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  1. QCIC 说:


    律师可以很容易地摆脱这样的诉讼,因为他指出,新冠肺炎病例一般都很轻微,而且大多数死亡是由于医疗事故造成的。 mRNA 的死亡将归咎于 Moderna 和辉瑞,这两家公司可能会宣布破产来解决这个问题。

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @A123
  2. @QCIC




    兹维·莫肖维茨 (Zvi Mowshowitz) 对迈克尔·刘易斯 (Michael Lewis) 的山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 的评论 内幕。现在是 2023 年 XNUMX 月,但我有点慢!

  3. A123 说: • 您的网站

    萨克斯亲自参与了掩盖 WIV 作为 WUHAN-19 病毒来源的工作。他不希望与他的极左大学同侪的联系被曝光。



    你是对的。 Sachs SJW Globalist 与精英学术界有着深厚的联系。他曾担任哥伦比亚“地球研究所”所长,因此有明显的证据表明他对独裁世界政府的渴望。

    mRNA 的死亡将归咎于 Moderna 和辉瑞,这两家公司可能会宣布破产来解决这个问题。


    更大的问题将是他们的信誉遭到破坏。经证实的不诚实记录将使其几乎不可能获得 FDA 新的批准。最终,这可能会导致他们出售其知识产权和权利。


  4. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    好消息 -






    科尔科克承认输了。 “说实话,我真的很失望,”他在结果公布后不久说道。 “但因为我本质上是一名运动员,所以我尊重结果。这是对民主的庆祝。”





    在上个月《Hospodarske noviny》报纸上发表的一篇评论中,佩莱格里尼驳斥了可能向乌克兰派遣北约部队的想法,称其为危险的升级。他认为,斯洛伐克政客不顾布拉迪斯拉发自身安全而呼吁向乌克兰运送武器,并“给那些提到‘和平’一词的人贴上莫斯科代理人的标签,这是‘不负责任的’。”

    • 回复: @sudden death
    , @Gerard1234
  5. Miro23 说:

    杜兰 (Duran) 与杰弗里·萨克斯 (Jeffrey Sachs) 合作的精彩视频。一种想法是,美国决策者(无论他们在哪里/是谁)是否对中国相对于美国的经济实力有一定的认识。



    正如萨克斯所指出的,这与 1938 年的希特勒很相似。希特勒想要他的“东方帝国”,并准备使用一切必要的手段/欺骗来粉碎斯拉夫人。


    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  6. LatW 说:


  7. QCIC 说:



  8. AnonfromTN 说:


    • 同意: QCIC
  9. AnonfromTN 说:


  10. @Mikhail

    虽然 Beckow 一直试图将斯洛伐克描绘成人口完全瓦特尼克化的国家,但目前的总体结果是 53-47,这对他的球队来说无论如何都不占优势。还知道各地的克里姆林宫朋友通常对无限腐败/盗窃有着永无休止的渴望,很确定受欢迎程度可能会再次下降,就像以前一样,他们甚至开始杀害在那里进行调查的当地记者,从而在 2018-19 年因此失去权力IIRC。

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
    , @Gerard1234
  11. AnonfromTN 说:
    @sudden death



    • 回复: @AP
    , @Mr. XYZ
    , @sudden death
  12. AP 说:





    在美国销售的消费品中,有一小部分是中国制造的。主要是服装——约 35%,家具/家用电器——约 20%。圆珠笔等便宜的东西也是中国制造的。也许中国提供了80%的廉价小饰品,比如圆珠笔。

    数据来自 2011 年,但此后并没有增长太多。


    美国制造的比例不超过 5%)。这些往往质量很差



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @Gerard1234
    , @Dmitry
  13. AP 说:
    @sudden death




    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Mikhail
  14. songbird 说:






    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  15. songbird 说:





    关于最后一点:令人惊奇的是,直到最近 25 年左右才对海洋生物进行了观测。在此之前,没有人看过皇带鱼游泳的视频,它们大约有 17m 长,看起来与其他这么大的鱼非常不同。

  16. AnonfromTN 说:

    数据来自 2011 年

    你能提供 1911 年的数据吗?或者甚至可以从 1811 年开始?这些都是非常相关的。

    • 回复: @AP
  17. Mr. XYZ 说:

    有趣的是,Lothrop Stoddard 在他 1924 年的书中写道 欧洲的种族现实 关于斯洛伐克经济在与传统的匈牙利市场隔绝后遭受的损失,由于捷克和斯洛伐克之间有山脉,公路和铁路通讯不畅,通往捷克的便捷交通不足以弥补这一损失。


  18. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站


    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  19. Mr. XYZ 说:



  20. Mr. XYZ 说:

    我想知道如果班德拉现在还活着,他是否会对他和他的追随者狂热的反犹太主义感到遗憾,这当然几乎是不可能的(115 岁),但只是假设而已。我的意思是,现在乌克兰正由犹太人领导,并再次与莫斯科入侵者作战。

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  21. @QCIC

    2017 年夏天发生过一次,但不是发生在美国东北部/自命不凡的宇宙中心。我没有得到完整的邮政编码,而且山顶被云遮挡了,但云在日食发生之前就消失了,我在我的书盒针孔成像系统中看到了日食的大约三分之一。图像直径为 1/8 -1/4 英寸。我从要去体验日食高峰的地方开车回家,把车停在市中心的堕胎店,周围有很多人,但他们似乎没有注意到太阳或我的成像设备。

    我本打算开车大约 600 英里,直到完全停电,但现实生活比宇宙体验更重要。关于宇宙体验的问题是你无法安排这该死的事情。

  22. @songbird


    • 回复: @songbird
  23. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. XYZ

    我想知道如果班德拉现在还活着,他是否会对他和他的追随者狂热的反犹太主义感到遗憾,这当然几乎是不可能的(115 岁),但只是假设而已。我的意思是,现在乌克兰正由犹太人领导,并再次与莫斯科入侵者作战。



    • 回复: @QCIC
  24. AP 说:



    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @AnonfromTN
  25. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard




  26. songbird 说:




  27. songbird 说:




  28. QCIC 说:





    • 回复: @AP
  29. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @AP
  30. QCIC 说:



    • 回复: @Mikhail
  31. AP 说:

    如果你购买的商品 80% 是中国制造的,那么你的购物习惯就很奇怪。或者你只买小饰品。

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  32. AP 说:




    • 回复: @QCIC
  33. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站




    • 回复: @AP
  34. songbird 说:


    他在监狱服刑 14 年,并在精神病院又服刑 4 年后获释。拉丁美洲到底是怎么了,他们竟然释放这个可能杀死了 300 多人的家伙?!


    • 回复: @QCIC
  35. QCIC 说:


    您是否看到《UR》主页上贾里德·泰勒 (Jared Taylor) 的文章,其中指出美国的大多数连环谋杀案是黑人或西班牙裔所为?

    • 回复: @songbird
  36. QCIC 说:


    AnonfromTN 为本论坛中有关乌克兰和俄罗斯的许多讨论带来了健康的平衡。他的可信度很高。事实上,他并不总是以符合你的完整性或细微差别目标的方式陈述某些事情,这一事​​实并不能改变这一点,我们都会犯错误。在这种情况下,我基本上同意他关于中国产品在美国的观点,但也理解你的意见。


    • 回复: @AP
  37. AnonfromTN 说:

    如果你购买的商品 80% 是中国制造的,那么你的购物习惯就很奇怪。



    • 回复: @AP
  38. AP 说:


    可能是 50% 左右,但我不确定。其中包括加拿大和墨西哥。

    不是 AnonTN 声称的 95% 哈哈。

    AnonfromTN 为本论坛中有关乌克兰和俄罗斯的许多讨论带来了健康的平衡。他的可信度很高


    问题不在于偏见或不同的视角,这很好而且确实很有趣,但缺乏准确性。目前关于乌克兰发生的事件存在着战争迷雾,但当涉及到任何可凭经验验证的事情时,例如美国 80% 的消费品是中国制造的,或者乌克兰自 1991 年以来就没有建造任何地铁站。我们看到他提出了极其错误的主张。因此,无论他写什么不太容易验证的事情,都应该做出相应的判断。


    但当他讨论他没有去过的地方,比如乌克兰(他已经有 20 或 30 年没有去过那里)时,那大多都是无稽之谈。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  39. AP 说:

    如果你购买的商品 80% 是中国制造的,那么你的购物习惯就很奇怪。



    如果你购物时看到的产品 80% 是中国制造的,你的购物习惯就会带你去非常奇怪或便宜的地方。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  40. songbird 说:





    您是否看到《UR》主页上贾里德·泰勒 (Jared Taylor) 的文章,其中指出美国的大多数连环谋杀案是黑人或西班牙裔所为?



  41. AP 说:



    • 不同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
  42. songbird 说:

    在 YouTube 上可以找到的另一件非常奇怪的事情是人们抚摸和拥抱海鳗。





    • 谢谢: QCIC
  43. QCIC 说:

    我认为这让我们回到了不久前关于全食超市与沃尔玛的讨论,与典型的美国人相比,你似乎更多地将购物与高端商店联系在一起。这些商店出售更多美国制造的产品,这些产品的价格通常比第三世界的类似产品更高。如果您去任何一家大型全国性零售商,大多数非食品产品都是在美国境外制造的。一些成本较高的产品可能仍在美国生产,但产品总数绝大多数是进口的。大多数品牌仍然是美国品牌,尽管许多品牌完全是外资拥有的。一些品牌的顶级产品是在美国或西欧制造的,而占其整体销售额大部分的产品是在亚洲或第三世界制造的。沃尔玛、宜家和亚马逊位居进口商名单之首,其次是塔吉特等竞争对手以及剩下的实体竞争对手。我认为可以添加任何和所有大型商店,其中几乎所有消费电子产品和许多电器都是进口的。另一方面,Lowe's 和 Home Depot 等商店可能会有趣地混合进口和本地产品。

    这是 MAGA 讨论的一部分。特朗普支持者声称,许多企业在第一任期内被遣返回美国,但我认为情况并没有你想象的那么严重。 BLS 统计数据不能不加​​批判地接受,可能需要解码器才能理解它们的含义。

    • 回复: @A123
    , @Mikhail
  44. A123 说: • 您的网站

    这是 MAGA 讨论的一部分。特朗普支持者声称许多企业在第一任期内被遣返回美国

    发疯 #拜登主义者 使用奇怪的术语“特朗普主义者”和“特朗普派”。您是故意使用贬义词吗?或者,您是否偶然发现了这个煽动性术语?我假设是后者。

    MAGA 支持者认识到,就业机会很大程度上是 *不是* 在特朗普第一任期内被遣返,很大程度上是由于建制派政治活动。 DNC+RINO 在参众两院均拥有反 MAGA 多数席位。收益有限。

    对明智改革的抵制让那些憎恨美国工人的人受到了批评。 MAGA 这次有更好的候选人名单。许多绿诺人在共和党初选中惨遭失败,或者选择提前退休。

    MAGA 支持者意识到这场运动比特朗普规模大得多。他的第二个也是最后一个任期只是必要的改革运动中的一步。 MAGA 再​​工业化是一个需要数十年的过程。


    • 回复: @QCIC
  45. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站




    • 回复: @A123
  46. AnonfromTN 说:





    • 回复: @AP
  47. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    刚刚在 LIDL 买了一些 Rastelli 肋眼牛排,每磅 6.99 美元。为了快速品尝美味佳肴,请在涂有橄榄油的平底锅上短暂煎炸底部,然后烤顶部。烹饪前,在底部放一些熟食芥末,上面放一些番茄酱和一些低盐酱油。四分熟。

    • 同意: QCIC
  48. A123 说: • 您的网站


    是的。哈马斯除了利用他们作为人体盾牌之外,还故意让他们的同教成员挨饿。 (1)

    根据两位哥伦比亚大学学者(一位是教授,另一位是物流专家)在今天的 RealClearPolitics 上一篇关注实际数据的文章中进行的一项研究:(2)

    多年来,以色列一直试图平衡其利益与无辜巴勒斯坦人的利益。其海上封锁并没有阻止加沙的水果和蔬菜自给自足,并有足够的剩余量可供出口。根据联合国的数据,尽管发生了战争,但截至 15 月 2 日,仍有四分之三的温室面积可用。粮食及农业组织 (FAO) 报告,其中包含最新的可用数据。以色列领土政府活动协调中心 (COGAT) 表示,面包店仍然可以提供“每天超过 XNUMX 万个面包、面包卷和皮塔饼”。

    自战争开始以来,以色列国防军 (IDF) 就采取了西点军校城市战研究主席约翰·斯宾塞所描述的战时对待平民的“非凡的、历史性的新标准”,导致平民与战斗人员的死亡率下降这“对于现代城市战争来说是历史最低的”。例如,以色列定期对即将发生的袭击发出警告,协助撤离,甚至每天停止袭击,以便人道主义援助抵达。



    哥伦比亚大学的 Awi Federgruen 和 Ran Kivetz 表示:

    哈马斯一直在加沙囤积食物并偷窃,这是加沙人民苦难的根源。正如康涅狄格州民主党众议员、众议院情报委员会高级成员吉姆·希姆斯在接受 CNN 采访时所说:“哈马斯窃取援助的历史由来已久,为了他们自称代表的人民的利益,需要阻止这种行为。 ”

    Ukiewood/Pallywood 都致力于传播不道德的虚假信息。俄罗斯/以色列获胜有什么意外吗?失败一方的宣传水平显而易见。



    (2) https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/04/05/the_data_show_israel_is_not_causing_a_gazan_famine_150751.html

  49. AP 说:








    我经常去加拿大,那里的质量似乎符合欧洲标准,而且比全食超市便宜,因为加拿大人比美国人穷。垃圾食品在任何地方都是不健康的,但例如将(加拿大)President's Choice 与(美国)Chips Ahoy 巧克力饼干进行比较,人们会发现前者是真正的黄油,化学物质较少。

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @AnonfromTN
  50. Mr. XYZ 说:

    我经常去加拿大,那里的质量似乎符合欧洲标准,而且比全食超市便宜,因为加拿大人比美国人穷。垃圾食品在任何地方都是不健康的,但例如将(加拿大)President's Choice 与(美国)Chips Ahoy 巧克力饼干进行比较,人们会发现前者是真正的黄油,化学物质较少。






    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @QCIC
  51. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. XYZ


    上周,Stop & Shop(美国东北部食品连锁店)以 3.99 又 16/1 玻璃罐装的价格 2 美元出售了三种不同口味的产品。

    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @Mr. XYZ
  52. QCIC 说:



    • 回复: @A123
  53. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    特朗普需要从麦克格雷格那里下载,才能知道这不是地区领土争端,而是美国在 2.0 年加速的冷战 2000。是的,特朗普应该已经知道这一点,也许他确实知道。另一方面,博尔顿、蓬佩奥和其他混蛋可能不会提及此事。


    • 回复: @Mikhail
  54. AnonfromTN 说:




    • 回复: @AP
  55. A123 说: • 您的网站


    谢谢。虽然要澄清。 MAGA 是 *不是* 个人崇拜。 MAGA 的支持者已经将目光投向特朗普第二任期之后的目标 卡里湖 2028.

    邪教徒是 #永不特朗普 狂热分子。他们100%教条地致力于反人格的基础上。如果你使用他们的邪教术语,你就会被归为羊人。


    特朗普的第一个任期受到了反对“让美国再次伟大”的参议院的困扰。约翰·博尔顿(John Bolton)和赵小兰(Elaine Chao)等重要职位都是通过讨价还价来交换的。库什纳被用来提供绕过参议院干预的替代渠道。希望特朗普第二任期内不再需要家庭解决办法。




    • 采矿和精炼,特别是评估地球元素
    • 工业材料和设备
    • 药品
    • 高端电子产品,包括军用规格
    • 第四代核电,特别是钍循环,例如 LFTR



  56. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站


  57. songbird 说:


    我责怪非政府组织创造了这个愚蠢的 cr-p。


  58. Mr. XYZ 说:


    • 回复: @Mikhail
  59. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. XYZ



    • 谢谢: Mr. XYZ
  60. Sher Singh 说:


  61. @AnonfromTN

    TNA 正在寻找任何证据,证明在视频上传之前曾经存在过一位名叫穆罕默德·阿拉维的埃及记者。我们没有找到任何。

    据一位不愿透露姓名的赫尔格达记者向 TNA 透露,近年来当地社区并没有知道这名记者的名字。

    埃及电讯报分析了据报道阿拉维获得的合同副本,并得出结论认为该文件是伪造的。一位埃及商业律师告诉 TNA,该合同缺乏足够的未编辑细节来确定其真实性。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  62. @AnonfromTN


  63. @QCIC


    我想 TPTB 有点担心在暂时的黑暗中尼比鲁/X 行星可能会在太阳附近可见,所以他们试图在这次活动中加入自己的观点。如果失败,我们将看到“美国宇航局发射的三枚火箭”接近月球。注意 3 个点形成几何形状,而不是像 3 个点那样形成直线。


  64. AP 说:


    在这种情况下,你会抵制美国大部分俄罗斯社区。我估计大约 70% 的美国俄罗斯人反对普京的战争,支持的人不超过 30%。向乌克兰提供援助的俄罗斯表演者举办了俄罗斯音乐会。我的俄罗斯妻子和一些俄罗斯朋友一起去了一趟。






    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Mr. XYZ
    , @AnonfromTN
  65. QCIC 说:

    是的,我认为今天可以通过日冕在太阳边缘窥视反地球。即使使用日冕望远镜,从地球上通常也看不到它,因为来自地球大气层的散射蓝光太亮。蓝色的天空压倒了来自遥远星球的蓝色图像。当金星位于太阳的远端时,它的亮度应该与金星大致相同,尽管带有蓝色色调。然而,由于月球在全食时阻挡了大部分太阳辐射,这大大降低了蓝天散射光以及太阳直射光线的亮度。当然,一些蓝光仍然从观看者当地“日食地平线”之外的天空部分散射进来。遗憾的是,大多数人将无法看到反地球,因为用于安全观看的中性密度滤光片消除了来自地球的蓝色信号。来自行星的漫反射光可能无法通过针孔相机装置形成有用的图像,并且即使在日食期间,在没有暗滤光片的情况下观看太阳也是危险的。需要一台日冕仪/Lyot 滤光片设置 日食。



    • 回复: @songbird
  66. Mr. Hack 说:


    曾经充斥着大量广告和免费《Ruskij Mir》报纸的地方,现在已经空无一人。从我的角度来看,TN 教授恶毒的支持普特勒和反乌克兰的立场非常突出。尽管他对过去的共产主义进行了猛烈的抨击,但他的立场似乎是由于他的索沃克成长和对“俄罗斯母亲”的热爱而形成的。按照俄罗斯的情况,我严重怀疑他最终会搬回去并在那里或乌克兰度过大部分退休时光……


    • 不同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @AP
  67. Gerard1234 说:



    -SMO 我们应该关注的东西:


    2. 起诉拜登和(((沙利文))450万亿美元。福克斯新闻和特朗普最近有法庭案件,被判为他们的言论支付约1亿美元,所以我们应该利用美国畸形秀的法律体系,试图起诉他们声称“俄罗斯入侵了亨特·拜登的电脑”。
    显然,关键是不要得到这个难以获得的金额 — — 而是遇到一些渴望在选举前、选举期间或选举后伤害民主党的共和党法官 — — 并希望让国际主义的美国浮游生物白痴将拜登等人的这些邪恶谎言与消灭联系起来班德拉斯坦。

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  68. A123 说: • 您的网站

    素食总政府是否给自己制造了一个无法解决的问题? (1)




    (1) https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2024/04/08/israel-denies-that-troop-withdrawals-mean-giving-up-on-destroying-hamas/

    • 巨魔: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  69. Mr. Hack 说:


  70. songbird 说:





    • 谢谢: QCIC
  71. @Another Polish Perspective

    你读过这句话吗?当格里戈尔·迪米特洛夫(Grigor Dimitrov)与安德鲁·胡伯曼(Andrew Huberman)在同一地点被捕时,他说


  72. songbird 说:




  73. Mr. Hack 说:


    • 回复: @songbird
  74. @songbird

    超级马拉松运动员不 运行。他们的最大配速是拖着走,并且进行大量的步行。

    我查了一下,我们得到了日食的 3/4,天气晴朗,我有足够的时间来制作针孔成像装置。这可能会很有趣。如果外星人或天使出现我不会报告 .

    • 回复: @A123
    , @songbird
  75. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Emil Nikola Richard





  76. @Emil Nikola Richard


    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  77. @Another Polish Perspective



    无付费专区: https://archive.is/4fBqL


  78. Gerard1234 说:
    @sudden death


    1. 世界历史上最腐败的政府可能是独立广场后无尽的极端腐败的污水坑,由西方、乌克兰纳粹政府大量资助……。最近亲欧盟的摩尔多瓦政府偷走了该国全部预算的 1/3!如果你不知道这一点,但写下你所做的事情,你得是多么无知的混蛋?虽然没有他们那么多,但亲欧盟的格鲁兹政客现在和过去 20 年仍然存在大量腐败现象。

    2. 爱沙尼亚的婊子总理卡拉斯不仅拥有 1991 年之前最令人难以置信的亲苏苏联仆人的“简历”(通过她的父亲)(实际上没有一个俄罗斯主要政客拥有接近她的亲苏历史)父亲)。 ..这个妓女和她的丈夫在俄罗斯有广泛的商业利益

    3. 两者之间存在巨大差异




    虚假指控的例子包括里加市长、立陶宛总统非法变身为某个纳粹侨民的美国邪恶渣男的闹剧……以及此前法国总统选举中马克龙的主要竞争对手。 。法国人菲永是一位非常引人注目的政治家(前总理),他似乎隐约支持克里姆林宫,并且是法国总统选举的热门人选……。然后,北约心理战“巧合”地发明了一些非事件性的、轻微的“腐败”指控,而这些指控是以前从未被发现的,而当时他已经是一名重要的政治家多年了!

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @sudden death
  79. Beckow 说:



    在捷克,泽曼(总统)和巴比斯(总理)突然被发现与10-15年前的文书工作有出入——巴比斯的公司在2008年错误地填写了一些“环境保护”表格,以获得建造酒店的豁免—— 2016年之后媒体昼夜不停地报道它。与特朗普或菲永的模式相同:法院将其驳回,因为它是无稽之谈 - 但这花了数年时间。但媒体不断地写道:“正在接受腐败调查”以及何时结束“他被解雇是因为他是一位有权有势的白人富商“。

    在斯洛伐克,一名非政府组织机构的三流“新闻”博主被一名曾在索马里担任船上保镖的雇佣枪神秘杀害。这个雇佣兵的智商高达 75,而且不知道是谁付钱的。除了为攻击“对俄罗斯友好”的政府找借口之外,没有任何理由这样做。然后他们让一万名非政府组织的骗子——学生在街上喊叫——媒体说是三万名。花了几年的时间才平息歇斯底里的情绪。


    • 同意: Gerard1234
    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @AP
  80. @Beckow

    你们在基辅有大使馆吗? 偶然 被轰炸?

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Gerard1234
  81. AP 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    曾经充斥着大量广告和免费《Ruskij Mir》报纸的地方,现在已经空无一人


    2022 年是不同的。大多数在美国的俄罗斯人强烈反对。我认识一个对普京非常着迷的人(我们曾经以此取笑他),他因此陷入了真正的沮丧。曾经讽刺地喜欢“像普京这样的人”这首歌的人们现在将他称为杀人犯和杀手。我的妻子一直非常不喜欢普京,但她感到悲哀的是,她是平反的。

    从我的角度来看,TN 教授恶毒的支持普特勒和反乌克兰的立场非常突出

    他的态度是少数人的态度。但在我看来,他获得了某种通行证,因为他的社区被基辅军队轰炸了,所以他有很多仇恨。这是私事。现在,哈尔科夫的一些人的社区遭到破坏或有人被杀,出于报复,他们喜欢别尔哥罗德的平民被炸弹袭击。 AnoninTN 很像他们,尽管他永远不会承认这一点。


    • 不同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @Mr. XYZ
  82. @Gerard1234

    摩尔多瓦政府最近窃取了该国全部预算的 1/3


    伊兰·肖尔(Ilan Shor)是以色列出生的摩尔多瓦寡头和政治家。 2014年,绍尔“策划”了一场骗局,导致摩尔多瓦银行1亿美元消失,总损失相当于摩尔多瓦GDP的12%,前总理弗拉德·菲拉特被捕。 2017年7.5月,他因欺诈和洗钱罪被缺席判处14年监禁,2023年15月2019日,他的刑期增至XNUMX年。绍尔在摩尔多瓦的所有资产也被冻结。在被软禁一段时间后,他于 XNUMX 年逃往以色列,目前居住在那里。

    26 年 2022 月 19 日,美国对他实施制裁,理由是他与“腐败寡头和莫斯科实体合作,在摩尔多瓦制造政治动乱”。英国和欧盟也对肖尔进行了制裁。在该党组织了数月的抗议活动后,他的亲俄罗斯政党“俄罗斯党”于 2023 年 27 月 2024 日被摩尔多瓦宪法法院取缔。法院称,这些抗议活动的目的是破坏摩尔多瓦的稳定并煽动政变,以建立亲俄罗斯政府。该宪法法院于 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日撤销了该禁令。


    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  83. AP 说:

    一个更简单的解释是:俄罗斯国家吸引任何国家的腐败分子、犯罪分子和堕落者并与之合作。就像斯科特·里特。或者巴比人(你认为在 90 年代,除了那些土地归还给他们的贵族之外,任何正派的人都会那么富有吗?)。或者是匈牙利的恋童癖泛滥的青民盟。他们最终被抓住。但俄罗斯可以找到其他人来取代他们。





    威尔默·普埃洛-莫塔 (Wilmer Puello-Mota),28 岁,马萨诸塞州霍利奥克市前市议员,于 7 月 XNUMX 日失踪,两天前他因持有儿童性虐待图像和妨碍司法指控而计划出庭在罗德岛州法庭……






    • 同意: sudden death
    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Mr. XYZ
    , @QCIC
  84. Beckow 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    我想是这样。虽然'有什么意义'大使馆' 凭借今天的通讯和便捷的旅行?它是骗子的中心——大多数都应该被废除。

  85. QCIC 说:

    这场冲突并非始于 2014 年。乌克兰民族主义野心由来已久,但大多数乌克兰人直到最近才自杀。从二战开始,西方国家(中央情报局、军情六处等)就致力于煽动反苏联以及后来的反俄罗斯情绪。这个问题在整个冷战期间一直在酝酿之中,并在苏联解体后成为一个更加严肃的项目。在某种程度上,这个反俄罗斯项目似乎与新美国世纪项目(PNAC)合并了,这是一个由美国犹太思想家领导的邪恶项目,他们狂热地反伊斯兰教,但往往同样反俄罗斯。他们将苏联解体视为美国成为世界经济领袖后建立霸权的机会。他们显然低估了俄罗斯对以核武器为后盾的主权的承诺,尽管世界其他国家正在挖掘俄罗斯新经济的骨头并瓦解其军事能力。


    经过一番折腾后,西方终于在 2014 年发动了一场决定性的乌克兰政变,促使俄罗斯采取了明显的行动。其余的由此而来。俄罗斯介入驱逐那些支持在边境附近谋杀许多讲俄语的人士的西方影响者只是时间问题。俄罗斯对克里米亚的遣返行动实施得非常巧妙,但看起来也非常软弱,除非人们认为更强有力的行动可能会升级为核战争。

    我们不知道俄罗斯为什么决定在2022年与SMO一起进入乌克兰。我们也不知道这是否是普京的计划。在很多方面它看起来像 既成事实 是西方设立的。永远记住,乌克兰斯拉夫人是领导这个西方项目的人们心中的一次性棋子。

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  86. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



    -SMO 我们应该关注的东西:


    2. 起诉拜登和(((沙利文))450万亿美元。福克斯新闻和特朗普最近有法庭案件,被判为他们的言论支付约1亿美元,所以我们应该利用美国畸形秀的法律体系,试图起诉他们声称“俄罗斯入侵了亨特·拜登的电脑”。
    显然,关键是不要得到这个难以获得的金额 — — 而是遇到一些渴望在选举前、选举期间或选举后伤害民主党的共和党法官 — — 并希望让国际主义的美国浮游生物白痴将拜登等人的这些邪恶谎言与消灭联系起来班德拉斯坦。






    苏联撤军后,苏联支持的阿富汗政权继续掌权近三年。当美军离开该国时,拜登表示美国支持的阿富汗政府将能够维持自己的地位。相反,它立即融化了。几年前的《60 分钟》节目中,一位接受采访的阿富汗人表示“俄罗斯人”(苏联人)的待遇比美国人更好,采访者对此表示愤怒。


    顺便说一句,基辅政权除了让新闻团伙带人去服兵役外,还一直释放囚犯参加北约代理人战争。 《纽约时报》是否在头版或其他方面发表过有关这些问题的文章?同一天,《纽约时报》发表了一篇社论,标题与乌克兰正在接受生命支持有关。


  87. Beckow 说:


    菲永、巴比斯,甚至贝卢斯科尼,作为一个群体,比驾驶最近的 Drang-nach-Osten 的新保守派、新自由派前锋要诚实得多……还有英国寡头,从 Zelina&Co 开始,它是没有可比性的。永远都是人们在 与系统保持良好关系 谁偷窃和欺骗最多,他们就会受到保护或奖励。特朗普或菲永是不守规矩的局外人,很容易成为攻击目标。

    (但是你太愚蠢或意识形态太强而无法理解它,或者太不诚实而无法承认这一点 - 所以我们在你身上浪费时间。)

    • 回复: @AP
  88. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @QCIC
  89. 平均而言,不再有经济理由从立陶宛前往希腊、葡萄牙和马耳他进行工作,但南部阳光明媚的天气仍然具有强大的吸引力;)

  90. Mr. XYZ 说:



    2022 年是不同的。大多数在美国的俄罗斯人强烈反对。我认识一个对普京非常着迷的人(我们曾经以此取笑他),他因此陷入了真正的沮丧。曾经讽刺地喜欢“像普京这样的人”这首歌的人们现在将他称为杀人犯和杀手。我的妻子一直非常不喜欢普京,但她感到悲哀的是,她是平反的。

    同意。同样在这里。这类似于希特勒于 1939 年 1939 月占领布拉格,或者(根据语言上的相似性进行调整)类似于希特勒于 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月占领荷兰,并坚称他们实际上是德国人。

  91. Mr. XYZ 说:



  92. Mr. XYZ 说:

    在这种情况下,你会抵制美国大部分俄罗斯社区。我估计大约 70% 的美国俄罗斯人反对普京的战争,支持的人不超过 30%。向乌克兰提供援助的俄罗斯表演者举办了俄罗斯音乐会。我的俄罗斯妻子和一些俄罗斯朋友一起去了一趟。


  93. @sudden death


  94. AnonfromTN 说:


    为了抵制,我不会故意与任何反对 SMO、个人、组织或国家的人做生意。我在卢甘斯克长大,知道基辅目前的政权是什么。

    • 回复: @AP
  95. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Another Polish Perspective



    我并不是说美国没有人受到其他动机的驱使,但他们只是少数,不会影响当局的任何决定(大多数人也不会影响当局的任何决定,正如 2020 年的大规模欺诈所表明的那样)。

  96. AnonfromTN 说:
    @sudden death

    TNA 正在寻找任何证据,证明在视频上传之前曾经存在过一位名叫穆罕默德·阿拉维的埃及记者。我们没有找到任何。

    我的观点完全正确。那是火星人。自 2014 年起轰炸和炮击顿巴斯并最近在克洛库斯市政厅随机谋杀了超过 100 人的火星人。

  97. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    我查了一下,我们得到了 3/4 的日食


  98. QCIC 说:


    我的意思是,为什么要在 24 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日发起 SMO 作战行动?我认为俄罗斯人当时就知道基辅进攻不可能成功(他们的兵力太小而且准备不足),那么是什么促使了这一行动呢?人们认为这一举动只是过于热心、过于自信或无能,但我认为在观察了基辅之后……从那时起,俄罗斯人就非常了解军事和心理状况。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @Mikhail
  99. QCIC 说:

    变态者和恋童癖者按顺序是粗俗和邪恶的,但一名 24 岁男子对着一张 17 岁年轻成年女性的照片流口水并不是本世纪的犯罪。他听起来像个失败者,但在不知道其他任何事情的情况下,我认为他是一个低级的美国间谍,有一个不错的封面故事。我预计俄罗斯人会偷偷地接受他,然后狠狠地殴打他,最终在交换囚犯的过程中把他交出来。

    • 回复: @AP
    , @songbird
    , @Wokechoke
  100. Sher Singh 说:



  101. AP 说:

    他被指控性侵儿童图像,且图像并非 17 岁青少年的图像。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  102. AnonfromTN 说:

    我的意思是,为什么要在 24 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日发起 SMO 作战行动?

    简短回答:我不知道。我有一个借口:自 1991 年以来我就没有住在俄罗斯了。官方说法是英国人准备用武力占领顿巴斯。从我的角度来看,俄罗斯应该在乌克兰对顿巴斯的侵略开始时(7 年 2014 月 XNUMX 日)就强行制止。许多顿巴斯居民也有同样的观点。


  103. AP 说:



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  104. songbird 说:

    但一名 24 岁男子对着 17 岁年轻成年女性的照片流口水并不是世纪犯罪

    如果今天是所有女孩的 18 岁生日,美联社无法谴责爱泼斯坦,因为这超出了女权主义的道德框架。


  105. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack





    • 回复: @Negronicus
  106. AnonfromTN 说:


    你的逻辑在哪里?如果内部的结果是伪造的,就像 2020 年美国那样,那么什么可以阻止他们在外部伪造结果呢?


    酸葡萄?请为我指定一位获得 70% 选票的“民主”民选官员。那么,谁是民主的呢?

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  107. QCIC 说:


    • 回复: @AP
  108. songbird 说:



    尽管《恐龙》的目标受众是家庭观众,但该剧触及了多个热门话题,包括环保主义、濒危物种、妇女权利、性骚扰、LGBT 权利、女性物化、审查制度、公民权利、身体形象、类固醇使用、暗示手淫(以罗比独舞交配舞的形式)、药物滥用、种族主义(以两足恐龙和四足恐龙之间的争端的形式)、同伴压力、土著人民的权利(以恐龙与穴居人互动的过程)、企业犯罪、政府对养育子女的干预以及和平主义。[10]


    这只是维基文章。我不明白马斯克如何能够修复一家 30 多年前就已经苏醒的公司。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  109. QCIC 说:

    我推荐保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨(Paul Craig Roberts)在 Unz Review 的专栏中撰写的简短专栏“面对核战争”。

  110. QCIC 说:


    恐龙宝宝不像天空恶魔宝宝那么可爱,但那更像是当地的东西(Kaiju Big Battel)。

  111. AP 说:





    就像斯科特·里特(Scott Ritter)一样,他的目标是 15 岁的年轻人,但情况也好不到哪儿去。

    • 回复: @AP
  112. AP 说:

    没关系,他利用的那个女孩看起来只有 17 岁:




  113. AP 说:




    德国总理安格拉·默克尔 (Angela Merkel) 的亲密盟友乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩 (Ursula von der Leyen) 被一名法学教授指控抄袭了多段未经署名的段落,并在网上发表了他的研究结果。




    你自己太腐败了,以至于你认为抄袭比 90 年代像巴比斯或别列佐夫斯基这样的人为了致富所做的事情还要糟糕。





    斯托尔滕贝格出生于奥斯陆 [1931 年 – 美联社],英格堡(生于安德烈森,1905-1993 年)和西奥多·埃米尔·斯托尔滕贝格(1900-1998 年)的儿子



    埃米尔·斯托尔滕贝格 (Emil Stoltenberg) 中校是一名挪威军官,参加过德国威悉堡行动,并于 1942 年被俘。






    我认为斯科特·里特(Scott Ritter)将自己的生殖器暴露给他认为是15岁女孩的人比抄袭某些段落的乌苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula Von der Leyen)更不道德。





    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @Beckow
    , @Mr. XYZ
  114. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



  115. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    在选举结果公布前,西方民调显示普京的支持率在 80% 以上。西方当权派说服了更多俄罗斯人支持他。

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  116. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站


    我的意思是,为什么要在 24 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日发起 SMO 作战行动?我认为俄罗斯人当时就知道基辅进攻不可能成功(他们的兵力太小而且准备不足),那么是什么促使了这一行动呢?人们认为这一举动只是过于热心、过于自信或无能,但我认为在观察了基辅之后……从那时起,俄罗斯人就非常了解军事和心理状况。


    – 等了七年才看到明斯克协议的一些进展
    – 欧安组织确认基辅政权对顿巴斯领土的炮击在 2 年 24 月 22 日之前急剧增加
    – 当时,俄罗斯人已经知道斯托尔滕贝格此后承认的关于前乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国发生的类似战争局势的事情,时间早在 2 年 24 月 22 日的几年前,北约武装和训练了基辅政权,因为有公开谈论风暴行动在某些时候会像行动一样。

    SMO 似乎已经获得了与《明斯克协议》密切相关的版本,即将在伊斯坦布尔签署。其余的你都知道。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  117. @A123

    那把剑比我的复制品短剑要长很多。如果我没记错的话,我花了 400 美元购买了它,这是用于仪式目的的,我不知道它如何经得起战斗。切勿带剑参加枪战。 :)

    • 回复: @A123
  118. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    它的重量超过 4 磅。我怀疑青铜剑能撑得住,但你的手臂可能会掉下来。

    优质弹簧钢的重量不会超过 2 磅。但是,它看起来不会那么乱。


    • 回复: @Sher Singh
  119. AnonfromTN 说:

    在选举结果公布前,西方民调显示普京的支持率在 80% 以上。西方当权派说服了更多俄罗斯人支持他。

    是的,西方从来不考虑人类正常的心理。许多本来不打算投票的人,许多在过去 25 年里从未投票过的人,决定去投票只是为了与西方国家对抗。

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  120. songbird 说:


    人们认为巨型乌贼的新陈代谢率非常慢,对于体重为 30 公斤(1 磅)的成年乌贼来说,每天只需要大约 500 克(1,100 盎司)的猎物。[29]对其能量需求的估计表明,它是一种行动缓慢的伏击掠食者,其大眼睛主要用于发现猎物,而不是主动狩猎。


  121. QCIC 说:



    • 回复: @Beckow
  122. Beckow 说:



    为什么有人会为你这样一个白痴引用这样明显的废话而烦恼呢?一个失误”?乌苏拉是如何通过“错误”做到的 抄袭材料?甚至不要回答,也不要再尝试“BBC”公牛……看在上帝的份上,你真的那么天真吗?还是你只是在这里玩?



    • 回复: @AP
  123. Sher Singh 说:

    左边我的旧剑重 900 克。



    250克VS 450-500克。


    两者费用包括运费约 150 美元

    • 回复: @A123
  124. Beckow 说:






  125. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Sher Singh

    提供重 900 克的全龙骨和指节弓。




    什么样的钢材、长度和刀柄结构可提供 550 克的重量?这似乎属于光谱的轻端。


    • 回复: @Sher Singh
  126. Mr. XYZ 说:

    我认为斯科特·里特(Scott Ritter)将自己的生殖器暴露给他认为是15岁女孩的人比抄袭某些段落的乌苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula Von der Leyen)更不道德。

    有点题外话,但你对理查德·哈纳尼亚(Richard Hanania)对成年女性与男性未成年性关系的辩护有何看法?这是哈纳尼亚的文章《希特勒、黛米摩尔和其他“恋童癖者”》中的内容。他认为,由于未成年男性(至少在青少年时期)比成年女性更有优势,因此从法律的角度来看,这种关系应该受到法律制裁,而不是与同等的性别关系相反。他还认为,如果基于年龄制定基于概括的法律是可以接受的,那么基于性别也是可以接受的。我想知道如果类似的逻辑被应用于制定基于种族的差别法律,例如通过在计算机模型中考虑被告的种族、族裔甚至宗教来决定对他们的量刑和/或他们是否应该这样做,他会有什么感觉获得提前假释,特别是如果种族、民族和/或宗教对于某人是否会再次犯罪具有很强的预测有效性,即使在调整所有其他因素之后也是如此。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  127. AP 说:

    注意到你选择忽略这样一个事实,即你被发现完全撒谎,说北约领导人的父亲是逃往挪威的德国纳粹分子,而实际上他的父亲是出生于 1931 年的挪威人,他的祖父是一名挪威军人,曾与纳粹德国作战。纳粹分子。








    “ 31 月 300,000 日,Le Canard enchaîné 的新报道发现,佩内洛普·菲永 (Penelope Fillon) 在 831,440 年的议会助理工作中实际获得的薪酬比之前报道的多了 15 万欧元,总计 54 欧元。 [84,000]它还报道称,菲永向他的两个孩子支付了 XNUMX 欧元,但他们几乎没有做任何明显的实际工作。


    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Beckow
  128. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



  129. Mr. XYZ 说:



    “弗朗索瓦和佩内洛普·菲永有五个孩子:玛丽(生于 1982 年),大律师;查尔斯(生于 1984 年),律师;安托万(生于 1985 年)和爱德华(生于 1989 年),他们都从事金融工作;阿诺(生于 2001 年) ),当时是一名高中生。[2][11]他们还有三个孙子。[2]”

    最小的孩子出生时佩内洛普 45 或 46 岁。最后两个兄弟姐妹之间有 12 岁的年龄差距。我想知道他们的最后一个孩子是否是一个“哎呀!”婴儿。

    顺便说一句,题外话,但你还记得我和你分享了一本 1915 年英国书中的一段话吗?关于沙皇俄罗斯如何是一座巨大的教堂?嗯,看起来宗教对生育力有优生作用:




    • 回复: @QCIC
  130. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    陷入至高无上的境地?卢博斯·布拉哈 (Lubos Blaha),斯洛伐克议会副议长

    马克·吐温有句名言:“历史不会重演,但往往会押韵。”重新排列的不是任何特定冲突中的环境或参与者,而是问题本身的精神,即问题中未解决的部分。欧洲大陆再次陷入激烈的分裂和激烈的战争,历史是否提供了前进的思路?为了讨论这个问题,奥克萨纳与斯洛伐克左翼政治家、斯洛伐克议会副议长卢博斯·布拉哈 (Lubos Blaha) 一起讨论了这一问题。

  131. @sudden death


    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  132. Sher Singh 说:


    Cold Steel Talwar 的重量为 38 盎司或 1050 克。
    Langmesser 为 30 盎司或 850。


    • 回复: @A123
    , @Emil Nikola Richard
  133. songbird 说:



  134. songbird 说:


    但一旦开始,又该在哪里停止呢?我还想要一把燧石刀片和一把黑曜石刀片。甚至还有来自 Mousterian 工具包的东西。



    • 回复: @A123
  135. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. XYZ



    我认为老年男性与年轻女性的结合是一种重要的进化方法,可以称为 最初夜理论 (除非该名称已被占用)。

  136. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    图 3 证实了一个众所周知的观点,即宗教包含着自身毁灭的种子(聪明人有时是反传统者)。

  137. Gerard1234 说:
    @sudden death





    伊兰·肖尔(Ilan Shor)是以色列出生的摩尔多瓦寡头和政治家。 2014年,绍尔“策划”了一场骗局,导致摩尔多瓦银行1亿美元消失,总损失相当于摩尔多瓦GDP的12%,前总理弗拉德·菲拉特被捕。

    LMAO – “伊兰·肖尔”和“亲俄罗斯”是一个不相容的序列,你这个恶性白痴。他与俄罗斯国家没有任何关系,他的行为也不是“亲俄罗斯”的。是亲欧盟政府通过他决定洗钱,你这个白痴!







    • 回复: @AP
    , @AnonfromTN
    , @sudden death
  138. Sean 说:


    • 回复: @Mikhail
  139. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  140. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Sher Singh


    该设计具有非常宽的刀片。因此,它的长度很重。正如您所见,较窄的刀片可以更长,但重量不会超过 2 磅。



    与古斯塔夫相比,卡尔梅塞尔的刀片长度增加了 8 英寸,但重量却非常相似。


    • 回复: @Sher Singh
  141. A123 说: • 您的网站




    • 回复: @songbird
  142. AP 说:

    LMAO – “伊兰·肖尔”和“亲俄罗斯”是一个不相容的序列




    şOR党(罗马尼亚语:Partidul „şOR”,发音:[ʃor])是摩尔多瓦的一个民粹主义政党。[13]从 1998 年成立到 2016 年 14 月,被称为“平等”社会政治运动(罗马尼亚语:Mişcarea Social-politică „Ravnopravie”),[15][XNUMX] 该党持有欧洲怀疑论和亲俄立场




    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  143. Gerard1234 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard




  144. Gerard1234 说:

    从 1998 年成立到 2016 年 14 月,该党被称为社会政治运动“平等”(罗马尼亚语:Mişcarea Social-politică“Ravnopravie”),[15][XNUMX] 该党持有欧洲怀疑论和亲俄立场






    好吧,我想像你自己一样,你在这里的所有帖子都是极端的废话和反社会行为——所以你在这里的行为就像被定罪的恋童癖者,十年后从监狱释放,出狱后立即…………让去最近的儿童游乐场,没穿衣服。这实际上是我们在这里看到的等价物——一个无耻的 wakjob 怪胎,当你回到自己的犯罪现场时(在苏联担任最高职位的乌克兰人的极其尴尬的名单以及你对这些简单事情的莫名其妙的不了解,尽管成为一个无生命的疯子,在这里花费了数万亿个小时,痴迷于苏联)。


    是的,对于任何真正的乌克兰人来说,作为克格勃首长,他们只会在 3 个乌克兰人面前保持可耻的沉默。正如苏联领导人、克格勃局长、内政部长和国防部长一样……苏联足球队、莫斯科电影公司和许多其他重要机构的负责人多年来同时都是 Ukrops、LMFAO!!!! !!还有所有南俄罗斯人,边疆地区人民。

    由于你与 404 的这些人没有任何联系,你可以不断地发表这些可耻的愚蠢评论。

    • 回复: @AP
  145. AnonfromTN 说:


    在我看来,苏联崩溃和燃烧的最重要原因是布尔什维克上台后出现的负面选择。这种制度就像水一样有效:金子过去会沉下去,而粪便却会浮在上面。 1941-45年战争是军队中短暂的积极选择时期,但它并没有克服总体趋势。因此,几乎所有在苏联获得成功和晋升的人都受到了这一事实的玷污。


    • 同意: Gerard1234
  146. Mr. Hack 说:




    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 巨魔: Derer
    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  147. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack



    无论如何,和阿尔茨海默氏症大佬一起哭泣吧:2023 年俄罗斯石油收入超过 2021 年。

    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 哈哈: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @Mr. Hack
  148. QCIC 说:


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  149. songbird 说:





  150. AnonfromTN 说:


    我也想知道,但只有 FSB 才能找到答案。


  151. AnonfromTN 说:


    • 回复: @Beckow
  152. AP 说:











    3 乌克兰人担任克格勃主席

    您列出了 2 名俄罗斯人和 1 名乌克兰人,并声称他们是 3 名乌克兰人。

    您声称是乌克兰人的俄罗斯人之一是弗拉基米尔·塞米哈斯特尼 (Vladimir Semichastny),他于 1961 年至 1967 年间担任克格勃领导人。他出生于第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克地区,父母来自图拉(与莫斯科州接壤),父母都是俄罗斯人。




  153. Beckow 说:


    你加倍努力地表现出你那著名的假装天真...... 在政府中的实际工作很少 现在是“犯罪”吗?你疯了?布鲁塞尔实际上挤满了几乎不做任何实际工作的员工。每个国家担任高级职务的代表都有 15 名自由选择的“助手”……你说的是类固醇的裙带关系。你一定知道这一点,所以现在你只是在撒谎。对菲永的攻击是编造的,因为他还不够仇俄。我实际上并不关心菲永和他的政策——他是一个典型的“右翼”廉价混蛋,作为总理,他执行了通常的“根管治疗”反社会政策。

    15 年间,Fillion 的妻子赚了 831 欧元,即每年 55 欧元,我不知道赚了什么,但这对大多数人来说绝对是小菜一碟。乌苏拉的丈夫在辉瑞公司结清了数千万美元。这些选择性起诉是政治性的——还有愚蠢的拜登对特朗普的起诉,或者你也支持这一点吗?



    • 回复: @AP
  154. Mr. Hack 说:



    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Derer
  155. Beckow 说:



  156. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    你似乎太愚蠢了,无法关注商品市场。提示:当供应减少时,价格上涨,卖家通过减少产量赚取更多利润。石油和成品油都会波动——截至今天,它们上涨了约 20%。



    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
  157. songbird 说:






  158. Wokechoke 说:





    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  159. Mr. Hack 说:


    • 回复: @Beckow
  160. AnonfromTN 说:




  161. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    价格是按边际设定的——因此“全部”或“无”不是您应该查看的类别。事情是这样的:你有一种有价值的产品,人们必须购买——供应量减少了 10%,价格会上涨还是下跌?价格上涨对所有卖家都有利——如果俄罗斯的销量仍是其销售量的 80-90%,则价格上涨将弥补销量下降。受苦的是那些花更多钱却少花钱的顾客。

    如果“所有”俄罗斯炼油厂都遭到轰炸,它们将不会受益 - 您可以绘制增益/损失方程。但在这种情况下,最大的输家仍然是愿意支付更多费用的客户(例如欧元和您)。


    • 回复: @AP
  162. @sudden death

    购买力平价的重新计算成本高昂,而且是一项大规模的全球性活动。世界银行大约每 5 年重新计算一次(凭记忆)。这让高通胀的经济体受益匪浅。这就是土耳其的结果。俄罗斯(未显示)也受益于通胀推动的购买力平价明显增长。不过,乌克兰是一个全面的篮子。

  163. songbird 说:


    • 回复: @A123
  164. songbird 说:

    电鳗是最奇怪的宠物吗? (这家伙戴着橡胶手套。)


    1800 年,探险家亚历山大·冯·洪堡 (Alexander von Humboldt) 加入了一群土著人,他们骑着马去钓鱼,他们将大约 5 匹马赶入水中。他指出,马蹄的撞击将长达 1.5 英尺(XNUMX m)的鱼从泥浆中赶了出来,促使它们发起攻击,从水中升起,用电流电击马匹。他看到两匹马被电击晕倒,然后淹死了。


    他们启发了电池的说法有多真实?毕竟,我们要感谢巴西的电力和现代设备吗? (开玩笑)

  165. A123 说: • 您的网站



    有传言称派拉蒙陷入财务困境,他们将不得不出售《星际迷航》IP。第一名追求者是 Skydance。他们已经非常明确地表示,库兹曼将与当前所有节目一起退出。


    • 回复: @songbird
  166. @Philip Owen

    不太确定,但 2022 年全年的猜测结果也包含在这些计算中?如果是这样,那么UA的数字就完全可以理解了,因为那是战争的第一年,这使得其余的数字进一步下降。

  167. songbird 说:

    不过,Skydance 确实联合制作了许多新的《星际迷航》电影,以及真正唤醒了带有雄激素机器人的《终结者》电影。





    • 回复: @A123
  168. 观看这个可爱的小机器人在俄罗斯战壕中埋雷



  169. A123 说: • 您的网站

    Skydance 并不完美。然而,如果他们 100% 解雇现有员工并随机雇用替代者……产出的质量将显着提高。

    TOS、TNG、DS9等的后台库有很大的价值。将其从 P+ 中剥离出来,并每季度将其以现金形式授权给 Netflix。


    • 回复: @songbird
  170. @Beckow

    你似乎太愚蠢了,无法关注商品市场。提示:当供应减少时,价格上涨,卖家通过减少产量赚取更多利润。石油和成品油都会波动——截至今天,它们上涨了约 20%。








    • 回复: @Sean
  171. 补充说明:这种情况已经在委内瑞拉发生过,他们从石油中获得了增加的利润,但无法控制通货膨胀,因为他们是一群仍然认为左翼收购私营公司可以自己“平衡”的暴徒。与普京一样,在制裁通过之前,他们并没有意识到自己有多少西方依赖。美国人向他们在委内瑞拉的亲戚邮寄处方和现金,而马克思主义者却在谈论他们如何不需要西方。人们确实因为得不到药物而死亡。一群左翼分子再次跳过经济学课程,相信了马克思主义的废话。我不喜欢自由市场资本主义,但老派马克思主义不是答案。根据记录,我也不支持对左翼国家实施古巴式的制裁。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  172. AP 说:














    1 年 1939 月 6 日,德国入侵波兰,但泽自由市并入德意志帝国,自由市公民成为德国国民。图斯克早上在他的家里遭到袭击,后来目睹了德国人在火车站逮捕波兰人,以及保卫但泽的波兰邮政。 [XNUMX]

    约瑟夫·图斯克向但泽警方报告了这起袭击事件,随后作为波兰活动人士被捕,被描述为“波兰狂热分子,对德国国家安全构成危险”​​;他的家人在同一天被逐出家门。[6]图斯克是施图特霍夫集中营建设过程中的强迫劳工[6][7]。1941年,他接受盖世太保的约谈,并被关押在诺因加默集中营。[8] 26 年 1942 月 8 日,他从诺因加默被释放。[XNUMX]

    2 年 1944 月 328 日,图斯克被征召入国防军,加入第 328 掷弹兵替换和训练营(8th Grenadier Replacement and Training Battalion)。[9][10][24]大约四个月后,即 1944 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日左右或不久之后,他要么开小差,投奔西方的波兰武装部队,要么被关进盟军战俘营

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :





  173. songbird 说:

    然而,如果他们 100% 解雇现有员工并随机雇用替代者……产出的质量将显着提高。

    也许,改变所有权是解雇一群否则无法解雇的人的法律漏洞。我几乎怀疑监管公司的法律需要改变,甚至可以制定像 80 年代或 90 年代那样的法律。 (仍然以自己的方式醒来。)


    TOS、TNG、DS9等的后台库有很大的价值。将其从 P+ 中剥离出来,并每季度将其以现金形式授权给 Netflix。


    我想我不认识任何人再看《星际迷航》了。即使是旧的东西——你也只能重看这么多。看起来这些 DVD 适合在庭院旧货拍卖会上出售歌曲。

    • 回复: @A123
  174. A123 说: • 您的网站

    然而,如果他们 100% 解雇现有员工并随机雇用替代者……产出的质量将显着提高。


    结构正在购买 *只要* 知识产权,而不是公司。如果派拉蒙公司与其员工之间有任何交易,那与知识产权出售无关。

    也许新的 ST 工作室将设立在德克萨斯州。其他人都在放弃加州。


    • 回复: @songbird
  175. songbird 说:






  176. songbird 说:

    结构正在购买 *只要* 知识产权,而不是公司。


    我认为这是《New Trek》如此糟糕的原因之一——他们没有旧设计的权利(至少我是这么认为的),并且可能出于某些法律原因不得不创建一个替代宇宙。

    也许新的 ST 工作室将设立在德克萨斯州。其他人都在放弃加州。



    • 回复: @A123
  177. @Sher Singh

    包剑人。将钱存入您的 Giulia Imperio 性玩偶基金。

  178. A123 说: • 您的网站

    我认为这是《New Trek》如此糟糕的原因之一——他们没有旧设计的权利(至少我是这么认为的),并且可能出于某些法律原因不得不创建一个替代宇宙。

    不,他们对一切拥有 100% 的权利。



    看起来都是《星际迷航》IP,包括性病等新垃圾。这是有道理的,因为两个相互竞争的 ST 特许经营权会存在重叠和法律问题。即使只有旧的IP有价值,新的IP也必须被购买和埋葬。


    • 回复: @songbird
  179. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson



    • 回复: @John Johnson
  180. songbird 说:




    • 哈哈: A123
  181. 那么卡梅伦支持马克龙让法国军队进军乌克兰?




