stake even in foreign continents. In geographical terms, the problems to be resolved were not very important. Essentially they involved Danzig [Gdansk] and a connecting link between the torn-away province of East Prussia and the rest of the Reich. Of much greater concern were the brutal persecutions of the Germans in Poland. In addition, the other minority population groups [notably the Ukrainians] were subject to a fate that was no less severe.

    During those days in August [1939], when the Polish attitude steadily hardened, thanks to Britain's blank check of unlimited backing, the German Reich was moved to make one final proposal. We were prepared to enter into negotiations with Poland on the basis of this proposal, and we verbally informed the British ambassador of the proposal text. Today I would like to recall that proposal and review it with you.

    Text of the German proposal of 29 August 1939:

    Proposal for a settlement of the Danzig-Corridor problem and the German-Polish minority question:

    The situation between the German Reich and Poland is now such that any further incident could lead to action by the military forces that have taken position on both sides of the frontier. Any peaceful solution must be such that the basic causes of this situation are eliminated so that they are not simply repeated, which would mean that not only Eastern Europe but other areas as well would be subject to the same tension. The causes of this situation are rooted in, first, the intolerable border that was specified by the dictated peace of Versailles [of 1919], and, second, the intolerable treatment of the minority populations in the lost territories.

    In making these proposals, the German Reich government is motivated by the desire to achieve a permanent solution that will put an end to the intolerable situation arising from the present border demarcation, secure to both parties vitally important connecting routes, and which will solve the minority problem, insofar as that is possible, and if not, will at least insure a tolerable life for the minority populations with secure guarantees of their rights.

    The German Reich government is convinced that it is absolutely necessary to investigate the economic and physical damage inflicted since 1918, with full reparations to be made for that. Of course, it regards this obligation as binding on both sides.

    On the basis of these considerations, we make the following concrete proposals:

    1. The Free City of Danzig returns immediately to the German Reich on the basis of its purely German character and the unanimous desire of its population.

    2. The territory of the so-called Polish Corridor will decide for itself whether it wishes to belong to Germany or to Poland. This territory consists of the area between the Baltic Sea in the North to a line marked in the South by the towns of Marienwerder, Graudenz, Kuhn and Bromberg -- including these towns -- and then westwards to Schoenlanke.

    3. For this purpose a plebiscite will be conducted in this territory. All Germans who lived in this territory on January 1, 1918, or were born there on or before that date will be entitled to vote in the plebiscite. Similarly, all Poles, Kashubians, and so forth, who lived in this territory on or before that date, or were born there before that date, will also be entitled to vote. Germans who were expelled from this territory will return to vote in the plebiscite.

    To insure an impartial plebiscite and to make sure that all necessary preliminary preparation work is properly carried out, this territory will come under the authority of an international commission, similar to the one organized in the Saar territory for the 1935 plebiscite there. This commission is to be organized immediately by the four great powers of Italy, the Soviet Union, France and Britain. This commission will have all sovereign authority in the territory. Accordingly, Polish military forces, Polish police and Polish authorities are to clear out of this territory as soon as possible by a date to be agreed upon.

    4. Not included in this territory is the Polish port of Gdynia, which is regarded as fundamentally sovereign Polish territory, to the extent of [ethnic] Polish settlement, but as a matter of principle is recognized as Polish territory. The specific border of this Polish port city will be negotiated by Germany and Poland and, if necessary, established by an international court of arbitration.

    5. In order to insure ample time for the preparations necessary in order to conduct an impartial plebiscite, the plebiscite will not take place until after at least twelve months have elapsed.

    6. In order to ensure unhindered traffic between Germany and East Prussia, and between Poland and the Baltic Sea, during this period [before the plebiscite], certain roads and rail lines may be designated to enable free transit. In that regard, only such fees may be imposed that are necessary for the maintenance of the transit routes or for transport itself.

    7. A simple majority of the votes cast will decide whether the territory will go to Germany or to Poland.

    8. After the plebiscite has been conducted, and regardless of the result, free transit will be guaranteed between Germany and its province of Danzig-East Prussia, as well as between Poland and the Baltic Sea. If the plebiscite determines that the territory belongs to Poland, Germany will obtain an extraterritorial transit zone, consisting of a motor super-highway (Reichsautobahn) and a four-track rail line, approximately along the line of Buetow-Danzig and Dirschau. The highway and the rail line will be built in such a way that the Polish transit lines are not disturbed, which means that they will pass either above or underneath. This zone will be one kilometer wide and will be sovereign German territory. In case the plebiscite is in Germany's favor, Poland will have free and unrestricted transit to its port of Gdynia with the same right to an extraterritorial road and rail line that Germany would have had.

    9. If the Corridor returns to Germany, the German Reich declares that it is ready to carry out an exchange of population with Poland to the extent that this would be suitable for the [people of the] Corridor.

    10. The special rights that may be claimed by Poland in the port of Danzig will be negotiated on the basis of parity for rights to Germany in the port of Gdynia.

    11. In order to eliminate all fear of threat from either side, Danzig and Gdynia will be purely commercial centers, that is, with no military installations or military fortifications.

    12. The peninsula of Hela, which will go to either Poland or Germany on the basis of the plebiscite, will also be demilitarized in any case.

    13. The German Reich government has protested in the strongest terms against the Polish treatment of its minority populations. For its part, the Polish government also believes itself called upon to make protests against Germany. Accordingly, both sides agree to submit these complaints to an international investigation commission, which will be responsible for investigating all complaints of economic and physical damage as well as other acts of terror.

    Germany and Poland pledge to compensate for all economic and other damages inflicted on minority populations on both sides since 1918, and/or to revoke all expropriations and provide for complete reparation for the victims of these and other economic measures.

    14. In order to eliminate feelings of deprivation of international rights in the part of the Germans who will remain in Poland, as well as of the Poles who will remain in Germany, and above all, to insure that they are not forced to act contrary to their ethnic-national feelings, Germany and Poland agree to guarantee the rights of the minority populations on both sides through comprehensive and binding agreements. These will insure the right of these minority groups to maintain, freely develop and carry on their national-cultural life. In particular, they will be allowed to maintain organizations for these purposes. Both sides agree that members of their minority populations will not be drafted for military service.

    15. If agreement is reached on the basis of these proposals, Germany and Poland declare that they will immediately order and carry out the demobilization of their armed forces.

    16. Germany and Poland will agree to whatever additional measures may be necessary to implement the above points as quickly as possible.

    The same measures would have applied with regard to the proposals to secure the rights of the minorities.

    This is the treaty proposal – as straight-forward and as generous as has ever been presented by a government – that was made by the National Socialist leadership of the German Reich.

    The former Polish government refused to respond to these proposals in any way. In this regard, the question presents itself: How is it possible that such an unimportant state could dare to simply disregard such proposals and, in addition, carry out further cruelties against the Germans, the people who have given this land its entire culture, and even order the general mobilization of its armed forces?

    Would have been better not to give Hitler this propaganda tool, I would suspect. Also committing to preventing Danzig's and the Polish Corridor's (minus Gdynia; with a plebiscite) reunion with Germany ensured that a negotiated peace to World War II would have been extremely difficult to pull off even if France would not have fallen in 1940 since the pre-WWII situation with Poland wasn't very tolerable to German anti-Nazis as well as to German Nazis. Weimar Germany made an extremely massive deal out of it, for instance.
  673. @Another Polish Perspective
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Moreover, both Communist Jews and Zionists Jews disliked Yiddish. The former saw it as a kind of nationalistic particularism, hampering the international cause of workers. The latter, which mostly originated within Germany/Austria Haskala movement disliked Yiddish as a symbol of Jewish backwardness and Orthodoxy. They wanted to create "new Jew", not transplant shtetls to Palestine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I guess the crucial question would then be what percentage of pre-WWII Polish Jews were non-Zionist leftists, since that demographic of Polish Jews would have probably eventually become the most open towards intermarriage with non-Jews.

  674. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    What’s new about things is that the British suddenly started to care about Poland and chucked away an empire over who runs Warsaw.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The guarantees to Poland were certainly stupid in how they were done. The Anglo-French should have first secured a Soviet alliance at almost any price and then told the Poles to either accept all three countries (UK, France, USSR) as allies or else either go it alone or make some kind of deal with Hitler. And making military intervention on Poland’s behalf contingent on having Poland make concessions to Nazi Germany on Danzig and the Polish Corridor (minus Gdynia) would have probably been a good idea. That way, if Hitler still attacks, the German people could indeed see that it was an unprovoked war of aggression and hopefully–if France doesn’t subsequently fall–anti-Nazis in the German government and military could quickly overthrow Hitler and the Nazis and negotiate a status quo ante bellum peace deal.

    Hitler did subsequently use the Polish rejection of his pre-war ultimatum as a propaganda tool. Here he is talking about it in his December 1941 speech declaring war on the US, for instance:


    When the nationality problem in the former Polish state was growing ever more intolerable in 1939, I attempted to eliminate the unendurable conditions by means of a just agreement. For a certain time it seemed as if the Polish government was seriously considering giving its approval to a reasonable solution. I may also add here that in all of these German proposals, nothing was demanded that had not previously belonged to Germany. In fact, we were willing to give up much that had belonged to Germany before the [First] World War.

    You will recall the dramatic events of that period — the steadily increasing numbers of victims among the ethnic Germans [in Poland]. You, my deputies, are best qualified to compare this loss of life with that of the present war. The military campaign in the East has so far cost the entire German armed forces about 160,000 deaths, whereas during just a few months of peace [in 1939] more than 62,000 ethnic Germans were killed, including some who were horribly tortured. There is no question that the German Reich had the right to protest against this situation on its border and to press for its elimination, if for no other reason than for its own security, particularly since we live in an age in which [some] other countries [notably, the USA and Britain] regard their security at stake even in foreign continents. In geographical terms, the problems to be resolved were not very important. Essentially they involved Danzig [Gdansk] and a connecting link between the torn-away province of East Prussia and the rest of the Reich. Of much greater concern were the brutal persecutions of the Germans in Poland. In addition, the other minority population groups [notably the Ukrainians] were subject to a fate that was no less severe.

    During those days in August [1939], when the Polish attitude steadily hardened, thanks to Britain’s blank check of unlimited backing, the German Reich was moved to make one final proposal. We were prepared to enter into negotiations with Poland on the basis of this proposal, and we verbally informed the British ambassador of the proposal text. Today I would like to recall that proposal and review it with you.

    Text of the German proposal of 29 August 1939:

    Proposal for a settlement of the Danzig-Corridor problem and the German-Polish minority question:

    The situation between the German Reich and Poland is now such that any further incident could lead to action by the military forces that have taken position on both sides of the frontier. Any peaceful solution must be such that the basic causes of this situation are eliminated so that they are not simply repeated, which would mean that not only Eastern Europe but other areas as well would be subject to the same tension. The causes of this situation are rooted in, first, the intolerable border that was specified by the dictated peace of Versailles [of 1919], and, second, the intolerable treatment of the minority populations in the lost territories.

    In making these proposals, the German Reich government is motivated by the desire to achieve a permanent solution that will put an end to the intolerable situation arising from the present border demarcation, secure to both parties vitally important connecting routes, and which will solve the minority problem, insofar as that is possible, and if not, will at least insure a tolerable life for the minority populations with secure guarantees of their rights.

    The German Reich government is convinced that it is absolutely necessary to investigate the economic and physical damage inflicted since 1918, with full reparations to be made for that. Of course, it regards this obligation as binding on both sides.

    On the basis of these considerations, we make the following concrete proposals:

    1. The Free City of Danzig returns immediately to the German Reich on the basis of its purely German character and the unanimous desire of its population.

    2. The territory of the so-called Polish Corridor will decide for itself whether it wishes to belong to Germany or to Poland. This territory consists of the area between the Baltic Sea in the North to a line marked in the South by the towns of Marienwerder, Graudenz, Kuhn and Bromberg — including these towns — and then westwards to Schoenlanke.

    3. For this purpose a plebiscite will be conducted in this territory. All Germans who lived in this territory on January 1, 1918, or were born there on or before that date will be entitled to vote in the plebiscite. Similarly, all Poles, Kashubians, and so forth, who lived in this territory on or before that date, or were born there before that date, will also be entitled to vote. Germans who were expelled from this territory will return to vote in the plebiscite.

    To insure an impartial plebiscite and to make sure that all necessary preliminary preparation work is properly carried out, this territory will come under the authority of an international commission, similar to the one organized in the Saar territory for the 1935 plebiscite there. This commission is to be organized immediately by the four great powers of Italy, the Soviet Union, France and Britain. This commission will have all sovereign authority in the territory. Accordingly, Polish military forces, Polish police and Polish authorities are to clear out of this territory as soon as possible by a date to be agreed upon.

    4. Not included in this territory is the Polish port of Gdynia, which is regarded as fundamentally sovereign Polish territory, to the extent of [ethnic] Polish settlement, but as a matter of principle is recognized as Polish territory. The specific border of this Polish port city will be negotiated by Germany and Poland and, if necessary, established by an international court of arbitration.

    5. In order to insure ample time for the preparations necessary in order to conduct an impartial plebiscite, the plebiscite will not take place until after at least twelve months have elapsed.

    6. In order to ensure unhindered traffic between Germany and East Prussia, and between Poland and the Baltic Sea, during this period [before the plebiscite], certain roads and rail lines may be designated to enable free transit. In that regard, only such fees may be imposed that are necessary for the maintenance of the transit routes or for transport itself.

    7. A simple majority of the votes cast will decide whether the territory will go to Germany or to Poland.

    8. After the plebiscite has been conducted, and regardless of the result, free transit will be guaranteed between Germany and its province of Danzig-East Prussia, as well as between Poland and the Baltic Sea. If the plebiscite determines that the territory belongs to Poland, Germany will obtain an extraterritorial transit zone, consisting of a motor super-highway (Reichsautobahn) and a four-track rail line, approximately along the line of Buetow-Danzig and Dirschau. The highway and the rail line will be built in such a way that the Polish transit lines are not disturbed, which means that they will pass either above or underneath. This zone will be one kilometer wide and will be sovereign German territory. In case the plebiscite is in Germany’s favor, Poland will have free and unrestricted transit to its port of Gdynia with the same right to an extraterritorial road and rail line that Germany would have had.

    9. If the Corridor returns to Germany, the German Reich declares that it is ready to carry out an exchange of population with Poland to the extent that this would be suitable for the [people of the] Corridor.

    10. The special rights that may be claimed by Poland in the port of Danzig will be negotiated on the basis of parity for rights to Germany in the port of Gdynia.

    11. In order to eliminate all fear of threat from either side, Danzig and Gdynia will be purely commercial centers, that is, with no military installations or military fortifications.

    12. The peninsula of Hela, which will go to either Poland or Germany on the basis of the plebiscite, will also be demilitarized in any case.

    13. The German Reich government has protested in the strongest terms against the Polish treatment of its minority populations. For its part, the Polish government also believes itself called upon to make protests against Germany. Accordingly, both sides agree to submit these complaints to an international investigation commission, which will be responsible for investigating all complaints of economic and physical damage as well as other acts of terror.

    Germany and Poland pledge to compensate for all economic and other damages inflicted on minority populations on both sides since 1918, and/or to revoke all expropriations and provide for complete reparation for the victims of these and other economic measures.

    14. In order to eliminate feelings of deprivation of international rights in the part of the Germans who will remain in Poland, as well as of the Poles who will remain in Germany, and above all, to insure that they are not forced to act contrary to their ethnic-national feelings, Germany and Poland agree to guarantee the rights of the minority populations on both sides through comprehensive and binding agreements. These will insure the right of these minority groups to maintain, freely develop and carry on their national-cultural life. In particular, they will be allowed to maintain organizations for these purposes. Both sides agree that members of their minority populations will not be drafted for military service.

    15. If agreement is reached on the basis of these proposals, Germany and Poland declare that they will immediately order and carry out the demobilization of their armed forces.

    16. Germany and Poland will agree to whatever additional measures may be necessary to implement the above points as quickly as possible.

    The same measures would have applied with regard to the proposals to secure the rights of the minorities.

    This is the treaty proposal – as straight-forward and as generous as has ever been presented by a government – that was made by the National Socialist leadership of the German Reich.

    The former Polish government refused to respond to these proposals in any way. In this regard, the question presents itself: How is it possible that such an unimportant state could dare to simply disregard such proposals and, in addition, carry out further cruelties against the Germans, the people who have given this land its entire culture, and even order the general mobilization of its armed forces?

    Would have been better not to give Hitler this propaganda tool, I would suspect. Also committing to preventing Danzig’s and the Polish Corridor’s (minus Gdynia; with a plebiscite) reunion with Germany ensured that a negotiated peace to World War II would have been extremely difficult to pull off even if France would not have fallen in 1940 since the pre-WWII situation with Poland wasn’t very tolerable to German anti-Nazis as well as to German Nazis. Weimar Germany made an extremely massive deal out of it, for instance.

  675. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but question about Muhammad for you: If having sex with a nine-year-old was indeed very unusual even back in the early 600s, then why exactly did so many people follow Muhammad? Surely him having sex with a nine-year-old (even within marriage) should have discredited him if what you're saying is true, no? And even if people back then didn't know about this sex, surely they and their descendants would have found out eventually, no? Yet even nowadays this information doesn't cause huge numbers of Muslims to reject Islam.

    Replies: @A123

    question about Muhammad for you: If having sex with a nine-year-old was indeed very unusual even back in the early 600s, then why exactly did so many people follow Muhammad?

    Let me answer your question with a question:

    If inappropriate behaviour around children is unusual today, why exactly do so many people follow Not-The-President Biden?



    Muhammad and Biden are effectively soul(less) mates. Those who believe in traditional Judeo-Christian values are repulsed by the White House occupant’s “Cult of Personality”.

    Freethinkers, who resist cult like behaviour, are thus attracted to MAGA in the U.S. This is why Trump 2024 continues to strengthen with independents and other swing voters. MAGA 2028+ will continue to prosper after Trump term limits out. MAGA is about policy and values, not personalities.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇

    • Replies: @sudden death

    ....And why exactly also do so many people shill for small underage boy naked belly kisser?;)

    Replies: @A123

  676. @A123

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses.
    They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.
    This seems unlikely.

    If Zelensky's survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe's Globalist glitzy power centers -- Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Graft and corruption is endemic in Kiev's administration. Many others will flee to where their European owner/operators can protect them. There they can live well on what they have siphoned off for personal use.

    Would anyone trust assurances from Not-The-President Biden? The U.S. will be highly disfavoured as a destination. Trump's 2nd term should lead to a detente with Russia. Extradition of Kiev leaders accused of war crimes would yield considerable traction with Putin.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    If Zelensky’s survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    If all of Ukraine will ever fall (extremely unlikely, IMHO), Zelensky can move to Israel. Of course, this could fuel narratives among Ukrainian nationalists about how Jews like Zelensky aren’t really loyal to Ukraine.

    If inappropriate behaviour around children is unusual today, why exactly do so many people follow Not-The-President Biden?

    There’s a huge difference between having sex with a child and touching a child or an adult inappropriately in a non-sexual manner.

    • Replies: @A123
    @Mr. XYZ

    If all of Ukraine will ever fall (extremely unlikely, IMHO), Zelensky can move to Israel.
    Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews, would do poorly Jewish Palestine. His Azov Neo-Nazi ties would leave him tainted.

    He would be much better off as a favorite of the Islamophile elites in the European Empire. He could join them in their shared disdain for Judeo-Christian values.

    PEACE 😇
  677. @Mr. XYZ

    He died in San Jose de Bolivar, Táchira, Venezuela. Is that in the highlands? He was born in El Cobre, Táchira, Venezuela.

    Testing him might have been risky in the sense that it might have increased the odds of him getting a deadly infection or virus that could have killed him simply due to him being exposed to more people. But maybe I'm being overly paranoid about this.

    Must have witnessed Venezuela really decline.


    Yep; absolutely! A couple of years ago, on the 110 Club forum, I read that his family was too poor to afford to buy new dentures for him. That's just how poor they were, unfortunately. Maybe they got some donations for this after he became the world's oldest living man slightly over two years ago, though. He did get more fame internationally as a result of that, after all.

    Replies: @songbird

    He died in San Jose de Bolivar, Táchira, Venezuela. Is that in the highlands? He was born in El Cobre, Táchira, Venezuela

    Tàchera is mostly in the highlands or Andes. Mean elevation of San José de Bolívar is 1450m.

    He was close to 2x Chavez’s age, at death!

  678. @Mr. Hack

    that capitulation is inevitable
    You're dreaming. Things may get ugly (for both sides), but Ukraine is far from any capitulation. If you're so sure that Ukraine is close to capitulation, any time frame you'd care to share?

    Replies: @QCIC, @Derer

    Please explain how can Ukraine defeat Russia and give us a time frame for that hallucination. Hacky, give up and face the reality.

    • Replies: @AP

    You aren't one to talk about facing reality.

    You still believe in the CIA biolabs? Lol.

    " the Russians have now the evidence of the existence of CIA biolabs in Ukraine anyway"

    Replies: @QCIC

  679. Along with the cookie-cutter solution of exiling traitorous elites to a given country or island, I would award assorted “prizes” just to keep it interesting and allow for the whims of fate.

    One of these “prizes” – being forced into being Lizzo’s housemate.

  680. @A123

    The people running the show in Kiev will run away to their bosses.
    They will have to earn their keep, many have not thought through what that entails.
    This seems unlikely.

    If Zelensky's survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe's Globalist glitzy power centers -- Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Graft and corruption is endemic in Kiev's administration. Many others will flee to where their European owner/operators can protect them. There they can live well on what they have siphoned off for personal use.

    Would anyone trust assurances from Not-The-President Biden? The U.S. will be highly disfavoured as a destination. Trump's 2nd term should lead to a detente with Russia. Extradition of Kiev leaders accused of war crimes would yield considerable traction with Putin.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Unlikely. He will stay away from public places…Trotsky’s fate will always be on his mind. Thousands of Slavs perished for him being in bed with Slav haters.

    • Replies: @A123

    Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.
    Unlikely. He will stay away from public places…Trotsky’s fate will always be on his mind. Thousands of Slavs perished for him being in bed with Slav haters.
    Stalin was among the most powerful people on the planet when he issued the Death Note on Trotsky. The next leader of Ukraine will not have anywhere near that level of reach.

    Tens of thousands hate George IslamoSoros and his anti-Semitic coconspirator Klaus Schwab. They do fine speaking at the WEF in Davos. Zelensky can move in carefully cleared social Islamophile circles that are guaranteed to be free of sincere followers of Christianity and Judaism.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

  681. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    If Zelensky’s survival instinct kicks in, he will bolt to his European puppet masters. There he will receive a suitable sinecure. Possibly being named President in Exile. Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.


    If all of Ukraine will ever fall (extremely unlikely, IMHO), Zelensky can move to Israel. Of course, this could fuel narratives among Ukrainian nationalists about how Jews like Zelensky aren't really loyal to Ukraine.

    If inappropriate behaviour around children is unusual today, why exactly do so many people follow Not-The-President Biden?
    There's a huge difference between having sex with a child and touching a child or an adult inappropriately in a non-sexual manner.

    Replies: @A123

    If all of Ukraine will ever fall (extremely unlikely, IMHO), Zelensky can move to Israel.

    Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews, would do poorly Jewish Palestine. His Azov Neo-Nazi ties would leave him tainted.

    He would be much better off as a favorite of the Islamophile elites in the European Empire. He could join them in their shared disdain for Judeo-Christian values.

    PEACE 😇

  682. A123 says: • Website

    Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.
    Unlikely. He will stay away from public places...Trotsky's fate will always be on his mind. Thousands of Slavs perished for him being in bed with Slav haters.

    Replies: @A123

    Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.

    Unlikely. He will stay away from public places…Trotsky’s fate will always be on his mind. Thousands of Slavs perished for him being in bed with Slav haters.

    Stalin was among the most powerful people on the planet when he issued the Death Note on Trotsky. The next leader of Ukraine will not have anywhere near that level of reach.

    Tens of thousands hate George IslamoSoros and his anti-Semitic coconspirator Klaus Schwab. They do fine speaking at the WEF in Davos. Zelensky can move in carefully cleared social Islamophile circles that are guaranteed to be free of sincere followers of Christianity and Judaism.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @songbird

    Stalin was among the most powerful people on the planet when he issued the Death Note on Trotsky
    Who knows if it is really true, but supposedly he tried to have John Wayne killed, in which case we can say that he did not have a Death Note.

    Replies: @A123

  683. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Wasn't there a soccer war in South America? (OK I looked it up. Honduras and El Salvador in 1969.)

    Replies: @Beckow

    Salvador won and went to the World Cup in Mexico, but they failed to do much there.

    Funny that it happened around the time of the first man on the moon. That cannot be a coincidence…:)

    • Replies: @Mikel

    Salvador won and went to the World Cup in Mexico, but they failed to do much there.
    OK, fighting a conventional war to earn the right to participate in the soccer World Cup was pretty retarded.

    But in my opinion not nearly as retarded as fighting a nuclear war so that we can expand our military alliance even closer to a country that posed so little threat to us that they actually asked us to let them join that alliance. I don't believe the Salvadoreans would ever be so retarded as to fight that war.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  684. @AnonfromTN

    as it was visibly backfiring on the Ukrainian nation and its survival.
    Current regime severely damaged Ukrainian nation and will do more damage in the coming months. However, the nation will survive. Those who move to the West won’t play any role in its survival. They will be as impotent and irrelevant as some personages on these threads, good only for bullshitting on the web.

    The fate of real Ukrainians who remain on the current Ukraine territory would depend on whether their part becomes the RF or remains in an “independent” Ukraine under indirect RF control. The areas that become the RF will develop faster and sort of prosper in a few years: living standards in the RF were a lot higher than in Ukraine even before 2022, the difference was maybe 1.5-2-fold back then, it is more like 4-5-fold today. In fact, this is a remarkable “achievement” of Ukrainian independence: in 1991 living standards in the Ukrainian SSR were higher than in Russia proper. The recovery in the “independent” part will be much slower, but it will also recover, reaching pre-2014 level in maybe 5-10 years.

    The language will survive, too: it has 10-15 times more native speakers than Latvian or Estonian (somewhere at the level of Quechua with ~10 million speakers). Hopefully after the current compradores are kicked out the new Ukrainian government will make some effort to develop it and make it competitive, rather than push it down people’s throats like covid vaccine in the US. Ukrainian language is beautiful and has potential, it’s just woefully under-developed, as nobody bothered doing anything about it since Soviet times.

    I guess I am an optimist believing that current cancer is not terminal, can be eliminated by drastic surgical methods. We’ll see.

    Replies: @Beckow

    It seems that Ukraine has been damaged by all governments since independence. But Zelina takes the cake, maybe electing clowns is not such a good idea. The war is now about the precise border between Russian Ukraine and rump-Ukraine – if Russia keeps its gains small, Ukraine would still be a sizable Euro nation, like Romania.

    The language sounds nice, I am sure it will do fine. But there will be a few big issues: bad blood from the war and the continued Western meddling. It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before. That was already true in 1991-2022 – Ukraine lost 10 million people, 20% – it will get much worse.

    Russia will encourage migrants to settle in their part and not many will be Russians. How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don’t in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be – the Darwin award exists for a reason.

    • Replies: @AP

    It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before.
    Eastern areas will be depopulated compared to before the war, western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Already parts of western Ukraine has more people than it had before the war - these places haven't lost as many people, plus many easterners have fled there because they are safer. Entire companies from places like Kharkiv have moved. Western cities such as Lviv and Uzhhorod have become crowded and the price of real estate has soared.

    Property has lost value significantly in towns near the front lines, but prices in the west increased by up to 75 percent.

    How many additional people are living in Lviv now?

    Lviv mayor: Today, we are hosting around 150,000 internally displaced people.

    The Zakarpattia region hosts some 147,000 registered internally displaced people [well over 10% of the prewar population - AP], of which 39,000 are hosted in Mukachevo raion.

    Ukrainian companies are moving west. It’s changing the country’s economic map

    Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, thousands of businesses have been forced to relocate. The state program helped move 840 companies between March 2022 and Oct. 2023, peaking in the spring and summer of 2022.

    Moving away from front-line regions and Russian-occupied territories has saved many companies from bankruptcy. It has also helped develop economies of host regions that have seen less development in the past, such as Ukraine’s western regions, and are eager to attract new business.

    Businesses relocating from east to west also shift the economic balance of the country. Future investment could disproportionately favor one part of Ukraine and risk leaving the front-line regions in the east, heavily scarred by the invasion, lagging post-war.

    A preliminary report by the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) team found that 27.6% of relocated businesses have already recovered business activities to pre-war levels.

    An estimated 43.1% are expected a full recovery within a year. Businesses have largely reported increases in customers, profitability, sales, and products.


    To summarize what Putin has done, at the cost of 100,000s of lives (including over 100,000 Russian lives):

    1. Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.
    2. Accelerated the westward shift of the center of Ukraine's economic and population gravity
    3. Made Ukrainians of all languages hate Russia
    4. Accelerated EU prospects for Ukraine
    5. Improved Ukraine's military and military technology
    6. Gotten Finland and Sweden formally into NATO

    It's almost like the guy is a secret NATO agent.

    How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don’t in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts.
    There will still be several times more Ukrainians than there will be Slovaks, don't worry.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

  685. @A123

    Though more likely a speaking circuit gig routing among Europe’s Globalist glitzy power centers — Davos, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, etc.
    Unlikely. He will stay away from public places…Trotsky’s fate will always be on his mind. Thousands of Slavs perished for him being in bed with Slav haters.
    Stalin was among the most powerful people on the planet when he issued the Death Note on Trotsky. The next leader of Ukraine will not have anywhere near that level of reach.

    Tens of thousands hate George IslamoSoros and his anti-Semitic coconspirator Klaus Schwab. They do fine speaking at the WEF in Davos. Zelensky can move in carefully cleared social Islamophile circles that are guaranteed to be free of sincere followers of Christianity and Judaism.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

    Stalin was among the most powerful people on the planet when he issued the Death Note on Trotsky

    Who knows if it is really true, but supposedly he tried to have John Wayne killed, in which case we can say that he did not have a Death Note.

    • Replies: @A123

    The Death Note can never fail. It is written.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

  686. @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Salvador won and went to the World Cup in Mexico, but they failed to do much there.

    Funny that it happened around the time of the first man on the moon. That cannot be a coincidence...:)

    Replies: @Mikel

    Salvador won and went to the World Cup in Mexico, but they failed to do much there.

    OK, fighting a conventional war to earn the right to participate in the soccer World Cup was pretty retarded.

    But in my opinion not nearly as retarded as fighting a nuclear war so that we can expand our military alliance even closer to a country that posed so little threat to us that they actually asked us to let them join that alliance. I don’t believe the Salvadoreans would ever be so retarded as to fight that war.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Hold that thought!

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.

    Replies: @Mikel

  687. @Mikel

    Salvador won and went to the World Cup in Mexico, but they failed to do much there.
    OK, fighting a conventional war to earn the right to participate in the soccer World Cup was pretty retarded.

    But in my opinion not nearly as retarded as fighting a nuclear war so that we can expand our military alliance even closer to a country that posed so little threat to us that they actually asked us to let them join that alliance. I don't believe the Salvadoreans would ever be so retarded as to fight that war.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Hold that thought!

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.
    Well, not really. Someone here who thinks that the soccer war was dumb but doesn't think that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber is not in real agreement with me at all. That's like someone who thinks that poking a bear is dumb but doesn't think that pulling a wild tiger's tail is dumb. I wouldn't identify with such a person's worldview.

    Incidentally, something funny happened today. I think it was thanks to you that I started watching Peter Attia's YT episodes. So this morning I finally managed to get my VO2max tested. When I asked the receptionist why it takes so long to get an appointment for that test she said that everybody seems to be listening to Attia and they can't keep up with the demand. She asked me if I was one of his followers too and we were laughing about it. At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.

    Replies: @Beckow, @songbird, @Dmitry

  688. @songbird

    Stalin was among the most powerful people on the planet when he issued the Death Note on Trotsky
    Who knows if it is really true, but supposedly he tried to have John Wayne killed, in which case we can say that he did not have a Death Note.

    Replies: @A123

    The Death Note can never fail. It is written.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @songbird

    Honestly, Death Note was a little too dark for me to enjoy. (And I think the premise is maybe a bit atheistic)

    I actually preferred this one by the same guys:

    Quite a contrast in tone. It is far more light-hearted, and has elements promoting creative ambition and the spirit of friendly competition. But, by contrast, it is quite long. And more of a soap opera.

  689. @A123

    The Death Note can never fail. It is written.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

    Honestly, Death Note was a little too dark for me to enjoy. (And I think the premise is maybe a bit atheistic)

    I actually preferred this one by the same guys:

    Quite a contrast in tone. It is far more light-hearted, and has elements promoting creative ambition and the spirit of friendly competition. But, by contrast, it is quite long. And more of a soap opera.

    • Thanks: A123
  690. @Philip Owen
    @H. L. M

    Where do I comment. I would be happy to be wiped out. I followed Karlin here before I understood the whole nature of the site.

    Replies: @H. L. M

    Kindly give me your opinion on the nature of the site. I’m still confused about it.

    • Replies: @Philip Owen
    @H. L. M

    Racism especially against Blacks, anti-semitism, conspiracy theorists such as antivaxers and lab leakers ...

    It's fair enough to discuss IQ or isolationism or even support for dictators. There are arguments to be presented and people will listen but the above are straight prejudice.

  691. AP says:

    It seems that Ukraine has been damaged by all governments since independence. But Zelina takes the cake, maybe electing clowns is not such a good idea. The war is now about the precise border between Russian Ukraine and rump-Ukraine - if Russia keeps its gains small, Ukraine would still be a sizable Euro nation, like Romania.

    The language sounds nice, I am sure it will do fine. But there will be a few big issues: bad blood from the war and the continued Western meddling. It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before. That was already true in 1991-2022 - Ukraine lost 10 million people, 20% - it will get much worse.

    Russia will encourage migrants to settle in their part and not many will be Russians. How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don't in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts. Maybe it wasn't meant to be - the Darwin award exists for a reason.

    Replies: @AP

    It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before.

    Eastern areas will be depopulated compared to before the war, western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Already parts of western Ukraine has more people than it had before the war – these places haven’t lost as many people, plus many easterners have fled there because they are safer. Entire companies from places like Kharkiv have moved. Western cities such as Lviv and Uzhhorod have become crowded and the price of real estate has soared.

    Property has lost value significantly in towns near the front lines, but prices in the west increased by up to 75 percent.

    How many additional people are living in Lviv now?

    Lviv mayor: Today, we are hosting around 150,000 internally displaced people.

    The Zakarpattia region hosts some 147,000 registered internally displaced people [well over 10% of the prewar population – AP], of which 39,000 are hosted in Mukachevo raion.

    Ukrainian companies are moving west. It’s changing the country’s economic map

    Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, thousands of businesses have been forced to relocate. The state program helped move 840 companies between March 2022 and Oct. 2023, peaking in the spring and summer of 2022.

    Moving away from front-line regions and Russian-occupied territories has saved many companies from bankruptcy. It has also helped develop economies of host regions that have seen less development in the past, such as Ukraine’s western regions, and are eager to attract new business.

    Businesses relocating from east to west also shift the economic balance of the country. Future investment could disproportionately favor one part of Ukraine and risk leaving the front-line regions in the east, heavily scarred by the invasion, lagging post-war.

    A preliminary report by the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) team found that 27.6% of relocated businesses have already recovered business activities to pre-war levels.

    An estimated 43.1% are expected a full recovery within a year. Businesses have largely reported increases in customers, profitability, sales, and products.


    To summarize what Putin has done, at the cost of 100,000s of lives (including over 100,000 Russian lives):

    1. Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.
    2. Accelerated the westward shift of the center of Ukraine’s economic and population gravity
    3. Made Ukrainians of all languages hate Russia
    4. Accelerated EU prospects for Ukraine
    5. Improved Ukraine’s military and military technology
    6. Gotten Finland and Sweden formally into NATO

    It’s almost like the guy is a secret NATO agent.

    How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don’t in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts.

    There will still be several times more Ukrainians than there will be Slovaks, don’t worry.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Seems like western Ukraine should also see a significant increase in its urbanization rate, not only as a result of this huge internal refugee influx, but also as a result of the increased economic development to this region that this influx will bring, no? So, in several decades' time, you could possibly see western Ukraine become as urbanized as eastern Ukraine is right now.

    BTW, I have a historical question for you: Do you think that it was a good idea for Austria-Hungary to ally with the Prussian-led Germany in the pre-WWI decades? Or would Austria-Hungary have been better off trying to seek an alliance with Russia and France and to isolate Germany, which would have then likely subsequently allied with Britain and perhaps still the Ottomans in such a scenario?

    , @Beckow

    ...western areas will have a relatively larger population.
    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front. Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war. The war casualties are mainly among rural and small-town men (as in Russia) and they are disproportionally Ukie.

    I don't know where you come up with the "most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine" - that's wishful thinking (you are one sick puppie.) The two groups that have mostly escaped are big cities (Kiev) and the elite. Ethnically they are more Russian-Jewish-others than the rural people. It is the Ukie rural youth that's bleeding - the core of the nation.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east. The real estate is also down in the west - people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.

    Refugees are unstable and many will go to Europe-Canada-US. In Czechia-Slovakia the majority who stayed are from Zakarpathia, the second largest group are from Kiev-Kharkiv-Odessa. There is nothing supporting your speculation - or wishes.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @AP

  692. @A123

    Your fanaticism in blaming Jewish victims of Muslim violence is extremely irrational. Let me re ask the questions AnonfromTN ducked:

    Why do you not call on Hamas to release all hostages and lay down arms?

    Do you really expect indigenous Palestinian Jews to allow Hamas to keep the kidnapping victims?

    Your histrionic one-sidedness is very hypocritical.

    They should had made a deal – either give Palis a viable state (West Bank-Gaza…) or a single state with some rules.
    This has been tried multiple time. Do you remember the Oslo deal? The Muslim colonists in Judea and Samaria almost immediately went back on their word.

    Who are indigenous Palestinian Jews supposed to negotiate with? You may have noticed that Abbas is in the 20th year of his 4 year term in office. He is the most credible leader of the Muslim colonists.

    Sadly, you are delusional about current Muslim capability for deal making. This is the same problem Russia faces trying to negotiate with the current Kiev regime. It is hard to see hope for progress until outside actors stop propping up Ukie/Pali aggression.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

    You work hard at being a parody of an ethno-fanatic…It is almost credible…:)

    I answered your question about the hostages – Palis say that the thousands of their people who were (and still are) picked up at random and kept in Izraeli jails are also hostages. They have a point. There are two sides in wars.

    • Replies: @A123

    You work hard at being a genuine fanatic. Your open support for genocide is quite credible;)

    I answered your question about the hostages
    Not all responses are answers.

    Israel holds suspects pending trial & convicted criminals. These are not "hostages" in any reasonable sense. You are going out of your way to create a false equivalency in a failed attempt to justify Muslim aggression.

    There are two sides in wars.
    Yes. But, they are not equivalent. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival. You seem to understand this in the Russian conflict. I find it odd that you cannot grasp it here.

    Your demand that Jews surrender is incredibly unrealistic. The realistic expectation is that Jews will continue to fight as needed to protect their people.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

  693. @Derer
    @Mr. Hack

    Please explain how can Ukraine defeat Russia and give us a time frame for that hallucination. Hacky, give up and face the reality.

    Replies: @AP

    You aren’t one to talk about facing reality.

    You still believe in the CIA biolabs? Lol.

    ” the Russians have now the evidence of the existence of CIA biolabs in Ukraine anyway”

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Why do you think the issue of the Ukrainian bioweapons labs labs has been refuted?

    These labs were acknowledged as being originally funded by the US Nunn-Lugar process. Even the unclassified descriptions of the work in Ukraine included alarming aspects. Considering the USA has been seriously pressuring Russia in the area of nuclear war since 2001 it would be foolish of the Russians to accept any benign claims from the West regarding the true purpose of the biowarfare labs which are just another spear in the WMD arsenal. Let's be clear, it is not controversial that these were originally biowarfare labs. The key question is any of the ongoing work offensive? Is it even possible to separate defensive biowarfare research from offensive work? Based on what we have seen from the insane USA-Ukraine project so far it is reasonable to assume yes, Ukie mad scientists were working on offensive bioweapons for the USA.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  694. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Ah, the sixty four dollar question ($64), when will Ukraine capitulate? My guess remains that Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed. In other words, I doubt Russia expects to be negotiating terms with a government which simply turns into a guerrilla warfare machine. I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks. The earlier this happens the more dangerous it is for all of these individuals.

    If Russia actually destroyed the power stations for Kharkiv as has been recently claimed, then this city may be the next target. It would be interesting if both sides temporarily abandoned this large city. It is in the interest of Ukrainian citizens to capitulate sooner, but this doesn't change the Russian requirement. So an actionable Ukrainian capitulation requires acceptance and resignation and rejection of Western puppeteers. This does not seem imminent.

    Wild guess:

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.
    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.
    Full capitulation of Kiev government next summer, allowing time for some rats to leave the ship.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed.

    And when will this occur? How do you know that Zelensky wont be reelected? He still seems to be quite popular.

    I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks.

    Pro-russian politicians in Ukraine are still very unpopular. So what do you base this hackneyed opinion on?

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.

    Even after Kharkiv has already repelled two unsuccessful assaults? After a long lull and plenty of time to build up its defensive posture, it seems that Kharkiv will be ready for anything that the orcs throw their way.

    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.

    Even though the invaders have not already launched any serious attempts to take Odessa? Have already retreated from Kherson, the gateway to Odessa, and are not poised to retake it anytime soon? Have lost their mastery of the Black Sea, and have lost at least two carrier ships that would be needed to take this port city? Do you realize that any Russian ship that leaves any Russian port city (on the Russian side) is clearly targeted for destruction by Ukrainian drones within two hours of launching into the Black Sea? I think that you’re thoughts are more formed by pro-kremlin sentiments, rather than by anything factual.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat are based on known technical capabilities of the Russian military in terms of weapons, communications, aircraft, radars, missiles, that sort of thing. This tells me almost nothing about Russia's tactical and operational plans, only what is possible technically (but not logistically). My theories on their strategic aims are based on the simple notion of what would the US do if we were in Russian shoes? There are many differences but the military capabilities and doctrines of both countries are heavily influenced by the Cold War.

    Kharkov was not seriously attacked previously. How do we know? The power was still on. If the power is now off, Kharkov may be on the menu. On the other hand, infrastructure attacks drive out civilians who were acting as human shields for the AFU. If the shield leaves, the AFU may feel exposed and retreat as well to reinforce Kiev or Odessa. That is what they should do since there was never any hope of holding a city 25 miles from the Russian border. Their only play for Kharkov was to have Russia destroy the city; this is bad for Ukraine but seems to be what the puppet masters in the West want. After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.

    My speculation on the makeup of a transition government is simply based on what factions need to be represented to make it work. It is mostly imposed by force, but at that point Russia is trying to get to a stable new arrangement so things may work better if they are less heavy handed. If Ukraine capitulated tomorrow, Russia would have to be extremely harsh to suppress guerrilla warfare. Someone at Unz pointed out that the Ukrainian transition government will probably go through several iterations.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mr. Hack, @AnonfromTN

    , @Philip Owen
    @Mr. Hack

    The last few days, 6 advancing Russian columns have been destroyed. In one case with 34 tanks and other armoured vehicles. The Ukrainians have received their ammunition and are using it abundantly. Russia's window of opportunity may have closed. Ukraine may not yet be up to attacking Russian positions, that requires F-16s and perhaps US support but it is now in better shape to defend.

    By the way, a factory full of young "mulatto" women from Africa without their men (too violent and aggrressive according to Russian managers). What kind of racism is this? Is drone assembly all they do? Advertised pay rates apparently are mostly bonus guaranteed pay is much less.

  695. @AP

    It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before.
    Eastern areas will be depopulated compared to before the war, western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Already parts of western Ukraine has more people than it had before the war - these places haven't lost as many people, plus many easterners have fled there because they are safer. Entire companies from places like Kharkiv have moved. Western cities such as Lviv and Uzhhorod have become crowded and the price of real estate has soared.

    Property has lost value significantly in towns near the front lines, but prices in the west increased by up to 75 percent.

    How many additional people are living in Lviv now?

    Lviv mayor: Today, we are hosting around 150,000 internally displaced people.

    The Zakarpattia region hosts some 147,000 registered internally displaced people [well over 10% of the prewar population - AP], of which 39,000 are hosted in Mukachevo raion.

    Ukrainian companies are moving west. It’s changing the country’s economic map

    Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, thousands of businesses have been forced to relocate. The state program helped move 840 companies between March 2022 and Oct. 2023, peaking in the spring and summer of 2022.

    Moving away from front-line regions and Russian-occupied territories has saved many companies from bankruptcy. It has also helped develop economies of host regions that have seen less development in the past, such as Ukraine’s western regions, and are eager to attract new business.

    Businesses relocating from east to west also shift the economic balance of the country. Future investment could disproportionately favor one part of Ukraine and risk leaving the front-line regions in the east, heavily scarred by the invasion, lagging post-war.

    A preliminary report by the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) team found that 27.6% of relocated businesses have already recovered business activities to pre-war levels.

    An estimated 43.1% are expected a full recovery within a year. Businesses have largely reported increases in customers, profitability, sales, and products.


    To summarize what Putin has done, at the cost of 100,000s of lives (including over 100,000 Russian lives):

    1. Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.
    2. Accelerated the westward shift of the center of Ukraine's economic and population gravity
    3. Made Ukrainians of all languages hate Russia
    4. Accelerated EU prospects for Ukraine
    5. Improved Ukraine's military and military technology
    6. Gotten Finland and Sweden formally into NATO

    It's almost like the guy is a secret NATO agent.

    How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don’t in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts.
    There will still be several times more Ukrainians than there will be Slovaks, don't worry.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    Seems like western Ukraine should also see a significant increase in its urbanization rate, not only as a result of this huge internal refugee influx, but also as a result of the increased economic development to this region that this influx will bring, no? So, in several decades’ time, you could possibly see western Ukraine become as urbanized as eastern Ukraine is right now.

    BTW, I have a historical question for you: Do you think that it was a good idea for Austria-Hungary to ally with the Prussian-led Germany in the pre-WWI decades? Or would Austria-Hungary have been better off trying to seek an alliance with Russia and France and to isolate Germany, which would have then likely subsequently allied with Britain and perhaps still the Ottomans in such a scenario?

  696. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    IIRC when talking about voting in AP had in mind potential physical retirement option in EU
    No, I'm pretty sure he said he had acquired citizenship of the EU country his grandparents had been citizens of after leaving Ukraine a long time ago and he lamented that he didn't get it in time to vote in the last election (in favor of Ukraine of course, what else would he feel that sorrow about?).

    But you think it's OK for him to vote in two continents while I should be deprived of my voting rights in the country where I was born and most of family, including my daughter, continue to live lol.

    from now on any alleged American isolationist posturing of yours can be easily dismissed as a blatant case of not practicing the preaching

    Well, you can lie to yourself as much as you want. Now that you are in the EU you get that right too so enjoy it.

    But I do actually believe that both the US and Western Europe should stay away from conflicts in the Muslim countries, the former USSR, Africa and anywhere else where their immediate interests are not in dispute. After all the experience of the last decades the only intervention in these places I support is either humanitarian or conflict resolution through diplomacy. So I don't know how anyone can see any inconsistency in my voting according to that principle wherever I am legally allowed to do so.

    It's also very funny to hear you accusing me of hypocrisy right after you state that AP should be allowed to vote in the same two places that you want to deny me the right to vote :-)

    Funnier still when you claim that you would be willing to let Lithuania risk nuclear war so that France can close its borders or Spain can keep its African enclaves. In reality, as we have seen in this very blog, what Ukraine defenders are totally willing to do is let Biden continue to pour millions of illegal aliens into the US, as long as Ukraine gets its billions in weapons. That's the solidarity we can expect from you guys.

    As for the Spaniards, I remember very well the debates they used to have about NATO. Nobody in Spain expects any solidarity from their NATO allies if it ever comes to defending their North African semi-colonial possessions. They are fully aware that Morocco is a loyal ally of the US in the region (in exchange of billions in aid), as shown by their military shipments to Ukraine. In fact, when Morocco occupied Parsley Island some years ago, the US and the EU treated it a bilateral issue and Spain had to recover the island by its own means. Besides, the Spaniards have become so woke that many of them would rather look with hostility at a Lithuanian volunteering to fight for Ceuta and Melilla. They would wonder what kind of "fascist" is expressing those bellicose statements. We may not understand EE very well, specially the easternmost parts, but you guys still have no clue who you have allied yourselves with either.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @sudden death

    Previously you had the gall to cite G. Washington as an example about the need for USA to have near zero political connections, also being unwise to partcipate vicissitudes, combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities of Europe, also lambasted others for having sentiments/attachments to historical homelands, but now all of a sudden wannabe American traditionalist isolationist, begins to care what France, Spain etc. will do or not do in Europe to the point of participating in EU elections. So yes, the purest imaginable hypocrisy repeatedly on the display at the open;)

    Also should cite or refer when talking to – nowhere you’ll find me supporting having open borders anywhere, always said the questions of borders and aid should not be comingled at all, but both definitely need to be adressed, tweaked or fixed.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @sudden death

    So yes, the purest imaginable hypocrisy repeatedly on the display at the open
    Unfortunately, this seems to go beyond simple Sovokism. There's a clear skull thickness element too. That voting according to the same principles in the two places I am allowed to do so is an example of consistency doesn't need to be argued. It's a simple fact that speaks by itself.

    I don't base my day to day actions on George Washington's ideas lol but since you mention him, he and the rest of the Founding Fathers would have been very happy to see American citizens who maintained some influence in the Old World exercise that influence to prevent the expansion of a foreign war that could easily affect the US. Thanks for bringing up the topic of Washington's ideas and reinforcing my point.

    nowhere you’ll find me supporting having open borders anywhere
    Sure, sure, but like the rest of the Ukraine supporters here you want Biden to be reelected rather than Trump of course. In fact, what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening to their West? The only one I recall having stood up to that invasion is Hungary, even though very few migrants were going to settle there. By contrast, you do have the nerve to meddle in Western Europe's internal affairs when it comes to your old enmity with Russia and demand that they abandon their civil rights by reintroducing compulsory military service, like the Estonian nutter did today.

    Replies: @sudden death

  697. A123 says: • Website

    You work hard at being a parody of an ethno-fanatic...It is almost credible...:)

    I answered your question about the hostages - Palis say that the thousands of their people who were (and still are) picked up at random and kept in Izraeli jails are also hostages. They have a point. There are two sides in wars.

    Replies: @A123

    You work hard at being a genuine fanatic. Your open support for genocide is quite credible;)

    I answered your question about the hostages

    Not all responses are answers.

    Israel holds suspects pending trial & convicted criminals. These are not “hostages” in any reasonable sense. You are going out of your way to create a false equivalency in a failed attempt to justify Muslim aggression.

