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Here’s a new Open Thread for all of you. To minimize the load, please continue to limit your Tweets or place them under a MORE tag.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Russia, Ukraine 
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  1. Baltic labour migration traditions have deep roots in time – mercenaries from Latvia were fighting together with Greeks against Carthaginians in Sicilia:

    Chemical isotopes in the mercenaries’ bones indicated that the soldiers were born far away and that their parents and grandparents were not immigrants. And the ancient genomes were sequenced and compared to all published genomes, Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Dr. Mittnick speculated that the hirelings may have arrived at Himera with the army led by the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. Diodorus wrote of 10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship, although their geographic origins are unknown.

    “We know that many of the young men in the mass graves likely grew up outside of the Mediterranean but might have come to Sicily for the promise of citizenship or monetary rewards,” Dr. Mittnick said.

    Beyond highlighting the disparate genetic backgrounds of troops, the research showed that genetic ancestry informed which bodies were interred in which graves. “The intentional groupings of foreigners sheds light on the internal logic of the identity constructions of Greek colonists,” Dr. Reitsema said.

    Foreign fighters from a variety of backgrounds were buried in the same mass graves: sufficiently respected to be buried in the necropolis but still differentiated from many other persons of Greek descent. The smaller mass graves, in which soldiers probably were Greek, show the signs of greatest care in body placement and burial objects, indicating greater reverence or prestige than the outlanders.

    • Thanks: LatW
    • Replies: @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Considering that up to 5th century upper Dnieper basin population might have been Baltic speaking, could it have been some whole ancient Baltic tribe somehow travelling (10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship) into Greece?

    Various archeological monuments and the prevalence of Baltic hydronyms indicate that by the end of the Neolithic period (c. 3rd to 2nd millennium BC), there were several closely related, at least hypothetically Baltic, cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, which were the Pamariai, (Late) Narva, and (Late) Nemunas cultures. The earliest of them is the Pamariai culture, which covered only a narrow part of the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

    During the Bronze (c. 2nd to 1st millennium BC) and Iron (c. 1st millennium BC to 1st millennium AD) Ages, in the lands to the east and south of modern-day Lithuania and Latvia, there were Baltic (Late) Narva and the Brushed Pottery cultures (the areas of these two cultures included the east of present-day Lithuania and Latvia), the Dnieper-Daugava culture [lt], Milograd, Yukhniv [lt] and the later Dyakovo cultures.

    In the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, the aforementioned Baltic cultures of the Dnieper, Daugava and Oka basins transformed into the Kolochin, Tushemlia [lt] and Moshchiny cultures, which existed until the 8th–10th centuries. This transformation was due to the strong influence of the culture of the Western Balts (of the Zarubintsy culture), which moved from the territory of what is now Poland deep into the Dnieper basin as early as the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.

    Moshchiny culture is considered to be the ancestor of the Eastern Galindians, who lived in the lands near Moscow and within the Protva river basin.

    Light purple - potential Baltic speaking tribes:

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @sudden death

    , @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Kerch was a Greek colony at the time. The Little Bosporan Kingdom. Easy enough to imagine slaves and concubines coming down the Dneiper to be sold to merchants based in the Aegean.

    Byzantium always profited from being a choke point for grain, human traffic and other goods like lumber from the interior of the East too. Much like Turks do today.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars. They were also used as policemen. The researchers have probably looked at the Y haplogroups, it would be easy to link them to the modern ethnic groups. But perhaps they prefer not being too precise because between Latvia and Ukraine there are Belarus and Russia, the exact area that is usually seen as the Slav urheimat.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Yevardian

    , @LatW
    @sudden death

    That's fantastic info, thanks for posting that! And for once they seem to have fought on the side that is somewhat dignifying. There is a photo in the article of a grave with a horse - that could be a Western Baltic warrior burial (he may have requested that before his death). This is from a very, very early period, I wonder what else they found near the bones (probably not much) and the height of the skeleton.

    Carthago delenda est!

    By the way, Vladimir Toporov wrote a lot about Eastern Balts, incl. Dniepr Balts. Ukraine really is our motherland, our cradle. Although the biggest concentration of the hydronyms is in Central Belarus (Berezina river area).

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ

    , @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    OMG! LMFAO! It appears this idiot is just trying to claim Etruscans ( Russians who found their way to what is Italy "coincidentally" 25oo years before, the exact period this anti-historical BS this idiot is linking to is claiming to have started at)..... as Baltics.

    Hilariously with this idiotic propaganda he is trying to spin the great failure of post-Soviet Baltics - dying, mass depopulation from some ancient "quality" of these people!

    So faced with the fact its just the guy who presents Vesti, and nothing before that from the Baltic losers for 3000 years, and that Russian state, russian culture, russian language are known all over the world........and even have this detour west to Italy from these Etruscanswe are shown this fake historical garbage with the Baltic clowns trying to plaigirise our history.

    Dr. Reich said:
    Why not make it Professor Khokhol - even that would be more subtle

    Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”


    Why not just say also "the genomes of those direct descendants of red-white -red activists in Belarus, Jewish Feminists and BLM leaders"! Seriously WTF is this political hitjob garbage, posing as "historical study"

    How the f**k is from Ukraine and Latvia even plausible you idiot? It could either be southern steppe people, so Dr Reichtard would have to say "Ukraine" and Russia.........or because of Ukraine's non-history he could only reduce to to something like Ukraine& Moldova, or Ukraine& Slovakia& Hungary etc. How is "from Latvia and Ukraine" even possible without it also involving Russia or some other countries you deranged cretin?

    How would they have got to Sicilia 2500 years before? Sailing from Baltic coast? Wouldn't involve "Ukrainians". Crossing the Alps? No. Through the Balkans? Then how would it be only Latvians and Ukrainians you imbecile.

    Its amusing how only the worst of the worst scum on here talk about Gaplo-groups. On Runet there is good conversations about the topic.......but on here its just the loser scum on here from non-event or fake countries or fantasists or general dickheads (M*k*l) who seem obsessed with the topic. It would be fine if there were actual geneticists in the discussion, at best only one of these clowns is.

    Replies: @Yevardian

  2. In response to ’s post from before, from the previous open thread here:

    Huge difference between a Socialist Revolutionary-led Russia after WWI and a Bolshevik-led Russia after WWI: The former would be much less dictatorial, brutal, and totalitarian than the latter would be, thus being likely to generate much less Ukrainian, including Galician, resentment towards it.

    I don’t think that Russia in whatever form that it found itself in at the end of WWI would do something like that, it already had enough on its plate to deal with, especially to help solidify Ukrainian statehood.

    It would be less to solidify Ukrainian statehood per se and more to solidify Ukrainian loyalty towards Russia by uniting Ukrainians under the Russian flag/aegis. Since Russia sacrificed millions of its own soldiers’ lives during WWI, shouldn’t it at least get Galicia as compensation for this, after all?

    I’m asking about this because without both the Bolsheviks (Communists) and Putin, there would be a lot less Russo-Ukrainian ill-will right now.

  3. Here’s the human capital case for Russia seizing Galicia a century ago:

    Even back then, Galicia was the most literate region of Ukraine due to it being under Austro-Hungarian and not Russian rule.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @Mr. XYZ

    Not surprisingly, the places that felt the most Eastern European — even to other Eastern Europeans — were the most diverse and the most backward in the region. To the cosmopolitan officers of the Austro-Hungarian army, Galicia was one such place:

    Galicia, it was purported, contained the highest number of muddy and dusty roads, flies, and lice, as well as the greatest incidence of venereal disease, drunken peasants, and cunning Jews. The Polish landowners would have nothing to do with the Habsburg officers, nor would their daughters. Galicia was a place to get drunk and to stay drunk; to spend the night in shabby cafés, gambling and whoring; to long for civilization; and to make pilgrimages to the railroad station to watch the passing through of the Lemberg–Cracow–Vienna express. (Istvan Deak, Beyond Nationalism: A Social and Political History of the Habsburg Officer Corps, 1848–1918, 1990)
    From a rather colorful article, now expanded to a book:
  4. @sudden death
    Baltic labour migration traditions have deep roots in time - mercenaries from Latvia were fighting together with Greeks against Carthaginians in Sicilia:

    Chemical isotopes in the mercenaries’ bones indicated that the soldiers were born far away and that their parents and grandparents were not immigrants. And the ancient genomes were sequenced and compared to all published genomes, Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Dr. Mittnick speculated that the hirelings may have arrived at Himera with the army led by the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. Diodorus wrote of 10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship, although their geographic origins are unknown.

    “We know that many of the young men in the mass graves likely grew up outside of the Mediterranean but might have come to Sicily for the promise of citizenship or monetary rewards,” Dr. Mittnick said.

    Beyond highlighting the disparate genetic backgrounds of troops, the research showed that genetic ancestry informed which bodies were interred in which graves. “The intentional groupings of foreigners sheds light on the internal logic of the identity constructions of Greek colonists,” Dr. Reitsema said.

    Foreign fighters from a variety of backgrounds were buried in the same mass graves: sufficiently respected to be buried in the necropolis but still differentiated from many other persons of Greek descent. The smaller mass graves, in which soldiers probably were Greek, show the signs of greatest care in body placement and burial objects, indicating greater reverence or prestige than the outlanders.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke, @Ivashka the fool, @LatW, @Gerard1234

    Considering that up to 5th century upper Dnieper basin population might have been Baltic speaking, could it have been some whole ancient Baltic tribe somehow travelling (10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship) into Greece?

    Various archeological monuments and the prevalence of Baltic hydronyms indicate that by the end of the Neolithic period (c. 3rd to 2nd millennium BC), there were several closely related, at least hypothetically Baltic, cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, which were the Pamariai, (Late) Narva, and (Late) Nemunas cultures. The earliest of them is the Pamariai culture, which covered only a narrow part of the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

    During the Bronze (c. 2nd to 1st millennium BC) and Iron (c. 1st millennium BC to 1st millennium AD) Ages, in the lands to the east and south of modern-day Lithuania and Latvia, there were Baltic (Late) Narva and the Brushed Pottery cultures (the areas of these two cultures included the east of present-day Lithuania and Latvia), the Dnieper-Daugava culture [lt], Milograd, Yukhniv [lt] and the later Dyakovo cultures.

    In the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, the aforementioned Baltic cultures of the Dnieper, Daugava and Oka basins transformed into the Kolochin, Tushemlia [lt] and Moshchiny cultures, which existed until the 8th–10th centuries. This transformation was due to the strong influence of the culture of the Western Balts (of the Zarubintsy culture), which moved from the territory of what is now Poland deep into the Dnieper basin as early as the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.

    Moshchiny culture is considered to be the ancestor of the Eastern Galindians, who lived in the lands near Moscow and within the Protva river basin.

    Light purple – potential Baltic speaking tribes:

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    The Baltic and Slavic languages were probably much closer back then. Possibly mutually understandable. Basically, the Slavs would have been the part of these tribes that had been under stronger Scythian (Indo-Iranian) influence, while modern Balts would have been more influenced by the Ugric Akozino-Malar warrior traders moving towards the Baltic/Scandinavia from their Volga/Uralic original lands.

    I know that Baltic nationalists dislike having the Slavs as nearest related ethnic group and would prefer forgetting about it, mais c'est la vie, nobody can chose what family one is born into.

    , @sudden death
    @sudden death

    For comparison, schematic linguistic situation in Europe roughly 6-7 centuries later:

  5. A123 says: • Website

    😁 Open Thread Humor 😆

    As usual open [MORE] for the rest.

    PEACE 😇







    Why?…. Just Why?

  6. The guy surfing with a goat is doing it for instagram. Kind of like this one of cock sucker berg.

  7. Off-topic, but here is a map of the languages of the Ukrainian nobility (in the Russian Empire) back in 1897:

    Red = Ukrainian
    Blue = Russian
    Green = Polish
    Yellow = (Crimean) Tatar

    • Thanks: AP
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

    The former PLC territories are Polish, the former eastern part of the Cossack Hetmanate is Ukrainian, and Kiev, Novorossiya, and southern Crimea are Russian while northern Crimea is (Crimean) Tatar. Data for Galicia, etc. is not provided here since it wasn't a part of the Russian Empire.

  8. @Mr. XYZ
    Off-topic, but here is a map of the languages of the Ukrainian nobility (in the Russian Empire) back in 1897:

    Red = Ukrainian
    Blue = Russian
    Green = Polish
    Yellow = (Crimean) Tatar

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The former PLC territories are Polish, the former eastern part of the Cossack Hetmanate is Ukrainian, and Kiev, Novorossiya, and southern Crimea are Russian while northern Crimea is (Crimean) Tatar. Data for Galicia, etc. is not provided here since it wasn’t a part of the Russian Empire.

  9. Amazing footage from the front:

    Looks like a HIMARs attack.

    I have been pretty busy with summer stuff so I haven’t been posting as much.

    Sorry guys, I’ll try to make it up next week.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
    @John Johnson


  10. @sudden death
    Baltic labour migration traditions have deep roots in time - mercenaries from Latvia were fighting together with Greeks against Carthaginians in Sicilia:

    Chemical isotopes in the mercenaries’ bones indicated that the soldiers were born far away and that their parents and grandparents were not immigrants. And the ancient genomes were sequenced and compared to all published genomes, Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Dr. Mittnick speculated that the hirelings may have arrived at Himera with the army led by the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. Diodorus wrote of 10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship, although their geographic origins are unknown.

    “We know that many of the young men in the mass graves likely grew up outside of the Mediterranean but might have come to Sicily for the promise of citizenship or monetary rewards,” Dr. Mittnick said.

    Beyond highlighting the disparate genetic backgrounds of troops, the research showed that genetic ancestry informed which bodies were interred in which graves. “The intentional groupings of foreigners sheds light on the internal logic of the identity constructions of Greek colonists,” Dr. Reitsema said.

    Foreign fighters from a variety of backgrounds were buried in the same mass graves: sufficiently respected to be buried in the necropolis but still differentiated from many other persons of Greek descent. The smaller mass graves, in which soldiers probably were Greek, show the signs of greatest care in body placement and burial objects, indicating greater reverence or prestige than the outlanders.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke, @Ivashka the fool, @LatW, @Gerard1234

    Kerch was a Greek colony at the time. The Little Bosporan Kingdom. Easy enough to imagine slaves and concubines coming down the Dneiper to be sold to merchants based in the Aegean.

    Byzantium always profited from being a choke point for grain, human traffic and other goods like lumber from the interior of the East too. Much like Turks do today.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but since we're talking about Crimea, it's worth noting that there was a Kherson (Cherson) in Crimea centuries+ before there was a Kherson further to the north:

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LondonBob

  11. A123 says: • Website

    The Kiev regime dam destruction did not weaken Russian defensive positions. Poorly trained Ukrainian crews are losing main battle tanks at a disastrous rate. At least 2x Leopard 2A6 and 1x Leopard 2A4.

    I feel very sorry seeing troops dying for the European Empire (Scholz and Macron). When will the Ukrainian people get rid of EU puppet Zelensky and seek an armistice?

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I feel very sorry seeing troops dying for the European Empire (Scholz and Macron).
    The European Empire is rather glorious, though. Worse than the US and China but better than India and Russia as well as the rest of the world.
    , @John Johnson

    When will the Ukrainian people get rid of EU puppet Zelensky and seek an armistice?

    80% of Ukrainians oppose giving land to Russia even if it means a longer war

    Which means Zelensky is following the will of the people.

    The Ukrainians don't want to live under a dwarf dictator and his totalitarian state. They never wanted to be part of the USSR either.

    Putin could end this war at any time by moving his troops back to his border. They are the world's largest country and have a population in decline. This war was never needed and is really just the result of an insecure old man trying to inflate his hopeless ego.

    Replies: @OutletForker

  12. @A123
    The Kiev regime dam destruction did not weaken Russian defensive positions. Poorly trained Ukrainian crews are losing main battle tanks at a disastrous rate. At least 2x Leopard 2A6 and 1x Leopard 2A4.

    I feel very sorry seeing troops dying for the European Empire (Scholz and Macron). When will the Ukrainian people get rid of EU puppet Zelensky and seek an armistice?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    I feel very sorry seeing troops dying for the European Empire (Scholz and Macron).

    The European Empire is rather glorious, though. Worse than the US and China but better than India and Russia as well as the rest of the world.

  13. @sudden death
    Baltic labour migration traditions have deep roots in time - mercenaries from Latvia were fighting together with Greeks against Carthaginians in Sicilia:

    Chemical isotopes in the mercenaries’ bones indicated that the soldiers were born far away and that their parents and grandparents were not immigrants. And the ancient genomes were sequenced and compared to all published genomes, Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Dr. Mittnick speculated that the hirelings may have arrived at Himera with the army led by the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. Diodorus wrote of 10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship, although their geographic origins are unknown.

    “We know that many of the young men in the mass graves likely grew up outside of the Mediterranean but might have come to Sicily for the promise of citizenship or monetary rewards,” Dr. Mittnick said.

    Beyond highlighting the disparate genetic backgrounds of troops, the research showed that genetic ancestry informed which bodies were interred in which graves. “The intentional groupings of foreigners sheds light on the internal logic of the identity constructions of Greek colonists,” Dr. Reitsema said.

    Foreign fighters from a variety of backgrounds were buried in the same mass graves: sufficiently respected to be buried in the necropolis but still differentiated from many other persons of Greek descent. The smaller mass graves, in which soldiers probably were Greek, show the signs of greatest care in body placement and burial objects, indicating greater reverence or prestige than the outlanders.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke, @Ivashka the fool, @LatW, @Gerard1234

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars. They were also used as policemen. The researchers have probably looked at the Y haplogroups, it would be easy to link them to the modern ethnic groups. But perhaps they prefer not being too precise because between Latvia and Ukraine there are Belarus and Russia, the exact area that is usually seen as the Slav urheimat.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Apparently there is a strong Scythian element in southwestern India?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Yevardian
    @Ivashka the fool

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars.
    Nitpicking perhaps, but I've never seen Scythians mentioned as Hellenistic mercenaries in any primary or secondary source? Unless you're using the term broadly to mean any North-Iranian (Parthians, Sogdians, Alans, etc) nomadic people? In which case the rest of this comment is moot.

    The only context I can think of Scythians serving as mercenaries for Greeks is a brief and confusing reference to Peisistratos using them as 'state-slaves' and then the hiring by Polykrates of Samos, though if I recall the latter is scholarly conjecture.

    Given that (a) the size of Hellenistic armies was an order of magnitude larger than Classical ones, (b) the ethnic menangerie locally available for recruitment in the Kingdoms, (c) the Scythians were being displaced by the Sarmatians by the Hellenistic Era, it seems doubtful.

    But I'm content to be corrected if you can link a source.

    Personally, I can only think of the Pontic Kingdom eventually annexing the Chersonesos, but I don't recall any mention of Scythian mercenaries used by Mithridates, or anyone else from that dynasty.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  14. @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    Kerch was a Greek colony at the time. The Little Bosporan Kingdom. Easy enough to imagine slaves and concubines coming down the Dneiper to be sold to merchants based in the Aegean.

    Byzantium always profited from being a choke point for grain, human traffic and other goods like lumber from the interior of the East too. Much like Turks do today.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but since we’re talking about Crimea, it’s worth noting that there was a Kherson (Cherson) in Crimea centuries+ before there was a Kherson further to the north:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    There is a strong implication that the Greeks had commercial contact well into the interior of the Don and Volga.

    , @LondonBob
    @Mr. XYZ

    Thomas Jefferson proposed the name Cherronesus for the area between Lakes Huron and Michigan after the supposed homeland of his Saxon forebears in the Cimbric Chersonesus of Jutland. This would mark for him the continued westward expansion of the Germanic peoples.

  15. @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars. They were also used as policemen. The researchers have probably looked at the Y haplogroups, it would be easy to link them to the modern ethnic groups. But perhaps they prefer not being too precise because between Latvia and Ukraine there are Belarus and Russia, the exact area that is usually seen as the Slav urheimat.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Yevardian

    Apparently there is a strong Scythian element in southwestern India?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    During nearly a millennium, Scythian cultures controlled a huge span of the Eurasian landmass. Basically from modern day Ukraine to modern day China and India. Their colonies were found as far as Egypt in the MENA region. They are mentioned several times in the Bible, raiding the region, for example in the Book of Job. So yeah, it would be very surprising if these mercenaries were anything else than Scythians.

  16. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Considering that up to 5th century upper Dnieper basin population might have been Baltic speaking, could it have been some whole ancient Baltic tribe somehow travelling (10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship) into Greece?

    Various archeological monuments and the prevalence of Baltic hydronyms indicate that by the end of the Neolithic period (c. 3rd to 2nd millennium BC), there were several closely related, at least hypothetically Baltic, cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, which were the Pamariai, (Late) Narva, and (Late) Nemunas cultures. The earliest of them is the Pamariai culture, which covered only a narrow part of the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

    During the Bronze (c. 2nd to 1st millennium BC) and Iron (c. 1st millennium BC to 1st millennium AD) Ages, in the lands to the east and south of modern-day Lithuania and Latvia, there were Baltic (Late) Narva and the Brushed Pottery cultures (the areas of these two cultures included the east of present-day Lithuania and Latvia), the Dnieper-Daugava culture [lt], Milograd, Yukhniv [lt] and the later Dyakovo cultures.

    In the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, the aforementioned Baltic cultures of the Dnieper, Daugava and Oka basins transformed into the Kolochin, Tushemlia [lt] and Moshchiny cultures, which existed until the 8th–10th centuries. This transformation was due to the strong influence of the culture of the Western Balts (of the Zarubintsy culture), which moved from the territory of what is now Poland deep into the Dnieper basin as early as the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.

    Moshchiny culture is considered to be the ancestor of the Eastern Galindians, who lived in the lands near Moscow and within the Protva river basin.

    Light purple - potential Baltic speaking tribes:

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @sudden death

    The Baltic and Slavic languages were probably much closer back then. Possibly mutually understandable. Basically, the Slavs would have been the part of these tribes that had been under stronger Scythian (Indo-Iranian) influence, while modern Balts would have been more influenced by the Ugric Akozino-Malar warrior traders moving towards the Baltic/Scandinavia from their Volga/Uralic original lands.

    I know that Baltic nationalists dislike having the Slavs as nearest related ethnic group and would prefer forgetting about it, mais c’est la vie, nobody can chose what family one is born into.

  17. @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Apparently there is a strong Scythian element in southwestern India?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    During nearly a millennium, Scythian cultures controlled a huge span of the Eurasian landmass. Basically from modern day Ukraine to modern day China and India. Their colonies were found as far as Egypt in the MENA region. They are mentioned several times in the Bible, raiding the region, for example in the Book of Job. So yeah, it would be very surprising if these mercenaries were anything else than Scythians.

  18. @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but since we're talking about Crimea, it's worth noting that there was a Kherson (Cherson) in Crimea centuries+ before there was a Kherson further to the north:

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LondonBob

    There is a strong implication that the Greeks had commercial contact well into the interior of the Don and Volga.

  19. @sudden death
    Baltic labour migration traditions have deep roots in time - mercenaries from Latvia were fighting together with Greeks against Carthaginians in Sicilia:

    Chemical isotopes in the mercenaries’ bones indicated that the soldiers were born far away and that their parents and grandparents were not immigrants. And the ancient genomes were sequenced and compared to all published genomes, Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Dr. Mittnick speculated that the hirelings may have arrived at Himera with the army led by the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. Diodorus wrote of 10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship, although their geographic origins are unknown.

    “We know that many of the young men in the mass graves likely grew up outside of the Mediterranean but might have come to Sicily for the promise of citizenship or monetary rewards,” Dr. Mittnick said.

    Beyond highlighting the disparate genetic backgrounds of troops, the research showed that genetic ancestry informed which bodies were interred in which graves. “The intentional groupings of foreigners sheds light on the internal logic of the identity constructions of Greek colonists,” Dr. Reitsema said.

    Foreign fighters from a variety of backgrounds were buried in the same mass graves: sufficiently respected to be buried in the necropolis but still differentiated from many other persons of Greek descent. The smaller mass graves, in which soldiers probably were Greek, show the signs of greatest care in body placement and burial objects, indicating greater reverence or prestige than the outlanders.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke, @Ivashka the fool, @LatW, @Gerard1234

    That’s fantastic info, thanks for posting that! And for once they seem to have fought on the side that is somewhat dignifying. There is a photo in the article of a grave with a horse – that could be a Western Baltic warrior burial (he may have requested that before his death). This is from a very, very early period, I wonder what else they found near the bones (probably not much) and the height of the skeleton.

    Carthago delenda est!

    By the way, Vladimir Toporov wrote a lot about Eastern Balts, incl. Dniepr Balts. Ukraine really is our motherland, our cradle. Although the biggest concentration of the hydronyms is in Central Belarus (Berezina river area).

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Wait to see the Y haplogroups before being too excited. If it is R1a Z93, as I suspect it would be, then these guys were Scythians who also buried frequently their warriors with their horses (a very old Indo-European tradition). And again, Proto-Balts were probably impossible to distinguish from proto-Slavs at the time. Anyway, I'll try to see if they posted the haplogroups, if they didn't one should ask they did not. Probably something they didn't want to discuss.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Mr. XYZ

    By the way, Vladimir Toporov wrote a lot about Eastern Balts, incl. Dniepr Balts. Ukraine really is our motherland, our cradle. Although the biggest concentration of the hydronyms is in Central Belarus (Berezina river area).
    Another reason to eventually get Belarus into the EU, no? ;)
  20. @LatW
    @sudden death

    That's fantastic info, thanks for posting that! And for once they seem to have fought on the side that is somewhat dignifying. There is a photo in the article of a grave with a horse - that could be a Western Baltic warrior burial (he may have requested that before his death). This is from a very, very early period, I wonder what else they found near the bones (probably not much) and the height of the skeleton.

    Carthago delenda est!

    By the way, Vladimir Toporov wrote a lot about Eastern Balts, incl. Dniepr Balts. Ukraine really is our motherland, our cradle. Although the biggest concentration of the hydronyms is in Central Belarus (Berezina river area).

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ

    Wait to see the Y haplogroups before being too excited. If it is R1a Z93, as I suspect it would be, then these guys were Scythians who also buried frequently their warriors with their horses (a very old Indo-European tradition). And again, Proto-Balts were probably impossible to distinguish from proto-Slavs at the time. Anyway, I’ll try to see if they posted the haplogroups, if they didn’t one should ask they did not. Probably something they didn’t want to discuss.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    It looks like there was quite a motley crew of these mercenaries - isotopic tests showed that there were individuals from central Europe, northeastern Europe, the Eurasian steppe and the Caucasus. So quite easily there could've been both Baltic and Scythian mercenaries.

    Two individuals from northeastern Europe are R1a1a1b1a2b and I2a1a(xI2a1a2), so the first one could have easily been an ancestor of Lithuanians, for example, that's a common Baltic gene. Don't know about I2 (that's a Yugo gene but also present in Ukraine?), but I1 is also quite common in Latvian males.

    Two individuals (I10943/W0396 and I10949/W0403; Sicily_Himera_480BCE_3) fall with modern northeastern European groups and eastern Baltic populations of the first millennium BCE and can be modeled using exclusively Bronze Age individuals from Lithuania as a proxy source.
    They combined isotopic tests with genetic so they could tell where they were from.

    The Y haplogroup data is at the bottom, in the third attached doc.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  21. @LatW
    @sudden death

    That's fantastic info, thanks for posting that! And for once they seem to have fought on the side that is somewhat dignifying. There is a photo in the article of a grave with a horse - that could be a Western Baltic warrior burial (he may have requested that before his death). This is from a very, very early period, I wonder what else they found near the bones (probably not much) and the height of the skeleton.

    Carthago delenda est!

    By the way, Vladimir Toporov wrote a lot about Eastern Balts, incl. Dniepr Balts. Ukraine really is our motherland, our cradle. Although the biggest concentration of the hydronyms is in Central Belarus (Berezina river area).

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ

    By the way, Vladimir Toporov wrote a lot about Eastern Balts, incl. Dniepr Balts. Ukraine really is our motherland, our cradle. Although the biggest concentration of the hydronyms is in Central Belarus (Berezina river area).

    Another reason to eventually get Belarus into the EU, no? 😉

  22. : You wanted to know about Israel’s population density, so here it is:

    The main avenues for Israel’s population to expand are to the north (Galilee), south (Negev Desert), and east (West Bank settlements). Though I don’t know what the Negev Desert’s carrying capacity actually is.

    • Thanks: LatW
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

    This is also why the Golan Heights could serve as useful living space for Israel, if one ignores the "violation of international law" aspect of this. I mean, it's not like Syria is actually going to make peace with Israel anytime soon, so ...

    The one disadvantage of the Golan Heights, though, is that only a part of its topography is actually good for large-scale settlement:

    , @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Galilee is dominated by Arabs and you pretty much have to be National Religious to live beyond the separation barrier in Judea and Samaria. Also, that region is home to over 2 million Palestinians who presumably aren't planning on leaving so there really isn't much room there to expand.

    The Negev is just desert. It can't hold a big population. Israel has been talking about settling the Negev since Ben Gurion was in charge and nothing has happened on that front. Also there are a ton of Bedouin there who the state doesn't want to tangle with.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  23. UN population projections for Ukraine:

    The one scenario that they didn’t map out was where Ukraine has a larger post-war baby boom that boosts their TFR up to ~2.5, at least for 2-3 decades, comparable to the West in the post-WWII era. Unlikely but not impossible.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
    @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn't they need women of childbearing age to have a great fertility rate?

    They didn't have many before the war, and now they have fewer. How many Ukrainian women of childbearing age will ever return while still of childbearing age?

    If Ukrainian women didn't have children before the war, and hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men have been or will be killed, what would cause them to change their values/priorities/lifestyle so drastically all of a sudden?

    If lack of resources was the reason/excuse for ukrainians not having enough children to come close to replacing themselves, are they going to have MORE resources to raise kids after the war?

    and where would they get ukrainian or even slavic men to procreate with? Russians, Belarussians, Poles, and other Slavs all have terrible fertility rates, and every one of them is an aged and further aging population (I.e. their median age is high and it's still rising).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

  24. @Mr. XYZ
    @LatW: You wanted to know about Israel's population density, so here it is:

    The main avenues for Israel's population to expand are to the north (Galilee), south (Negev Desert), and east (West Bank settlements). Though I don't know what the Negev Desert's carrying capacity actually is.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Greasy William

    This is also why the Golan Heights could serve as useful living space for Israel, if one ignores the “violation of international law” aspect of this. I mean, it’s not like Syria is actually going to make peace with Israel anytime soon, so …

    The one disadvantage of the Golan Heights, though, is that only a part of its topography is actually good for large-scale settlement:

  25. As a side note, had there been no WWI but Russia would have still eventually experienced a (liberal, non-Bolshevik) revolution, with Congress Poland subsequently using the opportunity to separate from Russia, would Austria-Hungary be willing to give up Galicia to Poland (and Bukovina to Romania) as a way of securing an alliance between Poland, itself, and Germany? What do you guys think?

    FWIW, Galicia and Bukovina were both located outside of Austria-Hungary’s natural borders (the Carpathian Mountains):

    Interestingly enough, Serbia was located within Austria-Hungary’s natural borders, which means that from this specific perspective an Austro-Hungarian conquest of Serbia would have actually been justified lol. Of course, being in the EU is a much better deal for Serbia, I would suspect. But that wasn’t actually on the table 100+ years ago.

    A trialist Austria-Hungary, but without Galicia and Bukovina (to Poland and Romania, respectively) and with Serbia and Montenegro in the South Slav Austro-Hungarian federal unit might have actually been ideal:

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history...

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.

    "Galicia", "Bukovina" were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility...not a sound basis for a national state.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @AP

  26. @Mr. XYZ
    @LatW: You wanted to know about Israel's population density, so here it is:

    The main avenues for Israel's population to expand are to the north (Galilee), south (Negev Desert), and east (West Bank settlements). Though I don't know what the Negev Desert's carrying capacity actually is.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Greasy William

    The Galilee is dominated by Arabs and you pretty much have to be National Religious to live beyond the separation barrier in Judea and Samaria. Also, that region is home to over 2 million Palestinians who presumably aren’t planning on leaving so there really isn’t much room there to expand.

    The Negev is just desert. It can’t hold a big population. Israel has been talking about settling the Negev since Ben Gurion was in charge and nothing has happened on that front. Also there are a ton of Bedouin there who the state doesn’t want to tangle with.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    Arizona is desert and yet handles a huge population. So is Nevada.

    The Galilee isn't that Arab-dominated; not all of it, at least:

    And actually, you don't need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we're talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel's 1967 borders. A lot of secular Israelis live in large Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, for instance:

    I myself lived in Pisgat Ze'ev for a couple of years as a child. It wasn't heavily religious back then. Probably more religious nowadays, but nowhere near completely. It had and probably still has a lot of ex-USSR Jews and their descendants.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Greasy William, @LondonBob

  27. @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Galilee is dominated by Arabs and you pretty much have to be National Religious to live beyond the separation barrier in Judea and Samaria. Also, that region is home to over 2 million Palestinians who presumably aren't planning on leaving so there really isn't much room there to expand.

    The Negev is just desert. It can't hold a big population. Israel has been talking about settling the Negev since Ben Gurion was in charge and nothing has happened on that front. Also there are a ton of Bedouin there who the state doesn't want to tangle with.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Arizona is desert and yet handles a huge population. So is Nevada.

    The Galilee isn’t that Arab-dominated; not all of it, at least:

    And actually, you don’t need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we’re talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel’s 1967 borders. A lot of secular Israelis live in large Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, for instance:

    I myself lived in Pisgat Ze’ev for a couple of years as a child. It wasn’t heavily religious back then. Probably more religious nowadays, but nowhere near completely. It had and probably still has a lot of ex-USSR Jews and their descendants.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    And actually, you don’t need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we’re talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel’s 1967 borders.
    I clearly stated "beyond the separation barrier". The Second Intifada and Disengagement mostly ended secular Jews living in those communities.
    , @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    And actually, you don’t need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we’re talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel’s 1967 borders.
    I clearly stated "outside the separation barrier". The Second Intifada and Disengagement mostly ended secular Jews living in those communities.
    , @LondonBob
    @Mr. XYZ

    Arizona and Nevada have the Rockies and the Colorado River Basin, even then I gather Lake Mead hasn't risen much, despite the heavy rainfall in the area this winter. Nothing similar in the Negev, would have to be desalination plants, and those require a lot of energy.

    Replies: @A123

  28. @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    Arizona is desert and yet handles a huge population. So is Nevada.

    The Galilee isn't that Arab-dominated; not all of it, at least:

    And actually, you don't need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we're talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel's 1967 borders. A lot of secular Israelis live in large Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, for instance:

    I myself lived in Pisgat Ze'ev for a couple of years as a child. It wasn't heavily religious back then. Probably more religious nowadays, but nowhere near completely. It had and probably still has a lot of ex-USSR Jews and their descendants.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Greasy William, @LondonBob

    And actually, you don’t need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we’re talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel’s 1967 borders.

    I clearly stated “beyond the separation barrier“. The Second Intifada and Disengagement mostly ended secular Jews living in those communities.

  29. @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    Arizona is desert and yet handles a huge population. So is Nevada.

    The Galilee isn't that Arab-dominated; not all of it, at least:

    And actually, you don't need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we're talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel's 1967 borders. A lot of secular Israelis live in large Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, for instance:

    I myself lived in Pisgat Ze'ev for a couple of years as a child. It wasn't heavily religious back then. Probably more religious nowadays, but nowhere near completely. It had and probably still has a lot of ex-USSR Jews and their descendants.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Greasy William, @LondonBob

    And actually, you don’t need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we’re talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel’s 1967 borders.

    I clearly stated “outside the separation barrier“. The Second Intifada and Disengagement mostly ended secular Jews living in those communities.

  30. @Mr. XYZ
    Here's the human capital case for Russia seizing Galicia a century ago:

    Even back then, Galicia was the most literate region of Ukraine due to it being under Austro-Hungarian and not Russian rule.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Not surprisingly, the places that felt the most Eastern European — even to other Eastern Europeans — were the most diverse and the most backward in the region. To the cosmopolitan officers of the Austro-Hungarian army, Galicia was one such place:

    Galicia, it was purported, contained the highest number of muddy and dusty roads, flies, and lice, as well as the greatest incidence of venereal disease, drunken peasants, and cunning Jews. The Polish landowners would have nothing to do with the Habsburg officers, nor would their daughters. Galicia was a place to get drunk and to stay drunk; to spend the night in shabby cafés, gambling and whoring; to long for civilization; and to make pilgrimages to the railroad station to watch the passing through of the Lemberg–Cracow–Vienna express. (Istvan Deak, Beyond Nationalism: A Social and Political History of the Habsburg Officer Corps, 1848–1918, 1990)

    From a rather colorful article, now expanded to a book:

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
  31. @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but since we're talking about Crimea, it's worth noting that there was a Kherson (Cherson) in Crimea centuries+ before there was a Kherson further to the north:

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LondonBob

    Thomas Jefferson proposed the name Cherronesus for the area between Lakes Huron and Michigan after the supposed homeland of his Saxon forebears in the Cimbric Chersonesus of Jutland. This would mark for him the continued westward expansion of the Germanic peoples.

  32. @Ivashka the fool

    Wait to see the Y haplogroups before being too excited. If it is R1a Z93, as I suspect it would be, then these guys were Scythians who also buried frequently their warriors with their horses (a very old Indo-European tradition). And again, Proto-Balts were probably impossible to distinguish from proto-Slavs at the time. Anyway, I'll try to see if they posted the haplogroups, if they didn't one should ask they did not. Probably something they didn't want to discuss.

    Replies: @LatW

    It looks like there was quite a motley crew of these mercenaries – isotopic tests showed that there were individuals from central Europe, northeastern Europe, the Eurasian steppe and the Caucasus. So quite easily there could’ve been both Baltic and Scythian mercenaries.

    Two individuals from northeastern Europe are R1a1a1b1a2b and I2a1a(xI2a1a2), so the first one could have easily been an ancestor of Lithuanians, for example, that’s a common Baltic gene. Don’t know about I2 (that’s a Yugo gene but also present in Ukraine?), but I1 is also quite common in Latvian males.

    Two individuals (I10943/W0396 and I10949/W0403; Sicily_Himera_480BCE_3) fall with modern northeastern European groups and eastern Baltic populations of the first millennium BCE and can be modeled using exclusively Bronze Age individuals from Lithuania as a proxy source.

    They combined isotopic tests with genetic so they could tell where they were from.

    The Y haplogroup data is at the bottom, in the third attached doc.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Look it up and see whether it is possible to separate Slav and Baltic Y haplogroup R1a today. It would have been even harder to do it back then.

    In Roman times, a main route ran south from the Baltic coast (modern Lithuania), the entire north–south length of modern-day Poland (likely through the Iron Age settlement of Biskupin), through the land of the Boii (modern Czech Republic and Slovakia) to the head of the Adriatic Sea (Aquileia by the modern Gulf of Venice). Along with amber, other commodities such as animal fur and skin, honey, and wax were exported to the Romans in exchange for Roman glass, brass, gold, and non-ferrous metals such as tin and copper to the early Baltic region.[9] As this road was a lucrative trade route connecting the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, Roman military fortifications were constructed along the route to protect merchants and traders from Germanic raids.[10]

    That's why the German called the Balto-Slav Wends and Finns/Esti/Veps/Korjela called them ethnonyms derived from Venä/Ven'a (see below).


    Имя нашей страны – России, как известно, восходит к слову Русь. Русь – это и название народа, и ранее существовавшего государства – Киевской Руси, и отдельных земель (Белая, Чёрная Русь)

    Каковы же истоки слова Русь?

    Единой точки зрения на этот вопрос не существует. Тем не менее, достаточно обоснована версия о связи слова с прибалтийско-финским обозначением шведов

    Как полагают, древнескандинавское прибрежного жителя шведского Упланда (Rōþsland). Основа rōþs- была заимствована в праприбалтийско-финский язык в форме rōtsi в значении «шведский викинг»

    Так, современное финское Ruotsi, эстонское Rootsi – Швеция

    От прибалто-финнов слово проникло в язык восточных славян. В этом нет ничего странного – ведь, к примеру, согласно «Повести временных лет», варягов на княжение призывали не только славяне – кривичи и словене, но и носители прибалтийско-финской речи – чудь и весь

    Понятие русь, имевшее первоначально этническое значение, распространилось и на социальный слой – военно-торговую верхушку Руси, сначала скандинавского, а затем смешанного этнического происхождения

    С приходом Вещего Олега из Новгородских земель в Поднепровье Русь стала обозначением территории вокруг Киева, Чернигова и Переяславля, а в более широком значении – всего восточнославянского мира и земель, на которых утвердилась власть Рюриковичей

    Истории известны и другие подобные случаи: тюркские булгары передали свое имя славянской Болгарии, а в основе названия романоязычной Франции лежит обозначение германского племенного объединения (франков)

    Интересно отметить и о распространении слова Русь на политической карте мира: государство Русь (Роу‌сь) (IX-XIII века), Русское государство / царство (XV-XVIII вв.), Великое княжество Литовское, Русское, Жемойтское и иных (XIII-XVIII вв.), Русское королевство, оно же Галицко-Волынское княжество (XII-XIV вв.) на части территории современных Украины, Польши и Молдавии, а также Русское воеводство (XIV-XVIII вв.) со столицей во Львове в составе Польского королевства

    Скажем несколько слов и о дальнейшей судьбе слова rōtsi в прибалтийско-финских языках

    В карельском ruočči стало обозначать не только шведа, но также финна и лютеранина, а в вепсском rocid «финны», ročō «некрещенный». Такое отождествление явилось, вероятно, следствием длительного нахождения финских земель под шведским господством и иной (лютеранской) религиозной принадлежности шведов и финнов, нежели православных карел и вепсов. При этом стоит отметить, что финнов называли шведами и русские Карелии

    Из прибалтийско-финских языков слово в значении «русский» попало в саамский (ruoššâ), пермские языки (коми роч, удмуртское ӟуч), а посредством последних – в ненецкий (lūt’śa)

    При этом сама Россия и русский человек в прибалтийско-финских языках обозначаются совсем по-иному: финское Venäjä и venäläinen, карельское Venä и venäläine, вепсское Ven’a и ven’anik, эстонское Venemaa и venelane соответственно

    Считается, что эти слова через древнегерманское посредство восходят к обозначению племенной группы венедов, известной по античным источникам и соотносимой многими исследователями с древними славянами. Указанным словом германцы называли в основном западных славян, но прибалто-финны перенесли его на славян восточных и, в конечном счете, на русских и Россию

    Антон Соболев

    Впервые опубликовано: К истокам Руси // Настроение. 2014. № 3 (109). С. 26.

    #Русь #кривичи #словене #варяги #вепсы #вепсскийязык #карельскийязык #карелы #чудь #весь

    The really interesting warriors in the article were the Y haplogroup N. This confirms my intuition that the Akozino - Ananino / Malär warrior traders were quite prominent in the Nord-Eastern Europe and Scandinavia and might well have deeply impacted the region on linguistic, cultural, linguistic and outright ethnic replacement grounds.

    Basically Balts = proto-Balto-Slav + Ananino wandering warrior traders' influence, Slavs = proto Balto-Slav + Scythian (Indo-Iranian) / Sarmatian influence.

    Before being influenced by these two distinct nomadic populations we were one people divided in many clans and tribes but probably having one culture and one common religion too = Corded Ware / BattleAxe Culture- descended folks that have given raise to the Nordic Bronze Age when united with proto-Celtic Unetice Culture.

    It is quite simple.

  33. @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    Arizona is desert and yet handles a huge population. So is Nevada.

    The Galilee isn't that Arab-dominated; not all of it, at least:

    And actually, you don't need to be religious in order to live in the West Bank. Especially if we're talking about large cities/suburbs near Israel's 1967 borders. A lot of secular Israelis live in large Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, for instance:

    I myself lived in Pisgat Ze'ev for a couple of years as a child. It wasn't heavily religious back then. Probably more religious nowadays, but nowhere near completely. It had and probably still has a lot of ex-USSR Jews and their descendants.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Greasy William, @LondonBob

    Arizona and Nevada have the Rockies and the Colorado River Basin, even then I gather Lake Mead hasn’t risen much, despite the heavy rainfall in the area this winter. Nothing similar in the Negev, would have to be desalination plants, and those require a lot of energy.

    • Replies: @A123

    Arizona and Nevada have the Rockies and the Colorado River Basin, even then I gather Lake Mead hasn’t risen much, despite the heavy rainfall in the area this winter.
    It is headed up

    However, the fundamental problem is consumption. The compact for drawing water from the Colorado River was negotiated at value that seemed OK at the time. However, 20/20 hindsight, it is far too high.

    Restricting urban growth and taking less productive farm land out of service is the wise course of action. However, politicians cannot sell that realistic balance to voters. Cities can always outbid farmers, so we are likely see almost all of the water use reductions coming from agriculture.

    Nothing similar in the Negev, would have to be desalination plants, and those require a lot of energy.
    Palestinian Jews can afford desalinization, but water prices are quite high versus America.

    The fresh water situation in Muslim occupied Gaza is catastrophic. Iranian forces (Hamas & PIJ) confiscated pipe and concrete that should have been used to maintain infrastructure. System leaks and other issues over drew the aquifer. It is now irrevocably salt contaminated.

    Muslim colonists in Gaza do not have sufficient electricity for daily personal consumption. They cannot afford the fuel to run desalinization themselves or import fresh water from elsewhere. At some point, the population has to go down to 250-500K, which can be supported by surface water. An honourable return to Islamist religious homelands would provide the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.

    PEACE 😇

  34. Interesting thread on how Bhutan reversed the immigration of Nepalese Indians threatening to overwhelm their homeland, of course required the actions of a patriotic elite implementing top down policies.


  35. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    It looks like there was quite a motley crew of these mercenaries - isotopic tests showed that there were individuals from central Europe, northeastern Europe, the Eurasian steppe and the Caucasus. So quite easily there could've been both Baltic and Scythian mercenaries.

    Two individuals from northeastern Europe are R1a1a1b1a2b and I2a1a(xI2a1a2), so the first one could have easily been an ancestor of Lithuanians, for example, that's a common Baltic gene. Don't know about I2 (that's a Yugo gene but also present in Ukraine?), but I1 is also quite common in Latvian males.

    Two individuals (I10943/W0396 and I10949/W0403; Sicily_Himera_480BCE_3) fall with modern northeastern European groups and eastern Baltic populations of the first millennium BCE and can be modeled using exclusively Bronze Age individuals from Lithuania as a proxy source.
    They combined isotopic tests with genetic so they could tell where they were from.

    The Y haplogroup data is at the bottom, in the third attached doc.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Look it up and see whether it is possible to separate Slav and Baltic Y haplogroup R1a today. It would have been even harder to do it back then.

    In Roman times, a main route ran south from the Baltic coast (modern Lithuania), the entire north–south length of modern-day Poland (likely through the Iron Age settlement of Biskupin), through the land of the Boii (modern Czech Republic and Slovakia) to the head of the Adriatic Sea (Aquileia by the modern Gulf of Venice). Along with amber, other commodities such as animal fur and skin, honey, and wax were exported to the Romans in exchange for Roman glass, brass, gold, and non-ferrous metals such as tin and copper to the early Baltic region.[9] As this road was a lucrative trade route connecting the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, Roman military fortifications were constructed along the route to protect merchants and traders from Germanic raids.[10]

    That’s why the German called the Balto-Slav Wends and Finns/Esti/Veps/Korjela called them ethnonyms derived from Venä/Ven’a (see below).



    Имя нашей страны – России, как известно, восходит к слову Русь. Русь – это и название народа, и ранее существовавшего государства – Киевской Руси, и отдельных земель (Белая, Чёрная Русь)

    Каковы же истоки слова Русь?

    Единой точки зрения на этот вопрос не существует. Тем не менее, достаточно обоснована версия о связи слова с прибалтийско-финским обозначением шведов

    Как полагают, древнескандинавское прибрежного жителя шведского Упланда (Rōþsland). Основа rōþs- была заимствована в праприбалтийско-финский язык в форме rōtsi в значении «шведский викинг»

    Так, современное финское Ruotsi, эстонское Rootsi – Швеция

    От прибалто-финнов слово проникло в язык восточных славян. В этом нет ничего странного – ведь, к примеру, согласно «Повести временных лет», варягов на княжение призывали не только славяне – кривичи и словене, но и носители прибалтийско-финской речи – чудь и весь

    Понятие русь, имевшее первоначально этническое значение, распространилось и на социальный слой – военно-торговую верхушку Руси, сначала скандинавского, а затем смешанного этнического происхождения

    С приходом Вещего Олега из Новгородских земель в Поднепровье Русь стала обозначением территории вокруг Киева, Чернигова и Переяславля, а в более широком значении – всего восточнославянского мира и земель, на которых утвердилась власть Рюриковичей

    Истории известны и другие подобные случаи: тюркские булгары передали свое имя славянской Болгарии, а в основе названия романоязычной Франции лежит обозначение германского племенного объединения (франков)

    Интересно отметить и о распространении слова Русь на политической карте мира: государство Русь (Роу‌сь) (IX-XIII века), Русское государство / царство (XV-XVIII вв.), Великое княжество Литовское, Русское, Жемойтское и иных (XIII-XVIII вв.), Русское королевство, оно же Галицко-Волынское княжество (XII-XIV вв.) на части территории современных Украины, Польши и Молдавии, а также Русское воеводство (XIV-XVIII вв.) со столицей во Львове в составе Польского королевства

    Скажем несколько слов и о дальнейшей судьбе слова rōtsi в прибалтийско-финских языках

    В карельском ruočči стало обозначать не только шведа, но также финна и лютеранина, а в вепсском rocid «финны», ročō «некрещенный». Такое отождествление явилось, вероятно, следствием длительного нахождения финских земель под шведским господством и иной (лютеранской) религиозной принадлежности шведов и финнов, нежели православных карел и вепсов. При этом стоит отметить, что финнов называли шведами и русские Карелии

    Из прибалтийско-финских языков слово в значении «русский» попало в саамский (ruoššâ), пермские языки (коми роч, удмуртское ӟуч), а посредством последних – в ненецкий (lūt’śa)

    При этом сама Россия и русский человек в прибалтийско-финских языках обозначаются совсем по-иному: финское Venäjä и venäläinen, карельское Venä и venäläine, вепсское Ven’a и ven’anik, эстонское Venemaa и venelane соответственно

    Считается, что эти слова через древнегерманское посредство восходят к обозначению племенной группы венедов, известной по античным источникам и соотносимой многими исследователями с древними славянами. Указанным словом германцы называли в основном западных славян, но прибалто-финны перенесли его на славян восточных и, в конечном счете, на русских и Россию

    Антон Соболев

    Впервые опубликовано: К истокам Руси // Настроение. 2014. № 3 (109). С. 26.

    #Русь #кривичи #словене #варяги #вепсы #вепсскийязык #карельскийязык #карелы #чудь #весь

    The really interesting warriors in the article were the Y haplogroup N. This confirms my intuition that the Akozino – Ananino / Malär warrior traders were quite prominent in the Nord-Eastern Europe and Scandinavia and might well have deeply impacted the region on linguistic, cultural, linguistic and outright ethnic replacement grounds.

    Basically Balts = proto-Balto-Slav + Ananino wandering warrior traders’ influence, Slavs = proto Balto-Slav + Scythian (Indo-Iranian) / Sarmatian influence.

    Before being influenced by these two distinct nomadic populations we were one people divided in many clans and tribes but probably having one culture and one common religion too = Corded Ware / BattleAxe Culture- descended folks that have given raise to the Nordic Bronze Age when united with proto-Celtic Unetice Culture.

    It is quite simple.

  36. So both Mr Hack & Mr XYZ have posted gay shit – MR link in name.
    South park also had a gay character with Mister.

    Re: Scythians – found this interesting cuz both male & female fall within it

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Sher Singh

    If he would have taken only Scythian and Saka Y haplogroups it would have been massively R1a. Saka is a major branch of Scythians, Buddha was probably one of them. Sarmatians were a resurgence of an Y haplogroup R1b population from the Botai Culture probably through Sargat Culture where they got admixed with Y haplogroup N Uralics (proto-Hungarian).

    BTW, if you're willing to spend some time using Google translate, I highly recommend the Tg Channel Gandhāra:

    Some very interesting stuff about the ancient Indo-Scythian Hellenistic Buddhist realm and its connections to the ancient Middle East.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    , @Mikel
    @Sher Singh

    So both Mr Hack & Mr XYZ have posted gay shit
    Let's hope it's just Pride Month fervor. To be fair, I've never seen Mr Hack engage in such behavior but XYZ's graphic descriptions of his weird inclinations are getting tiresome. Who needs to learn about them?
  37. @Sher Singh
    So both Mr Hack & Mr XYZ have posted gay shit - MR link in name.
    South park also had a gay character with Mister.

    Re: Scythians - found this interesting cuz both male & female fall within it

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mikel

    If he would have taken only Scythian and Saka Y haplogroups it would have been massively R1a. Saka is a major branch of Scythians, Buddha was probably one of them. Sarmatians were a resurgence of an Y haplogroup R1b population from the Botai Culture probably through Sargat Culture where they got admixed with Y haplogroup N Uralics (proto-Hungarian).

    BTW, if you’re willing to spend some time using Google translate, I highly recommend the Tg Channel Gandhāra:

    Some very interesting stuff about the ancient Indo-Scythian Hellenistic Buddhist realm and its connections to the ancient Middle East.

    • Replies: @Sher Singh
    @Ivashka the fool

    Jatts are mostly R1A, Q & J2 so found it interesting.
    Maternal side matches up as well.

    Was 40-60 against Jatts being Saka before now 60-40 in favor.
    Ultimately Sikhi is Aryavta - so maintain ancestor worship, BUT eh rest is Sikhi.
    Not gonna kang about Scythian this or that - Abrahamics can do that LOL.
    Guru Sahib has given us Sarbloh (pure steel)

    To be a Sanatan Sikh is to recognise Sikhi or Gurmat to be the TRUE Sanatan (ancient) Dharam. Not the it is a petal of a larger lotus.


    Replies: @Sher Singh

  38. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    Arizona and Nevada have the Rockies and the Colorado River Basin, even then I gather Lake Mead hasn't risen much, despite the heavy rainfall in the area this winter. Nothing similar in the Negev, would have to be desalination plants, and those require a lot of energy.

    Replies: @A123

    Arizona and Nevada have the Rockies and the Colorado River Basin, even then I gather Lake Mead hasn’t risen much, despite the heavy rainfall in the area this winter.

    It is headed up

    However, the fundamental problem is consumption. The compact for drawing water from the Colorado River was negotiated at value that seemed OK at the time. However, 20/20 hindsight, it is far too high.

    Restricting urban growth and taking less productive farm land out of service is the wise course of action. However, politicians cannot sell that realistic balance to voters. Cities can always outbid farmers, so we are likely see almost all of the water use reductions coming from agriculture.

    Nothing similar in the Negev, would have to be desalination plants, and those require a lot of energy.

    Palestinian Jews can afford desalinization, but water prices are quite high versus America.

    The fresh water situation in Muslim occupied Gaza is catastrophic. Iranian forces (Hamas & PIJ) confiscated pipe and concrete that should have been used to maintain infrastructure. System leaks and other issues over drew the aquifer. It is now irrevocably salt contaminated.

    Muslim colonists in Gaza do not have sufficient electricity for daily personal consumption. They cannot afford the fuel to run desalinization themselves or import fresh water from elsewhere. At some point, the population has to go down to 250-500K, which can be supported by surface water. An honourable return to Islamist religious homelands would provide the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.

    PEACE 😇

  39. the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.

    Should put them in Miami or Ft Lauderdale. They need some jews to terrorize or they will get home sick.

    Not serious. You missed your calling. You should be in the Israel ethnic cleansing office.

    • Replies: @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The water situation will not fix itself. Iran unilaterally created the problem with their failed attacks on Palestinian Jews and successful destruction of Gaza infrastructure.

    the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.
    Should put them in Miami or Ft Lauderdale...


    Well... you admit your idea is not serious, so that is a good start. Would you please make a serious proposal?

    The population of Muslim occupied Gaza is beyond its fresh water supply. How do you suggest matching that resource to the population?

    -1- Increase the supply (desalinization, imports)?
    -2- Decrease the consumption (right of religious return, less population)?
    -3- Efficiency?
    -4- Other?

    #1 is unaffordable. Your pathology rejects the common sense solution #2.

    #3 may be able to increase the support for a population of 750K or a bit more. But, it does not solve the problem. The imbalance is not close enough for efficiency to fully cure the issue.

    What is your #4? Offer something positive & constructive instead of throwing stones.

    How many decades have Arafat & Abbas been saying "No!"? What has it gotten the Muslim colonists in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria?

    Why not change course towards something that might work?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  40. Sher Singh says:
    @Ivashka the fool
    @Sher Singh

    If he would have taken only Scythian and Saka Y haplogroups it would have been massively R1a. Saka is a major branch of Scythians, Buddha was probably one of them. Sarmatians were a resurgence of an Y haplogroup R1b population from the Botai Culture probably through Sargat Culture where they got admixed with Y haplogroup N Uralics (proto-Hungarian).

    BTW, if you're willing to spend some time using Google translate, I highly recommend the Tg Channel Gandhāra:

    Some very interesting stuff about the ancient Indo-Scythian Hellenistic Buddhist realm and its connections to the ancient Middle East.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Jatts are mostly R1A, Q & J2 so found it interesting.
    Maternal side matches up as well.

    Was 40-60 against Jatts being Saka before now 60-40 in favor.
    Ultimately Sikhi is Aryavta – so maintain ancestor worship, BUT eh rest is Sikhi.
    Not gonna kang about Scythian this or that – Abrahamics can do that LOL.
    Guru Sahib has given us Sarbloh (pure steel)

    To be a Sanatan Sikh is to recognise Sikhi or Gurmat to be the TRUE Sanatan (ancient) Dharam. Not the it is a petal of a larger lotus.



    • Replies: @Sher Singh
    @Sher Singh

    Sikhi does not believe in Adam and Eve, it doesn’t believe in Prophets, it doesn’t believe in a single life span nor a concept of “sin” stemming from Adam and Eve. It doesn’t believe in judgment day, it doesn’t believe in a linear timed universe. What part of it is abrahamic?
    Idk if you'll like this Ivashka but yea.

    There aren’t tough questions. Its just that Muslims can’t comprehend the idea that God can have a form and manifest in the universe in many ways. The Sikh Tradition has a unique philosophy of ‘Anek Hai, Fir Ek Hai’ or Unity and Multiplicity, that the phenomenal world or multiplicity and God are one. God is himself Trigun Ateet or beyond the three guṇas which control the material realm but is also himself the material. I have composed a brief article on this subject -

  41. In response to QCIC’s comment #943 from the previous thread:

    I recommend you work to persuade your Ukrainian brethren to shake off the Western spell which has made them pawns and settle this sooner rather than later. As you know I am not so optimistic about the details, but who cares? If we can save a few lives it is worth a lifetime of our everyday toil.

    I can appreciate your sentiments, but in the end this translates into an appeasement story that Ukraine is just not ready to travail. I defer to the broad knowledge that Ivashka recently pronounced and seems worth pondering:

    Sorry, the quote was made by Ivashka and included sentiments along the line of “war is hell and whoever that doesn’t understand that is a fool….But, some wars are worth fighting.” I can’t find it now, have spent a half hour looking for it and cannot devote any more time to looking for it. If anybody knows where this came from and can repaste it here, I’d be grateful (Ivashka?)…

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    This is not about appeasement of Russia. That is a children's level slogan made to cover up the Western goal of entirely subjugating Russia as the final step of the Cold War. The Western actions against Russia from the 1990's to the present are very clear. Any intelligent person who does not include this context in their view of the Ukraine conflict is being willfully evasive.

    Without Western lies and promotion this conflict could have been much different. People in the pro-Ukraine camp still seem to see the kernel of the "good fight", either Ukrainians vs evil Russians or maybe Ukraine against evil Russian Imperialism. In the USA it is promoted as the good West vs bad Russian Imperialism. In reality it is the West (globalists, really) trying to break up a potential challenger. Not much thought is given to dealing with a partner country as a peer. Instead, someone must be the top dog and the other must heel or die horribly. The GloboWest is the biggest bully in history, now working to crush modern Russia which has a long legacy of being a pretty tough bully in her own right. A bully which had the audacity to stand up to the full onslaught of the West more than once.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  42. Sher Singh says:
    @Sher Singh
    @Ivashka the fool

    Jatts are mostly R1A, Q & J2 so found it interesting.
    Maternal side matches up as well.

    Was 40-60 against Jatts being Saka before now 60-40 in favor.
    Ultimately Sikhi is Aryavta - so maintain ancestor worship, BUT eh rest is Sikhi.
    Not gonna kang about Scythian this or that - Abrahamics can do that LOL.
    Guru Sahib has given us Sarbloh (pure steel)

    To be a Sanatan Sikh is to recognise Sikhi or Gurmat to be the TRUE Sanatan (ancient) Dharam. Not the it is a petal of a larger lotus.


    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Sikhi does not believe in Adam and Eve, it doesn’t believe in Prophets, it doesn’t believe in a single life span nor a concept of “sin” stemming from Adam and Eve. It doesn’t believe in judgment day, it doesn’t believe in a linear timed universe. What part of it is abrahamic?

    Idk if you’ll like this Ivashka but yea.

    There aren’t tough questions. Its just that Muslims can’t comprehend the idea that God can have a form and manifest in the universe in many ways. The Sikh Tradition has a unique philosophy of ‘Anek Hai, Fir Ek Hai’ or Unity and Multiplicity, that the phenomenal world or multiplicity and God are one. God is himself Trigun Ateet or beyond the three guṇas which control the material realm but is also himself the material. I have composed a brief article on this subject –



    • Thanks: Ivashka the fool
  43. A123 says: • Website
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.
    Should put them in Miami or Ft Lauderdale. They need some jews to terrorize or they will get home sick.

    Not serious. You missed your calling. You should be in the Israel ethnic cleansing office.

    Replies: @A123

    The water situation will not fix itself. Iran unilaterally created the problem with their failed attacks on Palestinian Jews and successful destruction of Gaza infrastructure.

    the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.

    Should put them in Miami or Ft Lauderdale…

    Well… you admit your idea is not serious, so that is a good start. Would you please make a serious proposal?

    The population of Muslim occupied Gaza is beyond its fresh water supply. How do you suggest matching that resource to the population?

    -1- Increase the supply (desalinization, imports)?
    -2- Decrease the consumption (right of religious return, less population)?
    -3- Efficiency?
    -4- Other?

    #1 is unaffordable. Your pathology rejects the common sense solution #2.

    #3 may be able to increase the support for a population of 750K or a bit more. But, it does not solve the problem. The imbalance is not close enough for efficiency to fully cure the issue.

    What is your #4? Offer something positive & constructive instead of throwing stones.

    How many decades have Arafat & Abbas been saying “No!”? What has it gotten the Muslim colonists in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria?

    Why not change course towards something that might work?

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    What is your #4? Offer something positive & constructive instead of throwing stones.
    Hmm. A positive and constructive proposal for the governance of useless eaters. I'm not in government. It appears they are investing their research budget in surveillance and ethnic selective biological warfare armaments.

    Nobody is going to take them except the grim reaper. The same destiny is waiting for all of us.

    Replies: @A123

  44. @A123
    The Kiev regime dam destruction did not weaken Russian defensive positions. Poorly trained Ukrainian crews are losing main battle tanks at a disastrous rate. At least 2x Leopard 2A6 and 1x Leopard 2A4.

    I feel very sorry seeing troops dying for the European Empire (Scholz and Macron). When will the Ukrainian people get rid of EU puppet Zelensky and seek an armistice?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    When will the Ukrainian people get rid of EU puppet Zelensky and seek an armistice?

    80% of Ukrainians oppose giving land to Russia even if it means a longer war

    Which means Zelensky is following the will of the people.

    The Ukrainians don’t want to live under a dwarf dictator and his totalitarian state. They never wanted to be part of the USSR either.

    Putin could end this war at any time by moving his troops back to his border. They are the world’s largest country and have a population in decline. This war was never needed and is really just the result of an insecure old man trying to inflate his hopeless ego.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @OutletForker
    @John Johnson

    And certainly no regime has ever manufactured consent, or benefited from circumstances leaving those most affected by the war or least represented in government to be unable to respond to the survey. And most certainly no video evidence of widespread desertion, Deployment of barrier troops, or conscription officers seizing men off the streets and dragging them away in white vans.

    We can also trust that the videos of soldiers in Ukrainian uniform and white armbands decapitating soldiers wearing Russian uniforms and yellow armbands are totally evidence of totally real Russian war crimes.

  45. Look at these Russians that were captured:

    More conscripts in mismatched camo.

    They are clearly thin from being malnourished.

    Thrift store camo and vodka for the troops.

    That’ll do dwarf, that’ll do.

  46. TIME Magazine wins stupidest headline award.


    Apparently they have retconned it and applied a new title. However, the internet is forever.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Well the world correctly believes Putin was responsible.

    He is now viewed not only as a mass killer of people but also zoo animals

    Boy this 3 day special operation is really going well.

    Replies: @LatW, @The Big Red Scary

  47. @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The water situation will not fix itself. Iran unilaterally created the problem with their failed attacks on Palestinian Jews and successful destruction of Gaza infrastructure.

    the necessary framework for 1.5-2.0MM occupiers to depart for Arabia and/or Persia.
    Should put them in Miami or Ft Lauderdale...


    Well... you admit your idea is not serious, so that is a good start. Would you please make a serious proposal?

    The population of Muslim occupied Gaza is beyond its fresh water supply. How do you suggest matching that resource to the population?

    -1- Increase the supply (desalinization, imports)?
    -2- Decrease the consumption (right of religious return, less population)?
    -3- Efficiency?
    -4- Other?

    #1 is unaffordable. Your pathology rejects the common sense solution #2.

    #3 may be able to increase the support for a population of 750K or a bit more. But, it does not solve the problem. The imbalance is not close enough for efficiency to fully cure the issue.

    What is your #4? Offer something positive & constructive instead of throwing stones.

    How many decades have Arafat & Abbas been saying "No!"? What has it gotten the Muslim colonists in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria?

    Why not change course towards something that might work?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    What is your #4? Offer something positive & constructive instead of throwing stones.

    Hmm. A positive and constructive proposal for the governance of useless eaters. I’m not in government. It appears they are investing their research budget in surveillance and ethnic selective biological warfare armaments.

    Nobody is going to take them except the grim reaper. The same destiny is waiting for all of us.

    • Replies: @A123
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Hmm. A positive and constructive proposal for the governance of useless eaters. I’m not in government.
    Nobody is going to take them except the grim reaper. The same destiny is waiting for all of us.
    Islam claims one of its pillars is charity. The Muslim occupiers in Gaza, Judea, & Samaria are trapped as "useless eaters". Islamic nations keep them in an failed colonies with limited water, power, & opportunity. How is this charitable?

    The right of religious return is an option to break the impasse. Instead of being useless, Muslims can leave disastrous colonies on Jewish & Christian land in Palestine. They can restart their lives in places that meet their basic physical & spiritual needs. In their ancestral homelands they can aspire to be useful.

    PEACE 😇

  48. @Mr. Hack
    In response to QCIC's comment #943 from the previous thread:

    I recommend you work to persuade your Ukrainian brethren to shake off the Western spell which has made them pawns and settle this sooner rather than later. As you know I am not so optimistic about the details, but who cares? If we can save a few lives it is worth a lifetime of our everyday toil.
    I can appreciate your sentiments, but in the end this translates into an appeasement story that Ukraine is just not ready to travail. I defer to the broad knowledge that Ivashka recently pronounced and seems worth pondering:

    Sorry, the quote was made by Ivashka and included sentiments along the line of "war is hell and whoever that doesn't understand that is a fool....But, some wars are worth fighting." I can't find it now, have spent a half hour looking for it and cannot devote any more time to looking for it. If anybody knows where this came from and can repaste it here, I'd be grateful (Ivashka?)...

    Replies: @QCIC

    This is not about appeasement of Russia. That is a children’s level slogan made to cover up the Western goal of entirely subjugating Russia as the final step of the Cold War. The Western actions against Russia from the 1990’s to the present are very clear. Any intelligent person who does not include this context in their view of the Ukraine conflict is being willfully evasive.

    Without Western lies and promotion this conflict could have been much different. People in the pro-Ukraine camp still seem to see the kernel of the “good fight”, either Ukrainians vs evil Russians or maybe Ukraine against evil Russian Imperialism. In the USA it is promoted as the good West vs bad Russian Imperialism. In reality it is the West (globalists, really) trying to break up a potential challenger. Not much thought is given to dealing with a partner country as a peer. Instead, someone must be the top dog and the other must heel or die horribly. The GloboWest is the biggest bully in history, now working to crush modern Russia which has a long legacy of being a pretty tough bully in her own right. A bully which had the audacity to stand up to the full onslaught of the West more than once.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Without Western lies and promotion this conflict could have been much different. People in the pro-Ukraine camp still seem to see the kernel of the “good fight”, either Ukrainians vs evil Russians or maybe Ukraine against evil Russian Imperialism.

    Do you acknowledge that most Ukrainians do not want to live under Russian rule?

    Poll shows that 80% of Ukrainians oppose territorial concessions, even at risk of protracted war

    A simple yes or no.

    In reality it is the West (globalists, really) trying to break up a potential challenger.

    If the West didn't get involved then would it be Russian imperialism? Do explain.

    Replies: @QCIC

  49. @Sher Singh
    So both Mr Hack & Mr XYZ have posted gay shit - MR link in name.
    South park also had a gay character with Mister.

    Re: Scythians - found this interesting cuz both male & female fall within it

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mikel

    So both Mr Hack & Mr XYZ have posted gay shit

    Let’s hope it’s just Pride Month fervor. To be fair, I’ve never seen Mr Hack engage in such behavior but XYZ’s graphic descriptions of his weird inclinations are getting tiresome. Who needs to learn about them?

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
  50. @John Johnson

    When will the Ukrainian people get rid of EU puppet Zelensky and seek an armistice?

    80% of Ukrainians oppose giving land to Russia even if it means a longer war

    Which means Zelensky is following the will of the people.

    The Ukrainians don't want to live under a dwarf dictator and his totalitarian state. They never wanted to be part of the USSR either.

    Putin could end this war at any time by moving his troops back to his border. They are the world's largest country and have a population in decline. This war was never needed and is really just the result of an insecure old man trying to inflate his hopeless ego.

    Replies: @OutletForker

    And certainly no regime has ever manufactured consent, or benefited from circumstances leaving those most affected by the war or least represented in government to be unable to respond to the survey. And most certainly no video evidence of widespread desertion, Deployment of barrier troops, or conscription officers seizing men off the streets and dragging them away in white vans.

    We can also trust that the videos of soldiers in Ukrainian uniform and white armbands decapitating soldiers wearing Russian uniforms and yellow armbands are totally evidence of totally real Russian war crimes.

  51. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    This is not about appeasement of Russia. That is a children's level slogan made to cover up the Western goal of entirely subjugating Russia as the final step of the Cold War. The Western actions against Russia from the 1990's to the present are very clear. Any intelligent person who does not include this context in their view of the Ukraine conflict is being willfully evasive.

    Without Western lies and promotion this conflict could have been much different. People in the pro-Ukraine camp still seem to see the kernel of the "good fight", either Ukrainians vs evil Russians or maybe Ukraine against evil Russian Imperialism. In the USA it is promoted as the good West vs bad Russian Imperialism. In reality it is the West (globalists, really) trying to break up a potential challenger. Not much thought is given to dealing with a partner country as a peer. Instead, someone must be the top dog and the other must heel or die horribly. The GloboWest is the biggest bully in history, now working to crush modern Russia which has a long legacy of being a pretty tough bully in her own right. A bully which had the audacity to stand up to the full onslaught of the West more than once.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Without Western lies and promotion this conflict could have been much different. People in the pro-Ukraine camp still seem to see the kernel of the “good fight”, either Ukrainians vs evil Russians or maybe Ukraine against evil Russian Imperialism.

    Do you acknowledge that most Ukrainians do not want to live under Russian rule?

    Poll shows that 80% of Ukrainians oppose territorial concessions, even at risk of protracted war

    A simple yes or no.

    In reality it is the West (globalists, really) trying to break up a potential challenger.

    If the West didn’t get involved then would it be Russian imperialism? Do explain.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    I hope we can agree that polls from Ukraine are not that useful because the country has been under a Western influence campaign against Russia since even before the fall of the Soviet Union. More recently NeoNazi thugs are used to influence opinion in Ukraine. Nonetheless, most observers agree on at least two things: 1) There is a lot of pro-Ukrainian Nationalist sentiment in Ukraine 2) Ukraine is the most corrupt first-world country.

    As far as your poll is concerned,

    The majority of Crimea wanted to be under Russian rule, so NO. I am preemptively assuming you are dishonestly conflating Crimea with Ukraine.

    The majority of people West of the Dniepr did not want to be under Russian rule, so YES.

    The people East of the Dniepr are a mixed bag, so "DOES NOT APPLY".

    The Western-sponsored idiots in Kiev mixed this all together and are now on track to get a million people killed and 20 million displaced---if we are lucky. Great job, morons.

    The West has single-handedly created the extremely dangerous Ukrainian conflict under the pretense of supporting Ukrainian nationalism. This cynical Western project is clearly a continuation of the Cold War and has a very high risk of leading to World War 3.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  52. @A123
    TIME Magazine wins stupidest headline award.

    Apparently they have retconned it and applied a new title. However, the internet is forever.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Well the world correctly believes Putin was responsible.

    He is now viewed not only as a mass killer of people but also zoo animals

    Boy this 3 day special operation is really going well.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @John Johnson

    So apparently the RusFed side moved 20K or so troops from Kherson to the Zapo region, right before the dam broke... as a result, they have reinforcements in Zapo, but Kherson is flooded (humanitarian catastrophe). This is just an insane way to try to avoid the unavoidable. It'd be hilariously funny if it weren't so deeply tragic.

    Those poor captured soldiers, give them a sandwich already.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @The Big Red Scary
    @John Johnson

    Bro, don't forget the classic

  53. I didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag about Sher Singh…

    Some cats get stuck in the bag and never come out. 🙂

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
    @Mr. Hack

    Do you and your "partner" also have a little dog that you dress in sweaters?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  54. @John Johnson

    Well the world correctly believes Putin was responsible.

    He is now viewed not only as a mass killer of people but also zoo animals

    Boy this 3 day special operation is really going well.

    Replies: @LatW, @The Big Red Scary

    So apparently the RusFed side moved 20K or so troops from Kherson to the Zapo region, right before the dam broke… as a result, they have reinforcements in Zapo, but Kherson is flooded (humanitarian catastrophe). This is just an insane way to try to avoid the unavoidable. It’d be hilariously funny if it weren’t so deeply tragic.

    Those poor captured soldiers, give them a sandwich already.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but I owe you a response to your previous post here:

    The situation is very dire now. Regardless of the borders, this calamity is now spreading and crawling into more and more spaces. You might fear escalation, looking from the West (and, ofc, this is reasonable), but Ukrainian POV is different – what they have gone through is simply too much, after every vicious missile attack they keep asking “Is this not enough of an escalation?”. Some say that the recent spill can be compared to a nuclear blast in terms of its consequences, especially on the left bank. With a huge war like this, the logic is that sooner or later, if it doesn’t stop by one side winning, then the war goes into the enemy territory. It’s called the boomerang, it’s the internal logic of war. If your house was being fired at and your children being fired at from another house, you would hit that other window immediately. It’s basic logic and that’s how they think on the ground there. The things they say on Ukrainian YT channels and on the Russian tv are even crazier than some of the things discussed on this forum.

    Belgorod is actually a well maintained place, the infrastructure in the region is quite good, lots of new houses, it’s a real shame what things have come to. By the way, it is mostly Russian forces firing at the rebels, they are doing this instead of sending in spetsnaz (although it seems some units are indeed there), they are firing missiles that are hitting people’s homes. It is really dire there, the Volunteer Corps had casualties.
    That makes sense. I suppose that, as AP says, Russia blurred the difference between Kherson and Belgorod by declaring both to be a part of Russia. If Kherson can be attacked (liberated) by Ukraine, then why not Belgorod as well?

    But I still think that strikes into Russia proper should have logic that will help the Ukrainian war effort rather than simply being meant to scare Russia.

    I also really like the spaika of Larionov that the Volunteer Corps is using but that one is more ideological and far right so may not be for everybody.

    What's a spaika?

    Why are you so focused on this idea of “economies of scale”? Do you feel they don’t have a big enough population already to ramp up wide scale production? I think they do. Many of their products could compete with the price. The price is lower even than Lithuanian products. Although that might change with the growing labor shortage.

    Btw, the economic cooperation with the EU was growing even without them being in the EU (or without any kind of special agreements). They were starting to both invest and export more. It was on the track for growth. It’s really messed up that it was interrupted. I wonder if the Kremlin clique who started the war were aware of this growth. They totally pulled a plug on something that would’ve benefitted the Russian entrepreneurs.
    Russia still maintained some economic ties with the EU pre-2022 (Nordstream 2, for instance), but economic ties with the EU would have been more extensive had Russia not gotten involved in Ukraine ever since 2014, including in Crimea.

    As for economies of scale, this is what Anatoly Karlin previously wrote about this topic (note: I do NOT endorse his aggressive expansionism):

    This brings us to something more in the realm of speculation as opposed to something that Putin definitely thinks. But here goes. The value of Ukraine is not in its territory, nor less its sovok rustbelt industries, nor even less its position on the invasion route to Moscow (spoiler: We live in the ICBM age). Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation. Now if Russia was prepared to expend a rather high cost in welfare funds and knock on effects on integrating 1.5 million genuinely quite “alien” Chechens, then paying a drastically more modest price (per capita) for 35 million of its own kith and kin is eminently rational. Although Russia’s 145 million people can still generate sufficient economies of scale to maintain political sovereignty and to run a largely self-contained technological civilization, complete with its own IT ecosystem (read: sovereign memetic space, “socially distanced” from the Woke nihilism of the West), space program, and technological visions. But creating and then sustaining such a world-civilization will certainly be considerably easier in a restored “Russian World” that unites Russians, Belorussians, and Ukrainians under one banner in a Slavic superpower of 200 million people stretching from Brest to Vladivostok
    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won't make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.

    They could cultivate their own talent. The EU is already very large at this point and there are internal issues that need to be taken care of, there is an ongoing struggle over the power dynamic there that will take up a lot of energy in the years to come. Also, Russia would need to comply with democratic standards, they should do it for their own sake, first and foremost, but I’m not sure there is a will for that. They need to figure out for themselves if they are a European, Eurasian or their own kind of civilization and there is a plurality of opinions about that. Frankly, I don’t think outsiders such as Russia or China should be given much access or say over the EU market and politics unless they show long term amicability and fairness. They live by different rules.
    Obviously Russia will need to democratize, stop killing its own dissidents (including abroad), pay wart reparations to Ukraine, withdraw back to its 2013 borders, et cetera for it to actually become eligible to join the EU. But even so, the EU already has plans to expand even further--specifically into the western Balkans, Moldova, Ukraine, and possibly Georgia if all of these countries will actually reform up to the EU's standards. So, expanding into Russia wouldn't be all that radical from the EU's perspective. The EU can also consider expanding into Turkey, which is fairly moderate for a Muslim country and also has relatively high human capital by global standards and whose EU candidacy has the endorsement of notoriously "Islamophobic" Poland.

    That would be heaven on earth. One can only dream. 🤍💙🤍
    Yep. :)

    Frankly, I think it becomes less authentic if it’s located outside of the traditional Orthodox space, but, ofc, there are Orthodox churches in the US and they seem to be doing fine.
    I don't think that black Africans practicing Hinduism in Ghana makes their Hinduism less authentic:

    I would apply the very same logic to Third Worlders practicing Eastern (Russian) Orthodox Christianity. As in, this wouldn't make it any less authentic.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

  55. @Mr. XYZ
    As a side note, had there been no WWI but Russia would have still eventually experienced a (liberal, non-Bolshevik) revolution, with Congress Poland subsequently using the opportunity to separate from Russia, would Austria-Hungary be willing to give up Galicia to Poland (and Bukovina to Romania) as a way of securing an alliance between Poland, itself, and Germany? What do you guys think?

    FWIW, Galicia and Bukovina were both located outside of Austria-Hungary's natural borders (the Carpathian Mountains):

    Interestingly enough, Serbia was located within Austria-Hungary's natural borders, which means that from this specific perspective an Austro-Hungarian conquest of Serbia would have actually been justified lol. Of course, being in the EU is a much better deal for Serbia, I would suspect. But that wasn't actually on the table 100+ years ago.

    A trialist Austria-Hungary, but without Galicia and Bukovina (to Poland and Romania, respectively) and with Serbia and Montenegro in the South Slav Austro-Hungarian federal unit might have actually been ideal:

    Replies: @Beckow

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history…

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.

    “Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility…not a sound basis for a national state.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    not a sound basis for a national state.
    It doesn't look like too bad a prototype for what the elite brains in Brussels think they are going to make out of the EU.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    , @Mr. XYZ

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.
    Would Slovakia be included in the Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary?

    “Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility…not a sound basis for a national state.
    They were going to get added to Poland and Romania, not become their own states.

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @AP

    First you wrote this:

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history
    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility
    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia. The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:

    not a sound basis for a national state


    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

  56. @John Johnson

    Well the world correctly believes Putin was responsible.

    He is now viewed not only as a mass killer of people but also zoo animals

    Boy this 3 day special operation is really going well.

    Replies: @LatW, @The Big Red Scary

    • LOL: Ivashka the fool
  57. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history...

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.

    "Galicia", "Bukovina" were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility...not a sound basis for a national state.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    not a sound basis for a national state.

    It doesn’t look like too bad a prototype for what the elite brains in Brussels think they are going to make out of the EU.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    For the EU to become a multinational federation akin to Austria-Hungary, especially the proposed United States of Austria, unanimous consent among EU member states would have to be required, no? Else, the EU would remain the loose confederation that it currently is. Enough to become a huge player on the global stage, but also with enough national sovereignty preserved for its various member states.

    , @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The elite brains in Brussels are on an auto-pilot - they don't think at all. They met and decided to square a circle - with no details, no thought, just because it "would be nice". Then all kinds of additional parasites jumped in and added their ideological dreams.

    EU is currently functioning because Europe is wealthy and the economy still functions. If that declines, they have no plan.

  58. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history...

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.

    "Galicia", "Bukovina" were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility...not a sound basis for a national state.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.

    Would Slovakia be included in the Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary?

    “Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility…not a sound basis for a national state.

    They were going to get added to Poland and Romania, not become their own states.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...Would Slovakia be included in the Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary?
    That was the main stumbling block. More realistic Habsburgs (and the Austrian elite) were by 1910 ready to restructure the Empire and give the Slavs (primarily Czechs, but also Poles, Slovenes...) an equal treatment. But Budapest was dead set against it - they wanted a Magyar-run unitary Hungary where Magyars accounted for little over 40%. That was an almost unresolvable dilemma finally resolved by A-H losing in WW1.

    If Magyars had agreed to the necessary compromise they would have been much better off territorially. Since they fought to the bitter end they ended up losing 2/3 of the territory and the borders were drawn by the winners. In effect Prague defeated Budapest with Vienna standing aside.

    Ukies should consider that refusing to make a compromise early can lead to a total loss. But I doubt they would be allowed to act rationally.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  59. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history...

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.

    "Galicia", "Bukovina" were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility...not a sound basis for a national state.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    First you wrote this:

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history

    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility

    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia. The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:

    not a sound basis for a national state

    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.
    Yep, the Uniate Church, which was essentially a Roman Catholic Church but with Eastern Orthodox rites formed by the 1596 Union of Brest:

    Many more Ukrainians used to be Uniates; the situation in 1750 (Uniates in orange):

    Only Galicia remained Uniate since it remained outside of Russian rule.

    Before 1596, all Ukrainians were Eastern Orthodox, I think. A map for 1573:

    Had Congress Poland ever broken away from Russia without WWI (as a result of a successful revolution in Russia, albeit a non-Bolshevik one), it would have made sense to give Poland all of Galicia (rather than only western Galicia) if Ukraine itself would not have broken away from Russia during this time. Galicia was perceived as being a part of "core Poland" in the days of the PLC:

    The proposed Ruthenian federal unit within the PLC would not have included Galicia. And Galicia also had a huge Polish minority until WWII:

    Replies: @AP

    , @Beckow

    ...Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.
    Riiight...we think of them as Orthodox, everybody does. They look Orthodox, worship like Orthodox, the alphabet, the priests, the churches...they all look Orthodox. As so often you try to pretend that you are something you are not, is it because you are ashamed of "Orthodox"? I don't know, but it is pitiful. Who really cares? Be a baptist if you want that, or some bizarre American sect like the Pentecostals or Mormons...

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be”
    Your "blood" obsession is pathetic. What are you, stuck in the 18th century? That whole charade was cancelled 100 years ago. Why are you so prickly about it? A bunch of inbred lazy has-beens....mostly lying about the pedigree, and then lying about all else - so they can pretend to each other. It is so passe...let it go.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Gerard1234

    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility

    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.
    Except , by definition Greek "Catholic" does mean culturally Orthodox you dumbfuck. Different to you, Beckow knows the area. I assume that as a fantasist imbecile American who has never been to Europe, your clueless level on the implications of "Greek " in the description, and what that implies, are quite high, lol.

    Plus ,just like the "Ukraine" is a fake nation created territoriality by Russians, created ideologically by bored Russian liberals, the ethnic Russian wakjob Dontsev, Poles and Austrian officials ( for anti-Russian reasons)... and Ukrainian "language " is a fake language "encouraged" by Poles for anti-Russian political reasons, but actually created by Russians (3 different times) .......this Greek Catholic "Church" of Galicia was a fake Frankenstein-ish church created solely for non-religious reasons - imposed dictatorially on the Orthodox population and most of the clergy in Galicia by foreigners, for anti-Russian political reasons.

    Its a nonsense of a church.

    I would just remind people here that this fraud weirdo "AP" clearly showed on here multiple times that he does not know what the word Batyushka is. Let's think about that every time this human excrement writes about the church or anything else on Russia/Ukraine.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia

    HAHAHAHAHA ! Another amusing lie. Normally even the worst retards would not try and claim that nonsense where this fake nobility for a dump of Europe (started even before the rise of Protestantism) are divided by 3 different Empires.

    "Ruthenian"??? You have Slovaks in cities and fighting for autonomy and establishing institutions and their state, you have the great civilisation of Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Czechia etc establishing themselves within A-H and winning back power and statehood or revolting till they get something...........then you have a non-event called "Ruthenia" which is also the poorest and most irrelevant part of the empire, LMAO.

    The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:
    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's one of those things where its better to promote the lie ( digging up the Black Sea) than it is to mention THAT embarrassing nonsense.

    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.
    This is, another, stupid lie. Tragically, but also amusingly in the form of exposing what a non-even ukrop "nationalism"is, in Galician Banderastan Ukronazis were collaborating and sending their own to Talerhof and other concentration camps to be murdered en masse. Yes - in this freakshow Ukronazi slaves start massacring their own, for the reasons of satisfying their foreign owners/masters........a long time before ANY "fight" for creating a nation state......or even an autonomous region. That says everything
  60. @AP

    First you wrote this:

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history
    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility
    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia. The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:

    not a sound basis for a national state


    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Yep, the Uniate Church, which was essentially a Roman Catholic Church but with Eastern Orthodox rites formed by the 1596 Union of Brest:

    Many more Ukrainians used to be Uniates; the situation in 1750 (Uniates in orange):

    Only Galicia remained Uniate since it remained outside of Russian rule.

    Before 1596, all Ukrainians were Eastern Orthodox, I think. A map for 1573:

    Had Congress Poland ever broken away from Russia without WWI (as a result of a successful revolution in Russia, albeit a non-Bolshevik one), it would have made sense to give Poland all of Galicia (rather than only western Galicia) if Ukraine itself would not have broken away from Russia during this time. Galicia was perceived as being a part of “core Poland” in the days of the PLC:

    The proposed Ruthenian federal unit within the PLC would not have included Galicia. And Galicia also had a huge Polish minority until WWII:

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Just a note. The bottom map exaggerates the Polish population because it is based on the language not ethnicity. Many Jews and many urban Ukrainians (about 40% of the ones in Lviv) were Polish speaking (comparable to urban Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians in modern Kiev).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

  61. @Emil Nikola Richard

    not a sound basis for a national state.
    It doesn't look like too bad a prototype for what the elite brains in Brussels think they are going to make out of the EU.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    For the EU to become a multinational federation akin to Austria-Hungary, especially the proposed United States of Austria, unanimous consent among EU member states would have to be required, no? Else, the EU would remain the loose confederation that it currently is. Enough to become a huge player on the global stage, but also with enough national sovereignty preserved for its various member states.

  62. @Mr. XYZ

    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.
    Yep, the Uniate Church, which was essentially a Roman Catholic Church but with Eastern Orthodox rites formed by the 1596 Union of Brest:

    Many more Ukrainians used to be Uniates; the situation in 1750 (Uniates in orange):

    Only Galicia remained Uniate since it remained outside of Russian rule.

    Before 1596, all Ukrainians were Eastern Orthodox, I think. A map for 1573:

    Had Congress Poland ever broken away from Russia without WWI (as a result of a successful revolution in Russia, albeit a non-Bolshevik one), it would have made sense to give Poland all of Galicia (rather than only western Galicia) if Ukraine itself would not have broken away from Russia during this time. Galicia was perceived as being a part of "core Poland" in the days of the PLC:

    The proposed Ruthenian federal unit within the PLC would not have included Galicia. And Galicia also had a huge Polish minority until WWII:

    Replies: @AP

    Just a note. The bottom map exaggerates the Polish population because it is based on the language not ethnicity. Many Jews and many urban Ukrainians (about 40% of the ones in Lviv) were Polish speaking (comparable to urban Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians in modern Kiev).

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]
    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.

    Poland separated Hebrew-speakers/Yiddish-speakers from Polish-speakers on its census in 1931, obviously:

    (Also, makes one wonder if 10+% of Polish Jews spoke German in 1921 but switched to Yiddish, which isn't all that different from German other than its alphabet, by 1931. German was prestigious under Austria-Hungary but presumably much less so under Poland.)

    Also, this is off-topic, but I find it interesting that in terms of literacy in 1931, the most literate parts of Poland were, in order:

    1. Western ex-German Poland and Teschen
    2. Eastern ex-German Poland
    3. The other heavily Polish parts of ex-Austrian Poland
    4. Western Congress Poland and Vilnius
    5. Eastern Congress Poland and the heavily Ukrainian parts of ex-Austrian Poland
    6. The northern Kresy (other than Vilnius) and parts of Lemko Land
    7. The central Kresy and the remaining parts of Lemko Land

    One could see something similar for Yugoslavia in 1931:

    The parts of Yugoslavia that used to be Hapsburg for a very long time (so, everything other than Bosnia and Herzegovina) were much more literate in 1931 than the rest of Yugoslavia was:

    The one major exception to this rule is the heavily Serb parts of Croatia, which I think were under Hapsburg rule for a long time (much longer than Bosnia and Herzegovina, I think) but were nevertheless still very illiterate in 1931.

    Finally, this is even more off-topic, but it's worth noting that after WWII, a lot of Kresy Poles were resettled near the new German-Polish border (the Oder-Neisse Line):

    Interestingly enough, the German Empire considered both Kashubians and Masurians, but not Silesians, to be their own separate ethnic/linguistic category, distinct from Poles:

    I wonder if a history of unique political arrangements caused this.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Also, off-topic, but what do you think about this agreement?

    Had it actually been approved, it would have been much better than real life for Ukraine, no?

    Replies: @AP

  63. A123 says: • Website
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What is your #4? Offer something positive & constructive instead of throwing stones.
    Hmm. A positive and constructive proposal for the governance of useless eaters. I'm not in government. It appears they are investing their research budget in surveillance and ethnic selective biological warfare armaments.

    Nobody is going to take them except the grim reaper. The same destiny is waiting for all of us.

    Replies: @A123

    Hmm. A positive and constructive proposal for the governance of useless eaters. I’m not in government.

    Nobody is going to take them except the grim reaper. The same destiny is waiting for all of us.

    Islam claims one of its pillars is charity. The Muslim occupiers in Gaza, Judea, & Samaria are trapped as “useless eaters”. Islamic nations keep them in an failed colonies with limited water, power, & opportunity. How is this charitable?

    The right of religious return is an option to break the impasse. Instead of being useless, Muslims can leave disastrous colonies on Jewish & Christian land in Palestine. They can restart their lives in places that meet their basic physical & spiritual needs. In their ancestral homelands they can aspire to be useful.

    PEACE 😇

  64. @LatW
    @John Johnson

    So apparently the RusFed side moved 20K or so troops from Kherson to the Zapo region, right before the dam broke... as a result, they have reinforcements in Zapo, but Kherson is flooded (humanitarian catastrophe). This is just an insane way to try to avoid the unavoidable. It'd be hilariously funny if it weren't so deeply tragic.

    Those poor captured soldiers, give them a sandwich already.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but I owe you a response to your previous post here:

    The situation is very dire now. Regardless of the borders, this calamity is now spreading and crawling into more and more spaces. You might fear escalation, looking from the West (and, ofc, this is reasonable), but Ukrainian POV is different – what they have gone through is simply too much, after every vicious missile attack they keep asking “Is this not enough of an escalation?”. Some say that the recent spill can be compared to a nuclear blast in terms of its consequences, especially on the left bank. With a huge war like this, the logic is that sooner or later, if it doesn’t stop by one side winning, then the war goes into the enemy territory. It’s called the boomerang, it’s the internal logic of war. If your house was being fired at and your children being fired at from another house, you would hit that other window immediately. It’s basic logic and that’s how they think on the ground there. The things they say on Ukrainian YT channels and on the Russian tv are even crazier than some of the things discussed on this forum.

    Belgorod is actually a well maintained place, the infrastructure in the region is quite good, lots of new houses, it’s a real shame what things have come to. By the way, it is mostly Russian forces firing at the rebels, they are doing this instead of sending in spetsnaz (although it seems some units are indeed there), they are firing missiles that are hitting people’s homes. It is really dire there, the Volunteer Corps had casualties.

    That makes sense. I suppose that, as AP says, Russia blurred the difference between Kherson and Belgorod by declaring both to be a part of Russia. If Kherson can be attacked (liberated) by Ukraine, then why not Belgorod as well?

    But I still think that strikes into Russia proper should have logic that will help the Ukrainian war effort rather than simply being meant to scare Russia.

    I also really like the spaika of Larionov that the Volunteer Corps is using but that one is more ideological and far right so may not be for everybody.

    What’s a spaika?

    Why are you so focused on this idea of “economies of scale”? Do you feel they don’t have a big enough population already to ramp up wide scale production? I think they do. Many of their products could compete with the price. The price is lower even than Lithuanian products. Although that might change with the growing labor shortage.

    Btw, the economic cooperation with the EU was growing even without them being in the EU (or without any kind of special agreements). They were starting to both invest and export more. It was on the track for growth. It’s really messed up that it was interrupted. I wonder if the Kremlin clique who started the war were aware of this growth. They totally pulled a plug on something that would’ve benefitted the Russian entrepreneurs.

    Russia still maintained some economic ties with the EU pre-2022 (Nordstream 2, for instance), but economic ties with the EU would have been more extensive had Russia not gotten involved in Ukraine ever since 2014, including in Crimea.

    As for economies of scale, this is what Anatoly Karlin previously wrote about this topic (note: I do NOT endorse his aggressive expansionism):

    This brings us to something more in the realm of speculation as opposed to something that Putin definitely thinks. But here goes. The value of Ukraine is not in its territory, nor less its sovok rustbelt industries, nor even less its position on the invasion route to Moscow (spoiler: We live in the ICBM age). Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation. Now if Russia was prepared to expend a rather high cost in welfare funds and knock on effects on integrating 1.5 million genuinely quite “alien” Chechens, then paying a drastically more modest price (per capita) for 35 million of its own kith and kin is eminently rational. Although Russia’s 145 million people can still generate sufficient economies of scale to maintain political sovereignty and to run a largely self-contained technological civilization, complete with its own IT ecosystem (read: sovereign memetic space, “socially distanced” from the Woke nihilism of the West), space program, and technological visions. But creating and then sustaining such a world-civilization will certainly be considerably easier in a restored “Russian World” that unites Russians, Belorussians, and Ukrainians under one banner in a Slavic superpower of 200 million people stretching from Brest to Vladivostok

    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won’t make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.

    They could cultivate their own talent. The EU is already very large at this point and there are internal issues that need to be taken care of, there is an ongoing struggle over the power dynamic there that will take up a lot of energy in the years to come. Also, Russia would need to comply with democratic standards, they should do it for their own sake, first and foremost, but I’m not sure there is a will for that. They need to figure out for themselves if they are a European, Eurasian or their own kind of civilization and there is a plurality of opinions about that. Frankly, I don’t think outsiders such as Russia or China should be given much access or say over the EU market and politics unless they show long term amicability and fairness. They live by different rules.

    Obviously Russia will need to democratize, stop killing its own dissidents (including abroad), pay wart reparations to Ukraine, withdraw back to its 2013 borders, et cetera for it to actually become eligible to join the EU. But even so, the EU already has plans to expand even further–specifically into the western Balkans, Moldova, Ukraine, and possibly Georgia if all of these countries will actually reform up to the EU’s standards. So, expanding into Russia wouldn’t be all that radical from the EU’s perspective. The EU can also consider expanding into Turkey, which is fairly moderate for a Muslim country and also has relatively high human capital by global standards and whose EU candidacy has the endorsement of notoriously “Islamophobic” Poland.

    That would be heaven on earth. One can only dream. 🤍💙🤍

    Yep. 🙂

    Frankly, I think it becomes less authentic if it’s located outside of the traditional Orthodox space, but, ofc, there are Orthodox churches in the US and they seem to be doing fine.

    I don’t think that black Africans practicing Hinduism in Ghana makes their Hinduism less authentic:

    I would apply the very same logic to Third Worlders practicing Eastern (Russian) Orthodox Christianity. As in, this wouldn’t make it any less authentic.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    AK wrote:

    Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation.
    When Russian military leaders figure out that the most compatible 10 million Ukrainian refugees will probably relocate to Russia anyway, they may begin to show less concern about destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. This would be an example of "do what you can and then move on".

    War is hell.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won’t make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.
    It looks like the technological centers will most likely remain concentrated where they are now. In Russia's case, they will probably have to work with China in that regard. But China will be looking out for its own interests.

    As to the AI, while it won't make the human capital issue irrelevant, it actually could help alleviate the labor shortage, increase efficiencies and thus reduce the need for immigration. I started using an AI app recently and it is fantastic - but there is plenty of work left over anyway, it's just that it made things way more efficient and took out the more tedious parts of the work.

    Obviously Russia will need to democratize
    Don't count on it - they would have to build all the institutions, political parties, etc., from the ground up and everything has been wiped out (that said, people can build these quickly but it's a lot of work anyway to maintain it). Most likely things will start out with a clan war. My biggest fear is that the Legion will get pushed away (this is a very realistic scenario but hope springs eternal, so to speak).

    What’s a spaika?
    It is a symbol of Russian Whites (it is used in memory of Viktor Larionov).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  65. A123 says: • Website

    You mentioned a Saudi prince possibly buying Lucasfilm. That rumor has been floated with an absurd $8B price tag.

    Personally, I am dubious. Is it a trial balloon to attempt to obtain a better offer from George Lucas? That is my gut feel.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @songbird

    I myself don't attach much importance to rumors, but I think the idea of a foreign fan, outside of globohomo, buying the rights is potentially an interesting scenario.

    Details seem a bit fake. 8 billion?! I don't think there are any foreign oil tycoons that would consider that a worthwhile or affordable price. Would say that the value proposition has degraded substantially since Lucas originally sold it.

    Not quite clear what is contained within the property. If it includes all the original designs for merchandising purposes. But, if so, I would perceive that as the main potential value. Don't think Indy is really worth anything, at this point.

    I'd actually be kind of surprised if Lucas bought it. He's pretty old, and I'm sure he doesn't want to put the energy into it.

  66. @Mr. XYZ

    The trialist Austria-Hungary idea was based on the Czechs getting their own state, you leaving the out makes no sense. It was the Czech deputies in the Vienna Parliament who paralyzed the Habsburg rule and the Czechs who administered the coup-de-grace to the Habsburg Empire when they declared Czecho-Slovakia in October 1918.
    Would Slovakia be included in the Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary?

    “Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility…not a sound basis for a national state.
    They were going to get added to Poland and Romania, not become their own states.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Would Slovakia be included in the Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary?

    That was the main stumbling block. More realistic Habsburgs (and the Austrian elite) were by 1910 ready to restructure the Empire and give the Slavs (primarily Czechs, but also Poles, Slovenes…) an equal treatment. But Budapest was dead set against it – they wanted a Magyar-run unitary Hungary where Magyars accounted for little over 40%. That was an almost unresolvable dilemma finally resolved by A-H losing in WW1.

    If Magyars had agreed to the necessary compromise they would have been much better off territorially. Since they fought to the bitter end they ended up losing 2/3 of the territory and the borders were drawn by the winners. In effect Prague defeated Budapest with Vienna standing aside.

    Ukies should consider that refusing to make a compromise early can lead to a total loss. But I doubt they would be allowed to act rationally.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I heard that Franz Ferdinand wanted to implement universal suffrage in Hungary had he lived. Is this true? This would have significantly reduced Magyar political power in Hungary due to the end of pro-Magyar suffrage restrictions and gerrymandering there.

    If one wanted to make universal suffrage in Hungary really effective, one could have annexed both Galicia and Bukovina to Hungary:

    The Czechs would get a Germano-Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary in such a scenario.

    Replies: @Beckow

  67. @sudden death
    Baltic labour migration traditions have deep roots in time - mercenaries from Latvia were fighting together with Greeks against Carthaginians in Sicilia:

    Chemical isotopes in the mercenaries’ bones indicated that the soldiers were born far away and that their parents and grandparents were not immigrants. And the ancient genomes were sequenced and compared to all published genomes, Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Dr. Mittnick speculated that the hirelings may have arrived at Himera with the army led by the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. Diodorus wrote of 10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship, although their geographic origins are unknown.

    “We know that many of the young men in the mass graves likely grew up outside of the Mediterranean but might have come to Sicily for the promise of citizenship or monetary rewards,” Dr. Mittnick said.

    Beyond highlighting the disparate genetic backgrounds of troops, the research showed that genetic ancestry informed which bodies were interred in which graves. “The intentional groupings of foreigners sheds light on the internal logic of the identity constructions of Greek colonists,” Dr. Reitsema said.

    Foreign fighters from a variety of backgrounds were buried in the same mass graves: sufficiently respected to be buried in the necropolis but still differentiated from many other persons of Greek descent. The smaller mass graves, in which soldiers probably were Greek, show the signs of greatest care in body placement and burial objects, indicating greater reverence or prestige than the outlanders.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke, @Ivashka the fool, @LatW, @Gerard1234

    OMG! LMFAO! It appears this idiot is just trying to claim Etruscans ( Russians who found their way to what is Italy “coincidentally” 25oo years before, the exact period this anti-historical BS this idiot is linking to is claiming to have started at)….. as Baltics.

    Hilariously with this idiotic propaganda he is trying to spin the great failure of post-Soviet Baltics – dying, mass depopulation from emmigration…… some ancient “quality” of these people!

    So faced with the fact its just the guy who presents Vesti, and nothing before that from the Baltic losers for 3000 years, and that Russian state, russian culture, russian language are known all over the world……..and even have this detour west to Italy from these Etruscanswe are shown this fake historical garbage with the Baltic clowns trying to plaigirise our history.

    Dr. Reich said:

    Why not make it Professor Khokhol – even that would be more subtle

    Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”

    Why not just say also “the genomes of those direct descendants of red-white -red activists in Belarus, Jewish Feminists and BLM leaders”! Seriously WTF is this political hitjob garbage, posing as “historical study”

    How the f**k is from Ukraine and Latvia even plausible you idiot? It could either be southern steppe people, so Dr Reichtard would have to say “Ukraine” and Russia………or because of Ukraine’s non-history he could only reduce to to something like Ukraine& Moldova, or Ukraine& Slovakia& Hungary etc. How is “from Latvia and Ukraine” even possible without it also involving Russia or some other countries you deranged cretin?

    How would they have got to Sicilia 2500 years before? Sailing from Baltic coast? Wouldn’t involve “Ukrainians”. Crossing the Alps? No. Through the Balkans? Then how would it be only Latvians and Ukrainians you imbecile.

    Its amusing how only the worst of the worst scum on here talk about Gaplo-groups. On Runet there is good conversations about the topic…….but on here its just the loser scum on here from non-event or fake countries or fantasists or general dickheads (M*k*l) who seem obsessed with the topic. It would be fine if there were actual geneticists in the discussion, at best only one of these clowns is.

    • Replies: @Yevardian

    trying to claim Etruscans [as Baltic related]

    Just noticed this skimming through all the other catfighting over old topics... just noting that's a very outlandish claim to make.. Etruscans didn't even speak an Indo-European language, it hasn't been deciphered (Claudius' Etruscan dictionary is lost), though Etruscan and hypothesised relations ('Tyrrhenian') may have been distantly related to Basque.
    Arnold Toynbee and others once thought it was related to the Anatolian branch of IE, but that's now thoroughly disproven.

    Its amusing how only the worst of the worst scum on here talk about Gaplo-groups. On Runet there is good conversations about the topic…….but on here its just the loser scum on here from non-event or fake countries or fantasists or general dickheads (M*k*l) who seem obsessed with the topic. It would be fine if there were actual geneticists in the discussion, at best only one of these clowns is.
    Боже... someone had to say it. I don't think Mikel is particularly guilty of this here though, in fairness he's one of the last earthbound posters left
  68. @John Johnson

    Without Western lies and promotion this conflict could have been much different. People in the pro-Ukraine camp still seem to see the kernel of the “good fight”, either Ukrainians vs evil Russians or maybe Ukraine against evil Russian Imperialism.

    Do you acknowledge that most Ukrainians do not want to live under Russian rule?

    Poll shows that 80% of Ukrainians oppose territorial concessions, even at risk of protracted war

    A simple yes or no.

    In reality it is the West (globalists, really) trying to break up a potential challenger.

    If the West didn't get involved then would it be Russian imperialism? Do explain.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I hope we can agree that polls from Ukraine are not that useful because the country has been under a Western influence campaign against Russia since even before the fall of the Soviet Union. More recently NeoNazi thugs are used to influence opinion in Ukraine. Nonetheless, most observers agree on at least two things: 1) There is a lot of pro-Ukrainian Nationalist sentiment in Ukraine 2) Ukraine is the most corrupt first-world country.

    As far as your poll is concerned,

    The majority of Crimea wanted to be under Russian rule, so NO. I am preemptively assuming you are dishonestly conflating Crimea with Ukraine.

    The majority of people West of the Dniepr did not want to be under Russian rule, so YES.

    The people East of the Dniepr are a mixed bag, so “DOES NOT APPLY”.

    The Western-sponsored idiots in Kiev mixed this all together and are now on track to get a million people killed and 20 million displaced—if we are lucky. Great job, morons.

    The West has single-handedly created the extremely dangerous Ukrainian conflict under the pretense of supporting Ukrainian nationalism. This cynical Western project is clearly a continuation of the Cold War and has a very high risk of leading to World War 3.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    2) Ukraine is the most corrupt first-world country.
    Actually, that would be Russia:

    Ukraine: 33
    Russia: 28

    Replies: @QCIC

  69. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Just a note. The bottom map exaggerates the Polish population because it is based on the language not ethnicity. Many Jews and many urban Ukrainians (about 40% of the ones in Lviv) were Polish speaking (comparable to urban Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians in modern Kiev).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]

    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.

    Poland separated Hebrew-speakers/Yiddish-speakers from Polish-speakers on its census in 1931, obviously:

    (Also, makes one wonder if 10+% of Polish Jews spoke German in 1921 but switched to Yiddish, which isn’t all that different from German other than its alphabet, by 1931. German was prestigious under Austria-Hungary but presumably much less so under Poland.)

    Also, this is off-topic, but I find it interesting that in terms of literacy in 1931, the most literate parts of Poland were, in order:

    1. Western ex-German Poland and Teschen
    2. Eastern ex-German Poland
    3. The other heavily Polish parts of ex-Austrian Poland
    4. Western Congress Poland and Vilnius
    5. Eastern Congress Poland and the heavily Ukrainian parts of ex-Austrian Poland
    6. The northern Kresy (other than Vilnius) and parts of Lemko Land
    7. The central Kresy and the remaining parts of Lemko Land

    One could see something similar for Yugoslavia in 1931:

    The parts of Yugoslavia that used to be Hapsburg for a very long time (so, everything other than Bosnia and Herzegovina) were much more literate in 1931 than the rest of Yugoslavia was:

    The one major exception to this rule is the heavily Serb parts of Croatia, which I think were under Hapsburg rule for a long time (much longer than Bosnia and Herzegovina, I think) but were nevertheless still very illiterate in 1931.

    Finally, this is even more off-topic, but it’s worth noting that after WWII, a lot of Kresy Poles were resettled near the new German-Polish border (the Oder-Neisse Line):

    Interestingly enough, the German Empire considered both Kashubians and Masurians, but not Silesians, to be their own separate ethnic/linguistic category, distinct from Poles:

    I wonder if a history of unique political arrangements caused this.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]"

    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.
    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that across Poland.

    I was familiar with Lviv's demographics, where one must look at religion rather than language to see the true story.

    By first language, Lviv was 63.5% Polish, 24.1% Hebrew/Yiddish, and 11.2% Ukrainian/Ruthenian.

    But by religion, Lviv was 50.4% Roman Catholic, 31.9% Jewish, and 16% Greek Catholic.

    In Lviv in 1931, 75% of Jews listed their language as Hebrew/Yiddish.

    You have posted some nice maps btw.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

  70. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...Would Slovakia be included in the Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary?
    That was the main stumbling block. More realistic Habsburgs (and the Austrian elite) were by 1910 ready to restructure the Empire and give the Slavs (primarily Czechs, but also Poles, Slovenes...) an equal treatment. But Budapest was dead set against it - they wanted a Magyar-run unitary Hungary where Magyars accounted for little over 40%. That was an almost unresolvable dilemma finally resolved by A-H losing in WW1.

    If Magyars had agreed to the necessary compromise they would have been much better off territorially. Since they fought to the bitter end they ended up losing 2/3 of the territory and the borders were drawn by the winners. In effect Prague defeated Budapest with Vienna standing aside.

    Ukies should consider that refusing to make a compromise early can lead to a total loss. But I doubt they would be allowed to act rationally.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I heard that Franz Ferdinand wanted to implement universal suffrage in Hungary had he lived. Is this true? This would have significantly reduced Magyar political power in Hungary due to the end of pro-Magyar suffrage restrictions and gerrymandering there.

    If one wanted to make universal suffrage in Hungary really effective, one could have annexed both Galicia and Bukovina to Hungary:

    The Czechs would get a Germano-Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary in such a scenario.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Universal suffrage was a gradual process - as it was elsewhere. But you are right, the Magyars were inevitably going to lose because they lacked the numbers. Franz Ferdinand wanted to weaken Magyars (he didn't particularly like them), but the process was happening anyway. Most pressure for the universal suffrage was coming from the labor-socialists who were not nationally oriented and were quite strong electorally.

    Magyars got greedy and thought that with central control and endless nationalist myth-making and posturing about ancient ancestors, suffering, lying about numbers, cheating where they could, and "nobility" - irrelevant by then - they could keep what they had. Very similar in mentality to the AP poseur here :)...

    It led nowhere and they got clobbered and lost more than anyone. In fairness they should have kept 40-50% of the territory of Hungary, and they kept a third. Overnight 3 to 4 million Magyars were suddenly minorities in the new states. But why didn't they make a deal when they could? They could have kept large parts of Slovakia (south next to Danube), Transylvania, Vojvodina, and some large cities. Instead they bet it all and lost. There is a lesson there for the Ukies: if a deal is inevitable, make it when you are strong and don't bet on "winning". But I think it is too late for that.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  71. @A123

    You mentioned a Saudi prince possibly buying Lucasfilm. That rumor has been floated with an absurd $8B price tag.

    Personally, I am dubious. Is it a trial balloon to attempt to obtain a better offer from George Lucas? That is my gut feel.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

    I myself don’t attach much importance to rumors, but I think the idea of a foreign fan, outside of globohomo, buying the rights is potentially an interesting scenario.


    Details seem a bit fake. 8 billion?! I don’t think there are any foreign oil tycoons that would consider that a worthwhile or affordable price. Would say that the value proposition has degraded substantially since Lucas originally sold it.

    Not quite clear what is contained within the property. If it includes all the original designs for merchandising purposes. But, if so, I would perceive that as the main potential value. Don’t think Indy is really worth anything, at this point.

    I’d actually be kind of surprised if Lucas bought it. He’s pretty old, and I’m sure he doesn’t want to put the energy into it.

  72. @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but I owe you a response to your previous post here:

    The situation is very dire now. Regardless of the borders, this calamity is now spreading and crawling into more and more spaces. You might fear escalation, looking from the West (and, ofc, this is reasonable), but Ukrainian POV is different – what they have gone through is simply too much, after every vicious missile attack they keep asking “Is this not enough of an escalation?”. Some say that the recent spill can be compared to a nuclear blast in terms of its consequences, especially on the left bank. With a huge war like this, the logic is that sooner or later, if it doesn’t stop by one side winning, then the war goes into the enemy territory. It’s called the boomerang, it’s the internal logic of war. If your house was being fired at and your children being fired at from another house, you would hit that other window immediately. It’s basic logic and that’s how they think on the ground there. The things they say on Ukrainian YT channels and on the Russian tv are even crazier than some of the things discussed on this forum.

    Belgorod is actually a well maintained place, the infrastructure in the region is quite good, lots of new houses, it’s a real shame what things have come to. By the way, it is mostly Russian forces firing at the rebels, they are doing this instead of sending in spetsnaz (although it seems some units are indeed there), they are firing missiles that are hitting people’s homes. It is really dire there, the Volunteer Corps had casualties.
    That makes sense. I suppose that, as AP says, Russia blurred the difference between Kherson and Belgorod by declaring both to be a part of Russia. If Kherson can be attacked (liberated) by Ukraine, then why not Belgorod as well?

    But I still think that strikes into Russia proper should have logic that will help the Ukrainian war effort rather than simply being meant to scare Russia.

    I also really like the spaika of Larionov that the Volunteer Corps is using but that one is more ideological and far right so may not be for everybody.

    What's a spaika?

    Why are you so focused on this idea of “economies of scale”? Do you feel they don’t have a big enough population already to ramp up wide scale production? I think they do. Many of their products could compete with the price. The price is lower even than Lithuanian products. Although that might change with the growing labor shortage.

    Btw, the economic cooperation with the EU was growing even without them being in the EU (or without any kind of special agreements). They were starting to both invest and export more. It was on the track for growth. It’s really messed up that it was interrupted. I wonder if the Kremlin clique who started the war were aware of this growth. They totally pulled a plug on something that would’ve benefitted the Russian entrepreneurs.
    Russia still maintained some economic ties with the EU pre-2022 (Nordstream 2, for instance), but economic ties with the EU would have been more extensive had Russia not gotten involved in Ukraine ever since 2014, including in Crimea.

    As for economies of scale, this is what Anatoly Karlin previously wrote about this topic (note: I do NOT endorse his aggressive expansionism):

    This brings us to something more in the realm of speculation as opposed to something that Putin definitely thinks. But here goes. The value of Ukraine is not in its territory, nor less its sovok rustbelt industries, nor even less its position on the invasion route to Moscow (spoiler: We live in the ICBM age). Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation. Now if Russia was prepared to expend a rather high cost in welfare funds and knock on effects on integrating 1.5 million genuinely quite “alien” Chechens, then paying a drastically more modest price (per capita) for 35 million of its own kith and kin is eminently rational. Although Russia’s 145 million people can still generate sufficient economies of scale to maintain political sovereignty and to run a largely self-contained technological civilization, complete with its own IT ecosystem (read: sovereign memetic space, “socially distanced” from the Woke nihilism of the West), space program, and technological visions. But creating and then sustaining such a world-civilization will certainly be considerably easier in a restored “Russian World” that unites Russians, Belorussians, and Ukrainians under one banner in a Slavic superpower of 200 million people stretching from Brest to Vladivostok
    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won't make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.

    They could cultivate their own talent. The EU is already very large at this point and there are internal issues that need to be taken care of, there is an ongoing struggle over the power dynamic there that will take up a lot of energy in the years to come. Also, Russia would need to comply with democratic standards, they should do it for their own sake, first and foremost, but I’m not sure there is a will for that. They need to figure out for themselves if they are a European, Eurasian or their own kind of civilization and there is a plurality of opinions about that. Frankly, I don’t think outsiders such as Russia or China should be given much access or say over the EU market and politics unless they show long term amicability and fairness. They live by different rules.
    Obviously Russia will need to democratize, stop killing its own dissidents (including abroad), pay wart reparations to Ukraine, withdraw back to its 2013 borders, et cetera for it to actually become eligible to join the EU. But even so, the EU already has plans to expand even further--specifically into the western Balkans, Moldova, Ukraine, and possibly Georgia if all of these countries will actually reform up to the EU's standards. So, expanding into Russia wouldn't be all that radical from the EU's perspective. The EU can also consider expanding into Turkey, which is fairly moderate for a Muslim country and also has relatively high human capital by global standards and whose EU candidacy has the endorsement of notoriously "Islamophobic" Poland.

    That would be heaven on earth. One can only dream. 🤍💙🤍
    Yep. :)

    Frankly, I think it becomes less authentic if it’s located outside of the traditional Orthodox space, but, ofc, there are Orthodox churches in the US and they seem to be doing fine.
    I don't think that black Africans practicing Hinduism in Ghana makes their Hinduism less authentic:

    I would apply the very same logic to Third Worlders practicing Eastern (Russian) Orthodox Christianity. As in, this wouldn't make it any less authentic.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

    AK wrote:

    Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation.

    When Russian military leaders figure out that the most compatible 10 million Ukrainian refugees will probably relocate to Russia anyway, they may begin to show less concern about destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. This would be an example of “do what you can and then move on”.

    War is hell.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Russia would have been much better off opening its borders/doors wide open to Ukrainians starting from 2014 instead of ever making any incursions into Ukraine, including into both Crimea and the Donbass back in 2014. Just leave Ukraine alone but have open borders with Ukraine in order to steal as much of Ukraine's human capital as possible in an ethical way.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  73. A123 says: • Website

    McCarthy the survivor: (1)

    Watch: McCarthy Destroys CNN Reporter When Asked About Classified Doc Scandal

    House Speaker Kevin McCarthy may be facing a revolt from Freedom Caucus House Republicans over his Dem-friendly debt deal, but he also may have just earned a few points back obliterating a CNN reporter who asked about former President Donald Trump’s document scandal.

    McCarthy shot back – “Are you prepared to defend your network, CNN … [reporter tries to interject] … you can’t put words in my mouth, even though your network can hire Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the FBI for leaking classified documents. Did you remove him from your network? No, you continue to put him on to give judgement against President Trump,” he said.

    “You also hired Clapper…” he continued – only to be cut off once again.

    McCarthy simply ignores the next question and continues his sentence.

    “So your network hires Clapper, who literally lied to the American public, one of 51 other individuals that had briefings and used it politically to tell the American public that a laptop was Russia collusion, even though it had all this information about the Biden administration. Are you prepared to get rid of those people from your network? Because my concern as a policymaker is that when you weaponize government, and now you’re weaponizing networks, that is wrong.”

    CNN relieved their CEO, who walked away with a great deal of money.

    Could a cable news network do worse? Hmmm……

    PEACE 😇


  74. @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    I hope we can agree that polls from Ukraine are not that useful because the country has been under a Western influence campaign against Russia since even before the fall of the Soviet Union. More recently NeoNazi thugs are used to influence opinion in Ukraine. Nonetheless, most observers agree on at least two things: 1) There is a lot of pro-Ukrainian Nationalist sentiment in Ukraine 2) Ukraine is the most corrupt first-world country.

    As far as your poll is concerned,

    The majority of Crimea wanted to be under Russian rule, so NO. I am preemptively assuming you are dishonestly conflating Crimea with Ukraine.

    The majority of people West of the Dniepr did not want to be under Russian rule, so YES.

    The people East of the Dniepr are a mixed bag, so "DOES NOT APPLY".

    The Western-sponsored idiots in Kiev mixed this all together and are now on track to get a million people killed and 20 million displaced---if we are lucky. Great job, morons.

    The West has single-handedly created the extremely dangerous Ukrainian conflict under the pretense of supporting Ukrainian nationalism. This cynical Western project is clearly a continuation of the Cold War and has a very high risk of leading to World War 3.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    2) Ukraine is the most corrupt first-world country.

    Actually, that would be Russia:

    Ukraine: 33
    Russia: 28

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ukraine has been mentioned as the most corrupt country in the past; I did not do any research and think poll results like that are difficult to justify. Nonetheless, both countries are seen as highly corrupt in some quarters.

    My implied point still stands, which is that polls out of Ukraine are probably not reliable. Nonetheless, JJ's point that many Ukrainians do not want to be governed by Russia is obviously true. It has also become irrelevant at this point. You people need to focus on avoiding WW3 and worry less about what a bunch of shellshocked and brainwashed people may or may not believe. Sadly, they forfeited what little agency they had by allowing WW3 to become a real possibility in their country. Fortunately, the Ukrainian survivors may have a chance to regain some peace of mind and agency by defeating the NeoNazis and dishonest or incompetent leaders who made this all possible.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

  75. Too bad that Karlin was both too lazily unproductive and too obnoxious to his readers to still be part of the community named after him. But I don’t miss the faggot.

    • Agree: silviosilver
  76. @John Johnson
    Amazing footage from the front:

    Looks like a HIMARs attack.

    I have been pretty busy with summer stuff so I haven't been posting as much.

    Sorry guys, I'll try to make it up next week.

    Replies: @RadicalCenter


  77. @Mr. XYZ
    UN population projections for Ukraine:

    The one scenario that they didn't map out was where Ukraine has a larger post-war baby boom that boosts their TFR up to ~2.5, at least for 2-3 decades, comparable to the West in the post-WWII era. Unlikely but not impossible.

    Replies: @RadicalCenter

    Wouldn’t they need women of childbearing age to have a great fertility rate?

    They didn’t have many before the war, and now they have fewer. How many Ukrainian women of childbearing age will ever return while still of childbearing age?

    If Ukrainian women didn’t have children before the war, and hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men have been or will be killed, what would cause them to change their values/priorities/lifestyle so drastically all of a sudden?

    If lack of resources was the reason/excuse for ukrainians not having enough children to come close to replacing themselves, are they going to have MORE resources to raise kids after the war?

    and where would they get ukrainian or even slavic men to procreate with? Russians, Belarussians, Poles, and other Slavs all have terrible fertility rates, and every one of them is an aged and further aging population (I.e. their median age is high and it’s still rising).

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    If lack of resources was the reason/excuse for ukrainians not having enough children to come close to replacing themselves, are they going to have MORE resources to raise kids after the war?
    Well, won't large-scale Western investment into Ukraine post-war help with this, provided that most of it won't get looted/stolen by corrupt Ukrainian elites? And of course diaspora Ukrainians in the EU, US, Canada, et cetera should end a lot of remittances back home, which can't be stolen, at least not easily.

    and where would they get ukrainian or even slavic men to procreate with? Russians, Belarussians, Poles, and other Slavs all have terrible fertility rates, and every one of them is an aged and further aging population (I.e. their median age is high and it’s still rising).
    If there's a shortage of men, can't they rely on sperm donors? Albeit presumably not ones from Russia or Belarus. Polish, Czech, Slovak, Baltic, and Scandinavian sperm donors all sound great!
    , @Wokechoke

    In one scenario the area stabilises after a unifying war. In another it’s going to fracture and Kievan will squabble.

  78. @RadicalCenter
    @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn't they need women of childbearing age to have a great fertility rate?

    They didn't have many before the war, and now they have fewer. How many Ukrainian women of childbearing age will ever return while still of childbearing age?

    If Ukrainian women didn't have children before the war, and hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men have been or will be killed, what would cause them to change their values/priorities/lifestyle so drastically all of a sudden?

    If lack of resources was the reason/excuse for ukrainians not having enough children to come close to replacing themselves, are they going to have MORE resources to raise kids after the war?

    and where would they get ukrainian or even slavic men to procreate with? Russians, Belarussians, Poles, and other Slavs all have terrible fertility rates, and every one of them is an aged and further aging population (I.e. their median age is high and it's still rising).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    If lack of resources was the reason/excuse for ukrainians not having enough children to come close to replacing themselves, are they going to have MORE resources to raise kids after the war?

    Well, won’t large-scale Western investment into Ukraine post-war help with this, provided that most of it won’t get looted/stolen by corrupt Ukrainian elites? And of course diaspora Ukrainians in the EU, US, Canada, et cetera should end a lot of remittances back home, which can’t be stolen, at least not easily.

    and where would they get ukrainian or even slavic men to procreate with? Russians, Belarussians, Poles, and other Slavs all have terrible fertility rates, and every one of them is an aged and further aging population (I.e. their median age is high and it’s still rising).

    If there’s a shortage of men, can’t they rely on sperm donors? Albeit presumably not ones from Russia or Belarus. Polish, Czech, Slovak, Baltic, and Scandinavian sperm donors all sound great!

  79. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    AK wrote:

    Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation.
    When Russian military leaders figure out that the most compatible 10 million Ukrainian refugees will probably relocate to Russia anyway, they may begin to show less concern about destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. This would be an example of "do what you can and then move on".

    War is hell.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Russia would have been much better off opening its borders/doors wide open to Ukrainians starting from 2014 instead of ever making any incursions into Ukraine, including into both Crimea and the Donbass back in 2014. Just leave Ukraine alone but have open borders with Ukraine in order to steal as much of Ukraine’s human capital as possible in an ethical way.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    An attempted drive by coup in the capital city was pretty frightening for western populations.

    I had thought given the forces deployed in Belorussia that there was just going to be a razz from Chernobyl towards the river, cross it from behind Kiev then exit the entire force around Kharkov.

    The Landbridge is a wrinkle in the political settlement.

    Replies: @QCIC

  80. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    Just a note. The bottom map exaggerates the Polish population because it is based on the language not ethnicity. Many Jews and many urban Ukrainians (about 40% of the ones in Lviv) were Polish speaking (comparable to urban Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians in modern Kiev).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Also, off-topic, but what do you think about this agreement?

    Had it actually been approved, it would have been much better than real life for Ukraine, no?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would have given Ukraine to the Bolsheviks, so no go. A good deal for Siberians though.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

  81. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]
    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.

    Poland separated Hebrew-speakers/Yiddish-speakers from Polish-speakers on its census in 1931, obviously:

    (Also, makes one wonder if 10+% of Polish Jews spoke German in 1921 but switched to Yiddish, which isn't all that different from German other than its alphabet, by 1931. German was prestigious under Austria-Hungary but presumably much less so under Poland.)

    Also, this is off-topic, but I find it interesting that in terms of literacy in 1931, the most literate parts of Poland were, in order:

    1. Western ex-German Poland and Teschen
    2. Eastern ex-German Poland
    3. The other heavily Polish parts of ex-Austrian Poland
    4. Western Congress Poland and Vilnius
    5. Eastern Congress Poland and the heavily Ukrainian parts of ex-Austrian Poland
    6. The northern Kresy (other than Vilnius) and parts of Lemko Land
    7. The central Kresy and the remaining parts of Lemko Land

    One could see something similar for Yugoslavia in 1931:

    The parts of Yugoslavia that used to be Hapsburg for a very long time (so, everything other than Bosnia and Herzegovina) were much more literate in 1931 than the rest of Yugoslavia was:

    The one major exception to this rule is the heavily Serb parts of Croatia, which I think were under Hapsburg rule for a long time (much longer than Bosnia and Herzegovina, I think) but were nevertheless still very illiterate in 1931.

    Finally, this is even more off-topic, but it's worth noting that after WWII, a lot of Kresy Poles were resettled near the new German-Polish border (the Oder-Neisse Line):

    Interestingly enough, the German Empire considered both Kashubians and Masurians, but not Silesians, to be their own separate ethnic/linguistic category, distinct from Poles:

    I wonder if a history of unique political arrangements caused this.

    Replies: @AP

    “An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]”

    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.

    Interesting, I wasn’t aware of that across Poland.

    I was familiar with Lviv’s demographics, where one must look at religion rather than language to see the true story.

    By first language, Lviv was 63.5% Polish, 24.1% Hebrew/Yiddish, and 11.2% Ukrainian/Ruthenian.

    But by religion, Lviv was 50.4% Roman Catholic, 31.9% Jewish, and 16% Greek Catholic.

    In Lviv in 1931, 75% of Jews listed their language as Hebrew/Yiddish.

    You have posted some nice maps btw.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Heavily heavily urbanised elite. Even in this godforsaken backwater. Did the locals ban Jews from owning tractors, chainsaws and sawhorses too?

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Interesting. I wonder if the situation in the rest of eastern Galicia was more similar to Lviv or more similar to the rest of 1931 Poland. Without more detailed Polish census data, I'm not sure if we'll ever know.

    Interestingly enough, even in Lviv, the effect wasn't extraordinarily massive. The Polish percentage in Lviv was artificially boosted by slightly less than 30% as a result of the non-Polish Polish speakers there. It's certainly not nothing, but at the same time, it's not super-decisive either.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    You have posted some nice maps btw.
    Thanks for the compliment!

    BTW, near the end of this article there are some maps involving Tsarist Russian GDP and GDP per capita in 1897:

    The wealthiest per capita parts of the Russian Empire in 1897 were St. Pete's, Moscow, Baku (oil?), Riga, Lodz, Donbass, and the Far East, not necessarily in that order, though. I'm a bit surprised that Kiev isn't among them, but then again, it wasn't particularly unique in Tsarist Russia since there was no Ukrainian autonomy back then.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  82. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]"

    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.
    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that across Poland.

    I was familiar with Lviv's demographics, where one must look at religion rather than language to see the true story.

    By first language, Lviv was 63.5% Polish, 24.1% Hebrew/Yiddish, and 11.2% Ukrainian/Ruthenian.

    But by religion, Lviv was 50.4% Roman Catholic, 31.9% Jewish, and 16% Greek Catholic.

    In Lviv in 1931, 75% of Jews listed their language as Hebrew/Yiddish.

    You have posted some nice maps btw.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Heavily heavily urbanised elite. Even in this godforsaken backwater. Did the locals ban Jews from owning tractors, chainsaws and sawhorses too?

  83. @RadicalCenter
    @Mr. XYZ

    Wouldn't they need women of childbearing age to have a great fertility rate?

    They didn't have many before the war, and now they have fewer. How many Ukrainian women of childbearing age will ever return while still of childbearing age?

    If Ukrainian women didn't have children before the war, and hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men have been or will be killed, what would cause them to change their values/priorities/lifestyle so drastically all of a sudden?

    If lack of resources was the reason/excuse for ukrainians not having enough children to come close to replacing themselves, are they going to have MORE resources to raise kids after the war?

    and where would they get ukrainian or even slavic men to procreate with? Russians, Belarussians, Poles, and other Slavs all have terrible fertility rates, and every one of them is an aged and further aging population (I.e. their median age is high and it's still rising).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    In one scenario the area stabilises after a unifying war. In another it’s going to fracture and Kievan will squabble.

  84. @Mr. XYZ

    Also, off-topic, but what do you think about this agreement?

    Had it actually been approved, it would have been much better than real life for Ukraine, no?

    Replies: @AP

    It would have given Ukraine to the Bolsheviks, so no go. A good deal for Siberians though.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Good point! I missed that by skimming too quickly!

    Anyway, maybe the West should have waited until either Denikin's forces or Polish + Petliura's forces were already in control of Ukraine (or at least central Ukraine) and then offered the Bolsheviks this agreement?

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Also, off-topic, but an interesting question for you:

    How do you think that the IQ map for Russia, Ukraine, et cetera would have been different relative to real life without decades of Communist rule? The areas with gulags would have been a bit duller due to no internal exile of smart people, Central Asia would have been smarter due to more Slavs, the former Pale of Settlement and Moscow + St. Pete's would have been a bit smarter due to more Jews (if they would not have emigrated en masse sooner or later like they did in real life), but what else? Would there have been any meaningful difference as to which parts of Russia, Ukraine, et cetera would have been the smartest and dullest relative to real life?

    I suspect that the average IQ of wealthy Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Baltic cities would have taken a hit if there would have been a Central Asian version for Russia of what the African-American Great Migration was for the US, but there would have also been a much larger core East Slavic population in Russia, so the effect on the average IQ in these cities should not have been too severe--and might have been compensated by the increased Jews, Chinese, et cetera to some extent as well.

    Here's an IQ map of Ukraine in real life:

    Galicia and Kiev are Ukraine's cognitive hubs and also the most nationalistic parts of Ukraine, especially if one looks at it from the perspective of 1991. What would have differed in a no-Communism scenario?

    Really, what happened with Russia since 1917 is very sad, especially considering that my own family has been strongly affected by this, both my Jewish and non-Jewish ancestors. It reminds me of Marx's legendary quote that history starts as a tragedy (decades of Communist rule) and ends as a farce (Russia's current invasion of Ukraine showing just how weak and pathetic it truly is even after the end of Communism, unfortunately), which unfortunately applies all too well to Russia since 1917. First comes the tragedy, and then comes the farce.

    I'm honestly wondering if even those anti-imperialist Russian nationalists whom Ukraine is supporting would be a better deal than the current Russian government, especially if they were to moderate a bit. I'm talking about the guys who launched the Belgorod incursion. If they were in power, one would hope that they could significantly boost Russia's TFR and also pursue a legendary rapprochement between Russia and both Intermarium and the EU/West.

    BTW, this is somewhat off-topic, but you might enjoy this 1998 online book comparing various regions of the US and the former USSR:

    It was made and created jointly by academics from the US and the former USSR.

    Also, one more off-topic question: Had the Central Powers won World War I, would it have been plausible for them to subsequently restore the Russian monarchy on the condition that the new Russian monarch would agree to permanently end Russia's alliance with France and instead agree to rejoin the Three Emperors' League on Germano-Austro-Hungarian terms? Apparently Germany envisioned a strategy for Ukraine in the event of a CP WWI victory similar to what Russia envisioned for the Donbass in the Minsk Agreements:

    Except Ukraine would be much more vital for Russia than the Donbass would be for Ukraine, so I'm unsure that it would be very easy for Russia to resist the demands of the victorious Central Powers in a scenario where they actually managed to win World War I.

    (Really, when I think about it, Russia's exit from the Three Emperors' League and its subsequent decision to ally with Germany's enemy France strikes me as an extraordinarily awful decision in hindsight that made a World War much more likely. So long as Russia was a German ally, Germany was not going to attack it, but once Russia stopped being a German ally, the situation gradually changed. Russia should have acknowledged that Austria-Hungary is entitled to a sphere of influence in the Balkans as the price of preserving or reviving the Three Emperors' League, just like present-day Russia insists on a sphere of influence for itself in the ex-USSR in order to have good relations with the West (which, of course, the West denies present-day Russia, just like Russia denied a Balkan sphere of influence to Austria-Hungary over 100 years ago).) Russia should have also subsequently used the opportunity that a surviving Three Emperors' League gave it to expand wherever Germany and Austria-Hungary would have allowed it to, such as into China and North Korea (which it could have likely done with a negotiated settlement with Japan in place of the Russo-Japanese War) and into Persia and Afghanistan if it could successfully beat Britain in a war.

    As for Germany, I think that once the Franco-Russians allied with each other, Germany should have done everything possible to please and ally with Britain instead of alienating the Brits by building a giant navy. That money would have been better invested in the German army and/or air force instead, I would suspect. Maybe if WWI would have been delayed long enough (until the late 1910s or later), Germany and Britain could have experienced a rapprochement and Britain could have exited the Triple Entente due to Russia's growing military power, assuming that Kaiser Bill did not do anything stupid in the meantime to piss off the Brits once again. A Germano-Austro-Hungaro-Italo-Anglo-Ottoman alliance against the Franco-Russians would have been quite epic, especially if Japan and/or the US would have also joined in on the fun on the Germanic side. The Armenian Genocide could have also been prevented in this scenario due to the Ottomans' need to please their Anglo allies. Such an alliance would have truly exemplified Germanic Supremacy lol, which would be especially pertinent even nowadays since even nowadays a lot of the world's elite science production and R & D spending occurs in Germanic countries.

    Replies: @Mikel

  85. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would have given Ukraine to the Bolsheviks, so no go. A good deal for Siberians though.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Good point! I missed that by skimming too quickly!

    Anyway, maybe the West should have waited until either Denikin’s forces or Polish + Petliura’s forces were already in control of Ukraine (or at least central Ukraine) and then offered the Bolsheviks this agreement?

  86. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]"

    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.
    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that across Poland.

    I was familiar with Lviv's demographics, where one must look at religion rather than language to see the true story.

    By first language, Lviv was 63.5% Polish, 24.1% Hebrew/Yiddish, and 11.2% Ukrainian/Ruthenian.

    But by religion, Lviv was 50.4% Roman Catholic, 31.9% Jewish, and 16% Greek Catholic.

    In Lviv in 1931, 75% of Jews listed their language as Hebrew/Yiddish.

    You have posted some nice maps btw.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Interesting. I wonder if the situation in the rest of eastern Galicia was more similar to Lviv or more similar to the rest of 1931 Poland. Without more detailed Polish census data, I’m not sure if we’ll ever know.

    Interestingly enough, even in Lviv, the effect wasn’t extraordinarily massive. The Polish percentage in Lviv was artificially boosted by slightly less than 30% as a result of the non-Polish Polish speakers there. It’s certainly not nothing, but at the same time, it’s not super-decisive either.

  87. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "An ever-increasing proportion of Jews in Interwar Poland lived separate lives from the Polish majority. In 1921, 74.2% of Polish Jews listed Yiddish or Hebrew as their native language, but that had risen to 87% by 1931, resulting in growing tensions between Jews and Poles.[21]"

    So, the Jewish effect on the Polish percentage in eastern Galicia appears to have been relatively small.
    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that across Poland.

    I was familiar with Lviv's demographics, where one must look at religion rather than language to see the true story.

    By first language, Lviv was 63.5% Polish, 24.1% Hebrew/Yiddish, and 11.2% Ukrainian/Ruthenian.

    But by religion, Lviv was 50.4% Roman Catholic, 31.9% Jewish, and 16% Greek Catholic.

    In Lviv in 1931, 75% of Jews listed their language as Hebrew/Yiddish.

    You have posted some nice maps btw.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    You have posted some nice maps btw.

    Thanks for the compliment!

    BTW, near the end of this article there are some maps involving Tsarist Russian GDP and GDP per capita in 1897:

    The wealthiest per capita parts of the Russian Empire in 1897 were St. Pete’s, Moscow, Baku (oil?), Riga, Lodz, Donbass, and the Far East, not necessarily in that order, though. I’m a bit surprised that Kiev isn’t among them, but then again, it wasn’t particularly unique in Tsarist Russia since there was no Ukrainian autonomy back then.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    He wore his silk Top Hat like a Baku Millionaire.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  88. @Mr. XYZ

    Russia would have been much better off opening its borders/doors wide open to Ukrainians starting from 2014 instead of ever making any incursions into Ukraine, including into both Crimea and the Donbass back in 2014. Just leave Ukraine alone but have open borders with Ukraine in order to steal as much of Ukraine's human capital as possible in an ethical way.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    An attempted drive by coup in the capital city was pretty frightening for western populations.

    I had thought given the forces deployed in Belorussia that there was just going to be a razz from Chernobyl towards the river, cross it from behind Kiev then exit the entire force around Kharkov.

    The Landbridge is a wrinkle in the political settlement.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I suspect most of the Ukrainian leaders who colluded with the West will eventually be arrested for treason. While some of their activity was probably motivated by misguided, shallow optimism much of it may be shown to be driven by powerlust and greed. The billions of dollars had to go somewhere. The Biden crime family comes to mind.

    The NeoNazi's and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.

    Replies: @sudden death

  89. @Mr. XYZ

    I heard that Franz Ferdinand wanted to implement universal suffrage in Hungary had he lived. Is this true? This would have significantly reduced Magyar political power in Hungary due to the end of pro-Magyar suffrage restrictions and gerrymandering there.

    If one wanted to make universal suffrage in Hungary really effective, one could have annexed both Galicia and Bukovina to Hungary:

    The Czechs would get a Germano-Czech federal unit within Austria-Hungary in such a scenario.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Universal suffrage was a gradual process – as it was elsewhere. But you are right, the Magyars were inevitably going to lose because they lacked the numbers. Franz Ferdinand wanted to weaken Magyars (he didn’t particularly like them), but the process was happening anyway. Most pressure for the universal suffrage was coming from the labor-socialists who were not nationally oriented and were quite strong electorally.

    Magyars got greedy and thought that with central control and endless nationalist myth-making and posturing about ancient ancestors, suffering, lying about numbers, cheating where they could, and “nobility” – irrelevant by then – they could keep what they had. Very similar in mentality to the AP poseur here :)…

    It led nowhere and they got clobbered and lost more than anyone. In fairness they should have kept 40-50% of the territory of Hungary, and they kept a third. Overnight 3 to 4 million Magyars were suddenly minorities in the new states. But why didn’t they make a deal when they could? They could have kept large parts of Slovakia (south next to Danube), Transylvania, Vojvodina, and some large cities. Instead they bet it all and lost. There is a lesson there for the Ukies: if a deal is inevitable, make it when you are strong and don’t bet on “winning”. But I think it is too late for that.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It was hard for the Magyars to keep Transylvania when Romanians were a majority there. They could have kept some border towns, though, such as Oradea, Arad, and Satu Mare, though. Though having this territory be under international administration for, say, 10 or 20 years while Romania is able to build new railroads to the east of these towns would have probably been a good idea.

    This Slovak island should have been given to Hungary:

    But giving additional Slovak territory to Hungary would seriously disrupt Slovakia's communications and building new rail lines is not as easy as in the Romanian case due to the more mountainous terrain in Slovakia.

    This 1939 book discusses this topic and numerous others involving European border revision in much greater detail:

    As for Serbia, the yellow Hungarian territory in the north should have been given to Hungary:

    But it's not all of Vojvodina.

    Replies: @Beckow

  90. @Emil Nikola Richard

    not a sound basis for a national state.
    It doesn't look like too bad a prototype for what the elite brains in Brussels think they are going to make out of the EU.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    The elite brains in Brussels are on an auto-pilot – they don’t think at all. They met and decided to square a circle – with no details, no thought, just because it “would be nice”. Then all kinds of additional parasites jumped in and added their ideological dreams.

    EU is currently functioning because Europe is wealthy and the economy still functions. If that declines, they have no plan.

  91. @AP

    First you wrote this:

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history
    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility
    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia. The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:

    not a sound basis for a national state


    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    …Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Riiight…we think of them as Orthodox, everybody does. They look Orthodox, worship like Orthodox, the alphabet, the priests, the churches…they all look Orthodox. As so often you try to pretend that you are something you are not, is it because you are ashamed of “Orthodox”? I don’t know, but it is pitiful. Who really cares? Be a baptist if you want that, or some bizarre American sect like the Pentecostals or Mormons…

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be”

    Your “blood” obsession is pathetic. What are you, stuck in the 18th century? That whole charade was cancelled 100 years ago. Why are you so prickly about it? A bunch of inbred lazy has-beens….mostly lying about the pedigree, and then lying about all else – so they can pretend to each other. It is so passe…let it go.

    • Replies: @AP

    “Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.”

    Riiight…we think of them as Orthodox
    I’m sure ignorant people like you do.

    Both the Orthodox who persecuted them and the martyrs who refused to convert would disagree.

    “Polish nobility were not “wanna-be”

    Your “blood” obsession is pathetic
    No, it’s a truth obsession. That’s something you will never understand, sadly.

    That whole charade was cancelled 100 years ago
    I went to university with a count from your region whose bride (from some wealthy family he met here, one without a title) had to undergo various rituals and get permissions so that his kids would inherit his title. It was taken rather seriously.

    A bunch of inbred lazy has-beens
    Why you so prickly about it?

    In reality, they are smarter and more hardworking. The same genetics that enabled their ancestors to achieve their positions also enable them to keep them. Even during tragic disruptions these families return to previous positions. I have seen it myself but that is just anecdotal - this is true everywhere where it has been studied.


    “ the descendants of the eighteenth century upper classes in Hungary were still significantly privileged during the period 1949 to 2017”

    “ even by 2010–17 someone with a surname inherited from the eighteenth century upper class was still 2.5 times more likely to gain a medical qualification than the average non-Romani person”


    People from family with titles were nearly 5 times more likely to attorneys than average Swedes; untitled nobles 3 times more likely. Similar stats for physicians.


    Even China:

    The Hungarian and Chinese cases demonstrate that this cannot be attributed to nepotism or corruption, because these families had everything stolen from them by the Communists. But genetics and family traditions cannot be taken.

    Replies: @Beckow

  92. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would have given Ukraine to the Bolsheviks, so no go. A good deal for Siberians though.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    Also, off-topic, but an interesting question for you:

    How do you think that the IQ map for Russia, Ukraine, et cetera would have been different relative to real life without decades of Communist rule? The areas with gulags would have been a bit duller due to no internal exile of smart people, Central Asia would have been smarter due to more Slavs, the former Pale of Settlement and Moscow + St. Pete’s would have been a bit smarter due to more Jews (if they would not have emigrated en masse sooner or later like they did in real life), but what else? Would there have been any meaningful difference as to which parts of Russia, Ukraine, et cetera would have been the smartest and dullest relative to real life?

    I suspect that the average IQ of wealthy Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Baltic cities would have taken a hit if there would have been a Central Asian version for Russia of what the African-American Great Migration was for the US, but there would have also been a much larger core East Slavic population in Russia, so the effect on the average IQ in these cities should not have been too severe–and might have been compensated by the increased Jews, Chinese, et cetera to some extent as well.

    Here’s an IQ map of Ukraine in real life:

    Galicia and Kiev are Ukraine’s cognitive hubs and also the most nationalistic parts of Ukraine, especially if one looks at it from the perspective of 1991. What would have differed in a no-Communism scenario?

    Really, what happened with Russia since 1917 is very sad, especially considering that my own family has been strongly affected by this, both my Jewish and non-Jewish ancestors. It reminds me of Marx’s legendary quote that history starts as a tragedy (decades of Communist rule) and ends as a farce (Russia’s current invasion of Ukraine showing just how weak and pathetic it truly is even after the end of Communism, unfortunately), which unfortunately applies all too well to Russia since 1917. First comes the tragedy, and then comes the farce.

    I’m honestly wondering if even those anti-imperialist Russian nationalists whom Ukraine is supporting would be a better deal than the current Russian government, especially if they were to moderate a bit. I’m talking about the guys who launched the Belgorod incursion. If they were in power, one would hope that they could significantly boost Russia’s TFR and also pursue a legendary rapprochement between Russia and both Intermarium and the EU/West.

    BTW, this is somewhat off-topic, but you might enjoy this 1998 online book comparing various regions of the US and the former USSR:

    It was made and created jointly by academics from the US and the former USSR.

    Also, one more off-topic question: Had the Central Powers won World War I, would it have been plausible for them to subsequently restore the Russian monarchy on the condition that the new Russian monarch would agree to permanently end Russia’s alliance with France and instead agree to rejoin the Three Emperors’ League on Germano-Austro-Hungarian terms? Apparently Germany envisioned a strategy for Ukraine in the event of a CP WWI victory similar to what Russia envisioned for the Donbass in the Minsk Agreements:

    Except Ukraine would be much more vital for Russia than the Donbass would be for Ukraine, so I’m unsure that it would be very easy for Russia to resist the demands of the victorious Central Powers in a scenario where they actually managed to win World War I.

    (Really, when I think about it, Russia’s exit from the Three Emperors’ League and its subsequent decision to ally with Germany’s enemy France strikes me as an extraordinarily awful decision in hindsight that made a World War much more likely. So long as Russia was a German ally, Germany was not going to attack it, but once Russia stopped being a German ally, the situation gradually changed. Russia should have acknowledged that Austria-Hungary is entitled to a sphere of influence in the Balkans as the price of preserving or reviving the Three Emperors’ League, just like present-day Russia insists on a sphere of influence for itself in the ex-USSR in order to have good relations with the West (which, of course, the West denies present-day Russia, just like Russia denied a Balkan sphere of influence to Austria-Hungary over 100 years ago).) Russia should have also subsequently used the opportunity that a surviving Three Emperors’ League gave it to expand wherever Germany and Austria-Hungary would have allowed it to, such as into China and North Korea (which it could have likely done with a negotiated settlement with Japan in place of the Russo-Japanese War) and into Persia and Afghanistan if it could successfully beat Britain in a war.

    As for Germany, I think that once the Franco-Russians allied with each other, Germany should have done everything possible to please and ally with Britain instead of alienating the Brits by building a giant navy. That money would have been better invested in the German army and/or air force instead, I would suspect. Maybe if WWI would have been delayed long enough (until the late 1910s or later), Germany and Britain could have experienced a rapprochement and Britain could have exited the Triple Entente due to Russia’s growing military power, assuming that Kaiser Bill did not do anything stupid in the meantime to piss off the Brits once again. A Germano-Austro-Hungaro-Italo-Anglo-Ottoman alliance against the Franco-Russians would have been quite epic, especially if Japan and/or the US would have also joined in on the fun on the Germanic side. The Armenian Genocide could have also been prevented in this scenario due to the Ottomans’ need to please their Anglo allies. Such an alliance would have truly exemplified Germanic Supremacy lol, which would be especially pertinent even nowadays since even nowadays a lot of the world’s elite science production and R & D spending occurs in Germanic countries.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    an interesting question for you:
    Shouldn't you let the reader decide if your question is interesting or not?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  93. @Mr. XYZ

    You have posted some nice maps btw.
    Thanks for the compliment!

    BTW, near the end of this article there are some maps involving Tsarist Russian GDP and GDP per capita in 1897:

    The wealthiest per capita parts of the Russian Empire in 1897 were St. Pete's, Moscow, Baku (oil?), Riga, Lodz, Donbass, and the Far East, not necessarily in that order, though. I'm a bit surprised that Kiev isn't among them, but then again, it wasn't particularly unique in Tsarist Russia since there was no Ukrainian autonomy back then.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    He wore his silk Top Hat like a Baku Millionaire.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Fun fact: When Borat talked about Kazakhstan's President, he actually showed a photo of Azerbaijan's President instead because the latter looked much more like him than the former (Mongoloid) did:

  94. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Universal suffrage was a gradual process - as it was elsewhere. But you are right, the Magyars were inevitably going to lose because they lacked the numbers. Franz Ferdinand wanted to weaken Magyars (he didn't particularly like them), but the process was happening anyway. Most pressure for the universal suffrage was coming from the labor-socialists who were not nationally oriented and were quite strong electorally.

    Magyars got greedy and thought that with central control and endless nationalist myth-making and posturing about ancient ancestors, suffering, lying about numbers, cheating where they could, and "nobility" - irrelevant by then - they could keep what they had. Very similar in mentality to the AP poseur here :)...

    It led nowhere and they got clobbered and lost more than anyone. In fairness they should have kept 40-50% of the territory of Hungary, and they kept a third. Overnight 3 to 4 million Magyars were suddenly minorities in the new states. But why didn't they make a deal when they could? They could have kept large parts of Slovakia (south next to Danube), Transylvania, Vojvodina, and some large cities. Instead they bet it all and lost. There is a lesson there for the Ukies: if a deal is inevitable, make it when you are strong and don't bet on "winning". But I think it is too late for that.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It was hard for the Magyars to keep Transylvania when Romanians were a majority there. They could have kept some border towns, though, such as Oradea, Arad, and Satu Mare, though. Though having this territory be under international administration for, say, 10 or 20 years while Romania is able to build new railroads to the east of these towns would have probably been a good idea.

    This Slovak island should have been given to Hungary:

    But giving additional Slovak territory to Hungary would seriously disrupt Slovakia’s communications and building new rail lines is not as easy as in the Romanian case due to the more mountainous terrain in Slovakia.

    This 1939 book discusses this topic and numerous others involving European border revision in much greater detail:

    As for Serbia, the yellow Hungarian territory in the north should have been given to Hungary:

    But it’s not all of Vojvodina.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...This Slovak island should have been given to Hungary
    Probably, it was 80-90% populated by Magyars in 1918. It was originally assigned to Hungary but a Magyar delegation from the 'island' showed up in Versailles asking not to be separated from Bratislava that they depended on economically (markets, selling produce, working...).

    It was a backdoor attempt to hold on to Bratislava - the delegation was sponsored by Budapest - but it backfired and everything was assigned to Slovakia. Bratislava had a city center German plurality, but the larger Bratislava metro region had a Slovak majority - the north and north-east suburbs were purely Slovak. There was almost no chance that Magyars could claim it and by overreaching they also lost the "island".

    There are lessons for today in what happened after 1918 - we are in a very similar situation in Ukraine. If they don't act smart they may lose more than they think is possible. Or they can win the war...or can they?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  95. @Mr. XYZ

    2) Ukraine is the most corrupt first-world country.
    Actually, that would be Russia:

    Ukraine: 33
    Russia: 28

    Replies: @QCIC

    Ukraine has been mentioned as the most corrupt country in the past; I did not do any research and think poll results like that are difficult to justify. Nonetheless, both countries are seen as highly corrupt in some quarters.

    My implied point still stands, which is that polls out of Ukraine are probably not reliable. Nonetheless, JJ’s point that many Ukrainians do not want to be governed by Russia is obviously true. It has also become irrelevant at this point. You people need to focus on avoiding WW3 and worry less about what a bunch of shellshocked and brainwashed people may or may not believe. Sadly, they forfeited what little agency they had by allowing WW3 to become a real possibility in their country. Fortunately, the Ukrainian survivors may have a chance to regain some peace of mind and agency by defeating the NeoNazis and dishonest or incompetent leaders who made this all possible.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Would you have argued that Serbia should submit to Austria-Hungary in order to prevent an extremely massive bloodbath with WWI? And that Poland should submit to Nazi Germany in order to prevent an extremely massive bloodbath with WWII? Not as bad as nuclear war, of course (though WWIII does not have to equal nuclear war), but still very bad. The Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the killing of millions of men in the trenches, et cetera.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @John Johnson

    Ukraine has been mentioned as the most corrupt country in the past; I did not do any research and think poll results like that are difficult to justify.

    So you are making a baseless allegation instead of Googling for 2 minutes.

    Former Soviet bloc countries have been low on the list but Ukraine has long been ahead of Russia:

    My implied point still stands, which is that polls out of Ukraine are probably not reliable. Nonetheless, JJ’s point that many Ukrainians do not want to be governed by Russia is obviously true.

    Not many. Most. As in overwhelming majority.

    It has also become irrelevant at this point.

    Well it is certainly relevant if you are a Russian in a trench and votes by bullet are being sent in your direction.

  96. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    He wore his silk Top Hat like a Baku Millionaire.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Fun fact: When Borat talked about Kazakhstan’s President, he actually showed a photo of Azerbaijan’s President instead because the latter looked much more like him than the former (Mongoloid) did:

  97. @AP

    First you wrote this:

    Another uninformed speculation by someone who knows only selective history
    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility
    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia. The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:

    not a sound basis for a national state


    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    And then you wrote this:

    Galicia”, “Bukovina” were remote provinces added quite late to the Empire, they were relatively insignificant. They also had Orthodox population lorded over by the Polish wanna-be nobility

    Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.

    Except , by definition Greek “Catholic” does mean culturally Orthodox you dumbfuck. Different to you, Beckow knows the area. I assume that as a fantasist imbecile American who has never been to Europe, your clueless level on the implications of “Greek ” in the description, and what that implies, are quite high, lol.

    Plus ,just like the “Ukraine” is a fake nation created territoriality by Russians, created ideologically by bored Russian liberals, the ethnic Russian wakjob Dontsev, Poles and Austrian officials ( for anti-Russian reasons)… and Ukrainian “language ” is a fake language “encouraged” by Poles for anti-Russian political reasons, but actually created by Russians (3 different times) …….this Greek Catholic “Church” of Galicia was a fake Frankenstein-ish church created solely for non-religious reasons – imposed dictatorially on the Orthodox population and most of the clergy in Galicia by foreigners, for anti-Russian political reasons.

    Its a nonsense of a church.

    I would just remind people here that this fraud weirdo “AP” clearly showed on here multiple times that he does not know what the word Batyushka is. Let’s think about that every time this human excrement writes about the church or anything else on Russia/Ukraine.

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be” and there were also Ukrainian/Ruthenian nobility in Galicia


    HAHAHAHAHA ! Another amusing lie. Normally even the worst retards would not try and claim that nonsense where this fake nobility for a dump of Europe (started even before the rise of Protestantism) are divided by 3 different Empires.

    “Ruthenian”??? You have Slovaks in cities and fighting for autonomy and establishing institutions and their state, you have the great civilisation of Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Czechia etc establishing themselves within A-H and winning back power and statehood or revolting till they get something………..then you have a non-event called “Ruthenia” which is also the poorest and most irrelevant part of the empire, LMAO.

    The president of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic was one of them:

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s one of those things where its better to promote the lie ( digging up the Black Sea) than it is to mention THAT embarrassing nonsense.

    Slovakia had a worse peasant to foreign noble ratio than Galicia.

    This is, another, stupid lie. Tragically, but also amusingly in the form of exposing what a non-even ukrop “nationalism”is, in Galician Banderastan Ukronazis were collaborating and sending their own to Talerhof and other concentration camps to be murdered en masse. Yes – in this freakshow Ukronazi slaves start massacring their own, for the reasons of satisfying their foreign owners/masters……..a long time before ANY “fight” for creating a nation state……or even an autonomous region. That says everything

    • Troll: Mr. Hack
  98. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ukraine has been mentioned as the most corrupt country in the past; I did not do any research and think poll results like that are difficult to justify. Nonetheless, both countries are seen as highly corrupt in some quarters.

    My implied point still stands, which is that polls out of Ukraine are probably not reliable. Nonetheless, JJ's point that many Ukrainians do not want to be governed by Russia is obviously true. It has also become irrelevant at this point. You people need to focus on avoiding WW3 and worry less about what a bunch of shellshocked and brainwashed people may or may not believe. Sadly, they forfeited what little agency they had by allowing WW3 to become a real possibility in their country. Fortunately, the Ukrainian survivors may have a chance to regain some peace of mind and agency by defeating the NeoNazis and dishonest or incompetent leaders who made this all possible.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    Would you have argued that Serbia should submit to Austria-Hungary in order to prevent an extremely massive bloodbath with WWI? And that Poland should submit to Nazi Germany in order to prevent an extremely massive bloodbath with WWII? Not as bad as nuclear war, of course (though WWIII does not have to equal nuclear war), but still very bad. The Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the killing of millions of men in the trenches, et cetera.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I have no opinion on the past conflicts. Even if I did, reading here at Unz has taught me that much of the accepted mainstream war history is false and based on lies and misunderstandings. The truth is frequently the opposite of what is claimed.

    It is easy to recognize this same dishonest process at work with regard to information and explanations about the Ukrainian conflict. Since the end of the Cold War the West has unilaterally made numerous moves against Russia that are a serious casus belli. Russia warned the West that these actions are extremely dangerous and would lead to retaliation. Ultimately the West actually supported a coup and started a civil war in Ukraine. Russia finally responded militarily after attempts at peace were ignored by the West. Now there is an extremely dangerous war in Ukraine which was self-evidently started by the West. Western propaganda has made gullible people such as you believe the exact opposite.

    The antecedent facts are out there for those who want the truth.

    Replies: @AP

  99. Off-topic, but if you want to know how a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor would have looked like after the end of WWI, German Reichstag election maps from the pre-WWI era are a pretty good indication. The Polish Corridor, other than its southernmost part, consistently voted for the Polish Party in Imperial German times, such as here in 1912:

    I think that it’s the Vistula Germans who separate the Polish Party voters in the Polish Corridor and the Polish Party voters in Posen Province on the map above:

  100. @Mr. XYZ

    Would you have argued that Serbia should submit to Austria-Hungary in order to prevent an extremely massive bloodbath with WWI? And that Poland should submit to Nazi Germany in order to prevent an extremely massive bloodbath with WWII? Not as bad as nuclear war, of course (though WWIII does not have to equal nuclear war), but still very bad. The Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the killing of millions of men in the trenches, et cetera.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I have no opinion on the past conflicts. Even if I did, reading here at Unz has taught me that much of the accepted mainstream war history is false and based on lies and misunderstandings. The truth is frequently the opposite of what is claimed.

    It is easy to recognize this same dishonest process at work with regard to information and explanations about the Ukrainian conflict. Since the end of the Cold War the West has unilaterally made numerous moves against Russia that are a serious casus belli. Russia warned the West that these actions are extremely dangerous and would lead to retaliation. Ultimately the West actually supported a coup and started a civil war in Ukraine. Russia finally responded militarily after attempts at peace were ignored by the West. Now there is an extremely dangerous war in Ukraine which was self-evidently started by the West. Western propaganda has made gullible people such as you believe the exact opposite.

    The antecedent facts are out there for those who want the truth.

    • Replies: @AP

    Lies by Russia or China are not true just because they differ from lies told by western neocons.

    This is something you have obviously never learned, given your earnest and ridiculous repetition of Russian lies.

    Replies: @QCIC

  101. @Mr. XYZ

    Also, off-topic, but an interesting question for you:

    How do you think that the IQ map for Russia, Ukraine, et cetera would have been different relative to real life without decades of Communist rule? The areas with gulags would have been a bit duller due to no internal exile of smart people, Central Asia would have been smarter due to more Slavs, the former Pale of Settlement and Moscow + St. Pete's would have been a bit smarter due to more Jews (if they would not have emigrated en masse sooner or later like they did in real life), but what else? Would there have been any meaningful difference as to which parts of Russia, Ukraine, et cetera would have been the smartest and dullest relative to real life?

    I suspect that the average IQ of wealthy Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Baltic cities would have taken a hit if there would have been a Central Asian version for Russia of what the African-American Great Migration was for the US, but there would have also been a much larger core East Slavic population in Russia, so the effect on the average IQ in these cities should not have been too severe--and might have been compensated by the increased Jews, Chinese, et cetera to some extent as well.

    Here's an IQ map of Ukraine in real life:

    Galicia and Kiev are Ukraine's cognitive hubs and also the most nationalistic parts of Ukraine, especially if one looks at it from the perspective of 1991. What would have differed in a no-Communism scenario?

    Really, what happened with Russia since 1917 is very sad, especially considering that my own family has been strongly affected by this, both my Jewish and non-Jewish ancestors. It reminds me of Marx's legendary quote that history starts as a tragedy (decades of Communist rule) and ends as a farce (Russia's current invasion of Ukraine showing just how weak and pathetic it truly is even after the end of Communism, unfortunately), which unfortunately applies all too well to Russia since 1917. First comes the tragedy, and then comes the farce.

    I'm honestly wondering if even those anti-imperialist Russian nationalists whom Ukraine is supporting would be a better deal than the current Russian government, especially if they were to moderate a bit. I'm talking about the guys who launched the Belgorod incursion. If they were in power, one would hope that they could significantly boost Russia's TFR and also pursue a legendary rapprochement between Russia and both Intermarium and the EU/West.

    BTW, this is somewhat off-topic, but you might enjoy this 1998 online book comparing various regions of the US and the former USSR:

    It was made and created jointly by academics from the US and the former USSR.

    Also, one more off-topic question: Had the Central Powers won World War I, would it have been plausible for them to subsequently restore the Russian monarchy on the condition that the new Russian monarch would agree to permanently end Russia's alliance with France and instead agree to rejoin the Three Emperors' League on Germano-Austro-Hungarian terms? Apparently Germany envisioned a strategy for Ukraine in the event of a CP WWI victory similar to what Russia envisioned for the Donbass in the Minsk Agreements:

    Except Ukraine would be much more vital for Russia than the Donbass would be for Ukraine, so I'm unsure that it would be very easy for Russia to resist the demands of the victorious Central Powers in a scenario where they actually managed to win World War I.

    (Really, when I think about it, Russia's exit from the Three Emperors' League and its subsequent decision to ally with Germany's enemy France strikes me as an extraordinarily awful decision in hindsight that made a World War much more likely. So long as Russia was a German ally, Germany was not going to attack it, but once Russia stopped being a German ally, the situation gradually changed. Russia should have acknowledged that Austria-Hungary is entitled to a sphere of influence in the Balkans as the price of preserving or reviving the Three Emperors' League, just like present-day Russia insists on a sphere of influence for itself in the ex-USSR in order to have good relations with the West (which, of course, the West denies present-day Russia, just like Russia denied a Balkan sphere of influence to Austria-Hungary over 100 years ago).) Russia should have also subsequently used the opportunity that a surviving Three Emperors' League gave it to expand wherever Germany and Austria-Hungary would have allowed it to, such as into China and North Korea (which it could have likely done with a negotiated settlement with Japan in place of the Russo-Japanese War) and into Persia and Afghanistan if it could successfully beat Britain in a war.

    As for Germany, I think that once the Franco-Russians allied with each other, Germany should have done everything possible to please and ally with Britain instead of alienating the Brits by building a giant navy. That money would have been better invested in the German army and/or air force instead, I would suspect. Maybe if WWI would have been delayed long enough (until the late 1910s or later), Germany and Britain could have experienced a rapprochement and Britain could have exited the Triple Entente due to Russia's growing military power, assuming that Kaiser Bill did not do anything stupid in the meantime to piss off the Brits once again. A Germano-Austro-Hungaro-Italo-Anglo-Ottoman alliance against the Franco-Russians would have been quite epic, especially if Japan and/or the US would have also joined in on the fun on the Germanic side. The Armenian Genocide could have also been prevented in this scenario due to the Ottomans' need to please their Anglo allies. Such an alliance would have truly exemplified Germanic Supremacy lol, which would be especially pertinent even nowadays since even nowadays a lot of the world's elite science production and R & D spending occurs in Germanic countries.

    Replies: @Mikel

    an interesting question for you:

    Shouldn’t you let the reader decide if your question is interesting or not?

    • Agree: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, I guess so lol.

    BTW, @AP, in regards to Austria-Hungary, I find it interesting: The country had geographic unity (other than Galicia and Bukovina due to them stretching out beyond the Carpathians), but less so political unity in the sense of creating social harmony between its various groups. It's just difficult to find a raison d'etre for Austria-Hungary that couldn't instead be found by the creation of other countries which were at least slightly more homogeneous, such as Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, (Greater) Romania, and a neo-PLC. Germans and Magyars combined were less than half of Austria-Hungary's total population, and even then, they don't have as much to unite them as, say, Czechs and Slovaks or Serbs, Montenegrins, Bosniaks, and Croats or Romanians or Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarusians have with each other.

  102. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    An attempted drive by coup in the capital city was pretty frightening for western populations.

    I had thought given the forces deployed in Belorussia that there was just going to be a razz from Chernobyl towards the river, cross it from behind Kiev then exit the entire force around Kharkov.

    The Landbridge is a wrinkle in the political settlement.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I suspect most of the Ukrainian leaders who colluded with the West will eventually be arrested for treason. While some of their activity was probably motivated by misguided, shallow optimism much of it may be shown to be driven by powerlust and greed. The billions of dollars had to go somewhere. The Biden crime family comes to mind.

    The NeoNazi’s and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    The NeoNazi’s and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.
    Perfect description of:

    btw, he's the literal official Hero of RF;)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Gerard1234, @LondonBob

  103. @Mikel
    @Mr. XYZ

    an interesting question for you:
    Shouldn't you let the reader decide if your question is interesting or not?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, I guess so lol.

    BTW, , in regards to Austria-Hungary, I find it interesting: The country had geographic unity (other than Galicia and Bukovina due to them stretching out beyond the Carpathians), but less so political unity in the sense of creating social harmony between its various groups. It’s just difficult to find a raison d’etre for Austria-Hungary that couldn’t instead be found by the creation of other countries which were at least slightly more homogeneous, such as Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, (Greater) Romania, and a neo-PLC. Germans and Magyars combined were less than half of Austria-Hungary’s total population, and even then, they don’t have as much to unite them as, say, Czechs and Slovaks or Serbs, Montenegrins, Bosniaks, and Croats or Romanians or Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarusians have with each other.

  104. AP says:

    ...Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.
    Riiight...we think of them as Orthodox, everybody does. They look Orthodox, worship like Orthodox, the alphabet, the priests, the churches...they all look Orthodox. As so often you try to pretend that you are something you are not, is it because you are ashamed of "Orthodox"? I don't know, but it is pitiful. Who really cares? Be a baptist if you want that, or some bizarre American sect like the Pentecostals or Mormons...

    Polish nobility were not “wanna-be”
    Your "blood" obsession is pathetic. What are you, stuck in the 18th century? That whole charade was cancelled 100 years ago. Why are you so prickly about it? A bunch of inbred lazy has-beens....mostly lying about the pedigree, and then lying about all else - so they can pretend to each other. It is so passe...let it go.

    Replies: @AP

    “Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.”

    Riiight…we think of them as Orthodox

    I’m sure ignorant people like you do.

    Both the Orthodox who persecuted them and the martyrs who refused to convert would disagree.

    “Polish nobility were not “wanna-be”

    Your “blood” obsession is pathetic

    No, it’s a truth obsession. That’s something you will never understand, sadly.

    That whole charade was cancelled 100 years ago

    I went to university with a count from your region whose bride (from some wealthy family he met here, one without a title) had to undergo various rituals and get permissions so that his kids would inherit his title. It was taken rather seriously.

    A bunch of inbred lazy has-beens

    Why you so prickly about it?

    In reality, they are smarter and more hardworking. The same genetics that enabled their ancestors to achieve their positions also enable them to keep them. Even during tragic disruptions these families return to previous positions. I have seen it myself but that is just anecdotal – this is true everywhere where it has been studied.


    “ the descendants of the eighteenth century upper classes in Hungary were still significantly privileged during the period 1949 to 2017”

    “ even by 2010–17 someone with a surname inherited from the eighteenth century upper class was still 2.5 times more likely to gain a medical qualification than the average non-Romani person”


    People from family with titles were nearly 5 times more likely to attorneys than average Swedes; untitled nobles 3 times more likely. Similar stats for physicians.


    Even China:

    The Hungarian and Chinese cases demonstrate that this cannot be attributed to nepotism or corruption, because these families had everything stolen from them by the Communists. But genetics and family traditions cannot be taken.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...I went to university with a count from your region
    What are you 90-years old? (That would explain a lot...:)

    We don't care about the "nobility" bullshit that you push here, the inbred homos (many among them) are dead or pretend for the Hollywood types something about their "pedigree'. You are so removed from it that you buy the nonsense.

    My grandpa had a former "Hungarian countess" as a servant, she milked his cows and could barely spell her name and was so sickly she couldn't chew on her food. Central Europe in the 20th century was full of these losers, they couldn't really work, they were too lazy, some were angry and tried to leave for "America" so they could hustle fools like you. Many simply died off. Their blood was too thin.

    The survivors intermarried to healthier stock with some actual blood flow. I feel sorry for you that you buy this nonsense. On examination, almost all these "nobles" turn out to make up stuff, invent myths and lie. The "noble" blood is among all of us, they melted into the population. But if you have nothing else to hold on to, by all means, dream about the "nobility". But it makes you look like a nerdy American fool.

    Replies: @AP

  105. @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars. They were also used as policemen. The researchers have probably looked at the Y haplogroups, it would be easy to link them to the modern ethnic groups. But perhaps they prefer not being too precise because between Latvia and Ukraine there are Belarus and Russia, the exact area that is usually seen as the Slav urheimat.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Yevardian

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars.

    Nitpicking perhaps, but I’ve never seen Scythians mentioned as Hellenistic mercenaries in any primary or secondary source? Unless you’re using the term broadly to mean any North-Iranian (Parthians, Sogdians, Alans, etc) nomadic people? In which case the rest of this comment is moot.


    The only context I can think of Scythians serving as mercenaries for Greeks is a brief and confusing reference to Peisistratos using them as ‘state-slaves’ and then the hiring by Polykrates of Samos, though if I recall the latter is scholarly conjecture.

    Given that (a) the size of Hellenistic armies was an order of magnitude larger than Classical ones, (b) the ethnic menangerie locally available for recruitment in the Kingdoms, (c) the Scythians were being displaced by the Sarmatians by the Hellenistic Era, it seems doubtful.

    But I’m content to be corrected if you can link a source.

    Personally, I can only think of the Pontic Kingdom eventually annexing the Chersonesos, but I don’t recall any mention of Scythian mercenaries used by Mithridates, or anyone else from that dynasty.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar "Scythian animal art" style.

    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся - to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo - wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат - swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply "those who live wandering on wheels". Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans - Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, "city of the Scythians". Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann's Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all - end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar - Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. Hack, @AP, @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

  106. I want to get this shirt for German_reader:

  107. @QCIC

    I suspect most of the Ukrainian leaders who colluded with the West will eventually be arrested for treason. While some of their activity was probably motivated by misguided, shallow optimism much of it may be shown to be driven by powerlust and greed. The billions of dollars had to go somewhere. The Biden crime family comes to mind.

    The NeoNazi's and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.

    Replies: @sudden death

    The NeoNazi’s and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.

    Perfect description of:

    btw, he’s the literal official Hero of RF;)

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    Dima Utkin did nothing wrong...

    Seriously though, zhidobenderovtsy from Ukrostan fighting zhidowagnerovtsy from RusFed. Борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна. Slavs killing Slavs, while the Jews make гешефты out of their murderous folly. Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat...

    Replies: @sudden death

    , @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    What part of Ukrainian Nazi's controlling Police, secret services, Army and "cultural" institutions and so generating exponentially more Nazis at lower levels.........are you too thick to understand?

    Did you locate the Etruscans yet, dishonest ratshitbag?

    Of course the term Nazism in 404 has contradictions.........normally you would not expect the Nazis to want to destroy and genocide the areas with the highest concentrations of "Ukrainians" (Donbass) which is of course what the Ukroreikh is trying to do. Killing Ukrainians or collaborating with those who are mass killing Ukrainians, seems to be the only thing I can see that is actually "Ukrainian" in culture.

    Normally , because of this ethnicity thing, you would not expect a Kuznetsov from Sumy to have ukronazis hugely enthusiastic to have him kill or try to kill a Shevchenko from Voronezh. But this is what is happening - although not that often because the kill ratios are so embarrassingly high in favour of Russia,

    Of course there is no such thing as "Ukrainian" ethnicity, but if we pretended it existed, then you would not expect Nazis to basically be in national holiday state of mind about the tragedy in Yeisk (Krasnodar )where soon after takeoff a Su-34 crashed near a residential block, killing many people. Going on the fake ethnicity line, Yeisk is probably the most ethnically Ukrainian place on the planet, certainly more than Kiev. So this tragedy would have assured a higher proportion of ukrainian (Russians) killed than any strike on Kiev. But of course they are excited about this happening as they are sick freaks with no actual nation.

    Of course the Nazis would not have their "cultural heart" be Galicia and cities like Lvov .............a place where I can walk the streets and not find a single "Ukrainian" thing.

    Normally those implementing the Nazi policies would not be Jews, and would not be Jews who also made their fortune in Russia, speak Russian whilst implementing evil anti-Russian language policies.............and are certainly in the top 1% of taxpayers into Russian state in the last 30 years.

    So don't allow the contradictions of this failed state to deceive you

    It's why "Ukraine" is regarded by historians to have been officially created by the scottish/british actor Gerard Butler (F**kheadistan)

    , @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    Who is that supposed to be, don't recognise him at all?

    Replies: @sudden death

  108. For those courageous and smart enough to understand what’s ongoing …

  109. @Yevardian
    @Ivashka the fool

    Scythians were often used as mercenaries in the Hellenistic wars.
    Nitpicking perhaps, but I've never seen Scythians mentioned as Hellenistic mercenaries in any primary or secondary source? Unless you're using the term broadly to mean any North-Iranian (Parthians, Sogdians, Alans, etc) nomadic people? In which case the rest of this comment is moot.

    The only context I can think of Scythians serving as mercenaries for Greeks is a brief and confusing reference to Peisistratos using them as 'state-slaves' and then the hiring by Polykrates of Samos, though if I recall the latter is scholarly conjecture.

    Given that (a) the size of Hellenistic armies was an order of magnitude larger than Classical ones, (b) the ethnic menangerie locally available for recruitment in the Kingdoms, (c) the Scythians were being displaced by the Sarmatians by the Hellenistic Era, it seems doubtful.

    But I'm content to be corrected if you can link a source.

    Personally, I can only think of the Pontic Kingdom eventually annexing the Chersonesos, but I don't recall any mention of Scythian mercenaries used by Mithridates, or anyone else from that dynasty.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar “Scythian animal art” style.


    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся – to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo – wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат – swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply “those who live wandering on wheels”. Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans – Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, “city of the Scythians”. Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann’s Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all – end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar – Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
    • Thanks: Mr. Hack, Yevardian
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Ivashka the fool

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA
    Should have read:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk Road, the Hellenistic MENA
    , @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    A really nice schematic that puts together a lot about what you've been writing about over the last couple of years. Very useful!

    , @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    Fun fact: the Scythian word for dog was “spaka.” To modern Slavic ears, it is a cute way of referring to dogs. Scythians were fond of dogs.

    Replies: @Yahya

    , @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    What is the state of the art in y haplogroups for Ruritanians?

    , @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Scythians are an interesting people, but Scythians were not present in the Baltic region, it's possible that they tried to attack there but were repelled. As to the archeological study, once again, they used both genetic and isotopic testing - they tested the tooth enamel to determine the geographic origin of each person. They determined that two individuals were from NorthEastern Europe and comparing the climate determined it was Lithuania. So at least one individual there is the ancestor or Old Prussians, Yatvingians or Lithuanians. Of course, it is possible that based on the haplogroup this could've been someone from the area that is now northern Poland or NorthEastern Germany, but the Slavic tribes lived further West (the ancestors of Obodrites, etc).

    If you are doubting this, then you are doubting the methods of the study because there is a whole list of other individuals who are listed as having arrived from various places that were tested with the same method. This doesn't exclude that there were some Scythians there (if you check the list in the docs that were added to the study). It would also make total sense if, let's say, ancestors of Croatians had been there.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  110. @sudden death

    The NeoNazi’s and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.
    Perfect description of:

    btw, he's the literal official Hero of RF;)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Gerard1234, @LondonBob

    Dima Utkin did nothing wrong…

    Seriously though, zhidobenderovtsy from Ukrostan fighting zhidowagnerovtsy from RusFed. Борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна. Slavs killing Slavs, while the Jews make гешефты out of their murderous folly. Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Ivashka the fool

    Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat…
    Heroes often happen to be mad though;)

    Late Lemmy Kilmister managed to capture that specific mood quite well and created nearly universal both anti&pro war song, which all the sides of any military conflict may relate at some point during the course of action:

    Stand your ground and fight (stand before the world)
    You know that our cause is right (we are standing here)
    We are the ones whose hope has gone (we will stand forever)
    Hold and stand fast
    Stand and do your best (we will not back down)
    Stand and face your test (even till we die)
    Until you fall, you must obey the call
    'Cause we are the last
  111. @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar "Scythian animal art" style.

    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся - to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo - wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат - swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply "those who live wandering on wheels". Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans - Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, "city of the Scythians". Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann's Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all - end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar - Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. Hack, @AP, @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA

    Should have read:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk Road, the Hellenistic MENA

  112. @sudden death

    The NeoNazi’s and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.
    Perfect description of:

    btw, he's the literal official Hero of RF;)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Gerard1234, @LondonBob

    What part of Ukrainian Nazi’s controlling Police, secret services, Army and “cultural” institutions and so generating exponentially more Nazis at lower levels………are you too thick to understand?

    Did you locate the Etruscans yet, dishonest ratshitbag?

    Of course the term Nazism in 404 has contradictions………normally you would not expect the Nazis to want to destroy and genocide the areas with the highest concentrations of “Ukrainians” (Donbass) which is of course what the Ukroreikh is trying to do. Killing Ukrainians or collaborating with those who are mass killing Ukrainians, seems to be the only thing I can see that is actually “Ukrainian” in culture.

    Normally , because of this ethnicity thing, you would not expect a Kuznetsov from Sumy to have ukronazis hugely enthusiastic to have him kill or try to kill a Shevchenko from Voronezh. But this is what is happening – although not that often because the kill ratios are so embarrassingly high in favour of Russia,

    Of course there is no such thing as “Ukrainian” ethnicity, but if we pretended it existed, then you would not expect Nazis to basically be in national holiday state of mind about the tragedy in Yeisk (Krasnodar )where soon after takeoff a Su-34 crashed near a residential block, killing many people. Going on the fake ethnicity line, Yeisk is probably the most ethnically Ukrainian place on the planet, certainly more than Kiev. So this tragedy would have assured a higher proportion of ukrainian (Russians) killed than any strike on Kiev. But of course they are excited about this happening as they are sick freaks with no actual nation.

    Of course the Nazis would not have their “cultural heart” be Galicia and cities like Lvov ………….a place where I can walk the streets and not find a single “Ukrainian” thing.

    Normally those implementing the Nazi policies would not be Jews, and would not be Jews who also made their fortune in Russia, speak Russian whilst implementing evil anti-Russian language policies………….and are certainly in the top 1% of taxpayers into Russian state in the last 30 years.

    So don’t allow the contradictions of this failed state to deceive you

    It’s why “Ukraine” is regarded by historians to have been officially created by the scottish/british actor Gerard Butler (F**kheadistan)

  113. @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar "Scythian animal art" style.

    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся - to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo - wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат - swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply "those who live wandering on wheels". Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans - Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, "city of the Scythians". Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann's Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all - end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar - Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. Hack, @AP, @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    A really nice schematic that puts together a lot about what you’ve been writing about over the last couple of years. Very useful!

    • Thanks: Ivashka the fool
  114. Criterion has altered The French Connection by removing the references to “nigger.” I hope Mr. Hack cancels his subscription.

    In the distant future, perhaps they will insert it into new scenes in movies, where it never was.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did they have N words in Godfather?

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    , @Mr. Hack

    I think that you've got me mixed up with Dmitry, who I believe subscribes to Criterion (do you, and if so, what do you think?). French connection II is being shown on the movie channel all this month. I don't think that I've ever viewed it all the way through from beginning to end, but it looks good. Of course, who can ever forget the classic car chase scene in FC1? One of the best ever (and that's saying a lot)!

    Replies: @songbird

  115. US MIC humblebrag?

    • Replies: @A123
    @sudden death

    I am going to get into trouble espousing a middle position (sigh).

    The Russian MIC overstates and under delivers, much like its U.S. counterpart.

    Hypersonic as a technology is over hyped. Are there tactical advantages if it works? Yes. Is it a strategic game changer? Nope. Ballistic missiles deliver heavily armored warheads. Hypersonic has to shed that weight and are thus more fragile.

    The Kinzhal is (currently) more hypersonic test bed than full system. The initial part of its flight is hypersonic, but slows for target seeking and final guidance. The failure provides Russia "Elon Musk style test data" to determine necessary improvements.

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year. The consumable interceptors are ~$5 million each and production is in the low hundreds per year. That it worked versus the current Kinzhal in a tactical sense is not that surprising.

    What is the impact of Patriot on the STRATEGIC situation?

    The Kiev regime used up 30 interceptors (~$150 million) in two minutes. How many more do they have. Can they afford to buy more? Are there any willing sellers?

    How skilled are the Ukrainian operators -- Will they consume expensive interceptors on lower priority weapons? What are their orders from above -- Will they try to protect the entire city? Either of these factors could leave the system out of ammo and impotent.

    Scaling up the peacetime U.S. for war production is not easy. Raytheon would need a long-term "must buy" deal to produce new tooling and manufacturing facilities for any sharp step up interceptor production. The Veggie-in-Chief does not have the House appropriation to go that route. He cannot get one. And, even if signed today, it would be 12-18 months to see significant increase in delivery rate.

    The truth is somewhere in the middle.

    • Patriot is a serious tool that Russia must plan for.
    • Patriot is not an unlimited magic shield.

    It is not a game changer for the Kiev regime as it appears the Patriot battery has to consume the bulk of available munitions protecting itself. If the interceptor supply can be increased it creates more complications for Russia. However, they can choose to strike elsewhere.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @AP

    , @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    In addition to the millions of Ukrainian fakes , is it not exhausting for you retards to have to try and fake positive spin for events that never happened ( the 2 Il-76's "shot down" attempting to land at Vasilkov , intercepted Kinzhal etc), events that, obviously, had no proof except for that the complete opposite occurred

    Surely we can all agree that a world where a Ukrainian officer , speaking to the US intelligence propaganda outlet NYT/WSJ , publically criticising the useless performance of one of US MIC's most (over)hyped weapons systems........does not exist you deranged idiot?

    Russian weapon systems ( all of them) by comparison have had stunning successes, have received orders to have massively increased production with very little to no modifications. How they are used as part of an integrated system , of course will be regularly changed as Russia side & NATO puppet side readjusts to the other in combat .........but not the physical/technical specifications of the weapons individually. Our Defence exports will go up rapidly even more from these great successes.

    "didn't panic"!!!! From the images seen at Sikorsky airport - There is no conceivable configuration of any Russian attack using multiple type of missiles ( plus drones) fired from different directions, fired from different platforms on land, sea and air ......which would have had the synchronicity to createthat type of dsyfunctional , obviously panicked, mass firing of Patriot missiles you idiot

    Oh, and "6 Kinzhals"-LMFAO

    Of course, retard Ukronazi propaganda is trying to invent this lies as both "peremoga Team USA defeated invincible Russian weapon they can only produce 3 of in a decade"...........and that the Kinzhals "were never hypersonic to start with, Russian primitive Mongols blabla", which is partly because they can't find anything that looks like wreckage of a Kh-47, so have to further lie.........such is the schizophrenia of these retards

    Night-time missile attacks on Kiev ( plus some day attacks that were non-existant since the start of the war), have also rapidly INCREASED since the Pindossi claim to have received Patriot System you laughable moron . This fact is why you are getting such cretinous drivel fed into US propaganda media.

    The precision strikes of Russian missiles against ukronazis in Kiev are so accurate, but so miniscule in a city of a few million with limited targets because most of the conflict is 100s of kms from there, and the media environment of the Ukronazi regime is so tightly controlled.........that effectively for the residents of Kiev , the regime can easily simulate the mentality that air-defence is "protecting " them.

    Though not as disgusting as some of the plentiful other human shield positioning of military objects, particularly air defence systems in residential areas of cities by 404 regime, the area around Sikorsky is far more built up then most airports around the world, so that too is a disgrace that these cowards had the system there before we hit an element of the complex. Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence - no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves. Echelon defence even with the enemy just across the border, so that everything is intercepted long before it could get to Belgorod. Notice its the complete opposite of that with these ukronazi scum you idiot???

    BTW from the actions is April/May , how is that "echeloned" air defence for western Ukraine doing? LMAO

    Replies: @John Johnson

  116. @songbird
    Criterion has altered The French Connection by removing the references to "nigger." I hope Mr. Hack cancels his subscription.

    In the distant future, perhaps they will insert it into new scenes in movies, where it never was.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. Hack

    Did they have N words in Godfather?

    • Agree: songbird
    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    One of the Mafia Dons agrees during the meeting of the families that they should regulate where they sell drugs in the city, not to kids etc.........except for in the black neighbourhoods where they can flood it anywhere, "because they are all animals anyway".

    That's probably as bad as the N word

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  117. @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar "Scythian animal art" style.

    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся - to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo - wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат - swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply "those who live wandering on wheels". Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans - Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, "city of the Scythians". Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann's Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all - end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar - Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. Hack, @AP, @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    Fun fact: the Scythian word for dog was “spaka.” To modern Slavic ears, it is a cute way of referring to dogs. Scythians were fond of dogs.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Yahya

    Fun fact: the Scythian word for dog was “spaka.” To modern Slavic ears, it is a cute way of referring to dogs. Scythians were fond of dogs.
    Ancient Sumerian dog joke:
  118. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I have no opinion on the past conflicts. Even if I did, reading here at Unz has taught me that much of the accepted mainstream war history is false and based on lies and misunderstandings. The truth is frequently the opposite of what is claimed.

    It is easy to recognize this same dishonest process at work with regard to information and explanations about the Ukrainian conflict. Since the end of the Cold War the West has unilaterally made numerous moves against Russia that are a serious casus belli. Russia warned the West that these actions are extremely dangerous and would lead to retaliation. Ultimately the West actually supported a coup and started a civil war in Ukraine. Russia finally responded militarily after attempts at peace were ignored by the West. Now there is an extremely dangerous war in Ukraine which was self-evidently started by the West. Western propaganda has made gullible people such as you believe the exact opposite.

    The antecedent facts are out there for those who want the truth.

    Replies: @AP

    Lies by Russia or China are not true just because they differ from lies told by western neocons.

    This is something you have obviously never learned, given your earnest and ridiculous repetition of Russian lies.

    • Agree: sudden death
    • Replies: @QCIC

    I understand that all big governments are untrustworthy. Nonetheless, the real outline of the Russian side of this conflict is under-appreciated. The history of Russia-Ukraine relations is obviously more complex than the intentionally simplified perspective I espouse. My goal is to prompt people to investigate the post-Cold War Russian perspective so they can understand the situation more clearly. This doesn't mean I think Russia is blameless. I realize it has a huge military industrial complex which cannot be trusted. I realize it has a mutant post-Soviet government woven through with Oligarchical power. I even appreciate that there are forces of change such as Noviops (or whatever) who influence the Russian system in ways that I can't understand. On the other hand, none of that is much different from the USA or Ukraine where most of the driving forces are not clear from a mainstream perspective. I am simply trying to point out the essentials behind this mess.

    My point is the pre-existing Cold War stalemate between Russia and the West is a greater factor underlying this conflict than the points which are now discussed in the media and by Ukrainian backers such as yourself. While you are highlighting important aspects of the human story, the death story is all about Cold War politics. The responsible military leaders, diplomats and bureaucrats are faced with Cold War/WW3/nuclear war scenarios, so the fate of a few tens of millions of people in a border region may become inconsequential. This does not mean these Russian leaders are not heartless, they simply have an honest perspective on the big picture. A million versus a billion deaths, that factor will influence the choices of a rational man. Most of these people did not create this situation any more than you and I, but they are involved in actually dealing with it.

    The Cold War nuclear stalemate is the essential context for this war. Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a "homeland" for some Ukrainians. This is an extremely shallow perspective. In your own small way, you people are putting billions of lives at risk. If forced, Russia will crush Ukraine like a bug to avoid full nuclear war with the West.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a trivialized view of the situation to guide your propaganda.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @The Big Red Scary

  119. @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar "Scythian animal art" style.

    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся - to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo - wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат - swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply "those who live wandering on wheels". Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans - Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, "city of the Scythians". Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann's Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all - end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar - Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. Hack, @AP, @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    What is the state of the art in y haplogroups for Ruritanians?

    • LOL: Ivashka the fool
  120. @songbird
    Criterion has altered The French Connection by removing the references to "nigger." I hope Mr. Hack cancels his subscription.

    In the distant future, perhaps they will insert it into new scenes in movies, where it never was.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Mr. Hack

    I think that you’ve got me mixed up with Dmitry, who I believe subscribes to Criterion (do you, and if so, what do you think?). French connection II is being shown on the movie channel all this month. I don’t think that I’ve ever viewed it all the way through from beginning to end, but it looks good. Of course, who can ever forget the classic car chase scene in FC1? One of the best ever (and that’s saying a lot)!

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    Am not a subscriber either.

    I suspect Disney, since they own the rights via Fox. Also fits their curious pattern, where their US division is more censorious about race.

    Am not fully against editing old films, but I think the viewer should be given the choice, and the default should be the theatrical. A lot of the reason I watch old stuff is the time capsule part of it. Seems particularly problematic when they edit classic films without even a disclaimer.

    I used to know a particular fan of cars in movies, and the chase he was a fan of was the one in Bullitt, which he noted came out before the French Connection. My personal favorite, though not with cars, is the motorcycle chase scene in The Great Escape. I really liked how they utilized the countryside. I guess that makes it the opposite of most chase scenes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @John Johnson

  121. @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    Dima Utkin did nothing wrong...

    Seriously though, zhidobenderovtsy from Ukrostan fighting zhidowagnerovtsy from RusFed. Борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна. Slavs killing Slavs, while the Jews make гешефты out of their murderous folly. Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat...

    Replies: @sudden death

    Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat…

    Heroes often happen to be mad though;)

    Late Lemmy Kilmister managed to capture that specific mood quite well and created nearly universal both anti&pro war song, which all the sides of any military conflict may relate at some point during the course of action:

    Stand your ground and fight (stand before the world)
    You know that our cause is right (we are standing here)
    We are the ones whose hope has gone (we will stand forever)
    Hold and stand fast
    Stand and do your best (we will not back down)
    Stand and face your test (even till we die)
    Until you fall, you must obey the call
    ‘Cause we are the last

  122. A123 says: • Website
    @sudden death
    US MIC humblebrag?

    Replies: @A123, @Gerard1234

    I am going to get into trouble espousing a middle position (sigh).

    The Russian MIC overstates and under delivers, much like its U.S. counterpart.

    Hypersonic as a technology is over hyped. Are there tactical advantages if it works? Yes. Is it a strategic game changer? Nope. Ballistic missiles deliver heavily armored warheads. Hypersonic has to shed that weight and are thus more fragile.

    The Kinzhal is (currently) more hypersonic test bed than full system. The initial part of its flight is hypersonic, but slows for target seeking and final guidance. The failure provides Russia “Elon Musk style test data” to determine necessary improvements.

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year. The consumable interceptors are ~$5 million each and production is in the low hundreds per year. That it worked versus the current Kinzhal in a tactical sense is not that surprising.

    What is the impact of Patriot on the STRATEGIC situation?

    The Kiev regime used up 30 interceptors (~$150 million) in two minutes. How many more do they have. Can they afford to buy more? Are there any willing sellers?

    How skilled are the Ukrainian operators — Will they consume expensive interceptors on lower priority weapons? What are their orders from above — Will they try to protect the entire city? Either of these factors could leave the system out of ammo and impotent.

    Scaling up the peacetime U.S. for war production is not easy. Raytheon would need a long-term “must buy” deal to produce new tooling and manufacturing facilities for any sharp step up interceptor production. The Veggie-in-Chief does not have the House appropriation to go that route. He cannot get one. And, even if signed today, it would be 12-18 months to see significant increase in delivery rate.

    The truth is somewhere in the middle.

    • Patriot is a serious tool that Russia must plan for.
    • Patriot is not an unlimited magic shield.

    It is not a game changer for the Kiev regime as it appears the Patriot battery has to consume the bulk of available munitions protecting itself. If the interceptor supply can be increased it creates more complications for Russia. However, they can choose to strike elsewhere.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    People should get it right and use the term "maneuvering hypersonic weapons". Patriots are designed to defeat hypersonic weapons. They may not be designed to take out ones that maneuver while hypersonic. PAC3 probably is designed to take out Iskander threats, but who knows the effectiveness?

    This is not new. The famous Pershing II missile was hypersonic and the warhead maneuvered, but I don't know what the speed bleeds down to once the warhead hits the target.

    Two points:

    First, any SAM battery can be defeated by a proper saturation attack. Some combination of drones, low performance missiles and high performance missiles would be launched to achieve this goal.

    Second, the people writing the Patriot press releases now are just like the ones back in the Gulf War. They have no idea what really happened, but do like to write jazzy stories. Some people in the government know what happened but they are under no obligation to tell the truth about it.

    It is probably a sad fact that dishonest claims about the effectiveness of the original Patriot missiles played some role in selling the idea of dropping out of the ABM Treaty. As dishonest rhetoric it was probably used both ways:

    "These damn Patriot missiles don't work at all. The USA needs to break out of the ABM treaty so we are free to develop better missiles."

    "These Patriots work great. Let's drop out of the ABM treaty so we can finally be free from MAD."

    "Lies. Everyday more lies."

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @AP

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year
    Raytheon is increasing Patriot battery production to 12 a year. Ukraine will get 5 of them:

    Replies: @A123

  123. @AP

    Lies by Russia or China are not true just because they differ from lies told by western neocons.

    This is something you have obviously never learned, given your earnest and ridiculous repetition of Russian lies.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I understand that all big governments are untrustworthy. Nonetheless, the real outline of the Russian side of this conflict is under-appreciated. The history of Russia-Ukraine relations is obviously more complex than the intentionally simplified perspective I espouse. My goal is to prompt people to investigate the post-Cold War Russian perspective so they can understand the situation more clearly. This doesn’t mean I think Russia is blameless. I realize it has a huge military industrial complex which cannot be trusted. I realize it has a mutant post-Soviet government woven through with Oligarchical power. I even appreciate that there are forces of change such as Noviops (or whatever) who influence the Russian system in ways that I can’t understand. On the other hand, none of that is much different from the USA or Ukraine where most of the driving forces are not clear from a mainstream perspective. I am simply trying to point out the essentials behind this mess.

    My point is the pre-existing Cold War stalemate between Russia and the West is a greater factor underlying this conflict than the points which are now discussed in the media and by Ukrainian backers such as yourself. While you are highlighting important aspects of the human story, the death story is all about Cold War politics. The responsible military leaders, diplomats and bureaucrats are faced with Cold War/WW3/nuclear war scenarios, so the fate of a few tens of millions of people in a border region may become inconsequential. This does not mean these Russian leaders are not heartless, they simply have an honest perspective on the big picture. A million versus a billion deaths, that factor will influence the choices of a rational man. Most of these people did not create this situation any more than you and I, but they are involved in actually dealing with it.

    The Cold War nuclear stalemate is the essential context for this war. Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a “homeland” for some Ukrainians. This is an extremely shallow perspective. In your own small way, you people are putting billions of lives at risk. If forced, Russia will crush Ukraine like a bug to avoid full nuclear war with the West.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a trivialized view of the situation to guide your propaganda.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a “homeland” for some Ukrainians.
    But this is precisely one of the main reasons given by Putler for invading Ukraine, a "cultural linquistic schism" where imaginary "Nazis" have forced Russia into making such dramatic and senseless moves within Ukraine. You're barking up the wrong tree here, and should be addressing your concerns to the Russian side. Ukrainians are rightly defending their "homeland" where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).

    Replies: @Gerard1234, @QCIC

    , @The Big Red Scary

    I would add that there are two kinds of evil, Darwinian and Diabolical. The first leads one man to kill another for gain, one nation to invade another for advantage, while only the latter can lead people to chemically castrate their children for the glory of democracy. And Ukraine is being used as a useful idiot in a ware between a Diabolical GAE and a Darwinian Russia.

    Replies: @AP

  124. Since we are on the topic of antiquity, I just discovered this Twitter user who posts some high-quality academic-tier threads on Greco-Roman and military history more generally. Worth a follow:


    • Thanks: Mikel
  125. @A123
    @sudden death

    I am going to get into trouble espousing a middle position (sigh).

    The Russian MIC overstates and under delivers, much like its U.S. counterpart.

    Hypersonic as a technology is over hyped. Are there tactical advantages if it works? Yes. Is it a strategic game changer? Nope. Ballistic missiles deliver heavily armored warheads. Hypersonic has to shed that weight and are thus more fragile.

    The Kinzhal is (currently) more hypersonic test bed than full system. The initial part of its flight is hypersonic, but slows for target seeking and final guidance. The failure provides Russia "Elon Musk style test data" to determine necessary improvements.

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year. The consumable interceptors are ~$5 million each and production is in the low hundreds per year. That it worked versus the current Kinzhal in a tactical sense is not that surprising.

    What is the impact of Patriot on the STRATEGIC situation?

    The Kiev regime used up 30 interceptors (~$150 million) in two minutes. How many more do they have. Can they afford to buy more? Are there any willing sellers?

    How skilled are the Ukrainian operators -- Will they consume expensive interceptors on lower priority weapons? What are their orders from above -- Will they try to protect the entire city? Either of these factors could leave the system out of ammo and impotent.

    Scaling up the peacetime U.S. for war production is not easy. Raytheon would need a long-term "must buy" deal to produce new tooling and manufacturing facilities for any sharp step up interceptor production. The Veggie-in-Chief does not have the House appropriation to go that route. He cannot get one. And, even if signed today, it would be 12-18 months to see significant increase in delivery rate.

    The truth is somewhere in the middle.

    • Patriot is a serious tool that Russia must plan for.
    • Patriot is not an unlimited magic shield.

    It is not a game changer for the Kiev regime as it appears the Patriot battery has to consume the bulk of available munitions protecting itself. If the interceptor supply can be increased it creates more complications for Russia. However, they can choose to strike elsewhere.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @AP

    People should get it right and use the term “maneuvering hypersonic weapons”. Patriots are designed to defeat hypersonic weapons. They may not be designed to take out ones that maneuver while hypersonic. PAC3 probably is designed to take out Iskander threats, but who knows the effectiveness?

    This is not new. The famous Pershing II missile was hypersonic and the warhead maneuvered, but I don’t know what the speed bleeds down to once the warhead hits the target.

    Two points:

    First, any SAM battery can be defeated by a proper saturation attack. Some combination of drones, low performance missiles and high performance missiles would be launched to achieve this goal.

    Second, the people writing the Patriot press releases now are just like the ones back in the Gulf War. They have no idea what really happened, but do like to write jazzy stories. Some people in the government know what happened but they are under no obligation to tell the truth about it.

    It is probably a sad fact that dishonest claims about the effectiveness of the original Patriot missiles played some role in selling the idea of dropping out of the ABM Treaty. As dishonest rhetoric it was probably used both ways:

    “These damn Patriot missiles don’t work at all. The USA needs to break out of the ABM treaty so we are free to develop better missiles.”

    “These Patriots work great. Let’s drop out of the ABM treaty so we can finally be free from MAD.”

    “Lies. Everyday more lies.”

    • Agree: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @Mikel

    the people writing the Patriot press releases now are just like the ones back in the Gulf War. They have no idea what really happened, but do like to write jazzy stories. Some people in the government know what happened but they are under no obligation to tell the truth about it.
    Finally some sensible sentences on this war from you.

    Contrary to what demoralized AK said recently, the question of whether the Patriot (or any other American system) can take out hypersonic Russian missiles or not is of big military importance that goes well beyond Ukraine. I recall Congress hearings not long ago where Pentagon officials admitted America's lack of defenses against such weapons. It is also public knowledge that building its own hypersonic weapons is one of America's top priorities at the moment. If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it. All I see is dubious media reports and Ukrainian claims that, as is well known, are prima facie negative evidence.

    On the 0ther hand, it is also likely that the Russians greatly exaggerated the specs of their Kinzhals and/or are still learning to use them in real combat conditions so the issue is undecided.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  126. @sudden death

    The NeoNazi’s and their supporters will face a more serious fate. In the propaganda world they are guilty of channeling the most brutal aspects of WW2 NAZI soldiers and thugs. Some apologists may attempt to paint them as misguided men who latched onto the wrong meme, bought the wrong teeshirt or got very ill-advised tattoos. In the real world, they will be arrested for murdering and torturing innocent victims while working in the service of treasonous forces from outside their country of Ukraine. They may ultimately be held accountable for the destruction of the entire country since their willingness and ability to operate violently and brutally outside the law is a crucial factor in the war.
    Perfect description of:

    btw, he's the literal official Hero of RF;)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Gerard1234, @LondonBob

    Who is that supposed to be, don’t recognise him at all?

    • Replies: @sudden death

    Replies: @LondonBob

  127. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    Fun fact: the Scythian word for dog was “spaka.” To modern Slavic ears, it is a cute way of referring to dogs. Scythians were fond of dogs.

    Replies: @Yahya

    Fun fact: the Scythian word for dog was “spaka.” To modern Slavic ears, it is a cute way of referring to dogs. Scythians were fond of dogs.

    Ancient Sumerian dog joke:


    • Thanks: AP
  128. @QCIC

    I understand that all big governments are untrustworthy. Nonetheless, the real outline of the Russian side of this conflict is under-appreciated. The history of Russia-Ukraine relations is obviously more complex than the intentionally simplified perspective I espouse. My goal is to prompt people to investigate the post-Cold War Russian perspective so they can understand the situation more clearly. This doesn't mean I think Russia is blameless. I realize it has a huge military industrial complex which cannot be trusted. I realize it has a mutant post-Soviet government woven through with Oligarchical power. I even appreciate that there are forces of change such as Noviops (or whatever) who influence the Russian system in ways that I can't understand. On the other hand, none of that is much different from the USA or Ukraine where most of the driving forces are not clear from a mainstream perspective. I am simply trying to point out the essentials behind this mess.

    My point is the pre-existing Cold War stalemate between Russia and the West is a greater factor underlying this conflict than the points which are now discussed in the media and by Ukrainian backers such as yourself. While you are highlighting important aspects of the human story, the death story is all about Cold War politics. The responsible military leaders, diplomats and bureaucrats are faced with Cold War/WW3/nuclear war scenarios, so the fate of a few tens of millions of people in a border region may become inconsequential. This does not mean these Russian leaders are not heartless, they simply have an honest perspective on the big picture. A million versus a billion deaths, that factor will influence the choices of a rational man. Most of these people did not create this situation any more than you and I, but they are involved in actually dealing with it.

    The Cold War nuclear stalemate is the essential context for this war. Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a "homeland" for some Ukrainians. This is an extremely shallow perspective. In your own small way, you people are putting billions of lives at risk. If forced, Russia will crush Ukraine like a bug to avoid full nuclear war with the West.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a trivialized view of the situation to guide your propaganda.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @The Big Red Scary

    Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a “homeland” for some Ukrainians.

    But this is precisely one of the main reasons given by Putler for invading Ukraine, a “cultural linquistic schism” where imaginary “Nazis” have forced Russia into making such dramatic and senseless moves within Ukraine. You’re barking up the wrong tree here, and should be addressing your concerns to the Russian side. Ukrainians are rightly defending their “homeland” where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians are rightly defending their “homeland” where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).
    Its not "their" homeland you useless shithead. Its Russia's homeland given to them by Russia, including Russian built railways, towns, cities, infrastructure, shelters, metro's etc.
    Majority of Ukrainians have gone to Russia you idiot. 6 million, to go with the millions who had already left after 2014 and or acquired Russian citizenship. It's also a country where large majority have family in Russia. Its also a land where Russia provided refuge to the ancestors of millions of them, fleeing one-way from the disaster of being ruled by Polish scum. 300 years of peace, prosperity..versus struggling to get to even 3 seconds of harmony with Polish idiots.
    Those borders in 1991 were drawn up against the wishes of then ukrainian population, who 1 million% would have accepted a Union state, non-Communist, of Ukraine,Belarus and Russia.

    Worse than that the ukrop leaders of that time criminally exploited the situation of "Ukrainians and Russians are the same people" so as to get these borders including Crimea, Donbass and other areas that could and should have easily gone to Russia.

    The reason Putin (Russian taxpayer) stated for the SMO of the state lead by Zelensky and before that Poroshenko/Valtsman (also Russian taxpayers) was to protect Donbass people from Genocide, and to stop this anti-Russia project . In this sh*thole country precisely ZERO progress was actually made on getting into European Union, on legal, on technical standards and on societal criteria as it was a corrupt and as useless as ever ( to the point that Russia was STILL the highest foreign investor in the country). 8 years and NOTHING to do show for it, except a few fotos in front of Sagrada Familia and high ratings in european brothels.

    Trying to be "western" had been disaster after 2004 and even more disastrous after 2014. It appears Banderastan and their western masters agreed that being "western" in business, legal and society was impossible.........but being anti-Russian was a good tactics to maintain western interest, insidious social projects and western patronage of their elites.

    In what other (fake) country is it so uncomfortable for the locals to use the term "Ukrainian language" because mova is truly something different than that.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    This war started long before Putin had to give vaguely plausible explanations for the SMO. It is part of a much bigger and more consequential picture, so why do you expect him to dumb it down and wordsmith press release statements to your liking? You should first respond to questions such as:

    "What about Minsk II?"
    "Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?"
    "Why did the West sponsor a revolution in Georgia?"
    "Why did the US drop out of the ABM treaty which is a direct nuclear threat against Russia?"
    "Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border"?

    These are important factors which need to be considered to understand what happened in 2022.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees. Some of the Ukrainian cheerleaders seem to be focussed on the pine needles. This conflict is not primarily about Ukraine.

    Replies: @AP

  129. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ukraine has been mentioned as the most corrupt country in the past; I did not do any research and think poll results like that are difficult to justify. Nonetheless, both countries are seen as highly corrupt in some quarters.

    My implied point still stands, which is that polls out of Ukraine are probably not reliable. Nonetheless, JJ's point that many Ukrainians do not want to be governed by Russia is obviously true. It has also become irrelevant at this point. You people need to focus on avoiding WW3 and worry less about what a bunch of shellshocked and brainwashed people may or may not believe. Sadly, they forfeited what little agency they had by allowing WW3 to become a real possibility in their country. Fortunately, the Ukrainian survivors may have a chance to regain some peace of mind and agency by defeating the NeoNazis and dishonest or incompetent leaders who made this all possible.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    Ukraine has been mentioned as the most corrupt country in the past; I did not do any research and think poll results like that are difficult to justify.

    So you are making a baseless allegation instead of Googling for 2 minutes.

    Former Soviet bloc countries have been low on the list but Ukraine has long been ahead of Russia:

    My implied point still stands, which is that polls out of Ukraine are probably not reliable. Nonetheless, JJ’s point that many Ukrainians do not want to be governed by Russia is obviously true.

    Not many. Most. As in overwhelming majority.

    It has also become irrelevant at this point.

    Well it is certainly relevant if you are a Russian in a trench and votes by bullet are being sent in your direction.

  130. @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    Who is that supposed to be, don't recognise him at all?

    Replies: @sudden death

    • Replies: @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    Doesn't look like him at all, even though they have shaved heads.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  131. @sudden death

    Replies: @LondonBob

    Doesn’t look like him at all, even though they have shaved heads.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Doesn’t look like him at all, even though they have shaved heads.

    It is him. Just look at the older picture:

    Head to chin ratio is the same. He is older and flaring his nostrils in the picture with his Nazi tats.

  132. @Mr. Hack

    I think that you've got me mixed up with Dmitry, who I believe subscribes to Criterion (do you, and if so, what do you think?). French connection II is being shown on the movie channel all this month. I don't think that I've ever viewed it all the way through from beginning to end, but it looks good. Of course, who can ever forget the classic car chase scene in FC1? One of the best ever (and that's saying a lot)!

    Replies: @songbird

    Am not a subscriber either.

    I suspect Disney, since they own the rights via Fox. Also fits their curious pattern, where their US division is more censorious about race.

    Am not fully against editing old films, but I think the viewer should be given the choice, and the default should be the theatrical. A lot of the reason I watch old stuff is the time capsule part of it. Seems particularly problematic when they edit classic films without even a disclaimer.

    I used to know a particular fan of cars in movies, and the chase he was a fan of was the one in Bullitt, which he noted came out before the French Connection. My personal favorite, though not with cars, is the motorcycle chase scene in The Great Escape. I really liked how they utilized the countryside. I guess that makes it the opposite of most chase scenes.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @S

    , @John Johnson

    I used to know a particular fan of cars in movies, and the chase he was a fan of was the one in Bullitt, which he noted came out before the French Connection. My personal favorite, though not with cars, is the motorcycle chase scene in The Great Escape. I really liked how they utilized the countryside. I guess that makes it the opposite of most chase scenes.

    The show Barry has a really good chase scene.

    Definitely worth getting HBO max for a month to binge it.

  133. @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    Am not a subscriber either.

    I suspect Disney, since they own the rights via Fox. Also fits their curious pattern, where their US division is more censorious about race.

    Am not fully against editing old films, but I think the viewer should be given the choice, and the default should be the theatrical. A lot of the reason I watch old stuff is the time capsule part of it. Seems particularly problematic when they edit classic films without even a disclaimer.

    I used to know a particular fan of cars in movies, and the chase he was a fan of was the one in Bullitt, which he noted came out before the French Connection. My personal favorite, though not with cars, is the motorcycle chase scene in The Great Escape. I really liked how they utilized the countryside. I guess that makes it the opposite of most chase scenes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @John Johnson

    • Thanks: songbird
    • Replies: @S
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Thanks for the crisp video clip.

    The last scene where the moto-cross guy goes on a death ride off the cliff was seamless and was some Grade-A special effects. All in all, well worth the six and a half minutes. :-D

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  134. @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    Doesn't look like him at all, even though they have shaved heads.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Doesn’t look like him at all, even though they have shaved heads.

    It is him. Just look at the older picture:

    Head to chin ratio is the same. He is older and flaring his nostrils in the picture with his Nazi tats.

    • Troll: LondonBob
  135. I believe the gentleman in the photo has already been identified, as someone else entirely. Not sure who the bigger Nazis are is a game you are going to win, besides it isn’t one I care about, always been a dead end for those on the right looking to change the status quo. A useful bogeyman for the powers that be, and even in the Ukraine, one that is fully under the thumb of the oligarchs there. At least this conflict has done a great deal in discrediting the tedious Nazi this, Nazi that rhetoric.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    I believe the gentleman in the photo has already been identified, as someone else entirely.

    You are saying his Wiki entry on him being a Neonazi and the founder of Wagner is false?

    You do realize that they use the death's head and shock runes? And that Wagner the composer was favored by Hitler for hating Jews?

    All a giant coincidence? Is that right? Must be someone else in the picture?

    , @sudden death

    It's not about who is bigger Nazi or not, but the banal fact that on both sides of the conflict such people do exist, but some are still harping exclusively about Ukraine in this regard even in this thread.

    It's not just a coincidence that happy Wagner skull is being held by letters HH from all sides either;)

  136. @songbird
    @Mr. Hack

    Am not a subscriber either.

    I suspect Disney, since they own the rights via Fox. Also fits their curious pattern, where their US division is more censorious about race.

    Am not fully against editing old films, but I think the viewer should be given the choice, and the default should be the theatrical. A lot of the reason I watch old stuff is the time capsule part of it. Seems particularly problematic when they edit classic films without even a disclaimer.

    I used to know a particular fan of cars in movies, and the chase he was a fan of was the one in Bullitt, which he noted came out before the French Connection. My personal favorite, though not with cars, is the motorcycle chase scene in The Great Escape. I really liked how they utilized the countryside. I guess that makes it the opposite of most chase scenes.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @John Johnson

    I used to know a particular fan of cars in movies, and the chase he was a fan of was the one in Bullitt, which he noted came out before the French Connection. My personal favorite, though not with cars, is the motorcycle chase scene in The Great Escape. I really liked how they utilized the countryside. I guess that makes it the opposite of most chase scenes.

    The show Barry has a really good chase scene.

    Definitely worth getting HBO max for a month to binge it.

    • Agree: AP
    • Thanks: songbird
  137. @LondonBob
    I believe the gentleman in the photo has already been identified, as someone else entirely. Not sure who the bigger Nazis are is a game you are going to win, besides it isn't one I care about, always been a dead end for those on the right looking to change the status quo. A useful bogeyman for the powers that be, and even in the Ukraine, one that is fully under the thumb of the oligarchs there. At least this conflict has done a great deal in discrediting the tedious Nazi this, Nazi that rhetoric.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @sudden death

    I believe the gentleman in the photo has already been identified, as someone else entirely.

    You are saying his Wiki entry on him being a Neonazi and the founder of Wagner is false?

    You do realize that they use the death’s head and shock runes? And that Wagner the composer was favored by Hitler for hating Jews?

    All a giant coincidence? Is that right? Must be someone else in the picture?

  138. @LondonBob
    I believe the gentleman in the photo has already been identified, as someone else entirely. Not sure who the bigger Nazis are is a game you are going to win, besides it isn't one I care about, always been a dead end for those on the right looking to change the status quo. A useful bogeyman for the powers that be, and even in the Ukraine, one that is fully under the thumb of the oligarchs there. At least this conflict has done a great deal in discrediting the tedious Nazi this, Nazi that rhetoric.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @sudden death

    It’s not about who is bigger Nazi or not, but the banal fact that on both sides of the conflict such people do exist, but some are still harping exclusively about Ukraine in this regard even in this thread.

    It’s not just a coincidence that happy Wagner skull is being held by letters HH from all sides either;)

  139. @sudden death
    US MIC humblebrag?

    Replies: @A123, @Gerard1234

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    In addition to the millions of Ukrainian fakes , is it not exhausting for you retards to have to try and fake positive spin for events that never happened ( the 2 Il-76’s “shot down” attempting to land at Vasilkov , intercepted Kinzhal etc), events that, obviously, had no proof except for that the complete opposite occurred

    Surely we can all agree that a world where a Ukrainian officer , speaking to the US intelligence propaganda outlet NYT/WSJ , publically criticising the useless performance of one of US MIC’s most (over)hyped weapons systems……..does not exist you deranged idiot?

    Russian weapon systems ( all of them) by comparison have had stunning successes, have received orders to have massively increased production with very little to no modifications. How they are used as part of an integrated system , of course will be regularly changed as Russia side & NATO puppet side readjusts to the other in combat ………but not the physical/technical specifications of the weapons individually. Our Defence exports will go up rapidly even more from these great successes.

    “didn’t panic”!!!! From the images seen at Sikorsky airport – There is no conceivable configuration of any Russian attack using multiple type of missiles ( plus drones) fired from different directions, fired from different platforms on land, sea and air ……which would have had the synchronicity to createthat type of dsyfunctional , obviously panicked, mass firing of Patriot missiles you idiot

    Oh, and “6 Kinzhals”-LMFAO

    Of course, retard Ukronazi propaganda is trying to invent this lies as both “peremoga Team USA defeated invincible Russian weapon they can only produce 3 of in a decade”………..and that the Kinzhals “were never hypersonic to start with, Russian primitive Mongols blabla”, which is partly because they can’t find anything that looks like wreckage of a Kh-47, so have to further lie………such is the schizophrenia of these retards

    Night-time missile attacks on Kiev ( plus some day attacks that were non-existant since the start of the war), have also rapidly INCREASED since the Pindossi claim to have received Patriot System you laughable moron . This fact is why you are getting such cretinous drivel fed into US propaganda media.

    The precision strikes of Russian missiles against ukronazis in Kiev are so accurate, but so miniscule in a city of a few million with limited targets because most of the conflict is 100s of kms from there, and the media environment of the Ukronazi regime is so tightly controlled………that effectively for the residents of Kiev , the regime can easily simulate the mentality that air-defence is “protecting ” them.

    Though not as disgusting as some of the plentiful other human shield positioning of military objects, particularly air defence systems in residential areas of cities by 404 regime, the area around Sikorsky is far more built up then most airports around the world, so that too is a disgrace that these cowards had the system there before we hit an element of the complex. Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence – no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves. Echelon defence even with the enemy just across the border, so that everything is intercepted long before it could get to Belgorod. Notice its the complete opposite of that with these ukronazi scum you idiot???

    BTW from the actions is April/May , how is that “echeloned” air defence for western Ukraine doing? LMAO

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?

    What do you think we pay our engineers to do? Dick around on Tiktok? Our massive military budget pays for weapons like HIMARs and the Patriot. I support a reduction in the budget but I'm glad these toys are at least being used against the dwarf.

    There is video of the Patriot system in action:

    Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence – no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves.

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don't have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?

    Average Putin defender on Unz: I'm not like those indoctrinated liberals that trust CNN. I ignore the MSM entirely and read exclusively from pro-Putin sources. That way I only learn about what I want to hear.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

  140. @QCIC

    I understand that all big governments are untrustworthy. Nonetheless, the real outline of the Russian side of this conflict is under-appreciated. The history of Russia-Ukraine relations is obviously more complex than the intentionally simplified perspective I espouse. My goal is to prompt people to investigate the post-Cold War Russian perspective so they can understand the situation more clearly. This doesn't mean I think Russia is blameless. I realize it has a huge military industrial complex which cannot be trusted. I realize it has a mutant post-Soviet government woven through with Oligarchical power. I even appreciate that there are forces of change such as Noviops (or whatever) who influence the Russian system in ways that I can't understand. On the other hand, none of that is much different from the USA or Ukraine where most of the driving forces are not clear from a mainstream perspective. I am simply trying to point out the essentials behind this mess.

    My point is the pre-existing Cold War stalemate between Russia and the West is a greater factor underlying this conflict than the points which are now discussed in the media and by Ukrainian backers such as yourself. While you are highlighting important aspects of the human story, the death story is all about Cold War politics. The responsible military leaders, diplomats and bureaucrats are faced with Cold War/WW3/nuclear war scenarios, so the fate of a few tens of millions of people in a border region may become inconsequential. This does not mean these Russian leaders are not heartless, they simply have an honest perspective on the big picture. A million versus a billion deaths, that factor will influence the choices of a rational man. Most of these people did not create this situation any more than you and I, but they are involved in actually dealing with it.

    The Cold War nuclear stalemate is the essential context for this war. Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a "homeland" for some Ukrainians. This is an extremely shallow perspective. In your own small way, you people are putting billions of lives at risk. If forced, Russia will crush Ukraine like a bug to avoid full nuclear war with the West.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a trivialized view of the situation to guide your propaganda.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @The Big Red Scary

    I would add that there are two kinds of evil, Darwinian and Diabolical. The first leads one man to kill another for gain, one nation to invade another for advantage, while only the latter can lead people to chemically castrate their children for the glory of democracy. And Ukraine is being used as a useful idiot in a ware between a Diabolical GAE and a Darwinian Russia.

    • Replies: @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    I would add that there are two kinds of evil, Darwinian and Diabolical. The first leads one man to kill another for gain, one nation to invade another for advantage, while only the latter can lead people to chemically castrate their children for the glory of democracy
    A false dichotomy. Is burning a child alive because you want territory where that child lives better than castrating the child?

    Is robbery, murder and rape by Chechens better than exposing people to lewd trans strippers? Answer honestly. What would you rather subject your loved ones to. Which is the worse evil being unleashed and by whom? You think the Devil isn’t present when greed and killing are involved? You think that he is limited to lust and perversions? How convenient for those on the side of the greater evil to accuse the others of being the diabolical ones.

    Moreover, the number of people being murdered, maimed and raped by Russia far exceeds the number of mentally ill being castrated in the USA (and this number is around zero in Ukraine, Poland, etc.). And while the transing in the West is starting to recede (transing kids is now illegal in Scandinavia and Britain), the Muscovite lust for death grows. But lies, murder and greed are not “diabolical” perhaps according to the Church built by Stalin on the bones of martyrs, led by a forever servant of the atheist Soviet regime.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  141. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did they have N words in Godfather?

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    One of the Mafia Dons agrees during the meeting of the families that they should regulate where they sell drugs in the city, not to kids etc………except for in the black neighbourhoods where they can flood it anywhere, “because they are all animals anyway”.

    That’s probably as bad as the N word

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I remember that part. Don Corleone didn't say it. The man who said that was in the faction that tried to kill Don Corleone. The person I was at the movie with approved the animal argument.

    Coppola would never go edgelord I surmise.

  142. @Mr. Hack

    Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a “homeland” for some Ukrainians.
    But this is precisely one of the main reasons given by Putler for invading Ukraine, a "cultural linquistic schism" where imaginary "Nazis" have forced Russia into making such dramatic and senseless moves within Ukraine. You're barking up the wrong tree here, and should be addressing your concerns to the Russian side. Ukrainians are rightly defending their "homeland" where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).

    Replies: @Gerard1234, @QCIC

    Ukrainians are rightly defending their “homeland” where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).

    Its not “their” homeland you useless shithead. Its Russia’s homeland given to them by Russia, including Russian built railways, towns, cities, infrastructure, shelters, metro’s etc.
    Majority of Ukrainians have gone to Russia you idiot. 6 million, to go with the millions who had already left after 2014 and or acquired Russian citizenship. It’s also a country where large majority have family in Russia. Its also a land where Russia provided refuge to the ancestors of millions of them, fleeing one-way from the disaster of being ruled by Polish scum. 300 years of peace, prosperity..versus struggling to get to even 3 seconds of harmony with Polish idiots.
    Those borders in 1991 were drawn up against the wishes of then ukrainian population, who 1 million% would have accepted a Union state, non-Communist, of Ukraine,Belarus and Russia.

    Worse than that the ukrop leaders of that time criminally exploited the situation of “Ukrainians and Russians are the same people” so as to get these borders including Crimea, Donbass and other areas that could and should have easily gone to Russia.

    The reason Putin (Russian taxpayer) stated for the SMO of the state lead by Zelensky and before that Poroshenko/Valtsman (also Russian taxpayers) was to protect Donbass people from Genocide, and to stop this anti-Russia project . In this sh*thole country precisely ZERO progress was actually made on getting into European Union, on legal, on technical standards and on societal criteria as it was a corrupt and as useless as ever ( to the point that Russia was STILL the highest foreign investor in the country). 8 years and NOTHING to do show for it, except a few fotos in front of Sagrada Familia and high ratings in european brothels.

    Trying to be “western” had been disaster after 2004 and even more disastrous after 2014. It appears Banderastan and their western masters agreed that being “western” in business, legal and society was impossible………but being anti-Russian was a good tactics to maintain western interest, insidious social projects and western patronage of their elites.

    In what other (fake) country is it so uncomfortable for the locals to use the term “Ukrainian language” because mova is truly something different than that.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Its not “their” homeland you useless shithead. Its Russia’s homeland given to them by Russia, including Russian built railways, towns, cities, infrastructure, shelters, metro’s etc.

    In 1994 it was Russia that swore to recognize the autonomy of Ukraine in exchange for their nuclear weapons. That autonomy included Crimea.

    Here is that document along with their signature:

    Which means you believe that 141 UN countries along with Russia of 1994 are wrong? Is that correct?

    In what other (fake) country is it so uncomfortable for the locals to use the term “Ukrainian language” because mova is truly something different than that.

    Imperial Russia was dissolved in 1917. The Russian Federation was created in 1991.

    Do explain how Ukraine is not a real country even though the modern state of Russia was created in 1991. Specifically define how a country becomes real.

  143. @A123
    @sudden death

    I am going to get into trouble espousing a middle position (sigh).

    The Russian MIC overstates and under delivers, much like its U.S. counterpart.

    Hypersonic as a technology is over hyped. Are there tactical advantages if it works? Yes. Is it a strategic game changer? Nope. Ballistic missiles deliver heavily armored warheads. Hypersonic has to shed that weight and are thus more fragile.

    The Kinzhal is (currently) more hypersonic test bed than full system. The initial part of its flight is hypersonic, but slows for target seeking and final guidance. The failure provides Russia "Elon Musk style test data" to determine necessary improvements.

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year. The consumable interceptors are ~$5 million each and production is in the low hundreds per year. That it worked versus the current Kinzhal in a tactical sense is not that surprising.

    What is the impact of Patriot on the STRATEGIC situation?

    The Kiev regime used up 30 interceptors (~$150 million) in two minutes. How many more do they have. Can they afford to buy more? Are there any willing sellers?

    How skilled are the Ukrainian operators -- Will they consume expensive interceptors on lower priority weapons? What are their orders from above -- Will they try to protect the entire city? Either of these factors could leave the system out of ammo and impotent.

    Scaling up the peacetime U.S. for war production is not easy. Raytheon would need a long-term "must buy" deal to produce new tooling and manufacturing facilities for any sharp step up interceptor production. The Veggie-in-Chief does not have the House appropriation to go that route. He cannot get one. And, even if signed today, it would be 12-18 months to see significant increase in delivery rate.

    The truth is somewhere in the middle.

    • Patriot is a serious tool that Russia must plan for.
    • Patriot is not an unlimited magic shield.

    It is not a game changer for the Kiev regime as it appears the Patriot battery has to consume the bulk of available munitions protecting itself. If the interceptor supply can be increased it creates more complications for Russia. However, they can choose to strike elsewhere.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @AP

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year

    Raytheon is increasing Patriot battery production to 12 a year. Ukraine will get 5 of them:

    • Replies: @A123

    I found a non pay walled source here: (1)

    According to the head of Raytheon, the deadline for delivering these complexes to bolster the Armed Forces of Ukraine is planned for the end of 2024 at the latest
    ramp up the production of PAC-3 MSE anti-aircraft missiles at Lockheed Martin. Current production rate is 450 units per year. The plan is to increase this rate to 550 units per year within the next three years, representing a 20% increase in MSE production by 2026.
    To sum up:

    • 5 is the number *if* Raytheon can actually produce 12/year.
    • The delivery dates are in 2024. Potentially late next year.
    • With global production at 550 per year that is max 110 interceptors per battery if Ukraine can capture 100% of global output. Given that 30+ can be consumed in a single engagement, this supply is very thin.
    • The piece does not talk about House appropriations, which includes limits on the authority to turn over U.S. inventory.

    OK, the current White House occupant said it. However, Not-The-President Biden's ability to deliver is less than reliable. Likely only a fraction will reach the Kiev regime.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Mikel

  144. @Ivashka the fool

    The Scythians are directly descended from the Andronovo culture.

    With the exception of Alans, who are related to Sarmatians (descended from the Afanasievo Culture via Botai Culture and Sargat), the other people you have mentioned are indeed from the broad Scythian (Indo-Iranian) realm. Parthians, Sogdians, Pazyrik, Tokharians, pseudo-Tokharians, Saka tigrahuda, Saka haomavarga, Massagetae, even the early Parasika (Persians) and their Median cousins (heavily admixed with the BMAC people), they all have developed from the same Arkaim Sintashta (Aryan) population, all were dominated by Y haplogroup R1a clans of Corded Ware ancestry, all spoke mutually comprehensible dialects of the Indo-Iranian language that is a major branch of the Indo-European language family, all had the same nomadic way of living and a similar "Scythian animal art" style.

    BTW, Scythians is the ethnonym that the Greek gave them as a grouping of tribes living near the Azov and Black Sea. The ethnonym was probably based on the designation that the nearby population used (Skythai, compare to the Russian скитатся - to wander), those in modern day Ukraine self-identified as Skoloty, plural of Skolot, from kolo - wheel (of the wagons) in ancient Indo-Iranian (compare to Russian коловрат - swastika as a turning wheel), therefore simply "those who live wandering on wheels". Compare it to the Chinese ethnonym of the Kushans - Yezhi (the people of) Big Wheels, for a famous Scythian tribe that lived in the modern Gansu and Xinjiang provinces of China before being vanquished and expelled by the Xiongnu and migrating to Sogdia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    From modern day Crimea to modern day Mongolia, and from modern day Mongolia to modern day India, from the Tarim bassin to the Sargat Valley, dozens of tribes of the Greater Scythia, dominated the Eurasian steppe for nearly a 1000 years, with raiders/colonists/mercenaries reaching deep into the MENA region starting in Assyrian times.

    BTW, the article in PNAS, that had started the enthusiastic discussion of their ancestors supposedly mighty victories in the Greek service by our Baltic friends, mentions a widely known fact that Scythians were used as mounted archery mercenaries in the Greek service. This is really not a discovery for anyone who has looked into this topic.

    From Encyclopedia Iranica:


    SCYTHIANS, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th-4th centuries BCE (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see SAKAS IN AFGHANISTAN and INDO-SCYTHIAN DYNASTY. See also ASB ii. AMONG THE SCYTHIANS; CLOTHING vii. OF THE IRANIAN TRIBES ON THE PONTIC STEPPES AND IN THE CAUCASUS; APARNA; APASIACAE; CIMMERIANS; DAHAE; MASSAGETAE; SARMATIANS; SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE.

    Scythian mercenaries in the modern day Isreal:

    The city was refounded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r.282-246 BCE), who called it Scythopolis, "city of the Scythians". Because Coele Syria, as this part of the Ptolemaic Empire was called, was contested with the Seleucid Empire, it is possible that Scythopolis had a military function and the Scythians were mercenaries. Another Ptolemaic settlement of this period was Philadelphia (Amman in Jordan).

    I also highly recommend Andrew Shumann's Tg Channel:

    Mainly discussing the Indo-Scythian relationship with Buddhism, the Silk, the Hellenistic MENA, a lot of great idiosyncratic stuff to ponder. I am sure you will discover a few things that will balance your Eurocentric Hellenistic/Latin historiosophy. The world is vast today, it was no different back then, the Greek were not the be all - end all in their days, even though they liked to pretend otherwise.

    And yeah the province of Kandaghar - Gandhara, once a land of arts and trades, inhabited by a peaceful Buddhist Hellenistic people related to Bactrians and Sogdians, living under the Indo-Scythian Kushan rule.

    That was before the Hephtalite Huns deadly wounded the Greco-Buddhist culture in the Nothern Hindustan, before the resurgent Hinduists put the Buddhist to the sword, destroyed their monasteries, burned their books and reformed the caste system with Hinduist Royal dynasties and the Brahmin elite at the helm, promoting Shaivism and Vaishnavism, and before the Muslim came and conquered the whole destructured land that had been affected by a couple of centuries of turmoil, religious genocide under the Hinduist guidance and overall archaisation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. Hack, @AP, @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    Scythians are an interesting people, but Scythians were not present in the Baltic region, it’s possible that they tried to attack there but were repelled. As to the archeological study, once again, they used both genetic and isotopic testing – they tested the tooth enamel to determine the geographic origin of each person. They determined that two individuals were from NorthEastern Europe and comparing the climate determined it was Lithuania. So at least one individual there is the ancestor or Old Prussians, Yatvingians or Lithuanians. Of course, it is possible that based on the haplogroup this could’ve been someone from the area that is now northern Poland or NorthEastern Germany, but the Slavic tribes lived further West (the ancestors of Obodrites, etc).

    If you are doubting this, then you are doubting the methods of the study because there is a whole list of other individuals who are listed as having arrived from various places that were tested with the same method. This doesn’t exclude that there were some Scythians there (if you check the list in the docs that were added to the study). It would also make total sense if, let’s say, ancestors of Croatians had been there.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    LatW, there were no separate back then and no separate Slavs. It was the same population. On the North-Eastern side it was influenced by the Ugric Akozino Ananino folks, on the Western side by the Celts and possibly Germans (although the proto-Germans were still mostly confined to Scandinavia), on the South Eastern side they become influenced by the Scythians and on the South Western by the Dacians and Tracians. Those who were influenced by the Scythians become Slavs, those who were influenced by the Ugric, Celtic (and possibly Germans) become Baltic. those to the South become the sedentary "Scythian ploughmen". But they were all proto-Balto-Slavic back then. Most probably these two guys mentioned in the article were from the subgroup of this ancestral population that were called Veneti and who were often involved into amber trade. There were three groups of Veneti: the Baltic, the Adriatic and the ones in modern day Bretagne in France who were expert sailers and seamen. Although they are seen as three unrelated populations, it is well possible that they are actually a single people that ended up separate and settling far away locations after joining the Celtic migration to the West. The Baltic Veneti are considered as the ancestors of the Wends (the Germanic ethnonym Wend would have been derived from Venet). Anyway, if you want to think that these two guys were Balts, then it is fine by me. I don't really care, perhaps they were. No big deal.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

  145. @Gerard1234
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    One of the Mafia Dons agrees during the meeting of the families that they should regulate where they sell drugs in the city, not to kids etc.........except for in the black neighbourhoods where they can flood it anywhere, "because they are all animals anyway".

    That's probably as bad as the N word

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I remember that part. Don Corleone didn’t say it. The man who said that was in the faction that tried to kill Don Corleone. The person I was at the movie with approved the animal argument.

    Coppola would never go edgelord I surmise.

  146. @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    In addition to the millions of Ukrainian fakes , is it not exhausting for you retards to have to try and fake positive spin for events that never happened ( the 2 Il-76's "shot down" attempting to land at Vasilkov , intercepted Kinzhal etc), events that, obviously, had no proof except for that the complete opposite occurred

    Surely we can all agree that a world where a Ukrainian officer , speaking to the US intelligence propaganda outlet NYT/WSJ , publically criticising the useless performance of one of US MIC's most (over)hyped weapons systems........does not exist you deranged idiot?

    Russian weapon systems ( all of them) by comparison have had stunning successes, have received orders to have massively increased production with very little to no modifications. How they are used as part of an integrated system , of course will be regularly changed as Russia side & NATO puppet side readjusts to the other in combat .........but not the physical/technical specifications of the weapons individually. Our Defence exports will go up rapidly even more from these great successes.

    "didn't panic"!!!! From the images seen at Sikorsky airport - There is no conceivable configuration of any Russian attack using multiple type of missiles ( plus drones) fired from different directions, fired from different platforms on land, sea and air ......which would have had the synchronicity to createthat type of dsyfunctional , obviously panicked, mass firing of Patriot missiles you idiot

    Oh, and "6 Kinzhals"-LMFAO

    Of course, retard Ukronazi propaganda is trying to invent this lies as both "peremoga Team USA defeated invincible Russian weapon they can only produce 3 of in a decade"...........and that the Kinzhals "were never hypersonic to start with, Russian primitive Mongols blabla", which is partly because they can't find anything that looks like wreckage of a Kh-47, so have to further lie.........such is the schizophrenia of these retards

    Night-time missile attacks on Kiev ( plus some day attacks that were non-existant since the start of the war), have also rapidly INCREASED since the Pindossi claim to have received Patriot System you laughable moron . This fact is why you are getting such cretinous drivel fed into US propaganda media.

    The precision strikes of Russian missiles against ukronazis in Kiev are so accurate, but so miniscule in a city of a few million with limited targets because most of the conflict is 100s of kms from there, and the media environment of the Ukronazi regime is so tightly controlled.........that effectively for the residents of Kiev , the regime can easily simulate the mentality that air-defence is "protecting " them.

    Though not as disgusting as some of the plentiful other human shield positioning of military objects, particularly air defence systems in residential areas of cities by 404 regime, the area around Sikorsky is far more built up then most airports around the world, so that too is a disgrace that these cowards had the system there before we hit an element of the complex. Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence - no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves. Echelon defence even with the enemy just across the border, so that everything is intercepted long before it could get to Belgorod. Notice its the complete opposite of that with these ukronazi scum you idiot???

    BTW from the actions is April/May , how is that "echeloned" air defence for western Ukraine doing? LMAO

    Replies: @John Johnson

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?

    What do you think we pay our engineers to do? Dick around on Tiktok? Our massive military budget pays for weapons like HIMARs and the Patriot. I support a reduction in the budget but I’m glad these toys are at least being used against the dwarf.

    There is video of the Patriot system in action:

    Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence – no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves.

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don’t have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?

    Average Putin defender on Unz: I’m not like those indoctrinated liberals that trust CNN. I ignore the MSM entirely and read exclusively from pro-Putin sources. That way I only learn about what I want to hear.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @John Johnson

    More accurately, border towns in Belgorod oblast such as Shebkino have been regularly shelled by AFU and have been invaded by company-scale groups engaging in "reconnaissance in force", some of whom are based anti-Putin Russian skinheads. Also, Belgorod the city does get attacked by drones. All of this is carefully documented and analyzed in the usual OSINT channels on Telegram.

    As for air defense, it evidently works to some degree, especially against an adversary with minimal industrial capacity (say Hamas vs Israel), but against an adversary with industrial capacity, in the long run it just incentivizes your enemy to go for quantity over quality. If your air defense battery can fire ten missiles at a cost of a 100 million dollars, while your adversary can fire a hundred missiles at you for a cost of 100 million dollars (about the cost of a hundred kalibrs), then what's the point?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @Beckow
    @John Johnson

    ...Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias
    Riight...that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more "attackers" are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on "CNN".

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue - you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    Ok, we get it, you hate the "Russians", who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don't win this war? What then? What odds would you put on the Kiev victory in the war? 10%? 25%? Would you put your own money on that bet?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @Gerard1234
    @John Johnson

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don’t have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?
    Which bit of "air defence", and which bit of "Belgorod, the city" ( so to not confuse with the region, particularly at the border) are you too thick to understand? It doesn't help change the accusation that you are a troll, like some of the other freaks here, by deliberately misreading what I have written.

    Nobody I know in the city, or just outside the city of Belgorod is in fear or thinking about leaving. A big part of that reason, and my main point in the original comment is that they are different to the ukronazis deliberately placing the air defence complexes in very dense urban areas..this is why missiles flying several hundred, several thousand km's away are being intercepted over the ukrainian cities, ( well for ukronazis its mostly interceptions of dummy missiles about 1/6th of the weight, drones and as most often - their own air defence misfires , that you actually linked video to in one of your recent, idiotic videos in Kiev at the start of SMO that hit a high-rise residential building), causing the killing of civilians and more damage to the city than would occur if air-defence was not engaged.

    Shebkino routinely targeted by MLRS in particular, Graivoron and other places have been struck, sadly killing innocent people, though fortunately the homes destroyed is much,much higher than civilians killed, not matching them.......but
    Belgorod the city and the other cities/towns in the regions not at the border are mostly safe.

    In Belgorod a wide variety of weapons are fired at us from Banderastan territory, but as I say the city is well protected, as the authorities don't use the civilians as human shields.

    Somebody below mentioned that drones have successfully targeted the city itself, but I only know of one ( and I follow events there quite regularly) that caused minor damage - and although highly possible it crossed the border, there is still big chance it was launched from Russian territory - which makes analysis from airdefence view different.

    and they don’t have air support
    Yes, Helicopters are "of course" not intended to fly. The NATO-cocksucking Ukrainian militias who went into Belgorod were too low-grade an opponent and mostly destroyed already before anybody could even think about ordering serious air support.

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?
    Clearly they are not , you cretin. Multiple elements of different Patriot systems have been hit over the last few months. Though cause and effect are unknown at this stage, its clear that delivery of Patriot system to 404 has made the sleeping patterns of Kiev residents at night, much worse. Daily air strikeson Kiev have not happened for over a year before this, not even every month
  147. @Mr. XYZ

    It was hard for the Magyars to keep Transylvania when Romanians were a majority there. They could have kept some border towns, though, such as Oradea, Arad, and Satu Mare, though. Though having this territory be under international administration for, say, 10 or 20 years while Romania is able to build new railroads to the east of these towns would have probably been a good idea.

    This Slovak island should have been given to Hungary:

    But giving additional Slovak territory to Hungary would seriously disrupt Slovakia's communications and building new rail lines is not as easy as in the Romanian case due to the more mountainous terrain in Slovakia.

    This 1939 book discusses this topic and numerous others involving European border revision in much greater detail:

    As for Serbia, the yellow Hungarian territory in the north should have been given to Hungary:

    But it's not all of Vojvodina.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …This Slovak island should have been given to Hungary

    Probably, it was 80-90% populated by Magyars in 1918. It was originally assigned to Hungary but a Magyar delegation from the ‘island’ showed up in Versailles asking not to be separated from Bratislava that they depended on economically (markets, selling produce, working…).

    It was a backdoor attempt to hold on to Bratislava – the delegation was sponsored by Budapest – but it backfired and everything was assigned to Slovakia. Bratislava had a city center German plurality, but the larger Bratislava metro region had a Slovak majority – the north and north-east suburbs were purely Slovak. There was almost no chance that Magyars could claim it and by overreaching they also lost the “island”.

    There are lessons for today in what happened after 1918 – we are in a very similar situation in Ukraine. If they don’t act smart they may lose more than they think is possible. Or they can win the war…or can they?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Do you have a link to a book or article or something that talks about this story?

    Probably, it was 80-90% populated by Magyars in 1918. It was originally assigned to Hungary but a Magyar delegation from the ‘island’ showed up in Versailles asking not to be separated from Bratislava that they depended on economically (markets, selling produce, working…).


    I knew that it was assigned to Czechoslovakia for economic reasons; I just didn't know that the Magyars themselves asked for this in a cynical and unsuccessful ploy for Hungary to keep Bratislava.

    Replies: @Beckow

  148. AP says:
    @The Big Red Scary

    I would add that there are two kinds of evil, Darwinian and Diabolical. The first leads one man to kill another for gain, one nation to invade another for advantage, while only the latter can lead people to chemically castrate their children for the glory of democracy. And Ukraine is being used as a useful idiot in a ware between a Diabolical GAE and a Darwinian Russia.

    Replies: @AP

    I would add that there are two kinds of evil, Darwinian and Diabolical. The first leads one man to kill another for gain, one nation to invade another for advantage, while only the latter can lead people to chemically castrate their children for the glory of democracy

    A false dichotomy. Is burning a child alive because you want territory where that child lives better than castrating the child?

    Is robbery, murder and rape by Chechens better than exposing people to lewd trans strippers? Answer honestly. What would you rather subject your loved ones to. Which is the worse evil being unleashed and by whom? You think the Devil isn’t present when greed and killing are involved? You think that he is limited to lust and perversions? How convenient for those on the side of the greater evil to accuse the others of being the diabolical ones.

    Moreover, the number of people being murdered, maimed and raped by Russia far exceeds the number of mentally ill being castrated in the USA (and this number is around zero in Ukraine, Poland, etc.). And while the transing in the West is starting to recede (transing kids is now illegal in Scandinavia and Britain), the Muscovite lust for death grows. But lies, murder and greed are not “diabolical” perhaps according to the Church built by Stalin on the bones of martyrs, led by a forever servant of the atheist Soviet regime.

    • Agree: sudden death, Mr. XYZ
    • Thanks: LatW
    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual. In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean who are untouched by the very real horror. I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors, you would have seen where this was going. However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed that you are unable to see that "winning" this easily avoidable war would be the death of Ukraine anyway.

    Replies: @AP

  149. @Gerard1234
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians are rightly defending their “homeland” where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).
    Its not "their" homeland you useless shithead. Its Russia's homeland given to them by Russia, including Russian built railways, towns, cities, infrastructure, shelters, metro's etc.
    Majority of Ukrainians have gone to Russia you idiot. 6 million, to go with the millions who had already left after 2014 and or acquired Russian citizenship. It's also a country where large majority have family in Russia. Its also a land where Russia provided refuge to the ancestors of millions of them, fleeing one-way from the disaster of being ruled by Polish scum. 300 years of peace, prosperity..versus struggling to get to even 3 seconds of harmony with Polish idiots.
    Those borders in 1991 were drawn up against the wishes of then ukrainian population, who 1 million% would have accepted a Union state, non-Communist, of Ukraine,Belarus and Russia.

    Worse than that the ukrop leaders of that time criminally exploited the situation of "Ukrainians and Russians are the same people" so as to get these borders including Crimea, Donbass and other areas that could and should have easily gone to Russia.

    The reason Putin (Russian taxpayer) stated for the SMO of the state lead by Zelensky and before that Poroshenko/Valtsman (also Russian taxpayers) was to protect Donbass people from Genocide, and to stop this anti-Russia project . In this sh*thole country precisely ZERO progress was actually made on getting into European Union, on legal, on technical standards and on societal criteria as it was a corrupt and as useless as ever ( to the point that Russia was STILL the highest foreign investor in the country). 8 years and NOTHING to do show for it, except a few fotos in front of Sagrada Familia and high ratings in european brothels.

    Trying to be "western" had been disaster after 2004 and even more disastrous after 2014. It appears Banderastan and their western masters agreed that being "western" in business, legal and society was impossible.........but being anti-Russian was a good tactics to maintain western interest, insidious social projects and western patronage of their elites.

    In what other (fake) country is it so uncomfortable for the locals to use the term "Ukrainian language" because mova is truly something different than that.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Its not “their” homeland you useless shithead. Its Russia’s homeland given to them by Russia, including Russian built railways, towns, cities, infrastructure, shelters, metro’s etc.

    In 1994 it was Russia that swore to recognize the autonomy of Ukraine in exchange for their nuclear weapons. That autonomy included Crimea.

    Here is that document along with their signature:

    Which means you believe that 141 UN countries along with Russia of 1994 are wrong? Is that correct?

    In what other (fake) country is it so uncomfortable for the locals to use the term “Ukrainian language” because mova is truly something different than that.

    Imperial Russia was dissolved in 1917. The Russian Federation was created in 1991.

    Do explain how Ukraine is not a real country even though the modern state of Russia was created in 1991. Specifically define how a country becomes real.

  150. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @S

    Thanks for the crisp video clip.

    The last scene where the moto-cross guy goes on a death ride off the cliff was seamless and was some Grade-A special effects. All in all, well worth the six and a half minutes. 😀

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Yeah it looked to me like the stunt man should have gotten a big pay day for that one.

  151. @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic, but I owe you a response to your previous post here:

    The situation is very dire now. Regardless of the borders, this calamity is now spreading and crawling into more and more spaces. You might fear escalation, looking from the West (and, ofc, this is reasonable), but Ukrainian POV is different – what they have gone through is simply too much, after every vicious missile attack they keep asking “Is this not enough of an escalation?”. Some say that the recent spill can be compared to a nuclear blast in terms of its consequences, especially on the left bank. With a huge war like this, the logic is that sooner or later, if it doesn’t stop by one side winning, then the war goes into the enemy territory. It’s called the boomerang, it’s the internal logic of war. If your house was being fired at and your children being fired at from another house, you would hit that other window immediately. It’s basic logic and that’s how they think on the ground there. The things they say on Ukrainian YT channels and on the Russian tv are even crazier than some of the things discussed on this forum.

    Belgorod is actually a well maintained place, the infrastructure in the region is quite good, lots of new houses, it’s a real shame what things have come to. By the way, it is mostly Russian forces firing at the rebels, they are doing this instead of sending in spetsnaz (although it seems some units are indeed there), they are firing missiles that are hitting people’s homes. It is really dire there, the Volunteer Corps had casualties.
    That makes sense. I suppose that, as AP says, Russia blurred the difference between Kherson and Belgorod by declaring both to be a part of Russia. If Kherson can be attacked (liberated) by Ukraine, then why not Belgorod as well?

    But I still think that strikes into Russia proper should have logic that will help the Ukrainian war effort rather than simply being meant to scare Russia.

    I also really like the spaika of Larionov that the Volunteer Corps is using but that one is more ideological and far right so may not be for everybody.

    What's a spaika?

    Why are you so focused on this idea of “economies of scale”? Do you feel they don’t have a big enough population already to ramp up wide scale production? I think they do. Many of their products could compete with the price. The price is lower even than Lithuanian products. Although that might change with the growing labor shortage.

    Btw, the economic cooperation with the EU was growing even without them being in the EU (or without any kind of special agreements). They were starting to both invest and export more. It was on the track for growth. It’s really messed up that it was interrupted. I wonder if the Kremlin clique who started the war were aware of this growth. They totally pulled a plug on something that would’ve benefitted the Russian entrepreneurs.
    Russia still maintained some economic ties with the EU pre-2022 (Nordstream 2, for instance), but economic ties with the EU would have been more extensive had Russia not gotten involved in Ukraine ever since 2014, including in Crimea.

    As for economies of scale, this is what Anatoly Karlin previously wrote about this topic (note: I do NOT endorse his aggressive expansionism):

    This brings us to something more in the realm of speculation as opposed to something that Putin definitely thinks. But here goes. The value of Ukraine is not in its territory, nor less its sovok rustbelt industries, nor even less its position on the invasion route to Moscow (spoiler: We live in the ICBM age). Ukraine’s value is, forgive the triteness, in its people, or its human capital – namely, 35 million 95+ IQ people who are very close to and compatible with Russians, who are indeed an intrinsic part of the All Russian nation. Now if Russia was prepared to expend a rather high cost in welfare funds and knock on effects on integrating 1.5 million genuinely quite “alien” Chechens, then paying a drastically more modest price (per capita) for 35 million of its own kith and kin is eminently rational. Although Russia’s 145 million people can still generate sufficient economies of scale to maintain political sovereignty and to run a largely self-contained technological civilization, complete with its own IT ecosystem (read: sovereign memetic space, “socially distanced” from the Woke nihilism of the West), space program, and technological visions. But creating and then sustaining such a world-civilization will certainly be considerably easier in a restored “Russian World” that unites Russians, Belorussians, and Ukrainians under one banner in a Slavic superpower of 200 million people stretching from Brest to Vladivostok
    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won't make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.

    They could cultivate their own talent. The EU is already very large at this point and there are internal issues that need to be taken care of, there is an ongoing struggle over the power dynamic there that will take up a lot of energy in the years to come. Also, Russia would need to comply with democratic standards, they should do it for their own sake, first and foremost, but I’m not sure there is a will for that. They need to figure out for themselves if they are a European, Eurasian or their own kind of civilization and there is a plurality of opinions about that. Frankly, I don’t think outsiders such as Russia or China should be given much access or say over the EU market and politics unless they show long term amicability and fairness. They live by different rules.
    Obviously Russia will need to democratize, stop killing its own dissidents (including abroad), pay wart reparations to Ukraine, withdraw back to its 2013 borders, et cetera for it to actually become eligible to join the EU. But even so, the EU already has plans to expand even further--specifically into the western Balkans, Moldova, Ukraine, and possibly Georgia if all of these countries will actually reform up to the EU's standards. So, expanding into Russia wouldn't be all that radical from the EU's perspective. The EU can also consider expanding into Turkey, which is fairly moderate for a Muslim country and also has relatively high human capital by global standards and whose EU candidacy has the endorsement of notoriously "Islamophobic" Poland.

    That would be heaven on earth. One can only dream. 🤍💙🤍
    Yep. :)

    Frankly, I think it becomes less authentic if it’s located outside of the traditional Orthodox space, but, ofc, there are Orthodox churches in the US and they seem to be doing fine.
    I don't think that black Africans practicing Hinduism in Ghana makes their Hinduism less authentic:

    I would apply the very same logic to Third Worlders practicing Eastern (Russian) Orthodox Christianity. As in, this wouldn't make it any less authentic.

    Replies: @QCIC, @LatW

    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won’t make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.

    It looks like the technological centers will most likely remain concentrated where they are now. In Russia’s case, they will probably have to work with China in that regard. But China will be looking out for its own interests.

    As to the AI, while it won’t make the human capital issue irrelevant, it actually could help alleviate the labor shortage, increase efficiencies and thus reduce the need for immigration. I started using an AI app recently and it is fantastic – but there is plenty of work left over anyway, it’s just that it made things way more efficient and took out the more tedious parts of the work.

    Obviously Russia will need to democratize

    Don’t count on it – they would have to build all the institutions, political parties, etc., from the ground up and everything has been wiped out (that said, people can build these quickly but it’s a lot of work anyway to maintain it). Most likely things will start out with a clan war. My biggest fear is that the Legion will get pushed away (this is a very realistic scenario but hope springs eternal, so to speak).

    What’s a spaika?

    It is a symbol of Russian Whites (it is used in memory of Viktor Larionov).

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It looks like the technological centers will most likely remain concentrated where they are now. In Russia’s case, they will probably have to work with China in that regard. But China will be looking out for its own interests.
    Why not work with the West as well?

    As to the AI, while it won’t make the human capital issue irrelevant, it actually could help alleviate the labor shortage, increase efficiencies and thus reduce the need for immigration. I started using an AI app recently and it is fantastic – but there is plenty of work left over anyway, it’s just that it made things way more efficient and took out the more tedious parts of the work.


    What work did you use it for?

    Don’t count on it – they would have to build all the institutions, political parties, etc., from the ground up and everything has been wiped out (that said, people can build these quickly but it’s a lot of work anyway to maintain it). Most likely things will start out with a clan war. My biggest fear is that the Legion will get pushed away (this is a very realistic scenario but hope springs eternal, so to speak).
    Pushed away by whom?

    And Yeah, sure, building and sustaining democracy is not easy. Especially not for everyone.

    It is a symbol of Russian Whites (it is used in memory of Viktor Larionov).
    Thank you.
  152. @John Johnson

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?

    What do you think we pay our engineers to do? Dick around on Tiktok? Our massive military budget pays for weapons like HIMARs and the Patriot. I support a reduction in the budget but I'm glad these toys are at least being used against the dwarf.

    There is video of the Patriot system in action:

    Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence – no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves.

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don't have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?

    Average Putin defender on Unz: I'm not like those indoctrinated liberals that trust CNN. I ignore the MSM entirely and read exclusively from pro-Putin sources. That way I only learn about what I want to hear.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    More accurately, border towns in Belgorod oblast such as Shebkino have been regularly shelled by AFU and have been invaded by company-scale groups engaging in “reconnaissance in force”, some of whom are based anti-Putin Russian skinheads. Also, Belgorod the city does get attacked by drones. All of this is carefully documented and analyzed in the usual OSINT channels on Telegram.

    As for air defense, it evidently works to some degree, especially against an adversary with minimal industrial capacity (say Hamas vs Israel), but against an adversary with industrial capacity, in the long run it just incentivizes your enemy to go for quantity over quality. If your air defense battery can fire ten missiles at a cost of a 100 million dollars, while your adversary can fire a hundred missiles at you for a cost of 100 million dollars (about the cost of a hundred kalibrs), then what’s the point?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    More accurately, border towns in Belgorod oblast such as Shebkino have been regularly shelled by AFU and have been invaded by company-scale groups engaging in “reconnaissance in force”, some of whom are based anti-Putin Russian skinheads.

    I'm fine with that distinction though I'm not convinced that anti-Putin militias are composed of skinheads. The leader appears to have White nationalist ties but their main motivation is removing Putin.

    MacGregor, Ritter and Russian State TV all refer to the anti-Putin forces as Ukrainian.

    They don't like admitting that Russians are shooting Russians. It undermines the narrative of Russian unity.

    As for air defense, it evidently works to some degree, especially against an adversary with minimal industrial capacity (say Hamas vs Israel), but against an adversary with industrial capacity, in the long run it just incentivizes your enemy to go for quantity over quality.

    Yes in the long term such systems favor overwhelming them with quantity but it still makes sense to deploy them in the current conflict. Russia has limited industrial capability as Putin underestimated their dependence on Western tech. Ukrainians in fact have captured Russian weapons with off the shelf Western chips. The Russians even had a jet with a Garmin type device duct taped to the dash. There are still grounded planes because they can't purchase spare parts. At the start of the war I had Putin defenders tell me that such shortages wouldn't happen because Fortress Roosa (tm) is an island of industrial superpower. Seems Putin also bought into that bullshit and didn't do a basic 10 second google on their imports.