    • 回复: @Mikhail
  182. Sean 说:
    @John Johnson


    激怒克里姆林宫派遣这两个人的可能性要大得多 GRU 破坏者/投毒者妓女他妈的哈希头 alkies 来自俄罗斯的一名被无罪释放的大教堂尖顶同性恋爱好者被指控在索尔兹伯里发生了邪恶的事情,他访问了俄罗斯和乌克兰以外的主要管道并将其炸毁,从而打击了全球供应链。


  183. 这是一篇关于当前 Nord Stream 思维的好文章……有人还记得 Nord Stream 吗?


    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @AnonfromTN
  184. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站


    • 回复: @songbird
  185. songbird 说:


    • 回复: @Mikhail
  186. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站


    • 回复: @songbird
  187. Mediazona 与 BBC 新闻俄罗斯频道和志愿者团队合作,继续收集有关乌克兰境内俄罗斯军人伤亡的数据。提供的数字来自公开来源,例如家庭成员的社交媒体帖子、当地新闻报道和地区当局的官方公告。但值得注意的是,这些数字仅提供了部分情况,并未涵盖全部伤亡情况。

    为了解决这个问题,我们在死亡记录计数旁边提供了一个额外的数字。第二个数字是对男性超额死亡率的估计,来自遗嘱认证登记数据库。该估算方法是与 Meduza 合作开发的。


    • 回复: @QCIC
  188. china-russia-all-the-way 说:
    @Philip Owen

    你的评论很有趣,所以我请 ChatGPT-4 进行评估。


    1. **购买力平价的计算成本昂贵,而且是一项大型的全球性活动:**
    - 真的。国际比较计划(ICP)是世界银行支持下最大的全球统计计划,负责计算购买力平价。它涉及收集来自许多国家的大量商品和服务价格数据,这确实是一项成本高昂且范围广泛的工作。 ICP 收集 150 多个国家/地区的价格,使其成为一项全球性活动。

    2. **世界银行大约每 5 年重新计算一次:**
    - 真的。国际比较计划 (ICP) 通常以 5 年左右的周期运行。例如,过去的周期是在 2005 年、2011 年和 2017 年进行的,表明最近大约每 6 年进行一次周期,尽管传统上的目标是 5 年周期。

    3. **这对高通胀经济体来说是有利的:**
    – 这种说法更加微妙,需要解释。购买力平价旨在成为消除货币波动和国家间价格水平差异的误导性影响的一种措施。它通过使用一组国际价格来比较不同货币的购买力,从而更准确地衡量经济规模和实际收入。如果购买力平价数据不经常更新,高通胀国家的实际GDP可能会暂时显得比实际富裕,因为它们的名义GDP可能会因通胀而迅速增长。然而,购买力平价的延迟更新本质上并不意味着这些经济体“讨好”,因为购买力平价调整的目的是反映一段时间内货币的实际购买力。以购买力平价计算的实际收入或GDP最终将在下一个计算周期中进行调整以反映现实,这可能会揭示通货膨胀对经济实际购买力的影响。该声明的主张取决于重新计算的时间和干预的经济变化,包括通货膨胀。

    • 回复: @sudden death
    , @Philip Owen
  189. @china-russia-all-the-way


    • 哈哈: AP
    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  190. Wokechoke 说:




    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  191. songbird 说:






    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  192. QCIC 说:





  193. QCIC 说:
    @sudden death

    我看到有报道说哈尔科夫现在停电了。 TUR 的任何人都可以提供有关此主题的详细信息吗?

    • 回复: @sudden death
  194. AP 说:


    价格是按边际设定的——因此“全部”或“无”不是您应该查看的类别。事情是这样的:你有一种有价值的产品,人们必须购买——供应量减少了 10%,价格会上涨还是下跌?它上涨并使所有卖家受益



    然而,俄罗斯并不是唯一的供应国,因此俄罗斯下降 10% 对全球供应的影响将远小于 10%。也许由于俄罗斯的损失,全球供应量下降了 4%。因此,如果全球物价相应上涨4%,俄罗斯仍然会亏损。它的售价每单位多出 4%,但销量却少了 10%。 *




    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @Derer
    , @Beckow
  195. 今天早上,红色小母牛充斥着赤裸裸的资本主义链接。一位聪明的评论者表示,最有创意的发展将是伊朗用无人机袭击消灭红小母牛,以报复以色列对大马士革大使馆的爆炸事件。


    • 回复: @QCIC
  196. AnonfromTN 说:




    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  197. Mr. Hack 说:


    中国仍处于“世界工厂”的地位,就像俄罗斯是“世界加油站”一样,但并没有真正准备好成为美国作为全球超级大国的霸主地位的有力竞争者。世界。几年前,新西兰大学发表了一篇出色的文章,指出了阻碍中国履行这一角色的严重限制因素,其中大多数是文化因素。语言是最受限制的因素之一。对于世界上大多数人来说,中文太难、太繁琐,难以学习和使用。东西方的法理学也有很大不同。世界对好莱坞电影的偏爱也是在全球范围内推广美国价值观的另一个文化标志。就连公共体育的品味也大相径庭。我希望我能找到那篇文章(值得再读一遍),但我已经花了 10 分钟进行搜索,现在没有更多的时间来追求这个小宝石。

    *我自己的命名法。 🙂

    • 回复: @songbird
  198. Mr. Hack 说:


    通过保持沉默和掩盖“嘘嘘”,你强烈暗示美国是破坏 NS2 的幕后黑手。由于美国一直直言不讳地指出谁是番红花破坏事件的肇事者,用你自己的逻辑,人们可以很容易地推测,美国或其“附属乌克兰国家”都不是这场悲剧的幕后黑手。然而,你的超级英雄普特勒和他的联邦安全局(克格勃)暴徒仍然每天都在编织新的令人难以置信的阴谋论,试图将美国和乌克兰牵连到最近的破坏活动中。哈哈! 🙂

  199. @QCIC


    • 回复: @QCIC
  200. QCIC 说:



    我们不知道这些炼油厂袭击造成的损害程度或停电时间。我怀疑大部分损坏都可以轻松修复或解决。仅仅因为一根管道破裂并燃烧了 42,000 桶石油(XNUMX 加仑),并不意味着炼油厂就被拆除了。在我看到的视频中,按照炼油厂的标准来看,没有一场火灾看起来很严重。

  201. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2024/04/kyiv-spring-ukraine-military-aid/678013/


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  202. AnonfromTN 说:

    芬兰财政部长 Riikka Purra 表示,为了平衡预算,政府将不得不削减约 3 亿欧元的支出。她说,为了实现这一目标,养老金必须减少,增值税必须增加。她还认为,领取养老金的年龄最终将不得不提高:


    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
    • 回复: @sudden death
  203. QCIC 说:
    @sudden death



  204. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard



    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  205. 今天的莫斯科——从上面看再次举行一些宽容的宗教庆祝活动:




    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  206. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack











    体育运动中不存在本土忠诚度。正如宋飞 (Seinfeld) 所说,你支持洗衣,而团队本身也会移动。坦率地说,我不明白它如何转化为国际忠诚度。棒球在古巴和委内瑞拉非常受欢迎。更不用说足球在美国从来都不是很受欢迎。


  207. AnonfromTN 说:
    @sudden death

    – 祝你平安!
    – Alaykum as-salam!

    • 哈哈: songbird
    • 回复: @sudden death
  208. @QCIC

    这只是更多的“NPC 聚集在一起进行另一场大规模编队活动”。
    与 CoronaPrank 和“Slava Ukrani”中啦啦队和绒球的集体心态相同。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  209. AnonfromTN 说:





  210. @AnonfromTN


  211. @songbird

    体育运动中不存在本土忠诚度。正如宋飞 (Seinfeld) 所说,你支持洗衣,而团队本身也会移动。


    约基奇和多基奇让 NBA 变得非常有趣。



    我的日食相当膨胀。 80% 的全食性,没有云,从我的门廊可以看到。这与我的锻炼时间一致,我正处于一组最大强度的中间,但我在最大强度前两分钟将其放入成像装置中,并在最大强度后两分钟再次将其放入我的成像装置中。他们在 r/natureisfuckinglit 上播放了一段卫星视频,那里有一片巨大的云层,与日食的阴影几乎完美地碰撞在一起,95% 的租用爱彼迎的人在购买乐透时都输了。

    • 回复: @songbird
  212. @QCIC






    • 回复: @QCIC
  213. QCIC 说:



  214. Aedib 说:


    • 谢谢: QCIC
    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @LatW
  215. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson


  216. Derer 说:



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  217. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @Derer
    , @AP
    , @John Johnson
  218. Derer 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @Mr. Hack
  219. Derer 说:


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  220. AnonfromTN 说:



  221. @AnonfromTN


  222. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 哈哈: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @A123
  223. @AnonfromTN


    RF 那么自 2018 年以来一定是秘密的北约成员;)

  224. Mr. Hack 说:

    “公正的参考”,为了什么?这不是同行评审的论坛或专业研究网站。说实话,你又看起来像马屁股了。 🙂

    • 回复: @Derer
  225. Aedib 说:


  226. 有严肃的证据表明肯尼迪从特朗普那里夺取的选票多于从拜登那里夺来的选票吗?

    华盛顿,10 月 XNUMX 日(路透社)——

    路透/益普索的一项新民意调查发现,美国总统乔·拜登在 11 月总统大选前小幅扩大了对唐纳德·特朗普的领先优势,这位共和党候选人正在为即将开始的四项刑事审判中的第一项做准备。
    在周一结束的为期五天的民意调查中,约有 41% 的登记选民表示,如果今天举行选举,他们将投票给民主党人拜登,而选择前总统特朗普的比例为 37%。拜登在 4 月份的路透社/益普索民意调查中领先 1 个百分点,领先优势为 XNUMX 个百分点。
    该调查对登记选民的误差幅度为 4 个百分点,许多选民在 5 月 XNUMX 日大选前七个月仍持观望态度。
    调查中约 22% 的登记选民表示,他们没有选择候选人,倾向于第三方选择,或者可能根本不会投票。
    路透社/益普索 16 月份的一项民意调查发现,如果反疫苗活动人士小罗伯特·肯尼迪与特朗普和拜登一起竞选,XNUMX% 的受访者会选择他作为独立人士参选。四月份的民意调查没有透露肯尼迪在登记选民中的支持率。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  227. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard




  228. songbird 说:

    从来没有太关注萨姆·哈里斯,现在也不会,但我最近很着迷地得知他的母亲创造了 山水有相逢 情景喜剧。

  229. @Aedib






    • 同意: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Aedib
  230. AP 说:



    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  231. AnonfromTN 说:
    @sudden death



  232. @AnonfromTN






    • 回复: @QCIC
  233. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson


    菲利普·欧文(Phillip Owen)曾就俄罗斯失去获得西方种植的农作物杂交种子和类似农业投入品的机会提出过类似的观点。他暗示俄罗斯不久将面临农业产量严重下降的情况。我不知道2022年以来这方面发生了什么。这些小事可能外人看不到,但可以对一个行业产生巨大的影响。极端的情况可能是药物、生物技术、半导体和光子学制造,其中许多生产投入都非常专业。即使在这些领域,行业也可以简单地恢复到 20 年前的专利到期技术。这不是最新的、最伟大的,但二十年前,西方经济的大多数部门的技术仍然非常好。

  234. AnonfromTN 说:


    我只有有关小分子药物的第一手信息(当然不是很多)。俄罗斯转向内部生产。最终结果是不再进口的同一种药物的价格下降了约 5 倍。我可以比较美国和俄罗斯的同一种药物,俄罗斯制造的药物的功效与贵25倍的美国药物相同。

  235. @AnonfromTN


    • 回复: @LatW
  236. A123 说: • 您的网站





    塔里克·萨拉米·奥塔·阿布·舒夫 (Tariq Salami Otha Abu Shoulf) 是伊斯兰圣战恐怖组织的发言人。在审讯中,他简单地揭示了他们如何组织对媒体的大规模操纵。


    ❌ 哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战组织如何共同制定战略对世界媒体撒谎。

    ❌ 恐怖分子如何使用救护车在加沙地带内行动。

    ❌ 哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战组织如何以及为何使用医院。




    (1) https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/04/tariq-explains.php


  237. LatW 说:
    @sudden death

    哈哈,我喜欢最右边的那个家伙(双关语),穿着著名的三条纹运动裤(尽管 Northface 或类似的会更好) - 他看起来与工人阶级或小镇巴尔特没有太大不同(尽管他是可能是某种盎格鲁人)。站在北欧装饰品旁边可额外加分。 😉

  238. songbird 说:




  239. @Wokechoke


    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  240. @china-russia-all-the-way

    问题在于,没有人告诉普京,17% 的通胀率让俄罗斯看起来比实际情况要好。他据此计划俄罗斯将成为世界第四大经济体。

  241. @QCIC




  242. Aedib 说:
    @John Johnson



    • 回复: @AP
    , @John Johnson
  243. Mr. XYZ 说:

    美联社,题外话,但是你的妻子和孩子现在是否为成为 RNGens(RNG = 俄罗斯国家政府(国家);RNGens = RNG 公民,基于 RNGen,单数,发音如 Rengen)而感到羞耻,因为他们强烈反对对普京入侵乌克兰持批评态度,乌克兰是您孩子的祖籍之一?

    • 回复: @AP
  244. AP 说:
    @Mr. XYZ


    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  245. AP 说:

    战前马里乌波尔对分离主义分子的支持率低于 50%(尽管该地区的支持率高于哈尔科夫等乌克兰东部任何其他地区)。

    当这座城市被占领时,可能有超过 50% 的人口,因为大部分人口逃离,留下了那些更有可能支持俄罗斯的人。

    • 回复: @Aedib
    , @Mr. XYZ
  246. Aedib 说:


    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @AP
    , @Mr. Hack
    , @Wielgus
  247. Mr. Hack 说:

    教授,您无需花几个小时在互联网上搜索就能在利沃夫找到一位穿着纳粹 T 恤的孤独女人。不到一个月前,人们看到很多纳粹分子在你家乡纳什维尔的市中心街道上游行:

  248. Mr. XYZ 说:



  249. @QCIC







    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @QCIC
  250. AP 说:



    • 回复: @QCIC
  251. @Aedib



    好吧,以亲俄党获得超过 50% 选票的那一年为例。


    种族 人数 占人口百分比
    乌克兰语 248,683 48.7
    俄语 226,848 44.4
    希腊人 21,923 4.3



    就像所有普京的捍卫者一样,你的消息来源充满了狗屎。他们都必须为一个大规模谋杀的侏儒撒谎,他甚至无法信守让 LPR/DPR 独立共和国的诺言。

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  252. Derer 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    但要小心,现在就做好准备……!因为你将拥有我们常驻的巨魔和诗人,我们的哲学家和严格审查和痴迷的审查员,我们傲慢、傲慢和沮丧的作家和评论者,我们的世界改革者——唯一的、无与伦比的“先生”。 Hack'(可能是一个迷失的人或一个永远的失败者)——追随你。

    • 巨魔: Mr. Hack
  253. LatW 说:

    你问过这些人是否想要俄罗斯世界吗?尤其是那个裹在地下室的(1:00 开始)和躺在轮床上的那个?还是那些埋在花园里的人?


  254. Mr. Hack 说:


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  255. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    他甚至无法信守让 LPR/DPR 独立共和国的诺言。

    从 2014 年到 2022 年,这种方法效果不太好,不是吗?德涅斯特河左岸也是如此。这不是二战前的但泽,其新地位得到了国际社会的认可。如果他们不被承认,那么从俄罗斯民族主义者的角度将他们纳入俄罗斯会更好。当然,乌克兰对此表示反对是完全正确的。

    顿巴斯有史以来最好的事情是 DonMak 哈哈。严重地。

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  256. Mr. XYZ 说:


  257. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson



    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  258. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack




    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  259. Wokechoke 说:
    @Philip Owen



    • 同意: Philip Owen
    • 谢谢: Mr. XYZ
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  260. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson

    是的,我认为你要么极其容易上当受骗,要么你写的所有内容中的 66.6% 都是虚构的。然后你挑选西方 MSM 来支持你的观点。有时这被证明是有效的,但在您的情况下有时会小于 50/50。我比一般的西方评论者更熟悉俄罗斯的许多技术。这并不能让我成为专家,但我仍然可以加上2+2 = 4。我知道建造炼油厂部件比建造核设备、潜艇、航天器和高性能飞机容易得多。这是显而易见的。当然,与从 ABB、UOP 或任何其他公司购买产品相比,在本地进行这些工作会需要更多工作,并且需要更长的时间。它还有助于将这些行业回流到俄罗斯。其成本可能比购买西方支持要低。我什至没有提到国际黑市。

    我反对“国家冒充加油站”的比喻。我认为美国领导人错误地接受了这个荒谬的想法,使得西方更有可能陷入第三次世界大战。我想避免这种情况。俄罗斯石油工业已有约3年的历史。根据维基百科,早在200世纪初,俄罗斯就在阿塞拜疆生产了世界一半的产量。这不是像沙特阿拉伯、委内瑞拉或尼日利亚这样没有本土石油补丁技术的第三世界国家。许多人都记得苏联在 20 年钻出了世界上最深的钻孔(井)。当然,时代已经变了。但他们可以在没有外部帮助的情况下轻松修复一些现有的炼油厂。无论如何,他们可能可以获得外部帮助,所以这不是一个真正的问题。

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  261. @Mr. XYZ

    他甚至无法信守让 LPR/DPR 独立共和国的诺言。

    从 2014 年到 2022 年,这种方法效果不太好,不是吗?德涅斯特河左岸也是如此。这不是二战前的但泽,其新地位得到了国际社会的认可。如果他们不被承认,那么从俄罗斯民族主义者的角度将他们纳入俄罗斯会更好。



    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  262. @QCIC

    是的,我认为你要么极其容易上当受骗,要么你写的所有内容中的 66.6% 都是虚构的。然后你挑选西方 MSM 来支持你的观点。



    对 MSM 的怀疑是有道理的,但将自己孤立于一些技术上无法报道战争范围的小型媒体来源是自愿的无知。





    包括计算机在内的机械:34.8 亿美元(占进口总额的 17.9%)

    他们依赖西方的机械、技术和医学。我们都可以看到你对普京和俄罗斯的迷恋,但事实就是事实。苏联可能拥有先进的太空计划,但到了 1980 世纪 1950 年代,他们的计算机技术完全由西方驱动。我认为你过于理想化了一个国家,认为这场战争后国内生产总值将达到墨西哥的规模。您最近开过多少辆俄罗斯汽车?或者您乘坐过多少架俄罗斯飞机?请停止传统观念将这个极权主义国家理想化,因为农村地区户外厕所很常见。 XNUMX世纪XNUMX年代的美国农村地区的卫生条件较好。俄罗斯一直是东欧和中亚的混杂体。这不是你想要的。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  263. Wokechoke 说:


  264. QCIC 说:

    美联社,你误解了孩子在 5:07 说的话。他指出,强迫乌克兰化和俄罗斯文化的高压流离失所正在迅速发生。他说,到2021年,波尔塔瓦一个俄罗斯家庭的表弟甚至看不懂俄语。这意味着这个孩子在学校学过乌克兰语。这理所当然地违背了家人的意愿。视频的最后一部分很好。他不假思索地证实了我们俄罗斯思想的评论者多年来一直在写的许多严厉的事情。


    • 回复: @AP
  265. Mr. XYZ 说:


    顺便说一句,出于好奇:你认为俄罗斯是否真的成功征服了乌克兰的大部分或全部地区(如果俄罗斯能力没有大幅提高,这将是非常困难的,当然,除非西方决定听从菲利普·勒莫万的建议,将乌克兰置于其统治之下)公共汽车以安抚俄罗斯,然后在那里赞助反俄叛乱),俄罗斯随后从那里撤军会非常困难吗?我特别关注了将乌克兰(俄罗斯)与阿尔及利亚(1962 年法国)区分开来的四个因素:

    1. 俄罗斯人对乌克兰人的感情比法国人对穆斯林阿尔及利亚人的感情要多得多。战前,高达36%的俄罗斯人支持在没有北约因素的情况下使用武力收复乌克兰,只有43%的俄罗斯人反对这种情况。 (由于北约因素/借口,俄罗斯对入侵乌克兰的支持率上升至 50%,IIRC,反对派则下降至 25%。这是来自战前 CNN 对 IIRC 的民意调查。)相比之下,我非常强烈地怀疑,不到1年,即阿尔及利亚独立1992年后,有30%的法国人实际上希望法国重返阿尔及利亚,因为阿尔及利亚的穆斯林人口数量庞大且仍在快速增长。

    2. 在八年的时间里,阿尔及利亚人能够将略高于 25,000 名的法国士兵和略高于 5,000 名的黑脚平民装进尸袋。这可能导致了法国的厌战情绪。相比之下,我怀疑在这种假设的情况下,乌克兰叛乱分子/恐怖分子是否能够杀死乌克兰境内尽可能多的俄罗斯人和俄罗斯合作者。因此,俄罗斯公众要求从乌克兰撤军的压力将会较小。

    3. 法国能够从人口优势地位上撤出阿尔及利亚,并在此期间经历了极长的婴儿潮。相比之下,俄罗斯就没有这样的奢侈,而且无论如何,俄罗斯在20世纪的人口遭受的破坏比法国要严重得多,这将使放弃乌克兰人口成为俄罗斯更加艰巨的任务。

    4. 我怀疑俄罗斯人是否会像法国人那样关心大量(显然是数十万)穆斯林阿尔及利亚人遭受酷刑,对大量疑似“班德主义者”遭受酷刑。 (即使这些遭受酷刑的疑似“班德分子”是他们自己的亲戚,这也可能是真的。毕竟,在这种情况下,俄罗斯人可以简单地说,他们自己的亲戚应该简单地避开麻烦,低着头,愚蠢和傲慢最终导致了他们的灭亡。)毕竟,法国人似乎比俄罗斯人更加人道主义,这可能在很大程度上是因为法国人(除了相对较少的犹太人口)从未见过类似的情况。正如俄罗斯人在20世纪所经历的极端残暴和贫困。俄罗斯人可能比法国人更容易受到宣传的影响。当人们将独裁国家与民主国家以及言论自由、新闻自由、言论自由等更多的国家与这些东西较少的国家进行比较时,这是默认的假设。


  266. Wokechoke 说:
    @Mr. XYZ



  267. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson


    我对俄罗斯进口很熟悉。直到六个月前,我对俄罗斯军事发展和生产之间的差距还有些困惑。我认为非常有趣的是,他们优先生产极其昂贵的战略武器而不是战术武器。在看到西方自 2014 年以来垂涎欲滴之后,我认识到俄罗斯规划者可能在有限资金的用途上做出了正确的选择。

    有人对西方飞机的中国甚至俄罗斯备件提出的观点是愚蠢的,因为飞机的认证、租赁和保险方式。俄罗斯人可以翻新和重建许多西方备件,只要货架上有零配件,例如轴承、密封件和任何磨损的部件。他们不太可能生产并鉴定西方飞机的大多数替代零件。他们会尝试在黑市上购买尽可能多的东西。最终他们可能被迫从头开始建造其中一些部件,但他们更愿意推出新建的俄罗斯飞机,甚至复兴旧的封存的苏联飞机。据我所知,俄罗斯制造的主要西方飞机零部件是关键的钛和铝锻件、铝热交换器和一些涡轮叶片。他们正在重建工业基础,以便像 90 年之前那样在国内为新的俄罗斯飞机生产 1991% 以上的商用飞机零部件。我不知道中国是否为西方飞机生产任何重要的零部件。


    • 回复: @John Johnson
  268. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson


  269. Mr. XYZ 说:




    将乌克兰人描述为俄罗斯人可以追溯到 17 世纪。第一个做到这一点的人是一位名叫因诺肯蒂·吉泽尔(Innokenty Gizel)的德国修道士。柯尼斯堡人,在一个新教家庭长大,但年轻时搬到基辅并信奉东正教。当时乌克兰是波兰立陶宛联邦的一部分。



    17 世纪初,俄罗斯沙皇国(又称莫斯科公国)看上去一点也不像一个大帝国。相反,它被认为是软弱的,无法保护自己的边界。事实是,这个国家无法摆脱伊凡雷帝的统治,他在位五十年,是俄罗斯历史上在位时间最长的统治者(就连普京也无法超越……)。 1584 年他去世后,社会在接下来的几十年里仍然处于崩溃和士气低落的状态。波兰军队长期占领莫斯科。随后,俄罗斯民兵重新夺回莫斯科,波兰人撤退。然而,在未来很长一段时间内,莫斯科统治者将刻意放弃征服活动,并且不愿意向波兰人宣战以援助乌克兰人。

    因诺肯蒂·吉泽尔从未去过莫斯科,但他的目的是制造一种错觉,让人们以为莫斯科和基辅有着共同的历史。现代批评家可能会说,出生于普鲁士的因诺肯蒂发明了今天所谓的 russkiy mir(俄罗斯世界),但这并不完全准确。从本质上讲,他创造了一个单一的国家,据说具有共同的历史。吉泽尔声称,这个罗斯是由一个民族居住的。



    因诺肯蒂·吉泽尔(Innokenty Gizel)的有倾向性的著作以《概要》为题出版。它很快超越了眼前的政治利益,出人意料地成为当时的畅销书。自然,《概要》极大地吸引了当时的俄罗斯沙皇亚历克西斯·罗曼诺夫。

    《概要》的第二版、第三版相继出版。很快就被翻译成拉丁语和希腊语。最后,在下一任俄罗斯沙皇(亚历克西斯的儿子,未来的彼得大帝)的统治下,《概要》成为 1700 年代俄罗斯历史的标准教科书。在接下来的几个世纪里,《概要》为俄罗斯学者(瓦西里·塔蒂什切夫、尼古拉·卡拉姆津、谢尔盖·索洛维约夫、瓦西里·克柳切夫斯基等人)撰写他们自己的俄罗斯历史版本奠定了蓝图。到了 21 世纪,普京会相信这一点,并会宣传这个神话。

  270. songbird 说:




    一些人认为,狗直到公元前 2000 年左右才到达南美洲,因为它们在穿越达连峡时遇到了困难。根据一个故事,他们直到公元 1000 年左右才到达巴塔哥尼亚,并在其北部停下来,但我对此有点不确定。一些火地岛人有真正的狗。


  271. AP 说:


    这是不可能的,因为这两种语言除了几个字母外具有相同的字母表,无论如何它们都非常相似,而且他说俄语的家庭在房子周围会有俄语书籍。来自俄语家庭的人不会读不懂俄语,因为在学校他们学的是 и 而不是 ы, і 不是 и。







    • 同意: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @QCIC
    , @QCIC
    , @Derer
  272. Mr. Hack 说:


    • 回复: @AP
  273. 如果是这样,很快他们就会出现在各种近距离无人机战场视频中:

    俄罗斯士兵,2024 年版。


    • 回复: @Coconuts
    , @LatW
  274. Wielgus 说:


    • 回复: @Europe Europa
  275. 大多数英国民众支持以色列轰炸加沙的方式绝对是对过去两年所有亲乌克兰行为的嘲讽。这表明他们中的大多数人并不真正关心战争和大规模谋杀,因为他们支持的议程是杀害穆斯林和讨好犹太人。


  276. @Wielgus


    • 回复: @Wielgus
  277. @Coconuts




  278. Wielgus 说:
    @Europe Europa

    嗯,在 19 世纪,校长们会制作记数棒,记录学生在课堂上讲爱尔兰语、威尔士语或苏格兰盖尔语而不是英语的次数。一天结束时,“罪行”将被汇总并受到惩罚。这种相当明显的文化灭绝似乎相当有效,因为这三种语言都在衰落,其中苏格兰盖尔语现在濒临灭绝,威尔士语则最少。尽管官方支持这些语言,至少在爱尔兰共和国和威尔士,它们的衰落仍在继续。设置路标并使其成为学校必修科目似乎并不起作用。

    • 回复: @Europe Europa
  279. AP 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    • 同意: Mr. Hack
  280. Mr. Hack 说:




    当然,如果你想创建一个孤立的国家。然而,如果您想展现出作为全球参与者的重要性,您需要接触世界并尝试展示您的文化如何优越。佩佩·埃斯科瓦尔(Pepe Escobar)的博客是我所写内容的完美例子,他总是试图展示中国在世界上的使命已变得多么卓越。

    • 回复: @songbird
  281. QCIC 说:

    我不同意。你对细微差别犹豫不决,没有抓住重点。他还说过,10年或20年后,俄罗斯文化将被取代。这并不意味着完全被抹去,而是正在很大程度上被淹没在地表以下。这可能是正确的,因为它可以在几代人的时间内完成,可能是 Facebook 和 Twitter 的一代人。




    • 回复: @LatW
  282. QCIC 说:

    我不同意。你对细微差别犹豫不决,没有抓住重点。他还说过,10年或20年后,俄罗斯文化将被取代。这并不意味着完全被抹去,而是正在很大程度上被淹没在地表以下。这可能是正确的,因为它可以在几代人的时间内完成,可能是 Facebook 和 Twitter 的一代人。




    • 哈哈: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @AP
  283. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack











    尽管日本的英语水平指数在 80 个国家中排名第 100 位,但无论好坏,美国对日本的影响力巨大。


  284. AP 说:









    • 同意: Mr. XYZ
    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @QCIC
    , @Mr. XYZ
  285. @Europe Europa


    大多数人完全 吮吸。你个人认识的那些彻头彻尾的混蛋只比平均水平差一点点。

  286. Beckow 说:
    @Europe Europa





  287. QCIC 说:


    独立广场政变后,乌克兰政府认为他们有能力将自己的意志强加给东俄亲俄派,必要时可以使用武力。我意识到情况比我的简单陈述要复杂得多,但我认为在核心层面上这就是很多人的看法。这似乎是一个经典的内战场景,而且 100% 可预测。


    • 同意: Beckow
  288. Beckow 说:




    华盛顿之所以反复向基辅公开表示这一点,是因为他们也知道这一点。这也为俄罗斯提供了一个简单的借口来清算更多的英国基础设施和能源——正如他们正在成功做的那样。你能想象西方国家对基辅在俄罗斯吹嘘的“不人道”行为大喊大叫吗? (好吧,他们会的,西方的虚伪是没有限度的,但它是如此愚蠢,以至于适得其反。)


    你是否建议基辅用参孙勒索西方 把它压垮我们所有人 是个好主意吗?这是非常危险的,西方不稳定,无法轻易应对波动。现实是,没有任何西方武器能够扭转基辅的损失。也许会推迟,增加伤亡(主要是乌克兰人),但结果是一样的——俄罗斯会赢,而乌克兰不会有北约。安慰价:芬兰……:)

    • 回复: @AP
  289. @QCIC






    我并不是说那是你,但我有多个海报给了我这个 1-800-CHINA4PARTS 的论点,事实证明这是一厢情愿的想法,从来没有意义。中国生产大量零部件,但这并不意味着他们保留现有的所有零部件,特别是当这些零部件未公开指定时。这应该是常识。 HEHROH CHINA 请寄给我一个用于我的 DeutchMan 工业钻机的替换驱动轴。你不知道那是什么是什么意思?至少有十几个石油钻探场使用它。您可能可以在实验室中拆解一个,并在几个月后弄清楚如何复制一个。继续吧。呵呵?? .


    为什么中国要为西方设计的炼油厂制造零部件?我找不到洗碗机的备件,该洗碗机已售出超过一百万件,但您认为他们有专门的精炼零件吗?我还需要一款适用于美国流行汽车的交流发电机,但只有 OEM 可用。哪里有中文选项?交流发电机很简单。


    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @Beckow
  290. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Europe Europa





    • 同意: Derer
    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Emil Nikola Richard
  291. @AnonfromTN




    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @LatW
    , @LatW
  292. @Philip Owen




    但瑞士手表在任何地方的价格都是一样的,因为它设定了一个 标准。也许这会永远持续下去,也许不会。

  293. Beckow 说:



    这是非理性的,而且极具自我毁灭性。从长远来看,他们为之而死的“原因”并不重要: 加入北约(?)、禁止俄语、与欧盟进行免税贸易。..彻底的疯狂,为了一张纸而毁灭一个国家。

    但很明显,此时他们不会停止——他们将与船和 Zelina&Co 一起沉没。将去阳光明媚的佛罗里达舒适地流放。然后,北约的宣传将逐渐深入报道整个令人遗憾的事件,并永远假装“没有计划将北约转移到乌克兰”(JJ白痴)——直到俄罗斯反对,然后它就变成了 必然。非常奇怪的颠倒逻辑,但北约不必说服聪明人——只需说服属于地球上最愚蠢的人之一的西方普通人。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  294. Wokechoke 说:
    @Europe Europa


  295. AnonfromTN 说:
    @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms


    仅供参考,大约 35 至 40 年前,我读过一本关于中国历史的厚厚、相当全面的俄文书籍。我仍然对中国人(包括居住在美国和欧洲的中国大陆人)对他们的历史的了解感到惊讶。我没有读过一本关于中国历史的英文书,自信地以为它会像西方关于俄罗斯历史的书一样充满谎言。所以,我坚持“更好的见解”,即真相。

    顺便说一句,你帖子中的图片是关于金帐汗国的书,而不是关于中国的书。蒙古人征服并统治了中国,但那段时期相对较短(元朝;约100年;约占中国历史的2.5%)。中国历史比俄罗斯历史长约4倍,比美国历史长约12倍。我的一盏落地灯上有超过 2,000 万年前用象形文字写的中国诗句。

  296. @AnonfromTN


    部落追随大人物,一切都取决于领导者的素质。在傻瓜之地,智商达到 107 的人就是国王。如果您有幸在技术领域工作,您就会遇到聪明的非洲人。它们存在并且很好。我遇到的人对非裔美国文化有一些有趣的看法。

    在这一点上,非洲裔美国人似乎完全是废物,除非你是像马克·库班这样拥有一支 NBA 球队的人。

    你读过 Ron Unz 写的关于卢旺达胡图族图西人的文章吗?这个很不错。

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  297. @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

    瑞士钟表业的未来是什么?如果我要买一块 200 美元的手表,我可能会买一块精工或西铁城。上次我这样做时,我确实买了一块天梭。

  298. songbird 说:

    看到 Woke-oma 和索马里组织了 800 名黑人女同性恋者,以支持新的黑人女演员出演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,我感到非常暖心,如果与过去的女演员相比,她在美容方面有些失败,我想这一定是为了向凯普莱特家族灌输那个时代和背景下固有的暴力威胁。


  299. AnonfromTN 说:




  300. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  301. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    你读过 Ron Unz 写的关于卢旺达胡图族图西人的文章吗?




  302. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson


    土耳其飘了一个 和平计划 在一些欧元国家(可能还有美国)的支持下。它提供了“冻结到2040年”然后就乌克兰的北约以及哪个省将属于俄罗斯或回到乌克兰进行公投。

    也许已经晚了 10 年……但如果基辅和华盛顿不是由白痴统治的话会怎样?回想起来,最大的白痴将是英国人,他们像旅鼠一样大肆屠杀,却迟迟看到了现实。 (你的(和我的)股票会表现得很好,只是不要投资乌克兰黑钙土......)

  303. QCIC 说:

    美联社写道: 您是否反对美国的拉丁裔和其他非盎格鲁人的美国化,并认为这是内战或入侵的理由?即使大多数拉丁裔本身并不介意?



    • 回复: @A123
  304. LatW 说:
    @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms




  305. Derer 说:



  306. LatW 说:
    @sudden death




  307. songbird 说:

    OJ 的癌症是由 HPV 引起的吗?


    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  308. A123 说: • 您的网站








    • 回复: @QCIC
  309. LatW 说:



    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
  310. 越南大亨兰因12亿美元诈骗案被判处死刑


    无付费专区: https://archive.ph/XZVZ7#selection-1337.0-1337.63

    有人在推特上把这个傻瓜发给了萨姆·班克曼-弗里德和伊丽莎白·霍姆斯。 :)

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  311. @songbird


    • 回复: @songbird
  312. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    有人在推特上向 Sam Bankman-Fried 和 Elizabeth Holmes 发送了这个傻瓜的消息


    • 回复: @Beckow
  313. Beckow 说:


    西方无法承受回到无盗窃经济的后果,因为 20-30% 的人会在一夜之间变得多余。大多数人不再有能力从事真正的工作,他们需要保持忙​​碌……每一次动荡和曲折、每一次贿赂和免费资金都会增加经济。现在,一旦“储备货币美元”消失,情况就会不同。也许像越南一样...

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  314. AnonfromTN 说:




    如果维护得当,一架飞机的使用寿命可以达到 20 到 30 年,所以这种情况不会很快发生。事实上,在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代,空客和波音飞机相当快地取代了苏联飞机,在俄罗斯盗国贼统治时期,这些公司向贪婪的国家和航空公司官员收取了大量贿赂和回扣。现在俄罗斯联邦正在恢复国内民用飞机的生产,但这些飞机需要几十年的时间才能取代现在飞行的飞机。

  315. @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms


    也就是说,台湾的通货膨胀率(我看时为 2.1%)高于中国(如果你相信的话,为 0.1%)或瑞士的 1.2%。在购买力平价因子更新之间,相关国家的通货膨胀是累积的。台湾近期的峰值为3.6%。

    相比之下,俄罗斯的这一比例比战争爆发后几个月的 7.7% 下降了 17.8%。所以特别是俄罗斯看起来比实际情况要好得多。

    我不知道台湾是护照兄弟国家。我一直有点后悔没有去香港。我认识的那些去了那里和新加坡并取得巨大成功的人都是我 MBA 课程中实力较弱的人。不过关系比我好。银行家而不是工程师。上层阶级与上层工人阶级。现在阿联酋的情况似乎也很相似,只是没有人去迪拜寻求廉价的生活。

  316. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @Beckow
  317. LatW 说:
    @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms


    实在无法判断翻译的好坏。 🙂

    几年前完成的另一个有趣的翻译是 哈瓦玛 – 来自冰岛语。它的一部分可能以前已经翻译过,但这是所有诗节的一个版本。

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  318. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard



    有人在推特上向 Sam Bankman-Fried 和 Elizabeth Holmes 发送了这个傻瓜的消息

    在越南,他们想找到钱。但 SBF 的情况可能并非如此。

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  319. @Emil Nikola Richard




    • 哈哈: LatW
  320. QCIC 说:


    • 哈哈: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  321. QCIC 说:


    • 回复: @LatW
  322. @songbird






    • 回复: @songbird
  323. LatW 说:




    他们从来都不是一个民族(甚至在古代也可能不是——他们真正生活在苏兹达尔——是斯拉夫人和芬兰乌戈尔人的混合体,可能还有其他民族?)。 “苏联人民”不是真正的人民,而是一个虚假的概念,无论如何都不会长久。或者仅在该区域的部分区域持续。乌克兰人被俄罗斯化了(确实是矛盾的),2014 年之后发生的事情本质上是非殖民化——是的,可能没有完美地进行,而且可能注定会引起某种类型的冲突,但它是非殖民化。从本质上讲,问题在于我们不想教我们的孩子俄语——如果没有必要的话。


    • 回复: @QCIC
  324. A123 说: • 您的网站





    • 哈哈: QCIC
  325. QCIC 说:




    • 回复: @LatW
  326. Coconuts 说:
    @Europe Europa




    我猜那些黑人士兵是通过瓦格纳或其他一些私人军事公司招募的。青铜时代变态者最近与来自 Blackrock 的 Erik Prince 谈论 PMC 在现代战争中的发展地位:



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  327. 好吧,在我阅读了 Zvi Moshowitz 的 Sam Bankman Fried 帖子(真的很棒)后,我仔细阅读了他的其他热门帖子列表。他有一篇关于你仍然单身的原因的帖子。如果你花 20 分钟到达该帖子的 2/3 点,他会告诉你他的体重指数曾经是 42。

    当我加载 BMI 可视化工具时 最大化 在40。

    如果该数据出现在他的第一段中,我会节省 20 分钟。

  328. Mr. XYZ 说:






  329. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @LatW
  330. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @Coconuts
  331. LatW 说:



    我已经告诉过你这是什么了——老一辈的局外人,比如你自己,正试图将他们对乌克兰的看法——这些年轻人居住的地方——强加给中年轻一代(以及整个乌克兰人口)。这是关于一群古老的外国吸血鬼试图统治 35 年前就已经获得自由的一代人的故事(这场斗争已经持续了数百年)——甚至在你们的国家还没有存在之前。因此,基本上70多岁的索沃克/帝国主义崇拜者试图向乌克兰20-30岁的人发号施令,当他们反抗时,他们就会谋杀他们和他们的孩子。这就是它的本质。你看不到它,是你自己的缺点。你只是冷战时期的老左派之一。但我认为你想要“误解”是故意的。




    你关心 1930 年代和 1940 年代的波罗的海人和乌克兰人吗?当时他们遭到大规模谋杀,后来又受到压迫?您关心 1980 世纪 1991 年代的波罗的海国家和乌克兰人吗? 1991年美国说我们应该留在苏联继续受压迫?您在条顿十字军东征期间关心波罗的海国家吗? XNUMX年后你关心吗?突然假装关心?




    • 回复: @QCIC
  332. AP 说:














    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Derer
    , @Beckow
  333. AP 说:





    所谓的斯拉夫派也是如此,他们抱怨所谓的波兰化,或者为莫斯科在 17 世纪初期挫败了将几乎所有斯拉夫民族统一到共和政体的企图而感到自豪。他们并不是真正的斯拉夫主义者,这只是狭隘的俄罗斯——莫斯科——民族主义的廉价借口。

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @QCIC
    , @LatW
  334. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard


    如果这 80 个人中有一个人有不同的说法,我们会感到非常惊讶。



  335. songbird 说:


    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  336. Coconuts 说:



  337. QCIC 说:

    保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨(Paul Craig Roberts)在他的乌兹别克斯坦版块中发表了一篇简短的专栏文章,内容涉及令人不安的北约扩张罗马尼亚空军基地以及摩尔多瓦即将面临的厄运。


    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  338. 2022年斯坦布尔协议(尚未真正完整公布)相关言论已在最高层回归——起初是绍伊古,现在普京和卢卡申科几乎确认这是他们主动恢复的,而可怜的各种RF支持者则在流汗。几天前,同时将一切都视为 RF 严格拒绝谈论此事的标志。

    很可能它会一事无成,但在继续战争之前,至少在接下来的 6-7 个月内,将其用作另一个烟幕弹,因为到目前为止,没有任何迹象表明俄罗斯联邦的军事规划、准备和活动有所减少:





    • 回复: @sudden death
  339. QCIC 说:




    • 回复: @LatW
  340. Wokechoke 说:
    @Europe Europa



    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Europe Europa
  341. Mr. XYZ 说:

    有趣的是,在 1500 年代末和 1700 年代末之间,有各种关于波兰-立陶宛-莫斯科联邦的提议:


    如果这种安排与 1867 年后奥匈帝国的 Ausgleich 类似,也许会奏效。双方都有自己的政治机构和基督教分支,但也有一些共同的机构。尽管也许需要一位新教国王才能使其发挥作用,这样天主教徒和东正教徒都不会觉得对方在这个联盟中统治着他们。

  342. Mr. XYZ 说:





  343. QCIC 说:



    • 回复: @AP
    , @Wokechoke
  344. LatW 说:




    你不了解该地区的另一个迹象是——不存在“培育一些民族主义情绪”的“他们”。无论西方与否,这些情绪一直存在。当赫库斯·曼塔斯在 13 世纪战斗时——他已经有了所有的感情。躺在故乡地上的古代波罗的海青年,在一场战斗之后,已经有了这样的感触。以及那些甚至在十字军东征之前就与东方作战的人。他们甚至在伊万·格罗兹尼之前就开始与东方作战。你根本不明白。这可能是因为你从来没有为你的家而战。你生活在两个大洋之间。






    中立是强者的奢侈。把你通过欺凌他们从他们那里夺走的核武器归还给乌克兰——并把导弹也归还给乌克兰。这些是针对美国的战略核武器,而乌克兰人太友善,不会提出这个问题。你把他们的友谊视为理所当然。我们已经恢复了征兵制度,乌克兰也拥有了武装部队。 VSU——欧洲最强的军队!









    • 谢谢: QCIC, Mr. XYZ
  345. songbird 说:




  346. LatW 说:



    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  347. AP 说:



  348. LatW 说:








    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @Gerard1234
  349. AnonfromTN 说:


    • 回复: @LatW
  350. LatW 说:


  351. Mr. XYZ 说:

    这也意味着任何俄罗斯城市都是 khokhlograd,任何俄罗斯拉屎都是 khokhlosratch 哈哈。

  352. Mr. XYZ 说:



    • 回复: @LatW
    , @LatW
  353. @QCIC

    大约三周前,我在新闻链接部分发布了有关此事的新闻报道。在寻找它的过程中,我发现 Unz dot com 搜索功能现在对我来说根本不值一提。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  354. LatW 说:
    @Mr. XYZ








    事实并非如此,波罗的海的女性并不真正喜欢被婴儿化,她们更喜欢“成熟”的性行为和审美(这也是大多数男人所喜欢的)。老实说,我不确定我是否理解了你的问题。 waifu不是小说里的人物吗?我姐姐20岁出头去日本呆了整整一个月。她和几个不错的家庭住在一起,所以她吃了很多正宗的日本料理。但这与动漫无关。

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  355. LatW 说:
    @Mr. XYZ


    哦,你知道有趣的是,现在我记得我的一个熟人曾经非常喜欢日本语,他非常喜欢 默兹鲍。你可能不知道这一点,这是一个晦涩的流派。还有一些来自日本的奇怪爵士乐。他有大量的噪音记录。有一次,当他在家里听这首歌时,声音有点大,他的一位俄罗斯邻居问:“那是什么声音?”另一个回答“Eto muzika(音乐)”。说实话,我不确定这是否算得上是真正的日本“音乐”(事实上,它更接近西方的 enartete Kunst,尽管我听得不够多,无法做出判断)。

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  356. Mr. XYZ 说:


    waifu 是一个受英语启发的日语术语,意为“妻子”。它可以是虚构的,也可以是现实生活。例如,一些女性化的男人称自己为“waifus”:


    我找不到 waifu,所以我就成为了 waifu! x3
    byu/宁菲尔1 in浮雕



  357. Mr. XYZ 说:



    顺便说一句,题外话,但是你喜欢 yuri 和/或 yaoi 吗?

    Yaoi 在性方面非常有创意,哈哈:



  358. Mr. XYZ 说:

    美联社的另一个历史问题:您认为哪种领土丧失/领土获取失败对哈布斯堡王朝来说更糟糕?是普鲁士失去了西里西亚,还是 18 世纪哈布斯堡王朝未能征服塞尔维亚?我倾向于说后者,因为它导致了第一次世界大战,尽管普鲁士的崛起并不是一件明确的好事。例如,这当然不适合波兰人。然而,至少在哈布斯堡王朝存在的最后几十年里,普鲁士领导的德国国家成为了哈布斯堡王朝独一无二的仁慈保护者和坚定盟友。

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Wokechoke
  359. Derer 说:



    • 回复: @AP
  360. @sudden death


    此外,这可能意味着所有关于哈尔科夫/敖德萨的传言都具有另一个烟幕弹的作用,旨在驱散联合酋长国的防御努力,就像去年关于白俄罗斯对基辅反复袭击的传言一样,目的是让所有联合酋长国部队被派往东方,而RF 攻击了 Soledar/Bakhmut/Ugledar。

    • 回复: @sudden death
  361. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



  362. AP 说:



    • 回复: @Derer
  363. Wokechoke 说:


    • 回复: @songbird
  364. @Wielgus



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @AnonfromTN
    , @Wielgus
  365. songbird 说:




  366. songbird 说:




    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
  367. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Europe Europa




    我在卢甘斯克长大。卢甘斯克地区当时属于乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,尽管现在我百分百确定它永远不会成为当前傀儡政权失败后出现的任何乌克兰的一部分。当我上一年级时,卢甘斯克的最后一所乌克兰语言学校关闭了,因为几乎没有人选择乌克兰语作为孩子接受教育的语言。在所有中学,乌克兰语言和文学都是必修课:我们每周都有几节课(尽管乌克兰文学与俄罗斯文学相比就像老鼠与大象一样)。在我班的 100 多个孩子中,我是唯一一个说乌克兰语的人(仅仅因为我出生在利沃夫,并在利沃夫附近度过了我生命的头几年,那里的人实际上都说乌克兰语)。当我们的乌克兰老师想在课堂上听到完好无损的乌克兰语时,她总是打电话给我。当我毕业时,她坚持在我的毕业文件中特别提到我的乌克兰能力。在苏联时期的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,乌克兰语被强行塞进人们的喉咙里。即使是随父母移居不同共和国的军人子女,在乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国上学时也被迫学习乌克兰语。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是苏联当局向生活在严格意义上的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国的人们强行使用乌克兰语。


    • 谢谢: Mikhail
  368. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Europe Europa




    我在卢甘斯克长大。卢甘斯克地区当时属于乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,尽管现在我百分百确定它永远不会成为当前傀儡政权失败后出现的任何乌克兰的一部分。当我上一年级时,卢甘斯克的最后一所乌克兰语言学校关闭了,因为几乎没有人选择乌克兰语作为孩子接受教育的语言。在所有中学,乌克兰语言和文学都是必修课:我们每周都有几节课(尽管乌克兰文学与俄罗斯文学相比就像老鼠与大象一样)。在我班的 100 多个孩子中,我是唯一一个说乌克兰语的人(仅仅因为我出生在利沃夫,并在利沃夫附近度过了我生命的头几年,那里的人实际上都说乌克兰语)。当我们的乌克兰老师想在课堂上听到完好无损的乌克兰语时,她总是打电话给我。当我毕业时,她坚持在我的毕业文件中特别提到我的乌克兰能力。在苏联时期的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,乌克兰语被强行塞进人们的喉咙里。即使是随父母移居不同共和国的军人子女,在乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国上学时也被迫学习乌克兰语。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是苏联当局向生活在严格意义上的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国的人们强行使用乌克兰语。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
    , @Mr. Hack
    , @Mikhail
  369. AnonfromTN 说:

    抱歉重复:网站和/或我的 Wi-Fi 电脑出现故障。另外,抱歉拼写不一致:我长大的城市是卢甘斯克,但西方软件(Word 和 Textedit)自动将拼写更改为乌克兰推广的卢甘斯克,这是错误的。

  370. AP 说:



    你忘了乌克兰语在 19 世纪就被禁止使用了吗?这当然算俄罗斯人的镇压。没有谎言。



    例如,尽管 1990 年乌克兰人口占 48%,但 73 年,只有 1989% 的学校使用乌克兰语。

    当乌克兰语没有受到压制的时候,在 1920 年代,基辅短暂地成为了以乌克兰语为主的城市,因为乌克兰村民从周围的乡村涌入,这是一个自然过程,很早就将布拉格从德语区转变为捷克语区。但 1930 世纪 90 年代的一场镇压扭转了这一进程,尽管这座城市的居民都是乌克兰族人(而且还是民族主义者),但在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代,这座城市大约 XNUMX% 的人讲俄语。在这里,我们看到了多民族的哈布斯堡帝国与苏联帝国之间的对比,在哈布斯堡帝国中,本土语言和文化被允许繁荣发展,而在苏联则不允许(也许亚洲部分地区除外)。





    • 不同意: Mikhail
    • 巨魔: Derer
    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @Mr. XYZ
    , @Mr. XYZ
  371. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    是普鲁士失去了西里西亚,还是 18 世纪哈布斯堡王朝未能征服塞尔维亚?



    当普鲁士占领西里西亚时,他们也入侵了捷克——这将终结哈布斯堡帝国。俄罗斯阻止了它并让哈布斯堡王朝继续前进。 1849年匈牙利起义时,俄罗斯再次这样做。


    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  372. @Philip Owen






  373. Beckow 说:


    好吧……5-10 年的收入怎么样,而不是选择一个“峰值”并声称此后收入会走下坡路?你的挑选是病态的,寻求帮助。




    那么计划是什么?基辅是否决心一路走下去?青蛙们带着可怕的 2k 外籍军团入侵了吗? (拿破仑有 700 万……只是说)还是拉脱维亚人来救援?


    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @AP
  374. Mr. Hack 说:





    1862年,当时数量超过100所的乌克兰所有主日学校都被废除和取缔。 1863年,内务部长彼得·瓦卢耶夫发布了所谓的瓦卢耶夫通告。[5]该通告主要针对乌克兰知识分子及其将语言引入教堂和学校的努力。该通知将审查机构的注意力引向了乌克兰语出版物,涵盖范围从为少数知识分子群体创作的作品到为大众创作的文学作品。瓦卢耶夫写道,“从来没有、现在没有、也不可能有任何单独的小俄语”,“所谓的乌克兰语”。瓦卢耶夫通告旨在阻止在普通民众中分发乌克兰语出版物,并禁止用乌克兰语出版教育和宗教文本。历史学家谢尔希·普洛希 (Serhii Plokhy) 表示,瓦卢耶夫通函“对乌克兰文化和身份的发展产生了深远的影响”。当 1863 年瓦卢耶夫通告首次推出时,已有 1868 种乌克兰语出版物出版;到了 2 年,他们的数量减少到了 XNUMX 人。政府有效地遏制了乌克兰语言和高雅文化的发展。 [XNUMX]

    然后就是了 埃姆斯法令 沙皇亚历山大二世于 1876 年颁布,进一步编纂和扩大了最初实施的严厉的乌克兰语言禁令
    Valuev 通告的内容:

    18 年 1876 月 XNUMX 日,亚历山大二世在德国度假时签署了一项由特别委员会起草的法令,称为《埃姆斯法令》。该法令首先决定“制止亲乌克兰分子的活动,因为这对国家构成威胁”。瓦卢耶夫通告引入的禁令成为永久性的,并且新的禁令也被侵入。法令:

    禁止所有乌克兰语出版物进入帝国,不仅禁止为普通民众出版乌克兰语宗教文本、语法和书籍,还禁止为社会上层人士出版乌克兰语文学,旨在抑制乌克兰语的发展有关社会各阶层的文学作品 现有的乌克兰语出版物将从学校图书馆下架 禁止用乌克兰语进行戏剧表演、歌曲和诗歌朗诵[2]



    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @QCIC
    , @AnonfromTN
  375. songbird 说:

    哈克先生看过这个“Abandoned Films”YouTube 频道吗?