    There are two sides in wars.

    Yes. But, they are not equivalent. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival. You seem to understand this in the Russian conflict. I find it odd that you cannot grasp it here.

    Your demand that Jews surrender is incredibly unrealistic. The realistic expectation is that Jews will continue to fight as needed to protect their people.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Israel holds suspects...not “hostages” in any reasonable sense.
    They hold Palis, incl. teenagers, for years. Izrael holds tens of thousands - suspicion is often in the eye of the beholder. To outsiders it looks like Izrael has been taking hostages for decades. Your view of "reasonable" and "equivalent" is skewed by the emotional devotion to cause.

    they are not equivalent. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival....demand that Jews surrender
    I have not seen anyone ask that Jews surrender. It is you who wants to expel the Palis from where they have lived for 1,000 years. Throwing 'indigenous' around the way you do only ridicules your own points - it is beyond absurd. If you don't see it and blabber something about year 700 I can't help you. The stupidity is hurting Izrael - as the Maidan nationalist madness hurt the Ukies. But all analogies are faulty.

    Replies: @A123

  698. I like the cut of the president of Botswana’s jib.

    If only he had the logistics to send 20,000 elephants to Germany. I feel like the result would be something positive.

  699. @AP

    You aren't one to talk about facing reality.

    You still believe in the CIA biolabs? Lol.

    " the Russians have now the evidence of the existence of CIA biolabs in Ukraine anyway"

    Replies: @QCIC

    Why do you think the issue of the Ukrainian bioweapons labs labs has been refuted?

    These labs were acknowledged as being originally funded by the US Nunn-Lugar process. Even the unclassified descriptions of the work in Ukraine included alarming aspects. Considering the USA has been seriously pressuring Russia in the area of nuclear war since 2001 it would be foolish of the Russians to accept any benign claims from the West regarding the true purpose of the biowarfare labs which are just another spear in the WMD arsenal. Let’s be clear, it is not controversial that these were originally biowarfare labs. The key question is any of the ongoing work offensive? Is it even possible to separate defensive biowarfare research from offensive work? Based on what we have seen from the insane USA-Ukraine project so far it is reasonable to assume yes, Ukie mad scientists were working on offensive bioweapons for the USA.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Why do you think the issue of the Ukrainian bioweapons labs labs has been refuted?
    A simple rule appears to be inviolate, at least in the last few years: if the US government says something, it is a lie. In most cases exactly opposite is true.
  700. @A123
    @Mr. XYZ

    question about Muhammad for you: If having sex with a nine-year-old was indeed very unusual even back in the early 600s, then why exactly did so many people follow Muhammad?
    Let me answer your question with a question:

    If inappropriate behaviour around children is unusual today, why exactly do so many people follow Not-The-President Biden?


    Muhammad and Biden are effectively soul(less) mates. Those who believe in traditional Judeo-Christian values are repulsed by the White House occupant's "Cult of Personality".

    Freethinkers, who resist cult like behaviour, are thus attracted to MAGA in the U.S. This is why Trump 2024 continues to strengthen with independents and other swing voters. MAGA 2028+ will continue to prosper after Trump term limits out. MAGA is about policy and values, not personalities.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇

    Replies: @sudden death

    ….And why exactly also do so many people shill for small underage boy naked belly kisser?;)

    • Replies: @A123
    @sudden death


    Why are you asking me? I am not shilling for anyone;)

    You are the site expert on shilling;) After all, you never miss the chance to shill for your precious Führer Zelensky;)

    Have you considered shilling less? The objectivity would help your reasoning capability;)

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

  701. This interview of an expat in Mumbai strikes me as extremely sinister.


    It basically outlines the gay expat lifestyle, if you can read inbetween the lines only a little. Seems to me he is willfully promoting the place as a destination for pederasty.

    His desire to live in a place where he sees few foreigners is obviously a desire to escape any scrutiny for his criminal activities.

    Also obvious that he uses his ties to theater to abuse many hopeful actors that can’t make it. Of cource, he expresses distaste for the West while trying to subvert Indian laws, to legalize buggery.

    Can’t decide the reason for his endorsement of street food, but it may be because he is on antibiotics and antiviral medications. Or because he wants to try to win the locals over.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Of course India is destination of expat pederasts. This has been the case ever since the East India Company began. It was Perverts Incorporated from day zero.

    What do you think the monolith in 2001 was advertising, anyway? It was high tech Jeffrey Epstein Fantasy Island.

    Replies: @songbird

  702. @sudden death

    ....And why exactly also do so many people shill for small underage boy naked belly kisser?;)

    Replies: @A123


    Why are you asking me? I am not shilling for anyone;)

    You are the site expert on shilling;) After all, you never miss the chance to shill for your precious Führer Zelensky;)

    Have you considered shilling less? The objectivity would help your reasoning capability;)

    PEACE 😇

    • Troll: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @QCIC

    Kissing babies is part of political campaigning. The problem with Biden is that he is very creepy about it on a regular basis. This behavior was highlighted some years ago, but has been described as part of a strange pattern which goes back many decades.

    Replies: @A123

  703. @Mr. Hack

    Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed.
    And when will this occur? How do you know that Zelensky wont be reelected? He still seems to be quite popular.

    I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks.
    Pro-russian politicians in Ukraine are still very unpopular. So what do you base this hackneyed opinion on?

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.
    Even after Kharkiv has already repelled two unsuccessful assaults? After a long lull and plenty of time to build up its defensive posture, it seems that Kharkiv will be ready for anything that the orcs throw their way.

    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.
    Even though the invaders have not already launched any serious attempts to take Odessa? Have already retreated from Kherson, the gateway to Odessa, and are not poised to retake it anytime soon? Have lost their mastery of the Black Sea, and have lost at least two carrier ships that would be needed to take this port city? Do you realize that any Russian ship that leaves any Russian port city (on the Russian side) is clearly targeted for destruction by Ukrainian drones within two hours of launching into the Black Sea? I think that you're thoughts are more formed by pro-kremlin sentiments, rather than by anything factual.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat are based on known technical capabilities of the Russian military in terms of weapons, communications, aircraft, radars, missiles, that sort of thing. This tells me almost nothing about Russia’s tactical and operational plans, only what is possible technically (but not logistically). My theories on their strategic aims are based on the simple notion of what would the US do if we were in Russian shoes? There are many differences but the military capabilities and doctrines of both countries are heavily influenced by the Cold War.

    Kharkov was not seriously attacked previously. How do we know? The power was still on. If the power is now off, Kharkov may be on the menu. On the other hand, infrastructure attacks drive out civilians who were acting as human shields for the AFU. If the shield leaves, the AFU may feel exposed and retreat as well to reinforce Kiev or Odessa. That is what they should do since there was never any hope of holding a city 25 miles from the Russian border. Their only play for Kharkov was to have Russia destroy the city; this is bad for Ukraine but seems to be what the puppet masters in the West want. After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.

    My speculation on the makeup of a transition government is simply based on what factions need to be represented to make it work. It is mostly imposed by force, but at that point Russia is trying to get to a stable new arrangement so things may work better if they are less heavy handed. If Ukraine capitulated tomorrow, Russia would have to be extremely harsh to suppress guerrilla warfare. Someone at Unz pointed out that the Ukrainian transition government will probably go through several iterations.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    You'll need "lots of luck" for your scenarios to come to fruition. Everything that you write about is tenuously stitched together by a hope in things that should have already have come to fruition in Russia's war aims and innuendo. In a war of attrition, Russia's chances of success are continually diminishing. Ukraine has steadily come up with new innovations to beat the Russians back. Mostly, the spirit and fighting capacity of the Ukrainian people is unmatchable against ex-convicts, Chechens and young Russian schoolboys unwilling to leave the comforts of their homes behind. The original assault upon Kyiv is a great example. Ukrainian people in their front yards hurling molotov cocktails into pasing Russian tanks that would explode and hold up the long convoys of tanks for further destruction from the military. Poetry in motion.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Mr. Hack

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat
    It's Okay for you to start calling the Russian war on Ukraine a war. Putler's political elite and the media have been doing so now for a while, so you don't need to refer to the war as a Schmo anymore. Apparently, you're now safe from any punishments or repercussions.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @AnonfromTN

    After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.
    The investigation of the terrorist attack in Crocus is still ongoing. However, with accumulating evidence the probability that Ukraine was behind it rose from ~70% to ~99%. Just two tidbits. One, the perps were running away to Ukraine, as they say, to receive their rewards. Two, the money used to finance the preparations for this attack were coming from Ukraine.

    How does this relate to Kharkov? Last night a swarm of Russian kamikaze drones hit several military-industrial sites, power installations, and one of the police headquarters in and near Kharkov. The wings of the drones had inscriptions “For Belgorod” and “For Crocus”.
  704. @A123
    @sudden death


    Why are you asking me? I am not shilling for anyone;)

    You are the site expert on shilling;) After all, you never miss the chance to shill for your precious Führer Zelensky;)

    Have you considered shilling less? The objectivity would help your reasoning capability;)

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

    Kissing babies is part of political campaigning. The problem with Biden is that he is very creepy about it on a regular basis. This behavior was highlighted some years ago, but has been described as part of a strange pattern which goes back many decades.

    • Replies: @A123

    You are, of course, correct.

    Everyone knows that, including ShillD the ultra shill;) He did not ask the question to be serious. He was trolling, and was thus promptly zinged for his low-IQ Yahoo offense;) When he stops by to provide comic relief, I laugh at his pathetic displays;)

    PEACE 😇

  705. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat are based on known technical capabilities of the Russian military in terms of weapons, communications, aircraft, radars, missiles, that sort of thing. This tells me almost nothing about Russia's tactical and operational plans, only what is possible technically (but not logistically). My theories on their strategic aims are based on the simple notion of what would the US do if we were in Russian shoes? There are many differences but the military capabilities and doctrines of both countries are heavily influenced by the Cold War.

    Kharkov was not seriously attacked previously. How do we know? The power was still on. If the power is now off, Kharkov may be on the menu. On the other hand, infrastructure attacks drive out civilians who were acting as human shields for the AFU. If the shield leaves, the AFU may feel exposed and retreat as well to reinforce Kiev or Odessa. That is what they should do since there was never any hope of holding a city 25 miles from the Russian border. Their only play for Kharkov was to have Russia destroy the city; this is bad for Ukraine but seems to be what the puppet masters in the West want. After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.

    My speculation on the makeup of a transition government is simply based on what factions need to be represented to make it work. It is mostly imposed by force, but at that point Russia is trying to get to a stable new arrangement so things may work better if they are less heavy handed. If Ukraine capitulated tomorrow, Russia would have to be extremely harsh to suppress guerrilla warfare. Someone at Unz pointed out that the Ukrainian transition government will probably go through several iterations.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mr. Hack, @AnonfromTN

    You’ll need “lots of luck” for your scenarios to come to fruition. Everything that you write about is tenuously stitched together by a hope in things that should have already have come to fruition in Russia’s war aims and innuendo. In a war of attrition, Russia’s chances of success are continually diminishing. Ukraine has steadily come up with new innovations to beat the Russians back. Mostly, the spirit and fighting capacity of the Ukrainian people is unmatchable against ex-convicts, Chechens and young Russian schoolboys unwilling to leave the comforts of their homes behind. The original assault upon Kyiv is a great example. Ukrainian people in their front yards hurling molotov cocktails into pasing Russian tanks that would explode and hold up the long convoys of tanks for further destruction from the military. Poetry in motion.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I hope we can avoid WW3, nuclear exchanges and COVID-24/25 bioweapon events. I also hope that only the bad people die in the Ukraine mess on all sides.

    The Ukies do like to fight. If these angry and confused people in the "borderland" awaken the bear in 150 million Russians they will not like the results.

    The nuclear weapons complexes are sometimes considered to be the pinnacle of military technology and prowess. These capabilities are created and operated by people who are protective, mean, smart, angry, vicious, unforgiving and sociopathic. America started this entire field and we are still near the top. Russia played catch-up for a long time, but now probably leads the world in destructive capability. In peacetime, the people running this nuclear weapons enterprise may not have much say in policy. When a war is declared the nuclear weapons people become part of the conversation. If the war presents a serious threat to the country then the nuclear forces may lead the conversation. A NATO victory in Ukraine is a serious threat to Russia.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  706. A123 says: • Website

    Kissing babies is part of political campaigning. The problem with Biden is that he is very creepy about it on a regular basis. This behavior was highlighted some years ago, but has been described as part of a strange pattern which goes back many decades.

    Replies: @A123

    You are, of course, correct.

    Everyone knows that, including ShillD the ultra shill;) He did not ask the question to be serious. He was trolling, and was thus promptly zinged for his low-IQ Yahoo offense;) When he stops by to provide comic relief, I laugh at his pathetic displays;)

    PEACE 😇

  707. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat are based on known technical capabilities of the Russian military in terms of weapons, communications, aircraft, radars, missiles, that sort of thing. This tells me almost nothing about Russia's tactical and operational plans, only what is possible technically (but not logistically). My theories on their strategic aims are based on the simple notion of what would the US do if we were in Russian shoes? There are many differences but the military capabilities and doctrines of both countries are heavily influenced by the Cold War.

    Kharkov was not seriously attacked previously. How do we know? The power was still on. If the power is now off, Kharkov may be on the menu. On the other hand, infrastructure attacks drive out civilians who were acting as human shields for the AFU. If the shield leaves, the AFU may feel exposed and retreat as well to reinforce Kiev or Odessa. That is what they should do since there was never any hope of holding a city 25 miles from the Russian border. Their only play for Kharkov was to have Russia destroy the city; this is bad for Ukraine but seems to be what the puppet masters in the West want. After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.

    My speculation on the makeup of a transition government is simply based on what factions need to be represented to make it work. It is mostly imposed by force, but at that point Russia is trying to get to a stable new arrangement so things may work better if they are less heavy handed. If Ukraine capitulated tomorrow, Russia would have to be extremely harsh to suppress guerrilla warfare. Someone at Unz pointed out that the Ukrainian transition government will probably go through several iterations.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mr. Hack, @AnonfromTN

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat

    It’s Okay for you to start calling the Russian war on Ukraine a war. Putler’s political elite and the media have been doing so now for a while, so you don’t need to refer to the war as a Schmo anymore. Apparently, you’re now safe from any punishments or repercussions.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I am waiting for you to confirm the reports that Russia has destroyed 4 or 5 major Ukrainian power plants in the last couple of weeks. Once you do so, I may agree that it has turned into a war.

  708. @songbird
    This interview of an expat in Mumbai strikes me as extremely sinister.

    It basically outlines the gay expat lifestyle, if you can read inbetween the lines only a little. Seems to me he is willfully promoting the place as a destination for pederasty.

    His desire to live in a place where he sees few foreigners is obviously a desire to escape any scrutiny for his criminal activities.

    Also obvious that he uses his ties to theater to abuse many hopeful actors that can't make it. Of cource, he expresses distaste for the West while trying to subvert Indian laws, to legalize buggery.

    Can't decide the reason for his endorsement of street food, but it may be because he is on antibiotics and antiviral medications. Or because he wants to try to win the locals over.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Of course India is destination of expat pederasts. This has been the case ever since the East India Company began. It was Perverts Incorporated from day zero.

    What do you think the monolith in 2001 was advertising, anyway? It was high tech Jeffrey Epstein Fantasy Island.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Of course India is destination of expat pederasts. This has been the case ever since the East India Company began
    They should have incorporated it into RRR. But probably not as many gays would have endorsed the movie, in that case.

    What do you think the monolith in 2001 was advertising, anyway?
    It is well-kown that Clarke promoted geostationary communication satellites in order to facilitate expat pederasty.

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?


    some believe viruses are necessary for evolution, in which case they might feed into theories about panspermia and possibly aliens seeding life.
  709. @QCIC

    Why do you think the issue of the Ukrainian bioweapons labs labs has been refuted?

    These labs were acknowledged as being originally funded by the US Nunn-Lugar process. Even the unclassified descriptions of the work in Ukraine included alarming aspects. Considering the USA has been seriously pressuring Russia in the area of nuclear war since 2001 it would be foolish of the Russians to accept any benign claims from the West regarding the true purpose of the biowarfare labs which are just another spear in the WMD arsenal. Let's be clear, it is not controversial that these were originally biowarfare labs. The key question is any of the ongoing work offensive? Is it even possible to separate defensive biowarfare research from offensive work? Based on what we have seen from the insane USA-Ukraine project so far it is reasonable to assume yes, Ukie mad scientists were working on offensive bioweapons for the USA.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Why do you think the issue of the Ukrainian bioweapons labs labs has been refuted?

    A simple rule appears to be inviolate, at least in the last few years: if the US government says something, it is a lie. In most cases exactly opposite is true.

  710. @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Virtually none of them have been filtered through the Koch’s postulates criteria.
    What Pasteur or Koch did with cellular parasites cannot be done with viruses. Viruses are the ultimate parasites: they cannot live by themselves, they use the machinery of the infected cell to reproduce their genome and make their proteins. Yet they can be produced, purified, and studied. E.g., for research purposes we use special cultured cells to produce lentiviruses and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) for delivery of genes to cells in living animals. BTW, AAVs are even more defective than most viruses: they need a cell infected by adenovirus to reproduce, as they need to use the machinery of the cell and that of adenovirus (hence the name).

    Viruses infecting bacteria are relatively simple: genome is packaged in an envelope that has machinery for its injection into the cell. T7 bacteriophage is a typical example (when the subject is not politically sensitive, Wiki articles tend to be true):,to%20change%20structure%20when%20it%20enters%20the%20cell.

    Viruses of eukaryotic cells are usually bigger and more complex. In addition to packaged genetic material (which can be single- or double-stranded DNA, coding or complementary to it RNA) they have some cytoplasm (borrowed from the cell they bud off) and bilayer lipid membrane (also borrowed from the host cell, but containing viral proteins necessary for it to infect next host cells). Viral proteins on this membrane determine its possible hosts (cells it can fuse with to deliver its genetic material). For example, if you want to make an animal virus to infect humans, all you need to do is change the gene(s) encoding its targeting membrane protein(s) to corresponding gene(s) of a human virus.
    Here is a useful piece on classification of viruses:

    COVID-19 virus has typical structure of eukaryotic viruses:

    There are lots of human viruses that are its close relatives, they cause common cold. So, if someone wanted to make human-targeting virus out of it, the task wasn’t too complicated (in sharp contrast to gain-of-function: it is very hard to improve on something perfected by evolution for millions of years).

    Making the virus jump species is the surefire way of making it aggressive and deadly. Obviously, killing the host is against the interests of a parasite. Therefore, most viruses and other parasites of any species are either fairly benign (like common cold viruses in humans), or even useful for the host (becoming a symbiont, like E. coli living in our intestines).

    I am not a virologist, but I hope I answered your question.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I hope I answered your question.

    Thank you very much for your comment but you did not exactly answer my question. Those links you posted were very useful! In re-reading my own comment I see my question was poorly posed so let me re-phrase it.

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?

    More questions if anybody would like to take a stab.

    What is life?

    Are viruses alive?

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?

    Wait until Ron Unz gets to see my commentary on how asteroids didn’t wipe out the dinosaurs. It was Atlantis nanobots. : )

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Huh, I thought the dinosaurs were still here wearing human suits.

    , @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Let me answer these questions one by one

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?
    The propaganda story behind covid-19 was a pack of lies, the actions of most Western governments essentially confirmed that they purposely made a bat coronavirus to become a human coronavirus (by changing targeting protein, as I described in #665) and spread this virus in China and Iran (guess who would target China and Iran?). As is usual and customary with neocons, they grossly miscalculated: the blowback to the West was huge. The virus acted, as intended: it mostly targeted elderly and sick (that describes the elites in most countries, pro- and anti-imperial alike).

    The second wrong part where the perps fully exposed themselves was “vaccine”. It could not have possibly worked, as promised (see my comment #651), it was mandated in many Western countries, including the empire itself, to the benefit of population control freaks and several pharmaceuticals (which were repeatedly caught lying before, as a matter of fact). “Vaccinating” children and young adults, who were in minimal danger from covid, was a crime from any standpoint. The fact that no tests for antibodies were available in the US (even though test kits widely used for this purpose in Russia were US-produced) clearly showed that those who pushed Western “vaccines” down people’s throats knew full well that they were not vaccines.

    The third wrong piece is that the moment Russia started SMO in Ukraine Western propaganda machine dropped covid psyop and switched to Ukraine psyop. If the disease were as serious as claimed, there was no way Putin could have cured the whole world of covid.

    What is life?
    Many answers were suggested, most made no sense. From my POV, anything subject to natural selection is life.

    Are viruses alive?
    From my POV expressed above, yes, they are.

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?
    Yes. Because following in the footsteps of evolution is usually the most profitable course of action. You can always trust the evolution: it conducted enormous number of experiments for billions of years, its experiments were always rigorous (you live or you die – you cannot be more rigorous than that), and it never fudged the data because it did not need to publish.

    Replies: @Beckow

  711. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat are based on known technical capabilities of the Russian military in terms of weapons, communications, aircraft, radars, missiles, that sort of thing. This tells me almost nothing about Russia's tactical and operational plans, only what is possible technically (but not logistically). My theories on their strategic aims are based on the simple notion of what would the US do if we were in Russian shoes? There are many differences but the military capabilities and doctrines of both countries are heavily influenced by the Cold War.

    Kharkov was not seriously attacked previously. How do we know? The power was still on. If the power is now off, Kharkov may be on the menu. On the other hand, infrastructure attacks drive out civilians who were acting as human shields for the AFU. If the shield leaves, the AFU may feel exposed and retreat as well to reinforce Kiev or Odessa. That is what they should do since there was never any hope of holding a city 25 miles from the Russian border. Their only play for Kharkov was to have Russia destroy the city; this is bad for Ukraine but seems to be what the puppet masters in the West want. After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.

    My speculation on the makeup of a transition government is simply based on what factions need to be represented to make it work. It is mostly imposed by force, but at that point Russia is trying to get to a stable new arrangement so things may work better if they are less heavy handed. If Ukraine capitulated tomorrow, Russia would have to be extremely harsh to suppress guerrilla warfare. Someone at Unz pointed out that the Ukrainian transition government will probably go through several iterations.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Mr. Hack, @AnonfromTN

    After Crocus, Russians may be amenable to that result.

    The investigation of the terrorist attack in Crocus is still ongoing. However, with accumulating evidence the probability that Ukraine was behind it rose from ~70% to ~99%. Just two tidbits. One, the perps were running away to Ukraine, as they say, to receive their rewards. Two, the money used to finance the preparations for this attack were coming from Ukraine.

    How does this relate to Kharkov? Last night a swarm of Russian kamikaze drones hit several military-industrial sites, power installations, and one of the police headquarters in and near Kharkov. The wings of the drones had inscriptions “For Belgorod” and “For Crocus”.

  712. @Mr. Hack

    Most of my thoughts on the SMO combat
    It's Okay for you to start calling the Russian war on Ukraine a war. Putler's political elite and the media have been doing so now for a while, so you don't need to refer to the war as a Schmo anymore. Apparently, you're now safe from any punishments or repercussions.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I am waiting for you to confirm the reports that Russia has destroyed 4 or 5 major Ukrainian power plants in the last couple of weeks. Once you do so, I may agree that it has turned into a war.

  713. Apparently, there is some whackball theory that muskoxen survived because humans used them to deter large predators, like direwolves and the short-faced bears.

  714. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I hope I answered your question.
    Thank you very much for your comment but you did not exactly answer my question. Those links you posted were very useful! In re-reading my own comment I see my question was poorly posed so let me re-phrase it.

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?

    More questions if anybody would like to take a stab.

    What is life?

    Are viruses alive?

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?

    Wait until Ron Unz gets to see my commentary on how asteroids didn't wipe out the dinosaurs. It was Atlantis nanobots. : )

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

    Huh, I thought the dinosaurs were still here wearing human suits.

  715. @AP

    It is also likely that large areas will be depopulated and have a lot fewer people than before.
    Eastern areas will be depopulated compared to before the war, western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Already parts of western Ukraine has more people than it had before the war - these places haven't lost as many people, plus many easterners have fled there because they are safer. Entire companies from places like Kharkiv have moved. Western cities such as Lviv and Uzhhorod have become crowded and the price of real estate has soared.

    Property has lost value significantly in towns near the front lines, but prices in the west increased by up to 75 percent.

    How many additional people are living in Lviv now?

    Lviv mayor: Today, we are hosting around 150,000 internally displaced people.

    The Zakarpattia region hosts some 147,000 registered internally displaced people [well over 10% of the prewar population - AP], of which 39,000 are hosted in Mukachevo raion.

    Ukrainian companies are moving west. It’s changing the country’s economic map

    Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, thousands of businesses have been forced to relocate. The state program helped move 840 companies between March 2022 and Oct. 2023, peaking in the spring and summer of 2022.

    Moving away from front-line regions and Russian-occupied territories has saved many companies from bankruptcy. It has also helped develop economies of host regions that have seen less development in the past, such as Ukraine’s western regions, and are eager to attract new business.

    Businesses relocating from east to west also shift the economic balance of the country. Future investment could disproportionately favor one part of Ukraine and risk leaving the front-line regions in the east, heavily scarred by the invasion, lagging post-war.

    A preliminary report by the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) team found that 27.6% of relocated businesses have already recovered business activities to pre-war levels.

    An estimated 43.1% are expected a full recovery within a year. Businesses have largely reported increases in customers, profitability, sales, and products.


    To summarize what Putin has done, at the cost of 100,000s of lives (including over 100,000 Russian lives):

    1. Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.
    2. Accelerated the westward shift of the center of Ukraine's economic and population gravity
    3. Made Ukrainians of all languages hate Russia
    4. Accelerated EU prospects for Ukraine
    5. Improved Ukraine's military and military technology
    6. Gotten Finland and Sweden formally into NATO

    It's almost like the guy is a secret NATO agent.

    How the Ukies restock their numbers beats me, but if they don’t in 50 years they will be a mini-nation, not much bigger than the Balts.
    There will still be several times more Ukrainians than there will be Slovaks, don't worry.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    …western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front. Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war. The war casualties are mainly among rural and small-town men (as in Russia) and they are disproportionally Ukie.

    I don’t know where you come up with the “most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine” – that’s wishful thinking (you are one sick puppie.) The two groups that have mostly escaped are big cities (Kiev) and the elite. Ethnically they are more Russian-Jewish-others than the rural people. It is the Ukie rural youth that’s bleeding – the core of the nation.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east. The real estate is also down in the west – people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.

    Refugees are unstable and many will go to Europe-Canada-US. In Czechia-Slovakia the majority who stayed are from Zakarpathia, the second largest group are from Kiev-Kharkiv-Odessa. There is nothing supporting your speculation – or wishes.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    While these things could be considered a state secret, I would objectively like to know a full run down of the demographics of the fatalities on both sides.

    The war is beginning to enter history rather than being current affairs.

    Who exactly have the Ukies got as their infantry? Who is operating the drones? Etc. Same for the Russians.

    After Crocus, Muscovites all 13 million of them can see that losing means their city will be obliterated like Gaza. The shadowy origin of the attack merely serving to reinforce the general existential problem.

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @AP

    …western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front.
    Compensated for by new arrivals. We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.

    Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war
    Not on a scale that affects demographics terribly. This isn't close to World War II.

    I don’t know where you come up with the “most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine”
    Why do you put quotation marks around something I didn't say?

    I wrote that Putin: " Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants."

    While there has been destruction around Kiev in the beginning of the war, and Russia continues to pummel Sumy, the brunt of the destruction occurred in areas populated by Russian-speakers such as Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and also Kharkiv. These are the places that have seen the most massive loss of civilian life, also.

    that’s wishful thinking
    I don't doubt that this is the sort of thing you would wish. You are a morally sick person, after all.

    I don't view the killing of Russian-speakers as a nice thing - it is a tragedy. I am not a Banderist. But I do enjoy pointing out that the supposed hero of Russia basically does things that Banderists would approve of: destroy Russian-speaking cities in Ukraine and kill their inhabitants.

    You, of course, are on whichever side kills the most Slavs. Putin is your man of the 21st century - he has killed 100,000+ Russians and 100,000+ Ukrainians, and isn't done yet. In the past it would have been Stalin, you defend him too. And naturally your people joined Hitler. It's consistent.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    Of course. And as a result of this war Lviv has gained 150,000 people, Uzhorod has gained a few 10,000s.

    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east.
    They are already there.

    How many will stay after the war is unknown. Many companies will stay, so presumably the employees who have moved will also stay. If places like Kharkiv get wrecked by the Russians, not many will return.

    The real estate is also down in the west – people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.
    If prices in some pats of the the west are up, they are still a lot cheaper than flats in the EU.

    For example:

    Where are the highest real estate prices in Ukraine?

    It is noted that Kyiv lost 3% of the cost of one-bedroom apartments in 2022, while Lviv rose by 12% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18% in the spring of 2023.

    Average prices for one-bedroom apartments on the secondary market increased in different cities, in particular in Lviv by 12%, Uzhhorod by 7%, Cherkasy by 10% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18%.

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.

    There is nothing supporting your speculation
    I provided links with evidence to my statements. You, of course, did not. So we have evidence versus the claims of you - a proven liar.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

  716. @Mr. Hack

    You'll need "lots of luck" for your scenarios to come to fruition. Everything that you write about is tenuously stitched together by a hope in things that should have already have come to fruition in Russia's war aims and innuendo. In a war of attrition, Russia's chances of success are continually diminishing. Ukraine has steadily come up with new innovations to beat the Russians back. Mostly, the spirit and fighting capacity of the Ukrainian people is unmatchable against ex-convicts, Chechens and young Russian schoolboys unwilling to leave the comforts of their homes behind. The original assault upon Kyiv is a great example. Ukrainian people in their front yards hurling molotov cocktails into pasing Russian tanks that would explode and hold up the long convoys of tanks for further destruction from the military. Poetry in motion.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I hope we can avoid WW3, nuclear exchanges and COVID-24/25 bioweapon events. I also hope that only the bad people die in the Ukraine mess on all sides.

    The Ukies do like to fight. If these angry and confused people in the “borderland” awaken the bear in 150 million Russians they will not like the results.

    The nuclear weapons complexes are sometimes considered to be the pinnacle of military technology and prowess. These capabilities are created and operated by people who are protective, mean, smart, angry, vicious, unforgiving and sociopathic. America started this entire field and we are still near the top. Russia played catch-up for a long time, but now probably leads the world in destructive capability. In peacetime, the people running this nuclear weapons enterprise may not have much say in policy. When a war is declared the nuclear weapons people become part of the conversation. If the war presents a serious threat to the country then the nuclear forces may lead the conversation. A NATO victory in Ukraine is a serious threat to Russia.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    The Ukies do like to fight. If these angry and confused people in the “borderland” awaken the bear in 150 million Russians they will not like the results.
    They like to defend their home turf, their families and neighbors against unwanted and blind imperial ambitions from bullies that try and limit their national and historic aspirations towards freedom and their right to exist, The "bear" has been awakened since the 12th century and has been trying to subjugate this people since then, so you see it's been going on for a very long time. Hopefully this war will be the final chapter of this long drawn out history and will finally allow the Ukrainian people to emerge as a unified whole modern country. It is indeed a very serious war, where both sides seem to think that it's an "existential" threat to their very existence. I think that this threat is much more real and perilous for the Ukrainian people. The Russians, after all, have much more open space to hide if things get too bleak than the Ukrainians do.

    Replies: @QCIC

  717. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I hope I answered your question.
    Thank you very much for your comment but you did not exactly answer my question. Those links you posted were very useful! In re-reading my own comment I see my question was poorly posed so let me re-phrase it.

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?

    More questions if anybody would like to take a stab.

    What is life?

    Are viruses alive?

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?

    Wait until Ron Unz gets to see my commentary on how asteroids didn't wipe out the dinosaurs. It was Atlantis nanobots. : )

    Replies: @QCIC, @AnonfromTN

    Let me answer these questions one by one

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?

    The propaganda story behind covid-19 was a pack of lies, the actions of most Western governments essentially confirmed that they purposely made a bat coronavirus to become a human coronavirus (by changing targeting protein, as I described in #665) and spread this virus in China and Iran (guess who would target China and Iran?). As is usual and customary with neocons, they grossly miscalculated: the blowback to the West was huge. The virus acted, as intended: it mostly targeted elderly and sick (that describes the elites in most countries, pro- and anti-imperial alike).

    The second wrong part where the perps fully exposed themselves was “vaccine”. It could not have possibly worked, as promised (see my comment #651), it was mandated in many Western countries, including the empire itself, to the benefit of population control freaks and several pharmaceuticals (which were repeatedly caught lying before, as a matter of fact). “Vaccinating” children and young adults, who were in minimal danger from covid, was a crime from any standpoint. The fact that no tests for antibodies were available in the US (even though test kits widely used for this purpose in Russia were US-produced) clearly showed that those who pushed Western “vaccines” down people’s throats knew full well that they were not vaccines.

    The third wrong piece is that the moment Russia started SMO in Ukraine Western propaganda machine dropped covid psyop and switched to Ukraine psyop. If the disease were as serious as claimed, there was no way Putin could have cured the whole world of covid.

    What is life?

    Many answers were suggested, most made no sense. From my POV, anything subject to natural selection is life.

    Are viruses alive?

    From my POV expressed above, yes, they are.

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?

    Yes. Because following in the footsteps of evolution is usually the most profitable course of action. You can always trust the evolution: it conducted enormous number of experiments for billions of years, its experiments were always rigorous (you live or you die – you cannot be more rigorous than that), and it never fudged the data because it did not need to publish.

    • Agree: Beckow
    • Replies: @Beckow

    A good summary how C19 played out.

    to the benefit of population control freaks and several pharmaceuticals
    They are indeed freaks. The plans were too ambitious but inept - only upper-class isolated twits could be behind it. There was an air of disconnection from reality - only listening to each other and to people paid to tell them what they wanted to hear. In that way it resembled the elites toward the end of all cycles.

    ...anything subject to natural selection is life.
    An interesting aspect was who fell for it. (Better than IQ tests.) The educated liberals, aspirational mid-wits were the most obedient, unthinking devotees. It is a blind spot in a society - people so smart and credentialed that they are non-viable. Like lemmings they followed a script as they have done all of their lives. They lack survival instinct and common sense, something fatal in a real crisis.

    Most commoners were more skeptical and used critical thinking. Africans surprised by their total rejection of the nonsense - the future is possibly theirs. Some countries in Europe did better than others - the worst were the Germanic uber-obedient scary-cats who stood in lines to be tested on - something they for some genetic reason do a lot. Not a good sign for their long-term survival.

    Nature has no morality, it is only a valuable concept in our mind. Our thinking doesn't oscillate between good and bad, moral and evil - it oscillates between sense and nonsense. The people who go easily into nonsense are not by nature-standard smart or viable. No matter how much they memorize or regurgitate, lacking proper instincts marks them as stupid. C19, Ukraine, Palestine, Trump-mania are just the latest displays of it. It has gotten quite a bit more dramatic.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  718. @A123

    You work hard at being a genuine fanatic. Your open support for genocide is quite credible;)

    I answered your question about the hostages
    Not all responses are answers.

    Israel holds suspects pending trial & convicted criminals. These are not "hostages" in any reasonable sense. You are going out of your way to create a false equivalency in a failed attempt to justify Muslim aggression.

    There are two sides in wars.
    Yes. But, they are not equivalent. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival. You seem to understand this in the Russian conflict. I find it odd that you cannot grasp it here.

    Your demand that Jews surrender is incredibly unrealistic. The realistic expectation is that Jews will continue to fight as needed to protect their people.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Israel holds suspects…not “hostages” in any reasonable sense.

    They hold Palis, incl. teenagers, for years. Izrael holds tens of thousands – suspicion is often in the eye of the beholder. To outsiders it looks like Izrael has been taking hostages for decades. Your view of “reasonable” and “equivalent” is skewed by the emotional devotion to cause.

    they are not equivalent. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival….demand that Jews surrender

    I have not seen anyone ask that Jews surrender. It is you who wants to expel the Palis from where they have lived for 1,000 years. Throwing ‘indigenous‘ around the way you do only ridicules your own points – it is beyond absurd. If you don’t see it and blabber something about year 700 I can’t help you. The stupidity is hurting Izrael – as the Maidan nationalist madness hurt the Ukies. But all analogies are faulty.

    • Replies: @A123

    Why do you back the immoral activity of Hamas: (1)

    The Hamas terrorists behind the Oct. 7, 2023 jihadist raid literally view their female Israeli captives as horses and other animals -- to be “ridden.”

    During a recent press conference, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari stressed that Hamas members could be heard in their own (now captured) recordings referring to their female captives as sabi (or sabiya), an Arabic word that in Islamic jurisprudence refers to non-Muslim female slaves, whom Muslim men could freely copulate with -- in a word, concubines.

    Sex-slavery is not only an ironclad aspect of Islam; it is a reflection of “piety,”

    Everyone sees the obviously hypocritical double standard that you are pushing. (2)

    For the past several days, the world has been “furious” at Israel because five “aid” workers were killed in a targeted Israeli airstrike. In the Biden White House, the administration is plotting to overthrow Israel’s duly elected Prime Minister. And on the ground, Israel is fighting her war with a level of humanity unparalleled in human history. Well, I’m furious at the world because the world has shown a level of evil unseen since World War II’s Axis powers also tried to exterminate Jews.

    Israel’s problems begin the asymmetrical rules of warfare when Israel is involved. Normally, the rules of modern warfare are that, as long as one focuses on purely military objectives, it’s recognized and accepted that there will inevitability be civilian casualties. However, with Israel, not only is she denied the right to cause civilian casualties, she’s expected to support the enemy civilians with food, water, and medical care.

    Ignoring 1,400 years of history in an attempt to cherry pick facts is absurd. Your view of “reasonable” and “equivalent” is skewed by the emotional devotion to your anti-Semitic cause.

    Your stupidity is hurting the Muslim colonists in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Has the violence you sponsor made things better over the past 70 years? Clearly not. Most, if not all, of the results you complain about are the inevitable consequences of senseless Islamic aggression.

    Insanity is repeating the same mistakes
    and expecting different results.
    "Sudden Death", Rita Mae Brown, 1983

    Instead of keeping hate in your heart and condemning more generations of Muslim youth, why not stop repeating the same mistake. Instead of being intransigent, can you take any step forwards towards alternatives that might actually work?

    PEACE 😇



  719. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Of course India is destination of expat pederasts. This has been the case ever since the East India Company began. It was Perverts Incorporated from day zero.

    What do you think the monolith in 2001 was advertising, anyway? It was high tech Jeffrey Epstein Fantasy Island.

    Replies: @songbird

    Of course India is destination of expat pederasts. This has been the case ever since the East India Company began

    They should have incorporated it into RRR. But probably not as many gays would have endorsed the movie, in that case.

    What do you think the monolith in 2001 was advertising, anyway?

    It is well-kown that Clarke promoted geostationary communication satellites in order to facilitate expat pederasty.

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?

    some believe viruses are necessary for evolution, in which case they might feed into theories about panspermia and possibly aliens seeding life.

  720. @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Let me answer these questions one by one

    Is there anything here which is totally wrong? Could you please point out the most wrong parts?
    The propaganda story behind covid-19 was a pack of lies, the actions of most Western governments essentially confirmed that they purposely made a bat coronavirus to become a human coronavirus (by changing targeting protein, as I described in #665) and spread this virus in China and Iran (guess who would target China and Iran?). As is usual and customary with neocons, they grossly miscalculated: the blowback to the West was huge. The virus acted, as intended: it mostly targeted elderly and sick (that describes the elites in most countries, pro- and anti-imperial alike).

    The second wrong part where the perps fully exposed themselves was “vaccine”. It could not have possibly worked, as promised (see my comment #651), it was mandated in many Western countries, including the empire itself, to the benefit of population control freaks and several pharmaceuticals (which were repeatedly caught lying before, as a matter of fact). “Vaccinating” children and young adults, who were in minimal danger from covid, was a crime from any standpoint. The fact that no tests for antibodies were available in the US (even though test kits widely used for this purpose in Russia were US-produced) clearly showed that those who pushed Western “vaccines” down people’s throats knew full well that they were not vaccines.

    The third wrong piece is that the moment Russia started SMO in Ukraine Western propaganda machine dropped covid psyop and switched to Ukraine psyop. If the disease were as serious as claimed, there was no way Putin could have cured the whole world of covid.

    What is life?
    Many answers were suggested, most made no sense. From my POV, anything subject to natural selection is life.

    Are viruses alive?
    From my POV expressed above, yes, they are.

    If an antediluvian high tech civilization made nanobots would they not most likely look like our modern viruses?
    Yes. Because following in the footsteps of evolution is usually the most profitable course of action. You can always trust the evolution: it conducted enormous number of experiments for billions of years, its experiments were always rigorous (you live or you die – you cannot be more rigorous than that), and it never fudged the data because it did not need to publish.

    Replies: @Beckow

    A good summary how C19 played out.

    to the benefit of population control freaks and several pharmaceuticals

    They are indeed freaks. The plans were too ambitious but inept – only upper-class isolated twits could be behind it. There was an air of disconnection from reality – only listening to each other and to people paid to tell them what they wanted to hear. In that way it resembled the elites toward the end of all cycles.

    …anything subject to natural selection is life.

    An interesting aspect was who fell for it. (Better than IQ tests.) The educated liberals, aspirational mid-wits were the most obedient, unthinking devotees. It is a blind spot in a society – people so smart and credentialed that they are non-viable. Like lemmings they followed a script as they have done all of their lives. They lack survival instinct and common sense, something fatal in a real crisis.

    Most commoners were more skeptical and used critical thinking. Africans surprised by their total rejection of the nonsense – the future is possibly theirs. Some countries in Europe did better than others – the worst were the Germanic uber-obedient scary-cats who stood in lines to be tested on – something they for some genetic reason do a lot. Not a good sign for their long-term survival.

    Nature has no morality, it is only a valuable concept in our mind. Our thinking doesn’t oscillate between good and bad, moral and evil – it oscillates between sense and nonsense. The people who go easily into nonsense are not by nature-standard smart or viable. No matter how much they memorize or regurgitate, lacking proper instincts marks them as stupid. C19, Ukraine, Palestine, Trump-mania are just the latest displays of it. It has gotten quite a bit more dramatic.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    AZT, Heterosexual AIDS.

    I still think the diagram of the HIV on wikipedia is fantasy after four more hours of tedious reading.

    The resolution detail on these images is pathetic. And this is a virus that has birthed a thousand PhD's. (Bacteriophage T7--you ain't ever gonna see even this for HIV.)

    Replies: @songbird

  721. @Beckow

    ...western areas will have a relatively larger population.
    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front. Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war. The war casualties are mainly among rural and small-town men (as in Russia) and they are disproportionally Ukie.

    I don't know where you come up with the "most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine" - that's wishful thinking (you are one sick puppie.) The two groups that have mostly escaped are big cities (Kiev) and the elite. Ethnically they are more Russian-Jewish-others than the rural people. It is the Ukie rural youth that's bleeding - the core of the nation.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east. The real estate is also down in the west - people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.

    Refugees are unstable and many will go to Europe-Canada-US. In Czechia-Slovakia the majority who stayed are from Zakarpathia, the second largest group are from Kiev-Kharkiv-Odessa. There is nothing supporting your speculation - or wishes.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @AP

    While these things could be considered a state secret, I would objectively like to know a full run down of the demographics of the fatalities on both sides.

    The war is beginning to enter history rather than being current affairs.

    Who exactly have the Ukies got as their infantry? Who is operating the drones? Etc. Same for the Russians.

    After Crocus, Muscovites all 13 million of them can see that losing means their city will be obliterated like Gaza. The shadowy origin of the attack merely serving to reinforce the general existential problem.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Wokechoke down of the demographics of the fatalities on both sides
    The first wave in 2022-3 had a lot of professional soldiers and volunteers. In Ukraine the non-commissioned officers were traditionally from the south-east and Donbas. The volunteers were young ethnic Ukies from the big cities - football hooligan demo.

    The conscripts are uniformly distributed from rural Ukraine, but a lot fewer from the cities: exemptions, students, easier to hide and leave. Some small cities in rural Ukraine lost 1/4 or more of their men - there are videos about it.

    Among Russians the Donbas people were the majority in the first wave, followed by prisoners (tens of thousands), rural-small city Russians and minorities.

    After Crocus, Muscovites all 13 million of them see that losing means their city will be obliterated like Gaza...the general existential problem.
    Also the thirst for revenge. If the investigation concludes it was linked to Kiev, demands that no quarter be given will be overwhelming - like US after 911. Western denials are of no value since the West has openly lied so many times.

    The smarter Westie leaders had to realize this - Nuland and others in Kiev were possibly fired because of that. Unless the strategy is to escalate, play a game of chicken, and they actually want Russia to go ballistic...supremely irresponsible and very cruel to the Ukies.

  722. @Beckow

    A good summary how C19 played out.

    to the benefit of population control freaks and several pharmaceuticals
    They are indeed freaks. The plans were too ambitious but inept - only upper-class isolated twits could be behind it. There was an air of disconnection from reality - only listening to each other and to people paid to tell them what they wanted to hear. In that way it resembled the elites toward the end of all cycles.

    ...anything subject to natural selection is life.
    An interesting aspect was who fell for it. (Better than IQ tests.) The educated liberals, aspirational mid-wits were the most obedient, unthinking devotees. It is a blind spot in a society - people so smart and credentialed that they are non-viable. Like lemmings they followed a script as they have done all of their lives. They lack survival instinct and common sense, something fatal in a real crisis.

    Most commoners were more skeptical and used critical thinking. Africans surprised by their total rejection of the nonsense - the future is possibly theirs. Some countries in Europe did better than others - the worst were the Germanic uber-obedient scary-cats who stood in lines to be tested on - something they for some genetic reason do a lot. Not a good sign for their long-term survival.

    Nature has no morality, it is only a valuable concept in our mind. Our thinking doesn't oscillate between good and bad, moral and evil - it oscillates between sense and nonsense. The people who go easily into nonsense are not by nature-standard smart or viable. No matter how much they memorize or regurgitate, lacking proper instincts marks them as stupid. C19, Ukraine, Palestine, Trump-mania are just the latest displays of it. It has gotten quite a bit more dramatic.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    AZT, Heterosexual AIDS.

    I still think the diagram of the HIV on wikipedia is fantasy after four more hours of tedious reading.

    The resolution detail on these images is pathetic. And this is a virus that has birthed a thousand PhD’s. (Bacteriophage T7–you ain’t ever gonna see even this for HIV.)

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Thought it was notable how this Varda capsule manufactured STD medicine for gays.

  723. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Hold that thought!

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.

    Replies: @Mikel

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.

    Well, not really. Someone here who thinks that the soccer war was dumb but doesn’t think that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber is not in real agreement with me at all. That’s like someone who thinks that poking a bear is dumb but doesn’t think that pulling a wild tiger’s tail is dumb. I wouldn’t identify with such a person’s worldview.

    Incidentally, something funny happened today. I think it was thanks to you that I started watching Peter Attia’s YT episodes. So this morning I finally managed to get my VO2max tested. When I asked the receptionist why it takes so long to get an appointment for that test she said that everybody seems to be listening to Attia and they can’t keep up with the demand. She asked me if I was one of his followers too and we were laughing about it. At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber
    When elites go dumb people suffer, this time it could be worse.

    Nato wants a $100 billion budget to continue assisting Ukraine, basically a consolidation from the Nato member states' current budgets to be controlled from Brussels. Similar to how EU grabbed budgets using C19 and green 'emergencies'.

    Maybe hiring directly these blood-thirsty grifters and pay them to meet, hold seminars, eat at buffets, and occasionally issue 'opinions' would be cheaper and safer. But I am afraid they are after more: they want to feel important and respected. Gorby thought that taking away their designated enemy would help - but he was wrong, they have a need to matter and the tribal blood hatreds of Russia run much deeper.

    Frenchie mini-pervert Macron put on boxing gloves to show he means business - these morons will go nuclear not to lose face.

    , @songbird

    Not sure how accurate this estimate is, but Neanderthals may have had very big lungs:

    The lung capacity of Kebara 2 was estimated to have been 9.04 L (2.39 US gal), compared to the average human capacity of 6 L (1.6 US gal) for males and 4.7 L (1.2 US gal) for females.

    That is like gorilla size, with only about 1/2-1/3 the body mass of the biggest silverbacks. Makes me wonder what it translated into athletically.

    Personally, I suspect they would have been very good at running up the slope to that whale tower. But who knows for sure? Maybe, it was just for heat generation or power bursts.
    , @Dmitry

    Non-athletes doing those kind of tests, if they believe it would correlate with their health level?

    We would guess, people without diseases usually have more energy for doing hobbies like exercise. The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases, as it's part of the indication of not having diseases to be able to do this hobby.

    So, VO2 max levels could correlate with health within the population, because exercise deselects people who are bed in the day, people using prescription opioids for pain management, people with clinical depression, people with schizophrenia who cannot join sports teams.


    It's interesting, in the 21st century, exercise is also filter that deselects a lot of proletariat who work in a factory, don't have gym inside their condo. It selects for people who can afford to follow the current form of bourgeois individualism.

    In the 18th century, populations with high V02 max levels may be peasants in Europe or China, serfs in Russia, slaves in the USA. Within the category of population it could correlate with health for the reason above of deselecting people with dieseases, between the category it might be inverse. Excluding something military, physically intensive levels of work was inverse to ownership of production means. Highest exercising professions would be peasants and slaves. Lowest V02 max level, aristocrats in Versailles.

    In the 21st century, American culture, V02 max level would correlate with a lot of bourgeois variables like health insurance. It can be, 21st century social norms, create the highest V02 max level in regions of the USA where people have better healthcare.

    There's a video about "America's Fittest City" The city has almost 50% less uninsured people than the median for the USA.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mikel

  724. At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.

    You climb above the timberline. You might be the very last person on the internet who needs a VO2 test. You might maybe ought to be ashamed of the charge you dinged your insurance pool with. : )

    Also you shouldn’t ask me but I don’t think you need to mess with the cold plunges either.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    You might maybe ought to be ashamed of the charge you dinged your insurance pool with. : )
    That's the funny thing. Insurance companies don't cover this at all but people are taking the test like crazy regardless. Prices start at $150 for a simple VO2max test and go up from there as much as you want if you also need body composition, lactate threshold, training/nutrition advice and a myriad add-ons. I had to take my test with a private company that has just expanded to Utah from California because the practices associated to the Universities that have traditionally done these tests for athletes are maxed out. I'm actually thinking of establishing a testing facility myself, there's lots of money to be made thanks to Attia and the other YT influencers.

    You seem to be right that decades of wandering up and down at high altitude has its benefits. I didn't know what to expect but these results were surprising. I'm all smiles today. I don't buy Attia's hype about this metric though. Famous professional sportsmen seem to age and die at a very normal rate compared to the general population.
  725. @Wokechoke

    While these things could be considered a state secret, I would objectively like to know a full run down of the demographics of the fatalities on both sides.