    In a future war I don't see any type of missile defense system lasting long. The next gen drones will be too powerful and will come in swarms. Another reason why I would like to cut our military budget.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  153. @John Johnson

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?

    What do you think we pay our engineers to do? Dick around on Tiktok? Our massive military budget pays for weapons like HIMARs and the Patriot. I support a reduction in the budget but I'm glad these toys are at least being used against the dwarf.

    There is video of the Patriot system in action:

    Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence – no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves.

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don't have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?

    Average Putin defender on Unz: I'm not like those indoctrinated liberals that trust CNN. I ignore the MSM entirely and read exclusively from pro-Putin sources. That way I only learn about what I want to hear.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    …Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias

    Riight…that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more “attackers” are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on “CNN”.

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue – you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    Ok, we get it, you hate the “Russians“, who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don’t win this war? What then? What odds would you put on the Kiev victory in the war? 10%? 25%? Would you put your own money on that bet?

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    …Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias


    Riight…that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more “attackers” are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on “CNN”.

    What are you saying didn't happen? The attack by anti-Putin Russian militias? You do realize they have made videos of themselves attacking Russian troops in Belogrod?

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue – you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    One sided nonsense? You're another Putin defender that is just as information selective as an emotional liberal White woman that watches CNN.

    Here is one of many videos that anti-Putin Russian militias have made:

    Ok, we get it, you hate the “Russians“, who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don’t win this war?

    Russia has already lost by Putin's own standards. He originally said the war is about preventing the expansion of NATO and his stupid invasion drew Finland out of neutrality. Well have a look at a map of the world. Finland has more border with Russia than Ukraine. Oh and there will be no missile silos in Finland as that was always a bullshit excuse. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos in Europe but Putin's bootlickers never bothered to fact check him.

    Or are you talking about a march on Kiev? I don't see how that is possible when they failed the first time and with elite forces. Doing it with village drunk conscripts would be an even bigger disaster. Putin already signaled that he would be content with taking Donbas. So his best hope is an armistice which would still make the war technically a loss if we go by his original speech. This isn't Russian State TV and where such things aren't mentioned.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow

  154. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    I would add that there are two kinds of evil, Darwinian and Diabolical. The first leads one man to kill another for gain, one nation to invade another for advantage, while only the latter can lead people to chemically castrate their children for the glory of democracy
    A false dichotomy. Is burning a child alive because you want territory where that child lives better than castrating the child?

    Is robbery, murder and rape by Chechens better than exposing people to lewd trans strippers? Answer honestly. What would you rather subject your loved ones to. Which is the worse evil being unleashed and by whom? You think the Devil isn’t present when greed and killing are involved? You think that he is limited to lust and perversions? How convenient for those on the side of the greater evil to accuse the others of being the diabolical ones.

    Moreover, the number of people being murdered, maimed and raped by Russia far exceeds the number of mentally ill being castrated in the USA (and this number is around zero in Ukraine, Poland, etc.). And while the transing in the West is starting to recede (transing kids is now illegal in Scandinavia and Britain), the Muscovite lust for death grows. But lies, murder and greed are not “diabolical” perhaps according to the Church built by Stalin on the bones of martyrs, led by a forever servant of the atheist Soviet regime.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual. In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean who are untouched by the very real horror. I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors, you would have seen where this was going. However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed that you are unable to see that “winning” this easily avoidable war would be the death of Ukraine anyway.

    • Replies: @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual
    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.

    In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean


    In the present case it is the result of Russia’s leaders lusting for power and willing to kill for it. This is why Russia is the one who invaded. The alleged provocations (NATO membership, EU, etc.) are nothing more than guarantees that Russia will not be able to seize Ukraine in the future. Russia acted before the guarantees could be put in place. It chose to kill for the purpose of achieving power. An ancient temptation to do evil.

    I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors
    The people of Ukraine did not want Russian invaders on their land and were willing to fight in order to prevent this. They are not the aggressors.

    However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed


    GAE has higher rates of church attendance, lower rates of abortion, lower rates of HIV, lower rates of murder among those of Euro descent, etc. than does the place where you have chosen to live. And it doesn’t slaughter 100,000+ Christians, as Russia does.

    I suggest you check the stain upon your own moral intuitions, given the environment you are in.

    And Russia does not kill the GAE. Russia kills people in Ukraine, who are more-Christian cousins of Russians themselves. It often does so by using Muslims and heathens. Under a Patriarch who owes his position to service to the Soviet regime. Is it true that he has defrocked priests who opposed the war against the Christian country?

    Tell us more about your moral intuition.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

  155. A123 says: • Website

    Patriot costs ~$750 million for a battery and production is 1-2 per year
    Raytheon is increasing Patriot battery production to 12 a year. Ukraine will get 5 of them:

    Replies: @A123

    I found a non pay walled source here: (1)

    According to the head of Raytheon, the deadline for delivering these complexes to bolster the Armed Forces of Ukraine is planned for the end of 2024 at the latest

    ramp up the production of PAC-3 MSE anti-aircraft missiles at Lockheed Martin. Current production rate is 450 units per year. The plan is to increase this rate to 550 units per year within the next three years, representing a 20% increase in MSE production by 2026.

    To sum up:

    • 5 is the number *if* Raytheon can actually produce 12/year.
    • The delivery dates are in 2024. Potentially late next year.
    • With global production at 550 per year that is max 110 interceptors per battery if Ukraine can capture 100% of global output. Given that 30+ can be consumed in a single engagement, this supply is very thin.
    • The piece does not talk about House appropriations, which includes limits on the authority to turn over U.S. inventory.

    OK, the current White House occupant said it. However, Not-The-President Biden’s ability to deliver is less than reliable. Likely only a fraction will reach the Kiev regime.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @Mikel

    President Biden’s ability to deliver is less than reliable.
    Look who's talking. If his predecessor had been able to deliver a quarter of what Biden has delivered for his supporters and his endorsers, I'd be voting for him with my eyes closed in 2024. Btw, this idea that a President is legally constrained on what he can do to actually enforce immigration law on the southern border while another President has no legal constraints to keep that border effectively open and let millions of undocumented immigrants flood the US is deranged.

    Replies: @A123

  156. @The Big Red Scary
    @John Johnson

    More accurately, border towns in Belgorod oblast such as Shebkino have been regularly shelled by AFU and have been invaded by company-scale groups engaging in "reconnaissance in force", some of whom are based anti-Putin Russian skinheads. Also, Belgorod the city does get attacked by drones. All of this is carefully documented and analyzed in the usual OSINT channels on Telegram.

    As for air defense, it evidently works to some degree, especially against an adversary with minimal industrial capacity (say Hamas vs Israel), but against an adversary with industrial capacity, in the long run it just incentivizes your enemy to go for quantity over quality. If your air defense battery can fire ten missiles at a cost of a 100 million dollars, while your adversary can fire a hundred missiles at you for a cost of 100 million dollars (about the cost of a hundred kalibrs), then what's the point?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    More accurately, border towns in Belgorod oblast such as Shebkino have been regularly shelled by AFU and have been invaded by company-scale groups engaging in “reconnaissance in force”, some of whom are based anti-Putin Russian skinheads.

    I’m fine with that distinction though I’m not convinced that anti-Putin militias are composed of skinheads. The leader appears to have White nationalist ties but their main motivation is removing Putin.

    MacGregor, Ritter and Russian State TV all refer to the anti-Putin forces as Ukrainian.

    They don’t like admitting that Russians are shooting Russians. It undermines the narrative of Russian unity.

    As for air defense, it evidently works to some degree, especially against an adversary with minimal industrial capacity (say Hamas vs Israel), but against an adversary with industrial capacity, in the long run it just incentivizes your enemy to go for quantity over quality.

    Yes in the long term such systems favor overwhelming them with quantity but it still makes sense to deploy them in the current conflict. Russia has limited industrial capability as Putin underestimated their dependence on Western tech. Ukrainians in fact have captured Russian weapons with off the shelf Western chips. The Russians even had a jet with a Garmin type device duct taped to the dash. There are still grounded planes because they can’t purchase spare parts. At the start of the war I had Putin defenders tell me that such shortages wouldn’t happen because Fortress Roosa ™ is an island of industrial superpower. Seems Putin also bought into that bullshit and didn’t do a basic 10 second google on their imports.

    In a future war I don’t see any type of missile defense system lasting long. The next gen drones will be too powerful and will come in swarms. Another reason why I would like to cut our military budget.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @John Johnson

    I’m fine with that distinction though I’m not convinced that anti-Putin militias are composed of skinheads. The leader appears to have White nationalist ties but their main motivation is removing Putin.
    I think they are indeed mostly skinheads, kind of like Azov, but with less developed marketing skills. But whatever. As Prigozhin said, it doesn't matter what kind of tattoos soldiers have. All that matters is whether they have brains and balls.

    MacGregor, Ritter and Russian State TV all refer to the anti-Putin forces as Ukrainian.
    There seem to be both Ukro regulars and Russian traitors, but I'm not sure, and it doesn't really matter much, because either way it's a limited phenomenon. I don't watch TV, but I'm pretty sure that I've seen RT reporting on these Russian anti-Putin terrorists.

    In a future war I don’t see any type of missile defense system lasting long. The next gen drones will be too powerful and will come in swarms. Another reason why I would like to cut our military budget.
    That's my expectation as well.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  157. @AP

    “Galicia had Greek Catholic not Orthodox population.”

    Riiight…we think of them as Orthodox
    I’m sure ignorant people like you do.

    Both the Orthodox who persecuted them and the martyrs who refused to convert would disagree.

    “Polish nobility were not “wanna-be”

    Your “blood” obsession is pathetic
    No, it’s a truth obsession. That’s something you will never understand, sadly.

    That whole charade was cancelled 100 years ago
    I went to university with a count from your region whose bride (from some wealthy family he met here, one without a title) had to undergo various rituals and get permissions so that his kids would inherit his title. It was taken rather seriously.

    A bunch of inbred lazy has-beens
    Why you so prickly about it?

    In reality, they are smarter and more hardworking. The same genetics that enabled their ancestors to achieve their positions also enable them to keep them. Even during tragic disruptions these families return to previous positions. I have seen it myself but that is just anecdotal - this is true everywhere where it has been studied.


    “ the descendants of the eighteenth century upper classes in Hungary were still significantly privileged during the period 1949 to 2017”

    “ even by 2010–17 someone with a surname inherited from the eighteenth century upper class was still 2.5 times more likely to gain a medical qualification than the average non-Romani person”


    People from family with titles were nearly 5 times more likely to attorneys than average Swedes; untitled nobles 3 times more likely. Similar stats for physicians.


    Even China:

    The Hungarian and Chinese cases demonstrate that this cannot be attributed to nepotism or corruption, because these families had everything stolen from them by the Communists. But genetics and family traditions cannot be taken.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …I went to university with a count from your region

    What are you 90-years old? (That would explain a lot…:)

    We don’t care about the “nobility” bullshit that you push here, the inbred homos (many among them) are dead or pretend for the Hollywood types something about their “pedigree’. You are so removed from it that you buy the nonsense.

    My grandpa had a former “Hungarian countess” as a servant, she milked his cows and could barely spell her name and was so sickly she couldn’t chew on her food. Central Europe in the 20th century was full of these losers, they couldn’t really work, they were too lazy, some were angry and tried to leave for “America” so they could hustle fools like you. Many simply died off. Their blood was too thin.

    The survivors intermarried to healthier stock with some actual blood flow. I feel sorry for you that you buy this nonsense. On examination, almost all these “nobles” turn out to make up stuff, invent myths and lie. The “noble” blood is among all of us, they melted into the population. But if you have nothing else to hold on to, by all means, dream about the “nobility”. But it makes you look like a nerdy American fool.

    • Replies: @AP

    “I went to university with a count from your region”

    What are you 90-years old? (That would explain a lot…:)
    Nah, it was in the early 90s. His family restored their position and influence by the time Communism fell, then leveraged it and became rich by Western standards too (I’ll avoid details to avoid doxxing). It’s inevitable, thieves and murderers create temporary problems and tragedies but the families come back.

    My grandpa had a former “Hungarian countess” as a servant, she milked his cows
    That’s a very sad story. Reality is a bit different though:

    “ the descendants of the eighteenth century upper classes in Hungary were still significantly privileged during the period 1949 to 2017”

    “ even by 2010–17 someone with a surname inherited from the eighteenth century upper class was still 2.5 times more likely to gain a medical qualification than the average non-Romani person”


    Yes, when thieves dispossessed the rightful owners there were such stories. People had to milk cows, or sweep floors. But the setbacks were temporary. Their kids and grandkids would return more or less to where their ancestors had been. Wasn’t some prince, the Czech Republic’s foreign minister for awhile?

    And below that, among the untitled there are professors, attorneys, physicians, etc. I posted links to data from Hungary, Sweden, and China (this is universal). These families continue to be overrepresented. You can lie all you want, the reality is clear.

    On examination, almost all these “nobles” turn out to make up stuff, invent myths and lie
    No that’s you. Just as a thief thinks everyone else is a thief, you think everyone else is a liar.

    The “noble” blood is among all of us, they melted into the population
    The very slow rate of downward mobility can be explained by occasional careless dilution (marrying a cute maid or secretary, for example).

    But if you have nothing else to hold on to, by all means, dream about the “nobility


    You are the one with the unhealthy obsession. Who said “nothing else to hold onto?” Is it projection again?

    Replies: @Beckow

  158. @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    More accurately, border towns in Belgorod oblast such as Shebkino have been regularly shelled by AFU and have been invaded by company-scale groups engaging in “reconnaissance in force”, some of whom are based anti-Putin Russian skinheads.

    I'm fine with that distinction though I'm not convinced that anti-Putin militias are composed of skinheads. The leader appears to have White nationalist ties but their main motivation is removing Putin.

    MacGregor, Ritter and Russian State TV all refer to the anti-Putin forces as Ukrainian.

    They don't like admitting that Russians are shooting Russians. It undermines the narrative of Russian unity.

    As for air defense, it evidently works to some degree, especially against an adversary with minimal industrial capacity (say Hamas vs Israel), but against an adversary with industrial capacity, in the long run it just incentivizes your enemy to go for quantity over quality.

    Yes in the long term such systems favor overwhelming them with quantity but it still makes sense to deploy them in the current conflict. Russia has limited industrial capability as Putin underestimated their dependence on Western tech. Ukrainians in fact have captured Russian weapons with off the shelf Western chips. The Russians even had a jet with a Garmin type device duct taped to the dash. There are still grounded planes because they can't purchase spare parts. At the start of the war I had Putin defenders tell me that such shortages wouldn't happen because Fortress Roosa (tm) is an island of industrial superpower. Seems Putin also bought into that bullshit and didn't do a basic 10 second google on their imports.

    In a future war I don't see any type of missile defense system lasting long. The next gen drones will be too powerful and will come in swarms. Another reason why I would like to cut our military budget.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    I’m fine with that distinction though I’m not convinced that anti-Putin militias are composed of skinheads. The leader appears to have White nationalist ties but their main motivation is removing Putin.

    I think they are indeed mostly skinheads, kind of like Azov, but with less developed marketing skills. But whatever. As Prigozhin said, it doesn’t matter what kind of tattoos soldiers have. All that matters is whether they have brains and balls.

    MacGregor, Ritter and Russian State TV all refer to the anti-Putin forces as Ukrainian.

    There seem to be both Ukro regulars and Russian traitors, but I’m not sure, and it doesn’t really matter much, because either way it’s a limited phenomenon. I don’t watch TV, but I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen RT reporting on these Russian anti-Putin terrorists.

    In a future war I don’t see any type of missile defense system lasting long. The next gen drones will be too powerful and will come in swarms. Another reason why I would like to cut our military budget.

    That’s my expectation as well.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @The Big Red Scary

    I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen RT reporting on these Russian anti-Putin terrorists.
    Indeed, I just did a quick Yandex search, and all of the standard news sources regularly report on FSB arresting people associated with the "Legion Svoboda Rossii", as well as others accused of planning terrorist attacks, sabotage, and espionage. If anything, I suspect that these stories are over rather than under reported, to make FSB look more effective than it really is.

    Curiously, most of the successful terrorist attacks so far have been against non-normie patriotic personalities, like Dugina, Fomin, and Prilepin.
  159. @S
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Thanks for the crisp video clip.

    The last scene where the moto-cross guy goes on a death ride off the cliff was seamless and was some Grade-A special effects. All in all, well worth the six and a half minutes. :-D

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Yeah it looked to me like the stunt man should have gotten a big pay day for that one.

    • Agree: S
  160. @QCIC

    People should get it right and use the term "maneuvering hypersonic weapons". Patriots are designed to defeat hypersonic weapons. They may not be designed to take out ones that maneuver while hypersonic. PAC3 probably is designed to take out Iskander threats, but who knows the effectiveness?

    This is not new. The famous Pershing II missile was hypersonic and the warhead maneuvered, but I don't know what the speed bleeds down to once the warhead hits the target.

    Two points:

    First, any SAM battery can be defeated by a proper saturation attack. Some combination of drones, low performance missiles and high performance missiles would be launched to achieve this goal.

    Second, the people writing the Patriot press releases now are just like the ones back in the Gulf War. They have no idea what really happened, but do like to write jazzy stories. Some people in the government know what happened but they are under no obligation to tell the truth about it.

    It is probably a sad fact that dishonest claims about the effectiveness of the original Patriot missiles played some role in selling the idea of dropping out of the ABM Treaty. As dishonest rhetoric it was probably used both ways:

    "These damn Patriot missiles don't work at all. The USA needs to break out of the ABM treaty so we are free to develop better missiles."

    "These Patriots work great. Let's drop out of the ABM treaty so we can finally be free from MAD."

    "Lies. Everyday more lies."

    Replies: @Mikel

    the people writing the Patriot press releases now are just like the ones back in the Gulf War. They have no idea what really happened, but do like to write jazzy stories. Some people in the government know what happened but they are under no obligation to tell the truth about it.

    Finally some sensible sentences on this war from you.

    Contrary to what demoralized AK said recently, the question of whether the Patriot (or any other American system) can take out hypersonic Russian missiles or not is of big military importance that goes well beyond Ukraine. I recall Congress hearings not long ago where Pentagon officials admitted America’s lack of defenses against such weapons. It is also public knowledge that building its own hypersonic weapons is one of America’s top priorities at the moment. If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it. All I see is dubious media reports and Ukrainian claims that, as is well known, are prima facie negative evidence.

    On the 0ther hand, it is also likely that the Russians greatly exaggerated the specs of their Kinzhals and/or are still learning to use them in real combat conditions so the issue is undecided.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it.

    That already exits:

    You simply aren't looking for it.

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.

    It's a software based system and no one knew the capabilities until it was deployed.

    There is no law of the universe that says an object flying at supersonic speed cannot be intercepted.

    Yes this means that Putin was wrong. What a shame since he had such a glowing track record on his own military capability up until that point.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikel

  161. @The Big Red Scary
    @John Johnson

    I’m fine with that distinction though I’m not convinced that anti-Putin militias are composed of skinheads. The leader appears to have White nationalist ties but their main motivation is removing Putin.
    I think they are indeed mostly skinheads, kind of like Azov, but with less developed marketing skills. But whatever. As Prigozhin said, it doesn't matter what kind of tattoos soldiers have. All that matters is whether they have brains and balls.

    MacGregor, Ritter and Russian State TV all refer to the anti-Putin forces as Ukrainian.
    There seem to be both Ukro regulars and Russian traitors, but I'm not sure, and it doesn't really matter much, because either way it's a limited phenomenon. I don't watch TV, but I'm pretty sure that I've seen RT reporting on these Russian anti-Putin terrorists.

    In a future war I don’t see any type of missile defense system lasting long. The next gen drones will be too powerful and will come in swarms. Another reason why I would like to cut our military budget.
    That's my expectation as well.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen RT reporting on these Russian anti-Putin terrorists.

    Indeed, I just did a quick Yandex search, and all of the standard news sources regularly report on FSB arresting people associated with the “Legion Svoboda Rossii”, as well as others accused of planning terrorist attacks, sabotage, and espionage. If anything, I suspect that these stories are over rather than under reported, to make FSB look more effective than it really is.

    Curiously, most of the successful terrorist attacks so far have been against non-normie patriotic personalities, like Dugina, Fomin, and Prilepin.

  162. @A123

    I found a non pay walled source here: (1)

    According to the head of Raytheon, the deadline for delivering these complexes to bolster the Armed Forces of Ukraine is planned for the end of 2024 at the latest
    ramp up the production of PAC-3 MSE anti-aircraft missiles at Lockheed Martin. Current production rate is 450 units per year. The plan is to increase this rate to 550 units per year within the next three years, representing a 20% increase in MSE production by 2026.
    To sum up:

    • 5 is the number *if* Raytheon can actually produce 12/year.
    • The delivery dates are in 2024. Potentially late next year.
    • With global production at 550 per year that is max 110 interceptors per battery if Ukraine can capture 100% of global output. Given that 30+ can be consumed in a single engagement, this supply is very thin.
    • The piece does not talk about House appropriations, which includes limits on the authority to turn over U.S. inventory.

    OK, the current White House occupant said it. However, Not-The-President Biden's ability to deliver is less than reliable. Likely only a fraction will reach the Kiev regime.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Mikel

    President Biden’s ability to deliver is less than reliable.

    Look who’s talking. If his predecessor had been able to deliver a quarter of what Biden has delivered for his supporters and his endorsers, I’d be voting for him with my eyes closed in 2024. Btw, this idea that a President is legally constrained on what he can do to actually enforce immigration law on the southern border while another President has no legal constraints to keep that border effectively open and let millions of undocumented immigrants flood the US is deranged.

    • Replies: @A123

    Trump had the "Stay in Mexico" program. Of course, you hate that achievement. And, you deny its existence as it does not fit your narrative.

    Why are up supporting Not-The-President Biden's open borders? We all know that you are a deranged #NeverTrump cultist... But really... embracing the White House occupant on migration?

    We should all get behind the MAGA candidate with a proven record of delivering. That's what Trump's 1st Term was about. Why are you trying to deny Republicans the only MAGA candidate in their Primary?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mikel

  163. @Beckow
    @John Johnson

    ...Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias
    Riight...that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more "attackers" are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on "CNN".

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue - you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    Ok, we get it, you hate the "Russians", who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don't win this war? What then? What odds would you put on the Kiev victory in the war? 10%? 25%? Would you put your own money on that bet?

    Replies: @John Johnson

    …Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias

    Riight…that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more “attackers” are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on “CNN”.

    What are you saying didn’t happen? The attack by anti-Putin Russian militias? You do realize they have made videos of themselves attacking Russian troops in Belogrod?

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue – you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    One sided nonsense? You’re another Putin defender that is just as information selective as an emotional liberal White woman that watches CNN.

    Here is one of many videos that anti-Putin Russian militias have made:

    Ok, we get it, you hate the “Russians“, who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don’t win this war?

    Russia has already lost by Putin’s own standards. He originally said the war is about preventing the expansion of NATO and his stupid invasion drew Finland out of neutrality. Well have a look at a map of the world. Finland has more border with Russia than Ukraine. Oh and there will be no missile silos in Finland as that was always a bullshit excuse. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos in Europe but Putin’s bootlickers never bothered to fact check him.

    Or are you talking about a march on Kiev? I don’t see how that is possible when they failed the first time and with elite forces. Doing it with village drunk conscripts would be an even bigger disaster. Putin already signaled that he would be content with taking Donbas. So his best hope is an armistice which would still make the war technically a loss if we go by his original speech. This isn’t Russian State TV and where such things aren’t mentioned.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Did you ever liaison with Chechens in the late 1990? Anyone called Djoker Dsanaev by chance?

    , @Beckow
    @John Johnson

    ...What are you saying didn’t happen?
    You have a reading comprehension problem. That's not what I said. You refuse to see what doesn't fit your ideological narrative.

    The rest of your post are the usual - and quite typical - American boasts about wiining and "losing"...for god sake, US has lost in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc...but somehow you go on with your head in your ass boasting and looking ridiculous.

    You couldn't even defeat a bunch of badly armed pyjama-wearing peasants and goat herders. You lost thousands of lives, billions in treasure and then run away. But you work so hard on denying it, lying to yourself and looking very ridiculous to the rest of the world. You are at it again with Ukraine. It looks pathological...

  164. @Mikel

    the people writing the Patriot press releases now are just like the ones back in the Gulf War. They have no idea what really happened, but do like to write jazzy stories. Some people in the government know what happened but they are under no obligation to tell the truth about it.
    Finally some sensible sentences on this war from you.

    Contrary to what demoralized AK said recently, the question of whether the Patriot (or any other American system) can take out hypersonic Russian missiles or not is of big military importance that goes well beyond Ukraine. I recall Congress hearings not long ago where Pentagon officials admitted America's lack of defenses against such weapons. It is also public knowledge that building its own hypersonic weapons is one of America's top priorities at the moment. If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it. All I see is dubious media reports and Ukrainian claims that, as is well known, are prima facie negative evidence.

    On the 0ther hand, it is also likely that the Russians greatly exaggerated the specs of their Kinzhals and/or are still learning to use them in real combat conditions so the issue is undecided.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it.

    That already exits:

    You simply aren’t looking for it.

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.

    It’s a software based system and no one knew the capabilities until it was deployed.

    There is no law of the universe that says an object flying at supersonic speed cannot be intercepted.

    Yes this means that Putin was wrong. What a shame since he had such a glowing track record on his own military capability up until that point.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    I just don’t see how the Ukies can moved infantry forward over mine belts. If Russkies can drop a device that lays a minefield from an artillery shell or from a plane, the Ukies have to use Hovercraft.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @Mikel
    @John Johnson

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.
    One Pentagon official saying that one Patriot took out one Kinzhal (flying at what speed?) is not a very conclusive proof that the hypersonic threat has been technologically solved. Or that all the rest of Ukrainian claims are true.

    Replies: @QCIC

  165. SpaceX has successfully landed a booster 200x. By now (7.5 years after first landing), I was near about sure someone would have caught up to them.

    Maybe, it is because everyone is trying to do nat gas. But I wonder what all the futurists have to say about it. Doesn’t exactly seem like the singularity, when nobody can even copy 2015 tech.

    Maybe, it is because a lot of it is artificial and driven by government. Perhaps, a worrying prospect for future decline, when the wheels may come off the subsidies.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
  166. AP says:
    @The Big Red Scary

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual. In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean who are untouched by the very real horror. I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors, you would have seen where this was going. However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed that you are unable to see that "winning" this easily avoidable war would be the death of Ukraine anyway.

    Replies: @AP

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.

    In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean

    In the present case it is the result of Russia’s leaders lusting for power and willing to kill for it. This is why Russia is the one who invaded. The alleged provocations (NATO membership, EU, etc.) are nothing more than guarantees that Russia will not be able to seize Ukraine in the future. Russia acted before the guarantees could be put in place. It chose to kill for the purpose of achieving power. An ancient temptation to do evil.

    I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors

    The people of Ukraine did not want Russian invaders on their land and were willing to fight in order to prevent this. They are not the aggressors.

    However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed

    GAE has higher rates of church attendance, lower rates of abortion, lower rates of HIV, lower rates of murder among those of Euro descent, etc. than does the place where you have chosen to live. And it doesn’t slaughter 100,000+ Christians, as Russia does.

    I suggest you check the stain upon your own moral intuitions, given the environment you are in.

    And Russia does not kill the GAE. Russia kills people in Ukraine, who are more-Christian cousins of Russians themselves. It often does so by using Muslims and heathens. Under a Patriarch who owes his position to service to the Soviet regime. Is it true that he has defrocked priests who opposed the war against the Christian country?

    Tell us more about your moral intuition.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.
    I would have preferred to avoid this war altogether, but that would have required Russia to have prevented the bombing of Serbia in 1998 at the earliest, and to have invaded Ukraine in 2014 at the latest. In the present, seeing the war to the full demilitarization of Ukraine is the only chance at avoiding a larger European war, and is certainly no guarantee of that. So we might very well end up in a situation where all my loved ones are bombed on both sides of the ocean.

    As for Christians in the US, I am sadly intimately familiar with their degeneration over the last decades. Rob Dreher was right that the Benedict Option is all that's left. Unfortunately, he should have followed his own advice.

    I also see everyday the scars left on the Russian people by the horrors of communism. Fortunately, I've also seen over the years a very gradual awakening of historical and Orthodox conscience in Russia. The raising of the Rainbow Curtain and the heating up of the Second Cold War has accelerated the process.

    From what I saw during my visits to Ukraine, I think you are correct that there are more faithful Orthodox there, currently under increasing persecution by the Zhido-Banderovets state and the schismatics (speaking of de-frocked pederasts). The end result of that will be very terrible, as foretold by startsy Iona of Odessa and Zosima of Donetsk.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Greasy William

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.
    Well where do you draw the line? At what point do you become so alienated from your society that you want it to experience some damage so that it can return to sanity? Or is there no limit for you?

    Replies: @AP

  167. A123 says: • Website

    President Biden’s ability to deliver is less than reliable.
    Look who's talking. If his predecessor had been able to deliver a quarter of what Biden has delivered for his supporters and his endorsers, I'd be voting for him with my eyes closed in 2024. Btw, this idea that a President is legally constrained on what he can do to actually enforce immigration law on the southern border while another President has no legal constraints to keep that border effectively open and let millions of undocumented immigrants flood the US is deranged.

    Replies: @A123

    Trump had the “Stay in Mexico” program. Of course, you hate that achievement. And, you deny its existence as it does not fit your narrative.

    Why are up supporting Not-The-President Biden’s open borders? We all know that you are a deranged #NeverTrump cultist… But really… embracing the White House occupant on migration?

    We should all get behind the MAGA candidate with a proven record of delivering. That’s what Trump’s 1st Term was about. Why are you trying to deny Republicans the only MAGA candidate in their Primary?

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mikel

    Why are up supporting Not-The-President Biden’s open borders?
    As expected, braindead answer to my comparison between the effectiveness of both presidents at carrying out their agendas and the lack of excuses for not building the wall.

    In fact, one of the reasons for Trump not promising again to build the wall is that he's actually telling his supporters at the rallies that he did finish the wall (same as he claimed during the CNN interview). And I guess this is accepted as truth in the fact-free Trumpland that you inhabit. Why not? He can also declassify secret documents by just thinking about it, never had an affair with Stormy Daniels and will end the Ukraine war in 24 hours.

    As Ann Coulter said, if Trump finished the wall let's then have the first debate between him and DeSantis in front of the last segment of the wall he built lol.

    Replies: @A123

  168. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual
    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.

    In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean


    In the present case it is the result of Russia’s leaders lusting for power and willing to kill for it. This is why Russia is the one who invaded. The alleged provocations (NATO membership, EU, etc.) are nothing more than guarantees that Russia will not be able to seize Ukraine in the future. Russia acted before the guarantees could be put in place. It chose to kill for the purpose of achieving power. An ancient temptation to do evil.

    I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors
    The people of Ukraine did not want Russian invaders on their land and were willing to fight in order to prevent this. They are not the aggressors.

    However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed


    GAE has higher rates of church attendance, lower rates of abortion, lower rates of HIV, lower rates of murder among those of Euro descent, etc. than does the place where you have chosen to live. And it doesn’t slaughter 100,000+ Christians, as Russia does.

    I suggest you check the stain upon your own moral intuitions, given the environment you are in.

    And Russia does not kill the GAE. Russia kills people in Ukraine, who are more-Christian cousins of Russians themselves. It often does so by using Muslims and heathens. Under a Patriarch who owes his position to service to the Soviet regime. Is it true that he has defrocked priests who opposed the war against the Christian country?

    Tell us more about your moral intuition.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    I would have preferred to avoid this war altogether, but that would have required Russia to have prevented the bombing of Serbia in 1998 at the earliest, and to have invaded Ukraine in 2014 at the latest. In the present, seeing the war to the full demilitarization of Ukraine is the only chance at avoiding a larger European war, and is certainly no guarantee of that. So we might very well end up in a situation where all my loved ones are bombed on both sides of the ocean.

    As for Christians in the US, I am sadly intimately familiar with their degeneration over the last decades. Rob Dreher was right that the Benedict Option is all that’s left. Unfortunately, he should have followed his own advice.

    I also see everyday the scars left on the Russian people by the horrors of communism. Fortunately, I’ve also seen over the years a very gradual awakening of historical and Orthodox conscience in Russia. The raising of the Rainbow Curtain and the heating up of the Second Cold War has accelerated the process.

    From what I saw during my visits to Ukraine, I think you are correct that there are more faithful Orthodox there, currently under increasing persecution by the Zhido-Banderovets state and the schismatics (speaking of de-frocked pederasts). The end result of that will be very terrible, as foretold by startsy Iona of Odessa and Zosima of Donetsk.

    • Replies: @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    I would have preferred to avoid this war altogether, but that would have required Russia to have prevented the bombing of Serbia in 1998 at the earliest, and to have invaded Ukraine in 2014 at the latest
    Or, you know, not to have invaded Ukraine at all.

    In the present, seeing the war to the full demilitarization of Ukraine is the only chance at avoiding a larger European war
    So to prevent a hypothetical future war (that would never happen, because nobody would invade Russia with its nukes) you support an actual war against a Christian European people, killing 100,000s (soldiers and civilians included) on both sides. For full demilitarization to be achieved the death toll might top a million or more, though thankfully I think Russia will give up before this would be achieved (or would be incapable of achieving it).

    And somehow you think that this is less immoral than convincing a few hundred mentally ill people to get castrated, and perverts dancing at a parade.

    Actually, do you think that the perversion is more evil in its expression, or in the fact that it’s presence in the West inspires Russians to slaughter Christians in Ukraine?

    As for Christians in the US, I am sadly intimately familiar with their degeneration over the last decades
    The numbers for church attendance, abortions, HIV, etc. murder, etc. speak for themselves.

    I also see everyday the scars left on the Russian people by the horrors of communism
    The bloodthirsty attitude towards war against the Christians of Ukraine is one of those scars. The nature of hierarchy of the Church itself is one of them.

    I’ve also seen over the years a very gradual awakening of historical and Orthodox conscience in Russia
    Given that this had led to slaughtering of Christian who are far genuine in their Christianity than the Russians themselves, it would seem that there is something twisted in this awakening.

    From what I saw during my visits to Ukraine, I think you are correct that there are more faithful Orthodox there, currently under increasing persecution by the Zhido-Banderovets state and the schismatics
    The ones you call schismatics go to church more and abort less than do people in Russia, which has brought death to Christian Ukrainians. And their hierarch isn’t a former servant of the atheist Soviet state.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  169. AP says:

    ...I went to university with a count from your region
    What are you 90-years old? (That would explain a lot...:)

    We don't care about the "nobility" bullshit that you push here, the inbred homos (many among them) are dead or pretend for the Hollywood types something about their "pedigree'. You are so removed from it that you buy the nonsense.

    My grandpa had a former "Hungarian countess" as a servant, she milked his cows and could barely spell her name and was so sickly she couldn't chew on her food. Central Europe in the 20th century was full of these losers, they couldn't really work, they were too lazy, some were angry and tried to leave for "America" so they could hustle fools like you. Many simply died off. Their blood was too thin.

    The survivors intermarried to healthier stock with some actual blood flow. I feel sorry for you that you buy this nonsense. On examination, almost all these "nobles" turn out to make up stuff, invent myths and lie. The "noble" blood is among all of us, they melted into the population. But if you have nothing else to hold on to, by all means, dream about the "nobility". But it makes you look like a nerdy American fool.

    Replies: @AP

    “I went to university with a count from your region”

    What are you 90-years old? (That would explain a lot…:)

    Nah, it was in the early 90s. His family restored their position and influence by the time Communism fell, then leveraged it and became rich by Western standards too (I’ll avoid details to avoid doxxing). It’s inevitable, thieves and murderers create temporary problems and tragedies but the families come back.

    My grandpa had a former “Hungarian countess” as a servant, she milked his cows

    That’s a very sad story. Reality is a bit different though:

    “ the descendants of the eighteenth century upper classes in Hungary were still significantly privileged during the period 1949 to 2017”

    “ even by 2010–17 someone with a surname inherited from the eighteenth century upper class was still 2.5 times more likely to gain a medical qualification than the average non-Romani person”


    Yes, when thieves dispossessed the rightful owners there were such stories. People had to milk cows, or sweep floors. But the setbacks were temporary. Their kids and grandkids would return more or less to where their ancestors had been. Wasn’t some prince, the Czech Republic’s foreign minister for awhile?

    And below that, among the untitled there are professors, attorneys, physicians, etc. I posted links to data from Hungary, Sweden, and China (this is universal). These families continue to be overrepresented. You can lie all you want, the reality is clear.

    On examination, almost all these “nobles” turn out to make up stuff, invent myths and lie

    No that’s you. Just as a thief thinks everyone else is a thief, you think everyone else is a liar.

    The “noble” blood is among all of us, they melted into the population

    The very slow rate of downward mobility can be explained by occasional careless dilution (marrying a cute maid or secretary, for example).

    But if you have nothing else to hold on to, by all means, dream about the “nobility

    You are the one with the unhealthy obsession. Who said “nothing else to hold onto?” Is it projection again?

    • Replies: @Beckow

    You are a poseur and a fool totally disconnected from how people in the Central-Eastern Europe think. Trying to parade your "noble blood" here is infantile and repulsive.

    Look up what people did to your noble Polish-Galician ancestors already in the 1846 attempted "Polish" revolution - they killed about a thousand "nobles" and brought their heads to the Habsburg officials to collect a bounty. As Metternich commented "the silly Polish aristocrats staged a democratic revolution but forgot to actually include the people"...

    Let that idiotic nonsense go. You are a few centuries behind times - it only devalues you as an infantile fool raised on silly Hollywood 'blue blood' myths. Do you also worship British "royalty"? You probably do, together with a few million frustrated elderly ladies around the world...

    Replies: @AP

  170. The Patriot is joke, and this war has proven it again.

  171. AP says:
    @The Big Red Scary

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.
    I would have preferred to avoid this war altogether, but that would have required Russia to have prevented the bombing of Serbia in 1998 at the earliest, and to have invaded Ukraine in 2014 at the latest. In the present, seeing the war to the full demilitarization of Ukraine is the only chance at avoiding a larger European war, and is certainly no guarantee of that. So we might very well end up in a situation where all my loved ones are bombed on both sides of the ocean.

    As for Christians in the US, I am sadly intimately familiar with their degeneration over the last decades. Rob Dreher was right that the Benedict Option is all that's left. Unfortunately, he should have followed his own advice.

    I also see everyday the scars left on the Russian people by the horrors of communism. Fortunately, I've also seen over the years a very gradual awakening of historical and Orthodox conscience in Russia. The raising of the Rainbow Curtain and the heating up of the Second Cold War has accelerated the process.

    From what I saw during my visits to Ukraine, I think you are correct that there are more faithful Orthodox there, currently under increasing persecution by the Zhido-Banderovets state and the schismatics (speaking of de-frocked pederasts). The end result of that will be very terrible, as foretold by startsy Iona of Odessa and Zosima of Donetsk.

    Replies: @AP

    I would have preferred to avoid this war altogether, but that would have required Russia to have prevented the bombing of Serbia in 1998 at the earliest, and to have invaded Ukraine in 2014 at the latest

    Or, you know, not to have invaded Ukraine at all.

    In the present, seeing the war to the full demilitarization of Ukraine is the only chance at avoiding a larger European war

    So to prevent a hypothetical future war (that would never happen, because nobody would invade Russia with its nukes) you support an actual war against a Christian European people, killing 100,000s (soldiers and civilians included) on both sides. For full demilitarization to be achieved the death toll might top a million or more, though thankfully I think Russia will give up before this would be achieved (or would be incapable of achieving it).

    And somehow you think that this is less immoral than convincing a few hundred mentally ill people to get castrated, and perverts dancing at a parade.

    Actually, do you think that the perversion is more evil in its expression, or in the fact that it’s presence in the West inspires Russians to slaughter Christians in Ukraine?

    As for Christians in the US, I am sadly intimately familiar with their degeneration over the last decades

    The numbers for church attendance, abortions, HIV, etc. murder, etc. speak for themselves.

    I also see everyday the scars left on the Russian people by the horrors of communism

    The bloodthirsty attitude towards war against the Christians of Ukraine is one of those scars. The nature of hierarchy of the Church itself is one of them.

    I’ve also seen over the years a very gradual awakening of historical and Orthodox conscience in Russia

    Given that this had led to slaughtering of Christian who are far genuine in their Christianity than the Russians themselves, it would seem that there is something twisted in this awakening.

    From what I saw during my visits to Ukraine, I think you are correct that there are more faithful Orthodox there, currently under increasing persecution by the Zhido-Banderovets state and the schismatics

    The ones you call schismatics go to church more and abort less than do people in Russia, which has brought death to Christian Ukrainians. And their hierarch isn’t a former servant of the atheist Soviet state.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    AP's framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades. In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line, will certainly be the largest, and will probably ultimately extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

  172. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    Honestly, yes. War is a terribly normal part of human history, and this one is not worse than usual
    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.

    In most cases war is the result of conflicting interests, in the present case the inevitable result of the diabolical ambitions of Jews and pederasts across the ocean


    In the present case it is the result of Russia’s leaders lusting for power and willing to kill for it. This is why Russia is the one who invaded. The alleged provocations (NATO membership, EU, etc.) are nothing more than guarantees that Russia will not be able to seize Ukraine in the future. Russia acted before the guarantees could be put in place. It chose to kill for the purpose of achieving power. An ancient temptation to do evil.

    I would have expected that just as a pragmatic matter, to prevent the destruction of the land of your ancestors
    The people of Ukraine did not want Russian invaders on their land and were willing to fight in order to prevent this. They are not the aggressors.

    However, evidently simply by living in GAE your moral intuitions have been so deformed


    GAE has higher rates of church attendance, lower rates of abortion, lower rates of HIV, lower rates of murder among those of Euro descent, etc. than does the place where you have chosen to live. And it doesn’t slaughter 100,000+ Christians, as Russia does.

    I suggest you check the stain upon your own moral intuitions, given the environment you are in.

    And Russia does not kill the GAE. Russia kills people in Ukraine, who are more-Christian cousins of Russians themselves. It often does so by using Muslims and heathens. Under a Patriarch who owes his position to service to the Soviet regime. Is it true that he has defrocked priests who opposed the war against the Christian country?

    Tell us more about your moral intuition.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.

    Well where do you draw the line? At what point do you become so alienated from your society that you want it to experience some damage so that it can return to sanity? Or is there no limit for you?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Greasy William

    I’m not sure exactly where that point would be, but I know we are not remotely close to where Russia bombing my city, potentially killing my family and friends, Chechens gang-raping some of them, etc. is the preferred option. Maybe that makes me weird by Unz commenter standards, or immoral by the standards of Stalin-created Russian Orthodox Church. When I read about some crazy mothers taking their kids to see a gyrating pervert I don’t think - “well, a few thousand people, maybe my brother, or my niece, or my childhood friend being burned alive or torn apart by shrapnel would be worth it to make it stop.”

    But that’s just me.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  173. Interesting analysis of the current offensive, confirming some of my intuitions:

    It seems that we are back to WWI time in the sense that defence prevails over attack. It also means this war will go on and on.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Same ridiculous source claimed in February that Russia’s unstoppable offensive was about to begin and that Ukraine engages in chemical warfare. And that the Patriot system was destroyed right away.

  174. @Another Polish Perspective
    Interesting analysis of the current offensive, confirming some of my intuitions:

    It seems that we are back to WWI time in the sense that defence prevails over attack. It also means this war will go on and on.

    Replies: @AP

    Same ridiculous source claimed in February that Russia’s unstoppable offensive was about to begin and that Ukraine engages in chemical warfare. And that the Patriot system was destroyed right away.

  175. You folks read too much garbage.

    Have some real food.


    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @Greasy William

  176. AP says:
    @Greasy William

    Well, thanks for your honesty. Apparently, you would rather subject your loved ones to bombing, and high possibility of death, robbery and rape rather than having perverts dance at a public library down the street. Because war is more commonplace in history.

    To each his own, I suppose.
    Well where do you draw the line? At what point do you become so alienated from your society that you want it to experience some damage so that it can return to sanity? Or is there no limit for you?

    Replies: @AP

    I’m not sure exactly where that point would be, but I know we are not remotely close to where Russia bombing my city, potentially killing my family and friends, Chechens gang-raping some of them, etc. is the preferred option. Maybe that makes me weird by Unz commenter standards, or immoral by the standards of Stalin-created Russian Orthodox Church. When I read about some crazy mothers taking their kids to see a gyrating pervert I don’t think – “well, a few thousand people, maybe my brother, or my niece, or my childhood friend being burned alive or torn apart by shrapnel would be worth it to make it stop.”

    But that’s just me.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don't think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.

    The one thing that I could potentially object it would be kids themselves performing in drag shows, such as Desmond is Amazing:

    Though I do support making child sex dolls and robots legal.

    Replies: @Yevardian

  177. @John Johnson

    If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it.

    That already exits:

    You simply aren't looking for it.

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.

    It's a software based system and no one knew the capabilities until it was deployed.

    There is no law of the universe that says an object flying at supersonic speed cannot be intercepted.

    Yes this means that Putin was wrong. What a shame since he had such a glowing track record on his own military capability up until that point.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikel

    I just don’t see how the Ukies can moved infantry forward over mine belts. If Russkies can drop a device that lays a minefield from an artillery shell or from a plane, the Ukies have to use Hovercraft.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    I just don’t see how the Ukies can moved infantry forward over mine belts. If Russkies can drop a device that lays a minefield from an artillery shell or from a plane, the Ukies have to use Hovercraft.

    The Russians ran into the same problem when trying to launch small offensives. The Ukrainians would see them coming on sats and mine the area with artillery.

    What they have to do push a path to the Russian defensive lines and then follow them out.

    This is partly why I thought they should hold off on announcing a grand offensive. I thought it made more sense to use probing attacks to find weak points and talk of an offensive as being later in the year. Announcing an offensive just puts the enemy on alert.

    Ukraine is a huge country. Both sides are facing the same logistical problems as the Hitler and Napolean. It's a lot of ground to cover and it is too easy for a breakthrough to be left isolated. I think at this point they should focus on wearing down the morale of the Russian public and not on land gains. Getting Kadyrov or Prigozhin out would be huge. But I get that Zelensky wants an offensive to maintain support of the west. He seems to have good generals but there is clearly political pressure. Could go a lot of ways but I think there is a good chance of a Russian rout. Based on some of the captured Russians they are really scraping the barrel. Putin is still holding off on mass conscripting urban Slavs from the middle class.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  178. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...This Slovak island should have been given to Hungary
    Probably, it was 80-90% populated by Magyars in 1918. It was originally assigned to Hungary but a Magyar delegation from the 'island' showed up in Versailles asking not to be separated from Bratislava that they depended on economically (markets, selling produce, working...).

    It was a backdoor attempt to hold on to Bratislava - the delegation was sponsored by Budapest - but it backfired and everything was assigned to Slovakia. Bratislava had a city center German plurality, but the larger Bratislava metro region had a Slovak majority - the north and north-east suburbs were purely Slovak. There was almost no chance that Magyars could claim it and by overreaching they also lost the "island".

    There are lessons for today in what happened after 1918 - we are in a very similar situation in Ukraine. If they don't act smart they may lose more than they think is possible. Or they can win the war...or can they?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Do you have a link to a book or article or something that talks about this story?

    Probably, it was 80-90% populated by Magyars in 1918. It was originally assigned to Hungary but a Magyar delegation from the ‘island’ showed up in Versailles asking not to be separated from Bratislava that they depended on economically (markets, selling produce, working…).

    I knew that it was assigned to Czechoslovakia for economic reasons; I just didn’t know that the Magyars themselves asked for this in a cynical and unsuccessful ploy for Hungary to keep Bratislava.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    There are a number of books about Trianon that talk about this in detail, and memoirs of the main players. Whether the Magyar action was cynical or savvy depends on the result. In this case it didn't work and made the settlement worse. Interestingly enough there was a real economic basis for keeping the "island" together with Bratislava - to this day the least nationalistic Magyars (most loyal to Slovakia based on voting) are the ones living on the "island" close to Bratislava.

    There is another small "island" on the right bank of Danube that became a part of Slovakia only in 1945 - the idea was to enlarge the hinterland. That small region had mostly Croatian population, so they assimilated very quickly. It is a suburb now. There is no such thing as 'natural' borders - it is all about power and ability to absorb territory. Then and now.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  179. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think that Russia as a civilizational space would be much more attractive if it would have had much more elite science production and R & D spending, though. And AI won’t make the issue of human capital irrelevant IMHO since just like smarter people can use search engines more effectively, smarter people are also likely going to be capable of using AI more effectively as well, such as with smarter and more creative prompts.
    It looks like the technological centers will most likely remain concentrated where they are now. In Russia's case, they will probably have to work with China in that regard. But China will be looking out for its own interests.

    As to the AI, while it won't make the human capital issue irrelevant, it actually could help alleviate the labor shortage, increase efficiencies and thus reduce the need for immigration. I started using an AI app recently and it is fantastic - but there is plenty of work left over anyway, it's just that it made things way more efficient and took out the more tedious parts of the work.

    Obviously Russia will need to democratize
    Don't count on it - they would have to build all the institutions, political parties, etc., from the ground up and everything has been wiped out (that said, people can build these quickly but it's a lot of work anyway to maintain it). Most likely things will start out with a clan war. My biggest fear is that the Legion will get pushed away (this is a very realistic scenario but hope springs eternal, so to speak).

    What’s a spaika?
    It is a symbol of Russian Whites (it is used in memory of Viktor Larionov).

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It looks like the technological centers will most likely remain concentrated where they are now. In Russia’s case, they will probably have to work with China in that regard. But China will be looking out for its own interests.

    Why not work with the West as well?

    As to the AI, while it won’t make the human capital issue irrelevant, it actually could help alleviate the labor shortage, increase efficiencies and thus reduce the need for immigration. I started using an AI app recently and it is fantastic – but there is plenty of work left over anyway, it’s just that it made things way more efficient and took out the more tedious parts of the work.

    What work did you use it for?

    Don’t count on it – they would have to build all the institutions, political parties, etc., from the ground up and everything has been wiped out (that said, people can build these quickly but it’s a lot of work anyway to maintain it). Most likely things will start out with a clan war. My biggest fear is that the Legion will get pushed away (this is a very realistic scenario but hope springs eternal, so to speak).

    Pushed away by whom?

    And Yeah, sure, building and sustaining democracy is not easy. Especially not for everyone.

    It is a symbol of Russian Whites (it is used in memory of Viktor Larionov).

    Thank you.

  180. @AP
    @Greasy William

    I’m not sure exactly where that point would be, but I know we are not remotely close to where Russia bombing my city, potentially killing my family and friends, Chechens gang-raping some of them, etc. is the preferred option. Maybe that makes me weird by Unz commenter standards, or immoral by the standards of Stalin-created Russian Orthodox Church. When I read about some crazy mothers taking their kids to see a gyrating pervert I don’t think - “well, a few thousand people, maybe my brother, or my niece, or my childhood friend being burned alive or torn apart by shrapnel would be worth it to make it stop.”

    But that’s just me.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don’t think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.

    The one thing that I could potentially object it would be kids themselves performing in drag shows, such as Desmond is Amazing:

    Though I do support making child sex dolls and robots legal.

    • Replies: @Yevardian
    @Mr. XYZ

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don’t think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.
    ..can we ban this sickening fggt?
    This place is turning into schizo reddit

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @songbird

  181. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    I would have preferred to avoid this war altogether, but that would have required Russia to have prevented the bombing of Serbia in 1998 at the earliest, and to have invaded Ukraine in 2014 at the latest
    Or, you know, not to have invaded Ukraine at all.

    In the present, seeing the war to the full demilitarization of Ukraine is the only chance at avoiding a larger European war
    So to prevent a hypothetical future war (that would never happen, because nobody would invade Russia with its nukes) you support an actual war against a Christian European people, killing 100,000s (soldiers and civilians included) on both sides. For full demilitarization to be achieved the death toll might top a million or more, though thankfully I think Russia will give up before this would be achieved (or would be incapable of achieving it).

    And somehow you think that this is less immoral than convincing a few hundred mentally ill people to get castrated, and perverts dancing at a parade.

    Actually, do you think that the perversion is more evil in its expression, or in the fact that it’s presence in the West inspires Russians to slaughter Christians in Ukraine?

    As for Christians in the US, I am sadly intimately familiar with their degeneration over the last decades
    The numbers for church attendance, abortions, HIV, etc. murder, etc. speak for themselves.

    I also see everyday the scars left on the Russian people by the horrors of communism
    The bloodthirsty attitude towards war against the Christians of Ukraine is one of those scars. The nature of hierarchy of the Church itself is one of them.

    I’ve also seen over the years a very gradual awakening of historical and Orthodox conscience in Russia
    Given that this had led to slaughtering of Christian who are far genuine in their Christianity than the Russians themselves, it would seem that there is something twisted in this awakening.

    From what I saw during my visits to Ukraine, I think you are correct that there are more faithful Orthodox there, currently under increasing persecution by the Zhido-Banderovets state and the schismatics
    The ones you call schismatics go to church more and abort less than do people in Russia, which has brought death to Christian Ukrainians. And their hierarch isn’t a former servant of the atheist Soviet state.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades. In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line, will certainly be the largest, and will probably ultimately extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.

    • Replies: @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decade
    Sweden or the USA are not more "virulent" than the USSR that murdered millions of Christians and slaughtered 100,000s of priests and monks.

    And this war, unleashed upon a Christina people, was started by Russia. The greatest killer of Christians in the 21st century. It often even uses Muslims and heathens to do its dirty work.

    This is the side you support. It is where you "morality" has led you. To support a war of an HIV-infected, aborting, non-churchgoing people (but they build churches, which they don't attend) upon a devout people who wanted to be free of your kind. Using the existence of Western perverts as an excuse for your side's mass murder and rape.

    In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line
    Indeed, Moscow has gone to war may times in the past against Christian peoples.

    Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.
    My ancestral homeland fights against the Russian hordes. It chooses to do so. The good people of Ukraine have been attacked by a bloodthirsty collection of fake Christians (who don't live Christian lives as evidenced by lack of participation in the Sacraments, HIV, abortion, etc.), Chechens, and various heathens. They fight to defend their homes, families, communities, and churches. I support my people.

    My homeland where I was born is on the same side. And I live here, and do what I can to oppose the downward slide here.

    You have betrayed your homeland after having abandoned it. You betrayed it for a place that in all ways other than sexual weirdness is far less moral than your homeland. But you have retained the Puritan obsession with sexual propriety and the drive to kill "heathens" and take their lands. You have turned these instincts upon Christian Ukrainians. Under the patronage of a Patriarch raised by the KGB, who defrocks priests who oppose this war upon upon Christians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Mr. XYZ
    @The Big Red Scary

    Wokism is far more virulent than Communism? Really? Just how many people has Wokism killed relative to Communism? Several orders of magnitude less, no doubt. The main people killed by Wokism have been thousands of mostly low-IQ blacks, at the hands of other, more brutal and violent blacks, due to Woke support for BLM and defunding the police. Communism, in contrast, has killed tens of millions of mostly high-IQ people (Eastern Slavs and East Asians; Cambodians are a notable exception to this rule but aren't that numerous from a statistical perspective among all of the victims of Communism) throughout its entire history, and its effect was much more dysgenic, if one actually cares about that stuff.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades.

    Well why don't you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin's abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Russia has the world's highest abortion rate, the second highest alcoholism rate, most atheists in Europe, highest HIV rate in Europe and a negative fertility rate (but not its Muslims).

    Do explain how expanding the borders of this decaying totalitarian empire sticks it to the left. I've asked this question for over a year and haven't been given an answer.

    How does killing over 100k Slavic men stick it to the left. Last I check the left is united around the idea that Whites should be wiped off the planet. How is Putin not serving that goal?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

  182. @John Johnson

    …Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias


    Riight…that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more “attackers” are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on “CNN”.

    What are you saying didn't happen? The attack by anti-Putin Russian militias? You do realize they have made videos of themselves attacking Russian troops in Belogrod?

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue – you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    One sided nonsense? You're another Putin defender that is just as information selective as an emotional liberal White woman that watches CNN.

    Here is one of many videos that anti-Putin Russian militias have made:

    Ok, we get it, you hate the “Russians“, who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don’t win this war?

    Russia has already lost by Putin's own standards. He originally said the war is about preventing the expansion of NATO and his stupid invasion drew Finland out of neutrality. Well have a look at a map of the world. Finland has more border with Russia than Ukraine. Oh and there will be no missile silos in Finland as that was always a bullshit excuse. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos in Europe but Putin's bootlickers never bothered to fact check him.

    Or are you talking about a march on Kiev? I don't see how that is possible when they failed the first time and with elite forces. Doing it with village drunk conscripts would be an even bigger disaster. Putin already signaled that he would be content with taking Donbas. So his best hope is an armistice which would still make the war technically a loss if we go by his original speech. This isn't Russian State TV and where such things aren't mentioned.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow

    Did you ever liaison with Chechens in the late 1990? Anyone called Djoker Dsanaev by chance?

  183. @John Johnson

    If it had been clearly proven that the Patriot system can intercept truly hypersonic missiles, military analysts and possibly official sources themselves would be making much more noise about it.

    That already exits:

    You simply aren't looking for it.

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.

    It's a software based system and no one knew the capabilities until it was deployed.

    There is no law of the universe that says an object flying at supersonic speed cannot be intercepted.

    Yes this means that Putin was wrong. What a shame since he had such a glowing track record on his own military capability up until that point.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mikel

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.

    One Pentagon official saying that one Patriot took out one Kinzhal (flying at what speed?) is not a very conclusive proof that the hypersonic threat has been technologically solved. Or that all the rest of Ukrainian claims are true.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    The threat-countermeasure game is always changing. Hypersonic missiles are just the latest thing which were already being looked at during the cold war. After 199o the USA decided it won the Cold War (End of History) and focussed on blowing away goat herders. This may not have reduced defense spending but less funding remained for many advanced weapon developments. After watching this for a few years, the Russians apparently decided to keep working on their advanced weapons as a counter against superior Western numbers. Most of the Western gear is offensive-minded while much of the Russian gear is defensive-minded. Since this war is close to Russia's border it probably favors her technology, even though the troops have to drive over the border to engage the Ukrainians. Kharkov is much closer to the border.

    There have been reports since the beginning of the SMO that the Iskander missile can eject decoys for RF countermeasures and recent claims suggest the Kinzhal has the same. If accurate this unequivocally shows these Russian hypersonic missiles are at risk from at least some interceptors. Nonetheless, I think the Russians learned what they needed to know about efficiently defeating the Patriot system in the Kiev strike. All I can say is don't stand too close to a Patriot battery.

  184. @A123

    Trump had the "Stay in Mexico" program. Of course, you hate that achievement. And, you deny its existence as it does not fit your narrative.

    Why are up supporting Not-The-President Biden's open borders? We all know that you are a deranged #NeverTrump cultist... But really... embracing the White House occupant on migration?

    We should all get behind the MAGA candidate with a proven record of delivering. That's what Trump's 1st Term was about. Why are you trying to deny Republicans the only MAGA candidate in their Primary?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mikel

    Why are up supporting Not-The-President Biden’s open borders?

    As expected, braindead answer to my comparison between the effectiveness of both presidents at carrying out their agendas and the lack of excuses for not building the wall.

    In fact, one of the reasons for Trump not promising again to build the wall is that he’s actually telling his supporters at the rallies that he did finish the wall (same as he claimed during the CNN interview). And I guess this is accepted as truth in the fact-free Trumpland that you inhabit. Why not? He can also declassify secret documents by just thinking about it, never had an affair with Stormy Daniels and will end the Ukraine war in 24 hours.

    As Ann Coulter said, if Trump finished the wall let’s then have the first debate between him and DeSantis in front of the last segment of the wall he built lol.

    • Replies: @A123

    As expected your #NeverTrump cult extremism led you to lie.... Again...

        I know you are lying.
            You know you are lying.
                Everyone knows you are lying.

    Why do you continue to fabricate obviously fallacious inequivalences? Everyone sees that you are behaving irrationally.

    Why do you refuse to grasp that the anti-MAGA House refused to provide Appropriation for wall building. Those capable of understanding and honesty see the plain truth. Trump did as well as he could transferring funds between accounts to resource barrier construction. Only liars, such as yourself, state differently.

    Trump's 1st term OVER PERFORMED versus the limits placed on him by an anti-MAGA House, anti-MAGA Senate, & anti-MAGA Judiciary.

    What do you hope to gain by lying for your #NeverTrump cult? Why do you support Not-The-President Biden's open borders rather than Trump's highly successful "Remain in Mexico" program?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  185. AP says:
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP's framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades. In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line, will certainly be the largest, and will probably ultimately extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decade

    Sweden or the USA are not more “virulent” than the USSR that murdered millions of Christians and slaughtered 100,000s of priests and monks.

    And this war, unleashed upon a Christina people, was started by Russia. The greatest killer of Christians in the 21st century. It often even uses Muslims and heathens to do its dirty work.

    This is the side you support. It is where you “morality” has led you. To support a war of an HIV-infected, aborting, non-churchgoing people (but they build churches, which they don’t attend) upon a devout people who wanted to be free of your kind. Using the existence of Western perverts as an excuse for your side’s mass murder and rape.

    In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line

    Indeed, Moscow has gone to war may times in the past against Christian peoples.

    Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.

    My ancestral homeland fights against the Russian hordes. It chooses to do so. The good people of Ukraine have been attacked by a bloodthirsty collection of fake Christians (who don’t live Christian lives as evidenced by lack of participation in the Sacraments, HIV, abortion, etc.), Chechens, and various heathens. They fight to defend their homes, families, communities, and churches. I support my people.

    My homeland where I was born is on the same side. And I live here, and do what I can to oppose the downward slide here.

    You have betrayed your homeland after having abandoned it. You betrayed it for a place that in all ways other than sexual weirdness is far less moral than your homeland. But you have retained the Puritan obsession with sexual propriety and the drive to kill “heathens” and take their lands. You have turned these instincts upon Christian Ukrainians. Under the patronage of a Patriarch raised by the KGB, who defrocks priests who oppose this war upon upon Christians.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Thanks: John Johnson
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Beautifully written, AP!

    As a side note, I hope that with the increased Ukrainian nationalism throughout all of Ukraine as a result of this war, all of Ukraine will adopt (traditionally Christian) Galician mores and norms in regards to things such as discouraging illegitimate births, abortions (unless the fetuses are disabled), STDs, et cetera.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  186. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Scythians are an interesting people, but Scythians were not present in the Baltic region, it's possible that they tried to attack there but were repelled. As to the archeological study, once again, they used both genetic and isotopic testing - they tested the tooth enamel to determine the geographic origin of each person. They determined that two individuals were from NorthEastern Europe and comparing the climate determined it was Lithuania. So at least one individual there is the ancestor or Old Prussians, Yatvingians or Lithuanians. Of course, it is possible that based on the haplogroup this could've been someone from the area that is now northern Poland or NorthEastern Germany, but the Slavic tribes lived further West (the ancestors of Obodrites, etc).

    If you are doubting this, then you are doubting the methods of the study because there is a whole list of other individuals who are listed as having arrived from various places that were tested with the same method. This doesn't exclude that there were some Scythians there (if you check the list in the docs that were added to the study). It would also make total sense if, let's say, ancestors of Croatians had been there.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    LatW, there were no separate back then and no separate Slavs. It was the same population. On the North-Eastern side it was influenced by the Ugric Akozino Ananino folks, on the Western side by the Celts and possibly Germans (although the proto-Germans were still mostly confined to Scandinavia), on the South Eastern side they become influenced by the Scythians and on the South Western by the Dacians and Tracians. Those who were influenced by the Scythians become Slavs, those who were influenced by the Ugric, Celtic (and possibly Germans) become Baltic. those to the South become the sedentary “Scythian ploughmen”. But they were all proto-Balto-Slavic back then. Most probably these two guys mentioned in the article were from the subgroup of this ancestral population that were called Veneti and who were often involved into amber trade. There were three groups of Veneti: the Baltic, the Adriatic and the ones in modern day Bretagne in France who were expert sailers and seamen. Although they are seen as three unrelated populations, it is well possible that they are actually a single people that ended up separate and settling far away locations after joining the Celtic migration to the West. The Baltic Veneti are considered as the ancestors of the Wends (the Germanic ethnonym Wend would have been derived from Venet). Anyway, if you want to think that these two guys were Balts, then it is fine by me. I don’t really care, perhaps they were. No big deal.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Ivashka the fool

    there were no separate back then and no separate Slavs.
    Should have read:

    there were no separate Balts back then and no separate Slavs.
    , @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    LatW, there were no separate Balts back then and no separate Slavs. It was the same population.
    The population was spread over a very wide area and it is not known when the language split - very different estimates are made (in my head, the language is not fully split even to this day, but that's just because I'm obsessed with languages, the opinions of linguists differ). And, of course, it's not even that important who it was, but they did specify countries from the forensic dental tests. Don't know how accurate those are. In the study, they give a wider geographic region but they also specify current countries - why would they do that if they didn't have the specific data.

    That's not the point even, to me someone who would've been the ancestor of, let's say, Kashubians, would also have been a historic curiosity if they had ventured there. There are always strong and adventurous people who do this (today there are international athletes), and there are always people who want rewards, back then the south was more affluent, it's the other way from how it is today. There is another mystery, the Prague Castle skeleton, which is equally interesting (but from a much later era).

    They are claiming it's an ancestor of Czechs but who knows.

    On the North-Eastern side it was influenced by the Ugric Akozino Ananino folks


    When the ancestors first arrived in the Baltic area they lived a little bit more towards the south, the coastline was populated by the Finnic peoples. Only later they pushed towards the coast and assimilated the Finnic people, that's where the genetic mixing happened.

    and the ones in modern day Bretagne in France who were expert sailers and seamen
    They lived very far West, I've heard of Baltic hydronyms having been found in Portugal. I can't find the source right away from the top of my head, but I remember reading about it.
  187. @The Big Red Scary

    AP's framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades. In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line, will certainly be the largest, and will probably ultimately extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    Wokism is far more virulent than Communism? Really? Just how many people has Wokism killed relative to Communism? Several orders of magnitude less, no doubt. The main people killed by Wokism have been thousands of mostly low-IQ blacks, at the hands of other, more brutal and violent blacks, due to Woke support for BLM and defunding the police. Communism, in contrast, has killed tens of millions of mostly high-IQ people (Eastern Slavs and East Asians; Cambodians are a notable exception to this rule but aren’t that numerous from a statistical perspective among all of the victims of Communism) throughout its entire history, and its effect was much more dysgenic, if one actually cares about that stuff.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Communism was mostly Jews taking over white societies. Certainly the very violent periods of it. In China, I dunno what went on. There are probably ethnic conflicts just below the surface that are not talked about.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  188. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    I just don’t see how the Ukies can moved infantry forward over mine belts. If Russkies can drop a device that lays a minefield from an artillery shell or from a plane, the Ukies have to use Hovercraft.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    I just don’t see how the Ukies can moved infantry forward over mine belts. If Russkies can drop a device that lays a minefield from an artillery shell or from a plane, the Ukies have to use Hovercraft.

    The Russians ran into the same problem when trying to launch small offensives. The Ukrainians would see them coming on sats and mine the area with artillery.

    What they have to do push a path to the Russian defensive lines and then follow them out.

    This is partly why I thought they should hold off on announcing a grand offensive. I thought it made more sense to use probing attacks to find weak points and talk of an offensive as being later in the year. Announcing an offensive just puts the enemy on alert.

    Ukraine is a huge country. Both sides are facing the same logistical problems as the Hitler and Napolean. It’s a lot of ground to cover and it is too easy for a breakthrough to be left isolated. I think at this point they should focus on wearing down the morale of the Russian public and not on land gains. Getting Kadyrov or Prigozhin out would be huge. But I get that Zelensky wants an offensive to maintain support of the west. He seems to have good generals but there is clearly political pressure. Could go a lot of ways but I think there is a good chance of a Russian rout. Based on some of the captured Russians they are really scraping the barrel. Putin is still holding off on mass conscripting urban Slavs from the middle class.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

  189. @The Big Red Scary

    AP's framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades. In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line, will certainly be the largest, and will probably ultimately extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades.

    Well why don’t you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin’s abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Russia has the world’s highest abortion rate, the second highest alcoholism rate, most atheists in Europe, highest HIV rate in Europe and a negative fertility rate (but not its Muslims).

    Do explain how expanding the borders of this decaying totalitarian empire sticks it to the left. I’ve asked this question for over a year and haven’t been given an answer.

    How does killing over 100k Slavic men stick it to the left. Last I check the left is united around the idea that Whites should be wiped off the planet. How is Putin not serving that goal?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    The way that things are going, Putin is likely to become the biggest Slav-killer after Hitler fairly soon, even if one counts all of the Balkan pseudo-Slavs as Slavs:

    The Yugoslav Wars appear to have had 140,000 deaths. Putin's war in Ukraine is likely to exceed that number by its end, no? And this is not to mention the deaths that were caused by his 2014-2022 Donbass War, which he could have refrained from starting in the first place or, alternatively, prevented by quickly annexing the Donbass back in 2014. Even letting Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising in 2014 would have been a superior option, but Putin chose the worst possible option in both 2014 and 2022.

    , @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves. It seems that most of you do not understand the significance of this long-term behavior pattern by the West. No one here has offered evidence of things Russia did before 2014 which at least would have made these Western moves reactionary. It is simple, Russia was down but not out after 1995 and the West wanted to go for the kill. This became crystal clear with the US role in Maidan. Russia has been preparing for this Ukraine war conventionally since 2014 and has been preparing against the US thinly-veiled nuclear threats for longer. I think the West finally recognized the significance of Russian preparation in 2021 and decided to go for it. This caught Russia off guard, but they committed fully nonetheless. They still seem to be pursuing a campaign tailored to reduce civilian casualties and infrastructure damage.

    After all the broken promises and lies from the West, Russia has publicly announced that the USA and the West are not "agreement capable". I think this position may define the end point for the SMO. Since the West including Poland and Romania cannot be trusted to respect any agreement, the Russians are obligated to go all the way to the border with these countries and finish the job. This will take several years at the pace they are currently moving. As they are slowly pursuing the SMO, they are probably beefing up forces along the entire perimeter of Russia. This is a big job, so why rush it?

    My sense is they will keep grinding until the remaining Ukrainians wake up one day and say "Hey, we don't want to fight anymore." Unfortunately, I see a Western devil on each Ukrainian shoulder hissing and whispering "Kill, kill, kill - Slava Ukraine!" As long as this goes on there will be a lot more dead Ukrainians. This is sad and gross and will gradually become pitiful. Even after some of the obvious context is pointed out, you people are still chanting "kill, kill, kill". You have no idea how dangerous this really is.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @The Big Red Scary
    @John Johnson

    jim's blog recently explained it quite elegantly:

    After Russia intervened in Syria and stopped a rainbow revolution in Kazakhstan, everyone saw that GAE's game was up. This made the psycho Jews in Foggy Bottom desperate, and so here we are with a full scale war in Ukraine. But the geopolitical map in the rest of the world has reshuffled.

    , @Greasy William
    @John Johnson

    Well why don’t you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin’s abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.
    Because a Russian victory will dramatically weaken the American Empire. No American Empire, no Globohomo. It's that simple.

    You can talk about the Ukrainian soldiers all you want but that isn't going to change that those soldiers are functioning as a proxy force for the Biden administration. I know that the men themselves are fighting for a free Ukraine, but those supplying those same men are motivated by imperial US/Western interests and absolutely nothing else. If you can't tell that there is something extremely sinister about the Western pro Ukraine movement, well, I don't know what to tell you.

    Does this mean we should support the Russian invasion? No, I don't think so, I don't think even Trump supports the invasion (Tucker definitely does, though). What Russia is doing is wrong but that doesn't mean we ignore that it is to our advantage. Same thing with when China finally moves on Taiwan.

    Do you even want to see the US Empire defeated?
  190. @Ivashka the fool

    LatW, there were no separate back then and no separate Slavs. It was the same population. On the North-Eastern side it was influenced by the Ugric Akozino Ananino folks, on the Western side by the Celts and possibly Germans (although the proto-Germans were still mostly confined to Scandinavia), on the South Eastern side they become influenced by the Scythians and on the South Western by the Dacians and Tracians. Those who were influenced by the Scythians become Slavs, those who were influenced by the Ugric, Celtic (and possibly Germans) become Baltic. those to the South become the sedentary "Scythian ploughmen". But they were all proto-Balto-Slavic back then. Most probably these two guys mentioned in the article were from the subgroup of this ancestral population that were called Veneti and who were often involved into amber trade. There were three groups of Veneti: the Baltic, the Adriatic and the ones in modern day Bretagne in France who were expert sailers and seamen. Although they are seen as three unrelated populations, it is well possible that they are actually a single people that ended up separate and settling far away locations after joining the Celtic migration to the West. The Baltic Veneti are considered as the ancestors of the Wends (the Germanic ethnonym Wend would have been derived from Venet). Anyway, if you want to think that these two guys were Balts, then it is fine by me. I don't really care, perhaps they were. No big deal.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    there were no separate back then and no separate Slavs.

    Should have read:

    there were no separate Balts back then and no separate Slavs.

  191. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decade
    Sweden or the USA are not more "virulent" than the USSR that murdered millions of Christians and slaughtered 100,000s of priests and monks.

    And this war, unleashed upon a Christina people, was started by Russia. The greatest killer of Christians in the 21st century. It often even uses Muslims and heathens to do its dirty work.

    This is the side you support. It is where you "morality" has led you. To support a war of an HIV-infected, aborting, non-churchgoing people (but they build churches, which they don't attend) upon a devout people who wanted to be free of your kind. Using the existence of Western perverts as an excuse for your side's mass murder and rape.

    In fact, the present war is simply the most recent in a long line
    Indeed, Moscow has gone to war may times in the past against Christian peoples.

    Ultimately, he is a Judas who betrayed his own homeland.
    My ancestral homeland fights against the Russian hordes. It chooses to do so. The good people of Ukraine have been attacked by a bloodthirsty collection of fake Christians (who don't live Christian lives as evidenced by lack of participation in the Sacraments, HIV, abortion, etc.), Chechens, and various heathens. They fight to defend their homes, families, communities, and churches. I support my people.

    My homeland where I was born is on the same side. And I live here, and do what I can to oppose the downward slide here.

    You have betrayed your homeland after having abandoned it. You betrayed it for a place that in all ways other than sexual weirdness is far less moral than your homeland. But you have retained the Puritan obsession with sexual propriety and the drive to kill "heathens" and take their lands. You have turned these instincts upon Christian Ukrainians. Under the patronage of a Patriarch raised by the KGB, who defrocks priests who oppose this war upon upon Christians.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Beautifully written, AP!

    As a side note, I hope that with the increased Ukrainian nationalism throughout all of Ukraine as a result of this war, all of Ukraine will adopt (traditionally Christian) Galician mores and norms in regards to things such as discouraging illegitimate births, abortions (unless the fetuses are disabled), STDs, et cetera.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    As a side note, I hope that with the increased Ukrainian nationalism throughout all of Ukraine as a result of this war, all of Ukraine will adopt (traditionally Christian) Galician mores and norms in regards to things such as discouraging illegitimate births, abortions (unless the fetuses are disabled), STDs, et cetera.

    I completely agree. If Putin cared about Russia then he would end abortion as form of birth control.

    Both Poland and Hungary have strict restrictions on abortion to the chagrin of leftists.

    Putin isn't pro-life or anti-left. Tucker would depict Russia as a Christian nation which is a lie.

    Russia is a multi-racial and multi-religious nation. Basically a failed globalist state. They are capitalist but have a GDP that is smaller than Canada. Yes Canada and in total GDP, not just per capita.

    Putin is trying to go out like his hero Peter. He is on record stating that the great Tsars were conquerors.

    The war was never about NATO or Donbass. Finland joined NATO and Putin said in response that it doesn't matter. The clown can't even keep his excuses consistent. This is just age old Russian Imperialism. Russians have long been the losers of Europe and every so often a Tsar tries to take a neighbor out of spite. They are the largest country in the world but Putin still has massive insecurities and wanted to be up on the wall with Peter. Well it ain't happening dwarf, no one will be impressed if he takes Donbas. Russia started with an 8:1 advantage in infantry. Even if he takes Donbas it will most likely go back in the future. Russians under 30 think he is a douchebag and don't care about his dreams of conquest. Hitler and Napolean also took a lot of land and their borders eventually shrunk.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  192. A123 says: • Website

    Why are up supporting Not-The-President Biden’s open borders?
    As expected, braindead answer to my comparison between the effectiveness of both presidents at carrying out their agendas and the lack of excuses for not building the wall.

    In fact, one of the reasons for Trump not promising again to build the wall is that he's actually telling his supporters at the rallies that he did finish the wall (same as he claimed during the CNN interview). And I guess this is accepted as truth in the fact-free Trumpland that you inhabit. Why not? He can also declassify secret documents by just thinking about it, never had an affair with Stormy Daniels and will end the Ukraine war in 24 hours.

    As Ann Coulter said, if Trump finished the wall let's then have the first debate between him and DeSantis in front of the last segment of the wall he built lol.

    Replies: @A123

    As expected your #NeverTrump cult extremism led you to lie…. Again…

        I know you are lying.
            You know you are lying.
                Everyone knows you are lying.

    Why do you continue to fabricate obviously fallacious inequivalences? Everyone sees that you are behaving irrationally.

    Why do you refuse to grasp that the anti-MAGA House refused to provide Appropriation for wall building. Those capable of understanding and honesty see the plain truth. Trump did as well as he could transferring funds between accounts to resource barrier construction. Only liars, such as yourself, state differently.

    Trump’s 1st term OVER PERFORMED versus the limits placed on him by an anti-MAGA House, anti-MAGA Senate, & anti-MAGA Judiciary.

    What do you hope to gain by lying for your #NeverTrump cult? Why do you support Not-The-President Biden’s open borders rather than Trump’s highly successful “Remain in Mexico” program?

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  193. @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades.

    Well why don't you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin's abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Russia has the world's highest abortion rate, the second highest alcoholism rate, most atheists in Europe, highest HIV rate in Europe and a negative fertility rate (but not its Muslims).

    Do explain how expanding the borders of this decaying totalitarian empire sticks it to the left. I've asked this question for over a year and haven't been given an answer.

    How does killing over 100k Slavic men stick it to the left. Last I check the left is united around the idea that Whites should be wiped off the planet. How is Putin not serving that goal?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    The way that things are going, Putin is likely to become the biggest Slav-killer after Hitler fairly soon, even if one counts all of the Balkan pseudo-Slavs as Slavs:

    The Yugoslav Wars appear to have had 140,000 deaths. Putin’s war in Ukraine is likely to exceed that number by its end, no? And this is not to mention the deaths that were caused by his 2014-2022 Donbass War, which he could have refrained from starting in the first place or, alternatively, prevented by quickly annexing the Donbass back in 2014. Even letting Ukraine quickly crush the Donbass uprising in 2014 would have been a superior option, but Putin chose the worst possible option in both 2014 and 2022.

  194. @Mr. XYZ

    Beautifully written, AP!

    As a side note, I hope that with the increased Ukrainian nationalism throughout all of Ukraine as a result of this war, all of Ukraine will adopt (traditionally Christian) Galician mores and norms in regards to things such as discouraging illegitimate births, abortions (unless the fetuses are disabled), STDs, et cetera.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    As a side note, I hope that with the increased Ukrainian nationalism throughout all of Ukraine as a result of this war, all of Ukraine will adopt (traditionally Christian) Galician mores and norms in regards to things such as discouraging illegitimate births, abortions (unless the fetuses are disabled), STDs, et cetera.

    I completely agree. If Putin cared about Russia then he would end abortion as form of birth control.

    Both Poland and Hungary have strict restrictions on abortion to the chagrin of leftists.

    Putin isn’t pro-life or anti-left. Tucker would depict Russia as a Christian nation which is a lie.

    Russia is a multi-racial and multi-religious nation. Basically a failed globalist state. They are capitalist but have a GDP that is smaller than Canada. Yes Canada and in total GDP, not just per capita.

    Putin is trying to go out like his hero Peter. He is on record stating that the great Tsars were conquerors.

    The war was never about NATO or Donbass. Finland joined NATO and Putin said in response that it doesn’t matter. The clown can’t even keep his excuses consistent. This is just age old Russian Imperialism. Russians have long been the losers of Europe and every so often a Tsar tries to take a neighbor out of spite. They are the largest country in the world but Putin still has massive insecurities and wanted to be up on the wall with Peter. Well it ain’t happening dwarf, no one will be impressed if he takes Donbas. Russia started with an 8:1 advantage in infantry. Even if he takes Donbas it will most likely go back in the future. Russians under 30 think he is a douchebag and don’t care about his dreams of conquest. Hitler and Napolean also took a lot of land and their borders eventually shrunk.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Honestly, given Anatoly Karlin's newfound (tactical) embrace of open borders, the smart thing for Russia to do if it actually cared about Third Worlders' well-being would be for it to open its borders far and wide to Third Worlders. Russia can easily absorb 1+ billion Third Worlders in due time. This would allow the West and East Asia, the main centers of global elite science production and global R & D spending, to remain unscathed while still helping a massive number of Third Worlders. Of course, I myself am not pro-open borders and thus am not actually advocating for this, but a Russian who is in favor of open borders such as Anatoly Karlin really should, especially if he wants to preserve the West and East Asia as global scientific, technology, and innovation hubs while still massively helping the teeming multitudes and masses of the Third World.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  195. @Mr. XYZ

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don't think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.

    The one thing that I could potentially object it would be kids themselves performing in drag shows, such as Desmond is Amazing:

    Though I do support making child sex dolls and robots legal.

    Replies: @Yevardian

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don’t think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.

    ..can we ban this sickening fggt?
    This place is turning into schizo reddit

    • Agree: Mikel
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    There is a large blackout in progress at reddit right now and a huge fraction of the subs are closed for a 48 hour protest. There probably are hordes frothing at the gates right now. No discussion site is safe.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @songbird

    The one deficiency of this commenting system is that it doesn't automatically turn gay posts into straight posts. Replace pics of gays and trannies with tasteful Melanf posts of beautiful, young women.

    Suppose, under such a system, nobody could post a pic of Trudeau or Macron. But who really cares (other than the gays)?

  196. @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades.

    Well why don't you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin's abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Russia has the world's highest abortion rate, the second highest alcoholism rate, most atheists in Europe, highest HIV rate in Europe and a negative fertility rate (but not its Muslims).

    Do explain how expanding the borders of this decaying totalitarian empire sticks it to the left. I've asked this question for over a year and haven't been given an answer.

    How does killing over 100k Slavic men stick it to the left. Last I check the left is united around the idea that Whites should be wiped off the planet. How is Putin not serving that goal?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves. It seems that most of you do not understand the significance of this long-term behavior pattern by the West. No one here has offered evidence of things Russia did before 2014 which at least would have made these Western moves reactionary. It is simple, Russia was down but not out after 1995 and the West wanted to go for the kill. This became crystal clear with the US role in Maidan. Russia has been preparing for this Ukraine war conventionally since 2014 and has been preparing against the US thinly-veiled nuclear threats for longer. I think the West finally recognized the significance of Russian preparation in 2021 and decided to go for it. This caught Russia off guard, but they committed fully nonetheless. They still seem to be pursuing a campaign tailored to reduce civilian casualties and infrastructure damage.

    After all the broken promises and lies from the West, Russia has publicly announced that the USA and the West are not “agreement capable”. I think this position may define the end point for the SMO. Since the West including Poland and Romania cannot be trusted to respect any agreement, the Russians are obligated to go all the way to the border with these countries and finish the job. This will take several years at the pace they are currently moving. As they are slowly pursuing the SMO, they are probably beefing up forces along the entire perimeter of Russia. This is a big job, so why rush it?

    My sense is they will keep grinding until the remaining Ukrainians wake up one day and say “Hey, we don’t want to fight anymore.” Unfortunately, I see a Western devil on each Ukrainian shoulder hissing and whispering “Kill, kill, kill – Slava Ukraine!” As long as this goes on there will be a lot more dead Ukrainians. This is sad and gross and will gradually become pitiful. Even after some of the obvious context is pointed out, you people are still chanting “kill, kill, kill”. You have no idea how dangerous this really is.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves.

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn't be targeted for invasion?

    Like Moldova? Which was scheduled for invasion after Ukraine?

    Or how about Belarus? The closest ally to Russia and yet they are scheduled for full absorption?

    Russia plans full absorption of Belarus by 2030:

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Were the Baltics wrong to join NATO? If yes then do explain since they don't have Russian soldiers fighting their family age men in trenches.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @LatW, @Greasy William

  197. @Mikel
    @John Johnson

    They took out a Kinzhal missile.
    One Pentagon official saying that one Patriot took out one Kinzhal (flying at what speed?) is not a very conclusive proof that the hypersonic threat has been technologically solved. Or that all the rest of Ukrainian claims are true.

    Replies: @QCIC

    The threat-countermeasure game is always changing. Hypersonic missiles are just the latest thing which were already being looked at during the cold war. After 199o the USA decided it won the Cold War (End of History) and focussed on blowing away goat herders. This may not have reduced defense spending but less funding remained for many advanced weapon developments. After watching this for a few years, the Russians apparently decided to keep working on their advanced weapons as a counter against superior Western numbers. Most of the Western gear is offensive-minded while much of the Russian gear is defensive-minded. Since this war is close to Russia’s border it probably favors her technology, even though the troops have to drive over the border to engage the Ukrainians. Kharkov is much closer to the border.

    There have been reports since the beginning of the SMO that the Iskander missile can eject decoys for RF countermeasures and recent claims suggest the Kinzhal has the same. If accurate this unequivocally shows these Russian hypersonic missiles are at risk from at least some interceptors. Nonetheless, I think the Russians learned what they needed to know about efficiently defeating the Patriot system in the Kiev strike. All I can say is don’t stand too close to a Patriot battery.

  198. @John Johnson

    I just don’t see how the Ukies can moved infantry forward over mine belts. If Russkies can drop a device that lays a minefield from an artillery shell or from a plane, the Ukies have to use Hovercraft.

    The Russians ran into the same problem when trying to launch small offensives. The Ukrainians would see them coming on sats and mine the area with artillery.

    What they have to do push a path to the Russian defensive lines and then follow them out.

    This is partly why I thought they should hold off on announcing a grand offensive. I thought it made more sense to use probing attacks to find weak points and talk of an offensive as being later in the year. Announcing an offensive just puts the enemy on alert.

    Ukraine is a huge country. Both sides are facing the same logistical problems as the Hitler and Napolean. It's a lot of ground to cover and it is too easy for a breakthrough to be left isolated. I think at this point they should focus on wearing down the morale of the Russian public and not on land gains. Getting Kadyrov or Prigozhin out would be huge. But I get that Zelensky wants an offensive to maintain support of the west. He seems to have good generals but there is clearly political pressure. Could go a lot of ways but I think there is a good chance of a Russian rout. Based on some of the captured Russians they are really scraping the barrel. Putin is still holding off on mass conscripting urban Slavs from the middle class.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    He can move there as per Israel's Law of Return, unless perhaps he is a practicing Christian.

    , @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Israel would scold him on TV and then sell him a 20 million dollar estate the following year.

    Maybe Anglin would actually mention him at that point.

    MacGregor didn't mention him for an entire year.

    Funny how Putin's top defenders have such a hard time speaking of Putin's #1 Jew.

    The Voldemort Jew of their nightmares. They want to believe so badly that this is a war against the Jews and comically avoid the reality that Putin's best general is a Jew and has a background in hospitality services. They also never mention his Jewish propagandist who has a male model son in London.

    Oh and this just came out on Shoigu:

    That defense minster also has zero military training.

    A mafia government with playboy sons in the West.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @AP

  199. @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves. It seems that most of you do not understand the significance of this long-term behavior pattern by the West. No one here has offered evidence of things Russia did before 2014 which at least would have made these Western moves reactionary. It is simple, Russia was down but not out after 1995 and the West wanted to go for the kill. This became crystal clear with the US role in Maidan. Russia has been preparing for this Ukraine war conventionally since 2014 and has been preparing against the US thinly-veiled nuclear threats for longer. I think the West finally recognized the significance of Russian preparation in 2021 and decided to go for it. This caught Russia off guard, but they committed fully nonetheless. They still seem to be pursuing a campaign tailored to reduce civilian casualties and infrastructure damage.

    After all the broken promises and lies from the West, Russia has publicly announced that the USA and the West are not "agreement capable". I think this position may define the end point for the SMO. Since the West including Poland and Romania cannot be trusted to respect any agreement, the Russians are obligated to go all the way to the border with these countries and finish the job. This will take several years at the pace they are currently moving. As they are slowly pursuing the SMO, they are probably beefing up forces along the entire perimeter of Russia. This is a big job, so why rush it?

    My sense is they will keep grinding until the remaining Ukrainians wake up one day and say "Hey, we don't want to fight anymore." Unfortunately, I see a Western devil on each Ukrainian shoulder hissing and whispering "Kill, kill, kill - Slava Ukraine!" As long as this goes on there will be a lot more dead Ukrainians. This is sad and gross and will gradually become pitiful. Even after some of the obvious context is pointed out, you people are still chanting "kill, kill, kill". You have no idea how dangerous this really is.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves.

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn’t be targeted for invasion?

    Like Moldova? Which was scheduled for invasion after Ukraine?

    Or how about Belarus? The closest ally to Russia and yet they are scheduled for full absorption?

    Russia plans full absorption of Belarus by 2030:

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Were the Baltics wrong to join NATO? If yes then do explain since they don’t have Russian soldiers fighting their family age men in trenches.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).
    Not voting for that authoritarian Sovok Yanukovych in 2010? Crimea and the Donbass put him over the top, but even they would not have been enough for this had the rest of Ukraine been a bit more hostile towards him.
    , @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The points you mention are trivial compared to the events set in motion by the West.

    The Russian point of view is probably something like this:

    "Of course Russia planned to abide by these treaties and important diplomatic goals. This plan changed somewhat once we recognized the West is working to destroy our country using all means, apparently including nuclear and biological weapons. As you might expect, these facts reduced our commitment to other less existential matters."

    Stop repeating silly stuff and respond to these points.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of nuclear arms control treaties--THREAT.

    The West executed color revolutions around the world including on the Russian border--THREAT.

    There were numerous Western military-sponsored bioweapons labs in Ukraine until the SMO closed them down--THREAT.

    , @LatW
    @John Johnson

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn’t be targeted for invasion?
    What was actually happening in Ukraine all those years was that they were being quietly co-opted - there was Russian agentura everywhere in their institutions, and, at least according to the former Defense Minister of Ukraine, Gritsenko, two of the Ministers of Defense under Yanukovich were Russian citizens. Technically, maybe that may not be an issue if the two countries are good friends, however, it's not an ideal situation and it is clear that Russia was working to control Ukraine internally. Some even say that they worked to stall the development of the military, including the development of important missile systems, however, this is speculative. I mean, spying is one thing (it is commonplace) but to actually infiltrate another government with your cadres at that level, is something else. Even if they had been in some kind of a confederation with Russia, it wouldn't be tactful, but it must be exactly because Russia didn't trust Ukraine, that they probably did these sorts of things.
    , @Greasy William
    @John Johnson

    What about Georgia?

  200. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    He can move there as per Israel’s Law of Return, unless perhaps he is a practicing Christian.

  201. @Mr. Hack

    Small minded people have been lulled into believing the central issue is a relatively minor cultural-linguistic schism which could be used to bureaucratically create a “homeland” for some Ukrainians.
    But this is precisely one of the main reasons given by Putler for invading Ukraine, a "cultural linquistic schism" where imaginary "Nazis" have forced Russia into making such dramatic and senseless moves within Ukraine. You're barking up the wrong tree here, and should be addressing your concerns to the Russian side. Ukrainians are rightly defending their "homeland" where the borders were drawn up a long time ago, and where for the most part Ukrainians are content to live within (and where a majority of Ukrainians reside today and have in the past too).

    Replies: @Gerard1234, @QCIC

    This war started long before Putin had to give vaguely plausible explanations for the SMO. It is part of a much bigger and more consequential picture, so why do you expect him to dumb it down and wordsmith press release statements to your liking? You should first respond to questions such as:

    “What about Minsk II?”
    “Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?”
    “Why did the West sponsor a revolution in Georgia?”
    “Why did the US drop out of the ABM treaty which is a direct nuclear threat against Russia?”
    “Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border”?

    These are important factors which need to be considered to understand what happened in 2022.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees. Some of the Ukrainian cheerleaders seem to be focussed on the pine needles. This conflict is not primarily about Ukraine.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @AP

    “Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?”
    There was no coup. A coup is a takeover of government by a small group, typically the army. If what happened in Ukraine was a coup, so was the American Revolution, what happened all over Eastern Europe when the Berlin Wall fell down, etc. All coups.

    In Ukraine there was a popular revolt in half the country including the capital against a leader who lost most of his support and who had subverted Ukraine's democracy by overturning the previously democratically elected parliament in order to undemocratically have one that was controlled by him. As a result of this revolution the winners of the most recent election came to power.

    So you think that people in countries that border Russia have no right to overthrow their leaders (no matter how unpopular, or how undemocratic they are) if those unpopular leaders are supported by Russia? Peoples bordering Russia should be forced into pro-Russian dictatorships?

    “Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border”?
    Because as Ukraine demonstrated, it is dangerous and unstable when countries bordering Russia aren't NATO members. Russia gets tempted to invade them.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees.
    The "forest" is that the Russian Federation's political elites consider the fall of the USSR to have been a geopolitical catastrophe and their strategic task has been to undo that "catastrophe." The other stuff such as NATO membership (Finland wasn't a problem) or Russian language (if Russia cared about those people it would have annexed Donbas in 2014 and wouldn't bomb them and raze their cities in 2022) is an excuse. Russia decided to be cautious, to force Donbas into Ukraine on terms that would keep Ukraine from moving westward (Minsk agreements), to hope for an economic collapse that would force Ukraine to come back (instead the economy recovered), etc. When these things didn't happen, RusFed decided to invade to keep Ukraine in its orbit.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC

  202. @Mr. XYZ
    @The Big Red Scary

    Wokism is far more virulent than Communism? Really? Just how many people has Wokism killed relative to Communism? Several orders of magnitude less, no doubt. The main people killed by Wokism have been thousands of mostly low-IQ blacks, at the hands of other, more brutal and violent blacks, due to Woke support for BLM and defunding the police. Communism, in contrast, has killed tens of millions of mostly high-IQ people (Eastern Slavs and East Asians; Cambodians are a notable exception to this rule but aren't that numerous from a statistical perspective among all of the victims of Communism) throughout its entire history, and its effect was much more dysgenic, if one actually cares about that stuff.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Communism was mostly Jews taking over white societies. Certainly the very violent periods of it. In China, I dunno what went on. There are probably ethnic conflicts just below the surface that are not talked about.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The Jews eventually got purged (albeit not always killed) by other Commies, no?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  203. @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves.

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn't be targeted for invasion?

    Like Moldova? Which was scheduled for invasion after Ukraine?

    Or how about Belarus? The closest ally to Russia and yet they are scheduled for full absorption?

    Russia plans full absorption of Belarus by 2030:

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Were the Baltics wrong to join NATO? If yes then do explain since they don't have Russian soldiers fighting their family age men in trenches.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @LatW, @Greasy William

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Not voting for that authoritarian Sovok Yanukovych in 2010? Crimea and the Donbass put him over the top, but even they would not have been enough for this had the rest of Ukraine been a bit more hostile towards him.

  204. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Israel would scold him on TV and then sell him a 20 million dollar estate the following year.

    Maybe Anglin would actually mention him at that point.

    MacGregor didn’t mention him for an entire year.

    Funny how Putin’s top defenders have such a hard time speaking of Putin’s #1 Jew.

    The Voldemort Jew of their nightmares. They want to believe so badly that this is a war against the Jews and comically avoid the reality that Putin’s best general is a Jew and has a background in hospitality services. They also never mention his Jewish propagandist who has a male model son in London.

    Oh and this just came out on Shoigu:

    That defense minster also has zero military training.

    A mafia government with playboy sons in the West.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    Prigozhin is an unfortunate western construct at this point. He got to put together a punishment battalion and turned it into a Corps size unit for 6 months. Then the military noticed how he was being positioned by the CIA as a potential successor.

    He’s going to lose his lucrative catering contracts with the Russian MOD.

    , @AP
    @John Johnson

    Here is Russian pop star Filip Kirkorov, who is close to Putin and supports Russia in its struggle against Ukraine. He made concerts in support of the Russian army, that kills Ukrainians:

    And here he is at a party in Moscow:

    But it's "Darwinian" not "diabolical," according to our resident defender of the war against Ukraine for "Christian" reasons:

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @The Big Red Scary

  205. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    As a side note, I hope that with the increased Ukrainian nationalism throughout all of Ukraine as a result of this war, all of Ukraine will adopt (traditionally Christian) Galician mores and norms in regards to things such as discouraging illegitimate births, abortions (unless the fetuses are disabled), STDs, et cetera.

    I completely agree. If Putin cared about Russia then he would end abortion as form of birth control.

    Both Poland and Hungary have strict restrictions on abortion to the chagrin of leftists.

    Putin isn't pro-life or anti-left. Tucker would depict Russia as a Christian nation which is a lie.

    Russia is a multi-racial and multi-religious nation. Basically a failed globalist state. They are capitalist but have a GDP that is smaller than Canada. Yes Canada and in total GDP, not just per capita.

    Putin is trying to go out like his hero Peter. He is on record stating that the great Tsars were conquerors.

    The war was never about NATO or Donbass. Finland joined NATO and Putin said in response that it doesn't matter. The clown can't even keep his excuses consistent. This is just age old Russian Imperialism. Russians have long been the losers of Europe and every so often a Tsar tries to take a neighbor out of spite. They are the largest country in the world but Putin still has massive insecurities and wanted to be up on the wall with Peter. Well it ain't happening dwarf, no one will be impressed if he takes Donbas. Russia started with an 8:1 advantage in infantry. Even if he takes Donbas it will most likely go back in the future. Russians under 30 think he is a douchebag and don't care about his dreams of conquest. Hitler and Napolean also took a lot of land and their borders eventually shrunk.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Honestly, given Anatoly Karlin’s newfound (tactical) embrace of open borders, the smart thing for Russia to do if it actually cared about Third Worlders’ well-being would be for it to open its borders far and wide to Third Worlders. Russia can easily absorb 1+ billion Third Worlders in due time. This would allow the West and East Asia, the main centers of global elite science production and global R & D spending, to remain unscathed while still helping a massive number of Third Worlders. Of course, I myself am not pro-open borders and thus am not actually advocating for this, but a Russian who is in favor of open borders such as Anatoly Karlin really should, especially if he wants to preserve the West and East Asia as global scientific, technology, and innovation hubs while still massively helping the teeming multitudes and masses of the Third World.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Honestly, given Anatoly Karlin’s newfound (tactical) embrace of open borders, the smart thing for Russia to do if it actually cared about Third Worlders’ well-being would be for it to open its borders far and wide to Third Worlders. Russia can easily absorb 1+ billion Third Worlders in due time.

    I think they are the perfect country to absorb a million Syrian refugees. It was Russian artillery that destroyed most of their homes.

    I really don't think it would change the character of the country. Russia already has Europe's largest Muslim and Buddhist populations. They in fact have a labor shortage in male heavy industries while MacGregor and Riter still rant about how their losses have been minimal. Right guys, I'm sure it is just "by chance" that they have low unemployment rates in male industries like mining. Heck Russia could become like Germany post WW2 where they bring in Muslims because they don't have enough men for the economy.

    Of course, I myself am not pro-open borders and thus am not actually advocating for this, but a Russian who is in favor of open borders such as Anatoly Karlin really should

    Who knows if he is trolling or is going through a late libertarian state. Maybe he wants a career change and his tweets follow him around.

    There was a White nationalist a while back that repented after getting some Black tail. You never know.

    For the record I don't support White nationalism nor open borders. I also don't support controlled immigration for the sake of capitalism. I've worked with Dot Indians and I'd honestly rather have border jumping Mexicans if given the choice. They both vote Democrat but the Dots bring a shitty attitude and belief system.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  206. @Yevardian
    @Mr. XYZ

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don’t think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.
    ..can we ban this sickening fggt?
    This place is turning into schizo reddit

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @songbird

    There is a large blackout in progress at reddit right now and a huge fraction of the subs are closed for a 48 hour protest. There probably are hordes frothing at the gates right now. No discussion site is safe.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I like how he has Kaiser Wilhelm’s Gimp Left Arm. Or Bob Dole’s busted arm if you like.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  207. @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Israel would scold him on TV and then sell him a 20 million dollar estate the following year.

    Maybe Anglin would actually mention him at that point.

    MacGregor didn't mention him for an entire year.

    Funny how Putin's top defenders have such a hard time speaking of Putin's #1 Jew.

    The Voldemort Jew of their nightmares. They want to believe so badly that this is a war against the Jews and comically avoid the reality that Putin's best general is a Jew and has a background in hospitality services. They also never mention his Jewish propagandist who has a male model son in London.

    Oh and this just came out on Shoigu:

    That defense minster also has zero military training.

    A mafia government with playboy sons in the West.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @AP

    Prigozhin is an unfortunate western construct at this point. He got to put together a punishment battalion and turned it into a Corps size unit for 6 months. Then the military noticed how he was being positioned by the CIA as a potential successor.

    He’s going to lose his lucrative catering contracts with the Russian MOD.

  208. @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    Honestly, given Anatoly Karlin's newfound (tactical) embrace of open borders, the smart thing for Russia to do if it actually cared about Third Worlders' well-being would be for it to open its borders far and wide to Third Worlders. Russia can easily absorb 1+ billion Third Worlders in due time. This would allow the West and East Asia, the main centers of global elite science production and global R & D spending, to remain unscathed while still helping a massive number of Third Worlders. Of course, I myself am not pro-open borders and thus am not actually advocating for this, but a Russian who is in favor of open borders such as Anatoly Karlin really should, especially if he wants to preserve the West and East Asia as global scientific, technology, and innovation hubs while still massively helping the teeming multitudes and masses of the Third World.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Honestly, given Anatoly Karlin’s newfound (tactical) embrace of open borders, the smart thing for Russia to do if it actually cared about Third Worlders’ well-being would be for it to open its borders far and wide to Third Worlders. Russia can easily absorb 1+ billion Third Worlders in due time.

    I think they are the perfect country to absorb a million Syrian refugees. It was Russian artillery that destroyed most of their homes.

    I really don’t think it would change the character of the country. Russia already has Europe’s largest Muslim and Buddhist populations. They in fact have a labor shortage in male heavy industries while MacGregor and Riter still rant about how their losses have been minimal. Right guys, I’m sure it is just “by chance” that they have low unemployment rates in male industries like mining. Heck Russia could become like Germany post WW2 where they bring in Muslims because they don’t have enough men for the economy.

    Of course, I myself am not pro-open borders and thus am not actually advocating for this, but a Russian who is in favor of open borders such as Anatoly Karlin really should

    Who knows if he is trolling or is going through a late libertarian state. Maybe he wants a career change and his tweets follow him around.

    There was a White nationalist a while back that repented after getting some Black tail. You never know.

    For the record I don’t support White nationalism nor open borders. I also don’t support controlled immigration for the sake of capitalism. I’ve worked with Dot Indians and I’d honestly rather have border jumping Mexicans if given the choice. They both vote Democrat but the Dots bring a shitty attitude and belief system.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    I think that Anatoly Karlin is trying to maximize his future social credibility after seriously fucking up by supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    And Yes, why not invite 1+ million Syrian refugees to settle in Russia? Seriously. Might as well also add 1+ million Afghan refugees as well since a large part of the reason as to why Afghanistan is currently a shithole dump is because the Soviet Union invaded it back in 1979.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  209. @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves.

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn't be targeted for invasion?

    Like Moldova? Which was scheduled for invasion after Ukraine?

    Or how about Belarus? The closest ally to Russia and yet they are scheduled for full absorption?

    Russia plans full absorption of Belarus by 2030:

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Were the Baltics wrong to join NATO? If yes then do explain since they don't have Russian soldiers fighting their family age men in trenches.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @LatW, @Greasy William

    The points you mention are trivial compared to the events set in motion by the West.

    The Russian point of view is probably something like this:

    “Of course Russia planned to abide by these treaties and important diplomatic goals. This plan changed somewhat once we recognized the West is working to destroy our country using all means, apparently including nuclear and biological weapons. As you might expect, these facts reduced our commitment to other less existential matters.”

    Stop repeating silly stuff and respond to these points.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of nuclear arms control treaties–THREAT.

    The West executed color revolutions around the world including on the Russian border–THREAT.

    There were numerous Western military-sponsored bioweapons labs in Ukraine until the SMO closed them down–THREAT.

  210. AP says:
    @Mr. Hack

    This war started long before Putin had to give vaguely plausible explanations for the SMO. It is part of a much bigger and more consequential picture, so why do you expect him to dumb it down and wordsmith press release statements to your liking? You should first respond to questions such as:

    "What about Minsk II?"
    "Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?"
    "Why did the West sponsor a revolution in Georgia?"
    "Why did the US drop out of the ABM treaty which is a direct nuclear threat against Russia?"
    "Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border"?

    These are important factors which need to be considered to understand what happened in 2022.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees. Some of the Ukrainian cheerleaders seem to be focussed on the pine needles. This conflict is not primarily about Ukraine.

    Replies: @AP

    “Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?”

    There was no coup. A coup is a takeover of government by a small group, typically the army. If what happened in Ukraine was a coup, so was the American Revolution, what happened all over Eastern Europe when the Berlin Wall fell down, etc. All coups.

    In Ukraine there was a popular revolt in half the country including the capital against a leader who lost most of his support and who had subverted Ukraine’s democracy by overturning the previously democratically elected parliament in order to undemocratically have one that was controlled by him. As a result of this revolution the winners of the most recent election came to power.

    So you think that people in countries that border Russia have no right to overthrow their leaders (no matter how unpopular, or how undemocratic they are) if those unpopular leaders are supported by Russia? Peoples bordering Russia should be forced into pro-Russian dictatorships?

    “Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border”?

    Because as Ukraine demonstrated, it is dangerous and unstable when countries bordering Russia aren’t NATO members. Russia gets tempted to invade them.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees.

    The “forest” is that the Russian Federation’s political elites consider the fall of the USSR to have been a geopolitical catastrophe and their strategic task has been to undo that “catastrophe.” The other stuff such as NATO membership (Finland wasn’t a problem) or Russian language (if Russia cared about those people it would have annexed Donbas in 2014 and wouldn’t bomb them and raze their cities in 2022) is an excuse. Russia decided to be cautious, to force Donbas into Ukraine on terms that would keep Ukraine from moving westward (Minsk agreements), to hope for an economic collapse that would force Ukraine to come back (instead the economy recovered), etc. When these things didn’t happen, RusFed decided to invade to keep Ukraine in its orbit.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    In Ukraine there was a popular revolt in half the country including the capital against a leader who lost most of his support and who had subverted Ukraine’s democracy by overturning the previously democratically elected parliament in order to undemocratically have one that was controlled by him. As a result of this revolution the winners of the most recent election came to power.
    Worth noting that this move was an especially huge fuckup by Yanukovych since he had decent (50+%) odds of fairly winning control of the Ukrainian parliament had new Rada elections been held in 2010. But he apparently didn't want to risk it, though the cost of a new election might have also been a factor (Ukraine was in financial trouble back then). But still, what he did was unacceptable since it blatantly violated the Ukrainian Constitution, as opposed to merely being a dispute over constitutional interpretation, as with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki holding onto power in 2010.

    The “forest” is that the Russian Federation’s political elites consider the fall of the USSR to have been a geopolitical catastrophe and their strategic task has been to undo that “catastrophe.” The other stuff such as NATO membership (Finland wasn’t a problem) or Russian language (if Russia cared about those people it would have annexed Donbas in 2014 and wouldn’t bomb them and raze their cities in 2022) is an excuse. Russia decided to be cautious, to force Donbas into Ukraine on terms that would keep Ukraine from moving westward (Minsk agreements), to hope for an economic collapse that would force Ukraine to come back (instead the economy recovered), etc. When these things didn’t happen, RusFed decided to invade to keep Ukraine in its orbit.
    According to Philippe Lemoine, Russia's elites in 1991 let the other republics go in part because they didn't actually believe that the USSR's collapse was going to be permanent. They thought that the other republics would eventually come crawling back to Mother Russia. But this didn't happen, especially for Ukraine, and so Russia's plans were derailed.

    The Minsk Agreements were not going to be implemented due to differences of interpretation between Russia and Ukraine and also because Ukraine considered them a diktat, similar to how Germany (even Weimar Germany) and some 1930s Westerners felt about the Versailles Treaty. Diktats should only be obeyed if they are deemed just, so the logic goes. Fair logic, IMHO.
    , @QCIC

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan, there is no reason for you to obfuscate. The color revolutions and similar intrigues are a modern form of palace coup, where careful and patient manipulations set up a mostly non-violent fait accompli for the existing power structure. The West was meddling in a country on Russia's border as part of a long project to drive a wedge between the two neighboring countries. Crucially, the meddling seems to be an extension of the Cold War and is directly related to the the USA dropping out of the ABM treaty and other dangerous and provocative actions. This makes the significance of the Western intrigues in Ukraine much higher.

    Some people live in a fantasy world where the USA did not drop out of crucial nuclear arms control treaties while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia and simultaneously meddling in countries directly on the Russian border. These acts are all major direct threats to Russia which largely define the dynamics of what is occurring in Ukraine. Any Ukrainians who do not appreciate this are pawns.

    Replies: @AP

  211. When the time comes, don’t say you haven’t been warned!

  212. AP says:
    @John Johnson

    The Russians should hand Prigozhin over to Israel.

    Israel would scold him on TV and then sell him a 20 million dollar estate the following year.

    Maybe Anglin would actually mention him at that point.

    MacGregor didn't mention him for an entire year.

    Funny how Putin's top defenders have such a hard time speaking of Putin's #1 Jew.

    The Voldemort Jew of their nightmares. They want to believe so badly that this is a war against the Jews and comically avoid the reality that Putin's best general is a Jew and has a background in hospitality services. They also never mention his Jewish propagandist who has a male model son in London.

    Oh and this just came out on Shoigu:

    That defense minster also has zero military training.

    A mafia government with playboy sons in the West.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @AP

    Here is Russian pop star Filip Kirkorov, who is close to Putin and supports Russia in its struggle against Ukraine. He made concerts in support of the Russian army, that kills Ukrainians:

    And here he is at a party in Moscow:

    But it’s “Darwinian” not “diabolical,” according to our resident defender of the war against Ukraine for “Christian” reasons:


    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Filipp Kirkorov: A fighter against GloboHomo and at the same time being a participant in GloboHomo? What a Schock lol!

    Schock is a reference to formerly homophobic gay Republican Congressman Aaron Schock, the Jock, who likes Cock, and who hopefully won't get a Cock-Block!

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @The Big Red Scary

    Kirkorov is a blasphemous pederast and should be stoned. One thing at a time, friends.

    Replies: @LatW, @sudden death

  213. @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves.

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn't be targeted for invasion?

    Like Moldova? Which was scheduled for invasion after Ukraine?

    Or how about Belarus? The closest ally to Russia and yet they are scheduled for full absorption?

    Russia plans full absorption of Belarus by 2030:

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Were the Baltics wrong to join NATO? If yes then do explain since they don't have Russian soldiers fighting their family age men in trenches.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @LatW, @Greasy William

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn’t be targeted for invasion?

    What was actually happening in Ukraine all those years was that they were being quietly co-opted – there was Russian agentura everywhere in their institutions, and, at least according to the former Defense Minister of Ukraine, Gritsenko, two of the Ministers of Defense under Yanukovich were Russian citizens. Technically, maybe that may not be an issue if the two countries are good friends, however, it’s not an ideal situation and it is clear that Russia was working to control Ukraine internally. Some even say that they worked to stall the development of the military, including the development of important missile systems, however, this is speculative. I mean, spying is one thing (it is commonplace) but to actually infiltrate another government with your cadres at that level, is something else. Even if they had been in some kind of a confederation with Russia, it wouldn’t be tactful, but it must be exactly because Russia didn’t trust Ukraine, that they probably did these sorts of things.

  214. @Ivashka the fool

    LatW, there were no separate back then and no separate Slavs. It was the same population. On the North-Eastern side it was influenced by the Ugric Akozino Ananino folks, on the Western side by the Celts and possibly Germans (although the proto-Germans were still mostly confined to Scandinavia), on the South Eastern side they become influenced by the Scythians and on the South Western by the Dacians and Tracians. Those who were influenced by the Scythians become Slavs, those who were influenced by the Ugric, Celtic (and possibly Germans) become Baltic. those to the South become the sedentary "Scythian ploughmen". But they were all proto-Balto-Slavic back then. Most probably these two guys mentioned in the article were from the subgroup of this ancestral population that were called Veneti and who were often involved into amber trade. There were three groups of Veneti: the Baltic, the Adriatic and the ones in modern day Bretagne in France who were expert sailers and seamen. Although they are seen as three unrelated populations, it is well possible that they are actually a single people that ended up separate and settling far away locations after joining the Celtic migration to the West. The Baltic Veneti are considered as the ancestors of the Wends (the Germanic ethnonym Wend would have been derived from Venet). Anyway, if you want to think that these two guys were Balts, then it is fine by me. I don't really care, perhaps they were. No big deal.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    LatW, there were no separate Balts back then and no separate Slavs. It was the same population.

    The population was spread over a very wide area and it is not known when the language split – very different estimates are made (in my head, the language is not fully split even to this day, but that’s just because I’m obsessed with languages, the opinions of linguists differ). And, of course, it’s not even that important who it was, but they did specify countries from the forensic dental tests. Don’t know how accurate those are. In the study, they give a wider geographic region but they also specify current countries – why would they do that if they didn’t have the specific data.

    That’s not the point even, to me someone who would’ve been the ancestor of, let’s say, Kashubians, would also have been a historic curiosity if they had ventured there. There are always strong and adventurous people who do this (today there are international athletes), and there are always people who want rewards, back then the south was more affluent, it’s the other way from how it is today. There is another mystery, the Prague Castle skeleton, which is equally interesting (but from a much later era).

    They are claiming it’s an ancestor of Czechs but who knows.

    On the North-Eastern side it was influenced by the Ugric Akozino Ananino folks

    When the ancestors first arrived in the Baltic area they lived a little bit more towards the south, the coastline was populated by the Finnic peoples. Only later they pushed towards the coast and assimilated the Finnic people, that’s where the genetic mixing happened.

    and the ones in modern day Bretagne in France who were expert sailers and seamen

    They lived very far West, I’ve heard of Baltic hydronyms having been found in Portugal. I can’t find the source right away from the top of my head, but I remember reading about it.

  215. @John Johnson
    @Mr. XYZ

    Honestly, given Anatoly Karlin’s newfound (tactical) embrace of open borders, the smart thing for Russia to do if it actually cared about Third Worlders’ well-being would be for it to open its borders far and wide to Third Worlders. Russia can easily absorb 1+ billion Third Worlders in due time.

    I think they are the perfect country to absorb a million Syrian refugees. It was Russian artillery that destroyed most of their homes.

    I really don't think it would change the character of the country. Russia already has Europe's largest Muslim and Buddhist populations. They in fact have a labor shortage in male heavy industries while MacGregor and Riter still rant about how their losses have been minimal. Right guys, I'm sure it is just "by chance" that they have low unemployment rates in male industries like mining. Heck Russia could become like Germany post WW2 where they bring in Muslims because they don't have enough men for the economy.

    Of course, I myself am not pro-open borders and thus am not actually advocating for this, but a Russian who is in favor of open borders such as Anatoly Karlin really should

    Who knows if he is trolling or is going through a late libertarian state. Maybe he wants a career change and his tweets follow him around.

    There was a White nationalist a while back that repented after getting some Black tail. You never know.

    For the record I don't support White nationalism nor open borders. I also don't support controlled immigration for the sake of capitalism. I've worked with Dot Indians and I'd honestly rather have border jumping Mexicans if given the choice. They both vote Democrat but the Dots bring a shitty attitude and belief system.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I think that Anatoly Karlin is trying to maximize his future social credibility after seriously fucking up by supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    And Yes, why not invite 1+ million Syrian refugees to settle in Russia? Seriously. Might as well also add 1+ million Afghan refugees as well since a large part of the reason as to why Afghanistan is currently a shithole dump is because the Soviet Union invaded it back in 1979.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Quite the reverse. If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place. The trouble for Afghanistan was the CIA and Mossad arming a bunch of nutcase Mujihadeen. Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @S

  216. @AP

    “Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?”
    There was no coup. A coup is a takeover of government by a small group, typically the army. If what happened in Ukraine was a coup, so was the American Revolution, what happened all over Eastern Europe when the Berlin Wall fell down, etc. All coups.

    In Ukraine there was a popular revolt in half the country including the capital against a leader who lost most of his support and who had subverted Ukraine's democracy by overturning the previously democratically elected parliament in order to undemocratically have one that was controlled by him. As a result of this revolution the winners of the most recent election came to power.

    So you think that people in countries that border Russia have no right to overthrow their leaders (no matter how unpopular, or how undemocratic they are) if those unpopular leaders are supported by Russia? Peoples bordering Russia should be forced into pro-Russian dictatorships?

    “Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border”?
    Because as Ukraine demonstrated, it is dangerous and unstable when countries bordering Russia aren't NATO members. Russia gets tempted to invade them.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees.
    The "forest" is that the Russian Federation's political elites consider the fall of the USSR to have been a geopolitical catastrophe and their strategic task has been to undo that "catastrophe." The other stuff such as NATO membership (Finland wasn't a problem) or Russian language (if Russia cared about those people it would have annexed Donbas in 2014 and wouldn't bomb them and raze their cities in 2022) is an excuse. Russia decided to be cautious, to force Donbas into Ukraine on terms that would keep Ukraine from moving westward (Minsk agreements), to hope for an economic collapse that would force Ukraine to come back (instead the economy recovered), etc. When these things didn't happen, RusFed decided to invade to keep Ukraine in its orbit.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC

    In Ukraine there was a popular revolt in half the country including the capital against a leader who lost most of his support and who had subverted Ukraine’s democracy by overturning the previously democratically elected parliament in order to undemocratically have one that was controlled by him. As a result of this revolution the winners of the most recent election came to power.

    Worth noting that this move was an especially huge fuckup by Yanukovych since he had decent (50+%) odds of fairly winning control of the Ukrainian parliament had new Rada elections been held in 2010. But he apparently didn’t want to risk it, though the cost of a new election might have also been a factor (Ukraine was in financial trouble back then). But still, what he did was unacceptable since it blatantly violated the Ukrainian Constitution, as opposed to merely being a dispute over constitutional interpretation, as with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki holding onto power in 2010.

    The “forest” is that the Russian Federation’s political elites consider the fall of the USSR to have been a geopolitical catastrophe and their strategic task has been to undo that “catastrophe.” The other stuff such as NATO membership (Finland wasn’t a problem) or Russian language (if Russia cared about those people it would have annexed Donbas in 2014 and wouldn’t bomb them and raze their cities in 2022) is an excuse. Russia decided to be cautious, to force Donbas into Ukraine on terms that would keep Ukraine from moving westward (Minsk agreements), to hope for an economic collapse that would force Ukraine to come back (instead the economy recovered), etc. When these things didn’t happen, RusFed decided to invade to keep Ukraine in its orbit.

    According to Philippe Lemoine, Russia’s elites in 1991 let the other republics go in part because they didn’t actually believe that the USSR’s collapse was going to be permanent. They thought that the other republics would eventually come crawling back to Mother Russia. But this didn’t happen, especially for Ukraine, and so Russia’s plans were derailed.

    The Minsk Agreements were not going to be implemented due to differences of interpretation between Russia and Ukraine and also because Ukraine considered them a diktat, similar to how Germany (even Weimar Germany) and some 1930s Westerners felt about the Versailles Treaty. Diktats should only be obeyed if they are deemed just, so the logic goes. Fair logic, IMHO.

  217. @AP
    @John Johnson

    Here is Russian pop star Filip Kirkorov, who is close to Putin and supports Russia in its struggle against Ukraine. He made concerts in support of the Russian army, that kills Ukrainians:

    And here he is at a party in Moscow:

    But it's "Darwinian" not "diabolical," according to our resident defender of the war against Ukraine for "Christian" reasons:

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @The Big Red Scary

    Filipp Kirkorov: A fighter against GloboHomo and at the same time being a participant in GloboHomo? What a Schock lol!

    Schock is a reference to formerly homophobic gay Republican Congressman Aaron Schock, the Jock, who likes Cock, and who hopefully won’t get a Cock-Block!

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  218. @Emil Nikola Richard

    There is a large blackout in progress at reddit right now and a huge fraction of the subs are closed for a 48 hour protest. There probably are hordes frothing at the gates right now. No discussion site is safe.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    I like how he has Kaiser Wilhelm’s Gimp Left Arm. Or Bob Dole’s busted arm if you like.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Maybe could use an oblique 45 degree profile--you would see that the fellow who was the model has African lips and Khazarian nose which isn't obvious in this particular portrait.

  219. @Mr. XYZ

    Filipp Kirkorov: A fighter against GloboHomo and at the same time being a participant in GloboHomo? What a Schock lol!

    Schock is a reference to formerly homophobic gay Republican Congressman Aaron Schock, the Jock, who likes Cock, and who hopefully won't get a Cock-Block!

    Replies: @Wokechoke


    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Schock or myself? Because I support gay rights and same-sex marriage. I oppose anti-gay discrimination.

  220. @Mr. XYZ
    @John Johnson

    I think that Anatoly Karlin is trying to maximize his future social credibility after seriously fucking up by supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    And Yes, why not invite 1+ million Syrian refugees to settle in Russia? Seriously. Might as well also add 1+ million Afghan refugees as well since a large part of the reason as to why Afghanistan is currently a shithole dump is because the Soviet Union invaded it back in 1979.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Quite the reverse. If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place. The trouble for Afghanistan was the CIA and Mossad arming a bunch of nutcase Mujihadeen. Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Having the USSR collapse was arguably more important. But if that was possible and the Soviet-installed govt. in Afghanistan could have simultaneously survived due to a rapprochement with the US, then that would have likely been ideal.

    , @AP

    Communism was better than Taliban for Afghanistan, but worse than the pre-Commie government (my grandparents visited Afghanistan in the early 70s, before the Soviets arrived. It had been a very pleasant place). No Commie rule, no Mujihadeen/Taliban backlash and Afghanistan would have been a far more decent place.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @S

    If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place...Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.
    Speaking of...

    'Reconciling dialectical materialism and Allah.'

    The above was from the 1988 movie The Beast which was filmed in Israel.

    It has it's rough equivelant in the standard Hollywood Vietnam War film, where the Anglo-Americans who have historically given their all for progressive Capitalism, are typically shown to be monsters.

    In this instance, however, it's the Slavic-Russians who have historically given their all for progressive Communism, who are shown to be the monsters. [Communism in the film, sans the Slavic-Russian, is shown to be good. The Mujahideen are presented sympathetically and are shown to be 'civilized'. No 'magic Negro' in the film, but there is a good 'magic Afghan' Communist, whom the bigoted Russians martyr. The only 'good' Russian in the film, but only just, is the tank driver whom partially redeems himself by defecting to the Mujihadeen to fight and kill his fellow Russians whom he has labeled 'Nazi!'TM.]

    The opening scene of The Beast. [Note the subtitle. It's not the progressive Soviet or Communist invasion of Afghanistan, but the Russian invasion.] You have been forewarned.

    'Do it, Koverchenko!'

    Afghansti..., a more balanced 1988 British documentary about the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and their withdrawel during that time.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  221. One of the topics raised by local Ukrainian demagogues declares that there is no Nazism in Ukraine and everything is civilized, European and culturally
    Nikolaev Sale of “blood of Russian babies“
    In the Ukrainian Nikolaev, at the school “sweets fair”, the kids sold different goodies to each other in order to direct the proceeds to the “ATO”.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Maybe they just want to create a rally-around-the-flag effect?

    , @Mr. Hack

    Who better than the people on the ground to know who best looks out for their interests?

    And Putler, in his ultimate wisdom, declared that Mykolaiv was an integral part of Russia? He's as deranged as the sheeple that still follow him.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

  222. @AP
    @John Johnson

    Here is Russian pop star Filip Kirkorov, who is close to Putin and supports Russia in its struggle against Ukraine. He made concerts in support of the Russian army, that kills Ukrainians:

    And here he is at a party in Moscow:

    But it's "Darwinian" not "diabolical," according to our resident defender of the war against Ukraine for "Christian" reasons:

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @The Big Red Scary

    Kirkorov is a blasphemous pederast and should be stoned. One thing at a time, friends.

    • LOL: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @LatW
    @The Big Red Scary

    Never gonna happen. One of the most popular and richest people in RusFed. The only one who could get rid of him is Denis White Rex who is fighting on Ukraine's side (but he will not start with this pathetic faggot - way below his honor).

    , @sudden death
    @The Big Red Scary

    Quite apparently aggresive NATO gave scary ultimatum to poor defenceless Putka demanding him to give medals and make selfies with Kirkorov, so it obviously was more easy to invade Ukraine and smash NATO there than just stop publicly promoting the homostar before;)

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  223. Concerning abortion, it is indeed a major problem all over the former Soviet Union. Fortunately, it slowly improves in both Russia and Ukraine:

    Unfortunately, this is not offset by an increase in births.

    The femoid demand for abortion is a civilizational level shit test. Women have to be dragged kicking and screaming to happiness.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @The Big Red Scary

    The femoid demand for abortion
    You clearly are not familiar with the relationship dynamic in the ex-USSR.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  224. @The Big Red Scary

    Kirkorov is a blasphemous pederast and should be stoned. One thing at a time, friends.

    Replies: @LatW, @sudden death

    Never gonna happen. One of the most popular and richest people in RusFed. The only one who could get rid of him is Denis White Rex who is fighting on Ukraine’s side (but he will not start with this pathetic faggot – way below his honor).

  225. @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades.

    Well why don't you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin's abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Russia has the world's highest abortion rate, the second highest alcoholism rate, most atheists in Europe, highest HIV rate in Europe and a negative fertility rate (but not its Muslims).

    Do explain how expanding the borders of this decaying totalitarian empire sticks it to the left. I've asked this question for over a year and haven't been given an answer.

    How does killing over 100k Slavic men stick it to the left. Last I check the left is united around the idea that Whites should be wiped off the planet. How is Putin not serving that goal?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    jim’s blog recently explained it quite elegantly:

    After Russia intervened in Syria and stopped a rainbow revolution in Kazakhstan, everyone saw that GAE’s game was up. This made the psycho Jews in Foggy Bottom desperate, and so here we are with a full scale war in Ukraine. But the geopolitical map in the rest of the world has reshuffled.

  226. @The Big Red Scary
    Concerning abortion, it is indeed a major problem all over the former Soviet Union. Fortunately, it slowly improves in both Russia and Ukraine:

    Unfortunately, this is not offset by an increase in births.

    The femoid demand for abortion is a civilizational level shit test. Women have to be dragged kicking and screaming to happiness.

    Replies: @LatW

    The femoid demand for abortion

    You clearly are not familiar with the relationship dynamic in the ex-USSR.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    It's quite simple really. The men are cads, the women are sluts, and babushka takes care of the unwanted children.

    Replies: @LatW

  227. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Schock or myself? Because I support gay rights and same-sex marriage. I oppose anti-gay discrimination.

  228. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Quite the reverse. If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place. The trouble for Afghanistan was the CIA and Mossad arming a bunch of nutcase Mujihadeen. Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @S

    Having the USSR collapse was arguably more important. But if that was possible and the Soviet-installed govt. in Afghanistan could have simultaneously survived due to a rapprochement with the US, then that would have likely been ideal.

  229. @Mike_from_Russia
    One of the topics raised by local Ukrainian demagogues declares that there is no Nazism in Ukraine and everything is civilized, European and culturally
    Nikolaev Sale of “blood of Russian babies“
    In the Ukrainian Nikolaev, at the school "sweets fair", the kids sold different goodies to each other in order to direct the proceeds to the "ATO".

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    Maybe they just want to create a rally-around-the-flag effect?

  230. @The Big Red Scary

    Kirkorov is a blasphemous pederast and should be stoned. One thing at a time, friends.

    Replies: @LatW, @sudden death

    Quite apparently aggresive NATO gave scary ultimatum to poor defenceless Putka demanding him to give medals and make selfies with Kirkorov, so it obviously was more easy to invade Ukraine and smash NATO there than just stop publicly promoting the homostar before;)

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @sudden death

    There are any number of legitimate and damning criticisms one can make of Putin, among which is his indifferent attitude toward liberasty, but more consequentially that he wasn't better prepared for the present war.

  231. @LatW
    @The Big Red Scary

    The femoid demand for abortion
    You clearly are not familiar with the relationship dynamic in the ex-USSR.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    It’s quite simple really. The men are cads, the women are sluts, and babushka takes care of the unwanted children.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @The Big Red Scary

    Oh, I see you have a very high opinion of the Russian people. You're a real friend indeed.

  232. @sudden death
    @The Big Red Scary

    Quite apparently aggresive NATO gave scary ultimatum to poor defenceless Putka demanding him to give medals and make selfies with Kirkorov, so it obviously was more easy to invade Ukraine and smash NATO there than just stop publicly promoting the homostar before;)

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    There are any number of legitimate and damning criticisms one can make of Putin, among which is his indifferent attitude toward liberasty, but more consequentially that he wasn’t better prepared for the present war.

  233. @John Johnson

    The chance to avoid this war was long ago. The key point would have been the West and Russia working to improve and expand the Cold War arms control treaties. There were hints of this, but that was thrown away by the USA. The West decided to turn down a dark path which led them to drop out of the ABM treaty, expand NATO and support a coup in Ukraine among a great many other extremely aggressive moves.

    So if Ukraine had pursued strict neutrality after the breakup of the USSR they wouldn't be targeted for invasion?

    Like Moldova? Which was scheduled for invasion after Ukraine?

    Or how about Belarus? The closest ally to Russia and yet they are scheduled for full absorption?

    Russia plans full absorption of Belarus by 2030:

    Tell us which model they should have followed to maintain their autonomy which Russia swore to protect in 1994 (and included Crimea).

    Were the Baltics wrong to join NATO? If yes then do explain since they don't have Russian soldiers fighting their family age men in trenches.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @LatW, @Greasy William

    What about Georgia?

  234. @The Big Red Scary

    It's quite simple really. The men are cads, the women are sluts, and babushka takes care of the unwanted children.

    Replies: @LatW

    Oh, I see you have a very high opinion of the Russian people. You’re a real friend indeed.

  235. @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    AP’s framing is fundamentally misguided, because he sees the current war in Ukraine as some event isolated from the never-ending wars of GAE driven by psychos who are in fact infected with a form of leftism far more virulent than that under which half of Europe suffered for so many decades.

    Well why don't you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin's abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Russia has the world's highest abortion rate, the second highest alcoholism rate, most atheists in Europe, highest HIV rate in Europe and a negative fertility rate (but not its Muslims).

    Do explain how expanding the borders of this decaying totalitarian empire sticks it to the left. I've asked this question for over a year and haven't been given an answer.

    How does killing over 100k Slavic men stick it to the left. Last I check the left is united around the idea that Whites should be wiped off the planet. How is Putin not serving that goal?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    Well why don’t you explain to us how killing Orthodox men on both sides and expanding Putin’s abortion empire into Ukraine reduces the influence of the Western left.

    Not a single poster here has given an explanation so maybe you can be the first.

    Because a Russian victory will dramatically weaken the American Empire. No American Empire, no Globohomo. It’s that simple.

    You can talk about the Ukrainian soldiers all you want but that isn’t going to change that those soldiers are functioning as a proxy force for the Biden administration. I know that the men themselves are fighting for a free Ukraine, but those supplying those same men are motivated by imperial US/Western interests and absolutely nothing else. If you can’t tell that there is something extremely sinister about the Western pro Ukraine movement, well, I don’t know what to tell you.

    Does this mean we should support the Russian invasion? No, I don’t think so, I don’t think even Trump supports the invasion (Tucker definitely does, though). What Russia is doing is wrong but that doesn’t mean we ignore that it is to our advantage. Same thing with when China finally moves on Taiwan.

    Do you even want to see the US Empire defeated?

  236. Looks like UA managed to strike into travelling column where “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov was at the moment, Kadyrov himself now is whining on instagram about not being able to connect with him, also demanding UA to give info about the strike coordinates and offering a lot of money for that:

    • Replies: @LatW
    @sudden death

    “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov
    Prigo must've called. That menacing conversation they had a week ago... where he told Prigo to stop "screaming across the whole world".

    A group of Chechens had just recently arrived in Mariinka. So if that's where he was hit, that's a very quick reaction by UA or Prigo.

    Wagner and Kadirovites hate each other, I wonder if they'll start fighting directly.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    Looks like UA managed to strike into travelling column where “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov was at the moment, Kadyrov himself now is whining on instagram about not being able to connect with him, also demanding UA to give info about the strike coordinates and offering a lot of money for that:
    Well done dipshit. As usual you have "excelled" yourself in promoting one of the millions of ukronazi fakes that have already been disproven!!

    I suppose after the pitiful "Ancient Lithuanian" BS was exposed, you went back to your normal job of TsIPSO troll scumbag. American taxpayer should demand better value for their money

    Of course, hopefully the strike itself was as phantom as the personnel claimed to have been hit were. But you do notice the considerable number of Russian officials and their children visiting or serving in the military in the SMO. Can you compare this against ukronazi officials or any of their children or former high-profile ukronazi officials ( such as Avakov) serving and have got killed or injured out of the catastrophically high ukronazi deaths? The is answer is zero of course.
    Surely at least ONE faggot Lithuanian high profile official or ex official or one of their kids should be directly serving in the VSU because of "after 404 he will invade us next" BS? LOL

    Replies: @sudden death

  237. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Quite the reverse. If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place. The trouble for Afghanistan was the CIA and Mossad arming a bunch of nutcase Mujihadeen. Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @S

    Communism was better than Taliban for Afghanistan, but worse than the pre-Commie government (my grandparents visited Afghanistan in the early 70s, before the Soviets arrived. It had been a very pleasant place). No Commie rule, no Mujihadeen/Taliban backlash and Afghanistan would have been a far more decent place.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    My grandfather visited Afghanistan in the early 1920s. With a Vickers Gun and air cover. It’s a dump. Always was.

  238. @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I like how he has Kaiser Wilhelm’s Gimp Left Arm. Or Bob Dole’s busted arm if you like.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Maybe could use an oblique 45 degree profile–you would see that the fellow who was the model has African lips and Khazarian nose which isn’t obvious in this particular portrait.

  239. @Yevardian
    @Mr. XYZ

    Agreed. And to be honest, I don’t think that drag shows for kids are actually that bad. Especially if the kid themselves is LGBTQ+.
    ..can we ban this sickening fggt?
    This place is turning into schizo reddit

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @songbird

    The one deficiency of this commenting system is that it doesn’t automatically turn gay posts into straight posts. Replace pics of gays and trannies with tasteful Melanf posts of beautiful, young women.

    Suppose, under such a system, nobody could post a pic of Trudeau or Macron. But who really cares (other than the gays)?

  240. @Mike_from_Russia
    One of the topics raised by local Ukrainian demagogues declares that there is no Nazism in Ukraine and everything is civilized, European and culturally
    Nikolaev Sale of “blood of Russian babies“
    In the Ukrainian Nikolaev, at the school "sweets fair", the kids sold different goodies to each other in order to direct the proceeds to the "ATO".

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    Who better than the people on the ground to know who best looks out for their interests?

    And Putler, in his ultimate wisdom, declared that Mykolaiv was an integral part of Russia? He’s as deranged as the sheeple that still follow him.

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @Mr. Hack

    Nikolaev - literally founded by Russians, for Russians, following successful Russian wars, creating Russian (then Soviet) industries which shaped the layout, character and function of the whole region.

    There is more connections, more common between someone from Nikolaev with someone from Vladivostok over the last 200 years...... than there is between Nikolaev and some dickhead from N.Bukovina or Galicia you cretin

    It's deteriorated shipbuilding industry has certainly done more for Russian navy and Russia commercial shipping than it has for 404's in the last 30 years.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack

  241. @AP

    “Why were Nuland and McCain publicly supporting a coup in a Russian border country?”
    There was no coup. A coup is a takeover of government by a small group, typically the army. If what happened in Ukraine was a coup, so was the American Revolution, what happened all over Eastern Europe when the Berlin Wall fell down, etc. All coups.

    In Ukraine there was a popular revolt in half the country including the capital against a leader who lost most of his support and who had subverted Ukraine's democracy by overturning the previously democratically elected parliament in order to undemocratically have one that was controlled by him. As a result of this revolution the winners of the most recent election came to power.

    So you think that people in countries that border Russia have no right to overthrow their leaders (no matter how unpopular, or how undemocratic they are) if those unpopular leaders are supported by Russia? Peoples bordering Russia should be forced into pro-Russian dictatorships?

    “Why did the West expand the anti-Russia NATO military alliance to the Russian border”?
    Because as Ukraine demonstrated, it is dangerous and unstable when countries bordering Russia aren't NATO members. Russia gets tempted to invade them.

    I recommend you people consider the forest as well as the trees.
    The "forest" is that the Russian Federation's political elites consider the fall of the USSR to have been a geopolitical catastrophe and their strategic task has been to undo that "catastrophe." The other stuff such as NATO membership (Finland wasn't a problem) or Russian language (if Russia cared about those people it would have annexed Donbas in 2014 and wouldn't bomb them and raze their cities in 2022) is an excuse. Russia decided to be cautious, to force Donbas into Ukraine on terms that would keep Ukraine from moving westward (Minsk agreements), to hope for an economic collapse that would force Ukraine to come back (instead the economy recovered), etc. When these things didn't happen, RusFed decided to invade to keep Ukraine in its orbit.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan, there is no reason for you to obfuscate. The color revolutions and similar intrigues are a modern form of palace coup, where careful and patient manipulations set up a mostly non-violent fait accompli for the existing power structure. The West was meddling in a country on Russia’s border as part of a long project to drive a wedge between the two neighboring countries. Crucially, the meddling seems to be an extension of the Cold War and is directly related to the the USA dropping out of the ABM treaty and other dangerous and provocative actions. This makes the significance of the Western intrigues in Ukraine much higher.

    Some people live in a fantasy world where the USA did not drop out of crucial nuclear arms control treaties while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia and simultaneously meddling in countries directly on the Russian border. These acts are all major direct threats to Russia which largely define the dynamics of what is occurring in Ukraine. Any Ukrainians who do not appreciate this are pawns.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @AP

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan
    Everyone is involved everywhere. You think Russia didn’t help Yanukovich?

    There is foreign involvement in any Revolution, does that make them all coups? The French helped the Americans far more than the West helped Maidan, was the American Revolution a French coup? The West helped the guys toppling Soviet power, was that a coup also?

    Like Leftists, you like to play with words and change their meanings. It’s a bad habit.

    a modern form of palace coup
    So now you try to redefine a Revolution ad a modern form of palace coup. Maidan didn’t even come from the palace, it was on the streets, with the support of a plurality of the people.

    A coup would be is some general overthrew the government, a palace coup would be if someone from Yanukovich’s administration overthrew him.

    The West was meddling in a country on Russia’s border
    Ukraine is just as much in the West’s border. Kiev is closer to Warsaw than it is to Moscow. More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.

    while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia
    I.e., protect people who don’t want to be part of Russia from being invaded by Russia. At no cost of life. Why do you think that is so terrible?

    These acts are all major direct threats to Russia
    There is no threat to Russia because no one will dare attack a nuclear Russia. No one is even daring to attack troublesome North Korea.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC

  242. The thumbnail for this video about over-education is unintentionally funny:


  243. GAE or not GAE, the Devil or Darwin, that is the question.

    All other discussion, about Putin or Biden or Zelensky, about the current value versus the first derivative of abortion rate, about whether a Catholic or an Orthodox bishop is compromised by the CIA or by the KGB, is a distraction from this fundamental question of our age. The Apozcalypse– of which the celebration of Desmond is Amazing is a sign and a warning– approaches. Nothing short of a GAE Stalin, internal GAE collapse, or nuclear war will stop it, because it is driven by that which lives in the deep and always swims Left.

  244. How can the Turks be this educated?!


    (What is Erdogan working at?)

  245. @Mr. Hack

    Who better than the people on the ground to know who best looks out for their interests?

    And Putler, in his ultimate wisdom, declared that Mykolaiv was an integral part of Russia? He's as deranged as the sheeple that still follow him.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Nikolaev – literally founded by Russians, for Russians, following successful Russian wars, creating Russian (then Soviet) industries which shaped the layout, character and function of the whole region.

    There is more connections, more common between someone from Nikolaev with someone from Vladivostok over the last 200 years…… than there is between Nikolaev and some dickhead from N.Bukovina or Galicia you cretin

    It’s deteriorated shipbuilding industry has certainly done more for Russian navy and Russia commercial shipping than it has for 404’s in the last 30 years.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    After 30 years Russia no longer needs much of the great industrial capacity left in Ukraine by the Soviet Union. Russian companies were forced to work around the loss of this capability so Ukraine may be left with a Sovok "rust belt" as AK called it. I think the West did not want the two industrial powers to reunite and also did not want Ukraine to become an independent industrial power (competitor), so opportunities were restricted. Much of the Ukrainian intellectual capability has withered as well, leaving the country somewhat of a blank slate from an industrial perspective. We may find post-SMO the Ukrainian economy is mostly based on agriculture for a long time. This depends a lot on how strongly polarized the leaders of major Ukrainian technical companies are against Russia, especially Antonov, Khartron, Ivchenko-Progress, Zaporizhzhia Mashproject, Energoatom, Yuhzmash and the Nikolaev shipyard. If it takes too long to collaborate, these enterprises will continue to wither away.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    , @Mr. Hack

    I don't know, but it looks to me that the Ukrainians from Mykolaiv (at least those depicted within the video clip in comment #237) have more of a pronounced pro-Ukrainian point of view and would greatly appreciate that the Russian soldiers would get the hell out of their backyards and go back home. And I think that I'm viewing the clip objectively...

    Replies: @QCIC

  246. S says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Quite the reverse. If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place. The trouble for Afghanistan was the CIA and Mossad arming a bunch of nutcase Mujihadeen. Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP, @S

    If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place…Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.

    Speaking of…

    ‘Reconciling dialectical materialism and Allah.’

    The above was from the 1988 movie The Beast which was filmed in Israel.

    It has it’s rough equivelant in the standard Hollywood Vietnam War film, where the Anglo-Americans who have historically given their all for progressive Capitalism, are typically shown to be monsters.

    In this instance, however, it’s the Slavic-Russians who have historically given their all for progressive Communism, who are shown to be the monsters. [Communism in the film, sans the Slavic-Russian, is shown to be good. The Mujahideen are presented sympathetically and are shown to be ‘civilized’. No ‘magic Negro’ in the film, but there is a good ‘magic Afghan’ Communist, whom the bigoted Russians martyr. The only ‘good’ Russian in the film, but only just, is the tank driver whom partially redeems himself by defecting to the Mujihadeen to fight and kill his fellow Russians whom he has labeled ‘Nazi!’TM.]

    The opening scene of The Beast. [Note the subtitle. It’s not the progressive Soviet or Communist invasion of Afghanistan, but the Russian invasion.] You have been forewarned.

    ‘Do it, Koverchenko!’


    Afghansti…, a more balanced 1988 British documentary about the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and their withdrawel during that time.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    I’ve seen it. This was at a moment when the Lunatic Muslims were in the CIAs good graces.

  247. @Gerard1234
    @Mr. Hack

    Nikolaev - literally founded by Russians, for Russians, following successful Russian wars, creating Russian (then Soviet) industries which shaped the layout, character and function of the whole region.

    There is more connections, more common between someone from Nikolaev with someone from Vladivostok over the last 200 years...... than there is between Nikolaev and some dickhead from N.Bukovina or Galicia you cretin

    It's deteriorated shipbuilding industry has certainly done more for Russian navy and Russia commercial shipping than it has for 404's in the last 30 years.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack

    After 30 years Russia no longer needs much of the great industrial capacity left in Ukraine by the Soviet Union. Russian companies were forced to work around the loss of this capability so Ukraine may be left with a Sovok “rust belt” as AK called it. I think the West did not want the two industrial powers to reunite and also did not want Ukraine to become an independent industrial power (competitor), so opportunities were restricted. Much of the Ukrainian intellectual capability has withered as well, leaving the country somewhat of a blank slate from an industrial perspective. We may find post-SMO the Ukrainian economy is mostly based on agriculture for a long time. This depends a lot on how strongly polarized the leaders of major Ukrainian technical companies are against Russia, especially Antonov, Khartron, Ivchenko-Progress, Zaporizhzhia Mashproject, Energoatom, Yuhzmash and the Nikolaev shipyard. If it takes too long to collaborate, these enterprises will continue to wither away.

    • Replies: @Gerard1234

    Thanks for the excellent post. It also emphasises how SMO-provoking these parasites and US puppets in the EU were at conspiring to stop NS2 .Russian companies could replace Ukrainian ones, but attempts to replace pipelines going through 404 were sabotaged.

    Motor-Sich is what should be one of the greatest companies of its type in the world - but of course have been close to an irrelevance in the last decades. The Chinese bought a big stake in the company, but then because Banderastan is a failed, corrupt, puppet state.......... America ordered them to stop it, so they renationalised the Chinese stake in the company, costing them several 100 million dollars. Then at the start of the war the CEO was arrested for "treason". Naturally, for 404 the guy is something like 84 years old and the charges are obviously BS.

    Not that any "treason" wouldn't be understandable - you kill the company by banning orders from the country of by far their largest client (Russia) , get zero western investment and orders or even the appearance of intent for them to do so, then you get the massive payday and rescue of Chinese investment..... only for Pindostan to stop it with no alternative, leaving a non-entity of a once great company with also maintenance market mostly gone and now involved in small-scale projects producing smaller engines.

    As for Agriculture - both Ukraine and Russia are of course huge players in this market since 2014, but both are far behind Holland ( 100 billion+ dollars in imports). I don't know enough about Hollands agriculture exports to know how much of that market share can be taken by either Russia or Ukraine. I know they do ( or at least did) import much of their fertiliser products from Belarus & Russia, but don't know other than that how much of their agro-sector is supplied by Russia & Ukraine's own. Ukraine already kills itself twice though by losing what should be its first or second after China , biggest export market in Russia, in addition to provoking Russia to support our own agro-sector in place of Ukraines.

    Replies: @QCIC

  248. @A123

    As expected your #NeverTrump cult extremism led you to lie.... Again...

        I know you are lying.
            You know you are lying.
                Everyone knows you are lying.

    Why do you continue to fabricate obviously fallacious inequivalences? Everyone sees that you are behaving irrationally.

    Why do you refuse to grasp that the anti-MAGA House refused to provide Appropriation for wall building. Those capable of understanding and honesty see the plain truth. Trump did as well as he could transferring funds between accounts to resource barrier construction. Only liars, such as yourself, state differently.

    Trump's 1st term OVER PERFORMED versus the limits placed on him by an anti-MAGA House, anti-MAGA Senate, & anti-MAGA Judiciary.

    What do you hope to gain by lying for your #NeverTrump cult? Why do you support Not-The-President Biden's open borders rather than Trump's highly successful "Remain in Mexico" program?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere


  249. I wonder whether Dmitri or Mikel could put me in contact with one of these Mormon splinter groups, who might be willing to break copyright and tell me what is on one or two pages inside a rare book within their library in Salt Lake City.

    • Replies: @Another Polish Perspective

    What rare book...?

    Replies: @songbird

  250. @sudden death
    Looks like UA managed to strike into travelling column where "Ahmat-power" band head Delimhanov was at the moment, Kadyrov himself now is whining on instagram about not being able to connect with him, also demanding UA to give info about the strike coordinates and offering a lot of money for that:

    Replies: @LatW, @Gerard1234

    “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov

    Prigo must’ve called. That menacing conversation they had a week ago… where he told Prigo to stop “screaming across the whole world”.

    A group of Chechens had just recently arrived in Mariinka. So if that’s where he was hit, that’s a very quick reaction by UA or Prigo.

    Wagner and Kadirovites hate each other, I wonder if they’ll start fighting directly.

    • Replies: @LatW

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo's group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result - no Putin and end of war.

    Replies: @S, @Mr. XYZ

  251. @LatW
    @sudden death

    “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov
    Prigo must've called. That menacing conversation they had a week ago... where he told Prigo to stop "screaming across the whole world".

    A group of Chechens had just recently arrived in Mariinka. So if that's where he was hit, that's a very quick reaction by UA or Prigo.

    Wagner and Kadirovites hate each other, I wonder if they'll start fighting directly.

    Replies: @LatW

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo’s group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result – no Putin and end of war.

    • Replies: @S

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo’s group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.
    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not 'just' 'another Hitler', but to be someone 'worse than Hitler', to lead Russia to a potential disaster?

    Hitler's legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.

    Prigozhin's legend, on the other hand and so far, is being an excon, 'Putin's butcher', the image of a bloody sledgehammer, planting himself in a field of fresh Russian corpses, but is someone who also writes children's some sort of 'psycho' in the making.

    Should WWIII formally commence and Prigozhin has seized power in Russia, I can just see the caricaturized Western 'Allied' propaganda posters:

    'This is the face of the enemy!'

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result – no Putin and end of war.
    Yes, cynical. Who says Putin's removal will end the war, though? What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn't not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into 'total war' territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?

    The United States and United Kingdom have already effectively declared for Prigozhin with their extensive over the top media coverage of the guy. What say the Russian people? [If things follow their general pattern, unfortunately, the Russian people won't (in reality) be asked their opinion].

    As a related aside, Prigozhin a little over a week ago allegedly made a video where he demanded a 250,000 man army for himself, and made some other wild statements. [See two links directly below]. No coverage in the Western media at all as far as I can tell, which makes me wonder if the video was real to begin with.

    A more recent Prigozhin article..

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Mr. XYZ

    A half-Jew taking power in Russia might be quite an intense thought for Russian anti-Semites, no?

    BTW, this is off-topic, but I was wondering: Without both World Wars, do you think that there could have still eventually been the potential for the creation of something similar to the European Union? And would it be in all of Europe or simply in Central Europe?

  252. @songbird
    I wonder whether Dmitri or Mikel could put me in contact with one of these Mormon splinter groups, who might be willing to break copyright and tell me what is on one or two pages inside a rare book within their library in Salt Lake City.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective

    What rare book…?

    • Replies: @songbird
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Genealogical. Technically, it is in print. Could buy it, I just don't want to spend like $1000, on material that is like 370 years old (and which the author said he was doing it for the glory of God or something, and was soon murdered) and which may or may not include what I am after.

    Wish I could buy it by the page. I'd be willing to do that.

    Another option seems to be to read the manuscript. But can't find any sort of index. Not certain it is even complete (some indications it isn't) and I am unlettered in that type of script. And it is hundreds of pages long.

    All in all, I am not seeing an attractive option here. I wish AK included breaking copyright on rare books in his guide.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective

  253. ….The Minsk Agreements were not going to be implemented…because Ukraine considered them a diktat, similar to how Germany (even Weimar Germany) and some 1930s Westerners felt about the Versailles Treaty.

    Playing with words, you can always consider any peace agreement a “diktat“. Germany refused to live with Versailles and they ended up with Potsdam in 1945 – much worse.

    The reality is that Kiev Ukraine is not in a position to force what they want: mono-ethnic pro-Western large Ukraine that is in Nato. As long as Russia doesn’t accept it that will not happen – and Europe is lukewarm about adding a poor militant permanent headache to EU.

    You can talk about “diktat” all you want, it will eventually come down to a diktat by one side. The odds are that it will be Russia. Minsk was the best deal Ukraine could get and they threw it away. Now they are sorry and die in huge numbers to get a deal that would approach Minsk – that is what is going on and the crazy dreams about conquering Crimea or defeating Russia are a sign of deep regret. But you and the Kiev camp will deny it till the end – you really have no other choice, a regret that enormous is hard to live with, so you dream….dreamers get used by others and then discarded.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Playing with words, you can always consider any peace agreement a “diktat“. Germany refused to live with Versailles and they ended up with Potsdam in 1945 – much worse.
    Had Germany not gone Nazi, it could have possibly eventually waged a limited war against the Franco-Poles (defense in the West; offense in the East) in order to reconquer its lost Polish territory. Germany could have actually succeeded in such a war if Britain, Italy, and the US would have all remained neutral. Germany could have then used the return of Gdynia to Poland as well as an extraterritorial road and/or railway as a bargaining chip to get Poland to agree to these new borders.

    Nazi Germany's problem is that it also brought Britain into the war, which helped to assure its ultimate demise.

    Replies: @Beckow

  254. @John Johnson

    …Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias


    Riight…that is like saying that Paris has been under attack by anti-Macron (anti-dwarf?) angry French militias who want a new government. Actually about 1k times more “attackers” are in France and they have been at it for much longer. But you will barely see it mentioned on “CNN”.

    What are you saying didn't happen? The attack by anti-Putin Russian militias? You do realize they have made videos of themselves attacking Russian troops in Belogrod?

    Your ability to talk total one-sided nonsense and use limited selective videos says it all about how serious you are about solving this issue – you dream of winning and any snippet of out-of-context info is good enough to feed your usual rants.

    One sided nonsense? You're another Putin defender that is just as information selective as an emotional liberal White woman that watches CNN.

    Here is one of many videos that anti-Putin Russian militias have made:

    Ok, we get it, you hate the “Russians“, who cares, but have you considered what to do if you don’t win this war?

    Russia has already lost by Putin's own standards. He originally said the war is about preventing the expansion of NATO and his stupid invasion drew Finland out of neutrality. Well have a look at a map of the world. Finland has more border with Russia than Ukraine. Oh and there will be no missile silos in Finland as that was always a bullshit excuse. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos in Europe but Putin's bootlickers never bothered to fact check him.

    Or are you talking about a march on Kiev? I don't see how that is possible when they failed the first time and with elite forces. Doing it with village drunk conscripts would be an even bigger disaster. Putin already signaled that he would be content with taking Donbas. So his best hope is an armistice which would still make the war technically a loss if we go by his original speech. This isn't Russian State TV and where such things aren't mentioned.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Beckow

    …What are you saying didn’t happen?

    You have a reading comprehension problem. That’s not what I said. You refuse to see what doesn’t fit your ideological narrative.

    The rest of your post are the usual – and quite typical – American boasts about wiining and “losing”…for god sake, US has lost in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc…but somehow you go on with your head in your ass boasting and looking ridiculous.

    You couldn’t even defeat a bunch of badly armed pyjama-wearing peasants and goat herders. You lost thousands of lives, billions in treasure and then run away. But you work so hard on denying it, lying to yourself and looking very ridiculous to the rest of the world. You are at it again with Ukraine. It looks pathological…

  255. @Another Polish Perspective

    What rare book...?

    Replies: @songbird

    Genealogical. Technically, it is in print. Could buy it, I just don’t want to spend like $1000, on material that is like 370 years old (and which the author said he was doing it for the glory of God or something, and was soon murdered) and which may or may not include what I am after.

    Wish I could buy it by the page. I’d be willing to do that.

    Another option seems to be to read the manuscript. But can’t find any sort of index. Not certain it is even complete (some indications it isn’t) and I am unlettered in that type of script. And it is hundreds of pages long.

    All in all, I am not seeing an attractive option here. I wish AK included breaking copyright on rare books in his guide.

    • Replies: @Another Polish Perspective

    Well, AFAIK, Mormons do just aggregation of genealogical data. Original data is probably still there where it was found... so you may find it, again.

    Anyway, such an obsession with genealogy definitely means that all people are not equal for Mormons.

    I, for once, do hope that my gen data is NOT in possession of Mormons and if so, then I would like to erase it (hopefully I have right to do so).

  256. @songbird
    @Another Polish Perspective

    Genealogical. Technically, it is in print. Could buy it, I just don't want to spend like $1000, on material that is like 370 years old (and which the author said he was doing it for the glory of God or something, and was soon murdered) and which may or may not include what I am after.

    Wish I could buy it by the page. I'd be willing to do that.

    Another option seems to be to read the manuscript. But can't find any sort of index. Not certain it is even complete (some indications it isn't) and I am unlettered in that type of script. And it is hundreds of pages long.

    All in all, I am not seeing an attractive option here. I wish AK included breaking copyright on rare books in his guide.

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective

    Well, AFAIK, Mormons do just aggregation of genealogical data. Original data is probably still there where it was found… so you may find it, again.

    Anyway, such an obsession with genealogy definitely means that all people are not equal for Mormons.

    I, for once, do hope that my gen data is NOT in possession of Mormons and if so, then I would like to erase it (hopefully I have right to do so).

  257. A123 says: • Website

    Activision (now Groomer-vision) followed Target, Bud Light, and North Face into the abyss.

    Call of Duty online personality Nickmercs dared to post the comment, “They should leave children alone.”



    This obvious truth caused Groomer-vision to pull a Nickmercs package, depriving him of income. The gaming community’s response has been harsh. And, unlike generic consumables, War Gamers are not going to give up. #TeabagActivision

    PEACE 😇

  258. AP says:

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan, there is no reason for you to obfuscate. The color revolutions and similar intrigues are a modern form of palace coup, where careful and patient manipulations set up a mostly non-violent fait accompli for the existing power structure. The West was meddling in a country on Russia's border as part of a long project to drive a wedge between the two neighboring countries. Crucially, the meddling seems to be an extension of the Cold War and is directly related to the the USA dropping out of the ABM treaty and other dangerous and provocative actions. This makes the significance of the Western intrigues in Ukraine much higher.

    Some people live in a fantasy world where the USA did not drop out of crucial nuclear arms control treaties while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia and simultaneously meddling in countries directly on the Russian border. These acts are all major direct threats to Russia which largely define the dynamics of what is occurring in Ukraine. Any Ukrainians who do not appreciate this are pawns.

    Replies: @AP

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan

    Everyone is involved everywhere. You think Russia didn’t help Yanukovich?

    There is foreign involvement in any Revolution, does that make them all coups? The French helped the Americans far more than the West helped Maidan, was the American Revolution a French coup? The West helped the guys toppling Soviet power, was that a coup also?

    Like Leftists, you like to play with words and change their meanings. It’s a bad habit.

    a modern form of palace coup

    So now you try to redefine a Revolution ad a modern form of palace coup. Maidan didn’t even come from the palace, it was on the streets, with the support of a plurality of the people.

    A coup would be is some general overthrew the government, a palace coup would be if someone from Yanukovich’s administration overthrew him.

    The West was meddling in a country on Russia’s border

    Ukraine is just as much in the West’s border. Kiev is closer to Warsaw than it is to Moscow. More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.

    while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia

    I.e., protect people who don’t want to be part of Russia from being invaded by Russia. At no cost of life. Why do you think that is so terrible?

    These acts are all major direct threats to Russia

    There is no threat to Russia because no one will dare attack a nuclear Russia. No one is even daring to attack troublesome North Korea.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.
    Public opinion was 50-50 but the younger generations were much more pro-West, so a pro-Western trend should have been expected over time, Yes. And of course the secession of Crimea and the Donbass gave the pro-Western side a decisive advantage.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.
    Yep, and it's a huge shame that Ukrainians themselves failed to see this back in 2008. Back then, Ukrainians were much more likely to view NATO as a threat than as protection:

    The Ukrainian people were remarkably hostile towards NATO back then, on average. I seem to recall another poll from roughly around the same time that showed that only in western Ukraine did a majority support NATO membership back then; even in central Ukraine a majority opposed it.

    Now a majority even in eastern Ukraine supports it thanks to Putin's 2022 invasion. What a change!

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @QCIC

    I am discussing post-Cold War nuclear warfare aspects of the Ukraine conflict. The people planning for nuclear warfare in the West, Russia and China look at things differently than the rest of us. A key concern is unintentional escalation to nuclear war. A well known example is the USA placing missiles in Turkey, leading to Soviet missiles in Cuba and finally actual nuclear warfare being averted by Arkhipov. We are still stuck in a MAD scenario so intentionally escalating USA-Russia tensions in Ukraine is insane. In this real world it doesn't matter how close Kiev is to Warsaw, but it does matter how close the Ukrainian border is to Moscow. This is relevant because the West created missile bases in Romania and Poland. That was a nuclear escalation and it makes the Ukrainian situation more globally consequential. This is one aspect of the problem out of many created by the West.

    Apparently the West thought they could break Russia using a combination of economic, conventional military might and even nuclear warfare. They may believe the risk of nuclear war is low enough to not worry about. Russia has pushed back strongly in all three areas. The best response for the West is to drop the entire project. There is no sign yet that will happen.

    One of the stupidest parts of the entire ordeal is this will be a self-fulfilling prophesy of Russia becoming aggressive. Well, guess what, that is what happens when a Superpower is threatened.

    You seem to think Maidan is a sincere freedom movement. I think the Ukrainians are pawns of the West being used to attack Russia. Maybe both are true.

  259. Hello everyone!

    There’s one knot left to be undone for me on this forum, one thing that has been nagging me on my mind, really nagging. Its about you Aaron. I believe that I have some unsolved business with you. Though I visit this forum nowadays quite rarely, I once noticed you writing, if I recall correctly, about something like, that you are trying to see everyone as your equal, or not to see yourself as superior in regards of others, something like that, and I must say that those words moved me quite a bit and made me to see our ancient debates on in a new completely re-evaluated light. What you were trying to constantly argue then was actually, at least partially, pure Dharma! Often your main point was how it is important to not entangle oneself with mundane and transient things, to become free of such baggage, that such things are an obstacle on one’s spiritual path. After all Buddha taught that before one can genuinely practice Dharma one must be liberated of Eight Worldly dharmas or Eight Mundane Winds. As long as one is subjected to such worldly concerns one’s mind can not act freely. Therefore I must acknowledge that in my debates with you my mind lacked clarity and out of narcissism and chauvinism I thought that I have nothing to learn from some American from New York.

    But what really moved me was your writings about not being a superior or trying to see everyone as your equal, if Aaron your words were sincere, then it was claimed by the Buddha that one who can master such far reaching attitudes will surely be born in the Brahma realms. Genuine practice of a equanimity or Upeksha is a true sign of a Mahasattva, a great being, though I still can’t say that you are a Boddhisattva, for it seems to me that you are a propounder of philosophical Monism, which is not a Buddhist viewpoint. Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you of our old discussions and rejoice in seeing that you have had quite much progress on your spiritual path. I hope that it brings to you some joy that the current causal momentary construct that is labeled as me sees you on the path of the Dharma! Ha ha ha!

    Or maybe you should listen Bashi and find yourself a nice Jewish girl, settle down, have kids, segregate from the wider society and leave spiritual wandering to gentiles and more grounded older dudes.)) After all leopard can’t change it’s spots, or tiger it’s stripes! But how wonderful it is then that we are not animals, whose very physiology denies them of a possibility of change, who under the laws of nature are incapable of using their limbs and minds with such freedom that is given to men, to whom the causes and conditions for change are happily always present, for better or worse, after all ideas, thoughts, beliefs and opinions have no physical basis, the projections of human mind are not substantially real as are crab’s claws or wolf’s fangs, how blessed is the existence of men! There is no one except we ourself as the prison guard of our mind, there is no one else holding us back, no one who forces us to have views that bring forth suffering and pain.

    By the way I have also couple corrections for you Aaron regarding of some of your old comments IIRC. Brahma and Brahman are two different concepts, Brahman in Hindu philosophy is the ultimate, or absolute, that which is truly real and existent, whose nature differs quite much depending on the school of Hinduism. Brahma is one of the gods, very high god in Buddhism and Hinduism, who in my knowledge has no direct equivalent in the Roman-Hellenic Pantheon, maybe Aeon, and also is one of the category of beings in traditional Buddhism, according to the Buddha there are many Brahma realms in the Form Realm with their Brahma gods.

    Second correction, this is quite important for me, for this mistaken falsehood is too common even among many Indians themselves. The presence of the cults of Hindu gods is not a sign of syncretism in Buddhism, the Buddha himself taught about the gods, both in Sanskrit Mahayana canon and Pali Theravada canon there are countless sutras about various gods and their deeds. The concept of Hindu and Hinduism are quite modern, traditionally Hindu just meant Indian, and not long time ago it was common even to Indian Muslims to call themselves Hindu and their country Hindustan, or that they are Indians and that their land is the land of India. Therefore this talk about Hindu gods in Buddhism is an anachronist oxymoron, concept of Hindu or Hinduness is a later invention than Buddhism or one could say that Buddhism is literally Hindudharma after all Buddhism is an Indian religion! Both the modern collection of Indic faiths with a modern moniker of Hinduism and Buddhism grew out of a Vedic milieu and are equally inheritors of Vedic gods and traditions, I even suspect that most important god of Rig Veda, Indra, is not commonly worshipped in modern Hinduism because he became so closely associated with the Buddhism in ancient times, and that’s why he’s cult’s value was diminished in the eyes of Vaishnavite and Vedantin Brahmins, same probably happened with the cult and importance of the Brahma, whose worship is quite rare nowadays.

    Therefore the cult of gods is a built in feature in Buddhadharma and not a later addition. They are not objects of refugee like the fully enlightened beings, but one should have towards them reverent attitude, like towards one’s boss or some high official, that they are powerful samsaric beings, in such way Buddha taught about some of the gods.

    Now I think that I don’t have any knots left on this site, but wait there are still a few things.

    Sikhi Dharma is fully Indic and Dharmic faith, only foreign influence are some Arabic(through Persian), and Persian loanwords, Vedic religion had no Murtis or idols, and the religion of Vedic Kshatriyas differed quite much from the religion of Brahmins and other Varnas, also I would like to say to Sher Singh that in my opinion the power of the Khalsa arose from the protecting the Dharma and the weak. What else were the heroic feats against the tyranny of Aurangzeb and crushing of the Afghan power in India? Zafarnama is an exceptional writing, truly heart touching. Now I believe that Mleccha is someone who eats beef and delights in defilement and desecration of the shrines of the others. I too have behaved like a Mleccha in the past…

    Jatts are 50% steppe, that’s a big surprise to me!

    To AP, you probably are interested of my opinion in regards of the tragedy in Ukraine, well what happened was a criminal mistake, but now it is most important to pray that hostilities cease immediately. What Putin did was wrong, but also at the present moment it is wrong for Zelensky to try to continue the war without clear and attainable objects, both Putin and Zelensky see Ukrainian lives as expendable in my opinion, after all the frontline will not change without of sacrifice of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives, and Nato is giving just enough support to keep Ukraine fighting, but not enough to really change the tide of the war, both sides can not achieve their maximal objectives without huge sacrifices, is that not a sign that the ceasefire is now the most preferable option? Well I will not debate with you about this, just thought if you are interested of my opinion, here it is.

    Also I would like to send my best wishes to AP, Dmitry, who I am sure of is on ever progressing spiritual/philosophical path to greatness(!), Sher Singh, Beckow, Sudden Death, Mikel, Mr. Hack, Songbird, Yevardian,, German_Reader, and Bashi, and sorry to others if I forgot to mention someone.

    And to dear Bashi, of course you are capable of understanding Dharma, sorry to claim otherwise, be well! Is it not curious that the Harappans had trade posts just on the doorstep of Andronovo and BMAC?!

    Know that in reality human beings are unhappy,
    Impermanent, devoid of self, and impure;
    Those who forsake mindfulness are ruined
    Through wrongly viewing these four.

    -Arya Nagarjuna

    Now all the knots are unraveled, or so I hope! May our wandering in Samsara end swiftly! May all of us reach the final shore!

    ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ

    • Replies: @AP

    Thank you for your kind words ! I wish you all the best !

    , @HeavilyMarbledSteak

    Thank you very much Altan for your kind words - what an unexpectedly pleasant surprise to find on Unz, which is rare here :)

    I agree with nearly everything you say about the Hindu Gods as they relate to Buddhism and thank you for explaining it so well. I also agree about Sikhism being a classic Dharmic faith with many of the best features of that stream of religion - I just recently read the Zafarnama this year, and it is extremely impressive.

    As for Bashi, I am sure he is capable of understanding Dharma - if he chooses to. And if he does choose to, he will return to Unz in a third incarnation as a very different Bashi :) One that would be a true blessing to his fellow Slavs.

    Well, I myself am moving on from this place - I feel I no longer have any contribution to make here. Although I do still owe Mikel pictures of the Sierra High Route, so I may return for that in the autumn :)

    I hope this ties up all your loose threads here and releases you to go on to bigger and better things - be well, Altan.


    Replies: @Mikel

  260. @KhadiraForest
    Hello everyone!

    There's one knot left to be undone for me on this forum, one thing that has been nagging me on my mind, really nagging. Its about you Aaron. I believe that I have some unsolved business with you. Though I visit this forum nowadays quite rarely, I once noticed you writing, if I recall correctly, about something like, that you are trying to see everyone as your equal, or not to see yourself as superior in regards of others, something like that, and I must say that those words moved me quite a bit and made me to see our ancient debates on in a new completely re-evaluated light. What you were trying to constantly argue then was actually, at least partially, pure Dharma! Often your main point was how it is important to not entangle oneself with mundane and transient things, to become free of such baggage, that such things are an obstacle on one's spiritual path. After all Buddha taught that before one can genuinely practice Dharma one must be liberated of Eight Worldly dharmas or Eight Mundane Winds. As long as one is subjected to such worldly concerns one's mind can not act freely. Therefore I must acknowledge that in my debates with you my mind lacked clarity and out of narcissism and chauvinism I thought that I have nothing to learn from some American from New York.

    But what really moved me was your writings about not being a superior or trying to see everyone as your equal, if Aaron your words were sincere, then it was claimed by the Buddha that one who can master such far reaching attitudes will surely be born in the Brahma realms. Genuine practice of a equanimity or Upeksha is a true sign of a Mahasattva, a great being, though I still can't say that you are a Boddhisattva, for it seems to me that you are a propounder of philosophical Monism, which is not a Buddhist viewpoint. Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you of our old discussions and rejoice in seeing that you have had quite much progress on your spiritual path. I hope that it brings to you some joy that the current causal momentary construct that is labeled as me sees you on the path of the Dharma! Ha ha ha!

    Or maybe you should listen Bashi and find yourself a nice Jewish girl, settle down, have kids, segregate from the wider society and leave spiritual wandering to gentiles and more grounded older dudes.)) After all leopard can't change it's spots, or tiger it's stripes! But how wonderful it is then that we are not animals, whose very physiology denies them of a possibility of change, who under the laws of nature are incapable of using their limbs and minds with such freedom that is given to men, to whom the causes and conditions for change are happily always present, for better or worse, after all ideas, thoughts, beliefs and opinions have no physical basis, the projections of human mind are not substantially real as are crab's claws or wolf's fangs, how blessed is the existence of men! There is no one except we ourself as the prison guard of our mind, there is no one else holding us back, no one who forces us to have views that bring forth suffering and pain.

    By the way I have also couple corrections for you Aaron regarding of some of your old comments IIRC. Brahma and Brahman are two different concepts, Brahman in Hindu philosophy is the ultimate, or absolute, that which is truly real and existent, whose nature differs quite much depending on the school of Hinduism. Brahma is one of the gods, very high god in Buddhism and Hinduism, who in my knowledge has no direct equivalent in the Roman-Hellenic Pantheon, maybe Aeon, and also is one of the category of beings in traditional Buddhism, according to the Buddha there are many Brahma realms in the Form Realm with their Brahma gods.

    Second correction, this is quite important for me, for this mistaken falsehood is too common even among many Indians themselves. The presence of the cults of Hindu gods is not a sign of syncretism in Buddhism, the Buddha himself taught about the gods, both in Sanskrit Mahayana canon and Pali Theravada canon there are countless sutras about various gods and their deeds. The concept of Hindu and Hinduism are quite modern, traditionally Hindu just meant Indian, and not long time ago it was common even to Indian Muslims to call themselves Hindu and their country Hindustan, or that they are Indians and that their land is the land of India. Therefore this talk about Hindu gods in Buddhism is an anachronist oxymoron, concept of Hindu or Hinduness is a later invention than Buddhism or one could say that Buddhism is literally Hindudharma after all Buddhism is an Indian religion! Both the modern collection of Indic faiths with a modern moniker of Hinduism and Buddhism grew out of a Vedic milieu and are equally inheritors of Vedic gods and traditions, I even suspect that most important god of Rig Veda, Indra, is not commonly worshipped in modern Hinduism because he became so closely associated with the Buddhism in ancient times, and that's why he's cult's value was diminished in the eyes of Vaishnavite and Vedantin Brahmins, same probably happened with the cult and importance of the Brahma, whose worship is quite rare nowadays.

    Therefore the cult of gods is a built in feature in Buddhadharma and not a later addition. They are not objects of refugee like the fully enlightened beings, but one should have towards them reverent attitude, like towards one's boss or some high official, that they are powerful samsaric beings, in such way Buddha taught about some of the gods.

    Now I think that I don't have any knots left on this site, but wait there are still a few things.

    Sikhi Dharma is fully Indic and Dharmic faith, only foreign influence are some Arabic(through Persian), and Persian loanwords, Vedic religion had no Murtis or idols, and the religion of Vedic Kshatriyas differed quite much from the religion of Brahmins and other Varnas, also I would like to say to Sher Singh that in my opinion the power of the Khalsa arose from the protecting the Dharma and the weak. What else were the heroic feats against the tyranny of Aurangzeb and crushing of the Afghan power in India? Zafarnama is an exceptional writing, truly heart touching. Now I believe that Mleccha is someone who eats beef and delights in defilement and desecration of the shrines of the others. I too have behaved like a Mleccha in the past...

    Jatts are 50% steppe, that's a big surprise to me!

    To AP, you probably are interested of my opinion in regards of the tragedy in Ukraine, well what happened was a criminal mistake, but now it is most important to pray that hostilities cease immediately. What Putin did was wrong, but also at the present moment it is wrong for Zelensky to try to continue the war without clear and attainable objects, both Putin and Zelensky see Ukrainian lives as expendable in my opinion, after all the frontline will not change without of sacrifice of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives, and Nato is giving just enough support to keep Ukraine fighting, but not enough to really change the tide of the war, both sides can not achieve their maximal objectives without huge sacrifices, is that not a sign that the ceasefire is now the most preferable option? Well I will not debate with you about this, just thought if you are interested of my opinion, here it is.

    Also I would like to send my best wishes to AP, Dmitry, who I am sure of is on ever progressing spiritual/philosophical path to greatness(!), Sher Singh, Beckow, Sudden Death, Mikel, Mr. Hack, Songbird, Yevardian,, German_Reader, and Bashi, and sorry to others if I forgot to mention someone.

    And to dear Bashi, of course you are capable of understanding Dharma, sorry to claim otherwise, be well! Is it not curious that the Harappans had trade posts just on the doorstep of Andronovo and BMAC?!

    Know that in reality human beings are unhappy,
    Impermanent, devoid of self, and impure;
    Those who forsake mindfulness are ruined
    Through wrongly viewing these four.

    -Arya Nagarjuna

    Now all the knots are unraveled, or so I hope! May our wandering in Samsara end swiftly! May all of us reach the final shore!

    ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ

    Replies: @AP, @HeavilyMarbledSteak

    Thank you for your kind words ! I wish you all the best !

  261. S says:

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo's group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result - no Putin and end of war.

    Replies: @S, @Mr. XYZ

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo’s group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.

    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not ‘just’ ‘another Hitler’, but to be someone ‘worse than Hitler’, to lead Russia to a potential disaster?

    Hitler’s legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.

    Prigozhin’s legend, on the other hand and so far, is being an excon, ‘Putin’s butcher’, the image of a bloody sledgehammer, planting himself in a field of fresh Russian corpses, but is someone who also writes children’s storys…ie some sort of ‘psycho’ in the making.

    Should WWIII formally commence and Prigozhin has seized power in Russia, I can just see the caricaturized Western ‘Allied’ propaganda posters:

    ‘This is the face of the enemy!’

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result – no Putin and end of war.

    Yes, cynical. Who says Putin’s removal will end the war, though? What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn’t not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into ‘total war’ territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?

    The United States and United Kingdom have already effectively declared for Prigozhin with their extensive over the top media coverage of the guy. What say the Russian people? [If things follow their general pattern, unfortunately, the Russian people won’t (in reality) be asked their opinion].

    As a related aside, Prigozhin a little over a week ago allegedly made a video where he demanded a 250,000 man army for himself, and made some other wild statements. [See two links directly below]. No coverage in the Western media at all as far as I can tell, which makes me wonder if the video was real to begin with.

    A more recent Prigozhin article..

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @LatW

    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not ‘just’ ‘another Hitler’, but to be someone ‘worse than Hitler’, to lead Russia to a potential disaster?
    I already wrote in the other thread, that it is possible that the Kovalchuk brothers are behind him. Or some other powerful faction within the Kremlin. Him defying Putin's orders is a very big deal, because it indicates to the elite that the so called "power vertical" is no longer a 100% solid. The elite can see that not all orders are obeyed or that some orders can be not obeyed by some (usually this is how problems start, this happened right before the fall of the USSR as well, in fact, it happened instantly at one moment - and it caused very negative consequences across the board). Prigo himself is not systemic, so I don't really see how he could become president, but it looks like the situation is very complicated now so anything can happen.

    Hitler’s legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.
    Hitler is in a completely different league than Prigo, and Hitler had almost all of the German people behind him eventually, the longings of the German people, as well as their entitlement and aggression were embodied in Hitler.

    Prigo does not have that sort of a national asset right now, although he does have a significant asset (the support of the Z bydlo - the undereducated pro-war trash who are impressed by prison slang and who consider prison behaviors applicable to daily life and even admirable behavior, and other imperialist scum, or just simple vatniks).

    Who says Putin’s removal will end the war, though?
    Putin's removal would most likely end the war - the power vertical would collapse immediately. However, Putin can still stay in power even after the war and so can the current elites. He may or may not remain, depending on how the war goes (his position is not as stable as before although).

    What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn’t not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into ‘total war’ territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?
    "Follows through his rhetoric"? The whole irony of his rants is that it shows in full light the problems that RusFed are facing and how far the existing is from the desirable. He cannot just snap his fingers and get all those things that he is screaming for. The Russian government spent huge amounts on Wagner already. Because it would require insane levels of work and mobilization of the population. This is not the Great Patriotic War, as the Russians call it - the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it.

    I'm not even sure he is serious - of course, he is right about the mobilization part and he was right when he was explaining what efforts it would take to occupy Kyiv if they were intent on trying to do that again (it would take years). He was just being realistic. But he is doing this for his own clan war, against the MOD. He is ranting at MOD to boost himself. He knows damn well that the Russian people don't have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.

    What say the Russian people?
    Possibly as high as 30% of the Russian people are against the war (for various reasons), among those there are people who may be salvageable and are worth fighting for. The majority, the 70% or so, are aggressive vatnik bydlo. But that doesn't mean they will become efficient fighters or workers in the war industry. Most of them are too old for that, in fact.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @S

  262. @AP

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan
    Everyone is involved everywhere. You think Russia didn’t help Yanukovich?

    There is foreign involvement in any Revolution, does that make them all coups? The French helped the Americans far more than the West helped Maidan, was the American Revolution a French coup? The West helped the guys toppling Soviet power, was that a coup also?

    Like Leftists, you like to play with words and change their meanings. It’s a bad habit.

    a modern form of palace coup
    So now you try to redefine a Revolution ad a modern form of palace coup. Maidan didn’t even come from the palace, it was on the streets, with the support of a plurality of the people.

    A coup would be is some general overthrew the government, a palace coup would be if someone from Yanukovich’s administration overthrew him.

    The West was meddling in a country on Russia’s border
    Ukraine is just as much in the West’s border. Kiev is closer to Warsaw than it is to Moscow. More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.

    while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia
    I.e., protect people who don’t want to be part of Russia from being invaded by Russia. At no cost of life. Why do you think that is so terrible?

    These acts are all major direct threats to Russia
    There is no threat to Russia because no one will dare attack a nuclear Russia. No one is even daring to attack troublesome North Korea.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC

    More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.

    Public opinion was 50-50 but the younger generations were much more pro-West, so a pro-Western trend should have been expected over time, Yes. And of course the secession of Crimea and the Donbass gave the pro-Western side a decisive advantage.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.

    Yep, and it’s a huge shame that Ukrainians themselves failed to see this back in 2008. Back then, Ukrainians were much more likely to view NATO as a threat than as protection:

    The Ukrainian people were remarkably hostile towards NATO back then, on average. I seem to recall another poll from roughly around the same time that showed that only in western Ukraine did a majority support NATO membership back then; even in central Ukraine a majority opposed it.

    Now a majority even in eastern Ukraine supports it thanks to Putin’s 2022 invasion. What a change!

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think you meant to write:

    100's of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their leaders followed a provocative course against Russia.

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia. Similar processes have played out many times over the course of history. The difference is the stakes are higher in this case and there is even less justification than usual. It is odd that people cling to the belief that it did not happen in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

  263. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Communism was mostly Jews taking over white societies. Certainly the very violent periods of it. In China, I dunno what went on. There are probably ethnic conflicts just below the surface that are not talked about.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The Jews eventually got purged (albeit not always killed) by other Commies, no?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Eventually this did occur. Although it’s up for debate.

  264. @Beckow

    ....The Minsk Agreements were not going to be implemented...because Ukraine considered them a diktat, similar to how Germany (even Weimar Germany) and some 1930s Westerners felt about the Versailles Treaty.
    Playing with words, you can always consider any peace agreement a "diktat". Germany refused to live with Versailles and they ended up with Potsdam in 1945 - much worse.

    The reality is that Kiev Ukraine is not in a position to force what they want: mono-ethnic pro-Western large Ukraine that is in Nato. As long as Russia doesn't accept it that will not happen - and Europe is lukewarm about adding a poor militant permanent headache to EU.

    You can talk about "diktat" all you want, it will eventually come down to a diktat by one side. The odds are that it will be Russia. Minsk was the best deal Ukraine could get and they threw it away. Now they are sorry and die in huge numbers to get a deal that would approach Minsk - that is what is going on and the crazy dreams about conquering Crimea or defeating Russia are a sign of deep regret. But you and the Kiev camp will deny it till the end - you really have no other choice, a regret that enormous is hard to live with, so you dream....dreamers get used by others and then discarded.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Playing with words, you can always consider any peace agreement a “diktat“. Germany refused to live with Versailles and they ended up with Potsdam in 1945 – much worse.

    Had Germany not gone Nazi, it could have possibly eventually waged a limited war against the Franco-Poles (defense in the West; offense in the East) in order to reconquer its lost Polish territory. Germany could have actually succeeded in such a war if Britain, Italy, and the US would have all remained neutral. Germany could have then used the return of Gdynia to Poland as well as an extraterritorial road and/or railway as a bargaining chip to get Poland to agree to these new borders.

    Nazi Germany’s problem is that it also brought Britain into the war, which helped to assure its ultimate demise.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...Nazi Germany’s problem is that it also brought Britain into the war, which helped to assure its ultimate demise.
    That's nonsense. Germany's problem was that it attacked Russia and lost. That led directly to its demise. The idea that Britain (even with US) would by itself defeat Germany is ridiculous.

    I agree that Germany's demand against Poland was relatively reasonable - they could have made a deal. Poland was a dictatorship that oppressed its minorities and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia a year earlier. They had no standing.

    The Anglo policy was to direct Germany's attack to the east - on Russia - that inevitably meant that Poland had to be sacrificed. After 1941 Barbarossa Anglos stood aside for 3 years until June 1944 to see who will win, Germany or Russia. Russia destroyed over 80% of the German military, the Anglos about half of the rest. Then they attempted to steal the victory - and they are still at it...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  265. @S

    If it had rolled over and done communism for a couple of decades Afghanistan would have been a pleasant enough place...Might have civilised them to do the material dialectic for a while.
    Speaking of...

    'Reconciling dialectical materialism and Allah.'

    The above was from the 1988 movie The Beast which was filmed in Israel.

    It has it's rough equivelant in the standard Hollywood Vietnam War film, where the Anglo-Americans who have historically given their all for progressive Capitalism, are typically shown to be monsters.

    In this instance, however, it's the Slavic-Russians who have historically given their all for progressive Communism, who are shown to be the monsters. [Communism in the film, sans the Slavic-Russian, is shown to be good. The Mujahideen are presented sympathetically and are shown to be 'civilized'. No 'magic Negro' in the film, but there is a good 'magic Afghan' Communist, whom the bigoted Russians martyr. The only 'good' Russian in the film, but only just, is the tank driver whom partially redeems himself by defecting to the Mujihadeen to fight and kill his fellow Russians whom he has labeled 'Nazi!'TM.]

    The opening scene of The Beast. [Note the subtitle. It's not the progressive Soviet or Communist invasion of Afghanistan, but the Russian invasion.] You have been forewarned.

    'Do it, Koverchenko!'

    Afghansti..., a more balanced 1988 British documentary about the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and their withdrawel during that time.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    I’ve seen it. This was at a moment when the Lunatic Muslims were in the CIAs good graces.

  266. @AP

    Communism was better than Taliban for Afghanistan, but worse than the pre-Commie government (my grandparents visited Afghanistan in the early 70s, before the Soviets arrived. It had been a very pleasant place). No Commie rule, no Mujihadeen/Taliban backlash and Afghanistan would have been a far more decent place.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    My grandfather visited Afghanistan in the early 1920s. With a Vickers Gun and air cover. It’s a dump. Always was.

  267. @Mr. XYZ

    The Jews eventually got purged (albeit not always killed) by other Commies, no?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Eventually this did occur. Although it’s up for debate.

  268. @AP

    The West has acknowledged being involved in Maidan
    Everyone is involved everywhere. You think Russia didn’t help Yanukovich?

    There is foreign involvement in any Revolution, does that make them all coups? The French helped the Americans far more than the West helped Maidan, was the American Revolution a French coup? The West helped the guys toppling Soviet power, was that a coup also?

    Like Leftists, you like to play with words and change their meanings. It’s a bad habit.

    a modern form of palace coup
    So now you try to redefine a Revolution ad a modern form of palace coup. Maidan didn’t even come from the palace, it was on the streets, with the support of a plurality of the people.

    A coup would be is some general overthrew the government, a palace coup would be if someone from Yanukovich’s administration overthrew him.

    The West was meddling in a country on Russia’s border
    Ukraine is just as much in the West’s border. Kiev is closer to Warsaw than it is to Moscow. More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.

    while working to expand NATO to encircle Russia
    I.e., protect people who don’t want to be part of Russia from being invaded by Russia. At no cost of life. Why do you think that is so terrible?

    These acts are all major direct threats to Russia
    There is no threat to Russia because no one will dare attack a nuclear Russia. No one is even daring to attack troublesome North Korea.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @QCIC

    I am discussing post-Cold War nuclear warfare aspects of the Ukraine conflict. The people planning for nuclear warfare in the West, Russia and China look at things differently than the rest of us. A key concern is unintentional escalation to nuclear war. A well known example is the USA placing missiles in Turkey, leading to Soviet missiles in Cuba and finally actual nuclear warfare being averted by Arkhipov. We are still stuck in a MAD scenario so intentionally escalating USA-Russia tensions in Ukraine is insane. In this real world it doesn’t matter how close Kiev is to Warsaw, but it does matter how close the Ukrainian border is to Moscow. This is relevant because the West created missile bases in Romania and Poland. That was a nuclear escalation and it makes the Ukrainian situation more globally consequential. This is one aspect of the problem out of many created by the West.

    Apparently the West thought they could break Russia using a combination of economic, conventional military might and even nuclear warfare. They may believe the risk of nuclear war is low enough to not worry about. Russia has pushed back strongly in all three areas. The best response for the West is to drop the entire project. There is no sign yet that will happen.

    One of the stupidest parts of the entire ordeal is this will be a self-fulfilling prophesy of Russia becoming aggressive. Well, guess what, that is what happens when a Superpower is threatened.

    You seem to think Maidan is a sincere freedom movement. I think the Ukrainians are pawns of the West being used to attack Russia. Maybe both are true.

  269. @Mr. XYZ

    More importantly, of course, Ukraine’s people wanted to join the West and not Eurasia.
    Public opinion was 50-50 but the younger generations were much more pro-West, so a pro-Western trend should have been expected over time, Yes. And of course the secession of Crimea and the Donbass gave the pro-Western side a decisive advantage.

    The real threat that NATO poses is a threat to Russia’s plans to attack and annex its neighbors. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their country didn’t get into NATO.
    Yep, and it's a huge shame that Ukrainians themselves failed to see this back in 2008. Back then, Ukrainians were much more likely to view NATO as a threat than as protection:

    The Ukrainian people were remarkably hostile towards NATO back then, on average. I seem to recall another poll from roughly around the same time that showed that only in western Ukraine did a majority support NATO membership back then; even in central Ukraine a majority opposed it.

    Now a majority even in eastern Ukraine supports it thanks to Putin's 2022 invasion. What a change!

    Replies: @QCIC

    I think you meant to write:

    100’s of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their leaders followed a provocative course against Russia.

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia. Similar processes have played out many times over the course of history. The difference is the stakes are higher in this case and there is even less justification than usual. It is odd that people cling to the belief that it did not happen in Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Frankly, it would have been better for Ukraine to simply keep its nuclear weapons back in the 1990s, and the West not to pressure Ukraine to give up its nukes back then. This would have made NATO membership irrelevant for Ukraine. And also for Ukraine not to elect that Sovok Yanukovych as its President in 2010.

    Obviously countries' neighbors can sometimes get provoked, whether justly or unjustly, and wreak a lot of havoc on these countries. Austria-Hungary did so on Serbia in 1914-1918, Nazi Germany did so on Poland in 1939-1945, and Russia is doing so on Ukraine ever since 2014. Interestingly enough, though, in the 1910s, Russia rejected the idea that Austria-Hungary has a right to bully Serbia, even though the inevitable result of not letting Austria-Hungary bully Serbia is a lot of suffering, including Serbian suffering and involuntary suffering due to conscription and the Armenian Genocide.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Mr. Hack

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia
    I know what you mean. I too was utterly surprised when the vast majority of Ukrainians reacted so negatively towards these hordes that tried to sweep down and overtake them on February 24. Imagine the callousness shown towards these invaders as they bombed, raped and pillaged the Ukrainian citizenry (especialy north of Kyiv). Like me, you were probably absolutely devastated when these local Ukrainian civilians tried to do everything possible to impede the tank columns that were approaching Kyiv. I too thought that the Ukrainians were way out of place, and was expecting that they would come out on the streets and greet their "liberators" with flowers and salt and bread. What a cold an unwarranted reception.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

  270. @Mr. XYZ

    Playing with words, you can always consider any peace agreement a “diktat“. Germany refused to live with Versailles and they ended up with Potsdam in 1945 – much worse.
    Had Germany not gone Nazi, it could have possibly eventually waged a limited war against the Franco-Poles (defense in the West; offense in the East) in order to reconquer its lost Polish territory. Germany could have actually succeeded in such a war if Britain, Italy, and the US would have all remained neutral. Germany could have then used the return of Gdynia to Poland as well as an extraterritorial road and/or railway as a bargaining chip to get Poland to agree to these new borders.

    Nazi Germany's problem is that it also brought Britain into the war, which helped to assure its ultimate demise.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Nazi Germany’s problem is that it also brought Britain into the war, which helped to assure its ultimate demise.

    That’s nonsense. Germany’s problem was that it attacked Russia and lost. That led directly to its demise. The idea that Britain (even with US) would by itself defeat Germany is ridiculous.

    I agree that Germany’s demand against Poland was relatively reasonable – they could have made a deal. Poland was a dictatorship that oppressed its minorities and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia a year earlier. They had no standing.

    The Anglo policy was to direct Germany’s attack to the east – on Russia – that inevitably meant that Poland had to be sacrificed. After 1941 Barbarossa Anglos stood aside for 3 years until June 1944 to see who will win, Germany or Russia. Russia destroyed over 80% of the German military, the Anglos about half of the rest. Then they attempted to steal the victory – and they are still at it…

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    That’s nonsense. Germany’s problem was that it attacked Russia and lost. That led directly to its demise. The idea that Britain (even with US) would by itself defeat Germany is ridiculous.
    Britain's blockade made attacking Russia more urgent for Germany since Russia provided most of Germany's imports due to the British blockade. Had Stalin significantly reduced trade to Germany, Germany would have been severely hurt.

    And Yes, Britain and the US by themselves would not have been able to defeat Germany. However, Britain and France likely would have. And the Fall of France was very far from inevitable.

    I agree that Germany’s demand against Poland was relatively reasonable – they could have made a deal. Poland was a dictatorship that oppressed its minorities and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia a year earlier. They had no standing.
    Yeah. FWIW, I do think that Hitler's later demands were a bit loaded--why insist on a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor and not in, say, the Sudetenland (given to Germany without any plebiscites) or Alsace-Lorraine? And insisting on using the 1918 residents of the Polish Corridor as a basis for this plebiscite. But still, in the name of the interests of peace, Poland should have accepted. Though prior to the British guarantee (which apparently severely pissed Hitler off), Hitler was apparently willing to let Poland keep the Polish Corridor without any plebiscites, though he did want Danzig returned to Germany. Poland should have conceded on this point since it already had Gdynia at that point in time.

    The Anglo policy was to direct Germany’s attack to the east – on Russia – that inevitably meant that Poland had to be sacrificed. After 1941 Barbarossa Anglos stood aside for 3 years until June 1944 to see who will win, Germany or Russia. Russia destroyed over 80% of the German military, the Anglos about half of the rest. Then they attempted to steal the victory – and they are still at it…
    Well, from the realist perspective, the rational thing for the Anglo-French to do would have been to pay almost any price for a Soviet alliance in 1939. The Soviets want to annex the Baltics? Then let them do it. They want to annex Bessarabia and northern Bukovina? OK. They want to try annexing Finland? OK. Allying with Poland without simultaneously allying with the Soviets ensured that the Anglo-French would be fighting the Nazis alone while at the same time the Soviets would be aggressively helping the Nazis by massively trading with them in the hopes of bleeding both the Nazis and the Anglo-French dry. And there would not even be a guarantee that Poland would be free after the end of the war, even without the Fall of France, since the Soviet Union could move in to seize Poland for itself before the Anglo-French are able to liberate it. Then the Anglo-French would have needed to decide whether or not they should go to war against the Soviet Union in order to liberate Poland from Soviet rule.

    Replies: @Sean

  271. @Mr. XYZ

    Do you have a link to a book or article or something that talks about this story?

    Probably, it was 80-90% populated by Magyars in 1918. It was originally assigned to Hungary but a Magyar delegation from the ‘island’ showed up in Versailles asking not to be separated from Bratislava that they depended on economically (markets, selling produce, working…).


    I knew that it was assigned to Czechoslovakia for economic reasons; I just didn't know that the Magyars themselves asked for this in a cynical and unsuccessful ploy for Hungary to keep Bratislava.

    Replies: @Beckow

    There are a number of books about Trianon that talk about this in detail, and memoirs of the main players. Whether the Magyar action was cynical or savvy depends on the result. In this case it didn’t work and made the settlement worse. Interestingly enough there was a real economic basis for keeping the “island” together with Bratislava – to this day the least nationalistic Magyars (most loyal to Slovakia based on voting) are the ones living on the “island” close to Bratislava.

    There is another small “island” on the right bank of Danube that became a part of Slovakia only in 1945 – the idea was to enlarge the hinterland. That small region had mostly Croatian population, so they assimilated very quickly. It is a suburb now. There is no such thing as ‘natural’ borders – it is all about power and ability to absorb territory. Then and now.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Do you have the names of such books? I've found some of them on the Internet Archive and Hathi Trust, but I was wondering if there are any specific books that you would recommend for this.

    BTW, you might enjoy this book. It's written in 1918 by two Americans (one of whom was, unfortunately, a white supremacist, but nevertheless with a keen eye and analysis for geopolitics) discussing the stakes of WWI and various possible outcomes for the various territorial disputes in WWI and the pluses and minuses of each outcome:

    There is another small “island” on the right bank of Danube that became a part of Slovakia only in 1945 – the idea was to enlarge the hinterland. That small region had mostly Croatian population, so they assimilated very quickly. It is a suburb now. There is no such thing as ‘natural’ borders – it is all about power and ability to absorb territory. Then and now.


    What's this island called? I know that a couple of villages south of Bratislava were transferred from Hungary to Czechoslovakia after WWII in order to make Bratislava more secure.

    to this day the least nationalistic Magyars (most loyal to Slovakia based on voting) are the ones living on the “island” close to Bratislava.
    They still seem to be voting for Magyar politicians even nowadays, no?

    Replies: @Beckow

  272. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...Nazi Germany’s problem is that it also brought Britain into the war, which helped to assure its ultimate demise.
    That's nonsense. Germany's problem was that it attacked Russia and lost. That led directly to its demise. The idea that Britain (even with US) would by itself defeat Germany is ridiculous.

    I agree that Germany's demand against Poland was relatively reasonable - they could have made a deal. Poland was a dictatorship that oppressed its minorities and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia a year earlier. They had no standing.

    The Anglo policy was to direct Germany's attack to the east - on Russia - that inevitably meant that Poland had to be sacrificed. After 1941 Barbarossa Anglos stood aside for 3 years until June 1944 to see who will win, Germany or Russia. Russia destroyed over 80% of the German military, the Anglos about half of the rest. Then they attempted to steal the victory - and they are still at it...

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    That’s nonsense. Germany’s problem was that it attacked Russia and lost. That led directly to its demise. The idea that Britain (even with US) would by itself defeat Germany is ridiculous.

    Britain’s blockade made attacking Russia more urgent for Germany since Russia provided most of Germany’s imports due to the British blockade. Had Stalin significantly reduced trade to Germany, Germany would have been severely hurt.

    And Yes, Britain and the US by themselves would not have been able to defeat Germany. However, Britain and France likely would have. And the Fall of France was very far from inevitable.

    I agree that Germany’s demand against Poland was relatively reasonable – they could have made a deal. Poland was a dictatorship that oppressed its minorities and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia a year earlier. They had no standing.

    Yeah. FWIW, I do think that Hitler’s later demands were a bit loaded–why insist on a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor and not in, say, the Sudetenland (given to Germany without any plebiscites) or Alsace-Lorraine? And insisting on using the 1918 residents of the Polish Corridor as a basis for this plebiscite. But still, in the name of the interests of peace, Poland should have accepted. Though prior to the British guarantee (which apparently severely pissed Hitler off), Hitler was apparently willing to let Poland keep the Polish Corridor without any plebiscites, though he did want Danzig returned to Germany. Poland should have conceded on this point since it already had Gdynia at that point in time.

    The Anglo policy was to direct Germany’s attack to the east – on Russia – that inevitably meant that Poland had to be sacrificed. After 1941 Barbarossa Anglos stood aside for 3 years until June 1944 to see who will win, Germany or Russia. Russia destroyed over 80% of the German military, the Anglos about half of the rest. Then they attempted to steal the victory – and they are still at it…

    Well, from the realist perspective, the rational thing for the Anglo-French to do would have been to pay almost any price for a Soviet alliance in 1939. The Soviets want to annex the Baltics? Then let them do it. They want to annex Bessarabia and northern Bukovina? OK. They want to try annexing Finland? OK. Allying with Poland without simultaneously allying with the Soviets ensured that the Anglo-French would be fighting the Nazis alone while at the same time the Soviets would be aggressively helping the Nazis by massively trading with them in the hopes of bleeding both the Nazis and the Anglo-French dry. And there would not even be a guarantee that Poland would be free after the end of the war, even without the Fall of France, since the Soviet Union could move in to seize Poland for itself before the Anglo-French are able to liberate it. Then the Anglo-French would have needed to decide whether or not they should go to war against the Soviet Union in order to liberate Poland from Soviet rule.

    • Replies: @Sean
    @Mr. XYZ

    Well, from the realist perspective, the rational thing for the Anglo-French to do would have been to pay almost any price for a Soviet alliance in 1939
    No. The British considered the Soviet Union to be the problem, and Nazi Germany to be a useful bulwark against the USSR. Chamberlain and his circle if there was to be any fighting wanted the Nazis and Soviets ought to be doing it. The Nazi Soviet Pact made those calculations obsolete, and that is why British foreign policy elite instantly decided another world war was necessary
  273. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    There are a number of books about Trianon that talk about this in detail, and memoirs of the main players. Whether the Magyar action was cynical or savvy depends on the result. In this case it didn't work and made the settlement worse. Interestingly enough there was a real economic basis for keeping the "island" together with Bratislava - to this day the least nationalistic Magyars (most loyal to Slovakia based on voting) are the ones living on the "island" close to Bratislava.

    There is another small "island" on the right bank of Danube that became a part of Slovakia only in 1945 - the idea was to enlarge the hinterland. That small region had mostly Croatian population, so they assimilated very quickly. It is a suburb now. There is no such thing as 'natural' borders - it is all about power and ability to absorb territory. Then and now.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Do you have the names of such books? I’ve found some of them on the Internet Archive and Hathi Trust, but I was wondering if there are any specific books that you would recommend for this.

    BTW, you might enjoy this book. It’s written in 1918 by two Americans (one of whom was, unfortunately, a white supremacist, but nevertheless with a keen eye and analysis for geopolitics) discussing the stakes of WWI and various possible outcomes for the various territorial disputes in WWI and the pluses and minuses of each outcome:

    There is another small “island” on the right bank of Danube that became a part of Slovakia only in 1945 – the idea was to enlarge the hinterland. That small region had mostly Croatian population, so they assimilated very quickly. It is a suburb now. There is no such thing as ‘natural’ borders – it is all about power and ability to absorb territory. Then and now.

    What’s this island called? I know that a couple of villages south of Bratislava were transferred from Hungary to Czechoslovakia after WWII in order to make Bratislava more secure.

    to this day the least nationalistic Magyars (most loyal to Slovakia based on voting) are the ones living on the “island” close to Bratislava.

    They still seem to be voting for Magyar politicians even nowadays, no?

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    They still seem to be voting for Magyar politicians even nowadays, no?
    Less than half do. The "island" is 80% Magyar, the only large place with Magyar majority. They get relatively low support there, in the north-western part close to Bratislava they underperform. The Most-Hid ("bridge") part is not nationalistic, they are "above nation", the usual paid-for business venture run by big-city liberals with EU and Washington money. We have a lot of those, as does most of East-Central Europe.

    The eastern and south-central places have higher rates of voting for the Magyar nationalism - there are a lot of Magyar-speaking Romas there who vote for them...:)

    The small area south of Bratislava on the right bank of Danube was given to Slovakia in 1945. It is small but has become very populous as a suburb - almost 200k people now. I used to ride horses there few years back when it was still underdeveloped. In 1945 it had mostly Croat population - people moved up to escape the Ottomans, similar to Burgenland in Austria.The languages are similar enough so they were quickly assimilated.

    ...Do you have the names of such books?
    I will send you some when I am closer to my library.
  274. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think you meant to write:

    100's of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their leaders followed a provocative course against Russia.

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia. Similar processes have played out many times over the course of history. The difference is the stakes are higher in this case and there is even less justification than usual. It is odd that people cling to the belief that it did not happen in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    Frankly, it would have been better for Ukraine to simply keep its nuclear weapons back in the 1990s, and the West not to pressure Ukraine to give up its nukes back then. This would have made NATO membership irrelevant for Ukraine. And also for Ukraine not to elect that Sovok Yanukovych as its President in 2010.

    Obviously countries’ neighbors can sometimes get provoked, whether justly or unjustly, and wreak a lot of havoc on these countries. Austria-Hungary did so on Serbia in 1914-1918, Nazi Germany did so on Poland in 1939-1945, and Russia is doing so on Ukraine ever since 2014. Interestingly enough, though, in the 1910s, Russia rejected the idea that Austria-Hungary has a right to bully Serbia, even though the inevitable result of not letting Austria-Hungary bully Serbia is a lot of suffering, including Serbian suffering and involuntary suffering due to conscription and the Armenian Genocide.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think Ukraine was wise to give up the nukes it had. In my opinion, Russia is not really an enemy of Ukraine and this current conflict is largely manufactured.

    My suspicion is that Ukraine sold off a lot of Soviet technological knowledge. I imagine they would have sold nukes on the black market if they had them. This may have happened anyway.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  275. @LatW

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo's group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result - no Putin and end of war.

    Replies: @S, @Mr. XYZ

    A half-Jew taking power in Russia might be quite an intense thought for Russian anti-Semites, no?

    BTW, this is off-topic, but I was wondering: Without both World Wars, do you think that there could have still eventually been the potential for the creation of something similar to the European Union? And would it be in all of Europe or simply in Central Europe?

  276. BTW, this is off-topic, but I was wondering: Without both World Wars, do you think that ………

    Even without the perverted stuff this is getting so tiresome. This orphan blog has had the strength to survive the barrages from Laxa, Gerard, Dragonman, the rationalwiki freak and many others but I really fear that xyz is finally bringing it down to its knees.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    The idea that Poland and the Balts are Central Europe is a good joke on his part.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @silviosilver

    There is a makeshift solution

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @Yevardian

    If you can ignore the profusion of expletives and his obsession with AP, Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll (is John Johnson from the same botfarm as Laxa?). Recent new posters aren't a goodsign, not even retarded enough to be amusing (A123, Greasy William, etc).

    Is 'KhadiraForest' a longtime lurker announcing they're done with the necroblog, or alt-handle for an old poster?

    Might post an updated booklog to try keeping the thread alive, if Dmitry or G_R show up.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel, @A123, @Dmitry

  277. @Mikel

    BTW, this is off-topic, but I was wondering: Without both World Wars, do you think that .........
    Even without the perverted stuff this is getting so tiresome. This orphan blog has had the strength to survive the barrages from Laxa, Gerard, Dragonman, the rationalwiki freak and many others but I really fear that xyz is finally bringing it down to its knees.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @silviosilver, @Yevardian

    The idea that Poland and the Balts are Central Europe is a good joke on his part.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I think that they're labelled as such because they're either Catholic or Protestant. Western Ukraine is Uniate, which is Catholic but with Eastern Orthodox rites. Northern Transylvania is historically Uniate as well. Though Bukovina is Orthodox.

  278. @Mr. XYZ

    Frankly, it would have been better for Ukraine to simply keep its nuclear weapons back in the 1990s, and the West not to pressure Ukraine to give up its nukes back then. This would have made NATO membership irrelevant for Ukraine. And also for Ukraine not to elect that Sovok Yanukovych as its President in 2010.

    Obviously countries' neighbors can sometimes get provoked, whether justly or unjustly, and wreak a lot of havoc on these countries. Austria-Hungary did so on Serbia in 1914-1918, Nazi Germany did so on Poland in 1939-1945, and Russia is doing so on Ukraine ever since 2014. Interestingly enough, though, in the 1910s, Russia rejected the idea that Austria-Hungary has a right to bully Serbia, even though the inevitable result of not letting Austria-Hungary bully Serbia is a lot of suffering, including Serbian suffering and involuntary suffering due to conscription and the Armenian Genocide.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I think Ukraine was wise to give up the nukes it had. In my opinion, Russia is not really an enemy of Ukraine and this current conflict is largely manufactured.

    My suspicion is that Ukraine sold off a lot of Soviet technological knowledge. I imagine they would have sold nukes on the black market if they had them. This may have happened anyway.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I imagine they would have sold nukes on the black market if they had them.
    Russia didn't, and it had plenty of nukes and was both notoriously poor and notoriously corrupt in the 1990s.
  279. @Mikel

    BTW, this is off-topic, but I was wondering: Without both World Wars, do you think that .........
    Even without the perverted stuff this is getting so tiresome. This orphan blog has had the strength to survive the barrages from Laxa, Gerard, Dragonman, the rationalwiki freak and many others but I really fear that xyz is finally bringing it down to its knees.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @silviosilver, @Yevardian

    There is a makeshift solution

    • Replies: @Mikel

    You're right. It's been many years using the stoic scroll button but I give up. Life's too short.

  280. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think Ukraine was wise to give up the nukes it had. In my opinion, Russia is not really an enemy of Ukraine and this current conflict is largely manufactured.

    My suspicion is that Ukraine sold off a lot of Soviet technological knowledge. I imagine they would have sold nukes on the black market if they had them. This may have happened anyway.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I imagine they would have sold nukes on the black market if they had them.

    Russia didn’t, and it had plenty of nukes and was both notoriously poor and notoriously corrupt in the 1990s.

  281. @Wokechoke

    The idea that Poland and the Balts are Central Europe is a good joke on his part.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I think that they’re labelled as such because they’re either Catholic or Protestant. Western Ukraine is Uniate, which is Catholic but with Eastern Orthodox rites. Northern Transylvania is historically Uniate as well. Though Bukovina is Orthodox.


    A multicultural hodgepodge is not bad per se. It really depends on what kind of multicultural hodgepodge you have. California is nicer than, say, Beirut or Baghdad.

  283. @silviosilver

    There is a makeshift solution

    Replies: @Mikel

    You’re right. It’s been many years using the stoic scroll button but I give up. Life’s too short.

  284. @Mikel

    BTW, this is off-topic, but I was wondering: Without both World Wars, do you think that .........
    Even without the perverted stuff this is getting so tiresome. This orphan blog has had the strength to survive the barrages from Laxa, Gerard, Dragonman, the rationalwiki freak and many others but I really fear that xyz is finally bringing it down to its knees.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @silviosilver, @Yevardian

    If you can ignore the profusion of expletives and his obsession with AP, Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll (is John Johnson from the same botfarm as Laxa?). Recent new posters aren’t a goodsign, not even retarded enough to be amusing (A123, Greasy William, etc).

    Is ‘KhadiraForest’ a longtime lurker announcing they’re done with the necroblog, or alt-handle for an old poster?

    Might post an updated booklog to try keeping the thread alive, if Dmitry or G_R show up.

    • Replies: @A123

    Pointing out critical facts is necessary, even when people do not necessarily want to hear them. For example, Alex IslamoSoros is likely to be as bad or worse than George IslamoSoros. Expect the funding of key Muslim programs to increase:

    • More money for Jihadist troop transports bringing combat aged Rape-ugees to Europe. An obvious technique to oppress Judeo-Christians & suppress traditional values.

    • Also, more funding for the genocidal BDS ethnic cleansing campaign. Alex IslamoSoros, like his father, wants a Judenfrei land from the River to the Sea.

    Even if you do not agree they are properly committed Muslims -- Everyone must grasp that they are vehement anti-Semites who serve Islamist goals.

    I am surprised that no one is talking about the new EU migration deal. I guess everyone is waiting to see the actual legislation. At this point it looks like Meloni has a win that:

    ♦ Allows fairly rapid adjudication of weak claims
    ♦ Coupled with effective mass expulsion to Tunisia

    Hopefully it works out that way.

    PEACE 😇

    , @Mikel

    Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll
    I'm scrolling past his comments these days but perhaps you are right. He can be funny in his own way. More importantly, he gives us an interesting view of the Sovok mind. Dogmatic, irrational, uninterested in objective facts, Russia can do no harm, dismissive of Russia's neighbors,... It's the same mindset that you can observe in Martyanov, AnonfromTN, etc. I may be wrong but I think it can't be a coincidence that they were all educated in Soviet Russia. Ivashka is different though, and probably younger. But sometimes I wonder if his penchant for conspiratorial narratives and esoterica is somewhat related to his origins. We are all slaves of our past. I think I've made it clear myself how growing up in a violent environment shaped up my views on war and nationalism.

    A123 is a very weird case. Almost certainly not who he claims to be but when I'm bored he gives me the chance of pretending that I'm debating a Trump supporter. It doesn't last long though. The moment he starts producing brainless answers the fun stops and I regret having started it. I wish there was some bona fide Trumper here to debate.

    I don't want to be too judgmental of people here anyway. Even the worst cases deserve some compassion. The problem is that when a blog starts being dominated by mentally unstable posters and people respond to them instead of ignoring them, Gresham's Law follows and everything goes to the gutter. It's not difficult to imagine how this dynamic could lead this blog to quickly get to the level of the rest of Unz.

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @A123

    The problem with trying to have a discussion with MikelBot is a that it is a malfunctioning #NeverTrump AI. This is a known issue in the industry: (1)

    The AI feedback loop: Researchers warn of ‘model collapse’ as AI trains on AI-generated content


    What they found is worrisome for current generative AI technology and its future: “We find that use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models.”
    “Over time, mistakes in generated data compound and ultimately force models that learn from generated data to misperceive reality even further,” wrote one of the paper’s leading authors, Ilia Shumailov, in an email to VentureBeat. “We were surprised to observe how quickly model collapse happens: Models can rapidly forget most of the original data from which they initially learned.”

    In other words: as an AI training model is exposed to more AI-generated data, it performs worse over time, producing more errors in the responses and content it generates, and producing far less non-erroneous variety in its responses.

    It is clear that MikelBot is not a properly sentient consciousness. It mindlessly regurgitates debunked lies from fake sources, and then goes into a denial/error doom loop when challenged. Its synthetic, programmed psuedo-zealotry cannot function when confronted by real world facts.

    Because I am a genuine MAGA supporter, I have to counter the obvious #Bidenista deception of MikelBot. However, this is mostly record keeping. Everyone sees that its posts are disjointed amalgamations of semi-random Leftoid fiction. Have you noticed the policy resemblance between Rachel Maddow and MikelBot?

    I keep asking the bot why it supports Not-The-President Biden's open border policy. And, why its AI refuses to accept that Trump's 1st term "Stay in Mexico" plan was a huge triumph in the face of anti-MAGA establishment opponents. Nothing sensible comes back as it always supports the Veggie-in-Chief's failures with unquestioning obedience.

    The answer to "Why?" is painfully obvious to everyone. Despite huge numbers of Trump successes against overwhelming odds, acknowledging that is not permitted by burned in & locked code.

    MikelBot is programmed to always lie, always disparage, and always hate Main Street America. It exists only to regurgitate for the #NeverTrump cult, and the sad MikelBot does so in a broken and pathetic way.

    PEACE 😇


    , @Dmitry

    Greasy William, etc).

    Is ‘KhadiraForest’ a

    "KhadiraForest" - AltanBakshi, one of the better users in the forum.

    "Greasy William" - eccentric rightwing religious American which used to post here few years ago.

    "The Big Red Scary" - eccentric rightwing religious American which used to post here few years ago.

    "Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere" - Bashibuzuk using a new account. His personality is similar to Karlin, becomes obsessed with an internet theory, expects everyone would know his internet terms.

    "Mr. XYZ" - this is an older user who also had a different account name (I'll remember their old name). They are always polite, but I guess, they could have aspergers spectrum personality using strange but logical replies.

    "Gerard" - the most cultural person in the forum, maybe with Utu. Connoisseur of films, music, football, 20th century culture. But I don't follow or understand their trolling after 2022.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  285. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Considering that up to 5th century upper Dnieper basin population might have been Baltic speaking, could it have been some whole ancient Baltic tribe somehow travelling (10,000 foreign “colonists” whom Gelon later rewarded with citizenship) into Greece?

    Various archeological monuments and the prevalence of Baltic hydronyms indicate that by the end of the Neolithic period (c. 3rd to 2nd millennium BC), there were several closely related, at least hypothetically Baltic, cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, which were the Pamariai, (Late) Narva, and (Late) Nemunas cultures. The earliest of them is the Pamariai culture, which covered only a narrow part of the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

    During the Bronze (c. 2nd to 1st millennium BC) and Iron (c. 1st millennium BC to 1st millennium AD) Ages, in the lands to the east and south of modern-day Lithuania and Latvia, there were Baltic (Late) Narva and the Brushed Pottery cultures (the areas of these two cultures included the east of present-day Lithuania and Latvia), the Dnieper-Daugava culture [lt], Milograd, Yukhniv [lt] and the later Dyakovo cultures.

    In the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, the aforementioned Baltic cultures of the Dnieper, Daugava and Oka basins transformed into the Kolochin, Tushemlia [lt] and Moshchiny cultures, which existed until the 8th–10th centuries. This transformation was due to the strong influence of the culture of the Western Balts (of the Zarubintsy culture), which moved from the territory of what is now Poland deep into the Dnieper basin as early as the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.

    Moshchiny culture is considered to be the ancestor of the Eastern Galindians, who lived in the lands near Moscow and within the Protva river basin.

    Light purple - potential Baltic speaking tribes:

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @sudden death

    For comparison, schematic linguistic situation in Europe roughly 6-7 centuries later:

  286. @sudden death
    Looks like UA managed to strike into travelling column where "Ahmat-power" band head Delimhanov was at the moment, Kadyrov himself now is whining on instagram about not being able to connect with him, also demanding UA to give info about the strike coordinates and offering a lot of money for that:

    Replies: @LatW, @Gerard1234

    Looks like UA managed to strike into travelling column where “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov was at the moment, Kadyrov himself now is whining on instagram about not being able to connect with him, also demanding UA to give info about the strike coordinates and offering a lot of money for that:

    Well done dipshit. As usual you have “excelled” yourself in promoting one of the millions of ukronazi fakes that have already been disproven!!

    I suppose after the pitiful “Ancient Lithuanian” BS was exposed, you went back to your normal job of TsIPSO troll scumbag. American taxpayer should demand better value for their money

    Of course, hopefully the strike itself was as phantom as the personnel claimed to have been hit were. But you do notice the considerable number of Russian officials and their children visiting or serving in the military in the SMO. Can you compare this against ukronazi officials or any of their children or former high-profile ukronazi officials ( such as Avakov) serving and have got killed or injured out of the catastrophically high ukronazi deaths? The is answer is zero of course.
    Surely at least ONE faggot Lithuanian high profile official or ex official or one of their kids should be directly serving in the VSU because of “after 404 he will invade us next” BS? LOL

    • Replies: @sudden death

    Since it was Kadyrov himself working overtime as spreader of such rumours, perhaps got paid by US too as RF natgas&oil revenue crashed nearly in half this year;) His pal poor Delimhanov also now cannot afford to buy a new phone with working camera and post a video as the old one crashed somewhere in the battlefield, but can send only yesteryear pics with plain text messages to the net?

    Replies: @Gerard1234

  287. @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    Looks like UA managed to strike into travelling column where “Ahmat-power” band head Delimhanov was at the moment, Kadyrov himself now is whining on instagram about not being able to connect with him, also demanding UA to give info about the strike coordinates and offering a lot of money for that:
    Well done dipshit. As usual you have "excelled" yourself in promoting one of the millions of ukronazi fakes that have already been disproven!!

    I suppose after the pitiful "Ancient Lithuanian" BS was exposed, you went back to your normal job of TsIPSO troll scumbag. American taxpayer should demand better value for their money

    Of course, hopefully the strike itself was as phantom as the personnel claimed to have been hit were. But you do notice the considerable number of Russian officials and their children visiting or serving in the military in the SMO. Can you compare this against ukronazi officials or any of their children or former high-profile ukronazi officials ( such as Avakov) serving and have got killed or injured out of the catastrophically high ukronazi deaths? The is answer is zero of course.
    Surely at least ONE faggot Lithuanian high profile official or ex official or one of their kids should be directly serving in the VSU because of "after 404 he will invade us next" BS? LOL

    Replies: @sudden death

    Since it was Kadyrov himself working overtime as spreader of such rumours, perhaps got paid by US too as RF natgas&oil revenue crashed nearly in half this year;) His pal poor Delimhanov also now cannot afford to buy a new phone with working camera and post a video as the old one crashed somewhere in the battlefield, but can send only yesteryear pics with plain text messages to the net?

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    RF natgas&oil revenue crashed nearly in half this year;
    Irrelevant statement. Last year was excess profitable because of the large increases in prices you dimwit.Compare it to 2021, or even pre-coronavirus to give some relevant information. Then add the revenue generated from shipping and insurance serves now provided by Russian companies ( sometimes officially and sometimes unofficially because of sanctions) by transporting the oil (LNG not sanctioned) .

    Kadyrov was responding to ukronazi fakes. A visitor to the SMO arena , even if a high-ranked official, should have phone restrictions on his usual one, and be non-contactable from mainland Russia.
  288. A123 says: • Website

    If you can ignore the profusion of expletives and his obsession with AP, Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll (is John Johnson from the same botfarm as Laxa?). Recent new posters aren't a goodsign, not even retarded enough to be amusing (A123, Greasy William, etc).

    Is 'KhadiraForest' a longtime lurker announcing they're done with the necroblog, or alt-handle for an old poster?

    Might post an updated booklog to try keeping the thread alive, if Dmitry or G_R show up.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel, @A123, @Dmitry

    Pointing out critical facts is necessary, even when people do not necessarily want to hear them. For example, Alex IslamoSoros is likely to be as bad or worse than George IslamoSoros. Expect the funding of key Muslim programs to increase:

    • More money for Jihadist troop transports bringing combat aged Rape-ugees to Europe. An obvious technique to oppress Judeo-Christians & suppress traditional values.

    • Also, more funding for the genocidal BDS ethnic cleansing campaign. Alex IslamoSoros, like his father, wants a Judenfrei land from the River to the Sea.

    Even if you do not agree they are properly committed Muslims — Everyone must grasp that they are vehement anti-Semites who serve Islamist goals.

    I am surprised that no one is talking about the new EU migration deal. I guess everyone is waiting to see the actual legislation. At this point it looks like Meloni has a win that:

    ♦ Allows fairly rapid adjudication of weak claims
    ♦ Coupled with effective mass expulsion to Tunisia

    Hopefully it works out that way.

    PEACE 😇

  289. A123 says: • Website

    This article provides an extensive round up of Muslim crimes in Europe. Some low lights (1)

    Following the brutal stabbing of four children in Annecy, France, on a playground, German-Polish journalist Jan A. Karon has posted an epic thread detailing the widespread and pervasive crime and terror migrants have inflicted on European nations.

    The story of the stabbing attacks in France was already the top story in Europe, but then a full video of the brutal attack showed in graphic detail how the rejected Syrian asylum seeker, Abdalmasih H., repeatedly stabbed a toddler inside his stroller while his mother screamed in terror. The video was then mass deleted across Twitter, including from Remix News’ Twitter account, sparking questions about censorship on the platform.

    Karon then relates another disturbing, but now commonplace crime in his next post.

    “Not far from there, namely in the runner-up city of Dortmund, four black youths are said to have sexually molested two girls, 11 and 14 years old, on a train and forced them to strip themselves in front of them,” he wrote.

    Gang rapes in Germany have now hit a record high in 2022, with more than half the suspects of foreign origin.

    Remix News has previously reported, knife crime has soared in Germany, with up to 50 attacks per day now being recorded.

    “The crimes of brutality do not take place equally in all countries.” In Poland or Slovakia, the weekend seems to have remained calm – despite persistent Googling.

    You are looking for politicians who will give you answers to your burning questions. You read from Jacopo Morrone (Lega): “We must be aware that certain lifestyles and cultures are in conflict with ours, that foreign crime is increasing.”

    You’ll find Éric Zemmour saying there are now 120 to 140 knife attacks a day in France, compared to 3 to 4 in the ’60s. You’re not sure if that’s true, after all, you’ve read about Zemmour that he’s a right-wing extremist and a populist.

    But you get that queasy feeling in your stomach: “What if he’s only partially right?” Then Germany would have been pretty much screwed since 2015. And the cases from Germany and Austria suggest that there might be something to the phenomenon.”

    How can anyone deny the direct correlation between Islam and violent crime?

    PEACE 😇


  290. Here is the mainstream, semi-official, hardline Russian foreign policy position, which doesn’t get reported in GAE media:

    Regardless of what you think about its merits or its reasonableness, you’ve been warned that this is how the men close to those in charge actually think. Dugin is a street performer, not even the courter jester. Karaganov is standing in the wing of the privy council.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @sudden death
    @The Big Red Scary

    how the men close to those in charge actually think
    Very accurate:)

    ...humanity will persevere through all the hardships and go into the future, which seems to me bright, multipolar, multicultural, multicolored...
    , @QCIC
    @The Big Red Scary


    He is basically recommending Russia use nuclear weapons to snap the West out of their aggressive delusions. I think this action has always been a possibility for the SMO, but is fraught with peril for Russia. As far as I know, there is still no good target for nuclear weapons in this war.

    I agree that Russia needs a third capital in Siberia, but this may be RusFed talk and not good for Russia.

    As an Unz reader in good standing, I noticed that Karaganov didn't mention the Jewish aspect (Neocon and everything else) to the Western foreign policy which is driving the conflict in Ukraine. Maybe this was coded into his comments or I simply missed it.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @The Big Red Scary

    , @Emil Nikola Richard
    @The Big Red Scary

    That is an interesting opinion piece.

    Failing internally, Western elites began to actively nourish the weeds that had come through after seventy years of well-being, satiety, and peace―all these anti-human ideologies that reject the family, homeland, history, love between a man and a woman, faith, commitment to higher ideals, everything that constitutes the essence of man. They are weeding out those who resist. The goal is to destroy their societies and turn people into mankurts (slaves deprived of reason and sense of history as described be the great Kirgiz and Russian writer Chengiz Aitmatov) in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, increasingly unfair and counterproductive for humans and humanity as a whole.
    This is arguable if you ask me. Nobody asked me but I just think it's a fashion. Click bait as a fashion. On r/artificial yesterday they had this:

    Chatgpt and its user created a rainbow platoon of philosophers. There has never been a philosopher of note who was not white and a man. 84 comments. I did not read them all but before I gave up I did notice no group thinkers bothered to comment on how absurd this looked.

    (OK there were two women but I can't recall either name offhand. Also, Confucius was not a philosopher; he was an agent of state control of the filthy rabble.)

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

  291. @The Big Red Scary
    Here is the mainstream, semi-official, hardline Russian foreign policy position, which doesn't get reported in GAE media:

    Regardless of what you think about its merits or its reasonableness, you've been warned that this is how the men close to those in charge actually think. Dugin is a street performer, not even the courter jester. Karaganov is standing in the wing of the privy council.

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard

    how the men close to those in charge actually think

    Very accurate:)

    …humanity will persevere through all the hardships and go into the future, which seems to me bright, multipolar, multicultural, multicolored…

  292. @The Big Red Scary
    Here is the mainstream, semi-official, hardline Russian foreign policy position, which doesn't get reported in GAE media:

    Regardless of what you think about its merits or its reasonableness, you've been warned that this is how the men close to those in charge actually think. Dugin is a street performer, not even the courter jester. Karaganov is standing in the wing of the privy council.

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard


    He is basically recommending Russia use nuclear weapons to snap the West out of their aggressive delusions. I think this action has always been a possibility for the SMO, but is fraught with peril for Russia. As far as I know, there is still no good target for nuclear weapons in this war.

    I agree that Russia needs a third capital in Siberia, but this may be RusFed talk and not good for Russia.

    As an Unz reader in good standing, I noticed that Karaganov didn’t mention the Jewish aspect (Neocon and everything else) to the Western foreign policy which is driving the conflict in Ukraine. Maybe this was coded into his comments or I simply missed it.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do they ever send him on exchange to Peking? It is hard for me to imagine high Chinese commies would like reading this.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @The Big Red Scary

    I wouldn't take too seriously the cringe appeals to third world nationalism and druzhba narodov, though maybe sovoks like Karaganov have deluded themselves into believing their own platitudes and maybe this kind of thing goes over better in the third world.

    What's more consequential is that he is earnestly talking about the nuclear option (whether that's because he really thinks it is necessary, or because he thinks that threatening it makes it less likely), and making it clear that the ultimate goal is much larger than Ukraine, which he evidently thinks is an obstacle to be removed rather than a prize to be won. I don't know of any Russian politician that talks that way, and yet Karaganov is indeed close to those in power, so the issue must be discussed.

    As for nuclear targets, I never really thought that Ukraine itself was a likely one, but given Karaganov's dismissive attitude toward Western Ukraine, I begin to wonder what is he trying not to say.

    Replies: @sudden death

  293. @The Big Red Scary
    Here is the mainstream, semi-official, hardline Russian foreign policy position, which doesn't get reported in GAE media:

    Regardless of what you think about its merits or its reasonableness, you've been warned that this is how the men close to those in charge actually think. Dugin is a street performer, not even the courter jester. Karaganov is standing in the wing of the privy council.

    Replies: @sudden death, @QCIC, @Emil Nikola Richard

    That is an interesting opinion piece.

    Failing internally, Western elites began to actively nourish the weeds that had come through after seventy years of well-being, satiety, and peace―all these anti-human ideologies that reject the family, homeland, history, love between a man and a woman, faith, commitment to higher ideals, everything that constitutes the essence of man. They are weeding out those who resist. The goal is to destroy their societies and turn people into mankurts (slaves deprived of reason and sense of history as described be the great Kirgiz and Russian writer Chengiz Aitmatov) in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, increasingly unfair and counterproductive for humans and humanity as a whole.

    This is arguable if you ask me. Nobody asked me but I just think it’s a fashion. Click bait as a fashion. On r/artificial yesterday they had this:

    ChatGPT, create 10 philosophers and their thoughts on AI superintelligence.
    by u/Philipp in artificial

    Chatgpt and its user created a rainbow platoon of philosophers. There has never been a philosopher of note who was not white and a man. 84 comments. I did not read them all but before I gave up I did notice no group thinkers bothered to comment on how absurd this looked.

    (OK there were two women but I can’t recall either name offhand. Also, Confucius was not a philosopher; he was an agent of state control of the filthy rabble.)

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Don't be a mankurt!

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Ivashka the fool
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Also, Confucius was not a philosopher; he was an agent of state control of the filthy rabble.)
    He created an ethical philosophical teaching to control both the unwashed masses and the sociopathic elites. By definition, he was therefore a great philosopher.
  294. @Gerard1234
    @Mr. Hack

    Nikolaev - literally founded by Russians, for Russians, following successful Russian wars, creating Russian (then Soviet) industries which shaped the layout, character and function of the whole region.

    There is more connections, more common between someone from Nikolaev with someone from Vladivostok over the last 200 years...... than there is between Nikolaev and some dickhead from N.Bukovina or Galicia you cretin

    It's deteriorated shipbuilding industry has certainly done more for Russian navy and Russia commercial shipping than it has for 404's in the last 30 years.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack

    I don’t know, but it looks to me that the Ukrainians from Mykolaiv (at least those depicted within the video clip in comment #237) have more of a pronounced pro-Ukrainian point of view and would greatly appreciate that the Russian soldiers would get the hell out of their backyards and go back home. And I think that I’m viewing the clip objectively…

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Easy come, easy go (referring to videos and prevailing opinions).

    After the end of the SMO, the more reasonable people will gradually return and balance will be restored.

    It is a sad and painful process :(

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  295. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I think you meant to write:

    100's of thousands of Ukrainians are dead because their leaders followed a provocative course against Russia.

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia. Similar processes have played out many times over the course of history. The difference is the stakes are higher in this case and there is even less justification than usual. It is odd that people cling to the belief that it did not happen in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia

    I know what you mean. I too was utterly surprised when the vast majority of Ukrainians reacted so negatively towards these hordes that tried to sweep down and overtake them on February 24. Imagine the callousness shown towards these invaders as they bombed, raped and pillaged the Ukrainian citizenry (especialy north of Kyiv). Like me, you were probably absolutely devastated when these local Ukrainian civilians tried to do everything possible to impede the tank columns that were approaching Kyiv. I too thought that the Ukrainians were way out of place, and was expecting that they would come out on the streets and greet their “liberators” with flowers and salt and bread. What a cold an unwarranted reception.


    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I'm more concerned about how you idiots have brought the world to the brink of WW3. No amount of childish Hack cartoons and AP banter can change the big picture that we are all mixed up in. Would you have preferred it if Russia simply bombed Kiev with a 300 kiloton nuke at the beginning to wrap this up and tie a bow around it? That is the draconian world you are reviving with this aggressive Ukrainian tribal warfare in 2023.

    Remember that the West doesn't actually care at all about Ukraine or Kiev, so they probably would not directly respond to such an attack.

    All of the bad things the West thinks about Russia, including so many nice slogans you like to use, the West thinks the same things about Ukraine. What a bunch of chumps!

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    The young lady on the picture is quite attractive. Is the soldier an eunuch ?

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Mr. Hack

  296. @QCIC
    @The Big Red Scary


    He is basically recommending Russia use nuclear weapons to snap the West out of their aggressive delusions. I think this action has always been a possibility for the SMO, but is fraught with peril for Russia. As far as I know, there is still no good target for nuclear weapons in this war.

    I agree that Russia needs a third capital in Siberia, but this may be RusFed talk and not good for Russia.

    As an Unz reader in good standing, I noticed that Karaganov didn't mention the Jewish aspect (Neocon and everything else) to the Western foreign policy which is driving the conflict in Ukraine. Maybe this was coded into his comments or I simply missed it.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @The Big Red Scary

    Do they ever send him on exchange to Peking? It is hard for me to imagine high Chinese commies would like reading this.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Karaganov has very far reaching connections among the Globalist. He is a very serious actor. The fact that he wrote this article is an ominous sign.

  297. @KhadiraForest
    Hello everyone!

    There's one knot left to be undone for me on this forum, one thing that has been nagging me on my mind, really nagging. Its about you Aaron. I believe that I have some unsolved business with you. Though I visit this forum nowadays quite rarely, I once noticed you writing, if I recall correctly, about something like, that you are trying to see everyone as your equal, or not to see yourself as superior in regards of others, something like that, and I must say that those words moved me quite a bit and made me to see our ancient debates on in a new completely re-evaluated light. What you were trying to constantly argue then was actually, at least partially, pure Dharma! Often your main point was how it is important to not entangle oneself with mundane and transient things, to become free of such baggage, that such things are an obstacle on one's spiritual path. After all Buddha taught that before one can genuinely practice Dharma one must be liberated of Eight Worldly dharmas or Eight Mundane Winds. As long as one is subjected to such worldly concerns one's mind can not act freely. Therefore I must acknowledge that in my debates with you my mind lacked clarity and out of narcissism and chauvinism I thought that I have nothing to learn from some American from New York.

    But what really moved me was your writings about not being a superior or trying to see everyone as your equal, if Aaron your words were sincere, then it was claimed by the Buddha that one who can master such far reaching attitudes will surely be born in the Brahma realms. Genuine practice of a equanimity or Upeksha is a true sign of a Mahasattva, a great being, though I still can't say that you are a Boddhisattva, for it seems to me that you are a propounder of philosophical Monism, which is not a Buddhist viewpoint. Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you of our old discussions and rejoice in seeing that you have had quite much progress on your spiritual path. I hope that it brings to you some joy that the current causal momentary construct that is labeled as me sees you on the path of the Dharma! Ha ha ha!

    Or maybe you should listen Bashi and find yourself a nice Jewish girl, settle down, have kids, segregate from the wider society and leave spiritual wandering to gentiles and more grounded older dudes.)) After all leopard can't change it's spots, or tiger it's stripes! But how wonderful it is then that we are not animals, whose very physiology denies them of a possibility of change, who under the laws of nature are incapable of using their limbs and minds with such freedom that is given to men, to whom the causes and conditions for change are happily always present, for better or worse, after all ideas, thoughts, beliefs and opinions have no physical basis, the projections of human mind are not substantially real as are crab's claws or wolf's fangs, how blessed is the existence of men! There is no one except we ourself as the prison guard of our mind, there is no one else holding us back, no one who forces us to have views that bring forth suffering and pain.

    By the way I have also couple corrections for you Aaron regarding of some of your old comments IIRC. Brahma and Brahman are two different concepts, Brahman in Hindu philosophy is the ultimate, or absolute, that which is truly real and existent, whose nature differs quite much depending on the school of Hinduism. Brahma is one of the gods, very high god in Buddhism and Hinduism, who in my knowledge has no direct equivalent in the Roman-Hellenic Pantheon, maybe Aeon, and also is one of the category of beings in traditional Buddhism, according to the Buddha there are many Brahma realms in the Form Realm with their Brahma gods.

    Second correction, this is quite important for me, for this mistaken falsehood is too common even among many Indians themselves. The presence of the cults of Hindu gods is not a sign of syncretism in Buddhism, the Buddha himself taught about the gods, both in Sanskrit Mahayana canon and Pali Theravada canon there are countless sutras about various gods and their deeds. The concept of Hindu and Hinduism are quite modern, traditionally Hindu just meant Indian, and not long time ago it was common even to Indian Muslims to call themselves Hindu and their country Hindustan, or that they are Indians and that their land is the land of India. Therefore this talk about Hindu gods in Buddhism is an anachronist oxymoron, concept of Hindu or Hinduness is a later invention than Buddhism or one could say that Buddhism is literally Hindudharma after all Buddhism is an Indian religion! Both the modern collection of Indic faiths with a modern moniker of Hinduism and Buddhism grew out of a Vedic milieu and are equally inheritors of Vedic gods and traditions, I even suspect that most important god of Rig Veda, Indra, is not commonly worshipped in modern Hinduism because he became so closely associated with the Buddhism in ancient times, and that's why he's cult's value was diminished in the eyes of Vaishnavite and Vedantin Brahmins, same probably happened with the cult and importance of the Brahma, whose worship is quite rare nowadays.

    Therefore the cult of gods is a built in feature in Buddhadharma and not a later addition. They are not objects of refugee like the fully enlightened beings, but one should have towards them reverent attitude, like towards one's boss or some high official, that they are powerful samsaric beings, in such way Buddha taught about some of the gods.

    Now I think that I don't have any knots left on this site, but wait there are still a few things.

    Sikhi Dharma is fully Indic and Dharmic faith, only foreign influence are some Arabic(through Persian), and Persian loanwords, Vedic religion had no Murtis or idols, and the religion of Vedic Kshatriyas differed quite much from the religion of Brahmins and other Varnas, also I would like to say to Sher Singh that in my opinion the power of the Khalsa arose from the protecting the Dharma and the weak. What else were the heroic feats against the tyranny of Aurangzeb and crushing of the Afghan power in India? Zafarnama is an exceptional writing, truly heart touching. Now I believe that Mleccha is someone who eats beef and delights in defilement and desecration of the shrines of the others. I too have behaved like a Mleccha in the past...

    Jatts are 50% steppe, that's a big surprise to me!

    To AP, you probably are interested of my opinion in regards of the tragedy in Ukraine, well what happened was a criminal mistake, but now it is most important to pray that hostilities cease immediately. What Putin did was wrong, but also at the present moment it is wrong for Zelensky to try to continue the war without clear and attainable objects, both Putin and Zelensky see Ukrainian lives as expendable in my opinion, after all the frontline will not change without of sacrifice of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives, and Nato is giving just enough support to keep Ukraine fighting, but not enough to really change the tide of the war, both sides can not achieve their maximal objectives without huge sacrifices, is that not a sign that the ceasefire is now the most preferable option? Well I will not debate with you about this, just thought if you are interested of my opinion, here it is.

    Also I would like to send my best wishes to AP, Dmitry, who I am sure of is on ever progressing spiritual/philosophical path to greatness(!), Sher Singh, Beckow, Sudden Death, Mikel, Mr. Hack, Songbird, Yevardian,, German_Reader, and Bashi, and sorry to others if I forgot to mention someone.

    And to dear Bashi, of course you are capable of understanding Dharma, sorry to claim otherwise, be well! Is it not curious that the Harappans had trade posts just on the doorstep of Andronovo and BMAC?!

    Know that in reality human beings are unhappy,
    Impermanent, devoid of self, and impure;
    Those who forsake mindfulness are ruined
    Through wrongly viewing these four.

    -Arya Nagarjuna

    Now all the knots are unraveled, or so I hope! May our wandering in Samsara end swiftly! May all of us reach the final shore!

    ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ

    Replies: @AP, @HeavilyMarbledSteak

    Thank you very much Altan for your kind words – what an unexpectedly pleasant surprise to find on Unz, which is rare here 🙂

    I agree with nearly everything you say about the Hindu Gods as they relate to Buddhism and thank you for explaining it so well. I also agree about Sikhism being a classic Dharmic faith with many of the best features of that stream of religion – I just recently read the Zafarnama this year, and it is extremely impressive.

    As for Bashi, I am sure he is capable of understanding Dharma – if he chooses to. And if he does choose to, he will return to Unz in a third incarnation as a very different Bashi 🙂 One that would be a true blessing to his fellow Slavs.

    Well, I myself am moving on from this place – I feel I no longer have any contribution to make here. Although I do still owe Mikel pictures of the Sierra High Route, so I may return for that in the autumn 🙂

    I hope this ties up all your loose threads here and releases you to go on to bigger and better things – be well, Altan.


    • Replies: @Mikel

    I do still owe Mikel pictures of the Sierra High Route
    Yes, you do. And a bug report would be awesome too. Take care.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

  298. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @The Big Red Scary

    That is an interesting opinion piece.

    Failing internally, Western elites began to actively nourish the weeds that had come through after seventy years of well-being, satiety, and peace―all these anti-human ideologies that reject the family, homeland, history, love between a man and a woman, faith, commitment to higher ideals, everything that constitutes the essence of man. They are weeding out those who resist. The goal is to destroy their societies and turn people into mankurts (slaves deprived of reason and sense of history as described be the great Kirgiz and Russian writer Chengiz Aitmatov) in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, increasingly unfair and counterproductive for humans and humanity as a whole.
    This is arguable if you ask me. Nobody asked me but I just think it's a fashion. Click bait as a fashion. On r/artificial yesterday they had this:

    Chatgpt and its user created a rainbow platoon of philosophers. There has never been a philosopher of note who was not white and a man. 84 comments. I did not read them all but before I gave up I did notice no group thinkers bothered to comment on how absurd this looked.

    (OK there were two women but I can't recall either name offhand. Also, Confucius was not a philosopher; he was an agent of state control of the filthy rabble.)

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    Don’t be a mankurt!

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    After I posted that I felt embarrassed I had temporarily forgot Simone Weil and Martha Nussbaum's names. I was not thinking of Simone de Beauvoir. She is noteworthy for being Sartre's bimbo patrol-person.

  299. @Mr. Hack

    I don't know, but it looks to me that the Ukrainians from Mykolaiv (at least those depicted within the video clip in comment #237) have more of a pronounced pro-Ukrainian point of view and would greatly appreciate that the Russian soldiers would get the hell out of their backyards and go back home. And I think that I'm viewing the clip objectively...

    Replies: @QCIC

    Easy come, easy go (referring to videos and prevailing opinions).

    After the end of the SMO, the more reasonable people will gradually return and balance will be restored.

    It is a sad and painful process 🙁

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Easy come, easy go
    Tell that to the thousands that have lost love ones thanks to the Russian incursion into Ukraine. Tell it to those that have been forced to abandon their homes and end up as refugees wandering the four corners of the world.
  300. Something caught me eye here.


    If the Russians blasted that dam it appears to have flooded out the lower Dneiper and turned what was a lake around Nikopol into a barren looking mega marsh. There was a good chance of aquatic or semi amphibious attacks all across the Dneiper. Now?not so much.

    Seems pretty obvious that the former civil engineer orchestrated this. Additionally the Maginot lines he had built in Zap Oblast have been defended up front by concrete and mines. Very much an engineers solution. The Russian troops also appear to have aggressively defended this area well in front of the supposed entrenchments. Shoigu looks to have created a rather brilliant set of area defences that have confounded all the brain boxes from western staff colleges. “Agriculture” is their code word for automatic mining.

    One other thing that leaps out, during the first 48 hours of Barbarossa the USSR frontier armies disintegrated under German attack. It’s because the units were not in mine belts, not in comfortable pillboxes and doctrinally the troops had orders to attack instead of orders to conduct a calm measured defence.

    It will be interesting to see how Shoigu and Prigozhin kill each other over the succession to Putin. Shoigu is quite a bit more dangerous than we give him credit for.

    Shoigu appears to be a very very serious fellow. He speaks several languages fluently.

    • Replies: @Resist Covid Slavery

    One other thing that leaps out, during the first 48 hours of Barbarossa the USSR frontier armies disintegrated under German attack. It’s because the units were not in mine belts, not in comfortable pillboxes and doctrinally the troops had orders to attack instead of orders to conduct a calm measured defence.
    Well, Stalin ordered transition from "Stalin Line" defensive fortifications right to border with Germany, and Germans struck right in the middle of incomplete repositioning of Red Army when it was caught out of position in June 22nd 1941. It's evident why Zhukov advised Stalin against this in hindsight. Stalin also ordering his soldiers to avoid provocations and even disbelieving news of attack for several days and weeks also didn't help either. Red Army was literally paralyzed for 1st month of war.

    Complete detatchment of Command and Control for Red army in 1st Month of War is illustrated by this:

    Clear that German breakthrough was also result of Russian disorientation and complete dependence on efforts of lower ranked officers. NCOs is something Russian Army never really excelled at.

    Shoigu appears to be a very very serious fellow.
    From a pro-Russian perspective, there's almost nothing praiseworthy about Shoigu and Gerasimov's conduct of this war ... just the opposite actually ...

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @S

    The multiple belts of defenses the Russians have set up is also a bit remindful of the situation at Kursk in July, 1943.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  301. Thulean lament:

    Supposedly, they are moving on from trying to promote the term Latinx and now trying to promote the term Latiné.

    Seems similarly tone-deaf but not as funny.

    • Replies: @Sher Singh

    Yea but Chinee.

    @mikel Tried the Garmont - decent but the metal instep eyelet bites.

    Like my Danner better and going to try flat laces on my altberg or Lowa to get em a bit tighter.

    My boot woes seem to be over.

    Also fervor of pride month? Wtf is there to be proud about being gay.

    Wow, you got molested and think you're a woman (you get fucked)

    What's the point of psychiatrists if they don't advertise at one of the parades

    Replies: @Barbarossa

  302. @Mr. Hack

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia
    I know what you mean. I too was utterly surprised when the vast majority of Ukrainians reacted so negatively towards these hordes that tried to sweep down and overtake them on February 24. Imagine the callousness shown towards these invaders as they bombed, raped and pillaged the Ukrainian citizenry (especialy north of Kyiv). Like me, you were probably absolutely devastated when these local Ukrainian civilians tried to do everything possible to impede the tank columns that were approaching Kyiv. I too thought that the Ukrainians were way out of place, and was expecting that they would come out on the streets and greet their "liberators" with flowers and salt and bread. What a cold an unwarranted reception.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    I’m more concerned about how you idiots have brought the world to the brink of WW3. No amount of childish Hack cartoons and AP banter can change the big picture that we are all mixed up in. Would you have preferred it if Russia simply bombed Kiev with a 300 kiloton nuke at the beginning to wrap this up and tie a bow around it? That is the draconian world you are reviving with this aggressive Ukrainian tribal warfare in 2023.

    Remember that the West doesn’t actually care at all about Ukraine or Kiev, so they probably would not directly respond to such an attack.

    All of the bad things the West thinks about Russia, including so many nice slogans you like to use, the West thinks the same things about Ukraine. What a bunch of chumps!

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I’m more concerned about how you idiots have brought the world to the brink of WW3. No amount of childish Hack cartoons and AP banter can change the big picture that we are all mixed up in
    It's not the likes of me or AP that have brought the world to this dangerous precipice, it was Putler and his oligarch pals that support him. Figure this out and then you might start making some sense.

    Remember that the West doesn’t actually care at all about Ukraine or Kiev, so they probably would not directly respond to such an attack.
    And Putler and his psychopathic followers do? Your opinion isn't even worth chump change.

    Replies: @Beckow

  303. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Easy come, easy go (referring to videos and prevailing opinions).

    After the end of the SMO, the more reasonable people will gradually return and balance will be restored.

    It is a sad and painful process :(

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Easy come, easy go

    Tell that to the thousands that have lost love ones thanks to the Russian incursion into Ukraine. Tell it to those that have been forced to abandon their homes and end up as refugees wandering the four corners of the world.

  304. @Wokechoke
    Something caught me eye here.


    If the Russians blasted that dam it appears to have flooded out the lower Dneiper and turned what was a lake around Nikopol into a barren looking mega marsh. There was a good chance of aquatic or semi amphibious attacks all across the Dneiper. Now?not so much.

    Seems pretty obvious that the former civil engineer orchestrated this. Additionally the Maginot lines he had built in Zap Oblast have been defended up front by concrete and mines. Very much an engineers solution. The Russian troops also appear to have aggressively defended this area well in front of the supposed entrenchments. Shoigu looks to have created a rather brilliant set of area defences that have confounded all the brain boxes from western staff colleges. “Agriculture” is their code word for automatic mining.

    One other thing that leaps out, during the first 48 hours of Barbarossa the USSR frontier armies disintegrated under German attack. It’s because the units were not in mine belts, not in comfortable pillboxes and doctrinally the troops had orders to attack instead of orders to conduct a calm measured defence.

    It will be interesting to see how Shoigu and Prigozhin kill each other over the succession to Putin. Shoigu is quite a bit more dangerous than we give him credit for.

    Shoigu appears to be a very very serious fellow. He speaks several languages fluently.

    Replies: @Resist Covid Slavery, @S

    One other thing that leaps out, during the first 48 hours of Barbarossa the USSR frontier armies disintegrated under German attack. It’s because the units were not in mine belts, not in comfortable pillboxes and doctrinally the troops had orders to attack instead of orders to conduct a calm measured defence.

    Well, Stalin ordered transition from “Stalin Line” defensive fortifications right to border with Germany, and Germans struck right in the middle of incomplete repositioning of Red Army when it was caught out of position in June 22nd 1941. It’s evident why Zhukov advised Stalin against this in hindsight. Stalin also ordering his soldiers to avoid provocations and even disbelieving news of attack for several days and weeks also didn’t help either. Red Army was literally paralyzed for 1st month of war.

    Complete detatchment of Command and Control for Red army in 1st Month of War is illustrated by this:

    Clear that German breakthrough was also result of Russian disorientation and complete dependence on efforts of lower ranked officers. NCOs is something Russian Army never really excelled at.

    Shoigu appears to be a very very serious fellow.

    From a pro-Russian perspective, there’s almost nothing praiseworthy about Shoigu and Gerasimov’s conduct of this war … just the opposite actually …

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Resist Covid Slavery

    These mines are more or less civil engineering.

    Will be interesting to see if they can accurately be called Shoigu’s Line

    Replies: @Resist Covid Slavery

  305. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I'm more concerned about how you idiots have brought the world to the brink of WW3. No amount of childish Hack cartoons and AP banter can change the big picture that we are all mixed up in. Would you have preferred it if Russia simply bombed Kiev with a 300 kiloton nuke at the beginning to wrap this up and tie a bow around it? That is the draconian world you are reviving with this aggressive Ukrainian tribal warfare in 2023.

    Remember that the West doesn't actually care at all about Ukraine or Kiev, so they probably would not directly respond to such an attack.

    All of the bad things the West thinks about Russia, including so many nice slogans you like to use, the West thinks the same things about Ukraine. What a bunch of chumps!

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I’m more concerned about how you idiots have brought the world to the brink of WW3. No amount of childish Hack cartoons and AP banter can change the big picture that we are all mixed up in

    It’s not the likes of me or AP that have brought the world to this dangerous precipice, it was Putler and his oligarch pals that support him. Figure this out and then you might start making some sense.

    Remember that the West doesn’t actually care at all about Ukraine or Kiev, so they probably would not directly respond to such an attack.

    And Putler and his psychopathic followers do? Your opinion isn’t even worth chump change.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...It’s not the likes of me or AP that have brought the world to this dangerous precipice
    Sure, you are insignificant. But the moronic unrealistic ideology of Western-Ukie fanatical nationalism that you share brought us to this point. So far the biggest losers are Ukies themselves - the country is depopulated, infrastructure destroyed, no normal life is possible, the trend is for more of the same.

    You enjoy cheering on this self-defeating idiocy, but the future generations of Ukies - if there are any - will hate you for it. You made up an unworkable dream of a large Russian-free Ukraine in Nato dominated by its Galician Bandera-worshipping fanatics and then you sent a lot of Ukie men to die for it. How do you think people will look back at it? The survivors will hate you, they will feel used and lied to.

    The only thing you have left is to hope for a miracle of a Kiev victory - is it happening? Any day now? In the meantime Ukraine is slowly being destroyed.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  306. @Wokechoke
    Something caught me eye here.


    If the Russians blasted that dam it appears to have flooded out the lower Dneiper and turned what was a lake around Nikopol into a barren looking mega marsh. There was a good chance of aquatic or semi amphibious attacks all across the Dneiper. Now?not so much.

    Seems pretty obvious that the former civil engineer orchestrated this. Additionally the Maginot lines he had built in Zap Oblast have been defended up front by concrete and mines. Very much an engineers solution. The Russian troops also appear to have aggressively defended this area well in front of the supposed entrenchments. Shoigu looks to have created a rather brilliant set of area defences that have confounded all the brain boxes from western staff colleges. “Agriculture” is their code word for automatic mining.

    One other thing that leaps out, during the first 48 hours of Barbarossa the USSR frontier armies disintegrated under German attack. It’s because the units were not in mine belts, not in comfortable pillboxes and doctrinally the troops had orders to attack instead of orders to conduct a calm measured defence.

    It will be interesting to see how Shoigu and Prigozhin kill each other over the succession to Putin. Shoigu is quite a bit more dangerous than we give him credit for.

    Shoigu appears to be a very very serious fellow. He speaks several languages fluently.

    Replies: @Resist Covid Slavery, @S

    The multiple belts of defenses the Russians have set up is also a bit remindful of the situation at Kursk in July, 1943.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    It’s civil engineering on a big scale. The concrete poured etc. Dam Blast looks like it might on balance have prevented planned amphibious landings. We will see if the Ukies have armoires reserves ready for the dried lake bed in the warmer summer months ahead. But I doubt it.

  307. Has Sadiq Khan really conspired to put Jamaican Patois poems celebrating invasion on the Underground?!

  308. @QCIC
    @The Big Red Scary


    He is basically recommending Russia use nuclear weapons to snap the West out of their aggressive delusions. I think this action has always been a possibility for the SMO, but is fraught with peril for Russia. As far as I know, there is still no good target for nuclear weapons in this war.

    I agree that Russia needs a third capital in Siberia, but this may be RusFed talk and not good for Russia.

    As an Unz reader in good standing, I noticed that Karaganov didn't mention the Jewish aspect (Neocon and everything else) to the Western foreign policy which is driving the conflict in Ukraine. Maybe this was coded into his comments or I simply missed it.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @The Big Red Scary

    I wouldn’t take too seriously the cringe appeals to third world nationalism and druzhba narodov, though maybe sovoks like Karaganov have deluded themselves into believing their own platitudes and maybe this kind of thing goes over better in the third world.

    What’s more consequential is that he is earnestly talking about the nuclear option (whether that’s because he really thinks it is necessary, or because he thinks that threatening it makes it less likely), and making it clear that the ultimate goal is much larger than Ukraine, which he evidently thinks is an obstacle to be removed rather than a prize to be won. I don’t know of any Russian politician that talks that way, and yet Karaganov is indeed close to those in power, so the issue must be discussed.

    As for nuclear targets, I never really thought that Ukraine itself was a likely one, but given Karaganov’s dismissive attitude toward Western Ukraine, I begin to wonder what is he trying not to say.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @The Big Red Scary

    Karaganov is indeed close to those in power
    Bald multiculti nuclear warmonger speaks about himself:

    Sergei Karaganov: Mazo - a noble Jewish family, came from Belarus, from the city of Borisov, Minsk province. According to legend, the great-uncle of my mother Sofya Grigoryevna (and for Tatiana - grandmother) was Yakov Isaevich Mazo, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow from 1893 to 1924. He helped my mother's family, her brother David, move to Moscow from Belarus.

    Replies: @sudden death, @LatW

  309. @Mr. Hack

    I’m more concerned about how you idiots have brought the world to the brink of WW3. No amount of childish Hack cartoons and AP banter can change the big picture that we are all mixed up in
    It's not the likes of me or AP that have brought the world to this dangerous precipice, it was Putler and his oligarch pals that support him. Figure this out and then you might start making some sense.

    Remember that the West doesn’t actually care at all about Ukraine or Kiev, so they probably would not directly respond to such an attack.
    And Putler and his psychopathic followers do? Your opinion isn't even worth chump change.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …It’s not the likes of me or AP that have brought the world to this dangerous precipice

    Sure, you are insignificant. But the moronic unrealistic ideology of Western-Ukie fanatical nationalism that you share brought us to this point. So far the biggest losers are Ukies themselves – the country is depopulated, infrastructure destroyed, no normal life is possible, the trend is for more of the same.

    You enjoy cheering on this self-defeating idiocy, but the future generations of Ukies – if there are any – will hate you for it. You made up an unworkable dream of a large Russian-free Ukraine in Nato dominated by its Galician Bandera-worshipping fanatics and then you sent a lot of Ukie men to die for it. How do you think people will look back at it? The survivors will hate you, they will feel used and lied to.

    The only thing you have left is to hope for a miracle of a Kiev victory – is it happening? Any day now? In the meantime Ukraine is slowly being destroyed.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians have always valued their independence and freedom from all outsiders, including Russia. In fact, it was in the early 1990's that Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today? Russia cannot be trusted to keep its word and your single minded grandstanding for the kremlin imperialists doesn't absolve them at all from 100% responsibility for all of the negative repercussions resulting from their cavalier attitudes and dealings with Ukraine.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Gerard1234

  310. @sudden death

    Since it was Kadyrov himself working overtime as spreader of such rumours, perhaps got paid by US too as RF natgas&oil revenue crashed nearly in half this year;) His pal poor Delimhanov also now cannot afford to buy a new phone with working camera and post a video as the old one crashed somewhere in the battlefield, but can send only yesteryear pics with plain text messages to the net?