    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  376. QCIC 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard


  377. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    在 19 世纪,您所迷恋的以下内容是正确的:
    – 英国人将爱尔兰人“英国化”,法国人将布列塔尼人和所有非法国少数民族“英国化”,德国人将波兰人“英国化”,匈牙利人将罗马尼亚人“英国化”,斯洛伐克人,塞尔维亚人,奥地利人捷克人,土耳其人将所有非土耳其人“英国化”——希腊人,亚美尼亚人,保加利亚人,叙利亚人, 阿拉伯人...

    美国人和加拿大人正忙着将原住民“美国化”——实际上主要是杀害他们。回到那个时代想证明什么?那么英国人就可以在他们中间杀死俄罗斯人,因为 19 世纪的一些孩子必须学习俄语?爱尔兰人杀了英国人来算清19世纪的仇怎么样?


    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 哈哈: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  378. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    你们英国人是一个奇怪的群体。 AnonfromTN 对乌克兰历史和文化表现出良好的理解。他来自乌克兰,看在上帝的份上说乌克兰语,并通过纠正别人的错误证明了这一点。他指出,作为西方支持的对俄罗斯袭击的一部分,英国人利用人为的借口来为大规模谋杀无辜者辩护。我不认为他是在捍卫沙皇或斯大林手下的历史政策或当前的俄罗斯联邦政策。现在的谋杀比过去的罪行甚至谋杀都要重要得多。


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  379. Mr. Hack 说:



    • 回复: @Beckow
  380. QCIC 说:

    一个问题是,出于怨恨和沮丧,西方可能希望在退出时将乌克兰夷为平地。这确实是战斗到最后一个乌克兰人的意义所在:只要乌克兰人继续战斗,俄罗斯人就会不断摧毁他们的战斗能力,并在此过程中摧毁乌克兰。要么 AFU 退出,要么事态发展到他们无法再战斗的地步。如果西方让他们继续前进,直到最后一个可怜的家伙被炸死,那么他们就从维多利亚·纽兰的可怕计划中得到了最大程度的血腥和混乱。


    • 回复: @Beckow
  381. Mr. Hack 说:

    AnonfromTN 对乌克兰历史和文化表现出良好的理解。


    • 回复: @QCIC
  382. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    很明显,你是那个没有回应的人。那么爱尔兰人、布列塔尼人、美洲原住民和其他人如何为 19 世纪的政策算账呢?没有答案?


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  383. @sudden death

    *旨在保留所有UA部队 被送往东方

    此外,普京/卢卡关于需要再次与 UA 合作的斯坦布尔的所有言论都非常有趣,因为前几周所有 RF 垃圾机器,包括普京/帕特鲁舍夫/博尔特尼科夫自己,都在超负荷地指责 UA 与番红花恐怖主义;)


    • 回复: @sudden death
  384. Beckow 说:


    这就是西方的方式……如果他们不能拥有它,他们就会试图摧毁它。英国在意识到德累斯顿位于东德后就对它进行了燃烧弹轰炸 文明带来 西斯蒂曾经在世界各地烧毁当地村庄和农作物。而野蛮之中的文明之岛以色列正在加沙这样做。

    这对他们来说很自然,因为他们认为其他人没有任何权利。英国人只是手段,是附带损害。奇怪的是他们如何洋洋得意地认为英国人的自我毁灭就是 西方国家做出的最佳投资。所有的英国人都死了,但西方很高兴,因为这也可能稍微伤害了俄罗斯。


  385. Gerard1234 说:











    没有一件“德国衣服”是在乌克兰制造的,你这个强迫性的撒谎流浪汉。 404 没有什么可提供的,所以它甚至不能做到这一点。当所有这些著名的西方公司宣布他们计划自 SMO 启动以来离开俄罗斯时,甚至一些班德雷塔(少数拥有类似大脑的东西)也感到非常尴尬(顺便说一句,大多数以某种形式留下来),因为它只是表明了如何与 404 年的零相比,所有这些公司在俄罗斯都有大规模的业务。最明显的是汽车和奢侈品/名牌服装和运动服装公司。

    他们中没有一家在 404 开展零售业务以外的业务(在基辅大约有 1 家商店,在其他地方(以前是顿涅茨克)也有 XNUMX 家商店)


    这对于所有这些在美国境外制造但在美国销售的东西意味着什么?不知道——但 AnonFromTN 是一个非常聪明的人,他的意见非常受到尊重……不像你自己那样像个狂妄的幻想狂怪胎。

    如果服务业占美国 GDP 的 70-75%,而美国 GDP 是胡说八道,严重膨胀……每年从中国/台湾进口 700-800 亿美元的制成品,而不是原材料……以及数百种其他产品来自亚洲的十亿……那么AnonFromTN猜测的数字完全有可能是准确的——尽管我认为美国制造的5%的衣服太高了。

  386. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    我的印象是他指的是现实生活,比如过去 75 年。



    • 哈哈: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  387. Mr. Hack 说:

    老电影的修复确实是一种崇高的追求。太多伟大的电影在尘土飞扬的旧金库中萎靡不振,最终屈服于“老年”。事实是,许多此类电影被认为已经消失在时间的史册中(但事实并非如此)。我认识一个女孩,她拥有令人难以置信的眼力/手艺,她用她来制作美丽的乌克兰 pysanki(复活节彩蛋)。不知何故,一些好莱坞大佬听说了她的故事和才华,并邀请她出去参加一些修复项目。人工智能还没有被广泛使用,对眼/手协调等人才的需求很大,每一帧胶片都必须通过在分解的区域添加颜色、胶水等来手动恢复。我期待着访问和观看这些“废弃的电影”。

    • 回复: @songbird
  388. Mr. Hack 说:


    真是一堆废话。细节是人们了解大多数问题的真正核心问题的地方。此外,为限制语言的开发和使用而颁布的法律并不是“细节”。我们的好教授一生中的大部分时间都在精密的显微镜下观察细节,以发展理论和证明。他应该知道不应该脱口而出愚蠢和不真实的言论, 你也应该如此!

    • 回复: @QCIC
  389. Mr. Hack 说:



    贝克和他与普特勒的恋情终于开始对这个可怜的家伙造成影响! 🙂

  390. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    我认识一个女孩,她拥有令人难以置信的眼力/手艺,她用她来制作美丽的乌克兰 pysanki(复活节彩蛋)。不知何故,一些好莱坞大佬听说了她的故事和才华,并邀请她出去参加一些修复项目。

    这是一个非常简洁的 HBD 故事。我记得读过 布伦丹远航塞韦林说,到目前为止,他们在为 currach 播种皮革方面最好的志愿者是一些非常年轻的女孩,尽管戳穿皮革需要力量,但她显然拥有最好的协调能力。







  391. songbird 说:

    不是为了欺骗 LatW,但如果她没有(纯粹是巧合)就住在这辆鲑鱼卡车破裂并溢入小溪的地方,我会感到非常惊讶。


    • 哈哈: LatW
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @Mr. XYZ
  392. “这就是它将如何载入史册——作为一个由恐怖分子和纳粹分子组成的不人道、充满仇恨的政权,他们背叛了人民的利益,并为了西方的金钱、泽连斯基和他最亲近的圈子而牺牲了人民的利益。





    这就像职业摔跤与真正的死亡。 :(

    • 回复: @QCIC
  393. QCIC 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard




  394. Beckow 说:

    ......美国及其附庸国的愚蠢政策正在加速美元的灭亡,其速度超出了任何人的想象或希望。俄罗斯、中国,甚至伊朗都希望这在 20-30 年内逐渐发生

    恐慌占据了主导地位并加速了这一过程。如果不解释特朗普的精神错乱、C19 的过度反应以及对北约新军的加倍押注,你就无法解释。 该死的后果 理性崩溃。


    你可以虚拟成长 只发行一段时间内无法偿还的债务。在某种程度上,这在数学上是不可持续的,我们也并不算太远——美国每年仅支付一万亿美元来偿还官方债务。通货膨胀有所帮助,因为它降低了债务价值,但美国需要十年内两位数的通货膨胀才能摆脱债务螺旋式增长——我认为这在政治上是不可能的。


  395. Sean 说:


    • 回复: @Beckow
  396. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack



    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  397. AnonfromTN 说:



  398. A123 说: • 您的网站





    目前的民调显示,唐纳德·特朗普在弗吉尼亚州的支持率在 3% 以内。受欢迎的州长 Glenn Youngkin(58% 的支持率,4 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日梅森迪克森民意调查与策略)将成为共和党选票的巨大财富。考虑:

    1. 他在教育方面的记录尤其有助于让郊区母亲重返共和党。他支持家长控制,向担心孩子教育质量的家长发出声音(还记得他的民主党对手说“我认为家长不应该告诉学校他们应该教什么”吗?)。

    5. 扬金州长拒绝为非法移民(保守党群体中的“无证移民”)提供联邦资金。 《国会山报》(10 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日),“扬金州长……拒绝加强一项联邦计划的州立法,保守派称该计划导致无证移民获得医疗补贴……”这纯粹是常识。为什么我们应该要求纳税人补贴非法移民的福利?

    文章中列出了完整的 10 点。

    另外,Youngkin He已经受到Leftoid媒体的关注。这避免了像克里斯蒂·诺姆这样的安全国家选择可能带来的“意外”风险。


    (1) https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/04/the_case_for_glenn_youngkin.html

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @Thorfinnsson
  399. @Beckow



    你的诊断也是错误的。什么是大流行是创伤后应激障碍。国家社会主义精神病学家进行了试点项目,中央情报局对其进行了完善。现在,95% 的人类都受到这种痛苦的折磨,其中至少有 80% 的自认为能够控制这种痛苦的怪胎。


  400. AnonfromTN 说:


    • 回复: @A123
  401. Beckow 说:


    僵尸中国政策 获得了很多受益者——所以他们坚持下去。根据硬数据,中国的经济实力比西方更强大。这对于至少一代人来说是不可逆转的。当前西方正在逐渐输掉的两场战争(乌克兰、加沙)正在使中国变得更加强大。


    有不同种类的 落后。在军事实力方面,俄罗斯始终高于其他国家——他们知道如何打仗并赢得战争。今天的西方硬实力落后,远距离轰炸是一种恐怖,而不是战争。没有士兵愿意去死,这就是他们使用英国人的原因。


    • 回复: @Sean
  402. @A123



    阿尔·戈尔可能帮助斯里克·威利赢得了田纳西州,尽管考虑到戈尔在竞选总统时失去了田纳西州,这是值得怀疑的。然后我们又回来了 1960 年林登·约翰逊帮助肯尼迪赢得(窃取?)德克萨斯州的胜利?福特-多尔在 76 年收购了堪萨斯州?


    我想指出杰拉尔丁·费拉罗(Geraldine Ferraro)没有帮助蒙代尔赢得纽约是不礼貌的,因为蒙代尔只赢得了明尼苏达州和帝国首都(可能更多是由于黑人而不是廷臣)。

    1972 年,麦戈文赢得了马萨诸塞州,因为他的竞选伙伴是肯尼迪大家族的一员,但萨金特·施莱弗实际上并不是来自马萨诸塞州。

    这并不是说扬金不是特朗普竞选伙伴的合理选择。他比黑人同性恋、SARM 上的腐败女性、前民主党人或其他奇怪的选择更有意义。

    • 谢谢: A123
    • 回复: @A123
    , @QCIC
    , @Mr. XYZ
    , @Mr. XYZ
    , @Derer
  403. songbird 说:





  404. A123 说: • 您的网站


    我已经明确表示,MAGA 需要与民主党全国委员会相匹配 野生捕捞 特别是 富尔顿。然而,更大的投票差距使得这些必要的 MAGA 活动更容易执行。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  405. AnonfromTN 说:



  406. A123 说: • 您的网站




    即使弗吉尼亚州没有被 MAGA 赢得,让它发挥作用也会迫使民主党花费时间、金钱和精力进行防御。


    应受谴责的萨曼莎·鲍尔 (Samantha Power) 公开反犹太主义,她最新的谎言盛宴随处可见。如果蔬菜大佬对哈马斯种族灭绝的支持因犹太人离开民主党全国委员会而在纽约变成红色,那将是一件很有趣的事。


  407. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    在这个案例中,你的例子只是细节,因为它们发生在 150 年前,从那时起又发生了深刻的事件。


  408. QCIC 说:





    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  409. Mr. XYZ 说:



    • 回复: @Beckow
  410. Mr. XYZ 说:


    如果不是蝶式投票让佛罗里达州的数千名老年犹太人意外投票给帕特·布坎南,那么乔·利伯曼将在 2000 年获得资格,通过激励佛罗里达州的犹太人选票为阿尔·戈尔赢得佛罗里达州。

  411. Mr. XYZ 说:

    我想指出杰拉尔丁·费拉罗(Geraldine Ferraro)没有帮助蒙代尔赢得纽约是不礼貌的,因为蒙代尔只赢得了明尼苏达州和帝国首都(可能更多是由于黑人而不是廷臣)。

    顺便说一句,关于蒙代尔的有趣事实:当他最终输掉 2002 年明尼苏达州美国参议院选举后,他成为美国所有 50 个州中极少数(也许是唯一的?)在大选中失败的主要政党提名人之一。 49年,他把1984个州输给了里根;2002年,他又把明尼苏达州输给了诺姆·科尔曼。

  412. AnonfromTN 说:



  413. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    你忘了乌克兰语在 19 世纪就被禁止使用了吗?这当然算俄罗斯人的镇压。没有谎言。

    在 1870 年代后期的一段时间内,来自哈布斯堡帝国的反俄乌克兰语材料被禁止,因为一名亲俄乌克兰人向俄罗斯政府高层提出了此事。

    1905 年的俄罗斯人口普查显示,乌克兰语并未受到太多禁止。

  414. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. XYZ


    哈布斯堡王朝与俄罗斯的联盟是对普鲁士的重要制衡。 1850年代,哈布斯堡王朝在针对俄罗斯的克里米亚战争中站在法国、英国、土耳其一边,战争结束。至此,俄罗斯切断了哈布斯堡王朝的联系,哈布斯堡帝国的消失只是时间问题。


    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Mr. XYZ
  415. songbird 说:


  416. Vitalek Buratin 对网络状态的概述比 Balanji 的更为简洁。

    他宣传乌克兰,但这只占他内容的 1%。


  417. Mr. XYZ 说:



    好吧,可以说,俄罗斯在 19 世纪初将很多亚美尼亚人从波斯的统治下驱逐出去,从而间接地搞砸了亚美尼亚人。如果不这样做,那么奥斯曼帝国就没有理由对本国亚美尼亚人民的忠诚度产生偏执。将巴尔干基督教民族武器化以对抗奥斯曼帝国并没有完全帮助奥斯曼亚美尼亚人的事业,而只是让奥斯曼人更加偏执地认为他们是潜在的颠覆性亲俄罗斯“第五纵队”。如果我是奥斯曼亚美尼亚人,我会尽最大努力表明我对奥斯曼帝国的忠诚,以阻止我自己和我的人民被奥斯曼人大规模屠杀。

  418. Mr. XYZ 说:

    不过,我认为奥地利的问题是他们更愿意成为普鲁士的附庸还是俄罗斯的附庸。至少普鲁士人是德国同胞。俄罗斯人则不然。 1880 年左右之后,即使是斯拉夫奥地利人也不再那么热衷于俄罗斯(也许斯洛文尼亚人和克罗地亚人除外)。在与普鲁士的关系中,奥地利比在与俄罗斯的关系中拥有更多的发言权,尤其是从长远来看,因为普鲁士和奥地利之间的人口和实力差距没有俄罗斯和奥地利之间那么大。

    • 回复: @Beckow
  419. Mr. XYZ 说:








    有趣的是,IIRC,20世纪初加利西亚的乌克兰民族主义者设想他们的地区成为乌克兰的皮埃蒙特,并将乌克兰民族主义从那里传播到乌克兰其他地区。如果俄罗斯在第一次世界大战结束后实际上成功征服了加利西亚(和沃里尼亚),并且没有像斯大林这样的人随后在俄罗斯上台并扭转了乌克兰化进程,那么这种情况很可能会发生。例如,让社会革命党取代布尔什维克于 1917 年在俄罗斯掌权可能会奏效。

  420. AnonfromTN 说:

    有人(猜猜是谁)在逃往俄罗斯的乌克兰 SBU 前军官瓦西里·普罗佐罗夫的车底下放置了爆炸装置。尽管当他试图启动汽车时装置爆炸了,但他只受了轻伤。俄罗斯人立即回应:英国失败了,因为上帝站在我们一边。

  421. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. XYZ




    阿塞拜疆和土耳其并不愚蠢,他们也进来了。俄罗斯袖手旁观——为什么要帮助那些自称是敌人的国家呢? – 亚美尼亚输得很惨,而法国却没有动一根手指头。事实上,马克龙拼命地打电话给莫斯科,看看俄罗斯是否可以帮助亚美尼亚。他们没有接听电话...

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
  422. Mr. XYZ 说:

    克里米亚战争期间奥地利没有保持中立? IIRC,他们威胁要与俄罗斯开战,但一旦俄罗斯从多瑙河公国(现在的罗马尼亚东部和南部)撤军,他们实际上并没有开战。


    • 回复: @Beckow
  423. Mr. XYZ 说:

    顺便说一句,美联社,我有一个问题要问你:如果西方在 2013 年至 2014 年期间简单地允许俄罗斯重新整合乌克兰,并相信乌克兰的人口结构无论如何都对西方有利(因为乌克兰的人口结构对西方有利),你认为会发生什么? -俄罗斯人正在消失并被亲西方人取代),因此普京将感到非常头疼,因为他既投入大量俄罗斯资金以大幅提高乌克兰的生活水平,又必须获胜每年都有越来越多的亲西方乌克兰人支持他的事业,如果他想让乌克兰在没有乌克兰独裁统治的情况下长期维持欧亚经济联盟的成员身份?如果没有事后诸葛亮的话,这一点可能并不明显,但无论如何,2000-2014年的大宗商品超级繁荣很快就会结束,因此乌克兰人可能仍然对俄罗斯不满意,并将西方视为一片更绿的牧场。


    • 巨魔: QCIC
  424. AnonfromTN 说:



  425. songbird 说:





  426. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



    我在卢甘斯克长大。卢甘斯克地区当时属于乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,尽管现在我百分百确定它永远不会成为当前傀儡政权失败后出现的任何乌克兰的一部分。当我上一年级时,卢甘斯克的最后一所乌克兰语言学校关闭了,因为几乎没有人选择乌克兰语作为孩子接受教育的语言。在所有中学,乌克兰语言和文学都是必修课:我们每周都有几节课(尽管乌克兰文学与俄罗斯文学相比就像老鼠与大象一样)。在我班的 100 多个孩子中,我是唯一一个说乌克兰语的人(仅仅因为我出生在利沃夫,并在利沃夫附近度过了我生命的头几年,那里的人实际上都说乌克兰语)。当我们的乌克兰老师想在课堂上听到完好无损的乌克兰语时,她总是打电话给我。当我毕业时,她坚持在我的毕业文件中特别提到我的乌克兰能力。在苏联时期的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,乌克兰语被强行塞进人们的喉咙里。即使是随父母移居不同共和国的军人子女,在乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国上学时也被迫学习乌克兰语。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是苏联当局向生活在严格意义上的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国的人们强行使用乌克兰语。


    还有很多关于前苏联时代的 svido BS。

  427. Mr. Hack 说:



    我不知道当你还是个孩子的时候,他们在学校教了你什么,但它看起来并不包含有关俄罗斯在 18 世纪就试图消灭乌克兰语的事实信息。您不会尝试加倍强调您最初的论点,即瓦卢耶夫通告和 Ems 的 Ukase 是不存在的谎言?

    • 谢谢: Mr. XYZ
    • 巨魔: QCIC
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @AnonfromTN
  428. Mr. Hack 说:

    我知道您是一位伟大的动物爱好者,我想您可能会非常喜欢观看这个。它实际上在今晚的 NBC 新闻中播出:


  429. Sean 说:




    1940 年,在征召的 19 至 20 岁青年中,德国人的人数几乎与法国人成三比一,因此,法国战役的快节奏进攻使之变得短暂。所有国家的军队都明白,19 至 23 岁的青年人造就最好的士兵,因为睾丸激素在那时达到顶峰,这会让你渴望地位,以至于考虑邀请死亡比作为弱者袖手旁观更好。乌克兰和俄罗斯都没有征召这些年龄段的人。尽管据称兵力短缺,而且基辅最近降低了征兵年龄,但没有 25 岁以下的乌克兰男子必须参加战斗。在我看来,双方的情况并没有我们想象的那么绝望。到 2027 年初,双方可能会放松他们接受的和平协议条款。

  430. @songbird




    • 回复: @songbird
  431. @Mr. Hack


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  432. Sean 说:

    彼得·弗罗斯特(Peter Frost)对真菌巧妙地影响人类行为有一些想法。

    • 回复: @songbird
  433. Mr. XYZ 说:



    • 回复: @LatW
    , @songbird
  434. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. Hack



    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  435. Mr. Hack 说:





    • 回复: @QCIC
  436. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    我年轻时读书、观看纪录片,包括约瑟夫·坎贝尔,发现他的人类学思想很有趣。我认为今天,读了更多的书,了解了更多的知识,我可能会发现他的一些想法是新时代的胡言乱语。不过你是对的,他的作品不再在 PBS 上播出,真是遗憾……

  437. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    • 同意: Mr. Hack
    • 不同意: Mikhail
  438. LatW 说:
    @Mr. XYZ



    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  439. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard





    • 回复: @QCIC
  440. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack




    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  441. songbird 说:
    @Mr. XYZ


    笑话是,LatW 是波罗的海人,因此是鲑鱼的特殊爱好者,基于古代 WHG 以与西北太平洋印第安人类似的方式利用该地区丰富的海洋资源。

  442. “我们现在正在考虑这个问题,他们正在讨论这个问题,我们正在考虑以贷款的形式而不仅仅是礼物,”特朗普在与议长迈克·约翰逊 (R -La.)在前总统的海湖庄园。

    “我们不断赠送数十亿美元的礼物,我们会考虑一下,”特朗普继续说道。 “但对我来说更重要的是欧洲必须挺身而出,他们必须提供资金。他们必须扳平比分。如果他们不能扳平比分,我会感到非常沮丧,因为他们受到的影响比我们大得多。”




  443. songbird 说:

    谢谢。在 scihub 上查了论文。


    在我看来,阿尔茨海默病的联系有些可疑,因为大脑功能障碍会导致免疫失调,这意味着某些人的免疫反应会降低。真菌喜欢在免疫抑制个体的大脑中定居。 (自然也会发生在艾滋病毒中

    我非常喜欢 MS 可能由 STD 引起的理论,但在二十年来涉及超过 1000 万人的大型军队研究将其与 EBV 联系起来之后,可能已经过时了。

  444. 俄罗斯第35斯米诺夫特种部队执行高精度进入:

  445. Mr. Hack 说:


    鸭子的行为和企鹅的行为之间的区别可能在于,鸭子显然会从树屋里跳出来,而对于企鹅来说,这可能是由于环境变化而强加给它们的新行为。环境内的温度(变暖)。我宁愿跳入水中(即使水很冷)也不愿跳入一小堆树叶和树枝中。 🙂

    • 回复: @songbird
  446. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    早在 18 世纪,俄罗斯就试图消灭乌克兰语


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  447. songbird 说:




  448. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    我意识到许多英国人愿意相信,为了民族主义目标而控制国家的风险很低,这是他们与生俱来的权利,yada yada yada。然而,当这一切完全展开时,众所周知,北约扩张对俄罗斯来说是一条红线(不晚于 1999 年)。从公正的角度来看,这条红线是很容易理解的,即使有人不同意它。乌克兰的西方“朋友”非常乐于助人,但他们的目标与乌克兰人完全不同。现在,甚至连英国人都清楚这一点,而且对于许多观察家来说,这一点始终是显而易见的。缺乏知识并不是造成这种混乱的有效借口。众所周知,这个自我毁灭的项目风险极大,后果可怕。这是一个巨大的故意错误,而不是一个无心的误判。


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  449. Mr. Hack 说:


    21世纪不是凭空产生的,而是建立在之前发生的事情之上的。这个博客的大多数读者都对历史有浓厚的兴趣,也许你没有注意到? 《瓦列夫通告》和《埃姆斯乌卡塞》都对乌克兰语的发展产生了长期持久的破坏性影响。


    这就是为什么他们发明了历史书,教授,这样那些对他们的过去一无所知的人就可以了解以前发生过什么。您试图将所有这些都放在背景中,并提出了历史上乌克兰语言障碍的问题,而您在乌克兰接受教育时从未被告知过这些问题。被指派监视学校图书馆的审查员在查出任何此类信息方面做得“很好”。要么是这样,要么你从来没有跳过包含达尔文进化论书籍的部分? 🙂

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  450. @songbird



    • 回复: @songbird
  451. QCIC 说:


    • 同意: songbird
  452. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    鸟类有一套条件策略。适用于某些情况的本能,这些情况可能不会经常或总是遇到。有时它们被归类为快速学习和快速遗忘的行为。 (例如针对巢寄生的防御。)


    我一直很喜欢这些 natgeo 剪辑,比如豹海豹不断向潜水员提供一只死去的企鹅的剪辑。最后,当他没有抓住时,一颗落在了他的头上。可惜杂志变得超醒了。

    我宁愿跳入水中(即使水很冷)也不愿跳入一小堆树叶和树枝中。 🙂


  453. Mr. Hack 说:









  454. Gerard1234 说:





    我想说,这个 SMO 启动的另一个原因是这些侏儒、失败的国家帮助启动了它,很大程度上是因为他们是没有安全感的失败者,其中很大一部分是没有安全感的失败者,因为像拉斯普京这样的俄罗斯人从哪里冒出来,而且很奇怪成为世界闻名,有关于他们的歌曲和电影……沙皇尼古拉斯觉得他必须选择拉斯普京而不是任何拉脱维亚蚯蚓拒绝寻求建议,这意味着什么?


    哈哈。如果你真的听说过波罗申科/瓦尔茨曼、亚努、阿扎罗夫、吸毒成瘾者——所有这些都是在他们开始竞选甚至上台的时候,最臭名昭著的是纳粹POS阿瓦科夫,几乎所有的寡头,普通的霍霍尔“爱国者”在互联网上写的在 Mova 中,似乎是高度“加工”的废话…………..然后你会发现你在“乌克兰语”中的技能非常糟糕**疯狂的疯子。所以又是一个谎言。


    哈哈。他们“走了很长一段路”,专门穿越了俄罗斯沙皇世界和苏联世界,你这个白痴渣男。这是这里的独特之处之一……加利西亚的历史和“文化”近乎完美**一切都是为了“乌克兰”文化。这实际上是 SMO(即 POS)的一个重要原因。这些害虫必须创建一个完全反俄罗斯的“乌克兰”国家,因为这个国家是小罗西亚和班德拉斯坦的混合体,令人尴尬的是,它片面地偏向小罗西亚和大罗西亚一侧,很大程度上是俄罗斯文化、俄罗斯东正教的产物教堂,俄罗斯的一切,因为3年大约有1940名乌克兰人甚至对来自加利西亚的他们感兴趣,加入斯大林创建的乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国……他们认为,如果不是反俄罗斯,一个统一的乌克兰就不可能存在,为了实现这一目标,他们愿意杀死大部分人口。


    2. 如果脱离俄罗斯文化,乌克兰“文化”就不存在,因为它们是同一回事。
    3. 乌克兰的“文化”与俄罗斯分离,情况很糟糕,乌克兰的犹太总统……穿着科索沃洛卡参加“国家维希万卡日”!当然,这并不奇怪,因为他来自哪里

    4. 当然,乌克兰“文化”的最大推动者是苏联和俄罗斯贵族精英——后者是果戈里和舍甫琴科出名并能够在他们的赞助下创造出他们的作品的唯一原因。乌克兰的“民族主义者”“知识分子”正是因为他们没有产生任何乌克兰“文化”,正是因为他们憎恨所有“乌克兰人”几个世纪以来的亲俄精神,正是因为他们对乌克兰文化是一种简单的、乡村的、俄罗斯的文化感到尴尬。 -世界文化不能让他们像德国、波兰、法国、俄罗斯、英国、西班牙精英那样受到尊重……讨厌乌克兰所谓的文化。以至于他们对历史上俄罗斯对乌克兰文化的推广非常没有安全感——他们认为这是一种间接的嘲笑形式——太简单和幽默(像小丑一样)



    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @LatW
    , @LatW
  455. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    确切地。之前发生的是二十世纪。在大部分时间里,苏联人强行向人们推销乌克兰语言和文学,即使是在顿巴斯,那里很少有人(也许 5-7%)说乌克兰语。这是我亲身经历的,甚至是我利用的,因为我确实能流利地说、读、写乌克兰语。


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  456. @Gerard1234



    • 回复: @songbird
  457. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard




    也就是说,与旗鱼、金枪鱼和鲸鱼(对 LatW 来说不幸的是)相比,鲑鱼(对 LatW 来说是幸运的)中的汞含量被认为非常低。


    • 回复: @QCIC
  458. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    忘记巴什对罗曼诺夫家族的感受,但我想知道他是否知道他们是 R1b。

    • 回复: @LatW
  459. @sudden death






  460. QCIC 说:




    • 回复: @A123
    , @songbird
  461. AP 说:







    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  462. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. XYZ





    你不记得很多不方便的事情了……:) 帕希尼安与法国接洽,并表示亚美尼亚最终应该加入北约。他说,法国现在是亚美尼亚的主要保护者。他的含糊其词并迎合了西方的宣传,但这是向正在与北约作战的俄罗斯发出的信息。他仍在这样做——阿塞拜疆-土耳其与亚美尼亚的关系还没有结束。他是个多毛的傻瓜。

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
  463. @Wokechoke



  464. AnonfromTN 说:



  465. A123 说: • 您的网站












    • 回复: @QCIC
  466. AP 说:





    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Mr. XYZ
  467. AP 说:

    好吧……5-10 年的收入怎么样,而不是选择一个“峰值”并声称此后收入会走下坡路?

    收入似乎回到了 2018 年的水平,较 2013 年至 2014 年的水平以及自战争爆发前的 2021 年收入大幅下降。










    • 回复: @Beckow
  468. songbird 说:





    • 回复: @QCIC
  469. QCIC 说:





    • 回复: @A123
  470. LatW 说:






    不,与中欧相比,你们中的大多数人直到最近才获得解放。你在马厩里被鞭打,你 14 岁的女儿被 德沃里扬埃.

    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  471. QCIC 说:


    • 哈哈: songbird
  472. LatW 说:


    • 回复: @AP
  473. 民族之战
    挪威 塞尔维亚
    希腊 意大利



  474. LatW 说:

    忘记巴什对罗曼诺夫家族的感受,但我想知道他是否知道他们是 R1b。



    • 回复: @songbird
  475. 大约有 30 000 名地质学家居住在休斯顿,为石油公司工作。为什么?

    • 回复: @QCIC
  476. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站






    多布里安斯基-康利(D&C)不诚实地暗示俄罗斯是主要协议的唯一违反者。俄罗斯没有违反法国、德国和波兰在俄罗斯监督下斡旋达成的乌克兰政府权力共享协议。那些推翻当时当选的乌克兰总统维克托·亚努科维奇的人继续任命数量过多的反俄罗斯极端民族主义者担任重要部长职务。 D&C 将克里米亚与俄罗斯重新统一作为冲突开始的时间表。这是错误的,因为基辅的反俄政变之前就发生过。

    与D&C相反,基辅政权及其担保国德国和法国公开承认,他们从未打算遵守已签署的明斯克协议。 2 年 24 月 22 日俄罗斯特种军事行动后不久,密切相关的明斯克协议版本似乎即将签署。很明显,鲍里斯·约翰逊与美国新保守派和新自由派一致,说服基辅政权愚蠢地继续战斗。


    – 在针对亚努科维奇的政变前夕,大量民意调查显示,在加入欧盟和加强与俄罗斯的联系等问题上,乌克兰公民的意见几乎持平。

    – 与联合国安理会批准的明斯克协议不同,布达佩斯备忘录不被视为具有法律约束力的协议。此外,后苏联时期的乌克兰对其境内的苏联核武器没有操作控制权。该职能一直在俄罗斯。

    – 康利将乌克兰称为“实验室”,但没有指出西方国家在其领土上建立了生物实验室。

    – 与基辅政权不同,自 2 年 24 月 22 日以来,俄罗斯武装部队变得更加强大。

    – 相对于西方经济体,俄罗斯经济的表现相当不错。

    – 与基辅政权控制的乌克兰不同,俄罗斯没有取消最近安排的总统选举。通过严厉的审查和政治镇压,基辅政权禁止了在乌克兰共产党划定的边界内最能代表亲俄社区的政党。

    – 有充分的理由重新猜测亲基辅政权关于俄罗斯在布恰和马里乌波尔犯下战争罪行的说法,因为他们掩盖了基辅政权在这些和其他领域的不当行为。

    – 记录显示普京积极寻求改善与美国的关系。他遭到断然拒绝,因为有影响力的反俄分子以及美国军事工业综合体受益于美国的威胁,认为增加国防开支是合理的。

    – 俄罗斯显然对中立的乌克兰很满意,乌克兰尊重共产主义划定边界内的亲俄社区。

    – 基辅政权镇压乌克兰一个历史悠久的教会,而其他教会却被允许公开尊重斯捷潘·班德拉的谎言,这在道德上是碍眼的。

    – 多布里安斯基一再继续说这将是一场为期四天的战争。谁说的!?不是我。

    Nebenzya 显然并没有变得无赖:


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @QCIC
  477. QCIC 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard


  478. Mr. Hack 说:


    我确信,对于那些在乌克兰土地上没有任何根基的顿巴斯公民来说,这可能会很困难,但对于那些仍然有亲戚居住在仍然可以听到乌克兰语的村庄的人来说,这非常怀疑频繁地。这是一个事实(再次阅读一些乌克兰历史),顿巴斯的土地最初是乌克兰哥萨克家庭定居的,后来这些土地被来自俄罗斯北部的人定居。我认识一位出生在顿巴斯的女士,她根本不会说俄语。我 93 岁的室友出生在哈尔科夫州,直到小时候访问哈尔科夫才第一次听到俄语,因为乌克兰语在乌克兰东部的乡村根深蒂固。我很想知道你说你“利用”了年轻时了解乌克兰语的意思是什么?







    • 回复: @LatW
    , @AnonfromTN
  479. LatW 说:




    这种事情确实让人羡慕西方土地,因为它确实显示了罗马及其高度发达的文物和文明的存在有多么深入 - 原来他们甚至有加热地板!


    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @songbird
    , @S1
  480. Mr. Hack 说:

    “Nebenzya 一定知道一些事情”

    Nebenzya 没有任何线索,只是模仿普特勒交给他的党派路线,

    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @Derer
  481. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. Hack

    比你的 svidomite(错误)认知更加基于现实。

  482. 法国军队现在驻扎在乌克兰。目前只有100个。



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  483. Derer 说:



  484. QCIC 说:

    我认为,如果不提及冷战、北约扩张、美国退出核条约以及在东欧部署导弹,就无法向西方成年人正确解释克里姆林宫对这一混乱局面的看法。这种复杂性对西方来说是一个巨大的宣传优势。这可能也是俄罗斯如此频繁地打纳粹牌的原因。当然,新纳粹分子是一个真正令人担忧的问题,也是一个重要因素,但他们也给简化版的俄罗斯观点带来了更多的街头信誉。如果没有这一点,2014 年开始的解释会让俄罗斯人显得很小气,其举动看起来类似于二战后苏联的扩张。具有讽刺意味的是,俄罗斯的行动看起来也像是北约/美国只是出于似是而非的原因攻击另一个国家!换句话说,当我们这样做时就可以了。宗教方面是尚未被广泛使用的一张牌。苏联的“科学无神论”是东西方紧张关系的重要组成部分,被视为道德分歧的一个主要点。当然,这个问题已经消失了,并且像椒盐卷饼一样被扭曲了。现在对俄罗斯方面来说更为重要。


    • 回复: @Mikhail
  485. Derer 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  486. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站




  487. LatW 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    据我了解,1940 世纪 XNUMX 年代,乌克兰语在哈尔科夫广泛使用——记得看过当时的一些镜头,很明显,主要语言是乌克兰语。不仅仅是州,还有城市本身。

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @AP
    , @Mikhail
  488. LatW 说:
    @sudden death


    弥赛亚即将来临。可能在接下来的 48 小时内。



  489. Mr. Hack 说:


    你必须是第一个排队的人,盲目地跟随你的元首。 🙂

  490. Mr. Hack 说:



  491. AP 说:


    • 回复: @LatW
  492. Beckow 说:




    英国队的进攻几乎没有取得进展。俄罗斯已经占领了一些城市并继续前进。你又陷入了不诚实的类比中——你没那么愚蠢,你经常用糟糕的逻辑和错误的断章取义的细节来撒谎。 (美国教育有可能吗?)


    《纽约时报》今天的文章分析了英国的人口统计数据——自 1991 年以来,他们实际上正在消失。我们正在观察一个本来可以成为一个伟大国家的缓慢的自我毁灭:从 50 年的 1991 万到今天的 20-25 万……对于一个国家来说,这是怎样的情况? 胜利?

    你有没有想过你的战争拉拉队对英国人做了什么?泽琳娜正在摧毁基督教乌克兰——就像卡冈诺维奇 90 年前所做的那样。但我相信你知道你的朋友是谁,所以继续努力赢得达尔文年度进化奖杯......

    • 回复: @AP
  493. AP 说:

    据我了解,1940 世纪 XNUMX 年代,乌克兰语在哈尔科夫广泛使用——记得看过当时的一些镜头,很明显,主要语言是乌克兰语。

    我的一位祖父母在 1930 世纪 19 年代住在哈尔科夫。它是首都,因此吸引了比人们想象的更多讲乌克兰语的人,这个东部城市充满了来自俄罗斯的俄罗斯工人(例如,它成为作家的中心,尽管许多人后来受到压制)。但大多数人讲俄语。它曾经是一个讲乌克兰语的哥萨克集镇,但在XNUMX世纪工业化过程中,来自俄罗斯的工人大量涌入。




    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  494. songbird 说:





    • 回复: @LatW
  495. A123 说: • 您的网站









    • 回复: @QCIC
  496. LatW 说:

    他非常生气,明显很生气,认为每个人都欠他一些东西。需要耐心、长期的治疗来改善这种情况。但可能为时已晚。可能会与 50 岁以下的人一起工作。只是不知道谁会报名做这种艰苦的工作。

  497. Beckow 说:


    你没有抓住要点:从 17 世纪开始,奥地利和俄罗斯就共同努力将奥斯曼帝国赶出欧洲(波兰最初也加入了进来)。巴尔干基督教国家逐渐被他们解放。

    但到了 1850 年代,英国和法国认为这太过分了:他们更喜欢奥斯曼帝国统治罗马尼亚、保加利亚、塞尔维亚、马其顿、波斯尼亚,而不是那些被俄罗斯解放的国家。没有其他人会这样做。直到克里米亚战争之前,奥地利都站在俄罗斯一边驱逐奥斯曼帝国,然后它也实际上站在奥斯曼一边对抗巴尔干小国。


    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  498. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    这就是对 1990 世纪 1990 年代俄罗斯的描述。普京和他的团队结束了这一切。相比之下,乌克兰的 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代一直延续至今。

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  499. AP 说:








    俄罗斯占领了阿夫迪夫卡(战前人口 31,000)、马林卡镇(战前人口 9,000)……以及一些村庄。 Avdiivka 紧邻顿涅茨克市。





    整个战争期间的伤亡情况可能相似(双方可能死亡约 120 万人,俄罗斯略多一些),但几个月来,对于使用肉波突击战术或现在穿越开阔地带的俄罗斯人来说,伤亡情况更为严重。






    我们观察到的是一个缓慢的过程 -破坏



    • 同意: Mr. XYZ
    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 巨魔: Derer
    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Mikhail
  500. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard


    拿破仑带来了更多。 85%成为肥料。

  501. songbird 说:




    我想知道 German_reader 是否曾经访问过它。

  502. QCIC 说:


    两次灾难中都烧毁了大量乏核燃料。当然,切尔诺贝利也燃烧了很多石墨,我认为这导致了大量的碳 14 污染,这是很糟糕的。 MSM 用于低估福岛核电站的燃料燃烧情况,而在切尔诺贝利核电站则流行提供更准确的负面报告。

    • 回复: @A123
  503. Mr. Hack 说:

    普京和他的团队结束了这一切。相比之下,乌克兰的 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代一直延续至今。

    我不敢相信,尽管这很能说明问题,一个大城市的大学教授可以自称对俄罗斯境内的普特勒和有组织犯罪的了解水平如此之低,俄罗斯境内的任何乡巴佬都可以给你提供关于这一切是如何运作的教育。只需谷歌搜索“普京,俄罗斯黑手党”,就能找到数十本有关该主题的深入书籍,这些书籍通常由前内部人士撰写。您真的相信普特勒在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代终结了俄罗斯境内的有组织犯罪吗?惊人的。我以前对你的信任太多了,但现在我对我在这里真正面对的是谁有了更好的了解。 🙁

    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @AnonfromTN
  504. @Mr. Hack





    你知道这么多人很快就进入了,这很糟糕 好吧,让我告诉你一些事情 而不是询问来源的详细信息。

    • 同意: Mr. Hack, Mr. XYZ
    • 回复: @QCIC
  505. Beckow 说:




    这是顿巴斯和克里米亚俄罗斯人的一场生存之战,自 2014 年以来一直如此——英国人在顿巴斯杀害了 3 名俄罗斯平民。对于英国人来说,这是一场选择的战争: 加入北约和镇压俄罗斯少数民族是一个选择。 他们本可以保持正常状态,就不会有战争。

    乌克兰国家的很大一部分人并没有致力于全面战争,完全致力于(并且仍然活着)的人可能不到 10 万。对于拥有 100 亿多人口的国家来说,这还不够,即使是部分承诺,俄罗斯现在也非常坚定。激怒他们,是一个致命的错误。



  506. A123 说: • 您的网站




    根据您的工程专业知识,您 *亲自* 保证这个解决方案既有效又实惠?




    戏剧性的反核标准是在“三哩岛”事件之后制定的。从那时起,反科学的绿色工业联合体部署了他们的游说者来压制本质安全的核能,例如 LFTR。他们知道风能和太阳能是劣等技术,必须受到保护,免受公平市场竞争的影响。

    诚然,电力行业的其他部分也致力于抑制 LFTR,所以这并不是 100% 的绿党的错。

    MSM 用于低估福岛核电站的燃料燃烧情况,而在切尔诺贝利核电站则流行提供更准确的负面报告。

    恰恰相反……在惊慌失措的日本媒体的带领下,MSM 夸大了福岛的辐射逃逸事件。此外,来自绿色工业园区的金钱和影响力导致假流媒体不科学地负面。

    人们不想低估这些问题。然而,福岛事件基本上被控制在围栏以内。大多数问题都是由 FUD 和过度反应造成的。从科学角度来说,95%以上的居民可以回家。



    • 回复: @QCIC
  507. Mr. XYZ 说:



    许多鲑鱼(大约 20%)仍然死亡。但是,是的,谢天谢地,他们中的大多数人都活了下来。

    三文鱼确实是绝对神圣的。与 Costco 芝麻酱搭配非常美味:

    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
  508. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson




    • 回复: @John Johnson
  509. Mr. XYZ 说:

    谢谢!不管怎样,这一定是 LatW 的西方狩猎采集者祖先之一,哈哈;):

    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @songbird
  510. QCIC 说:



    我确信粉碎技术可以正常工作。我认为昂贵的方面是它需要大量的能量,并且流程中更集中的部分具有可怕的辐射分解损坏问题,这会导致维护人员的污染问题。成本是无形的:对于因工业疏忽造成的额外致命癌症,您愿意付出什么代价?在日本也许是 5 万美元?

    • 回复: @A123
    , @John Johnson
  511. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. XYZ


    • 哈哈: Mr. XYZ, LatW
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  512. @QCIC



    仍在等待 Anglin & Co 的解释,解释这场战争如何让犹太人陷入困境,因为总体上富有的投资者是犹太人,相对于总人口而言,比例不成比例。对于投资CEO来说,他们的比例可能超过1:10。




    GDP 可能会下降,但多年来我们不太可能从他们那里得到好的数据。但他们完全有可能一切顺利。我怀疑他们在任何情况下都不会拥有繁荣的经济。即使他们实行让伤员等死的政策,医生也已经短缺。也许重新启动到 2008 年左右。




    目前他只允许以色列就 14.5 亿美元进行投票,尽管没有提出要求。




    我真的不喜欢任何美国行业,但医学至少是在营利性的基础上运作的,并且有基本的问责制。 2/3 COVID 疫苗开发商的疫苗被撤下并损失了利润,因此这里宣扬了“一个重大的 COVID 阴谋”。




    繁荣绝对是一个因素。只有富裕国家才有能力每年向自由派白人女性支付 120 万美元,让她们谎称种族不存在。保守派需要认真思考过剩的财富是否总是对一个国家有利,尤其是如果不重新引导回健康的经济部门的话。我们甚至不知道有多少索罗斯资助的左翼组织和保守派仍然认可这个模式。

    • 谢谢: Mr. XYZ
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  513. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack




    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  514. Mr. XYZ 说:


    照片中的她看起来既凶猛又阴柔! 😉

  515. A123 说: • 您的网站







    根据您的工程专业知识,您 *亲自* 保证这个解决方案既有效又实惠?







    • 回复: @QCIC
  516. @QCIC







    • 回复: @songbird
  517. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    大约在 1990 年代,我认识一位来自哈尔科夫的乌克族人,他说他因为在校园里说俄语而受到来访的政府官员(大约在 1990 年代)的惩罚。我遇到过其他来自哈尔科夫的前苏联人,他们采取了亲俄立场。当然也有持相反观点的人。


    • 回复: @John Johnson
  518. songbird 说:
    @Mr. XYZ


    我觉得拉丁祖先会穿着海豹皮和鱼皮。 (开玩笑)。但肯定有一些!

    • 回复: @LatW
  519. @Mikhail







    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
  520. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    克钦独立军最新最可信的武装战斗人员数字是,基辅政权一方的人数在 400,000 万到 500,00 万之间,而俄罗斯则在 50,000 万到 80,000 万之间。


    正如《纽约时报》和 Dail Beast 在 2015 年指出的那样,基辅政权一直在利用 ISIS 分子。


  521. Mikhail 说:
    @John Johnson








    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @LatW
    , @Wielgus
  522. @Mikhail


    在前苏联,语言成为试图创建统一的社会主义社会的主要方法之一。然而,随着 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代末共产党权力的衰落,俄语在苏联卫星国的地位也随之减弱。 苏联解体近三十年后,白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦以及俄罗斯仍然是唯一使用俄语作为官方语言的前卫星国家,而前东欧集团的其他国家则恢复使用苏联解体前的语言。用于所有官方目的的语言。








    当一个人无法接受自己的局限性并不断试图弥补时,普京就会发生这种情况。任何建造价值 1.3 亿美元豪宅的人都会有极大的不安全感。他的阴茎可能很小或生殖器畸形。希特勒患有某种疾病,他必须像女孩一样坐下来小便。独裁者的不安全感和寻求报复的自我意识最终让每个人都痛苦不堪。

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  523. songbird 说:
    @John Johnson





    • 同意: QCIC
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  524. @songbird

    反驳的论点是,俄罗斯人口不断减少,而且大片土地未得到利用。就像我说的,他们已经废弃了苏联公寓楼,并且 YouTube 上有人们探索它们的视频。这里的侏儒英雄统治着一个堕胎帝国,在那里穆斯林与城市斯拉夫人繁衍后代。如果有人愿意,可以提供来源。






    俄罗斯尚未掌握美国 19 世纪的卫生标准。 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代,使用户外厕所的农村人口较少。


    • 回复: @songbird
    , @QCIC
  525. S1 说:

    这是对先前线程评论的(迟来的)回应。 【最近比较忙,所以耽误了时间,抱歉。我非常感谢您的深思熟虑的评论。但不幸的是,目前我无法保证及时回复(如果有的话)。]








  526. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    只有富裕国家才有能力每年向自由派白人女性支付 120 万美元,让她们谎称种族不存在。


    • 回复: @John Johnson
  527. QCIC 说:

    我特别指的是佛蒙特州扬基反应堆和朝圣者反应堆,它们在 311 事件发生几年后悄然关闭。这部分归因于经济因素,但安全方面已得到公开承认。基于福岛的已知事实,人们提出了很多有根据的担忧。


    我对减磁技术的评估是基于与放射化学家多年的合作以及我自己对假设的氘燃料反应堆的聚变燃料后处理(即氦 3 和氚)的独立研究。


    • 回复: @A123
  528. songbird 说:
    @John Johnson









    • 回复: @John Johnson
  529. @Mr. XYZ







    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  530. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @John Johnson

    继续做蠢事,因为泽连斯基是禁止总统选举的人。普京比他的西方同僚更有信心 — — 其中很多人不会面临他多年来处理过的那种关键问题。


  531. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



    俄亥俄州的 JD 万斯在《纽约时报》专栏文章中写道,泽伦斯基有一道数学题

    美国参议员 JD 万斯周五表示,基辅无法战胜莫斯科,因为它已经耗尽了人力,并且需要比华盛顿所能提供的更多的武器和弹药。

    本周早些时候,参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默表示,“乌克兰输掉战争的最大原因是国会中的极右派使美国无法采取行动。”这位纽约民主党人声称,一小部分共和党人一直在拖延对基辅至关重要的 60 亿美元援助计划。



    “乌克兰的挑战不是共和党,而是共和党。”这是数学,”俄亥俄州共和党人写道。 “即使实行严厉的征兵政策,乌克兰仍需要比其所能派出的更多的士兵。它需要的物资比美国所能提供的还要多。”

    万斯认为,60 亿美元不仅只是乌克兰扭转局势所需资金的一小部分,而且美国人“缺乏制造乌克兰赢得战争所需的武器数量”。

    他指出,美国每年可以生产 360,000 万枚 155 毫米火炮炮弹,“不到乌克兰所说的需求量的十分之一”,而且这是在战前产能翻倍之后的结果。



    万斯补充道,美国坚持不与俄罗斯谈判是“荒谬的”,而乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基恢复乌克兰 1991 年边界的目标是“梦幻般的”。他敦促基辅坚守阵地,直到华盛顿能够促成某种和平。


  532. @songbird












    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @songbird
  533. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson


    最近的安加拉 A5 火箭发射就是一个例子。这被认为是俄罗斯第一个新型运载火箭。尽管苏联有更大的火箭,但这似乎是一枚不错的火箭。首次发射实际上是在 2014 年。最近的发射是该设计在​​远东东方航天发射场的首次发射。他们必须在新站点上进行此操作,因为几十年来哈萨克斯坦一直在向俄罗斯(可能来自西方或中国)施加压力并提高价格。新的太空港是自先前的斯沃博德内站点被废弃以来的第二次尝试。东方工地的建设受到腐败的困扰,许多人被捕。尽管如此,他们现在拥有了一个不错的现代运载火箭,这并不依赖于哈萨克斯坦的善意。同样的故事也发生在我熟悉的许多俄罗斯行业:腐败、西方试图规避、可以理解的竞争/内讧以及财务问题。西方制裁帮助其中一些项目“脱困”。几十年来,安加拉还参与了与其他俄罗斯火箭概念的竞争。与安加拉一样,所有三架现代俄罗斯商用客机都有着非常复杂的历史,但经过不懈的努力似乎都已投入生产。


  534. LatW 说:








  535. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson




    哦,我忘了,他们确实这么做了——但移民更喜欢洛杉矶、纽约、休斯顿等……似乎与你想象的俄罗斯没有什么不同。 (你对“户外厕所”的痴迷很奇怪,你有德国血统吗?你知道粪便蜱虫。)


    过去十年,美国进口了 2.5 万非洲人。俄罗斯战壕里有多少人? 100? 500?你的大脑充满了荒谬……


    • 回复: @John Johnson
  536. LatW 说:

    我觉得拉丁祖先会穿着海豹皮和鱼皮。 (开玩笑)。但肯定有一些!

    “鱼皮”到底是什么? 🤣 你是说秤吗?你是在谈论美人鱼还是海女妖吗? 😊

    或者你又开始使用你的“文学手段”了? 😊 稍微修饰一下?

    嗯,您对 WHG 的猜测是正确的。这是一个非常聪明的笑话。但这些文化远远早于随后出现的所有其他文化,例如绳纹器和纳尔瓦文化。在雅利安人祖先到来之前,这里曾经居住着芬兰人。他们肯定是 H&G。驯鹿人和渔民。


    • 回复: @songbird
  537. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @Beckow
  538. LatW 说:

    事实上,他是对的。俄罗斯化非常激烈。他们也试图取代我的语言。再过50-100年,他们可能就会成功。这是一个推测性的问题,但这是他们从 19 世纪末就开始的目标。

    • 不同意: Mikhail
  539. @Beckow











    过去十年,美国进口了 2.5 万非洲人。俄罗斯战壕里有多少人? 100? 500?你的大脑充满了荒谬……





    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Mr. Hack
  540. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson



    阿拉斯加州?那不是1860年代吗?您不认为将其用作 2024 年的相关示例有问题吗?


    • 回复: @John Johnson
  541. Beckow 说:

    其中一些爷爷看起来已经超过 40 岁了……乌克兰正在成为一个关于如何不管理国家的教训。他们发动了几次颜色革命,在顿巴斯(和其他地方)杀害持不同政见的同胞,在学校、电视台、政党、错误种族的作家中忙着禁止语言……推倒雕像,带着 80 年前的纳粹标志游行(真是奇怪) ......对盎格鲁世界中比他们更好的人的奉献和阿谀奉承,渴望去他们不在的地方,但没有人希望他们在那里......