    The war is beginning to enter history rather than being current affairs.

    Who exactly have the Ukies got as their infantry? Who is operating the drones? Etc. Same for the Russians.

    After Crocus, Muscovites all 13 million of them can see that losing means their city will be obliterated like Gaza. The shadowy origin of the attack merely serving to reinforce the general existential problem.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …run down of the demographics of the fatalities on both sides

    The first wave in 2022-3 had a lot of professional soldiers and volunteers. In Ukraine the non-commissioned officers were traditionally from the south-east and Donbas. The volunteers were young ethnic Ukies from the big cities – football hooligan demo.

    The conscripts are uniformly distributed from rural Ukraine, but a lot fewer from the cities: exemptions, students, easier to hide and leave. Some small cities in rural Ukraine lost 1/4 or more of their men – there are videos about it.

    Among Russians the Donbas people were the majority in the first wave, followed by prisoners (tens of thousands), rural-small city Russians and minorities.

    After Crocus, Muscovites all 13 million of them see that losing means their city will be obliterated like Gaza…the general existential problem.

    Also the thirst for revenge. If the investigation concludes it was linked to Kiev, demands that no quarter be given will be overwhelming – like US after 911. Western denials are of no value since the West has openly lied so many times.

    The smarter Westie leaders had to realize this – Nuland and others in Kiev were possibly fired because of that. Unless the strategy is to escalate, play a game of chicken, and they actually want Russia to go ballistic…supremely irresponsible and very cruel to the Ukies.

  726. @Emil Nikola Richard

    At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.
    You climb above the timberline. You might be the very last person on the internet who needs a VO2 test. You might maybe ought to be ashamed of the charge you dinged your insurance pool with. : )

    Also you shouldn't ask me but I don't think you need to mess with the cold plunges either.

    Replies: @Mikel

    You might maybe ought to be ashamed of the charge you dinged your insurance pool with. : )

    That’s the funny thing. Insurance companies don’t cover this at all but people are taking the test like crazy regardless. Prices start at $150 for a simple VO2max test and go up from there as much as you want if you also need body composition, lactate threshold, training/nutrition advice and a myriad add-ons. I had to take my test with a private company that has just expanded to Utah from California because the practices associated to the Universities that have traditionally done these tests for athletes are maxed out. I’m actually thinking of establishing a testing facility myself, there’s lots of money to be made thanks to Attia and the other YT influencers.

    You seem to be right that decades of wandering up and down at high altitude has its benefits. I didn’t know what to expect but these results were surprising. I’m all smiles today. I don’t buy Attia’s hype about this metric though. Famous professional sportsmen seem to age and die at a very normal rate compared to the general population.

  727. @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.
    Well, not really. Someone here who thinks that the soccer war was dumb but doesn't think that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber is not in real agreement with me at all. That's like someone who thinks that poking a bear is dumb but doesn't think that pulling a wild tiger's tail is dumb. I wouldn't identify with such a person's worldview.

    Incidentally, something funny happened today. I think it was thanks to you that I started watching Peter Attia's YT episodes. So this morning I finally managed to get my VO2max tested. When I asked the receptionist why it takes so long to get an appointment for that test she said that everybody seems to be listening to Attia and they can't keep up with the demand. She asked me if I was one of his followers too and we were laughing about it. At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.

    Replies: @Beckow, @songbird, @Dmitry

    …that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber

    When elites go dumb people suffer, this time it could be worse.

    Nato wants a $100 billion budget to continue assisting Ukraine, basically a consolidation from the Nato member states’ current budgets to be controlled from Brussels. Similar to how EU grabbed budgets using C19 and green ’emergencies’.

    Maybe hiring directly these blood-thirsty grifters and pay them to meet, hold seminars, eat at buffets, and occasionally issue ‘opinions‘ would be cheaper and safer. But I am afraid they are after more: they want to feel important and respected. Gorby thought that taking away their designated enemy would help – but he was wrong, they have a need to matter and the tribal blood hatreds of Russia run much deeper.

    Frenchie mini-pervert Macron put on boxing gloves to show he means business – these morons will go nuclear not to lose face.

  728. A123 says: • Website

    ...Israel holds suspects...not “hostages” in any reasonable sense.
    They hold Palis, incl. teenagers, for years. Izrael holds tens of thousands - suspicion is often in the eye of the beholder. To outsiders it looks like Izrael has been taking hostages for decades. Your view of "reasonable" and "equivalent" is skewed by the emotional devotion to cause.

    they are not equivalent. Indigenous Palestinian Jews are in an existential fight for survival....demand that Jews surrender
    I have not seen anyone ask that Jews surrender. It is you who wants to expel the Palis from where they have lived for 1,000 years. Throwing 'indigenous' around the way you do only ridicules your own points - it is beyond absurd. If you don't see it and blabber something about year 700 I can't help you. The stupidity is hurting Izrael - as the Maidan nationalist madness hurt the Ukies. But all analogies are faulty.

    Replies: @A123

    Why do you back the immoral activity of Hamas: (1)

    The Hamas terrorists behind the Oct. 7, 2023 jihadist raid literally view their female Israeli captives as horses and other animals — to be “ridden.”

    During a recent press conference, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari stressed that Hamas members could be heard in their own (now captured) recordings referring to their female captives as sabi (or sabiya), an Arabic word that in Islamic jurisprudence refers to non-Muslim female slaves, whom Muslim men could freely copulate with — in a word, concubines.

    Sex-slavery is not only an ironclad aspect of Islam; it is a reflection of “piety,”

    Everyone sees the obviously hypocritical double standard that you are pushing. (2)

    For the past several days, the world has been “furious” at Israel because five “aid” workers were killed in a targeted Israeli airstrike. In the Biden White House, the administration is plotting to overthrow Israel’s duly elected Prime Minister. And on the ground, Israel is fighting her war with a level of humanity unparalleled in human history. Well, I’m furious at the world because the world has shown a level of evil unseen since World War II’s Axis powers also tried to exterminate Jews.

    Israel’s problems begin the asymmetrical rules of warfare when Israel is involved. Normally, the rules of modern warfare are that, as long as one focuses on purely military objectives, it’s recognized and accepted that there will inevitability be civilian casualties. However, with Israel, not only is she denied the right to cause civilian casualties, she’s expected to support the enemy civilians with food, water, and medical care.

    Ignoring 1,400 years of history in an attempt to cherry pick facts is absurd. Your view of “reasonable” and “equivalent” is skewed by the emotional devotion to your anti-Semitic cause.

    Your stupidity is hurting the Muslim colonists in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Has the violence you sponsor made things better over the past 70 years? Clearly not. Most, if not all, of the results you complain about are the inevitable consequences of senseless Islamic aggression.

    Insanity is repeating the same mistakes
    and expecting different results.
    “Sudden Death”, Rita Mae Brown, 1983

    Instead of keeping hate in your heart and condemning more generations of Muslim youth, why not stop repeating the same mistake. Instead of being intransigent, can you take any step forwards towards alternatives that might actually work?

    PEACE 😇



  729. @H. L. M
    @Philip Owen

    Kindly give me your opinion on the nature of the site. I'm still confused about it.

    Replies: @Philip Owen

    Racism especially against Blacks, anti-semitism, conspiracy theorists such as antivaxers and lab leakers …

    It’s fair enough to discuss IQ or isolationism or even support for dictators. There are arguments to be presented and people will listen but the above are straight prejudice.

  730. @Mr. Hack

    Russia will go until the resistance appears to be manageable after a new government is installed.
    And when will this occur? How do you know that Zelensky wont be reelected? He still seems to be quite popular.

    I think the new government will be a mixture of Kremlin puppets and Ukies who are simply tired of this mayhem combined with a handful of sincere pro-Russian folks.
    Pro-russian politicians in Ukraine are still very unpopular. So what do you base this hackneyed opinion on?

    Kharkov is retaken this summer 2024.
    Even after Kharkiv has already repelled two unsuccessful assaults? After a long lull and plenty of time to build up its defensive posture, it seems that Kharkiv will be ready for anything that the orcs throw their way.

    Odessa is retaken late fall 2024.
    Even though the invaders have not already launched any serious attempts to take Odessa? Have already retreated from Kherson, the gateway to Odessa, and are not poised to retake it anytime soon? Have lost their mastery of the Black Sea, and have lost at least two carrier ships that would be needed to take this port city? Do you realize that any Russian ship that leaves any Russian port city (on the Russian side) is clearly targeted for destruction by Ukrainian drones within two hours of launching into the Black Sea? I think that you're thoughts are more formed by pro-kremlin sentiments, rather than by anything factual.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Philip Owen

    The last few days, 6 advancing Russian columns have been destroyed. In one case with 34 tanks and other armoured vehicles. The Ukrainians have received their ammunition and are using it abundantly. Russia’s window of opportunity may have closed. Ukraine may not yet be up to attacking Russian positions, that requires F-16s and perhaps US support but it is now in better shape to defend.

    By the way, a factory full of young “mulatto” women from Africa without their men (too violent and aggrressive according to Russian managers). What kind of racism is this? Is drone assembly all they do? Advertised pay rates apparently are mostly bonus guaranteed pay is much less.

    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
  731. @sudden death

    Previously you had the gall to cite G. Washington as an example about the need for USA to have near zero political connections, also being unwise to partcipate vicissitudes, combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities of Europe, also lambasted others for having sentiments/attachments to historical homelands, but now all of a sudden wannabe American traditionalist isolationist, begins to care what France, Spain etc. will do or not do in Europe to the point of participating in EU elections. So yes, the purest imaginable hypocrisy repeatedly on the display at the open;)

    Also should cite or refer when talking to - nowhere you'll find me supporting having open borders anywhere, always said the questions of borders and aid should not be comingled at all, but both definitely need to be adressed, tweaked or fixed.

    Replies: @Mikel

    So yes, the purest imaginable hypocrisy repeatedly on the display at the open

    Unfortunately, this seems to go beyond simple Sovokism. There’s a clear skull thickness element too. That voting according to the same principles in the two places I am allowed to do so is an example of consistency doesn’t need to be argued. It’s a simple fact that speaks by itself.

    I don’t base my day to day actions on George Washington’s ideas lol but since you mention him, he and the rest of the Founding Fathers would have been very happy to see American citizens who maintained some influence in the Old World exercise that influence to prevent the expansion of a foreign war that could easily affect the US. Thanks for bringing up the topic of Washington’s ideas and reinforcing my point.

    nowhere you’ll find me supporting having open borders anywhere

    Sure, sure, but like the rest of the Ukraine supporters here you want Biden to be reelected rather than Trump of course. In fact, what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening to their West? The only one I recall having stood up to that invasion is Hungary, even though very few migrants were going to settle there. By contrast, you do have the nerve to meddle in Western Europe’s internal affairs when it comes to your old enmity with Russia and demand that they abandon their civil rights by reintroducing compulsory military service, like the Estonian nutter did today.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    I don’t base my day to day actions on George Washington’s ideas
    No any surprises here coming from not genuine American isolationist, but relatively recent euroleftie transplant into USA, whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.

    So it's not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it's convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef - it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)

    Not even to mention internal EU free speech and debates (which usually are not very interesting to classic US isolationism) stopping being liked and becoming "meddling" as soon as it becomes not favourable to those ingrained euroleftism values, lol

    what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening
    Baltic countries been having their own literal immigrant invasion happening done by Lukashenko&Putin tandem and have built hundreds of kilometers physical hard border lately. Also have been physically pushing back into Belarus all the caught 3rd worlders, most of whom obviously also have not intent of staying here permanently, but want to pass further West or North.

    And despite having own hands full, myself in principle would fully support offering, paying and sending Baltic troops into US south for patrolling, holding or pushing back the crowds if it would be needed. IMHO, sooner or later it can and will be done, just obviously all the actions should be properly and correctly diplomatically prepared/executed+getting official US acceptance in advance.

    Replies: @Mikel, @LatW

  732. AP says:

    ...western areas will have a relatively larger population.
    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front. Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war. The war casualties are mainly among rural and small-town men (as in Russia) and they are disproportionally Ukie.

    I don't know where you come up with the "most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine" - that's wishful thinking (you are one sick puppie.) The two groups that have mostly escaped are big cities (Kiev) and the elite. Ethnically they are more Russian-Jewish-others than the rural people. It is the Ukie rural youth that's bleeding - the core of the nation.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east. The real estate is also down in the west - people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.

    Refugees are unstable and many will go to Europe-Canada-US. In Czechia-Slovakia the majority who stayed are from Zakarpathia, the second largest group are from Kiev-Kharkiv-Odessa. There is nothing supporting your speculation - or wishes.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @AP

    …western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front.

    Compensated for by new arrivals. We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.

    Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war

    Not on a scale that affects demographics terribly. This isn’t close to World War II.

    I don’t know where you come up with the “most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine”

    Why do you put quotation marks around something I didn’t say?

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”

    While there has been destruction around Kiev in the beginning of the war, and Russia continues to pummel Sumy, the brunt of the destruction occurred in areas populated by Russian-speakers such as Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and also Kharkiv. These are the places that have seen the most massive loss of civilian life, also.

    that’s wishful thinking

    I don’t doubt that this is the sort of thing you would wish. You are a morally sick person, after all.

    I don’t view the killing of Russian-speakers as a nice thing – it is a tragedy. I am not a Banderist. But I do enjoy pointing out that the supposed hero of Russia basically does things that Banderists would approve of: destroy Russian-speaking cities in Ukraine and kill their inhabitants.

    You, of course, are on whichever side kills the most Slavs. Putin is your man of the 21st century – he has killed 100,000+ Russians and 100,000+ Ukrainians, and isn’t done yet. In the past it would have been Stalin, you defend him too. And naturally your people joined Hitler. It’s consistent.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.

    Of course. And as a result of this war Lviv has gained 150,000 people, Uzhorod has gained a few 10,000s.

    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east.

    They are already there.

    How many will stay after the war is unknown. Many companies will stay, so presumably the employees who have moved will also stay. If places like Kharkiv get wrecked by the Russians, not many will return.

    The real estate is also down in the west – people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.

    If prices in some pats of the the west are up, they are still a lot cheaper than flats in the EU.

    For example:

    Where are the highest real estate prices in Ukraine?

    It is noted that Kyiv lost 3% of the cost of one-bedroom apartments in 2022, while Lviv rose by 12% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18% in the spring of 2023.

    Average prices for one-bedroom apartments on the secondary market increased in different cities, in particular in Lviv by 12%, Uzhhorod by 7%, Cherkasy by 10% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18%.

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.

    There is nothing supporting your speculation

    I provided links with evidence to my statements. You, of course, did not. So we have evidence versus the claims of you – a proven liar.

    • Replies: @AP

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.
    The last number must be a mistake.
    , @Mr. XYZ

    We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.
    Any idea by just how much? Would be nice if all of Ukraine could get western Ukraine's 1990 total fertility rates, for instance:

    A Ukrainian TFR of 2.2-2.3, while certainly extremely optimistic, would, along with Ukrainian nationalism, do a great job setting up Ukraine as the Eastern European version of Israel.

    Replies: @Derer

    , @Derer

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”
    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    Replies: @AP, @AnonfromTN, @A123, @Beckow

  733. @AP

    …western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front.
    Compensated for by new arrivals. We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.

    Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war
    Not on a scale that affects demographics terribly. This isn't close to World War II.

    I don’t know where you come up with the “most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine”
    Why do you put quotation marks around something I didn't say?

    I wrote that Putin: " Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants."

    While there has been destruction around Kiev in the beginning of the war, and Russia continues to pummel Sumy, the brunt of the destruction occurred in areas populated by Russian-speakers such as Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and also Kharkiv. These are the places that have seen the most massive loss of civilian life, also.

    that’s wishful thinking
    I don't doubt that this is the sort of thing you would wish. You are a morally sick person, after all.

    I don't view the killing of Russian-speakers as a nice thing - it is a tragedy. I am not a Banderist. But I do enjoy pointing out that the supposed hero of Russia basically does things that Banderists would approve of: destroy Russian-speaking cities in Ukraine and kill their inhabitants.

    You, of course, are on whichever side kills the most Slavs. Putin is your man of the 21st century - he has killed 100,000+ Russians and 100,000+ Ukrainians, and isn't done yet. In the past it would have been Stalin, you defend him too. And naturally your people joined Hitler. It's consistent.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    Of course. And as a result of this war Lviv has gained 150,000 people, Uzhorod has gained a few 10,000s.

    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east.
    They are already there.

    How many will stay after the war is unknown. Many companies will stay, so presumably the employees who have moved will also stay. If places like Kharkiv get wrecked by the Russians, not many will return.

    The real estate is also down in the west – people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.
    If prices in some pats of the the west are up, they are still a lot cheaper than flats in the EU.

    For example:

    Where are the highest real estate prices in Ukraine?

    It is noted that Kyiv lost 3% of the cost of one-bedroom apartments in 2022, while Lviv rose by 12% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18% in the spring of 2023.

    Average prices for one-bedroom apartments on the secondary market increased in different cities, in particular in Lviv by 12%, Uzhhorod by 7%, Cherkasy by 10% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18%.

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.

    There is nothing supporting your speculation
    I provided links with evidence to my statements. You, of course, did not. So we have evidence versus the claims of you - a proven liar.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.

    The last number must be a mistake.

  734. @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.
    Well, not really. Someone here who thinks that the soccer war was dumb but doesn't think that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber is not in real agreement with me at all. That's like someone who thinks that poking a bear is dumb but doesn't think that pulling a wild tiger's tail is dumb. I wouldn't identify with such a person's worldview.

    Incidentally, something funny happened today. I think it was thanks to you that I started watching Peter Attia's YT episodes. So this morning I finally managed to get my VO2max tested. When I asked the receptionist why it takes so long to get an appointment for that test she said that everybody seems to be listening to Attia and they can't keep up with the demand. She asked me if I was one of his followers too and we were laughing about it. At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.

    Replies: @Beckow, @songbird, @Dmitry

    Not sure how accurate this estimate is, but Neanderthals may have had very big lungs:

    The lung capacity of Kebara 2 was estimated to have been 9.04 L (2.39 US gal), compared to the average human capacity of 6 L (1.6 US gal) for males and 4.7 L (1.2 US gal) for females.

    That is like gorilla size, with only about 1/2-1/3 the body mass of the biggest silverbacks. Makes me wonder what it translated into athletically.

    Personally, I suspect they would have been very good at running up the slope to that whale tower. But who knows for sure? Maybe, it was just for heat generation or power bursts.

  735. @Emil Nikola Richard

    AZT, Heterosexual AIDS.

    I still think the diagram of the HIV on wikipedia is fantasy after four more hours of tedious reading.

    The resolution detail on these images is pathetic. And this is a virus that has birthed a thousand PhD's. (Bacteriophage T7--you ain't ever gonna see even this for HIV.)

    Replies: @songbird

    Thought it was notable how this Varda capsule manufactured STD medicine for gays.

  736. Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether a Taiping victory in China in the mid-1800s would have produced a much better Chinese record-keeping system (due to earlier modernization and industrialization, if these things would have actually occurred in China in this scenario) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

    China virtually certainly has a lot of true supercentenarians (people aged 110+) just by dint of its gigantic population even 110+ years ago, but verifying their ages (unlike in, say, Japan or the West or even Latin America) is an extraordinarily massive challenge (especially since at least one document/record from the first 20 years of their life is required for a successful validation, along with at least two other, later documents to my knowledge) because AFAIK China’s historical record-keeping system just wasn’t very good until the mid-20th century or so. Am I wrong in regards to this? And would a Taiping victory in the mid-19th century have changed this for the better earlier?

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether a Taiping victory in China in the mid-1800s would have produced a much better Chinese record-keeping system

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  737. @AP

    …western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front.
    Compensated for by new arrivals. We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.

    Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war
    Not on a scale that affects demographics terribly. This isn't close to World War II.

    I don’t know where you come up with the “most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine”
    Why do you put quotation marks around something I didn't say?

    I wrote that Putin: " Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants."

    While there has been destruction around Kiev in the beginning of the war, and Russia continues to pummel Sumy, the brunt of the destruction occurred in areas populated by Russian-speakers such as Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and also Kharkiv. These are the places that have seen the most massive loss of civilian life, also.

    that’s wishful thinking
    I don't doubt that this is the sort of thing you would wish. You are a morally sick person, after all.

    I don't view the killing of Russian-speakers as a nice thing - it is a tragedy. I am not a Banderist. But I do enjoy pointing out that the supposed hero of Russia basically does things that Banderists would approve of: destroy Russian-speaking cities in Ukraine and kill their inhabitants.

    You, of course, are on whichever side kills the most Slavs. Putin is your man of the 21st century - he has killed 100,000+ Russians and 100,000+ Ukrainians, and isn't done yet. In the past it would have been Stalin, you defend him too. And naturally your people joined Hitler. It's consistent.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    Of course. And as a result of this war Lviv has gained 150,000 people, Uzhorod has gained a few 10,000s.

    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east.
    They are already there.

    How many will stay after the war is unknown. Many companies will stay, so presumably the employees who have moved will also stay. If places like Kharkiv get wrecked by the Russians, not many will return.

    The real estate is also down in the west – people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.
    If prices in some pats of the the west are up, they are still a lot cheaper than flats in the EU.

    For example:

    Where are the highest real estate prices in Ukraine?

    It is noted that Kyiv lost 3% of the cost of one-bedroom apartments in 2022, while Lviv rose by 12% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18% in the spring of 2023.

    Average prices for one-bedroom apartments on the secondary market increased in different cities, in particular in Lviv by 12%, Uzhhorod by 7%, Cherkasy by 10% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18%.

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.

    There is nothing supporting your speculation
    I provided links with evidence to my statements. You, of course, did not. So we have evidence versus the claims of you - a proven liar.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.

    Any idea by just how much? Would be nice if all of Ukraine could get western Ukraine’s 1990 total fertility rates, for instance:

    A Ukrainian TFR of 2.2-2.3, while certainly extremely optimistic, would, along with Ukrainian nationalism, do a great job setting up Ukraine as the Eastern European version of Israel.

    • Replies: @Derer
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ukraine ranks 196 from 204 countries in fertility rate from 2023 records. What is the significance of providing the useless 1990 Ukraine fertility? Change your strategy for seeking attention.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  738. Any Danes or Scandinavians on here? Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether the US would have still purchased the Danish West Indies, later renamed the US Virgin Islands, if it wasn’t for WWI? The US almost did this back in 1902 but failed due to a tie vote in the upper house (Landsting) of the Danish Parliament (Riksdag).

    These islands, while unfortunately a shithole due to the extremely massive crime and homicide rates there, are also historically important to the US because US Founding Father Alexander Hamilton spent a part of his childhood on one of them (Saint Croix).

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    Any Danes or Scandinavians on here?
    Haven't seen any in a long while. You possibly killed that demographic on this blog.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  739. The grain shipments out of Ukraine were a popular topic of conversation for some time. Last I checked some of this grain was being transferred by rail to bypass the port of Odessa. Also one map showed what appeared to be a shipping corridor within the 12 mile limit of the Western Black Sea countries, allowing cargo ships to sail relatively unmolested. I doubt Russia wanted to sink any grain ships, but they were probably eager to interdict whatever cargo was being brought into Ukraine on the “empty” vessels.

    Does anyone here know what percentage of the Ukrainian 2023 export grain crop has been shipped?

  740. Was looking forward to seeing this whale transported by helicopter, but they appear to be using ground-based transport now.

    There have been previous whalelifts using choppers, but no clips on YouTube.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Before youtube existed there was a quicktime video all over the internet of some Oregon parks department blowing up a whale carcass on the beach with dynamite which is a hoot.

    Replies: @songbird

    , @A123

    USAF has video of two whales being transported by a Klingon Bird of Prey. The Feds created a Hollywood movie to cover up the extraterrestrial event.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mikhail

  741. @songbird
    Was looking forward to seeing this whale transported by helicopter, but they appear to be using ground-based transport now.

    There have been previous whalelifts using choppers, but no clips on YouTube.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @A123

    Before youtube existed there was a quicktime video all over the internet of some Oregon parks department blowing up a whale carcass on the beach with dynamite which is a hoot.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Makes me curious how they burnt the subsequent 42 sperm whales that washed ashore.

    Star Trek IV really got humpbacks wrong. Their numbers are already up to like 95% of previous peak, with every indication that they will soon exceed their prewhaling population.

    Of course, it was filmed like 40 years ago, in a kind of exuberance about a whaling ban, so maybe I shouldn't be too hard on it. "Save the whales" is the one Hollywood message that I have a soft spot for. And humpbacks may have been a natural mascot for their song and findability, despite not being the rarest of whales.

    Can't believe Eddie Murphy was originally supposed to be a cetologist in the movie.

    Replies: @QCIC

  742. @songbird
    Was looking forward to seeing this whale transported by helicopter, but they appear to be using ground-based transport now.

    There have been previous whalelifts using choppers, but no clips on YouTube.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @A123

    USAF has video of two whales being transported by a Klingon Bird of Prey. The Feds created a Hollywood movie to cover up the extraterrestrial event.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Reminded of my favorite Star Trek movie.

  743. ‘He’s a damn fool’: Marjorie Taylor Greene slams Mike Johnson over Ukraine

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    MTG represents the nut job faction of the MAGA coalition, whereas, Mike Johnson, a principled conservative, represents more the saner elements of that faction. I can see why she would appeal to you. :-)

    Replies: @Wielgus, @Wokechoke

  744. @A123

    USAF has video of two whales being transported by a Klingon Bird of Prey. The Feds created a Hollywood movie to cover up the extraterrestrial event.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Reminded of my favorite Star Trek movie.

  745. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Before youtube existed there was a quicktime video all over the internet of some Oregon parks department blowing up a whale carcass on the beach with dynamite which is a hoot.

    Replies: @songbird

    Makes me curious how they burnt the subsequent 42 sperm whales that washed ashore.

    Star Trek IV really got humpbacks wrong. Their numbers are already up to like 95% of previous peak, with every indication that they will soon exceed their prewhaling population.

    Of course, it was filmed like 40 years ago, in a kind of exuberance about a whaling ban, so maybe I shouldn’t be too hard on it. “Save the whales” is the one Hollywood message that I have a soft spot for. And humpbacks may have been a natural mascot for their song and findability, despite not being the rarest of whales.

    Can’t believe Eddie Murphy was originally supposed to be a cetologist in the movie.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    IV was the best of the Star Trek movies.

    Back in the day, the correct response to excessive whale and cold war kvetching was "Nuke the whales!"

    Replies: @songbird

  746. @Mikhail
    'He's a damn fool': Marjorie Taylor Greene slams Mike Johnson over Ukraine

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    MTG represents the nut job faction of the MAGA coalition, whereas, Mike Johnson, a principled conservative, represents more the saner elements of that faction. I can see why she would appeal to you. 🙂

    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Wielgus
    @Mr. Hack

    Why are their teeth green?

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack

    , @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    She was being cackhanded when she talked about Jewish Space Lazers!

    She was rather humourously making fun of a strawman conspiracy theorist.

    And even funnier she got slapped on the hand for it by the ADL, who did understand her clumsy joke.

  747. You’re consistent in getting things wrong with plenty of projection.

  748. @Mr. XYZ

    We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.
    Any idea by just how much? Would be nice if all of Ukraine could get western Ukraine's 1990 total fertility rates, for instance:

    A Ukrainian TFR of 2.2-2.3, while certainly extremely optimistic, would, along with Ukrainian nationalism, do a great job setting up Ukraine as the Eastern European version of Israel.

    Replies: @Derer

    Ukraine ranks 196 from 204 countries in fertility rate from 2023 records. What is the significance of providing the useless 1990 Ukraine fertility? Change your strategy for seeking attention.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Czechia also had one of the world's lowest fertility rates around 2000 and yet its TFR has significantly rebounded since then. Would it really be that difficult for Ukraine to do the same thing, at least if too many of its young men would not have gotten killed and if it will also experience a sizable and long-lasting economic boom?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  749. @AP

    …western areas will have a relatively larger population.

    Not with the current birth rates and losses on the front.
    Compensated for by new arrivals. We are talking about when the war ends, birth rates will improve.

    Men are drafted all over Ukraine and Zakarpatia-Lviv also had substantial losses in the war
    Not on a scale that affects demographics terribly. This isn't close to World War II.

    I don’t know where you come up with the “most casualties are among the Russian speakers in SE Ukraine”
    Why do you put quotation marks around something I didn't say?

    I wrote that Putin: " Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants."

    While there has been destruction around Kiev in the beginning of the war, and Russia continues to pummel Sumy, the brunt of the destruction occurred in areas populated by Russian-speakers such as Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and also Kharkiv. These are the places that have seen the most massive loss of civilian life, also.

    that’s wishful thinking
    I don't doubt that this is the sort of thing you would wish. You are a morally sick person, after all.

    I don't view the killing of Russian-speakers as a nice thing - it is a tragedy. I am not a Banderist. But I do enjoy pointing out that the supposed hero of Russia basically does things that Banderists would approve of: destroy Russian-speaking cities in Ukraine and kill their inhabitants.

    You, of course, are on whichever side kills the most Slavs. Putin is your man of the 21st century - he has killed 100,000+ Russians and 100,000+ Ukrainians, and isn't done yet. In the past it would have been Stalin, you defend him too. And naturally your people joined Hitler. It's consistent.

    Between 2001 -2022 many cities in western Ukraine also lost population, including Lviv and Uzhorod.
    Of course. And as a result of this war Lviv has gained 150,000 people, Uzhorod has gained a few 10,000s.

    There is no data to show (yet) that it will change with the migrants from the east.
    They are already there.

    How many will stay after the war is unknown. Many companies will stay, so presumably the employees who have moved will also stay. If places like Kharkiv get wrecked by the Russians, not many will return.

    The real estate is also down in the west – people are offering houses in Zakarpathia for a small flat in Kosice or Brno.
    If prices in some pats of the the west are up, they are still a lot cheaper than flats in the EU.

    For example:

    Where are the highest real estate prices in Ukraine?

    It is noted that Kyiv lost 3% of the cost of one-bedroom apartments in 2022, while Lviv rose by 12% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18% in the spring of 2023.

    Average prices for one-bedroom apartments on the secondary market increased in different cities, in particular in Lviv by 12%, Uzhhorod by 7%, Cherkasy by 10% and Ivano-Frankivsk by 18%.

    All cities demonstrate their own trends in price changes, but Lviv is the record holder, where prices increased by 12%, which in absolute terms amounts to $58,500.

    There is nothing supporting your speculation
    I provided links with evidence to my statements. You, of course, did not. So we have evidence versus the claims of you - a proven liar.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @Derer

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”

    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    • Replies: @AP

    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings
    A dishonest person would ignore the fact that those deaths were the result of Russian troops and politicians entering Ukraine’s border from Russia.

    Plus, those events resulted in 3,000 civilian so total being killed (around 2,400 by Kiev’s forces).

    Putin has slaughtered an order of magnitude more mostly Russian-speaking Ukrainians (UN has only counted around 10k dead civilians, but states that the real number is far higher because they haven’t counted the dead in places like Mariupol).

    Who can be dumber than a pro-Russian supporting a person who killled 100,000+ Russian boys sent to the meat grinder, 10,000+ Russian and Russian-speaking civilians in Ukraine their cities brought to ruin? It’s even dumber than an American patriotard of the early 2000s thinking that the far less harmful Iraq war was a great idea and that Bush was awesome.

    But here you are.
    , @AnonfromTN

    Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a lamppost?

    Replies: @Derer

    , @A123

    the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.
    I concur. There is a very similar situation nearby.

    ~14 years destruction and killings by the Hamas criminal gang who targeted the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine. In fact, those deplorable deeds are the main consequence of Gaza's miserable existence now.

    Outside powers, primarily European Globalists, want:
        • Ukrainians to fight to the last Ukrainian
        • Gazans to fight to the last Gazan

    At least for Ukraine, it relatively easy to see a stable outcome once Kiev aggression stops. Prosperity in the East and West with a wide, lightly populated, DMZ in the middle.

    PEACE 😇
    , @Beckow

    AP is an idiot, defined as a person who only sees what suits his Ukie ideology. It is pointless to try to reason with him...Let life teach him what we can't.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  750. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I hope we can avoid WW3, nuclear exchanges and COVID-24/25 bioweapon events. I also hope that only the bad people die in the Ukraine mess on all sides.

    The Ukies do like to fight. If these angry and confused people in the "borderland" awaken the bear in 150 million Russians they will not like the results.

    The nuclear weapons complexes are sometimes considered to be the pinnacle of military technology and prowess. These capabilities are created and operated by people who are protective, mean, smart, angry, vicious, unforgiving and sociopathic. America started this entire field and we are still near the top. Russia played catch-up for a long time, but now probably leads the world in destructive capability. In peacetime, the people running this nuclear weapons enterprise may not have much say in policy. When a war is declared the nuclear weapons people become part of the conversation. If the war presents a serious threat to the country then the nuclear forces may lead the conversation. A NATO victory in Ukraine is a serious threat to Russia.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    The Ukies do like to fight. If these angry and confused people in the “borderland” awaken the bear in 150 million Russians they will not like the results.

    They like to defend their home turf, their families and neighbors against unwanted and blind imperial ambitions from bullies that try and limit their national and historic aspirations towards freedom and their right to exist, The “bear” has been awakened since the 12th century and has been trying to subjugate this people since then, so you see it’s been going on for a very long time. Hopefully this war will be the final chapter of this long drawn out history and will finally allow the Ukrainian people to emerge as a unified whole modern country. It is indeed a very serious war, where both sides seem to think that it’s an “existential” threat to their very existence. I think that this threat is much more real and perilous for the Ukrainian people. The Russians, after all, have much more open space to hide if things get too bleak than the Ukrainians do.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    This is a fight between the West and Russia. Ukrainians are easily addled and inflamed and volunteered to be pawns in a giant suicide mission. The bear was sleeping though a long extended winter. The West talked the Ukrainians into poking the large Russian bear with sharp sticks so now it is groggily waking up hungry and cranky. It prefers to eat berries and salmon but anyone who foolishly baits it will be on the menu.

    Replies: @Beckow

  751. AP says:

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”
    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    Replies: @AP, @AnonfromTN, @A123, @Beckow

    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings

    A dishonest person would ignore the fact that those deaths were the result of Russian troops and politicians entering Ukraine’s border from Russia.

    Plus, those events resulted in 3,000 civilian so total being killed (around 2,400 by Kiev’s forces).

    Putin has slaughtered an order of magnitude more mostly Russian-speaking Ukrainians (UN has only counted around 10k dead civilians, but states that the real number is far higher because they haven’t counted the dead in places like Mariupol).

    Who can be dumber than a pro-Russian supporting a person who killled 100,000+ Russian boys sent to the meat grinder, 10,000+ Russian and Russian-speaking civilians in Ukraine their cities brought to ruin? It’s even dumber than an American patriotard of the early 2000s thinking that the far less harmful Iraq war was a great idea and that Bush was awesome.

    But here you are.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
  752. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    So yes, the purest imaginable hypocrisy repeatedly on the display at the open
    Unfortunately, this seems to go beyond simple Sovokism. There's a clear skull thickness element too. That voting according to the same principles in the two places I am allowed to do so is an example of consistency doesn't need to be argued. It's a simple fact that speaks by itself.

    I don't base my day to day actions on George Washington's ideas lol but since you mention him, he and the rest of the Founding Fathers would have been very happy to see American citizens who maintained some influence in the Old World exercise that influence to prevent the expansion of a foreign war that could easily affect the US. Thanks for bringing up the topic of Washington's ideas and reinforcing my point.

    nowhere you’ll find me supporting having open borders anywhere
    Sure, sure, but like the rest of the Ukraine supporters here you want Biden to be reelected rather than Trump of course. In fact, what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening to their West? The only one I recall having stood up to that invasion is Hungary, even though very few migrants were going to settle there. By contrast, you do have the nerve to meddle in Western Europe's internal affairs when it comes to your old enmity with Russia and demand that they abandon their civil rights by reintroducing compulsory military service, like the Estonian nutter did today.

    Replies: @sudden death

    I don’t base my day to day actions on George Washington’s ideas

    No any surprises here coming from not genuine American isolationist, but relatively recent euroleftie transplant into USA, whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.

    So it’s not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it’s convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef – it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)

    Not even to mention internal EU free speech and debates (which usually are not very interesting to classic US isolationism) stopping being liked and becoming “meddling” as soon as it becomes not favourable to those ingrained euroleftism values, lol

    what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening

    Baltic countries been having their own literal immigrant invasion happening done by Lukashenko&Putin tandem and have built hundreds of kilometers physical hard border lately. Also have been physically pushing back into Belarus all the caught 3rd worlders, most of whom obviously also have not intent of staying here permanently, but want to pass further West or North.

    And despite having own hands full, myself in principle would fully support offering, paying and sending Baltic troops into US south for patrolling, holding or pushing back the crowds if it would be needed. IMHO, sooner or later it can and will be done, just obviously all the actions should be properly and correctly diplomatically prepared/executed+getting official US acceptance in advance.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @sudden death

    whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.
    Here Sovokism shines through again. DeGaulle died more than half a century ago and has zero influence on anybody's thinking in the West. Wake up. In 2024 the most dependable people in the West against mandatory military service are right wing libertarians. And the only ones still practicing it in Europe are Nordic euroleftards. In my personal opinion, taking away one person's life for a year and making him learn to die for a nation that he may not even identify with (as would have been my case) is just a modern form of slavery.

    internal EU free speech and debates
    Most meddling in other people's internal affairs is done through simple speech (what else can Balts do to change the way Western countries organize their societies)? I'm sure you would also consider Macron telling Lithuanians that they should disarm and become a Russian region a simple "internal EU free speech and debate" LOL

    Speaking of meddling in other countries' business, you have spent months here berating the US presidential candidates who don't show enough support for your war and not minding that the craziest open borders president the US has ever had wins his reelection. But now we are to believe that you really stand for is patrolling of the US southern border by Lithuanian troops :-)

    Replies: @sudden death

    , @LatW
    @sudden death

    So it’s not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it’s convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef – it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)
    You really nailed it here. What is even more hilarious about the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment and starts doing something exactly because of Trump. The conscription is being re-introduced and defense budgets are being raised not just because of the Muscovite invasion but also because of Trump's threats to leave NATO. We are just acting to protect ourselves as Euros because Americans are acting inadequately and unpredictably (or - have their own agenda, would be my guess). This is just common sense. Next step should be the limiting of info share with the US only to the parts where there is trust (only those who are friendly towards us) and where it's absolutely necessary such as the military affairs (removing their spies from our MFAs to which we have closed our eyes out of pure amicability over the years), discreetly, of course. Preparing to fight the Trump administration (in case they are nasty). These are just discretionary measures one should take out of caution.

    As to the border guarding, the Poles and Lithuanians have done a great job, I've watched some footage where the "refugees" are really nasty towards the Polish border guards (throwing stuff at them through the fence, cussing them out). All my respect to them for standing their ground and enduring such crap so that all of us can be safer.

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we'll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves - they have a huge military budget. I've watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I'm puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected. The isolationists will claim that this is because all the money is being sent overseas, but this is not really true. I think the issue lies somewhere in the allocation and the lack of political will.

    Replies: @Mikel, @sudden death

  753. Has anyone heard this idea that the Carter Administration ran some antinatalist spot on American TV?

    I’d like to see it for myself, but no luck in locating it so far.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Easy to believe. Might be associated with Rosalynn. The China one child policy started in this era.

    I think this was also a heyday for do-gooders carelessly reducing infant mortality in the third world guaranteeing a population explosion of indigent people.

    Replies: @songbird

  754. @Derer

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”
    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    Replies: @AP, @AnonfromTN, @A123, @Beckow

    Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a lamppost?

    • Replies: @Derer

    Yes, but the Mark Twain wisdom applies as well: "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference"

    Replies: @AP

  755. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Makes me curious how they burnt the subsequent 42 sperm whales that washed ashore.

    Star Trek IV really got humpbacks wrong. Their numbers are already up to like 95% of previous peak, with every indication that they will soon exceed their prewhaling population.

    Of course, it was filmed like 40 years ago, in a kind of exuberance about a whaling ban, so maybe I shouldn't be too hard on it. "Save the whales" is the one Hollywood message that I have a soft spot for. And humpbacks may have been a natural mascot for their song and findability, despite not being the rarest of whales.

    Can't believe Eddie Murphy was originally supposed to be a cetologist in the movie.

    Replies: @QCIC

    IV was the best of the Star Trek movies.

    Back in the day, the correct response to excessive whale and cold war kvetching was “Nuke the whales!”

    • Replies: @songbird

    IV was the best of the Star Trek movies.
    I. really had the wrong tone. Too somber. Based too much on 2001.

    II. A lot of people like this one, but not putting the shields up is pretty groan-inducing, IMO. David makes Kirk seem kind of impotent - it is depressing.

    III. I quite liked Christopher Lloyd as the villain. But have practically no other memory of it.

    IV. This is the one where they introduced the idea that there is no money.

    V. Naked Uhura (why?????!)

    VI. Kirk's prejudice against Klingons was a little ham-fisted. If they hadn't had that black admiral there, echoing his sentiments I might have given it a pass, but it is too obviously antiracism, and not Cold War antagonisms.

    I agree the whale one was the best one.

  756. Another vignette on “rules-based order”.
    IDF criminals who murdered six pukka-sahibs and their Palestinian translator were reprimanded. IDF criminals who murdered ~30,000 Palestinians, including many thousands of children, were not.

    • Replies: @A123

    The IDF is holding several of their own people responsible for the recent mistake: (1)

    IDF: Gunman Seen with WCK Aid Convoy;
    Logo Invisible to Drones at Night


    The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Friday that it had concluded its probe into the deaths of seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, noting the reasons for the mistake and holding several officers accountable.

    The IDF had fired on the convoy in the sincere but mistaken belief that it contained Hamas gunmen, after one gunman had been identified atop one of the vehicles earlier in the night, but before the convoy had entered a local warehouse. The WCK logo, painted atop the vehicles, was not visible at night to the infrared cameras used by drones.

    Still, the IDF fired two officers and reprimanded several others for what it said were violations of regulations.


    Blaming Palestinian Jews while always letting Gazan colonists off scot-free is very biased on your part.

    When will you stand up for "rules based order"? You need to demand punishment for Hamas war criminals. They killed 15,000+ of their coreligionists by using them as human shields.

    PEACE 😇

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    No biggie. The Israel skynet robot killing machine had a hallucination. Friends of Israel will give them yet another pass. Nobody is counting but that makes in the neighborhood of a million free passes.

    Almost wish I was a Jew.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  757. @Mr. Hack

    The Ukies do like to fight. If these angry and confused people in the “borderland” awaken the bear in 150 million Russians they will not like the results.
    They like to defend their home turf, their families and neighbors against unwanted and blind imperial ambitions from bullies that try and limit their national and historic aspirations towards freedom and their right to exist, The "bear" has been awakened since the 12th century and has been trying to subjugate this people since then, so you see it's been going on for a very long time. Hopefully this war will be the final chapter of this long drawn out history and will finally allow the Ukrainian people to emerge as a unified whole modern country. It is indeed a very serious war, where both sides seem to think that it's an "existential" threat to their very existence. I think that this threat is much more real and perilous for the Ukrainian people. The Russians, after all, have much more open space to hide if things get too bleak than the Ukrainians do.

    Replies: @QCIC

    This is a fight between the West and Russia. Ukrainians are easily addled and inflamed and volunteered to be pawns in a giant suicide mission. The bear was sleeping though a long extended winter. The West talked the Ukrainians into poking the large Russian bear with sharp sticks so now it is groggily waking up hungry and cranky. It prefers to eat berries and salmon but anyone who foolishly baits it will be on the menu.

    • Disagree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Beckow

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:

    ..last summer, when Ukraine mounted a counteroffensive that failed even with relatively abundant supplies...
    It usually takes years in the West to retroactively acknowledge the truth...a technique to square a circle: free speech but only when it doesn't matter any more. The Ukie offensive was such an obvious disaster that they had to shorten the cycle.

    Kiev cheerleaders still call it "paused" - the head-in-the-sand coping mechanism. It will be quite a year, JoJo is already gone, the few remaining Ukie fanatics will foam at their mouths and eventually disappear.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  758. A123 says: • Website

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”
    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    Replies: @AP, @AnonfromTN, @A123, @Beckow

    the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    I concur. There is a very similar situation nearby.

    ~14 years destruction and killings by the Hamas criminal gang who targeted the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine. In fact, those deplorable deeds are the main consequence of Gaza’s miserable existence now.

    Outside powers, primarily European Globalists, want:
        • Ukrainians to fight to the last Ukrainian
        • Gazans to fight to the last Gazan

    At least for Ukraine, it relatively easy to see a stable outcome once Kiev aggression stops. Prosperity in the East and West with a wide, lightly populated, DMZ in the middle.

    PEACE 😇

  759. A123 says: • Website
    Another vignette on “rules-based order”.
    IDF criminals who murdered six pukka-sahibs and their Palestinian translator were reprimanded. IDF criminals who murdered ~30,000 Palestinians, including many thousands of children, were not.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard

    The IDF is holding several of their own people responsible for the recent mistake: (1)

    IDF: Gunman Seen with WCK Aid Convoy;
    Logo Invisible to Drones at Night

    The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Friday that it had concluded its probe into the deaths of seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, noting the reasons for the mistake and holding several officers accountable.

    The IDF had fired on the convoy in the sincere but mistaken belief that it contained Hamas gunmen, after one gunman had been identified atop one of the vehicles earlier in the night, but before the convoy had entered a local warehouse. The WCK logo, painted atop the vehicles, was not visible at night to the infrared cameras used by drones.

    Still, the IDF fired two officers and reprimanded several others for what it said were violations of regulations.

    Blaming Palestinian Jews while always letting Gazan colonists off scot-free is very biased on your part.

    When will you stand up for “rules based order”? You need to demand punishment for Hamas war criminals. They killed 15,000+ of their coreligionists by using them as human shields.

    PEACE 😇


  760. @AP

    <blockquote>Ukrainians were about 16% of the Soviet population.

    Ukraine had 51 million people out of 240 million in SU – around 20%
     Many of those weren’t ethnic Ukrainians.
    But a higher % would even further invalidate your false claim the Ukrainians were overrepresented among the Soviet leadership.

    Krushchev, Brezhnev, Cernenko, Podgorny were all from Ukraine


    Khrushchev was an ethnic Russian, born in Russia, who lived in Ukraine for a few years when he participated in the killing of Ukrainians. He wore a Ukrainian embroidered shirt sometimes. Doesn’t count.

    Brezhnev was an ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Chernenko was born in Siberia, as was his father. His father’s parents moved there from Ukraine.

    Podgorny was Ukrainian.

    So Ukrainians were indeed underrepresented among Soviet leadership.

    Previous to that Kaganovich, Trotsky


    They were as Ukrainian as Sudeten Germans were Czech. By your logic, there were many Czechs among Nazi leaders.

    Georgians, Jews and Armenians were also over-represented. Russians not so much, it was not a “Russian” dictatorship. When you suggest it, you consciously mislead.
    You, not I, are the one who consciously misleads when you insist on referring to Soviet as Russian.

    Thanks for admitting it, I’ll remind you of your words next time you do it.

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.

    As usual, your poor education shows.

    How is that “paused” offensive going? When is Zelko planning to “un-pause” it?


    This would depend on the Americans, it seems.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    LMFAO. Having been exposed (again) as even more useless with your instantaneous BS ” Nazi’s are North German/Prostestant “chronic Bimbo cretinism, you now ” improve” on that with the following post that makes the Nazi comment of yours look like “profound intellectualism” by comparison, LOL.:

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.

    The pathological level of attention-whoring stupidity required to type that is ridiculous. As I say – if you lose your anonymity – 100% sure a tramp as yourself would commit suicide out of shame.
    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion.

    Gorbachev, South Russian, half-Ukrainian, regularly singing in “Ukrainian”, stayed long times in childhood in Ukraine, ethnic Ukrainian wife.

    All this has been emphasised to you, and all your many, many sockpuppet accounts stalking pro-Russian ( in english, of course) blogs several times over several years I am sure. The sociopathic, scumbag non-life of a dogshit that you must be to continue with these idiotic , time-wasting lies is astonishing. Amusingly I notice Mikel on previous thread is yet ANOTHER commentator mentioning that fact that to do this filth on idiotic things, for abnormal high number of times, using abnormal length of time in your non-life.

    The security apparatus is something most westerners associate with USSR. Head of KGB from it’s creation in the 1950s:

    THREE Ukrainians leading it for12+years you serial dumbfuck!!! – Fedorchuk, Chebrikov & Semichastny. In addition to 2 South Russians and 1 from Voronezh

    Soviet Interior Ministry – if i remember correctly lead by ukrainians for 20 consecutive years!

    Minister of Defence ( or equivalent position)……lead by Ukrainians for nearly 20 consecutive years (Grechko & Malinovsky). In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!

    Now that’s just SOME of the security apparatus positions, I only listed them because of the high recognition it has with westerners about the USSR. In reality all of the major political, scientific research institutes, cultural, sport, space program, military,education, cinema, heavy industry were massively represented by Ukrainians throughout period of great USSR you bimbo retard.

    That’s all in addition to the huge power given to the Ukrainian SSR itself.

    So people of a certain generation grew up in a time when USSR was literally controlled by Ukrainians you stupid imbecile.

    South Russian/border region characteristic is also very important, because if you lived or knew about the USSR ( which obviously you don’t) – you would know that Ukrainians & Russians didn’t all all see them as different people, indistinguishable at the time. NEVER.

    And of course there wouldn’t be you thick POS – we are talking about cossack lands, villages either side in Russia that could be malorossiyan (dialect) speaking, or on 404 side, exclusively Russian speaking, steppe, chernozem, mentality, easily understanding eachother, people often khokholising or russifying their surname , completely shared and intermixed cultures, lifestyles. Of course the people thought they were the same. Andropov, Shelepin etc – their appointments INCREASED ukrop parachiolism to them.

    Then there is the post-Soviet, SMO -factor to this. Irrelevant of the schizophrenic, idiotic statements & policies of their puppet authorities – ukronazis grew up thinking they were the kings of USSR. This shows itself in the regular complexes of entitlement and parasitism towards Russia and western scum that we see today from their “elites” and brainwashed, bydlo- Nazi section of population.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!
    That explains why the USSR crashed and burned like “independent” Ukieland.

    Replies: @AP

    , @AP

    your instantaneous BS ” Nazi’s are North German/Prostestant
    Reminder that it was exactly the northern Germans and Protestants that voted Hitler into power and were his main supports.

    While Hitler himself was an Austrian and Catholic and his inner circle was mostly Catholics, these degenerates were not accepted by most of their own people and instead were embraced by the northern Germans. The “sau-Preissen” (sic?) as they say in Bavaria.

    Election results:

    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion


    You claim they were Ukrainians.

    Chernenko - Russian of Ukrainian descent. He and his father were born in Russia but his Ukrainian grandfather moved from Ukraine to Russia.