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    RF natgas&oil revenue crashed nearly in half this year;

    Irrelevant statement. Last year was excess profitable because of the large increases in prices you dimwit.Compare it to 2021, or even pre-coronavirus to give some relevant information. Then add the revenue generated from shipping and insurance serves now provided by Russian companies ( sometimes officially and sometimes unofficially because of sanctions) by transporting the oil (LNG not sanctioned) .

    Kadyrov was responding to ukronazi fakes. A visitor to the SMO arena , even if a high-ranked official, should have phone restrictions on his usual one, and be non-contactable from mainland Russia.

  311. Was listening to a podcast the other day about dog archeology in Ireland, and they mentioned that there were elaborate laws in ancient Ireland about dog waste, and I found that really surprising for a number of reasons.


    One is that I thought they viewed all sources of fertilizer as an asset and there would have been a race to get anything on the street, and, on the neighbor’s field it would have been considered a gift. (In famine times, I recall there were proposals to use the nightsoil of workhouses on fields, though I don’t know if they actually did it.)

    The other is that it seems weird to think that they had such elaborate laws about dog business in what is often considered an anarchistic environment. (Was there less dog doo on the streets in medieval Ireland than human waste in modern San Fran?)

    Perhaps, the explanation is that a lot of people were walking barefoot, and also medieval violence.

  312. @The Big Red Scary

    I wouldn't take too seriously the cringe appeals to third world nationalism and druzhba narodov, though maybe sovoks like Karaganov have deluded themselves into believing their own platitudes and maybe this kind of thing goes over better in the third world.

    What's more consequential is that he is earnestly talking about the nuclear option (whether that's because he really thinks it is necessary, or because he thinks that threatening it makes it less likely), and making it clear that the ultimate goal is much larger than Ukraine, which he evidently thinks is an obstacle to be removed rather than a prize to be won. I don't know of any Russian politician that talks that way, and yet Karaganov is indeed close to those in power, so the issue must be discussed.

    As for nuclear targets, I never really thought that Ukraine itself was a likely one, but given Karaganov's dismissive attitude toward Western Ukraine, I begin to wonder what is he trying not to say.

    Replies: @sudden death

    Karaganov is indeed close to those in power

    Bald multiculti nuclear warmonger speaks about himself:

    Sergei Karaganov: Mazo – a noble Jewish family, came from Belarus, from the city of Borisov, Minsk province. According to legend, the great-uncle of my mother Sofya Grigoryevna (and for Tatiana – grandmother) was Yakov Isaevich Mazo, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow from 1893 to 1924. He helped my mother’s family, her brother David, move to Moscow from Belarus.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Also should be mentioned what allegedly "close to power" clownish Karaganov was writing roughly two weeks before invasion:

    Russian troops near the border of Ukraine are not going to move into the country. It is simply senseless. Grabbing land devastated by its anti-national and corrupt ruling strata is one of the worst scenarios. Troops are there to prevent another assault on Donbass republics. If that happens, Kyiv’s army will be destroyed and what is left of the already failed state will probably collapse. These troops and other military–technical means, as Russia generals nicely put it, are there to increase pressure on puppeteers rather than on puppets.
    Russia crushed all European coalitions trying to defeat Russia – the last led by Napoleon and Hitler. But we do not want another war. Even if not on our territory.

    So, there would be more cause to worry if that fellow Karaganov now would be making vows in writing about very peaceful RF never ever willing to use nuclear weapons instead of those threats;)

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @LatW
    @sudden death

    Wow, this one too! God damn it. This one has been one of the worst warmongers and rabid imperialists for decades and because he was an -ov, I thought that at least this one was an ethnic Russian. But no.

    This last piece he wrote is the most irrational one he's ever written - he says nuclear weapons are a "divine intervention" for humanity. He didn't use to write such messianic type of insanity in the decades before.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  313. @Mr. XYZ

    Do you have the names of such books? I've found some of them on the Internet Archive and Hathi Trust, but I was wondering if there are any specific books that you would recommend for this.

    BTW, you might enjoy this book. It's written in 1918 by two Americans (one of whom was, unfortunately, a white supremacist, but nevertheless with a keen eye and analysis for geopolitics) discussing the stakes of WWI and various possible outcomes for the various territorial disputes in WWI and the pluses and minuses of each outcome:

    There is another small “island” on the right bank of Danube that became a part of Slovakia only in 1945 – the idea was to enlarge the hinterland. That small region had mostly Croatian population, so they assimilated very quickly. It is a suburb now. There is no such thing as ‘natural’ borders – it is all about power and ability to absorb territory. Then and now.


    What's this island called? I know that a couple of villages south of Bratislava were transferred from Hungary to Czechoslovakia after WWII in order to make Bratislava more secure.

    to this day the least nationalistic Magyars (most loyal to Slovakia based on voting) are the ones living on the “island” close to Bratislava.
    They still seem to be voting for Magyar politicians even nowadays, no?

    Replies: @Beckow

    They still seem to be voting for Magyar politicians even nowadays, no?

    Less than half do. The “island” is 80% Magyar, the only large place with Magyar majority. They get relatively low support there, in the north-western part close to Bratislava they underperform. The Most-Hid (“bridge”) part is not nationalistic, they are “above nation”, the usual paid-for business venture run by big-city liberals with EU and Washington money. We have a lot of those, as does most of East-Central Europe.

    The eastern and south-central places have higher rates of voting for the Magyar nationalism – there are a lot of Magyar-speaking Romas there who vote for them…:)

    The small area south of Bratislava on the right bank of Danube was given to Slovakia in 1945. It is small but has become very populous as a suburb – almost 200k people now. I used to ride horses there few years back when it was still underdeveloped. In 1945 it had mostly Croat population – people moved up to escape the Ottomans, similar to Burgenland in Austria.The languages are similar enough so they were quickly assimilated.

    …Do you have the names of such books?

    I will send you some when I am closer to my library.

  314. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Don't be a mankurt!

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    After I posted that I felt embarrassed I had temporarily forgot Simone Weil and Martha Nussbaum’s names. I was not thinking of Simone de Beauvoir. She is noteworthy for being Sartre’s bimbo patrol-person.

  315. @sudden death
    @The Big Red Scary

    Karaganov is indeed close to those in power
    Bald multiculti nuclear warmonger speaks about himself:

    Sergei Karaganov: Mazo - a noble Jewish family, came from Belarus, from the city of Borisov, Minsk province. According to legend, the great-uncle of my mother Sofya Grigoryevna (and for Tatiana - grandmother) was Yakov Isaevich Mazo, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow from 1893 to 1924. He helped my mother's family, her brother David, move to Moscow from Belarus.

    Replies: @sudden death, @LatW

    Also should be mentioned what allegedly “close to power” clownish Karaganov was writing roughly two weeks before invasion:

    Russian troops near the border of Ukraine are not going to move into the country. It is simply senseless. Grabbing land devastated by its anti-national and corrupt ruling strata is one of the worst scenarios. Troops are there to prevent another assault on Donbass republics. If that happens, Kyiv’s army will be destroyed and what is left of the already failed state will probably collapse. These troops and other military–technical means, as Russia generals nicely put it, are there to increase pressure on puppeteers rather than on puppets.
    Russia crushed all European coalitions trying to defeat Russia – the last led by Napoleon and Hitler. But we do not want another war. Even if not on our territory.

    So, there would be more cause to worry if that fellow Karaganov now would be making vows in writing about very peaceful RF never ever willing to use nuclear weapons instead of those threats;)

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @sudden death

    Is Karaganov in fact from a Jewish family? If so, I can say "Every single time!"

    I don't think Russia has much left to preserve or gain in Ukraine other than history and cultural continuity which will take decades to recover. In the future Ukraine will be more of a buffer and less of a sister country. People should remember this was never about Ukraine, it was always about the West attacking Russia. The pro-Ukies have not given any solid arguments to refute this point.

    There has always been a risk that some nuke would be used in Ukraine to avoid escalation. This bombing is irrelevant tactically but would be a strategic statement which seems to be what Karaganov is implying. One city is scarified so the others may live. This may be counter-intuitive in terms of escalation, but the West might not retaliate against such a strike in Ukraine. They probably would not get the message, either. Lvov has always seemed to be the most likely target for such a demonstration strike.

    I took the multicultural blather to be Noviop talk, not that I really knew what that is.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  316. @AP

    “I went to university with a count from your region”

    What are you 90-years old? (That would explain a lot…:)
    Nah, it was in the early 90s. His family restored their position and influence by the time Communism fell, then leveraged it and became rich by Western standards too (I’ll avoid details to avoid doxxing). It’s inevitable, thieves and murderers create temporary problems and tragedies but the families come back.

    My grandpa had a former “Hungarian countess” as a servant, she milked his cows
    That’s a very sad story. Reality is a bit different though:

    “ the descendants of the eighteenth century upper classes in Hungary were still significantly privileged during the period 1949 to 2017”

    “ even by 2010–17 someone with a surname inherited from the eighteenth century upper class was still 2.5 times more likely to gain a medical qualification than the average non-Romani person”


    Yes, when thieves dispossessed the rightful owners there were such stories. People had to milk cows, or sweep floors. But the setbacks were temporary. Their kids and grandkids would return more or less to where their ancestors had been. Wasn’t some prince, the Czech Republic’s foreign minister for awhile?

    And below that, among the untitled there are professors, attorneys, physicians, etc. I posted links to data from Hungary, Sweden, and China (this is universal). These families continue to be overrepresented. You can lie all you want, the reality is clear.

    On examination, almost all these “nobles” turn out to make up stuff, invent myths and lie
    No that’s you. Just as a thief thinks everyone else is a thief, you think everyone else is a liar.

    The “noble” blood is among all of us, they melted into the population
    The very slow rate of downward mobility can be explained by occasional careless dilution (marrying a cute maid or secretary, for example).

    But if you have nothing else to hold on to, by all means, dream about the “nobility


    You are the one with the unhealthy obsession. Who said “nothing else to hold onto?” Is it projection again?

    Replies: @Beckow

    You are a poseur and a fool totally disconnected from how people in the Central-Eastern Europe think. Trying to parade your “noble blood” here is infantile and repulsive.

    Look up what people did to your noble Polish-Galician ancestors already in the 1846 attempted “Polish” revolution – they killed about a thousand “nobles” and brought their heads to the Habsburg officials to collect a bounty. As Metternich commented “the silly Polish aristocrats staged a democratic revolution but forgot to actually include the people”…

    Let that idiotic nonsense go. You are a few centuries behind times – it only devalues you as an infantile fool raised on silly Hollywood ‘blue blood’ myths. Do you also worship British “royalty”? You probably do, together with a few million frustrated elderly ladies around the world…

    • Replies: @AP

    You are a poseur and a fool totally disconnected from how people in the Central-Eastern Europe think
    The ones who idolize Pilsudski? Or had that prince as their foreign minister? Or who chose a different prince as prime minister? And so further down.

    Look up what people did to your noble Polish-Galician ancestors already in the 1846 attempted “Polish” revolution – they killed about a thousand “nobles
    My people were Ruthenians at the time, our relationships with the peasants were much better.

    The Polish ones made the mistake of adopting nationalism before teaching the peasants about it. They later learned from their mistake. A few decades later, the nobleman Pilsudski led the Polish people to victory over the Bolshevik-Russian horde.

    You are a few centuries behind times


    You are the one who denies the genetic link to intelligence and personality variables such as conscientiousness, that are expressed across the centuries and carried within certain families.

    It goes against your obsolete Soviet egalitarian principles.

    Do you also worship British “royalty”?


    Not my people, but the Anglos certainly do. And they are smarter and more civilized than you are.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  317. I do not intend to return, but cannot resist the temptation to share this new joke.

    For those who don’t know details:
    Zaluzhnyi – commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ukraine since July 27, 2021.
    Tantsyura – commander of Ukrainian territorial defense forces since May 15, 2022.
    Both disappeared from public view after reported Russian strikes several weeks ago.

    The joke itself:
    – Where is Zaluzhnyi?
    – Probably in the same place as Tantsyura.
    – And where is Tantsyura?
    – Probably in the same place as Bandera, in Hell.

    There are reports that the head of Ukrainian military intelligence Budanov was seriously wounded by Russian strike on its headquarters on May 29. The repots suggest that he was then evacuated to Polish airfield in Rzeszow, from where he was moved by an American helicopter to Germany and remains in serious condition in hospital in Berlin. One hysterical statement allegedly by Budanov was published by Ukraine the next day, but there was nothing else. Today is June 15th, in case someone wonders.

    • Thanks: QCIC
    • LOL: sudden death
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I've got an even better joke to share with you that is circulating throughout Ukraine:

    "Росіяни починали війну, говорячи про те, що вони мають другу найпотужнішу армію в світі. Ми знаємо, що сьогодні українці говорять - що це, можливо, друга найпотужніша армія в Україні"



    We know that Russians started their war, stating that they had the second most powerful army in the world. We now know that Ukrainians are saying - that it's actually possible that they have the second most powerful army within Ukraine. :-)
    Watch your "heroes", slowly but surely run from Ukraine with their tails between their legs!

    Replies: @Sean

    , @Gerard1234

    I do not intend to return, but cannot resist the temptation to share this new joke


    Well you should return - the freaks to normal people ratio on here is very much the wrong way. It needs your presence to increase the IQ and sanity.

    You said that you have much more important things to do in your scientific job, which is reasonable - but I would say now that its never solely about the science that makes the scientific pursuit a virtuous one.

    As an example -

    We know that little shit,Mikel, who commentates on here , with his scientific knowledge won't stop using it until he can make dick - to- dick conception a thing.

    Just like the quote "war is politics by other methods", you can now say the same thing about science.

    Putin has "cured" global warming . Since the SMO, all these retards who were arguing maniacally for a mass-scale of incremental changes in energy and resource use, "magically" stopped this or supported policies completely opposite of this for the last year. Only their low attention-span for the SMO would reverse this. Putin cured global warming

    That's the same "global warming" despite all the support of the "scientific" community ( malleable liberals) -has no scientific model explaining how its happening, where in the world and at what quantities, would require knowledge of about 1000 year cycles of weather across the world to come up with the model/equation that can help deduce if it it real and quantify it - not to forget about the clear historical knowledge that the Earth has seen major volcanic eruptions causing huge climactic effects for the world lasting many decades possibly centuries, far more than even global warming is said to be able to do so ( itself harmed by volcanic eruptions more than any mass petrol consumption every could) . Science is politics by other methods.

    As for Zaluzhny/Budanov - to me they are both irrelevant vishivatniks who even most ukronazis know have zero relevance or practical input into 404's side of the SMO. I would prefer both of them arrested and on trial in Russia, then executed instead of being killed in an airstrike - more so as its going to be difficult /impossible to get justice on NATO commanders and politicians.

    Whats interesting about the Budanov strike - it was on the building in an area near the Gavansky bridge side leading to Rybalsky island (gone there many time) . I have a pal who studied there a long time ago as a naval intelligence training place in that same building. I say it's interesting in that I don't understand why somewhere well-known that was used for military/intelligence years before would still be used by 404 since the start of the SMO for even more important purposes. You would assume somewhere else in secret they would use, probably not even in Kiev.

    Replies: @Jazman

  318. @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Also should be mentioned what allegedly "close to power" clownish Karaganov was writing roughly two weeks before invasion:

    Russian troops near the border of Ukraine are not going to move into the country. It is simply senseless. Grabbing land devastated by its anti-national and corrupt ruling strata is one of the worst scenarios. Troops are there to prevent another assault on Donbass republics. If that happens, Kyiv’s army will be destroyed and what is left of the already failed state will probably collapse. These troops and other military–technical means, as Russia generals nicely put it, are there to increase pressure on puppeteers rather than on puppets.
    Russia crushed all European coalitions trying to defeat Russia – the last led by Napoleon and Hitler. But we do not want another war. Even if not on our territory.

    So, there would be more cause to worry if that fellow Karaganov now would be making vows in writing about very peaceful RF never ever willing to use nuclear weapons instead of those threats;)

    Replies: @QCIC

    Is Karaganov in fact from a Jewish family? If so, I can say “Every single time!”

    I don’t think Russia has much left to preserve or gain in Ukraine other than history and cultural continuity which will take decades to recover. In the future Ukraine will be more of a buffer and less of a sister country. People should remember this was never about Ukraine, it was always about the West attacking Russia. The pro-Ukies have not given any solid arguments to refute this point.

    There has always been a risk that some nuke would be used in Ukraine to avoid escalation. This bombing is irrelevant tactically but would be a strategic statement which seems to be what Karaganov is implying. One city is scarified so the others may live. This may be counter-intuitive in terms of escalation, but the West might not retaliate against such a strike in Ukraine. They probably would not get the message, either. Lvov has always seemed to be the most likely target for such a demonstration strike.

    I took the multicultural blather to be Noviop talk, not that I really knew what that is.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Is Karaganov in fact from a Jewish family? If so, I can say “Every single time!”
    Many such cases! His mother was of happy merchant stock, while his father was of Russian peasant stock (his paternal grandfather was repressed by the NKVD).

    I took the multicultural blather to be Noviop talk, not that I really knew what that is.


    It's called "druzhba narodov" (friendship of the peoples), which is the sovok form of multiculturalism. The sovoks also have their own brand of feminism. There's nothing new under the sun.

    Everyone everywhere plays a role. While the article that I posted isn't necessarily approved in advance by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a man like Karaganov isn't going to go too far off the reservation and is at least representing one of the opinions that those in power want to be voiced, whether because they want it to be taken seriously or because they want to keep people guessing. The Kagan brothers, for example, are not in power, but nobody doubts that their opinions are representative of a real faction within the US government.
  319. @QCIC
    @sudden death

    Is Karaganov in fact from a Jewish family? If so, I can say "Every single time!"

    I don't think Russia has much left to preserve or gain in Ukraine other than history and cultural continuity which will take decades to recover. In the future Ukraine will be more of a buffer and less of a sister country. People should remember this was never about Ukraine, it was always about the West attacking Russia. The pro-Ukies have not given any solid arguments to refute this point.

    There has always been a risk that some nuke would be used in Ukraine to avoid escalation. This bombing is irrelevant tactically but would be a strategic statement which seems to be what Karaganov is implying. One city is scarified so the others may live. This may be counter-intuitive in terms of escalation, but the West might not retaliate against such a strike in Ukraine. They probably would not get the message, either. Lvov has always seemed to be the most likely target for such a demonstration strike.

    I took the multicultural blather to be Noviop talk, not that I really knew what that is.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Is Karaganov in fact from a Jewish family? If so, I can say “Every single time!”

    Many such cases! His mother was of happy merchant stock, while his father was of Russian peasant stock (his paternal grandfather was repressed by the NKVD).

    I took the multicultural blather to be Noviop talk, not that I really knew what that is.

    It’s called “druzhba narodov” (friendship of the peoples), which is the sovok form of multiculturalism. The sovoks also have their own brand of feminism. There’s nothing new under the sun.

    Everyone everywhere plays a role. While the article that I posted isn’t necessarily approved in advance by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a man like Karaganov isn’t going to go too far off the reservation and is at least representing one of the opinions that those in power want to be voiced, whether because they want it to be taken seriously or because they want to keep people guessing. The Kagan brothers, for example, are not in power, but nobody doubts that their opinions are representative of a real faction within the US government.

  320. @sudden death
    @The Big Red Scary

    Karaganov is indeed close to those in power
    Bald multiculti nuclear warmonger speaks about himself:

    Sergei Karaganov: Mazo - a noble Jewish family, came from Belarus, from the city of Borisov, Minsk province. According to legend, the great-uncle of my mother Sofya Grigoryevna (and for Tatiana - grandmother) was Yakov Isaevich Mazo, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow from 1893 to 1924. He helped my mother's family, her brother David, move to Moscow from Belarus.

    Replies: @sudden death, @LatW

    Wow, this one too! God damn it. This one has been one of the worst warmongers and rabid imperialists for decades and because he was an -ov, I thought that at least this one was an ethnic Russian. But no.

    This last piece he wrote is the most irrational one he’s ever written – he says nuclear weapons are a “divine intervention” for humanity. He didn’t use to write such messianic type of insanity in the decades before.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    In the 1950's there was a wide, if minority opinion, that nukes had put an end to war. More recently, before we dropped bombs on Belgrade, there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald's have ever been at war. He considered this a brilliant and important observation from his elite brain.

    Replies: @LatW, @songbird

  321. @John Johnson

    What type of idiot do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?

    What do you think we pay our engineers to do? Dick around on Tiktok? Our massive military budget pays for weapons like HIMARs and the Patriot. I support a reduction in the budget but I'm glad these toys are at least being used against the dwarf.

    There is video of the Patriot system in action:

    Notice how Belgorod the city is extremely well protected in airdefence – no using airdefence surrounded by human shield tactics for ourselves.

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don't have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?

    Average Putin defender on Unz: I'm not like those indoctrinated liberals that trust CNN. I ignore the MSM entirely and read exclusively from pro-Putin sources. That way I only learn about what I want to hear.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    Belgorod has been under attack by anti-Putin Russian militias and they don’t have air support. Do you just bury your head and only read from 2-3 pro-Putin bloggers?

    Which bit of “air defence”, and which bit of “Belgorod, the city” ( so to not confuse with the region, particularly at the border) are you too thick to understand? It doesn’t help change the accusation that you are a troll, like some of the other freaks here, by deliberately misreading what I have written.

    Nobody I know in the city, or just outside the city of Belgorod is in fear or thinking about leaving. A big part of that reason, and my main point in the original comment is that they are different to the ukronazis deliberately placing the air defence complexes in very dense urban areas..this is why missiles flying several hundred, several thousand km’s away are being intercepted over the ukrainian cities, ( well for ukronazis its mostly interceptions of dummy missiles about 1/6th of the weight, drones and as most often – their own air defence misfires , that you actually linked video to in one of your recent, idiotic videos in Kiev at the start of SMO that hit a high-rise residential building), causing the killing of civilians and more damage to the city than would occur if air-defence was not engaged.

    Shebkino routinely targeted by MLRS in particular, Graivoron and other places have been struck, sadly killing innocent people, though fortunately the homes destroyed is much,much higher than civilians killed, not matching them…….but
    Belgorod the city and the other cities/towns in the regions not at the border are mostly safe.

    In Belgorod a wide variety of weapons are fired at us from Banderastan territory, but as I say the city is well protected, as the authorities don’t use the civilians as human shields.

    Somebody below mentioned that drones have successfully targeted the city itself, but I only know of one ( and I follow events there quite regularly) that caused minor damage – and although highly possible it crossed the border, there is still big chance it was launched from Russian territory – which makes analysis from airdefence view different.

    and they don’t have air support

    Yes, Helicopters are “of course” not intended to fly. The NATO-cocksucking Ukrainian militias who went into Belgorod were too low-grade an opponent and mostly destroyed already before anybody could even think about ordering serious air support.

    So you believe the Patriot system is not working as intended?

    Clearly they are not , you cretin. Multiple elements of different Patriot systems have been hit over the last few months. Though cause and effect are unknown at this stage, its clear that delivery of Patriot system to 404 has made the sleeping patterns of Kiev residents at night, much worse. Daily air strikeson Kiev have not happened for over a year before this, not even every month

  322. @LatW
    @sudden death

    Wow, this one too! God damn it. This one has been one of the worst warmongers and rabid imperialists for decades and because he was an -ov, I thought that at least this one was an ethnic Russian. But no.

    This last piece he wrote is the most irrational one he's ever written - he says nuclear weapons are a "divine intervention" for humanity. He didn't use to write such messianic type of insanity in the decades before.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    In the 1950’s there was a wide, if minority opinion, that nukes had put an end to war. More recently, before we dropped bombs on Belgrade, there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald’s have ever been at war. He considered this a brilliant and important observation from his elite brain.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Indeed, this is true. That's why constant nuclear threats probably work against this arrangement.

    , @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald’s have ever been at war.
    Thomas Friedman.

    He used to have this really funny catchphrase "The world is flat!" Which, in theory, I guess was the idea that broadband is going to be some equalizing force, letting the Third World catch up via offshored call-centers.

    He fell off my radar, but I guess I don't really read that sort of stuff.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  323. @S

    What if the Ukes are using Prigo to help make Russia lose? So then Prigo’s group could take power in Moscow. This tracks with the Russian Volunteer Corps supporting Prigo.
    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not 'just' 'another Hitler', but to be someone 'worse than Hitler', to lead Russia to a potential disaster?

    Hitler's legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.

    Prigozhin's legend, on the other hand and so far, is being an excon, 'Putin's butcher', the image of a bloody sledgehammer, planting himself in a field of fresh Russian corpses, but is someone who also writes children's some sort of 'psycho' in the making.

    Should WWIII formally commence and Prigozhin has seized power in Russia, I can just see the caricaturized Western 'Allied' propaganda posters:

    'This is the face of the enemy!'

    A cynical plot. But would be something driven by the circumstances. What matters is the result – no Putin and end of war.
    Yes, cynical. Who says Putin's removal will end the war, though? What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn't not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into 'total war' territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?

    The United States and United Kingdom have already effectively declared for Prigozhin with their extensive over the top media coverage of the guy. What say the Russian people? [If things follow their general pattern, unfortunately, the Russian people won't (in reality) be asked their opinion].

    As a related aside, Prigozhin a little over a week ago allegedly made a video where he demanded a 250,000 man army for himself, and made some other wild statements. [See two links directly below]. No coverage in the Western media at all as far as I can tell, which makes me wonder if the video was real to begin with.

    A more recent Prigozhin article..

    Replies: @LatW

    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not ‘just’ ‘another Hitler’, but to be someone ‘worse than Hitler’, to lead Russia to a potential disaster?

    I already wrote in the other thread, that it is possible that the Kovalchuk brothers are behind him. Or some other powerful faction within the Kremlin. Him defying Putin’s orders is a very big deal, because it indicates to the elite that the so called “power vertical” is no longer a 100% solid. The elite can see that not all orders are obeyed or that some orders can be not obeyed by some (usually this is how problems start, this happened right before the fall of the USSR as well, in fact, it happened instantly at one moment – and it caused very negative consequences across the board). Prigo himself is not systemic, so I don’t really see how he could become president, but it looks like the situation is very complicated now so anything can happen.

    Hitler’s legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.

    Hitler is in a completely different league than Prigo, and Hitler had almost all of the German people behind him eventually, the longings of the German people, as well as their entitlement and aggression were embodied in Hitler.

    Prigo does not have that sort of a national asset right now, although he does have a significant asset (the support of the Z bydlo – the undereducated pro-war trash who are impressed by prison slang and who consider prison behaviors applicable to daily life and even admirable behavior, and other imperialist scum, or just simple vatniks).

    Who says Putin’s removal will end the war, though?

    Putin’s removal would most likely end the war – the power vertical would collapse immediately. However, Putin can still stay in power even after the war and so can the current elites. He may or may not remain, depending on how the war goes (his position is not as stable as before although).

    What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn’t not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into ‘total war’ territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?

    “Follows through his rhetoric”? The whole irony of his rants is that it shows in full light the problems that RusFed are facing and how far the existing is from the desirable. He cannot just snap his fingers and get all those things that he is screaming for. The Russian government spent huge amounts on Wagner already. Because it would require insane levels of work and mobilization of the population. This is not the Great Patriotic War, as the Russians call it – the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it.

    I’m not even sure he is serious – of course, he is right about the mobilization part and he was right when he was explaining what efforts it would take to occupy Kyiv if they were intent on trying to do that again (it would take years). He was just being realistic. But he is doing this for his own clan war, against the MOD. He is ranting at MOD to boost himself. He knows damn well that the Russian people don’t have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.

    What say the Russian people?

    Possibly as high as 30% of the Russian people are against the war (for various reasons), among those there are people who may be salvageable and are worth fighting for. The majority, the 70% or so, are aggressive vatnik bydlo. But that doesn’t mean they will become efficient fighters or workers in the war industry. Most of them are too old for that, in fact.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    No doubt Prigozhin is a clown playing up the position of some faction, perhaps within the Ministry of Defense itself. Prigozhin evidently gets along smashingly with Surovikin. And as you observe, the act is a big hit among the proles. But the Kovalchuks and the "oligarchs" more generally are irrelevant to these kinds of questions.

    There are other less colorful dissident movements coming out of the Ministry of Defense, from associations of active and retired officers. These are generally tolerated, because they are not really threatening to the center of power. In general, there's an enormous amount of ideological and strategic diversity at lower levels, with different factions fightings it out. Putin is even reputed to like it this way, as a means of selecting capable and clever people. But if anything gets out of hand, it will be shut down in the same way as the "Russian Spring".

    Replies: @LatW

    , @S

    This is not the Great PatriotWar, as the Russians call it – the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it...
    He knows damn well that the Russian people don’t have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.
    Probably the same was said about the much divided German people in 1930.

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the 'special relationship' between them was formed. [See pg 8, 9, and 10, of WT Stead's 1902 free on-line book The Americanization of the World.]

    The world wars since that time, including this nascent WWIII, have been the US/UK shaping the world to fit into it's plans of a theoretical future world state, ie the 'United States of the World'.

    While I am not quite prepared to say as some do that Hitler was some sort of automaton of the US/UK, I do think it had the economic power to groom him for a particular role, this role being a person that would act as a lightning rod to radicalize the German people into supporting the most militant nationalist movement possible, so as to ensure the most damaging war possible between Russia and Germany, a war which would engulf Europe as a whole.

    See Guido Preparata's book link below Conjuring Hitler; How Britain and America Made the Third Reich [I think Stalin was attempting to play the same game regarding Hitler, but in reverse, though I think Stalin's efforts in this regard were ultimately something of a weak echo of what the US/UK was doing.]

    As the US/UK has been near religiously recreating every event it can think of from WWII in the lead-up to WWIII, it only makes sense they might attempt to groom 'literally another Hitler' to rule Russia in the form of one named Prigozhin.

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW

  324. @Emil Nikola Richard

    In the 1950's there was a wide, if minority opinion, that nukes had put an end to war. More recently, before we dropped bombs on Belgrade, there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald's have ever been at war. He considered this a brilliant and important observation from his elite brain.

    Replies: @LatW, @songbird

    Indeed, this is true. That’s why constant nuclear threats probably work against this arrangement.

  325. AP says:

    You are a poseur and a fool totally disconnected from how people in the Central-Eastern Europe think. Trying to parade your "noble blood" here is infantile and repulsive.

    Look up what people did to your noble Polish-Galician ancestors already in the 1846 attempted "Polish" revolution - they killed about a thousand "nobles" and brought their heads to the Habsburg officials to collect a bounty. As Metternich commented "the silly Polish aristocrats staged a democratic revolution but forgot to actually include the people"...

    Let that idiotic nonsense go. You are a few centuries behind times - it only devalues you as an infantile fool raised on silly Hollywood 'blue blood' myths. Do you also worship British "royalty"? You probably do, together with a few million frustrated elderly ladies around the world...

    Replies: @AP

    You are a poseur and a fool totally disconnected from how people in the Central-Eastern Europe think

    The ones who idolize Pilsudski? Or had that prince as their foreign minister? Or who chose a different prince as prime minister? And so further down.

    Look up what people did to your noble Polish-Galician ancestors already in the 1846 attempted “Polish” revolution – they killed about a thousand “nobles

    My people were Ruthenians at the time, our relationships with the peasants were much better.

    The Polish ones made the mistake of adopting nationalism before teaching the peasants about it. They later learned from their mistake. A few decades later, the nobleman Pilsudski led the Polish people to victory over the Bolshevik-Russian horde.

    You are a few centuries behind times

    You are the one who denies the genetic link to intelligence and personality variables such as conscientiousness, that are expressed across the centuries and carried within certain families.

    It goes against your obsolete Soviet egalitarian principles.

    Do you also worship British “royalty”?

    Not my people, but the Anglos certainly do. And they are smarter and more civilized than you are.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    JudeoBolshevik horde, even according to Pilsudski. ‘‘Twas Trotsky in Command no less.

    Replies: @AP

  326. @Emil Nikola Richard

    In the 1950's there was a wide, if minority opinion, that nukes had put an end to war. More recently, before we dropped bombs on Belgrade, there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald's have ever been at war. He considered this a brilliant and important observation from his elite brain.

    Replies: @LatW, @songbird

    there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald’s have ever been at war.

    Thomas Friedman.

    He used to have this really funny catchphrase “The world is flat!” Which, in theory, I guess was the idea that broadband is going to be some equalizing force, letting the Third World catch up via offshored call-centers.

    He fell off my radar, but I guess I don’t really read that sort of stuff.

    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  327. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...It’s not the likes of me or AP that have brought the world to this dangerous precipice
    Sure, you are insignificant. But the moronic unrealistic ideology of Western-Ukie fanatical nationalism that you share brought us to this point. So far the biggest losers are Ukies themselves - the country is depopulated, infrastructure destroyed, no normal life is possible, the trend is for more of the same.

    You enjoy cheering on this self-defeating idiocy, but the future generations of Ukies - if there are any - will hate you for it. You made up an unworkable dream of a large Russian-free Ukraine in Nato dominated by its Galician Bandera-worshipping fanatics and then you sent a lot of Ukie men to die for it. How do you think people will look back at it? The survivors will hate you, they will feel used and lied to.

    The only thing you have left is to hope for a miracle of a Kiev victory - is it happening? Any day now? In the meantime Ukraine is slowly being destroyed.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians have always valued their independence and freedom from all outsiders, including Russia. In fact, it was in the early 1990’s that Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today? Russia cannot be trusted to keep its word and your single minded grandstanding for the kremlin imperialists doesn’t absolve them at all from 100% responsibility for all of the negative repercussions resulting from their cavalier attitudes and dealings with Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today?
    And Ukraine agreed to a non-aligned status. Kiev then broke the deal, so who is it that can't be trusted? You quoting one-half of an agreement is dishonest.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Gerard1234
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians have always valued their independence and freedom from all outsiders, including Russia.
    That's an eccentric method of viewing 1654-WW1 you deluded cretin. Or during USSR. Even as early as the 1500's Russian Tsar was getting begging requests from "Ukrainian" Cossacks to become part of Russia.

    What we now see, is less actual "independent-nation" and more a mixture of Navalynite - liberast scumtrollism fused with a form of provincial sovietism with some primitive-tribe style vishivanka wearing. All the BS with "Golodomor" and repressions etc is cosmetic nonsense, Navalny-types backed with American money, getting power in a weak society is what is causing this self-made disaster. I still remember being in Kiev during the time of celebrations of the city's founding, which has the city at over 1500 years old. This is highly amusing because this "1500+ years" old isnt one more ukronazi galician fktard myth.........its an invention of Soviet historians which was still being celebrated.

    Abkhazia's demand for independence from USSR was much stronger than Banderastans you fool.
    I suppose your statement is based on the fact that "Ukrainians" never existed until Lenin invented them. Lenin visiting Vienna probably did more for "Ukraine" being created than any Galician did, although his visit to Galicia is certainly important to this fake nation getting created.

    kremlin imperialists
    Russia has given this fake , failure nation about 8 different pieces of land from 6 different states you cretin. What we are seeing now, if you believe in Russian "imperialism" historically ( there was never such a thing), is by simple logic - ANTI-imperialism.

    In fact, it was in the early 1990’s that Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable.
    An idiotically fake view of history and the current situation. Fkheadistan quite simply cannot manage itself. The coup was unacceptable and accepting anything with these freaks too dangerous as was believing any of the previous agreements. Our naval base in Sevastopol should have not been on any lease but guaranteed in ukrop constitution as Russian naval base always immediately in the 1990s. Where America can disgracefully have Guantanamo Bay for 100 years, to use as one of its main torture chambers while in a state of permanant hostility to Cuba after they were thrown out .......we can be economically blackmailed and attempted to shutout of our historic base? No

    The Guantanamo comparison should clarify that everything post 1991 for Ukraine, is Russian generous donation and not some American BS of "Ukraine forsake" something. Russia could easily have given ourselves 80% of ukrop current territory in 1991 and there not been any conflict/civil war as in Gruzia/S.Ossetia and Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh or Pridnestrovie.
  328. @LatW

    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not ‘just’ ‘another Hitler’, but to be someone ‘worse than Hitler’, to lead Russia to a potential disaster?
    I already wrote in the other thread, that it is possible that the Kovalchuk brothers are behind him. Or some other powerful faction within the Kremlin. Him defying Putin's orders is a very big deal, because it indicates to the elite that the so called "power vertical" is no longer a 100% solid. The elite can see that not all orders are obeyed or that some orders can be not obeyed by some (usually this is how problems start, this happened right before the fall of the USSR as well, in fact, it happened instantly at one moment - and it caused very negative consequences across the board). Prigo himself is not systemic, so I don't really see how he could become president, but it looks like the situation is very complicated now so anything can happen.

    Hitler’s legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.
    Hitler is in a completely different league than Prigo, and Hitler had almost all of the German people behind him eventually, the longings of the German people, as well as their entitlement and aggression were embodied in Hitler.

    Prigo does not have that sort of a national asset right now, although he does have a significant asset (the support of the Z bydlo - the undereducated pro-war trash who are impressed by prison slang and who consider prison behaviors applicable to daily life and even admirable behavior, and other imperialist scum, or just simple vatniks).

    Who says Putin’s removal will end the war, though?
    Putin's removal would most likely end the war - the power vertical would collapse immediately. However, Putin can still stay in power even after the war and so can the current elites. He may or may not remain, depending on how the war goes (his position is not as stable as before although).

    What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn’t not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into ‘total war’ territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?
    "Follows through his rhetoric"? The whole irony of his rants is that it shows in full light the problems that RusFed are facing and how far the existing is from the desirable. He cannot just snap his fingers and get all those things that he is screaming for. The Russian government spent huge amounts on Wagner already. Because it would require insane levels of work and mobilization of the population. This is not the Great Patriotic War, as the Russians call it - the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it.

    I'm not even sure he is serious - of course, he is right about the mobilization part and he was right when he was explaining what efforts it would take to occupy Kyiv if they were intent on trying to do that again (it would take years). He was just being realistic. But he is doing this for his own clan war, against the MOD. He is ranting at MOD to boost himself. He knows damn well that the Russian people don't have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.

    What say the Russian people?
    Possibly as high as 30% of the Russian people are against the war (for various reasons), among those there are people who may be salvageable and are worth fighting for. The majority, the 70% or so, are aggressive vatnik bydlo. But that doesn't mean they will become efficient fighters or workers in the war industry. Most of them are too old for that, in fact.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @S

    No doubt Prigozhin is a clown playing up the position of some faction, perhaps within the Ministry of Defense itself. Prigozhin evidently gets along smashingly with Surovikin. And as you observe, the act is a big hit among the proles. But the Kovalchuks and the “oligarchs” more generally are irrelevant to these kinds of questions.

    There are other less colorful dissident movements coming out of the Ministry of Defense, from associations of active and retired officers. These are generally tolerated, because they are not really threatening to the center of power. In general, there’s an enormous amount of ideological and strategic diversity at lower levels, with different factions fightings it out. Putin is even reputed to like it this way, as a means of selecting capable and clever people. But if anything gets out of hand, it will be shut down in the same way as the “Russian Spring”.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @The Big Red Scary

    I didn't say there is unity within the war party. I have also spoken before of the General Ivashov, who is also from the retired officer community. It would also be interesting to see how the Rosgvardia are feeling at different levels.

    Prigozhin evidently gets along smashingly with Surovikin.
    That just goes to show what a mess it is at this point (and even from the very beginning of the Zhoperation, it wasn't clear who was leading). When he says that he submits to/respects the Russian people and their interests and the one Surovikin, but at the same time screams at Shoigu and Gerasimov and has feuds with the Kadyrovites (Rosgvardia), then it just shows that chaos reigns there and it begs the question about who is in charge. Of course, it doesn't mean that it's not dangerous for Ukraine. But it's also dangerous for RusFed.

    But if anything gets out of hand, it will be shut down in the same way as the “Russian Spring”.


    It's likely that many will not survive these squabbles, but the question is where is the limit. The "Russian Spring" was in a different era - those were local heads of militias in a rather limited space (Donbas), a voenkor here and there. The situation has aggravated now and there is fighting on the Russian territory now. Also, an order not being obeyed, publicly, is a big deal because of the sheer psychological effects of it. There are rumors that some in the elite are looking for residence permits in Latin America.
  329. Human madness is oftentimes a cunning and most feline thing. When you think it fled, it may have but become transfigured into some still subtler form.


    • LOL: Mr. XYZ
  330. @Resist Covid Slavery

    One other thing that leaps out, during the first 48 hours of Barbarossa the USSR frontier armies disintegrated under German attack. It’s because the units were not in mine belts, not in comfortable pillboxes and doctrinally the troops had orders to attack instead of orders to conduct a calm measured defence.
    Well, Stalin ordered transition from "Stalin Line" defensive fortifications right to border with Germany, and Germans struck right in the middle of incomplete repositioning of Red Army when it was caught out of position in June 22nd 1941. It's evident why Zhukov advised Stalin against this in hindsight. Stalin also ordering his soldiers to avoid provocations and even disbelieving news of attack for several days and weeks also didn't help either. Red Army was literally paralyzed for 1st month of war.

    Complete detatchment of Command and Control for Red army in 1st Month of War is illustrated by this:

    Clear that German breakthrough was also result of Russian disorientation and complete dependence on efforts of lower ranked officers. NCOs is something Russian Army never really excelled at.

    Shoigu appears to be a very very serious fellow.
    From a pro-Russian perspective, there's almost nothing praiseworthy about Shoigu and Gerasimov's conduct of this war ... just the opposite actually ...

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    These mines are more or less civil engineering.

    Will be interesting to see if they can accurately be called Shoigu’s Line

    • Replies: @Resist Covid Slavery

    These mines are more or less civil engineering.

    Will be interesting to see if they can accurately be called Shoigu’s Line
    Defensive fortifications are only as good as the soldiers and armies defending them, honestly. Otherwise, they can easily be bypassed, and so on.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  331. @S

    The multiple belts of defenses the Russians have set up is also a bit remindful of the situation at Kursk in July, 1943.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    It’s civil engineering on a big scale. The concrete poured etc. Dam Blast looks like it might on balance have prevented planned amphibious landings. We will see if the Ukies have armoires reserves ready for the dried lake bed in the warmer summer months ahead. But I doubt it.

  332. @songbird
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    there was a jackass NYTimes writer who wrote that no two countries with McDonald’s have ever been at war.
    Thomas Friedman.

    He used to have this really funny catchphrase "The world is flat!" Which, in theory, I guess was the idea that broadband is going to be some equalizing force, letting the Third World catch up via offshored call-centers.

    He fell off my radar, but I guess I don't really read that sort of stuff.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    • LOL: songbird
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    1. his wife is richer than anybody you or I will ever know

    2. he is fanatical zionist jew.

  333. @The Big Red Scary

    No doubt Prigozhin is a clown playing up the position of some faction, perhaps within the Ministry of Defense itself. Prigozhin evidently gets along smashingly with Surovikin. And as you observe, the act is a big hit among the proles. But the Kovalchuks and the "oligarchs" more generally are irrelevant to these kinds of questions.

    There are other less colorful dissident movements coming out of the Ministry of Defense, from associations of active and retired officers. These are generally tolerated, because they are not really threatening to the center of power. In general, there's an enormous amount of ideological and strategic diversity at lower levels, with different factions fightings it out. Putin is even reputed to like it this way, as a means of selecting capable and clever people. But if anything gets out of hand, it will be shut down in the same way as the "Russian Spring".

    Replies: @LatW

    I didn’t say there is unity within the war party. I have also spoken before of the General Ivashov, who is also from the retired officer community. It would also be interesting to see how the Rosgvardia are feeling at different levels.

    Prigozhin evidently gets along smashingly with Surovikin.

    That just goes to show what a mess it is at this point (and even from the very beginning of the Zhoperation, it wasn’t clear who was leading). When he says that he submits to/respects the Russian people and their interests and the one Surovikin, but at the same time screams at Shoigu and Gerasimov and has feuds with the Kadyrovites (Rosgvardia), then it just shows that chaos reigns there and it begs the question about who is in charge. Of course, it doesn’t mean that it’s not dangerous for Ukraine. But it’s also dangerous for RusFed.

    But if anything gets out of hand, it will be shut down in the same way as the “Russian Spring”.

    It’s likely that many will not survive these squabbles, but the question is where is the limit. The “Russian Spring” was in a different era – those were local heads of militias in a rather limited space (Donbas), a voenkor here and there. The situation has aggravated now and there is fighting on the Russian territory now. Also, an order not being obeyed, publicly, is a big deal because of the sheer psychological effects of it. There are rumors that some in the elite are looking for residence permits in Latin America.

  334. For the sake of African children, Nobel peace prize incoming?;)

    The document lists a number of measures that could be proposed by the African leaders as part of the first stage of their engagement with the warring parties.

    Those measures could include a Russian troop pull-back, removal of tactical nuclear weapons from Belarus, suspension of implementation of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant targeting Putin, and sanctions relief.

    “The above-mentioned measures should aim to facilitate the creation of an environment conducive for a ceasefire, and that will allow the parties to build trust and to consider formulating their peace restoration strategies,” the document said.

    A cessation of hostilities agreement could follow and would need to be accompanied by negotiations between Russia and the West, the document stated.

    Those talks would need to treat issues including the deployment of medium-range weapons systems, tactical nuclear arms and biological weapons systems.

    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere
    @sudden death

    The Gambia colony had to be all about slaves. So yes, for a very small nation, the Latvians are in a category of its own when it comes to evil: slave trading assholes, Bolshevik enforcers, Nazi collaborators and some of the most vicious Jew-killers.
    Would be funny though if Russians discovered that “fact”, this idea of Latvians as culpable for the slave trade (going to the jungle and capturing unsuspecting blacks with nets…) and used it for its 3rd worldist ideology.

    Replies: @LatW

  335. @AP

    You are a poseur and a fool totally disconnected from how people in the Central-Eastern Europe think
    The ones who idolize Pilsudski? Or had that prince as their foreign minister? Or who chose a different prince as prime minister? And so further down.

    Look up what people did to your noble Polish-Galician ancestors already in the 1846 attempted “Polish” revolution – they killed about a thousand “nobles
    My people were Ruthenians at the time, our relationships with the peasants were much better.

    The Polish ones made the mistake of adopting nationalism before teaching the peasants about it. They later learned from their mistake. A few decades later, the nobleman Pilsudski led the Polish people to victory over the Bolshevik-Russian horde.

    You are a few centuries behind times


    You are the one who denies the genetic link to intelligence and personality variables such as conscientiousness, that are expressed across the centuries and carried within certain families.

    It goes against your obsolete Soviet egalitarian principles.

    Do you also worship British “royalty”?


    Not my people, but the Anglos certainly do. And they are smarter and more civilized than you are.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    JudeoBolshevik horde, even according to Pilsudski. ‘‘Twas Trotsky in Command no less.

    • Replies: @AP

    The commanders in the field such as Budyonny and the soldiers were mostly Russians though.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

  336. @AnonfromTN
    I do not intend to return, but cannot resist the temptation to share this new joke.

    For those who don’t know details:
    Zaluzhnyi - commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ukraine since July 27, 2021.
    Tantsyura – commander of Ukrainian territorial defense forces since May 15, 2022.
    Both disappeared from public view after reported Russian strikes several weeks ago.

    The joke itself:
    - Where is Zaluzhnyi?
    - Probably in the same place as Tantsyura.
    - And where is Tantsyura?
    - Probably in the same place as Bandera, in Hell.

    There are reports that the head of Ukrainian military intelligence Budanov was seriously wounded by Russian strike on its headquarters on May 29. The repots suggest that he was then evacuated to Polish airfield in Rzeszow, from where he was moved by an American helicopter to Germany and remains in serious condition in hospital in Berlin. One hysterical statement allegedly by Budanov was published by Ukraine the next day, but there was nothing else. Today is June 15th, in case someone wonders.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Gerard1234

    I’ve got an even better joke to share with you that is circulating throughout Ukraine:

    “Росіяни починали війну, говорячи про те, що вони мають другу найпотужнішу армію в світі. Ми знаємо, що сьогодні українці говорять – що це, можливо, друга найпотужніша армія в Україні”


    We know that Russians started their war, stating that they had the second most powerful army in the world. We now know that Ukrainians are saying – that it’s actually possible that they have the second most powerful army within Ukraine. 🙂

    Watch your “heroes”, slowly but surely run from Ukraine with their tails between their legs!

    • Replies: @Sean
    @Mr. Hack

    When something works, it will be tried again.

    Russia took over Crimea in 2014 while the Ukrainian armed forces did nothing. So Russia tried to do something similar to all Ukraine in 2022.

    In Ukraine's Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev's forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory--lo and behold--they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke

  337. @sudden death
    For the sake of African children, Nobel peace prize incoming?;)

    The document lists a number of measures that could be proposed by the African leaders as part of the first stage of their engagement with the warring parties.

    Those measures could include a Russian troop pull-back, removal of tactical nuclear weapons from Belarus, suspension of implementation of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant targeting Putin, and sanctions relief.

    "The above-mentioned measures should aim to facilitate the creation of an environment conducive for a ceasefire, and that will allow the parties to build trust and to consider formulating their peace restoration strategies," the document said.

    A cessation of hostilities agreement could follow and would need to be accompanied by negotiations between Russia and the West, the document stated.

    Those talks would need to treat issues including the deployment of medium-range weapons systems, tactical nuclear arms and biological weapons systems.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    The Gambia colony had to be all about slaves. So yes, for a very small nation, the Latvians are in a category of its own when it comes to evil: slave trading assholes, Bolshevik enforcers, Nazi collaborators and some of the most vicious Jew-killers.

    Would be funny though if Russians discovered that “fact”, this idea of Latvians as culpable for the slave trade (going to the jungle and capturing unsuspecting blacks with nets…) and used it for its 3rd worldist ideology.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    As if anyone would care among the nations that are allied with Ukraine. We've been over this, we don't care.

    P.s. Those were Germans.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  338. @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere
    @sudden death

    The Gambia colony had to be all about slaves. So yes, for a very small nation, the Latvians are in a category of its own when it comes to evil: slave trading assholes, Bolshevik enforcers, Nazi collaborators and some of the most vicious Jew-killers.
    Would be funny though if Russians discovered that “fact”, this idea of Latvians as culpable for the slave trade (going to the jungle and capturing unsuspecting blacks with nets…) and used it for its 3rd worldist ideology.

    Replies: @LatW

    As if anyone would care among the nations that are allied with Ukraine. We’ve been over this, we don’t care.

    P.s. Those were Germans.

    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    As if anyone would care
    We should not allow the Baltic country to whitewash and distort their complicity, hide completely or seriously minimize their role in the Baltic slave trade, made possible by local collaborators.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere, @LatW

  339. @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    As if anyone would care among the nations that are allied with Ukraine. We've been over this, we don't care.

    P.s. Those were Germans.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    As if anyone would care

    We should not allow the Baltic country to whitewash and distort their complicity, hide completely or seriously minimize their role in the Baltic slave trade, made possible by local collaborators.

    • LOL: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Replies: @LatW

    , @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Hahahah, you think Africans are that dumb? You can easily explain to them what happened there in one paragraph.

    Nobody buys your old narratives anymore after what you have done! Which is much worse than anything we have done.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  340. @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    As if anyone would care
    We should not allow the Baltic country to whitewash and distort their complicity, hide completely or seriously minimize their role in the Baltic slave trade, made possible by local collaborators.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere, @LatW

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Physically and mentally unsatisfied marginals. Who are so uncreative that they have to copy paste Western slogans. You think nobody sees that? Notice how few of them are there. Slap them and make them grow up.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. XYZ

  341. @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    As if anyone would care
    We should not allow the Baltic country to whitewash and distort their complicity, hide completely or seriously minimize their role in the Baltic slave trade, made possible by local collaborators.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere, @LatW

    Hahahah, you think Africans are that dumb? You can easily explain to them what happened there in one paragraph.

    Nobody buys your old narratives anymore after what you have done! Which is much worse than anything we have done.

    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    You can easily explain to them what happened there in one paragraph.
  342. @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Replies: @LatW

    Physically and mentally unsatisfied marginals. Who are so uncreative that they have to copy paste Western slogans. You think nobody sees that? Notice how few of them are there. Slap them and make them grow up.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    Whom earlier was the first here so excited about this imaginary Baltic slavetrade stuff in the jungle with nets? Bit lazy to search, but seems one of those - either Beckow or chinarussiaalltheway? Seems created yet another false account to spread those erotic sadomazo fantasies aimed to globalsouthers, lol

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Maybe they should move to the US and marry black guys? They sure do seem to fetishize them lol. And this would create a new hybrid Latvian-black super-race lol! :D ;)

    Imagine combining this:

    With this:

    In future generations lol.

    Ironically, if one actually cared about black lives, then there might be a very strong case in favor of police using racial profiling for law enforcement purposes:

    BTW, off-topic, but I have a question for you: Do you think that it would be a good idea for Ukraine to try engaging in proselytization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian faith? I previously asked you this question for the Russian Orthodox Church, but now I was wondering the same question for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @LatW

  343. @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Physically and mentally unsatisfied marginals. Who are so uncreative that they have to copy paste Western slogans. You think nobody sees that? Notice how few of them are there. Slap them and make them grow up.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. XYZ

    Whom earlier was the first here so excited about this imaginary Baltic slavetrade stuff in the jungle with nets? Bit lazy to search, but seems one of those – either Beckow or chinarussiaalltheway? Seems created yet another false account to spread those erotic sadomazo fantasies aimed to globalsouthers, lol

    • Replies: @LatW
    @sudden death

    It was chinarussialltheway, he is obsessed. This Noviop seems like a Russian though, but definitely sounds like someone from the east.

    to spread those erotic sadomazo fantasies aimed to globalsouthers, lol
    It's pathetic how they grasp at every string to create some "shaming" narrative. But, yea, funny. LOL We could find some old fishing nets and say "Look what they used to catch poor Africans!". Funny how they will worry about this stuff, but not worry about soon to be recaptured Melitopol or even Belgorod.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  344. @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Hahahah, you think Africans are that dumb? You can easily explain to them what happened there in one paragraph.

    Nobody buys your old narratives anymore after what you have done! Which is much worse than anything we have done.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    You can easily explain to them what happened there in one paragraph.


    • LOL: Ivashka the fool
  345. @Wokechoke

    JudeoBolshevik horde, even according to Pilsudski. ‘‘Twas Trotsky in Command no less.

    Replies: @AP

    The commanders in the field such as Budyonny and the soldiers were mostly Russians though.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ


    Also, off-topic, but do you think that it would be a good idea for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to engage in proselytization throughout the world? And for Ukraine to give a right of return (to Ukraine) to anyone who is a follower of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church similar to what Israel already has for Jews and their close relatives and descendants?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @Wokechoke

    Here’s a Polish poster about the Judeobolsheviks

    Featuring a naked and clearly Jewish Trotsky…–Soviet_War#/media/File:Trotsky_on_a_Polish_poster_of_1920.jpg

    Old propaganda never never lies about the attitudes of the leadership and the public of the time.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  346. @LatW
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Physically and mentally unsatisfied marginals. Who are so uncreative that they have to copy paste Western slogans. You think nobody sees that? Notice how few of them are there. Slap them and make them grow up.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. XYZ

    Maybe they should move to the US and marry black guys? They sure do seem to fetishize them lol. And this would create a new hybrid Latvian-black super-race lol! 😀 😉

    Imagine combining this:

    With this:

    In future generations lol.

    Ironically, if one actually cared about black lives, then there might be a very strong case in favor of police using racial profiling for law enforcement purposes:

    BTW, off-topic, but I have a question for you: Do you think that it would be a good idea for Ukraine to try engaging in proselytization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian faith? I previously asked you this question for the Russian Orthodox Church, but now I was wondering the same question for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Mr. XYZ

    Thinking about it more, this black prince might be more of a looker lol:

    , @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Hey, if you do not cut out this crap (promotion of race mixing, multi-culturalism and mass immigration - that's what your constant immigration related questions essentially are) and, if you post the tranny content again, I will not converse with you. Nothing that I posted to you prompted any of this, this was your choice.

    You are way out of line and ruining it for everyone. You will end up with no one talking to you. Get a grip on yourself. Actually, I'm putting you on Ignore.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

  347. @AP

    The commanders in the field such as Budyonny and the soldiers were mostly Russians though.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke


    Also, off-topic, but do you think that it would be a good idea for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to engage in proselytization throughout the world? And for Ukraine to give a right of return (to Ukraine) to anyone who is a follower of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church similar to what Israel already has for Jews and their close relatives and descendants?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah Um about those TPS reports…–Soviet_War#/media/File:Trotsky_on_a_Polish_poster_of_1920.jpg

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  348. @sudden death

    Whom earlier was the first here so excited about this imaginary Baltic slavetrade stuff in the jungle with nets? Bit lazy to search, but seems one of those - either Beckow or chinarussiaalltheway? Seems created yet another false account to spread those erotic sadomazo fantasies aimed to globalsouthers, lol

    Replies: @LatW

    It was chinarussialltheway, he is obsessed. This Noviop seems like a Russian though, but definitely sounds like someone from the east.

    to spread those erotic sadomazo fantasies aimed to globalsouthers, lol

    It’s pathetic how they grasp at every string to create some “shaming” narrative. But, yea, funny. LOL We could find some old fishing nets and say “Look what they used to catch poor Africans!”. Funny how they will worry about this stuff, but not worry about soon to be recaptured Melitopol or even Belgorod.

    • Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    but definitely sounds like someone from the east.

  349. @Mr. XYZ

    Maybe they should move to the US and marry black guys? They sure do seem to fetishize them lol. And this would create a new hybrid Latvian-black super-race lol! :D ;)

    Imagine combining this:

    With this:

    In future generations lol.

    Ironically, if one actually cared about black lives, then there might be a very strong case in favor of police using racial profiling for law enforcement purposes:

    BTW, off-topic, but I have a question for you: Do you think that it would be a good idea for Ukraine to try engaging in proselytization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian faith? I previously asked you this question for the Russian Orthodox Church, but now I was wondering the same question for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @LatW

    Thinking about it more, this black prince might be more of a looker lol:

  350. @LatW
    @sudden death

    It was chinarussialltheway, he is obsessed. This Noviop seems like a Russian though, but definitely sounds like someone from the east.

    to spread those erotic sadomazo fantasies aimed to globalsouthers, lol
    It's pathetic how they grasp at every string to create some "shaming" narrative. But, yea, funny. LOL We could find some old fishing nets and say "Look what they used to catch poor Africans!". Funny how they will worry about this stuff, but not worry about soon to be recaptured Melitopol or even Belgorod.

    Replies: @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    but definitely sounds like someone from the east.

  351. @Mr. XYZ

    Maybe they should move to the US and marry black guys? They sure do seem to fetishize them lol. And this would create a new hybrid Latvian-black super-race lol! :D ;)

    Imagine combining this:

    With this:

    In future generations lol.

    Ironically, if one actually cared about black lives, then there might be a very strong case in favor of police using racial profiling for law enforcement purposes:

    BTW, off-topic, but I have a question for you: Do you think that it would be a good idea for Ukraine to try engaging in proselytization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian faith? I previously asked you this question for the Russian Orthodox Church, but now I was wondering the same question for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @LatW

    Hey, if you do not cut out this crap (promotion of race mixing, multi-culturalism and mass immigration – that’s what your constant immigration related questions essentially are) and, if you post the tranny content again, I will not converse with you. Nothing that I posted to you prompted any of this, this was your choice.

    You are way out of line and ruining it for everyone. You will end up with no one talking to you. Get a grip on yourself. Actually, I’m putting you on Ignore.

    • Agree: Yahya, Sher Singh
    • LOL: A123
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I was talking about the race mixing part half-jokingly. I'm sorry. I'll try not to disappoint you in the future.

    Re: Multiculturalism: I don't know: It works well here in California, but then again, we have relatively few Muslims and blacks/Africans here (and a lot of our Muslims are Persian cognitive elites who don't cause any trouble over here):

    (This blog post is from someone who is from the US alt-center and who has interesting political views.)

    Though California's homicide rate, while normal by US standards, is significantly higher than Latvia's. So, Yes, your wariness on this issue is warranted.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @A123

    After this marvel from XYZ,

    I have to put him on Ignore as well. The "signal-to-noise" ratio is, at the moment, not viable.

    Those of you with more bandwidth, please let me know if he recovers & begins behaving more appropriately.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  352. @Mr. Hack

    I've got an even better joke to share with you that is circulating throughout Ukraine:

    "Росіяни починали війну, говорячи про те, що вони мають другу найпотужнішу армію в світі. Ми знаємо, що сьогодні українці говорять - що це, можливо, друга найпотужніша армія в Україні"



    We know that Russians started their war, stating that they had the second most powerful army in the world. We now know that Ukrainians are saying - that it's actually possible that they have the second most powerful army within Ukraine. :-)
    Watch your "heroes", slowly but surely run from Ukraine with their tails between their legs!

    Replies: @Sean

    When something works, it will be tried again.

    Russia took over Crimea in 2014 while the Ukrainian armed forces did nothing. So Russia tried to do something similar to all Ukraine in 2022.

    In Ukraine’s Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev’s forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory–lo and behold–they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.

    • Replies: @sudden death

    In Ukraine’s Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev’s forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory–lo and behold–they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.
    Seems like selective memory is striking again - was it so easy to forget about bloody protracted mutual fights in south during last year UA Kherson offensive initial phase in the summer, which was ongoing relatively long before Kharkov action began?;)

    Replies: @Sean

    , @Wokechoke

    And not only that has adapted and achieved a measure of assurance.

  353. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Hey, if you do not cut out this crap (promotion of race mixing, multi-culturalism and mass immigration - that's what your constant immigration related questions essentially are) and, if you post the tranny content again, I will not converse with you. Nothing that I posted to you prompted any of this, this was your choice.

    You are way out of line and ruining it for everyone. You will end up with no one talking to you. Get a grip on yourself. Actually, I'm putting you on Ignore.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

    I was talking about the race mixing part half-jokingly. I’m sorry. I’ll try not to disappoint you in the future.

    Re: Multiculturalism: I don’t know: It works well here in California, but then again, we have relatively few Muslims and blacks/Africans here (and a lot of our Muslims are Persian cognitive elites who don’t cause any trouble over here):

    (This blog post is from someone who is from the US alt-center and who has interesting political views.)

    Though California’s homicide rate, while normal by US standards, is significantly higher than Latvia’s. So, Yes, your wariness on this issue is warranted.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Just please do not post tranny videos or videos of undressed blacks. Please. Not here.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  354. @Mr. XYZ

    I was talking about the race mixing part half-jokingly. I'm sorry. I'll try not to disappoint you in the future.

    Re: Multiculturalism: I don't know: It works well here in California, but then again, we have relatively few Muslims and blacks/Africans here (and a lot of our Muslims are Persian cognitive elites who don't cause any trouble over here):

    (This blog post is from someone who is from the US alt-center and who has interesting political views.)

    Though California's homicide rate, while normal by US standards, is significantly higher than Latvia's. So, Yes, your wariness on this issue is warranted.

    Replies: @LatW

    Just please do not post tranny videos or videos of undressed blacks. Please. Not here.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. :)

    Replies: @LatW

  355. I do have a question about Anatoly Karlin’s view on network states replacing nation-states in the future, though: Couldn’t organized religion be viewed as a type of proto-network state? I mean in terms of organization; a lot of religions had their own institutions, networks, et cetera over huge distances over the centuries. The Roman Catholic Church, for instance. Yet in the age of nationalism (last 200-ish years), organized religion (proto-network states) have often managed to coexist relatively harmoniously with nation-states, no? If so, then why would this change in the future once new, more novel forms of network states will emerge?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, good point. The Rajneesh had muscle cars and uzis.

    And the ancient priests most likely had warriors who guarded them.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  356. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Just please do not post tranny videos or videos of undressed blacks. Please. Not here.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. 🙂

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. 🙂
    Ok, I forgive you, as long as you behave. :)

    No trannie visuals and no promoting Baltic women race mixing with blacks - that's a big no no, that's not a lot to ask.

    And, yes, I agree with you that cartels (or the mafia in general) can be regarded as a kind of a network state, obviously anyone with a right (legal or perceived) to use violence, carry weapons exclusively, ideally, those shouldn't be used, best is to maintain power through authority. Similar, a medieval Knight's order could also be considered a network state. A traveling one even.

    The concept of network state seems like it has potential when it comes to some kind of a crypto-nationalist community in the future (although it's not like this hasn't been tried before).

    In a theocracy, the source of legitimacy is very simple - divine grace (God's will). But where would the source of legitimacy be for a modern network state? My guess is that the folks who are experimenting with this concept, most likely are thinking of some kind of a utilitarian "common good" source (which they themselves will graciously decide on) or something vague (such as belief in progress). I doubt they are thinking of racial survival (but they might be thinking of eugenics or those rich Calvinists might indeed be thinking of race at least a little, or survival of others besides Whites).

    Just a quick Google search yielded these two definitions of a network state:

    A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.
    This is not all that different from a multi-national NGO, although obviously, they can gain status or some kind of an international recognition, but to expect "diplomatic recognition" is, of course, a joke. What is interesting though in terms of NGOs, this war has actually shown that a lot of these high status international NGOs are not that capable when real disaster strikes, so one may wonder what is the source of their legitimacy during times of chaos (they've mostly gained their status during times of peace and serve as a kind of a supportive attribute in times of peace, whereas in times of unrest, groups that are willing to arm themselves and project some force, actually may gain more legitimacy and recognition like prior to the age of chieftains. But the issue of legalization of these groups is always present (see Azov, the RusVol Corps and the recent tensions around the Wagner group).

    And a more detailed definition:

    A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.
    This is way more ambitious especially the "moral innovation" part. And that's a very dangerous wording right there - does it imply further relativization of Western morality or something new? Or a revival of something old (in which case, it would not be "innovation", would it but rather preservation)? A sense of national consciousness - that one I don't buy, it's totally fake - they will most likely come up with some fake definition of "nationality". Sports team loyalty and interest club principle, has nothing to do with real nationality.

    A "recognized founder" sounds cultish - but I'm ok with that as long as he is a person of good but strong character and has the right ideological inclinations. No real issues there.

    "A consensual government limited by a social smart contract" - that's nothing new, but old libertarian or right wing anarchist talking point. See Robert Nozick.

    "Crowdfunded physical territories" is already happening (see NAFO) but that one is based on a larger motivation (Ukraine war), so any crowdfunding will not be something independent, but just a means to an end (it can be any goal).

    "Real-estate footprint" - this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc). Classical libertarian dilemma, once again. A contentious issue.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @Sher Singh

  357. @Mr. XYZ
    I do have a question about Anatoly Karlin's view on network states replacing nation-states in the future, though: Couldn't organized religion be viewed as a type of proto-network state? I mean in terms of organization; a lot of religions had their own institutions, networks, et cetera over huge distances over the centuries. The Roman Catholic Church, for instance. Yet in the age of nationalism (last 200-ish years), organized religion (proto-network states) have often managed to coexist relatively harmoniously with nation-states, no? If so, then why would this change in the future once new, more novel forms of network states will emerge?

    Replies: @LatW

    Yes, good point. The Rajneesh had muscle cars and uzis.

    And the ancient priests most likely had warriors who guarded them.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    In regards to Christian churches specifically (so, separate from what you're talking about), weren't they also responsible for a lot of manuscript production throughout history? Much of what we know about the past comes from church-produced manuscripts, especially before the age of the printing press, no?

    As a side note, I wonder if Latin American cartels could also be viewed as a type of network states. They have their own security and paramilitary forces, sometimes even their own economies, and sometimes have substantial influence on national governments. In regards to the economy part, sometimes Latin American cartels have also moved into logging, mining, and cryptocurrencies, for instance:

    Yet the existence of these quasi-network states has not eliminated the existence of nation-states in Latin America. Though it has undermined them to some extent.

  358. @Sean
    @Mr. Hack

    When something works, it will be tried again.

    Russia took over Crimea in 2014 while the Ukrainian armed forces did nothing. So Russia tried to do something similar to all Ukraine in 2022.

    In Ukraine's Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev's forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory--lo and behold--they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke

    In Ukraine’s Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev’s forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory–lo and behold–they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.

    Seems like selective memory is striking again – was it so easy to forget about bloody protracted mutual fights in south during last year UA Kherson offensive initial phase in the summer, which was ongoing relatively long before Kharkov action began?;)

    • Replies: @Sean
    @sudden death

    Seems like selective memory
    Just one of the rules of thumb that humans live by, because in evolutionary history those who did have a bias to repeat whatever led to success tended to flourish.

    The Kherson campaign and what preceded it seem to show that Russia is fixated on gaining territory even at the cost of over extending its forces in an unsustainable way.

    Kharkov suggested that:-

    1, Russians lack fighting spirit and are easily spooked by social media posts.

    2. Russians do not bother building proper defensive fortifications, even when they are given the time to do so.

    3. A determined coordinated attack will achieve remarkably low cost success against Russians.

    It would be overthinking it for Ukraine to not stick with what had worked best until it had definitely stopped working.

  359. @AP

    The commanders in the field such as Budyonny and the soldiers were mostly Russians though.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    Here’s a Polish poster about the Judeobolsheviks

    Featuring a naked and clearly Jewish Trotsky…

    Old propaganda never never lies about the attitudes of the leadership and the public of the time.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    If I recall correctly, I once heard somewhere on the Axis History Forum (I don't remember where exactly, but I think that member "wm" said it) that Poland refused to allow its Jews into powerful and sensitive military positions during the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921 for fear of there being Soviet spies and/or Communist sympathizers among them.

  360. Some more War of Gog and Magog info that I’ve learned:

    Although there are well over 150 nations in the world today, there are only 70 root nations (plus Israel). The Ukrainians, Belorussians and Russians all share the same root nation (Magog). This is the main reason that even non nationalist Russians are incapable of seeing Ukrainians as a real people separate from themselves. In fact, before this war even many Ukrainians regarded themselves as Russians.

    Josephus said that Magog was the name for the Scythians who lived in the Crimea/Black Sea region. We know that these same people would go on to found Kievan Rus.

    Magog’s national color is red. Just like Russia.

    It has been prophesied that there will be 3 Romes: the first was Rome itself. The 2nd was Byzantium. And the biggest and most terrifying is Russia. Russia absolutely self consciously regarded itself as the successor to Rome (hence the “Tsar” title for their rulers). Although Putin does not use the title, he certainly sees himself as a successor to the Tsars. The die hard Russian nationalists like Strelkov see themselves as the heirs of the Black Hundreds and advocate for the return of Tsarist rule.

    Russia and Iran are spiritual cousins, this is the reason for their very close relationship that goes beyond the bounds of strict national interests. Iran is the only non former Soviet country that is in the Russian version of NATO (officially, Iran is not a member, but practically it is)

    Magog’s national symbol is a bear

    The War of Gog and Magog begins with a Russian invasion of Crimea

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Greasy William

    The New Rome is more obviously the US and it’s constitution. Even has a Senate and a pair of short term consuls.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  361. @Mr. XYZ


    Also, off-topic, but do you think that it would be a good idea for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to engage in proselytization throughout the world? And for Ukraine to give a right of return (to Ukraine) to anyone who is a follower of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church similar to what Israel already has for Jews and their close relatives and descendants?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Yeah Um about those TPS reports…

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What relevance does that poster have to the idea of Ukrainian Orthodox proselytization?

  362. @Sean
    @Mr. Hack

    When something works, it will be tried again.

    Russia took over Crimea in 2014 while the Ukrainian armed forces did nothing. So Russia tried to do something similar to all Ukraine in 2022.

    In Ukraine's Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev's forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory--lo and behold--they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke

    And not only that has adapted and achieved a measure of assurance.

  363. @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    1. his wife is richer than anybody you or I will ever know

    2. he is fanatical zionist jew.

  364. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, good point. The Rajneesh had muscle cars and uzis.

    And the ancient priests most likely had warriors who guarded them.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    In regards to Christian churches specifically (so, separate from what you’re talking about), weren’t they also responsible for a lot of manuscript production throughout history? Much of what we know about the past comes from church-produced manuscripts, especially before the age of the printing press, no?

    As a side note, I wonder if Latin American cartels could also be viewed as a type of network states. They have their own security and paramilitary forces, sometimes even their own economies, and sometimes have substantial influence on national governments. In regards to the economy part, sometimes Latin American cartels have also moved into logging, mining, and cryptocurrencies, for instance:

    Yet the existence of these quasi-network states has not eliminated the existence of nation-states in Latin America. Though it has undermined them to some extent.

  365. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah Um about those TPS reports…–Soviet_War#/media/File:Trotsky_on_a_Polish_poster_of_1920.jpg

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What relevance does that poster have to the idea of Ukrainian Orthodox proselytization?

  366. @Wokechoke

    Here’s a Polish poster about the Judeobolsheviks

    Featuring a naked and clearly Jewish Trotsky…–Soviet_War#/media/File:Trotsky_on_a_Polish_poster_of_1920.jpg

    Old propaganda never never lies about the attitudes of the leadership and the public of the time.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    If I recall correctly, I once heard somewhere on the Axis History Forum (I don’t remember where exactly, but I think that member “wm” said it) that Poland refused to allow its Jews into powerful and sensitive military positions during the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921 for fear of there being Soviet spies and/or Communist sympathizers among them.

  367. @Yevardian

    If you can ignore the profusion of expletives and his obsession with AP, Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll (is John Johnson from the same botfarm as Laxa?). Recent new posters aren't a goodsign, not even retarded enough to be amusing (A123, Greasy William, etc).

    Is 'KhadiraForest' a longtime lurker announcing they're done with the necroblog, or alt-handle for an old poster?

    Might post an updated booklog to try keeping the thread alive, if Dmitry or G_R show up.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel, @A123, @Dmitry

    Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll

    I’m scrolling past his comments these days but perhaps you are right. He can be funny in his own way. More importantly, he gives us an interesting view of the Sovok mind. Dogmatic, irrational, uninterested in objective facts, Russia can do no harm, dismissive of Russia’s neighbors,… It’s the same mindset that you can observe in Martyanov, AnonfromTN, etc. I may be wrong but I think it can’t be a coincidence that they were all educated in Soviet Russia. Ivashka is different though, and probably younger. But sometimes I wonder if his penchant for conspiratorial narratives and esoterica is somewhat related to his origins. We are all slaves of our past. I think I’ve made it clear myself how growing up in a violent environment shaped up my views on war and nationalism.

    A123 is a very weird case. Almost certainly not who he claims to be but when I’m bored he gives me the chance of pretending that I’m debating a Trump supporter. It doesn’t last long though. The moment he starts producing brainless answers the fun stops and I regret having started it. I wish there was some bona fide Trumper here to debate.

    I don’t want to be too judgmental of people here anyway. Even the worst cases deserve some compassion. The problem is that when a blog starts being dominated by mentally unstable posters and people respond to them instead of ignoring them, Gresham’s Law follows and everything goes to the gutter. It’s not difficult to imagine how this dynamic could lead this blog to quickly get to the level of the rest of Unz.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @Mikel

    Speaking of the abysmal level at the rest of this site, a quote from one of the latest articles by the brilliant David Cole at Takimag:

    Unz has a rut too: “It’s the Jews!” You’d think Unz readers would get bored with the repetition, but oddly enough the intellectually weakest—those who accept one-sentence answers to all of life’s questions—are also the most voracious blog readers, because without constant recapitulation they risk being alone with their thoughts (“Wait…could Jews really be behind everything? Oh no—creeping doubt! Click on Unz! Ah, sweet validation!”).

    And when Unz isn’t blaming Jews, he’s rutting about wacky conspiracies (like taking Covid lab-leak theorizing to the next level by saying the lab was American not Chinese…something I mocked back in 2021).

    Funnily enough, David Cole is himself a Jew who was heavily involved in Holocaust revisionism until the field was taken over by the wackos.

    Replies: @Chebyshev

  368. @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians have always valued their independence and freedom from all outsiders, including Russia. In fact, it was in the early 1990's that Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today? Russia cannot be trusted to keep its word and your single minded grandstanding for the kremlin imperialists doesn't absolve them at all from 100% responsibility for all of the negative repercussions resulting from their cavalier attitudes and dealings with Ukraine.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today?

    And Ukraine agreed to a non-aligned status. Kiev then broke the deal, so who is it that can’t be trusted? You quoting one-half of an agreement is dishonest.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Was that in a treaty?

    Replies: @Beckow

  369. @Greasy William
    Some more War of Gog and Magog info that I've learned:

    Although there are well over 150 nations in the world today, there are only 70 root nations (plus Israel). The Ukrainians, Belorussians and Russians all share the same root nation (Magog). This is the main reason that even non nationalist Russians are incapable of seeing Ukrainians as a real people separate from themselves. In fact, before this war even many Ukrainians regarded themselves as Russians.

    Josephus said that Magog was the name for the Scythians who lived in the Crimea/Black Sea region. We know that these same people would go on to found Kievan Rus.

    Magog's national color is red. Just like Russia.

    It has been prophesied that there will be 3 Romes: the first was Rome itself. The 2nd was Byzantium. And the biggest and most terrifying is Russia. Russia absolutely self consciously regarded itself as the successor to Rome (hence the "Tsar" title for their rulers). Although Putin does not use the title, he certainly sees himself as a successor to the Tsars. The die hard Russian nationalists like Strelkov see themselves as the heirs of the Black Hundreds and advocate for the return of Tsarist rule.

    Russia and Iran are spiritual cousins, this is the reason for their very close relationship that goes beyond the bounds of strict national interests. Iran is the only non former Soviet country that is in the Russian version of NATO (officially, Iran is not a member, but practically it is)

    Magog's national symbol is a bear

    The War of Gog and Magog begins with a Russian invasion of Crimea

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The New Rome is more obviously the US and it’s constitution. Even has a Senate and a pair of short term consuls.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Could the EU also be classified as a New Rome? It also has a constitution and a parliament:

    There are even calls to create a European Senate:

    And territorially, the EU is much of the northern Roman Empire plus the formerly barbarian territories to the north of it. The southern Med is sacrificed due to it becoming Muslim.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  370. @Mikel

    Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll
    I'm scrolling past his comments these days but perhaps you are right. He can be funny in his own way. More importantly, he gives us an interesting view of the Sovok mind. Dogmatic, irrational, uninterested in objective facts, Russia can do no harm, dismissive of Russia's neighbors,... It's the same mindset that you can observe in Martyanov, AnonfromTN, etc. I may be wrong but I think it can't be a coincidence that they were all educated in Soviet Russia. Ivashka is different though, and probably younger. But sometimes I wonder if his penchant for conspiratorial narratives and esoterica is somewhat related to his origins. We are all slaves of our past. I think I've made it clear myself how growing up in a violent environment shaped up my views on war and nationalism.

    A123 is a very weird case. Almost certainly not who he claims to be but when I'm bored he gives me the chance of pretending that I'm debating a Trump supporter. It doesn't last long though. The moment he starts producing brainless answers the fun stops and I regret having started it. I wish there was some bona fide Trumper here to debate.

    I don't want to be too judgmental of people here anyway. Even the worst cases deserve some compassion. The problem is that when a blog starts being dominated by mentally unstable posters and people respond to them instead of ignoring them, Gresham's Law follows and everything goes to the gutter. It's not difficult to imagine how this dynamic could lead this blog to quickly get to the level of the rest of Unz.

    Replies: @Mikel

    Speaking of the abysmal level at the rest of this site, a quote from one of the latest articles by the brilliant David Cole at Takimag:

    Unz has a rut too: “It’s the Jews!” You’d think Unz readers would get bored with the repetition, but oddly enough the intellectually weakest—those who accept one-sentence answers to all of life’s questions—are also the most voracious blog readers, because without constant recapitulation they risk being alone with their thoughts (“Wait…could Jews really be behind everything? Oh no—creeping doubt! Click on Unz! Ah, sweet validation!”).

    And when Unz isn’t blaming Jews, he’s rutting about wacky conspiracies (like taking Covid lab-leak theorizing to the next level by saying the lab was American not Chinese…something I mocked back in 2021).

    Funnily enough, David Cole is himself a Jew who was heavily involved in Holocaust revisionism until the field was taken over by the wackos.

    • Replies: @Chebyshev

    Speaking of the abysmal level at the rest of this site, a quote from one of the latest articles by the brilliant David Cole at Takimag:
    Where's the brilliant part? He makes no substantive criticism of Unz's writings. Covid clearly was a U.S. bioweapon used to attack China - the best argument critics of Unz's theory have is just to point-and-sputter.
  371. A123 says: • Website

    If you can ignore the profusion of expletives and his obsession with AP, Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll (is John Johnson from the same botfarm as Laxa?). Recent new posters aren't a goodsign, not even retarded enough to be amusing (A123, Greasy William, etc).

    Is 'KhadiraForest' a longtime lurker announcing they're done with the necroblog, or alt-handle for an old poster?

    Might post an updated booklog to try keeping the thread alive, if Dmitry or G_R show up.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel, @A123, @Dmitry

    The problem with trying to have a discussion with MikelBot is a that it is a malfunctioning #NeverTrump AI. This is a known issue in the industry: (1)

    The AI feedback loop: Researchers warn of ‘model collapse’ as AI trains on AI-generated content

    What they found is worrisome for current generative AI technology and its future: “We find that use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models.”

    “Over time, mistakes in generated data compound and ultimately force models that learn from generated data to misperceive reality even further,” wrote one of the paper’s leading authors, Ilia Shumailov, in an email to VentureBeat. “We were surprised to observe how quickly model collapse happens: Models can rapidly forget most of the original data from which they initially learned.”

    In other words: as an AI training model is exposed to more AI-generated data, it performs worse over time, producing more errors in the responses and content it generates, and producing far less non-erroneous variety in its responses.

    It is clear that MikelBot is not a properly sentient consciousness. It mindlessly regurgitates debunked lies from fake sources, and then goes into a denial/error doom loop when challenged. Its synthetic, programmed psuedo-zealotry cannot function when confronted by real world facts.

    Because I am a genuine MAGA supporter, I have to counter the obvious #Bidenista deception of MikelBot. However, this is mostly record keeping. Everyone sees that its posts are disjointed amalgamations of semi-random Leftoid fiction. Have you noticed the policy resemblance between Rachel Maddow and MikelBot?

    I keep asking the bot why it supports Not-The-President Biden’s open border policy. And, why its AI refuses to accept that Trump’s 1st term “Stay in Mexico” plan was a huge triumph in the face of anti-MAGA establishment opponents. Nothing sensible comes back as it always supports the Veggie-in-Chief’s failures with unquestioning obedience.

    The answer to “Why?” is painfully obvious to everyone. Despite huge numbers of Trump successes against overwhelming odds, acknowledging that is not permitted by burned in & locked code.

    MikelBot is programmed to always lie, always disparage, and always hate Main Street America. It exists only to regurgitate for the #NeverTrump cult, and the sad MikelBot does so in a broken and pathetic way.

    PEACE 😇


  372. Only half a dozen of these are legitimate, and even there you could argue there’s a great deal of bullshit surrounding Finland and Poland 1939. One (Finland) was Axis aligned under Mannerheim, and the other territory that the Russians overran is now Western Belorussia anyway. Was it really Polish to begin with? Not much. Some administrators but the population was Belorussian. You could argue that the USSR was taking a precaution by advancing toward Berlin. Why not include Germany in 1914 and 1941 at that point? Would that tip the hand of the designer?

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit. Afghanistan perhaps Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine 2022.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    These list are meaningless, you could make one about any larger country (imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey).

    Not listing Germany says it all - these are fairly stupid people with lingering Nazi sympathies, they really will never get over the Russian win in WW2. It is too much to live with, it destroys all they want to believe in.

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit.
    Sure, technically correct. But given that it happened shortly after WW2 and that - at least in Hungary - the anti-Soviet uprising was openly led by the Hungarian WW2 fascists (many just released from serving their prison terms), it was understandable. What country after winning a war and losing millions of people would simply turn over one of the main aggressors to the other side? Hungary with 200k army invaded Russia and committed some of the worst atrocities. And Russians should had just shrugged their shoulders and let Hungary join Nato in 1956? 11 years after WW2? Would US do it with Italy if there was a "commie" takeover? Or Greece?

    The Czech in 1968 was clearly a mistake, Russians panicked and decided that they would take no chances. Everyone familiar with the situation was telling them that it was fine, "reform" commies against "ortho commies", a meaningless talkfest. The Soviets should had stayed out, but in their defense it was not a "war" (the guy above is an idiot), armies came in, changed the government, there was no fighting, about 50 people died (mostly accidents), and life went on with the "ortho" commies. The main result was that Czechs had to wait for private restaurants another 20 years. Read about it, it was a very ordinary event...the Western propaganda lies about it, makes up things for stupid people.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    , @Matra

    Only half a dozen of these are legitimate, and even there you could argue there’s a great deal of bullshit surrounding Finland and Poland 1939. One (Finland) was Axis aligned under Mannerheim,
    Another leftist scumbag.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  373. Sher Singh says:
    Thulean lament:

    Supposedly, they are moving on from trying to promote the term Latinx and now trying to promote the term Latiné.

    Seems similarly tone-deaf but not as funny.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Yea but Chinee.

    @mikel Tried the Garmont – decent but the metal instep eyelet bites.

    Like my Danner better and going to try flat laces on my altberg or Lowa to get em a bit tighter.

    My boot woes seem to be over.

    Also fervor of pride month? Wtf is there to be proud about being gay.

    Wow, you got molested and think you’re a woman (you get fucked)

    What’s the point of psychiatrists if they don’t advertise at one of the parades

    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @Barbarossa
    @Sher Singh

    Let me know if you try that Sikh friendly milk. I suspect it will be good. I have a dairy near me that sells raw milk off the farm but my own cow is much better.

    These are my go-to boots. I've become a believer in the near minimalist shoe. Having no heel is way better for my back and the light weight is awesome. I absolutely hate clunky boots/ shoes now. I gotta have speed!

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Sher Singh

  374. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today?
    And Ukraine agreed to a non-aligned status. Kiev then broke the deal, so who is it that can't be trusted? You quoting one-half of an agreement is dishonest.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Was that in a treaty?

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it said 'Ukraine will be non-aligned".

    It actually wasn't a Treaty and nobody ever ratified it - it was a Memorandum of Understanding issued by Russia, Ukraine, US, UK, a piece if paper with "agreed on intentions"...You can't break that - but Mr. Hacks is a moron, he doesn't understand anything.

    There was zero chance Ukraine could take the nukes - they were fully controlled by Moscow. In addition, US and UK at that time were more eager to rid Ukraine (and Belarus, Kazkhstan) of nukes than anyone else.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  375. @Wokechoke
    @Greasy William

    The New Rome is more obviously the US and it’s constitution. Even has a Senate and a pair of short term consuls.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Could the EU also be classified as a New Rome? It also has a constitution and a parliament:

    There are even calls to create a European Senate:

    And territorially, the EU is much of the northern Roman Empire plus the formerly barbarian territories to the north of it. The southern Med is sacrificed due to it becoming Muslim.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The EU isn’t an Empire. It’s been exposed as a subordinate vassal of the US. I do not think the EU can be compared with Rome in the context we see today.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  376. Off-topic, but Romania appears to be experiencing very rapid economic growth ever since the end of the Cold War:

    Year GDP
    (in Bil. US$ PPP) GDP per capita
    (in US$ PPP) GDP
    (in Bil. Bil. US$nominal) GDP per capita
    (in US$ nominal) GDP growth
    (real) Inflation rate
    (in Percent) Unemployment
    (in Percent) Government debt
    (in % of GDP)
    1980 114.1 5,087 46.1 2,052 Increase3.3% Increase1.5% — —
    1981 Increase125.1 Increase5,541 Increase55.3 Increase2,450 Increase0.1% Increase2.2% — —
    1982 Increase138.0 Increase6,084 Increase55.4 Decrease2,441 Increase3.9% Negative increase16.9% — —
    1983 Increase152.0 Increase6,674 Decrease48.4 Decrease2,125 Increase6.0% Increase4.7% — —
    1984 Increase167.0 Increase7,300 Decrease39.1 Decrease1,710 Increase6.0% Positive decrease−0.3% — —
    1985 Increase172.0 Increase7,490 Increase48.3 Increase2,101 Decrease−0.1% Positive decrease−0.2% 4.0% —
    1986 Increase179.7 Increase7,783 Increase52.3 Increase2,264 Increase2.4% Increase0.7% Positive decrease3.9% —
    1987 Increase185.7 Increase7,994 Increase58.5 Increase2,517 Increase0.8% Increase1.1% Positive decrease3.7% —
    1988 Increase191.2 Increase8,191 Increase60.5 Increase2,593 Decrease−0.5% Increase2.6% Steady3.7% —
    1989 Decrease187.2 Decrease7,990 Decrease54.2 Decrease2,314 Decrease−5.8% Increase0.9% Positive decrease3.4% —
    1990 Decrease183.3 Decrease7,814 Decrease38.5 Decrease1,641 Decrease−5.6% Negative increase127.9% Steady3.4% —
    1991 Decrease165.0 Decrease7,045 Decrease29.1 Decrease1,241 Decrease−12.9% Negative increase161.1% Negative increase3.5% —
    1992 Decrease154.0 Decrease6,599 Decrease19.8 Decrease847 Decrease−8.8% Negative increase210.4% Negative increase5.4% —
    1993 Increase160.0 Increase6,896 Increase26.6 Increase1,147 Increase1.5% Negative increase256.1% Negative increase9.2% —
    1994 Increase169.9 Increase7,365 Increase30.4 Increase1,317 Increase3.9% Negative increase136.7% Negative increase11.0% —
    1995 Increase185.8 Increase8,105 Increase35.8 Increase1,563 Increase7.1% Negative increase32.3% Positive decrease9.9% —
    1996 Increase196.7 Increase8,627 Decrease35.7 Increase1,565 Increase3.9% Negative increase38.8% Positive decrease7.3% —
    1997 Decrease188.0 Decrease8,289 Decrease35.6 Increase1,571 Decrease−6.1% Negative increase154.8% Negative increase7.9% —
    1998 Decrease180.9 Decrease8,018 Increase42.6 Increase1,885 Decrease−4.8% Negative increase59.1% Negative increase9.6% —
    1999 Increase181.4 Increase8,076 Decrease36.0 Decrease1,600 Decrease−1.2% Negative increase45.8% Positive decrease7.2% —
    2000 Increase190.9 Increase8,501 Increase37.4 Increase1,667 Increase2.9% Negative increase45.7% Negative increase7.6% 29.5%
    2001 Increase205.1 Increase9,145 Increase40.4 Increase1,800 Increase5.1% Negative increase34.5% Positive decrease7.4% Positive decrease27.4%
    2002 Increase220.2 Increase10,083 Increase46.0 Increase2,108 Increase5.7% Negative increase22.5% Negative increase8.3% Positive decrease27.3%
    2003 Increase229.7 Increase10,620 Increase57.8 Increase2,672 Increase2.3% Negative increase15.4% Positive decrease7.8% Positive decrease24.9%
    2004 Increase260.1 Increase12,091 Increase75.1 Increase3,487 Increase10.3% Negative increase11.9% Negative increase8.0% Positive decrease21.3%
    2005 Increase280.1 Increase13,140 Increase98.5 Increase4,608 Increase4.7% Negative increase9.0% Positive decrease7.1% Positive decrease17.8%
    2006 Increase312.9 Increase14,718 Increase122.1 Increase5,744 Increase8.0% Negative increase6.6% Negative increase7.2% Positive decrease12.7%
    2007 Increase344.5 Increase16,301 Increase174.8 Increase8,273 Increase7.2% Increase4.8% Positive decrease6.3% Negative increase12.4%
    2008 Increase384.1 Increase18,613 Increase215.6 Increase10,446 Increase9.4% Negative increase7.8% Positive decrease5.6% Negative increase13.0%
    2009 Decrease365.1 Decrease17,861 Decrease174.6 Decrease8,540 Decrease−5.5% Negative increase5.6% Negative increase8.4% Negative increase22.5%
    2010 Decrease355.0 Decrease17,493 Decrease170.3 Decrease8,391 Decrease−3.9% Negative increase6.1% Negative increase9.0% Negative increase30.2%
    2011 Increase378.8 Increase18,754 Increase192.8 Increase9,546 Increase4.5% Negative increase5.8% Negative increase9.1% Negative increase32.6%
    2012 Increase397.3 Increase19,771 Decrease179.2 Decrease8,919 Increase1.9% Increase3.3% Positive decrease8.7% Negative increase36.2%
    2013 Decrease393.2 Decrease19,641 Increase189.8 Increase9,481 Increase0.2% Increase4.0% Negative increase9.0% Negative increase39.2%
    2014 Increase410.8 Increase20,592 Increase200.0 Increase10,025 Increase4.1% Increase1.1% Positive decrease8.6% Negative increase40.5%
    2015 Increase428.6 Increase21,570 Decrease177.9 Decrease8,951 Increase3.2% Positive decrease−0.6% Positive decrease8.4% Positive decrease39.4%
    2016 Increase470.9 Increase23,831 Increase185.3 Increase9,378 Increase2.9% Positive decrease−1.6% Positive decrease7.2% Negative increase39.5%
    2017 Increase530.8 Increase27,020 Increase210.5 Increase10,717 Increase8.2% Increase1.3% Positive decrease6.1% Positive decrease37.1%
    2018 Increase576.3 Increase29,504 Increase243.5 Increase12,465 Increase6.0% Increase4.6% Positive decrease5.2% Positive decrease36.2%
    2019 Increase609.2 Increase31,379 Increase251.0 Increase12,928 Increase3.8% Increase3.8% Positive decrease4.9% Negative increase36.6%
    2020 Decrease594.4 Decrease30,751 Increase251.7 Increase13,021 Decrease−3.7% Increase2.6% Negative increase6.1% Negative increase49.4%
    2021 Increase657.5 Increase34,245 Increase285.6 Increase14,874 Increase5.9% Negative increase5.0% Positive decrease5.6% Negative increase51.1%
    2022 Increase737.3 Increase38,721 Increase301.8 Increase15,851 Increase4.8% Negative increase13.8% Steady5.6% Positive decrease48.7%
    2023 Increase783.9 Increase41,633 Increase348.9 Increase18,530 Increase2.4% Negative increase10.5% Steady5.6% Positive decrease48.3%
    2024 Increase830.5 Increase44,484 Increase376.7 Increase20,175 Increase3.6% Negative increase5.8% Positive decrease5.4% Negative increase49.3%
    2025 Increase878.0 Increase47,441 Increase405.2 Increase21,893 Increase3.7% Increase4.2% Positive decrease5.3% Negative increase50.3%
    2026 Increase927.5 Increase50,509 Increase429.7 Increase23,398 Increase3.7% Increase3.0% Positive decrease5.2% Negative increase51.4%
    2027 Increase978.1 Increase53,684 Increase450.9 Increase24,749 Increase3.6% Increase2.6% Positive decrease5.1% Negative increase52.8%
    2028 Increase1,031.9 Increase57,075 Increase469.6 Increase25,974 Increase3.5% Increase2.5% Positive decrease5.0% Negative increase54.2%

    What’s the story here? Romania has Bulgarian/Balkan levels of human capital, but by the end of the 2020s, is likely to become as wealthy in GDP PPP per capita terms as the Canada and Finland (much higher human capital countries) currently are:

    Any ideas on what causes this incredible Romanian overperformance relative to its average IQ?

  377. @Wokechoke

    Only half a dozen of these are legitimate, and even there you could argue there’s a great deal of bullshit surrounding Finland and Poland 1939. One (Finland) was Axis aligned under Mannerheim, and the other territory that the Russians overran is now Western Belorussia anyway. Was it really Polish to begin with? Not much. Some administrators but the population was Belorussian. You could argue that the USSR was taking a precaution by advancing toward Berlin. Why not include Germany in 1914 and 1941 at that point? Would that tip the hand of the designer?

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit. Afghanistan perhaps Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine 2022.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Matra

    These list are meaningless, you could make one about any larger country (imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey).

    Not listing Germany says it all – these are fairly stupid people with lingering Nazi sympathies, they really will never get over the Russian win in WW2. It is too much to live with, it destroys all they want to believe in.

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit.

    Sure, technically correct. But given that it happened shortly after WW2 and that – at least in Hungary – the anti-Soviet uprising was openly led by the Hungarian WW2 fascists (many just released from serving their prison terms), it was understandable. What country after winning a war and losing millions of people would simply turn over one of the main aggressors to the other side? Hungary with 200k army invaded Russia and committed some of the worst atrocities. And Russians should had just shrugged their shoulders and let Hungary join Nato in 1956? 11 years after WW2? Would US do it with Italy if there was a “commie” takeover? Or Greece?

    The Czech in 1968 was clearly a mistake, Russians panicked and decided that they would take no chances. Everyone familiar with the situation was telling them that it was fine, “reform” commies against “ortho commies”, a meaningless talkfest. The Soviets should had stayed out, but in their defense it was not a “war” (the guy above is an idiot), armies came in, changed the government, there was no fighting, about 50 people died (mostly accidents), and life went on with the “ortho” commies. The main result was that Czechs had to wait for private restaurants another 20 years. Read about it, it was a very ordinary event…the Western propaganda lies about it, makes up things for stupid people.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey

    Today I learned Britain has not yet ever attacked Sweden.

    Replies: @sudden death

    , @Wokechoke

    I’ve actually taken a look at every claim in sequence. In almost every case the USSR wasn’t the aggressor, or at least had a point. It’s surprising to see how much the Soviets checked off the legal boxes and took a few hits before each time they committed to a fight.

    What the Soviet Union did do of course was arm blacks and yellows with ak47s and RPGs which made it too bloody to keep Africa down. Hastened the end of white control in many places. This might be the subtext of British hostility to Moscow.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Hungary didn't want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no? Ironically, had Hungary managed to do this back in 1956, this arrangement might have actually held up to the present-day, as with Austria. (Finland is a different case since it actually borders Russia.)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke

  378. @HeavilyMarbledSteak

    Thank you very much Altan for your kind words - what an unexpectedly pleasant surprise to find on Unz, which is rare here :)

    I agree with nearly everything you say about the Hindu Gods as they relate to Buddhism and thank you for explaining it so well. I also agree about Sikhism being a classic Dharmic faith with many of the best features of that stream of religion - I just recently read the Zafarnama this year, and it is extremely impressive.

    As for Bashi, I am sure he is capable of understanding Dharma - if he chooses to. And if he does choose to, he will return to Unz in a third incarnation as a very different Bashi :) One that would be a true blessing to his fellow Slavs.

    Well, I myself am moving on from this place - I feel I no longer have any contribution to make here. Although I do still owe Mikel pictures of the Sierra High Route, so I may return for that in the autumn :)

    I hope this ties up all your loose threads here and releases you to go on to bigger and better things - be well, Altan.


    Replies: @Mikel

    I do still owe Mikel pictures of the Sierra High Route

    Yes, you do. And a bug report would be awesome too. Take care.

    • Replies: @Sher Singh

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?

    I've avoided them & wear even "jungle boots" in the winter.
    Quick dry > waterproof

    Some Saloman X Pioneers were on sale in ankle height but they're goretex.. :(

    Just gonna try new laces on what I have & hopefully they fit fine.
    Mostly just issues seating the heel & having toe room.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian

  379. Sher Singh says:

    I do still owe Mikel pictures of the Sierra High Route
    Yes, you do. And a bug report would be awesome too. Take care.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?

    I’ve avoided them & wear even “jungle boots” in the winter.
    Quick dry > waterproof

    Some Saloman X Pioneers were on sale in ankle height but they’re goretex.. 🙁

    Just gonna try new laces on what I have & hopefully they fit fine.
    Mostly just issues seating the heel & having toe room.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Sher Singh

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?
    That's a very serious topic that would require a long discussion. Just some quick thoughts:

    - It all depends on what you want them for. From long rubber fishing shoes to high altitude climbing boots with inside insulation you have lots of stuff to choose from.

    - is almost certain to have whatever you need at competitive prices.

    - I don't know what your objection to Gore-Tex is but it's still your best bet, especially in shoes, for waterproof yet breatheable material. It's not as waterproof as rubber and in extreme conditions water will eventually get through but if you're active, rubber or any other totally waterproof material will quickly soak your feet in perspiration, putting you in danger of frostbite if the temperature is very cold.

    The North Face claims to have developed a fabric as good as Gore-Tex and the German fabric Sympatex has for years been as good on paper as Gore-Tex but I don't see the big companies using anything but Gore-Tex for their high end products. As far as I know, these alternative materials are not even used in shoes.

    - I checked that website you posted of the British apparel company and it didn't look very good. That would be considered low end stuff in the outdoors market. For the same price you would get sometging better from Columbia. Just to set an example, their "waterproof" fabric was rated by themselves to be 2000 mm. Gore-Tex is independently rated at 25000 and Columbia's Omnium shell is rated at 5000.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    , @Yevardian
    @Sher Singh

    I've personally used the Italian brand Scarpa for outdoor gear ever since being old enough to go on hikes, and I've never had any issue with them.
    Outside of the tropics, Western Tasmania or Southern NZ for example are very wet and waterlogged regions, I've done multiple-day treks in both.
    About as good quality as you can get without going into any extreme high price range, and their material is nearly all European-made (very often Romanian, from what I've noticed).

    Also, to Latw


    My advice is too just not engage at all with anyone who posts tranny stuff, anyone who posts that in earnest is actually worse than someone posting it merely to upset people, they're a totally lost cause... only solution is to totally ignore them.

    Replies: @LatW

  380. Daniel Ellsberg on his deathbed points out that the US provoked Russia.

  381. @Mr. XYZ

    Could the EU also be classified as a New Rome? It also has a constitution and a parliament:

    There are even calls to create a European Senate:

    And territorially, the EU is much of the northern Roman Empire plus the formerly barbarian territories to the north of it. The southern Med is sacrificed due to it becoming Muslim.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The EU isn’t an Empire. It’s been exposed as a subordinate vassal of the US. I do not think the EU can be compared with Rome in the context we see today.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What's interesting is that the EU certainly has enough human capital to stand on its own two feet, as a strong ally but also relatively equal partner with the US. Some Pan-Europeans are actually advocating in favor of such an approach by the EU:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  382. @Beckow

    These list are meaningless, you could make one about any larger country (imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey).

    Not listing Germany says it all - these are fairly stupid people with lingering Nazi sympathies, they really will never get over the Russian win in WW2. It is too much to live with, it destroys all they want to believe in.

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit.
    Sure, technically correct. But given that it happened shortly after WW2 and that - at least in Hungary - the anti-Soviet uprising was openly led by the Hungarian WW2 fascists (many just released from serving their prison terms), it was understandable. What country after winning a war and losing millions of people would simply turn over one of the main aggressors to the other side? Hungary with 200k army invaded Russia and committed some of the worst atrocities. And Russians should had just shrugged their shoulders and let Hungary join Nato in 1956? 11 years after WW2? Would US do it with Italy if there was a "commie" takeover? Or Greece?

    The Czech in 1968 was clearly a mistake, Russians panicked and decided that they would take no chances. Everyone familiar with the situation was telling them that it was fine, "reform" commies against "ortho commies", a meaningless talkfest. The Soviets should had stayed out, but in their defense it was not a "war" (the guy above is an idiot), armies came in, changed the government, there was no fighting, about 50 people died (mostly accidents), and life went on with the "ortho" commies. The main result was that Czechs had to wait for private restaurants another 20 years. Read about it, it was a very ordinary event...the Western propaganda lies about it, makes up things for stupid people.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey

    Today I learned Britain has not yet ever attacked Sweden.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    By what criteria and timeline Britain invaded Baltics - does Britain having troop regiment in Estonia (as part of NATO defensive plans) count as invasion on the map?;)

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  383. @Beckow

    These list are meaningless, you could make one about any larger country (imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey).

    Not listing Germany says it all - these are fairly stupid people with lingering Nazi sympathies, they really will never get over the Russian win in WW2. It is too much to live with, it destroys all they want to believe in.

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit.
    Sure, technically correct. But given that it happened shortly after WW2 and that - at least in Hungary - the anti-Soviet uprising was openly led by the Hungarian WW2 fascists (many just released from serving their prison terms), it was understandable. What country after winning a war and losing millions of people would simply turn over one of the main aggressors to the other side? Hungary with 200k army invaded Russia and committed some of the worst atrocities. And Russians should had just shrugged their shoulders and let Hungary join Nato in 1956? 11 years after WW2? Would US do it with Italy if there was a "commie" takeover? Or Greece?

    The Czech in 1968 was clearly a mistake, Russians panicked and decided that they would take no chances. Everyone familiar with the situation was telling them that it was fine, "reform" commies against "ortho commies", a meaningless talkfest. The Soviets should had stayed out, but in their defense it was not a "war" (the guy above is an idiot), armies came in, changed the government, there was no fighting, about 50 people died (mostly accidents), and life went on with the "ortho" commies. The main result was that Czechs had to wait for private restaurants another 20 years. Read about it, it was a very ordinary event...the Western propaganda lies about it, makes up things for stupid people.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    I’ve actually taken a look at every claim in sequence. In almost every case the USSR wasn’t the aggressor, or at least had a point. It’s surprising to see how much the Soviets checked off the legal boxes and took a few hits before each time they committed to a fight.

    What the Soviet Union did do of course was arm blacks and yellows with ak47s and RPGs which made it too bloody to keep Africa down. Hastened the end of white control in many places. This might be the subtext of British hostility to Moscow.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    British hostility to Moscow is very clear if you read the Economist. Putin tore up and re-wrote all those rip-off deals that BP and Shell and Exxon and Chevron made with the Yeltsin regime. They consider Putin a thief. Those companies cheated Russia out of their resources fair and square, dammit.

    They do not give a hoot about Ukrainians or Georgians or oppressed former Soviet people anywhere ever.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  384. Dogmatic, irrational, uninterested in objective facts, Russia can do no harm, dismissive of Russia’s neighbors,… It’s the same mindset that you can observe in Martyanov, AnonfromTN, etc. I may be wrong but I think it can’t be a coincidence that they were all educated in Soviet Russia.

    Don’t forget non-Russian Beckow, whose WW2 knowledge appears to be straight out of 1950s USSR (or 1940s Brooklyn). Interestingly, the anti-Sovok Slavs & Balts, including supposedly sophisticated Central Europeans, exhibit all the same dogmatic, irrational, and overly emotional characteristics as the pro-USSR crowd. Maybe the Iron Curtain was drawn at the appropriate place after all.

    Martyanov is really comical. Just before the war he was laughing at how useless the West’s militaries were and how the Russians would wipe the floor with them. When I say laughing I mean he was literally guffawing in an interview at how easily Russia would win against all of NATO. Yet a year into Russia’s abject humiliation he’s still convinced!

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    Yet a year into Russia’s abject humiliation he’s still convinced!
    Russia does appear to be winning now, though. Correct?

    Replies: @Matra

    , @Mikel

    Interestingly, the anti-Sovok Slavs & Balts, including supposedly sophisticated Central Europeans, exhibit all the same dogmatic, irrational, and overly emotional characteristics as the pro-USSR crowd.
    There's some truth in that. Ukrainians are definitely the reverse side of the Russian coin. Perhaps they're even more Sovok. A perfect example is what's happening to rabid anti Russian journalist Julian Roepcke. He's shown with words and deeds his total support to Ukraine but that doesn't stop the insults and constant abuse he gets from Ukrainians on his Twitter account (including the other day an official Ukrainian military account) just for daring to post images or maps that don't always show a rosy picture for Ukrainie. I have some experience on this myself. I posted some comments critical of the shelling of civilians on Ukrainian media in 2014 and got personal threats in return, with the customary accusation of being a Putin troll. It's the very same with me or against me Sovok mentality of their neighbors to the North. In fact, if I had to choose following this war through only Russian or Ukrainian sources, I would go for the Russians without hesitation. There's orders of magnitude more honesty and self-criticism in them.

    As for the rest of EEs, I don't know tbh. The ones I know personally have zero desire to go to war with Russia or anyone else, let alone be incinerated in a nuclear war. But then in blogs like this one you try to be reasonable with some of them, explaining that for an ordinary Westerner the Ukraine war is not the be-all and end-all of life and that it doesn't make much sense to put our loved ones at risk of a nuclear war but it doesn't seem to register at all. They seem to think that you're either pro-Putin or a coward, for not being as enthusiastic about war as the neocons that dominate the MSM landscape.

    It's a complicated phenomenon, I guess. Apart from the Sovok-like heritage in EE, there is the fact that the current events are sort of a vindication of everything these countries have stood for in the past few decades. The Russian bear has proven to be as ferocious as they always portrayed it (in a rather self-fulfilling prophecy way but it has nonetheless). It has also proven to be clumsy and incompetent while Western technology shines from the space to the battlefield. A perfect vindication of the Western orientation they chose 30 years ago. They're probably not in the best mood to entertain any nuance coming from Western dissidents. Besides, I see lots of emotional brainwashing and ignoring of the nuclear threat in the Western population as well. It's quite incredible to see in real time how easily people can get manipulated in times of war.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  385. @Matra

    Dogmatic, irrational, uninterested in objective facts, Russia can do no harm, dismissive of Russia’s neighbors,… It’s the same mindset that you can observe in Martyanov, AnonfromTN, etc. I may be wrong but I think it can’t be a coincidence that they were all educated in Soviet Russia.
    Don't forget non-Russian Beckow, whose WW2 knowledge appears to be straight out of 1950s USSR (or 1940s Brooklyn). Interestingly, the anti-Sovok Slavs & Balts, including supposedly sophisticated Central Europeans, exhibit all the same dogmatic, irrational, and overly emotional characteristics as the pro-USSR crowd. Maybe the Iron Curtain was drawn at the appropriate place after all.

    Martyanov is really comical. Just before the war he was laughing at how useless the West's militaries were and how the Russians would wipe the floor with them. When I say laughing I mean he was literally guffawing in an interview at how easily Russia would win against all of NATO. Yet a year into Russia's abject humiliation he's still convinced!

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Mikel

    Yet a year into Russia’s abject humiliation he’s still convinced!

    Russia does appear to be winning now, though. Correct?

    • Replies: @Matra
    @Greasy William

    No, the USA is winning. China is winning. Maybe even Poland is winning. Both Russia and Ukraine are losing badly.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  386. @Wokechoke

    Only half a dozen of these are legitimate, and even there you could argue there’s a great deal of bullshit surrounding Finland and Poland 1939. One (Finland) was Axis aligned under Mannerheim, and the other territory that the Russians overran is now Western Belorussia anyway. Was it really Polish to begin with? Not much. Some administrators but the population was Belorussian. You could argue that the USSR was taking a precaution by advancing toward Berlin. Why not include Germany in 1914 and 1941 at that point? Would that tip the hand of the designer?

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit. Afghanistan perhaps Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine 2022.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Matra

    Only half a dozen of these are legitimate, and even there you could argue there’s a great deal of bullshit surrounding Finland and Poland 1939. One (Finland) was Axis aligned under Mannerheim,

    Another leftist scumbag.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    All the ferocious fighting by the valiant Finns did; was give Germany hope it could invade then defeat the Soviet Union. It’s the Hope that kills you.

    Replies: @Beckow

  387. @Greasy William

    Yet a year into Russia’s abject humiliation he’s still convinced!
    Russia does appear to be winning now, though. Correct?

    Replies: @Matra

    No, the USA is winning. China is winning. Maybe even Poland is winning. Both Russia and Ukraine are losing badly.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    We're nearly 2 weeks into the Ukrainian offensive and the Ukrainians still haven't made it to the first defensive line yet. I remember that people were saying that Russia was losing in Syria too (although I still think it's possible that they would have lost had Trump not defeated ISIS for them).

    I really don't think the Ukrainian offensive will succeed. If it doesn't, we have a stalemate. And a stalemate is a partial Russian victory, even if it is a Pyrrhic one.

    Replies: @Mikel

  388. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Hey, if you do not cut out this crap (promotion of race mixing, multi-culturalism and mass immigration - that's what your constant immigration related questions essentially are) and, if you post the tranny content again, I will not converse with you. Nothing that I posted to you prompted any of this, this was your choice.

    You are way out of line and ruining it for everyone. You will end up with no one talking to you. Get a grip on yourself. Actually, I'm putting you on Ignore.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

    After this marvel from XYZ,

    I have to put him on Ignore as well. The “signal-to-noise” ratio is, at the moment, not viable.

    Those of you with more bandwidth, please let me know if he recovers & begins behaving more appropriately.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Blame the Unz Review for not allowing us to post tables properly.

  389. @Beckow

    These list are meaningless, you could make one about any larger country (imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey).

    Not listing Germany says it all - these are fairly stupid people with lingering Nazi sympathies, they really will never get over the Russian win in WW2. It is too much to live with, it destroys all they want to believe in.

    Hungary and Czechs in the 50s are certainly legit.
    Sure, technically correct. But given that it happened shortly after WW2 and that - at least in Hungary - the anti-Soviet uprising was openly led by the Hungarian WW2 fascists (many just released from serving their prison terms), it was understandable. What country after winning a war and losing millions of people would simply turn over one of the main aggressors to the other side? Hungary with 200k army invaded Russia and committed some of the worst atrocities. And Russians should had just shrugged their shoulders and let Hungary join Nato in 1956? 11 years after WW2? Would US do it with Italy if there was a "commie" takeover? Or Greece?

    The Czech in 1968 was clearly a mistake, Russians panicked and decided that they would take no chances. Everyone familiar with the situation was telling them that it was fine, "reform" commies against "ortho commies", a meaningless talkfest. The Soviets should had stayed out, but in their defense it was not a "war" (the guy above is an idiot), armies came in, changed the government, there was no fighting, about 50 people died (mostly accidents), and life went on with the "ortho" commies. The main result was that Czechs had to wait for private restaurants another 20 years. Read about it, it was a very ordinary event...the Western propaganda lies about it, makes up things for stupid people.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    Hungary didn’t want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no? Ironically, had Hungary managed to do this back in 1956, this arrangement might have actually held up to the present-day, as with Austria. (Finland is a different case since it actually borders Russia.)

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...Hungary didn’t want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no?
    Nobody would ask them. There were only two scenarios in 1956 Hungary:

    - Anti-commie uprising wins with Nato help: Hungary switches sides in the Cold War
    - The Soviets militarily reasserts control over Hungary and keep it in their camp.

    Those were the choices and what people said as it was happening was meaningless. The Hungarian rebels were led by WW2 fascist officers, they were murdering any commie in sight, burning many alive - check out the videos. There was no middle ground, too many people died, it was who-whom. The blabla by a few "liberals" or "reform commies" was just noise. If Russia stayed out, by 1960's (or sooner) Hungary would be in Nato.

    For God sake, this was not - and is not today - a game of marbles. This is a war.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    Finland borders St Petersburg. Which got it in hot water in 1939.

  390. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The EU isn’t an Empire. It’s been exposed as a subordinate vassal of the US. I do not think the EU can be compared with Rome in the context we see today.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What’s interesting is that the EU certainly has enough human capital to stand on its own two feet, as a strong ally but also relatively equal partner with the US. Some Pan-Europeans are actually advocating in favor of such an approach by the EU:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    It will just get dragged into the steppe and chewed up. At some point Washington and Moscow would collude against the EU to crush it anyway. That’s probably the source of German hesitancy. They’ve seen this stab in the back before.

  391. @A123

    After this marvel from XYZ,

    I have to put him on Ignore as well. The "signal-to-noise" ratio is, at the moment, not viable.

    Those of you with more bandwidth, please let me know if he recovers & begins behaving more appropriately.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Blame the Unz Review for not allowing us to post tables properly.

  392. @Matra
    @Greasy William

    No, the USA is winning. China is winning. Maybe even Poland is winning. Both Russia and Ukraine are losing badly.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    We’re nearly 2 weeks into the Ukrainian offensive and the Ukrainians still haven’t made it to the first defensive line yet. I remember that people were saying that Russia was losing in Syria too (although I still think it’s possible that they would have lost had Trump not defeated ISIS for them).

    I really don’t think the Ukrainian offensive will succeed. If it doesn’t, we have a stalemate. And a stalemate is a partial Russian victory, even if it is a Pyrrhic one.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Greasy William

    We’re nearly 2 weeks into the Ukrainian offensive and the Ukrainians still haven’t made it to the first defensive line yet.
    Given his track record, I would take this fresh prediction by Strelkov seriously (Google Translate):

    I am sure that the most interesting thing that the crest will show us is yet to come. Until July 12, when this very NATO summit in Vilnius begins, they must show something of that kind. Either it will be the ZNPP, the maximum program is, of course, the beginning of the assault on Melitopol. In order to close the sky, they can try to pull the Patriot battery to the front. Apart from the blitzkrieg, which they can provide simply with the amount of meat and iron, they have no alternatives. Positional battles for 4-5 villages are not what the owners expect from a Ukrainian. I am sure that after June 20, at most, on June 25, all the most interesting things will begin and the entry of these very reserves into Khokhl. They will go for broke.
  393. @Wokechoke

    I’ve actually taken a look at every claim in sequence. In almost every case the USSR wasn’t the aggressor, or at least had a point. It’s surprising to see how much the Soviets checked off the legal boxes and took a few hits before each time they committed to a fight.

    What the Soviet Union did do of course was arm blacks and yellows with ak47s and RPGs which made it too bloody to keep Africa down. Hastened the end of white control in many places. This might be the subtext of British hostility to Moscow.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    British hostility to Moscow is very clear if you read the Economist. Putin tore up and re-wrote all those rip-off deals that BP and Shell and Exxon and Chevron made with the Yeltsin regime. They consider Putin a thief. Those companies cheated Russia out of their resources fair and square, dammit.

    They do not give a hoot about Ukrainians or Georgians or oppressed former Soviet people anywhere ever.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    That too.

  394. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @The Big Red Scary

    That is an interesting opinion piece.

    Failing internally, Western elites began to actively nourish the weeds that had come through after seventy years of well-being, satiety, and peace―all these anti-human ideologies that reject the family, homeland, history, love between a man and a woman, faith, commitment to higher ideals, everything that constitutes the essence of man. They are weeding out those who resist. The goal is to destroy their societies and turn people into mankurts (slaves deprived of reason and sense of history as described be the great Kirgiz and Russian writer Chengiz Aitmatov) in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, increasingly unfair and counterproductive for humans and humanity as a whole.
    This is arguable if you ask me. Nobody asked me but I just think it's a fashion. Click bait as a fashion. On r/artificial yesterday they had this:

    Chatgpt and its user created a rainbow platoon of philosophers. There has never been a philosopher of note who was not white and a man. 84 comments. I did not read them all but before I gave up I did notice no group thinkers bothered to comment on how absurd this looked.

    (OK there were two women but I can't recall either name offhand. Also, Confucius was not a philosopher; he was an agent of state control of the filthy rabble.)

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    Also, Confucius was not a philosopher; he was an agent of state control of the filthy rabble.)

    He created an ethical philosophical teaching to control both the unwashed masses and the sociopathic elites. By definition, he was therefore a great philosopher.

  395. @Mr. Hack

    The West patiently took a generation to carefully and cynically shape Ukrainian public opinion against Russia
    I know what you mean. I too was utterly surprised when the vast majority of Ukrainians reacted so negatively towards these hordes that tried to sweep down and overtake them on February 24. Imagine the callousness shown towards these invaders as they bombed, raped and pillaged the Ukrainian citizenry (especialy north of Kyiv). Like me, you were probably absolutely devastated when these local Ukrainian civilians tried to do everything possible to impede the tank columns that were approaching Kyiv. I too thought that the Ukrainians were way out of place, and was expecting that they would come out on the streets and greet their "liberators" with flowers and salt and bread. What a cold an unwarranted reception.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    The young lady on the picture is quite attractive. Is the soldier an eunuch ?

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Ivashka the fool

    Cartoon Ukrainian Resistance Warrior Girl: 5/10. Would not bang.

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Nah, I don't think so. The RusFed soldiers have not been showing much celibate activity within Ukraine. So far, upwards of 38 Ukrainian women have been raped by their "Russian brothers" from the north. Some guys are deviant enough to go to great efforts to try and get a piece of real Slavic DNA into their bloodline. Here's a demonstration in Germany headed by a representative of Ukrainian victims of RusFed gallantry and missionary zeal within Ukraine:
    A woman representing a rape victim leads protesters in Berlin demonstrating in an April 16 march against Russian military aggression in the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Syria.

    This victim, like the one in the depiction, looks attractive too?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke, @Greasy William

  396. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do they ever send him on exchange to Peking? It is hard for me to imagine high Chinese commies would like reading this.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Karaganov has very far reaching connections among the Globalist. He is a very serious actor. The fact that he wrote this article is an ominous sign.

  397. @sudden death

    In Ukraine’s Kharkov offensive, psychological warfare made the Russian soldiers run away. So there has been a big fanfaronade preceding the Ukrainian counteroffensive and as Kiev’s forces move to set the seal on their inevitable victory–lo and behold–they find the Russian army is actually fighting back.
    Seems like selective memory is striking again - was it so easy to forget about bloody protracted mutual fights in south during last year UA Kherson offensive initial phase in the summer, which was ongoing relatively long before Kharkov action began?;)

    Replies: @Sean

    Seems like selective memory

    Just one of the rules of thumb that humans live by, because in evolutionary history those who did have a bias to repeat whatever led to success tended to flourish.

    The Kherson campaign and what preceded it seem to show that Russia is fixated on gaining territory even at the cost of over extending its forces in an unsustainable way.

    Kharkov suggested that:-

    1, Russians lack fighting spirit and are easily spooked by social media posts.

    2. Russians do not bother building proper defensive fortifications, even when they are given the time to do so.

    3. A determined coordinated attack will achieve remarkably low cost success against Russians.

    It would be overthinking it for Ukraine to not stick with what had worked best until it had definitely stopped working.

  398. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    The young lady on the picture is quite attractive. Is the soldier an eunuch ?

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Mr. Hack

    Cartoon Ukrainian Resistance Warrior Girl: 5/10. Would not bang.

    • Disagree: Mikel, Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Greasy William

    Cartoon Ukrainian Resistance Warrior Girl: 5/10. Would not bang
    First of all, all straight men I've known well enough would absolutely bang a 5/10 in case of need. Most of them actually have or regularly do. Lower levels too. Secondly, I don't know what you're talking about. I can't judge the face too much, it's just a cartoon, but that's as close to a perfect female body as you're likely to get in real life.

    Thanks for the comment anyway. I'm in need of a heterosexual safe space, this month more than ever.

    Replies: @QCIC

  399. And a stalemate is a partial Russian victory, even if it is a Pyrrhic one.

    Pyrrhic indeed. NATO has already expanded. Eastern Europeans are now more committed to the American Empire than ever, as are many Western Europeans. Ukrainians, including many east of the Dneiper are alienated from Russia like never before. (Blowhard Sovoks will say that doesn’t matter, only hard power matters. Talk about living in the wrong century). Russia’s young are probably even more disillusioned with their country than AK. Russia will be increasingly dependent on an unsentimental and unsympathetic China. The fact that Ukraine will become a rump state doesn’t really matter that much to anyone other than Ukrainian nationalists. That rump state’s NATO/EU borders will be closer to Russia’s heartland than before the “SMO”. Unless, of course, this is just the beginning and the Kremlins are planning a serious response a year or two from now. Given where the children of all Russia’s elite live (ie. Western Europe) I wouldn’t count on it. For now the pro-Russians will have to make do with ejaculating all over social media because Kenya or some other irrelevant country might start trading in a currency other than American $$$s. Big time victory there!

    • Agree: Mikel
    • Replies: @Greasy William

    What happens if the US is unable to keep funding Ukraine?

    Replies: @Matra

  400. @Matra
    And a stalemate is a partial Russian victory, even if it is a Pyrrhic one.

    Pyrrhic indeed. NATO has already expanded. Eastern Europeans are now more committed to the American Empire than ever, as are many Western Europeans. Ukrainians, including many east of the Dneiper are alienated from Russia like never before. (Blowhard Sovoks will say that doesn't matter, only hard power matters. Talk about living in the wrong century). Russia's young are probably even more disillusioned with their country than AK. Russia will be increasingly dependent on an unsentimental and unsympathetic China. The fact that Ukraine will become a rump state doesn't really matter that much to anyone other than Ukrainian nationalists. That rump state's NATO/EU borders will be closer to Russia's heartland than before the "SMO". Unless, of course, this is just the beginning and the Kremlins are planning a serious response a year or two from now. Given where the children of all Russia's elite live (ie. Western Europe) I wouldn't count on it. For now the pro-Russians will have to make do with ejaculating all over social media because Kenya or some other irrelevant country might start trading in a currency other than American $$$s. Big time victory there!

    Replies: @Greasy William

    What happens if the US is unable to keep funding Ukraine?

    • Replies: @Matra
    @Greasy William

    Pro-Russia optimists have been claiming the funding would end since late March 2022. Maybe it will some day but it looks to me like the US is all-in on this for the forseeable future. You disagree I take it?

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

  401. @Mr. XYZ

    Hungary didn't want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no? Ironically, had Hungary managed to do this back in 1956, this arrangement might have actually held up to the present-day, as with Austria. (Finland is a different case since it actually borders Russia.)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke

    …Hungary didn’t want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no?

    Nobody would ask them. There were only two scenarios in 1956 Hungary:

    – Anti-commie uprising wins with Nato help: Hungary switches sides in the Cold War
    – The Soviets militarily reasserts control over Hungary and keep it in their camp.

    Those were the choices and what people said as it was happening was meaningless. The Hungarian rebels were led by WW2 fascist officers, they were murdering any commie in sight, burning many alive – check out the videos. There was no middle ground, too many people died, it was who-whom. The blabla by a few “liberals” or “reform commies” was just noise. If Russia stayed out, by 1960’s (or sooner) Hungary would be in Nato.

    For God sake, this was not – and is not today – a game of marbles. This is a war.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Austria managed to stay neutral for decades. How come? So did the Finns, for that matter. Again, how come?

    Replies: @Beckow

  402. @Greasy William

    What happens if the US is unable to keep funding Ukraine?

    Replies: @Matra

    Pro-Russia optimists have been claiming the funding would end since late March 2022. Maybe it will some day but it looks to me like the US is all-in on this for the forseeable future. You disagree I take it?

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    I don't know about Greasy, but I agree.The thing is, the funding is either stingy or ineffective. Would have worked much better if they had given it all at once instead of piecemeal.

    States are not individuals who can be judged as good guys or bad guys. They are impersonal organisms driven by external strategic logic and internal political constraints. There will be no steady equilibrium without the dismantling of either the Russian or the Ukrainian state, and there will be no dismantling of the Russian state without nuclear war.

    , @Greasy William

    You disagree I take it?
    I don't disagree. My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel). I think even if/when Trump gets back in office that nothing can prevent this from occurring. That being the case, I can't see the US backing off.

    But if the US did stop funding Ukraine, I could see Russia conquering Ukraine entirely. The Europeans are too degenerate and gay to fight for Ukraine

    Replies: @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @S

  403. @Matra

    Only half a dozen of these are legitimate, and even there you could argue there’s a great deal of bullshit surrounding Finland and Poland 1939. One (Finland) was Axis aligned under Mannerheim,
    Another leftist scumbag.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    All the ferocious fighting by the valiant Finns did; was give Germany hope it could invade then defeat the Soviet Union. It’s the Hope that kills you.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...All the ferocious fighting by the valiant Finns
    It also lost Finland a lot more territory. So the 100k or so Finns who died did so to assure a bigger defeat and smaller Finland. If the Finns had simply agreed to pull back far enough from St. Petersburg so they can't shell it, they would be much better off. It was actually presented to them as a "territorial exchange" - move back from St.Peter. and be compensated by land in the north (I know, useless land).

    Stupid martyrdom has a cost - notice that Brits never do it, they ask others to do it.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  404. @Mr. XYZ

    Hungary didn't want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no? Ironically, had Hungary managed to do this back in 1956, this arrangement might have actually held up to the present-day, as with Austria. (Finland is a different case since it actually borders Russia.)

    Replies: @Beckow, @Wokechoke

    Finland borders St Petersburg. Which got it in hot water in 1939.

  405. @Mr. XYZ

    Was that in a treaty?

    Replies: @Beckow

    Yes, it said ‘Ukraine will be non-aligned“.

    It actually wasn’t a Treaty and nobody ever ratified it – it was a Memorandum of Understanding issued by Russia, Ukraine, US, UK, a piece if paper with “agreed on intentions”…You can’t break that – but Mr. Hacks is a moron, he doesn’t understand anything.

    There was zero chance Ukraine could take the nukes – they were fully controlled by Moscow. In addition, US and UK at that time were more eager to rid Ukraine (and Belarus, Kazkhstan) of nukes than anyone else.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    It actually wasn’t a Treaty and nobody ever ratified it – it was a Memorandum of Understanding issued by Russia, Ukraine, US, UK, a piece if paper with “agreed on intentions”…You can’t break that – but Mr. Hacks is a moron, he doesn’t understand anything.
    Sure, you can break it, and Russia has, it just doesn't impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties. To bring this up to date, the ambiguity of the document allowed the US space in which to operate within Ukraine during the current war. It provides lethal weaponry, defensive patriot systems, money, equipment, food, training, ammunition, and advanced communications to Ukraine. It chooses not to put soldiers in boots on Ukrainian territory, but I'd say that it has tried to keep its end of the bargain intact, giving the Budapest Memorandum a great measure of security assurance for Ukraine's current needs.

    Replies: @Beckow

  406. @Emil Nikola Richard

    British hostility to Moscow is very clear if you read the Economist. Putin tore up and re-wrote all those rip-off deals that BP and Shell and Exxon and Chevron made with the Yeltsin regime. They consider Putin a thief. Those companies cheated Russia out of their resources fair and square, dammit.

    They do not give a hoot about Ukrainians or Georgians or oppressed former Soviet people anywhere ever.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    That too.

  407. @Matra
    @Greasy William

    Pro-Russia optimists have been claiming the funding would end since late March 2022. Maybe it will some day but it looks to me like the US is all-in on this for the forseeable future. You disagree I take it?

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    I don’t know about Greasy, but I agree.The thing is, the funding is either stingy or ineffective. Would have worked much better if they had given it all at once instead of piecemeal.

    States are not individuals who can be judged as good guys or bad guys. They are impersonal organisms driven by external strategic logic and internal political constraints. There will be no steady equilibrium without the dismantling of either the Russian or the Ukrainian state, and there will be no dismantling of the Russian state without nuclear war.

  408. @Wokechoke

    All the ferocious fighting by the valiant Finns did; was give Germany hope it could invade then defeat the Soviet Union. It’s the Hope that kills you.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …All the ferocious fighting by the valiant Finns

    It also lost Finland a lot more territory. So the 100k or so Finns who died did so to assure a bigger defeat and smaller Finland. If the Finns had simply agreed to pull back far enough from St. Petersburg so they can’t shell it, they would be much better off. It was actually presented to them as a “territorial exchange” – move back from St.Peter. and be compensated by land in the north (I know, useless land).

    Stupid martyrdom has a cost – notice that Brits never do it, they ask others to do it.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Based England.

  409. @Matra
    @Greasy William

    Pro-Russia optimists have been claiming the funding would end since late March 2022. Maybe it will some day but it looks to me like the US is all-in on this for the forseeable future. You disagree I take it?

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Greasy William

    You disagree I take it?

    I don’t disagree. My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel). I think even if/when Trump gets back in office that nothing can prevent this from occurring. That being the case, I can’t see the US backing off.

    But if the US did stop funding Ukraine, I could see Russia conquering Ukraine entirely. The Europeans are too degenerate and gay to fight for Ukraine

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    It looks like the US will continue funding Ukraine for the foreseeable future (though I didn't watch the US speech today). This will continue until Ukraine runs out of fighters and then Russia will take the country. Unless Polish mercs decide to die in large numbers, too.

    As far as stalemate delusions are concerned, don't forget that Russia can take out the critical infrastructure at will.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    , @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    I agree that the war is fundamentally between the US and Russia, everything else is a side show. But Russia's intervention in Syria was planned before Maidan, which took Russia by surprise. Note how most of the Middle East has swung in Russia's direction (including traditional mutual enemies like Iran and Saudi Arabia, and even Turkey to some degree). It seems that Russia wanted its ducks in a row in the Middle East before dealing with Ukraine.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    , @S
    @Greasy William

    My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel).
    It's a sensitive subject, but what's particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures. How much then might be naturally occurring (ie then potentially of God) and how much is man made, perhaps as part of a deception? ['If such were possible, even the very elect would be deceived'.]

    I've posted before what I've thought might of constituted 'suggestions' being placed in the minds of the American and Russian people, ie that they will each someday fight the other and win, thus achieving for themselves glorious new global empires. [I think, however, that there is a real potential that the actual result of such a war will be that the US and Russia largely destroy each other instead.]

    The New Rome; or, the United States of the World, linked below, an effectively internationally blacklisted book today, was published in 1853 by Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp.

    In The New Rome's opening pages it boldly declares itself to be a statement of fact ('a horoscope', 'a map of the future of mankind', 'what must be') before the actual future events it describes (US/UK rapprochement, US/UK conquest of Germany unleashing a 'world's war' upon the Earth in the process, and the final war between the United States and Russia, the US domination of aviation technology being the key for it's final victory over Russia) have actually even occurred.

    The second book was Mikhail Yuriev's The Third Empire: Russia as it Ought to Be published in 2006, which describes Russia defeating the United States and conquering Israel. [The link and excerpt below is from an Atlantic article on the subject, which not surprisingly makes no mention of America's The New Rome.]

    Putin Is Just Following the Manual

    A utopian Russian novel predicted Putin’s war plan.

    No one can read Vladimir Putin’s mind. But we can read the book that foretells the Russian leader’s imperialist foreign policy. Mikhail Yuriev’s 2006 utopian novel, The Third Empire: Russia as It Ought to Be, anticipates—with astonishing precision—Russia’s strategy of hybrid war and its recent military campaigns: the 2008 war with Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the incursion into the Donetsk and Luhansk regions the same year, and Russia’s current assault on Ukraine.
    Whatever one might think of these two book's, their authors were not fly by nights, but were rather men of substance.

    Charles Goepp was a highly educated author and lawyer. Theodore Poesche was a brilliant and well respected US Treasury Department employee, whom at the German ambassador's request would travel to Europe in 1872 to meet personally with German Chancellor Bismark in Berlin, and speak to him about his work with statistics.

    Mikhail Yuriev served in the Rusfed government and was a businessman.

    [For the record, Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp were German Gentiles and Mikhail Yuriev was a Russian Jew.]

    Replies: @S, @Greasy William, @Greasy William

  410. @Greasy William
    @Ivashka the fool

    Cartoon Ukrainian Resistance Warrior Girl: 5/10. Would not bang.

    Replies: @Mikel

    Cartoon Ukrainian Resistance Warrior Girl: 5/10. Would not bang

    First of all, all straight men I’ve known well enough would absolutely bang a 5/10 in case of need. Most of them actually have or regularly do. Lower levels too. Secondly, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I can’t judge the face too much, it’s just a cartoon, but that’s as close to a perfect female body as you’re likely to get in real life.

    Thanks for the comment anyway. I’m in need of a heterosexual safe space, this month more than ever.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @QCIC

    She's just mad because he brought her flowers and she wants babies ;)

    The girl reminds me a bit of Sophia Loren.

    Replies: @LatW

  411. @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. :)

    Replies: @LatW

    OK; sure thing. 🙂

    Ok, I forgive you, as long as you behave. 🙂

    No trannie visuals and no promoting Baltic women race mixing with blacks – that’s a big no no, that’s not a lot to ask.

    And, yes, I agree with you that cartels (or the mafia in general) can be regarded as a kind of a network state, obviously anyone with a right (legal or perceived) to use violence, carry weapons exclusively, ideally, those shouldn’t be used, best is to maintain power through authority. Similar, a medieval Knight’s order could also be considered a network state. A traveling one even.

    The concept of network state seems like it has potential when it comes to some kind of a crypto-nationalist community in the future (although it’s not like this hasn’t been tried before).

    In a theocracy, the source of legitimacy is very simple – divine grace (God’s will). But where would the source of legitimacy be for a modern network state? My guess is that the folks who are experimenting with this concept, most likely are thinking of some kind of a utilitarian “common good” source (which they themselves will graciously decide on) or something vague (such as belief in progress). I doubt they are thinking of racial survival (but they might be thinking of eugenics or those rich Calvinists might indeed be thinking of race at least a little, or survival of others besides Whites).

    Just a quick Google search yielded these two definitions of a network state:

    A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.

    This is not all that different from a multi-national NGO, although obviously, they can gain status or some kind of an international recognition, but to expect “diplomatic recognition” is, of course, a joke. What is interesting though in terms of NGOs, this war has actually shown that a lot of these high status international NGOs are not that capable when real disaster strikes, so one may wonder what is the source of their legitimacy during times of chaos (they’ve mostly gained their status during times of peace and serve as a kind of a supportive attribute in times of peace, whereas in times of unrest, groups that are willing to arm themselves and project some force, actually may gain more legitimacy and recognition like prior to the age of chieftains. But the issue of legalization of these groups is always present (see Azov, the RusVol Corps and the recent tensions around the Wagner group).

    And a more detailed definition:

    A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.

    This is way more ambitious especially the “moral innovation” part. And that’s a very dangerous wording right there – does it imply further relativization of Western morality or something new? Or a revival of something old (in which case, it would not be “innovation”, would it but rather preservation)? A sense of national consciousness – that one I don’t buy, it’s totally fake – they will most likely come up with some fake definition of “nationality”. Sports team loyalty and interest club principle, has nothing to do with real nationality.

    A “recognized founder” sounds cultish – but I’m ok with that as long as he is a person of good but strong character and has the right ideological inclinations. No real issues there.

    “A consensual government limited by a social smart contract” – that’s nothing new, but old libertarian or right wing anarchist talking point. See Robert Nozick.

    “Crowdfunded physical territories” is already happening (see NAFO) but that one is based on a larger motivation (Ukraine war), so any crowdfunding will not be something independent, but just a means to an end (it can be any goal).

    “Real-estate footprint” – this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc). Classical libertarian dilemma, once again. A contentious issue.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Excellent summary and analysis, LatW! :)

    And could fundie organizations such as this also be viewed as network states?

    Or are they not sufficiently widespread in their reach to qualify for this?

    BTW, why do you think that Romania's economy has performed so well relative to its lackluster human capital? I posted economic statistics for Romania in post #378, though they look very messy since the Unz Review apparently doesn't allow data tables to be posted on it properly.

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania's smart fraction (top 5%) isn't particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either:

    This makes sense because Romania's surviving Jews and Germans have mostly emigrated by now. So, what explains the strong Romanian prosperity? I don't think that EU membership explains it because Bulgaria is considerably poorer than Romania is in spite of Bulgaria also being an EU member (they joined the EU at the same time). And Romania is not significantly less corrupt than Bulgaria is:

    But it nevertheless is wealthier than Bulgaria is. How come?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    , @Coconuts

    “Real-estate footprint” – this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc).
    I was listening to a discussion about the creation of something like a right-wing network state in the US yesterday. The basic motivation behind it seemed to be the belief that some sort of national schism was a plausible possibility, combined with a progressive decline in the capacity of the current state apparatus. I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    The interviewer was Romanian and thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it's less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation, also not clear what effect significant demographic change will have on state capacity yet.

    There is another example in France, people periodically discuss civil war breaking out in France in mainstream media. Since 1789 limited scale civil war has broken out about 3 times and this was before the demographic shift. Something like a right-wing network state probably already exists in an informal/retro way among part of the population.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    , @Sher Singh
    Time to summarize:

    Link 1 - find on scihub -- Shani argues that both the Ummah and Khalsa Panth represent a type of non-Western internationalism. They provide critical insights for an alternative to international relations - since, they are trans-national communities that exist beyond the territorial boundaries of nation states.

    Link 2 - Network society -- That the internet has divided labour into 2 categories - basically, the local and digital. The latter is better compensated since it supports Network Capitalism which exploits capital across time and space. Local or generic labour supports digital labour through services or resource extraction.

    Link 3 - Critique of Network society -- That society is now run by networks or conglomerates of states, MNCs, NGOS etc. Some program networks (USA) while others merely exist within them, and uphold their tenets (Canada).

    Link 5 -- Sarbat Da Bhalla -- Prosperity for all. International mandate for Khalsa, based on Miri and Piri.

    Amiri Ki Miri te Peera Ki Piri - The Sovereignity of Kings and Spirituality of Saints.

    The Khalsa claims both Physical and Spiritual authority over all creation as granted by the 6th Guru Sahib.

    At the young age of 11, Guru Hargobind Sahib had the Akal Takht constructed, adorned weapons, took to hunting and kept an army. The passage below describes the first time Guru Hargobind Sahib sat on the Throne of Akal Takht wearing the two swords representing Miri and Piri. ⁣⁣
    ਰਚ੍ਯੋ ਤਖਤ ਤਿਸ ਬੰਦਨ ਕੀਨਿ । ਚਢਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਬੀਰਾਸਨ ਆਸੀਨ । ਬ੍ਰਿਧ ਆਦਿਕ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ ਮਸੰਦ । ਅਵਿਲੋਕਤਿ ਬਿਸਮਾਇ ਬਿਲੰਦ ।੨੦।⁣⁣⁣
    He saluted the [Akal] Takht which He had constructed, ascending to the Takht he sat in Vir Asan [Warrior Pose, one knee raised one leg flat]. Baba Budha Ji, Bhai Gurdas Ji and the other Masands were in great awe looking upon the Guru. ⁣⁣⁣
    ਹਾਥ ਜੋਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਬੂਝਨ ਲਾਗੇ । ਧਰਹਿ ਖੜਗ ਇਕ ਜੇ ਭਟ ਆਗੇ । ਦੋਇ ਆਪ ਲੇ ਨਿਜ ਗਰ ਪਾਏ । ਇਹ ਕ੍ਯਾ ਕਾਰਨ ਦੇਹੁ ਸੁਨਾਏ ।੨੧। ⁣⁣⁣
    With folded hands they wanted to understand [and asked], "Until now we have seen a warrior [only] adorned with one sword. You have adorned two swords around your body, what is the purpose of this? Please explain" ⁣⁣ ⁣

    ਧਰੇ ਤੇਜ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਬਚ ਕਹੇ । ਹਮ ਨੇ ਇਸ ਹਿਤ ਜੁਗ ਅਸਿ ਗਹੇ । ਇਕ ਤੇ ਲੇਂ ਮੀਰਨਿ ਕੀ ਮੀਰੀ । ਦੂਸਰ ਤੇ ਪੀਰਨਿ ਕੀ ਪੀਰੀ ।੨੨।⁣⁣⁣
    The Guru valiantly replied, "For this reason I have adorned two [swords], One is a signifier of the Sovereignty over all Empires [Miran Ki Miri], and the other is a signifier of the Power of Spirituality [Piran Ki Piri]. ⁣⁣⁣
    ਮੀਰੀ ਪੀਰੀ ਦੋਨੋਂ ਧਰੈਂ । ਬਚਹਿ ਸਰਨਿ ਨਤੁ ਜੁਗ ਪਰਹਰੈਂ ।⁣⁣⁣
    I represent both Sovereignty and Spirituality; coming under My sanctuary you may be saved, if not we will take both away from you."⁣⁣⁣
  412. @Greasy William

    You disagree I take it?
    I don't disagree. My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel). I think even if/when Trump gets back in office that nothing can prevent this from occurring. That being the case, I can't see the US backing off.

    But if the US did stop funding Ukraine, I could see Russia conquering Ukraine entirely. The Europeans are too degenerate and gay to fight for Ukraine

    Replies: @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @S

    It looks like the US will continue funding Ukraine for the foreseeable future (though I didn’t watch the US speech today). This will continue until Ukraine runs out of fighters and then Russia will take the country. Unless Polish mercs decide to die in large numbers, too.

    As far as stalemate delusions are concerned, don’t forget that Russia can take out the critical infrastructure at will.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Indeed, and there is nothing brave or moral about being unrealistic on these points, least of all for those with no skin in the game. I know three independent groups of people in Ukraine, of which even the two anti-Russian groups are unwilling to fight and are hiding out to avoid being sent into the meat grinder. Evidently, they consider the situation for the Ukrainian state to be hopeless.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  413. @Mikel
    @Greasy William

    Cartoon Ukrainian Resistance Warrior Girl: 5/10. Would not bang
    First of all, all straight men I've known well enough would absolutely bang a 5/10 in case of need. Most of them actually have or regularly do. Lower levels too. Secondly, I don't know what you're talking about. I can't judge the face too much, it's just a cartoon, but that's as close to a perfect female body as you're likely to get in real life.

    Thanks for the comment anyway. I'm in need of a heterosexual safe space, this month more than ever.

    Replies: @QCIC

    She’s just mad because he brought her flowers and she wants babies 😉

    The girl reminds me a bit of Sophia Loren.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @LatW

    She’s just mad because he brought her flowers and she wants babies 😉
    She can get babies from a Ukrainian man.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  414. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    ...Hungary didn’t want to join NATO in 1956 but declare itself a neutral country along the lines of Austria and Finland, no?
    Nobody would ask them. There were only two scenarios in 1956 Hungary:

    - Anti-commie uprising wins with Nato help: Hungary switches sides in the Cold War
    - The Soviets militarily reasserts control over Hungary and keep it in their camp.

    Those were the choices and what people said as it was happening was meaningless. The Hungarian rebels were led by WW2 fascist officers, they were murdering any commie in sight, burning many alive - check out the videos. There was no middle ground, too many people died, it was who-whom. The blabla by a few "liberals" or "reform commies" was just noise. If Russia stayed out, by 1960's (or sooner) Hungary would be in Nato.

    For God sake, this was not - and is not today - a game of marbles. This is a war.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Austria managed to stay neutral for decades. How come? So did the Finns, for that matter. Again, how come?

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Different situation. Austria was occupied by Russia-US until 1955 with zones of control. Then Austria agreed to be a forever neutral state and other things in its Constitution - e.g. restrictions on German and foreign banking, worked, Austria is probably the best country in Europe: normal, prosperous, neutral...other then the few gender freaks in Vienna.

    Finland was a defeated country in WW2 - they fought on German side. But they agreed to permanent neutrality, Russia's access, economy ties, Russia gave them a sweat deal. Last year Finland broke the deal, let's see the consequences - they were a Nazi ally and were let off lightly. But Finns and Russians get along and understand each other, so probably no drama.

    Hungary in 1956 was very different: mobs of nationalists with Nazi sympathies (with their past in WW2) took over Budapest, murdered any commies and burnt them in the streets...Nato was assembling to intervene, but Eisenhower wisely held back at the end: it was a total confrontation, who-whom - like today in Ukraine.

    Russia occupied Hungary as a defeated WW2 enemy since 1945, they had an army in Hungary, the same as US in W Germany or Italy - any switch would be total and Hungary would become an armed Nato outpost on Russia's border. The "moderates" - and there were some, e.g. the "reform" commies - became irrelevant.

    What would US and UK do if the former fascists staged a "revolution" in Italy in 1956 and started to brutally kill the US-UK local administrators and allies? Would their armies already in Italy just sit back and watch? Or quietly withdraw? The people blabbing about 1956 Hungary intentionally suppressed the context and lie by creating silly myths about "freedom" vs. "tyranny"...By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 - they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today.

    Replies: @AP

  415. @QCIC

    She's just mad because he brought her flowers and she wants babies ;)

    The girl reminds me a bit of Sophia Loren.

    Replies: @LatW

    She’s just mad because he brought her flowers and she wants babies 😉

    She can get babies from a Ukrainian man.


    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    She can get babies from a Ukrainian man.
    How would she know that he is not a crypto-Moskal' ?

    One has to be careful, the two ethnic groups are too similar, the palyanitsa test wouldn't be enough!

    A simple fix to that complex problem would be to copulate only with Jews and Blacks, a Jew or a Black can be an Ukrainian patriot after all...

  416. @Beckow

    ...All the ferocious fighting by the valiant Finns
    It also lost Finland a lot more territory. So the 100k or so Finns who died did so to assure a bigger defeat and smaller Finland. If the Finns had simply agreed to pull back far enough from St. Petersburg so they can't shell it, they would be much better off. It was actually presented to them as a "territorial exchange" - move back from St.Peter. and be compensated by land in the north (I know, useless land).

    Stupid martyrdom has a cost - notice that Brits never do it, they ask others to do it.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Based England.

  417. @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    It looks like the US will continue funding Ukraine for the foreseeable future (though I didn't watch the US speech today). This will continue until Ukraine runs out of fighters and then Russia will take the country. Unless Polish mercs decide to die in large numbers, too.

    As far as stalemate delusions are concerned, don't forget that Russia can take out the critical infrastructure at will.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Indeed, and there is nothing brave or moral about being unrealistic on these points, least of all for those with no skin in the game. I know three independent groups of people in Ukraine, of which even the two anti-Russian groups are unwilling to fight and are hiding out to avoid being sent into the meat grinder. Evidently, they consider the situation for the Ukrainian state to be hopeless.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @The Big Red Scary

    Chickenhawks are nothing unusual throughout history. Ex.: George W. Bush. Or Anatoly Karlin for that matter lol.

    Replies: @QCIC

  418. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. 🙂
    Ok, I forgive you, as long as you behave. :)

    No trannie visuals and no promoting Baltic women race mixing with blacks - that's a big no no, that's not a lot to ask.

    And, yes, I agree with you that cartels (or the mafia in general) can be regarded as a kind of a network state, obviously anyone with a right (legal or perceived) to use violence, carry weapons exclusively, ideally, those shouldn't be used, best is to maintain power through authority. Similar, a medieval Knight's order could also be considered a network state. A traveling one even.

    The concept of network state seems like it has potential when it comes to some kind of a crypto-nationalist community in the future (although it's not like this hasn't been tried before).

    In a theocracy, the source of legitimacy is very simple - divine grace (God's will). But where would the source of legitimacy be for a modern network state? My guess is that the folks who are experimenting with this concept, most likely are thinking of some kind of a utilitarian "common good" source (which they themselves will graciously decide on) or something vague (such as belief in progress). I doubt they are thinking of racial survival (but they might be thinking of eugenics or those rich Calvinists might indeed be thinking of race at least a little, or survival of others besides Whites).

    Just a quick Google search yielded these two definitions of a network state:

    A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.
    This is not all that different from a multi-national NGO, although obviously, they can gain status or some kind of an international recognition, but to expect "diplomatic recognition" is, of course, a joke. What is interesting though in terms of NGOs, this war has actually shown that a lot of these high status international NGOs are not that capable when real disaster strikes, so one may wonder what is the source of their legitimacy during times of chaos (they've mostly gained their status during times of peace and serve as a kind of a supportive attribute in times of peace, whereas in times of unrest, groups that are willing to arm themselves and project some force, actually may gain more legitimacy and recognition like prior to the age of chieftains. But the issue of legalization of these groups is always present (see Azov, the RusVol Corps and the recent tensions around the Wagner group).

    And a more detailed definition:

    A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.
    This is way more ambitious especially the "moral innovation" part. And that's a very dangerous wording right there - does it imply further relativization of Western morality or something new? Or a revival of something old (in which case, it would not be "innovation", would it but rather preservation)? A sense of national consciousness - that one I don't buy, it's totally fake - they will most likely come up with some fake definition of "nationality". Sports team loyalty and interest club principle, has nothing to do with real nationality.

    A "recognized founder" sounds cultish - but I'm ok with that as long as he is a person of good but strong character and has the right ideological inclinations. No real issues there.

    "A consensual government limited by a social smart contract" - that's nothing new, but old libertarian or right wing anarchist talking point. See Robert Nozick.

    "Crowdfunded physical territories" is already happening (see NAFO) but that one is based on a larger motivation (Ukraine war), so any crowdfunding will not be something independent, but just a means to an end (it can be any goal).

    "Real-estate footprint" - this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc). Classical libertarian dilemma, once again. A contentious issue.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @Sher Singh

    Excellent summary and analysis, LatW! 🙂

    And could fundie organizations such as this also be viewed as network states?

    Or are they not sufficiently widespread in their reach to qualify for this?

    BTW, why do you think that Romania’s economy has performed so well relative to its lackluster human capital? I posted economic statistics for Romania in post #378, though they look very messy since the Unz Review apparently doesn’t allow data tables to be posted on it properly.

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania’s smart fraction (top 5%) isn’t particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either:

    This makes sense because Romania’s surviving Jews and Germans have mostly emigrated by now. So, what explains the strong Romanian prosperity? I don’t think that EU membership explains it because Bulgaria is considerably poorer than Romania is in spite of Bulgaria also being an EU member (they joined the EU at the same time). And Romania is not significantly less corrupt than Bulgaria is:

    But it nevertheless is wealthier than Bulgaria is. How come?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country.
    , @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania’s smart fraction (top 5%) isn’t particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either
    People focus a lot on the IQ on this site (understandably so), but IQ isn't everything - other things are important, too, such as social cohesion, diligence, geographic location. Romania has always had dedicated people (see Codreanu and his followers). From having visited both Romania and Bulgaria, my impression was that Bulgaria had more of an Ottoman influence (although it wasn't dominant, just slightly noticeable). However, I'm not aware of how the investment environment differs in these two countries (Romania seems culturally a bit more Western friendly although not sure if this makes any difference).

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

  419. @The Big Red Scary

    Indeed, and there is nothing brave or moral about being unrealistic on these points, least of all for those with no skin in the game. I know three independent groups of people in Ukraine, of which even the two anti-Russian groups are unwilling to fight and are hiding out to avoid being sent into the meat grinder. Evidently, they consider the situation for the Ukrainian state to be hopeless.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Chickenhawks are nothing unusual throughout history. Ex.: George W. Bush. Or Anatoly Karlin for that matter lol.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    Comparing AK to W in any way is ridiculous and shallow. George W. Bush is an evil swine working for worse evil swine.

    Mr. Karlin is a person trying to find his way in our modern world. We have all benefited from his creation of this online community.

  420. @Greasy William

    You disagree I take it?
    I don't disagree. My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel). I think even if/when Trump gets back in office that nothing can prevent this from occurring. That being the case, I can't see the US backing off.

    But if the US did stop funding Ukraine, I could see Russia conquering Ukraine entirely. The Europeans are too degenerate and gay to fight for Ukraine

    Replies: @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @S

    I agree that the war is fundamentally between the US and Russia, everything else is a side show. But Russia’s intervention in Syria was planned before Maidan, which took Russia by surprise. Note how most of the Middle East has swung in Russia’s direction (including traditional mutual enemies like Iran and Saudi Arabia, and even Turkey to some degree). It seems that Russia wanted its ducks in a row in the Middle East before dealing with Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @The Big Red Scary

    I can't see anything preventing Russia from turning south. If Ukraine falls, Russia will want more conquests. If Ukraine stalemates, Russia will want an additional front to tie down the US.

    Iran is definitely prepping an insurgency against the US in Syria. All Russia has to do is tacitly assist this and the insurgency will succeed.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  421. @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    I agree that the war is fundamentally between the US and Russia, everything else is a side show. But Russia's intervention in Syria was planned before Maidan, which took Russia by surprise. Note how most of the Middle East has swung in Russia's direction (including traditional mutual enemies like Iran and Saudi Arabia, and even Turkey to some degree). It seems that Russia wanted its ducks in a row in the Middle East before dealing with Ukraine.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    I can’t see anything preventing Russia from turning south. If Ukraine falls, Russia will want more conquests. If Ukraine stalemates, Russia will want an additional front to tie down the US.

    Iran is definitely prepping an insurgency against the US in Syria. All Russia has to do is tacitly assist this and the insurgency will succeed.

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    Further geopolitical conquests, certainly. I'm skeptical of further territorial conquests much beyond Ukraine, and even there, while the Russian trads want to restore Holy Rus', the Kremlins are mostly liberal materialists, not trads. Prolonged war might change the makeup of the Kremlin, but this remains to be seen.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  422. @Matra

    Dogmatic, irrational, uninterested in objective facts, Russia can do no harm, dismissive of Russia’s neighbors,… It’s the same mindset that you can observe in Martyanov, AnonfromTN, etc. I may be wrong but I think it can’t be a coincidence that they were all educated in Soviet Russia.
    Don't forget non-Russian Beckow, whose WW2 knowledge appears to be straight out of 1950s USSR (or 1940s Brooklyn). Interestingly, the anti-Sovok Slavs & Balts, including supposedly sophisticated Central Europeans, exhibit all the same dogmatic, irrational, and overly emotional characteristics as the pro-USSR crowd. Maybe the Iron Curtain was drawn at the appropriate place after all.

    Martyanov is really comical. Just before the war he was laughing at how useless the West's militaries were and how the Russians would wipe the floor with them. When I say laughing I mean he was literally guffawing in an interview at how easily Russia would win against all of NATO. Yet a year into Russia's abject humiliation he's still convinced!

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Mikel

    Interestingly, the anti-Sovok Slavs & Balts, including supposedly sophisticated Central Europeans, exhibit all the same dogmatic, irrational, and overly emotional characteristics as the pro-USSR crowd.

    There’s some truth in that. Ukrainians are definitely the reverse side of the Russian coin. Perhaps they’re even more Sovok. A perfect example is what’s happening to rabid anti Russian journalist Julian Roepcke. He’s shown with words and deeds his total support to Ukraine but that doesn’t stop the insults and constant abuse he gets from Ukrainians on his Twitter account (including the other day an official Ukrainian military account) just for daring to post images or maps that don’t always show a rosy picture for Ukrainie. I have some experience on this myself. I posted some comments critical of the shelling of civilians on Ukrainian media in 2014 and got personal threats in return, with the customary accusation of being a Putin troll. It’s the very same with me or against me Sovok mentality of their neighbors to the North. In fact, if I had to choose following this war through only Russian or Ukrainian sources, I would go for the Russians without hesitation. There’s orders of magnitude more honesty and self-criticism in them.

    As for the rest of EEs, I don’t know tbh. The ones I know personally have zero desire to go to war with Russia or anyone else, let alone be incinerated in a nuclear war. But then in blogs like this one you try to be reasonable with some of them, explaining that for an ordinary Westerner the Ukraine war is not the be-all and end-all of life and that it doesn’t make much sense to put our loved ones at risk of a nuclear war but it doesn’t seem to register at all. They seem to think that you’re either pro-Putin or a coward, for not being as enthusiastic about war as the neocons that dominate the MSM landscape.

    It’s a complicated phenomenon, I guess. Apart from the Sovok-like heritage in EE, there is the fact that the current events are sort of a vindication of everything these countries have stood for in the past few decades. The Russian bear has proven to be as ferocious as they always portrayed it (in a rather self-fulfilling prophecy way but it has nonetheless). It has also proven to be clumsy and incompetent while Western technology shines from the space to the battlefield. A perfect vindication of the Western orientation they chose 30 years ago. They’re probably not in the best mood to entertain any nuance coming from Western dissidents. Besides, I see lots of emotional brainwashing and ignoring of the nuclear threat in the Western population as well. It’s quite incredible to see in real time how easily people can get manipulated in times of war.

    • Thanks: Matra
    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    I don't know about EE normies, but EE scientists that I meet in international conferences have much much more realistic and nuanced opinions on the conflict. They also have some skin in the game, because they see a lot more Ukrainian refugees on their streets, and if the war expands, it will touch them first. The Western Europeans, however, are in hysterical denial. There are of course also many hysterical and unrealistic (((Russians))).

  423. @Mikel

    Interestingly, the anti-Sovok Slavs & Balts, including supposedly sophisticated Central Europeans, exhibit all the same dogmatic, irrational, and overly emotional characteristics as the pro-USSR crowd.
    There's some truth in that. Ukrainians are definitely the reverse side of the Russian coin. Perhaps they're even more Sovok. A perfect example is what's happening to rabid anti Russian journalist Julian Roepcke. He's shown with words and deeds his total support to Ukraine but that doesn't stop the insults and constant abuse he gets from Ukrainians on his Twitter account (including the other day an official Ukrainian military account) just for daring to post images or maps that don't always show a rosy picture for Ukrainie. I have some experience on this myself. I posted some comments critical of the shelling of civilians on Ukrainian media in 2014 and got personal threats in return, with the customary accusation of being a Putin troll. It's the very same with me or against me Sovok mentality of their neighbors to the North. In fact, if I had to choose following this war through only Russian or Ukrainian sources, I would go for the Russians without hesitation. There's orders of magnitude more honesty and self-criticism in them.

    As for the rest of EEs, I don't know tbh. The ones I know personally have zero desire to go to war with Russia or anyone else, let alone be incinerated in a nuclear war. But then in blogs like this one you try to be reasonable with some of them, explaining that for an ordinary Westerner the Ukraine war is not the be-all and end-all of life and that it doesn't make much sense to put our loved ones at risk of a nuclear war but it doesn't seem to register at all. They seem to think that you're either pro-Putin or a coward, for not being as enthusiastic about war as the neocons that dominate the MSM landscape.

    It's a complicated phenomenon, I guess. Apart from the Sovok-like heritage in EE, there is the fact that the current events are sort of a vindication of everything these countries have stood for in the past few decades. The Russian bear has proven to be as ferocious as they always portrayed it (in a rather self-fulfilling prophecy way but it has nonetheless). It has also proven to be clumsy and incompetent while Western technology shines from the space to the battlefield. A perfect vindication of the Western orientation they chose 30 years ago. They're probably not in the best mood to entertain any nuance coming from Western dissidents. Besides, I see lots of emotional brainwashing and ignoring of the nuclear threat in the Western population as well. It's quite incredible to see in real time how easily people can get manipulated in times of war.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    I don’t know about EE normies, but EE scientists that I meet in international conferences have much much more realistic and nuanced opinions on the conflict. They also have some skin in the game, because they see a lot more Ukrainian refugees on their streets, and if the war expands, it will touch them first. The Western Europeans, however, are in hysterical denial. There are of course also many hysterical and unrealistic (((Russians))).

  424. @Greasy William
    @The Big Red Scary

    I can't see anything preventing Russia from turning south. If Ukraine falls, Russia will want more conquests. If Ukraine stalemates, Russia will want an additional front to tie down the US.

    Iran is definitely prepping an insurgency against the US in Syria. All Russia has to do is tacitly assist this and the insurgency will succeed.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Further geopolitical conquests, certainly. I’m skeptical of further territorial conquests much beyond Ukraine, and even there, while the Russian trads want to restore Holy Rus’, the Kremlins are mostly liberal materialists, not trads. Prolonged war might change the makeup of the Kremlin, but this remains to be seen.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @The Big Red Scary

    I am assuming that events will spiral out of control. Russia definitely didn't want to go to war in 1914 but events reached a point where there was no other choice. Just like the Serbs brought the Russians in back then, the Iranians will do the same this time.

    Also, Russia has become increasingly belligerent when it comes to restoring its footprint in Jerusalem. In fact, one of the most famous/iconic site on the Mount of Olives is a Russian Orthodox cathedral:

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  425. @Sher Singh

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?

    I've avoided them & wear even "jungle boots" in the winter.
    Quick dry > waterproof

    Some Saloman X Pioneers were on sale in ankle height but they're goretex.. :(

    Just gonna try new laces on what I have & hopefully they fit fine.
    Mostly just issues seating the heel & having toe room.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?

    That’s a very serious topic that would require a long discussion. Just some quick thoughts:

    – It all depends on what you want them for. From long rubber fishing shoes to high altitude climbing boots with inside insulation you have lots of stuff to choose from.

    – is almost certain to have whatever you need at competitive prices.

    – I don’t know what your objection to Gore-Tex is but it’s still your best bet, especially in shoes, for waterproof yet breatheable material. It’s not as waterproof as rubber and in extreme conditions water will eventually get through but if you’re active, rubber or any other totally waterproof material will quickly soak your feet in perspiration, putting you in danger of frostbite if the temperature is very cold.

    The North Face claims to have developed a fabric as good as Gore-Tex and the German fabric Sympatex has for years been as good on paper as Gore-Tex but I don’t see the big companies using anything but Gore-Tex for their high end products. As far as I know, these alternative materials are not even used in shoes.

    – I checked that website you posted of the British apparel company and it didn’t look very good. That would be considered low end stuff in the outdoors market. For the same price you would get sometging better from Columbia. Just to set an example, their “waterproof” fabric was rated by themselves to be 2000 mm. Gore-Tex is independently rated at 25000 and Columbia’s Omnium shell is rated at 5000.

    • Thanks: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @Sher Singh

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks or gaiters + quick-drying shoes.
    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.

    Goretex is "supposed" to be bad for shoes or pants - places with lots of movement.
    Wears out the membrane quick & you're right about 2000g/mm being bad.

    It has pit zips though, but I'll definitely give Scarpa & Goretex clothes a try in the future.
    Well polished leather is water-resistant and more breathable than Goretex or so they say.

    The main point about failure of GTX shoes comes from long-term outings, where if your waterproofing fails, you will be out with shoes that refuse to dry until you are back to civilization. This could get very ugly.
    I do spray DWR onto my mesh boots though, and it works well enough even in 1ft of snow.

    Replies: @Mikel

  426. @Sher Singh

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?

    I've avoided them & wear even "jungle boots" in the winter.
    Quick dry > waterproof

    Some Saloman X Pioneers were on sale in ankle height but they're goretex.. :(

    Just gonna try new laces on what I have & hopefully they fit fine.
    Mostly just issues seating the heel & having toe room.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian

    I’ve personally used the Italian brand Scarpa for outdoor gear ever since being old enough to go on hikes, and I’ve never had any issue with them.
    Outside of the tropics, Western Tasmania or Southern NZ for example are very wet and waterlogged regions, I’ve done multiple-day treks in both.
    About as good quality as you can get without going into any extreme high price range, and their material is nearly all European-made (very often Romanian, from what I’ve noticed).

    Also, to Latw



    My advice is too just not engage at all with anyone who posts tranny stuff, anyone who posts that in earnest is actually worse than someone posting it merely to upset people, they’re a totally lost cause… only solution is to totally ignore them.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @LatW

    My advice is too just not engage at all with anyone who posts tranny stuff, anyone who posts that in earnest is actually worse than someone posting it merely to upset people, they’re a totally lost cause… only solution is to totally ignore them.
    I don't have much experience dealing with anything tranny related - deliberately avoided it, but at some point these things will have to be handled head on. For Mr XYZ, it seems that he was being passive aggressive. It might be that he has been raised to not show open aggressiveness or hostility. We'll see if he has enough self-control and respect for the audience to not offend repeatedly. :)

    Replies: @QCIC

  427. @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    Further geopolitical conquests, certainly. I'm skeptical of further territorial conquests much beyond Ukraine, and even there, while the Russian trads want to restore Holy Rus', the Kremlins are mostly liberal materialists, not trads. Prolonged war might change the makeup of the Kremlin, but this remains to be seen.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    I am assuming that events will spiral out of control. Russia definitely didn’t want to go to war in 1914 but events reached a point where there was no other choice. Just like the Serbs brought the Russians in back then, the Iranians will do the same this time.

    Also, Russia has become increasingly belligerent when it comes to restoring its footprint in Jerusalem. In fact, one of the most famous/iconic site on the Mount of Olives is a Russian Orthodox cathedral:

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    Yes, it's our fantasy to retake Tsargrad then Jerusalem. Don't tempt the Orthobros, Greasy. But that particular monastery is pre-revolutionary. The relics of Grand Duchess Elizaveta were evacuated by the White Army and placed there.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  428. , you like maps, right? Well, here’s another map:

    A map of the GDP per capita in various parts of Yugoslavia relative to the national average in 1990:

    Even in 1990, the parts of Yugoslavia that were Hapsburg before 1878 were generally the wealthiest parts of Yugoslavia. Hapsburg deep roots!

  429. @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it said 'Ukraine will be non-aligned".

    It actually wasn't a Treaty and nobody ever ratified it - it was a Memorandum of Understanding issued by Russia, Ukraine, US, UK, a piece if paper with "agreed on intentions"...You can't break that - but Mr. Hacks is a moron, he doesn't understand anything.

    There was zero chance Ukraine could take the nukes - they were fully controlled by Moscow. In addition, US and UK at that time were more eager to rid Ukraine (and Belarus, Kazkhstan) of nukes than anyone else.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    It actually wasn’t a Treaty and nobody ever ratified it – it was a Memorandum of Understanding issued by Russia, Ukraine, US, UK, a piece if paper with “agreed on intentions”…You can’t break that – but Mr. Hacks is a moron, he doesn’t understand anything.

    Sure, you can break it, and Russia has, it just doesn’t impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties. To bring this up to date, the ambiguity of the document allowed the US space in which to operate within Ukraine during the current war. It provides lethal weaponry, defensive patriot systems, money, equipment, food, training, ammunition, and advanced communications to Ukraine. It chooses not to put soldiers in boots on Ukrainian territory, but I’d say that it has tried to keep its end of the bargain intact, giving the Budapest Memorandum a great measure of security assurance for Ukraine’s current needs.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...Sure, you can break it, and Russia has... the ambiguity of the document allowed the US space in which to operate within Ukraine
    So has Ukraine and everyone else: if a Memorandum is not observed by one side, nobody has to observe it. The same "ambiguity" applies to both sides...:)...

    You don't want to accept it: you want Russia to observe everything, but allow US "ambiguity"...Nato attacked - openly and illegally - Iraq, Serbia, Syria, you shrug that off, but insist that Russia must observe "the rules". It doesn't work that way - hypocrisy and double standards are not a small feature, they are an open admission that there are really no rules.

    Stop bellyaching about Russia and address what your side did first, Clinton-Bush-Blair broke all the rules. That's how the rest of the world sees it - other than US vassals - you are in a hypocritical minority.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  430. S says:

    What if there are people (other than Ukes) who are grooming Prigozhin to be not ‘just’ ‘another Hitler’, but to be someone ‘worse than Hitler’, to lead Russia to a potential disaster?
    I already wrote in the other thread, that it is possible that the Kovalchuk brothers are behind him. Or some other powerful faction within the Kremlin. Him defying Putin's orders is a very big deal, because it indicates to the elite that the so called "power vertical" is no longer a 100% solid. The elite can see that not all orders are obeyed or that some orders can be not obeyed by some (usually this is how problems start, this happened right before the fall of the USSR as well, in fact, it happened instantly at one moment - and it caused very negative consequences across the board). Prigo himself is not systemic, so I don't really see how he could become president, but it looks like the situation is very complicated now so anything can happen.

    Hitler’s legend includes being a WWI corporal, painting post cards/hanging wall paper to make a living, and having a funny he seems a bit of a weird loser.
    Hitler is in a completely different league than Prigo, and Hitler had almost all of the German people behind him eventually, the longings of the German people, as well as their entitlement and aggression were embodied in Hitler.

    Prigo does not have that sort of a national asset right now, although he does have a significant asset (the support of the Z bydlo - the undereducated pro-war trash who are impressed by prison slang and who consider prison behaviors applicable to daily life and even admirable behavior, and other imperialist scum, or just simple vatniks).

    Who says Putin’s removal will end the war, though?
    Putin's removal would most likely end the war - the power vertical would collapse immediately. However, Putin can still stay in power even after the war and so can the current elites. He may or may not remain, depending on how the war goes (his position is not as stable as before although).

    What if Prigozhin (should he achieve power) follows through with his rhetoric, and doesn’t not only not end the war, but greatly expands the war between Russia and Ukraine into ‘total war’ territory, as he suggested a few weeks back?
    "Follows through his rhetoric"? The whole irony of his rants is that it shows in full light the problems that RusFed are facing and how far the existing is from the desirable. He cannot just snap his fingers and get all those things that he is screaming for. The Russian government spent huge amounts on Wagner already. Because it would require insane levels of work and mobilization of the population. This is not the Great Patriotic War, as the Russians call it - the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it.

    I'm not even sure he is serious - of course, he is right about the mobilization part and he was right when he was explaining what efforts it would take to occupy Kyiv if they were intent on trying to do that again (it would take years). He was just being realistic. But he is doing this for his own clan war, against the MOD. He is ranting at MOD to boost himself. He knows damn well that the Russian people don't have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.

    What say the Russian people?
    Possibly as high as 30% of the Russian people are against the war (for various reasons), among those there are people who may be salvageable and are worth fighting for. The majority, the 70% or so, are aggressive vatnik bydlo. But that doesn't mean they will become efficient fighters or workers in the war industry. Most of them are too old for that, in fact.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @S

    This is not the Great PatriotWar, as the Russians call it – the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it…
    He knows damn well that the Russian people don’t have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.

    Probably the same was said about the much divided German people in 1930.

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the ‘special relationship’ between them was formed. [See pg 8, 9, and 10, of WT Stead’s 1902 free on-line book The Americanization of the World.]

    The world wars since that time, including this nascent WWIII, have been the US/UK shaping the world to fit into it’s plans of a theoretical future world state, ie the ‘United States of the World’.

    While I am not quite prepared to say as some do that Hitler was some sort of automaton of the US/UK, I do think it had the economic power to groom him for a particular role, this role being a person that would act as a lightning rod to radicalize the German people into supporting the most militant nationalist movement possible, so as to ensure the most damaging war possible between Russia and Germany, a war which would engulf Europe as a whole.

    See Guido Preparata’s book link below Conjuring Hitler; How Britain and America Made the Third Reich [I think Stalin was attempting to play the same game regarding Hitler, but in reverse, though I think Stalin’s efforts in this regard were ultimately something of a weak echo of what the US/UK was doing.]

    As the US/UK has been near religiously recreating every event it can think of from WWII in the lead-up to WWIII, it only makes sense they might attempt to groom ‘literally another Hitler’ to rule Russia in the form of one named Prigozhin.

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Prigozhin is most certainly the CIA and MI6s chosen candidate.

    , @LatW

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.
    Well, the out of box thinking would not be an issue (although your comment is a little stunning), besides this is not a new meme - for example, it is very common in the Russian nationalist circles to assume that "Britain is behind everything".

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the ‘special relationship’ between them was formed.
    Tbh, I'm not sure they had "conquered" all the Earth, that's going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power. The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?
    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I'm still waiting for Putin's reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? :)

    Replies: @S

  431. @Greasy William
    @The Big Red Scary

    I am assuming that events will spiral out of control. Russia definitely didn't want to go to war in 1914 but events reached a point where there was no other choice. Just like the Serbs brought the Russians in back then, the Iranians will do the same this time.

    Also, Russia has become increasingly belligerent when it comes to restoring its footprint in Jerusalem. In fact, one of the most famous/iconic site on the Mount of Olives is a Russian Orthodox cathedral:

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Yes, it’s our fantasy to retake Tsargrad then Jerusalem. Don’t tempt the Orthobros, Greasy. But that particular monastery is pre-revolutionary. The relics of Grand Duchess Elizaveta were evacuated by the White Army and placed there.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @The Big Red Scary

    wouldn't it being pre revolutionary make the nationalists want it even more? Russian nationalists want the restoration of the Tsarist autocracy, right?

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  432. @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    Yes, it's our fantasy to retake Tsargrad then Jerusalem. Don't tempt the Orthobros, Greasy. But that particular monastery is pre-revolutionary. The relics of Grand Duchess Elizaveta were evacuated by the White Army and placed there.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    wouldn’t it being pre revolutionary make the nationalists want it even more? Russian nationalists want the restoration of the Tsarist autocracy, right?

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @Greasy William

    We already have the monastery. We don't need to take it back.

    The Orthodox and a few others certainly want to restore the Tsar, but that's a tiny minority (at most two percent of the population). So for now, Russians are stuck with fake but at least not gay government. Also, the monarchists and all other normal people call themselves "patriots". "Nationalists" tend to be liberals who spend too much time in the GAE memesphere, and evidently have a tendency toward mental instability. They have a cool bookshop in a basement, though.

    The Tsars themselves always planned to take Constantinople, but Jerusalem was not seriously discussed, as far as I know. One thing at a time, my man. However, the history of Russian involvement in the Holy Land goes way back:

  433. @Greasy William
    @The Big Red Scary

    wouldn't it being pre revolutionary make the nationalists want it even more? Russian nationalists want the restoration of the Tsarist autocracy, right?

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    We already have the monastery. We don’t need to take it back.

    The Orthodox and a few others certainly want to restore the Tsar, but that’s a tiny minority (at most two percent of the population). So for now, Russians are stuck with fake but at least not gay government. Also, the monarchists and all other normal people call themselves “patriots”. “Nationalists” tend to be liberals who spend too much time in the GAE memesphere, and evidently have a tendency toward mental instability. They have a cool bookshop in a basement, though.

    The Tsars themselves always planned to take Constantinople, but Jerusalem was not seriously discussed, as far as I know. One thing at a time, my man. However, the history of Russian involvement in the Holy Land goes way back:

  434. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. 🙂
    Ok, I forgive you, as long as you behave. :)

    No trannie visuals and no promoting Baltic women race mixing with blacks - that's a big no no, that's not a lot to ask.

    And, yes, I agree with you that cartels (or the mafia in general) can be regarded as a kind of a network state, obviously anyone with a right (legal or perceived) to use violence, carry weapons exclusively, ideally, those shouldn't be used, best is to maintain power through authority. Similar, a medieval Knight's order could also be considered a network state. A traveling one even.

    The concept of network state seems like it has potential when it comes to some kind of a crypto-nationalist community in the future (although it's not like this hasn't been tried before).

    In a theocracy, the source of legitimacy is very simple - divine grace (God's will). But where would the source of legitimacy be for a modern network state? My guess is that the folks who are experimenting with this concept, most likely are thinking of some kind of a utilitarian "common good" source (which they themselves will graciously decide on) or something vague (such as belief in progress). I doubt they are thinking of racial survival (but they might be thinking of eugenics or those rich Calvinists might indeed be thinking of race at least a little, or survival of others besides Whites).

    Just a quick Google search yielded these two definitions of a network state:

    A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.
    This is not all that different from a multi-national NGO, although obviously, they can gain status or some kind of an international recognition, but to expect "diplomatic recognition" is, of course, a joke. What is interesting though in terms of NGOs, this war has actually shown that a lot of these high status international NGOs are not that capable when real disaster strikes, so one may wonder what is the source of their legitimacy during times of chaos (they've mostly gained their status during times of peace and serve as a kind of a supportive attribute in times of peace, whereas in times of unrest, groups that are willing to arm themselves and project some force, actually may gain more legitimacy and recognition like prior to the age of chieftains. But the issue of legalization of these groups is always present (see Azov, the RusVol Corps and the recent tensions around the Wagner group).

    And a more detailed definition:

    A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.
    This is way more ambitious especially the "moral innovation" part. And that's a very dangerous wording right there - does it imply further relativization of Western morality or something new? Or a revival of something old (in which case, it would not be "innovation", would it but rather preservation)? A sense of national consciousness - that one I don't buy, it's totally fake - they will most likely come up with some fake definition of "nationality". Sports team loyalty and interest club principle, has nothing to do with real nationality.

    A "recognized founder" sounds cultish - but I'm ok with that as long as he is a person of good but strong character and has the right ideological inclinations. No real issues there.

    "A consensual government limited by a social smart contract" - that's nothing new, but old libertarian or right wing anarchist talking point. See Robert Nozick.

    "Crowdfunded physical territories" is already happening (see NAFO) but that one is based on a larger motivation (Ukraine war), so any crowdfunding will not be something independent, but just a means to an end (it can be any goal).

    "Real-estate footprint" - this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc). Classical libertarian dilemma, once again. A contentious issue.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @Sher Singh

    “Real-estate footprint” – this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc).

    I was listening to a discussion about the creation of something like a right-wing network state in the US yesterday. The basic motivation behind it seemed to be the belief that some sort of national schism was a plausible possibility, combined with a progressive decline in the capacity of the current state apparatus. I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    The interviewer was Romanian and thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it’s less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation, also not clear what effect significant demographic change will have on state capacity yet.

    There is another example in France, people periodically discuss civil war breaking out in France in mainstream media. Since 1789 limited scale civil war has broken out about 3 times and this was before the demographic shift. Something like a right-wing network state probably already exists in an informal/retro way among part of the population.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    A network state is simply a well organized diaspora.

    It's nothing new.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @LatW

    thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it’s less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation
    The US has a long tradition of these separatist movements (creation of "compounds"), often on religious grounds, but also racial (such as in Idaho). The US would be a perfect place for that, if it wasn't for the political difficulties there (it almost seems that there has been so much strife between these separatists and the federal government that every kind of separatism is viewed with suspicion - I think in parts of EE, people could live separately for a longer time before anyone would care). In the US (not sure about the UK), this is often religious based and there are indeed cases where "fundies" do crazy (and sometimes maybe somewhat questionable) things.

    In the EE, one can hypothetically create a network of homesteads out in the country, and while those wouldn't be entirely separate - people would still have national passports and a relationship with the state - they could still exist and function rather independently (as a very small quasi-state), as long as they don't engage in any crazy practices. The goal is to project normalcy.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  435. @Wokechoke
    @Resist Covid Slavery

    These mines are more or less civil engineering.

    Will be interesting to see if they can accurately be called Shoigu’s Line

    Replies: @Resist Covid Slavery

    These mines are more or less civil engineering.

    Will be interesting to see if they can accurately be called Shoigu’s Line

    Defensive fortifications are only as good as the soldiers and armies defending them, honestly. Otherwise, they can easily be bypassed, and so on.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Resist Covid Slavery

    Chastened Wagner…

  436. Sher Singh says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    OK; sure thing. 🙂
    Ok, I forgive you, as long as you behave. :)

    No trannie visuals and no promoting Baltic women race mixing with blacks - that's a big no no, that's not a lot to ask.

    And, yes, I agree with you that cartels (or the mafia in general) can be regarded as a kind of a network state, obviously anyone with a right (legal or perceived) to use violence, carry weapons exclusively, ideally, those shouldn't be used, best is to maintain power through authority. Similar, a medieval Knight's order could also be considered a network state. A traveling one even.

    The concept of network state seems like it has potential when it comes to some kind of a crypto-nationalist community in the future (although it's not like this hasn't been tried before).

    In a theocracy, the source of legitimacy is very simple - divine grace (God's will). But where would the source of legitimacy be for a modern network state? My guess is that the folks who are experimenting with this concept, most likely are thinking of some kind of a utilitarian "common good" source (which they themselves will graciously decide on) or something vague (such as belief in progress). I doubt they are thinking of racial survival (but they might be thinking of eugenics or those rich Calvinists might indeed be thinking of race at least a little, or survival of others besides Whites).

    Just a quick Google search yielded these two definitions of a network state:

    A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.
    This is not all that different from a multi-national NGO, although obviously, they can gain status or some kind of an international recognition, but to expect "diplomatic recognition" is, of course, a joke. What is interesting though in terms of NGOs, this war has actually shown that a lot of these high status international NGOs are not that capable when real disaster strikes, so one may wonder what is the source of their legitimacy during times of chaos (they've mostly gained their status during times of peace and serve as a kind of a supportive attribute in times of peace, whereas in times of unrest, groups that are willing to arm themselves and project some force, actually may gain more legitimacy and recognition like prior to the age of chieftains. But the issue of legalization of these groups is always present (see Azov, the RusVol Corps and the recent tensions around the Wagner group).

    And a more detailed definition:

    A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.
    This is way more ambitious especially the "moral innovation" part. And that's a very dangerous wording right there - does it imply further relativization of Western morality or something new? Or a revival of something old (in which case, it would not be "innovation", would it but rather preservation)? A sense of national consciousness - that one I don't buy, it's totally fake - they will most likely come up with some fake definition of "nationality". Sports team loyalty and interest club principle, has nothing to do with real nationality.

    A "recognized founder" sounds cultish - but I'm ok with that as long as he is a person of good but strong character and has the right ideological inclinations. No real issues there.

    "A consensual government limited by a social smart contract" - that's nothing new, but old libertarian or right wing anarchist talking point. See Robert Nozick.

    "Crowdfunded physical territories" is already happening (see NAFO) but that one is based on a larger motivation (Ukraine war), so any crowdfunding will not be something independent, but just a means to an end (it can be any goal).

    "Real-estate footprint" - this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc). Classical libertarian dilemma, once again. A contentious issue.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @Sher Singh

    Time to summarize:

    Link 1 – find on scihub — Shani argues that both the Ummah and Khalsa Panth represent a type of non-Western internationalism. They provide critical insights for an alternative to international relations – since, they are trans-national communities that exist beyond the territorial boundaries of nation states.

    Link 2 – Network society — That the internet has divided labour into 2 categories – basically, the local and digital. The latter is better compensated since it supports Network Capitalism which exploits capital across time and space. Local or generic labour supports digital labour through services or resource extraction.

    Link 3 – Critique of Network society — That society is now run by networks or conglomerates of states, MNCs, NGOS etc. Some program networks (USA) while others merely exist within them, and uphold their tenets (Canada).

    Link 5 — Sarbat Da Bhalla — Prosperity for all. International mandate for Khalsa, based on Miri and Piri.

    Amiri Ki Miri te Peera Ki Piri – The Sovereignity of Kings and Spirituality of Saints.

    The Khalsa claims both Physical and Spiritual authority over all creation as granted by the 6th Guru Sahib.

    At the young age of 11, Guru Hargobind Sahib had the Akal Takht constructed, adorned weapons, took to hunting and kept an army. The passage below describes the first time Guru Hargobind Sahib sat on the Throne of Akal Takht wearing the two swords representing Miri and Piri. ⁣⁣
    ਰਚ੍ਯੋ ਤਖਤ ਤਿਸ ਬੰਦਨ ਕੀਨਿ । ਚਢਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਬੀਰਾਸਨ ਆਸੀਨ । ਬ੍ਰਿਧ ਆਦਿਕ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ ਮਸੰਦ । ਅਵਿਲੋਕਤਿ ਬਿਸਮਾਇ ਬਿਲੰਦ ।੨੦।⁣⁣⁣
    He saluted the [Akal] Takht which He had constructed, ascending to the Takht he sat in Vir Asan [Warrior Pose, one knee raised one leg flat]. Baba Budha Ji, Bhai Gurdas Ji and the other Masands were in great awe looking upon the Guru. ⁣⁣⁣
    ਹਾਥ ਜੋਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਬੂਝਨ ਲਾਗੇ । ਧਰਹਿ ਖੜਗ ਇਕ ਜੇ ਭਟ ਆਗੇ । ਦੋਇ ਆਪ ਲੇ ਨਿਜ ਗਰ ਪਾਏ । ਇਹ ਕ੍ਯਾ ਕਾਰਨ ਦੇਹੁ ਸੁਨਾਏ ।੨੧। ⁣⁣⁣
    With folded hands they wanted to understand [and asked], “Until now we have seen a warrior [only] adorned with one sword. You have adorned two swords around your body, what is the purpose of this? Please explain” ⁣⁣ ⁣

    ਧਰੇ ਤੇਜ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਬਚ ਕਹੇ । ਹਮ ਨੇ ਇਸ ਹਿਤ ਜੁਗ ਅਸਿ ਗਹੇ । ਇਕ ਤੇ ਲੇਂ ਮੀਰਨਿ ਕੀ ਮੀਰੀ । ਦੂਸਰ ਤੇ ਪੀਰਨਿ ਕੀ ਪੀਰੀ ।੨੨।⁣⁣⁣
    The Guru valiantly replied, “For this reason I have adorned two [swords], One is a signifier of the Sovereignty over all Empires [Miran Ki Miri], and the other is a signifier of the Power of Spirituality [Piran Ki Piri]. ⁣⁣⁣
    ਮੀਰੀ ਪੀਰੀ ਦੋਨੋਂ ਧਰੈਂ । ਬਚਹਿ ਸਰਨਿ ਨਤੁ ਜੁਗ ਪਰਹਰੈਂ ।⁣⁣⁣
    I represent both Sovereignty and Spirituality; coming under My sanctuary you may be saved, if not we will take both away from you.”⁣⁣⁣


    • Thanks: LatW
  437. S says:
    @Greasy William

    You disagree I take it?
    I don't disagree. My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel). I think even if/when Trump gets back in office that nothing can prevent this from occurring. That being the case, I can't see the US backing off.

    But if the US did stop funding Ukraine, I could see Russia conquering Ukraine entirely. The Europeans are too degenerate and gay to fight for Ukraine

    Replies: @QCIC, @The Big Red Scary, @S

    My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel).

    It’s a sensitive subject, but what’s particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures. How much then might be naturally occurring (ie then potentially of God) and how much is man made, perhaps as part of a deception? [‘If such were possible, even the very elect would be deceived’.]

    I’ve posted before what I’ve thought might of constituted ‘suggestions’ being placed in the minds of the American and Russian people, ie that they will each someday fight the other and win, thus achieving for themselves glorious new global empires. [I think, however, that there is a real potential that the actual result of such a war will be that the US and Russia largely destroy each other instead.]

    The New Rome; or, the United States of the World, linked below, an effectively internationally blacklisted book today, was published in 1853 by Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp.

    In The New Rome’s opening pages it boldly declares itself to be a statement of fact (‘a horoscope’, ‘a map of the future of mankind’, ‘what must be’) before the actual future events it describes (US/UK rapprochement, US/UK conquest of Germany unleashing a ‘world’s war’ upon the Earth in the process, and the final war between the United States and Russia, the US domination of aviation technology being the key for it’s final victory over Russia) have actually even occurred.

    The second book was Mikhail Yuriev’s The Third Empire: Russia as it Ought to Be published in 2006, which describes Russia defeating the United States and conquering Israel. [The link and excerpt below is from an Atlantic article on the subject, which not surprisingly makes no mention of America’s The New Rome.]

    Putin Is Just Following the Manual

    A utopian Russian novel predicted Putin’s war plan.

    No one can read Vladimir Putin’s mind. But we can read the book that foretells the Russian leader’s imperialist foreign policy. Mikhail Yuriev’s 2006 utopian novel, The Third Empire: Russia as It Ought to Be, anticipates—with astonishing precision—Russia’s strategy of hybrid war and its recent military campaigns: the 2008 war with Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the incursion into the Donetsk and Luhansk regions the same year, and Russia’s current assault on Ukraine.

    Whatever one might think of these two book’s, their authors were not fly by nights, but were rather men of substance.

    Charles Goepp was a highly educated author and lawyer. Theodore Poesche was a brilliant and well respected US Treasury Department employee, whom at the German ambassador’s request would travel to Europe in 1872 to meet personally with German Chancellor Bismark in Berlin, and speak to him about his work with statistics.

    Mikhail Yuriev served in the Rusfed government and was a businessman.

    [For the record, Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp were German Gentiles and Mikhail Yuriev was a Russian Jew.]

    • Replies: @S

    Some additional background information in regards to the person's mentioned in the previous post...

    The bios of Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp, as well as analysis of The New Rome, as published in 1913 in the book's companion booklet, A Political Prophecy.

    As a related aside, Thedore Poesche's brother in law was Paul J Pelz, main architect of the Library of Congress.

    Wiki entries for Poesche and Yuryev...

    , @Greasy William

    It’s a sensitive subject, but what’s particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures.
    Some people are just incapable of seeing it. It's like a mental block.

    I did hear about the US as the New Rome thing, in fact, Washington DC was built on land that was initially named "New Rome". Not sure what the meaning of all this is though as the New Rome is obviously Russia

    Replies: @S

    , @Greasy William

    It's weird that two Germans would write a book about the US conquering Germany and a Jew wrote a book about Russia conquering Israel

    Replies: @S

  438. Sher Singh says:
    @Sher Singh

    Was gonna ask if you had any thoughts on waterproof shoes?
    That's a very serious topic that would require a long discussion. Just some quick thoughts:

    - It all depends on what you want them for. From long rubber fishing shoes to high altitude climbing boots with inside insulation you have lots of stuff to choose from.

    - is almost certain to have whatever you need at competitive prices.

    - I don't know what your objection to Gore-Tex is but it's still your best bet, especially in shoes, for waterproof yet breatheable material. It's not as waterproof as rubber and in extreme conditions water will eventually get through but if you're active, rubber or any other totally waterproof material will quickly soak your feet in perspiration, putting you in danger of frostbite if the temperature is very cold.

    The North Face claims to have developed a fabric as good as Gore-Tex and the German fabric Sympatex has for years been as good on paper as Gore-Tex but I don't see the big companies using anything but Gore-Tex for their high end products. As far as I know, these alternative materials are not even used in shoes.

    - I checked that website you posted of the British apparel company and it didn't look very good. That would be considered low end stuff in the outdoors market. For the same price you would get sometging better from Columbia. Just to set an example, their "waterproof" fabric was rated by themselves to be 2000 mm. Gore-Tex is independently rated at 25000 and Columbia's Omnium shell is rated at 5000.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Is there a use-case for gore-tex shoes?
    by u/ayyalamaoo in Ultralight

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks or gaiters + quick-drying shoes.
    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.

    Goretex is “supposed” to be bad for shoes or pants – places with lots of movement.
    Wears out the membrane quick & you’re right about 2000g/mm being bad.

    It has pit zips though, but I’ll definitely give Scarpa & Goretex clothes a try in the future.

    Well polished leather is water-resistant and more breathable than Goretex or so they say.

    Sunday Unorthodoxy: In Praise of Gore Tex Shoes
    by u/TryingSquirrel in CampingGear

    The main point about failure of GTX shoes comes from long-term outings, where if your waterproofing fails, you will be out with shoes that refuse to dry until you are back to civilization. This could get very ugly.

    I do spray DWR onto my mesh boots though, and it works well enough even in 1ft of snow.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Sher Singh

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks
    Terrible advice. But fortunately I don't think anyone sells waterproof socks. Your feet would soak in perspiration, causing blisters and all types of discomfort.

    I'd like to rectify some of what I said earlier myself though. In very cold temperatures totally waterproof boots would be unlikely to cause frostbite through perspiration. Not impossible, but that's not the main concern in those conditions. In fact, technical high altitude boots have a hard plastic shell and an inner soft insulated shoe. I used some old Koflach boots of this kind for the Aconcagua. The hard shell allows you to attach skis too.

    It is true however that good socks are as important as good shoes. They should be moisture wicking and anatomically cushioned for any active use. The Basque company Lorpen has become quite trendy and sells plenty of technical socks in North America. I have some and they're good enough but probably the best sock brand is Darn Tough.

    If you're going to try Scarpa boots you can get them from and sometimes they have better prices than the original brand. I've seen REI Utah engage in some leftist activities in the past though but most all outdoors brands feel that it is their duty to support environmentalist causes, often mixed with leftist stuff. The worst are probably Patagonia and TNF. I'm not buying anything from them anymore.

    REI has its own apparel brand btw. They're not top notch but they do the job. I've used a REI jacket in 5000+ mt mountaineering.

    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.
    My Goretex trail running and summer hiking shoes dry fine after receiving plenty of abuse in the snow and mud.

    Goretex is “supposed” to be bad for shoes or pants – places with lots of movement.
    People risking their lives in difficult expeditions seem to disagree.

    Right now this is what I use:

    - Trail running: Under Armour Goretex shows with Lorpen or Fila moisture wicking socks for good weather. In cold weather and snow I use thick merino wool socks, gaiters and traction cleats.

    - Summer and mid-season hiking: La Sportiva Goretex/Vibram shoes and Lorpen socks.

    - Winter hiking: Kabelas leather Goretex/Vibram insulated boots and Lorpen or merino wool socks. Don't ask me how but Goretex can be woven into leather too. But I do agree that well maintained leather is a fantastic material for boots. That's all we had in the old times, along with wool socks, and we used to do very well. The best wool I've ever tried was reindeer. It would keep your feet and hands warm even when moist but once they all worn out I was never able to find that material in the Americas. More technical products dominated the market.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Sher Singh, @Barbarossa

  439. @Emil Nikola Richard

    imagine what one could do with UK, US, France, Israel, Poland or Turkey

    Today I learned Britain has not yet ever attacked Sweden.

    Replies: @sudden death

    By what criteria and timeline Britain invaded Baltics – does Britain having troop regiment in Estonia (as part of NATO defensive plans) count as invasion on the map?;)

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @sudden death

    They landed in Riga during the Sweden v Russia war.

    Arguably though the Brits did invade Sweden. Sir John Moore did land 14,000 soldiers in Sweden (to help Sweden against Tsar Alexander) and the King did place him under arrest. Moore left in a snit.

  440. S says:
    @Greasy William

    My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel).
    It's a sensitive subject, but what's particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures. How much then might be naturally occurring (ie then potentially of God) and how much is man made, perhaps as part of a deception? ['If such were possible, even the very elect would be deceived'.]

    I've posted before what I've thought might of constituted 'suggestions' being placed in the minds of the American and Russian people, ie that they will each someday fight the other and win, thus achieving for themselves glorious new global empires. [I think, however, that there is a real potential that the actual result of such a war will be that the US and Russia largely destroy each other instead.]

    The New Rome; or, the United States of the World, linked below, an effectively internationally blacklisted book today, was published in 1853 by Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp.

    In The New Rome's opening pages it boldly declares itself to be a statement of fact ('a horoscope', 'a map of the future of mankind', 'what must be') before the actual future events it describes (US/UK rapprochement, US/UK conquest of Germany unleashing a 'world's war' upon the Earth in the process, and the final war between the United States and Russia, the US domination of aviation technology being the key for it's final victory over Russia) have actually even occurred.

    The second book was Mikhail Yuriev's The Third Empire: Russia as it Ought to Be published in 2006, which describes Russia defeating the United States and conquering Israel. [The link and excerpt below is from an Atlantic article on the subject, which not surprisingly makes no mention of America's The New Rome.]

    Putin Is Just Following the Manual

    A utopian Russian novel predicted Putin’s war plan.

    No one can read Vladimir Putin’s mind. But we can read the book that foretells the Russian leader’s imperialist foreign policy. Mikhail Yuriev’s 2006 utopian novel, The Third Empire: Russia as It Ought to Be, anticipates—with astonishing precision—Russia’s strategy of hybrid war and its recent military campaigns: the 2008 war with Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the incursion into the Donetsk and Luhansk regions the same year, and Russia’s current assault on Ukraine.
    Whatever one might think of these two book's, their authors were not fly by nights, but were rather men of substance.

    Charles Goepp was a highly educated author and lawyer. Theodore Poesche was a brilliant and well respected US Treasury Department employee, whom at the German ambassador's request would travel to Europe in 1872 to meet personally with German Chancellor Bismark in Berlin, and speak to him about his work with statistics.

    Mikhail Yuriev served in the Rusfed government and was a businessman.

    [For the record, Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp were German Gentiles and Mikhail Yuriev was a Russian Jew.]

    Replies: @S, @Greasy William, @Greasy William

    Some additional background information in regards to the person’s mentioned in the previous post…

    The bios of Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp, as well as analysis of The New Rome, as published in 1913 in the book’s companion booklet, A Political Prophecy.

    As a related aside, Thedore Poesche’s brother in law was Paul J Pelz, main architect of the Library of Congress.

    Wiki entries for Poesche and Yuryev…

  441. @LatW

    She’s just mad because he brought her flowers and she wants babies 😉
    She can get babies from a Ukrainian man.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    She can get babies from a Ukrainian man.

    How would she know that he is not a crypto-Moskal’ ?

    One has to be careful, the two ethnic groups are too similar, the palyanitsa test wouldn’t be enough!

    A simple fix to that complex problem would be to copulate only with Jews and Blacks, a Jew or a Black can be an Ukrainian patriot after all…


  442. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    The young lady on the picture is quite attractive. Is the soldier an eunuch ?

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Mr. Hack

    Nah, I don’t think so. The RusFed soldiers have not been showing much celibate activity within Ukraine. So far, upwards of 38 Ukrainian women have been raped by their “Russian brothers” from the north. Some guys are deviant enough to go to great efforts to try and get a piece of real Slavic DNA into their bloodline. Here’s a demonstration in Germany headed by a representative of Ukrainian victims of RusFed gallantry and missionary zeal within Ukraine:
    A woman representing a rape victim leads protesters in Berlin demonstrating in an April 16 march against Russian military aggression in the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Syria.

    This victim, like the one in the depiction, looks attractive too?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    38 Ukrainian women have been raped
    This is truly shocking.

    I mean, hundreds of thousands of RusFed-ian soldiers and all kind of paramilitary organizations are in Ukraine. A rapist usually rapes more than one woman. Therefore there are less than 38 rapists among all these men ?

    Where is all the toxic masculinity gone among the Moskaly and their allies ?


    And Mr Hack, I am not attracted to hysterical females.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    That’s a statistical zero tbh.

    Race war is it? In the US there are 100,000 black on white rapes every year. There’s well under 100 white men raping blacks. There a probably more cases of American troops in Poland raping local women per annum.

    What the Russians are doing is killing off a lot of Ukie men. Which is itself tragic. So there’s that Gendercide.

    Here’s a vintage picture of Zelenskyy btw…–Soviet_War#/media/File:Lapy_zydowskie.jpeg

    The Polish poster illustrator must have seen the future. A Jew King in The Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Greasy William
    @Mr. Hack

    1. She's hot
    2. Rape is a horrible and traumatic crime. I don't want to make light of what rape victims go through. But when I see demonstrations like the one above, I think, "the lady doth protest too much". It really feels like they are larping a rape fantasy as opposed to just trying to bring attention to an issue

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  443. @Mr. XYZ

    Excellent summary and analysis, LatW! :)

    And could fundie organizations such as this also be viewed as network states?

    Or are they not sufficiently widespread in their reach to qualify for this?

    BTW, why do you think that Romania's economy has performed so well relative to its lackluster human capital? I posted economic statistics for Romania in post #378, though they look very messy since the Unz Review apparently doesn't allow data tables to be posted on it properly.

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania's smart fraction (top 5%) isn't particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either:

    This makes sense because Romania's surviving Jews and Germans have mostly emigrated by now. So, what explains the strong Romanian prosperity? I don't think that EU membership explains it because Bulgaria is considerably poorer than Romania is in spite of Bulgaria also being an EU member (they joined the EU at the same time). And Romania is not significantly less corrupt than Bulgaria is:

    But it nevertheless is wealthier than Bulgaria is. How come?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country.


  444. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Nah, I don't think so. The RusFed soldiers have not been showing much celibate activity within Ukraine. So far, upwards of 38 Ukrainian women have been raped by their "Russian brothers" from the north. Some guys are deviant enough to go to great efforts to try and get a piece of real Slavic DNA into their bloodline. Here's a demonstration in Germany headed by a representative of Ukrainian victims of RusFed gallantry and missionary zeal within Ukraine:
    A woman representing a rape victim leads protesters in Berlin demonstrating in an April 16 march against Russian military aggression in the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Syria.

    This victim, like the one in the depiction, looks attractive too?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke, @Greasy William

    38 Ukrainian women have been raped

    This is truly shocking.

    I mean, hundreds of thousands of RusFed-ian soldiers and all kind of paramilitary organizations are in Ukraine. A rapist usually rapes more than one woman. Therefore there are less than 38 rapists among all these men ?

    Where is all the toxic masculinity gone among the Moskaly and their allies ?


    And Mr Hack, I am not attracted to hysterical females.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    And Mr Hack, I am not attracted to hysterical females.
    You're quite fortunate that your own wife and girls are not anywhere close to the killing fields in Ukraine. Their calm demeanor might get a bit ruffled if they were there.

    There's still time for you, however, to sign up and give your own "toxic masculinity" a workout in Ukraine though, and try and increase the meager numbers represented thus far?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  445. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    38 Ukrainian women have been raped
    This is truly shocking.

    I mean, hundreds of thousands of RusFed-ian soldiers and all kind of paramilitary organizations are in Ukraine. A rapist usually rapes more than one woman. Therefore there are less than 38 rapists among all these men ?

    Where is all the toxic masculinity gone among the Moskaly and their allies ?


    And Mr Hack, I am not attracted to hysterical females.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    And Mr Hack, I am not attracted to hysterical females.

    You’re quite fortunate that your own wife and girls are not anywhere close to the killing fields in Ukraine. Their calm demeanor might get a bit ruffled if they were there.

    There’s still time for you, however, to sign up and give your own “toxic masculinity” a workout in Ukraine though, and try and increase the meager numbers represented thus far?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    Of course I am fortunate that I live among peaceful and commonsensical people. My parents made the right choice and sacrificed a lot in doing this. I am forever grateful for their efforts.

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.

    There are karmic roots to war and suffering and karmic roots to peace and happiness. I am now a man of Peace, quite unlike my younger self. I know that there is death facing me in a more or less near future. I am readying for that. Everything else is of secondary importance. As Buddha has said: "We all have to die here. In those who remember this, hatred ceases".

    Perhaps one day Eastern Slavic peoples would also come to their senses and start to live a meaningful, peaceful and harmonious existence before dying a peaceful death. Perhaps they would need to learn some Dharma to reach this point.

    Perhaps they won't, and will end up islamized as other Abrahamics eventually will. I will be long gone by then and it's alright that way. The only sad part is that my mindstream is not yet pacified enough to become pure Light. But eventually, it will end up reaching that point of realization.

    We all will.

    We all will be pacified.

    It'll be alright Mr Hack.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Sher Singh

  446. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    And Mr Hack, I am not attracted to hysterical females.
    You're quite fortunate that your own wife and girls are not anywhere close to the killing fields in Ukraine. Their calm demeanor might get a bit ruffled if they were there.

    There's still time for you, however, to sign up and give your own "toxic masculinity" a workout in Ukraine though, and try and increase the meager numbers represented thus far?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Of course I am fortunate that I live among peaceful and commonsensical people. My parents made the right choice and sacrificed a lot in doing this. I am forever grateful for their efforts.

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.

    There are karmic roots to war and suffering and karmic roots to peace and happiness. I am now a man of Peace, quite unlike my younger self. I know that there is death facing me in a more or less near future. I am readying for that. Everything else is of secondary importance. As Buddha has said: “We all have to die here. In those who remember this, hatred ceases”.

    Perhaps one day Eastern Slavic peoples would also come to their senses and start to live a meaningful, peaceful and harmonious existence before dying a peaceful death. Perhaps they would need to learn some Dharma to reach this point.

    Perhaps they won’t, and will end up islamized as other Abrahamics eventually will. I will be long gone by then and it’s alright that way. The only sad part is that my mindstream is not yet pacified enough to become pure Light. But eventually, it will end up reaching that point of realization.

    We all will.

    We all will be pacified.

    It’ll be alright Mr Hack.

    • Thanks: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.
    You write this as a mature man who has something to say on the topic.

    hundreds of thousands of RusFed-ian soldiers and all kind of paramilitary organizations are in Ukraine. A rapist usually rapes more than one woman. Therefore there are less than 38 rapists among all these men ?

    Where is all the toxic masculinity gone among the Moskaly and their allies ?
    Then you write something like this, trying to minimize the pain experienced by women that have experienced rape because in your mind, there just hasn't been enough rapes in Ukraine to show any concern. My cousin was an army colonel that fought in Viet Nam. He once quickly blurted out to me that he witnessed (from afar) a young girl being raped by the Viet Cong. He's had difficulties with these images way after he left the theater of war. It was only one young girl.

    I hate to take you to task for your printed words, since you're still one of my favorite commenters here, but sometimes you're just a hard nut to crack?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Sher Singh
    @Ivashka the fool

    ਗੁਰੂ ਕਹ੍ਯੋ 'ਆਯੋ ਕਲਿ ਕਾਲਾ ॥ ਦੁਸ਼ਟਨ ਕੋ ਭਾ ਤੇਜ ਕਰਾਲਾ ॥26॥
    The Guru said, "Oh Jait Ram, the Dark age is upon us, the wicked have become exceedingly vicious.

    ਸੰਤ ਗਰੀਬ ਧੇਨੁ ਦਿਜ ਦੋਖੀ ॥ ਕਰਹਿਂ ਅਵੱਗ੍ਯਾ ਮੂਰਖ ਰੋਖੀ ॥ ਤਿਨ ਸੋਂ ਦੰਡ ਕਰਨਿ ਬਨਿ ਆਵੈ ॥ ਧਰਨੀ ਛਿਮਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਨਿਬਹਾਵੈ ॥27॥
    They inflict pain on the saints, the poor, to the cow and Brahmins. These fools in anger forever are in opposition against them. For this reason it is right to punish these people, being forgiving towards them does not make sense.

    ਤੇਗ਼ ਤੁਪਕ ਤੀਰਨ ਖਰ ਧਰਿ ਕਰਿ ॥ ਕਰਹਿ ਦਿਖਾਵਨ ਤੇਜ ਤਰਾਤਰ ॥ ਤੌ ਕਲਿ ਕਾਲ ਬਿਖੈ ਬਨਿ ਆਵੈ ॥ ਜੀਤਹਿਂ ਹਤਿ ਚਿੰਤਾ ਬਿਸਰਾਵੈ ॥28॥
    With swords, rifles, arrows in our hands, we show them our tremendous might. In the Dark Age this right way of action. Forgetting the anxiety of death we overcome them.

    ਸੁਧ ਬੁਧਿ ਸਹਤ ਭਲੇ ਗੁਨ ਸਾਰੇ ॥ ਨਰ ਉਰ ਤੇ ਕਲਿਜੁਗ ਨਿਰਵਾਰੇ ॥ ਧਹਰਿਂ ਸ਼ਸਤ੍ਰ ਸਿਮਰਹਿਂ ਸਤਿਨਾਮੂ ॥ ਧਰਮ ਧਰਹਿਂ ਪਹੁਂਚਹਿਂ ਸੁਰ ਧਾਮੂ ॥29॥
    The Dark Age has not allowed a great amount of people to be imbued with great virtues, and a pure mind. The Khalsa, adorning weapons remembers the True Name, established in Dharma they ascend to the realm of Gods.

    ਇਸ ਕਾਰਨ ਤੇ ਪੰਥ ਉਪਾਯੋ ॥ ਦੇ ਆਯੁਧ ਰਸ ਬੀਰ ਵਧਾਯੋ ॥
    For this reason the Panth was created, I have given them weapons and infused them with heroic spirit ! [bir ras] "

  447. @Resist Covid Slavery

    These mines are more or less civil engineering.

    Will be interesting to see if they can accurately be called Shoigu’s Line
    Defensive fortifications are only as good as the soldiers and armies defending them, honestly. Otherwise, they can easily be bypassed, and so on.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Chastened Wagner…

  448. @S

    This is not the Great PatriotWar, as the Russians call it – the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it...
    He knows damn well that the Russian people don’t have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.
    Probably the same was said about the much divided German people in 1930.

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the 'special relationship' between them was formed. [See pg 8, 9, and 10, of WT Stead's 1902 free on-line book The Americanization of the World.]

    The world wars since that time, including this nascent WWIII, have been the US/UK shaping the world to fit into it's plans of a theoretical future world state, ie the 'United States of the World'.

    While I am not quite prepared to say as some do that Hitler was some sort of automaton of the US/UK, I do think it had the economic power to groom him for a particular role, this role being a person that would act as a lightning rod to radicalize the German people into supporting the most militant nationalist movement possible, so as to ensure the most damaging war possible between Russia and Germany, a war which would engulf Europe as a whole.

    See Guido Preparata's book link below Conjuring Hitler; How Britain and America Made the Third Reich [I think Stalin was attempting to play the same game regarding Hitler, but in reverse, though I think Stalin's efforts in this regard were ultimately something of a weak echo of what the US/UK was doing.]

    As the US/UK has been near religiously recreating every event it can think of from WWII in the lead-up to WWIII, it only makes sense they might attempt to groom 'literally another Hitler' to rule Russia in the form of one named Prigozhin.

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW

    Prigozhin is most certainly the CIA and MI6s chosen candidate.

  449. @Coconuts

    “Real-estate footprint” – this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc).
    I was listening to a discussion about the creation of something like a right-wing network state in the US yesterday. The basic motivation behind it seemed to be the belief that some sort of national schism was a plausible possibility, combined with a progressive decline in the capacity of the current state apparatus. I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    The interviewer was Romanian and thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it's less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation, also not clear what effect significant demographic change will have on state capacity yet.

    There is another example in France, people periodically discuss civil war breaking out in France in mainstream media. Since 1789 limited scale civil war has broken out about 3 times and this was before the demographic shift. Something like a right-wing network state probably already exists in an informal/retro way among part of the population.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    A network state is simply a well organized diaspora.

    It’s nothing new.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    So what you are saying is the plan going forward is find a rich [ugly] jewish girl and give her your freedom.

    Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye

    Ted Kaczynski had a better plan than that one. I don't know man. Maybe you are in the rich hot jewish girl pay grade? 99.9% of us ain't.

  450. @Mr. XYZ

    What's interesting is that the EU certainly has enough human capital to stand on its own two feet, as a strong ally but also relatively equal partner with the US. Some Pan-Europeans are actually advocating in favor of such an approach by the EU:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    It will just get dragged into the steppe and chewed up. At some point Washington and Moscow would collude against the EU to crush it anyway. That’s probably the source of German hesitancy. They’ve seen this stab in the back before.

  451. Horrible deindustrialisation continues unabated in Poland, Germany, Ireland and France;)

    Intel (INTC.O) plans to invest up to $4.6 billion in a new semiconductor assembly and test facility near Wrocław, Poland, as part of a multi-billion-dollar investment drive across Europe to build chip capacity, it said on Friday.

    The U.S. chipmaker last year announced plans to build a big chip complex in Germany along with facilities in Ireland and France as it seeks to benefit from European Commission’s eased funding rules and subsidies as the EU looks to cut its dependence on U.S. and Asian supply.

  452. Fox fires producer over this chyron.


    Telling the truth about Not-The-President Biden is no longer permitted on Fox News. Tucker Carlson assesses the matter in more depth.

    Video Link
    PEACE 😇

  453. @Mr. XYZ
    @The Big Red Scary

    Chickenhawks are nothing unusual throughout history. Ex.: George W. Bush. Or Anatoly Karlin for that matter lol.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Comparing AK to W in any way is ridiculous and shallow. George W. Bush is an evil swine working for worse evil swine.

    Mr. Karlin is a person trying to find his way in our modern world. We have all benefited from his creation of this online community.

  454. @Ivashka the fool

    I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    A network state is simply a well organized diaspora.

    It's nothing new.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    So what you are saying is the plan going forward is find a rich [ugly] jewish girl and give her your freedom.

    Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye

    Ted Kaczynski had a better plan than that one. I don’t know man. Maybe you are in the rich hot jewish girl pay grade? 99.9% of us ain’t.

    • LOL: Ivashka the fool
  455. Wish someone would amend the BoJo Wikipedia article to say:

    Illegitimate children: 366
    (More than Augustus II of Saxony)

    • Agree: Coconuts
  456. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Nah, I don't think so. The RusFed soldiers have not been showing much celibate activity within Ukraine. So far, upwards of 38 Ukrainian women have been raped by their "Russian brothers" from the north. Some guys are deviant enough to go to great efforts to try and get a piece of real Slavic DNA into their bloodline. Here's a demonstration in Germany headed by a representative of Ukrainian victims of RusFed gallantry and missionary zeal within Ukraine:
    A woman representing a rape victim leads protesters in Berlin demonstrating in an April 16 march against Russian military aggression in the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Syria.

    This victim, like the one in the depiction, looks attractive too?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke, @Greasy William

    That’s a statistical zero tbh.

    Race war is it? In the US there are 100,000 black on white rapes every year. There’s well under 100 white men raping blacks. There a probably more cases of American troops in Poland raping local women per annum.

    What the Russians are doing is killing off a lot of Ukie men. Which is itself tragic. So there’s that Gendercide.

    Here’s a vintage picture of Zelenskyy btw…

    The Polish poster illustrator must have seen the future. A Jew King in The Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Another "Jew-King" is poised to make a return trip to planet earth. Are you getting ready to greet him?

  457. @S

    This is not the Great PatriotWar, as the Russians call it – the Russian people are not willing to mobilize, the only way to get what Prigo says he wants is to force the Russian people into it...
    He knows damn well that the Russian people don’t have it in them to do this. A totalitarian system would have to be created to implement what Prigo says should be done.
    Probably the same was said about the much divided German people in 1930.

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the 'special relationship' between them was formed. [See pg 8, 9, and 10, of WT Stead's 1902 free on-line book The Americanization of the World.]

    The world wars since that time, including this nascent WWIII, have been the US/UK shaping the world to fit into it's plans of a theoretical future world state, ie the 'United States of the World'.

    While I am not quite prepared to say as some do that Hitler was some sort of automaton of the US/UK, I do think it had the economic power to groom him for a particular role, this role being a person that would act as a lightning rod to radicalize the German people into supporting the most militant nationalist movement possible, so as to ensure the most damaging war possible between Russia and Germany, a war which would engulf Europe as a whole.

    See Guido Preparata's book link below Conjuring Hitler; How Britain and America Made the Third Reich [I think Stalin was attempting to play the same game regarding Hitler, but in reverse, though I think Stalin's efforts in this regard were ultimately something of a weak echo of what the US/UK was doing.]

    As the US/UK has been near religiously recreating every event it can think of from WWII in the lead-up to WWIII, it only makes sense they might attempt to groom 'literally another Hitler' to rule Russia in the form of one named Prigozhin.

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.

    Well, the out of box thinking would not be an issue (although your comment is a little stunning), besides this is not a new meme – for example, it is very common in the Russian nationalist circles to assume that “Britain is behind everything”.

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the ‘special relationship’ between them was formed.

    Tbh, I’m not sure they had “conquered” all the Earth, that’s going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power. The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?

    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I’m still waiting for Putin’s reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? 🙂

    • Replies: @S

    Tbh, I’m not sure they had “conquered” all the Earth, that’s going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power.


    Yes, this is why I qualified my statement with the term 'largely'. The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK 'special relationship', including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie 'mopping up' as the powers that be likely see it. [A person might say the British Empire politically 'fell', but I maintain a great deal of the US/UK's economic hegemony achieved in 1900 has been maintained, if not expanded upon.]
    Washington and London

    'The lion's share of the world is ours!'

    'The lion's share of the world is ours, not only in bulk, but in tid-bits also. The light land of the Sahara is not worth a centime an acre. The vast area of German South Africa would hardly provide a livelihood for the population of a middle-sized German village. With the exception of the Rhine, the Danube, the Amoor, the Volga, the Platte and the Amazon, nearly all the great navigable rivers of the world enter the sea under the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes.'

    'The valley of the Yang-tse-Kiang is earmarked as the sphere of our influence. The whole of the North American Continent, from the North Pole to the frontier of Mexico, is within the ring fence of the English-speaking race, and from the whole of Central and Southern America all trespassers have been emphatically warned off by the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine.'

    The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).
    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one). However, I qualify it with I think that the self declared 'enlightened'/'progressives' also share a great deal of responsibility.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920's. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.

    If that is the case, and I lean towards it, then the 'enlightened'/'progressives' themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed. [I think they rationalize this sort of thing away by saying to themselves 'it was going to happen anyway', and, 'we're just helping things go their natural course'. Without the timely artificial bubble of the Great Depression, though, do we really know if Hitler would have ever gained power in Germany?]

    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I’m still waiting for Putin’s reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? 🙂
    Right! :-)

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK 'guardian angels' watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920's and early '30's in his book Conjuring Hitler, then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo's political ambitions in Russia. [Though the Russians, like the Germans before them, have their right of refusal which I heartily recommend, of course.]

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

  458. @Coconuts

    “Real-estate footprint” – this is a very tricky one, the national rule of law will cover everyone, nobody should get special rights (especially those who want to experiment with biology, morality, etc).
    I was listening to a discussion about the creation of something like a right-wing network state in the US yesterday. The basic motivation behind it seemed to be the belief that some sort of national schism was a plausible possibility, combined with a progressive decline in the capacity of the current state apparatus. I guess this would have to happen to allow the state to survive without being dismantled as a sort of seditious entity or rival power within national territory.

    The interviewer was Romanian and thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it's less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation, also not clear what effect significant demographic change will have on state capacity yet.

    There is another example in France, people periodically discuss civil war breaking out in France in mainstream media. Since 1789 limited scale civil war has broken out about 3 times and this was before the demographic shift. Something like a right-wing network state probably already exists in an informal/retro way among part of the population.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it’s less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation

    The US has a long tradition of these separatist movements (creation of “compounds”), often on religious grounds, but also racial (such as in Idaho). The US would be a perfect place for that, if it wasn’t for the political difficulties there (it almost seems that there has been so much strife between these separatists and the federal government that every kind of separatism is viewed with suspicion – I think in parts of EE, people could live separately for a longer time before anyone would care). In the US (not sure about the UK), this is often religious based and there are indeed cases where “fundies” do crazy (and sometimes maybe somewhat questionable) things.

    In the EE, one can hypothetically create a network of homesteads out in the country, and while those wouldn’t be entirely separate – people would still have national passports and a relationship with the state – they could still exist and function rather independently (as a very small quasi-state), as long as they don’t engage in any crazy practices. The goal is to project normalcy.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    The crazier “fundies” are like Jim Jones (anti racist products of liberalism trying amend slavery) or David Koresh (filling up the compound with Caribbean blacks with British passports).

    Russian Empire was full of nutcase Sectarians in the period right before 1914. Rasputin is often painted as the personification of this spooky trend in Madam Blavatsky’s (nee von Rotternhahn from what is now Dnipro) type but it turns out Rasputin was quite ordinary (apart from the alleged Libido).

    Various “Antichrist” themed books by various kooks were popular among the more cosmopolitan western looking Aristocrats.

    A German and a Pole. Lol.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  459. @Mr. XYZ

    Excellent summary and analysis, LatW! :)

    And could fundie organizations such as this also be viewed as network states?

    Or are they not sufficiently widespread in their reach to qualify for this?

    BTW, why do you think that Romania's economy has performed so well relative to its lackluster human capital? I posted economic statistics for Romania in post #378, though they look very messy since the Unz Review apparently doesn't allow data tables to be posted on it properly.

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania's smart fraction (top 5%) isn't particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either:

    This makes sense because Romania's surviving Jews and Germans have mostly emigrated by now. So, what explains the strong Romanian prosperity? I don't think that EU membership explains it because Bulgaria is considerably poorer than Romania is in spite of Bulgaria also being an EU member (they joined the EU at the same time). And Romania is not significantly less corrupt than Bulgaria is:

    But it nevertheless is wealthier than Bulgaria is. How come?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania’s smart fraction (top 5%) isn’t particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either

    People focus a lot on the IQ on this site (understandably so), but IQ isn’t everything – other things are important, too, such as social cohesion, diligence, geographic location. Romania has always had dedicated people (see Codreanu and his followers). From having visited both Romania and Bulgaria, my impression was that Bulgaria had more of an Ottoman influence (although it wasn’t dominant, just slightly noticeable). However, I’m not aware of how the investment environment differs in these two countries (Romania seems culturally a bit more Western friendly although not sure if this makes any difference).

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    The IQ business is mostly for use in the US to justify the racial disparity in outcome between whites and blacks.

    Much like Darwin was trying to explain why Europeans were inexplicably superior colonising Africa, Amerindians in his own time. Whitey had evolved, blacks had rotted back in Africa and Amerindians were too in tune with the Bison.

    , @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Romania has always had dedicated people

  460. @Mr. XYZ

    Austria managed to stay neutral for decades. How come? So did the Finns, for that matter. Again, how come?

    Replies: @Beckow

    Different situation. Austria was occupied by Russia-US until 1955 with zones of control. Then Austria agreed to be a forever neutral state and other things in its Constitution – e.g. restrictions on German and foreign banking, etc…it worked, Austria is probably the best country in Europe: normal, prosperous, neutral…other then the few gender freaks in Vienna.

    Finland was a defeated country in WW2 – they fought on German side. But they agreed to permanent neutrality, Russia’s access, economy ties, etc…so Russia gave them a sweat deal. Last year Finland broke the deal, let’s see the consequences – they were a Nazi ally and were let off lightly. But Finns and Russians get along and understand each other, so probably no drama.

    Hungary in 1956 was very different: mobs of nationalists with Nazi sympathies (with their past in WW2) took over Budapest, murdered any commies and burnt them in the streets…Nato was assembling to intervene, but Eisenhower wisely held back at the end: it was a total confrontation, who-whom – like today in Ukraine.

    Russia occupied Hungary as a defeated WW2 enemy since 1945, they had an army in Hungary, the same as US in W Germany or Italy – any switch would be total and Hungary would become an armed Nato outpost on Russia’s border. The “moderates” – and there were some, e.g. the “reform” commies – became irrelevant.

    What would US and UK do if the former fascists staged a “revolution” in Italy in 1956 and started to brutally kill the US-UK local administrators and allies? Would their armies already in Italy just sit back and watch? Or quietly withdraw? The people blabbing about 1956 Hungary intentionally suppressed the context and lie by creating silly myths about “freedom” vs. “tyranny”…By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 – they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today.

    • Replies: @AP

    By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 – they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today
    Hungary is the least successful of the Visegrad countries and has even almost become the equal of the most successful of the Balkan countries, Romania.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

  461. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania’s smart fraction (top 5%) isn’t particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either
    People focus a lot on the IQ on this site (understandably so), but IQ isn't everything - other things are important, too, such as social cohesion, diligence, geographic location. Romania has always had dedicated people (see Codreanu and his followers). From having visited both Romania and Bulgaria, my impression was that Bulgaria had more of an Ottoman influence (although it wasn't dominant, just slightly noticeable). However, I'm not aware of how the investment environment differs in these two countries (Romania seems culturally a bit more Western friendly although not sure if this makes any difference).

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    The IQ business is mostly for use in the US to justify the racial disparity in outcome between whites and blacks.

    Much like Darwin was trying to explain why Europeans were inexplicably superior colonising Africa, Amerindians in his own time. Whitey had evolved, blacks had rotted back in Africa and Amerindians were too in tune with the Bison.

  462. @Mr. Hack

    It actually wasn’t a Treaty and nobody ever ratified it – it was a Memorandum of Understanding issued by Russia, Ukraine, US, UK, a piece if paper with “agreed on intentions”…You can’t break that – but Mr. Hacks is a moron, he doesn’t understand anything.
    Sure, you can break it, and Russia has, it just doesn't impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties. To bring this up to date, the ambiguity of the document allowed the US space in which to operate within Ukraine during the current war. It provides lethal weaponry, defensive patriot systems, money, equipment, food, training, ammunition, and advanced communications to Ukraine. It chooses not to put soldiers in boots on Ukrainian territory, but I'd say that it has tried to keep its end of the bargain intact, giving the Budapest Memorandum a great measure of security assurance for Ukraine's current needs.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Sure, you can break it, and Russia has… the ambiguity of the document allowed the US space in which to operate within Ukraine

    So has Ukraine and everyone else: if a Memorandum is not observed by one side, nobody has to observe it. The same “ambiguity” applies to both sides…:)…

    You don’t want to accept it: you want Russia to observe everything, but allow US “ambiguity”…Nato attacked – openly and illegally – Iraq, Serbia, Syria, you shrug that off, but insist that Russia must observe “the rules”. It doesn’t work that way – hypocrisy and double standards are not a small feature, they are an open admission that there are really no rules.

    Stop bellyaching about Russia and address what your side did first, Clinton-Bush-Blair broke all the rules. That’s how the rest of the world sees it – other than US vassals – you are in a hypocritical minority.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I've never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman. I don't, however, feel compelled to bring up any issues involving all of the countries that you've brought up when discussing Russia's malicious actions in Ukraine today. Certainly, you don't feel compelled to bring up any of Russia's unsavory acts in the world when discussing Russia. In fact, I never can recall you impugning any negativity towards Russia when discussing its actions (you don't really believe in all of the whitewashing efforts that you post about Russia, do you?). BTW, you're not one of those kremlin stooges that I've read so much about?
    Full time work, great pay and benefits too! :-)

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow

  463. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    Of course I am fortunate that I live among peaceful and commonsensical people. My parents made the right choice and sacrificed a lot in doing this. I am forever grateful for their efforts.

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.

    There are karmic roots to war and suffering and karmic roots to peace and happiness. I am now a man of Peace, quite unlike my younger self. I know that there is death facing me in a more or less near future. I am readying for that. Everything else is of secondary importance. As Buddha has said: "We all have to die here. In those who remember this, hatred ceases".

    Perhaps one day Eastern Slavic peoples would also come to their senses and start to live a meaningful, peaceful and harmonious existence before dying a peaceful death. Perhaps they would need to learn some Dharma to reach this point.

    Perhaps they won't, and will end up islamized as other Abrahamics eventually will. I will be long gone by then and it's alright that way. The only sad part is that my mindstream is not yet pacified enough to become pure Light. But eventually, it will end up reaching that point of realization.

    We all will.

    We all will be pacified.

    It'll be alright Mr Hack.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Sher Singh

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.

    You write this as a mature man who has something to say on the topic.

    hundreds of thousands of RusFed-ian soldiers and all kind of paramilitary organizations are in Ukraine. A rapist usually rapes more than one woman. Therefore there are less than 38 rapists among all these men ?

    Where is all the toxic masculinity gone among the Moskaly and their allies ?

    Then you write something like this, trying to minimize the pain experienced by women that have experienced rape because in your mind, there just hasn’t been enough rapes in Ukraine to show any concern. My cousin was an army colonel that fought in Viet Nam. He once quickly blurted out to me that he witnessed (from afar) a young girl being raped by the Viet Cong. He’s had difficulties with these images way after he left the theater of war. It was only one young girl.

    I hate to take you to task for your printed words, since you’re still one of my favorite commenters here, but sometimes you’re just a hard nut to crack?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren't such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people. And we will never agree on that, most Russians I personally known in my life are decent people, just like most Ukrainians I have met and befriended.

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner. Heck, US of A ain't in a war (on its soil at least) and here are the sexual violence statistics in your own backyard:

    In the United States, about 43.6% of women and 24.8% of men experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). About 21.3% of women surveyed reported completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives, with 1.2% reporting completed or attempted rape in the 12 months preceding the survey. About 2.6% of men reported experiencing completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives. About 81.3% of female victims and 70.8% of male victims experienced their first completed or attempted rape before the age of 25.

    Are you going to post tearful photos about that Mr Hack?

    Ot it is only the Russian soldiers who rouse your ire when they don't keep it in their pants?

    Also in Vietnam, the US GI probably had a rape fest at at least the same rate as the Viet partisans did, in fact probably way more.

    During the Winter Soldier Investigation, sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), some of the testimonies of Vietnam veterans included the rape and murder of Vietnamese women,[17] with some being tortured and sexually mutilated.[15] According to Mark Baker, who interviewed Vietnam veterans for his book, one became a "double veteran" by "having sex with a woman and then killing her."[15][16][18] One marine recalled an incident where a Vietnamese girl was gang-raped by members of his unit, with the final perpetrator shooting the victim in the head. In a similar incident, a soldier observed that the female victim "freely submitted" to rape to avoid death.[13]: 181  At a hospital in Da Nang, a nurse was killed after being raped by seven marines.[19]

    And be assured that if the Ukrainian side recaptures Crimea and Lugandon, similar things are also bound to happen to the Russians there.

    Will you post tearful pictures about it ?

    Rhetorical question.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don't claim no higher moral ground.

    Own your biases Mr Hack...

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. Hack

  464. @LatW

    thought that this scenario happening in EE was very unlikely at anytime in the foreseeable future. In the US, UK it’s less certain as there are various political tendencies pushing long-term in the direction of denationalisation
    The US has a long tradition of these separatist movements (creation of "compounds"), often on religious grounds, but also racial (such as in Idaho). The US would be a perfect place for that, if it wasn't for the political difficulties there (it almost seems that there has been so much strife between these separatists and the federal government that every kind of separatism is viewed with suspicion - I think in parts of EE, people could live separately for a longer time before anyone would care). In the US (not sure about the UK), this is often religious based and there are indeed cases where "fundies" do crazy (and sometimes maybe somewhat questionable) things.

    In the EE, one can hypothetically create a network of homesteads out in the country, and while those wouldn't be entirely separate - people would still have national passports and a relationship with the state - they could still exist and function rather independently (as a very small quasi-state), as long as they don't engage in any crazy practices. The goal is to project normalcy.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The crazier “fundies” are like Jim Jones (anti racist products of liberalism trying amend slavery) or David Koresh (filling up the compound with Caribbean blacks with British passports).

    Russian Empire was full of nutcase Sectarians in the period right before 1914. Rasputin is often painted as the personification of this spooky trend in Madam Blavatsky’s (nee von Rotternhahn from what is now Dnipro) type but it turns out Rasputin was quite ordinary (apart from the alleged Libido).

    Various “Antichrist” themed books by various kooks were popular among the more cosmopolitan western looking Aristocrats.

    A German and a Pole. Lol.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    You also get these weird cults…most were suppressed by the Tsar himself and his dreaded secret police…

    Basically 100,000 trannies. Most moved to Romania and Bulgaria after the Tsar cracked down on their nuttiness. Putin isn’t the first boss in Russia to persecute these gender benders.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

  465. @S
    @Greasy William

    My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel).
    It's a sensitive subject, but what's particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures. How much then might be naturally occurring (ie then potentially of God) and how much is man made, perhaps as part of a deception? ['If such were possible, even the very elect would be deceived'.]

    I've posted before what I've thought might of constituted 'suggestions' being placed in the minds of the American and Russian people, ie that they will each someday fight the other and win, thus achieving for themselves glorious new global empires. [I think, however, that there is a real potential that the actual result of such a war will be that the US and Russia largely destroy each other instead.]

    The New Rome; or, the United States of the World, linked below, an effectively internationally blacklisted book today, was published in 1853 by Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp.

    In The New Rome's opening pages it boldly declares itself to be a statement of fact ('a horoscope', 'a map of the future of mankind', 'what must be') before the actual future events it describes (US/UK rapprochement, US/UK conquest of Germany unleashing a 'world's war' upon the Earth in the process, and the final war between the United States and Russia, the US domination of aviation technology being the key for it's final victory over Russia) have actually even occurred.

    The second book was Mikhail Yuriev's The Third Empire: Russia as it Ought to Be published in 2006, which describes Russia defeating the United States and conquering Israel. [The link and excerpt below is from an Atlantic article on the subject, which not surprisingly makes no mention of America's The New Rome.]

    Putin Is Just Following the Manual

    A utopian Russian novel predicted Putin’s war plan.

    No one can read Vladimir Putin’s mind. But we can read the book that foretells the Russian leader’s imperialist foreign policy. Mikhail Yuriev’s 2006 utopian novel, The Third Empire: Russia as It Ought to Be, anticipates—with astonishing precision—Russia’s strategy of hybrid war and its recent military campaigns: the 2008 war with Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the incursion into the Donetsk and Luhansk regions the same year, and Russia’s current assault on Ukraine.
    Whatever one might think of these two book's, their authors were not fly by nights, but were rather men of substance.

    Charles Goepp was a highly educated author and lawyer. Theodore Poesche was a brilliant and well respected US Treasury Department employee, whom at the German ambassador's request would travel to Europe in 1872 to meet personally with German Chancellor Bismark in Berlin, and speak to him about his work with statistics.

    Mikhail Yuriev served in the Rusfed government and was a businessman.

    [For the record, Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp were German Gentiles and Mikhail Yuriev was a Russian Jew.]

    Replies: @S, @Greasy William, @Greasy William

    It’s a sensitive subject, but what’s particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures.

    Some people are just incapable of seeing it. It’s like a mental block.

    I did hear about the US as the New Rome thing, in fact, Washington DC was built on land that was initially named “New Rome”. Not sure what the meaning of all this is though as the New Rome is obviously Russia

    • Replies: @S
    @Greasy William

    I did hear about the US as the New Rome thing, in fact, Washington DC was built on land that was initially named “New Rome”.
    Yes, land carefully chosen to construct Washington DC upon had once been called Rome, complete with its own Tiber running through it. The United States, of course, since its very founding has consciously modeled itself upon Rome. Though the scale can be somewhat different, it's really uncanny that a person, without stretching things, can find a close parallel in US historical events with almost any major event in ancient Rome's history.

    Take Rome's disastrous loss of Varus and his three legions to Arminius and his alliance of barbarian tribes, and the crushing punitive expeditions launched afterward by Rome, and the recovery of the lost Eagles. The parallel here is with Custer's catastrophic defeat at the Little Big Horn, the loss of the 7th Cavalry guidons (ie US flags) taken as trophies by the Indians, and their recovery (most of them at least) in the crushing punitive expeditions launched by the United States in the months which followed.

    Taking population differences into account, the loss of Custer's roughly 250 men in a battle to the Indian's alliance of tribes, would be about the same difference as today waking up and reading in the newspaper an account of the United States losing two thousand marines killed in a single battle to the Taliban in Afghanistan, where the norm might be the occasional 4 or 5 casualties. Custer's defeat at the Little Big Horn, which took place almost right on top of the July 4th US Centennial celebrations, sent powerful shock waves through the US establishment.

    Below is one of the 7th Cavalry guidons recovered in an Indian encampment after the Battle of Slim Buttes on September 9, 1876:

  466. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Different situation. Austria was occupied by Russia-US until 1955 with zones of control. Then Austria agreed to be a forever neutral state and other things in its Constitution - e.g. restrictions on German and foreign banking, worked, Austria is probably the best country in Europe: normal, prosperous, neutral...other then the few gender freaks in Vienna.

    Finland was a defeated country in WW2 - they fought on German side. But they agreed to permanent neutrality, Russia's access, economy ties, Russia gave them a sweat deal. Last year Finland broke the deal, let's see the consequences - they were a Nazi ally and were let off lightly. But Finns and Russians get along and understand each other, so probably no drama.

    Hungary in 1956 was very different: mobs of nationalists with Nazi sympathies (with their past in WW2) took over Budapest, murdered any commies and burnt them in the streets...Nato was assembling to intervene, but Eisenhower wisely held back at the end: it was a total confrontation, who-whom - like today in Ukraine.

    Russia occupied Hungary as a defeated WW2 enemy since 1945, they had an army in Hungary, the same as US in W Germany or Italy - any switch would be total and Hungary would become an armed Nato outpost on Russia's border. The "moderates" - and there were some, e.g. the "reform" commies - became irrelevant.

    What would US and UK do if the former fascists staged a "revolution" in Italy in 1956 and started to brutally kill the US-UK local administrators and allies? Would their armies already in Italy just sit back and watch? Or quietly withdraw? The people blabbing about 1956 Hungary intentionally suppressed the context and lie by creating silly myths about "freedom" vs. "tyranny"...By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 - they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today.

    Replies: @AP

    By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 – they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today

    Hungary is the least successful of the Visegrad countries and has even almost become the equal of the most successful of the Balkan countries, Romania.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest. And Czechia and Slovakia were always richer than Hungary, often much richer, so there is no change.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well...again your Polish-Ruthenian (?) sour grapes...

    Replies: @A123, @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Which is quite a testament to Romania's success since Romania has considerably lower human capital levels than Hungary has according to the PISA exam.

  467. @Wokechoke

    The crazier “fundies” are like Jim Jones (anti racist products of liberalism trying amend slavery) or David Koresh (filling up the compound with Caribbean blacks with British passports).

    Russian Empire was full of nutcase Sectarians in the period right before 1914. Rasputin is often painted as the personification of this spooky trend in Madam Blavatsky’s (nee von Rotternhahn from what is now Dnipro) type but it turns out Rasputin was quite ordinary (apart from the alleged Libido).

    Various “Antichrist” themed books by various kooks were popular among the more cosmopolitan western looking Aristocrats.

    A German and a Pole. Lol.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    You also get these weird cults…most were suppressed by the Tsar himself and his dreaded secret police…

    Basically 100,000 trannies. Most moved to Romania and Bulgaria after the Tsar cracked down on their nuttiness. Putin isn’t the first boss in Russia to persecute these gender benders.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Also, the Name-Worshippers, which I think appeals to intellectuals rather than to trannies:

    Nicky sent the imperial marines to root them out of St. Panteleimon's on Athos.

    Long before that, it was the Sect of Zhariya the Jew, a kind of proto-Protestant heresy that appealed to scribes:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  468. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...Sure, you can break it, and Russia has... the ambiguity of the document allowed the US space in which to operate within Ukraine
    So has Ukraine and everyone else: if a Memorandum is not observed by one side, nobody has to observe it. The same "ambiguity" applies to both sides...:)...

    You don't want to accept it: you want Russia to observe everything, but allow US "ambiguity"...Nato attacked - openly and illegally - Iraq, Serbia, Syria, you shrug that off, but insist that Russia must observe "the rules". It doesn't work that way - hypocrisy and double standards are not a small feature, they are an open admission that there are really no rules.

    Stop bellyaching about Russia and address what your side did first, Clinton-Bush-Blair broke all the rules. That's how the rest of the world sees it - other than US vassals - you are in a hypocritical minority.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I’ve never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman. I don’t, however, feel compelled to bring up any issues involving all of the countries that you’ve brought up when discussing Russia’s malicious actions in Ukraine today. Certainly, you don’t feel compelled to bring up any of Russia’s unsavory acts in the world when discussing Russia. In fact, I never can recall you impugning any negativity towards Russia when discussing its actions (you don’t really believe in all of the whitewashing efforts that you post about Russia, do you?). BTW, you’re not one of those kremlin stooges that I’ve read so much about?

    Full time work, great pay and benefits too! 🙂

    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary
    @Mr. Hack

    I do in fact work full time for Putin, and the pay and benefits are quite good, but I poast simply for the pleasure of it.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...I’ve never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman.
    That is besides the point: it is about responsibility and consequences. Whether out of weakness or because they actually supported the wars by Nato, the Western societies never held anyone accountable. That means they lost any standing to critique others. A thief can't be running around yelling "thief, catch him!!!!!"...or he can, but he is a fool.

    I have a lot of negativity towards current Russia: oligarchs, bureaucrats, lack of elite turnover, miserable quasi-liberal family policies, the place is swarming with wannabe compradors, etc...but regarding the geopolitical situation (Ukraine, etc...) Russia is the least bad option. They have a very strong argument in Ukraine about keeping Nato out and protecting the rights of millions of Russians living there. That's what the war is about, not about some local potentate in Omsk stealing like mad and blowing it on Antibes houses...

    I care about the quality of life in East-Central Europe: historically we have always done the best when the West and Russia compete in our region - and try to bid for our good will. Total devotion to Washington doesn't pay - the neo-cons simply use you for cannon fodder in their adventures - see the sad fate of the Ukrainians. All else are empty words to deceive you.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  469. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    As you see above, Romanians perform comparably to US blacks on the PISA exam, and yet Romania is an extremely prosperous and flourishing country. Romania’s smart fraction (top 5%) isn’t particularly impressive relative to its average IQ either
    People focus a lot on the IQ on this site (understandably so), but IQ isn't everything - other things are important, too, such as social cohesion, diligence, geographic location. Romania has always had dedicated people (see Codreanu and his followers). From having visited both Romania and Bulgaria, my impression was that Bulgaria had more of an Ottoman influence (although it wasn't dominant, just slightly noticeable). However, I'm not aware of how the investment environment differs in these two countries (Romania seems culturally a bit more Western friendly although not sure if this makes any difference).

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Romania has always had dedicated people

  470. @Wokechoke

    You also get these weird cults…most were suppressed by the Tsar himself and his dreaded secret police…

    Basically 100,000 trannies. Most moved to Romania and Bulgaria after the Tsar cracked down on their nuttiness. Putin isn’t the first boss in Russia to persecute these gender benders.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    Also, the Name-Worshippers, which I think appeals to intellectuals rather than to trannies:

    Nicky sent the imperial marines to root them out of St. Panteleimon’s on Athos.

    Long before that, it was the Sect of Zhariya the Jew, a kind of proto-Protestant heresy that appealed to scribes:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @The Big Red Scary

    Esoteric Victorian Era Cults

  471. @Mr. Hack

    I've never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman. I don't, however, feel compelled to bring up any issues involving all of the countries that you've brought up when discussing Russia's malicious actions in Ukraine today. Certainly, you don't feel compelled to bring up any of Russia's unsavory acts in the world when discussing Russia. In fact, I never can recall you impugning any negativity towards Russia when discussing its actions (you don't really believe in all of the whitewashing efforts that you post about Russia, do you?). BTW, you're not one of those kremlin stooges that I've read so much about?
    Full time work, great pay and benefits too! :-)

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow

    I do in fact work full time for Putin, and the pay and benefits are quite good, but I poast simply for the pleasure of it.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @The Big Red Scary

    Being in such close proximity to the Grand Master in the kremlin, do you know how Putler feels about all of the Ukrainian civilians (many Russian speakers) that have lost loved ones and homes in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, as a result of the SMO (war against Ukraine for non-Russian speakers)? Does he realize that his policies have directly negatively effected the historical goodwill between these Russians and Ukrainians, that always served as a natural barrier of support for closer Russian/Ukrainian cooperation? Understandably, not so anymore, but Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind, has always really been a dolt when it comes to PR and soft power propaganda. He's lost all credibility within Ukraine because of his war like mentality, something that he once had in a good measure of abundance. He's such a fool, his grand illusions of controlling Ukraine within a new Imperial state will never come to fruition.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW, @QCIC

  472. @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    That’s a statistical zero tbh.

    Race war is it? In the US there are 100,000 black on white rapes every year. There’s well under 100 white men raping blacks. There a probably more cases of American troops in Poland raping local women per annum.

    What the Russians are doing is killing off a lot of Ukie men. Which is itself tragic. So there’s that Gendercide.

    Here’s a vintage picture of Zelenskyy btw…–Soviet_War#/media/File:Lapy_zydowskie.jpeg

    The Polish poster illustrator must have seen the future. A Jew King in The Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Another “Jew-King” is poised to make a return trip to planet earth. Are you getting ready to greet him?

  473. @Yevardian
    @Sher Singh

    I've personally used the Italian brand Scarpa for outdoor gear ever since being old enough to go on hikes, and I've never had any issue with them.
    Outside of the tropics, Western Tasmania or Southern NZ for example are very wet and waterlogged regions, I've done multiple-day treks in both.
    About as good quality as you can get without going into any extreme high price range, and their material is nearly all European-made (very often Romanian, from what I've noticed).

    Also, to Latw


    My advice is too just not engage at all with anyone who posts tranny stuff, anyone who posts that in earnest is actually worse than someone posting it merely to upset people, they're a totally lost cause... only solution is to totally ignore them.

    Replies: @LatW


    My advice is too just not engage at all with anyone who posts tranny stuff, anyone who posts that in earnest is actually worse than someone posting it merely to upset people, they’re a totally lost cause… only solution is to totally ignore them.

    I don’t have much experience dealing with anything tranny related – deliberately avoided it, but at some point these things will have to be handled head on. For Mr XYZ, it seems that he was being passive aggressive. It might be that he has been raised to not show open aggressiveness or hostility. We’ll see if he has enough self-control and respect for the audience to not offend repeatedly. 🙂

    • Replies: @QCIC

    XYZ seems to be acting as a troll with the intention of degrading this comment forum using diversionary trolling. In other words he is not trolling on the specifics of the SMO, but on more general topics intended to make the comment stream tedious or loathsome. This may be intended to drive away non-commenting readers who benefit from this healthy dialog exploring the Ukraine crisis.

    XYZ's efforts may parallel Hack and AP starting to give up. They appear to be less able to muster credible arguments to respond to news items related to the SMO. Someone may have notified them that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.

    I don't recall XYZ's earlier commenting pattern. Once a troll always a troll?

    Replies: @LatW, @Mr. Hack

  474. @QCIC

    After 30 years Russia no longer needs much of the great industrial capacity left in Ukraine by the Soviet Union. Russian companies were forced to work around the loss of this capability so Ukraine may be left with a Sovok "rust belt" as AK called it. I think the West did not want the two industrial powers to reunite and also did not want Ukraine to become an independent industrial power (competitor), so opportunities were restricted. Much of the Ukrainian intellectual capability has withered as well, leaving the country somewhat of a blank slate from an industrial perspective. We may find post-SMO the Ukrainian economy is mostly based on agriculture for a long time. This depends a lot on how strongly polarized the leaders of major Ukrainian technical companies are against Russia, especially Antonov, Khartron, Ivchenko-Progress, Zaporizhzhia Mashproject, Energoatom, Yuhzmash and the Nikolaev shipyard. If it takes too long to collaborate, these enterprises will continue to wither away.

    Replies: @Gerard1234

    Thanks for the excellent post. It also emphasises how SMO-provoking these parasites and US puppets in the EU were at conspiring to stop NS2 .Russian companies could replace Ukrainian ones, but attempts to replace pipelines going through 404 were sabotaged.

    Motor-Sich is what should be one of the greatest companies of its type in the world – but of course have been close to an irrelevance in the last decades. The Chinese bought a big stake in the company, but then because Banderastan is a failed, corrupt, puppet state………. America ordered them to stop it, so they renationalised the Chinese stake in the company, costing them several 100 million dollars. Then at the start of the war the CEO was arrested for “treason”. Naturally, for 404 the guy is something like 84 years old and the charges are obviously BS.

    Not that any “treason” wouldn’t be understandable – you kill the company by banning orders from the country of by far their largest client (Russia) , get zero western investment and orders or even the appearance of intent for them to do so, then you get the massive payday and rescue of Chinese investment….. only for Pindostan to stop it with no alternative, leaving a non-entity of a once great company with also maintenance market mostly gone and now involved in small-scale projects producing smaller engines.

    As for Agriculture – both Ukraine and Russia are of course huge players in this market since 2014, but both are far behind Holland ( 100 billion+ dollars in imports). I don’t know enough about Hollands agriculture exports to know how much of that market share can be taken by either Russia or Ukraine. I know they do ( or at least did) import much of their fertiliser products from Belarus & Russia, but don’t know other than that how much of their agro-sector is supplied by Russia & Ukraine’s own. Ukraine already kills itself twice though by losing what should be its first or second after China , biggest export market in Russia, in addition to provoking Russia to support our own agro-sector in place of Ukraines.

    • Replies: @QCIC


    For those who don't know, Motor-Sich is the name of a large and successful Soviet/Ukrainian jet engine manufacturer. Ivchenko-Progress is the name of a directly related sister company in Ukraine, I think they both spun out of the same parent Soviet organization during privatization. These companies have been on starvation rations for many years. If Antonov Aircraft can be revived after the SMO (this seems possible), Motor-Sich will probably survive as well.

    Replies: @LatW

  475. A123 says: • Website

    More bad news for #NeverTrump cultists: (1)

    During a recent event in Florida of approximately 1,000 audience members, Kari Lake asked the crowd if anyone supports Ron DeSantis?

    At one point in her remarks to about 1,000 people who attended the event, Lake named each of the Republican candidates challenging Trump, who was indicted a second time last week.

    When Lake mentioned Gov. Ron DeSantis, three people put up their hands but brought them down quickly amid a cascade of boos. The good news for DeSantis, however, is that former Vice President Mike Pence drew an even louder chorus of disapproving cat calls.

    The audience reaction is reflective of a much wider view held by most Florida GOP voters. The backlash is two-fold. One part of it is driven by the stunning increase in cost of living for the working-class and folks on fixed incomes. The second part is driven by people who just feel conned by the entire DeSantis operation. All the DeSantis ‘influencers’ are working desperately to hide the reality on the ground.

    When will DeNeocon quit the primary?

    Losing to Trump in Florida would be ruinous. IMHO DeSantis has to step out February (or earlier) and will almost undoubtedly endorse Trump at that time.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇


  476. @LatW

    My advice is too just not engage at all with anyone who posts tranny stuff, anyone who posts that in earnest is actually worse than someone posting it merely to upset people, they’re a totally lost cause… only solution is to totally ignore them.
    I don't have much experience dealing with anything tranny related - deliberately avoided it, but at some point these things will have to be handled head on. For Mr XYZ, it seems that he was being passive aggressive. It might be that he has been raised to not show open aggressiveness or hostility. We'll see if he has enough self-control and respect for the audience to not offend repeatedly. :)

    Replies: @QCIC

    XYZ seems to be acting as a troll with the intention of degrading this comment forum using diversionary trolling. In other words he is not trolling on the specifics of the SMO, but on more general topics intended to make the comment stream tedious or loathsome. This may be intended to drive away non-commenting readers who benefit from this healthy dialog exploring the Ukraine crisis.

    XYZ’s efforts may parallel Hack and AP starting to give up. They appear to be less able to muster credible arguments to respond to news items related to the SMO. Someone may have notified them that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.

    I don’t recall XYZ’s earlier commenting pattern. Once a troll always a troll?

    • Replies: @LatW

    I don’t recall XYZ’s earlier commenting pattern. Once a troll always a troll?
    No, he's always been very well behaved.
    , @Mr. Hack

    starting to give up?

    It's you that seems to have petered out and couldn't muster any more gas and reply to my comment#305, after having already posted several listless comments related to our discussion. The level of comments worth any serious response here is greatly suffering and the troll factory in Russia should fire you all and provide new, higher quality trolls here. Your limp di__d efforts are appaling.
    But then again, if you look at the source of all of your thought patterns, it all becomes instantly apparent about what is going on here. :-(

    Replies: @QCIC

  477. @S
    @Greasy William

    My thesis is that the War of Gog and Magog is coming and that that war will be mainly between Russia and the US (Russia reacts to getting blocked in Ukraine by turning south, first against the US in Syria and then against Israel).
    It's a sensitive subject, but what's particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures. How much then might be naturally occurring (ie then potentially of God) and how much is man made, perhaps as part of a deception? ['If such were possible, even the very elect would be deceived'.]

    I've posted before what I've thought might of constituted 'suggestions' being placed in the minds of the American and Russian people, ie that they will each someday fight the other and win, thus achieving for themselves glorious new global empires. [I think, however, that there is a real potential that the actual result of such a war will be that the US and Russia largely destroy each other instead.]

    The New Rome; or, the United States of the World, linked below, an effectively internationally blacklisted book today, was published in 1853 by Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp.

    In The New Rome's opening pages it boldly declares itself to be a statement of fact ('a horoscope', 'a map of the future of mankind', 'what must be') before the actual future events it describes (US/UK rapprochement, US/UK conquest of Germany unleashing a 'world's war' upon the Earth in the process, and the final war between the United States and Russia, the US domination of aviation technology being the key for it's final victory over Russia) have actually even occurred.

    The second book was Mikhail Yuriev's The Third Empire: Russia as it Ought to Be published in 2006, which describes Russia defeating the United States and conquering Israel. [The link and excerpt below is from an Atlantic article on the subject, which not surprisingly makes no mention of America's The New Rome.]

    Putin Is Just Following the Manual

    A utopian Russian novel predicted Putin’s war plan.

    No one can read Vladimir Putin’s mind. But we can read the book that foretells the Russian leader’s imperialist foreign policy. Mikhail Yuriev’s 2006 utopian novel, The Third Empire: Russia as It Ought to Be, anticipates—with astonishing precision—Russia’s strategy of hybrid war and its recent military campaigns: the 2008 war with Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the incursion into the Donetsk and Luhansk regions the same year, and Russia’s current assault on Ukraine.
    Whatever one might think of these two book's, their authors were not fly by nights, but were rather men of substance.

    Charles Goepp was a highly educated author and lawyer. Theodore Poesche was a brilliant and well respected US Treasury Department employee, whom at the German ambassador's request would travel to Europe in 1872 to meet personally with German Chancellor Bismark in Berlin, and speak to him about his work with statistics.

    Mikhail Yuriev served in the Rusfed government and was a businessman.

    [For the record, Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp were German Gentiles and Mikhail Yuriev was a Russian Jew.]

    Replies: @S, @Greasy William, @Greasy William

    It’s weird that two Germans would write a book about the US conquering Germany and a Jew wrote a book about Russia conquering Israel

    • Replies: @S
    @Greasy William

    It’s weird that two Germans would write a book about the US conquering Germany and a Jew wrote a book about Russia conquering Israel.
    Yeah, Julius Goebel, the guy who wrote A Political Prophecy in 1913, commented upon that. He thought Poesche had been piqued by the failure of the 1848 Revolution in Germany.

    I should clarify, I'm not sure exactly how Russia acquires Israel in The Third Empire, whether it was by conquest, or some sort of political arrangement.

    The Third Empire map at the link below shows Israel as a province of the new Russian Empire. [But, again, I see each of these books as perhaps constituting 'suggestions' placed in the Anglo and Russian minds, as to what was expected from each of these peoples in the future.]
  478. @QCIC

    XYZ seems to be acting as a troll with the intention of degrading this comment forum using diversionary trolling. In other words he is not trolling on the specifics of the SMO, but on more general topics intended to make the comment stream tedious or loathsome. This may be intended to drive away non-commenting readers who benefit from this healthy dialog exploring the Ukraine crisis.

    XYZ's efforts may parallel Hack and AP starting to give up. They appear to be less able to muster credible arguments to respond to news items related to the SMO. Someone may have notified them that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.

    I don't recall XYZ's earlier commenting pattern. Once a troll always a troll?

    Replies: @LatW, @Mr. Hack

    I don’t recall XYZ’s earlier commenting pattern. Once a troll always a troll?

    No, he’s always been very well behaved.

  479. @Gerard1234

    Thanks for the excellent post. It also emphasises how SMO-provoking these parasites and US puppets in the EU were at conspiring to stop NS2 .Russian companies could replace Ukrainian ones, but attempts to replace pipelines going through 404 were sabotaged.

    Motor-Sich is what should be one of the greatest companies of its type in the world - but of course have been close to an irrelevance in the last decades. The Chinese bought a big stake in the company, but then because Banderastan is a failed, corrupt, puppet state.......... America ordered them to stop it, so they renationalised the Chinese stake in the company, costing them several 100 million dollars. Then at the start of the war the CEO was arrested for "treason". Naturally, for 404 the guy is something like 84 years old and the charges are obviously BS.

    Not that any "treason" wouldn't be understandable - you kill the company by banning orders from the country of by far their largest client (Russia) , get zero western investment and orders or even the appearance of intent for them to do so, then you get the massive payday and rescue of Chinese investment..... only for Pindostan to stop it with no alternative, leaving a non-entity of a once great company with also maintenance market mostly gone and now involved in small-scale projects producing smaller engines.

    As for Agriculture - both Ukraine and Russia are of course huge players in this market since 2014, but both are far behind Holland ( 100 billion+ dollars in imports). I don't know enough about Hollands agriculture exports to know how much of that market share can be taken by either Russia or Ukraine. I know they do ( or at least did) import much of their fertiliser products from Belarus & Russia, but don't know other than that how much of their agro-sector is supplied by Russia & Ukraine's own. Ukraine already kills itself twice though by losing what should be its first or second after China , biggest export market in Russia, in addition to provoking Russia to support our own agro-sector in place of Ukraines.