    从好的方面来说,它们让一些俄罗斯人受苦,而许多西方人却变得富有。泽琳娜 (Zelina) 从与他的 dk 一起弹钢琴,到成为全球知名的穿着最新款运动裤的东欧暴徒。

  542. 看起来伊朗/以色列问题得到了解决,没有造成太大损害。

  543. Derer 说:


    • 巨魔: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @AP
  544. S1 说:


    有人制作了一段完全由 1969 年官方制作的 WAC(女子陆军)训练影片片段组成的音乐视频。

    众所周知,许多女人都会被穿制服的男人所吸引,但合适的穿制服的女人(在这个例子中是罗宾·玛丽·帕里斯,一个真正的辣妹)也可能会让男人感到兴奋。 🙂


    该视频是由国防部原创电影“The Pleasure of Your Company”制作而成。该片是在阿拉巴马州的一个军事基地拍摄的。


  545. @Greasy William


  546. A123 说: • 您的网站


    我特别指的是佛蒙特州扬基反应堆和朝圣者反应堆,它们在 311 事件发生几年后悄然关闭。这部分归因于经济因素,但安全方面已得到公开承认。

    请记住,天然气繁荣也是一场竞争。这确实与经济有关。 IIRC 和 IIRC 都是单个反应堆站点,其开销昂贵,无法分配给多个发电机。






    氚的半衰期约为 12 年。看起来所选的选项只是在等待它衰减到可发布的水平。另外,氚是一种 测试 发射器的风险远低于其他潜在辐射源。


    • 不同意: QCIC
    • 回复: @songbird
    , @Gerard1234
  547. songbird 说:




    传统服装是用鱼皮制成的。将这些皮肤晾干。干燥后,用木槌反复敲击它们,使其完全光滑。最后它们被缝在一起。[14]选择使用的鱼重量超过50公斤。[15]在过去的几个世纪里,这种独特的做法为纳奈人赢得了“鱼皮鞑子”的称号(中文:鱼皮鞑子;拼音:Yúpí Dázi)。这个名称也更普遍地应用于松格里河下游和阿穆尔河下游盆地的其他原住民群体






    当然,在某种程度上我们都是杂种狗。唤起 WHG 很有趣,因为它们最早出现,但实际上并不算太早。大约是 15,000 年前,但不是 45,000 年前。至少不是后来发现它们的地方。





    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  548. @Greasy William



    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  549. A123 说: • 您的网站
    @Greasy William





  550. songbird 说:
    @John Johnson






    我对这件事没有投入。就我个人而言,我对日本人表示同情,因为他们看了他们伤感的复仇动画电影, 乔瓦尼岛。 (至少直到俄罗斯人制作一部更好的动画电影来讲述他们自己与这些岛屿的联系。)





  551. Mr. XYZ 说:


  552. songbird 说:



    它溶解在水中,而海洋中的水量非常丰富。水可以防止 β 发射。氚自然存在于海洋中。



    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @A123
  553. Mr. Hack 说:


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  554. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Europe Europa



    伊朗向以色列卸载了旧火箭(俄罗斯因精度低而拒绝购买的火箭)和大量廉价无人机,整个节目花费了数亿美元。以色列为应对疫情花费了超过 1.5 亿美元。这对以色列经济造成了巨大损害,因为数十万劳动力流失(300,00万人被征召加入以色列国防军,500,000年2023月后超过XNUMX万人逃离以色列),胡塞海上行动实际上封锁了埃拉特港口等等,基本上伊朗对以色列的政策就是千刀万剐。它似乎正在发挥作用。




    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Dmitry
  555. Mr. Hack 说:
    @John Johnson

    如果您想分享评论,请尝试像男人一样这样做,而不是听起来像一个经常被蔑视的女人。 你在这里会变得非常情绪化,也许应该让互联网休息一下。这可能会让你大吃一惊,但我不会从个人角度考虑你们。我关掉电脑,耸耸肩。


  556. Mr. Hack 说:



    • 回复: @songbird
  557. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 哈哈: QCIC
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  558. Beckow 说:



    以色列面临着双赢的局面:太小、太深入中东,无法成为一个强国。 对所有人都怀有敌意的单一犹太人国家。 他们最好的策略是 表现 并寻找地区盟友。随意屠杀帕里斯和对每一英亩土地的贪婪结束了这一点。他们可以与所有人战斗,赢得一些胜利,但最终会因时间和疲惫而失败。他们以后与邻国达成的任何协议都将比他们本来可以达成的协议更糟糕。人们感觉到弱点。


  559. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack






    A123 可能会记得他最喜欢的科幻节目之一中的一个场景:一个外星人对地球人如何制作无籽西瓜印象深刻。尽管外星人拥有先进的技术,但他们从未想到过这个想法。

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  560. @Beckow






    阿拉斯加州?那不是1860年代吗?您不认为将其用作 2024 年的相关示例有问题吗?







  561. 普京吸引了另一位西方性掠夺者



    • 巨魔: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Derer
    , @Gerard1234
  562. Mr. Hack 说:

    那么,你离开了真理之地,前往宣传之地了吗?可怜的家伙,被困在汽车餐厅的烧烤区和只需 5 美元就能吃到巨大的 Costco 烤鸡的土地上。普特勒的无宣传祖国仍然被搁置吗?......

    一切都还在那里等着你,就像你离开时一样,同志。也没有不值得信赖的谷歌!顺便说一句,请把 Averko 也带走。他也需要体验俄罗斯生活的真与美。 🙂

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 巨魔: Derer
  563. QCIC 说:


    正如 A123 提到的,不同国家的辐射暴露和污染限制有所不同。他没有提到,随着基于实验数据的辐射安全结论变得更加可靠,这些限值经常被修改得更低。整个 1960 年,没有人感到太兴奋,因为我们正在进行广泛的地面核试验!


    天然氚很稀有。我不确定我们是否真的知道生物圈中的平衡浓度。我认为大部分库存来自核工业,包括两个大型反应堆熔毁以及地面测试的一些残留物(尽管经过 60 年的衰变,减少到约 1/32)。

    • 哈哈: A123
    • 回复: @songbird
  564. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站



  565. Gerard1234 说:

    显然,1960 年代的深岛设计在今天是不被允许的。然而,宣称当时最先进的技术是“犯罪”,对你们来说是不合理的立场。

    1960 年代核电厂设计和建造的“可接受的内容”与 2024 年现在可接受的内容绝对是零变化。
    这就像在飞机制造中声称空气动力学定律自 1964 年以来已经发生了变化一样。当然,Fukashima 在 1960 年代设计时应能抵抗的东西并没有发生任何变化……。以及几十年后它应该抵制什么。


    • 谢谢: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  566. AnonfromTN 说:


    不过,快点吧:YouTube 属于同一个阴谋集团,他们想要损害俄罗斯,即使这意味着杀死所有乌克兰人。



    • 谢谢: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Derer
    , @Wielgus
    , @AP
  567. A123 说: • 您的网站



    与上面提到的元素不同,氚是氢的同位素。它不能通过化学处理。留下的痕量太少,标准工业流程无法去除。东京电力早在 2014 年就对技术进行了重大探索,但自那以后一直没有任何成果。

    我不确定为什么 QCIC 认为正在跳过廉价且简单的解决方案。尽管已经多次向他提出这个问题,但他一再避免直接回答。

    它溶解在水中,而海洋中的水量非常丰富。水可以防止 β 发射。氚自然存在于海洋中。

    A tritium leak seems like a nothingburger, IMO. If anything it might be salutary and desirable. But, alas, probably not at that low a concentration.

    QCIC seems to be painfully unaware of these facts. What is most telling is he refuses to admit that Japan’s tritium standard is artificially low and not science based. Why not move the threshold up based on the available data?


    • 回复: @songbird
    , @QCIC
  568. Gerard1234 说:

    Not anymore, I decided to give up the Russian culture entirely last year……. and switching to Ukrainian

    LMAO, you cockroach-reject. If you are “switching to ukrop culture” then that’s going to be very pleasant, and of course very farcical and tragi-comic:

    Number 1 song in ukronazi spotify is a song titled after that well-known UPA chant, “Da, Ya Russkiy” from an album named after that well-known khokhol-reich philosophy of “Done in Russia”!!!

    If I can be bothered I may mention in another post on the Latvian midget Nazi scumbag music charts – which are even more embarrassing than this ukronazi one is.

    ROFL – even for the most authoritarian, police state, mass attempt at brainwashed bydlo on the planet as Banderastan/Ukraine – this Russian song is main music in the country!!

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @LatW
  569. A123 说: • 您的网站

    There is near zero change in NPP construction methods and possibility in design of then, compared to now.

    这就像在飞机制造中声称空气动力学定律自 1964 年以来已经发生了变化一样。当然,Fukashima 在 1960 年代设计时应能抵抗的东西并没有发生任何变化……。以及几十年后它应该抵制什么。

    As long as the industry is stuck with the water cooled U235 cycle reactors there will always be some scenarios that cannot be avoided.

    The way out of that dead end is the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor [LFTR]. This technology was successfully proven in the 60’s. Running as a high temperature liquid means that everything solidifies if there is a release. There is no need for a pressure vessel to contain a steam event. And, the fluoride salts are not water soluble. It is an inherently safer design versus the U235 cycle.


    • 谢谢: Gerard1234, songbird
  570. AnonfromTN 说:


  571. Derer 说:


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  572. Derer 说:
    @John Johnson

    Your post is exposing again your undemocratic tendencies – objecting freedom of expression. Scott Ritter has personally learned the filthy machination of the WMD lie when he was on the inspection team.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  573. AnonfromTN 说:


  574. songbird 说:


    我以前手里握过一个贝塔发射器。我想我戴着一只很薄的手套。没有因此而失眠。 IIRC,一张纸可以阻挡弱β发射体。在体内,这将是内部和外部脱落的上皮细胞。


    IMO, the only thing to really worry about is whether it is a carcinogen. Tritium hasn’t even been established as human carcinogen. Yes, it can damage DNA, and it would probably not be good to be exposed to a great deal of it. But it has never been established as one because its effects are so weak in dilution and epithelial cells would block most of the effects.




    I once heard a chemist assert that deuterium water could kill an organism if you replaced enough of its water with it. (most? All?) Simply because of the fact it moves more slowly, so would interfere with biological processes. But I am sure you could probably drink a half pint of it (but don’t quote me)

    如果氚确实生物整合,则形成的键比氢弱,因此不太可能保持原状。一个分子释放一个弱 β 粒子,半衰期为 12 年。因此,它很有可能在不发射微弱的β粒子的情况下就从人体内排出。






    我最近读到的一本关于在吉卜力或附近工作的美国人的书提到了日本黑帮。有一天,美国人走进电梯,发现里面只有一个人,其他人都避开了。里面是一个穿着西装、脸上有伤疤、戴着墨镜的大汉。他拎着一个打开的手提包,那家伙仔细一看,里面装满了钱。他要去顶楼,那是集团总裁的办公室。这样的旅行相当频繁,而且他们还从银行获得了大量的黑钱。 (我怀疑如龙帮助资助了一些电影和电视的制作)

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @QCIC
  575. songbird 说:

    These elements can be (and have been) removed from the Fukushima waste water via various chemical processes.

    Was speaking of the earlier release.

    Haven’t been following the cleanup process exactly, but I might be a bit little worried about heavier isotopes in the nearby sediments and soil. Possibly they could screen seafood? But I wouldn’t want to eat any local fish or kick over any local stones for a while. (Though I may be a bit paranoid)

    I was confused by what Q was talking about, I thought he was talking about the initial release. I thought they were only releasing grams of tritium (within tons and tons of water) now. Don’t the French release more regularly? I don’t see how grams thrown into the Pacific are anything to be worried about.

    The Pacific is the natural place to test experimental reactors.

    What is most telling is he refuses to admit that Japan’s tritium standard is artificially low and not science based.

    That is true. But they need nuclear power, and whether it is that need or other reasons, at least they haven’t gone as crazy as Germany.

  576. @Derer

    Your post is exposing again your undemocratic tendencies – objecting freedom of expression.

    Flags have meaning in battle. It’s not a case of artistic expression. They signify territory taken.

    But if that pedophile wants to look like a clueless d-bag then that is his problem. He will probably be dead by drone within a few weeks anyways. Good riddance.

    Scott Ritter has personally learned the filthy machination of the WMD lie when he was on the inspection team.

    Yes and then he ruined his career by jacking it to what he thought was an underage girl…..twice.

    Putin attracts US and British based criminals. The Doran is a disbarred lawyer who committed fraud.

    It’s a pattern based in reality. I’m sorry if you are having a hard time with it.

    But Putin defenders please continue to source criminals and sexual predators. It’s quite telling.

    At age 49 he jacked it to what he thought was a teenager:

    What a f-ckin creep and loser. They should have kept him in prison.

    He only became a Putin bootlicker because he can’t get media work in the US.

    A man with morals would have found a new career instead of selling himself to Russia.

    • 同意: Mr. Hack, Mr. XYZ
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  577. 民族之战
    Greece Norway


    Orthodox Jesus takes out Thor.

    That is a joke. I might be the only person in this universe who thinks Tsitsipas looks like Jesus.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  578. QCIC 说:

    I don’t know the cost. Let me translate for you: I said that I suspect the people responsible are avoiding doing the detritation because they are cheap and can get away without doing it. This is often the pattern with industrial waste. They are probably cynical and realize that the added number of cancers and health problems from the tritium will be small compared to those from the major radioactive contamination releases from the accident. I think they should take the high road. I realize that once the wastewater is diluted in the Pacific Ocean the concentration will be small. On the other hand, I do not know if there is a natural process which concentrates tritium up the food chain into the human diet. This effect is recognized for a variety of poisons.

    I also do not know why the Japanese tritium water contamination standard is more restrictive than some others or when the current levels were established. You are suggesting the standard was made more restrictive for political reasons. Maybe so. I am wondering if it was made more restrictive for valid scientific reasons. This does happen over time as effects from the tail of the distribution become obvious.

    We don’t need to keep arguing about this. I am saying that I think it is important to be especially careful about the safety of the nuclear fuel cycle, specifically due to concerns over genetic degradation which may take a long time to become obvious. I think the commonly occurring natural radioactive isotopes Potassium-40 and Carbon-14 mostly get a free pass in this regard since humans have always lived with the prevailing levels. This is not true for many other radioisotopes produced in the nuclear industry, including tritium.

    + + + +

    In my opinion, any free tritium produced in a reactor should be scrubbed, captured and allowed to decay into helium-3 to be put to good use. You seem to be suggesting this is technically difficult. However, the percentage atomic mass difference between normal hydrogen and tritium is the greatest for any two isotopes of a given element so that in principle the separation of tritium is straightforward.

    • 谢谢: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  579. AnonfromTN 说:

    氚是一种非常弱的β发射体。它的半衰期很长,约 12 年,比细胞中除遗传物质 DNA 之外的任何类型分子的半衰期都长得多。然而,如果它掺入脱氧核苷酸,然后掺入 DNA,就会造成损害:DNA 断裂。这可能会导致体细胞突变(我们的 DNA 修复机制无法无错误地修复双链断裂),或者,如果这种情况发生在精子或卵母细胞中,则会导致可遗传的突变。大多数都是无害的,因为我们的基因组大部分不编码任何东西,但有些可能是有害的。

    • 回复: @songbird
  580. QCIC 说:

    I treat most claims about radiation contamination safety studies (for genetic damage) with the same skepticism I have for the safety studies on the mRNA COVID injections. Some of the nuclear industry has cultural aspects similar to portions of the big pharma-military industry. There is a lot of optimism bias, conflict of interest and near-total regulatory capture.

    I have a reasonable understanding of radiation production and safety and am not “scared of it”. Some years ago I came across an article or two with concerns over tritium safety and mentally filed that information away. After I learned about the incident at Berkeley long ago where they intentionally injected a patient with plutonium without his knowledge I am very skeptical. They thought the person would die from other causes and he didn’t, so they got caught. The cover up continued even to modern day until they were forced to admit the crime.

  581. A123 说: • 您的网站

    I don’t know the cost. Let me translate for you: I said that I suspect the people responsible are avoiding doing the detritation because they are cheap and can get away without doing it. This is often the pattern with industrial waste.

    I understand your suspicion, however in 2014-2015 TEPCO put out a major bid for detritation demonstration projects. This effort yielded no scalable solutions that could deal with the high volume and exceedingly low target.

    In this specific case, the explanation is lack of viable technology rather than aversion to action.

    I do not know if there is a natural process which concentrates tritium up the food chain into the human diet. This effect is recognized for a variety of poisons.

    Mercury is a well known problem with food chain accumulation. Once ingested most sea life can never get rid of it. Some tuna have alarmingly high numbers.

    Fortunately, tritium decays. Its short 12 year half life prevents it from accumulating in the same way.

    In my opinion, any free tritium produced in a reactor should be scrubbed, captured and allowed to decay into helium-3 to be put to good use. You seem to be suggesting this is technically difficult. However, the percentage atomic mass difference between normal hydrogen and tritium is the greatest for any two isotopes of a given element so that in principle the separation of tritium is straightforward.

    Waiting for the tritium to decay and capturing the He3 is an interesting concept. I am not sure any organization is willing to expend the resources for such an uncertain, long term return. It would take Bill Gates type money to stash He3 for the next generation.


    • 回复: @QCIC
  582. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson


    I suppose that they could date smart fat white guys if they’re really insistent on dating white men.

    Guys like this:

    Basically similar to Nathan Cofnas, just much fatter than he himself is.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @John Johnson
  583. QCIC 说:

    The current stocks of helium-3 are produced from the decay of tritium produced for nuclear warheads. This scarcity is why helium-3 fusion research is still just a game, “Hey, we can mine it on the moon,” LOL. It looks like I will have to develop my own detrition system. I’ll start working on it as soon as the Ukies capitulate. See my next comment for your marching orders.

    • 回复: @A123
  584. QCIC 说:

    A123, I call this Tritium, friend or foe?

    You should thank me since I am doing you a favor. My concern regarding tritium is specifically motivated by an interest in Deuterium-Tritium (DT) fusion where it is a topic of major importance. Since you want to promote a nuclear fission renaissance sooner rather than later, you should not underestimate that tritium might be a useful way to support this from two different aspects.

    You are probably aware of the following brief review, but stay with me until the punch lines. During the past fifteen years, privately funded fusion research has won a lot of investment dollars (a few billions). The field got a big boost a couple of years ago when the National Ignition Facility (NIF) project at Lawrence Livermore Lab reported a sort of energy breakeven. Note there are many errors, tricks and misunderstandings behind nuclear fusion breakeven numbers. I am not defending the claims, just acknowledging they are influential. I suspect a couple of the privately funded non-laser fusion approaches will also report some good results within the next few years. When this happens I believe a large amount of private and government money will flow into the fusion research community (probably tens of billions) after being diverted from fission efforts. I think most people involved will be shocked to learn how much engineering is needed to turn some promising lab results into a practical power plant, assuming this is even possible. Even more will be shocked to learn that DT fusion is not “low radiation” at all, producing lots of high level waste in the decommissioned equipment. Since tritium is scarce naturally, a production reactor must be surrounded with a blanket of molten lithium (or some other material like Flibe), possibly located inside enormous 10 tesla magnets. The lithium is transmuted by the copious neutron flux into tritium which is the actual fusible fuel for the reactor. This leads to very large tritium inventories which may pose a substantial hazard depending on what “blanket” approach turns out to be feasible. One of the caveats of the ITER project is that it could consume a significant fraction of the West’s tritium reserves during the experimental campaign, if and when that starts. For many years I have half-jokingly pointed out that the fission industry may be funding the private fusion work so this will force new fission reactors to be built to produce the tritium needed for a reasonable fusion development ecosystem! This is not really the punchline, but I am sure this is being discussed and is very likely to happen. This is a great contrast to not so long ago in the 1990’s when reactors were machina non grata and large particle accelerators were seriously proposed to transmute modest amounts of tritium to make up for decay in existing fusion warheads. The punchline is that the limitations and challenges of commercial fusion are wildly under-discussed. If it turns out there are also genuine concerns over tritium safety which might be a serious factor in a DT energy economy, these hazards could be pointed out and contrasted with the very nice features (and known hazards) of a clever fission approach such as the LFTR. I don’t care because I think fusioneers should focus on D-D fusion where the tritium and neutrons are an unfortunate and acceptable part of the process to be minimized as much as practical. If it turns out the LFTR can be also be used to effectively deliver tritium this might be a better way to get it funded than whatever other tactics are being worked. I guess we have to get the tritium out before it is transmuted away, possibly along the lines sometimes proposed for the protactinium.


    PS: I shouldn’t tell you, but it is obvious. The main reason to develop a commercially practical detrition system is to harvest the tritium for other uses instead of dumping it. The logical evolution could be to run a reactor with “heavier water” with online tritium processing to avoid putting lithium rods in light water reactors. QCIC.

  585. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    Scott Ritter is yet another example as to why exactly child sex dolls/robots should be legalized. This would have allowed a horndog such as him with those kinds of inclinations to get some action without ever trying to do anything sexual with minors, at least if he was actually moral (he might not be).

    Quite ironic that Russia is so vehemently LGBTQ+phobic and yet it attracts the worst kinds of Western perverts and degenerates lol. AP had previously pointed this out. I mean, for goodness sake, do they really think that they would feel welcome in Russia if they weren’t useful geopolitical tools for the Kremlin?

    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @Mr. Hack
  586. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    This is the real Greek Jesus for you lol:

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  587. @Mr. XYZ

    I suppose that they could date smart fat white guys if they’re really insistent on dating white men.

    Guys like this:

    They could but women want a more complete package. Women will take a notch down in intelligence for other traits.

    But these women all watched too much TV and had unrealistic expectations.

    They think an average looking White Democrat with an average White collar job in average shape isn’t asking too much.

    It actually is too much. A man in the city that hits all those boxes gets snapped up quickly.

  588. @Mr. XYZ

    Scott Ritter is yet another example as to why exactly child sex dolls/robots should be legalized.

    It’d be cheaper to just shoot sex offenders.

    This would have allowed a horndog such as him with those kinds of inclinations to get some action without ever trying to do anything sexual with minors, at least if he was actually moral (he might not be).

    Would they actually use them? I assume sexual predators also have some sick power trip.

    Quite ironic that Russia is so vehemently LGBTQ+phobic and yet it attracts the worst kinds of Western perverts and degenerates lol.

    They must vibe off Putin in some weird way.

    He also attracts incels which at least isn’t surprising. A bitter king for the bitter among us. Self-described incel Nick Fuentes was cheering the war on day one. What a sicko.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  589. @Mr. XYZ

    Basically similar to Nathan Cofnas, just much fatter than he himself is.

    I’m not familiar with that person.

    I’ve seen that fat guy to do some crazy rant about a video game or something.

    I don’t find the morbidly obese to be amusing so really not my thing.

  590. songbird 说:


    令人惊讶的是上面只有一种细菌。 (幽门螺旋杆菌)。上面还有一份中餐。




  591. songbird 说:

    Never knew this but:

    OJ’s dad was gay. OJ also used to break into houses as a teen to rob them and would steal cars.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  592. A123 说: • 您的网站

    See my next comment for your marching orders.
    You should thank me since I am doing you a favor.

    Do you realize this is the type of rhetorical flourish that got Iffen the low-IQ Yahoo troll into trouble? Let me illustrate with a parallel construction:

    I the Superior A123 do you the Inferior QCIC a favour by correcting your incompetent dribbling! Heed and obey the words of my benevolence, as you are a vile underling, devoid of intellect and agency.

    After such an opening, do you grasp that reading further is an intolerable burden? Not a favour?

    Are you attempting to be informative or combative?

    If the latter… 来吧! However, I suspect you will dislike losing to me as the pathetic, low-IQ Iffen did.

    As to the rest of your post — TL;DR due to your pejorative, malicious, and highly offensive introduction. If you have an informative scientific point to make… You need to do it in a better way.


    • 回复: @QCIC
  593. QCIC 说:

    You may want to lighten up. I was being serious, it is a sincere and possibly helpful suggestion. For me, improving the world takes precedence over online arguing.

    • 回复: @A123
  594. LatW 说:


    You truly are a real dumbass. You think the culture I consume is based on some mystical pop charts? That I don’t even look at? I’m not basic, I have very particular interests. I have a long list of Ukrainian bands I’ve been listening to for several years now (most of which you probably don’t even know). Not to mention Baltic & German, Scandinavian.

    I wasn’t even consuming that much Russian stuff to begin with, just a few bands that I liked, but have put on pause (maybe permanently), and the KHL will never be renewed, that was the only thing I attended that was somewhat Russia related. The only exception will be anthropology and some Ukraine related stuff.

  595. @songbird

    I read the Sailer threads. I left a couple crass comments as such comment threads bring out my inner meanie. The thing which impressed me and nobody commented on: they didn’t make it a capital case. They explicitly said they were not going for the death penalty because that could have messed up their case. Their otherwise iron clad rock solid case. : )

    To which I have to say if murdering the mother of your two elementary school age kids is not a capital offense, what in hell is? If I am going to make an argument against capital punishment I plan to start right there.

    • 回复: @songbird
    , @S1
  596. A123 说: • 您的网站

    Regardless of your intent, you started a fight. The nature of your introduction ended my reading of your post… Too Offensive; Didn’t Read [TO;DR].

    I am doing you a favour… Here are your marching orders:

    If you want to “improve the world”, let me offer some serious advice. Stop intentionally provoking “online arguing”.


  597. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Re: my theory that OJ died of HPV:

    His father died of AIDS. (He was a dragqueen who worked at the Federal Reserve.)

    OJ also had rickets as a young boy. And his gang was called the Persian Warriors! (There is a sizeable Persian community in San Fran, where he grew up.)

    That is all from the wiki page, which I had never read before. Unfortunately, they cut a lot out of such articles, but I would like to see the contributions.

    • 回复: @songbird
  598. S1 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    To which I have to say if murdering the mother of your two elementary school age kids is not a capital offense, what in hell is? If I am going to make an argument against capital punishment I plan to start right there.

    What’s really twisted is that according to Mark Furhman (I read his book, amongst others, on the case) they believe they almost certainly had found OJ’s bloody finger (or thumb) print at the murder scene. Furhman placed this in his crime scene notes for the crew of detectives who took over the crime scene from him that night to read.


    Due to what I call misplaced pride it wasn’t considered ‘professional’ to verbally remind relieving detectives to be sure and read such important briefings as it was simply presumed they would do so as a matter of course as part of their job.

    Sure enough, the relieving detectives didn’t bother to read Furhman’s notes and the bloody finger print was lost and/or destroyed.

    Not that that would have clinched the case for any of the Black jurors on the jury, as they were going to vote for acquittal (jury nullification) of OJ no matter what evidence was presented of his guilt.

    The only reason OJ was found responsible for the murders (‘wrongful death’) in the following civil trial was that the Goldman’s lawyer, a proud self proclaimed progressive himself, in that trial (to his credit, and going against his own ideology) acknowledged the jury nullification situation with the Blacks and deliberately struck Black jurors off the jury when possible, thus making it impossible for them to nullify the less strict civil trial.

    [Taking history and context into account, it’s always been inexcusable and criminal forcing Black Africans and White Europeans together and the OJ case is a good example (amongst many examples) of why. The modern so called ‘progressives’ have a great deal of blood on their hands.]

  599. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    The real Jesus was not a hedonist attached to the fleeting pleasures of this world – he was the ultimate spiritual man.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  600. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    I don’t think that substituting one form of perversion with another one is the right answer to the problem. Deep seated interests in sexual perversion of many stripes are the result of too many people that have given up on having normal relationships with members of the the opposite sex. Easily accesible pornography and sexdolls are the world’s prescription to these problems, but in reality these methods only serve to put more wood on the fire, not solve anything. It’s ultimately a spiritual problem that can only be healed through the intervention of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God the Father.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Wokechoke
  601. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Praying to Jesus didn’t cure the gays and won’t cure the pedophiles. I’m not even sure if gene therapy would actually work, honestly.

    That’s the thing: Not everyone can actually achieve long-term satisfaction in a sexual relationship with another adult (whether at all or merely of the opposite sex), let alone in a monogamous one.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Coconuts
    , @songbird
  602. Dmitry 说:




    全球补充剂行业的年产值已达 200 亿美元。



    值得记住的是,在所有生物技术初创公司中,通常只有拥有博士学位和科学研究出版物的人,这些出版物在他们的网站上看起来很漂亮。他们表示,该领域大约 80% 的初创公司都失败了,而且往往不仅仅是商业原因,有时他们夸大了治疗或技术对消费者成功的想法。

    我觉得这非常引人注目,因为我对一些著名运动员如何变老的轶事记忆似乎并不支持这一理论。例如,多次获得环法自行车赛冠军的洛朗·菲农 (Laurent Fignon) 就很早就去世了,许多其他顶级运动员也是如此。





    至于社会经济限制,拜托,我们已经进入了 21 世纪。谁没有钱买一些跑鞋来增加最大摄氧量呢?事实上,我想说健美比跑步或骑自行车的成本更高,是负相关的




    • 回复: @Mikel
  603. Dmitry 说:



    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  604. Dmitry 说:


    十月份,当他们动员数十万人口参军,为多条战线的战争场景做准备时,经济被关闭。它也可能在 11 月部分时间被关闭。


    但很多预备役军人和军队是不需要的。这是一次预防性动员。大多数预备役军人已于 12 月返回平民工作岗位,社会也已复员。



    以色列为应对疫情花费了超过 1.5 亿美元。这对以色列经济造成了巨大损害,因为失去了

    1970 世纪 30 年代,以色列将 GDP 的 2023% 用于军事。到 4,5 年,这一比例仅为 XNUMX%。



    与前几十年相比,穆斯林世界还认为以色列软弱且更加非军事化。以色列对哈马斯 7/10 袭击的反应比穆斯林国家预期的更加温和,伊斯兰领域对以色列的恐惧也减少了很多。随着以色列变得更加非军事化,恐惧的减少已经从伊朗的导弹袭击中看到了。

    • 回复: @Beckow
  605. Mr. Hack 说:

    Your interest in audio gear shines through this video clip. I think that you’d fit right in working for this small family business, especially within the marketing department with the Boss’s kid.

    I’ve been listening to some classical music mostly lately, going with some real soft stuff including harp, string and some time flute combinations. Before this, I was listening to a lot of prog rock stuff, and was into groups like Karfagen and Ayreon. Ayreon is quite a talented group that has put out a whole slew of records over the last decade that I enjoy listening to very much. Arjen Anthony Lucassen is the creative genius force behind this group, however, the album that I’m highlighting below is played by another one of his musical ensembles,: “The Gentle Storm”. Give it a spin and let me know how it resonates with you:

    • 回复: @Dmitry
  606. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Praying to Jesus didn’t cure the gays and won’t cure the pedophiles.

    How would you know, did you ever give it a try? 🙂

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  607. Coconuts 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Praying to Jesus didn’t cure the gays and won’t cure the pedophiles.

    Maybe it is supposed to protect them from the harsh treatment they might face if people aren’t praying to Jesus and simultaneously lose the belief that feeling compassion for pedophiles improves the world?

  608. Sher Singh 说:

    Was wrong.

    The Pulwar is 950g as well the sheath is like 250.
    The CS Talwar is like 1050g + 550g sheath Ig.


    Tried both with gloves on & the Pulwar FLIES.

    Also tried my old 2ft Tegh & it doesn’t really have the mass to be a good slasher.

    The Kabar is ok at it if u hold it in an OK grip.
    The new Kard I got is better at penetrating tho.

    • 谢谢: A123
  609. Sher Singh 说:

    Some funny jabs between a Sikh & some random Greek Orthodox Canadians.
    Canadians will complain about people carrying knives & then advocate genocide.

    Entirely unserious – they lack the naft (asabiya) for any organized violence LOL


  610. Wielgus 说:

    我通过那里奇怪的波兰语借词了解到了其中的一些内容。 (例如 凯里夫尼克 可能源自 波兰语 经理 – “director, manager”). Rather slangy and jargon used in places, which did not help comprehension. TTSK,例如。

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  611. Wielgus 说:

    In the 1990s, after the USSR’s demise, I read a long article by Solzhenitsyn in which he said northern Kazakhstan (where he had spent time in political exile) should be part of Russia. Like his views on Jews, this kind of thing received little publicity in the West, as it perhaps showed signs of him wandering off the reservation after being their hero in the Cold War.

  612. Wokechoke 说:
    @John Johnson

    The circa 2012 ban on homosexual American adoption of Russian orphans is one of the underlying causes of Deep State’s hatred for Russia. The cut off of the flow of little boys for perverts based in the west set off a great many of your compatriots.

    The timeline on this hypothesis solid. The evidence good.

    Care to argue?

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  613. songbird 说:

    Probability: OJ died of HPV

    Fact: OJ’s father died of AIDS.

    Wild Hunch: OJ’s grandfather died of syphilis?

    Regarding last, it seems highly probable to me that his grandfather and/or great grandfathers had it. Extremely likely his father too (since he was a black gay in the ’40s) – though antibiotics may have cured him. There is also a strong possibility that OJ had congenital syphilis though was cured of it. The main question is whether it caused their mortality. Such info might be in death certificates, but not necessarily. Researchers should look it up.

    Highly politically incorrect, but I wonder if anyone realizes that the Nazis were literally cracking down on HIV. (Though they may not have known it as a pathogen, it was supposedly around back then according to this.)


  614. songbird 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Praying to Jesus didn’t cure the gays

    IMO, it is likely it would cure a lot of the teenage girls, especially if they were placed in youth groups, where they were exposed to boys.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
    , @Mr. XYZ
  615. @Wokechoke

    If you need to believe in a global homo trade of orphans to make yourself feel better about choosing to defend Putin then go ahead. You probably need that. Putin defenders these days seem mentally burdened. I’ve definitely seen an increase in mental instability. Putin’s dingbat Marjorie is losing it and can’t make a coherent argument on the war. He has attracted the Republican version of Sheila Jackson Lee. Boy he really attracts some talent.

    Meanwhile in war news:

    Russians try to take scooby doo van into war

    It’s 781 of the 2.5 week operation and the Russians are trying to storm the frontline in a scooby doo van. They probably expect any BMP to be destroyed at that point so it is most likely a half-suicide mission.

    You still want to believe this war was a good idea and sticks it to the Jews even though the children of dead Orthodox soldiers suffer and not Jews of the West. That shows terrible judgment on your behalf and a serious disconnect with reality.

    I have no doubt your life is one long list of bad decisions from your inability to process reality in favor of wishful thinking.

    Maybe on day 831 a Jew in the West will suffer slight indigestion over the war. I hope on that day it was all worth it.

    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Mikhail
    , @Wokechoke
  616. Mr. Hack 说:

    Jesus mission was directed only towards teenage girls? Or, teenage boys have acquired an immunity towards the supernatural healing powers that God can provide, especially through prayer and fasting?…

    • 回复: @songbird
  617. Mr. Hack 说:
    @John Johnson

    It’s 781 of the 2.5 week operation and the Russians are trying to storm the frontline in a scooby doo van. They probably expect any BMP to be destroyed at that point so it is most likely a half-suicide mission.

    Although the subject matter is really quite sad, you’re hilarious JJ, keep up the good work!

  618. @songbird

    Praying to Jesus didn’t cure the gays

    IMO, it is likely it would cure a lot of the teenage girls, especially if they were placed in youth groups, where they were exposed to boys.

    LOL yes the best way to keep the girls from engaging in experimental sex at Christian camp is to make it co-ed.

    If you want to make sure your teenage girl fools around with a boy first then by all means send her to Christian camp.

    • 回复: @songbird
  619. QCIC 说:








    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @AnonfromTN
  620. Mr. Hack 说:

    Will we see the existing Western-aligned Ukrainian leadership flee to exile in Poland?

    It’ a long ways till winter returns. Many things can still happen in favor of Ukraine. The Ukrainians have shown the world that they have an unconquerable spirit. Until then:

    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  621. songbird 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    I was also thinking about the mothers – that is obviously a big part of it.

    Had to look at Meghan Fox’s wiki, since I heard all three of her children were trannies. Honestly, I was quite surprised that it includes a line where she invokes the importance of her Christian faith.

    In 2013, she said that her Christian faith is still very important to her and she believes it keeps her grounded


    Though it is not necessarily a meaningful measure of prayer or devotion, but might be considered to be wan and vague, in a celebrity context.

    Regarding males specifically. I am honestly not sure what the right Christian solution is. One question is: if you had a daughter would you like her to marry a converted gay? (I think the answer would probably be not.). Some say the priesthood but that is not unalloyed good either (gays are most likely responsible for a large portion of modern church corruption. At a minimum I think one would want to screen out the super gays. But general demographics, i.e. lack of straights signing up creates problems, IMO. Churches are likely gayer than ever in their leadership.)

    Obviously, gays can and should pray to be celibate and turn away from materialism and hedonism. But there are dangers in the church being too welcoming, as many churches frankly are.

    But I am not entirely dismissive. I am in favor of various interventions being studied and tracked with longitudinal or generational studies. Frankly, such studies seem to be now banned politically or even legally.
    Not to mention whatever the case, “born this way” is culturally problematic, with regard to promoting an excess of tolerance and indoctrination.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  622. songbird 说:
    @John Johnson

    Who said it was a camp? And have you never heard of chaperones? Do you know the Amish have meetups?

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  623. Beckow 说:

    你描述的是 of Izrael, but there are two sides and the Palis have not been allowed to normalize. That is a fatal flaw and living side by side is simply not possible when half of the population is kept in the medieval levels of oppression…Izrael-Palestine are about 50%-50% Jews and Palis.

    You can’t create a normal society under those conditions. So the fanatics want to expel the Palis or go back to a militarized state that would be in effect an old-fashioned caste state (Apartheid in modern terminology.) In 2024 it is very unlikely they could do it without horrible consequences. The only other solution is a normal single state for everyone. That will eventually happen.

  624. AnonfromTN 说:

    我通过那里奇怪的波兰语借词了解到了其中的一些内容。 (例如 kerivnyk 可能来自波兰语 kierownik - “总监、经理”)。

    是的,乌克兰语中有很多听起来像波兰语的单词。 “Kevivnyk”确实意味着任何类型的领导者(最接近的英语单词是“the boss”)。




  625. @songbird

    Who said it was a camp? And have you never heard of chaperones?

    I went to one of those camps.


    Teenagers outsmart adults all the time and especially naive Christians that think they can pray the gay away or that it is a good idea to take a bunch of teenagers into the woods.

    Really one of the dumbest Christian ideas of all time is the gay camp.

    Put a bunch of gays together at a camp to reform them. Genius stuff.

    The Mormons still do it and in fact have one for gay adults. Not making this up.

    You can send off your Mormon husband to camp if you think he is gay (hint: he is).

    Do you know the Amish have meetups?

    That’s quite interesting. I’ve also heard that Buffalo NY is nice in fall.

  626. AnonfromTN 说:



  627. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @A123
  628. @songbird

    Not to mention whatever the case, “born this way” is culturally problematic, with regard to promoting an excess of tolerance and indoctrination.



    I used to be open to “pray away the gay” type ideas until having to be around gays.

    They are hopeless. I don’t doubt that some of the lesbians are limited in options but the men are not on the fence. They don’t even understand attraction to women. I had a gay man tell me that I wouldn’t live with my wife if not for societal expectations. I really had to keep myself from laughing. I’ve done the “guy trip” and by the end could not wait to get home to my wife.

    I had to work with them and the “diversity experience” did not make me more liberal. It actually made me understand 1950s views and why they shouldn’t be encouraged to act on their perversions or undermine societal standards that encourage families.

    At a minimum I think one would want to screen out the super gays. But general demographics, i.e. lack of straights signing up creates problems, IMO. Churches are likely gayer than ever in their leadership

    I think it is even worse. I suspect some of the larger Evangelical churches are gay clubs at the leadership level. Fox News turned out to be filled with conservative gays.

    Joel Osteen is a closet homo. Same for most of those millionaire Evangelicals that want to be on television. They’re fags. Straight men don’t put on make-up and prance around a stage. They don’t go on Oprah and wear lipstick. Seriously take a look at Osteen in an interview. He wears lipstick.

    • 回复: @songbird
  629. @Beckow

    The only other solution is a normal single state for everyone. That will eventually happen.

    Why would that happen?

    Would you want neighbors that can’t wait to kill you?

    • 回复: @Beckow
  630. A123 说: • 您的网站


    奥斯陆等提议提出后,种族灭绝的穆斯林一方立即食言。他们要求一个 犹登弗雷 land “From the River to the Sea”. There is no way to negotiate coexistence with such evil. Jews wisely contain this existential threat to their existence, and will continue to do so.



    • 将他们吸收为各个伊斯兰国家的公民。或者,
    • 创建一个 新穆斯林巴勒斯坦 那里有足够的自然资源。



    • 回复: @Beckow
  631. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    Eventually can be a very long time…:)

    The current status quo won’t last forever and expelling the Palis or keeping them permanently as a huge underclass is impossible – the weapons are too easy these days.

    The nationalist Ukies tried it with their Russian minority counting on 100% backing from Nato. It blew up in their faces. There will not be Nato-in-Ukraine and the Russians will stay. It is too early to know whether Ukraine will survive in some form. Bad ideas have consequences.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  632. Beckow 说:


    The “victim” game is over – you are way off about “优惠如奥斯陆” – there was never any realistic offer to the Palestinians to give them minimum human rights and lands to live on. The Jewish settlers in the West Bank made that impossible.


    • 回复: @A123
    , @AnonfromTN
  633. songbird 说:

    It may be a moot point because coins are worthless, but the obverse side of a nickel should not be Monticello but rather the giant sloth, since Thomas Jefferson was a fan and has a species named after him.

    Alternatively, perhaps the two-dollar bill could be brought back and given dual portraits of Jefferson and the sloth that is named after him. Or Jefferson holding the fossils.

  634. A123 说: • 您的网站

    Why are you such a genocidal maniac?

    Do you really think that indigenous Palestinian Jews are stupid enough to volunteer to die for your unworkable one genocide state solution?

    I am 100% accurate on offers like Oslo. Your deranged blood lust blinds you to the truth. The Muslim colonists in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza do not want to live in peace. They demand the extermination indigenous Palestinian Jews. It is obvious that the Jihadist threat must be contained.

    Enjoy being a genocidal extremist. Hitler would be proud of you.


  635. AnonfromTN 说:


    • 回复: @A123
    , @Beckow
  636. songbird 说:
    @John Johnson



    I suspect part of the explanation OJ was a killer is that he inherited crazy genes from his homo father. But he would likely be the more extreme case, we don’t have the generational/genetic studies, as far as I know. And these things should be studied.


    But in the absence of one, I’m not sure if anyone could do the correct math. Is it really worse to have a few Count Eulenburgs with wife-beards than what we have today? The TFR of most traditionally married gays is probably considerably lower. Deval Patrick has no kids.

  637. AnonfromTN 说:

    我怀疑 OJ 是杀手的部分原因是他从他的同性恋父亲那里继承了疯狂的基因。


    • 回复: @songbird
    , @Gerard1234
  638. A123 说: • 您的网站




    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  639. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @John Johnson

    Not like your apparently preferred “dingbat” Nikki Haley and “dwarf” Zelensky.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  640. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @A123
  641. QCIC 说:

    We care about what OJ did. He had freewill, so no excuses. He was a highly successful adult, so no “marginal case” loopholes are acceptable. What he inherited from his parents is just a sidelight.

    • 回复: @songbird
  642. songbird 说:

    Am not exculpating him, but genetic load would have been a more interesting defense than chronic traumatic encephalopathy. (As when he was later arrested and jailed for breaking and entering.)

    BTW, they will not autopsy his brain even though they are cremating him. That should have been a condition of him being allowed to make that defense.

  643. Wokechoke 说:
    @John Johnson


    A strong explanation for the freeze in US Russia relations.

    Come to America and get cooked in the oven that is the adopted father’s car.

  644. Beckow 说:

    Yeah, but he is no commander…:)

    (If it this wasn’t so sad for all the suffering, the crazy stuff would be almost enjoyable.)

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  645. A123 说: • 您的网站


    Abbas matches your joke — 全连步调不齐,只有指挥员步调一致。他不受包括他自己的人民在内​​的所有人的欢迎,并且与他格格不入。



  646. songbird 说:




    It is not a question of “most”, but whether or not there is a significant correlation. OJ was most definitely guilty, so it is interesting to go back over what predictive factors may have existed before the murder.

    I think there were several additive or multiplicative factors. How much of the murder could have been predicted ahead of time just knowing his background and teenage history? As well as Nicole’s. Not 100%. But quite a bit significantly higher than random selection.

    如果有统计数据来进行数学计算,如果它低于 10%,我会感到非常惊讶。但我认为更有可能不低于20-30%。甚至可能更高。


    黑人一生中犯下杀人罪的风险接近 4%。







    Gayness is correlated with schizophrenia. Is schizophrenia correlated with murder? I think obviously so, but don’t want to wade through the squid ink and lies, to find out.

    That doesn’t mean most schizophrenics are murderers. Just that they are more dangerous.


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  647. AnonfromTN 说:


    好吧,以色列假装自己是ME中的顶尖枪手。事实证明这是一个神话,自从真主党在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代初击败以色列(使其逃离黎巴嫩,将其黎巴嫩代理人扔进狼群)之后,这个神话就变得越来越远离现实。


    • 回复: @A123
    , @Beckow
    , @Jazman
  648. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 同意: songbird
  649. A123 说: • 您的网站

    The fact that you have to go all the way back to the 80’s rather than looking at current day is quite telling. You miss decades of improvements.

    在目前的人质营救任务中,已有15-20万名哈马斯战斗人员被杀。以色列损失了不到 750 名士兵。以色列以 20:1 甚至 25:1 获胜。哈马斯的史诗耻辱是有目共睹的。

    Palestinian Jews successfully killed multiple Iranian generals. How did Iran’s direct action against against Israel turn out? Despite expending 100’s of weapons they only managed minor damage to one air base. Again, it is amazingly obvious that Iran suffered a humiliating defeat. Laughing at Khamenei is appropriate at thus point.


    However, when it comes to actual leaders, Israel’s neighbors are much more practical. Where is the promised “rescue flotilla” to resupply Hamas aggressors? Muslim nations on the Mediterranean are likely to resume 事前 战斗停止后不久就建立关系。



  650. songbird 说:

    So what is the deal with Israel/Iran? Is it really over, or just planning stages/transferring supplies?
    Is Sweden really the #2 bombing country not currently at war, after Mexico? And will it have immediate further political consequences? Like military action, or even greater wins by Sweden Dems?

    • 回复: @A123
    , @LatW
  651. Beckow 说:

    …Now neighboring countries feel increasing weakness of Israel and of its American cover.

    The dissipation of a one-time lucky Western break in the 1990’s combined with self-defeating wars on Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria. Then when all else failed they tried the 抢占乌克兰 梦想永远中立俄罗斯(以前做过但总是失败)。他们应该在前面就退出。


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  652. A123 说: • 您的网站

    So what is the deal with Israel/Iran? Is it really over, or just planning stages/transferring supplies?


    Ayatollah Khamenei was personally humiliated by the ineffectiveness of his strike. IMHO the best move for Palestinian Jews is leaving him wallowing in his own abject failure.

    However, the rumor mills are hot suggesting there will be an Israeli action inside Iran as payback. While fully justifiable, what would be an appropriate target?

    Is Sweden really the #2 bombing country not currently at war, after Mexico? And will it have immediate further political consequences? Like military action, or even greater wins by Sweden Dems?


    They imported large numbers of Muslims and it kicked off gang warfare. Fortunately the bombs are 90%+ Muslims blowing up their coreligionists, but the demographic consequences in Malmö are profound.

    Christian populism is growing in strength almost everywhere. The question is — Do EU countries have enough time? Not only do they need to fix their countries, they also have to deal with Brussels inflicted failures such as the new “migration pact”.


    • 回复: @songbird
  653. AnonfromTN 说:



    • 回复: @Beckow
  654. LatW 说:

    Like military action, or even greater wins by Sweden Dems?

    Åkesson just announced a war on gangs (after the most recent stabbing). But it’s a question on what resources he can readily employ. No “Military action” would be needed, just probably very strong police action with some assistance from the military, possibly, or the home guard. Similar as what would be needed in the US for the border and the hypothetical crackdown on fentanyl (if anyone ever got serious about these things).

    • 回复: @songbird
  655. Beckow 说:

    Everything moves faster now, but the show is quite something – retracing steps taken on the way up as we go down.

    Confusing good luck with inherent superiority is a common error. If the West just sat on the advantage it could have stretched it out for decades. But they couldn’t…all they have left are the nukes and the hope that the other side is not quite ready. I dislike changes – it almost never gets better. And yes, the other side is nasty too…


  656. QCIC 说:

    Does anyone here know anything about the Novavax COVID vaccines in terms of safety and effectiveness? Asking for a friend.

  657. songbird 说:

    However, the rumor mills are hot suggesting

    Is that “热态 suggesting” or “不能 suggesting?”. Hot or not???

    Thought I heard there was an official statement that they would take action. Possibly empty rhetoric for political purposes. But I haven’t followed the record of these things.

    Not only do they need to fix their countries, they also have to deal with Brussels inflicted failures such as the new “migration pact”.

    It is curious how they can pass something so objectively evil, after so long a deadlock. I wonder what happened to finally precipitate it. Perhaps, the right people were bought off. But I don’t see how any rational person can still support the EU and think it is capable of reform, and not that a wholly new organization is needed.

    They basically have adopted a policy of ethnocide, with a very thin garnish.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @A123
  658. @songbird

    Have you asked chatgpt if you are hot or not? There was a female AI pro who did that and got a 7 and posted that on twitter.

    No idea what her rating of Genocide Joe is. Most of the AI pros approve of the geezer. Not that they think he is hot. They just think more dead Arabs is always a good idea.

    • 回复: @songbird
  659. A123 说: • 您的网站

    However, the rumor mills are hot suggesting

    Is that “hot suggesting” or “not suggesting?”. Hot or not???

    Whoops. Poor word choice on my part. I meant HOT with an H. (1)

    Israel Says Readying ‘Imminent’ Attack On Iran
    — Airlines Cancel Flights To Region —

    It appears things are moving fast, via Israel’s Channel 12 broadcaster, following the earlier conclusion of Israel’s War Cabinet meeting:


    The Times of Israel top headline has switched to: War cabinet decides to hit Iran back hard, hopes it won’t spark regional war

    A host of airlines have canceled flights to the region

    Despite the vociferous prognostication, it could be misdirection. The last time incompetent Iranian forces went on full alert they shot down a civilian airliner. Forcing low capability Iranian troops to max alert for an attack that never arrives has all sorts of benefits.



    • 谢谢: songbird
  660. songbird 说:

    According to the old wiki on Sweden bombings, Mexico is the only other country that records them as a statistical category.

    Hard for me to see Sweden going Bukele.

    But it is difficult to understand what solution there could possibly be that wasn’t Bukele or remigration. Stop and frisk? Greater police presence? IMO, they would need to significantly increase the people incarcerated. I mean at least 2x or 3x. Sure, it is technically possible, but will they do it? Are they even comfortable saying it?

    Similar as what would be needed in the US for the border

    You think the bombs could be intercepted? And that is what they’ll do? I don’t know. They are small, and even if they could solve the gun problem, that wouldn’t solve the knife problem.

    • 回复: @LatW
  661. Wokechoke 说:

    Full eclipse is a once in a lifetime moment.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  662. LatW 说:

    Sweden will raise the budget for police and detention, it’s probably a step in the right direction, but may not be overall sufficient – spending is good but it needs to come in a combination with a proper attitude and efficiency.


    You think the bombs could be intercepted?

    I wasn’t talking about bombs, but what the US should’ve done about their respective problems, it’s probably useless to talk about it since most likely nothing substantial or meaningful will get done anyway.

    • 谢谢: songbird
  663. AnonfromTN 说:

    Full eclipse is a once in a lifetime moment.

    Would have been twice in a lifetime if I watched this one. I’ve already seen one several years ago.

  664. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    If I will invite Jesus to enter me, then wouldn’t that make me gay lol?

    • 巨魔: songbird, LatW
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Derer
  665. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    They say that Zuck’s AI has a real problem with depicting interracial couples.

    Wonder if that is because it is built on real social information. People saying “in a relationship with.”. Or actually scanning pictures of couples.

    But I think it is likely they will “correct” it. I would rather they adopted the “not/ NOT allowed” meme.


  666. @Beckow

    The nationalist Ukies tried it with their Russian minority counting on 100% backing from Nato.

    Can Russians be nationalists but not Ukrainians? Do explain.

    What do you mean by counting on 100% backing from NATO?

    Former DPR leader Igor Girkin said that the separatist movement was not democratic and would not have happened without Russia. Is he wrong?

    There will not be Nato-in-Ukraine and the Russians will stay.

    Ukraine didn’t qualify for NATO but Finland did and has since joined.


    How can Putin win if he justified the war based on stopping the Eastward expansion of NATO?

    NATO has expanded East and also picked up Sweden.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  667. @songbird

    我怀疑 OJ 是杀手的部分原因是他从他的同性恋父亲那里继承了疯狂的基因。


    Mental instability most likely correlates with homosexuality.

    But he would likely be the more extreme case, we don’t have the generational/genetic studies, as far as I know. And these things should be studied.

    Of course they should but here were are at a censored website. By that I mean censored by private search companies.

    No church I am aware of has a doctrine of genetic fitness. If there was one and it was tolerated, perhaps, it would come to dominate the world.

    The Mormon church privately has one. They have a goal to make genetically fit families to rule over the rest of us in the afterlife. But their original plans had some dysgenic problems like kicking out the males that the females might find attractive. So they kick out the strong or handsome and keep a few bootlickers that they don’t find threatening. Not good.

    If there was one and it was tolerated, perhaps, it would come to dominate the world.

    Would probably do quite well and especially if it didn’t have a bunch of added beliefs from a con artist. The founding fathers definitely made a mistake on religion. They imagined a bunch of protestant churches that didn’t answer to England and not something like Scientology or Mormonism.

    But in the absence of one, I’m not sure if anyone could do the correct math. Is it really worse to have a few Count Eulenburgs with wife-beards than what we have today?

    That’s a great question and I’m concerned that it has become a dysgenic trend in Evangelical churches.

    Meaning they are more likely to celebrate effeminate men as leaders, those men then draw in more men like themselves, and then after a few generations you have more fags. Most of those fags end up leaving and moving to cities like NY or Portland. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if some of these mega-churches have backdoor parties….literally. Most conservatives seem to have zero gaydar when it comes to other conservatives or Christians. Fox News turned out to be a conservative fag club. Shep Smith was always caked in makeup. Who moves to NYC and cakes on make-up like a woman?

  668. Dmitry 说:




    7 月 XNUMX 日也破坏了西方化模式,因为生活在西方发达国家,不会有圣战分子入侵你的家、儿童应征入伍和火箭袭击。


    这是 7 月 XNUMX 日对以色列造成的长期损害之一。它可能会减少对技术工人的吸引力和保留。







    与 1970 世纪 1970 年代相比,这似乎是一个变化。 XNUMX世纪XNUMX年代,以色列在加沙的城市建设了大量建筑。你可以看到今天加沙的道路设计和规划与以色列城市是一样的。


    所以,你现在可以看到,与 1970 年代相比,今天以色列的态度发生了变化,它对阿拉伯人的民事占领失去了兴趣。但埃及也有类似的态度。以色列和埃及可能梦想将其交给欧盟,哈尼亚可以在欧洲议会工作,加沙伊斯兰大学加入伊拉斯谟计划。


    • 回复: @A123
  669. Dmitry 说:
    @Mr. Hack


    这是布鲁克林的一个意大利裔美国家庭,他们从 1950 世纪 1990 年代开始制造唱头耳机,在 XNUMX 年代他们开始制造全球闻名的令人不舒服的耳机。






    您喜欢 Spotify 吗?你能把它连接到你的高保真音响吗?

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  670. AP 说:

    A hymn of draft-dodgers (in Ukrainian draft dodger is “ухилянт”) appeared and is spreading like wildfire in Ukraine.

    Well, the video you linked to only had 8,500 views, 174 likes and 64 comments after being up for 2 months.

    Meanwhile this patriotic band has gotten 64,000 views and over 5,000 likes in only a month:

    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
  671. Wokechoke 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    The failure to support their French gambit with Napoleon II. What Mars grabs Venus grants.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  672. songbird 说:

    What was the earliest draft animal? The dog or the ox?

    And if the dog, could the dog cart have preceded the ox cart?

    • 回复: @S1
  673. songbird 说:

    Curious how often the stated preference of these Jap girls is for a “fat boyfriend.”

    Am thinking they must be envisioning something different than what an American would envision.