    Brezhnev - ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Khrushchev- ethnic Russian from Russia who moved to Donbas when he was 14.

    End of discussion - as you said. You have discredited yourself from the start.

    I guess you have been away from Russia for so long that you have forgotten everything about it.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  761. @Gerard1234

    LMFAO. Having been exposed (again) as even more useless with your instantaneous BS " Nazi's are North German/Prostestant "chronic Bimbo cretinism, you now " improve" on that with the following post that makes the Nazi comment of yours look like "profound intellectualism" by comparison, LOL.:

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.
    The pathological level of attention-whoring stupidity required to type that is ridiculous. As I say - if you lose your anonymity - 100% sure a tramp as yourself would commit suicide out of shame.
    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion.

    Gorbachev, South Russian, half-Ukrainian, regularly singing in "Ukrainian", stayed long times in childhood in Ukraine, ethnic Ukrainian wife.

    All this has been emphasised to you, and all your many, many sockpuppet accounts stalking pro-Russian ( in english, of course) blogs several times over several years I am sure. The sociopathic, scumbag non-life of a dogshit that you must be to continue with these idiotic , time-wasting lies is astonishing. Amusingly I notice Mikel on previous thread is yet ANOTHER commentator mentioning that fact that to do this filth on idiotic things, for abnormal high number of times, using abnormal length of time in your non-life.

    The security apparatus is something most westerners associate with USSR. Head of KGB from it's creation in the 1950s:

    THREE Ukrainians leading it for12+years you serial dumbfuck!!! - Fedorchuk, Chebrikov & Semichastny. In addition to 2 South Russians and 1 from Voronezh

    Soviet Interior Ministry - if i remember correctly lead by ukrainians for 20 consecutive years!

    Minister of Defence ( or equivalent position)......lead by Ukrainians for nearly 20 consecutive years (Grechko & Malinovsky). In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!

    Now that's just SOME of the security apparatus positions, I only listed them because of the high recognition it has with westerners about the USSR. In reality all of the major political, scientific research institutes, cultural, sport, space program, military,education, cinema, heavy industry were massively represented by Ukrainians throughout period of great USSR you bimbo retard.

    That's all in addition to the huge power given to the Ukrainian SSR itself.

    So people of a certain generation grew up in a time when USSR was literally controlled by Ukrainians you stupid imbecile.

    South Russian/border region characteristic is also very important, because if you lived or knew about the USSR ( which obviously you don't) - you would know that Ukrainians & Russians didn't all all see them as different people, indistinguishable at the time. NEVER.

    And of course there wouldn't be you thick POS - we are talking about cossack lands, villages either side in Russia that could be malorossiyan (dialect) speaking, or on 404 side, exclusively Russian speaking, steppe, chernozem, mentality, easily understanding eachother, people often khokholising or russifying their surname , completely shared and intermixed cultures, lifestyles. Of course the people thought they were the same. Andropov, Shelepin etc - their appointments INCREASED ukrop parachiolism to them.

    Then there is the post-Soviet, SMO -factor to this. Irrelevant of the schizophrenic, idiotic statements & policies of their puppet authorities - ukronazis grew up thinking they were the kings of USSR. This shows itself in the regular complexes of entitlement and parasitism towards Russia and western scum that we see today from their "elites" and brainwashed, bydlo- Nazi section of population.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!

    That explains why the USSR crashed and burned like “independent” Ukieland.

    • LOL: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @AP

    You are on to something.

    Muscovites traditionally have been led by foreigners. Not only royal families (this is common in Europe) but large segments of the elite cadres. First they were led by Rurikids (Norsemen) and Varangians who mixed with Tatars or Mongols, then added to those were Germans, Lithuanians, and western Rus. After the Revolution these were replaced by Jews, Baltics, and Caucasians (especially their great leader Stalin). When the ethnic Muscovites finally took over after the death of their Georgian overlord, it was all downhill -from Khrushchev to Yeltsin.

    Putin had spent a career among the Germans but apparently it wasn’t enough - he did well for a few years but couldn’t help himself and stumbled into this debacle.

    Perhaps the Muscovites, since they hate the West so much, should just ask the Chinese to take control, for their own good and for the good of their more civilized neighbors? I think a Chinese supervisor would have vetoed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Chinese have faults but they are not so recklessly stupid.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. XYZ

  762. @AnonfromTN
    Another vignette on “rules-based order”.
    IDF criminals who murdered six pukka-sahibs and their Palestinian translator were reprimanded. IDF criminals who murdered ~30,000 Palestinians, including many thousands of children, were not.

    Replies: @A123, @Emil Nikola Richard

    No biggie. The Israel skynet robot killing machine had a hallucination. Friends of Israel will give them yet another pass. Nobody is counting but that makes in the neighborhood of a million free passes.

    Almost wish I was a Jew.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Almost wish I was a Jew.
    I don’t. Israel will get what’s coming to it within a few years, and it won’t be pretty.
  763. @QCIC

    IV was the best of the Star Trek movies.

    Back in the day, the correct response to excessive whale and cold war kvetching was "Nuke the whales!"

    Replies: @songbird

    IV was the best of the Star Trek movies.

    I. really had the wrong tone. Too somber. Based too much on 2001.

    II. A lot of people like this one, but not putting the shields up is pretty groan-inducing, IMO. David makes Kirk seem kind of impotent – it is depressing.

    III. I quite liked Christopher Lloyd as the villain. But have practically no other memory of it.

    IV. This is the one where they introduced the idea that there is no money.

    V. Naked Uhura (why?????!)

    VI. Kirk’s prejudice against Klingons was a little ham-fisted. If they hadn’t had that black admiral there, echoing his sentiments I might have given it a pass, but it is too obviously antiracism, and not Cold War antagonisms.

    I agree the whale one was the best one.

  764. @Derer

    I wrote that Putin: ” Ruined a lot of Russian-speaking cities in Eastern Ukraine and killed many their inhabitants.”
    A dishonest person would ignore without hesitation the 8 years destruction and killings by Kiev criminal gang of Russian inhabitants of Donbas. In fact that deplorable deeds are the main consequence of their miserable existence now.

    Replies: @AP, @AnonfromTN, @A123, @Beckow

    AP is an idiot, defined as a person who only sees what suits his Ukie ideology. It is pointless to try to reason with him…Let life teach him what we can’t.

    • Agree: Derer
    • Disagree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    AP is an idiot
    I am not sure. More likely ideological personage self-blinded to the point of clinical idiocy. These people are like schizophrenics: perfectly normal, sometimes even smart and witty, until you hit the point where they have a loose screw.

    Let life teach him what we can’t.
    Life does not teach personages of that kind anything. They are like religious nuts: if the evidence contradicts their views, they dismiss the evidence.
  765. @Emil Nikola Richard

    No biggie. The Israel skynet robot killing machine had a hallucination. Friends of Israel will give them yet another pass. Nobody is counting but that makes in the neighborhood of a million free passes.

    Almost wish I was a Jew.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Almost wish I was a Jew.

    I don’t. Israel will get what’s coming to it within a few years, and it won’t be pretty.

  766. @sudden death

    I don’t base my day to day actions on George Washington’s ideas
    No any surprises here coming from not genuine American isolationist, but relatively recent euroleftie transplant into USA, whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.

    So it's not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it's convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef - it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)

    Not even to mention internal EU free speech and debates (which usually are not very interesting to classic US isolationism) stopping being liked and becoming "meddling" as soon as it becomes not favourable to those ingrained euroleftism values, lol

    what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening
    Baltic countries been having their own literal immigrant invasion happening done by Lukashenko&Putin tandem and have built hundreds of kilometers physical hard border lately. Also have been physically pushing back into Belarus all the caught 3rd worlders, most of whom obviously also have not intent of staying here permanently, but want to pass further West or North.

    And despite having own hands full, myself in principle would fully support offering, paying and sending Baltic troops into US south for patrolling, holding or pushing back the crowds if it would be needed. IMHO, sooner or later it can and will be done, just obviously all the actions should be properly and correctly diplomatically prepared/executed+getting official US acceptance in advance.

    Replies: @Mikel, @LatW

    whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.

    Here Sovokism shines through again. DeGaulle died more than half a century ago and has zero influence on anybody’s thinking in the West. Wake up. In 2024 the most dependable people in the West against mandatory military service are right wing libertarians. And the only ones still practicing it in Europe are Nordic euroleftards. In my personal opinion, taking away one person’s life for a year and making him learn to die for a nation that he may not even identify with (as would have been my case) is just a modern form of slavery.

    internal EU free speech and debates

    Most meddling in other people’s internal affairs is done through simple speech (what else can Balts do to change the way Western countries organize their societies)? I’m sure you would also consider Macron telling Lithuanians that they should disarm and become a Russian region a simple “internal EU free speech and debate” LOL

    Speaking of meddling in other countries’ business, you have spent months here berating the US presidential candidates who don’t show enough support for your war and not minding that the craziest open borders president the US has ever had wins his reelection. But now we are to believe that you really stand for is patrolling of the US southern border by Lithuanian troops 🙂

    • Replies: @sudden death

    And the only ones still practicing it in Europe are Nordic euroleftards. In my personal opinion, taking away one person’s life for a year and making him learn to die for a nation that he may not even identify with (as would have been my case) is just a modern form of slavery.
    Next you will be calling non allied Switzerland with their compulsory military service as Nordic leftards too, lol

    Also blatant case here of dragging all the old ethnic imprints and specific experiences from Spain/Basque situation all over the ocean and mentally keeping it valuably stored, despite previously having the gall to criticise even US born American citizens for ethnic attachments;)

    Regarding US situation - myself not self declared, but fake "isolationist" and constant free spech (hypocritic) lecturer like you, who still spends years berating about the matters over the ocean, but guess my any occasional two commentary cents on the obscure free spech website hardly can push the needle enough in any direction at domestic US front.

    Yet still no any quotes or referalls from you, cause always have been supporting useful/responsible rhetorics from any candidates, just not my fault that some candidates may have directional consistency of the weathercock;)

  767. @Mr. XYZ
    Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether a Taiping victory in China in the mid-1800s would have produced a much better Chinese record-keeping system (due to earlier modernization and industrialization, if these things would have actually occurred in China in this scenario) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

    China virtually certainly has a lot of true supercentenarians (people aged 110+) just by dint of its gigantic population even 110+ years ago, but verifying their ages (unlike in, say, Japan or the West or even Latin America) is an extraordinarily massive challenge (especially since at least one document/record from the first 20 years of their life is required for a successful validation, along with at least two other, later documents to my knowledge) because AFAIK China's historical record-keeping system just wasn't very good until the mid-20th century or so. Am I wrong in regards to this? And would a Taiping victory in the mid-19th century have changed this for the better earlier?

    Replies: @Mikel

    Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether a Taiping victory in China in the mid-1800s would have produced a much better Chinese record-keeping system


    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Is that a No to my question itself (as in, that China would not have produced a much better record-keeping system in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in this scenario) or simply a No to anyone here having any ideas about this?

    Replies: @Mikel

  768. @Mr. XYZ
    Any Danes or Scandinavians on here? Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether the US would have still purchased the Danish West Indies, later renamed the US Virgin Islands, if it wasn't for WWI? The US almost did this back in 1902 but failed due to a tie vote in the upper house (Landsting) of the Danish Parliament (Riksdag).

    These islands, while unfortunately a shithole due to the extremely massive crime and homicide rates there, are also historically important to the US because US Founding Father Alexander Hamilton spent a part of his childhood on one of them (Saint Croix).

    Replies: @Mikel

    Any Danes or Scandinavians on here?

    Haven’t seen any in a long while. You possibly killed that demographic on this blog.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    And here I thought that Scandinavians were into the idea of kinky sex topics lol?

  769. @Beckow

    AP is an idiot, defined as a person who only sees what suits his Ukie ideology. It is pointless to try to reason with him...Let life teach him what we can't.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    AP is an idiot

    I am not sure. More likely ideological personage self-blinded to the point of clinical idiocy. These people are like schizophrenics: perfectly normal, sometimes even smart and witty, until you hit the point where they have a loose screw.

    Let life teach him what we can’t.

    Life does not teach personages of that kind anything. They are like religious nuts: if the evidence contradicts their views, they dismiss the evidence.

  770. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    This is a fight between the West and Russia. Ukrainians are easily addled and inflamed and volunteered to be pawns in a giant suicide mission. The bear was sleeping though a long extended winter. The West talked the Ukrainians into poking the large Russian bear with sharp sticks so now it is groggily waking up hungry and cranky. It prefers to eat berries and salmon but anyone who foolishly baits it will be on the menu.

    Replies: @Beckow

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:

    ..last summer, when Ukraine mounted a counteroffensive that failed even with relatively abundant supplies…

    It usually takes years in the West to retroactively acknowledge the truth…a technique to square a circle: free speech but only when it doesn’t matter any more. The Ukie offensive was such an obvious disaster that they had to shorten the cycle.

    Kiev cheerleaders still call it “paused” – the head-in-the-sand coping mechanism. It will be quite a year, JoJo is already gone, the few remaining Ukie fanatics will foam at their mouths and eventually disappear.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:
    You must have skipped the conclusion:

    if the aid package clears Congress [it will], however, the Ukrainian military can count on a fresh infusion of shells. Otherwise, its best hope for artillery ammunition is an initiative by the Czech government to buy shells on the global weapons market and donate them to Ukraine. European countries have little left to offer from their depleted stocks.

    About 20 countries are contributing to a common fund for the purchases, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, said, adding that his government had found half a million 155-millimeter shells and 300,000 122-millimeter shells available for purchase outside of Europe.

    The first deliveries are expected in June, but the program has already paid dividends, Czech officials say: Knowing that more ammunition is on the way, Ukrainian artillery forces are able to dip deeper into reserves, they said, adding that the same would be true if U.S. aid resumed.

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,
    Thanks to the Czech initiative, "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina"!

    Replies: @Beckow, @Derer

  771. @Beckow

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:

    ..last summer, when Ukraine mounted a counteroffensive that failed even with relatively abundant supplies...
    It usually takes years in the West to retroactively acknowledge the truth...a technique to square a circle: free speech but only when it doesn't matter any more. The Ukie offensive was such an obvious disaster that they had to shorten the cycle.

    Kiev cheerleaders still call it "paused" - the head-in-the-sand coping mechanism. It will be quite a year, JoJo is already gone, the few remaining Ukie fanatics will foam at their mouths and eventually disappear.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:

    You must have skipped the conclusion:

    if the aid package clears Congress [it will], however, the Ukrainian military can count on a fresh infusion of shells. Otherwise, its best hope for artillery ammunition is an initiative by the Czech government to buy shells on the global weapons market and donate them to Ukraine. European countries have little left to offer from their depleted stocks.

    About 20 countries are contributing to a common fund for the purchases, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, said, adding that his government had found half a million 155-millimeter shells and 300,000 122-millimeter shells available for purchase outside of Europe.

    The first deliveries are expected in June, but the program has already paid dividends, Czech officials say: Knowing that more ammunition is on the way, Ukrainian artillery forces are able to dip deeper into reserves, they said, adding that the same would be true if U.S. aid resumed.

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,

    Thanks to the Czech initiative, “Shche ne vmerla Ukraina”!

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    I read it, there is nothing there. The Czech media is openly mocking Pavel as bomb sweeper grandpa. It is all for show, you really don't understand anything about the Czechs. If a posturing former-commie Prague clown is your best hope Ukies are doomed.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    , @Derer
    @Mr. Hack

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,
    What the fcuik for? When will they stop being delusional? The Ukrainian population wishes are ignored because the little "green man" in Kiev banned all the democracy institutions for the free rule of a criminal junta directed by the anti-Slavic outside power. The objective is to kill as many Slavs as possible and to reduce the fear of Russian power.

    Get it thru your pea-sized brain Ukraine cannot win...hell will freeze sooner than that happening. Actually this is not about Ukraine victory but about prolonging the killings. Your Czech orangutan president joint the communist party just two years before it collapsed in 1989 - what a opportunistic and strategic mind.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  772. AP says:

    LMFAO. Having been exposed (again) as even more useless with your instantaneous BS " Nazi's are North German/Prostestant "chronic Bimbo cretinism, you now " improve" on that with the following post that makes the Nazi comment of yours look like "profound intellectualism" by comparison, LOL.:

    Both Russians and Ukrainians were underrepresented, but Ukrainians were more so than Russians, and Russians at least became supreme leaders.
    The pathological level of attention-whoring stupidity required to type that is ridiculous. As I say - if you lose your anonymity - 100% sure a tramp as yourself would commit suicide out of shame.
    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion.

    Gorbachev, South Russian, half-Ukrainian, regularly singing in "Ukrainian", stayed long times in childhood in Ukraine, ethnic Ukrainian wife.

    All this has been emphasised to you, and all your many, many sockpuppet accounts stalking pro-Russian ( in english, of course) blogs several times over several years I am sure. The sociopathic, scumbag non-life of a dogshit that you must be to continue with these idiotic , time-wasting lies is astonishing. Amusingly I notice Mikel on previous thread is yet ANOTHER commentator mentioning that fact that to do this filth on idiotic things, for abnormal high number of times, using abnormal length of time in your non-life.

    The security apparatus is something most westerners associate with USSR. Head of KGB from it's creation in the 1950s:

    THREE Ukrainians leading it for12+years you serial dumbfuck!!! - Fedorchuk, Chebrikov & Semichastny. In addition to 2 South Russians and 1 from Voronezh

    Soviet Interior Ministry - if i remember correctly lead by ukrainians for 20 consecutive years!

    Minister of Defence ( or equivalent position)......lead by Ukrainians for nearly 20 consecutive years (Grechko & Malinovsky). In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!

    Now that's just SOME of the security apparatus positions, I only listed them because of the high recognition it has with westerners about the USSR. In reality all of the major political, scientific research institutes, cultural, sport, space program, military,education, cinema, heavy industry were massively represented by Ukrainians throughout period of great USSR you bimbo retard.

    That's all in addition to the huge power given to the Ukrainian SSR itself.

    So people of a certain generation grew up in a time when USSR was literally controlled by Ukrainians you stupid imbecile.

    South Russian/border region characteristic is also very important, because if you lived or knew about the USSR ( which obviously you don't) - you would know that Ukrainians & Russians didn't all all see them as different people, indistinguishable at the time. NEVER.

    And of course there wouldn't be you thick POS - we are talking about cossack lands, villages either side in Russia that could be malorossiyan (dialect) speaking, or on 404 side, exclusively Russian speaking, steppe, chernozem, mentality, easily understanding eachother, people often khokholising or russifying their surname , completely shared and intermixed cultures, lifestyles. Of course the people thought they were the same. Andropov, Shelepin etc - their appointments INCREASED ukrop parachiolism to them.

    Then there is the post-Soviet, SMO -factor to this. Irrelevant of the schizophrenic, idiotic statements & policies of their puppet authorities - ukronazis grew up thinking they were the kings of USSR. This shows itself in the regular complexes of entitlement and parasitism towards Russia and western scum that we see today from their "elites" and brainwashed, bydlo- Nazi section of population.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @AP

    your instantaneous BS ” Nazi’s are North German/Prostestant

    Reminder that it was exactly the northern Germans and Protestants that voted Hitler into power and were his main supports.

    While Hitler himself was an Austrian and Catholic and his inner circle was mostly Catholics, these degenerates were not accepted by most of their own people and instead were embraced by the northern Germans. The “sau-Preissen” (sic?) as they say in Bavaria.

    Election results:

    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion

    You claim they were Ukrainians.

    Chernenko – Russian of Ukrainian descent. He and his father were born in Russia but his Ukrainian grandfather moved from Ukraine to Russia.

    Brezhnev – ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Khrushchev- ethnic Russian from Russia who moved to Donbas when he was 14.

    End of discussion – as you said. You have discredited yourself from the start.

    I guess you have been away from Russia for so long that you have forgotten everything about it.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Chernenko – Russian of Ukrainian descent. He and his father were born in Russia but his Ukrainian grandfather moved from Ukraine to Russia.
    Would you say that Zelensky is Ukrainian of Jewish descent?

    Replies: @AP

  773. AP says:

    In total for USSR lead by Ukrops for nearly 35 years!!!!
    That explains why the USSR crashed and burned like “independent” Ukieland.

    Replies: @AP

    You are on to something.

    Muscovites traditionally have been led by foreigners. Not only royal families (this is common in Europe) but large segments of the elite cadres. First they were led by Rurikids (Norsemen) and Varangians who mixed with Tatars or Mongols, then added to those were Germans, Lithuanians, and western Rus. After the Revolution these were replaced by Jews, Baltics, and Caucasians (especially their great leader Stalin). When the ethnic Muscovites finally took over after the death of their Georgian overlord, it was all downhill -from Khrushchev to Yeltsin.

    Putin had spent a career among the Germans but apparently it wasn’t enough – he did well for a few years but couldn’t help himself and stumbled into this debacle.

    Perhaps the Muscovites, since they hate the West so much, should just ask the Chinese to take control, for their own good and for the good of their more civilized neighbors? I think a Chinese supervisor would have vetoed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Chinese have faults but they are not so recklessly stupid.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Sweet dreams! What else is left for your kind?

    BTW, you convincingly confirmed what I said above:

    Life does not teach personages of that kind anything. They are like religious nuts: if the evidence contradicts their views, they dismiss the evidence.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Interestingly enough, in his 1924 book Racial Realities in Europe, Lothrop Stoddard talks about how the Bolshevik Revolution was in part a reaction against the Westernizing tendencies of Russia's traditional non-Russian elite, a reaction that also included the mass expulsion of this traditional Westernizing elite from Russia.

    Into the horrors and failures of Bolshevism I do not
    propose to enter. They are well known and need no de-
    tailed discussion here. What is not so well known is the
    important fact that the present Bolshevik government,
    though differing widely in its economic aims, is in its
    spirit and political methods strikingly like the old im-
    perial govermnent which it replaced. The outstanding
    characteristics of the Bolshevik regime are violence and
    despotism. But those were precisely the outstanding
    characteristics of the old imperial regime. Russia has
    thus merely changed tyrants, one despotism having been
    followed by another. The main outcome of the revolu-
    tion has been a cracking of the Western veneer which had
    been imposed upon Russia by Peter the Great. Much of
    the material equipment borrowed by Russia from the
    West has been destroyed, while the former upper classes
    (largely of Western origin) have been killed or driven
    into exile. The real losers by the revolution are the truly
    westernized elements who had worked for a Russia wes-
    ternized in spirit but who now see their illusions shat-
    tered. In fact, the revolution was largely a revolt against
    Westernism. In many ways Russia is to-day farther from
    Europe and nearer to Asia than she has been since Peter
    opened his “window to the West.”
  774. The big question is how big of a whale Stratolaunch or the Antonov An-225 Mriya could carry.

    • Replies: @LatW

    The big question is how big of a whale Stratolaunch or the Antonov An-225 Mriya could carry.
    When the Mriya is rebuilt, they should try it with a humpback. :) The Mriya should fly to Juneau for pick up. :)

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale - those lumps on their skin and the barnacles attaching. When they open that huge mouth, the skin almost looks like rubber. And the flippers look a bit like crab legs - it almost looks like there is one, unified form behind all these creatures. The Great Artist's hand.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock, where they talk a lot about marine creatures. It's very wholesome and "non-woke" (it has a puffin mommy and daddy). They bring up whales in one of the episodes, too, afaik, another really good one is Octonauts (British made, I think). There's an Octonauts episode where they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun by surfacing for too long, not sure that's what really ever happens to them.
    Apparently, yes.

    Replies: @songbird

  775. @songbird
    Has anyone heard this idea that the Carter Administration ran some antinatalist spot on American TV?

    I'd like to see it for myself, but no luck in locating it so far.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Easy to believe. Might be associated with Rosalynn. The China one child policy started in this era.

    I think this was also a heyday for do-gooders carelessly reducing infant mortality in the third world guaranteeing a population explosion of indigent people.

    • Replies: @songbird

    From what I can find, it was not explicitly about over-population, so much as "family planning."

    Still I consider it highly dubious. The Catholic Church of that time mentioned collapsing population in the US in its literature against the pill. Haven't found any of the Carter spots yet.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  776. @Mr. Hack

    MTG represents the nut job faction of the MAGA coalition, whereas, Mike Johnson, a principled conservative, represents more the saner elements of that faction. I can see why she would appeal to you. :-)

    Replies: @Wielgus, @Wokechoke

    Why are their teeth green?

    • Replies: @songbird

    I think it is meant to suggest that they are country bumpkins. To progressive urbanites, everything about rural areas is scary. They even have created their own movie genre:

    , @Mr. Hack

    I'm not really sure, but I think that it's due to the glue sniffers propensity for poor hygiene issues that first lead to green teeth syndrome, and ultimately to losing their teeth altogether. Because so many of the retarded faction MAGGITES exhibit these features, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that kremlinstoogeA123 is now totally toothless, hopefully wearing a set of false teeth'

    I used to think that the "green fog" was only associated with imbibers of absynthe, but it appears to be shared with the glue sniffing crowd too...

  777. @AP

    You are on to something.

    Muscovites traditionally have been led by foreigners. Not only royal families (this is common in Europe) but large segments of the elite cadres. First they were led by Rurikids (Norsemen) and Varangians who mixed with Tatars or Mongols, then added to those were Germans, Lithuanians, and western Rus. After the Revolution these were replaced by Jews, Baltics, and Caucasians (especially their great leader Stalin). When the ethnic Muscovites finally took over after the death of their Georgian overlord, it was all downhill -from Khrushchev to Yeltsin.

    Putin had spent a career among the Germans but apparently it wasn’t enough - he did well for a few years but couldn’t help himself and stumbled into this debacle.

    Perhaps the Muscovites, since they hate the West so much, should just ask the Chinese to take control, for their own good and for the good of their more civilized neighbors? I think a Chinese supervisor would have vetoed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Chinese have faults but they are not so recklessly stupid.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. XYZ

    Sweet dreams! What else is left for your kind?

    BTW, you convincingly confirmed what I said above:

    Life does not teach personages of that kind anything. They are like religious nuts: if the evidence contradicts their views, they dismiss the evidence.

    • Replies: @AP

    You haven’t provided evidence. The idiot Gerard described 3 Russian leaders of the Soviet Union as Ukrainians and falsely claimed that 3 heads of the KGB were Ukrainian when only 1 of the 3 were.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  778. @Mr. Hack

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:
    You must have skipped the conclusion:

    if the aid package clears Congress [it will], however, the Ukrainian military can count on a fresh infusion of shells. Otherwise, its best hope for artillery ammunition is an initiative by the Czech government to buy shells on the global weapons market and donate them to Ukraine. European countries have little left to offer from their depleted stocks.

    About 20 countries are contributing to a common fund for the purchases, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, said, adding that his government had found half a million 155-millimeter shells and 300,000 122-millimeter shells available for purchase outside of Europe.

    The first deliveries are expected in June, but the program has already paid dividends, Czech officials say: Knowing that more ammunition is on the way, Ukrainian artillery forces are able to dip deeper into reserves, they said, adding that the same would be true if U.S. aid resumed.

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,
    Thanks to the Czech initiative, "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina"!

    Replies: @Beckow, @Derer

    I read it, there is nothing there. The Czech media is openly mocking Pavel as bomb sweeper grandpa. It is all for show, you really don’t understand anything about the Czechs. If a posturing former-commie Prague clown is your best hope Ukies are doomed.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    If a posturing former-commie Prague clown is your best hope Ukies are doomed.
    Ukies are doomed regardless.

    Interestingly enough, the quality of this clown and the BS he spews are very symptomatic: the West is desperate and hysterical, in palpable panic.
    , @Mr. Hack

    The mocking of kremlin stooges like yourself pales in insignificance, when compared to the fund raising capability of Petr Pavel and his attempts to provide Ukraine with 800,000 needed artillery shells:

    With Thursday's contribution of €140 million from Norway, the Czech Republic has secured enough funds to buy 800,000 artillery shells for munitions-starved Ukraine, Czech President Petr Pavel told journalists on Thursday. Overall, 18 countries have agreed to finance the purchases within a Czech-led initiative. The ammunition should be in Ukraine in the coming weeks, Pavel added... Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and others contributed millions to the Czech-led campaign. Delivery now depends on how fast the Czech defense ministry can secure the procurement documents, Pavel said.

    You might also want to start mocking Latvia too, that in addition to supporting the Czech initiative, has also announced its intention to separately provide the Ukrainian side with more artillery shells. Perhaps, LatW or Sudden Death know more about these Latvian developments?

    Replies: @LatW

  779. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    I read it, there is nothing there. The Czech media is openly mocking Pavel as bomb sweeper grandpa. It is all for show, you really don't understand anything about the Czechs. If a posturing former-commie Prague clown is your best hope Ukies are doomed.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    If a posturing former-commie Prague clown is your best hope Ukies are doomed.

    Ukies are doomed regardless.

    Interestingly enough, the quality of this clown and the BS he spews are very symptomatic: the West is desperate and hysterical, in palpable panic.

  780. @QCIC

    Easy to believe. Might be associated with Rosalynn. The China one child policy started in this era.

    I think this was also a heyday for do-gooders carelessly reducing infant mortality in the third world guaranteeing a population explosion of indigent people.

    Replies: @songbird

    From what I can find, it was not explicitly about over-population, so much as “family planning.”

    Still I consider it highly dubious. The Catholic Church of that time mentioned collapsing population in the US in its literature against the pill. Haven’t found any of the Carter spots yet.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Jonathan Swift had the solution to overpopulation. He was an extremely sharp fellow. This book is amazing.

    Apparently those guys were deep state players back in the day. At least in Schuchard's version of the history.

  781. @songbird

    From what I can find, it was not explicitly about over-population, so much as "family planning."

    Still I consider it highly dubious. The Catholic Church of that time mentioned collapsing population in the US in its literature against the pill. Haven't found any of the Carter spots yet.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Jonathan Swift had the solution to overpopulation. He was an extremely sharp fellow. This book is amazing.

    Apparently those guys were deep state players back in the day. At least in Schuchard’s version of the history.

    • Thanks: songbird
  782. @sudden death

    I don’t base my day to day actions on George Washington’s ideas
    No any surprises here coming from not genuine American isolationist, but relatively recent euroleftie transplant into USA, whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.

    So it's not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it's convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef - it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)

    Not even to mention internal EU free speech and debates (which usually are not very interesting to classic US isolationism) stopping being liked and becoming "meddling" as soon as it becomes not favourable to those ingrained euroleftism values, lol

    what have the Baltic countries ever done in the EU institutions to combat the invasion happening
    Baltic countries been having their own literal immigrant invasion happening done by Lukashenko&Putin tandem and have built hundreds of kilometers physical hard border lately. Also have been physically pushing back into Belarus all the caught 3rd worlders, most of whom obviously also have not intent of staying here permanently, but want to pass further West or North.

    And despite having own hands full, myself in principle would fully support offering, paying and sending Baltic troops into US south for patrolling, holding or pushing back the crowds if it would be needed. IMHO, sooner or later it can and will be done, just obviously all the actions should be properly and correctly diplomatically prepared/executed+getting official US acceptance in advance.

    Replies: @Mikel, @LatW

    So it’s not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it’s convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef – it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)

    You really nailed it here. What is even more hilarious about the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment and starts doing something exactly because of Trump. The conscription is being re-introduced and defense budgets are being raised not just because of the Muscovite invasion but also because of Trump’s threats to leave NATO. We are just acting to protect ourselves as Euros because Americans are acting inadequately and unpredictably (or – have their own agenda, would be my guess). This is just common sense. Next step should be the limiting of info share with the US only to the parts where there is trust (only those who are friendly towards us) and where it’s absolutely necessary such as the military affairs (removing their spies from our MFAs to which we have closed our eyes out of pure amicability over the years), discreetly, of course. Preparing to fight the Trump administration (in case they are nasty). These are just discretionary measures one should take out of caution.

    As to the border guarding, the Poles and Lithuanians have done a great job, I’ve watched some footage where the “refugees” are really nasty towards the Polish border guards (throwing stuff at them through the fence, cussing them out). All my respect to them for standing their ground and enduring such crap so that all of us can be safer.

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we’ll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves – they have a huge military budget. I’ve watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I’m puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected. The isolationists will claim that this is because all the money is being sent overseas, but this is not really true. I think the issue lies somewhere in the allocation and the lack of political will.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment
    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I actually have some good news for you two. It had gone under my radar but there are also elections to the world famous Basque Parliament this month and yesterday I received the ballots by mail. So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    As I said above, the decision is not taken though. There are a number of reasons why I may decide to abstain:

    1- I was reading the voting instructions yesterday and they are a bit demotivating. It's not just posting an envelope by mail, as I had assumed, but also downloading and printing out some documents to be put carefully in two envelopes. This may sound frivolous but well, we're just talking about a single vote. While it's nice to be asked by the politicians what our opinions are, a vote never amounted to much and in these times of devalued democracy on both sides of the Atlantic it even amounts to less.

    2- It's not easy to break a habit. Given the lack of appealing alternatives and general lack of interest in that aging, decaying continent, I have spent decades abstaining from voting in any European election. I have even sometimes actually held this as a badge of honor when talking to certain people. But I guess Macron, Tusk and the nitwit Kallas are right and we live exceptional times for the European continent. This may be the time for everybody to rise to the occasion (just not necessarily in the way they suggest).

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I'm not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I'm concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    But you may try to give a civilized answer to the very simple question that he refused to address. For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don't want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow:

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @LatW, @A123, @LatW, @Matra

    , @sudden death

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we’ll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves – they have a huge military budget. I’ve watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I’m puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected.
    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once, it's not like that only huge numerical forces have to be allocated for that, it's the very core principle of two way alliance that matters. We also don't need thousands of US/Italy troops here all the time, just several hundreds in each are enough too. Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)

    Also always prefered not to meddle too much into technical specifics of the US border guarding/wall building situation and wanted to leave it mainly for US born citizens to duke it out, cause don't know how much our experience situation with hundreds of kilometers in woody/swampy areas can be useful when US has thousands of kilometers in the deserts mostly:

    However pretty sure that there will plenty of instant loud squealing (e.g. from various fans of slobodans/radovans too) about eastern european meddling/interfering, instead of thanking for reducing, even if just a little bit, the number of islamic 3rd worlders reaching their own countries;)

    Replies: @LatW, @Mikel

  783. While former Russian civilian prisoners (meat waves) inch their way to the West, destroying a few hamlets and villages including their poor Russian speaking civilians, Ukrainian drones once agains find their mark, this time in the Rostov Region:

    Ukrainian drones destroy 6 Russian aircraft and damage 8 at Rostov airfield. 14 more aircraft no longer able to run their evil sorties within Ukraine.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Two questions:
    1. Is this as fake as the “Ghost of Kyiv”?
    2. If Ukraine is doing so well, why are Western officials lately so hysterical and panic-stricken?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    We are getting to the point where concerned citizens are considering that if Russia levels Kharkov and Kiev tomorrow the human catastrophe may be less devastating than what will transpire if the West keeps sponsoring these serious attacks within Russia. Of course this may be the ploy, to tempt Russia into precipitous action they are not quite ready for.

    Have you confirmed the recent power plant destructions in Ukraine? If you do not respond I take that as a confirmation.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  784. @songbird
    The big question is how big of a whale Stratolaunch or the Antonov An-225 Mriya could carry.

    Replies: @LatW

    The big question is how big of a whale Stratolaunch or the Antonov An-225 Mriya could carry.

    When the Mriya is rebuilt, they should try it with a humpback. 🙂 The Mriya should fly to Juneau for pick up. 🙂

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale – those lumps on their skin and the barnacles attaching. When they open that huge mouth, the skin almost looks like rubber. And the flippers look a bit like crab legs – it almost looks like there is one, unified form behind all these creatures. The Great Artist’s hand.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock, where they talk a lot about marine creatures. It’s very wholesome and “non-woke” (it has a puffin mommy and daddy). They bring up whales in one of the episodes, too, afaik, another really good one is Octonauts (British made, I think). There’s an Octonauts episode where they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun by surfacing for too long, not sure that’s what really ever happens to them.
    Apparently, yes.

    • Replies: @songbird

    When the Mriya is rebuilt
    Sadly, I think it won't be rebuilt. Too reliant on vanished Soviet-era supply chains. Not that it wouldn't be possible exactly, but I don't think anyone would front the money to make all the missing pieces. A standalone investment like that would probably be considered too risky.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock,
    I saw the movie Song of the Sea made by the same studio. The Irish have long had a mystic fascination with seals, but much of the rest of it seemed made up. But I will say it was okay because it wasn't woke.

    But I have a strong dislike of these - I don't quite know what to call them - not anthropomorphized so much as I would say dehumanized and deracinated cartoons. Maybe, I am paranoid, but I think they are promoted for a reason.

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).
    So that is why the orcas are after them?

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale
    they have such an iconic look. It reminds me somewhat of an old-fashioned model car, how it is so recognizable in its lines.

    they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun
    I used to be able to quote statistics on how much UV penetrates seawater, being somewhat sun-sensitive. I think I could probably still do it actually, but sunburnt whales seem like they might be a better demonstration.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

  785. @Wielgus
    @Mr. Hack

    Why are their teeth green?

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack

    I think it is meant to suggest that they are country bumpkins. To progressive urbanites, everything about rural areas is scary. They even have created their own movie genre:

  786. @Wielgus
    @Mr. Hack

    Why are their teeth green?

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack

    I’m not really sure, but I think that it’s due to the glue sniffers propensity for poor hygiene issues that first lead to green teeth syndrome, and ultimately to losing their teeth altogether. Because so many of the retarded faction MAGGITES exhibit these features, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that kremlinstoogeA123 is now totally toothless, hopefully wearing a set of false teeth’

    I used to think that the “green fog” was only associated with imbibers of absynthe, but it appears to be shared with the glue sniffing crowd too…

  787. @AnonfromTN

    Sweet dreams! What else is left for your kind?

    BTW, you convincingly confirmed what I said above:

    Life does not teach personages of that kind anything. They are like religious nuts: if the evidence contradicts their views, they dismiss the evidence.

    Replies: @AP

    You haven’t provided evidence. The idiot Gerard described 3 Russian leaders of the Soviet Union as Ukrainians and falsely claimed that 3 heads of the KGB were Ukrainian when only 1 of the 3 were.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    You haven’t provided evidence.
    Those who need evidence that 2x2=4 do not deserve evidence.

    BTW, even “XYZ” personage provided evidence regarding Brezhnev (comment #574). He/she/it is unlikely to fake evidence that goes against his/her/its marching orders.

    Also, the nationality characterizes a person only in the eyes of those with severe case of nationalist dementia. E.g., Chernenko, Gorby, and Biden were/are morons regardless of their nationality. Newton and Einstein were smart regardless of their nationality. Every nation has morons and bright people, scum and decent humans, as well as everything in between. Not to mention that pure nations exist only in sick imagination of nationalists.

    Replies: @AP

  788. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    I read it, there is nothing there. The Czech media is openly mocking Pavel as bomb sweeper grandpa. It is all for show, you really don't understand anything about the Czechs. If a posturing former-commie Prague clown is your best hope Ukies are doomed.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    The mocking of kremlin stooges like yourself pales in insignificance, when compared to the fund raising capability of Petr Pavel and his attempts to provide Ukraine with 800,000 needed artillery shells:

    With Thursday’s contribution of €140 million from Norway, the Czech Republic has secured enough funds to buy 800,000 artillery shells for munitions-starved Ukraine, Czech President Petr Pavel told journalists on Thursday. Overall, 18 countries have agreed to finance the purchases within a Czech-led initiative. The ammunition should be in Ukraine in the coming weeks, Pavel added… Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and others contributed millions to the Czech-led campaign. Delivery now depends on how fast the Czech defense ministry can secure the procurement documents, Pavel said.

    You might also want to start mocking Latvia too, that in addition to supporting the Czech initiative, has also announced its intention to separately provide the Ukrainian side with more artillery shells. Perhaps, LatW or Sudden Death know more about these Latvian developments?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. Hack

    What Petr Pavel has done is quite amazing. It must have helped that he has a military background (as a NATO functionary).

    By the way, in defense of Slovakia, they, too, have helped - they have a pretty decent domestic defense industry, maybe not top level, such as German, but decent quality and cheaper, the howitzer Zuzanna that they sent to Ukraine has received only praises from Ukrainians.

    You might also want to start mocking Latvia too, that in addition to supporting the Czech initiative, has also announced its intention to separately provide the Ukrainian side with more artillery shells. Perhaps, LatW or Sudden Death know more about these Latvian developments?
    We just sent the first batch of drones, and 20M euros in supplies. I have to check what is going on with the artillery, that is vital right now, I know we're trying to make some shells, too. Estonia sent some ammo in February and anti-tank missiles.

    It looks like there might be some reshuffling going on right now with some stuff being sent to EE while we send some to Ukraine (the Eastern flank needs to be secured (there is a lot to be done) simultaneously with the help to UA). Frankly, I'm not sure this stuff should be openly advertised, they should just work quietly. I wonder if anything can be done to help Kharkiv with air defenses, but that is the most expensive and the most difficult part. Kuleba tried to address this together with Estonians the other day at the NATO event. But as you know the current US administration is difficult.

  789. @Mr. Hack
    While former Russian civilian prisoners (meat waves) inch their way to the West, destroying a few hamlets and villages including their poor Russian speaking civilians, Ukrainian drones once agains find their mark, this time in the Rostov Region:
    Ukrainian drones destroy 6 Russian aircraft and damage 8 at Rostov airfield. 14 more aircraft no longer able to run their evil sorties within Ukraine.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @QCIC

    Two questions:
    1. Is this as fake as the “Ghost of Kyiv”?
    2. If Ukraine is doing so well, why are Western officials lately so hysterical and panic-stricken?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  790. @Mr. Hack
    While former Russian civilian prisoners (meat waves) inch their way to the West, destroying a few hamlets and villages including their poor Russian speaking civilians, Ukrainian drones once agains find their mark, this time in the Rostov Region:
    Ukrainian drones destroy 6 Russian aircraft and damage 8 at Rostov airfield. 14 more aircraft no longer able to run their evil sorties within Ukraine.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @QCIC

    We are getting to the point where concerned citizens are considering that if Russia levels Kharkov and Kiev tomorrow the human catastrophe may be less devastating than what will transpire if the West keeps sponsoring these serious attacks within Russia. Of course this may be the ploy, to tempt Russia into precipitous action they are not quite ready for.

    Have you confirmed the recent power plant destructions in Ukraine? If you do not respond I take that as a confirmation.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Of course this may be the ploy, to tempt Russia into precipitous action
    As long as Putin is at the helm, Russia would not be provoked into precipitous action. Russian army moves through Ukraine as a steamroller, slowly and inevitably. It grinds Ukies like the mills of God, slowly and exceedingly fine.

    It is likely, though, that the next Russian leader will be more prone to precipitous action. As the next leader will certainly be a lot more anti-Western than Putin, if the West does not come to its senses by that time, the future does not look too bright.

    Replies: @QCIC

  791. @AP

    You haven’t provided evidence. The idiot Gerard described 3 Russian leaders of the Soviet Union as Ukrainians and falsely claimed that 3 heads of the KGB were Ukrainian when only 1 of the 3 were.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    You haven’t provided evidence.

    Those who need evidence that 2×2=4 do not deserve evidence.

    BTW, even “XYZ” personage provided evidence regarding Brezhnev (comment #574). He/she/it is unlikely to fake evidence that goes against his/her/its marching orders.

    Also, the nationality characterizes a person only in the eyes of those with severe case of nationalist dementia. E.g., Chernenko, Gorby, and Biden were/are morons regardless of their nationality. Newton and Einstein were smart regardless of their nationality. Every nation has morons and bright people, scum and decent humans, as well as everything in between. Not to mention that pure nations exist only in sick imagination of nationalists.

    • Replies: @AP

    Those who need evidence that 2×2=4 do not deserve evidence
    The problem is that you are claiming that 2 x 2 = apple.

    BTW, even “XYZ” personage provided evidence regarding Brezhnev (comment #574).


    Do you claim he was a Ukrainian?

    There are documents in which he is a Ukrainian, and documents in which he is a Russian. But his parents were from Russia, he himself stated that he is a Russian, and he has a Russian surname. It’s rather clear.

    “Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, leader of one of the two most powerful nations in the world, was born to Russian parents in the Ukrainian mining town of Kamensk in 1906”

    If you think a Russian born in Ukraine is a Ukrainian, will you insist that Bulgakov was also a Ukrainian? You are gullible and believe whatever nonsense you read, but you are not stupid.

    I agree with your third paragraph.

  792. @Mr. Hack

    The mocking of kremlin stooges like yourself pales in insignificance, when compared to the fund raising capability of Petr Pavel and his attempts to provide Ukraine with 800,000 needed artillery shells:

    With Thursday's contribution of €140 million from Norway, the Czech Republic has secured enough funds to buy 800,000 artillery shells for munitions-starved Ukraine, Czech President Petr Pavel told journalists on Thursday. Overall, 18 countries have agreed to finance the purchases within a Czech-led initiative. The ammunition should be in Ukraine in the coming weeks, Pavel added... Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and others contributed millions to the Czech-led campaign. Delivery now depends on how fast the Czech defense ministry can secure the procurement documents, Pavel said.

    You might also want to start mocking Latvia too, that in addition to supporting the Czech initiative, has also announced its intention to separately provide the Ukrainian side with more artillery shells. Perhaps, LatW or Sudden Death know more about these Latvian developments?

    Replies: @LatW

    What Petr Pavel has done is quite amazing. It must have helped that he has a military background (as a NATO functionary).

    By the way, in defense of Slovakia, they, too, have helped – they have a pretty decent domestic defense industry, maybe not top level, such as German, but decent quality and cheaper, the howitzer Zuzanna that they sent to Ukraine has received only praises from Ukrainians.


    You might also want to start mocking Latvia too, that in addition to supporting the Czech initiative, has also announced its intention to separately provide the Ukrainian side with more artillery shells. Perhaps, LatW or Sudden Death know more about these Latvian developments?

    We just sent the first batch of drones, and 20M euros in supplies. I have to check what is going on with the artillery, that is vital right now, I know we’re trying to make some shells, too. Estonia sent some ammo in February and anti-tank missiles.

    It looks like there might be some reshuffling going on right now with some stuff being sent to EE while we send some to Ukraine (the Eastern flank needs to be secured (there is a lot to be done) simultaneously with the help to UA). Frankly, I’m not sure this stuff should be openly advertised, they should just work quietly. I wonder if anything can be done to help Kharkiv with air defenses, but that is the most expensive and the most difficult part. Kuleba tried to address this together with Estonians the other day at the NATO event. But as you know the current US administration is difficult.

  793. @LatW

    The big question is how big of a whale Stratolaunch or the Antonov An-225 Mriya could carry.
    When the Mriya is rebuilt, they should try it with a humpback. :) The Mriya should fly to Juneau for pick up. :)

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale - those lumps on their skin and the barnacles attaching. When they open that huge mouth, the skin almost looks like rubber. And the flippers look a bit like crab legs - it almost looks like there is one, unified form behind all these creatures. The Great Artist's hand.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock, where they talk a lot about marine creatures. It's very wholesome and "non-woke" (it has a puffin mommy and daddy). They bring up whales in one of the episodes, too, afaik, another really good one is Octonauts (British made, I think). There's an Octonauts episode where they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun by surfacing for too long, not sure that's what really ever happens to them.
    Apparently, yes.

    Replies: @songbird

    When the Mriya is rebuilt

    Sadly, I think it won’t be rebuilt.

    Too reliant on vanished Soviet-era supply chains. Not that it wouldn’t be possible exactly, but I don’t think anyone would front the money to make all the missing pieces. A standalone investment like that would probably be considered too risky.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock,

    I saw the movie Song of the Sea made by the same studio. The Irish have long had a mystic fascination with seals, but much of the rest of it seemed made up. But I will say it was okay because it wasn’t woke.

    But I have a strong dislike of these – I don’t quite know what to call them – not anthropomorphized so much as I would say dehumanized and deracinated cartoons. Maybe, I am paranoid, but I think they are promoted for a reason.

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).

    So that is why the orcas are after them?

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale

    they have such an iconic look. It reminds me somewhat of an old-fashioned model car, how it is so recognizable in its lines.

    they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun

    I used to be able to quote statistics on how much UV penetrates seawater, being somewhat sun-sensitive. I think I could probably still do it actually, but sunburnt whales seem like they might be a better demonstration.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    The Russians might rebuild the An-225. There is supposedly a second partially completed airframe. Reportedly, they have long been considering restarting the production of An-124 aircraft which is the parent design of the Myria.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @LatW

    So that is why the orcas are after them?
    Yes! LOL

    Silly orcies wait too long until the salmon is grown. Plus they have to share their Chinook with craving humans. The humpback swims right up, into the hatchery. Incredible how it swims in such shallow waters, so close to the land. This crazy one squeezed herself through the net.

    Replies: @songbird

  794. @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Two questions:
    1. Is this as fake as the “Ghost of Kyiv”?
    2. If Ukraine is doing so well, why are Western officials lately so hysterical and panic-stricken?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.
    Satellite photos of Russian airbase at Morozovsk, which was attached by Ukies with several dozens of drones, show that there is no serious damage to the infrastructure or aircraft based there. This did not prevent Ukies from spreading the lie that 10-15 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. Likely to boost sagging morale.

    The original for those who understand Russian:

    На появившихся спутниковых снимках авиабазы в Морозовске, которую противник пытался атаковать с помощью нескольких десятков дронов, серьезных повреждений инфраструктуры аэродрома и базирующихся там бортов не отмечается. Что не мешало противнику 2 дня вещать, про 10-15 уничтоженных и поврежденных самолетов. Так сказать, пытались поднять упавшую мораль.

    Satellite photos are available at

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

  795. @songbird

    When the Mriya is rebuilt
    Sadly, I think it won't be rebuilt. Too reliant on vanished Soviet-era supply chains. Not that it wouldn't be possible exactly, but I don't think anyone would front the money to make all the missing pieces. A standalone investment like that would probably be considered too risky.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock,
    I saw the movie Song of the Sea made by the same studio. The Irish have long had a mystic fascination with seals, but much of the rest of it seemed made up. But I will say it was okay because it wasn't woke.

    But I have a strong dislike of these - I don't quite know what to call them - not anthropomorphized so much as I would say dehumanized and deracinated cartoons. Maybe, I am paranoid, but I think they are promoted for a reason.

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).
    So that is why the orcas are after them?

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale
    they have such an iconic look. It reminds me somewhat of an old-fashioned model car, how it is so recognizable in its lines.

    they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun
    I used to be able to quote statistics on how much UV penetrates seawater, being somewhat sun-sensitive. I think I could probably still do it actually, but sunburnt whales seem like they might be a better demonstration.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

    The Russians might rebuild the An-225. There is supposedly a second partially completed airframe. Reportedly, they have long been considering restarting the production of An-124 aircraft which is the parent design of the Myria.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    It’s Mriya (a dream in Ukrainian). The only functional Mriya airplane was destroyed by Ukies thinking that they are firing at Russian troops.