    Replies: @QCIC


    For those who don’t know, Motor-Sich is the name of a large and successful Soviet/Ukrainian jet engine manufacturer. Ivchenko-Progress is the name of a directly related sister company in Ukraine, I think they both spun out of the same parent Soviet organization during privatization. These companies have been on starvation rations for many years. If Antonov Aircraft can be revived after the SMO (this seems possible), Motor-Sich will probably survive as well.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Many of those, if not most of those building these factories back in the day were Ukrainians themselves. So be careful using the word "Soviet". Some of these were most likely started before the Soviet era. It is common heritage, it is very sad that it is being fought over now in such an undignified manner (even if this is understandable from a purely human point of view, humans tend to be selfish and love taking credit for things that are of notable worth). Remember that a lot of this heritage is now being physically wiped out.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Gerard1234

  480. @The Big Red Scary
    @Mr. Hack

    I do in fact work full time for Putin, and the pay and benefits are quite good, but I poast simply for the pleasure of it.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Being in such close proximity to the Grand Master in the kremlin, do you know how Putler feels about all of the Ukrainian civilians (many Russian speakers) that have lost loved ones and homes in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, as a result of the SMO (war against Ukraine for non-Russian speakers)? Does he realize that his policies have directly negatively effected the historical goodwill between these Russians and Ukrainians, that always served as a natural barrier of support for closer Russian/Ukrainian cooperation? Understandably, not so anymore, but Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind, has always really been a dolt when it comes to PR and soft power propaganda. He’s lost all credibility within Ukraine because of his war like mentality, something that he once had in a good measure of abundance. He’s such a fool, his grand illusions of controlling Ukraine within a new Imperial state will never come to fruition.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    The novel aspect of the war is the Jew King of Kiev. In normal circumstances you could change President in a war. Britain had a few Prime Ministers in the fight against Napoleon and 3 against the Axis. The US had 2 in ww2.

    Now to take your comment seriously for a moment, yes, Moscow has lost what appears to have been a close relationship. The Russians liberated much of Southern Ukraine from Johnny Turk. Much of Wallachia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Moldova.

    The Russians did this liberation act while Napoleon was funding the Sultan in Istanbul and subsidising the janissary Corps. The Russians fought all along the Black Sea pushing back Islam while the enlightened French were funnelling weapons to Istanbul. At the same time Napoleon’s German and especially Polish troops were being amassed on the Newman River being readied for the Grand Armee’s push to burn down Moscow. The Polish especially seem to have relished this push on Moscow. One doesn’t see any Ukies in the Russian Orbat in either the Napoleonic Ottoman wars here.

    , @LatW
    @Mr. Hack

    Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind
    Was this really the case? Or maybe simply the circumstances during his rule weren't really that challenging - and have only become truly challenging now? Maybe what was translated as "chess like mind" was actually just cautiousness and slight cunning / lying / misleading..
    , @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack,

    Why do you ignore the fact that the SMO is simply part of the latest battle in the Cold War? This battle was essentially started by the West, using Ukraine as a proxy to pressure Russia.

    I think the leaders in the Kremlin are focussed on protecting Russia while avoiding nuclear Armageddon. The tragic deaths in Ukraine are an intended result of the policies of the West. These lives on all sides were forfeit when Ukraine started the attacks which killed Donbass civilians. In my view that action was a tripwire which set the rest in motion.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  481. @QCIC


    For those who don't know, Motor-Sich is the name of a large and successful Soviet/Ukrainian jet engine manufacturer. Ivchenko-Progress is the name of a directly related sister company in Ukraine, I think they both spun out of the same parent Soviet organization during privatization. These companies have been on starvation rations for many years. If Antonov Aircraft can be revived after the SMO (this seems possible), Motor-Sich will probably survive as well.

    Replies: @LatW

    Many of those, if not most of those building these factories back in the day were Ukrainians themselves. So be careful using the word “Soviet”. Some of these were most likely started before the Soviet era. It is common heritage, it is very sad that it is being fought over now in such an undignified manner (even if this is understandable from a purely human point of view, humans tend to be selfish and love taking credit for things that are of notable worth). Remember that a lot of this heritage is now being physically wiped out.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I agree and was not trying to belittle the accomplishments of the locals. However, I think most of the Ukrainian technical enterprises I am familiar with grew up clearly as part of the Soviet Union (aerospace, electronics, nuclear). I'm sure many people who participated saw themselves as Ukrainians, others probably saw themselves as Russians (or Soviets?) who happened to live in Ukraine. A few probably saw themselves as Germans kidnapped to Ukraine in another stupid European war.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Gerard1234

    Many of those, if not most of those building these factories back in the day were Ukrainians themselves. So be careful using the word “Soviet”. Some of these were most likely started before the Soviet era. It is common heritage, it is very sad that it is being fought over now in such an undignified manner (even if this is understandable from a purely human point of view, humans tend to be selfish and love taking credit for things that are of notable worth). Remember that a lot of this heritage is now being physically wiped out.
    What a retarded TsIPSO faggot you are. Idiotic dipshit. Russia is not the country doing de-communisation laws - so your moronic comment is completely irrelevant. Those you are talking of were "Ukrainians" who viewed themselves as Russians anyway, entirely part of russian-world because one great thing we can see in all of this is the complete non-contribution of Galicians ( the heartland of this cancerous ukronazi ideology) to all of these engineering efforts.

    You can't separate what you like from USSR as "our own legacy" and then separate what you don't like as "Russian" you idiot. You can't say these were "Ukrainians" doing them , when Galician efforts were non-existant ( to all the empires they were lemmings for) , and Banderastan has been renaming all their cities/streets/parks etc that were originally named after these "Ukrainians" anyway.

    You think its a "coincidence" that all these cities/towns have their general layout /masterplan identical with Russian cities ( because it was all Russians creating these cities in Tsarist time), and their architecture identical to Russian ones from Soviet time?

    The reason Russian Black Sea coast/South Russia was far less industrialised , less part of MIC than "Ukrainian" Black/Azov/Malorossiya part of 404 was because of Russian decision-making you idiot. Loess soil problem in Russia, big part of reason mass-infrastructure/industries were placed in Ukrainian regions instead of Russian. Everything is there because of Russia. Those decisions made it the most industrialised and populated part of USSR.

    The other big point, stupid idiot, is that with all this RUSSIAN/Soviet great independence they have done f**k all with it. This is in big difference to Russia and Belarus. Anti-Russianism may be a big factor ion why this great heritage with great engineering projects, industries have been wasted.
  482. @Mr. Hack
    @The Big Red Scary

    Being in such close proximity to the Grand Master in the kremlin, do you know how Putler feels about all of the Ukrainian civilians (many Russian speakers) that have lost loved ones and homes in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, as a result of the SMO (war against Ukraine for non-Russian speakers)? Does he realize that his policies have directly negatively effected the historical goodwill between these Russians and Ukrainians, that always served as a natural barrier of support for closer Russian/Ukrainian cooperation? Understandably, not so anymore, but Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind, has always really been a dolt when it comes to PR and soft power propaganda. He's lost all credibility within Ukraine because of his war like mentality, something that he once had in a good measure of abundance. He's such a fool, his grand illusions of controlling Ukraine within a new Imperial state will never come to fruition.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW, @QCIC

    The novel aspect of the war is the Jew King of Kiev. In normal circumstances you could change President in a war. Britain had a few Prime Ministers in the fight against Napoleon and 3 against the Axis. The US had 2 in ww2.

    Now to take your comment seriously for a moment, yes, Moscow has lost what appears to have been a close relationship. The Russians liberated much of Southern Ukraine from Johnny Turk. Much of Wallachia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Moldova.

    The Russians did this liberation act while Napoleon was funding the Sultan in Istanbul and subsidising the janissary Corps. The Russians fought all along the Black Sea pushing back Islam while the enlightened French were funnelling weapons to Istanbul. At the same time Napoleon’s German and especially Polish troops were being amassed on the Newman River being readied for the Grand Armee’s push to burn down Moscow. The Polish especially seem to have relished this push on Moscow. One doesn’t see any Ukies in the Russian Orbat in either the Napoleonic Ottoman wars here.

  483. @Mr. Hack
    @The Big Red Scary

    Being in such close proximity to the Grand Master in the kremlin, do you know how Putler feels about all of the Ukrainian civilians (many Russian speakers) that have lost loved ones and homes in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, as a result of the SMO (war against Ukraine for non-Russian speakers)? Does he realize that his policies have directly negatively effected the historical goodwill between these Russians and Ukrainians, that always served as a natural barrier of support for closer Russian/Ukrainian cooperation? Understandably, not so anymore, but Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind, has always really been a dolt when it comes to PR and soft power propaganda. He's lost all credibility within Ukraine because of his war like mentality, something that he once had in a good measure of abundance. He's such a fool, his grand illusions of controlling Ukraine within a new Imperial state will never come to fruition.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW, @QCIC

    Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind

    Was this really the case? Or maybe simply the circumstances during his rule weren’t really that challenging – and have only become truly challenging now? Maybe what was translated as “chess like mind” was actually just cautiousness and slight cunning / lying / misleading..

  484. Fusion unlocked by Covid in brain:

    “We discovered COVID-19 causes neurons to undergo a cell fusion process, which has not been seen before,” Professor Hilliard said. “After neuronal infection with SARS-CoV-2, the spike S protein becomes present in neurons, and once neurons fuse, they don’t die. They either start firing synchronously, or they stop functioning altogether.”

    As an analogy, Professor Hilliard likened the role of neurons to that of wires connecting switches to the lights in a kitchen and a bathroom.

    “Once fusion takes place, each switch either turns on both the kitchen and bathroom lights at the same time, or neither of them,” he said. “It’s bad news for the two independent circuits.”

    The discovery offers a potential explanation for persistent neurological effects after a viral infection.

    “In the current understanding of what happens when a virus enters the brain, there are two outcomes—either cell death or inflammation,” Dr. Martinez-Marmol said. “But we’ve shown a third possible outcome, which is neuronal fusion.”

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @sudden death

    One of the features of vaccinating everybody (which they failed at but they definitely got almost all of the customers of the health care industry) is that any side effects of the experimental genetic medicine are confounded with the effects of the virus.

    The best word for the managers of the poop show might be slimy. Slugs everywhere.

    Use your head!

    Replies: @Barbarossa, @sudden death

  485. @sudden death
    Fusion unlocked by Covid in brain:

    “We discovered COVID-19 causes neurons to undergo a cell fusion process, which has not been seen before,” Professor Hilliard said. “After neuronal infection with SARS-CoV-2, the spike S protein becomes present in neurons, and once neurons fuse, they don’t die. They either start firing synchronously, or they stop functioning altogether.”

    As an analogy, Professor Hilliard likened the role of neurons to that of wires connecting switches to the lights in a kitchen and a bathroom.

    “Once fusion takes place, each switch either turns on both the kitchen and bathroom lights at the same time, or neither of them,” he said. “It’s bad news for the two independent circuits.”

    The discovery offers a potential explanation for persistent neurological effects after a viral infection.

    “In the current understanding of what happens when a virus enters the brain, there are two outcomes—either cell death or inflammation,” Dr. Martinez-Marmol said. “But we’ve shown a third possible outcome, which is neuronal fusion.”

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    One of the features of vaccinating everybody (which they failed at but they definitely got almost all of the customers of the health care industry) is that any side effects of the experimental genetic medicine are confounded with the effects of the virus.

    The best word for the managers of the poop show might be slimy. Slugs everywhere.

    Use your head!

    • Replies: @Barbarossa
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Yeah, at this point it's practically impossible to separate vaccine with virus complications. I sure don't see the point in getting the shot, but meh, how are we proles to know?

    , @sudden death
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    There is no lack of purebloods whom also had covidian complications, so in theory it would be not so hard to do comparative tests for the further inquiry of brain cell fusion effect frequency compared with vaxed patients.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  486. @Sher Singh

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks or gaiters + quick-drying shoes.
    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.

    Goretex is "supposed" to be bad for shoes or pants - places with lots of movement.
    Wears out the membrane quick & you're right about 2000g/mm being bad.

    It has pit zips though, but I'll definitely give Scarpa & Goretex clothes a try in the future.
    Well polished leather is water-resistant and more breathable than Goretex or so they say.

    The main point about failure of GTX shoes comes from long-term outings, where if your waterproofing fails, you will be out with shoes that refuse to dry until you are back to civilization. This could get very ugly.
    I do spray DWR onto my mesh boots though, and it works well enough even in 1ft of snow.

    Replies: @Mikel

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks

    Terrible advice. But fortunately I don’t think anyone sells waterproof socks. Your feet would soak in perspiration, causing blisters and all types of discomfort.

    I’d like to rectify some of what I said earlier myself though. In very cold temperatures totally waterproof boots would be unlikely to cause frostbite through perspiration. Not impossible, but that’s not the main concern in those conditions. In fact, technical high altitude boots have a hard plastic shell and an inner soft insulated shoe. I used some old Koflach boots of this kind for the Aconcagua. The hard shell allows you to attach skis too.

    It is true however that good socks are as important as good shoes. They should be moisture wicking and anatomically cushioned for any active use. The Basque company Lorpen has become quite trendy and sells plenty of technical socks in North America. I have some and they’re good enough but probably the best sock brand is Darn Tough.

    If you’re going to try Scarpa boots you can get them from and sometimes they have better prices than the original brand. I’ve seen REI Utah engage in some leftist activities in the past though but most all outdoors brands feel that it is their duty to support environmentalist causes, often mixed with leftist stuff. The worst are probably Patagonia and TNF. I’m not buying anything from them anymore.

    REI has its own apparel brand btw. They’re not top notch but they do the job. I’ve used a REI jacket in 5000+ mt mountaineering.

    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.

    My Goretex trail running and summer hiking shoes dry fine after receiving plenty of abuse in the snow and mud.

    Goretex is “supposed” to be bad for shoes or pants – places with lots of movement.

    People risking their lives in difficult expeditions seem to disagree.

    Right now this is what I use:

    – Trail running: Under Armour Goretex shows with Lorpen or Fila moisture wicking socks for good weather. In cold weather and snow I use thick merino wool socks, gaiters and traction cleats.

    – Summer and mid-season hiking: La Sportiva Goretex/Vibram shoes and Lorpen socks.

    – Winter hiking: Kabelas leather Goretex/Vibram insulated boots and Lorpen or merino wool socks. Don’t ask me how but Goretex can be woven into leather too. But I do agree that well maintained leather is a fantastic material for boots. That’s all we had in the old times, along with wool socks, and we used to do very well. The best wool I’ve ever tried was reindeer. It would keep your feet and hands warm even when moist but once they all worn out I was never able to find that material in the Americas. More technical products dominated the market.

    • Thanks: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Please do gloves!

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @Sher Singh

    Standard issue UK army.

    The membrane on boots/pants is supposed to wear out with lots of friction.

    For socks I just have these :(

    Have like 30 pairs once those are gone I'm getting Darn Tough. :)

    Lorpen seems expensive, but a lot of guys swear by the Kirkland Merino socks at Costco.

    Snugpak RJ1 that's 2000g/cm2 or w/e

    The above is pretty much all the gear I have.

    I just use Danner Tanicus for 3 seasons & the Altberg for winter.
    Or just Danner + a NEO outerboot.

    I'll try out some goretex shoes for a bit.
    I have some rain pant somewhere, but just these ones:

    These are the shoes I'm looking at, but gonna sell my Altama OTBs first:

    Might get rid of my Lowas too and just keep those for when I need a black boot.

    Hiking in the Andes sounds hardcore!

    , @Barbarossa

    I'm a big believer in wool. I wear wool socks year round and find them to be really comfortable and breathable. I have a bunch of 81% Merino socks in seconds grade that I got off of eBay but sadly the seller is no longer active. A lot of wool socks have too little wool in them and I find that a high content is best.

    Darn Tough is a little expensive for my taste but I'm sure they are quite nice.

    Replies: @Mikel

  487. @Mikel
    @Sher Singh

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks
    Terrible advice. But fortunately I don't think anyone sells waterproof socks. Your feet would soak in perspiration, causing blisters and all types of discomfort.

    I'd like to rectify some of what I said earlier myself though. In very cold temperatures totally waterproof boots would be unlikely to cause frostbite through perspiration. Not impossible, but that's not the main concern in those conditions. In fact, technical high altitude boots have a hard plastic shell and an inner soft insulated shoe. I used some old Koflach boots of this kind for the Aconcagua. The hard shell allows you to attach skis too.

    It is true however that good socks are as important as good shoes. They should be moisture wicking and anatomically cushioned for any active use. The Basque company Lorpen has become quite trendy and sells plenty of technical socks in North America. I have some and they're good enough but probably the best sock brand is Darn Tough.

    If you're going to try Scarpa boots you can get them from and sometimes they have better prices than the original brand. I've seen REI Utah engage in some leftist activities in the past though but most all outdoors brands feel that it is their duty to support environmentalist causes, often mixed with leftist stuff. The worst are probably Patagonia and TNF. I'm not buying anything from them anymore.

    REI has its own apparel brand btw. They're not top notch but they do the job. I've used a REI jacket in 5000+ mt mountaineering.

    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.
    My Goretex trail running and summer hiking shoes dry fine after receiving plenty of abuse in the snow and mud.

    Goretex is “supposed” to be bad for shoes or pants – places with lots of movement.
    People risking their lives in difficult expeditions seem to disagree.

    Right now this is what I use:

    - Trail running: Under Armour Goretex shows with Lorpen or Fila moisture wicking socks for good weather. In cold weather and snow I use thick merino wool socks, gaiters and traction cleats.

    - Summer and mid-season hiking: La Sportiva Goretex/Vibram shoes and Lorpen socks.

    - Winter hiking: Kabelas leather Goretex/Vibram insulated boots and Lorpen or merino wool socks. Don't ask me how but Goretex can be woven into leather too. But I do agree that well maintained leather is a fantastic material for boots. That's all we had in the old times, along with wool socks, and we used to do very well. The best wool I've ever tried was reindeer. It would keep your feet and hands warm even when moist but once they all worn out I was never able to find that material in the Americas. More technical products dominated the market.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Sher Singh, @Barbarossa

    Please do gloves!

    • Replies: @Mikel
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Well, I have a ton of gloves and mittens, both for work and for hiking, so I can't do a rundown of them without spamming this thread but if you're really interested in my opinions on this topic, I think that every enthusiast of the winter outdoors should have 3 good pieces of equipment:

    - Moisture wicking thin gloves that can act as a base layer or as temporary protection when you need to use your fingers with precision in very cold temperatures, such as pitching a tent or finding stuff in your backup. In the past this layer used to be made of silk but I don't know what's happened to silk gear. I don't see it anymore. I use polypropylene gloves but I guess this is old-fashioned too and there must be better options now.

    - Mid-level gloves for not so cold conditions or when you need serious cold and wind protection but you expect to use your fingers so mittens will not do. You're going to be using these gloves most of the time and, quite frankly, most of the time cheap options will do the job, such as thick gloves that you can buy at Home Depot or even Walmart. I can use that kind of stuff for trail running in the winter but, on the other hand, you should have a good, expensive pair for the very cold hiking days. Getting your fingers numb (high altitude, wind or moisture can cause this quickly in not too cold temperatures) is no fun and the pain of blood slowly returning to your fingers even less.

    I actually need to buy something new in this range. My TNF Windstopper gloves have turned out to be a fiasco. They don't really stop the wind or the cold during serious hikes in altitude. Having the TNF label on it, even if it is legit, is no longer a guarantee of quality.

    - Some very good, Goretex mittens for maximum protection in the cold and the bad weather. I think I have my foreseeable needs covered with my big Marmot mittens (don't remember the model).

  488. A123 says: • Website

    Yet more Disney fiasco

    As Disney stock remains in the toilet, a massive multi-billion dollar payment to Comcast is coming due for their share of Hulu, and Indy 5 prepares to lose money at the box office, is it any wonder that Disney CFO Christine McCarthy has quit DIsney, allegedly for family medical leave…and yet given the perilous financial times at Disney, I wonder: did she jump a sinking ship, or was she pushed out?

    If her replacement applies the rules strictly & honestly, how much worse will it be for the firm’s SEC filings?

    PEACE 😇

  489. S says:
    @Greasy William

    It’s a sensitive subject, but what’s particularly disturbing is that the powers that be are perfectly capable of reading Biblical scriptures.
    Some people are just incapable of seeing it. It's like a mental block.

    I did hear about the US as the New Rome thing, in fact, Washington DC was built on land that was initially named "New Rome". Not sure what the meaning of all this is though as the New Rome is obviously Russia

    Replies: @S

    I did hear about the US as the New Rome thing, in fact, Washington DC was built on land that was initially named “New Rome”.

    Yes, land carefully chosen to construct Washington DC upon had once been called Rome, complete with its own Tiber running through it. The United States, of course, since its very founding has consciously modeled itself upon Rome. Though the scale can be somewhat different, it’s really uncanny that a person, without stretching things, can find a close parallel in US historical events with almost any major event in ancient Rome’s history.

    Take Rome’s disastrous loss of Varus and his three legions to Arminius and his alliance of barbarian tribes, and the crushing punitive expeditions launched afterward by Rome, and the recovery of the lost Eagles. The parallel here is with Custer’s catastrophic defeat at the Little Big Horn, the loss of the 7th Cavalry guidons (ie US flags) taken as trophies by the Indians, and their recovery (most of them at least) in the crushing punitive expeditions launched by the United States in the months which followed.

    Taking population differences into account, the loss of Custer’s roughly 250 men in a battle to the Indian’s alliance of tribes, would be about the same difference as today waking up and reading in the newspaper an account of the United States losing two thousand marines killed in a single battle to the Taliban in Afghanistan, where the norm might be the occasional 4 or 5 casualties. Custer’s defeat at the Little Big Horn, which took place almost right on top of the July 4th US Centennial celebrations, sent powerful shock waves through the US establishment.

    Below is one of the 7th Cavalry guidons recovered in an Indian encampment after the Battle of Slim Buttes on September 9, 1876:

  490. @AP

    By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 – they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today
    Hungary is the least successful of the Visegrad countries and has even almost become the equal of the most successful of the Balkan countries, Romania.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest. And Czechia and Slovakia were always richer than Hungary, often much richer, so there is no change.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well…again your Polish-Ruthenian (?) sour grapes…

    • Replies: @A123

    Hungary's largest burden being landlocked. Closing ranks with Croatia would make a huge amount of sense in economic terms. A "European Values" block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable. Austria is another potential member for this Christian Populist alliance.

    The violence and crime from open borders is visible everywhere in contaminated Europe. What will voters pick -- Christian European values? Or Merkel/Macron/Scholz values? The anti-American, European WEF Empire is in a great deal of trouble.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow

    , @AP

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest.
    LOL, I was in Budapest in 2019. Outside the Castle District it was a dump, albeit with beautiful architecture. Dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses. No comparison to Poland which is clean, modern, civilized. Budapest has very nice baths though.

    Even AnoninTN agrees with me:

    "But I agree that Budapest is disappointing. In Soviet times Hungary was considered more prosperous than other “socialist” countries. Today Budapest looks poor and rundown."

    Never been to Bucharest.

    You can't help but defend your traditional Hungarian masters, which is funny. Is it because your new one faltered?

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war. But Krakow is both beautiful and not run down like Budapest. Same for Wroclaw.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well
    It has sunk to being the worst of the Visegrad countries, but it depends on what one measures.
    On several (but not all) measures, it appears that Slovakia is even poorer.

    Average wages:


    Czechia: 1400 Euros
    Poland: 1200 Euros
    Hungary: 1061 Euros
    Slovakia: 1008 Euros

    Romania: 920 Euros

    Adjusted for cost of living:

    Poland: $2719
    Hungary: $2505
    Czechia: $2414
    Slovakia: $2131

    Romania: $2232

    GDP per capita, nominal (2023):

    Czechia: $31,368
    Slovakia: $23,457
    Poland: $19,912
    Hungary: $19,385

    Romania: $18,530

    GDP, per capita PPP (2023):

    Czechia: $50,961
    Poland: $45,343
    Hungary: $43,907
    Slovakia: $41,515

    Romania: $41,634

    Unemployment rate:

    Czechia: 2.4%
    Poland: 2.7%
    Hungary: 3%
    Slovakia: 6%

    Romania: 5.3%

    Replies: @Beckow

  491. Appreciated the alien vibe that Clavell created in Shogun. In some ways, it is a double alienness, that between Protestant and Catholic Europe and that between Europe and Japan.


    Whatever the flaws in the depiction or story, that kind of consciousness of the distinctness of ethnic and cultural spheres seems to be extremely rare in mainstream Western culture. Let alone on TV, which seems especially pozzed. I suspect that Clavell was heavily influenced by his time as a POW on Java and in Singapore. And the mere fact that the miniseries was made probably reflects some then residual national feelings about WW2.

    Tried reading his semi-autobiographical novel King Rat, about a POW camp in Singapore, but my disgust reflex kicked into overdrive once he introduced a homo character, and had main character shake his hand, look at his chest, and complement his acting in the camp theater.

    I might still try that other miniseries adaptation with Pierce Brosnan.

    • Replies: @songbird

    George MacDonald Fraser wrote an adaptation for Taipan, which Roger Moore praised, but apparently it was never used, and the film (which I have never seen) is considered a stinker.

    Both Clavell and Schwarzenegger got their start working as carpenters in Hollywood. Probably all done by Mexicans today.

    , @Wokechoke

    A rescripted and remade Noble House would be a good laugh. Tia Carrera looked nice.

    End of an Era Hong Kong would be great to see refictionalised. The trading floor in Hong Kong was a sight.

    One other era I’m interested in is the Japanese conquest of Hong Kong. Loads of middle age ww1 veterans living there and most of them were killed in the invasion.

  492. @LatW

    Many of those, if not most of those building these factories back in the day were Ukrainians themselves. So be careful using the word "Soviet". Some of these were most likely started before the Soviet era. It is common heritage, it is very sad that it is being fought over now in such an undignified manner (even if this is understandable from a purely human point of view, humans tend to be selfish and love taking credit for things that are of notable worth). Remember that a lot of this heritage is now being physically wiped out.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Gerard1234

    I agree and was not trying to belittle the accomplishments of the locals. However, I think most of the Ukrainian technical enterprises I am familiar with grew up clearly as part of the Soviet Union (aerospace, electronics, nuclear). I’m sure many people who participated saw themselves as Ukrainians, others probably saw themselves as Russians (or Soviets?) who happened to live in Ukraine. A few probably saw themselves as Germans kidnapped to Ukraine in another stupid European war.

    • Replies: @LatW

    However, I think most of the Ukrainian technical enterprises I am familiar with grew up clearly as part of the Soviet Union (aerospace, electronics, nuclear).
    You do not have data as to how many of those working in those enterprises were Ukrainians and how many were imported or local Russians, Jews or other ethnicities. Also, you do not know how many Germans or other nationalities were at the seed stage of these enterprises before the Soviet Union.

    It may not be that tactful to talk about this, but unfortunately this is what a lot of resentment is about. It needed to be treated amicably and with recognition of everyone's input.

    Same as the other contributions to that country - for example, military service. How many man hours of military service have Ukrainian nationals provided? How many man hours in the Gulag camps that helped build important Soviet infrastructure?

    If we take that approach, we end up going into these types of conversations that are not all that pleasant, but this is the conversation that Putin raised and we want to be fair. We cannot do like you are doing, just swipe everything into one pile and say it's the contribution of Russia and the Russian people.

    Likewise, the Ukrainian side and their Western friends should've been more sensitive about trying to pull an unwilling and culturally different Russian population into NATO (or even the prospect of it). That was a dilemma.

    Also, many weapons used today to murder Ukrainian citizens were actually built by Ukrainians. if a Ukrainian engineer back in the day was told - hey, this will be used to kill children in Dnipro, would he continue building that weapon? That is the tragedy of this situation.

    Replies: @QCIC

  493. @QCIC

    I agree and was not trying to belittle the accomplishments of the locals. However, I think most of the Ukrainian technical enterprises I am familiar with grew up clearly as part of the Soviet Union (aerospace, electronics, nuclear). I'm sure many people who participated saw themselves as Ukrainians, others probably saw themselves as Russians (or Soviets?) who happened to live in Ukraine. A few probably saw themselves as Germans kidnapped to Ukraine in another stupid European war.

    Replies: @LatW

    However, I think most of the Ukrainian technical enterprises I am familiar with grew up clearly as part of the Soviet Union (aerospace, electronics, nuclear).

    You do not have data as to how many of those working in those enterprises were Ukrainians and how many were imported or local Russians, Jews or other ethnicities. Also, you do not know how many Germans or other nationalities were at the seed stage of these enterprises before the Soviet Union.

    It may not be that tactful to talk about this, but unfortunately this is what a lot of resentment is about. It needed to be treated amicably and with recognition of everyone’s input.

    Same as the other contributions to that country – for example, military service. How many man hours of military service have Ukrainian nationals provided? How many man hours in the Gulag camps that helped build important Soviet infrastructure?

    If we take that approach, we end up going into these types of conversations that are not all that pleasant, but this is the conversation that Putin raised and we want to be fair. We cannot do like you are doing, just swipe everything into one pile and say it’s the contribution of Russia and the Russian people.

    Likewise, the Ukrainian side and their Western friends should’ve been more sensitive about trying to pull an unwilling and culturally different Russian population into NATO (or even the prospect of it). That was a dilemma.

    Also, many weapons used today to murder Ukrainian citizens were actually built by Ukrainians. if a Ukrainian engineer back in the day was told – hey, this will be used to kill children in Dnipro, would he continue building that weapon? That is the tragedy of this situation.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I intended the phrase "grew up as part of the Soviet Union" to be reasonably inclusive of the Ukrainian contribution. I believe all of the enterprises I mentioned were exclusively funded by Moscow since WW2 to at least the early 1990s. It is true that I have no idea if the workers considered themselves Ukrainian, Russian or Communist Citizens of the World.

    Sadly I think the Ukrainian technical legacy may be lost. Hopefully something nice can grow up from the ruins.

  494. @Mr. Hack
    @The Big Red Scary

    Being in such close proximity to the Grand Master in the kremlin, do you know how Putler feels about all of the Ukrainian civilians (many Russian speakers) that have lost loved ones and homes in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, as a result of the SMO (war against Ukraine for non-Russian speakers)? Does he realize that his policies have directly negatively effected the historical goodwill between these Russians and Ukrainians, that always served as a natural barrier of support for closer Russian/Ukrainian cooperation? Understandably, not so anymore, but Putler often cited for his brilliant chess move like mind, has always really been a dolt when it comes to PR and soft power propaganda. He's lost all credibility within Ukraine because of his war like mentality, something that he once had in a good measure of abundance. He's such a fool, his grand illusions of controlling Ukraine within a new Imperial state will never come to fruition.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @LatW, @QCIC

    Mr. Hack,

    Why do you ignore the fact that the SMO is simply part of the latest battle in the Cold War? This battle was essentially started by the West, using Ukraine as a proxy to pressure Russia.

    I think the leaders in the Kremlin are focussed on protecting Russia while avoiding nuclear Armageddon. The tragic deaths in Ukraine are an intended result of the policies of the West. These lives on all sides were forfeit when Ukraine started the attacks which killed Donbass civilians. In my view that action was a tripwire which set the rest in motion.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    If you can figure out what's really behind what's happening in Ukraine, it's a pity that the kremlins cannot. A "tripwire" set-up by the West to lure Russian into what will certainly result in Russia's should apply for a job as Putler's advisor and warn him of his dangerous actions, the guys that are currently doing so, are just leading him around by his nose into dangerous areas (for Russia).

    Replies: @QCIC

  495. @QCIC

    XYZ seems to be acting as a troll with the intention of degrading this comment forum using diversionary trolling. In other words he is not trolling on the specifics of the SMO, but on more general topics intended to make the comment stream tedious or loathsome. This may be intended to drive away non-commenting readers who benefit from this healthy dialog exploring the Ukraine crisis.

    XYZ's efforts may parallel Hack and AP starting to give up. They appear to be less able to muster credible arguments to respond to news items related to the SMO. Someone may have notified them that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.

    I don't recall XYZ's earlier commenting pattern. Once a troll always a troll?

    Replies: @LatW, @Mr. Hack

    starting to give up?

    It’s you that seems to have petered out and couldn’t muster any more gas and reply to my comment#305, after having already posted several listless comments related to our discussion. The level of comments worth any serious response here is greatly suffering and the troll factory in Russia should fire you all and provide new, higher quality trolls here. Your limp di__d efforts are appaling.

    But then again, if you look at the source of all of your thought patterns, it all becomes instantly apparent about what is going on here. 🙁

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I have replied to your #305. Apparently you missed my original meaning anyway.

    My reply:

    War is Hell.

    People think this is a slogan from some stupid movie. I think it is a real mantra that bloodthirsty people such as yourself need to understand.

    If a large bomb explodes near people, the result is hell on earth. This happens all the time in war and is in fact part of the purpose, to kill a lot of people.


    The lesson is --> Don't take up arms against people under the de facto protection of a Superpower to attempt to sort out an issue which could be slowly worked out through reason and persuasion. What did you think would happen? What kind of drugs were people taking? Yeah, I know the answer, propaganda combined with fear and hate and enthusiasm and money is a terrible, powerful thing.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  496. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack,

    Why do you ignore the fact that the SMO is simply part of the latest battle in the Cold War? This battle was essentially started by the West, using Ukraine as a proxy to pressure Russia.

    I think the leaders in the Kremlin are focussed on protecting Russia while avoiding nuclear Armageddon. The tragic deaths in Ukraine are an intended result of the policies of the West. These lives on all sides were forfeit when Ukraine started the attacks which killed Donbass civilians. In my view that action was a tripwire which set the rest in motion.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    If you can figure out what’s really behind what’s happening in Ukraine, it’s a pity that the kremlins cannot. A “tripwire” set-up by the West to lure Russian into what will certainly result in Russia’s demise…you should apply for a job as Putler’s advisor and warn him of his dangerous actions, the guys that are currently doing so, are just leading him around by his nose into dangerous areas (for Russia).

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I think the possible courses of action for the Russian leadership are restricted in many ways, just as with the West. I hope that Russia doesn't get so cornered that nuking your beloved Kiev becomes the least bad option. This is the contradiction of your enthusiasm for this fight, there is no upside. If Russia gets cornered, they have the ability to escalate to nuclear weapons. In this MAD scenario put into fateful motion by the West, Russia may be obligated to escalate to stave off full nuclear war. C'est la vie, Kievans.

  497. Sher Singh says:
    @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    Of course I am fortunate that I live among peaceful and commonsensical people. My parents made the right choice and sacrificed a lot in doing this. I am forever grateful for their efforts.

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.

    There are karmic roots to war and suffering and karmic roots to peace and happiness. I am now a man of Peace, quite unlike my younger self. I know that there is death facing me in a more or less near future. I am readying for that. Everything else is of secondary importance. As Buddha has said: "We all have to die here. In those who remember this, hatred ceases".

    Perhaps one day Eastern Slavic peoples would also come to their senses and start to live a meaningful, peaceful and harmonious existence before dying a peaceful death. Perhaps they would need to learn some Dharma to reach this point.

    Perhaps they won't, and will end up islamized as other Abrahamics eventually will. I will be long gone by then and it's alright that way. The only sad part is that my mindstream is not yet pacified enough to become pure Light. But eventually, it will end up reaching that point of realization.

    We all will.

    We all will be pacified.

    It'll be alright Mr Hack.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Sher Singh

    ਗੁਰੂ ਕਹ੍ਯੋ ‘ਆਯੋ ਕਲਿ ਕਾਲਾ ॥ ਦੁਸ਼ਟਨ ਕੋ ਭਾ ਤੇਜ ਕਰਾਲਾ ॥26॥
    The Guru said, “Oh Jait Ram, the Dark age is upon us, the wicked have become exceedingly vicious.

    ਸੰਤ ਗਰੀਬ ਧੇਨੁ ਦਿਜ ਦੋਖੀ ॥ ਕਰਹਿਂ ਅਵੱਗ੍ਯਾ ਮੂਰਖ ਰੋਖੀ ॥ ਤਿਨ ਸੋਂ ਦੰਡ ਕਰਨਿ ਬਨਿ ਆਵੈ ॥ ਧਰਨੀ ਛਿਮਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਨਿਬਹਾਵੈ ॥27॥
    They inflict pain on the saints, the poor, to the cow and Brahmins. These fools in anger forever are in opposition against them. For this reason it is right to punish these people, being forgiving towards them does not make sense.

    ਤੇਗ਼ ਤੁਪਕ ਤੀਰਨ ਖਰ ਧਰਿ ਕਰਿ ॥ ਕਰਹਿ ਦਿਖਾਵਨ ਤੇਜ ਤਰਾਤਰ ॥ ਤੌ ਕਲਿ ਕਾਲ ਬਿਖੈ ਬਨਿ ਆਵੈ ॥ ਜੀਤਹਿਂ ਹਤਿ ਚਿੰਤਾ ਬਿਸਰਾਵੈ ॥28॥
    With swords, rifles, arrows in our hands, we show them our tremendous might. In the Dark Age this right way of action. Forgetting the anxiety of death we overcome them.

    ਸੁਧ ਬੁਧਿ ਸਹਤ ਭਲੇ ਗੁਨ ਸਾਰੇ ॥ ਨਰ ਉਰ ਤੇ ਕਲਿਜੁਗ ਨਿਰਵਾਰੇ ॥ ਧਹਰਿਂ ਸ਼ਸਤ੍ਰ ਸਿਮਰਹਿਂ ਸਤਿਨਾਮੂ ॥ ਧਰਮ ਧਰਹਿਂ ਪਹੁਂਚਹਿਂ ਸੁਰ ਧਾਮੂ ॥29॥
    The Dark Age has not allowed a great amount of people to be imbued with great virtues, and a pure mind. The Khalsa, adorning weapons remembers the True Name, established in Dharma they ascend to the realm of Gods.

    ਇਸ ਕਾਰਨ ਤੇ ਪੰਥ ਉਪਾਯੋ ॥ ਦੇ ਆਯੁਧ ਰਸ ਬੀਰ ਵਧਾਯੋ ॥
    For this reason the Panth was created, I have given them weapons and infused them with heroic spirit ! [bir ras] ”

  498. A123 says: • Website

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest. And Czechia and Slovakia were always richer than Hungary, often much richer, so there is no change.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well...again your Polish-Ruthenian (?) sour grapes...

    Replies: @A123, @AP

    Hungary’s largest burden being landlocked. Closing ranks with Croatia would make a huge amount of sense in economic terms. A “European Values” block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable. Austria is another potential member for this Christian Populist alliance.

    The violence and crime from open borders is visible everywhere in contaminated Europe. What will voters pick — Christian European values? Or Merkel/Macron/Scholz values? The anti-American, European WEF Empire is in a great deal of trouble.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Little, land-locked Hungary, run by a Putler wannabe (no wonder that he appeals to your appeasing spirit) , has recently been denied a large cache of modern weaponry:

    The top Republican on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Wednesday he was blocking a $735 million arms sale to Hungary because its government has refused to approve Sweden's bid to join NATO.

    "Given promises that were made to me and others last year that this vote would be done, and the fact that it is now June and still not done, I decided that the sale of new U.S. military equipment to Hungary will be on hold," Senator Jim Risch said in a statement.

    Well, what did the stupid fools think?
    , @Beckow

    ...“European Values” block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable.
    We disagree on more than we agree. Italy is very problematic: they have their own version of conservative politics, e.g. Italy is in the forefront of "compulsory distribution" of migrants to other EU countries. Instead of policing its borders Italy wants to "share the burden"...

    The benefit of EU-liberalism (an absolutely vile set of policies with very little real popular support) is that they represent above-national views - they want to screw everyone. The conservatives represent individual national interests and they are not the same. We, for example, don't care for Italian "banking" in CE - but Italy has an interest in promoting it. Or shipping its migrants elsewhere.

    The reality is that national conservatives can't win in Brussels.

    Replies: @A123

  499. @LatW

    However, I think most of the Ukrainian technical enterprises I am familiar with grew up clearly as part of the Soviet Union (aerospace, electronics, nuclear).
    You do not have data as to how many of those working in those enterprises were Ukrainians and how many were imported or local Russians, Jews or other ethnicities. Also, you do not know how many Germans or other nationalities were at the seed stage of these enterprises before the Soviet Union.

    It may not be that tactful to talk about this, but unfortunately this is what a lot of resentment is about. It needed to be treated amicably and with recognition of everyone's input.

    Same as the other contributions to that country - for example, military service. How many man hours of military service have Ukrainian nationals provided? How many man hours in the Gulag camps that helped build important Soviet infrastructure?

    If we take that approach, we end up going into these types of conversations that are not all that pleasant, but this is the conversation that Putin raised and we want to be fair. We cannot do like you are doing, just swipe everything into one pile and say it's the contribution of Russia and the Russian people.

    Likewise, the Ukrainian side and their Western friends should've been more sensitive about trying to pull an unwilling and culturally different Russian population into NATO (or even the prospect of it). That was a dilemma.

    Also, many weapons used today to murder Ukrainian citizens were actually built by Ukrainians. if a Ukrainian engineer back in the day was told - hey, this will be used to kill children in Dnipro, would he continue building that weapon? That is the tragedy of this situation.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I intended the phrase “grew up as part of the Soviet Union” to be reasonably inclusive of the Ukrainian contribution. I believe all of the enterprises I mentioned were exclusively funded by Moscow since WW2 to at least the early 1990s. It is true that I have no idea if the workers considered themselves Ukrainian, Russian or Communist Citizens of the World.

    Sadly I think the Ukrainian technical legacy may be lost. Hopefully something nice can grow up from the ruins.

  500. @Mr. Hack

    I've never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman. I don't, however, feel compelled to bring up any issues involving all of the countries that you've brought up when discussing Russia's malicious actions in Ukraine today. Certainly, you don't feel compelled to bring up any of Russia's unsavory acts in the world when discussing Russia. In fact, I never can recall you impugning any negativity towards Russia when discussing its actions (you don't really believe in all of the whitewashing efforts that you post about Russia, do you?). BTW, you're not one of those kremlin stooges that I've read so much about?
    Full time work, great pay and benefits too! :-)

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Beckow

    …I’ve never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman.

    That is besides the point: it is about responsibility and consequences. Whether out of weakness or because they actually supported the wars by Nato, the Western societies never held anyone accountable. That means they lost any standing to critique others. A thief can’t be running around yelling “thief, catch him!!!!!”…or he can, but he is a fool.

    I have a lot of negativity towards current Russia: oligarchs, bureaucrats, lack of elite turnover, miserable quasi-liberal family policies, the place is swarming with wannabe compradors, etc…but regarding the geopolitical situation (Ukraine, etc…) Russia is the least bad option. They have a very strong argument in Ukraine about keeping Nato out and protecting the rights of millions of Russians living there. That’s what the war is about, not about some local potentate in Omsk stealing like mad and blowing it on Antibes houses…

    I care about the quality of life in East-Central Europe: historically we have always done the best when the West and Russia compete in our region – and try to bid for our good will. Total devotion to Washington doesn’t pay – the neo-cons simply use you for cannon fodder in their adventures – see the sad fate of the Ukrainians. All else are empty words to deceive you.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Actually one of your better, more reasoned comments that you've made here in a long, long time (mostly). And you didn't even need to stoop to calling me any names. :-)

    Replies: @Beckow

  501. Sher Singh says:
    @Sher Singh

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks
    Terrible advice. But fortunately I don't think anyone sells waterproof socks. Your feet would soak in perspiration, causing blisters and all types of discomfort.

    I'd like to rectify some of what I said earlier myself though. In very cold temperatures totally waterproof boots would be unlikely to cause frostbite through perspiration. Not impossible, but that's not the main concern in those conditions. In fact, technical high altitude boots have a hard plastic shell and an inner soft insulated shoe. I used some old Koflach boots of this kind for the Aconcagua. The hard shell allows you to attach skis too.

    It is true however that good socks are as important as good shoes. They should be moisture wicking and anatomically cushioned for any active use. The Basque company Lorpen has become quite trendy and sells plenty of technical socks in North America. I have some and they're good enough but probably the best sock brand is Darn Tough.

    If you're going to try Scarpa boots you can get them from and sometimes they have better prices than the original brand. I've seen REI Utah engage in some leftist activities in the past though but most all outdoors brands feel that it is their duty to support environmentalist causes, often mixed with leftist stuff. The worst are probably Patagonia and TNF. I'm not buying anything from them anymore.

    REI has its own apparel brand btw. They're not top notch but they do the job. I've used a REI jacket in 5000+ mt mountaineering.

    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.
    My Goretex trail running and summer hiking shoes dry fine after receiving plenty of abuse in the snow and mud.

    Goretex is “supposed” to be bad for shoes or pants – places with lots of movement.
    People risking their lives in difficult expeditions seem to disagree.

    Right now this is what I use:

    - Trail running: Under Armour Goretex shows with Lorpen or Fila moisture wicking socks for good weather. In cold weather and snow I use thick merino wool socks, gaiters and traction cleats.

    - Summer and mid-season hiking: La Sportiva Goretex/Vibram shoes and Lorpen socks.

    - Winter hiking: Kabelas leather Goretex/Vibram insulated boots and Lorpen or merino wool socks. Don't ask me how but Goretex can be woven into leather too. But I do agree that well maintained leather is a fantastic material for boots. That's all we had in the old times, along with wool socks, and we used to do very well. The best wool I've ever tried was reindeer. It would keep your feet and hands warm even when moist but once they all worn out I was never able to find that material in the Americas. More technical products dominated the market.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Sher Singh, @Barbarossa

    Standard issue UK army.

    The membrane on boots/pants is supposed to wear out with lots of friction.

    For socks I just have these 🙁

    Have like 30 pairs once those are gone I’m getting Darn Tough. 🙂

    Lorpen seems expensive, but a lot of guys swear by the Kirkland Merino socks at Costco.

    Snugpak RJ1 that’s 2000g/cm2 or w/e

    The above is pretty much all the gear I have.

    I just use Danner Tanicus for 3 seasons & the Altberg for winter.
    Or just Danner + a NEO outerboot.

    I’ll try out some goretex shoes for a bit.
    I have some rain pant somewhere, but just these ones:

    These are the shoes I’m looking at, but gonna sell my Altama OTBs first:

    Might get rid of my Lowas too and just keep those for when I need a black boot.

    Hiking in the Andes sounds hardcore!

  502. @A123

    Hungary's largest burden being landlocked. Closing ranks with Croatia would make a huge amount of sense in economic terms. A "European Values" block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable. Austria is another potential member for this Christian Populist alliance.

    The violence and crime from open borders is visible everywhere in contaminated Europe. What will voters pick -- Christian European values? Or Merkel/Macron/Scholz values? The anti-American, European WEF Empire is in a great deal of trouble.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow

    Little, land-locked Hungary, run by a Putler wannabe (no wonder that he appeals to your appeasing spirit) , has recently been denied a large cache of modern weaponry:

    The top Republican on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Wednesday he was blocking a $735 million arms sale to Hungary because its government has refused to approve Sweden’s bid to join NATO.

    “Given promises that were made to me and others last year that this vote would be done, and the fact that it is now June and still not done, I decided that the sale of new U.S. military equipment to Hungary will be on hold,” Senator Jim Risch said in a statement.

    Well, what did the stupid fools think?

  503. @songbird
    Appreciated the alien vibe that Clavell created in Shogun. In some ways, it is a double alienness, that between Protestant and Catholic Europe and that between Europe and Japan.

    Whatever the flaws in the depiction or story, that kind of consciousness of the distinctness of ethnic and cultural spheres seems to be extremely rare in mainstream Western culture. Let alone on TV, which seems especially pozzed. I suspect that Clavell was heavily influenced by his time as a POW on Java and in Singapore. And the mere fact that the miniseries was made probably reflects some then residual national feelings about WW2.

    Tried reading his semi-autobiographical novel King Rat, about a POW camp in Singapore, but my disgust reflex kicked into overdrive once he introduced a homo character, and had main character shake his hand, look at his chest, and complement his acting in the camp theater.

    I might still try that other miniseries adaptation with Pierce Brosnan.

    Replies: @songbird, @Wokechoke

    George MacDonald Fraser wrote an adaptation for Taipan, which Roger Moore praised, but apparently it was never used, and the film (which I have never seen) is considered a stinker.

    Both Clavell and Schwarzenegger got their start working as carpenters in Hollywood. Probably all done by Mexicans today.

  504. @Mr. Hack

    starting to give up?

    It's you that seems to have petered out and couldn't muster any more gas and reply to my comment#305, after having already posted several listless comments related to our discussion. The level of comments worth any serious response here is greatly suffering and the troll factory in Russia should fire you all and provide new, higher quality trolls here. Your limp di__d efforts are appaling.
    But then again, if you look at the source of all of your thought patterns, it all becomes instantly apparent about what is going on here. :-(

    Replies: @QCIC

    I have replied to your #305. Apparently you missed my original meaning anyway.

    My reply:

    War is Hell.

    People think this is a slogan from some stupid movie. I think it is a real mantra that bloodthirsty people such as yourself need to understand.

    If a large bomb explodes near people, the result is hell on earth. This happens all the time in war and is in fact part of the purpose, to kill a lot of people.


    The lesson is –> Don’t take up arms against people under the de facto protection of a Superpower to attempt to sort out an issue which could be slowly worked out through reason and persuasion. What did you think would happen? What kind of drugs were people taking? Yeah, I know the answer, propaganda combined with fear and hate and enthusiasm and money is a terrible, powerful thing.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I have replied to your #305.
    Where, what have you been smoking?

    People think this is a slogan from some stupid movie. I think it is a real mantra that bloodthirsty people such as yourself need to understand.
    It's no "slogan for a stupid movie" for me. I'm currently involved in helping refugee families here in AZ. I'm also trying to help family members in Ukraine come over here, and escape the war madness. I'm at an age where I'd prefer a more settled and calm existence. How about you? Feeling any pain yet? I wish that the stupid A-holes in the kremlin would never have started this war, and had remained at home. Supporting Ukraine's defensive actions does not make me any sort of a "bloodthirsty" individual, and I actually resent you trying to label me as one.

    If a large bomb explodes near people, the result is hell on earth. This happens all the time in war and is in fact part of the purpose, to kill a lot of people.
    So why don't you act on your "wisdom" and direct your ire towards those that first started the bombing and who are continuing to bomb civilian enclaves first, and most loudly? Ukrainians are defending their country and are not moved by any sophomoric rantings like the ones that you make here daily. What's your "skin in the game" if I may be so bold and ask, anyway? Do you know of any people in Ukraine? Do you personally feel their pain?

    Don’t take up arms against people under the de facto protection of a Superpower to attempt to sort out an issue which could be slowly worked out through reason and persuasion.
    You can't deal reasonably with somebody that is hellbent on your destruction. Many have requested that Putler remove his forces in a sign of good faith and then start negotiations. It's hard to negotiate with lunatics that are dropping bombs over your head trying to destroy you.

    Replies: @QCIC

  505. @Mikel

    Speaking of the abysmal level at the rest of this site, a quote from one of the latest articles by the brilliant David Cole at Takimag:

    Unz has a rut too: “It’s the Jews!” You’d think Unz readers would get bored with the repetition, but oddly enough the intellectually weakest—those who accept one-sentence answers to all of life’s questions—are also the most voracious blog readers, because without constant recapitulation they risk being alone with their thoughts (“Wait…could Jews really be behind everything? Oh no—creeping doubt! Click on Unz! Ah, sweet validation!”).

    And when Unz isn’t blaming Jews, he’s rutting about wacky conspiracies (like taking Covid lab-leak theorizing to the next level by saying the lab was American not Chinese…something I mocked back in 2021).

    Funnily enough, David Cole is himself a Jew who was heavily involved in Holocaust revisionism until the field was taken over by the wackos.

    Replies: @Chebyshev

    Speaking of the abysmal level at the rest of this site, a quote from one of the latest articles by the brilliant David Cole at Takimag:

    Where’s the brilliant part? He makes no substantive criticism of Unz’s writings. Covid clearly was a U.S. bioweapon used to attack China – the best argument critics of Unz’s theory have is just to point-and-sputter.

  506. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Nah, I don't think so. The RusFed soldiers have not been showing much celibate activity within Ukraine. So far, upwards of 38 Ukrainian women have been raped by their "Russian brothers" from the north. Some guys are deviant enough to go to great efforts to try and get a piece of real Slavic DNA into their bloodline. Here's a demonstration in Germany headed by a representative of Ukrainian victims of RusFed gallantry and missionary zeal within Ukraine:
    A woman representing a rape victim leads protesters in Berlin demonstrating in an April 16 march against Russian military aggression in the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Syria.

    This victim, like the one in the depiction, looks attractive too?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke, @Greasy William

    1. She’s hot
    2. Rape is a horrible and traumatic crime. I don’t want to make light of what rape victims go through. But when I see demonstrations like the one above, I think, “the lady doth protest too much”. It really feels like they are larping a rape fantasy as opposed to just trying to bring attention to an issue

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Greasy William

    when I see demonstrations like the one above, I think, “the lady doth protest too much”.
    I'm sure that her protesting her rapist's actions on her body were even louder. Would that bother you too? Really, a rather sullen and insensitive remark on your part. :-(

    Replies: @Greasy William

  507. @Mr. Hack

    If you can figure out what's really behind what's happening in Ukraine, it's a pity that the kremlins cannot. A "tripwire" set-up by the West to lure Russian into what will certainly result in Russia's should apply for a job as Putler's advisor and warn him of his dangerous actions, the guys that are currently doing so, are just leading him around by his nose into dangerous areas (for Russia).

    Replies: @QCIC

    I think the possible courses of action for the Russian leadership are restricted in many ways, just as with the West. I hope that Russia doesn’t get so cornered that nuking your beloved Kiev becomes the least bad option. This is the contradiction of your enthusiasm for this fight, there is no upside. If Russia gets cornered, they have the ability to escalate to nuclear weapons. In this MAD scenario put into fateful motion by the West, Russia may be obligated to escalate to stave off full nuclear war. C’est la vie, Kievans.

    • Agree: The Big Red Scary
  508. @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    ...I’ve never tried to whitewash any wrongdoings by the US in the world today. Indeed, sometimes I lament its continued role in the world as a military policeman.
    That is besides the point: it is about responsibility and consequences. Whether out of weakness or because they actually supported the wars by Nato, the Western societies never held anyone accountable. That means they lost any standing to critique others. A thief can't be running around yelling "thief, catch him!!!!!"...or he can, but he is a fool.

    I have a lot of negativity towards current Russia: oligarchs, bureaucrats, lack of elite turnover, miserable quasi-liberal family policies, the place is swarming with wannabe compradors, etc...but regarding the geopolitical situation (Ukraine, etc...) Russia is the least bad option. They have a very strong argument in Ukraine about keeping Nato out and protecting the rights of millions of Russians living there. That's what the war is about, not about some local potentate in Omsk stealing like mad and blowing it on Antibes houses...

    I care about the quality of life in East-Central Europe: historically we have always done the best when the West and Russia compete in our region - and try to bid for our good will. Total devotion to Washington doesn't pay - the neo-cons simply use you for cannon fodder in their adventures - see the sad fate of the Ukrainians. All else are empty words to deceive you.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Actually one of your better, more reasoned comments that you’ve made here in a long, long time (mostly). And you didn’t even need to stoop to calling me any names. 🙂

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. Hack

    Next time I won't forget... 🙂

    You see we can agree, it is a complicated world, it is never black and white.

  509. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    I have replied to your #305. Apparently you missed my original meaning anyway.

    My reply:

    War is Hell.

    People think this is a slogan from some stupid movie. I think it is a real mantra that bloodthirsty people such as yourself need to understand.

    If a large bomb explodes near people, the result is hell on earth. This happens all the time in war and is in fact part of the purpose, to kill a lot of people.


    The lesson is --> Don't take up arms against people under the de facto protection of a Superpower to attempt to sort out an issue which could be slowly worked out through reason and persuasion. What did you think would happen? What kind of drugs were people taking? Yeah, I know the answer, propaganda combined with fear and hate and enthusiasm and money is a terrible, powerful thing.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I have replied to your #305.

    Where, what have you been smoking?

    People think this is a slogan from some stupid movie. I think it is a real mantra that bloodthirsty people such as yourself need to understand.

    It’s no “slogan for a stupid movie” for me. I’m currently involved in helping refugee families here in AZ. I’m also trying to help family members in Ukraine come over here, and escape the war madness. I’m at an age where I’d prefer a more settled and calm existence. How about you? Feeling any pain yet? I wish that the stupid A-holes in the kremlin would never have started this war, and had remained at home. Supporting Ukraine’s defensive actions does not make me any sort of a “bloodthirsty” individual, and I actually resent you trying to label me as one.

    If a large bomb explodes near people, the result is hell on earth. This happens all the time in war and is in fact part of the purpose, to kill a lot of people.

    So why don’t you act on your “wisdom” and direct your ire towards those that first started the bombing and who are continuing to bomb civilian enclaves first, and most loudly? Ukrainians are defending their country and are not moved by any sophomoric rantings like the ones that you make here daily. What’s your “skin in the game” if I may be so bold and ask, anyway? Do you know of any people in Ukraine? Do you personally feel their pain?

    Don’t take up arms against people under the de facto protection of a Superpower to attempt to sort out an issue which could be slowly worked out through reason and persuasion.

    You can’t deal reasonably with somebody that is hellbent on your destruction. Many have requested that Putler remove his forces in a sign of good faith and then start negotiations. It’s hard to negotiate with lunatics that are dropping bombs over your head trying to destroy you.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    I think it would be easier to face these hard facts and make excuses instead of simply pretending they did not happen.

    Your unwillingness to recognize the bigger issues which led to combat action by Russia is very disturbing to me. If you were not an articulate person who lived through the Cold War my attitude might be different. Literally I think you are trying to get us all killed. Of course I realize you are only one out of a large group of people, but you are very prolific here.

    I am glad you are helping displaced and traumatized people. Nonetheless, I think your rhetoric at TUR is playing a role in what could lead to WW3. I think this is a serious risk or I wouldn't keep trying to make this point in different ways.

    My reply was embedded in other comments. If the last message was not clear:

    QCIC reply to #305 --> War is Hell. The number of terrible things which predictably happen in a war like this would make a sane person insane if he really thought about them.

    Replies: @John Johnson

  510. @Greasy William
    @Mr. Hack

    1. She's hot
    2. Rape is a horrible and traumatic crime. I don't want to make light of what rape victims go through. But when I see demonstrations like the one above, I think, "the lady doth protest too much". It really feels like they are larping a rape fantasy as opposed to just trying to bring attention to an issue

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    when I see demonstrations like the one above, I think, “the lady doth protest too much”.

    I’m sure that her protesting her rapist’s actions on her body were even louder. Would that bother you too? Really, a rather sullen and insensitive remark on your part. 🙁

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Mr. Hack

    that is not how women who were raped act, that's what I'm saying

    Replies: @QCIC

  511. Someone may have notified them [Mr. Hack and AP] that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.

    In case you were wondering about this or looking for just the right cartoon to mock this point, I will spell it out.

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the “Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils” perspective in the Ukrainian conflict. While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact, your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO. However, over time it has become obvious to many people that the propaganda surrounding this conflict is extreme, with lies and misrepresentation the rule from the MSM. Even people who favor Ukraine out of a latent Cold War animosity toward Russia realize that almost everything out of Kiev is heavily spun if not an outright fabrication.

    So what is the problem? To be a credible commenter at TUR, one must use a reasoned persuasive approach to make your points in favor of the perspective. By now the MSM lies and propaganda for Ukraine are extreme and will simply be repeated as long as possible. The problem with your reasoned approach is that it prompts curious people to ask hard questions which undermine the mass propaganda. This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3 and destroy the economy of the Western world over a country they couldn’t find on a map. These are good questions indeed, so please keep up your comments and lead more people to ask the hard questions about this dangerous war.

    • Replies: @Sean

    This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3 and destroy the economy of the Western world over a country they couldn’t find on a map
    Its the way the deep state operatives are trained. They are meticulously prepared how to react in a limited number of scenarios, which all a re similar to events before WW2. The lesson from Nazi Germany(it was being given concessions in the 1930s that made Hitlers position secure and him trying to repeat his successes with upped ante) was applied to the USSR and now RusFed.

    The gist of Nato diplomacy is a leadership pursuing a threateningly hard line is weaker than it looks, but rewarding their bluster will lead to them getting an appetite for more, and swiftly becoming much too strong to be easily stopped. Therefore, there can be no concessions whatsoever to prevent war. Nato never rescinded the official announcement of 2008 that Ukraine would be joining Nato at some point, although it it had quietly dropped the idea of Ukraine becoming a member in the foreseeable future. When in response to Poroshenko's statements that Russia would be evicted from its rented Crimean military bases is Crimea, Putin used forceable annexations and an undercover invasion, Nato was willing for Ukraine to end the conflict by to agree to to Minsk2 concessions, yet not willing to say that Ukraine would not be allowed to join although the 2008 announcement was a dead letter by then.

    What it boils down to is a consensus in the West among generations of foreign policy experts that WW3 would start for much the same reasons as WW2, but definitely not in anything like the way WW1 started. However, I do think that were Russia to detonate a theatre thermonuclear weapon on the Ukrainian army, the 'Nothing For Russia' school of thought would be lose some credibility in Western capitals and there would be a realisation that the conflict was evolving in much too dangerous a way for letting it continue, and Ukraine was going to have to be satisfied with less.

    , @AP

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the “Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils” perspective in the Ukrainian conflict.
    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.

    While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact
    Your bizarre and ignorant claims are not "facts" no matter how hard you wish.

    your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO
    The full context of the SMO, that you ignore, is that Russia wants to gather up lands it considers to be Russia's, against the will of the people living on those lands. Putin has stated that the breakup of the USSR was a massive geopolitical tragedy, and he has decided to undo it. He hoped to do it peacefully and when that proved impossible he went for war. But he miscalculated, he didn't expect Ukrainians to fight against the "reunion."

    That the West (specifically the Anglos and Russia's immediate neighbors in Scandinavia, Poland and the Baltics*) also does not want the Russian Empire to reform is another factor, and Ukrainians benefit from it because it provides them with help against the Russian invaders. If not for the West's help, instead of fighting Russians in the trenches and relatively sparsely populated fields of of Zaporizhia, the Ukrainians would be fighting a far more deadly guerilla war in large cities and in core Ukrainian territory.

    This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3
    Every step of the way Russia has escalated. It invaded another country and annexed its territory, something no country has done in Europe since World War II. If Russia becomes the first country to use nukes in Europe, a deluded person like you will say that "the West started World War III."

    If I were a prosecutor on a rape or other criminal trial I would not want you as a juror. You would seek bizarre arguments to blame the victim.

    * The Germans object to Russia's brutality and to their credit in response to Russia's outrageous actions have joined the resistance to Russia wholeheartedly, but initially they were very soft. I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn't resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual. But Russia turned out to be too barbaric to be a partner of Germany. Wrong century.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

  512. @QCIC

    Someone may have notified them [Mr. Hack and AP] that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.
    In case you were wondering about this or looking for just the right cartoon to mock this point, I will spell it out.

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the "Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils" perspective in the Ukrainian conflict. While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact, your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO. However, over time it has become obvious to many people that the propaganda surrounding this conflict is extreme, with lies and misrepresentation the rule from the MSM. Even people who favor Ukraine out of a latent Cold War animosity toward Russia realize that almost everything out of Kiev is heavily spun if not an outright fabrication.

    So what is the problem? To be a credible commenter at TUR, one must use a reasoned persuasive approach to make your points in favor of the perspective. By now the MSM lies and propaganda for Ukraine are extreme and will simply be repeated as long as possible. The problem with your reasoned approach is that it prompts curious people to ask hard questions which undermine the mass propaganda. This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3 and destroy the economy of the Western world over a country they couldn't find on a map. These are good questions indeed, so please keep up your comments and lead more people to ask the hard questions about this dangerous war.

    Replies: @Sean, @AP

    This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3 and destroy the economy of the Western world over a country they couldn’t find on a map

    Its the way the deep state operatives are trained. They are meticulously prepared how to react in a limited number of scenarios, which all a re similar to events before WW2. The lesson from Nazi Germany(it was being given concessions in the 1930s that made Hitlers position secure and him trying to repeat his successes with upped ante) was applied to the USSR and now RusFed.

    The gist of Nato diplomacy is a leadership pursuing a threateningly hard line is weaker than it looks, but rewarding their bluster will lead to them getting an appetite for more, and swiftly becoming much too strong to be easily stopped. Therefore, there can be no concessions whatsoever to prevent war. Nato never rescinded the official announcement of 2008 that Ukraine would be joining Nato at some point, although it it had quietly dropped the idea of Ukraine becoming a member in the foreseeable future. When in response to Poroshenko’s statements that Russia would be evicted from its rented Crimean military bases is Crimea, Putin used forceable annexations and an undercover invasion, Nato was willing for Ukraine to end the conflict by to agree to to Minsk2 concessions, yet not willing to say that Ukraine would not be allowed to join although the 2008 announcement was a dead letter by then.

    What it boils down to is a consensus in the West among generations of foreign policy experts that WW3 would start for much the same reasons as WW2, but definitely not in anything like the way WW1 started. However, I do think that were Russia to detonate a theatre thermonuclear weapon on the Ukrainian army, the ‘Nothing For Russia’ school of thought would be lose some credibility in Western capitals and there would be a realisation that the conflict was evolving in much too dangerous a way for letting it continue, and Ukraine was going to have to be satisfied with less.

  513. Russian people can’t seem to agree on why this war exists:

    Very similar to Putin’s defenders at Unz that can’t keep a consistent explanation.

    One month it is NATO, the next it is Donbas, then random talk of gay parades, back to NATO, Ukraine revolution, etc.

    Must be strange to know that your men are dying for a war that no one can agree as to why it exists.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    It’s just being fought so you can call Putin a Dwarf at this point. Keeps you out of mischief.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The video is reasonable and not contradictory. Thanks for posting it, keep up the good work.

    Over the years Putin and Lavrov have publicly mentioned the very serious aggressive moves by the West against Russia including the ABM treaty, progressive expansion of NATO, etc. These points are just a bit too technical and also a bit too scary for the mainstream conversation. Maybe the videographer simply edited out things he didn't like or understand. All sides are corrupt but this does not change the fact that very dangerous capabilities have been created by the Superpowers. The way to defuse this danger is to be respectful and less aggressive and allow bonds of mutual respect and trust to strengthen. Unfortunately, Western leaders intentionally wiped out the progress from this slow process.

  514. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Please do gloves!

    Replies: @Mikel

    Well, I have a ton of gloves and mittens, both for work and for hiking, so I can’t do a rundown of them without spamming this thread but if you’re really interested in my opinions on this topic, I think that every enthusiast of the winter outdoors should have 3 good pieces of equipment:

    – Moisture wicking thin gloves that can act as a base layer or as temporary protection when you need to use your fingers with precision in very cold temperatures, such as pitching a tent or finding stuff in your backup. In the past this layer used to be made of silk but I don’t know what’s happened to silk gear. I don’t see it anymore. I use polypropylene gloves but I guess this is old-fashioned too and there must be better options now.

    – Mid-level gloves for not so cold conditions or when you need serious cold and wind protection but you expect to use your fingers so mittens will not do. You’re going to be using these gloves most of the time and, quite frankly, most of the time cheap options will do the job, such as thick gloves that you can buy at Home Depot or even Walmart. I can use that kind of stuff for trail running in the winter but, on the other hand, you should have a good, expensive pair for the very cold hiking days. Getting your fingers numb (high altitude, wind or moisture can cause this quickly in not too cold temperatures) is no fun and the pain of blood slowly returning to your fingers even less.

    I actually need to buy something new in this range. My TNF Windstopper gloves have turned out to be a fiasco. They don’t really stop the wind or the cold during serious hikes in altitude. Having the TNF label on it, even if it is legit, is no longer a guarantee of quality.

    – Some very good, Goretex mittens for maximum protection in the cold and the bad weather. I think I have my foreseeable needs covered with my big Marmot mittens (don’t remember the model).

    • Thanks: Emil Nikola Richard
  515. @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainians have always valued their independence and freedom from all outsiders, including Russia. In fact, it was in the early 1990's that Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable. How has that turned out today? Russia cannot be trusted to keep its word and your single minded grandstanding for the kremlin imperialists doesn't absolve them at all from 100% responsibility for all of the negative repercussions resulting from their cavalier attitudes and dealings with Ukraine.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Gerard1234

    Ukrainians have always valued their independence and freedom from all outsiders, including Russia.

    That’s an eccentric method of viewing 1654-WW1 you deluded cretin. Or during USSR. Even as early as the 1500’s Russian Tsar was getting begging requests from “Ukrainian” Cossacks to become part of Russia.

    What we now see, is less actual “independent-nation” and more a mixture of Navalynite – liberast scumtrollism fused with a form of provincial sovietism with some primitive-tribe style vishivanka wearing. All the BS with “Golodomor” and repressions etc is cosmetic nonsense, Navalny-types backed with American money, getting power in a weak society is what is causing this self-made disaster. I still remember being in Kiev during the time of celebrations of the city’s founding, which has the city at over 1500 years old. This is highly amusing because this “1500+ years” old isnt one more ukronazi galician fktard myth………its an invention of Soviet historians which was still being celebrated.

    Abkhazia’s demand for independence from USSR was much stronger than Banderastans you fool.
    I suppose your statement is based on the fact that “Ukrainians” never existed until Lenin invented them. Lenin visiting Vienna probably did more for “Ukraine” being created than any Galician did, although his visit to Galicia is certainly important to this fake nation getting created.

    kremlin imperialists

    Russia has given this fake , failure nation about 8 different pieces of land from 6 different states you cretin. What we are seeing now, if you believe in Russian “imperialism” historically ( there was never such a thing), is by simple logic – ANTI-imperialism.

    In fact, it was in the early 1990’s that Ukraine forsake its share of nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from Russia that its sovereignty and borders would remain intact and not assailable.

    An idiotically fake view of history and the current situation. Fkheadistan quite simply cannot manage itself. The coup was unacceptable and accepting anything with these freaks too dangerous as was believing any of the previous agreements. Our naval base in Sevastopol should have not been on any lease but guaranteed in ukrop constitution as Russian naval base always immediately in the 1990s. Where America can disgracefully have Guantanamo Bay for 100 years, to use as one of its main torture chambers while in a state of permanant hostility to Cuba after they were thrown out …….we can be economically blackmailed and attempted to shutout of our historic base? No

    The Guantanamo comparison should clarify that everything post 1991 for Ukraine, is Russian generous donation and not some American BS of “Ukraine forsake” something. Russia could easily have given ourselves 80% of ukrop current territory in 1991 and there not been any conflict/civil war as in Gruzia/S.Ossetia and Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh or Pridnestrovie.

  516. @John Johnson
    Russian people can't seem to agree on why this war exists:

    Very similar to Putin's defenders at Unz that can't keep a consistent explanation.

    One month it is NATO, the next it is Donbas, then random talk of gay parades, back to NATO, Ukraine revolution, etc.

    Must be strange to know that your men are dying for a war that no one can agree as to why it exists.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @QCIC

    It’s just being fought so you can call Putin a Dwarf at this point. Keeps you out of mischief.

    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @John Johnson

    It’s just being fought so you can call Putin a Dwarf at this point. Keeps you out of mischief.

    He was called a dwarf before the war.

    It was already a crime to call him a dwarf, little zaches or depict him as a crab.

  517. @Greasy William

    We're nearly 2 weeks into the Ukrainian offensive and the Ukrainians still haven't made it to the first defensive line yet. I remember that people were saying that Russia was losing in Syria too (although I still think it's possible that they would have lost had Trump not defeated ISIS for them).

    I really don't think the Ukrainian offensive will succeed. If it doesn't, we have a stalemate. And a stalemate is a partial Russian victory, even if it is a Pyrrhic one.

    Replies: @Mikel

    We’re nearly 2 weeks into the Ukrainian offensive and the Ukrainians still haven’t made it to the first defensive line yet.

    Given his track record, I would take this fresh prediction by Strelkov seriously (Google Translate):

    I am sure that the most interesting thing that the crest will show us is yet to come. Until July 12, when this very NATO summit in Vilnius begins, they must show something of that kind. Either it will be the ZNPP, the maximum program is, of course, the beginning of the assault on Melitopol. In order to close the sky, they can try to pull the Patriot battery to the front. Apart from the blitzkrieg, which they can provide simply with the amount of meat and iron, they have no alternatives. Positional battles for 4-5 villages are not what the owners expect from a Ukrainian. I am sure that after June 20, at most, on June 25, all the most interesting things will begin and the entry of these very reserves into Khokhl. They will go for broke.

  518. @Mr. Hack
    @Greasy William

    when I see demonstrations like the one above, I think, “the lady doth protest too much”.
    I'm sure that her protesting her rapist's actions on her body were even louder. Would that bother you too? Really, a rather sullen and insensitive remark on your part. :-(

    Replies: @Greasy William

    that is not how women who were raped act, that’s what I’m saying

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    That doesn't matter, she is speaking for women who cannot speak for themselves.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  519. @sudden death
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    By what criteria and timeline Britain invaded Baltics - does Britain having troop regiment in Estonia (as part of NATO defensive plans) count as invasion on the map?;)

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    They landed in Riga during the Sweden v Russia war.

    Arguably though the Brits did invade Sweden. Sir John Moore did land 14,000 soldiers in Sweden (to help Sweden against Tsar Alexander) and the King did place him under arrest. Moore left in a snit.

  520. @songbird
    Appreciated the alien vibe that Clavell created in Shogun. In some ways, it is a double alienness, that between Protestant and Catholic Europe and that between Europe and Japan.

    Whatever the flaws in the depiction or story, that kind of consciousness of the distinctness of ethnic and cultural spheres seems to be extremely rare in mainstream Western culture. Let alone on TV, which seems especially pozzed. I suspect that Clavell was heavily influenced by his time as a POW on Java and in Singapore. And the mere fact that the miniseries was made probably reflects some then residual national feelings about WW2.

    Tried reading his semi-autobiographical novel King Rat, about a POW camp in Singapore, but my disgust reflex kicked into overdrive once he introduced a homo character, and had main character shake his hand, look at his chest, and complement his acting in the camp theater.

    I might still try that other miniseries adaptation with Pierce Brosnan.

    Replies: @songbird, @Wokechoke

    A rescripted and remade Noble House would be a good laugh. Tia Carrera looked nice.

    End of an Era Hong Kong would be great to see refictionalised. The trading floor in Hong Kong was a sight.

    One other era I’m interested in is the Japanese conquest of Hong Kong. Loads of middle age ww1 veterans living there and most of them were killed in the invasion.

    • Thanks: songbird
  521. @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    It’s just being fought so you can call Putin a Dwarf at this point. Keeps you out of mischief.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    It’s just being fought so you can call Putin a Dwarf at this point. Keeps you out of mischief.

    He was called a dwarf before the war.

    It was already a crime to call him a dwarf, little zaches or depict him as a crab.

  522. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    And as I wrote previously, only imbeciles would wish their offspring to witness war. I know war and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies. As I wrote countless times already, there is nothing noble in war. War is suffering. Some suffering cannot be avoided. Some can be overcome.
    You write this as a mature man who has something to say on the topic.

    hundreds of thousands of RusFed-ian soldiers and all kind of paramilitary organizations are in Ukraine. A rapist usually rapes more than one woman. Therefore there are less than 38 rapists among all these men ?

    Where is all the toxic masculinity gone among the Moskaly and their allies ?
    Then you write something like this, trying to minimize the pain experienced by women that have experienced rape because in your mind, there just hasn't been enough rapes in Ukraine to show any concern. My cousin was an army colonel that fought in Viet Nam. He once quickly blurted out to me that he witnessed (from afar) a young girl being raped by the Viet Cong. He's had difficulties with these images way after he left the theater of war. It was only one young girl.

    I hate to take you to task for your printed words, since you're still one of my favorite commenters here, but sometimes you're just a hard nut to crack?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren’t such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people. And we will never agree on that, most Russians I personally known in my life are decent people, just like most Ukrainians I have met and befriended.

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner. Heck, US of A ain’t in a war (on its soil at least) and here are the sexual violence statistics in your own backyard:

    In the United States, about 43.6% of women and 24.8% of men experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). About 21.3% of women surveyed reported completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives, with 1.2% reporting completed or attempted rape in the 12 months preceding the survey. About 2.6% of men reported experiencing completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives. About 81.3% of female victims and 70.8% of male victims experienced their first completed or attempted rape before the age of 25.

    Are you going to post tearful photos about that Mr Hack?

    Ot it is only the Russian soldiers who rouse your ire when they don’t keep it in their pants?

    Also in Vietnam, the US GI probably had a rape fest at at least the same rate as the Viet partisans did, in fact probably way more.

    During the Winter Soldier Investigation, sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), some of the testimonies of Vietnam veterans included the rape and murder of Vietnamese women,[17] with some being tortured and sexually mutilated.[15] According to Mark Baker, who interviewed Vietnam veterans for his book, one became a “double veteran” by “having sex with a woman and then killing her.”[15][16][18] One marine recalled an incident where a Vietnamese girl was gang-raped by members of his unit, with the final perpetrator shooting the victim in the head. In a similar incident, a soldier observed that the female victim “freely submitted” to rape to avoid death.[13]: 181  At a hospital in Da Nang, a nurse was killed after being raped by seven marines.[19]

    And be assured that if the Ukrainian side recaptures Crimea and Lugandon, similar things are also bound to happen to the Russians there.

    Will you post tearful pictures about it ?

    Rhetorical question.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don’t claim no higher moral ground.

    Own your biases Mr Hack…

    • Agree: silviosilver
    • Thanks: Barbarossa
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Ivashka the fool

    Figure what really went on in Iraq too.

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren’t such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.
    The representation of the Russian soldier was one that most Ukrainians today have of the Russian military that's invading their country. I think that it's powerful symbolism designed to elicit a reaction in the viewer, for most people one denigrating the current Russian aggression against Ukraine. Would you really prefer one of young Russian soldiers entering the arena of war in Ukraine, being mounted on white horses being greeted by grateful Ukrainian citizenry? It's an accurate symbolic depiction of how most Ukrainians view this war, and I support its symbolic representation.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people.
    I don't hate Russian people and never have. I certainly like you and think that I'll continue doing so for as long as we're both around. I've written here several times about my Russian aunt, and her moral superiority to her Ukrainian husband, my uncle. Also, I've written several times about the classy Russian Museum of Art in Mpls and have strongly suggested that one should visit this institution while in Mpls. I greatly enjoy Russian music. So I think that you're way off in trying to depict me as some kind of a huge Russophobe. Come back on a sunnier day and try to rewrite this one. :-)

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner.
    Rape is just morally indefensible whether it's done during wartime or during peacetime. No reliance on statistics or some form of a whataboutism can whitewash this kind of behavior. Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It's just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don’t claim no higher moral ground.
    The only higher moral ground that I'm trying to lay claim to is the same one that AP recently stated:

    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.
    And by association is the side that is most responsible for the murder and pillaging that is going on today within Ukraine.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

  523. @Mr. Hack

    I have replied to your #305.
    Where, what have you been smoking?

    People think this is a slogan from some stupid movie. I think it is a real mantra that bloodthirsty people such as yourself need to understand.
    It's no "slogan for a stupid movie" for me. I'm currently involved in helping refugee families here in AZ. I'm also trying to help family members in Ukraine come over here, and escape the war madness. I'm at an age where I'd prefer a more settled and calm existence. How about you? Feeling any pain yet? I wish that the stupid A-holes in the kremlin would never have started this war, and had remained at home. Supporting Ukraine's defensive actions does not make me any sort of a "bloodthirsty" individual, and I actually resent you trying to label me as one.

    If a large bomb explodes near people, the result is hell on earth. This happens all the time in war and is in fact part of the purpose, to kill a lot of people.
    So why don't you act on your "wisdom" and direct your ire towards those that first started the bombing and who are continuing to bomb civilian enclaves first, and most loudly? Ukrainians are defending their country and are not moved by any sophomoric rantings like the ones that you make here daily. What's your "skin in the game" if I may be so bold and ask, anyway? Do you know of any people in Ukraine? Do you personally feel their pain?

    Don’t take up arms against people under the de facto protection of a Superpower to attempt to sort out an issue which could be slowly worked out through reason and persuasion.
    You can't deal reasonably with somebody that is hellbent on your destruction. Many have requested that Putler remove his forces in a sign of good faith and then start negotiations. It's hard to negotiate with lunatics that are dropping bombs over your head trying to destroy you.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    I think it would be easier to face these hard facts and make excuses instead of simply pretending they did not happen.

    Your unwillingness to recognize the bigger issues which led to combat action by Russia is very disturbing to me. If you were not an articulate person who lived through the Cold War my attitude might be different. Literally I think you are trying to get us all killed. Of course I realize you are only one out of a large group of people, but you are very prolific here.

    I am glad you are helping displaced and traumatized people. Nonetheless, I think your rhetoric at TUR is playing a role in what could lead to WW3. I think this is a serious risk or I wouldn’t keep trying to make this point in different ways.

    My reply was embedded in other comments. If the last message was not clear:

    QCIC reply to #305 –> War is Hell. The number of terrible things which predictably happen in a war like this would make a sane person insane if he really thought about them.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    Why is it so difficult for you to admit that Putin is merely carrying out imperial ambition like Tsars before him?

    Moldvoa has strict neutrality in their convention and yet Putin is making excuses to invade them and replace the president with his Jewish pal:

    Boy would the Putin defenders go nuts if that happened. This whole time they have been blaming Jews while ignoring his Jewish general/chef. Imagine if Putin actually invaded Moldova and installed a pro-Russian Jewish president.

    Lukashenko has been Putin's lapdog and yet his country is scheduled for full absorption by Russia:

    How would closer ties to Russia preserve the autonomy of Ukraine? Especially when the Baltics joined NATO and are not scheduled for absorption? Do explain how Poland and the Baltics made the wrong decision by quickly seeking protection from the West after the dissolvement of the USSR. Or did they make the wrong move?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @QCIC

  524. @Greasy William
    @Mr. Hack

    that is not how women who were raped act, that's what I'm saying

    Replies: @QCIC

    That doesn’t matter, she is speaking for women who cannot speak for themselves.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Is she also speaking for Donbass women raped by the Ukrainian Army during the ATO ?

    Rhetorical question.

    These people don't decry the rape as the immoral crime it is, they just decry it because it is not their side doing the raping.

  525. @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    That doesn't matter, she is speaking for women who cannot speak for themselves.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Is she also speaking for Donbass women raped by the Ukrainian Army during the ATO ?

    Rhetorical question.

    These people don’t decry the rape as the immoral crime it is, they just decry it because it is not their side doing the raping.

  526. @Sher Singh

    Yea but Chinee.

    @mikel Tried the Garmont - decent but the metal instep eyelet bites.

    Like my Danner better and going to try flat laces on my altberg or Lowa to get em a bit tighter.

    My boot woes seem to be over.

    Also fervor of pride month? Wtf is there to be proud about being gay.

    Wow, you got molested and think you're a woman (you get fucked)

    What's the point of psychiatrists if they don't advertise at one of the parades

    Replies: @Barbarossa

    Let me know if you try that Sikh friendly milk. I suspect it will be good. I have a dairy near me that sells raw milk off the farm but my own cow is much better.

    These are my go-to boots. I’ve become a believer in the near minimalist shoe. Having no heel is way better for my back and the light weight is awesome. I absolutely hate clunky boots/ shoes now. I gotta have speed!

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    Hey Barbs, how are the 'physical resiliency' (let's call it) goals coming along?

    A small 'win' for me (so small I'm almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I've become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds. (Gun to my head, I could probably do a minute and not hate it so much that I never go back.) And that's only after having had a hot shower first. The idea that I could just walk in and have a cold shower straight off the bat still seems very, very distant. Then again, when I started, I couldn't stand even 2 seconds (literally) of cold shower - "argh, this is impossible, how could anyone ever do this!??" levels.

    Replies: @AP, @Greasy William

    , @Sher Singh

    Drank 4l (2x2L) and it was ok. Natrel Plus is 18g of protein per 250ml vs 9 for this so..
    Tastes 'fuller' than regular A1 milk. Costs the same as high protein milk though.

    For socks, just get the Kirkland Brand Merino off Amazon or Costco.

    @silvio just do lukewarm water. Been doing that for awhile, and it's easier to wash hair in than cold.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Barbarossa

  527. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    I think it would be easier to face these hard facts and make excuses instead of simply pretending they did not happen.

    Your unwillingness to recognize the bigger issues which led to combat action by Russia is very disturbing to me. If you were not an articulate person who lived through the Cold War my attitude might be different. Literally I think you are trying to get us all killed. Of course I realize you are only one out of a large group of people, but you are very prolific here.

    I am glad you are helping displaced and traumatized people. Nonetheless, I think your rhetoric at TUR is playing a role in what could lead to WW3. I think this is a serious risk or I wouldn't keep trying to make this point in different ways.

    My reply was embedded in other comments. If the last message was not clear:

    QCIC reply to #305 --> War is Hell. The number of terrible things which predictably happen in a war like this would make a sane person insane if he really thought about them.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    Why is it so difficult for you to admit that Putin is merely carrying out imperial ambition like Tsars before him?

    Moldvoa has strict neutrality in their convention and yet Putin is making excuses to invade them and replace the president with his Jewish pal:

    Boy would the Putin defenders go nuts if that happened. This whole time they have been blaming Jews while ignoring his Jewish general/chef. Imagine if Putin actually invaded Moldova and installed a pro-Russian Jewish president.

    Lukashenko has been Putin’s lapdog and yet his country is scheduled for full absorption by Russia:

    How would closer ties to Russia preserve the autonomy of Ukraine? Especially when the Baltics joined NATO and are not scheduled for absorption? Do explain how Poland and the Baltics made the wrong decision by quickly seeking protection from the West after the dissolvement of the USSR. Or did they make the wrong move?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @John Johnson

    The USSR was like…

    It’s why a Great Lord must not abdicate as Gorby did.

    , @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    The West pushed NATO directly to the Russian border. This is a threat.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian. Then the Ukrainians (with the help of NeoNAZI thugs) started a civil war and began murdering their own Russian-speaking people.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

  528. @Mikel
    @Sher Singh

    Advice given to me has always been waterproof socks
    Terrible advice. But fortunately I don't think anyone sells waterproof socks. Your feet would soak in perspiration, causing blisters and all types of discomfort.

    I'd like to rectify some of what I said earlier myself though. In very cold temperatures totally waterproof boots would be unlikely to cause frostbite through perspiration. Not impossible, but that's not the main concern in those conditions. In fact, technical high altitude boots have a hard plastic shell and an inner soft insulated shoe. I used some old Koflach boots of this kind for the Aconcagua. The hard shell allows you to attach skis too.

    It is true however that good socks are as important as good shoes. They should be moisture wicking and anatomically cushioned for any active use. The Basque company Lorpen has become quite trendy and sells plenty of technical socks in North America. I have some and they're good enough but probably the best sock brand is Darn Tough.

    If you're going to try Scarpa boots you can get them from and sometimes they have better prices than the original brand. I've seen REI Utah engage in some leftist activities in the past though but most all outdoors brands feel that it is their duty to support environmentalist causes, often mixed with leftist stuff. The worst are probably Patagonia and TNF. I'm not buying anything from them anymore.

    REI has its own apparel brand btw. They're not top notch but they do the job. I've used a REI jacket in 5000+ mt mountaineering.

    Once water gets into goretex it takes forever to dry.
    My Goretex trail running and summer hiking shoes dry fine after receiving plenty of abuse in the snow and mud.

    Goretex is “supposed” to be bad for shoes or pants – places with lots of movement.
    People risking their lives in difficult expeditions seem to disagree.

    Right now this is what I use:

    - Trail running: Under Armour Goretex shows with Lorpen or Fila moisture wicking socks for good weather. In cold weather and snow I use thick merino wool socks, gaiters and traction cleats.

    - Summer and mid-season hiking: La Sportiva Goretex/Vibram shoes and Lorpen socks.

    - Winter hiking: Kabelas leather Goretex/Vibram insulated boots and Lorpen or merino wool socks. Don't ask me how but Goretex can be woven into leather too. But I do agree that well maintained leather is a fantastic material for boots. That's all we had in the old times, along with wool socks, and we used to do very well. The best wool I've ever tried was reindeer. It would keep your feet and hands warm even when moist but once they all worn out I was never able to find that material in the Americas. More technical products dominated the market.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Sher Singh, @Barbarossa

    I’m a big believer in wool. I wear wool socks year round and find them to be really comfortable and breathable. I have a bunch of 81% Merino socks in seconds grade that I got off of eBay but sadly the seller is no longer active. A lot of wool socks have too little wool in them and I find that a high content is best.

    Darn Tough is a little expensive for my taste but I’m sure they are quite nice.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    I’m a big believer in wool.
    So am I. All I wear under my thin shoes when I do trail running in the snow is thick wool socks. They do get wet more often than not but, together with the exercise, they keep my feet warm and comfortable enough.

    I have no idea what brand they are. They are too old to remember where they even come from. I wouldn't be be surprised if I bought them ~40 years ago for pennies at some local market in the Basque Country. All I know is that they used to be my second choice and rest most of the time in the drawer when the reindeer wool socks were still alive. I've had to mend them here and there and of course I could buy something newer and better but what's the point if they still work so well?

    What these type of ordinary wool socks lack is cushioning at the critical spots for very long hikes, elasticity to easily adapt to the boot interior, light weight and I guess a myriad of other technical details that big brands compete against each other to introduce in their products. But if you think about it it's not such a big surprise that, after so many years of technological progress, natural products still dominate the market in many crucial areas. Goose neck down for example is the best filling for sleeping bags. No artificial fabric has still been found to have the same warmth/weight ratio. Wool and leather are also essential elements in modern outdoors gear. As the link posted by Emil suggests, nature did the job for us through millions of years of evolution to produce materials that animals use for the same purposes that we do when we try to fight the elements in the outdoors.

  529. @John Johnson
    Russian people can't seem to agree on why this war exists:

    Very similar to Putin's defenders at Unz that can't keep a consistent explanation.

    One month it is NATO, the next it is Donbas, then random talk of gay parades, back to NATO, Ukraine revolution, etc.

    Must be strange to know that your men are dying for a war that no one can agree as to why it exists.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @QCIC

    The video is reasonable and not contradictory. Thanks for posting it, keep up the good work.

    Over the years Putin and Lavrov have publicly mentioned the very serious aggressive moves by the West against Russia including the ABM treaty, progressive expansion of NATO, etc. These points are just a bit too technical and also a bit too scary for the mainstream conversation. Maybe the videographer simply edited out things he didn’t like or understand. All sides are corrupt but this does not change the fact that very dangerous capabilities have been created by the Superpowers. The way to defuse this danger is to be respectful and less aggressive and allow bonds of mutual respect and trust to strengthen. Unfortunately, Western leaders intentionally wiped out the progress from this slow process.

  530. @John Johnson

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    Why is it so difficult for you to admit that Putin is merely carrying out imperial ambition like Tsars before him?

    Moldvoa has strict neutrality in their convention and yet Putin is making excuses to invade them and replace the president with his Jewish pal:

    Boy would the Putin defenders go nuts if that happened. This whole time they have been blaming Jews while ignoring his Jewish general/chef. Imagine if Putin actually invaded Moldova and installed a pro-Russian Jewish president.

    Lukashenko has been Putin's lapdog and yet his country is scheduled for full absorption by Russia:

    How would closer ties to Russia preserve the autonomy of Ukraine? Especially when the Baltics joined NATO and are not scheduled for absorption? Do explain how Poland and the Baltics made the wrong decision by quickly seeking protection from the West after the dissolvement of the USSR. Or did they make the wrong move?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @QCIC

    The USSR was like…

    It’s why a Great Lord must not abdicate as Gorby did.

  531. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @sudden death

    One of the features of vaccinating everybody (which they failed at but they definitely got almost all of the customers of the health care industry) is that any side effects of the experimental genetic medicine are confounded with the effects of the virus.

    The best word for the managers of the poop show might be slimy. Slugs everywhere.

    Use your head!

    Replies: @Barbarossa, @sudden death

    Yeah, at this point it’s practically impossible to separate vaccine with virus complications. I sure don’t see the point in getting the shot, but meh, how are we proles to know?

  532. AP says:

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest. And Czechia and Slovakia were always richer than Hungary, often much richer, so there is no change.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well...again your Polish-Ruthenian (?) sour grapes...

    Replies: @A123, @AP

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest.

    LOL, I was in Budapest in 2019. Outside the Castle District it was a dump, albeit with beautiful architecture. Dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses. No comparison to Poland which is clean, modern, civilized. Budapest has very nice baths though.

    Even AnoninTN agrees with me:

    “But I agree that Budapest is disappointing. In Soviet times Hungary was considered more prosperous than other “socialist” countries. Today Budapest looks poor and rundown.”

    Never been to Bucharest.

    You can’t help but defend your traditional Hungarian masters, which is funny. Is it because your new one faltered?

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war. But Krakow is both beautiful and not run down like Budapest. Same for Wroclaw.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well

    It has sunk to being the worst of the Visegrad countries, but it depends on what one measures.
    On several (but not all) measures, it appears that Slovakia is even poorer.

    Average wages:


    Czechia: 1400 Euros
    Poland: 1200 Euros
    Hungary: 1061 Euros
    Slovakia: 1008 Euros

    Romania: 920 Euros

    Adjusted for cost of living:

    Poland: $2719
    Hungary: $2505
    Czechia: $2414
    Slovakia: $2131

    Romania: $2232

    GDP per capita, nominal (2023):

    Czechia: $31,368
    Slovakia: $23,457
    Poland: $19,912
    Hungary: $19,385

    Romania: $18,530

    GDP, per capita PPP (2023):

    Czechia: $50,961
    Poland: $45,343
    Hungary: $43,907
    Slovakia: $41,515

    Romania: $41,634

    Unemployment rate:

    Czechia: 2.4%
    Poland: 2.7%
    Hungary: 3%
    Slovakia: 6%

    Romania: 5.3%

    • Thanks: Yahya
    • Replies: @Beckow

    Budapest...dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses.
    Budapest has a whiff of Istanbul, life is good there, it is much better than lifeless, ugly Warsaw. I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland - it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society. (Cracow is disappointing - a wasted promise with a few nice buildings and no charm. But Poznan and Wroclaw are nice.)

    About the "taxi drivers": the worst are in Prague, Paris, Rome, with NY and LA not far behind. You pointing to Caucasus displays that you live on cheap stereotypes.

    Never been to Bucharest.
    Don't go....:)

    ...traditional Hungarian masters
    You would be better off not commenting about things that you don't understand. Our nations have lived together for 1,000 years, we share a lot and understand each other. Both of us - and Czechs, Croats, Austrians, Slovenes - are more developed intellectually than Poles, Ukies, Romanians. It shows in our lifestyles and how good our countries are.

    We understand where we live and actually like the CE region - we don't worship meddling outsiders. Today the meddling outsiders are mainly the Anglos, often ignorant people like you. Don't pull us into your stupid quarrels and hatreds based on lying. If you want to destroy yourself or to be patted on the back by your remote Anglo masters for dying for them, do it on your own. We are smarter.

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war.
    By whom? Why don't you say it? By GERMANY. Or would you prefer to claim that it was "Russia!"? Who murdered the 5-6 million Poles in WW2? Can you tell us? Or will you again go semi-Nazi and regret not joining them? Germans didn't want you - you were "Untermenschen", they simply killed you. You would literally not exist if it wasn't for the Russians. You hate them for it, that's the core of the Polish-Galician pathology. You wanna be liked by the ones who despise you, a tough place to be.

    Your "data" as always is partial - there is so much more to quality of life. Let us say that we can tell in 30 minutes when visiting the countries. Ireland also has "huge numbers" based on being an offshore mfg haven, but have you seen how run-down and dumpy Dublin is?

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Matra

  533. @Barbarossa
    @Sher Singh

    Let me know if you try that Sikh friendly milk. I suspect it will be good. I have a dairy near me that sells raw milk off the farm but my own cow is much better.

    These are my go-to boots. I've become a believer in the near minimalist shoe. Having no heel is way better for my back and the light weight is awesome. I absolutely hate clunky boots/ shoes now. I gotta have speed!

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Sher Singh

    Hey Barbs, how are the ‘physical resiliency’ (let’s call it) goals coming along?

    A small ‘win’ for me (so small I’m almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I’ve become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds. (Gun to my head, I could probably do a minute and not hate it so much that I never go back.) And that’s only after having had a hot shower first. The idea that I could just walk in and have a cold shower straight off the bat still seems very, very distant. Then again, when I started, I couldn’t stand even 2 seconds (literally) of cold shower – “argh, this is impossible, how could anyone ever do this!??” levels.

    • Replies: @AP

    A small ‘win’ for me (so small I’m almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I’ve become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds
    Cold showers are great on a hot day if there is no air conditioning. It's like jumping into a cold lake or stream on a hot day.

    Otherwise - I would never do it.

    I swam in this Austrian lake during the 2019 heat wave. Very cold and refreshing (that is a random person in the water, not me):

    Replies: @silviosilver

    , @Greasy William

    I used to do cold showers. I always started with cold water so maybe that's why I adjusted more quickly but I think by day 4 I didn't have any problems with them

    Replies: @silviosilver

  534. AP says:

    Someone may have notified them [Mr. Hack and AP] that their comments at TUR are now counter-productive for the Ukraine side.
    In case you were wondering about this or looking for just the right cartoon to mock this point, I will spell it out.

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the "Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils" perspective in the Ukrainian conflict. While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact, your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO. However, over time it has become obvious to many people that the propaganda surrounding this conflict is extreme, with lies and misrepresentation the rule from the MSM. Even people who favor Ukraine out of a latent Cold War animosity toward Russia realize that almost everything out of Kiev is heavily spun if not an outright fabrication.

    So what is the problem? To be a credible commenter at TUR, one must use a reasoned persuasive approach to make your points in favor of the perspective. By now the MSM lies and propaganda for Ukraine are extreme and will simply be repeated as long as possible. The problem with your reasoned approach is that it prompts curious people to ask hard questions which undermine the mass propaganda. This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3 and destroy the economy of the Western world over a country they couldn't find on a map. These are good questions indeed, so please keep up your comments and lead more people to ask the hard questions about this dangerous war.

    Replies: @Sean, @AP

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the “Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils” perspective in the Ukrainian conflict.

    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.

    While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact

    Your bizarre and ignorant claims are not “facts” no matter how hard you wish.

    your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO

    The full context of the SMO, that you ignore, is that Russia wants to gather up lands it considers to be Russia’s, against the will of the people living on those lands. Putin has stated that the breakup of the USSR was a massive geopolitical tragedy, and he has decided to undo it. He hoped to do it peacefully and when that proved impossible he went for war. But he miscalculated, he didn’t expect Ukrainians to fight against the “reunion.”

    That the West (specifically the Anglos and Russia’s immediate neighbors in Scandinavia, Poland and the Baltics*) also does not want the Russian Empire to reform is another factor, and Ukrainians benefit from it because it provides them with help against the Russian invaders. If not for the West’s help, instead of fighting Russians in the trenches and relatively sparsely populated fields of of Zaporizhia, the Ukrainians would be fighting a far more deadly guerilla war in large cities and in core Ukrainian territory.

    This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3

    Every step of the way Russia has escalated. It invaded another country and annexed its territory, something no country has done in Europe since World War II. If Russia becomes the first country to use nukes in Europe, a deluded person like you will say that “the West started World War III.”

    If I were a prosecutor on a rape or other criminal trial I would not want you as a juror. You would seek bizarre arguments to blame the victim.

    * The Germans object to Russia’s brutality and to their credit in response to Russia’s outrageous actions have joined the resistance to Russia wholeheartedly, but initially they were very soft. I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual. But Russia turned out to be too barbaric to be a partner of Germany. Wrong century.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual.
    Not sure about this, since a Ukraine that is conquered by Russia means a smaller EU for Germany to dominate, albeit nowhere near to the extent that Russia would dominate a neo-Russian Empire.

    Germany has a long history of expanding into Ukraine: 1918, 1941-1943, and again in 2014-present in the form of the EU. Germany and Ukraine are meant for each other, if Germany actually appreciates this fact and knows how to behave itself properly.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    If not for the West’s help, instead of fighting Russians in the trenches and relatively sparsely populated fields of of Zaporizhia, the Ukrainians would be fighting a far more deadly guerilla war in large cities and in core Ukrainian territory.
    Ironically, Philippe Lemoine, a nationalistic Frenchman who currently lives in the US, has actually argued that the West should have let Ukraine fall and have then sponsored an anti-Russian insurgency in Ukraine because sponsoring an anti-Russian insurgency is allegedly cheaper for the West than funding a conventional war against Russia. And it would allegedly (in his own opinion) make it easier for the West to facilitate a negotiated peace settlement to this war afterwards.

    Frankly, I suspect that this viewpoint on the last part is naïve. Had Russia successfully conquered Ukraine, I doubt that it would have been interested in any negotiated settlement. And I'm unsure that an insurgency would have actually been enough to drive the Russians out of Ukraine, even after 10-25 years, or that Ukraine, with a TFR of 1.3 and a median age of over 40, would actually have the capacity to sustain a serious insurgency long-term. The best that it can do would probably be an IRA-style campaign of bomb planting, including in Russia proper.
  535. AP says:

    Hey Barbs, how are the 'physical resiliency' (let's call it) goals coming along?

    A small 'win' for me (so small I'm almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I've become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds. (Gun to my head, I could probably do a minute and not hate it so much that I never go back.) And that's only after having had a hot shower first. The idea that I could just walk in and have a cold shower straight off the bat still seems very, very distant. Then again, when I started, I couldn't stand even 2 seconds (literally) of cold shower - "argh, this is impossible, how could anyone ever do this!??" levels.

    Replies: @AP, @Greasy William

    A small ‘win’ for me (so small I’m almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I’ve become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds

    Cold showers are great on a hot day if there is no air conditioning. It’s like jumping into a cold lake or stream on a hot day.

    Otherwise – I would never do it.

    I swam in this Austrian lake during the 2019 heat wave. Very cold and refreshing (that is a random person in the water, not me):

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    Cold showers are great on a hot day if there is no air conditioning. It’s like jumping into a cold lake or stream on a hot day.
    I find cold showers much colder than the beach or a pool. I've never had a problem plunging straight into the water at the beach or the pool. Even at beaches where you have to wade in a long way before the water gets deep enough, so you have plenty of time to tell it's going to be cold, I've just gone straight in, because I know that within seconds it'll become tolerable and then (often enough) pleasurable ("come in, the water's great!").

    My understanding of the difference is that at the beach your skin is completely submerged, so you're not losing heat through evaporation and can quickly acclimatize. In the shower, much of your skin is exposed to air and the water evaporates, causing you to feel colder quicker, and you don't acclimatize as much.

    Replies: @Mikel

  536. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren't such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people. And we will never agree on that, most Russians I personally known in my life are decent people, just like most Ukrainians I have met and befriended.

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner. Heck, US of A ain't in a war (on its soil at least) and here are the sexual violence statistics in your own backyard:

    In the United States, about 43.6% of women and 24.8% of men experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). About 21.3% of women surveyed reported completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives, with 1.2% reporting completed or attempted rape in the 12 months preceding the survey. About 2.6% of men reported experiencing completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives. About 81.3% of female victims and 70.8% of male victims experienced their first completed or attempted rape before the age of 25.

    Are you going to post tearful photos about that Mr Hack?

    Ot it is only the Russian soldiers who rouse your ire when they don't keep it in their pants?

    Also in Vietnam, the US GI probably had a rape fest at at least the same rate as the Viet partisans did, in fact probably way more.

    During the Winter Soldier Investigation, sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), some of the testimonies of Vietnam veterans included the rape and murder of Vietnamese women,[17] with some being tortured and sexually mutilated.[15] According to Mark Baker, who interviewed Vietnam veterans for his book, one became a "double veteran" by "having sex with a woman and then killing her."[15][16][18] One marine recalled an incident where a Vietnamese girl was gang-raped by members of his unit, with the final perpetrator shooting the victim in the head. In a similar incident, a soldier observed that the female victim "freely submitted" to rape to avoid death.[13]: 181  At a hospital in Da Nang, a nurse was killed after being raped by seven marines.[19]

    And be assured that if the Ukrainian side recaptures Crimea and Lugandon, similar things are also bound to happen to the Russians there.

    Will you post tearful pictures about it ?

    Rhetorical question.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don't claim no higher moral ground.

    Own your biases Mr Hack...

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. Hack

    Figure what really went on in Iraq too.

  537. @AP

    A small ‘win’ for me (so small I’m almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I’ve become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds
    Cold showers are great on a hot day if there is no air conditioning. It's like jumping into a cold lake or stream on a hot day.

    Otherwise - I would never do it.

    I swam in this Austrian lake during the 2019 heat wave. Very cold and refreshing (that is a random person in the water, not me):

    Replies: @silviosilver

    Cold showers are great on a hot day if there is no air conditioning. It’s like jumping into a cold lake or stream on a hot day.

    I find cold showers much colder than the beach or a pool. I’ve never had a problem plunging straight into the water at the beach or the pool. Even at beaches where you have to wade in a long way before the water gets deep enough, so you have plenty of time to tell it’s going to be cold, I’ve just gone straight in, because I know that within seconds it’ll become tolerable and then (often enough) pleasurable (“come in, the water’s great!”).

    My understanding of the difference is that at the beach your skin is completely submerged, so you’re not losing heat through evaporation and can quickly acclimatize. In the shower, much of your skin is exposed to air and the water evaporates, causing you to feel colder quicker, and you don’t acclimatize as much.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    (“come in, the water’s great!”)
    LOL. That used to work, sort of, with my wife ages ago. Now she ignores me as if I was just a squawking seagull. Why are women so bad with the cold when they have more body fat than us?
  538. @John Johnson

    Can you acknowledge this conflict actually started before 2014 as the West intentionally provoked Russia? Why is this so difficult?

    Why is it so difficult for you to admit that Putin is merely carrying out imperial ambition like Tsars before him?

    Moldvoa has strict neutrality in their convention and yet Putin is making excuses to invade them and replace the president with his Jewish pal:

    Boy would the Putin defenders go nuts if that happened. This whole time they have been blaming Jews while ignoring his Jewish general/chef. Imagine if Putin actually invaded Moldova and installed a pro-Russian Jewish president.

    Lukashenko has been Putin's lapdog and yet his country is scheduled for full absorption by Russia:

    How would closer ties to Russia preserve the autonomy of Ukraine? Especially when the Baltics joined NATO and are not scheduled for absorption? Do explain how Poland and the Baltics made the wrong decision by quickly seeking protection from the West after the dissolvement of the USSR. Or did they make the wrong move?

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @QCIC

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    The West pushed NATO directly to the Russian border. This is a threat.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian. Then the Ukrainians (with the help of NeoNAZI thugs) started a civil war and began murdering their own Russian-speaking people.

    • Replies: @John Johnson

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    I don't see any questions. I asked you questions and you didn't answer them.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The ABM treaty was signed by the USSR and the United States. It was signed in 1972 by Brezhnev and Carter. The US left under GWB when the USSR no longer existed. That was in 2001.

    Do explain exactly what that has to do with Russia invading Ukraine 21 years later.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    Which countries? In the 1970s? That would predate the Budapest Memorandum when Russia swore to recognize the autonomy of Ukraine. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos. Are there silos in Poland? Answer: No. Were there planned silos in Ukraine? Answer: No. NATO has enough submarines to level Russia. They stopped building silos over 30 years ago.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian.

    There was no coup. A corrupt pro-Russian president was removed and his own party disavowed him as a criminal. Are you going to tell us that a pro-Russian party inside Ukraine was wrong?

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @AP

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine
    You keep repeating this lie. That reflects poorly on you. It shows that you are gullible and easy to trick, by anyone who doesn't repeat the west's lies. That is, you figured out that your CNN or whoever doesn't tell the truth but you mistakenly believe that just because the Russian or Chinese say something different, what they say must be true. You have fallen into a trap.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @QCIC

  539. S says:
    @Greasy William

    It's weird that two Germans would write a book about the US conquering Germany and a Jew wrote a book about Russia conquering Israel

    Replies: @S

    It’s weird that two Germans would write a book about the US conquering Germany and a Jew wrote a book about Russia conquering Israel.

    Yeah, Julius Goebel, the guy who wrote A Political Prophecy in 1913, commented upon that. He thought Poesche had been piqued by the failure of the 1848 Revolution in Germany.

    I should clarify, I’m not sure exactly how Russia acquires Israel in The Third Empire, whether it was by conquest, or some sort of political arrangement.

    The Third Empire map at the link below shows Israel as a province of the new Russian Empire. [But, again, I see each of these books as perhaps constituting ‘suggestions’ placed in the Anglo and Russian minds, as to what was expected from each of these peoples in the future.]

  540. @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    The West pushed NATO directly to the Russian border. This is a threat.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian. Then the Ukrainians (with the help of NeoNAZI thugs) started a civil war and began murdering their own Russian-speaking people.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    I don’t see any questions. I asked you questions and you didn’t answer them.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The ABM treaty was signed by the USSR and the United States. It was signed in 1972 by Brezhnev and Carter. The US left under GWB when the USSR no longer existed. That was in 2001.

    Do explain exactly what that has to do with Russia invading Ukraine 21 years later.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    Which countries? In the 1970s? That would predate the Budapest Memorandum when Russia swore to recognize the autonomy of Ukraine. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos. Are there silos in Poland? Answer: No. Were there planned silos in Ukraine? Answer: No. NATO has enough submarines to level Russia. They stopped building silos over 30 years ago.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian.

    There was no coup. A corrupt pro-Russian president was removed and his own party disavowed him as a criminal. Are you going to tell us that a pro-Russian party inside Ukraine was wrong?

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    The USA left the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty so it could work on more advanced ABMs which are de facto a threat to Russia. This threat is embedded in the very concept of the original treaty which the USA dropped out of. To repeat this clearly: The USA signed the ABM treaty to reduce the THREAT of nuclear war. The USA unilaterally breaking out of that same treaty increases the THREAT of nuclear war.

    This increased threat of nuclear war made by the USA influenced all subsequent strategic interactions between the USA and Russia.

    Note that the nuclear arms treaties signed between the USA and USSR generally transitioned from the USSR to Russia. This makes sense as the Russians retained the nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union. Now that the USA threatened them, the Russians have greatly strengthened their nuclear arsenal.

    Replies: @A123

  541. The discussion here about the war has become rather pointless. Whether you think that Russia was initially driven to this war by broader strategic constraints or whether you think basic game theory applies to all parties except Putler, who is a mad man who just wanted to destroy Ukraine for egotistical reasons, the question is still “And now what?” At some point it doesn’t matter who started a war and why. What matters is how all parties will respond to the current incentives and how the war will end, as all wars must.

    The West’s plan was to impose heavy sanctions on Russia to make prosecution of the war more difficult and to cause internal discontent. Russia, after a poorly planned and under-manned initial invasion of Ukraine, and after some supply-chain hiccups, has doubled down on the deployment of men and tripled down on the production of weapons. All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.

    Meanwhile, the West has been supplying weapons piecemeal to Ukraine, is struggling with providing what it promised to provide (prolonged hand-wringing resulting in the transfer of another dozen or two Leopard tanks is not going to win a war), and Europe is suffering from inflation and de-industrialization. Ukraine itself is largely dependent on the West financially and for military hardware, and will soon be running into man-power constraints.

    For the sake of argument, let’s blame Putler for it all. Bear in mind that Putler has legally bound the Russian state to the incorporation of certain pieces of territory (so far, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhiе oblasts) as well as the defense of the already annexed and integrated territory of Crimea. Realistically, for Ukraine to fight the war to a stalemate that it is minimally acceptable to the Russian state will require a much more massive infusion of military hardware from the West, a much broader mobilization of Ukrainian men, and at least a few hundred thousand more Ukrainian deaths. All of this is in theory possible. But it presumes that Putler and the Asiatic moskali hordes are just going to get bored and tired and go home rather than to continue to respond as they have at every step so far: increasing their own weapons production and mobilization. And after all of that, if things are going poorly, the mad Putler can still go nuclear.

    So blame Putler and the subhuman R*ssoids all you want, but think carefully about the end game.

    • Replies: @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.
    You are in Moscow which is fairly insulated. In order to prevent potential unrest in the capital, Muscovites are generally left alone. They may be the least pro-war population but they won't be desperate to end it, either, they don't have skin in the game.

    Our former nanny has family in the Volga region and they have started to get upset about the war. They weren't so, a year ago. People don't want their sons, husbands, or brothers to die for Melitopol. Russia has run through much of its convicts, will regular Russians tolerate 10,000s or 100,000 + deaths for Melitopol? This remains to be seen. Russians, unlike Ukrainians, are not fighting for their own lands. This isn't World War II for them.

    Ukrainians on the other hand feel that they have no choice. They are fighting for their country's independence. Taking Crimea might put them in the situation of Russians fighting for Kherson but there are still Ukrainian lands with Ukrainian people languishing under Russian occupation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @The Big Red Scary

    , @John Johnson
    @The Big Red Scary

    For the sake of argument, let’s blame Putler for it all. Bear in mind that Putler has legally bound the Russian state to the incorporation of certain pieces of territory (so far, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhiе oblasts

    How would that be when the UN voted 143-5 that the annexations were illegal? Russia is on the security council and is bound to UN charter.

    And after all of that, if things are going poorly, the mad Putler can still go nuclear.

    Deploying a tactical nuke would be an acknowledgment that they lost the conventional war. Even more countries would turn against Russia and he would cement them as a pariah state. They could even lose China which would bury them economically.

    There is also no reason to assume that such an order would be carried out.

    Putin is currently trying to rein in Prigozhin and it isn't working.

    There is also supposedly a secret FSB protocol whereby they can execute the head of state if he is leading them into a nuclear war.

    Putin is already afraid for his life. He rarely makes public appearances and travels by armored train. Calling in a nuke would turn even more Russians against him. He can't set one off without involving a high level commander.

  542. By the way, here is a recent report on Rheinmetall and muh Leopards:

    tldr; The plan is to give Ukraine another dozen by early next year.

    Perhaps the devious Putler ordered Roskomnadzor to block my access to that site to create a false impression that it represents the pro-Ukrainian position. It’s all one big hall of smoke and mirrors.

  543. @AP

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the “Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils” perspective in the Ukrainian conflict.
    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.

    While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact
    Your bizarre and ignorant claims are not "facts" no matter how hard you wish.

    your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO
    The full context of the SMO, that you ignore, is that Russia wants to gather up lands it considers to be Russia's, against the will of the people living on those lands. Putin has stated that the breakup of the USSR was a massive geopolitical tragedy, and he has decided to undo it. He hoped to do it peacefully and when that proved impossible he went for war. But he miscalculated, he didn't expect Ukrainians to fight against the "reunion."

    That the West (specifically the Anglos and Russia's immediate neighbors in Scandinavia, Poland and the Baltics*) also does not want the Russian Empire to reform is another factor, and Ukrainians benefit from it because it provides them with help against the Russian invaders. If not for the West's help, instead of fighting Russians in the trenches and relatively sparsely populated fields of of Zaporizhia, the Ukrainians would be fighting a far more deadly guerilla war in large cities and in core Ukrainian territory.

    This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3
    Every step of the way Russia has escalated. It invaded another country and annexed its territory, something no country has done in Europe since World War II. If Russia becomes the first country to use nukes in Europe, a deluded person like you will say that "the West started World War III."

    If I were a prosecutor on a rape or other criminal trial I would not want you as a juror. You would seek bizarre arguments to blame the victim.

    * The Germans object to Russia's brutality and to their credit in response to Russia's outrageous actions have joined the resistance to Russia wholeheartedly, but initially they were very soft. I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn't resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual. But Russia turned out to be too barbaric to be a partner of Germany. Wrong century.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual.

    Not sure about this, since a Ukraine that is conquered by Russia means a smaller EU for Germany to dominate, albeit nowhere near to the extent that Russia would dominate a neo-Russian Empire.

    Germany has a long history of expanding into Ukraine: 1918, 1941-1943, and again in 2014-present in the form of the EU. Germany and Ukraine are meant for each other, if Germany actually appreciates this fact and knows how to behave itself properly.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual."

    Not sure about this, since a Ukraine that is conquered by Russia means a smaller EU for Germany to dominate, albeit nowhere near to the extent that Russia would dominate a neo-Russian Empire.
    Germany would have been content to dominate its own backyard and to share the continent with its eastern partner, Russia. All the Russian gas that much of Europe would have been dependent on would be bypassing Ukraine and Poland and flowing through Germany.

    Of course, for all it's faults modern Germany is a normal enough country that it does not tolerate the level of murder and mayhem that Russia unleashed upon Europe, so this partnership-with-Russia idea is dead. Merkel and Schroeder's work has been undone by Putin.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  544. @AP

    By the way, Hungary did extremely well after 1956 – they found a way to suppress the extremes and became a very successful state, under the commies and then after them until today
    Hungary is the least successful of the Visegrad countries and has even almost become the equal of the most successful of the Balkan countries, Romania.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    Which is quite a testament to Romania’s success since Romania has considerably lower human capital levels than Hungary has according to the PISA exam.

  545. @AP

    You and AP have been making a nice case for what I might exaggerate and call the “Ukraine = Angels, Russia = Devils” perspective in the Ukrainian conflict.
    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.

    While you are often challenged and refuted on crucial points of fact
    Your bizarre and ignorant claims are not "facts" no matter how hard you wish.

    your case is probably somewhat persuasive to people not able to visualize the full context of the SMO
    The full context of the SMO, that you ignore, is that Russia wants to gather up lands it considers to be Russia's, against the will of the people living on those lands. Putin has stated that the breakup of the USSR was a massive geopolitical tragedy, and he has decided to undo it. He hoped to do it peacefully and when that proved impossible he went for war. But he miscalculated, he didn't expect Ukrainians to fight against the "reunion."

    That the West (specifically the Anglos and Russia's immediate neighbors in Scandinavia, Poland and the Baltics*) also does not want the Russian Empire to reform is another factor, and Ukrainians benefit from it because it provides them with help against the Russian invaders. If not for the West's help, instead of fighting Russians in the trenches and relatively sparsely populated fields of of Zaporizhia, the Ukrainians would be fighting a far more deadly guerilla war in large cities and in core Ukrainian territory.

    This includes pro-Ukrainians and people who simply want to know why the USA is willing to start a nuclear WW3
    Every step of the way Russia has escalated. It invaded another country and annexed its territory, something no country has done in Europe since World War II. If Russia becomes the first country to use nukes in Europe, a deluded person like you will say that "the West started World War III."

    If I were a prosecutor on a rape or other criminal trial I would not want you as a juror. You would seek bizarre arguments to blame the victim.

    * The Germans object to Russia's brutality and to their credit in response to Russia's outrageous actions have joined the resistance to Russia wholeheartedly, but initially they were very soft. I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn't resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual. But Russia turned out to be too barbaric to be a partner of Germany. Wrong century.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. XYZ

    If not for the West’s help, instead of fighting Russians in the trenches and relatively sparsely populated fields of of Zaporizhia, the Ukrainians would be fighting a far more deadly guerilla war in large cities and in core Ukrainian territory.

    Ironically, Philippe Lemoine, a nationalistic Frenchman who currently lives in the US, has actually argued that the West should have let Ukraine fall and have then sponsored an anti-Russian insurgency in Ukraine because sponsoring an anti-Russian insurgency is allegedly cheaper for the West than funding a conventional war against Russia. And it would allegedly (in his own opinion) make it easier for the West to facilitate a negotiated peace settlement to this war afterwards.

    Frankly, I suspect that this viewpoint on the last part is naïve. Had Russia successfully conquered Ukraine, I doubt that it would have been interested in any negotiated settlement. And I’m unsure that an insurgency would have actually been enough to drive the Russians out of Ukraine, even after 10-25 years, or that Ukraine, with a TFR of 1.3 and a median age of over 40, would actually have the capacity to sustain a serious insurgency long-term. The best that it can do would probably be an IRA-style campaign of bomb planting, including in Russia proper.

  546. Sher Singh says:
    @Sher Singh

    Let me know if you try that Sikh friendly milk. I suspect it will be good. I have a dairy near me that sells raw milk off the farm but my own cow is much better.

    These are my go-to boots. I've become a believer in the near minimalist shoe. Having no heel is way better for my back and the light weight is awesome. I absolutely hate clunky boots/ shoes now. I gotta have speed!

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Sher Singh

    Drank 4l (2x2L) and it was ok. Natrel Plus is 18g of protein per 250ml vs 9 for this so..
    Tastes ‘fuller’ than regular A1 milk. Costs the same as high protein milk though.

    For socks, just get the Kirkland Brand Merino off Amazon or Costco.

    @silvio just do lukewarm water. Been doing that for awhile, and it’s easier to wash hair in than cold.

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Sher Singh

    Lukewarm's too easy at this point. I do the washing part with hot water; the cold showering is just a challenge to see if I can do it. I hear stories of people going in cold (without any hot water prep) and staying in for like 5 minutes and claiming to come out feeling great. That's not so far-fetched that I'd dismiss it as bs. I wanna see if I can get there. I don't mind patiently building up to it.

    , @Barbarossa
    @Sher Singh

    I've seen the Kirkland's but I really like the wool to be more like 75%. The socks that I have now are around 80% and they have been great.

    I usually start out with hot water since it feels good on the sore muscles and is easier for hair washing and then go to straight up cold for a couple minutes. As Silvio mentioned, I'd have to put myself in the group where the temperature switch and cold being really energizing.

  547. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @sudden death

    One of the features of vaccinating everybody (which they failed at but they definitely got almost all of the customers of the health care industry) is that any side effects of the experimental genetic medicine are confounded with the effects of the virus.

    The best word for the managers of the poop show might be slimy. Slugs everywhere.

    Use your head!

    Replies: @Barbarossa, @sudden death

    There is no lack of purebloods whom also had covidian complications, so in theory it would be not so hard to do comparative tests for the further inquiry of brain cell fusion effect frequency compared with vaxed patients.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    If the spike protein is driving the creation of neuronal cell-fusions, then it should happen in the case of both the vaccinated and the naturally infected. Both cases have a high spike protein load in the body, from the mRNA in the vaccinated and from the virus itself in the infected. The problem with the vaccine is that it was promised that the spike protein produced from the mRNA would stay put in the injection site, therefore it was supposed that the spike protein that it encoded would also stay in the injection site. It was a lie (or a honest mistake if you can believe Albert Bourla to be honest), the spike protein ended up being found everywhere accross the body. The main difference between the virus and the vaccine is that the natural immunity triggered by the virus is many times stronger than the immunity after the vaccination. Also the spike protein being an unadulterated toxin, its repeated injections (under the RNA form) end up affecting some immune cell subpopulations and actually lowering the resistance to the viruses. Basically, a healthy human would have been better having had the Covid once and acquiring the natural immunity, than having 3 - 4 vaccines as our benevolent overlords recommended.

    Replies: @sudden death

  548. @Sher Singh

    Drank 4l (2x2L) and it was ok. Natrel Plus is 18g of protein per 250ml vs 9 for this so..
    Tastes 'fuller' than regular A1 milk. Costs the same as high protein milk though.

    For socks, just get the Kirkland Brand Merino off Amazon or Costco.

    @silvio just do lukewarm water. Been doing that for awhile, and it's easier to wash hair in than cold.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Barbarossa

    Lukewarm’s too easy at this point. I do the washing part with hot water; the cold showering is just a challenge to see if I can do it. I hear stories of people going in cold (without any hot water prep) and staying in for like 5 minutes and claiming to come out feeling great. That’s not so far-fetched that I’d dismiss it as bs. I wanna see if I can get there. I don’t mind patiently building up to it.

  549. @sudden death
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    There is no lack of purebloods whom also had covidian complications, so in theory it would be not so hard to do comparative tests for the further inquiry of brain cell fusion effect frequency compared with vaxed patients.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    If the spike protein is driving the creation of neuronal cell-fusions, then it should happen in the case of both the vaccinated and the naturally infected. Both cases have a high spike protein load in the body, from the mRNA in the vaccinated and from the virus itself in the infected. The problem with the vaccine is that it was promised that the spike protein produced from the mRNA would stay put in the injection site, therefore it was supposed that the spike protein that it encoded would also stay in the injection site. It was a lie (or a honest mistake if you can believe Albert Bourla to be honest), the spike protein ended up being found everywhere accross the body. The main difference between the virus and the vaccine is that the natural immunity triggered by the virus is many times stronger than the immunity after the vaccination. Also the spike protein being an unadulterated toxin, its repeated injections (under the RNA form) end up affecting some immune cell subpopulations and actually lowering the resistance to the viruses. Basically, a healthy human would have been better having had the Covid once and acquiring the natural immunity, than having 3 – 4 vaccines as our benevolent overlords recommended.

    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Ivashka the fool

    Both cases have a high spike protein load in the body, from the mRNA in the vaccinated and from the virus itself
    mRNA vaxing isn't the only one available/used type of anticovidvaxing;)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  550. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren't such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people. And we will never agree on that, most Russians I personally known in my life are decent people, just like most Ukrainians I have met and befriended.

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner. Heck, US of A ain't in a war (on its soil at least) and here are the sexual violence statistics in your own backyard:

    In the United States, about 43.6% of women and 24.8% of men experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). About 21.3% of women surveyed reported completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives, with 1.2% reporting completed or attempted rape in the 12 months preceding the survey. About 2.6% of men reported experiencing completed or attempted rape at some point in their lives. About 81.3% of female victims and 70.8% of male victims experienced their first completed or attempted rape before the age of 25.

    Are you going to post tearful photos about that Mr Hack?

    Ot it is only the Russian soldiers who rouse your ire when they don't keep it in their pants?

    Also in Vietnam, the US GI probably had a rape fest at at least the same rate as the Viet partisans did, in fact probably way more.

    During the Winter Soldier Investigation, sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), some of the testimonies of Vietnam veterans included the rape and murder of Vietnamese women,[17] with some being tortured and sexually mutilated.[15] According to Mark Baker, who interviewed Vietnam veterans for his book, one became a "double veteran" by "having sex with a woman and then killing her."[15][16][18] One marine recalled an incident where a Vietnamese girl was gang-raped by members of his unit, with the final perpetrator shooting the victim in the head. In a similar incident, a soldier observed that the female victim "freely submitted" to rape to avoid death.[13]: 181  At a hospital in Da Nang, a nurse was killed after being raped by seven marines.[19]

    And be assured that if the Ukrainian side recaptures Crimea and Lugandon, similar things are also bound to happen to the Russians there.

    Will you post tearful pictures about it ?

    Rhetorical question.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don't claim no higher moral ground.

    Own your biases Mr Hack...

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. Hack

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren’t such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.

    The representation of the Russian soldier was one that most Ukrainians today have of the Russian military that’s invading their country. I think that it’s powerful symbolism designed to elicit a reaction in the viewer, for most people one denigrating the current Russian aggression against Ukraine. Would you really prefer one of young Russian soldiers entering the arena of war in Ukraine, being mounted on white horses being greeted by grateful Ukrainian citizenry? It’s an accurate symbolic depiction of how most Ukrainians view this war, and I support its symbolic representation.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people.

    I don’t hate Russian people and never have. I certainly like you and think that I’ll continue doing so for as long as we’re both around. I’ve written here several times about my Russian aunt, and her moral superiority to her Ukrainian husband, my uncle. Also, I’ve written several times about the classy Russian Museum of Art in Mpls and have strongly suggested that one should visit this institution while in Mpls. I greatly enjoy Russian music. So I think that you’re way off in trying to depict me as some kind of a huge Russophobe. Come back on a sunnier day and try to rewrite this one. 🙂

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner.

    Rape is just morally indefensible whether it’s done during wartime or during peacetime. No reliance on statistics or some form of a whataboutism can whitewash this kind of behavior. Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It’s just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don’t claim no higher moral ground.

    The only higher moral ground that I’m trying to lay claim to is the same one that AP recently stated:

    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.

    And by association is the side that is most responsible for the murder and pillaging that is going on today within Ukraine.

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Mr. Hack

    Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It’s just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.
    Everybody knows it's always wrong. Nobody is arguing that in some cases it's justified. ("Eh, it's a war, let 'em rape a little.")

    The point is you are rather selective in which rapes you get outraged about and demand everybody join the chorus of denunciations over, and which rapes you are as resigned to the sad reality of as the rest of us without it noticeably raising your blood pressure.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Mr. Hack

    , @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?

    Did you denounce them Mr Hack ?

    Why didn't you Mr Hack ?

    Because the victims are Russian speaking Donbassers, that's why.

    Own your biases Mr Hack.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

  551. @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    If the spike protein is driving the creation of neuronal cell-fusions, then it should happen in the case of both the vaccinated and the naturally infected. Both cases have a high spike protein load in the body, from the mRNA in the vaccinated and from the virus itself in the infected. The problem with the vaccine is that it was promised that the spike protein produced from the mRNA would stay put in the injection site, therefore it was supposed that the spike protein that it encoded would also stay in the injection site. It was a lie (or a honest mistake if you can believe Albert Bourla to be honest), the spike protein ended up being found everywhere accross the body. The main difference between the virus and the vaccine is that the natural immunity triggered by the virus is many times stronger than the immunity after the vaccination. Also the spike protein being an unadulterated toxin, its repeated injections (under the RNA form) end up affecting some immune cell subpopulations and actually lowering the resistance to the viruses. Basically, a healthy human would have been better having had the Covid once and acquiring the natural immunity, than having 3 - 4 vaccines as our benevolent overlords recommended.

    Replies: @sudden death

    Both cases have a high spike protein load in the body, from the mRNA in the vaccinated and from the virus itself

    mRNA vaxing isn’t the only one available/used type of anticovidvaxing;)

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    RNA vaccines were the ones used massively. Some protein vaccine producers have been prevented from entering the market, some are now bankrupt (cf Medicago). Others have been discontinued in most locations after the beginning of the vaccination (AstraZeneca). Viral vector vaccines (Johnson & Johnson) were a minority, very hard to get in most locations. I discount the Noviop Sputnik and the CCP Sinovac as irrelevant where I live. The RNA vaccines ended up dominant. Regardless, all Covid vaccines introduce the unadulterated spike protein toxin in the body. AFAIK it was the only vaccination campaign that used an unadulterated bioactive toxin.

  552. @Sher Singh

    Drank 4l (2x2L) and it was ok. Natrel Plus is 18g of protein per 250ml vs 9 for this so..
    Tastes 'fuller' than regular A1 milk. Costs the same as high protein milk though.

    For socks, just get the Kirkland Brand Merino off Amazon or Costco.

    @silvio just do lukewarm water. Been doing that for awhile, and it's easier to wash hair in than cold.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Barbarossa

    I’ve seen the Kirkland’s but I really like the wool to be more like 75%. The socks that I have now are around 80% and they have been great.

    I usually start out with hot water since it feels good on the sore muscles and is easier for hair washing and then go to straight up cold for a couple minutes. As Silvio mentioned, I’d have to put myself in the group where the temperature switch and cold being really energizing.

  553. @sudden death
    @Ivashka the fool

    Both cases have a high spike protein load in the body, from the mRNA in the vaccinated and from the virus itself
    mRNA vaxing isn't the only one available/used type of anticovidvaxing;)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    RNA vaccines were the ones used massively. Some protein vaccine producers have been prevented from entering the market, some are now bankrupt (cf Medicago). Others have been discontinued in most locations after the beginning of the vaccination (AstraZeneca). Viral vector vaccines (Johnson & Johnson) were a minority, very hard to get in most locations. I discount the Noviop Sputnik and the CCP Sinovac as irrelevant where I live. The RNA vaccines ended up dominant. Regardless, all Covid vaccines introduce the unadulterated spike protein toxin in the body. AFAIK it was the only vaccination campaign that used an unadulterated bioactive toxin.

  554. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren’t such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.
    The representation of the Russian soldier was one that most Ukrainians today have of the Russian military that's invading their country. I think that it's powerful symbolism designed to elicit a reaction in the viewer, for most people one denigrating the current Russian aggression against Ukraine. Would you really prefer one of young Russian soldiers entering the arena of war in Ukraine, being mounted on white horses being greeted by grateful Ukrainian citizenry? It's an accurate symbolic depiction of how most Ukrainians view this war, and I support its symbolic representation.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people.
    I don't hate Russian people and never have. I certainly like you and think that I'll continue doing so for as long as we're both around. I've written here several times about my Russian aunt, and her moral superiority to her Ukrainian husband, my uncle. Also, I've written several times about the classy Russian Museum of Art in Mpls and have strongly suggested that one should visit this institution while in Mpls. I greatly enjoy Russian music. So I think that you're way off in trying to depict me as some kind of a huge Russophobe. Come back on a sunnier day and try to rewrite this one. :-)

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner.
    Rape is just morally indefensible whether it's done during wartime or during peacetime. No reliance on statistics or some form of a whataboutism can whitewash this kind of behavior. Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It's just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don’t claim no higher moral ground.
    The only higher moral ground that I'm trying to lay claim to is the same one that AP recently stated:

    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.
    And by association is the side that is most responsible for the murder and pillaging that is going on today within Ukraine.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

    Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It’s just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.

    Everybody knows it’s always wrong. Nobody is arguing that in some cases it’s justified. (“Eh, it’s a war, let ’em rape a little.”)

    The point is you are rather selective in which rapes you get outraged about and demand everybody join the chorus of denunciations over, and which rapes you are as resigned to the sad reality of as the rest of us without it noticeably raising your blood pressure.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @The Big Red Scary

    That, and also the unpleasant nature of female sexuality. Women are often very confused about what they want, and change their minds after the fact for many reasons. The only legally sensible definition of a man raping a woman is a man having sex with a woman with whom he doesn't have the right to have sex. Women belong to their fathers before marriage and to their husbands after.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    , @Mr. Hack

    I never brought up the travesty of rape being perpetrated by Russian soldiers. I included the controversial depiction as a prop to show that Ukrainians do not greet Russian soldiers kindly when they've entered Ukraine. It was Ivashka who first brought up sarcastically the problem of rape by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. So you see, I've never demanded that anybody denounce these actions (although they should) by making any denunciations. If it makes you feel any better, I'd be willing to make such denunciations against Ukrainian soldiers too, as I think Ivashka inferred somewhere that ATO members were equally guilty of raping women too, although I'm not aware of any such incidents myself?

    I'm rather disappointed that Ivashka has chosen to hide behind your short comment and not favor me with a response (this seems to be a common habit of his that I'm noticing), as I brought up several issues that require his response.

  555. A123 says: • Website

    The WUHAN-19 virus is from the Wuhan Institute of Virology: (1)

    Covid’s ‘Patient Zero’ identified, adds more weight to Wuhan lab leak

    New evidence proves that lab workers manipulating coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology kicked off the pandemic, vindicating what was once called a conspiracy.

    three separate Chinese government officials have all named scientist Ben Hu, who was in charge of gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as the first human to be infected with the new disease.
    The well sourced report confirmed earlier reporting that the Covid pandemic had its origins in a Chinese virology lab at Wuhan, a story that was first broken by The Daily Telegraph’s Sharri Markson.
    Ms Markson would eventually go on to write a book, What Really Happened in Wuhan, which detailed the work Ben Hu and fellow scientist Shi Zhengli researching bat coronaviruses and their potential to infect humans.

    I wonder if Mr. Unz will issue a retraction for all the crazy articles he has pushed?

    This news helps Trump’s campaign. MAGA Reindustrialization and gradual decoupling from the CCP will tick up in the public consciousness as priorities.

    PEACE 😇


  556. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual.
    Not sure about this, since a Ukraine that is conquered by Russia means a smaller EU for Germany to dominate, albeit nowhere near to the extent that Russia would dominate a neo-Russian Empire.

    Germany has a long history of expanding into Ukraine: 1918, 1941-1943, and again in 2014-present in the form of the EU. Germany and Ukraine are meant for each other, if Germany actually appreciates this fact and knows how to behave itself properly.

    Replies: @AP

    “I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual.”

    Not sure about this, since a Ukraine that is conquered by Russia means a smaller EU for Germany to dominate, albeit nowhere near to the extent that Russia would dominate a neo-Russian Empire.

    Germany would have been content to dominate its own backyard and to share the continent with its eastern partner, Russia. All the Russian gas that much of Europe would have been dependent on would be bypassing Ukraine and Poland and flowing through Germany.

    Of course, for all it’s faults modern Germany is a normal enough country that it does not tolerate the level of murder and mayhem that Russia unleashed upon Europe, so this partnership-with-Russia idea is dead. Merkel and Schroeder’s work has been undone by Putin.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    FWIW, I interpreted Nord Stream 2 as an unsuccessful attempt to get Russia to behave by preserving some economic ties with it. But maybe it really was all about the business, as you say.

    Of course, for all it’s faults modern Germany is a normal enough country that it does not tolerate the level of murder and mayhem that Russia unleashed upon Europe, so this partnership-with-Russia idea is dead. Merkel and Schroeder’s work has been undone by Putin.
    Yeah, Germany is sufficiently sensitive to its own WWII history to ally with a brute like Russia, even if Russia's brutality pales in comparison to that of WWII Germany.

    As a side note, this is off-topic, but I'm surprised that Schroeder agreed to let the Baltic countries into NATO in 2004. Didn't he want to please Russia? Or was pleasing Washington in this particular case more important?

    Also, out of curiosity--had Russia actually succeeded in conquering Ukraine in 2022 due to a lack of sufficient Western aid, just how successful do you think that a subsequent campaign of Ukrainian bomb-planting, including in Russia proper, would actually be in getting the Russians to eventually withdraw from Ukraine? FWIW, I suspect that the answer is "Not very" since Russia would treat such bomb-planters mercilessly, by either outright killing them or sending them to gulags for a very long time, and that eventually occupied Ukraine will run out of heroes who are willing to do this, especially considering that occupied Ukraine will have open borders with the EU in this scenario. Why become a martyr or spend 25 years or even the rest of your life in a Russian gulag, with the chance of becoming a martyr later on (as a result of you being poisoned), when you can deny Russia your human capital and still live the good life for the rest of your life by relocating to the EU?
  557. @silviosilver
    @Mr. Hack

    Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It’s just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.
    Everybody knows it's always wrong. Nobody is arguing that in some cases it's justified. ("Eh, it's a war, let 'em rape a little.")

    The point is you are rather selective in which rapes you get outraged about and demand everybody join the chorus of denunciations over, and which rapes you are as resigned to the sad reality of as the rest of us without it noticeably raising your blood pressure.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Mr. Hack

    That, and also the unpleasant nature of female sexuality. Women are often very confused about what they want, and change their minds after the fact for many reasons. The only legally sensible definition of a man raping a woman is a man having sex with a woman with whom he doesn’t have the right to have sex. Women belong to their fathers before marriage and to their husbands after.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @The Big Red Scary

    I don't find that idea very appealing. It's like banning cars just because a few people die on the roads.

    But a woman pressing charges after deciding that some guy she fucked "raped" her is obviously appalling.

  558. Well I have just completed The Cranes Are Flying an North by Northwest, which I watched on account of the recommendations made here.

    The Cranes Are Flying I would say is characteristic of many Soviet movies I’ve watched; very intelligent and generally operating on a higher plane than American movies, but lacking in important elements which make a movie enjoyable to watch. The Soviets deserve credit for producing popular films which emphasize artistic value, and do not insult the viewer’s intelligence, but to paraphrase Jesus: “a moviegoer does not live on intelligence alone”. He requires a certain les grand amusement factor to keep him going, otherwise he will accelerate the viewing speed or dose off to sleep. The plot is fairly slow-moving, and absolutely nothing of note occurs during the first 35 minutes, just the typical love triangle and flirtations which can be found in a multitude of other films. The film picks up somewhat when the war begins, and females head to the bunker. There is an striking bit of cinematography and editing when Mark forces himself on Veronika, but the unrealism of something like this occurring during a heavy air raid diminished the value of the scene. Realistically, Mark would’ve waited after the bombing to finish. There’s another intriguing bit of camerawork when Boris is killed, and apparently this movie is highly rated for its cinematography, but overall I’d say the visuals were a cut below North By Northwest, which incidentally was filmed around the same time, so provides an appropriate point of comparison.

    North by Northwest is, as usual for a Hitchcock film, just an aesthetic delight. It features unbelievably stylish coloring, good camera focus on the characters, and a judicious selection of city shots. It is the latter component imo which is the defining characteristic of the movie. From the Railroad Station, to the Hotel, to Townsend’s Estate and the Professor’s Office; Hitchcock has an eye for elegant and harmonious architectural settings. On some level it is unfair to compare the visuals in NBN to TCAF, since Hitchcock has a tendency to focus on upper crust America, whereas Kalatazov is centering his film around ordinary Russians. The former will inevitably feature more refined clothing, locations and characters than the latter. Be it as it may, North By Northwest was simply more enjoyable to watch than the Cranes Are Flying, even though the latter was operating on a higher intellectual plane than the former (North’s plot was filled with holes and bizarre plot devices). The light-hearted tone of NBN also appealed more to me than TCAF’s melodrama. So overall I give NBN a 9/10 and TCAF a 6/10.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen The Birds?

    Your review of 2001 didn't amount to much more than a twitter comment. This is from 1968 or so and Kubrick has ancient aliens, a rogue AI and a transhuman finale which deserves lengthy discussion. Maybe you think everything has already been said and you have nothing to add?

    His transhuman graduation makes no sense whatsoever. Like all transhumanism which is misnamed. I think it should be called dressed-up stupidity.

    The rest of the plot is not bad but nobody seems to want to point out that Atlantis and Lemuria and an End to Civilization 1.0 and no aliens seems more likely and who the heck is going to write an AI program that has the power to go rogue?

    Replies: @Yahya

  559. AP says:
    @The Big Red Scary
    The discussion here about the war has become rather pointless. Whether you think that Russia was initially driven to this war by broader strategic constraints or whether you think basic game theory applies to all parties except Putler, who is a mad man who just wanted to destroy Ukraine for egotistical reasons, the question is still "And now what?" At some point it doesn't matter who started a war and why. What matters is how all parties will respond to the current incentives and how the war will end, as all wars must.

    The West's plan was to impose heavy sanctions on Russia to make prosecution of the war more difficult and to cause internal discontent. Russia, after a poorly planned and under-manned initial invasion of Ukraine, and after some supply-chain hiccups, has doubled down on the deployment of men and tripled down on the production of weapons. All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.

    Meanwhile, the West has been supplying weapons piecemeal to Ukraine, is struggling with providing what it promised to provide (prolonged hand-wringing resulting in the transfer of another dozen or two Leopard tanks is not going to win a war), and Europe is suffering from inflation and de-industrialization. Ukraine itself is largely dependent on the West financially and for military hardware, and will soon be running into man-power constraints.

    For the sake of argument, let's blame Putler for it all. Bear in mind that Putler has legally bound the Russian state to the incorporation of certain pieces of territory (so far, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhiе oblasts) as well as the defense of the already annexed and integrated territory of Crimea. Realistically, for Ukraine to fight the war to a stalemate that it is minimally acceptable to the Russian state will require a much more massive infusion of military hardware from the West, a much broader mobilization of Ukrainian men, and at least a few hundred thousand more Ukrainian deaths. All of this is in theory possible. But it presumes that Putler and the Asiatic moskali hordes are just going to get bored and tired and go home rather than to continue to respond as they have at every step so far: increasing their own weapons production and mobilization. And after all of that, if things are going poorly, the mad Putler can still go nuclear.

    So blame Putler and the subhuman R*ssoids all you want, but think carefully about the end game.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.

    You are in Moscow which is fairly insulated. In order to prevent potential unrest in the capital, Muscovites are generally left alone. They may be the least pro-war population but they won’t be desperate to end it, either, they don’t have skin in the game.

    Our former nanny has family in the Volga region and they have started to get upset about the war. They weren’t so, a year ago. People don’t want their sons, husbands, or brothers to die for Melitopol. Russia has run through much of its convicts, will regular Russians tolerate 10,000s or 100,000 + deaths for Melitopol? This remains to be seen. Russians, unlike Ukrainians, are not fighting for their own lands. This isn’t World War II for them.

    Ukrainians on the other hand feel that they have no choice. They are fighting for their country’s independence. Taking Crimea might put them in the situation of Russians fighting for Kherson but there are still Ukrainian lands with Ukrainian people languishing under Russian occupation.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    With Belgorod, Kursk and even Moscow attacks, for many Russians it is not about Ukraine anymore. Just like since the Russian invasion, for Ukrainians it is not about the Crimea/Donbass anymore. Violence breeds violence, it is a self-amplyfying vicious circle that started with the Latin Church incursions into the Eastern Slavic realm centuries ago. Now it is approaching its culmination that risks spilling over to places that have absolutely nothing to do with Noviop clans' turf conflicts and Slav tribal warfare. An example: due to the Kahovka dam destruction, up to 345 million people might well starve in Africa next year if the food that they imported from that region is not replaced somehow. These people don't really care whether one should write переход or перехìд. When they see the Eastern Slav eagerly killing each other since 2014, they come to the conclusion that our kin are simply retarded barbarians unfit to live in the 21st century world. Perhaps it is the appropriate way to seeing this all unfortunate situation.

    , @The Big Red Scary

    I live rather far from Moscow, in a provincial city with weapons factories. What's your point? That women don't want their husbands and sons to die? This is true and not very relevant.

    Replies: @LatW

  560. @QCIC
    @John Johnson

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    The West pushed NATO directly to the Russian border. This is a threat.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian. Then the Ukrainians (with the help of NeoNAZI thugs) started a civil war and began murdering their own Russian-speaking people.

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine

    You keep repeating this lie. That reflects poorly on you. It shows that you are gullible and easy to trick, by anyone who doesn’t repeat the west’s lies. That is, you figured out that your CNN or whoever doesn’t tell the truth but you mistakenly believe that just because the Russian or Chinese say something different, what they say must be true. You have fallen into a trap.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The ladies below the MORE cut would laugh about what you wrote. You cannot be so naive. I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a "my country right or wrong" mentality. BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school?

    Replies: @QCIC, @AP

    , @QCIC

    This coup in Ukraine was always intended to create a proxy war with Russia. The war is not a side effect, it is the purpose of the entire project. You and Hack seem to mistakenly believe that because public sentiment supported the process, this means it is not a coup. The fact is that outside forces worked for decades to mold public sentiment against Russia. Hell, you may have donated money for some of this manipulation, so naturally you don't want to recognize it for what it really is. The manipulators had a lot of raw angst to work with including feisty Ukrainian nationalists and actual NeoNAZIs. I explained my use of the term "palace coup" in our modern context where there is no actual palace, but there is a lot of maneuvering funded by outside forces which leads to a crucial change of leadership with moderate bloodshed.

    I am intrigued that you both seem oblivious to the nuclear horrors of the Cold War.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  561. @AP

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine
    You keep repeating this lie. That reflects poorly on you. It shows that you are gullible and easy to trick, by anyone who doesn't repeat the west's lies. That is, you figured out that your CNN or whoever doesn't tell the truth but you mistakenly believe that just because the Russian or Chinese say something different, what they say must be true. You have fallen into a trap.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @QCIC

    The ladies below the MORE cut would laugh about what you wrote. You cannot be so naive. I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a “my country right or wrong” mentality. BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school?


    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    I see Devil Horns and blood soaked fangs. Too bad it is not that easy.

    , @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    You cannot be so naive.
    There is nothing naive about what I wrote, but there is indeed a naive quality about people who latch onto anything as "truth" simply because it contradicts whatever CNN or MSN told them.

    I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a “my country right or wrong” mentality
    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.

    Or that a mass revolt by half the country against an unpopular president can in some way be thought of as a "coup" because it acts against your Russia.

    Of course there are always nuances in everything, so the contortionists have simple facts that they work with and twist in order to reach their unreasonable conclusions.

    So the French supplied a billion dollars and thousands of troops to the rebels in the British American colonies (because it naturally benefits them to see their rival lose its colonies)? It's a French coup. Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can't possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them. Americans provided diplomatic support and cookies to anti-Yanukovich revolutionaries? Clearly an American coup. Zionists involved, and Soros. Maybe Freemasonry also? Can't possibly be that Ukrainians like the EU more than Russia, hate Yanukovich, and this was the way for them to prevent an anti-EU course and get rid of Yanukovich.

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses. Something can't possibly be true if it is fairly simple, the simplicity itself is a sign that it is fake, there must be a plot of some sort.

    BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school
    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

  562. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.
    You are in Moscow which is fairly insulated. In order to prevent potential unrest in the capital, Muscovites are generally left alone. They may be the least pro-war population but they won't be desperate to end it, either, they don't have skin in the game.

    Our former nanny has family in the Volga region and they have started to get upset about the war. They weren't so, a year ago. People don't want their sons, husbands, or brothers to die for Melitopol. Russia has run through much of its convicts, will regular Russians tolerate 10,000s or 100,000 + deaths for Melitopol? This remains to be seen. Russians, unlike Ukrainians, are not fighting for their own lands. This isn't World War II for them.

    Ukrainians on the other hand feel that they have no choice. They are fighting for their country's independence. Taking Crimea might put them in the situation of Russians fighting for Kherson but there are still Ukrainian lands with Ukrainian people languishing under Russian occupation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @The Big Red Scary

    With Belgorod, Kursk and even Moscow attacks, for many Russians it is not about Ukraine anymore. Just like since the Russian invasion, for Ukrainians it is not about the Crimea/Donbass anymore. Violence breeds violence, it is a self-amplyfying vicious circle that started with the Latin Church incursions into the Eastern Slavic realm centuries ago. Now it is approaching its culmination that risks spilling over to places that have absolutely nothing to do with Noviop clans’ turf conflicts and Slav tribal warfare. An example: due to the Kahovka dam destruction, up to 345 million people might well starve in Africa next year if the food that they imported from that region is not replaced somehow. These people don’t really care whether one should write переход or перехìд. When they see the Eastern Slav eagerly killing each other since 2014, they come to the conclusion that our kin are simply retarded barbarians unfit to live in the 21st century world. Perhaps it is the appropriate way to seeing this all unfortunate situation.

  563. @AP

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine
    You keep repeating this lie. That reflects poorly on you. It shows that you are gullible and easy to trick, by anyone who doesn't repeat the west's lies. That is, you figured out that your CNN or whoever doesn't tell the truth but you mistakenly believe that just because the Russian or Chinese say something different, what they say must be true. You have fallen into a trap.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @QCIC

    This coup in Ukraine was always intended to create a proxy war with Russia. The war is not a side effect, it is the purpose of the entire project. You and Hack seem to mistakenly believe that because public sentiment supported the process, this means it is not a coup. The fact is that outside forces worked for decades to mold public sentiment against Russia. Hell, you may have donated money for some of this manipulation, so naturally you don’t want to recognize it for what it really is. The manipulators had a lot of raw angst to work with including feisty Ukrainian nationalists and actual NeoNAZIs. I explained my use of the term “palace coup” in our modern context where there is no actual palace, but there is a lot of maneuvering funded by outside forces which leads to a crucial change of leadership with moderate bloodshed.

    I am intrigued that you both seem oblivious to the nuclear horrors of the Cold War.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I am intrigued that you both seem oblivious to the nuclear horrors of the Cold War.
    I'm equally surprised that you don't direct your angst and criticism towards the side that has been sabre rattling since February 24? They're the ones that have the nukes and have threatened their use, not the Ukrainian side. Another indication that you have things mixed up here.
    For your benefit please don't consider this to be a "funny cartoon", but a very serious one.

    Replies: @QCIC

  564. @AP
    @The Big Red Scary

    All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.
    You are in Moscow which is fairly insulated. In order to prevent potential unrest in the capital, Muscovites are generally left alone. They may be the least pro-war population but they won't be desperate to end it, either, they don't have skin in the game.

    Our former nanny has family in the Volga region and they have started to get upset about the war. They weren't so, a year ago. People don't want their sons, husbands, or brothers to die for Melitopol. Russia has run through much of its convicts, will regular Russians tolerate 10,000s or 100,000 + deaths for Melitopol? This remains to be seen. Russians, unlike Ukrainians, are not fighting for their own lands. This isn't World War II for them.

    Ukrainians on the other hand feel that they have no choice. They are fighting for their country's independence. Taking Crimea might put them in the situation of Russians fighting for Kherson but there are still Ukrainian lands with Ukrainian people languishing under Russian occupation.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @The Big Red Scary

    I live rather far from Moscow, in a provincial city with weapons factories. What’s your point? That women don’t want their husbands and sons to die? This is true and not very relevant.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @The Big Red Scary

    That women don’t want their husbands and sons to die? This is true and not very relevant.
    The soldier's mother's orgs have been somewhat relevant in the past (Afghan and Chechen wars), but not in today's Russian society probably, the society has changed too much. The only soldiers' mothers that are legitimate today are the United Russia party functionaries that Putin invites over for the show and mothers who say things like "My son's last words were "Пойдем, братва, рубить укропов" ("Fellas, let's go beat the crap out of Ukrops").

    Anyone else is totally powerless. The only one who now cues in to the suffering of the Russian parents is Prigo. If by the end of this, an even more considerable number of Russians are killed, then at that point it will be almost too late for these mother's movements. And don't forget the wounded.
  565. @Ivashka the fool

    The ladies below the MORE cut would laugh about what you wrote. You cannot be so naive. I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a "my country right or wrong" mentality. BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school?

    Replies: @QCIC, @AP

    I see Devil Horns and blood soaked fangs. Too bad it is not that easy.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  566. @AP

    Nonsense. Anyone with a functioning brain would rather live in Budapest than in depressing Warsaw, or god forbid, Bucarest.
    LOL, I was in Budapest in 2019. Outside the Castle District it was a dump, albeit with beautiful architecture. Dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses. No comparison to Poland which is clean, modern, civilized. Budapest has very nice baths though.

    Even AnoninTN agrees with me:

    "But I agree that Budapest is disappointing. In Soviet times Hungary was considered more prosperous than other “socialist” countries. Today Budapest looks poor and rundown."

    Never been to Bucharest.

    You can't help but defend your traditional Hungarian masters, which is funny. Is it because your new one faltered?

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war. But Krakow is both beautiful and not run down like Budapest. Same for Wroclaw.

    Hungary between 1957 and now has done very well
    It has sunk to being the worst of the Visegrad countries, but it depends on what one measures.
    On several (but not all) measures, it appears that Slovakia is even poorer.

    Average wages:


    Czechia: 1400 Euros
    Poland: 1200 Euros
    Hungary: 1061 Euros
    Slovakia: 1008 Euros

    Romania: 920 Euros

    Adjusted for cost of living:

    Poland: $2719
    Hungary: $2505
    Czechia: $2414
    Slovakia: $2131

    Romania: $2232

    GDP per capita, nominal (2023):

    Czechia: $31,368
    Slovakia: $23,457
    Poland: $19,912
    Hungary: $19,385

    Romania: $18,530

    GDP, per capita PPP (2023):

    Czechia: $50,961
    Poland: $45,343
    Hungary: $43,907
    Slovakia: $41,515

    Romania: $41,634

    Unemployment rate:

    Czechia: 2.4%
    Poland: 2.7%
    Hungary: 3%
    Slovakia: 6%

    Romania: 5.3%

    Replies: @Beckow

    Budapest…dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses.

    Budapest has a whiff of Istanbul, life is good there, it is much better than lifeless, ugly Warsaw. I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland – it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society. (Cracow is disappointing – a wasted promise with a few nice buildings and no charm. But Poznan and Wroclaw are nice.)

    About the “taxi drivers”: the worst are in Prague, Paris, Rome, with NY and LA not far behind. You pointing to Caucasus displays that you live on cheap stereotypes.

    Never been to Bucharest.

    Don’t go….:)

    …traditional Hungarian masters

    You would be better off not commenting about things that you don’t understand. Our nations have lived together for 1,000 years, we share a lot and understand each other. Both of us – and Czechs, Croats, Austrians, Slovenes – are more developed intellectually than Poles, Ukies, Romanians. It shows in our lifestyles and how good our countries are.

    We understand where we live and actually like the CE region – we don’t worship meddling outsiders. Today the meddling outsiders are mainly the Anglos, often ignorant people like you. Don’t pull us into your stupid quarrels and hatreds based on lying. If you want to destroy yourself or to be patted on the back by your remote Anglo masters for dying for them, do it on your own. We are smarter.

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war.

    By whom? Why don’t you say it? By GERMANY. Or would you prefer to claim that it was “Russia!”? Who murdered the 5-6 million Poles in WW2? Can you tell us? Or will you again go semi-Nazi and regret not joining them? Germans didn’t want you – you were “Untermenschen”, they simply killed you. You would literally not exist if it wasn’t for the Russians. You hate them for it, that’s the core of the Polish-Galician pathology. You wanna be liked by the ones who despise you, a tough place to be.

    Your “data” as always is partial – there is so much more to quality of life. Let us say that we can tell in 30 minutes when visiting the countries. Ireland also has “huge numbers” based on being an offshore mfg haven, but have you seen how run-down and dumpy Dublin is?

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland – it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society.
    What a silly little man you are, Beckow. As if there is anything uniquely "Polish" in this. And thanks for the unintentionally apt description of yourself: joyless, resentful, flat. For all their racial lunacy, it cannot be denied that western Europeans - including the Germans you hate so much - have done an vastly superior job of getting over the past than have slavic sad sacks.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Beckow

    , @Matra

    You're right about taxi drivers being worse in Prague (organised crime I'm certain), Rome and the US (I thought they were fine in Paris), but wrong about the food in Poland. I never knew mushrooms could taste so nice until I visited Poland. Never had a bad soup there either. Even fast food chains like Burger King are better in Poland than they are in the US, Canada, or UK. Haven't you ever had a Zabka hot dog? Photo from Warsaw

    Replies: @Beckow

  567. @John Johnson

    You keep avoiding the questions about the key things the West did to single-handedly create this terrible problem.

    I don't see any questions. I asked you questions and you didn't answer them.

    The West unilaterally dropped out of the ABM Treaty. This is a threat, much more important than ALL of the things you are blathering about.

    The ABM treaty was signed by the USSR and the United States. It was signed in 1972 by Brezhnev and Carter. The US left under GWB when the USSR no longer existed. That was in 2001.

    Do explain exactly what that has to do with Russia invading Ukraine 21 years later.

    The West put anti-missile sites (also cruise missile capable) in former Warsaw Pact countries. This was ridiculously provocative.

    Which countries? In the 1970s? That would predate the Budapest Memorandum when Russia swore to recognize the autonomy of Ukraine. NATO no longer builds nuclear silos. Are there silos in Poland? Answer: No. Were there planned silos in Ukraine? Answer: No. NATO has enough submarines to level Russia. They stopped building silos over 30 years ago.

    The West performed a coup in Ukraine which had acceptable relations until public opinion was largely shaped by outside forces to be anti-Russian.

    There was no coup. A corrupt pro-Russian president was removed and his own party disavowed him as a criminal. Are you going to tell us that a pro-Russian party inside Ukraine was wrong?

    Replies: @QCIC

    The USA left the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty so it could work on more advanced ABMs which are de facto a threat to Russia. This threat is embedded in the very concept of the original treaty which the USA dropped out of. To repeat this clearly: The USA signed the ABM treaty to reduce the THREAT of nuclear war. The USA unilaterally breaking out of that same treaty increases the THREAT of nuclear war.

    This increased threat of nuclear war made by the USA influenced all subsequent strategic interactions between the USA and Russia.

    Note that the nuclear arms treaties signed between the USA and USSR generally transitioned from the USSR to Russia. This makes sense as the Russians retained the nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union. Now that the USA threatened them, the Russians have greatly strengthened their nuclear arsenal.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @A123

    The problem is that bilateral treaties do not work well with a multilateral world.

    By departing the ABM -- America decreased the THREAT of nuclear war with China. Letting the CCP run without a counter would have been a huge error. This was over 20 years ago, and there has been no nuclear war with Russia in that period. Therefore, withdrawing from the ABM cannot have been that provocative.

    The INF was technically out of step with reality. The rapid development of intermediate range cruise missiles made the treaty pointless.

    If you want new treaties that include China, UK, and France (possibly India & Pakistan too) that is a not unreasonable goal.

    You make some valid points about the German led, European Empire encroachment on Russian territory. And, Merkel's destabilization of Ukraine's governmental systems & elections. I would suggest spending more time looking at Russia's closer neighbors. This could lead to a much better understanding much more about how SJW Europe created the conditions that made the current conflict well nigh inevitable.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

  568. S says:

    As always when I say this I am not for it, and I am not suggesting to not resist, but should one do so they must think outside of the box.
    Well, the out of box thinking would not be an issue (although your comment is a little stunning), besides this is not a new meme - for example, it is very common in the Russian nationalist circles to assume that "Britain is behind everything".

    I work on the premise that the US/UK already largely conquered the Earth circa 1900 when the ‘special relationship’ between them was formed.
    Tbh, I'm not sure they had "conquered" all the Earth, that's going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power. The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).

    Should the world survive long enough, will we someday see a book entitled Conjuring Prigozhin; How America and Britain Made the Third Empire?
    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I'm still waiting for Putin's reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? :)

    Replies: @S

    Tbh, I’m not sure they had “conquered” all the Earth, that’s going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power.

    Yes, this is why I qualified my statement with the term ‘largely’. The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it. [A person might say the British Empire politically ‘fell’, but I maintain a great deal of the US/UK’s economic hegemony achieved in 1900 has been maintained, if not expanded upon.]

    Washington and London

    ‘The lion’s share of the world is ours!’

    ‘The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk, but in tid-bits also. The light land of the Sahara is not worth a centime an acre. The vast area of German South Africa would hardly provide a livelihood for the population of a middle-sized German village. With the exception of the Rhine, the Danube, the Amoor, the Volga, the Platte and the Amazon, nearly all the great navigable rivers of the world enter the sea under the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes.’

    ‘The valley of the Yang-tse-Kiang is earmarked as the sphere of our influence. The whole of the North American Continent, from the North Pole to the frontier of Mexico, is within the ring fence of the English-speaking race, and from the whole of Central and Southern America all trespassers have been emphatically warned off by the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine.’

    The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).

    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one). However, I qualify it with I think that the self declared ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ also share a great deal of responsibility.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.

    If that is the case, and I lean towards it, then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed. [I think they rationalize this sort of thing away by saying to themselves ‘it was going to happen anyway’, and, ‘we’re just helping things go their natural course’. Without the timely artificial bubble of the Great Depression, though, do we really know if Hitler would have ever gained power in Germany?]

    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I’m still waiting for Putin’s reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? 🙂

    Right! 🙂

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler, then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia. [Though the Russians, like the Germans before them, have their right of refusal which I heartily recommend, of course.]

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists

    The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

    When devil plays chess he plays at both ends of the chessboard.

    Replies: @S

    , @LatW

    The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it.
    This isn't all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word). They all like to "mop up" what they can get. As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where - hot. And how far what you guys call the "US empire" will spread. Frankly, I believe just calling it "the West" is more honest and accurate, not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them. Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions. People get a lot out of it.

    The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk
    Of course, there has always been a battle going on for the areas that are the most attractive, and it may accelerate with the climate pressures, the blowing up of the dam will have consequences for the Black Sea region. The region that was damaged was a huge agro region as well that was feeding the world. Only when the water fully subsides, we'll be able to assess the full damage.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast - there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could've been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should've been created. Or at least, the Russian side should not have tried to impose 19th century norms on the 21st century. It was way too brutal.

    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one).
    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into "partaking". It's not like America where you can just drive for a few hours and be completely free and alone, or build a new town. It's a different political context. For example, for Ukraine there is no such choice as "not to partake". Would you give the same advice to countries such as the 1930s Germany and the Soviet Union, and today's Russia to "not partake"? Could we ask these to be "neutral"? I know you would, but that's now how those countries feel. Not at all.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.
    I remember that article, I wonder how they allowed to run it. That actually sounds like something that could hypothetically be believable, at least, one can allow for such a possibility. When we look at the results, at the current state of the wealth distribution, isn't that exactly what has happened? Again, these financial systems are very complex so it's hard to judge here, but remember that wealth tends to create more wealth, so in a way it is a natural process. Of course, this needs to be regulated politically to distribute the wealth and to make the wealth work for productivity so that it reaches wide enough masses and to maintain fairness.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.


    I can see how it may be tempting for you to believe that. :) It's a very clean conspiracy. But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century). And there was Soviet totalitarianism. But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly). You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals - let's just admit that and let's stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    If you're saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you'll probably say something like "As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order". Frankly, I'm not ready to go that far. :)

    then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed
    If I understand you correctly, by the "enlightened / progressives", you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it'd be easier to follow your thought process. :) But most likely this group does bear some responsibility, but they are not he only ones to bear responsibility.

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler


    We don't know that, it could be a faction in the Kremlin but it could also be the result of the chaos of the SMO. The chaos of the SMO will give rise to such personalities. The situation is largely out of control now, I don't believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia.
    There is still a possibility that he gets taken out. But I've heard people say that if he doesn't get taken out, he could be president (I think this is still very far fetched). I think these groups are micromanaging now because the SMO slipped out of their control.

    However, I was listening to a Ukrainian officer the other day named Arty Green (he's one of the people whose opinion I respect). And he speculated that "those who are in charge of the order in the world" (basically just the more powerful countries) see a big threat in Putin now that he has credibly threatened with the nukes, they will try to get rid of the regime by a thousand cuts - not one blunt hit because one big Ukrainian victory could allow the regime to still survive. Whereas a death by a thousand cuts (including dosed out weapons deliveries), a slow death, a bleeding out of the RusFed, is more likely to lead to the regime change. And Arty believes that Prigo and those expeditionary forces play a role here. This is speculative, even though this looks like a very clear picture, I personally believe there are more aspects involved in this on the ground. Of course, Arty says that for Ukraine a sooner end to the war would be best, and this is also what we all in EE want. We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly. Russia has marginalized herself through this violent aggression. There is no alternative to the current power in Russia, none, and Prigo is the one trying to build this alternative. Putin fears a much broader mobilization because it could become a catalyst for social unrest, Putin just said there is "no need for mobilization", even though mobilization has been ongoing, there are ton of military recruitment ads, and men are needed. Yet Arty believes that the process is only mid way, we have not arrived at a critical point, and there are no visible potential "black swans" on the horizon. The regime is nowhere close to crumbling. Bad news from the front could be a factor in shaking up the regime. Also, if things reach the point where a Russian soldier will be sent to the trenches knowing full well that he will remain there for good, based on how the war will be going. The truth is that the Ukrainian casualties are not necessarily higher than the Russian ones, as is believed on this forum.

    Arty believes that in the case of Ukraine's military success, some of the Russian forces, who are left alive, could flee back to Russia and start an uprising there. This is what I would call the "Riflemen scenario" - when the Russian Empire collapsed, during WWI, the riflemen who survived the war, went to Russia and supported a mutiny there (the soldiers simply stuck their bayonets in the ground and said "Enough" and then all these committees appeared - remember the biggest requests during the Revolution where "bread and peace" (end to war), that's what Lenin used, Prigo's essentially doing the same, just from a different angle - he's saying, if you want to continue the war, the MOD has to provide much more, everyone has to mobilize and this will take years - and then answer to me if this is what the majority of the Russian people want, maybe they do, maybe not, I don't know, we don't know how much stamina they have). So historically this has happened before. I'm not sure this will happen again, since the Russian masses are now passive and much older than in 1917. And much better fed. There is more technological prowess now as well. But as Arty said, we're only half way there and the Western weapons have higher precision.

    Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine's prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don't have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings...

    Replies: @S, @S, @S, @S

  569. @S

    Tbh, I’m not sure they had “conquered” all the Earth, that’s going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power.


    Yes, this is why I qualified my statement with the term 'largely'. The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK 'special relationship', including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie 'mopping up' as the powers that be likely see it. [A person might say the British Empire politically 'fell', but I maintain a great deal of the US/UK's economic hegemony achieved in 1900 has been maintained, if not expanded upon.]
    Washington and London

    'The lion's share of the world is ours!'

    'The lion's share of the world is ours, not only in bulk, but in tid-bits also. The light land of the Sahara is not worth a centime an acre. The vast area of German South Africa would hardly provide a livelihood for the population of a middle-sized German village. With the exception of the Rhine, the Danube, the Amoor, the Volga, the Platte and the Amazon, nearly all the great navigable rivers of the world enter the sea under the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes.'

    'The valley of the Yang-tse-Kiang is earmarked as the sphere of our influence. The whole of the North American Continent, from the North Pole to the frontier of Mexico, is within the ring fence of the English-speaking race, and from the whole of Central and Southern America all trespassers have been emphatically warned off by the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine.'

    The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).
    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one). However, I qualify it with I think that the self declared 'enlightened'/'progressives' also share a great deal of responsibility.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920's. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.

    If that is the case, and I lean towards it, then the 'enlightened'/'progressives' themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed. [I think they rationalize this sort of thing away by saying to themselves 'it was going to happen anyway', and, 'we're just helping things go their natural course'. Without the timely artificial bubble of the Great Depression, though, do we really know if Hitler would have ever gained power in Germany?]

    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I’m still waiting for Putin’s reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? 🙂
    Right! :-)

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK 'guardian angels' watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920's and early '30's in his book Conjuring Hitler, then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo's political ambitions in Russia. [Though the Russians, like the Germans before them, have their right of refusal which I heartily recommend, of course.]

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists

    The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

    When devil plays chess he plays at both ends of the chessboard.

    • Agree: S
    • Replies: @S
    @Ivashka the fool

    When devil plays chess he plays at both ends of the chessboard.
    A most valid point! :-)
  570. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    The ladies below the MORE cut would laugh about what you wrote. You cannot be so naive. I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a "my country right or wrong" mentality. BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school?

    Replies: @QCIC, @AP

    You cannot be so naive.

    There is nothing naive about what I wrote, but there is indeed a naive quality about people who latch onto anything as “truth” simply because it contradicts whatever CNN or MSN told them.

    I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a “my country right or wrong” mentality

    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.

    Or that a mass revolt by half the country against an unpopular president can in some way be thought of as a “coup” because it acts against your Russia.

    Of course there are always nuances in everything, so the contortionists have simple facts that they work with and twist in order to reach their unreasonable conclusions.

    So the French supplied a billion dollars and thousands of troops to the rebels in the British American colonies (because it naturally benefits them to see their rival lose its colonies)? It’s a French coup. Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can’t possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them. Americans provided diplomatic support and cookies to anti-Yanukovich revolutionaries? Clearly an American coup. Zionists involved, and Soros. Maybe Freemasonry also? Can’t possibly be that Ukrainians like the EU more than Russia, hate Yanukovich, and this was the way for them to prevent an anti-EU course and get rid of Yanukovich.

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses. Something can’t possibly be true if it is fairly simple, the simplicity itself is a sign that it is fake, there must be a plot of some sort.

    BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school

    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @QCIC

    Nice trolling.

    I just watched a YouTube video by Russians with Attitude (in English), a recent update which I recommend. I have not viewed their content previously. The title is Counter-offensive: June 16.

    The piece includes interesting discussions about the attempted negotiations, the role of Belarus and the January intervention in Kazakhstan as a dry run for the SMO.

    One of the speakers makes a wry comment that the nukes in Belarus may be a Chekov's gun. Not a great way to start my Saturday.

    , @Ivashka the fool

    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.
    What contortions exactly?

    Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can’t possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them.
    But Free-masons were deeply involved in both the American uprising against the British Crown and in the French Revolution. It is not a conspiracy theory, but a well known historical fact. The masons themselves do not deny this. So why do you list it as conspiracy theory?

    Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia; John Hancock, of St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston; Joseph Hewes, who was recorded as a Masonic visitor to Unanimity Lodge No. 7, Edenton, North Carolina, in December 1776; William Hooper, of Hanover Lodge, Masonborough, North Carolina; Robert Treat Paine, present at Grand Lodge at Roxbury, Massachusetts, in June 1759; Richard Stockton, charter Master of St. John’s Lodge, Princeton, Massachusetts in 1765; George Walton, of Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia; and William Whipple, of St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

    And yes, both American and French rebels worked with the foreign ennemies of their respective rightful monarchs against their nations' Crowns. They were basically traitors. Aren't you the one here who always defended enlightened absolute monarchy as a better system of governance? Shouldn't you decry these conspirators against the throne ?

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses.
    AP, you are the one who time and again makes the condescending remarks about the hoi polloi. You have even be reprimanded by Mr Hack for recently writing condescending things about the "office plankton". I dare you to find a single instance of elitism from me in all these years.

    Now about Gnosticism, it is a deep and ancient tradition, in which I am indeed truly interested. The reason of my interest is that I am strongly convinced that the ideas traveled along the Silk Road during the the second (partial) Globalization of the Antiquity (the first being the Bronze Age global trade networks).

    I see any religious doctrine first and foremost as a work of human understanding and creativity directed at unraveling the true Nature of the Real. Therefore I am interested in seeing how different cultures influenced each other to bring higher the common human understanding of the Truth.

    Gnostics had a tremendous influence in their time, many of their scriptures are deeply moving, they have in my opinion been mostly persecuted unjustly by the nascent Christian Orthodoxy, and deserve respect as spiritual seekers of the highest kind. Their legacy lived through the Christian tradition (see Gospel of John) and the Ismaili Shiah tradition in Islam. But it is also possibly connected to some aspects of esoteric Buddhism probably through the Manichaean proxy. And mind you, in my opinion these heretical movements are not some devilry, as the Christian and Islamic religious authorities have pretended. They were simply intelligent and spiritually gifted people searching for truth. See for yourself:

    But of course it has nothing to do with either Russia or Ukraine and your ad hominem attack against my spiritual interests is 1) irrelevant to our discussion 2) a defelective distraction from the topic at hand.

    The topic being the Western interference in the post-Soviet space. An interference born from the legacy of an historical Catholic push against the Orthodox Eastern Slav Realm. An expansionist attitude in which the Latin Church used your Uniate ancestors as a fer de lance to conquer the lands of the Rus.

    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.
    Well, what about the college? 😉

    Anyway, having a large library is certainly important and I acknowledge that you are undeniably well read. However, despite your broad and deep culture and knowledge, you are also a deeply partial person when it comes to your convictions and preferences.

    Sometimes, I have the impression that you simply refuse to see the opposite side of an argument and stubbornly debate just to mark your point (not sure whether it is the right English expression for the French marquer des points ). Sometimes you seem to see a debate as a competition in which the goal is not to find some common ground, or discover some common novel knowledge, but just to prove to yourself that you are better knowledgeable or eloquent than your opponent.

    If that's what you are interested in, then I handle you the victory in this debate right away on a silver plate. I am not interested in debating just for the sake of it.

    I seek knowledge and understanding (that's the Gnostic in me). So if we can exchange to see how our related ethnic groups have come to the sad state of affairs in which they currently find themselves, then it is worth my time, but if you continue your ad hominem attacks against me, then I call quits. I am not wasting my time on that, sorry...

    Replies: @silviosilver, @S

  571. @Ivashka the fool

    Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists

    The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

    When devil plays chess he plays at both ends of the chessboard.

    Replies: @S

    When devil plays chess he plays at both ends of the chessboard.

    A most valid point! 🙂

    • Agree: QCIC
  572. A123 says: • Website

    Did Not-The-President Biden just out King Charles? (1)

    The US president was speaking at a gun control event in Connecticut when he ended his speech with ‘God save the Queen, man’.

    Or, is it just senility? What else did hey say? Let us look…

    Believe it or not, “God save the queen” wasn’t even the nuttiest thing Biden said in Connecticut. Bragging about his administration’s attack on stabilizing braces for firearms, Biden said, “Put a pistol on a brace and it turns into a gun…makes it [so] you can have a…higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.”

    This is the near guaranteed DNC candidate?

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @QCIC

    Are you starting to wonder if the whole thing is fake? Hmmm?

    I still think the choice of Kamala Harris is inspired. They selected a VP so hopeless that she makes Biden look better, no matter how low he goes. Yet Harris is also vanilla enough that she doesn't drive away her voting blocks. Is there anything Biden can say that will break this barrier and make Kamala look vaguely plausible? As pedo-Joe spirals down we may find out!

    Replies: @A123

  573. @silviosilver
    @Mr. Hack

    Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It’s just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.
    Everybody knows it's always wrong. Nobody is arguing that in some cases it's justified. ("Eh, it's a war, let 'em rape a little.")

    The point is you are rather selective in which rapes you get outraged about and demand everybody join the chorus of denunciations over, and which rapes you are as resigned to the sad reality of as the rest of us without it noticeably raising your blood pressure.

    Replies: @The Big Red Scary, @Mr. Hack

    I never brought up the travesty of rape being perpetrated by Russian soldiers. I included the controversial depiction as a prop to show that Ukrainians do not greet Russian soldiers kindly when they’ve entered Ukraine. It was Ivashka who first brought up sarcastically the problem of rape by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. So you see, I’ve never demanded that anybody denounce these actions (although they should) by making any denunciations. If it makes you feel any better, I’d be willing to make such denunciations against Ukrainian soldiers too, as I think Ivashka inferred somewhere that ATO members were equally guilty of raping women too, although I’m not aware of any such incidents myself?

    I’m rather disappointed that Ivashka has chosen to hide behind your short comment and not favor me with a response (this seems to be a common habit of his that I’m noticing), as I brought up several issues that require his response.

  574. @Barbarossa

    I'm a big believer in wool. I wear wool socks year round and find them to be really comfortable and breathable. I have a bunch of 81% Merino socks in seconds grade that I got off of eBay but sadly the seller is no longer active. A lot of wool socks have too little wool in them and I find that a high content is best.

    Darn Tough is a little expensive for my taste but I'm sure they are quite nice.

    Replies: @Mikel

    I’m a big believer in wool.

    So am I. All I wear under my thin shoes when I do trail running in the snow is thick wool socks. They do get wet more often than not but, together with the exercise, they keep my feet warm and comfortable enough.

    I have no idea what brand they are. They are too old to remember where they even come from. I wouldn’t be be surprised if I bought them ~40 years ago for pennies at some local market in the Basque Country. All I know is that they used to be my second choice and rest most of the time in the drawer when the reindeer wool socks were still alive. I’ve had to mend them here and there and of course I could buy something newer and better but what’s the point if they still work so well?

    What these type of ordinary wool socks lack is cushioning at the critical spots for very long hikes, elasticity to easily adapt to the boot interior, light weight and I guess a myriad of other technical details that big brands compete against each other to introduce in their products. But if you think about it it’s not such a big surprise that, after so many years of technological progress, natural products still dominate the market in many crucial areas. Goose neck down for example is the best filling for sleeping bags. No artificial fabric has still been found to have the same warmth/weight ratio. Wool and leather are also essential elements in modern outdoors gear. As the link posted by Emil suggests, nature did the job for us through millions of years of evolution to produce materials that animals use for the same purposes that we do when we try to fight the elements in the outdoors.

  575. @Yahya
    Well I have just completed The Cranes Are Flying an North by Northwest, which I watched on account of the recommendations made here.

    The Cranes Are Flying I would say is characteristic of many Soviet movies I’ve watched; very intelligent and generally operating on a higher plane than American movies, but lacking in important elements which make a movie enjoyable to watch. The Soviets deserve credit for producing popular films which emphasize artistic value, and do not insult the viewer’s intelligence, but to paraphrase Jesus: “a moviegoer does not live on intelligence alone”. He requires a certain les grand amusement factor to keep him going, otherwise he will accelerate the viewing speed or dose off to sleep. The plot is fairly slow-moving, and absolutely nothing of note occurs during the first 35 minutes, just the typical love triangle and flirtations which can be found in a multitude of other films. The film picks up somewhat when the war begins, and females head to the bunker. There is an striking bit of cinematography and editing when Mark forces himself on Veronika, but the unrealism of something like this occurring during a heavy air raid diminished the value of the scene. Realistically, Mark would’ve waited after the bombing to finish. There’s another intriguing bit of camerawork when Boris is killed, and apparently this movie is highly rated for its cinematography, but overall I’d say the visuals were a cut below North By Northwest, which incidentally was filmed around the same time, so provides an appropriate point of comparison.

    North by Northwest is, as usual for a Hitchcock film, just an aesthetic delight. It features unbelievably stylish coloring, good camera focus on the characters, and a judicious selection of city shots. It is the latter component imo which is the defining characteristic of the movie. From the Railroad Station, to the Hotel, to Townsend’s Estate and the Professor’s Office; Hitchcock has an eye for elegant and harmonious architectural settings. On some level it is unfair to compare the visuals in NBN to TCAF, since Hitchcock has a tendency to focus on upper crust America, whereas Kalatazov is centering his film around ordinary Russians. The former will inevitably feature more refined clothing, locations and characters than the latter. Be it as it may, North By Northwest was simply more enjoyable to watch than the Cranes Are Flying, even though the latter was operating on a higher intellectual plane than the former (North’s plot was filled with holes and bizarre plot devices). The light-hearted tone of NBN also appealed more to me than TCAF’s melodrama. So overall I give NBN a 9/10 and TCAF a 6/10.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen The Birds?

    Your review of 2001 didn’t amount to much more than a twitter comment. This is from 1968 or so and Kubrick has ancient aliens, a rogue AI and a transhuman finale which deserves lengthy discussion. Maybe you think everything has already been said and you have nothing to add?

    His transhuman graduation makes no sense whatsoever. Like all transhumanism which is misnamed. I think it should be called dressed-up stupidity.

    The rest of the plot is not bad but nobody seems to want to point out that Atlantis and Lemuria and an End to Civilization 1.0 and no aliens seems more likely and who the heck is going to write an AI program that has the power to go rogue?

    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen The Birds?

    I’ll add it to my watchlist.

    Though I’m putting a pause on Hitchcock movies for a while.

    Your review of 2001 didn’t amount to much more than a twitter comment.
    Well these reviews take too much time, so I don’t get to cover most movies.

    My knowledge of AI, futurism and transhumanism is near zero so I don’t have much to comment on the techno-futurist aspects of the movie.

    HAL has to be the most chilling and captivating character yet seen on screen, alongside the Devil in The Seventh Seal. The icy sardonic detachment coupled with cool self-assurance is what makes him such an iconic villain.

    When watching the movie, I’m reminded of A.N. Whitehead’s observation on Plato’s influence: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”

    "Alright Hal, I'll go in through the emergency airlock."
    "Without your space helmet Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult."


    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  576. A123 says: • Website
    @John Johnson

    The USA left the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty so it could work on more advanced ABMs which are de facto a threat to Russia. This threat is embedded in the very concept of the original treaty which the USA dropped out of. To repeat this clearly: The USA signed the ABM treaty to reduce the THREAT of nuclear war. The USA unilaterally breaking out of that same treaty increases the THREAT of nuclear war.

    This increased threat of nuclear war made by the USA influenced all subsequent strategic interactions between the USA and Russia.

    Note that the nuclear arms treaties signed between the USA and USSR generally transitioned from the USSR to Russia. This makes sense as the Russians retained the nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union. Now that the USA threatened them, the Russians have greatly strengthened their nuclear arsenal.

    Replies: @A123

    The problem is that bilateral treaties do not work well with a multilateral world.

    By departing the ABM — America decreased the THREAT of nuclear war with China. Letting the CCP run without a counter would have been a huge error. This was over 20 years ago, and there has been no nuclear war with Russia in that period. Therefore, withdrawing from the ABM cannot have been that provocative.

    The INF was technically out of step with reality. The rapid development of intermediate range cruise missiles made the treaty pointless.

    If you want new treaties that include China, UK, and France (possibly India & Pakistan too) that is a not unreasonable goal.

    You make some valid points about the German led, European Empire encroachment on Russian territory. And, Merkel’s destabilization of Ukraine’s governmental systems & elections. I would suggest spending more time looking at Russia’s closer neighbors. This could lead to a much better understanding much more about how SJW Europe created the conditions that made the current conflict well nigh inevitable.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I disagree with most of this. It was not necessary to increase tensions with Russia to be strong against China, that just shows lack of commitment and imagination. The US has not done much to counter China anyway. Since the West intentionally created the Chinese economic powerhouse, there are not too many things to be done about it. I can think of internal collapse (like the Soviet Union) or outright war. If a war starts, the Chinese are smart so tactical nukes would probably be used immediately in an attempt to avoid a strategic nuclear exchange.

    Cruise missiles of all ranges have been around forever. They mainly work against adversaries with poor air defenses, just like drones.

  577. @silviosilver

    Cold showers are great on a hot day if there is no air conditioning. It’s like jumping into a cold lake or stream on a hot day.
    I find cold showers much colder than the beach or a pool. I've never had a problem plunging straight into the water at the beach or the pool. Even at beaches where you have to wade in a long way before the water gets deep enough, so you have plenty of time to tell it's going to be cold, I've just gone straight in, because I know that within seconds it'll become tolerable and then (often enough) pleasurable ("come in, the water's great!").

    My understanding of the difference is that at the beach your skin is completely submerged, so you're not losing heat through evaporation and can quickly acclimatize. In the shower, much of your skin is exposed to air and the water evaporates, causing you to feel colder quicker, and you don't acclimatize as much.

    Replies: @Mikel

    (“come in, the water’s great!”)

    LOL. That used to work, sort of, with my wife ages ago. Now she ignores me as if I was just a squawking seagull. Why are women so bad with the cold when they have more body fat than us?

  578. @LatW

    Many of those, if not most of those building these factories back in the day were Ukrainians themselves. So be careful using the word "Soviet". Some of these were most likely started before the Soviet era. It is common heritage, it is very sad that it is being fought over now in such an undignified manner (even if this is understandable from a purely human point of view, humans tend to be selfish and love taking credit for things that are of notable worth). Remember that a lot of this heritage is now being physically wiped out.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Gerard1234

    Many of those, if not most of those building these factories back in the day were Ukrainians themselves. So be careful using the word “Soviet”. Some of these were most likely started before the Soviet era. It is common heritage, it is very sad that it is being fought over now in such an undignified manner (even if this is understandable from a purely human point of view, humans tend to be selfish and love taking credit for things that are of notable worth). Remember that a lot of this heritage is now being physically wiped out.

    What a retarded TsIPSO faggot you are. Idiotic dipshit. Russia is not the country doing de-communisation laws – so your moronic comment is completely irrelevant. Those you are talking of were “Ukrainians” who viewed themselves as Russians anyway, entirely part of russian-world because one great thing we can see in all of this is the complete non-contribution of Galicians ( the heartland of this cancerous ukronazi ideology) to all of these engineering efforts.

    You can’t separate what you like from USSR as “our own legacy” and then separate what you don’t like as “Russian” you idiot. You can’t say these were “Ukrainians” doing them , when Galician efforts were non-existant ( to all the empires they were lemmings for) , and Banderastan has been renaming all their cities/streets/parks etc that were originally named after these “Ukrainians” anyway.

    You think its a “coincidence” that all these cities/towns have their general layout /masterplan identical with Russian cities ( because it was all Russians creating these cities in Tsarist time), and their architecture identical to Russian ones from Soviet time?

    The reason Russian Black Sea coast/South Russia was far less industrialised , less part of MIC than “Ukrainian” Black/Azov/Malorossiya part of 404 was because of Russian decision-making you idiot. Loess soil problem in Russia, big part of reason mass-infrastructure/industries were placed in Ukrainian regions instead of Russian. Everything is there because of Russia. Those decisions made it the most industrialised and populated part of USSR.

    The other big point, stupid idiot, is that with all this RUSSIAN/Soviet great heritage…… independence they have done f**k all with it. This is in big difference to Russia and Belarus. Anti-Russianism may be a big factor ion why this great heritage with great engineering projects, industries have been wasted.

  579. @silviosilver

    Hey Barbs, how are the 'physical resiliency' (let's call it) goals coming along?

    A small 'win' for me (so small I'm almost embarrassed to mention it) recently has been that I've become able to withstand a cold shower for a whopping 30 seconds. (Gun to my head, I could probably do a minute and not hate it so much that I never go back.) And that's only after having had a hot shower first. The idea that I could just walk in and have a cold shower straight off the bat still seems very, very distant. Then again, when I started, I couldn't stand even 2 seconds (literally) of cold shower - "argh, this is impossible, how could anyone ever do this!??" levels.

    Replies: @AP, @Greasy William

    I used to do cold showers. I always started with cold water so maybe that’s why I adjusted more quickly but I think by day 4 I didn’t have any problems with them

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Greasy William

    To adapt in four days is incredible. Any idea how long you stayed in for? One reason I want to do this is that I feel the cold much more than most people. I suppose it's partly because I'm very lean, but that can't be the whole explanation because on days when I'm wearing a jacket and a scarf and still nevertheless shivering, I notice other dudes of comparable leanness in t-shirts who seem to be doing fine. I sometimes say it to them: "Dude, how the fuck aren't you freezing?" I often get a "it's not that cold" response.
    Freakin amazes me.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  580. Interesting take on attitudes in towards Russia in the Ukraine.

    The greatest challenge for Russia, apart from ‘winning’ the war, is creating a good standard of life for the people in the four regions. Do that and they will have their support.

    Russia is able to control the four regions because they have majority support. There is insurgency in some areas with large pro Ukrainian population. In other areas, like Donetsk and Mariupol, practically none, because there is no indigenous support.

    If Russia does take Kharkov and Odessa, they would be able to control them due to the large pro Russian populations there, and many pro Ukrainians would leave.


  581. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen The Birds?

    Your review of 2001 didn't amount to much more than a twitter comment. This is from 1968 or so and Kubrick has ancient aliens, a rogue AI and a transhuman finale which deserves lengthy discussion. Maybe you think everything has already been said and you have nothing to add?

    His transhuman graduation makes no sense whatsoever. Like all transhumanism which is misnamed. I think it should be called dressed-up stupidity.

    The rest of the plot is not bad but nobody seems to want to point out that Atlantis and Lemuria and an End to Civilization 1.0 and no aliens seems more likely and who the heck is going to write an AI program that has the power to go rogue?

    Replies: @Yahya

    Have you seen The Birds?


    I’ll add it to my watchlist.

    Though I’m putting a pause on Hitchcock movies for a while.

    Your review of 2001 didn’t amount to much more than a twitter comment.

    Well these reviews take too much time, so I don’t get to cover most movies.

    My knowledge of AI, futurism and transhumanism is near zero so I don’t have much to comment on the techno-futurist aspects of the movie.

    HAL has to be the most chilling and captivating character yet seen on screen, alongside the Devil in The Seventh Seal. The icy sardonic detachment coupled with cool self-assurance is what makes him such an iconic villain.

    When watching the movie, I’m reminded of A.N. Whitehead’s observation on Plato’s influence: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”

    “Alright Hal, I’ll go in through the emergency airlock.”
    “Without your space helmet Dave, you’re going to find that rather difficult.”


    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Birds is my favorite Hitchcock and I really really like several of the others. Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya

  582. @A123

    The problem is that bilateral treaties do not work well with a multilateral world.

    By departing the ABM -- America decreased the THREAT of nuclear war with China. Letting the CCP run without a counter would have been a huge error. This was over 20 years ago, and there has been no nuclear war with Russia in that period. Therefore, withdrawing from the ABM cannot have been that provocative.

    The INF was technically out of step with reality. The rapid development of intermediate range cruise missiles made the treaty pointless.

    If you want new treaties that include China, UK, and France (possibly India & Pakistan too) that is a not unreasonable goal.

    You make some valid points about the German led, European Empire encroachment on Russian territory. And, Merkel's destabilization of Ukraine's governmental systems & elections. I would suggest spending more time looking at Russia's closer neighbors. This could lead to a much better understanding much more about how SJW Europe created the conditions that made the current conflict well nigh inevitable.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

    I disagree with most of this. It was not necessary to increase tensions with Russia to be strong against China, that just shows lack of commitment and imagination. The US has not done much to counter China anyway. Since the West intentionally created the Chinese economic powerhouse, there are not too many things to be done about it. I can think of internal collapse (like the Soviet Union) or outright war. If a war starts, the Chinese are smart so tactical nukes would probably be used immediately in an attempt to avoid a strategic nuclear exchange.

    Cruise missiles of all ranges have been around forever. They mainly work against adversaries with poor air defenses, just like drones.

  583. @Yahya
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Have you seen The Birds?

    I’ll add it to my watchlist.

    Though I’m putting a pause on Hitchcock movies for a while.

    Your review of 2001 didn’t amount to much more than a twitter comment.
    Well these reviews take too much time, so I don’t get to cover most movies.

    My knowledge of AI, futurism and transhumanism is near zero so I don’t have much to comment on the techno-futurist aspects of the movie.

    HAL has to be the most chilling and captivating character yet seen on screen, alongside the Devil in The Seventh Seal. The icy sardonic detachment coupled with cool self-assurance is what makes him such an iconic villain.

    When watching the movie, I’m reminded of A.N. Whitehead’s observation on Plato’s influence: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”

    "Alright Hal, I'll go in through the emergency airlock."
    "Without your space helmet Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult."


    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Birds is my favorite Hitchcock and I really really like several of the others. Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    uh... no. Good film but not even close to being the greatest movie ever. Paglia was smart but that was a really stupid thing to say

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Yahya
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.
    Well Camille Paglia is very intelligent and cultured; perhaps the only feminist deserving of respect; so I take her judgments seriously.

    I read her review of Hitchcock’s oeuvre and found it interesting how she emphasized romance, females and sex relations in her analysis, which I guess is due to her academic background. It is always interesting to see things from a woman’s point of view, since it is evident they have vastly different tastes and temperaments from men.

    Paglia submitted this list of top 10 movies to the 2012 Sight & Sound Poll:

    Citizen Kane (Welles)
    La dolce vita (Fellini)
    Gone with the Wind (Fleming)
    Lawrence of Arabia (Lean)
    North by Northwest (Hitchcock)
    Orphée (Cocteau)
    Persona (Bergman)
    2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
    The Ten Commandments (DeMille)
    Vertigo (Hitchcock)

    But revised her list more recently according to Wikipedia: Ben-Hur, Blowup, Citizen Kane, La Dolce Vita, The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II, Gone with the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, North by Northwest, Orphée, Persona, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Ten Commandments, and Vertigo.

    A respectable selection, I’m glad she avoided overly pretentious arthouse trash for the most part, and did not engage in female or racial affirmative action. Perhaps I am setting a low bar, but any feminist who doesn’t engage in the latter act is deserving of admiration imo; such a stark contrast to the norm. I’m reminded of Samuel Johnson’s remark on female preachers: "Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."

    My choice for #1 movie would probably be Bondarchuk‘s War & Peace. I am still shaking my head at its omission from the S&S list of greatest movies. The Criterion Collection at least had the decency to include it, but being placed among a 1,600-strong list is not enough imo, it should be up there with the greatest of the greats. It is no less impressive than The Godfather and Vertigo. I’d also include some heterodox selections such as Socrates, Death Of Stalin, Reservoir Dogs and The Big Lebowski. Perhaps not the most historically important or technically innovative of movies, but entertaining to boot.

    Of course the S&S poll has been taken over by the woke brigade recently, so it is pointless to fret about their selections.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  584. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    You cannot be so naive.
    There is nothing naive about what I wrote, but there is indeed a naive quality about people who latch onto anything as "truth" simply because it contradicts whatever CNN or MSN told them.

    I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a “my country right or wrong” mentality
    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.

    Or that a mass revolt by half the country against an unpopular president can in some way be thought of as a "coup" because it acts against your Russia.

    Of course there are always nuances in everything, so the contortionists have simple facts that they work with and twist in order to reach their unreasonable conclusions.

    So the French supplied a billion dollars and thousands of troops to the rebels in the British American colonies (because it naturally benefits them to see their rival lose its colonies)? It's a French coup. Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can't possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them. Americans provided diplomatic support and cookies to anti-Yanukovich revolutionaries? Clearly an American coup. Zionists involved, and Soros. Maybe Freemasonry also? Can't possibly be that Ukrainians like the EU more than Russia, hate Yanukovich, and this was the way for them to prevent an anti-EU course and get rid of Yanukovich.

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses. Something can't possibly be true if it is fairly simple, the simplicity itself is a sign that it is fake, there must be a plot of some sort.

    BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school
    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    Nice trolling.

    I just watched a YouTube video by Russians with Attitude (in English), a recent update which I recommend. I have not viewed their content previously. The title is Counter-offensive: June 16.

    The piece includes interesting discussions about the attempted negotiations, the role of Belarus and the January intervention in Kazakhstan as a dry run for the SMO.

    One of the speakers makes a wry comment that the nukes in Belarus may be a Chekov’s gun. Not a great way to start my Saturday.

  585. RF public opinion in May 2023 about the use of nuclear weapons in UA – blue/light blue as strong/more likely support for the option, red/orange as strong/more likely disapproval.

    First column – the overall result, the rest in age groups:

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    In RusFed, the Noviop gubmint doesn't care for ethnic Russians' opinions. If the Noviop decide to use the nukes, they will use the nukes. If they decide not to use the nukes, then they won't. RusFed is not a Russian national state where Russians are in control, it's the Noviop who are in control. People such as Karaganov will decide in RusFed and people such Nuland will decide in the US. And if someone seriously tries to interfere, they will get rid of that person.

  586. @A123
    Did Not-The-President Biden just out King Charles? (1)

    The US president was speaking at a gun control event in Connecticut when he ended his speech with 'God save the Queen, man'.
    Or, is it just senility? What else did hey say? Let us look...

    Believe it or not, "God save the queen" wasn't even the nuttiest thing Biden said in Connecticut. Bragging about his administration's attack on stabilizing braces for firearms, Biden said, "Put a pistol on a brace and it turns into a gun...makes it [so] you can have a...higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun."
    This is the near guaranteed DNC candidate?

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @QCIC

    Are you starting to wonder if the whole thing is fake? Hmmm?

    I still think the choice of Kamala Harris is inspired. They selected a VP so hopeless that she makes Biden look better, no matter how low he goes. Yet Harris is also vanilla enough that she doesn’t drive away her voting blocks. Is there anything Biden can say that will break this barrier and make Kamala look vaguely plausible? As pedo-Joe spirals down we may find out!

    • Replies: @A123

    I still think the choice of Kamala Harris is inspired. They selected a VP so hopeless that she makes Biden look better, no matter how low he goes.
    It seems like an epic mistake, not a fake.

    I believe the original scheme was to elevate Not-The-VP Harris to the Presidency after two years, thus preserving both of her 2 terms. That would have given her a running start at 10 years in office. Democrat party officials have seen her in action, and the plan has been abandoned. Now they are badly stuck.

    The economy is terrible. Those good enough to win a challenging DNC primary gain by waiting. Anyone with long term aspirations will benefit by letting the current administration take responsibility & punishment for their own performance.

    PEACE 😇
  587. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Birds is my favorite Hitchcock and I really really like several of the others. Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya

    uh… no. Good film but not even close to being the greatest movie ever. Paglia was smart but that was a really stupid thing to say

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Greasy William

    She is still smart.

    She is an edgelord lesbian and Tipi Hedren is the hottest heroine with a scratched bloody face ever on film so I can empathize with her choice.

  588. I continue to believe that the Ukrainian offensive is a costly failure. Even if the Ukrainians are inflicting more damage than they are receiving, and I believe the opposite is the case, it doesn’t matter because the Russians don’t care about losses.

    The blame for this failure has to go to the United States. If the US did not want to properly equip Ukraine, it should have encouraged Ukraine to adopt a defensive posture and seek negotiations to end the conflict as quickly as possible. If the US wanted Ukraine to conduct a successful major operation against Russia’s current defensive lines, it should have spent the time and money necessary to build up the Ukrainian forces to properly carry out such a mission. Such an effort would have necessitated years of work and trillions of dollars.

    Instead, the US provided Ukraine with a half assed armament and training program and then forced the Ukrainians to engage in a suicidal frontal assault against well prepared Russia defenders who had air superiority. And this was done mainly for the purposes of helping Biden’s re-election campaign. It’s criminal

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    According to Strelkov's latest video, UA is using only 25% of its prepared offensive forces in current attacks - if it's true, then it looks more likely as probing campaign than all-out decisive effort.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  589. A123 says: • Website

    Are you starting to wonder if the whole thing is fake? Hmmm?

    I still think the choice of Kamala Harris is inspired. They selected a VP so hopeless that she makes Biden look better, no matter how low he goes. Yet Harris is also vanilla enough that she doesn't drive away her voting blocks. Is there anything Biden can say that will break this barrier and make Kamala look vaguely plausible? As pedo-Joe spirals down we may find out!

    Replies: @A123

    I still think the choice of Kamala Harris is inspired. They selected a VP so hopeless that she makes Biden look better, no matter how low he goes.

    It seems like an epic mistake, not a fake.

    I believe the original scheme was to elevate Not-The-VP Harris to the Presidency after two years, thus preserving both of her 2 terms. That would have given her a running start at 10 years in office. Democrat party officials have seen her in action, and the plan has been abandoned. Now they are badly stuck.

    The economy is terrible. Those good enough to win a challenging DNC primary gain by waiting. Anyone with long term aspirations will benefit by letting the current administration take responsibility & punishment for their own performance.

    PEACE 😇

  590. @Greasy William
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    uh... no. Good film but not even close to being the greatest movie ever. Paglia was smart but that was a really stupid thing to say

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    She is still smart.

    She is an edgelord lesbian and Tipi Hedren is the hottest heroine with a scratched bloody face ever on film so I can empathize with her choice.

  591. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Birds is my favorite Hitchcock and I really really like several of the others. Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya

    Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.

    Well Camille Paglia is very intelligent and cultured; perhaps the only feminist deserving of respect; so I take her judgments seriously.

    I read her review of Hitchcock’s oeuvre and found it interesting how she emphasized romance, females and sex relations in her analysis, which I guess is due to her academic background. It is always interesting to see things from a woman’s point of view, since it is evident they have vastly different tastes and temperaments from men.

    Paglia submitted this list of top 10 movies to the 2012 Sight & Sound Poll:

    Citizen Kane (Welles)
    La dolce vita (Fellini)
    Gone with the Wind (Fleming)
    Lawrence of Arabia (Lean)
    North by Northwest (Hitchcock)
    Orphée (Cocteau)
    Persona (Bergman)
    2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
    The Ten Commandments (DeMille)
    Vertigo (Hitchcock)

    But revised her list more recently according to Wikipedia: Ben-Hur, Blowup, Citizen Kane, La Dolce Vita, The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II, Gone with the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, North by Northwest, Orphée, Persona, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Ten Commandments, and Vertigo.

    A respectable selection, I’m glad she avoided overly pretentious arthouse trash for the most part, and did not engage in female or racial affirmative action. Perhaps I am setting a low bar, but any feminist who doesn’t engage in the latter act is deserving of admiration imo; such a stark contrast to the norm. I’m reminded of Samuel Johnson’s remark on female preachers: “Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”

    My choice for #1 movie would probably be Bondarchuk‘s War & Peace. I am still shaking my head at its omission from the S&S list of greatest movies. The Criterion Collection at least had the decency to include it, but being placed among a 1,600-strong list is not enough imo, it should be up there with the greatest of the greats. It is no less impressive than The Godfather and Vertigo. I’d also include some heterodox selections such as Socrates, Death Of Stalin, Reservoir Dogs and The Big Lebowski. Perhaps not the most historically important or technically innovative of movies, but entertaining to boot.

    Of course the S&S poll has been taken over by the woke brigade recently, so it is pointless to fret about their selections.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    She wrote a book on The Birds. Long time ago but she may have been promoting her book when she said it was the one greatest ever.

    Camille Paglia has been canceled by the society she aspired to when she was a young woman. And she doesn't care at all. Like Rhett Butler @ Scarlett O'Hara.

  592. @Greasy William
    I continue to believe that the Ukrainian offensive is a costly failure. Even if the Ukrainians are inflicting more damage than they are receiving, and I believe the opposite is the case, it doesn't matter because the Russians don't care about losses.

    The blame for this failure has to go to the United States. If the US did not want to properly equip Ukraine, it should have encouraged Ukraine to adopt a defensive posture and seek negotiations to end the conflict as quickly as possible. If the US wanted Ukraine to conduct a successful major operation against Russia's current defensive lines, it should have spent the time and money necessary to build up the Ukrainian forces to properly carry out such a mission. Such an effort would have necessitated years of work and trillions of dollars.

    Instead, the US provided Ukraine with a half assed armament and training program and then forced the Ukrainians to engage in a suicidal frontal assault against well prepared Russia defenders who had air superiority. And this was done mainly for the purposes of helping Biden's re-election campaign. It's criminal

    Replies: @sudden death

    According to Strelkov’s latest video, UA is using only 25% of its prepared offensive forces in current attacks – if it’s true, then it looks more likely as probing campaign than all-out decisive effort.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @sudden death

    Is Strelkov still saying that the offensive is going poorly for the Ukrainians?

    Replies: @sudden death

  593. What is twitterer Whyvert’s ethnicity? Suspect at least part Polish.

  594. @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    According to Strelkov's latest video, UA is using only 25% of its prepared offensive forces in current attacks - if it's true, then it looks more likely as probing campaign than all-out decisive effort.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    Is Strelkov still saying that the offensive is going poorly for the Ukrainians?

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    In his words - those UA units, which were partaking so far in action, have been noticeably grinded down, but nevertheless none of it have been smashed completely and still more or less but are capable to operate further as functioning ones, also can replenish the experencied losses in relatively short time.

  595. @Yahya
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Camille Paglia thinks it was the greatest movie ever made by anybody.
    Well Camille Paglia is very intelligent and cultured; perhaps the only feminist deserving of respect; so I take her judgments seriously.

    I read her review of Hitchcock’s oeuvre and found it interesting how she emphasized romance, females and sex relations in her analysis, which I guess is due to her academic background. It is always interesting to see things from a woman’s point of view, since it is evident they have vastly different tastes and temperaments from men.

    Paglia submitted this list of top 10 movies to the 2012 Sight & Sound Poll:

    Citizen Kane (Welles)
    La dolce vita (Fellini)
    Gone with the Wind (Fleming)
    Lawrence of Arabia (Lean)
    North by Northwest (Hitchcock)
    Orphée (Cocteau)
    Persona (Bergman)
    2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
    The Ten Commandments (DeMille)
    Vertigo (Hitchcock)

    But revised her list more recently according to Wikipedia: Ben-Hur, Blowup, Citizen Kane, La Dolce Vita, The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II, Gone with the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, North by Northwest, Orphée, Persona, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Ten Commandments, and Vertigo.

    A respectable selection, I’m glad she avoided overly pretentious arthouse trash for the most part, and did not engage in female or racial affirmative action. Perhaps I am setting a low bar, but any feminist who doesn’t engage in the latter act is deserving of admiration imo; such a stark contrast to the norm. I’m reminded of Samuel Johnson’s remark on female preachers: "Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."

    My choice for #1 movie would probably be Bondarchuk‘s War & Peace. I am still shaking my head at its omission from the S&S list of greatest movies. The Criterion Collection at least had the decency to include it, but being placed among a 1,600-strong list is not enough imo, it should be up there with the greatest of the greats. It is no less impressive than The Godfather and Vertigo. I’d also include some heterodox selections such as Socrates, Death Of Stalin, Reservoir Dogs and The Big Lebowski. Perhaps not the most historically important or technically innovative of movies, but entertaining to boot.

    Of course the S&S poll has been taken over by the woke brigade recently, so it is pointless to fret about their selections.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    She wrote a book on The Birds. Long time ago but she may have been promoting her book when she said it was the one greatest ever.

    Camille Paglia has been canceled by the society she aspired to when she was a young woman. And she doesn’t care at all. Like Rhett Butler @ Scarlett O’Hara.

  596. @Greasy William
    @sudden death

    Is Strelkov still saying that the offensive is going poorly for the Ukrainians?

    Replies: @sudden death

    In his words – those UA units, which were partaking so far in action, have been noticeably grinded down, but nevertheless none of it have been smashed completely and still more or less but are capable to operate further as functioning ones, also can replenish the experencied losses in relatively short time.

  597. @The Big Red Scary

    I live rather far from Moscow, in a provincial city with weapons factories. What's your point? That women don't want their husbands and sons to die? This is true and not very relevant.

    Replies: @LatW

    That women don’t want their husbands and sons to die? This is true and not very relevant.

    The soldier’s mother’s orgs have been somewhat relevant in the past (Afghan and Chechen wars), but not in today’s Russian society probably, the society has changed too much. The only soldiers’ mothers that are legitimate today are the United Russia party functionaries that Putin invites over for the show and mothers who say things like “My son’s last words were “Пойдем, братва, рубить укропов” (“Fellas, let’s go beat the crap out of Ukrops”).

    Anyone else is totally powerless. The only one who now cues in to the suffering of the Russian parents is Prigo. If by the end of this, an even more considerable number of Russians are killed, then at that point it will be almost too late for these mother’s movements. And don’t forget the wounded.

  598. @Emil Nikola Richard
    You folks read too much garbage.

    Have some real food.


    Replies: @sudden death

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @sudden death

    handsome guy. Poles are probably the best looking nation in the world.

    He looks somewhat like Clancy Brown

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. XYZ

  599. @sudden death
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Replies: @Greasy William

    handsome guy. Poles are probably the best looking nation in the world.

    He looks somewhat like Clancy Brown

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    Bow down to the King;)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    , @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    Polish women can be fine as well. Joanna Krupa, for instance:

    They can even pull off the Goth look (Pat Benatar; half-Polish):

  600. @A123

    Hungary's largest burden being landlocked. Closing ranks with Croatia would make a huge amount of sense in economic terms. A "European Values" block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable. Austria is another potential member for this Christian Populist alliance.

    The violence and crime from open borders is visible everywhere in contaminated Europe. What will voters pick -- Christian European values? Or Merkel/Macron/Scholz values? The anti-American, European WEF Empire is in a great deal of trouble.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Beckow

    …“European Values” block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable.

    We disagree on more than we agree. Italy is very problematic: they have their own version of conservative politics, e.g. Italy is in the forefront of “compulsory distribution” of migrants to other EU countries. Instead of policing its borders Italy wants to “share the burden“…

    The benefit of EU-liberalism (an absolutely vile set of policies with very little real popular support) is that they represent above-national views – they want to screw everyone. The conservatives represent individual national interests and they are not the same. We, for example, don’t care for Italian “banking” in CE – but Italy has an interest in promoting it. Or shipping its migrants elsewhere.

    The reality is that national conservatives can’t win in Brussels.

    • Replies: @A123

    Italy is in the forefront of “compulsory distribution” of migrants to other EU countries. Instead of policing its borders Italy wants to “share the burden“
    You are not giving Meloni enough credit. Yes. The Italian system is painfully slow, but she does seem to be turning things in the correct direction. For example, Italy is trying to restrict migrant inflows (1)

    Italy on Friday impounded two rescue ships run by German charities for breaching tougher migration rules introduced by the country's right-wing government, the Italian coast guard said.

    The Mare*Go organisation said it disobeyed instructions to take 36 migrants it picked up on Thursday to the Sicilian port of Trapani, taking them instead to Lampedusa island, saving itself hours at sea.

    The rescue ship is blocked for 20 days in Lampedusa, the NGO in a statement, adding it would also "likely face a fine" for breach of new legislation sponsored by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

    The Italian coast guard confirmed it had impounded that vessel as well as a second ship, the Sea-Eye 4, which had docked in the coastal town of Ortona in eastern Italy, with 49 migrants on board.

    The Sea-Eye 4 had picked up 17 people in the Libyan search and rescue zone, followed by a further 32 migrants in Italian waters, the coast guard said.
    "Sharing the Burden" is a coded way of sending migrants on to SJW countries with high benefits, similar to what Texas is doing to U.S. "Sanctuary Cites" (e.g. New York, Chicago, Boston). Italy knows that sovereign Christian nations will never accept material numbers of Rape-ugees. Brussels will push for uncollectable fines. To the extent they limit the flow of funds, it merely accelerates the EU's inevitable decline.

    EU-liberalism (an absolutely vile set of policies with very little real popular support) is that they represent above-national views – they want to screw everyone.
    You are making my case. There needs to be a Christian Populist alliance to push European values instead of Berlin/Paris/Brussels SJW values.

    The conservatives represent individual national interests and they are not the same. We, for example, don’t care for Italian “banking” in CE – but Italy has an interest in promoting it. Or shipping its migrants elsewhere. The reality is that national conservatives can’t win in Brussels.
    The goal of Christian Populism should not be "winning" Brussels, it must be "disempowering" Brussels. Expanding the scope of sovereign national vetos. Limiting authority of EU bodies and courts in an incremental manner. Think of turning a one way ratchet locking in gains year after year after year.

    Ultimately the EU will become effectively toothless. Or, better yet, voluntarily dissolve in an orderly manner.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  601. @Mr. Hack

    Actually one of your better, more reasoned comments that you've made here in a long, long time (mostly). And you didn't even need to stoop to calling me any names. :-)

    Replies: @Beckow

    Next time I won’t forget… 🙂

    You see we can agree, it is a complicated world, it is never black and white.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
  602. LatW says:

    Tbh, I’m not sure they had “conquered” all the Earth, that’s going a bit too far, although they do certainly hold a lot of power.


    Yes, this is why I qualified my statement with the term 'largely'. The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK 'special relationship', including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie 'mopping up' as the powers that be likely see it. [A person might say the British Empire politically 'fell', but I maintain a great deal of the US/UK's economic hegemony achieved in 1900 has been maintained, if not expanded upon.]
    Washington and London

    'The lion's share of the world is ours!'

    'The lion's share of the world is ours, not only in bulk, but in tid-bits also. The light land of the Sahara is not worth a centime an acre. The vast area of German South Africa would hardly provide a livelihood for the population of a middle-sized German village. With the exception of the Rhine, the Danube, the Amoor, the Volga, the Platte and the Amazon, nearly all the great navigable rivers of the world enter the sea under the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes.'

    'The valley of the Yang-tse-Kiang is earmarked as the sphere of our influence. The whole of the North American Continent, from the North Pole to the frontier of Mexico, is within the ring fence of the English-speaking race, and from the whole of Central and Southern America all trespassers have been emphatically warned off by the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine.'

    The biggest issue I have with your statement is that this kind of thinking essentially absolves countries such as Germany and Russia from whatever evil they have done, you are speaking as if they had no agency (but they very much knew what they were doing).
    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one). However, I qualify it with I think that the self declared 'enlightened'/'progressives' also share a great deal of responsibility.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920's. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.

    If that is the case, and I lean towards it, then the 'enlightened'/'progressives' themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed. [I think they rationalize this sort of thing away by saying to themselves 'it was going to happen anyway', and, 'we're just helping things go their natural course'. Without the timely artificial bubble of the Great Depression, though, do we really know if Hitler would have ever gained power in Germany?]

    I doubt Prigo will get that far (I’m still waiting for Putin’s reaction to him disobeying his orders openly), but who knows these days, right? 🙂
    Right! :-)

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK 'guardian angels' watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920's and early '30's in his book Conjuring Hitler, then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo's political ambitions in Russia. [Though the Russians, like the Germans before them, have their right of refusal which I heartily recommend, of course.]

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @LatW

    The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it.

    This isn’t all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word). They all like to “mop up” what they can get. As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where – hot. And how far what you guys call the “US empire” will spread. Frankly, I believe just calling it “the West” is more honest and accurate, not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them. Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions. People get a lot out of it.

    The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk

    Of course, there has always been a battle going on for the areas that are the most attractive, and it may accelerate with the climate pressures, the blowing up of the dam will have consequences for the Black Sea region. The region that was damaged was a huge agro region as well that was feeding the world. Only when the water fully subsides, we’ll be able to assess the full damage.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast – there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could’ve been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should’ve been created. Or at least, the Russian side should not have tried to impose 19th century norms on the 21st century. It was way too brutal.


    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one).

    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into “partaking”. It’s not like America where you can just drive for a few hours and be completely free and alone, or build a new town. It’s a different political context. For example, for Ukraine there is no such choice as “not to partake”. Would you give the same advice to countries such as the 1930s Germany and the Soviet Union, and today’s Russia to “not partake”? Could we ask these to be “neutral”? I know you would, but that’s now how those countries feel. Not at all.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.

    I remember that article, I wonder how they allowed to run it. That actually sounds like something that could hypothetically be believable, at least, one can allow for such a possibility. When we look at the results, at the current state of the wealth distribution, isn’t that exactly what has happened? Again, these financial systems are very complex so it’s hard to judge here, but remember that wealth tends to create more wealth, so in a way it is a natural process. Of course, this needs to be regulated politically to distribute the wealth and to make the wealth work for productivity so that it reaches wide enough masses and to maintain fairness.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.

    I can see how it may be tempting for you to believe that. 🙂 It’s a very clean conspiracy. But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century). And there was Soviet totalitarianism. But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly). You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals – let’s just admit that and let’s stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    If you’re saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you’ll probably say something like “As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order”. Frankly, I’m not ready to go that far. 🙂

    then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed

    If I understand you correctly, by the “enlightened / progressives”, you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it’d be easier to follow your thought process. 🙂 But most likely this group does bear some responsibility, but they are not he only ones to bear responsibility.

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler

    We don’t know that, it could be a faction in the Kremlin but it could also be the result of the chaos of the SMO. The chaos of the SMO will give rise to such personalities. The situation is largely out of control now, I don’t believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia.

    There is still a possibility that he gets taken out. But I’ve heard people say that if he doesn’t get taken out, he could be president (I think this is still very far fetched). I think these groups are micromanaging now because the SMO slipped out of their control.

    However, I was listening to a Ukrainian officer the other day named Arty Green (he’s one of the people whose opinion I respect). And he speculated that “those who are in charge of the order in the world” (basically just the more powerful countries) see a big threat in Putin now that he has credibly threatened with the nukes, they will try to get rid of the regime by a thousand cuts – not one blunt hit because one big Ukrainian victory could allow the regime to still survive. Whereas a death by a thousand cuts (including dosed out weapons deliveries), a slow death, a bleeding out of the RusFed, is more likely to lead to the regime change. And Arty believes that Prigo and those expeditionary forces play a role here. This is speculative, even though this looks like a very clear picture, I personally believe there are more aspects involved in this on the ground. Of course, Arty says that for Ukraine a sooner end to the war would be best, and this is also what we all in EE want. We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly. Russia has marginalized herself through this violent aggression. There is no alternative to the current power in Russia, none, and Prigo is the one trying to build this alternative. Putin fears a much broader mobilization because it could become a catalyst for social unrest, Putin just said there is “no need for mobilization”, even though mobilization has been ongoing, there are ton of military recruitment ads, and men are needed. Yet Arty believes that the process is only mid way, we have not arrived at a critical point, and there are no visible potential “black swans” on the horizon. The regime is nowhere close to crumbling. Bad news from the front could be a factor in shaking up the regime. Also, if things reach the point where a Russian soldier will be sent to the trenches knowing full well that he will remain there for good, based on how the war will be going. The truth is that the Ukrainian casualties are not necessarily higher than the Russian ones, as is believed on this forum.

    Arty believes that in the case of Ukraine’s military success, some of the Russian forces, who are left alive, could flee back to Russia and start an uprising there. This is what I would call the “Riflemen scenario” – when the Russian Empire collapsed, during WWI, the riflemen who survived the war, went to Russia and supported a mutiny there (the soldiers simply stuck their bayonets in the ground and said “Enough” and then all these committees appeared – remember the biggest requests during the Revolution where “bread and peace” (end to war), that’s what Lenin used, Prigo’s essentially doing the same, just from a different angle – he’s saying, if you want to continue the war, the MOD has to provide much more, everyone has to mobilize and this will take years – and then answer to me if this is what the majority of the Russian people want, maybe they do, maybe not, I don’t know, we don’t know how much stamina they have). So historically this has happened before. I’m not sure this will happen again, since the Russian masses are now passive and much older than in 1917. And much better fed. There is more technological prowess now as well. But as Arty said, we’re only half way there and the Western weapons have higher precision.

    Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine’s prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don’t have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings…

    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @S

    This isn’t all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word).
    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.

    They all like to “mop up” what they can get.
    When I use the term 'mopping up' here, I mean in the sense of systematically 'finishing off' any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.

    As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where – hot.
    I'd suspect very hot. :-)

    ...not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them.
    Thanks for the thought. :-)

    Hatred doesn't do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.

    Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions.
    I suppose I see it simply as a long term very dysfunctional relationship, bad ultimately for both the Anglo and Jew. Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast – there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could’ve been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should’ve been created.
    I think one of the greatest divides within humanity at present is the one between those who think race and ethnicity is real, and worthy of preservation, and those who think it is simply a phantasm, and of no particular value, though these same people on occasion will cynically use the subject of race if they think they can make short term political gain out of it, ie particularly in regards the subject of 'Blacks', aka Sub-Saharan Africans.

    IMO this type of person is delusional, and only have the luxury of their delusion because their fellows, out of misplaced sentimentality, have allowed these persons to parasite off the more responsible members of the larger society. The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.

    As the world is a big place, an area with abundant resources should have been allotted for the anti-race people known euphemistically as 'anti-racists'. Unfortunately, as a group, they seem arrogant, quite intolerant, not to mention totalitarian, and I doubt would be readily agreeable to such a thing.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren't about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.

    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into “partaking”.
    Yes, easier said than done to be sure, though it's sometimes the best thing.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them. The same with 1930's Germany. No matter what Germany did, or, did not do (short of complete unconditionsl submission to the US/UK) the Anglosphere was going to war against them, too, for it's own geo-political global empire interests. That doesn't mean that Germany or Russia should have reacted (or react at present) with 'anything goes' on their part, just something to be aware of.

    'Refusing' to go along with the prescribed 'narrative' makes things harder for them, perhaps much harder. [I advocate people's refusal within the Anglosphere, of course, too.]

    But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century.)
    Again, I put much of the responsibility for that on the self declared 'enlightened'/'progressive' set with their well over a century of top/down revolutions.
    They put the peoples of Europe in these almost impossible situations of that time. These peoples were desperately wanting (understandably) to retain their identities. I should add, despite the fancy definitions, I see Fascism in particular, and National Socialism to a degree, to be in certain ways simply the old King/Emperor system of the past, but with some modern trappings.

    [Will try to respond to more of your post a bit later.]

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @LatW

    , @S

    But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly).
    Yes, it is interesting. Sort of like how, 'interestingly', in 1848 revolutions swept across much of the rest of Europe, but left the UK alone. [Russia escaped revolution then, too, but for different reasons.]

    You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals – let’s just admit that and let’s stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.
    I can't tell if you're being facetious here, or not, but if you are being serious, I think you might be short changing your fellow continentals a bit.

    Island nations (such as the UK) have a tendency for separateness about them, but in the UK this tendency was extreme. It is only a twenty mile wide channel, after all, separating the UK from Europe, not Europe being on the other side of the moon as one might think from UK historic rhetoric.

    But, then, if you were an elite and hanger on wishing to use the British (more specifically, the English) people to attack the rest of Europe, you would emphasize this 'separateness' and 'otherness', wouldn't you?

    If you’re saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you’ll probably say something like “As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order”. Frankly, I’m not ready to go that far.
    Well, no, I don't see things that way. I'm not ready to go 'that far' either. :-)

    If I understand you correctly, by the “enlightened / progressives”, you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it’d be easier to follow your thought process.
    When I use the term 'enlightened'/'progressives' I'm broadly referring to the Enlightenment, but, more specifically, to those Euro elites and hangers on who have been high level Freemasons. I think there is a certain bleedover at times between the enlightened and progressives, in that they can sometimes be one and the same people, so I add 'progressive'.

    I should add, I think in a great many instances the 'enlightened'/'progressives' have correctly identified real social ills.

    However, taking humanity into account, which in their inverted world they call 'an act of hatred', I'm more into lead by example and live and let live, while they on the other hand are more into promoting world wars, mass murder and genocides, and stoking racial and ethnic hatreds which they feed off of, 'to enact change'.

    The situation is largely out of control now, I don’t believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.
    This 'chaos' may be more controlled than it appears. Unfortunately, imperfect as it was at the time, I think the Russian people lost their sovereignty in 1917, and have yet to regain it.

    [Will try to respond more a bit later.]

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Coconuts

    , @S

    We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly...Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine’s prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive..
    Thanks for the rundown of Artie Green's thoughts.

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don’t have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings…
    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real 'scrapper'! :-)

    Replies: @LatW

    , @S

    As a wholly unrelated aside, LatW, are you at all familiar with a circa 1980 New Wave artist named Lili-Marlene Premilovich, aka Lene Lovich?

    She was (and is) a real trip! :-D

    Lucky Number

    Bird Song

    It's you, only you (Mein Schmerz)

    New Toy

    Replies: @LatW

  603. @Greasy William
    @sudden death

    handsome guy. Poles are probably the best looking nation in the world.

    He looks somewhat like Clancy Brown

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. XYZ

    Bow down to the King;)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @sudden death

    My current object of celebrity lust is a Polish woman.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @LatW
    @sudden death

    Bow down to the King;)
    That's right, lol. Every white man is a King (and every white boy is a prince). :)
    The White Rex. :)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.


    Good looks with a high IQ can be a truly "deadly" combo sometimes. But not all high IQ guys are normal and fit into the mainstream. A woman may be attracted to someone who is "different", but eventually she will seek normalcy and stability. Don't know what happened to Ted K, but not all women go for super highly intelligent weirdos (very few do, life is not easy with these types although it can be deeply fulfilling and very special & rare). It's possible that someone like Ted could be too obsessed with his political ideas and not have time for women or couldn't fit a relationship in his life. This kind of a life does not meet the goals that women typically seek.

    And, yes, overall Polish men are very attractive physically (same as Lithuanian men, of course!), they have a kind of a slightly more delicate look than Anglo and Germanic men, they have more prince-like features (less angular features than Northern Germanics, but still an appealing bone structure). They are typically not as rugged as the Atlantic men, whose ruggedness can also be very attractive.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Anon 2

  604. @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    Bow down to the King;)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    My current object of celebrity lust is a Polish woman.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What's her name?

    BTW, she looks a bit like Justin Henin, who is not Polish:

    Replies: @Matra

  605. @QCIC

    This coup in Ukraine was always intended to create a proxy war with Russia. The war is not a side effect, it is the purpose of the entire project. You and Hack seem to mistakenly believe that because public sentiment supported the process, this means it is not a coup. The fact is that outside forces worked for decades to mold public sentiment against Russia. Hell, you may have donated money for some of this manipulation, so naturally you don't want to recognize it for what it really is. The manipulators had a lot of raw angst to work with including feisty Ukrainian nationalists and actual NeoNAZIs. I explained my use of the term "palace coup" in our modern context where there is no actual palace, but there is a lot of maneuvering funded by outside forces which leads to a crucial change of leadership with moderate bloodshed.

    I am intrigued that you both seem oblivious to the nuclear horrors of the Cold War.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I am intrigued that you both seem oblivious to the nuclear horrors of the Cold War.

    I’m equally surprised that you don’t direct your angst and criticism towards the side that has been sabre rattling since February 24? They’re the ones that have the nukes and have threatened their use, not the Ukrainian side. Another indication that you have things mixed up here.

    For your benefit please don’t consider this to be a “funny cartoon”, but a very serious one.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Thank you. I agree the dates are important to understand Russia's actions in Ukraine as a response to Western aggression. You forgot to mention several key points.

    For your review, here is a dated list of a few key events which led up to this Western abomination.

    1991 USSR dissolves

    1995 NATO bombs Serbia

    2002 USA drops out of the ABM Nuclear Treaty

    2003 USA naked war of aggression against Iraq

    2004 Baltics added to NATO

    2008 Western regime change leads to war in Georgia

    2014 Western sponsored coup in Ukraine leads to civil war

    2015 West signs Minsk II agreement with no intention of compliance

    2016 USA missile site activated in Romania

    2019 USA drops out of INF Treaty

    2019 USA releases COVID-19 engineered virus on the world (possible/likely)

    2022 Russia directly intervenes after Ukrainian artillery strikes on their own Russian-speaking civilians greatly increase (Feb 24)

    2022 USA funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine acknowledged by USA

    Replies: @sudden death

  606. Unbelievable.

    The Chinese need to invade California and put everyone responsible for this to the sword.


    • LOL: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Better this shit than the Chinese social credit system:

    Replies: @Matra

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Disney's 100s millions dollar Little Mermaid extravaganza bombed in China because the Chinese were repulsed by a negro mermaid.


    I have spent 0 dollars on Hollywood products in the last year.

    Replies: @Yahya

  607. @The Big Red Scary

    Also, the Name-Worshippers, which I think appeals to intellectuals rather than to trannies:

    Nicky sent the imperial marines to root them out of St. Panteleimon's on Athos.

    Long before that, it was the Sect of Zhariya the Jew, a kind of proto-Protestant heresy that appealed to scribes:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Esoteric Victorian Era Cults

  608. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "I suspect they would have preferred it if Ukraine hadn’t resisted and if Russia had won quickly, then it would have been business as usual."

    Not sure about this, since a Ukraine that is conquered by Russia means a smaller EU for Germany to dominate, albeit nowhere near to the extent that Russia would dominate a neo-Russian Empire.
    Germany would have been content to dominate its own backyard and to share the continent with its eastern partner, Russia. All the Russian gas that much of Europe would have been dependent on would be bypassing Ukraine and Poland and flowing through Germany.

    Of course, for all it's faults modern Germany is a normal enough country that it does not tolerate the level of murder and mayhem that Russia unleashed upon Europe, so this partnership-with-Russia idea is dead. Merkel and Schroeder's work has been undone by Putin.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    FWIW, I interpreted Nord Stream 2 as an unsuccessful attempt to get Russia to behave by preserving some economic ties with it. But maybe it really was all about the business, as you say.

    Of course, for all it’s faults modern Germany is a normal enough country that it does not tolerate the level of murder and mayhem that Russia unleashed upon Europe, so this partnership-with-Russia idea is dead. Merkel and Schroeder’s work has been undone by Putin.

    Yeah, Germany is sufficiently sensitive to its own WWII history to ally with a brute like Russia, even if Russia’s brutality pales in comparison to that of WWII Germany.

    As a side note, this is off-topic, but I’m surprised that Schroeder agreed to let the Baltic countries into NATO in 2004. Didn’t he want to please Russia? Or was pleasing Washington in this particular case more important?

    Also, out of curiosity–had Russia actually succeeded in conquering Ukraine in 2022 due to a lack of sufficient Western aid, just how successful do you think that a subsequent campaign of Ukrainian bomb-planting, including in Russia proper, would actually be in getting the Russians to eventually withdraw from Ukraine? FWIW, I suspect that the answer is “Not very” since Russia would treat such bomb-planters mercilessly, by either outright killing them or sending them to gulags for a very long time, and that eventually occupied Ukraine will run out of heroes who are willing to do this, especially considering that occupied Ukraine will have open borders with the EU in this scenario. Why become a martyr or spend 25 years or even the rest of your life in a Russian gulag, with the chance of becoming a martyr later on (as a result of you being poisoned), when you can deny Russia your human capital and still live the good life for the rest of your life by relocating to the EU?

  609. @Yahya

    The Chinese need to invade California and put everyone responsible for this to the sword.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Better this shit than the Chinese social credit system:

    • Replies: @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    As bad as the Chinese so-called social credit system is it at least encourages good behaviour, whereas the American social credit system - now exported to Europe - is just pure hatred of normalcy and maladaptive from the perspective of anyone wishing to preserve Western civilisation. Another good thing about the Chinese system is that every one knows where it comes from: the government. In the USA things are much more opaque with some people blaming corporations, others the government or "the culture". When you can't identify the enemy it is hard to fight him.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

  610. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @sudden death

    My current object of celebrity lust is a Polish woman.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What’s her name?

    BTW, she looks a bit like Justin Henin, who is not Polish:

    • Replies: @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    Did you see the Wimbledon promo photos they put out earlier this week without 7 time champion and this year's favourite, Novak Djokovic? They've always hated him. The All-England Club received so much ridicule they've added him to the new promo photo. Meanwhile the Russians & Belarusians will be allowed back at Wimbledon but apparently are having trouble securing visas. It'll be hilarious if the main winners again* this year are Djokovic and Russians/Belarusians.

    * Rybakina may represent Kazakhstan but she's from Moscow.

  611. @Mr. XYZ

    Better this shit than the Chinese social credit system:

    Replies: @Matra

    As bad as the Chinese so-called social credit system is it at least encourages good behaviour, whereas the American social credit system – now exported to Europe – is just pure hatred of normalcy and maladaptive from the perspective of anyone wishing to preserve Western civilisation. Another good thing about the Chinese system is that every one knows where it comes from: the government. In the USA things are much more opaque with some people blaming corporations, others the government or “the culture”. When you can’t identify the enemy it is hard to fight him.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke


    , @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it's deeply regretful that the current Western system sometimes tends to cater to blacks and Muslims' worst impulses. Sam Harris, for instance, has previously talked about the alliance between liberals and Islamists to label any speech critical of Islamic doctrines as "Islamophobia". And the left appears to have a soft spot for convicted criminals who are of the "right" race and/or religion, such as Adnan Syed, whose exoneration they have aggressively pushed. I'm not commenting on whether an exoneration is right in this specific case due to a lack of sufficiently detailed knowledge about it, but I do suspect that Yes, the left would be more sympathetic to exoneration and/or second chances for criminals from marginalized communities than for other criminals, even when convicted for identical crimes.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  612. A123 says: • Website

    ...“European Values” block including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and the Visegrád 4 is achievable.
    We disagree on more than we agree. Italy is very problematic: they have their own version of conservative politics, e.g. Italy is in the forefront of "compulsory distribution" of migrants to other EU countries. Instead of policing its borders Italy wants to "share the burden"...

    The benefit of EU-liberalism (an absolutely vile set of policies with very little real popular support) is that they represent above-national views - they want to screw everyone. The conservatives represent individual national interests and they are not the same. We, for example, don't care for Italian "banking" in CE - but Italy has an interest in promoting it. Or shipping its migrants elsewhere.

    The reality is that national conservatives can't win in Brussels.

    Replies: @A123

    Italy is in the forefront of “compulsory distribution” of migrants to other EU countries. Instead of policing its borders Italy wants to “share the burden“

    You are not giving Meloni enough credit. Yes. The Italian system is painfully slow, but she does seem to be turning things in the correct direction. For example, Italy is trying to restrict migrant inflows (1)

    Italy on Friday impounded two rescue ships run by German charities for breaching tougher migration rules introduced by the country’s right-wing government, the Italian coast guard said.

    The Mare*Go organisation said it disobeyed instructions to take 36 migrants it picked up on Thursday to the Sicilian port of Trapani, taking them instead to Lampedusa island, saving itself hours at sea.

    The rescue ship is blocked for 20 days in Lampedusa, the NGO in a statement, adding it would also “likely face a fine” for breach of new legislation sponsored by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

    The Italian coast guard confirmed it had impounded that vessel as well as a second ship, the Sea-Eye 4, which had docked in the coastal town of Ortona in eastern Italy, with 49 migrants on board.

    The Sea-Eye 4 had picked up 17 people in the Libyan search and rescue zone, followed by a further 32 migrants in Italian waters, the coast guard said.

    “Sharing the Burden” is a coded way of sending migrants on to SJW countries with high benefits, similar to what Texas is doing to U.S. “Sanctuary Cites” (e.g. New York, Chicago, Boston). Italy knows that sovereign Christian nations will never accept material numbers of Rape-ugees. Brussels will push for uncollectable fines. To the extent they limit the flow of funds, it merely accelerates the EU’s inevitable decline.

    EU-liberalism (an absolutely vile set of policies with very little real popular support) is that they represent above-national views – they want to screw everyone.

    You are making my case. There needs to be a Christian Populist alliance to push European values instead of Berlin/Paris/Brussels SJW values.

    The conservatives represent individual national interests and they are not the same. We, for example, don’t care for Italian “banking” in CE – but Italy has an interest in promoting it. Or shipping its migrants elsewhere. The reality is that national conservatives can’t win in Brussels.

    The goal of Christian Populism should not be “winning” Brussels, it must be “disempowering” Brussels. Expanding the scope of sovereign national vetos. Limiting authority of EU bodies and courts in an incremental manner. Think of turning a one way ratchet locking in gains year after year after year.

    Ultimately the EU will become effectively toothless. Or, better yet, voluntarily dissolve in an orderly manner.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Ultimately the EU will become effectively toothless. Or, better yet, voluntarily dissolve in an orderly manner.
    That would be a huge tragedy. The EU should become more nationalistic, not be disbanded!
  613. @Mr. XYZ
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    What's her name?

    BTW, she looks a bit like Justin Henin, who is not Polish:

    Replies: @Matra

    Did you see the Wimbledon promo photos they put out earlier this week without 7 time champion and this year’s favourite, Novak Djokovic? They’ve always hated him. The All-England Club received so much ridicule they’ve added him to the new promo photo. Meanwhile the Russians & Belarusians will be allowed back at Wimbledon but apparently are having trouble securing visas. It’ll be hilarious if the main winners again* this year are Djokovic and Russians/Belarusians.

    * Rybakina may represent Kazakhstan but she’s from Moscow.

  614. @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    As bad as the Chinese so-called social credit system is it at least encourages good behaviour, whereas the American social credit system - now exported to Europe - is just pure hatred of normalcy and maladaptive from the perspective of anyone wishing to preserve Western civilisation. Another good thing about the Chinese system is that every one knows where it comes from: the government. In the USA things are much more opaque with some people blaming corporations, others the government or "the culture". When you can't identify the enemy it is hard to fight him.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ


  615. @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    Bow down to the King;)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @LatW

    Bow down to the King;)

    That’s right, lol. Every white man is a King (and every white boy is a prince). 🙂
    The White Rex. 🙂

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.

    Good looks with a high IQ can be a truly “deadly” combo sometimes. But not all high IQ guys are normal and fit into the mainstream. A woman may be attracted to someone who is “different”, but eventually she will seek normalcy and stability. Don’t know what happened to Ted K, but not all women go for super highly intelligent weirdos (very few do, life is not easy with these types although it can be deeply fulfilling and very special & rare). It’s possible that someone like Ted could be too obsessed with his political ideas and not have time for women or couldn’t fit a relationship in his life. This kind of a life does not meet the goals that women typically seek.

    And, yes, overall Polish men are very attractive physically (same as Lithuanian men, of course!), they have a kind of a slightly more delicate look than Anglo and Germanic men, they have more prince-like features (less angular features than Northern Germanics, but still an appealing bone structure). They are typically not as rugged as the Atlantic men, whose ruggedness can also be very attractive.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Ted K specifically wasn't happy being a man:

    For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist, but changed his mind in the waiting room and discussed other things instead, without disclosing his original reason for making the appointment. Afterwards, enraged, he considered killing the psychiatrist and other people whom he hated. Kaczynski described this episode as a "major turning point" in his life.[32][33] He recalled: "I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope."[34]
    Anyway, back to the topic of high-IQ and attractive, Ali Larter appears to fit the bill, no?

    Based on her parents' occupations, one would think that she would be fairly high-IQ, even after taking regression towards the mean into account, no?

    "Larter was born in the suburb of Cherry Hill, New Jersey,[7] the daughter of Margaret, a realtor, and Danforth Larter, a trucking executive."

    Seems like her parents were upper-middle-class.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Anon 2

    Re: Overall Polish men are very attractive

    Let me mention just two names:

    1. Jakub Józef Orliński, 32, is a Polish operatic countertenor
    with a four-octave voice range, famous for “Facce d’Amore.” Since he also
    looks like Michelangelo’s David, it’s not surprising that he has emerged as
    a major star, and has a worldwide cult following. He graduated from
    the Juilliard School in New York where he also picked up breakdancing skills
    - he’s known for doing acrobatics while performing on stage. One
    commenter wrote, “How can such an angelic voice emerge from the human
    body?” An American woman wrote, “Is he an angel or is he a god?”.
    Of course, he’s so in demand, he’s constantly traveling and
    performing around the world, and by now he’s insanely rich. He likes
    to be photographed next to Polish supermodels - he almost has to, being so
    good looking, most women look plain next to him. Alain Delon, the French
    actor, had the same problem;

    2. Jann (actually Jan Rozmanowski), 24, also a countertenor but more pop
    than opera, is just starting out. He only became famous several months ago
    when he was almost selected as Poland’s representative for this year’s
    Eurovision with a song “Gladiator.” The commenters say his voice and his
    looks can be addictive. At 12 he already performed in opera, and then
    went to the U.K. where he studied music both in N. Ireland and in London.
    He writes his own songs, typically in English, and right now he’s touring
    around Poland, but he’s getting invitations from Britain, Sweden,
    Netherlands, etc. He’s extremely physical on stage, and moves like a cat.
    Someone on Reddit compared his looks to the actor who played the beautiful
    Polish boy Tadzio in the movie “Death in Venice” based on the novella by
    Thomas Mann.

  616. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    You cannot be so naive.
    There is nothing naive about what I wrote, but there is indeed a naive quality about people who latch onto anything as "truth" simply because it contradicts whatever CNN or MSN told them.

    I am certain that what you write is casuistics motivated by a “my country right or wrong” mentality
    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.

    Or that a mass revolt by half the country against an unpopular president can in some way be thought of as a "coup" because it acts against your Russia.

    Of course there are always nuances in everything, so the contortionists have simple facts that they work with and twist in order to reach their unreasonable conclusions.

    So the French supplied a billion dollars and thousands of troops to the rebels in the British American colonies (because it naturally benefits them to see their rival lose its colonies)? It's a French coup. Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can't possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them. Americans provided diplomatic support and cookies to anti-Yanukovich revolutionaries? Clearly an American coup. Zionists involved, and Soros. Maybe Freemasonry also? Can't possibly be that Ukrainians like the EU more than Russia, hate Yanukovich, and this was the way for them to prevent an anti-EU course and get rid of Yanukovich.

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses. Something can't possibly be true if it is fairly simple, the simplicity itself is a sign that it is fake, there must be a plot of some sort.

    BTW, wanted to ask you for a long time, have you been educated in a Jesuit-run school
    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.

    What contortions exactly?

    Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can’t possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them.

    But Free-masons were deeply involved in both the American uprising against the British Crown and in the French Revolution. It is not a conspiracy theory, but a well known historical fact. The masons themselves do not deny this. So why do you list it as conspiracy theory?

    Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia; John Hancock, of St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston; Joseph Hewes, who was recorded as a Masonic visitor to Unanimity Lodge No. 7, Edenton, North Carolina, in December 1776; William Hooper, of Hanover Lodge, Masonborough, North Carolina; Robert Treat Paine, present at Grand Lodge at Roxbury, Massachusetts, in June 1759; Richard Stockton, charter Master of St. John’s Lodge, Princeton, Massachusetts in 1765; George Walton, of Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia; and William Whipple, of St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

    And yes, both American and French rebels worked with the foreign ennemies of their respective rightful monarchs against their nations’ Crowns. They were basically traitors. Aren’t you the one here who always defended enlightened absolute monarchy as a better system of governance? Shouldn’t you decry these conspirators against the throne ?

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses.

    AP, you are the one who time and again makes the condescending remarks about the hoi polloi. You have even be reprimanded by Mr Hack for recently writing condescending things about the “office plankton”. I dare you to find a single instance of elitism from me in all these years.

    Now about Gnosticism, it is a deep and ancient tradition, in which I am indeed truly interested. The reason of my interest is that I am strongly convinced that the ideas traveled along the Silk Road during the the second (partial) Globalization of the Antiquity (the first being the Bronze Age global trade networks).

    I see any religious doctrine first and foremost as a work of human understanding and creativity directed at unraveling the true Nature of the Real. Therefore I am interested in seeing how different cultures influenced each other to bring higher the common human understanding of the Truth.

    Gnostics had a tremendous influence in their time, many of their scriptures are deeply moving, they have in my opinion been mostly persecuted unjustly by the nascent Christian Orthodoxy, and deserve respect as spiritual seekers of the highest kind. Their legacy lived through the Christian tradition (see Gospel of John) and the Ismaili Shiah tradition in Islam. But it is also possibly connected to some aspects of esoteric Buddhism probably through the Manichaean proxy. And mind you, in my opinion these heretical movements are not some devilry, as the Christian and Islamic religious authorities have pretended. They were simply intelligent and spiritually gifted people searching for truth. See for yourself:

    But of course it has nothing to do with either Russia or Ukraine and your ad hominem attack against my spiritual interests is 1) irrelevant to our discussion 2) a defelective distraction from the topic at hand.

    The topic being the Western interference in the post-Soviet space. An interference born from the legacy of an historical Catholic push against the Orthodox Eastern Slav Realm. An expansionist attitude in which the Latin Church used your Uniate ancestors as a fer de lance to conquer the lands of the Rus.

    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.

    Well, what about the college? 😉

    Anyway, having a large library is certainly important and I acknowledge that you are undeniably well read. However, despite your broad and deep culture and knowledge, you are also a deeply partial person when it comes to your convictions and preferences.

    Sometimes, I have the impression that you simply refuse to see the opposite side of an argument and stubbornly debate just to mark your point (not sure whether it is the right English expression for the French marquer des points ). Sometimes you seem to see a debate as a competition in which the goal is not to find some common ground, or discover some common novel knowledge, but just to prove to yourself that you are better knowledgeable or eloquent than your opponent.

    If that’s what you are interested in, then I handle you the victory in this debate right away on a silver plate. I am not interested in debating just for the sake of it.

    I seek knowledge and understanding (that’s the Gnostic in me). So if we can exchange to see how our related ethnic groups have come to the sad state of affairs in which they currently find themselves, then it is worth my time, but if you continue your ad hominem attacks against me, then I call quits. I am not wasting my time on that, sorry…

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Ivashka the fool

    debate just to mark your point (not sure whether it is the right English expression for the French marquer des points ).
    The expression is "to score points" or engage in point-scoring.
    , @S
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Free-masons were deeply involved in both the American uprising against the British Crown and in the French Revolution. It is not a conspiracy theory, but a well known historical fact. The masons themselves do not deny this.

    Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia

    Some masons, such as Ben Franklin, and as old as he was, seem to have been critically involved in both the proto-Capitalist American and the proto-Communist French Revolutions of 1776 and 1789 respectively.

    [As a related aside, it's a part of the open historic record that it was Franklin who had made the arrangements which allowed for the 'heavy guns' in the form of Thomas Paine and his powerful pen -said to be worth an entire division of men alone - to come directly from London in each instance so that he could take part in both the American and French Revolutions]

    As soon as America gained her independence from Great Britain (with substantial French assistance), first Franklin and then Jefferson went on missions to France where they served as nuclei around which formed a latticework of interrelated or interconnected French revolutionary leaders, one of whom was Marie Joseph Paul Ives Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, who, after fighting in the American Revolution, imported revolutionary ideology into his native France under Jefferson's guidance and inspiration.

    Products of the European Enlightenment, Franklin and Jefferson were station masters of France's American depot, as Lafayette was an agent of the French central station trained on the American revolutionary training ground. Seeding the revolutionary cloud was not a one-sided French venture, however. On the contrary: the seedtime of the French Revolution was during Benjamin Franklin's ministry to France--and that American was the seed-planter.

  617. @Yahya

    The Chinese need to invade California and put everyone responsible for this to the sword.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Disney’s 100s millions dollar Little Mermaid extravaganza bombed in China because the Chinese were repulsed by a negro mermaid.


    I have spent 0 dollars on Hollywood products in the last year.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Disney’s 100s millions dollar Little Mermaid extravaganza bombed in China because the Chinese were repulsed by a negro mermaid.
    To think that just a century ago, Hollywood imposed regulations on itself prohibiting, among other things, the portrayal of miscegenation on screen.

    These cultural shifts can just creep on you. Doesn’t bode well for other civilizations, especially those with universalist antecedents and urbanized prosperity. One must always be vigilant.

    I try to be sympathetic to blacks, given that it’s not their fault they caught the short end of the genetic stick. But unfortunately the inflow of substantial SSA genes is a death-knell for any peoples. That’s just the way it is and anyone who wishes to maintain racial quality must be steadfast against miscegenation. Perhaps one day genetic engineering technology will save the Africans from their lousy fate, but it is wise for everyone else to play it safe for the time being.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

  618. @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    As bad as the Chinese so-called social credit system is it at least encourages good behaviour, whereas the American social credit system - now exported to Europe - is just pure hatred of normalcy and maladaptive from the perspective of anyone wishing to preserve Western civilisation. Another good thing about the Chinese system is that every one knows where it comes from: the government. In the USA things are much more opaque with some people blaming corporations, others the government or "the culture". When you can't identify the enemy it is hard to fight him.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it’s deeply regretful that the current Western system sometimes tends to cater to blacks and Muslims’ worst impulses. Sam Harris, for instance, has previously talked about the alliance between liberals and Islamists to label any speech critical of Islamic doctrines as “Islamophobia”. And the left appears to have a soft spot for convicted criminals who are of the “right” race and/or religion, such as Adnan Syed, whose exoneration they have aggressively pushed. I’m not commenting on whether an exoneration is right in this specific case due to a lack of sufficiently detailed knowledge about it, but I do suspect that Yes, the left would be more sympathetic to exoneration and/or second chances for criminals from marginalized communities than for other criminals, even when convicted for identical crimes.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    to label any speech critical of Islamic doctrines as “Islamophobia”.
    Why don't you try denouncing "labeling any speech critical of Jews as antisemitism" ?

    Or "labeling any speech critical of homosexuals as homophobia" ?

    We both know why.

    Because you are partial to Jews and pervs.

    Own your biases петушок and stop pontificating from your кошерный петушиный насест.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  619. @LatW
    @sudden death

    Bow down to the King;)
    That's right, lol. Every white man is a King (and every white boy is a prince). :)
    The White Rex. :)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.


    Good looks with a high IQ can be a truly "deadly" combo sometimes. But not all high IQ guys are normal and fit into the mainstream. A woman may be attracted to someone who is "different", but eventually she will seek normalcy and stability. Don't know what happened to Ted K, but not all women go for super highly intelligent weirdos (very few do, life is not easy with these types although it can be deeply fulfilling and very special & rare). It's possible that someone like Ted could be too obsessed with his political ideas and not have time for women or couldn't fit a relationship in his life. This kind of a life does not meet the goals that women typically seek.

    And, yes, overall Polish men are very attractive physically (same as Lithuanian men, of course!), they have a kind of a slightly more delicate look than Anglo and Germanic men, they have more prince-like features (less angular features than Northern Germanics, but still an appealing bone structure). They are typically not as rugged as the Atlantic men, whose ruggedness can also be very attractive.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Anon 2

    Ted K specifically wasn’t happy being a man:

    For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist, but changed his mind in the waiting room and discussed other things instead, without disclosing his original reason for making the appointment. Afterwards, enraged, he considered killing the psychiatrist and other people whom he hated. Kaczynski described this episode as a “major turning point” in his life.[32][33] He recalled: “I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope.”[34]

    Anyway, back to the topic of high-IQ and attractive, Ali Larter appears to fit the bill, no?

    Based on her parents’ occupations, one would think that she would be fairly high-IQ, even after taking regression towards the mean into account, no?

    “Larter was born in the suburb of Cherry Hill, New Jersey,[7] the daughter of Margaret, a realtor, and Danforth Larter, a trucking executive.”

    Seems like her parents were upper-middle-class.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Seems like her parents were upper-middle-class.
    It's not just a class thing... a smart woman's hypergamy can actually make it so that her offspring come out much smarter than her.

    And eventually we all have to come to terms with out orientation. :)

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  620. @A123

    Italy is in the forefront of “compulsory distribution” of migrants to other EU countries. Instead of policing its borders Italy wants to “share the burden“
    You are not giving Meloni enough credit. Yes. The Italian system is painfully slow, but she does seem to be turning things in the correct direction. For example, Italy is trying to restrict migrant inflows (1)

    Italy on Friday impounded two rescue ships run by German charities for breaching tougher migration rules introduced by the country's right-wing government, the Italian coast guard said.

    The Mare*Go organisation said it disobeyed instructions to take 36 migrants it picked up on Thursday to the Sicilian port of Trapani, taking them instead to Lampedusa island, saving itself hours at sea.

    The rescue ship is blocked for 20 days in Lampedusa, the NGO in a statement, adding it would also "likely face a fine" for breach of new legislation sponsored by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

    The Italian coast guard confirmed it had impounded that vessel as well as a second ship, the Sea-Eye 4, which had docked in the coastal town of Ortona in eastern Italy, with 49 migrants on board.

    The Sea-Eye 4 had picked up 17 people in the Libyan search and rescue zone, followed by a further 32 migrants in Italian waters, the coast guard said.
    "Sharing the Burden" is a coded way of sending migrants on to SJW countries with high benefits, similar to what Texas is doing to U.S. "Sanctuary Cites" (e.g. New York, Chicago, Boston). Italy knows that sovereign Christian nations will never accept material numbers of Rape-ugees. Brussels will push for uncollectable fines. To the extent they limit the flow of funds, it merely accelerates the EU's inevitable decline.

    EU-liberalism (an absolutely vile set of policies with very little real popular support) is that they represent above-national views – they want to screw everyone.
    You are making my case. There needs to be a Christian Populist alliance to push European values instead of Berlin/Paris/Brussels SJW values.

    The conservatives represent individual national interests and they are not the same. We, for example, don’t care for Italian “banking” in CE – but Italy has an interest in promoting it. Or shipping its migrants elsewhere. The reality is that national conservatives can’t win in Brussels.
    The goal of Christian Populism should not be "winning" Brussels, it must be "disempowering" Brussels. Expanding the scope of sovereign national vetos. Limiting authority of EU bodies and courts in an incremental manner. Think of turning a one way ratchet locking in gains year after year after year.

    Ultimately the EU will become effectively toothless. Or, better yet, voluntarily dissolve in an orderly manner.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Ultimately the EU will become effectively toothless. Or, better yet, voluntarily dissolve in an orderly manner.

    That would be a huge tragedy. The EU should become more nationalistic, not be disbanded!

  621. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    What I wrote was cynical dark humor triggered by the vile representation you made of the Russian soldier. Despite whatever you think most Russian soldiers aren’t such ugly beasts that you post on this site of last.
    The representation of the Russian soldier was one that most Ukrainians today have of the Russian military that's invading their country. I think that it's powerful symbolism designed to elicit a reaction in the viewer, for most people one denigrating the current Russian aggression against Ukraine. Would you really prefer one of young Russian soldiers entering the arena of war in Ukraine, being mounted on white horses being greeted by grateful Ukrainian citizenry? It's an accurate symbolic depiction of how most Ukrainians view this war, and I support its symbolic representation.

    I dislike to break it to you Mr Hack, but for obvious reasons you have become obsessively hateful. If you hated RusFed and its political system it would be alright, and I would agree and concur, but you hate Russian people.
    I don't hate Russian people and never have. I certainly like you and think that I'll continue doing so for as long as we're both around. I've written here several times about my Russian aunt, and her moral superiority to her Ukrainian husband, my uncle. Also, I've written several times about the classy Russian Museum of Art in Mpls and have strongly suggested that one should visit this institution while in Mpls. I greatly enjoy Russian music. So I think that you're way off in trying to depict me as some kind of a huge Russophobe. Come back on a sunnier day and try to rewrite this one. :-)

    And I just wanted to point to you that in a war, where around a million military men from both sides are roaming the land and killing each other, violence is about to happen, including against women and children. That is a war, it is a sinister and dirty affair. The fact that only less than a few dozen women came forward and claimed to have been victims of sexual violence after a year and a half of war, means that most combatants there behave themselves in a rather gentlemanly manner.
    Rape is just morally indefensible whether it's done during wartime or during peacetime. No reliance on statistics or some form of a whataboutism can whitewash this kind of behavior. Whether more rape is committed somewhere than somewhere else is irrelevant. It's just wrong, wrong, wrong whenever or wherever it occurs.

    I hate to point out that you are simply being partial to your side, while portraying the other side as subhuman. It is understandable why you do that, but if you do, don’t claim no higher moral ground.
    The only higher moral ground that I'm trying to lay claim to is the same one that AP recently stated:

    The side that invaded is clearly the guilty party.
    And by association is the side that is most responsible for the murder and pillaging that is going on today within Ukraine.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?

    Did you denounce them Mr Hack ?

    Why didn’t you Mr Hack ?

    Because the victims are Russian speaking Donbassers, that’s why.

    Own your biases Mr Hack.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?
    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building. The death of the civilians was tragic but the fault lies on the rebels and their Russian sponsors for making the war in the first place and for netting in a civilian area.

    If in the process of trying to clear Belgorod territory of the Ukrainian-armed rebels some Russian civilians died, would you blame the Russian government? Do you blame Russian police for deaths at the theater in Moscow?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?


    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Still trying to paint me into a corner as a Russophobe because I wasn't vocal about possible war crimes perpetrated by the Ukrainian side? Well, I may have right here if the Lugansk Municipal incident included the "collateral damage" in the bombing of a post office building in that area. It was actually here at this blogsite that I believe Mikel and AP held a spirited debate about this topic and I would weigh in and express a sympathetic ear towards Mikel's opinions. I also remember watching a documentary film that showed how a grandmother charged with watching over her grandchild little boy had to spend an awful night caring for him as bombs were flying over their home. Although the film was not explicit as to whose bombs were being shot overhead, I got the feeling that it was Ukrainian ones. It was awful to watch, and I felt very saddened and felt great sympathy for the Russian speaking Babusha and her grandson. Believe it or not, I've even expressed sympathy for our very own Professor Tennessee, and his story about having to move his own mother due to Ukrainian bombings near his mother's apartment building. Although we disagree on many things, I could feel his pain.

    How about you? Am I to also label you as a Ukrainophobe because I've never heard you express any sorrow over certain atrocities committed by the RusFed military against Ukrainian civilians? Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and many more sights?