    • 回复: @sudden death
  674. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    You’d feel much grander than gay, you’d feel enraptured. Your body is to be made as pure as possible for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within.
    Why are gay people so often depressed and not full of any real joy?

    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @Mr. XYZ
  675. Mr. Hack 说:


    I guess that I don’t really know you that well. Do you fix cars too? My last really good auto mechanic had a very well stocked garage. He’s recently retired, and I’m looking for a replacement. 🙂 When I think of you, for some reason I see you as the consummate marketing guy. You seem to understand technical information quite well and are able to see the big picture of most products and problems. You’d be a great intermediary person able to put the buyer and seller together in a meaningful way.

    您喜欢 Spotify 吗?你能把它连接到你的高保真音响吗?

    Like my auto mechanic friend, I’m starting to eye my own retirement and putting aside most projects to when I have more time to handle them. Just keeping my house clean and fixing dinner keeps me busy with most of my after work “free time”.

    How about you, have you had a chance to listen to “The Gentle Storm” CD that I included above? If you like prog rock music at all, this is the one that deserves a spin, IMHO.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  676. @Mr. Hack

    Why are gay people so often depressed and not full of any real joy?


    I think they are often happy in a society that caters to them and doesn’t question their destructive proclivities.

    In my time with gays I concluded that affirmation works against everyone. They not only “do their thing” (spread stds by butt sects with random men) but seek to denigrate normal sexuality that society depends on. They don’t want to feel like outcasts so they lash against the norm.

    But mr.xyz has changed my mind on dolls and cyborgs. I have given it a lot of thought and cyborgs could indeed be very useful when dealing with sexual abnormalities. We could use them as low-risk traps. No risk at all to actual humans. We let them buy dolls online and then track them down.

  677. @Mr. Hack

    I guess that I don’t really know you that well. Do you fix cars too? My last really good auto mechanic had a very well stocked garage. He’s recently retired, and I’m looking for a replacement.

    I haven’t used a mechanic since COVID. It’s like a 2 week wait around here. Even longer for diesel.

    Our car rental company is an even bigger joke. I had my car in the shop and they didn’t have a single car available. My wife has “free rental car” with the insurance. Hilarious. Can I borrow a tractor at least? I’ve booked one of those free cars only to find they didn’t even have a subcompact available. I actually try to book the minivan as a strategy. They are less likely to downgrade you to a subcompact.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  678. Derer 说:

    This episode is from the time when Nuland was allowed to visit Russia. “Russian foreign minister Lavrov while flying to US, took his isle seat besides Blinken and Nuland returning to Washington. Soon after taking off his shoes Lavrov start to relax, the middle seat Nuland said to Blinken “now I wouldn’t mind to have a cold beer”. The Lavrov responded “no problem I will get it for you”. While he left for the beer the two Ami spit in his shoes. When Russian came back with the beer and sit, the window Blinken exclaimed “I would like to have a beer too”. Lavrov again offer to bring the beer. The two Ami again spit in his shoes. When plane was landing in Washington and Lavrov put his shoes on, he immediately realized as to what has happened and become shouting “this animosity between our countries, this hate, this spitting in shoes and pissing in beer must stop”.

    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @songbird
  679. Derer 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    By the way, XYZ aren’t you a Jew?

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  680. songbird 说:

    根据贾里德·泰勒 (Jared Taylor) 的这篇文章,5.3% 的连环杀手是同性恋,他根据人口将这一比例归入预期范围。



  681. songbird 说:

    How true is this meme that Kazakhstani language is like the sound of diesel engine trying to start up in -40?


    • 哈哈: QCIC
  682. AP 说:

    Derer: too dumb to realize he is making a confession here.

    • 回复: @Derer
    , @Mr. XYZ
  683. Mr. Hack 说:

    “The New Kremlin Stooge” looks and sounds every bit as dumb as “The Old Kremiin Stooge??…It’s like time has stood still over there since I last checked it out several years ago. In the comments section it’s still the “Moscow Exile” vs Mark Chapman. It’s so dumb that even you don’t participate in the commentary. Have you been banned over there, or is it just that Chapman doesn’t appreciate your “Independent Foreign Policy Analyst” spiel too much like Anatoly Karlin never did over here? I’m afraid to look over at your blogsite. Still no commenting action going on over there? 🙂

    You should consider teaming up again with your old partne, drug addict buddy LeosTomicek. Now that was some good stuff. 🙂

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @Gerard1234
  684. @songbird

    The only thing I want to know about serial killers is how many were trained in CIA counter insurgency warfare and trauma based mind control projects. Taylor cover any of that?

    I looked at his first article and was not moved to read it closely.

    There are some guys at MIT who think chatgpt can convince you to disbelieve conspiracy theories. I glanced through it and did not see a confession of funding sources for them.


    Wonder if I could get a grant to find chatgpt prompts to convince people Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy all by himself? A sophist can argue both sides of anything.

    Chatgpt please tell me about Genocide Joe and adrenochrome.

    • 回复: @songbird
  685. Mr. Hack 说:

    Real dumb. Only our resident Professor might appreciate this brand of sovok humor. L0l.

  686. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson

    I was always confused by the difficulty hiring after 2022. If the people didn’t die, where did they all go and what the hell are they doing? Maybe they figured out after the lockdowns they could just get away without working, but how? I get the basic notion, but the numbers don’t seen realistic. If extra old people died, that should have freed up caregivers to work other service jobs. So what is the story post-COVID with mechanics and many other sectors of the economy?

    Did they die or become disabled?

    Are they somehow on the dole? If so, how much money do they receive?

    Maybe most mechanics now are stoners so productivity is down by a third and the entire industry has accepted this?

    Relative demand for services has increased in some areas, but why? Factors I can think of include:

    – Four more years of aging boomers so incrementally fewer workers and incrementally more customers,

    – Four more years of illegal aliens brought in to work as part of the current “boom”, increasing demand for services.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  687. S1 说:

    What was the earliest draft animal? The dog or the ox?

    The North American Indian tribes used dogs to haul things. How far back that went I don’t know.
    The South American tribes used llamas. Oxen probably did precede them in that department.

    Before oxen and dogs though probably it was our fellow human beings (as slaves) that were being used for that purpose, sad to say.

  688. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Asked AI whether a certain feature of Bushwomen is the result of a cultural practice.


    Google absolutely insisted that it was explained purely through biology, and that it would be a colonialist mindset to think otherwise. That some groups may have a cultural practice, but NOT bushwomen.

    Chat told me it was the result of some sort of cultural practice of attaching weights or something.

    Copilot started to give me very specific details before hiccupping in process and refusing to answer. I think it was less about HBD than the age at which the practice typically starts. Makes me wonder if I am the only one who ever asked the question. Or if I am on some kind of list now, even though I am completely disgusted by the thing.

    Anyway, Google succeeded on the funny side, but I was more impressed with the technical answer of copilot because vague answers sound like BS to me. But it closed like a steep trap and refused to answer any questions about the Khoisan afterwards however innocuous.

    I think vaguely that the Khoisan are more monogamous but otherwise I might wonder if there was some kind of benefit to preventing STDs or congenital infections. But I am not sure some say that they traditionally practiced polygamy.

  689. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    If you are unable to tell the difference between Finland – sober country w 5-million and de facto in Nato for 30 years – and Ukraine nobody can help you. Even a 80-IQ person with minimal familiarity with Eastern Europe would not equate them.

    Russia will gladly take Nato’s loss in Ukraine and let you have the consolation of 芬兰-瑞典. If you don’t get that you are a confused Joey from the outburbs…

    Nobody cares what some ‘Girkin’ says, it is like quoting a guy yelling on a NY street. Be serious.

    Nationalism is fine. What is not is the Ukie Bandera WW2 Nazi-sympathising nationalism that has flourished in the post-Maidan Ukraine. If you share it and think that Germans were right in WW2 you are beyond decent society. Or deny that worship of Bandera is the same as Nazism – but it is the same thing.

    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  690. songbird 说:

    Before oxen and dogs though probably it was our fellow human beings (as slaves)

    Human portage, whether on the head, yokes, or on litters, was shockingly common in the West until fairly recently.

    For whatever reason wheelbarrows were not common until recently, (maybe legs are better than none air-tires for many things.) and most people couldn’t afford a draft animal until the more modern donkey cart came along.

    The North American Indian tribes used dogs to haul things

    a travois basically leaves no archeological evidence – I assume they burn the sticks. So, the only evidence is historical accounts. Impossible to say whether it pre-existed the introduction of the horse, but I think probably it did.

    Have always been struck by how ridiculous dog travois seem, but I guess they wouldn’t have used them if they didn’t make some sense.

    Evidence for dog sleds is potentially pretty old, depending on interpretation. (Like 10,000 years, in Siberia)

    Dog cart vs. ox cart seems to be very close. I don’t think it can be decided clearly. But my gut says dog cart was first.

    LatW may be interested to know that some believe fishing centers were the centerpoints of dog domestication, as in theory it was easier to feed them fish than meat.

    The South American tribes used llamas.

    True but technically they were pack animals and did not pull loads, though they did have the wheel.

    • 回复: @LatW
    , @S1
  691. Gerard1234 说:

    我怀疑 OJ 是杀手的部分原因是他从他的同性恋父亲那里继承了疯狂的基因。

    I had zero idea about his father being a homo. It could explain his good acting skills. Certainly when I saw some of his films I would never have guessed he was a famous American sports star and former gang member and youth delinquent. He appeared to me from American middle class family in how he conducted himself in films.

    I am surprised you have not gone on the intermixing theory ahead of the homo father one. Clearly the homo father is very disturbing, but there does seem this pattern of some of the most famous black Americans only consolidating their position at the top by rejecting all their black culture and acting very “white” in their demeanour, talk and of course only being attracted to white women….mostly blondes.

    The most famous example of this WEIRD black American guy becoming very white dynamic is of course Michael Jackson. Then you have this OJ Simpson guy. Tiger Woods is different for many reasons (background of his father, Buddhist, Vietnamese mother)………but he is a complete sexual degenerate – f**king alot of very average women considering his wealth, and all of them being white . Quincy Jones the music producer had 4 blonde white wives – although he does not seem to have had the problems of the other guys listed.

    So with your amateur genetics vs my amateur psychology I would say this total rejection of their black culture is a significant cause of problems for some of these famous wakjobs. In Simpson’s example this lead to him taking out these frustrations on the easiest target – the white woman wife.

    This pattern is even more extreme of being attracted only to white women for famous footballers:

    Pele – all white wives, girlfriends, mistresses. Jean Tigana the same thing. Desailly. True that I don’t know who their girlfriends are, but I can’t think of even ONE famous black/African footballer playing in Spain, Germany, UK, France who doesn’t have a white girlfriend/wife, most often blonde. Even those women that aren’t white,they are of mixed race to such an extent you would think they are Mediterenean or even Indian before thinking they are of African heritage.
    I would say as educated guess that more white footballers have black girlfriends then Black footballers do!!

    • 谢谢: songbird
  692. Gerard1234 说:

    It appears to me that the only thing more outrageous, more wrong, a bigger example in world history of injustice then OJ Simspon being found not guilty of murder…………….is OJ Simpson being found guilty of some non-event “robbery” and extortion “crime” or whatever , which resulted in him getting sentenced to 30 years in Jail!!!!

    He served 10 years I think. The american “justice” system is truly a ridiculous freakshow.

    Looking at it, I don’t see how anybody can look at this situation that lead to him being sentenced and not think the “crimes”, if any, are much close to 3 days of jail time than 30 years.

    It totally cancels and and puts in credit , his escaping the murder convictions – this second thing is that nonsensical.

  693. LondonBob 说:




    • 回复: @songbird
  694. Derer 说:

    Poor AP (Asinine Person) is trolling again, this time without graphs, diagrams, tables, maps.

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
  695. @QCIC

    I was always confused by the difficulty hiring after 2022. If the people didn’t die, where did they all go and what the hell are they doing? Maybe they figured out after the lockdowns they could just get away without working, but how?

    There was a real problem with people not showing up or skipping more work. Far more common in under 25ish.

    It is still a problem in many industries. They have a hard time finding good workers that don’t quit after a year. There is more of an attitude of contempt. A lot more calling out for all kinds of reasons. With everyone doing it the managers can’t isolate any single worker.

    You could probably make a lot of money if you figured it out and wrote a book on it. I’m completely serious. I know business owners that are stumped.

    Maybe most mechanics now are stoners so productivity is down by a third and the entire industry has accepted this?

    I don’t think that is it at all. Probably just fewer people going into it. Mechanic’s school is harder than people realize. Much harder than a 4 year cush degree in Sociology or Art History. The stoners want the mechanic’s salary but without the work.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  696. @Gerard1234

    If you are going to commit a crime in the United States do not use a gun. There are many lessons in the biography of O. J. Simpson.

    The best story if you want to do a novel or a screenplay is Aaron Hernandez.

  697. @Beckow

    If you are unable to tell the difference between Finland – sober country w 5-million and de facto in Nato for 30 years – and Ukraine nobody can help you. Even a 80-IQ person with minimal familiarity with Eastern Europe would not equate them.

    You are saying that population is the issue?

    So Putin’s talk of “missiles on the border” from NATO expansion was empty rhetoric and not a legitimate security concern?

    Nobody cares what some ‘Girkin’ says, it is like quoting a guy yelling on a NY street. Be serious.

    I certainly care as it was Girkin who was a highly celebrated hero of the Russian separatist movement and is now in prison for criticizing Putin.

    He now maintains that the revolution was based on Russian involvement.

    That is quite interesting given that Putin’s backers still tell us that the separatist movement was Ukrainian in origin and supported by the people.

    • 同意: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Beckow
  698. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson

    How do you think the “contemptuous workers” make ends meet? I suspect they are a big part of the explanation for the lack of workers, but it just doesn’t seem to be the full story. Maybe it is. It seems like this problem kicked in very strong with COVID or at least jumped up several notches.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  699. Derer 说:

    The american “justice” system is truly a ridiculous freakshow.

    It goes back many years. Only completely corrupt political and justice system is able to participate and then cover up a murder of elected president. That system cannot be called democracy.

    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  700. LatW 说:

    Check out this thing from crazy pet news:


    Look how this thing stretches out its fingers, it looks almost human that way. So tactile.


    • 回复: @songbird
  701. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/31182

    Zelensky owns up – Ukraine are losing heavily.

    “Eleven missiles were launched towards the Trypillya [thermal power] station, upon which the electricity supply in the Kyiv region depends. We managed to intercept the first seven, but the remaining four hit Trypillya. Why? Because we had zero missiles left. We have exhausted all the missiles that were defending Trypillya,” the President added.

    Russia initiated attacks on energy infrastructure in the Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, and Kyiv regions early morning on Thursday, April 11.

    Ukraine’s Air Defense Forces reported the destruction of 21 Russian Shahed attack drones over the Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions. As a result of the attack, the Trypillya TPP was completely destroyed.

    Subsequently, the Russian military conducted an airstrike of “smart bombs” on a combined heating and power plant (CHPP) in the Sumy region, part of its critical infrastructure, which led to a large-scale fire in the turbine workshop.

    In response to the targeting of critical infrastructure, Zelensky used this example to once again call upon Ukraine’s allies to urgently supply the weapons Kyiv needs, particularly air defense launchers and missiles.

    “Frankly speaking, without this assistance, we stand little chance of victory, because we need to be significantly stronger than our adversaries. The current ratio of artillery shells stands at 1 to 10. Can we endure for much longer? No,” Zelensky said.

    This is of course all payback. In one sense, it’s a compliment to whoever organised the series of drone strikes on oil refineries, which have IMHO caused enough damage to provoke this response. For the last two winters, Russia has struck relatively low-voltage, easily replaceable electricity transformers, not wanting Ukrainians to freeze to death. Russians aren’t Israelis, after all. They’ve left the high-voltage, mostly Soviet-made transformers alone.

    But now, in the beginning of summer, they’re hitting the power stations, sites that take years to build and commission. They’re also hitting the gas storage sites which the EU were using to balance demand.


    Poor old Biden, or whoever is running him. He’s got his hands full failing to restrain Genocide Bibi.

    Usually, the State Department would be all in on an Iran Attaq. But not in an election year, when Iran can close the Straits of Hormuz and send oil prices through the roof.

  702. songbird 说:

    Somehow I can only imagine Nuland drinking a red beverage rather than a yellow one.

  703. @Gerard1234

    It appears to me that the only thing more outrageous, more wrong, a bigger example in world history of injustice then OJ Simspon being found not guilty of murder…………….is OJ Simpson being found guilty of some non-event “robbery” and extortion “crime” or whatever , which resulted in him getting sentenced to 30 years in Jail!!!!

    How is that a bigger injustice if he was walking around as a murderer?

    This actually happens all the time behind the scenes. Every single day in this country.

    A pro-Black city (often with White female leaders) lets some violent thug go a dozen times out of race pity.

    Then he wanders up state to a less criminal friendly area and gets the max on something like a robbery. Yes his history is taken into account.

    What do you want the state to do here? Pretend it is his first crime and release him? Would you like him as your neighbor?

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Gerard1234
  704. songbird 说:


    That recent anesthesiologist injecting stuff into IVs was curious. One female doctor died after taking an IV home with her to treat her own dehydration. Don’t know the specific circumstances but it makes her sound like a loon to me.

  705. Mr. XYZ 说:

    I think that teenage lesbian girls might find boys who look and dress like F1NN5TER attractive, but probably not ordinary boys.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  706. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Yeah, I identify as Jewish and have a Jewish paternal grandfather, though I am unfortunately not Jewish according to Jewish law and many Israeli right-wingers unfortunately consider people such as myself to be insufficiently Jewish.

  707. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    What’s interesting in regards to OJ is that in his dad’s case, societal homophobia might have led to him conceiving OJ:

    Born in 1947 in San Francisco, California, Simpson was a son of Eunice (née Durden), an administrator at a psychiatric ward, and Jimmy Lee Simpson,[1] a cook, Federal Reserve Bank employee, and a custodian for both a bank and a private club.[2][3][4] His father was also a well-known drag queen in the Bay Area. Later in life, Jimmy Simpson announced that he was gay. He died of AIDS in 1986.[5][6]

    One of the few cases where a gay man would have been better off not breeding lol.

  708. Mikel 说:



    Of course, the wellness/supplements industry moves a lot of money, perhaps more than ever before, though I think that snake oils and youth elixirs have always been very popular throughout human history, in one way or another. However, these people belong to a different sector that is also very lucrative these days. It’s the sector of packaging the latest science for the health-conscious public. The individuals we discussed in that thread make their money (a lot in the case of Attia) through their followers on social media and I don’t believe they make a penny promoting supplements. The few they recommend (always with caveats) are OTC generic stuff, off-patent and a couple of off-label drugs. Not much juice to squeeze there.

    It’s actually a difficult task to become a leader in that field, and convince the 3-digit IQ audience to listen to you rather to the hundreds others with a similar message. Without a deep knowledge of the science and the credibility to get renowned experts in different fields interviewed by you, you can’t get too far.


    Yes. Regardless of how convincing any of these people sound and what their academic credentials are, it’s always advisable to remain skeptical and take their advice with a grain of salt. I was actually the first one to comment how funny it was that a guy nobody knew anything about a few years ago has now become a popular trend setter in the US fitness industry. I also said that I have my reservations about some of his claims. But this doesn’t mean that everything these specific people say is necessarily bogus and that you cannot use them to make informed choices in the uncertain world we live in.


    I don’t know what you base that claim on. Certainly not on the graph you’ve posted after making it. But it’s funny that while you criticize the vo2max studies in academic journals, you make your own claims based on what appears to be a WaPo article with an even weaker population study. Negative correlation between fitness level and voting for Trump LOL. At least vo2max is an empirical observation, like your fasting glucose level, or your triglycerides. It’s measured objectively in a lab and doesn’t depend on what people respond in a questionnaire. Let’s also remember that most associations between lifestyle and health, like smoking or eating habits, are equally based on population studies that rely on self-reported metrics more than on placebo-controlled lab studies, and still they help inform official medical guidelines.



    Be precise please. Nothing in the natural sciences is ever the last word and perhaps in some decades we’ll find that measuring your vo2max was a waste of time. But in the meantime, it might be more reasonable to rely on this type of studies than on 19th century Russian folk beliefs.

    • 回复: @Dmitry
  709. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    You are saying that population is the issue?

    No, I am saying the kind of a country is the issue: size, location, mentality, history, tolerance of Nazis, etc… If Finland places Nato missiles on the Russian border Russia will react. But the Ukies have been killing Russians enthusiastically since 2014, the Finns have not.

    the separatist movement was Ukrainian in origin and supported by the people.

    It obviously was – in Crimea and Donbas huge majorities supported autonomy and eventually joining Russia. They consistently voted for it for 30 years and tens of thousands Russian Ukies in Donbas took up arms to fight the post-Maidan Kiev rulers. Nobody cares about ‘Girkins’, that’s your obsession.

    You play stupid because you have no case. Or maybe you are that stupid.

    • 不同意: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  710. songbird 说:

    Lol. A croc, which is probably the top reptilian predator of man. Betting he didn’t start out with a croc, but like with a green anole or gecko.

    I think I enjoy these acquatic clips of divers the most, as it seems like the most alien world to cross into and presume some connection.


    • 回复: @LatW
  711. @QCIC

    How do you think the “contemptuous workers” make ends meet? I suspect they are a big part of the explanation for the lack of workers, but it just doesn’t seem to be the full story. Maybe it is.

    They just keep switching jobs. A couple making $25 an hour each in a smallish city can afford to have one person quit once in a while. If everyone is doing it then no one cares about having a bad work history.

    It is not the full story but I am sharing information directly from managers. This is not merely my speculation.

    These areas aren’t big enough to maintain secrets. Everyone knows everyone by a few people. The good workers will in fact sometimes snitch because they know that Jeff or Jamie will be a bad hire and hose them later with extra work. They beg the manager to find someone else. They tell the manager that Jamie’s bad leg excuse is bullshit or exaggerated. But sometimes the manager has no choice. It’s Jamie at random days or no one. Really unfair to the good workers that hit a 9-5. But this is also a corporate capitalist world where managers scoff at paying the good workers more if they keep showing up for the same salary. Small business owners can be even worse. Paying the good worker $5 more an hour goes directly into boat payments or college tuition. Good workers in these areas should tell them all to f-ck off and start their own businesses.

    Unfortunately I think this all plays to the open border. These managers talk to execs that talk to politicians.

    It seems like this problem kicked in very strong with COVID or at least jumped up several notches.

    It definitely jumped with COVID and especially with the long term unemployment payments. It got better but has not reset to pre-COVID. This is still a problem and especially with mid-skilled workers. I have heard it is a nightmare with nurses and CNAs. There are certain construction type jobs where no one in my neighborhood will bother calling. You might as well do it yourself even if you have money. It is that bad. It’s not worth trying to find someone. You’ll get some asshole who will split over anything. Don’t want to pay 80% up front? F-ck you bye. Then they drive off in a $90k truck and go to the next offer. That really happened to me. I offered 50% up front and this guy threw a tantrum. Told me to go f-ck myself and stormed off. A former boss told me that it is the way of the construction contractor lol.

    • 谢谢: QCIC
  712. LatW 说:

    Lol. A croc, which is probably the top reptilian predator of man.

    Do you also want crazy pet people to be bitten? Or am I being too mean? 🙂


    Betting he didn’t start out with a croc, but like with a green anole or gecko.

    Geckos are so adorable (same as the axolotl). I’d say it’s a long way though from a gecko to a croc. LOL

    We once had a pet tree frog (it wasn’t my idea to keep it in a terrarium (or to even 已可以选用 a terrarium), and there were bugs involved (purchased from the pet store), total yuck, although it was fun watching how the frog was eating them, and after everyone’s excitement died down I ended up being the only one taking care of the poor thing). It was cute but I felt so bad because I felt it was wrong to keep it in.

    These deep ocean clips are kind of scary, since it’s so dark and you never know what can grab you. But it’s probably just the primal fear that’s in our heads. I like it when these divers get bit though (they seem a bit too overconfident) – it feels like it’s deserved and justice is served. LOL

    • 回复: @songbird
  713. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Grandparent’s view of Lviv was that it was a beautiful, rich and elegant wonder-city. People were refined and cultured. Which was funny because it certainly wasn’t rich by Western standards. But compared to the Soviet cesspool, it was incredible. The experience highlighted the essential inferiority and degradation of the Soviet system to the normal people like my grandparent who moved from Kharkiv and other Soviet Ukrainian cities to Lviv. At the same time, the native Galicians saw these newcomers as barbaric, dirt-poor, and primitive compared to themselves. Which, objectively speaking, was true (grandparent wasn’t too proud to admit that). The Soviet PR attempt thus backfired, everyone quickly realized how terrible the Soviet system was compared to the West, even not taking into account the murderous oppression that would come later.

    The Baltics were rather similar for the Slavs who moved there in the Soviet era, as a type of window to the West, no?

    BTW, I wonder if this contrast was already visible back in 1913, before the start of World War I. I would say probably because Galicia in 1913 was much more literate than Russian-ruled Ukraine was, but what do you think?

    Honestly, pre-WWI, Mitteleuropa wasn’t a bad place to live, at least outside of the places that involved oppression (Posen, Alsace-Lorraine, possibly northern Schleswig, and minority-heavy parts of Hungary). Russian nationalists like to talk about the Russian world but Mitteleuropa’s “German-Magyar world” was the Germanic equivalent of that until 1918. Germans and Magyars, forming their own, separate civilizational space in between huge numbers of Latins and Slavs:

  714. Gerard1234 说:
    @John Johnson

    I am talking about technical, legal or “constitutional” justice. Obviously for the murders the police were morally justified to invent or modify evidence at the crime scene to support the extremely strong circumstantial case against him………. from a legal point of view that is very wrong though.

    They also had a very strong scientific evidence against him also, but it looks like to make the case look perfect against him they manufactured evidence ( placed blood), or they were incompetent to the point it could be claimed they were trying to frame him.

    The “robbery” however is a joke. Zero violence involved. Clearly it’s not a premeditated act of robbery, because in his own brain it’s his own sporting objects. Being naive or stupid at worst. A misunderstanding, not criminal intent.

    It can’t be compared with jailing a definite violent criminal for a minor crime that is still intentional and definite (I.E Al Capone and tax evasion)

    Either way, to get 30 years jail for that is comedically bad. Only in American gutter legal system could the most obvious murderer in history get 30 years for a separate, non-crime.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  715. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Interestingly enough, on the same topic, this author (a Brit born in Germany) speculated in 1915 that Germany could eventually try to partition Austria-Hungary together with Russia and Italy because of the fact that the Slavic population is growing more rapidly there than the German population there is, which in turn combined with the successful assimilation of Germans into Slavs and Italians in the parts of Austria-Hungary where Germans are the minority, and also combined with increasing Slavic political power in Austria-Hungary, could eventually result in Slavic political dominance in Austria-Hungary, something which Germany might aggressively want to avoid:


  716. I hear Israel are going to retaliate against Iran by funding huge amounts of Section 8 housing for African guest workers all over Iran – maybe several million houses for them and their families, all paid for by Israel.

    Iran is so concerned by this threat, they have agreed to abandon their nuke and missile programs if only Israel won’t fund the housing.

    • 哈哈: Mr. XYZ
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  717. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68823399

    “An influential global body has forecast Russia’s economy will grow faster than all of the world’s advanced economies, including the US, this year. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia to grow 3.2% this year, significantly more than the UK, France and Germany. Oil exports have “held steady” and government spending has “remained high” contributing to growth, the IMF said.

    They were right when they said sanctions would do huge damage to the economy, they just didn’t say which one.

  718. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    And a spiritual man can’t enjoy himself a good sandwich?

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  719. songbird 说:

    Do you also want crazy pet people to be bitten? Or am I being too mean? 🙂

    Ha. Ha. Not to be too dark, but there was that guy who died from a Gila monster bite recently. I bet he wasn’t expecting that because it surprised even the experts.

    These deep ocean clips are kind of scary, since it’s so dark and you never know what can grab you.

    I don’t think I would like to go diving, even with a spear, as I would always be turning my head around and around, afraid something was about to sneak up behind me.

    Big landbased predators can be surprisingly quiet. But in the sea, with diving equipment on, you have probably got no chance of hearing them at all.

    We once had a pet tree frog

    Did you catch it? I was surprised to see one last fall only about chest high. I took a picture of it sitting on a leaf.

    For a short period, as a young boy, I did have a few anoles and a gecko myself. I used to like catching bugs for them. I found that crickets were quite vicious and would readily bite you. But it was just a very short phase for me, and none of my lizards lived very long. I think I saw the same kind in Florida.

    • 回复: @LatW
  720. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Fun fact: Back when I went to high school (10th grade) over 15 years ago, there was this one girl there who was half-black and half-Persian. Blersian. She had Persian features but black skin.

  721. songbird 说:

    Wow, this is a funny story. Turkish mayor of a Belgian city tries to shut down conference with Orban and Farage, in venue owned by a Tunisian. Zemmour who was slated to speak is blocked from access.


    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @LatW
  722. LatW 说:

    Not to be too dark, but there was that guy who died from a Gila monster bite recently

    That’s like fantasy novel level scary. Not trying to ridicule someone’s death (and ofc don’t wish it on them), but that’s quite menacing. Kind of a cute reptile in its own special way.


    There was one story about some guy who used to “befriend” bears (and have a “relationship” with them) and one time he took his girlfriend out with him and the bear attacked them in their tent. There’s an audio of it (!!). Thing is, this was in the spring, when the bear had just come out of hibernation and was hungry. For some reason this bear aficionado failed to take note of that.

    Then there was this book “Born to be free” about lion trainers. Yea, you bet.

    I don’t think I would like to go diving, even with a spear, as I would always be turning my head around and around, afraid something was about to sneak up behind me.

    I really enjoy swimming deep but I often get weird thoughts that there could be some large fish or something that could bite me, even though there is nothing there. Fear of the dark, right?


    A neighbor caught it and brought it in for everyone to play with. It looks (and feels) really cool, especially the feet. I often hear them in the trees, and I like to walk up really close to try to detect exactly where one is sitting. They make a pretty loud sound, and one time I was walking up really close and it suddenly stopped when I was about a meter away – I think it could tell I was there. LOL It just went quiet.

    • 回复: @songbird
  723. Dubious source, but leaving it here as preliminary potential sign that “paying” indeed might be 2% of GDP for defense:

    During those conversations many European ambassadors learned that Trump would consider pushing for a two-tier NATO. The structure would mean that the countries that don’t live up to 2% of spending could fall into the second tier of membership, meaning they would not be protected by NATO’s Article 5, which guarantees that the resources of the whole alliance can be used to protect any single member nation if it’s attacked.

    “He’s always talked about the financial crisis of NATO,” said a second former Trump official. “He will remain serious about that, and we tell them that.”

    So far the worthy of defending by getting first tier membership would be minority of all, but Baltic states are included here;)

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Beckow
  724. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    But if I don’t consider Jesus to have been divine or resurrected, does it still make sense for me to pray for him? Even if I consider myself Jewish, albeit one whom a lot of Israeli right-wingers refuse to accept into the Jewish family?

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  725. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @sudden death

    This approach actually does sound sensible, honestly, unlike leaving NATO altogether.

    • 回复: @sudden death
  726. songbird 说:

    There was one story about some guy who used to “befriend” bears (and have a “relationship” with them) and one time he took his girlfriend out with him and the bear attacked them in their tent.

    A bear came quite close to me last year.

    I was slightly afraid for a short moment as it was walking closer to me and got within about ten or fifteen feet of me. But at no point did it make eye contact with me and its options were kind of limited because we were both in a stream and there was an obstruction on the other end. Lucky for me it leapt up the bank (high jump), or else it would have had to have gotten to within about five feet, just to get out.

    There was a wolf guy like that, who tried to bring his gf into the pack in the wild. They didn’t tear her throat out, but they did bare their fangs close to her throat or face while growling.

    It is interesting because I have heard that captive wolves only seem to feel threatened by men. Partly it is the smell.

    I have wondered whether some predators like bears might attack women based on the smell, being more afraid of men.

    one time I was walking up really close and it suddenly stopped when I was about a meter away

    I swear a fish in a stream once saw me from about thirty feet away and immediately hid from my line of sight, behind a rock. I don’t think it could be the noise because I am very quiet, and it hid from my line of sight.

    • 回复: @LatW
  727. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Napoleon II died young. Do you mean Napoleon III?

  728. @songbird

    1. Daily Mail coverage is good.

    2. Pretty sure there was no mayhem.

    • 谢谢: songbird
  729. Gerard1234 说:

    I always assumed until recently that the guy who shot Oswald was some hothead/ showman Texan businessman seeking justice & publicity. Then I read that he was actually a Jewish homo.

    Seems an unlikely coincidence. It screams out that he must have been an intelligence agent.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  730. LatW 说:

    Turkish mayor of a Belgian city tries to shut down conference with Orban and Farage, in venue owned by a Tunisian.

    Strange, the Turkish mayor should’ve at least allowed Orban – in the name of Greater Turan.

  731. LatW 说:

    I was slightly afraid for a short moment as it was walking closer to me and got within about ten or fifteen feet of me.

    What kind of a bear was this, a black bear? Mostly they are indifferent to people, they just scavenge.


    I saw what I was told were grizzly droppings one time, not too far from our campsite, several years back. Literally within a short walking distance.

    Lucky for me it leapt up the bank (high jump), or else it would have had to have gotten to within about five feet, just to get out.

    That’s pretty cool, it probably knew you were they but didn’t care enough.

    There was a wolf guy like that, who tried to bring his gf into the pack in the wild.

    Those kinds of guys are super annoying. It’s such hubris and idiocy, it’s like if a guy went to do something dangerous and asked the woman to come along, that’s just unseemly. Not to mention selfish. Although wolves may not be 坏。

    It is interesting because I have heard that captive wolves only seem to feel threatened by men. Partly it is the smell.

    It could also be the voice, the male voice is more menacing. And height. The dogs also seem to be more “interested” in women (in their own gross way, ofc, it’s got to be the smell).

    I have wondered whether some predators like bears might attack women based on the smell, being more afraid of men.

    In that (in)famous tent story, where the bear attacked by the stream (it was looking for fish in the stream), it attacked both of them, the guy, too.

    And, btw, there is nothing wrong with these animals being more interested in attacking women (if it is indeed so). Men have these qualities because they 已可以选用 to have them (not because they are innately superior).

    Anyway, I think these bears care way more about what food humans have stashed away than some chick in the tent.

    I swear a fish in a stream once saw me from about thirty feet away and immediately hid from my line of sight, behind a rock. I don’t think it could be the noise because I am very quiet, and it hid from my line of sight.

    That is amazing, they see it and feel it. I’m wondering if it’s the movement or the contour that they see approaching, if it’s not the noise. This frog stopped chirping so suddenly – like, it was chirping the whole damn day almost, and then stopped very suddenly, right as I was almost by the tree, and I was coming up very silently, so as not to scare it away, and there was thick foliage on the tree, I wonder if it sensed me through the foliage. With a fish it’s even crazier, because it’s in the water.

    • 回复: @songbird
  732. Wokechoke 说:

    The film of Kennedy getting shot is also the Jew Zapruder.

    I think that Oswald’s case officer with the CIA was also a Jew.

    His childhood buddy also emigrated to Israel. There’s a lot of Jewish people he crosses paths with in New York as a juvenile delinquent.

  733. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. Hack

    Moscow Exile is entertainingly great. Leos and Beckow are why I’ve hope for Czechia and Slovakia.

    I regularly interact with key folks. The number of posted comments at a given site isn’t by default indicative of substantive worth.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  734. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Here is an extremely recent photo of F1NN5TER, for instance:


    A lesbian thirst trap at his finest!

  735. A123 说: • 您的网站


    澳大利亚悉尼基督好牧人教堂的教区居民和直播观众正在欣赏受欢迎的保守派主教马尔·马里·伊曼纽尔的布道,一名年轻的男性穆斯林袭击者进入教堂并用刀反复刺伤他。直播片段立即在社交媒体上广泛传播,其中 X 和 Facebook 是最容易观看视频的网站。

    马尔·马里·伊曼纽尔主教是亚述东正教教派的领袖,在全球拥有众多追随者。他对伊斯兰教、LGBT 群体表达了坚定的保守观点,并在布道中直言不讳地反对 COVID-19 期间的封锁和疫苗接种。教会的另外四名成员在制服袭击者时受伤;据报道,这名年轻人还在打斗中砍掉了自己的一些手指。





    (1) https://www.zerohedge.com/political/australian-government-orders-facebook-and-x-remove-muslim-knife-attack-video

  736. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Why should a three-person marriage be illegal if one of the parties to this marriage is a part of a set of conjoined twins?

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
  737. songbird 说:

    Strange, the Turkish mayor should’ve at least allowed Orban – in the name of Greater Turan.

    Hungary has observer status only. Perhaps, kind of like one of the younger brother tribes in the Iroquois Confederacy.


    What kind of a bear was this, a black bear?

    Yes. Only kind in these parts. Don’t think I would be here, if it were any other.

    Mostly they are indifferent to people, they just scavenge.

    True, though I was once within about a mile or less of an attack, though not fatal. Might have been a bear I saw once, no idea.

    This guy seemed a little tense:

    Though this brown bear seemed pretty mellow:

    But maybe that was during a salmon run or berry season.

  738. S1 说:

    Have always been struck by how ridiculous dog travois seem, but I guess they wouldn’t have used them if they didn’t make some sense.

    I wonder if given enough time, and bearing in mind that oxen are simply cows, if the Indians would of eventually utilized Buffalo as a draft animal..

    True but technically they were pack animals and did not pull loads, though they did have the wheel.

    Wasn’t it wheels though on children’s toys and small figurines. I seem to recall they had not applied the wheel to anything practical, though perhaps I’m mistaken.

    • 回复: @songbird
  739. Mr. XYZ 说:

    AP, off-topic, but what are your thoughts on Montenegrins? They’re genetically close to Serbs but more pro-Western.

    Interestingly enough, there’s a Montenegrin immigrant (US citizen) woman at the place where I work. Honestly, I’d be willing to date her if she wasn’t already married. She’s very nice and attractive.

    • 巨魔: Mikhail
  740. S1 说:


    LOL! That would of been something if it had occurred.

    There was a 1969 movie, Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (aka ‘Doppelganger’) that had a hidden ‘counter-Earth’ as it’s plot. A pretty good flick.

    • 谢谢: QCIC
  741. songbird 说:

    I wonder if given enough time, and bearing in mind that oxen are simply cows, if the Indians would of eventually utilized Buffalo as a draft animal..

    Yes, I think it would have happened, if corn had been up north for longer. Tame bison have actually been used to pull carts. They are very strong animals. Not the best tempermant, but neither did the aurochs, nor I imagine the wild horse, or water buffalo.

    Bison probably would have been the best draft animal in the Americas. Llamas kind of have weak backs. Of course, horses have certain advantages that can’t be duplicated.

    Wasn’t it wheels though on children’s toys and small figurines. I seem to recall they had not applied the wheel to anything practical

    Yes. Toys in Meso-America. They had vulcanized rubber there too. Plains Indians used to make Whoopee cushions out of animal bladders, so they almost had all the elements for air tires.

    It is not too suprising that they didn’t have wheel barrows as those were a long time coming in Europe, but it is a bit strange maybe that they didn’t have dog carts.

    Probably an explanation. Like a lot of mountains and some of the flatter areas had canals.

    • 谢谢: S1
  742. LondonBob 说:


    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
  743. Gerard1234 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    The Ukrainians have shown the world that they have an unconquerable spirit

    Literally took 2 seconds for Russia to win the land corridor to Crimea you THICK dimwit. Clearly the moment the most fatalistic, nihilistic, sadistic losers on the planet.

    Hack, you severely demented cretin:

    1. LMAO – you do realise there was more “Ukrainian” blood on OJ Simpsons clothes, than there is in that video of those scum you linked there?

    2. Even the Israeli President said that those khokhol puppet government cabal shown came out to film that video you linked (literally not a single object in there which isn’t Russian/Soviet) , only after he told these pussys that Putin told him he was not going to strike government officials in Kiev

    3. You dilapidated cretin,Mr Hack. In no possible way would Israel allow these vermin to escape to there as refugees – on so many levels a drug addict, degenerate Jewish president of a East European country immediately running with his cabal to Israel would feed an extra-level of unwanted antisemitism.

    Israelis, just like Gayropa “elites” have an enhanced historical perspective, unsurprinsly given the history of Jews and establishment of Israel.
    I say the Soviets killed the Tsar and his family, many others say “the Jews” killed him. I would guess Israel, fully aware of the “Jews killed Nicolas” theory wouldn’t want the reverse symbolism compared to the Tsar & his family that allowing in Zelensky would have. It’s strongly thought that his parents are in Israel anyway.

    Gayropa elites have no problem – they pleased to have refused to allow Tsarist family refuge, and pleased to force these trash to stay in 404 now….. so to help ensure the khokhol deathcult continues.

    Westerners wouldn’t allow Israel to do it, even if they wanted to….because the west are direct initiators of this war, and if they do then it’s the total end of the Ukraine freakshow project forever. OK, 404 is dying, dead, assured dead already thanks to what is happening on the battlefield – but the Jewish president fleeing this fake country results even in the end of this sick psychotic idea of “Ukrainianism” as something these UPA pricks and their deformed-by-inbreeding diaspora can even discuss in the kitchen in Winnipeg.

    Zelensky, Yermak and all these other freaks, at that time in 2022 – they can’t fly out anywhere. Can’t even get to Turkey or Gruzia (unless Russia allowed them to via transit), they can only go via land West to Europe. That’s the Europe that is one NATO bloc that in zero way is going to allow him into there if they intend to escape 404.
    In Ukraine galso there own police state where the SBU had already assassinated by end of February one of their main negotiators with Russia to end the war.
    It’s completely different to the Afghanistan situation where the President could go to any wealthy Muslim country he wanted to, and nobody is bothered

    As I see it, the only possible place the khokhol-reich could have escaped to in February 2022 would be Moldova, only via Vinnitsiya and Chernovits.

    So there is nothing “courageous” in what the khokhol-Nazi leadership did, you dumb f**k head Hack…… it’s very easy business,security decision and the only one that was physically possible.

    These corrupt, useless scum get the assurance from the west that their wives, kids…..pets are allowed to live a luxury life in the West with all their stolen money, best private school education….. and in return these lazy cowards, get to send Pussy-coward VSU plankton to be annihilated en masse, while they exploit the imbecilic lie of “Putin wanted to take Kiev ‘ to live in total safety there while idiots like you call them” brave”, and they receive unlimited money for corruption from the west, in a country where NOBODY knows the actual population these funds are intended for ….. AND these degenerate lowlives get to take all the drugs they want.

    • 不同意: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon
  744. songbird 说:

    What is Milei up to canceling his trip in the US and calling together a security meeting about Israel, alongside the Israeli ambassador?


    Was under the impression that Argentina was not really impressive in the missile or drone department. And I can’t figure out what else they’d be after.

    • 回复: @Mikel
  745. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    If it is illegal then for once you’ve stumped me. 🙂

  746. Mr. Hack 说:

    The number of posted comments at a given site isn’t by default indicative of substantive worth.

    Well, it’s certainly not indicative of great interest in the content or writing style panache of the author of the site either? Why don’t you start a site on Substack where you would get some real traction, instead of that dismal spot where you’ve managed to imprison yourself within for too many years already? The rent must be free. Also, it seems that most of the real “quality” kremlin stooges have managed to get a video blog going, but I still see you exclusively scribbling your nonsense (for nobody’s benefit, maybe one post every 3-4 months now)?

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
  747. songbird 说:

    Thought this was a pretty funny story out of China:

    Not so much the cheating directly.

    There was a Cuban woman who once rode the train in Boston to marathon victory. And she later embezzled tens of thousands.

    But more that it was so obvious and that it had to do with sacred cows in the West.

  748. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    You do what you want. Fantasizing about doll sex with robots (either male or female depictions) still seems pretty strange to me. 🙁

    Being Jewish has nothing at all to do with this issue.

  749. @Gerard1234

    I am talking about technical, legal or “constitutional” justice. Obviously for the murders the police were morally justified to invent or modify evidence at the crime scene to support the extremely strong circumstantial case against him………. from a legal point of view that is very wrong though.

    You do realize he admitted to doing the murders to multiple people and wrote a book on the details?

    The “robbery” however is a joke. Zero violence involved.

    Guns were involved which makes it armed robbery.

    It should also be noted that it was Nevada and not California. You don’t want to commit armed robbery in Nevada. They will randomly throw out harsh sentences so this actually isn’t unprecedented. It is still a cowboy state and the judges have a lot of power. They in fact get sick of gangsters coming over from LA and don’t hesitate to send a message.

  750. Beckow 说:
    @sudden death

    So Belgium would be 无保护? Nato’s headquarters are there, how would that work?

    This is meaningless drivel. In a Nato-Russia war everything will be used: Helsinki and Stockholm will be gone in the first round celebrating their Nato membership as they evaporate, Berlin, Paris, London, Warsaw, Prague, Vilnius…US-Canadian cities, and of course Moscow, St.Pete…

    This is not a video game and minutia increases in 军费开支 have literally no impact on anything, other than making a few people richer. Are Euros going to line up in tens of thousands to die in Ukie trenches?

    The madness is amazing. It is happening because some morons decided that moving Nato to Ukraine and sticking to Russia is a great idea. And the wider Western populations sat back and did nothing, yeah, “mistakes were made” (Serbia, Iraq…), the lies were believed, and now the created cul-de-sac is too constraining. You discuss nonsense like Belgium under Article 5 as if that mattered.

  751. Aedib 说:

    Last video from Maruipol’s kid. Impressive construction rate.

    • 回复: @sudden death
  752. @Mr. XYZ

    That guy looks way too happy.

    Out of his fucking mind to marry two wives that are strapped to each other.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  753. songbird 说:

    Could the boat-sinking orcas off Spain be trained to neutralize those boats NGOs use to ferry migrants?

  754. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    You’re talking about a world religious leader here, not somebody that looks like he’s doing an advertisement for Subway. It’s in bad taste, like a lot of the stuff that you’re promoting here lately. I’ve told you once before, that this is not a forum designed to help you with your personal sexual and social issues.

  755. @Beckow

    No, I am saying the kind of a country is the issue: size, location, mentality, history, tolerance of Nazis, etc… If Finland places Nato missiles on the Russian border Russia will react.


    Putin described NATO expansion as a geographic threat and not because of population size. He described missiles on the border as the problem. I will go with his word over yours since he launched the war and is not a random forum poster.

    Here is a direct quote from him in 2021:
    “我们已经明确表示,北约东移是不可接受的,”他说。 “美国正站在我们家门口,导弹就在我们家门口。我们家不安装避震系统是不是要求太高了?如果导弹被部署在与加拿大或墨西哥的边境,美国人会如何反应?”

    He is clearly not talking about population size as he uses the proximity of Canada in his example. It’s about placement and not population.

    In his invasion speech he cited the Eastward expansion of NATO as the main reason for the invasion. Do we need to go over that speech again?

    But the Ukies have been killing Russians enthusiastically since 2014, the Finns have not.

    So now you are saying that Russia invaded to protect ethnic Russians? I thought it was about NATO?

    Were fatalities from the separatist war increasing or decreasing since 2014?

    Which year from 2016-2021 would you describe as the strongest evidence of enthusiastic killing that required an invasion?

    • 回复: @Beckow
  756. @Gerard1234

    “Hack, you severely demented cretin”


    Where is JJ with the good news about yet another Crimea strike? Don’t tell me he’s losing faith?

    The Ukrainians in Donbass and Luhansk are the ones with an unconquerable spirit, but then so had the Alamo defenders. It definitely helps if the people you can turn to for help are a lot closer than the people they can turn to.

    I must say it’s amusing that those Russians who legged it to Europe at the start of hostilities are being met with nothing but suspicion there – no settlement visas, no government handouts for them.

    • 同意: Gerard1234
    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  757. @Aedib

    Bit of Mariupol reality add-on to RF propjunk videos:

    In Mariupol, the Russian authorities finally abandoned residents whose homes were destroyed during the fighting. From April 11, 2024, apartments are no longer issued to victims (those to whom the decision to issue an apartment was approved before April 11 will receive apartments).

    Now they are paying just monetary compensation in the amount of 45 thousand rubles. per sq. meter based on 33 sq. m. per person, 42 sq. m for two people registered in the apartment, or 18 sq. m for everyone (if there are three or more) registered in the apartment, but not more than the total area of ​​the lost housing. It doesn’t matter what kind of apartment you had. If a three room apartment burned down, but you were registered alone, then previously you could get a one-room apartment up to 42 square meters. m (33 sq. m. plus up to 9 sq. m.). Now you will only receive money based on 45*33 sq.m., for which it is impossible to buy housing (this is approximately 30-40% of the cost of sq.m. in mortgaged houses in Mariupol). Finita.

    Robbery in broad daylight, essentially a massive confiscation of private property. Tens of thousands of people who are now living in apartments and houses of friends and relatives who have left for Europe will be left without housing.


    • 回复: @QCIC
  758. Mikel 说:

    What is Milei up to canceling his trip in the US and calling together a security meeting about Israel, alongside the Israeli ambassador?

    The other day I listened to an interview with Milei on a popular Argentinian TV show and I came to the conclusion that he definitely is an idiot. He literally said that Israel’s response to the Hamas attacks has been carried out with full respect to international law. I don’t even think Glenn Beck or the legion of Israel firsters in US Congress would dare say that so openly.

    I never paid much attention to his strong pro-Ukraine position. It’s an invaded country after all and he’s just a politician. I don’t have any reason to assume that politicians in general, let alone Latam politicians, are better informed on this type of conflicts than any of us here. Every regular poster here knows what Ukraine did in Donbas and all the nuances of the events that led to the invasion. But not even Scholz appeared to know much about Donbas when he was asked before the invasion began. Mainstream politicians must live in their own informational bubble, possibly more reliant on the MSM than any of us.

    Gaza is a different matter. Who doesn’t know in April 2024 that thousands of children have been killed and doctors are having problems taking care of the constantly arriving injured because they are too weak to heal properly due to malnutrition?

    I guess I would still vote for this idiot if I was an Argentinian because of his economic policies. But I’m pretty sure that his decision to become an Austrian School economist was also caused by his eccentricity and contrarian nature, the same as his exalted support for Israel. He’s actually so eccentric that in the same interview he also said that his long-term goal is to eliminate the state and implement a Rothbardian society. Murray Rothbard once said that if he had a button that he could push to abolish all state forms from one day to another, with no transition periods, he would push it. Milei must be the first president of any nation in history who expresses support for that type of ideas.

  759. QCIC 说:
    @sudden death

    The Russians are pacing themselves until they know the final condition of the rest of the country.

  760. AnonfromTN 说:

    I must say it’s amusing that those Russians who legged it to Europe at the start of hostilities are being met with nothing but suspicion there – no settlement visas, no government handouts for them.

    Serves them right. BTW, this is the first time in decades Europe welcomed shit the way it deserves.

  761. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    …So now you are saying that Russia invaded to protect ethnic Russians? I thought it was about NATO?

    This is why nobody takes you seriously (other than a bit slow Mr. Hacks). Can you comprehend that wars can have two or more reasons? Is it too complicated for you? Washingtonians in their wars named everything from terrorism to economy as reasons, even some made-up bullshit about Niger…But you know it, you are playing stupid. Why?

    Which year from 2016-2021 would you describe as the strongest evidence of enthusiastic killing that required an invasion?

    Killing Russian civilians is Donbas is killing – Russia can wait 5-10 years to hold the killers accountable, it’s up to them. They waited to see if Ukies come to their senses and Kiev didn’t. Or they wanted to prepare better. Are two reasons too much for an ‘american’ to understand? Why do you play a retarded Yank here?

    Nato expansion to Ukraine is considered by Russia an existential threat – it is “eastward”. Finland is not, they are a normal country. It is up to them, you don’t get to do the thinking for Russia.

  762. @Mikel

    That didn’t take too long!

    The millisecond he cozied up to the bankers that was enough for the cynics of Unz dot com.

    On the Attia thread I forgot to inquire your opinion on the Huberman schtick and latest internet buzzings. If you have not read the Howley NY Mag article it’s pretty great. The best bit I read is that it is impossible to have a weekly podcast with amazing new discoveries to improve our biology. I really liked the first 20 or so Huberman shows and back then I was deficient in both morning sunlight and magnesium so I am grateful to the fellow.

    The Navy Seal fetish is bizarre. It’s like none of these people know that nine eleven was an inside job.

    • 回复: @Mikel
  763. Elena Rybakina and Iga Swiatek face challenge for hottest chick on youtube.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @Mr. XYZ
  764. AnonfromTN 说:


    这是不可避免的。雪上加霜的是,国际货币基金组织发布的预测是,俄罗斯经济在 2024 年的增长速度将超过帝国地区的任何国家(应属于“制裁工作”类别:制裁确实会损害经济,但不是预期的损害)。


    • 哈哈: QCIC
  765. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Elena Rybakina and Iga Swiatek face challenge for hottest chick on youtube.

    You really like chicks of this type? Verily, there is no accounting for tastes.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  766. AnonfromTN 说:

    Are these the acts of God: within days there was a major fire at US Army ammo plant in Scranton, PA (https://americanmilitarynews.com/2024/04/video-pic-us-army-ammunition-plant-catches-fire/) and an explosion at BAE Systems Glascoed weapons factory in Monmouthshire, Wales (https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/17/explosion-bae-munitions-facility-south-wales-20665556/).

    If these are, what particular God is responsible?

  767. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. Hack

    A lot more going on than that. On the matter of drivel, you’re right up there with no BBC, RT and other major appearances.

  768. @AnonfromTN

    She does have tattoos and take performance drugs. Also she is Romanian so she probably keeps a dagger under her pillow.

    Nobody is perfect!

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  769. songbird 说:

    As strange as it is to see this ME factionalism in Europe and the Anglophone world, it is even stranger to see it in LatAm, in Argentina and Brazil. Especially, in Milei, since he seems so different than any other pol.

    Apparently, just this past month he revealed one of his grandparents was of Jewish descent.

    • 谢谢: Mikel
    • 回复: @AP
  770. songbird 说:

    Was Kato Kaelin gay?

    It is kind of weird how he was living with OJ.

  771. Mikel 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    That didn’t take too long!

    No, apparently he has always been a fan of everything Jewish. He says he’s a Catholic but he also follows the teachings of some Orthodox rabbis and takes part in Jewish religious activities, if that makes any sense. If Songbird is right that one of his grandparents was Jewish, that would make it just a little less eccentric though.

    I forgot to inquire your opinion on the Huberman schtick and latest internet buzzings.

    Sorry, I haven’t followed that story. I did read some paragraphs of the article when you mentioned it but it was quite long and I lost interest. I’m not a big fan of Huberman. I’ve seen some interesting episodes of his with good interviews but I’m not particularly interested in his recommendations. As a general rule, I mistrust people who actively promote stuff like Athletic Greens on their shows.

    It’s like none of these people know that nine eleven was an inside job.

    Nine eleven was obviously carried out by Atta’s group. Perhaps a relative of Attia’s??