    Ukraine could have been a decent country, but now they can only dream.
  796. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    We are getting to the point where concerned citizens are considering that if Russia levels Kharkov and Kiev tomorrow the human catastrophe may be less devastating than what will transpire if the West keeps sponsoring these serious attacks within Russia. Of course this may be the ploy, to tempt Russia into precipitous action they are not quite ready for.

    Have you confirmed the recent power plant destructions in Ukraine? If you do not respond I take that as a confirmation.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Of course this may be the ploy, to tempt Russia into precipitous action

    As long as Putin is at the helm, Russia would not be provoked into precipitous action. Russian army moves through Ukraine as a steamroller, slowly and inevitably. It grinds Ukies like the mills of God, slowly and exceedingly fine.

    It is likely, though, that the next Russian leader will be more prone to precipitous action. As the next leader will certainly be a lot more anti-Western than Putin, if the West does not come to its senses by that time, the future does not look too bright.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Yes, this seems to be the case. However, I think that many actions by the military are somewhat automatic or at least pre-programmed. These military organizations take orders from Putin and his team, but they existed before him and will continue to exist after he retires. In some situations they may have autonomy as required by combat circumstances. In my opinion the US attacking bases in Russia is very dangerous, more so than attacking civilian targets, even if those events get the civilian population riled up.

    It will only take a bit more escalation from the West for me to start wondering seriously if they are actively trying to start WW3, as opposed to idiotically bumbling into it. It has long been said that starting a war is the only way out of some government fiscal disasters and the USA has created an unpayable debt bubble.

    Replies: @Beckow

  797. AP says:

    You haven’t provided evidence.
    Those who need evidence that 2x2=4 do not deserve evidence.

    BTW, even “XYZ” personage provided evidence regarding Brezhnev (comment #574). He/she/it is unlikely to fake evidence that goes against his/her/its marching orders.

    Also, the nationality characterizes a person only in the eyes of those with severe case of nationalist dementia. E.g., Chernenko, Gorby, and Biden were/are morons regardless of their nationality. Newton and Einstein were smart regardless of their nationality. Every nation has morons and bright people, scum and decent humans, as well as everything in between. Not to mention that pure nations exist only in sick imagination of nationalists.

    Replies: @AP

    Those who need evidence that 2×2=4 do not deserve evidence

    The problem is that you are claiming that 2 x 2 = apple.

    BTW, even “XYZ” personage provided evidence regarding Brezhnev (comment #574).

    Do you claim he was a Ukrainian?

    There are documents in which he is a Ukrainian, and documents in which he is a Russian. But his parents were from Russia, he himself stated that he is a Russian, and he has a Russian surname. It’s rather clear.

    “Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, leader of one of the two most powerful nations in the world, was born to Russian parents in the Ukrainian mining town of Kamensk in 1906”

    If you think a Russian born in Ukraine is a Ukrainian, will you insist that Bulgakov was also a Ukrainian? You are gullible and believe whatever nonsense you read, but you are not stupid.

    I agree with your third paragraph.

  798. @QCIC

    The Russians might rebuild the An-225. There is supposedly a second partially completed airframe. Reportedly, they have long been considering restarting the production of An-124 aircraft which is the parent design of the Myria.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN


    It’s Mriya (a dream in Ukrainian). The only functional Mriya airplane was destroyed by Ukies thinking that they are firing at Russian troops.

    Ukraine could have been a decent country, but now they can only dream.

    • Thanks: QCIC
  799. @songbird

    When the Mriya is rebuilt
    Sadly, I think it won't be rebuilt. Too reliant on vanished Soviet-era supply chains. Not that it wouldn't be possible exactly, but I don't think anyone would front the money to make all the missing pieces. A standalone investment like that would probably be considered too risky.

    Btw, there is a really nice Irish cartoon, The Puffin Rock,
    I saw the movie Song of the Sea made by the same studio. The Irish have long had a mystic fascination with seals, but much of the rest of it seemed made up. But I will say it was okay because it wasn't woke.

    But I have a strong dislike of these - I don't quite know what to call them - not anthropomorphized so much as I would say dehumanized and deracinated cartoons. Maybe, I am paranoid, but I think they are promoted for a reason.

    When a humpback swims into a salmon hatchery, it can destroy $13M worth of future salmon (by eating the spawn).
    So that is why the orcas are after them?

    Btw, I really love the texture of the humpback whale
    they have such an iconic look. It reminds me somewhat of an old-fashioned model car, how it is so recognizable in its lines.

    they find a humpback deep in the ocean that has burned its back in the sun
    I used to be able to quote statistics on how much UV penetrates seawater, being somewhat sun-sensitive. I think I could probably still do it actually, but sunburnt whales seem like they might be a better demonstration.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

    So that is why the orcas are after them?

    Yes! LOL

    Silly orcies wait too long until the salmon is grown. Plus they have to share their Chinook with craving humans. The humpback swims right up, into the hatchery. Incredible how it swims in such shallow waters, so close to the land. This crazy one squeezed herself through the net.

    • Replies: @songbird

    What a crafty bugger! There is something very comical about it because not only is it impossibly large, but those throat ridges let it expand like a snake or frog to open its mouth wider.

    Have been raided by a bear before, and it can carry away 40 pound bags, but a whale would be so much worse.

    Replies: @LatW

  800. @Mr. Hack

    The Ukie fans here should read NY Times today:
    You must have skipped the conclusion:

    if the aid package clears Congress [it will], however, the Ukrainian military can count on a fresh infusion of shells. Otherwise, its best hope for artillery ammunition is an initiative by the Czech government to buy shells on the global weapons market and donate them to Ukraine. European countries have little left to offer from their depleted stocks.

    About 20 countries are contributing to a common fund for the purchases, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, said, adding that his government had found half a million 155-millimeter shells and 300,000 122-millimeter shells available for purchase outside of Europe.

    The first deliveries are expected in June, but the program has already paid dividends, Czech officials say: Knowing that more ammunition is on the way, Ukrainian artillery forces are able to dip deeper into reserves, they said, adding that the same would be true if U.S. aid resumed.

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,
    Thanks to the Czech initiative, "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina"!

    Replies: @Beckow, @Derer

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,

    What the fcuik for? When will they stop being delusional? The Ukrainian population wishes are ignored because the little “green man” in Kiev banned all the democracy institutions for the free rule of a criminal junta directed by the anti-Slavic outside power. The objective is to kill as many Slavs as possible and to reduce the fear of Russian power.

    Get it thru your pea-sized brain Ukraine cannot win…hell will freeze sooner than that happening. Actually this is not about Ukraine victory but about prolonging the killings. Your Czech orangutan president joint the communist party just two years before it collapsed in 1989 – what a opportunistic and strategic mind.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    What the fcuik for?
    To fcuik with your pea sized brain, of course! :-)
  801. @AnonfromTN

    Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a lamppost?

    Replies: @Derer

    Yes, but the Mark Twain wisdom applies as well: “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference”

    • Replies: @AP

    Yes, but the Mark Twain wisdom...
    What could be more Sovok than repeating Mark Twain cliches? Lol.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  802. @LatW

    So that is why the orcas are after them?
    Yes! LOL

    Silly orcies wait too long until the salmon is grown. Plus they have to share their Chinook with craving humans. The humpback swims right up, into the hatchery. Incredible how it swims in such shallow waters, so close to the land. This crazy one squeezed herself through the net.

    Replies: @songbird

    What a crafty bugger! There is something very comical about it because not only is it impossibly large, but those throat ridges let it expand like a snake or frog to open its mouth wider.

    Have been raided by a bear before, and it can carry away 40 pound bags, but a whale would be so much worse.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Have been raided by a bear before, and it can carry away 40 pound bags
    Not surprising that they can pull such weight, although most of the first hand stories I've heard have been mostly of them just scavenging on campers' leftovers, or sometimes eating a bowl of spaghetti.

    but a whale would be so much worse
    They are so graceful and beautiful, and yet so scary, it must feel terrifying being close to them, I've always wondered why some of those crazy folks who swim up to them in canoes are not scared, aren't they afraid of capsizing or being smacked with the tail?

    Replies: @songbird

  803. @Derer

    Yes, but the Mark Twain wisdom applies as well: "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference"

    Replies: @AP

    Yes, but the Mark Twain wisdom…

    What could be more Sovok than repeating Mark Twain cliches? Lol.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Eating at DonMak lol?

  804. @AnonfromTN

    Of course this may be the ploy, to tempt Russia into precipitous action
    As long as Putin is at the helm, Russia would not be provoked into precipitous action. Russian army moves through Ukraine as a steamroller, slowly and inevitably. It grinds Ukies like the mills of God, slowly and exceedingly fine.

    It is likely, though, that the next Russian leader will be more prone to precipitous action. As the next leader will certainly be a lot more anti-Western than Putin, if the West does not come to its senses by that time, the future does not look too bright.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Yes, this seems to be the case. However, I think that many actions by the military are somewhat automatic or at least pre-programmed. These military organizations take orders from Putin and his team, but they existed before him and will continue to exist after he retires. In some situations they may have autonomy as required by combat circumstances. In my opinion the US attacking bases in Russia is very dangerous, more so than attacking civilian targets, even if those events get the civilian population riled up.

    It will only take a bit more escalation from the West for me to start wondering seriously if they are actively trying to start WW3, as opposed to idiotically bumbling into it. It has long been said that starting a war is the only way out of some government fiscal disasters and the USA has created an unpayable debt bubble.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...starting a war is the only way out of some government fiscal disasters and the USA has created an unpayable debt bubble.
    It only works if they win. That is unlikely in Ukraine or Middle East and impossible in China. West is also in no shape to fight a conventional war and it would take huge balls to go nuclear. So they are sitting on it hoping their enemies will collapse - the only strategy is to inflict pain on Russia. It is not working.

    Nato can only bomb and kill mud-covered Third Worlders and then run away when they start shooting back. It will also no longer be easy with Russia-China giving them weapons that would cause unacceptable casualties. They are stuck and losing another war will not help.

    The debt bubble will reach absurd levels in 10 years - a few numerical adjustments can be tried but they depend on good will from the world. After the double whammy of the Ukieland-in-Nato and the Gaza quasi-genocide there isn't much good will left.

  805. @Derer
    @Mr. Hack

    At home, Ukraine is stepping up its own efforts to produce artillery shells under programs shrouded in secrecy,
    What the fcuik for? When will they stop being delusional? The Ukrainian population wishes are ignored because the little "green man" in Kiev banned all the democracy institutions for the free rule of a criminal junta directed by the anti-Slavic outside power. The objective is to kill as many Slavs as possible and to reduce the fear of Russian power.

    Get it thru your pea-sized brain Ukraine cannot win...hell will freeze sooner than that happening. Actually this is not about Ukraine victory but about prolonging the killings. Your Czech orangutan president joint the communist party just two years before it collapsed in 1989 - what a opportunistic and strategic mind.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    What the fcuik for?

    To fcuik with your pea sized brain, of course! 🙂

  806. @LatW
    @sudden death

    So it’s not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it’s convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef – it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)
    You really nailed it here. What is even more hilarious about the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment and starts doing something exactly because of Trump. The conscription is being re-introduced and defense budgets are being raised not just because of the Muscovite invasion but also because of Trump's threats to leave NATO. We are just acting to protect ourselves as Euros because Americans are acting inadequately and unpredictably (or - have their own agenda, would be my guess). This is just common sense. Next step should be the limiting of info share with the US only to the parts where there is trust (only those who are friendly towards us) and where it's absolutely necessary such as the military affairs (removing their spies from our MFAs to which we have closed our eyes out of pure amicability over the years), discreetly, of course. Preparing to fight the Trump administration (in case they are nasty). These are just discretionary measures one should take out of caution.

    As to the border guarding, the Poles and Lithuanians have done a great job, I've watched some footage where the "refugees" are really nasty towards the Polish border guards (throwing stuff at them through the fence, cussing them out). All my respect to them for standing their ground and enduring such crap so that all of us can be safer.

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we'll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves - they have a huge military budget. I've watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I'm puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected. The isolationists will claim that this is because all the money is being sent overseas, but this is not really true. I think the issue lies somewhere in the allocation and the lack of political will.

    Replies: @Mikel, @sudden death

    the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment

    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I actually have some good news for you two. It had gone under my radar but there are also elections to the world famous Basque Parliament this month and yesterday I received the ballots by mail. So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    As I said above, the decision is not taken though. There are a number of reasons why I may decide to abstain:

    1- I was reading the voting instructions yesterday and they are a bit demotivating. It’s not just posting an envelope by mail, as I had assumed, but also downloading and printing out some documents to be put carefully in two envelopes. This may sound frivolous but well, we’re just talking about a single vote. While it’s nice to be asked by the politicians what our opinions are, a vote never amounted to much and in these times of devalued democracy on both sides of the Atlantic it even amounts to less.

    2- It’s not easy to break a habit. Given the lack of appealing alternatives and general lack of interest in that aging, decaying continent, I have spent decades abstaining from voting in any European election. I have even sometimes actually held this as a badge of honor when talking to certain people. But I guess Macron, Tusk and the nitwit Kallas are right and we live exceptional times for the European continent. This may be the time for everybody to rise to the occasion (just not necessarily in the way they suggest).

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    But you may try to give a civilized answer to the very simple question that he refused to address. For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow:

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    • Replies: @LatW

    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.
    I wasn't paying attention to you per se - just using you as an example to describe a pattern, despite of all the deliberate passive aggressiveness, your position is transparent - you and several others here consider E.Euros as second grade human beings who do not deserve freedom, so I have nothing to discuss with the likes of you. I was talking to sudden death - there are a few new things I want to share with my own.

    So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.
    You can cast all the anti-NATO votes you want. While I personally consider that unity would be best at this crucial time, if others don't believe in that - then so be it. If NATO ever fails (which is highly doubtful), we will form another union, our own. I personally do not wish to be in any union with any assorted "skeptics" (who very conveniently become skeptics exactly at the toughest moment, when there is a need to fight, not just voice platitudes about their supposed "values").

    As to voting, it's still valuable, imo, even if it is usually the elites anyway who make the decisions. Why would I care that you'd vote anti-NATO - is this somehow new? We've dealt with your types for 20 years. I don't get why you keep saying that either sudden death or myself kept you from voting. Don't recall such a thing. But it is weird to claim that one is an American libertarian isolationist - and yet make so much noise about the European affairs. In your case, it might be an exception since you have two nationalities (and you don't seem like you have a strong identity to begin with). This is why I have chosen to distance myself from American politics. Soon I will probably only care about Cascadia and not the rest. That would be quite radical and hopefully it doesn't get to that point any time soon. I just want to be consistent.

    I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.
    I don't get who's keeping you from discussion. Part of the discussion is also hearing opposing views. If you have valid arguments, that's great - there have always been people such as yourself.

    Many of us have settled on our stances. The Balts have a stance that hasn't changed for 30 years, and we have others now who have joined our stance (due to some objective events that have transpired in the past 2 years, ironically, we have more support and understanding than ever before from other Euros). I would actually appreciate any clarity from Americans and the remaining W.Euros - to see who is who. This is why it would be honest of Trump to come out in full clarity - but politics probably doesn't work that way. He will try to sit on two chairs - just try to suck out of NATO more than anything before, he'll price America out of the market one of these days with his stupid insinuations. The likes of you don't have America's best interests at heart.

    his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.
    Quit being fussy. It is obvious that you've always held an anti-NATO position. We remember everything you wrote here for years. Then you were forced to flip once Muscovia finally showed its true colors. And I never saw sudden death giving "aggressive replies" - on the contrary, he displays the typical calm of a Baltic dude that I've seen over and over. I didn't see any inconsistencies either - unlike you, he states his thoughts clearly. But I did not see the conversation where, as you state, he told you not to vote in Euro elections - that's probably a lie of yours (or another convoluted accusation).

    For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow
    I don't think this is an adequate comparison. We had our own states, or proto-states even before 1918. Lithuania had a huge medieval state (the Basques never had anything comparable to that). Btw, I have always been on the Basque side my whole life (and have always considered it an awkward issue vis a vis Spain and even Franco - due to the contradictions that arose from the ideologically siding with the right wing vs still supporting the Basque independence struggle - even among our nationalists there is an issue that way, more with regards to the Catalans though).

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination?
    We are not yet at the risk threshold when it comes to nuclear (even if the risks shouldn't be downplayed either). Also - if one is agreeing to be subjected to nuclear blackmail, they are pathetic (because if you succumb to that, you'll be blackmailed to no end, Balts or no Balts - you can destroy Ukrainians and Balts - you think that's where the blackmail will stop?). Macron refused to be that way because France still has some self respect.

    If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?
    You simply haven't lived in Europe for too long - you haven't lived Europe recently. We are way more intermingled now than ever before, probably even more so than during the days of the Hanseatic League. Europe is not going to allow anybody to mess with her territory (shouldn't be allowed even at the level of threats). And Ukraine is simply too close.

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @A123

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.
    I too would like civilized discussion. Sadly, that is something that followers of IslamoGloboHomo cannot cope with.

    Your optimism about ShillD is a good case study. He knows that he cannot win on the facts. Therefore, he deliberately goes for low-IQ yahoo trolling that inevitably undermines the position of his pay masters. The only plausible response to his inchoate gibberish is derision & laughter.

    Ukie/Pali extremists suffer obvious intellectual fails when they try to to set an artificial "start dates" to frame their emotional declarations. They do not rationally process years, decades, or centuries of prior misconduct by their side that escalated the conflict.

    A good example of this lack of intellectual scope is Kiev's construction of the Collective Punishment Dam in 2014-15. This immoral act wiped out the livelihoods of Crimean farmers. Kiev could have offered to buy up the water rights, but they did not. Instead Ukies simply stole the water. Then they wave pieces of paper, claiming that their immoral infliction of Collective Punishment is somehow "legal".

    Is there any wonder why concepts like "International Law" are being discredited as nonfunctional? Rational Judeo-Christian behaviour is choosing indisputable morality over theoretical legality. Sadly, this simple truth is beyond SJW Globalist Sheeple who ignore history to back futile Pali/Ukie aggression.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @LatW

    , @LatW

    For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow
    For now, let me just say this, Mikel, since you brought up the Basques. And, please, forgive me if I sound too blunt. One of the first things that put me off about you was when you mentioned something negative about the Basque freedom fighters - don't remember the exact thing you wrote, but it sounded like something along the lines of "they shouldn't have chosen violent means" or some kind of a disparaging comment about them being "radicals". I remember that that sent the first negative signal in my mind and I found it rather offensive and regrettable, unacceptable to my morality. Looking back at it, I understand now that you know more about this and me being just an idealistic female who has no direct experience with this (except the barricades in 1991 and the demos at a young age). But I raised myself to revere such people. That you didn't give respect to these Basque independence fighters who have been through so much really put me off (btw, their suppression continues still to this day). From then on, I couldn't trust anything you said. I admit that this is partly irrational, and it is nothing personal, of course, but it really put me off.

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @Matra

    You are lucky you have the option of voting for an anti-NATO party as I have the vote in two countries and all of the parties fully embrace our servitude to the transgender multiculti American Empire. I've been anti-NATO since 1995 when it first bombed the Serbs allowing for the ethnic cleansing of Krajina and empowering the Bosnian Muslims. Prior to that - about 1992 - I sensed that the hyper-liberal USA would set out to eradicate European civilisation through mass immigration using political correctness (now called woke) and other forms of psychological warfare and that in order to save Europe the Americans had to be expelled. Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.

    Replies: @AP, @Mikel

  807. @Mr. Hack

    MTG represents the nut job faction of the MAGA coalition, whereas, Mike Johnson, a principled conservative, represents more the saner elements of that faction. I can see why she would appeal to you. :-)

    Replies: @Wielgus, @Wokechoke

    She was being cackhanded when she talked about Jewish Space Lazers!

    She was rather humourously making fun of a strawman conspiracy theorist.

    And even funnier she got slapped on the hand for it by the ADL, who did understand her clumsy joke.

  808. @songbird

    What a crafty bugger! There is something very comical about it because not only is it impossibly large, but those throat ridges let it expand like a snake or frog to open its mouth wider.

    Have been raided by a bear before, and it can carry away 40 pound bags, but a whale would be so much worse.

    Replies: @LatW

    Have been raided by a bear before, and it can carry away 40 pound bags

    Not surprising that they can pull such weight, although most of the first hand stories I’ve heard have been mostly of them just scavenging on campers’ leftovers, or sometimes eating a bowl of spaghetti.

    but a whale would be so much worse

    They are so graceful and beautiful, and yet so scary, it must feel terrifying being close to them, I’ve always wondered why some of those crazy folks who swim up to them in canoes are not scared, aren’t they afraid of capsizing or being smacked with the tail?

    • Replies: @songbird

    IMO, the really crazy people are those ones that dive with sharks or leopard seals.

    gotta say, I would have eaten a freaking penguin at that point just to make the seal happy.


    Old Tom should be on Australian currency, IMO.

    Replies: @songbird

  809. @Derer
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ukraine ranks 196 from 204 countries in fertility rate from 2023 records. What is the significance of providing the useless 1990 Ukraine fertility? Change your strategy for seeking attention.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Czechia also had one of the world’s lowest fertility rates around 2000 and yet its TFR has significantly rebounded since then. Would it really be that difficult for Ukraine to do the same thing, at least if too many of its young men would not have gotten killed and if it will also experience a sizable and long-lasting economic boom?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

  810. @AP

    You are on to something.

    Muscovites traditionally have been led by foreigners. Not only royal families (this is common in Europe) but large segments of the elite cadres. First they were led by Rurikids (Norsemen) and Varangians who mixed with Tatars or Mongols, then added to those were Germans, Lithuanians, and western Rus. After the Revolution these were replaced by Jews, Baltics, and Caucasians (especially their great leader Stalin). When the ethnic Muscovites finally took over after the death of their Georgian overlord, it was all downhill -from Khrushchev to Yeltsin.

    Putin had spent a career among the Germans but apparently it wasn’t enough - he did well for a few years but couldn’t help himself and stumbled into this debacle.

    Perhaps the Muscovites, since they hate the West so much, should just ask the Chinese to take control, for their own good and for the good of their more civilized neighbors? I think a Chinese supervisor would have vetoed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Chinese have faults but they are not so recklessly stupid.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @Mr. XYZ

    Interestingly enough, in his 1924 book Racial Realities in Europe, Lothrop Stoddard talks about how the Bolshevik Revolution was in part a reaction against the Westernizing tendencies of Russia’s traditional non-Russian elite, a reaction that also included the mass expulsion of this traditional Westernizing elite from Russia.

    Into the horrors and failures of Bolshevism I do not
    propose to enter. They are well known and need no de-
    tailed discussion here. What is not so well known is the
    important fact that the present Bolshevik government,
    though differing widely in its economic aims, is in its
    spirit and political methods strikingly like the old im-
    perial govermnent which it replaced. The outstanding
    characteristics of the Bolshevik regime are violence and
    despotism. But those were precisely the outstanding
    characteristics of the old imperial regime. Russia has
    thus merely changed tyrants, one despotism having been
    followed by another. The main outcome of the revolu-
    tion has been a cracking of the Western veneer which had
    been imposed upon Russia by Peter the Great. Much of
    the material equipment borrowed by Russia from the
    West has been destroyed, while the former upper classes
    (largely of Western origin) have been killed or driven
    into exile. The real losers by the revolution are the truly
    westernized elements who had worked for a Russia wes-
    ternized in spirit but who now see their illusions shat-
    tered. In fact, the revolution was largely a revolt against
    Westernism. In many ways Russia is to-day farther from
    Europe and nearer to Asia than she has been since Peter
    opened his “window to the West.”

  811. @AP

    Yes, but the Mark Twain wisdom...
    What could be more Sovok than repeating Mark Twain cliches? Lol.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  812. LatW says:

    the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment
    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I actually have some good news for you two. It had gone under my radar but there are also elections to the world famous Basque Parliament this month and yesterday I received the ballots by mail. So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    As I said above, the decision is not taken though. There are a number of reasons why I may decide to abstain:

    1- I was reading the voting instructions yesterday and they are a bit demotivating. It's not just posting an envelope by mail, as I had assumed, but also downloading and printing out some documents to be put carefully in two envelopes. This may sound frivolous but well, we're just talking about a single vote. While it's nice to be asked by the politicians what our opinions are, a vote never amounted to much and in these times of devalued democracy on both sides of the Atlantic it even amounts to less.

    2- It's not easy to break a habit. Given the lack of appealing alternatives and general lack of interest in that aging, decaying continent, I have spent decades abstaining from voting in any European election. I have even sometimes actually held this as a badge of honor when talking to certain people. But I guess Macron, Tusk and the nitwit Kallas are right and we live exceptional times for the European continent. This may be the time for everybody to rise to the occasion (just not necessarily in the way they suggest).

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I'm not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I'm concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    But you may try to give a civilized answer to the very simple question that he refused to address. For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don't want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow:

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @LatW, @A123, @LatW, @Matra

    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I wasn’t paying attention to you per se – just using you as an example to describe a pattern, despite of all the deliberate passive aggressiveness, your position is transparent – you and several others here consider E.Euros as second grade human beings who do not deserve freedom, so I have nothing to discuss with the likes of you. I was talking to sudden death – there are a few new things I want to share with my own.

    So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    You can cast all the anti-NATO votes you want. While I personally consider that unity would be best at this crucial time, if others don’t believe in that – then so be it. If NATO ever fails (which is highly doubtful), we will form another union, our own. I personally do not wish to be in any union with any assorted “skeptics” (who very conveniently become skeptics exactly at the toughest moment, when there is a need to fight, not just voice platitudes about their supposed “values”).


    As to voting, it’s still valuable, imo, even if it is usually the elites anyway who make the decisions. Why would I care that you’d vote anti-NATO – is this somehow new? We’ve dealt with your types for 20 years. I don’t get why you keep saying that either sudden death or myself kept you from voting. Don’t recall such a thing. But it is weird to claim that one is an American libertarian isolationist – and yet make so much noise about the European affairs. In your case, it might be an exception since you have two nationalities (and you don’t seem like you have a strong identity to begin with). This is why I have chosen to distance myself from American politics. Soon I will probably only care about Cascadia and not the rest. That would be quite radical and hopefully it doesn’t get to that point any time soon. I just want to be consistent.

    I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    I don’t get who’s keeping you from discussion. Part of the discussion is also hearing opposing views. If you have valid arguments, that’s great – there have always been people such as yourself.

    Many of us have settled on our stances. The Balts have a stance that hasn’t changed for 30 years, and we have others now who have joined our stance (due to some objective events that have transpired in the past 2 years, ironically, we have more support and understanding than ever before from other Euros). I would actually appreciate any clarity from Americans and the remaining W.Euros – to see who is who. This is why it would be honest of Trump to come out in full clarity – but politics probably doesn’t work that way. He will try to sit on two chairs – just try to suck out of NATO more than anything before, he’ll price America out of the market one of these days with his stupid insinuations. The likes of you don’t have America’s best interests at heart.

    his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    Quit being fussy. It is obvious that you’ve always held an anti-NATO position. We remember everything you wrote here for years. Then you were forced to flip once Muscovia finally showed its true colors. And I never saw sudden death giving “aggressive replies” – on the contrary, he displays the typical calm of a Baltic dude that I’ve seen over and over. I didn’t see any inconsistencies either – unlike you, he states his thoughts clearly. But I did not see the conversation where, as you state, he told you not to vote in Euro elections – that’s probably a lie of yours (or another convoluted accusation).

    For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow

    I don’t think this is an adequate comparison. We had our own states, or proto-states even before 1918. Lithuania had a huge medieval state (the Basques never had anything comparable to that). Btw, I have always been on the Basque side my whole life (and have always considered it an awkward issue vis a vis Spain and even Franco – due to the contradictions that arose from the ideologically siding with the right wing vs still supporting the Basque independence struggle – even among our nationalists there is an issue that way, more with regards to the Catalans though).

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination?

    We are not yet at the risk threshold when it comes to nuclear (even if the risks shouldn’t be downplayed either). Also – if one is agreeing to be subjected to nuclear blackmail, they are pathetic (because if you succumb to that, you’ll be blackmailed to no end, Balts or no Balts – you can destroy Ukrainians and Balts – you think that’s where the blackmail will stop?). Macron refused to be that way because France still has some self respect.

    If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    You simply haven’t lived in Europe for too long – you haven’t lived Europe recently. We are way more intermingled now than ever before, probably even more so than during the days of the Hanseatic League. Europe is not going to allow anybody to mess with her territory (shouldn’t be allowed even at the level of threats). And Ukraine is simply too close.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    you and several others here consider E.Euros as second grade human beings who do not deserve freedom
    People who know me personally would have a fit of laughter if they read this. Either I have expressed myself very poorly somewhere or you have a huge chip on your shoulder.

    We remember everything you wrote here for years.
    I still kept ignoring every voting request I received by mail, until now.

    the Basques never had anything comparable to that
    The kingdom of Navarre, that gathered almost all Basque-speaking people on both sides of the Pyrenees for centuries, was as noteworthy as anything Latvia or Estonia ever had.

    We are not yet at the risk threshold when it comes to nuclear (even if the risks shouldn’t be downplayed either).
    Exactly. Nobody in their right mind wants a nuclear war but, as you say, it would be foolish to downplay the risk because we've never been in a situation like this and Russia is actually much weaker than anyone thought. If NATO decides to join the war, as some are famously suggesting, Russia only has one way of avoiding defeat.

    In any case, I take note that you have also avoided a direct, honest answer to my question. I believe you have children so it's not difficult to guess what the answer is. The problem is that my question has two parts so an honest answer to the first part makes the second one very tricky. I understand.

    Replies: @LatW

  813. @AP

    your instantaneous BS ” Nazi’s are North German/Prostestant
    Reminder that it was exactly the northern Germans and Protestants that voted Hitler into power and were his main supports.

    While Hitler himself was an Austrian and Catholic and his inner circle was mostly Catholics, these degenerates were not accepted by most of their own people and instead were embraced by the northern Germans. The “sau-Preissen” (sic?) as they say in Bavaria.

    Election results:

    Leaders of USSR -Chernenko, Brezhnev, Khrushchev. End of discussion


    You claim they were Ukrainians.

    Chernenko - Russian of Ukrainian descent. He and his father were born in Russia but his Ukrainian grandfather moved from Ukraine to Russia.

    Brezhnev - ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

    Khrushchev- ethnic Russian from Russia who moved to Donbas when he was 14.

    End of discussion - as you said. You have discredited yourself from the start.

    I guess you have been away from Russia for so long that you have forgotten everything about it.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Chernenko – Russian of Ukrainian descent. He and his father were born in Russia but his Ukrainian grandfather moved from Ukraine to Russia.

    Would you say that Zelensky is Ukrainian of Jewish descent?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Zelensky is a Ukrainian citizen but not an ethnic Ukrainian. Which makes him a Ukrainian.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

  814. @QCIC

    Yes, this seems to be the case. However, I think that many actions by the military are somewhat automatic or at least pre-programmed. These military organizations take orders from Putin and his team, but they existed before him and will continue to exist after he retires. In some situations they may have autonomy as required by combat circumstances. In my opinion the US attacking bases in Russia is very dangerous, more so than attacking civilian targets, even if those events get the civilian population riled up.

    It will only take a bit more escalation from the West for me to start wondering seriously if they are actively trying to start WW3, as opposed to idiotically bumbling into it. It has long been said that starting a war is the only way out of some government fiscal disasters and the USA has created an unpayable debt bubble.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …starting a war is the only way out of some government fiscal disasters and the USA has created an unpayable debt bubble.

    It only works if they win. That is unlikely in Ukraine or Middle East and impossible in China. West is also in no shape to fight a conventional war and it would take huge balls to go nuclear. So they are sitting on it hoping their enemies will collapse – the only strategy is to inflict pain on Russia. It is not working.

    Nato can only bomb and kill mud-covered Third Worlders and then run away when they start shooting back. It will also no longer be easy with Russia-China giving them weapons that would cause unacceptable casualties. They are stuck and losing another war will not help.

    The debt bubble will reach absurd levels in 10 years – a few numerical adjustments can be tried but they depend on good will from the world. After the double whammy of the Ukieland-in-Nato and the Gaza quasi-genocide there isn’t much good will left.

  815. @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    Does anyone here have any ideas as to whether a Taiping victory in China in the mid-1800s would have produced a much better Chinese record-keeping system

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Is that a No to my question itself (as in, that China would not have produced a much better record-keeping system in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in this scenario) or simply a No to anyone here having any ideas about this?

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    I'm going to let you guess what I meant.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  816. @LatW

    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.
    I wasn't paying attention to you per se - just using you as an example to describe a pattern, despite of all the deliberate passive aggressiveness, your position is transparent - you and several others here consider E.Euros as second grade human beings who do not deserve freedom, so I have nothing to discuss with the likes of you. I was talking to sudden death - there are a few new things I want to share with my own.

    So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.
    You can cast all the anti-NATO votes you want. While I personally consider that unity would be best at this crucial time, if others don't believe in that - then so be it. If NATO ever fails (which is highly doubtful), we will form another union, our own. I personally do not wish to be in any union with any assorted "skeptics" (who very conveniently become skeptics exactly at the toughest moment, when there is a need to fight, not just voice platitudes about their supposed "values").

    As to voting, it's still valuable, imo, even if it is usually the elites anyway who make the decisions. Why would I care that you'd vote anti-NATO - is this somehow new? We've dealt with your types for 20 years. I don't get why you keep saying that either sudden death or myself kept you from voting. Don't recall such a thing. But it is weird to claim that one is an American libertarian isolationist - and yet make so much noise about the European affairs. In your case, it might be an exception since you have two nationalities (and you don't seem like you have a strong identity to begin with). This is why I have chosen to distance myself from American politics. Soon I will probably only care about Cascadia and not the rest. That would be quite radical and hopefully it doesn't get to that point any time soon. I just want to be consistent.

    I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.
    I don't get who's keeping you from discussion. Part of the discussion is also hearing opposing views. If you have valid arguments, that's great - there have always been people such as yourself.

    Many of us have settled on our stances. The Balts have a stance that hasn't changed for 30 years, and we have others now who have joined our stance (due to some objective events that have transpired in the past 2 years, ironically, we have more support and understanding than ever before from other Euros). I would actually appreciate any clarity from Americans and the remaining W.Euros - to see who is who. This is why it would be honest of Trump to come out in full clarity - but politics probably doesn't work that way. He will try to sit on two chairs - just try to suck out of NATO more than anything before, he'll price America out of the market one of these days with his stupid insinuations. The likes of you don't have America's best interests at heart.

    his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.
    Quit being fussy. It is obvious that you've always held an anti-NATO position. We remember everything you wrote here for years. Then you were forced to flip once Muscovia finally showed its true colors. And I never saw sudden death giving "aggressive replies" - on the contrary, he displays the typical calm of a Baltic dude that I've seen over and over. I didn't see any inconsistencies either - unlike you, he states his thoughts clearly. But I did not see the conversation where, as you state, he told you not to vote in Euro elections - that's probably a lie of yours (or another convoluted accusation).

    For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow
    I don't think this is an adequate comparison. We had our own states, or proto-states even before 1918. Lithuania had a huge medieval state (the Basques never had anything comparable to that). Btw, I have always been on the Basque side my whole life (and have always considered it an awkward issue vis a vis Spain and even Franco - due to the contradictions that arose from the ideologically siding with the right wing vs still supporting the Basque independence struggle - even among our nationalists there is an issue that way, more with regards to the Catalans though).

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination?
    We are not yet at the risk threshold when it comes to nuclear (even if the risks shouldn't be downplayed either). Also - if one is agreeing to be subjected to nuclear blackmail, they are pathetic (because if you succumb to that, you'll be blackmailed to no end, Balts or no Balts - you can destroy Ukrainians and Balts - you think that's where the blackmail will stop?). Macron refused to be that way because France still has some self respect.

    If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?
    You simply haven't lived in Europe for too long - you haven't lived Europe recently. We are way more intermingled now than ever before, probably even more so than during the days of the Hanseatic League. Europe is not going to allow anybody to mess with her territory (shouldn't be allowed even at the level of threats). And Ukraine is simply too close.

    Replies: @Mikel

    you and several others here consider E.Euros as second grade human beings who do not deserve freedom

    People who know me personally would have a fit of laughter if they read this. Either I have expressed myself very poorly somewhere or you have a huge chip on your shoulder.

    We remember everything you wrote here for years.

    I still kept ignoring every voting request I received by mail, until now.

    the Basques never had anything comparable to that

    The kingdom of Navarre, that gathered almost all Basque-speaking people on both sides of the Pyrenees for centuries, was as noteworthy as anything Latvia or Estonia ever had.

    We are not yet at the risk threshold when it comes to nuclear (even if the risks shouldn’t be downplayed either).

    Exactly. Nobody in their right mind wants a nuclear war but, as you say, it would be foolish to downplay the risk because we’ve never been in a situation like this and Russia is actually much weaker than anyone thought. If NATO decides to join the war, as some are famously suggesting, Russia only has one way of avoiding defeat.

    In any case, I take note that you have also avoided a direct, honest answer to my question. I believe you have children so it’s not difficult to guess what the answer is. The problem is that my question has two parts so an honest answer to the first part makes the second one very tricky. I understand.

    • Replies: @LatW

    I still kept ignoring every voting request I received by mail, until now.
    Yes, I agree that now is more important than at other times, but, wait, are you saying I should care? As if, you're the only voter who matters?

    The US backs out, they should lose the bennies.

    In any case, I take note that you have also avoided a direct, honest answer to my question. I believe you have children so it’s not difficult to guess what the answer is. The problem is that my question has two parts so an honest answer to the first part makes the second one very tricky. I understand.
    I'll give this question some thought when I have time. I'm not sure the comparison is good. If there was something large coming from the Western / Atlantic side, that was threatening Spain - (the way a combined Muscovy - China - North Korea - Iran) is threatening the EU, for example, I would probably find it rather concerning.

    Btw, I have stated over and over that Italy should've been helped, instead of dumping all of responsibility of African migrants on Italy alone. And not by sharing some mystical "quotas" but with armed push backs.

  817. @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    Any Danes or Scandinavians on here?
    Haven't seen any in a long while. You possibly killed that demographic on this blog.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    And here I thought that Scandinavians were into the idea of kinky sex topics lol?

  818. @Mr. XYZ

    Is that a No to my question itself (as in, that China would not have produced a much better record-keeping system in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in this scenario) or simply a No to anyone here having any ideas about this?

    Replies: @Mikel

    I’m going to let you guess what I meant.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Interestingly enough, the Philippines had a validated supercentenarian, and a male one at that (only 10% or less of all verified supercentenarians are male), due to its excellent record-keeping over the centuries due to the very long presence of the Roman Catholic Church over there:

    He also traveled to the US more than once in his youth, which made it even easier to verify him due to it being possible to use his travel records (which gave his full date of birth) as evidence in his case.

  819. @Mikel

    you and several others here consider E.Euros as second grade human beings who do not deserve freedom
    People who know me personally would have a fit of laughter if they read this. Either I have expressed myself very poorly somewhere or you have a huge chip on your shoulder.

    We remember everything you wrote here for years.
    I still kept ignoring every voting request I received by mail, until now.

    the Basques never had anything comparable to that
    The kingdom of Navarre, that gathered almost all Basque-speaking people on both sides of the Pyrenees for centuries, was as noteworthy as anything Latvia or Estonia ever had.

    We are not yet at the risk threshold when it comes to nuclear (even if the risks shouldn’t be downplayed either).
    Exactly. Nobody in their right mind wants a nuclear war but, as you say, it would be foolish to downplay the risk because we've never been in a situation like this and Russia is actually much weaker than anyone thought. If NATO decides to join the war, as some are famously suggesting, Russia only has one way of avoiding defeat.

    In any case, I take note that you have also avoided a direct, honest answer to my question. I believe you have children so it's not difficult to guess what the answer is. The problem is that my question has two parts so an honest answer to the first part makes the second one very tricky. I understand.

    Replies: @LatW

    I still kept ignoring every voting request I received by mail, until now.

    Yes, I agree that now is more important than at other times, but, wait, are you saying I should care? As if, you’re the only voter who matters?

    The US backs out, they should lose the bennies.

    In any case, I take note that you have also avoided a direct, honest answer to my question. I believe you have children so it’s not difficult to guess what the answer is. The problem is that my question has two parts so an honest answer to the first part makes the second one very tricky. I understand.

    I’ll give this question some thought when I have time. I’m not sure the comparison is good. If there was something large coming from the Western / Atlantic side, that was threatening Spain – (the way a combined Muscovy – China – North Korea – Iran) is threatening the EU, for example, I would probably find it rather concerning.

    Btw, I have stated over and over that Italy should’ve been helped, instead of dumping all of responsibility of African migrants on Italy alone. And not by sharing some mystical “quotas” but with armed push backs.

  820. @LatW

    Have been raided by a bear before, and it can carry away 40 pound bags
    Not surprising that they can pull such weight, although most of the first hand stories I've heard have been mostly of them just scavenging on campers' leftovers, or sometimes eating a bowl of spaghetti.

    but a whale would be so much worse
    They are so graceful and beautiful, and yet so scary, it must feel terrifying being close to them, I've always wondered why some of those crazy folks who swim up to them in canoes are not scared, aren't they afraid of capsizing or being smacked with the tail?

    Replies: @songbird

    IMO, the really crazy people are those ones that dive with sharks or leopard seals.


    gotta say, I would have eaten a freaking penguin at that point just to make the seal happy.

    Old Tom should be on Australian currency, IMO.

    • Replies: @songbird

    BTW, I find it pretty amazing that they found that thumb drive in frozen leopard seal spore, and they plugged it in and it worked and they could see the pics and videos on it.

    I think it is a validation of the idea of building a probe that a whale could swallow.

  821. A123 says: • Website

    the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment
    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I actually have some good news for you two. It had gone under my radar but there are also elections to the world famous Basque Parliament this month and yesterday I received the ballots by mail. So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    As I said above, the decision is not taken though. There are a number of reasons why I may decide to abstain:

    1- I was reading the voting instructions yesterday and they are a bit demotivating. It's not just posting an envelope by mail, as I had assumed, but also downloading and printing out some documents to be put carefully in two envelopes. This may sound frivolous but well, we're just talking about a single vote. While it's nice to be asked by the politicians what our opinions are, a vote never amounted to much and in these times of devalued democracy on both sides of the Atlantic it even amounts to less.

    2- It's not easy to break a habit. Given the lack of appealing alternatives and general lack of interest in that aging, decaying continent, I have spent decades abstaining from voting in any European election. I have even sometimes actually held this as a badge of honor when talking to certain people. But I guess Macron, Tusk and the nitwit Kallas are right and we live exceptional times for the European continent. This may be the time for everybody to rise to the occasion (just not necessarily in the way they suggest).

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I'm not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I'm concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    But you may try to give a civilized answer to the very simple question that he refused to address. For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don't want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow:

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @LatW, @A123, @LatW, @Matra

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    I too would like civilized discussion. Sadly, that is something that followers of IslamoGloboHomo cannot cope with.

    Your optimism about ShillD is a good case study. He knows that he cannot win on the facts. Therefore, he deliberately goes for low-IQ yahoo trolling that inevitably undermines the position of his pay masters. The only plausible response to his inchoate gibberish is derision & laughter.

    Ukie/Pali extremists suffer obvious intellectual fails when they try to to set an artificial “start dates” to frame their emotional declarations. They do not rationally process years, decades, or centuries of prior misconduct by their side that escalated the conflict.

    A good example of this lack of intellectual scope is Kiev’s construction of the Collective Punishment Dam in 2014-15. This immoral act wiped out the livelihoods of Crimean farmers. Kiev could have offered to buy up the water rights, but they did not. Instead Ukies simply stole the water. Then they wave pieces of paper, claiming that their immoral infliction of Collective Punishment is somehow “legal”.

    Is there any wonder why concepts like “International Law” are being discredited as nonfunctional? Rational Judeo-Christian behaviour is choosing indisputable morality over theoretical legality. Sadly, this simple truth is beyond SJW Globalist Sheeple who ignore history to back futile Pali/Ukie aggression.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @LatW

    Rational Judeo-Christian behaviour is choosing indisputable morality over theoretical legality.
    The Christian way is to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully attacked, such as the Ukrainians. And definitely not supporting the forced starvation of children. You are clearly unable to comprehend this.

    As to the "punishment dam", how did Americans treat the Japanese back in the day? You're the one to lecture.

    Replies: @A123

  822. If NATO decides to join the war, as some are famously suggesting, Russia only has one way of avoiding defeat.

    That is a still a big “if” – you are just guessing here (how informed are you even on these matters – doubtfully more than the rest of the posters here). And, yes, I agree that NATO should avoid a direct confrontation to the very end – the war should end in Ukraine and Ukraine should be helped to the very maximum. If the confrontation is unavoidable, it should be short (and outside of NATO territory).

  823. @A123

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I’m not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I’m concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.
    I too would like civilized discussion. Sadly, that is something that followers of IslamoGloboHomo cannot cope with.

    Your optimism about ShillD is a good case study. He knows that he cannot win on the facts. Therefore, he deliberately goes for low-IQ yahoo trolling that inevitably undermines the position of his pay masters. The only plausible response to his inchoate gibberish is derision & laughter.

    Ukie/Pali extremists suffer obvious intellectual fails when they try to to set an artificial "start dates" to frame their emotional declarations. They do not rationally process years, decades, or centuries of prior misconduct by their side that escalated the conflict.

    A good example of this lack of intellectual scope is Kiev's construction of the Collective Punishment Dam in 2014-15. This immoral act wiped out the livelihoods of Crimean farmers. Kiev could have offered to buy up the water rights, but they did not. Instead Ukies simply stole the water. Then they wave pieces of paper, claiming that their immoral infliction of Collective Punishment is somehow "legal".

    Is there any wonder why concepts like "International Law" are being discredited as nonfunctional? Rational Judeo-Christian behaviour is choosing indisputable morality over theoretical legality. Sadly, this simple truth is beyond SJW Globalist Sheeple who ignore history to back futile Pali/Ukie aggression.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @LatW

    Rational Judeo-Christian behaviour is choosing indisputable morality over theoretical legality.

    The Christian way is to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully attacked, such as the Ukrainians. And definitely not supporting the forced starvation of children. You are clearly unable to comprehend this.

    As to the “punishment dam”, how did Americans treat the Japanese back in the day? You’re the one to lecture.

    • Replies: @A123

    The Christian way is to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully abused, such as Crimeans. And, definitely not supporting Hamas's starvation of children and using them as human shields.

    Why do you hate Christian values and stubbornly refuse to comprehend such simple truths? I genuinely do not understand your emotional commitment to IslamoGloboHomo instead of God.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @LatW

  824. @Mr. XYZ

    Chernenko – Russian of Ukrainian descent. He and his father were born in Russia but his Ukrainian grandfather moved from Ukraine to Russia.
    Would you say that Zelensky is Ukrainian of Jewish descent?

    Replies: @AP

    Zelensky is a Ukrainian citizen but not an ethnic Ukrainian. Which makes him a Ukrainian.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    But did the Russian SFSR have its own citizenship back in Soviet days? Because Chernenko did not live to see the collapse of the USSR. Of course, he was born in Tsarist Russia and thus was a Russian by citizenship at the time of his birth, but then again, so was any other (half-)ethnic Ukrainian born in the Russian Empire.

    Would you call an ethnic Pole from Posen Province in 1910 a German due to their German citizenship? As well as calling your own Galician ancestors Austrians and Poles due to their citizenships? Would you call Muslim Algerians French in the 1947-1962 time period due to their (second-class) French citizenship?

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, AP, this is off-topic, but I'm somewhat surprised that you would have presumably supported the 1924 Immigration Act to the US even though it would have overwhelmingly kept additional members of your own people (ethnic Ukrainians) out of the US as well. I understand that you perceive that there was a need to prevent the US from accepting too many southern Italians with their corruption and mafia problems, but this immigration act also prevented the US from accepting even the individuals among various Southern and Eastern European ethnic groups who displayed great promise and potential (such as a lot of Galicians or Ashkenazi Jews or northern Italians or Poles). That should strike you as being unfair, shouldn't it? I merely, surely you don't think that members of your own ethnic group make for worse Americans (possibly not even on average, and certainly not by that much) than Germanics and British Isles peoples, do you?

    Replies: @AP

  825. A123 says: • Website

    Rational Judeo-Christian behaviour is choosing indisputable morality over theoretical legality.
    The Christian way is to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully attacked, such as the Ukrainians. And definitely not supporting the forced starvation of children. You are clearly unable to comprehend this.

    As to the "punishment dam", how did Americans treat the Japanese back in the day? You're the one to lecture.

    Replies: @A123

    The Christian way is to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully abused, such as Crimeans. And, definitely not supporting Hamas’s starvation of children and using them as human shields.

    Why do you hate Christian values and stubbornly refuse to comprehend such simple truths? I genuinely do not understand your emotional commitment to IslamoGloboHomo instead of God.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @LatW

    to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully abused, such as Crimeans
    Actually, not at all. Crimea was annexed so it is technically on the side of invaders, those who violated another state's borders. Right after the annexation, whole Muscovy was triumphant, jumping up and down, hooting and hollering in an imperialistic craze - "Krym nash!" ("Crimea is ours!"). So, no, they are not the "weak". Maybe some of the peaceful inhabitants of Donbas who got hit may be qualified as "weak" (those who did not scream "Putin, bring in the troops!"), but not Crimeans.

    And, definitely not supporting Hamas’s starvation of children and using them as human shields.
    The Hamas leaders are, of course, callous d*ckheads who may not even be ideological but only care about money, but we all know that's just one part of the picture - I'm not going to fight over this (even though we can demand some consistency), the world has access to the internet.

    And what is the US going to do if Israel doesn't follow through with Biden's ultimatum? Anyway, it might all be moot if Iran decides to hit back.

  826. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Zelensky is a Ukrainian citizen but not an ethnic Ukrainian. Which makes him a Ukrainian.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    But did the Russian SFSR have its own citizenship back in Soviet days? Because Chernenko did not live to see the collapse of the USSR. Of course, he was born in Tsarist Russia and thus was a Russian by citizenship at the time of his birth, but then again, so was any other (half-)ethnic Ukrainian born in the Russian Empire.

    Would you call an ethnic Pole from Posen Province in 1910 a German due to their German citizenship? As well as calling your own Galician ancestors Austrians and Poles due to their citizenships? Would you call Muslim Algerians French in the 1947-1962 time period due to their (second-class) French citizenship?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Common sense seems to indicate someone who is half Russian and speaks Russian from childhood as his main language would be a Russian.

    Would you call an ethnic Pole from Posen Province in 1910 a German due to their German citizenship?
    He would be an ethnic Pole, not an ethnic German, but also a German citizen. So both a Pole and a German.