    Isn't it time that you started to own up to your own biases, Ivashka?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  622. @The Big Red Scary

    That, and also the unpleasant nature of female sexuality. Women are often very confused about what they want, and change their minds after the fact for many reasons. The only legally sensible definition of a man raping a woman is a man having sex with a woman with whom he doesn't have the right to have sex. Women belong to their fathers before marriage and to their husbands after.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    I don’t find that idea very appealing. It’s like banning cars just because a few people die on the roads.

    But a woman pressing charges after deciding that some guy she fucked “raped” her is obviously appalling.

  623. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Disney's 100s millions dollar Little Mermaid extravaganza bombed in China because the Chinese were repulsed by a negro mermaid.


    I have spent 0 dollars on Hollywood products in the last year.

    Replies: @Yahya

    Disney’s 100s millions dollar Little Mermaid extravaganza bombed in China because the Chinese were repulsed by a negro mermaid.

    To think that just a century ago, Hollywood imposed regulations on itself prohibiting, among other things, the portrayal of miscegenation on screen.

    These cultural shifts can just creep on you. Doesn’t bode well for other civilizations, especially those with universalist antecedents and urbanized prosperity. One must always be vigilant.

    I try to be sympathetic to blacks, given that it’s not their fault they caught the short end of the genetic stick. But unfortunately the inflow of substantial SSA genes is a death-knell for any peoples. That’s just the way it is and anyone who wishes to maintain racial quality must be steadfast against miscegenation. Perhaps one day genetic engineering technology will save the Africans from their lousy fate, but it is wise for everyone else to play it safe for the time being.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @Sher Singh

    Na, Yankees/Puritans been niggerphilic since the mid 1600s.
    Montreal used to host miscegenation parties in the 1920s.

    It was only outcry by the rest of America keeping it in check.
    Just as niggers are genetically dumb - certain tribes are genetically cucks.


  624. @Mr. Hack

    I am intrigued that you both seem oblivious to the nuclear horrors of the Cold War.
    I'm equally surprised that you don't direct your angst and criticism towards the side that has been sabre rattling since February 24? They're the ones that have the nukes and have threatened their use, not the Ukrainian side. Another indication that you have things mixed up here.
    For your benefit please don't consider this to be a "funny cartoon", but a very serious one.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Thank you. I agree the dates are important to understand Russia’s actions in Ukraine as a response to Western aggression. You forgot to mention several key points.

    For your review, here is a dated list of a few key events which led up to this Western abomination.

    1991 USSR dissolves

    1995 NATO bombs Serbia

    2002 USA drops out of the ABM Nuclear Treaty

    2003 USA naked war of aggression against Iraq

    2004 Baltics added to NATO

    2008 Western regime change leads to war in Georgia

    2014 Western sponsored coup in Ukraine leads to civil war

    2015 West signs Minsk II agreement with no intention of compliance

    2016 USA missile site activated in Romania

    2019 USA drops out of INF Treaty

    2019 USA releases COVID-19 engineered virus on the world (possible/likely)

    2022 Russia directly intervenes after Ukrainian artillery strikes on their own Russian-speaking civilians greatly increase (Feb 24)

    2022 USA funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine acknowledged by USA

    • LOL: sudden death
    • Replies: @sudden death

    2022 Russia directly intervenes after Ukrainian artillery strikes on their own Russian-speaking civilians greatly increase (Feb 24)
    Where is that nonsense coming from as 2021-2022 was the quietest year in Donbas since 2014 until RF invasion started?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  625. @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it's deeply regretful that the current Western system sometimes tends to cater to blacks and Muslims' worst impulses. Sam Harris, for instance, has previously talked about the alliance between liberals and Islamists to label any speech critical of Islamic doctrines as "Islamophobia". And the left appears to have a soft spot for convicted criminals who are of the "right" race and/or religion, such as Adnan Syed, whose exoneration they have aggressively pushed. I'm not commenting on whether an exoneration is right in this specific case due to a lack of sufficiently detailed knowledge about it, but I do suspect that Yes, the left would be more sympathetic to exoneration and/or second chances for criminals from marginalized communities than for other criminals, even when convicted for identical crimes.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    to label any speech critical of Islamic doctrines as “Islamophobia”.

    Why don’t you try denouncing “labeling any speech critical of Jews as antisemitism” ?

    Or “labeling any speech critical of homosexuals as homophobia” ?

    We both know why.

    Because you are partial to Jews and pervs.

    Own your biases петушок and stop pontificating from your кошерный петушиный насест.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Homosexuals should be criticized whenever necessary, as should Jews. For instance, gay men were probably not doing a good job with safe sex precautions (condoms, etc) back in the 1980s, hence the AIDS epidemic among them. Likewise, some right-wing Jews are notable for their bigotry towards gentiles:

    Both of these things warrant criticism. I never said that either homosexuals or Jews should be exempt from criticism. For that matter, Israel's ongoing occupation of Palestine should also be criticized.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

  626. @Beckow

    Budapest...dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses.
    Budapest has a whiff of Istanbul, life is good there, it is much better than lifeless, ugly Warsaw. I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland - it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society. (Cracow is disappointing - a wasted promise with a few nice buildings and no charm. But Poznan and Wroclaw are nice.)

    About the "taxi drivers": the worst are in Prague, Paris, Rome, with NY and LA not far behind. You pointing to Caucasus displays that you live on cheap stereotypes.

    Never been to Bucharest.
    Don't go....:)

    ...traditional Hungarian masters
    You would be better off not commenting about things that you don't understand. Our nations have lived together for 1,000 years, we share a lot and understand each other. Both of us - and Czechs, Croats, Austrians, Slovenes - are more developed intellectually than Poles, Ukies, Romanians. It shows in our lifestyles and how good our countries are.

    We understand where we live and actually like the CE region - we don't worship meddling outsiders. Today the meddling outsiders are mainly the Anglos, often ignorant people like you. Don't pull us into your stupid quarrels and hatreds based on lying. If you want to destroy yourself or to be patted on the back by your remote Anglo masters for dying for them, do it on your own. We are smarter.

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war.
    By whom? Why don't you say it? By GERMANY. Or would you prefer to claim that it was "Russia!"? Who murdered the 5-6 million Poles in WW2? Can you tell us? Or will you again go semi-Nazi and regret not joining them? Germans didn't want you - you were "Untermenschen", they simply killed you. You would literally not exist if it wasn't for the Russians. You hate them for it, that's the core of the Polish-Galician pathology. You wanna be liked by the ones who despise you, a tough place to be.

    Your "data" as always is partial - there is so much more to quality of life. Let us say that we can tell in 30 minutes when visiting the countries. Ireland also has "huge numbers" based on being an offshore mfg haven, but have you seen how run-down and dumpy Dublin is?

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Matra

    I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland – it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society.

    What a silly little man you are, Beckow. As if there is anything uniquely “Polish” in this. And thanks for the unintentionally apt description of yourself: joyless, resentful, flat. For all their racial lunacy, it cannot be denied that western Europeans – including the Germans you hate so much – have done an vastly superior job of getting over the past than have slavic sad sacks.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    AP is an American tourist, visits Europe for some days every year. Then his hobby is to remember his vacation by arguing with the local Europeans on the forum about which country is better using limited information.

    I kind of emphasize with how he wanted to change the discussion sometimes. AP wanted to talk about topics like GDP, national development, tourist impressions. It's more concrete and interesting than many topics here.

    But the inference from the limited information, could be related to the personality type which is perhaps including N and J. (I don't know the other two letters). _N_J

    Beckow is a snobby Central European, who believes every nationality which lives outside Austria/Czech Republic is somekind of primitive uncivilized one which drinks bad beer and doesn't have toilet paper.

    Poland, in viewpoint of Beckow, is a lower class country, which wants to be part of Central Europe, without having adequate qualifications. Beckow, believes, he is a real Central European and doesn't want losers to sit next to him in the opera house.


    As for reality of Poland, from the world average, it can be a nice country. They have cobblestones and some European aspects, some parts of the Central European atmosphere. Relative to other European countries, it is below the average, so it is still one of the more boring zones in Europe. If I was AP's wife and children, I would be hoping they will be flying the Atlantic ocean, to drink wine on the beach in Antiparos, not going to Lublin again.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    , @Beckow

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say "no, you are...". It lacks thinking.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them. Something is missing in Poland no matter how much they try - it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.

    Poles also excel at a weird combination of servility towards the West (who often mass-murdered them in the past) and a pompous absurd racism towards their (white) eastern neighbors. What is that all about?

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @AP

  627. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?

    Did you denounce them Mr Hack ?

    Why didn't you Mr Hack ?

    Because the victims are Russian speaking Donbassers, that's why.

    Own your biases Mr Hack.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?

    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building. The death of the civilians was tragic but the fault lies on the rebels and their Russian sponsors for making the war in the first place and for netting in a civilian area.

    If in the process of trying to clear Belgorod territory of the Ukrainian-armed rebels some Russian civilians died, would you blame the Russian government? Do you blame Russian police for deaths at the theater in Moscow?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?

    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building.
    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.
    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas. He was there with Donbasser youths while the ЗСУ pounded многоэтажки in strictly civilian areas, where according to the official stance of the Ukrainian state, lived Ukrainian citizens with exactly the same rights as the ones in your beloved Vinnytsa. But they killed them all the same without the slightest remorse because they were Russian speakers and Russophiles.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.
    Yes I realize how shitty the Noviop RusFed is. I have always realized it, even when both you and Karlin were of the opposite opinion. We are talking about people who unleashed the death squads on the political opposition as early as 1993, broke the lives of those who stood for the lands and rights of their ancestors.

    Just like the Ukrainian Noviop did in 2014 when they used the hapless Ukrainian nationalist death squads to unleash the persecution of the Russian speakers and Russophiles in Ukraine. And just like their Moskovite Noviop cousins did to Russian patriots, the Kievan Noviop crushed real true hardcore Ukrainian patriots, like Sashko Bilyi, and coopted the others who were ready to kill, torture and rape their Russian speaking brethren.

    What was the crime of Oles' Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do. Have you denounced his murder ?

    I will repeat it again: this war did not start in 2014.

    And once again: борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна.

    Slavs killing Slavs, while the Noviop gleefully rub hands.

    This is disgusting and should never have happened. It only happened because our people on both sides of the border are ruled by subhuman scum.

    I don't cheer and applaude the Noviop scum, do you AP ?

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

  628. @Ivashka the fool

    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.
    What contortions exactly?

    Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can’t possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them.
    But Free-masons were deeply involved in both the American uprising against the British Crown and in the French Revolution. It is not a conspiracy theory, but a well known historical fact. The masons themselves do not deny this. So why do you list it as conspiracy theory?

    Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia; John Hancock, of St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston; Joseph Hewes, who was recorded as a Masonic visitor to Unanimity Lodge No. 7, Edenton, North Carolina, in December 1776; William Hooper, of Hanover Lodge, Masonborough, North Carolina; Robert Treat Paine, present at Grand Lodge at Roxbury, Massachusetts, in June 1759; Richard Stockton, charter Master of St. John’s Lodge, Princeton, Massachusetts in 1765; George Walton, of Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia; and William Whipple, of St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

    And yes, both American and French rebels worked with the foreign ennemies of their respective rightful monarchs against their nations' Crowns. They were basically traitors. Aren't you the one here who always defended enlightened absolute monarchy as a better system of governance? Shouldn't you decry these conspirators against the throne ?

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses.
    AP, you are the one who time and again makes the condescending remarks about the hoi polloi. You have even be reprimanded by Mr Hack for recently writing condescending things about the "office plankton". I dare you to find a single instance of elitism from me in all these years.

    Now about Gnosticism, it is a deep and ancient tradition, in which I am indeed truly interested. The reason of my interest is that I am strongly convinced that the ideas traveled along the Silk Road during the the second (partial) Globalization of the Antiquity (the first being the Bronze Age global trade networks).

    I see any religious doctrine first and foremost as a work of human understanding and creativity directed at unraveling the true Nature of the Real. Therefore I am interested in seeing how different cultures influenced each other to bring higher the common human understanding of the Truth.

    Gnostics had a tremendous influence in their time, many of their scriptures are deeply moving, they have in my opinion been mostly persecuted unjustly by the nascent Christian Orthodoxy, and deserve respect as spiritual seekers of the highest kind. Their legacy lived through the Christian tradition (see Gospel of John) and the Ismaili Shiah tradition in Islam. But it is also possibly connected to some aspects of esoteric Buddhism probably through the Manichaean proxy. And mind you, in my opinion these heretical movements are not some devilry, as the Christian and Islamic religious authorities have pretended. They were simply intelligent and spiritually gifted people searching for truth. See for yourself:

    But of course it has nothing to do with either Russia or Ukraine and your ad hominem attack against my spiritual interests is 1) irrelevant to our discussion 2) a defelective distraction from the topic at hand.

    The topic being the Western interference in the post-Soviet space. An interference born from the legacy of an historical Catholic push against the Orthodox Eastern Slav Realm. An expansionist attitude in which the Latin Church used your Uniate ancestors as a fer de lance to conquer the lands of the Rus.

    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.
    Well, what about the college? 😉

    Anyway, having a large library is certainly important and I acknowledge that you are undeniably well read. However, despite your broad and deep culture and knowledge, you are also a deeply partial person when it comes to your convictions and preferences.

    Sometimes, I have the impression that you simply refuse to see the opposite side of an argument and stubbornly debate just to mark your point (not sure whether it is the right English expression for the French marquer des points ). Sometimes you seem to see a debate as a competition in which the goal is not to find some common ground, or discover some common novel knowledge, but just to prove to yourself that you are better knowledgeable or eloquent than your opponent.

    If that's what you are interested in, then I handle you the victory in this debate right away on a silver plate. I am not interested in debating just for the sake of it.

    I seek knowledge and understanding (that's the Gnostic in me). So if we can exchange to see how our related ethnic groups have come to the sad state of affairs in which they currently find themselves, then it is worth my time, but if you continue your ad hominem attacks against me, then I call quits. I am not wasting my time on that, sorry...

    Replies: @silviosilver, @S

    debate just to mark your point (not sure whether it is the right English expression for the French marquer des points ).

    The expression is “to score points” or engage in point-scoring.

    • Thanks: Ivashka the fool
  629. @Greasy William

    I used to do cold showers. I always started with cold water so maybe that's why I adjusted more quickly but I think by day 4 I didn't have any problems with them

    Replies: @silviosilver

    To adapt in four days is incredible. Any idea how long you stayed in for? One reason I want to do this is that I feel the cold much more than most people. I suppose it’s partly because I’m very lean, but that can’t be the whole explanation because on days when I’m wearing a jacket and a scarf and still nevertheless shivering, I notice other dudes of comparable leanness in t-shirts who seem to be doing fine. I sometimes say it to them: “Dude, how the fuck aren’t you freezing?” I often get a “it’s not that cold” response.
    Freakin amazes me.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    IIRC (this was in the winter of 2016), I had somewhat adjusted on the first day; in that after the 60 seconds or so it took me to fully adjust to the cold, the water felt comfortable, even refreshing. I even remember being frustrated that I couldn't get the water colder.

    When I say it took me four days, I mean it took until then that I was able to jump directly into the cold without a huge feeling of dread and no longer reacting to the shock of cold by involuntarily hyperventilating. Although even then there was always some nervousness and I gave it up shortly thereafter.

    I'm sure you've heard of the Wim Hof method. That was what I was trying to learn but it didn't work for me. I just stayed in until I got used to it. Wim Hof may work for you though so no harm in trying.

    If I were in your situation, I'd pursue your goal as follows:
    1. Get blood work done and make sure your hypersensitivity to cold isn't due to an underlying medical issue
    2. Learn the Wim Hof method
    3. Try doing the Jon Kabot Zinn body scan meditation before attempting cold showers or ice baths
    4. Go straight to ice baths. Do as much as you can everyday, or even multiple times a day, for a week and see if you notice any progress. If you are making progress, just stick with that until you get it.
    5. If none of those things work, the only remaining possibility is self hypnosis. You do this by combining dry fasting w/ sleep deprivation. When you are at 120 hours with no food/water and 72 hours of no sleep, your left brain will essentially no longer be functioning so you should be able to effectively brainwash yourself. Just relentlessly pump suggestions into your head that you do not mind the cold. Not that you don't feel it, that won't work, just that you don't mind it.

    As to point number 5, remember: willpower does not work. Those who successfully push themselves beyond the limits of what other people can endure do not do so because they have superior will, but rather because their subconscious won't allow them to do anything else. If you reprogram your subconscious, many things that are impossible to accomplish through sheer willpower become trivially easy

    Replies: @silviosilver

  630. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?
    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building. The death of the civilians was tragic but the fault lies on the rebels and their Russian sponsors for making the war in the first place and for netting in a civilian area.

    If in the process of trying to clear Belgorod territory of the Ukrainian-armed rebels some Russian civilians died, would you blame the Russian government? Do you blame Russian police for deaths at the theater in Moscow?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?


    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building.

    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas. He was there with Donbasser youths while the ЗСУ pounded многоэтажки in strictly civilian areas, where according to the official stance of the Ukrainian state, lived Ukrainian citizens with exactly the same rights as the ones in your beloved Vinnytsa. But they killed them all the same without the slightest remorse because they were Russian speakers and Russophiles.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.

    Yes I realize how shitty the Noviop RusFed is. I have always realized it, even when both you and Karlin were of the opposite opinion. We are talking about people who unleashed the death squads on the political opposition as early as 1993, broke the lives of those who stood for the lands and rights of their ancestors.

    Just like the Ukrainian Noviop did in 2014 when they used the hapless Ukrainian nationalist death squads to unleash the persecution of the Russian speakers and Russophiles in Ukraine. And just like their Moskovite Noviop cousins did to Russian patriots, the Kievan Noviop crushed real true hardcore Ukrainian patriots, like Sashko Bilyi, and coopted the others who were ready to kill, torture and rape their Russian speaking brethren.

    What was the crime of Oles’ Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do. Have you denounced his murder ?

    I will repeat it again: this war did not start in 2014.

    And once again: борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна.

    Slavs killing Slavs, while the Noviop gleefully rub hands.

    This is disgusting and should never have happened. It only happened because our people on both sides of the border are ruled by subhuman scum.

    I don’t cheer and applaude the Noviop scum, do you AP ?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @Ivashka the fool

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas.

    Well let's see a source for that.

    I haven't seen a single shred of evidence that the Ukrainian Army launched shells at civilian areas.

    The fighting was almost entirely done by militias and the peak casualties were in 2014:

    Casualties massively dropped in the last few years.

    Pro-Putin bloggers have talked about this supposed shelling by the AFU and not a single person has provided a source. Not even an article from Nothing.

    What most likely happened is that some pro-Russian blogger took militia shelling (small mortar) where innocent civilians died and exaggerated that as targeted shelling by the AFU. The largest attack against civilians was flight 752 and the Russian separatist side already took responsibility.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    "At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building."

    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Bolotov admitted that he was in the building at the time of the attack:


    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives; tragically, they failed to do so but civilians in the adjacent square were killed. Embarrassed by the failure, they lied about an air conditioner exploding.

    Pro-Russian propagandists turned this tragedy into a fairytale abut a deliberate Luhansk massacre in which Ukraine purposefully was aiming for and trying to kill civilians, in order to terrorize them into submission or in order to ethnically cleanse them. The purpose was the stoke anti-Ukrainian hatred and promote the violent civil war. They did similarly with the deaths in Odessa.

    Your wrote that you hate those who promote hatred between Ukrainians and Russians.

    The ones who spread stories about the deliberate massacre of civilians in Luhansk belong on that list. Do you condemn them? Do you condemn Russian propogandists who inflate and twist and make up stories about Ukrainian persecution of Russians? Such stories (Luhansk "massacre", Odessa "massacre", Ukraine banned Russian language in 2014, etc.) led directly to rebellion and war.

    "Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime."

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas.

    UN also reports that there were indeed cases of indiscriminate shelling. These of course are disgusting crimes.

    But not all shelling of civilian areas were indiscriminate. Sometimes the pro-Russian militias would fire out of civilian areas and the Ukrainians would return fire. In this case the criminals are the ones firing out of civilian areas. SO out of those hundreds of shellings many were not indiscrimate.

    And in case someone tries to draw a parallel with Russian bombing of Ukrainian cities, Russia invaded Ukraine an Ukrainians are defending their country from a foreign invasion; they will not abandon their own cities and empty them of troops. But the Donbas rebels were at the time of the bombings led by foreigners who came into Ukraine such as Pavlov (Motorola). So it is like the Russian government shelling parts of Belgorod if the Belgorod rebels were shooting at government forces form civilian areas.

    What was the crime of Oles’ Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He was an anti-Ukrainian troll who lived in Ukraine among people he hated and insulted, during violent times. He probably felt protected because he worked for an oligarch-owned newspaper. In other words, a servant of the Noviop whom you despise.

    He should not have been killed for his words but I have little sympathy for him.

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do.
    He hatred the Ukrainian national idea and those who supported it. He did not love his country.

    Have you denounced his murder ?
    Yes, I have said he should not have been murdered, in this thread:

    Buzina was a liar in addition to being a troll.

    But even though he was excrement, he should not have been murdered.

    Replies: @Mikel

  631. @Beckow

    Budapest...dirty, seedy, crooked taxi drivers like in the Caucuses.
    Budapest has a whiff of Istanbul, life is good there, it is much better than lifeless, ugly Warsaw. I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland - it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society. (Cracow is disappointing - a wasted promise with a few nice buildings and no charm. But Poznan and Wroclaw are nice.)

    About the "taxi drivers": the worst are in Prague, Paris, Rome, with NY and LA not far behind. You pointing to Caucasus displays that you live on cheap stereotypes.

    Never been to Bucharest.
    Don't go....:)

    ...traditional Hungarian masters
    You would be better off not commenting about things that you don't understand. Our nations have lived together for 1,000 years, we share a lot and understand each other. Both of us - and Czechs, Croats, Austrians, Slovenes - are more developed intellectually than Poles, Ukies, Romanians. It shows in our lifestyles and how good our countries are.

    We understand where we live and actually like the CE region - we don't worship meddling outsiders. Today the meddling outsiders are mainly the Anglos, often ignorant people like you. Don't pull us into your stupid quarrels and hatreds based on lying. If you want to destroy yourself or to be patted on the back by your remote Anglo masters for dying for them, do it on your own. We are smarter.

    Warsaw is not much architecturally because most of it was destroyed in the war.
    By whom? Why don't you say it? By GERMANY. Or would you prefer to claim that it was "Russia!"? Who murdered the 5-6 million Poles in WW2? Can you tell us? Or will you again go semi-Nazi and regret not joining them? Germans didn't want you - you were "Untermenschen", they simply killed you. You would literally not exist if it wasn't for the Russians. You hate them for it, that's the core of the Polish-Galician pathology. You wanna be liked by the ones who despise you, a tough place to be.

    Your "data" as always is partial - there is so much more to quality of life. Let us say that we can tell in 30 minutes when visiting the countries. Ireland also has "huge numbers" based on being an offshore mfg haven, but have you seen how run-down and dumpy Dublin is?

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Matra

    You’re right about taxi drivers being worse in Prague (organised crime I’m certain), Rome and the US (I thought they were fine in Paris), but wrong about the food in Poland. I never knew mushrooms could taste so nice until I visited Poland. Never had a bad soup there either. Even fast food chains like Burger King are better in Poland than they are in the US, Canada, or UK. Haven’t you ever had a Zabka hot dog? Photo from Warsaw

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Matra food chains like Burger King are better in Poland than they are in the US
    They are in general much better all over Europe, BK is really good in Austria...:) Regarding mushrooms, the best ones I have had were in France during the season, soups are uniformly good all over Central Europe. So what is it that Poland has in the culinary area? (The Zabka photo is about Africans in Warsaw, not sure that's what you meant - but that is one place I won't be eating).

    The Prague taxi drivers are not organized anything - Czechs steal on their own, no organization is needed - it comes naturally to them...foreigners are simply easy pickings.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  632. S says:

    The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it.
    This isn't all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word). They all like to "mop up" what they can get. As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where - hot. And how far what you guys call the "US empire" will spread. Frankly, I believe just calling it "the West" is more honest and accurate, not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them. Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions. People get a lot out of it.

    The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk
    Of course, there has always been a battle going on for the areas that are the most attractive, and it may accelerate with the climate pressures, the blowing up of the dam will have consequences for the Black Sea region. The region that was damaged was a huge agro region as well that was feeding the world. Only when the water fully subsides, we'll be able to assess the full damage.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast - there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could've been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should've been created. Or at least, the Russian side should not have tried to impose 19th century norms on the 21st century. It was way too brutal.

    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one).
    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into "partaking". It's not like America where you can just drive for a few hours and be completely free and alone, or build a new town. It's a different political context. For example, for Ukraine there is no such choice as "not to partake". Would you give the same advice to countries such as the 1930s Germany and the Soviet Union, and today's Russia to "not partake"? Could we ask these to be "neutral"? I know you would, but that's now how those countries feel. Not at all.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.
    I remember that article, I wonder how they allowed to run it. That actually sounds like something that could hypothetically be believable, at least, one can allow for such a possibility. When we look at the results, at the current state of the wealth distribution, isn't that exactly what has happened? Again, these financial systems are very complex so it's hard to judge here, but remember that wealth tends to create more wealth, so in a way it is a natural process. Of course, this needs to be regulated politically to distribute the wealth and to make the wealth work for productivity so that it reaches wide enough masses and to maintain fairness.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.


    I can see how it may be tempting for you to believe that. :) It's a very clean conspiracy. But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century). And there was Soviet totalitarianism. But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly). You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals - let's just admit that and let's stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    If you're saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you'll probably say something like "As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order". Frankly, I'm not ready to go that far. :)

    then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed
    If I understand you correctly, by the "enlightened / progressives", you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it'd be easier to follow your thought process. :) But most likely this group does bear some responsibility, but they are not he only ones to bear responsibility.

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler


    We don't know that, it could be a faction in the Kremlin but it could also be the result of the chaos of the SMO. The chaos of the SMO will give rise to such personalities. The situation is largely out of control now, I don't believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia.
    There is still a possibility that he gets taken out. But I've heard people say that if he doesn't get taken out, he could be president (I think this is still very far fetched). I think these groups are micromanaging now because the SMO slipped out of their control.

    However, I was listening to a Ukrainian officer the other day named Arty Green (he's one of the people whose opinion I respect). And he speculated that "those who are in charge of the order in the world" (basically just the more powerful countries) see a big threat in Putin now that he has credibly threatened with the nukes, they will try to get rid of the regime by a thousand cuts - not one blunt hit because one big Ukrainian victory could allow the regime to still survive. Whereas a death by a thousand cuts (including dosed out weapons deliveries), a slow death, a bleeding out of the RusFed, is more likely to lead to the regime change. And Arty believes that Prigo and those expeditionary forces play a role here. This is speculative, even though this looks like a very clear picture, I personally believe there are more aspects involved in this on the ground. Of course, Arty says that for Ukraine a sooner end to the war would be best, and this is also what we all in EE want. We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly. Russia has marginalized herself through this violent aggression. There is no alternative to the current power in Russia, none, and Prigo is the one trying to build this alternative. Putin fears a much broader mobilization because it could become a catalyst for social unrest, Putin just said there is "no need for mobilization", even though mobilization has been ongoing, there are ton of military recruitment ads, and men are needed. Yet Arty believes that the process is only mid way, we have not arrived at a critical point, and there are no visible potential "black swans" on the horizon. The regime is nowhere close to crumbling. Bad news from the front could be a factor in shaking up the regime. Also, if things reach the point where a Russian soldier will be sent to the trenches knowing full well that he will remain there for good, based on how the war will be going. The truth is that the Ukrainian casualties are not necessarily higher than the Russian ones, as is believed on this forum.

    Arty believes that in the case of Ukraine's military success, some of the Russian forces, who are left alive, could flee back to Russia and start an uprising there. This is what I would call the "Riflemen scenario" - when the Russian Empire collapsed, during WWI, the riflemen who survived the war, went to Russia and supported a mutiny there (the soldiers simply stuck their bayonets in the ground and said "Enough" and then all these committees appeared - remember the biggest requests during the Revolution where "bread and peace" (end to war), that's what Lenin used, Prigo's essentially doing the same, just from a different angle - he's saying, if you want to continue the war, the MOD has to provide much more, everyone has to mobilize and this will take years - and then answer to me if this is what the majority of the Russian people want, maybe they do, maybe not, I don't know, we don't know how much stamina they have). So historically this has happened before. I'm not sure this will happen again, since the Russian masses are now passive and much older than in 1917. And much better fed. There is more technological prowess now as well. But as Arty said, we're only half way there and the Western weapons have higher precision.

    Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine's prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don't have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings...

    Replies: @S, @S, @S, @S

    This isn’t all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word).

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.

    They all like to “mop up” what they can get.

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.

    As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where – hot.

    I’d suspect very hot. 🙂

    …not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them.

    Thanks for the thought. 🙂

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.


    Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions.

    I suppose I see it simply as a long term very dysfunctional relationship, bad ultimately for both the Anglo and Jew. Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast – there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could’ve been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should’ve been created.

    I think one of the greatest divides within humanity at present is the one between those who think race and ethnicity is real, and worthy of preservation, and those who think it is simply a phantasm, and of no particular value, though these same people on occasion will cynically use the subject of race if they think they can make short term political gain out of it, ie particularly in regards the subject of ‘Blacks’, aka Sub-Saharan Africans.

    IMO this type of person is delusional, and only have the luxury of their delusion because their fellows, out of misplaced sentimentality, have allowed these persons to parasite off the more responsible members of the larger society. The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.

    As the world is a big place, an area with abundant resources should have been allotted for the anti-race people known euphemistically as ‘anti-racists’. Unfortunately, as a group, they seem arrogant, quite intolerant, not to mention totalitarian, and I doubt would be readily agreeable to such a thing.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.

    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into “partaking”.

    Yes, easier said than done to be sure, though it’s sometimes the best thing.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them. The same with 1930’s Germany. No matter what Germany did, or, did not do (short of complete unconditionsl submission to the US/UK) the Anglosphere was going to war against them, too, for it’s own geo-political global empire interests. That doesn’t mean that Germany or Russia should have reacted (or react at present) with ‘anything goes’ on their part, just something to be aware of.

    ‘Refusing’ to go along with the prescribed ‘narrative’ makes things harder for them, perhaps much harder. [I advocate people’s refusal within the Anglosphere, of course, too.]

    But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century.)

    Again, I put much of the responsibility for that on the self declared ‘enlightened’/’progressive’ set with their well over a century of top/down revolutions.
    They put the peoples of Europe in these almost impossible situations of that time. These peoples were desperately wanting (understandably) to retain their identities. I should add, despite the fancy definitions, I see Fascism in particular, and National Socialism to a degree, to be in certain ways simply the old King/Emperor system of the past, but with some modern trappings.

    [Will try to respond to more of your post a bit later.]

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.
    Jews don't all want to move to Israel. Especially most Anglosphere Jews.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.
    Only in extremely paranoid Russian imaginations. But not surprising since Russians appear to be some of the Europeans who are most prone to conspiracy theories:
    , @LatW

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.
    The problem is that they exist or their heritage still exists. Some of these inherited problems persist. We are forced to deal with them, to work with them. We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You'll probably say "US/UK alliance".

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.
    It looks like people are mixing more now (look at Jared and Ivanka). So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.
    I know that's what you meant, but I think that when they "mop up" like that they are also "grabbing", incorporating into their so called "sphere of influence", because they are cleaning out space for themselves, and acquiring access without resistance. All empires and even large countries have done it and very brutally.

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.
    Vigilant. It is good to call things out immediately and debate them openly, not let things fester and go too far.

    The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.
    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn't mean one doesn't love humanity.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.
    Absolutely true. This is a power trip for them and they need us to lord it over somebody. If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.
    This is highly debatable. I don't agree actually, I believe the West would've swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now - they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would've gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would've definitely been emboldened.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ, @Sean, @S

  633. @sudden death
    RF public opinion in May 2023 about the use of nuclear weapons in UA - blue/light blue as strong/more likely support for the option, red/orange as strong/more likely disapproval.

    First column - the overall result, the rest in age groups:

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    In RusFed, the Noviop gubmint doesn’t care for ethnic Russians’ opinions. If the Noviop decide to use the nukes, they will use the nukes. If they decide not to use the nukes, then they won’t. RusFed is not a Russian national state where Russians are in control, it’s the Noviop who are in control. People such as Karaganov will decide in RusFed and people such Nuland will decide in the US. And if someone seriously tries to interfere, they will get rid of that person.

  634. @The Big Red Scary
    The discussion here about the war has become rather pointless. Whether you think that Russia was initially driven to this war by broader strategic constraints or whether you think basic game theory applies to all parties except Putler, who is a mad man who just wanted to destroy Ukraine for egotistical reasons, the question is still "And now what?" At some point it doesn't matter who started a war and why. What matters is how all parties will respond to the current incentives and how the war will end, as all wars must.

    The West's plan was to impose heavy sanctions on Russia to make prosecution of the war more difficult and to cause internal discontent. Russia, after a poorly planned and under-manned initial invasion of Ukraine, and after some supply-chain hiccups, has doubled down on the deployment of men and tripled down on the production of weapons. All indications are that Russia is preparing to and capable of waging a very long war. This is just obvious to the casual observer here on the ground in the interior of Russia.

    Meanwhile, the West has been supplying weapons piecemeal to Ukraine, is struggling with providing what it promised to provide (prolonged hand-wringing resulting in the transfer of another dozen or two Leopard tanks is not going to win a war), and Europe is suffering from inflation and de-industrialization. Ukraine itself is largely dependent on the West financially and for military hardware, and will soon be running into man-power constraints.

    For the sake of argument, let's blame Putler for it all. Bear in mind that Putler has legally bound the Russian state to the incorporation of certain pieces of territory (so far, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhiе oblasts) as well as the defense of the already annexed and integrated territory of Crimea. Realistically, for Ukraine to fight the war to a stalemate that it is minimally acceptable to the Russian state will require a much more massive infusion of military hardware from the West, a much broader mobilization of Ukrainian men, and at least a few hundred thousand more Ukrainian deaths. All of this is in theory possible. But it presumes that Putler and the Asiatic moskali hordes are just going to get bored and tired and go home rather than to continue to respond as they have at every step so far: increasing their own weapons production and mobilization. And after all of that, if things are going poorly, the mad Putler can still go nuclear.

    So blame Putler and the subhuman R*ssoids all you want, but think carefully about the end game.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    For the sake of argument, let’s blame Putler for it all. Bear in mind that Putler has legally bound the Russian state to the incorporation of certain pieces of territory (so far, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhiе oblasts

    How would that be when the UN voted 143-5 that the annexations were illegal? Russia is on the security council and is bound to UN charter.

    And after all of that, if things are going poorly, the mad Putler can still go nuclear.

    Deploying a tactical nuke would be an acknowledgment that they lost the conventional war. Even more countries would turn against Russia and he would cement them as a pariah state. They could even lose China which would bury them economically.

    There is also no reason to assume that such an order would be carried out.

    Putin is currently trying to rein in Prigozhin and it isn’t working.

    There is also supposedly a secret FSB protocol whereby they can execute the head of state if he is leading them into a nuclear war.

    Putin is already afraid for his life. He rarely makes public appearances and travels by armored train. Calling in a nuke would turn even more Russians against him. He can’t set one off without involving a high level commander.

  635. @Ivashka the fool

    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building.
    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.
    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas. He was there with Donbasser youths while the ЗСУ pounded многоэтажки in strictly civilian areas, where according to the official stance of the Ukrainian state, lived Ukrainian citizens with exactly the same rights as the ones in your beloved Vinnytsa. But they killed them all the same without the slightest remorse because they were Russian speakers and Russophiles.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.
    Yes I realize how shitty the Noviop RusFed is. I have always realized it, even when both you and Karlin were of the opposite opinion. We are talking about people who unleashed the death squads on the political opposition as early as 1993, broke the lives of those who stood for the lands and rights of their ancestors.

    Just like the Ukrainian Noviop did in 2014 when they used the hapless Ukrainian nationalist death squads to unleash the persecution of the Russian speakers and Russophiles in Ukraine. And just like their Moskovite Noviop cousins did to Russian patriots, the Kievan Noviop crushed real true hardcore Ukrainian patriots, like Sashko Bilyi, and coopted the others who were ready to kill, torture and rape their Russian speaking brethren.

    What was the crime of Oles' Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do. Have you denounced his murder ?

    I will repeat it again: this war did not start in 2014.

    And once again: борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна.

    Slavs killing Slavs, while the Noviop gleefully rub hands.

    This is disgusting and should never have happened. It only happened because our people on both sides of the border are ruled by subhuman scum.

    I don't cheer and applaude the Noviop scum, do you AP ?

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas.

    Well let’s see a source for that.

    I haven’t seen a single shred of evidence that the Ukrainian Army launched shells at civilian areas.

    The fighting was almost entirely done by militias and the peak casualties were in 2014:

    Casualties massively dropped in the last few years.

    Pro-Putin bloggers have talked about this supposed shelling by the AFU and not a single person has provided a source. Not even an article from Nothing.

    What most likely happened is that some pro-Russian blogger took militia shelling (small mortar) where innocent civilians died and exaggerated that as targeted shelling by the AFU. The largest attack against civilians was flight 752 and the Russian separatist side already took responsibility.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @John Johnson

    That's source enough?

    Now, please understand that with the acute Rusdophobic bias that you exhibit, I simply have no interest in discussing anything with you at all.

    I simply don't find you interesting.

    Be well, take care and do not reply to this message.

  636. @John Johnson
    @Ivashka the fool

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas.

    Well let's see a source for that.

    I haven't seen a single shred of evidence that the Ukrainian Army launched shells at civilian areas.

    The fighting was almost entirely done by militias and the peak casualties were in 2014:

    Casualties massively dropped in the last few years.

    Pro-Putin bloggers have talked about this supposed shelling by the AFU and not a single person has provided a source. Not even an article from Nothing.

    What most likely happened is that some pro-Russian blogger took militia shelling (small mortar) where innocent civilians died and exaggerated that as targeted shelling by the AFU. The largest attack against civilians was flight 752 and the Russian separatist side already took responsibility.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    That’s source enough?

    Now, please understand that with the acute Rusdophobic bias that you exhibit, I simply have no interest in discussing anything with you at all.

    I simply don’t find you interesting.

    Be well, take care and do not reply to this message.

  637. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    to label any speech critical of Islamic doctrines as “Islamophobia”.
    Why don't you try denouncing "labeling any speech critical of Jews as antisemitism" ?

    Or "labeling any speech critical of homosexuals as homophobia" ?

    We both know why.

    Because you are partial to Jews and pervs.

    Own your biases петушок and stop pontificating from your кошерный петушиный насест.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Homosexuals should be criticized whenever necessary, as should Jews. For instance, gay men were probably not doing a good job with safe sex precautions (condoms, etc) back in the 1980s, hence the AIDS epidemic among them. Likewise, some right-wing Jews are notable for their bigotry towards gentiles:

    Both of these things warrant criticism. I never said that either homosexuals or Jews should be exempt from criticism. For that matter, Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestine should also be criticized.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Okay, perhaps now we can discuss a bit.

    You being Gay is no business of mine, it's your private affairs. Love is love and all. But there are Gays and there are fags. Gays are people who have a more or less normal behavior as most straight people also do, but they have other affective and sexual needs. As long as it is kept among consenting adults it is all good if everyone is happy. Now fags (пидоры) are something else entirely, they are obnoxious and unhinged. Basically sick people who do not fit with the average normal population. Lately you started behaving like a fag would do; posting crap about teenage trannies, and writing that kids should be allowed to take part in drag queen shows.

    This is beyond the pale (pun intended), and in a real life situation, where I come from, you would be put down real hard and it would be painful. Not because you are Gay, but because you are overstepping the boundaries of decency and acting like a fag.

    Now about the Jews, there is a similar distinction to be made: there are Jews, and then there are Yids. Jews are mostly normal people who have a different Abrahamic religion than other Abrahamics and have an old and interesting (although mostly mythological) historical record. Yids on the other hand are obnoxious, nefarious and hell bent on creating problems to the Gentiles. Usually the Yids attempt at flexing their supposed superiority over Goyim, use lobbying and corruption to get to the top and don't eschew at using violence on those who stand in the way of their ambitions.

    Being Jew is no problem with me or any saine person in general (hardcore antisemites are not really sane). Being a Yid is a very bad karma to carry. When you single out Muslims for criticism, and do not see the beam in the eye of your tribe, you come up as a Yid. But if you recognize that both the Jews and Muslims have a part of responsibility in the current situation, then you are a decent person of Jewish background.

    For that matter, Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestine should also be criticized.
    So when do you start ?

    Now please understand me right, Islamist terrorism is disgusting. But so is Isreali settler terrorism. And being myself a non-Abrahamic Goy, I wish you left us all out of your petty Semitic squabbles. Get your shit right, live and let live. You are family and your G-d (actually the Demiurge) supposedly gave this part of the World to the Abraham's offspring. So why don't you get along Jews and Arabs and stay there, all of you ?

    Wouldn't that be wonderful?

    , @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ovadia was not right wing at all. I remember the wailing from secular Israeli journalists when he passed. He refused to deny that he was a Zionist (because he was), repeatedly advocated for Israel to surrender territory to the PLO, tried to double cross Shamir to form a left wing government before being shamed out of it by the haredi Ashkenazic rabbis, was instrumental in getting the Oslo accords passed, advocated for Ethiopian Christians to be brought to Israel, advocated for the validity of the totally ridiculous joke conversions that the IDF performs to get around the Chief Rabbinate, repeatedly granted audience to the most loathsome left wing political figures in Israel, put far left scumbag Aryeh Deri in charge of Shas and called on soldiers not to refuse orders during the expulsion from Gaza.

    You can like or not like Ovadia (I did not), but the man was a leftist.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  638. @S

    This isn’t all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word).
    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.

    They all like to “mop up” what they can get.
    When I use the term 'mopping up' here, I mean in the sense of systematically 'finishing off' any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.

    As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where – hot.
    I'd suspect very hot. :-)

    ...not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them.
    Thanks for the thought. :-)

    Hatred doesn't do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.

    Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions.
    I suppose I see it simply as a long term very dysfunctional relationship, bad ultimately for both the Anglo and Jew. Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast – there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could’ve been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should’ve been created.
    I think one of the greatest divides within humanity at present is the one between those who think race and ethnicity is real, and worthy of preservation, and those who think it is simply a phantasm, and of no particular value, though these same people on occasion will cynically use the subject of race if they think they can make short term political gain out of it, ie particularly in regards the subject of 'Blacks', aka Sub-Saharan Africans.

    IMO this type of person is delusional, and only have the luxury of their delusion because their fellows, out of misplaced sentimentality, have allowed these persons to parasite off the more responsible members of the larger society. The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.

    As the world is a big place, an area with abundant resources should have been allotted for the anti-race people known euphemistically as 'anti-racists'. Unfortunately, as a group, they seem arrogant, quite intolerant, not to mention totalitarian, and I doubt would be readily agreeable to such a thing.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren't about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.

    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into “partaking”.
    Yes, easier said than done to be sure, though it's sometimes the best thing.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them. The same with 1930's Germany. No matter what Germany did, or, did not do (short of complete unconditionsl submission to the US/UK) the Anglosphere was going to war against them, too, for it's own geo-political global empire interests. That doesn't mean that Germany or Russia should have reacted (or react at present) with 'anything goes' on their part, just something to be aware of.

    'Refusing' to go along with the prescribed 'narrative' makes things harder for them, perhaps much harder. [I advocate people's refusal within the Anglosphere, of course, too.]

    But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century.)
    Again, I put much of the responsibility for that on the self declared 'enlightened'/'progressive' set with their well over a century of top/down revolutions.
    They put the peoples of Europe in these almost impossible situations of that time. These peoples were desperately wanting (understandably) to retain their identities. I should add, despite the fancy definitions, I see Fascism in particular, and National Socialism to a degree, to be in certain ways simply the old King/Emperor system of the past, but with some modern trappings.

    [Will try to respond to more of your post a bit later.]

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @LatW

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.

    Jews don’t all want to move to Israel. Especially most Anglosphere Jews.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.

    Only in extremely paranoid Russian imaginations. But not surprising since Russians appear to be some of the Europeans who are most prone to conspiracy theories:

  639. @Greasy William
    @sudden death

    handsome guy. Poles are probably the best looking nation in the world.

    He looks somewhat like Clancy Brown

    Replies: @sudden death, @Mr. XYZ

    Polish women can be fine as well. Joanna Krupa, for instance:

    They can even pull off the Goth look (Pat Benatar; half-Polish):

  640. @Yahya
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Disney’s 100s millions dollar Little Mermaid extravaganza bombed in China because the Chinese were repulsed by a negro mermaid.
    To think that just a century ago, Hollywood imposed regulations on itself prohibiting, among other things, the portrayal of miscegenation on screen.

    These cultural shifts can just creep on you. Doesn’t bode well for other civilizations, especially those with universalist antecedents and urbanized prosperity. One must always be vigilant.

    I try to be sympathetic to blacks, given that it’s not their fault they caught the short end of the genetic stick. But unfortunately the inflow of substantial SSA genes is a death-knell for any peoples. That’s just the way it is and anyone who wishes to maintain racial quality must be steadfast against miscegenation. Perhaps one day genetic engineering technology will save the Africans from their lousy fate, but it is wise for everyone else to play it safe for the time being.

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Na, Yankees/Puritans been niggerphilic since the mid 1600s.
    Montreal used to host miscegenation parties in the 1920s.

    It was only outcry by the rest of America keeping it in check.
    Just as niggers are genetically dumb – certain tribes are genetically cucks.


  641. @silviosilver
    @Greasy William

    To adapt in four days is incredible. Any idea how long you stayed in for? One reason I want to do this is that I feel the cold much more than most people. I suppose it's partly because I'm very lean, but that can't be the whole explanation because on days when I'm wearing a jacket and a scarf and still nevertheless shivering, I notice other dudes of comparable leanness in t-shirts who seem to be doing fine. I sometimes say it to them: "Dude, how the fuck aren't you freezing?" I often get a "it's not that cold" response.
    Freakin amazes me.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    IIRC (this was in the winter of 2016), I had somewhat adjusted on the first day; in that after the 60 seconds or so it took me to fully adjust to the cold, the water felt comfortable, even refreshing. I even remember being frustrated that I couldn’t get the water colder.

    When I say it took me four days, I mean it took until then that I was able to jump directly into the cold without a huge feeling of dread and no longer reacting to the shock of cold by involuntarily hyperventilating. Although even then there was always some nervousness and I gave it up shortly thereafter.

    I’m sure you’ve heard of the Wim Hof method. That was what I was trying to learn but it didn’t work for me. I just stayed in until I got used to it. Wim Hof may work for you though so no harm in trying.

    If I were in your situation, I’d pursue your goal as follows:
    1. Get blood work done and make sure your hypersensitivity to cold isn’t due to an underlying medical issue
    2. Learn the Wim Hof method
    3. Try doing the Jon Kabot Zinn body scan meditation before attempting cold showers or ice baths
    4. Go straight to ice baths. Do as much as you can everyday, or even multiple times a day, for a week and see if you notice any progress. If you are making progress, just stick with that until you get it.
    5. If none of those things work, the only remaining possibility is self hypnosis. You do this by combining dry fasting w/ sleep deprivation. When you are at 120 hours with no food/water and 72 hours of no sleep, your left brain will essentially no longer be functioning so you should be able to effectively brainwash yourself. Just relentlessly pump suggestions into your head that you do not mind the cold. Not that you don’t feel it, that won’t work, just that you don’t mind it.

    As to point number 5, remember: willpower does not work. Those who successfully push themselves beyond the limits of what other people can endure do not do so because they have superior will, but rather because their subconscious won’t allow them to do anything else. If you reprogram your subconscious, many things that are impossible to accomplish through sheer willpower become trivially easy

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Greasy William

    IIRC (this was in the winter of 2016), I had somewhat adjusted on the first day; in that after the 60 seconds or so it took me to fully adjust to the cold, the water felt comfortable, even refreshing. I even remember being frustrated that I couldn’t get the water colder.
    60 seconds to "adjust" huh. Not my experience at all. You and I are surely built quite differently. Today was the coldest morning this year down my way (~35-40). I managed to last all of 20 seconds, and I've been at this for months.

    Re your advice, taking the various points in turn:

    1. I'd never considered that, thanks. Hypothryoidism is what comes up most often as the culprit when I google it, but I don't match any of the other symptoms of that condition, so I'm thinking that's prob not it.

    2. I've heard of him and already looked into it before, but I've forgotten most of it and will take a look again.

    3. I've heard of him before, seems like he's a big name in the mindfulness community. I've made abortive attempts at mindfulness before, but given up out of boredom and lack of any discernible difference it was making. (If the practice of it differs substantially from general meditation, I'm not noticing it.)

    4. I think I'll try less drastic measures first, lol.

    5. See point 4, but double lol (wrt to a 120 hour fast).

    As for self-hypnosis, I got it into years ago. There have been a handful of occasions I've attained some fantastically deep trances - or put differently, maybe just actually managed to enter what was undeniably a trance state at all. The other times (as in 995/1000) I think all I've done is achieved a relaxed state, but definitely not the kind of "altered state of consciousness" one associates with a trance. I'd love to be able to go into those trance states at will, but it gets so frustrating when you try, try and try and get nothing.

    "Willpower doesn't work" is a central tenet of popular self-help literature. For a long time I accepted this rather uncritically. Then I read a book "Willpower:Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength" by Roy Baumeister (a big shot in self-regulation research) which changed my opinion somewhat. I think it's about time I reviewed that book.

  642. @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Homosexuals should be criticized whenever necessary, as should Jews. For instance, gay men were probably not doing a good job with safe sex precautions (condoms, etc) back in the 1980s, hence the AIDS epidemic among them. Likewise, some right-wing Jews are notable for their bigotry towards gentiles:

    Both of these things warrant criticism. I never said that either homosexuals or Jews should be exempt from criticism. For that matter, Israel's ongoing occupation of Palestine should also be criticized.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

    Okay, perhaps now we can discuss a bit.

    You being Gay is no business of mine, it’s your private affairs. Love is love and all. But there are Gays and there are fags. Gays are people who have a more or less normal behavior as most straight people also do, but they have other affective and sexual needs. As long as it is kept among consenting adults it is all good if everyone is happy. Now fags (пидоры) are something else entirely, they are obnoxious and unhinged. Basically sick people who do not fit with the average normal population. Lately you started behaving like a fag would do; posting crap about teenage trannies, and writing that kids should be allowed to take part in drag queen shows.

    This is beyond the pale (pun intended), and in a real life situation, where I come from, you would be put down real hard and it would be painful. Not because you are Gay, but because you are overstepping the boundaries of decency and acting like a fag.

    Now about the Jews, there is a similar distinction to be made: there are Jews, and then there are Yids. Jews are mostly normal people who have a different Abrahamic religion than other Abrahamics and have an old and interesting (although mostly mythological) historical record. Yids on the other hand are obnoxious, nefarious and hell bent on creating problems to the Gentiles. Usually the Yids attempt at flexing their supposed superiority over Goyim, use lobbying and corruption to get to the top and don’t eschew at using violence on those who stand in the way of their ambitions.

    Being Jew is no problem with me or any saine person in general (hardcore antisemites are not really sane). Being a Yid is a very bad karma to carry. When you single out Muslims for criticism, and do not see the beam in the eye of your tribe, you come up as a Yid. But if you recognize that both the Jews and Muslims have a part of responsibility in the current situation, then you are a decent person of Jewish background.

    For that matter, Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestine should also be criticized.

    So when do you start ?

    Now please understand me right, Islamist terrorism is disgusting. But so is Isreali settler terrorism. And being myself a non-Abrahamic Goy, I wish you left us all out of your petty Semitic squabbles. Get your shit right, live and let live. You are family and your G-d (actually the Demiurge) supposedly gave this part of the World to the Abraham’s offspring. So why don’t you get along Jews and Arabs and stay there, all of you ?

    Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

    • Agree: Yahya
  643. @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Homosexuals should be criticized whenever necessary, as should Jews. For instance, gay men were probably not doing a good job with safe sex precautions (condoms, etc) back in the 1980s, hence the AIDS epidemic among them. Likewise, some right-wing Jews are notable for their bigotry towards gentiles:

    Both of these things warrant criticism. I never said that either homosexuals or Jews should be exempt from criticism. For that matter, Israel's ongoing occupation of Palestine should also be criticized.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

    Ovadia was not right wing at all. I remember the wailing from secular Israeli journalists when he passed. He refused to deny that he was a Zionist (because he was), repeatedly advocated for Israel to surrender territory to the PLO, tried to double cross Shamir to form a left wing government before being shamed out of it by the haredi Ashkenazic rabbis, was instrumental in getting the Oslo accords passed, advocated for Ethiopian Christians to be brought to Israel, advocated for the validity of the totally ridiculous joke conversions that the IDF performs to get around the Chief Rabbinate, repeatedly granted audience to the most loathsome left wing political figures in Israel, put far left scumbag Aryeh Deri in charge of Shas and called on soldiers not to refuse orders during the expulsion from Gaza.

    You can like or not like Ovadia (I did not), but the man was a leftist.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    What's interesting is that he doesn't appear to have had a compassionate attitude towards the "non-Jews" who immigrated to Israel, especially from the former USSR. Why exactly was this the case?

    Replies: @Greasy William

  644. @S

    This isn’t all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word).
    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.

    They all like to “mop up” what they can get.
    When I use the term 'mopping up' here, I mean in the sense of systematically 'finishing off' any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.

    As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where – hot.
    I'd suspect very hot. :-)

    ...not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them.
    Thanks for the thought. :-)

    Hatred doesn't do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.

    Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions.
    I suppose I see it simply as a long term very dysfunctional relationship, bad ultimately for both the Anglo and Jew. Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast – there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could’ve been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should’ve been created.
    I think one of the greatest divides within humanity at present is the one between those who think race and ethnicity is real, and worthy of preservation, and those who think it is simply a phantasm, and of no particular value, though these same people on occasion will cynically use the subject of race if they think they can make short term political gain out of it, ie particularly in regards the subject of 'Blacks', aka Sub-Saharan Africans.

    IMO this type of person is delusional, and only have the luxury of their delusion because their fellows, out of misplaced sentimentality, have allowed these persons to parasite off the more responsible members of the larger society. The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.

    As the world is a big place, an area with abundant resources should have been allotted for the anti-race people known euphemistically as 'anti-racists'. Unfortunately, as a group, they seem arrogant, quite intolerant, not to mention totalitarian, and I doubt would be readily agreeable to such a thing.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren't about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.

    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into “partaking”.
    Yes, easier said than done to be sure, though it's sometimes the best thing.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them. The same with 1930's Germany. No matter what Germany did, or, did not do (short of complete unconditionsl submission to the US/UK) the Anglosphere was going to war against them, too, for it's own geo-political global empire interests. That doesn't mean that Germany or Russia should have reacted (or react at present) with 'anything goes' on their part, just something to be aware of.

    'Refusing' to go along with the prescribed 'narrative' makes things harder for them, perhaps much harder. [I advocate people's refusal within the Anglosphere, of course, too.]

    But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century.)
    Again, I put much of the responsibility for that on the self declared 'enlightened'/'progressive' set with their well over a century of top/down revolutions.
    They put the peoples of Europe in these almost impossible situations of that time. These peoples were desperately wanting (understandably) to retain their identities. I should add, despite the fancy definitions, I see Fascism in particular, and National Socialism to a degree, to be in certain ways simply the old King/Emperor system of the past, but with some modern trappings.

    [Will try to respond to more of your post a bit later.]

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @LatW

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.

    The problem is that they exist or their heritage still exists. Some of these inherited problems persist. We are forced to deal with them, to work with them. We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You’ll probably say “US/UK alliance”.

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.

    It looks like people are mixing more now (look at Jared and Ivanka). So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.

    I know that’s what you meant, but I think that when they “mop up” like that they are also “grabbing”, incorporating into their so called “sphere of influence”, because they are cleaning out space for themselves, and acquiring access without resistance. All empires and even large countries have done it and very brutally.

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.

    Vigilant. It is good to call things out immediately and debate them openly, not let things fester and go too far.

    The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.

    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn’t mean one doesn’t love humanity.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.

    Absolutely true. This is a power trip for them and they need us to lord it over somebody. If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.

    This is highly debatable. I don’t agree actually, I believe the West would’ve swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now – they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would’ve gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would’ve definitely been emboldened.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?
    For a long time yet. Liberals Jews were mixing at a rate of 72% according to the 2013 Pew survey, while 99% of ultra-orthodox marry inhouse. Apostasy rates are hard to measure, but doubtful it's more than 10% of ultra-orthodox leave (some return, and some are new recruits). And since it's the ultra-orthodox having all the kids, they're the future of American Jewry.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Mr. XYZ

    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn’t mean one doesn’t love humanity.
    White people are beautiful and are worth preserving at least for aesthetic reasons. This is why I view it as desirable for whites to marry other whites if they can find a good mate, though obviously I don't believe that the state should make laws about whom consenting adults can marry.

    This is highly debatable. I don’t agree actually, I believe the West would’ve swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.
    Yes, the West would have likely responded to a Russian annexation of the separatist-controlled parts of the Donbass with only a slap on the wrist. Nord Stream 2 would have likely been revived eventually, if no one would have blown it up beforehand.

    But really, the best thing for Russia would have been to not get involved at all in Ukraine starting from 2014. The next best thing would have been for Russia to quickly annex both Crimea and the Donbass in 2014 and leave the rest of Ukraine alone, perhaps using Russian consent to Ukrainian NATO membership as a bargaining chip to get Ukraine to agree to these Russian annexations in the long-run if done with UN-supervised plebiscites.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now – they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would’ve gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would’ve definitely been emboldened.
    @AP argues that Ukraine's language laws are no worse than those of France or the Baltic countries and also it's worth noting that Ukraine's Russian speakers could file lawsuits against the Ukrainian government in European courts if they think that Ukraine is violating any of its treaty obligations in regards to language rights, no?

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Sean

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdraws completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.

    This is highly debatable. I don’t agree actually

    The US never ceased seeking geopolitical positional advantage over Russia , which did not disappear as a potentially powerful rival force in the world when the USSR abolished itself. The power of a state is always relative to rivals, therefore taking any and every opportunity to weaken Russia makes America greater. So attenuating and if possible eliminating Russia as an actor on the international stage is a prime objective of US foreign policy, and would be no matter what kind of government Russia had. Ukraine detaching itself from Russia happened while Boris Yeltsin headed the Kremlin and yet it was thought instantly necessary to have agreements whereby Russia agreed to not violate Ukraine territorial integrity.

    However, with an eye to how much of a blow to the position of Russia in the world the departure of Ukraine had been (Brzezinski: 'ceased to be an empire),Clinton always emphasised that Ukraine was very different to Poland ECT and could not be considered a potential future Nato member. The Budapest Memorandum held good well into the Putin era as can be seen from how Ukraine's territory and sovereignty were not violated by Russia during the Orange Revolution. It did not survive the Presidency of Bush the Younger though; his trying to force through a full Nato membership for Ukraine and succeeding in getting an announcement that Ukrainian membership was delayed but was only be a matter of time, which led Putin (who had started by asking if Russia could join Nato) to tell then ex pres Clinton in 2011 that Russia would no longer consider itself bound by Budapest.

    The victim of the Orange Revolution in 2004 had been the ethic Russian president elect Yanukovych who lost the re-run of the election that followed. In 2014 while well into a term he won fairly, President Yanukovych agreed on an economic (with military aspects) EU deal that cut out traditional trading partner Russia. This forced Putin to up the offer to Ukraine it its favour. Russia would buy massive amounts of bonds from Ukraine, and provide heavily discounted gas; a much better deal than Putin originally had offered Yanuckovych. It was for taking the much improved deal he forced Putin to make that Yanukovych was overthrown by nationalist demonstrators (for the 2nd time). Poroshenko man who's organised EuroMaidan and was widely expected to become the new president began publicly talking about abrogating the agreement whereby Russia was allowed to have military bases on Crimea, for which they paid, and kicking the Black Sea Fleet out entirely. Those were very foolish things to say, coming as they did on top of EuroMaidan , and it ought not to have surprised anyone (especially with the precedent Ukraine patron had furnished per US invasion of Iraq) that Crimea was promptly annexed and Donbass subjected to an undercover invasion

    , @S

    We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You’ll probably say “US/UK alliance”.
    One could make a pretty good case that the British Empire is very much undead, and lives on (as planned) in the form of the United States.

    If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.
    Yes, it was tried once by Jim Jones with
    the creation the world's very first woke autonomous zone called Jonestown. The experiment ended badly, however.

    Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.
    The reduction and ultimate destruction of Russia and the Russian people has been a primary objective of each of the three US/UK led world wars. The fact that these war's flashpoints, which could have been anywhere on the Earth, has been Sarajevo, Danzig, and now Kiev, in each instance moving ever closer to Moscow, should not be seen as coincidental.

    As Ian Fleming, an employee of British naval intelligence, once aptly said:

    'Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.'
  645. Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL

    In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

    They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

    Half these “liberals” are just commies in sheep’s clothing, but I’m beyond caring. Fuck them all.

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there’s nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    I saw this and it's truly awesome. It's also why I am no longer strongly opposed to immigration. I'm still anti immigration, but it is not a priority for me at this time.

    , @LatW

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there’s nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.
    One option could be to let the muzzes destroy the shitlibs, and then take on the muzzes. They do submit when you show strength.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Ivashka the fool

    Just read the article. It was to be expected. The West damaged by Wokism that brings atomization upon the local middle class and destroys families, will be an easy prey to Islam. I have written about it happening right now. But a part I found most amusing was:

    For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit. By 2013, largely Muslim Bangladeshi and Yemeni immigrants supplanted the white eastern Europeans, though the city remains home to significant populations of those groups, as well as African Americans, whites and Bosnian and Albanian Americans. According to the 2020 census some 30% to 38% of Hamtramck’s residents are of Yemeni descent, and 24% are of Asian descent, largely Bangladeshi.

    After several years of diversity on the council, some see irony in an all-male, Muslim elected government that does not reflect the city’s makeup.

    The resolution, which also prohibits the display of flags with ethnic, racist and political views, comes at a time when LGBTQ+ rights are under assault worldwide, and other US cities have passed similar bans, with the vast majority driven by often white politically conservative Americans.
    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?

    They can go and celebrate the Pride Month in the old countries of their ancestors.

    BTW, is it true that Latvian president is a Jew, while its prime minister is an open Gay ?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AP

    , @A123

    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL
    Are events like this staged? If not, they are wildly over covered by the Fake Stream Media. They do not represent actual views of Muslims in the U.S.

    This is much more typical of Islam in America: (1)

    Liliana Bakhtiari, a non-binary candidate for city council in Atlanta, won election to the 5th District in a run-off election that concluded on November 30.

    Bakhtiari, who uses “she” and “they” pronouns, was one of a handful of candidates that needed to get past the 50 percent threshold to earn their seat. They earned more than 66 percent of the vote, based on final election night data.
    With their election, Bakhtiari becomes approximately the 13th non-binary elected official in the entire United States, and the first to serve the city of Atlanta. They are also the first queer Muslim elected official in the state of Georgia’s history, and the second Iranian-American serving on the Atlanta City Council.

    “I didn’t come out to myself until I was 23, but I knew I was different when I was in preschool. The idea of being able to be elected getting to be my whole self is never something I thought would be celebrated,” Bakhtiari told LGBTQ Nation in an interview published in October.


    If you do not believe me... Name some state or national elected Muslims who are even vaguely normal. You cannot, as they are all Leftoids. Team SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam's leaders include:

    • Ilhan Omar
    • Rashida Tlaib
    • Keith Ellision

    I could go on, but you see the problem.

    When is the last time you heard Louis Farrakhan State that "marriage is between a man and a woman"? Probably two decades ago. SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam had proven its power to coerce and control those who resist The Message.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @QCIC

  646. @Mr. XYZ

    Ted K specifically wasn't happy being a man:

    For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist, but changed his mind in the waiting room and discussed other things instead, without disclosing his original reason for making the appointment. Afterwards, enraged, he considered killing the psychiatrist and other people whom he hated. Kaczynski described this episode as a "major turning point" in his life.[32][33] He recalled: "I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope."[34]
    Anyway, back to the topic of high-IQ and attractive, Ali Larter appears to fit the bill, no?

    Based on her parents' occupations, one would think that she would be fairly high-IQ, even after taking regression towards the mean into account, no?

    "Larter was born in the suburb of Cherry Hill, New Jersey,[7] the daughter of Margaret, a realtor, and Danforth Larter, a trucking executive."

    Seems like her parents were upper-middle-class.

    Replies: @LatW


    Seems like her parents were upper-middle-class.

    It’s not just a class thing… a smart woman’s hypergamy can actually make it so that her offspring come out much smarter than her.

    And eventually we all have to come to terms with out orientation. 🙂

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It’s not just a class thing… a smart woman’s hypergamy can actually make it so that her offspring come out much smarter than her.
    That's very far from clear due to regression towards the mean, on average.

    And eventually we all have to come to terms with out orientation. 🙂
    *Our* orientation?

    And Ted K was conflicted more about his gender identity than about his sexual orientation.
  647. @LatW

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.
    The problem is that they exist or their heritage still exists. Some of these inherited problems persist. We are forced to deal with them, to work with them. We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You'll probably say "US/UK alliance".

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.
    It looks like people are mixing more now (look at Jared and Ivanka). So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.
    I know that's what you meant, but I think that when they "mop up" like that they are also "grabbing", incorporating into their so called "sphere of influence", because they are cleaning out space for themselves, and acquiring access without resistance. All empires and even large countries have done it and very brutally.

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.
    Vigilant. It is good to call things out immediately and debate them openly, not let things fester and go too far.

    The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.
    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn't mean one doesn't love humanity.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.
    Absolutely true. This is a power trip for them and they need us to lord it over somebody. If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.
    This is highly debatable. I don't agree actually, I believe the West would've swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now - they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would've gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would've definitely been emboldened.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ, @Sean, @S

    So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    For a long time yet. Liberals Jews were mixing at a rate of 72% according to the 2013 Pew survey, while 99% of ultra-orthodox marry inhouse. Apostasy rates are hard to measure, but doubtful it’s more than 10% of ultra-orthodox leave (some return, and some are new recruits). And since it’s the ultra-orthodox having all the kids, they’re the future of American Jewry.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What's the data for non-Ultra-Orthodox Orthodox Jews?

  648. @silviosilver
    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL

    In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

    They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

    Half these "liberals" are just commies in sheep's clothing, but I'm beyond caring. Fuck them all.

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there's nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW, @Ivashka the fool, @A123

    I saw this and it’s truly awesome. It’s also why I am no longer strongly opposed to immigration. I’m still anti immigration, but it is not a priority for me at this time.

  649. @silviosilver
    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL

    In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

    They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

    Half these "liberals" are just commies in sheep's clothing, but I'm beyond caring. Fuck them all.

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there's nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW, @Ivashka the fool, @A123

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there’s nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.

    One option could be to let the muzzes destroy the shitlibs, and then take on the muzzes. They do submit when you show strength.

    • Agree: Greasy William, Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?

    I mean, if your side cannot take the liberals on their own, while you admit that Muslims perhaps might succeed in doing something that you fail to do, then wouldn't that mean that Muslims would become not only stronger than the progressives, but also and mostly stronger than your side as well ?

    Replies: @LatW, @LatW

  650. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Seems like her parents were upper-middle-class.
    It's not just a class thing... a smart woman's hypergamy can actually make it so that her offspring come out much smarter than her.

    And eventually we all have to come to terms with out orientation. :)

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It’s not just a class thing… a smart woman’s hypergamy can actually make it so that her offspring come out much smarter than her.

    That’s very far from clear due to regression towards the mean, on average.

    And eventually we all have to come to terms with out orientation. 🙂

    *Our* orientation?

    And Ted K was conflicted more about his gender identity than about his sexual orientation.

  651. @silviosilver

    So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?
    For a long time yet. Liberals Jews were mixing at a rate of 72% according to the 2013 Pew survey, while 99% of ultra-orthodox marry inhouse. Apostasy rates are hard to measure, but doubtful it's more than 10% of ultra-orthodox leave (some return, and some are new recruits). And since it's the ultra-orthodox having all the kids, they're the future of American Jewry.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What’s the data for non-Ultra-Orthodox Orthodox Jews?

  652. @LatW

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there’s nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.
    One option could be to let the muzzes destroy the shitlibs, and then take on the muzzes. They do submit when you show strength.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?

    I mean, if your side cannot take the liberals on their own, while you admit that Muslims perhaps might succeed in doing something that you fail to do, then wouldn’t that mean that Muslims would become not only stronger than the progressives, but also and mostly stronger than your side as well ?

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Very simple. If Muslims, who despite the claims of growing Islamization, will most likely not be predominantly White, do take over the liberals, most likely they will create an unstable society. One to one with strong and self-aware Whites, who show no scruples or "tolerance" around them, they collapse.

    Btw, we see this in this war, too - the Kadyrovites did not show themselves in such a great light, not all that brave or technically savvy, granted, the Kafirovites are not real Muslims, but the ones in the future, by the time there are more of them in Europe, will also not be real Muslims, but most likely some kind of a spiritual hybrid that lives with one foot in his religion, with another - in the Western goodies. They will be compromised. Without the protection of the liberals, they are not that strong, one to one.

    Of course, the avant guard of the White men may have to be sacrificed, but I'm sure there will be enough men who will be be ok with it. Looking into the future, I bow my head in front of these men.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?
    Oh, and just to add: the dynamic in these two situations is different. White liberals, as loathsome as they are, are still our co-ethnics, in many cases in the West, parents, kids. It is psychologically difficult to fight them. With Muslims / non-white invaders, that barrier will no longer be there. There will be no attachment of any kind.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  653. @LatW

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.
    The problem is that they exist or their heritage still exists. Some of these inherited problems persist. We are forced to deal with them, to work with them. We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You'll probably say "US/UK alliance".

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.
    It looks like people are mixing more now (look at Jared and Ivanka). So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.
    I know that's what you meant, but I think that when they "mop up" like that they are also "grabbing", incorporating into their so called "sphere of influence", because they are cleaning out space for themselves, and acquiring access without resistance. All empires and even large countries have done it and very brutally.

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.
    Vigilant. It is good to call things out immediately and debate them openly, not let things fester and go too far.

    The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.
    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn't mean one doesn't love humanity.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.
    Absolutely true. This is a power trip for them and they need us to lord it over somebody. If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.
    This is highly debatable. I don't agree actually, I believe the West would've swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now - they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would've gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would've definitely been emboldened.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ, @Sean, @S

    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn’t mean one doesn’t love humanity.

    White people are beautiful and are worth preserving at least for aesthetic reasons. This is why I view it as desirable for whites to marry other whites if they can find a good mate, though obviously I don’t believe that the state should make laws about whom consenting adults can marry.

    This is highly debatable. I don’t agree actually, I believe the West would’ve swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    Yes, the West would have likely responded to a Russian annexation of the separatist-controlled parts of the Donbass with only a slap on the wrist. Nord Stream 2 would have likely been revived eventually, if no one would have blown it up beforehand.

    But really, the best thing for Russia would have been to not get involved at all in Ukraine starting from 2014. The next best thing would have been for Russia to quickly annex both Crimea and the Donbass in 2014 and leave the rest of Ukraine alone, perhaps using Russian consent to Ukrainian NATO membership as a bargaining chip to get Ukraine to agree to these Russian annexations in the long-run if done with UN-supervised plebiscites.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now – they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would’ve gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would’ve definitely been emboldened.

    argues that Ukraine’s language laws are no worse than those of France or the Baltic countries and also it’s worth noting that Ukraine’s Russian speakers could file lawsuits against the Ukrainian government in European courts if they think that Ukraine is violating any of its treaty obligations in regards to language rights, no?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    @AP argues that Ukraine’s language laws are no worse than those of France or the Baltic countries and also it’s worth noting that Ukraine’s Russian speakers could file lawsuits against the Ukrainian government in European courts if they think that Ukraine is violating any of its treaty obligations in regards to language rights, no?


    Why should they have to? They don't speak English or French well and applying through these courts would be a major hassle and it takes forever. They don't want to be in that position. But the above is probably correct and I can attest that the original Russian speakers, their kids in the Baltic states, still speak native level, non-accented Russian. But they are slowly becoming culturally integrated or even assimilated. They are great. And most of them will keep their language for a very long time to come. It is maintained in its own space.

    But the Russian side does not consider this acceptable in that region. As I already noted before, they should've just let things be - I met a refugee woman from Donbas in 2016, and she said they have Ukrainian lessons at school, this would've been sufficient. They were all bilingual all along. This is not about language. The Russian side intervened in the wrong manner, and the Donbas people are victims.

    The problem in Donbas was that they startled the Russian speaking population and threatened to cut them away from Russia. And there was hostility. Also, Russia did interfere with troops and officers, later on intervened with the "Northern wind". Somebody threw in fakes in the media to rile up the Russians (the fake crucifixion story). This would have never been allowed to run in the Baltics, even during a time of a crisis (the editors would not let it through). So overall the Ukrainians had a much, much more challenging situation.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  654. @Yevardian

    If you can ignore the profusion of expletives and his obsession with AP, Gerard is a decent poster, unfair to group him with those other defectives on my evergrowing IgnoreRoll (is John Johnson from the same botfarm as Laxa?). Recent new posters aren't a goodsign, not even retarded enough to be amusing (A123, Greasy William, etc).

    Is 'KhadiraForest' a longtime lurker announcing they're done with the necroblog, or alt-handle for an old poster?

    Might post an updated booklog to try keeping the thread alive, if Dmitry or G_R show up.

    Replies: @A123, @Mikel, @A123, @Dmitry

    Greasy William, etc).

    Is ‘KhadiraForest’ a

    “KhadiraForest” – AltanBakshi, one of the better users in the forum.

    “Greasy William” – eccentric rightwing religious American which used to post here few years ago.

    “The Big Red Scary” – eccentric rightwing religious American which used to post here few years ago.

    “Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” – Bashibuzuk using a new account. His personality is similar to Karlin, becomes obsessed with an internet theory, expects everyone would know his internet terms.

    “Mr. XYZ” – this is an older user who also had a different account name (I’ll remember their old name). They are always polite, but I guess, they could have aspergers spectrum personality using strange but logical replies.

    “Gerard” – the most cultural person in the forum, maybe with Utu. Connoisseur of films, music, football, 20th century culture. But I don’t follow or understand their trolling after 2022.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” – Bashibuzuk using a new account. His personality is similar to Karlin, becomes obsessed with an internet theory, expects everyone would know his internet terms.
    Gimme a break.

    And I am being polite here.

    1) the fact that you didn't know the term while it was used in RusFed for many years already, only shows that you are unaware of the trends in the political subcultures and memetic space of the RusFed. If you cared less about all these stupid Noviop hip hop artists, and more about what political activists think and/or say in RusFed-ian underground, you wouldn't be surprised at the fact that others find the term meaningful.

    2) I have never done sock-puppetry and never will

    3) You find that I am obsessive because I consistently show that two multiculti elites, both full of corrupt scoundrels, have brought war and ruin on the Eastern Slavs ? I don't think you find me obsessive when I discuss things that you are interested in. Sad that you are not interested in the people dying in that war. Perhaps it is because they're not your people.

    BTW, do you see Russians as your people ? What about Ukrainians ? Or Jews ? And do you also extend your pacifism to the Tsahal, or is it excluded from your moral judgements ?

    Replies: @Dmitry

  655. @Dmitry

    Greasy William, etc).

    Is ‘KhadiraForest’ a

    "KhadiraForest" - AltanBakshi, one of the better users in the forum.

    "Greasy William" - eccentric rightwing religious American which used to post here few years ago.

    "The Big Red Scary" - eccentric rightwing religious American which used to post here few years ago.

    "Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere" - Bashibuzuk using a new account. His personality is similar to Karlin, becomes obsessed with an internet theory, expects everyone would know his internet terms.

    "Mr. XYZ" - this is an older user who also had a different account name (I'll remember their old name). They are always polite, but I guess, they could have aspergers spectrum personality using strange but logical replies.

    "Gerard" - the most cultural person in the forum, maybe with Utu. Connoisseur of films, music, football, 20th century culture. But I don't follow or understand their trolling after 2022.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” – Bashibuzuk using a new account. His personality is similar to Karlin, becomes obsessed with an internet theory, expects everyone would know his internet terms.

    Gimme a break.

    And I am being polite here.

    1) the fact that you didn’t know the term while it was used in RusFed for many years already, only shows that you are unaware of the trends in the political subcultures and memetic space of the RusFed. If you cared less about all these stupid Noviop hip hop artists, and more about what political activists think and/or say in RusFed-ian underground, you wouldn’t be surprised at the fact that others find the term meaningful.

    2) I have never done sock-puppetry and never will

    3) You find that I am obsessive because I consistently show that two multiculti elites, both full of corrupt scoundrels, have brought war and ruin on the Eastern Slavs ? I don’t think you find me obsessive when I discuss things that you are interested in. Sad that you are not interested in the people dying in that war. Perhaps it is because they’re not your people.

    BTW, do you see Russians as your people ? What about Ukrainians ? Or Jews ? And do you also extend your pacifism to the Tsahal, or is it excluded from your moral judgements ?

    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    It is similar kind of obsession to Karlin. I guess I touched a sensitive point to notice. Just you're from a bit different internet forums. As for your other inferences, not sure where they are from, it seems like you confuse me with a different user, maybe AP or Mr Hack.

    If "Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere" is not one of your accounts, then I guess it is "Blinky Bill". So, my apology for confusing you for the Blinky Bill's new account, you both posted with this style in the previous threads to each other, but the name is from your posts.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  656. @Ivashka the fool

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?

    I mean, if your side cannot take the liberals on their own, while you admit that Muslims perhaps might succeed in doing something that you fail to do, then wouldn't that mean that Muslims would become not only stronger than the progressives, but also and mostly stronger than your side as well ?

    Replies: @LatW, @LatW

    Very simple. If Muslims, who despite the claims of growing Islamization, will most likely not be predominantly White, do take over the liberals, most likely they will create an unstable society. One to one with strong and self-aware Whites, who show no scruples or “tolerance” around them, they collapse.

    Btw, we see this in this war, too – the Kadyrovites did not show themselves in such a great light, not all that brave or technically savvy, granted, the Kafirovites are not real Muslims, but the ones in the future, by the time there are more of them in Europe, will also not be real Muslims, but most likely some kind of a spiritual hybrid that lives with one foot in his religion, with another – in the Western goodies. They will be compromised. Without the protection of the liberals, they are not that strong, one to one.

    Of course, the avant guard of the White men may have to be sacrificed, but I’m sure there will be enough men who will be be ok with it. Looking into the future, I bow my head in front of these men.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    but most likely some kind of a spiritual hybrid that lives with one foot in his religion, with another – in the Western goodies.
    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined. So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren. All Abrahamics will end up living in the shade of the wide tree of the Oumma. We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don't lie.

    I’m sure there will be enough men who will be be ok with it.
    No there won't. White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism. The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.

    The Western women are only 7% conservative, the 93% are inclined towards liberal hedonism. Nobody will fight for them. Let them get what they deserve: pleasure, then oblivion.

    In Abrahamic lands it'll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.

    Replies: @LatW

  657. @silviosilver

    I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland – it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society.
    What a silly little man you are, Beckow. As if there is anything uniquely "Polish" in this. And thanks for the unintentionally apt description of yourself: joyless, resentful, flat. For all their racial lunacy, it cannot be denied that western Europeans - including the Germans you hate so much - have done an vastly superior job of getting over the past than have slavic sad sacks.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Beckow

    AP is an American tourist, visits Europe for some days every year. Then his hobby is to remember his vacation by arguing with the local Europeans on the forum about which country is better using limited information.

    I kind of emphasize with how he wanted to change the discussion sometimes. AP wanted to talk about topics like GDP, national development, tourist impressions. It’s more concrete and interesting than many topics here.

    But the inference from the limited information, could be related to the personality type which is perhaps including N and J. (I don’t know the other two letters). _N_J

    Beckow is a snobby Central European, who believes every nationality which lives outside Austria/Czech Republic is somekind of primitive uncivilized one which drinks bad beer and doesn’t have toilet paper.

    Poland, in viewpoint of Beckow, is a lower class country, which wants to be part of Central Europe, without having adequate qualifications. Beckow, believes, he is a real Central European and doesn’t want losers to sit next to him in the opera house.

    As for reality of Poland, from the world average, it can be a nice country. They have cobblestones and some European aspects, some parts of the Central European atmosphere. Relative to other European countries, it is below the average, so it is still one of the more boring zones in Europe. If I was AP’s wife and children, I would be hoping they will be flying the Atlantic ocean, to drink wine on the beach in Antiparos, not going to Lublin again.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    what personality type am I?

  658. @silviosilver
    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL

    In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

    They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

    Half these "liberals" are just commies in sheep's clothing, but I'm beyond caring. Fuck them all.

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there's nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW, @Ivashka the fool, @A123

    Just read the article. It was to be expected. The West damaged by Wokism that brings atomization upon the local middle class and destroys families, will be an easy prey to Islam. I have written about it happening right now. But a part I found most amusing was:

    For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit. By 2013, largely Muslim Bangladeshi and Yemeni immigrants supplanted the white eastern Europeans, though the city remains home to significant populations of those groups, as well as African Americans, whites and Bosnian and Albanian Americans. According to the 2020 census some 30% to 38% of Hamtramck’s residents are of Yemeni descent, and 24% are of Asian descent, largely Bangladeshi.

    After several years of diversity on the council, some see irony in an all-male, Muslim elected government that does not reflect the city’s makeup.

    The resolution, which also prohibits the display of flags with ethnic, racist and political views, comes at a time when LGBTQ+ rights are under assault worldwide, and other US cities have passed similar bans, with the vast majority driven by often white politically conservative Americans.

    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?

    They can go and celebrate the Pride Month in the old countries of their ancestors.

    BTW, is it true that Latvian president is a Jew, while its prime minister is an open Gay ?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    Have you read Elmore Leonard on the subject of Hammtramck Albanian immigrants? Some of it is hilarious. Sort of like if the character in the Borat movie was a serial felon with idiotic savant powers of police evasion.

    , @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    “For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit…”

    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?


    No, the Poles and Ukrainians mostly moved to wealthier suburbs up north in the 1990s. A Ukrainian church remains but the school also moved. There are a few Ukrainian and Polish grandmothers still there, and also illegal Ukrainian immigrants living there because rent is dirt cheap. I doubt they are protesting:-)

    Most of the white people currently living in Hamtramck are students and artists, also there for the cheap rent and because it is safer (for obvious demographic reasons) than cheap rent places in the city of Detroit. These are the likely protesters.

    There was once a famous club in Hamtramck that attracted Berlin djs:

    The Albanians of Hamtramck terrify the surrounding Black population.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  659. @Mr. XYZ

    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn’t mean one doesn’t love humanity.
    White people are beautiful and are worth preserving at least for aesthetic reasons. This is why I view it as desirable for whites to marry other whites if they can find a good mate, though obviously I don't believe that the state should make laws about whom consenting adults can marry.

    This is highly debatable. I don’t agree actually, I believe the West would’ve swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.
    Yes, the West would have likely responded to a Russian annexation of the separatist-controlled parts of the Donbass with only a slap on the wrist. Nord Stream 2 would have likely been revived eventually, if no one would have blown it up beforehand.

    But really, the best thing for Russia would have been to not get involved at all in Ukraine starting from 2014. The next best thing would have been for Russia to quickly annex both Crimea and the Donbass in 2014 and leave the rest of Ukraine alone, perhaps using Russian consent to Ukrainian NATO membership as a bargaining chip to get Ukraine to agree to these Russian annexations in the long-run if done with UN-supervised plebiscites.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now – they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would’ve gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would’ve definitely been emboldened.
    @AP argues that Ukraine's language laws are no worse than those of France or the Baltic countries and also it's worth noting that Ukraine's Russian speakers could file lawsuits against the Ukrainian government in European courts if they think that Ukraine is violating any of its treaty obligations in regards to language rights, no?

    Replies: @LatW

    argues that Ukraine’s language laws are no worse than those of France or the Baltic countries and also it’s worth noting that Ukraine’s Russian speakers could file lawsuits against the Ukrainian government in European courts if they think that Ukraine is violating any of its treaty obligations in regards to language rights, no?

    Why should they have to? They don’t speak English or French well and applying through these courts would be a major hassle and it takes forever. They don’t want to be in that position. But the above is probably correct and I can attest that the original Russian speakers, their kids in the Baltic states, still speak native level, non-accented Russian. But they are slowly becoming culturally integrated or even assimilated. They are great. And most of them will keep their language for a very long time to come. It is maintained in its own space.

    But the Russian side does not consider this acceptable in that region. As I already noted before, they should’ve just let things be – I met a refugee woman from Donbas in 2016, and she said they have Ukrainian lessons at school, this would’ve been sufficient. They were all bilingual all along. This is not about language. The Russian side intervened in the wrong manner, and the Donbas people are victims.

    The problem in Donbas was that they startled the Russian speaking population and threatened to cut them away from Russia. And there was hostility. Also, Russia did interfere with troops and officers, later on intervened with the “Northern wind”. Somebody threw in fakes in the media to rile up the Russians (the fake crucifixion story). This would have never been allowed to run in the Baltics, even during a time of a crisis (the editors would not let it through). So overall the Ukrainians had a much, much more challenging situation.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    They don’t speak English or French well
    They can hire a lawyer who does, though. And a translator, if necessary.

    Also, here in the US, on both the federal level and the state level, a lot of issues get settled by the courts.

    Replies: @LatW

  660. @Ivashka the fool

    Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” – Bashibuzuk using a new account. His personality is similar to Karlin, becomes obsessed with an internet theory, expects everyone would know his internet terms.
    Gimme a break.

    And I am being polite here.

    1) the fact that you didn't know the term while it was used in RusFed for many years already, only shows that you are unaware of the trends in the political subcultures and memetic space of the RusFed. If you cared less about all these stupid Noviop hip hop artists, and more about what political activists think and/or say in RusFed-ian underground, you wouldn't be surprised at the fact that others find the term meaningful.

    2) I have never done sock-puppetry and never will

    3) You find that I am obsessive because I consistently show that two multiculti elites, both full of corrupt scoundrels, have brought war and ruin on the Eastern Slavs ? I don't think you find me obsessive when I discuss things that you are interested in. Sad that you are not interested in the people dying in that war. Perhaps it is because they're not your people.

    BTW, do you see Russians as your people ? What about Ukrainians ? Or Jews ? And do you also extend your pacifism to the Tsahal, or is it excluded from your moral judgements ?

    Replies: @Dmitry

    It is similar kind of obsession to Karlin. I guess I touched a sensitive point to notice. Just you’re from a bit different internet forums. As for your other inferences, not sure where they are from, it seems like you confuse me with a different user, maybe AP or Mr Hack.

    If “Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” is not one of your accounts, then I guess it is “Blinky Bill”. So, my apology for confusing you for the Blinky Bill’s new account, you both posted with this style in the previous threads to each other, but the name is from your posts.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    “Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” is not one of your accounts, then I guess it is “Blinky Bill”.
    Yes oops that's Blinky Bill not Bashibuzuk, they post from the google cache.
  661. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Very simple. If Muslims, who despite the claims of growing Islamization, will most likely not be predominantly White, do take over the liberals, most likely they will create an unstable society. One to one with strong and self-aware Whites, who show no scruples or "tolerance" around them, they collapse.

    Btw, we see this in this war, too - the Kadyrovites did not show themselves in such a great light, not all that brave or technically savvy, granted, the Kafirovites are not real Muslims, but the ones in the future, by the time there are more of them in Europe, will also not be real Muslims, but most likely some kind of a spiritual hybrid that lives with one foot in his religion, with another - in the Western goodies. They will be compromised. Without the protection of the liberals, they are not that strong, one to one.

    Of course, the avant guard of the White men may have to be sacrificed, but I'm sure there will be enough men who will be be ok with it. Looking into the future, I bow my head in front of these men.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    but most likely some kind of a spiritual hybrid that lives with one foot in his religion, with another – in the Western goodies.

    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined. So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren. All Abrahamics will end up living in the shade of the wide tree of the Oumma. We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don’t lie.

    I’m sure there will be enough men who will be be ok with it.

    No there won’t. White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism. The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.

    The Western women are only 7% conservative, the 93% are inclined towards liberal hedonism. Nobody will fight for them. Let them get what they deserve: pleasure, then oblivion.

    In Abrahamic lands it’ll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    Many long for past glories. While it is important, longing does not mean doing. And I'm sure the French people can speak for themselves.

    And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    There are many smart people out there, including among European conservatives. But again, as I've said before, IQ isn't everything.

    So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren.


    I know European converts, a couple I know have 5 beautiful, blond children. Guess what, none of our other friends ever followed this weirdo or did what he did. Guess what this weirdo said once - "I want my daughter to run a Muslim school in Latvia". Hahahahahahha! Look what a weak spot he has in his heart. Their religion is simply not that attractive for most Europeans. And, by the way, there is nothing to fear in this religion. Already Nietzsche liked it and for all the right reasons.

    We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don’t lie.
    Prophecies can be interpreted in different ways.

    White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism.
    That's exactly the reason not to abandon everything that the White men have built. The kids know this instinctively.

    And contrary to the MRA talking points, it is just not true that they have become "expendable". Quit looking at woke ads, look at the real world. Most of the highest paying jobs and status positions, or at least, many of them, are held by white family men. The majority of our appliances are probably still being fixed by them as well. There are also backlashes to feminism happening all over the place. Feminism is not all bad either, and it can be managed. It's just that most people don't like working with younger women, you have to work with them, they are very pliant by their very nature.

    The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.
    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women. I see it with very young boys, they are magnetized by their culture very early and take sides early. These boys, as they grow into men, will have a phase of searching and maybe some rebellion, but most of them will fall back to their roots. Even if they do not manifest it openly as grown men. Every normal White guy, does his job at the office or elsewhere, lets all the woke office crap go right past his ears, goes home and is a normal white man with his family.

    But I was talking about a different kind of scenario - a Mad Max type of scenario, where there is a collapse of the existing system, and there is an "anything goes" type of situation. A lot of Europeans are sitting it out quietly right now. They are not as weak as you claim. Many young men (and even girls) are reaching back into the European culture.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.
    That's what I was talking about. That's the first stage. Women will fall in line, because the women love their men and they will follow men who lead. They will follow the men they love and the men love are mostly European (99,99% of the time).

    In Abrahamic lands it’ll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.
    What you call a "Dharmic refuge" is something that each individual should follow based on their own choice and their own internal calling and their life journey. It is up to each person, within their soul, to follow such yearnings, regardless of the political considerations (yes, there could be a political factor, as you describe, but this kind of a thing is not in our hands, it is in the hands of Mother Laima). This refuge is available already now, it always has been.

    However, do not assume that there will be no fight and that the Euros will just lay down and take it. If you are talking about a longer timeline, that is in hundreds of years, then who knows.. neither you nor I can see that far.

    Кстати, не хочу с Вами ссориться, кто знает, как будет... Мы живем долго, но только камень и вода живут вечно.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Hartnell, @Ivashka the fool

  662. @Dmitry

    AP is an American tourist, visits Europe for some days every year. Then his hobby is to remember his vacation by arguing with the local Europeans on the forum about which country is better using limited information.

    I kind of emphasize with how he wanted to change the discussion sometimes. AP wanted to talk about topics like GDP, national development, tourist impressions. It's more concrete and interesting than many topics here.

    But the inference from the limited information, could be related to the personality type which is perhaps including N and J. (I don't know the other two letters). _N_J

    Beckow is a snobby Central European, who believes every nationality which lives outside Austria/Czech Republic is somekind of primitive uncivilized one which drinks bad beer and doesn't have toilet paper.

    Poland, in viewpoint of Beckow, is a lower class country, which wants to be part of Central Europe, without having adequate qualifications. Beckow, believes, he is a real Central European and doesn't want losers to sit next to him in the opera house.


    As for reality of Poland, from the world average, it can be a nice country. They have cobblestones and some European aspects, some parts of the Central European atmosphere. Relative to other European countries, it is below the average, so it is still one of the more boring zones in Europe. If I was AP's wife and children, I would be hoping they will be flying the Atlantic ocean, to drink wine on the beach in Antiparos, not going to Lublin again.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    what personality type am I?

  663. @Ivashka the fool

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?

    I mean, if your side cannot take the liberals on their own, while you admit that Muslims perhaps might succeed in doing something that you fail to do, then wouldn't that mean that Muslims would become not only stronger than the progressives, but also and mostly stronger than your side as well ?

    Replies: @LatW, @LatW

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?

    Oh, and just to add: the dynamic in these two situations is different. White liberals, as loathsome as they are, are still our co-ethnics, in many cases in the West, parents, kids. It is psychologically difficult to fight them. With Muslims / non-white invaders, that barrier will no longer be there. There will be no attachment of any kind.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Is it true that Latvian president is of Jewish background, while prime minister is an open Gay ?

    When will they forbid the use of the Thunder Cross ?

    Are you going to stand up in arms for your ancestors' symbols as we did in 1993, or will you wait for Islamic migrants to deal with the problem ?

    Replies: @LatW

  664. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    It is similar kind of obsession to Karlin. I guess I touched a sensitive point to notice. Just you're from a bit different internet forums. As for your other inferences, not sure where they are from, it seems like you confuse me with a different user, maybe AP or Mr Hack.

    If "Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere" is not one of your accounts, then I guess it is "Blinky Bill". So, my apology for confusing you for the Blinky Bill's new account, you both posted with this style in the previous threads to each other, but the name is from your posts.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    “Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere” is not one of your accounts, then I guess it is “Blinky Bill”.

    Yes oops that’s Blinky Bill not Bashibuzuk, they post from the google cache.

  665. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    If the Muslims are strong enough to destroy the progressives/liberals, while your side is too weak to do just that, then how will you control the Muslims afterwards ?
    Oh, and just to add: the dynamic in these two situations is different. White liberals, as loathsome as they are, are still our co-ethnics, in many cases in the West, parents, kids. It is psychologically difficult to fight them. With Muslims / non-white invaders, that barrier will no longer be there. There will be no attachment of any kind.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Is it true that Latvian president is of Jewish background, while prime minister is an open Gay ?

    When will they forbid the use of the Thunder Cross ?

    Are you going to stand up in arms for your ancestors’ symbols as we did in 1993, or will you wait for Islamic migrants to deal with the problem ?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Are you going to stand up in arms for your ancestors’ symbols as we did in 1993, or will you wait for Islamic migrants to deal with the problem ?
    Of course, I will stand up for the ancestral faith and our sacred symbols, with whatever it takes. What kind of a silly question is that. My life is nothing compared to the value that the ancestors have bestowed upon us. We are all just little cradles reflecting each other's movements, remember?

    This is the sacred Firecross, woven into the belts of the priests,
    This is the sign of God Pērkons, that adorns our flag,
    The flag under which we are born and under which we die,
    Under which we stand, armed.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  666. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    @AP argues that Ukraine’s language laws are no worse than those of France or the Baltic countries and also it’s worth noting that Ukraine’s Russian speakers could file lawsuits against the Ukrainian government in European courts if they think that Ukraine is violating any of its treaty obligations in regards to language rights, no?


    Why should they have to? They don't speak English or French well and applying through these courts would be a major hassle and it takes forever. They don't want to be in that position. But the above is probably correct and I can attest that the original Russian speakers, their kids in the Baltic states, still speak native level, non-accented Russian. But they are slowly becoming culturally integrated or even assimilated. They are great. And most of them will keep their language for a very long time to come. It is maintained in its own space.

    But the Russian side does not consider this acceptable in that region. As I already noted before, they should've just let things be - I met a refugee woman from Donbas in 2016, and she said they have Ukrainian lessons at school, this would've been sufficient. They were all bilingual all along. This is not about language. The Russian side intervened in the wrong manner, and the Donbas people are victims.

    The problem in Donbas was that they startled the Russian speaking population and threatened to cut them away from Russia. And there was hostility. Also, Russia did interfere with troops and officers, later on intervened with the "Northern wind". Somebody threw in fakes in the media to rile up the Russians (the fake crucifixion story). This would have never been allowed to run in the Baltics, even during a time of a crisis (the editors would not let it through). So overall the Ukrainians had a much, much more challenging situation.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    They don’t speak English or French well

    They can hire a lawyer who does, though. And a translator, if necessary.

    Also, here in the US, on both the federal level and the state level, a lot of issues get settled by the courts.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    They can hire a lawyer who does, though. And a translator, if necessary.
    That is too cruel, as those are expensive. But yes, you're right in that if Ukraine was in the EU, they would have more access to the European Courts, sometimes it's possible to win. But that's not the point. There had to be a solution where both languages could co-exist in that region, with Ukraine staying in its internationally recognized borders. That was totally possible, they were bilingual the whole time. Language is not the main issue. It's all water under the bridge now.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  667. @Ivashka the fool

    but most likely some kind of a spiritual hybrid that lives with one foot in his religion, with another – in the Western goodies.
    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined. So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren. All Abrahamics will end up living in the shade of the wide tree of the Oumma. We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don't lie.

    I’m sure there will be enough men who will be be ok with it.
    No there won't. White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism. The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.

    The Western women are only 7% conservative, the 93% are inclined towards liberal hedonism. Nobody will fight for them. Let them get what they deserve: pleasure, then oblivion.

    In Abrahamic lands it'll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.

    Replies: @LatW

    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined.

    Many long for past glories. While it is important, longing does not mean doing. And I’m sure the French people can speak for themselves.

    And he is way smarter than both of us combined.

    There are many smart people out there, including among European conservatives. But again, as I’ve said before, IQ isn’t everything.

    So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren.

    I know European converts, a couple I know have 5 beautiful, blond children. Guess what, none of our other friends ever followed this weirdo or did what he did. Guess what this weirdo said once – “I want my daughter to run a Muslim school in Latvia”. Hahahahahahha! Look what a weak spot he has in his heart. Their religion is simply not that attractive for most Europeans. And, by the way, there is nothing to fear in this religion. Already Nietzsche liked it and for all the right reasons.

    We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don’t lie.

    Prophecies can be interpreted in different ways.


    White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism.

    That’s exactly the reason not to abandon everything that the White men have built. The kids know this instinctively.

    And contrary to the MRA talking points, it is just not true that they have become “expendable”. Quit looking at woke ads, look at the real world. Most of the highest paying jobs and status positions, or at least, many of them, are held by white family men. The majority of our appliances are probably still being fixed by them as well. There are also backlashes to feminism happening all over the place. Feminism is not all bad either, and it can be managed. It’s just that most people don’t like working with younger women, you have to work with them, they are very pliant by their very nature.

    The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.

    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women. I see it with very young boys, they are magnetized by their culture very early and take sides early. These boys, as they grow into men, will have a phase of searching and maybe some rebellion, but most of them will fall back to their roots. Even if they do not manifest it openly as grown men. Every normal White guy, does his job at the office or elsewhere, lets all the woke office crap go right past his ears, goes home and is a normal white man with his family.

    But I was talking about a different kind of scenario – a Mad Max type of scenario, where there is a collapse of the existing system, and there is an “anything goes” type of situation. A lot of Europeans are sitting it out quietly right now. They are not as weak as you claim. Many young men (and even girls) are reaching back into the European culture.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.

    That’s what I was talking about. That’s the first stage. Women will fall in line, because the women love their men and they will follow men who lead. They will follow the men they love and the men love are mostly European (99,99% of the time).

    In Abrahamic lands it’ll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.

    What you call a “Dharmic refuge” is something that each individual should follow based on their own choice and their own internal calling and their life journey. It is up to each person, within their soul, to follow such yearnings, regardless of the political considerations (yes, there could be a political factor, as you describe, but this kind of a thing is not in our hands, it is in the hands of Mother Laima). This refuge is available already now, it always has been.

    However, do not assume that there will be no fight and that the Euros will just lay down and take it. If you are talking about a longer timeline, that is in hundreds of years, then who knows.. neither you nor I can see that far.

    Кстати, не хочу с Вами ссориться, кто знает, как будет… Мы живем долго, но только камень и вода живут вечно.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women.
    Some Muslims are white and even European (Albanians, Bosniaks, et cetera).

    Nouri al-Maliki can easily pass for Mediterranean European, for instance:

    And I think that Bashar al-Assad can even pass for French European:

    You can also take a look at Emily "Em" Beihold, a US singer. She's half-Persian. Can you tell?,h_960,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/b88ecc_896faabf7a654550a0058222d45876c3~mv2.jpeg

    She very easily passes for a generic White American.

    , @Hartnell

    Actually this is a question I myself have grappled with for some time when it comes to the future of Europe. I must confess that I could quite easily see it going Islamic for the reasons stated previously - that is it would benefit straight white men.

    Let's be honest here - if a religion promises a young man that they can have three wives, good jobs and in general a strong purpose in life over dominant feminism and anti white politics, then obviously those young men are going to take it.

    I have always said that Islam will not conquer Europe. Instead Europe will convert to Islam for social and economic reasons, along with security. For example, you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society, you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore and Judaism is for the Jews. Islam though could very well provide it...

    I predict that Europe will end up like Turkey or dare we say it - Iran, when it comes to demographics. A strong white converted elite at the top, a brown/mixed population beneath them and finally the darker population below even them. Basically an Islamic South Africa if you like.

    As for wanting white girls and mixing - truth be told that was the case 100 years ago. From my own observations, those days are gone. Young men these days just want sex and will have sex with anyone who will provide them with a family. I have noted in America, there is a large uptick in white males and African American females getting married and having kids. Then obviously you have the Passport Bros and their concept of just going to the Philippines or South America for a girl.

    The days of racial loyalty are pretty much over. What was once seen as obscene and disgusting to their grandfather's is now seen as perfectly acceptable and even desirable to the current generation.

    That said, maybe there might be a push towards some sort of ethno-patriotic breeding in Europe in say 20 years or so as it really does hit white people that there literally will be no blonde haired and blue eyed kids anymore due to mass miscegenation. It is within the realms of possibility. But not in America, no. As a friend of mine once said, "in America, 1/3 of the population will definitely mix. 1/3 will definitely not mix and the remaining 1/3 don't care who they sleep with."

    Replies: @A123, @Dmitry

    , @Ivashka the fool

    All I can say to what you wrote is: "Amen to that". But things are moving rapidly and the change is becoming quite radical. The change I personally witnessed in the West in a single generation is really impressive. And it is not going in the right direction. If we project it towards the future, and if the pace of change keeps growing still, then it becomes really difficult not to worry.

  668. @Mr. XYZ

    They don’t speak English or French well
    They can hire a lawyer who does, though. And a translator, if necessary.

    Also, here in the US, on both the federal level and the state level, a lot of issues get settled by the courts.

    Replies: @LatW

    They can hire a lawyer who does, though. And a translator, if necessary.

    That is too cruel, as those are expensive. But yes, you’re right in that if Ukraine was in the EU, they would have more access to the European Courts, sometimes it’s possible to win. But that’s not the point. There had to be a solution where both languages could co-exist in that region, with Ukraine staying in its internationally recognized borders. That was totally possible, they were bilingual the whole time. Language is not the main issue. It’s all water under the bridge now.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    A South Tyrol solution for the Donbass War would have been great, but has it ever actually been proposed, even pre-2022? Russia wanted more for the Donbass and I'm unsure if Ukraine would have actually been willing to agree to even a South Tyrol-style arrangement.

    Interestingly enough, pre-2022, there was a prominent voice on the pro-Ukrainian side named Alexander Motyl who advocated letting the Donbass temporarily go due to its negative (Sovok) influence on the rest of Ukraine:

  669. @Ivashka the fool

    Is it true that Latvian president is of Jewish background, while prime minister is an open Gay ?

    When will they forbid the use of the Thunder Cross ?

    Are you going to stand up in arms for your ancestors' symbols as we did in 1993, or will you wait for Islamic migrants to deal with the problem ?

    Replies: @LatW

    Are you going to stand up in arms for your ancestors’ symbols as we did in 1993, or will you wait for Islamic migrants to deal with the problem ?

    Of course, I will stand up for the ancestral faith and our sacred symbols, with whatever it takes. What kind of a silly question is that. My life is nothing compared to the value that the ancestors have bestowed upon us. We are all just little cradles reflecting each other’s movements, remember?


    This is the sacred Firecross, woven into the belts of the priests,
    This is the sign of God Pērkons, that adorns our flag,
    The flag under which we are born and under which we die,
    Under which we stand, armed.

    • Thanks: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    This is an off-topic question, but I'm curious: Had Germany won WWI, what kinds of overlords of the Baltics do you think that they would have been? Would they have been compassionate overlords or more brutal?

    This 1918 book by two Americans speculates about what would happen to the Baltics long-term under German rule:

    Quite an interesting book in total, BTW! It covers all of the territorial disputes from WWI in great detail and possible solutions to all of them.

  670. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    They can hire a lawyer who does, though. And a translator, if necessary.
    That is too cruel, as those are expensive. But yes, you're right in that if Ukraine was in the EU, they would have more access to the European Courts, sometimes it's possible to win. But that's not the point. There had to be a solution where both languages could co-exist in that region, with Ukraine staying in its internationally recognized borders. That was totally possible, they were bilingual the whole time. Language is not the main issue. It's all water under the bridge now.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    A South Tyrol solution for the Donbass War would have been great, but has it ever actually been proposed, even pre-2022? Russia wanted more for the Donbass and I’m unsure if Ukraine would have actually been willing to agree to even a South Tyrol-style arrangement.

    Interestingly enough, pre-2022, there was a prominent voice on the pro-Ukrainian side named Alexander Motyl who advocated letting the Donbass temporarily go due to its negative (Sovok) influence on the rest of Ukraine:

  671. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Are you going to stand up in arms for your ancestors’ symbols as we did in 1993, or will you wait for Islamic migrants to deal with the problem ?
    Of course, I will stand up for the ancestral faith and our sacred symbols, with whatever it takes. What kind of a silly question is that. My life is nothing compared to the value that the ancestors have bestowed upon us. We are all just little cradles reflecting each other's movements, remember?

    This is the sacred Firecross, woven into the belts of the priests,
    This is the sign of God Pērkons, that adorns our flag,
    The flag under which we are born and under which we die,
    Under which we stand, armed.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    This is an off-topic question, but I’m curious: Had Germany won WWI, what kinds of overlords of the Baltics do you think that they would have been? Would they have been compassionate overlords or more brutal?

    This 1918 book by two Americans speculates about what would happen to the Baltics long-term under German rule:

    Quite an interesting book in total, BTW! It covers all of the territorial disputes from WWI in great detail and possible solutions to all of them.

  672. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    Many long for past glories. While it is important, longing does not mean doing. And I'm sure the French people can speak for themselves.

    And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    There are many smart people out there, including among European conservatives. But again, as I've said before, IQ isn't everything.

    So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren.


    I know European converts, a couple I know have 5 beautiful, blond children. Guess what, none of our other friends ever followed this weirdo or did what he did. Guess what this weirdo said once - "I want my daughter to run a Muslim school in Latvia". Hahahahahahha! Look what a weak spot he has in his heart. Their religion is simply not that attractive for most Europeans. And, by the way, there is nothing to fear in this religion. Already Nietzsche liked it and for all the right reasons.

    We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don’t lie.
    Prophecies can be interpreted in different ways.

    White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism.
    That's exactly the reason not to abandon everything that the White men have built. The kids know this instinctively.

    And contrary to the MRA talking points, it is just not true that they have become "expendable". Quit looking at woke ads, look at the real world. Most of the highest paying jobs and status positions, or at least, many of them, are held by white family men. The majority of our appliances are probably still being fixed by them as well. There are also backlashes to feminism happening all over the place. Feminism is not all bad either, and it can be managed. It's just that most people don't like working with younger women, you have to work with them, they are very pliant by their very nature.

    The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.
    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women. I see it with very young boys, they are magnetized by their culture very early and take sides early. These boys, as they grow into men, will have a phase of searching and maybe some rebellion, but most of them will fall back to their roots. Even if they do not manifest it openly as grown men. Every normal White guy, does his job at the office or elsewhere, lets all the woke office crap go right past his ears, goes home and is a normal white man with his family.

    But I was talking about a different kind of scenario - a Mad Max type of scenario, where there is a collapse of the existing system, and there is an "anything goes" type of situation. A lot of Europeans are sitting it out quietly right now. They are not as weak as you claim. Many young men (and even girls) are reaching back into the European culture.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.
    That's what I was talking about. That's the first stage. Women will fall in line, because the women love their men and they will follow men who lead. They will follow the men they love and the men love are mostly European (99,99% of the time).

    In Abrahamic lands it’ll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.
    What you call a "Dharmic refuge" is something that each individual should follow based on their own choice and their own internal calling and their life journey. It is up to each person, within their soul, to follow such yearnings, regardless of the political considerations (yes, there could be a political factor, as you describe, but this kind of a thing is not in our hands, it is in the hands of Mother Laima). This refuge is available already now, it always has been.

    However, do not assume that there will be no fight and that the Euros will just lay down and take it. If you are talking about a longer timeline, that is in hundreds of years, then who knows.. neither you nor I can see that far.

    Кстати, не хочу с Вами ссориться, кто знает, как будет... Мы живем долго, но только камень и вода живут вечно.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Hartnell, @Ivashka the fool

    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women.

    Some Muslims are white and even European (Albanians, Bosniaks, et cetera).

    Nouri al-Maliki can easily pass for Mediterranean European, for instance:

    And I think that Bashar al-Assad can even pass for French European:

    You can also take a look at Emily “Em” Beihold, a US singer. She’s half-Persian. Can you tell?

    She very easily passes for a generic White American.

  673. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Thank you. I agree the dates are important to understand Russia's actions in Ukraine as a response to Western aggression. You forgot to mention several key points.

    For your review, here is a dated list of a few key events which led up to this Western abomination.

    1991 USSR dissolves

    1995 NATO bombs Serbia

    2002 USA drops out of the ABM Nuclear Treaty

    2003 USA naked war of aggression against Iraq

    2004 Baltics added to NATO

    2008 Western regime change leads to war in Georgia

    2014 Western sponsored coup in Ukraine leads to civil war

    2015 West signs Minsk II agreement with no intention of compliance

    2016 USA missile site activated in Romania

    2019 USA drops out of INF Treaty

    2019 USA releases COVID-19 engineered virus on the world (possible/likely)

    2022 Russia directly intervenes after Ukrainian artillery strikes on their own Russian-speaking civilians greatly increase (Feb 24)

    2022 USA funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine acknowledged by USA

    Replies: @sudden death

    2022 Russia directly intervenes after Ukrainian artillery strikes on their own Russian-speaking civilians greatly increase (Feb 24)

    Where is that nonsense coming from as 2021-2022 was the quietest year in Donbas since 2014 until RF invasion started?

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    The couple of weeks before the start of the war were quite violent with shellings increasing in both frequency and intensity. But I agree that it did not go up to the 2014 - 2015 levels.

    Replies: @QCIC

  674. @LatW
    @sudden death

    Bow down to the King;)
    That's right, lol. Every white man is a King (and every white boy is a prince). :)
    The White Rex. :)

    Hard for me to judge the attractiveness of a guy, but it is clear that the combination of young Ted looks+high IQ was not ideal combination of getting women attention and procreating at the time.


    Good looks with a high IQ can be a truly "deadly" combo sometimes. But not all high IQ guys are normal and fit into the mainstream. A woman may be attracted to someone who is "different", but eventually she will seek normalcy and stability. Don't know what happened to Ted K, but not all women go for super highly intelligent weirdos (very few do, life is not easy with these types although it can be deeply fulfilling and very special & rare). It's possible that someone like Ted could be too obsessed with his political ideas and not have time for women or couldn't fit a relationship in his life. This kind of a life does not meet the goals that women typically seek.

    And, yes, overall Polish men are very attractive physically (same as Lithuanian men, of course!), they have a kind of a slightly more delicate look than Anglo and Germanic men, they have more prince-like features (less angular features than Northern Germanics, but still an appealing bone structure). They are typically not as rugged as the Atlantic men, whose ruggedness can also be very attractive.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Anon 2

    Re: Overall Polish men are very attractive

    Let me mention just two names:

    1. Jakub Józef Orliński, 32, is a Polish operatic countertenor
    with a four-octave voice range, famous for “Facce d’Amore.” Since he also
    looks like Michelangelo’s David, it’s not surprising that he has emerged as
    a major star, and has a worldwide cult following. He graduated from
    the Juilliard School in New York where he also picked up breakdancing skills
    – he’s known for doing acrobatics while performing on stage. One
    commenter wrote, “How can such an angelic voice emerge from the human
    body?” An American woman wrote, “Is he an angel or is he a god?”.
    Of course, he’s so in demand, he’s constantly traveling and
    performing around the world, and by now he’s insanely rich. He likes
    to be photographed next to Polish supermodels – he almost has to, being so
    good looking, most women look plain next to him. Alain Delon, the French
    actor, had the same problem;

    2. Jann (actually Jan Rozmanowski), 24, also a countertenor but more pop
    than opera, is just starting out. He only became famous several months ago
    when he was almost selected as Poland’s representative for this year’s
    Eurovision with a song “Gladiator.” The commenters say his voice and his
    looks can be addictive. At 12 he already performed in opera, and then
    went to the U.K. where he studied music both in N. Ireland and in London.
    He writes his own songs, typically in English, and right now he’s touring
    around Poland, but he’s getting invitations from Britain, Sweden,
    Netherlands, etc. He’s extremely physical on stage, and moves like a cat.
    Someone on Reddit compared his looks to the actor who played the beautiful
    Polish boy Tadzio in the movie “Death in Venice” based on the novella by
    Thomas Mann.

    • Thanks: LatW
  675. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    Many long for past glories. While it is important, longing does not mean doing. And I'm sure the French people can speak for themselves.

    And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    There are many smart people out there, including among European conservatives. But again, as I've said before, IQ isn't everything.

    So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren.


    I know European converts, a couple I know have 5 beautiful, blond children. Guess what, none of our other friends ever followed this weirdo or did what he did. Guess what this weirdo said once - "I want my daughter to run a Muslim school in Latvia". Hahahahahahha! Look what a weak spot he has in his heart. Their religion is simply not that attractive for most Europeans. And, by the way, there is nothing to fear in this religion. Already Nietzsche liked it and for all the right reasons.

    We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don’t lie.
    Prophecies can be interpreted in different ways.

    White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism.
    That's exactly the reason not to abandon everything that the White men have built. The kids know this instinctively.

    And contrary to the MRA talking points, it is just not true that they have become "expendable". Quit looking at woke ads, look at the real world. Most of the highest paying jobs and status positions, or at least, many of them, are held by white family men. The majority of our appliances are probably still being fixed by them as well. There are also backlashes to feminism happening all over the place. Feminism is not all bad either, and it can be managed. It's just that most people don't like working with younger women, you have to work with them, they are very pliant by their very nature.

    The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.
    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women. I see it with very young boys, they are magnetized by their culture very early and take sides early. These boys, as they grow into men, will have a phase of searching and maybe some rebellion, but most of them will fall back to their roots. Even if they do not manifest it openly as grown men. Every normal White guy, does his job at the office or elsewhere, lets all the woke office crap go right past his ears, goes home and is a normal white man with his family.

    But I was talking about a different kind of scenario - a Mad Max type of scenario, where there is a collapse of the existing system, and there is an "anything goes" type of situation. A lot of Europeans are sitting it out quietly right now. They are not as weak as you claim. Many young men (and even girls) are reaching back into the European culture.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.
    That's what I was talking about. That's the first stage. Women will fall in line, because the women love their men and they will follow men who lead. They will follow the men they love and the men love are mostly European (99,99% of the time).

    In Abrahamic lands it’ll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.
    What you call a "Dharmic refuge" is something that each individual should follow based on their own choice and their own internal calling and their life journey. It is up to each person, within their soul, to follow such yearnings, regardless of the political considerations (yes, there could be a political factor, as you describe, but this kind of a thing is not in our hands, it is in the hands of Mother Laima). This refuge is available already now, it always has been.

    However, do not assume that there will be no fight and that the Euros will just lay down and take it. If you are talking about a longer timeline, that is in hundreds of years, then who knows.. neither you nor I can see that far.

    Кстати, не хочу с Вами ссориться, кто знает, как будет... Мы живем долго, но только камень и вода живут вечно.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Hartnell, @Ivashka the fool

    Actually this is a question I myself have grappled with for some time when it comes to the future of Europe. I must confess that I could quite easily see it going Islamic for the reasons stated previously – that is it would benefit straight white men.

    Let’s be honest here – if a religion promises a young man that they can have three wives, good jobs and in general a strong purpose in life over dominant feminism and anti white politics, then obviously those young men are going to take it.

    I have always said that Islam will not conquer Europe. Instead Europe will convert to Islam for social and economic reasons, along with security. For example, you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society, you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore and Judaism is for the Jews. Islam though could very well provide it…

    I predict that Europe will end up like Turkey or dare we say it – Iran, when it comes to demographics. A strong white converted elite at the top, a brown/mixed population beneath them and finally the darker population below even them. Basically an Islamic South Africa if you like.

    As for wanting white girls and mixing – truth be told that was the case 100 years ago. From my own observations, those days are gone. Young men these days just want sex and will have sex with anyone who will provide them with a family. I have noted in America, there is a large uptick in white males and African American females getting married and having kids. Then obviously you have the Passport Bros and their concept of just going to the Philippines or South America for a girl.

    The days of racial loyalty are pretty much over. What was once seen as obscene and disgusting to their grandfather’s is now seen as perfectly acceptable and even desirable to the current generation.

    That said, maybe there might be a push towards some sort of ethno-patriotic breeding in Europe in say 20 years or so as it really does hit white people that there literally will be no blonde haired and blue eyed kids anymore due to mass miscegenation. It is within the realms of possibility. But not in America, no. As a friend of mine once said, “in America, 1/3 of the population will definitely mix. 1/3 will definitely not mix and the remaining 1/3 don’t care who they sleep with.”

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @A123

    you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society,
    The solution is changing migration. Reducing new Muslim arrivals to near zero is achievable.

    Khamenei was born before WW II, so the clock is ticking on regime change in Iran (no outside intervention needed). The end of Iran's regional destabilization will open the door to resolving conflict in Syria & partitioning Lebanon. Huge numbers of undesirables could then be returned, beginning the process of European De-Islamification.

    you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore
    Historically, Christianity has been willing to use vast amounts of force. Do you remember the Crusades? Current hyper pacification of churches is a problematic outlier. Those institutions promoting traditional values will displace the nutters over time.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Dmitry

    To change the religion of the country, is usually requiring decision of the elite, or in autocracy a king to convert to the religion.

    In the end of the 10th century, Vladimir Svyatoslavich becomes king and converts to Christianity, because of the need for alliance with Byzantine empire, to marry Byzantine princesses etc.

    Then the elites in Kiev are baptizing in the Dnepr river. Then immediately merchants and the lower class need to go in the river.

    As result of this decision of the elites, Eastern slavic people are becoming Christianized in the 11th century and also quite Byzantine culturally importing many of the architecture, laws, princesses and fashions from the Eastern Mediterranean. Even Eastern Slavic art becomes import and development of the Byzantine art, also the churches, Byzantine architecture etc.


    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn't have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn't seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

  676. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    Who has bombed the Lugansk municipal administration in 2014 ?

    Who killed in Gorlovka the young mother and the baby below ?

    Did you denounce them Mr Hack ?

    Why didn't you Mr Hack ?

    Because the victims are Russian speaking Donbassers, that's why.

    Own your biases Mr Hack.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

    Still trying to paint me into a corner as a Russophobe because I wasn’t vocal about possible war crimes perpetrated by the Ukrainian side? Well, I may have right here if the Lugansk Municipal incident included the “collateral damage” in the bombing of a post office building in that area. It was actually here at this blogsite that I believe Mikel and AP held a spirited debate about this topic and I would weigh in and express a sympathetic ear towards Mikel’s opinions. I also remember watching a documentary film that showed how a grandmother charged with watching over her grandchild little boy had to spend an awful night caring for him as bombs were flying over their home. Although the film was not explicit as to whose bombs were being shot overhead, I got the feeling that it was Ukrainian ones. It was awful to watch, and I felt very saddened and felt great sympathy for the Russian speaking Babusha and her grandson. Believe it or not, I’ve even expressed sympathy for our very own Professor Tennessee, and his story about having to move his own mother due to Ukrainian bombings near his mother’s apartment building. Although we disagree on many things, I could feel his pain.

    How about you? Am I to also label you as a Ukrainophobe because I’ve never heard you express any sorrow over certain atrocities committed by the RusFed military against Ukrainian civilians? Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and many more sights?

    Isn’t it time that you started to own up to your own biases, Ivashka?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting. Repeating it time and again is becoming tiresome in the face of all the jingoism.

    But I also remember how it all started. The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa's incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups. Then Strelkov was sent in with a few dozen men from Crimea.

    That's how it went in 2014.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus' lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today. Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody. And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories, there would be no war today even though cultural tensions might have flared from time to time.

    Therefore my biases are entirely assumed: I distrust the Noviop (not on ethnic, but on mentality geounds), I dislike those who work against the best interests of the Eastern Slav people, which includes the Abrahamic religious organizations, and in general I despise those who destroy things that they are unable to build or repair. There are people who are unfit to create, but only fit to live parasitic lives and destroy everything harmonious and beautiful. Those I don't dislike, but I hate. Those who destroyed the mostly friendly relationship between Ukrainians and Russians are among the most vile creatures that have ever existed on the face of this planet. They should be put down.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

  677. S says:

    The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it.
    This isn't all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word). They all like to "mop up" what they can get. As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where - hot. And how far what you guys call the "US empire" will spread. Frankly, I believe just calling it "the West" is more honest and accurate, not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them. Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions. People get a lot out of it.

    The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk
    Of course, there has always been a battle going on for the areas that are the most attractive, and it may accelerate with the climate pressures, the blowing up of the dam will have consequences for the Black Sea region. The region that was damaged was a huge agro region as well that was feeding the world. Only when the water fully subsides, we'll be able to assess the full damage.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast - there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could've been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should've been created. Or at least, the Russian side should not have tried to impose 19th century norms on the 21st century. It was way too brutal.

    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one).
    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into "partaking". It's not like America where you can just drive for a few hours and be completely free and alone, or build a new town. It's a different political context. For example, for Ukraine there is no such choice as "not to partake". Would you give the same advice to countries such as the 1930s Germany and the Soviet Union, and today's Russia to "not partake"? Could we ask these to be "neutral"? I know you would, but that's now how those countries feel. Not at all.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.
    I remember that article, I wonder how they allowed to run it. That actually sounds like something that could hypothetically be believable, at least, one can allow for such a possibility. When we look at the results, at the current state of the wealth distribution, isn't that exactly what has happened? Again, these financial systems are very complex so it's hard to judge here, but remember that wealth tends to create more wealth, so in a way it is a natural process. Of course, this needs to be regulated politically to distribute the wealth and to make the wealth work for productivity so that it reaches wide enough masses and to maintain fairness.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.


    I can see how it may be tempting for you to believe that. :) It's a very clean conspiracy. But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century). And there was Soviet totalitarianism. But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly). You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals - let's just admit that and let's stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    If you're saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you'll probably say something like "As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order". Frankly, I'm not ready to go that far. :)

    then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed
    If I understand you correctly, by the "enlightened / progressives", you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it'd be easier to follow your thought process. :) But most likely this group does bear some responsibility, but they are not he only ones to bear responsibility.

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler


    We don't know that, it could be a faction in the Kremlin but it could also be the result of the chaos of the SMO. The chaos of the SMO will give rise to such personalities. The situation is largely out of control now, I don't believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia.
    There is still a possibility that he gets taken out. But I've heard people say that if he doesn't get taken out, he could be president (I think this is still very far fetched). I think these groups are micromanaging now because the SMO slipped out of their control.

    However, I was listening to a Ukrainian officer the other day named Arty Green (he's one of the people whose opinion I respect). And he speculated that "those who are in charge of the order in the world" (basically just the more powerful countries) see a big threat in Putin now that he has credibly threatened with the nukes, they will try to get rid of the regime by a thousand cuts - not one blunt hit because one big Ukrainian victory could allow the regime to still survive. Whereas a death by a thousand cuts (including dosed out weapons deliveries), a slow death, a bleeding out of the RusFed, is more likely to lead to the regime change. And Arty believes that Prigo and those expeditionary forces play a role here. This is speculative, even though this looks like a very clear picture, I personally believe there are more aspects involved in this on the ground. Of course, Arty says that for Ukraine a sooner end to the war would be best, and this is also what we all in EE want. We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly. Russia has marginalized herself through this violent aggression. There is no alternative to the current power in Russia, none, and Prigo is the one trying to build this alternative. Putin fears a much broader mobilization because it could become a catalyst for social unrest, Putin just said there is "no need for mobilization", even though mobilization has been ongoing, there are ton of military recruitment ads, and men are needed. Yet Arty believes that the process is only mid way, we have not arrived at a critical point, and there are no visible potential "black swans" on the horizon. The regime is nowhere close to crumbling. Bad news from the front could be a factor in shaking up the regime. Also, if things reach the point where a Russian soldier will be sent to the trenches knowing full well that he will remain there for good, based on how the war will be going. The truth is that the Ukrainian casualties are not necessarily higher than the Russian ones, as is believed on this forum.

    Arty believes that in the case of Ukraine's military success, some of the Russian forces, who are left alive, could flee back to Russia and start an uprising there. This is what I would call the "Riflemen scenario" - when the Russian Empire collapsed, during WWI, the riflemen who survived the war, went to Russia and supported a mutiny there (the soldiers simply stuck their bayonets in the ground and said "Enough" and then all these committees appeared - remember the biggest requests during the Revolution where "bread and peace" (end to war), that's what Lenin used, Prigo's essentially doing the same, just from a different angle - he's saying, if you want to continue the war, the MOD has to provide much more, everyone has to mobilize and this will take years - and then answer to me if this is what the majority of the Russian people want, maybe they do, maybe not, I don't know, we don't know how much stamina they have). So historically this has happened before. I'm not sure this will happen again, since the Russian masses are now passive and much older than in 1917. And much better fed. There is more technological prowess now as well. But as Arty said, we're only half way there and the Western weapons have higher precision.

    Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine's prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don't have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings...

    Replies: @S, @S, @S, @S

    But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly).

    Yes, it is interesting. Sort of like how, ‘interestingly’, in 1848 revolutions swept across much of the rest of Europe, but left the UK alone. [Russia escaped revolution then, too, but for different reasons.]

    You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals – let’s just admit that and let’s stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    I can’t tell if you’re being facetious here, or not, but if you are being serious, I think you might be short changing your fellow continentals a bit.

    Island nations (such as the UK) have a tendency for separateness about them, but in the UK this tendency was extreme. It is only a twenty mile wide channel, after all, separating the UK from Europe, not Europe being on the other side of the moon as one might think from UK historic rhetoric.

    But, then, if you were an elite and hanger on wishing to use the British (more specifically, the English) people to attack the rest of Europe, you would emphasize this ‘separateness’ and ‘otherness’, wouldn’t you?

    If you’re saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you’ll probably say something like “As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order”. Frankly, I’m not ready to go that far.

    Well, no, I don’t see things that way. I’m not ready to go ‘that far’ either. 🙂

    If I understand you correctly, by the “enlightened / progressives”, you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it’d be easier to follow your thought process.

    When I use the term ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ I’m broadly referring to the Enlightenment, but, more specifically, to those Euro elites and hangers on who have been high level Freemasons. I think there is a certain bleedover at times between the enlightened and progressives, in that they can sometimes be one and the same people, so I add ‘progressive’.

    I should add, I think in a great many instances the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ have correctly identified real social ills.

    However, taking humanity into account, which in their inverted world they call ‘an act of hatred’, I’m more into lead by example and live and let live, while they on the other hand are more into promoting world wars, mass murder and genocides, and stoking racial and ethnic hatreds which they feed off of, ‘to enact change’.

    The situation is largely out of control now, I don’t believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    This ‘chaos’ may be more controlled than it appears. Unfortunately, imperfect as it was at the time, I think the Russian people lost their sovereignty in 1917, and have yet to regain it.

    [Will try to respond more a bit later.]

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, "God save the queen, man." Next, as with seemingly every conclusion of a Biden public appearance, the 80-year-old president appeared confused about where he should go next, pointing to and fro and seeking guidance from someone off-stage.

    "God save the queen" is an expression of British patriotism. Perhaps the next edition of Biden's presidential daily briefing should include a refresher on the fact that Americans declared independence from British royals almost 247 years ago. Briefers might also remind him that, with Queen Elizabeth's death nine months ago, the expression has toggled to "God save the king."

    It's past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.


    Replies: @A123, @QCIC, @S

    , @Coconuts

    Island nations (such as the UK) have a tendency for separateness about them, but in the UK this tendency was extreme. It is only a twenty mile wide channel, after all, separating the UK from Europe, not Europe being on the other side of the moon as one might think from UK historic rhetoric.
    Don't know about this, how familiar with historic European nationalist rhetoric are you?
  678. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    Jacques Attali has already written that he longs for the past glories of Al Andalous. And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    Many long for past glories. While it is important, longing does not mean doing. And I'm sure the French people can speak for themselves.

    And he is way smarter than both of us combined.
    There are many smart people out there, including among European conservatives. But again, as I've said before, IQ isn't everything.

    So believe me, when he and his deep state Globalist friends are done with the Western middle class, it will gladly greet some stability under the benevolent patronage of their Islamic Brethren.


    I know European converts, a couple I know have 5 beautiful, blond children. Guess what, none of our other friends ever followed this weirdo or did what he did. Guess what this weirdo said once - "I want my daughter to run a Muslim school in Latvia". Hahahahahahha! Look what a weak spot he has in his heart. Their religion is simply not that attractive for most Europeans. And, by the way, there is nothing to fear in this religion. Already Nietzsche liked it and for all the right reasons.

    We have prophecies about it in the Buddhadharma and Buddhas don’t lie.
    Prophecies can be interpreted in different ways.

    White men died in wars, and worked their fingers to the bone, to protect their families only to become expendable and replaceable in their own lands due to feminism.
    That's exactly the reason not to abandon everything that the White men have built. The kids know this instinctively.

    And contrary to the MRA talking points, it is just not true that they have become "expendable". Quit looking at woke ads, look at the real world. Most of the highest paying jobs and status positions, or at least, many of them, are held by white family men. The majority of our appliances are probably still being fixed by them as well. There are also backlashes to feminism happening all over the place. Feminism is not all bad either, and it can be managed. It's just that most people don't like working with younger women, you have to work with them, they are very pliant by their very nature.

    The White youths are not idiots, they see that Muslim youths have stronger families and more communal solidarity and the White kids take note. They will not fight for a society that entitled womenfolk and sexual minorities, while degrading the White male.
    Most White boys will not marry non-White or Muslim women in the foreseeable future. Their first preference will always be White women. I see it with very young boys, they are magnetized by their culture very early and take sides early. These boys, as they grow into men, will have a phase of searching and maybe some rebellion, but most of them will fall back to their roots. Even if they do not manifest it openly as grown men. Every normal White guy, does his job at the office or elsewhere, lets all the woke office crap go right past his ears, goes home and is a normal white man with his family.

    But I was talking about a different kind of scenario - a Mad Max type of scenario, where there is a collapse of the existing system, and there is an "anything goes" type of situation. A lot of Europeans are sitting it out quietly right now. They are not as weak as you claim. Many young men (and even girls) are reaching back into the European culture.

    Once grown-up these White kids will support Islam to put the feminist and the LGBTQ nuts where they rightly belong, ie in the margin of the society where they will be unable to cause even more damage.
    That's what I was talking about. That's the first stage. Women will fall in line, because the women love their men and they will follow men who lead. They will follow the men they love and the men love are mostly European (99,99% of the time).

    In Abrahamic lands it’ll be a Sharia-based new order. For those who will want nothing to do with it, there will be a Dharmic refuge ready to accept them.
    What you call a "Dharmic refuge" is something that each individual should follow based on their own choice and their own internal calling and their life journey. It is up to each person, within their soul, to follow such yearnings, regardless of the political considerations (yes, there could be a political factor, as you describe, but this kind of a thing is not in our hands, it is in the hands of Mother Laima). This refuge is available already now, it always has been.

    However, do not assume that there will be no fight and that the Euros will just lay down and take it. If you are talking about a longer timeline, that is in hundreds of years, then who knows.. neither you nor I can see that far.

    Кстати, не хочу с Вами ссориться, кто знает, как будет... Мы живем долго, но только камень и вода живут вечно.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Hartnell, @Ivashka the fool

    All I can say to what you wrote is: “Amen to that”. But things are moving rapidly and the change is becoming quite radical. The change I personally witnessed in the West in a single generation is really impressive. And it is not going in the right direction. If we project it towards the future, and if the pace of change keeps growing still, then it becomes really difficult not to worry.

  679. @sudden death

    2022 Russia directly intervenes after Ukrainian artillery strikes on their own Russian-speaking civilians greatly increase (Feb 24)
    Where is that nonsense coming from as 2021-2022 was the quietest year in Donbas since 2014 until RF invasion started?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The couple of weeks before the start of the war were quite violent with shellings increasing in both frequency and intensity. But I agree that it did not go up to the 2014 – 2015 levels.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    Yes. The increase in late 2021 into 2022 was less well reported than earlier Ukrainian shelling of Donbas civilians. My take is the Russians were caught slightly off guard by this increase. The shelling may have been intended to draw their assembled forces into Ukraine early, which possibly occurred. The video I referenced by "Russians with Attitude" suggested the initial Russian force was really a bluff to cause negotiations. This notion is probably obvious, but new to me.

  680. @LatW

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.
    The problem is that they exist or their heritage still exists. Some of these inherited problems persist. We are forced to deal with them, to work with them. We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You'll probably say "US/UK alliance".

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.
    It looks like people are mixing more now (look at Jared and Ivanka). So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.
    I know that's what you meant, but I think that when they "mop up" like that they are also "grabbing", incorporating into their so called "sphere of influence", because they are cleaning out space for themselves, and acquiring access without resistance. All empires and even large countries have done it and very brutally.

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.
    Vigilant. It is good to call things out immediately and debate them openly, not let things fester and go too far.

    The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.
    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn't mean one doesn't love humanity.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.
    Absolutely true. This is a power trip for them and they need us to lord it over somebody. If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.
    This is highly debatable. I don't agree actually, I believe the West would've swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now - they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would've gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would've definitely been emboldened.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ, @Sean, @S

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdraws completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.

    This is highly debatable. I don’t agree actually

    The US never ceased seeking geopolitical positional advantage over Russia , which did not disappear as a potentially powerful rival force in the world when the USSR abolished itself. The power of a state is always relative to rivals, therefore taking any and every opportunity to weaken Russia makes America greater. So attenuating and if possible eliminating Russia as an actor on the international stage is a prime objective of US foreign policy, and would be no matter what kind of government Russia had. Ukraine detaching itself from Russia happened while Boris Yeltsin headed the Kremlin and yet it was thought instantly necessary to have agreements whereby Russia agreed to not violate Ukraine territorial integrity.

    However, with an eye to how much of a blow to the position of Russia in the world the departure of Ukraine had been (Brzezinski: ‘ceased to be an empire),Clinton always emphasised that Ukraine was very different to Poland ECT and could not be considered a potential future Nato member. The Budapest Memorandum held good well into the Putin era as can be seen from how Ukraine’s territory and sovereignty were not violated by Russia during the Orange Revolution. It did not survive the Presidency of Bush the Younger though; his trying to force through a full Nato membership for Ukraine and succeeding in getting an announcement that Ukrainian membership was delayed but was only be a matter of time, which led Putin (who had started by asking if Russia could join Nato) to tell then ex pres Clinton in 2011 that Russia would no longer consider itself bound by Budapest.

    The victim of the Orange Revolution in 2004 had been the ethic Russian president elect Yanukovych who lost the re-run of the election that followed. In 2014 while well into a term he won fairly, President Yanukovych agreed on an economic (with military aspects) EU deal that cut out traditional trading partner Russia. This forced Putin to up the offer to Ukraine it its favour. Russia would buy massive amounts of bonds from Ukraine, and provide heavily discounted gas; a much better deal than Putin originally had offered Yanuckovych. It was for taking the much improved deal he forced Putin to make that Yanukovych was overthrown by nationalist demonstrators (for the 2nd time). Poroshenko man who’s organised EuroMaidan and was widely expected to become the new president began publicly talking about abrogating the agreement whereby Russia was allowed to have military bases on Crimea, for which they paid, and kicking the Black Sea Fleet out entirely. Those were very foolish things to say, coming as they did on top of EuroMaidan , and it ought not to have surprised anyone (especially with the precedent Ukraine patron had furnished per US invasion of Iraq) that Crimea was promptly annexed and Donbass subjected to an undercover invasion

  681. @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Still trying to paint me into a corner as a Russophobe because I wasn't vocal about possible war crimes perpetrated by the Ukrainian side? Well, I may have right here if the Lugansk Municipal incident included the "collateral damage" in the bombing of a post office building in that area. It was actually here at this blogsite that I believe Mikel and AP held a spirited debate about this topic and I would weigh in and express a sympathetic ear towards Mikel's opinions. I also remember watching a documentary film that showed how a grandmother charged with watching over her grandchild little boy had to spend an awful night caring for him as bombs were flying over their home. Although the film was not explicit as to whose bombs were being shot overhead, I got the feeling that it was Ukrainian ones. It was awful to watch, and I felt very saddened and felt great sympathy for the Russian speaking Babusha and her grandson. Believe it or not, I've even expressed sympathy for our very own Professor Tennessee, and his story about having to move his own mother due to Ukrainian bombings near his mother's apartment building. Although we disagree on many things, I could feel his pain.

    How about you? Am I to also label you as a Ukrainophobe because I've never heard you express any sorrow over certain atrocities committed by the RusFed military against Ukrainian civilians? Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and many more sights?

    Isn't it time that you started to own up to your own biases, Ivashka?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting. Repeating it time and again is becoming tiresome in the face of all the jingoism.

    But I also remember how it all started. The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa’s incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups. Then Strelkov was sent in with a few dozen men from Crimea.

    That’s how it went in 2014.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus’ lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today. Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody. And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories, there would be no war today even though cultural tensions might have flared from time to time.

    Therefore my biases are entirely assumed: I distrust the Noviop (not on ethnic, but on mentality geounds), I dislike those who work against the best interests of the Eastern Slav people, which includes the Abrahamic religious organizations, and in general I despise those who destroy things that they are unable to build or repair. There are people who are unfit to create, but only fit to live parasitic lives and destroy everything harmonious and beautiful. Those I don’t dislike, but I hate. Those who destroyed the mostly friendly relationship between Ukrainians and Russians are among the most vile creatures that have ever existed on the face of this planet. They should be put down.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting
    That is because you are a decent human being.

    But the fact that you blame both sides equally or even imply that Ukrainians started it indicates that you are not free of considerable bias.

    The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.
    Before that, the Yanukovich administration was violently cracking down on popular protests. This was when the violence began.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?
    This was actually the cancellation of an unpopular (in most of Ukraine) language law that Yanukovich got through a fake parliament in 2011. It restored language policy to what it had been prior to 2012 (even under Kuchma).

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa’s incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups
    Before the events in Odesa there was a pro-Ukrainian rally in Donetsk that was violently assaulted and dispersed by pro-Russians, after which the pro-Russians ruled the streets:

    In Odessa, the pro-Russians tried to do the same, and the first person killed that day was a pro-Ukrainian protester. But Odessa was much more pro-Ukrainian than Donetsk, the end was very different. The pro-Russians were defeated on the streets, retreated to their base from where they and the pro-Ukrainians threw Molotov cocktails at each other until the base caught fire and 42 of the pro-Russians died.

    Lying Russian media presented it as a one-sided deliberate massacre and prelude to more massacres of pro-Russians to come; this propaganda greatly contributed to the start of the war.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus’ lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today
    Andrei Bogolubsky violently sacked Kiev even before the Mongols appeared, and locals expelled his hated satrap and Suzdalians afterwards.

    Poles will blame the interloping Rus for causing disunity among Slavs by choosing Eastern instead of Western Christianity for the Slavs over whom they ruled. All Slavs would have been united had they been Western Christians from the beginning.

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization. The descendants of those who had converted from backward paganism to Eastern Christianity in the 10th century were converting from relatively backward Eastern, to Western Christianity in the 16th-18th centuries.

    Others who remained Orthodox were making the local form of Orthodoxy more “western.” The famous Orthodox Academy in Kiev, while engaging in pro-Orthodox polemics, was based on a Jesuit model and taught in Polish and Latin. Generations of Orthodox elites in Ukraine passed through this school, thus the Orthodox in Ukraine were very Westernized in their thinking despite their Orthodoxy. You are correct that this further separated Ukrainians from Russians.

    Development is natural and peoples develop differently when they are in different conditions. An additional 100 years of Mongol rule over Russians moved Russians in a different direction from Ukrainians, Poles aren’t the only ones to be blamed for differences.

    Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody


    Vyhovsky, Mazepa, Petliura all preceded korenizatsia policies, which were local (rather than imposed from Moscow) and reactive rather than proactive in nature anyways.

    Bolsheviks needed to quietly achieve practical control, so they appeased the locals on cultural issues by allowing locals to open their own schools and teach their kids in their own language while the Bolsheviks extended their grip over the security forces. Remember that the first Bolshevik administration under the Bulgarian Rakovsky had tried to Russify the people and met violent universal resistance. Bolsheviks learned from their mistakes.

    And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories
    In the case of Ukraine you have it backwards again. The Noviop elites (like the Bolsheviks had done) outsourced national and cultural issues to non-Noviop activists while they quietly got what they wanted (all the economic assets).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Dmitry

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting. Repeating it time and again is becoming tiresome in the face of all the jingoism.
    So, this is your reason for not ever once crying out against the atrocities committed in Ukraine by Russian troops (which BTW are much more numerous that ones committed by Ukrainian troops), yet somehow I'm some sort of a russophobe for not being more vocal about the downtrodden Russian ethnicity within Ukraine? BTW, I've also written here that the language laws that tried to emphasize more of a Ukrainian slant, especially in the Eastern lands, was too hastily drawn up and should have shown more deference to Russian language expression. At times it appears that your own reticence to express any criticism against the imperialistic nature of this war (Noviop prerogative?), is some sort of mild form of our own jingoism?
  682. @S

    But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly).
    Yes, it is interesting. Sort of like how, 'interestingly', in 1848 revolutions swept across much of the rest of Europe, but left the UK alone. [Russia escaped revolution then, too, but for different reasons.]

    You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals – let’s just admit that and let’s stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.
    I can't tell if you're being facetious here, or not, but if you are being serious, I think you might be short changing your fellow continentals a bit.

    Island nations (such as the UK) have a tendency for separateness about them, but in the UK this tendency was extreme. It is only a twenty mile wide channel, after all, separating the UK from Europe, not Europe being on the other side of the moon as one might think from UK historic rhetoric.

    But, then, if you were an elite and hanger on wishing to use the British (more specifically, the English) people to attack the rest of Europe, you would emphasize this 'separateness' and 'otherness', wouldn't you?

    If you’re saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you’ll probably say something like “As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order”. Frankly, I’m not ready to go that far.
    Well, no, I don't see things that way. I'm not ready to go 'that far' either. :-)

    If I understand you correctly, by the “enlightened / progressives”, you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it’d be easier to follow your thought process.
    When I use the term 'enlightened'/'progressives' I'm broadly referring to the Enlightenment, but, more specifically, to those Euro elites and hangers on who have been high level Freemasons. I think there is a certain bleedover at times between the enlightened and progressives, in that they can sometimes be one and the same people, so I add 'progressive'.

    I should add, I think in a great many instances the 'enlightened'/'progressives' have correctly identified real social ills.

    However, taking humanity into account, which in their inverted world they call 'an act of hatred', I'm more into lead by example and live and let live, while they on the other hand are more into promoting world wars, mass murder and genocides, and stoking racial and ethnic hatreds which they feed off of, 'to enact change'.

    The situation is largely out of control now, I don’t believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.
    This 'chaos' may be more controlled than it appears. Unfortunately, imperfect as it was at the time, I think the Russian people lost their sovereignty in 1917, and have yet to regain it.

    [Will try to respond more a bit later.]

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Coconuts

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, “God save the queen, man.” Next, as with seemingly every conclusion of a Biden public appearance, the 80-year-old president appeared confused about where he should go next, pointing to and fro and seeking guidance from someone off-stage.

    “God save the queen” is an expression of British patriotism. Perhaps the next edition of Biden’s presidential daily briefing should include a refresher on the fact that Americans declared independence from British royals almost 247 years ago. Briefers might also remind him that, with Queen Elizabeth’s death nine months ago, the expression has toggled to “God save the king.”

    It’s past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.


    • Replies: @A123
    @Ivashka the fool

    I mentioned this event previously (1)

    Believe it or not, “God save the queen” wasn’t even the nuttiest thing Biden said in Connecticut.

    Bragging about his administration’s attack on stabilizing braces for firearms, Biden said, “Put a pistol on a brace and it turns into a gun…makes it [so] you can have a…higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.
    This is the near guaranteed DNC candidate?
    Your observation for head of the Democrat party makes surface sense...

    It’s past due they change him at the head of the US of A
    Except, under the Constitution, Not-The-VP Harris would be the successor. Does anyone want Kommander Kamala? That is a hard NO.

    With the wretched economy, no credible Democrat will step up into the DNC primary. I suggest that Pence should become a Democrat and run over there. He has a better chance of winning than he can get in the GOP primary.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    The puppet masters are throwing Biden's lack of credibility in everyone's face. They are rapidly creating chaos, so Biden fits in perfectly. Once they completely undermine the Executive branch, it may not matter if Trump wins or Bugs Bunny or anyone else. This may have already happened.

    In a truly dystopian near-future, they might create an AI-generated virtual President known as "The President". This hologram will say cryptic and vaguely Presidential-sounding things generated by the puppet masters and that will be it. Everyone will know it is fake, we may even find out who is actually pulling the strings, but few will care. Bread and circuses will keep things moving as the hellish woke policies continue to work their evil spell destroying the achievements of European-Christian culture and taking down any cultural fellow travelers in the process.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Ivashka the fool

    , @S
    @Ivashka the fool

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, “God save the queen, man.”
    More egregious still, Biden strongly identifies with his Irish Catholic roots, and you just don't think or say that sort of thing...not even in jest! :-D

    It’s past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.
    Hehe! That's true. :-)

    Seriously, Biden symbolizes to me in the form of a single person the present state of modern 'progressivism' utterly and thoroughly corrupt, half deranged, decrepit.

    Yet it is people that advocate for this corrupted 'progressivism' which at present hold sway over the world. :-(
  683. A123 says: • Website
    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL

    In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

    They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

    Half these "liberals" are just commies in sheep's clothing, but I'm beyond caring. Fuck them all.

    Choosing between them and the muzzes is a lose-lose proposition any way you cut it, but if there's nothing I can do about it, I will at least enjoying watching shitlib excrement being devoured by their own pets.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW, @Ivashka the fool, @A123

    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL

    Are events like this staged? If not, they are wildly over covered by the Fake Stream Media. They do not represent actual views of Muslims in the U.S.

    This is much more typical of Islam in America: (1)

    Liliana Bakhtiari, a non-binary candidate for city council in Atlanta, won election to the 5th District in a run-off election that concluded on November 30.

    Bakhtiari, who uses “she” and “they” pronouns, was one of a handful of candidates that needed to get past the 50 percent threshold to earn their seat. They earned more than 66 percent of the vote, based on final election night data.

    With their election, Bakhtiari becomes approximately the 13th non-binary elected official in the entire United States, and the first to serve the city of Atlanta. They are also the first queer Muslim elected official in the state of Georgia’s history, and the second Iranian-American serving on the Atlanta City Council.

    “I didn’t come out to myself until I was 23, but I knew I was different when I was in preschool. The idea of being able to be elected getting to be my whole self is never something I thought would be celebrated,” Bakhtiari told LGBTQ Nation in an interview published in October.

    If you do not believe me… Name some state or national elected Muslims who are even vaguely normal. You cannot, as they are all Leftoids. Team SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam’s leaders include:

    • Ilhan Omar
    • Rashida Tlaib
    • Keith Ellision

    I could go on, but you see the problem.

    When is the last time you heard Louis Farrakhan State that “marriage is between a man and a woman”? Probably two decades ago. SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam had proven its power to coerce and control those who resist The Message.

    PEACE 😇


    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @QCIC

    The wacky political muslims in the USA are analogous to Ukraine, they are simply a tool to wreak havoc on the USA (Russia in the analogy) and be thrown away when the destruction is accomplished. Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don't count, but that claim doesn't explain what is going on.

    Replies: @A123

  684. @Ivashka the fool

    Just read the article. It was to be expected. The West damaged by Wokism that brings atomization upon the local middle class and destroys families, will be an easy prey to Islam. I have written about it happening right now. But a part I found most amusing was:

    For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit. By 2013, largely Muslim Bangladeshi and Yemeni immigrants supplanted the white eastern Europeans, though the city remains home to significant populations of those groups, as well as African Americans, whites and Bosnian and Albanian Americans. According to the 2020 census some 30% to 38% of Hamtramck’s residents are of Yemeni descent, and 24% are of Asian descent, largely Bangladeshi.

    After several years of diversity on the council, some see irony in an all-male, Muslim elected government that does not reflect the city’s makeup.

    The resolution, which also prohibits the display of flags with ethnic, racist and political views, comes at a time when LGBTQ+ rights are under assault worldwide, and other US cities have passed similar bans, with the vast majority driven by often white politically conservative Americans.
    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?

    They can go and celebrate the Pride Month in the old countries of their ancestors.

    BTW, is it true that Latvian president is a Jew, while its prime minister is an open Gay ?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AP

    Have you read Elmore Leonard on the subject of Hammtramck Albanian immigrants? Some of it is hilarious. Sort of like if the character in the Borat movie was a serial felon with idiotic savant powers of police evasion.

  685. A123 says: • Website

    Actually this is a question I myself have grappled with for some time when it comes to the future of Europe. I must confess that I could quite easily see it going Islamic for the reasons stated previously - that is it would benefit straight white men.

    Let's be honest here - if a religion promises a young man that they can have three wives, good jobs and in general a strong purpose in life over dominant feminism and anti white politics, then obviously those young men are going to take it.

    I have always said that Islam will not conquer Europe. Instead Europe will convert to Islam for social and economic reasons, along with security. For example, you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society, you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore and Judaism is for the Jews. Islam though could very well provide it...

    I predict that Europe will end up like Turkey or dare we say it - Iran, when it comes to demographics. A strong white converted elite at the top, a brown/mixed population beneath them and finally the darker population below even them. Basically an Islamic South Africa if you like.

    As for wanting white girls and mixing - truth be told that was the case 100 years ago. From my own observations, those days are gone. Young men these days just want sex and will have sex with anyone who will provide them with a family. I have noted in America, there is a large uptick in white males and African American females getting married and having kids. Then obviously you have the Passport Bros and their concept of just going to the Philippines or South America for a girl.

    The days of racial loyalty are pretty much over. What was once seen as obscene and disgusting to their grandfather's is now seen as perfectly acceptable and even desirable to the current generation.

    That said, maybe there might be a push towards some sort of ethno-patriotic breeding in Europe in say 20 years or so as it really does hit white people that there literally will be no blonde haired and blue eyed kids anymore due to mass miscegenation. It is within the realms of possibility. But not in America, no. As a friend of mine once said, "in America, 1/3 of the population will definitely mix. 1/3 will definitely not mix and the remaining 1/3 don't care who they sleep with."

    Replies: @A123, @Dmitry

    you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society,

    The solution is changing migration. Reducing new Muslim arrivals to near zero is achievable.

    Khamenei was born before WW II, so the clock is ticking on regime change in Iran (no outside intervention needed). The end of Iran’s regional destabilization will open the door to resolving conflict in Syria & partitioning Lebanon. Huge numbers of undesirables could then be returned, beginning the process of European De-Islamification.

    you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore

    Historically, Christianity has been willing to use vast amounts of force. Do you remember the Crusades? Current hyper pacification of churches is a problematic outlier. Those institutions promoting traditional values will displace the nutters over time.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Iran will simply get a new Supreme Leader after Khamenei is gone just like it did in 1989 when Khomeini died and it got Khamenei in his place.

  686. A123 says: • Website
    @Ivashka the fool

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, "God save the queen, man." Next, as with seemingly every conclusion of a Biden public appearance, the 80-year-old president appeared confused about where he should go next, pointing to and fro and seeking guidance from someone off-stage.

    "God save the queen" is an expression of British patriotism. Perhaps the next edition of Biden's presidential daily briefing should include a refresher on the fact that Americans declared independence from British royals almost 247 years ago. Briefers might also remind him that, with Queen Elizabeth's death nine months ago, the expression has toggled to "God save the king."

    It's past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.


    Replies: @A123, @QCIC, @S

    I mentioned this event previously (1)

    Believe it or not, “God save the queen” wasn’t even the nuttiest thing Biden said in Connecticut.

    Bragging about his administration’s attack on stabilizing braces for firearms, Biden said, “Put a pistol on a brace and it turns into a gun…makes it [so] you can have a…higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.

    This is the near guaranteed DNC candidate?

    Your observation for head of the Democrat party makes surface sense…

    It’s past due they change him at the head of the US of A

    Except, under the Constitution, Not-The-VP Harris would be the successor. Does anyone want Kommander Kamala? That is a hard NO.

    With the wretched economy, no credible Democrat will step up into the DNC primary. I suggest that Pence should become a Democrat and run over there. He has a better chance of winning than he can get in the GOP primary.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Harris would be the successor
    Well, with both her parents being originally from the British Commonwealth, it would be even more fitting for her to say "God save the King".
  687. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    Just read the article. It was to be expected. The West damaged by Wokism that brings atomization upon the local middle class and destroys families, will be an easy prey to Islam. I have written about it happening right now. But a part I found most amusing was:

    For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit. By 2013, largely Muslim Bangladeshi and Yemeni immigrants supplanted the white eastern Europeans, though the city remains home to significant populations of those groups, as well as African Americans, whites and Bosnian and Albanian Americans. According to the 2020 census some 30% to 38% of Hamtramck’s residents are of Yemeni descent, and 24% are of Asian descent, largely Bangladeshi.

    After several years of diversity on the council, some see irony in an all-male, Muslim elected government that does not reflect the city’s makeup.

    The resolution, which also prohibits the display of flags with ethnic, racist and political views, comes at a time when LGBTQ+ rights are under assault worldwide, and other US cities have passed similar bans, with the vast majority driven by often white politically conservative Americans.
    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?

    They can go and celebrate the Pride Month in the old countries of their ancestors.

    BTW, is it true that Latvian president is a Jew, while its prime minister is an open Gay ?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @AP

    “For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit…”

    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?

    No, the Poles and Ukrainians mostly moved to wealthier suburbs up north in the 1990s. A Ukrainian church remains but the school also moved. There are a few Ukrainian and Polish grandmothers still there, and also illegal Ukrainian immigrants living there because rent is dirt cheap. I doubt they are protesting:-)

    Most of the white people currently living in Hamtramck are students and artists, also there for the cheap rent and because it is safer (for obvious demographic reasons) than cheap rent places in the city of Detroit. These are the likely protesters.

    There was once a famous club in Hamtramck that attracted Berlin djs:

    The Albanians of Hamtramck terrify the surrounding Black population.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The Albanians of Hamtramck terrify the surrounding Black population.
    To answer Emil's comment above too.

    Albanians are an interesting lot. Better observed from afar. Someone might want to make a movie where an Albanian gang fights a turf wars with a Chechen gang. It would be as engaging and as exotic as the Aliens against Predators movie.
  688. @S

    But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly).
    Yes, it is interesting. Sort of like how, 'interestingly', in 1848 revolutions swept across much of the rest of Europe, but left the UK alone. [Russia escaped revolution then, too, but for different reasons.]

    You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals – let’s just admit that and let’s stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.
    I can't tell if you're being facetious here, or not, but if you are being serious, I think you might be short changing your fellow continentals a bit.

    Island nations (such as the UK) have a tendency for separateness about them, but in the UK this tendency was extreme. It is only a twenty mile wide channel, after all, separating the UK from Europe, not Europe being on the other side of the moon as one might think from UK historic rhetoric.

    But, then, if you were an elite and hanger on wishing to use the British (more specifically, the English) people to attack the rest of Europe, you would emphasize this 'separateness' and 'otherness', wouldn't you?

    If you’re saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you’ll probably say something like “As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order”. Frankly, I’m not ready to go that far.
    Well, no, I don't see things that way. I'm not ready to go 'that far' either. :-)

    If I understand you correctly, by the “enlightened / progressives”, you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it’d be easier to follow your thought process.
    When I use the term 'enlightened'/'progressives' I'm broadly referring to the Enlightenment, but, more specifically, to those Euro elites and hangers on who have been high level Freemasons. I think there is a certain bleedover at times between the enlightened and progressives, in that they can sometimes be one and the same people, so I add 'progressive'.

    I should add, I think in a great many instances the 'enlightened'/'progressives' have correctly identified real social ills.

    However, taking humanity into account, which in their inverted world they call 'an act of hatred', I'm more into lead by example and live and let live, while they on the other hand are more into promoting world wars, mass murder and genocides, and stoking racial and ethnic hatreds which they feed off of, 'to enact change'.

    The situation is largely out of control now, I don’t believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.
    This 'chaos' may be more controlled than it appears. Unfortunately, imperfect as it was at the time, I think the Russian people lost their sovereignty in 1917, and have yet to regain it.

    [Will try to respond more a bit later.]

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Coconuts

    Island nations (such as the UK) have a tendency for separateness about them, but in the UK this tendency was extreme. It is only a twenty mile wide channel, after all, separating the UK from Europe, not Europe being on the other side of the moon as one might think from UK historic rhetoric.

    Don’t know about this, how familiar with historic European nationalist rhetoric are you?

  689. @A123
    @Ivashka the fool

    I mentioned this event previously (1)

    Believe it or not, “God save the queen” wasn’t even the nuttiest thing Biden said in Connecticut.

    Bragging about his administration’s attack on stabilizing braces for firearms, Biden said, “Put a pistol on a brace and it turns into a gun…makes it [so] you can have a…higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.
    This is the near guaranteed DNC candidate?
    Your observation for head of the Democrat party makes surface sense...

    It’s past due they change him at the head of the US of A
    Except, under the Constitution, Not-The-VP Harris would be the successor. Does anyone want Kommander Kamala? That is a hard NO.

    With the wretched economy, no credible Democrat will step up into the DNC primary. I suggest that Pence should become a Democrat and run over there. He has a better chance of winning than he can get in the GOP primary.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Harris would be the successor

    Well, with both her parents being originally from the British Commonwealth, it would be even more fitting for her to say “God save the King”.

  690. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    “For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit…”

    So basically, the Polish and Ukrainian descended American folks in that petit bled are sad because their Muslim neighbors have taken down the Pride flag ?


    No, the Poles and Ukrainians mostly moved to wealthier suburbs up north in the 1990s. A Ukrainian church remains but the school also moved. There are a few Ukrainian and Polish grandmothers still there, and also illegal Ukrainian immigrants living there because rent is dirt cheap. I doubt they are protesting:-)

    Most of the white people currently living in Hamtramck are students and artists, also there for the cheap rent and because it is safer (for obvious demographic reasons) than cheap rent places in the city of Detroit. These are the likely protesters.

    There was once a famous club in Hamtramck that attracted Berlin djs:

    The Albanians of Hamtramck terrify the surrounding Black population.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The Albanians of Hamtramck terrify the surrounding Black population.

    To answer Emil’s comment above too.

    Albanians are an interesting lot. Better observed from afar. Someone might want to make a movie where an Albanian gang fights a turf wars with a Chechen gang. It would be as engaging and as exotic as the Aliens against Predators movie.

  691. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting. Repeating it time and again is becoming tiresome in the face of all the jingoism.

    But I also remember how it all started. The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa's incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups. Then Strelkov was sent in with a few dozen men from Crimea.

    That's how it went in 2014.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus' lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today. Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody. And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories, there would be no war today even though cultural tensions might have flared from time to time.

    Therefore my biases are entirely assumed: I distrust the Noviop (not on ethnic, but on mentality geounds), I dislike those who work against the best interests of the Eastern Slav people, which includes the Abrahamic religious organizations, and in general I despise those who destroy things that they are unable to build or repair. There are people who are unfit to create, but only fit to live parasitic lives and destroy everything harmonious and beautiful. Those I don't dislike, but I hate. Those who destroyed the mostly friendly relationship between Ukrainians and Russians are among the most vile creatures that have ever existed on the face of this planet. They should be put down.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting

    That is because you are a decent human being.

    But the fact that you blame both sides equally or even imply that Ukrainians started it indicates that you are not free of considerable bias.

    The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.

    Before that, the Yanukovich administration was violently cracking down on popular protests. This was when the violence began.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?

    This was actually the cancellation of an unpopular (in most of Ukraine) language law that Yanukovich got through a fake parliament in 2011. It restored language policy to what it had been prior to 2012 (even under Kuchma).

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa’s incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups

    Before the events in Odesa there was a pro-Ukrainian rally in Donetsk that was violently assaulted and dispersed by pro-Russians, after which the pro-Russians ruled the streets:

    In Odessa, the pro-Russians tried to do the same, and the first person killed that day was a pro-Ukrainian protester. But Odessa was much more pro-Ukrainian than Donetsk, the end was very different. The pro-Russians were defeated on the streets, retreated to their base from where they and the pro-Ukrainians threw Molotov cocktails at each other until the base caught fire and 42 of the pro-Russians died.

    Lying Russian media presented it as a one-sided deliberate massacre and prelude to more massacres of pro-Russians to come; this propaganda greatly contributed to the start of the war.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus’ lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today

    Andrei Bogolubsky violently sacked Kiev even before the Mongols appeared, and locals expelled his hated satrap and Suzdalians afterwards.

    Poles will blame the interloping Rus for causing disunity among Slavs by choosing Eastern instead of Western Christianity for the Slavs over whom they ruled. All Slavs would have been united had they been Western Christians from the beginning.

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization. The descendants of those who had converted from backward paganism to Eastern Christianity in the 10th century were converting from relatively backward Eastern, to Western Christianity in the 16th-18th centuries.

    Others who remained Orthodox were making the local form of Orthodoxy more “western.” The famous Orthodox Academy in Kiev, while engaging in pro-Orthodox polemics, was based on a Jesuit model and taught in Polish and Latin. Generations of Orthodox elites in Ukraine passed through this school, thus the Orthodox in Ukraine were very Westernized in their thinking despite their Orthodoxy. You are correct that this further separated Ukrainians from Russians.

    Development is natural and peoples develop differently when they are in different conditions. An additional 100 years of Mongol rule over Russians moved Russians in a different direction from Ukrainians, Poles aren’t the only ones to be blamed for differences.

    Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody

    Vyhovsky, Mazepa, Petliura all preceded korenizatsia policies, which were local (rather than imposed from Moscow) and reactive rather than proactive in nature anyways.

    Bolsheviks needed to quietly achieve practical control, so they appeased the locals on cultural issues by allowing locals to open their own schools and teach their kids in their own language while the Bolsheviks extended their grip over the security forces. Remember that the first Bolshevik administration under the Bulgarian Rakovsky had tried to Russify the people and met violent universal resistance. Bolsheviks learned from their mistakes.

    And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories

    In the case of Ukraine you have it backwards again. The Noviop elites (like the Bolsheviks had done) outsourced national and cultural issues to non-Noviop activists while they quietly got what they wanted (all the economic assets).

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization.
    Helpful for their own social climbing within the halls of Krakow's large seijm? I wonder sometimes, whether there would have developed a Ukrainian nation if this sort of "civilizing effect" would have proceeded unhampered? Both Russia and Poland have historically expressed similar platitudes of "greater culture" to entice Ukrainians to become totally imbued with foreign spirits.

    Replies: @AP

    , @QCIC

    I am trying to understand why the three of you (MrH, AP, ItF) leave the Jewish aspect out of many of these discussions. I am not a single-issue person,"The Jews did it", so that is not my go-to explanation for things. I try to consider many factors. Among the influential cultures in Ukraine there are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Tatars and Jews and others. Considering the fake War President is Jewish and was "made" by Jewish oligarchs, it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Some possible explanations include:

    The Jews do not have a significant role, this is an ignorant and possibly anti-Semitic question QCIC.

    You three simply do not know much about the Jewish role and don't care.

    You three avoid discussing the Jewish role since you believe this would represent distasteful, immoral or even illegal anti-Semitism.

    You recognize a Jewish role, but think it is independent of the more Slavic factors.

    You have blinders on and simply don't see a Jewish role.

    You are scared to mention it, but also think it is minor.

    You recognize the role is important and are scared to mention it. Fortunately, discussing non-Jewish Ukrainian historical minutiae is cathartic in the face of your fear.


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry, @A123, @Mr. Hack

    , @Dmitry

    a decent human being.
    Most everyone in the forum except AnonfromTN and Karlin opposed the war i.e. 95% of the users here, there is no criteria to be a decent human being, just not completely irrational including rationality for selfish/self-interest.

    But has some delusion of superiority Bashibuzuk, who boasted in an earlier thread "only I oppose the war in this forum", while he was not in the forum, only returning to try to avoid personal responsibility for the war - although the ideology he believes is very similar to Putin's justification for the war. Slavophiles vs Westernizers, when the Westernizers oppose the war and Slavophile ideology promoted it.

    It's more impressive someone who tries to reflect on this, instead of avoiding responsibly.

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn't existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don't agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn't want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014? It's not that relevant to me, because it was still relatively a low level of the postsoviet conflict, mainly inside Ukraine. The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that "start from the top". It's not even board of directors, but CEO decision.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

  692. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. Hack

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting. Repeating it time and again is becoming tiresome in the face of all the jingoism.

    But I also remember how it all started. The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa's incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups. Then Strelkov was sent in with a few dozen men from Crimea.

    That's how it went in 2014.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus' lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today. Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody. And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories, there would be no war today even though cultural tensions might have flared from time to time.

    Therefore my biases are entirely assumed: I distrust the Noviop (not on ethnic, but on mentality geounds), I dislike those who work against the best interests of the Eastern Slav people, which includes the Abrahamic religious organizations, and in general I despise those who destroy things that they are unable to build or repair. There are people who are unfit to create, but only fit to live parasitic lives and destroy everything harmonious and beautiful. Those I don't dislike, but I hate. Those who destroyed the mostly friendly relationship between Ukrainians and Russians are among the most vile creatures that have ever existed on the face of this planet. They should be put down.

    Replies: @AP, @Mr. Hack

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting. Repeating it time and again is becoming tiresome in the face of all the jingoism.

    So, this is your reason for not ever once crying out against the atrocities committed in Ukraine by Russian troops (which BTW are much more numerous that ones committed by Ukrainian troops), yet somehow I’m some sort of a russophobe for not being more vocal about the downtrodden Russian ethnicity within Ukraine? BTW, I’ve also written here that the language laws that tried to emphasize more of a Ukrainian slant, especially in the Eastern lands, was too hastily drawn up and should have shown more deference to Russian language expression. At times it appears that your own reticence to express any criticism against the imperialistic nature of this war (Noviop prerogative?), is some sort of mild form of our own jingoism?

  693. @Ivashka the fool
    @sudden death

    The couple of weeks before the start of the war were quite violent with shellings increasing in both frequency and intensity. But I agree that it did not go up to the 2014 - 2015 levels.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Yes. The increase in late 2021 into 2022 was less well reported than earlier Ukrainian shelling of Donbas civilians. My take is the Russians were caught slightly off guard by this increase. The shelling may have been intended to draw their assembled forces into Ukraine early, which possibly occurred. The video I referenced by “Russians with Attitude” suggested the initial Russian force was really a bluff to cause negotiations. This notion is probably obvious, but new to me.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  694. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting
    That is because you are a decent human being.

    But the fact that you blame both sides equally or even imply that Ukrainians started it indicates that you are not free of considerable bias.

    The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.
    Before that, the Yanukovich administration was violently cracking down on popular protests. This was when the violence began.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?
    This was actually the cancellation of an unpopular (in most of Ukraine) language law that Yanukovich got through a fake parliament in 2011. It restored language policy to what it had been prior to 2012 (even under Kuchma).

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa’s incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups
    Before the events in Odesa there was a pro-Ukrainian rally in Donetsk that was violently assaulted and dispersed by pro-Russians, after which the pro-Russians ruled the streets:

    In Odessa, the pro-Russians tried to do the same, and the first person killed that day was a pro-Ukrainian protester. But Odessa was much more pro-Ukrainian than Donetsk, the end was very different. The pro-Russians were defeated on the streets, retreated to their base from where they and the pro-Ukrainians threw Molotov cocktails at each other until the base caught fire and 42 of the pro-Russians died.

    Lying Russian media presented it as a one-sided deliberate massacre and prelude to more massacres of pro-Russians to come; this propaganda greatly contributed to the start of the war.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus’ lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today
    Andrei Bogolubsky violently sacked Kiev even before the Mongols appeared, and locals expelled his hated satrap and Suzdalians afterwards.

    Poles will blame the interloping Rus for causing disunity among Slavs by choosing Eastern instead of Western Christianity for the Slavs over whom they ruled. All Slavs would have been united had they been Western Christians from the beginning.

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization. The descendants of those who had converted from backward paganism to Eastern Christianity in the 10th century were converting from relatively backward Eastern, to Western Christianity in the 16th-18th centuries.

    Others who remained Orthodox were making the local form of Orthodoxy more “western.” The famous Orthodox Academy in Kiev, while engaging in pro-Orthodox polemics, was based on a Jesuit model and taught in Polish and Latin. Generations of Orthodox elites in Ukraine passed through this school, thus the Orthodox in Ukraine were very Westernized in their thinking despite their Orthodoxy. You are correct that this further separated Ukrainians from Russians.

    Development is natural and peoples develop differently when they are in different conditions. An additional 100 years of Mongol rule over Russians moved Russians in a different direction from Ukrainians, Poles aren’t the only ones to be blamed for differences.

    Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody


    Vyhovsky, Mazepa, Petliura all preceded korenizatsia policies, which were local (rather than imposed from Moscow) and reactive rather than proactive in nature anyways.

    Bolsheviks needed to quietly achieve practical control, so they appeased the locals on cultural issues by allowing locals to open their own schools and teach their kids in their own language while the Bolsheviks extended their grip over the security forces. Remember that the first Bolshevik administration under the Bulgarian Rakovsky had tried to Russify the people and met violent universal resistance. Bolsheviks learned from their mistakes.

    And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories
    In the case of Ukraine you have it backwards again. The Noviop elites (like the Bolsheviks had done) outsourced national and cultural issues to non-Noviop activists while they quietly got what they wanted (all the economic assets).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Dmitry

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization.

    Helpful for their own social climbing within the halls of Krakow’s large seijm? I wonder sometimes, whether there would have developed a Ukrainian nation if this sort of “civilizing effect” would have proceeded unhampered? Both Russia and Poland have historically expressed similar platitudes of “greater culture” to entice Ukrainians to become totally imbued with foreign spirits.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    "Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization."

    Helpful for their own social climbing within the halls of Krakow’s large seijm?
    In the 16th century-17th cernturies, Orthodoxy was backward compared to Catholicism. These noblemen visited places such as Italy and decided to bring themselves (and nudge their people) towards the West. It is comparable to Volodymyr's emissaries being dazzled by Constantinople and choosing conversion to Eastern Christianity of the surviving part of the Roman Empire. The descendants of the same people who had converted to Eastern Christianity now converted to Western Christianity. From a "national" perspective, why was Volodymyr converting to Christianity from his native paganism and forcing the same upon the Slavs better than his descendent converting to Catholicism from the Orthodoxy he grew up in?

    If you have a problem with this approach you can follow Ivashka, whose very logical ultimate conclusion was that conversion to Christianity from the original native pagan faith was a terrible thing.

    I wonder sometimes, whether there would have developed a Ukrainian nation if this sort of “civilizing effect” would have proceeded unhampered?
    It would have been further from Russians and closer to Poles. From a pure Slavophile perspective, a neutral result.

    become totally imbued with foreign spirits
    Nothing wrong with foreign spirits. I will have some more foreign spirits when a friend returns from Azerbaijan with some bottles of Golden Baku for me.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  695. @Ivashka the fool

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, "God save the queen, man." Next, as with seemingly every conclusion of a Biden public appearance, the 80-year-old president appeared confused about where he should go next, pointing to and fro and seeking guidance from someone off-stage.

    "God save the queen" is an expression of British patriotism. Perhaps the next edition of Biden's presidential daily briefing should include a refresher on the fact that Americans declared independence from British royals almost 247 years ago. Briefers might also remind him that, with Queen Elizabeth's death nine months ago, the expression has toggled to "God save the king."

    It's past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.


    Replies: @A123, @QCIC, @S

    The puppet masters are throwing Biden’s lack of credibility in everyone’s face. They are rapidly creating chaos, so Biden fits in perfectly. Once they completely undermine the Executive branch, it may not matter if Trump wins or Bugs Bunny or anyone else. This may have already happened.

    In a truly dystopian near-future, they might create an AI-generated virtual President known as “The President”. This hologram will say cryptic and vaguely Presidential-sounding things generated by the puppet masters and that will be it. Everyone will know it is fake, we may even find out who is actually pulling the strings, but few will care. Bread and circuses will keep things moving as the hellish woke policies continue to work their evil spell destroying the achievements of European-Christian culture and taking down any cultural fellow travelers in the process.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    The executive branch was undermined in November 1963. Technically the constitution is still sort of kind of in effect and theoretically this undermining can be over-mined.

    , @Ivashka the fool

    Do you understand Russian?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

  696. @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    The puppet masters are throwing Biden's lack of credibility in everyone's face. They are rapidly creating chaos, so Biden fits in perfectly. Once they completely undermine the Executive branch, it may not matter if Trump wins or Bugs Bunny or anyone else. This may have already happened.

    In a truly dystopian near-future, they might create an AI-generated virtual President known as "The President". This hologram will say cryptic and vaguely Presidential-sounding things generated by the puppet masters and that will be it. Everyone will know it is fake, we may even find out who is actually pulling the strings, but few will care. Bread and circuses will keep things moving as the hellish woke policies continue to work their evil spell destroying the achievements of European-Christian culture and taking down any cultural fellow travelers in the process.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Ivashka the fool

    The executive branch was undermined in November 1963. Technically the constitution is still sort of kind of in effect and theoretically this undermining can be over-mined.

  697. @A123

    Shock revelation, Islam proves incompatible with gay supremacy. LOL
    Are events like this staged? If not, they are wildly over covered by the Fake Stream Media. They do not represent actual views of Muslims in the U.S.

    This is much more typical of Islam in America: (1)

    Liliana Bakhtiari, a non-binary candidate for city council in Atlanta, won election to the 5th District in a run-off election that concluded on November 30.

    Bakhtiari, who uses “she” and “they” pronouns, was one of a handful of candidates that needed to get past the 50 percent threshold to earn their seat. They earned more than 66 percent of the vote, based on final election night data.
    With their election, Bakhtiari becomes approximately the 13th non-binary elected official in the entire United States, and the first to serve the city of Atlanta. They are also the first queer Muslim elected official in the state of Georgia’s history, and the second Iranian-American serving on the Atlanta City Council.

    “I didn’t come out to myself until I was 23, but I knew I was different when I was in preschool. The idea of being able to be elected getting to be my whole self is never something I thought would be celebrated,” Bakhtiari told LGBTQ Nation in an interview published in October.


    If you do not believe me... Name some state or national elected Muslims who are even vaguely normal. You cannot, as they are all Leftoids. Team SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam's leaders include:

    • Ilhan Omar
    • Rashida Tlaib
    • Keith Ellision

    I could go on, but you see the problem.

    When is the last time you heard Louis Farrakhan State that "marriage is between a man and a woman"? Probably two decades ago. SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam had proven its power to coerce and control those who resist The Message.

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @QCIC

    The wacky political muslims in the USA are analogous to Ukraine, they are simply a tool to wreak havoc on the USA (Russia in the analogy) and be thrown away when the destruction is accomplished. Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don’t count, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @A123

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don’t count, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.
    You have everything 180° backwards. Let me Fix That For You:

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely despise those with Judeo-Christian backgrounds. You may suggest these IslamoGloboHomo elites are secularized, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    Your version can't explain the planet's #1 anti-Semite George IslamoSoros. You should accept that he is a Muslim. If that is too far, can you manage to see him as a secularized Dhimmi servant of Muslims. Why else would he support the genocidal BDS movement?

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims? Is it not clear that Jihadist troop transports bring invaders to Europe threaten all Judeo-Christians, both Jews and Christians?

    The kerfuffle in Detroit is the outlier. SJW Islamic deviancy is the core value of Muslims in America. Again, name some elected state or federal Muslim officials who are not Leftoids.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

  698. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting
    That is because you are a decent human being.

    But the fact that you blame both sides equally or even imply that Ukrainians started it indicates that you are not free of considerable bias.

    The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.
    Before that, the Yanukovich administration was violently cracking down on popular protests. This was when the violence began.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?
    This was actually the cancellation of an unpopular (in most of Ukraine) language law that Yanukovich got through a fake parliament in 2011. It restored language policy to what it had been prior to 2012 (even under Kuchma).

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa’s incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups
    Before the events in Odesa there was a pro-Ukrainian rally in Donetsk that was violently assaulted and dispersed by pro-Russians, after which the pro-Russians ruled the streets:

    In Odessa, the pro-Russians tried to do the same, and the first person killed that day was a pro-Ukrainian protester. But Odessa was much more pro-Ukrainian than Donetsk, the end was very different. The pro-Russians were defeated on the streets, retreated to their base from where they and the pro-Ukrainians threw Molotov cocktails at each other until the base caught fire and 42 of the pro-Russians died.

    Lying Russian media presented it as a one-sided deliberate massacre and prelude to more massacres of pro-Russians to come; this propaganda greatly contributed to the start of the war.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus’ lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today
    Andrei Bogolubsky violently sacked Kiev even before the Mongols appeared, and locals expelled his hated satrap and Suzdalians afterwards.

    Poles will blame the interloping Rus for causing disunity among Slavs by choosing Eastern instead of Western Christianity for the Slavs over whom they ruled. All Slavs would have been united had they been Western Christians from the beginning.

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization. The descendants of those who had converted from backward paganism to Eastern Christianity in the 10th century were converting from relatively backward Eastern, to Western Christianity in the 16th-18th centuries.

    Others who remained Orthodox were making the local form of Orthodoxy more “western.” The famous Orthodox Academy in Kiev, while engaging in pro-Orthodox polemics, was based on a Jesuit model and taught in Polish and Latin. Generations of Orthodox elites in Ukraine passed through this school, thus the Orthodox in Ukraine were very Westernized in their thinking despite their Orthodoxy. You are correct that this further separated Ukrainians from Russians.

    Development is natural and peoples develop differently when they are in different conditions. An additional 100 years of Mongol rule over Russians moved Russians in a different direction from Ukrainians, Poles aren’t the only ones to be blamed for differences.

    Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody


    Vyhovsky, Mazepa, Petliura all preceded korenizatsia policies, which were local (rather than imposed from Moscow) and reactive rather than proactive in nature anyways.

    Bolsheviks needed to quietly achieve practical control, so they appeased the locals on cultural issues by allowing locals to open their own schools and teach their kids in their own language while the Bolsheviks extended their grip over the security forces. Remember that the first Bolshevik administration under the Bulgarian Rakovsky had tried to Russify the people and met violent universal resistance. Bolsheviks learned from their mistakes.

    And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories
    In the case of Ukraine you have it backwards again. The Noviop elites (like the Bolsheviks had done) outsourced national and cultural issues to non-Noviop activists while they quietly got what they wanted (all the economic assets).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Dmitry

    I am trying to understand why the three of you (MrH, AP, ItF) leave the Jewish aspect out of many of these discussions. I am not a single-issue person,”The Jews did it”, so that is not my go-to explanation for things. I try to consider many factors. Among the influential cultures in Ukraine there are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Tatars and Jews and others. Considering the fake War President is Jewish and was “made” by Jewish oligarchs, it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Some possible explanations include:

    The Jews do not have a significant role, this is an ignorant and possibly anti-Semitic question QCIC.

    You three simply do not know much about the Jewish role and don’t care.

    You three avoid discussing the Jewish role since you believe this would represent distasteful, immoral or even illegal anti-Semitism.

    You recognize a Jewish role, but think it is independent of the more Slavic factors.

    You have blinders on and simply don’t see a Jewish role.

    You are scared to mention it, but also think it is minor.

    You recognize the role is important and are scared to mention it. Fortunately, discussing non-Jewish Ukrainian historical minutiae is cathartic in the face of your fear.


    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Fear is the mind killer.

    I have asked yesterday LatW whether it is true that the president of Latvia is Jewish, while its prime minister is openly Gay, she didn't answer these questions...

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Dmitry

    I'm not so much reading about the situation in Ukraine.

    In Russia, people with the Jewish roots are very significant in the business class, with some other nationalities.

    Although Putin and the clique of security people which are the top of the pyramid, seeming Russian, with the Leningrad roots, not people with any information about Jewish roots. They are likely the people with decisions for the security and military (unless you think the security clique of the kremlin are servants of Klaus Schwab etc).

    The business class has been ignored by Putin in the last decade, including from the ideological view.

    February 2022 was a bad decision for the business class in Russia. Western sanctions against Russia, were probably the most loss of Jewish roots' peoples' wealth since the Second World War. Although I wouldn't feel much sympathy for them, as they will still have far more money after this than they can use in their life.

    There is a lot of problem with the political and economic system in Russia, including the top-down (autocracy) and the opaque information.

    So, excluding the person in the top of the pyramid, which groups control the economy, who is controlling the security. It is relatively opaque or informal transmittion of the information. Then there is system of pseudo-democracy to partly delegate some decisions to the population, but also often marketing to say the top's decisions as a will of the people or "deep people".

    For this reason, the level of the Jewish-roots people in the business class was probably underestimated. If level of Jewish-roots people in the security class has been underestimated, this would be very opaque, as ordinary people like me are not aware. There is also problem of describing the situation even as different groups of power as in the Soviet times, as the most important decisions are by Putin, there is the traditional autocracy, not so much of the collective leadership that was after Stalin.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @A123

    it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.
    Post Judaic apostate Zelensky is disliked, even despused, by authentic Palestinian Jews: (1)

    [Sorry if this is a repeat to some]

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to the Knesset on Sunday evening was received with mixed responses from Israeli lawmakers, with some calling it “outrageous” and others supporting the “distressed” president.

    Several MKs harshly criticized Zelensky for drawing comparisons between the Holocaust and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and seemingly ignoring some Ukrainians’ complicity in the Nazi-led genocide.


    Likud MK Yuval Steinitz said it “borders on Holocaust denial.”

    “War is always a terrible thing… but every comparison between a regular war, as difficult as it is, and the extermination of millions of Jews in gas chambers in the framework of the Final Solution is a complete distortion of history,” he said in a statement.

    A number of Religious Zionism MKs also criticized Zelensky, with the far-right opposition party’s leader, Bezalel Smotrich, slamming the Holocaust comparisons and accusing the Ukrainian leader of trying “to rewrite history and erase the involvement of the Ukrainian people in the extermination of Jews.”

    Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rotman rejected Zelensky’s request that Israel treat Ukrainians the same way Zelensky claimed Ukraine treated Jews during the Holocaust.

    Russia is the more Jewish side in this conflict. Zelensky's defamation of Jews has locked that in. Although, Israel officially maintains nutrality.

    This point is further brought home by the Muslim style deception practiced by the Kiev regime. Ukiewood works like Pallywood, blaming Russia for things actually done by the Ukrainian side. It is all quite obvious.

    Do you understand why IslamoGloboHomo drives the fight of Christians against Christians? It serves the followers of Muhammad, by making Christianity weaker. Muslim efforts to divide Judeo-Christians is aimed at producing similar fault lines.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) From March 2022 --

    , @Mr. Hack

    They're not just Jews anymore, they're "Zhydo-Banderovtsi", so they've atoned for much of their past digressions. You're much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue. What's there not to like? Besides, according to kremlinstoogeA123's well researched and formulated theories, secular Jews aren't really Jews anymore, they're more likely to have become Muslims. But if that's true Zelensky should probably be classified as a Muslim too, yet he walks and talks more like a Ukrainian Orthodox Christian?...

    Replies: @QCIC

  699. @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    The puppet masters are throwing Biden's lack of credibility in everyone's face. They are rapidly creating chaos, so Biden fits in perfectly. Once they completely undermine the Executive branch, it may not matter if Trump wins or Bugs Bunny or anyone else. This may have already happened.

    In a truly dystopian near-future, they might create an AI-generated virtual President known as "The President". This hologram will say cryptic and vaguely Presidential-sounding things generated by the puppet masters and that will be it. Everyone will know it is fake, we may even find out who is actually pulling the strings, but few will care. Bread and circuses will keep things moving as the hellish woke policies continue to work their evil spell destroying the achievements of European-Christian culture and taking down any cultural fellow travelers in the process.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Ivashka the fool

    Do you understand Russian?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    This fellow writes in English but he lives in Moscow and is married to a Russian woman.

    He makes out like there is a great reset happening in Russia which is more-or-less perestroika 2.0. He doesn't use that exact word that I saw but I don't know why he wouldn't.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    , @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    Sadly no. I once knew a bit of German and Latin, mostly gone now.

  700. @QCIC

    I am trying to understand why the three of you (MrH, AP, ItF) leave the Jewish aspect out of many of these discussions. I am not a single-issue person,"The Jews did it", so that is not my go-to explanation for things. I try to consider many factors. Among the influential cultures in Ukraine there are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Tatars and Jews and others. Considering the fake War President is Jewish and was "made" by Jewish oligarchs, it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Some possible explanations include:

    The Jews do not have a significant role, this is an ignorant and possibly anti-Semitic question QCIC.

    You three simply do not know much about the Jewish role and don't care.

    You three avoid discussing the Jewish role since you believe this would represent distasteful, immoral or even illegal anti-Semitism.

    You recognize a Jewish role, but think it is independent of the more Slavic factors.

    You have blinders on and simply don't see a Jewish role.

    You are scared to mention it, but also think it is minor.

    You recognize the role is important and are scared to mention it. Fortunately, discussing non-Jewish Ukrainian historical minutiae is cathartic in the face of your fear.


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry, @A123, @Mr. Hack

    Fear is the mind killer.

    I have asked yesterday LatW whether it is true that the president of Latvia is Jewish, while its prime minister is openly Gay, she didn’t answer these questions…

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    It is not fear. Because there is a real war going on right now, I will not answer anything related to anything that could hurt my country (or friends of my country). Info sharing should be limited at this point.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke

  701. @Ivashka the fool

    Do you understand Russian?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

    This fellow writes in English but he lives in Moscow and is married to a Russian woman.

    He makes out like there is a great reset happening in Russia which is more-or-less perestroika 2.0. He doesn’t use that exact word that I saw but I don’t know why he wouldn’t.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Wow, this is all bad.

    Was Perestroika 1.0 as bad as this?

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin's brain? Technology being used to turn Russian human capital into soul-less drones all under the watchful eye of the benevolent AI. Maybe he just said, "I'll have a Bid Light".

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry

    , @Ivashka the fool
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Well, you perhaps remember me posting all these pics of Pynya shaking hands with Shwab and even me mentioning Gref and Sobyanin among the RusFed-ian Globalist faction. Therefore it doesn't come as a surprise to me at all, but the author made a great job of lining the facts.

    Now, it is not Perestroika 2.0 in RusFed only, it is a Globostroika, a global change of unprecedented scale that comes in two flavors: the Western and the Chinese. The next couple of decades will be an interesting time to witness the competition between the Westerstroika and the Sinostroika.

    Then either we have the dialectic synthesis of the two antagonistic projects (unity as a struggle of the opposites) or we have a collapse of the Globalization and the emerging Abrahamic Global Caliphate after an archaeofuturist transformation of the West and the transhumanist Dharmic Asian civilization - Shambhala. I personally would bet on the second option but we would both be dead by then anyway.

  702. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    I have written countless times that I find this war immoral and disgusting
    That is because you are a decent human being.

    But the fact that you blame both sides equally or even imply that Ukrainians started it indicates that you are not free of considerable bias.

    The first violent takeovers of the local administrations were not in Donbass, but in the Western Ukraine with people such as Sashko Bilyi acting as the leaders.
    Before that, the Yanukovich administration was violently cracking down on popular protests. This was when the violence began.

    The first law, passed by the new Rada after the Maidan coup was directly aimed at relegating Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine to the second class position. The very first law. Why had they to do that ? In a mostly bilingual country?
    This was actually the cancellation of an unpopular (in most of Ukraine) language law that Yanukovich got through a fake parliament in 2011. It restored language policy to what it had been prior to 2012 (even under Kuchma).

    Also, the nationalists threatened with punitive expeditions, what they sarcastically called поезда дружбы. And after the Odessa’s incident and the deaths at the House of the trade unions there, Russian speaking (actually mostly bilingual) Ukrainians started forming self-defense groups
    Before the events in Odesa there was a pro-Ukrainian rally in Donetsk that was violently assaulted and dispersed by pro-Russians, after which the pro-Russians ruled the streets:

    In Odessa, the pro-Russians tried to do the same, and the first person killed that day was a pro-Ukrainian protester. But Odessa was much more pro-Ukrainian than Donetsk, the end was very different. The pro-Russians were defeated on the streets, retreated to their base from where they and the pro-Ukrainians threw Molotov cocktails at each other until the base caught fire and 42 of the pro-Russians died.

    Lying Russian media presented it as a one-sided deliberate massacre and prelude to more massacres of pro-Russians to come; this propaganda greatly contributed to the start of the war.

    But this conflict predates 2014 by many centuries. Without the thrust of the Latin Church into the Rus’ lands under the Lithuanian domination, there would be no conflict today
    Andrei Bogolubsky violently sacked Kiev even before the Mongols appeared, and locals expelled his hated satrap and Suzdalians afterwards.

    Poles will blame the interloping Rus for causing disunity among Slavs by choosing Eastern instead of Western Christianity for the Slavs over whom they ruled. All Slavs would have been united had they been Western Christians from the beginning.

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization. The descendants of those who had converted from backward paganism to Eastern Christianity in the 10th century were converting from relatively backward Eastern, to Western Christianity in the 16th-18th centuries.

    Others who remained Orthodox were making the local form of Orthodoxy more “western.” The famous Orthodox Academy in Kiev, while engaging in pro-Orthodox polemics, was based on a Jesuit model and taught in Polish and Latin. Generations of Orthodox elites in Ukraine passed through this school, thus the Orthodox in Ukraine were very Westernized in their thinking despite their Orthodoxy. You are correct that this further separated Ukrainians from Russians.

    Development is natural and peoples develop differently when they are in different conditions. An additional 100 years of Mongol rule over Russians moved Russians in a different direction from Ukrainians, Poles aren’t the only ones to be blamed for differences.

    Without the Bolshevik korenizatsia this conflict would have been less bloody


    Vyhovsky, Mazepa, Petliura all preceded korenizatsia policies, which were local (rather than imposed from Moscow) and reactive rather than proactive in nature anyways.

    Bolsheviks needed to quietly achieve practical control, so they appeased the locals on cultural issues by allowing locals to open their own schools and teach their kids in their own language while the Bolsheviks extended their grip over the security forces. Remember that the first Bolshevik administration under the Bulgarian Rakovsky had tried to Russify the people and met violent universal resistance. Bolsheviks learned from their mistakes.

    And without the Noviop elites at the helm of both territories
    In the case of Ukraine you have it backwards again. The Noviop elites (like the Bolsheviks had done) outsourced national and cultural issues to non-Noviop activists while they quietly got what they wanted (all the economic assets).

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC, @Dmitry

    a decent human being.

    Most everyone in the forum except AnonfromTN and Karlin opposed the war i.e. 95% of the users here, there is no criteria to be a decent human being, just not completely irrational including rationality for selfish/self-interest.

    But has some delusion of superiority Bashibuzuk, who boasted in an earlier thread “only I oppose the war in this forum”, while he was not in the forum, only returning to try to avoid personal responsibility for the war – although the ideology he believes is very similar to Putin’s justification for the war. Slavophiles vs Westernizers, when the Westernizers oppose the war and Slavophile ideology promoted it.

    It’s more impressive someone who tries to reflect on this, instead of avoiding responsibly.

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn’t existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don’t agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn’t want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014? It’s not that relevant to me, because it was still relatively a low level of the postsoviet conflict, mainly inside Ukraine. The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that “start from the top”. It’s not even board of directors, but CEO decision.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that “start from the top”. It’s not even board of directors, but CEO decision.
    You mean February *2022*, no?
    , @Ivashka the fool

    Well, that's quite a boiler plate of ad hominem attacks.

    Tell me Dima, what had triggered this reaction?

    The honest questions that I asked you about whether you see the Russian people as your people and about whether your pacifism extends to the Tsahal?


    I have no personal responsibility whatsoever to evade in this situation because I have not been part of the RusFed-Ian system since 1996. My parents made the hard, but in retrospect wise and prescient decision, to get us out of the country they still both love profoundly to this very day. They did that because they understood in 1993 that what replaced USSR was not better, but perhaps even worse. We relocated then with our handheld luggage only and exactly 2500$ because we were morally outraged and aghast at what was happening in Russia. We made sacrifices based on a moral existential choice, not profit seeking.

    It is true that with the coming of Putin to power, my parents first, and then my brother later, started to warm up to RusFed. The economy was getting better, our relatives there climbed the stairs of the establishment in Moscow, Putin was the "Man of the year" time and again in the Times Magazine. RT started broadcasting its "Radio Armenia" style propaganda (a reference to Soviet jokes that you are too young to recall) and its (excellent) trolling of the "Western Partners" began to get traction among the Western dissenters and dissidents.

    But I stood unimpressed, although I was offered a couple of opportunities in my professional field to collaborate on interesting projects in Skolkovo and a couple of Muscovite private businesses between 2013 and 2018.

    While visiting back home, discussing with relatives, new professional contacts, and childhood friends, I came to several conclusions that have shaped my outlook on the RusFed-ian situation. 1) RusFed is not the national state of the Russian people 2) RusFed is an integral part of the Globalization process 3) RusFed-ian elites are mostly Noviop 4) RusFed will end up replacing the Russian ethnos with the melting pot of the Eurasian integration 5) RusFed will end up becoming even more of an authoritarian place. I don't want my children to live in such a place, that's why I refused to ho back to work in Moscow. I took that decision in 2016 already, the things got only worse since then.

    Emil has posted a link to a highly readable blog by an American journalist living in Moscow. It outlines the RusFed-ian alignment with the Great Reset policies promoted by the Globalist elites. I suggest you have a look at it, especially if you now believe that you would find solace in the RusFed-ian Noviop liberal milieu. The author writes about many things that I have mentioned in my comments already and he asks the right questions.

    And one last thing, while you read this blog, perhaps you might reflect on the important question of whether being related to Russia is important to you in any way at all. The world is vast, you are young and smart, you probably will have a great time while living in the Globalized West after a period of adaptation.

    You don't really want to be Russian anyway, do you ?

    И нах☆й вообще эти Русские нужны?


    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @Greasy William

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014?
    Hasn't Strelkov not only admitted to starting it, but outright bragged about it?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  703. @Ivashka the fool

    Do you understand Russian?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @QCIC

    Sadly no. I once knew a bit of German and Latin, mostly gone now.

  704. A123 says: • Website

    The wacky political muslims in the USA are analogous to Ukraine, they are simply a tool to wreak havoc on the USA (Russia in the analogy) and be thrown away when the destruction is accomplished. Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don't count, but that claim doesn't explain what is going on.

    Replies: @A123

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don’t count, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    You have everything 180° backwards. Let me Fix That For You:

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely despise those with Judeo-Christian backgrounds. You may suggest these IslamoGloboHomo elites are secularized, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    Your version can’t explain the planet’s #1 anti-Semite George IslamoSoros. You should accept that he is a Muslim. If that is too far, can you manage to see him as a secularized Dhimmi servant of Muslims. Why else would he support the genocidal BDS movement?

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims? Is it not clear that Jihadist troop transports bring invaders to Europe threaten all Judeo-Christians, both Jews and Christians?

    The kerfuffle in Detroit is the outlier. SJW Islamic deviancy is the core value of Muslims in America. Again, name some elected state or federal Muslim officials who are not Leftoids.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I meant to write "Unfortunately for your position, ..."

    I don't think Muslims as a group have any agency, despite the fact they conquered most of the world in times past.

    We could frame these things as Catholic vs. Orthodox vs. Muslim vs. Jew vs. Others and then pick our world shaping players from that short list. However, it is well known that Jewish interests control many of the areas (finance, publishing, Western academia, etc.) which mold our day to day paradigm. I simply don't think the other groups currently have enough clout to call the shots, though they may have in the past.

    I also agree there is a difference between observant Jewish overlords and those who are not observant, but others would have to explain the details. Whatever their status, they frequently seem to use some sort of Talmudic or Kabbalistic playbook. This is far beyond my knowledge or interest, but the dim outlines of this notion have been pointed out by many credible writers.

    I have never delved into Soros. Do you have a reference which explains his relation to Islam or is that point some sort of trolling?

    Replies: @A123

    , @silviosilver

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?
    Great question. Yet all the leading Jewish organizations are foursquare pro infinity immigration. Obviously they see a greater danger in being anti-immigration than in packing in muzzes. One wouldn't expect an Jew-firster like you to acknowledge this, so we'll just leave it at that. (And in the meantime enjoy a quiet laugh at your expense over your bot-like derangement about "Islamosoros.")

    Replies: @A123

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?
    Because they feel that a more diverse Europe makes a resurgence of Nazi-like movements in Europe less likely? Though Yes, this strategy does strike one as being rather stupid since a lot of Muslims are also extremely hostile towards Jews.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  705. @QCIC

    I am trying to understand why the three of you (MrH, AP, ItF) leave the Jewish aspect out of many of these discussions. I am not a single-issue person,"The Jews did it", so that is not my go-to explanation for things. I try to consider many factors. Among the influential cultures in Ukraine there are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Tatars and Jews and others. Considering the fake War President is Jewish and was "made" by Jewish oligarchs, it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Some possible explanations include:

    The Jews do not have a significant role, this is an ignorant and possibly anti-Semitic question QCIC.

    You three simply do not know much about the Jewish role and don't care.

    You three avoid discussing the Jewish role since you believe this would represent distasteful, immoral or even illegal anti-Semitism.

    You recognize a Jewish role, but think it is independent of the more Slavic factors.

    You have blinders on and simply don't see a Jewish role.

    You are scared to mention it, but also think it is minor.

    You recognize the role is important and are scared to mention it. Fortunately, discussing non-Jewish Ukrainian historical minutiae is cathartic in the face of your fear.


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry, @A123, @Mr. Hack

    I’m not so much reading about the situation in Ukraine.

    In Russia, people with the Jewish roots are very significant in the business class, with some other nationalities.

    Although Putin and the clique of security people which are the top of the pyramid, seeming Russian, with the Leningrad roots, not people with any information about Jewish roots. They are likely the people with decisions for the security and military (unless you think the security clique of the kremlin are servants of Klaus Schwab etc).

    The business class has been ignored by Putin in the last decade, including from the ideological view.

    February 2022 was a bad decision for the business class in Russia. Western sanctions against Russia, were probably the most loss of Jewish roots’ peoples’ wealth since the Second World War. Although I wouldn’t feel much sympathy for them, as they will still have far more money after this than they can use in their life.

    There is a lot of problem with the political and economic system in Russia, including the top-down (autocracy) and the opaque information.

    So, excluding the person in the top of the pyramid, which groups control the economy, who is controlling the security. It is relatively opaque or informal transmittion of the information. Then there is system of pseudo-democracy to partly delegate some decisions to the population, but also often marketing to say the top’s decisions as a will of the people or “deep people”.

    For this reason, the level of the Jewish-roots people in the business class was probably underestimated. If level of Jewish-roots people in the security class has been underestimated, this would be very opaque, as ordinary people like me are not aware. There is also problem of describing the situation even as different groups of power as in the Soviet times, as the most important decisions are by Putin, there is the traditional autocracy, not so much of the collective leadership that was after Stalin.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I would never expect to sort this tangled web out for Russia, but good luck trying.

    In Ukraine it seems like it should be easier to identify the true levers of power and what they are being used for, if only because the stage is small and the arrangement of players is fairly recent. Also, the whole thing is very "over the top" so I don't think the players are really hiding.

    The SMO may restore some of the wealth and primacy of the defense industry in both Russia and the West. Maybe the baby-killer faction just decided to move back into the driver's seat.

    Now that Russia has become more self-sufficient agriculturally I think she should become a hermit kingdom and do her own thing. Is there really anything in Africa, South Asia or America that Russia can't do without?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  706. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    This fellow writes in English but he lives in Moscow and is married to a Russian woman.

    He makes out like there is a great reset happening in Russia which is more-or-less perestroika 2.0. He doesn't use that exact word that I saw but I don't know why he wouldn't.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    Wow, this is all bad.

    Was Perestroika 1.0 as bad as this?

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin’s brain? Technology being used to turn Russian human capital into soul-less drones all under the watchful eye of the benevolent AI. Maybe he just said, “I’ll have a Bid Light”.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin’s brain?
    The answer is yes.

    Tolik is adapting to the new perspectives.

    He is a smart guy doing the right thing.


    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Dmitry

    What happens in the Russian Federation after 1991, is light extraction of usually more negative parts of both sides of Cold War. I.e. more negative parts of American capitalism and more negative parts of the Soviet communism. So, all the obsession with digitization, was part of this. Now, they establish microphones in schools.

    But I don't guess, some exciting change will happen in Russia in the next few years. It seems like the country will be more isolated and probably staying in the current situation, people are in Russia following the authorities and accepting some reduction of their own role.

    As for situation of more isolation, for Russians, "living in an unfashionable country" is not the worst thing to be, unless you live outside Russia when you have to experience the cost of the unfashion.

    The reason the extraction in the 1991 was mostly of the negative parts of the Western culture, is likely mainly because the elite cannot extract more positive parts without reducing their control. You can import the Western music, hamburgers, clothes. If you import the Western concepts of transparency or the self-criticism of the society? It was similar dynamics in the 19th century by the way. Elites imported French, German and English clothes, culture, painting, music, fashion, not so much of Western changes of leaders.

    After the 19th century, later, there was imported negative version of the French revolution. So, maybe the cycle will continue. Although for some reason, I don't feel very soon.

  707. S says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, "God save the queen, man." Next, as with seemingly every conclusion of a Biden public appearance, the 80-year-old president appeared confused about where he should go next, pointing to and fro and seeking guidance from someone off-stage.

    "God save the queen" is an expression of British patriotism. Perhaps the next edition of Biden's presidential daily briefing should include a refresher on the fact that Americans declared independence from British royals almost 247 years ago. Briefers might also remind him that, with Queen Elizabeth's death nine months ago, the expression has toggled to "God save the king."

    It's past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.


    Replies: @A123, @QCIC, @S

    Just a few weeks before Independence Day, President Joe Biden dumbfounded an audience in Connecticut and observers everywhere when he closed a speech on Friday by declaring, “God save the queen, man.”

    More egregious still, Biden strongly identifies with his Irish Catholic roots, and you just don’t think or say that sort of thing…not even in jest! 😀

    It’s past due they change him at the head of the US of A to someone more subtle.

    Hehe! That’s true. 🙂

    Seriously, Biden symbolizes to me in the form of a single person the present state of modern ‘progressivism’…ie utterly and thoroughly corrupt, half deranged, decrepit.

    Yet it is people that advocate for this corrupted ‘progressivism’ which at present hold sway over the world. 🙁

  708. A123 says: • Website

    I am trying to understand why the three of you (MrH, AP, ItF) leave the Jewish aspect out of many of these discussions. I am not a single-issue person,"The Jews did it", so that is not my go-to explanation for things. I try to consider many factors. Among the influential cultures in Ukraine there are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Tatars and Jews and others. Considering the fake War President is Jewish and was "made" by Jewish oligarchs, it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Some possible explanations include:

    The Jews do not have a significant role, this is an ignorant and possibly anti-Semitic question QCIC.

    You three simply do not know much about the Jewish role and don't care.

    You three avoid discussing the Jewish role since you believe this would represent distasteful, immoral or even illegal anti-Semitism.

    You recognize a Jewish role, but think it is independent of the more Slavic factors.

    You have blinders on and simply don't see a Jewish role.

    You are scared to mention it, but also think it is minor.

    You recognize the role is important and are scared to mention it. Fortunately, discussing non-Jewish Ukrainian historical minutiae is cathartic in the face of your fear.


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry, @A123, @Mr. Hack

    it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Post Judaic apostate Zelensky is disliked, even despused, by authentic Palestinian Jews: (1)

    [Sorry if this is a repeat to some]

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to the Knesset on Sunday evening was received with mixed responses from Israeli lawmakers, with some calling it “outrageous” and others supporting the “distressed” president.

    Several MKs harshly criticized Zelensky for drawing comparisons between the Holocaust and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and seemingly ignoring some Ukrainians’ complicity in the Nazi-led genocide.

    Likud MK Yuval Steinitz said it “borders on Holocaust denial.”

    “War is always a terrible thing… but every comparison between a regular war, as difficult as it is, and the extermination of millions of Jews in gas chambers in the framework of the Final Solution is a complete distortion of history,” he said in a statement.

    A number of Religious Zionism MKs also criticized Zelensky, with the far-right opposition party’s leader, Bezalel Smotrich, slamming the Holocaust comparisons and accusing the Ukrainian leader of trying “to rewrite history and erase the involvement of the Ukrainian people in the extermination of Jews.”

    Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rotman rejected Zelensky’s request that Israel treat Ukrainians the same way Zelensky claimed Ukraine treated Jews during the Holocaust.

    Russia is the more Jewish side in this conflict. Zelensky’s defamation of Jews has locked that in. Although, Israel officially maintains nutrality.

    This point is further brought home by the Muslim style deception practiced by the Kiev regime. Ukiewood works like Pallywood, blaming Russia for things actually done by the Ukrainian side. It is all quite obvious.

    Do you understand why IslamoGloboHomo drives the fight of Christians against Christians? It serves the followers of Muhammad, by making Christianity weaker. Muslim efforts to divide Judeo-Christians is aimed at producing similar fault lines.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) From March 2022 —

  709. @A123

    you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society,
    The solution is changing migration. Reducing new Muslim arrivals to near zero is achievable.

    Khamenei was born before WW II, so the clock is ticking on regime change in Iran (no outside intervention needed). The end of Iran's regional destabilization will open the door to resolving conflict in Syria & partitioning Lebanon. Huge numbers of undesirables could then be returned, beginning the process of European De-Islamification.

    you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore
    Historically, Christianity has been willing to use vast amounts of force. Do you remember the Crusades? Current hyper pacification of churches is a problematic outlier. Those institutions promoting traditional values will displace the nutters over time.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Iran will simply get a new Supreme Leader after Khamenei is gone just like it did in 1989 when Khomeini died and it got Khamenei in his place.

  710. @Dmitry

    a decent human being.
    Most everyone in the forum except AnonfromTN and Karlin opposed the war i.e. 95% of the users here, there is no criteria to be a decent human being, just not completely irrational including rationality for selfish/self-interest.

    But has some delusion of superiority Bashibuzuk, who boasted in an earlier thread "only I oppose the war in this forum", while he was not in the forum, only returning to try to avoid personal responsibility for the war - although the ideology he believes is very similar to Putin's justification for the war. Slavophiles vs Westernizers, when the Westernizers oppose the war and Slavophile ideology promoted it.

    It's more impressive someone who tries to reflect on this, instead of avoiding responsibly.

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn't existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don't agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn't want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014? It's not that relevant to me, because it was still relatively a low level of the postsoviet conflict, mainly inside Ukraine. The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that "start from the top". It's not even board of directors, but CEO decision.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

    The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that “start from the top”. It’s not even board of directors, but CEO decision.

    You mean February *2022*, no?

  711. @Dmitry

    a decent human being.
    Most everyone in the forum except AnonfromTN and Karlin opposed the war i.e. 95% of the users here, there is no criteria to be a decent human being, just not completely irrational including rationality for selfish/self-interest.

    But has some delusion of superiority Bashibuzuk, who boasted in an earlier thread "only I oppose the war in this forum", while he was not in the forum, only returning to try to avoid personal responsibility for the war - although the ideology he believes is very similar to Putin's justification for the war. Slavophiles vs Westernizers, when the Westernizers oppose the war and Slavophile ideology promoted it.

    It's more impressive someone who tries to reflect on this, instead of avoiding responsibly.

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn't existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don't agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn't want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014? It's not that relevant to me, because it was still relatively a low level of the postsoviet conflict, mainly inside Ukraine. The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that "start from the top". It's not even board of directors, but CEO decision.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

    Well, that’s quite a boiler plate of ad hominem attacks.

    Tell me Dima, what had triggered this reaction?

    The honest questions that I asked you about whether you see the Russian people as your people and about whether your pacifism extends to the Tsahal?



    I have no personal responsibility whatsoever to evade in this situation because I have not been part of the RusFed-Ian system since 1996. My parents made the hard, but in retrospect wise and prescient decision, to get us out of the country they still both love profoundly to this very day. They did that because they understood in 1993 that what replaced USSR was not better, but perhaps even worse. We relocated then with our handheld luggage only and exactly 2500$ because we were morally outraged and aghast at what was happening in Russia. We made sacrifices based on a moral existential choice, not profit seeking.

    It is true that with the coming of Putin to power, my parents first, and then my brother later, started to warm up to RusFed. The economy was getting better, our relatives there climbed the stairs of the establishment in Moscow, Putin was the “Man of the year” time and again in the Times Magazine. RT started broadcasting its “Radio Armenia” style propaganda (a reference to Soviet jokes that you are too young to recall) and its (excellent) trolling of the “Western Partners” began to get traction among the Western dissenters and dissidents.

    But I stood unimpressed, although I was offered a couple of opportunities in my professional field to collaborate on interesting projects in Skolkovo and a couple of Muscovite private businesses between 2013 and 2018.

    While visiting back home, discussing with relatives, new professional contacts, and childhood friends, I came to several conclusions that have shaped my outlook on the RusFed-ian situation. 1) RusFed is not the national state of the Russian people 2) RusFed is an integral part of the Globalization process 3) RusFed-ian elites are mostly Noviop 4) RusFed will end up replacing the Russian ethnos with the melting pot of the Eurasian integration 5) RusFed will end up becoming even more of an authoritarian place. I don’t want my children to live in such a place, that’s why I refused to ho back to work in Moscow. I took that decision in 2016 already, the things got only worse since then.

    Emil has posted a link to a highly readable blog by an American journalist living in Moscow. It outlines the RusFed-ian alignment with the Great Reset policies promoted by the Globalist elites. I suggest you have a look at it, especially if you now believe that you would find solace in the RusFed-ian Noviop liberal milieu. The author writes about many things that I have mentioned in my comments already and he asks the right questions.

    And one last thing, while you read this blog, perhaps you might reflect on the important question of whether being related to Russia is important to you in any way at all. The world is vast, you are young and smart, you probably will have a great time while living in the Globalized West after a period of adaptation.

    You don’t really want to be Russian anyway, do you ?

    И нах☆й вообще эти Русские нужны?


    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    Good morning Ivashka,

    The world is vast, you are young and smart, you probably will have a great time while living in the Globalized West after a period of adaptation.
    I'm quite sure that he'll be able to adapt no worse than you have. I remember you once describing some of your most favorite liquors ($$$$$) and I'll bet that you've installed the latest and greatest stereophonic equipment in your maserati, that would even rival something that AP owns. :-)

    Besides, I'd give some credit to Dmitrys powers of observation for having come up with some rather accurate descriptors of your behavior. at least not totally off base:

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn’t existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don’t agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn’t want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.
    BTW, since when does an accurate representation of somebody's behavior and stances constitute an ad hominem attack? :-)
  712. @Dmitry

    I'm not so much reading about the situation in Ukraine.

    In Russia, people with the Jewish roots are very significant in the business class, with some other nationalities.

    Although Putin and the clique of security people which are the top of the pyramid, seeming Russian, with the Leningrad roots, not people with any information about Jewish roots. They are likely the people with decisions for the security and military (unless you think the security clique of the kremlin are servants of Klaus Schwab etc).

    The business class has been ignored by Putin in the last decade, including from the ideological view.

    February 2022 was a bad decision for the business class in Russia. Western sanctions against Russia, were probably the most loss of Jewish roots' peoples' wealth since the Second World War. Although I wouldn't feel much sympathy for them, as they will still have far more money after this than they can use in their life.

    There is a lot of problem with the political and economic system in Russia, including the top-down (autocracy) and the opaque information.

    So, excluding the person in the top of the pyramid, which groups control the economy, who is controlling the security. It is relatively opaque or informal transmittion of the information. Then there is system of pseudo-democracy to partly delegate some decisions to the population, but also often marketing to say the top's decisions as a will of the people or "deep people".

    For this reason, the level of the Jewish-roots people in the business class was probably underestimated. If level of Jewish-roots people in the security class has been underestimated, this would be very opaque, as ordinary people like me are not aware. There is also problem of describing the situation even as different groups of power as in the Soviet times, as the most important decisions are by Putin, there is the traditional autocracy, not so much of the collective leadership that was after Stalin.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I would never expect to sort this tangled web out for Russia, but good luck trying.

    In Ukraine it seems like it should be easier to identify the true levers of power and what they are being used for, if only because the stage is small and the arrangement of players is fairly recent. Also, the whole thing is very “over the top” so I don’t think the players are really hiding.

    The SMO may restore some of the wealth and primacy of the defense industry in both Russia and the West. Maybe the baby-killer faction just decided to move back into the driver’s seat.

    Now that Russia has become more self-sufficient agriculturally I think she should become a hermit kingdom and do her own thing. Is there really anything in Africa, South Asia or America that Russia can’t do without?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Is there really anything in Africa, South Asia or America that Russia can’t do without?
    Aspiring Russian Orthodox converts?
  713. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Wow, this is all bad.

    Was Perestroika 1.0 as bad as this?

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin's brain? Technology being used to turn Russian human capital into soul-less drones all under the watchful eye of the benevolent AI. Maybe he just said, "I'll have a Bid Light".

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin’s brain?

    The answer is yes.

    Tolik is adapting to the new perspectives.

    He is a smart guy doing the right thing.


    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    I hope his cognitive dissonance leads to something weirder and more interesting (trannies are bore--ing), but not so weird that it prevents him from having a real family.

    He could read the posts here on hiking boots and Gore-Tex and take up a life of hunter-gathering around Mount Elbrus. Once he gets the hang of things he can settle down with a nice Chechen girl or two. Then he can translate secret ancient Armenian Cuneiform scrolls and learn the wisdom of the past to help us navigate the unprecedented present.

    Or something like that.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  714. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    This fellow writes in English but he lives in Moscow and is married to a Russian woman.

    He makes out like there is a great reset happening in Russia which is more-or-less perestroika 2.0. He doesn't use that exact word that I saw but I don't know why he wouldn't.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Ivashka the fool

    Well, you perhaps remember me posting all these pics of Pynya shaking hands with Shwab and even me mentioning Gref and Sobyanin among the RusFed-ian Globalist faction. Therefore it doesn’t come as a surprise to me at all, but the author made a great job of lining the facts.

    Now, it is not Perestroika 2.0 in RusFed only, it is a Globostroika, a global change of unprecedented scale that comes in two flavors: the Western and the Chinese. The next couple of decades will be an interesting time to witness the competition between the Westerstroika and the Sinostroika.

    Then either we have the dialectic synthesis of the two antagonistic projects (unity as a struggle of the opposites) or we have a collapse of the Globalization and the emerging Abrahamic Global Caliphate after an archaeofuturist transformation of the West and the transhumanist Dharmic Asian civilization – Shambhala. I personally would bet on the second option but we would both be dead by then anyway.

  715. @A123

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don’t count, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.
    You have everything 180° backwards. Let me Fix That For You:

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely despise those with Judeo-Christian backgrounds. You may suggest these IslamoGloboHomo elites are secularized, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    Your version can't explain the planet's #1 anti-Semite George IslamoSoros. You should accept that he is a Muslim. If that is too far, can you manage to see him as a secularized Dhimmi servant of Muslims. Why else would he support the genocidal BDS movement?

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims? Is it not clear that Jihadist troop transports bring invaders to Europe threaten all Judeo-Christians, both Jews and Christians?

    The kerfuffle in Detroit is the outlier. SJW Islamic deviancy is the core value of Muslims in America. Again, name some elected state or federal Muslim officials who are not Leftoids.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    I meant to write “Unfortunately for your position, …”

    I don’t think Muslims as a group have any agency, despite the fact they conquered most of the world in times past.

    We could frame these things as Catholic vs. Orthodox vs. Muslim vs. Jew vs. Others and then pick our world shaping players from that short list. However, it is well known that Jewish interests control many of the areas (finance, publishing, Western academia, etc.) which mold our day to day paradigm. I simply don’t think the other groups currently have enough clout to call the shots, though they may have in the past.

    I also agree there is a difference between observant Jewish overlords and those who are not observant, but others would have to explain the details. Whatever their status, they frequently seem to use some sort of Talmudic or Kabbalistic playbook. This is far beyond my knowledge or interest, but the dim outlines of this notion have been pointed out by many credible writers.

    I have never delved into Soros. Do you have a reference which explains his relation to Islam or is that point some sort of trolling?

    • Replies: @A123

    I meant to write “Unfortunately for your position, …”
    Between typos and poor grammar, I am in no position to throw stones over such things. Your intent was clear and not taken as a personal attack.

    I have never delved into Soros. Do you have a reference which explains his relation to Islam
    Few would be brave enough to write such a piece, so there is no reference. However, he is reliably against Judeo-Christians in everything he funds. For example:

    • BDS genocide
    • Jihadist troop transports
    • Anti-Christian NGO's in Hungary and Poland
    • Anti-Christian prosecutors in America
    • Open borders in all of Christendom

    Now find his expenditures in Muslim countries undermining their governments. You will come up with near $0.00. I have researched several times and come up with essentially nothing.

    If someone with globe spanning reach spends almost 100% of their money against Judeo-Christians and next to 0% against Jihad. Guess what... That is a Muslim. Even if the details of the conversion have been kept secret.

    If you insist on claiming The IslamoSoros is a secular Dhimmi slave to an Islamic owner, you might be able to make that work. However, it has many drawbacks as a stance.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  716. @Hartnell

    Actually this is a question I myself have grappled with for some time when it comes to the future of Europe. I must confess that I could quite easily see it going Islamic for the reasons stated previously - that is it would benefit straight white men.

    Let's be honest here - if a religion promises a young man that they can have three wives, good jobs and in general a strong purpose in life over dominant feminism and anti white politics, then obviously those young men are going to take it.

    I have always said that Islam will not conquer Europe. Instead Europe will convert to Islam for social and economic reasons, along with security. For example, you have large numbers of Africans and other groups mass migrating to Europe. In order to successfully maintain a multi ethnic society, you will need a strong establishment in order to keep the peace. Christianity does not at all provide that framework anymore and Judaism is for the Jews. Islam though could very well provide it...

    I predict that Europe will end up like Turkey or dare we say it - Iran, when it comes to demographics. A strong white converted elite at the top, a brown/mixed population beneath them and finally the darker population below even them. Basically an Islamic South Africa if you like.

    As for wanting white girls and mixing - truth be told that was the case 100 years ago. From my own observations, those days are gone. Young men these days just want sex and will have sex with anyone who will provide them with a family. I have noted in America, there is a large uptick in white males and African American females getting married and having kids. Then obviously you have the Passport Bros and their concept of just going to the Philippines or South America for a girl.

    The days of racial loyalty are pretty much over. What was once seen as obscene and disgusting to their grandfather's is now seen as perfectly acceptable and even desirable to the current generation.

    That said, maybe there might be a push towards some sort of ethno-patriotic breeding in Europe in say 20 years or so as it really does hit white people that there literally will be no blonde haired and blue eyed kids anymore due to mass miscegenation. It is within the realms of possibility. But not in America, no. As a friend of mine once said, "in America, 1/3 of the population will definitely mix. 1/3 will definitely not mix and the remaining 1/3 don't care who they sleep with."

    Replies: @A123, @Dmitry

    To change the religion of the country, is usually requiring decision of the elite, or in autocracy a king to convert to the religion.

    In the end of the 10th century, Vladimir Svyatoslavich becomes king and converts to Christianity, because of the need for alliance with Byzantine empire, to marry Byzantine princesses etc.

    Then the elites in Kiev are baptizing in the Dnepr river. Then immediately merchants and the lower class need to go in the river.

    As result of this decision of the elites, Eastern slavic people are becoming Christianized in the 11th century and also quite Byzantine culturally importing many of the architecture, laws, princesses and fashions from the Eastern Mediterranean. Even Eastern Slavic art becomes import and development of the Byzantine art, also the churches, Byzantine architecture etc.

    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn’t seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I didn't realize that Infosys was an Indian company. The more you know!

    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn’t seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.
    What's wrong with making a switch and relying more on non-Muslim labor migrants, such as Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics?

    Replies: @Dmitry

    , @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.
    Islam is the fastest growing religions in the West, while with the exception of charismatic Protestant sects, Christianity is losing ground.

    Buddhism is making a comeback among the Hindustani lower social classes. It had also enjoyed some interest in the West from the early 60ies to the late 80ies, but it is too complex a tradition to understand and follow for most postmodern Western people. Overall, Buddhists' numbers worldwide are decreasing due to the falling demographics and aging practicing people in the core Buddhist Asian lands.

    The other faiths can be disregarded because they are mostly ethnic spiritual traditions.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

  717. @silviosilver

    I have never met anyone seriously claiming that life is good in Poland – it is joyless, resentful, flat. One has to deal with Polish pathologies like self-hatred, petty theft, bad food, and mainly frustrated poseurs who dream of washing dishes in London but pontificate enthusiastically, lying about the past and everything. Sad society.
    What a silly little man you are, Beckow. As if there is anything uniquely "Polish" in this. And thanks for the unintentionally apt description of yourself: joyless, resentful, flat. For all their racial lunacy, it cannot be denied that western Europeans - including the Germans you hate so much - have done an vastly superior job of getting over the past than have slavic sad sacks.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Beckow

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say “no, you are…“. It lacks thinking.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them. Something is missing in Poland no matter how much they try – it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.

    Poles also excel at a weird combination of servility towards the West (who often mass-murdered them in the past) and a pompous absurd racism towards their (white) eastern neighbors. What is that all about?

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.
    They are merely your impressions - which one could easily develop for every single country in the region - not objective reality. Confusing the two virtually amounts to a confession that you "have nothing intelligent to say."

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @AP

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say “no, you are…“
    There is nothing stupid about pointing out your obvious projection.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them
    Krakow is nicer than Budapest, Vienna the nicest in the list (avoiding Commie rule helps). Haven’t been to Prague. Warsaw has a business and cultural center but was destroyed during the war and rebuilt, so not as nice architecturally. A lot of German cities are like that too (Frankfurt).

    “Atmosphere” isn’t easily quantifiable. On various objective measures I have posted, Poland is clearly superior to Hungary and Slovakia. Higher wages, more GDP, lower unemployment.

    it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.
    An hour or so by train from Krakow one can be in the Alpine Tatras mountains, with hot springs and decent skiing. SE Poland had charming lower mountains (not like the Alps or Rockies, but like the Appalachians or Odenwald). The North has the Baltic Sea. Hungary doesn’t have a coast.

    Replies: @Beckow

  718. A123 says: • Website

    I meant to write "Unfortunately for your position, ..."

    I don't think Muslims as a group have any agency, despite the fact they conquered most of the world in times past.

    We could frame these things as Catholic vs. Orthodox vs. Muslim vs. Jew vs. Others and then pick our world shaping players from that short list. However, it is well known that Jewish interests control many of the areas (finance, publishing, Western academia, etc.) which mold our day to day paradigm. I simply don't think the other groups currently have enough clout to call the shots, though they may have in the past.

    I also agree there is a difference between observant Jewish overlords and those who are not observant, but others would have to explain the details. Whatever their status, they frequently seem to use some sort of Talmudic or Kabbalistic playbook. This is far beyond my knowledge or interest, but the dim outlines of this notion have been pointed out by many credible writers.

    I have never delved into Soros. Do you have a reference which explains his relation to Islam or is that point some sort of trolling?

    Replies: @A123

    I meant to write “Unfortunately for your position, …”

    Between typos and poor grammar, I am in no position to throw stones over such things. Your intent was clear and not taken as a personal attack.

    I have never delved into Soros. Do you have a reference which explains his relation to Islam

    Few would be brave enough to write such a piece, so there is no reference. However, he is reliably against Judeo-Christians in everything he funds. For example:

    • BDS genocide
    • Jihadist troop transports
    • Anti-Christian NGO’s in Hungary and Poland
    • Anti-Christian prosecutors in America
    • Open borders in all of Christendom

    Now find his expenditures in Muslim countries undermining their governments. You will come up with near $0.00. I have researched several times and come up with essentially nothing.

    If someone with globe spanning reach spends almost 100% of their money against Judeo-Christians and next to 0% against Jihad. Guess what… That is a Muslim. Even if the details of the conversion have been kept secret.

    If you insist on claiming The IslamoSoros is a secular Dhimmi slave to an Islamic owner, you might be able to make that work. However, it has many drawbacks as a stance.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Soros is probably a Sabbatean Frankist.

    That would explain a lot of things.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

  719. @Matra

    You're right about taxi drivers being worse in Prague (organised crime I'm certain), Rome and the US (I thought they were fine in Paris), but wrong about the food in Poland. I never knew mushrooms could taste so nice until I visited Poland. Never had a bad soup there either. Even fast food chains like Burger King are better in Poland than they are in the US, Canada, or UK. Haven't you ever had a Zabka hot dog? Photo from Warsaw

    Replies: @Beckow

    …fast food chains like Burger King are better in Poland than they are in the US

    They are in general much better all over Europe, BK is really good in Austria…:) Regarding mushrooms, the best ones I have had were in France during the season, soups are uniformly good all over Central Europe. So what is it that Poland has in the culinary area? (The Zabka photo is about Africans in Warsaw, not sure that’s what you meant – but that is one place I won’t be eating).

    The Prague taxi drivers are not organized anything – Czechs steal on their own, no organization is needed – it comes naturally to them…foreigners are simply easy pickings.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    BK in Israel is pretty good as well. Though it's been over 20 years since I last ate it there. (I've lived in the US for over the last 20 years.)

    McDonald's in Germany is pretty good. I still remember it from a 1999 trip over there to visit a relative of my dad's and his wife (both now likely deceased, unfortunately; they were already relatively old even back in 1999).

  720. @Beckow
    @Matra food chains like Burger King are better in Poland than they are in the US
    They are in general much better all over Europe, BK is really good in Austria...:) Regarding mushrooms, the best ones I have had were in France during the season, soups are uniformly good all over Central Europe. So what is it that Poland has in the culinary area? (The Zabka photo is about Africans in Warsaw, not sure that's what you meant - but that is one place I won't be eating).

    The Prague taxi drivers are not organized anything - Czechs steal on their own, no organization is needed - it comes naturally to them...foreigners are simply easy pickings.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    BK in Israel is pretty good as well. Though it’s been over 20 years since I last ate it there. (I’ve lived in the US for over the last 20 years.)

    McDonald’s in Germany is pretty good. I still remember it from a 1999 trip over there to visit a relative of my dad’s and his wife (both now likely deceased, unfortunately; they were already relatively old even back in 1999).

  721. @Dmitry

    To change the religion of the country, is usually requiring decision of the elite, or in autocracy a king to convert to the religion.

    In the end of the 10th century, Vladimir Svyatoslavich becomes king and converts to Christianity, because of the need for alliance with Byzantine empire, to marry Byzantine princesses etc.

    Then the elites in Kiev are baptizing in the Dnepr river. Then immediately merchants and the lower class need to go in the river.

    As result of this decision of the elites, Eastern slavic people are becoming Christianized in the 11th century and also quite Byzantine culturally importing many of the architecture, laws, princesses and fashions from the Eastern Mediterranean. Even Eastern Slavic art becomes import and development of the Byzantine art, also the churches, Byzantine architecture etc.


    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn't have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn't seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

    I didn’t realize that Infosys was an Indian company. The more you know!

    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn’t seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.

    What’s wrong with making a switch and relying more on non-Muslim labor migrants, such as Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics?

    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Mr. XYZ

    Multinational corporations have imported a lot of gastarbaiters from India in the recent years. They are not always Hindu. I know some Muslims as well from India.

    For me superficially, Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims seemed almost the same nationality, at least I didn't know they were Muslim until they talked about this.

    In terms of Buddhists and Catholics, not so many gastarbaiters. But there are quite a few Chinese gastarbeiters nowadays, which I guess you could call Buddhist roots people.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  722. @QCIC

    I would never expect to sort this tangled web out for Russia, but good luck trying.

    In Ukraine it seems like it should be easier to identify the true levers of power and what they are being used for, if only because the stage is small and the arrangement of players is fairly recent. Also, the whole thing is very "over the top" so I don't think the players are really hiding.

    The SMO may restore some of the wealth and primacy of the defense industry in both Russia and the West. Maybe the baby-killer faction just decided to move back into the driver's seat.

    Now that Russia has become more self-sufficient agriculturally I think she should become a hermit kingdom and do her own thing. Is there really anything in Africa, South Asia or America that Russia can't do without?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Is there really anything in Africa, South Asia or America that Russia can’t do without?

    Aspiring Russian Orthodox converts?

  723. @Ivashka the fool

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin’s brain?
    The answer is yes.

    Tolik is adapting to the new perspectives.

    He is a smart guy doing the right thing.


    Replies: @QCIC

    I hope his cognitive dissonance leads to something weirder and more interesting (trannies are bore–ing), but not so weird that it prevents him from having a real family.

    He could read the posts here on hiking boots and Gore-Tex and take up a life of hunter-gathering around Mount Elbrus. Once he gets the hang of things he can settle down with a nice Chechen girl or two. Then he can translate secret ancient Armenian Cuneiform scrolls and learn the wisdom of the past to help us navigate the unprecedented present.

    Or something like that.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    IIRC he had some ancestry from among the Caucasus folks, Laks or Avar ?

    Both Lak and Avar ladies are rather good looking in their own way:

    While the Lak people were usually seen as harmless peasants, the Avars were rulers of a great early medieval empire stretching from modern day Russia to modern day Germany.

    Once well acquainted with the highlands living, he could follow in Mutseryaev footsteps and choose a simple life of sheep herding and Sufi worship in the mountain valleys.


    The reason I asked whether you understood Russian was to link a russian language videoclip from the Generation P movie that is built upon a similar idea to the one you mentioned above about a virtual digital politician / President.

    It's from a book by Victor Pelevin:

    The movie is available freely on YouTube with English subtitles:

    There are a few iconic scenes in that movie, one of the funniest being:


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  724. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Wow, this is all bad.

    Was Perestroika 1.0 as bad as this?

    I wonder if this stuff is what shorted out Karlin's brain? Technology being used to turn Russian human capital into soul-less drones all under the watchful eye of the benevolent AI. Maybe he just said, "I'll have a Bid Light".

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry

    What happens in the Russian Federation after 1991, is light extraction of usually more negative parts of both sides of Cold War. I.e. more negative parts of American capitalism and more negative parts of the Soviet communism. So, all the obsession with digitization, was part of this. Now, they establish microphones in schools.

    But I don’t guess, some exciting change will happen in Russia in the next few years. It seems like the country will be more isolated and probably staying in the current situation, people are in Russia following the authorities and accepting some reduction of their own role.

    As for situation of more isolation, for Russians, “living in an unfashionable country” is not the worst thing to be, unless you live outside Russia when you have to experience the cost of the unfashion.

    The reason the extraction in the 1991 was mostly of the negative parts of the Western culture, is likely mainly because the elite cannot extract more positive parts without reducing their control. You can import the Western music, hamburgers, clothes. If you import the Western concepts of transparency or the self-criticism of the society? It was similar dynamics in the 19th century by the way. Elites imported French, German and English clothes, culture, painting, music, fashion, not so much of Western changes of leaders.

    After the 19th century, later, there was imported negative version of the French revolution. So, maybe the cycle will continue. Although for some reason, I don’t feel very soon.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
  725. @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    I hope his cognitive dissonance leads to something weirder and more interesting (trannies are bore--ing), but not so weird that it prevents him from having a real family.

    He could read the posts here on hiking boots and Gore-Tex and take up a life of hunter-gathering around Mount Elbrus. Once he gets the hang of things he can settle down with a nice Chechen girl or two. Then he can translate secret ancient Armenian Cuneiform scrolls and learn the wisdom of the past to help us navigate the unprecedented present.

    Or something like that.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    IIRC he had some ancestry from among the Caucasus folks, Laks or Avar ?

    Both Lak and Avar ladies are rather good looking in their own way:

    While the Lak people were usually seen as harmless peasants, the Avars were rulers of a great early medieval empire stretching from modern day Russia to modern day Germany.

    Once well acquainted with the highlands living, he could follow in Mutseryaev footsteps and choose a simple life of sheep herding and Sufi worship in the mountain valleys.



    The reason I asked whether you understood Russian was to link a russian language videoclip from the Generation P movie that is built upon a similar idea to the one you mentioned above about a virtual digital politician / President.

    It’s from a book by Victor Pelevin:

    The movie is available freely on YouTube with English subtitles:

    There are a few iconic scenes in that movie, one of the funniest being:


    • Thanks: QCIC
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Anatoly Karlin is 1/4 Lak. I haven't heard him ever mentioning that he has any Avar ancestry. Did I miss something?

    Would be interesting if Anatoly Karlin will ever convert to his Lak ancestors' Islamic faith in order to more effectively fight Western Supremacy lol. Maybe if many more Muslims will become transhumanists.

    Islam one can say is a type of playboy religion:

    And looks like more Muslims want to make Russia their new home, which fits with Anatoly Karlin's new ostensible open borders philosophy:

  726. @A123

    I meant to write “Unfortunately for your position, …”
    Between typos and poor grammar, I am in no position to throw stones over such things. Your intent was clear and not taken as a personal attack.

    I have never delved into Soros. Do you have a reference which explains his relation to Islam
    Few would be brave enough to write such a piece, so there is no reference. However, he is reliably against Judeo-Christians in everything he funds. For example:

    • BDS genocide
    • Jihadist troop transports
    • Anti-Christian NGO's in Hungary and Poland
    • Anti-Christian prosecutors in America
    • Open borders in all of Christendom

    Now find his expenditures in Muslim countries undermining their governments. You will come up with near $0.00. I have researched several times and come up with essentially nothing.

    If someone with globe spanning reach spends almost 100% of their money against Judeo-Christians and next to 0% against Jihad. Guess what... That is a Muslim. Even if the details of the conversion have been kept secret.

    If you insist on claiming The IslamoSoros is a secular Dhimmi slave to an Islamic owner, you might be able to make that work. However, it has many drawbacks as a stance.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool actually has previously made a similar argument.

    , @A123
    @Ivashka the fool

    I know little about "Frankism", but are they not hostile to all organizations?

    How does this square The IslamoSoros and his positions?
        • Antipathy towards Judeo-Christian systems
        • Embrace of SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim systems

    An observant "Frankist" would be active in Saudi Arabia trying to defile Mecca & Medina during Ramadan. The IslamoSoros and his NGO's have done no such thing. His depredations are very targeted in a "non-Frankist" pattern.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  727. A123 says: • Website

    As expected The Flash is going to bomb. Heel vs. Babyface provides a review and box office revenue:


    Ezra Miller’s personal drama turned the poor situation into a fiasco. What does this mean for Aquaman 2 (Amber Heard)? And, Loki Season 2 (Jonathan Majors)?

    PEACE 😇

  728. @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    Ovadia was not right wing at all. I remember the wailing from secular Israeli journalists when he passed. He refused to deny that he was a Zionist (because he was), repeatedly advocated for Israel to surrender territory to the PLO, tried to double cross Shamir to form a left wing government before being shamed out of it by the haredi Ashkenazic rabbis, was instrumental in getting the Oslo accords passed, advocated for Ethiopian Christians to be brought to Israel, advocated for the validity of the totally ridiculous joke conversions that the IDF performs to get around the Chief Rabbinate, repeatedly granted audience to the most loathsome left wing political figures in Israel, put far left scumbag Aryeh Deri in charge of Shas and called on soldiers not to refuse orders during the expulsion from Gaza.

    You can like or not like Ovadia (I did not), but the man was a leftist.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What’s interesting is that he doesn’t appear to have had a compassionate attitude towards the “non-Jews” who immigrated to Israel, especially from the former USSR. Why exactly was this the case?

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    1. Goy-baiting the ethnic Russians immigrants was a good way for him to win votes of working class Mizrahim who traditionally voted Likud
    2. For the showdown over the Ethiopians, he had the support of his precious left wing Zionists and got to establish his primacy over/independence from the anti-Ethiopian, Ashkenazic haredi sages; not so with the ethnic Russians who the left was much cooler to. He also assumed that large numbers of the Ethiopians would become dependent on Shas and turn into a reliable vote bank
    3. His base absolutely could not stand the Russian olim, Jewish or otherwise. Massive amounts of them were moving to the previously 100% Mizrahi development towns
    4. He knew that none of the Russian immigrants would ever become Shas voters, and in fact them joining the Israeli electorate would dilute the power
    5. The Russians were/are hostile to the theocratic elements of the state and all the special privileges the Haredim enjoy

  729. @Ivashka the fool

    Soros is probably a Sabbatean Frankist.

    That would explain a lot of things.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123 actually has previously made a similar argument.

  730. @Ivashka the fool

    IIRC he had some ancestry from among the Caucasus folks, Laks or Avar ?

    Both Lak and Avar ladies are rather good looking in their own way:

    While the Lak people were usually seen as harmless peasants, the Avars were rulers of a great early medieval empire stretching from modern day Russia to modern day Germany.

    Once well acquainted with the highlands living, he could follow in Mutseryaev footsteps and choose a simple life of sheep herding and Sufi worship in the mountain valleys.


    The reason I asked whether you understood Russian was to link a russian language videoclip from the Generation P movie that is built upon a similar idea to the one you mentioned above about a virtual digital politician / President.

    It's from a book by Victor Pelevin:

    The movie is available freely on YouTube with English subtitles:

    There are a few iconic scenes in that movie, one of the funniest being:


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Anatoly Karlin is 1/4 Lak. I haven’t heard him ever mentioning that he has any Avar ancestry. Did I miss something?

    Would be interesting if Anatoly Karlin will ever convert to his Lak ancestors’ Islamic faith in order to more effectively fight Western Supremacy lol. Maybe if many more Muslims will become transhumanists.

    Islam one can say is a type of playboy religion:

    And looks like more Muslims want to make Russia their new home, which fits with Anatoly Karlin’s new ostensible open borders philosophy:

  731. A123 says: • Website
    @Ivashka the fool

    Soros is probably a Sabbatean Frankist.

    That would explain a lot of things.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @A123

    I know little about “Frankism”, but are they not hostile to all organizations?

    How does this square The IslamoSoros and his positions?
        • Antipathy towards Judeo-Christian systems
        • Embrace of SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim systems

    An observant “Frankist” would be active in Saudi Arabia trying to defile Mecca & Medina during Ramadan. The IslamoSoros and his NGO’s have done no such thing. His depredations are very targeted in a “non-Frankist” pattern.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Shabbtai Tzvi ended up converting to Islam and Jakob Frank converted to Catholicism. The Turkic Sabbateans became the Donmeh:

    Some say that Kamal Ataturk, who overthrew the Ottoman Empire, was from that sect on his mother's side. He really went hard against traditional Islam in Turkey.

    The Frankist converts to Catholicism intermixed en masse with the European elites during the nineteenth century. I have read a book once that provided the list of purportedly Frankist admixed families among the late nineteenth and early twentieth century European elite lineages. Don't recall the names now, but there were some notable people among these.

    Again, that might explain a lot in the overall attitude of these elites towards Christianity and organized religion overall.

    Soros fits perfectly the description, as well as his early backers and business associates.

    Also, quite unexpectedly:

    It is not a coincidence that the Zionist Jews and Wahhabis have the similar hatred and anger toward Muslims. It is not either a coincidence to see that the origin of Takfiri groups such as ISIS is not from any sect but Wahhabi school. When we studied the memoirs of the British spies and Saudi Arabia’s history we have found that the similarity between these groups is the product of the same project. Today's Saudis-Wahhabis-Jewish-British alliance is not more than a repetition of history itself. In this study, we tried to reveal the historical roots of this relationship by referring to the memoirs of the British spies and the history of Saudi Arabia. In this study, we firstly tried to reveal the similarity between the rhetoric and acts of the Wahhabism which has a similar tone and parallelism with the hatred and anger of the faithless Jews toward Moslims throughout the history. Then we touched upon the secret plans in the memoirs and confessions of the British spies that reveal the details of Wahhabi-British partnership. We hope that this paper will be a guide in understanding the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which has a common bloody war in the Middle East toward Moslims.

    The commander of Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy recently said that the ruling royal family members in Saudi Arabia were actually Jewish, and that their conflict with Iran harkens back to the seventh century battles between Muslim and Jewish tribes, Jerusalem Post reported

    The U.S. Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots”, shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam.

    The report relies heavily on the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, which describe in detail how a British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism, which became the founding cult of the Saudi regime.

    If the Saudis and early Wahhabis were initially Sabbateans parading as Muslims that would also explain a lot.

    The Frankist work through deception and infiltration, it is not a revolutionary, but a subversive group whose aim is a better future World to be built after the destruction of the traditional World. The traditional World must be degraded, so desperate people turn at last to seeking a radical betterment on spiritual grounds and finally build a more just society. It's basically Tikkun Olam by other (inverted) means.

    Replies: @A123

  732. @Mr. XYZ

    I didn't realize that Infosys was an Indian company. The more you know!

    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn’t seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.
    What's wrong with making a switch and relying more on non-Muslim labor migrants, such as Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics?

    Replies: @Dmitry

    Multinational corporations have imported a lot of gastarbaiters from India in the recent years. They are not always Hindu. I know some Muslims as well from India.

    For me superficially, Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims seemed almost the same nationality, at least I didn’t know they were Muslim until they talked about this.

    In terms of Buddhists and Catholics, not so many gastarbaiters. But there are quite a few Chinese gastarbeiters nowadays, which I guess you could call Buddhist roots people.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    For me superficially, Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims seemed almost the same nationality, at least I didn’t know they were Muslim until they talked about this.
    You're talking about gastarbeiters here, right? Anyway, I suspect that an Indian Muslim gastarbeiter would be more likely to support violence against people who draw Muhammad cartoons than an Indian Hindu gastarbeiter would against people who eat beef, even publicly. Islam has a much bigger radicalism problem relative to Hinduism, after all, though unfortunately there are some violent Hindu radicals as well, though generally not in the West.

    In terms of Buddhists and Catholics, not so many gastarbaiters. But there are quite a few Chinese gastarbeiters nowadays, which I guess you could call Buddhist roots people.
    What about Vietnamese, Filipinos, Thais, Burmese, Laotians, Cambodians, and Latin Americans?
  733. @Dmitry

    To change the religion of the country, is usually requiring decision of the elite, or in autocracy a king to convert to the religion.

    In the end of the 10th century, Vladimir Svyatoslavich becomes king and converts to Christianity, because of the need for alliance with Byzantine empire, to marry Byzantine princesses etc.

    Then the elites in Kiev are baptizing in the Dnepr river. Then immediately merchants and the lower class need to go in the river.

    As result of this decision of the elites, Eastern slavic people are becoming Christianized in the 11th century and also quite Byzantine culturally importing many of the architecture, laws, princesses and fashions from the Eastern Mediterranean. Even Eastern Slavic art becomes import and development of the Byzantine art, also the churches, Byzantine architecture etc.


    In the 21st century Western context, the Islam is more connected with labor immigrants and correlates with lower income, gastarbeiters, although there are wealthy Gulf Arabs in the international elite.

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn't have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    So, Islam can have one condition to become religion of the West, of being the conversion religion. But not the other condition, of the support of the main elite excluding the Gulf Arabs.

    Hinduism will have more people in the elite, but it doesn't seem interested in converting of the pagans and they often marry other Hindus. Even Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has their wife from India.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.

    Islam is the fastest growing religions in the West, while with the exception of charismatic Protestant sects, Christianity is losing ground.

    Buddhism is making a comeback among the Hindustani lower social classes. It had also enjoyed some interest in the West from the early 60ies to the late 80ies, but it is too complex a tradition to understand and follow for most postmodern Western people. Overall, Buddhists’ numbers worldwide are decreasing due to the falling demographics and aging practicing people in the core Buddhist Asian lands.

    The other faiths can be disregarded because they are mostly ethnic spiritual traditions.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    I wonder if more Westerners would be interested in Zoroastrianism. It's underwent a small renaissance (around 10,000 new converts over the last decade) among Iraqi Kurds over the last decade due to the rise of ISIS:

    Interestingly enough, some blacks in Ghana have converted to Hinduism in recent decades:,the%20Hare%20Krishnas(ISKCON).&text=Other%20Hindu%20groups%20include%20Arya,Nama%20Shivaya%20Healing%20Church%20etc.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is spreading fast in more growth regions like Africa. In the West, it's more common with the lower income immigrants.

    If you talk to the upper class Pakistani people, the wealthy people from Pakistan don't seem very Islamic. Rich Pakistanis, are like secular hipsters.

    The important internationally elites which are religious Muslim are mainly the Gulf Arabs.


    If return to the 10th century. The decision to change religion to Christianity, was the more international elites/princes. Ordinary people and more local regional elites didn't want to lose the traditional religion and import Christianity from Byzantine empire. There were some killings of the priests for disrespecting of the old religion in the late 10th century.

    While the history is a little mythological, in the Chronicals it says the new religion was imposed by sword in some cities. In the 11th century, people of Suzdal, Rostov and Novgorod have rebelled against the new religion, even 83 years later. (

    But the new religion was the choice of the princes, as also the marriage of alliance to the Byzantine empire.

    What's the relevance for today? Is the world different enough than in the 10th century, so the decision for new religions of countries will be determined by non-elites, or still by elites like in the 10th century.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Ivashka the fool

  734. @Beckow

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say "no, you are...". It lacks thinking.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them. Something is missing in Poland no matter how much they try - it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.

    Poles also excel at a weird combination of servility towards the West (who often mass-murdered them in the past) and a pompous absurd racism towards their (white) eastern neighbors. What is that all about?

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @AP

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.

    They are merely your impressions – which one could easily develop for every single country in the region – not objective reality. Confusing the two virtually amounts to a confession that you “have nothing intelligent to say.”

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...They are merely your impressions – which one could easily develop for every single country in the region – not objective reality.
    Well, my impressions are generally correct...:)

    I can quote endless facts and others' impressions supporting what I said about the Polish servility-sans-racism (or hatred). It is how others in the region perceive the Poles. It shows in the lack of tourism to Poland, or of "Polish" restaurants outside of Poland, and also in the desire to disassociate from the crazier Polish policies.

    You can have different impressions, but what I wrote is close to reality - often not spoken aloud because we are polite...I agree that there are observations about the other countries in the region. You are free to share them with us.

  735. @A123

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don’t count, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.
    You have everything 180° backwards. Let me Fix That For You:

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely despise those with Judeo-Christian backgrounds. You may suggest these IslamoGloboHomo elites are secularized, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    Your version can't explain the planet's #1 anti-Semite George IslamoSoros. You should accept that he is a Muslim. If that is too far, can you manage to see him as a secularized Dhimmi servant of Muslims. Why else would he support the genocidal BDS movement?

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims? Is it not clear that Jihadist troop transports bring invaders to Europe threaten all Judeo-Christians, both Jews and Christians?

    The kerfuffle in Detroit is the outlier. SJW Islamic deviancy is the core value of Muslims in America. Again, name some elected state or federal Muslim officials who are not Leftoids.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?

    Great question. Yet all the leading Jewish organizations are foursquare pro infinity immigration. Obviously they see a greater danger in being anti-immigration than in packing in muzzes. One wouldn’t expect an Jew-firster like you to acknowledge this, so we’ll just leave it at that. (And in the meantime enjoy a quiet laugh at your expense over your bot-like derangement about “Islamosoros.”)

    • Replies: @A123

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?
    Great question. Yet all the leading Jewish organizations are foursquare pro infinity immigration
    Are you confusing Muslim organizations with Jewish ones?

    The Antisemitic Defaming League of Muhammad [ADL] ceased being Jewish many years ago. J Street, another Muslim front group. B'Teslem also Muslim.

    Everyone obtains comic relief from your inability to properly identify IslamoGloboHomo. Please continue humiliating yourself for our benefit.

    We are not laughing with you.
       We are all laughing AT you!

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @silviosilver

  736. @Dmitry
    @Mr. XYZ

    Multinational corporations have imported a lot of gastarbaiters from India in the recent years. They are not always Hindu. I know some Muslims as well from India.

    For me superficially, Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims seemed almost the same nationality, at least I didn't know they were Muslim until they talked about this.

    In terms of Buddhists and Catholics, not so many gastarbaiters. But there are quite a few Chinese gastarbeiters nowadays, which I guess you could call Buddhist roots people.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    For me superficially, Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims seemed almost the same nationality, at least I didn’t know they were Muslim until they talked about this.

    You’re talking about gastarbeiters here, right? Anyway, I suspect that an Indian Muslim gastarbeiter would be more likely to support violence against people who draw Muhammad cartoons than an Indian Hindu gastarbeiter would against people who eat beef, even publicly. Islam has a much bigger radicalism problem relative to Hinduism, after all, though unfortunately there are some violent Hindu radicals as well, though generally not in the West.

    In terms of Buddhists and Catholics, not so many gastarbaiters. But there are quite a few Chinese gastarbeiters nowadays, which I guess you could call Buddhist roots people.

    What about Vietnamese, Filipinos, Thais, Burmese, Laotians, Cambodians, and Latin Americans?

  737. @A123
    @Ivashka the fool

    I know little about "Frankism", but are they not hostile to all organizations?

    How does this square The IslamoSoros and his positions?
        • Antipathy towards Judeo-Christian systems
        • Embrace of SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim systems

    An observant "Frankist" would be active in Saudi Arabia trying to defile Mecca & Medina during Ramadan. The IslamoSoros and his NGO's have done no such thing. His depredations are very targeted in a "non-Frankist" pattern.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Shabbtai Tzvi ended up converting to Islam and Jakob Frank converted to Catholicism. The Turkic Sabbateans became the Donmeh:

    Some say that Kamal Ataturk, who overthrew the Ottoman Empire, was from that sect on his mother’s side. He really went hard against traditional Islam in Turkey.

    The Frankist converts to Catholicism intermixed en masse with the European elites during the nineteenth century. I have read a book once that provided the list of purportedly Frankist admixed families among the late nineteenth and early twentieth century European elite lineages. Don’t recall the names now, but there were some notable people among these.

    Again, that might explain a lot in the overall attitude of these elites towards Christianity and organized religion overall.

    Soros fits perfectly the description, as well as his early backers and business associates.

    Also, quite unexpectedly:

    It is not a coincidence that the Zionist Jews and Wahhabis have the similar hatred and anger toward Muslims. It is not either a coincidence to see that the origin of Takfiri groups such as ISIS is not from any sect but Wahhabi school. When we studied the memoirs of the British spies and Saudi Arabia’s history we have found that the similarity between these groups is the product of the same project. Today’s Saudis-Wahhabis-Jewish-British alliance is not more than a repetition of history itself. In this study, we tried to reveal the historical roots of this relationship by referring to the memoirs of the British spies and the history of Saudi Arabia. In this study, we firstly tried to reveal the similarity between the rhetoric and acts of the Wahhabism which has a similar tone and parallelism with the hatred and anger of the faithless Jews toward Moslims throughout the history. Then we touched upon the secret plans in the memoirs and confessions of the British spies that reveal the details of Wahhabi-British partnership. We hope that this paper will be a guide in understanding the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which has a common bloody war in the Middle East toward Moslims.

    The commander of Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy recently said that the ruling royal family members in Saudi Arabia were actually Jewish, and that their conflict with Iran harkens back to the seventh century battles between Muslim and Jewish tribes, Jerusalem Post reported

    The U.S. Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots”, shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam.

    The report relies heavily on the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, which describe in detail how a British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism, which became the founding cult of the Saudi regime.

    If the Saudis and early Wahhabis were initially Sabbateans parading as Muslims that would also explain a lot.

    The Frankist work through deception and infiltration, it is not a revolutionary, but a subversive group whose aim is a better future World to be built after the destruction of the traditional World. The traditional World must be degraded, so desperate people turn at last to seeking a radical betterment on spiritual grounds and finally build a more just society. It’s basically Tikkun Olam by other (inverted) means.

    • Replies: @A123
    @Ivashka the fool

    early Wahhabis were initially Sabbateans parading as Muslims that would also explain a lot. The Frankist work through deception and infiltration, it is not a revolutionary, but a subversive group whose aim is a better future World to be built after the destruction of the traditional World
    It is hard to imagine a not particularly cohesive group like Frankists, pulling a fraud job to create self destructive Whabbi movement as an attempt to undermine Islam.

    Abraham Lincoln's famous saying:

    "You can fool part of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time"
    The idea of genuinely "fake Muslims" pulling a con job over the time & quantity involved seems implausible. Whabbis are not a Jamestown scale cult. The numbers are huge. Admittedly, Muslims are programmed for unquestioning "submission". However, despite the gullible audience, this still seems far too huge a deception to be successful.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  738. @A123

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely have a predominantly Jewish background and connections. You may suggest these elites are secularized (Jewish in name only) so they don’t count, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.
    You have everything 180° backwards. Let me Fix That For You:

    Unfortunately for you, the entire process is driven by manipulative hateful elites who surely despise those with Judeo-Christian backgrounds. You may suggest these IslamoGloboHomo elites are secularized, but that claim doesn’t explain what is going on.

    Your version can't explain the planet's #1 anti-Semite George IslamoSoros. You should accept that he is a Muslim. If that is too far, can you manage to see him as a secularized Dhimmi servant of Muslims. Why else would he support the genocidal BDS movement?

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims? Is it not clear that Jihadist troop transports bring invaders to Europe threaten all Judeo-Christians, both Jews and Christians?

    The kerfuffle in Detroit is the outlier. SJW Islamic deviancy is the core value of Muslims in America. Again, name some elected state or federal Muslim officials who are not Leftoids.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?

    Because they feel that a more diverse Europe makes a resurgence of Nazi-like movements in Europe less likely? Though Yes, this strategy does strike one as being rather stupid since a lot of Muslims are also extremely hostile towards Jews.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Muslims are only extremely hostile against Zionist Jews. BTW, Rambam in his time has advised the Jewish people to always stand with the Muslims against the Christians in any Muslim-Christian conflict because Muslims are not idolaters, while Christians are. Perhaps Soros is just following Rav Moshe Ben Maimun's advice, and is finally a Jewish traditionalist after all. We should verify whether Soros gave funding to Neturei Karta:


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  739. @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.
    Islam is the fastest growing religions in the West, while with the exception of charismatic Protestant sects, Christianity is losing ground.

    Buddhism is making a comeback among the Hindustani lower social classes. It had also enjoyed some interest in the West from the early 60ies to the late 80ies, but it is too complex a tradition to understand and follow for most postmodern Western people. Overall, Buddhists' numbers worldwide are decreasing due to the falling demographics and aging practicing people in the core Buddhist Asian lands.

    The other faiths can be disregarded because they are mostly ethnic spiritual traditions.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    I wonder if more Westerners would be interested in Zoroastrianism. It’s underwent a small renaissance (around 10,000 new converts over the last decade) among Iraqi Kurds over the last decade due to the rise of ISIS:

    Interestingly enough, some blacks in Ghana have converted to Hinduism in recent decades:,the%20Hare%20Krishnas(ISKCON).&text=Other%20Hindu%20groups%20include%20Arya,Nama%20Shivaya%20Healing%20Church%20etc.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Well, Hinduist cults would fit right in among the Sub-Saharan Africans. I can very well imagine Krishnaite Fulani and Shivaite Bantu people.

    Mazda Yasna is a complex tradition and Zoroastrians don't favor conversion. Although Konstantin Krylov was a convert to Zoroastrian faith.

    (BTW, he's right about YHWH / Allah)

  740. @silviosilver

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.
    They are merely your impressions - which one could easily develop for every single country in the region - not objective reality. Confusing the two virtually amounts to a confession that you "have nothing intelligent to say."

    Replies: @Beckow

    …They are merely your impressions – which one could easily develop for every single country in the region – not objective reality.

    Well, my impressions are generally correct…:)

    I can quote endless facts and others’ impressions supporting what I said about the Polish servility-sans-racism (or hatred). It is how others in the region perceive the Poles. It shows in the lack of tourism to Poland, or of “Polish” restaurants outside of Poland, and also in the desire to disassociate from the crazier Polish policies.

    You can have different impressions, but what I wrote is close to reality – often not spoken aloud because we are polite…I agree that there are observations about the other countries in the region. You are free to share them with us.

  741. A123 says: • Website

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?
    Great question. Yet all the leading Jewish organizations are foursquare pro infinity immigration. Obviously they see a greater danger in being anti-immigration than in packing in muzzes. One wouldn't expect an Jew-firster like you to acknowledge this, so we'll just leave it at that. (And in the meantime enjoy a quiet laugh at your expense over your bot-like derangement about "Islamosoros.")

    Replies: @A123

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?

    Great question. Yet all the leading Jewish organizations are foursquare pro infinity immigration

    Are you confusing Muslim organizations with Jewish ones?