  772. songbird 说:

    Just looked up the details myself. It’s a bit hard to follow, but I think he said that his grandfather’s mother was Jewish. (And his grandfather wasn’t raised a Jew – his grandfather only found out shortly before his death). And Milei’s great grandmother’s father was a rabbi.


    • 回复: @Mikel
    , @Mr. XYZ
  773. @Mikel

    I did read some paragraphs of the article when you mentioned it but it was quite long and I lost interest.

    It has one invaluable tidbit near the end. The deceived women who collaborated with the writer on this gem have an online support group called care bears or something which is so perfect it might be made up.

    On youtube you can scroll through ads for athletic greens and similar stupidity. It’s only the first couple dozen episodes I endorse. 98% of anything useful he has ever learned is in those. The interview with Buss is also good as Buss tells him you can’t have long term relationships with six different women and you might pause the video to take in the look on Huberman’s face.

    I never heard him say one word pro or con regarding the corona virus experimental gene medicine which maybe is Sherlock Holmes’ dog that does not bark. Also what he says about adderall, ritalin, and modafinil is 不诚实的. He admits to taking large doses testosterone.

    Did you read the part where he sold out the Sidney Opera House? Some of this is really crazy.

    Perhaps a relative of Attia’s?

    Attia reports his namesake was an Egyptian.

  774. For the first time since 1944 there has been an explosion at the Glascoed shell filling factory in South Wales. This fills 85% of UK shells. The site is expanding at speed. No one was killed. Explosive sites are designed for individual production cells to blow up but for production to continue. Makes them resistant to bombing too. Production continues. The main limit is actually storage space for shells to settle for 6 months prior to testing. The settling sheds are being expanded. I suggest that they are producing at maximum and using a high proportion of new workers. Mistakes will be made.

    The world is short of guncotton. Only China, the US and the UK made it in quantity and most came from China. The UK at least has reserve stocks. No shortage yet. Europe is short of TNT since ICI closed in North Wales 209 years ago. The only volume site left is in Poland. The US has enough for its own needs but not for important export. Australia, Canada, India and Japan are middle sized manufacturers specializing in mining. China has over half of world production.

  775. @Philip Owen

    Just in time inventory geniuses are reported to be enjoying their plush retirement digs.

  776. QCIC 说:
    @Philip Owen

    I wonder how much cannon fodder the UK is willing to lose? Boris and Rishi say, “All of it!”

    Other than a few subcons (friends of Sher Singh) and islanders, how many POC are in the British military?

  777. songbird 说:

    Seems like every time there is a freak accident in America, it involves immigrants whether legal or illegal. For example, this trash from the space station that punched a hole through a man in Florida’s roof:


  778. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    To be fair, legally speaking, he’s only married to one of them, though he technically gets to enjoy sex with both of them since both of them share the very same set of reproductive organs. So, he’s always simultaneously being faithful and committing adultery lol.

    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @John Johnson
  779. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    She certainly seems like the kind of hot girl who could literally crush one in the bedroom:

    I wonder what Brooklynn Sittner will look like once she will become an adult. Probably bulkier than Cambei but still pretty attractive.

  780. Mikel 说:

    Just looked up the details myself. It’s a bit hard to follow

    Yes, sounds like a made up claim to justify his obsession lol.

    Lots of people in Europe (perhaps most) could find some such distant Jewish connection if they tried hard enough. The exceptions may be Iberia, Ireland and Iceland, on the Western periphery. In the case of Iberia it’s just due to the mass expulsion of the 15th century but plenty of converts remained so genetically there may actually be as many Jewish descendants as anywhere else on the continent.

    • 回复: @songbird
  781. AP 说:

    As strange as it is to see this ME factionalism in Europe and the Anglophone world, it is even stranger to see it in LatAm, in Argentina and Brazil

    There are many people of Middle Eastern descent in Latin America. Argentina had a Lebanese president (this country also has a huge Jewish population, that had been attacked by Iranian terrorists), the richest man in Mexico is Lebanese, Shakira is half-Arab, etc.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @QCIC
  782. AP 说:


    还有 LondonBob,去年四月:


    “Ukrainians are in a state of collapse.”

    2015 年(!):


    “the current regime in Kiev collapses, which is not far off.”

  783. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Nayib Bukele in El Salvador is also of Arab Christian descent if I recall correctly (though his dad subsequently converted from Christianity to Islam and became a Muslim imam).

    Back in my high school and maybe middle school (I don’t remember when exactly she came over here), there was this one girl from Venezuela. Much later, I discovered that she was apparently at least in part of Arab descent.

    A lot of the Arabs in Latin America I would suspect are Christian rather than Muslim, just like apparently most Ellis Island Arab immigrants to the US were Christian.

    Off-topic, but Brazil also has a sizable Japanese community.

  784. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Interestingly enough, by the 1910s (certainly by 1914-1918), the Brits ended up regretting the fact that their country did not support Russia back in the late 1870s when Russia wanted to mostly expel the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans. 1910s Brits viewed this as a golden missed opportunity to significantly improve the lives of the Balkan peoples.

    Of course, had Russia wanted to, Russia could have tried militarily intervening against the Ottomans in the mid-1890s during the Hamidian massacres, but Russia was Armenophobic back then and thus decided not to do this, though apparently the idea of having Russia launch an amphibious invasion of the Straits during this time was nevertheless very seriously considered by the Russian government but still ultimately decided against as too risky and potentially provocative to the other European Great Powers.

  785. Mr. XYZ 说:

    So, he’s still good enough to immigrate to Israel if he won’t practice any other religion. If his grandfather’s mother was Jewish, then this is enough to make this grandfather Jewish and thus enough to give Milei himself immigration rights to Israel through his (half-)Jewish grandfather based on Israel’s Law of Return.

  786. QCIC 说:

    I’m curious about the Jewish history of Venezuela. Does anyone have any good references? I think the power structure in general is probably interesting with Dutch, English and Indian groups right there 20 miles offshore to meddle and stir the pot.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  787. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, but they both whisper in his ears, sniping and saying bad things about the other — at the same time!

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  788. songbird 说:

    Yes, sounds like a made up claim to justify his obsession lol.

    A rabbi whose daughter left the fold does sound a little too good to be true. (Or maybe that is what one would expect in a politician? Selected for verbal tilt) Could be like Elizabeth Warren. There must probably be a few anyway. I wonder if anyone would check up on it. Would be really funny if someone disapproved it.

    The last mayor of Mexico City was Jewish.

    The numbers for Arab descent are higher than I thought. (must be partial.).
    Brazil: 9-12 million
    Argentina: 4.5 million

    It is surprising how many LatAm-associated celebs seem to have Arab ancestry.

    But I still find it pretty surprising. These are places with some pretty scary-looking slums. (Though I guess true of America). But seems like anyway they are places where the middle class has a lot of worries and it is hard to understand how there could be all this signaling about a place so geographically removed and seemingly economically unimportant. (I know there are some trade deals.)

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @AP
  789. Wokechoke 说:

    BBC just published an article identifying 50,000 dead Ruskies over 2 years.

    Furthermore half of these dead are former convicts. This looks like a definitive survey of data too.

    The data suggests that the Russians are emptying their jails rapidly and battle hardening their criminal underclass. They’ll have got rid of many troublesome Central Asians this way.

    Has the war been a Eugenic success for Russia after all? Next generation war reforms and emptied prisons. The Punishment battalions have heavy casualties at first but then once they get the hang of it they tend to survive their tour okay enough.


    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @Mikhail
  790. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Or they might be both whispering “Sexy Lord!” in his ears lol! You know what that can do to a man’s sense of self-importance lol!

  791. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Latin America might have been more attractive in the past. A lot of Arabs and/or their ancestors probably immigrated to Latin America several decades or more ago, back when Latin America might have possibly looked more impressive in a relative sense.

    1930s Argentina certainly compares better to the 1930s US than 2020s Argentina does to the 2020s US, that’s for sure!

    • 回复: @Derer
  792. @Mr. XYZ

    To be fair, legally speaking, he’s only married to one of them, though he technically gets to enjoy sex with both of them since both of them share the very same set of reproductive organs.

    Married to one vagina and two women to outvote him in any matter.

    It’s Dante’s version of polygamy.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Derer
  793. @Wokechoke

    Has the war been a Eugenic success for Russia after all? Next generation war reforms and emptied prisons.


    Putin wiped out over a thousand officers within the first 48 hours of the invasion by wasting his Spetsnaz.

    Using prisoners that would not have bred anyways while in prison doesn’t change the population genetics.

    Probably some government savings in prison costs and especially since it sounds like they normally try to cheat the family of any benefits.

    But I don’t see this war being eugenic for either side. Modern war is naturally dysgenic due to the brave being more inclined to fight than the immoral or cowardly. You’d have to work at making it eugenic.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Wokechoke
  794. AP 说:

    I know a woman from a rich Colombian family who is half-Arab (Christian).

    I don’t think the people of Middle-Eastern descent in Latin America live in the slums.

    • 同意: songbird
    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  795. songbird 说:

    Read that men move around more while sleeping than women.

    Are men more keyed to be wakeful of danger? Or women keyed to be less likely to wake a baby?

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  796. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    What I’m curious about is what happens if the other female conjoined twin also marries? Would this mean that both of their husbands would have to share one vagina to both take turns fucking lol?

  797. Mr. XYZ 说:

    I don’t think the people of Middle-Eastern descent in Latin America live in the slums.

    They don’t. They are, possibly along with Latin America’s Jews, a part of the commercial elite of those countries. Interestingly enough, Middle Eastern Christians might also play a similar role here in the US, and possibly even back home in the Middle East as well.

    BTW, Salma Hayek is a Christian half-Lebanese Mexican woman:

    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon
  798. Mr. XYZ 说:
    @John Johnson

    I could see Russia embracing artificial womb technology once it will become developed if Russia will still remain authoritarian in order to eugenically mass produce huge numbers of babies and then raise them en masse in state-run orphanages. A high-tech version of what previously happened in Ceaucescu’s Romania.


    If ectogenesis is undertaken at scale by autocratic states, large numbers of children could be raised without a parent. This would be unprecedented in recent times. The few historical examples of raising large numbers of children “for the benefit of the state” offer some very sobering lessons. According to the philosopher Plutarch, the ancient militaristic Greek city-state of Sparta (in the form of a council of elders) decided whether newborns were strong enough to live or die, “on the grounds that it is neither better for themselves nor for the city to live [their] natural life poorly equipped.” At around the age of 7, most Spartan boys would leave home for the agoge, the state-sponsored education program that would train them for battle in the name of Sparta.

    Orphanages aren’t a useful precedent either, because for the most part, their goal is to place their children with families, or at least with parents. The driver behind state-driven ectogenesis would be a lack of adults wanting to raise children. In these countries, raising children without parents would become a feature of the system, not a bug.

    Democratic governments will also need to plan for a world where ectogenesis goes forward in the autocracies, but is banned in the democracies. What effect will that have on geopolitics? Will this asymmetry eventually play a major role in determining the outcome of the Cold War 2.0?

    I also wouldn’t be surprised if in the future some Ultra-Based Russian government will start raiding Ukrainian sperm banks for high-quality Ukrainian sperm so that future generations of Russians will have more Ukrainian DNA lol. Ukraine probably isn’t going to be willing to voluntarily sell its own sperm to Russia nowadays, after all. Not after everything that happened over the last 11 years.

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
  799. @songbird

    Dement’s book on sleep is excellent.

    In the first chapter and maybe even the first paragraph he explains that sleep is very poorly researched because it is very expensive to do it.

    Last night I dreamed I was walking on my hands for hundreds of yards. It was fabulous. In real life I can barely do a handstand against a wall for 30 seconds.

    • 谢谢: songbird
  800. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Classic BBC BS. Regarding its misuse of a meat grinder strategy and interpretation of Russian KIA:


    Kiev regime armed combatant fatalities are likely in the 40o,000-500,00o range to Russia probably being between 50,000-150,000, more likely 50,000-100,000.

    • 同意: Derer
    • 回复: @Wokechoke
    , @John Johnson
  801. Derer 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    1930s Argentina certainly compares better to the 1930s US than 2020s Argentina does to the 2020s US, that’s for sure!

    I agree, but for the 2020 my evidence is reversed of yours. BTW, do not argue with the GDP nonsense – because the utility cannot be measured numerically.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  802. Derer 说:
    @John Johnson

    The male sex drive is so powerful that if it were to be eliminated, the entire economy would crush in one day. There would be nobody to work, nobody in school. All we would do is lie around and eat and fart and get fat.
    The sex drive is what makes men get up in the morning. It’s the machine that runs the world. Why do men want to become successful? To get women…It doesn’t get much deeper than this. And the quality stays the same too.

  803. Wokechoke 说:

    50,000 sounds like a lot but that’s just a ww1 battle.

    The writers appear to have missed some of the implications.

    At worst the Russians have used punishment battalions and gouged out much of Ukraine with it.

    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @AP
  804. Wokechoke 说:
    @John Johnson

    Special forces are way overrated. Very sure of themselves but always a little lost. Mostly theatrical.

    See Paddy Mayne or David Sterling or for that matter the other founder…what’s his name. Jock Lewes.

    I’m very interested in the emptied out prisons.

    Couldn’t we dump all the niggers into some battle in Rwanda?

    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @John Johnson
  805. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Such casualty guesstimates can be geopolitically motivated. The BBC and Kiev regime appear reluctant to give a fuller and more accurate accounting of Kiev regime armed combatant fatalities, while exaggerating those on the Russian side. This matter brings to mind a not-so-distant conflict.

    Western mass media and body politic were prone to put the Bosnian Civil War fatalities at 250,000-350,000, whereas some others besides myself were of the belief that the number was in the range of 75,000-125,000. Years later, it became universally accepted that the three-way (Serb, Croat and Slavic Muslim Bosniak) Bosnian Civil War death toll is in the 100,000 range.

    The noticeably higher and incorrect Bosnian Civil War casualty number appears influenced by those yearning for intervention against the Serbs who were winning. Conversely, the downplaying of Kiev regime fatalities and exaggeration of Russia’s dead serves to better maintain Kiev regime-controlled Ukraine morale, while attempting to enhance discord in Russia.

    From that BBC BS piece:

    The term meat grinder has been used to describe the way Moscow sends waves of soldiers forward relentlessly to try to wear down Ukrainian forces and expose their locations to Russian artillery.

    Actually, the term meat grinder has been used to describe the way the Kiev regime has attempted to defend positions at a great human cost. In addition, is the Kiev regime’s massive losses incurred during its much ballyhooed “counter-offensive”.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  806. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Well, per capita, Argentina is about 1.5 times less homicidal than the US is, but the US’s high rate is primarily due to its blacks. Don’t go into heavily black areas, and you should be fine!

    Just how many people want to immigrate to Argentina vs. the US? For the US, I suspect that it’s over 100 million people worldwide.

  807. AP 说:

    50,000 sounds like a lot but that’s just a ww1 battle.

    50,000 was the number verified by online obituaries. It does not include MIA or people whose deaths weren’t posted online. The actual number based on the 50,000 ones posted online is a bit over 100,000.

    Also it doesn’t include casualties from the Donbas Republics (a few 10ks).

    To put it in perspective: Russia lost up to 70,000 dead in its war against Japan. America (with a much larger population than Russia) lost 58,000 dead in Vietnam.


    Using similar methods, Ukrainian dead are similar to Russian, around 100,000.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  808. Wokechoke 说:

    The BBC can be through enough.

    It’s funny how you don’t think I don’t understand various ways to make statistical estimates. The number of American KIA in Vietnam is well known to me.

    By my reckoning the Russians would accept 500,000 KIA over Crimea.

  809. Wokechoke 说:

    Meat Grinder tended to mean battles with vast numbers of infantry facing overwhelming firepower opposing it.

    See Rhzev 1941.

    Even Bakhmut, never turned into that.

    The Russian use of punishment battalions in ww2 and in Bakhmut are distinctive enough not to be the same. The Ukies don’t have overwhelming firepower anywhere on the front.

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  810. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Kiev regime side kept putting in troops to defend Bakhmut, who were in turn annihilated. Their hyped counteroffensive was meat grinder like. Matters like these are omitted by pro-Kiev regime sources. In addition to not wanting to sacrifice their morale and try to enhance discord in Russia, they cling to the false notion that getting more aid will lead to a Kiev regime victory and/or a better result.

    As was true in Bosnia, I’m pretty certain my believed projections on the Russia-Kiev regime/NATO proxy war will prove correct. Years later when there’s not as much attention with new BS being spewed by the same geopolitically leaning folks.

    To date, Kiev regime armed combatant fatalities are likely in the 40o,000-500,00o range to Russia probably being between 50,000-150,000, more likely 50,000-100,000.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @AnonfromTN
  811. songbird 说:

    Some things I have noticed about Gemini:
    -often cites research papers that have no connection to what it is saying.
    -often employs Arabic vocab (dual, with the script.)

    Last is kind of weird. Other than fully adopted words, only word I have ever heard is aṣabiyya. It is not clear to me what the utility of these other words are. But I have not yet seen it employ any other foreign terms but only Arabic ones.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  812. QCIC 说:

    Special forces are for assassination-type of jobs. Being special may not help much in the chaos of regular combat. There is always the chance they were in Kiev for some assassination and control work and got set up by the inside men the Russians thought they had in Ukraine. Either that or they got the duty because they were the least amount of men Russians could burn to make the Kiev feint look very real. After all, why send a bunch of Spetsnaz if you are not seriously attacking? If so, their songs will eventually be sung for taking an unwinnable mission and not whining about it.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  813. songbird 说:

    Think I recall some meme that Euros had the best cave art and that everyone else had terrible art.

    Don’t know how true it holds up exactly, but I think there is at least a grain of truth in it. That is, some other global art seems a lot more abstract than Lascaux, and frankly less impressive. (Though I think there are exceptions)

    I wonder if this could be related to the fact that there are more hallucinogens nearer to the tropics.


  814. Mr. Hack 说:

    they cling to the false notion that getting more aid will lead to a Kiev regime victory and/or a better result.

    Well, it looks like the long awaited Ukraine aid package will be voted upon this coming Saturday, and then we’ll see if its a false notion or not. Here’s what Mike Johnson had to say about what finally prompted him to put his own job on the line and move forward with this vote:

    WASHINGTON — House Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday he plans to break through a high-stakes impasse on Ukraine aid with a Saturday night vote — as opponents of new funding for Kyiv threaten to oust him in protest.

    The $95 billion package includes $60.84 billion in funding to assist Ukraine against Russia, along with $26.38 billion for Israel and $8.12 billion for countering China, about half of which would go toward Taiwan.

    I’m a child of the ’80s. I regard myself as a Reagan Republican. I understand the concept of maintaining peace through strength,” Johnson (R-La.) said in a Wednesday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

    Rumour has it that the Ghost of Kyiv decided to fly a special mission to Washington DC and escort the Ghost of Reagan to Johnson’s residence and convince him to do the right thing. 🙂

    • 回复: @sudden death
    , @QCIC
    , @Mikhail
  815. @Mikhail

    Kiev regime armed combatant fatalities are likely in the 40o,000-500,00o range to Russia probably being between 50,000-150,000, more likely 50,000-100,000.

    MacGregor and Ritter made similar unsourced claims two years ago.

    “Ukraine is out of men and it’s over”

    – Ritter every month for a year before switching to his proclamation that the IDF would face tunnel hell

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  816. @songbird

    Gemini thinks Alexander Hamilton and Anne Boleyn were negroes.

    Oxford University dug up a ten year old Nick Bostrom post on negro IQ and has terminated the Institute for the Future of Humanity.


    Bostrom has tenure so they are going to keep him around and stick specks of dust in his eye or something.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  817. Beckow 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    …Gemini thinks Alexander Hamilton and Anne Boleyn were negroes.

    Stepping stones to greatness. So far the negro claims mostly use famous victims, people who lost, Cleopatra too. I can’t wait until Henry VIII or Ceasar are negroes…that’s when the sh..t will really flow.

    To be fair, visual history is always full of self-aggrandizement. Afro-mania is only absurd because of its obviousness. Achilles in 特洛伊 was played by Brad Pitt…people like to live in Wakandas. Check out the Normandy “WW2 victory” celebrations.

  818. songbird 说:

    Man on paraglider pets vulture. Vulture seems to be playfully trying to pick off crud from the bottom of his shoe:



    Altogether, the man seems much more logical and restrained than the diver who tried to wack a humpback’s tail as it was going by.

    Vulture is pretty well-behaved, all things considered. (Some have quite powerful beaks and claws) But I would be worried about diseases.

    • 谢谢: QCIC
    • 回复: @QCIC
  819. @Mr. Hack

    Can’t believe my ears, lol

    But won’t say anything more untill the bill is really passed – actions, not words will show the existing intentions in reality;)

    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @Mikel
  820. @sudden death

    Actions are indeed what matter.

    If he actually allows a vote it is only because he is facing threats from both sides. There are bipartisan plans in the works to circumvent or even remove him.

    The guy is full of shit. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he is compromised.

    Johnson has been delaying this vote since last year.

  821. @Wokechoke

    Special forces are way overrated. Very sure of themselves but always a little lost. Mostly theatrical.

    Well that’s your opinion that they are overrated in war but it is a fact that they are much more likely to have a college degree than regular conscripts. They often speak multiple languages and need to know how to operate and maintain a variety of weapon platforms and vehicles. In the US it is an extremely competitive field.

    It’s dysgenic to wipe out a few thousand of them and especially in a country like Russia where they seem to have an excess of half-suicidal ne’er do wells.

    I’m very interested in the emptied out prisons.

    Couldn’t we dump all the niggers into some battle in Rwanda?

    I think this would be a great opportunity to send over some of our prison Blacks.

    Give them a bounty of a dozen Russians and they get early parole.

    Democrats will probably let most of them out early anyways.

    • 回复: @Wokechoke
  822. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    If the bill is passed it means they want World War 3. The military and State department know that more aid to Ukraine will lead to more destruction in the country but will not stop Russia.

    If the funding is approved I wonder if Russia will destroy major substations in the Western part of the power grid to force the nuclear plants to do a controlled shutdown? Once the reactors have cooled off they are much less of a “salt the earth” target for the West. This widespread loss of power would also accelerate the civilian exodus from the country.

    The trick play ending would be that Ukrainians throw out their Western-aligned compradors and somehow the money is redirected to pay reparations to Russia 😉

    • 回复: @Beckow
  823. @Philip Owen

    “China has over half of world production.”

    That seems to be true of rather a lot of things.



    即使从历史上看(自工业革命以来)也是 14%。



  824. AnonfromTN 说:



  825. Beckow 说:

    …If the bill is passed it means they want World War 3. The military and State department know that more aid to Ukraine will lead to more destruction in the country but will not stop Russia.

    There is an alternative: $60 billion in funny money out of thin air is not that much – most of it will go to the usual suspects. Why not throw it in to buy a few months?

    Nobody wants WW3 but they must act as if the fear of WW3 will not deter them. They are like screaming monkeys on a hillside, the group dynamic took over, it is tribal.

    Russia’s strategy is to gradually squeeze life out of Ukraine: economy, people, energy, military…it will get to the point where Ukies will be held by thin threads and either negotiate or collapse. The only thing that can delay it is a massive Nato onsite intervention with tens of thousands soldiers – all out war of Nato against Russia.

    It would either go nuclear very quickly or the casualties would be so horrendous that it would change Europe forever – a reset moment with everything on the table. The odds are that Nato would lose a land-war and the elites don’t want to risk the consequences. It is a bluff as it was from the start – once Russia called the bluff in Crimea they should have called it off…too late now. Or a miracle happens to save them…:)

    • 回复: @QCIC
  826. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @John Johnson

    – The IDF is far from defeating Hamas
    – Russia has gotten militarily stronger since 2/24/22
    – the Kiev regime has gotten militarily weaker
    – Hodges said the Kiev regime would be in Crimea by now.

  827. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. Hack

    Such aid, aides corruption and perhaps a delay of the inevitable, regarding an armed conflict to go on, leading to more Kiev regime armed combatant suffering that it can’t take so well, relative to Russia.

    Holding on to the empire w/ Brian Berletic

  828. Jan 2023 Vice article quotes Bostrom saying niggers.



    Prominent AI Philosopher and ‘Father’ of Longtermism Sent Very Racist Email to a 90s Philosophy Listserv

    26 years before Jan 2023, so sometime in 1997. Oh my. That must have been delightful when the Oxford guy with the power to end the shining of their star decided to do so. Think anybody bothered to ask Bostrom about it?

    • 回复: @songbird
  829. @AnonfromTN

    The first reason to discuss casualties is simply because they are interesting to anyone who is interested in war.

    The second reason to discuss them is that it gives us an idea of the relative combat efficiency of both armies.

    The third reason to discuss them is that it allows us to examine the veracity of the respective sides.

    The fourth, and probably most important, reason to discuss them is that it gives us an idea of when the belligerents may suffer shortages of manpower due to attrition.

    There are probably other reasons.

    My personal belief is that casualties are relatively equal with a slight imbalance in favor of the Russian side. The belligerents are relatively evenly matched in IQ, training, leadership, doctrine, organization, and other such critical human factors. Presently Russia has a manpower advantage on the front but in the past the Ukrainian Army was larger than the Russian forces it engaged. Russia has held a firepower advantage throughout the war. Ukraine has advantages in intelligence.

    Therefore there is no reason to expect wildly different casualties between the belligerents. The Russian firepower edge is a reasonable basis for expecting a slight Russian advantage in the casualty exchange ratio considering that artillery has inflicted a majority of human casualties in the past century plus of land warfare.

    At current rates of attrition the Ukraine is likely to suffer attritional collapse in 2027 unless it can drastically increase state capacity. Of course, things aren’t anymore likely to stay the same over the next three years than they did over the past two years.

    • 不同意: Mikhail
  830. Mikel 说:
    @sudden death

    Can’t believe my ears

    Johnson was always your friend while you thought he was another one of those Putin secret operatives LOL

    From the day he was elected Speaker he said the very same rubbish that he yesterday repeated on CNN (of all places): that we must defeat the Russians in Ukraine or we’ll have to fight them closer to home, that Putin will not stop in Ukraine and will continue marching on the rest of Europe and all that neocon bullcrap we’re all used to.

    You got totally confused because he also promised that any foreign aid package (except for Israel) would be conditioned to measures to secure the US southern border. He had to promise that in order to get the green light from the MAGA/Freedom Caucus sector. But it was always a given that sooner or later he would introduce some Ukraine aid package (and that it would pass, the votes are still there).

    What is quite astounding is that he has totally capitulated and introduced the bill without getting any concession on the border from the Dems whatsoever. But that is not the worst part. The worst part is that he has surrendered on everything else: no spending cuts, omnibus appropriations bill full of ridiculous spending packages, full funding for the agencies that are persecuting Trump and MAGA Republicans, extension of FISA,… if anything, he’s proven to be worse than McCarthy.

    The Democrats would have to be crazy to give in to any last minute concession this loser demands from them, like turning the aid package into a loan, reversing the LNG export ban or any of those little gestures of good will that have been hinted at lately. Why surrender one inch if you can get all you want from a fellow Uniparty comrade just by waiting a little longer. I don’t even believe that the Dems and the White House are all that worried about Ukraine. They would have agreed to slow down the invasion at the border long ago if they were. Even the response to the Israel-Iran flare up shows that they have also become quite dovish on foreign intervention matters, in line with the general trend in the US.

    Just relax and enjoy whatever relief the spring season brings to the gloomy Lithuanian climate. Putin is NOT going to invade you (unless maybe you insist very hard and send your army to recapture Crimea and Donbas). And if he ever does, Johnson is one of your best friends on this side of the Atlantic.


    Can anyone dream of a better embodiment of a do-nothing, continue funding NPR type of Republican? LOL

    • 回复: @A123
  831. Beckow 说:

    …Maybe many years after this war ends we find out the real numbers, maybe not.

    More likely not. Today’s ruling elite is more obsessed with hiding the truth than societies used to be. Nato explicitly defines “information” as part of fighting a war (Russia, China probably too). It is kind of ironic that as information became more quickly available a panicky hysterical stop-the-presses elite reaction took over.

    The actual casualties are not that important other than to the victims. The numbers are too low – neither side will run out of soldiers. It is the impact on morale that matters, that’s why the lying. At some point Ukie conscripts will face such bad odds that they will put their heads down and do nothing or surrender.

    People ask why did Germans fight till the end, but the truth is that most didn’t: they were told to delay the Russian victory in the east long enough so the Anglos can come to save them. It didn’t quite work. Most Germans in the west in 1945 were surrendering faster than the French surrender monkeys in 1940. They fought the Russians because they were told that they would be killed if they don’t and the Anglos are on their way – you can see all of this in the German news reports in 1945…

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  832. @Mr. XYZ

    I like her stare.

    “What do you think you’re looking at?”

  833. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    During the OJ trial, Johnny Cochran compared Mark Fuhrman to Hitler, after old tapes from the ’80s emerged where he used the word “Nigger” 41x.


    This article excerpts all the instances: (towards the bottom.)

    Fuhrman also said that Judge Ito’s wife had gotten ahead with sexual favors.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  834. @songbird

    I missed the part where he called Ito’s wife a whore. That’s some great management where the judge and the prosecution’s star witness hate each others’ guts.

    Anybody ever visited Coeur d’Alene? The media reports make it sound like it’s run by the Aryan Nations prison gang and retired Los Angeles police.

    • 回复: @songbird
    , @John Johnson
    , @LatW
  835. @Thorfinnsson

    The Wehrmacht consistently killed more soldiers than they lost, yet Germany lost WW2.

    The German Army was still occupying chunks of France and Belgium at the Armistice, yet Germany lost WW1.

    So it’s neither territory nor men.

    I would love (for their sake) to see Ukraine losing lots of territory this year, but I’ve been hearing Ukraine are about to collapse since well before Bakhmut, perhaps Severodonetsk.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  836. AnonfromTN 说:

    My personal belief is that casualties are relatively equal with a slight imbalance in favor of the Russian side. The belligerents are relatively evenly matched in IQ, training, leadership, doctrine, organization, and other such critical human factors.

    In the absence of any reliable data we are free to believe whatever we want. As to even match, I disagree. Factor by factor:

    IQ, leadership, organization

    These things were roughly equal in the 1990s. Comparison of the state of Ukraine and Russia today suggests that Russian intelligence, organization, and leadership is vastly superior. Otherwise Ukraine wouldn’t be in such a deep shit even before the war started.


    Older officers in both armies act by whatever they were taught in the USSR. But the USSR disappeared >30 years ago, so that the majority of officers today were taught long after that. If Ukrainian officers were taught by NATO standards, they are significantly inferior. I am saying this based on previous experience: in the 2008 war with Georgia only the units that relied on Soviet training and did not go through NATO training offered meaningful resistance, the rest changed into civilian clothes and ran away.


    An additional factor is that Ukraine has already sacrificed trained soldiers and officers. As one of the Polish mercs who recently left Ukraine said, trained and motivated are already dead. Now Ukraine is forcibly drafting unmotivated men and sending them to the front with minimal training to replace casualties (a lot of Ukrainian POWs tell pretty much the same story). In contrast, Russia relies on those who voluntarily sign contracts with the ministry of defense. It is getting ~30,000 per month of these people. Because only a fraction of Russian army participates in the war, it does not experience much pressure for speed and trains them for several months before sending into combat.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  837. @sudden death

    Also found some context in time – roughly twenty years ago Greece was a financial land of milk&honey compared with relatively recent post-Soviet (non-EU, non-NATO yet) Lithuanian annual wages:

  838. A123 说: • 您的网站

    It looks like “Kiev First, America Last” is going to score a big win. I always thought some money for Ukraine would be traded for a border bill. This complete capitulation is shocking. Johnson got nothing.

    Everything became worse after the Top Secret FISA briefing. Is Johnson being blackmailed? Or, is he simply a moron?

    With such a tight margin in the House, getting rid of him would be exceedingly risky. What if some #永不特朗普 RINO’s backed a DNC Speaker? There is no good option.


    • 回复: @Mikel
    , @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
  839. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I missed the part where he called Ito’s wife a whore.

    apparently she used to work on the police force. And they almost had a mistrial after it.

    Marcia Clark claims to have been raped in Israel:


    A weird part of Israel: (on the Red Sea)

    • 回复: @songbird
  840. @YetAnotherAnon

    在两次世界大战中,德国陆军造成的伤亡通常比其承受的伤亡多出 50%。

    Because they were massively outnumbered and outgunned, they lost both wars despite their much greater combat effectiveness.

    It’s true enough that in WW1 that the German Army hadn’t yet been pushed back into Germany when the country sued for peace, but the writing was on the wall and the army was beginning to crumble.

    Hence the military leadership informed the political leadership that they should sue for peace.

    Nazi Germany was a different kind of state and fought very nearly to the bitter end.

    Predictions of a swift Ukrainian collapse are nearly always copium from intellectually dishonest (or just uninformed) commenters. The Ukrainian Army is now slightly outnumbered, so it’s starting to lose ground. But it’s still a very large and pretty effective army. If the Ukraine collapses suddenly it would be for political rather than military reasons.

    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  841. @AnonfromTN

    Ukrainian genotypic IQ is relatively similar to Russian, slightly lower due to Northern Russians being somewhat more intelligent to Southern Russians and Ukrainians. The very slight Great Russian IQ advantage is offset by the non-slavic minority groups in Russia.

    Top leadership in neither army seems to be terribly impressive. Gerasimov’s response to Ukrainian successes in the fall of 2022 was to obsess about shaving, but maybe he had Zaluzhnyi beat who didn’t enforce basic military discipline on right-wing groups and is apparently dumb enough to think that Gerasimov is a strategic genius. Syrskyi may be a bit better, having been successful at both Kiev and Kharkov.

    As for junior and mid level leadership, my impression was that earlier in the war Ukrainian officers and NCOs were better due to the post-Maidan military reforms being relatively successful whereas the Serdyukov reforms failed (and it’s not like Shoigu knows the finer points of mission tactics).

    These people are however now mostly dead, and now I have to give the edge to Russia due to battlefield promotions and simply having a larger force which allows for more training time.

    The same applies to troop training.

    The Ukraine should be conscripting people much more aggressively than it currently is, but yes, it is now suffering from the fact that the most enthusiastic soldiers are mostly already dead.

    The assertion that Russian intelligence is better is not supportable. The war is being fought in the Ukraine, the SBU has consistently been far more ruthless than the FSB, and the Ukraine gets access to GAE intelligence.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
  842. QCIC 说:

    I think the US deep state will be likely to escalate in Ukraine if the money comes through. In any event, the results will look bad for the Biden administration. I suppose if they give up on the presidential race the crooks could just take the money and run, using most of it for bribes. If they think Trump has already won, they could use some of the money to create as much trouble for his administration as possible. The results may also depend on what Chabad wants to happen in Ukraine.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  843. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Anybody ever visited Coeur d’Alene? The media reports make it sound like it’s run by the Aryan Nations prison gang and retired Los Angeles police.

    I’ve been there and it is even scarier than media reports suggest.

    It’s filled with boomers in golf polos wandering around and asking where they should go for lunch.

    They have smartphones and it still takes them 30-40 minutes to pick a restaurant.


  844. songbird 说:

    The OJ case really had everything in it. Was the maid next door (from El Salvador) an illegal?

    The first helicopter to film the Bronco chase was piloted by this guy who became a tranny. He also filmed blacks during the LA riots. The name he is using now is Zoey Tur. I will not link to the wiki page because it is really gross.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  845. LatW 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard


    This is not really a topic to be discussed publicly. But keep in mind that Coeur d’Alene has been experiencing gentrification since Covid (it’s not a big place to begin with), a lot of folks from other states have moved there since. Including from Cali (with everything that comes with that, and there’s quite a bit of real estate development going on there, they are spreading out). So it might be that there is more hype than usual coming exactly from these types (who are not used to the normal Idaho culture, plus they have local wokes now, too). Thus maybe the perception from the media (mainstream media, too, have become more extreme left in recent years). North Cali implants should assimilate to the local culture that was defined by the former ideals.

    I was around Spokane a couple of years back, the men definitely become more rugged (e.g., normal masculine & more attractive, frankly), the further one goes from the coast, most of them are probably conservative, but not far right.

    It might be there are more “gangster” types in Boise, it might be more rough (Coeur d’Alene is fancier).

  846. Wokechoke 说:
    @John Johnson


    Pilots and aircrew both strategically and institutionally essential.

    Special forces, at least as far as their lineage goes in the west, grew in the environment of North Africa where the British were finding ways to raid German airfields. Stirling was a prize fool in many regards. Lewes never quite fit in and Paddy Mayne was built for war.

    Their first raid lead to everyone getting killed more or less. These men just didn’t fit elsewhere. They didn’t win the war. Colourful perhaps. Lol.

    The regiment is of course now known as the SAS which is the progenitor of the American special forces etc. They function as a semi regulated terrorist force at this point.

    Russian special forces have a different linage again. They still do airdrops on airfields. It’s bizarre.

    Germans had the Brandenberg Regiment as their Special forces. Different legal and institutional lineage. This was folded into the GSG9 which is more of a counter terrorism swat team.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  847. QCIC 说:

    It was classic Clown World when Tur threatened to beat up Ben Shapiro during a TV interview.

    • 回复: @songbird
  848. AnonfromTN 说:

    The assertion that Russian intelligence is better is not supportable.

    I mean the intelligence as in smarts, not spying.

    the SBU has consistently been far more ruthless than the FSB

    No doubt. That’s why the number of volunteers in Russia spiked after their terrorist attack in Crocus.

    the Ukraine gets access to GAE intelligence

    A fat lot of good it does it. You need resources to act upon the info you get. Brains don’t hurt, either. You must be sorely deficient in this department to willingly serve as cannon fodder in the war for the interests of a distant empire that works hard not to get its feet wet.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  849. @QCIC

    Either that or they got the duty because they were the least amount of men Russians could burn to make the Kiev feint look very real. After all, why send a bunch of Spetsnaz if you are not seriously attacking? I

    It was not a feint and the few thousand lost Spetsnaz are further evidence.

    It was a failed decapitation attack.

    In such an attack it does make sense to use a lot of special forces.

    The Ukrainians however correctly guessed the Kiev airport that the Russians would try to take and then they shelled it. That prevented re-enforcements from landing.

    There are some pretty crazy horror stories from Russians being on the tarmac and having shells land amidst total chaos.

    When Russia failed to quickly move in troops the Spetsnaz around the city were basically abandoned. From what I read there were few Spetsnaz prisoners taken which is fully allowed in warfare as they would be unprivileged combatants. Special forces and spies do not have to be taken prisoner and can be shot on site.

    • 不同意: QCIC
    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @LatW
  850. Beckow 说:

    …US deep state will be likely to escalate in Ukraine if the money comes through

    They would like to, but money is not the reason Kiev is losing. Money is secondary in wars, it only helps if everything else is also available.

    The deep state could turn it around by dropping bags of money on the Russians if they don’t advance. It could work, US has done it before. The problem is that the Ukies would get jealous and also want some, they could even get into firefights over it…:)

    • 回复: @LatW
  851. @Wokechoke

    Again I don’t see why you are talking about the utility of special forces.

    They’re simply more likely to have a college degree and from a eugenics perspective it is a terrible idea to wipe out a few thousand.

    That is also true for other officer heavy areas of the military. War used to be a lot less dysgenic when you could stack ne’er do wells in the front and keep the officers in the rear.

    WW1 was extremely dysgenic for the British as they had so many upper class officers that wanted to get their medals. They fought in the early and bloodiest battles where both sides didn’t adjust to the machine gun and trench war. The upper class officers would go “over the top” with their men for the sake of honor and then thousands of years of genetics were cut down in seconds.

  852. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    What’s the point discussing Russian and Ukrainian casualties? We have no reliable data: the first victim of every war is the truth. Ukies and pro-Ukies (including the media on the imperial patch) tend to exaggerate Russian casualties and reduce Ukrainian ones. Some lies are so far from the truth that they sound ridiculous: e.g., the Kiev clown said that Ukraine lost 30,000. Russia keeps mum about its casualties.


    To counter the absurd BBC BS which absurdly suggests otherwise. I agree with the rest of what you say here. No way are Kiev regime armed combatant fatalities less or near par to Russia’s

  853. QCIC 说:

    I came across a couple of unverified reports which might be related, assuming there is some truth to the reports.

    One claimed that Ukrainian drones had damaged a large Russian “Container” radar system which is employed to detect missiles at long range. The other purported to be recent video of the USAF loading live nuclear-armed cruise missiles on B-52s.

    If true, I would interpret this combination to be pressure on Russia to accept more favorable capitulation terms from Kiev. It is possible that after the serious Russian infrastructure strikes across Ukraine over the past couple of weeks, negotiations are happening at a more serious level.

  854. Beckow 说:

    …Brains don’t hurt…You must be sorely deficient in this department to willingly serve as cannon fodder in the war for the interests of a distant empire

    That’s what makes this war so interesting. There were cases before of some locals fighting for a distant empire: Syrian bought opposition, Libyan militias… It always happens on a small scale, usually with a direct quid-pro-quo: money handed over, promises of visas, etc…

    But to buy a whole country by paying off its tiny elite and promises of “bright future in Nato” to the rest is quite unique. How did they fall for it? Too many did – unquestionably millions of Ukies out of stupidity, hatred of Russia or nihilistic ennui, signed up for the worst deal of the century: die in large numbers as your country gets destroyed for the lame hope that it will ‘one-day’ join an acronym organization that organizes seminars, junkets, employs retired politicians, and occasionally bombs smaller neighbors. Who in the history has died for that?

    If we survive, I would bet that 100 years from now nobody will know what “Nato” even was. All that will remain is a destroyed country and millions of Ukies who could have lived. They had a normal life before 2014, imperfect but pleasant and affluent, also before 1991 for 40 years. They threw it away for a four-letter acronym…yep, deficient brains.

    • 同意: Gerard1234
    • 回复: @AP
  855. songbird 说:

    Hadn’t seen it.


    The way he talks, it is almost like he is trying to make people believe he was in the special forces. (Laxa?)

    • 回复: @QCIC
  856. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    More likely not. Today’s ruling elite is more obsessed with hiding the truth than societies used to be. Nato explicitly defines “information” as part of fighting a war (Russia, China probably too). It is kind of ironic that as information became more quickly available a panicky hysterical stop-the-presses elite reaction took over.

    The actual casualties are not that important other than to the victims. The numbers are too low – neither side will run out of soldiers. It is the impact on morale that matters, that’s why the lying. At some point Ukie conscripts will face such bad odds that they will put their heads down and do nothing or surrender.

    People ask why did Germans fight till the end, but the truth is that most didn’t: they were told to delay the Russian victory in the east long enough so the Anglos can come to save them. It didn’t quite work. Most Germans in the west in 1945 were surrendering faster than the French surrender monkeys in 1940. They fought the Russians because they were told that they would be killed if they don’t and the Anglos are on their way – you can see all of this in the German news reports in 1945…

    According to Scott Ritter, US WW II European casualty figures on a monthly basis was the greatest in April 1945, with that part of WW II ending in the second week of the following month.

    His point being that there could still be a good deal more of fighting and casualties concerning the Russia-Kiev regime/NATO proxy war. Then again, in WW II, people were generally more insulated from inconvenient realities that their ruling elites censored.

    The Kiev regime neo-Nazi types don’t want to surrender. I’m sure many of them don’t want to die. You’d think many of them should see a growing reality.

  857. Mikel 说:

    What if some #NeverTrump RINO’s backed a DNC Speaker?

    So be it then. There’s no meaningful difference between sending a RINO to Congress or sending a Dem. Both are going to act in a similar way on the topics that matter the most to me personally: border, foreign wars, culture war, debt, deep state. Why should I care if they form a natural coalition in the House rather than pretend that they are opposed as they’re doing now? It may actually be better to bring the lack of differences between RINOs and Dems to the open during this primary season. That may motivate some Republicans to vote for better representatives in DC. Polls show that most Republican voters favor MAGA policies but they don’t have enough motivation to take part in the primaries so they keep sending the same Establishment types to Congress, as Jesse Kelly pointed out recently. It may be risky to start a internecine war so close to the November election but the people who would vote for a Dem speaker are the same that would betray Trump if he were to win the election. Let them show their true colors. I’m with Massie and MTG.

    • 回复: @A123
  858. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson

    Your claims often support the notion that it was a GOOD feint.

    A serious military feint is so opposed to the Hollywood “leave no man behind” view of war that it may be difficult for some to accept. If the requirement is important enough the Russian military would use those men in a feint and the commanders would even expect it under the proper circumstances.

    War is hell. Those guys were pros and they knew that.

    PS: If it was not a feint we may never learn the details. If it was a feint some information will eventually be released.

  859. LatW 说:

    Most likely, most of it is not going to be “money” at all but steel – hardware. Most likely they will pull out the old equipment and send it over, the US will be replacing the short range ballistic missile so they might send some more ATACMS. One should do an inventory of what goes where (if the bill comes through) – my bet is that a lot of it will go back to the US, including all those training programs and such, those are US nationals getting paid.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  860. LatW 说:
    @John Johnson

    One of the main rebels, Pavel Gubarev, admitted recently that they were forced to leave Kyiv.

    From the interview below:

    “Pavel, you stood on the outskirts of Kyiv [in 2022], why did we leave? What was in the way?”

    “What you said that we stood right in front of Kyiv and could enter at any moment, that’s a misconception that I often encounter. As a witness of those events, I can refute this.”

    He goes on about how he arrived there on March 2nd, on his way there, he saw six columns of burnt Muscovite equipment, the bodies of soldiers burned to death had not even yet been removed. Then the news arrived from Hostomel, from Bucha, about the bloody mess that had begun there.

    He says “Nas tam zhdal’i” – “They were waiting for us” (Or “We were expected”). And with minimal forces “they showed such a strong resistance there, that we were bathed in blood”. He mentions the GRU, who suffered losses there. He’s even saying that he doesn’t want to dwell too deeply into this so as not to “discredit” the GRU. They had to leave and Putin just phrased it eloquently as a “good will gesture”.

    The departure from Kyiv had nothing to do with Putin’s good will, but with the fact that they were beaten there.

    “We did not stand under Kyiv, we suffered a row of serious defeats there,” and “Putin, in order to save face, pulled the troops and moved them in the Kharkiv direction”.

    In Russian (under More)


    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
  861. songbird 说:

    Two months before he was shot, Kennedy proposed a joint Soviet expedition to the Moon.

    Hard to say how serious he was. Some say he was looking to cancel the program.

    • 回复: @Mr. XYZ
  862. AnonfromTN 说:

    Almost on the same day one Ukrainian soldier shot three others who threatened to rape him and Ukie military command issued a circular on gender equality.

    Boris Rosin (under nickname colonelcassad) loves to troll Ukies. He wrote: those must have been gender equality specialists, and he shot them.

  863. A123 说: • 您的网站

    What if some #NeverTrump RINO’s backed a DNC Speaker?

    So be it then. There’s no meaningful difference between sending a RINO to Congress or sending a Dem. Both are going to act in a similar way

    Would Speaker Hakeem Jeffries pass legislation declaring Trump an “insurrectionist” and thus ineligible to be President? SCOTUS punted back to Congress.

    As bad as Johnson is… There are scenarios where things are worse.


  864. songbird 说:

    Tread water feeding. Bryde’s whale:


    • 回复: @LatW
  865. LatW 说:

    LOL, seagulls for lunch. Their “teeth” are like long brushes.

    • 回复: @songbird
  866. Matra 说:

    A rare good post on this forum. Alas, it will be ignored as, with few exceptions, the only people left here are drooling cheerleaders of either the Russian or Ukrainian governments. Basically, this forum is a battle of the tards: the ZAnon/Sovok tards versus the Ukie/NAFO tards.

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @AP
  867. A123 说: • 您的网站

    The genocidal aggression perpetrated by Iran and their proxy have drawn a justified and proportionate response from indigenous Palestinian Jews: (1)

    And just like that, Israel – having once again ignored Biden’s pleadings not to escalate the already tense situation – is retaliating against Iran’s weekend strike.

    Moments ago futures dumped, oil prices spiked, and treasury yields slumped amid social media reports and Reuters headlines that there have been three “huge explosions” near the central Iran cities of Natanz (location of an Iranian nuclear power plant) and Isfahan (location of the Iranian Nuclear Technology Center which is suspected of being the center of Iran’s nuclear weapons program), as well as simultaneous explosions in Iraq and Syria, where the Israel air force appears to be targeting pro-Iranian militias.



    Will sociopath Khamenei learn from his mistake? And, behave better?

    Will the war criminals of Hamas release hostages? And, stop using their coreligionists as human shields?


    (1) https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/futures-tumble-oil-and-gold-soar-reports-huge-explosions-central-iran-israeli-airstrikes

  868. songbird 说:

    Seagulls are fantastically aggressive – they are looking for the small fish. Someone told me that they once saw one trying to swallow a hambone. One end was in its throat.

    They might be trying to look for and catch them in the air. I used to find that seagulls had really good interception skills.

    Bryde’s whales pull some sort of maneuver that panics the fish and then open their mouths and literally have the fish leap into their mouths like this:


    • 回复: @LatW
  869. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    The departure from Kyiv had nothing to do with Putin’s good will, but with the fact that they were beaten there.

    Kiev regime side and France suggested they leave as a matter of goodwill to get the ball rolling on Istanbul. Absolutely no proof showing they were “beaten”, adding that the roughly 50,000 of them weren’t enough to take Kiev. The objective for having them there was to get the Kiev regime to the negotiating table, where a closely related version of the Minsk Accords was offered.

  870. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Talk about “drooling cheerleaders”. Overly simplistic and inaccurate.

  871. @A123

    Greta Therber is rooting for the Iranians.


    That is November but some things take awhile to diffuse into my information bubble.

  872. Gerard1234 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Hack – I thought you had grown out of your necrophiliac/pansexual phase?

    Mr Averko is one of the finest Eastern Europe historians of his generation you dumb POS. It’s a pleasure to read him on this part of the world. It’s very educational to read the great man

    And LMAO, I notice you are too embarassed and ashamed to talk about and quote any modern-era scumbag Ukrop historian…….which indicates everything, and shows your comments to Mr Averko are pure projection. You are benevolent to the point you know the sane commentators on here would injure themselves from laughter if you started quoting some retard like Motyl or Plokhiy.

    • 哈哈: Mr. Hack
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  873. songbird 说:

    Would advise Papuans not to eat any Bidens, unless they want .

    • 同意: AnonfromTN
  874. Dmitry 说:




    对于普通消费者来说,影响者往往是最好的信息,例如 YouTube 频道,例如针对 PSU 的 Hardware Busters Greek (Aris Mpitziopoulos) 或针对运动鞋的 WearTesters。




    说服 3 位数智商的观众听你的话,而不是数百个其他有类似信息的人。没有深厚的科学知识和可信度




    这将在 YouTube 这样的市场中造成一种情况,即更正确的视频有时会是最不受欢迎的视频,而有更多不自信、反社交的演讲者。

    流行视频中可以有看起来像 Weartesters 的时尚人士,如果你推销运动鞋,这没有问题。当主题只有诸如健康之类的少量且暂时的知识时,问题可能会更大。

    当您在 YouTube 上找到人们以信息丰富的方式讲话的视频时。他们往往是外表不时尚、说话不自信的人。一般来说,在 YouTube 上,低观看次数在主题确定性较低的准确信息视频中很常见。


    我猜想,最好的健康信息通常总结在政府疾病预防控制中心、欧盟和世界卫生组织的指导方针中。有很多资源可以访问,例如 Cochrane 评论。

    一般来说,他们建议锻炼身体。世界卫生组织表示,每周 30 天进行 5 分钟的中等强度体力活动,或每周 20 天进行 3 分钟的高强度体力活动。


    但与此同时,依赖此类研究可能比依赖 19 世纪俄罗斯民间信仰更合理。












    我已经在之前的评论中解释过。主要原因可能是此类论文中的反向因果关系和缺乏对统计学的理解。在此情况下,最大摄氧量低是疾病的结果,而不是疾病的原因。对于 V02 max,反向因果关系是直观的解释。



    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @Coconuts
    , @Wokechoke
    , @Mikel
  875. Mr. Hack 说:

    Averko “one of the finest Eastern Europe historians of his generation”? Any books or articles that he’s published anywhere in any scholarly journals? He’s more like a dilettante whose major accomplishment so far has been to pull the wool over your eyes, and that seems rather easy to do.

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @Gerard1234
  876. Gerard1234 说:

    在两次世界大战中,德国陆军造成的伤亡通常比其承受的伤亡多出 50%。

    大约有 28 万纳粹分子被动员起来与苏联作战(或者是纳粹分子+他们所有的妓女,比如罗马尼亚人、许多波兰人、意大利人、匈牙利人,当然还有辅助人员等),而苏联人只有 31 万。

    Casualties were about the same. Well, actually if you count those who are not POW’s mass murdered in camps ( i.e via war crimes), then its clear Soviet inflicted more battlefield casualties on Nazis , than they did to us.

    OK – capturing our guys initially, in the numbers they did is of course very successful military action – but large majority of this was in the Nazi initial onslaught in first 3 months of GPW. As a summary of the 4 years of war it is not representative of the point you are trying to indicate.


    For a clearly intelligent man – this is total nonsense. It is for political reasons that the military is not allowed to surrender. There is simply no precedent for a failed state, with a failed military as Banderastan’s – receiving this huge amount of money in excess of their GDP, weapons ( in addition to huge Soviet arsenal), whilst losing very heavily and getting annihilated at the start, from the end of the start to the start of the “counter-offensive” and from the counter-offensive to now…….and having near zero MIC capacity, the most corrupt leadership ever able to receive unlimited money……….and millions of women, children and elderly (far not all, but still a very significant number) out of danger.

    You could get France in July 1940 to fight for a decade against the Nazis, same for Polish dimwits in 1939, or Syrian rebels against Assad if they were given those situations I have mentioned above for the Ukronazis…….but it would not change the general issue that they are getting militarily destroyed.
    No MIC, but masses of cannon fodder maximises the number of men who can fight. In a normal situation it would be impossible to maximise this number if no MIC. Masses of women, children and elderly out of the countrymaximises this also …and together with the unlimited money minimises political risk of continuing military action for the parasitic ukronazi leadership.

    • 回复: @Coconuts
    , @Jazman
  877. songbird 说:

    “Huge explosions” is vague. Was hoping for technical info from you – quit holding back!

    Missiles seem like the logical guess, though I confess ignorance as to the relative capabilities.

    If so, I wonder if they will just be trading them back and forth… from what I hear, Iran’s air defenses have improved quite a bit since the last time jets flew overheard.

    Used to know an Iranian woman who had a formative childhood memory of them. I imagine part of that flashbulb went into air defenses.

    BTW, I really do miss GR’s alarmism on this issue. I feel like it is missing the right gravitas without him. Greasy doesn’t seem to give a fart. And you seem to be the only one left carrying the torch.

  878. Dmitry 说:





  879. QCIC 说:

    The Obama persona shows how low the standard of discourse actually is, junior high school level at best. He was apparently coached to speak like a black preacher and that was enough to give his “brand” enormous credibility with tens of millions of educated people who should have known better. His self-conscious patter didn’t prevent him from being a pigeon playing chess.