    As well as calling your own Galician ancestors Austrians and Poles due to their citizenships?
    That's how such people were recorded as they came to the USA. During World War I a lot of Ukrainians in Canada were interred in camps as Austrians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  827. @Mr. XYZ

    Czechia also had one of the world's lowest fertility rates around 2000 and yet its TFR has significantly rebounded since then. Would it really be that difficult for Ukraine to do the same thing, at least if too many of its young men would not have gotten killed and if it will also experience a sizable and long-lasting economic boom?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  828. @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    I'm going to let you guess what I meant.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Interestingly enough, the Philippines had a validated supercentenarian, and a male one at that (only 10% or less of all verified supercentenarians are male), due to its excellent record-keeping over the centuries due to the very long presence of the Roman Catholic Church over there:

    He also traveled to the US more than once in his youth, which made it even easier to verify him due to it being possible to use his travel records (which gave his full date of birth) as evidence in his case.

  829. @A123

    The Christian way is to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully abused, such as Crimeans. And, definitely not supporting Hamas's starvation of children and using them as human shields.

    Why do you hate Christian values and stubbornly refuse to comprehend such simple truths? I genuinely do not understand your emotional commitment to IslamoGloboHomo instead of God.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @LatW

    to stand up for the weak and defend those who have been wrongfully abused, such as Crimeans

    Actually, not at all. Crimea was annexed so it is technically on the side of invaders, those who violated another state’s borders. Right after the annexation, whole Muscovy was triumphant, jumping up and down, hooting and hollering in an imperialistic craze – “Krym nash!” (“Crimea is ours!”). So, no, they are not the “weak”. Maybe some of the peaceful inhabitants of Donbas who got hit may be qualified as “weak” (those who did not scream “Putin, bring in the troops!”), but not Crimeans.

    And, definitely not supporting Hamas’s starvation of children and using them as human shields.

    The Hamas leaders are, of course, callous d*ckheads who may not even be ideological but only care about money, but we all know that’s just one part of the picture – I’m not going to fight over this (even though we can demand some consistency), the world has access to the internet.

    And what is the US going to do if Israel doesn’t follow through with Biden’s ultimatum? Anyway, it might all be moot if Iran decides to hit back.

  830. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Zelensky is a Ukrainian citizen but not an ethnic Ukrainian. Which makes him a Ukrainian.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, AP, this is off-topic, but I’m somewhat surprised that you would have presumably supported the 1924 Immigration Act to the US even though it would have overwhelmingly kept additional members of your own people (ethnic Ukrainians) out of the US as well. I understand that you perceive that there was a need to prevent the US from accepting too many southern Italians with their corruption and mafia problems, but this immigration act also prevented the US from accepting even the individuals among various Southern and Eastern European ethnic groups who displayed great promise and potential (such as a lot of Galicians or Ashkenazi Jews or northern Italians or Poles). That should strike you as being unfair, shouldn’t it? I merely, surely you don’t think that members of your own ethnic group make for worse Americans (possibly not even on average, and certainly not by that much) than Germanics and British Isles peoples, do you?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Americans would have been right to prevent such a flood of Ukrainians (or anyone else) that it would have significantly altered American society. A large number of Brits would have done much less of that, than would have a large number of Ukrainians, Italians, etc.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  831. @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, AP, this is off-topic, but I'm somewhat surprised that you would have presumably supported the 1924 Immigration Act to the US even though it would have overwhelmingly kept additional members of your own people (ethnic Ukrainians) out of the US as well. I understand that you perceive that there was a need to prevent the US from accepting too many southern Italians with their corruption and mafia problems, but this immigration act also prevented the US from accepting even the individuals among various Southern and Eastern European ethnic groups who displayed great promise and potential (such as a lot of Galicians or Ashkenazi Jews or northern Italians or Poles). That should strike you as being unfair, shouldn't it? I merely, surely you don't think that members of your own ethnic group make for worse Americans (possibly not even on average, and certainly not by that much) than Germanics and British Isles peoples, do you?

    Replies: @AP

    Americans would have been right to prevent such a flood of Ukrainians (or anyone else) that it would have significantly altered American society. A large number of Brits would have done much less of that, than would have a large number of Ukrainians, Italians, etc.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    You don't believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans? I mean, the EU has absorbed a huge number of Eastern Europeans and will likely absorb many more (Ukraine and the Balkans) in the future, and yet the EU's institutions weren't that altered for the worse by this, were they? The impression that I get is that the EU is still able to function relatively well, albeit with its unanimity rule for various votes posing significant obstacles.

    Mizrahi Jews and later ex-USSR Jews and people of partial Jewish descent (Israel allows entry for people with up to one single Jewish grandparent) significantly changed Israel's demographics, yet it's unclear that Israel became worse off as a result of this, especially as a result of the latter influx. (Yes, religious Jews will complain that too many non-halakhically Jewish people moved to Israel. They should get over it. Such people can either live as quasi-Jews in Israel or have themselves and their descendants be completely lost to assimilation in the Diaspora. Choose one.)

    I will admit that California is somewhat worse off as a result of mass immigration, but it's still a decent place to live in if one doesn't mind high housing prices and a lot of California's problems are more due to stupid liberal policies (such as being excessively soft on crime) than due to the immigrants themselves. California whites are also relatively liberal:

    And California college-educated whites are especially liberal:

    So, Yeah, it's not a pure immigrant problem.

    I don't know: I just think that a US that would have continued its open borders policy for Europeans (and Christian Middle Easterners) after 1920 would have ended up looking a lot like the EU, but with many, many more Ashkenazi Jews: As in, a large Germanic core (which was even more true for the EU before Brexit) and also very large other non-Germanic European populations and Ashkenazi Jews living alongside the Germanics.

    Couldn't your logic have likewise been used to deny EU entry to Eastern Europe (and the Balkans) for fear that they would worsen and degrade the quality of EU institutions?

    Replies: @AP

  832. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    But did the Russian SFSR have its own citizenship back in Soviet days? Because Chernenko did not live to see the collapse of the USSR. Of course, he was born in Tsarist Russia and thus was a Russian by citizenship at the time of his birth, but then again, so was any other (half-)ethnic Ukrainian born in the Russian Empire.

    Would you call an ethnic Pole from Posen Province in 1910 a German due to their German citizenship? As well as calling your own Galician ancestors Austrians and Poles due to their citizenships? Would you call Muslim Algerians French in the 1947-1962 time period due to their (second-class) French citizenship?

    Replies: @AP

    Common sense seems to indicate someone who is half Russian and speaks Russian from childhood as his main language would be a Russian.

    Would you call an ethnic Pole from Posen Province in 1910 a German due to their German citizenship?

    He would be an ethnic Pole, not an ethnic German, but also a German citizen. So both a Pole and a German.

    As well as calling your own Galician ancestors Austrians and Poles due to their citizenships?

    That’s how such people were recorded as they came to the USA. During World War I a lot of Ukrainians in Canada were interred in camps as Austrians.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Common sense seems to indicate someone who is half Russian and speaks Russian from childhood as his main language would be a Russian.


    Well, my maternal grandmother and her younger sister were born in what is now Russia (Roslavl Oblast), were at least half-Belarusian, and spoke Russian from their childhood as their main language, with both of them never learning Belarusian to my knowledge, and yet they were still flexible in their identity, being willing to identify as both Russian and Belarusian depending on the occasion. They identified as Russian on their documentation but were also willing to identify as Belarusian socially.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  833. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Common sense seems to indicate someone who is half Russian and speaks Russian from childhood as his main language would be a Russian.

    Would you call an ethnic Pole from Posen Province in 1910 a German due to their German citizenship?
    He would be an ethnic Pole, not an ethnic German, but also a German citizen. So both a Pole and a German.

    As well as calling your own Galician ancestors Austrians and Poles due to their citizenships?
    That's how such people were recorded as they came to the USA. During World War I a lot of Ukrainians in Canada were interred in camps as Austrians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Common sense seems to indicate someone who is half Russian and speaks Russian from childhood as his main language would be a Russian.

    Well, my maternal grandmother and her younger sister were born in what is now Russia (Roslavl Oblast), were at least half-Belarusian, and spoke Russian from their childhood as their main language, with both of them never learning Belarusian to my knowledge, and yet they were still flexible in their identity, being willing to identify as both Russian and Belarusian depending on the occasion. They identified as Russian on their documentation but were also willing to identify as Belarusian socially.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

    I'm sorry; I meant Roslavl in Smolensk Oblast.

  834. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Americans would have been right to prevent such a flood of Ukrainians (or anyone else) that it would have significantly altered American society. A large number of Brits would have done much less of that, than would have a large number of Ukrainians, Italians, etc.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    You don’t believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans? I mean, the EU has absorbed a huge number of Eastern Europeans and will likely absorb many more (Ukraine and the Balkans) in the future, and yet the EU’s institutions weren’t that altered for the worse by this, were they? The impression that I get is that the EU is still able to function relatively well, albeit with its unanimity rule for various votes posing significant obstacles.

    Mizrahi Jews and later ex-USSR Jews and people of partial Jewish descent (Israel allows entry for people with up to one single Jewish grandparent) significantly changed Israel’s demographics, yet it’s unclear that Israel became worse off as a result of this, especially as a result of the latter influx. (Yes, religious Jews will complain that too many non-halakhically Jewish people moved to Israel. They should get over it. Such people can either live as quasi-Jews in Israel or have themselves and their descendants be completely lost to assimilation in the Diaspora. Choose one.)

    I will admit that California is somewhat worse off as a result of mass immigration, but it’s still a decent place to live in if one doesn’t mind high housing prices and a lot of California’s problems are more due to stupid liberal policies (such as being excessively soft on crime) than due to the immigrants themselves. California whites are also relatively liberal:

    And California college-educated whites are especially liberal:

    So, Yeah, it’s not a pure immigrant problem.

    I don’t know: I just think that a US that would have continued its open borders policy for Europeans (and Christian Middle Easterners) after 1920 would have ended up looking a lot like the EU, but with many, many more Ashkenazi Jews: As in, a large Germanic core (which was even more true for the EU before Brexit) and also very large other non-Germanic European populations and Ashkenazi Jews living alongside the Germanics.

    Couldn’t your logic have likewise been used to deny EU entry to Eastern Europe (and the Balkans) for fear that they would worsen and degrade the quality of EU institutions?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    You don’t believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans?
    I do, but for it to work there could not be a flood of them such that they assimilate the natives.

    The 1920 immigration pause in the USA was good in that it allowed for the Italian and other immigrants to assimilate to the Anglo environment they came to, thus preserving it rather than destroying it.

    This needs to be repeated. After a 25 year pause, the immigrants will become regular Americans just like the Italians and others before them.

    Unfortunately, both American political parties are failing to stop it. The MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. Outnumbered because the Democrats control both Senate and the Presidency, they turned down a compromise deal (what deal other than a compromise would be possible, given that they only control 1 of the 3 relevant entities deciding this?) that would have prevented 100,000s of coming over, instead cynically choosing to leave the border wide open in the hope that an escalation of the problem will improve their chances of getting the presidency.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ

  835. @Mr. XYZ

    Common sense seems to indicate someone who is half Russian and speaks Russian from childhood as his main language would be a Russian.


    Well, my maternal grandmother and her younger sister were born in what is now Russia (Roslavl Oblast), were at least half-Belarusian, and spoke Russian from their childhood as their main language, with both of them never learning Belarusian to my knowledge, and yet they were still flexible in their identity, being willing to identify as both Russian and Belarusian depending on the occasion. They identified as Russian on their documentation but were also willing to identify as Belarusian socially.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I’m sorry; I meant Roslavl in Smolensk Oblast.

  836. @Mikel

    the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment
    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I actually have some good news for you two. It had gone under my radar but there are also elections to the world famous Basque Parliament this month and yesterday I received the ballots by mail. So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    As I said above, the decision is not taken though. There are a number of reasons why I may decide to abstain:

    1- I was reading the voting instructions yesterday and they are a bit demotivating. It's not just posting an envelope by mail, as I had assumed, but also downloading and printing out some documents to be put carefully in two envelopes. This may sound frivolous but well, we're just talking about a single vote. While it's nice to be asked by the politicians what our opinions are, a vote never amounted to much and in these times of devalued democracy on both sides of the Atlantic it even amounts to less.

    2- It's not easy to break a habit. Given the lack of appealing alternatives and general lack of interest in that aging, decaying continent, I have spent decades abstaining from voting in any European election. I have even sometimes actually held this as a badge of honor when talking to certain people. But I guess Macron, Tusk and the nitwit Kallas are right and we live exceptional times for the European continent. This may be the time for everybody to rise to the occasion (just not necessarily in the way they suggest).

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I'm not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I'm concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    But you may try to give a civilized answer to the very simple question that he refused to address. For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don't want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow:

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @LatW, @A123, @LatW, @Matra


    For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow

    For now, let me just say this, Mikel, since you brought up the Basques. And, please, forgive me if I sound too blunt. One of the first things that put me off about you was when you mentioned something negative about the Basque freedom fighters – don’t remember the exact thing you wrote, but it sounded like something along the lines of “they shouldn’t have chosen violent means” or some kind of a disparaging comment about them being “radicals”. I remember that that sent the first negative signal in my mind and I found it rather offensive and regrettable, unacceptable to my morality. Looking back at it, I understand now that you know more about this and me being just an idealistic female who has no direct experience with this (except the barricades in 1991 and the demos at a young age). But I raised myself to revere such people. That you didn’t give respect to these Basque independence fighters who have been through so much really put me off (btw, their suppression continues still to this day). From then on, I couldn’t trust anything you said. I admit that this is partly irrational, and it is nothing personal, of course, but it really put me off.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    In its best years ETA was a collection of misguided patriots led by pseudo-intellectuals with an indigestion of Marxistoid ideology. These freedom fighters did want to build an independent Basque Country but they were planning to give us the "freedoms" of the Cubans and the Soviets. I had my own issues with the moderate nationalists but I'm very happy that my countrymen always gave them a majority and correctly assessed that it was actually better to remain under the rule of Madrid and Paris than to be ruled by these radical thugs. At least that gave us the chance of negotiating an autonomous regime more generous than any other in Europe. Even the Catalans, who like opening embassies everywhere, still lament not having achieved the fiscal independence that Euskadi/Navarre negotiated with Madrid in the late 70s.

    But, as I said, those were the "best" years for ETA. Once communism collapsed in EE, the cadres started abandoning the ship and things actually got worse. ETA transitioned to a group of bullies and village idiots led by the most radical elements who didn't have the brains to adapt to the new times. There had always been innocent victims in ETA's attacks but they became almost the norm when they started targeting journalists, politicians, civil servants and anyone deemed to be "anti-Basque". On the one hand, they were a group of brutalized people living in their own closed circles where criticism was not allowed. On the other hand, they were too dumb to understand that if you set up a bomb to explode very early in the morning, a cleaning lady is likely to be in the office and you're going to kill or cripple her for life.

    Popular support for these freaks kept diminishing all the time but, ironically, it was Islamist terrorism what eventually caused their demise. They finally realized that the only ones massacring people in Western Europe were the Islamists and themselves. Their IRA big brothers had abandoned violence and were actually trying to convince them to follow suit. Islamism forced them to look at themselves in the mirror and apparently they didn't like what they saw.

    So you're free to find my disparaging this scum offensive to your sensibility but I'm going to keep doing it without any hesitation.

    In any case, what matters here is not the specifics of the Basque case but the question that I asked you, which can be easily modified to present any other political issue in any other part of Europe. You don't have to answer it but it's an important question for people in your countries. Apart from the logical indignation at Russia's invasion at the beginning, I believe that the only reason why most people are not asking themselves this type of question is because they are zombified and willing to accept anything that the MSM/big tech throws down their throats, as we see with the rainbow craziness. But wait until the body bags start coming home or a major escalation makes them wake up. They're not going to ask themselves this question in the rational terms I've tried to phrase it.

    In fact, that is already happening in the US. I see people who never cared about Ukraine, like I did when it was Kiev doing the majority of the killings of innocent people, and thus have little knowledge of the history of this conflict, adopting a surprising anti-Ukraine rhetoric that I have no idea where it comes from. This includes people close to Trump, like his son for example, and Republicans that were not even MAGA in 2016.

    I grew up watching this type of acts of heroism every month if not every week

  837. @songbird

    IMO, the really crazy people are those ones that dive with sharks or leopard seals.

    gotta say, I would have eaten a freaking penguin at that point just to make the seal happy.


    Old Tom should be on Australian currency, IMO.

    Replies: @songbird

    BTW, I find it pretty amazing that they found that thumb drive in frozen leopard seal spore, and they plugged it in and it worked and they could see the pics and videos on it.

    I think it is a validation of the idea of building a probe that a whale could swallow.

  838. @Mikel

    the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment
    Glad to see you join the discussion. Always nice to see my Baltic admirers pay attention to me.

    I actually have some good news for you two. It had gone under my radar but there are also elections to the world famous Basque Parliament this month and yesterday I received the ballots by mail. So in a couple of months I may have the opportunity of casting not one but two anti-NATO votes in the old country.

    As I said above, the decision is not taken though. There are a number of reasons why I may decide to abstain:

    1- I was reading the voting instructions yesterday and they are a bit demotivating. It's not just posting an envelope by mail, as I had assumed, but also downloading and printing out some documents to be put carefully in two envelopes. This may sound frivolous but well, we're just talking about a single vote. While it's nice to be asked by the politicians what our opinions are, a vote never amounted to much and in these times of devalued democracy on both sides of the Atlantic it even amounts to less.

    2- It's not easy to break a habit. Given the lack of appealing alternatives and general lack of interest in that aging, decaying continent, I have spent decades abstaining from voting in any European election. I have even sometimes actually held this as a badge of honor when talking to certain people. But I guess Macron, Tusk and the nitwit Kallas are right and we live exceptional times for the European continent. This may be the time for everybody to rise to the occasion (just not necessarily in the way they suggest).

    3- Believe it or not, I honestly wanted SD to give me some reasoning that could change my mind (and perhaps change the minds of any European readers that may still taking a peek at this blog). I'm not going to pretend that I was willing to vote for some warmongering party but as far as I'm concerned, a civilized discussion on any topic is always worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, his gratuitously aggressive replies, full of inconsistencies as already discussed, have only reinforced my belief that if I vote, it will be for whatever candidate is more likely to get elected with a clear anti-NATO position.

    But you may try to give a civilized answer to the very simple question that he refused to address. For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don't want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow:

    Would you be willing to risk the death of your children in a nuclear war fought over the right of the Basque Country to self-determination? If you wouldn’t, why do you think that it is reasonable for ex-USSR countries to demand that Westerners risk their children’s deaths in a nuclear war fought in support of their fight against the Russians?

    Replies: @LatW, @A123, @LatW, @Matra

    You are lucky you have the option of voting for an anti-NATO party as I have the vote in two countries and all of the parties fully embrace our servitude to the transgender multiculti American Empire. I’ve been anti-NATO since 1995 when it first bombed the Serbs allowing for the ethnic cleansing of Krajina and empowering the Bosnian Muslims. Prior to that – about 1992 – I sensed that the hyper-liberal USA would set out to eradicate European civilisation through mass immigration using political correctness (now called woke) and other forms of psychological warfare and that in order to save Europe the Americans had to be expelled. Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.

    • Replies: @AP

    Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.
    Rightwingers in Finland and Scandinavia also support NATO (more strongly than does the Left in those places). As do the millions of Eastern Europeans in the diaspora who of course were never Sovietized. And is Meloni a leftist?

    Hatred of NATO in the West seems to be a horseshoe phenomenon of the far Left and far Right, the place for marginalized losers and shady characters like the sex offender Scott Ritter.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Mikel

    You were aware of the problem much earlier than me then. The bombing campaign in Serbia looked very unseemly indeed, even though I followed it through CNN (so highly sanitized I guess), but I was still willing to believe that our leaders had good intentions in mind. And, to be honest, after 9/11 I didn't mind too much the Americans exacting their revenge on those distant lands full of bearded savages. Only Iraq looked like a bridge too far with the WMD comedy and the clear disregard for international law. But I only became fully aware of how moronic our foreign policy establishments are after Libya and Donbas. I'm still trying to reevaluate things and figure out how much they need to change before these idiots lead us to the precipice.

    The anti-NATO options I have would never be my first choice under normal circumstances. They're actually on opposite sides of the political spectrum but yes, I feel lucky that at least I have the option of voting for people with real chances of holding office and raising an anti-Atlanticist voice in Europe, no matter how small.

  839. @A123

    “Russia’s unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine” as spun by Western mass media and body politic is quite rich, given their prose regarding what Israel has done.
    Given their lack of morality, why are you surprised?

    The Fake Stream Media serves IslamoGloboHomo. Pali/Ukie hatred of Judeo-Christian values is natural match to Islamophile SJW Globalist media. This is what they encourage...


    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Gerard1234


    A few decades before, many of the western leftists were anti-nuclear weapons, wanting nuclear disarmament.
    Now, these same people became high profile scum politicians who are either indifferent or not in anyway anti-nuclear weapons, are rabidly pro-NATO, pro nuclear deterrence (particularly if aimed at Russia) and are just subhumans in general.
    There is no modern western generation of so called “leftist” anti nuclear weapons campaigners

    For whatever reason, with the Palestine issue, those same historical “leftists” have not “grown out” of that topic since they were students , and are as rabidly pro-Palestine /antigIsrael now, as they were 30/40/50 years before.
    Different to the nuclear weapons topic – there is what appears a big number of modern generation western “leftists” who are fanatically pro-Palestine.

    If you are a Muslim or know and lived in that part of the world- that’s fine, a true leftist?OK. To me though,it looks like 99.9% of these younger generation leftists are bydlo-cultist, intellectually-vacuous, narcissistic trash. They know as much about Palestine, the culture etc, as they do about Ukraine/Russia (I.e zero) – but they support one issue and not the other. This is criminal. Even more so because of the leftist /socialist sympathies that Donbass, as coal and Soviet region should attract.

    This explains the “queers for Palestine” freakshow.

    Same thing with fake right “nationalists”. Zero is more sovereign or national than national defence – but these “nationalist” whores are most eager to sacrifice sovereign national defence, to a third-party country….. for the “defence” of another, irrelevant, chaotic disaster country!

    And to further confirm how fake these fake leftist picks are, if there is “genocide” in Palestine…. why are they not allowing them to run to the EU like they did with ukronazis? Germany allowed nearly 2 million ukrop and over 1 million Syrians but nothing like that offered to Gazans, where if they did allow, you would guess 100000 at least of the 2M of them would very eagerly love chance to move there. That would reduce chance of “genocide”…. but nothing done. It just shows behind a these superficial “humanitarian” statements and gestures… there is some cynical, even sinister political motive.

    • Thanks: A123
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you been to any large political demonstrations lately?

    The next time I go to one I will have uncharacteristic large hat, big sunglasses, big fake beard and cross my fingers nobody recognizes me.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  840. Well this is interesting

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @John Johnson

    The recent 60 minutes expose about the Havana syndrome includes a seg ment showing how Russian GRU agent Vitali Kovalev was arrested after a long car chase in Florida several years back. How embarrassing for the whole operation.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The picture of security people in the crowd reminds me of the Boston marathon operation.

    Whatever actually happened at Crocus, it makes sense that the Russians would have some higher level security people at the venue since they had been warned. I have no idea what the charter of these security forces includes. We also have no idea what happened during the event which has not been publicly disclosed.

    Large governments including the USA and Russia have clearly reserved the rights: 1) to withhold any and in some cases all facts, 2) lie and fabricate information as they see fit, 3) create a public narrative which mixes facts and lies in whatever combination they desire. It would be very surprising if any government gave a complete and accurate account of what goes on in these terrorist attacks or mass casualty events.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Very interesting.

    I am having difficulty seeing how strife between Orthodox Slavs and Central Asian Muslims helps Putin in anyway. It’s probably the only thing that could end the RusFed.

    It’s the fatal dagger that the CIA or MI6 would seek to plunge into a place like Moscow.

    Why would Putin encourage or provoke irredentist Slav nationalism in Moscow?

    Replies: @John Johnson

  841. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    You don't believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans? I mean, the EU has absorbed a huge number of Eastern Europeans and will likely absorb many more (Ukraine and the Balkans) in the future, and yet the EU's institutions weren't that altered for the worse by this, were they? The impression that I get is that the EU is still able to function relatively well, albeit with its unanimity rule for various votes posing significant obstacles.

    Mizrahi Jews and later ex-USSR Jews and people of partial Jewish descent (Israel allows entry for people with up to one single Jewish grandparent) significantly changed Israel's demographics, yet it's unclear that Israel became worse off as a result of this, especially as a result of the latter influx. (Yes, religious Jews will complain that too many non-halakhically Jewish people moved to Israel. They should get over it. Such people can either live as quasi-Jews in Israel or have themselves and their descendants be completely lost to assimilation in the Diaspora. Choose one.)

    I will admit that California is somewhat worse off as a result of mass immigration, but it's still a decent place to live in if one doesn't mind high housing prices and a lot of California's problems are more due to stupid liberal policies (such as being excessively soft on crime) than due to the immigrants themselves. California whites are also relatively liberal:

    And California college-educated whites are especially liberal:

    So, Yeah, it's not a pure immigrant problem.

    I don't know: I just think that a US that would have continued its open borders policy for Europeans (and Christian Middle Easterners) after 1920 would have ended up looking a lot like the EU, but with many, many more Ashkenazi Jews: As in, a large Germanic core (which was even more true for the EU before Brexit) and also very large other non-Germanic European populations and Ashkenazi Jews living alongside the Germanics.

    Couldn't your logic have likewise been used to deny EU entry to Eastern Europe (and the Balkans) for fear that they would worsen and degrade the quality of EU institutions?

    Replies: @AP

    You don’t believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans?

    I do, but for it to work there could not be a flood of them such that they assimilate the natives.

    The 1920 immigration pause in the USA was good in that it allowed for the Italian and other immigrants to assimilate to the Anglo environment they came to, thus preserving it rather than destroying it.

    This needs to be repeated. After a 25 year pause, the immigrants will become regular Americans just like the Italians and others before them.

    Unfortunately, both American political parties are failing to stop it. The MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. Outnumbered because the Democrats control both Senate and the Presidency, they turned down a compromise deal (what deal other than a compromise would be possible, given that they only control 1 of the 3 relevant entities deciding this?) that would have prevented 100,000s of coming over, instead cynically choosing to leave the border wide open in the hope that an escalation of the problem will improve their chances of getting the presidency.

    • Replies: @A123

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation.

    MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. ... they turned down a compromise deal
    It was not a compromise. The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators. It would have:

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.

    • SABOTAGED the definition of "emergency". This was an effort to in prevent Trump's 2nd term from reintroducing the medical Remain in Mexico restrictions under Title 42.

    MAGA intelligently refused the cynical anti-American establishment ploy. If the DNC offers a real compromise, perhaps there could be progress. However, the prior disingenuous legislation indicates that the SJW Globalists are not serious.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Did an immigration pause do wonders for African-Americans, other than making it significantly easier for them to find work outside of the Southern US since they no longer had to compete with newly arrived European immigrant labor for Northern and Western industrial jobs? It strikes me that African-Americans were still significantly lagging behind white Americans even by the late 1960s, when the US gradually began reopening its doors to mass immigration. And the things on which they have worsened since the late 1960s, such as illegitimacy and possibly crime, have little to do with immigration, no?

    BTW, are Canada, Australia, and New Zealand incapable of assimilating their own mostly cognitively elitist extraordinarily massive immigrant floods? Do they need to reduce their own immigration flows to a trickle as well, in your own, honest opinion?

    Similarly, would you say that the EU needs some additional time to properly digest the 2004-2013 EU member countries before it can accept Ukraine and the Balkan countries as members?

    I do agree that the US Senate immigration compromise deal should have been passed, for Ukraine's sake. But I also think that significantly reducing US immigration flows is going to be difficult, at least relative to 2010s levels, because Americans nowadays are much more pro-immigration than they were 30+ years ago:

    Nowadays (June 2023), slightly over a quarter of Americans want immigration increased and another 31% want to keep immigration levels at their present level. This is in the middle of Joe Biden's border rush, mind you. 26% + 31% = 57%, a majority of the American people opposing decreased immigration levels. In contrast, while there was no opinion polling available back then, given the extremely overwhelming margins in the US Congress in favor of immigration restriction along bipartisan lines in the 1920s, I suspect that the overwhelming majority of 1920s Americans wanted reduced immigration, especially from outside both the British Isles and the Germanic countries.

    Nowadays Americans mostly don't view immigration as a bad thing, since even the lower-average IQ Hispanics are compensated by higher-average IQ Asians and other global cognitive elites. In contrast, in the 1920s, American gentile whites often viewed higher-average IQ Ashkenazi Jews as competitors and arguably rivals for power and influence, which is probably why they did not want to import many additional Ashkenazi Jews into the US, even those who were desperately fleeing Nazism in the 1930s. Accepting Asians into the 1920s US was, of course, unfortunately completely unacceptable due to racism and possibly fears of economic competition for white gentile Americans, especially those living on the US West coast, as well.

  842. @Gerard1234


    A few decades before, many of the western leftists were anti-nuclear weapons, wanting nuclear disarmament.
    Now, these same people became high profile scum politicians who are either indifferent or not in anyway anti-nuclear weapons, are rabidly pro-NATO, pro nuclear deterrence (particularly if aimed at Russia) and are just subhumans in general.
    There is no modern western generation of so called "leftist" anti nuclear weapons campaigners

    For whatever reason, with the Palestine issue, those same historical "leftists" have not "grown out" of that topic since they were students , and are as rabidly pro-Palestine /antigIsrael now, as they were 30/40/50 years before.
    Different to the nuclear weapons topic - there is what appears a big number of modern generation western "leftists" who are fanatically pro-Palestine.

    If you are a Muslim or know and lived in that part of the world- that's fine, a true leftist?OK. To me though,it looks like 99.9% of these younger generation leftists are bydlo-cultist, intellectually-vacuous, narcissistic trash. They know as much about Palestine, the culture etc, as they do about Ukraine/Russia (I.e zero) - but they support one issue and not the other. This is criminal. Even more so because of the leftist /socialist sympathies that Donbass, as coal and Soviet region should attract.

    This explains the "queers for Palestine" freakshow.

    Same thing with fake right "nationalists". Zero is more sovereign or national than national defence - but these "nationalist" whores are most eager to sacrifice sovereign national defence, to a third-party country..... for the "defence" of another, irrelevant, chaotic disaster country!

    And to further confirm how fake these fake leftist picks are, if there is "genocide" in Palestine.... why are they not allowing them to run to the EU like they did with ukronazis? Germany allowed nearly 2 million ukrop and over 1 million Syrians but nothing like that offered to Gazans, where if they did allow, you would guess 100000 at least of the 2M of them would very eagerly love chance to move there. That would reduce chance of "genocide".... but nothing done. It just shows behind a these superficial "humanitarian" statements and gestures... there is some cynical, even sinister political motive.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you been to any large political demonstrations lately?

    The next time I go to one I will have uncharacteristic large hat, big sunglasses, big fake beard and cross my fingers nobody recognizes me.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you been to any large political demonstrations lately?
    The next time I go to one I will have uncharacteristic large hat, big sunglasses, big fake beard and cross my fingers nobody recognizes me.
    Welcome to 1984. Whoever thought that 1984 is a dystopia was wrong. Orwell was simply prescient: he knew leftists very well.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  843. AP says:

    You are lucky you have the option of voting for an anti-NATO party as I have the vote in two countries and all of the parties fully embrace our servitude to the transgender multiculti American Empire. I've been anti-NATO since 1995 when it first bombed the Serbs allowing for the ethnic cleansing of Krajina and empowering the Bosnian Muslims. Prior to that - about 1992 - I sensed that the hyper-liberal USA would set out to eradicate European civilisation through mass immigration using political correctness (now called woke) and other forms of psychological warfare and that in order to save Europe the Americans had to be expelled. Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.

    Replies: @AP, @Mikel

    Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.

    Rightwingers in Finland and Scandinavia also support NATO (more strongly than does the Left in those places). As do the millions of Eastern Europeans in the diaspora who of course were never Sovietized. And is Meloni a leftist?

    Hatred of NATO in the West seems to be a horseshoe phenomenon of the far Left and far Right, the place for marginalized losers and shady characters like the sex offender Scott Ritter.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AnonfromTN

  844. @AP

    Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.
    Rightwingers in Finland and Scandinavia also support NATO (more strongly than does the Left in those places). As do the millions of Eastern Europeans in the diaspora who of course were never Sovietized. And is Meloni a leftist?

    Hatred of NATO in the West seems to be a horseshoe phenomenon of the far Left and far Right, the place for marginalized losers and shady characters like the sex offender Scott Ritter.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Stop making stuff up.

    Small countries like Finland and Sweden pretty much get a free ride compared to the US and UK.

    In fact smaller countries are in a better position to shift their budgets around to meet the requirements of NATO.

    No reason to maintain your own elaborate air force or navy if NATO has your back against any invasion.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.
    Will serve them right.

    Replies: @LatW

  845. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AnonfromTN

    Stop making stuff up.

    Small countries like Finland and Sweden pretty much get a free ride compared to the US and UK.

    In fact smaller countries are in a better position to shift their budgets around to meet the requirements of NATO.

    No reason to maintain your own elaborate air force or navy if NATO has your back against any invasion.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @John Johnson

    Small countries like Finland and Sweden pretty much get a free ride compared to the US and UK.

    In fact smaller countries are in a better position to shift their budgets around to meet the requirements of NATO.

    No reason to maintain your own elaborate air force or navy if NATO has your back against any invasion.

    These are small compared to the US and the UK, ofc, but they have very advanced domestic defense industries, especially Sweden. Didn't you know Sweden has its own air force (the Gripens)? Of course, pooling resources is always better and how it should be done. We'll have some Swedish troops in the Baltics now as well, since they are heavily invested there.

    Finland has good armored vehicles, the Baltics bought some (the Patria) and we're having a US company do maintenance on them (a very lucrative contract), so it's not one sided. Because hypothetically we could eventually service these contracts all just with the help of Euros alone, but we have always shared with the US. It's a matter of both accessibility of certain technology, of quality and the allied relationship, all in one. It is in the interests of the US to preserve this status quo. The US will never voluntarily give up NATO (that would disadvantage them).

  846. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    You don’t believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans?
    I do, but for it to work there could not be a flood of them such that they assimilate the natives.

    The 1920 immigration pause in the USA was good in that it allowed for the Italian and other immigrants to assimilate to the Anglo environment they came to, thus preserving it rather than destroying it.

    This needs to be repeated. After a 25 year pause, the immigrants will become regular Americans just like the Italians and others before them.

    Unfortunately, both American political parties are failing to stop it. The MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. Outnumbered because the Democrats control both Senate and the Presidency, they turned down a compromise deal (what deal other than a compromise would be possible, given that they only control 1 of the 3 relevant entities deciding this?) that would have prevented 100,000s of coming over, instead cynically choosing to leave the border wide open in the hope that an escalation of the problem will improve their chances of getting the presidency.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation.

    MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. … they turned down a compromise deal

    It was not a compromise. The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators. It would have:

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.

    • SABOTAGED the definition of “emergency”. This was an effort to in prevent Trump’s 2nd term from reintroducing the medical Remain in Mexico restrictions under Title 42.

    MAGA intelligently refused the cynical anti-American establishment ploy. If the DNC offers a real compromise, perhaps there could be progress. However, the prior disingenuous legislation indicates that the SJW Globalists are not serious.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇

    • Replies: @AP

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation
    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval. We did not elect a Despot in Biden (thank God).

    The problem is that the American people elected a Democratic Senate as well as a Republican House. So by necessity any legislative solution would have to be a compromise. Hopefully the next election would bring to power people who would made a better immigration solution.

    The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators
    We have a representative democracy. The small MAGA minority, heavily outnumbered by Democrats + those you falsely claim are RINOS (these are mostly old school Republicans who were Republicans when Trump was still a Hillary-donating Democrat) should not and do not dictate what is legislated, because they do not enjoy the support of most of the American people but only perhaps 30% of them. They are capable of gaming the system enough to stop the deal (supported by the majority of elected legislators) from going through because they have veto power over the extremely slim majority in the House. In this case, they successfully stopped the compromise immigration deal and left the border wide open with their efforts. Congratulations.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.
    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.
    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.

    Replies: @A123

  847. @John Johnson
    Well this is interesting

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Wokechoke

    The recent 60 minutes expose about the Havana syndrome includes a seg ment showing how Russian GRU agent Vitali Kovalev was arrested after a long car chase in Florida several years back. How embarrassing for the whole operation.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    These technologies have been investigated for a very long time. Some of the more recent Western efforts were probably inspired by Soviet irradiation of the US embassy prior to 1990. One point of interest is the Soviet microwave exposure safety standards were much more restrictive than Western standards. After the fall of the USSR these safety standards were relaxed. Some have claimed this change was made to allow more microwave ovens to be sold, but ubiquitous deployment of cell phones might be the real reason.

  848. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    whose ideas about compulsory military service as a civil rights violation would be straight out laughable to the classic right people in Europe like DeGaulle.
    Here Sovokism shines through again. DeGaulle died more than half a century ago and has zero influence on anybody's thinking in the West. Wake up. In 2024 the most dependable people in the West against mandatory military service are right wing libertarians. And the only ones still practicing it in Europe are Nordic euroleftards. In my personal opinion, taking away one person's life for a year and making him learn to die for a nation that he may not even identify with (as would have been my case) is just a modern form of slavery.

    internal EU free speech and debates
    Most meddling in other people's internal affairs is done through simple speech (what else can Balts do to change the way Western countries organize their societies)? I'm sure you would also consider Macron telling Lithuanians that they should disarm and become a Russian region a simple "internal EU free speech and debate" LOL

    Speaking of meddling in other countries' business, you have spent months here berating the US presidential candidates who don't show enough support for your war and not minding that the craziest open borders president the US has ever had wins his reelection. But now we are to believe that you really stand for is patrolling of the US southern border by Lithuanian troops :-)

    Replies: @sudden death

    And the only ones still practicing it in Europe are Nordic euroleftards. In my personal opinion, taking away one person’s life for a year and making him learn to die for a nation that he may not even identify with (as would have been my case) is just a modern form of slavery.

    Next you will be calling non allied Switzerland with their compulsory military service as Nordic leftards too, lol

    Also blatant case here of dragging all the old ethnic imprints and specific experiences from Spain/Basque situation all over the ocean and mentally keeping it valuably stored, despite previously having the gall to criticise even US born American citizens for ethnic attachments;)

    Regarding US situation – myself not self declared, but fake “isolationist” and constant free spech (hypocritic) lecturer like you, who still spends years berating about the matters over the ocean, but guess my any occasional two commentary cents on the obscure free spech website hardly can push the needle enough in any direction at domestic US front.

    Yet still no any quotes or referalls from you, cause always have been supporting useful/responsible rhetorics from any candidates, just not my fault that some candidates may have directional consistency of the weathercock;)

  849. A123 says: • Website

    Yet more failures in the insurrectionist attempts to interfere in U.S. elections: Georgia (1) / Florida (2)

    During an interview with Townhall columnist and legal analyst Phil Holloway, an attorney for Trump co-defendant Harrison Floyd, Christopher Kachouroff, claimed that Willis recorded a phone call between herself and one of his colleagues in Maryland.

    “Fani did reach out to one of my colleagues in Maryland” said Kachouroff. “And was rude and abrupt with him on the phone … and she ended up recording him.”

    He further noted that Maryland is a “two party state,” meaning that both parties on a phone call have to consent to being recorded.

    “So, are you saying she illegally recorded a phone call?” asked Holloway.

    “Oh yeah, it’s a felony in Maryland,” Kachouroff replied.

    The entire documents case in Florida rests on the principle that another entity supersedes the president within the executive branch. Some unknown, unnamed bureaucracy can override the president and decide for themselves what would be called a “presidential record” and what would be called “classified information.”

    Jack Smith, Norm Eisen (pictured left, red tie) and Andrew Weissmann each argue that some other entity rests atop the president and can make this decision.

    Judge Aileen Cannon has not determined which constitutional argument is correct, and has told the parties to create jury instructions both ways. The Lawfare crew of Smith, Eisen and Weissmann are going bananas.

    There is no substitute for victory.

    PEACE 😇



  850. @LatW
    @sudden death

    So it’s not consistency issue per se, euroleftism spanning over several continents remains remarkably consistent, but hypocrisy is in wearing the skin of genuine American isolationist occasionaly on some weekends when it’s convenient to do so while pushing native euroleftie agendas. Like somebody might be very consistenly adding horse meat into labeled canned beef – it might be even not dangerous or badly untasty, but still qualifies as full fledged labeling fraud;)
    You really nailed it here. What is even more hilarious about the attitude of this supposed Trumpist, is that he starts screaming when Europe finally wakes up to the gravity of the historical moment and starts doing something exactly because of Trump. The conscription is being re-introduced and defense budgets are being raised not just because of the Muscovite invasion but also because of Trump's threats to leave NATO. We are just acting to protect ourselves as Euros because Americans are acting inadequately and unpredictably (or - have their own agenda, would be my guess). This is just common sense. Next step should be the limiting of info share with the US only to the parts where there is trust (only those who are friendly towards us) and where it's absolutely necessary such as the military affairs (removing their spies from our MFAs to which we have closed our eyes out of pure amicability over the years), discreetly, of course. Preparing to fight the Trump administration (in case they are nasty). These are just discretionary measures one should take out of caution.

    As to the border guarding, the Poles and Lithuanians have done a great job, I've watched some footage where the "refugees" are really nasty towards the Polish border guards (throwing stuff at them through the fence, cussing them out). All my respect to them for standing their ground and enduring such crap so that all of us can be safer.

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we'll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves - they have a huge military budget. I've watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I'm puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected. The isolationists will claim that this is because all the money is being sent overseas, but this is not really true. I think the issue lies somewhere in the allocation and the lack of political will.

    Replies: @Mikel, @sudden death

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we’ll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves – they have a huge military budget. I’ve watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I’m puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected.

    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once, it’s not like that only huge numerical forces have to be allocated for that, it’s the very core principle of two way alliance that matters. We also don’t need thousands of US/Italy troops here all the time, just several hundreds in each are enough too. Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)

    Also always prefered not to meddle too much into technical specifics of the US border guarding/wall building situation and wanted to leave it mainly for US born citizens to duke it out, cause don’t know how much our experience situation with hundreds of kilometers in woody/swampy areas can be useful when US has thousands of kilometers in the deserts mostly:

    However pretty sure that there will plenty of instant loud squealing (e.g. from various fans of slobodans/radovans too) about eastern european meddling/interfering, instead of thanking for reducing, even if just a little bit, the number of islamic 3rd worlders reaching their own countries;)

    • Replies: @LatW
    @sudden death

    Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)
    Yep, this sounds great, I love this combo. :) We should troll the Democrats by offering help. :)

    I think the unspoken secret might be that everyone has enough troops or police, they just don't want to use it. Although Italy might have a shortage, given how many are arriving in those dingy boats. Afaik, there is nobody on Lampedusa, except for a few aid workers. We should actually have a say in this because these foreigners are entering EU territory, since sooner or later they will disperse towards the North. There has to be some kind of an assertive yet humane narrative here.

    This Euro fence is great, too, they should keep working on it.

    The political dimension is important. The US (and maybe a few others) being so lax about their border... that should not be allowed to grow into some world wide narrative that that's ok, as in, "it is what it is, you can't control these things". No. We need to put our foot down and say that this is illegal, period, and won't be accepted. Because some radicals in the US might try to export the idea that borders are fake and shouldn't exist. Kind of like they're exporting the rainbow flag.

    In the US, both in the North and in the South the original inhabitants are Indians. So it's different than for us (where we have Africans and M.Easterners arriving). Although these Mayans have never lived in the North before. Tbh, I don't have anything against these Mayans (they're active church goers and they are mostly quiet and benign). But there are now all kinds of people coming through the Southern border, soon it will be mostly non-American nationalities, I bet.

    We should also try to alleviate the situation in the M.East but sadly it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Mikel
    @sudden death

    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once
    Sure, why not? The candidate you want to win the US elections is currently preventing even the Texas National Guard from stopping illegal immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border but perhaps he will allow Lithuanian troops to do that task after the elections. Sounds like a well-thought-out plan.

    Replies: @sudden death

  851. AP says:

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation.

    MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. ... they turned down a compromise deal
    It was not a compromise. The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators. It would have:

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.

    • SABOTAGED the definition of "emergency". This was an effort to in prevent Trump's 2nd term from reintroducing the medical Remain in Mexico restrictions under Title 42.

    MAGA intelligently refused the cynical anti-American establishment ploy. If the DNC offers a real compromise, perhaps there could be progress. However, the prior disingenuous legislation indicates that the SJW Globalists are not serious.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇

    Replies: @AP

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation

    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval. We did not elect a Despot in Biden (thank God).

    The problem is that the American people elected a Democratic Senate as well as a Republican House. So by necessity any legislative solution would have to be a compromise. Hopefully the next election would bring to power people who would made a better immigration solution.

    The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators

    We have a representative democracy. The small MAGA minority, heavily outnumbered by Democrats + those you falsely claim are RINOS (these are mostly old school Republicans who were Republicans when Trump was still a Hillary-donating Democrat) should not and do not dictate what is legislated, because they do not enjoy the support of most of the American people but only perhaps 30% of them. They are capable of gaming the system enough to stop the deal (supported by the majority of elected legislators) from going through because they have veto power over the extremely slim majority in the House. In this case, they successfully stopped the compromise immigration deal and left the border wide open with their efforts. Congratulations.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.

    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.

    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.

    • Replies: @A123

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation
    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval.
    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens. And, in some cases they are closing due to bankruptcy.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.
    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?
    Here you go: (2)

    8. And if that weren't bad enough, it allows Biden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless:


    Go through everything in the thread reader link. It is reveals significant differences between the actual legislation versus the public disinformation campaign about it.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.
    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.
    Within his 1st 100 days Trump can undo a lengthy list of administrative mistakes by the Veggie-In-Chief. This will bring immediate relief, which is the exact opposite of your painfully inaccurate claim.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate. It will be easier to reach a compromise if a only small number of DNC and RINO senators are the problem during Trump's 2nd term. If necessary, they can be individually pork barreled to obtain their votes.

    Do I believe that MAGA will instantly obtain 100% of absolutely everything? Of course not. A different commenter here keeps pushing that wacky, unachievable standard.

    I realize that politics is The Art of the Achievable. Or, if you prefer an NFL analogy, it is about Field Position and Ball Control. MAGA is much larger than Trump. It took decades to dig the current hole. It will take multiple MAGA administrations to repair that damage.

    PEACE 😇



    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

  852. @Mr. Hack
    @John Johnson

    The recent 60 minutes expose about the Havana syndrome includes a seg ment showing how Russian GRU agent Vitali Kovalev was arrested after a long car chase in Florida several years back. How embarrassing for the whole operation.

    Replies: @QCIC

    These technologies have been investigated for a very long time. Some of the more recent Western efforts were probably inspired by Soviet irradiation of the US embassy prior to 1990. One point of interest is the Soviet microwave exposure safety standards were much more restrictive than Western standards. After the fall of the USSR these safety standards were relaxed. Some have claimed this change was made to allow more microwave ovens to be sold, but ubiquitous deployment of cell phones might be the real reason.

  853. “They have to destroy the village in order to save it from being governed by Russians. It’s just a very big village.”

  854. @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.

    Satellite photos of Russian airbase at Morozovsk, which was attached by Ukies with several dozens of drones, show that there is no serious damage to the infrastructure or aircraft based there. This did not prevent Ukies from spreading the lie that 10-15 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. Likely to boost sagging morale.

    The original for those who understand Russian:

    На появившихся спутниковых снимках авиабазы в Морозовске, которую противник пытался атаковать с помощью нескольких десятков дронов, серьезных повреждений инфраструктуры аэродрома и базирующихся там бортов не отмечается. Что не мешало противнику 2 дня вещать, про 10-15 уничтоженных и поврежденных самолетов. Так сказать, пытались поднять упавшую мораль.

    Satellite photos are available at

    • Thanks: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO. He left out the part that by then Ukraine is going to be the size of Lichtenstein. Also the part about as useful as Gaza.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    , @AnonfromTN

    Another Ukie lie: they claim to have destroyed six Russian aircraft at the base near Eisk, again by drones. Satellite photos show the debris of shot down drones, but no damage to the aircraft.

    Satellite photos are available in many places, including

    Judging by the number os lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    , @Mr. Hack

    I think that it's a little bit too early to judge the credibility of Ukrainian claims about Morozovsk airbase. BTW, I clicked on your link and could only see several dozen possible photos, etc, so if you could copy link the exact video relating to this it would be very helpful. The bombing attack took place in the middle of the night, so I hope that you don't link to something shot during the middle of the day, long after any cleanup operation could have been done. :-)

  855. Simon Webb seems to be suggesting that Israel will drop a nuke on Iran’s nuclear program.

    Perhaps, it is a good thing most people are dogssh-t predictors.

  856. @John Johnson
    Well this is interesting

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Wokechoke

    The picture of security people in the crowd reminds me of the Boston marathon operation.

    Whatever actually happened at Crocus, it makes sense that the Russians would have some higher level security people at the venue since they had been warned. I have no idea what the charter of these security forces includes. We also have no idea what happened during the event which has not been publicly disclosed.

    Large governments including the USA and Russia have clearly reserved the rights: 1) to withhold any and in some cases all facts, 2) lie and fabricate information as they see fit, 3) create a public narrative which mixes facts and lies in whatever combination they desire. It would be very surprising if any government gave a complete and accurate account of what goes on in these terrorist attacks or mass casualty events.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Whatever actually happened at Crocus, it makes sense that the Russians would have some higher level security people at the venue since they had been warned.

    It does make sense for FSB agents to be at the venue given the warning from the US but there are a lot of questions involving their behavior.

    They don't move to protect the public and you can see one dicking around on his phone. It's also extremely suspicious that one later arrests one of the terrorists.

    This isn't the only factor that has recently led to questions of potential Russian involvement.

    The lack of a quick police response is very odd:

    We also have no idea what happened during the event which has not been publicly disclosed.

    Yes another day in the dwarf dictatorship. Move along, nothing to see here. Putin's thugs will haul you off for asking questions. They've literally hauled off old ladies for placing flowers.

    It would be very surprising if any government gave a complete and accurate account of what goes on in these terrorist attacks or mass casualty events.

    Which is why we need a free press to investigate and ask questions (not allowed in Russia) and also value journalistic integrity when performing said investigation (a problem globally).

  857. @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.
    Satellite photos of Russian airbase at Morozovsk, which was attached by Ukies with several dozens of drones, show that there is no serious damage to the infrastructure or aircraft based there. This did not prevent Ukies from spreading the lie that 10-15 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. Likely to boost sagging morale.

    The original for those who understand Russian:

    На появившихся спутниковых снимках авиабазы в Морозовске, которую противник пытался атаковать с помощью нескольких десятков дронов, серьезных повреждений инфраструктуры аэродрома и базирующихся там бортов не отмечается. Что не мешало противнику 2 дня вещать, про 10-15 уничтоженных и поврежденных самолетов. Так сказать, пытались поднять упавшую мораль.