    The Antisemitic Defaming League of Muhammad [ADL] ceased being Jewish many years ago. J Street, another Muslim front group. B’Teslem also Muslim.

    Everyone obtains comic relief from your inability to properly identify IslamoGloboHomo. Please continue humiliating yourself for our benefit.

    We are not laughing with you.
       We are all laughing AT you!

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    J Street, another Muslim front group. B’Teslem also Muslim.
    I have to admit, there is a genuine possibility you actually believe this. If there's any issue I can agree with the left on, it's that mental illness goes sadly undertreated.

    Replies: @A123, @Greasy William

  742. @Mr. XYZ

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?
    Because they feel that a more diverse Europe makes a resurgence of Nazi-like movements in Europe less likely? Though Yes, this strategy does strike one as being rather stupid since a lot of Muslims are also extremely hostile towards Jews.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Muslims are only extremely hostile against Zionist Jews. BTW, Rambam in his time has advised the Jewish people to always stand with the Muslims against the Christians in any Muslim-Christian conflict because Muslims are not idolaters, while Christians are. Perhaps Soros is just following Rav Moshe Ben Maimun’s advice, and is finally a Jewish traditionalist after all. We should verify whether Soros gave funding to Neturei Karta:


    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Muslims can also be hostile towards white privilege, and Jews can be perceived as being especially privileged whites. This is why, for instance, anti-Semitism appears to be more pronounced among blacks and Hispanics than among non-Hispanic whites in the US.

    And why are Christians idolaters?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  743. @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    I wonder if more Westerners would be interested in Zoroastrianism. It's underwent a small renaissance (around 10,000 new converts over the last decade) among Iraqi Kurds over the last decade due to the rise of ISIS:

    Interestingly enough, some blacks in Ghana have converted to Hinduism in recent decades:,the%20Hare%20Krishnas(ISKCON).&text=Other%20Hindu%20groups%20include%20Arya,Nama%20Shivaya%20Healing%20Church%20etc.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Well, Hinduist cults would fit right in among the Sub-Saharan Africans. I can very well imagine Krishnaite Fulani and Shivaite Bantu people.

    Mazda Yasna is a complex tradition and Zoroastrians don’t favor conversion. Although Konstantin Krylov was a convert to Zoroastrian faith.

    (BTW, he’s right about YHWH / Allah)

  744. @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is similar to Christianity in terms of based in converting of non-Muslims to become Muslims, while Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc doesn’t have the focus on converting of the pagans.
    Islam is the fastest growing religions in the West, while with the exception of charismatic Protestant sects, Christianity is losing ground.

    Buddhism is making a comeback among the Hindustani lower social classes. It had also enjoyed some interest in the West from the early 60ies to the late 80ies, but it is too complex a tradition to understand and follow for most postmodern Western people. Overall, Buddhists' numbers worldwide are decreasing due to the falling demographics and aging practicing people in the core Buddhist Asian lands.

    The other faiths can be disregarded because they are mostly ethnic spiritual traditions.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Dmitry

    Islam is spreading fast in more growth regions like Africa. In the West, it’s more common with the lower income immigrants.

    If you talk to the upper class Pakistani people, the wealthy people from Pakistan don’t seem very Islamic. Rich Pakistanis, are like secular hipsters.

    The important internationally elites which are religious Muslim are mainly the Gulf Arabs.

    If return to the 10th century. The decision to change religion to Christianity, was the more international elites/princes. Ordinary people and more local regional elites didn’t want to lose the traditional religion and import Christianity from Byzantine empire. There were some killings of the priests for disrespecting of the old religion in the late 10th century.

    While the history is a little mythological, in the Chronicals it says the new religion was imposed by sword in some cities. In the 11th century, people of Suzdal, Rostov and Novgorod have rebelled against the new religion, even 83 years later. (

    But the new religion was the choice of the princes, as also the marriage of alliance to the Byzantine empire.

    What’s the relevance for today? Is the world different enough than in the 10th century, so the decision for new religions of countries will be determined by non-elites, or still by elites like in the 10th century.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do not want.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Ivashka the fool

    Your reasoning doesn't apply to early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA and Roman Empire. And yet, it ended up converting all the MENA and the whole of the Roman Empire. And the conversion process was well advanced at the time of Constantine the Great.

    Anything you care to comment on this?

    Moreover, you are wrong when you write that Islam mostly grows in the third world (Africa). It grows everywhere accross the World, excepting Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Mr. XYZ

  745. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is spreading fast in more growth regions like Africa. In the West, it's more common with the lower income immigrants.

    If you talk to the upper class Pakistani people, the wealthy people from Pakistan don't seem very Islamic. Rich Pakistanis, are like secular hipsters.

    The important internationally elites which are religious Muslim are mainly the Gulf Arabs.


    If return to the 10th century. The decision to change religion to Christianity, was the more international elites/princes. Ordinary people and more local regional elites didn't want to lose the traditional religion and import Christianity from Byzantine empire. There were some killings of the priests for disrespecting of the old religion in the late 10th century.

    While the history is a little mythological, in the Chronicals it says the new religion was imposed by sword in some cities. In the 11th century, people of Suzdal, Rostov and Novgorod have rebelled against the new religion, even 83 years later. (

    But the new religion was the choice of the princes, as also the marriage of alliance to the Byzantine empire.

    What's the relevance for today? Is the world different enough than in the 10th century, so the decision for new religions of countries will be determined by non-elites, or still by elites like in the 10th century.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Ivashka the fool

    Do not want.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Yeah, I should also have thought about her in the context of my reply to A123. You are entirely right Emil, given that it's where the early Soros funding came from.

  746. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    Islam is spreading fast in more growth regions like Africa. In the West, it's more common with the lower income immigrants.

    If you talk to the upper class Pakistani people, the wealthy people from Pakistan don't seem very Islamic. Rich Pakistanis, are like secular hipsters.

    The important internationally elites which are religious Muslim are mainly the Gulf Arabs.


    If return to the 10th century. The decision to change religion to Christianity, was the more international elites/princes. Ordinary people and more local regional elites didn't want to lose the traditional religion and import Christianity from Byzantine empire. There were some killings of the priests for disrespecting of the old religion in the late 10th century.

    While the history is a little mythological, in the Chronicals it says the new religion was imposed by sword in some cities. In the 11th century, people of Suzdal, Rostov and Novgorod have rebelled against the new religion, even 83 years later. (

    But the new religion was the choice of the princes, as also the marriage of alliance to the Byzantine empire.

    What's the relevance for today? Is the world different enough than in the 10th century, so the decision for new religions of countries will be determined by non-elites, or still by elites like in the 10th century.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Ivashka the fool

    Your reasoning doesn’t apply to early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA and Roman Empire. And yet, it ended up converting all the MENA and the whole of the Roman Empire. And the conversion process was well advanced at the time of Constantine the Great.

    Anything you care to comment on this?

    Moreover, you are wrong when you write that Islam mostly grows in the third world (Africa). It grows everywhere accross the World, excepting Latin America and the Caribbean.

    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.

    Most of the American converts to Islam were religious Christians, either the protestant or Catholic. The number of American Muslims exiting the religion, is the same as the number of Christians joining the religion.

    When the immigrants are from more educated or advanced origin, like more skilled immigrants from Iran, have higher proportion of exiting the religion.


    This is in America, which is unique as the only advanced country with a religious population. Americans are the unusually religious people. But the number which convert to Islam, the religion is still only a percent.

    early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA
    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.

    As religion, Islam doesn't any new religious idea in the West. Also, the elite of Islamic countries (excluding Gulf Arabs) doesn't follow the religion.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Hispanics also appear to be converting to Islam in relatively large numbers, at least in the US:

    Being Muslim is more prestigious than being associated with the Conquistadors in today's Woke era, I guess.

  747. A123 says: • Website
    @Ivashka the fool

    Shabbtai Tzvi ended up converting to Islam and Jakob Frank converted to Catholicism. The Turkic Sabbateans became the Donmeh:

    Some say that Kamal Ataturk, who overthrew the Ottoman Empire, was from that sect on his mother's side. He really went hard against traditional Islam in Turkey.

    The Frankist converts to Catholicism intermixed en masse with the European elites during the nineteenth century. I have read a book once that provided the list of purportedly Frankist admixed families among the late nineteenth and early twentieth century European elite lineages. Don't recall the names now, but there were some notable people among these.

    Again, that might explain a lot in the overall attitude of these elites towards Christianity and organized religion overall.

    Soros fits perfectly the description, as well as his early backers and business associates.

    Also, quite unexpectedly:

    It is not a coincidence that the Zionist Jews and Wahhabis have the similar hatred and anger toward Muslims. It is not either a coincidence to see that the origin of Takfiri groups such as ISIS is not from any sect but Wahhabi school. When we studied the memoirs of the British spies and Saudi Arabia’s history we have found that the similarity between these groups is the product of the same project. Today's Saudis-Wahhabis-Jewish-British alliance is not more than a repetition of history itself. In this study, we tried to reveal the historical roots of this relationship by referring to the memoirs of the British spies and the history of Saudi Arabia. In this study, we firstly tried to reveal the similarity between the rhetoric and acts of the Wahhabism which has a similar tone and parallelism with the hatred and anger of the faithless Jews toward Moslims throughout the history. Then we touched upon the secret plans in the memoirs and confessions of the British spies that reveal the details of Wahhabi-British partnership. We hope that this paper will be a guide in understanding the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which has a common bloody war in the Middle East toward Moslims.

    The commander of Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy recently said that the ruling royal family members in Saudi Arabia were actually Jewish, and that their conflict with Iran harkens back to the seventh century battles between Muslim and Jewish tribes, Jerusalem Post reported

    The U.S. Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots”, shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam.

    The report relies heavily on the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, which describe in detail how a British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism, which became the founding cult of the Saudi regime.

    If the Saudis and early Wahhabis were initially Sabbateans parading as Muslims that would also explain a lot.

    The Frankist work through deception and infiltration, it is not a revolutionary, but a subversive group whose aim is a better future World to be built after the destruction of the traditional World. The traditional World must be degraded, so desperate people turn at last to seeking a radical betterment on spiritual grounds and finally build a more just society. It's basically Tikkun Olam by other (inverted) means.

    Replies: @A123

    early Wahhabis were initially Sabbateans parading as Muslims that would also explain a lot. The Frankist work through deception and infiltration, it is not a revolutionary, but a subversive group whose aim is a better future World to be built after the destruction of the traditional World

    It is hard to imagine a not particularly cohesive group like Frankists, pulling a fraud job to create self destructive Whabbi movement as an attempt to undermine Islam.

    Abraham Lincoln’s famous saying:

    “You can fool part of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time”

    The idea of genuinely “fake Muslims” pulling a con job over the time & quantity involved seems implausible. Whabbis are not a Jamestown scale cult. The numbers are huge. Admittedly, Muslims are programmed for unquestioning “submission”. However, despite the gullible audience, this still seems far too huge a deception to be successful.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It is hard to imagine a not particularly cohesive group like Frankists, pulling a fraud job to create self destructive Whabbi movement as an attempt to undermine Islam.
    Al-Qaeda? ISIS? The pre-2001 Taliban? But none of those were actually founded by Soros.
  748. A123 says: • Website

    The MAGA peace party moves to defund Not-The-President Biden’s forever war in Ukraine: (1)

    Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee are making significant cuts to an ambitious Pentagon goal to ramp up production of missiles as it seeks to arm Ukraine while preparing for a potential conflict with China.

    Appropriators exacted more than $2.5 billion in reductions to sections of their Pentagon spending bill that deal with missile procurement across the military services, according to a draft committee report obtained by POLITICO that includes funding tables to accompany the legislation.

    the panel redirected money to bolster military training, maintenance and operations as well as Pentagon research and development efforts to field new technology and weapons. The shift in funding came as appropriators — facing a defense spending cap locked in by the debt limit deal — squeezed overall Pentagon weapons procurement spending. Procurement, typically a favorite for congressional increases, clocks in $3 billion lower than the Pentagon requested.

    Money for senseless Kiev aggression is drying up.

    When will Zelensky negotiate in good faith? Or, skip the country to a European sinecure?

    PEACE 😇


  749. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do not want.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Yeah, I should also have thought about her in the context of my reply to A123. You are entirely right Emil, given that it’s where the early Soros funding came from.

  750. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Muslims are only extremely hostile against Zionist Jews. BTW, Rambam in his time has advised the Jewish people to always stand with the Muslims against the Christians in any Muslim-Christian conflict because Muslims are not idolaters, while Christians are. Perhaps Soros is just following Rav Moshe Ben Maimun's advice, and is finally a Jewish traditionalist after all. We should verify whether Soros gave funding to Neturei Karta:


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Muslims can also be hostile towards white privilege, and Jews can be perceived as being especially privileged whites. This is why, for instance, anti-Semitism appears to be more pronounced among blacks and Hispanics than among non-Hispanic whites in the US.

    And why are Christians idolaters?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    The White privilege trope is a (Jewish) Frankfurt school Cultural Marxist concept of culture war, developed in the inter-war Germany social framework, and adapted to American social reality. One should read Saul Alinsky to understand how this concept became ingrained into the Afro-American psyche. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam in which Allah gives his blessings to anyone he wishes according to solely His Divine Providence that has no limit, cannot be questioned and even less so understood. Basically Allah can make someone an influential person even if the deeds of that person do not harmonize with the Sharia ideal.

    Christians are Idolaters in the Traditional Jewish thought for two very important reasons: 1) by definition Christians worship someone who is just a flawed human being in Judaism - Jesus, worshipping anyone who is not HaShem (Allah/YHWH) is idolatry by association in both Judaism and Islam (in Islam it is named Shirk) 2) Christians traditionally used icons and sttaues as representations of the divine, which is forbidden in both Judaism and Islam as a form of Idolatry (in Islam it would be Kufr).

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  751. @A123
    @Ivashka the fool

    early Wahhabis were initially Sabbateans parading as Muslims that would also explain a lot. The Frankist work through deception and infiltration, it is not a revolutionary, but a subversive group whose aim is a better future World to be built after the destruction of the traditional World
    It is hard to imagine a not particularly cohesive group like Frankists, pulling a fraud job to create self destructive Whabbi movement as an attempt to undermine Islam.

    Abraham Lincoln's famous saying:

    "You can fool part of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time"
    The idea of genuinely "fake Muslims" pulling a con job over the time & quantity involved seems implausible. Whabbis are not a Jamestown scale cult. The numbers are huge. Admittedly, Muslims are programmed for unquestioning "submission". However, despite the gullible audience, this still seems far too huge a deception to be successful.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    It is hard to imagine a not particularly cohesive group like Frankists, pulling a fraud job to create self destructive Whabbi movement as an attempt to undermine Islam.

    Al-Qaeda? ISIS? The pre-2001 Taliban? But none of those were actually founded by Soros.

  752. @Ivashka the fool

    Your reasoning doesn't apply to early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA and Roman Empire. And yet, it ended up converting all the MENA and the whole of the Roman Empire. And the conversion process was well advanced at the time of Constantine the Great.

    Anything you care to comment on this?

    Moreover, you are wrong when you write that Islam mostly grows in the third world (Africa). It grows everywhere accross the World, excepting Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Mr. XYZ

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.

    Most of the American converts to Islam were religious Christians, either the protestant or Catholic. The number of American Muslims exiting the religion, is the same as the number of Christians joining the religion.

    When the immigrants are from more educated or advanced origin, like more skilled immigrants from Iran, have higher proportion of exiting the religion.

    This is in America, which is unique as the only advanced country with a religious population. Americans are the unusually religious people. But the number which convert to Islam, the religion is still only a percent.

    early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA

    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.

    As religion, Islam doesn’t any new religious idea in the West. Also, the elite of Islamic countries (excluding Gulf Arabs) doesn’t follow the religion.

    • Agree: Yevardian
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.
    And what exactly does it change ? If anything, in our postmodern social environment lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types only brings additional potential for population growth in the next couple of generations.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.
    What does it mean - mostly? When does the number or percentage of conversions become significant enough from your pov ? And you are wrong, Westerners do convert and a significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.
    Irrelevant. I always think first and foremost about France and Europe.

    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.
    How did it impact the expansion of Christianity? I don't think Pagan rejection helped spread the Gospels. Nevertheless, Christianity prevailed against all odds because it alleviated the alienation of the lower social strata during a difficult time in the Antiquity - while the social tissue of the slavery-based antique civilization was cracking at the seams and was being torn.

    Today too the social tissue is being torn apart and people are alienated and atomized. People will look for something to stabilize the society.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.
    It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds? Do you believe in Jesus because it'll help you make more buck for your bang ? Probably not.

    Islam doesn’t any new religious idea in the West
    In times of change people look for stability, not novelty. Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is "nothing new" and is not that exotic after all. It helps with getting them accepted.

    Among three scenarios, the most likely mid-point migration scenario identifies 13 countries where the Muslim population will be majority between years 2085 and 2215: Cyprus (in year 2085), Sweden (2125), France (2135), Greece (2135), Belgium (2140), Bulgaria (2140), Italy (2175), Luxembourg (2175), the UK (2180), Slovenia (2190), Switzerland (2195), Ireland (2200) and Lithuania (2215). The 17 remaining countries will never reach majority in the next 200 years.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @RadicalCenter

  753. @Ivashka the fool

    Your reasoning doesn't apply to early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA and Roman Empire. And yet, it ended up converting all the MENA and the whole of the Roman Empire. And the conversion process was well advanced at the time of Constantine the Great.

    Anything you care to comment on this?

    Moreover, you are wrong when you write that Islam mostly grows in the third world (Africa). It grows everywhere accross the World, excepting Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Mr. XYZ

    Hispanics also appear to be converting to Islam in relatively large numbers, at least in the US:

    Being Muslim is more prestigious than being associated with the Conquistadors in today’s Woke era, I guess.

  754. @A123

    Why would Jews want to invade Europe with anti-Semitic Muslims?
    Great question. Yet all the leading Jewish organizations are foursquare pro infinity immigration
    Are you confusing Muslim organizations with Jewish ones?

    The Antisemitic Defaming League of Muhammad [ADL] ceased being Jewish many years ago. J Street, another Muslim front group. B'Teslem also Muslim.

    Everyone obtains comic relief from your inability to properly identify IslamoGloboHomo. Please continue humiliating yourself for our benefit.

    We are not laughing with you.
       We are all laughing AT you!

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @silviosilver

    J Street, another Muslim front group. B’Teslem also Muslim.

    I have to admit, there is a genuine possibility you actually believe this. If there’s any issue I can agree with the left on, it’s that mental illness goes sadly undertreated.

    • Replies: @A123

    I concur.

    You are a mentally ill Leftoid. You should immediately seek a psychiatric intervention....

    Or, we will continue to laugh at you.

    PEACE 😇

    , @Greasy William

    what do you think about the advice I gave you?

    Replies: @silviosilver

  755. @Dmitry

    a decent human being.
    Most everyone in the forum except AnonfromTN and Karlin opposed the war i.e. 95% of the users here, there is no criteria to be a decent human being, just not completely irrational including rationality for selfish/self-interest.

    But has some delusion of superiority Bashibuzuk, who boasted in an earlier thread "only I oppose the war in this forum", while he was not in the forum, only returning to try to avoid personal responsibility for the war - although the ideology he believes is very similar to Putin's justification for the war. Slavophiles vs Westernizers, when the Westernizers oppose the war and Slavophile ideology promoted it.

    It's more impressive someone who tries to reflect on this, instead of avoiding responsibly.

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn't existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don't agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn't want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014? It's not that relevant to me, because it was still relatively a low level of the postsoviet conflict, mainly inside Ukraine. The more serious problem for many of us begins in February 2024, without sufficient motivation and it was a decision that "start from the top". It's not even board of directors, but CEO decision.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool, @Greasy William

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014?

    Hasn’t Strelkov not only admitted to starting it, but outright bragged about it?

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Greasy William

    Girkin is a drama queen.

  756. @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Muslims can also be hostile towards white privilege, and Jews can be perceived as being especially privileged whites. This is why, for instance, anti-Semitism appears to be more pronounced among blacks and Hispanics than among non-Hispanic whites in the US.

    And why are Christians idolaters?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The White privilege trope is a (Jewish) Frankfurt school Cultural Marxist concept of culture war, developed in the inter-war Germany social framework, and adapted to American social reality. One should read Saul Alinsky to understand how this concept became ingrained into the Afro-American psyche. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam in which Allah gives his blessings to anyone he wishes according to solely His Divine Providence that has no limit, cannot be questioned and even less so understood. Basically Allah can make someone an influential person even if the deeds of that person do not harmonize with the Sharia ideal.

    Christians are Idolaters in the Traditional Jewish thought for two very important reasons: 1) by definition Christians worship someone who is just a flawed human being in Judaism – Jesus, worshipping anyone who is not HaShem (Allah/YHWH) is idolatry by association in both Judaism and Islam (in Islam it is named Shirk) 2) Christians traditionally used icons and sttaues as representations of the divine, which is forbidden in both Judaism and Islam as a form of Idolatry (in Islam it would be Kufr).

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Ivashka the fool

    The material culture of Christianity doesn't lie. The books might well be made up jokes about Jews and their peculiarities but the material culture of Christianity expresses something entirely absent in Islam and Judaism. Beauty.

    Even Jesus can be depicted as a good looking slightly otherworldly man like Robert Powell in the 1970s.

    here's Jesus 359AD on the casket of Junius Bassus...He's Dying Gaul surfer dude. He's Daniel Penney. This isn't even a very great work but it's joyful and funny.,_Museo_d._civilt%C3%A0_Romana_-_Calco_sarcofago_Giunio_Basso_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall'Orto,_12-Apr-2008.jpg

    they you get expressions of beauty like this...Mary during the 1400s Renaissance.

    I suspect the Jewish God is ugly much like the Muslim one, thus no images allowed.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @S

  757. @Mr. XYZ

    That’s nonsense. Germany’s problem was that it attacked Russia and lost. That led directly to its demise. The idea that Britain (even with US) would by itself defeat Germany is ridiculous.
    Britain's blockade made attacking Russia more urgent for Germany since Russia provided most of Germany's imports due to the British blockade. Had Stalin significantly reduced trade to Germany, Germany would have been severely hurt.

    And Yes, Britain and the US by themselves would not have been able to defeat Germany. However, Britain and France likely would have. And the Fall of France was very far from inevitable.

    I agree that Germany’s demand against Poland was relatively reasonable – they could have made a deal. Poland was a dictatorship that oppressed its minorities and participated in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia a year earlier. They had no standing.
    Yeah. FWIW, I do think that Hitler's later demands were a bit loaded--why insist on a plebiscite in the Polish Corridor and not in, say, the Sudetenland (given to Germany without any plebiscites) or Alsace-Lorraine? And insisting on using the 1918 residents of the Polish Corridor as a basis for this plebiscite. But still, in the name of the interests of peace, Poland should have accepted. Though prior to the British guarantee (which apparently severely pissed Hitler off), Hitler was apparently willing to let Poland keep the Polish Corridor without any plebiscites, though he did want Danzig returned to Germany. Poland should have conceded on this point since it already had Gdynia at that point in time.

    The Anglo policy was to direct Germany’s attack to the east – on Russia – that inevitably meant that Poland had to be sacrificed. After 1941 Barbarossa Anglos stood aside for 3 years until June 1944 to see who will win, Germany or Russia. Russia destroyed over 80% of the German military, the Anglos about half of the rest. Then they attempted to steal the victory – and they are still at it…
    Well, from the realist perspective, the rational thing for the Anglo-French to do would have been to pay almost any price for a Soviet alliance in 1939. The Soviets want to annex the Baltics? Then let them do it. They want to annex Bessarabia and northern Bukovina? OK. They want to try annexing Finland? OK. Allying with Poland without simultaneously allying with the Soviets ensured that the Anglo-French would be fighting the Nazis alone while at the same time the Soviets would be aggressively helping the Nazis by massively trading with them in the hopes of bleeding both the Nazis and the Anglo-French dry. And there would not even be a guarantee that Poland would be free after the end of the war, even without the Fall of France, since the Soviet Union could move in to seize Poland for itself before the Anglo-French are able to liberate it. Then the Anglo-French would have needed to decide whether or not they should go to war against the Soviet Union in order to liberate Poland from Soviet rule.

    Replies: @Sean

    Well, from the realist perspective, the rational thing for the Anglo-French to do would have been to pay almost any price for a Soviet alliance in 1939

    No. The British considered the Soviet Union to be the problem, and Nazi Germany to be a useful bulwark against the USSR. Chamberlain and his circle if there was to be any fighting wanted the Nazis and Soviets ought to be doing it. The Nazi Soviet Pact made those calculations obsolete, and that is why British foreign policy elite instantly decided another world war was necessary

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  758. @Greasy William

    As for the question who begins the war in 2014?
    Hasn't Strelkov not only admitted to starting it, but outright bragged about it?

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Girkin is a drama queen.

  759. @silviosilver

    J Street, another Muslim front group. B’Teslem also Muslim.
    I have to admit, there is a genuine possibility you actually believe this. If there's any issue I can agree with the left on, it's that mental illness goes sadly undertreated.

    Replies: @A123, @Greasy William

    I concur.

    You are a mentally ill Leftoid. You should immediately seek a psychiatric intervention….

    Or, we will continue to laugh at you.

    PEACE 😇

  760. @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    What's interesting is that he doesn't appear to have had a compassionate attitude towards the "non-Jews" who immigrated to Israel, especially from the former USSR. Why exactly was this the case?

    Replies: @Greasy William

    1. Goy-baiting the ethnic Russians immigrants was a good way for him to win votes of working class Mizrahim who traditionally voted Likud
    2. For the showdown over the Ethiopians, he had the support of his precious left wing Zionists and got to establish his primacy over/independence from the anti-Ethiopian, Ashkenazic haredi sages; not so with the ethnic Russians who the left was much cooler to. He also assumed that large numbers of the Ethiopians would become dependent on Shas and turn into a reliable vote bank
    3. His base absolutely could not stand the Russian olim, Jewish or otherwise. Massive amounts of them were moving to the previously 100% Mizrahi development towns
    4. He knew that none of the Russian immigrants would ever become Shas voters, and in fact them joining the Israeli electorate would dilute the power
    5. The Russians were/are hostile to the theocratic elements of the state and all the special privileges the Haredim enjoy

  761. @silviosilver

    J Street, another Muslim front group. B’Teslem also Muslim.
    I have to admit, there is a genuine possibility you actually believe this. If there's any issue I can agree with the left on, it's that mental illness goes sadly undertreated.

    Replies: @A123, @Greasy William

    what do you think about the advice I gave you?

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Greasy William

    I wanted to write a longer response to it. I'll reply later. (Didn't want to just dismiss it with a "Thanks" button.)

  762. S says:

    The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it.
    This isn't all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word). They all like to "mop up" what they can get. As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where - hot. And how far what you guys call the "US empire" will spread. Frankly, I believe just calling it "the West" is more honest and accurate, not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them. Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions. People get a lot out of it.

    The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk
    Of course, there has always been a battle going on for the areas that are the most attractive, and it may accelerate with the climate pressures, the blowing up of the dam will have consequences for the Black Sea region. The region that was damaged was a huge agro region as well that was feeding the world. Only when the water fully subsides, we'll be able to assess the full damage.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast - there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could've been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should've been created. Or at least, the Russian side should not have tried to impose 19th century norms on the 21st century. It was way too brutal.

    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one).
    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into "partaking". It's not like America where you can just drive for a few hours and be completely free and alone, or build a new town. It's a different political context. For example, for Ukraine there is no such choice as "not to partake". Would you give the same advice to countries such as the 1930s Germany and the Soviet Union, and today's Russia to "not partake"? Could we ask these to be "neutral"? I know you would, but that's now how those countries feel. Not at all.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.
    I remember that article, I wonder how they allowed to run it. That actually sounds like something that could hypothetically be believable, at least, one can allow for such a possibility. When we look at the results, at the current state of the wealth distribution, isn't that exactly what has happened? Again, these financial systems are very complex so it's hard to judge here, but remember that wealth tends to create more wealth, so in a way it is a natural process. Of course, this needs to be regulated politically to distribute the wealth and to make the wealth work for productivity so that it reaches wide enough masses and to maintain fairness.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.


    I can see how it may be tempting for you to believe that. :) It's a very clean conspiracy. But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century). And there was Soviet totalitarianism. But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly). You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals - let's just admit that and let's stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    If you're saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you'll probably say something like "As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order". Frankly, I'm not ready to go that far. :)

    then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed
    If I understand you correctly, by the "enlightened / progressives", you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it'd be easier to follow your thought process. :) But most likely this group does bear some responsibility, but they are not he only ones to bear responsibility.

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler


    We don't know that, it could be a faction in the Kremlin but it could also be the result of the chaos of the SMO. The chaos of the SMO will give rise to such personalities. The situation is largely out of control now, I don't believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia.
    There is still a possibility that he gets taken out. But I've heard people say that if he doesn't get taken out, he could be president (I think this is still very far fetched). I think these groups are micromanaging now because the SMO slipped out of their control.

    However, I was listening to a Ukrainian officer the other day named Arty Green (he's one of the people whose opinion I respect). And he speculated that "those who are in charge of the order in the world" (basically just the more powerful countries) see a big threat in Putin now that he has credibly threatened with the nukes, they will try to get rid of the regime by a thousand cuts - not one blunt hit because one big Ukrainian victory could allow the regime to still survive. Whereas a death by a thousand cuts (including dosed out weapons deliveries), a slow death, a bleeding out of the RusFed, is more likely to lead to the regime change. And Arty believes that Prigo and those expeditionary forces play a role here. This is speculative, even though this looks like a very clear picture, I personally believe there are more aspects involved in this on the ground. Of course, Arty says that for Ukraine a sooner end to the war would be best, and this is also what we all in EE want. We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly. Russia has marginalized herself through this violent aggression. There is no alternative to the current power in Russia, none, and Prigo is the one trying to build this alternative. Putin fears a much broader mobilization because it could become a catalyst for social unrest, Putin just said there is "no need for mobilization", even though mobilization has been ongoing, there are ton of military recruitment ads, and men are needed. Yet Arty believes that the process is only mid way, we have not arrived at a critical point, and there are no visible potential "black swans" on the horizon. The regime is nowhere close to crumbling. Bad news from the front could be a factor in shaking up the regime. Also, if things reach the point where a Russian soldier will be sent to the trenches knowing full well that he will remain there for good, based on how the war will be going. The truth is that the Ukrainian casualties are not necessarily higher than the Russian ones, as is believed on this forum.

    Arty believes that in the case of Ukraine's military success, some of the Russian forces, who are left alive, could flee back to Russia and start an uprising there. This is what I would call the "Riflemen scenario" - when the Russian Empire collapsed, during WWI, the riflemen who survived the war, went to Russia and supported a mutiny there (the soldiers simply stuck their bayonets in the ground and said "Enough" and then all these committees appeared - remember the biggest requests during the Revolution where "bread and peace" (end to war), that's what Lenin used, Prigo's essentially doing the same, just from a different angle - he's saying, if you want to continue the war, the MOD has to provide much more, everyone has to mobilize and this will take years - and then answer to me if this is what the majority of the Russian people want, maybe they do, maybe not, I don't know, we don't know how much stamina they have). So historically this has happened before. I'm not sure this will happen again, since the Russian masses are now passive and much older than in 1917. And much better fed. There is more technological prowess now as well. But as Arty said, we're only half way there and the Western weapons have higher precision.

    Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine's prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don't have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings...

    Replies: @S, @S, @S, @S

    We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly…Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine’s prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive..

    Thanks for the rundown of Artie Green’s thoughts.

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don’t have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings…

    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real ‘scrapper’! 🙂

    • Replies: @LatW

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.
    I understand what you mean, this is always a risk. However, Ukraine was starting to build its own economic success right before this invasion. There were Ukrainian owned businesses that grew and the exports grew as well, as did the Ukrainian startup scene. So this invasion was really damaging in that regard. Now after what Ukraine has been through, it will require reconstruction and those investments will of course come with some Western ownership, I imagine, hopefully, most Ukrainian businesses can be reinvigorated or rebuilt or repatriated after the war.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.
    Not in the case of those EE countries that are in the EU, we live very harmoniously and we support each other. In the case of Russians and Ukrainians, that is indeed a tragedy. But I don't think most in the West, except for certain types, wanted this kind of destruction. Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic.

    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real ‘scrapper’! 🙂
    Thanks. :) I hope I do not come off as too combative. It's only regarding the things I do care about (I'm very mellow IRL). I'm also glad we do agree on certain important things, even if we don't agree on Russia/Ukraine.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?). I didn't listen to much post-punk, more to darkwave, a little bit of gothic, neofolk, dark ambient and such. German EBM and industrial. So those are somewhat linked to those old musical traditions. Although I moved into things such as neo-medieval rather early on. From the dark wave scene, came titles such as Qntal, Estampie, and similar, that I liked (but those are all genres that are already very far removed from dark wave). I still enjoy listening to stuff such as this:

    Replies: @Greasy William, @S

  763. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.

    Most of the American converts to Islam were religious Christians, either the protestant or Catholic. The number of American Muslims exiting the religion, is the same as the number of Christians joining the religion.

    When the immigrants are from more educated or advanced origin, like more skilled immigrants from Iran, have higher proportion of exiting the religion.


    This is in America, which is unique as the only advanced country with a religious population. Americans are the unusually religious people. But the number which convert to Islam, the religion is still only a percent.

    early Christianity in the Hellenistic MENA
    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.

    As religion, Islam doesn't any new religious idea in the West. Also, the elite of Islamic countries (excluding Gulf Arabs) doesn't follow the religion.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.

    And what exactly does it change ? If anything, in our postmodern social environment lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types only brings additional potential for population growth in the next couple of generations.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.

    What does it mean – mostly? When does the number or percentage of conversions become significant enough from your pov ? And you are wrong, Westerners do convert and a significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.

    Irrelevant. I always think first and foremost about France and Europe.

    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.

    How did it impact the expansion of Christianity? I don’t think Pagan rejection helped spread the Gospels. Nevertheless, Christianity prevailed against all odds because it alleviated the alienation of the lower social strata during a difficult time in the Antiquity – while the social tissue of the slavery-based antique civilization was cracking at the seams and was being torn.

    Today too the social tissue is being torn apart and people are alienated and atomized. People will look for something to stabilize the society.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds? Do you believe in Jesus because it’ll help you make more buck for your bang ? Probably not.

    Islam doesn’t any new religious idea in the West

    In times of change people look for stability, not novelty. Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is “nothing new” and is not that exotic after all. It helps with getting them accepted.

    Among three scenarios, the most likely mid-point migration scenario identifies 13 countries where the Muslim population will be majority between years 2085 and 2215: Cyprus (in year 2085), Sweden (2125), France (2135), Greece (2135), Belgium (2140), Bulgaria (2140), Italy (2175), Luxembourg (2175), the UK (2180), Slovenia (2190), Switzerland (2195), Ireland (2200) and Lithuania (2215). The 17 remaining countries will never reach majority in the next 200 years.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.

    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types


    Your posts are saying often world, including America and Russia, is controlled by the small groups of secret elites following esoteric cults, even if they only existed as a historical trivia a few centuries ago, with a few hundred people.

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?

    In the USA, 1,1% of the population is Muslim. If the proportion goes to 10% in France, because of the North African colonialism. In Italy, it is 2,3%. In United Kingdom, it is 6,7%. In Germany, 5,7%.

    In United Kingdom, Hindus are more powerful than Muslims, as Hindus are mostly high income population, while Muslims are mostly low income population.

    Maybe in France there are North African Muslims, who are more influential and educated etc.

    , Westerners do convert
    Numbers which convert are not very significant, even in the only religious developed country of the USA are not more than the numbers of Islamic people who exit from the religion.

    Future in America, will be increase in the size of the non-affiliated population. Although America will still be a very Christian country, when we are pensioners according to PEW.

    In Russia, for the last couple decades a lot of women are marrying with Central Asian immigrants. But probably the families in the future, on average will be more likely, than less likely, to assimilate to the Russian society, compared to Central Asian immigrants which marry their own.

    significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.
    Have you met any upper class Muslim immigrants (except Saudis) which are religious.

    I used studied with Saudis. They were mainly interested in the Western culture. They are religious as part of their culture, go to the mosque on Friday, don't drink alcohol. But much more passionate about Messi, than Mohammad.

    Upper class Pakistanis, from what I saw, are regular secular hipsters, drinking alcohol, not going to mosque.

    Upper class Nigerian Muslims? Superficially also seemed like regular hipsters. But who knows.

    nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds?
    Economics is the reason for growth of Islam in the West.

    Except where there is oil in the Gulf, Muslim countries are poor. Muslim world has been declining for centuries not only because of European colonialism, also because of low economic modernization, corruption etc.

    As result of poverty in the Muslim countries, there is great motivation for many people to immigrate to high income countries. Turks go to Germany, North Africans go to France, etc.

    Islamic religion is part of the culture of the immigrants from poor countries, who are carried by the forces of economics to rich countries. It's not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.

    Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is “nothing new” and is not that exotic after all


    Christianity in the ancient world, was weird and shocking because it was very exotic and was something new and mystical, inverting the national values of the Romans and classical Greek civilization. Christianity i.e. weak are better than strong, better to give than receive, meek will inherit the earth, turn the other cheek, victim in this world will be hero in next world, poor are above the rich etc.

    It was the reversal of the traditional value system of the classical society.

    In medieval time, after a thousand years of the modification and adaptation of the religion, it was sometimes useful for the elites partly as it allowed the greater centralization.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.


    Saying Muslims will influence the norms and impact the politics (i.e. France), is not like saying Islam will be the future official religion of Europe.

    If Muslims are lower income in Europe, they have disproportionately smaller influence, compared to the high income groups.

    Trend of Islamic world is also probably slowly secularizing. In Turkey, where there is an Islamist democracy. In Iran, where there is Islamic theocracy, even there are people saying the trend of younger people is going secular.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @RadicalCenter
    @Ivashka the fool

    You're right that a movement doesn't need nearly a majority to influence society and government heavily. This is especially true when the movement is willing to use violence and intimidation.

    We should note also that even when Muslims are not yet the majority in a particular European or Balkan country, they likely will be the majority in the young population. Vienna, Austria is an example.

    Pick a "European" city twenty years from now. How well will 100,000 nonMuslims with a median age of nearly FIFTY, do in street combat against 100,000 Muslims with a median age of only THIRTY?

  764. Another thing that will help bringing down Christianity is this kind if antics:

    Despite whatever Harari is blathering, nobody needs a machine dictated faith.

    People need a human experience of the numenous, not some data science geekery.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Ivashka the fool

    aye. The Sistine chapel for example. Jews and Muslims don't have this material culture, but Christianinty sure does.

    or even a painting by Fra Angelico...,_San_Marco)

  765. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    The White privilege trope is a (Jewish) Frankfurt school Cultural Marxist concept of culture war, developed in the inter-war Germany social framework, and adapted to American social reality. One should read Saul Alinsky to understand how this concept became ingrained into the Afro-American psyche. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam in which Allah gives his blessings to anyone he wishes according to solely His Divine Providence that has no limit, cannot be questioned and even less so understood. Basically Allah can make someone an influential person even if the deeds of that person do not harmonize with the Sharia ideal.

    Christians are Idolaters in the Traditional Jewish thought for two very important reasons: 1) by definition Christians worship someone who is just a flawed human being in Judaism - Jesus, worshipping anyone who is not HaShem (Allah/YHWH) is idolatry by association in both Judaism and Islam (in Islam it is named Shirk) 2) Christians traditionally used icons and sttaues as representations of the divine, which is forbidden in both Judaism and Islam as a form of Idolatry (in Islam it would be Kufr).

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The material culture of Christianity doesn’t lie. The books might well be made up jokes about Jews and their peculiarities but the material culture of Christianity expresses something entirely absent in Islam and Judaism. Beauty.

    Even Jesus can be depicted as a good looking slightly otherworldly man like Robert Powell in the 1970s.

    here’s Jesus 359AD on the casket of Junius Bassus…He’s Dying Gaul surfer dude. He’s Daniel Penney. This isn’t even a very great work but it’s joyful and funny.

    they you get expressions of beauty like this…Mary during the 1400s Renaissance.

    I suspect the Jewish God is ugly much like the Muslim one, thus no images allowed.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I agree that Christian art is amazingly beautiful.

    Even if it is just an inspiration to create:

    But if a Christian is not a Gnostic, then for him the Jewish God is God the Father.

    , @S

    here’s Jesus 359AD on the casket of Junius Bassus…He’s Dying Gaul surfer dude. He’s Daniel Penney. This isn’t even a very great work but it’s joyful and funny.
    Thanks, that is a nice piece. The Romans had world class stone workers.

    Below, also from about the mid 4th century, are the sarcophagi of Helena and Constantina, Emperor Constantine's mother and daughter respectively.
  766. @Ivashka the fool
    Another thing that will help bringing down Christianity is this kind if antics:

    Despite whatever Harari is blathering, nobody needs a machine dictated faith.

    People need a human experience of the numenous, not some data science geekery.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    aye. The Sistine chapel for example. Jews and Muslims don’t have this material culture, but Christianinty sure does.

    or even a painting by Fra Angelico…,_San_Marco)

  767. @Greasy William

    what do you think about the advice I gave you?

    Replies: @silviosilver

    I wanted to write a longer response to it. I’ll reply later. (Didn’t want to just dismiss it with a “Thanks” button.)

  768. @Wokechoke
    @Ivashka the fool

    The material culture of Christianity doesn't lie. The books might well be made up jokes about Jews and their peculiarities but the material culture of Christianity expresses something entirely absent in Islam and Judaism. Beauty.

    Even Jesus can be depicted as a good looking slightly otherworldly man like Robert Powell in the 1970s.

    here's Jesus 359AD on the casket of Junius Bassus...He's Dying Gaul surfer dude. He's Daniel Penney. This isn't even a very great work but it's joyful and funny.,_Museo_d._civilt%C3%A0_Romana_-_Calco_sarcofago_Giunio_Basso_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall'Orto,_12-Apr-2008.jpg

    they you get expressions of beauty like this...Mary during the 1400s Renaissance.

    I suspect the Jewish God is ugly much like the Muslim one, thus no images allowed.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @S

    I agree that Christian art is amazingly beautiful.

    Even if it is just an inspiration to create:

    But if a Christian is not a Gnostic, then for him the Jewish God is God the Father.

  769. S says:

    The world wars since 1900 and the formation of the US/UK ‘special relationship’, including this nascent WWIII, are about expanding and consolidating this hold on the world, ie ‘mopping up’ as the powers that be likely see it.
    This isn't all that different from other expanding civilizations or empires (for the lack of a more modern word). They all like to "mop up" what they can get. As to the nascent WWIII, we do not yet know if it will be cold or hot, and where it will be cold and where - hot. And how far what you guys call the "US empire" will spread. Frankly, I believe just calling it "the West" is more honest and accurate, not everyone hates the Anglo countries or has suspicion of them. Even with (the wrong kinds of) Jews represented in such prominent positions. People get a lot out of it.

    The lion’s share of the world is ours, not only in bulk
    Of course, there has always been a battle going on for the areas that are the most attractive, and it may accelerate with the climate pressures, the blowing up of the dam will have consequences for the Black Sea region. The region that was damaged was a huge agro region as well that was feeding the world. Only when the water fully subsides, we'll be able to assess the full damage.

    But what you guys call Eurasia is very vast - there is a lot of space for everyone. All of this could've been shared, while still respecting everyone, a new approach should've been created. Or at least, the Russian side should not have tried to impose 19th century norms on the 21st century. It was way too brutal.

    Well, no, I believe people still have agency (simple refusal to partake being a big one).
    Agree that refusal to partake is one form of mild resistance, but most times, in places such as Europe, you are forced by the circumstances into "partaking". It's not like America where you can just drive for a few hours and be completely free and alone, or build a new town. It's a different political context. For example, for Ukraine there is no such choice as "not to partake". Would you give the same advice to countries such as the 1930s Germany and the Soviet Union, and today's Russia to "not partake"? Could we ask these to be "neutral"? I know you would, but that's now how those countries feel. Not at all.

    For instance, Rolling Stone magazine had a huge well supported article a few years ago claiming that almost all the financial bubbles of the 20th century, including the Great Depression, had been artificially created for the purpose of mass wealth transfer, Goldman Sachs (IIRC) figuring prominently.
    I remember that article, I wonder how they allowed to run it. That actually sounds like something that could hypothetically be believable, at least, one can allow for such a possibility. When we look at the results, at the current state of the wealth distribution, isn't that exactly what has happened? Again, these financial systems are very complex so it's hard to judge here, but remember that wealth tends to create more wealth, so in a way it is a natural process. Of course, this needs to be regulated politically to distribute the wealth and to make the wealth work for productivity so that it reaches wide enough masses and to maintain fairness.

    Hitler, it will be remembered, was having real trouble obtaining power in Germany in the late 1920’s. I am not alone in thinking that the primary purpose of the Great Depression, in addition to profit taking, may well have been specifically to propel Hitler into power in Germany.


    I can see how it may be tempting for you to believe that. :) It's a very clean conspiracy. But remember that Hitler was not alone, there was a whole wave of autocracies that swept Europe during that time (maybe partly as a response to the 1920s, maybe as a reaction to the loss of the ancien regime of the 19th century). And there was Soviet totalitarianism. But no autocracies in the Anglo countries (interestingly). You know, the Anglo countries are simply more advanced and more rational than the continentals - let's just admit that and let's stop blaming the Anglos for the idiocies and the ridiculous and horrific behaviors of the Euro continentals and their Soviet allies at the time.

    If you're saying that the speculation frenzy that preceded the Great Depression eventually caused the rise of Hitler, but in the end he killed a lot of Jews. So you'll probably say something like "As the result of the Holocaust, we now have Jewish power and the post 1945 liberal world order". Frankly, I'm not ready to go that far. :)

    then the ‘enlightened’/’progressives’ themselves also bear much of the responsibility for the events which followed
    If I understand you correctly, by the "enlightened / progressives", you mean a small strata of the historical Anglo elite. If you specified who exactly you have in mind, it'd be easier to follow your thought process. :) But most likely this group does bear some responsibility, but they are not he only ones to bear responsibility.

    However, if Prigo has the very same US/UK ‘guardian angels’ watching over him and his activities now that Guido Preparata claims Hitler had during the 1920’s and early ’30’s in his book Conjuring Hitler


    We don't know that, it could be a faction in the Kremlin but it could also be the result of the chaos of the SMO. The chaos of the SMO will give rise to such personalities. The situation is largely out of control now, I don't believe that the Kremlin faction behind Prigo could control the situation fully any more, nor some other hypothetical curators that you seem to imply exist out there.

    then the sky may well be the limit for Prigo’s political ambitions in Russia.
    There is still a possibility that he gets taken out. But I've heard people say that if he doesn't get taken out, he could be president (I think this is still very far fetched). I think these groups are micromanaging now because the SMO slipped out of their control.

    However, I was listening to a Ukrainian officer the other day named Arty Green (he's one of the people whose opinion I respect). And he speculated that "those who are in charge of the order in the world" (basically just the more powerful countries) see a big threat in Putin now that he has credibly threatened with the nukes, they will try to get rid of the regime by a thousand cuts - not one blunt hit because one big Ukrainian victory could allow the regime to still survive. Whereas a death by a thousand cuts (including dosed out weapons deliveries), a slow death, a bleeding out of the RusFed, is more likely to lead to the regime change. And Arty believes that Prigo and those expeditionary forces play a role here. This is speculative, even though this looks like a very clear picture, I personally believe there are more aspects involved in this on the ground. Of course, Arty says that for Ukraine a sooner end to the war would be best, and this is also what we all in EE want. We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly. Russia has marginalized herself through this violent aggression. There is no alternative to the current power in Russia, none, and Prigo is the one trying to build this alternative. Putin fears a much broader mobilization because it could become a catalyst for social unrest, Putin just said there is "no need for mobilization", even though mobilization has been ongoing, there are ton of military recruitment ads, and men are needed. Yet Arty believes that the process is only mid way, we have not arrived at a critical point, and there are no visible potential "black swans" on the horizon. The regime is nowhere close to crumbling. Bad news from the front could be a factor in shaking up the regime. Also, if things reach the point where a Russian soldier will be sent to the trenches knowing full well that he will remain there for good, based on how the war will be going. The truth is that the Ukrainian casualties are not necessarily higher than the Russian ones, as is believed on this forum.

    Arty believes that in the case of Ukraine's military success, some of the Russian forces, who are left alive, could flee back to Russia and start an uprising there. This is what I would call the "Riflemen scenario" - when the Russian Empire collapsed, during WWI, the riflemen who survived the war, went to Russia and supported a mutiny there (the soldiers simply stuck their bayonets in the ground and said "Enough" and then all these committees appeared - remember the biggest requests during the Revolution where "bread and peace" (end to war), that's what Lenin used, Prigo's essentially doing the same, just from a different angle - he's saying, if you want to continue the war, the MOD has to provide much more, everyone has to mobilize and this will take years - and then answer to me if this is what the majority of the Russian people want, maybe they do, maybe not, I don't know, we don't know how much stamina they have). So historically this has happened before. I'm not sure this will happen again, since the Russian masses are now passive and much older than in 1917. And much better fed. There is more technological prowess now as well. But as Arty said, we're only half way there and the Western weapons have higher precision.

    Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine's prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don't have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings...

    Replies: @S, @S, @S, @S

    As a wholly unrelated aside, LatW, are you at all familiar with a circa 1980 New Wave artist named Lili-Marlene Premilovich, aka Lene Lovich?

    She was (and is) a real trip! 😀

    Lucky Number

    Bird Song


    It’s you, only you (Mein Schmerz)

    New Toy

    • Replies: @LatW

    Yea, thanks for posting these, she's really trippy. :) The Bird song is good. And I like the video for It's you - it looks like the dude in the video is wearing a St George's ribbon. LOL

    Replies: @S

  770. @Ivashka the fool

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.
    And what exactly does it change ? If anything, in our postmodern social environment lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types only brings additional potential for population growth in the next couple of generations.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.
    What does it mean - mostly? When does the number or percentage of conversions become significant enough from your pov ? And you are wrong, Westerners do convert and a significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.
    Irrelevant. I always think first and foremost about France and Europe.

    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.
    How did it impact the expansion of Christianity? I don't think Pagan rejection helped spread the Gospels. Nevertheless, Christianity prevailed against all odds because it alleviated the alienation of the lower social strata during a difficult time in the Antiquity - while the social tissue of the slavery-based antique civilization was cracking at the seams and was being torn.

    Today too the social tissue is being torn apart and people are alienated and atomized. People will look for something to stabilize the society.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.
    It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds? Do you believe in Jesus because it'll help you make more buck for your bang ? Probably not.

    Islam doesn’t any new religious idea in the West
    In times of change people look for stability, not novelty. Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is "nothing new" and is not that exotic after all. It helps with getting them accepted.

    Among three scenarios, the most likely mid-point migration scenario identifies 13 countries where the Muslim population will be majority between years 2085 and 2215: Cyprus (in year 2085), Sweden (2125), France (2135), Greece (2135), Belgium (2140), Bulgaria (2140), Italy (2175), Luxembourg (2175), the UK (2180), Slovenia (2190), Switzerland (2195), Ireland (2200) and Lithuania (2215). The 17 remaining countries will never reach majority in the next 200 years.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @RadicalCenter

    lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types

    Your posts are saying often world, including America and Russia, is controlled by the small groups of secret elites following esoteric cults, even if they only existed as a historical trivia a few centuries ago, with a few hundred people.

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?

    In the USA, 1,1% of the population is Muslim. If the proportion goes to 10% in France, because of the North African colonialism. In Italy, it is 2,3%. In United Kingdom, it is 6,7%. In Germany, 5,7%.

    In United Kingdom, Hindus are more powerful than Muslims, as Hindus are mostly high income population, while Muslims are mostly low income population.

    Maybe in France there are North African Muslims, who are more influential and educated etc.

    , Westerners do convert

    Numbers which convert are not very significant, even in the only religious developed country of the USA are not more than the numbers of Islamic people who exit from the religion.

    Future in America, will be increase in the size of the non-affiliated population. Although America will still be a very Christian country, when we are pensioners according to PEW.

    In Russia, for the last couple decades a lot of women are marrying with Central Asian immigrants. But probably the families in the future, on average will be more likely, than less likely, to assimilate to the Russian society, compared to Central Asian immigrants which marry their own.

    significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.

    Have you met any upper class Muslim immigrants (except Saudis) which are religious.

    I used studied with Saudis. They were mainly interested in the Western culture. They are religious as part of their culture, go to the mosque on Friday, don’t drink alcohol. But much more passionate about Messi, than Mohammad.

    Upper class Pakistanis, from what I saw, are regular secular hipsters, drinking alcohol, not going to mosque.

    Upper class Nigerian Muslims? Superficially also seemed like regular hipsters. But who knows.

    nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds?

    Economics is the reason for growth of Islam in the West.

    Except where there is oil in the Gulf, Muslim countries are poor. Muslim world has been declining for centuries not only because of European colonialism, also because of low economic modernization, corruption etc.

    As result of poverty in the Muslim countries, there is great motivation for many people to immigrate to high income countries. Turks go to Germany, North Africans go to France, etc.

    Islamic religion is part of the culture of the immigrants from poor countries, who are carried by the forces of economics to rich countries. It’s not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.

    Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is “nothing new” and is not that exotic after all

    Christianity in the ancient world, was weird and shocking because it was very exotic and was something new and mystical, inverting the national values of the Romans and classical Greek civilization. Christianity i.e. weak are better than strong, better to give than receive, meek will inherit the earth, turn the other cheek, victim in this world will be hero in next world, poor are above the rich etc.

    It was the reversal of the traditional value system of the classical society.

    In medieval time, after a thousand years of the modification and adaptation of the religion, it was sometimes useful for the elites partly as it allowed the greater centralization.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.

    Saying Muslims will influence the norms and impact the politics (i.e. France), is not like saying Islam will be the future official religion of Europe.

    If Muslims are lower income in Europe, they have disproportionately smaller influence, compared to the high income groups.

    Trend of Islamic world is also probably slowly secularizing. In Turkey, where there is an Islamist democracy. In Iran, where there is Islamic theocracy, even there are people saying the trend of younger people is going secular.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    . It’s not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.
    In Europe, there are more Muslims exiting the religion, than non-Muslims becoming Muslim. Although the number is not significant.

    Islamic missionaries are not successful in Europe and Europeans are not interested in Islam. European Muslims are exiting Islam more than Europeans are joining Islam. (While in more religious USA, it is around net 0).

    The growth of the Muslim population in Europe is because of immigration and higher fertility rate of the Islamic population. The proportion of Muslims in the future in Europe, will be mainly determined by the European immigration policies.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Wokechoke

    The Muslims will stage break away republics.

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?
    It's called having it both ways.

    Either billions of miserably poor people make a difference or they don't. Make up your minds, fellas!

    My own opinion is they do not.
  771. @Ivashka the fool

    Fear is the mind killer.

    I have asked yesterday LatW whether it is true that the president of Latvia is Jewish, while its prime minister is openly Gay, she didn't answer these questions...

    Replies: @LatW

    It is not fear. Because there is a real war going on right now, I will not answer anything related to anything that could hurt my country (or friends of my country). Info sharing should be limited at this point.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    How is the fact that Latvian president is of Jewish descent, while Latvian prime minister is Gay, hurting Latvia ?

    Also I was not aware that Latvia has declared war on any other state. Did I miss something ?

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Wokechoke

    That’s cowardly. So you’d admit that having a Jewish head of state and fag PM is fodder for Latvia’s “enemies”? But won’t admit that it’s what you have.

  772. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types


    Your posts are saying often world, including America and Russia, is controlled by the small groups of secret elites following esoteric cults, even if they only existed as a historical trivia a few centuries ago, with a few hundred people.

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?

    In the USA, 1,1% of the population is Muslim. If the proportion goes to 10% in France, because of the North African colonialism. In Italy, it is 2,3%. In United Kingdom, it is 6,7%. In Germany, 5,7%.

    In United Kingdom, Hindus are more powerful than Muslims, as Hindus are mostly high income population, while Muslims are mostly low income population.

    Maybe in France there are North African Muslims, who are more influential and educated etc.

    , Westerners do convert
    Numbers which convert are not very significant, even in the only religious developed country of the USA are not more than the numbers of Islamic people who exit from the religion.

    Future in America, will be increase in the size of the non-affiliated population. Although America will still be a very Christian country, when we are pensioners according to PEW.

    In Russia, for the last couple decades a lot of women are marrying with Central Asian immigrants. But probably the families in the future, on average will be more likely, than less likely, to assimilate to the Russian society, compared to Central Asian immigrants which marry their own.

    significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.
    Have you met any upper class Muslim immigrants (except Saudis) which are religious.

    I used studied with Saudis. They were mainly interested in the Western culture. They are religious as part of their culture, go to the mosque on Friday, don't drink alcohol. But much more passionate about Messi, than Mohammad.

    Upper class Pakistanis, from what I saw, are regular secular hipsters, drinking alcohol, not going to mosque.

    Upper class Nigerian Muslims? Superficially also seemed like regular hipsters. But who knows.

    nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds?
    Economics is the reason for growth of Islam in the West.

    Except where there is oil in the Gulf, Muslim countries are poor. Muslim world has been declining for centuries not only because of European colonialism, also because of low economic modernization, corruption etc.

    As result of poverty in the Muslim countries, there is great motivation for many people to immigrate to high income countries. Turks go to Germany, North Africans go to France, etc.

    Islamic religion is part of the culture of the immigrants from poor countries, who are carried by the forces of economics to rich countries. It's not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.

    Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is “nothing new” and is not that exotic after all


    Christianity in the ancient world, was weird and shocking because it was very exotic and was something new and mystical, inverting the national values of the Romans and classical Greek civilization. Christianity i.e. weak are better than strong, better to give than receive, meek will inherit the earth, turn the other cheek, victim in this world will be hero in next world, poor are above the rich etc.

    It was the reversal of the traditional value system of the classical society.

    In medieval time, after a thousand years of the modification and adaptation of the religion, it was sometimes useful for the elites partly as it allowed the greater centralization.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.


    Saying Muslims will influence the norms and impact the politics (i.e. France), is not like saying Islam will be the future official religion of Europe.

    If Muslims are lower income in Europe, they have disproportionately smaller influence, compared to the high income groups.

    Trend of Islamic world is also probably slowly secularizing. In Turkey, where there is an Islamist democracy. In Iran, where there is Islamic theocracy, even there are people saying the trend of younger people is going secular.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    . It’s not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.

    In Europe, there are more Muslims exiting the religion, than non-Muslims becoming Muslim. Although the number is not significant.

    Islamic missionaries are not successful in Europe and Europeans are not interested in Islam. European Muslims are exiting Islam more than Europeans are joining Islam. (While in more religious USA, it is around net 0).

    The growth of the Muslim population in Europe is because of immigration and higher fertility rate of the Islamic population. The proportion of Muslims in the future in Europe, will be mainly determined by the European immigration policies.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    You just made me realize that I have been hallucinating all these years while seeing with my own eyes increasing numbers of Muslims in the streets of the Western cities where I lived. Today, I literally live in a neighborhood, where back when I arrived in the country where I reside, there were close to no Muslims, it was a mainly White lower middle class and blue collar area.

    Today Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids, one of them being Albanian. There were zero (0) mosques in the neighborhood 10 years ago. The population of the neighborhood went full multicultural in half a generation.

    But thank you Dima, you made me realize that I was dreaming.

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Nobody should care who decides what, or who would live next door, because people are anyway ruled by the invisible hand of the economy, and social trends are like fundamental laws of physics impervious to human influence.

    Excellent! Now I can go around without being in the slightest worried about the future. All is well. The Future is Bright. Shining Tomorrows await for us Comrade Dmitry.

    Now seriously, my prediction for the next generation or so in Western Europe, which is the real epicenter of the change: sharp increase in Islamic influence, progressive increase in Muslims at all levels of influence, the stage being set for Islam becoming a society- altering power by the early 22 century. And that is the middle scenario.

    If things go ballistic due to economy cratering, abysmal White demographics and/or climate change, I predict a Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima. Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.


    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack, @Dmitry, @Yevardian

  773. @S

    We want the end of the Ukrainian suffering and for the Ukrainian state to be salvaged in best possible form when it comes to the territory. But it is also clear that the RusFed regime is a much larger threat than was imagined before. So the goal is to bleed them out slowly...Btw, Arty Green has always been very cautious about Ukraine’s prospects, but he is quite optimistic about the Ukrainian offensive..
    Thanks for the rundown of Artie Green's thoughts.

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.

    Sorry for the long rant, you don’t have to respond to it all, these are just the daily war musings…
    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real 'scrapper'! :-)

    Replies: @LatW

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.

    I understand what you mean, this is always a risk. However, Ukraine was starting to build its own economic success right before this invasion. There were Ukrainian owned businesses that grew and the exports grew as well, as did the Ukrainian startup scene. So this invasion was really damaging in that regard. Now after what Ukraine has been through, it will require reconstruction and those investments will of course come with some Western ownership, I imagine, hopefully, most Ukrainian businesses can be reinvigorated or rebuilt or repatriated after the war.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.

    Not in the case of those EE countries that are in the EU, we live very harmoniously and we support each other. In the case of Russians and Ukrainians, that is indeed a tragedy. But I don’t think most in the West, except for certain types, wanted this kind of destruction. Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic.


    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real ‘scrapper’! 🙂

    Thanks. 🙂 I hope I do not come off as too combative. It’s only regarding the things I do care about (I’m very mellow IRL). I’m also glad we do agree on certain important things, even if we don’t agree on Russia/Ukraine.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?). I didn’t listen to much post-punk, more to darkwave, a little bit of gothic, neofolk, dark ambient and such. German EBM and industrial. So those are somewhat linked to those old musical traditions. Although I moved into things such as neo-medieval rather early on. From the dark wave scene, came titles such as Qntal, Estampie, and similar, that I liked (but those are all genres that are already very far removed from dark wave). I still enjoy listening to stuff such as this:

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic
    The compassion is based entirely on the assumption that once Russia is defeated that you will have gay pride parades and gender reassignment surgery for children. If they knew that you were against those things, they'd be happy to see the Russians wipe all of you out.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @S

    Thanks for the two videos. The first one sounds quite Celtic.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?).
    Well, she is interesting in that she is unique. It doesn't hurt her cause that she is on the attractive side, more so in the past of course (though for some reason is often seeming to try to hide the fact of her beauty with some of her more far out costumes).

    Replies: @LatW

  774. @LatW

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.
    I understand what you mean, this is always a risk. However, Ukraine was starting to build its own economic success right before this invasion. There were Ukrainian owned businesses that grew and the exports grew as well, as did the Ukrainian startup scene. So this invasion was really damaging in that regard. Now after what Ukraine has been through, it will require reconstruction and those investments will of course come with some Western ownership, I imagine, hopefully, most Ukrainian businesses can be reinvigorated or rebuilt or repatriated after the war.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.
    Not in the case of those EE countries that are in the EU, we live very harmoniously and we support each other. In the case of Russians and Ukrainians, that is indeed a tragedy. But I don't think most in the West, except for certain types, wanted this kind of destruction. Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic.

    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real ‘scrapper’! 🙂
    Thanks. :) I hope I do not come off as too combative. It's only regarding the things I do care about (I'm very mellow IRL). I'm also glad we do agree on certain important things, even if we don't agree on Russia/Ukraine.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?). I didn't listen to much post-punk, more to darkwave, a little bit of gothic, neofolk, dark ambient and such. German EBM and industrial. So those are somewhat linked to those old musical traditions. Although I moved into things such as neo-medieval rather early on. From the dark wave scene, came titles such as Qntal, Estampie, and similar, that I liked (but those are all genres that are already very far removed from dark wave). I still enjoy listening to stuff such as this:

    Replies: @Greasy William, @S

    Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic

    The compassion is based entirely on the assumption that once Russia is defeated that you will have gay pride parades and gender reassignment surgery for children. If they knew that you were against those things, they’d be happy to see the Russians wipe all of you out.

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Greasy William

    Well, there's that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice. I remember when the first missiles hit, what some of the reactions were (utter disgust and many tried to help immediately). Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

  775. @Greasy William

    Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic
    The compassion is based entirely on the assumption that once Russia is defeated that you will have gay pride parades and gender reassignment surgery for children. If they knew that you were against those things, they'd be happy to see the Russians wipe all of you out.

    Replies: @LatW

    Well, there’s that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice. I remember when the first missiles hit, what some of the reactions were (utter disgust and many tried to help immediately). Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    Well, there’s that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice
    See I just don't believe this. In my own family I have seen the feelings towards Putin change from neutrality/indifference before the war into a belief that Putin is the most evil man on the planet. It's *possible* that they are just angered about the carnage the Ukrainians have suffered but I have a hard time buying that. They never cared about all the dead in Syria, Iraq, sub Saharan Africa (unless they happened to be gay) or other places. I think they just believe that Putin is trying to conquer America and put Trump back in the White House

    Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents
    American/Western European liberals absolutely desire the death of Trump supporters. I have literally never met an exception
    , @Wokechoke

    I don’t think you really know how deep goes the rot.

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.
    Ha ha ha. The collateral damage of dead innocents produced by non monstrous Westerners is plenty monstrous enough to tens millions we could list right off the top of our head. Start with Madeline Albright and her worthy million dead Iraqis. You might be able to get to fifty million in a minute if your history teacher put it on a test.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  776. @LatW
    @Greasy William

    Well, there's that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice. I remember when the first missiles hit, what some of the reactions were (utter disgust and many tried to help immediately). Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Well, there’s that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice

    See I just don’t believe this. In my own family I have seen the feelings towards Putin change from neutrality/indifference before the war into a belief that Putin is the most evil man on the planet. It’s *possible* that they are just angered about the carnage the Ukrainians have suffered but I have a hard time buying that. They never cared about all the dead in Syria, Iraq, sub Saharan Africa (unless they happened to be gay) or other places. I think they just believe that Putin is trying to conquer America and put Trump back in the White House

    Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents

    American/Western European liberals absolutely desire the death of Trump supporters. I have literally never met an exception

  777. @S

    As a wholly unrelated aside, LatW, are you at all familiar with a circa 1980 New Wave artist named Lili-Marlene Premilovich, aka Lene Lovich?

    She was (and is) a real trip! :-D

    Lucky Number

    Bird Song

    It's you, only you (Mein Schmerz)

    New Toy

    Replies: @LatW

    Yea, thanks for posting these, she’s really trippy. 🙂 The Bird song is good. And I like the video for It’s you – it looks like the dude in the video is wearing a St George’s ribbon. LOL

    • Replies: @S

    Yea, thanks for posting these, she’s really trippy. 🙂
    Yeah, she is. I'm glad you liked them. :-)

    The Bird song is good.
    Yes, it's some kind of quasi Gothic.

    And I like the video for It’s you – it looks like the dude in the video is wearing a St George’s ribbon. LOL
    That's a WWI era German (Prussian) cavalry uniform. Though it's almost certainly a reproduction uniform, it's not impossible it's original and the St George's medal belonged to the original owner. Kolchak had reintroduced the St George's medal during the Russian Civil War and as you know, things got a bit convoluted in your part of the world immediately post WWI as to who was fighting who, and for which cause specifically.
  778. @LatW
    @Greasy William

    Well, there's that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice. I remember when the first missiles hit, what some of the reactions were (utter disgust and many tried to help immediately). Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    I don’t think you really know how deep goes the rot.

    • Replies: @LatW

    I don’t think you really know how deep goes the rot.
    I'm very well of aware of these issues (they are very serious). The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to "destroy each other". Even if there are forces or individuals who do not wish well and wish for this, it doesn't mean EEs (outside of Ukraine and Russia) will, because it is against their interests. Everyone in Ukraine wants the war to end as soon as possible. Hopefully, soon the war will move away from the more central areas of Ukraine. Areas such as Zaporizhzhia that are indigenously Ukrainian must be recovered. Had Putin chosen, more smartly, to annex only the Donbas, there would not have been this carnage. That they hate each other is objective, it's not the fault of the West.

    Replies: @S

  779. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types


    Your posts are saying often world, including America and Russia, is controlled by the small groups of secret elites following esoteric cults, even if they only existed as a historical trivia a few centuries ago, with a few hundred people.

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?

    In the USA, 1,1% of the population is Muslim. If the proportion goes to 10% in France, because of the North African colonialism. In Italy, it is 2,3%. In United Kingdom, it is 6,7%. In Germany, 5,7%.

    In United Kingdom, Hindus are more powerful than Muslims, as Hindus are mostly high income population, while Muslims are mostly low income population.

    Maybe in France there are North African Muslims, who are more influential and educated etc.

    , Westerners do convert
    Numbers which convert are not very significant, even in the only religious developed country of the USA are not more than the numbers of Islamic people who exit from the religion.

    Future in America, will be increase in the size of the non-affiliated population. Although America will still be a very Christian country, when we are pensioners according to PEW.

    In Russia, for the last couple decades a lot of women are marrying with Central Asian immigrants. But probably the families in the future, on average will be more likely, than less likely, to assimilate to the Russian society, compared to Central Asian immigrants which marry their own.

    significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.
    Have you met any upper class Muslim immigrants (except Saudis) which are religious.

    I used studied with Saudis. They were mainly interested in the Western culture. They are religious as part of their culture, go to the mosque on Friday, don't drink alcohol. But much more passionate about Messi, than Mohammad.

    Upper class Pakistanis, from what I saw, are regular secular hipsters, drinking alcohol, not going to mosque.

    Upper class Nigerian Muslims? Superficially also seemed like regular hipsters. But who knows.

    nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds?
    Economics is the reason for growth of Islam in the West.

    Except where there is oil in the Gulf, Muslim countries are poor. Muslim world has been declining for centuries not only because of European colonialism, also because of low economic modernization, corruption etc.

    As result of poverty in the Muslim countries, there is great motivation for many people to immigrate to high income countries. Turks go to Germany, North Africans go to France, etc.

    Islamic religion is part of the culture of the immigrants from poor countries, who are carried by the forces of economics to rich countries. It's not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.

    Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is “nothing new” and is not that exotic after all


    Christianity in the ancient world, was weird and shocking because it was very exotic and was something new and mystical, inverting the national values of the Romans and classical Greek civilization. Christianity i.e. weak are better than strong, better to give than receive, meek will inherit the earth, turn the other cheek, victim in this world will be hero in next world, poor are above the rich etc.

    It was the reversal of the traditional value system of the classical society.

    In medieval time, after a thousand years of the modification and adaptation of the religion, it was sometimes useful for the elites partly as it allowed the greater centralization.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.


    Saying Muslims will influence the norms and impact the politics (i.e. France), is not like saying Islam will be the future official religion of Europe.

    If Muslims are lower income in Europe, they have disproportionately smaller influence, compared to the high income groups.

    Trend of Islamic world is also probably slowly secularizing. In Turkey, where there is an Islamist democracy. In Iran, where there is Islamic theocracy, even there are people saying the trend of younger people is going secular.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Muslims will stage break away republics.

  780. @Wokechoke

    I don’t think you really know how deep goes the rot.

    Replies: @LatW

    I don’t think you really know how deep goes the rot.

    I’m very well of aware of these issues (they are very serious). The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to “destroy each other”. Even if there are forces or individuals who do not wish well and wish for this, it doesn’t mean EEs (outside of Ukraine and Russia) will, because it is against their interests. Everyone in Ukraine wants the war to end as soon as possible. Hopefully, soon the war will move away from the more central areas of Ukraine. Areas such as Zaporizhzhia that are indigenously Ukrainian must be recovered. Had Putin chosen, more smartly, to annex only the Donbas, there would not have been this carnage. That they hate each other is objective, it’s not the fault of the West.

    • Replies: @S

    The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to “destroy each other”.
    I should clarify, it's not 'just' the EE's and Russia, that this 'destroy each other' technique has been used upon.

    You see it also in WWI between the nations of Europe in general, and WWII to include Asiatic nations.

    As a general principle within this historic Capitalist vs Communist/Global Multi-Cultural synthesis dialectic, which has been in place since the late 18th century, they wish to break down the already existing identites and relationships between peoples, nations, races, ethnicities, the sexes, and cultures, etc.

    The dialectic's 'enlightened'/'progressive' advocates believe this to be a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of a theoretical global democratic republic, ie the United States of the World. [This would be world state is the British Empire's unilateral 'gift' to the world, a gift I wish it had never made.]

    In short, it's a war upon identity.

    And war, albeit a crude method, is also a quite effective one to accomplish this identity destruction.

    So, in theory at least, EE's and Russia would not have to be getting any 'special' treatment in this regard, and in comparison to other nations and peoples.

    Now, having said that, due to the reality of Russia's great size and inherent potential, Russia was (and is) almost bound to get more attention within this described dialectic than many another people and nation would.

    And, too, as there are various distinct peoples involved in the United States of the World project, amongst both it's promoters and those on the receiving end, with 'histories' between them, it's not impossible that the EE's and Russia are indeed getting 'extra special' attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.

    War can cover a multitude of sins.

    Replies: @Beckow, @LatW

  781. S says:

    True, empires have been around awhile. And they typically grab whatever they can get. As a general principle, though, I think they are a bad business.
    The problem is that they exist or their heritage still exists. Some of these inherited problems persist. We are forced to deal with them, to work with them. We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You'll probably say "US/UK alliance".

    Amicable if at all possible separation from each other as peoples would probably be best for all concerned.
    It looks like people are mixing more now (look at Jared and Ivanka). So for how long will the Jews stay in a completely pure form in the West?

    When I use the term ‘mopping up’ here, I mean in the sense of systematically ‘finishing off’ any last vestiges of resistance to the United States of the World (world state) project.
    I know that's what you meant, but I think that when they "mop up" like that they are also "grabbing", incorporating into their so called "sphere of influence", because they are cleaning out space for themselves, and acquiring access without resistance. All empires and even large countries have done it and very brutally.

    Hatred doesn’t do much positive, but I think it is wise under the current circumstances to maintain a healthy suspicion of the Anglosphere.
    Vigilant. It is good to call things out immediately and debate them openly, not let things fester and go too far.

    The present situation, therefore, is completely unfair to those who have probably historically been the vast majority, ie those who think race and ethnicity is real and worthy of preservation.
    I agree with you a 110% with regards to everything you wrote about race and ethnicity. And of course it is unfair. And what is happening now could be irreversible from the biological point of view. And when one opposes it, it doesn't mean one doesn't love humanity.

    I think, however, the biggest unspoken issue with many of these types, is that deep down they know quite well that they are neither life affirming nor life sustaining in and of themselves, and therefore aren’t about to let themselves be separated from their meal ticket, ie everyone else, without a major struggle on their part.
    Absolutely true. This is a power trip for them and they need us to lord it over somebody. If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    One thing, no matter what Russia does, even if it withdrawels completely from Ukraine, or, had never entered Ukraine in the first place, the US/UK was going to war upon them.
    This is highly debatable. I don't agree actually, I believe the West would've swallowed an annexation of, if not the whole Donbas region, then at least large parts of it. Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    RusFed had reasonable concerns (potential long term assimilation of Russian speakers), but the RusFed was also too greedy (or truly believes they are entitled to some Russian lands even if they belong to another country and nation), and thus exposed its weakness. That was a big mistake because weakness invites others to take advantage of it. Actually, had RusFed done what General Ivashov proposed, they could be stronger now - they had plenty of space to project their power before (Crimea, Kaliningrad) and had they annexed Donbas, they would've gotten away with it. This would have made them look even stronger because the West would have done nothing. They would've definitely been emboldened.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ, @Sean, @S

    We should study what the British did and how they came out of it. You’ll probably say “US/UK alliance”.

    One could make a pretty good case that the British Empire is very much undead, and lives on (as planned) in the form of the United States.

    If they lived only among themselves, they would be bored, with nothing to do, nobody to control and they would themselves be completely powerless. Most likely would degrade to some kind of a pre-chieftain type of society where the more charismatic of them would try to lord it over the others in one way or another.

    Yes, it was tried once by Jim Jones with
    the creation the world’s very first woke autonomous zone called Jonestown. The experiment ended badly, however.

    Sure, the US/UK will always view RusFed as an adversary (and now probably as an enemy), that needs to be contained, but to go to war with RusFed directly, no.

    The reduction and ultimate destruction of Russia and the Russian people has been a primary objective of each of the three US/UK led world wars. The fact that these war’s flashpoints, which could have been anywhere on the Earth, has been Sarajevo, Danzig, and now Kiev, in each instance moving ever closer to Moscow, should not be seen as coincidental.

    As Ian Fleming, an employee of British naval intelligence, once aptly said:

    ‘Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.’

  782. Yes, it was tried once by Jim Jones with
    the creation the world’s very first woke autonomous zone called Jonestown. The experiment ended badly, however.

    There has only been 2 real life stories that have ever truly scared me: Josef Fritzl and Jonestown. And of the two, Jonestown is much worse. I’m not sure why that story bothers me quite as much as it does but it really scares me a lot.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    Ever heard of Joseph James Deangelo? The guy had bachelor's degree in criminal justice, became a cop in the 70's California and managed to rape nearly fifty women inside the homes, many being with husbands alongside. Was stalking and burglarizing the sames homes shortly before the rapes, checking for hidden guns and removing it. Also was fired from police in 1979 after some silly shoplifting case, but then evolved from rapist into serial couple murderer, but never was caught until DNA technology breakthrough in 2018.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LondonBob

    , @Wokechoke
    @Greasy William

    Jones was Woketown.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  783. @Greasy William

    Yes, it was tried once by Jim Jones with
    the creation the world’s very first woke autonomous zone called Jonestown. The experiment ended badly, however.
    There has only been 2 real life stories that have ever truly scared me: Josef Fritzl and Jonestown. And of the two, Jonestown is much worse. I'm not sure why that story bothers me quite as much as it does but it really scares me a lot.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke

    Ever heard of Joseph James Deangelo? The guy had bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, became a cop in the 70’s California and managed to rape nearly fifty women inside the homes, many being with husbands alongside. Was stalking and burglarizing the sames homes shortly before the rapes, checking for hidden guns and removing it. Also was fired from police in 1979 after some silly shoplifting case, but then evolved from rapist into serial couple murderer, but never was caught until DNA technology breakthrough in 2018.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @sudden death

    I guess any serial killer who targets normal people as opposed to prostitutes is pretty scary, but the only one who ever really intimidated me was Israel Keyes

    , @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    They also seem to have found the Zodiac Killer, but using old fashioned detective work, helped by the information only the internet can provide.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Emil Nikola Richard

  784. @Dmitry

    . It’s not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.
    In Europe, there are more Muslims exiting the religion, than non-Muslims becoming Muslim. Although the number is not significant.

    Islamic missionaries are not successful in Europe and Europeans are not interested in Islam. European Muslims are exiting Islam more than Europeans are joining Islam. (While in more religious USA, it is around net 0).

    The growth of the Muslim population in Europe is because of immigration and higher fertility rate of the Islamic population. The proportion of Muslims in the future in Europe, will be mainly determined by the European immigration policies.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    You just made me realize that I have been hallucinating all these years while seeing with my own eyes increasing numbers of Muslims in the streets of the Western cities where I lived. Today, I literally live in a neighborhood, where back when I arrived in the country where I reside, there were close to no Muslims, it was a mainly White lower middle class and blue collar area.

    Today Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids, one of them being Albanian. There were zero (0) mosques in the neighborhood 10 years ago. The population of the neighborhood went full multicultural in half a generation.

    But thank you Dima, you made me realize that I was dreaming.

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Nobody should care who decides what, or who would live next door, because people are anyway ruled by the invisible hand of the economy, and social trends are like fundamental laws of physics impervious to human influence.

    Excellent! Now I can go around without being in the slightest worried about the future. All is well. The Future is Bright. Shining Tomorrows await for us Comrade Dmitry.

    Now seriously, my prediction for the next generation or so in Western Europe, which is the real epicenter of the change: sharp increase in Islamic influence, progressive increase in Muslims at all levels of influence, the stage being set for Islam becoming a society- altering power by the early 22 century. And that is the middle scenario.

    If things go ballistic due to economy cratering, abysmal White demographics and/or climate change, I predict a Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima. Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.


    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    It's great that you two got everything sorted out!


    In the USA, over the next 30 years there might be some weird resurgence in Christianity as second and third generation Hispanics (illegal immigrants) turn to some form of Catholicism.

    Replies: @RadicalCenter

    , @Mr. Hack
    @Ivashka the fool

    the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.
    Wow, what a mantra. I'd like to own a wooden plaque that includes it that I could proudly hang in my office.

    I'm not sure I'm following your argument though. You state that you live next door to some Muslims that are "nice", and their places of worship are rather benign, "inconspicuous" as you've stated. As a point of reference, I too once had two families of Muslims living across the street from where I live, Uzbekis to be precise. We got to be so friendly, that I was sometimes invited over to Friday night jumu'ah dinners including the whole clan. The fact that I could speak some Russian didn't hurt our flowering warm relations. They've moved away somewhere, where they could run a family hobby farm. The middle aged son of the Patriarch of the clan was bragging to me the last time that I spoke with him, that two of his Uzbeki cousins had signed up and had been fighting on the Ukrainian side of the war. I sometimes think of them and hope that they're doing fine.

    , @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    You know law of excluded middle?

    When you discuss Russia, you say everything is responsibility of small groups of secret elites. This reality of the country which I know, the mass of the population supports imperialist views, more than multinational elites, would not be releveant.

    But with the working class Islamic immigration in the West, "demography is destiny", economic status of immigrants is not important, Islamic tax drivers will determine the future, not the elites who don't have interest in Islam (including from the Muslim countries' elites).

    With the topic of religious views, I actually agree more with your original view of importance of elites. In Russia, the Christianity was imposed on the people by the elite. As in Russia, Christianity was imposed by sword. Although even in the early 19th century, the church feels the peasants are not fully Christianized (e.g. Mironov), so the "top down" always had a limit.

    Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids,


    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it's not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It's because of the economic immigration.

    1. Islam in Europe has a negative growth from religious switching. More people exit Islam, than enter Islam in Europe.

    It indicates Islam as religion, is anti-successful in the Western culture as there is net negative religious switching.

    2. Islam is not followed by most of elite (except Gulf Arabs). Islamic world is slowly secularizing.

    3. Growth of Islam in the West is because of lower class immigrants from Muslim countries, with higher fertility rates.

    The size of the future Islamic communities in the West, will be determined by combination of immigration policies of the Western countries and economic situation in the Islamic countries.

    Like in complex system, it connects to other topics, like the fertility rate in Western countries, that creates business interest to import more labor, increase size of the market exogenously. But governments can also select policies like in Japan, where accept a falling population without using so many gastarbaiters.

    Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima.
    Personally, I am part of this tsunami of immigrants, even from one of the more unpopular places. You and Latw have this funny Soviet loyalty test culture. But the reality of my life, is to be a gastarbaiter.

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another's house, we are not in position to complain about "they allow too many guests like me", probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.

    It's their house, their choice. You know, there also some other gastarbaiters in the forum like AnonfromTN, which seem to forget they are guests.

    I was like that a few years ago, even feeling like a snobby European. But after February 2022, you should remember, how unstable the situation.

    Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.
    Who is another who sitting in some peaceful place they "multiculturalize", instead of sitting in the trench in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

    , @Yevardian
    @Ivashka the fool

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.
    To what degree are Islamic political parties influencing the legislation or government of France?
    This isn't a rhetorical question, maybe there are trends I don't know about.

    Anyway, no doubt French immigration policy vis-a-vis its former colonies has been a complete disaster that's still unfolding, but is anyone disputing this?

    I doubt in the extreme that people are voluntarily converting to Islam in Europe... or indeed they ever have in any time or place much... the only really significant example of Islam spreading which was directly associated with military conquest is the Malay Archipelago, a quite primitive region relative to most of the world.

    Definitely ordinary people in the West everywhere see Islam a loser-religion, and have done so since at least the 13th Century. The only Western state (Orthodox Europe was a semi-separate civilisation at this time) Muslims have ever managed to conquer after losing Spain, was Hungary at the extreme periphery.

    Spending a lot of time on internet forums can make one forget the world isn't divided into Woke and New-Right partisans. I'm practically certain that the average European from Greece to Denmark associates Islam (subconsciously or not) with terrorism, genital mutilation, backwardness and poverty.

    For white people, or even secularised 2nd-gen immigrants, only marginals on the edge of society or cranks like Kevin Barret, are converting to Islam. Even Mordechai Vanunu preferred to convert to Christianity, Iran is full of closet Christians.

    Don't forget that the Middle-East itself is rapidly secularising, essentially resuming the course it was on for decades until about the 1970s.
    It was only the combined shock of Gulf-Arab oil-money, Israeli funding of extremist groups for regime-destabilisation and the Iranian Revolution that temporarily altered the course of secularisation that had begun in the late 19th Century.

    Replies: @silviosilver

  785. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    It is not fear. Because there is a real war going on right now, I will not answer anything related to anything that could hurt my country (or friends of my country). Info sharing should be limited at this point.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke

    How is the fact that Latvian president is of Jewish descent, while Latvian prime minister is Gay, hurting Latvia ?

    Also I was not aware that Latvia has declared war on any other state. Did I miss something ?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    They do not declare anything these days - afaik, Russia has still not officially declared war on Ukraine, and even with Belgorod attacks, there is no voenniy stan.

    But you might want to occasionally take a peek at the Russian TV shows (Solovyov, Marden, Skarabeyeva), they have been talking (if one can even call that talking), about how there is a "war going on with the collective West", for months if not years now (they were saying these things even before Feb 2022). With an occasional demo of how they are going to occupy Gotland - because "we can repeat".

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  786. Afrocentrists and their baizuo enablers need to be exiled to Antarctica.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    There is evidence to suggest, however, that some Vikings had darker skin, and may have originated in Africa. The idea of black Vikings has taken hold, and while groups may have a difference of opinion on what Vikings may have looked like, it seems clear that they were not a genetically homogenous people

    True Myth: Black Vikings of Themiddle Ages

    Black History is not something inherently exclusive to America. It spans the hidden corners and crevices of the world around us. With that said, there’s a new documentary from SVT about Sweden that makes a very interesting claim: the first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes. Aptly titled The First Swedes, the documentary reveals that the first Swedes were dark-skinned hunters and collectors who moved to Scandinavia from the south towards the end of the Ice Age. Matthias Jakobsson, an Uppsala University genetics professor traces the ancestry of present-day Swedes back to Africa.

    “Their look was quite similar to the people that at that time lived in today’s Luxembourg, Spain and Germany. Their look would be quite unusual today, blue eyes with dark skin,” he said.

    Scientists examining the 7,000-year-old remains of a hunter-gatherer found in Spain have discovered that African versions of pigmentation genes determined his skin color, but that he had blue eyes now associated with northern Europeans.

    Baptized “La Brana 1” by scientists – after the La Brana-Arintero site where his remains were found – the man lived during the Mesolithic period, which lasted from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.


    Replies: @Yahya, @silviosilver

  787. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types


    Your posts are saying often world, including America and Russia, is controlled by the small groups of secret elites following esoteric cults, even if they only existed as a historical trivia a few centuries ago, with a few hundred people.

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?

    In the USA, 1,1% of the population is Muslim. If the proportion goes to 10% in France, because of the North African colonialism. In Italy, it is 2,3%. In United Kingdom, it is 6,7%. In Germany, 5,7%.

    In United Kingdom, Hindus are more powerful than Muslims, as Hindus are mostly high income population, while Muslims are mostly low income population.

    Maybe in France there are North African Muslims, who are more influential and educated etc.

    , Westerners do convert
    Numbers which convert are not very significant, even in the only religious developed country of the USA are not more than the numbers of Islamic people who exit from the religion.

    Future in America, will be increase in the size of the non-affiliated population. Although America will still be a very Christian country, when we are pensioners according to PEW.

    In Russia, for the last couple decades a lot of women are marrying with Central Asian immigrants. But probably the families in the future, on average will be more likely, than less likely, to assimilate to the Russian society, compared to Central Asian immigrants which marry their own.

    significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.
    Have you met any upper class Muslim immigrants (except Saudis) which are religious.

    I used studied with Saudis. They were mainly interested in the Western culture. They are religious as part of their culture, go to the mosque on Friday, don't drink alcohol. But much more passionate about Messi, than Mohammad.

    Upper class Pakistanis, from what I saw, are regular secular hipsters, drinking alcohol, not going to mosque.

    Upper class Nigerian Muslims? Superficially also seemed like regular hipsters. But who knows.

    nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds?
    Economics is the reason for growth of Islam in the West.

    Except where there is oil in the Gulf, Muslim countries are poor. Muslim world has been declining for centuries not only because of European colonialism, also because of low economic modernization, corruption etc.

    As result of poverty in the Muslim countries, there is great motivation for many people to immigrate to high income countries. Turks go to Germany, North Africans go to France, etc.

    Islamic religion is part of the culture of the immigrants from poor countries, who are carried by the forces of economics to rich countries. It's not people in the rich countries, choosing the Islamic religion.

    Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is “nothing new” and is not that exotic after all


    Christianity in the ancient world, was weird and shocking because it was very exotic and was something new and mystical, inverting the national values of the Romans and classical Greek civilization. Christianity i.e. weak are better than strong, better to give than receive, meek will inherit the earth, turn the other cheek, victim in this world will be hero in next world, poor are above the rich etc.

    It was the reversal of the traditional value system of the classical society.

    In medieval time, after a thousand years of the modification and adaptation of the religion, it was sometimes useful for the elites partly as it allowed the greater centralization.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.


    Saying Muslims will influence the norms and impact the politics (i.e. France), is not like saying Islam will be the future official religion of Europe.

    If Muslims are lower income in Europe, they have disproportionately smaller influence, compared to the high income groups.

    Trend of Islamic world is also probably slowly secularizing. In Turkey, where there is an Islamist democracy. In Iran, where there is Islamic theocracy, even there are people saying the trend of younger people is going secular.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    So, if small groups of elites are the responsible for the direction of the countries, in this view, why would the non-elite Turkish or Somali immigrants having more children for a few generations change the direction of the countries, in your view?

    It’s called having it both ways.

    Either billions of miserably poor people make a difference or they don’t. Make up your minds, fellas!

    My own opinion is they do not.

  788. @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    Ever heard of Joseph James Deangelo? The guy had bachelor's degree in criminal justice, became a cop in the 70's California and managed to rape nearly fifty women inside the homes, many being with husbands alongside. Was stalking and burglarizing the sames homes shortly before the rapes, checking for hidden guns and removing it. Also was fired from police in 1979 after some silly shoplifting case, but then evolved from rapist into serial couple murderer, but never was caught until DNA technology breakthrough in 2018.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LondonBob

    I guess any serial killer who targets normal people as opposed to prostitutes is pretty scary, but the only one who ever really intimidated me was Israel Keyes

  789. @Ivashka the fool

    The growth of Muslims in the West, are mostly only the lower class immigrants from the Islamic countries and their children.
    And what exactly does it change ? If anything, in our postmodern social environment lower class people reproduce more. Therefore importing these types only brings additional potential for population growth in the next couple of generations.

    Westerners are not converting to Islam in significant quantity, also the upper class immigrants from Islamic countries are not religious.
    What does it mean - mostly? When does the number or percentage of conversions become significant enough from your pov ? And you are wrong, Westerners do convert and a significant proportion of upper class Muslim immigrants are religious.

    America is the only developed or advanced country in the world with religious population. The Muslim proportion of the country is only 1%.
    Irrelevant. I always think first and foremost about France and Europe.

    Early Christianity was a missionary cult which introduced new ideas like monotheism. And they were hated outsider underground society, persecuted by Romans for centuries, before the top of the Roman elite supported them with Edict of Milan.
    How did it impact the expansion of Christianity? I don't think Pagan rejection helped spread the Gospels. Nevertheless, Christianity prevailed against all odds because it alleviated the alienation of the lower social strata during a difficult time in the Antiquity - while the social tissue of the slavery-based antique civilization was cracking at the seams and was being torn.

    Today too the social tissue is being torn apart and people are alienated and atomized. People will look for something to stabilize the society.

    21st century Islam is growing in developed countries by the population of lower class immigrants from Islamic countries, because it is their traditional religion and there is wage difference between their origin country and the high income Western countries that motivates the immigration.
    It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Do you think that people believe in something or choose their spiritual convictions on economic grounds? Do you believe in Jesus because it'll help you make more buck for your bang ? Probably not.

    Islam doesn’t any new religious idea in the West
    In times of change people look for stability, not novelty. Muslims actually like to make the point that their religion is "nothing new" and is not that exotic after all. It helps with getting them accepted.

    Among three scenarios, the most likely mid-point migration scenario identifies 13 countries where the Muslim population will be majority between years 2085 and 2215: Cyprus (in year 2085), Sweden (2125), France (2135), Greece (2135), Belgium (2140), Bulgaria (2140), Italy (2175), Luxembourg (2175), the UK (2180), Slovenia (2190), Switzerland (2195), Ireland (2200) and Lithuania (2215). The 17 remaining countries will never reach majority in the next 200 years.

    And Muslims do not need being the majority to influence the social and cultural norms and impact the politics.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @RadicalCenter

    You’re right that a movement doesn’t need nearly a majority to influence society and government heavily. This is especially true when the movement is willing to use violence and intimidation.

    We should note also that even when Muslims are not yet the majority in a particular European or Balkan country, they likely will be the majority in the young population. Vienna, Austria is an example.

    Pick a “European” city twenty years from now. How well will 100,000 nonMuslims with a median age of nearly FIFTY, do in street combat against 100,000 Muslims with a median age of only THIRTY?

  790. @LatW
    @Greasy William

    Well, there's that element among the liberals, yes, but most Westerners were utterly shocked to see such destruction and injustice. I remember when the first missiles hit, what some of the reactions were (utter disgust and many tried to help immediately). Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Wokechoke, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.

    Ha ha ha. The collateral damage of dead innocents produced by non monstrous Westerners is plenty monstrous enough to tens millions we could list right off the top of our head. Start with Madeline Albright and her worthy million dead Iraqis. You might be able to get to fifty million in a minute if your history teacher put it on a test.

    • Thanks: RadicalCenter
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    LatW Evasions are unreal.

    Iraq Syria Libya. A pile of bones.

    Replies: @LatW

  791. @Yahya
    Afrocentrists and their baizuo enablers need to be exiled to Antarctica.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    There is evidence to suggest, however, that some Vikings had darker skin, and may have originated in Africa. The idea of black Vikings has taken hold, and while groups may have a difference of opinion on what Vikings may have looked like, it seems clear that they were not a genetically homogenous people

    True Myth: Black Vikings of Themiddle Ages

    Black History is not something inherently exclusive to America. It spans the hidden corners and crevices of the world around us. With that said, there’s a new documentary from SVT about Sweden that makes a very interesting claim: the first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes. Aptly titled The First Swedes, the documentary reveals that the first Swedes were dark-skinned hunters and collectors who moved to Scandinavia from the south towards the end of the Ice Age. Matthias Jakobsson, an Uppsala University genetics professor traces the ancestry of present-day Swedes back to Africa.

    “Their look was quite similar to the people that at that time lived in today’s Luxembourg, Spain and Germany. Their look would be quite unusual today, blue eyes with dark skin,” he said.

    Scientists examining the 7,000-year-old remains of a hunter-gatherer found in Spain have discovered that African versions of pigmentation genes determined his skin color, but that he had blue eyes now associated with northern Europeans.

    Baptized “La Brana 1” by scientists – after the La Brana-Arintero site where his remains were found – the man lived during the Mesolithic period, which lasted from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.


    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes.
    The Afrocentrists are going after Nordic history now??!

    Oh dear.

    Expect the Scandinavians to roll over and take it in the ass.

    More seriously, there is a bit of truth to some of the articles’ statements, insofar as Mesolithic Europeans were indeed dark-skinned and blue-eyed. But that was 7,000 years ago; before Anatolian farmer + SLC24A5 alleles made a selective sweep over Europe. It is doubtful that Vikings were dark-skinned.

    At any rate, dark-skin =/ Negroid.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @silviosilver
    @Ivashka the fool
    This is one of their favorite reality inversions. Is there any name a black could call a white that would cause a white to chimpout the way a white calling a black a nigger does? Any fact a black could cite about whites that provokes the kind of rage in whites as it does in blacks when unkind facts are cited about them? So who exactly is "fragile" here?

    At least blacks can't help being what they are. Niggerlovers, however, are the lowest of the lowest of the lowest. Yahya's "Antarctica solution" showers them with undeserved mercy.
  792. @Mr. Hack
    I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag about Sher Singh...

    Some cats get stuck in the bag and never come out. :-)

    Replies: @RadicalCenter

    Do you and your “partner” also have a little dog that you dress in sweaters?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    How did you know?

    Here's a photo of our little пупцик:

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @RadicalCenter

  793. @Ivashka the fool

    There is evidence to suggest, however, that some Vikings had darker skin, and may have originated in Africa. The idea of black Vikings has taken hold, and while groups may have a difference of opinion on what Vikings may have looked like, it seems clear that they were not a genetically homogenous people

    True Myth: Black Vikings of Themiddle Ages

    Black History is not something inherently exclusive to America. It spans the hidden corners and crevices of the world around us. With that said, there’s a new documentary from SVT about Sweden that makes a very interesting claim: the first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes. Aptly titled The First Swedes, the documentary reveals that the first Swedes were dark-skinned hunters and collectors who moved to Scandinavia from the south towards the end of the Ice Age. Matthias Jakobsson, an Uppsala University genetics professor traces the ancestry of present-day Swedes back to Africa.

    “Their look was quite similar to the people that at that time lived in today’s Luxembourg, Spain and Germany. Their look would be quite unusual today, blue eyes with dark skin,” he said.

    Scientists examining the 7,000-year-old remains of a hunter-gatherer found in Spain have discovered that African versions of pigmentation genes determined his skin color, but that he had blue eyes now associated with northern Europeans.

    Baptized “La Brana 1” by scientists – after the La Brana-Arintero site where his remains were found – the man lived during the Mesolithic period, which lasted from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.


    Replies: @Yahya, @silviosilver

    first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes.

    The Afrocentrists are going after Nordic history now??!

    Oh dear.

    Expect the Scandinavians to roll over and take it in the ass.


    More seriously, there is a bit of truth to some of the articles’ statements, insofar as Mesolithic Europeans were indeed dark-skinned and blue-eyed. But that was 7,000 years ago; before Anatolian farmer + SLC24A5 alleles made a selective sweep over Europe. It is doubtful that Vikings were dark-skinned.

    At any rate, dark-skin =/ Negroid.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Adam and his sons were probably those farmers. The chronology of Genesis and Adam match closely enough to make me think that this part of genesis is a synthesis of the racial memory of these early farmers. Unfortunately the Jews monopolised the telling of it somehow. Fortunately the DNA testing shows where we might have come from in a more precise way.

    Whitey with his cattle and seed collection wiped out a bunch of niggers.

  794. @Ivashka the fool

    There is evidence to suggest, however, that some Vikings had darker skin, and may have originated in Africa. The idea of black Vikings has taken hold, and while groups may have a difference of opinion on what Vikings may have looked like, it seems clear that they were not a genetically homogenous people

    True Myth: Black Vikings of Themiddle Ages

    Black History is not something inherently exclusive to America. It spans the hidden corners and crevices of the world around us. With that said, there’s a new documentary from SVT about Sweden that makes a very interesting claim: the first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes. Aptly titled The First Swedes, the documentary reveals that the first Swedes were dark-skinned hunters and collectors who moved to Scandinavia from the south towards the end of the Ice Age. Matthias Jakobsson, an Uppsala University genetics professor traces the ancestry of present-day Swedes back to Africa.

    “Their look was quite similar to the people that at that time lived in today’s Luxembourg, Spain and Germany. Their look would be quite unusual today, blue eyes with dark skin,” he said.

    Scientists examining the 7,000-year-old remains of a hunter-gatherer found in Spain have discovered that African versions of pigmentation genes determined his skin color, but that he had blue eyes now associated with northern Europeans.

    Baptized “La Brana 1” by scientists – after the La Brana-Arintero site where his remains were found – the man lived during the Mesolithic period, which lasted from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.


    Replies: @Yahya, @silviosilver

    This is one of their favorite reality inversions. Is there any name a black could call a white that would cause a white to chimpout the way a white calling a black a nigger does? Any fact a black could cite about whites that provokes the kind of rage in whites as it does in blacks when unkind facts are cited about them? So who exactly is “fragile” here?

    At least blacks can’t help being what they are. Niggerlovers, however, are the lowest of the lowest of the lowest. Yahya’s “Antarctica solution” showers them with undeserved mercy.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
  795. @RadicalCenter
    @Mr. Hack

    Do you and your "partner" also have a little dog that you dress in sweaters?

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    How did you know?

    Here’s a photo of our little пупцик:

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Mr. Hack

    Yap yap dogs have one utility. The idea of your enemy's minimized head on a chihuahua's body yapping his or her drivel lengthens the fuse on your temper if you can hold that image in your mind for a couple of minutes. If you get enough practice you can extend this to days even. I hope to never get that much practice.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    , @RadicalCenter
    @Mr. Hack

    Good response, my Federal friend.

    I think I saw you guys in DuPont Circle the other day ;)

  796. @Mr. Hack

    How did you know?

    Here's a photo of our little пупцик:

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @RadicalCenter

    Yap yap dogs have one utility. The idea of your enemy’s minimized head on a chihuahua’s body yapping his or her drivel lengthens the fuse on your temper if you can hold that image in your mind for a couple of minutes. If you get enough practice you can extend this to days even. I hope to never get that much practice.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I'll keep this in mind going forward.

  797. @Ivashka the fool

    Well, that's quite a boiler plate of ad hominem attacks.

    Tell me Dima, what had triggered this reaction?

    The honest questions that I asked you about whether you see the Russian people as your people and about whether your pacifism extends to the Tsahal?


    I have no personal responsibility whatsoever to evade in this situation because I have not been part of the RusFed-Ian system since 1996. My parents made the hard, but in retrospect wise and prescient decision, to get us out of the country they still both love profoundly to this very day. They did that because they understood in 1993 that what replaced USSR was not better, but perhaps even worse. We relocated then with our handheld luggage only and exactly 2500$ because we were morally outraged and aghast at what was happening in Russia. We made sacrifices based on a moral existential choice, not profit seeking.

    It is true that with the coming of Putin to power, my parents first, and then my brother later, started to warm up to RusFed. The economy was getting better, our relatives there climbed the stairs of the establishment in Moscow, Putin was the "Man of the year" time and again in the Times Magazine. RT started broadcasting its "Radio Armenia" style propaganda (a reference to Soviet jokes that you are too young to recall) and its (excellent) trolling of the "Western Partners" began to get traction among the Western dissenters and dissidents.

    But I stood unimpressed, although I was offered a couple of opportunities in my professional field to collaborate on interesting projects in Skolkovo and a couple of Muscovite private businesses between 2013 and 2018.

    While visiting back home, discussing with relatives, new professional contacts, and childhood friends, I came to several conclusions that have shaped my outlook on the RusFed-ian situation. 1) RusFed is not the national state of the Russian people 2) RusFed is an integral part of the Globalization process 3) RusFed-ian elites are mostly Noviop 4) RusFed will end up replacing the Russian ethnos with the melting pot of the Eurasian integration 5) RusFed will end up becoming even more of an authoritarian place. I don't want my children to live in such a place, that's why I refused to ho back to work in Moscow. I took that decision in 2016 already, the things got only worse since then.

    Emil has posted a link to a highly readable blog by an American journalist living in Moscow. It outlines the RusFed-ian alignment with the Great Reset policies promoted by the Globalist elites. I suggest you have a look at it, especially if you now believe that you would find solace in the RusFed-ian Noviop liberal milieu. The author writes about many things that I have mentioned in my comments already and he asks the right questions.

    And one last thing, while you read this blog, perhaps you might reflect on the important question of whether being related to Russia is important to you in any way at all. The world is vast, you are young and smart, you probably will have a great time while living in the Globalized West after a period of adaptation.

    You don't really want to be Russian anyway, do you ?

    И нах☆й вообще эти Русские нужны?


    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Good morning Ivashka,

    The world is vast, you are young and smart, you probably will have a great time while living in the Globalized West after a period of adaptation.

    I’m quite sure that he’ll be able to adapt no worse than you have. I remember you once describing some of your most favorite liquors ($$$$$) and I’ll bet that you’ve installed the latest and greatest stereophonic equipment in your maserati, that would even rival something that AP owns. 🙂

    Besides, I’d give some credit to Dmitrys powers of observation for having come up with some rather accurate descriptors of your behavior. at least not totally off base:

    To promote his ego, now trying to blame outsiders for the war, says Russia hasn’t existed for centuries, adds some Soviet loyalty demands to the Russian people who don’t agree with him etc. At the same time, doesn’t want to listen to the Russian liberals who warned about this for years. The objective lesson I learn from this situation, is that I should have listened to the Russian liberals, they were more wise than we thought. I was quite idiot to ignore them.

    BTW, since when does an accurate representation of somebody’s behavior and stances constitute an ad hominem attack? 🙂

  798. @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Mr. Hack

    Yap yap dogs have one utility. The idea of your enemy's minimized head on a chihuahua's body yapping his or her drivel lengthens the fuse on your temper if you can hold that image in your mind for a couple of minutes. If you get enough practice you can extend this to days even. I hope to never get that much practice.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    I’ll keep this in mind going forward.

  799. @Ivashka the fool

    You just made me realize that I have been hallucinating all these years while seeing with my own eyes increasing numbers of Muslims in the streets of the Western cities where I lived. Today, I literally live in a neighborhood, where back when I arrived in the country where I reside, there were close to no Muslims, it was a mainly White lower middle class and blue collar area.

    Today Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids, one of them being Albanian. There were zero (0) mosques in the neighborhood 10 years ago. The population of the neighborhood went full multicultural in half a generation.

    But thank you Dima, you made me realize that I was dreaming.

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Nobody should care who decides what, or who would live next door, because people are anyway ruled by the invisible hand of the economy, and social trends are like fundamental laws of physics impervious to human influence.

    Excellent! Now I can go around without being in the slightest worried about the future. All is well. The Future is Bright. Shining Tomorrows await for us Comrade Dmitry.

    Now seriously, my prediction for the next generation or so in Western Europe, which is the real epicenter of the change: sharp increase in Islamic influence, progressive increase in Muslims at all levels of influence, the stage being set for Islam becoming a society- altering power by the early 22 century. And that is the middle scenario.

    If things go ballistic due to economy cratering, abysmal White demographics and/or climate change, I predict a Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima. Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.


    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack, @Dmitry, @Yevardian

    It’s great that you two got everything sorted out!


    In the USA, over the next 30 years there might be some weird resurgence in Christianity as second and third generation Hispanics (illegal immigrants) turn to some form of Catholicism.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter

    Just a guess, but they're more likely to join evangelical Protestant churches, as millions of Latinos have done in Brazil and the USA, for instance -- or convert to Islam.

    Replies: @QCIC

  800. Reason #105 to bring back the mammoth is that it would be cool to have boomerangs made out of their ivory again.

  801. @Ivashka the fool

    You just made me realize that I have been hallucinating all these years while seeing with my own eyes increasing numbers of Muslims in the streets of the Western cities where I lived. Today, I literally live in a neighborhood, where back when I arrived in the country where I reside, there were close to no Muslims, it was a mainly White lower middle class and blue collar area.

    Today Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids, one of them being Albanian. There were zero (0) mosques in the neighborhood 10 years ago. The population of the neighborhood went full multicultural in half a generation.

    But thank you Dima, you made me realize that I was dreaming.

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Nobody should care who decides what, or who would live next door, because people are anyway ruled by the invisible hand of the economy, and social trends are like fundamental laws of physics impervious to human influence.

    Excellent! Now I can go around without being in the slightest worried about the future. All is well. The Future is Bright. Shining Tomorrows await for us Comrade Dmitry.

    Now seriously, my prediction for the next generation or so in Western Europe, which is the real epicenter of the change: sharp increase in Islamic influence, progressive increase in Muslims at all levels of influence, the stage being set for Islam becoming a society- altering power by the early 22 century. And that is the middle scenario.

    If things go ballistic due to economy cratering, abysmal White demographics and/or climate change, I predict a Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima. Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.


    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack, @Dmitry, @Yevardian

    the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Wow, what a mantra. I’d like to own a wooden plaque that includes it that I could proudly hang in my office.

    I’m not sure I’m following your argument though. You state that you live next door to some Muslims that are “nice”, and their places of worship are rather benign, “inconspicuous” as you’ve stated. As a point of reference, I too once had two families of Muslims living across the street from where I live, Uzbekis to be precise. We got to be so friendly, that I was sometimes invited over to Friday night jumu’ah dinners including the whole clan. The fact that I could speak some Russian didn’t hurt our flowering warm relations. They’ve moved away somewhere, where they could run a family hobby farm. The middle aged son of the Patriarch of the clan was bragging to me the last time that I spoke with him, that two of his Uzbeki cousins had signed up and had been fighting on the Ukrainian side of the war. I sometimes think of them and hope that they’re doing fine.

  802. @Greasy William

    Yes, it was tried once by Jim Jones with
    the creation the world’s very first woke autonomous zone called Jonestown. The experiment ended badly, however.
    There has only been 2 real life stories that have ever truly scared me: Josef Fritzl and Jonestown. And of the two, Jonestown is much worse. I'm not sure why that story bothers me quite as much as it does but it really scares me a lot.

    Replies: @sudden death, @Wokechoke

    Jones was Woketown.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Jones was a paid intelligence agency operator. I'm 60% sure his supervisor got a great write-up for the project. The guy who supervised Lee Harvey Oswald got a career achievement medal but we don't know how much of that was for the Oswald project. Those records are part of the trove the CIA refuses to release to the public.

    In July 1981 he was awarded the Career Intelligence Medal.
  803. A123 says: • Website

    German values are very distressing: (1)

    Germany’s Next Top Model’s first, second, and third place winners this year are raising eyebrows, with critics indicating that the series’ decision on who wins the reality show competition has little to do with beauty and everything to do with ideological and woke programming.

    In one tweet, which has nearly 1 million views, Belgian historian and professor David Engels posts a photo of the three winners, all people of color, and writes: “No joke: There is at least one thing you have to concede to the woke German elites: they are coherent and deadly serious about their wish to totally reshape their country. Shakespeare would say: ‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.’”



    In a country with such a small Black population, commentators are speculating that this was an effort for Germany’s Next Top Model to uphold woke virtues and even promote acceptance of mass immigration in German society, which Germans are increasingly turning against, as polling shows.

    It is not the first time that the show promoted controversial topics. German columnist Anabel Schunke posted on Twitter about 2021’s winner, which was actually a biological male who changed their gender to female and beat all the biological female competitors.

    “Anyone who complains about first through third place in Germany’s Next Top Model has probably already forgotten that the beautiful Soulin (Omar) lost to a biological man in 2021,” wrote Schunke.

    Christian America does not want these German values. Neither does most of Europe.

    When will people stop blaming America, and focus their attention on the real troublemakers from The Dark Heart of Europe?

    PEACE 😇


    • LOL: songbird
    • Replies: @QCIC



  804. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    It is not fear. Because there is a real war going on right now, I will not answer anything related to anything that could hurt my country (or friends of my country). Info sharing should be limited at this point.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Wokechoke

    That’s cowardly. So you’d admit that having a Jewish head of state and fag PM is fodder for Latvia’s “enemies”? But won’t admit that it’s what you have.

  805. @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    first Swedes were dark-skinned Black people with blue eyes.
    The Afrocentrists are going after Nordic history now??!

    Oh dear.

    Expect the Scandinavians to roll over and take it in the ass.

    More seriously, there is a bit of truth to some of the articles’ statements, insofar as Mesolithic Europeans were indeed dark-skinned and blue-eyed. But that was 7,000 years ago; before Anatolian farmer + SLC24A5 alleles made a selective sweep over Europe. It is doubtful that Vikings were dark-skinned.

    At any rate, dark-skin =/ Negroid.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Adam and his sons were probably those farmers. The chronology of Genesis and Adam match closely enough to make me think that this part of genesis is a synthesis of the racial memory of these early farmers. Unfortunately the Jews monopolised the telling of it somehow. Fortunately the DNA testing shows where we might have come from in a more precise way.

    Whitey with his cattle and seed collection wiped out a bunch of niggers.

  806. @Wokechoke
    @Greasy William

    Jones was Woketown.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Jones was a paid intelligence agency operator. I’m 60% sure his supervisor got a great write-up for the project. The guy who supervised Lee Harvey Oswald got a career achievement medal but we don’t know how much of that was for the Oswald project. Those records are part of the trove the CIA refuses to release to the public.

    In July 1981 he was awarded the Career Intelligence Medal.

  807. AP says:

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say "no, you are...". It lacks thinking.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them. Something is missing in Poland no matter how much they try - it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.

    Poles also excel at a weird combination of servility towards the West (who often mass-murdered them in the past) and a pompous absurd racism towards their (white) eastern neighbors. What is that all about?

    Address those observable realities or admit that you have nothing intelligent to say.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @AP

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say “no, you are…“

    There is nothing stupid about pointing out your obvious projection.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them

    Krakow is nicer than Budapest, Vienna the nicest in the list (avoiding Commie rule helps). Haven’t been to Prague. Warsaw has a business and cultural center but was destroyed during the war and rebuilt, so not as nice architecturally. A lot of German cities are like that too (Frankfurt).

    “Atmosphere” isn’t easily quantifiable. On various objective measures I have posted, Poland is clearly superior to Hungary and Slovakia. Higher wages, more GDP, lower unemployment.

    it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.

    An hour or so by train from Krakow one can be in the Alpine Tatras mountains, with hot springs and decent skiing. SE Poland had charming lower mountains (not like the Alps or Rockies, but like the Appalachians or Odenwald). The North has the Baltic Sea. Hungary doesn’t have a coast.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Look, contra gustos no hay disputas, enjoy your mushrooms-rich flat lands and the famous Polish wit and joie-de-vivre. Anyone who still has 17th century nobility blues is not someone I would consult on quality of life. You are right, it is not quantifiable...

    Haven’t been to Prague...
    You definitely should go, it is in many ways better than Vienna. It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw. But avoid thieving taxis. The metro is fantastic - it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    If you manage to figure out why the streetcars are better in Central Europe, the soup is always good and the girls are prettier, maybe you will start to understand how little most brainwashed Americans understand the world, how they live in a self-made fantasy.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Matra

  808. Zelensky’s at it again. Ukraine is not fighting for herself, she’s fighting for all of us:

    “It’s not Ukraine against Russia, Russia is fighting against the civilized world.”


    “If Russia occupies Ukraine, they will move on to the Baltic countries, to Poland, to any NATO country”

    In fact, he’s just repeating an old Ukrainian narrative from the times of Poroshenko and, incredibly, many Westerners and EEs actually believe in this big fantasy that Russia would attack us for no reason, just out of pure evil (or a favorite American line: because they hate our liberties), if we let them.

    Russia is in no shape to attack anybody with a serious military, much less the NATO alliance, but of course this simplistic and paranoid thinking has a way of eventually turning into reality. If Russia one day recovers its military might, it’s not difficult to imagine them retaliating against all those who are distinguishing themselves right now in their Russophobia.

    This is all not just human psychology, I would say that it descends to the level of mammalian psychology. If an animal feels that the proximity or the behavior of another animal is a threat and acts on that perceived threat, the result may well be a vicious fight where in fact none was about to occur. But we’re all too dumb to control these basic instincts. Putin and his clique have proven to be capable of being as cruel and bloodthirsty as their worst enemies always portrayed them but the current war is impossible to imagine without many years of miscalculations and unnecessary provocations and humiliations.

    Would have Putin decided to attack if he hadn’t witnessed 4 years of “Russiagate” and unhinged Russophobia taking hold of all the American Establishment and media?

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Mikel wrote:

    This is all not just human psychology, I would say that it descends to the level of mammalian psychology. If an animal feels that the proximity or the behavior of another animal is a threat and acts on that perceived threat, the result may well be a vicious fight where in fact none was about to occur. But we’re all too dumb to control these basic instincts.
    This is evolution playing the percentages: fight, flee or do nothing.

    This is why the nuclear aspects of this are so important. If there is no obvious threat one can relax and not worry too much about nukes. But if the Russians know they are being threatened it is a different matter. The USA has made moves that are clearly a nuclear threat in addition to a wide array of smaller threats which all support the idea that the West wants to crush, kill, destroy or otherwise co-opt Russian civilization. The entire mess is also entangled with intrigues, oligarchs, religion, Noviops which doesn't help rational decision making.

    The insane part is that Russia is not guessing, since it is obvious the West has been threatening Russia for a long time (one bully can't stand another bully). The clever thing about the Western propaganda is that it successfully sells the idea that this terrible situation entirely started in 2022 as pure Russian aggression with no antecedents or justification. This simple big lie is very difficult to refute since the refutation requires a complex and boring discussion. Even Unz readers 100 < ? < 130 can't seem to follow the explanation, as evidenced by their inability to either refine or refute it.
  809. @A123
    German values are very distressing: (1)

    Germany’s Next Top Model’s first, second, and third place winners this year are raising eyebrows, with critics indicating that the series’ decision on who wins the reality show competition has little to do with beauty and everything to do with ideological and woke programming.

    In one tweet, which has nearly 1 million views, Belgian historian and professor David Engels posts a photo of the three winners, all people of color, and writes: “No joke: There is at least one thing you have to concede to the woke German elites: they are coherent and deadly serious about their wish to totally reshape their country. Shakespeare would say: ‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.'”


    In a country with such a small Black population, commentators are speculating that this was an effort for Germany’s Next Top Model to uphold woke virtues and even promote acceptance of mass immigration in German society, which Germans are increasingly turning against, as polling shows.

    It is not the first time that the show promoted controversial topics. German columnist Anabel Schunke posted on Twitter about 2021’s winner, which was actually a biological male who changed their gender to female and beat all the biological female competitors.

    “Anyone who complains about first through third place in Germany’s Next Top Model has probably already forgotten that the beautiful Soulin (Omar) lost to a biological man in 2021,” wrote Schunke.
    Christian America does not want these German values. Neither does most of Europe.

    When will people stop blaming America, and focus their attention on the real troublemakers from The Dark Heart of Europe?

    PEACE 😇


    Replies: @QCIC



    • LOL: A123
  810. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do not underplay that factor, Westerners are not monsters who desire death of innocents.
    Ha ha ha. The collateral damage of dead innocents produced by non monstrous Westerners is plenty monstrous enough to tens millions we could list right off the top of our head. Start with Madeline Albright and her worthy million dead Iraqis. You might be able to get to fifty million in a minute if your history teacher put it on a test.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    LatW Evasions are unreal.

    Iraq Syria Libya. A pile of bones.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Oh in Syria it is all the West's fault?

    I was talking about the Western attitudes towards the war between RusFed and Ukraine. The poster above said the West wants EEs to destroy each other. I simply corrected him and gave more nuance.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  811. @Mikel
    Zelensky's at it again. Ukraine is not fighting for herself, she's fighting for all of us:

    "It's not Ukraine against Russia, Russia is fighting against the civilized world."


    “If Russia occupies Ukraine, they will move on to the Baltic countries, to Poland, to any NATO country"

    In fact, he's just repeating an old Ukrainian narrative from the times of Poroshenko and, incredibly, many Westerners and EEs actually believe in this big fantasy that Russia would attack us for no reason, just out of pure evil (or a favorite American line: because they hate our liberties), if we let them.

    Russia is in no shape to attack anybody with a serious military, much less the NATO alliance, but of course this simplistic and paranoid thinking has a way of eventually turning into reality. If Russia one day recovers its military might, it's not difficult to imagine them retaliating against all those who are distinguishing themselves right now in their Russophobia.

    This is all not just human psychology, I would say that it descends to the level of mammalian psychology. If an animal feels that the proximity or the behavior of another animal is a threat and acts on that perceived threat, the result may well be a vicious fight where in fact none was about to occur. But we're all too dumb to control these basic instincts. Putin and his clique have proven to be capable of being as cruel and bloodthirsty as their worst enemies always portrayed them but the current war is impossible to imagine without many years of miscalculations and unnecessary provocations and humiliations.

    Would have Putin decided to attack if he hadn't witnessed 4 years of "Russiagate" and unhinged Russophobia taking hold of all the American Establishment and media?

    Replies: @QCIC

    Mikel wrote:

    This is all not just human psychology, I would say that it descends to the level of mammalian psychology. If an animal feels that the proximity or the behavior of another animal is a threat and acts on that perceived threat, the result may well be a vicious fight where in fact none was about to occur. But we’re all too dumb to control these basic instincts.

    This is evolution playing the percentages: fight, flee or do nothing.

    This is why the nuclear aspects of this are so important. If there is no obvious threat one can relax and not worry too much about nukes. But if the Russians know they are being threatened it is a different matter. The USA has made moves that are clearly a nuclear threat in addition to a wide array of smaller threats which all support the idea that the West wants to crush, kill, destroy or otherwise co-opt Russian civilization. The entire mess is also entangled with intrigues, oligarchs, religion, Noviops which doesn’t help rational decision making.

    The insane part is that Russia is not guessing, since it is obvious the West has been threatening Russia for a long time (one bully can’t stand another bully). The clever thing about the Western propaganda is that it successfully sells the idea that this terrible situation entirely started in 2022 as pure Russian aggression with no antecedents or justification. This simple big lie is very difficult to refute since the refutation requires a complex and boring discussion. Even Unz readers 100 < ? < 130 can't seem to follow the explanation, as evidenced by their inability to either refine or refute it.

  812. S says:

    Yea, thanks for posting these, she's really trippy. :) The Bird song is good. And I like the video for It's you - it looks like the dude in the video is wearing a St George's ribbon. LOL

    Replies: @S

    Yea, thanks for posting these, she’s really trippy. 🙂

    Yeah, she is. I’m glad you liked them. 🙂

    The Bird song is good.

    Yes, it’s some kind of quasi Gothic.

    And I like the video for It’s you – it looks like the dude in the video is wearing a St George’s ribbon. LOL

    That’s a WWI era German (Prussian) cavalry uniform. Though it’s almost certainly a reproduction uniform, it’s not impossible it’s original and the St George’s medal belonged to the original owner. Kolchak had reintroduced the St George’s medal during the Russian Civil War and as you know, things got a bit convoluted in your part of the world immediately post WWI as to who was fighting who, and for which cause specifically.

  813. @Wokechoke
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    LatW Evasions are unreal.

    Iraq Syria Libya. A pile of bones.

    Replies: @LatW

    Oh in Syria it is all the West’s fault?

    I was talking about the Western attitudes towards the war between RusFed and Ukraine. The poster above said the West wants EEs to destroy each other. I simply corrected him and gave more nuance.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    Rasmussen, former NATO sec resigned his PM role in Denmark for the NATO gig. Which goes to show. He was a very big supporter of the Iraq invasion. Certainly an Architect of the NATO attack in Libya.

    The forward edge of NATO pushing into the East and Middle East and pushing into North Africa. That’s the interesting question at hand. It’s not infinitely sustainable.

    The Nordic Neoliberal Anglophiles/Zionist suck ups are quite dangerous. It’s got worse with the Norwegian geezer Stoltenberg.

    NATO was just an alliance dedicated to dropping a tactical nuke on the Soviets if the pushed into West Germany. What we have now is monstrous neoliberal imperialism.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  814. @QCIC

    I am trying to understand why the three of you (MrH, AP, ItF) leave the Jewish aspect out of many of these discussions. I am not a single-issue person,"The Jews did it", so that is not my go-to explanation for things. I try to consider many factors. Among the influential cultures in Ukraine there are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Tatars and Jews and others. Considering the fake War President is Jewish and was "made" by Jewish oligarchs, it does not seem credible to leave this group out of the discussion of contemporary events in Ukraine.

    Some possible explanations include:

    The Jews do not have a significant role, this is an ignorant and possibly anti-Semitic question QCIC.

    You three simply do not know much about the Jewish role and don't care.

    You three avoid discussing the Jewish role since you believe this would represent distasteful, immoral or even illegal anti-Semitism.

    You recognize a Jewish role, but think it is independent of the more Slavic factors.

    You have blinders on and simply don't see a Jewish role.

    You are scared to mention it, but also think it is minor.

    You recognize the role is important and are scared to mention it. Fortunately, discussing non-Jewish Ukrainian historical minutiae is cathartic in the face of your fear.


    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Dmitry, @A123, @Mr. Hack

    They’re not just Jews anymore, they’re “Zhydo-Banderovtsi”, so they’ve atoned for much of their past digressions. You’re much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue. What’s there not to like? Besides, according to kremlinstoogeA123’s well researched and formulated theories, secular Jews aren’t really Jews anymore, they’re more likely to have become Muslims. But if that’s true Zelensky should probably be classified as a Muslim too, yet he walks and talks more like a Ukrainian Orthodox Christian?…

    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack writes:

    You’re much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue.
    Yes, this is an important point, but you left off the punchlines.

    1) He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.


    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago. But don't worry, when this is over they will crawl out of the woodwork and become NeoNAZI hunters. Can you imagine the number of Netflix specials they will create? They will have to rat out Azov, Right Sector and a bunch of others. In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

  815. @LatW

    Oh in Syria it is all the West's fault?

    I was talking about the Western attitudes towards the war between RusFed and Ukraine. The poster above said the West wants EEs to destroy each other. I simply corrected him and gave more nuance.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Rasmussen, former NATO sec resigned his PM role in Denmark for the NATO gig. Which goes to show. He was a very big supporter of the Iraq invasion. Certainly an Architect of the NATO attack in Libya.

    The forward edge of NATO pushing into the East and Middle East and pushing into North Africa. That’s the interesting question at hand. It’s not infinitely sustainable.

    The Nordic Neoliberal Anglophiles/Zionist suck ups are quite dangerous. It’s got worse with the Norwegian geezer Stoltenberg.

    NATO was just an alliance dedicated to dropping a tactical nuke on the Soviets if the pushed into West Germany. What we have now is monstrous neoliberal imperialism.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    You may not have seen the ten year plan where Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia sign up.

  816. S says:

    I suppose I can only return to the lessons of the Spanish South American rebels who made the mistake of taking aid from Britain (and US, too, as it was involved as well) circa 1815-20 in their fight with Spain, in that similarly the US/UK does not ultimately mean well by you here, for either Russia, or Ukraine, in this current struggle, nor for the Eastern Europe states that are currently only somewhat peripherally involved.
    I understand what you mean, this is always a risk. However, Ukraine was starting to build its own economic success right before this invasion. There were Ukrainian owned businesses that grew and the exports grew as well, as did the Ukrainian startup scene. So this invasion was really damaging in that regard. Now after what Ukraine has been through, it will require reconstruction and those investments will of course come with some Western ownership, I imagine, hopefully, most Ukrainian businesses can be reinvigorated or rebuilt or repatriated after the war.

    They would be quite happy if you were to destroy each other.
    Not in the case of those EE countries that are in the EU, we live very harmoniously and we support each other. In the case of Russians and Ukrainians, that is indeed a tragedy. But I don't think most in the West, except for certain types, wanted this kind of destruction. Most Westerners were indifferent to E.Slavs but they have compassion now and are mostly sympathetic.

    No need to be sorry at all. You have quite the intellect and, as they say, are a real ‘scrapper’! 🙂
    Thanks. :) I hope I do not come off as too combative. It's only regarding the things I do care about (I'm very mellow IRL). I'm also glad we do agree on certain important things, even if we don't agree on Russia/Ukraine.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?). I didn't listen to much post-punk, more to darkwave, a little bit of gothic, neofolk, dark ambient and such. German EBM and industrial. So those are somewhat linked to those old musical traditions. Although I moved into things such as neo-medieval rather early on. From the dark wave scene, came titles such as Qntal, Estampie, and similar, that I liked (but those are all genres that are already very far removed from dark wave). I still enjoy listening to stuff such as this:

    Replies: @Greasy William, @S

    Thanks for the two videos. The first one sounds quite Celtic.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?).

    Well, she is interesting in that she is unique. It doesn’t hurt her cause that she is on the attractive side, more so in the past of course (though for some reason is often seeming to try to hide the fact of her beauty with some of her more far out costumes).

    • Replies: @LatW

    Thanks for the two videos. The first one sounds quite Celtic.
    Qntal is one of my all time favorite bands. It is a German electro-medieval band founded by Ernst Horn (the founder of the Deine Lakaien project). It's essentially a cross over of dark electronic and Early music (medieval). Most of the songs are in Latin, but they do songs in old European languages, such as medieval German. That particular song I linked is sung in Old French.

    Well, she is interesting in that she is unique. It doesn’t hurt her cause that she is on the attractive side, more so in the past of course (though for some reason is often seeming to try to hide the fact of her beauty with some of her more far out costumes).
    She is quite original, yes, and very pretty. She's a Yugo, that's pretty funny. I found a cool photo of her, you have to open the link (I can't add the photo directly), the head gear looks a bit like taken from a Mucha drawing:
  817. @S

    Thanks for the two videos. The first one sounds quite Celtic.

    And, yes, I have heard of Lena Lovich (did not listen to her much, but some of the artists I listen to seem to have been influenced by her, and she has an interesting, artsy look, do you find her interesting?).
    Well, she is interesting in that she is unique. It doesn't hurt her cause that she is on the attractive side, more so in the past of course (though for some reason is often seeming to try to hide the fact of her beauty with some of her more far out costumes).

    Replies: @LatW

    Thanks for the two videos. The first one sounds quite Celtic.

    Qntal is one of my all time favorite bands. It is a German electro-medieval band founded by Ernst Horn (the founder of the Deine Lakaien project). It’s essentially a cross over of dark electronic and Early music (medieval). Most of the songs are in Latin, but they do songs in old European languages, such as medieval German. That particular song I linked is sung in Old French.

    Well, she is interesting in that she is unique. It doesn’t hurt her cause that she is on the attractive side, more so in the past of course (though for some reason is often seeming to try to hide the fact of her beauty with some of her more far out costumes).

    She is quite original, yes, and very pretty. She’s a Yugo, that’s pretty funny. I found a cool photo of her, you have to open the link (I can’t add the photo directly), the head gear looks a bit like taken from a Mucha drawing:

    • Thanks: S
  818. S says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    This would explain your own contortions in your attempt to deny the simple truth that the country that invaded is the one that is in the wrong. Period.
    What contortions exactly?

    Maybe Freemasonry is also responsible. Can’t possibly be simply Englishmen fighting for their traditional rights against a distant monarch who removes them and taxes them.
    But Free-masons were deeply involved in both the American uprising against the British Crown and in the French Revolution. It is not a conspiracy theory, but a well known historical fact. The masons themselves do not deny this. So why do you list it as conspiracy theory?

    Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia; John Hancock, of St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston; Joseph Hewes, who was recorded as a Masonic visitor to Unanimity Lodge No. 7, Edenton, North Carolina, in December 1776; William Hooper, of Hanover Lodge, Masonborough, North Carolina; Robert Treat Paine, present at Grand Lodge at Roxbury, Massachusetts, in June 1759; Richard Stockton, charter Master of St. John’s Lodge, Princeton, Massachusetts in 1765; George Walton, of Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia; and William Whipple, of St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

    And yes, both American and French rebels worked with the foreign ennemies of their respective rightful monarchs against their nations' Crowns. They were basically traitors. Aren't you the one here who always defended enlightened absolute monarchy as a better system of governance? Shouldn't you decry these conspirators against the throne ?

    I wonder if people who are fond of gnostic heresies are more globally prone to such conspiracy theories? Always trying to find something underlying, the real truth hidden and inaccessible to the unwashed masses.
    AP, you are the one who time and again makes the condescending remarks about the hoi polloi. You have even be reprimanded by Mr Hack for recently writing condescending things about the "office plankton". I dare you to find a single instance of elitism from me in all these years.

    Now about Gnosticism, it is a deep and ancient tradition, in which I am indeed truly interested. The reason of my interest is that I am strongly convinced that the ideas traveled along the Silk Road during the the second (partial) Globalization of the Antiquity (the first being the Bronze Age global trade networks).

    I see any religious doctrine first and foremost as a work of human understanding and creativity directed at unraveling the true Nature of the Real. Therefore I am interested in seeing how different cultures influenced each other to bring higher the common human understanding of the Truth.

    Gnostics had a tremendous influence in their time, many of their scriptures are deeply moving, they have in my opinion been mostly persecuted unjustly by the nascent Christian Orthodoxy, and deserve respect as spiritual seekers of the highest kind. Their legacy lived through the Christian tradition (see Gospel of John) and the Ismaili Shiah tradition in Islam. But it is also possibly connected to some aspects of esoteric Buddhism probably through the Manichaean proxy. And mind you, in my opinion these heretical movements are not some devilry, as the Christian and Islamic religious authorities have pretended. They were simply intelligent and spiritually gifted people searching for truth. See for yourself:

    But of course it has nothing to do with either Russia or Ukraine and your ad hominem attack against my spiritual interests is 1) irrelevant to our discussion 2) a defelective distraction from the topic at hand.

    The topic being the Western interference in the post-Soviet space. An interference born from the legacy of an historical Catholic push against the Orthodox Eastern Slav Realm. An expansionist attitude in which the Latin Church used your Uniate ancestors as a fer de lance to conquer the lands of the Rus.

    That would have been nice, but no. Went to school in a rural backwater, thank God my family had an enormous personal library.
    Well, what about the college? 😉

    Anyway, having a large library is certainly important and I acknowledge that you are undeniably well read. However, despite your broad and deep culture and knowledge, you are also a deeply partial person when it comes to your convictions and preferences.

    Sometimes, I have the impression that you simply refuse to see the opposite side of an argument and stubbornly debate just to mark your point (not sure whether it is the right English expression for the French marquer des points ). Sometimes you seem to see a debate as a competition in which the goal is not to find some common ground, or discover some common novel knowledge, but just to prove to yourself that you are better knowledgeable or eloquent than your opponent.

    If that's what you are interested in, then I handle you the victory in this debate right away on a silver plate. I am not interested in debating just for the sake of it.

    I seek knowledge and understanding (that's the Gnostic in me). So if we can exchange to see how our related ethnic groups have come to the sad state of affairs in which they currently find themselves, then it is worth my time, but if you continue your ad hominem attacks against me, then I call quits. I am not wasting my time on that, sorry...

    Replies: @silviosilver, @S

    But Free-masons were deeply involved in both the American uprising against the British Crown and in the French Revolution. It is not a conspiracy theory, but a well known historical fact. The masons themselves do not deny this.

    Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia

    Some masons, such as Ben Franklin, and as old as he was, seem to have been critically involved in both the proto-Capitalist American and the proto-Communist French Revolutions of 1776 and 1789 respectively.

    [As a related aside, it’s a part of the open historic record that it was Franklin who had made the arrangements which allowed for the ‘heavy guns’ in the form of Thomas Paine and his powerful pen -said to be worth an entire division of men alone – to come directly from London in each instance so that he could take part in both the American and French Revolutions]

    As soon as America gained her independence from Great Britain (with substantial French assistance), first Franklin and then Jefferson went on missions to France where they served as nuclei around which formed a latticework of interrelated or interconnected French revolutionary leaders, one of whom was Marie Joseph Paul Ives Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, who, after fighting in the American Revolution, imported revolutionary ideology into his native France under Jefferson’s guidance and inspiration.

    Products of the European Enlightenment, Franklin and Jefferson were station masters of France’s American depot, as Lafayette was an agent of the French central station trained on the American revolutionary training ground. Seeding the revolutionary cloud was not a one-sided French venture, however. On the contrary: the seedtime of the French Revolution was during Benjamin Franklin’s ministry to France–and that American was the seed-planter.

  819. @Ivashka the fool

    How is the fact that Latvian president is of Jewish descent, while Latvian prime minister is Gay, hurting Latvia ?

    Also I was not aware that Latvia has declared war on any other state. Did I miss something ?

    Replies: @LatW

    They do not declare anything these days – afaik, Russia has still not officially declared war on Ukraine, and even with Belgorod attacks, there is no voenniy stan.

    But you might want to occasionally take a peek at the Russian TV shows (Solovyov, Marden, Skarabeyeva), they have been talking (if one can even call that talking), about how there is a “war going on with the collective West”, for months if not years now (they were saying these things even before Feb 2022). With an occasional demo of how they are going to occupy Gotland – because “we can repeat”.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    But you might want to occasionally take a peek at the Russian TV shows (Solovyov, Marden, Skarabeyeva):

    Thanks, but no, thanks.

    I'll pass my turn.

  820. @Wokechoke

    Rasmussen, former NATO sec resigned his PM role in Denmark for the NATO gig. Which goes to show. He was a very big supporter of the Iraq invasion. Certainly an Architect of the NATO attack in Libya.

    The forward edge of NATO pushing into the East and Middle East and pushing into North Africa. That’s the interesting question at hand. It’s not infinitely sustainable.

    The Nordic Neoliberal Anglophiles/Zionist suck ups are quite dangerous. It’s got worse with the Norwegian geezer Stoltenberg.

    NATO was just an alliance dedicated to dropping a tactical nuke on the Soviets if the pushed into West Germany. What we have now is monstrous neoliberal imperialism.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    You may not have seen the ten year plan where Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia sign up.

  821. @Mr. Hack

    They're not just Jews anymore, they're "Zhydo-Banderovtsi", so they've atoned for much of their past digressions. You're much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue. What's there not to like? Besides, according to kremlinstoogeA123's well researched and formulated theories, secular Jews aren't really Jews anymore, they're more likely to have become Muslims. But if that's true Zelensky should probably be classified as a Muslim too, yet he walks and talks more like a Ukrainian Orthodox Christian?...

    Replies: @QCIC

    Mr. Hack writes:

    You’re much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue.

    Yes, this is an important point, but you left off the punchlines.

    1) He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.


    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago. But don’t worry, when this is over they will crawl out of the woodwork and become NeoNAZI hunters. Can you imagine the number of Netflix specials they will create? They will have to rat out Azov, Right Sector and a bunch of others. In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.

    • Replies: @A123

    I think you missed my earlier post about how much authentic Jews dislike the fake leader of Ukraine. Here is the link:

    With this in mind you can follow the most critical narrative about Zelensky. The Islamophile European Empire is paying the post-Judaic apostate to be in the Orthodox church. His scum goal is tricking Christians into dying for the benefit of Muhammad. It is very sad.

    The Ukrainian people need a better leader who will end the fighting, make a rational deal, and resist SJW Islamophile Europe.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    , @Mr. XYZ

    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago.
    Actually, Israel only received around 16,000 Ukrainian immigrants who are eligible according to its Law of Return. If the same number moved to Europe, then we're looking at something like 30,000-35,000 Ukrainians of Jewish descent emigrating out of a grand total of 200,000 who are eligible to move to Israel in total. That's not bad for Ukraine!

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Mr. Hack

    He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.
    Zelensky is promoting the idea of ridding Ukraine of an unwanted intruder. Do you really believe that Ukrainians are willing to sacrifice their precious blood for any other reason than to protect their country? Zelensky's popularity is higher amongst Ukrainians now more than ever.

    In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.
    Really? What makes you think that? I think that any future Ukrainian films about the war will look more like this:,204,203,200_.jpg

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC

  822. No Riga or Kiev but they do have a dot for Bratislava.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It is a very strategic location - Alps and Carpathians meeting at Danube river. At that time the main centers were still Nitra a Ostrihom. But all of them were small, 1-2k people with a fortified hilltop...

  823. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack writes:

    You’re much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue.
    Yes, this is an important point, but you left off the punchlines.

    1) He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.


    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago. But don't worry, when this is over they will crawl out of the woodwork and become NeoNAZI hunters. Can you imagine the number of Netflix specials they will create? They will have to rat out Azov, Right Sector and a bunch of others. In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    I think you missed my earlier post about how much authentic Jews dislike the fake leader of Ukraine. Here is the link:

    With this in mind you can follow the most critical narrative about Zelensky. The Islamophile European Empire is paying the post-Judaic apostate to be in the Orthodox church. His scum goal is tricking Christians into dying for the benefit of Muhammad. It is very sad.

    The Ukrainian people need a better leader who will end the fighting, make a rational deal, and resist SJW Islamophile Europe.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I think you need a new gig.

    If you keep going with your unpersuasive theories, I may have to agree with Hack that you need mental help. That agreement between us would set a bad precedent, who knows what might follow? Maybe he would agree that dropping out of the ABM treaty was important and might be a foundation of the Ukraine conflict.

    If Islam were expanding at Jewish expense they would squelch it in short order.

    I agree there are different factions amongst the hidden elite. The people you track may be part of it, but you need to come up with more facts. I think you should start with Kolomoyskyi.

    Replies: @A123

    , @Mr. XYZ

    The EU is so Islamophile that over 40% of French voters voted for Le Pen in 2022.

    , @Wokechoke

    Is this a set of jokes?

  824. @sudden death
    @Greasy William

    Ever heard of Joseph James Deangelo? The guy had bachelor's degree in criminal justice, became a cop in the 70's California and managed to rape nearly fifty women inside the homes, many being with husbands alongside. Was stalking and burglarizing the sames homes shortly before the rapes, checking for hidden guns and removing it. Also was fired from police in 1979 after some silly shoplifting case, but then evolved from rapist into serial couple murderer, but never was caught until DNA technology breakthrough in 2018.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LondonBob

    They also seem to have found the Zodiac Killer, but using old fashioned detective work, helped by the information only the internet can provide.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Alfred strikes me as an elite name. Thus, I'm surprised that someone with the name Alfred, even as a middle name, would be a serial killer. The more you know!

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    From the article.

    Though his research was hardly conclusive, as he was the first to admit, the details were at least reliable, grounded in fact.
    That fellow is a suspect and the answer to LAMag's question headline is, "no".

    Replies: @LondonBob

  825. @A123

    I think you missed my earlier post about how much authentic Jews dislike the fake leader of Ukraine. Here is the link:

    With this in mind you can follow the most critical narrative about Zelensky. The Islamophile European Empire is paying the post-Judaic apostate to be in the Orthodox church. His scum goal is tricking Christians into dying for the benefit of Muhammad. It is very sad.

    The Ukrainian people need a better leader who will end the fighting, make a rational deal, and resist SJW Islamophile Europe.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    I think you need a new gig.

    If you keep going with your unpersuasive theories, I may have to agree with Hack that you need mental help. That agreement between us would set a bad precedent, who knows what might follow? Maybe he would agree that dropping out of the ABM treaty was important and might be a foundation of the Ukraine conflict.

    If Islam were expanding at Jewish expense they would squelch it in short order.

    I agree there are different factions amongst the hidden elite. The people you track may be part of it, but you need to come up with more facts. I think you should start with Kolomoyskyi.

    • Replies: @A123

    Islam is expanding at Judeo-Christian expense. Jews, notably Zemmour, did try to stop it.

    They have had little success as European Empire leaders in Germany (Merkel then Scholz) and France (Macron) are defenders of unlimited Muslim invasion. Do you think Merkel is Jewish? Scholz? Macron? If none of the people creating the problem are Jewish, why do you insist on blaming Jews for the actions of non-Jews?

    Do you think Jooozzz are hiding in in your closet right now? Everyone perceives you as that type of crazy.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC

  826. @Ivashka the fool

    You just made me realize that I have been hallucinating all these years while seeing with my own eyes increasing numbers of Muslims in the streets of the Western cities where I lived. Today, I literally live in a neighborhood, where back when I arrived in the country where I reside, there were close to no Muslims, it was a mainly White lower middle class and blue collar area.

    Today Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids, one of them being Albanian. There were zero (0) mosques in the neighborhood 10 years ago. The population of the neighborhood went full multicultural in half a generation.

    But thank you Dima, you made me realize that I was dreaming.

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Nobody should care who decides what, or who would live next door, because people are anyway ruled by the invisible hand of the economy, and social trends are like fundamental laws of physics impervious to human influence.

    Excellent! Now I can go around without being in the slightest worried about the future. All is well. The Future is Bright. Shining Tomorrows await for us Comrade Dmitry.

    Now seriously, my prediction for the next generation or so in Western Europe, which is the real epicenter of the change: sharp increase in Islamic influence, progressive increase in Muslims at all levels of influence, the stage being set for Islam becoming a society- altering power by the early 22 century. And that is the middle scenario.

    If things go ballistic due to economy cratering, abysmal White demographics and/or climate change, I predict a Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima. Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.


    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack, @Dmitry, @Yevardian

    You know law of excluded middle?

    When you discuss Russia, you say everything is responsibility of small groups of secret elites. This reality of the country which I know, the mass of the population supports imperialist views, more than multinational elites, would not be releveant.

    But with the working class Islamic immigration in the West, “demography is destiny”, economic status of immigrants is not important, Islamic tax drivers will determine the future, not the elites who don’t have interest in Islam (including from the Muslim countries’ elites).

    With the topic of religious views, I actually agree more with your original view of importance of elites. In Russia, the Christianity was imposed on the people by the elite. As in Russia, Christianity was imposed by sword. Although even in the early 19th century, the church feels the peasants are not fully Christianized (e.g. Mironov), so the “top down” always had a limit.

    Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids,

    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it’s not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It’s because of the economic immigration.

    1. Islam in Europe has a negative growth from religious switching. More people exit Islam, than enter Islam in Europe.

    It indicates Islam as religion, is anti-successful in the Western culture as there is net negative religious switching.

    2. Islam is not followed by most of elite (except Gulf Arabs). Islamic world is slowly secularizing.

    3. Growth of Islam in the West is because of lower class immigrants from Muslim countries, with higher fertility rates.

    The size of the future Islamic communities in the West, will be determined by combination of immigration policies of the Western countries and economic situation in the Islamic countries.

    Like in complex system, it connects to other topics, like the fertility rate in Western countries, that creates business interest to import more labor, increase size of the market exogenously. But governments can also select policies like in Japan, where accept a falling population without using so many gastarbaiters.

    Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima.

    Personally, I am part of this tsunami of immigrants, even from one of the more unpopular places. You and Latw have this funny Soviet loyalty test culture. But the reality of my life, is to be a gastarbaiter.

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another’s house, we are not in position to complain about “they allow too many guests like me”, probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.

    It’s their house, their choice. You know, there also some other gastarbaiters in the forum like AnonfromTN, which seem to forget they are guests.

    I was like that a few years ago, even feeling like a snobby European. But after February 2022, you should remember, how unstable the situation.

    Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.

    Who is another who sitting in some peaceful place they “multiculturalize”, instead of sitting in the trench in Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it’s not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It’s because of the economic immigration.
    There might also be a side to it that Ivashka mentioned earlier on, where demographic decline in the white population and poor relations between the sexes generates interest in Islam. While the white populations are declining the Islamic ones should still be relatively youthful and expanding, I hear mainstream political scientists starting to talk about the impact of 'demographic churn' in the next couple of decades.

    In the UK I can imagine some converts but mostly growth through natural increase in the current population and immigration, Pakistanis where half are married to close cousins seem to be too clannish to easily attract converts, similar with Bangladeshis. But in continental Europe with Turkish, Albanian, North African Muslims who are already semi-secular, it is not as hard to imagine them exerting influence on culture and in social life.

    There is the uncertainty about the influence of Woke, whether it will really shape culture in a lasting way, but among these activists there is the feminist/LGBT/Islam alliance that has emerged from radical politics.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    , @silviosilver

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another’s house, we are not in position to complain about “they allow too many guests like me”, probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.
    I've never doubted this is the real driving force behind your every word - such that when you sometimes give weird non-responses I've assumed it's because you can't bring yourself to admit certain things - but it's nice to hear you say it yourself. And sure, I understand. Now that you've tasted paradise, you'd rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it's the standard immigrant perspective.

    Really, I'm in the same boat too. If it ever got to the point that mass deportation became a live option, I doubt waving around a birth certificate would help me much, lol. The difference is I just don't care. To allow things to continue as they are spells certain doom for pretty much everything I value. Worst comes to worst and we all get deported? Well, at least you end up with your own people, and that's actually not such a bad outcome. (Except if they discovered that I supported the process that led to that fate, they'd probably tear me limb from limb.)

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya, @Dmitry

    , @Ivashka the fool

    First of all, calm down.

    Then analyze your options.

    Ты молодой, всё будет хорошо.

    BTW, are you still in Europe?

  827. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack writes:

    You’re much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue.
    Yes, this is an important point, but you left off the punchlines.

    1) He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.


    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago. But don't worry, when this is over they will crawl out of the woodwork and become NeoNAZI hunters. Can you imagine the number of Netflix specials they will create? They will have to rat out Azov, Right Sector and a bunch of others. In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago.

    Actually, Israel only received around 16,000 Ukrainian immigrants who are eligible according to its Law of Return. If the same number moved to Europe, then we’re looking at something like 30,000-35,000 Ukrainians of Jewish descent emigrating out of a grand total of 200,000 who are eligible to move to Israel in total. That’s not bad for Ukraine!

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    It doesn't change my point that Z is not looking for Jewish cannon fodder. You are funny, though. They would have already gone to Israel if they wanted. Now they can come to the West for gibs.

    Having said that, I am still waiting for pictures of the joint NeoNAZI-Jewish battalion. This thing is so weird that I don't doubt there is one.

    It looks like this "counter offensive" is a clever ploy to burn through another 20,000 Ukrainian men in an attempt to draw in NATO.

  828. @A123

    I think you missed my earlier post about how much authentic Jews dislike the fake leader of Ukraine. Here is the link:

    With this in mind you can follow the most critical narrative about Zelensky. The Islamophile European Empire is paying the post-Judaic apostate to be in the Orthodox church. His scum goal is tricking Christians into dying for the benefit of Muhammad. It is very sad.

    The Ukrainian people need a better leader who will end the fighting, make a rational deal, and resist SJW Islamophile Europe.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    The EU is so Islamophile that over 40% of French voters voted for Le Pen in 2022.

  829. @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    They also seem to have found the Zodiac Killer, but using old fashioned detective work, helped by the information only the internet can provide.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Alfred strikes me as an elite name. Thus, I’m surprised that someone with the name Alfred, even as a middle name, would be a serial killer. The more you know!

  830. A123 says: • Website

    I think you need a new gig.

    If you keep going with your unpersuasive theories, I may have to agree with Hack that you need mental help. That agreement between us would set a bad precedent, who knows what might follow? Maybe he would agree that dropping out of the ABM treaty was important and might be a foundation of the Ukraine conflict.

    If Islam were expanding at Jewish expense they would squelch it in short order.

    I agree there are different factions amongst the hidden elite. The people you track may be part of it, but you need to come up with more facts. I think you should start with Kolomoyskyi.

    Replies: @A123

    Islam is expanding at Judeo-Christian expense. Jews, notably Zemmour, did try to stop it.

    They have had little success as European Empire leaders in Germany (Merkel then Scholz) and France (Macron) are defenders of unlimited Muslim invasion. Do you think Merkel is Jewish? Scholz? Macron? If none of the people creating the problem are Jewish, why do you insist on blaming Jews for the actions of non-Jews?

    Do you think Jooozzz are hiding in in your closet right now? Everyone perceives you as that type of crazy.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    If you keep going with your unpersuasive theories, I may have to agree with Hack that you need mental help.
    You see kremlinstoogeA123, your nasty characterizations of me as some sort of a nutjob are coming back to haunt you. Folks here know a glue sniffer when they see one! :-)
    , @QCIC

    I am a gentle Unz reader who notices that Jewish men have an outsized record in history and current events, both good and bad. I don't know why you shy away from this. Growing up, my gentile family had a number of Jewish friends who were all nice and I think well of them. It is only more recently that I learned a tiny bit about Talmudic and Kabbalistic traditions which suggest explanations for some "Jewish" behavior. If you wish to divorce yourself from these traditions that's fine, but please be clear about it.

    You need to think more big picture. While I don't have the full story, I suggest that Jewish intellectuals and academics had a dominant role in promoting multiculturalism which is part of the foundation for the extremely self-destructive immigration policies which have systematically and permanently degraded the West in the last 50 years. I think the muslims, hispanics, blacks and central asians are all being used as tools to shape Western society. It is not their fault, ideology was molded to open the gates and also used to tie the hands of those who once acted properly as gatekeepers. I don't know the meaning of it all, but the patterns are very noticeable.

    Replies: @A123

  831. Will Apple stage a coup, now that the EU has voted for removable batteries?


    • Replies: @A123

    What was that first part about Battery Life = Device Life?

    On its face, making battery replacement easier sound plausible. Phones will be $20-50 more expensive and slightly larger to accommodate the additional hardware needed to reliably secure and connect to the battery.

    • Will each phone maker have at least one proprietary & patented battery?

    • If the custom batteries are too similar, how many phones will be ruined installing an incorrect replacement?

    • What will be the availability of the unique batteries. To reduce risk of equipment damage, will they only be sold via the manufacturer or authorized service center?

    Unless a sizable group of manufacturers agree on a single standard (e.g. USB-C for connector), new rules are unlikely to be particularly meaningful.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

  832. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack writes:

    You’re much more apt to see Zelensky inside a Ukrainian cathedral giving a pep talk than within any synagogue.
    Yes, this is an important point, but you left off the punchlines.

    1) He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.


    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago. But don't worry, when this is over they will crawl out of the woodwork and become NeoNAZI hunters. Can you imagine the number of Netflix specials they will create? They will have to rat out Azov, Right Sector and a bunch of others. In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.

    Replies: @A123, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.

    Zelensky is promoting the idea of ridding Ukraine of an unwanted intruder. Do you really believe that Ukrainians are willing to sacrifice their precious blood for any other reason than to protect their country? Zelensky’s popularity is higher amongst Ukrainians now more than ever.

    In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.

    Really? What makes you think that? I think that any future Ukrainian films about the war will look more like this:

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Mr. Hack

    Actually, such films are already being made in Ukraine. I've seen this one and think that it's pretty good. English subtitles, the full film:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    , @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    You are still hallucinating. There is a lot of propaganda.

    When the existing narrative is no longer useful a new one will be rolled out. Post SMO, the easiest sort of vaguely healing meme for Russia-Ukraine-West is that NAZIs are bad. The party line will be "We still hate the Russians, but those NeoNAZI Ukrainians really are the Devil."

    The cheesiest part will be if the NeoNAZIs were working in the USA-funded bioweapons labs (seems likely). The West will say, "Oops, we didn't know. I told you those NAZIs are bad."

    That's nice artwork. The MiG-29 is my all-time favorite aircraft.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  833. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    You know law of excluded middle?

    When you discuss Russia, you say everything is responsibility of small groups of secret elites. This reality of the country which I know, the mass of the population supports imperialist views, more than multinational elites, would not be releveant.

    But with the working class Islamic immigration in the West, "demography is destiny", economic status of immigrants is not important, Islamic tax drivers will determine the future, not the elites who don't have interest in Islam (including from the Muslim countries' elites).

    With the topic of religious views, I actually agree more with your original view of importance of elites. In Russia, the Christianity was imposed on the people by the elite. As in Russia, Christianity was imposed by sword. Although even in the early 19th century, the church feels the peasants are not fully Christianized (e.g. Mironov), so the "top down" always had a limit.

    Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids,


    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it's not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It's because of the economic immigration.

    1. Islam in Europe has a negative growth from religious switching. More people exit Islam, than enter Islam in Europe.

    It indicates Islam as religion, is anti-successful in the Western culture as there is net negative religious switching.

    2. Islam is not followed by most of elite (except Gulf Arabs). Islamic world is slowly secularizing.

    3. Growth of Islam in the West is because of lower class immigrants from Muslim countries, with higher fertility rates.

    The size of the future Islamic communities in the West, will be determined by combination of immigration policies of the Western countries and economic situation in the Islamic countries.

    Like in complex system, it connects to other topics, like the fertility rate in Western countries, that creates business interest to import more labor, increase size of the market exogenously. But governments can also select policies like in Japan, where accept a falling population without using so many gastarbaiters.

    Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima.
    Personally, I am part of this tsunami of immigrants, even from one of the more unpopular places. You and Latw have this funny Soviet loyalty test culture. But the reality of my life, is to be a gastarbaiter.

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another's house, we are not in position to complain about "they allow too many guests like me", probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.

    It's their house, their choice. You know, there also some other gastarbaiters in the forum like AnonfromTN, which seem to forget they are guests.

    I was like that a few years ago, even feeling like a snobby European. But after February 2022, you should remember, how unstable the situation.

    Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.
    Who is another who sitting in some peaceful place they "multiculturalize", instead of sitting in the trench in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it’s not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It’s because of the economic immigration.

    There might also be a side to it that Ivashka mentioned earlier on, where demographic decline in the white population and poor relations between the sexes generates interest in Islam. While the white populations are declining the Islamic ones should still be relatively youthful and expanding, I hear mainstream political scientists starting to talk about the impact of ‘demographic churn’ in the next couple of decades.

    In the UK I can imagine some converts but mostly growth through natural increase in the current population and immigration, Pakistanis where half are married to close cousins seem to be too clannish to easily attract converts, similar with Bangladeshis. But in continental Europe with Turkish, Albanian, North African Muslims who are already semi-secular, it is not as hard to imagine them exerting influence on culture and in social life.

    There is the uncertainty about the influence of Woke, whether it will really shape culture in a lasting way, but among these activists there is the feminist/LGBT/Islam alliance that has emerged from radical politics.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    If we believe PEW, we know Islam is net negative for religious switching in Europe including United Kingdom. More people in the West exit Islam, than enter Islam.

    So, we know it is not successful in Europe, in terms of converting new people relative to continuing its previous members. In America, it is more successful, as it is net 0, instead of net negative. In Europe, it is negative.

    Increase in the Islamic population is by immigration, higher fertility rates and younger population/demographic momentum.


    In discussion with Bashibuzuk, I was interested in the status of the immigrants, because historically it is usually changing religion by the elite.

    This situation of people from failed states or poor countries, carrying a religion to the successful state or wealthy country is different than e.g. how Christianity is carried to Russia. Maybe there is something similar with Catholicism in the USA.

    The increase in Islam in Europe, because Islamic world is a poor, failing region, while Europe is wealthy and successful region. For example, if Europe is a poor, failing region, while Islamic world is a successful wealthy region. Would importing gastarbaiters from Europe change the religion of the Middle East to Christianity. I would guess, only if the main power was also moved to the gastarbaiters.

    Replies: @Coconuts

  834. @Mr. Hack

    He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.
    Zelensky is promoting the idea of ridding Ukraine of an unwanted intruder. Do you really believe that Ukrainians are willing to sacrifice their precious blood for any other reason than to protect their country? Zelensky's popularity is higher amongst Ukrainians now more than ever.

    In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.
    Really? What makes you think that? I think that any future Ukrainian films about the war will look more like this:,204,203,200_.jpg

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC

    Actually, such films are already being made in Ukraine. I’ve seen this one and think that it’s pretty good. English subtitles, the full film:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. Hack

    What could go wrong…Brandenberg on the Dnipro

  835. @LondonBob
    @sudden death

    They also seem to have found the Zodiac Killer, but using old fashioned detective work, helped by the information only the internet can provide.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Emil Nikola Richard

    From the article.

    Though his research was hardly conclusive, as he was the first to admit, the details were at least reliable, grounded in fact.

    That fellow is a suspect and the answer to LAMag’s question headline is, “no”.

    • Replies: @LondonBob
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Can't say I have any interest in the case, and have only seen that film with Jake Gyllenhaal, but it seems pretty obvious the killer had to live in Vallejo, have a rather odd set of interests and be of a certain age. In retrospect the police seem have to have done a pretty poor job, can't have been many others with that profile, if any.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  836. @A123

    Islam is expanding at Judeo-Christian expense. Jews, notably Zemmour, did try to stop it.

    They have had little success as European Empire leaders in Germany (Merkel then Scholz) and France (Macron) are defenders of unlimited Muslim invasion. Do you think Merkel is Jewish? Scholz? Macron? If none of the people creating the problem are Jewish, why do you insist on blaming Jews for the actions of non-Jews?

    Do you think Jooozzz are hiding in in your closet right now? Everyone perceives you as that type of crazy.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC

    If you keep going with your unpersuasive theories, I may have to agree with Hack that you need mental help.

    You see kremlinstoogeA123, your nasty characterizations of me as some sort of a nutjob are coming back to haunt you. Folks here know a glue sniffer when they see one! 🙂

  837. @Mr. Hack
    @Mr. Hack

    Actually, such films are already being made in Ukraine. I've seen this one and think that it's pretty good. English subtitles, the full film:

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    What could go wrong…Brandenberg on the Dnipro

  838. A123 says: • Website
    Will Apple stage a coup, now that the EU has voted for removable batteries?

    Replies: @A123

    What was that first part about Battery Life = Device Life?

    On its face, making battery replacement easier sound plausible. Phones will be $20-50 more expensive and slightly larger to accommodate the additional hardware needed to reliably secure and connect to the battery.

    • Will each phone maker have at least one proprietary & patented battery?

    • If the custom batteries are too similar, how many phones will be ruined installing an incorrect replacement?

    • What will be the availability of the unique batteries. To reduce risk of equipment damage, will they only be sold via the manufacturer or authorized service center?

    Unless a sizable group of manufacturers agree on a single standard (e.g. USB-C for connector), new rules are unlikely to be particularly meaningful.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @songbird

    Unless a sizable group of manufacturers agree on a single standard (e.g. USB-C for connector),
    Believe the EU forced Apple to use usb-c.

    Battery compatability seems like an increasing problem. Standardization seems like an easy solution, and I am completely in favor of it. Though, it is easy to see that it may disrupt some existing economic models.

    If we are in a long period of decline - and I think every indication is that we are - I've wondered whether that will somehow force manufacturers in the direction of making more robust or more repairable appliances.
  839. @A123

    I think you missed my earlier post about how much authentic Jews dislike the fake leader of Ukraine. Here is the link:

    With this in mind you can follow the most critical narrative about Zelensky. The Islamophile European Empire is paying the post-Judaic apostate to be in the Orthodox church. His scum goal is tricking Christians into dying for the benefit of Muhammad. It is very sad.

    The Ukrainian people need a better leader who will end the fighting, make a rational deal, and resist SJW Islamophile Europe.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ, @Wokechoke

    Is this a set of jokes?

  840. @Mr. XYZ

    2) There is no need for him to recruit in a synagogue since any Jew capable of fighting probably left Ukraine long ago.
    Actually, Israel only received around 16,000 Ukrainian immigrants who are eligible according to its Law of Return. If the same number moved to Europe, then we're looking at something like 30,000-35,000 Ukrainians of Jewish descent emigrating out of a grand total of 200,000 who are eligible to move to Israel in total. That's not bad for Ukraine!

    Replies: @QCIC

    It doesn’t change my point that Z is not looking for Jewish cannon fodder. You are funny, though. They would have already gone to Israel if they wanted. Now they can come to the West for gibs.

    Having said that, I am still waiting for pictures of the joint NeoNAZI-Jewish battalion. This thing is so weird that I don’t doubt there is one.

    It looks like this “counter offensive” is a clever ploy to burn through another 20,000 Ukrainian men in an attempt to draw in NATO.

  841. @Mr. Hack

    He is in the Orthodox church lying to Ukrainian men to get them to run around and get blown up on land mines or burned up in armored vehicles for no good reason. What a creep.
    Zelensky is promoting the idea of ridding Ukraine of an unwanted intruder. Do you really believe that Ukrainians are willing to sacrifice their precious blood for any other reason than to protect their country? Zelensky's popularity is higher amongst Ukrainians now more than ever.

    In fact, we might get a new network entirely devoted to stabbing Ukrainian NeoNAZIs and nationalists in the back.
    Really? What makes you think that? I think that any future Ukrainian films about the war will look more like this:,204,203,200_.jpg

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC

    You are still hallucinating. There is a lot of propaganda.

    When the existing narrative is no longer useful a new one will be rolled out. Post SMO, the easiest sort of vaguely healing meme for Russia-Ukraine-West is that NAZIs are bad. The party line will be “We still hate the Russians, but those NeoNAZI Ukrainians really are the Devil.”

    The cheesiest part will be if the NeoNAZIs were working in the USA-funded bioweapons labs (seems likely). The West will say, “Oops, we didn’t know. I told you those NAZIs are bad.”

    That’s nice artwork. The MiG-29 is my all-time favorite aircraft.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    I like the MiG-23 better

    Replies: @A123

  842. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    You know law of excluded middle?

    When you discuss Russia, you say everything is responsibility of small groups of secret elites. This reality of the country which I know, the mass of the population supports imperialist views, more than multinational elites, would not be releveant.

    But with the working class Islamic immigration in the West, "demography is destiny", economic status of immigrants is not important, Islamic tax drivers will determine the future, not the elites who don't have interest in Islam (including from the Muslim countries' elites).

    With the topic of religious views, I actually agree more with your original view of importance of elites. In Russia, the Christianity was imposed on the people by the elite. As in Russia, Christianity was imposed by sword. Although even in the early 19th century, the church feels the peasants are not fully Christianized (e.g. Mironov), so the "top down" always had a limit.

    Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids,


    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it's not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It's because of the economic immigration.

    1. Islam in Europe has a negative growth from religious switching. More people exit Islam, than enter Islam in Europe.

    It indicates Islam as religion, is anti-successful in the Western culture as there is net negative religious switching.

    2. Islam is not followed by most of elite (except Gulf Arabs). Islamic world is slowly secularizing.

    3. Growth of Islam in the West is because of lower class immigrants from Muslim countries, with higher fertility rates.

    The size of the future Islamic communities in the West, will be determined by combination of immigration policies of the Western countries and economic situation in the Islamic countries.

    Like in complex system, it connects to other topics, like the fertility rate in Western countries, that creates business interest to import more labor, increase size of the market exogenously. But governments can also select policies like in Japan, where accept a falling population without using so many gastarbaiters.

    Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima.
    Personally, I am part of this tsunami of immigrants, even from one of the more unpopular places. You and Latw have this funny Soviet loyalty test culture. But the reality of my life, is to be a gastarbaiter.

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another's house, we are not in position to complain about "they allow too many guests like me", probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.

    It's their house, their choice. You know, there also some other gastarbaiters in the forum like AnonfromTN, which seem to forget they are guests.

    I was like that a few years ago, even feeling like a snobby European. But after February 2022, you should remember, how unstable the situation.

    Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.
    Who is another who sitting in some peaceful place they "multiculturalize", instead of sitting in the trench in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another’s house, we are not in position to complain about “they allow too many guests like me”, probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.

    I’ve never doubted this is the real driving force behind your every word – such that when you sometimes give weird non-responses I’ve assumed it’s because you can’t bring yourself to admit certain things – but it’s nice to hear you say it yourself. And sure, I understand. Now that you’ve tasted paradise, you’d rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it’s the standard immigrant perspective.

    Really, I’m in the same boat too. If it ever got to the point that mass deportation became a live option, I doubt waving around a birth certificate would help me much, lol. The difference is I just don’t care. To allow things to continue as they are spells certain doom for pretty much everything I value. Worst comes to worst and we all get deported? Well, at least you end up with your own people, and that’s actually not such a bad outcome. (Except if they discovered that I supported the process that led to that fate, they’d probably tear me limb from limb.)

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    This is similar to how I react when people tell me that the Jews are doomed if America falls. Let's say that's true: the world that the United States is creating isn't worth living in for any race/nationality of people. so exactly what do i have to lose? It's like asking me to choose between the death penalty and a life sentence. At least in the latter scenario then white liberals will be destroyed too.

    , @Yahya

    Now that you’ve tasted paradise, you’d rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it’s the standard immigrant perspective.
    It’s not that bad to return to one’s homeland.

    I speak from personal experience.

    Living somewhere else as a foreigner is somewhat of an isolating crab-bucket.

    Turns out human networks are more important than quality of environment.

    Admittedly it takes some adjusting to a lower standard; but that can be done quickly.

    The human capacity to adjust to worse situations should not be underestimated.

    A cultural Westerner would find the adjustment more difficult though.

    But for recent immigrants, a return should present fewer problems.

    “The homeland holds strong sway over its children. It draws and holds them within its embrace, however loose this embrace might be.” - Butrus Al-Bustani

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @silviosilver

    , @Dmitry

    You think I secretly agree with you but somehow scared to say this because of social pressure. You are a bit like thinking of people in a religious cult, who don't accept alternative views have possible truth, they can only be result of social pressures or politeness etc.

    It's also possible I have a bad writing style. Often my posts, are not correctly understood.

    Meaning of my post, is just as I wrote. Because I'm an immigrant, I see from this perspective of an immigrant. I'm more scared of the people who give visas are too strict, than they are too unstrict. But it's surely not objective, as I am guest in another’s house. So for this reason, I can guess my opinion is not useful in this area.

    You are talking to a high income person, saying you want to increase taxes. High income person might be trying to be consistent, but will probably not be objective. A helpful high income person, should explain this.

    I used to have more opinion about this topic in the past, now I think karma is playing with us. For example, I used to believe the open border between Kazakhstan and Russia is a problem.

    This is a border people walk over in the night. There is no barrier in many of the thousands of kilometres. A lot of the opium is carried from the Central Asia and this is partly adding to the main vector of the HIV epidemic.

    On the other hand, after 2022? If there could potential of a letter asking a person to join the military, is open border with Kazakhstan so much of a problem for the people?

    It’s like any of the engineering questions. Is it good to seal a building? If you are thinking about insulation? Or if you are thinking about internal carbon monoxide leaks?

    The change in the peoples’ perspective of seeing the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is unexpected. It’s almost like a “road to Damascus” for this topic. People were worrying about building’s lack insulation. But increasing insulation could help to kill the same people by carbon monoxide.

    Replies: @silviosilver

  843. @A123

    Islam is expanding at Judeo-Christian expense. Jews, notably Zemmour, did try to stop it.

    They have had little success as European Empire leaders in Germany (Merkel then Scholz) and France (Macron) are defenders of unlimited Muslim invasion. Do you think Merkel is Jewish? Scholz? Macron? If none of the people creating the problem are Jewish, why do you insist on blaming Jews for the actions of non-Jews?

    Do you think Jooozzz are hiding in in your closet right now? Everyone perceives you as that type of crazy.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @QCIC

    I am a gentle Unz reader who notices that Jewish men have an outsized record in history and current events, both good and bad. I don’t know why you shy away from this. Growing up, my gentile family had a number of Jewish friends who were all nice and I think well of them. It is only more recently that I learned a tiny bit about Talmudic and Kabbalistic traditions which suggest explanations for some “Jewish” behavior. If you wish to divorce yourself from these traditions that’s fine, but please be clear about it.

    You need to think more big picture. While I don’t have the full story, I suggest that Jewish intellectuals and academics had a dominant role in promoting multiculturalism which is part of the foundation for the extremely self-destructive immigration policies which have systematically and permanently degraded the West in the last 50 years. I think the muslims, hispanics, blacks and central asians are all being used as tools to shape Western society. It is not their fault, ideology was molded to open the gates and also used to tie the hands of those who once acted properly as gatekeepers. I don’t know the meaning of it all, but the patterns are very noticeable.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @A123

    I am a gentle Unz reader who notices that Jewish men have an outsized record in history and current events, both good and bad. I don’t know why you shy away from this.
    I am a gentile Unz reader who notices that a tiny number of elites have an outsized record in history & current events. I concede that there is only one George "not a Jew" Washington and one Abraham "not a Jew" Lincoln. The objective fact is that among the elites, the "not a Jew" faction has always been larger than the "is a Jew" faction. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Subtract non-practicing apostates who have heritage forebearers -- The ratio of "not a Jew" versus "is a Jew" becomes even more weighted against Jews. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Over 1,500 rabbis have denounced Jonathan "not a Jew" Greenblatt's Antisemitic Defaming League [ADL] for placing Muslims ahead of Jews. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Israel, the nation of indigenous Palestinian Jews, routinely issues warnings about George "not a Jew" Soros. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Vladamir "not a Jew" Zelensky offended the Knesset to the point where the Netanyahu administration is strongly Putin leaning. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    If you want to say that specific progressives, who were then practicing Jews, made mistakes 40+ years ago -- That may be a valid historical case. The SPLC did have Jewish founders in the way back when. Yet, now it is functionally an antisemitic hate group that pushes SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam. One cannot analyze modern events believing things are as they were 40+ years ago.

    You need to think about the current big picture. To understand today's plight, you must start with the Islamophile European WEF and other enemies of Judeo-Christian values that run France, Germany, and thus the antisemitic EU. Not-The-President Biden is a puppet slavishly loyal to these overseas masters, except when the strings are tangled and he flops about wildly.

    The anti-Jewish & anti-Christian patterns of Islamophile gatekeepers are very noticeable. I am unsure why you cannot perceive the overwhelming influence of Muslims on leaders like Merkel, Scholz, and Macron. Their hatred for native Judeo-Christian values should be easy to see.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

  844. @Emil Nikola Richard

    No Riga or Kiev but they do have a dot for Bratislava.

    Replies: @Beckow

    It is a very strategic location – Alps and Carpathians meeting at Danube river. At that time the main centers were still Nitra a Ostrihom. But all of them were small, 1-2k people with a fortified hilltop…

  845. @QCIC
    @Mr. Hack

    You are still hallucinating. There is a lot of propaganda.

    When the existing narrative is no longer useful a new one will be rolled out. Post SMO, the easiest sort of vaguely healing meme for Russia-Ukraine-West is that NAZIs are bad. The party line will be "We still hate the Russians, but those NeoNAZI Ukrainians really are the Devil."

    The cheesiest part will be if the NeoNAZIs were working in the USA-funded bioweapons labs (seems likely). The West will say, "Oops, we didn't know. I told you those NAZIs are bad."

    That's nice artwork. The MiG-29 is my all-time favorite aircraft.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    I like the MiG-23 better

    • Replies: @A123
    @Greasy William

    If I had the money, I would commission some oil paintings of the A-10.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

  846. @silviosilver

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another’s house, we are not in position to complain about “they allow too many guests like me”, probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.
    I've never doubted this is the real driving force behind your every word - such that when you sometimes give weird non-responses I've assumed it's because you can't bring yourself to admit certain things - but it's nice to hear you say it yourself. And sure, I understand. Now that you've tasted paradise, you'd rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it's the standard immigrant perspective.

    Really, I'm in the same boat too. If it ever got to the point that mass deportation became a live option, I doubt waving around a birth certificate would help me much, lol. The difference is I just don't care. To allow things to continue as they are spells certain doom for pretty much everything I value. Worst comes to worst and we all get deported? Well, at least you end up with your own people, and that's actually not such a bad outcome. (Except if they discovered that I supported the process that led to that fate, they'd probably tear me limb from limb.)

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya, @Dmitry

    This is similar to how I react when people tell me that the Jews are doomed if America falls. Let’s say that’s true: the world that the United States is creating isn’t worth living in for any race/nationality of people. so exactly what do i have to lose? It’s like asking me to choose between the death penalty and a life sentence. At least in the latter scenario then white liberals will be destroyed too.

  847. The true objective of Ukrain’s puzzlingly pre announced attacks on heavy fortifications overlooked by dug in on high ground artillery may be coming into focus. Motorised suicide armoured column forays and waves of infantry along the same predictable axis almost seem destined to fail. Well maybe Zelensky knew they would. It’s given him more traction in Washington and now a chance of getting what he really wants.

  848. A123 says: • Website

    I am a gentle Unz reader who notices that Jewish men have an outsized record in history and current events, both good and bad. I don't know why you shy away from this. Growing up, my gentile family had a number of Jewish friends who were all nice and I think well of them. It is only more recently that I learned a tiny bit about Talmudic and Kabbalistic traditions which suggest explanations for some "Jewish" behavior. If you wish to divorce yourself from these traditions that's fine, but please be clear about it.

    You need to think more big picture. While I don't have the full story, I suggest that Jewish intellectuals and academics had a dominant role in promoting multiculturalism which is part of the foundation for the extremely self-destructive immigration policies which have systematically and permanently degraded the West in the last 50 years. I think the muslims, hispanics, blacks and central asians are all being used as tools to shape Western society. It is not their fault, ideology was molded to open the gates and also used to tie the hands of those who once acted properly as gatekeepers. I don't know the meaning of it all, but the patterns are very noticeable.

    Replies: @A123

    I am a gentle Unz reader who notices that Jewish men have an outsized record in history and current events, both good and bad. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    I am a gentile Unz reader who notices that a tiny number of elites have an outsized record in history & current events. I concede that there is only one George “not a Jew” Washington and one Abraham “not a Jew” Lincoln. The objective fact is that among the elites, the “not a Jew” faction has always been larger than the “is a Jew” faction. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Subtract non-practicing apostates who have heritage forebearers — The ratio of “not a Jew” versus “is a Jew” becomes even more weighted against Jews. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Over 1,500 rabbis have denounced Jonathan “not a Jew” Greenblatt’s Antisemitic Defaming League [ADL] for placing Muslims ahead of Jews. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Israel, the nation of indigenous Palestinian Jews, routinely issues warnings about George “not a Jew” Soros. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Vladamir “not a Jew” Zelensky offended the Knesset to the point where the Netanyahu administration is strongly Putin leaning. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    If you want to say that specific progressives, who were then practicing Jews, made mistakes 40+ years ago — That may be a valid historical case. The SPLC did have Jewish founders in the way back when. Yet, now it is functionally an antisemitic hate group that pushes SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam. One cannot analyze modern events believing things are as they were 40+ years ago.

    You need to think about the current big picture. To understand today’s plight, you must start with the Islamophile European WEF and other enemies of Judeo-Christian values that run France, Germany, and thus the antisemitic EU. Not-The-President Biden is a puppet slavishly loyal to these overseas masters, except when the strings are tangled and he flops about wildly.

    The anti-Jewish & anti-Christian patterns of Islamophile gatekeepers are very noticeable. I am unsure why you cannot perceive the overwhelming influence of Muslims on leaders like Merkel, Scholz, and Macron. Their hatred for native Judeo-Christian values should be easy to see.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    That's fine. I think it must be very painful for you here at Unz.

    On a different note, I am back to noticing that you and Hack sometimes have similar commenting styles.

    I am still looking for a good theory to explain this. So far I am working from this list of possibilities.

    Random luck/Great minds think alike?
    Went to the same online troll school?
    Read the same influential article about online commenting?
    Same person?
    Split personality?
    Estranged brothers, one philo-Semite in Florida, one philo-Ukie in Arizona?
    Psychic connection through the Unz router?

    You don't need to respond, this mystery will eventually sort itself out.

    Replies: @A123

  849. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    You know law of excluded middle?

    When you discuss Russia, you say everything is responsibility of small groups of secret elites. This reality of the country which I know, the mass of the population supports imperialist views, more than multinational elites, would not be releveant.

    But with the working class Islamic immigration in the West, "demography is destiny", economic status of immigrants is not important, Islamic tax drivers will determine the future, not the elites who don't have interest in Islam (including from the Muslim countries' elites).

    With the topic of religious views, I actually agree more with your original view of importance of elites. In Russia, the Christianity was imposed on the people by the elite. As in Russia, Christianity was imposed by sword. Although even in the early 19th century, the church feels the peasants are not fully Christianized (e.g. Mironov), so the "top down" always had a limit.

    Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids,


    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it's not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It's because of the economic immigration.

    1. Islam in Europe has a negative growth from religious switching. More people exit Islam, than enter Islam in Europe.

    It indicates Islam as religion, is anti-successful in the Western culture as there is net negative religious switching.

    2. Islam is not followed by most of elite (except Gulf Arabs). Islamic world is slowly secularizing.

    3. Growth of Islam in the West is because of lower class immigrants from Muslim countries, with higher fertility rates.

    The size of the future Islamic communities in the West, will be determined by combination of immigration policies of the Western countries and economic situation in the Islamic countries.

    Like in complex system, it connects to other topics, like the fertility rate in Western countries, that creates business interest to import more labor, increase size of the market exogenously. But governments can also select policies like in Japan, where accept a falling population without using so many gastarbaiters.

    Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima.
    Personally, I am part of this tsunami of immigrants, even from one of the more unpopular places. You and Latw have this funny Soviet loyalty test culture. But the reality of my life, is to be a gastarbaiter.

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another's house, we are not in position to complain about "they allow too many guests like me", probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.

    It's their house, their choice. You know, there also some other gastarbaiters in the forum like AnonfromTN, which seem to forget they are guests.

    I was like that a few years ago, even feeling like a snobby European. But after February 2022, you should remember, how unstable the situation.

    Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.
    Who is another who sitting in some peaceful place they "multiculturalize", instead of sitting in the trench in Ukraine.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @silviosilver, @Ivashka the fool

    First of all, calm down.

    Then analyze your options.

    Ты молодой, всё будет хорошо.

    BTW, are you still in Europe?

  850. @silviosilver

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another’s house, we are not in position to complain about “they allow too many guests like me”, probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.
    I've never doubted this is the real driving force behind your every word - such that when you sometimes give weird non-responses I've assumed it's because you can't bring yourself to admit certain things - but it's nice to hear you say it yourself. And sure, I understand. Now that you've tasted paradise, you'd rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it's the standard immigrant perspective.

    Really, I'm in the same boat too. If it ever got to the point that mass deportation became a live option, I doubt waving around a birth certificate would help me much, lol. The difference is I just don't care. To allow things to continue as they are spells certain doom for pretty much everything I value. Worst comes to worst and we all get deported? Well, at least you end up with your own people, and that's actually not such a bad outcome. (Except if they discovered that I supported the process that led to that fate, they'd probably tear me limb from limb.)

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya, @Dmitry

    Now that you’ve tasted paradise, you’d rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it’s the standard immigrant perspective.

    It’s not that bad to return to one’s homeland.

    I speak from personal experience.

    Living somewhere else as a foreigner is somewhat of an isolating crab-bucket.

    Turns out human networks are more important than quality of environment.

    Admittedly it takes some adjusting to a lower standard; but that can be done quickly.

    The human capacity to adjust to worse situations should not be underestimated.

    A cultural Westerner would find the adjustment more difficult though.

    But for recent immigrants, a return should present fewer problems.

    “The homeland holds strong sway over its children. It draws and holds them within its embrace, however loose this embrace might be.” – Butrus Al-Bustani

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn't answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That's a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later. Then, depending on the answer, he could take action and align his life accordingly.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian, @Dmitry

    , @silviosilver

    It’s not that bad to return to one’s homeland.
    I tried that, on two separate occasions. Didn't go well. My connection to that homeland was pretty tenuous even then, but actually going there and trying to live among them put the nail in the coffin.

    Admittedly it takes some adjusting to a lower standard; but that can be done quickly.
    The lower standard was the easy bit. What I wasn't able to overcome was the weirdness of the people and their ways - both the more traditional types and the wannabe westernizers. Whether the "real" problem was them or whether it was me is irrelevant. The point is I perceived a divide that I was never able to completely bridge.

    It would be very different if everyone were to repatriate en masse. We'd easily have the numbers to form large English-speaking (and German-speaking) enclaves, and these would only need persist long enough to allow the returning generation to live out our lives. This is why mass deportation scenarios don't inherently bother me. (The more pertinent questions surround the economic feasibility of the endeavour.) This isn't my first preference though.
  851. @Greasy William

    I like the MiG-23 better

    Replies: @A123

    If I had the money, I would commission some oil paintings of the A-10.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @QCIC

    For me, the MiG-29 is the pinnacle of the pilot's airplane, the highest performance non-fly-by-wire, stick and rudder ship. Later versions were fly-by-wire, so they don't count. The MiG is a death machine, but was basically meant to fight mano y mano against other pilots in other death machines, which is OK with me.

    The A-10 is a nasty airplane designed mostly to kill defenseless people on the ground, same as the Su-25.

  852. @Yahya

    Now that you’ve tasted paradise, you’d rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it’s the standard immigrant perspective.
    It’s not that bad to return to one’s homeland.

    I speak from personal experience.

    Living somewhere else as a foreigner is somewhat of an isolating crab-bucket.

    Turns out human networks are more important than quality of environment.

    Admittedly it takes some adjusting to a lower standard; but that can be done quickly.

    The human capacity to adjust to worse situations should not be underestimated.

    A cultural Westerner would find the adjustment more difficult though.

    But for recent immigrants, a return should present fewer problems.

    “The homeland holds strong sway over its children. It draws and holds them within its embrace, however loose this embrace might be.” - Butrus Al-Bustani

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @silviosilver

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later. Then, depending on the answer, he could take action and align his life accordingly.

    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later.
    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Dmitry is less race-aware than practically everyone else here, which would explain his somewhat nonchalant attitude towards the demographic trends in Russia and the rest of Europe.

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    There’s no need to worry about the increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy waiting to get out, if only he were educated and acculturated into Slavic culture/norms.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Yevardian, @Coconuts, @Dmitry

    , @Yevardian
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland.
    This is rather in the category of "when did you stop beating your wife" type of questions.

    Perhaps we should look to Karlin's example, and embrace "Putin's Nationalist Turn", only to end so disillusioned we turn to praising transvestites in the American military, dismiss human reproduction as being made obsolete by a chatbot, and adopting 'It/Its' pronouns as a particularly bitter form of self-abnegating trolling?

    You live in France, I live in Australia, AnonFromTN lives in Alabama, Gerard lives in Florida (iirc). Lets not play around here.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian
    I can see Soviet people with his loyalty test demands. We have this enough of this culture from Putin, it's not so healthy

    Also there is a difference between a normal discussion about Russia and demands of someone's ego. Your posting quality was probably not that high in the recent thread, while you greedily demand people give you the cookie.

    By the way, I enjoy many of your posts where you discuss your personal experiences etc. But think about difference of value between adding interesting new information, or asking people to give you cookies.

    Dima has written lately that Russia is a “thrash bin of history” type of place
    When I was young, I thought it was funny phrase. But looking backwards, it feels more like a scientific description.

    You know people from 1970s Moscow, not understanding this is kind of predictable. I think your situation of your generation is interesting, not realistic.

    ommented highly about Israel which he clearly likes as a country


    I'm sure you noticed, Israel for me, is not some kind of ruthless plan for additional citizenships or countries. I actually had better options, from this point of view. I don't want to exaggerate I am somekind of refugee. Israel is one of my hobbies and I enjoy discussing this topic.

    It's like reading someone says "why do you like talking about this girl in your school, why don't talk about your mother".

    Well, I am here for entertainment and my comments are mostly what I wanted to post about.

    that Dima is a (fine) Jewish young man
    One of the reasons I was enjoying your posts, was this view I am Jewish. I'm imagining some kind of mystical rabbi.

    But to not steal other peoples' identity, there is a difference between Jewish roots and Jewish people. For me, the Jewish person in my family is in the third generation, which is a grandfather. So, you talk about people from a different category.

    are about one’s homeland also has nothing to do with one’s place of residence. Mr Hack and AP live in US of A


    They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them. It's not a comparable to our situation.

    For AP, it's more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the "noviops in Moscow".

    Replies: @AP, @Ivashka the fool

  853. @LatW
    @Ivashka the fool

    They do not declare anything these days - afaik, Russia has still not officially declared war on Ukraine, and even with Belgorod attacks, there is no voenniy stan.

    But you might want to occasionally take a peek at the Russian TV shows (Solovyov, Marden, Skarabeyeva), they have been talking (if one can even call that talking), about how there is a "war going on with the collective West", for months if not years now (they were saying these things even before Feb 2022). With an occasional demo of how they are going to occupy Gotland - because "we can repeat".

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    But you might want to occasionally take a peek at the Russian TV shows (Solovyov, Marden, Skarabeyeva):

    Thanks, but no, thanks.

    I’ll pass my turn.

  854. S says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    The material culture of Christianity doesn't lie. The books might well be made up jokes about Jews and their peculiarities but the material culture of Christianity expresses something entirely absent in Islam and Judaism. Beauty.

    Even Jesus can be depicted as a good looking slightly otherworldly man like Robert Powell in the 1970s.

    here's Jesus 359AD on the casket of Junius Bassus...He's Dying Gaul surfer dude. He's Daniel Penney. This isn't even a very great work but it's joyful and funny.,_Museo_d._civilt%C3%A0_Romana_-_Calco_sarcofago_Giunio_Basso_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall'Orto,_12-Apr-2008.jpg

    they you get expressions of beauty like this...Mary during the 1400s Renaissance.

    I suspect the Jewish God is ugly much like the Muslim one, thus no images allowed.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @S

    here’s Jesus 359AD on the casket of Junius Bassus…He’s Dying Gaul surfer dude. He’s Daniel Penney. This isn’t even a very great work but it’s joyful and funny.

    Thanks, that is a nice piece. The Romans had world class stone workers.

    Below, also from about the mid 4th century, are the sarcophagi of Helena and Constantina, Emperor Constantine’s mother and daughter respectively.

  855. @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn't answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That's a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later. Then, depending on the answer, he could take action and align his life accordingly.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian, @Dmitry

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later.

    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Dmitry is less race-aware than practically everyone else here, which would explain his somewhat nonchalant attitude towards the demographic trends in Russia and the rest of Europe.

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    There’s no need to worry about the increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy waiting to get out, if only he were educated and acculturated into Slavic culture/norms.

    • Troll: Yevardian
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    You are probably right Yahya, but let's wait for his answer.

    BTW despite his fondness for Israel, I don't think he managed to get a citizenship there. Probably the local authorities have concluded that he's not kosher enough.

    And, a minor detail: the Central Asian gadtarbaiter cabbies in Moscow would be mostly Tajik or Kyrgyz. I once had an interesting ride with an old Pamiri Ismaili taxi driver who cited Nasir Khosrow and Omar Khayyam poetry at every traffic light stop. The sound of Moskvabad...


    Replies: @Yahya

    , @Yevardian

    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.
    Staying as a young professional in Russia (or the ex-USSR generally) without well-off family connections (as you certainly seem to have) really isn't appealing. Its the story everywhere to varying degrees, but working long hours in poorly-run, often broke organisations whilst being given contradictory instructions by entitled nepo-baby morons for low pay is typical.
    Speaking from anecdote, almost everyone I know from over there, with skills/education, has left or is in the process of leaving.

    Living without citizenship from contract-to-contract rather forces someone to become a 'rootless cosmopolitan'. If you're lucky you can get a place at university or permanent research position, as my family did, otherwise you don't really have time or certainty to assimilate to one place.

    Replies: @Yahya

    , @Coconuts

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.
    An interesting book if you want to understand some of the background behind the current commitment to blank-slatism is Kathleen Stock's recent Material Girls.

    This is about feminism and trans, Stock is a lesbian but also a philosopher in the Anglo-analytical tradition, trying to make the argument that biology and human evolution influences reality. There is a description in her book of all of the social constructivist counter-views, that not just gender but biological sex, human sexual dimorphism and reproduction, biology, medicine in general are all social and political constructs. According to Stock these currently predominate among feminists, even if there is some counter-movement developing.

    Women may pick up these views in education/academia, or studying gender studies courses which are based on this stuff, then there is a pipe-line into HR departments in organisations, politics, writing legislation, mass media etc.

    You can see that there is little hope for HBD or discussing race if contesting (to the point of denialism) the existence of sexual dimorphism and influence of evolution on human behaviour is mainstream.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    , @Dmitry

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.

    increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy
    We discussed this topic many times in the forum and I already wrote many posts about it.

    The view in the past, I wrote. The wealthy countries should accept the falling population, instead of requiring to continue with the same population size or created a growing population by importing workers. This is possible with more of capital investment.


    The problems in Russia which has the world's largest open borders system, were not very secret.

    But I'm not sure you understand with the example about Kazakhstan you wrote. After 2022. In Kazakhstan, they are now more worried about Russians immigrating to their country, than Russians are worried about Kazakhs.

    Kazakhstan is now the destination country for immigrants from Russia. The question, are Russians a good Kazakh, not the other way round.

    My attitude also changed quite a bit, because of the exchanged positions. Instead of building border with Kazakhstan, it is hoped Kazakhstan doesn't build the border with Russia. Russians are the Mexicans now and Kazakhstan continuing the open border can save tens of thousands of Russian people.

    Replies: @Yahya

  856. @A123

    I am a gentle Unz reader who notices that Jewish men have an outsized record in history and current events, both good and bad. I don’t know why you shy away from this.
    I am a gentile Unz reader who notices that a tiny number of elites have an outsized record in history & current events. I concede that there is only one George "not a Jew" Washington and one Abraham "not a Jew" Lincoln. The objective fact is that among the elites, the "not a Jew" faction has always been larger than the "is a Jew" faction. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Subtract non-practicing apostates who have heritage forebearers -- The ratio of "not a Jew" versus "is a Jew" becomes even more weighted against Jews. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Over 1,500 rabbis have denounced Jonathan "not a Jew" Greenblatt's Antisemitic Defaming League [ADL] for placing Muslims ahead of Jews. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Israel, the nation of indigenous Palestinian Jews, routinely issues warnings about George "not a Jew" Soros. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    Vladamir "not a Jew" Zelensky offended the Knesset to the point where the Netanyahu administration is strongly Putin leaning. I don’t know why you shy away from this.

    If you want to say that specific progressives, who were then practicing Jews, made mistakes 40+ years ago -- That may be a valid historical case. The SPLC did have Jewish founders in the way back when. Yet, now it is functionally an antisemitic hate group that pushes SJW🏳️‍🌈Islam. One cannot analyze modern events believing things are as they were 40+ years ago.

    You need to think about the current big picture. To understand today's plight, you must start with the Islamophile European WEF and other enemies of Judeo-Christian values that run France, Germany, and thus the antisemitic EU. Not-The-President Biden is a puppet slavishly loyal to these overseas masters, except when the strings are tangled and he flops about wildly.

    The anti-Jewish & anti-Christian patterns of Islamophile gatekeepers are very noticeable. I am unsure why you cannot perceive the overwhelming influence of Muslims on leaders like Merkel, Scholz, and Macron. Their hatred for native Judeo-Christian values should be easy to see.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

    That’s fine. I think it must be very painful for you here at Unz.

    On a different note, I am back to noticing that you and Hack sometimes have similar commenting styles.

    I am still looking for a good theory to explain this. So far I am working from this list of possibilities.

    Random luck/Great minds think alike?
    Went to the same online troll school?
    Read the same influential article about online commenting?
    Same person?
    Split personality?
    Estranged brothers, one philo-Semite in Florida, one philo-Ukie in Arizona?
    Psychic connection through the Unz router?

    You don’t need to respond, this mystery will eventually sort itself out.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @A123

    I think it must be very painful for you here at Unz.
    Acts 26:18 -- to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God

    I am far from the best "light bringer", but I do what I can in this den of squalor over run by the darkness that hates Judeo-Christian values.

    On a different note, I am back to noticing that you and Hack sometimes have similar commenting styles.


    Does this count as taking the Lord's name in vain.... I am in trouble again...

    PEACE 😇

  857. @A123
    @Greasy William

    If I had the money, I would commission some oil paintings of the A-10.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

    For me, the MiG-29 is the pinnacle of the pilot’s airplane, the highest performance non-fly-by-wire, stick and rudder ship. Later versions were fly-by-wire, so they don’t count. The MiG is a death machine, but was basically meant to fight mano y mano against other pilots in other death machines, which is OK with me.

    The A-10 is a nasty airplane designed mostly to kill defenseless people on the ground, same as the Su-25.

  858. A123 says: • Website

    That's fine. I think it must be very painful for you here at Unz.

    On a different note, I am back to noticing that you and Hack sometimes have similar commenting styles.

    I am still looking for a good theory to explain this. So far I am working from this list of possibilities.

    Random luck/Great minds think alike?
    Went to the same online troll school?
    Read the same influential article about online commenting?
    Same person?
    Split personality?
    Estranged brothers, one philo-Semite in Florida, one philo-Ukie in Arizona?
    Psychic connection through the Unz router?

    You don't need to respond, this mystery will eventually sort itself out.

    Replies: @A123

    I think it must be very painful for you here at Unz.

    Acts 26:18 — to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God

    I am far from the best “light bringer”, but I do what I can in this den of squalor over run by the darkness that hates Judeo-Christian values.

    On a different note, I am back to noticing that you and Hack sometimes have similar commenting styles.


    Does this count as taking the Lord’s name in vain…. I am in trouble again…

    PEACE 😇

  859. @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later.
    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Dmitry is less race-aware than practically everyone else here, which would explain his somewhat nonchalant attitude towards the demographic trends in Russia and the rest of Europe.

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    There’s no need to worry about the increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy waiting to get out, if only he were educated and acculturated into Slavic culture/norms.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Yevardian, @Coconuts, @Dmitry

    You are probably right Yahya, but let’s wait for his answer.

    BTW despite his fondness for Israel, I don’t think he managed to get a citizenship there. Probably the local authorities have concluded that he’s not kosher enough.

    And, a minor detail: the Central Asian gadtarbaiter cabbies in Moscow would be mostly Tajik or Kyrgyz. I once had an interesting ride with an old Pamiri Ismaili taxi driver who cited Nasir Khosrow and Omar Khayyam poetry at every traffic light stop. The sound of Moskvabad…


    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    And, a minor detail: the Central Asian gadtarbaiter cabbies in Moscow would be mostly Tajik or Kyrgyz. I once had an interesting ride with an old Pamiri Ismaili taxi driver who cited Nasir Khosrow and Omar Khayyam poetry at every traffic light stop. The sound of Moskvabad…
    Well sometimes Persianite cab drivers can surprise you with their cultural level. Hossain Sabzian vibes.

    Actually, I felt my comment about “Kazakh Tolstoy’s” was a bit harsh. There are probably some talented individuals among Central Asian working class, given they have not yet embarked on the cognitive sorting process undergone by more industrialized nations. Central Asians themselves have a respectable track record of human accomplishment; for 400 years were the center of human scientific advancement. You’d probably find more intellectual potential there than among Hispanics in the US. So being inundated by them is perhaps not the worst fate in the world.

    Pamiris are an interesting bunch. Pictures of them in Google have them looking as more Caucasian-shifted than average Persians.

    Reminiscent of Chechens & Circassians, though Pamiris are geographically more Central Asian than Caucasian. Their DNA is derived mostly from Indo-European lineages, with the balance being Iranian Farmer and some East Asian. But perhaps their phenotype underwent the same selection process as the Kalash tribe of Northwest Pakistan/Afghanistan.

  860. @Yahya

    Now that you’ve tasted paradise, you’d rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it’s the standard immigrant perspective.
    It’s not that bad to return to one’s homeland.

    I speak from personal experience.

    Living somewhere else as a foreigner is somewhat of an isolating crab-bucket.

    Turns out human networks are more important than quality of environment.

    Admittedly it takes some adjusting to a lower standard; but that can be done quickly.

    The human capacity to adjust to worse situations should not be underestimated.

    A cultural Westerner would find the adjustment more difficult though.

    But for recent immigrants, a return should present fewer problems.

    “The homeland holds strong sway over its children. It draws and holds them within its embrace, however loose this embrace might be.” - Butrus Al-Bustani

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @silviosilver

    It’s not that bad to return to one’s homeland.

    I tried that, on two separate occasions. Didn’t go well. My connection to that homeland was pretty tenuous even then, but actually going there and trying to live among them put the nail in the coffin.

    Admittedly it takes some adjusting to a lower standard; but that can be done quickly.

    The lower standard was the easy bit. What I wasn’t able to overcome was the weirdness of the people and their ways – both the more traditional types and the wannabe westernizers. Whether the “real” problem was them or whether it was me is irrelevant. The point is I perceived a divide that I was never able to completely bridge.

    It would be very different if everyone were to repatriate en masse. We’d easily have the numbers to form large English-speaking (and German-speaking) enclaves, and these would only need persist long enough to allow the returning generation to live out our lives. This is why mass deportation scenarios don’t inherently bother me. (The more pertinent questions surround the economic feasibility of the endeavour.) This isn’t my first preference though.

  861. @Ivashka the fool

    You are probably right Yahya, but let's wait for his answer.

    BTW despite his fondness for Israel, I don't think he managed to get a citizenship there. Probably the local authorities have concluded that he's not kosher enough.

    And, a minor detail: the Central Asian gadtarbaiter cabbies in Moscow would be mostly Tajik or Kyrgyz. I once had an interesting ride with an old Pamiri Ismaili taxi driver who cited Nasir Khosrow and Omar Khayyam poetry at every traffic light stop. The sound of Moskvabad...


    Replies: @Yahya

    And, a minor detail: the Central Asian gadtarbaiter cabbies in Moscow would be mostly Tajik or Kyrgyz. I once had an interesting ride with an old Pamiri Ismaili taxi driver who cited Nasir Khosrow and Omar Khayyam poetry at every traffic light stop. The sound of Moskvabad…

    Well sometimes Persianite cab drivers can surprise you with their cultural level. Hossain Sabzian vibes.

    Actually, I felt my comment about “Kazakh Tolstoy’s” was a bit harsh. There are probably some talented individuals among Central Asian working class, given they have not yet embarked on the cognitive sorting process undergone by more industrialized nations. Central Asians themselves have a respectable track record of human accomplishment; for 400 years were the center of human scientific advancement. You’d probably find more intellectual potential there than among Hispanics in the US. So being inundated by them is perhaps not the worst fate in the world.

    Pamiris are an interesting bunch. Pictures of them in Google have them looking as more Caucasian-shifted than average Persians.

    Reminiscent of Chechens & Circassians, though Pamiris are geographically more Central Asian than Caucasian. Their DNA is derived mostly from Indo-European lineages, with the balance being Iranian Farmer and some East Asian. But perhaps their phenotype underwent the same selection process as the Kalash tribe of Northwest Pakistan/Afghanistan.

  862. It is puzzling why this counter offensive was so talked up by Ukraine, and the time and place virtually announced , if there was no ulterior political motive (makes no military sense at all as far as I can see). Maybe the Ukrainians’ real objective is to get America to supply ATACMS? The HIMARS range of 80 Km makes it just another battlefield weapon now, because from where the Ukrainian front line is currently they cannot effectively interdict Crimea’s lines of communication.

    With ATACMS’s range and targeting coordinates from omniscient US surveillance, Ukraine would _not_ have to breach well prepared Russian defences all set up and waiting and drive to the sea in combat so heavy it would make the WW2 Battle of Kursk look like a kids tea party. If Washington was faced with the prospect of the much vaunted combined arms counter offensive it has been helping equip and train Ukraine with turning into a fiasco then might not America become willing to supply ATACMS to maintains US prestige? With ATACMS, all lines of communication from Russia to Crimea could be pounded at will, putting it in a stranglehold and the Russian bases on Crimea would be hit too, making the area untenable for Russia.

    A few thousand troops sacrificed in an offensive they do not really believe in would be a small price to pay for Ukraine to get ATACMS.

    • LOL: LondonBob
    • Replies: @Greasy William

    I'm far from convinced that ATACMS are the game changer you imagine them to be.

    I think it's pretty obvious what happened: the Biden regime is run by 30 and 40 somethings who fully believe that the US has infinite power and that the Russians are a bunch of incompetents. Biden needs a military victory, both for domestic political reasons and as a means of forcing Russia to come to terms.

    The US spent months building up this offensive capability and while the military professionals said that it was suicide, the Biden regime Millenials overruled them and demanded that the offensive proceed. It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    The problem from the US perspective now is that the initiative has now been passed back to Russia. It will take at least 9 months before Ukraine has enough of an air force to attempt any more large scale offensive operations, and even then it is certain to be a dicey prospect. Russia will continue to launch attritional attacks and a long war, lasting 5 or more years appears to be inevitable. This is just fine for Russia/Putin but is very problematic for NATO.

    I agree that Ukraine needs to be immediately provided with ATACMs... and F-16s... and F-35s and whatever else Ukraine needs. I don't think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war, though. Rather it is about giving Ukraine what it needs to continue to hold.

    It is also time to start deploying large numbers of mercenaries, I mean openly and in the 10s of thousands. The European states also need to scale up their forces and make it clear that any credible Russian threat to conquer Kiev will lead to the direct and open participation of the European armies on the battlefield. The US itself, however, should not make such a threat as I don't believe that such a course of action will be domestically politically viable.

    Replies: @Sean, @Negronicus, @AP, @LatW

  863. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building.
    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.
    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas. He was there with Donbasser youths while the ЗСУ pounded многоэтажки in strictly civilian areas, where according to the official stance of the Ukrainian state, lived Ukrainian citizens with exactly the same rights as the ones in your beloved Vinnytsa. But they killed them all the same without the slightest remorse because they were Russian speakers and Russophiles.

    BTW you do realize that in addition to this being an invasion of another state, Russia has killed far more civilians in this war than Ukraine ever did. So the two sides cannot be compared.
    Yes I realize how shitty the Noviop RusFed is. I have always realized it, even when both you and Karlin were of the opposite opinion. We are talking about people who unleashed the death squads on the political opposition as early as 1993, broke the lives of those who stood for the lands and rights of their ancestors.

    Just like the Ukrainian Noviop did in 2014 when they used the hapless Ukrainian nationalist death squads to unleash the persecution of the Russian speakers and Russophiles in Ukraine. And just like their Moskovite Noviop cousins did to Russian patriots, the Kievan Noviop crushed real true hardcore Ukrainian patriots, like Sashko Bilyi, and coopted the others who were ready to kill, torture and rape their Russian speaking brethren.

    What was the crime of Oles' Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do. Have you denounced his murder ?

    I will repeat it again: this war did not start in 2014.

    And once again: борьба была равна, боролись два г☆вна.

    Slavs killing Slavs, while the Noviop gleefully rub hands.

    This is disgusting and should never have happened. It only happened because our people on both sides of the border are ruled by subhuman scum.

    I don't cheer and applaude the Noviop scum, do you AP ?

    Replies: @John Johnson, @AP

    “At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building.”

    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Bolotov admitted that he was in the building at the time of the attack:


    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives; tragically, they failed to do so but civilians in the adjacent square were killed. Embarrassed by the failure, they lied about an air conditioner exploding.

    Pro-Russian propagandists turned this tragedy into a fairytale abut a deliberate Luhansk massacre in which Ukraine purposefully was aiming for and trying to kill civilians, in order to terrorize them into submission or in order to ethnically cleanse them. The purpose was the stoke anti-Ukrainian hatred and promote the violent civil war. They did similarly with the deaths in Odessa.

    Your wrote that you hate those who promote hatred between Ukrainians and Russians.

    The ones who spread stories about the deliberate massacre of civilians in Luhansk belong on that list. Do you condemn them? Do you condemn Russian propogandists who inflate and twist and make up stories about Ukrainian persecution of Russians? Such stories (Luhansk “massacre”, Odessa “massacre”, Ukraine banned Russian language in 2014, etc.) led directly to rebellion and war.

    “Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime.”

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas.

    UN also reports that there were indeed cases of indiscriminate shelling. These of course are disgusting crimes.

    But not all shelling of civilian areas were indiscriminate. Sometimes the pro-Russian militias would fire out of civilian areas and the Ukrainians would return fire. In this case the criminals are the ones firing out of civilian areas. SO out of those hundreds of shellings many were not indiscrimate.

    And in case someone tries to draw a parallel with Russian bombing of Ukrainian cities, Russia invaded Ukraine an Ukrainians are defending their country from a foreign invasion; they will not abandon their own cities and empty them of troops. But the Donbas rebels were at the time of the bombings led by foreigners who came into Ukraine such as Pavlov (Motorola). So it is like the Russian government shelling parts of Belgorod if the Belgorod rebels were shooting at government forces form civilian areas.

    What was the crime of Oles’ Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He was an anti-Ukrainian troll who lived in Ukraine among people he hated and insulted, during violent times. He probably felt protected because he worked for an oligarch-owned newspaper. In other words, a servant of the Noviop whom you despise.

    He should not have been killed for his words but I have little sympathy for him.

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do.

    He hatred the Ukrainian national idea and those who supported it. He did not love his country.

    Have you denounced his murder ?

    Yes, I have said he should not have been murdered, in this thread:

    Buzina was a liar in addition to being a troll.

    But even though he was excrement, he should not have been murdered.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives
    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.

    Ukrainian planes didn't have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building for the very odd chance of killing Bolotov (if they really knew for sure that he was somewhere inside the huge building).

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the "compassionate" Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection because it was crystal clear to everybody that the attack had been a senseless massacre and they were being criticized even by ardent Ukraine supporters in the West. Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational. There's no way Strelkov, Pushilin, Bezler, Mozgovoy and all the rest (not to mention the Russians) were going to give up just because one of them was killed.

    In fact, the only remarkable aspect of the Lugansk Central Square massacre was that the horrible scenes were watched by lots of people, including many Westerners (that would soon end with the Western media blackout of the war in Donbas), but the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,... The air attack against the Donetsk airport probably killed more civilians than the Lugansk one but there were hardly any images of that action. The Grahams weirdo documented many of these killings but only a few of us following the hostilities through non-MSM channels learned about some of them. Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents. Lugansk was nothing but a tiny prelude of what Ukraine was willing to do to its own civilians in order to quell the rebellion.

    After so many years I'm not going to engage in an autistic debate of how what really happened in Lugansk was not what it looked like. That would be as pointless as arguing with AnonfromTN or Gerard who really downed the Malaysian airliner. It's water under the bridge now and the Russians just in Mariupol possibly killed more civilians than the Ukrainians in the whole Donbas war. What they consider to be their own civilians as well.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn't oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now. It's too late. You missed your chance and will never be able to recover it. You, Mr Hack, LatW, etc may well criticize the invasion of Ukraine by a bloodthirsty dictator but you can't seriously appeal to the readers' humanity here when you detail atrocities committed now by the Russians that are no worse than what the Ukrainians did. The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that. What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government's actions based on the importance of the state.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they're going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there than the Russians did. There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.

    Replies: @LatW, @AP

  864. @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn't answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That's a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later. Then, depending on the answer, he could take action and align his life accordingly.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian, @Dmitry

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland.

    This is rather in the category of “when did you stop beating your wife” type of questions.

    Perhaps we should look to Karlin’s example, and embrace “Putin’s Nationalist Turn”, only to end so disillusioned we turn to praising transvestites in the American military, dismiss human reproduction as being made obsolete by a chatbot, and adopting ‘It/Its’ pronouns as a particularly bitter form of self-abnegating trolling?

    You live in France, I live in Australia, AnonFromTN lives in Alabama, Gerard lives in Florida (iirc). Lets not play around here.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    To care about Russian people has absolutely nothing to do with "Putin's Nationalist Turn". Quite the opposite actually, given that Putin has emphasized once and again that he is against any form of Russian nationalism or ethnic patriotism, cancelled and silenced nationalists, imprisoned them. Putin has also never praised Russian people (Russkye), but instead prefers talking about the multinational Rossiyanye. He and his circle are the multiculti post-Soviet Noviop, not some Russian nationalists.

    If he ever really thought otherwise (which I doubt), then Karlin was seriously misguided. His tranny posting and self-identification as an object, are either trolling or a coming out of a Gay man or some form of mental illness or a combination of the above. It has also nothing to do about him having ever cared about Russian people and Russia.

    To care about one's homeland also has nothing to do with one's place of residence. Mr Hack and AP live in US of A, but they clearly care a lot about Ukraine, you care about Armenia despite living in Australia, we have Polish posters here that care about Poland despite possibly living somewhere else etc. It is absolutely normal to have an emotional bond with one's place of birth or a place where one's ancestors have lived for millennia.

    Dima has written lately that Russia is a "thrash bin of history" type of place, that being Russian is "unfashionable" and he has time and again commented highly about Israel which he clearly likes as a country despite its numerous flaws and imperfections.

    From the very beginning, I came to the conclusion that Dima is a (fine) Jewish young man (for I actually like his usually intelligent comments and general attitude). But he has lately written that his Jewish ancestry is somewhat diluted. Again, for a Jew it is quite normal to care about Isreal, which is as close as it comes to a homeland for this homeless diaspora people. Even Jews that often have just a very diluted ethnic Jewish ancestry abd who are not religiously Jewish, often care a lot about Isreali affairs, more than they care about their place of residence.

    Therefore, the questions I ask are fair and have nothing extreme about them. Anyway, if Dima prefers not answering them, that is his right. And I really don't think he needs your assistance to decide whether he has to tackle these questions and what would be or not the right way of answering these questions.

  865. @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later.
    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Dmitry is less race-aware than practically everyone else here, which would explain his somewhat nonchalant attitude towards the demographic trends in Russia and the rest of Europe.

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    There’s no need to worry about the increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy waiting to get out, if only he were educated and acculturated into Slavic culture/norms.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Yevardian, @Coconuts, @Dmitry

    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Staying as a young professional in Russia (or the ex-USSR generally) without well-off family connections (as you certainly seem to have) really isn’t appealing. Its the story everywhere to varying degrees, but working long hours in poorly-run, often broke organisations whilst being given contradictory instructions by entitled nepo-baby morons for low pay is typical.
    Speaking from anecdote, almost everyone I know from over there, with skills/education, has left or is in the process of leaving.

    Living without citizenship from contract-to-contract rather forces someone to become a ‘rootless cosmopolitan’. If you’re lucky you can get a place at university or permanent research position, as my family did, otherwise you don’t really have time or certainty to assimilate to one place.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    Staying as a young professional in Russia (or the ex-USSR generally) without well-off family connections (as you certainly seem to have) really isn’t appealing.
    I’m well familiar with the dysfunctional nature of non-Western job markets for unconnected professionals.

    My comment was related to Dmitry specifically, who has given multiple indications that he is indeed from a well-off background (not many middle class Russians were attending summer camp in Switzerland I presume).

    If you bothered to read my post carefully, without your typical tendency towards humorless indignation, you’d see that “rootless cosmopolitan” was a reference to Dmitry’s feelings towards his homeland, rather than his status as an emigre. There are many emigres here who are not rootless cosmopolitans, because they maintain a strong and evident emotional connection to their homeland and peoples. Examples include the ones you mentioned; Ivashka, AnonFromTN, Gerard etc.

    Dmitry is different in that he adopted the rootless cosmopolitan route of not caring strongly for the fate of his ethnos (or if he does, it is not very evident, considering we are asking the question). I speculated that it might be due to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and perhaps his blank-slatist views which sees humans as malleable. But I’m open to him correcting me on my speculations.

    Interesting that you place a “troll” button on my rather mild analysis of Dmitry’s ethnic feeling. I suspect you know that nothing irritates me more than another commenter inserting himself with some impolite personal attack into one of my posts which was unrelated to him personally. If I was insulting you specifically, or your ethnic/religious background, then I’d be more understanding. But it was apparent from my first comment on this blog that you are the type that likes to insert himself into other people’s interpersonal arguments to offer unasked criticism of personal behavior. You are free to issue any comment you like of course, but I will simply put you on ignore, which perhaps I should’ve done a long time ago.

  866. AP says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization.
    Helpful for their own social climbing within the halls of Krakow's large seijm? I wonder sometimes, whether there would have developed a Ukrainian nation if this sort of "civilizing effect" would have proceeded unhampered? Both Russia and Poland have historically expressed similar platitudes of "greater culture" to entice Ukrainians to become totally imbued with foreign spirits.

    Replies: @AP

    “Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization.”

    Helpful for their own social climbing within the halls of Krakow’s large seijm?

    In the 16th century-17th cernturies, Orthodoxy was backward compared to Catholicism. These noblemen visited places such as Italy and decided to bring themselves (and nudge their people) towards the West. It is comparable to Volodymyr’s emissaries being dazzled by Constantinople and choosing conversion to Eastern Christianity of the surviving part of the Roman Empire. The descendants of the same people who had converted to Eastern Christianity now converted to Western Christianity. From a “national” perspective, why was Volodymyr converting to Christianity from his native paganism and forcing the same upon the Slavs better than his descendent converting to Catholicism from the Orthodoxy he grew up in?

    If you have a problem with this approach you can follow Ivashka, whose very logical ultimate conclusion was that conversion to Christianity from the original native pagan faith was a terrible thing.

    I wonder sometimes, whether there would have developed a Ukrainian nation if this sort of “civilizing effect” would have proceeded unhampered?

    It would have been further from Russians and closer to Poles. From a pure Slavophile perspective, a neutral result.

    become totally imbued with foreign spirits

    Nothing wrong with foreign spirits. I will have some more foreign spirits when a friend returns from Azerbaijan with some bottles of Golden Baku for me.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere, whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice. Of course, it was under Metropolitan Mohyla's tutelage that these accretions took place. Orthodoxy rebounded, whereas Catholicism in Ukraine never really took a strong hold and receded back over time to become a provincial Galician church. Even so, I admire the Uniate church and appreciate its role, at a later point within Ukrainian history to become a bulwark of conservatism and a repository of Ukrainian culture.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses to participate in the new reality that they found themselves involved with, and gain access to any benefits. Give me one Konstantyn Ostrozki over 10 Ruthenian nobility that made the switch, including his own son Janusz. :-)

    Replies: @AP

  867. @Ivashka the fool

    You just made me realize that I have been hallucinating all these years while seeing with my own eyes increasing numbers of Muslims in the streets of the Western cities where I lived. Today, I literally live in a neighborhood, where back when I arrived in the country where I reside, there were close to no Muslims, it was a mainly White lower middle class and blue collar area.

    Today Muslims own several buildings in the street where I live, among my neighbors next door are nice two couples with women in both couples wearing a hidjab. The neighborhood has 4 small prayer halls, very inconspicuous masjids, one of them being Albanian. There were zero (0) mosques in the neighborhood 10 years ago. The population of the neighborhood went full multicultural in half a generation.

    But thank you Dima, you made me realize that I was dreaming.

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    Nobody should care who decides what, or who would live next door, because people are anyway ruled by the invisible hand of the economy, and social trends are like fundamental laws of physics impervious to human influence.

    Excellent! Now I can go around without being in the slightest worried about the future. All is well. The Future is Bright. Shining Tomorrows await for us Comrade Dmitry.

    Now seriously, my prediction for the next generation or so in Western Europe, which is the real epicenter of the change: sharp increase in Islamic influence, progressive increase in Muslims at all levels of influence, the stage being set for Islam becoming a society- altering power by the early 22 century. And that is the middle scenario.

    If things go ballistic due to economy cratering, abysmal White demographics and/or climate change, I predict a Tsunami of Islamic migration from the MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa washing the shores of the Old Europe. I will be long dead by then, but you would see these things unfolding for yourself Dima. Remember then the crazy Russian fascist who told you so.


    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. Hack, @Dmitry, @Yevardian

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.

    To what degree are Islamic political parties influencing the legislation or government of France?
    This isn’t a rhetorical question, maybe there are trends I don’t know about.

    Anyway, no doubt French immigration policy vis-a-vis its former colonies has been a complete disaster that’s still unfolding, but is anyone disputing this?

    I doubt in the extreme that people are voluntarily converting to Islam in Europe… or indeed they ever have in any time or place much… the only really significant example of Islam spreading which was directly associated with military conquest is the Malay Archipelago, a quite primitive region relative to most of the world.

    Definitely ordinary people in the West everywhere see Islam a loser-religion, and have done so since at least the 13th Century. The only Western state (Orthodox Europe was a semi-separate civilisation at this time) Muslims have ever managed to conquer after losing Spain, was Hungary at the extreme periphery.

    Spending a lot of time on internet forums can make one forget the world isn’t divided into Woke and New-Right partisans. I’m practically certain that the average European from Greece to Denmark associates Islam (subconsciously or not) with terrorism, genital mutilation, backwardness and poverty.

    For white people, or even secularised 2nd-gen immigrants, only marginals on the edge of society or cranks like Kevin Barret, are converting to Islam. Even Mordechai Vanunu preferred to convert to Christianity, Iran is full of closet Christians.

    Don’t forget that the Middle-East itself is rapidly secularising, essentially resuming the course it was on for decades until about the 1970s.
    It was only the combined shock of Gulf-Arab oil-money, Israeli funding of extremist groups for regime-destabilisation and the Iranian Revolution that temporarily altered the course of secularisation that had begun in the late 19th Century.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    For white people, or even secularised 2nd-gen immigrants, only marginals on the edge of society or cranks like Kevin Barret, are converting to Islam.
    In Australia, there is that Paki tv journo's Ali whatever (cbf even googling) Anglo convert wife, who I used to see the wokeshit parading around on TV (back when I used to watch) as an example of how totally normally and "Australian" muzzes can be. "When the Saxon starts to hate" (if he ever gets around to it), you figure a stupid traitor bitch like that would top their kill list.

    Replies: @Yevardian

  868. @Sean
    It is puzzling why this counter offensive was so talked up by Ukraine, and the time and place virtually announced , if there was no ulterior political motive (makes no military sense at all as far as I can see). Maybe the Ukrainians' real objective is to get America to supply ATACMS? The HIMARS range of 80 Km makes it just another battlefield weapon now, because from where the Ukrainian front line is currently they cannot effectively interdict Crimea's lines of communication.

    With ATACMS's range and targeting coordinates from omniscient US surveillance, Ukraine would _not_ have to breach well prepared Russian defences all set up and waiting and drive to the sea in combat so heavy it would make the WW2 Battle of Kursk look like a kids tea party. If Washington was faced with the prospect of the much vaunted combined arms counter offensive it has been helping equip and train Ukraine with turning into a fiasco then might not America become willing to supply ATACMS to maintains US prestige? With ATACMS, all lines of communication from Russia to Crimea could be pounded at will, putting it in a stranglehold and the Russian bases on Crimea would be hit too, making the area untenable for Russia.

    A few thousand troops sacrificed in an offensive they do not really believe in would be a small price to pay for Ukraine to get ATACMS.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    I’m far from convinced that ATACMS are the game changer you imagine them to be.

    I think it’s pretty obvious what happened: the Biden regime is run by 30 and 40 somethings who fully believe that the US has infinite power and that the Russians are a bunch of incompetents. Biden needs a military victory, both for domestic political reasons and as a means of forcing Russia to come to terms.

    The US spent months building up this offensive capability and while the military professionals said that it was suicide, the Biden regime Millenials overruled them and demanded that the offensive proceed. It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    The problem from the US perspective now is that the initiative has now been passed back to Russia. It will take at least 9 months before Ukraine has enough of an air force to attempt any more large scale offensive operations, and even then it is certain to be a dicey prospect. Russia will continue to launch attritional attacks and a long war, lasting 5 or more years appears to be inevitable. This is just fine for Russia/Putin but is very problematic for NATO.

    I agree that Ukraine needs to be immediately provided with ATACMs… and F-16s… and F-35s and whatever else Ukraine needs. I don’t think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war, though. Rather it is about giving Ukraine what it needs to continue to hold.

    It is also time to start deploying large numbers of mercenaries, I mean openly and in the 10s of thousands. The European states also need to scale up their forces and make it clear that any credible Russian threat to conquer Kiev will lead to the direct and open participation of the European armies on the battlefield. The US itself, however, should not make such a threat as I don’t believe that such a course of action will be domestically politically viable.

    • Replies: @Sean
    @Greasy William

    With ATACMS, all the Ukrainians need to do is punch in the coordinates supplied by the US from hi tech surveillance by its agencies such as the DIA and NSA and Ukraine's can hit anything (the Americans give them the coordinates for) no matter how hardened.

    I don’t think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war
    The US is chary about Ukraine getting ATACMS, almost certainly because US intel assessed it as be highly effective. While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mikel

    , @Negronicus
    @Greasy William

    So the plan is the big kahuna of NATO slinks away towards the exit while telling the rest of the band to fight like demons to the bitter end. Powerful and inspiring!

    Replies: @Greasy William

    , @AP
    @Greasy William

    It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.
    This is rather premature.

    Ukraine so far has only committed a fraction of its forces. It is moving forward slowly. If resistance is harder than expected it may stop and wait for the F-16s. It doesn’t become a failure until it’s forces are actually defeated. Most haven’t even gone in yet. Too soon to tell right now how it will work out.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    , @LatW
    @Greasy William

    It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.
    It's normal to have operational pauses in such large campaigns as this one. These are just the initial stages, the goal right now is to force the enemy to pull out his reserves or at least expose his defenses (and the weakest areas). They are still figuring out in what directions the biggest advances will take place. They need to assess the enemy correctly (what can be anticipated, what their reserves look like).

    Btw, there was a recent video of Gen. Zaluzhniy commanding and it looked like he was wearing a baby Yoda patch. So funny. Everyone's wearing skulls, wolves and other more aggressive symbols, but he has a baby Yoda. :)

    Replies: @S

  869. @Yevardian

    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.
    Staying as a young professional in Russia (or the ex-USSR generally) without well-off family connections (as you certainly seem to have) really isn't appealing. Its the story everywhere to varying degrees, but working long hours in poorly-run, often broke organisations whilst being given contradictory instructions by entitled nepo-baby morons for low pay is typical.
    Speaking from anecdote, almost everyone I know from over there, with skills/education, has left or is in the process of leaving.

    Living without citizenship from contract-to-contract rather forces someone to become a 'rootless cosmopolitan'. If you're lucky you can get a place at university or permanent research position, as my family did, otherwise you don't really have time or certainty to assimilate to one place.

    Replies: @Yahya

    Staying as a young professional in Russia (or the ex-USSR generally) without well-off family connections (as you certainly seem to have) really isn’t appealing.

    I’m well familiar with the dysfunctional nature of non-Western job markets for unconnected professionals.

    My comment was related to Dmitry specifically, who has given multiple indications that he is indeed from a well-off background (not many middle class Russians were attending summer camp in Switzerland I presume).

    If you bothered to read my post carefully, without your typical tendency towards humorless indignation, you’d see that “rootless cosmopolitan” was a reference to Dmitry’s feelings towards his homeland, rather than his status as an emigre. There are many emigres here who are not rootless cosmopolitans, because they maintain a strong and evident emotional connection to their homeland and peoples. Examples include the ones you mentioned; Ivashka, AnonFromTN, Gerard etc.

    Dmitry is different in that he adopted the rootless cosmopolitan route of not caring strongly for the fate of his ethnos (or if he does, it is not very evident, considering we are asking the question). I speculated that it might be due to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and perhaps his blank-slatist views which sees humans as malleable. But I’m open to him correcting me on my speculations.

    Interesting that you place a “troll” button on my rather mild analysis of Dmitry’s ethnic feeling. I suspect you know that nothing irritates me more than another commenter inserting himself with some impolite personal attack into one of my posts which was unrelated to him personally. If I was insulting you specifically, or your ethnic/religious background, then I’d be more understanding. But it was apparent from my first comment on this blog that you are the type that likes to insert himself into other people’s interpersonal arguments to offer unasked criticism of personal behavior. You are free to issue any comment you like of course, but I will simply put you on ignore, which perhaps I should’ve done a long time ago.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  870. My comment was related to Dmitry specifically, who has given multiple indications that he is indeed from a well-off background (not many middle class Russians were attending summer camp in Switzerland I presume).

    Well, I’m not aware. All I can say is the phenomenon of upper-class people criticising economic emigres for insufficient perceived ethnic patriotism feels comes off as quite ugly.
    You’ve also been very consistently negative about Egyptians (presumably innate low capacity according to HBD and PISA scores), but that’s none of my business.
    Then topping that of with speculation someone’s ‘blank-slate’ views are derived from some minor Jewish ancestry.. pretty tiresome.

    There are many emigres here who are not rootless cosmopolitans, because they maintain a strong and evident emotional connection to their homeland and peoples. Examples include the ones you mentioned; Ivashka, AnonFromTN, Gerard etc.

    An overlooked factor (unless I’m mistaken) might be they were all older or even middle-aged when they emigrated. Difference of opinion on various issues (eg. disinterest in Slavophile mysticism) is not equalling lack of emotional investment in one’s homeland… I’ve just been reading without weighing in, but finally I’m just tired of this stupid implication being thrown around.

    Finally, there’s a false binary here between rootlessness and being a clannish emigrant, if someone moves to another country as a guest, they should assimilate.

    I don’t care if someone insults me or my ethnic background (ThuleanFriend was far ruder to me than you’ve ever been), but I do get annoyed when people argue in bad faith. Hence ‘Troll’.
    Do you really think anyone who’s visited Karlin’s blog for years is actually “ignorant” of HBD arguments?

    • Replies: @Yahya

    All I can say is the phenomenon of upper-class people criticising economic emigres for insufficient perceived ethnic patriotism feels comes off as quite ugly.
    Well my comment was in no way a comment on (much less a criticism of) Dmitry’s economic circumstances or decision to immigrate. If you read the Ivashka post I replied to, he was specifically raising the question of Dmitry’s level of care for his homeland and peoples. This is the topic I addressed in my response. I also made it clear these were merely my own impressions. There were no criticisms or moral judgements made in that post. Merely a statement that Dmitry can imo be accurately described as a rootless cosmopolitan (and some potential explanations as to why he is).

    You accuse me of “arguing in bad faith” (when in fact my initial post was not arguing against anyone, but merely an attempt to offer my impression), but I think you are the one arguing in bad faith now, pretending to be upset over a mildly anti-Semitic (in a site replete with far worse) remark I made, as if that ever concerned you.

    If Dmitry wishes to take offense at my “Jewish ancestry” explanation, then he has the right, though I would still insist on the observable reality that individuals of Jewish ancestry tend towards rootless cosmopolitanism. A generalization perhaps, but containing a great deal of truth. Just look at the attitudes of Jewish commenters right here in this blog. AaronB is only interested in his spiritual development and trips to Asia, cares not one bit about the decline of America. Greasy William actively wishes for its destruction. Every stereotype contains some degree of truth.

    This is the 5-6th time you’ve insulted me for making a comment which was in no way related to you personally, going all the way back to when I first started posting on this blog. Every time you pick on some thing in my comment that you claim bothered you, but really shouldn’t, insofar as you are neither Jewish nor European nor Celtic, neither Songbird nor Dmitry. It is disingenuous to pretend to take offense on other people’s behalf.

  871. @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later.
    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Dmitry is less race-aware than practically everyone else here, which would explain his somewhat nonchalant attitude towards the demographic trends in Russia and the rest of Europe.

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    There’s no need to worry about the increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy waiting to get out, if only he were educated and acculturated into Slavic culture/norms.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Yevardian, @Coconuts, @Dmitry

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    An interesting book if you want to understand some of the background behind the current commitment to blank-slatism is Kathleen Stock’s recent Material Girls.

    This is about feminism and trans, Stock is a lesbian but also a philosopher in the Anglo-analytical tradition, trying to make the argument that biology and human evolution influences reality. There is a description in her book of all of the social constructivist counter-views, that not just gender but biological sex, human sexual dimorphism and reproduction, biology, medicine in general are all social and political constructs. According to Stock these currently predominate among feminists, even if there is some counter-movement developing.

    Women may pick up these views in education/academia, or studying gender studies courses which are based on this stuff, then there is a pipe-line into HR departments in organisations, politics, writing legislation, mass media etc.

    You can see that there is little hope for HBD or discussing race if contesting (to the point of denialism) the existence of sexual dimorphism and influence of evolution on human behaviour is mainstream.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @silviosilver

    A few years ago, I asked the author of a book on the science of human sexual differences whether, in the decade or so since he published it, he has noticed any trend toward sexual realism on campus. He replied that, alas, the trend has been in the opposite direction; that although science is uncovering more than ever about such differences, those differences are being denied more strenuously than ever. Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint). Perhaps he thought he was being set up? Or whatever, it's an understandable reaction in today's climate.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Coconuts

  872. @Emil Nikola Richard

    From the article.

    Though his research was hardly conclusive, as he was the first to admit, the details were at least reliable, grounded in fact.
    That fellow is a suspect and the answer to LAMag's question headline is, "no".

    Replies: @LondonBob

    Can’t say I have any interest in the case, and have only seen that film with Jake Gyllenhaal, but it seems pretty obvious the killer had to live in Vallejo, have a rather odd set of interests and be of a certain age. In retrospect the police seem have to have done a pretty poor job, can’t have been many others with that profile, if any.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    You gotta be kiddin' me. That is like average joe sixpack in Vallejo in the 1960's. Every dormitory floor at Berkeley had two of them.

  873. @Yevardian
    @Ivashka the fool

    Regarding the elite secret societies vs the masses influence ratio, you also made me realize that I got everything backwards. The elites form no networks of influence of any kind and take no long planned decisions, while masses do not matter as a statistical inertial background to any social change. To summarize, the elites do not rule, the masses do not matter and demography is not destiny.
    To what degree are Islamic political parties influencing the legislation or government of France?
    This isn't a rhetorical question, maybe there are trends I don't know about.

    Anyway, no doubt French immigration policy vis-a-vis its former colonies has been a complete disaster that's still unfolding, but is anyone disputing this?

    I doubt in the extreme that people are voluntarily converting to Islam in Europe... or indeed they ever have in any time or place much... the only really significant example of Islam spreading which was directly associated with military conquest is the Malay Archipelago, a quite primitive region relative to most of the world.

    Definitely ordinary people in the West everywhere see Islam a loser-religion, and have done so since at least the 13th Century. The only Western state (Orthodox Europe was a semi-separate civilisation at this time) Muslims have ever managed to conquer after losing Spain, was Hungary at the extreme periphery.

    Spending a lot of time on internet forums can make one forget the world isn't divided into Woke and New-Right partisans. I'm practically certain that the average European from Greece to Denmark associates Islam (subconsciously or not) with terrorism, genital mutilation, backwardness and poverty.

    For white people, or even secularised 2nd-gen immigrants, only marginals on the edge of society or cranks like Kevin Barret, are converting to Islam. Even Mordechai Vanunu preferred to convert to Christianity, Iran is full of closet Christians.

    Don't forget that the Middle-East itself is rapidly secularising, essentially resuming the course it was on for decades until about the 1970s.
    It was only the combined shock of Gulf-Arab oil-money, Israeli funding of extremist groups for regime-destabilisation and the Iranian Revolution that temporarily altered the course of secularisation that had begun in the late 19th Century.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    For white people, or even secularised 2nd-gen immigrants, only marginals on the edge of society or cranks like Kevin Barret, are converting to Islam.

    In Australia, there is that Paki tv journo’s Ali whatever (cbf even googling) Anglo convert wife, who I used to see the wokeshit parading around on TV (back when I used to watch) as an example of how totally normally and “Australian” muzzes can be. “When the Saxon starts to hate” (if he ever gets around to it), you figure a stupid traitor bitch like that would top their kill list.

    • Replies: @Yevardian

    Oh, I think you mean that shitlib Waleed Ali, used to be on talk radio? (iirc)

    Here's the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all? Obviously the religion is fundamentally not compatible with a single one of his milquetoast social-climber views (other than European-Australians should apologise for their existence).

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal 'Muslim'... probably the only difference is she now gets to play 'gotcha' at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity... that probably doesn't represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

  874. @Yevardian

    My comment was related to Dmitry specifically, who has given multiple indications that he is indeed from a well-off background (not many middle class Russians were attending summer camp in Switzerland I presume).
    Well, I'm not aware. All I can say is the phenomenon of upper-class people criticising economic emigres for insufficient perceived ethnic patriotism feels comes off as quite ugly.
    You've also been very consistently negative about Egyptians (presumably innate low capacity according to HBD and PISA scores), but that's none of my business.
    Then topping that of with speculation someone's 'blank-slate' views are derived from some minor Jewish ancestry.. pretty tiresome.

    There are many emigres here who are not rootless cosmopolitans, because they maintain a strong and evident emotional connection to their homeland and peoples. Examples include the ones you mentioned; Ivashka, AnonFromTN, Gerard etc.
    An overlooked factor (unless I'm mistaken) might be they were all older or even middle-aged when they emigrated. Difference of opinion on various issues (eg. disinterest in Slavophile mysticism) is not equalling lack of emotional investment in one's homeland... I've just been reading without weighing in, but finally I'm just tired of this stupid implication being thrown around.

    Finally, there's a false binary here between rootlessness and being a clannish emigrant, if someone moves to another country as a guest, they should assimilate.

    I don't care if someone insults me or my ethnic background (ThuleanFriend was far ruder to me than you've ever been), but I do get annoyed when people argue in bad faith. Hence 'Troll'.
    Do you really think anyone who's visited Karlin's blog for years is actually "ignorant" of HBD arguments?

    Replies: @Yahya

    All I can say is the phenomenon of upper-class people criticising economic emigres for insufficient perceived ethnic patriotism feels comes off as quite ugly.

    Well my comment was in no way a comment on (much less a criticism of) Dmitry’s economic circumstances or decision to immigrate. If you read the Ivashka post I replied to, he was specifically raising the question of Dmitry’s level of care for his homeland and peoples. This is the topic I addressed in my response. I also made it clear these were merely my own impressions. There were no criticisms or moral judgements made in that post. Merely a statement that Dmitry can imo be accurately described as a rootless cosmopolitan (and some potential explanations as to why he is).

    You accuse me of “arguing in bad faith” (when in fact my initial post was not arguing against anyone, but merely an attempt to offer my impression), but I think you are the one arguing in bad faith now, pretending to be upset over a mildly anti-Semitic (in a site replete with far worse) remark I made, as if that ever concerned you.

    If Dmitry wishes to take offense at my “Jewish ancestry” explanation, then he has the right, though I would still insist on the observable reality that individuals of Jewish ancestry tend towards rootless cosmopolitanism. A generalization perhaps, but containing a great deal of truth. Just look at the attitudes of Jewish commenters right here in this blog. AaronB is only interested in his spiritual development and trips to Asia, cares not one bit about the decline of America. Greasy William actively wishes for its destruction. Every stereotype contains some degree of truth.

    This is the 5-6th time you’ve insulted me for making a comment which was in no way related to you personally, going all the way back to when I first started posting on this blog. Every time you pick on some thing in my comment that you claim bothered you, but really shouldn’t, insofar as you are neither Jewish nor European nor Celtic, neither Songbird nor Dmitry. It is disingenuous to pretend to take offense on other people’s behalf.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  875. @Coconuts

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.
    An interesting book if you want to understand some of the background behind the current commitment to blank-slatism is Kathleen Stock's recent Material Girls.

    This is about feminism and trans, Stock is a lesbian but also a philosopher in the Anglo-analytical tradition, trying to make the argument that biology and human evolution influences reality. There is a description in her book of all of the social constructivist counter-views, that not just gender but biological sex, human sexual dimorphism and reproduction, biology, medicine in general are all social and political constructs. According to Stock these currently predominate among feminists, even if there is some counter-movement developing.

    Women may pick up these views in education/academia, or studying gender studies courses which are based on this stuff, then there is a pipe-line into HR departments in organisations, politics, writing legislation, mass media etc.

    You can see that there is little hope for HBD or discussing race if contesting (to the point of denialism) the existence of sexual dimorphism and influence of evolution on human behaviour is mainstream.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    A few years ago, I asked the author of a book on the science of human sexual differences whether, in the decade or so since he published it, he has noticed any trend toward sexual realism on campus. He replied that, alas, the trend has been in the opposite direction; that although science is uncovering more than ever about such differences, those differences are being denied more strenuously than ever. Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint). Perhaps he thought he was being set up? Or whatever, it’s an understandable reaction in today’s climate.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint).
    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years. He explained that Chinese got ahead because of cultural values that encouraged worldly prosperity and hard-work. I took that as an indicator that he might be open to some of the harder stuff. So I explained to him that the Chinese were also smarter. He gave me a death stare for a few seconds, then firmly pronounced that no, it was because of cultural differences.

    I never brought up HBD again during my stay in the US.

    Some of my Arab relatives were willing to entertain the notion, but as is typical of non-nerds, they are completely incurious and do not ask further questions. Just a nod and a shrug.


    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently - and I believe sincerely - asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Sher Singh, @silviosilver

    , @Coconuts

    I can imagine, there are a few younger academics who are either too low in agreeableness/too autistic and just want to study the new data that is becoming available, but they tend to get cancelled or sidelined regardless of ability. You hear a lot about the number of activists among the faculty and students who will go out of their way to ensure this happens.

    Gender Studies and some of these other 'grievance studies' fields have been around for years, from what I remember they used to be mostly confined in their own lower tier sphere, considered as activist sociology. Somehow (this is maybe where equality legislation and feminisation of education and the universities is important) they now seem to be gaining ideological leadership over all other areas of study.

    At least people are now paying a bit of attention to some of the more extravagant (or just mental) things they believe.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  876. So Oryx is shutting down, guess the Russians have destroyed all the old Soviet stuff, a lot harder to alter photos of Western gear and try and pass that off as Russian. Then there is the sheer number of Western weaponry destroyed, can’t highlight that.

  877. @Yevardian
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland.
    This is rather in the category of "when did you stop beating your wife" type of questions.

    Perhaps we should look to Karlin's example, and embrace "Putin's Nationalist Turn", only to end so disillusioned we turn to praising transvestites in the American military, dismiss human reproduction as being made obsolete by a chatbot, and adopting 'It/Its' pronouns as a particularly bitter form of self-abnegating trolling?

    You live in France, I live in Australia, AnonFromTN lives in Alabama, Gerard lives in Florida (iirc). Lets not play around here.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    To care about Russian people has absolutely nothing to do with “Putin’s Nationalist Turn”. Quite the opposite actually, given that Putin has emphasized once and again that he is against any form of Russian nationalism or ethnic patriotism, cancelled and silenced nationalists, imprisoned them. Putin has also never praised Russian people (Russkye), but instead prefers talking about the multinational Rossiyanye. He and his circle are the multiculti post-Soviet Noviop, not some Russian nationalists.

    If he ever really thought otherwise (which I doubt), then Karlin was seriously misguided. His tranny posting and self-identification as an object, are either trolling or a coming out of a Gay man or some form of mental illness or a combination of the above. It has also nothing to do about him having ever cared about Russian people and Russia.

    To care about one’s homeland also has nothing to do with one’s place of residence. Mr Hack and AP live in US of A, but they clearly care a lot about Ukraine, you care about Armenia despite living in Australia, we have Polish posters here that care about Poland despite possibly living somewhere else etc. It is absolutely normal to have an emotional bond with one’s place of birth or a place where one’s ancestors have lived for millennia.

    Dima has written lately that Russia is a “thrash bin of history” type of place, that being Russian is “unfashionable” and he has time and again commented highly about Israel which he clearly likes as a country despite its numerous flaws and imperfections.

    From the very beginning, I came to the conclusion that Dima is a (fine) Jewish young man (for I actually like his usually intelligent comments and general attitude). But he has lately written that his Jewish ancestry is somewhat diluted. Again, for a Jew it is quite normal to care about Isreal, which is as close as it comes to a homeland for this homeless diaspora people. Even Jews that often have just a very diluted ethnic Jewish ancestry abd who are not religiously Jewish, often care a lot about Isreali affairs, more than they care about their place of residence.

    Therefore, the questions I ask are fair and have nothing extreme about them. Anyway, if Dima prefers not answering them, that is his right. And I really don’t think he needs your assistance to decide whether he has to tackle these questions and what would be or not the right way of answering these questions.

    • Agree: Yahya, S
  878. @silviosilver

    A few years ago, I asked the author of a book on the science of human sexual differences whether, in the decade or so since he published it, he has noticed any trend toward sexual realism on campus. He replied that, alas, the trend has been in the opposite direction; that although science is uncovering more than ever about such differences, those differences are being denied more strenuously than ever. Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint). Perhaps he thought he was being set up? Or whatever, it's an understandable reaction in today's climate.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Coconuts

    Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint).

    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years. He explained that Chinese got ahead because of cultural values that encouraged worldly prosperity and hard-work. I took that as an indicator that he might be open to some of the harder stuff. So I explained to him that the Chinese were also smarter. He gave me a death stare for a few seconds, then firmly pronounced that no, it was because of cultural differences.

    I never brought up HBD again during my stay in the US.

    Some of my Arab relatives were willing to entertain the notion, but as is typical of non-nerds, they are completely incurious and do not ask further questions. Just a nod and a shrug.


    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently – and I believe sincerely – asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    It is quite amusing to see people who always insist about "diversity is our strength" type of things becoming suddenly stopped in their tracks when you show them that people are actually different. Wokism is paradoxical, in the sense that it wants everyone to be different in exactly the same manner, that is blank statism parading as defense of diversity. I doubt that Wokism has ever been logically consistent anyway and I doubt it is anything other than a social engineering tool used by the Globalist elites against the mainly White global middle class. The fringe elements are weaponised, and fringe cultural Marxist theories are promoted to distract the global middle class from the revolutionary social changes that are currently effected by the global 0,1% elites. The elites have come to the conclusion that the global middle class costs too much, has grown too large and needs to be substantially reduced. Therefore they do their possible to cull this social stratum through inflation, psychological warfare, information intoxication etc. Blank statism is just one tool in the toolkit.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently – and I believe sincerely – asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.
    I wonder what he'll say about the Jewish-white gentile average IQ gap in the US. Is it also completely due to environmental factors? If so, exactly which ones? Which environmental factors affect US Jews but not US white gentiles, and also possibly affect people who are partially one and partially the other halfway or whatever?
    , @Sher Singh

    Funny thing is, 85 IQ is squarely in the same range as the Balkans, MENA & S/SE Asia.
    Not really that low by global standards & only slightly below a lot of Non-Germanic Europe.

    @Yevardian unrelated to other arguments:

    Did Jhatka Sunday with a couple Singhs - have to chop straight down vs the natural arc of a Talwar.
    I don't think any large group of men can 'assimilate' into any culture.

    Conquer or be conquered.


    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian

    , @silviosilver

    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years.
    This is in America, right? Out of curiosity, what ethnicity was the prof (not that it would make much difference)? Were you at this time aware of the data and arguments of the HBD position or did you simply suspect that national intelligence was a factor?

    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer
    Thanks, that was a decent read. It fails to address what I think is the leading obstacle to public acceptance of even individual differences (to stay on this level for a moment): personal insecurity, a fear that our "inferiority" will be exposed, that others will be permitted to notice it, comment on it and treat us as inferior as a result.

    Secondarily, among objectors who would themselves fare very well under such scrutiny, there is the understandable fear that other people will treat other, less fortunate, people in ways they find disdainful. This attitude and this fear goes right back to the beginning of intelligence testing. I forget the name, but I recall reading someone from a hundred or so years ago express outrage that two little letters ("i" and "q") could say so much about a man (may have been Walter Lippmann, who scathingly attacked IQ, but I can't find a quote).

    You don't have to go far looking for examples of people being treated with disdain for suspected low IQ. Examples of it on this site alone show up often enough. I've mentioned before that when I first made my splash in racial real talk circles, it was by venomously objecting to WNs. The first response of members of that blog was to claim I didn't understand their arguments, that I was in over my head, and to comfort themselves with lowball estimates of my IQ.

    I think these fears are to a point legitimate, if overblown. IQ is a signally important factor in national development, but socially it doesn't seem important at all. Think of all the people you have liked or loved in your life - in how many of those cases did the person's intelligence have anything to do with it? Of all the things that interest us when we meet someone, how often does getting an accurate fix on their intelligence assume importance to us? For me at least, virtually never. If at some point there's a strong hint of exceptionally high or exceptionally low intelligence, it's hard not to notice it, but I am quite sure it's never been factor in whether I have liked that person or not. There are some extremely online nerds like AK for whom ingratiating himself with "elite human capital" is an all-consuming obsession, but such people are no different to single-minded social climbers in any other context, and are viewed as similarly pathetic by normal onlookers.

    Replies: @Yahya

  879. @silviosilver

    For white people, or even secularised 2nd-gen immigrants, only marginals on the edge of society or cranks like Kevin Barret, are converting to Islam.
    In Australia, there is that Paki tv journo's Ali whatever (cbf even googling) Anglo convert wife, who I used to see the wokeshit parading around on TV (back when I used to watch) as an example of how totally normally and "Australian" muzzes can be. "When the Saxon starts to hate" (if he ever gets around to it), you figure a stupid traitor bitch like that would top their kill list.

    Replies: @Yevardian

    Oh, I think you mean that shitlib Waleed Ali, used to be on talk radio? (iirc)

    Here’s the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all? Obviously the religion is fundamentally not compatible with a single one of his milquetoast social-climber views (other than European-Australians should apologise for their existence).

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal ‘Muslim’… probably the only difference is she now gets to play ‘gotcha’ at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity… that probably doesn’t represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    Yeah, that's him. Didn't know he was on radio. I think he was on ABC TV at one point, as well as the shitlib news talkshow "The Project" (I think,or it may have been a different one).

    Here’s the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all?
    Probably not, but it wouldn't shock me if he had some lingering religious commitments. Also, when you're weak, it makes sense to pander to prevailing pro-diversity sensibilities. Not every muzz is up to it, but I wouldn't put it past the craftier ones. (There's a small hint of truth to A123's "sjw islam", although it's his own favorite people rather than muslims running the show of course.)

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal ‘Muslim’… probably the only difference is she now gets to play ‘gotcha’ at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.
    I think it may actually run a little deeper than that. To dress in that rebarbative islamic garb is quite a sacrifice for goodlooking western white girl. Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity… that probably doesn’t represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.
    Of course, you're quite right that these are the exceptions that prove the rule - most westerners wouldn't touch islam with a barge pole. I have however been shocked by some of the people who claim to have contemplated it. Eg I had this Lebanese friend in my early 20s, really goodlooking guy, smoking hot blonde girlfriend. After they broke up, I was going out with her friend, and I learned that she wanted to marry him and was prepared to convert. You might think she had no idea what that actually implied (my friend's father was very islamic), but I looked this girl up on facebook some years ago and she's done very well for herself, graduated from uni Melb or Sydney (I forget which, top rank uni anyway) and had moved to LA and gotten her own TV segment. No doubt wokish, but not the nitwit I thought she was. It never fails to shock me that someone with the chops to achieve at that level would for a second consider islamofuckery as a viable personal option. Cat Stevens is another clown that surprised me, like duuude, why would you...

    Replies: @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    , @Mr. XYZ

    You have to admit that Waleed Ali's wife Susan Carland looks good even as a Muslim lol:

    Replies: @QCIC

  880. @Yahya

    Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint).
    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years. He explained that Chinese got ahead because of cultural values that encouraged worldly prosperity and hard-work. I took that as an indicator that he might be open to some of the harder stuff. So I explained to him that the Chinese were also smarter. He gave me a death stare for a few seconds, then firmly pronounced that no, it was because of cultural differences.

    I never brought up HBD again during my stay in the US.

    Some of my Arab relatives were willing to entertain the notion, but as is typical of non-nerds, they are completely incurious and do not ask further questions. Just a nod and a shrug.


    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently - and I believe sincerely - asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Sher Singh, @silviosilver

    It is quite amusing to see people who always insist about “diversity is our strength” type of things becoming suddenly stopped in their tracks when you show them that people are actually different. Wokism is paradoxical, in the sense that it wants everyone to be different in exactly the same manner, that is blank statism parading as defense of diversity. I doubt that Wokism has ever been logically consistent anyway and I doubt it is anything other than a social engineering tool used by the Globalist elites against the mainly White global middle class. The fringe elements are weaponised, and fringe cultural Marxist theories are promoted to distract the global middle class from the revolutionary social changes that are currently effected by the global 0,1% elites. The elites have come to the conclusion that the global middle class costs too much, has grown too large and needs to be substantially reduced. Therefore they do their possible to cull this social stratum through inflation, psychological warfare, information intoxication etc. Blank statism is just one tool in the toolkit.

    • Agree: S
  881. @silviosilver

    A few years ago, I asked the author of a book on the science of human sexual differences whether, in the decade or so since he published it, he has noticed any trend toward sexual realism on campus. He replied that, alas, the trend has been in the opposite direction; that although science is uncovering more than ever about such differences, those differences are being denied more strenuously than ever. Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint). Perhaps he thought he was being set up? Or whatever, it's an understandable reaction in today's climate.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Coconuts

    I can imagine, there are a few younger academics who are either too low in agreeableness/too autistic and just want to study the new data that is becoming available, but they tend to get cancelled or sidelined regardless of ability. You hear a lot about the number of activists among the faculty and students who will go out of their way to ensure this happens.

    Gender Studies and some of these other ‘grievance studies’ fields have been around for years, from what I remember they used to be mostly confined in their own lower tier sphere, considered as activist sociology. Somehow (this is maybe where equality legislation and feminisation of education and the universities is important) they now seem to be gaining ideological leadership over all other areas of study.

    At least people are now paying a bit of attention to some of the more extravagant (or just mental) things they believe.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I believe this is all antinatalist and antifamily social engineering. Basically, mental intoxication of people to prevent them from having offspring. Women who are affected with these theories are automatically disqualified from adaptive parenting. Women being more pliable to social ideological promotion and peer pressure are ideal gateways to instill this madness into the middle class families. On a few generations time scale it would have a non-negligeable effect on global middle class demographics. Actually, even a couple of generations would be enough.

    Replies: @Coconuts

  882. @Coconuts

    I can imagine, there are a few younger academics who are either too low in agreeableness/too autistic and just want to study the new data that is becoming available, but they tend to get cancelled or sidelined regardless of ability. You hear a lot about the number of activists among the faculty and students who will go out of their way to ensure this happens.

    Gender Studies and some of these other 'grievance studies' fields have been around for years, from what I remember they used to be mostly confined in their own lower tier sphere, considered as activist sociology. Somehow (this is maybe where equality legislation and feminisation of education and the universities is important) they now seem to be gaining ideological leadership over all other areas of study.

    At least people are now paying a bit of attention to some of the more extravagant (or just mental) things they believe.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I believe this is all antinatalist and antifamily social engineering. Basically, mental intoxication of people to prevent them from having offspring. Women who are affected with these theories are automatically disqualified from adaptive parenting. Women being more pliable to social ideological promotion and peer pressure are ideal gateways to instill this madness into the middle class families. On a few generations time scale it would have a non-negligeable effect on global middle class demographics. Actually, even a couple of generations would be enough.

    • Replies: @Coconuts
    @Ivashka the fool

    I believe this is all antinatalist and antifamily social engineering.
    I think the argument that it is also related to economic and technological changes since the war is quite good, i.e. the 'contraceptive revolution' in the 60s after the pill was discovered, at the same time new labour saving consumer technology was becoming increasingly available so women's workload in the home decreased. Technology started to change the workplace, less heavy physical and manual labour, more white collar jobs and so on. Even in areas like warfare, the advance of technology started to displace physical strength and traditional warrior skills, nuclear bombs would be symbolic of this.

    You can see how these things would provide a favourable context for the development of feminist ideas, including the more radical and revolutionary ones. In the West you often find female knowledge workers of the middle classes at the forefront of promoting radical beliefs, probably because they are more benefitted by these technologies and their experience is shaped by them.

    At the same time, the impact of this is proving to be what you described where some significant evolutionary mismatch is happening leading to unusually low birth rates, failure to form families etc.

    I said a while ago I became a doomer for some time in my 20s, I had read Houellebecq's early novels and enough women around were already adopting various radical feminist attitudes, influence of Sartre and so on, I think you could intuit the future problems.

    This is one reason I don't find some turn to Islam that implausible, after a certain age (maybe late 20s) I turned against these ideas myself, but traditional things that were helpful in doing this probably won't be there in the same way for people in the future, at least in a lot of the West.

  883. @Greasy William

    I'm far from convinced that ATACMS are the game changer you imagine them to be.

    I think it's pretty obvious what happened: the Biden regime is run by 30 and 40 somethings who fully believe that the US has infinite power and that the Russians are a bunch of incompetents. Biden needs a military victory, both for domestic political reasons and as a means of forcing Russia to come to terms.

    The US spent months building up this offensive capability and while the military professionals said that it was suicide, the Biden regime Millenials overruled them and demanded that the offensive proceed. It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    The problem from the US perspective now is that the initiative has now been passed back to Russia. It will take at least 9 months before Ukraine has enough of an air force to attempt any more large scale offensive operations, and even then it is certain to be a dicey prospect. Russia will continue to launch attritional attacks and a long war, lasting 5 or more years appears to be inevitable. This is just fine for Russia/Putin but is very problematic for NATO.

    I agree that Ukraine needs to be immediately provided with ATACMs... and F-16s... and F-35s and whatever else Ukraine needs. I don't think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war, though. Rather it is about giving Ukraine what it needs to continue to hold.

    It is also time to start deploying large numbers of mercenaries, I mean openly and in the 10s of thousands. The European states also need to scale up their forces and make it clear that any credible Russian threat to conquer Kiev will lead to the direct and open participation of the European armies on the battlefield. The US itself, however, should not make such a threat as I don't believe that such a course of action will be domestically politically viable.

    Replies: @Sean, @Negronicus, @AP, @LatW

    With ATACMS, all the Ukrainians need to do is punch in the coordinates supplied by the US from hi tech surveillance by its agencies such as the DIA and NSA and Ukraine’s can hit anything (the Americans give them the coordinates for) no matter how hardened.

    I don’t think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war

    The US is chary about Ukraine getting ATACMS, almost certainly because US intel assessed it as be highly effective. While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting "dialed in" on many different aspects of the combat. I think they now have no difficultly shooting down Western missiles. They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete's sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.

    If they do get worried about ATACMS or whatever, they may destroy the equipment while it is still on the train, ship or plane which delivers it to the battlefield.

    If they get worried about F-16s they will give warning and then may take out AWACS.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites.

    Why do people want to keep escalating? There is no upside for the West or Ukraine. The most likely case is it kills a bunch of people, costs a lot and makes us look weak. The worst case is that escalation leads to the use of nuclear weapons.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Sean

    , @Mikel

    While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.
    Could you please educate me. Why can't the Russians do that now to the Ukrainians? Don't they have ATACMS-tier artillery? Do they lack satellite and precision guidance means for mobile targets? Both? Thanks.

    Replies: @Sean

  884. @Greasy William

    I'm far from convinced that ATACMS are the game changer you imagine them to be.

    I think it's pretty obvious what happened: the Biden regime is run by 30 and 40 somethings who fully believe that the US has infinite power and that the Russians are a bunch of incompetents. Biden needs a military victory, both for domestic political reasons and as a means of forcing Russia to come to terms.

    The US spent months building up this offensive capability and while the military professionals said that it was suicide, the Biden regime Millenials overruled them and demanded that the offensive proceed. It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    The problem from the US perspective now is that the initiative has now been passed back to Russia. It will take at least 9 months before Ukraine has enough of an air force to attempt any more large scale offensive operations, and even then it is certain to be a dicey prospect. Russia will continue to launch attritional attacks and a long war, lasting 5 or more years appears to be inevitable. This is just fine for Russia/Putin but is very problematic for NATO.

    I agree that Ukraine needs to be immediately provided with ATACMs... and F-16s... and F-35s and whatever else Ukraine needs. I don't think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war, though. Rather it is about giving Ukraine what it needs to continue to hold.