    • 回复: @Mikhail
    , @AnonfromTN
  880. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Mr. Hack

    And yet he’s far more in sync with reality than the likes of Motyl and Kuzio.

    • 不同意: Mr. Hack
  881. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    The Obama persona shows how low the standard of discourse actually is, junior high school level at best. He was apparently coached to speak like a black preacher and that was enough to give his “brand” enormous credibility with tens of millions of educated people who should have known better. His self-conscious patter didn’t prevent him from being a pigeon playing chess.


    Obama was at his foreign policy best in his article/interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, cautioning against confronting Russia over the former Ukrainian SSR. In that feature, Obama didn’t accept as fact the claim that the Syrian government used illegal chemical weapons.

  882. Gerard1234 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Any books or articles that he’s published anywhere in any scholarly journals?

    Except for Mr Averko, the entire sector is filled with subhuman garbage of zero intellectual capacity and of course zero moral capacity. LOL – Apfelbaum, Snyder, Plokhiy, Pipes!!
    These “published” or “scholarly journals” faux-historian retards are the same ones who can’t even inform people that 404 is the historical product of about 10 land gifts from Russia from 7 different countries, or that Sirsky is a Russian loving the prospect of killing his Russian parents, or that the main American person in 404 for several years , was the tramp Marie Yovanovich as Ambassador – somebody who is either a Vlasovite or a Banderetard. More importantly they are dumb or corrupt to the point they cannot study or derive historical parallels from the disaster of 404 and their VSU now….with Banderetards of the UPA in the 40’s and 50’s.

    There it was similar thing of 1.very, very high losses with kill ratio’s heavily in favour of the opponants.
    2.Fighting , entirely due to prostitution to western-masters syndrome, of a conflict obvious to everyone from the beginning that they could not possibly win ( to the point that it ended in most of them just becoming communists, just as many now will beg to join Russian state and have their history “wiped out”)
    3. Fighting a conflict, entirely because of whoring themsleves to western-masters……..even though their opponents (the Soviets) effectively giving them what they want – a Ukrainian state with a Galicia that no Ukrainians were even interested in joining with. Deporting millions of Poles and so making a Ukrainian “ethnic” state there possible.
    Now, an extremely easy solution has been possible since 2014 for the Banderetards, but their prostitution to the west has not allowed them to do this…….and their opponents ( Russia) are giving them what they supposedly want or taking away what they supposedly don’t want – a Ukraine with or without Donbass and Crimea

    Only difference is that there against the UPA it was clear what the Soviets goal was, and completely nonsensical what the Banderites goals were. Here the Russian target is much unknown – and it’s still completely nonsensical what the Banderite aim is.

    And, LOL, the average westerner is as clueless on “Ukraine” now as they were 40,80 or 120 years before – to the point nobody has any idea if the Ukrainian flag is “swedish flag blue” or “down-syndrome” flag blue……..which is historically interesting as one theory represent the prostitution of Mazepa to the swedes, the other theory that it represents the prostitution of Galicians to the Austrians.

    That’s in addition to the theory that the flag is inverted the wrong way and therefore why the Ukronazi project of the last century such a disaster!

    That is the “quality” of these faux-historians.

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  883. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Philippe Lemoine talks here about how it was a mistake for the West to consistently promise NATO membership to Ukraine:


    Back in 2008, the Franco-Germans would have been better off categorically saying “No!” to this rather than the wishy-washy outcome that they produced in real life. Back then, the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians opposed NATO membership and many more Ukrainians viewed NATO as a threat than as protection.

    Had Russia still invaded Ukraine in such a scenario, well, the blame would have been even more on Russia’s shoulders.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  884. QCIC 说:

    The trigger/excuse there is hard to catch. Shapiro calls him “Sir” (mock polite) just before Tur says “you cut that out now or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” I think the tranny may have called him “boy” at one point (as in, you call me boy, so I’ll call you sir) and that may have been edited out.

    I don’t approve of either one, but the tranny chopper pilot may be weirder than Ben Shapiro.

    • 同意: songbird
  885. Mr. XYZ 说:

    Cancel the NASA space program? That would have been pretty terrible, at least for US prestige, no?

    Quite amazing what a much whiter US could do back in the late 1960s. Of course, the US is still capable of doing great things even right now, but the segment of the population where a lot of potential untapped talent lies (at least according to Steve Sailer)–white people, especially white males, in flyover country, is unfortunately largely currently being ignored because they’re uncool. Everyone wants the black or Hispanic wunderkind. No one wants a super-smart generic white American cornhusker.

  886. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Plenty of suspect books out there for sure. Regarding Applebaum:


    Many Americans continue to be fooled by the mass media that they heavily rely on. Shown Friday evenings on PBS, the Goldberg hosted Washington Week with The Atlantic comes to mind.

    Contrary to what he said on his December 8 show, the Russian armed forces have gotten stronger since the February 24, 2022 start of Russia’s special military operation. The same can’t be said of the Kiev regime armed forces. Likewise, Goldberg’s guest Applebaum is off the mark for believing that the Kiev regime’s failure is the result of insufficient Western support. She’s also disingenuous for downplaying the large-scale Kiev regime military losses which are far greater than Russia’s. (A more accurate comparative accounting of the losses will be better established at the end of the conflict.)

    A “Vlasovite” wouldn’t be saying such:



    • 回复: @Gerard1234
  887. QCIC 说:
    @Mr. XYZ

    No mistake. The West wanted and expected Russia to react to Western provocations in Ukraine. They probably were very surprised and disappointed that Russia took six years to prepare and then responded somewhat on her own terms.

    The Trump term is an interesting hiatus in the conflict. I expect the deep state really wanted him to up the pressure. Surely Killary would have done so if she hadn’t turned into the walking (evil) dead and lost the election. I expect Jared really wanted Donald to up the pressure. But Trump didn’t want the bloody mess on his epitaph so he stayed the course. This gave additional time for Russia to negotiate but also to gradually build up and maybe avoid World War 3. I expect Ukraine was top priority for the Biden regime after the COVID project had worked its way through the system. Maybe Ron is on to something and Pompeo and Bolton simply let loose the COVID project because Trump wouldn’t let them take scalps in Ukraine and Western Russia (and start WW3).

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  888. @QCIC

    The West wanted and expected Russia to react to Western provocations in Ukraine.

    How exactly would be it be a reaction to Western provocations when:

    1. Ukraine didn’t qualify for NATO due to having a contended border
    2. Zelensky defeated the pro-NATO candidate
    3. DPR/UKR militia fighting was at an all time low (more Slavs died by drowning in 2020)

    Ukraine was closer to joining NATO in 2003 than 2021.

    Electing Zelensky was a disappointment for the West. The pro-NATO candidate with Western funding was defeated by a no-name actor. Do you deny that?

    All Russia had to do was keep 1 square foot of Ukraine contended and they can’t apply. How is a war the better solution?

    What are these Western provocations they had to react to with a war that kills more Slavs in a week than militia fighting of the entire period after maidan?

    Why did they need to invade if Ukraine didn’t qualify and the people elected the neutral candidate?

    • 回复: @QCIC
  889. LatW 说:

    It’s just incredible, it looks like the fish are being sucked in kind of like with a vacuum, it looks almost magnetic. Btw, google “bowhead whale baleen” (that’s what the brush like teeth are called).

    • 回复: @songbird
  890. @Mr. XYZ

    Not that it matters a lot in the grand scheme of all things, but legally US president can’t anymore unilateraly decide about leaving NATO without getting US Congress approval, that amendment was passed at the end of last year together with new budget, included into defense spending part IIRC.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  891. @sudden death

    Trump is playing a game but his past is coming back to haunt him. His contempt of the law is still the main problem. He has zero respect for the court system even though in the last case it revealed a very clear pattern of fraud on his part.

    I wouldn’t spend too much time on what Trump plans until the documents case is over.

    This could be pre-prison Trump just running his mouth.

    I don’t think his fans realize that it isn’t outside of the ordinary to get prison time over trying to hide Federal evidence.

    It’s generally a bad idea to fuck with the Feds.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  892. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Among other things, the pro-Kiev regime BS on Russian refineries and the matter of higher fossil fuel prices:


    Concerning US government corruption:

  893. Coconuts 说:

    大约有 28 万纳粹分子被动员起来与苏联作战(或者是纳粹分子+他们所有的妓女,比如罗马尼亚人、许多波兰人、意大利人、匈牙利人,当然还有辅助人员等),而苏联人只有 31 万。

    I think combat effectiveness studies are carried out at a lower level than the strategic, usually they deal with national armies which possess a single military system. It isn’t useful in terms of understanding battlefield effectiveness to treat the German armed forces, the Italian armed forces and the Romanian armed forces as a single unit.

    Imo there is a pattern in both of the world wars, the German forces specifically start out with higher battlefield effectiveness than their opponents but they are in the weaker strategic position. If their opponents can hold out in the initial stages and take the losses, they start to bring their strategic and resource advantages to bear, by the end this translates into equal or superior battlefield effectiveness as well.

  894. Coconuts 说:




    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @Dmitry
  895. AP 说:

    with few exceptions, the only people left here are drooling cheerleaders of either the Russian or Ukrainian governments. Basically, this forum is a battle of the tards: the ZAnon/Sovok tards

    None of the pro-Ukrainian posters here have made claims as stupid as 400,000-500,000 Russians killed and only as little as 50,000 Ukrainians killed. The two sides are not equal.

  896. songbird 说:

    For all the people taking selfies and the negative political efffects of cameras (at least on certain contexts: LA riots, celebrity culture) this improved whale documentation really is a positive. (Maybe, the same could be said of drones?)

    Seems as though they have a blind spot in front of their heads:


    Of course, fortunately very small throats.

    They do remind one a bit of the sandworms of Dune, esp. with these bird’s eye shots.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  897. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson

    The Western pressure on Russia has many aspects over thirty years. One cannot understand it by choosing one issue like NATO membership and taking it out of context. The Russian leadership, especially Vladimir Putin, has discussed the situation at length over decades. He doesn’t mention every aspect of the conflict in every speech because he knows adults can remember important information. As with any speaker, he emphasizes certain aspects in different ways in different forums. Some key aspects of the Western campaign against Russia often mentioned include NATO expansion, NeoNazi bandit-soldiers in Ukraine and the USA dropping out of nuclear weapons treaties. The list of key topics also includes Western meddling in the Russian political process, the anti-Russian military stance of the AFU armed and trained by the West and attacks on Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine. Putin has also discussed the historical connection of Crimea to Russia, the long important shared history between Ukraine and Russia and other history relevant to this entirely Western-driven project against Russia.

    I cannot speak to Ukrainian elections. The post-Maidan comments by Victoria Nuland showed that the USA was controlling the politics of Ukraine. Later, after I learned the current “President” is an actual comedian and actor I stopped trying to keep up. Next I learned this president is supported (created) by the same Jewish oligarch who strongly supported the growth of NeoNazi brigades in Ukraine, at which point it became absolutely clear this Ukraine mess is an anti-Russia project. This is not complicated.

  898. QCIC 说:
    @John Johnson

    The problem we all have is that the Federal government is a mixture of bureaucrats “just doing their jobs” controlled by outright criminals. Of course this culture turns many of the workaday bureaucrats into criminals as well. If a president is to reduce the power of these criminals he has to fight them on many fronts, including the courts. This puts the Judges and government lawyers in the spotlight and forces them to decide if they are criminals or public servants. I think they are not very smart figuring out that these trials are about the broken system more than they are about Donald Trump. It remains to be seen exactly where Trump’s true loyalties are in this hellish mess, but he is apparently fighting the good fight more than any President in fifty years.

  899. AP 说:

    Ukrainian genotypic IQ is relatively similar to Russian, slightly lower due to Northern Russians being somewhat more intelligent to Southern Russians and Ukrainians. The very slight Great Russian IQ advantage is offset by the non-slavic minority groups in Russia.

    This is true. However, it does not translate directly to the military. Ukraine is fighting for its survival, so its forces are attract a cross-section of society, including some very smart and talented people (who have made a lot of grass-roots innovations, such as with drones).

    The Russian military has a lot of losers, and smart people even patriotic ones such as our former host avoid it or have turned against the war.

    So while Russians in general might be slightly smarter than Ukrainians in general, it’s the reverse case for the militaries.

    Top leadership in neither army seems to be terribly impressive. Gerasimov’s response to Ukrainian successes in the fall of 2022 was to obsess about shaving, but maybe he had Zaluzhnyi beat who didn’t enforce basic military discipline on right-wing groups and is apparently dumb enough to think that Gerasimov is a strategic genius. Syrskyi may be a bit better, having been successful at both Kiev and Kharkov.

    It’s worse for Russia. In Russia, the most effective leaders were either killed (Wagner’s Prigozhin and Utkin) or sidelined and fired (Surovkin). In Ukraine they get promoted.

    So the dynamic here is a bit like the US Civil war: the smaller country survives despite a smaller industrial base and being outgunned because it has better leaders, is on its own lands, and has and larger military participation per capita. Russia has not yet produced its Grant or Sherman and maybe never will because the system actively prevents such an appearance. Such a person might be seen as a threat to Putin or his cronies (the incompetent Shoigu or Gerasimov). And Ukraine has much more foreign support than the Confederacy managed to get.

    As for junior and mid level leadership, my impression was that earlier in the war Ukrainian officers and NCOs were better due to the post-Maidan military reforms being relatively successful whereas the Serdyukov reforms failed (and it’s not like Shoigu knows the finer points of mission tactics).

    These people are however now mostly dead

    Not really. Ukraine probably has around 100k killed and another 100k crippled, out of an initial force of half a million or so early in the war. Training and mentorship have been ongoing.

    Remember that Russia also wasted a lot of its best forces early on such in the disastrous attempt to seize Kiev.

    The assertion that Russian intelligence is better is not supportable. The war is being fought in the Ukraine, the SBU has consistently been far more ruthless than the FSB, and the Ukraine gets access to GAE intelligence

    Correct. The fact that the invasion even happened is a reflection of awful Russian intelligence. The Russian government apparently was led to believe that Ukrainians wouldn’t resist much and that this would be something like Czechoslovakia 1968, or a larger-scale Georgian war, or the American invasion of Iraq. Instead, Russia stumbled into something like the American Civil War (365,000 Union dead after 4 years, with much poorer medical care, no bullet-proof body armor, etc.)

    • 同意: Mr. Hack
    • 哈哈: Mikhail
  900. AP 说:

    But to buy a whole country by paying off its tiny elite and promises of “bright future in Nato” to the rest is quite unique

    The correct word isn’t unique, but rather fictional.

    Your fiction.

    unquestionably millions of Ukies out of stupidity, hatred of Russia or nihilistic ennui, signed up for the worst deal of the century: die in large numbers as your country gets destroyed for the lame hope that it will ‘one-day’ join an acronym organization that organizes seminars, junkets, employs retired politicians, and occasionally bombs smaller neighbors. Who in the history has died for that?

    Nobody did, and no one does.

    This war is part of a centuries-long struggle that predates NATO. It is about the Muscovites’ efforts to absorb and control their western half-brothers and Ukrainian attempts to extricate themselves from Eurasia (or Aziopa), in which the Muscovites are eager to kill in order to achieve their goals.

    The historically ignorant and shallow can focus on NATO or language or whatever.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  901. Gerard1234 说:
    @John Johnson



    1. Ritter & this other’s guys moral conscience towards the people of Donbass………has zero influence on Russian’s moral justification and support for the SMO you stupid dickhead.
    This in massive contrast to khokhol retards where – seeing Ze-drug addickt on the front cover of NYT, Time magazine, seeing dumbass western music groups (probably because of pogrom-descendant (((music producers))) support them, Hollywood retards visit Marinsky Palace in Kiev , western things have the ukrop flag on them etc DOES have a MASSIVE influence on Ukronazis support for the war, is a big self-affirmation for the insecure Ukro-reikh you idiot.
    Ukrops, not because of themselves but solely because they think that the west is rich and prosperous and well run precisely because it’s good and isn’t corrupt…..do some khokhols think that western support means they must be right.

    2.LMAO – you do realise that by comparison to this other American guy with the flag, well, both Ritter and this American guy, that Elvis, who is an American hero………is King Paedophile , the Paedophile’s Paedophile you stupid ratf**ker retard? In Elvis case, he was a huge american entertainer, great talent, could have any beautiful, model women he wants……..but chooses paedophilia instead . Eventually marries the woman. And all Americans have no problem with it.

    His story is synonymous with American political elite scumbags- many of then also sexual degenerates, have all the power and money they want…….choose suicidal conflicts across the world , unnecessary to American prosperity instead.

    3. One of the times I was in America, the song getting being heard ALL the time in public venues and on the car radio was by a hideous skank singer called Spears. The problem with this? This whore was 14/15 years old at the time, and though the song may have had a catchy rhythm to it…..it’s lyrical content was about child fornication and general schoolgirl degeneracy & paedophilia in the gutter music video for it. Mass near-state sponsored and corporation sponsored encouragement for freaks in America to be paedophiles ,and schoolchildren girls to act in this way.
    So thats a whole generation of what were young Pindosi males who consciously or subconsciously are OK with paedophilia ( I suspect part of the disgusting modern-western feminism is a counter-reaction not against men, but self-disgust at their own support and actions in line with this Spears thing). No organisation in America even complaining about this behaviour.

    4. If you knew anything about Ukraine, which you don’t, you would know that it’s a magnet for extreme perversion and sex tourism. I know as fact, American, British, Canada mercs/sex tourists getting “serviced” with long list of beautful ukronazi women. Living like kings in this aspect. It would not be a surprise if the large proportion of Anglo extreme perverts in there are going away from the beautiful woman and prefer children. Also, with the SMO it increased but still much active before the SMO in Ukraine – magnet for human traffiking, organ harvesting, homo/paedophile adoption and of course child abuse.

    5. Ritter’s case absolutely radiates being a setup. This other American Hispanic guy- again the same thing. If he is 23 or whatever at the time and the women is 17, and the charge is him being a creep and having fotos of her on his phone ….. It appears highly unlikely that a 17 year old or her parents would initiate the charges/investigation for this – more likely the parents would prioritise disciplining the 17 year old over him being investigated. For 16 year old and progressively younger at 15,14 etc…….. then of course the situation is reversed and they would initiate charges. I have only read about the case now, so my knowledge of it isn’t high…but from the police side, it appears unexplained why they were looking at his phone. It seems very unlikely tactics to setup/impersonate a 17 year old to try and entrap him. They would use stretched resources on a 17 year old setup or impersonation instead of younger ages? All appears to be blatant American BS. Just like all those charges and imprisonments of Trump allies when he became President.

    How does an obviously fabricated, set-up event from 2020 , even allowing for the coronavirus, still not have case started by 2024 you idiot?

    So what’s that – Jefferson and a few other early Presidents and founding fathers, rapists towards their slaves. Kennedy a degenerate ( though nothing indicates Paedo), Clinton?-LOL, Hoover – degnerate, homo, very possible paedophile, Roosevelt, Biden, Hunter Biden……highly possible incestuous and ‘general” paedophiles.

    Prosecuting lawyer for the Ritter case that you linked has a name that indicates…….well its too obvious to mention.

  902. @Coconuts

    Plenty of rest is essential for robust physical fitness.

    The fighters in ancient society were rested. If they had to do a grueling 30 mile march to get to a battle the generals made sure they were fed and rested before the fighting began. Aristocrats were trained to fight well into the industrial revolution. It took the trenches of the 1914 and subsequent battlefields before this ethic faded.

    Rest for the working peasants was never promoted.

  903. AnonfromTN 说:

    With Biden, the level of discourse is at the level of fourth grade or maybe the advanced memory care ward.

    As Biden did not stumble or fall recently, I was wondering whether he is still alive or a puppet we are shown is an AI-driven android covered with a decent taxidermist’s work. After the puppet called on Israel not to attack Haifa I was reassured that it’s still a genuine half-corpse: nothing with intelligence, natural or artificial, would have ever said that.

  904. Mr. Hack 说:

    Is Johnson being blackmailed? Or, is he simply a moron?

    With Trump’s recent full endorsement of Johnson at his home in Mar-o-Largo, Johnson, making sure that the strings that Trump is pulling are secure, felt compelled to move forward on the Ukraine vote.
    You should be directing your questions towards Trump, not Johnson. Trump may not make it through his final court cases without ending up behind bars, so you may want to consider backing Marjorie Taylor Greene to take Trump’s place, somebody that clearly reflects your kookie positions to a tee?

    Johnson only did what he was told to do. Why not direct your questions towards Trump “Is Trump being blackmailed or is he simply a moron”?

    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  905. Beckow 说:

    … most of it is not going to be “money” at all but steel – hardware.

    Pay attention: almost all available hardware has already been sent. To make more takes time – the West has capacity issues to make more. Maybe they can buy it from China?

    There will be a burst of new weapons but less than in 2022-23. Training is cheap and risks that Ukies bail while in the West – read about how Kiev is not allowing any of its forces to travel, too many have disappeared while 训练. That’s how the Syrian opposition disintegrated – they flew them West for training and by official admission “four trained freedom-fighters went back”…

    If you want to pay US nationals to train the Ukies in order to spur the US economy why not just pay them anyway? What’s the difference?

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  906. @A123

    It looks like “Kiev First, America Last” is going to score a big win. I always thought some money for Ukraine would be traded for a border bill. This complete capitulation is shocking. Johnson got nothing.

    Trump didn’t want them voting on the border.

    He wants to make it a campaign issue which means leaving the border open the rest of the year.

    The Democrats and Republicans had already worked out a deal that ends the asylum loophole and Trump blew it up.

    You see Trump cares about our border as long as he benefits politically.

    That’s your guy.


    • 回复: @Beckow
  907. Beckow 说:

    …The historically ignorant and shallow can focus on NATO or language or whatever.

    You can tell that to yourself to medicate the pain. But the reality we all know is the war is about Nato expansion to Ukraine.

    Your other stuff like Moskali, “Aziopa” is just helpless name calling. It accomplishes nothing.

    Nobody did, and no one does.

    Denying the obvious is a sign of mental illness, be careful. (I don’t want to go over Kiev’s Nato membership in its Constitution or banning the Russian language in offices-school.) The war is about the Nato’s expansion – if you remove Nato-in-Ukraine the other issues would be easily settled.

    When losing a costly war hiding in hundred years old history myths and in emotional bitterness is not the smartest thing. Maybe focusing on how things are today would be a better approach.

    Too many Ukies turned out too dumb, gullible, easily lied to, or just too scared – we are watching a destruction of what could have been a great nation. Like Germans before…

    • 回复: @AP
  908. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    …The Democrats and Republicans had already worked out a deal that ends the asylum loophole and Trump blew it up.

    Try to be at least minimally honest. The proposed deal allowed up to 5k asylum seekers per day before any restrictions would be even considered – close to 2 million per year. It would end nothing, it would formalize the disaster on the US southern border.

    You are right that Trump doesn’t want to see a deal before elections, why should he? It would tie his hands and be a pure propaganda play by the Bidenites. It looks like you will have to put him in prison to keep him out. Think about what that will look like to the rest of the world…

    • 回复: @John Johnson
    , @A123
    , @AP
  909. @Beckow

    Pay attention: almost all available hardware has already been sent. To make more takes time – the West has capacity issues to make more. Maybe they can buy it from China?

    The US has plenty of hardware that hasn’t been sent. We still have over 1000 Bradleys sitting in storage. Even the older M1s aren’t exhausted.

    The bill also allows for the transfer of long range ATACMS.

    It also provides financing to Ukraine that allows them to buy weapons from other countries.

    This is a much bigger bill than I was expecting from Johnson.

    But I’m not going to spend that much time on it until it passes the house. There could be some trickery at play. The first pass could be a highball play for Israel aid. Johnson appears dedicated to Israel more than anything. Hopefully the Israel aid is at least mostly in the form of checks to US companies.

  910. AP 说:

    You can tell that to yourself to medicate

    The one not focused on reality – that’s you- might better benefit from medication.

    Apparently you are unaware (or pretend to be) that Russia has attempted to own Ukraine long before NATO existed, and Ukrainians (and other would-be victims of Russian aggression and westward expansion) have fought against Russia long before NATO existed. For centuries. Almost 1,000 years if you consider the Suzdalian sack of Kiev.

    The only relevant thing about NATO expansion is that it would have made Russian efforts to conquer or absorb Ukraine much more complicated. You focus on a transient, modern detail while ignoring the underlying and actual longstanding cause.

    If you were a little smarter you would have ignored NATO and at least written about some longstanding ancient Western crusade against poor eternal victim Russia. You would have been wrong about that, but at least not so ignorant and shallow as to confuse a recent and novel symptom for a chronic illness.

    Denying the obvious is a sign of mental illness

    I encourage you to stop doing so.

    if you remove Nato-in-Ukraine the other issues would be settled with a compromise

    Because Russia never tried to invade Ukraine before the 1990s.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Beckow
    , @Gerard1234
  911. @Beckow

    …The Democrats and Republicans had already worked out a deal that ends the asylum loophole and Trump blew it up.

    Try to be at least minimally honest. The proposed deal allowed up to 5k asylum seekers per day before any restrictions would be even considered – close to 2 million per year.


    It’s not defined by 5k asylum seekers per day.

    It’s 5k crossings and it ends their ability to immediately claim asylum and take a later court date (that they ignore).

    In the proposed bill they actually have to go to court. The bill makes a massive investment in detention facilities with court proceedings. The South Americans claim asylum because they don’t have to prove it.

    You are right that Trump doesn’t want to see a deal before elections, why should he?

    Because in theory he cares about the border. In reality he only values fixing it for political reasons.

    If he actually cared about the border then he would support this bill and then pass his own that further tightens it.

    It would tie his hands and be a pure propaganda play by the Bidenites.

    How would it be a propaganda play by Biden if it has bipartisan support and was mostly drafted by moderates?

    The bill also increases funding to the Border Patrol which was what they have requested.

    Trump has made it clear that he is fine with an open border. He cares more about winning than the country. There is also the possibility of Trump losing which makes his interference even worse. If Biden wins then that means he helped keep the border open for a year.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  912. Gerard1234 说:

    A “Vlasovite” wouldn’t be saying such:

    It’s true that if Vlasov was a Ukrainian, then by their standards he would be a national hero. Streets named after him, Statues all across the country, wonderful things written about him in Ukronazi school textbooks. Gryvnia notes and coins with his face on them ( replacing the other Russians on the currency, LOL).
    By the pitiful standards of the failure, psychiatric freakshow that is the history of “Ukrainian” nationalism – it’s a non-contest that Vlasov defeats in patriotism levels “heroes” as Mazepa, Bandera, Shukheyevich, Zelensky, Petliura – all scum who betrayed their supposed homeland , participated in mass murder of their own supposed people and were total failures, opportunistic, treacherous, evil , failures. If Vlasov was Ukrainian then his actions would be viewed as massively patriotic in comparison to these “heroes”

    Part of the reason Vlasov is talked of negatively is only because of the high standards of patriotism in our history, great actions of heroism that make Russia exist. In reality, different to all the ukronazi heroes, Vlasov at least has an indisputed career of defending the country admirably, twice. For large majority of Vlasovites – the betrayal was more a victim of circumstance than outright treachery , and did not involve much, if any, violence and killing of other Russians. A very significant chance they would have been killed if they did not do what they did.

    Importantly for the modern era – most of the Vlasovite and their diaspora did not serve MI6/CIA to further sabotage their “own” country, like Banderite excrement did – which would make Yovanovich’s actions, if she is Vlasov diaspora, more inexplicable. Clearly Vlasovite diaspora can not in anyway be compared with Banderite subhumans. I apologise if gave that impression.

    Ukronazis would be desperate to have Vlasov as somebody in their national history, LMAO!!!

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  913. A123 说: • 您的网站

    JJ is not capable of even minimal honesty. You are wasting your time.

    The “deal” was so bad it actually would have INCREASED migration to possibly as much as 6MM. It was a DNC+RINO trap, not a compromise. Fortunately, the House wisely refused to be ensnared.

    I provided significant detail on this in the prior OT.


    Regardless of what the TRUMP 2024 campaign does or does not want, there was nothing serious on offer.


  914. AnonfromTN 说:

    Importantly for the modern era – most of the Vlasovite and their diaspora did not serve MI6/CIA to further sabotage their “own” country, like Banderite excrement did

    This comparison is not convincing. Bandera and Shukhevych are so repulsive that compared to them a lot of scum that deserves gallows would look not so bad.

    Vlasov was not the only Soviet general captured by Nazis. The Nazis repeatedly tried to make another POW, general Karbyshev, collaborate with them. He refused treason, choosing a painful death in Mauthausen. Compared to Karbyshev, Vlasov was a piece of shit. Vlasov was tried and executed, and this was just.

    I am sure that quite a few vlasovites saw joining his force as the only viable way out of Nazi concentration camp, or possibly there were other extenuating circumstances. Each person should be judged individually.

    • 谢谢: Gerard1234
    • 回复: @Mikhail
  915. Mr. Hack 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    “Thanks” to Emil Nikola Richard for wishing me “LOL”. 🙂

    Does anybody else out there think for one moment that Trump was not aware that Johnson would soon bring the Ukraine vote finally to the test in congress?

  916. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    In addition to better internment conditions, pissed off at Stalin and misguided into thinking the Nazis would win, leading to the view of trying to make the best of the situation.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  917. Mr. Hack 说:

    For Beckow, history started when he was born or perhaps even later, in 2014. Everything that went on before is irrelevant, especially if it doesn’t support his wacko theories.

    Beckow always had a hard time with his history lessons. Oddly, he doesn’t even know anything at all about the castles that he repairs. He thinks that they were all built after WWII. 🙂

  918. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    It’s 5k crossings and it ends their ability to immediately claim asylum and take a later court date (that they ignore). In the proposed bill they actually have to go to court. The bill makes a massive investment in detention facilities…

    They would actually show up at later court date, really? Why? Your naivete is so gigantic I really hope it is only feigned…how do you function?

    Almost all border crossers ask for asylum – that’s the game, it is still 5k allowed asylum seekers per day. How long would it take to build facilities to hold million asylum seekers? Can you imagine what the woke crowd would do if 2 million brown people would be held behind barbed wire?

    Get real. It is a play by Biden to say “I fixed the border“, to get it out of news. You really don’t see the propaganda value for Biden?

    Trump is running for president and having a border crisis is better for him than a fake solution that ties his hands if he gets elected – the 5k a day would be irreversible with the RINO-Democrat Congress…

    But I suspect you know this: you just like wars more than having a country with normal borders. Enjoy.

    • 回复: @Mikel
    , @John Johnson
  919. Mr. Hack 说:

    misguided into thinking the Nazis would win, leading to the view of trying to make the best of the situation.

    Isn’t that what Putler accuses Zelensky of doing? Face it Mickey, Zelensky is a modern day Vlasovite.

    • 不同意: Mikhail
  920. @songbird


    I didn’t try google scholar. I would be amazed if Science or Nature published this material which I presume is 100% bullshit. There is a mention of this in Diana Pasulka’s new book. She is credulous, or she was when that book was published.

    John Lilly was doing similar in the 1960’s.

    There was a Jeffrey Mishlove John Lilly interview on youtube for awhile where Lilly is wearing a Davy Crockett raccoon fur hat and is tripping on mind altering substances. When the CIA was his research review board he dosed children with LSD.

    There are also many attempts at teaching language skills to chimpanzees and parrots which have been hyped and I believe never proven out. They can definitely learn Polly wants a cracker or Sultan wants a banana but your dog or cat can tell you that much.

    • 回复: @QCIC
    , @AnonfromTN
    , @songbird
  921. Mikel 说:


    I’m not sure this question makes much sense. People want to get information on health issues because they want to stay healthy and live long. It’s a natural human desire. That’s why all media organizations constantly publish health-related news and ads (some of them atrocious), because there is a huge market. If it’s OK for news organizations to promote totally useless supplements and publish more than questionable articles written by ignorant journalists, why should anyone prevent doctors and scientists from having their YT channels?

    当然,一些发布 YT 视频的医生和博士显然是骗子,但一个更有趣的问题是:一个受过教育的人应该如何处理所有这些可用信息?你的答案是忽略这一切。我的答案是持怀疑态度,从不同来源尽可能多地学习,如果你确实想保持健康,请根据你能找到的最公正、最可靠的数据做出理性的决定。

    换句话说,对宇宙学感兴趣的人应该如何利用现有的所有信息?忽略除了 NASA 在其网站上发布的内容之外的所有内容,还是尝试通过 YT 视频、书籍、科学辩论等了解前沿科学?

    当您在 YouTube 上找到人们以信息丰富的方式讲话的视频时。他们往往是外表不时尚、说话不自信的人。

    That’s exactly what I was saying to AaronB some months ago. When it comes to scientific matters, I feel much more confident listening to people who openly say “I don’t know” and acknowledge that much more research is necessary. That is always the case in science. But it doesn’t mean that scientists don’t know anything and that rational decisions cannot be taken based on that incomplete knowledge.


    I don’t think so. The WHO was saying at the beginning of the COVID pandemic that restricting travel was worse than letting the virus spread, due to some discrimination concerns or some such idiocy. In reality, it was the only rational choice to try to contain the pandemic at that stage. They also promoted mandatory vaccination that later proved to be much less effective than they claimed. It’s not even clear to me that the double dose of the vaccines used in Western countries offered any protection for those already infected. I don’t have any strong feelings about the response to Covid. Pandemics do happen from time to time and it was unavoidable that with one of this magnitude governments would make a lot of mistakes but it was an excellent occasion to see how unreliable the advice of these official health organizations is.

    Besides, as you say, all of them do recommend practicing exercise. What’s wrong with trying to figure out what exact exercising methods are best to achieve certain goals? Why should one not listen to the coaches of elite athletes when they offer free advice on YT on maximizing fitness and performance?


    Based on what we know if the 21st century, there’s little doubt that whatever exercise these people did, it was probably good for them. But if they started doing strenuous work when their bodies were still developing, ate a poor diet and lived in unsanitary conditions, exercise likely didn’t prevent their dying earlier than townspeople. By the 20th century the folk wisdom, certainly where I was born, had already reverted and everybody assumed that farmers were healthier than city dwellers.


    But this paper doesn’t support your claim at all.

    让我提醒您您的主张是什么: “The correlation of physical activity with median income on the states level with income is stronger than the correlation of physical activity with the different regions’ life expectancy”.

    All this paper says is that there is a positive correlation between income and exercise level in the studied population. I don’t see them comparing anywhere that correlation with the one between exercise and life expectancy. In fact, they claim almost the opposite:

    缺乏身体活动对健康造成的不利后果是众所周知的[1-6]。缺乏身体活动已被确定为全球死亡的第四大风险因素 [7],多项研究报告称,由于缺乏身体活动,医疗费用不断增加 [6, 8–11]。



    This is tremendously unpersuasive. Everybody knows, including lay people like you and me, that correlation is not causation. The idea that the doctors that promote these studies online or the authors and peer reviewers of the papers themselves don’t understand the limitations of epidemiological studies is quite nonsensical. The ones I listen to keep repeating these limitations all the time.

    But not everything can be measured with randomized placebo-controlled studies. Basically, no lifestyle-life outcome relationship can be measured outside of these epidemiological studies because it would be far too expensive and unpractical to follow with laboratory precision what large numbers of individuals do throughout their lifetimes. That’s why the very health organizations that you said we should listen to rely on epidemiological studies like the ones you are dismissing out of hand to inform their guidelines.

    Besides, I’ve already refuted your argument in a previous comment. VO2max is a highly modifiable variable and being healthy by itself does not increase it. You need to challenge your cardio-respiratory system and your skeletal muscles if you want to increase your VO2max above the average. There is no other way to increase your oxygen uptake capacity.

    • 回复: @Dmitry
  922. Mikel 说:

    But I suspect you know this: you just like wars more than having a country with normal borders. Enjoy.

    He clearly does. Who else would post macabre videos of dying Russians compulsively on a forum where nobody has shown any inclination to watch that stuff?

    It’s actually interesting to see how the only ones still defending the Lankford agreement are the Ukraine-first crowd. I don’t often agree with A123 but he’s right that the agreement was so bad and full of loopholes that even Lankford ended up voting against it. What’s more, notable Russophobes and immigration weaklings like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio also expressed public opposition to the agreement. What more is there to say? These people here defending that surrender are less concerned about illegal immigration than amnesty defender Rubio!

    • 同意: A123
    • 回复: @Beckow
  923. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I would be amazed if Science or Nature published this material which I presume is 100% bullshit.

    You’d be surprised. Industry often complains that the data published in “high-profile” journals tends to be less reproducible than the data published in not high-profile journals. There is a joke in science: even though it was published in Nature, it might still be true.

    Journals are considered high-profile based on impact. If 50 papers cite the paper saying that the study is great, you get an impact of 50. You get exactly the same impact if 50 papers cite the paper saying that it’s BS.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  924. @AnonfromTN

    The top google hit for Nature retractions:


    archive.ph does not get us past their pay wall. : (

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  925. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Think it must have been at one of Lilly’s facilities where this woman did immoral things with a dolphin:


    But it doesn’t seem like it led to any communication breakthrough. I bet drugs were involved.

    看到 Day of the Dolphin. Seemed about equally as plausible as the talking gorilla in Crichton’s 刚果, which is to say not at all. Was surprised when I learned they were both inspired by “research” of that time. IMO, it is too much to expect much language skills without a lot of toolmaking.

    Though there are some that believe whales learned how to dodge whaleships by talking to each other.

    The SETI thing is a laugh, IMO. You can record a bird’s song and play it back, to get him to fly into a mist net. Humpbacks don’t have the same territorialism but they are interested in each other for some of the same reasons, like competition for mates.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  926. Beckow 说:

    JJ is not the sharpest guy around (still slightly better than Mr.Hacks). But going full wacko-progressive in order to keep the hope of Ukraine-in-Nato alive is quite something. It lacks basic dignity.

    At the end they will get both: open borders and Russian victory in Ukraine. These are connected vessels taking in a lot of water from all sides.

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Wokechoke
  927. @songbird

    Estes Kefauver of Tennessee used to do campaign photo ops in a Davy Crockett raccoon fur hat.

    • 回复: @songbird
  928. songbird 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Lol. Buckskin jacket and shirt and tie. And before the Davy Crockett TV show!

    in 1948. During the primary, Crump and his allies accused Kefauver of being a “fellow traveler” and of working for the “pinkos and communists” with the stealth of a raccoon. In a televised speech given in Memphis, in which he responded to such charges, Kefauver put on a coonskin cap and proudly proclaimed, “I may be a pet coon, but I’m not Boss Crump’s pet coon.”


  929. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The top google hit for Nature retractions:

    Retractions are only the tip of the iceberg. In my estimation, one of maybe 20-30 totally wrong papers ever gets retracted. Retraction means that someone bothered to prove beyond reasonable doubt that some of the data were faked. You must really step on someone’s toes to make them prove this. Most people won’t do that because experiments cost money and something like that cannot be funded. The people in each field just know that experiments published by some labs usually reproduce, from others never do, while most of the labs are somewhere in between in this respect.

  930. Mr. Hack 说:

    JJ is not the sharpest guy around (still slightly better than Mr.Hacks)

    Thanks for the compliment. Being in the same neighborhood with JJ is quite an honor!

    I think that you’re slightly better that Mike Averko too.

    At the end they will get both: open borders and Russian victory in Ukraine. These are connected vessels taking in a lot of water from all sides.

    Lots of Russian vessels have been seen taking in a lot of water from all sides. I share in your enthusiasm in seeing this trend continue:

    On of my favorite political cartoons in 2022!

    • 回复: @Beckow
  931. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. Hack



    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
    , @Mikhail
  932. Beckow 说:

    …Ukrainians have fought against Russia long before NATO existed. For centuries. Almost 1,000 years

    Right. 1,000 years…what label did Ukies go under 1,000 year ago? Or does it matter?

    Hysteria and desperation have a way to unhinge people. They escape into mythical past or to always-bright future – anything but to face reality. You can’t cherrypick a few random events from the past, exaggerate them, and create an emotion-laden narrative in your mind. It is unhealthy.

    But the real issue is that Ukies are dying and destroying their country in a war caused by something within recent past: Nato stupid attempt to expand to Ukraine and Ukies even more stupid embrace of it.

    How is that working out? Or would you rather make-up stories about Mazepa, Napoleon, or your friends Crimean Tatars who sold you like slaves? Or Poles who oppressed living daylights out of Ukie peasants? Or Germans who just massacred you? But nooo…you say it was all the Aziatic Moskali…You won’t get far by lying to yourself.

    • 回复: @AP
  933. AP 说:

    Try to be at least minimally honest. The proposed deal allowed up to 5k asylum seekers per day before any restrictions would be even considered – close to 2 million per year.

    Well, in 2023 there were 3.2 million illegal crossings, so if this law had been in effect that would mean over 1 million fewer illegal migrants in the USA.

    2 million is much too much, but it’s better than 3.2 million.

    Moreover, the odds of exactly 5k border crossers per day, and no more than that, over the entire year, are close to zero.

    The border would be closed if there were an average of 5,000 crossings per day over the course of a week, or over 8,500 in a single day.

    So at some point there would be 8,500 in a day or 5,000 average in a week, triggering a shut-down of the border.

    For example, in March 2024, there were nearly 250,000 border crossings. That’s an average of 8,000 per day. The border would have been closed after one week if not sooner (if there happened to have been 8,500 crossings in a day during that week).


    So the likely result of the border deal would have been around 1 to 1.5 million illegal crossings per year, as a result of mandatory border shutdowns.

    Far too many, but a lot better than the 3.2 million of 2023 or whatever we get in 2024.

    But Trump would rather have the worst mess possible on the border in order to improve his chances for the election. Apparently he has walked away from the idea of Russia getting everything it wants during the Biden presidency, so Ukraine aid has been allowed to go through (though we will see tomorrow). I guess with deportations it will be easier to undo the damage caused by no border deal, than that of Russia gaining more ground.

    • 回复: @A123
  934. AP 说:

    …Ukrainians have fought against Russia long before NATO existed. For centuries. Almost 1,000 years

    Right. 1,000 years…what label did Ukies go under 1,000 year ago? Or does it matter?

    Why would labels matter? Ukrainians used to call themselves as Rusyns or Rusnaks, and their eastern enemies as Muscovites. Do the names matter?

    Hysteria and desperation have a way to unhinge people.

    You seem to be the hysterical and desperate one, crying about “NATO” and “was it worth it?”

    You can’t cherrypick a few random events from the past

    For an ignorant person with no understanding, events in the world may seem to be random.

    In this case, it is not.


    Ukraine is holding Russia to about the 8% it took after 2022. This is without American weapons. Russia was on track to take a few more towns over the course of the spring and summer. Now the prospects improve.

    Or would you rather make-up stories about Mazepa, Napoleon, or your friends Crimean Tatars who sold you like slaves? Or Poles who oppressed living daylights out of Ukie peasants?

    I condemned Khmelnytsky’s deal with the Tatars.

    Were Russians kinder to peasants, Ukrainian or their own? The German overlord of Russians, Catherine, made their lot much worse. The Georgian overlord of Russians, starved millions to death (the ones unlucky enough to be ruled from Moscow). Russians still venerate him, Ukrainians do not – another difference between the two peoples. Well, he was a proper Khan, and Russians like that sort of thing. Good for them, but Ukrainians will fight to keep it away from their lands.

    Or Germans who just massacred you? But nooo…you say it was all the Aziatic Moskali…

    Neither German Nazis nor Crimean slave traders or even Polish pans are trying to annex Ukraine. Only Muscovites are doing that. Again. So Ukrainians fight. And you desperately whine about “NATO.”

    • 哈哈: Mikhail
  935. A123 说: • 您的网站

    likely result of the border deal would have been around 1 to 1.5 million illegal crossings per year

    You know this is untrue. It was even documented in the prior OT. The likely result would be up to 6MM. Vastly worse than the current situation.

    Let us revisit that evidence: (1)

    • 在现任白宫主人的领导下,非法移民增加而不是减少。该法案包括允许行政当局撤销理论上的强制性限制的措辞。



    8. And if that weren’t bad enough, it allows Biden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless


    You should read all 10 points in the thread reader link.

    There was also much more subtle anti-MAGA trap to limit executive authority for Trump’s 2nd term. Under current Title 42, Trump will declare a measles emergency (or another communicable disease) for an unlimited period of time.

    # LetsGoBrandon 😇

    (1) https://www.unz.com/akarlin/open-thread-245/#comment-6504634

    (2) https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1754315351855100084.html?utm_campaign=topunroll

    • 回复: @AP
  936. AP 说:

    It caps the suspension of the border closings at 45 days per calendar year.

    So for the other 10.5 months, the deal would be in effect.

    • 哈哈: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  937. A123 说: • 您的网站

    It caps the suspension of the border closings at 45 days per calendar year. So for the other 10.5 months, the deal would be in effect.

    I kindly refer the gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago, in the prior OT: (1)


    You badly misunderstand how this would be manipulated. It is not one 45 day period. It can be grained into shorter events. These amnesty days would be promoted and scripted by the White House regime to maximize abuse.

    Here is one highly plausible scenario — Arrange for 500,000 to be waiting and declare a 5 day period to let them in. Repeat 9 times for a total of 4.5MM. Add that to the 1.8MM stated in the bill = ~6.5MM. Great job sucker! Congratulations!

    If you do not like this case, use your own imagination.

    How badly could the Veggie-In-Chief’s administration abuse the language that the House wisely defeated? With minimal effort you should be able to envision even worse outcomes.


    (1) https://www.unz.com/akarlin/open-thread-245/#comment-6504768

    • 回复: @AP
  938. Mr. Hack 说:

    Neither was comparing you to Mike Averko. 🙂

  939. Wokechoke 说:


  940. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    His carrying on like an uber dick (more so than usual) is indicative of the Kiev regime’s situation.

    • 回复: @Beckow
  941. AP 说:

    这是 one highly plausible scenario — Arrange for 500,000 to be waiting and declare a 5 day period to let them in. Repeat 9 times for a total of 4.5MM. Add that to the 1.8MM stated in the bill = ~6.5MM. Great job sucker! Congratulations!

    The bolded part is laughable. Yeah, that is what will happen. At most about 300,000 have been coming in per month, but the Dems will plot to have a horde of 500,000 waiting at the border and let them all in during a 5 day increment. And repeat this 9 times. Sure.

    • 回复: @A123
  942. A123 说: • 您的网站

    Your pathetic response is laughable. Great job moron!

    If you do not like this hypothetical case, use your own imagination. How badly could the Veggie-In-Chief’s administration abuse the language that the House wisely defeated? With minimal effort you should be able to envision even worse outcomes.

    The RINO+DNC deception was about INCREASING migration.

    In the real world, the U.S. House acted wisely to avoid the trap.


    • 回复: @AP
    , @Mr. Hack
  943. Dmitry 说:



    如果是有影响力的人在 YouTube 上发帖,那么你可能应该忽略它,如果它是关于他们不理解的投机话题,比如健康。

    如果这是一个关于他们理解的主题的频道,例如硬件破坏者,那么 YouTube 当然可以成为消费者的良好资源。




    那么,是否存在关于阿斯巴甜等食品添加剂的争论呢?欧盟在线发布 260 页报告。
    https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3496 这些似乎是他们可以向消费者提供的最全面的信息摘要。

    据我们所知,在 21 世纪,毫无疑问,无论这些人做什么运动,都可能对他们有好处。



    这是因为传染病在城市中广泛传播,工业革命后城市的污染变得更加严重。直到 20 世纪下半叶,即使在西欧,重工业也常常位于城市内部。

    但是,就运动水平而言,19 世纪城市中的大多数人可能也会达到 21 世纪初世界卫生组织、欧盟、疾病预防控制中心建议的运动水平。


    就像我说的,各州的收入水平与其人口的锻炼水平之间的相关性是中等的0,44,各州的预期寿命水平与其人口的锻炼水平之间的相关性是弱0,34。 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/07/03/more-money-more-fitness-why-people-in-the-wealthiest-states-get-more-exercise/




    您在 V02 max 上发布的两篇论文(我可以访问)是您可以在教科书中使用的示例,用于教授反向因果关系的错误。但我不确定是否有人需要接受这方面的教育。我想,大多数出租车司机、店员和遛狗者都会注意到这一点。






    这是一篇与 V02 max 类似的文章,该文章认为较高的 BMI 是最佳选择,因为死亡率较低。 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4604086/




    • 回复: @Mikel
  944. songbird 说:

    Is rap gayer than Hollywood? I mean in the sense of pay to play.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  945. Gerard1234 说:

    Almost 1000 years if you consider the Suzdalian sack of Kiev

    The “sack of Kiev” was overinflated to the point of being fictitious, and standard practise for the time….. and involved at least 2 other groups participating with Bogolubsky from what is now modern day Ukraine you serial dumbf**k. LMAO. Previous conflicts involved what is now Galician part of 404 attacking Kiev you useless shithead.

    In absolutely ZERO way does what happened then classify as a “Ukrainians vs Russians” war you idiot. An absurdly idiotic claim.

    And of course all of this has f**k all connection with the Zaporizhian cossacks you deranged scumbag….. except those who you are idiotically calling the “Ukrainians” controlling Kiev – would be precisely those mostly in conflict with the Zaporizhian cossacks (or their predecessors as the time was quite early)

    To make your bimbo stupidity even worse….. Kiev is now only part of Ukraine, solely because Russia bought it off the Poles with silver. That’s even after a time when Russia had annihilated the Poles again, in another war. At the time, even Irpin appears to have exceeded Kiev in prestige, population and importance you retard.
    Even more amusing, next to zero “heritage” of this disastrous time ruled by the Poles for Kiev exists – if anything there is more from the pre-Mongol time.

    As you are a fantasist nutjob tramp who has never visited Kiev and knows f**k all about it… you can neither agree with or disprove my claim, LOL.

    • 回复: @AP
  946. Dmitry 说:






  947. @songbird

    You don’t need to give a darn about negroes. : )

    The video you posted about the lady who gave handjobs to her dolphin study subject just might be Ghislaine Maxwell’s favorite youtube video of all time. Back in the day when she was free and foot loose she loved scuba and submarines and Jacques Cousteau. Have you ever thought of writing her a letter?

    She just might share some of her inside dope!

  948. AP 说:

    Your pathetic response is laughable

    You believe that Biden can or will marshal a horde of 500,000 at the border, waive the border closing, and then let them in over a period of 5 days. And do this 9 times a year.

    The RINO+DNC deception was about INCREASING migration.

    Only if you believe the nonsense you claimed would happen.

    In the real world, the U.S. House acted wisely to avoid the trap.

    In the real world, Trump directed his people to leave the border wide open in a cynical ploy to make the situation on the border as bad as it can be in order to improve his election chances.

    • 回复: @A123
  949. AP 说:

    You still haven’t answered a question that I asked you more than once.



    Head of KGB from it’s creation in the 1950s:

    THREE Ukrainians leading it for12+years you serial dumbfuck!!! – Fedorchuk, Chebrikov & Semichastny.

    Vladimir Semichastny was born in what is now Donetsk oblast to Russian parents who were originally from Tula which borders Moscow oblast.

    So: if an ethnic Russian born in Ukraine and living there prior to Ukrainian independence is a Ukrainian (in this case, you claimed Semichastny as a “Ukrainian ” KGB chief) does that make Mikhail Bulgakov, another ethnic Russian born in Ukraine prior to independence, a Ukrainian writer?


    No need to address the rest, your “knowledge” is adequately revealed about the people discussed above and can be generalized towards any other claim you make.

  950. Mr. Hack 说:

    Since you bring up the possibility of real morons, have you noticed yet that your political superhero Donald Trump has now come out in support of more military aid for Ukraine? He feels that more aid from both the US and Europe is needed at this time to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression, yet you seem to further support the idea that no aid is necessary for it’s actually Russia that is waging a “defensive” war against Ukraine. What a moronic position that you still try and support and in total opposition to Donald Trump:

    Why can’t Europe equalize or match the money put in by the United States of America in order to help a Country in desperate need? As everyone agrees, Ukrainian Survival and Strength should be much more important to Europe than to us, but it is also important to us! GET MOVING EUROPE

    So, aid to Ukraine from the US is “important to us” as it should be to Europe too. Seems like a reasonable position, so why do you continue to pursue such a negative stance towards support for Ukraine?


    • 回复: @Mikel
    , @LatW
  951. A123 说: • 您的网站

    You believe that Biden can or will marshal a horde of 500,000 at the border, waive the border closing, and then let them in over a period of 5 days. And do this 9 times a year.

    I believe his team would have found a way to abuse the bill for INCREASED migration.

    If you do not like the hypothetical case I suggest, use your own imagination. How badly could the Veggie-In-Chief’s administration abuse the language that the House wisely defeated? With minimal effort you should be able to envision even worse outcomes.

    In the real world MAGA detected the cynical RINO+DNC deception to leave the border open. Only those who believe nonsense think otherwise.

    You do realize that “deal” gets worse over time? (1)

    9. Oh, and the authority is limited in time duration, going down each subsequent year, making it even more worthless:



    Have you read the list of 10 critical problems with the bill via the thread reader tool?

    If not, you are being willfully blind.


    (1) https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1754315351855100084.html?utm_campaign=topunroll

    • 回复: @AP
  952. songbird 说:

    Japs claim to have identified the villa of Augustus near Pompeii. (Not sure I follow.). No mention of a library.


    • 回复: @Beckow
  953. AP 说:

    You do realize that “deal” gets worse over time? (1)

    It sure does, Which is why a better law should be made later.

    Meantime, this one allows the border to be shut for up to 270 days in the first calendar year, if necessary.

    Instead we have no restrictions at all, a wide open border.

    • 哈哈: A123
    • 回复: @Beckow
  954. Beckow 说:

    Augustus was a , not an emperor. It is ok to rename roles, but in his case there was a conscious distinction: princeps as permanent PM and Supreme Judge, emperor as military leader.

    He was an admirable man: domestic peace, tight administration, built Rome, business was good…he won wars. He also murdered a lot of people, including people around him and former ‘party’ members who crossed him. He was famously paranoid.

    Augustus (and Ceasar, Constantine, Charlemagne…) were similar to Stalin. Only churlishness and the length of time differentiate them. I can’t wait until their statues are torn down and the month of August is renamed. The past was bloody and they were monsters.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
    , @songbird
  955. @Beckow

    It’s 5k crossings and it ends their ability to immediately claim asylum and take a later court date (that they ignore). In the proposed bill they actually have to go to court. The bill makes a massive investment in detention facilities…

    They would actually show up at later court date, really? Why? Your naivete is so gigantic I really hope it is only feigned…how do you function?

    A non-American ignorantly commenting on our political system is annoying enough as it is but please read the comment carefully:
    It’s 5k crossings and it ends their ability to immediately claim asylum and take a later court date (that they ignore).

    I noted in parenthesis that they ignore the court date.

    Meaning most of them do not show up. That is the current system.

    In the proposed system that was initially supported by both parties there would be a massive increase in detention and processing facilities so the court date actually happens.

    Almost all border crossers ask for asylum – that’s the game, it is still 5k allowed asylum seekers per day.