    Satellite photos are available at

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO. He left out the part that by then Ukraine is going to be the size of Lichtenstein. Also the part about as useful as Gaza.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO.
    Blinken also said that there will never be American troops on Ukrainian soil. The empire wants the cake but is afraid to steal it.

    US senator Mike Lee (from Utah) said that in NATO can be either Ukraine or the US, but not both.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  858. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you been to any large political demonstrations lately?

    The next time I go to one I will have uncharacteristic large hat, big sunglasses, big fake beard and cross my fingers nobody recognizes me.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Have you been to any large political demonstrations lately?
    The next time I go to one I will have uncharacteristic large hat, big sunglasses, big fake beard and cross my fingers nobody recognizes me.

    Welcome to 1984. Whoever thought that 1984 is a dystopia was wrong. Orwell was simply prescient: he knew leftists very well.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Welcome to 1984. Whoever thought that 1984 is a dystopia was wrong. Orwell was simply prescient: he knew leftists very well.

    He was against all totalitarian governments and would have hated the dwarf dictator that you defend.

    He correctly viewed it as weak for totalitarian governments to rely on controlling the press instead of making their case honestly.

    Orwell would view you and half the posters here as totalitarian bootlickers for supporting Putin.

    If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear

    - George Orwell

    That liberty does not exist in Russia. A pro-Russian blogger was already killed for reporting Russian losses honestly.

    Don't drag Orwell into your tradcon delusions about Russia. He hated totalitarians of all types and deeply valued the right of a free press.

  859. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AnonfromTN

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Will serve them right.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Will serve them right.

    Swedes are real penny pinchers and will always, at all times, favor their own domestic industries. They are well known for their protectionism which they are able to maintain even under the liberalized EU rules.

    The US was happy to immediately accept Sweden into NATO because they are an asset and not a liability. They denied the US for years.

    The most important issue in the NATO context here is the island of Gotland. In the case of a hypothetical Muscovite attack on the Baltics, the island of Gotland will be used to deter them. This is why Gotland needs to be heavily enforced now.

    As to money, Swedes are very present in the US market. More so than other N.Euros most likely.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  860. @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The picture of security people in the crowd reminds me of the Boston marathon operation.

    Whatever actually happened at Crocus, it makes sense that the Russians would have some higher level security people at the venue since they had been warned. I have no idea what the charter of these security forces includes. We also have no idea what happened during the event which has not been publicly disclosed.

    Large governments including the USA and Russia have clearly reserved the rights: 1) to withhold any and in some cases all facts, 2) lie and fabricate information as they see fit, 3) create a public narrative which mixes facts and lies in whatever combination they desire. It would be very surprising if any government gave a complete and accurate account of what goes on in these terrorist attacks or mass casualty events.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Whatever actually happened at Crocus, it makes sense that the Russians would have some higher level security people at the venue since they had been warned.

    It does make sense for FSB agents to be at the venue given the warning from the US but there are a lot of questions involving their behavior.

    They don’t move to protect the public and you can see one dicking around on his phone. It’s also extremely suspicious that one later arrests one of the terrorists.

    This isn’t the only factor that has recently led to questions of potential Russian involvement.

    The lack of a quick police response is very odd:

    We also have no idea what happened during the event which has not been publicly disclosed.

    Yes another day in the dwarf dictatorship. Move along, nothing to see here. Putin’s thugs will haul you off for asking questions. They’ve literally hauled off old ladies for placing flowers.

    It would be very surprising if any government gave a complete and accurate account of what goes on in these terrorist attacks or mass casualty events.

    Which is why we need a free press to investigate and ask questions (not allowed in Russia) and also value journalistic integrity when performing said investigation (a problem globally).

    • LOL: Mikhail
  861. @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you been to any large political demonstrations lately?
    The next time I go to one I will have uncharacteristic large hat, big sunglasses, big fake beard and cross my fingers nobody recognizes me.
    Welcome to 1984. Whoever thought that 1984 is a dystopia was wrong. Orwell was simply prescient: he knew leftists very well.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Welcome to 1984. Whoever thought that 1984 is a dystopia was wrong. Orwell was simply prescient: he knew leftists very well.

    He was against all totalitarian governments and would have hated the dwarf dictator that you defend.

    He correctly viewed it as weak for totalitarian governments to rely on controlling the press instead of making their case honestly.

    Orwell would view you and half the posters here as totalitarian bootlickers for supporting Putin.

    If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear

    – George Orwell

    That liberty does not exist in Russia. A pro-Russian blogger was already killed for reporting Russian losses honestly.

    Don’t drag Orwell into your tradcon delusions about Russia. He hated totalitarians of all types and deeply valued the right of a free press.

    • Troll: Mikhail
  862. @Matra

    You are lucky you have the option of voting for an anti-NATO party as I have the vote in two countries and all of the parties fully embrace our servitude to the transgender multiculti American Empire. I've been anti-NATO since 1995 when it first bombed the Serbs allowing for the ethnic cleansing of Krajina and empowering the Bosnian Muslims. Prior to that - about 1992 - I sensed that the hyper-liberal USA would set out to eradicate European civilisation through mass immigration using political correctness (now called woke) and other forms of psychological warfare and that in order to save Europe the Americans had to be expelled. Happily it is in the interests of both Europeans and non-leftist Americans to see NATO abolished so the issue is one which the best people on both sides of the Atlantic can agree. At this point only stuck in their ways Boomer Cons, who will soon be gone, leftists and Sovietised Eastern European parasites disagree.

    Replies: @AP, @Mikel

    You were aware of the problem much earlier than me then. The bombing campaign in Serbia looked very unseemly indeed, even though I followed it through CNN (so highly sanitized I guess), but I was still willing to believe that our leaders had good intentions in mind. And, to be honest, after 9/11 I didn’t mind too much the Americans exacting their revenge on those distant lands full of bearded savages. Only Iraq looked like a bridge too far with the WMD comedy and the clear disregard for international law. But I only became fully aware of how moronic our foreign policy establishments are after Libya and Donbas. I’m still trying to reevaluate things and figure out how much they need to change before these idiots lead us to the precipice.

    The anti-NATO options I have would never be my first choice under normal circumstances. They’re actually on opposite sides of the political spectrum but yes, I feel lucky that at least I have the option of voting for people with real chances of holding office and raising an anti-Atlanticist voice in Europe, no matter how small.

  863. @sudden death

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we’ll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves – they have a huge military budget. I’ve watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I’m puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected.
    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once, it's not like that only huge numerical forces have to be allocated for that, it's the very core principle of two way alliance that matters. We also don't need thousands of US/Italy troops here all the time, just several hundreds in each are enough too. Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)

    Also always prefered not to meddle too much into technical specifics of the US border guarding/wall building situation and wanted to leave it mainly for US born citizens to duke it out, cause don't know how much our experience situation with hundreds of kilometers in woody/swampy areas can be useful when US has thousands of kilometers in the deserts mostly:

    However pretty sure that there will plenty of instant loud squealing (e.g. from various fans of slobodans/radovans too) about eastern european meddling/interfering, instead of thanking for reducing, even if just a little bit, the number of islamic 3rd worlders reaching their own countries;)

    Replies: @LatW, @Mikel

    Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)

    Yep, this sounds great, I love this combo. 🙂 We should troll the Democrats by offering help. 🙂

    I think the unspoken secret might be that everyone has enough troops or police, they just don’t want to use it. Although Italy might have a shortage, given how many are arriving in those dingy boats. Afaik, there is nobody on Lampedusa, except for a few aid workers. We should actually have a say in this because these foreigners are entering EU territory, since sooner or later they will disperse towards the North. There has to be some kind of an assertive yet humane narrative here.

    This Euro fence is great, too, they should keep working on it.

    The political dimension is important. The US (and maybe a few others) being so lax about their border… that should not be allowed to grow into some world wide narrative that that’s ok, as in, “it is what it is, you can’t control these things”. No. We need to put our foot down and say that this is illegal, period, and won’t be accepted. Because some radicals in the US might try to export the idea that borders are fake and shouldn’t exist. Kind of like they’re exporting the rainbow flag.

    In the US, both in the North and in the South the original inhabitants are Indians. So it’s different than for us (where we have Africans and M.Easterners arriving). Although these Mayans have never lived in the North before. Tbh, I don’t have anything against these Mayans (they’re active church goers and they are mostly quiet and benign). But there are now all kinds of people coming through the Southern border, soon it will be mostly non-American nationalities, I bet.

    We should also try to alleviate the situation in the M.East but sadly it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    This is why I am an immigration hawk when it comes to Europe but not for the US. We simply get and are capable of getting higher-quality immigrants than Europe gets. Even our working-class immigrants are often hardworking Christians, and they're balanced out by the cognitive elites that we accept from the Old World (with us being capable of accepting many more of them if necessary). Continental Europe has difficulty getting quality immigrants, and the biggest immigrant populations in Europe are not exactly high-quality or non-troublesome. I do think, though, that if continental Europe wants an easy supply of cheap labor, then it should get it from Latin America, India, East Asia, and/or non-Muslim Southeast Asia rather than from the Muslim world or even Sub-Saharan Africa (unless it's whites or Indians or perhaps Igbos or elite blacks from there).

    There are no doubt plenty of decent Muslims and Sub-Saharan Africans in Europe, but unfortunately there are way too many bad apples from these two groups in Europe. Sad but true. So, much more immigration restriction from these places for continental Europe is needed.

  864. @John Johnson
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Stop making stuff up.

    Small countries like Finland and Sweden pretty much get a free ride compared to the US and UK.

    In fact smaller countries are in a better position to shift their budgets around to meet the requirements of NATO.

    No reason to maintain your own elaborate air force or navy if NATO has your back against any invasion.

    Replies: @LatW

    Small countries like Finland and Sweden pretty much get a free ride compared to the US and UK.

    In fact smaller countries are in a better position to shift their budgets around to meet the requirements of NATO.

    No reason to maintain your own elaborate air force or navy if NATO has your back against any invasion.

    These are small compared to the US and the UK, ofc, but they have very advanced domestic defense industries, especially Sweden. Didn’t you know Sweden has its own air force (the Gripens)? Of course, pooling resources is always better and how it should be done. We’ll have some Swedish troops in the Baltics now as well, since they are heavily invested there.

    Finland has good armored vehicles, the Baltics bought some (the Patria) and we’re having a US company do maintenance on them (a very lucrative contract), so it’s not one sided. Because hypothetically we could eventually service these contracts all just with the help of Euros alone, but we have always shared with the US. It’s a matter of both accessibility of certain technology, of quality and the allied relationship, all in one. It is in the interests of the US to preserve this status quo. The US will never voluntarily give up NATO (that would disadvantage them).

  865. A123 says: • Website

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation
    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval. We did not elect a Despot in Biden (thank God).

    The problem is that the American people elected a Democratic Senate as well as a Republican House. So by necessity any legislative solution would have to be a compromise. Hopefully the next election would bring to power people who would made a better immigration solution.

    The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators
    We have a representative democracy. The small MAGA minority, heavily outnumbered by Democrats + those you falsely claim are RINOS (these are mostly old school Republicans who were Republicans when Trump was still a Hillary-donating Democrat) should not and do not dictate what is legislated, because they do not enjoy the support of most of the American people but only perhaps 30% of them. They are capable of gaming the system enough to stop the deal (supported by the majority of elected legislators) from going through because they have veto power over the extremely slim majority in the House. In this case, they successfully stopped the compromise immigration deal and left the border wide open with their efforts. Congratulations.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.
    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.
    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.

    Replies: @A123

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation

    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval.

    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens. And, in some cases they are closing due to bankruptcy.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.

    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    Here you go: (2)

    8. And if that weren’t bad enough, it allows Biden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless:


    Go through everything in the thread reader link. It is reveals significant differences between the actual legislation versus the public disinformation campaign about it.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.

    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.

    Within his 1st 100 days Trump can undo a lengthy list of administrative mistakes by the Veggie-In-Chief. This will bring immediate relief, which is the exact opposite of your painfully inaccurate claim.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate. It will be easier to reach a compromise if a only small number of DNC and RINO senators are the problem during Trump’s 2nd term. If necessary, they can be individually pork barreled to obtain their votes.

    Do I believe that MAGA will instantly obtain 100% of absolutely everything? Of course not. A different commenter here keeps pushing that wacky, unachievable standard.

    I realize that politics is The Art of the Achievable. Or, if you prefer an NFL analogy, it is about Field Position and Ball Control. MAGA is much larger than Trump. It took decades to dig the current hole. It will take multiple MAGA administrations to repair that damage.

    PEACE 😇



    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Less than 2 months before Trump has his classified documents trial.

    The porn star pay off case will be easy by comparison.

    Trump committed multiple felonies and has no one to blame but himself. His attempts at trying to have the case thrown out have failed. The trial will happen.

    Enjoy your last few months of denial.

    Some day you will realize that you spent all this time defending a NYC Democrat real estate con artist who has never worked a 9-5 in his life. Even as a billionaire he can't even fill out a loan application without committing fraud.

    But until that day you might as well live it up.

    , @AP

    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.
    Correct. It can apply to any pandemic.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens.
    Here it is:

    §265. "Suspension of entries and imports from designated places to prevent spread of communicable diseases

    Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose."

    Nothing about hospitals being overloaded, but about introduction of diseases into the country.

    The standard, reasonably interpreted, seems to be to keep people out of particularly infected regions, not as a loophole to ban all illegal entry. It should have been implemented on China right at the beginning of the Covid crisis, but wasn't.

    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    Here you go: (2)


    Thank you.

    This is, indeed, a bad loophole. A new congress and senate and president could make a much better one. Biden could interpret it to just leave the border wide open. But the deal limits his ability to do so to 45 days per calendar year. So if there are 6 months worth of excessive illegal border closing in a year that would trigger the border to close, Biden could only suspend enforcement of the closed border for 45 days of those. The border would still be closed for the other 3.5 months. In recent years over 150,000 people have been illegally crossing the border per month. If this deal had been in effect, despite the loophole we would have had 100,000s of fewer illegal border crossings. But thanks to MAGA spiking the deal, those 100,000s are here. Great job, MAGA.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate.
    They will almost certainly lose the House, but may gain the Senate depending on who replaces McConnell. The Republicans will probably gain the Senate while losing the House (a good tradeoff, Clarence Thomas is getting old), but the frontrunners to replace McConnel are not MAGAs. I'd give MAGA less than 50/50 odds of doing so, but it's possible.

    Replies: @A123

  866. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO. He left out the part that by then Ukraine is going to be the size of Lichtenstein. Also the part about as useful as Gaza.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO.

    Blinken also said that there will never be American troops on Ukrainian soil. The empire wants the cake but is afraid to steal it.

    US senator Mike Lee (from Utah) said that in NATO can be either Ukraine or the US, but not both.

    • Replies: @Mikhail

    Blinken also said that there will never be American troops on Ukrainian soil. The empire wants the cake but is afraid to steal it.


    He's saying that as a dishonest incentive for the Kiev regime to fight on.

    Blinken has some yap. This past June, he said Russia has the second best armed forces in Ukraine.
  867. @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.
    Satellite photos of Russian airbase at Morozovsk, which was attached by Ukies with several dozens of drones, show that there is no serious damage to the infrastructure or aircraft based there. This did not prevent Ukies from spreading the lie that 10-15 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. Likely to boost sagging morale.

    The original for those who understand Russian:

    На появившихся спутниковых снимках авиабазы в Морозовске, которую противник пытался атаковать с помощью нескольких десятков дронов, серьезных повреждений инфраструктуры аэродрома и базирующихся там бортов не отмечается. Что не мешало противнику 2 дня вещать, про 10-15 уничтоженных и поврежденных самолетов. Так сказать, пытались поднять упавшую мораль.

    Satellite photos are available at

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    Another Ukie lie: they claim to have destroyed six Russian aircraft at the base near Eisk, again by drones. Satellite photos show the debris of shot down drones, but no damage to the aircraft.

    Satellite photos are available in many places, including

    Judging by the number os lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    • Replies: @AP

    Another Ukie lie: they claim to have destroyed six Russian aircraft at the base near Eisk, again by drones. Satellite photos show the debris of shot down drones, but no damage to the aircraft.

    Satellite photos are available in many places, including

    Judging by the number os lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.
    Russians lie just as much (and you believe those lies) so does that mean that Russians are also doing badly?
    , @John Johnson

    Judging by the number of lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Your link doesn't show evidence of anything.

    They just hit a factory with one of their Cessna drones and it is on video:

    Why is it far fetched that they hit an airfield?

    Oh and 15% of Russian refinery capacity has been reduced because of drones.

    The 2.5 week operation is going as planned Comrade.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  868. @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.
    Will serve them right.

    Replies: @LatW

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Will serve them right.

    Swedes are real penny pinchers and will always, at all times, favor their own domestic industries. They are well known for their protectionism which they are able to maintain even under the liberalized EU rules.

    The US was happy to immediately accept Sweden into NATO because they are an asset and not a liability. They denied the US for years.

    The most important issue in the NATO context here is the island of Gotland. In the case of a hypothetical Muscovite attack on the Baltics, the island of Gotland will be used to deter them. This is why Gotland needs to be heavily enforced now.

    As to money, Swedes are very present in the US market. More so than other N.Euros most likely.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Swedes are very present in the US market
    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.

    Replies: @AP, @LatW

  869. @LatW

    Finland and Sweden taxpayers have yet to get the bill for all the new NATO gizmos they are going get charged for. Some of them are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

    Will serve them right.

    Swedes are real penny pinchers and will always, at all times, favor their own domestic industries. They are well known for their protectionism which they are able to maintain even under the liberalized EU rules.

    The US was happy to immediately accept Sweden into NATO because they are an asset and not a liability. They denied the US for years.

    The most important issue in the NATO context here is the island of Gotland. In the case of a hypothetical Muscovite attack on the Baltics, the island of Gotland will be used to deter them. This is why Gotland needs to be heavily enforced now.

    As to money, Swedes are very present in the US market. More so than other N.Euros most likely.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Swedes are very present in the US market

    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.

    • Replies: @AP

    The factories, engineers, management, etc. are Swedish. Ford was more heavily involved in Volvo than the Chinese are.

    I think that FIAT's impact on Chrysler is more substantial.

    , @LatW

    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.
    Where do you live? (Rhetorical question) Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store? Maybe your wife does. I recently bought a new slipcover for my Ikea armchair - the thing cost $120!! Not the chair, just the cover. You can choose from 20+ colors and patterns.

    The main products that Sweden exported to United States were Cars ($3.4B), Packaged Medicaments ($1.29B), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($1.18B). During the last 27 years the exports of Sweden to United States have increased at an annualized rate of 3.92%, from $6.3B in 1995 to $17.8B in 2022.
    The trade volume between USA & EU is $1.3 trillion.

    That said, I do agree that assets should not be sold out to China as easily.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

  870. @A123

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation
    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval.
    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens. And, in some cases they are closing due to bankruptcy.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.
    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?
    Here you go: (2)

    8. And if that weren't bad enough, it allows Biden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless:


    Go through everything in the thread reader link. It is reveals significant differences between the actual legislation versus the public disinformation campaign about it.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.
    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.
    Within his 1st 100 days Trump can undo a lengthy list of administrative mistakes by the Veggie-In-Chief. This will bring immediate relief, which is the exact opposite of your painfully inaccurate claim.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate. It will be easier to reach a compromise if a only small number of DNC and RINO senators are the problem during Trump's 2nd term. If necessary, they can be individually pork barreled to obtain their votes.

    Do I believe that MAGA will instantly obtain 100% of absolutely everything? Of course not. A different commenter here keeps pushing that wacky, unachievable standard.

    I realize that politics is The Art of the Achievable. Or, if you prefer an NFL analogy, it is about Field Position and Ball Control. MAGA is much larger than Trump. It took decades to dig the current hole. It will take multiple MAGA administrations to repair that damage.

    PEACE 😇



    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

    Less than 2 months before Trump has his classified documents trial.

    The porn star pay off case will be easy by comparison.

    Trump committed multiple felonies and has no one to blame but himself. His attempts at trying to have the case thrown out have failed. The trial will happen.

    Enjoy your last few months of denial.

    Some day you will realize that you spent all this time defending a NYC Democrat real estate con artist who has never worked a 9-5 in his life. Even as a billionaire he can’t even fill out a loan application without committing fraud.

    But until that day you might as well live it up.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
  871. AP says:

    Why did Not-The-President Biden need new powers? His administration could have chosen to act without legislation
    Checks and balances are a feature not a bug of the American system. Biden was able to use Covid restrictions as a good excuse to limit the border on a temporary and emergency basis but when that ended he needed legislative approval.
    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens. And, in some cases they are closing due to bankruptcy.

    • INCREASED, not decreased, illegal migration under the current White House occupant. The bill included language allowing executive authority to wave the theoretically mandatory restrictions.
    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?
    Here you go: (2)

    8. And if that weren't bad enough, it allows Biden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless:


    Go through everything in the thread reader link. It is reveals significant differences between the actual legislation versus the public disinformation campaign about it.

    The best path to fix the problem is simultaneous MAGA control of the Presidency, House, and Senate.
    Which will not happen. So unless Trump becomes President and is able to successfully ignore the legislative branch (and this gets through the courts), we can expect MAGA to keep the border wide open with no restrictions after the election, like they are doing now.
    Within his 1st 100 days Trump can undo a lengthy list of administrative mistakes by the Veggie-In-Chief. This will bring immediate relief, which is the exact opposite of your painfully inaccurate claim.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate. It will be easier to reach a compromise if a only small number of DNC and RINO senators are the problem during Trump's 2nd term. If necessary, they can be individually pork barreled to obtain their votes.

    Do I believe that MAGA will instantly obtain 100% of absolutely everything? Of course not. A different commenter here keeps pushing that wacky, unachievable standard.

    I realize that politics is The Art of the Achievable. Or, if you prefer an NFL analogy, it is about Field Position and Ball Control. MAGA is much larger than Trump. It took decades to dig the current hole. It will take multiple MAGA administrations to repair that damage.

    PEACE 😇



    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.

    Correct. It can apply to any pandemic.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens.

    Here it is:

    §265. “Suspension of entries and imports from designated places to prevent spread of communicable diseases

    Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose.”

    Nothing about hospitals being overloaded, but about introduction of diseases into the country.

    The standard, reasonably interpreted, seems to be to keep people out of particularly infected regions, not as a loophole to ban all illegal entry. It should have been implemented on China right at the beginning of the Covid crisis, but wasn’t.

    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    Here you go: (2)

    Thank you.

    This is, indeed, a bad loophole. A new congress and senate and president could make a much better one. Biden could interpret it to just leave the border wide open. But the deal limits his ability to do so to 45 days per calendar year. So if there are 6 months worth of excessive illegal border closing in a year that would trigger the border to close, Biden could only suspend enforcement of the closed border for 45 days of those. The border would still be closed for the other 3.5 months. In recent years over 150,000 people have been illegally crossing the border per month. If this deal had been in effect, despite the loophole we would have had 100,000s of fewer illegal border crossings. But thanks to MAGA spiking the deal, those 100,000s are here. Great job, MAGA.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate.

    They will almost certainly lose the House, but may gain the Senate depending on who replaces McConnell. The Republicans will probably gain the Senate while losing the House (a good tradeoff, Clarence Thomas is getting old), but the frontrunners to replace McConnel are not MAGAs. I’d give MAGA less than 50/50 odds of doing so, but it’s possible.

    • Replies: @A123

    §265. “Suspension of entries and imports from designated places to prevent spread of communicable diseases

    The standard, reasonably interpreted, seems to be to keep people out of particularly infected regions, not as a loophole to ban all illegal entry.
    No. The standard is prevention of communicable diseases entering.

    The restrictions would not block citizens of advanced healthcare countries from getting in. However, it would be a prudent and reasonably interpreted measure to keep out those who originated from or passed through 3rd world, disease prone areas.

    The Veggie-In-Chief's administration had no legal, regulatory, moral, or ethical reason to end Trump's highly successful Stay in Mexico program. His team did it for cynical political reasons.

    if there are 6 months worth of excessive illegal border closing in a year that would trigger the border to close, Biden could only suspend enforcement of the closed border for 45 days of those
    You badly misunderstand how this would be manipulated. It is not one 45 day period. It can be grained into shorter events. These amnesty days would be promoted and scripted by the White House regime to maximize abuse.

    Here is one highly plausible scenario -- Arrange for 500,000 to be waiting and declare a 5 day period to let them in. Repeat 9 times for a total of 4.5MM. Add that to the 1.8MM stated in the bill = ~6.5MM. Great job sucker! Congratulations!

    Let me restate reality. The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators.

    Fortunately MAGA figured out the cynical plan to INCREASE to 6MM+ and protected Americans by spiking it. It was a highly intelligent and patriotic victory.

    PEACE 😇
  872. @AnonfromTN

    Swedes are very present in the US market
    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.

    Replies: @AP, @LatW

    The factories, engineers, management, etc. are Swedish. Ford was more heavily involved in Volvo than the Chinese are.

    I think that FIAT’s impact on Chrysler is more substantial.

  873. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Maybe. The impression I get is the top competitors take a day off only when their brutal training schedule allows. So they work like they are in the gulag with an armed guard 9 days and take a day off. Or 7/8 or 14/15. If Christmas Day is a training day that is the price you pay for trying to stay with the competition. Alexandrova is streaky and very tough to beat when she is on. I don't think Swiatek was coasting. I think she got a sound beating on Tuesday.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Alexandrova is streaky and very tough to beat when she is on. I don’t think Swiatek was coasting

    Well, I saw highlights of her match with Collins – and she was abysmally bad. Not even amateur standard. I did not see the match against Swiatek. Dmitrov beat Alcaraz – which is similarly surprising, although both Swiatek and Alcaraz won the previous week’s tournament.

    “Streaky ‘- is something I associate with players like Kvitova, Ostapenko, early-era- Sabalenka – players with very similar styles, high-risk, not particularly cerebral players, and all capable of playing incredible tennis in one game or set – and then being useless in the next one.
    To me – Alexandrova is just abysmal for entire match, entire month, and doesn’t have the talents of the 3 I mentioned above.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I didn't watch the match. I watched the edited high lights. 10 minutes of the best action.

    Alexandrova was pounding the crap out of the ball against Iga Swiatek. She looked like Serena Williams.

    Did you ever hear of a time when one of the lady tennis players has a really bad day and they let the fans know after that she was on the rag? Maybe women tennis players do not ever menstruate.

  874. AP says:

    Another Ukie lie: they claim to have destroyed six Russian aircraft at the base near Eisk, again by drones. Satellite photos show the debris of shot down drones, but no damage to the aircraft.

    Satellite photos are available in many places, including

    Judging by the number os lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    Another Ukie lie: they claim to have destroyed six Russian aircraft at the base near Eisk, again by drones. Satellite photos show the debris of shot down drones, but no damage to the aircraft.

    Satellite photos are available in many places, including

    Judging by the number os lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Russians lie just as much (and you believe those lies) so does that mean that Russians are also doing badly?

    • Disagree: Mikhail
  875. @AnonfromTN
    @Mr. Hack

    Check it out for yourself. Let me know if this is an inaccurate report or not.
    Satellite photos of Russian airbase at Morozovsk, which was attached by Ukies with several dozens of drones, show that there is no serious damage to the infrastructure or aircraft based there. This did not prevent Ukies from spreading the lie that 10-15 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. Likely to boost sagging morale.

    The original for those who understand Russian:

    На появившихся спутниковых снимках авиабазы в Морозовске, которую противник пытался атаковать с помощью нескольких десятков дронов, серьезных повреждений инфраструктуры аэродрома и базирующихся там бортов не отмечается. Что не мешало противнику 2 дня вещать, про 10-15 уничтоженных и поврежденных самолетов. Так сказать, пытались поднять упавшую мораль.

    Satellite photos are available at

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AnonfromTN, @Mr. Hack

    I think that it’s a little bit too early to judge the credibility of Ukrainian claims about Morozovsk airbase. BTW, I clicked on your link and could only see several dozen possible photos, etc, so if you could copy link the exact video relating to this it would be very helpful. The bombing attack took place in the middle of the night, so I hope that you don’t link to something shot during the middle of the day, long after any cleanup operation could have been done. 🙂

  876. @AnonfromTN

    Swedes are very present in the US market
    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.

    Replies: @AP, @LatW

    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.

    Where do you live? (Rhetorical question) Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store? Maybe your wife does. I recently bought a new slipcover for my Ikea armchair – the thing cost $120!! Not the chair, just the cover. You can choose from 20+ colors and patterns.

    The main products that Sweden exported to United States were Cars ($3.4B), Packaged Medicaments ($1.29B), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($1.18B). During the last 27 years the exports of Sweden to United States have increased at an annualized rate of 3.92%, from $6.3B in 1995 to $17.8B in 2022.

    The trade volume between USA & EU is $1.3 trillion.

    That said, I do agree that assets should not be sold out to China as easily.

    • Replies: @LatW

    However, I'll add that I probably like American made furniture and textiles even better - more variety and good quality. But quite a few Nordics must have been carpenters when they arrived in America. For custom furniture, which is really cool.

    , @AnonfromTN

    Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store?
    If you are so curious, shopping in stores is my job. But I only shop for groceries and elementary household items, as well as for footwear, we buy everything else online. We have some European furniture, Italian and Danish, and not a single piece from IKEA. Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing. My “German” car (VW Tiguan) was assembled in Mexico (the engine was from Germany, the rest from Hungary and assorted other countries).

    To the best of my knowledge the only things we own made in Sweden is my sweater and a few cool glass sculptures we bought when we were in Stockholm (more than two years ago, I was an opponent at the dissertation defense of one of my colleagues’ grad students). Dealing with Swedish authorities regarding my payment I determined experimentally that Swedish bureaucracy is a lot worse than Soviet bureaucracy we used to complain about in the USSR. Exploring Stockholm metro I also determined experimentally that the most decorated of their stations look worse than ~90% of the stations in Moscow metro. Even Paris metro looks better. In fairness I should say that there are no rats and pervasive smell of urine characteristic of NY subway.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @LatW

  877. @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Alexandrova is streaky and very tough to beat when she is on. I don't think Swiatek was coasting
    Well, I saw highlights of her match with Collins - and she was abysmally bad. Not even amateur standard. I did not see the match against Swiatek. Dmitrov beat Alcaraz - which is similarly surprising, although both Swiatek and Alcaraz won the previous week's tournament.

    "Streaky '- is something I associate with players like Kvitova, Ostapenko, early-era- Sabalenka - players with very similar styles, high-risk, not particularly cerebral players, and all capable of playing incredible tennis in one game or set - and then being useless in the next one.
    To me - Alexandrova is just abysmal for entire match, entire month, and doesn't have the talents of the 3 I mentioned above.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I didn’t watch the match. I watched the edited high lights. 10 minutes of the best action.

    Alexandrova was pounding the crap out of the ball against Iga Swiatek. She looked like Serena Williams.

    Did you ever hear of a time when one of the lady tennis players has a really bad day and they let the fans know after that she was on the rag? Maybe women tennis players do not ever menstruate.

  878. @LatW

    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.
    Where do you live? (Rhetorical question) Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store? Maybe your wife does. I recently bought a new slipcover for my Ikea armchair - the thing cost $120!! Not the chair, just the cover. You can choose from 20+ colors and patterns.

    The main products that Sweden exported to United States were Cars ($3.4B), Packaged Medicaments ($1.29B), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($1.18B). During the last 27 years the exports of Sweden to United States have increased at an annualized rate of 3.92%, from $6.3B in 1995 to $17.8B in 2022.
    The trade volume between USA & EU is $1.3 trillion.

    That said, I do agree that assets should not be sold out to China as easily.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    However, I’ll add that I probably like American made furniture and textiles even better – more variety and good quality. But quite a few Nordics must have been carpenters when they arrived in America. For custom furniture, which is really cool.

  879. @AnonfromTN

    Another Ukie lie: they claim to have destroyed six Russian aircraft at the base near Eisk, again by drones. Satellite photos show the debris of shot down drones, but no damage to the aircraft.

    Satellite photos are available in many places, including

    Judging by the number os lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    Judging by the number of lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Your link doesn’t show evidence of anything.

    They just hit a factory with one of their Cessna drones and it is on video:

    Why is it far fetched that they hit an airfield?

    Oh and 15% of Russian refinery capacity has been reduced because of drones.

    The 2.5 week operation is going as planned Comrade.

    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Wouldn’t the price of oil have been driven up if Russia’s refinery capacity was so a bad? Supply and demand and all that?

    Replies: @John Johnson

  880. A123 says: • Website

    Existing legislative approval, Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, was not explicitly about the WUHAN-19 virus.
    Correct. It can apply to any pandemic.

    Illegals bring measles emergencies; polio emergencies; TB emergencies. Just their numbers overwhelming hospital emergencies rooms is a public health emergency as those institutions cannot serve citizens.
    Here it is:

    §265. "Suspension of entries and imports from designated places to prevent spread of communicable diseases

    Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose."

    Nothing about hospitals being overloaded, but about introduction of diseases into the country.

    The standard, reasonably interpreted, seems to be to keep people out of particularly infected regions, not as a loophole to ban all illegal entry. It should have been implemented on China right at the beginning of the Covid crisis, but wasn't.

    Can you point out the specific language for this in the legislation?

    Here you go: (2)


    Thank you.

    This is, indeed, a bad loophole. A new congress and senate and president could make a much better one. Biden could interpret it to just leave the border wide open. But the deal limits his ability to do so to 45 days per calendar year. So if there are 6 months worth of excessive illegal border closing in a year that would trigger the border to close, Biden could only suspend enforcement of the closed border for 45 days of those. The border would still be closed for the other 3.5 months. In recent years over 150,000 people have been illegally crossing the border per month. If this deal had been in effect, despite the loophole we would have had 100,000s of fewer illegal border crossings. But thanks to MAGA spiking the deal, those 100,000s are here. Great job, MAGA.

    There is a real chance that MAGA will gain in the House and Senate.
    They will almost certainly lose the House, but may gain the Senate depending on who replaces McConnell. The Republicans will probably gain the Senate while losing the House (a good tradeoff, Clarence Thomas is getting old), but the frontrunners to replace McConnel are not MAGAs. I'd give MAGA less than 50/50 odds of doing so, but it's possible.

    Replies: @A123

    §265. “Suspension of entries and imports from designated places to prevent spread of communicable diseases

    The standard, reasonably interpreted, seems to be to keep people out of particularly infected regions, not as a loophole to ban all illegal entry.

    No. The standard is prevention of communicable diseases entering.

    The restrictions would not block citizens of advanced healthcare countries from getting in. However, it would be a prudent and reasonably interpreted measure to keep out those who originated from or passed through 3rd world, disease prone areas.

    The Veggie-In-Chief’s administration had no legal, regulatory, moral, or ethical reason to end Trump’s highly successful Stay in Mexico program. His team did it for cynical political reasons.

    if there are 6 months worth of excessive illegal border closing in a year that would trigger the border to close, Biden could only suspend enforcement of the closed border for 45 days of those

    You badly misunderstand how this would be manipulated. It is not one 45 day period. It can be grained into shorter events. These amnesty days would be promoted and scripted by the White House regime to maximize abuse.

    Here is one highly plausible scenario — Arrange for 500,000 to be waiting and declare a 5 day period to let them in. Repeat 9 times for a total of 4.5MM. Add that to the 1.8MM stated in the bill = ~6.5MM. Great job sucker! Congratulations!

    Let me restate reality. The DNC written legislation was a trap, deployed with RINO conspirators.

    Fortunately MAGA figured out the cynical plan to INCREASE to 6MM+ and protected Americans by spiking it. It was a highly intelligent and patriotic victory.

    PEACE 😇

  881. @LatW

    Do you mean Volvo? Chinese bought it lock, stock, and barrel.
    Where do you live? (Rhetorical question) Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store? Maybe your wife does. I recently bought a new slipcover for my Ikea armchair - the thing cost $120!! Not the chair, just the cover. You can choose from 20+ colors and patterns.

    The main products that Sweden exported to United States were Cars ($3.4B), Packaged Medicaments ($1.29B), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($1.18B). During the last 27 years the exports of Sweden to United States have increased at an annualized rate of 3.92%, from $6.3B in 1995 to $17.8B in 2022.
    The trade volume between USA & EU is $1.3 trillion.

    That said, I do agree that assets should not be sold out to China as easily.

    Replies: @LatW, @AnonfromTN

    Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store?

    If you are so curious, shopping in stores is my job. But I only shop for groceries and elementary household items, as well as for footwear, we buy everything else online. We have some European furniture, Italian and Danish, and not a single piece from IKEA. Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing. My “German” car (VW Tiguan) was assembled in Mexico (the engine was from Germany, the rest from Hungary and assorted other countries).

    To the best of my knowledge the only things we own made in Sweden is my sweater and a few cool glass sculptures we bought when we were in Stockholm (more than two years ago, I was an opponent at the dissertation defense of one of my colleagues’ grad students). Dealing with Swedish authorities regarding my payment I determined experimentally that Swedish bureaucracy is a lot worse than Soviet bureaucracy we used to complain about in the USSR. Exploring Stockholm metro I also determined experimentally that the most decorated of their stations look worse than ~90% of the stations in Moscow metro. Even Paris metro looks better. In fairness I should say that there are no rats and pervasive smell of urine characteristic of NY subway.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Sweden actually exports a lot of industrial machinery to the US.

    Their total exports to the US are nearly the same amount as Russia (about 17 billion).

    It is underestimated as to how much industrial equipment comes from Western Europe.

    Russia is learning that the hard way. Supposedly they aren't able to fix their refineries due to the sanctions.

    , @LatW

    Good for you. I'm actually neutral on IKEA (not a huge fan, although some of it looks cute and is quite convenient), I prefer more custom furniture. Either ultra modern with an artsy edge or purely traditional and "old school". I was just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive, although there are high end Swedish designer clothing shops in NYC).

    Replies: @Dmitry

  882. @AnonfromTN

    Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store?
    If you are so curious, shopping in stores is my job. But I only shop for groceries and elementary household items, as well as for footwear, we buy everything else online. We have some European furniture, Italian and Danish, and not a single piece from IKEA. Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing. My “German” car (VW Tiguan) was assembled in Mexico (the engine was from Germany, the rest from Hungary and assorted other countries).

    To the best of my knowledge the only things we own made in Sweden is my sweater and a few cool glass sculptures we bought when we were in Stockholm (more than two years ago, I was an opponent at the dissertation defense of one of my colleagues’ grad students). Dealing with Swedish authorities regarding my payment I determined experimentally that Swedish bureaucracy is a lot worse than Soviet bureaucracy we used to complain about in the USSR. Exploring Stockholm metro I also determined experimentally that the most decorated of their stations look worse than ~90% of the stations in Moscow metro. Even Paris metro looks better. In fairness I should say that there are no rats and pervasive smell of urine characteristic of NY subway.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @LatW

    Sweden actually exports a lot of industrial machinery to the US.

    Their total exports to the US are nearly the same amount as Russia (about 17 billion).

    It is underestimated as to how much industrial equipment comes from Western Europe.

    Russia is learning that the hard way. Supposedly they aren’t able to fix their refineries due to the sanctions.

  883. @AnonfromTN

    Do you ever step out of your lab and into the store?
    If you are so curious, shopping in stores is my job. But I only shop for groceries and elementary household items, as well as for footwear, we buy everything else online. We have some European furniture, Italian and Danish, and not a single piece from IKEA. Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing. My “German” car (VW Tiguan) was assembled in Mexico (the engine was from Germany, the rest from Hungary and assorted other countries).

    To the best of my knowledge the only things we own made in Sweden is my sweater and a few cool glass sculptures we bought when we were in Stockholm (more than two years ago, I was an opponent at the dissertation defense of one of my colleagues’ grad students). Dealing with Swedish authorities regarding my payment I determined experimentally that Swedish bureaucracy is a lot worse than Soviet bureaucracy we used to complain about in the USSR. Exploring Stockholm metro I also determined experimentally that the most decorated of their stations look worse than ~90% of the stations in Moscow metro. Even Paris metro looks better. In fairness I should say that there are no rats and pervasive smell of urine characteristic of NY subway.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @LatW

    Good for you. I’m actually neutral on IKEA (not a huge fan, although some of it looks cute and is quite convenient), I prefer more custom furniture. Either ultra modern with an artsy edge or purely traditional and “old school”. I was just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive, although there are high end Swedish designer clothing shops in NYC).

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    A lot of IKEA products are made in China. The important part is homologation of their production to European standards.

    Materials used like particle board can have problems when it is produced in low health regulation environments like in China. So, it's a good advice to buy at least those materials which were reviewed for selling in the European market.

    Most of the furniture, people buy in Russia is made in China or from the domestic factory using material from China.

    IKEA is important for customers outside Europe because they will check their products which are made in China are able to follow European standards.

    just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive,
    With American salaries, a higher rate of people can buy Gaggenau and real European products. But, in countries like Russia, Poland, IKEA is like a public service. It's a shop where normal people can afford to buy European-designed or regulated production from China.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @John Johnson

  884. @sudden death

    But there is evidence linking it to Ukraine – the perps were escaping there.
    The only "evidence" about that so far is words by serial liars from Kremlin, when even Lukashenko said they "had to turnaround" from Belarus, but nevermind let's assume it for the sake of thought experiment - there were/are countless various American or other criminals running south into Mexico, does it mean Mexico as a state previously organized it all in USA?;)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke

    The main strategic fault line in the RusFed is the White Orthodox population and the Muslim Central Asian population. The Poles and Ukies know this.

    The CIA knows it and so does MI6.

    Academics like Zbigneiw Brezinzski knew it back in the 1980s. Indeed exploiting that fissure turned into a real crack by the time Gorbachev was in power.

    Need we play Zbig giving his pep talk to the Mujihadeen in Pakistan as he handed out stingers to the jihadists?

  885. @AnonfromTN
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO.
    Blinken also said that there will never be American troops on Ukrainian soil. The empire wants the cake but is afraid to steal it.

    US senator Mike Lee (from Utah) said that in NATO can be either Ukraine or the US, but not both.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    Blinken also said that there will never be American troops on Ukrainian soil. The empire wants the cake but is afraid to steal it.

    He’s saying that as a dishonest incentive for the Kiev regime to fight on.

    Blinken has some yap. This past June, he said Russia has the second best armed forces in Ukraine.

  886. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    You don’t believe in the power of assimilation, even for Europeans?
    I do, but for it to work there could not be a flood of them such that they assimilate the natives.

    The 1920 immigration pause in the USA was good in that it allowed for the Italian and other immigrants to assimilate to the Anglo environment they came to, thus preserving it rather than destroying it.

    This needs to be repeated. After a 25 year pause, the immigrants will become regular Americans just like the Italians and others before them.

    Unfortunately, both American political parties are failing to stop it. The MAGA Republicans who steer the Republican Party are particularly stupid here. Outnumbered because the Democrats control both Senate and the Presidency, they turned down a compromise deal (what deal other than a compromise would be possible, given that they only control 1 of the 3 relevant entities deciding this?) that would have prevented 100,000s of coming over, instead cynically choosing to leave the border wide open in the hope that an escalation of the problem will improve their chances of getting the presidency.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ

    Did an immigration pause do wonders for African-Americans, other than making it significantly easier for them to find work outside of the Southern US since they no longer had to compete with newly arrived European immigrant labor for Northern and Western industrial jobs? It strikes me that African-Americans were still significantly lagging behind white Americans even by the late 1960s, when the US gradually began reopening its doors to mass immigration. And the things on which they have worsened since the late 1960s, such as illegitimacy and possibly crime, have little to do with immigration, no?

    BTW, are Canada, Australia, and New Zealand incapable of assimilating their own mostly cognitively elitist extraordinarily massive immigrant floods? Do they need to reduce their own immigration flows to a trickle as well, in your own, honest opinion?

    Similarly, would you say that the EU needs some additional time to properly digest the 2004-2013 EU member countries before it can accept Ukraine and the Balkan countries as members?

    I do agree that the US Senate immigration compromise deal should have been passed, for Ukraine’s sake. But I also think that significantly reducing US immigration flows is going to be difficult, at least relative to 2010s levels, because Americans nowadays are much more pro-immigration than they were 30+ years ago:

    Nowadays (June 2023), slightly over a quarter of Americans want immigration increased and another 31% want to keep immigration levels at their present level. This is in the middle of Joe Biden’s border rush, mind you. 26% + 31% = 57%, a majority of the American people opposing decreased immigration levels. In contrast, while there was no opinion polling available back then, given the extremely overwhelming margins in the US Congress in favor of immigration restriction along bipartisan lines in the 1920s, I suspect that the overwhelming majority of 1920s Americans wanted reduced immigration, especially from outside both the British Isles and the Germanic countries.

    Nowadays Americans mostly don’t view immigration as a bad thing, since even the lower-average IQ Hispanics are compensated by higher-average IQ Asians and other global cognitive elites. In contrast, in the 1920s, American gentile whites often viewed higher-average IQ Ashkenazi Jews as competitors and arguably rivals for power and influence, which is probably why they did not want to import many additional Ashkenazi Jews into the US, even those who were desperately fleeing Nazism in the 1930s. Accepting Asians into the 1920s US was, of course, unfortunately completely unacceptable due to racism and possibly fears of economic competition for white gentile Americans, especially those living on the US West coast, as well.

  887. @LatW

    For decades a large majority of ethnic Basques have shown in every election that they don’t want to be ruled by Madrid, in the same way that I think a large majority of ethnic Latvians never wanted to be ruled by Moscow
    For now, let me just say this, Mikel, since you brought up the Basques. And, please, forgive me if I sound too blunt. One of the first things that put me off about you was when you mentioned something negative about the Basque freedom fighters - don't remember the exact thing you wrote, but it sounded like something along the lines of "they shouldn't have chosen violent means" or some kind of a disparaging comment about them being "radicals". I remember that that sent the first negative signal in my mind and I found it rather offensive and regrettable, unacceptable to my morality. Looking back at it, I understand now that you know more about this and me being just an idealistic female who has no direct experience with this (except the barricades in 1991 and the demos at a young age). But I raised myself to revere such people. That you didn't give respect to these Basque independence fighters who have been through so much really put me off (btw, their suppression continues still to this day). From then on, I couldn't trust anything you said. I admit that this is partly irrational, and it is nothing personal, of course, but it really put me off.

    Replies: @Mikel

    In its best years ETA was a collection of misguided patriots led by pseudo-intellectuals with an indigestion of Marxistoid ideology. These freedom fighters did want to build an independent Basque Country but they were planning to give us the “freedoms” of the Cubans and the Soviets. I had my own issues with the moderate nationalists but I’m very happy that my countrymen always gave them a majority and correctly assessed that it was actually better to remain under the rule of Madrid and Paris than to be ruled by these radical thugs. At least that gave us the chance of negotiating an autonomous regime more generous than any other in Europe. Even the Catalans, who like opening embassies everywhere, still lament not having achieved the fiscal independence that Euskadi/Navarre negotiated with Madrid in the late 70s.

    But, as I said, those were the “best” years for ETA. Once communism collapsed in EE, the cadres started abandoning the ship and things actually got worse. ETA transitioned to a group of bullies and village idiots led by the most radical elements who didn’t have the brains to adapt to the new times. There had always been innocent victims in ETA’s attacks but they became almost the norm when they started targeting journalists, politicians, civil servants and anyone deemed to be “anti-Basque”. On the one hand, they were a group of brutalized people living in their own closed circles where criticism was not allowed. On the other hand, they were too dumb to understand that if you set up a bomb to explode very early in the morning, a cleaning lady is likely to be in the office and you’re going to kill or cripple her for life.

    Popular support for these freaks kept diminishing all the time but, ironically, it was Islamist terrorism what eventually caused their demise. They finally realized that the only ones massacring people in Western Europe were the Islamists and themselves. Their IRA big brothers had abandoned violence and were actually trying to convince them to follow suit. Islamism forced them to look at themselves in the mirror and apparently they didn’t like what they saw.

    So you’re free to find my disparaging this scum offensive to your sensibility but I’m going to keep doing it without any hesitation.

    In any case, what matters here is not the specifics of the Basque case but the question that I asked you, which can be easily modified to present any other political issue in any other part of Europe. You don’t have to answer it but it’s an important question for people in your countries. Apart from the logical indignation at Russia’s invasion at the beginning, I believe that the only reason why most people are not asking themselves this type of question is because they are zombified and willing to accept anything that the MSM/big tech throws down their throats, as we see with the rainbow craziness. But wait until the body bags start coming home or a major escalation makes them wake up. They’re not going to ask themselves this question in the rational terms I’ve tried to phrase it.

    In fact, that is already happening in the US. I see people who never cared about Ukraine, like I did when it was Kiev doing the majority of the killings of innocent people, and thus have little knowledge of the history of this conflict, adopting a surprising anti-Ukraine rhetoric that I have no idea where it comes from. This includes people close to Trump, like his son for example, and Republicans that were not even MAGA in 2016.


    I grew up watching this type of acts of heroism every month if not every week

  888. @sudden death

    I would prefer that we send the troops (or rather, the military police unit) to help the Italians instead (and of course only if we can spare since we’ll need more people at home), if over 50-60% of Americans go isolationist (doubtful frankly, based on what I see but may happen in the younger gen), they should take care of themselves – they have a huge military budget. I’ve watched some footage from the Southern border, they need reinforcements, I’m puzzled as to why the border is not properly protected.
    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once, it's not like that only huge numerical forces have to be allocated for that, it's the very core principle of two way alliance that matters. We also don't need thousands of US/Italy troops here all the time, just several hundreds in each are enough too. Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)

    Also always prefered not to meddle too much into technical specifics of the US border guarding/wall building situation and wanted to leave it mainly for US born citizens to duke it out, cause don't know how much our experience situation with hundreds of kilometers in woody/swampy areas can be useful when US has thousands of kilometers in the deserts mostly:

    However pretty sure that there will plenty of instant loud squealing (e.g. from various fans of slobodans/radovans too) about eastern european meddling/interfering, instead of thanking for reducing, even if just a little bit, the number of islamic 3rd worlders reaching their own countries;)

    Replies: @LatW, @Mikel

    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once

    Sure, why not? The candidate you want to win the US elections is currently preventing even the Texas National Guard from stopping illegal immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border but perhaps he will allow Lithuanian troops to do that task after the elections. Sounds like a well-thought-out plan.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    There's a lot of grudgy teeth gnashing from certain corners in the West and all the East about Baltics having too loud of a voice for their size, so then might as well use that loudness as advantage when "meddling" in order to harden the borders everywhere;)

  889. Has Mr. Hack gotten his DNA results back? And does he have any oddball matches, like 1% Chechen?
    Would the Disney vote have gone differently, if they actually had to watch the movies?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    No yet, but thanks for asking. Have you ever had this type of testing done on yourself? Any specific company that you would recommend over any other one? How about you, any interesting relatives that you've been able to pinpoint from any analysis?