    It is also time to start deploying large numbers of mercenaries, I mean openly and in the 10s of thousands. The European states also need to scale up their forces and make it clear that any credible Russian threat to conquer Kiev will lead to the direct and open participation of the European armies on the battlefield. The US itself, however, should not make such a threat as I don't believe that such a course of action will be domestically politically viable.

    Replies: @Sean, @Negronicus, @AP, @LatW

    So the plan is the big kahuna of NATO slinks away towards the exit while telling the rest of the band to fight like demons to the bitter end. Powerful and inspiring!

    • Agree: Beckow
    • Replies: @Greasy William

    I don't think you non Americans understand: the US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war. It simply isn't possible. You guys just don't understand what things are like here.

    The European states are still capable of fighting so they should do so if it proves necessary

    Replies: @Beckow

  885. In February 1914, P.N. Durnovo sent a “Note” to the tsar, in which he wrote about the need to create a continental bloc against the Anglo-Saxons as a factor of stability in Europe and about the disastrous for Russia and the dynasty participation in the war, especially on the side of Great Britain. The war, in his opinion, could not but lead to social upheaval.

    “Especially favorable ground for social upheavals,” Durnovo wrote, “is, of course, Russia, where the masses undoubtedly profess the principles of unconscious socialism … The Russian commoner, peasant and worker alike, does not seek political rights, both unnecessary and incomprehensible to him. The peasant dreams of granting him someone else’s land for free, the worker dreams of transferring to him all the capital and profits of the manufacturer, and their desire does not go beyond this. And as soon as these slogans are widely thrown at the populace, as soon as the government authorities irrevocably allow agitation in this direction, Russia will undoubtedly be plunged into anarchy, which we experienced during the memorable period of turmoil of 1905-1906 … The war with Germany will create exceptionally favorable conditions for such propaganda. As already noted, this war is fraught with enormous difficulties for us and cannot turn out to be a triumphal march to Berlin. Military failures are inevitable, too, let us hope, partial ones, and certain shortcomings in our supplies will also be inevitable. With the exceptional nervousness of our society, these circumstances will be given an exaggerated significance, and with the opposition influence on this society, everything will be blamed on the government.

    Well, then – we’ll have the revolution.”


    Twelve years before Durnovo, i.e. in 1902, a forecast striking in its accuracy in a dispute with S.Yu. Witte was given by the Minister of the Interior V.K. Plehve. He wrote: “Our revolution will be artificial, thoughtlessly made by the so-called educated classes, and social elements. They have one goal: to overthrow the government in order to take its place themselves, even if only in the form of a constitutional government. Say what you like, but the tsarist government has experience, traditions, and the habit of governing. Note that all of our most useful, most liberal reforms have been made exclusively by the government, on its initiative, usually even in the face of public dissympathy … with individuals, with social elements who would replace the current government – what will happen? – only one desire for power, even if animated, from their point of view, by love for the motherland. They will never be able to master the movement. They can’t sit still, because they have issued so many bills that they will have to pay them and immediately make concessions. They, standing at the head, will find themselves, by the force of things, at the tail of the movement. Under these conditions, they will collapse with all their theories and utopias at the first siege of power. And then all the harmful criminal elements will come out of the underground, thirsting for the death and decay of Russia, with the Jews at their head.

    From the Tg Channel of Andrey Fursov.

    • Replies: @S
    @Ivashka the fool

    That was interesting. :-)

    In the spirit of one good read deserves another, I'll post here Roger Casement's brilliant real time take on what WWI was in reality about.

    These are excerpts and a link to his very obscure, and generally unknown (though quite insightful) 1915 book The Crime Against Europe; The Causes of the War and the Foundations of Peace.

    [Casement's near twenty years work in the British Foreign Service no doubt served him well in gaining these insights.]

    Wherever he speaks of 'Germany' here in regards to WWI, insert 'Russia' in regards to the present nascent WWIII.

    'It might truly be said of the British Empire to-day that where two or three are gathered together, there hatred of Germany shall be in the midst of them.'

    'The Anglo-American "Peace Movement" was to be but the first stage in an "Anglo-Saxon Alliance," intended to limit and restrict all further world changes, outside of certain prescribed continental limits, to these two peoples alone on the basis of a new "Holy Alliance," whose motto should be _Beati possidentes_.'

    'Since England and America, either in fact or by reservation enjoy almost all the desirable regions of the earth, why not bring about a universal agreement to keep everyone in his right place, to stay "just as we are," and to kindly refer all possible differences to an "International Tribunal?"'

    'The Monroe Doctrine, palladium of the Anglo-Saxon world empire, is imperilled by German ambitions, and were it not for the British fleet, America would be lost to the Americans. Wherever Englishmen are gathered to-day their journals, appealing possibly to only a handful of readers, assert that the function of the British fleet is to exclude the European States, with Germany at their head, from South America, not because in itself that is a right and worthy end to pursue, but because that continent is earmarked for future exploitation and control by their "kinsmen" of the United States, and they need the support of those "kinsmen" in their battle against Germany.'

    'In order to make sure the encompassing of Europe with a girdle of steel it is necessary to circle the United States with a girdle of lies. With America true to the great policy of her great founder, an America, "the friend of all powers but the ally of none," English designs against European civilization must in the end fail. Those plans can succeed only by active American support, and to secure this is now the supreme task and aim of British stealth and skill. Every tool of her diplomacy, polished and unpolished, from the trained envoy to the boy scout and the minor poet has been tried in turn. The pulpit, the bar, the press; the society hostess, the Cabinet Minister and the Cabinet Minister's wife, the ex-Cabinet Minister and the Royal Family itself, and last, but not least, even "Irish nationality"--all have been pilgrims to that shrine; and each has been carefully primed, loaded, well aimed, and then turned full on the weak spots in the armour of republican simplicity.'

    'If Europe would not strangle herself with her own hands she must strangle the sea serpent whose coils enfold her shores.'

    'Inspect the foundation of European armaments where we will, and we shall find that the master builder is he who fashioned the British Empire. It is that empire, its claim to universal right of pre-emption to every zone and region washed by the waves and useful and necessary for the expansion of the white races, and its assertion of a right to control at will all the seas of all the world that drives the peoples of Europe into armed camps. The policy of the Boer War is being tried on a vaster scale against Europe. Just as England beat the Boers by concentration camps and not by arms, by money and not by men, so she seeks to-day to erect an armourplate barrier around the one European people she fears to meet in the field, and to turn all Central Europe into a vast concentration camp.'

    'The names change but the spirit of imperial exploitation, whether it call itself an empire or a democracy, does not change.

    Just as the Athenian Empire, in the name of a democracy, sought to impose servitude at sea on the Greek world, so the British Empire, in the name of a democracy, seeks to encompass mankind within the long walls of London.

    The modern Sparta may be vanquished by the imperial democrats assailing her from East and West. But let the world be under no illusions.

    If Germany go down to-day, vanquished by a combination of Asiatic, African, American, Canadian and European enemies, the gain will not be to the world nor to the cause of peace.

    The mistress of the seas will remain to ensure new combinations of enmity to prohibit the one league of concord that alone can bring freedom and peace to the world. The cause that begot this war will remain to beget new wars.

    The next victim of universal sea-power may not be on the ravaged fields of mid-Europe, but mid the wasted coasts and bombarded seaports of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

    A permanent peace can only be laid on a sure foundation. A sure foundation of peace among men can only be found when mastery of the sea by one people has been merged in freedom of the seas for all.'

    Replies: @S, @Emil Nikola Richard

  886. @LondonBob
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Can't say I have any interest in the case, and have only seen that film with Jake Gyllenhaal, but it seems pretty obvious the killer had to live in Vallejo, have a rather odd set of interests and be of a certain age. In retrospect the police seem have to have done a pretty poor job, can't have been many others with that profile, if any.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    You gotta be kiddin’ me. That is like average joe sixpack in Vallejo in the 1960’s. Every dormitory floor at Berkeley had two of them.

  887. @A123

    What was that first part about Battery Life = Device Life?

    On its face, making battery replacement easier sound plausible. Phones will be $20-50 more expensive and slightly larger to accommodate the additional hardware needed to reliably secure and connect to the battery.

    • Will each phone maker have at least one proprietary & patented battery?

    • If the custom batteries are too similar, how many phones will be ruined installing an incorrect replacement?

    • What will be the availability of the unique batteries. To reduce risk of equipment damage, will they only be sold via the manufacturer or authorized service center?

    Unless a sizable group of manufacturers agree on a single standard (e.g. USB-C for connector), new rules are unlikely to be particularly meaningful.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @songbird

    Unless a sizable group of manufacturers agree on a single standard (e.g. USB-C for connector),

    Believe the EU forced Apple to use usb-c.

    Battery compatability seems like an increasing problem. Standardization seems like an easy solution, and I am completely in favor of it. Though, it is easy to see that it may disrupt some existing economic models.

    If we are in a long period of decline – and I think every indication is that we are – I’ve wondered whether that will somehow force manufacturers in the direction of making more robust or more repairable appliances.

  888. @Greasy William

    I'm far from convinced that ATACMS are the game changer you imagine them to be.

    I think it's pretty obvious what happened: the Biden regime is run by 30 and 40 somethings who fully believe that the US has infinite power and that the Russians are a bunch of incompetents. Biden needs a military victory, both for domestic political reasons and as a means of forcing Russia to come to terms.

    The US spent months building up this offensive capability and while the military professionals said that it was suicide, the Biden regime Millenials overruled them and demanded that the offensive proceed. It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    The problem from the US perspective now is that the initiative has now been passed back to Russia. It will take at least 9 months before Ukraine has enough of an air force to attempt any more large scale offensive operations, and even then it is certain to be a dicey prospect. Russia will continue to launch attritional attacks and a long war, lasting 5 or more years appears to be inevitable. This is just fine for Russia/Putin but is very problematic for NATO.

    I agree that Ukraine needs to be immediately provided with ATACMs... and F-16s... and F-35s and whatever else Ukraine needs. I don't think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war, though. Rather it is about giving Ukraine what it needs to continue to hold.

    It is also time to start deploying large numbers of mercenaries, I mean openly and in the 10s of thousands. The European states also need to scale up their forces and make it clear that any credible Russian threat to conquer Kiev will lead to the direct and open participation of the European armies on the battlefield. The US itself, however, should not make such a threat as I don't believe that such a course of action will be domestically politically viable.

    Replies: @Sean, @Negronicus, @AP, @LatW

    It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    This is rather premature.

    Ukraine so far has only committed a fraction of its forces. It is moving forward slowly. If resistance is harder than expected it may stop and wait for the F-16s. It doesn’t become a failure until it’s forces are actually defeated. Most haven’t even gone in yet. Too soon to tell right now how it will work out.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Greasy William

    It's a pretty open secret that Zalhuzny wanted nothing to do with this offensive and that Milley was also against it. It is possible that even Zelensky was opposed. The only people we are certain wanted this offensive was the Biden regime

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  889. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    "Polish Catholic influence was a civilizing one, heavily promoted by local princes who saw it as helpful for development and modernization."

    Helpful for their own social climbing within the halls of Krakow’s large seijm?
    In the 16th century-17th cernturies, Orthodoxy was backward compared to Catholicism. These noblemen visited places such as Italy and decided to bring themselves (and nudge their people) towards the West. It is comparable to Volodymyr's emissaries being dazzled by Constantinople and choosing conversion to Eastern Christianity of the surviving part of the Roman Empire. The descendants of the same people who had converted to Eastern Christianity now converted to Western Christianity. From a "national" perspective, why was Volodymyr converting to Christianity from his native paganism and forcing the same upon the Slavs better than his descendent converting to Catholicism from the Orthodoxy he grew up in?

    If you have a problem with this approach you can follow Ivashka, whose very logical ultimate conclusion was that conversion to Christianity from the original native pagan faith was a terrible thing.

    I wonder sometimes, whether there would have developed a Ukrainian nation if this sort of “civilizing effect” would have proceeded unhampered?
    It would have been further from Russians and closer to Poles. From a pure Slavophile perspective, a neutral result.

    become totally imbued with foreign spirits
    Nothing wrong with foreign spirits. I will have some more foreign spirits when a friend returns from Azerbaijan with some bottles of Golden Baku for me.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere, whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice. Of course, it was under Metropolitan Mohyla’s tutelage that these accretions took place. Orthodoxy rebounded, whereas Catholicism in Ukraine never really took a strong hold and receded back over time to become a provincial Galician church. Even so, I admire the Uniate church and appreciate its role, at a later point within Ukrainian history to become a bulwark of conservatism and a repository of Ukrainian culture.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses to participate in the new reality that they found themselves involved with, and gain access to any benefits. Give me one Konstantyn Ostrozki over 10 Ruthenian nobility that made the switch, including his own son Janusz. 🙂

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere,
    Yes, this was an important difference. Conversion to Christianity was more significant than intra-Christian conversions.

    whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice.
    Yes, in Ukraine specifically, Orthodoxy was heavily Catholicized. It was the Catholic influence that elevated it.

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses
    The richest and most powerful lords in the Commonwealth were Orthodox ones, so Catholicism wasn't necessary for social climbing. Unless you mean, in the sense that it would take a person out of the world shared by Muscovites and downtrodden Balkan peoples and into a world shared by the Italians and French (and Polish brother-people). It was both. The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

  890. @AnonfromTN
    I do not intend to return, but cannot resist the temptation to share this new joke.

    For those who don’t know details:
    Zaluzhnyi - commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ukraine since July 27, 2021.
    Tantsyura – commander of Ukrainian territorial defense forces since May 15, 2022.
    Both disappeared from public view after reported Russian strikes several weeks ago.

    The joke itself:
    - Where is Zaluzhnyi?
    - Probably in the same place as Tantsyura.
    - And where is Tantsyura?
    - Probably in the same place as Bandera, in Hell.

    There are reports that the head of Ukrainian military intelligence Budanov was seriously wounded by Russian strike on its headquarters on May 29. The repots suggest that he was then evacuated to Polish airfield in Rzeszow, from where he was moved by an American helicopter to Germany and remains in serious condition in hospital in Berlin. One hysterical statement allegedly by Budanov was published by Ukraine the next day, but there was nothing else. Today is June 15th, in case someone wonders.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @Gerard1234

    I do not intend to return, but cannot resist the temptation to share this new joke

    Well you should return – the freaks to normal people ratio on here is very much the wrong way. It needs your presence to increase the IQ and sanity.

    You said that you have much more important things to do in your scientific job, which is reasonable – but I would say now that its never solely about the science that makes the scientific pursuit a virtuous one.

    As an example –

    We know that little shit,Mikel, who commentates on here , with his scientific knowledge won’t stop using it until he can make dick – to- dick conception a thing.

    Just like the quote “war is politics by other methods”, you can now say the same thing about science.

    Putin has “cured” global warming . Since the SMO, all these retards who were arguing maniacally for a mass-scale of incremental changes in energy and resource use, “magically” stopped this or supported policies completely opposite of this for the last year. Only their low attention-span for the SMO would reverse this. Putin cured global warming

    That’s the same “global warming” despite all the support of the “scientific” community ( malleable liberals) -has no scientific model explaining how its happening, where in the world and at what quantities, would require knowledge of about 1000 year cycles of weather across the world to come up with the model/equation that can help deduce if it it real and quantify it – not to forget about the clear historical knowledge that the Earth has seen major volcanic eruptions causing huge climactic effects for the world lasting many decades possibly centuries, far more than even global warming is said to be able to do so ( itself harmed by volcanic eruptions more than any mass petrol consumption every could) . Science is politics by other methods.

    As for Zaluzhny/Budanov – to me they are both irrelevant vishivatniks who even most ukronazis know have zero relevance or practical input into 404’s side of the SMO. I would prefer both of them arrested and on trial in Russia, then executed instead of being killed in an airstrike – more so as its going to be difficult /impossible to get justice on NATO commanders and politicians.

    Whats interesting about the Budanov strike – it was on the building in an area near the Gavansky bridge side leading to Rybalsky island (gone there many time) . I have a pal who studied there a long time ago as a naval intelligence training place in that same building. I say it’s interesting in that I don’t understand why somewhere well-known that was used for military/intelligence years before would still be used by 404 since the start of the SMO for even more important purposes. You would assume somewhere else in secret they would use, probably not even in Kiev.

    • Replies: @Jazman

    I also think he should return , you and him are my favorite guys and great source of information

  891. S says:

    I don’t think you really know how deep goes the rot.
    I'm very well of aware of these issues (they are very serious). The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to "destroy each other". Even if there are forces or individuals who do not wish well and wish for this, it doesn't mean EEs (outside of Ukraine and Russia) will, because it is against their interests. Everyone in Ukraine wants the war to end as soon as possible. Hopefully, soon the war will move away from the more central areas of Ukraine. Areas such as Zaporizhzhia that are indigenously Ukrainian must be recovered. Had Putin chosen, more smartly, to annex only the Donbas, there would not have been this carnage. That they hate each other is objective, it's not the fault of the West.

    Replies: @S

    The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to “destroy each other”.

    I should clarify, it’s not ‘just’ the EE’s and Russia, that this ‘destroy each other’ technique has been used upon.

    You see it also in WWI between the nations of Europe in general, and WWII to include Asiatic nations.

    As a general principle within this historic Capitalist vs Communist/Global Multi-Cultural synthesis dialectic, which has been in place since the late 18th century, they wish to break down the already existing identites and relationships between peoples, nations, races, ethnicities, the sexes, and cultures, etc.

    The dialectic’s ‘enlightened’/’progressive’ advocates believe this to be a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of a theoretical global democratic republic, ie the United States of the World. [This would be world state is the British Empire’s unilateral ‘gift’ to the world, a gift I wish it had never made.]

    In short, it’s a war upon identity.

    And war, albeit a crude method, is also a quite effective one to accomplish this identity destruction.

    So, in theory at least, EE’s and Russia would not have to be getting any ‘special’ treatment in this regard, and in comparison to other nations and peoples.

    Now, having said that, due to the reality of Russia’s great size and inherent potential, Russia was (and is) almost bound to get more attention within this described dialectic than many another people and nation would.

    And, too, as there are various distinct peoples involved in the United States of the World project, amongst both it’s promoters and those on the receiving end, with ‘histories’ between them, it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.

    War can cover a multitude of sins.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @S’s a war upon identity....War can cover a multitude of sins.
    I would highlight more the resources issues, but these are two sides of the same coin. Eastern Europe is being destroyed because the identities there were resisting and the resources became less available. That's all the "West" ever does - they have been doing it since Rome massacred the Gauls, Charlemagne the Saxons, then the natives all around the world, and anyone who resisted in Europe hinterlands. First in the name of pure power, then god, then progress, and lately self-defense...

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention...within this dialectic.
    On and it is back on. EE and Russia are too damn close to the Western centers, they must be subdued. There is also the element of a potential 'alternative' - few places around the world have the potential to be an alternative to the West, CE-EE is one of them. They must be preventively destroyed or at least weakened.

    Russia is the core power center in EE whether we like it or not - without Russia the CE will collapse into provincial irrelevancy, something like Wales, West Virginia, South America. Historically when an alternative ceased to exist, Central-East became a backwater, controlled and exploited. When Germany was perceived as too Central-East it was also destroyed, and the Habsburgs, before them Byzantium, even to some extent the Ottomans. Since then it has been Russia's turn. Yes, they are getting special attention...

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    , @LatW

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.
    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner. There is sometimes a lack of rationality which is replaced with a kind of a cunning and aggressiveness that in the end doesn't really bring good results. This can be used by outsiders, but the issue is not created from the outside. There is also a lack of self-sufficiency, if you look at Russia, for example, you constantly witness this struggle between what they perceive as their own "unique" civilizational way and the constant yearning to connect with the West, to gain from it or to emulate it even. Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.

    Replies: @S, @S

  892. @Sean
    @Greasy William

    With ATACMS, all the Ukrainians need to do is punch in the coordinates supplied by the US from hi tech surveillance by its agencies such as the DIA and NSA and Ukraine's can hit anything (the Americans give them the coordinates for) no matter how hardened.

    I don’t think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war
    The US is chary about Ukraine getting ATACMS, almost certainly because US intel assessed it as be highly effective. While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mikel

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting “dialed in” on many different aspects of the combat. I think they now have no difficultly shooting down Western missiles. They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete’s sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.

    If they do get worried about ATACMS or whatever, they may destroy the equipment while it is still on the train, ship or plane which delivers it to the battlefield.

    If they get worried about F-16s they will give warning and then may take out AWACS.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites.

    Why do people want to keep escalating? There is no upside for the West or Ukraine. The most likely case is it kills a bunch of people, costs a lot and makes us look weak. The worst case is that escalation leads to the use of nuclear weapons.

    • Agree: LondonBob
    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Why do people want to keep escalating? There is no upside for the West or Ukraine.
    They have spent decades preparing: hubris and real power, narcissism, revenge, institutional lethargy...Russia predictably started to resist the Western onslaught - as they eventually always do - but gradually, without a shock. That only feeds the escalation.

    The mad neo-con dreams are balanced by the growing fear of loss, it could end everything they have lived for. They will escalate as long as they can - if it means a total war with nukes, some may say: Damn it, it is better than losing to "Russia!"...

    Nothing is more fatal for a civilization than an unconstrained elite. The West got itself one in the last few decades: open the borders, unlimited virtual money, bombing others at will, abolishing gender (what the hell is that all about?)...and preaching so much that its soft power has become unbearable to most people.

    Before 1990's there were limits on what the unhinged morons in the elite could do - people in power still had experience and there was fear. Look at them now: Euro marionettes led by an old decrepit man cheering on a clown in Kiev. It is not going to end well, the only question is how bad it will be.

    , @Sean

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting “dialed in” on many different aspects of the combat
    They lacked relevant experience. Weeb Union summed it up as commanders without actual experience completely comprehend theory, but make huge practical mistakes in appying it. Russians were being ordered to advance, which is much more challenging; their inadequate recon habit didn't help. Now Ukraine is on the offensive it is becoming clear that they are no different in making the schoolboy errors of failing to orientate to what the actual situation is rather than assuming it will be like a scenario from their training

    They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete’s sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.
    That is hundreds of miles of transport infrastructure and C&C hubs to be attacked. Were Ukrainians to get ATACMS in quantity a somewhat plausible pathway to Russian defeat would come into view, which would be new.

    The most important attribute conferred in Russia by propinquity is morale. Like an animal that will not take much of a risk outside its normal range but when when defending it own established territory will fight a stronger interloper to the death, the Russian leadership have escalatory dominance over America in the Ukraine war.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites
    Or just nuke the Ukrainian army who are punching in the cocordinates. The satalites are nothing without a country willing to actually fire missiles at the Russian forces .

    Why do people want to keep escalating?
    It's just Kiev that does. Zelensky has only one way to go now: inveigle America into an inextricable involvement, whereby American politicians make an open ended commitment to give Kiev. everything it asks for. None can say how Russia might react to that

    Replies: @QCIC

  893. @QCIC

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting "dialed in" on many different aspects of the combat. I think they now have no difficultly shooting down Western missiles. They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete's sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.

    If they do get worried about ATACMS or whatever, they may destroy the equipment while it is still on the train, ship or plane which delivers it to the battlefield.

    If they get worried about F-16s they will give warning and then may take out AWACS.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites.

    Why do people want to keep escalating? There is no upside for the West or Ukraine. The most likely case is it kills a bunch of people, costs a lot and makes us look weak. The worst case is that escalation leads to the use of nuclear weapons.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Sean

    …Why do people want to keep escalating? There is no upside for the West or Ukraine.

    They have spent decades preparing: hubris and real power, narcissism, revenge, institutional lethargy…Russia predictably started to resist the Western onslaught – as they eventually always do – but gradually, without a shock. That only feeds the escalation.

    The mad neo-con dreams are balanced by the growing fear of loss, it could end everything they have lived for. They will escalate as long as they can – if it means a total war with nukes, some may say: Damn it, it is better than losing to “Russia!”

    Nothing is more fatal for a civilization than an unconstrained elite. The West got itself one in the last few decades: open the borders, unlimited virtual money, bombing others at will, abolishing gender (what the hell is that all about?)…and preaching so much that its soft power has become unbearable to most people.

    Before 1990’s there were limits on what the unhinged morons in the elite could do – people in power still had experience and there was fear. Look at them now: Euro marionettes led by an old decrepit man cheering on a clown in Kiev. It is not going to end well, the only question is how bad it will be.

  894. @AP

    There is nothing more stupid than to take what others write and in a Kindergarden-level response say “no, you are…“
    There is nothing stupid about pointing out your obvious projection.

    Poland is a mostly dull country compared to its southern neighbors, compare Prague and Warsaw, or Budapest and Krakow, or Vienna to any of them
    Krakow is nicer than Budapest, Vienna the nicest in the list (avoiding Commie rule helps). Haven’t been to Prague. Warsaw has a business and cultural center but was destroyed during the war and rebuilt, so not as nice architecturally. A lot of German cities are like that too (Frankfurt).

    “Atmosphere” isn’t easily quantifiable. On various objective measures I have posted, Poland is clearly superior to Hungary and Slovakia. Higher wages, more GDP, lower unemployment.

    it is a geographically flat country and also in lifestyles.
    An hour or so by train from Krakow one can be in the Alpine Tatras mountains, with hot springs and decent skiing. SE Poland had charming lower mountains (not like the Alps or Rockies, but like the Appalachians or Odenwald). The North has the Baltic Sea. Hungary doesn’t have a coast.

    Replies: @Beckow

    Look, contra gustos no hay disputas, enjoy your mushrooms-rich flat lands and the famous Polish wit and joie-de-vivre. Anyone who still has 17th century nobility blues is not someone I would consult on quality of life. You are right, it is not quantifiable…

    Haven’t been to Prague…

    You definitely should go, it is in many ways better than Vienna. It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw. But avoid thieving taxis. The metro is fantastic – it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    If you manage to figure out why the streetcars are better in Central Europe, the soup is always good and the girls are prettier, maybe you will start to understand how little most brainwashed Americans understand the world, how they live in a self-made fantasy.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Parts of the American fantasy are great. More freedom and more integrity along with a weaker imposed social hierarchy. I think the American fantasy was all about the middle class. We always had elites, but there was enough room in the social order to believe in the middle class and pretend the elites were not there. As prosperity grew, it seems the "distance" between the elite and the middle class was not enough so the middle class had to be pushed down to widen the gap. The only question now is how far?

    Still, there are several billion people who would like to move to the USA.

    , @Matra

    It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw.

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava. Berlin was wrecked in a war, you might have heard about it, then rebuilt. It's too spread out for my taste but every district feels distinct enough to make it unique, though I prefer Munich. A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city, but tourists rarely leave the centre so don't experience it.

    The metro is fantastic – it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can't think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries - other than Italy where the three metros I've been on all suck. I suppose lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

  895. @S

    The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to “destroy each other”.
    I should clarify, it's not 'just' the EE's and Russia, that this 'destroy each other' technique has been used upon.

    You see it also in WWI between the nations of Europe in general, and WWII to include Asiatic nations.

    As a general principle within this historic Capitalist vs Communist/Global Multi-Cultural synthesis dialectic, which has been in place since the late 18th century, they wish to break down the already existing identites and relationships between peoples, nations, races, ethnicities, the sexes, and cultures, etc.

    The dialectic's 'enlightened'/'progressive' advocates believe this to be a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of a theoretical global democratic republic, ie the United States of the World. [This would be world state is the British Empire's unilateral 'gift' to the world, a gift I wish it had never made.]

    In short, it's a war upon identity.

    And war, albeit a crude method, is also a quite effective one to accomplish this identity destruction.

    So, in theory at least, EE's and Russia would not have to be getting any 'special' treatment in this regard, and in comparison to other nations and peoples.

    Now, having said that, due to the reality of Russia's great size and inherent potential, Russia was (and is) almost bound to get more attention within this described dialectic than many another people and nation would.

    And, too, as there are various distinct peoples involved in the United States of the World project, amongst both it's promoters and those on the receiving end, with 'histories' between them, it's not impossible that the EE's and Russia are indeed getting 'extra special' attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.

    War can cover a multitude of sins.

    Replies: @Beckow, @LatW

    …it’s a war upon identity….War can cover a multitude of sins.

    I would highlight more the resources issues, but these are two sides of the same coin. Eastern Europe is being destroyed because the identities there were resisting and the resources became less available. That’s all the “West” ever does – they have been doing it since Rome massacred the Gauls, Charlemagne the Saxons, then the natives all around the world, and anyone who resisted in Europe hinterlands. First in the name of pure power, then god, then progress, and lately self-defense

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention…within this dialectic.

    On and off…now it is back on. EE and Russia are too damn close to the Western centers, they must be subdued. There is also the element of a potential ‘alternative’ – few places around the world have the potential to be an alternative to the West, CE-EE is one of them. They must be preventively destroyed or at least weakened.

    Russia is the core power center in EE whether we like it or not – without Russia the CE will collapse into provincial irrelevancy, something like Wales, West Virginia, South America. Historically when an alternative ceased to exist, Central-East became a backwater, controlled and exploited. When Germany was perceived as too Central-East it was also destroyed, and the Habsburgs, before them Byzantium, even to some extent the Ottomans. Since then it has been Russia’s turn. Yes, they are getting special attention

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I think the resource issue is a bit overstated.

    Modern industry tends to find the resources and develop them as needed. There are plenty of well-known natural resource sites which are ignored or even abandoned because they simply cost a bit more to be exploited. This makes sense, though it does remove extraction-related jobs which once existed, replacing them with gigantic machinery in a select few locations. The economy of scale of the largest machinery working a vast mineral deposit prices many smaller or older players out of the market. The same thing happens with "world-scale" factories and industrial plants. As a nostalgic luddite I like the idea of smaller local sites giving a more distributed productive landscape. While this costs more, the main justifications are strategic independence and/or "make work". People are now remembering that these two "costs" may be a good value overall. Is a classic globalist conundrum.

    I think the main scarce resources at the moment are farmland with water and oil and gas. It is possible that continued deepwater exploration will show that oil and gas are not even that scarce. Eventually thorium may become important but I don't know that it will be considered scarce. I think most other resources are widely available, simply at different price points.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    For Russia to be a viable alternative civilizational model to the West, it needs to massively ramp up its elite science production and R & D spending levels. Right now, Russia is a minnow in both of these departments!

    Replies: @QCIC

  896. @Beckow

    Look, contra gustos no hay disputas, enjoy your mushrooms-rich flat lands and the famous Polish wit and joie-de-vivre. Anyone who still has 17th century nobility blues is not someone I would consult on quality of life. You are right, it is not quantifiable...

    Haven’t been to Prague...
    You definitely should go, it is in many ways better than Vienna. It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw. But avoid thieving taxis. The metro is fantastic - it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    If you manage to figure out why the streetcars are better in Central Europe, the soup is always good and the girls are prettier, maybe you will start to understand how little most brainwashed Americans understand the world, how they live in a self-made fantasy.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Matra

    Parts of the American fantasy are great. More freedom and more integrity along with a weaker imposed social hierarchy. I think the American fantasy was all about the middle class. We always had elites, but there was enough room in the social order to believe in the middle class and pretend the elites were not there. As prosperity grew, it seems the “distance” between the elite and the middle class was not enough so the middle class had to be pushed down to widen the gap. The only question now is how far?

    Still, there are several billion people who would like to move to the USA.

  897. @Beckow
    @S’s a war upon identity....War can cover a multitude of sins.
    I would highlight more the resources issues, but these are two sides of the same coin. Eastern Europe is being destroyed because the identities there were resisting and the resources became less available. That's all the "West" ever does - they have been doing it since Rome massacred the Gauls, Charlemagne the Saxons, then the natives all around the world, and anyone who resisted in Europe hinterlands. First in the name of pure power, then god, then progress, and lately self-defense...

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention...within this dialectic.
    On and it is back on. EE and Russia are too damn close to the Western centers, they must be subdued. There is also the element of a potential 'alternative' - few places around the world have the potential to be an alternative to the West, CE-EE is one of them. They must be preventively destroyed or at least weakened.

    Russia is the core power center in EE whether we like it or not - without Russia the CE will collapse into provincial irrelevancy, something like Wales, West Virginia, South America. Historically when an alternative ceased to exist, Central-East became a backwater, controlled and exploited. When Germany was perceived as too Central-East it was also destroyed, and the Habsburgs, before them Byzantium, even to some extent the Ottomans. Since then it has been Russia's turn. Yes, they are getting special attention...

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    I think the resource issue is a bit overstated.

    Modern industry tends to find the resources and develop them as needed. There are plenty of well-known natural resource sites which are ignored or even abandoned because they simply cost a bit more to be exploited. This makes sense, though it does remove extraction-related jobs which once existed, replacing them with gigantic machinery in a select few locations. The economy of scale of the largest machinery working a vast mineral deposit prices many smaller or older players out of the market. The same thing happens with “world-scale” factories and industrial plants. As a nostalgic luddite I like the idea of smaller local sites giving a more distributed productive landscape. While this costs more, the main justifications are strategic independence and/or “make work”. People are now remembering that these two “costs” may be a good value overall. Is a classic globalist conundrum.

    I think the main scarce resources at the moment are farmland with water and oil and gas. It is possible that continued deepwater exploration will show that oil and gas are not even that scarce. Eventually thorium may become important but I don’t know that it will be considered scarce. I think most other resources are widely available, simply at different price points.

  898. @QCIC

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting "dialed in" on many different aspects of the combat. I think they now have no difficultly shooting down Western missiles. They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete's sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.

    If they do get worried about ATACMS or whatever, they may destroy the equipment while it is still on the train, ship or plane which delivers it to the battlefield.

    If they get worried about F-16s they will give warning and then may take out AWACS.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites.

    Why do people want to keep escalating? There is no upside for the West or Ukraine. The most likely case is it kills a bunch of people, costs a lot and makes us look weak. The worst case is that escalation leads to the use of nuclear weapons.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Sean

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting “dialed in” on many different aspects of the combat

    They lacked relevant experience. Weeb Union summed it up as commanders without actual experience completely comprehend theory, but make huge practical mistakes in appying it. Russians were being ordered to advance, which is much more challenging; their inadequate recon habit didn’t help. Now Ukraine is on the offensive it is becoming clear that they are no different in making the schoolboy errors of failing to orientate to what the actual situation is rather than assuming it will be like a scenario from their training

    They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete’s sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.

    That is hundreds of miles of transport infrastructure and C&C hubs to be attacked. Were Ukrainians to get ATACMS in quantity a somewhat plausible pathway to Russian defeat would come into view, which would be new.

    The most important attribute conferred in Russia by propinquity is morale. Like an animal that will not take much of a risk outside its normal range but when when defending it own established territory will fight a stronger interloper to the death, the Russian leadership have escalatory dominance over America in the Ukraine war.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites

    Or just nuke the Ukrainian army who are punching in the cocordinates. The satalites are nothing without a country willing to actually fire missiles at the Russian forces .

    Why do people want to keep escalating?

    It’s just Kiev that does. Zelensky has only one way to go now: inveigle America into an inextricable involvement, whereby American politicians make an open ended commitment to give Kiev. everything it asks for. None can say how Russia might react to that

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I meant why do commenters at Unz want to escalate? I interpreted part of your comment as enthusiasm for escalation.

    I don't think we have the full story on the early Russian moves. People seem to forget the Russian military saw hard combat in Chechnya and very serious, though more limited combat in Georgia and Syria. I assume they had advisors in Nagorno-Karabakh. Those situations were different, but still adequate to produce some good battle-hardened leadership.

    There is no plausible combat pathway to Russian defeat. The only way Russia is "defeated" is with some back room deal or diplomatic arrangement.

    Transport infrastructure in Ukraine is easy to hobble because bridges are vulnerable. Take out a few key bridges, then the remaining delivery routes are more focussed and even juicer targets. If that doesn't work take out the fuel depot. Russia has been partially avoiding these tactics.

    Replies: @Sean

  899. @Greasy William

    I'm far from convinced that ATACMS are the game changer you imagine them to be.

    I think it's pretty obvious what happened: the Biden regime is run by 30 and 40 somethings who fully believe that the US has infinite power and that the Russians are a bunch of incompetents. Biden needs a military victory, both for domestic political reasons and as a means of forcing Russia to come to terms.

    The US spent months building up this offensive capability and while the military professionals said that it was suicide, the Biden regime Millenials overruled them and demanded that the offensive proceed. It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    The problem from the US perspective now is that the initiative has now been passed back to Russia. It will take at least 9 months before Ukraine has enough of an air force to attempt any more large scale offensive operations, and even then it is certain to be a dicey prospect. Russia will continue to launch attritional attacks and a long war, lasting 5 or more years appears to be inevitable. This is just fine for Russia/Putin but is very problematic for NATO.

    I agree that Ukraine needs to be immediately provided with ATACMs... and F-16s... and F-35s and whatever else Ukraine needs. I don't think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war, though. Rather it is about giving Ukraine what it needs to continue to hold.

    It is also time to start deploying large numbers of mercenaries, I mean openly and in the 10s of thousands. The European states also need to scale up their forces and make it clear that any credible Russian threat to conquer Kiev will lead to the direct and open participation of the European armies on the battlefield. The US itself, however, should not make such a threat as I don't believe that such a course of action will be domestically politically viable.

    Replies: @Sean, @Negronicus, @AP, @LatW

    It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.

    It’s normal to have operational pauses in such large campaigns as this one. These are just the initial stages, the goal right now is to force the enemy to pull out his reserves or at least expose his defenses (and the weakest areas). They are still figuring out in what directions the biggest advances will take place. They need to assess the enemy correctly (what can be anticipated, what their reserves look like).

    Btw, there was a recent video of Gen. Zaluzhniy commanding and it looked like he was wearing a baby Yoda patch. So funny. Everyone’s wearing skulls, wolves and other more aggressive symbols, but he has a baby Yoda. 🙂

    • Replies: @S

    So funny. Everyone’s wearing skulls, wolves and other more aggressive symbols, but he has a baby Yoda. 🙂
    That is funny. The Taiwanese Air Force are sporting this guy...

  900. S says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    In February 1914, P.N. Durnovo sent a “Note” to the tsar, in which he wrote about the need to create a continental bloc against the Anglo-Saxons as a factor of stability in Europe and about the disastrous for Russia and the dynasty participation in the war, especially on the side of Great Britain. The war, in his opinion, could not but lead to social upheaval.

    “Especially favorable ground for social upheavals,” Durnovo wrote, “is, of course, Russia, where the masses undoubtedly profess the principles of unconscious socialism ... The Russian commoner, peasant and worker alike, does not seek political rights, both unnecessary and incomprehensible to him. The peasant dreams of granting him someone else's land for free, the worker dreams of transferring to him all the capital and profits of the manufacturer, and their desire does not go beyond this. And as soon as these slogans are widely thrown at the populace, as soon as the government authorities irrevocably allow agitation in this direction, Russia will undoubtedly be plunged into anarchy, which we experienced during the memorable period of turmoil of 1905-1906 ... The war with Germany will create exceptionally favorable conditions for such propaganda. As already noted, this war is fraught with enormous difficulties for us and cannot turn out to be a triumphal march to Berlin. Military failures are inevitable, too, let us hope, partial ones, and certain shortcomings in our supplies will also be inevitable. With the exceptional nervousness of our society, these circumstances will be given an exaggerated significance, and with the opposition influence on this society, everything will be blamed on the government.

    Well, then - we'll have the revolution."

    Twelve years before Durnovo, i.e. in 1902, a forecast striking in its accuracy in a dispute with S.Yu. Witte was given by the Minister of the Interior V.K. Plehve. He wrote: “Our revolution will be artificial, thoughtlessly made by the so-called educated classes, and social elements. They have one goal: to overthrow the government in order to take its place themselves, even if only in the form of a constitutional government. Say what you like, but the tsarist government has experience, traditions, and the habit of governing. Note that all of our most useful, most liberal reforms have been made exclusively by the government, on its initiative, usually even in the face of public dissympathy ... with individuals, with social elements who would replace the current government - what will happen? - only one desire for power, even if animated, from their point of view, by love for the motherland. They will never be able to master the movement. They can't sit still, because they have issued so many bills that they will have to pay them and immediately make concessions. They, standing at the head, will find themselves, by the force of things, at the tail of the movement. Under these conditions, they will collapse with all their theories and utopias at the first siege of power. And then all the harmful criminal elements will come out of the underground, thirsting for the death and decay of Russia, with the Jews at their head.
    From the Tg Channel of Andrey Fursov.

    Replies: @S

    That was interesting. 🙂

    In the spirit of one good read deserves another, I’ll post here Roger Casement’s brilliant real time take on what WWI was in reality about.

    These are excerpts and a link to his very obscure, and generally unknown (though quite insightful) 1915 book The Crime Against Europe; The Causes of the War and the Foundations of Peace.

    [Casement’s near twenty years work in the British Foreign Service no doubt served him well in gaining these insights.]

    Wherever he speaks of ‘Germany’ here in regards to WWI, insert ‘Russia’ in regards to the present nascent WWIII.

    ‘It might truly be said of the British Empire to-day that where two or three are gathered together, there hatred of Germany shall be in the midst of them.’

    ‘The Anglo-American “Peace Movement” was to be but the first stage in an “Anglo-Saxon Alliance,” intended to limit and restrict all further world changes, outside of certain prescribed continental limits, to these two peoples alone on the basis of a new “Holy Alliance,” whose motto should be _Beati possidentes_.’

    ‘Since England and America, either in fact or by reservation enjoy almost all the desirable regions of the earth, why not bring about a universal agreement to keep everyone in his right place, to stay “just as we are,” and to kindly refer all possible differences to an “International Tribunal?”‘

    ‘The Monroe Doctrine, palladium of the Anglo-Saxon world empire, is imperilled by German ambitions, and were it not for the British fleet, America would be lost to the Americans. Wherever Englishmen are gathered to-day their journals, appealing possibly to only a handful of readers, assert that the function of the British fleet is to exclude the European States, with Germany at their head, from South America, not because in itself that is a right and worthy end to pursue, but because that continent is earmarked for future exploitation and control by their “kinsmen” of the United States, and they need the support of those “kinsmen” in their battle against Germany.’

    ‘In order to make sure the encompassing of Europe with a girdle of steel it is necessary to circle the United States with a girdle of lies. With America true to the great policy of her great founder, an America, “the friend of all powers but the ally of none,” English designs against European civilization must in the end fail. Those plans can succeed only by active American support, and to secure this is now the supreme task and aim of British stealth and skill. Every tool of her diplomacy, polished and unpolished, from the trained envoy to the boy scout and the minor poet has been tried in turn. The pulpit, the bar, the press; the society hostess, the Cabinet Minister and the Cabinet Minister’s wife, the ex-Cabinet Minister and the Royal Family itself, and last, but not least, even “Irish nationality”–all have been pilgrims to that shrine; and each has been carefully primed, loaded, well aimed, and then turned full on the weak spots in the armour of republican simplicity.’

    ‘If Europe would not strangle herself with her own hands she must strangle the sea serpent whose coils enfold her shores.’

    ‘Inspect the foundation of European armaments where we will, and we shall find that the master builder is he who fashioned the British Empire. It is that empire, its claim to universal right of pre-emption to every zone and region washed by the waves and useful and necessary for the expansion of the white races, and its assertion of a right to control at will all the seas of all the world that drives the peoples of Europe into armed camps. The policy of the Boer War is being tried on a vaster scale against Europe. Just as England beat the Boers by concentration camps and not by arms, by money and not by men, so she seeks to-day to erect an armourplate barrier around the one European people she fears to meet in the field, and to turn all Central Europe into a vast concentration camp.’

    ‘The names change but the spirit of imperial exploitation, whether it call itself an empire or a democracy, does not change.

    Just as the Athenian Empire, in the name of a democracy, sought to impose servitude at sea on the Greek world, so the British Empire, in the name of a democracy, seeks to encompass mankind within the long walls of London.

    The modern Sparta may be vanquished by the imperial democrats assailing her from East and West. But let the world be under no illusions.

    If Germany go down to-day, vanquished by a combination of Asiatic, African, American, Canadian and European enemies, the gain will not be to the world nor to the cause of peace.

    The mistress of the seas will remain to ensure new combinations of enmity to prohibit the one league of concord that alone can bring freedom and peace to the world. The cause that begot this war will remain to beget new wars.

    The next victim of universal sea-power may not be on the ravaged fields of mid-Europe, but mid the wasted coasts and bombarded seaports of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

    A permanent peace can only be laid on a sure foundation. A sure foundation of peace among men can only be found when mastery of the sea by one people has been merged in freedom of the seas for all.’

    • Replies: @S

    To help better understand the WWI and WWIII parallels, besides inserting 'Russia' whereever Casement speaks of Germany in the linked excerpts, as the United States is the heir of the British Empire, one can insert 'America' wherever Casement speaks of Britain.,33009,863882,00.html

    '..the roads which once led to imperial Rome and London now converge on Washington.'

    DIPLOMACY: The New Rome

    Flying into the U.S. from the far ends of the earth, a flock of foreign statesmen last week demonstrated that the roads which once led to imperial Rome and London now converge on Washington. Unlike their counterparts in the days of the Caesars and the Gladstones, they came not as satraps but as friends. But each of these ambassadors to the new Rome had a plea or a complaint. Time - Sept 22, 1958

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    According to Moon of Alabama the Biden committee has called off the World War III agenda.

    Replies: @S

  901. @Sean
    @Greasy William

    With ATACMS, all the Ukrainians need to do is punch in the coordinates supplied by the US from hi tech surveillance by its agencies such as the DIA and NSA and Ukraine's can hit anything (the Americans give them the coordinates for) no matter how hardened.

    I don’t think that these wunderwaffen are going to magically win Ukraine the war
    The US is chary about Ukraine getting ATACMS, almost certainly because US intel assessed it as be highly effective. While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mikel

    While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.

    Could you please educate me. Why can’t the Russians do that now to the Ukrainians? Don’t they have ATACMS-tier artillery? Do they lack satellite and precision guidance means for mobile targets? Both? Thanks.

    • Replies: @Sean

    Russia likely had weapons assentially equivalent to HIMARS if not ATACMs. Weeb Union says the Russians have been very slow to use their advanced missile capabilities, and are still very stingy. basically the Russians have have not got collectively serious. about winning the Ukraine in short order.

    My opinion is Putinism is not an example of purpose- oriented statism, and Russia has not been engaged in endless preparation for war, quite the oppisite,they are carefully husbanding their stocks of advanced weapons. None of the military equipment Ukrainie is using mow s produced in Ukraine and it mai well be the easiast and most economical way to destroy Ukrqinian equipment isin the battlefield

    Replies: @QCIC

  902. @S

    The original conversation was between me and S, about some forces in the West wanting the EEs to “destroy each other”.
    I should clarify, it's not 'just' the EE's and Russia, that this 'destroy each other' technique has been used upon.

    You see it also in WWI between the nations of Europe in general, and WWII to include Asiatic nations.

    As a general principle within this historic Capitalist vs Communist/Global Multi-Cultural synthesis dialectic, which has been in place since the late 18th century, they wish to break down the already existing identites and relationships between peoples, nations, races, ethnicities, the sexes, and cultures, etc.

    The dialectic's 'enlightened'/'progressive' advocates believe this to be a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of a theoretical global democratic republic, ie the United States of the World. [This would be world state is the British Empire's unilateral 'gift' to the world, a gift I wish it had never made.]

    In short, it's a war upon identity.

    And war, albeit a crude method, is also a quite effective one to accomplish this identity destruction.

    So, in theory at least, EE's and Russia would not have to be getting any 'special' treatment in this regard, and in comparison to other nations and peoples.

    Now, having said that, due to the reality of Russia's great size and inherent potential, Russia was (and is) almost bound to get more attention within this described dialectic than many another people and nation would.

    And, too, as there are various distinct peoples involved in the United States of the World project, amongst both it's promoters and those on the receiving end, with 'histories' between them, it's not impossible that the EE's and Russia are indeed getting 'extra special' attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.

    War can cover a multitude of sins.

    Replies: @Beckow, @LatW

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.

    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner. There is sometimes a lack of rationality which is replaced with a kind of a cunning and aggressiveness that in the end doesn’t really bring good results. This can be used by outsiders, but the issue is not created from the outside. There is also a lack of self-sufficiency, if you look at Russia, for example, you constantly witness this struggle between what they perceive as their own “unique” civilizational way and the constant yearning to connect with the West, to gain from it or to emulate it even. Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @S

    ...the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner. There is sometimes a lack of rationality which is replaced with a kind of a cunning and aggressiveness that in the end doesn’t really bring good results.
    Every people has their foibles, their dysfunctions (not that you have suggested otherwise).

    In that regard, the problem of psychological dysfunctionality amongst individuals and peoples collectively is widespread, and growing. I'd say it's a severe problem, even an existential threat to humanity.

    This widespread individual and collective psychological dysfunctionality should have been dealt with first, naturally, before doing anything else, including attempting to establish a world state.

    Doing otherwise is madness in my opinion.

    Individuals, as well as peoples, are (at minimum) dual beings, and some say more than that. We have our physical self, and that unseen spiritual/emotional self, ie a 'personality' if you will, every bit as real as the physical.

    Knowing their own selves best, and thus having the best chance of resolving these psychological/spiritual issues, I would have allowed peoples to remain in situ in their historic homelands. Perhaps, should they choose, there could in time be a peace league/mutual defense org for peoples to join whilst they retain their autonomy. No people would be forced to join a world state.

    As it is, the United States of the World (world state) project is very mechanistic, very material oriented. That's why, amongst other reasons, I'm against it.

    'We are all now programmed for perfect happiness.'

    'This is your last chance!'
    , @S

    Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.
    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.

    Some years ago I met a young woman from one of the Baltic states at my work place. They are not a common sight. It was just as you said, she described how people in her country were very much enamored by the United States, as she herself was, though she couldn't explain or say exactly why this was. She had 'won' some sort of lottery to come to the United States and work, and this was seen as quite a big deal.

    I tried to explain to her that the US has problems and that she should not forget her people, and that she should have a healthy pride in them and her country. I pointed out how the US flag was based closely upon the British East India Company flag, a multinational corporation, and that was something that should not be.

    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner.
    I liken the situation between Ukraine and Russia (and in time the rest of Eastern Europe?) to some people sharing a house that have issues between them, that devolves into a physical fight. During this same time, however, there is unnoticed a moldering fire growing into a raging inferno in the attic of the said house, threatening the lives of them all.

    The US/UK with it's world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.

    All I can suggest is, fight if you must, but on your own terms, which is not the situation now with the US/UK involvement.

    Choosing one's battles...

    Replies: @LatW

  903. @Sean

    The Russian military seems to take their time getting “dialed in” on many different aspects of the combat
    They lacked relevant experience. Weeb Union summed it up as commanders without actual experience completely comprehend theory, but make huge practical mistakes in appying it. Russians were being ordered to advance, which is much more challenging; their inadequate recon habit didn't help. Now Ukraine is on the offensive it is becoming clear that they are no different in making the schoolboy errors of failing to orientate to what the actual situation is rather than assuming it will be like a scenario from their training

    They have no difficulty destroying the launchers. F-16s, more ATACMS and more mercs will not make a difference. For Pete’s sake, the combat zone is mostly within a couple of hundred miles from the Russian border.
    That is hundreds of miles of transport infrastructure and C&C hubs to be attacked. Were Ukrainians to get ATACMS in quantity a somewhat plausible pathway to Russian defeat would come into view, which would be new.

    The most important attribute conferred in Russia by propinquity is morale. Like an animal that will not take much of a risk outside its normal range but when when defending it own established territory will fight a stronger interloper to the death, the Russian leadership have escalatory dominance over America in the Ukraine war.

    If they get worried about satellite intel, they will start damaging satellites
    Or just nuke the Ukrainian army who are punching in the cocordinates. The satalites are nothing without a country willing to actually fire missiles at the Russian forces .

    Why do people want to keep escalating?
    It's just Kiev that does. Zelensky has only one way to go now: inveigle America into an inextricable involvement, whereby American politicians make an open ended commitment to give Kiev. everything it asks for. None can say how Russia might react to that

    Replies: @QCIC

    I meant why do commenters at Unz want to escalate? I interpreted part of your comment as enthusiasm for escalation.

    I don’t think we have the full story on the early Russian moves. People seem to forget the Russian military saw hard combat in Chechnya and very serious, though more limited combat in Georgia and Syria. I assume they had advisors in Nagorno-Karabakh. Those situations were different, but still adequate to produce some good battle-hardened leadership.

    There is no plausible combat pathway to Russian defeat. The only way Russia is “defeated” is with some back room deal or diplomatic arrangement.

    Transport infrastructure in Ukraine is easy to hobble because bridges are vulnerable. Take out a few key bridges, then the remaining delivery routes are more focussed and even juicer targets. If that doesn’t work take out the fuel depot. Russia has been partially avoiding these tactics.

    • Replies: @Sean

    There is no plausible combat pathway to Russian defeat
    Plausible does not mean probable even with ATACMS hammering them it is a stretch to see Russia loosing now, and even so it would only be a conventional defeat rescued by theatre thermonuclear use against Ukraine . Taking out an American satellite is not going to happen; it would be far more of an escalation than nuking the Ukrainian army.
  904. @Negronicus
    @Greasy William

    So the plan is the big kahuna of NATO slinks away towards the exit while telling the rest of the band to fight like demons to the bitter end. Powerful and inspiring!

    Replies: @Greasy William

    I don’t think you non Americans understand: the US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war. It simply isn’t possible. You guys just don’t understand what things are like here.

    The European states are still capable of fighting so they should do so if it proves necessary

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war...the European states are still capable of fighting
    The European states are equally divided and couldn't also fight in a war for other reasons - that US may not have. Poland and the mini-Balt states could be an exception, but I also doubt it. Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine. So far there are enough Ukies doing this honorable desperate work...

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW

  905. @AP
    @Greasy William

    It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.
    This is rather premature.

    Ukraine so far has only committed a fraction of its forces. It is moving forward slowly. If resistance is harder than expected it may stop and wait for the F-16s. It doesn’t become a failure until it’s forces are actually defeated. Most haven’t even gone in yet. Too soon to tell right now how it will work out.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    It’s a pretty open secret that Zalhuzny wanted nothing to do with this offensive and that Milley was also against it. It is possible that even Zelensky was opposed. The only people we are certain wanted this offensive was the Biden regime

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Greasy William

    Do you fall for every cock and bull story emanating from the kremlins?

  906. S says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    That was interesting. :-)

    In the spirit of one good read deserves another, I'll post here Roger Casement's brilliant real time take on what WWI was in reality about.

    These are excerpts and a link to his very obscure, and generally unknown (though quite insightful) 1915 book The Crime Against Europe; The Causes of the War and the Foundations of Peace.

    [Casement's near twenty years work in the British Foreign Service no doubt served him well in gaining these insights.]

    Wherever he speaks of 'Germany' here in regards to WWI, insert 'Russia' in regards to the present nascent WWIII.

    'It might truly be said of the British Empire to-day that where two or three are gathered together, there hatred of Germany shall be in the midst of them.'

    'The Anglo-American "Peace Movement" was to be but the first stage in an "Anglo-Saxon Alliance," intended to limit and restrict all further world changes, outside of certain prescribed continental limits, to these two peoples alone on the basis of a new "Holy Alliance," whose motto should be _Beati possidentes_.'

    'Since England and America, either in fact or by reservation enjoy almost all the desirable regions of the earth, why not bring about a universal agreement to keep everyone in his right place, to stay "just as we are," and to kindly refer all possible differences to an "International Tribunal?"'

    'The Monroe Doctrine, palladium of the Anglo-Saxon world empire, is imperilled by German ambitions, and were it not for the British fleet, America would be lost to the Americans. Wherever Englishmen are gathered to-day their journals, appealing possibly to only a handful of readers, assert that the function of the British fleet is to exclude the European States, with Germany at their head, from South America, not because in itself that is a right and worthy end to pursue, but because that continent is earmarked for future exploitation and control by their "kinsmen" of the United States, and they need the support of those "kinsmen" in their battle against Germany.'

    'In order to make sure the encompassing of Europe with a girdle of steel it is necessary to circle the United States with a girdle of lies. With America true to the great policy of her great founder, an America, "the friend of all powers but the ally of none," English designs against European civilization must in the end fail. Those plans can succeed only by active American support, and to secure this is now the supreme task and aim of British stealth and skill. Every tool of her diplomacy, polished and unpolished, from the trained envoy to the boy scout and the minor poet has been tried in turn. The pulpit, the bar, the press; the society hostess, the Cabinet Minister and the Cabinet Minister's wife, the ex-Cabinet Minister and the Royal Family itself, and last, but not least, even "Irish nationality"--all have been pilgrims to that shrine; and each has been carefully primed, loaded, well aimed, and then turned full on the weak spots in the armour of republican simplicity.'

    'If Europe would not strangle herself with her own hands she must strangle the sea serpent whose coils enfold her shores.'

    'Inspect the foundation of European armaments where we will, and we shall find that the master builder is he who fashioned the British Empire. It is that empire, its claim to universal right of pre-emption to every zone and region washed by the waves and useful and necessary for the expansion of the white races, and its assertion of a right to control at will all the seas of all the world that drives the peoples of Europe into armed camps. The policy of the Boer War is being tried on a vaster scale against Europe. Just as England beat the Boers by concentration camps and not by arms, by money and not by men, so she seeks to-day to erect an armourplate barrier around the one European people she fears to meet in the field, and to turn all Central Europe into a vast concentration camp.'

    'The names change but the spirit of imperial exploitation, whether it call itself an empire or a democracy, does not change.

    Just as the Athenian Empire, in the name of a democracy, sought to impose servitude at sea on the Greek world, so the British Empire, in the name of a democracy, seeks to encompass mankind within the long walls of London.

    The modern Sparta may be vanquished by the imperial democrats assailing her from East and West. But let the world be under no illusions.

    If Germany go down to-day, vanquished by a combination of Asiatic, African, American, Canadian and European enemies, the gain will not be to the world nor to the cause of peace.

    The mistress of the seas will remain to ensure new combinations of enmity to prohibit the one league of concord that alone can bring freedom and peace to the world. The cause that begot this war will remain to beget new wars.

    The next victim of universal sea-power may not be on the ravaged fields of mid-Europe, but mid the wasted coasts and bombarded seaports of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

    A permanent peace can only be laid on a sure foundation. A sure foundation of peace among men can only be found when mastery of the sea by one people has been merged in freedom of the seas for all.'

    Replies: @S, @Emil Nikola Richard

    To help better understand the WWI and WWIII parallels, besides inserting ‘Russia’ whereever Casement speaks of Germany in the linked excerpts, as the United States is the heir of the British Empire, one can insert ‘America’ wherever Casement speaks of Britain.,33009,863882,00.html

    ‘..the roads which once led to imperial Rome and London now converge on Washington.’

    DIPLOMACY: The New Rome

    Flying into the U.S. from the far ends of the earth, a flock of foreign statesmen last week demonstrated that the roads which once led to imperial Rome and London now converge on Washington. Unlike their counterparts in the days of the Caesars and the Gladstones, they came not as satraps but as friends. But each of these ambassadors to the new Rome had a plea or a complaint. Time – Sept 22, 1958

  907. @Beckow

    Look, contra gustos no hay disputas, enjoy your mushrooms-rich flat lands and the famous Polish wit and joie-de-vivre. Anyone who still has 17th century nobility blues is not someone I would consult on quality of life. You are right, it is not quantifiable...

    Haven’t been to Prague...
    You definitely should go, it is in many ways better than Vienna. It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw. But avoid thieving taxis. The metro is fantastic - it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    If you manage to figure out why the streetcars are better in Central Europe, the soup is always good and the girls are prettier, maybe you will start to understand how little most brainwashed Americans understand the world, how they live in a self-made fantasy.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Matra

    It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw.

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava. Berlin was wrecked in a war, you might have heard about it, then rebuilt. It’s too spread out for my taste but every district feels distinct enough to make it unique, though I prefer Munich. A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city, but tourists rarely leave the centre so don’t experience it.

    The metro is fantastic – it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can’t think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries – other than Italy where the three metros I’ve been on all suck. I suppose lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What do you think of Wroclaw? It was also destroyed in WWII and then rebuilt, no? It looks quite nice today:

    Replies: @Matra

    , @Beckow

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.
    Krakow's metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest. Brno is indeed a dismal wasteland, but Bratislava is very nice - about 1/2 the size of Krakow and at least twice as interesting...:)

    A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city...
    Let's not go there...Paris is also shabby in many areas, so is Munich or Zurich. And London's extreme shabbiness is in a class of its own. Berlin was bombed, you are right, but still...for god sake it is just ugly.

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can’t think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries
    Ok: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Lyon, Stockholm, Brussels...all pretty bad. Enough? Maybe you can suggest some places with great metros. (And don't even look at US, it is an absolute horror show...I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn't be...but it is, that's the best Boston could do...)

    lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.
    Yes, that is very important and linked to the other benefits - it makes everything work better. But it is a critical advantage, it is not a small feature - it makes all the difference when it comes to quality of life.

    Replies: @AP

  908. @S
    @Ivashka the fool

    That was interesting. :-)

    In the spirit of one good read deserves another, I'll post here Roger Casement's brilliant real time take on what WWI was in reality about.

    These are excerpts and a link to his very obscure, and generally unknown (though quite insightful) 1915 book The Crime Against Europe; The Causes of the War and the Foundations of Peace.

    [Casement's near twenty years work in the British Foreign Service no doubt served him well in gaining these insights.]

    Wherever he speaks of 'Germany' here in regards to WWI, insert 'Russia' in regards to the present nascent WWIII.

    'It might truly be said of the British Empire to-day that where two or three are gathered together, there hatred of Germany shall be in the midst of them.'

    'The Anglo-American "Peace Movement" was to be but the first stage in an "Anglo-Saxon Alliance," intended to limit and restrict all further world changes, outside of certain prescribed continental limits, to these two peoples alone on the basis of a new "Holy Alliance," whose motto should be _Beati possidentes_.'

    'Since England and America, either in fact or by reservation enjoy almost all the desirable regions of the earth, why not bring about a universal agreement to keep everyone in his right place, to stay "just as we are," and to kindly refer all possible differences to an "International Tribunal?"'

    'The Monroe Doctrine, palladium of the Anglo-Saxon world empire, is imperilled by German ambitions, and were it not for the British fleet, America would be lost to the Americans. Wherever Englishmen are gathered to-day their journals, appealing possibly to only a handful of readers, assert that the function of the British fleet is to exclude the European States, with Germany at their head, from South America, not because in itself that is a right and worthy end to pursue, but because that continent is earmarked for future exploitation and control by their "kinsmen" of the United States, and they need the support of those "kinsmen" in their battle against Germany.'

    'In order to make sure the encompassing of Europe with a girdle of steel it is necessary to circle the United States with a girdle of lies. With America true to the great policy of her great founder, an America, "the friend of all powers but the ally of none," English designs against European civilization must in the end fail. Those plans can succeed only by active American support, and to secure this is now the supreme task and aim of British stealth and skill. Every tool of her diplomacy, polished and unpolished, from the trained envoy to the boy scout and the minor poet has been tried in turn. The pulpit, the bar, the press; the society hostess, the Cabinet Minister and the Cabinet Minister's wife, the ex-Cabinet Minister and the Royal Family itself, and last, but not least, even "Irish nationality"--all have been pilgrims to that shrine; and each has been carefully primed, loaded, well aimed, and then turned full on the weak spots in the armour of republican simplicity.'

    'If Europe would not strangle herself with her own hands she must strangle the sea serpent whose coils enfold her shores.'

    'Inspect the foundation of European armaments where we will, and we shall find that the master builder is he who fashioned the British Empire. It is that empire, its claim to universal right of pre-emption to every zone and region washed by the waves and useful and necessary for the expansion of the white races, and its assertion of a right to control at will all the seas of all the world that drives the peoples of Europe into armed camps. The policy of the Boer War is being tried on a vaster scale against Europe. Just as England beat the Boers by concentration camps and not by arms, by money and not by men, so she seeks to-day to erect an armourplate barrier around the one European people she fears to meet in the field, and to turn all Central Europe into a vast concentration camp.'

    'The names change but the spirit of imperial exploitation, whether it call itself an empire or a democracy, does not change.

    Just as the Athenian Empire, in the name of a democracy, sought to impose servitude at sea on the Greek world, so the British Empire, in the name of a democracy, seeks to encompass mankind within the long walls of London.

    The modern Sparta may be vanquished by the imperial democrats assailing her from East and West. But let the world be under no illusions.

    If Germany go down to-day, vanquished by a combination of Asiatic, African, American, Canadian and European enemies, the gain will not be to the world nor to the cause of peace.

    The mistress of the seas will remain to ensure new combinations of enmity to prohibit the one league of concord that alone can bring freedom and peace to the world. The cause that begot this war will remain to beget new wars.

    The next victim of universal sea-power may not be on the ravaged fields of mid-Europe, but mid the wasted coasts and bombarded seaports of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

    A permanent peace can only be laid on a sure foundation. A sure foundation of peace among men can only be found when mastery of the sea by one people has been merged in freedom of the seas for all.'

    Replies: @S, @Emil Nikola Richard

    According to Moon of Alabama the Biden committee has called off the World War III agenda.

    • Replies: @S
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    So, Moon of Alabama now has a hotline directly to the White House?

    Who knew!? :-D

  909. @Emil Nikola Richard

    According to Moon of Alabama the Biden committee has called off the World War III agenda.

    Replies: @S

    So, Moon of Alabama now has a hotline directly to the White House?

    Who knew!? 😀

  910. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    "At the time of that bombing there was a meeting of the military leadership of rebels in that building."

    Do you have a link to substantiate this ?

    Bolotov admitted that he was in the building at the time of the attack:


    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives; tragically, they failed to do so but civilians in the adjacent square were killed. Embarrassed by the failure, they lied about an air conditioner exploding.

    Pro-Russian propagandists turned this tragedy into a fairytale abut a deliberate Luhansk massacre in which Ukraine purposefully was aiming for and trying to kill civilians, in order to terrorize them into submission or in order to ethnically cleanse them. The purpose was the stoke anti-Ukrainian hatred and promote the violent civil war. They did similarly with the deaths in Odessa.

    Your wrote that you hate those who promote hatred between Ukrainians and Russians.

    The ones who spread stories about the deliberate massacre of civilians in Luhansk belong on that list. Do you condemn them? Do you condemn Russian propogandists who inflate and twist and make up stories about Ukrainian persecution of Russians? Such stories (Luhansk "massacre", Odessa "massacre", Ukraine banned Russian language in 2014, etc.) led directly to rebellion and war.

    "Were they killed in deliberate indiscriminate shelling? If so, clearly a crime."

    Yes and there were hundreds of shellings, even that Brighton Beach type Ostrovsky scumbag from Vice News had to admit that the ЗСУ were shelling civilian areas.

    UN also reports that there were indeed cases of indiscriminate shelling. These of course are disgusting crimes.

    But not all shelling of civilian areas were indiscriminate. Sometimes the pro-Russian militias would fire out of civilian areas and the Ukrainians would return fire. In this case the criminals are the ones firing out of civilian areas. SO out of those hundreds of shellings many were not indiscrimate.

    And in case someone tries to draw a parallel with Russian bombing of Ukrainian cities, Russia invaded Ukraine an Ukrainians are defending their country from a foreign invasion; they will not abandon their own cities and empty them of troops. But the Donbas rebels were at the time of the bombings led by foreigners who came into Ukraine such as Pavlov (Motorola). So it is like the Russian government shelling parts of Belgorod if the Belgorod rebels were shooting at government forces form civilian areas.

    What was the crime of Oles’ Buzyna ?

    Why was he gunned down without due process ?

    He was an anti-Ukrainian troll who lived in Ukraine among people he hated and insulted, during violent times. He probably felt protected because he worked for an oligarch-owned newspaper. In other words, a servant of the Noviop whom you despise.

    He should not have been killed for his words but I have little sympathy for him.

    He loved his country profoundly, just like you do.
    He hatred the Ukrainian national idea and those who supported it. He did not love his country.

    Have you denounced his murder ?
    Yes, I have said he should not have been murdered, in this thread:

    Buzina was a liar in addition to being a troll.

    But even though he was excrement, he should not have been murdered.

    Replies: @Mikel

    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives

    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.

    Ukrainian planes didn’t have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building for the very odd chance of killing Bolotov (if they really knew for sure that he was somewhere inside the huge building).

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the “compassionate” Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection because it was crystal clear to everybody that the attack had been a senseless massacre and they were being criticized even by ardent Ukraine supporters in the West. Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational. There’s no way Strelkov, Pushilin, Bezler, Mozgovoy and all the rest (not to mention the Russians) were going to give up just because one of them was killed.

    In fact, the only remarkable aspect of the Lugansk Central Square massacre was that the horrible scenes were watched by lots of people, including many Westerners (that would soon end with the Western media blackout of the war in Donbas), but the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,… The air attack against the Donetsk airport probably killed more civilians than the Lugansk one but there were hardly any images of that action. The Grahams weirdo documented many of these killings but only a few of us following the hostilities through non-MSM channels learned about some of them. Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents. Lugansk was nothing but a tiny prelude of what Ukraine was willing to do to its own civilians in order to quell the rebellion.

    After so many years I’m not going to engage in an autistic debate of how what really happened in Lugansk was not what it looked like. That would be as pointless as arguing with AnonfromTN or Gerard who really downed the Malaysian airliner. It’s water under the bridge now and the Russians just in Mariupol possibly killed more civilians than the Ukrainians in the whole Donbas war. What they consider to be their own civilians as well.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn’t oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now. It’s too late. You missed your chance and will never be able to recover it. You, Mr Hack, LatW, etc may well criticize the invasion of Ukraine by a bloodthirsty dictator but you can’t seriously appeal to the readers’ humanity here when you detail atrocities committed now by the Russians that are no worse than what the Ukrainians did. The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that. What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government’s actions based on the importance of the state.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they’re going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there than the Russians did. There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.

    • Replies: @LatW

    The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that.
    You have deliberately missed a lot of what I have said. It's ok, I no longer read most of your comments either.

    What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government’s actions based on the importance of the state.
    No, do not mislead. What I said was that Ukraine had a right to defend herself. This wasn't just separatism, but a foreign intervention. Even if it were just separatism, Ukraine would still have that right. I have also said several times that Ukraine may not have done it right, but I am not a military expert, I don't know what choices they had, there were serious separatist militias at the time already formed, maybe there was no way to carry out a special operation whereby the leaders would be immediately taken out. Ukraine may have waited too long. I have also criticized the actions of the police during the Odessa incident and have expressed my dismay at the fact how helpless the riot police was (the person in charge may have been negligent or deliberately helping separatists). The riot police had to be brought in much earlier and the place should have been cordoned to separate both sides. They were not cautious enough.

    I have watched a lot of footage from Donbas in 2014, there were more victims than has been brought up here, there were victims outside of cities as well. I know the story of Anna Tuv very well (her husband gave his life saving her).

    Does this mean that it's justifiable to erase whole cities and murder children in much bigger numbers, the way that is being done now by RusFed?

    Why do you ignore the current brutality (which is at a much broader scale)? There were things in Mariupol that were far worse than reported by the Western media, that was only reported by the locals. Recently I listened to an interview of a man in Kyiv whose whole family (!!), was killed in an instant by a Russian missile (including his 1 year old twin grandchildren). I don't hear you ever talking about these atrocities, you just dismiss this. Yet you dwell on 2014.

    The biggest difference and most crucial factor is that Russia came into the Ukrainian territory to commit crimes, Ukraine never invaded Russia.

    Btw, I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions that you repeat over and over in a condescending manner.

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @AP

    "So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives"

    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.
    So you are claiming that it was a complete coincidence that, right at the moment when the rebel military leadership was meeting in that building, the Ukrainian government sent an expensive and rare plane to strike that exact building at the exact time of the meeting.

    Would any reasonable person conclude that the act was random and not the product of a tip?

    Ukrainian planes didn’t have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building
    They did the best they could with what was available.

    The most imprecise thing they could have done was to level the entire neighborhood with mass artillery and rocket attacks. Instead they sent in a rare and expensive plane to hit the specific building.

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the “compassionate” Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection
    This lie was not nearly as shameful as the lie that you repeat - that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians, that civilians were the target of this attack.

    Ukraine's lie just embarrassed the government. The lie that you repeat, on the other hand, directly contributed to the bloody civil war in which thousands of civilians ultimately died.

    Shame on you.

    Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational
    It very likely would have ended the war in Luhansk. Wiping out the leadership early on all at once would have made a big difference there. Many lives saved.

    Donetsk was a different theater, but who knows? If Ukraine's government showed that it could quickly wipe out violent militant leaders, perhaps foreign adventurers such as Strelkov or Motorola would have been more reluctant to go there and spread death and destruction.

    the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,
    In Mariupol a civilian mob approached armored vehicles demanding that the soldiers give the armored vehicles to the mob. The soldiers yelled at them to disperse or they'd shoot, the mob didn't disperse so eventually they shot. There were 2 (?), victims.

    Do you think the soldiers were obligated to just hand over their vehicles and weapons to the mob?

    Do you think this is in any way equivalent to killing sleeping civilians by razing apartment building to the ground, as Russians do?

    The lie that Ukrainians were just driving around Mariupol slaughtering random civilians minding their own business also contributed to the bloody civil war and hatred.

    Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents
    Not when the Russian adventurers are shooting out of populated areas.

    If there were an actual strategy of using unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas the death toll would not have been 3,000 but 30,000. That's the Russian way (as in Chechnya), not Ukrainian way.

    Also about 80% of those 3,000 were killed by Ukrainian forces. So about 2,400. Since the Russians were eager to have every death documented, this was the full number killed by the Ukrainian government's shelling and shooting.

    Russians are not so eager to let the UN document the people they killed when they stormed Mariupol and other areas under their control. So the UN admits that their current count of 8,000+ dead civilians since the Russian invasion is much lower than the real number.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn’t oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now.
    I condemned indiscriminate shelling by Ukrainians then.

    The problem is that you lied by claiming that acts such as the bombing of the Luhansk government building during a meeting of the rebel leadership within that building was indiscriminate. And the lie that you repeated was not a harmless one like the claim that it was a faulty air conditioner. It was a lie meant to stir up fear and hatred for the purpose of expanding a bloody civil war. Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they’re going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there
    Doubtful. And you now have a record about lying about Ukrainians' actions.

    But I suspect that the Ukrainians will rather get the Russians to retreat as in Kherson rather than destroy the city while taking it. Both to spare the civilians (they had been careful when shelling Kherson, before they took it) and their own soldiers.

    There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.
    The difference is both political and moral. Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.

    Replies: @Mikel

  911. @Yahya

    Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint).
    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years. He explained that Chinese got ahead because of cultural values that encouraged worldly prosperity and hard-work. I took that as an indicator that he might be open to some of the harder stuff. So I explained to him that the Chinese were also smarter. He gave me a death stare for a few seconds, then firmly pronounced that no, it was because of cultural differences.

    I never brought up HBD again during my stay in the US.

    Some of my Arab relatives were willing to entertain the notion, but as is typical of non-nerds, they are completely incurious and do not ask further questions. Just a nod and a shrug.


    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently - and I believe sincerely - asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Sher Singh, @silviosilver

    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently – and I believe sincerely – asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    I wonder what he’ll say about the Jewish-white gentile average IQ gap in the US. Is it also completely due to environmental factors? If so, exactly which ones? Which environmental factors affect US Jews but not US white gentiles, and also possibly affect people who are partially one and partially the other halfway or whatever?

  912. @Matra

    It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw.

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava. Berlin was wrecked in a war, you might have heard about it, then rebuilt. It's too spread out for my taste but every district feels distinct enough to make it unique, though I prefer Munich. A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city, but tourists rarely leave the centre so don't experience it.

    The metro is fantastic – it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can't think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries - other than Italy where the three metros I've been on all suck. I suppose lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    What do you think of Wroclaw? It was also destroyed in WWII and then rebuilt, no? It looks quite nice today:

    • Replies: @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it's beautiful and has a very vibrant (in the non-multiculti sense of the word) nightlife even on a Tuesday, possibly due to a lot of Erasmus students from other parts of Europe. I was only there two days though so I can't say too much about it. A guy I met there called it the 'America of Poland' and said it had a different vibe because so many of the people settled there relatively recently, presumably from places like present-day Western Ukraine/Eastern Poland after WW2.

    Replies: @LatW, @Mr. XYZ

  913. @Beckow
    @S’s a war upon identity....War can cover a multitude of sins.
    I would highlight more the resources issues, but these are two sides of the same coin. Eastern Europe is being destroyed because the identities there were resisting and the resources became less available. That's all the "West" ever does - they have been doing it since Rome massacred the Gauls, Charlemagne the Saxons, then the natives all around the world, and anyone who resisted in Europe hinterlands. First in the name of pure power, then god, then progress, and lately self-defense...

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention...within this dialectic.
    On and it is back on. EE and Russia are too damn close to the Western centers, they must be subdued. There is also the element of a potential 'alternative' - few places around the world have the potential to be an alternative to the West, CE-EE is one of them. They must be preventively destroyed or at least weakened.

    Russia is the core power center in EE whether we like it or not - without Russia the CE will collapse into provincial irrelevancy, something like Wales, West Virginia, South America. Historically when an alternative ceased to exist, Central-East became a backwater, controlled and exploited. When Germany was perceived as too Central-East it was also destroyed, and the Habsburgs, before them Byzantium, even to some extent the Ottomans. Since then it has been Russia's turn. Yes, they are getting special attention...

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    For Russia to be a viable alternative civilizational model to the West, it needs to massively ramp up its elite science production and R & D spending levels. Right now, Russia is a minnow in both of these departments!

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I agree, but don't forget that elite science in the West is not what we once believed. The percentage of low grade tripe seems pretty high in some areas. I don't know to what degree the Russians have the same problem.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @orchardist

  914. Sher Singh says:

    Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint).
    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years. He explained that Chinese got ahead because of cultural values that encouraged worldly prosperity and hard-work. I took that as an indicator that he might be open to some of the harder stuff. So I explained to him that the Chinese were also smarter. He gave me a death stare for a few seconds, then firmly pronounced that no, it was because of cultural differences.

    I never brought up HBD again during my stay in the US.

    Some of my Arab relatives were willing to entertain the notion, but as is typical of non-nerds, they are completely incurious and do not ask further questions. Just a nod and a shrug.


    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently - and I believe sincerely - asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Sher Singh, @silviosilver

    Funny thing is, 85 IQ is squarely in the same range as the Balkans, MENA & S/SE Asia.
    Not really that low by global standards & only slightly below a lot of Non-Germanic Europe.

    unrelated to other arguments:

    Did Jhatka Sunday with a couple Singhs – have to chop straight down vs the natural arc of a Talwar.
    I don’t think any large group of men can ‘assimilate’ into any culture.

    Conquer or be conquered.


    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Sher Singh

    Funny thing is, 85 IQ is squarely in the same range as the Balkans, MENA & S/SE Asia.
    Not really that low by global standards & only slightly below a lot of Non-Germanic Europe.
    The Balkan, MENA & S/SE Asia figures are depressed by environmental factors.

    Balkanoids converge to the European average when placed in a first world environment.

    The latter groups settle on low-to-mid 90s, though precision is difficult given selective migration.

    African-Americans have maxed out at 85 for the past 30 years, and show no signs of convergence.

    In fact they are undergoing an unfortunate steep dysgenic trend, so gap will continue to grow.

    Phenotypic IQ =/ Genotypic intelligence. Always must be kept in mind.

    , @Yevardian
    @Sher Singh

    I don’t think any large group of men can ‘assimilate’ into any culture.
    Depends on the contigent's size, how many arrive at once, the tech-difference and how culturally related they are to begin with. I don't see a lot of German speakers in the US anymore.

    Europe could still go all sorts of directions, and I think the US will be fine, but I do know at this point that Australia won't be a recognisably European/Western country in a generation or two... 400'000 people per year now, for a state of 26 million people... this imbecile PM just signed with Modi a decree recognising all Indian degrees (lol) in Australia.
    Not even going to be a Chinese colony, but a Pajeet one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Sher Singh, @Mr. XYZ

  915. @Mr. XYZ

    What do you think of Wroclaw? It was also destroyed in WWII and then rebuilt, no? It looks quite nice today:

    Replies: @Matra

    Yes, it’s beautiful and has a very vibrant (in the non-multiculti sense of the word) nightlife even on a Tuesday, possibly due to a lot of Erasmus students from other parts of Europe. I was only there two days though so I can’t say too much about it. A guy I met there called it the ‘America of Poland’ and said it had a different vibe because so many of the people settled there relatively recently, presumably from places like present-day Western Ukraine/Eastern Poland after WW2.

    • Replies: @LatW

    You dislike and trash Poles and other Eastern Euros yet you bar crawl in Poland, probably in search for easy women. Wow.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, the Recovered Territories, including Wroclaw, were resettled by Polish colonists from both central Poland and the Kresy (the former eastern Poland) in the post-WWII years and decades:

    AFAIK, they kept their water, sewer, electricity, et cetera systems from German rule but otherwise had to rebuild everything from scratch and mostly bring in new people due to most of the previous (German) inhabitants of these territories getting expelled after WWII as revenge for Germany starting WWII in the first place.

    I think that they even kept the old German cemeteries in the Recovered Territories, thus demonstrating the sheer magnitude of the population replacement that occurred there after WWII.

    Western Upper Silesia and southern East Prussia (Masuria) were the main parts of Poland in 1950 that belonged to Germany in 1939 that still had large native populations there in 1950. The Masurians mostly emigrated in and after 1956, once they were allowed to do so, but a lot of the western Upper Silesians and their descendants stayed in Poland up to the present-day, I think. Though many nevertheless left Poland over the next several decades.

    You can still see some German presence in these territories today:

    Southern East Prussia (Masuria):

    Upper Silesia:

    Even nowadays, Opole Voivodeship is almost 20% German!

    Opole Voivodeship 1,055,667 206,256 19.5

    The 19.5% is the German percentage there out of the total population there.

  916. @Mikel

    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives
    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.

    Ukrainian planes didn't have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building for the very odd chance of killing Bolotov (if they really knew for sure that he was somewhere inside the huge building).

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the "compassionate" Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection because it was crystal clear to everybody that the attack had been a senseless massacre and they were being criticized even by ardent Ukraine supporters in the West. Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational. There's no way Strelkov, Pushilin, Bezler, Mozgovoy and all the rest (not to mention the Russians) were going to give up just because one of them was killed.

    In fact, the only remarkable aspect of the Lugansk Central Square massacre was that the horrible scenes were watched by lots of people, including many Westerners (that would soon end with the Western media blackout of the war in Donbas), but the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,... The air attack against the Donetsk airport probably killed more civilians than the Lugansk one but there were hardly any images of that action. The Grahams weirdo documented many of these killings but only a few of us following the hostilities through non-MSM channels learned about some of them. Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents. Lugansk was nothing but a tiny prelude of what Ukraine was willing to do to its own civilians in order to quell the rebellion.

    After so many years I'm not going to engage in an autistic debate of how what really happened in Lugansk was not what it looked like. That would be as pointless as arguing with AnonfromTN or Gerard who really downed the Malaysian airliner. It's water under the bridge now and the Russians just in Mariupol possibly killed more civilians than the Ukrainians in the whole Donbas war. What they consider to be their own civilians as well.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn't oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now. It's too late. You missed your chance and will never be able to recover it. You, Mr Hack, LatW, etc may well criticize the invasion of Ukraine by a bloodthirsty dictator but you can't seriously appeal to the readers' humanity here when you detail atrocities committed now by the Russians that are no worse than what the Ukrainians did. The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that. What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government's actions based on the importance of the state.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they're going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there than the Russians did. There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.

    Replies: @LatW, @AP

    The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that.

    You have deliberately missed a lot of what I have said. It’s ok, I no longer read most of your comments either.

    What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government’s actions based on the importance of the state.

    No, do not mislead. What I said was that Ukraine had a right to defend herself. This wasn’t just separatism, but a foreign intervention. Even if it were just separatism, Ukraine would still have that right. I have also said several times that Ukraine may not have done it right, but I am not a military expert, I don’t know what choices they had, there were serious separatist militias at the time already formed, maybe there was no way to carry out a special operation whereby the leaders would be immediately taken out. Ukraine may have waited too long. I have also criticized the actions of the police during the Odessa incident and have expressed my dismay at the fact how helpless the riot police was (the person in charge may have been negligent or deliberately helping separatists). The riot police had to be brought in much earlier and the place should have been cordoned to separate both sides. They were not cautious enough.

    I have watched a lot of footage from Donbas in 2014, there were more victims than has been brought up here, there were victims outside of cities as well. I know the story of Anna Tuv very well (her husband gave his life saving her).

    Does this mean that it’s justifiable to erase whole cities and murder children in much bigger numbers, the way that is being done now by RusFed?

    Why do you ignore the current brutality (which is at a much broader scale)? There were things in Mariupol that were far worse than reported by the Western media, that was only reported by the locals. Recently I listened to an interview of a man in Kyiv whose whole family (!!), was killed in an instant by a Russian missile (including his 1 year old twin grandchildren). I don’t hear you ever talking about these atrocities, you just dismiss this. Yet you dwell on 2014.

    The biggest difference and most crucial factor is that Russia came into the Ukrainian territory to commit crimes, Ukraine never invaded Russia.

    Btw, I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions that you repeat over and over in a condescending manner.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions
    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.

    You are thus very welcome to continue ignoring my comments instead of replying to them with idiotic questions like "Why do you ignore the current brutality". That brutality is now affecting relatives of my personal friends in Ukraine, one of whom I invited to spend New Year's day with us. They may still get killed by the Russians so I have never ignored anything. Why the f*ck do you think that Gerard is in the habit of posting an insult against me in each of his comments?

    Replies: @LatW, @silviosilver

  917. S says:
    @Greasy William

    It was a bloody failure and now, fortunately, appears to have been called off.
    It's normal to have operational pauses in such large campaigns as this one. These are just the initial stages, the goal right now is to force the enemy to pull out his reserves or at least expose his defenses (and the weakest areas). They are still figuring out in what directions the biggest advances will take place. They need to assess the enemy correctly (what can be anticipated, what their reserves look like).

    Btw, there was a recent video of Gen. Zaluzhniy commanding and it looked like he was wearing a baby Yoda patch. So funny. Everyone's wearing skulls, wolves and other more aggressive symbols, but he has a baby Yoda. :)

    Replies: @S

    So funny. Everyone’s wearing skulls, wolves and other more aggressive symbols, but he has a baby Yoda. 🙂

    That is funny. The Taiwanese Air Force are sporting this guy…

    • LOL: LatW
  918. @Greasy William

    I don't think you non Americans understand: the US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war. It simply isn't possible. You guys just don't understand what things are like here.

    The European states are still capable of fighting so they should do so if it proves necessary

    Replies: @Beckow

    US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war…the European states are still capable of fighting

    The European states are equally divided and couldn’t also fight in a war for other reasons – that US may not have. Poland and the mini-Balt states could be an exception, but I also doubt it. Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine. So far there are enough Ukies doing this honorable desperate work…

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine
    Europeans are obedient people. If their leaders tell them they must go to war, they will. They won't institute a draft, they'll simply use professional troops. 250k troops and 500 fighter jets should be more than enough to ensure that Russia never conquers Ukraine

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @LatW

    Why is there all this talk about the "war expanding" when on the ground there is very little sign of that. RusFed is not advancing at all. Very suspicious talk.

    Replies: @Beckow

  919. @Mr. XYZ

    For Russia to be a viable alternative civilizational model to the West, it needs to massively ramp up its elite science production and R & D spending levels. Right now, Russia is a minnow in both of these departments!

    Replies: @QCIC

    I agree, but don’t forget that elite science in the West is not what we once believed. The percentage of low grade tripe seems pretty high in some areas. I don’t know to what degree the Russians have the same problem.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Russia's problem with low-grade tripe might be worse:

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @orchardist

    . . .that's because the CIA hired the good ones and put them to work in Area 51 . . .

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  920. @QCIC

    I meant why do commenters at Unz want to escalate? I interpreted part of your comment as enthusiasm for escalation.

    I don't think we have the full story on the early Russian moves. People seem to forget the Russian military saw hard combat in Chechnya and very serious, though more limited combat in Georgia and Syria. I assume they had advisors in Nagorno-Karabakh. Those situations were different, but still adequate to produce some good battle-hardened leadership.

    There is no plausible combat pathway to Russian defeat. The only way Russia is "defeated" is with some back room deal or diplomatic arrangement.

    Transport infrastructure in Ukraine is easy to hobble because bridges are vulnerable. Take out a few key bridges, then the remaining delivery routes are more focussed and even juicer targets. If that doesn't work take out the fuel depot. Russia has been partially avoiding these tactics.

    Replies: @Sean

    There is no plausible combat pathway to Russian defeat

    Plausible does not mean probable even with ATACMS hammering them it is a stretch to see Russia loosing now, and even so it would only be a conventional defeat rescued by theatre thermonuclear use against Ukraine . Taking out an American satellite is not going to happen; it would be far more of an escalation than nuking the Ukrainian army.

  921. @Sher Singh

    Funny thing is, 85 IQ is squarely in the same range as the Balkans, MENA & S/SE Asia.
    Not really that low by global standards & only slightly below a lot of Non-Germanic Europe.

    @Yevardian unrelated to other arguments:

    Did Jhatka Sunday with a couple Singhs - have to chop straight down vs the natural arc of a Talwar.
    I don't think any large group of men can 'assimilate' into any culture.

    Conquer or be conquered.


    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian

    Funny thing is, 85 IQ is squarely in the same range as the Balkans, MENA & S/SE Asia.
    Not really that low by global standards & only slightly below a lot of Non-Germanic Europe.

    The Balkan, MENA & S/SE Asia figures are depressed by environmental factors.

    Balkanoids converge to the European average when placed in a first world environment.

    The latter groups settle on low-to-mid 90s, though precision is difficult given selective migration.

    African-Americans have maxed out at 85 for the past 30 years, and show no signs of convergence.

    In fact they are undergoing an unfortunate steep dysgenic trend, so gap will continue to grow.

    Phenotypic IQ =/ Genotypic intelligence. Always must be kept in mind.

    • Agree: Sher Singh
  922. @Matra

    It will hit you immediately what is lacking in Krakow, Berlin or Warsaw.

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava. Berlin was wrecked in a war, you might have heard about it, then rebuilt. It's too spread out for my taste but every district feels distinct enough to make it unique, though I prefer Munich. A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city, but tourists rarely leave the centre so don't experience it.

    The metro is fantastic – it was built fully by the commies, something the Western societies are somehow unable to do. Why would that be?

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can't think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries - other than Italy where the three metros I've been on all suck. I suppose lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.

    Krakow’s metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest. Brno is indeed a dismal wasteland, but Bratislava is very nice – about 1/2 the size of Krakow and at least twice as interesting…:)

    A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city…

    Let’s not go there…Paris is also shabby in many areas, so is Munich or Zurich. And London’s extreme shabbiness is in a class of its own. Berlin was bombed, you are right, but still…for god sake it is just ugly.

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can’t think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries

    Ok: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Lyon, Stockholm, Brussels…all pretty bad. Enough? Maybe you can suggest some places with great metros. (And don’t even look at US, it is an absolute horror show…I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn’t be…but it is, that’s the best Boston could do…)

    lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.

    Yes, that is very important and linked to the other benefits – it makes everything work better. But it is a critical advantage, it is not a small feature – it makes all the difference when it comes to quality of life.

    • Replies: @AP

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.

    Krakow’s metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest
    You can't help yourself but lie.

    Metro area population:

    Vienna: 3 million
    Budapest: 3 million
    Prague: 2.2 million
    Krakow: 1.4 million

    City urban population:

    Budapest: 2.6 million
    Vienna: 2.2 million
    Prague: 1.4 million
    Krakow: under 1 million

    Really, even when it comes to trivial things, you can't help but lie. Amazing.

    I haven't been to Prague, but Budapest is clearly much worse than Krakow or Vienna. Architecturally no better (other than one spectacular building), but the streets are dirtier, shabbier, more unpleasant.

    I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn’t be…but it is, that’s the best Boston could do…
    It's a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

  923. @Sher Singh

    Funny thing is, 85 IQ is squarely in the same range as the Balkans, MENA & S/SE Asia.
    Not really that low by global standards & only slightly below a lot of Non-Germanic Europe.

    @Yevardian unrelated to other arguments:

    Did Jhatka Sunday with a couple Singhs - have to chop straight down vs the natural arc of a Talwar.
    I don't think any large group of men can 'assimilate' into any culture.

    Conquer or be conquered.


    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian

    I don’t think any large group of men can ‘assimilate’ into any culture.

    Depends on the contigent’s size, how many arrive at once, the tech-difference and how culturally related they are to begin with. I don’t see a lot of German speakers in the US anymore.

    Europe could still go all sorts of directions, and I think the US will be fine, but I do know at this point that Australia won’t be a recognisably European/Western country in a generation or two… 400’000 people per year now, for a state of 26 million people… this imbecile PM just signed with Modi a decree recognising all Indian degrees (lol) in Australia.
    Not even going to be a Chinese colony, but a Pajeet one.

    • Replies: @songbird

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.

    Replies: @Yahya

    , @Sher Singh

    Canada up to 1mil now and same thing.
    USA largest annual intake is India now too.

    Niggers might be horrible,
    but niggerjeets give em a good run.

    I have faith that humanity will kill both Congos & Gangetics.


    , @Mr. XYZ

    Australia is likely to reach its population carrying capacity not too far in the future, no? This will prevent it from accepting huge numbers of immigrants indefinitely. Unless you're thinking of huge amounts of Australian desert being converted into fertile agricultural land through advanced technology. Are you?

  924. Buster Keaton’s childhood was surprisingly similar to Jackie Chan’s, though only in a very vague way:

    Keaton’s family were in vaudeville, and, when he was quite young, he had a suitcase handle sewn into his clothes so his father could pick him up and throw him into scenery and the orchestra, etc. He became skilled at taking falls.

  925. @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war...the European states are still capable of fighting
    The European states are equally divided and couldn't also fight in a war for other reasons - that US may not have. Poland and the mini-Balt states could be an exception, but I also doubt it. Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine. So far there are enough Ukies doing this honorable desperate work...

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW

    Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine

    Europeans are obedient people. If their leaders tell them they must go to war, they will. They won’t institute a draft, they’ll simply use professional troops. 250k troops and 500 fighter jets should be more than enough to ensure that Russia never conquers Ukraine

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    ...250k troops and 500 fighter jets should be more than enough to ensure that Russia never conquers Ukraine
    Ok, so send them. It could be intimidating and lead to peace. But more likely when the casualties would start it would lead to a backlash. Even Poland is unlikely to take calmly losing 5k or 10k men. And for the others even 1k would be too much.

    Think it through. Europeans are conformist and generally scared of authority, but not obedient when it comes to their own lives. Just try it, send 250k to Ukraine to fight and watch what happens.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  926. @Yevardian
    @Sher Singh

    I don’t think any large group of men can ‘assimilate’ into any culture.
    Depends on the contigent's size, how many arrive at once, the tech-difference and how culturally related they are to begin with. I don't see a lot of German speakers in the US anymore.

    Europe could still go all sorts of directions, and I think the US will be fine, but I do know at this point that Australia won't be a recognisably European/Western country in a generation or two... 400'000 people per year now, for a state of 26 million people... this imbecile PM just signed with Modi a decree recognising all Indian degrees (lol) in Australia.
    Not even going to be a Chinese colony, but a Pajeet one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Sher Singh, @Mr. XYZ

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.

    • LOL: Sher Singh
    • Replies: @Yahya

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.
    [[[Brahmins]]] are definitely in the running for master race status over the next few centuries.

    High assertiveness + intelligence + ethnocentrism is a formidable combination.

    West has unwittingly sown the seeds of their rise by opening up the gates.

    Secular Ashkenazi Jewish competitors will dwindle by 70% over next generation due to intermarriage and low TFR.

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

  927. @Mikel

    While HIMARS hurt the Russians enough to virtually stop them, ATACMS in quantity would likely drive them back in the sense of making it instantly obvious their positions in Crimea were untenable in the medium term.
    Could you please educate me. Why can't the Russians do that now to the Ukrainians? Don't they have ATACMS-tier artillery? Do they lack satellite and precision guidance means for mobile targets? Both? Thanks.

    Replies: @Sean

    Russia likely had weapons assentially equivalent to HIMARS if not ATACMs. Weeb Union says the Russians have been very slow to use their advanced missile capabilities, and are still very stingy. basically the Russians have have not got collectively serious. about winning the Ukraine in short order.

    My opinion is Putinism is not an example of purpose- oriented statism, and Russia has not been engaged in endless preparation for war, quite the oppisite,they are carefully husbanding their stocks of advanced weapons. None of the military equipment Ukrainie is using mow s produced in Ukraine and it mai well be the easiast and most economical way to destroy Ukrqinian equipment isin the battlefield

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Somewhat agree. As I have pointed out, Russia always seemed to be staying ready for attacks on different fronts in this war and pacing themselves in Ukraine. They also seem to be destroying the AFU GRADUALLY which I think is completely intentional. They have advanced smaller weapons, but it is unclear how many they have used. Why did the Ka-52 apparently become more effective a few weeks ago? They were always effective, but the ratio of lost helicopters per sortie seems to have improved. Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys? It could be these things were always at play and just not highlighted for Western audiences. Or maybe they had to shape the engagements to take best use of the advanced hardware. Check back in a few years and read the book, then we may know.

    The ATACMS is sort of a poor man's/baby version of the Iskander missile (also Kinzhal) which Russia has been using since the beginning. They have guidance kits for some of the smaller rockets as well.

    Russia has been gradually rebuilding military capability for decades. Considering the small military budgets, they spend a lot on strategic systems. Now that they are on a war footing building this tactical stuff should be easy for them to crank out.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Sean

  928. @Yevardian
    @Sher Singh

    I don’t think any large group of men can ‘assimilate’ into any culture.
    Depends on the contigent's size, how many arrive at once, the tech-difference and how culturally related they are to begin with. I don't see a lot of German speakers in the US anymore.

    Europe could still go all sorts of directions, and I think the US will be fine, but I do know at this point that Australia won't be a recognisably European/Western country in a generation or two... 400'000 people per year now, for a state of 26 million people... this imbecile PM just signed with Modi a decree recognising all Indian degrees (lol) in Australia.
    Not even going to be a Chinese colony, but a Pajeet one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Sher Singh, @Mr. XYZ

    Canada up to 1mil now and same thing.
    USA largest annual intake is India now too.

    Niggers might be horrible,
    but niggerjeets give em a good run.

    I have faith that humanity will kill both Congos & Gangetics.


  929. @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it's beautiful and has a very vibrant (in the non-multiculti sense of the word) nightlife even on a Tuesday, possibly due to a lot of Erasmus students from other parts of Europe. I was only there two days though so I can't say too much about it. A guy I met there called it the 'America of Poland' and said it had a different vibe because so many of the people settled there relatively recently, presumably from places like present-day Western Ukraine/Eastern Poland after WW2.

    Replies: @LatW, @Mr. XYZ

    You dislike and trash Poles and other Eastern Euros yet you bar crawl in Poland, probably in search for easy women. Wow.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    He probably wants to get his hands on a Polish woman who looks like Joanna Krupa.

  930. Honestly never heard about that Lithuanian made game, was bit surprised to see it was among officially best-selling since of all time:

    • Replies: @sudden death
    @sudden death

    Not being an active gamer was tempted to search whether it's real thing, lol

  931. @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    US is too politically divided to fight a large scale war...the European states are still capable of fighting
    The European states are equally divided and couldn't also fight in a war for other reasons - that US may not have. Poland and the mini-Balt states could be an exception, but I also doubt it. Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine. So far there are enough Ukies doing this honorable desperate work...

    Replies: @Greasy William, @LatW

    Why is there all this talk about the “war expanding” when on the ground there is very little sign of that. RusFed is not advancing at all. Very suspicious talk.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    I agree that it is not much of a war, it is stalled. But there is the Ukie offensive and the big talk all over the West of what is coming - incl. among some people here, although it has calmed down a bit.

    What has been expanding is the rhetoric - by both sides. That may presage trying to do more or it is just yelling on the way down - that applies more to the Ukies.

  932. @sudden death
    Honestly never heard about that Lithuanian made game, was bit surprised to see it was among officially best-selling since of all time:

    Replies: @sudden death

    Not being an active gamer was tempted to search whether it’s real thing, lol

  933. @songbird

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.

    Replies: @Yahya

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.

    [[[Brahmins]]] are definitely in the running for master race status over the next few centuries.

    High assertiveness + intelligence + ethnocentrism is a formidable combination.

    West has unwittingly sown the seeds of their rise by opening up the gates.

    Secular Ashkenazi Jewish competitors will dwindle by 70% over next generation due to intermarriage and low TFR.

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.
    According to Audacious Epigone's GSS polling/survey data, Orthodox Jews in the US are about half a standard deviation duller than non-Orthodox Jews in the US are:

    So, even if they do secularize, I don't think that Orthodox Jews are going to be anywhere near as accomplished as non-Orthodox Jews currently are.

    Replies: @Yahya

    , @songbird

    Srinivasen mentions the Indian diaspora in his discourse on the network state. Though am sure he would deny it, I suspect that he was at least slightly inspired by the idea of Indians cooperating across borders. The way he puts it:

    I am moderately bullish on India, but extremely bullish on Indians

    Replies: @Sher Singh

  934. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I agree, but don't forget that elite science in the West is not what we once believed. The percentage of low grade tripe seems pretty high in some areas. I don't know to what degree the Russians have the same problem.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @orchardist

    Russia’s problem with low-grade tripe might be worse:

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would be nice to see real, current data. AK may be right that Russia was and still is backward in AI, supercomputers and biotech. I don't care since those fields are rapidly leading the entire world to ruin.

    I think Russia is still top in a number of R&D fields so there is no reason to think they are hopeless. A lot of their work is supported by the military and may be classified, who knows?

    I think there are many first generation Russian children working in Western R&D. It will be interesting to see how many of these scientific descendants return over time. The bar is pretty high unless their parents made them learn Russian.

    While there are still a lot of innovators in the West, I think the quality of researchers in general is much lower than it once was. The loss of meritocracy and general propriety have greatly exaggerated the so-called Dunning-Kruger effect.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  935. @Yahya

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.
    [[[Brahmins]]] are definitely in the running for master race status over the next few centuries.

    High assertiveness + intelligence + ethnocentrism is a formidable combination.

    West has unwittingly sown the seeds of their rise by opening up the gates.

    Secular Ashkenazi Jewish competitors will dwindle by 70% over next generation due to intermarriage and low TFR.

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.

    According to Audacious Epigone’s GSS polling/survey data, Orthodox Jews in the US are about half a standard deviation duller than non-Orthodox Jews in the US are:

    So, even if they do secularize, I don’t think that Orthodox Jews are going to be anywhere near as accomplished as non-Orthodox Jews currently are.

    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Mr. XYZ

    According to Audacious Epigone’s GSS polling/survey data, Orthodox Jews in the US are about half a standard deviation duller than non-Orthodox Jews in the US are:
    Phenotypic IQ =/ genotypic intelligence.

    Orthodox Jews aren’t substantially different genetically from Seculars.

    It is possible there are selective forces operating on the former, but divergence isn’t long enough to make differences meaningful.

    I’d put the gap down to the lack of modernity among the Orthodox.

    So, even if they do secularize, I don’t think that Orthodox Jews are going to be anywhere near as accomplished as non-Orthodox Jews currently are.
    We shall have to wait and see.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  936. @Yevardian
    @Sher Singh

    I don’t think any large group of men can ‘assimilate’ into any culture.
    Depends on the contigent's size, how many arrive at once, the tech-difference and how culturally related they are to begin with. I don't see a lot of German speakers in the US anymore.

    Europe could still go all sorts of directions, and I think the US will be fine, but I do know at this point that Australia won't be a recognisably European/Western country in a generation or two... 400'000 people per year now, for a state of 26 million people... this imbecile PM just signed with Modi a decree recognising all Indian degrees (lol) in Australia.
    Not even going to be a Chinese colony, but a Pajeet one.

    Replies: @songbird, @Sher Singh, @Mr. XYZ

    Australia is likely to reach its population carrying capacity not too far in the future, no? This will prevent it from accepting huge numbers of immigrants indefinitely. Unless you’re thinking of huge amounts of Australian desert being converted into fertile agricultural land through advanced technology. Are you?

  937. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I agree, but don't forget that elite science in the West is not what we once believed. The percentage of low grade tripe seems pretty high in some areas. I don't know to what degree the Russians have the same problem.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @orchardist

    . . .that’s because the CIA hired the good ones and put them to work in Area 51 . . .

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Anybody who thinks the classified programs are 20 years ahead of the rest of us does not understand how science works. At all.

    Replies: @orchardist

  938. AP says:

    So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives
    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.

    Ukrainian planes didn't have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building for the very odd chance of killing Bolotov (if they really knew for sure that he was somewhere inside the huge building).

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the "compassionate" Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection because it was crystal clear to everybody that the attack had been a senseless massacre and they were being criticized even by ardent Ukraine supporters in the West. Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational. There's no way Strelkov, Pushilin, Bezler, Mozgovoy and all the rest (not to mention the Russians) were going to give up just because one of them was killed.

    In fact, the only remarkable aspect of the Lugansk Central Square massacre was that the horrible scenes were watched by lots of people, including many Westerners (that would soon end with the Western media blackout of the war in Donbas), but the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,... The air attack against the Donetsk airport probably killed more civilians than the Lugansk one but there were hardly any images of that action. The Grahams weirdo documented many of these killings but only a few of us following the hostilities through non-MSM channels learned about some of them. Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents. Lugansk was nothing but a tiny prelude of what Ukraine was willing to do to its own civilians in order to quell the rebellion.

    After so many years I'm not going to engage in an autistic debate of how what really happened in Lugansk was not what it looked like. That would be as pointless as arguing with AnonfromTN or Gerard who really downed the Malaysian airliner. It's water under the bridge now and the Russians just in Mariupol possibly killed more civilians than the Ukrainians in the whole Donbas war. What they consider to be their own civilians as well.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn't oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now. It's too late. You missed your chance and will never be able to recover it. You, Mr Hack, LatW, etc may well criticize the invasion of Ukraine by a bloodthirsty dictator but you can't seriously appeal to the readers' humanity here when you detail atrocities committed now by the Russians that are no worse than what the Ukrainians did. The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that. What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government's actions based on the importance of the state.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they're going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there than the Russians did. There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.

    Replies: @LatW, @AP

    “So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives”

    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.

    So you are claiming that it was a complete coincidence that, right at the moment when the rebel military leadership was meeting in that building, the Ukrainian government sent an expensive and rare plane to strike that exact building at the exact time of the meeting.

    Would any reasonable person conclude that the act was random and not the product of a tip?

    Ukrainian planes didn’t have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building

    They did the best they could with what was available.

    The most imprecise thing they could have done was to level the entire neighborhood with mass artillery and rocket attacks. Instead they sent in a rare and expensive plane to hit the specific building.

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the “compassionate” Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection

    This lie was not nearly as shameful as the lie that you repeat – that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians, that civilians were the target of this attack.

    Ukraine’s lie just embarrassed the government. The lie that you repeat, on the other hand, directly contributed to the bloody civil war in which thousands of civilians ultimately died.

    Shame on you.

    Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational

    It very likely would have ended the war in Luhansk. Wiping out the leadership early on all at once would have made a big difference there. Many lives saved.

    Donetsk was a different theater, but who knows? If Ukraine’s government showed that it could quickly wipe out violent militant leaders, perhaps foreign adventurers such as Strelkov or Motorola would have been more reluctant to go there and spread death and destruction.

    the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,

    In Mariupol a civilian mob approached armored vehicles demanding that the soldiers give the armored vehicles to the mob. The soldiers yelled at them to disperse or they’d shoot, the mob didn’t disperse so eventually they shot. There were 2 (?), victims.

    Do you think the soldiers were obligated to just hand over their vehicles and weapons to the mob?

    Do you think this is in any way equivalent to killing sleeping civilians by razing apartment building to the ground, as Russians do?

    The lie that Ukrainians were just driving around Mariupol slaughtering random civilians minding their own business also contributed to the bloody civil war and hatred.

    Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents

    Not when the Russian adventurers are shooting out of populated areas.

    If there were an actual strategy of using unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas the death toll would not have been 3,000 but 30,000. That’s the Russian way (as in Chechnya), not Ukrainian way.

    Also about 80% of those 3,000 were killed by Ukrainian forces. So about 2,400. Since the Russians were eager to have every death documented, this was the full number killed by the Ukrainian government’s shelling and shooting.

    Russians are not so eager to let the UN document the people they killed when they stormed Mariupol and other areas under their control. So the UN admits that their current count of 8,000+ dead civilians since the Russian invasion is much lower than the real number.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn’t oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now.

    I condemned indiscriminate shelling by Ukrainians then.

    The problem is that you lied by claiming that acts such as the bombing of the Luhansk government building during a meeting of the rebel leadership within that building was indiscriminate. And the lie that you repeated was not a harmless one like the claim that it was a faulty air conditioner. It was a lie meant to stir up fear and hatred for the purpose of expanding a bloody civil war. Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they’re going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there

    Doubtful. And you now have a record about lying about Ukrainians’ actions.

    But I suspect that the Ukrainians will rather get the Russians to retreat as in Kherson rather than destroy the city while taking it. Both to spare the civilians (they had been careful when shelling Kherson, before they took it) and their own soldiers.

    There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.

    The difference is both political and moral. Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mikel

    It very likely would have ended the war in Luhansk. .../... perhaps foreign adventurers such as Strelkov or Motorola would have been more reluctant to go there and spread death and destruction.
    That's Saker's level of argumentation. The witnesses who saw the Ukrainian jets approaching the Malaysian plane, the Spanish air controller in Kiev, the Russian engineering report that proves how a Buk could never cause that type of damage,...

    Sure, sure, but find someone else for that kind of debate.

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.
    Sadly, that doesn't even reach Saker's or Martyanov's level. Don't let your emotions let you fall so low.

    Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.
    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now. They're not leveling whole neighborhoods just for the fun of it either. But guess what happens when you bomb central Kharkiv with heavy artillery or when you bomb the civil administration building of Lugansk from the air. Yes, exactly: lots of civilians get killed, maimed and injured. Period. End of the story. "If only this or that would have also happened, along with the inevitable death of those pesky civilians" doesn't whitewash the massacre, either in Kharkiv or in Lugansk.

    However, I wasn't very accurate when I said that you missed your chance to be in a position to appeal to humanitarian feelings. First, there is always the possibility of sincere regret. And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain. You are all perfectly free to express your disapproval of these actions by your side or to carry on finding excuses for them.

    Replies: @AP

  939. AP says:

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.
    Krakow's metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest. Brno is indeed a dismal wasteland, but Bratislava is very nice - about 1/2 the size of Krakow and at least twice as interesting...:)

    A lot of Prague is quite shabby looking, not unusual for a big city...
    Let's not go there...Paris is also shabby in many areas, so is Munich or Zurich. And London's extreme shabbiness is in a class of its own. Berlin was bombed, you are right, but still...for god sake it is just ugly.

    The Prague metro is efficient and all that but I can’t think of anything that makes it stand out from metros in similar-sized non-communist Western European countries
    Ok: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Lyon, Stockholm, Brussels...all pretty bad. Enough? Maybe you can suggest some places with great metros. (And don't even look at US, it is an absolute horror show...I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn't be...but it is, that's the best Boston could do...)

    lack of diversity and the ills associated with it would be its main advantage over Western European metros.
    Yes, that is very important and linked to the other benefits - it makes everything work better. But it is a critical advantage, it is not a small feature - it makes all the difference when it comes to quality of life.

    Replies: @AP

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.

    Krakow’s metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest

    You can’t help yourself but lie.

    Metro area population:

    Vienna: 3 million
    Budapest: 3 million
    Prague: 2.2 million
    Krakow: 1.4 million

    City urban population:

    Budapest: 2.6 million
    Vienna: 2.2 million
    Prague: 1.4 million
    Krakow: under 1 million

    Really, even when it comes to trivial things, you can’t help but lie. Amazing.

    I haven’t been to Prague, but Budapest is clearly much worse than Krakow or Vienna. Architecturally no better (other than one spectacular building), but the streets are dirtier, shabbier, more unpleasant.

    I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn’t be…but it is, that’s the best Boston could do…

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Prague has 1.3 million people (2019). The 'metro' concept is defined differently in every country - if you include the Central Bohemia region you get 2.2 million - but it is ridiculous, the rural areas 50-75 km from Prague over the hills are in no way a part of Prague. It is simply that statisticians don't know how to handle it, so they put surrounding regions together. I don't know how it is done in Poland, but your numbers (or "wiki") are inaccurate. But as an autistic idiot you can't help yourself.

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.
    Boston metro (line D) is half-nothing and half-shit: dysfunctional, ugly and dirty. There is nothing charming about it and for Boston to have it shows the real level of development in the US. There is also the 'bus/metro' from Boston airport (using Skoda trolleybuses :) Then there is NY or the 'single-tracking' Washington...enough said. A normal country in 2023 would not have an infrastructure that bad...

    Do you also find the huts in Guatemala charming? No wonder you think that Lviv is great, you lack discriminating taste. So enjoy Warsaw, it is about all you can aspire to.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    What are your thoughts on Bucharest, AP? It seems like a rather nice, fancy city based on its Wikipedia photos:

    Does it have a problem with Gypsy pickpockets?

    And can we at least say that Bucharest is a high-class city relative to its Balkan-tier human capital? Romanians are about as intelligent as US blacks are according to the PISA exam, but have nevertheless managed to build a functional country, albeit a corrupt one (not as corrupt as Russia and Ukraine are, though) and with the help of a lot of EU subsidies.

  940. S says:

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.
    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner. There is sometimes a lack of rationality which is replaced with a kind of a cunning and aggressiveness that in the end doesn't really bring good results. This can be used by outsiders, but the issue is not created from the outside. There is also a lack of self-sufficiency, if you look at Russia, for example, you constantly witness this struggle between what they perceive as their own "unique" civilizational way and the constant yearning to connect with the West, to gain from it or to emulate it even. Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.

    Replies: @S, @S

    …the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner. There is sometimes a lack of rationality which is replaced with a kind of a cunning and aggressiveness that in the end doesn’t really bring good results.

    Every people has their foibles, their dysfunctions (not that you have suggested otherwise).

    In that regard, the problem of psychological dysfunctionality amongst individuals and peoples collectively is widespread, and growing. I’d say it’s a severe problem, even an existential threat to humanity.

    This widespread individual and collective psychological dysfunctionality should have been dealt with first, naturally, before doing anything else, including attempting to establish a world state.

    Doing otherwise is madness in my opinion.

    Individuals, as well as peoples, are (at minimum) dual beings, and some say more than that. We have our physical self, and that unseen spiritual/emotional self, ie a ‘personality’ if you will, every bit as real as the physical.

    Knowing their own selves best, and thus having the best chance of resolving these psychological/spiritual issues, I would have allowed peoples to remain in situ in their historic homelands. Perhaps, should they choose, there could in time be a peace league/mutual defense org for peoples to join whilst they retain their autonomy. No people would be forced to join a world state.

    As it is, the United States of the World (world state) project is very mechanistic, very material oriented. That’s why, amongst other reasons, I’m against it.

    ‘We are all now programmed for perfect happiness.’

    ‘This is your last chance!’

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  941. @Mr. XYZ

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.
    According to Audacious Epigone's GSS polling/survey data, Orthodox Jews in the US are about half a standard deviation duller than non-Orthodox Jews in the US are:

    So, even if they do secularize, I don't think that Orthodox Jews are going to be anywhere near as accomplished as non-Orthodox Jews currently are.

    Replies: @Yahya

    According to Audacious Epigone’s GSS polling/survey data, Orthodox Jews in the US are about half a standard deviation duller than non-Orthodox Jews in the US are:

    Phenotypic IQ =/ genotypic intelligence.

    Orthodox Jews aren’t substantially different genetically from Seculars.

    It is possible there are selective forces operating on the former, but divergence isn’t long enough to make differences meaningful.

    I’d put the gap down to the lack of modernity among the Orthodox.

    So, even if they do secularize, I don’t think that Orthodox Jews are going to be anywhere near as accomplished as non-Orthodox Jews currently are.

    We shall have to wait and see.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    Orthodox Jews aren’t substantially different genetically from Seculars.
    There is a massive inbreeding problem in the orthodox community. No way they are as intelligent as secular Ashkenazim

    Replies: @Yahya

  942. A123 says: • Website

    Finland has a new government: (1)

    Finland’s new right-wing government takes office, promises hard-line approach to immigration

    the coalition agreement included plans to cut refugee quotas, increase the threshold for migrants to obtain work visas to come to Finland, and extend the duration foreign nationals need to reside in the country before they can apply for citizenship.

    The coalition agreement revealed “the government will make international protection temporary in nature” and will be limited to just three years. Criminal offenses by migrants will be dealt with in the strictest manner, with those found guilty of a serious crime having their protection revoked and being banned from the country.

    “The government will examine the possibilities to impose a prison sentence as punishment for illegal stays in the country, taking into account the impacts of this on general government finances,” the agreement said.

    “Rejected asylum applicants will return, or will be returned to, their countries of origin as soon as possible,” it added. “The government will ensure that the asylum process will not become a channel for job-seeking and labor immigration.”

    This sound very promising. Another country signing up for European values, not German values.

    PEACE 😇


  943. @orchardist

    . . .that's because the CIA hired the good ones and put them to work in Area 51 . . .

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Anybody who thinks the classified programs are 20 years ahead of the rest of us does not understand how science works. At all.

    • Replies: @orchardist
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Not 20 years; more like 50-60.

    Replies: @QCIC

  944. AP says:
    @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere, whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice. Of course, it was under Metropolitan Mohyla's tutelage that these accretions took place. Orthodoxy rebounded, whereas Catholicism in Ukraine never really took a strong hold and receded back over time to become a provincial Galician church. Even so, I admire the Uniate church and appreciate its role, at a later point within Ukrainian history to become a bulwark of conservatism and a repository of Ukrainian culture.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses to participate in the new reality that they found themselves involved with, and gain access to any benefits. Give me one Konstantyn Ostrozki over 10 Ruthenian nobility that made the switch, including his own son Janusz. :-)

    Replies: @AP

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere,

    Yes, this was an important difference. Conversion to Christianity was more significant than intra-Christian conversions.

    whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice.

    Yes, in Ukraine specifically, Orthodoxy was heavily Catholicized. It was the Catholic influence that elevated it.

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses

    The richest and most powerful lords in the Commonwealth were Orthodox ones, so Catholicism wasn’t necessary for social climbing. Unless you mean, in the sense that it would take a person out of the world shared by Muscovites and downtrodden Balkan peoples and into a world shared by the Italians and French (and Polish brother-people). It was both. The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Muscovite semi-barbarians

    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.
    Off-topic, but interesting question: Why did Protestantism not make serious inroads into Central Europe outside of Germany? There's a Protestant community in eastern Hungary but it's not that large in terms of total numbers relative to Hungary's and the region's total population.

    As you can see, outside of the German lands and eastern Hungary, Central Europe is heavily Catholic:

    It was the same way a century ago:

    (The other Protestant pockets in Central Europe back then were possibly German colonists, such as in northern Slovakia and in Transylvania.)

    Why did Protestantism largely fail to take root in Central Europe?

    BTW, as a side note, I find it interesting that before the 20th century and beyond waves of mass immigration, almost all Muslims in Europe were located in territories that were historically Eastern Orthodox:

    Until the 20th century, there were almost no Muslims in either historically Catholic or historically Protestant lands. I wonder if the situation was similar for the Eastern Orthodox lands while the Byzantine Empire was still strong (so, until 1180 or so).

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Mr. Hack

    The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.
    A successful builder yes, but nationbuilder? His own son (grandson?) must have missed those Ukrainian nation building lessons, as he famously became a Polish king. Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church, most likely trying to build some goodwill, as so many of the Orthodox clergy had fallen behind Khmelnitsky and held legitimate grievance towards the absentee pro-Polish sczlachta and their Jewish latifundia land managers. In some ways, both Vyshnevetsky and Khmelnitsky resembled one another, both being individuals with huge egos that were using the war to press their own individual programs of self aggrandisement. Whether right or wrong, and in deference to both Shevchenko and Hrushevsky's own views, most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky's complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.
    Very large famous painting of Khmelnitsky (Mykola Ivasiuk, 19th century) on a white horse being greeted by all of Kyiv's citizenry as the "new Moses" liberating his people from the Polish yoke. Nothing comparable was ever created by any Ukrainian celebrating Vyshnevetsky's role in Ukrainian history that I'm aware of.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @AP

  945. @AP

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.

    Krakow’s metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest
    You can't help yourself but lie.

    Metro area population:

    Vienna: 3 million
    Budapest: 3 million
    Prague: 2.2 million
    Krakow: 1.4 million

    City urban population:

    Budapest: 2.6 million
    Vienna: 2.2 million
    Prague: 1.4 million
    Krakow: under 1 million

    Really, even when it comes to trivial things, you can't help but lie. Amazing.

    I haven't been to Prague, but Budapest is clearly much worse than Krakow or Vienna. Architecturally no better (other than one spectacular building), but the streets are dirtier, shabbier, more unpleasant.

    I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn’t be…but it is, that’s the best Boston could do…
    It's a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    Prague has 1.3 million people (2019). The ‘metro’ concept is defined differently in every country – if you include the Central Bohemia region you get 2.2 million – but it is ridiculous, the rural areas 50-75 km from Prague over the hills are in no way a part of Prague. It is simply that statisticians don’t know how to handle it, so they put surrounding regions together. I don’t know how it is done in Poland, but your numbers (or “wiki”) are inaccurate. But as an autistic idiot you can’t help yourself.

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    Boston metro (line D) is half-nothing and half-shit: dysfunctional, ugly and dirty. There is nothing charming about it and for Boston to have it shows the real level of development in the US. There is also the ‘bus/metro’ from Boston airport (using Skoda trolleybuses 🙂 Then there is NY or the ‘single-tracking’ Washington…enough said. A normal country in 2023 would not have an infrastructure that bad…

    Do you also find the huts in Guatemala charming? No wonder you think that Lviv is great, you lack discriminating taste. So enjoy Warsaw, it is about all you can aspire to.

    • Replies: @AP

    Prague has 1.3 million people (2019). The ‘metro’ concept is defined differently in every country – if you include the Central Bohemia region you get 2.2 million – but it is ridiculous, the rural areas 50-75 km from Prague over the hills are in no way a part of Prague.
    You are the one who lied about metro area populations, claiming that Prague was the same size as Krakow.

    I provided statistics from OECD that disproved your false claim.

    If you want to compare the city itself, Prague has 1.3 million while Krakow has 766,000.

    Any way you look at it, you lied by claiming the cities have approximately the same population.

    When you are caught lying and the lies are contradicted by data, you claim "autism." Because an innumerate such as you thinks that only autists are capable of providing accurate numbers.

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    It is half-nothing and half-shit: dysfunctional, ugly and dirty.
    It is certainly dysfunctional, in that the system does not have a loop so unless you are going downtown it is kind of useless. Boston is much more drivable than New York and most people have cars, so a 10-15 minute drive becomes an hour on the metro going downtown and then away.

    But it has retained its original streetcar quality:

    Here it is going through some woods:

    Blossoming trees:

    There is nothing charming about it
    You just lack taste. Let me guess: you find nothing charming about a sleigh ride through a forest in winter, either.

    No wonder you think that Lviv is great
    It's like Krakow minus 10 years. Therefore, better than Budapest, considering its size (it only has about the same population as Krakow, about 50,000 fewer people than Krakow). Architecture no worse, much cleaner, better food (and cheaper).

    Replies: @Beckow

  946. @Matra
    @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, it's beautiful and has a very vibrant (in the non-multiculti sense of the word) nightlife even on a Tuesday, possibly due to a lot of Erasmus students from other parts of Europe. I was only there two days though so I can't say too much about it. A guy I met there called it the 'America of Poland' and said it had a different vibe because so many of the people settled there relatively recently, presumably from places like present-day Western Ukraine/Eastern Poland after WW2.

    Replies: @LatW, @Mr. XYZ

    Yes, the Recovered Territories, including Wroclaw, were resettled by Polish colonists from both central Poland and the Kresy (the former eastern Poland) in the post-WWII years and decades:

    AFAIK, they kept their water, sewer, electricity, et cetera systems from German rule but otherwise had to rebuild everything from scratch and mostly bring in new people due to most of the previous (German) inhabitants of these territories getting expelled after WWII as revenge for Germany starting WWII in the first place.

    I think that they even kept the old German cemeteries in the Recovered Territories, thus demonstrating the sheer magnitude of the population replacement that occurred there after WWII.

    Western Upper Silesia and southern East Prussia (Masuria) were the main parts of Poland in 1950 that belonged to Germany in 1939 that still had large native populations there in 1950. The Masurians mostly emigrated in and after 1956, once they were allowed to do so, but a lot of the western Upper Silesians and their descendants stayed in Poland up to the present-day, I think. Though many nevertheless left Poland over the next several decades.

    You can still see some German presence in these territories today:

    Southern East Prussia (Masuria):

    Upper Silesia:

    Even nowadays, Opole Voivodeship is almost 20% German!

    Opole Voivodeship 1,055,667 206,256 19.5

    The 19.5% is the German percentage there out of the total population there.

  947. @Yahya

    Indian diaspora may become more influential than the Jewish one.
    [[[Brahmins]]] are definitely in the running for master race status over the next few centuries.

    High assertiveness + intelligence + ethnocentrism is a formidable combination.

    West has unwittingly sown the seeds of their rise by opening up the gates.

    Secular Ashkenazi Jewish competitors will dwindle by 70% over next generation due to intermarriage and low TFR.

    Orthodox Jews will pick-up slack demographically, but their culture will not be conducive to worldly success.

    They will lay fallow for a while until they start secularizing, after which pure-blood Jews will make a comeback and possibly edge out the Hindu-Judeo-Hapa overlords once again.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

    Srinivasen mentions the Indian diaspora in his discourse on the network state. Though am sure he would deny it, I suspect that he was at least slightly inspired by the idea of Indians cooperating across borders. The way he puts it:

    I am moderately bullish on India, but extremely bullish on Indians

    • Replies: @Sher Singh

    Look at Fiji, Trinidad or Guyana - they can't even outcompete blacks.
    Don't care about material wealth, but political power.

    Hindu fortunes in those places sank soon as Sikh forces withdrew after 47.
    You could say I'm 'bias' but our very existence is a testament to Hindu failure.


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

  948. @AP

    Krakow is great for its size. Far more interesting than Brno or Bratislava.

    Krakow’s metro population is 1.5 million, the same as Prague, only slightly smaller than Vienna or Budapest
    You can't help yourself but lie.

    Metro area population:

    Vienna: 3 million
    Budapest: 3 million
    Prague: 2.2 million
    Krakow: 1.4 million

    City urban population:

    Budapest: 2.6 million
    Vienna: 2.2 million
    Prague: 1.4 million
    Krakow: under 1 million

    Really, even when it comes to trivial things, you can't help but lie. Amazing.

    I haven't been to Prague, but Budapest is clearly much worse than Krakow or Vienna. Architecturally no better (other than one spectacular building), but the streets are dirtier, shabbier, more unpleasant.

    I once took the Boston Line D, I thought it was a joke, that it couldn’t be…but it is, that’s the best Boston could do…
    It's a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    Replies: @Beckow, @Mr. XYZ

    What are your thoughts on Bucharest, AP? It seems like a rather nice, fancy city based on its Wikipedia photos:

    Does it have a problem with Gypsy pickpockets?

    And can we at least say that Bucharest is a high-class city relative to its Balkan-tier human capital? Romanians are about as intelligent as US blacks are according to the PISA exam, but have nevertheless managed to build a functional country, albeit a corrupt one (not as corrupt as Russia and Ukraine are, though) and with the help of a lot of EU subsidies.

  949. @Ivashka the fool

    I believe this is all antinatalist and antifamily social engineering. Basically, mental intoxication of people to prevent them from having offspring. Women who are affected with these theories are automatically disqualified from adaptive parenting. Women being more pliable to social ideological promotion and peer pressure are ideal gateways to instill this madness into the middle class families. On a few generations time scale it would have a non-negligeable effect on global middle class demographics. Actually, even a couple of generations would be enough.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    I believe this is all antinatalist and antifamily social engineering.

    I think the argument that it is also related to economic and technological changes since the war is quite good, i.e. the ‘contraceptive revolution’ in the 60s after the pill was discovered, at the same time new labour saving consumer technology was becoming increasingly available so women’s workload in the home decreased. Technology started to change the workplace, less heavy physical and manual labour, more white collar jobs and so on. Even in areas like warfare, the advance of technology started to displace physical strength and traditional warrior skills, nuclear bombs would be symbolic of this.

    You can see how these things would provide a favourable context for the development of feminist ideas, including the more radical and revolutionary ones. In the West you often find female knowledge workers of the middle classes at the forefront of promoting radical beliefs, probably because they are more benefitted by these technologies and their experience is shaped by them.

    At the same time, the impact of this is proving to be what you described where some significant evolutionary mismatch is happening leading to unusually low birth rates, failure to form families etc.

    I said a while ago I became a doomer for some time in my 20s, I had read Houellebecq’s early novels and enough women around were already adopting various radical feminist attitudes, influence of Sartre and so on, I think you could intuit the future problems.

    This is one reason I don’t find some turn to Islam that implausible, after a certain age (maybe late 20s) I turned against these ideas myself, but traditional things that were helpful in doing this probably won’t be there in the same way for people in the future, at least in a lot of the West.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  950. A123 says: • Website

    Good ole boys turn both right and left.

    How NASCAR was FASTER than Ferrari at Le Mans

    It’s a Next-Gen Camaro that has been adapted to work at Le Mans. But if you missed it, you might be a bit confused about how this came about.

    OK… One of the drivers was F1 champion (2009) Jenson Button.

    PEACE 😇

  951. Sad to see the new Pixar film, which seems to lambaste race-mixing propaganda, getting critically panned.


  952. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere,
    Yes, this was an important difference. Conversion to Christianity was more significant than intra-Christian conversions.

    whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice.
    Yes, in Ukraine specifically, Orthodoxy was heavily Catholicized. It was the Catholic influence that elevated it.

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses
    The richest and most powerful lords in the Commonwealth were Orthodox ones, so Catholicism wasn't necessary for social climbing. Unless you mean, in the sense that it would take a person out of the world shared by Muscovites and downtrodden Balkan peoples and into a world shared by the Italians and French (and Polish brother-people). It was both. The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    Muscovite semi-barbarians


    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.
    Of course. But the context of our discussion involved joining a "civilizational package." Conversion to Eastern Christianity involved not only spirituality but also diplomatic ties and cultural etc. with the Byzantine world. Switching to Catholicism involved joining peak Renaissance Europe.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

  953. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere,
    Yes, this was an important difference. Conversion to Christianity was more significant than intra-Christian conversions.

    whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice.
    Yes, in Ukraine specifically, Orthodoxy was heavily Catholicized. It was the Catholic influence that elevated it.

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses
    The richest and most powerful lords in the Commonwealth were Orthodox ones, so Catholicism wasn't necessary for social climbing. Unless you mean, in the sense that it would take a person out of the world shared by Muscovites and downtrodden Balkan peoples and into a world shared by the Italians and French (and Polish brother-people). It was both. The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.

    Off-topic, but interesting question: Why did Protestantism not make serious inroads into Central Europe outside of Germany? There’s a Protestant community in eastern Hungary but it’s not that large in terms of total numbers relative to Hungary’s and the region’s total population.

    As you can see, outside of the German lands and eastern Hungary, Central Europe is heavily Catholic:

    It was the same way a century ago:

    (The other Protestant pockets in Central Europe back then were possibly German colonists, such as in northern Slovakia and in Transylvania.)

    Why did Protestantism largely fail to take root in Central Europe?

    BTW, as a side note, I find it interesting that before the 20th century and beyond waves of mass immigration, almost all Muslims in Europe were located in territories that were historically Eastern Orthodox:

    Until the 20th century, there were almost no Muslims in either historically Catholic or historically Protestant lands. I wonder if the situation was similar for the Eastern Orthodox lands while the Byzantine Empire was still strong (so, until 1180 or so).

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Volga Bulgarians became Muslims in 922. They were often traveling and trading in Rus Lands.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  954. @Mr. XYZ

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.
    Off-topic, but interesting question: Why did Protestantism not make serious inroads into Central Europe outside of Germany? There's a Protestant community in eastern Hungary but it's not that large in terms of total numbers relative to Hungary's and the region's total population.

    As you can see, outside of the German lands and eastern Hungary, Central Europe is heavily Catholic:

    It was the same way a century ago:

    (The other Protestant pockets in Central Europe back then were possibly German colonists, such as in northern Slovakia and in Transylvania.)

    Why did Protestantism largely fail to take root in Central Europe?

    BTW, as a side note, I find it interesting that before the 20th century and beyond waves of mass immigration, almost all Muslims in Europe were located in territories that were historically Eastern Orthodox:

    Until the 20th century, there were almost no Muslims in either historically Catholic or historically Protestant lands. I wonder if the situation was similar for the Eastern Orthodox lands while the Byzantine Empire was still strong (so, until 1180 or so).

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Volga Bulgarians became Muslims in 922. They were often traveling and trading in Rus Lands.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Thanks, but what % of Rus's population were they? 1%? 2%? 5%? 10%?

    Also, here's an off-topic question for you: Had Russia avoided Communism in 1917 and instead gone Fascist in the 1920s or (perhaps more likely) 1930s and eventually attacked Turkey in order to get revenge for the Armenian Genocide, conquer Constantinople, and regather the core Anatolian lands of the former Byzantine Empire, what would the other Great Powers, including the Anglo-French, have done in response to this and just how successful would such a Russian invasion of Turkey have been?

    (Conquering Turkey's human capital also makes a lot of sense, but I don't know if Turkey's human capital was as high back then, especially with the much more widespread illiteracy back then. Also, back then the connection between IQ and GDP per capita was not known about.)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  955. Will be theater of the absurd, if Ireland ends up joining NATO. Many of the wokes seem to strangely want it.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    At least they are in the North Atlantic.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect that this is in part for signaling purposes: As in, to demonstrate that Ireland is fully a part of the collective West. NATO is the security organization/umbrella for the collective West.

    Good for Ireland!

    Replies: @Negronicus

  956. S says:

    it’s not impossible that the EE’s and Russia are indeed getting ‘extra special’ attention, and not of a positive type, within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic.
    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner. There is sometimes a lack of rationality which is replaced with a kind of a cunning and aggressiveness that in the end doesn't really bring good results. This can be used by outsiders, but the issue is not created from the outside. There is also a lack of self-sufficiency, if you look at Russia, for example, you constantly witness this struggle between what they perceive as their own "unique" civilizational way and the constant yearning to connect with the West, to gain from it or to emulate it even. Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.

    Replies: @S, @S

    Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.

    Some years ago I met a young woman from one of the Baltic states at my work place. They are not a common sight. It was just as you said, she described how people in her country were very much enamored by the United States, as she herself was, though she couldn’t explain or say exactly why this was. She had ‘won’ some sort of lottery to come to the United States and work, and this was seen as quite a big deal.

    I tried to explain to her that the US has problems and that she should not forget her people, and that she should have a healthy pride in them and her country. I pointed out how the US flag was based closely upon the British East India Company flag, a multinational corporation, and that was something that should not be.

    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner.

    I liken the situation between Ukraine and Russia (and in time the rest of Eastern Europe?) to some people sharing a house that have issues between them, that devolves into a physical fight. During this same time, however, there is unnoticed a moldering fire growing into a raging inferno in the attic of the said house, threatening the lives of them all.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.

    All I can suggest is, fight if you must, but on your own terms, which is not the situation now with the US/UK involvement.

    Choosing one’s battles…

    • Replies: @LatW

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.
    They not the "powers that be" in every corner of the planet.

    There are different types of people in the EE and Russia, both those who like and dislike the US. In Russia, in the 1990s, there was a boom of everyone wanting to send their kid to an English boarding school. And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows. Go figure.

    The reality of life is such that there are both good and bad things in the US, and this is the case everywhere - in Russia and in Asia, etc. Except Europe.

    People are different. There are Americans who live overseas and prefer to live there or travel constantly for various reasons and get very engaged in other countries.

    People like different things, a lot of Westerners go to Asia, many Russians like Thailand, some Northern Euros like going to Marrakesh in winters. Would you say there is something wrong with them, too? If Russian kids had an easier way traveling to the West, no visa, you think they wouldn't go more often? Some would, others may not, people are different.

    Would you have preferred that your ancestors, British or Nordic, I don't know your exact ancestry, had never arrived in the US?

    This smoldering fire, that you're alluding to, is not something that is happening only in the E.Slavic houses, but in all houses of the world, including British, American, German, etc. In fact, in those other places, this fire is already much more advanced, and the temperature is already quite high. In the Ukrainian house, things were not as bad before. Now with this invasion, both Ukrainians and Russians will be more vulnerable having to deal with the fire. Ukrainians have friends who will help them.

    Ideally, nobody should force themselves on others. Neither the wokes, nor the neocons, nor the Chinese, nor the Russians. Wouldn't that be heaven? :)

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It's possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.
    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute? The Ukrainians are just fighting invaders who came into their land to kill them and their kids.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @S

  957. AP says:

    Prague has 1.3 million people (2019). The 'metro' concept is defined differently in every country - if you include the Central Bohemia region you get 2.2 million - but it is ridiculous, the rural areas 50-75 km from Prague over the hills are in no way a part of Prague. It is simply that statisticians don't know how to handle it, so they put surrounding regions together. I don't know how it is done in Poland, but your numbers (or "wiki") are inaccurate. But as an autistic idiot you can't help yourself.

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.
    Boston metro (line D) is half-nothing and half-shit: dysfunctional, ugly and dirty. There is nothing charming about it and for Boston to have it shows the real level of development in the US. There is also the 'bus/metro' from Boston airport (using Skoda trolleybuses :) Then there is NY or the 'single-tracking' Washington...enough said. A normal country in 2023 would not have an infrastructure that bad...

    Do you also find the huts in Guatemala charming? No wonder you think that Lviv is great, you lack discriminating taste. So enjoy Warsaw, it is about all you can aspire to.

    Replies: @AP

    Prague has 1.3 million people (2019). The ‘metro’ concept is defined differently in every country – if you include the Central Bohemia region you get 2.2 million – but it is ridiculous, the rural areas 50-75 km from Prague over the hills are in no way a part of Prague.

    You are the one who lied about metro area populations, claiming that Prague was the same size as Krakow.

    I provided statistics from OECD that disproved your false claim.

    If you want to compare the city itself, Prague has 1.3 million while Krakow has 766,000.

    Any way you look at it, you lied by claiming the cities have approximately the same population.

    When you are caught lying and the lies are contradicted by data, you claim “autism.” Because an innumerate such as you thinks that only autists are capable of providing accurate numbers.

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    It is half-nothing and half-shit: dysfunctional, ugly and dirty.

    It is certainly dysfunctional, in that the system does not have a loop so unless you are going downtown it is kind of useless. Boston is much more drivable than New York and most people have cars, so a 10-15 minute drive becomes an hour on the metro going downtown and then away.

    But it has retained its original streetcar quality:

    Here it is going through some woods:

    Blossoming trees:

    There is nothing charming about it

    You just lack taste. Let me guess: you find nothing charming about a sleigh ride through a forest in winter, either.

    No wonder you think that Lviv is great

    It’s like Krakow minus 10 years. Therefore, better than Budapest, considering its size (it only has about the same population as Krakow, about 50,000 fewer people than Krakow). Architecture no worse, much cleaner, better food (and cheaper).

    • Replies: @Beckow

    Oh, please, now you lack basic reading comprehension - there is no standard definition of a 'metro' area - so your "OECD" is just a bunch of not very good estimates. Anyone who has been to Czechia will tell you that Pribram or Kladno are not Prague "metro", but your statistics include them because some lazy paper-pusher in Brussels simply didn't know better. But you are clearly too stupid to understand it.

    Your "pictures" of Boston metro are highly selective, in other words lying. The actual metro line (esp. D) is an underground horror show with narrow and dirty stairs, iron bars everywhere and wagons so old and decrepit that one hesitates to get in. Have you been to the Prudential Center? Ot the Harvard station (not D, but still horrific)? Don't lie to us.

    The driving in Boston is very bad and the city has shortage of parking. You can paint your rosy pictures for the underdeveloped yearning Ukies from Galicia, but the reality is that Boston has no good transportation. It is about 50 years behind similar cities in Central Europe. And Boston is among the better US cities, there are some literally like Third World shit-holes.

    Replies: @AP

  958. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    Muscovite semi-barbarians

    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.

    Replies: @AP

    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.

    Of course. But the context of our discussion involved joining a “civilizational package.” Conversion to Eastern Christianity involved not only spirituality but also diplomatic ties and cultural etc. with the Byzantine world. Switching to Catholicism involved joining peak Renaissance Europe.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What about becoming Protestant? They could rely on Sweden and the Protestant German states as allies, not to mention Britain, which was far away but could provide things such as financial aid.

    Also, off-topic, but I have a question for you: Outside of Anatolia and Georgia, before the rise of Islam, was the rest of the Middle East and North Africa Oriental Orthodox Christian or not? I know that the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches did not split until 1054, but the Orientation Orthodox churches split centuries earlier, IIRC.

    , @Ivashka the fool

    One should not measure Religions by the "civilizational package" it is linked with. It should be measured by the Spiritual Insights it produces among its faithful. Religion is a spiritual reality, it is "not from this world".

    Do you think Jesus Christ, if still among us in the flesh, would have been more on friendly terms with Sergius of Radonezh or with pope Alexander VI Borgia, with St Francis or with patriarch Kirill Gundyaiev ?

    Also "backward" Russian Orthodox Christianity produced a galaxy of Startsy, some of whom were illiterate peasants, but still become spiritually gifted through prayer and worship. For example, Seraphim of Sarov did not receive much instruction, and yet he has become a Saint.

    It is not important whether you pray in the Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, or in the Kizhi wooden church on Lake Ladoga.

    What is important is how deep you go in your prayer.

    I actually prefer the wooden church, it has less distraction attached with it.

    Despite the fact that it was built by humble peasant people of the nearby village. Actually, it is even more amazing because it was built by humble peasants.

    BTW, despite being Jewish, Levitan, had a keen appreciation for these old simple wooden churches.

    Same thing about music, I prefer the Old Believer znamennyi chant to the Baroque church music of the Enlightenment Europe.

    Sometimes art leads to artifice. Simpler often means closer to God (Truth, Absolute Reality).

    This also applies to Old Balto-Slav paganism, they also had a simple, but ancient, honest and earnest Faith. When you insult it, you insult your ancestors who swore by its Gods for hundreds of generations.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

  959. @LatW

    The latter said the other day that she did criticize those killings but I totally missed that.
    You have deliberately missed a lot of what I have said. It's ok, I no longer read most of your comments either.

    What I do remember clearly is how she defended the Ukrainian government’s actions based on the importance of the state.
    No, do not mislead. What I said was that Ukraine had a right to defend herself. This wasn't just separatism, but a foreign intervention. Even if it were just separatism, Ukraine would still have that right. I have also said several times that Ukraine may not have done it right, but I am not a military expert, I don't know what choices they had, there were serious separatist militias at the time already formed, maybe there was no way to carry out a special operation whereby the leaders would be immediately taken out. Ukraine may have waited too long. I have also criticized the actions of the police during the Odessa incident and have expressed my dismay at the fact how helpless the riot police was (the person in charge may have been negligent or deliberately helping separatists). The riot police had to be brought in much earlier and the place should have been cordoned to separate both sides. They were not cautious enough.

    I have watched a lot of footage from Donbas in 2014, there were more victims than has been brought up here, there were victims outside of cities as well. I know the story of Anna Tuv very well (her husband gave his life saving her).

    Does this mean that it's justifiable to erase whole cities and murder children in much bigger numbers, the way that is being done now by RusFed?

    Why do you ignore the current brutality (which is at a much broader scale)? There were things in Mariupol that were far worse than reported by the Western media, that was only reported by the locals. Recently I listened to an interview of a man in Kyiv whose whole family (!!), was killed in an instant by a Russian missile (including his 1 year old twin grandchildren). I don't hear you ever talking about these atrocities, you just dismiss this. Yet you dwell on 2014.

    The biggest difference and most crucial factor is that Russia came into the Ukrainian territory to commit crimes, Ukraine never invaded Russia.

    Btw, I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions that you repeat over and over in a condescending manner.

    Replies: @Mikel

    I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions

    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.

    You are thus very welcome to continue ignoring my comments instead of replying to them with idiotic questions like “Why do you ignore the current brutality”. That brutality is now affecting relatives of my personal friends in Ukraine, one of whom I invited to spend New Year’s day with us. They may still get killed by the Russians so I have never ignored anything. Why the f*ck do you think that Gerard is in the habit of posting an insult against me in each of his comments?

    • Replies: @LatW

    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.
    Most of my arguments are stable and ideologically consistent. There is nothing wrong with moon cycles (which are totally natural). When you throw insults bordering on lies out of the blue, you prompt a response.

    You are thus very welcome to continue ignoring my comments instead of replying to them with idiotic questions like “Why do you ignore the current brutality”.
    Nothing idiotic there at all - you have completely ignored some of the worst atrocities that just took place (the execution of the Ukrainian soldier, the decapitation of the Ukrainian soldier, various extremely cruel attacks on high rises, etc). Had our side done anything of that sort, you'd be screaming about it for months. For years, actually. And, yes, there is plenty of humanitarian argument on the Ukrainian side. Your side is morally bankrupt, you guys were bent on appeasing a regime for years which turned out to be cannibalistic.

    You posted a nasty, dishonest comment about me, out of the blue, unprompted by anything I wrote, manipulating the context of what I had written a long time ago. To paint me in the wrong way. Not that I even care that much anymore..

    What matters most in morality is the intent and it is amoral to stoke unrest in another country and then enter that country, in a clandestine way, to spark unrest and then attack it openly. Then put lies on tv (such as the crucified boy story), to spark unrest and violence and encourage violent people from outside of that country to arrive and to murder. To claim that others do not have a nationality and that they are mad for having a nationality, and need to be "liberated" of it through violent means.

    I do not post unprovoked ad hominems and borderline lies about you the way you just did about me. We don't need or want anything from each other so let's leave each other alone.
    , @silviosilver

    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.
    There actually is tentative evidence that the moon may influence moods, albeit not nearly enough to leap to "the moon made me do it" conclusions, lol.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  960. @Yahya
    @Mr. XYZ

    According to Audacious Epigone’s GSS polling/survey data, Orthodox Jews in the US are about half a standard deviation duller than non-Orthodox Jews in the US are:
    Phenotypic IQ =/ genotypic intelligence.

    Orthodox Jews aren’t substantially different genetically from Seculars.

    It is possible there are selective forces operating on the former, but divergence isn’t long enough to make differences meaningful.

    I’d put the gap down to the lack of modernity among the Orthodox.

    So, even if they do secularize, I don’t think that Orthodox Jews are going to be anywhere near as accomplished as non-Orthodox Jews currently are.
    We shall have to wait and see.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    Orthodox Jews aren’t substantially different genetically from Seculars.

    There is a massive inbreeding problem in the orthodox community. No way they are as intelligent as secular Ashkenazim

    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Greasy William

    It only takes one generation of outbreeding to reverse deleterious effects of inbreeding.

    Again, the Orthodox are likely performing worse mostly because of cultural and environmental reasons.

    Their performance will improve as they secularize.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  961. @Sean

    Russia likely had weapons assentially equivalent to HIMARS if not ATACMs. Weeb Union says the Russians have been very slow to use their advanced missile capabilities, and are still very stingy. basically the Russians have have not got collectively serious. about winning the Ukraine in short order.

    My opinion is Putinism is not an example of purpose- oriented statism, and Russia has not been engaged in endless preparation for war, quite the oppisite,they are carefully husbanding their stocks of advanced weapons. None of the military equipment Ukrainie is using mow s produced in Ukraine and it mai well be the easiast and most economical way to destroy Ukrqinian equipment isin the battlefield

    Replies: @QCIC

    Somewhat agree. As I have pointed out, Russia always seemed to be staying ready for attacks on different fronts in this war and pacing themselves in Ukraine. They also seem to be destroying the AFU GRADUALLY which I think is completely intentional. They have advanced smaller weapons, but it is unclear how many they have used. Why did the Ka-52 apparently become more effective a few weeks ago? They were always effective, but the ratio of lost helicopters per sortie seems to have improved. Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys? It could be these things were always at play and just not highlighted for Western audiences. Or maybe they had to shape the engagements to take best use of the advanced hardware. Check back in a few years and read the book, then we may know.

    The ATACMS is sort of a poor man’s/baby version of the Iskander missile (also Kinzhal) which Russia has been using since the beginning. They have guidance kits for some of the smaller rockets as well.

    Russia has been gradually rebuilding military capability for decades. Considering the small military budgets, they spend a lot on strategic systems. Now that they are on a war footing building this tactical stuff should be easy for them to crank out.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke

    I hate to point out the obvious, but a destroyed Bradley can’t be misidentified as a Russian vehicle. Osint was probably posting Ukie vehicles hit as Russian on social media. You can’t hide a Leopard being hit.

    Ukies and the more fanatical western sponsors of this war just got served.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Sean

    Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys?
    First of all Ukraine is now trying a traditional tank centric breaching attack of the type that enjoyed its greatest successes in early WW2, and has continued to be taught to armies but is was of increasingly questionable utility unless it came with a lot of shock effect and you cannot be easily shocked unless you are surprised. The Ukrainians seem to have assumed that the problems Russia had was not much to do with them being on offence, uncoordinated in use of fire support and tactically naïve from experience but due to Russians being bad at everything by nature. I think the fanfaronade about this offensive only makes sense if if Kiev was going on the assumption that it would work psychologically to erode Russian troops' morale, thinking defeat was afait accompli, and running as soon as the fighting started. Instead they have the Russians happily ensconced in well built deep dug outs that that are virtually invisible and protected by minefields and expertly coordinated artillery effectively concentrating on any ground given. So advancing Ukrainians success would merely lead to the Russian spring an artillery trap. Recent Ukrainian success by infantry in taking a small village ended with ahe Russians firing 100 thermobaric rocket obliterated the village and the 'victors'. To sum up: Milley was right the Ukrainians had achieved as much are could reasonably be expected by November. Unfortunately for them they thought that Russians being ineffective and so nervous of being surrounded they retreated as a result of social media posts was a pattern set in stone

    The Western weapons are suddenly being pushed forward into fighting so there are a lot of such targets; Leopard and Bradley ECT are not deniable losses because as as someone mentioned they cannot be passed of as Russian. The use of the at a distance sensor capabilities of the Ka-52 to its limits while skulking out of range. Pilots were taking foolish risks, had been taught ludicrously naive maneuvers such as hovering above enemy territory in range of Stingers , and tilting the chopper up when firing unguided rocket into the distance at nothing in particular (ineffective). The pilots are now paired to with a more senior officer to keep them in line and the practical lessons learned in combat are now in the standing orders . So they lurk out of range over their own territory and out of range of Stingers from where they use guided missiles on Western armoured fighting vehicles which are noisily ponderous IR sources and often too big (some the Ukrainians have been given are twelve feet tall. Partly it is because like in Master and Commander 'For England and the prize money', Russians in Ukraine are getting a bounty on destruction of Western tanks ECT. Destroying Western tanks on the battlefield where they drive into minefield and artillery is likely the most economic way to destroy Western tanks it and it lets the Russian kill Ukrainian soldiers at the same time. At present many of those dying are ethnic Russians being used by Kieve as cannon fodder but the high quality units will have to be used eventually . Even if the West keeps supplying arms in an open ended way, then eventually Zelensky is going to run out of men. He will have become a very unpopular man among the ranks bereaved mothers and widows by that point. Zelensky may well go down in history as the Ukrainian Kerensky, who kept a war going to please foreign backers and wrecked his country.

    Replies: @QCIC

  962. @songbird
    Will be theater of the absurd, if Ireland ends up joining NATO. Many of the wokes seem to strangely want it.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    At least they are in the North Atlantic.

    • LOL: songbird
  963. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    Volga Bulgarians became Muslims in 922. They were often traveling and trading in Rus Lands.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Thanks, but what % of Rus’s population were they? 1%? 2%? 5%? 10%?

    Also, here’s an off-topic question for you: Had Russia avoided Communism in 1917 and instead gone Fascist in the 1920s or (perhaps more likely) 1930s and eventually attacked Turkey in order to get revenge for the Armenian Genocide, conquer Constantinople, and regather the core Anatolian lands of the former Byzantine Empire, what would the other Great Powers, including the Anglo-French, have done in response to this and just how successful would such a Russian invasion of Turkey have been?

    (Conquering Turkey’s human capital also makes a lot of sense, but I don’t know if Turkey’s human capital was as high back then, especially with the much more widespread illiteracy back then. Also, back then the connection between IQ and GDP per capita was not known about.)

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    They had their own state. But ancient Rus were well acquainted with both Muslims (including Arab and Persian merchants) and Jews (Khazars). The first Muslim subjects of the Russian crown date back to the conquest of the Volga Tatars by Ivan the Dreadful. They were quite numerous compared to the Slavic population of the Muscovite Tsardom at the time.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  964. @AP

    "So Ukrainian intelligence found out that the leadership of an armed anti-Ukrainian uprising was in the building at that time, and they sent a plane to kill them for a decapitation strike that would hopefully end the bloody rebellion and ultimately save lives"

    There is no way you know what the Ukrainian intelligence had found out and what the allegedly compassionate intentions of the people who ordered that plane to bomb and strafe the building at midday was.
    So you are claiming that it was a complete coincidence that, right at the moment when the rebel military leadership was meeting in that building, the Ukrainian government sent an expensive and rare plane to strike that exact building at the exact time of the meeting.

    Would any reasonable person conclude that the act was random and not the product of a tip?

    Ukrainian planes didn’t have guided munitions at the time so all we can know with certainty is that the attackers were perfectly willing to sacrifice the unsuspecting civilians inside and around the building
    They did the best they could with what was available.

    The most imprecise thing they could have done was to level the entire neighborhood with mass artillery and rocket attacks. Instead they sent in a rare and expensive plane to hit the specific building.

    Once the images of the carnage spread on the internet the “compassionate” Ukrainian authorities did indeed engage in shameful acts of lying and deflection
    This lie was not nearly as shameful as the lie that you repeat - that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians, that civilians were the target of this attack.

    Ukraine's lie just embarrassed the government. The lie that you repeat, on the other hand, directly contributed to the bloody civil war in which thousands of civilians ultimately died.

    Shame on you.

    Your idea that a hypothetical killing of Bolotov would have ended the Donbas rebellion is also irrational
    It very likely would have ended the war in Luhansk. Wiping out the leadership early on all at once would have made a big difference there. Many lives saved.

    Donetsk was a different theater, but who knows? If Ukraine's government showed that it could quickly wipe out violent militant leaders, perhaps foreign adventurers such as Strelkov or Motorola would have been more reluctant to go there and spread death and destruction.

    the attacks of the new Ukrainian government against Ukrainian civilians in Donbas had started very early on. Villagers who were trying to stop the armored vehicles being run over by them, people trying to take part in the referendum being shot by armed officers in places like Konstantinovka, unarmed marchers in Mariupol being killed by Ukrainian soldiers,
    In Mariupol a civilian mob approached armored vehicles demanding that the soldiers give the armored vehicles to the mob. The soldiers yelled at them to disperse or they'd shoot, the mob didn't disperse so eventually they shot. There were 2 (?), victims.

    Do you think the soldiers were obligated to just hand over their vehicles and weapons to the mob?

    Do you think this is in any way equivalent to killing sleeping civilians by razing apartment building to the ground, as Russians do?

    The lie that Ukrainians were just driving around Mariupol slaughtering random civilians minding their own business also contributed to the bloody civil war and hatred.

    Years later, however, we all learned through the UN report that 3,000+ civilians had been killed. It takes a lot of unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas to kill such an amount of innocents
    Not when the Russian adventurers are shooting out of populated areas.

    If there were an actual strategy of using unscrupulous shelling of civilian areas the death toll would not have been 3,000 but 30,000. That's the Russian way (as in Chechnya), not Ukrainian way.

    Also about 80% of those 3,000 were killed by Ukrainian forces. So about 2,400. Since the Russians were eager to have every death documented, this was the full number killed by the Ukrainian government's shelling and shooting.

    Russians are not so eager to let the UN document the people they killed when they stormed Mariupol and other areas under their control. So the UN admits that their current count of 8,000+ dead civilians since the Russian invasion is much lower than the real number.

    The only important thing here is that anyone who didn’t oppose the killing of civilians by the Ukrainians then has no standing to criticize the killing of civilians by the Russians now.
    I condemned indiscriminate shelling by Ukrainians then.

    The problem is that you lied by claiming that acts such as the bombing of the Luhansk government building during a meeting of the rebel leadership within that building was indiscriminate. And the lie that you repeated was not a harmless one like the claim that it was a faulty air conditioner. It was a lie meant to stir up fear and hatred for the purpose of expanding a bloody civil war. Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Btw, you know perfectly well that if the Ukrainians manage to approach Mariupol and the Russians take a stand on the city they’re going to show no more mercy towards the civilians now living there
    Doubtful. And you now have a record about lying about Ukrainians' actions.

    But I suspect that the Ukrainians will rather get the Russians to retreat as in Kherson rather than destroy the city while taking it. Both to spare the civilians (they had been careful when shelling Kherson, before they took it) and their own soldiers.

    There is a difference between the legality of what the Russians are doing and what the Ukrainians did but that is a political difference, important in its own right, no doubt. Morally though I see none.
    The difference is both political and moral. Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.

    Replies: @Mikel

    It very likely would have ended the war in Luhansk. …/… perhaps foreign adventurers such as Strelkov or Motorola would have been more reluctant to go there and spread death and destruction.

    That’s Saker’s level of argumentation. The witnesses who saw the Ukrainian jets approaching the Malaysian plane, the Spanish air controller in Kiev, the Russian engineering report that proves how a Buk could never cause that type of damage,…

    Sure, sure, but find someone else for that kind of debate.

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Sadly, that doesn’t even reach Saker’s or Martyanov’s level. Don’t let your emotions let you fall so low.

    Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.

    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now. They’re not leveling whole neighborhoods just for the fun of it either. But guess what happens when you bomb central Kharkiv with heavy artillery or when you bomb the civil administration building of Lugansk from the air. Yes, exactly: lots of civilians get killed, maimed and injured. Period. End of the story. “If only this or that would have also happened, along with the inevitable death of those pesky civilians” doesn’t whitewash the massacre, either in Kharkiv or in Lugansk.

    However, I wasn’t very accurate when I said that you missed your chance to be in a position to appeal to humanitarian feelings. First, there is always the possibility of sincere regret. And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain. You are all perfectly free to express your disapproval of these actions by your side or to carry on finding excuses for them.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @AP

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Sadly, that doesn’t even reach Saker’s or Martyanov’s level. Don’t let your emotions let you fall so low.
    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war. People did die because of that lie and others like it. Not your repetition of it on Unz, of course.

    The lie about the air conditioner exploding, meanwhile, was harmless.

    "Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion."

    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.
    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent? Really?

    When Russia invades Ukraine and tries to hit Ukrainian military but takes out apartment buildings in Kharkiv it is like the armed invader coming into my house, shooting at me, but hitting my kids.

    When Ukraine shoots at Russian invaders like Strelkov and his men, or their locals friends armed by Russia and hits a square next to the target instead, it is like you or me shooting at a home invader and hitting the family.

    It isn't hard to understand.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now
    I make no excuses. You just repeat lies.

    Ukrainians did at times commit crimes that I condemned. Luhansk airstrike was not one of them. To say that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians is a lie. Shame on you for repeating it.

    And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain
    If it's deliberately done for no known gain I condemn it. As I did in the past.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel

  965. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.
    Of course. But the context of our discussion involved joining a "civilizational package." Conversion to Eastern Christianity involved not only spirituality but also diplomatic ties and cultural etc. with the Byzantine world. Switching to Catholicism involved joining peak Renaissance Europe.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

    What about becoming Protestant? They could rely on Sweden and the Protestant German states as allies, not to mention Britain, which was far away but could provide things such as financial aid.

    Also, off-topic, but I have a question for you: Outside of Anatolia and Georgia, before the rise of Islam, was the rest of the Middle East and North Africa Oriental Orthodox Christian or not? I know that the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches did not split until 1054, but the Orientation Orthodox churches split centuries earlier, IIRC.

  966. @Greasy William

    Orthodox Jews aren’t substantially different genetically from Seculars.
    There is a massive inbreeding problem in the orthodox community. No way they are as intelligent as secular Ashkenazim

    Replies: @Yahya

    It only takes one generation of outbreeding to reverse deleterious effects of inbreeding.

    Again, the Orthodox are likely performing worse mostly because of cultural and environmental reasons.

    Their performance will improve as they secularize.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    It only takes one generation of outbreeding to reverse deleterious effects of inbreeding.
    The fact that the Jewish nose still exists proves this false.

    Hell, hundreds of years later the Hapsburg descendants still have the jaw
  967. @songbird
    Will be theater of the absurd, if Ireland ends up joining NATO. Many of the wokes seem to strangely want it.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect that this is in part for signaling purposes: As in, to demonstrate that Ireland is fully a part of the collective West. NATO is the security organization/umbrella for the collective West.

    Good for Ireland!

    • Replies: @Negronicus
    @Mr. XYZ

    Basically Ireland has been turning into one more GloboHomo slum over the last decade.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  968. @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    A religion is not measured by the material comfort of the society in which it exists, but by the spiritual solace and insights it produces.
    Of course. But the context of our discussion involved joining a "civilizational package." Conversion to Eastern Christianity involved not only spirituality but also diplomatic ties and cultural etc. with the Byzantine world. Switching to Catholicism involved joining peak Renaissance Europe.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

    One should not measure Religions by the “civilizational package” it is linked with. It should be measured by the Spiritual Insights it produces among its faithful. Religion is a spiritual reality, it is “not from this world”.

    Do you think Jesus Christ, if still among us in the flesh, would have been more on friendly terms with Sergius of Radonezh or with pope Alexander VI Borgia, with St Francis or with patriarch Kirill Gundyaiev ?

    Also “backward” Russian Orthodox Christianity produced a galaxy of Startsy, some of whom were illiterate peasants, but still become spiritually gifted through prayer and worship. For example, Seraphim of Sarov did not receive much instruction, and yet he has become a Saint.

    It is not important whether you pray in the Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, or in the Kizhi wooden church on Lake Ladoga.

    What is important is how deep you go in your prayer.

    I actually prefer the wooden church, it has less distraction attached with it.

    Despite the fact that it was built by humble peasant people of the nearby village. Actually, it is even more amazing because it was built by humble peasants.

    BTW, despite being Jewish, Levitan, had a keen appreciation for these old simple wooden churches.

    Same thing about music, I prefer the Old Believer znamennyi chant to the Baroque church music of the Enlightenment Europe.


    Sometimes art leads to artifice. Simpler often means closer to God (Truth, Absolute Reality).

    This also applies to Old Balto-Slav paganism, they also had a simple, but ancient, honest and earnest Faith. When you insult it, you insult your ancestors who swore by its Gods for hundreds of generations.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    or with patriarch Kirill Gundyaiev ?
    I doubt that Jesus would have approved of the de facto atheist supporters of the sodomization of a Christian country.
    , @AP
    @Ivashka the fool

    One should not measure Religions by the “civilizational package” it is linked with. It should be measured by the Spiritual Insights it produces among its faithful. Religion is a spiritual reality, it is “not from this world”.
    I completely agree with you. I think we are discussing different points. You are absolutely correct on the level of an individual. However, when a ruler changes religions for his subjects is it a political and cultural phenomenon. Same thing when a ruler married. A marriage is supposed to involve love, a lifelong union of souls, (in addition to necessary but more banal aspects) etc. but when it came to dynastic marriages of rulers - marriage was about politics and diplomacy (in some cases it could become both, such as with Maximilian Hapsburg and his Maria).

    Volodymyr's conversion of Rus was a political and cultural action.

    It is not important whether you pray in the Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, or in the Kizhi wooden church on Lake Ladoga.

    What is important is how deep you go in your prayer.


    My first trip to Poland was in 2003; I was visiting from Moscow. I was struck by the similarly between the Polish grandmothers praying fervently at the Wawel Cathedral and the Russians ones doing the same in one of Moscow's many churches or monasteries. Some universal Slavic spirit there.

    Sometimes art leads to artifice. Simpler often means closer to God (Truth, Absolute Reality).
    Is an acorn closer to Truth than a developed and beautiful oak tree? The oak tree includes the essence of the acorn but also has so much more.

    This also applies to Old Balto-Slav paganism, they also had a simple, but ancient, honest and earnest Faith. When you insult it, you insult your ancestors who swore by its Gods for hundreds of generations.
    I don't approve of my Rus ancestors plundering and enslaving the Eastern Slavs. I don't know enough about their faith to condemn it, although it is clear that their old faith (and they) were primitive and crude compared to their Christian descendants. Simplicity isn't necessarily more honest, and the devout Polish and Russian grandmothers were no less deeply spiritual than their ancient pagan ancestors even though they could read the Bible or prayer books..

    From your other post:

    "The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war."

    People in Lugandon needed be told no stories, they were pounded by ZSU and the Natsgvardya and could see it with their own eyes.
    But before that and also, were the stories and lies.

    Do you condemn those who spread the lies, such as about the nature of the Luhansk government building bombing, calling it a deliberate massacre of civilians rather than a failed airstrike on military leaders?

    And while some of the bombings were crimes, others were returning fire as a result of Russian invaders and rebels firing at ZSU from civilian areas. Labelling them all as deliberate crimes by Nazis is also a lie, made for the purpose of increasing fear and hatred, to stoke a war. Do you condemn those who spread that lie?

    Thing is, you and many other Ukrainians consider Donbassers as inherently inferior.
    By most measures they, in general, are (not all of course). This doesn't mean they should be indiscriminately bombed. They are still people.
  969. AP says:

    It very likely would have ended the war in Luhansk. .../... perhaps foreign adventurers such as Strelkov or Motorola would have been more reluctant to go there and spread death and destruction.
    That's Saker's level of argumentation. The witnesses who saw the Ukrainian jets approaching the Malaysian plane, the Spanish air controller in Kiev, the Russian engineering report that proves how a Buk could never cause that type of damage,...

    Sure, sure, but find someone else for that kind of debate.

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.
    Sadly, that doesn't even reach Saker's or Martyanov's level. Don't let your emotions let you fall so low.

    Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.
    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now. They're not leveling whole neighborhoods just for the fun of it either. But guess what happens when you bomb central Kharkiv with heavy artillery or when you bomb the civil administration building of Lugansk from the air. Yes, exactly: lots of civilians get killed, maimed and injured. Period. End of the story. "If only this or that would have also happened, along with the inevitable death of those pesky civilians" doesn't whitewash the massacre, either in Kharkiv or in Lugansk.

    However, I wasn't very accurate when I said that you missed your chance to be in a position to appeal to humanitarian feelings. First, there is always the possibility of sincere regret. And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain. You are all perfectly free to express your disapproval of these actions by your side or to carry on finding excuses for them.

    Replies: @AP

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Sadly, that doesn’t even reach Saker’s or Martyanov’s level. Don’t let your emotions let you fall so low.

    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war. People did die because of that lie and others like it. Not your repetition of it on Unz, of course.

    The lie about the air conditioner exploding, meanwhile, was harmless.

    “Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion.”

    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent? Really?

    When Russia invades Ukraine and tries to hit Ukrainian military but takes out apartment buildings in Kharkiv it is like the armed invader coming into my house, shooting at me, but hitting my kids.

    When Ukraine shoots at Russian invaders like Strelkov and his men, or their locals friends armed by Russia and hits a square next to the target instead, it is like you or me shooting at a home invader and hitting the family.

    It isn’t hard to understand.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now

    I make no excuses. You just repeat lies.

    Ukrainians did at times commit crimes that I condemned. Luhansk airstrike was not one of them. To say that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians is a lie. Shame on you for repeating it.

    And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain

    If it’s deliberately done for no known gain I condemn it. As I did in the past.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war.
    People in Lugandon needed be told no stories, they were pounded by ZSU and the Natsgvardya and could see it with their own eyes. I have posted videos above from Vice News of the time. Despite Vice News being pro-Ukrainian you could feel that the young journalists were deeply disturbed by what they saw there.

    Thing is, you and many other Ukrainians consider Donbassers as inherently inferior. And after the dehumanization they were subjected to in the Ukrainian pro-Maidan MSM, killing these people was easy for the Ukrainian nationalists.

    What contributed to war was this dehumanizing attitude from the both sides of the front. Hatred and contempt feed themselves through conflict and war. Even good people end up being intoxicated by their negative emotions. For example calling their neighbors to the east barbarians, or accusing their neighbors to the west of being traitors. In general, what goes around comes around.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    I have a question for you about Vivek "Appeaser" Rawaswamy:

    Any chance that if he wins (very unlikely) and actually gets to implement his proposals re: Ukraine, that Russia would subsequently try attacking Ukraine again at the same time that China would attack Taiwan? After all, the fact that Vivek wouldn't arm Ukraine would indicate that Ukraine would be less prepared in the event of a renewed Russian invasion, and if Ukraine is outside of NATO and also the US would be busy fighting to defend Taiwan from China, then I'm unsure just how much of a commitment the West would actually be capable of making to Ukraine's defense. Would Europe be willing to spend like crazy on defense in order to protect Ukraine in such a scenario if the US is incapable of doing its own part due to it being busy fighting to defend Taiwan from China?

    Vivek can try arguing that Russia wouldn't destroy its economic ties with the West in order to try reconquering Ukraine again, but that's very far from guaranteed considering that Russia's close economic ties with the West both in 2014 and in 2022 (NordStream 2, for instance) did not deter Russia from engaging in military aggression against Ukraine even though Russia likely knew that such aggression would disrupt and possibly destroy its economic ties with the West. So, if Russia is sufficiently determined to acquire Ukraine's human capital, then it could potentially be willing to attack Ukraine again when the US is busy fighting China over Taiwan if someone like Vivek previously comes to power in the US and cuts off all US aid to Ukraine. (And as for any promises by Russia, written or otherwise, to wage a trade embargo against China in exchange for Vivek's grand bargain, I suspect that Russia would either refuse to make such promises at all or make such promises and then proceed to break them when the necessary time comes just like it previously did with the Budapest Memorandum.)

    What do you think, AP?

    , @Mikel

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent?
    That is not the moral dilemma here at all. The dilemma is if, in order to defend your house from an invader, you are justified to open fire knowing full well that your action will unavoidably kill members of your family and may not even kill the invader. That is exactly what Ukraine chose to do in Lugansk and so many other places.

    I guess it takes a whole life of diaspora patriotic fervor to fail to understand this simple concept, that we've been discussing here for years.

    Replies: @AP

  970. @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    Thanks, but what % of Rus's population were they? 1%? 2%? 5%? 10%?

    Also, here's an off-topic question for you: Had Russia avoided Communism in 1917 and instead gone Fascist in the 1920s or (perhaps more likely) 1930s and eventually attacked Turkey in order to get revenge for the Armenian Genocide, conquer Constantinople, and regather the core Anatolian lands of the former Byzantine Empire, what would the other Great Powers, including the Anglo-French, have done in response to this and just how successful would such a Russian invasion of Turkey have been?

    (Conquering Turkey's human capital also makes a lot of sense, but I don't know if Turkey's human capital was as high back then, especially with the much more widespread illiteracy back then. Also, back then the connection between IQ and GDP per capita was not known about.)

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    They had their own state. But ancient Rus were well acquainted with both Muslims (including Arab and Persian merchants) and Jews (Khazars). The first Muslim subjects of the Russian crown date back to the conquest of the Volga Tatars by Ivan the Dreadful. They were quite numerous compared to the Slavic population of the Muscovite Tsardom at the time.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Ivashka the fool

    What's interesting is that in 1897, Muslims were only 11% of (Greater) Russia's total population, and this was including most of heavily Muslim Central Asia:

    A figure comparable to, say, present-day France, only with less radical Muslims, I would presume.

  971. @AP

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Sadly, that doesn’t even reach Saker’s or Martyanov’s level. Don’t let your emotions let you fall so low.
    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war. People did die because of that lie and others like it. Not your repetition of it on Unz, of course.

    The lie about the air conditioner exploding, meanwhile, was harmless.

    "Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion."

    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.
    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent? Really?

    When Russia invades Ukraine and tries to hit Ukrainian military but takes out apartment buildings in Kharkiv it is like the armed invader coming into my house, shooting at me, but hitting my kids.

    When Ukraine shoots at Russian invaders like Strelkov and his men, or their locals friends armed by Russia and hits a square next to the target instead, it is like you or me shooting at a home invader and hitting the family.

    It isn't hard to understand.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now
    I make no excuses. You just repeat lies.

    Ukrainians did at times commit crimes that I condemned. Luhansk airstrike was not one of them. To say that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians is a lie. Shame on you for repeating it.

    And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain
    If it's deliberately done for no known gain I condemn it. As I did in the past.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel

    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war.

    People in Lugandon needed be told no stories, they were pounded by ZSU and the Natsgvardya and could see it with their own eyes. I have posted videos above from Vice News of the time. Despite Vice News being pro-Ukrainian you could feel that the young journalists were deeply disturbed by what they saw there.

    Thing is, you and many other Ukrainians consider Donbassers as inherently inferior. And after the dehumanization they were subjected to in the Ukrainian pro-Maidan MSM, killing these people was easy for the Ukrainian nationalists.

    What contributed to war was this dehumanizing attitude from the both sides of the front. Hatred and contempt feed themselves through conflict and war. Even good people end up being intoxicated by their negative emotions. For example calling their neighbors to the east barbarians, or accusing their neighbors to the west of being traitors. In general, what goes around comes around.

  972. @Yahya
    @Greasy William

    It only takes one generation of outbreeding to reverse deleterious effects of inbreeding.

    Again, the Orthodox are likely performing worse mostly because of cultural and environmental reasons.

    Their performance will improve as they secularize.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    It only takes one generation of outbreeding to reverse deleterious effects of inbreeding.

    The fact that the Jewish nose still exists proves this false.

    Hell, hundreds of years later the Hapsburg descendants still have the jaw

    • LOL: Yahya
  973. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Anybody who thinks the classified programs are 20 years ahead of the rest of us does not understand how science works. At all.

    Replies: @orchardist

    Not 20 years; more like 50-60.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    This reminds me of a good topic--memory control and manipulation. A lot of so-called conspiracy theories seem difficult to even contemplate unless technology exists to somewhat reliably erase or prevent memories from forming. This is the "neuralizer" in Men in Black and similar bits in other stories. I have long wondered if there are medicinal herbs or drugs which might actually be a real world version of this. The agent doesn't need to be perfect, since it would be combined with threats, bribes, assassinations and appeals to honor to prevent important information leaking out.

    I thought this was just fiction until I learned that drugs like Midazolam (Versed) are used to prevent formation of new memories in anesthetized patients. This was news to me. I believe Doctors eventually owned up to the fact that some patients have memories from surgery (horrible memories) even though they were apparently unconscious. Is an interesting area even if one doesn't care about wacky conspiracy theories.

    Replies: @orchardist

  974. @Ivashka the fool

    One should not measure Religions by the "civilizational package" it is linked with. It should be measured by the Spiritual Insights it produces among its faithful. Religion is a spiritual reality, it is "not from this world".

    Do you think Jesus Christ, if still among us in the flesh, would have been more on friendly terms with Sergius of Radonezh or with pope Alexander VI Borgia, with St Francis or with patriarch Kirill Gundyaiev ?

    Also "backward" Russian Orthodox Christianity produced a galaxy of Startsy, some of whom were illiterate peasants, but still become spiritually gifted through prayer and worship. For example, Seraphim of Sarov did not receive much instruction, and yet he has become a Saint.

    It is not important whether you pray in the Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, or in the Kizhi wooden church on Lake Ladoga.

    What is important is how deep you go in your prayer.

    I actually prefer the wooden church, it has less distraction attached with it.

    Despite the fact that it was built by humble peasant people of the nearby village. Actually, it is even more amazing because it was built by humble peasants.

    BTW, despite being Jewish, Levitan, had a keen appreciation for these old simple wooden churches.

    Same thing about music, I prefer the Old Believer znamennyi chant to the Baroque church music of the Enlightenment Europe.

    Sometimes art leads to artifice. Simpler often means closer to God (Truth, Absolute Reality).

    This also applies to Old Balto-Slav paganism, they also had a simple, but ancient, honest and earnest Faith. When you insult it, you insult your ancestors who swore by its Gods for hundreds of generations.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    or with patriarch Kirill Gundyaiev ?

    I doubt that Jesus would have approved of the de facto atheist supporters of the sodomization of a Christian country.

  975. @AP

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Sadly, that doesn’t even reach Saker’s or Martyanov’s level. Don’t let your emotions let you fall so low.
    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war. People did die because of that lie and others like it. Not your repetition of it on Unz, of course.

    The lie about the air conditioner exploding, meanwhile, was harmless.

    "Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion."

    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.
    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent? Really?

    When Russia invades Ukraine and tries to hit Ukrainian military but takes out apartment buildings in Kharkiv it is like the armed invader coming into my house, shooting at me, but hitting my kids.

    When Ukraine shoots at Russian invaders like Strelkov and his men, or their locals friends armed by Russia and hits a square next to the target instead, it is like you or me shooting at a home invader and hitting the family.

    It isn't hard to understand.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now
    I make no excuses. You just repeat lies.

    Ukrainians did at times commit crimes that I condemned. Luhansk airstrike was not one of them. To say that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians is a lie. Shame on you for repeating it.

    And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain
    If it's deliberately done for no known gain I condemn it. As I did in the past.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel

    I have a question for you about Vivek “Appeaser” Rawaswamy:

    Any chance that if he wins (very unlikely) and actually gets to implement his proposals re: Ukraine, that Russia would subsequently try attacking Ukraine again at the same time that China would attack Taiwan? After all, the fact that Vivek wouldn’t arm Ukraine would indicate that Ukraine would be less prepared in the event of a renewed Russian invasion, and if Ukraine is outside of NATO and also the US would be busy fighting to defend Taiwan from China, then I’m unsure just how much of a commitment the West would actually be capable of making to Ukraine’s defense. Would Europe be willing to spend like crazy on defense in order to protect Ukraine in such a scenario if the US is incapable of doing its own part due to it being busy fighting to defend Taiwan from China?

    Vivek can try arguing that Russia wouldn’t destroy its economic ties with the West in order to try reconquering Ukraine again, but that’s very far from guaranteed considering that Russia’s close economic ties with the West both in 2014 and in 2022 (NordStream 2, for instance) did not deter Russia from engaging in military aggression against Ukraine even though Russia likely knew that such aggression would disrupt and possibly destroy its economic ties with the West. So, if Russia is sufficiently determined to acquire Ukraine’s human capital, then it could potentially be willing to attack Ukraine again when the US is busy fighting China over Taiwan if someone like Vivek previously comes to power in the US and cuts off all US aid to Ukraine. (And as for any promises by Russia, written or otherwise, to wage a trade embargo against China in exchange for Vivek’s grand bargain, I suspect that Russia would either refuse to make such promises at all or make such promises and then proceed to break them when the necessary time comes just like it previously did with the Budapest Memorandum.)

    What do you think, AP?

  976. @QCIC

    Somewhat agree. As I have pointed out, Russia always seemed to be staying ready for attacks on different fronts in this war and pacing themselves in Ukraine. They also seem to be destroying the AFU GRADUALLY which I think is completely intentional. They have advanced smaller weapons, but it is unclear how many they have used. Why did the Ka-52 apparently become more effective a few weeks ago? They were always effective, but the ratio of lost helicopters per sortie seems to have improved. Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys? It could be these things were always at play and just not highlighted for Western audiences. Or maybe they had to shape the engagements to take best use of the advanced hardware. Check back in a few years and read the book, then we may know.

    The ATACMS is sort of a poor man's/baby version of the Iskander missile (also Kinzhal) which Russia has been using since the beginning. They have guidance kits for some of the smaller rockets as well.

    Russia has been gradually rebuilding military capability for decades. Considering the small military budgets, they spend a lot on strategic systems. Now that they are on a war footing building this tactical stuff should be easy for them to crank out.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Sean

    I hate to point out the obvious, but a destroyed Bradley can’t be misidentified as a Russian vehicle. Osint was probably posting Ukie vehicles hit as Russian on social media. You can’t hide a Leopard being hit.

    Ukies and the more fanatical western sponsors of this war just got served.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    You may be right, but that is a different point.

    Before a few weeks ago, did we see video of moving Ukrainian vehicles being hit by Russian precision indirect artillery fire? Not the case where a bunch of rounds come down in an area and an unlucky crew gets randomly hit, but a single round comes down and hits the moving target vehicle? Russia has had this capability for decades, but I hadn't seen it used before the Leopard II-Bradley video. Maybe I don't watch enough disgusting war porn.

  977. @Ivashka the fool
    @Mr. XYZ

    They had their own state. But ancient Rus were well acquainted with both Muslims (including Arab and Persian merchants) and Jews (Khazars). The first Muslim subjects of the Russian crown date back to the conquest of the Volga Tatars by Ivan the Dreadful. They were quite numerous compared to the Slavic population of the Muscovite Tsardom at the time.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What’s interesting is that in 1897, Muslims were only 11% of (Greater) Russia’s total population, and this was including most of heavily Muslim Central Asia:

    A figure comparable to, say, present-day France, only with less radical Muslims, I would presume.

  978. @Mr. XYZ

    Russia's problem with low-grade tripe might be worse:

    Replies: @QCIC

    It would be nice to see real, current data. AK may be right that Russia was and still is backward in AI, supercomputers and biotech. I don’t care since those fields are rapidly leading the entire world to ruin.

    I think Russia is still top in a number of R&D fields so there is no reason to think they are hopeless. A lot of their work is supported by the military and may be classified, who knows?

    I think there are many first generation Russian children working in Western R&D. It will be interesting to see how many of these scientific descendants return over time. The bar is pretty high unless their parents made them learn Russian.

    While there are still a lot of innovators in the West, I think the quality of researchers in general is much lower than it once was. The loss of meritocracy and general propriety have greatly exaggerated the so-called Dunning-Kruger effect.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Take a look at this chart:

    But the EU countries' R & D spending should be combined since the EU itself is a confederation of sorts.

    Based on the data here, Russia is an absolute minnow! Japan has slightly less people than Russia has and yet also has over five times Russia's level of R & D spending. South Korea has three times less people than Russia has and yet has over 2.5 Russia's level of R & D spending. Russia is barely ahead of Italy in R & D spending even though Russia is 2.5 times more people than Italy has! And Italy can at least benefit from the EU's and West's collective R & D spending to a significant extent.

    Replies: @QCIC

  979. @songbird

    Srinivasen mentions the Indian diaspora in his discourse on the network state. Though am sure he would deny it, I suspect that he was at least slightly inspired by the idea of Indians cooperating across borders. The way he puts it:

    I am moderately bullish on India, but extremely bullish on Indians

    Replies: @Sher Singh

    Look at Fiji, Trinidad or Guyana – they can’t even outcompete blacks.
    Don’t care about material wealth, but political power.

    Hindu fortunes in those places sank soon as Sikh forces withdrew after 47.
    You could say I’m ‘bias’ but our very existence is a testament to Hindu failure.


    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Sher Singh

    I thought that the Indians in Fiji were a type of cognitive elite relative to the locals? Ditto for Trinidad and Tobago? Ravi Ragbir is from there, after all.

    This isn't to say that the Indians there are super-smart. It's just that when you've got 80-85 average IQ blacks, 90-95 IQ Indians seem like a cognitive elite in comparison. They can be a merchant class in these places, similar to what they are in both East Africa and South Africa.

    , @songbird
    @Sher Singh

    To be fair, it is hard to have a racialist state on that scale. South Africa was a powerhouse of natural resources and even they caved.

  980. @AP

    Thousands died because of the lies that you repeat.

    Sadly, that doesn’t even reach Saker’s or Martyanov’s level. Don’t let your emotions let you fall so low.
    The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war. People did die because of that lie and others like it. Not your repetition of it on Unz, of course.

    The lie about the air conditioner exploding, meanwhile, was harmless.

    "Something done for the purpose of defense is not as bad as something done for the purpose of invasion."

    Next Sunday ask your priest if you are more morally entitled to kill your family while defending your house than an invader would be. Report the answer here.
    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent? Really?

    When Russia invades Ukraine and tries to hit Ukrainian military but takes out apartment buildings in Kharkiv it is like the armed invader coming into my house, shooting at me, but hitting my kids.

    When Ukraine shoots at Russian invaders like Strelkov and his men, or their locals friends armed by Russia and hits a square next to the target instead, it is like you or me shooting at a home invader and hitting the family.

    It isn't hard to understand.

    All the excuses you guys use to whitewash what the Ukrainians did could be perfectly used by the Russians now
    I make no excuses. You just repeat lies.

    Ukrainians did at times commit crimes that I condemned. Luhansk airstrike was not one of them. To say that it was a deliberate massacre of civilians is a lie. Shame on you for repeating it.

    And second, Ukrainians to this day continue shelling civilian areas, especially in Donbas, and killing innocent people for no discernible military gain
    If it's deliberately done for no known gain I condemn it. As I did in the past.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent?

    That is not the moral dilemma here at all. The dilemma is if, in order to defend your house from an invader, you are justified to open fire knowing full well that your action will unavoidably kill members of your family and may not even kill the invader. That is exactly what Ukraine chose to do in Lugansk and so many other places.

    I guess it takes a whole life of diaspora patriotic fervor to fail to understand this simple concept, that we’ve been discussing here for years.

    • Replies: @AP

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent?

    That is not the moral dilemma here at all.

    I asked you if these situations were morally equivalent.

    You refused to answer.

    Are they? Yes or no?

    Because you claimed that there is no moral difference between what happened in Luhansk and Russian invaders of Ukraine taking our apartment buildings.

    The dilemma is if, in order to defend your house from an invader, you are justified to open fire knowing full well that your action will unavoidably kill members of your family and may not even kill the invader. That is exactly what Ukraine chose to do in Lugansk and so many other places.
    Now you are changing the circumstances.

    In the description above, would your action be morally equivalent to that of the guy who invaded your home and shot your family members? No difference, according to you?

    But you are still not exact. To be more exact (or pedantic), you would have to have a huge family, perhaps a Mormon one with 5 kids, their spouses, and 36 grandkids* at a family gathering. An invader breaks in, kills some of your family members. He will kill more. You have a dilemma: you have a shot at him, potentially saving many lives, but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more. You take the shot, miss, kill a relative, and the carnage continues.

    Was what you did morally equal to what the invader did?

    Yes or no?

    And what if some disgusting liar spread the story that you killed your relative on purpose, it wasn't the result of a terrible choice you had to make. Said you massacred your relative.

    That would be an awful lie, wouldn't it?

    Shouldn't someone repeating such a lie be ashamed of themselves?

    Shame on you.

    * You can add additional realism: one of the 35 grandkids was a troubled teenager who invited the invader in and was helping him.

    Replies: @Mikel

  981. @orchardist
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Not 20 years; more like 50-60.

    Replies: @QCIC

    This reminds me of a good topic–memory control and manipulation. A lot of so-called conspiracy theories seem difficult to even contemplate unless technology exists to somewhat reliably erase or prevent memories from forming. This is the “neuralizer” in Men in Black and similar bits in other stories. I have long wondered if there are medicinal herbs or drugs which might actually be a real world version of this. The agent doesn’t need to be perfect, since it would be combined with threats, bribes, assassinations and appeals to honor to prevent important information leaking out.

    I thought this was just fiction until I learned that drugs like Midazolam (Versed) are used to prevent formation of new memories in anesthetized patients. This was news to me. I believe Doctors eventually owned up to the fact that some patients have memories from surgery (horrible memories) even though they were apparently unconscious. Is an interesting area even if one doesn’t care about wacky conspiracy theories.

    • Replies: @orchardist

    You are very perceptive!!

  982. @S

    Historically, this has been connected more to the continental European civilization, but these days there is an unhealthy obsession with the US. And there was a lot of admiration for Britain in the1990s.
    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.

    Some years ago I met a young woman from one of the Baltic states at my work place. They are not a common sight. It was just as you said, she described how people in her country were very much enamored by the United States, as she herself was, though she couldn't explain or say exactly why this was. She had 'won' some sort of lottery to come to the United States and work, and this was seen as quite a big deal.

    I tried to explain to her that the US has problems and that she should not forget her people, and that she should have a healthy pride in them and her country. I pointed out how the US flag was based closely upon the British East India Company flag, a multinational corporation, and that was something that should not be.

    Countries, nations, civilizations and ideologies compete with each other. I would have to take a closer look at the literature you referred to, but one thing to remember is that the EEs have sometimes acted in a rather self-destructive manner.
    I liken the situation between Ukraine and Russia (and in time the rest of Eastern Europe?) to some people sharing a house that have issues between them, that devolves into a physical fight. During this same time, however, there is unnoticed a moldering fire growing into a raging inferno in the attic of the said house, threatening the lives of them all.

    The US/UK with it's world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.

    All I can suggest is, fight if you must, but on your own terms, which is not the situation now with the US/UK involvement.

    Choosing one's battles...

    Replies: @LatW

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.

    They not the “powers that be” in every corner of the planet.

    There are different types of people in the EE and Russia, both those who like and dislike the US. In Russia, in the 1990s, there was a boom of everyone wanting to send their kid to an English boarding school. And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows. Go figure.


    The reality of life is such that there are both good and bad things in the US, and this is the case everywhere – in Russia and in Asia, etc. Except Europe.

    People are different. There are Americans who live overseas and prefer to live there or travel constantly for various reasons and get very engaged in other countries.

    People like different things, a lot of Westerners go to Asia, many Russians like Thailand, some Northern Euros like going to Marrakesh in winters. Would you say there is something wrong with them, too? If Russian kids had an easier way traveling to the West, no visa, you think they wouldn’t go more often? Some would, others may not, people are different.

    Would you have preferred that your ancestors, British or Nordic, I don’t know your exact ancestry, had never arrived in the US?

    This smoldering fire, that you’re alluding to, is not something that is happening only in the E.Slavic houses, but in all houses of the world, including British, American, German, etc. In fact, in those other places, this fire is already much more advanced, and the temperature is already quite high. In the Ukrainian house, things were not as bad before. Now with this invasion, both Ukrainians and Russians will be more vulnerable having to deal with the fire. Ukrainians have friends who will help them.

    Ideally, nobody should force themselves on others. Neither the wokes, nor the neocons, nor the Chinese, nor the Russians. Wouldn’t that be heaven? 🙂

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It’s possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.

    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute? The Ukrainians are just fighting invaders who came into their land to kill them and their kids.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows.
    Which one?

    Replies: @LatW

    , @Coconuts

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It’s possible to enjoy the world without some world state.
    Imo it's hard to tell exactly what S is talking about. On the one hand whether the world state means the victory of universal liberalism, when liberalism means a set of beliefs about human nature, politics and the best model for managing human community.

    (Another premise connected with this one is that any person can come to believe in liberalism via use of reason and experience of life. People may be more or less convinced of and more or less favourable to different facets of liberalism.)

    Or, on the other, the world state is the victory of universal liberalism, when liberalism is understood as an expression of the power and control of particular racial or ethnic groups. In this case to believe in liberalism would be to fall under the control of some specific families of Jews and/or Anglos. These groups then use their control for purely self-interested and destructive ends.

    The second option had a level of popularity in Germany in the early 20th century, might think of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, a close friend of Kaiser Wilhelm and author of the relatively iconic 'Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts'. Though Chamberlain was also an Anglo, and the Kaiser was half Anglo.

    , @S

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.
    They not the “powers that be” in every corner of the planet.
    No, but it wants total power, and presently has a strong hegemony over the world.

    The US/UK is more powerful than most realize.

    I made a mistake a few days ago when I said pg 8, 9, and 10, of WT Stead's 1902 book The Americanization of the World gave a hint of this power. I should have said pg 10, 11, and 12 (linked below):

    The economic numbers Stead provides on those pages come to the US/UK having three times the wealth and economic resources of the combined French, Russian, and German empires, causing him to declare in that same first chapter the US/UK to be the 'supreme power' over the Earth and the 'world conquerors'. Something like those numbers probably still held true through about the start of 1942, as the British Empire was still intact to that time.

    Despite the British Empire having officially fallen, I maintain that the US/UK has retained a powerful economic/political hegemony over the world ever since, albeit a hegemony that is probably slowly declining.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.


    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute?
    That's a very good question.

    Like everywhere else, there's too many poorly leading elites and hangers on in the US/UK, and too many people either following them, or tolerating them.

    And, too, amongst the 'dissidents', there's too much tolerance towards the 'National Socialist' types, when the real politik is that most people had relatives who fought NS Germany in WWII, are majorly turned off by the ideology, and are content with a republic/constitutional monarchy, albeit provided these governments are not making war upon them as the US and UK's governments are and have been. [Bashi had commented that he thought the quasi NS types in Russia had deliberately been tolerated by the government for a time there after the 'Fall of Communism' to 'poison pill' the idea of identity, and, or, nationalism. I think that's true in the US and Ukraine as well. (Provided someone did want the NS system, it's a broken ideology at present, and it would have to be rehabilitated first, which isn't likely anytime soon.]

    Since the founding of the US in 1776, one could say there having been two Americas at war (a sort of 'Cold War') with each other.

    The one America, a traditional ethnically based one, which I think was better, and which people in general were allowed and encouraged to think they had particularly in times of war, and a second America, one promoted by powerful elements amongst the elites and hangers on, these elites having often historically been ensconced at high levels of the secret societies, in particular Freemasonry. This second America is to be the planned heir of the British Empire, and is intended to be the very spearhead of an intended coming global super-state, ie the 'United States of the World'/'World Union'.

    Regarding this latter point about the secret societies, there is an unfortunate dynamic at work. A very great many people, myself included, have friends, acquaintances, and, or, relatives, that have been, or are now, Freemasons. [I've never been one and don't care for the organization.]

    The vast majority of these people are not bad people, albeit a bit naive, and are very low degree Masons, and know nothing about the world state stuff. It's far fewer people that are at the higher degrees and do know about these plans, and approve of them.

    However, if a person simply attempts to bring up these world state intentions, these low level Masons, in defense of their organization, will be the first to jump up and say they know nothing about it, which is likely true. What's worse, these low level Masons far more numerous friends, acquaintances, and relatives, including many who are dissidents(!), will also jump up and say, 'My friend John is a Freemason, and is good egg', or, 'My uncle Jack is a Freemason, and is a fine fellow.'

    That's as far as it goes with most of them in that regard.

    The result is the ridiculous state of affairs that few know about the Masonic 'United States of the World' project in the United States itself, the very epicenter of the endeavor, including the 'dissidents', though they certainly should, and fewer still are resisting it, which is no doubt exactly how it is intended to be.

    [Self deception is a gigantic problem everywhere, ie people not being honest with themselves.]

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It’s possible to enjoy the world without some world state.
    I'd prefer there be no world state, or 'empire' as they sometimes call it. There are powerful people and their hangers on who want it, however.

    About the 'United States of the World'...I wanted to understand the history of the United States. There are two massive online libraries attached to US universities called 'Making of America' which have entire series of journals, magazines, books, etc, dating to the early 19th century, which are scanned in and free to access.

    I spent many hundreds of hours reading through these journals and books, comparing notes amongst them, and letting the chips fall where they may. That's where, amongst other things, I first heard about the 'United States of the World' spoken of in books typically, but only rarely, and just the phrase.

    That's where I also came across the incredibly prescient 1853 New Rome book which spoke of it. [Interestingly, the Capitalist orientated journals stopped talking about the 'United States of the World' during the 19th century. Just as the term started fading from memory in the 20th century, Communist orientated journals started using the term.]

    The United States of the World is simply the intended final long range intention by the US/UK, acting within Freemasonry, of joining the newly minted continental super-states together, ie the United States of [North] America/[North] American Union, the United States of Europe/European Union, the United States of South Ameriça/South American Union, etc, to form a world state and government, the United States of the World.

    Whether each continent is called 'United States' or 'Union', is a 'republic'or, a 'constitutional monarchy', is no big deal either way.

    A relatively recent real time example of this 'continentilization' process involved Gaddafi.

    After an admittedly rough start, Gaddafi's Libya had become a loyal client state of the US/UK, and Gaddafi himself, with his (apparent) assigned brief of bringing the continent of Africa online for the United States of the World project, was doing good yeoman's work in this regard.

    Gaddafi's reward for his trouble was to be offed by the same US/UK elites and hangers on who had employed him.

    "One day it will become similar to the United States of America.”

    We can build United States of Africa, Gaddafi says

    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Tuesday his dream of a United States of Africa was still alive and this week’s African Union summit was another step toward that objective.

    Gaddafi has been pushing for an African unity government for years, saying it is the only way Africa can develop without Western interference, but many African states say the idea is impractical and would encroach on their sovereignty.

    Like previous African summits, this week’s gathering in the Ugandan capital Kampala discussed steps toward creating an African government, but the issue was overshadowed by chaos in Somalia and an international arrest warrant for Sudan’s president.

    “I am satisfied that Africa is going along its historic and right road,” Gaddafi told a small group of reporters in Kampala at the end of the summit. “One day it will become similar to the United States of America.”

    “We are approaching the formation of the African Authority, and each time we solve African problems and also move in the direction of peace and unity. We deal with problems step by step. We are continuing to do that,” Gaddafi said.

    Gaddafi held the African Union’s rotating chairmanship last year, and he used it to push for the organization’s small executive body to be granted enhanced powers and remodeled as the African Authority.

    Asked about that proposal on Tuesday, Gaddafi said: “Studies are still continuing and it is not finished yet. Experts and the people responsible are still studying the documents. They might be completed at the next summit or after.”

    Some African leaders say they cannot be expected to cede sovereignty to any African bloc just decades after they wrested it away from their colonial rulers.

    But Gaddafi’s idea has had a sympathetic response in some states, helped by his reputation in parts of the continent as a champion of the developed world and also by the millions of dollars in aid his oil-exporting country spends in Africa.
  983. @Mikel

    I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions
    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.

    You are thus very welcome to continue ignoring my comments instead of replying to them with idiotic questions like "Why do you ignore the current brutality". That brutality is now affecting relatives of my personal friends in Ukraine, one of whom I invited to spend New Year's day with us. They may still get killed by the Russians so I have never ignored anything. Why the f*ck do you think that Gerard is in the habit of posting an insult against me in each of his comments?

    Replies: @LatW, @silviosilver


    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.

    Most of my arguments are stable and ideologically consistent. There is nothing wrong with moon cycles (which are totally natural). When you throw insults bordering on lies out of the blue, you prompt a response.

    You are thus very welcome to continue ignoring my comments instead of replying to them with idiotic questions like “Why do you ignore the current brutality”.

    Nothing idiotic there at all – you have completely ignored some of the worst atrocities that just took place (the execution of the Ukrainian soldier, the decapitation of the Ukrainian soldier, various extremely cruel attacks on high rises, etc). Had our side done anything of that sort, you’d be screaming about it for months. For years, actually. And, yes, there is plenty of humanitarian argument on the Ukrainian side. Your side is morally bankrupt, you guys were bent on appeasing a regime for years which turned out to be cannibalistic.

    You posted a nasty, dishonest comment about me, out of the blue, unprompted by anything I wrote, manipulating the context of what I had written a long time ago. To paint me in the wrong way. Not that I even care that much anymore..

    What matters most in morality is the intent and it is amoral to stoke unrest in another country and then enter that country, in a clandestine way, to spark unrest and then attack it openly. Then put lies on tv (such as the crucified boy story), to spark unrest and violence and encourage violent people from outside of that country to arrive and to murder. To claim that others do not have a nationality and that they are mad for having a nationality, and need to be “liberated” of it through violent means.

    I do not post unprovoked ad hominems and borderline lies about you the way you just did about me. We don’t need or want anything from each other so let’s leave each other alone.

  984. @Wokechoke

    I hate to point out the obvious, but a destroyed Bradley can’t be misidentified as a Russian vehicle. Osint was probably posting Ukie vehicles hit as Russian on social media. You can’t hide a Leopard being hit.

    Ukies and the more fanatical western sponsors of this war just got served.

    Replies: @QCIC

    You may be right, but that is a different point.

    Before a few weeks ago, did we see video of moving Ukrainian vehicles being hit by Russian precision indirect artillery fire? Not the case where a bunch of rounds come down in an area and an unlucky crew gets randomly hit, but a single round comes down and hits the moving target vehicle? Russia has had this capability for decades, but I hadn’t seen it used before the Leopard II-Bradley video. Maybe I don’t watch enough disgusting war porn.

  985. @AP

    Prague has 1.3 million people (2019). The ‘metro’ concept is defined differently in every country – if you include the Central Bohemia region you get 2.2 million – but it is ridiculous, the rural areas 50-75 km from Prague over the hills are in no way a part of Prague.
    You are the one who lied about metro area populations, claiming that Prague was the same size as Krakow.

    I provided statistics from OECD that disproved your false claim.

    If you want to compare the city itself, Prague has 1.3 million while Krakow has 766,000.

    Any way you look at it, you lied by claiming the cities have approximately the same population.

    When you are caught lying and the lies are contradicted by data, you claim "autism." Because an innumerate such as you thinks that only autists are capable of providing accurate numbers.

    It’s a quaint 19th century system, half streetcar and half metro. Not very efficient, but it is charming.

    It is half-nothing and half-shit: dysfunctional, ugly and dirty.
    It is certainly dysfunctional, in that the system does not have a loop so unless you are going downtown it is kind of useless. Boston is much more drivable than New York and most people have cars, so a 10-15 minute drive becomes an hour on the metro going downtown and then away.

    But it has retained its original streetcar quality:

    Here it is going through some woods:

    Blossoming trees:

    There is nothing charming about it
    You just lack taste. Let me guess: you find nothing charming about a sleigh ride through a forest in winter, either.

    No wonder you think that Lviv is great
    It's like Krakow minus 10 years. Therefore, better than Budapest, considering its size (it only has about the same population as Krakow, about 50,000 fewer people than Krakow). Architecture no worse, much cleaner, better food (and cheaper).

    Replies: @Beckow

    Oh, please, now you lack basic reading comprehension – there is no standard definition of a ‘metro’ area – so your “OECD” is just a bunch of not very good estimates. Anyone who has been to Czechia will tell you that Pribram or Kladno are not Prague “metro”, but your statistics include them because some lazy paper-pusher in Brussels simply didn’t know better. But you are clearly too stupid to understand it.

    Your “pictures” of Boston metro are highly selective, in other words lying. The actual metro line (esp. D) is an underground horror show with narrow and dirty stairs, iron bars everywhere and wagons so old and decrepit that one hesitates to get in. Have you been to the Prudential Center? Ot the Harvard station (not D, but still horrific)? Don’t lie to us.

    The driving in Boston is very bad and the city has shortage of parking. You can paint your rosy pictures for the underdeveloped yearning Ukies from Galicia, but the reality is that Boston has no good transportation. It is about 50 years behind similar cities in Central Europe. And Boston is among the better US cities, there are some literally like Third World shit-holes.

    • Replies: @AP

    Oh, please, now you lack basic reading comprehension – there is no standard definition of a ‘metro’ area – so your “OECD”
    So you were caught lying when you said that Prague and Krakow metro areas had the same population so now you state there is no "standard definition" of a metro area. How convenient.

    In that case, why did you bring it up?

    You could just go by city population. The city of Prague has nearly twice as many people as the city of Krakow.

    And we are not supposed to believe OECD but we should believe Lying-Beckow.

    Your “pictures” of Boston metro are highly selective, in other words lying.
    I'm glad that you admit that being "selective" - as you often do - is lying.

    The actual metro line (esp. D) is an underground horror show
    I've only taken the one through Brookline. It's nice out there.

    The driving in Boston is very bad and the city has shortage of parking.
    Boston people are aggressive assholes behind the wheel, one has to adjust accordingly and match them, but it's not worse than driving in dense European cities.

    Replies: @Beckow

  986. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    It would be nice to see real, current data. AK may be right that Russia was and still is backward in AI, supercomputers and biotech. I don't care since those fields are rapidly leading the entire world to ruin.

    I think Russia is still top in a number of R&D fields so there is no reason to think they are hopeless. A lot of their work is supported by the military and may be classified, who knows?

    I think there are many first generation Russian children working in Western R&D. It will be interesting to see how many of these scientific descendants return over time. The bar is pretty high unless their parents made them learn Russian.

    While there are still a lot of innovators in the West, I think the quality of researchers in general is much lower than it once was. The loss of meritocracy and general propriety have greatly exaggerated the so-called Dunning-Kruger effect.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Take a look at this chart:

    But the EU countries’ R & D spending should be combined since the EU itself is a confederation of sorts.

    Based on the data here, Russia is an absolute minnow! Japan has slightly less people than Russia has and yet also has over five times Russia’s level of R & D spending. South Korea has three times less people than Russia has and yet has over 2.5 Russia’s level of R & D spending. Russia is barely ahead of Italy in R & D spending even though Russia is 2.5 times more people than Italy has! And Italy can at least benefit from the EU’s and West’s collective R & D spending to a significant extent.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect Russia's R&D effort is about 1/2 to 1/3 of what they would like it to be. This is paced by funding and loss of top talent through emigration. I wonder if they give combat deferments to promising students?

    The chart is highly misleading since it is in nominal GDP and costs are much lower in Russia (China is a different story). It is also misleading in that the West now has a lot of lower grade researchers due to loss of meritocracy, affirmative action, greater interference by increasingly more incompetent bureaucrats, etc. I think Russia faces some of these trends as well, but that particular cancer is less advanced in their country.

    While Brazil seems to be making steady progress, the idea that they are ahead of Russia in terms of research productivity is silly.

  987. @LatW

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.
    They not the "powers that be" in every corner of the planet.

    There are different types of people in the EE and Russia, both those who like and dislike the US. In Russia, in the 1990s, there was a boom of everyone wanting to send their kid to an English boarding school. And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows. Go figure.

    The reality of life is such that there are both good and bad things in the US, and this is the case everywhere - in Russia and in Asia, etc. Except Europe.

    People are different. There are Americans who live overseas and prefer to live there or travel constantly for various reasons and get very engaged in other countries.

    People like different things, a lot of Westerners go to Asia, many Russians like Thailand, some Northern Euros like going to Marrakesh in winters. Would you say there is something wrong with them, too? If Russian kids had an easier way traveling to the West, no visa, you think they wouldn't go more often? Some would, others may not, people are different.

    Would you have preferred that your ancestors, British or Nordic, I don't know your exact ancestry, had never arrived in the US?

    This smoldering fire, that you're alluding to, is not something that is happening only in the E.Slavic houses, but in all houses of the world, including British, American, German, etc. In fact, in those other places, this fire is already much more advanced, and the temperature is already quite high. In the Ukrainian house, things were not as bad before. Now with this invasion, both Ukrainians and Russians will be more vulnerable having to deal with the fire. Ukrainians have friends who will help them.

    Ideally, nobody should force themselves on others. Neither the wokes, nor the neocons, nor the Chinese, nor the Russians. Wouldn't that be heaven? :)

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It's possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.
    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute? The Ukrainians are just fighting invaders who came into their land to kill them and their kids.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @S

    And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows.

    Which one?

    • Replies: @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Shapiro "Solovyov", ofc. My point was that they are all so obsessed with America, it is so tiresome and unoriginal. It's very monolithic thinking.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  988. @Sher Singh

    Look at Fiji, Trinidad or Guyana - they can't even outcompete blacks.
    Don't care about material wealth, but political power.

    Hindu fortunes in those places sank soon as Sikh forces withdrew after 47.
    You could say I'm 'bias' but our very existence is a testament to Hindu failure.


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

    I thought that the Indians in Fiji were a type of cognitive elite relative to the locals? Ditto for Trinidad and Tobago? Ravi Ragbir is from there, after all.

    This isn’t to say that the Indians there are super-smart. It’s just that when you’ve got 80-85 average IQ blacks, 90-95 IQ Indians seem like a cognitive elite in comparison. They can be a merchant class in these places, similar to what they are in both East Africa and South Africa.

  989. @Mr. XYZ

    And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows.
    Which one?

    Replies: @LatW

    Shapiro “Solovyov”, ofc. My point was that they are all so obsessed with America, it is so tiresome and unoriginal. It’s very monolithic thinking.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Wow! Didn't expect him to be the one!

  990. @QCIC

    This reminds me of a good topic--memory control and manipulation. A lot of so-called conspiracy theories seem difficult to even contemplate unless technology exists to somewhat reliably erase or prevent memories from forming. This is the "neuralizer" in Men in Black and similar bits in other stories. I have long wondered if there are medicinal herbs or drugs which might actually be a real world version of this. The agent doesn't need to be perfect, since it would be combined with threats, bribes, assassinations and appeals to honor to prevent important information leaking out.

    I thought this was just fiction until I learned that drugs like Midazolam (Versed) are used to prevent formation of new memories in anesthetized patients. This was news to me. I believe Doctors eventually owned up to the fact that some patients have memories from surgery (horrible memories) even though they were apparently unconscious. Is an interesting area even if one doesn't care about wacky conspiracy theories.

    Replies: @orchardist

    You are very perceptive!!

  991. AP says:

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent?
    That is not the moral dilemma here at all. The dilemma is if, in order to defend your house from an invader, you are justified to open fire knowing full well that your action will unavoidably kill members of your family and may not even kill the invader. That is exactly what Ukraine chose to do in Lugansk and so many other places.

    I guess it takes a whole life of diaspora patriotic fervor to fail to understand this simple concept, that we've been discussing here for years.

    Replies: @AP

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent?

    That is not the moral dilemma here at all.

    I asked you if these situations were morally equivalent.

    You refused to answer.

    Are they? Yes or no?

    Because you claimed that there is no moral difference between what happened in Luhansk and Russian invaders of Ukraine taking our apartment buildings.

    The dilemma is if, in order to defend your house from an invader, you are justified to open fire knowing full well that your action will unavoidably kill members of your family and may not even kill the invader. That is exactly what Ukraine chose to do in Lugansk and so many other places.

    Now you are changing the circumstances.

    In the description above, would your action be morally equivalent to that of the guy who invaded your home and shot your family members? No difference, according to you?

    But you are still not exact. To be more exact (or pedantic), you would have to have a huge family, perhaps a Mormon one with 5 kids, their spouses, and 36 grandkids* at a family gathering. An invader breaks in, kills some of your family members. He will kill more. You have a dilemma: you have a shot at him, potentially saving many lives, but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more. You take the shot, miss, kill a relative, and the carnage continues.

    Was what you did morally equal to what the invader did?

    Yes or no?

    And what if some disgusting liar spread the story that you killed your relative on purpose, it wasn’t the result of a terrible choice you had to make. Said you massacred your relative.

    That would be an awful lie, wouldn’t it?

    Shouldn’t someone repeating such a lie be ashamed of themselves?

    Shame on you.

    * You can add additional realism: one of the 35 grandkids was a troubled teenager who invited the invader in and was helping him.

    • Agree: Greasy William
    • Replies: @Mikel

    Was what you did morally equal to what the invader did?

    Yes or no?
    I don't have any problem whatsoever in answering this simple question. The hypothetical, as I understand it, is quite straightforward although its moral dimension doesn't have anything to do in my view with who is the lawful owner of the house.

    But I flatly refuse to answer it because it is just an attempt at muddling the waters and continuing to fail to address the real dilemma that Poroshenko and his circle faced in 2014.

    but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more. 
    Another attempt at obfuscation. Neither Kiev nor the rebels and their Russian backers ever acted with the goal of saving the maximum amount of lives. That's pure fantasy. They all acted (and continue to do so) with the primary objective of asserting their authority over the disputed territory.

    Any child old enough to follow the news would immediately be able to conclude that the "house" is what really matters to all parties here, with the lives of the dwellers of that house, relatives or not, being at best of secondary importance. But of course it's not too surprising to see that someone raised in the tradition of reverence to the old and sacred family house refuses to see what a child does. We wouldn't be having a war if that wasn't the case. Shame on rancid worshippers of sacred houses.

    Replies: @AP

  992. @Mikel

    I have very little desire to argue with you. Nor any interest in your opinions
    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.

    You are thus very welcome to continue ignoring my comments instead of replying to them with idiotic questions like "Why do you ignore the current brutality". That brutality is now affecting relatives of my personal friends in Ukraine, one of whom I invited to spend New Year's day with us. They may still get killed by the Russians so I have never ignored anything. Why the f*ck do you think that Gerard is in the habit of posting an insult against me in each of his comments?

    Replies: @LatW, @silviosilver

    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.

    There actually is tentative evidence that the moon may influence moods, albeit not nearly enough to leap to “the moon made me do it” conclusions, lol.

    • LOL: Mikel
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  993. @QCIC

    Somewhat agree. As I have pointed out, Russia always seemed to be staying ready for attacks on different fronts in this war and pacing themselves in Ukraine. They also seem to be destroying the AFU GRADUALLY which I think is completely intentional. They have advanced smaller weapons, but it is unclear how many they have used. Why did the Ka-52 apparently become more effective a few weeks ago? They were always effective, but the ratio of lost helicopters per sortie seems to have improved. Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys? It could be these things were always at play and just not highlighted for Western audiences. Or maybe they had to shape the engagements to take best use of the advanced hardware. Check back in a few years and read the book, then we may know.

    The ATACMS is sort of a poor man's/baby version of the Iskander missile (also Kinzhal) which Russia has been using since the beginning. They have guidance kits for some of the smaller rockets as well.

    Russia has been gradually rebuilding military capability for decades. Considering the small military budgets, they spend a lot on strategic systems. Now that they are on a war footing building this tactical stuff should be easy for them to crank out.

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @Sean

    Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys?

    First of all Ukraine is now trying a traditional tank centric breaching attack of the type that enjoyed its greatest successes in early WW2, and has continued to be taught to armies but is was of increasingly questionable utility unless it came with a lot of shock effect and you cannot be easily shocked unless you are surprised. The Ukrainians seem to have assumed that the problems Russia had was not much to do with them being on offence, uncoordinated in use of fire support and tactically naïve from experience but due to Russians being bad at everything by nature. I think the fanfaronade about this offensive only makes sense if if Kiev was going on the assumption that it would work psychologically to erode Russian troops’ morale, thinking defeat was afait accompli, and running as soon as the fighting started. Instead they have the Russians happily ensconced in well built deep dug outs that that are virtually invisible and protected by minefields and expertly coordinated artillery effectively concentrating on any ground given. So advancing Ukrainians success would merely lead to the Russian spring an artillery trap. Recent Ukrainian success by infantry in taking a small village ended with ahe Russians firing 100 thermobaric rocket obliterated the village and the ‘victors’. To sum up: Milley was right the Ukrainians had achieved as much are could reasonably be expected by November. Unfortunately for them they thought that Russians being ineffective and so nervous of being surrounded they retreated as a result of social media posts was a pattern set in stone

    The Western weapons are suddenly being pushed forward into fighting so there are a lot of such targets; Leopard and Bradley ECT are not deniable losses because as as someone mentioned they cannot be passed of as Russian. The use of the at a distance sensor capabilities of the Ka-52 to its limits while skulking out of range. Pilots were taking foolish risks, had been taught ludicrously naive maneuvers such as hovering above enemy territory in range of Stingers , and tilting the chopper up when firing unguided rocket into the distance at nothing in particular (ineffective). The pilots are now paired to with a more senior officer to keep them in line and the practical lessons learned in combat are now in the standing orders . So they lurk out of range over their own territory and out of range of Stingers from where they use guided missiles on Western armoured fighting vehicles which are noisily ponderous IR sources and often too big (some the Ukrainians have been given are twelve feet tall. Partly it is because like in Master and Commander ‘For England and the prize money’, Russians in Ukraine are getting a bounty on destruction of Western tanks ECT. Destroying Western tanks on the battlefield where they drive into minefield and artillery is likely the most economic way to destroy Western tanks it and it lets the Russian kill Ukrainian soldiers at the same time. At present many of those dying are ethnic Russians being used by Kieve as cannon fodder but the high quality units will have to be used eventually . Even if the West keeps supplying arms in an open ended way, then eventually Zelensky is going to run out of men. He will have become a very unpopular man among the ranks bereaved mothers and widows by that point. Zelensky may well go down in history as the Ukrainian Kerensky, who kept a war going to please foreign backers and wrecked his country.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I imagine the early Ka-52 pilots who were shot down were highly competent. They were given a dangerous job and did it without whining.

    Ukraine still has full Western ISR so they can see most of the fortifications and traps before moving.

    Zelensky is a puppet. It is OK (but weak) if people use his name as a placeholder, but don't assume he has any say in the tactics or strategy of the combat. That would just be silly. Really silly.

    As it becomes more and more clear that the Western side of this is all about "Slavs kill Slavs" it raises the question if the Israeli military is calling the shots on some of this combat? I wonder if their tactical approach is distinctive and recognizable enough to be apparent?

  994. @LatW

    Why is there all this talk about the "war expanding" when on the ground there is very little sign of that. RusFed is not advancing at all. Very suspicious talk.

    Replies: @Beckow

    I agree that it is not much of a war, it is stalled. But there is the Ukie offensive and the big talk all over the West of what is coming – incl. among some people here, although it has calmed down a bit.

    What has been expanding is the rhetoric – by both sides. That may presage trying to do more or it is just yelling on the way down – that applies more to the Ukies.

  995. @Greasy William

    Nobody wants to die to bring Ukies into Nato or to make sure that the Russian language is banned in Ukraine
    Europeans are obedient people. If their leaders tell them they must go to war, they will. They won't institute a draft, they'll simply use professional troops. 250k troops and 500 fighter jets should be more than enough to ensure that Russia never conquers Ukraine

    Replies: @Beckow

    …250k troops and 500 fighter jets should be more than enough to ensure that Russia never conquers Ukraine

    Ok, so send them. It could be intimidating and lead to peace. But more likely when the casualties would start it would lead to a backlash. Even Poland is unlikely to take calmly losing 5k or 10k men. And for the others even 1k would be too much.

    Think it through. Europeans are conformist and generally scared of authority, but not obedient when it comes to their own lives. Just try it, send 250k to Ukraine to fight and watch what happens.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    1. They would be professional soldiers, not draftees. Even migrants could be used
    2. They would not be used in any offensive operations. Instead they would huddle behind a Maginot type line that would be built across the entirety of the front and would mainly be used as a mobile reserve in case of Russian breakthroughs
    3. The biggest impact would be giving Ukraine air superiority over the front
    4. It will be understood by all parties that the only purpose of the Euro force is to prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines. You may not agree, but well over 60% of Europeans will regard Putin as dangerously belligerent if he refuses to accept those terms (which he will)

    The Euro populations will go along with this if it is made clear to them that the only alternative is Russian conquest of the entirety of Ukraine. Even Orban doesn't want Putin to take all of Ukraine

    Replies: @Negronicus, @Beckow

  996. Looks like Poland will be joining the Ummah too.


    • LOL: silviosilver
  997. @Yevardian

    Oh, I think you mean that shitlib Waleed Ali, used to be on talk radio? (iirc)

    Here's the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all? Obviously the religion is fundamentally not compatible with a single one of his milquetoast social-climber views (other than European-Australians should apologise for their existence).

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal 'Muslim'... probably the only difference is she now gets to play 'gotcha' at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity... that probably doesn't represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    Yeah, that’s him. Didn’t know he was on radio. I think he was on ABC TV at one point, as well as the shitlib news talkshow “The Project” (I think,or it may have been a different one).

    Here’s the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all?

    Probably not, but it wouldn’t shock me if he had some lingering religious commitments. Also, when you’re weak, it makes sense to pander to prevailing pro-diversity sensibilities. Not every muzz is up to it, but I wouldn’t put it past the craftier ones. (There’s a small hint of truth to A123’s “sjw islam”, although it’s his own favorite people rather than muslims running the show of course.)

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal ‘Muslim’… probably the only difference is she now gets to play ‘gotcha’ at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.

    I think it may actually run a little deeper than that. To dress in that rebarbative islamic garb is quite a sacrifice for goodlooking western white girl. Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity… that probably doesn’t represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.

    Of course, you’re quite right that these are the exceptions that prove the rule – most westerners wouldn’t touch islam with a barge pole. I have however been shocked by some of the people who claim to have contemplated it. Eg I had this Lebanese friend in my early 20s, really goodlooking guy, smoking hot blonde girlfriend. After they broke up, I was going out with her friend, and I learned that she wanted to marry him and was prepared to convert. You might think she had no idea what that actually implied (my friend’s father was very islamic), but I looked this girl up on facebook some years ago and she’s done very well for herself, graduated from uni Melb or Sydney (I forget which, top rank uni anyway) and had moved to LA and gotten her own TV segment. No doubt wokish, but not the nitwit I thought she was. It never fails to shock me that someone with the chops to achieve at that level would for a second consider islamofuckery as a viable personal option. Cat Stevens is another clown that surprised me, like duuude, why would you…

    • Replies: @LatW

    Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.
    The problem is that it is exactly the diversity lunacy (or more accurately, the sexual free for all mixed with the lack of traditional roles) that she was most likely trying to escape. Granted, if the guy wasn't white, that's problematic, but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships. Some women are totally fine with that, but others aren't. The problem is in some cases the Western relationship dynamic - it's very alienating.

    That said, of course, I do not approve of this, nor do I think that this is inevitable, since there aren't that many Euro converts. It's simply that the underlying issues need to be addressed.

    Another important factor is who do these converts date. If they date other whites, that may be bearable. They may or may not control their kids, the kids could secularize or seek their original culture, the way many in the second generation do. The dynamic for each race and gender will vary there. For example, the Chechens do not share their women, but they will take in women from outside. This should be the way to go for Europeans as well. I'm wondering in fact who these Russian MMA fighters date who convert to Islam (when they copy those Chechen MMA stars). They probably stay single for a long time.

    Replies: @LatW, @silviosilver

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Cat Stevens is another clown that surprised me, like duuude, why would yo
    If you paid more attention to people you might find that the vast majority of them are utterly fuckin' whack.
  998. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    One should not measure Religions by the "civilizational package" it is linked with. It should be measured by the Spiritual Insights it produces among its faithful. Religion is a spiritual reality, it is "not from this world".

    Do you think Jesus Christ, if still among us in the flesh, would have been more on friendly terms with Sergius of Radonezh or with pope Alexander VI Borgia, with St Francis or with patriarch Kirill Gundyaiev ?

    Also "backward" Russian Orthodox Christianity produced a galaxy of Startsy, some of whom were illiterate peasants, but still become spiritually gifted through prayer and worship. For example, Seraphim of Sarov did not receive much instruction, and yet he has become a Saint.

    It is not important whether you pray in the Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, or in the Kizhi wooden church on Lake Ladoga.

    What is important is how deep you go in your prayer.

    I actually prefer the wooden church, it has less distraction attached with it.

    Despite the fact that it was built by humble peasant people of the nearby village. Actually, it is even more amazing because it was built by humble peasants.

    BTW, despite being Jewish, Levitan, had a keen appreciation for these old simple wooden churches.

    Same thing about music, I prefer the Old Believer znamennyi chant to the Baroque church music of the Enlightenment Europe.

    Sometimes art leads to artifice. Simpler often means closer to God (Truth, Absolute Reality).

    This also applies to Old Balto-Slav paganism, they also had a simple, but ancient, honest and earnest Faith. When you insult it, you insult your ancestors who swore by its Gods for hundreds of generations.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    One should not measure Religions by the “civilizational package” it is linked with. It should be measured by the Spiritual Insights it produces among its faithful. Religion is a spiritual reality, it is “not from this world”.

    I completely agree with you. I think we are discussing different points. You are absolutely correct on the level of an individual. However, when a ruler changes religions for his subjects is it a political and cultural phenomenon. Same thing when a ruler married. A marriage is supposed to involve love, a lifelong union of souls, (in addition to necessary but more banal aspects) etc. but when it came to dynastic marriages of rulers – marriage was about politics and diplomacy (in some cases it could become both, such as with Maximilian Hapsburg and his Maria).

    Volodymyr’s conversion of Rus was a political and cultural action.

    It is not important whether you pray in the Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, or in the Kizhi wooden church on Lake Ladoga.

    What is important is how deep you go in your prayer.

    My first trip to Poland was in 2003; I was visiting from Moscow. I was struck by the similarly between the Polish grandmothers praying fervently at the Wawel Cathedral and the Russians ones doing the same in one of Moscow’s many churches or monasteries. Some universal Slavic spirit there.

    Sometimes art leads to artifice. Simpler often means closer to God (Truth, Absolute Reality).

    Is an acorn closer to Truth than a developed and beautiful oak tree? The oak tree includes the essence of the acorn but also has so much more.

    This also applies to Old Balto-Slav paganism, they also had a simple, but ancient, honest and earnest Faith. When you insult it, you insult your ancestors who swore by its Gods for hundreds of generations.

    I don’t approve of my Rus ancestors plundering and enslaving the Eastern Slavs. I don’t know enough about their faith to condemn it, although it is clear that their old faith (and they) were primitive and crude compared to their Christian descendants. Simplicity isn’t necessarily more honest, and the devout Polish and Russian grandmothers were no less deeply spiritual than their ancient pagan ancestors even though they could read the Bible or prayer books..

    From your other post:

    “The reality is that lies about this being a deliberate massacre of civilians contributed to the fear and hatred that resulted in this war.”

    People in Lugandon needed be told no stories, they were pounded by ZSU and the Natsgvardya and could see it with their own eyes.

    But before that and also, were the stories and lies.

    Do you condemn those who spread the lies, such as about the nature of the Luhansk government building bombing, calling it a deliberate massacre of civilians rather than a failed airstrike on military leaders?

    And while some of the bombings were crimes, others were returning fire as a result of Russian invaders and rebels firing at ZSU from civilian areas. Labelling them all as deliberate crimes by Nazis is also a lie, made for the purpose of increasing fear and hatred, to stoke a war. Do you condemn those who spread that lie?

    Thing is, you and many other Ukrainians consider Donbassers as inherently inferior.

    By most measures they, in general, are (not all of course). This doesn’t mean they should be indiscriminately bombed. They are still people.

  999. @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    ...250k troops and 500 fighter jets should be more than enough to ensure that Russia never conquers Ukraine
    Ok, so send them. It could be intimidating and lead to peace. But more likely when the casualties would start it would lead to a backlash. Even Poland is unlikely to take calmly losing 5k or 10k men. And for the others even 1k would be too much.

    Think it through. Europeans are conformist and generally scared of authority, but not obedient when it comes to their own lives. Just try it, send 250k to Ukraine to fight and watch what happens.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    1. They would be professional soldiers, not draftees. Even migrants could be used
    2. They would not be used in any offensive operations. Instead they would huddle behind a Maginot type line that would be built across the entirety of the front and would mainly be used as a mobile reserve in case of Russian breakthroughs
    3. The biggest impact would be giving Ukraine air superiority over the front
    4. It will be understood by all parties that the only purpose of the Euro force is to prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines. You may not agree, but well over 60% of Europeans will regard Putin as dangerously belligerent if he refuses to accept those terms (which he will)

    The Euro populations will go along with this if it is made clear to them that the only alternative is Russian conquest of the entirety of Ukraine. Even Orban doesn’t want Putin to take all of Ukraine

    • Replies: @Negronicus
    @Greasy William

    You forgot about guaranteeing UKR never joins NATO for some reason. But after adding that, it might really be acceptable to Putin as-is. No need for Maginot lines, even if I do like the idea of shipping all incoming migrants to some expensive yet half-assed bunkers in the Ukrainian wilds.

    Oh, and hand over Victoria Nuland as a gesture of good will.

    Replies: @QCIC

    , @Beckow
    @Greasy William prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines.
    It is Kiev, Washington (and most Euros) who are rejecting any peace based on the current lines - they call it a "capitulation to Russia" and "rewarding aggression". You would have to first convince them.

    Russia has proposed this deal in Minsk and then again in March 2022 in Istanbul. There is no credible evidence that Russia wants to take all of Ukraine - they simply want no Nato in Ukraine and normal minority rights for the Russians living in Ukraine.

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal - no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed. But Nato would never agree to it - the fanatics in charge want it all: Donbas, Azov, Crimea, and no Russians in Ukraine with any say - and the really unhinged ones would like to also break up Russia if possible.

    Euros' willingness to actually die for Ukraine is very low- since you clarified that it would be mercenaries behind a 'Maginot' line, you seem to agree with that.

    And the migrants: the way liberalism works is that for a single migrant going to fight in Ukraine, EU would have to immediately accept 5-10 relatives - and then the inevitable chain migration of family, friends.. a prescription for a faster demographic end to the Western Europe. Just do it, let's get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it...right?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Greasy William, @Mr. XYZ

  1000. AP says:

    Oh, please, now you lack basic reading comprehension - there is no standard definition of a 'metro' area - so your "OECD" is just a bunch of not very good estimates. Anyone who has been to Czechia will tell you that Pribram or Kladno are not Prague "metro", but your statistics include them because some lazy paper-pusher in Brussels simply didn't know better. But you are clearly too stupid to understand it.

    Your "pictures" of Boston metro are highly selective, in other words lying. The actual metro line (esp. D) is an underground horror show with narrow and dirty stairs, iron bars everywhere and wagons so old and decrepit that one hesitates to get in. Have you been to the Prudential Center? Ot the Harvard station (not D, but still horrific)? Don't lie to us.

    The driving in Boston is very bad and the city has shortage of parking. You can paint your rosy pictures for the underdeveloped yearning Ukies from Galicia, but the reality is that Boston has no good transportation. It is about 50 years behind similar cities in Central Europe. And Boston is among the better US cities, there are some literally like Third World shit-holes.

    Replies: @AP

    Oh, please, now you lack basic reading comprehension – there is no standard definition of a ‘metro’ area – so your “OECD”

    So you were caught lying when you said that Prague and Krakow metro areas had the same population so now you state there is no “standard definition” of a metro area. How convenient.

    In that case, why did you bring it up?

    You could just go by city population. The city of Prague has nearly twice as many people as the city of Krakow.

    And we are not supposed to believe OECD but we should believe Lying-Beckow.

    Your “pictures” of Boston metro are highly selective, in other words lying.

    I’m glad that you admit that being “selective” – as you often do – is lying.

    The actual metro line (esp. D) is an underground horror show

    I’ve only taken the one through Brookline. It’s nice out there.

    The driving in Boston is very bad and the city has shortage of parking.

    Boston people are aggressive assholes behind the wheel, one has to adjust accordingly and match them, but it’s not worse than driving in dense European cities.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @AP’s not worse than driving in dense European cities.
    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro - walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US - the society failed in building infrastructure. My point was that Europe (esp. Central-East) invested in it and that is making those cities much better, more livable.

    You stubbornly defend the obvious US failure to do this - and Boston is among the better cities as I said above. It is a rolling catastrophe, as US massively increases its population the consequences are visible to everyone. Bringing in tens of millions migrants into this poor infrastructure leads to what looks like Third World slums in the cities, crime, poverty, filth.

    It was a Faustian bargain that is coming to an inevitable end. Western Europe is a little better but was forced by US to adopt the same policies: open borders, easy on crime, cars in the cities. Instead of defending the excretable Line D, try to think about that.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the "numbers" - we have had this argument before. You too often mindlessly "quote" numbers that are derived by half-ass and often biased sources, GNP or "quality of life". It is shallow. I suspect it is a result of you being like fish out of the water in the real world - too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools, and some Hollywood. By all means use numbers, but think about it. Krakow is simply not on the same level as Prague. There is a reason, but I doubt it is the "metro size"...

    Replies: @AP

  1001. @silviosilver

    Yeah, that's him. Didn't know he was on radio. I think he was on ABC TV at one point, as well as the shitlib news talkshow "The Project" (I think,or it may have been a different one).

    Here’s the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all?
    Probably not, but it wouldn't shock me if he had some lingering religious commitments. Also, when you're weak, it makes sense to pander to prevailing pro-diversity sensibilities. Not every muzz is up to it, but I wouldn't put it past the craftier ones. (There's a small hint of truth to A123's "sjw islam", although it's his own favorite people rather than muslims running the show of course.)

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal ‘Muslim’… probably the only difference is she now gets to play ‘gotcha’ at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.
    I think it may actually run a little deeper than that. To dress in that rebarbative islamic garb is quite a sacrifice for goodlooking western white girl. Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity… that probably doesn’t represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.
    Of course, you're quite right that these are the exceptions that prove the rule - most westerners wouldn't touch islam with a barge pole. I have however been shocked by some of the people who claim to have contemplated it. Eg I had this Lebanese friend in my early 20s, really goodlooking guy, smoking hot blonde girlfriend. After they broke up, I was going out with her friend, and I learned that she wanted to marry him and was prepared to convert. You might think she had no idea what that actually implied (my friend's father was very islamic), but I looked this girl up on facebook some years ago and she's done very well for herself, graduated from uni Melb or Sydney (I forget which, top rank uni anyway) and had moved to LA and gotten her own TV segment. No doubt wokish, but not the nitwit I thought she was. It never fails to shock me that someone with the chops to achieve at that level would for a second consider islamofuckery as a viable personal option. Cat Stevens is another clown that surprised me, like duuude, why would you...

    Replies: @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.

    The problem is that it is exactly the diversity lunacy (or more accurately, the sexual free for all mixed with the lack of traditional roles) that she was most likely trying to escape. Granted, if the guy wasn’t white, that’s problematic, but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships. Some women are totally fine with that, but others aren’t. The problem is in some cases the Western relationship dynamic – it’s very alienating.

    That said, of course, I do not approve of this, nor do I think that this is inevitable, since there aren’t that many Euro converts. It’s simply that the underlying issues need to be addressed.

    Another important factor is who do these converts date. If they date other whites, that may be bearable. They may or may not control their kids, the kids could secularize or seek their original culture, the way many in the second generation do. The dynamic for each race and gender will vary there. For example, the Chechens do not share their women, but they will take in women from outside. This should be the way to go for Europeans as well. I’m wondering in fact who these Russian MMA fighters date who convert to Islam (when they copy those Chechen MMA stars). They probably stay single for a long time.

    • Replies: @LatW

    For example, the Chechens do not share their women, but they will take in women from outside. This should be the way to go for Europeans as well
    Sorry, to correct this, what I meant that the Europeans should not take in a lot of foreign women, but that they shouldn't share theirs. The Chechens take in mostly Slavic women. The point was that they are more protective of their women.
    , @silviosilver

    but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships.
    Lol, that was definitely not the case here. She was a bigtime slut. That's what made it so surprising. In cases where it's a traditionalist type, it would have merely been sad, but quite understandable to me. Then again, even slutty types can have very contradictory values in this respect. Another girl I know is a stripper, with all the loose living that entails (drugs, drinking, tatts etc), yet her fondest wish is to get married and have a family - says her friends used to have to warn her against ruining her life by having a kid at a young age. I haven't had the heart to put it to her straight: it's great you want those things, but the way you lead your life, no guy who also wants those things could even begin to take you seriously.

    Replies: @LatW

  1002. @LatW

    Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.
    The problem is that it is exactly the diversity lunacy (or more accurately, the sexual free for all mixed with the lack of traditional roles) that she was most likely trying to escape. Granted, if the guy wasn't white, that's problematic, but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships. Some women are totally fine with that, but others aren't. The problem is in some cases the Western relationship dynamic - it's very alienating.

    That said, of course, I do not approve of this, nor do I think that this is inevitable, since there aren't that many Euro converts. It's simply that the underlying issues need to be addressed.

    Another important factor is who do these converts date. If they date other whites, that may be bearable. They may or may not control their kids, the kids could secularize or seek their original culture, the way many in the second generation do. The dynamic for each race and gender will vary there. For example, the Chechens do not share their women, but they will take in women from outside. This should be the way to go for Europeans as well. I'm wondering in fact who these Russian MMA fighters date who convert to Islam (when they copy those Chechen MMA stars). They probably stay single for a long time.

    Replies: @LatW, @silviosilver

    For example, the Chechens do not share their women, but they will take in women from outside. This should be the way to go for Europeans as well

    Sorry, to correct this, what I meant that the Europeans should not take in a lot of foreign women, but that they shouldn’t share theirs. The Chechens take in mostly Slavic women. The point was that they are more protective of their women.

  1003. @Yahya

    Even he abruptly terminated all communication with me the second I merely hinted at awareness of racial differences (and I really did barely hint).
    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years. He explained that Chinese got ahead because of cultural values that encouraged worldly prosperity and hard-work. I took that as an indicator that he might be open to some of the harder stuff. So I explained to him that the Chinese were also smarter. He gave me a death stare for a few seconds, then firmly pronounced that no, it was because of cultural differences.

    I never brought up HBD again during my stay in the US.

    Some of my Arab relatives were willing to entertain the notion, but as is typical of non-nerds, they are completely incurious and do not ask further questions. Just a nod and a shrug.


    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer (, in which he lambasted his fellow liberals for denying the reality of inherent differences capabilities as it related to education. But when he came around to broaching the racial question, went into brain-blocked mode and confidently - and I believe sincerely - asserted that the B-W gap is entirely due to environmental factors.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Sher Singh, @silviosilver

    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years.

    This is in America, right? Out of curiosity, what ethnicity was the prof (not that it would make much difference)? Were you at this time aware of the data and arguments of the HBD position or did you simply suspect that national intelligence was a factor?

    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer

    Thanks, that was a decent read. It fails to address what I think is the leading obstacle to public acceptance of even individual differences (to stay on this level for a moment): personal insecurity, a fear that our “inferiority” will be exposed, that others will be permitted to notice it, comment on it and treat us as inferior as a result.

    Secondarily, among objectors who would themselves fare very well under such scrutiny, there is the understandable fear that other people will treat other, less fortunate, people in ways they find disdainful. This attitude and this fear goes right back to the beginning of intelligence testing. I forget the name, but I recall reading someone from a hundred or so years ago express outrage that two little letters (“i” and “q”) could say so much about a man (may have been Walter Lippmann, who scathingly attacked IQ, but I can’t find a quote).

    You don’t have to go far looking for examples of people being treated with disdain for suspected low IQ. Examples of it on this site alone show up often enough. I’ve mentioned before that when I first made my splash in racial real talk circles, it was by venomously objecting to WNs. The first response of members of that blog was to claim I didn’t understand their arguments, that I was in over my head, and to comfort themselves with lowball estimates of my IQ.

    I think these fears are to a point legitimate, if overblown. IQ is a signally important factor in national development, but socially it doesn’t seem important at all. Think of all the people you have liked or loved in your life – in how many of those cases did the person’s intelligence have anything to do with it? Of all the things that interest us when we meet someone, how often does getting an accurate fix on their intelligence assume importance to us? For me at least, virtually never. If at some point there’s a strong hint of exceptionally high or exceptionally low intelligence, it’s hard not to notice it, but I am quite sure it’s never been factor in whether I have liked that person or not. There are some extremely online nerds like AK for whom ingratiating himself with “elite human capital” is an all-consuming obsession, but such people are no different to single-minded social climbers in any other context, and are viewed as similarly pathetic by normal onlookers.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    This is in America, right?

    Out of curiosity, what ethnicity was the prof (not that it would make much difference)?
    Chinese-American, around 50 years old.

    Were you at this time aware of the data and arguments of the HBD position or did you simply suspect that national intelligence was a factor?
    I was aware of the data. I became acquainted with the HBD literature when I was 19.

    My introduction was through Charles Murray, whom of course any curios young budding intellectual comes across fairly quickly when roaming around the American intellectual scene. Before that, I was convinced by the cultural argument for explaining national differences in development, and before that the standard “free market will fix everything” (lol) approach.

    But I quickly accepted the HBD position once I saw a graphic depiction of the stark differences in the B-W normal distributions in the Bell Curve . It was a bitter pill to swallow, and I still remember the state of shock I experienced once I fully grasped the implications. But afterwards I went on a spree of HBD blog sites and gobbled up as much as I could on this forbidden yet important topic. I still have many of these articles stored on my notebook from that time.

    It fails to address what I think is the leading obstacle to public acceptance of even individual differences
    My favored explanation for the “brain-block” around the question of intelligence comes from Demosthenes: “for what a man wishes, he generally believes to be true.”

    Many people genuinely hold idealistic egalitarian beliefs and simply do not wish to countenance the thought of biological constraints. The assumption that everyone will perform equally if given the same “opportunities” is a pleasing thought, leaving much room for improvement through policy changes. The hereditarian argument puts a damper on all this optimism, so it is rejected out of hand. What they don’t know - or rather, don’t wish to know - is that population genetics is not fixed, and can indeed be altered, but only through that ghastly, unspeakable mechanism called eu…. But that is too much a social taboo for anyone but the most independent-minded to contemplate, so people retreat back into the pleasant land of “policy changes” and blank-slatism.

    I think these fears are to a point legitimate, if overblown.
    I’m becoming ever more convinced that more evil is created by irrationality than willful immorality. The truth is valuable in of itself, but from a pragmatic perspective it is singularly critical. A society built upon falsehood and delusion is incredibly destructive. Goodwill is simply not enough to bring about positive changes, you need to be hard-headed and realistic. That means accepting unpalatable truths about the nature of the world, not burying your head in the sand, or being constrained by social considerations. There’s a lot of truth to the old saw that the road to hell is paved in good intentions.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  1004. @AP

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. He shoots at me, but hits my family.

    My house is invaded by an armed criminal. I shoot back at him, but hit my family.

    You think these situations are morally equivalent?

    That is not the moral dilemma here at all.

    I asked you if these situations were morally equivalent.

    You refused to answer.

    Are they? Yes or no?

    Because you claimed that there is no moral difference between what happened in Luhansk and Russian invaders of Ukraine taking our apartment buildings.

    The dilemma is if, in order to defend your house from an invader, you are justified to open fire knowing full well that your action will unavoidably kill members of your family and may not even kill the invader. That is exactly what Ukraine chose to do in Lugansk and so many other places.
    Now you are changing the circumstances.

    In the description above, would your action be morally equivalent to that of the guy who invaded your home and shot your family members? No difference, according to you?

    But you are still not exact. To be more exact (or pedantic), you would have to have a huge family, perhaps a Mormon one with 5 kids, their spouses, and 36 grandkids* at a family gathering. An invader breaks in, kills some of your family members. He will kill more. You have a dilemma: you have a shot at him, potentially saving many lives, but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more. You take the shot, miss, kill a relative, and the carnage continues.

    Was what you did morally equal to what the invader did?

    Yes or no?

    And what if some disgusting liar spread the story that you killed your relative on purpose, it wasn't the result of a terrible choice you had to make. Said you massacred your relative.

    That would be an awful lie, wouldn't it?

    Shouldn't someone repeating such a lie be ashamed of themselves?

    Shame on you.

    * You can add additional realism: one of the 35 grandkids was a troubled teenager who invited the invader in and was helping him.

    Replies: @Mikel

    Was what you did morally equal to what the invader did?

    Yes or no?

    I don’t have any problem whatsoever in answering this simple question. The hypothetical, as I understand it, is quite straightforward although its moral dimension doesn’t have anything to do in my view with who is the lawful owner of the house.

    But I flatly refuse to answer it because it is just an attempt at muddling the waters and continuing to fail to address the real dilemma that Poroshenko and his circle faced in 2014.

    but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more. 

    Another attempt at obfuscation. Neither Kiev nor the rebels and their Russian backers ever acted with the goal of saving the maximum amount of lives. That’s pure fantasy. They all acted (and continue to do so) with the primary objective of asserting their authority over the disputed territory.

    Any child old enough to follow the news would immediately be able to conclude that the “house” is what really matters to all parties here, with the lives of the dwellers of that house, relatives or not, being at best of secondary importance. But of course it’s not too surprising to see that someone raised in the tradition of reverence to the old and sacred family house refuses to see what a child does. We wouldn’t be having a war if that wasn’t the case. Shame on rancid worshippers of sacred houses.

    • Replies: @AP

    but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more.

    Another attempt at obfuscation
    I was following your lead, to make an accurate analogy.

    Neither Kiev nor the rebels and their Russian backers ever acted with the goal of saving the maximum amount of lives.


    Snuffing out a rebellion early by taking out its leadership would save lives, no? And that is an important consideration.

    And sending a plane to take out a specific building rather than just shelling the entire downtown (as Russians did in Kharkiv) minimises (though does not eliminate) the amount of civilian casualties.

    So Kiev engaged in an action meant to end a bloody war earlier (this saving many lives), in a manner that minimised, though did not eliminate, civilian casualties.

    Is this morally equivalent to starting a war by invading another country and doing so in a manner that did much less to minimise civilian casualties? Donetsk and Luhansk are far more intact than Kharkiv, for example.

    Try to answer the question rather than insult me or diasporas in general.

    Clearly, saving lives was a consideration by the Kiev authorities. Not the only one, but still an important one. More so than for Moscow.

    Any child old enough to follow the news would immediately be able to conclude that the “house” is what really matters to all parties here, with the lives of the dwellers of that house, relatives or not, being at best of secondary importance


    I’ll follow you here too. Although it strays from the actual situation in Ukraine.

    Is the guy who tried to take the house and in the process kills the homeowner’s family morally equal to the homeowner who in the process of shooting at the home invader pays no mind to certain danger of his relatives in the crossfire and kills some of them?

    Zero moral difference between the two people and the nature of the two killings?

    The homeowner has no moral standing to condemn the man who invaded his house and killed one of his kids because he himself when shooting at the invader was so focused on killing him that he ignored the safety of his own and also killed one of them?

    Those two killings are equivalent in your moral universe? Yes or no?

    And how would you describe a supporter of the home invader who lied and claimed that the child whom the homeowner killed during the attempt to stop the invasion was deliberately massacred by the homeowner and that therefore what really happened in that house was that the homeowner was murdering his family?

    A normal person would be disgusted by such a lie.

    But that’s the lie that you repeat and defend.

    Shame on you.

    Replies: @Mikel

  1005. @LatW

    Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.
    The problem is that it is exactly the diversity lunacy (or more accurately, the sexual free for all mixed with the lack of traditional roles) that she was most likely trying to escape. Granted, if the guy wasn't white, that's problematic, but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships. Some women are totally fine with that, but others aren't. The problem is in some cases the Western relationship dynamic - it's very alienating.

    That said, of course, I do not approve of this, nor do I think that this is inevitable, since there aren't that many Euro converts. It's simply that the underlying issues need to be addressed.

    Another important factor is who do these converts date. If they date other whites, that may be bearable. They may or may not control their kids, the kids could secularize or seek their original culture, the way many in the second generation do. The dynamic for each race and gender will vary there. For example, the Chechens do not share their women, but they will take in women from outside. This should be the way to go for Europeans as well. I'm wondering in fact who these Russian MMA fighters date who convert to Islam (when they copy those Chechen MMA stars). They probably stay single for a long time.

    Replies: @LatW, @silviosilver

    but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships.

    Lol, that was definitely not the case here. She was a bigtime slut. That’s what made it so surprising. In cases where it’s a traditionalist type, it would have merely been sad, but quite understandable to me. Then again, even slutty types can have very contradictory values in this respect. Another girl I know is a stripper, with all the loose living that entails (drugs, drinking, tatts etc), yet her fondest wish is to get married and have a family – says her friends used to have to warn her against ruining her life by having a kid at a young age. I haven’t had the heart to put it to her straight: it’s great you want those things, but the way you lead your life, no guy who also wants those things could even begin to take you seriously.

    • Replies: @LatW

    Well, then it just continues to be a never ending, vicious cycle. That's where it becomes a civilizational problem. And those who have been passed around more, in fact, might be more likely to jump into things like Islam (as a backlash). The longer it goes on, the worse it will be. Btw, from what I understand, the younger generation of white women are not that promiscuous. I know some teenagers and they seem quite controlled in their behavior.

  1006. @LatW
    @Mr. XYZ

    Shapiro "Solovyov", ofc. My point was that they are all so obsessed with America, it is so tiresome and unoriginal. It's very monolithic thinking.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Wow! Didn’t expect him to be the one!

  1007. @silviosilver

    but mostly, she probably just wanted to settle down, as that is the prevailing instinct for many women, and was most likely not willing to go through a string of serial monogamous relationships.
    Lol, that was definitely not the case here. She was a bigtime slut. That's what made it so surprising. In cases where it's a traditionalist type, it would have merely been sad, but quite understandable to me. Then again, even slutty types can have very contradictory values in this respect. Another girl I know is a stripper, with all the loose living that entails (drugs, drinking, tatts etc), yet her fondest wish is to get married and have a family - says her friends used to have to warn her against ruining her life by having a kid at a young age. I haven't had the heart to put it to her straight: it's great you want those things, but the way you lead your life, no guy who also wants those things could even begin to take you seriously.

    Replies: @LatW

    Well, then it just continues to be a never ending, vicious cycle. That’s where it becomes a civilizational problem. And those who have been passed around more, in fact, might be more likely to jump into things like Islam (as a backlash). The longer it goes on, the worse it will be. Btw, from what I understand, the younger generation of white women are not that promiscuous. I know some teenagers and they seem quite controlled in their behavior.

  1008. @Greasy William

    IIRC (this was in the winter of 2016), I had somewhat adjusted on the first day; in that after the 60 seconds or so it took me to fully adjust to the cold, the water felt comfortable, even refreshing. I even remember being frustrated that I couldn't get the water colder.

    When I say it took me four days, I mean it took until then that I was able to jump directly into the cold without a huge feeling of dread and no longer reacting to the shock of cold by involuntarily hyperventilating. Although even then there was always some nervousness and I gave it up shortly thereafter.

    I'm sure you've heard of the Wim Hof method. That was what I was trying to learn but it didn't work for me. I just stayed in until I got used to it. Wim Hof may work for you though so no harm in trying.

    If I were in your situation, I'd pursue your goal as follows:
    1. Get blood work done and make sure your hypersensitivity to cold isn't due to an underlying medical issue
    2. Learn the Wim Hof method
    3. Try doing the Jon Kabot Zinn body scan meditation before attempting cold showers or ice baths
    4. Go straight to ice baths. Do as much as you can everyday, or even multiple times a day, for a week and see if you notice any progress. If you are making progress, just stick with that until you get it.
    5. If none of those things work, the only remaining possibility is self hypnosis. You do this by combining dry fasting w/ sleep deprivation. When you are at 120 hours with no food/water and 72 hours of no sleep, your left brain will essentially no longer be functioning so you should be able to effectively brainwash yourself. Just relentlessly pump suggestions into your head that you do not mind the cold. Not that you don't feel it, that won't work, just that you don't mind it.

    As to point number 5, remember: willpower does not work. Those who successfully push themselves beyond the limits of what other people can endure do not do so because they have superior will, but rather because their subconscious won't allow them to do anything else. If you reprogram your subconscious, many things that are impossible to accomplish through sheer willpower become trivially easy

    Replies: @silviosilver

    IIRC (this was in the winter of 2016), I had somewhat adjusted on the first day; in that after the 60 seconds or so it took me to fully adjust to the cold, the water felt comfortable, even refreshing. I even remember being frustrated that I couldn’t get the water colder.

    60 seconds to “adjust” huh. Not my experience at all. You and I are surely built quite differently. Today was the coldest morning this year down my way (~35-40). I managed to last all of 20 seconds, and I’ve been at this for months.

    Re your advice, taking the various points in turn:

    1. I’d never considered that, thanks. Hypothryoidism is what comes up most often as the culprit when I google it, but I don’t match any of the other symptoms of that condition, so I’m thinking that’s prob not it.

    2. I’ve heard of him and already looked into it before, but I’ve forgotten most of it and will take a look again.

    3. I’ve heard of him before, seems like he’s a big name in the mindfulness community. I’ve made abortive attempts at mindfulness before, but given up out of boredom and lack of any discernible difference it was making. (If the practice of it differs substantially from general meditation, I’m not noticing it.)

    4. I think I’ll try less drastic measures first, lol.

    5. See point 4, but double lol (wrt to a 120 hour fast).

    As for self-hypnosis, I got it into years ago. There have been a handful of occasions I’ve attained some fantastically deep trances – or put differently, maybe just actually managed to enter what was undeniably a trance state at all. The other times (as in 995/1000) I think all I’ve done is achieved a relaxed state, but definitely not the kind of “altered state of consciousness” one associates with a trance. I’d love to be able to go into those trance states at will, but it gets so frustrating when you try, try and try and get nothing.

    “Willpower doesn’t work” is a central tenet of popular self-help literature. For a long time I accepted this rather uncritically. Then I read a book “Willpower:Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength” by Roy Baumeister (a big shot in self-regulation research) which changed my opinion somewhat. I think it’s about time I reviewed that book.

  1009. 3. I’ve heard of him before, seems like he’s a big name in the mindfulness community. I’ve made abortive attempts at mindfulness before, but given up out of boredom and lack of any discernible difference it was making. (If the practice of it differs substantially from general meditation, I’m not noticing it.)

    Well, like I said, just try the MBSR body scan. It’s on YouTube for free and it can be done in 45 minutes. It’s boring as shit but is good for getting in a sort of detached state which will make it much easier for you to endure physical discomfort

    As for self-hypnosis, I got it into years ago. There have been a handful of occasions I’ve attained some fantastically deep trances – or put differently, maybe just actually managed to enter what was undeniably a trance state at all.

    The problem with hypnosis is that it is useless for left brained individuals. This is why you need to use extreme methods to shut down your left brain and put yourself into a suggestible state where your subconscious can be reprogrammed.

    “Willpower doesn’t work” is a central tenet of popular self-help literature. For a long time I accepted this rather uncritically. Then I read a book “Willpower:Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength” by Roy Baumeister (a big shot in self-regulation research) which changed my opinion somewhat.

    I don’t buy it at all. Rather what I think is happening is people are wrongly interpreting the force of their subconscious as willpower. Remember when you were in high school or college and there was a project that you really really really didn’t want to do but you forced yourself to do it anyway? That wasn’t willpower, that was your subconsious acting for you. For more on this subject, please check out the book, Return to the Brain of Eden:

  1010. @Yevardian

    Oh, I think you mean that shitlib Waleed Ali, used to be on talk radio? (iirc)

    Here's the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all? Obviously the religion is fundamentally not compatible with a single one of his milquetoast social-climber views (other than European-Australians should apologise for their existence).

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal 'Muslim'... probably the only difference is she now gets to play 'gotcha' at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity... that probably doesn't represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    You have to admit that Waleed Ali’s wife Susan Carland looks good even as a Muslim lol:

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    She looks insane.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  1011. Quite interesting that back in 2005 Russia had the largest Overseas Chinese community among European-descent countries outside of the Anglosphere (Peru is only partly of European descent, even from a historical perspective):

    In the US, Chinese are dominant on the West Coast, in New York, and in parts of New England, but Indians dominate much of the rest of the US:

    This is only among Asian populations, not among the entire population.

    The Asian-American population explosion:

  1012. Indians in the US:

    Anyway, I’ve got a USSR alternate history question: What would the USSR have looked like had it continued with the NEP up to the present-day? Would it have been an East Slavic equivalent of 21st century China?

  1013. @Mr. XYZ

    I suspect that this is in part for signaling purposes: As in, to demonstrate that Ireland is fully a part of the collective West. NATO is the security organization/umbrella for the collective West.

    Good for Ireland!

    Replies: @Negronicus

    Basically Ireland has been turning into one more GloboHomo slum over the last decade.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    Supposedly tons of former IRA guys who sat in jail for years or decades now say that if they knew what would Ireland would become, they never would have bothered

  1014. @Greasy William

    1. They would be professional soldiers, not draftees. Even migrants could be used
    2. They would not be used in any offensive operations. Instead they would huddle behind a Maginot type line that would be built across the entirety of the front and would mainly be used as a mobile reserve in case of Russian breakthroughs
    3. The biggest impact would be giving Ukraine air superiority over the front
    4. It will be understood by all parties that the only purpose of the Euro force is to prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines. You may not agree, but well over 60% of Europeans will regard Putin as dangerously belligerent if he refuses to accept those terms (which he will)

    The Euro populations will go along with this if it is made clear to them that the only alternative is Russian conquest of the entirety of Ukraine. Even Orban doesn't want Putin to take all of Ukraine

    Replies: @Negronicus, @Beckow

    You forgot about guaranteeing UKR never joins NATO for some reason. But after adding that, it might really be acceptable to Putin as-is. No need for Maginot lines, even if I do like the idea of shipping all incoming migrants to some expensive yet half-assed bunkers in the Ukrainian wilds.

    Oh, and hand over Victoria Nuland as a gesture of good will.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Responding to GW, who wrote "Even migrants can be used" which makes me wonder if the entire post is a joke?

    If not, what makes you think any number of NATO aircraft can establish air superiority 200 miles from the Russian border without starting WW3? I doubt actual NATO commanders believe this, why do you?

    If a smaller force of ex-NATO, hand-me-down F-16s is brought in they will get some kills on the ground, but they will be wiped out anyway and it will just be a waste of lives and time. Russia has been shooting down HARMs on regular basis and at the beginning shot down Su-27s which are probably comparable to F-16s.

    If the West escalates, Russia can always respond by taking out bridges on the Dniepr which will trap Ukrainian forces on the wrong side of the river. Hmmm, I wonder why the Russians haven't done this already?

    There are several popular theories as to why Russia has avoided destroying militarily critical infrastructure in Ukraine.

    1) The Russian military is really incompetent, probably because they have never fought any major wars near or within her own borders. Not to mention Russia=Bad.

    2) The Russian military wants to destroy the infrastructure, but they are so impotent and incompetent that they can't take out a handful of targets a couple of hundred miles from their own Western border. Not to mention Russia=Bad.