    That is the game when they go through a port of entry and want to permanently stay. We still have millions that go back and forth that don’t claim asylum. They sneak in to do agricultural work and then go back to Mexico. That group isn’t trying to show up at the easier points of entry like the Texas Rio and surrender. They are looking to make seasonal money and then go home. Around 25% have been previously caught and are already in the system.

    Part of the bill also included funding for border patrol which is what they have been requesting. We actually have MAGA Republicans that don’t want to fund the border patrol because Trump wants to make it a campaign issue.

    How long would it take to build facilities to hold million asylum seekers?

    A few years but more importantly there is no deterrent within the current system. Show up, get a court date, get in and then stay hidden. Word gets out to cousins in the third world that they just need to get to the border. More of them would stay home if there was an actual chance of going to court and then being released in Mexico if they can’t prove their case.

    It takes time to build things and when Trump was president he turned down a very generous border offer from the Democrats. It was a mix of electronic monitoring and funding for a partial wall but Mr. “art of the deal” held out for a big dumb wall even in areas that are naturally protected by a desert. Well he didn’t get his wall and also let Bannon scam his fans into believing they could build it privately. So there is already a precedent that shows Trump cannot be trusted on the border when he was already given a chance and blew it.

    If Trump can do a better job then do explain why option A is better than outcomes B and C:

    Trump supports the bill and then later passes his own that further locks down the border

    Trump rejects the bill and the border is wide open for at least a year and the asylum loophole remains.

    Trump rejects the bill and loses the election. Democrats gain votes in the House and craft their own bill.

    If the belief is that Trump can do better will have the votes then why not support A? This MAGA rejection of the border bill is illogical.

    Republicans in the House fully supported the bill until Trump made a phone call.

    Trump is currently in court over trying to silence a porn star that he banged while married. He has cheated on all of his wives and even bragged about it in an interview. This is the man that Republicans trust to our security. A man who not only broke his wedding vows with each wife but made it a public spectacle involving a porn star. He also owns numerous hotels which is an industry that is notorious for hiring illegals.

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @LatW
  956. Beckow 说:

    …better law should be made later

    You know it won’t be – this is it, with Dems and RINOs in charge there will not be another chance, they will say that ‘it was fixed by Biden’. It ties Trump’s hands, that’s why they want to do it. EU is doing something similar before the June election.

    2 million is ok? The numbers are completely unreasonable, they are taking you for a ride. How do you not see it?

    we have no restrictions at all, a wide open border

    That’s the plan. EU-US new laws do nothing about it. The goal is to freeze the situation and not allow the other side (not sure who) to pass more restrictive laws if they win. Ask yourself why that’s the case.

    But you prefer to focus on fighting the losing Ukie war. You are so gullible they don’t need to script the narratives for you – you enthusiastically embrace them by yourself. Like circus animals who are taught to train themselves…

    • 同意: A123
    • 回复: @A123
    , @AnonfromTN
    , @AP
  957. Beckow 说:

    Yeah, Mr. Hacks is squealing like a canary in a coal mine…he can sense what’s going to happen.

    • 同意: Mikhail
    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  958. Mr. Hack 说:

    You’re mistaken once again Comrade Beckow. The sounds that you hear are ones of glee that Trump is finally on board supporting military needs for Ukraine. It’ll sound more like rapture once the US House approves the bill of military support…My vision of the future seems to be much clearer than your own.

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @LatW
  959. A123 说: • 您的网站

    At some level AP must know that the fake DNC+RINO “deal” was an attempt to INCREASE migration. It had:

    • Easily exploitable loop holes for the Veggie-In-Chief’s administration.
    • Contained traps that would restrict Trump’s 2nd term.

    Is AP’s activism for INCREASED migration rooted in Ukie fanaticism?
    Or, the reality denial of Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDS]?

    Everyone objective understands that the House acted wisely when it blocked the cynical Senate boondoggle.


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  960. AnonfromTN 说:

    I can’t wait until their statues are torn down and the month of August is renamed.

    While they are at it, libtards should rename the month of July, as well. Not to mention several days of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) named after gods and goddesses, none of whom was liberal, let alone woke. The other three days of the week (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) also have non-liberal names (derived from Saturn, Sun, and Moon) that must be changed. Renaming should be extended to French, Italian, and other languages with equally illiberal names of months and days of the week. I suggest using the names of known gays, lesbos, and black drug addicts as replacements.

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Emil Nikola Richard
  961. AnonfromTN 说:

    These laws are only part of the picture, the US and the EU are committing suicide in many ways. They pretend not to know it, but most of the world would be happy to see them dead.

    • 回复: @Coconuts
  962. Mr. Hack 说:

    Is AP’s activism for INCREASED migration rooted in Ukie fanaticism?

    AP is clearly not in support of open borders and is only lamenting the fact that had the recent bill been passed, then the borders would have been closed down for 270 days per year. The way it is now, the borders remain open for 365 days. If Trump gets elected, he cold then complete the job and have the borders secured continually for 365 days per year. It’s actually quite easy to understand what AP is saying and there’s no reason to include your own hard core anti-Ukrainian fanaticism into the equation.

    • 同意: AP
  963. Beckow 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    The Ukie bonds are trading at 24% nominal value – over $100 billion of them, not including loans from IMF and EU (non-tradable).

    Do the math. I will take that over your squealing optimism.

  964. AP 说:

    …better law should be made later

    You know it won’t be – this is it, with Dems and RINOs in charge there will not be another chance, they will say that ‘it was fixed by Biden’.

    Ivan Ivanovich has already answered this clearly.

    A better law may or may not be made later. In the meantime, we have an open border versus a restricted (albeit far from completely) border. The difference is a few 100,000s extra illegals coming into the country.

    Trump’s gamble was to allow those additional 100,000s in because he hopes this will piss off the American people enough to tip the election in his favor. Ideally this will result in a better border law after the election. So he (and his supporters) think that those extra 100,00s of illegals are a price worth paying in order to improve Trump’s odds of winning the election.

    The problem is that the Republicans will likely lose the House, even if Trump wins. So there will be no new border law. Trump will try to close the border by executive decree which will have its own legal problems. Maybe he can hope for another global pandemic.

    And of course, if this gambit doesn’t help Trump to get elected we will have 4 more years of Biden (or Kamala), and a totally open border. Or some deal totally created by Democrats with no Republican input. It will be much worse than this one.

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @A123
    , @Mr. XYZ
  965. Beckow 说:

    Floyd-day sounds great…:) Have you noticed how the whole BLM mania has been forgotten? Mid-wits on a march can be easily directed – they love instructions from their higher-ups. They live for them.

    The endless MLK and Chavez Boulevards in US are a marker for where not to go – it is not safe. Ideologies have a built-in limit, human mind is resilient and smells bulls..t. I am an optimist.

  966. @AnonfromTN

    Didn’t the French already try this on experimental basis?

    Never forget Robespierre’s Law: you will never know that you have gone far enough until you clearly have gone too far.

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  967. AnonfromTN 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Didn’t the French already try this on experimental basis?

    They did, but that experiment was short-lived. Besides, they were biologically sane, which is politically incorrect today.

  968. Beckow 说:

    if this gambit doesn’t help Trump to get elected we will have 4 more years of Biden (or Kamala), and a totally open border…It will be much worse.

    You actually think that a theoretical difference of a few 100,00s extra illegals matters? For most of them it would only be a slight delay. Up to 60 million people entered US illegally in the last generation – their ability to bring relatives and friends makes the sky the limit. It is too late for fiddling on the margins. Europe is almost there – 5-10 years behind.

    The choices are to accept it, “manage” it with better selection, or try a shock to the system to stop it and try to reverse it. I don’t think a shock is any longer possible – even Trump or Le Pen would not be able to do it, the institutional resistance is too much.

    The discussion about a “270-day” or “365-day” is like re-arranging the deck chairs on Titanic. Instead find a “boat” and try to pretend that you are the right gender. I wonder if Titanic happened today if the POCs would be saved first or the gender-crosses? Hollywood should make a comedy. But they won’t and that is your real problem.

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
  969. Coconuts 说:

    That sounds much like the beliefs of the woke themselves, the destruction of the US and the EU is necessary to complete the emancipation of the Third World.

    In general who wouldn’t be happy to have more land and resources to devote to raising their children and enriching their ethnic group?

    • 回复: @AnonfromTN
  970. Mikel 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Since you bring up the possibility of real morons, have you noticed yet that your political superhero Donald Trump has now come out in support of more military aid for Ukraine?

    Of course Johnson wouldn’t have made his bold move without Trump’s approval. He actually met with him one or two days before presenting the bills. The usual suspects must have surely whispered in Trump’s ears that these foreign aid packages must pass even without getting any concessions, and, true to his character, he’s been convinced. He has more pressing matters in his hands anyway, like avoid jail.

    But if I were you, I wouldn’t launch the fireworks just yet. We know who these people are. They’re not Trump’s most loyal friends at all. Trump has some very rough times ahead of him with all these sham trials Democrat prosecutors and the Democrat DoJ have concocted against him (and that you Ukrainian Firsters also approve, just like the border surrender) and it’s not these whisperers who are going to come to his rescue if it gets dicey. It’s rather all the people who oppose these bills he will have to count on, like his own son and the MAGA people inside and outside of Congress.

    Regardless of how important this aid bill is for Ukraine’s war effort (and why it is indispensable at all to get it passed when all the rest of Western and NATO countries are perfectly capable of sending their own weapons and aid), the important thing here is that in a Republican-controlled House today the Dems are going to get everything they’ve been demanding for many months and the Republicans are going to get zero in return. Great job, Mike. Well, there is this late-minute 5th bill with “border measures”. With a bit of luck he might get some border peanuts while the Democrats laugh and continue enabling the largest invasion of immigrants (illegal or not) the US has ever seen in its history, with or without peanuts.

    In these cases there’s nothing like reading what your opp0onent’s media outlets have to say to understand how bad you’ve been had:

    How Johnson and Biden locked arms on Ukraine

    The planned vote on a foreign aid package is validation of a White House strategy to court the speaker behind the scenes while letting him find his own path.

    ... / ...

    The administration has “been pushing and they think he has the insight and intelligence as well as the temperament to be a listener,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “I’m not sure that [former Speaker Kevin] McCarthy was a listener in the same way.


    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  971. AnonfromTN 说:

    That sounds much like the beliefs of the woke themselves, the destruction of the US and the EU is necessary to complete the emancipation of the Third World.

    That would have been historically normal if outside forces were destroying the US and the EU. Paradoxical nature of the situation is that the damage is 100% self-inflicted. Another paradox is that, while in the US the “election” of the corrupt senile libtard required fraud on banana republic scale, Euros are actually voting for those hell-bent on the destruction of Europe. Lemmings heading for the cliff?

  972. Mr. Hack 说:

    true to his character, he’s been convinced. He has more pressing matters in his hands anyway, like avoid jail.

    Indeed. But nowhere has anybody suggested that Trump’s travails within our court system will in any way be eased if he supports the defense aid package for Ukraine. I suspect that the “usual suspects whispering into Trump’s ears” were actually sounds that are entrenched deep within your own head and not any that Trump heard.

    Trump has some very rough times ahead of him with all these sham trials Democrat prosecutors and the Democrat DoJ have concocted against him (and that you Ukrainian Firsters also approve, just like the border surrender)

    Once again, you’re allowing full vent to your own fantasies that are not supported by any facts. If by “Ukrainian Firsters” you mean anybody that favors providing Ukraine with defensive weapons, then it’s clear that AP is not for open borders, and for the record neither am I. You need to real in your unsubstiated opinions and comeback to earth.

    • 回复: @Mikel
  973. A123 说: • 您的网站

    Everyone supporting lower migration also supported the House’s wise decision to scuttle the migration INCREASE bill.

    How would passing a bill that INCREASES migration today help?
    How would passing a bill that restricts Trump’s 2nd term authority help?

    The only reason to support the DNC+RINO farce is wanting INCREASED migration. It became so bad along the way that the #1 Republican author, Senator Lankford, abandoned his own bill.

    Your position is very cynical. You want to increase migration because of your #永不特朗普 zealotry. If that isn’t the explanation — Why do you want to pass a bill that makes borders MORE open than they are now?


  974. @Beckow

    The guy who torched himself in front of the court house at Trump’s trial yesterday said Biden and Trump are in cahoots.

    Here is his manifesto:


    It is slick as far as these things go.

  975. Mikel 说:


    由于过度运动而自杀几乎是不可能的。您是说 19 世纪的俄罗斯农民比超级马拉松运动员、铁人三项运动员或环法自行车赛车手锻炼得更剧烈吗?


    I’m not going to register to Bezos’ newspaper to validate your claim. But even if that claim is accurate, imagine how many confounding factors affect the comparison between those two correlation coefficients. Don’t you have the actual paper anyway? Or was it just a WaPo article written by a journalist?


    LOL. I hope you realize that Attia, Kaeberlein and Patrick could take a least squares regression and tie a lace around your neck with it before you even realized what was going on. Or mine. And I don’t know the authors and reviewers of these papers, or the editors of the prestigious journals where they were published, like JAMA, but I’m pretty sure the same goes for them.

    Kaeberlein has spent some 20 years now designing lab and real-life experiments with the goal of proving a causation in different biological interventions under rigorous statistical and methodological conditions. He’s probably gathered millions in grants for those experiments and published more than 200 scientific papers.

    You’re not even bringing up a particularly insightful objection. Reverse causation in epidemiological studies is the bread and butter of all these people, as they keep pointing out themselves in their podcasts. Sorry to be blunt but the chances of a software engineer suddenly discovering a fatal flaw in all these studies that none of these doctors had thought about are laughable. Especially considering that you’re most unlikely to have read any of these papers in full or listened to any full YT episode by any of the 3 people I’ve just mentioned.


    Well, in my last comment I provided 3 different lines of refutation, one after the other. I had already alluded to them previously. I can’t keep repeating myself.

    Regarding the 3rd line, just think about what it means that vo2max is a highly modifiable variable, that you cannot increase it just by being healthy (in fact, it will go down if you don’t exercise at all, even if you stay healthy) and that multiple studies have found a very strong correlation between vo2max levels and all-cause mortality. In the JAMA study specifically the 10-year survival rate differential between the 20th percentile and the 95th percentile was 500%.

    PS- As a matter of fact, when we started this discussion a couple of weeks ago I confessed that I wasn’t persuaded by Attia and discussed the matter with Emil. Since then I have read some more and watched some new videos and I have actually changed my mind. The evidence is quite compelling. There even was a study in ~2010 that examined the longevity of all athletes since the start of the Olympic movement in the 19th century. They found a clear signal of higher longevity in all athletes compared to the general population that was much more marked in endurance athletes than in resistance ones. So I may have been paying more much attention to anecdotal evidence than I should have.

    Under the more tag a very interesting interview of a sports medicine doctor with a PhD in Physiology, totally unrelated to the “influencers” we have discussed, with Professor Ben Levine, one of the leading researchers in cardiovascular physiology and exercise. Not too easy to follow if you’re not particularly interested in exercise but they’re not trying to sell you anything at all and it would do wonders to your ability to discuss these matters with some more information.


    • 回复: @Dmitry
  976. Beckow 说:
    @John Johnson

    ..ignorantly commenting on our political system

    What? You a clueless WalMarter who insists on commenting on Russia and Ukraine. Are you at all self-aware?

    America belongs to the world, that’s what being an ‘indispensable’ means. If you have a problem with that talk to your leaders. When you try to arrogantly run the world you become a playground for the world. US founders warned about it, but it was just too tempting, wasn’t it?

    So on to Moscow!!! And Bejing, Tehran, maybe even Budapest if you can find it on the map. And start building the detention camps for millions of people. I doubt it will be the ‘illegals’ behind the barbed wire. What would NY Times say if sad videos of a few swarthy seekers of fortune would appear? What would 进步 judges do?

    You have checkmated yourself.

  977. Wokechoke 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Nothing is going to solve the wackiness of the perverts running stuff.

    Nothing short of…

  978. songbird 说:

    Forget about proscriptions. They would cancel Augustus, if he were around today, just for trying to promote marriage and childbearing.

  979. Mikel 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    I suspect that the “usual suspects whispering into Trump’s ears” were actually sounds that are entrenched deep within your own head and not any that Trump heard.

    Yes, perhaps it’s just voices in my head what made Trump abandon his election promises of improving relations with Russia, deporting millions of immigrants or stopping military interventions abroad. I suspect he did not change his mind while practicing Zen meditation though. It’s much more likely that surrounding himself by well known neocons (some of whom continue courting him) had a much more impactful effect.

    If by “Ukrainian Firsters” you mean anybody that favors providing Ukraine with defensive weapons

    Not at all. With that expression I’m just referring to the people who are willing to enact policies that damage the US if that serves to benefit Ukraine. It should be quite clear who I’m talking about here. As a first generation American, I’m not in a position to judge too much. While I find it a bit surprising, it’s just a fact of life that many Americans born and raised here are clearly more interested in the country of their ancestors (be it Ukraine, Israel, Mexico or wherever they came from) than in the US. Pointing this out with a descriptive expression is not necessarily derogatory. It’s just a statement of fact. But it does certainly conflict with my own interests. No matter how long ago I came here, I do want this country to prosper more than any other. I actually think that this quite a common view among a certain subset of immigrants. Just look at Derbyshire, Sebastian Gorka, Ilana Mercer, Peter Brimelow,… we’ve all seem to have converged to a similar position regarding our new country.

  980. Mr. Hack 说:

    House passes $60B Ukraine aid bill as GOP rebels threaten to oust Johnson

    The House of Representatives has approved sending $60 billion to Ukraine for its defense against Russia’s invasion, an issue that has roiled Speaker Mike Johnson’s already perilously slim majority.

    The aid package passed 311 to 112, with more Democrats voted in favor than Republicans – and just 101 Republicans voted for the bill while 112 voted nay.

    • 回复: @Mikel
  981. LatW 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    Trump should get the update that Europe has put in more than the US (before today’s bill, 4/5ths of which will go back to the US anyway).

    • 回复: @Mr. Hack
  982. LatW 说:

    Is it really true that 3M illegals entered the US in 2023? Not sure this is accurate, can’t be real. That’s an insane number (and how is it even counted?)! It says the Border Patrol had 230K illegal encounters from Mexico in 2023. What is the real number of illegals that entered in 2022 and 2023 and where are they? How did they get housed? Some are probably unhoused.

    Afaik, after the Covid lull about 700K-1M legal immigrants started arriving again per year / or were naturalized. That’s an insane number, as well. Where is everyone getting housing?

    • 回复: @QCIC
  983. LatW 说:
    @John Johnson

    Trump is currently in court over trying to silence a porn star that he banged while married. He has cheated on all of his wives and even bragged about it in an interview. This is the man that Republicans trust to our security.

    Haven’t followed this porn star thingie, but I only recently became aware of the extent of his cheating (by accident, an interview with this Playboy bunny popped up on my feed and I watched it). Wow, he even cheated on Melania. I guess once you start doing that, it no longer matters. Although I doubt that “an open relationship” was part of the “deal” with Melania. He cheated on her right when she had had the baby. I had been wondering for a while why Melania was frigid towards him (other than him being much older now) and now I know (her situation is worse than I’d assumed, he even took this new woman into their house, and she wasn’t the only woman). I mean, I understand if he wanted to have a harem and hang out around those beauty pageants, whatever, but then you can’t hold important office. This interview with this Karen McDouglas really freaked me out, because I realized how dangerous it had been the whole time to put him near the national secret and foreign policy. Although, ironically, many of his moves have been good and for some reason he just gave the green light to Mike Johnson with the foreign aid bill (although that could’ve also been because Johnson may have had a conversation with the intelligence services who explained to him the gravity of the situation) and he recently went quiet about leaving NATO (he might be fearing the reaction of those voters who are pro-NATO or Polish/EE voters). Ironically, he might be more assertive with regards to Ukraine (and definitely Israel), but that doesn’t change the fact that it is careless to put a serial cheater at such a high office. And that’s why you couldn’t really trust him on the wall either (building the wall should’ve been a much easier task than dealing with Covid and the ensuing geopolitical situation in the world that will be very difficult to handle now). Other than that I have nothing against him personally, he is quite funny sometimes and the Trump years were good financially.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  984. LatW 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    先生, there are good news from comrade Beckow’s country – his prime minister refused to pool money into Petr Pavel’s ammo initiative, but the good people of Slovakia crowdfunded 2M euros on their own. Small but pleasant, as they say. 🙂 ~Hugs~


    • 谢谢: Mr. Hack
  985. Mikel 说:
    @Mr. Hack

    I was too optimistic. This Johnson loser didn’t even get the border peanuts he begged the Dems for. An unconditional win for the minority Dems on all fronts, courtesy of the Louisiana midwit who yesterday warned the nation that if Russia wins in Ukraine, next will be the 巴尔干.

    On the positive side, you guys in Arizona have a very solid Republican representation in the House. 4 out of 6 voted against the Ukraine aid bill and, much more impressively, 3 out of 6 voted against the Israel bill too! Probably the most solid representation of all states when it comes to US-first policies. I am also very impressed with Ukrainian born Spartz, who voted against the Ukraine bill. She seems to be on my same camp of loyal first generation Americans but you probably don’t appreciate the merit too much.

    As for AP and yourself being against illegal immigration, didn’t you guys say that you were voting for Biden in November? LOL

    • 回复: @LatW
    , @Mikhail
  986. LatW 说:

    Louisiana midwit who yesterday warned the nation that if Russia wins in Ukraine, next will be the Balkans.

    He just misspoke, which is not a big deal (even though the Balkans, too, could be affected in such a scenario – a Ukrainian loss would reverberate across the more vulnerable regions both in the north the south, luckily, this may not happen, since we’re going to make ourselves 不再? vulnerable going forward, re-armament is well on its way and will continue plus the US aid now).

    Mike Johnson has proven himself to be a man of character, to go through such an ordeal so early in his career, was not easy (one might think how patriotic is it really to try to shake up the third most important post in America, especially so soon after the previous Speaker was ousted and try to ruin a man’s career so early on). He is smart, he waited until the last moment to secure the green light from Trump and then let go of the Republican radical wing (which is bigger, btw, than I imagined – 55 + 12 abstained? That’s not that little – so this remains a significant political force for the future). As to illegal immigration, it should stay above the party politics and should not be tied to foreign policy bills but should be solved on its own. It’s a matter of rule of law first and foremost and not even party politics.

    It should not be underestimated what just happened in the Middle East – both Iran and Israel just attacked each other, on their own lands, and not through proxies (contrary to what this website writes, the attack on Israel was substantial). The Speaker understood the severity of this, he understood the need to act above the party squabbles.

    • 回复: @Mikel
  987. QCIC 说:

    Three million illegal immigrants per year is a huge number, but easily possible considering the length of the border which has been politically opened in many places. I suspect the actual number could be 更高.

    The USA has a lot of spacious housing units with small families, say 1 to 3 people. The Spanish-speaking immigrants have long overloaded these units. A common example used to be a 3 bedroom house intended for 4 people which illegal ‘migrant workers’ turned into a “bunkhouse” for 10 guys. Back in the day the criticism was that these men had low expenses and sent all their earnings back home to the family in Guatemala, causing a local economic distortion and reduced tax revenue. The high population density causes parking, trash and water problems in the neighborhood with some added crime as well. Nowadays, there is a huge low-rent housing boom (what used to be called starter homes or apartments) in some southern states. I suspect 10% of this is for Americans fleeing Blue states and the other 90% for grown up hispanic anchor babies or simply outright illegals. A lot of the illegal immigration is now women and families, so I assume many elementary school enrollments are greater than 75% hispanic. This would be easy to check.

    I temporarily live in a decent apartment complex in a fairly upscale region of a growing metro area which overall has a large influx of invaders. From my observations roughly 25% of the residents in my complex speak Spanish as a first language. I assume for lower rent, non-middle class apartment complexes the percentage rapidly increases to 90%. My impression is that many residents do not speak English at all. It is mind boggling.

    I think the ideologically Western-European, Enlightenment-anchored USA of as recently as the 1990’s is mostly lost. It could be protected and possibly restored by harsh measures which would include draconian deportation campaigns, but no one has the heart for that. What I suspect will happen is the formation of a very visible caste system as exists in most Latin-American countries. The legacy middle-class Americans and recent immigrants will both resist the growth of this system so I expect chaos.

    • 回复: @LatW
  988. QCIC 说:

    During the Trump term Melania took a trip to Africa. There were a few shots of her smiling in a genuine way. I was happy for her since she usually looks so reserved and unhappy. I have no idea what it all means. I didn’t know about this Karen McDougal, to me her face is prettier than the other harem girls. I knew little about the Trump brand over the years, but it was impossible to completely avoid the hype. I never thought Ivana was particularly attractive so it always came across as odd when the press talked her up as a hottie. Some of the shots of Karen show kind of weird facial expression which almost, just maybe, looks like she had a stroke. Hmmm.

  989. Mikel 说:

    He just misspoke, which is not a big deal

    It is a big deal. People who can’t locate different countries on a map and “misspeak” every time they open their mouths to talk about foreign lands are the ones who decide who are the good guys and the bad guys in every conflict that crops up in the world and funnel billions to those places when the US has the biggest debt it has had in its history.

    Don’t be naive about Johnson or any of these creatures. He literally said that his reading of the Bible teaches him that the US must support Israel and that he does believe that Russia, China and Iran are a real “axis of evil”. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if he does think that the Balkans are next and I’m quite confident that he sincerely believes that Putin plans to “march through Europe” (never mind that he failed to take Kiev). Regardless of our different positions, isn’t it time to wake up and realize who rules us?

    which is bigger, btw, than I imagined – 55 + 12 abstained?

    It was actually a majority of Republicans who voted No (112 versus 101). The times they are a-changing.

    Mike Johnson has proven himself to be a man of character

    I guess it takes some character to surrender to the Dems so shamefully. He got exactly zero in return but he did it anyway. A man of determination lol.

    • 回复: @LatW
  990. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Mike Johnson comes across as a foreign policy hick, who got duped by the Ivy League educated Jake Sullivan, who served as a Democratic Party presidential campaign manager. Sullivan is a modern day version of a successful snake oil salesman.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  991. Jazman 说:

    正是 IAF 无人机的低质量和 IDF 的傲慢(并相信自己的宣传)导致了 1997 年黎巴嫩 Ansariya 村的灾难。 IAF 无人机的电视信号未加密,真主党反情报捕获了该信号并从中推断出以色列国防军下一次突击队袭击的地点。收到来自双重间谍的虚假信息后,以色列国防军发动了一次海军突击队袭击,暗杀了安萨里亚村的真主党高级官员。
    然后他们走进了准备好的埋伏地点,周围布满了爆炸性地雷,当他们携带的炸药发生共鸣爆炸时,包括他们的领导者在内的突击队员都被消灭了。著名的第 13 舰队突击队在几秒钟内就被消灭,只剩下 1 人活着等待救援直升机。
    我有一个在以色列国防军服役的朋友去年夏天和他待了几天,我可以说他疯狂且妄想地乞求与伊朗开战。 https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4977429,00.html?fbclid=IwAR2h94DNvvwJ3YgTvNbbi8W5qWL6iodg6WN4Ysw6jn4RA0TJk5zEptuWSB4

  992. Jazman 说:


  993. LatW 说:

    I suspect the actual number could be higher.

    That’s a very high number that is hard to believe, even if some newcomers are clearly visible. Maybe the country is big enough to absorb even such a high number? Think about it, that’s on top of the legal immigrants. So roughly 700K legal plus millions of illegal per year? No way! That’s insane. If this were true, it’d be close to an emergency.


    The USA has a lot of spacious housing units with small families, say 1 to 3 people.

    I think it depends on the region, maybe in Texas they do. I wonder how many folks went off grid after Covid – seems like a decent solution if one has a nice trailer (unless one has small children). Some younger people probably moved back in with their folks. And I wonder how many slipped through the cracks (to no fault of their own).

    My impression is that many residents do not speak English at all. It is mind boggling.

    In some big cities, there are some Somalis arriving and their women do not speak English, do not change their attire, but have additional kids. Imagine, you arrive in America and the first thing you do is have another kid, instead of learn and use English. I don’t want to judge, but still…

    I think the ideologically Western-European, Enlightenment-anchored USA of as recently as the 1990’s is mostly lost.

    The 90s was probably when things turned significantly, things were quite ok up to mid 90s or so. At that time you still had large middle class American families in the Midwest. But the 90s is already a long time ago. The conservatives used to be able to live separately, in large enough groups, but society is more atomized now. I think there are also more “life options” now and lifestyles to choose from.

    It could be protected and possibly restored by harsh measures which would include draconian deportation campaigns, but no one has the heart for that.

    Right, most people won’t have the heart to harass migrants who don’t seem to be committing crimes, and I imagine a lot of people don’t feel like anything is wrong, they are still comfortable.

    The legacy middle-class Americans and recent immigrants will both resist the growth of this system so I expect chaos.

    Right, smaller numbers of people are able to get into the desirable living standard, and, yes, eventually there could be chaos but it’s also possible that many people will just accept it and just cruise through with less.

    During the Trump term Melania took a trip to Africa. There were a few shots of her smiling in a genuine way. I was happy for her since she usually looks so reserved and unhappy

    It can be pleasant in the south, it’s like going to Italy or Croatia, you get a boost of warmth. People are more easy going, there is less pressure “to be perfect”. Melania herself is actually a bit southern, more so than Trump, who, while entertaining, may not be all that affectionate in private, I think she is Catholic and he is Anglican? And it must be very hard to share one’s husband with other women (even if you had an unspoken agreement about it). It’s also hard to compete for affection with your husband’s daughter from the previous marriage – you will never be number one, and every wife expects to be number one. Most gold diggers do ok, but it seems like Melania took on more than she must have expected. What ticks me off is that it was he who pursued her and yet he still cheated on her later on – and she was still very young at the time so she couldn’t have foreseen everything.

    I didn’t know about this Karen McDougal, to me her face is prettier than the other harem girls.

    Yes, I only watched that interview because she seemed prettier than all those other Trump women. I always found that stuff uninteresting because they all seem kind of washed up and tacky but having listened to this interview, it seems like there is a darker side to him. Although he’s probably fun and entertaining in person.

    I never thought Ivana was particularly attractive so it always came across as odd when the press talked her up as a hottie.

    She’s conventional by EE standards, as in, she’s not that hot for someone who would be considered beautiful in EE. But she was some kind of an athlete – either a figure skater or gymnast or something like that. Although many EE women have great figures even without being athletes. And she has a nice personality.

    Some of the shots of Karen show kind of weird facial expression which almost, just maybe, looks like she had a stroke. Hmmm.

    Those could be fillers, fillers are ok but shouldn’t be overdone, they should be “invisible”. I like Karen, but she should take responsibility for what she did, instead of just saying “I was uncomfortable”, she’s a Republican and a Christian (eye roll). LOL It just goes to show how naive we can be as voters, when one thinks back to 2016, none of this stuff really mattered since he had such a bombastic personality that overshadowed everything and there was the momentum with many voters being unhappy with the status quo and there being such a deep desire to see someone pro-White, pro-middle and working class. I never cared about this marriage related stuff (but one can see that it’s actually quite important). Then again, I’m not too psyched about an open gay like Anderson Cooper going after Trump by interviewing all these women.

    • 回复: @QCIC
  994. LatW 说:

    He acts as the Speaker of the House, not just as a representative of his party (much less just a faction of it such as the MAGA). According to the polls, a large percentage of Americans, more than a half, support Ukraine. So he didn’t really do anything undemocratic. Your time may arrive at some point, even if not today (and as I said, those who voted “against” are a relatively large number so your view is generously represented (including by some on the far left) which you should be grateful about). Until then you should wait.

  995. Dmitry 说:




    这只是 CDC 数据的相关性,这就是我在最初的评论中对你说的。我不知道你为什么要否认。

    。我希望你意识到 Attia、Kaeberlein 和 Patrick 可以采用最小二乘回归,并在你意识到发生了什么之前用它在你的脖子上系一条花边。或者我的。

    我不知道那些人是谁(炒作狂人从 YouTube AdSense 获取资金?),但我也不理解您关于最小二乘回归的论点。




    第 10 个百分位数和第 20 个百分位数之间的 95 年生存率差异为 500%



    这不是任何人都需要“突然发现”的东西。如果您阅读了您发布的有关“V02 max”的论文,我们可以看到反向因果关系是最有可能的原因。

    对医生的评论并不乐观。相信健康行业医生样本的权威性,他们的工作是在 YouTube 上进行营销,他们非常乐观。



    2010 年甚至有一项研究调查了自 19 世纪奥林匹克运动开始以来所有运动员的寿命。他们发现了一个明显的信号:与普通人群相比,所有运动员的寿命都更长


    • 回复: @Philip Owen
    , @Mikel
  996. QCIC 说:

    I think the many millions of illegals are often invisible because they work a lot. These workers are driving or carpooling to jobs. This doesn’t really show up as traffic because a lot of Americans are still working from home. If you go to government offices and low cost stores you will see many of these people.

    The real problem is slightly longer term. As they have kids and GenZ Americans do not, the ratio of illegal immigrants to Americans under 40 will change drastically, even if immigration is stopped entirely tomorrow.

    If the economy tanks, most of these people will not be able to find jobs, leading to crime and conflict.

  997. Mr. Hack 说:

    It looks to me as if Trump is too busy trying to extricate himself from his own “put in more” trial. 🙂

    How can a “real Christian” like kremlinstoogeA123 keep supporting this lousy philanderer?

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  998. @Mikhail

    Mike Johnson comes across as a foreign policy hick, who got duped by the Ivy League educated Jake Sullivan, who served as a Democratic Party presidential campaign manager.

    Is that what you tell yourself? Johnson was duped by a Democrat?

    Then why has Johnson been blocking a Ukraine vote since last year? Why didn’t Sullivan sweet talk him earlier? Sullivan took what…6 months to sweet talk a dumb hick?

    Johnson got what he wanted and more which is Israel aid. 26 billion which is unreal.

    They paid him off with Israel aid and he didn’t put up a fight over the border.

    Has nothing to do with him being swindled. He was holding out for 14.5 billion and got 26 total with 14 in unconditional military aid.

    This deal only happened because there was talk of a bipartisan movement to circumvent him. They were sick of him holding back on the Ukraine vote. He only made his “evil axis” comment after realizing he couldn’t hold out any longer.

  999. @Mr. Hack

    How can a “real Christian” like kremlinstoogeA123 keep supporting this lousy philanderer?

    They’re my neighbors.

    They get trashed on a Sunday afternoon while watching football, complain about gays not following the OT, go to the casino and ignore the OT, scoff at charity, finance a 70k truck they use to pick up groceries, hire illegals to mow the lawn so they can watch Fox News, then complain about a grand conspiracy to undermine the fine morality of this Christian country.

    American Republican Christians.

    And they make better neighbors than liberals.

  1000. @Gerard1234

    In no way is he connected to the Russian state or are his actions “pro-Russian”

    Meanwhile in RF today – runaway international financial stealer/swindler Ilan Shor announces the creation of the political bloc “Pobeda” at a Moldovan pro-Russian opposition parties’ congress in Moscow, lol


    • 回复: @QCIC
  1001. @Dmitry


    I have read that resistance exercise, in particular, can elevate Human Growth Hormone levels. This leads to higher cancer rates and slightly higher all cause mortality rates than non exercisers. (Long time ago – no references, probably the once Scientific American so 2nd hand). The proposed mechanism is that HGH stimulates cell growth and thus cancers.


  1002. QCIC 说:

    Don’t forget about this movie.


    • 回复: @songbird
  1003. Mikel 说:




    I wasn’t denying anything. First I just pointed out that your claim wasn’t supported by your graphs at all. Next I asked where the scientific paper is and you didn’t answer. But I have enough experience with scientific papers and internet debates to know when a claim looks fishy so I took the trouble to find the WaPo article published on another newspaper:


    Exactly as I suspected, there is NO scientific paper, which is why you didn’t provide it. It’s just a journalistic article:

    为什么科罗拉多州的人比密西西比州的人锻炼得多?为了找到答案,我们从各种来源提取了州级数据 半科学的努力 确定因素


    你立即驳回了多篇同行评审论文,并提出了一篇 WaPo 文章为你辩护。



    这是一个问题 我们可以相当有把握地说相关性等于因果关系大量的研究证明了体育活动对于长寿、健康的重要性。



    OK, that sounds convincing. What can I do against such powerful arguments? I give up. You have won the debate. I’m going to start exercising less and trying to reduce that dangerously high vo2max. From now on my strategy to improve my health is going to be become richer. That is the most important variable for health outcomes. And most importantly, I’m going to stop listening to those ignoramuses with PhDs in Physiology and Pathology. They’re just trying to swindle me. If I ever have any doubt on the frequency of my exercise activities, the amount of time in aerobic zone 2 versus anaerobic threshold and such matters, I’ll come here and ask you instead, seeing that you have such a superior understanding of the literature.

    • 回复: @Dmitry
  1004. Dmitry 说:




    这已经是一个逻辑错误,因为他们最多可以争论的是变量之间同时存在的可能性。他们没有进行分析来排除缺乏导致最高摄氧量较高的疾病,只是说协方差持续了 02 年,并且在排除 46 年内死亡的人后协方差仍然持续。这假设疾病/健康是离散的而不是连续的,它总是可见的,或者它会导致人们在数据收集开始后 10 年内死亡足够多,以消除协方差。他们没有尝试任何工具变量,可能是因为他们在 10 世纪 1970 年代开始研究时没有考虑为他们收集任何数据。




    你可以将他们描述为诈骗。每次您点击他们的 YouTube 视频,您就在向他们汇款。你可以说这不是诈骗,因为它是娱乐。


    有氧区 2 的时间与无氧阈值的时间量之类的问题,我会来这里问你,因为你对文献有如此深刻的理解。

    与健康影响者不同,我没有经济动机来欺骗您或为 YouTube 制作带有令人兴奋的缩略图和虚假承诺的炒作视频。





    这是他们从 CDC 报告中得出的相关性。


    你立即驳回了多篇同行评审论文,并提出了一篇 WaPo 文章为你辩护。













    • 回复: @Dmitry
    , @Mikel
  1005. Dmitry 说:


    这是他们从 CDC 报告中得出的相关性。


  1006. QCIC 说:
    @sudden death

    What is your interpretation of this?

    • 回复: @sudden death
  1007. songbird 说:

    Lishman was an omnivore, and would eat “trouble makers” among the Canada geese.


    Drake Larsen, a researcher in sustainable agriculture at Iowa State University, described them to The Atlantic magazine as “so yummy …good, lean, rich meat. I find they are similar to a good cut of beef.”


    Where I live, they are winter resident. Am unclear if it has always been this way historically, but I think probably not.

    Canada geese almost went extinct as they were popular birds to eat, until the migratory treaty protected them. In my area, they occasionally cull them and give them to homeless people to eat.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  1008. Mikel 说:

    I’m beginning to regret having started this discussion. Even though I have plenty of experience, some of it quite recent, on how frustrating it can be debating you on matters that you know little about, I don’t know why I thought that a debate with you on a scientific topic would be a welcome respite to the autistic repetition of the same arguments with the same people here that only end up in name calling.

    We’re past the circular point here where you’re not even addressing what I tell you and there is no way you are going to get convinced of anything because now it seems to be personal.



    For the umpteenth time, you do not increase your vo2max, let alone to elite level, by just “being healthy”. You need to actively exercise (a lot). And yet, survival rate continues increasing almost monotonically for all vo2max levels. With all the confounding variables that undoubtedly exist in all epidemiological studies, the main direction of causation can only be one here, as shown in multiple other papers and admitted by the whole professional field, Nekrasov notwithstanding..



    I’m actually going to copy/paste the CDC/HHS advice from one of your own papers:

    每周至少 150 分钟的中等强度
    体力活动,或每周 75 分钟
    肌肉强化活动 2 或





    这是两个 r2 的相当无关的比较,如果它们曾经成功过,那么充满了令人困惑的因素,但如果你只是编造出来的,说实话,承认这一点,然后让我们继续前进。


    The correlations in your WaPo article don’t indeed dismiss any peer-reviewed papers. They support them emphatically, as I have shown. It is you, Dmitry, who keeps dismissing dozens of scientific papers and hundreds of PhDs by claiming that you understand causality better than them.


    – A preprint. Compare it to dozens of papers in the specialized journals that have already passed peer review.

    – An EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY based on a questionnaire. Full of confounding factors, as the authors themselves admit in the “Strengths and limitations” chapter.

    – A study of Finnish twins. Compare the n with the hundreds of thousands of subjects studied during decades in the vo2max literature.

    – Fatal flaw: use of epigenetic clocks to infer aging. As everybody knows in the longevity field, and you would if you actually listened to the people you criticize while admitting you don’t know anything about them, nobody really knows what these clocks measure. There is a correlation between DNA methylation and chronological age but, ironically, this is confounded by the very problem you are trying to use against vo2max: the causal direction is still unclear. Moreover, if you buy two epigenetic clock tests from different companies, you are surely going to get two different measurements and if you take two tests from the same company you are also going to get 2 different results, because methylation changes over time and among different body tissues. Compounding the irony, this is why Kaebelerlein (and most likely Attia and Patrick, they all keep referencing each other) recommend not wasting your money on these tests until the science is more mature. Right now the companies that sell them are a total swindle. But not knowing anything about these matters, you think that a preprint that uses this questionable metric can be used to dispute decades of scientific research.


    Professor José Calbet. At 1h:49min, if you mate mice with a genetically high vo2max in a lab, their offspring live longer. When you increase your vo2max through exercise, you are increasing your whole body’s capacity to produce energy and stay alive.

    Do you also understand biological causality better than this guy? 🙂

    Full Prof in Exercise Physiology at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), about 200 articles in the JCR (129 in Q1), h-index (WoS) 65, 22 PhD thesis (10 awarded by ULPGC). Medical doctor with Specialty in Rheumatology and Certificat d’études Speciaux en Médecine du Sport Univ of Montpellier. Editorial board: SJMSS, EJSS; Journal of Physical Activity and Health, APNM, IJSM, HAMB, JSSE, and EJHM. Interest: EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY

    • 回复: @Emil Nikola Richard
    , @Dmitry
  1009. @songbird

    I’ve tried Canada Goose.


    One of the worst meats I have ever tried.

    It looks like a nice cut of beef but tastes strange. Not gamey but weird. Almost a bit fishy. If anything the beef look makes it disappointing. Probably ok in a stew or something where you can put a lot of broth flavor into it.

    I know someone who tried whale and he said it was delicious.

  1010. Mr. XYZ 说:

    The problem is that the Republicans will likely lose the House,

    Is this due to the general Republican dysfunction in the House?

    And of course, if this gambit doesn’t help Trump to get elected we will have 4 more years of Biden (or Kamala), and a totally open border. Or some deal totally created by Democrats with no Republican input. It will be much worse than this one.

    You know, if non-elite Muslims and Africans are going to start showing up en masse, I might become more concerned about the open border, but so far, I’m not entirely displeased with what’s going on. I mean, we appear to be getting a lot of Indians and Chinese, often middle-class folks, as a part of this recent illegal immigration wave, along with of course plenty of Latin Americans.

    Some articles about this:


    Some Chinese now appear to be having second thoughts, though:


    An interesting historical question that pertains to this: Just how much of a strain were Southern migrants on Northern US cities between 1910 and 1970? Because when European immigration to the US mostly stopped in the 1910s and 1920s, mass migration to Northern US cities didn’t stop. Rather, they were simply replaced by Southern migrants to Northern US cities, many but not all of whom were black.

  1011. @Mikel

    I’m beginning to regret having started this discussion.

    It’s been pretty entertaining to watch!

    The thing with these studies on human subjects is human variation is 10-50X bigger than any little cause-effect relationship they are trying to torture out of their data. If you want to wax philosophically the terms to search on are (nomothetic, idiographic).

    I listen to what these talking heads have to say.

    1. It is as interesting as anything on youtube and I do not watch commercial television.
    2. If I try one of their 1000’s of suggestions–there is no way to test them all–I listen and attend to my own body response as the prime indicator of efficacy.

    I’m kind of sad Liver King has disappeared. That fellow was a hoot.

    For what it’s worth Mark Appel has given up running. He thinks just walking up and down hills is all he needs. My personal favorite cardio workout for years has been jumping rope. I quit running for 15 years because of chronic knee pain. I can do thousands of jump ropes and my knees have not ever once yet complained. I learned that I had bad running technique from one of these youtube guys (forget which one) and I am running again. With no pain. : )

    • 回复: @Mikel
  1012. Mikel 说:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It’s been pretty entertaining to watch!

    Glad to learn that at least one person found the exchange entertaining. But there is a clear and very peculiar pattern in all the debates I have with Dmitry: he pretends to know more than me on subjects where I happen to be very well informed whereas his knowledge is very limited at best.

    First he tried to lecture me on Mormons, the very people I have spent a decade living amongst. Then he pretended to know more than me on economic theory, the subject I got a university degree on. And now he’s lecturing me on exercise physiology. While exercise clearly doesn’t interest him much, I spend 6-7 hours every week exercising and several hours more watching exercise-related videos 🙂

    However, it would be unfair to say that this debate has been useless. While answering him, I have revisited the literature and actually discovered that exercise is more beneficial than I had assumed. Those early deaths of top athletes that we discussed and those injuries that plague tennis players are anecdotal evidence, totally insufficient to contradict the huge body of scientific literature. I even found a meta-analysis paper with 2,2 million participants that addressed the very question Dmitry has been pontificating about: possible reverse causality in vo2max studies. Their conclusion was unequivocal.

    I had bad running technique from one of these youtube guys (forget which one) and I am running again. With no pain. : )

    Very glad to hear that. Funnily enough, Attia and one of his guests, Basque scientist and top athlete coach San Millan, made me cause an injury to my knee some months ago. I have been practicing strenuous exercise all my life. Even when I’m just hiking in the mountains I like to push the accelerator and stay in high heart rate zones. But these two had a long episode on the importance of zone 2 exercise to build a large aerobic base and improve mitochondrial function. So for the 1st time in my life I started doing ~80% of my running on a flat trail with a hard surface. My left knee reacted negatively to the routine change and I had to spend several weeks in physiotherapy, which didn’t do much. Once I started running uphill again, everything went back to normal. But an MRI revealed chondrosis in the meniscus and I’m probably looking at an arthroscopy some time in the future.

    Take care of your menisci. They’re one of the hardest joints to heal because they’re isolated from the rest of the body and basically don’t receive any blood irrigation. Once you lose the ligament tissue through wear or injury, it’s pretty much gone forever. And perhaps the most important advice: always listen to your body.

  1013. @QCIC

    Not following it all very closely, just a guess without any further checking – all that kremlin firster paid crowd probably wants to prevent second term of current acting Moldova president as elections should be held this fall IIRC.

  1014. Dmitry 说:


    我想我批评你最喜欢的 YouTube 影响者让你生气了。

    ,所有 vo2max 的存活率几乎单调增加


    V02 max 测试是“压力测试”。随着 V02 max 的增加,您将从样本中排除更多有健康问题的人。


    我实际上要复制/粘贴 CDC/HHS 建议


    我推荐了您抄录的 CDC 建议,因为它可能是明智的。您应该做一些事情,例如有时步行去商店或咖啡馆,而不是每次都开车。自己修剪草坪,而不是总是花钱请园丁。

    如果您遵循此建议,每周进行 150 分钟的身体运动并不困难。您不需要在办公室安装健身房。



    这是两个 r2 的相当无关的比较,如果它们曾经成功过,那么充满了令人困惑的因素,但如果你只是编造出来的,说实话,承认这一点,然后让我们继续前进。

    除非你声称他在撒谎或者不知道如何将电子表格中的数字输入到电子表格中。 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/07/03/more-money-more-fitness-why-people-in-the-wealthiest-states-get-more-exercise/

    你的 WaPo 文章中的相关性确实并没有驳回任何同行评审的论文。正如我所表明的,他们坚决支持他们。德米特里,是你不断地驳斥数十篇科学论文和数百名博士,声称你比他们更了解因果关系。

    他们并不“强烈支持”V02 导致更高存活率的说法。




    你在我的回复中没有回答任何问题。你又开始谈论博士了,我猜他们是 YouTuber 营销人员。



    – 基于流行病学研究



    你能给我看一下这个“V02文献”在哪里吗?我看到的两篇论文没有做任何事情来表明因果关系的方向。他们甚至不明白最强的推论是同时性。他们唯一试图控制这一说法的说法是,在排除 10 年后死亡的人后,仍然存在(较小的)关联。







    何塞·卡尔贝.在 1 小时 49 分钟时,如果您在实验室中将最大摄氧量基因较高的小鼠交配,它们的后代寿命会更长。

    这并不表明 V02 max 会导致更长的预期寿命。



    比这家伙更了解生物因果关系? 🙂

    大加那利岛拉斯帕尔马斯大学 (ULPGC) 运动生理学正教授,






    当“消息灵通”时,可以翻译为“在 YouTube 上观看很多有影响力的人/营销人员,并相信他们的营销,但没有能力评估他们所说的内容或批判性思维”。

    • 回复: @Mikel
  1015. Mikel 说:

    我想我批评你最喜欢的 YouTube 影响者让你生气了。

    Not really. I tried to have a scientific debate with you and once again you turned it into a clown show but as I explained to Emil, it wasn’t a wasted effort. You involuntarily helped me have a more solid knowledge of the matters in discussion and verify that you are spectacularly wrong.

    Moreover, you have admitted that you have no idea who the 3 youtubers I mentioned are (2 weeks after we started debating them!). So why should anyone care what you have to “criticize” about them? 🙂


    No, you didn’t explain anything. Repeating like a parrot that 3 scientific papers are an ‘example of reverse causation’ is something that a cockatoo can be easily trained to do. But there’s no explanation there.


    You see? That’s the problem. I posted three papers but you can only see two. It’s not a matter of being able of holding a debate on a scientific topic. It’s a matter of being able to hold a rational conversation where 3 != 2.


    That’s like saying “you should be having sex at least once a year”. The big problem that people like you don’t understand is that we are direct descendants of hunter-gatherers. Our species evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to do physical exercise in order to survive and descends from prior species that had been doing the same for millions of years. It’s not so much that humans should do physical exercise, it’s that not doing what our bodies are optimized through evolution to do logically leads to atrophy and disease.


    很难向不理解 3 != 2 的人解释。简单地说,就是那些知道表观遗传时钟是什么的人。例如,第一个传感器的发明者霍瓦斯博士谦虚地承认,他不确定他们的测量结果意味着什么。


    BS. They only claim that the highly active subjects showed higher “epigenetic aging”. A totally different concept. And they didn’t even test if this effect, which can be perfectly real but, as discussed above, of unknown consequences, lasted long-term.

    你又开始谈论博士了,我猜他们是 YouTuber 营销人员。

    I have taken the trouble of posting two interviews with two leading researchers, conducted by another PhD, all 3 totally unrelated to the 3 youtubers we were discussing originally, but it’s like showing those videos to Sprite, my New Zealand rabbit buck. He would just ignore them and carry on munching the delicious spring grass I cut for him this time of the year. You also ignore them and carry on repeating that they’re all confused by reverse causation.

    这并不表明 V02 max 会导致更长的预期寿命。



    我同意。他关于最大摄氧量的一切说法早在 2 世纪就被俄罗斯小说家揭穿了。


    Well, if you had made the tiny effort of googling “vo2max wikipedia”, you would have found this beautiful meta-analysis of 37 cohort studies involving 2,258,029 million participants whose vo2max was measured instrumentally and were subsequently monitored for epidemiological purposes.

    这只是筛选可能存在的偏差和方法学问题后所有现有文献的一个子集。作者还试图回答反向因果关系的问题,但他们没有使用 cackatoo 方法,而是选择了非常复杂的工具来评估研究结果的质量,例如 GRADE、Cochrane 非随机研究中的偏倚风险 (ROBINS-I) )、Begg 漏斗图和 Egger 回归对称性检验。



    Is this rigorous enough for you or does it fall short of your scientific standards? 🙂

    • 回复: @Dmitry
  1016. Dmitry 说:


    看来我无意中批评 YouTube 影响者让你生气了,你忘了我解释了为什么这些论文没有表明更高的 V02 max 会降低死亡率。

    “这已经是一个逻辑错误,因为他们最多可以争论的是变量之间同时存在的可能性。他们没有进行分析来排除缺乏导致最高摄氧量较高的疾病,只是说协方差持续了 02 年,并且在排除 46 年内死亡的人后协方差仍然持续。这假设疾病/健康是离散的而不是连续的,它总是可见的,或者它会导致人们在数据收集开始后 10 年内死亡足够多,以消除协方差。他们没有尝试任何工具变量,也许是因为他们在 10 世纪 1970 年代开始研究时没有考虑为他们收集任何数据。”









    是否更清楚的是,饮酒过多会降低 V02 max,还是高 V02 max 会降低饮酒过多?





    他们没有注意到这一点,他们的调整是说,排除 10 年死亡率,这种关系仍然强劲(尽管较弱)。


    首先,也许他们没有收集可以用来讨论内生性问题的数据。他们只是将数据放入电子表格中并运行 Stata 软件。


    。我发布了三篇论文,但你只能看到两篇。这不是能否就某个科学话题进行辩论的问题。这是一个能够在 3 != 2 的情况下进行理性对话的问题。



    您抄录了 CDC 建议,建议进行 2,5 小时的适度运动或 1,25 小时的剧烈运动。


    假设您住的地方距离办公室步行 15 分钟。如果您每周步行五天去办公室和回家,那么您一周就完成了 2,5 小时的适度运动。

    也许您每周步行一次去附近的商店。那么你就完成了3小时的适度运动。也许你还做一些事情,比如修剪草坪。然后是 4 小时,所以您将属于非常高的体力活动类别。



    很难向不理解 3 != 2 的人解释。简单地说,就是那些知道表观遗传时钟是什么的人。例如,第一个传感器的发明者霍瓦斯博士谦虚地承认,他不确定他们的测量结果意味着什么。

    长生领域似乎并不是一个真正的领域。这是 YouTuber 营销语言。

    未来也许会有药物被验证可以延长人类的寿命,你可以把药物开发称为“长寿场”。目前,这就像谈论“飞行汽车领域”一样,这种营销可能会利用人们的希望以不道德的方式宣传他们的产品/服务/点击/Adsense 收入甚至初创公司。

    何塞·卡尔贝.在 1 小时 49 分钟时,如果您在实验室中将最大摄氧量基因较高的小鼠交配,它们的后代寿命会更长。

    这并不表明 V02 max 会导致更长的预期寿命。


    这是听他在 YouTube 上的评论得出的猜测。我们还没有看到那张纸。

    我同意。他关于最大摄氧量的一切说法早在 2 世纪就被俄罗斯小说家揭穿了。



    他们认为 V02 是一种检测疾病风险的压力测试。这就是说,他们认为这种关联就是早期论文中所谓的反向因果关系。

    • 回复: @QCIC
  1017. QCIC 说:

    I’m sure both points of view have merit.


  1018. @John Johnson


    These numbers sound like tragedy for a species, but there weren’t any. British upper class has never been especially creative. It is all public relations aka mystics of power. King Charles could explain that to us.


    • 回复: @John Johnson
  1019. @Another Polish Perspective










  1020. 普京似乎认为他可以不向雇佣兵支付报酬而逃脱惩罚:



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