    Replies: @songbird

  890. @LatW

    Good for you. I'm actually neutral on IKEA (not a huge fan, although some of it looks cute and is quite convenient), I prefer more custom furniture. Either ultra modern with an artsy edge or purely traditional and "old school". I was just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive, although there are high end Swedish designer clothing shops in NYC).

    Replies: @Dmitry

    A lot of IKEA products are made in China. The important part is homologation of their production to European standards.

    Materials used like particle board can have problems when it is produced in low health regulation environments like in China. So, it’s a good advice to buy at least those materials which were reviewed for selling in the European market.

    Most of the furniture, people buy in Russia is made in China or from the domestic factory using material from China.

    IKEA is important for customers outside Europe because they will check their products which are made in China are able to follow European standards.

    just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive,

    With American salaries, a higher rate of people can buy Gaggenau and real European products. But, in countries like Russia, Poland, IKEA is like a public service. It’s a shop where normal people can afford to buy European-designed or regulated production from China.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    Out of curiosity: when was the last time you bought furniture in Russia? E.g., I did not buy any furniture there for many years, so I acknowledge that my opinion on the subject is very unlikely to be correct.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    , @John Johnson

    I absolutely hate IKEA.

    Their shelve/stands are paper thin and their chairs are not only ugly but uncomfortable.

    At one point they sold OK stuff but they later turned into a scam for urban Whites and college students. They market themselves as "modern" while keeping their garbage paper thin so it can be shipped for cheap.

    You can find much better furniture on craigslist. There is always someone trying to get rid of a table or chair.

    I've noticed a lot of the furniture at Walmart is actually made in Vietnam or the Philippines. It actually isn't bad for the price and especially if you can get it on sale.

    Someone already mentioned the Amish which I will second as the best. There is nothing comparable.

    The only other furniture store I can recommend is Macy's but it is a bit overpriced. I really hate buying expensive furniture only to have some accident happen to it. It's more relaxing to have furniture where you can shrug if something happens.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Derer

  891. @Dmitry

    A lot of IKEA products are made in China. The important part is homologation of their production to European standards.

    Materials used like particle board can have problems when it is produced in low health regulation environments like in China. So, it's a good advice to buy at least those materials which were reviewed for selling in the European market.

    Most of the furniture, people buy in Russia is made in China or from the domestic factory using material from China.

    IKEA is important for customers outside Europe because they will check their products which are made in China are able to follow European standards.

    just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive,
    With American salaries, a higher rate of people can buy Gaggenau and real European products. But, in countries like Russia, Poland, IKEA is like a public service. It's a shop where normal people can afford to buy European-designed or regulated production from China.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @John Johnson

    Out of curiosity: when was the last time you bought furniture in Russia? E.g., I did not buy any furniture there for many years, so I acknowledge that my opinion on the subject is very unlikely to be correct.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    More than 10 years ago I went to IKEA and everything I bought in my bedroom was from there. I was a fan. It looks good and I enjoyed at that age everything I can assemble myself. These are all Chinese manufactured products.

    It replaced things which were probably higher quality. Before that, I had all bed, dresser and bookshelf made from natural wood with a dark color. It was probably tik or walnut wood.

    I did not buy any furniture there for many years, so I acknowledge that my opinion on the subject is very unlikely to be correct.


    You can just look at the shops in your home region. Anything they are selling with particle board is probably from China or Chinese material. Even a lot of the natural wood products in the shops in Russia are imported from China and Vietnam which they can say, sometimes from Belarus which they advertise.

    Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing.
    Is this related to professional advice as you are a chemist, to not import too many volatile products?

    As an office cattle, I have been thinking how we should have more natural material and real wood in offices. I've been in offices before where they add perfume in the air to reduce the artificial furniture smell, which reduces probably workers' productivity.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

  892. @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    OK now we have something all of us can agree on. The soccer war was really dumb.
    Well, not really. Someone here who thinks that the soccer war was dumb but doesn't think that nuclear war to expand NATO a little further is even dumber is not in real agreement with me at all. That's like someone who thinks that poking a bear is dumb but doesn't think that pulling a wild tiger's tail is dumb. I wouldn't identify with such a person's worldview.

    Incidentally, something funny happened today. I think it was thanks to you that I started watching Peter Attia's YT episodes. So this morning I finally managed to get my VO2max tested. When I asked the receptionist why it takes so long to get an appointment for that test she said that everybody seems to be listening to Attia and they can't keep up with the demand. She asked me if I was one of his followers too and we were laughing about it. At any rate, it turned out that I am in the 99th percentile group for my age so that really boosted my self confidence massively.

    Replies: @Beckow, @songbird, @Dmitry

    Non-athletes doing those kind of tests, if they believe it would correlate with their health level?

    We would guess, people without diseases usually have more energy for doing hobbies like exercise. The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases, as it’s part of the indication of not having diseases to be able to do this hobby.

    So, VO2 max levels could correlate with health within the population, because exercise deselects people who are bed in the day, people using prescription opioids for pain management, people with clinical depression, people with schizophrenia who cannot join sports teams.

    It’s interesting, in the 21st century, exercise is also filter that deselects a lot of proletariat who work in a factory, don’t have gym inside their condo. It selects for people who can afford to follow the current form of bourgeois individualism.

    In the 18th century, populations with high V02 max levels may be peasants in Europe or China, serfs in Russia, slaves in the USA. Within the category of population it could correlate with health for the reason above of deselecting people with dieseases, between the category it might be inverse. Excluding something military, physically intensive levels of work was inverse to ownership of production means. Highest exercising professions would be peasants and slaves. Lowest V02 max level, aristocrats in Versailles.

    In the 21st century, American culture, V02 max level would correlate with a lot of bourgeois variables like health insurance. It can be, 21st century social norms, create the highest V02 max level in regions of the USA where people have better healthcare.

    There’s a video about “America’s Fittest City” The city has almost 50% less uninsured people than the median for the USA.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Interesting dichotomy since the majority of people in Arlington, Virginia probably work for the government in some way. Therefore most are highly decrepit mentally, emotionally and spiritually, even if their hearts and lungs operate well in mechanistic terms.


    I wonder how many Americans work in factories (large or small) doing touch labor on product?

    , @Mikel

    The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases
    Yes, populational studies are always full of confounding factors and it's not easy to determine what causes what. But one hopes that the peer reviewers of the vo2max papers that have been published in serious journals were aware of that. One also hopes that Perter Attia, Rhonda Patrick and the rest of the fitness gurus in that circle who mention these papers are also aware of these limitations. Some of them are PhDs and are involved in scientific research.

    My limited understanding is that lots of things have to function correctly in the symphony of our physiological processes for someone to achieve a high vo2max. It's not just inhaling oxygen but converting that oxygen into useful work from processes that go down to the intracelular level. But being in general good health is just a necessary, not sufficient condition. In fact, the average non-athlete 20 yo has a considerably lower vo2max than me so we're talking about a highly modifiable variable. What is more uncertain, and as I said, I am quite skeptical myself, is how this metric translates to a lower all-cause mortality. According to Attia, the correlation is higher than any other common lifestyle variable, like smoking or excessive drinking.

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn't seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,... who knows.

    The bottom line is that we all live in a world of uncertainty and we try to make the best of the limited information we have. I wouldn't dismiss all of Attia's followers as deluded simpletons. We're not talking about a tik-tok influence here. He's become not only famous but also influential among his peers for a reason.

    As for socioeconomic limitations, come on, we are in the 21st century. Who doesn't have the money for some running shoes, which is all it takes to increase vo2max? In fact, I would say that bodybuilding, which is more costly than running or biking, is negatively correlated with income these days. Even in a country like Chile I remember rich people practicing expensive sports like skiing, paragliding or sailing, while the lower classes lift weights and buy protein powders at the neighborhood gym.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  893. @AnonfromTN

    Out of curiosity: when was the last time you bought furniture in Russia? E.g., I did not buy any furniture there for many years, so I acknowledge that my opinion on the subject is very unlikely to be correct.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    More than 10 years ago I went to IKEA and everything I bought in my bedroom was from there. I was a fan. It looks good and I enjoyed at that age everything I can assemble myself. These are all Chinese manufactured products.

    It replaced things which were probably higher quality. Before that, I had all bed, dresser and bookshelf made from natural wood with a dark color. It was probably tik or walnut wood.

    I did not buy any furniture there for many years, so I acknowledge that my opinion on the subject is very unlikely to be correct.

    You can just look at the shops in your home region. Anything they are selling with particle board is probably from China or Chinese material. Even a lot of the natural wood products in the shops in Russia are imported from China and Vietnam which they can say, sometimes from Belarus which they advertise.

    Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing.

    Is this related to professional advice as you are a chemist, to not import too many volatile products?

    As an office cattle, I have been thinking how we should have more natural material and real wood in offices. I’ve been in offices before where they add perfume in the air to reduce the artificial furniture smell, which reduces probably workers’ productivity.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN

    You can just look at the shops in your home region.
    Well, my home region is Tennessee. When I shop in stores or online, I have hard time finding something that is not made in China (which I work hard to avoid for obvious reasons). Even with my New Balance sneakers, which used to be made in the US 15 years ago, I spend up to an hour in store looking for something that is not made in China. You feel lucky when it’s made in Vietnam or Philippines. “Made in the USA” was not on the menu for years.

    My wife bought a few things in Russia for the homes of her mother and sister a few years ago. In the store they only showed made in China things with apologetic air: everyone in Russia knows that this means lower quality.

    In the US ~80% of consumer goods are made in China (with the rest being from Mexico, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.; no more than 5% is made in the US). These tend to be of poor quality. In China itself they sell locally made goods of much better quality, but you have to be Chinese to get them and pay a reasonable price. I tested this experimentally: the difference between what we could buy in China and what my Chinese graduate student bought there for us was striking. Even their traditional silk is excellent and reasonably priced in places where the Chinese buy it, but mediocre and overpriced in stores serving tourists.
  894. @John Johnson
    Well this is interesting

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Wokechoke

    Very interesting.

    I am having difficulty seeing how strife between Orthodox Slavs and Central Asian Muslims helps Putin in anyway. It’s probably the only thing that could end the RusFed.

    It’s the fatal dagger that the CIA or MI6 would seek to plunge into a place like Moscow.

    Why would Putin encourage or provoke irredentist Slav nationalism in Moscow?

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    I am having difficulty seeing how strife between Orthodox Slavs and Central Asian Muslims helps Putin in anyway.

    He could use it to justify rounding up Central Asians for conscription which is currently happening.

    It’s the fatal dagger that the CIA or MI6 would seek to plunge into a place like Moscow.

    A Central Asian/Chechen/Moscow Muslim rebellion could certainly end Putin's regime. Hasn't happened and so far it's honestly been disappointing as to how many Muslims have died for Putin even after Chechnya and Syria. Islam seems to work too well when it comes to breeding subservient cannon fodder. But Putin also wisely uses the Chechens mainly for rear guard which is much safer than the front. He doesn't want to spark a Chechen mutiny.

    Why would Putin encourage or provoke irredentist Slav nationalism in Moscow?

    Pro-Putin Russian nationalism in Moscow would work to his favor if he tries to conscript urban middle class Slavs. So far he has avoided that option and for good reason.

    People do tend to rally around the leader after some type of massive attack.

    But I'm not saying I think Putin is behind the attack. I'm not sure at this point but the video is extremely suspicious. The lack of a quick response by a neighboring police station is disturbing. But it could all be Russian incompetence. Maybe the FSB agents at the concert really were that clueless and it is just by chance that one of them was on the chase team. It's possible and I don't see this being a good conspiracy attack for either Putin or Ukraine. Still most likely ISIS-K but there could have been a "let it happen" order.

  895. [MORE]

    Love you forever my beloved. We are one forever.

  896. @songbird
    Has Mr. Hack gotten his DNA results back? And does he have any oddball matches, like 1% Chechen?
    Would the Disney vote have gone differently, if they actually had to watch the movies?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    No yet, but thanks for asking. Have you ever had this type of testing done on yourself? Any specific company that you would recommend over any other one? How about you, any interesting relatives that you’ve been able to pinpoint from any analysis?

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    Have you ever had this type of testing done on yourself?
    I have taken one.

    Any specific company that you would recommend over any other one?
    Hard to judge these things, when you have only taken one.

    I would temper AP's recommendation of 23andme a little. For one thing, it is always possible that they will go out of business - their economic model doesn't seem to be working.

    For another, they might be a little too mass-market. They might have a big database, but that doesn't mean that most of the people are interested in genealogy in any but the most superficial way.

    How about you, any interesting relatives that you’ve been able to pinpoint from any analysis?
    If you are talking about ethnicity, I am pleased to announce that I don't have the taint of the Continent on me. For a while a fraction of a percent Iberian hung over my head like a dark cloud, but it was in a suspicious place and removed with better modelling. (But I am joking as these things are just models)

    If you are talking about ancestors, the one deep trace I was able to work, I did wholly on my own and without any DNA. I don't think anyone else was ever able to piece it together. (And it would be impossible to confirm, as I am sure nobody else could connect but through the same line.)

    What I found through DNA is actually quite limited. An interesting poem that one of my ancestors had written - I understand the original embroidery still exists. And evidence to confirm the earliest place that my mother's name can be traced. (Had already located the spot, but I would have been in more doubt otherwise.)

    Have found a few other things but only in a very minor way. Siblings of ancestors. Some pretty solid confirmation in a place where I didn't have much doubt.

    There were two or three matches that I was always hoping to find.

    One was to a family that called their home by the same term that the last chief used. It was in a different place, but near to my kin who knew the chief and used the coat of arms. My theory is that they may have seen themselves as the most legitimate branch left in Ireland, and that was after the male line of my folks had probably disappeared.

    Ireland has very little in the way of surviving paper records, so your experience may be vastly different.

    In the other, I had discovered a very interesting old tombstone and was hoping to find a match to someone with the same surname as the mother - it was very common in the area, in a hyperlocal way.

    But I have pretty much given up on both. mostly it is a pretty frustrating experience. The vast majority of people aren't even interested in communicating. Those that are almost inevitably know nothing - it is me telling them something, rather than the other way around. Or they are interested in things that I am not (am only interested in the past.)

    In one case, I was happy to share because I knew my ancestor was the only one with any kind of surviving birth record, and none of the siblings had anything strong to link them to that spot. But that is more the exception than the rule.
  897. @John Johnson

    Judging by the number of lies they spread lately, Ukies must be doing really badly.

    Your link doesn't show evidence of anything.

    They just hit a factory with one of their Cessna drones and it is on video:

    Why is it far fetched that they hit an airfield?

    Oh and 15% of Russian refinery capacity has been reduced because of drones.

    The 2.5 week operation is going as planned Comrade.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Wouldn’t the price of oil have been driven up if Russia’s refinery capacity was so a bad? Supply and demand and all that?

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Wouldn’t the price of oil have been driven up if Russia’s refinery capacity was so a bad? Supply and demand and all that?

    It could go a couple ways since we are talking about the price of gas.

    Russia could potentially control the price by cutting exports. 15% will cost them but they may be able to control it.

    But they would be in trouble if they bumped it up to 25-30%. You could get a weird situation where they have plenty of oil but the gas price spikes for Russians due to a lack of refineries. That could cause consumer panic even if the government has plenty of oil.

    The US actually asked Ukraine to stop hitting the refineries.

    I think taking out the bridge makes the most sense but for whatever reason the Ukrainians have decided to delay such actions.

  898. @Dmitry

    More than 10 years ago I went to IKEA and everything I bought in my bedroom was from there. I was a fan. It looks good and I enjoyed at that age everything I can assemble myself. These are all Chinese manufactured products.

    It replaced things which were probably higher quality. Before that, I had all bed, dresser and bookshelf made from natural wood with a dark color. It was probably tik or walnut wood.

    I did not buy any furniture there for many years, so I acknowledge that my opinion on the subject is very unlikely to be correct.


    You can just look at the shops in your home region. Anything they are selling with particle board is probably from China or Chinese material. Even a lot of the natural wood products in the shops in Russia are imported from China and Vietnam which they can say, sometimes from Belarus which they advertise.

    Most of our furniture is from Amish stores: sturdy, reliable, made from real wood by people who know what they are doing.
    Is this related to professional advice as you are a chemist, to not import too many volatile products?

    As an office cattle, I have been thinking how we should have more natural material and real wood in offices. I've been in offices before where they add perfume in the air to reduce the artificial furniture smell, which reduces probably workers' productivity.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN

    You can just look at the shops in your home region.

    Well, my home region is Tennessee. When I shop in stores or online, I have hard time finding something that is not made in China (which I work hard to avoid for obvious reasons). Even with my New Balance sneakers, which used to be made in the US 15 years ago, I spend up to an hour in store looking for something that is not made in China. You feel lucky when it’s made in Vietnam or Philippines. “Made in the USA” was not on the menu for years.

    My wife bought a few things in Russia for the homes of her mother and sister a few years ago. In the store they only showed made in China things with apologetic air: everyone in Russia knows that this means lower quality.

    In the US ~80% of consumer goods are made in China (with the rest being from Mexico, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.; no more than 5% is made in the US). These tend to be of poor quality. In China itself they sell locally made goods of much better quality, but you have to be Chinese to get them and pay a reasonable price. I tested this experimentally: the difference between what we could buy in China and what my Chinese graduate student bought there for us was striking. Even their traditional silk is excellent and reasonably priced in places where the Chinese buy it, but mediocre and overpriced in stores serving tourists.

  899. @Mikel
    @sudden death

    Imho both things (Italy/US) can be offered to do at once
    Sure, why not? The candidate you want to win the US elections is currently preventing even the Texas National Guard from stopping illegal immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border but perhaps he will allow Lithuanian troops to do that task after the elections. Sounds like a well-thought-out plan.

    Replies: @sudden death

    There’s a lot of grudgy teeth gnashing from certain corners in the West and all the East about Baltics having too loud of a voice for their size, so then might as well use that loudness as advantage when “meddling” in order to harden the borders everywhere;)

  900. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Very interesting.

    I am having difficulty seeing how strife between Orthodox Slavs and Central Asian Muslims helps Putin in anyway. It’s probably the only thing that could end the RusFed.

    It’s the fatal dagger that the CIA or MI6 would seek to plunge into a place like Moscow.

    Why would Putin encourage or provoke irredentist Slav nationalism in Moscow?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    I am having difficulty seeing how strife between Orthodox Slavs and Central Asian Muslims helps Putin in anyway.

    He could use it to justify rounding up Central Asians for conscription which is currently happening.

    It’s the fatal dagger that the CIA or MI6 would seek to plunge into a place like Moscow.

    A Central Asian/Chechen/Moscow Muslim rebellion could certainly end Putin’s regime. Hasn’t happened and so far it’s honestly been disappointing as to how many Muslims have died for Putin even after Chechnya and Syria. Islam seems to work too well when it comes to breeding subservient cannon fodder. But Putin also wisely uses the Chechens mainly for rear guard which is much safer than the front. He doesn’t want to spark a Chechen mutiny.

    Why would Putin encourage or provoke irredentist Slav nationalism in Moscow?

    Pro-Putin Russian nationalism in Moscow would work to his favor if he tries to conscript urban middle class Slavs. So far he has avoided that option and for good reason.

    People do tend to rally around the leader after some type of massive attack.

    But I’m not saying I think Putin is behind the attack. I’m not sure at this point but the video is extremely suspicious. The lack of a quick response by a neighboring police station is disturbing. But it could all be Russian incompetence. Maybe the FSB agents at the concert really were that clueless and it is just by chance that one of them was on the chase team. It’s possible and I don’t see this being a good conspiracy attack for either Putin or Ukraine. Still most likely ISIS-K but there could have been a “let it happen” order.

  901. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Wouldn’t the price of oil have been driven up if Russia’s refinery capacity was so a bad? Supply and demand and all that?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Wouldn’t the price of oil have been driven up if Russia’s refinery capacity was so a bad? Supply and demand and all that?

    It could go a couple ways since we are talking about the price of gas.

    Russia could potentially control the price by cutting exports. 15% will cost them but they may be able to control it.

    But they would be in trouble if they bumped it up to 25-30%. You could get a weird situation where they have plenty of oil but the gas price spikes for Russians due to a lack of refineries. That could cause consumer panic even if the government has plenty of oil.

    The US actually asked Ukraine to stop hitting the refineries.

    I think taking out the bridge makes the most sense but for whatever reason the Ukrainians have decided to delay such actions.

  902. @Dmitry

    A lot of IKEA products are made in China. The important part is homologation of their production to European standards.

    Materials used like particle board can have problems when it is produced in low health regulation environments like in China. So, it's a good advice to buy at least those materials which were reviewed for selling in the European market.

    Most of the furniture, people buy in Russia is made in China or from the domestic factory using material from China.

    IKEA is important for customers outside Europe because they will check their products which are made in China are able to follow European standards.

    just using this as an example that they do export consumer goods into the US that are not very cheap (mid range, neither cheap nor expensive,
    With American salaries, a higher rate of people can buy Gaggenau and real European products. But, in countries like Russia, Poland, IKEA is like a public service. It's a shop where normal people can afford to buy European-designed or regulated production from China.

    Replies: @AnonfromTN, @John Johnson

    I absolutely hate IKEA.

    Their shelve/stands are paper thin and their chairs are not only ugly but uncomfortable.

    At one point they sold OK stuff but they later turned into a scam for urban Whites and college students. They market themselves as “modern” while keeping their garbage paper thin so it can be shipped for cheap.

    You can find much better furniture on craigslist. There is always someone trying to get rid of a table or chair.

    I’ve noticed a lot of the furniture at Walmart is actually made in Vietnam or the Philippines. It actually isn’t bad for the price and especially if you can get it on sale.

    Someone already mentioned the Amish which I will second as the best. There is nothing comparable.

    The only other furniture store I can recommend is Macy’s but it is a bit overpriced. I really hate buying expensive furniture only to have some accident happen to it. It’s more relaxing to have furniture where you can shrug if something happens.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    I agree about IKEA. Their business model seems to be build product at the minimum acceptable quality and lowest possible cost and sell it to urban yuppies at a medium to high price point based on a manufactured image of Euro quality and international sensibilities.

    I do have one of their Pohang chairs which is great. I have not been to one of the stores in ten years so things could have changed, but I doubt it.

    , @Derer
    @John Johnson

    I agree, low quality products...they are switching to unhealthy food. Their dishonesty is also in the assembly cost...the price is listed for the packaged product and not for the advertised (picture) assembled products. The home assembly time sometimes takes days and that value is excluded.

    This topic is however classify as some social chatting, removed from the Ukraine war.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  903. @Mr. Hack

    No yet, but thanks for asking. Have you ever had this type of testing done on yourself? Any specific company that you would recommend over any other one? How about you, any interesting relatives that you've been able to pinpoint from any analysis?

    Replies: @songbird

    Have you ever had this type of testing done on yourself?

    I have taken one.


    Any specific company that you would recommend over any other one?

    Hard to judge these things, when you have only taken one.

    I would temper AP’s recommendation of 23andme a little. For one thing, it is always possible that they will go out of business – their economic model doesn’t seem to be working.

    For another, they might be a little too mass-market. They might have a big database, but that doesn’t mean that most of the people are interested in genealogy in any but the most superficial way.

    How about you, any interesting relatives that you’ve been able to pinpoint from any analysis?

    If you are talking about ethnicity, I am pleased to announce that I don’t have the taint of the Continent on me. For a while a fraction of a percent Iberian hung over my head like a dark cloud, but it was in a suspicious place and removed with better modelling. (But I am joking as these things are just models)

    If you are talking about ancestors, the one deep trace I was able to work, I did wholly on my own and without any DNA. I don’t think anyone else was ever able to piece it together. (And it would be impossible to confirm, as I am sure nobody else could connect but through the same line.)

    What I found through DNA is actually quite limited. An interesting poem that one of my ancestors had written – I understand the original embroidery still exists. And evidence to confirm the earliest place that my mother’s name can be traced. (Had already located the spot, but I would have been in more doubt otherwise.)

    Have found a few other things but only in a very minor way. Siblings of ancestors. Some pretty solid confirmation in a place where I didn’t have much doubt.

    There were two or three matches that I was always hoping to find.

    One was to a family that called their home by the same term that the last chief used. It was in a different place, but near to my kin who knew the chief and used the coat of arms. My theory is that they may have seen themselves as the most legitimate branch left in Ireland, and that was after the male line of my folks had probably disappeared.

    Ireland has very little in the way of surviving paper records, so your experience may be vastly different.

    In the other, I had discovered a very interesting old tombstone and was hoping to find a match to someone with the same surname as the mother – it was very common in the area, in a hyperlocal way.

    But I have pretty much given up on both. mostly it is a pretty frustrating experience. The vast majority of people aren’t even interested in communicating. Those that are almost inevitably know nothing – it is me telling them something, rather than the other way around. Or they are interested in things that I am not (am only interested in the past.)

    In one case, I was happy to share because I knew my ancestor was the only one with any kind of surviving birth record, and none of the siblings had anything strong to link them to that spot. But that is more the exception than the rule.

  904. @Dmitry

    Non-athletes doing those kind of tests, if they believe it would correlate with their health level?

    We would guess, people without diseases usually have more energy for doing hobbies like exercise. The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases, as it's part of the indication of not having diseases to be able to do this hobby.

    So, VO2 max levels could correlate with health within the population, because exercise deselects people who are bed in the day, people using prescription opioids for pain management, people with clinical depression, people with schizophrenia who cannot join sports teams.


    It's interesting, in the 21st century, exercise is also filter that deselects a lot of proletariat who work in a factory, don't have gym inside their condo. It selects for people who can afford to follow the current form of bourgeois individualism.

    In the 18th century, populations with high V02 max levels may be peasants in Europe or China, serfs in Russia, slaves in the USA. Within the category of population it could correlate with health for the reason above of deselecting people with dieseases, between the category it might be inverse. Excluding something military, physically intensive levels of work was inverse to ownership of production means. Highest exercising professions would be peasants and slaves. Lowest V02 max level, aristocrats in Versailles.

    In the 21st century, American culture, V02 max level would correlate with a lot of bourgeois variables like health insurance. It can be, 21st century social norms, create the highest V02 max level in regions of the USA where people have better healthcare.

    There's a video about "America's Fittest City" The city has almost 50% less uninsured people than the median for the USA.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mikel

    Interesting dichotomy since the majority of people in Arlington, Virginia probably work for the government in some way. Therefore most are highly decrepit mentally, emotionally and spiritually, even if their hearts and lungs operate well in mechanistic terms.


    I wonder how many Americans work in factories (large or small) doing touch labor on product?

  905. @John Johnson

    I absolutely hate IKEA.

    Their shelve/stands are paper thin and their chairs are not only ugly but uncomfortable.

    At one point they sold OK stuff but they later turned into a scam for urban Whites and college students. They market themselves as "modern" while keeping their garbage paper thin so it can be shipped for cheap.

    You can find much better furniture on craigslist. There is always someone trying to get rid of a table or chair.

    I've noticed a lot of the furniture at Walmart is actually made in Vietnam or the Philippines. It actually isn't bad for the price and especially if you can get it on sale.

    Someone already mentioned the Amish which I will second as the best. There is nothing comparable.

    The only other furniture store I can recommend is Macy's but it is a bit overpriced. I really hate buying expensive furniture only to have some accident happen to it. It's more relaxing to have furniture where you can shrug if something happens.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Derer

    I agree about IKEA. Their business model seems to be build product at the minimum acceptable quality and lowest possible cost and sell it to urban yuppies at a medium to high price point based on a manufactured image of Euro quality and international sensibilities.

    I do have one of their Pohang chairs which is great. I have not been to one of the stores in ten years so things could have changed, but I doubt it.

  906. @Dmitry

    Non-athletes doing those kind of tests, if they believe it would correlate with their health level?

    We would guess, people without diseases usually have more energy for doing hobbies like exercise. The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases, as it's part of the indication of not having diseases to be able to do this hobby.

    So, VO2 max levels could correlate with health within the population, because exercise deselects people who are bed in the day, people using prescription opioids for pain management, people with clinical depression, people with schizophrenia who cannot join sports teams.


    It's interesting, in the 21st century, exercise is also filter that deselects a lot of proletariat who work in a factory, don't have gym inside their condo. It selects for people who can afford to follow the current form of bourgeois individualism.

    In the 18th century, populations with high V02 max levels may be peasants in Europe or China, serfs in Russia, slaves in the USA. Within the category of population it could correlate with health for the reason above of deselecting people with dieseases, between the category it might be inverse. Excluding something military, physically intensive levels of work was inverse to ownership of production means. Highest exercising professions would be peasants and slaves. Lowest V02 max level, aristocrats in Versailles.

    In the 21st century, American culture, V02 max level would correlate with a lot of bourgeois variables like health insurance. It can be, 21st century social norms, create the highest V02 max level in regions of the USA where people have better healthcare.

    There's a video about "America's Fittest City" The city has almost 50% less uninsured people than the median for the USA.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mikel

    The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases

    Yes, populational studies are always full of confounding factors and it’s not easy to determine what causes what. But one hopes that the peer reviewers of the vo2max papers that have been published in serious journals were aware of that. One also hopes that Perter Attia, Rhonda Patrick and the rest of the fitness gurus in that circle who mention these papers are also aware of these limitations. Some of them are PhDs and are involved in scientific research.

    My limited understanding is that lots of things have to function correctly in the symphony of our physiological processes for someone to achieve a high vo2max. It’s not just inhaling oxygen but converting that oxygen into useful work from processes that go down to the intracelular level. But being in general good health is just a necessary, not sufficient condition. In fact, the average non-athlete 20 yo has a considerably lower vo2max than me so we’re talking about a highly modifiable variable. What is more uncertain, and as I said, I am quite skeptical myself, is how this metric translates to a lower all-cause mortality. According to Attia, the correlation is higher than any other common lifestyle variable, like smoking or excessive drinking.

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn’t seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,… who knows.

    The bottom line is that we all live in a world of uncertainty and we try to make the best of the limited information we have. I wouldn’t dismiss all of Attia’s followers as deluded simpletons. We’re not talking about a tik-tok influence here. He’s become not only famous but also influential among his peers for a reason.

    As for socioeconomic limitations, come on, we are in the 21st century. Who doesn’t have the money for some running shoes, which is all it takes to increase vo2max? In fact, I would say that bodybuilding, which is more costly than running or biking, is negatively correlated with income these days. Even in a country like Chile I remember rich people practicing expensive sports like skiing, paragliding or sailing, while the lower classes lift weights and buy protein powders at the neighborhood gym.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn’t seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,… who knows.
    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se. The ones I am most familiar with have not aged well at all. Jimmy Conners has had two hip replacement surgeries. Ivan Lendl, Boris Becker, Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg all look like $hit. If you saw the list of injuries and surgeries for Rafael Nadal you would cringe. Throw all of that data into the bin.

    Have you read Attia's book? Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates? I do like the book. There is one extraordinarily valuable datum in there which I never saw before. But I really think we are on our own and the territory is very poorly mapped.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack, @Mikel

  907. @Mikel

    The exercise hobby is a filter to deselect for people with diseases
    Yes, populational studies are always full of confounding factors and it's not easy to determine what causes what. But one hopes that the peer reviewers of the vo2max papers that have been published in serious journals were aware of that. One also hopes that Perter Attia, Rhonda Patrick and the rest of the fitness gurus in that circle who mention these papers are also aware of these limitations. Some of them are PhDs and are involved in scientific research.

    My limited understanding is that lots of things have to function correctly in the symphony of our physiological processes for someone to achieve a high vo2max. It's not just inhaling oxygen but converting that oxygen into useful work from processes that go down to the intracelular level. But being in general good health is just a necessary, not sufficient condition. In fact, the average non-athlete 20 yo has a considerably lower vo2max than me so we're talking about a highly modifiable variable. What is more uncertain, and as I said, I am quite skeptical myself, is how this metric translates to a lower all-cause mortality. According to Attia, the correlation is higher than any other common lifestyle variable, like smoking or excessive drinking.

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn't seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,... who knows.

    The bottom line is that we all live in a world of uncertainty and we try to make the best of the limited information we have. I wouldn't dismiss all of Attia's followers as deluded simpletons. We're not talking about a tik-tok influence here. He's become not only famous but also influential among his peers for a reason.

    As for socioeconomic limitations, come on, we are in the 21st century. Who doesn't have the money for some running shoes, which is all it takes to increase vo2max? In fact, I would say that bodybuilding, which is more costly than running or biking, is negatively correlated with income these days. Even in a country like Chile I remember rich people practicing expensive sports like skiing, paragliding or sailing, while the lower classes lift weights and buy protein powders at the neighborhood gym.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn’t seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,… who knows.

    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se. The ones I am most familiar with have not aged well at all. Jimmy Conners has had two hip replacement surgeries. Ivan Lendl, Boris Becker, Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg all look like $hit. If you saw the list of injuries and surgeries for Rafael Nadal you would cringe. Throw all of that data into the bin.

    Have you read Attia’s book? Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates? I do like the book. There is one extraordinarily valuable datum in there which I never saw before. But I really think we are on our own and the territory is very poorly mapped.

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    New mass-synchronized Chinese workout just dropped:

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se.
    You then go on to recite the maladies of professional tennis players later in life once they've quit competing. Even at the rank amateur level, partakers in this sport probably don't often exhibit superior health or robust longevity markers. I used to play a lot of tennis, taking part in league play that included a lot of excellent, but older players. Having developed some shin splint issues myself while playing too much, I forced myself to slow down and not play every day.

    A lot of these players were all bandaged up and could be seen popping all manner of pain pills while they were out on the courts. One older Jewish businessman, who was my friend and a workaholic, fell on the ground one day while we were playing some lively doubles matches. Fortunately, I found his glycerin tablets amidst the bags of equipment etc on the sidelines and was able to pop two tablets into his mouth. He lived to see another day. Today, with the advent of pickle ball (I think designed mostly for the older player in mind), such reckless lifestyles have probably disappeared. :-)

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you read Attia’s book?
    Yes, I did, after you recommended it, 1 or 2 years ago. Interesting ideas.

    Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates?
    No, I rarely watch his whole interviews. They're typically ~3 hours long. It's often more interesting to see him interviewed by other youtubers.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  908. @LatW
    @sudden death

    Also potentialy other countries can join later, e.g. it can be joint Polish-Baltic-Finnish mission in US south/Italy too;)
    Yep, this sounds great, I love this combo. :) We should troll the Democrats by offering help. :)

    I think the unspoken secret might be that everyone has enough troops or police, they just don't want to use it. Although Italy might have a shortage, given how many are arriving in those dingy boats. Afaik, there is nobody on Lampedusa, except for a few aid workers. We should actually have a say in this because these foreigners are entering EU territory, since sooner or later they will disperse towards the North. There has to be some kind of an assertive yet humane narrative here.

    This Euro fence is great, too, they should keep working on it.

    The political dimension is important. The US (and maybe a few others) being so lax about their border... that should not be allowed to grow into some world wide narrative that that's ok, as in, "it is what it is, you can't control these things". No. We need to put our foot down and say that this is illegal, period, and won't be accepted. Because some radicals in the US might try to export the idea that borders are fake and shouldn't exist. Kind of like they're exporting the rainbow flag.

    In the US, both in the North and in the South the original inhabitants are Indians. So it's different than for us (where we have Africans and M.Easterners arriving). Although these Mayans have never lived in the North before. Tbh, I don't have anything against these Mayans (they're active church goers and they are mostly quiet and benign). But there are now all kinds of people coming through the Southern border, soon it will be mostly non-American nationalities, I bet.

    We should also try to alleviate the situation in the M.East but sadly it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    This is why I am an immigration hawk when it comes to Europe but not for the US. We simply get and are capable of getting higher-quality immigrants than Europe gets. Even our working-class immigrants are often hardworking Christians, and they’re balanced out by the cognitive elites that we accept from the Old World (with us being capable of accepting many more of them if necessary). Continental Europe has difficulty getting quality immigrants, and the biggest immigrant populations in Europe are not exactly high-quality or non-troublesome. I do think, though, that if continental Europe wants an easy supply of cheap labor, then it should get it from Latin America, India, East Asia, and/or non-Muslim Southeast Asia rather than from the Muslim world or even Sub-Saharan Africa (unless it’s whites or Indians or perhaps Igbos or elite blacks from there).

    There are no doubt plenty of decent Muslims and Sub-Saharan Africans in Europe, but unfortunately there are way too many bad apples from these two groups in Europe. Sad but true. So, much more immigration restriction from these places for continental Europe is needed.

  909. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn’t seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,… who knows.
    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se. The ones I am most familiar with have not aged well at all. Jimmy Conners has had two hip replacement surgeries. Ivan Lendl, Boris Becker, Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg all look like $hit. If you saw the list of injuries and surgeries for Rafael Nadal you would cringe. Throw all of that data into the bin.

    Have you read Attia's book? Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates? I do like the book. There is one extraordinarily valuable datum in there which I never saw before. But I really think we are on our own and the territory is very poorly mapped.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack, @Mikel

    New mass-synchronized Chinese workout just dropped:


    • Replies: @QCIC

    Hive mind centipede.


    Training intended for crawling through a mine field under fire.

    Replies: @songbird

  910. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn’t seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,… who knows.
    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se. The ones I am most familiar with have not aged well at all. Jimmy Conners has had two hip replacement surgeries. Ivan Lendl, Boris Becker, Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg all look like $hit. If you saw the list of injuries and surgeries for Rafael Nadal you would cringe. Throw all of that data into the bin.

    Have you read Attia's book? Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates? I do like the book. There is one extraordinarily valuable datum in there which I never saw before. But I really think we are on our own and the territory is very poorly mapped.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack, @Mikel

    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se.

    You then go on to recite the maladies of professional tennis players later in life once they’ve quit competing. Even at the rank amateur level, partakers in this sport probably don’t often exhibit superior health or robust longevity markers. I used to play a lot of tennis, taking part in league play that included a lot of excellent, but older players. Having developed some shin splint issues myself while playing too much, I forced myself to slow down and not play every day.

    A lot of these players were all bandaged up and could be seen popping all manner of pain pills while they were out on the courts. One older Jewish businessman, who was my friend and a workaholic, fell on the ground one day while we were playing some lively doubles matches. Fortunately, I found his glycerin tablets amidst the bags of equipment etc on the sidelines and was able to pop two tablets into his mouth. He lived to see another day. Today, with the advent of pickle ball (I think designed mostly for the older player in mind), such reckless lifestyles have probably disappeared. 🙂

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Mr. Hack

    Today, with the advent of pickle ball (I think designed mostly for the older player in mind), such reckless lifestyles have probably disappeared.
    Not disappeared. Swept under the rug.

    Tennis is pretty brutal if one gets competitive about it. 1) massive stress on joints & 2) highly asymmetric and unbalancing. Pickleball is for tennis cult members who have wrecked their elbow or shoulder or wrist. They subsequently may find that their unrelieved hips, knees, and ankles send them to the orthopedic surgeon.

    When you get old you need to limit your tennis to once a week or a small amount more than that. Only young people can do tennis over and over and over and over and over. IT'S TOO INTENSE.

    Replies: @Mikhail

  911. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I find this very striking because my anecdotal recollection of how some famous athletes have aged doesn’t seem to support that theory. Laurent Fignon, for example, a multiple times Tour de France winner, died early and so have many other top athletes. But perhaps top athletes introduce their own set of confounding variables: abuse of enhancing substances, long-term detrimental effects of pushing your body to the human limits, some sort of physiological rebounding effect after years of training at that extreme level once you stop doing it,… who knows.
    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se. The ones I am most familiar with have not aged well at all. Jimmy Conners has had two hip replacement surgeries. Ivan Lendl, Boris Becker, Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg all look like $hit. If you saw the list of injuries and surgeries for Rafael Nadal you would cringe. Throw all of that data into the bin.

    Have you read Attia's book? Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates? I do like the book. There is one extraordinarily valuable datum in there which I never saw before. But I really think we are on our own and the territory is very poorly mapped.

    Replies: @songbird, @Mr. Hack, @Mikel

    Have you read Attia’s book?

    Yes, I did, after you recommended it, 1 or 2 years ago. Interesting ideas.

    Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates?

    No, I rarely watch his whole interviews. They’re typically ~3 hours long. It’s often more interesting to see him interviewed by other youtubers.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Derek More Plates More Dates show is worth a look to see the enormity of chemistry on which Attia bases his worldview. This is how some doctors think. They do know a bunch of chemistry. The encyclopedias of knowledge is one drop in a bucket and much of what they do know is not self-consistent. The idea that weight lifters and body builders can test their blood every week or even every day and avoid negative effects looks absurd to me but apparently not to Peter Attia who seems like he might take as many drugs as any human on earth. He has had all of his vaccinations.

    Replies: @Mikel

  912. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    New mass-synchronized Chinese workout just dropped:

    Replies: @QCIC

    Hive mind centipede.


    Training intended for crawling through a mine field under fire.

    • Replies: @songbird

    Feel like this is in the traditional rice-growing zone and represents a highly stylized version of planting rice.

    That they feel the need to "plant" it, which is not accommodated by the modern, urban lifestyle.

    The exercises of wheat-Chinese must probably be different.

  913. @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you read Attia’s book?
    Yes, I did, after you recommended it, 1 or 2 years ago. Interesting ideas.

    Have you seen the podcast interview Attia did with Derek More Plates More Dates?
    No, I rarely watch his whole interviews. They're typically ~3 hours long. It's often more interesting to see him interviewed by other youtubers.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Derek More Plates More Dates show is worth a look to see the enormity of chemistry on which Attia bases his worldview. This is how some doctors think. They do know a bunch of chemistry. The encyclopedias of knowledge is one drop in a bucket and much of what they do know is not self-consistent. The idea that weight lifters and body builders can test their blood every week or even every day and avoid negative effects looks absurd to me but apparently not to Peter Attia who seems like he might take as many drugs as any human on earth. He has had all of his vaccinations.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Derek More Plates More Dates show is worth a look to see the enormity of chemistry on which Attia bases his worldview.
    Thanks for the advice. But you mean Derek's show or just his interview with Attia? I was under the impression that Attia is rather skeptical of supplements and only takes a few but I don't quite remember his list. He had a recent episode on that but when it comes to supplements, I trust Matt Kaeberlein and Rhonda Patrick more than Attia. He also has a positive attitude towards HRT that I find iffy, based on what I've read elsewhere, and his intake of protein looks excessive to me. Apparently, he takes venison jerky sticks everywhere he goes, from his wild deer harvesting company in Hawaii. No way I'm eating several jerky sticks each day to prevent sarcopenia, doesn't sound particularly healthy. He's a brilliant guy but he also has some mental issues that he's publicly acknowledged and that probably influence his strict lifestyle habits.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  914. @John Johnson

    I absolutely hate IKEA.

    Their shelve/stands are paper thin and their chairs are not only ugly but uncomfortable.

    At one point they sold OK stuff but they later turned into a scam for urban Whites and college students. They market themselves as "modern" while keeping their garbage paper thin so it can be shipped for cheap.

    You can find much better furniture on craigslist. There is always someone trying to get rid of a table or chair.

    I've noticed a lot of the furniture at Walmart is actually made in Vietnam or the Philippines. It actually isn't bad for the price and especially if you can get it on sale.

    Someone already mentioned the Amish which I will second as the best. There is nothing comparable.

    The only other furniture store I can recommend is Macy's but it is a bit overpriced. I really hate buying expensive furniture only to have some accident happen to it. It's more relaxing to have furniture where you can shrug if something happens.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Derer

    I agree, low quality products…they are switching to unhealthy food. Their dishonesty is also in the assembly cost…the price is listed for the packaged product and not for the advertised (picture) assembled products. The home assembly time sometimes takes days and that value is excluded.

    This topic is however classify as some social chatting, removed from the Ukraine war.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    I agree, low quality products…they are switching to unhealthy food. Their dishonesty is also in the assembly cost…the price is listed for the packaged product and not for the advertised (picture) assembled products. The home assembly time sometimes takes days and that value is excluded.

    I normally use craigslist for furniture.

    My wife once bought me a really nice leather lounger. It was a really good gift as people have a hard time shopping for me. I don't know how much it cost but it was brand new and from a place like Macy's.

    Then like 6 months later our fat neighbor came over and destroyed it. He sat down and you could hear it snap.


    I have a hard time buying new furniture after that experience. I get on craigslist or offerup and try to find someone that is moving.

  915. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Derek More Plates More Dates show is worth a look to see the enormity of chemistry on which Attia bases his worldview. This is how some doctors think. They do know a bunch of chemistry. The encyclopedias of knowledge is one drop in a bucket and much of what they do know is not self-consistent. The idea that weight lifters and body builders can test their blood every week or even every day and avoid negative effects looks absurd to me but apparently not to Peter Attia who seems like he might take as many drugs as any human on earth. He has had all of his vaccinations.

    Replies: @Mikel

    The Derek More Plates More Dates show is worth a look to see the enormity of chemistry on which Attia bases his worldview.

    Thanks for the advice. But you mean Derek’s show or just his interview with Attia? I was under the impression that Attia is rather skeptical of supplements and only takes a few but I don’t quite remember his list. He had a recent episode on that but when it comes to supplements, I trust Matt Kaeberlein and Rhonda Patrick more than Attia. He also has a positive attitude towards HRT that I find iffy, based on what I’ve read elsewhere, and his intake of protein looks excessive to me. Apparently, he takes venison jerky sticks everywhere he goes, from his wild deer harvesting company in Hawaii. No way I’m eating several jerky sticks each day to prevent sarcopenia, doesn’t sound particularly healthy. He’s a brilliant guy but he also has some mental issues that he’s publicly acknowledged and that probably influence his strict lifestyle habits.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    This is the specific show I was referring to:

    Attia interviews Derek. Derek knows all there is to know up to the latest post on twitter on the subject of what drugs, hormones, peptides, &c. maximize muscle growth for the art of body building. Peter is not up to the latest post on twitter but is shockingly able to keep up. He knows way more about this subject than I want any doctor of mine to know. Because even if only it is an enormous time energy commitment to know this.

    There is a perfectly innocent explanation of course. In his practice he may see dozens of broken Arnold Schwarzenegers and be dedicated to fixing them. I don't think that is it.

  916. @QCIC

    Hive mind centipede.


    Training intended for crawling through a mine field under fire.

    Replies: @songbird

    Feel like this is in the traditional rice-growing zone and represents a highly stylized version of planting rice.

    That they feel the need to “plant” it, which is not accommodated by the modern, urban lifestyle.

    The exercises of wheat-Chinese must probably be different.

  917. @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Derek More Plates More Dates show is worth a look to see the enormity of chemistry on which Attia bases his worldview.
    Thanks for the advice. But you mean Derek's show or just his interview with Attia? I was under the impression that Attia is rather skeptical of supplements and only takes a few but I don't quite remember his list. He had a recent episode on that but when it comes to supplements, I trust Matt Kaeberlein and Rhonda Patrick more than Attia. He also has a positive attitude towards HRT that I find iffy, based on what I've read elsewhere, and his intake of protein looks excessive to me. Apparently, he takes venison jerky sticks everywhere he goes, from his wild deer harvesting company in Hawaii. No way I'm eating several jerky sticks each day to prevent sarcopenia, doesn't sound particularly healthy. He's a brilliant guy but he also has some mental issues that he's publicly acknowledged and that probably influence his strict lifestyle habits.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    This is the specific show I was referring to:

    Attia interviews Derek. Derek knows all there is to know up to the latest post on twitter on the subject of what drugs, hormones, peptides, &c. maximize muscle growth for the art of body building. Peter is not up to the latest post on twitter but is shockingly able to keep up. He knows way more about this subject than I want any doctor of mine to know. Because even if only it is an enormous time energy commitment to know this.

    There is a perfectly innocent explanation of course. In his practice he may see dozens of broken Arnold Schwarzenegers and be dedicated to fixing them. I don’t think that is it.

    • Thanks: Mikel
  918. @Mr. Hack
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Professional athletes are not out for longevity or even fitness per se.
    You then go on to recite the maladies of professional tennis players later in life once they've quit competing. Even at the rank amateur level, partakers in this sport probably don't often exhibit superior health or robust longevity markers. I used to play a lot of tennis, taking part in league play that included a lot of excellent, but older players. Having developed some shin splint issues myself while playing too much, I forced myself to slow down and not play every day.

    A lot of these players were all bandaged up and could be seen popping all manner of pain pills while they were out on the courts. One older Jewish businessman, who was my friend and a workaholic, fell on the ground one day while we were playing some lively doubles matches. Fortunately, I found his glycerin tablets amidst the bags of equipment etc on the sidelines and was able to pop two tablets into his mouth. He lived to see another day. Today, with the advent of pickle ball (I think designed mostly for the older player in mind), such reckless lifestyles have probably disappeared. :-)

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Today, with the advent of pickle ball (I think designed mostly for the older player in mind), such reckless lifestyles have probably disappeared.

    Not disappeared. Swept under the rug.

    Tennis is pretty brutal if one gets competitive about it. 1) massive stress on joints & 2) highly asymmetric and unbalancing. Pickleball is for tennis cult members who have wrecked their elbow or shoulder or wrist. They subsequently may find that their unrelieved hips, knees, and ankles send them to the orthopedic surgeon.

    When you get old you need to limit your tennis to once a week or a small amount more than that. Only young people can do tennis over and over and over and over and over. IT’S TOO INTENSE.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Mikhail
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    A carefully diversified cardio and bone density weight training regimen becomes more important with age.

  919. @Derer
    @John Johnson

    I agree, low quality products...they are switching to unhealthy food. Their dishonesty is also in the assembly cost...the price is listed for the packaged product and not for the advertised (picture) assembled products. The home assembly time sometimes takes days and that value is excluded.

    This topic is however classify as some social chatting, removed from the Ukraine war.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    I agree, low quality products…they are switching to unhealthy food. Their dishonesty is also in the assembly cost…the price is listed for the packaged product and not for the advertised (picture) assembled products. The home assembly time sometimes takes days and that value is excluded.

    I normally use craigslist for furniture.

    My wife once bought me a really nice leather lounger. It was a really good gift as people have a hard time shopping for me. I don’t know how much it cost but it was brand new and from a place like Macy’s.

    Then like 6 months later our fat neighbor came over and destroyed it. He sat down and you could hear it snap.


    I have a hard time buying new furniture after that experience. I get on craigslist or offerup and try to find someone that is moving.

  920. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Mr. Hack

    Today, with the advent of pickle ball (I think designed mostly for the older player in mind), such reckless lifestyles have probably disappeared.
    Not disappeared. Swept under the rug.

    Tennis is pretty brutal if one gets competitive about it. 1) massive stress on joints & 2) highly asymmetric and unbalancing. Pickleball is for tennis cult members who have wrecked their elbow or shoulder or wrist. They subsequently may find that their unrelieved hips, knees, and ankles send them to the orthopedic surgeon.

    When you get old you need to limit your tennis to once a week or a small amount more than that. Only young people can do tennis over and over and over and over and over. IT'S TOO INTENSE.

    Replies: @Mikhail

    A carefully diversified cardio and bone density weight training regimen becomes more important with age.

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