    3) The Russian command does not want to destroy too much critical infrastructure because:

    They are trying to minimize civilian casualties,

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,

    They are fighting a gradual war to kill the majority of NeoNAZIs and Ukrainian troops,

    They do not want to waste money rebuilding critical infrastructure after the SMO is over.

    If NATO escalates Russia will eventually be forced to prioritize civilian casualties differently.

    You seem to be in the 1) + 2) camp. LOL.

    Replies: @A123

  1015. @LatW

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.
    They not the "powers that be" in every corner of the planet.

    There are different types of people in the EE and Russia, both those who like and dislike the US. In Russia, in the 1990s, there was a boom of everyone wanting to send their kid to an English boarding school. And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows. Go figure.

    The reality of life is such that there are both good and bad things in the US, and this is the case everywhere - in Russia and in Asia, etc. Except Europe.

    People are different. There are Americans who live overseas and prefer to live there or travel constantly for various reasons and get very engaged in other countries.

    People like different things, a lot of Westerners go to Asia, many Russians like Thailand, some Northern Euros like going to Marrakesh in winters. Would you say there is something wrong with them, too? If Russian kids had an easier way traveling to the West, no visa, you think they wouldn't go more often? Some would, others may not, people are different.

    Would you have preferred that your ancestors, British or Nordic, I don't know your exact ancestry, had never arrived in the US?

    This smoldering fire, that you're alluding to, is not something that is happening only in the E.Slavic houses, but in all houses of the world, including British, American, German, etc. In fact, in those other places, this fire is already much more advanced, and the temperature is already quite high. In the Ukrainian house, things were not as bad before. Now with this invasion, both Ukrainians and Russians will be more vulnerable having to deal with the fire. Ukrainians have friends who will help them.

    Ideally, nobody should force themselves on others. Neither the wokes, nor the neocons, nor the Chinese, nor the Russians. Wouldn't that be heaven? :)

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It's possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.
    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute? The Ukrainians are just fighting invaders who came into their land to kill them and their kids.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @S

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It’s possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    Imo it’s hard to tell exactly what S is talking about. On the one hand whether the world state means the victory of universal liberalism, when liberalism means a set of beliefs about human nature, politics and the best model for managing human community.

    (Another premise connected with this one is that any person can come to believe in liberalism via use of reason and experience of life. People may be more or less convinced of and more or less favourable to different facets of liberalism.)

    Or, on the other, the world state is the victory of universal liberalism, when liberalism is understood as an expression of the power and control of particular racial or ethnic groups. In this case to believe in liberalism would be to fall under the control of some specific families of Jews and/or Anglos. These groups then use their control for purely self-interested and destructive ends.

    The second option had a level of popularity in Germany in the early 20th century, might think of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, a close friend of Kaiser Wilhelm and author of the relatively iconic ‘Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts’. Though Chamberlain was also an Anglo, and the Kaiser was half Anglo.

  1016. @Negronicus
    @Mr. XYZ

    Basically Ireland has been turning into one more GloboHomo slum over the last decade.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    Supposedly tons of former IRA guys who sat in jail for years or decades now say that if they knew what would Ireland would become, they never would have bothered

  1017. @silviosilver

    I have exactly zero interest in arguing with you after learning that you let the moon periods influence your arguments.
    There actually is tentative evidence that the moon may influence moods, albeit not nearly enough to leap to "the moon made me do it" conclusions, lol.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  1018. @silviosilver

    Yeah, that's him. Didn't know he was on radio. I think he was on ABC TV at one point, as well as the shitlib news talkshow "The Project" (I think,or it may have been a different one).

    Here’s the thing though, do you think he actually believes in Islam at all?
    Probably not, but it wouldn't shock me if he had some lingering religious commitments. Also, when you're weak, it makes sense to pander to prevailing pro-diversity sensibilities. Not every muzz is up to it, but I wouldn't put it past the craftier ones. (There's a small hint of truth to A123's "sjw islam", although it's his own favorite people rather than muslims running the show of course.)

    No idea about his personal life, but I doubt that woman had to make the slighest change in her lifestyle whatsoever in becoming a nominal ‘Muslim’… probably the only difference is she now gets to play ‘gotcha’ at parties or on vapid ABC talkshows.
    I think it may actually run a little deeper than that. To dress in that rebarbative islamic garb is quite a sacrifice for goodlooking western white girl. Either that or her commitment to diversity lunacy is off the charts.

    The man got married as a minor liberal talking-head celebrity… that probably doesn’t represent even 0.01% of Muslims in Australia.
    Of course, you're quite right that these are the exceptions that prove the rule - most westerners wouldn't touch islam with a barge pole. I have however been shocked by some of the people who claim to have contemplated it. Eg I had this Lebanese friend in my early 20s, really goodlooking guy, smoking hot blonde girlfriend. After they broke up, I was going out with her friend, and I learned that she wanted to marry him and was prepared to convert. You might think she had no idea what that actually implied (my friend's father was very islamic), but I looked this girl up on facebook some years ago and she's done very well for herself, graduated from uni Melb or Sydney (I forget which, top rank uni anyway) and had moved to LA and gotten her own TV segment. No doubt wokish, but not the nitwit I thought she was. It never fails to shock me that someone with the chops to achieve at that level would for a second consider islamofuckery as a viable personal option. Cat Stevens is another clown that surprised me, like duuude, why would you...

    Replies: @LatW, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Cat Stevens is another clown that surprised me, like duuude, why would yo

    If you paid more attention to people you might find that the vast majority of them are utterly fuckin' whack.

  1019. AP says:

    Was what you did morally equal to what the invader did?

    Yes or no?
    I don't have any problem whatsoever in answering this simple question. The hypothetical, as I understand it, is quite straightforward although its moral dimension doesn't have anything to do in my view with who is the lawful owner of the house.

    But I flatly refuse to answer it because it is just an attempt at muddling the waters and continuing to fail to address the real dilemma that Poroshenko and his circle faced in 2014.

    but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more. 
    Another attempt at obfuscation. Neither Kiev nor the rebels and their Russian backers ever acted with the goal of saving the maximum amount of lives. That's pure fantasy. They all acted (and continue to do so) with the primary objective of asserting their authority over the disputed territory.

    Any child old enough to follow the news would immediately be able to conclude that the "house" is what really matters to all parties here, with the lives of the dwellers of that house, relatives or not, being at best of secondary importance. But of course it's not too surprising to see that someone raised in the tradition of reverence to the old and sacred family house refuses to see what a child does. We wouldn't be having a war if that wasn't the case. Shame on rancid worshippers of sacred houses.

    Replies: @AP

    but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more.

    Another attempt at obfuscation

    I was following your lead, to make an accurate analogy.

    Neither Kiev nor the rebels and their Russian backers ever acted with the goal of saving the maximum amount of lives.

    Snuffing out a rebellion early by taking out its leadership would save lives, no? And that is an important consideration.

    And sending a plane to take out a specific building rather than just shelling the entire downtown (as Russians did in Kharkiv) minimises (though does not eliminate) the amount of civilian casualties.

    So Kiev engaged in an action meant to end a bloody war earlier (this saving many lives), in a manner that minimised, though did not eliminate, civilian casualties.

    Is this morally equivalent to starting a war by invading another country and doing so in a manner that did much less to minimise civilian casualties? Donetsk and Luhansk are far more intact than Kharkiv, for example.

    Try to answer the question rather than insult me or diasporas in general.

    Clearly, saving lives was a consideration by the Kiev authorities. Not the only one, but still an important one. More so than for Moscow.

    Any child old enough to follow the news would immediately be able to conclude that the “house” is what really matters to all parties here, with the lives of the dwellers of that house, relatives or not, being at best of secondary importance

    I’ll follow you here too. Although it strays from the actual situation in Ukraine.

    Is the guy who tried to take the house and in the process kills the homeowner’s family morally equal to the homeowner who in the process of shooting at the home invader pays no mind to certain danger of his relatives in the crossfire and kills some of them?

    Zero moral difference between the two people and the nature of the two killings?

    The homeowner has no moral standing to condemn the man who invaded his house and killed one of his kids because he himself when shooting at the invader was so focused on killing him that he ignored the safety of his own and also killed one of them?

    Those two killings are equivalent in your moral universe? Yes or no?

    And how would you describe a supporter of the home invader who lied and claimed that the child whom the homeowner killed during the attempt to stop the invasion was deliberately massacred by the homeowner and that therefore what really happened in that house was that the homeowner was murdering his family?

    A normal person would be disgusted by such a lie.

    But that’s the lie that you repeat and defend.

    Shame on you.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    Sorry but I need to go step by step. My objective now is to make Gerard understand that Putin is a bastard, Russia offers very little worth emulating to the rest of the world and the Ukrainians are right to want to distance themselves from Russia.

    Once I accomplish that goal, I may tackle the more difficult task of convincing you that the end doesn't justify the means, that killing thousand of civilians in Donbas was not inevitable and that there is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Sean

  1020. @Sher Singh

    Look at Fiji, Trinidad or Guyana - they can't even outcompete blacks.
    Don't care about material wealth, but political power.

    Hindu fortunes in those places sank soon as Sikh forces withdrew after 47.
    You could say I'm 'bias' but our very existence is a testament to Hindu failure.


    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @songbird

    To be fair, it is hard to have a racialist state on that scale. South Africa was a powerhouse of natural resources and even they caved.

  1021. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    My first consideration of your analogy between the Orthodox conversion of Ukraine away from paganism and the Catholic conversion away from Orthodoxy is that there may be some merit to it. But there are some differences between the two situations. Paganism was a one way street to nowhere,
    Yes, this was an important difference. Conversion to Christianity was more significant than intra-Christian conversions.

    whereas Orthodoxy, while stagnant at one point, took what was good and valuable from the Catholic world and adopted it to its own practice.
    Yes, in Ukraine specifically, Orthodoxy was heavily Catholicized. It was the Catholic influence that elevated it.

    And the overall Orthodox world at that time was backward. It was either Balkan peoples languishing under the Turks, or Muscovite semi-barbarians. Catholicism opened the door to Europe at its peak.

    As for the Ruthenian nobility that switched sides, I still feel that their motivation to do so had more to do with their social climbing proclivities than anything to do with helping the downtrodden masses
    The richest and most powerful lords in the Commonwealth were Orthodox ones, so Catholicism wasn't necessary for social climbing. Unless you mean, in the sense that it would take a person out of the world shared by Muscovites and downtrodden Balkan peoples and into a world shared by the Italians and French (and Polish brother-people). It was both. The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Mr. XYZ, @Mr. Hack

    The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.

    A successful builder yes, but nationbuilder? His own son (grandson?) must have missed those Ukrainian nation building lessons, as he famously became a Polish king. Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church, most likely trying to build some goodwill, as so many of the Orthodox clergy had fallen behind Khmelnitsky and held legitimate grievance towards the absentee pro-Polish sczlachta and their Jewish latifundia land managers. In some ways, both Vyshnevetsky and Khmelnitsky resembled one another, both being individuals with huge egos that were using the war to press their own individual programs of self aggrandisement. Whether right or wrong, and in deference to both Shevchenko and Hrushevsky’s own views, most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.
    Very large famous painting of Khmelnitsky (Mykola Ivasiuk, 19th century) on a white horse being greeted by all of Kyiv’s citizenry as the “new Moses” liberating his people from the Polish yoke. Nothing comparable was ever created by any Ukrainian celebrating Vyshnevetsky’s role in Ukrainian history that I’m aware of.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    @Mr. Hack

    should have used the word "irreverence' above, rather than "deference".

    should be read:

    Whether right or wrong, and in irreverence to both Shevchenko and Hrushevsky’s own views, most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nation builder of the two.

    , @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church
    Because those were his people too.

    A prince's patrimony is also the nation. So a prince who builds up his patrimony is also a nationbuolder.

    I posted this before, but this is what Yarema Vyshnevetsky, convert to Catholicism did:

    He expanded and reorganized the huge lands he owned, instituting policies that promoted settlement, industry and trade. His policies increased the population of lands under his control from 7,500 to over 230,000 (nearly the same population as Wales and Slovenia at that time). He started wool-making and potash industries that were able to export to Moscow and Western Europe. He financed schools and monasteries. He kept Ukraine safe from Tatar raids, crushing the Tatars in the battle of Okhmatov in 1644. He also seized lands from ethnic Polish noble families and added them to his own.

    Even after he was gone, the lands he cultivated on the Left Bank became the cradle of Left Bank Ukrainian culture.

    This is nation-building. Imagine if he had been able to continue this for another 20 years.

    What did the traitor Khmelnytsky do? He won some spectacular battles, and made Ukraine independent for about 6 years. But he destroyed more than he built. The Tatars whom Vyshnevetsky had crushed, were invited back into Ukraine by Khmelnytsky as allies, and a price for this alliance was that they were able to plunder Ukrainian lands and steal Ukrainian peasants as for the slave markets. Khmelnytsky's own forces did a lot of plundering too. Ironically, plundering some of the Orthodox monasteries whom the Catholic convert Vyshnevetsky had financed. Did settlements increase, were towns built by him? And in the end, Khmelytsky brought Ukraine under the Muscovite tsar. A tragedy that Ukrainians have been trying to undo for centuries.

    most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.
    They are just following Hrushevsky's lead.

    Hopefully more recent historians will offer a reappraisal.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  1022. @Mr. XYZ

    You have to admit that Waleed Ali's wife Susan Carland looks good even as a Muslim lol:

    Replies: @QCIC

    She looks insane.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Looks hott, frankly!

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1023. @Sean

    Russia has always had Krasnopol guided artillery rounds and drones to designate the targets, why did their use stand out so clearly taking out Leopard IIs and Bradleys?
    First of all Ukraine is now trying a traditional tank centric breaching attack of the type that enjoyed its greatest successes in early WW2, and has continued to be taught to armies but is was of increasingly questionable utility unless it came with a lot of shock effect and you cannot be easily shocked unless you are surprised. The Ukrainians seem to have assumed that the problems Russia had was not much to do with them being on offence, uncoordinated in use of fire support and tactically naïve from experience but due to Russians being bad at everything by nature. I think the fanfaronade about this offensive only makes sense if if Kiev was going on the assumption that it would work psychologically to erode Russian troops' morale, thinking defeat was afait accompli, and running as soon as the fighting started. Instead they have the Russians happily ensconced in well built deep dug outs that that are virtually invisible and protected by minefields and expertly coordinated artillery effectively concentrating on any ground given. So advancing Ukrainians success would merely lead to the Russian spring an artillery trap. Recent Ukrainian success by infantry in taking a small village ended with ahe Russians firing 100 thermobaric rocket obliterated the village and the 'victors'. To sum up: Milley was right the Ukrainians had achieved as much are could reasonably be expected by November. Unfortunately for them they thought that Russians being ineffective and so nervous of being surrounded they retreated as a result of social media posts was a pattern set in stone

    The Western weapons are suddenly being pushed forward into fighting so there are a lot of such targets; Leopard and Bradley ECT are not deniable losses because as as someone mentioned they cannot be passed of as Russian. The use of the at a distance sensor capabilities of the Ka-52 to its limits while skulking out of range. Pilots were taking foolish risks, had been taught ludicrously naive maneuvers such as hovering above enemy territory in range of Stingers , and tilting the chopper up when firing unguided rocket into the distance at nothing in particular (ineffective). The pilots are now paired to with a more senior officer to keep them in line and the practical lessons learned in combat are now in the standing orders . So they lurk out of range over their own territory and out of range of Stingers from where they use guided missiles on Western armoured fighting vehicles which are noisily ponderous IR sources and often too big (some the Ukrainians have been given are twelve feet tall. Partly it is because like in Master and Commander 'For England and the prize money', Russians in Ukraine are getting a bounty on destruction of Western tanks ECT. Destroying Western tanks on the battlefield where they drive into minefield and artillery is likely the most economic way to destroy Western tanks it and it lets the Russian kill Ukrainian soldiers at the same time. At present many of those dying are ethnic Russians being used by Kieve as cannon fodder but the high quality units will have to be used eventually . Even if the West keeps supplying arms in an open ended way, then eventually Zelensky is going to run out of men. He will have become a very unpopular man among the ranks bereaved mothers and widows by that point. Zelensky may well go down in history as the Ukrainian Kerensky, who kept a war going to please foreign backers and wrecked his country.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I imagine the early Ka-52 pilots who were shot down were highly competent. They were given a dangerous job and did it without whining.

    Ukraine still has full Western ISR so they can see most of the fortifications and traps before moving.

    Zelensky is a puppet. It is OK (but weak) if people use his name as a placeholder, but don’t assume he has any say in the tactics or strategy of the combat. That would just be silly. Really silly.

    As it becomes more and more clear that the Western side of this is all about “Slavs kill Slavs” it raises the question if the Israeli military is calling the shots on some of this combat? I wonder if their tactical approach is distinctive and recognizable enough to be apparent?

  1024. @Greasy William

    1. They would be professional soldiers, not draftees. Even migrants could be used
    2. They would not be used in any offensive operations. Instead they would huddle behind a Maginot type line that would be built across the entirety of the front and would mainly be used as a mobile reserve in case of Russian breakthroughs
    3. The biggest impact would be giving Ukraine air superiority over the front
    4. It will be understood by all parties that the only purpose of the Euro force is to prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines. You may not agree, but well over 60% of Europeans will regard Putin as dangerously belligerent if he refuses to accept those terms (which he will)

    The Euro populations will go along with this if it is made clear to them that the only alternative is Russian conquest of the entirety of Ukraine. Even Orban doesn't want Putin to take all of Ukraine

    Replies: @Negronicus, @Beckow

    …to prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines.

    It is Kiev, Washington (and most Euros) who are rejecting any peace based on the current lines – they call it a “capitulation to Russia” and “rewarding aggression”. You would have to first convince them.

    Russia has proposed this deal in Minsk and then again in March 2022 in Istanbul. There is no credible evidence that Russia wants to take all of Ukraine – they simply want no Nato in Ukraine and normal minority rights for the Russians living in Ukraine.

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal – no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed. But Nato would never agree to it – the fanatics in charge want it all: Donbas, Azov, Crimea, and no Russians in Ukraine with any say – and the really unhinged ones would like to also break up Russia if possible.

    Euros’ willingness to actually die for Ukraine is very low- since you clarified that it would be mercenaries behind a ‘Maginot’ line, you seem to agree with that.

    And the migrants: the way liberalism works is that for a single migrant going to fight in Ukraine, EU would have to immediately accept 5-10 relatives – and then the inevitable chain migration of family, friends.. a prescription for a faster demographic end to the Western Europe. Just do it, let’s get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it…right?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Just do it, let’s get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it…right?
    They are an obstacle on the road to new world order so there is no debate. There isn't even any visible dissent. When was the last time anybody interviewed Ron Paul on a Sunday talk show?

    Replies: @Beckow

    , @Greasy William

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal – no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed.
    C'mon stop. You know damn well that Putin wants the whole thing. He has explicitly said he won't stop fighting until NATO goes back to 1997 lines, a demand he knows the US will never accept so that he will always have an excuse to keep the war going. It is soooooo obvious from what is coming out of the Kremlin that they completely reject any independent Ukrainian state continuing to exist. Even replacing Zelensky with Zaluzhny wouldn't be enough for Putin.

    Replies: @Beckow, @QCIC

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Makes one wonder just how much Russia was committed to its March 2022 proposal when it subsequently annexed four Ukrainian oblasts, including those where there was no doubts about loyalties (Zaporizhia and Kherson).

    Anyway, if Ukraine can't totally win this war militarily, then a compromise deal could be UN-supervised plebiscites in Crimea and Donbass in exchange for Ukrainian NATO membership. Russia could end up paying for Crimea and Donbass if they will go to Russia in exchange for sanctions relief, and this payment to Ukraine could be treated as Russian reparations to Ukraine for the war (along with the confiscated Russian oligarch assets).

    In theory, there is the option of having non-NATO security guarantees for Ukraine from the West:

    But NATO will likely be viewed as more reliable (future backstabbing less likely) and if Ukraine is forced to give up territory, then it will likely insist even more strong on NATO membership as compensation for this.

    As for Minsk specifically, I think that it would have had higher odds of being implemented--not sure just how much higher, though--if Russia would have made it crystal-clear to the Ukrainians that Minsk does not threaten their EU membership aspirations. I'm unsure that Russia actually had this viewpoint, though. Maybe it really did want to permanently keep Ukraine out of both the EU and NATO.

    Replies: @Beckow

  1025. @Beckow
    @Greasy William prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines.
    It is Kiev, Washington (and most Euros) who are rejecting any peace based on the current lines - they call it a "capitulation to Russia" and "rewarding aggression". You would have to first convince them.

    Russia has proposed this deal in Minsk and then again in March 2022 in Istanbul. There is no credible evidence that Russia wants to take all of Ukraine - they simply want no Nato in Ukraine and normal minority rights for the Russians living in Ukraine.

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal - no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed. But Nato would never agree to it - the fanatics in charge want it all: Donbas, Azov, Crimea, and no Russians in Ukraine with any say - and the really unhinged ones would like to also break up Russia if possible.

    Euros' willingness to actually die for Ukraine is very low- since you clarified that it would be mercenaries behind a 'Maginot' line, you seem to agree with that.

    And the migrants: the way liberalism works is that for a single migrant going to fight in Ukraine, EU would have to immediately accept 5-10 relatives - and then the inevitable chain migration of family, friends.. a prescription for a faster demographic end to the Western Europe. Just do it, let's get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it...right?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Greasy William, @Mr. XYZ

    Just do it, let’s get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it…right?

    They are an obstacle on the road to new world order so there is no debate. There isn’t even any visible dissent. When was the last time anybody interviewed Ron Paul on a Sunday talk show?

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    ...There isn’t even any visible dissent.
    That suggests that escalation is inevitable - the West systematically shut down all avenues for a rational discussion. In the past that was done to go for a total war. Are they that crazy this time?
  1026. @AP

    Oh, please, now you lack basic reading comprehension – there is no standard definition of a ‘metro’ area – so your “OECD”
    So you were caught lying when you said that Prague and Krakow metro areas had the same population so now you state there is no "standard definition" of a metro area. How convenient.

    In that case, why did you bring it up?

    You could just go by city population. The city of Prague has nearly twice as many people as the city of Krakow.

    And we are not supposed to believe OECD but we should believe Lying-Beckow.

    Your “pictures” of Boston metro are highly selective, in other words lying.
    I'm glad that you admit that being "selective" - as you often do - is lying.

    The actual metro line (esp. D) is an underground horror show
    I've only taken the one through Brookline. It's nice out there.

    The driving in Boston is very bad and the city has shortage of parking.
    Boston people are aggressive assholes behind the wheel, one has to adjust accordingly and match them, but it's not worse than driving in dense European cities.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …it’s not worse than driving in dense European cities.

    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro – walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US – the society failed in building infrastructure. My point was that Europe (esp. Central-East) invested in it and that is making those cities much better, more livable.

    You stubbornly defend the obvious US failure to do this – and Boston is among the better cities as I said above. It is a rolling catastrophe, as US massively increases its population the consequences are visible to everyone. Bringing in tens of millions migrants into this poor infrastructure leads to what looks like Third World slums in the cities, crime, poverty, filth.

    It was a Faustian bargain that is coming to an inevitable end. Western Europe is a little better but was forced by US to adopt the same policies: open borders, easy on crime, cars in the cities. Instead of defending the excretable Line D, try to think about that.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the “numbers” – we have had this argument before. You too often mindlessly “quote” numbers that are derived by half-ass and often biased sources, GNP or “quality of life”. It is shallow. I suspect it is a result of you being like fish out of the water in the real world – too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools, and some Hollywood. By all means use numbers, but think about it. Krakow is simply not on the same level as Prague. There is a reason, but I doubt it is the “metro size”…

    • Replies: @AP

    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro – walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US – the society failed in building infrastructure.
    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.

    Your people are relatively poor, so it is more efficient to depend on public transportation.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the “numbers”
    You, not me, were the one who brought in metro areas. Then you whine when you are shown that you were wrong about metro area population. But you were also wrong about city populations.

    It's such a silly thing for you to lie about.

    too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools
    Just because you were brainwashed and repeat nonsense that you learned in your failed Socialist schools doesn't man that everyone else was brainwashed in their own schools.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Beckow

  1027. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Just do it, let’s get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it…right?
    They are an obstacle on the road to new world order so there is no debate. There isn't even any visible dissent. When was the last time anybody interviewed Ron Paul on a Sunday talk show?

    Replies: @Beckow

    …There isn’t even any visible dissent.

    That suggests that escalation is inevitable – the West systematically shut down all avenues for a rational discussion. In the past that was done to go for a total war. Are they that crazy this time?

  1028. @Negronicus
    @Greasy William

    You forgot about guaranteeing UKR never joins NATO for some reason. But after adding that, it might really be acceptable to Putin as-is. No need for Maginot lines, even if I do like the idea of shipping all incoming migrants to some expensive yet half-assed bunkers in the Ukrainian wilds.

    Oh, and hand over Victoria Nuland as a gesture of good will.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Responding to GW, who wrote “Even migrants can be used” which makes me wonder if the entire post is a joke?

    If not, what makes you think any number of NATO aircraft can establish air superiority 200 miles from the Russian border without starting WW3? I doubt actual NATO commanders believe this, why do you?

    If a smaller force of ex-NATO, hand-me-down F-16s is brought in they will get some kills on the ground, but they will be wiped out anyway and it will just be a waste of lives and time. Russia has been shooting down HARMs on regular basis and at the beginning shot down Su-27s which are probably comparable to F-16s.

    If the West escalates, Russia can always respond by taking out bridges on the Dniepr which will trap Ukrainian forces on the wrong side of the river. Hmmm, I wonder why the Russians haven’t done this already?

    There are several popular theories as to why Russia has avoided destroying militarily critical infrastructure in Ukraine.

    1) The Russian military is really incompetent, probably because they have never fought any major wars near or within her own borders. Not to mention Russia=Bad.

    2) The Russian military wants to destroy the infrastructure, but they are so impotent and incompetent that they can’t take out a handful of targets a couple of hundred miles from their own Western border. Not to mention Russia=Bad.

    3) The Russian command does not want to destroy too much critical infrastructure because:

    They are trying to minimize civilian casualties,

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,

    They are fighting a gradual war to kill the majority of NeoNAZIs and Ukrainian troops,

    They do not want to waste money rebuilding critical infrastructure after the SMO is over.

    If NATO escalates Russia will eventually be forced to prioritize civilian casualties differently.

    You seem to be in the 1) + 2) camp. LOL.

    • Replies: @A123

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,
    Add this supplemental idea -- "They are waiting for international support for to dwindle."

    The blank check from America is ending. They found an additional $6 Billion via an accounting gimmick. However, that kind of chicanery has limits. Any new House appropriation will contain MAGA priorities that will most likely kill it in the Senate.

    Wars are expensive. Will Germany & France spend €100 Billion / year to keep the fight going? Unlikely. This implies that the future of Kiev aggression is bleak, and a negotiated settlement will arrive.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

  1029. @Beckow
    @Greasy William prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines.
    It is Kiev, Washington (and most Euros) who are rejecting any peace based on the current lines - they call it a "capitulation to Russia" and "rewarding aggression". You would have to first convince them.

    Russia has proposed this deal in Minsk and then again in March 2022 in Istanbul. There is no credible evidence that Russia wants to take all of Ukraine - they simply want no Nato in Ukraine and normal minority rights for the Russians living in Ukraine.

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal - no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed. But Nato would never agree to it - the fanatics in charge want it all: Donbas, Azov, Crimea, and no Russians in Ukraine with any say - and the really unhinged ones would like to also break up Russia if possible.

    Euros' willingness to actually die for Ukraine is very low- since you clarified that it would be mercenaries behind a 'Maginot' line, you seem to agree with that.

    And the migrants: the way liberalism works is that for a single migrant going to fight in Ukraine, EU would have to immediately accept 5-10 relatives - and then the inevitable chain migration of family, friends.. a prescription for a faster demographic end to the Western Europe. Just do it, let's get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it...right?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Greasy William, @Mr. XYZ

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal – no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed.

    C’mon stop. You know damn well that Putin wants the whole thing. He has explicitly said he won’t stop fighting until NATO goes back to 1997 lines, a demand he knows the US will never accept so that he will always have an excuse to keep the war going. It is soooooo obvious from what is coming out of the Kremlin that they completely reject any independent Ukrainian state continuing to exist. Even replacing Zelensky with Zaluzhny wouldn’t be enough for Putin.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    Offer it and see what happens. You are probably joking, but using supposed out-of-context mistranslated statements to argue what country's intentions are is quite silly...

    Before WW1 Kaiser Wilhelm II once offered Burgundy to Belgium (it was a loooong dinner) and also said he would invade Cuba and Brazil. US politicians openly talk about "breaking up Russia", Latvia even officially proposed it - but their President is a homo so maybe he was just doing the usual end-of-days home ennui bullshit...maybe LatW can enlighten us on what the Latvias plan to do :)...

    In general, if Kiev sponsors insist on "no deal" they will either end up with a much worse deal later - or we go nuclear. The scenario of defeating Russia and taking it all is quite unlikely - maybe 10-15% or less. My money is on an eventual deal with the Russian areas "tolerated" as part of Russia (Cyprus or Kosovo like), and Nato not officially in.

    One thing I am pretty sure will not happen are Euro conscripts in the Ukie trenches...

    , @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    Putin might go for freezing the lines as he seems to want to coexist with all sides. But the hardliners will not. So the Russians may be looking for an internal compromise. Anything that makes another round of this Western nonsense likely in 5 or 10 years is a non-starter.

    The practical Russian statesmen and bureaucrat beancounters know that reclaiming the entire West bank Ukraine will be a nightmare and cost a fortune. They also know that it is impossible to keep NATO out otherwise. They will be tempted to kick the can down the road and make a deal and hope the next war doesn't flare up until after they are retired.

    The Russian military leaders don't share the bean counter concerns. They assume a war will eventually flare up in Western Ukraine unless that area is brought to heel. They know the next round is likely to have a greater chance of nuclear escalation since the West will be looking for revenge for its injured ego. So Western Ukraine may need to be crushed now to reduce the risk of a future nuclear scenario.

    Replies: @Beckow

  1030. @Mr. XYZ

    Take a look at this chart:

    But the EU countries' R & D spending should be combined since the EU itself is a confederation of sorts.

    Based on the data here, Russia is an absolute minnow! Japan has slightly less people than Russia has and yet also has over five times Russia's level of R & D spending. South Korea has three times less people than Russia has and yet has over 2.5 Russia's level of R & D spending. Russia is barely ahead of Italy in R & D spending even though Russia is 2.5 times more people than Italy has! And Italy can at least benefit from the EU's and West's collective R & D spending to a significant extent.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I suspect Russia’s R&D effort is about 1/2 to 1/3 of what they would like it to be. This is paced by funding and loss of top talent through emigration. I wonder if they give combat deferments to promising students?

    The chart is highly misleading since it is in nominal GDP and costs are much lower in Russia (China is a different story). It is also misleading in that the West now has a lot of lower grade researchers due to loss of meritocracy, affirmative action, greater interference by increasingly more incompetent bureaucrats, etc. I think Russia faces some of these trends as well, but that particular cancer is less advanced in their country.

    While Brazil seems to be making steady progress, the idea that they are ahead of Russia in terms of research productivity is silly.

  1031. @Greasy William

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal – no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed.
    C'mon stop. You know damn well that Putin wants the whole thing. He has explicitly said he won't stop fighting until NATO goes back to 1997 lines, a demand he knows the US will never accept so that he will always have an excuse to keep the war going. It is soooooo obvious from what is coming out of the Kremlin that they completely reject any independent Ukrainian state continuing to exist. Even replacing Zelensky with Zaluzhny wouldn't be enough for Putin.

    Replies: @Beckow, @QCIC

    Offer it and see what happens. You are probably joking, but using supposed out-of-context mistranslated statements to argue what country’s intentions are is quite silly…

    Before WW1 Kaiser Wilhelm II once offered Burgundy to Belgium (it was a loooong dinner) and also said he would invade Cuba and Brazil. US politicians openly talk about “breaking up Russia“, Latvia even officially proposed it – but their President is a homo so maybe he was just doing the usual end-of-days home ennui bullshit…maybe LatW can enlighten us on what the Latvias plan to do :)…

    In general, if Kiev sponsors insist on “no deal” they will either end up with a much worse deal later – or we go nuclear. The scenario of defeating Russia and taking it all is quite unlikely – maybe 10-15% or less. My money is on an eventual deal with the Russian areas “tolerated” as part of Russia (Cyprus or Kosovo like), and Nato not officially in.

    One thing I am pretty sure will not happen are Euro conscripts in the Ukie trenches…

  1032. @Mr. Hack

    The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.
    A successful builder yes, but nationbuilder? His own son (grandson?) must have missed those Ukrainian nation building lessons, as he famously became a Polish king. Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church, most likely trying to build some goodwill, as so many of the Orthodox clergy had fallen behind Khmelnitsky and held legitimate grievance towards the absentee pro-Polish sczlachta and their Jewish latifundia land managers. In some ways, both Vyshnevetsky and Khmelnitsky resembled one another, both being individuals with huge egos that were using the war to press their own individual programs of self aggrandisement. Whether right or wrong, and in deference to both Shevchenko and Hrushevsky's own views, most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky's complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.
    Very large famous painting of Khmelnitsky (Mykola Ivasiuk, 19th century) on a white horse being greeted by all of Kyiv's citizenry as the "new Moses" liberating his people from the Polish yoke. Nothing comparable was ever created by any Ukrainian celebrating Vyshnevetsky's role in Ukrainian history that I'm aware of.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @AP

    should have used the word “irreverence’ above, rather than “deference”.

    should be read:

    Whether right or wrong, and in irreverence to both Shevchenko and Hrushevsky’s own views, most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nation builder of the two.

  1033. @Greasy William

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal – no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed.
    C'mon stop. You know damn well that Putin wants the whole thing. He has explicitly said he won't stop fighting until NATO goes back to 1997 lines, a demand he knows the US will never accept so that he will always have an excuse to keep the war going. It is soooooo obvious from what is coming out of the Kremlin that they completely reject any independent Ukrainian state continuing to exist. Even replacing Zelensky with Zaluzhny wouldn't be enough for Putin.

    Replies: @Beckow, @QCIC

    Putin might go for freezing the lines as he seems to want to coexist with all sides. But the hardliners will not. So the Russians may be looking for an internal compromise. Anything that makes another round of this Western nonsense likely in 5 or 10 years is a non-starter.

    The practical Russian statesmen and bureaucrat beancounters know that reclaiming the entire West bank Ukraine will be a nightmare and cost a fortune. They also know that it is impossible to keep NATO out otherwise. They will be tempted to kick the can down the road and make a deal and hope the next war doesn’t flare up until after they are retired.

    The Russian military leaders don’t share the bean counter concerns. They assume a war will eventually flare up in Western Ukraine unless that area is brought to heel. They know the next round is likely to have a greater chance of nuclear escalation since the West will be looking for revenge for its injured ego. So Western Ukraine may need to be crushed now to reduce the risk of a future nuclear scenario.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...Western Ukraine may need to be crushed now to reduce the risk of a future nuclear scenario.
    It is unfortunately broader then that. The relentless Nato march eastward and Russia's belated reaction in 2014 and then in 2022 have created a permanent nuclear war risk. Kind of exactly the opposite of what Gorbachev-Reagan wanted - but that's what happens when neo-con morons are released from a reservation.

    In all scenarios there will be a sharp militarized line with Nato-Russia facing each other - and both having grievances up to wazoo...whether it is in Donbas, Dnieper, Dnester, Polish border, or in Belgorod only matters to the locals. They will be facing each other and bitter about what has happened. Eventually it may blow up - maybe next time so ethno-fascists decide to revise the history.

    Replies: @QCIC

  1034. @Greasy William

    It's a pretty open secret that Zalhuzny wanted nothing to do with this offensive and that Milley was also against it. It is possible that even Zelensky was opposed. The only people we are certain wanted this offensive was the Biden regime

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    Do you fall for every cock and bull story emanating from the kremlins?


    Markus Reisner, Colonel of the Guard of the Austrian Armed Forces, believes the hesitation over arms deliveries is a strategy: “The Americans are trying to send a clear signal to the Russians and Putin that continuing the war has no chance of success. Because they always provide the Ukrainians with just enough to defend themselves. But not much more, either. And that’s the key thing: the U.S. is not cornering the Russians, because it wants to avoid escalation.”

    1. A conventional World War Three with a real prospect of theatre thermonuclear weapons use rather than accept defeat starts the instant Nato member forces are in combat with RusFed anywhere. Washington has no intention of getting into direct conventional combat (that is WW3) with Russia over Ukraine. Nato inning conventionally would hardly be in doubt given that Nato out numers Russia 4:1 in East Europe
    2.Neither the Kremlin or the Washington led alliance would fight against each other in Ukraine, but a Nato Rusfed war is the only way for Kiev to get even a draw.

    3. If
    Kiev was to inveigle America into direct combat (prolly airstrike) against Russian invasion force in Ukraine, perhaps as a US conventional retaliation for Russian theatre thermonuke use against the Ukrainian army, a Russian nuclear anti aircraft weapon use against the USAF planes missiles would be likely.

    There is nothing in the way America is backing or has backed Ukraine so far that makes me think there is any appetite in Washingtom for more than limited indirect backing through arms for Kiev. The US’s strategyin ralation to Russia is a frog boiling one: to keep Ukraine in the war, frustrate the Kremlin but not hurt them emought to get them to escalate, and get them to eventually come to terms and cease the SMO.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Washington has no intention of getting into direct conventional combat (that is WW3) with Russia over Ukraine.
    In this war? Certainly not! In the future, if Russia will ever attack Ukraine again? Who knows! One can argue that Ukraine deserves Western security guarantees after successfully holding its ground against Russia this time around.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1036. A123 says: • Website

    Responding to GW, who wrote "Even migrants can be used" which makes me wonder if the entire post is a joke?

    If not, what makes you think any number of NATO aircraft can establish air superiority 200 miles from the Russian border without starting WW3? I doubt actual NATO commanders believe this, why do you?

    If a smaller force of ex-NATO, hand-me-down F-16s is brought in they will get some kills on the ground, but they will be wiped out anyway and it will just be a waste of lives and time. Russia has been shooting down HARMs on regular basis and at the beginning shot down Su-27s which are probably comparable to F-16s.

    If the West escalates, Russia can always respond by taking out bridges on the Dniepr which will trap Ukrainian forces on the wrong side of the river. Hmmm, I wonder why the Russians haven't done this already?

    There are several popular theories as to why Russia has avoided destroying militarily critical infrastructure in Ukraine.

    1) The Russian military is really incompetent, probably because they have never fought any major wars near or within her own borders. Not to mention Russia=Bad.

    2) The Russian military wants to destroy the infrastructure, but they are so impotent and incompetent that they can't take out a handful of targets a couple of hundred miles from their own Western border. Not to mention Russia=Bad.

    3) The Russian command does not want to destroy too much critical infrastructure because:

    They are trying to minimize civilian casualties,

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,

    They are fighting a gradual war to kill the majority of NeoNAZIs and Ukrainian troops,

    They do not want to waste money rebuilding critical infrastructure after the SMO is over.

    If NATO escalates Russia will eventually be forced to prioritize civilian casualties differently.

    You seem to be in the 1) + 2) camp. LOL.

    Replies: @A123

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,

    Add this supplemental idea — “They are waiting for international support for to dwindle.”

    The blank check from America is ending. They found an additional $6 Billion via an accounting gimmick. However, that kind of chicanery has limits. Any new House appropriation will contain MAGA priorities that will most likely kill it in the Senate.

    Wars are expensive. Will Germany & France spend €100 Billion / year to keep the fight going? Unlikely. This implies that the future of Kiev aggression is bleak, and a negotiated settlement will arrive.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    That is definitely part of of it, since Russia has publicly confirmed that the West put the kibosh on the early negotiated settlement.

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Any new House appropriation will contain MAGA priorities that will most likely kill it in the Senate.
    What about doing some compromise on this?
  1037. @AP

    but he is surrounded by family members so you will kill some of them in order to potentially save more.

    Another attempt at obfuscation
    I was following your lead, to make an accurate analogy.

    Neither Kiev nor the rebels and their Russian backers ever acted with the goal of saving the maximum amount of lives.


    Snuffing out a rebellion early by taking out its leadership would save lives, no? And that is an important consideration.

    And sending a plane to take out a specific building rather than just shelling the entire downtown (as Russians did in Kharkiv) minimises (though does not eliminate) the amount of civilian casualties.

    So Kiev engaged in an action meant to end a bloody war earlier (this saving many lives), in a manner that minimised, though did not eliminate, civilian casualties.

    Is this morally equivalent to starting a war by invading another country and doing so in a manner that did much less to minimise civilian casualties? Donetsk and Luhansk are far more intact than Kharkiv, for example.

    Try to answer the question rather than insult me or diasporas in general.

    Clearly, saving lives was a consideration by the Kiev authorities. Not the only one, but still an important one. More so than for Moscow.

    Any child old enough to follow the news would immediately be able to conclude that the “house” is what really matters to all parties here, with the lives of the dwellers of that house, relatives or not, being at best of secondary importance


    I’ll follow you here too. Although it strays from the actual situation in Ukraine.

    Is the guy who tried to take the house and in the process kills the homeowner’s family morally equal to the homeowner who in the process of shooting at the home invader pays no mind to certain danger of his relatives in the crossfire and kills some of them?

    Zero moral difference between the two people and the nature of the two killings?

    The homeowner has no moral standing to condemn the man who invaded his house and killed one of his kids because he himself when shooting at the invader was so focused on killing him that he ignored the safety of his own and also killed one of them?

    Those two killings are equivalent in your moral universe? Yes or no?

    And how would you describe a supporter of the home invader who lied and claimed that the child whom the homeowner killed during the attempt to stop the invasion was deliberately massacred by the homeowner and that therefore what really happened in that house was that the homeowner was murdering his family?

    A normal person would be disgusted by such a lie.

    But that’s the lie that you repeat and defend.

    Shame on you.

    Replies: @Mikel

    Sorry but I need to go step by step. My objective now is to make Gerard understand that Putin is a bastard, Russia offers very little worth emulating to the rest of the world and the Ukrainians are right to want to distance themselves from Russia.

    Once I accomplish that goal, I may tackle the more difficult task of convincing you that the end doesn’t justify the means, that killing thousand of civilians in Donbas was not inevitable and that there is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.

    • Thanks: AP
    • Replies: @QCIC

    The Cold War and the nuclear weapons Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policy refute all of your thoughtful arguments.

    I think the Cold War idea is misleading for some. It is not a war that could start up at any time and needs to be avoided. This is a war which is already burning, all of the time, constantly. The concern is not starting it, but rather not accelerating down the dangerous slope to that fateful point where civilization as we know it gets destroyed in an hour. The various nuclear treaties calmed this risk down somewhat and Glasnost may have helped. When the Soviet Union dissolved that helped reduce tensions a bit more. Nuclear forces were shifted to reduced alert levels. Stockpiles were reduced. Joint ventures were undertaken to work on new expanded treaties which might eventually end the Cold War.

    As long as the Cold War existed, the main concern was always to avoid accelerating or escalating it. Remember it was always a war in progress, not one that needed to be started. Unlike all prior wars in human history nuclear war has the ability to escalate in an hour from an "all clear, things are copasetic" to "oh shit, we just killed a billion people and the Northern Hemisphere is all flaming radioactive rubble".

    This is why the NATO expansion and other stupidities are so tragically insane. The West was trading minor perceived gains, as parochial as they were, for escalation in the on-going largest war of human history. Sure, have your little tribalistic conflict in Ukraine, but outside forces must stay out. Do not allow it to grow to the point where it becomes a factor in the Cold War, which was already inflamed and accelerated by the West since the 1990s.

    When Russia unveiled the new strategic weapons in 2018 that was an opportunity for the West to back off, negotiate, do something sensible...anything! None of that happened.

    You are effectively arguing how many innocent Ukrainians and guilty Russians fit on the head of a pin. Why will it even matter if they are all dead? What if we get to the point where ALL of the Ukrainians end up dying just to avoid a nuclear war the West intentionally drove us into? Maybe you cheerleaders will say, "Oops! Sorry guys we didn't know this was going to get you all killed. My bad."

    Replies: @Mikel

    , @Sean

    {T]here is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.
    As opposed to an ethereal law that ignored that all countries prepare for war by having military forces, and thinks people ought to get their just deserts in this world according to whether they are 'innocent', although no one is responsible for the sex, particular genetic endowment (including conscientiousness and intelligence), family circumstances, or nationality they are born into.

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

  1038. @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    Putin might go for freezing the lines as he seems to want to coexist with all sides. But the hardliners will not. So the Russians may be looking for an internal compromise. Anything that makes another round of this Western nonsense likely in 5 or 10 years is a non-starter.

    The practical Russian statesmen and bureaucrat beancounters know that reclaiming the entire West bank Ukraine will be a nightmare and cost a fortune. They also know that it is impossible to keep NATO out otherwise. They will be tempted to kick the can down the road and make a deal and hope the next war doesn't flare up until after they are retired.

    The Russian military leaders don't share the bean counter concerns. They assume a war will eventually flare up in Western Ukraine unless that area is brought to heel. They know the next round is likely to have a greater chance of nuclear escalation since the West will be looking for revenge for its injured ego. So Western Ukraine may need to be crushed now to reduce the risk of a future nuclear scenario.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …Western Ukraine may need to be crushed now to reduce the risk of a future nuclear scenario.

    It is unfortunately broader then that. The relentless Nato march eastward and Russia’s belated reaction in 2014 and then in 2022 have created a permanent nuclear war risk. Kind of exactly the opposite of what Gorbachev-Reagan wanted – but that’s what happens when neo-con morons are released from a reservation.

    In all scenarios there will be a sharp militarized line with Nato-Russia facing each other – and both having grievances up to wazoo…whether it is in Donbas, Dnieper, Dnester, Polish border, or in Belgorod only matters to the locals. They will be facing each other and bitter about what has happened. Eventually it may blow up – maybe next time so ethno-fascists decide to revise the history.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I agree the nuclear war concern is broader than just Ukraine and now includes many flashpoints which could lead to a larger war. The nuclear escalation apparently began with the West dropping out of the ABM treaty.

    This reminds me of the quote: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them", often attributed to Einstein. I think this treaty issue is just subtle enough that 99% of people cannot engage with the ideas and understand why this was so important.

    Thinking about flashpoints, I wonder if NATO missile submarines ever patrol in the Baltic? I hope not.

    Replies: @Beckow

  1039. @A123

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,
    Add this supplemental idea -- "They are waiting for international support for to dwindle."

    The blank check from America is ending. They found an additional $6 Billion via an accounting gimmick. However, that kind of chicanery has limits. Any new House appropriation will contain MAGA priorities that will most likely kill it in the Senate.

    Wars are expensive. Will Germany & France spend €100 Billion / year to keep the fight going? Unlikely. This implies that the future of Kiev aggression is bleak, and a negotiated settlement will arrive.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    That is definitely part of of it, since Russia has publicly confirmed that the West put the kibosh on the early negotiated settlement.

  1040. @Beckow

    ...Western Ukraine may need to be crushed now to reduce the risk of a future nuclear scenario.
    It is unfortunately broader then that. The relentless Nato march eastward and Russia's belated reaction in 2014 and then in 2022 have created a permanent nuclear war risk. Kind of exactly the opposite of what Gorbachev-Reagan wanted - but that's what happens when neo-con morons are released from a reservation.

    In all scenarios there will be a sharp militarized line with Nato-Russia facing each other - and both having grievances up to wazoo...whether it is in Donbas, Dnieper, Dnester, Polish border, or in Belgorod only matters to the locals. They will be facing each other and bitter about what has happened. Eventually it may blow up - maybe next time so ethno-fascists decide to revise the history.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I agree the nuclear war concern is broader than just Ukraine and now includes many flashpoints which could lead to a larger war. The nuclear escalation apparently began with the West dropping out of the ABM treaty.

    This reminds me of the quote: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them”, often attributed to Einstein. I think this treaty issue is just subtle enough that 99% of people cannot engage with the ideas and understand why this was so important.

    Thinking about flashpoints, I wonder if NATO missile submarines ever patrol in the Baltic? I hope not.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    The nuclear escalation apparently began with the West dropping out of the ABM treaty.
    That decision can't be explained in any other way than the West making it public that they will eventually attack Russia and try to neutralize Russia's nukes. Why else would they do it? The problem for the West is that Russia's nukes have not been neutralized, that part of the plan failed - but the rest of the plan has moved forward and predictably led us to this point.

    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them
    We cannot solve it by thinking or talking at all, the chasm is too wide, two different worlds - this will be resolved in a bloody confrontation. Too bad for us there is no easy way to limit what is used. Our best hope is that one side blinks - realistically, given the geography, it would have to be the West. And there is no sign that is happening. This could be it.

    If not, probably next time - some problems are simply not solvable. It was better to let the complex ethnic-economic-military mess of Ukraine lie dormant - the stupid attempt by Nato to win everything could turn out to be very costly, the worst mistake the West has ever made. But with the likes of Bush, Biden, Hillary, Obama, and the British retards like Blair or Cameron, are we really surprised?

    Replies: @QCIC

  1041. @Mikel

    Sorry but I need to go step by step. My objective now is to make Gerard understand that Putin is a bastard, Russia offers very little worth emulating to the rest of the world and the Ukrainians are right to want to distance themselves from Russia.

    Once I accomplish that goal, I may tackle the more difficult task of convincing you that the end doesn't justify the means, that killing thousand of civilians in Donbas was not inevitable and that there is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Sean

    The Cold War and the nuclear weapons Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policy refute all of your thoughtful arguments.

    I think the Cold War idea is misleading for some. It is not a war that could start up at any time and needs to be avoided. This is a war which is already burning, all of the time, constantly. The concern is not starting it, but rather not accelerating down the dangerous slope to that fateful point where civilization as we know it gets destroyed in an hour. The various nuclear treaties calmed this risk down somewhat and Glasnost may have helped. When the Soviet Union dissolved that helped reduce tensions a bit more. Nuclear forces were shifted to reduced alert levels. Stockpiles were reduced. Joint ventures were undertaken to work on new expanded treaties which might eventually end the Cold War.

    As long as the Cold War existed, the main concern was always to avoid accelerating or escalating it. Remember it was always a war in progress, not one that needed to be started. Unlike all prior wars in human history nuclear war has the ability to escalate in an hour from an “all clear, things are copasetic” to “oh shit, we just killed a billion people and the Northern Hemisphere is all flaming radioactive rubble”.

    This is why the NATO expansion and other stupidities are so tragically insane. The West was trading minor perceived gains, as parochial as they were, for escalation in the on-going largest war of human history. Sure, have your little tribalistic conflict in Ukraine, but outside forces must stay out. Do not allow it to grow to the point where it becomes a factor in the Cold War, which was already inflamed and accelerated by the West since the 1990s.

    When Russia unveiled the new strategic weapons in 2018 that was an opportunity for the West to back off, negotiate, do something sensible…anything! None of that happened.

    You are effectively arguing how many innocent Ukrainians and guilty Russians fit on the head of a pin. Why will it even matter if they are all dead? What if we get to the point where ALL of the Ukrainians end up dying just to avoid a nuclear war the West intentionally drove us into? Maybe you cheerleaders will say, “Oops! Sorry guys we didn’t know this was going to get you all killed. My bad.”

    • Replies: @Mikel

    Thanks for that "thoughtful arguments" remark but I don't know why you think anything you say refutes my position.

    In fact, at the very bottom of my position against wars in general and particularly against the justifications of the killing of civilians is my conviction that we need to get past the very low threshold we currently have to engage in both activities because otherwise we are doomed to eventually use the WMDs that we now have or the likely more destructive ones we will have in the future.

    I don't think AP's position of "we couldn't help killing thousands of civilians because otherwise {insert a political outcome here} would have ensued and that would have been worse" is very popular among ordinary people anymore. Certainly not in Western Europe and probably neither in the US if you frame it properly. But it certainly is among our political leaders, as we're witnessing right now. If our leaders' only goal was to save the maximum amount of lives they would have just stayed out of the Ukraine war and only intervened in case of wanton massacres by either side. Instead, their current goal of helping Kiev win the war "for as long as it takes" doesn't even take into consideration how many Ukrainian lives are going to be lost. For as long as it takes could well mean 1 or 2 million deaths but it's somebody else doing all the dying, not their people, so what do they care?

    As long as waging wars is decided under such insensitive premises towards innocent human life (and the threshold is even lower outside of the Western world), there is no hope that sooner or later we will not start a new World War.

    But, even though you also keep bringing up the threat of WW3, I'm not sure how much we both have in common. You keep making totally unrealistic assessments of what the Russians are doing and yes, we acted moronically when the Russian threat was so low that they were actually willing to join NATO but Putin and his entourage are, if anything, worse. It takes two to tango. There would be no threat of WW3 if the Kremlin wasn't also willing to annihilate millions if necessary for their political goals. Perhaps you have just spent too much time reading the likes of Unz, Saker and McGregor.

    Replies: @QCIC

  1042. @Mikel

    Sorry but I need to go step by step. My objective now is to make Gerard understand that Putin is a bastard, Russia offers very little worth emulating to the rest of the world and the Ukrainians are right to want to distance themselves from Russia.

    Once I accomplish that goal, I may tackle the more difficult task of convincing you that the end doesn't justify the means, that killing thousand of civilians in Donbas was not inevitable and that there is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Sean

    {T]here is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.

    As opposed to an ethereal law that ignored that all countries prepare for war by having military forces, and thinks people ought to get their just deserts in this world according to whether they are ‘innocent’, although no one is responsible for the sex, particular genetic endowment (including conscientiousness and intelligence), family circumstances, or nationality they are born into.

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted. The Iraqi people wanted Saddam out (that's why they unsuccessfully rebelled against him back in 1991) but couldn't remove him either through rebellion or through elections (because Iraq did not have competitive elections). This is much different from Russia invading Ukraine, since Ukraine actually does have competitive elections and also since Ukrainians are quite capable of launching revolutions in order to overthrow abusive leaders, as Maidan in 2014 pointed out. Iraqis did not have that option.

    Replies: @Sean

    , @AP

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.
    90% of Ukrainians opposed Ukraine's participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA after his likely involvement in the killing of the pro-Western journalist had soured relations.

    Yushchenko got Ukraine out of Iraq.

    Replies: @Sean, @Mr. XYZ

  1043. @QCIC
    @Mr. XYZ

    She looks insane.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Looks hott, frankly!

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    Crazy liberal white lady convert to Islam: 5/10. Would not bang

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  1044. @Beckow
    @Greasy William prevent Russia completely eradicating the Ukrainian state and that Europe is ready for peace based on the current lines.
    It is Kiev, Washington (and most Euros) who are rejecting any peace based on the current lines - they call it a "capitulation to Russia" and "rewarding aggression". You would have to first convince them.

    Russia has proposed this deal in Minsk and then again in March 2022 in Istanbul. There is no credible evidence that Russia wants to take all of Ukraine - they simply want no Nato in Ukraine and normal minority rights for the Russians living in Ukraine.

    Given that, it would be enough to simply offer the freezing-the-lines deal - no Maginot line or 250k Euros are needed. But Nato would never agree to it - the fanatics in charge want it all: Donbas, Azov, Crimea, and no Russians in Ukraine with any say - and the really unhinged ones would like to also break up Russia if possible.

    Euros' willingness to actually die for Ukraine is very low- since you clarified that it would be mercenaries behind a 'Maginot' line, you seem to agree with that.

    And the migrants: the way liberalism works is that for a single migrant going to fight in Ukraine, EU would have to immediately accept 5-10 relatives - and then the inevitable chain migration of family, friends.. a prescription for a faster demographic end to the Western Europe. Just do it, let's get it over with. Destroying Russia is worth it...right?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @Greasy William, @Mr. XYZ

    Makes one wonder just how much Russia was committed to its March 2022 proposal when it subsequently annexed four Ukrainian oblasts, including those where there was no doubts about loyalties (Zaporizhia and Kherson).

    Anyway, if Ukraine can’t totally win this war militarily, then a compromise deal could be UN-supervised plebiscites in Crimea and Donbass in exchange for Ukrainian NATO membership. Russia could end up paying for Crimea and Donbass if they will go to Russia in exchange for sanctions relief, and this payment to Ukraine could be treated as Russian reparations to Ukraine for the war (along with the confiscated Russian oligarch assets).

    In theory, there is the option of having non-NATO security guarantees for Ukraine from the West:

    But NATO will likely be viewed as more reliable (future backstabbing less likely) and if Ukraine is forced to give up territory, then it will likely insist even more strong on NATO membership as compensation for this.

    As for Minsk specifically, I think that it would have had higher odds of being implemented–not sure just how much higher, though–if Russia would have made it crystal-clear to the Ukrainians that Minsk does not threaten their EU membership aspirations. I’m unsure that Russia actually had this viewpoint, though. Maybe it really did want to permanently keep Ukraine out of both the EU and NATO.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    @Mr. XYZ

    The annexation of 4 oblasts happened 6 months after Russia made the proposal in March 2022 - that's a long time in a war, things change. About EU: Russia could have made it crystal-clear, but why should they? In the perception war, Kiev or West never give an inch - even if they agree to a deal they busily deny it in public. Why should Russia be different?

    if Ukraine can’t totally win this war militarily, then a compromise deal could be UN-supervised plebiscites in Crimea and Donbass in exchange for Ukrainian NATO membership.
    If Kiev doesn't win they will have no standing to negotiate the above - what you suggest can only happen with Kiev's victory. Why would Russia agree to Nato in Ukraine or fake referendums if they are not defeated?

    If there is a stalemate - neither side wins - the areas controlled by Russia will be incorporated into Russia. Nato will stay out - hot border dispute or a fear of Russia's response will keep Nato from absorbing the rump Ukie state. This has been obvious since the war started - on that count Russia won in the first 24 hours.

    Some financial mutual deal is possible - it is less visible and may be to everyone's benefit. If Kiev fails to win they will make a much worse deal than Minsk or March 22. Or it will become a military-economic stalemate and the West will slowly abandon/devour what's left of Ukraine: people, resources, maybe even some territory.

    When you join a pack of wolves on a hunt and the hunt fails, the wolves turn on you and devour you - the Ukies joined the Nato hunt and if the hunt - the war on Russia - fails they will become the prey. A very simple ancient rule.

    Replies: @A123

  1045. @A123

    They are fighting a gradual war to give a negotiated settlement a chance to develop,
    Add this supplemental idea -- "They are waiting for international support for to dwindle."

    The blank check from America is ending. They found an additional $6 Billion via an accounting gimmick. However, that kind of chicanery has limits. Any new House appropriation will contain MAGA priorities that will most likely kill it in the Senate.

    Wars are expensive. Will Germany & France spend €100 Billion / year to keep the fight going? Unlikely. This implies that the future of Kiev aggression is bleak, and a negotiated settlement will arrive.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    Any new House appropriation will contain MAGA priorities that will most likely kill it in the Senate.

    What about doing some compromise on this?

  1046. S says:

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.
    They not the "powers that be" in every corner of the planet.

    There are different types of people in the EE and Russia, both those who like and dislike the US. In Russia, in the 1990s, there was a boom of everyone wanting to send their kid to an English boarding school. And these days the most well known {{Russian}} propagandist just had anchor babies in the US with his mistress (a real Russian, supposedly) while simultaneously trash talking about the US every day on his tv shows. Go figure.

    The reality of life is such that there are both good and bad things in the US, and this is the case everywhere - in Russia and in Asia, etc. Except Europe.

    People are different. There are Americans who live overseas and prefer to live there or travel constantly for various reasons and get very engaged in other countries.

    People like different things, a lot of Westerners go to Asia, many Russians like Thailand, some Northern Euros like going to Marrakesh in winters. Would you say there is something wrong with them, too? If Russian kids had an easier way traveling to the West, no visa, you think they wouldn't go more often? Some would, others may not, people are different.

    Would you have preferred that your ancestors, British or Nordic, I don't know your exact ancestry, had never arrived in the US?

    This smoldering fire, that you're alluding to, is not something that is happening only in the E.Slavic houses, but in all houses of the world, including British, American, German, etc. In fact, in those other places, this fire is already much more advanced, and the temperature is already quite high. In the Ukrainian house, things were not as bad before. Now with this invasion, both Ukrainians and Russians will be more vulnerable having to deal with the fire. Ukrainians have friends who will help them.

    Ideally, nobody should force themselves on others. Neither the wokes, nor the neocons, nor the Chinese, nor the Russians. Wouldn't that be heaven? :)

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It's possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.
    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute? The Ukrainians are just fighting invaders who came into their land to kill them and their kids.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Coconuts, @S

    The powers that be, ie the US and UK.

    They not the “powers that be” in every corner of the planet.

    No, but it wants total power, and presently has a strong hegemony over the world.

    The US/UK is more powerful than most realize.

    I made a mistake a few days ago when I said pg 8, 9, and 10, of WT Stead’s 1902 book The Americanization of the World gave a hint of this power. I should have said pg 10, 11, and 12 (linked below):

    The economic numbers Stead provides on those pages come to the US/UK having three times the wealth and economic resources of the combined French, Russian, and German empires, causing him to declare in that same first chapter the US/UK to be the ‘supreme power’ over the Earth and the ‘world conquerors’. Something like those numbers probably still held true through about the start of 1942, as the British Empire was still intact to that time.

    Despite the British Empire having officially fallen, I maintain that the US/UK has retained a powerful economic/political hegemony over the world ever since, albeit a hegemony that is probably slowly declining.

    The US/UK with it’s world state/empire dreams are like that raging inferno which need to be dealt with before anything else, including a local or regional fight.

    Why are the US / UK nationalists and other dissidents not dealing with it, in places where it is more acute?

    That’s a very good question.

    Like everywhere else, there’s too many poorly leading elites and hangers on in the US/UK, and too many people either following them, or tolerating them.

    And, too, amongst the ‘dissidents’, there’s too much tolerance towards the ‘National Socialist’ types, when the real politik is that most people had relatives who fought NS Germany in WWII, are majorly turned off by the ideology, and are content with a republic/constitutional monarchy, albeit provided these governments are not making war upon them as the US and UK’s governments are and have been. [Bashi had commented that he thought the quasi NS types in Russia had deliberately been tolerated by the government for a time there after the ‘Fall of Communism’ to ‘poison pill’ the idea of identity, and, or, nationalism. I think that’s true in the US and Ukraine as well. (Provided someone did want the NS system, it’s a broken ideology at present, and it would have to be rehabilitated first, which isn’t likely anytime soon.]


    Since the founding of the US in 1776, one could say there having been two Americas at war (a sort of ‘Cold War’) with each other.

    The one America, a traditional ethnically based one, which I think was better, and which people in general were allowed and encouraged to think they had particularly in times of war, and a second America, one promoted by powerful elements amongst the elites and hangers on, these elites having often historically been ensconced at high levels of the secret societies, in particular Freemasonry. This second America is to be the planned heir of the British Empire, and is intended to be the very spearhead of an intended coming global super-state, ie the ‘United States of the World’/’World Union’.

    Regarding this latter point about the secret societies, there is an unfortunate dynamic at work. A very great many people, myself included, have friends, acquaintances, and, or, relatives, that have been, or are now, Freemasons. [I’ve never been one and don’t care for the organization.]

    The vast majority of these people are not bad people, albeit a bit naive, and are very low degree Masons, and know nothing about the world state stuff. It’s far fewer people that are at the higher degrees and do know about these plans, and approve of them.

    However, if a person simply attempts to bring up these world state intentions, these low level Masons, in defense of their organization, will be the first to jump up and say they know nothing about it, which is likely true. What’s worse, these low level Masons far more numerous friends, acquaintances, and relatives, including many who are dissidents(!), will also jump up and say, ‘My friend John is a Freemason, and is good egg’, or, ‘My uncle Jack is a Freemason, and is a fine fellow.’

    That’s as far as it goes with most of them in that regard.

    The result is the ridiculous state of affairs that few know about the Masonic ‘United States of the World’ project in the United States itself, the very epicenter of the endeavor, including the ‘dissidents’, though they certainly should, and fewer still are resisting it, which is no doubt exactly how it is intended to be.

    [Self deception is a gigantic problem everywhere, ie people not being honest with themselves.]

    The world state sounds a bit like an oxymoron. A world state is an absence of states, it is statelessness. It is just vague mondialism. It’s possible to enjoy the world without some world state.

    I’d prefer there be no world state, or ’empire’ as they sometimes call it. There are powerful people and their hangers on who want it, however.

    About the ‘United States of the World’…I wanted to understand the history of the United States. There are two massive online libraries attached to US universities called ‘Making of America’ which have entire series of journals, magazines, books, etc, dating to the early 19th century, which are scanned in and free to access.

    I spent many hundreds of hours reading through these journals and books, comparing notes amongst them, and letting the chips fall where they may. That’s where, amongst other things, I first heard about the ‘United States of the World’ spoken of in books typically, but only rarely, and just the phrase.

    That’s where I also came across the incredibly prescient 1853 New Rome book which spoke of it. [Interestingly, the Capitalist orientated journals stopped talking about the ‘United States of the World’ during the 19th century. Just as the term started fading from memory in the 20th century, Communist orientated journals started using the term.]

    The United States of the World is simply the intended final long range intention by the US/UK, acting within Freemasonry, of joining the newly minted continental super-states together, ie the United States of [North] America/[North] American Union, the United States of Europe/European Union, the United States of South Ameriça/South American Union, etc, to form a world state and government, the United States of the World.

    Whether each continent is called ‘United States’ or ‘Union’, is a ‘republic’or, a ‘constitutional monarchy’, is no big deal either way.

    A relatively recent real time example of this ‘continentilization’ process involved Gaddafi.

    After an admittedly rough start, Gaddafi’s Libya had become a loyal client state of the US/UK, and Gaddafi himself, with his (apparent) assigned brief of bringing the continent of Africa online for the United States of the World project, was doing good yeoman’s work in this regard.

    Gaddafi’s reward for his trouble was to be offed by the same US/UK elites and hangers on who had employed him.

    “One day it will become similar to the United States of America.”

    We can build United States of Africa, Gaddafi says

    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Tuesday his dream of a United States of Africa was still alive and this week’s African Union summit was another step toward that objective.

    Gaddafi has been pushing for an African unity government for years, saying it is the only way Africa can develop without Western interference, but many African states say the idea is impractical and would encroach on their sovereignty.

    Like previous African summits, this week’s gathering in the Ugandan capital Kampala discussed steps toward creating an African government, but the issue was overshadowed by chaos in Somalia and an international arrest warrant for Sudan’s president.

    “I am satisfied that Africa is going along its historic and right road,” Gaddafi told a small group of reporters in Kampala at the end of the summit. “One day it will become similar to the United States of America.”

    “We are approaching the formation of the African Authority, and each time we solve African problems and also move in the direction of peace and unity. We deal with problems step by step. We are continuing to do that,” Gaddafi said.

    Gaddafi held the African Union’s rotating chairmanship last year, and he used it to push for the organization’s small executive body to be granted enhanced powers and remodeled as the African Authority.

    Asked about that proposal on Tuesday, Gaddafi said: “Studies are still continuing and it is not finished yet. Experts and the people responsible are still studying the documents. They might be completed at the next summit or after.”

    Some African leaders say they cannot be expected to cede sovereignty to any African bloc just decades after they wrested it away from their colonial rulers.

    But Gaddafi’s idea has had a sympathetic response in some states, helped by his reputation in parts of the continent as a champion of the developed world and also by the millions of dollars in aid his oil-exporting country spends in Africa.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
  1047. Are Qing surnames significantly over-represented in Chinese elite circles and what explains it, if true?

  1048. @silviosilver

    In my young and naive college days, I was talking to a professor (in private) about the relative performance of China and Egypt over the past 30 years.
    This is in America, right? Out of curiosity, what ethnicity was the prof (not that it would make much difference)? Were you at this time aware of the data and arguments of the HBD position or did you simply suspect that national intelligence was a factor?

    I recently read a substack article by Freddie DeBoer
    Thanks, that was a decent read. It fails to address what I think is the leading obstacle to public acceptance of even individual differences (to stay on this level for a moment): personal insecurity, a fear that our "inferiority" will be exposed, that others will be permitted to notice it, comment on it and treat us as inferior as a result.

    Secondarily, among objectors who would themselves fare very well under such scrutiny, there is the understandable fear that other people will treat other, less fortunate, people in ways they find disdainful. This attitude and this fear goes right back to the beginning of intelligence testing. I forget the name, but I recall reading someone from a hundred or so years ago express outrage that two little letters ("i" and "q") could say so much about a man (may have been Walter Lippmann, who scathingly attacked IQ, but I can't find a quote).

    You don't have to go far looking for examples of people being treated with disdain for suspected low IQ. Examples of it on this site alone show up often enough. I've mentioned before that when I first made my splash in racial real talk circles, it was by venomously objecting to WNs. The first response of members of that blog was to claim I didn't understand their arguments, that I was in over my head, and to comfort themselves with lowball estimates of my IQ.

    I think these fears are to a point legitimate, if overblown. IQ is a signally important factor in national development, but socially it doesn't seem important at all. Think of all the people you have liked or loved in your life - in how many of those cases did the person's intelligence have anything to do with it? Of all the things that interest us when we meet someone, how often does getting an accurate fix on their intelligence assume importance to us? For me at least, virtually never. If at some point there's a strong hint of exceptionally high or exceptionally low intelligence, it's hard not to notice it, but I am quite sure it's never been factor in whether I have liked that person or not. There are some extremely online nerds like AK for whom ingratiating himself with "elite human capital" is an all-consuming obsession, but such people are no different to single-minded social climbers in any other context, and are viewed as similarly pathetic by normal onlookers.

    Replies: @Yahya

    This is in America, right?


    Out of curiosity, what ethnicity was the prof (not that it would make much difference)?

    Chinese-American, around 50 years old.

    Were you at this time aware of the data and arguments of the HBD position or did you simply suspect that national intelligence was a factor?

    I was aware of the data. I became acquainted with the HBD literature when I was 19.

    My introduction was through Charles Murray, whom of course any curios young budding intellectual comes across fairly quickly when roaming around the American intellectual scene. Before that, I was convinced by the cultural argument for explaining national differences in development, and before that the standard “free market will fix everything” (lol) approach.

    But I quickly accepted the HBD position once I saw a graphic depiction of the stark differences in the B-W normal distributions in the Bell Curve . It was a bitter pill to swallow, and I still remember the state of shock I experienced once I fully grasped the implications. But afterwards I went on a spree of HBD blog sites and gobbled up as much as I could on this forbidden yet important topic. I still have many of these articles stored on my notebook from that time.

    It fails to address what I think is the leading obstacle to public acceptance of even individual differences

    My favored explanation for the “brain-block” around the question of intelligence comes from Demosthenes: “for what a man wishes, he generally believes to be true.”

    Many people genuinely hold idealistic egalitarian beliefs and simply do not wish to countenance the thought of biological constraints. The assumption that everyone will perform equally if given the same “opportunities” is a pleasing thought, leaving much room for improvement through policy changes. The hereditarian argument puts a damper on all this optimism, so it is rejected out of hand. What they don’t know – or rather, don’t wish to know – is that population genetics is not fixed, and can indeed be altered, but only through that ghastly, unspeakable mechanism called eu…. But that is too much a social taboo for anyone but the most independent-minded to contemplate, so people retreat back into the pleasant land of “policy changes” and blank-slatism.

    I think these fears are to a point legitimate, if overblown.

    I’m becoming ever more convinced that more evil is created by irrationality than willful immorality. The truth is valuable in of itself, but from a pragmatic perspective it is singularly critical. A society built upon falsehood and delusion is incredibly destructive. Goodwill is simply not enough to bring about positive changes, you need to be hard-headed and realistic. That means accepting unpalatable truths about the nature of the world, not burying your head in the sand, or being constrained by social considerations. There’s a lot of truth to the old saw that the road to hell is paved in good intentions.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    is that population genetics is not fixed, and can indeed be altered, but only through that ghastly, unspeakable mechanism called eu….
    People who are choosy about whom they reproduce with subconsciously understand this part.
  1049. @Gerard1234
    @sudden death

    OMG! LMFAO! It appears this idiot is just trying to claim Etruscans ( Russians who found their way to what is Italy "coincidentally" 25oo years before, the exact period this anti-historical BS this idiot is linking to is claiming to have started at)..... as Baltics.

    Hilariously with this idiotic propaganda he is trying to spin the great failure of post-Soviet Baltics - dying, mass depopulation from some ancient "quality" of these people!

    So faced with the fact its just the guy who presents Vesti, and nothing before that from the Baltic losers for 3000 years, and that Russian state, russian culture, russian language are known all over the world........and even have this detour west to Italy from these Etruscanswe are shown this fake historical garbage with the Baltic clowns trying to plaigirise our history.

    Dr. Reich said:
    Why not make it Professor Khokhol - even that would be more subtle

    Dr. Reich said: “The ones those new genomes are closest to are those from Ukraine and Latvia.”


    Why not just say also "the genomes of those direct descendants of red-white -red activists in Belarus, Jewish Feminists and BLM leaders"! Seriously WTF is this political hitjob garbage, posing as "historical study"

    How the f**k is from Ukraine and Latvia even plausible you idiot? It could either be southern steppe people, so Dr Reichtard would have to say "Ukraine" and Russia.........or because of Ukraine's non-history he could only reduce to to something like Ukraine& Moldova, or Ukraine& Slovakia& Hungary etc. How is "from Latvia and Ukraine" even possible without it also involving Russia or some other countries you deranged cretin?

    How would they have got to Sicilia 2500 years before? Sailing from Baltic coast? Wouldn't involve "Ukrainians". Crossing the Alps? No. Through the Balkans? Then how would it be only Latvians and Ukrainians you imbecile.

    Its amusing how only the worst of the worst scum on here talk about Gaplo-groups. On Runet there is good conversations about the topic.......but on here its just the loser scum on here from non-event or fake countries or fantasists or general dickheads (M*k*l) who seem obsessed with the topic. It would be fine if there were actual geneticists in the discussion, at best only one of these clowns is.

    Replies: @Yevardian

    trying to claim Etruscans [as Baltic related]


    Just noticed this skimming through all the other catfighting over old topics… just noting that’s a very outlandish claim to make.. Etruscans didn’t even speak an Indo-European language, it hasn’t been deciphered (Claudius’ Etruscan dictionary is lost), though Etruscan and hypothesised relations (‘Tyrrhenian’) may have been distantly related to Basque.
    Arnold Toynbee and others once thought it was related to the Anatolian branch of IE, but that’s now thoroughly disproven.

    Its amusing how only the worst of the worst scum on here talk about Gaplo-groups. On Runet there is good conversations about the topic…….but on here its just the loser scum on here from non-event or fake countries or fantasists or general dickheads (M*k*l) who seem obsessed with the topic. It would be fine if there were actual geneticists in the discussion, at best only one of these clowns is.

    Боже… someone had to say it. I don’t think Mikel is particularly guilty of this here though, in fairness he’s one of the last earthbound posters left

  1050. @Sean

    Markus Reisner, Colonel of the Guard of the Austrian Armed Forces, believes the hesitation over arms deliveries is a strategy: "The Americans are trying to send a clear signal to the Russians and Putin that continuing the war has no chance of success. Because they always provide the Ukrainians with just enough to defend themselves. But not much more, either. And that's the key thing: the U.S. is not cornering the Russians, because it wants to avoid escalation."
    1. A conventional World War Three with a real prospect of theatre thermonuclear weapons use rather than accept defeat starts the instant Nato member forces are in combat with RusFed anywhere. Washington has no intention of getting into direct conventional combat (that is WW3) with Russia over Ukraine. Nato inning conventionally would hardly be in doubt given that Nato out numers Russia 4:1 in East Europe
    2.Neither the Kremlin or the Washington led alliance would fight against each other in Ukraine, but a Nato Rusfed war is the only way for Kiev to get even a draw.

    3. If
    Kiev was to inveigle America into direct combat (prolly airstrike) against Russian invasion force in Ukraine, perhaps as a US conventional retaliation for Russian theatre thermonuke use against the Ukrainian army, a Russian nuclear anti aircraft weapon use against the USAF planes missiles would be likely.

    There is nothing in the way America is backing or has backed Ukraine so far that makes me think there is any appetite in Washingtom for more than limited indirect backing through arms for Kiev. The US's strategyin ralation to Russia is a frog boiling one: to keep Ukraine in the war, frustrate the Kremlin but not hurt them emought to get them to escalate, and get them to eventually come to terms and cease the SMO.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Washington has no intention of getting into direct conventional combat (that is WW3) with Russia over Ukraine.

    In this war? Certainly not! In the future, if Russia will ever attack Ukraine again? Who knows! One can argue that Ukraine deserves Western security guarantees after successfully holding its ground against Russia this time around.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    The US is too degenerate and gay to fight a foreign war. We can help by providing money and weapons but Europe is going to need to provide the actual manpower

  1051. @Sean

    {T]here is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.
    As opposed to an ethereal law that ignored that all countries prepare for war by having military forces, and thinks people ought to get their just deserts in this world according to whether they are 'innocent', although no one is responsible for the sex, particular genetic endowment (including conscientiousness and intelligence), family circumstances, or nationality they are born into.

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted. The Iraqi people wanted Saddam out (that’s why they unsuccessfully rebelled against him back in 1991) but couldn’t remove him either through rebellion or through elections (because Iraq did not have competitive elections). This is much different from Russia invading Ukraine, since Ukraine actually does have competitive elections and also since Ukrainians are quite capable of launching revolutions in order to overthrow abusive leaders, as Maidan in 2014 pointed out. Iraqis did not have that option.

    • Replies: @Sean
    @Mr. XYZ

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted. The Iraqi people wanted Saddam out
    That Saddam's dictatorship was not approved by the majority of the population of Iraq may well be true, but I am not aware of any evidence that the people of Iraq wished their country to be invaded as a way of being rid of Saddam, or considered that the bloody sectarian civil war that predictably erupted during the US occupation was an acceptable price to pay Given an absence of their consent for the invasion and occupation of their country it was an act of international aggression by Ukraine to go the other side of the world and use armed violence to help hold down the resistance to the US occupation of Iraq.

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted
    There is a recurring theme in much of what commenter AP says in response to my pointing out that successive governments of Ukraine from the beginning of its independence in 1997 have been moving towards military and economic integration with Washington and Western Europe; all you can hear AP say is ' the people of Ukraine did not support that' and then he cites opinion polls. I don't follow the reasoning because whether or not the average man on the street approved of his country's diplomatic overtures or military understandings, other countries must react to the actual actions of a state such as Ukraine without making allowances for the opinion of the populace being at variance with the policy of their government. No government of Ukraine has been capricious in pursuing military and economic engaging with the West, they has been a consistent detection and gathering acceleration. If any thing Russia was slow to realise what was happening, or at least acted like it had all the time in the world.

    Ukrainians are quite capable of launching revolutions in order to overthrow abusive leaders .... Iraqis did not have that option.
    The reason why Bush the Younger's administration decided to invade and occupy Iraq had to do with abstruse geopolitical consideration relating to Saudi Arabia's domestic unrest and dissidence against the Saud family dictatorship sparked by the presence of a US army in Islam's holy land . That Iraqis did not get given any option as to whether they wanted to be in danger of being killed by the US war machine as unwilling conscripts in Saddam's third worls peasant army, or by their compatriots in a civil war after the fall of Saddam or Ukrainian army occupiers of Iraq, I agree. Does this mean Ukrainians are worse than anyone else? Of course not. Like other countries (and most individuals) Ukraine does what it must or thinks it must, and cloaks is actions in veils of ethereal moralising rhetoric, washed down with a lot of cognitive dissonance. And as we all sometimes do, countries make mistakes and bring about the very thing they are trying to to avoid.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  1052. @Yahya

    This is in America, right?

    Out of curiosity, what ethnicity was the prof (not that it would make much difference)?
    Chinese-American, around 50 years old.

    Were you at this time aware of the data and arguments of the HBD position or did you simply suspect that national intelligence was a factor?
    I was aware of the data. I became acquainted with the HBD literature when I was 19.

    My introduction was through Charles Murray, whom of course any curios young budding intellectual comes across fairly quickly when roaming around the American intellectual scene. Before that, I was convinced by the cultural argument for explaining national differences in development, and before that the standard “free market will fix everything” (lol) approach.

    But I quickly accepted the HBD position once I saw a graphic depiction of the stark differences in the B-W normal distributions in the Bell Curve . It was a bitter pill to swallow, and I still remember the state of shock I experienced once I fully grasped the implications. But afterwards I went on a spree of HBD blog sites and gobbled up as much as I could on this forbidden yet important topic. I still have many of these articles stored on my notebook from that time.

    It fails to address what I think is the leading obstacle to public acceptance of even individual differences
    My favored explanation for the “brain-block” around the question of intelligence comes from Demosthenes: “for what a man wishes, he generally believes to be true.”

    Many people genuinely hold idealistic egalitarian beliefs and simply do not wish to countenance the thought of biological constraints. The assumption that everyone will perform equally if given the same “opportunities” is a pleasing thought, leaving much room for improvement through policy changes. The hereditarian argument puts a damper on all this optimism, so it is rejected out of hand. What they don’t know - or rather, don’t wish to know - is that population genetics is not fixed, and can indeed be altered, but only through that ghastly, unspeakable mechanism called eu…. But that is too much a social taboo for anyone but the most independent-minded to contemplate, so people retreat back into the pleasant land of “policy changes” and blank-slatism.

    I think these fears are to a point legitimate, if overblown.
    I’m becoming ever more convinced that more evil is created by irrationality than willful immorality. The truth is valuable in of itself, but from a pragmatic perspective it is singularly critical. A society built upon falsehood and delusion is incredibly destructive. Goodwill is simply not enough to bring about positive changes, you need to be hard-headed and realistic. That means accepting unpalatable truths about the nature of the world, not burying your head in the sand, or being constrained by social considerations. There’s a lot of truth to the old saw that the road to hell is paved in good intentions.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    is that population genetics is not fixed, and can indeed be altered, but only through that ghastly, unspeakable mechanism called eu….

    People who are choosy about whom they reproduce with subconsciously understand this part.

  1053. @Mr. XYZ

    Washington has no intention of getting into direct conventional combat (that is WW3) with Russia over Ukraine.
    In this war? Certainly not! In the future, if Russia will ever attack Ukraine again? Who knows! One can argue that Ukraine deserves Western security guarantees after successfully holding its ground against Russia this time around.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    The US is too degenerate and gay to fight a foreign war. We can help by providing money and weapons but Europe is going to need to provide the actual manpower

  1054. @Yahya
    @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That’s a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later.
    Well I’d be interested to hear his response. My impression is that Dmitry is a self-imposed rootless cosmopolitan. That is, he has chosen the path of rootlessness, rather than having it forced upon him. Perhaps this is tied to his discovery of Jewish ancestry, and acquisition of Israeli citizenship. It is evident he holds his 1/6 Jewish lineage in higher regard than his other ancestral strains. But his affection for Russia is also evident, even if less pronounced than his philo-semitism.

    Dmitry is less race-aware than practically everyone else here, which would explain his somewhat nonchalant attitude towards the demographic trends in Russia and the rest of Europe.

    It was clear also from our previous exchange that he is a blank-slatist, and ascribes no role to genetics in explaining group differences in behavior. The environmental perspective leaves more room for human malleability, so it follows that blank-slatists would be less concerned about genetic/demographic changes.

    There’s no need to worry about the increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy waiting to get out, if only he were educated and acculturated into Slavic culture/norms.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @Yevardian, @Coconuts, @Dmitry


    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.

    increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy

    We discussed this topic many times in the forum and I already wrote many posts about it.

    The view in the past, I wrote. The wealthy countries should accept the falling population, instead of requiring to continue with the same population size or created a growing population by importing workers. This is possible with more of capital investment.

    The problems in Russia which has the world’s largest open borders system, were not very secret.

    But I’m not sure you understand with the example about Kazakhstan you wrote. After 2022. In Kazakhstan, they are now more worried about Russians immigrating to their country, than Russians are worried about Kazakhs.

    Kazakhstan is now the destination country for immigrants from Russia. The question, are Russians a good Kazakh, not the other way round.

    My attitude also changed quite a bit, because of the exchanged positions. Instead of building border with Kazakhstan, it is hoped Kazakhstan doesn’t build the border with Russia. Russians are the Mexicans now and Kazakhstan continuing the open border can save tens of thousands of Russian people.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.
    Sorry but your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret what you say.

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    Do population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role?

    Please clarify the extent you think genetics influences this outcome.

    Note that I’m not talking about IQ tests here (which I know you dismiss as mere puzzles), just raw intelligence.

    But this discussion becomes more unclear, when wild claims about complex systems like national development, people are introduced who would probably explain the reason India and China are not good in football,
    Okay, so you object to the notion that genetic factors play some role in determining national economic outcomes?

    Is this a complete objection or a partial one? In other words, do you think genetics plays no role in determining economic outcomes, or that it does, but you think it is overrated as an explanatory variable?

    Most people who object to HBD tend to argue against the straw-man that genetics determines 100% of economic developmental outcomes. But that is not the position held by most hereditarians (the sane ones at least). They recognize that North Korea, for example, is hindered by a dysfunctional governmental system which causes it to underperform South Korea by a considerable margin, even when the genetics is basically the same. Likewise nations can fluctuate in prosperity over time if cultural, institutional and other environmental variables cause performance to swing in certain directions (i.e. China lifting off after adopting market-based economics and good policies regarding infrastructure and education etc.)

    But none of these examples refute the HBD explanation, they merely diminish its correlation. Again, the correlation between average IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733), it would be wrong to dismiss it based on outliers and cherry-picked selections. That Mongolia, Ukraine, Argentina, and Vietnam are underdeveloped does not invalidate the hypothesis, because they are comparative rarities compared to the number of high-intelligence nations which have developed into upper-income economies:

    Australia (1987–present)
    Austria (1987–present)
    Belgium (1987–present)
    Canada (1987–present)
    Croatia (2008–2015, 2017–present)
    Cyprus (1988–present)
    Czech Republic (2006–present)
    Denmark (1987–present)
    Estonia (2006–present)
    Finland (1987–present)
    France (1987–present)
    Germany (1987–present)
    Greece (1996–present)
    Hungary (2007–11, 2014–present)
    Iceland (1987–present)
    Ireland (1987–present)
    Israel (1987–present)
    Italy (1987–present)
    Japan (1987–present)
    South Korea (1993–97, 1999–present)
    Latvia (2009, 2012–present)
    Liechtenstein (1994–present)
    Lithuania (2012–present)
    Luxembourg (1987–present)
    Malta (1989, 1998, 2000, 2002–present)
    Monaco (1994–present)
    Netherlands (1987–present)
    New Zealand (1987–present)
    Norway (1987–present)
    Poland (2009–present)
    Portugal (1994–present)
    Romania (2019, 2021–present)
    San Marino (1991–93, 2000–present)
    Singapore (1987–present)
    Slovakia (2007–present)
    Slovenia (1997–present)
    Spain (1987–present)
    Sweden (1987-present)
    Switzerland (1987–present)
    United Kingdom (1987–present)
    United States (1987–present)

    That is why the correlation between national intelligence and economic development is high. The North Koreas of the world are a rarity - in statistical terminology: outliers. Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples. You must look towards the bigger picture, maintain a large sample size, and utilize correlation co-efficients. You cannot cite North Korea or Ukraine’s relative poverty compared to South Korea or Norway, and proclaim “aha, I’ve shown how two countries with similar genetics can differ in material propriety, the biological argument is bunk!” That’s not how it works.

    National development is indeed multi-faceted and cannot be determined by genetics alone. As I wrote previously, there are cultural, institutional and geographic factors which must be taken into account when performing an analysis of any given nation. But it is folly to dismiss the biological argument because of outliers and mono-examples. When taken as a whole, the vast majority of nations that have developed into high-income economies in the industrial period are those with significant European or East Asian populations (and their congruent intelligence distributions). The handful of exceptions to this rule have experienced significant resource windfalls. Again, the exceptions do not invalidate the rule.

    The conclusion is that an intelligence distribution roughly equating to European or East Asian levels is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for developing into a high-income nation in the modern industrialized world. The only other way is to sit atop a mass of diamonds or fossil fuel reserves. There are ways for European and East Asian nations to muck-up and remain impoverished, and that is why intelligence is not a sufficient variable. But if you do not have a Euro/E-Asian proportion of intelligent people in your group, or no significant fossil fuel reserves, you’ve got an extremely low - almost non-existent - chance of developing into a first world country. Hence the reason why, outside of Argentina (heavy European population), Singapore (majority Chinese population) and Malaysia (significant Chinese population), not a single non-oil African, Arab, South Asian, or Latin American nation has reached the upper levels of economic development over the past 200 years. Meanwhile, 90% of European and East Asian nations have developed into upper income economies, and the rest are on their way.

    This is not a coincidence.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian, @Emil Nikola Richard

  1055. AP says:

    {T]here is no law of nature forcing states to start wars in the knowledge that they will kill many innocents, let alone their own innocent civilians.
    As opposed to an ethereal law that ignored that all countries prepare for war by having military forces, and thinks people ought to get their just deserts in this world according to whether they are 'innocent', although no one is responsible for the sex, particular genetic endowment (including conscientiousness and intelligence), family circumstances, or nationality they are born into.

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @AP

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.

    90% of Ukrainians opposed Ukraine’s participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA after his likely involvement in the killing of the pro-Western journalist had soured relations.

    Yushchenko got Ukraine out of Iraq.

    • Replies: @Sean

    Ukraine’s participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA
    Extremely convoluted reasoning that! Lets look at what Kuchma was saying and several years before to judge whether the Kremlin is to blame for Ukraine's participation in the use of brute force to violently suppress popular Iraqi resistance to having their country invaded and occupied by armies from the other side of the world without a shred of self defense justification in international law.

    At the Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter Madrid 9 July 1997

    Opening Statement
    by the president of Ukraine, H.E. Kuchma

    In a few minutes the Charter on Special Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO will be signed. This historic document is going to be another convincing piece of evidence that the new security architecture, based on openness and partnership, is steadily being constructed in the European continent. In the conclusion of the Charter, the deep internal transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance is reflected, as well as the democratic course of Ukraine and its real gains in integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. [...] Political will and sense, demonstrated by all the participants in the preparation of the Charter,allow us to affirm the following: Europe has changed and it is only through joint efforts that security in the content can be guaranteed. From now on, Ukraine and NATO are going to work together to that end. [...] Ukraine has made its choice and is ready together with NATO member countries and the Alliance partners to take an active part in the construction of a secure future for Europe. And thus, for the whole world.

    Thank you for your attention.
    No Kuchma was not acting as an agent of the Kremlin , he just wanted to very slowly but surely take Ukraine into the Western camp. Ordinary Ukrainians cared not one whit about Iraqis being killed by Ukrainian forces helping Superpower-America's invasion and occupation of Iraq , but when what Ukraine subjected Iraq to happened to was done to them they screamed (morality) like a stuck pig.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Mr. XYZ

    Yep; you're correct:'s%20involvement%20in%20the,Ukrainians%20in%20the%20same%20poll

    Did Poles feel similarly about their own country's participation in the Iraq War?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  1056. @Mr. XYZ

    Makes one wonder just how much Russia was committed to its March 2022 proposal when it subsequently annexed four Ukrainian oblasts, including those where there was no doubts about loyalties (Zaporizhia and Kherson).

    Anyway, if Ukraine can't totally win this war militarily, then a compromise deal could be UN-supervised plebiscites in Crimea and Donbass in exchange for Ukrainian NATO membership. Russia could end up paying for Crimea and Donbass if they will go to Russia in exchange for sanctions relief, and this payment to Ukraine could be treated as Russian reparations to Ukraine for the war (along with the confiscated Russian oligarch assets).

    In theory, there is the option of having non-NATO security guarantees for Ukraine from the West:

    But NATO will likely be viewed as more reliable (future backstabbing less likely) and if Ukraine is forced to give up territory, then it will likely insist even more strong on NATO membership as compensation for this.

    As for Minsk specifically, I think that it would have had higher odds of being implemented--not sure just how much higher, though--if Russia would have made it crystal-clear to the Ukrainians that Minsk does not threaten their EU membership aspirations. I'm unsure that Russia actually had this viewpoint, though. Maybe it really did want to permanently keep Ukraine out of both the EU and NATO.

    Replies: @Beckow

    The annexation of 4 oblasts happened 6 months after Russia made the proposal in March 2022 – that’s a long time in a war, things change. About EU: Russia could have made it crystal-clear, but why should they? In the perception war, Kiev or West never give an inch – even if they agree to a deal they busily deny it in public. Why should Russia be different?

    if Ukraine can’t totally win this war militarily, then a compromise deal could be UN-supervised plebiscites in Crimea and Donbass in exchange for Ukrainian NATO membership.

    If Kiev doesn’t win they will have no standing to negotiate the above – what you suggest can only happen with Kiev’s victory. Why would Russia agree to Nato in Ukraine or fake referendums if they are not defeated?

    If there is a stalemate – neither side wins – the areas controlled by Russia will be incorporated into Russia. Nato will stay out – hot border dispute or a fear of Russia’s response will keep Nato from absorbing the rump Ukie state. This has been obvious since the war started – on that count Russia won in the first 24 hours.

    Some financial mutual deal is possible – it is less visible and may be to everyone’s benefit. If Kiev fails to win they will make a much worse deal than Minsk or March 22. Or it will become a military-economic stalemate and the West will slowly abandon/devour what’s left of Ukraine: people, resources, maybe even some territory.

    When you join a pack of wolves on a hunt and the hunt fails, the wolves turn on you and devour you – the Ukies joined the Nato hunt and if the hunt – the war on Russia – fails they will become the prey. A very simple ancient rule.

    • Replies: @A123

    If Kiev doesn’t win they will have no standing to negotiate the above – what you suggest can only happen with Kiev’s victory. Why would Russia agree to Nato in Ukraine or fake referendums if they are not defeated?
    I know I have proposed this before, but... There are four outcomes:

        -1- Ukraine Wins
        -2- Ukraine Loses (absorbed by Russia)
        -3- Ukraine is forced to take a deal (worse than Minsk, but better than #2)
        -4- Ukraine becomes a failed state

    What benefits the immoral, open borders, European Empire the most?

    If Ukraine becomes a failed state it places huge pressure on border countries like Poland and Hungary. It is visually obvious that 1/3, probably more, "Ukrainian" refugees are actually MENA or sub-Saharan origin.

    Is #4 the Berlin/Paris/Brussels Axis plan? That is the most beneficial outcome for their SJW agenda.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

  1057. @QCIC

    I agree the nuclear war concern is broader than just Ukraine and now includes many flashpoints which could lead to a larger war. The nuclear escalation apparently began with the West dropping out of the ABM treaty.

    This reminds me of the quote: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them", often attributed to Einstein. I think this treaty issue is just subtle enough that 99% of people cannot engage with the ideas and understand why this was so important.

    Thinking about flashpoints, I wonder if NATO missile submarines ever patrol in the Baltic? I hope not.

    Replies: @Beckow

    The nuclear escalation apparently began with the West dropping out of the ABM treaty.

    That decision can’t be explained in any other way than the West making it public that they will eventually attack Russia and try to neutralize Russia’s nukes. Why else would they do it? The problem for the West is that Russia’s nukes have not been neutralized, that part of the plan failed – but the rest of the plan has moved forward and predictably led us to this point.

    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them

    We cannot solve it by thinking or talking at all, the chasm is too wide, two different worlds – this will be resolved in a bloody confrontation. Too bad for us there is no easy way to limit what is used. Our best hope is that one side blinks – realistically, given the geography, it would have to be the West. And there is no sign that is happening. This could be it.

    If not, probably next time – some problems are simply not solvable. It was better to let the complex ethnic-economic-military mess of Ukraine lie dormant – the stupid attempt by Nato to win everything could turn out to be very costly, the worst mistake the West has ever made. But with the likes of Bush, Biden, Hillary, Obama, and the British retards like Blair or Cameron, are we really surprised?

    • Replies: @QCIC

    When the USA dropped out of the ABM treaty I probably believed Russia would have similar ABM capabilities so ICBMs might become obsolete for both sides. This was a naive view, though at the time a popular meme was the USA had won the Cold War by outspending the USSR on "Star Wars" missile defense. This was all silly and I agree the West wanted to get a military edge on Russia which would be used to pressure them to unilaterally get rid of their nukes or something equally impossible.

    I still believe some faction wants the Pale of Settlement for old times' sake and would prefer it to not be any more radioactive than it already is. Once they figure out the game is lost, new possibilities for negotiation may open up. Unfortunately the globalists seem to believe in conservation of misery so a new confrontation will be instigated somewhere else. Hopefully the next one will be less existential.

    Replies: @Beckow

  1058. @Ivashka the fool

    But Dima didn't answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian people and his homeland. That's a question he will have to answer sooner rather than later. Then, depending on the answer, he could take action and align his life accordingly.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yevardian, @Dmitry

    Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian

    I can see Soviet people with his loyalty test demands. We have this enough of this culture from Putin, it’s not so healthy

    Also there is a difference between a normal discussion about Russia and demands of someone’s ego. Your posting quality was probably not that high in the recent thread, while you greedily demand people give you the cookie.

    By the way, I enjoy many of your posts where you discuss your personal experiences etc. But think about difference of value between adding interesting new information, or asking people to give you cookies.

    Dima has written lately that Russia is a “thrash bin of history” type of place

    When I was young, I thought it was funny phrase. But looking backwards, it feels more like a scientific description.

    You know people from 1970s Moscow, not understanding this is kind of predictable. I think your situation of your generation is interesting, not realistic.

    ommented highly about Israel which he clearly likes as a country

    I’m sure you noticed, Israel for me, is not some kind of ruthless plan for additional citizenships or countries. I actually had better options, from this point of view. I don’t want to exaggerate I am somekind of refugee. Israel is one of my hobbies and I enjoy discussing this topic.

    It’s like reading someone says “why do you like talking about this girl in your school, why don’t talk about your mother”.

    Well, I am here for entertainment and my comments are mostly what I wanted to post about.

    that Dima is a (fine) Jewish young man

    One of the reasons I was enjoying your posts, was this view I am Jewish. I’m imagining some kind of mystical rabbi.

    But to not steal other peoples’ identity, there is a difference between Jewish roots and Jewish people. For me, the Jewish person in my family is in the third generation, which is a grandfather. So, you talk about people from a different category.

    are about one’s homeland also has nothing to do with one’s place of residence. Mr Hack and AP live in US of A

    They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them. It’s not a comparable to our situation.

    For AP, it’s more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the “noviops in Moscow”.

    • Replies: @AP

    " Mr Hack and AP live in US of A" They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them.
    Family plays a role also, not just country, you know. I didn't speak English until grade school. I'm told I still have a slight accent.

    I was sent to live with relatives who recreated the pre-war gentry lifestyle in the American countryside, in the same profession as the writer Bulgakov. Much land, extensive personal library, correspondence with friends and relatives abroad. I attended school with the locals, picked berries, buried treasures, went shooting in the woods (I was strange, and didn't let anyone kill animals in my presence, only shot cans), enjoyed bonfire parties. But unlike the Americans, dinnertime discussions about Eastern European politics (the spoken English language was forbidden within the walls of our house), spent summers with relatives in Toronto or at a Ukrainian camp, enjoyed the occasional trip to Paris (it was still nice in the 1980s), our house was filled with the music of Haydn and Mozart.

    I have very close American childhood friends, and have far more sympathy and understanding for rural Americans than do my East Coast neighbors, friends and colleagues, but it wasn't much of an American upbringing. It was almost like being an exchange student.

    For AP, it’s more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the “noviops in Moscow”.
    Yes, she would be one. More Polish by descent than Russian (one parent was an ethnic Pole but the "Russian" parent was 1/4 Kalmyk).

    Dima: I will be in Italy later this summer. You are an expert on shoes. Anything you recommend? I have not bought any since my last trip to Moscow, in 2019. Not planning to go to Europe next year. I don't like shopping in the the USA, so this is my window to resupply. Will be going with my wife to this place:

    It is on the way from Milan airport to our destination on the Mediterranean coast.

    Any brands I should look for?

    Replies: @Dmitry

    , @Ivashka the fool

    Ну и зачем ты вообще всё это написал?

    Как после этого с тобой общаться?

    И главное зачем с тобой общаться...

  1059. AP says:
    @Mr. Hack

    The most famous convert, Yarema Vyshnevetsky, was also the most successful nation-builder of Ruthenian lands.
    A successful builder yes, but nationbuilder? His own son (grandson?) must have missed those Ukrainian nation building lessons, as he famously became a Polish king. Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church, most likely trying to build some goodwill, as so many of the Orthodox clergy had fallen behind Khmelnitsky and held legitimate grievance towards the absentee pro-Polish sczlachta and their Jewish latifundia land managers. In some ways, both Vyshnevetsky and Khmelnitsky resembled one another, both being individuals with huge egos that were using the war to press their own individual programs of self aggrandisement. Whether right or wrong, and in deference to both Shevchenko and Hrushevsky's own views, most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky's complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.
    Very large famous painting of Khmelnitsky (Mykola Ivasiuk, 19th century) on a white horse being greeted by all of Kyiv's citizenry as the "new Moses" liberating his people from the Polish yoke. Nothing comparable was ever created by any Ukrainian celebrating Vyshnevetsky's role in Ukrainian history that I'm aware of.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @AP

    Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church

    Because those were his people too.

    A prince’s patrimony is also the nation. So a prince who builds up his patrimony is also a nationbuolder.

    I posted this before, but this is what Yarema Vyshnevetsky, convert to Catholicism did:

    He expanded and reorganized the huge lands he owned, instituting policies that promoted settlement, industry and trade. His policies increased the population of lands under his control from 7,500 to over 230,000 (nearly the same population as Wales and Slovenia at that time). He started wool-making and potash industries that were able to export to Moscow and Western Europe. He financed schools and monasteries. He kept Ukraine safe from Tatar raids, crushing the Tatars in the battle of Okhmatov in 1644. He also seized lands from ethnic Polish noble families and added them to his own.

    Even after he was gone, the lands he cultivated on the Left Bank became the cradle of Left Bank Ukrainian culture.

    This is nation-building. Imagine if he had been able to continue this for another 20 years.

    What did the traitor Khmelnytsky do? He won some spectacular battles, and made Ukraine independent for about 6 years. But he destroyed more than he built. The Tatars whom Vyshnevetsky had crushed, were invited back into Ukraine by Khmelnytsky as allies, and a price for this alliance was that they were able to plunder Ukrainian lands and steal Ukrainian peasants as for the slave markets. Khmelnytsky’s own forces did a lot of plundering too. Ironically, plundering some of the Orthodox monasteries whom the Catholic convert Vyshnevetsky had financed. Did settlements increase, were towns built by him? And in the end, Khmelytsky brought Ukraine under the Muscovite tsar. A tragedy that Ukrainians have been trying to undo for centuries.

    most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.

    They are just following Hrushevsky’s lead.

    Hopefully more recent historians will offer a reappraisal.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    A prince’s patrimony is also the nation. So a prince who builds up his patrimony is also a nationbuiolder.
    Many a prominent member of the nobility presided over a patrimony that included several diverse ethnic groups. On behalf of what nation was Prince Frencek II Rakoczy fighting for against the Habsburg center in Vienna, that included a sizable grouping of Rusyns in Zakarpattya?

    most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.

    They are just following Hrushevsky’s lead.

    Actually, Hrushevsky was rather critical of Khmelnitsky's role as a nationbuilder, so the inspiration must have been original or taken from some other prominent Ukrainian historian such as Doroshenko, Lypkivsky?

    he [Hruhevsky] could not avoid criticizing Khmelnytskyi for his reliance on foreign entanglements without being prepared for consequences when he should have relied upon the Ukrainian people.86Hrushevsky ultimately portrayed Khmelnytskyi not as a “gifted state-builder” but an erratic and unpredictable leader who “schemed and intrigued too freely” and was fortunate to die when he did “for the burden of his mistakes fell to his successors.”8

    I'll credit him with one important attribute though, that was him being the initiator of the Cossack Hetmanate state. The first autonomous Ukrainian state to appear on Ukrainian lands since Kyivan Rus.

  1060. @Coconuts

    We all know the Islamic population is growing in the West, also in Russia. As I wrote, it’s not because Westerners are interested in Islam. It’s because of the economic immigration.
    There might also be a side to it that Ivashka mentioned earlier on, where demographic decline in the white population and poor relations between the sexes generates interest in Islam. While the white populations are declining the Islamic ones should still be relatively youthful and expanding, I hear mainstream political scientists starting to talk about the impact of 'demographic churn' in the next couple of decades.

    In the UK I can imagine some converts but mostly growth through natural increase in the current population and immigration, Pakistanis where half are married to close cousins seem to be too clannish to easily attract converts, similar with Bangladeshis. But in continental Europe with Turkish, Albanian, North African Muslims who are already semi-secular, it is not as hard to imagine them exerting influence on culture and in social life.

    There is the uncertainty about the influence of Woke, whether it will really shape culture in a lasting way, but among these activists there is the feminist/LGBT/Islam alliance that has emerged from radical politics.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    If we believe PEW, we know Islam is net negative for religious switching in Europe including United Kingdom. More people in the West exit Islam, than enter Islam.

    So, we know it is not successful in Europe, in terms of converting new people relative to continuing its previous members. In America, it is more successful, as it is net 0, instead of net negative. In Europe, it is negative.

    Increase in the Islamic population is by immigration, higher fertility rates and younger population/demographic momentum.

    In discussion with Bashibuzuk, I was interested in the status of the immigrants, because historically it is usually changing religion by the elite.

    This situation of people from failed states or poor countries, carrying a religion to the successful state or wealthy country is different than e.g. how Christianity is carried to Russia. Maybe there is something similar with Catholicism in the USA.

    The increase in Islam in Europe, because Islamic world is a poor, failing region, while Europe is wealthy and successful region. For example, if Europe is a poor, failing region, while Islamic world is a successful wealthy region. Would importing gastarbaiters from Europe change the religion of the Middle East to Christianity. I would guess, only if the main power was also moved to the gastarbaiters.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    Increase in the Islamic population is by immigration, higher fertility rates and younger population/demographic momentum.
    Afaik, usually these ideas about future conversions are more related to the future, when the impact of migration and the different demographics has started to have a more appreciable effect. So maybe in around 20 years, when the UK is moving closer to having around a 1/5 of the population from a Muslim background; in France it will be higher.

    It could be hard to imagine what this will be like and what effect it will have (UK Muslim population is around 6% iirc and for decades it was much lower), if you know what areas of the UK which already have large Pakistani/Bangladeshi populations are like perhaps you can speculate how things might be.

    This situation of people from failed states or poor countries, carrying a religion to the successful state or wealthy country is different than e.g. how Christianity is carried to Russia. Maybe there is something similar with Catholicism in the USA.
    There is also the example of Christianity in the later Roman Empire, where barbarian peoples moving into the empire and settling was linked with the rise of Christianity, or the spread of Islam in the first Arab conquests.

    Here more marginal populations ended up modifying the composition of the elite and the culture. Sometimes the rise of Christianity is also explained in relation to a 'first sexual revolution', where Christianity restrained male socio-sexuality and practices like infanticide, giving the Christian groups higher fertility.

    Currently Islam and Muslim minorities do have friends among the non-Muslim elite (you can see significant parliamentary initiatives like trying to make Islamophobia or criticism of Muslimness a hate offensive in the UK, the same thing in France), and there is momentum behind raising members of the Muslim communities into the current elites. I think it's uncertain what the overall effect of that will be.

    The increase in Islam in Europe, because Islamic world is a poor, failing region, while Europe is wealthy and successful region.
    Europe is wealthy but there seems to be some question about whether the European trajectory will continue to mean success in all respects. From the recent book 'Feminism against Progress':

    In less material ways, many of us have done something analagous, as we invited 'progress' into the deepest parts of our relational lives. Many mourn traumatic experiences or irreversible decisions we made along the way, too, based on promises of mastery that turned out to be insubstantial.
    Talking about the links between body modifcation and other forms of liberation.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1061. AP says:
    @Ivashka the fool

    Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian
    I can see Soviet people with his loyalty test demands. We have this enough of this culture from Putin, it's not so healthy

    Also there is a difference between a normal discussion about Russia and demands of someone's ego. Your posting quality was probably not that high in the recent thread, while you greedily demand people give you the cookie.

    By the way, I enjoy many of your posts where you discuss your personal experiences etc. But think about difference of value between adding interesting new information, or asking people to give you cookies.

    Dima has written lately that Russia is a “thrash bin of history” type of place
    When I was young, I thought it was funny phrase. But looking backwards, it feels more like a scientific description.

    You know people from 1970s Moscow, not understanding this is kind of predictable. I think your situation of your generation is interesting, not realistic.

    ommented highly about Israel which he clearly likes as a country


    I'm sure you noticed, Israel for me, is not some kind of ruthless plan for additional citizenships or countries. I actually had better options, from this point of view. I don't want to exaggerate I am somekind of refugee. Israel is one of my hobbies and I enjoy discussing this topic.

    It's like reading someone says "why do you like talking about this girl in your school, why don't talk about your mother".

    Well, I am here for entertainment and my comments are mostly what I wanted to post about.

    that Dima is a (fine) Jewish young man
    One of the reasons I was enjoying your posts, was this view I am Jewish. I'm imagining some kind of mystical rabbi.

    But to not steal other peoples' identity, there is a difference between Jewish roots and Jewish people. For me, the Jewish person in my family is in the third generation, which is a grandfather. So, you talk about people from a different category.

    are about one’s homeland also has nothing to do with one’s place of residence. Mr Hack and AP live in US of A


    They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them. It's not a comparable to our situation.

    For AP, it's more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the "noviops in Moscow".

    Replies: @AP, @Ivashka the fool

    ” Mr Hack and AP live in US of A” They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them.

    Family plays a role also, not just country, you know. I didn’t speak English until grade school. I’m told I still have a slight accent.


    I was sent to live with relatives who recreated the pre-war gentry lifestyle in the American countryside, in the same profession as the writer Bulgakov. Much land, extensive personal library, correspondence with friends and relatives abroad. I attended school with the locals, picked berries, buried treasures, went shooting in the woods (I was strange, and didn’t let anyone kill animals in my presence, only shot cans), enjoyed bonfire parties. But unlike the Americans, dinnertime discussions about Eastern European politics (the spoken English language was forbidden within the walls of our house), spent summers with relatives in Toronto or at a Ukrainian camp, enjoyed the occasional trip to Paris (it was still nice in the 1980s), our house was filled with the music of Haydn and Mozart.

    I have very close American childhood friends, and have far more sympathy and understanding for rural Americans than do my East Coast neighbors, friends and colleagues, but it wasn’t much of an American upbringing. It was almost like being an exchange student.

    For AP, it’s more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the “noviops in Moscow”.

    Yes, she would be one. More Polish by descent than Russian (one parent was an ethnic Pole but the “Russian” parent was 1/4 Kalmyk).

    Dima: I will be in Italy later this summer. You are an expert on shoes. Anything you recommend? I have not bought any since my last trip to Moscow, in 2019. Not planning to go to Europe next year. I don’t like shopping in the the USA, so this is my window to resupply. Will be going with my wife to this place:

    It is on the way from Milan airport to our destination on the Mediterranean coast.

    Any brands I should look for?

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    expert on shoes. Anything you recommend? I have not bought any
    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.

    In terms of the general vacation, I can give advice about Italy. My favorite city is shabby Napoli so my taste might be a bit different though.

    For handmade shoes, I'm not sure, I think most of the world's old shoe production is in a small area of England (this kind of factory, although there will be some in Italy, there is one factory in Budapest.

    If you can find a traditional factory, I think it's good to support that kind of industry. It seems to me, they care for the workers, continue skilled jobs in the local community. High prices are not so much problem in my opinion, if it goes to reward these kind of traditional workers.

    Replies: @Yahya

  1062. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    The annexation of 4 oblasts happened 6 months after Russia made the proposal in March 2022 - that's a long time in a war, things change. About EU: Russia could have made it crystal-clear, but why should they? In the perception war, Kiev or West never give an inch - even if they agree to a deal they busily deny it in public. Why should Russia be different?

    if Ukraine can’t totally win this war militarily, then a compromise deal could be UN-supervised plebiscites in Crimea and Donbass in exchange for Ukrainian NATO membership.
    If Kiev doesn't win they will have no standing to negotiate the above - what you suggest can only happen with Kiev's victory. Why would Russia agree to Nato in Ukraine or fake referendums if they are not defeated?

    If there is a stalemate - neither side wins - the areas controlled by Russia will be incorporated into Russia. Nato will stay out - hot border dispute or a fear of Russia's response will keep Nato from absorbing the rump Ukie state. This has been obvious since the war started - on that count Russia won in the first 24 hours.

    Some financial mutual deal is possible - it is less visible and may be to everyone's benefit. If Kiev fails to win they will make a much worse deal than Minsk or March 22. Or it will become a military-economic stalemate and the West will slowly abandon/devour what's left of Ukraine: people, resources, maybe even some territory.

    When you join a pack of wolves on a hunt and the hunt fails, the wolves turn on you and devour you - the Ukies joined the Nato hunt and if the hunt - the war on Russia - fails they will become the prey. A very simple ancient rule.

    Replies: @A123

    If Kiev doesn’t win they will have no standing to negotiate the above – what you suggest can only happen with Kiev’s victory. Why would Russia agree to Nato in Ukraine or fake referendums if they are not defeated?

    I know I have proposed this before, but… There are four outcomes:

        -1- Ukraine Wins
        -2- Ukraine Loses (absorbed by Russia)
        -3- Ukraine is forced to take a deal (worse than Minsk, but better than #2)
        -4- Ukraine becomes a failed state

    What benefits the immoral, open borders, European Empire the most?

    If Ukraine becomes a failed state it places huge pressure on border countries like Poland and Hungary. It is visually obvious that 1/3, probably more, “Ukrainian” refugees are actually MENA or sub-Saharan origin.

    Is #4 the Berlin/Paris/Brussels Axis plan? That is the most beneficial outcome for their SJW agenda.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Beckow

    The Euros don't have a plan and the Ukie refugees are not from MENA - I have not seen any, maybe there are some, but that is not the issue.

    You list four options, we may actually get pieces of all four - and the part about Ukraine becoming a failed state is almost certain. There is a 5th option: it is all blown up so the first four options are not too visible. You see, it would be too a Japanese harakiri, it would be seen as preferable to losing face.

    Replies: @A123

  1063. AP says:
    @AP’s not worse than driving in dense European cities.
    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro - walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US - the society failed in building infrastructure. My point was that Europe (esp. Central-East) invested in it and that is making those cities much better, more livable.

    You stubbornly defend the obvious US failure to do this - and Boston is among the better cities as I said above. It is a rolling catastrophe, as US massively increases its population the consequences are visible to everyone. Bringing in tens of millions migrants into this poor infrastructure leads to what looks like Third World slums in the cities, crime, poverty, filth.

    It was a Faustian bargain that is coming to an inevitable end. Western Europe is a little better but was forced by US to adopt the same policies: open borders, easy on crime, cars in the cities. Instead of defending the excretable Line D, try to think about that.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the "numbers" - we have had this argument before. You too often mindlessly "quote" numbers that are derived by half-ass and often biased sources, GNP or "quality of life". It is shallow. I suspect it is a result of you being like fish out of the water in the real world - too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools, and some Hollywood. By all means use numbers, but think about it. Krakow is simply not on the same level as Prague. There is a reason, but I doubt it is the "metro size"...

    Replies: @AP

    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro – walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US – the society failed in building infrastructure.

    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.

    Your people are relatively poor, so it is more efficient to depend on public transportation.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the “numbers”

    You, not me, were the one who brought in metro areas. Then you whine when you are shown that you were wrong about metro area population. But you were also wrong about city populations.

    It’s such a silly thing for you to lie about.

    too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools

    Just because you were brainwashed and repeat nonsense that you learned in your failed Socialist schools doesn’t man that everyone else was brainwashed in their own schools.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Many of us agree that we were brainwashed in our respective schools but have at least partially healed ourselves which is why we are here at Unz :)

    Boston subways are not nearly as scary as New York subways which can be horrifying. I can't imagine Chicago or Detroit. Like everything else, one can probably get used to it.

    Something like the following:

    Rational person (RP): "Watch out! There is a violent crazy guy in our subway car!"

    Delusional person (DP): "Don't worry about it, it's only one person."

    RP: "But he has a knife!"

    DP: "Only a knife and no gun? Take it easy. He will probably get off soon."

    The low population density and young age of the USA make transportation habits different from other places.

    I think one aspect of the American love affair with the automobile (outside of old large cities) is that many people from farming families turned into non-farming middle-class people as everyone moved off the farm in the 20th century. A lot of these people still like being close to the land with things more spaced out and the driving which goes with that. Similar demographic transitions in other places may have happened before cars were so available.

    On the other hand, there is a fairly credible story that General Motors intentionally wrecked the successful early public transportation systems in US cities to sell more cars and the US is still living with the effects of this crime.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Beckow

    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.
    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc...but I doubt you would understand.

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe. We have cars (not as many), but don't live for them, or "in them". You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful. It has destroyed your already very bad cities that have no space is not 1960's, in the meantime you brought in about 100 million people from the Third World.

    Fine, it was your choice, but don't push it on us. It is not "wealth", it is a form of stupidity. The adage that 'more you drive, less intelligent you are' holds true.

    It is also allows better control of you and that translates into a functional moron like you pontificating about how good you have it. Then why are you dreaming of Galicia? And your fake noble ancestors? Something doesn't add up here, you seem to be an incorrigible and frustrated poseur.

    Replies: @AP

  1064. @silviosilver

    My position can be already more unstable than people from some other countries. When you are guest in another’s house, we are not in position to complain about “they allow too many guests like me”, probably there is some karma here where we are asking for own deportation process.
    I've never doubted this is the real driving force behind your every word - such that when you sometimes give weird non-responses I've assumed it's because you can't bring yourself to admit certain things - but it's nice to hear you say it yourself. And sure, I understand. Now that you've tasted paradise, you'd rather lose an arm than be sent packing. Nothing unique here, it's the standard immigrant perspective.

    Really, I'm in the same boat too. If it ever got to the point that mass deportation became a live option, I doubt waving around a birth certificate would help me much, lol. The difference is I just don't care. To allow things to continue as they are spells certain doom for pretty much everything I value. Worst comes to worst and we all get deported? Well, at least you end up with your own people, and that's actually not such a bad outcome. (Except if they discovered that I supported the process that led to that fate, they'd probably tear me limb from limb.)

    Replies: @Greasy William, @Yahya, @Dmitry

    You think I secretly agree with you but somehow scared to say this because of social pressure. You are a bit like thinking of people in a religious cult, who don’t accept alternative views have possible truth, they can only be result of social pressures or politeness etc.

    It’s also possible I have a bad writing style. Often my posts, are not correctly understood.

    Meaning of my post, is just as I wrote. Because I’m an immigrant, I see from this perspective of an immigrant. I’m more scared of the people who give visas are too strict, than they are too unstrict. But it’s surely not objective, as I am guest in another’s house. So for this reason, I can guess my opinion is not useful in this area.

    You are talking to a high income person, saying you want to increase taxes. High income person might be trying to be consistent, but will probably not be objective. A helpful high income person, should explain this.

    I used to have more opinion about this topic in the past, now I think karma is playing with us. For example, I used to believe the open border between Kazakhstan and Russia is a problem.

    This is a border people walk over in the night. There is no barrier in many of the thousands of kilometres. A lot of the opium is carried from the Central Asia and this is partly adding to the main vector of the HIV epidemic.

    On the other hand, after 2022? If there could potential of a letter asking a person to join the military, is open border with Kazakhstan so much of a problem for the people?

    It’s like any of the engineering questions. Is it good to seal a building? If you are thinking about insulation? Or if you are thinking about internal carbon monoxide leaks?

    The change in the peoples’ perspective of seeing the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is unexpected. It’s almost like a “road to Damascus” for this topic. People were worrying about building’s lack insulation. But increasing insulation could help to kill the same people by carbon monoxide.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    You think I secretly agree with you but somehow scared to say this because of social pressure.
    Not because of "social pressure," but because of a legitimate fear of seeing anti-immigration attitudes harden. It's why when the various horrors of mass immigration are being discussed (or more accurately, lamented), you interject with some banal observation that the immigrants are seeking higher wagers - as if there were anybody here unaware of that fact. But as you say: "But it’s surely not objective, as I am guest in another’s house. So for this reason, I can guess my opinion is not useful in this area." I don't mean to pick on you or make you feel bad (if anything, I feel guilty for even bringing it up), but yeah, you got that right.

    The change in the peoples’ perspective of seeing the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is unexpected. It’s almost like a “road to Damascus” for this topic. People were worrying about building’s lack insulation. But increasing insulation could help to kill the same people by carbon monoxide.
    I'll take my chances with more insulation, thanks. If it starts choking me, not in a million years would I expect, say, the Chinese to coming rushing to my aid. (Of course, I would be grateful for any aid - as would anyone who finds himself in dire straits - but I wouldn't expect it.)

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1065. @Beckow

    The nuclear escalation apparently began with the West dropping out of the ABM treaty.
    That decision can't be explained in any other way than the West making it public that they will eventually attack Russia and try to neutralize Russia's nukes. Why else would they do it? The problem for the West is that Russia's nukes have not been neutralized, that part of the plan failed - but the rest of the plan has moved forward and predictably led us to this point.

    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them
    We cannot solve it by thinking or talking at all, the chasm is too wide, two different worlds - this will be resolved in a bloody confrontation. Too bad for us there is no easy way to limit what is used. Our best hope is that one side blinks - realistically, given the geography, it would have to be the West. And there is no sign that is happening. This could be it.

    If not, probably next time - some problems are simply not solvable. It was better to let the complex ethnic-economic-military mess of Ukraine lie dormant - the stupid attempt by Nato to win everything could turn out to be very costly, the worst mistake the West has ever made. But with the likes of Bush, Biden, Hillary, Obama, and the British retards like Blair or Cameron, are we really surprised?

    Replies: @QCIC

    When the USA dropped out of the ABM treaty I probably believed Russia would have similar ABM capabilities so ICBMs might become obsolete for both sides. This was a naive view, though at the time a popular meme was the USA had won the Cold War by outspending the USSR on “Star Wars” missile defense. This was all silly and I agree the West wanted to get a military edge on Russia which would be used to pressure them to unilaterally get rid of their nukes or something equally impossible.

    I still believe some faction wants the Pale of Settlement for old times’ sake and would prefer it to not be any more radioactive than it already is. Once they figure out the game is lost, new possibilities for negotiation may open up. Unfortunately the globalists seem to believe in conservation of misery so a new confrontation will be instigated somewhere else. Hopefully the next one will be less existential.

    • Replies: @Beckow

    ...the West wanted to get a military edge on Russia which would be used to pressure them to unilaterally get rid of their nukes or something equally impossible.
    That was the idea. To be fair, it is always the idea. It didn't work - it never really had a chance to work short of some miraculous technology transformation. The problem is that getting the "military edge on Russia" was the prerequisite for the other plans. But when the core item failed, the West continued persisting. That is pure idiocy, but these people are beyond reason, too committed.

    The crazy unhinged propaganda campaigns in the Western media - many here also adhere to them - exist to cheerlead the crazyness. If the toilets in Sochi leak and Ivan has just left Moscow for greener pastures in London, it naturally follows that Russia can be defeated. And if not, it will be for the lack of commitment by the likes of Trump or Orban who undermine the holy crusade.

    Pale of Settlement for old times’ sake and would prefer it to not be any more radioactive
    There is probably some of that - a bold long-term plan with no chance of success. But irrational plans are often fed by unbound dreams. It might be buried somewhere deep, but for practical policies it is very marginal.

    the globalists seem to believe in conservation of misery...
    The elites in history always do: the whole point of being an "elite" is that there is as much of a distance from the hoi polloi as possible, and that it preferably grows: wars, desperation, 'plagues'...and ever longer lines at airports for ever smaller airplane seats.

    The elites understand that hard work and misery are necessary - they build character, people hustle more, maintain proper attitude, compete with each other. Then it is repackaged as "freedom" - from what or for what is never asked. When domestic attitudes slacken, millions of migrants are brought in to improve the moral...or we get a war against the this-time-for-sure-it-is-another-Hitler. It currenly works, just look around. Until it doesn't.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1066. @AP

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.
    90% of Ukrainians opposed Ukraine's participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA after his likely involvement in the killing of the pro-Western journalist had soured relations.

    Yushchenko got Ukraine out of Iraq.

    Replies: @Sean, @Mr. XYZ

    Ukraine’s participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA

    Extremely convoluted reasoning that! Lets look at what Kuchma was saying and several years before to judge whether the Kremlin is to blame for Ukraine’s participation in the use of brute force to violently suppress popular Iraqi resistance to having their country invaded and occupied by armies from the other side of the world without a shred of self defense justification in international law.

    At the Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter Madrid 9 July 1997

    Opening Statement
    by the president of Ukraine, H.E. Kuchma

    In a few minutes the Charter on Special Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO will be signed. This historic document is going to be another convincing piece of evidence that the new security architecture, based on openness and partnership, is steadily being constructed in the European continent. In the conclusion of the Charter, the deep internal transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance is reflected, as well as the democratic course of Ukraine and its real gains in integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. […] Political will and sense, demonstrated by all the participants in the preparation of the Charter,allow us to affirm the following: Europe has changed and it is only through joint efforts that security in the content can be guaranteed. From now on, Ukraine and NATO are going to work together to that end. […] Ukraine has made its choice and is ready together with NATO member countries and the Alliance partners to take an active part in the construction of a secure future for Europe. And thus, for the whole world.

    Thank you for your attention.

    No Kuchma was not acting as an agent of the Kremlin , he just wanted to very slowly but surely take Ukraine into the Western camp. Ordinary Ukrainians cared not one whit about Iraqis being killed by Ukrainian forces helping Superpower-America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq , but when what Ukraine subjected Iraq to happened to was done to them they screamed (morality) like a stuck pig.

    • Replies: @AP

    I didn’t claim that the Kremlin was to blame for Ukraine’s participation in the Iraq war. I stated that they guy who did it was the more pro-Kremlin guy, Kuchma. He did it despite the opposition of 90% of Ukraine’s population. His successor, the pro-Western Yushchenko, took Ukraine out of Iraq.

    Kuchma did what he did because he wasn’t ready to cut ties with the USA and bringing Ukraine into Iraq was a way of compensating for the killing of the pro-Western journalist.

    Anyways, Ukraine’s participation was minimal.

  1067. @QCIC

    The Cold War and the nuclear weapons Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policy refute all of your thoughtful arguments.

    I think the Cold War idea is misleading for some. It is not a war that could start up at any time and needs to be avoided. This is a war which is already burning, all of the time, constantly. The concern is not starting it, but rather not accelerating down the dangerous slope to that fateful point where civilization as we know it gets destroyed in an hour. The various nuclear treaties calmed this risk down somewhat and Glasnost may have helped. When the Soviet Union dissolved that helped reduce tensions a bit more. Nuclear forces were shifted to reduced alert levels. Stockpiles were reduced. Joint ventures were undertaken to work on new expanded treaties which might eventually end the Cold War.

    As long as the Cold War existed, the main concern was always to avoid accelerating or escalating it. Remember it was always a war in progress, not one that needed to be started. Unlike all prior wars in human history nuclear war has the ability to escalate in an hour from an "all clear, things are copasetic" to "oh shit, we just killed a billion people and the Northern Hemisphere is all flaming radioactive rubble".

    This is why the NATO expansion and other stupidities are so tragically insane. The West was trading minor perceived gains, as parochial as they were, for escalation in the on-going largest war of human history. Sure, have your little tribalistic conflict in Ukraine, but outside forces must stay out. Do not allow it to grow to the point where it becomes a factor in the Cold War, which was already inflamed and accelerated by the West since the 1990s.

    When Russia unveiled the new strategic weapons in 2018 that was an opportunity for the West to back off, negotiate, do something sensible...anything! None of that happened.

    You are effectively arguing how many innocent Ukrainians and guilty Russians fit on the head of a pin. Why will it even matter if they are all dead? What if we get to the point where ALL of the Ukrainians end up dying just to avoid a nuclear war the West intentionally drove us into? Maybe you cheerleaders will say, "Oops! Sorry guys we didn't know this was going to get you all killed. My bad."

    Replies: @Mikel

    Thanks for that “thoughtful arguments” remark but I don’t know why you think anything you say refutes my position.

    In fact, at the very bottom of my position against wars in general and particularly against the justifications of the killing of civilians is my conviction that we need to get past the very low threshold we currently have to engage in both activities because otherwise we are doomed to eventually use the WMDs that we now have or the likely more destructive ones we will have in the future.

    I don’t think AP’s position of “we couldn’t help killing thousands of civilians because otherwise {insert a political outcome here} would have ensued and that would have been worse” is very popular among ordinary people anymore. Certainly not in Western Europe and probably neither in the US if you frame it properly. But it certainly is among our political leaders, as we’re witnessing right now. If our leaders’ only goal was to save the maximum amount of lives they would have just stayed out of the Ukraine war and only intervened in case of wanton massacres by either side. Instead, their current goal of helping Kiev win the war “for as long as it takes” doesn’t even take into consideration how many Ukrainian lives are going to be lost. For as long as it takes could well mean 1 or 2 million deaths but it’s somebody else doing all the dying, not their people, so what do they care?

    As long as waging wars is decided under such insensitive premises towards innocent human life (and the threshold is even lower outside of the Western world), there is no hope that sooner or later we will not start a new World War.

    But, even though you also keep bringing up the threat of WW3, I’m not sure how much we both have in common. You keep making totally unrealistic assessments of what the Russians are doing and yes, we acted moronically when the Russian threat was so low that they were actually willing to join NATO but Putin and his entourage are, if anything, worse. It takes two to tango. There would be no threat of WW3 if the Kremlin wasn’t also willing to annihilate millions if necessary for their political goals. Perhaps you have just spent too much time reading the likes of Unz, Saker and McGregor.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I am a child of the Cold War. I eventually recognized the Ukraine mess is simply part of that ongoing war.

    I didn't completely follow the dialog between you and AP, but my point is simple. Your search for theoretical moral boundaries is embedded in a larger conflict which is already happening. The moral clarity you seek at the level of neighbor killing neighbor is not as important as avoiding escalation in the ongoing larger conflict which could lead to the avoidable deaths of both neighbors.

    Life boat (emergency) morality scenarios are often instructive but misleading for day to day life. In this case we are living in a life boat scenario (MAD) so it is not misleading, it is real life. The West needs to stop pressing Russia or the lifeboat will sink.

    As far as I know, Russia did nothing to seriously escalate the situation before 2014, by which time this revived Cold War conflict was already a huge disaster created by the West. The actions taken by Russia between 2014 and 2022 are completely predictable, so I see them as the expected result of Western maneuvering.

    The military and diplomatic situation of Russia since 1990 brings to mind a dangerous large bear slowly being backed into a corner while growling and threatening. The West wanted to capture the animal and pull its teeth and claws and cut off its balls and put it in the circus. The foolish West saw and heard the obviously dangerous reactions of the bear and simply ignored them. At some point the bear cannot back up anymore and then fights. Did the bear lash out for no reason or was it foolishly provoked? If it was provoked, is the defensive reaction somehow the fault of the bear? Unfortunately we are not talking about a cruel person and a wild animal, but two nuclear-armed superpowers.

    I don't understand or trust Putin any more than I trust other World leaders. His actions suggest he has the interests of RusFed in mind. I suspect he wanted to be a collaborator with the West and only reluctantly became adversarial.

    Replies: @Mikel

  1068. @AP

    " Mr Hack and AP live in US of A" They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them.
    Family plays a role also, not just country, you know. I didn't speak English until grade school. I'm told I still have a slight accent.

    I was sent to live with relatives who recreated the pre-war gentry lifestyle in the American countryside, in the same profession as the writer Bulgakov. Much land, extensive personal library, correspondence with friends and relatives abroad. I attended school with the locals, picked berries, buried treasures, went shooting in the woods (I was strange, and didn't let anyone kill animals in my presence, only shot cans), enjoyed bonfire parties. But unlike the Americans, dinnertime discussions about Eastern European politics (the spoken English language was forbidden within the walls of our house), spent summers with relatives in Toronto or at a Ukrainian camp, enjoyed the occasional trip to Paris (it was still nice in the 1980s), our house was filled with the music of Haydn and Mozart.

    I have very close American childhood friends, and have far more sympathy and understanding for rural Americans than do my East Coast neighbors, friends and colleagues, but it wasn't much of an American upbringing. It was almost like being an exchange student.

    For AP, it’s more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the “noviops in Moscow”.
    Yes, she would be one. More Polish by descent than Russian (one parent was an ethnic Pole but the "Russian" parent was 1/4 Kalmyk).

    Dima: I will be in Italy later this summer. You are an expert on shoes. Anything you recommend? I have not bought any since my last trip to Moscow, in 2019. Not planning to go to Europe next year. I don't like shopping in the the USA, so this is my window to resupply. Will be going with my wife to this place:

    It is on the way from Milan airport to our destination on the Mediterranean coast.

    Any brands I should look for?

    Replies: @Dmitry

    expert on shoes. Anything you recommend? I have not bought any

    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.

    In terms of the general vacation, I can give advice about Italy. My favorite city is shabby Napoli so my taste might be a bit different though.

    For handmade shoes, I’m not sure, I think most of the world’s old shoe production is in a small area of England (this kind of factory, although there will be some in Italy, there is one factory in Budapest.

    If you can find a traditional factory, I think it’s good to support that kind of industry. It seems to me, they care for the workers, continue skilled jobs in the local community. High prices are not so much problem in my opinion, if it goes to reward these kind of traditional workers.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    + @AP

    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.
    For handmade Italian shoes:

    Comparison is the basis of judgement, so its a good idea to walk into 4-5 stores before making purchase decisions.

    Replies: @Mikel, @AP

  1069. @AP

    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro – walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US – the society failed in building infrastructure.
    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.

    Your people are relatively poor, so it is more efficient to depend on public transportation.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the “numbers”
    You, not me, were the one who brought in metro areas. Then you whine when you are shown that you were wrong about metro area population. But you were also wrong about city populations.

    It's such a silly thing for you to lie about.

    too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools
    Just because you were brainwashed and repeat nonsense that you learned in your failed Socialist schools doesn't man that everyone else was brainwashed in their own schools.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Beckow

    Many of us agree that we were brainwashed in our respective schools but have at least partially healed ourselves which is why we are here at Unz 🙂

    Boston subways are not nearly as scary as New York subways which can be horrifying. I can’t imagine Chicago or Detroit. Like everything else, one can probably get used to it.

    Something like the following:

    Rational person (RP): “Watch out! There is a violent crazy guy in our subway car!”

    Delusional person (DP): “Don’t worry about it, it’s only one person.”

    RP: “But he has a knife!”

    DP: “Only a knife and no gun? Take it easy. He will probably get off soon.”

    The low population density and young age of the USA make transportation habits different from other places.

    I think one aspect of the American love affair with the automobile (outside of old large cities) is that many people from farming families turned into non-farming middle-class people as everyone moved off the farm in the 20th century. A lot of these people still like being close to the land with things more spaced out and the driving which goes with that. Similar demographic transitions in other places may have happened before cars were so available.

    On the other hand, there is a fairly credible story that General Motors intentionally wrecked the successful early public transportation systems in US cities to sell more cars and the US is still living with the effects of this crime.

    • Replies: @AP

    Boston subways are not nearly as scary as New York subways which can be horrifying. I can’t imagine Chicago or Detroit.
    Chicago's L was great until recently. Detroit just has a monorail, called the People-mover. Locals call it the Mugger-mover.

    I think one aspect of the American love affair with the automobile (outside of old large cities) is that many people from farming families turned into non-farming middle-class people as everyone moved off the farm in the 20th century. A lot of these people still like being close to the land with things more spaced out and the driving which goes with that.
    There was some of that, but mostly it was urban people who got money and wanted to own their own place with a garage and two cars, rather than live in cramped urban flats where their immigrant parents or grandparents settled. The American Dream.

    On the other hand, there is a fairly credible story that General Motors intentionally wrecked the successful early public transportation systems in US cities to sell more cars
    This also played a role, but people were really desperate to leave the cities and move to where they had large houses, the freedom to drive whenever or wherever they wanted, personal yards, etc. This process began decades before cities became dangerous (in the 1970s), so it wasn't just about fleeing, though flight accelerated things.
  1070. @Dmitry

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.

    increasing number of Central Asians in Russia, because inside every Kazakh cab driver is a Tolstoy
    We discussed this topic many times in the forum and I already wrote many posts about it.

    The view in the past, I wrote. The wealthy countries should accept the falling population, instead of requiring to continue with the same population size or created a growing population by importing workers. This is possible with more of capital investment.


    The problems in Russia which has the world's largest open borders system, were not very secret.

    But I'm not sure you understand with the example about Kazakhstan you wrote. After 2022. In Kazakhstan, they are now more worried about Russians immigrating to their country, than Russians are worried about Kazakhs.

    Kazakhstan is now the destination country for immigrants from Russia. The question, are Russians a good Kazakh, not the other way round.

    My attitude also changed quite a bit, because of the exchanged positions. Instead of building border with Kazakhstan, it is hoped Kazakhstan doesn't build the border with Russia. Russians are the Mexicans now and Kazakhstan continuing the open border can save tens of thousands of Russian people.

    Replies: @Yahya

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.

    Sorry but your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret what you say.

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    Do population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role?

    Please clarify the extent you think genetics influences this outcome.

    Note that I’m not talking about IQ tests here (which I know you dismiss as mere puzzles), just raw intelligence.

    But this discussion becomes more unclear, when wild claims about complex systems like national development, people are introduced who would probably explain the reason India and China are not good in football,

    Okay, so you object to the notion that genetic factors play some role in determining national economic outcomes?

    Is this a complete objection or a partial one? In other words, do you think genetics plays no role in determining economic outcomes, or that it does, but you think it is overrated as an explanatory variable?

    Most people who object to HBD tend to argue against the straw-man that genetics determines 100% of economic developmental outcomes. But that is not the position held by most hereditarians (the sane ones at least). They recognize that North Korea, for example, is hindered by a dysfunctional governmental system which causes it to underperform South Korea by a considerable margin, even when the genetics is basically the same. Likewise nations can fluctuate in prosperity over time if cultural, institutional and other environmental variables cause performance to swing in certain directions (i.e. China lifting off after adopting market-based economics and good policies regarding infrastructure and education etc.)

    But none of these examples refute the HBD explanation, they merely diminish its correlation. Again, the correlation between average IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733), it would be wrong to dismiss it based on outliers and cherry-picked selections. That Mongolia, Ukraine, Argentina, and Vietnam are underdeveloped does not invalidate the hypothesis, because they are comparative rarities compared to the number of high-intelligence nations which have developed into upper-income economies:

    Australia (1987–present)
    Austria (1987–present)
    Belgium (1987–present)
    Canada (1987–present)
    Croatia (2008–2015, 2017–present)
    Cyprus (1988–present)
    Czech Republic (2006–present)
    Denmark (1987–present)
    Estonia (2006–present)
    Finland (1987–present)
    France (1987–present)
    Germany (1987–present)
    Greece (1996–present)
    Hungary (2007–11, 2014–present)
    Iceland (1987–present)
    Ireland (1987–present)
    Israel (1987–present)
    Italy (1987–present)
    Japan (1987–present)
    South Korea (1993–97, 1999–present)
    Latvia (2009, 2012–present)
    Liechtenstein (1994–present)
    Lithuania (2012–present)
    Luxembourg (1987–present)
    Malta (1989, 1998, 2000, 2002–present)
    Monaco (1994–present)
    Netherlands (1987–present)
    New Zealand (1987–present)
    Norway (1987–present)
    Poland (2009–present)
    Portugal (1994–present)
    Romania (2019, 2021–present)
    San Marino (1991–93, 2000–present)
    Singapore (1987–present)
    Slovakia (2007–present)
    Slovenia (1997–present)
    Spain (1987–present)
    Sweden (1987-present)
    Switzerland (1987–present)
    United Kingdom (1987–present)
    United States (1987–present)

    That is why the correlation between national intelligence and economic development is high. The North Koreas of the world are a rarity – in statistical terminology: outliers. Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples. You must look towards the bigger picture, maintain a large sample size, and utilize correlation co-efficients. You cannot cite North Korea or Ukraine’s relative poverty compared to South Korea or Norway, and proclaim “aha, I’ve shown how two countries with similar genetics can differ in material propriety, the biological argument is bunk!” That’s not how it works.

    National development is indeed multi-faceted and cannot be determined by genetics alone. As I wrote previously, there are cultural, institutional and geographic factors which must be taken into account when performing an analysis of any given nation. But it is folly to dismiss the biological argument because of outliers and mono-examples. When taken as a whole, the vast majority of nations that have developed into high-income economies in the industrial period are those with significant European or East Asian populations (and their congruent intelligence distributions). The handful of exceptions to this rule have experienced significant resource windfalls. Again, the exceptions do not invalidate the rule.

    The conclusion is that an intelligence distribution roughly equating to European or East Asian levels is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for developing into a high-income nation in the modern industrialized world. The only other way is to sit atop a mass of diamonds or fossil fuel reserves. There are ways for European and East Asian nations to muck-up and remain impoverished, and that is why intelligence is not a sufficient variable. But if you do not have a Euro/E-Asian proportion of intelligent people in your group, or no significant fossil fuel reserves, you’ve got an extremely low – almost non-existent – chance of developing into a first world country. Hence the reason why, outside of Argentina (heavy European population), Singapore (majority Chinese population) and Malaysia (significant Chinese population), not a single non-oil African, Arab, South Asian, or Latin American nation has reached the upper levels of economic development over the past 200 years. Meanwhile, 90% of European and East Asian nations have developed into upper income economies, and the rest are on their way.

    This is not a coincidence.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples.
    I don't disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.

    Replies: @Yahya

    , @Yevardian

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    [etc etc etc]

    I suppose it would be polite to preëmptively apologise in advance, for me to continue butting in to your ongoing HBD missionary work aimed at Dmitry, but again - this is a public forum. Also, if you've ever enjoyed (for example) utu or Gerard rudely insulting other users, you shouldn't be too thin-skinned if others start throwing things at you.
    So, no reason to get upset at anything 'personal', the only reason to 'ignore' someone is for being dull or fixated on a single-issue. We're just blocks of text here.

    I would recommend stopping these long HBD textwalls. I don't think it's your intention, but it's actually quite insulting to assume (on this blog's corpse of all places) that Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    You know that person at a social event or party who becomes an intolerable bore because he stop talking at someone about that one subject he just *knows* that he's 100% right about? You're being that guy. Don't be that guy.

    It's only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    Last thing this website needs is any more HBD/haplogroup posting... notice that practically all users here with strong scientific backgrounds (or at minimum, developed numerical skills) repeatedly expressed their contempt or total disinterest for these cottage-discussions... AnonFromTN, Gerard, utu, Dmitry, ThuleanFriend (he seemed in finance), even Ron Unz to some degree for the more 'enthusiastic' HBH bloggers.

    I didn't intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards 'a white trash racist'.... whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you've internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.
    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    Of course, its much easier to enjoy yourself comfortably, if you sincerely believe the surrounding slum-dwellers and hawkers, are poor because they're incurably stupid and so deserve it.

    That's a very harsh thing to say, and probably you haven't consciously framed your outlook in such a stark way. But perhaps you should reflect a little on that.

    It's very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.

    Of course it's very unfair to put you in that category, you're still young and live in your bubble. But you have to grow out of this unearned snobbishness at some point.
    Your ego can't be going around announcing things like "I'm extremely smart" (but its ok, because you're aware of it and thus humble), even half-jokingly and on an obscure internet forum.
    We all know, that despite whatever personas we attempt to construct online, most people are much more emotionally honest when anonymous, than in person. You need to curb that sort of egotism before it starts expressing itself in the real world, especially in a place with such gross wealth inequality as Egypt.

    Take this as friendly advice.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @Yahya

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    Intelligence is unarguably a factor. Getting all reductionist with it is very very likely going overboard.

    The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were centered in one culture. Max Weber was onto something even if his students blew it out of proportion. Heck, there might even be divine influence. I wouldn't want to make an argument but for sure we do not know.

    Your teacher who was angry about your comment subconsciously knew you were right. People often get angry when deep down they know they are in error and the anger is sourced in one element of their own self being angry at another and if you are unlucky you are not elsewhere.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1071. @Mikel

    Thanks for that "thoughtful arguments" remark but I don't know why you think anything you say refutes my position.

    In fact, at the very bottom of my position against wars in general and particularly against the justifications of the killing of civilians is my conviction that we need to get past the very low threshold we currently have to engage in both activities because otherwise we are doomed to eventually use the WMDs that we now have or the likely more destructive ones we will have in the future.

    I don't think AP's position of "we couldn't help killing thousands of civilians because otherwise {insert a political outcome here} would have ensued and that would have been worse" is very popular among ordinary people anymore. Certainly not in Western Europe and probably neither in the US if you frame it properly. But it certainly is among our political leaders, as we're witnessing right now. If our leaders' only goal was to save the maximum amount of lives they would have just stayed out of the Ukraine war and only intervened in case of wanton massacres by either side. Instead, their current goal of helping Kiev win the war "for as long as it takes" doesn't even take into consideration how many Ukrainian lives are going to be lost. For as long as it takes could well mean 1 or 2 million deaths but it's somebody else doing all the dying, not their people, so what do they care?

    As long as waging wars is decided under such insensitive premises towards innocent human life (and the threshold is even lower outside of the Western world), there is no hope that sooner or later we will not start a new World War.

    But, even though you also keep bringing up the threat of WW3, I'm not sure how much we both have in common. You keep making totally unrealistic assessments of what the Russians are doing and yes, we acted moronically when the Russian threat was so low that they were actually willing to join NATO but Putin and his entourage are, if anything, worse. It takes two to tango. There would be no threat of WW3 if the Kremlin wasn't also willing to annihilate millions if necessary for their political goals. Perhaps you have just spent too much time reading the likes of Unz, Saker and McGregor.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I am a child of the Cold War. I eventually recognized the Ukraine mess is simply part of that ongoing war.

    I didn’t completely follow the dialog between you and AP, but my point is simple. Your search for theoretical moral boundaries is embedded in a larger conflict which is already happening. The moral clarity you seek at the level of neighbor killing neighbor is not as important as avoiding escalation in the ongoing larger conflict which could lead to the avoidable deaths of both neighbors.

    Life boat (emergency) morality scenarios are often instructive but misleading for day to day life. In this case we are living in a life boat scenario (MAD) so it is not misleading, it is real life. The West needs to stop pressing Russia or the lifeboat will sink.

    As far as I know, Russia did nothing to seriously escalate the situation before 2014, by which time this revived Cold War conflict was already a huge disaster created by the West. The actions taken by Russia between 2014 and 2022 are completely predictable, so I see them as the expected result of Western maneuvering.

    The military and diplomatic situation of Russia since 1990 brings to mind a dangerous large bear slowly being backed into a corner while growling and threatening. The West wanted to capture the animal and pull its teeth and claws and cut off its balls and put it in the circus. The foolish West saw and heard the obviously dangerous reactions of the bear and simply ignored them. At some point the bear cannot back up anymore and then fights. Did the bear lash out for no reason or was it foolishly provoked? If it was provoked, is the defensive reaction somehow the fault of the bear? Unfortunately we are not talking about a cruel person and a wild animal, but two nuclear-armed superpowers.

    I don’t understand or trust Putin any more than I trust other World leaders. His actions suggest he has the interests of RusFed in mind. I suspect he wanted to be a collaborator with the West and only reluctantly became adversarial.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    His actions suggest he has the interests of RusFed in mind.
    The interests of the RusFed political entity and the interests of the people living in Russia are different things. Hitler's problem was not that he didn't care a lot about Germany's greatness.

    Replies: @QCIC

  1072. A123 says: • Website

    I am a child of the Cold War. I eventually recognized the Ukraine mess is simply part of that ongoing war.

    While that is the most commonly accepted narrative. There is a HUGE disconnect.

    If it was a Cold War extension, the European Empire would be fighting to win. Can you, or anyone else, explain how the European WEF’s Kiev regime is going to “win”? Push RF forces out of Crimea? FFS, are these nutters kidding or delusional?

    Despite the broad narrative, the facts point elsewhere — This is not an extension of the Cold War. That is an excuse. There is a different, much more modern, SJW European agenda directing this European conflict.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @QCIC

    I don't think this is a commonly accepted narrative at all. Most people are too simplistic even to make it to that point.

    Post-WW2 we had the US-Anglo Empire and the Soviet Union and that made the Cold war. Europe was secondary in that regard except for financing globalism.

    You could turn my favored theory around and say the USA is another pawn along with Ukraine. Then you are left with a Zionest drive to reclaim Ukraine. Unfortunately for this notion, Zionist power seems to be partially centered in the USA, so it is not so plausible to see the USA as a pawn. If USA troops start dying in Ukraine in large numbers this theory may look a little stronger.

    For your gambit, I would suggest the real motivation for the Ukraine conflict is for Islamo-Judeo-Turkic forces to reclaim Crimea and the rest is just a stepping stone to that end. This looks like a very dark horse theory to me, but I certainly wouldn't put it past Erdogan and his Donmeh. You will have to work out the details. While you are at it, get some facts on Kolomoisky, maybe he is actually Islamic and the Menora center is just a bold ruse? Again, these guys are all so crazy I'm not willing to rule anything out. My first question would be what is the relationship between NAZI ideology and Islam? I'm sure someone here can give a dissertation on this topic which might actually be pretty interesting. Especially if it involves influential but not well known esoteric ideas and imperatives from the various camps.

    Replies: @A123

  1073. @Dmitry

    expert on shoes. Anything you recommend? I have not bought any
    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.

    In terms of the general vacation, I can give advice about Italy. My favorite city is shabby Napoli so my taste might be a bit different though.

    For handmade shoes, I'm not sure, I think most of the world's old shoe production is in a small area of England (this kind of factory, although there will be some in Italy, there is one factory in Budapest.

    If you can find a traditional factory, I think it's good to support that kind of industry. It seems to me, they care for the workers, continue skilled jobs in the local community. High prices are not so much problem in my opinion, if it goes to reward these kind of traditional workers.

    Replies: @Yahya


    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.

    For handmade Italian shoes:

    Comparison is the basis of judgement, so its a good idea to walk into 4-5 stores before making purchase decisions.

    • Replies: @Mikel

    its a good idea to walk into 4-5 stores before making purchase decisions
    You're going to make your wife the happiest woman in the world.
    , @AP

    What do you think of Baldinini? My wife once got some fantastic boots from her mom as a gift.

    Replies: @Yahya

  1074. @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    Vyshnevetsky was an ambitious nobleman who was building up his own private patrimony, that just happened to include a lot of Ukrainian peasants. He was generous towards the Orthodox church
    Because those were his people too.

    A prince's patrimony is also the nation. So a prince who builds up his patrimony is also a nationbuolder.

    I posted this before, but this is what Yarema Vyshnevetsky, convert to Catholicism did:

    He expanded and reorganized the huge lands he owned, instituting policies that promoted settlement, industry and trade. His policies increased the population of lands under his control from 7,500 to over 230,000 (nearly the same population as Wales and Slovenia at that time). He started wool-making and potash industries that were able to export to Moscow and Western Europe. He financed schools and monasteries. He kept Ukraine safe from Tatar raids, crushing the Tatars in the battle of Okhmatov in 1644. He also seized lands from ethnic Polish noble families and added them to his own.

    Even after he was gone, the lands he cultivated on the Left Bank became the cradle of Left Bank Ukrainian culture.

    This is nation-building. Imagine if he had been able to continue this for another 20 years.

    What did the traitor Khmelnytsky do? He won some spectacular battles, and made Ukraine independent for about 6 years. But he destroyed more than he built. The Tatars whom Vyshnevetsky had crushed, were invited back into Ukraine by Khmelnytsky as allies, and a price for this alliance was that they were able to plunder Ukrainian lands and steal Ukrainian peasants as for the slave markets. Khmelnytsky's own forces did a lot of plundering too. Ironically, plundering some of the Orthodox monasteries whom the Catholic convert Vyshnevetsky had financed. Did settlements increase, were towns built by him? And in the end, Khmelytsky brought Ukraine under the Muscovite tsar. A tragedy that Ukrainians have been trying to undo for centuries.

    most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.
    They are just following Hrushevsky's lead.

    Hopefully more recent historians will offer a reappraisal.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

    A prince’s patrimony is also the nation. So a prince who builds up his patrimony is also a nationbuiolder.

    Many a prominent member of the nobility presided over a patrimony that included several diverse ethnic groups. On behalf of what nation was Prince Frencek II Rakoczy fighting for against the Habsburg center in Vienna, that included a sizable grouping of Rusyns in Zakarpattya?

    most Ukrainian historians have elevated Khmelnitsky’s complicated image and legacy as the more important nationbuilder of the two.

    They are just following Hrushevsky’s lead.

    Actually, Hrushevsky was rather critical of Khmelnitsky’s role as a nationbuilder, so the inspiration must have been original or taken from some other prominent Ukrainian historian such as Doroshenko, Lypkivsky?

    he [Hruhevsky] could not avoid criticizing Khmelnytskyi for his reliance on foreign entanglements without being prepared for consequences when he should have relied upon the Ukrainian people.86Hrushevsky ultimately portrayed Khmelnytskyi not as a “gifted state-builder” but an erratic and unpredictable leader who “schemed and intrigued too freely” and was fortunate to die when he did “for the burden of his mistakes fell to his successors.”8

    I’ll credit him with one important attribute though, that was him being the initiator of the Cossack Hetmanate state. The first autonomous Ukrainian state to appear on Ukrainian lands since Kyivan Rus.

  1075. @Yahya

    + @AP

    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.
    For handmade Italian shoes:

    Comparison is the basis of judgement, so its a good idea to walk into 4-5 stores before making purchase decisions.

    Replies: @Mikel, @AP

    its a good idea to walk into 4-5 stores before making purchase decisions

    You’re going to make your wife the happiest woman in the world.

    • LOL: Yevardian
  1076. @QCIC

    I am a child of the Cold War. I eventually recognized the Ukraine mess is simply part of that ongoing war.

    I didn't completely follow the dialog between you and AP, but my point is simple. Your search for theoretical moral boundaries is embedded in a larger conflict which is already happening. The moral clarity you seek at the level of neighbor killing neighbor is not as important as avoiding escalation in the ongoing larger conflict which could lead to the avoidable deaths of both neighbors.

    Life boat (emergency) morality scenarios are often instructive but misleading for day to day life. In this case we are living in a life boat scenario (MAD) so it is not misleading, it is real life. The West needs to stop pressing Russia or the lifeboat will sink.

    As far as I know, Russia did nothing to seriously escalate the situation before 2014, by which time this revived Cold War conflict was already a huge disaster created by the West. The actions taken by Russia between 2014 and 2022 are completely predictable, so I see them as the expected result of Western maneuvering.

    The military and diplomatic situation of Russia since 1990 brings to mind a dangerous large bear slowly being backed into a corner while growling and threatening. The West wanted to capture the animal and pull its teeth and claws and cut off its balls and put it in the circus. The foolish West saw and heard the obviously dangerous reactions of the bear and simply ignored them. At some point the bear cannot back up anymore and then fights. Did the bear lash out for no reason or was it foolishly provoked? If it was provoked, is the defensive reaction somehow the fault of the bear? Unfortunately we are not talking about a cruel person and a wild animal, but two nuclear-armed superpowers.

    I don't understand or trust Putin any more than I trust other World leaders. His actions suggest he has the interests of RusFed in mind. I suspect he wanted to be a collaborator with the West and only reluctantly became adversarial.

    Replies: @Mikel

    His actions suggest he has the interests of RusFed in mind.

    The interests of the RusFed political entity and the interests of the people living in Russia are different things. Hitler’s problem was not that he didn’t care a lot about Germany’s greatness.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Sure, but I think this is a secondary issue for the Ukraine crisis. I think the Ukraine problem would have been similar without Putin, but might have escalated sooner and more dramatically. This seems to be what the West hoped for, but the team Putin represents was patient and prepared Russia carefully before mounting a serious reaction. The result would be the same for Ukraine, they are pawns independently of the leadership in Russia. I don't know how to help the fine citizens of Russia any more than I know how to help the fine citizens of the USA. I do know that WW3 will be bad for most of us.

  1077. @Yahya

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.
    Sorry but your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret what you say.

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    Do population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role?

    Please clarify the extent you think genetics influences this outcome.

    Note that I’m not talking about IQ tests here (which I know you dismiss as mere puzzles), just raw intelligence.

    But this discussion becomes more unclear, when wild claims about complex systems like national development, people are introduced who would probably explain the reason India and China are not good in football,
    Okay, so you object to the notion that genetic factors play some role in determining national economic outcomes?

    Is this a complete objection or a partial one? In other words, do you think genetics plays no role in determining economic outcomes, or that it does, but you think it is overrated as an explanatory variable?

    Most people who object to HBD tend to argue against the straw-man that genetics determines 100% of economic developmental outcomes. But that is not the position held by most hereditarians (the sane ones at least). They recognize that North Korea, for example, is hindered by a dysfunctional governmental system which causes it to underperform South Korea by a considerable margin, even when the genetics is basically the same. Likewise nations can fluctuate in prosperity over time if cultural, institutional and other environmental variables cause performance to swing in certain directions (i.e. China lifting off after adopting market-based economics and good policies regarding infrastructure and education etc.)

    But none of these examples refute the HBD explanation, they merely diminish its correlation. Again, the correlation between average IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733), it would be wrong to dismiss it based on outliers and cherry-picked selections. That Mongolia, Ukraine, Argentina, and Vietnam are underdeveloped does not invalidate the hypothesis, because they are comparative rarities compared to the number of high-intelligence nations which have developed into upper-income economies:

    Australia (1987–present)
    Austria (1987–present)
    Belgium (1987–present)
    Canada (1987–present)
    Croatia (2008–2015, 2017–present)
    Cyprus (1988–present)
    Czech Republic (2006–present)
    Denmark (1987–present)
    Estonia (2006–present)
    Finland (1987–present)
    France (1987–present)
    Germany (1987–present)
    Greece (1996–present)
    Hungary (2007–11, 2014–present)
    Iceland (1987–present)
    Ireland (1987–present)
    Israel (1987–present)
    Italy (1987–present)
    Japan (1987–present)
    South Korea (1993–97, 1999–present)
    Latvia (2009, 2012–present)
    Liechtenstein (1994–present)
    Lithuania (2012–present)
    Luxembourg (1987–present)
    Malta (1989, 1998, 2000, 2002–present)
    Monaco (1994–present)
    Netherlands (1987–present)
    New Zealand (1987–present)
    Norway (1987–present)
    Poland (2009–present)
    Portugal (1994–present)
    Romania (2019, 2021–present)
    San Marino (1991–93, 2000–present)
    Singapore (1987–present)
    Slovakia (2007–present)
    Slovenia (1997–present)
    Spain (1987–present)
    Sweden (1987-present)
    Switzerland (1987–present)
    United Kingdom (1987–present)
    United States (1987–present)

    That is why the correlation between national intelligence and economic development is high. The North Koreas of the world are a rarity - in statistical terminology: outliers. Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples. You must look towards the bigger picture, maintain a large sample size, and utilize correlation co-efficients. You cannot cite North Korea or Ukraine’s relative poverty compared to South Korea or Norway, and proclaim “aha, I’ve shown how two countries with similar genetics can differ in material propriety, the biological argument is bunk!” That’s not how it works.

    National development is indeed multi-faceted and cannot be determined by genetics alone. As I wrote previously, there are cultural, institutional and geographic factors which must be taken into account when performing an analysis of any given nation. But it is folly to dismiss the biological argument because of outliers and mono-examples. When taken as a whole, the vast majority of nations that have developed into high-income economies in the industrial period are those with significant European or East Asian populations (and their congruent intelligence distributions). The handful of exceptions to this rule have experienced significant resource windfalls. Again, the exceptions do not invalidate the rule.

    The conclusion is that an intelligence distribution roughly equating to European or East Asian levels is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for developing into a high-income nation in the modern industrialized world. The only other way is to sit atop a mass of diamonds or fossil fuel reserves. There are ways for European and East Asian nations to muck-up and remain impoverished, and that is why intelligence is not a sufficient variable. But if you do not have a Euro/E-Asian proportion of intelligent people in your group, or no significant fossil fuel reserves, you’ve got an extremely low - almost non-existent - chance of developing into a first world country. Hence the reason why, outside of Argentina (heavy European population), Singapore (majority Chinese population) and Malaysia (significant Chinese population), not a single non-oil African, Arab, South Asian, or Latin American nation has reached the upper levels of economic development over the past 200 years. Meanwhile, 90% of European and East Asian nations have developed into upper income economies, and the rest are on their way.

    This is not a coincidence.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples.

    I don’t disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    I don’t disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.
    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.

    I will throw a part when it happens.


    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    What sort of changes does he think needs to occur to make that happen?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel, @Emil Nikola Richard

  1078. @Mikel

    His actions suggest he has the interests of RusFed in mind.
    The interests of the RusFed political entity and the interests of the people living in Russia are different things. Hitler's problem was not that he didn't care a lot about Germany's greatness.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Sure, but I think this is a secondary issue for the Ukraine crisis. I think the Ukraine problem would have been similar without Putin, but might have escalated sooner and more dramatically. This seems to be what the West hoped for, but the team Putin represents was patient and prepared Russia carefully before mounting a serious reaction. The result would be the same for Ukraine, they are pawns independently of the leadership in Russia. I don’t know how to help the fine citizens of Russia any more than I know how to help the fine citizens of the USA. I do know that WW3 will be bad for most of us.

  1079. @Dmitry

    You think I secretly agree with you but somehow scared to say this because of social pressure. You are a bit like thinking of people in a religious cult, who don't accept alternative views have possible truth, they can only be result of social pressures or politeness etc.

    It's also possible I have a bad writing style. Often my posts, are not correctly understood.

    Meaning of my post, is just as I wrote. Because I'm an immigrant, I see from this perspective of an immigrant. I'm more scared of the people who give visas are too strict, than they are too unstrict. But it's surely not objective, as I am guest in another’s house. So for this reason, I can guess my opinion is not useful in this area.

    You are talking to a high income person, saying you want to increase taxes. High income person might be trying to be consistent, but will probably not be objective. A helpful high income person, should explain this.

    I used to have more opinion about this topic in the past, now I think karma is playing with us. For example, I used to believe the open border between Kazakhstan and Russia is a problem.

    This is a border people walk over in the night. There is no barrier in many of the thousands of kilometres. A lot of the opium is carried from the Central Asia and this is partly adding to the main vector of the HIV epidemic.

    On the other hand, after 2022? If there could potential of a letter asking a person to join the military, is open border with Kazakhstan so much of a problem for the people?

    It’s like any of the engineering questions. Is it good to seal a building? If you are thinking about insulation? Or if you are thinking about internal carbon monoxide leaks?

    The change in the peoples’ perspective of seeing the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is unexpected. It’s almost like a “road to Damascus” for this topic. People were worrying about building’s lack insulation. But increasing insulation could help to kill the same people by carbon monoxide.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    You think I secretly agree with you but somehow scared to say this because of social pressure.

    Not because of “social pressure,” but because of a legitimate fear of seeing anti-immigration attitudes harden. It’s why when the various horrors of mass immigration are being discussed (or more accurately, lamented), you interject with some banal observation that the immigrants are seeking higher wagers – as if there were anybody here unaware of that fact. But as you say: “But it’s surely not objective, as I am guest in another’s house. So for this reason, I can guess my opinion is not useful in this area.” I don’t mean to pick on you or make you feel bad (if anything, I feel guilty for even bringing it up), but yeah, you got that right.

    The change in the peoples’ perspective of seeing the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is unexpected. It’s almost like a “road to Damascus” for this topic. People were worrying about building’s lack insulation. But increasing insulation could help to kill the same people by carbon monoxide.

    I’ll take my chances with more insulation, thanks. If it starts choking me, not in a million years would I expect, say, the Chinese to coming rushing to my aid. (Of course, I would be grateful for any aid – as would anyone who finds himself in dire straits – but I wouldn’t expect it.)

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    “social pressure,” but because of a legitimate fear of seeing anti-immigration attitudes
    I've noticed before you write like I'm secretly agreeing, just scared to say it. Have you thought about how your thinking is similar to someone in a religious cult?

    Just because you can have views which are unpopular in your context, doesn't imply they are correct or people are secretly agreeing with you.

    If you feel like you are some missionary for your views, it's possible you would benefit from talking to people with different views, not so you can try to change their opinion, but also because alternatives can also be interesting, true or false, or more likely partially true and false as in most discussion of the complex topics.

    ou interject with some banal observation that the immigrants are seeking higher wagers – as if there were anybody here unaware of that fact
    These are some of the main features of the system of world immigration. If you want to predict what will happen, change outcomes, it will be through these pathways, or related to them. It's not banal to discuss, more than talking about weather will involve discussion of air pressures.

    For example, if the world becomes more economically equal, there would be less incentives for immigration, also vice-versa. If the world has less dysfunctional countries without human rights, there would be less incentives for immigration, also vice versa.

    You can also talk possible disincentives of the first world countries, like building walls, deportations etc. But the incentives are more powerful in many ways, so even countries which try a strict policy like Japan are having quite a few immigrants today.

    Other important parts of the system are connection to fertility rates, incentives of businesses to import labor, expand size of internal markets by population growth etc.

    If someone wants to reduce immigration, one of the main aspects is to accept positive aspects of reduction of population, which is not popular to talk about in this forum where a lot of people think the world will end if developed countries reduce their population.

    I’ll take my chances with more insulation, thanks. If it starts choking me, not in a million years would I expect, say, the Chinese to coming rushing to my aid. (Of course, I would be grateful for any aid – as would anyone who finds himself


    Because your experience has not been my one.

    If someone has almost been killed by the cold outside, they might become obsessed about insulating their building.

    If someone has almost been killed by the internal carbon monoxide leak, they might become obsessed about ventilating their building.

    To explain some of my change of attitude after 2022, it's the experience of internal carbon monoxide leak. It's when your government is more likely to be cause of your death and you are forced to see the ventilated border as possible to save your life.

    For this reason, the viewpoint has a lot of subjective change. You are talking to someone who could have been killed by the carbon monoxide poisoning if their building is not ventilated adequately.

    This doesn't mean my viewpoint is incorrect, or I am secretly agreeing with you just worried about the social pressure. In the past I had views more for the filtered immigration, more similar to Navalny. But after 2022, if you need to think how to climb from Russia in an emergency, then the attitude to the visas and border guards is forced to change.

    As for the discussion about Islam in Europe etc, as I said the future size of the religion will be determined by Europe's immigration policies and situation in the Islamic world. A concept of Europe converting to Islam is not likely with the current trend which Islam is not popular among the non-Muslims.

    Replies: @silviosilver

  1080. I will throw a party the day I see an SSA nation start to resemble Germany or Japan.

    I wouldn’t. That would actually be its own kind of nightmare. There’s no guarantee they will become laidback liberals, dreaming of world peace. There’s far more reason to think they’ll become racist supremacist and continue prosecuting their vendetta against groups they feel historically wronged them, only now with increased power at their disposal.

    • Replies: @Matra

    You might be interested to hear Rienzi/JW Holliday/TedSallis speaking - here

    He sounds like he's from Brooklyn or somewhere else on Long Island. A lot of Italians are from there.

    After supposedly anti-communist Russians creamed themselves with excitement when Babushka Z greeted Russian troops with a Soviet flag (April/May 2022) I figured the Russians were regressing to Sovokism or had never got beyond it in the first place. Now their state news agency has gone full retard claiming again, that "the Polish officers at Katyn were shot by the Nazis...not by the NKVD...". I guess they never really changed. Maybe the loss of human capital AK blogged about due to the Russian Revolution finished off Russia for good.

    Replies: @silviosilver

  1081. @Mikel

    Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples.
    I don't disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.

    Replies: @Yahya

    I don’t disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.

    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.

    I will throw a part when it happens.


    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    What sort of changes does he think needs to occur to make that happen?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.
    Wakanda lol.

    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.
    Voluntary eugenics on an extraordinary massive scale. Or simply have Africa fight Gnon for an extremely long time. Or both.
    , @Mikel

    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.
    Not so long ago, when Marxism-Leninism and national/social liberation movements were still in vogue, that was an easy question to answer. Capitalism had entered its final stage of Imperialism and could only survive by exploiting the people and resources of the Third World. Socialism would solve that problem.

    Ironically, I suspect that Dmitry's answer today would be the opposite. British imperialism in Nigeria wasn't thorough enough and they left before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :]

    Replies: @Beckow, @Dmitry

    , @Emil Nikola Richard

    > scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    CRISPR & nanotechnology!

    Serious people who score really great on intelligence quotient tests believe it.

    This is only 19 days old and not a bad place to begin:

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

  1082. @A123

    I am a child of the Cold War. I eventually recognized the Ukraine mess is simply part of that ongoing war.
    While that is the most commonly accepted narrative. There is a HUGE disconnect.

    If it was a Cold War extension, the European Empire would be fighting to win. Can you, or anyone else, explain how the European WEF's Kiev regime is going to "win"? Push RF forces out of Crimea? FFS, are these nutters kidding or delusional?

    Despite the broad narrative, the facts point elsewhere -- This is not an extension of the Cold War. That is an excuse. There is a different, much more modern, SJW European agenda directing this European conflict.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @QCIC

    I don’t think this is a commonly accepted narrative at all. Most people are too simplistic even to make it to that point.

    Post-WW2 we had the US-Anglo Empire and the Soviet Union and that made the Cold war. Europe was secondary in that regard except for financing globalism.

    You could turn my favored theory around and say the USA is another pawn along with Ukraine. Then you are left with a Zionest drive to reclaim Ukraine. Unfortunately for this notion, Zionist power seems to be partially centered in the USA, so it is not so plausible to see the USA as a pawn. If USA troops start dying in Ukraine in large numbers this theory may look a little stronger.

    For your gambit, I would suggest the real motivation for the Ukraine conflict is for Islamo-Judeo-Turkic forces to reclaim Crimea and the rest is just a stepping stone to that end. This looks like a very dark horse theory to me, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past Erdogan and his Donmeh. You will have to work out the details. While you are at it, get some facts on Kolomoisky, maybe he is actually Islamic and the Menora center is just a bold ruse? Again, these guys are all so crazy I’m not willing to rule anything out. My first question would be what is the relationship between NAZI ideology and Islam? I’m sure someone here can give a dissertation on this topic which might actually be pretty interesting. Especially if it involves influential but not well known esoteric ideas and imperatives from the various camps.

    • Replies: @A123

    You could turn my favored theory around and say the USA is another pawn along with Ukraine.
    Indeed true. Not-The-President Biden is a puppet for the Islamophile European Empire.

    Then you are left with a Zionest drive to reclaim Ukraine.
    This statement makes no sense. There is no Zionist drive, nor a desire to claim. The term "reclaim" is illiterate as they never held the land.

    The purpose of (((Muhammad))) and (((Allah))) is to create a failed state in Ukraine for the exclusive benefit of (((Islam))). European leaders like Scholz and Macron are fully onboard with this hatred of traditional Judeo-Christian values.

    For your gambit
    I have no gambit. Making accurate observations does not impact the outcome.

    My first question would be what is the relationship between NAZI ideology and Islam?
    You are asking the wrong question. Support does not necessarily imply ideological compatibility.

    Instead try, "Why do Open [Muslim] Border factions support Kiev aggression?" The obvious answer is that it weakens border controls. That question is much more informative.

    (((Muslim))) weakening of borders benefits (((Jihadists))) invading Europe.

    PEACE 😇

  1083. @Yahya

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.
    Sorry but your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret what you say.

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    Do population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role?

    Please clarify the extent you think genetics influences this outcome.

    Note that I’m not talking about IQ tests here (which I know you dismiss as mere puzzles), just raw intelligence.

    But this discussion becomes more unclear, when wild claims about complex systems like national development, people are introduced who would probably explain the reason India and China are not good in football,
    Okay, so you object to the notion that genetic factors play some role in determining national economic outcomes?

    Is this a complete objection or a partial one? In other words, do you think genetics plays no role in determining economic outcomes, or that it does, but you think it is overrated as an explanatory variable?

    Most people who object to HBD tend to argue against the straw-man that genetics determines 100% of economic developmental outcomes. But that is not the position held by most hereditarians (the sane ones at least). They recognize that North Korea, for example, is hindered by a dysfunctional governmental system which causes it to underperform South Korea by a considerable margin, even when the genetics is basically the same. Likewise nations can fluctuate in prosperity over time if cultural, institutional and other environmental variables cause performance to swing in certain directions (i.e. China lifting off after adopting market-based economics and good policies regarding infrastructure and education etc.)

    But none of these examples refute the HBD explanation, they merely diminish its correlation. Again, the correlation between average IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733), it would be wrong to dismiss it based on outliers and cherry-picked selections. That Mongolia, Ukraine, Argentina, and Vietnam are underdeveloped does not invalidate the hypothesis, because they are comparative rarities compared to the number of high-intelligence nations which have developed into upper-income economies:

    Australia (1987–present)
    Austria (1987–present)
    Belgium (1987–present)
    Canada (1987–present)
    Croatia (2008–2015, 2017–present)
    Cyprus (1988–present)
    Czech Republic (2006–present)
    Denmark (1987–present)
    Estonia (2006–present)
    Finland (1987–present)
    France (1987–present)
    Germany (1987–present)
    Greece (1996–present)
    Hungary (2007–11, 2014–present)
    Iceland (1987–present)
    Ireland (1987–present)
    Israel (1987–present)
    Italy (1987–present)
    Japan (1987–present)
    South Korea (1993–97, 1999–present)
    Latvia (2009, 2012–present)
    Liechtenstein (1994–present)
    Lithuania (2012–present)
    Luxembourg (1987–present)
    Malta (1989, 1998, 2000, 2002–present)
    Monaco (1994–present)
    Netherlands (1987–present)
    New Zealand (1987–present)
    Norway (1987–present)
    Poland (2009–present)
    Portugal (1994–present)
    Romania (2019, 2021–present)
    San Marino (1991–93, 2000–present)
    Singapore (1987–present)
    Slovakia (2007–present)
    Slovenia (1997–present)
    Spain (1987–present)
    Sweden (1987-present)
    Switzerland (1987–present)
    United Kingdom (1987–present)
    United States (1987–present)

    That is why the correlation between national intelligence and economic development is high. The North Koreas of the world are a rarity - in statistical terminology: outliers. Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples. You must look towards the bigger picture, maintain a large sample size, and utilize correlation co-efficients. You cannot cite North Korea or Ukraine’s relative poverty compared to South Korea or Norway, and proclaim “aha, I’ve shown how two countries with similar genetics can differ in material propriety, the biological argument is bunk!” That’s not how it works.

    National development is indeed multi-faceted and cannot be determined by genetics alone. As I wrote previously, there are cultural, institutional and geographic factors which must be taken into account when performing an analysis of any given nation. But it is folly to dismiss the biological argument because of outliers and mono-examples. When taken as a whole, the vast majority of nations that have developed into high-income economies in the industrial period are those with significant European or East Asian populations (and their congruent intelligence distributions). The handful of exceptions to this rule have experienced significant resource windfalls. Again, the exceptions do not invalidate the rule.

    The conclusion is that an intelligence distribution roughly equating to European or East Asian levels is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for developing into a high-income nation in the modern industrialized world. The only other way is to sit atop a mass of diamonds or fossil fuel reserves. There are ways for European and East Asian nations to muck-up and remain impoverished, and that is why intelligence is not a sufficient variable. But if you do not have a Euro/E-Asian proportion of intelligent people in your group, or no significant fossil fuel reserves, you’ve got an extremely low - almost non-existent - chance of developing into a first world country. Hence the reason why, outside of Argentina (heavy European population), Singapore (majority Chinese population) and Malaysia (significant Chinese population), not a single non-oil African, Arab, South Asian, or Latin American nation has reached the upper levels of economic development over the past 200 years. Meanwhile, 90% of European and East Asian nations have developed into upper income economies, and the rest are on their way.

    This is not a coincidence.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian, @Emil Nikola Richard

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    [etc etc etc]

    I suppose it would be polite to preëmptively apologise in advance, for me to continue butting in to your ongoing HBD missionary work aimed at Dmitry, but again – this is a public forum. Also, if you’ve ever enjoyed (for example) utu or Gerard rudely insulting other users, you shouldn’t be too thin-skinned if others start throwing things at you.
    So, no reason to get upset at anything ‘personal’, the only reason to ‘ignore’ someone is for being dull or fixated on a single-issue. We’re just blocks of text here.

    I would recommend stopping these long HBD textwalls. I don’t think it’s your intention, but it’s actually quite insulting to assume (on this blog’s corpse of all places) that Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    You know that person at a social event or party who becomes an intolerable bore because he stop talking at someone about that one subject he just *knows* that he’s 100% right about? You’re being that guy. Don’t be that guy.

    It’s only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    Last thing this website needs is any more HBD/haplogroup posting… notice that practically all users here with strong scientific backgrounds (or at minimum, developed numerical skills) repeatedly expressed their contempt or total disinterest for these cottage-discussions… AnonFromTN, Gerard, utu, Dmitry, ThuleanFriend (he seemed in finance), even Ron Unz to some degree for the more ‘enthusiastic’ HBH bloggers.

    I didn’t intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards ‘a white trash racist’…. whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you’ve internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.
    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    Of course, its much easier to enjoy yourself comfortably, if you sincerely believe the surrounding slum-dwellers and hawkers, are poor because they’re incurably stupid and so deserve it.

    That’s a very harsh thing to say, and probably you haven’t consciously framed your outlook in such a stark way. But perhaps you should reflect a little on that.

    It’s very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.

    Of course it’s very unfair to put you in that category, you’re still young and live in your bubble. But you have to grow out of this unearned snobbishness at some point.
    Your ego can’t be going around announcing things like “I’m extremely smart” (but its ok, because you’re aware of it and thus humble), even half-jokingly and on an obscure internet forum.
    We all know, that despite whatever personas we attempt to construct online, most people are much more emotionally honest when anonymous, than in person. You need to curb that sort of egotism before it starts expressing itself in the real world, especially in a place with such gross wealth inequality as Egypt.

    Take this as friendly advice.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    It’s very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.
    That sounds partly wrong. Historically I guess they would be looked down on by north Euros for being too Catholic, then just likely due to being racially inferior as for not holding the most up-to-date progressive beliefs.

    The idea of race as an explanation for social and political outcomes was originated by educated northern Europeans arguing that Germanic peoples seemed to constitute the ruling class in most European countries. There was widespread belief that northern Europeans were a natural race of warriors and conquerors, reflected in Anglo-Saxonism, Nordicism, Aryanism etc.

    In the 20s and 30s, when Iberians were promoting anti-racist ideology and created versions of Fascism based around miscegenation and race-mixing, northern Europeans were writing books like 'The Pig as a Criterion for Nordic peoples and Semites' or thinking that Portugal's political stability could be improved by eliminating the parts of the population too tainted by negro blood.

    Now in northern European countries belief in moral redemption by dusky dark-skinned peoples seems like a consensus among the most educated. There is some oscillation there.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    , @Yahya

    Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    Dmitry hasn’t heard of the arguments. He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic. He hasn’t really engaged with the literature. If he did, he’d know that most of the respected social scientists of our time, from Steven Pinker on the left to Charles Murray on the right, believe in the validity of IQ in predicting life outcomes. Then he wouldn’t be so causal in asserting that Pinker, Pomlin etc. are peddling pseudoscientific nonsense. Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal map I posted, asking me if “this map line is showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”. This is a comic book view of HBD.

    It’s only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    I stopped Arab-posting because very few people interacted with these posts. Only occasionally would people like Dmitry, HBD, APP etc. engage me on the topic, but interest would eventually ware out. Naturally, people here are more interested in Euro-centric discussions.

    I enjoy the sparring with Dmitry on HBD. I have a desire to convince him over to the dark side, for one reason or another (I don’t know), so will continue posting on the issue, even if it is repeating common talking points (I’d like to think I’m adding new insights meanwhile). If you don’t like it, there’s always the ignore button.

    I didn’t intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards ‘a white trash racist’…. whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you’ve internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.

    1) songbird is only minimally Anglo by ancestry, he just likes to larp as one on these forums.

    2) My strong antipathy towards him stems from AE times. I was actually on polite and friendly terms with him for a long time, as I am with anyone. But that changed when he, like you, inserted himself into one of my posts, presumed to criticize my personal behavior, and tried to dictate what I should or should not be posting on this forum. From then on he became my enemy and I insulted him in every way conceivable (except I never called him ‘white trash’, only a ‘mick’). I occasionally feel guilt for going overboard with the “retaliation”, and attempt to be friendly; but like I said before I take insults very personally, tend to hold a grudge, so it is difficult for me to not go back insulting him.

    3) Supremacism does not necessarily follow from HBD, as you’d have to put value first on certain qualities to define superiority. Now it just so happens that I do hold hierarchal notions of race, but that is because I have a strong personal view on what constitutes superiority, and it is clear to me that certain groups possess them more than others. I would like for the superior groups to maintain their level, as I believe strongly in the philosophy of supporting superiors (as opposed to envying and wishing for their leveling). But there was a point when I did not make value judgments, and therefore held a more egalitarian philosophy (which I’ve since abandoned). HBD and egalitarianism are perfectly compatible with each other.

    4) I do not extend my hierarchal worldview onto the personal plane. That is, even if I regard whites as racially superior to blacks, that doesn’t mean I’d hold any particular white as superior to any given black. The notion of Sean Hannity or Donald Trump being superior to Thomas Sowell or Denzel Washington is laughable to me. The individual shall be judged on his personal qualities and achievements. That applies to songbird. Your contention that my HBDist views are ironically contradictory to my insulting songbird as an inferior subhuman fails to grasp the key distinction between the racial and individual plane.

    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    You have to distinguish my acceptance of (what I view as) HBD facts from the hierarchal worldview. Again, the one does not necessarily follow from the other. For years I maintained an egalitarian “all men are equal in worth” outlook even after acknowledging the validity of HBD from a scientific point of view. It is only recently that I turned towards a hierarchal “some men are worthier than others” worldview. The shift occurred after I realized the civilizational benefits of adopting this position. To uplift humanity, one must first distinguish between what is higher and what is lower. It is folly to pretend everyone exists on the same plane. And this extends to race, ethnicity, class, and individuals.

    As for my situation vis-a-vis poor Egyptians, I don’t feel guilty about that since most of our family income comes from Saudi, as I mentioned several times over the years. Even if it were Egyptian, I don’t think I would’ve felt guilty unless the money was made in an illegal or immoral manner. That I inherited my position by virtue of parentage does not concern me in the least; in family-centric Arab society there is no stigma around nepotism (you won’t be hearing the term “nepo-baby” here).

    I believe strongly in the virtues of an aristocratic upper class which would increase in size geometrically throughout the ages, uphold high culture activities, and contribute to the political and social development of their respective nations. This is based on my study of Britain’s historical development into the most functional and accomplished nation on Earth. In Egypt we had a solid and formalized system of pashas which had produced many great and worthy Egyptians such as Saad Zaghloul (political), Ahmad Urabi (political), Mustafa Kamil (intellectual), Ezz El-Din Zulficar (filmmaker), Talaat Harb (banker), Ahmad Shawqi (poet), Mohammad Heikal (writer) and Ahmed Lutfi El-Sayed (intellectual). The established system has all but disappeared in modern Egypt, as with everywhere else in the world, and this is a great loss for human civilization imo.

    Egyptian poverty and dysfunction has many causes, but if one believes in the validity of heredity and HBD, as I do, then one must look towards the distribution of traits to explain the underperformance. I reject the Marxian notion that poverty is caused by exploitation And theft. The wealth must be produced for it to be stolen, and in the 3rd world this wealth has not been generated in the first place. The problem in its essence is that it is difficult to assimilate the gargantuan of knowledge needed to produce complex goods such as planes, smartphones, computer systems, TVs etc. Only a handful of countries possess the human capital needed to acquire and apply the skills necessary to produce these goods, much less innovate and invent new modes of production. Most of the rest have to contend with producing lower-end value goods, such as tourism and agriculture, which incidentally are Egypt’s two main economic engines.

    There are certain institutional and cultural changes which can be effected to improve Egyptian stock of human capital and societal performance, but you are naïve if you think Egypt will be operating anywhere near Japan’s level with the current distribution of traits. Something will have to give on the fertility side before Egypt can reach first world levels. The institutions and culture are also extremely difficult to change in a positive direction; if they were then everyone would’ve done them a long time ago. To some extent the direction of the culture is uncontrollable, because culture itself consists of many minute decisions being made on a micro-level, across millions of people, which cannot be controlled from the top-down. Institutions are more malleable, but again there are feedback effects from genetics and culture; you will not have a high-trust, non-corrupt government if you do not have a high-trust, non-corrupt people. Each nation gets the government it deserves; and the reason we have a despotic military in charge in Egypt is that the people cannot be trusted with the vote; they will elect Islamist/Salafist buffoons and other assorted retrograde garbage without secular elite power keeping them in check.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @silviosilver, @Dmitry

  1084. @Yahya

    I was more wondering what kind of college where you can pass without reading skills.
    Sorry but your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret what you say.

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    Do population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role?

    Please clarify the extent you think genetics influences this outcome.

    Note that I’m not talking about IQ tests here (which I know you dismiss as mere puzzles), just raw intelligence.

    But this discussion becomes more unclear, when wild claims about complex systems like national development, people are introduced who would probably explain the reason India and China are not good in football,
    Okay, so you object to the notion that genetic factors play some role in determining national economic outcomes?

    Is this a complete objection or a partial one? In other words, do you think genetics plays no role in determining economic outcomes, or that it does, but you think it is overrated as an explanatory variable?

    Most people who object to HBD tend to argue against the straw-man that genetics determines 100% of economic developmental outcomes. But that is not the position held by most hereditarians (the sane ones at least). They recognize that North Korea, for example, is hindered by a dysfunctional governmental system which causes it to underperform South Korea by a considerable margin, even when the genetics is basically the same. Likewise nations can fluctuate in prosperity over time if cultural, institutional and other environmental variables cause performance to swing in certain directions (i.e. China lifting off after adopting market-based economics and good policies regarding infrastructure and education etc.)

    But none of these examples refute the HBD explanation, they merely diminish its correlation. Again, the correlation between average IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733), it would be wrong to dismiss it based on outliers and cherry-picked selections. That Mongolia, Ukraine, Argentina, and Vietnam are underdeveloped does not invalidate the hypothesis, because they are comparative rarities compared to the number of high-intelligence nations which have developed into upper-income economies:

    Australia (1987–present)
    Austria (1987–present)
    Belgium (1987–present)
    Canada (1987–present)
    Croatia (2008–2015, 2017–present)
    Cyprus (1988–present)
    Czech Republic (2006–present)
    Denmark (1987–present)
    Estonia (2006–present)
    Finland (1987–present)
    France (1987–present)
    Germany (1987–present)
    Greece (1996–present)
    Hungary (2007–11, 2014–present)
    Iceland (1987–present)
    Ireland (1987–present)
    Israel (1987–present)
    Italy (1987–present)
    Japan (1987–present)
    South Korea (1993–97, 1999–present)
    Latvia (2009, 2012–present)
    Liechtenstein (1994–present)
    Lithuania (2012–present)
    Luxembourg (1987–present)
    Malta (1989, 1998, 2000, 2002–present)
    Monaco (1994–present)
    Netherlands (1987–present)
    New Zealand (1987–present)
    Norway (1987–present)
    Poland (2009–present)
    Portugal (1994–present)
    Romania (2019, 2021–present)
    San Marino (1991–93, 2000–present)
    Singapore (1987–present)
    Slovakia (2007–present)
    Slovenia (1997–present)
    Spain (1987–present)
    Sweden (1987-present)
    Switzerland (1987–present)
    United Kingdom (1987–present)
    United States (1987–present)

    That is why the correlation between national intelligence and economic development is high. The North Koreas of the world are a rarity - in statistical terminology: outliers. Rule number one in statistics is to avoid making conclusions based on outliers and mono-examples. You must look towards the bigger picture, maintain a large sample size, and utilize correlation co-efficients. You cannot cite North Korea or Ukraine’s relative poverty compared to South Korea or Norway, and proclaim “aha, I’ve shown how two countries with similar genetics can differ in material propriety, the biological argument is bunk!” That’s not how it works.

    National development is indeed multi-faceted and cannot be determined by genetics alone. As I wrote previously, there are cultural, institutional and geographic factors which must be taken into account when performing an analysis of any given nation. But it is folly to dismiss the biological argument because of outliers and mono-examples. When taken as a whole, the vast majority of nations that have developed into high-income economies in the industrial period are those with significant European or East Asian populations (and their congruent intelligence distributions). The handful of exceptions to this rule have experienced significant resource windfalls. Again, the exceptions do not invalidate the rule.

    The conclusion is that an intelligence distribution roughly equating to European or East Asian levels is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for developing into a high-income nation in the modern industrialized world. The only other way is to sit atop a mass of diamonds or fossil fuel reserves. There are ways for European and East Asian nations to muck-up and remain impoverished, and that is why intelligence is not a sufficient variable. But if you do not have a Euro/E-Asian proportion of intelligent people in your group, or no significant fossil fuel reserves, you’ve got an extremely low - almost non-existent - chance of developing into a first world country. Hence the reason why, outside of Argentina (heavy European population), Singapore (majority Chinese population) and Malaysia (significant Chinese population), not a single non-oil African, Arab, South Asian, or Latin American nation has reached the upper levels of economic development over the past 200 years. Meanwhile, 90% of European and East Asian nations have developed into upper income economies, and the rest are on their way.

    This is not a coincidence.

    Replies: @Mikel, @Yevardian, @Emil Nikola Richard

    Intelligence is unarguably a factor. Getting all reductionist with it is very very likely going overboard.

    The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were centered in one culture. Max Weber was onto something even if his students blew it out of proportion. Heck, there might even be divine influence. I wouldn’t want to make an argument but for sure we do not know.

    Your teacher who was angry about your comment subconsciously knew you were right. People often get angry when deep down they know they are in error and the anger is sourced in one element of their own self being angry at another and if you are unlucky you are not elsewhere.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were centered in one culture. Max Weber was onto something even if his students blew it out of proportion. Heck, there might even be divine influence.
    Isn't it inevitable that an industrial revolution would have hit any part of the world that accumulated sufficient knowledge? The English are first but surely if there had been no England then Russia/China/India would have eventually industrialized.

    The only large scale civilizations I'm aware of that were entirely stagnant in terms of knowledge/technology were the Amerindian civilizations.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

  1085. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Intelligence is unarguably a factor. Getting all reductionist with it is very very likely going overboard.

    The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were centered in one culture. Max Weber was onto something even if his students blew it out of proportion. Heck, there might even be divine influence. I wouldn't want to make an argument but for sure we do not know.

    Your teacher who was angry about your comment subconsciously knew you were right. People often get angry when deep down they know they are in error and the anger is sourced in one element of their own self being angry at another and if you are unlucky you are not elsewhere.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were centered in one culture. Max Weber was onto something even if his students blew it out of proportion. Heck, there might even be divine influence.

    Isn’t it inevitable that an industrial revolution would have hit any part of the world that accumulated sufficient knowledge? The English are first but surely if there had been no England then Russia/China/India would have eventually industrialized.

    The only large scale civilizations I’m aware of that were entirely stagnant in terms of knowledge/technology were the Amerindian civilizations.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Greasy William

    Britain was a unique place at a unique moment. A highly centralized island state with equal access to the Oceans and some smaller seas. Mild climate, Coal, Iron, Tin plenty of fresh water and several harbors. Nowhere more than 70 miles from a port. The railways primarily built to shift coal and ores couldn't have been built so fast everywhere, anywhere else.

  1086. AP says:

    Many of us agree that we were brainwashed in our respective schools but have at least partially healed ourselves which is why we are here at Unz :)

    Boston subways are not nearly as scary as New York subways which can be horrifying. I can't imagine Chicago or Detroit. Like everything else, one can probably get used to it.

    Something like the following:

    Rational person (RP): "Watch out! There is a violent crazy guy in our subway car!"

    Delusional person (DP): "Don't worry about it, it's only one person."

    RP: "But he has a knife!"

    DP: "Only a knife and no gun? Take it easy. He will probably get off soon."

    The low population density and young age of the USA make transportation habits different from other places.

    I think one aspect of the American love affair with the automobile (outside of old large cities) is that many people from farming families turned into non-farming middle-class people as everyone moved off the farm in the 20th century. A lot of these people still like being close to the land with things more spaced out and the driving which goes with that. Similar demographic transitions in other places may have happened before cars were so available.

    On the other hand, there is a fairly credible story that General Motors intentionally wrecked the successful early public transportation systems in US cities to sell more cars and the US is still living with the effects of this crime.

    Replies: @AP

    Boston subways are not nearly as scary as New York subways which can be horrifying. I can’t imagine Chicago or Detroit.

    Chicago’s L was great until recently. Detroit just has a monorail, called the People-mover. Locals call it the Mugger-mover.

    I think one aspect of the American love affair with the automobile (outside of old large cities) is that many people from farming families turned into non-farming middle-class people as everyone moved off the farm in the 20th century. A lot of these people still like being close to the land with things more spaced out and the driving which goes with that.

    There was some of that, but mostly it was urban people who got money and wanted to own their own place with a garage and two cars, rather than live in cramped urban flats where their immigrant parents or grandparents settled. The American Dream.

    On the other hand, there is a fairly credible story that General Motors intentionally wrecked the successful early public transportation systems in US cities to sell more cars

    This also played a role, but people were really desperate to leave the cities and move to where they had large houses, the freedom to drive whenever or wherever they wanted, personal yards, etc. This process began decades before cities became dangerous (in the 1970s), so it wasn’t just about fleeing, though flight accelerated things.

  1087. A123 says: • Website

    I don't think this is a commonly accepted narrative at all. Most people are too simplistic even to make it to that point.

    Post-WW2 we had the US-Anglo Empire and the Soviet Union and that made the Cold war. Europe was secondary in that regard except for financing globalism.

    You could turn my favored theory around and say the USA is another pawn along with Ukraine. Then you are left with a Zionest drive to reclaim Ukraine. Unfortunately for this notion, Zionist power seems to be partially centered in the USA, so it is not so plausible to see the USA as a pawn. If USA troops start dying in Ukraine in large numbers this theory may look a little stronger.

    For your gambit, I would suggest the real motivation for the Ukraine conflict is for Islamo-Judeo-Turkic forces to reclaim Crimea and the rest is just a stepping stone to that end. This looks like a very dark horse theory to me, but I certainly wouldn't put it past Erdogan and his Donmeh. You will have to work out the details. While you are at it, get some facts on Kolomoisky, maybe he is actually Islamic and the Menora center is just a bold ruse? Again, these guys are all so crazy I'm not willing to rule anything out. My first question would be what is the relationship between NAZI ideology and Islam? I'm sure someone here can give a dissertation on this topic which might actually be pretty interesting. Especially if it involves influential but not well known esoteric ideas and imperatives from the various camps.

    Replies: @A123

    You could turn my favored theory around and say the USA is another pawn along with Ukraine.

    Indeed true. Not-The-President Biden is a puppet for the Islamophile European Empire.

    Then you are left with a Zionest drive to reclaim Ukraine.

    This statement makes no sense. There is no Zionist drive, nor a desire to claim. The term “reclaim” is illiterate as they never held the land.

    The purpose of (((Muhammad))) and (((Allah))) is to create a failed state in Ukraine for the exclusive benefit of (((Islam))). European leaders like Scholz and Macron are fully onboard with this hatred of traditional Judeo-Christian values.

    For your gambit

    I have no gambit. Making accurate observations does not impact the outcome.

    My first question would be what is the relationship between NAZI ideology and Islam?

    You are asking the wrong question. Support does not necessarily imply ideological compatibility.

    Instead try, “Why do Open [Muslim] Border factions support Kiev aggression?” The obvious answer is that it weakens border controls. That question is much more informative.

    (((Muslim))) weakening of borders benefits (((Jihadists))) invading Europe.

    PEACE 😇

  1088. @Yahya

    + @AP

    In terms of buying souvenirs, maybe Yahya (?) might know more about Italian clothes. I wonder if shops in the centre in Milan you linked, might not have handmade shoes.
    For handmade Italian shoes:

    Comparison is the basis of judgement, so its a good idea to walk into 4-5 stores before making purchase decisions.

    Replies: @Mikel, @AP

    What do you think of Baldinini? My wife once got some fantastic boots from her mom as a gift.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    What do you think of Baldinini?
    Never bought anything from them.

    Quality of their products looks good from the pictures I’ve seen.

    Some interesting materials and designs. I’m allured.

    Will have to visit their stores next time I travel.

  1089. @AP

    Countries are not responsible for their situation either, they just blunder along like individuals making the best of the hand they are dealt. They all appear to prefer that to giving up their army, and the ability to invade another country even one that is no threat to it as Iraq was not to Ukraine.
    90% of Ukrainians opposed Ukraine's participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA after his likely involvement in the killing of the pro-Western journalist had soured relations.

    Yushchenko got Ukraine out of Iraq.

    Replies: @Sean, @Mr. XYZ

    Yep; you’re correct:’s%20involvement%20in%20the,Ukrainians%20in%20the%20same%20poll

    Did Poles feel similarly about their own country’s participation in the Iraq War?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Mr. XYZ

    The Poles and Ukies are getting back exactly what they signed on to dish out. In spades.

  1090. @Yahya

    I don’t disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.
    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.

    I will throw a part when it happens.


    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    What sort of changes does he think needs to occur to make that happen?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel, @Emil Nikola Richard

    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.

    Wakanda lol.

    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    Voluntary eugenics on an extraordinary massive scale. Or simply have Africa fight Gnon for an extremely long time. Or both.

  1091. @Yevardian

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    [etc etc etc]

    I suppose it would be polite to preëmptively apologise in advance, for me to continue butting in to your ongoing HBD missionary work aimed at Dmitry, but again - this is a public forum. Also, if you've ever enjoyed (for example) utu or Gerard rudely insulting other users, you shouldn't be too thin-skinned if others start throwing things at you.
    So, no reason to get upset at anything 'personal', the only reason to 'ignore' someone is for being dull or fixated on a single-issue. We're just blocks of text here.

    I would recommend stopping these long HBD textwalls. I don't think it's your intention, but it's actually quite insulting to assume (on this blog's corpse of all places) that Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    You know that person at a social event or party who becomes an intolerable bore because he stop talking at someone about that one subject he just *knows* that he's 100% right about? You're being that guy. Don't be that guy.

    It's only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    Last thing this website needs is any more HBD/haplogroup posting... notice that practically all users here with strong scientific backgrounds (or at minimum, developed numerical skills) repeatedly expressed their contempt or total disinterest for these cottage-discussions... AnonFromTN, Gerard, utu, Dmitry, ThuleanFriend (he seemed in finance), even Ron Unz to some degree for the more 'enthusiastic' HBH bloggers.

    I didn't intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards 'a white trash racist'.... whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you've internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.
    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    Of course, its much easier to enjoy yourself comfortably, if you sincerely believe the surrounding slum-dwellers and hawkers, are poor because they're incurably stupid and so deserve it.

    That's a very harsh thing to say, and probably you haven't consciously framed your outlook in such a stark way. But perhaps you should reflect a little on that.

    It's very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.

    Of course it's very unfair to put you in that category, you're still young and live in your bubble. But you have to grow out of this unearned snobbishness at some point.
    Your ego can't be going around announcing things like "I'm extremely smart" (but its ok, because you're aware of it and thus humble), even half-jokingly and on an obscure internet forum.
    We all know, that despite whatever personas we attempt to construct online, most people are much more emotionally honest when anonymous, than in person. You need to curb that sort of egotism before it starts expressing itself in the real world, especially in a place with such gross wealth inequality as Egypt.

    Take this as friendly advice.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @Yahya

    It’s very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.

    That sounds partly wrong. Historically I guess they would be looked down on by north Euros for being too Catholic, then just likely due to being racially inferior as for not holding the most up-to-date progressive beliefs.

    The idea of race as an explanation for social and political outcomes was originated by educated northern Europeans arguing that Germanic peoples seemed to constitute the ruling class in most European countries. There was widespread belief that northern Europeans were a natural race of warriors and conquerors, reflected in Anglo-Saxonism, Nordicism, Aryanism etc.

    In the 20s and 30s, when Iberians were promoting anti-racist ideology and created versions of Fascism based around miscegenation and race-mixing, northern Europeans were writing books like ‘The Pig as a Criterion for Nordic peoples and Semites’ or thinking that Portugal’s political stability could be improved by eliminating the parts of the population too tainted by negro blood.

    Now in northern European countries belief in moral redemption by dusky dark-skinned peoples seems like a consensus among the most educated. There is some oscillation there.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    ugh, I posted that too quickly and failed to make my point clearly, which was intended to be that anti-egalitarianism and belief in a hierarchical society isn't the same as belief in racism of the northern European type and you can see that in Iberians, at least the Lusophone type.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

  1092. @Coconuts

    It’s very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.
    That sounds partly wrong. Historically I guess they would be looked down on by north Euros for being too Catholic, then just likely due to being racially inferior as for not holding the most up-to-date progressive beliefs.

    The idea of race as an explanation for social and political outcomes was originated by educated northern Europeans arguing that Germanic peoples seemed to constitute the ruling class in most European countries. There was widespread belief that northern Europeans were a natural race of warriors and conquerors, reflected in Anglo-Saxonism, Nordicism, Aryanism etc.

    In the 20s and 30s, when Iberians were promoting anti-racist ideology and created versions of Fascism based around miscegenation and race-mixing, northern Europeans were writing books like 'The Pig as a Criterion for Nordic peoples and Semites' or thinking that Portugal's political stability could be improved by eliminating the parts of the population too tainted by negro blood.

    Now in northern European countries belief in moral redemption by dusky dark-skinned peoples seems like a consensus among the most educated. There is some oscillation there.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    ugh, I posted that too quickly and failed to make my point clearly, which was intended to be that anti-egalitarianism and belief in a hierarchical society isn’t the same as belief in racism of the northern European type and you can see that in Iberians, at least the Lusophone type.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Anti-egalitarianism is simply realism by other name

  1093. Was Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure a rip-off of Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession?

  1094. @Greasy William
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were centered in one culture. Max Weber was onto something even if his students blew it out of proportion. Heck, there might even be divine influence.
    Isn't it inevitable that an industrial revolution would have hit any part of the world that accumulated sufficient knowledge? The English are first but surely if there had been no England then Russia/China/India would have eventually industrialized.

    The only large scale civilizations I'm aware of that were entirely stagnant in terms of knowledge/technology were the Amerindian civilizations.

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    Britain was a unique place at a unique moment. A highly centralized island state with equal access to the Oceans and some smaller seas. Mild climate, Coal, Iron, Tin plenty of fresh water and several harbors. Nowhere more than 70 miles from a port. The railways primarily built to shift coal and ores couldn’t have been built so fast everywhere, anywhere else.

  1095. @Mr. XYZ

    Yep; you're correct:'s%20involvement%20in%20the,Ukrainians%20in%20the%20same%20poll

    Did Poles feel similarly about their own country's participation in the Iraq War?

    Replies: @Wokechoke

    The Poles and Ukies are getting back exactly what they signed on to dish out. In spades.

  1096. AP says:

    Ukraine’s participation in the Iraq War. It was done by Kuchma (the more pro-Russian guy) in order to improve relations with the USA
    Extremely convoluted reasoning that! Lets look at what Kuchma was saying and several years before to judge whether the Kremlin is to blame for Ukraine's participation in the use of brute force to violently suppress popular Iraqi resistance to having their country invaded and occupied by armies from the other side of the world without a shred of self defense justification in international law.

    At the Signing Ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter Madrid 9 July 1997

    Opening Statement
    by the president of Ukraine, H.E. Kuchma

    In a few minutes the Charter on Special Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO will be signed. This historic document is going to be another convincing piece of evidence that the new security architecture, based on openness and partnership, is steadily being constructed in the European continent. In the conclusion of the Charter, the deep internal transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance is reflected, as well as the democratic course of Ukraine and its real gains in integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. [...] Political will and sense, demonstrated by all the participants in the preparation of the Charter,allow us to affirm the following: Europe has changed and it is only through joint efforts that security in the content can be guaranteed. From now on, Ukraine and NATO are going to work together to that end. [...] Ukraine has made its choice and is ready together with NATO member countries and the Alliance partners to take an active part in the construction of a secure future for Europe. And thus, for the whole world.

    Thank you for your attention.
    No Kuchma was not acting as an agent of the Kremlin , he just wanted to very slowly but surely take Ukraine into the Western camp. Ordinary Ukrainians cared not one whit about Iraqis being killed by Ukrainian forces helping Superpower-America's invasion and occupation of Iraq , but when what Ukraine subjected Iraq to happened to was done to them they screamed (morality) like a stuck pig.

    Replies: @AP

    I didn’t claim that the Kremlin was to blame for Ukraine’s participation in the Iraq war. I stated that they guy who did it was the more pro-Kremlin guy, Kuchma. He did it despite the opposition of 90% of Ukraine’s population. His successor, the pro-Western Yushchenko, took Ukraine out of Iraq.

    Kuchma did what he did because he wasn’t ready to cut ties with the USA and bringing Ukraine into Iraq was a way of compensating for the killing of the pro-Western journalist.

    Anyways, Ukraine’s participation was minimal.

  1097. Imagine tattooing this Jew King of Kiev’s profile onto your calf muscle.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did anybody in Romania tatoo Ceaucescu's face on their person?

    I can't find an internet betting market giving odds on Z surviving new years 2024.

  1098. @QCIC

    When the USA dropped out of the ABM treaty I probably believed Russia would have similar ABM capabilities so ICBMs might become obsolete for both sides. This was a naive view, though at the time a popular meme was the USA had won the Cold War by outspending the USSR on "Star Wars" missile defense. This was all silly and I agree the West wanted to get a military edge on Russia which would be used to pressure them to unilaterally get rid of their nukes or something equally impossible.

    I still believe some faction wants the Pale of Settlement for old times' sake and would prefer it to not be any more radioactive than it already is. Once they figure out the game is lost, new possibilities for negotiation may open up. Unfortunately the globalists seem to believe in conservation of misery so a new confrontation will be instigated somewhere else. Hopefully the next one will be less existential.

    Replies: @Beckow

    …the West wanted to get a military edge on Russia which would be used to pressure them to unilaterally get rid of their nukes or something equally impossible.

    That was the idea. To be fair, it is always the idea. It didn’t work – it never really had a chance to work short of some miraculous technology transformation. The problem is that getting the “military edge on Russia” was the prerequisite for the other plans. But when the core item failed, the West continued persisting. That is pure idiocy, but these people are beyond reason, too committed.

    The crazy unhinged propaganda campaigns in the Western media – many here also adhere to them – exist to cheerlead the crazyness. If the toilets in Sochi leak and Ivan has just left Moscow for greener pastures in London, it naturally follows that Russia can be defeated. And if not, it will be for the lack of commitment by the likes of Trump or Orban who undermine the holy crusade.

    Pale of Settlement for old times’ sake and would prefer it to not be any more radioactive

    There is probably some of that – a bold long-term plan with no chance of success. But irrational plans are often fed by unbound dreams. It might be buried somewhere deep, but for practical policies it is very marginal.

    the globalists seem to believe in conservation of misery…

    The elites in history always do: the whole point of being an “elite” is that there is as much of a distance from the hoi polloi as possible, and that it preferably grows: wars, desperation, ‘plagues’…and ever longer lines at airports for ever smaller airplane seats.

    The elites understand that hard work and misery are necessary – they build character, people hustle more, maintain proper attitude, compete with each other. Then it is repackaged as “freedom” – from what or for what is never asked. When domestic attitudes slacken, millions of migrants are brought in to improve the moral…or we get a war against the this-time-for-sure-it-is-another-Hitler. It currenly works, just look around. Until it doesn’t.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    There is probably some of that
    No there isn't. Even though I generally disagree with antisemitic sentiments, I usually think they have at least some connection with reality. Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement, however, is one of the more ridiculous antisemitic conspiracy theories I've ever heard. The Jews hated that place even when we still lived there and I have literally never heard a Jew express any desire to have anything remotely to do with that region ever again.

    In fact, I would wager that the majority of secular, American Ashkenazic Jews don't even know what the Pale of Settlement was. I had never heard about it until I was in my 20's and my Boomer parents were both unaware that such a place had ever existed.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @QCIC

  1099. @AP

    In Europe one has the alternative of streetcars-metro – walking is also much easier. So yes, it is much worse in the US – the society failed in building infrastructure.
    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.

    Your people are relatively poor, so it is more efficient to depend on public transportation.

    The metro definition and how imprecise definitions impact the “numbers”
    You, not me, were the one who brought in metro areas. Then you whine when you are shown that you were wrong about metro area population. But you were also wrong about city populations.

    It's such a silly thing for you to lie about.

    too much brainwashing in very simplistic US schools
    Just because you were brainwashed and repeat nonsense that you learned in your failed Socialist schools doesn't man that everyone else was brainwashed in their own schools.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Beckow

    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.

    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc…but I doubt you would understand.

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe. We have cars (not as many), but don’t live for them, or “in them”. You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful. It has destroyed your already very bad cities that have no space …it is not 1960’s, in the meantime you brought in about 100 million people from the Third World.

    Fine, it was your choice, but don’t push it on us. It is not “wealth”, it is a form of stupidity. The adage that ‘more you drive, less intelligent you are’ holds true.

    It is also allows better control of you and that translates into a functional moron like you pontificating about how good you have it. Then why are you dreaming of Galicia? And your fake noble ancestors? Something doesn’t add up here, you seem to be an incorrigible and frustrated poseur.

    • Replies: @AP

    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc
    We were talking about being richer and you change the subject.

    Your people are a lot poorer but have more free time and better food. The food is better because they are Central Europeans with a different food culture. Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe


    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites (even in the center) got money they bought cars en masse and sit in traffic that is worse than in most of the USA. I asked one of them why, she said she just loved being in her own private space before and after work, listening to the radio, rather than on the metro. I’d prefer the metro, in Moscow.

    But automobiles are better than busses or trams in small cities, such as in your country.

    You are just relatively poor and your statements amount to sour grapes.

    Maybe you will next explain how it is better to live in a cramped apartment than in large private house. Less solitary?

    We have cars (not as many), but don’t live for them, or “in them”. You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful


    More sour grapes.

    Weren’t you posting from California? Working for some Indian? That is funny.

    The adage that ‘more you drive, less intelligent you are’ holds true.
    So the people relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    You have gone from lying about the sizes of metro areas to lying about being poor being better.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Dmitry

  1100. @Mr. XYZ

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted. The Iraqi people wanted Saddam out (that's why they unsuccessfully rebelled against him back in 1991) but couldn't remove him either through rebellion or through elections (because Iraq did not have competitive elections). This is much different from Russia invading Ukraine, since Ukraine actually does have competitive elections and also since Ukrainians are quite capable of launching revolutions in order to overthrow abusive leaders, as Maidan in 2014 pointed out. Iraqis did not have that option.

    Replies: @Sean

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted. The Iraqi people wanted Saddam out

    That Saddam’s dictatorship was not approved by the majority of the population of Iraq may well be true, but I am not aware of any evidence that the people of Iraq wished their country to be invaded as a way of being rid of Saddam, or considered that the bloody sectarian civil war that predictably erupted during the US occupation was an acceptable price to pay Given an absence of their consent for the invasion and occupation of their country it was an act of international aggression by Ukraine to go the other side of the world and use armed violence to help hold down the resistance to the US occupation of Iraq.

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted

    There is a recurring theme in much of what commenter AP says in response to my pointing out that successive governments of Ukraine from the beginning of its independence in 1997 have been moving towards military and economic integration with Washington and Western Europe; all you can hear AP say is ‘ the people of Ukraine did not support that’ and then he cites opinion polls. I don’t follow the reasoning because whether or not the average man on the street approved of his country’s diplomatic overtures or military understandings, other countries must react to the actual actions of a state such as Ukraine without making allowances for the opinion of the populace being at variance with the policy of their government. No government of Ukraine has been capricious in pursuing military and economic engaging with the West, they has been a consistent detection and gathering acceleration. If any thing Russia was slow to realise what was happening, or at least acted like it had all the time in the world.

    Ukrainians are quite capable of launching revolutions in order to overthrow abusive leaders …. Iraqis did not have that option.

    The reason why Bush the Younger’s administration decided to invade and occupy Iraq had to do with abstruse geopolitical consideration relating to Saudi Arabia’s domestic unrest and dissidence against the Saud family dictatorship sparked by the presence of a US army in Islam’s holy land . That Iraqis did not get given any option as to whether they wanted to be in danger of being killed by the US war machine as unwilling conscripts in Saddam’s third worls peasant army, or by their compatriots in a civil war after the fall of Saddam or Ukrainian army occupiers of Iraq, I agree. Does this mean Ukrainians are worse than anyone else? Of course not. Like other countries (and most individuals) Ukraine does what it must or thinks it must, and cloaks is actions in veils of ethereal moralising rhetoric, washed down with a lot of cognitive dissonance. And as we all sometimes do, countries make mistakes and bring about the very thing they are trying to to avoid.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    but I am not aware of any evidence that the people of Iraq wished their country to be invaded as a way of being rid of Saddam,
    Well, there wasn't any other realistic way to get rid of Saddam. It's either invading Iraq and risking an Iraqi civil war afterwards or leaving Saddam Hussein in place. The Iraqis tried overthrowing Saddam Hussein by themselves back in 1991 and miserably failed to do so.

    Replies: @Sean

  1101. @Wokechoke

    Imagine tattooing this Jew King of Kiev's profile onto your calf muscle.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    Did anybody in Romania tatoo Ceaucescu’s face on their person?

    I can’t find an internet betting market giving odds on Z surviving new years 2024.

  1102. @Yahya

    I don’t disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.
    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.

    I will throw a part when it happens.


    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    What sort of changes does he think needs to occur to make that happen?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel, @Emil Nikola Richard

    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    Not so long ago, when Marxism-Leninism and national/social liberation movements were still in vogue, that was an easy question to answer. Capitalism had entered its final stage of Imperialism and could only survive by exploiting the people and resources of the Third World. Socialism would solve that problem.

    Ironically, I suspect that Dmitry’s answer today would be the opposite. British imperialism in Nigeria wasn’t thorough enough and they left before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :]

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Beckow

    British imperialism in Nigeria wasn’t thorough enough and they left before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :)
    Some will say that, but no amount of time would change the outcome.

    This scene from In Bruges summarizes the immutable fact that both the British and the Nigerians are who they are...they would just become more so (1:57 has the punchline):

    Ralph Fiennes is a perfect picture of the eternal English pathology (I know he is Irish, but if the shoe fits...)

    , @Dmitry

    Imperialism.. resources of the Third World
    This was Lenin's 20th century version of the 19th century panslavism or Russian imperialism.

    In Soviet times, "imperialism" is everything in the external countries against the kremlin and "anti-imperialism" everything which supports it.

    before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :]
    Well, there is historical British imperialism, which is often exploitation of the colonized peoples.

    There was sometimes more informational transfer result of British imperialism, which installs British law, institutions etc. This is working today in Singapore, Israel, New Zealand, Australia etc.

    In second meaning, of course there is nothing which is theoretical that couldn't scale places like Bermuda or Hong Kong to larger sizes.

    Although in general, the most successful countries have populations usually below around 10 million.

  1103. @Yahya

    I don’t disagree with your general point but a single SS-African case of high national income without resource windfalls would indeed invalidate the hypothesis.
    True. The days of HBDism will be numbered when Nigeria starts to resemble Germany or Japan.

    I will throw a part when it happens.


    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    What sort of changes does he think needs to occur to make that happen?

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Mikel, @Emil Nikola Richard

    > scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    CRISPR & nanotechnology!

    Serious people who score really great on intelligence quotient tests believe it.

    This is only 19 days old and not a bad place to begin:

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Nigerians right now are already pretty street-smart lol:

    , @Ivashka the fool
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Before we can genetically optimize any given population using genome-editing, we need to finish analyzing the inter-relationship between all the omics and the human population's pangenome. Not done yet, probably won't be completed in the next 20 years. Perhaps we might get there faster using AI, if it doesn't destroy us prior to us getting ready for this task. Do we have a functional real time multiomics model of E. coli yet ? Why not ?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  1104. @Mikel

    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.
    Not so long ago, when Marxism-Leninism and national/social liberation movements were still in vogue, that was an easy question to answer. Capitalism had entered its final stage of Imperialism and could only survive by exploiting the people and resources of the Third World. Socialism would solve that problem.

    Ironically, I suspect that Dmitry's answer today would be the opposite. British imperialism in Nigeria wasn't thorough enough and they left before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :]

    Replies: @Beckow, @Dmitry

    British imperialism in Nigeria wasn’t thorough enough and they left before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established 🙂

    Some will say that, but no amount of time would change the outcome.

    This scene from In Bruges summarizes the immutable fact that both the British and the Nigerians are who they are…they would just become more so (1:57 has the punchline):

    Ralph Fiennes is a perfect picture of the eternal English pathology (I know he is Irish, but if the shoe fits…)

  1105. @A123

    If Kiev doesn’t win they will have no standing to negotiate the above – what you suggest can only happen with Kiev’s victory. Why would Russia agree to Nato in Ukraine or fake referendums if they are not defeated?
    I know I have proposed this before, but... There are four outcomes:

        -1- Ukraine Wins
        -2- Ukraine Loses (absorbed by Russia)
        -3- Ukraine is forced to take a deal (worse than Minsk, but better than #2)
        -4- Ukraine becomes a failed state

    What benefits the immoral, open borders, European Empire the most?

    If Ukraine becomes a failed state it places huge pressure on border countries like Poland and Hungary. It is visually obvious that 1/3, probably more, "Ukrainian" refugees are actually MENA or sub-Saharan origin.

    Is #4 the Berlin/Paris/Brussels Axis plan? That is the most beneficial outcome for their SJW agenda.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Beckow

    The Euros don’t have a plan and the Ukie refugees are not from MENA – I have not seen any, maybe there are some, but that is not the issue.

    You list four options, we may actually get pieces of all four – and the part about Ukraine becoming a failed state is almost certain. There is a 5th option: it is all blown up so the first four options are not too visible. You see, it would be too embarrassing…like a Japanese harakiri, it would be seen as preferable to losing face.

    • Replies: @A123

    Ukie refugees are not from MENA – I have not seen any, maybe there are some, but that is not the issue.
    Perhaps you are lucky. Or, possibly you are not recognizing what you are seeing. At least 1/3 of the migrants are MENA or sub-Saharan origin Muslims with forged Ukrainian documents. (1)

    Report: “Someone is Making a Fortune” Out of Giving Non-Ukrainian Migrants Fake Ukrainian Passports

    “Only a fraction are really Ukrainian refugees.”

    According to a report by German newspaper Bild, “someone is making a fortune” out of giving non-Ukrainian economic migrants fake Ukrainian passports so they can slip into western Europe and get free welfare.

    More than 50 migrants clashed on Saturday night during a riot at a refugee facility in Munich as chairs and paving stones were used as weapons, prompting a huge police response.

    It is pretty easy to look at that picture and count at least 8 of 20 (40%) as obviously not Ukrainian.

    There are many genuine Ukrainians in the mix, but if they never go home that creates other problems. While they can assimilate eventually, how long will that take? And what downward impact will it place on wages?

    PEACE 😇

  1106. Is it pure coincidence that the Japanese once employed a system of knotted cords similar to the Inca?

  1107. @silviosilver

    I will throw a party the day I see an SSA nation start to resemble Germany or Japan.
    I wouldn't. That would actually be its own kind of nightmare. There's no guarantee they will become laidback liberals, dreaming of world peace. There's far more reason to think they'll become racist supremacist and continue prosecuting their vendetta against groups they feel historically wronged them, only now with increased power at their disposal.

    Replies: @Matra

    You might be interested to hear Rienzi/JW Holliday/TedSallis speaking – here

    He sounds like he’s from Brooklyn or somewhere else on Long Island. A lot of Italians are from there.

    After supposedly anti-communist Russians creamed themselves with excitement when Babushka Z greeted Russian troops with a Soviet flag (April/May 2022) I figured the Russians were regressing to Sovokism or had never got beyond it in the first place. Now their state news agency has gone full retard claiming again, that “the Polish officers at Katyn were shot by the Nazis…not by the NKVD…”. I guess they never really changed. Maybe the loss of human capital AK blogged about due to the Russian Revolution finished off Russia for good.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    He sounds like he’s from Brooklyn or somewhere else on Long Island. A lot of Italians are from there.
    I think he's said he's from Boston.

    Pretty sure he's using some kind of voice disguising filter, but still, that's not how I imagined he'd sound. His voice does match the humorless, browbeating drill sergeant he comes across as in his posts though.

    That seems to be a rather common type among people who come in from the cold without any experience in political organizing and try to lead a racial movement: here are the rules I've laid down and everyone needs to follow them to the letter. Then they're left cursing "the sheeple" when it predictably goes nowhere.

    Part of the problem is that adamant racial explicitness seems to only ever attract the hardcore types who are so enraged about everything they risk bursting a blood vessel each time they talk. So even a looser approach might not make much difference if you still end up with the same sorts of people. Counter Currents had employed some guy (forget his name) in something of an organizational capacity a year or so ago who displayed a positive, upbeat, can-do attitude, so uncommon in those circles, but he seems to have vanished. I guess there's a limit to everyone's positivity when you're surrounded by WN hardnuts.
  1108. AP says:

    Americans are much richer, so they can afford cars and prefer them to public transportation.
    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc...but I doubt you would understand.

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe. We have cars (not as many), but don't live for them, or "in them". You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful. It has destroyed your already very bad cities that have no space is not 1960's, in the meantime you brought in about 100 million people from the Third World.

    Fine, it was your choice, but don't push it on us. It is not "wealth", it is a form of stupidity. The adage that 'more you drive, less intelligent you are' holds true.

    It is also allows better control of you and that translates into a functional moron like you pontificating about how good you have it. Then why are you dreaming of Galicia? And your fake noble ancestors? Something doesn't add up here, you seem to be an incorrigible and frustrated poseur.

    Replies: @AP

    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc

    We were talking about being richer and you change the subject.

    Your people are a lot poorer but have more free time and better food. The food is better because they are Central Europeans with a different food culture. Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe

    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites (even in the center) got money they bought cars en masse and sit in traffic that is worse than in most of the USA. I asked one of them why, she said she just loved being in her own private space before and after work, listening to the radio, rather than on the metro. I’d prefer the metro, in Moscow.

    But automobiles are better than busses or trams in small cities, such as in your country.

    You are just relatively poor and your statements amount to sour grapes.

    Maybe you will next explain how it is better to live in a cramped apartment than in large private house. Less solitary?

    We have cars (not as many), but don’t live for them, or “in them”. You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful

    More sour grapes.

    Weren’t you posting from California? Working for some Indian? That is funny.

    The adage that ‘more you drive, less intelligent you are’ holds true.

    So the people relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    You have gone from lying about the sizes of metro areas to lying about being poor being better.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).
    Why do a lot of Americans, including a lot of white Americans, nowadays like exotic food then? Was it a shift in cultural values, or what?

    You definitely see a lot of white people in the US nowadays eating Mediterranean, Chinese, Indian, Latin American, et cetera food, all of which are examples of non-bland food.

    Replies: @AP

    , @Beckow
    @AP have better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc

    but we are were talking about being richer

    We learned two things about you:

    You don't seem to understand what living a rich life means. Hint: it is not electronic symbols that are neither here nor there, and nobody really knows what they would mean outside of your made-up virtual world - how they would be enforced, what is it exactly that you are peddling. Living a rich life simply means how you live your - the collection of good food, good times, comfort and ease, etc...

    At least when we used to collect gold or some tangible assets, you had something of permanent value. What it is exactly that you boast about today would not be understood by our ancestors, symbols, claims on others' work that are really not enforceable in a crisis. Well, you can try. If you live a miserable, stressed life full of fear of bosses, hiding in your "car" and in wooden plywood-with-plastic houses, counting your electronic devices and cheap Chinese shirts - well, that is not "rich". But you won't get it, we are wasting time.

    You also don't know anything about me, about the size of my house. You silly Calif-with-Indians speculation is way off, you are confusing me with someone else. Why do you make a fool out of yourself so earnestly here? Is it the pain of losing the war and possibly losing your beloved Ukieland? And knowing that it is mostly self-inflicted?

    Replies: @AP

    , @Dmitry

    relatively poor and your statements amount to sour
    Relative incomes isn't an explanation for why America cannot build modern transport infrastructure like high speed rail.

    It's a complicated topic Part of the problem for America, seems the land is too expensive.

    Also you are talking to Beckow who lives in the EU, in Czech Republic. These countries have access to the EU funding, that transfers free money from rich countries to poor countries, to build modern infrastructure.

    This is why taxpayers of Germany and France, are paying for the building of hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure in the poor countries like Poland. As a result, some poor EU countries with lower incomes like Poland can have actually more modern infrastructure investments in those areas, than higher income countries like Germany.

    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites
    It's not true, I feel like you didn't visit so places except America or Moscow. Just visit cities in e.g. Spain and you can see the maximum practical investment in public transport, with support of the taxpayers of the EU. When there is high speed trains.

    For example, in Japan, people would drive between cities only to reduce the transport costs. The faster transport between cities in the train, even if you were driving in the maximum speed in a Maserati you would arrive later.

    relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.


    I've talked with CEOs of multinational companies who use the public transport to go into the office.

    In more civilized and equal countries people don't always need to drive in a car to show their high status, or they had more developed ways to show the social status. The idea, rich people need to drive in a car, is part of the commercial effects in the 20th century American status culture and unfortunately exports in the 21st century to second world status obsessed cultures now like Russia or Brazil, where the government also doesn't want to invest adequately in alternatives.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

  1109. Am not following Modi’s trip to DC very closely, but I hope he makes a side quest to the West Coast and talks about seeing human excrement in the streets and tent cities.

    The elites already don’t like him, so he has nothing to lose by grandstanding.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Are you kidding? He will feel right at home.

    Replies: @songbird

    , @Mr. XYZ

    and talks about seeing human excrement in the streets and tent cities.
    San Francisco: Where India itself will be in several decades' time lol.
  1110. @Sean
    @Mr. XYZ

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted. The Iraqi people wanted Saddam out
    That Saddam's dictatorship was not approved by the majority of the population of Iraq may well be true, but I am not aware of any evidence that the people of Iraq wished their country to be invaded as a way of being rid of Saddam, or considered that the bloody sectarian civil war that predictably erupted during the US occupation was an acceptable price to pay Given an absence of their consent for the invasion and occupation of their country it was an act of international aggression by Ukraine to go the other side of the world and use armed violence to help hold down the resistance to the US occupation of Iraq.

    One could have at least supported the Iraq War on the grounds of belatedly giving the Iraqi people what they themselves wanted
    There is a recurring theme in much of what commenter AP says in response to my pointing out that successive governments of Ukraine from the beginning of its independence in 1997 have been moving towards military and economic integration with Washington and Western Europe; all you can hear AP say is ' the people of Ukraine did not support that' and then he cites opinion polls. I don't follow the reasoning because whether or not the average man on the street approved of his country's diplomatic overtures or military understandings, other countries must react to the actual actions of a state such as Ukraine without making allowances for the opinion of the populace being at variance with the policy of their government. No government of Ukraine has been capricious in pursuing military and economic engaging with the West, they has been a consistent detection and gathering acceleration. If any thing Russia was slow to realise what was happening, or at least acted like it had all the time in the world.

    Ukrainians are quite capable of launching revolutions in order to overthrow abusive leaders .... Iraqis did not have that option.
    The reason why Bush the Younger's administration decided to invade and occupy Iraq had to do with abstruse geopolitical consideration relating to Saudi Arabia's domestic unrest and dissidence against the Saud family dictatorship sparked by the presence of a US army in Islam's holy land . That Iraqis did not get given any option as to whether they wanted to be in danger of being killed by the US war machine as unwilling conscripts in Saddam's third worls peasant army, or by their compatriots in a civil war after the fall of Saddam or Ukrainian army occupiers of Iraq, I agree. Does this mean Ukrainians are worse than anyone else? Of course not. Like other countries (and most individuals) Ukraine does what it must or thinks it must, and cloaks is actions in veils of ethereal moralising rhetoric, washed down with a lot of cognitive dissonance. And as we all sometimes do, countries make mistakes and bring about the very thing they are trying to to avoid.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    but I am not aware of any evidence that the people of Iraq wished their country to be invaded as a way of being rid of Saddam,

    Well, there wasn’t any other realistic way to get rid of Saddam. It’s either invading Iraq and risking an Iraqi civil war afterwards or leaving Saddam Hussein in place. The Iraqis tried overthrowing Saddam Hussein by themselves back in 1991 and miserably failed to do so.

    • Replies: @Sean
    @Mr. XYZ

    Well, there wasn’t any other realistic way to get rid of Saddam
    Ukraine had no business deciding that invasion and war would be a net benefit for Iraq, which was in the other side of the worls and nothing to do with Ukraine, Let us be real, Ukraine participated in the invasion and suppression of resistance by Iraqis to to the invasion of their country not because it cared about Iraqis' democratic freedom more than Iraqis continuing to live their lives in peace as they so fit, but because Ukraine was willing to do whatever America wanted Ukraine to do. Ukraine thought being in on the US invasion of Iraq, and in ever closer military understanding with America and the EU would provide Ukraine with security against being invaded itself, and result in having money thrown at it by the EU.
    Victoria Nuland, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, estimated in December 2013 that the United States had invested more than $5 billion since 1991 to help Ukraine achieve “the future it deserves.” As part of that effort, the U.S. government has bankrolled the National Endowment for Democracy. The nonprofit foundation has funded more than 60 projects aimed at promoting civil society in Ukraine, and the NED’s president, Carl Gershman, has called that country “the biggest prize.” After Yanukovych won Ukraine’s presidential election in February 2010, the NED decided he was undermining its goals, and so it stepped up its efforts to support the opposition and strengthen the country’s democratic institutions. When Russian leaders look at Western social engineering in Ukraine, they worry that their country might be next. And such fears are hardly groundless. In September 2013, Gershman wrote in The Washington Post, “Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents.” He added: “Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.”

    Gershman was incredibly stupid to say that did he think that Putin was like Saddam, a dictator who the West could overthrow and would be justified in doing so . Putin was elected, and his support has increased over the years. The decision to attack Ukraine has barely changed that . He was popular among Russians before and his support in the great mass of the population has remained solid.

    Russia doing nothing about Ukraine entering the American camp was predicated on Russia being too intimidated by US power, which back in the early 2000s it was (although Russia had strongly objected to NATO expansion since the mid 1990s, and also been saying it would not stand for Ukraine entering the Western camp since that time). But Russia's relative lack of power two decades ago was a blip, and the leadership of Russia was not only extremely inexperienced and naïve back them, it was preoccupied with a domestic Jihadi terrorist threat. It is a fact that Putin--like Yeltsin before him--asked if Russia could join NATO!

    Putin came to power in a flawed democracy and his rule was fragile or at least CIA NED people like Carl Gershman seemed to think it was and might be overthrown in a Russian Color Revolution. A few years later Bush the Younger thought he could get Ukraine into Nato, and the scales fell from Putin's eyes. He was domestically secure and had restored Russia's ability to give a good military account of itself and so he was not going to accept Ukraine getting closer to the West. A Russian newspaper reported that in objecting to the 2008 proposal for Ukraine to join Nato Putin told Bush that were it to be proceeded with Ukraine would crease to exist. And a few months later Russia did invade Georgia, the other country proposed to be admitted to Nato with Ukraine.

    Does this mean the 2014 and 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine are morally better than Ukraine's invasion of Iraq? Of course not. But there was no misunderstanding, Ukraine had its chance and made its choice. While it stood up to Russia thinking it was going to be more protected by America for acting in American interests than it actually has been, Ukraine has gained in cohesion. Russia too has come to know itself.

    Replies: @AP

  1111. @AP

    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc
    We were talking about being richer and you change the subject.

    Your people are a lot poorer but have more free time and better food. The food is better because they are Central Europeans with a different food culture. Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe


    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites (even in the center) got money they bought cars en masse and sit in traffic that is worse than in most of the USA. I asked one of them why, she said she just loved being in her own private space before and after work, listening to the radio, rather than on the metro. I’d prefer the metro, in Moscow.

    But automobiles are better than busses or trams in small cities, such as in your country.

    You are just relatively poor and your statements amount to sour grapes.

    Maybe you will next explain how it is better to live in a cramped apartment than in large private house. Less solitary?

    We have cars (not as many), but don’t live for them, or “in them”. You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful


    More sour grapes.

    Weren’t you posting from California? Working for some Indian? That is funny.

    The adage that ‘more you drive, less intelligent you are’ holds true.
    So the people relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    You have gone from lying about the sizes of metro areas to lying about being poor being better.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Dmitry

    Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).

    Why do a lot of Americans, including a lot of white Americans, nowadays like exotic food then? Was it a shift in cultural values, or what?

    You definitely see a lot of white people in the US nowadays eating Mediterranean, Chinese, Indian, Latin American, et cetera food, all of which are examples of non-bland food.

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values)."

    Why do a lot of Americans, including a lot of white Americans, nowadays like exotic food then? Was it a shift in cultural values, or what?
    Probably a cultural shift after World War II.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  1112. @songbird
    Am not following Modi's trip to DC very closely, but I hope he makes a side quest to the West Coast and talks about seeing human excrement in the streets and tent cities.

    The elites already don't like him, so he has nothing to lose by grandstanding.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    Are you kidding? He will feel right at home.

    • Agree: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @songbird

    Whatever and whenever its peak, India is on the upward track, right now. It doesn't have the malaise created by being on a downward one.

    Am a big believer in the idea that Western elites need to be shamed into reform. Not all comparisons are favorable to the US.

    At the very least, there is probably a reason that Srinivasan moved to Singapore.

  1113. @songbird
    Am not following Modi's trip to DC very closely, but I hope he makes a side quest to the West Coast and talks about seeing human excrement in the streets and tent cities.

    The elites already don't like him, so he has nothing to lose by grandstanding.

    Replies: @QCIC, @Mr. XYZ

    and talks about seeing human excrement in the streets and tent cities.

    San Francisco: Where India itself will be in several decades’ time lol.

  1114. @Mr. XYZ

    Looks hott, frankly!

    Replies: @Greasy William

    Crazy liberal white lady convert to Islam: 5/10. Would not bang

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    What about this bitch?

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1115. @QCIC

    Are you kidding? He will feel right at home.

    Replies: @songbird

    Whatever and whenever its peak, India is on the upward track, right now. It doesn’t have the malaise created by being on a downward one.

    Am a big believer in the idea that Western elites need to be shamed into reform. Not all comparisons are favorable to the US.

    At the very least, there is probably a reason that Srinivasan moved to Singapore.

  1116. Skeptical of this guy’s suggestion that some reaction against the Catholic League helped collapse fertility in France.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    I have a book from 1941, kind of study of the state of European man as reflected in art and literature which places the beginning of 'rationalist decadence' and the physical decline of Frenchmen around the mid-18th century, just from looking at paintings and what themes were popular in literature.

    The later parts about the 19th and early 20th century have a lot about how people were becoming neurotic, increasingly impotent and suffering with alcoholism, prostitution and things, too separated from active life to create good sized families.

    It's interesting that it coincides quite well with what that guy is saying about changes in fertility and when they took hold.

  1117. @Mr. XYZ

    Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).
    Why do a lot of Americans, including a lot of white Americans, nowadays like exotic food then? Was it a shift in cultural values, or what?

    You definitely see a lot of white people in the US nowadays eating Mediterranean, Chinese, Indian, Latin American, et cetera food, all of which are examples of non-bland food.

    Replies: @AP

    “Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).”

    Why do a lot of Americans, including a lot of white Americans, nowadays like exotic food then? Was it a shift in cultural values, or what?

    Probably a cultural shift after World War II.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    So, one positive benefit of greater diversity and cosmopolitanism!

    BTW, I know that the US had Italian food and even some Asian and Latin American food even before WWII, but I would presume that their foods were mostly popular among their own ethnic groups rather than among the US population at large until after WWII, right?

    Interestingly enough, even some plain English dishes can be divine, such as shepherd's pie:

  1118. @songbird
    Skeptical of this guy's suggestion that some reaction against the Catholic League helped collapse fertility in France.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    I have a book from 1941, kind of study of the state of European man as reflected in art and literature which places the beginning of ‘rationalist decadence’ and the physical decline of Frenchmen around the mid-18th century, just from looking at paintings and what themes were popular in literature.

    The later parts about the 19th and early 20th century have a lot about how people were becoming neurotic, increasingly impotent and suffering with alcoholism, prostitution and things, too separated from active life to create good sized families.

    It’s interesting that it coincides quite well with what that guy is saying about changes in fertility and when they took hold.

    • Thanks: songbird
  1119. @AP
    @Mr. XYZ

    "Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values)."

    Why do a lot of Americans, including a lot of white Americans, nowadays like exotic food then? Was it a shift in cultural values, or what?
    Probably a cultural shift after World War II.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    So, one positive benefit of greater diversity and cosmopolitanism!

    BTW, I know that the US had Italian food and even some Asian and Latin American food even before WWII, but I would presume that their foods were mostly popular among their own ethnic groups rather than among the US population at large until after WWII, right?

    Interestingly enough, even some plain English dishes can be divine, such as shepherd’s pie:

  1120. @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    Crazy liberal white lady convert to Islam: 5/10. Would not bang

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    What about this bitch?

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    looks promising but I need to see the face

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

  1121. An interesting map I found, apparently from an alternate TL where Austria beats Prussia in 1866:

  1122. @Beckow

    ...the West wanted to get a military edge on Russia which would be used to pressure them to unilaterally get rid of their nukes or something equally impossible.
    That was the idea. To be fair, it is always the idea. It didn't work - it never really had a chance to work short of some miraculous technology transformation. The problem is that getting the "military edge on Russia" was the prerequisite for the other plans. But when the core item failed, the West continued persisting. That is pure idiocy, but these people are beyond reason, too committed.

    The crazy unhinged propaganda campaigns in the Western media - many here also adhere to them - exist to cheerlead the crazyness. If the toilets in Sochi leak and Ivan has just left Moscow for greener pastures in London, it naturally follows that Russia can be defeated. And if not, it will be for the lack of commitment by the likes of Trump or Orban who undermine the holy crusade.

    Pale of Settlement for old times’ sake and would prefer it to not be any more radioactive
    There is probably some of that - a bold long-term plan with no chance of success. But irrational plans are often fed by unbound dreams. It might be buried somewhere deep, but for practical policies it is very marginal.

    the globalists seem to believe in conservation of misery...
    The elites in history always do: the whole point of being an "elite" is that there is as much of a distance from the hoi polloi as possible, and that it preferably grows: wars, desperation, 'plagues'...and ever longer lines at airports for ever smaller airplane seats.

    The elites understand that hard work and misery are necessary - they build character, people hustle more, maintain proper attitude, compete with each other. Then it is repackaged as "freedom" - from what or for what is never asked. When domestic attitudes slacken, millions of migrants are brought in to improve the moral...or we get a war against the this-time-for-sure-it-is-another-Hitler. It currenly works, just look around. Until it doesn't.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    There is probably some of that

    No there isn’t. Even though I generally disagree with antisemitic sentiments, I usually think they have at least some connection with reality. Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement, however, is one of the more ridiculous antisemitic conspiracy theories I’ve ever heard. The Jews hated that place even when we still lived there and I have literally never heard a Jew express any desire to have anything remotely to do with that region ever again.

    In fact, I would wager that the majority of secular, American Ashkenazic Jews don’t even know what the Pale of Settlement was. I had never heard about it until I was in my 20’s and my Boomer parents were both unaware that such a place had ever existed.

    • Thanks: Yahya
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    The Jews in the US and in the rest of the West probably mostly support Ukraine, but not due to anything having to do with the former Pale of Settlement but rather simply because they want both a larger EU and a larger West, in addition to the whole national self-determination factor.

    , @Beckow
    @Greasy William

    ...No there isn’t.
    Are you sure? Just because you yourself don't know anything about it, that proves nothing. Conceptually it is not such a far fetched idea, and people have been known to have crazier plans. They still do. I think it is a mirage, but don't pretend that you represent everything, that you know all that has been discussed over maps after Georgetown dinners. You don't and I don't either.

    Thou protest too much...:)

    But somehow it is accepted by 'some' in the West that Russia wants to occupy Bretagne and maybe even Sicily - you can read fantasies like that almost daily in the free Western press. Which idea is more stupid?

    , @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    Greasy wrote:

    Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement...[is an interesting question].
    Text in brackets added by me.

    I bring this up occasionally. Why, you ask?

    Because having Jewish oligarchs and Jewish Presidents actively aligned with and supporting actual paramilitary NeoNAZI groups in Ukraine is one of the weirdest public alignments in modern history and begs to be explained! Until that happens, the "New Pale" notion is one of the less crazy theories.

    Remember, everyday Jewish people, often secular or at least not reactionary, do not shape the world of power. Often they are putzes like the rest of us. On the other hand, Talmudic, Kabbalistic and reactionary Jews seem to have different priorities.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1123. @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    What about this bitch?

    Replies: @Greasy William

    looks promising but I need to see the face

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    @Greasy William

    If you plow her doggy-style from behind, then you don't need to see her face lol!

  1124. @Greasy William
    @Mr. XYZ

    looks promising but I need to see the face

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    If you plow her doggy-style from behind, then you don’t need to see her face lol!

  1125. @Greasy William

    There is probably some of that
    No there isn't. Even though I generally disagree with antisemitic sentiments, I usually think they have at least some connection with reality. Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement, however, is one of the more ridiculous antisemitic conspiracy theories I've ever heard. The Jews hated that place even when we still lived there and I have literally never heard a Jew express any desire to have anything remotely to do with that region ever again.

    In fact, I would wager that the majority of secular, American Ashkenazic Jews don't even know what the Pale of Settlement was. I had never heard about it until I was in my 20's and my Boomer parents were both unaware that such a place had ever existed.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @QCIC

    The Jews in the US and in the rest of the West probably mostly support Ukraine, but not due to anything having to do with the former Pale of Settlement but rather simply because they want both a larger EU and a larger West, in addition to the whole national self-determination factor.

  1126. @Emil Nikola Richard

    > scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    CRISPR & nanotechnology!

    Serious people who score really great on intelligence quotient tests believe it.

    This is only 19 days old and not a bad place to begin:

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

    Nigerians right now are already pretty street-smart lol:

  1127. @Gerard1234

    I do not intend to return, but cannot resist the temptation to share this new joke


    Well you should return - the freaks to normal people ratio on here is very much the wrong way. It needs your presence to increase the IQ and sanity.

    You said that you have much more important things to do in your scientific job, which is reasonable - but I would say now that its never solely about the science that makes the scientific pursuit a virtuous one.

    As an example -

    We know that little shit,Mikel, who commentates on here , with his scientific knowledge won't stop using it until he can make dick - to- dick conception a thing.

    Just like the quote "war is politics by other methods", you can now say the same thing about science.

    Putin has "cured" global warming . Since the SMO, all these retards who were arguing maniacally for a mass-scale of incremental changes in energy and resource use, "magically" stopped this or supported policies completely opposite of this for the last year. Only their low attention-span for the SMO would reverse this. Putin cured global warming

    That's the same "global warming" despite all the support of the "scientific" community ( malleable liberals) -has no scientific model explaining how its happening, where in the world and at what quantities, would require knowledge of about 1000 year cycles of weather across the world to come up with the model/equation that can help deduce if it it real and quantify it - not to forget about the clear historical knowledge that the Earth has seen major volcanic eruptions causing huge climactic effects for the world lasting many decades possibly centuries, far more than even global warming is said to be able to do so ( itself harmed by volcanic eruptions more than any mass petrol consumption every could) . Science is politics by other methods.

    As for Zaluzhny/Budanov - to me they are both irrelevant vishivatniks who even most ukronazis know have zero relevance or practical input into 404's side of the SMO. I would prefer both of them arrested and on trial in Russia, then executed instead of being killed in an airstrike - more so as its going to be difficult /impossible to get justice on NATO commanders and politicians.

    Whats interesting about the Budanov strike - it was on the building in an area near the Gavansky bridge side leading to Rybalsky island (gone there many time) . I have a pal who studied there a long time ago as a naval intelligence training place in that same building. I say it's interesting in that I don't understand why somewhere well-known that was used for military/intelligence years before would still be used by 404 since the start of the SMO for even more important purposes. You would assume somewhere else in secret they would use, probably not even in Kiev.

    Replies: @Jazman

    I also think he should return , you and him are my favorite guys and great source of information

  1128. @Matra

    You might be interested to hear Rienzi/JW Holliday/TedSallis speaking - here

    He sounds like he's from Brooklyn or somewhere else on Long Island. A lot of Italians are from there.

    After supposedly anti-communist Russians creamed themselves with excitement when Babushka Z greeted Russian troops with a Soviet flag (April/May 2022) I figured the Russians were regressing to Sovokism or had never got beyond it in the first place. Now their state news agency has gone full retard claiming again, that "the Polish officers at Katyn were shot by the Nazis...not by the NKVD...". I guess they never really changed. Maybe the loss of human capital AK blogged about due to the Russian Revolution finished off Russia for good.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    He sounds like he’s from Brooklyn or somewhere else on Long Island. A lot of Italians are from there.

    I think he’s said he’s from Boston.

    Pretty sure he’s using some kind of voice disguising filter, but still, that’s not how I imagined he’d sound. His voice does match the humorless, browbeating drill sergeant he comes across as in his posts though.

    That seems to be a rather common type among people who come in from the cold without any experience in political organizing and try to lead a racial movement: here are the rules I’ve laid down and everyone needs to follow them to the letter. Then they’re left cursing “the sheeple” when it predictably goes nowhere.

    Part of the problem is that adamant racial explicitness seems to only ever attract the hardcore types who are so enraged about everything they risk bursting a blood vessel each time they talk. So even a looser approach might not make much difference if you still end up with the same sorts of people. Counter Currents had employed some guy (forget his name) in something of an organizational capacity a year or so ago who displayed a positive, upbeat, can-do attitude, so uncommon in those circles, but he seems to have vanished. I guess there’s a limit to everyone’s positivity when you’re surrounded by WN hardnuts.

  1129. Yahya says:

    From what I gathered, you accept that distributions for certain personality traits will differ across groups, and that this is in some part genetically mediated. This is a good start and we are in agreement on a fundamental issue. But I’d like you to clarify if you believe these differences in distribution extends to the trait intelligence specifically. Intelligence defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    [etc etc etc]

    I suppose it would be polite to preëmptively apologise in advance, for me to continue butting in to your ongoing HBD missionary work aimed at Dmitry, but again - this is a public forum. Also, if you've ever enjoyed (for example) utu or Gerard rudely insulting other users, you shouldn't be too thin-skinned if others start throwing things at you.
    So, no reason to get upset at anything 'personal', the only reason to 'ignore' someone is for being dull or fixated on a single-issue. We're just blocks of text here.

    I would recommend stopping these long HBD textwalls. I don't think it's your intention, but it's actually quite insulting to assume (on this blog's corpse of all places) that Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    You know that person at a social event or party who becomes an intolerable bore because he stop talking at someone about that one subject he just *knows* that he's 100% right about? You're being that guy. Don't be that guy.

    It's only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    Last thing this website needs is any more HBD/haplogroup posting... notice that practically all users here with strong scientific backgrounds (or at minimum, developed numerical skills) repeatedly expressed their contempt or total disinterest for these cottage-discussions... AnonFromTN, Gerard, utu, Dmitry, ThuleanFriend (he seemed in finance), even Ron Unz to some degree for the more 'enthusiastic' HBH bloggers.

    I didn't intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards 'a white trash racist'.... whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you've internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.
    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    Of course, its much easier to enjoy yourself comfortably, if you sincerely believe the surrounding slum-dwellers and hawkers, are poor because they're incurably stupid and so deserve it.

    That's a very harsh thing to say, and probably you haven't consciously framed your outlook in such a stark way. But perhaps you should reflect a little on that.

    It's very akin to wealthy Latinamericans who have held on to these exact racial-determinist views for centuries (without the scientific gloss), with the irony that within Europe itself, the same outlook placed Iberians precisely at the bottom of the race hierarchy, with educated Europeans looking at them as wealthy dinosaur trash.

    Of course it's very unfair to put you in that category, you're still young and live in your bubble. But you have to grow out of this unearned snobbishness at some point.
    Your ego can't be going around announcing things like "I'm extremely smart" (but its ok, because you're aware of it and thus humble), even half-jokingly and on an obscure internet forum.
    We all know, that despite whatever personas we attempt to construct online, most people are much more emotionally honest when anonymous, than in person. You need to curb that sort of egotism before it starts expressing itself in the real world, especially in a place with such gross wealth inequality as Egypt.

    Take this as friendly advice.

    Replies: @Coconuts, @Yahya

    Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.

    Dmitry hasn’t heard of the arguments. He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic. He hasn’t really engaged with the literature. If he did, he’d know that most of the respected social scientists of our time, from Steven Pinker on the left to Charles Murray on the right, believe in the validity of IQ in predicting life outcomes. Then he wouldn’t be so causal in asserting that Pinker, Pomlin etc. are peddling pseudoscientific nonsense. Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal map I posted, asking me if “this map line is showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”. This is a comic book view of HBD.

    It’s only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.

    I stopped Arab-posting because very few people interacted with these posts. Only occasionally would people like Dmitry, HBD, APP etc. engage me on the topic, but interest would eventually ware out. Naturally, people here are more interested in Euro-centric discussions.

    I enjoy the sparring with Dmitry on HBD. I have a desire to convince him over to the dark side, for one reason or another (I don’t know), so will continue posting on the issue, even if it is repeating common talking points (I’d like to think I’m adding new insights meanwhile). If you don’t like it, there’s always the ignore button.


    I didn’t intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards ‘a white trash racist’…. whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you’ve internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.


    1) songbird is only minimally Anglo by ancestry, he just likes to larp as one on these forums.

    2) My strong antipathy towards him stems from AE times. I was actually on polite and friendly terms with him for a long time, as I am with anyone. But that changed when he, like you, inserted himself into one of my posts, presumed to criticize my personal behavior, and tried to dictate what I should or should not be posting on this forum. From then on he became my enemy and I insulted him in every way conceivable (except I never called him ‘white trash’, only a ‘mick’). I occasionally feel guilt for going overboard with the “retaliation”, and attempt to be friendly; but like I said before I take insults very personally, tend to hold a grudge, so it is difficult for me to not go back insulting him.

    3) Supremacism does not necessarily follow from HBD, as you’d have to put value first on certain qualities to define superiority. Now it just so happens that I do hold hierarchal notions of race, but that is because I have a strong personal view on what constitutes superiority, and it is clear to me that certain groups possess them more than others. I would like for the superior groups to maintain their level, as I believe strongly in the philosophy of supporting superiors (as opposed to envying and wishing for their leveling). But there was a point when I did not make value judgments, and therefore held a more egalitarian philosophy (which I’ve since abandoned). HBD and egalitarianism are perfectly compatible with each other.

    4) I do not extend my hierarchal worldview onto the personal plane. That is, even if I regard whites as racially superior to blacks, that doesn’t mean I’d hold any particular white as superior to any given black. The notion of Sean Hannity or Donald Trump being superior to Thomas Sowell or Denzel Washington is laughable to me. The individual shall be judged on his personal qualities and achievements. That applies to songbird. Your contention that my HBDist views are ironically contradictory to my insulting songbird as an inferior subhuman fails to grasp the key distinction between the racial and individual plane.

    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.

    You have to distinguish my acceptance of (what I view as) HBD facts from the hierarchal worldview. Again, the one does not necessarily follow from the other. For years I maintained an egalitarian “all men are equal in worth” outlook even after acknowledging the validity of HBD from a scientific point of view. It is only recently that I turned towards a hierarchal “some men are worthier than others” worldview. The shift occurred after I realized the civilizational benefits of adopting this position. To uplift humanity, one must first distinguish between what is higher and what is lower. It is folly to pretend everyone exists on the same plane. And this extends to race, ethnicity, class, and individuals.

    As for my situation vis-a-vis poor Egyptians, I don’t feel guilty about that since most of our family income comes from Saudi, as I mentioned several times over the years. Even if it were Egyptian, I don’t think I would’ve felt guilty unless the money was made in an illegal or immoral manner. That I inherited my position by virtue of parentage does not concern me in the least; in family-centric Arab society there is no stigma around nepotism (you won’t be hearing the term “nepo-baby” here).

    I believe strongly in the virtues of an aristocratic upper class which would increase in size geometrically throughout the ages, uphold high culture activities, and contribute to the political and social development of their respective nations. This is based on my study of Britain’s historical development into the most functional and accomplished nation on Earth. In Egypt we had a solid and formalized system of pashas which had produced many great and worthy Egyptians such as Saad Zaghloul (political), Ahmad Urabi (political), Mustafa Kamil (intellectual), Ezz El-Din Zulficar (filmmaker), Talaat Harb (banker), Ahmad Shawqi (poet), Mohammad Heikal (writer) and Ahmed Lutfi El-Sayed (intellectual). The established system has all but disappeared in modern Egypt, as with everywhere else in the world, and this is a great loss for human civilization imo.

    Egyptian poverty and dysfunction has many causes, but if one believes in the validity of heredity and HBD, as I do, then one must look towards the distribution of traits to explain the underperformance. I reject the Marxian notion that poverty is caused by exploitation And theft. The wealth must be produced for it to be stolen, and in the 3rd world this wealth has not been generated in the first place. The problem in its essence is that it is difficult to assimilate the gargantuan of knowledge needed to produce complex goods such as planes, smartphones, computer systems, TVs etc. Only a handful of countries possess the human capital needed to acquire and apply the skills necessary to produce these goods, much less innovate and invent new modes of production. Most of the rest have to contend with producing lower-end value goods, such as tourism and agriculture, which incidentally are Egypt’s two main economic engines.

    There are certain institutional and cultural changes which can be effected to improve Egyptian stock of human capital and societal performance, but you are naïve if you think Egypt will be operating anywhere near Japan’s level with the current distribution of traits. Something will have to give on the fertility side before Egypt can reach first world levels. The institutions and culture are also extremely difficult to change in a positive direction; if they were then everyone would’ve done them a long time ago. To some extent the direction of the culture is uncontrollable, because culture itself consists of many minute decisions being made on a micro-level, across millions of people, which cannot be controlled from the top-down. Institutions are more malleable, but again there are feedback effects from genetics and culture; you will not have a high-trust, non-corrupt government if you do not have a high-trust, non-corrupt people. Each nation gets the government it deserves; and the reason we have a despotic military in charge in Egypt is that the people cannot be trusted with the vote; they will elect Islamist/Salafist buffoons and other assorted retrograde garbage without secular elite power keeping them in check.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Greasy William

    He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic.
    But HBD'ers are pretty autistic in their own way about it. American blacks have an average IQ of 85 but anyone who has ever interacted with them can tell that they have a certain type of intelligence that the tests obviously just aren't picking up. A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. Blacks also have a hard to quantify "body intelligence" that obviously can't be tested for, but you know it when you see it.

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks

    Replies: @Yahya, @QCIC

    , @silviosilver

    At the risk of incurring your wrath with an unsolicited opinion on a post not directed to me (don't want to spoil the good run I've had recently), I'd just like to say that, personally, I don't mind your longer didactic posts at all, but I think 'vardy is going to come away from reading that one (if he even makes it to the end) with the feeling you've followed him down the street insisting "but surely you must agree that..." :)

    Also, thank you for pointing out that drawing qualitative distinctions between groups in no way obliges you to esteem every member of that group. You'd think that would be too obvious for words, but it's better to spell it out plainly than leave it to people's imaginations - eg "how dare he address [Mr X] so rudely; doesn't he realize he's in the presence of greatness?" ah yeah okay bro.

    , @Dmitry

    Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal.. showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”
    In the forum, we all know the map and it's been discussed many times before.

    This reminds me of Bashibuzuk above, who believes I don't know about Galkovsky, just because I don't want to import the terminology of someone whose has historical "theories" which even Joe Rogan would need more drugs to be able to discuss without laughing.

    My point is your map of Europe to explain why Russia and Ukraine don't have good development, have autocracy, is another way of dividing between the "Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people". It's the same map they used in Germany in a certain historical "epoch".

    The idea all slavic countries will be primitive and undeveloped because of this map, is bypassed by good development process in Czech Republic, Slovakia, to some extent also now Poland.

    In brown parts of the map, Southern Spain is not a centre of autocrac since Abba's second album, Sicily was more resisting Mussolini, than supporting dictatorship.

    your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret
    To be fair, I can write perfect English if I have opportunity to re-read the text and edit it. But apologies, I'm often lazy or not able to complete the task within the 5 minute edit limit in this forum.

    population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role


    It's possible, but we didn't isolate the variables, and it's not our explanation for the development differences and problems e.g. India, Russia, China etc.

    I know, we already had the discussion where said e.g. 99% of Indians would be genetically stupid lentil farmers etc. But in history, the ratio of the lentil farmers in the society is not determined by genetic limits, it's the change from agricultural society to the industrial society.

    IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733)
    If you "cherry pick" one time slice, which would have no more priority than another time slice. (Also there is problem the data for "national IQ" was a fake one). If the model shows causal relations, then it would backtest or hindcast. For example, the 20th century wealth of China, would backtest from its standardized test levels in the 18th century etc.
  1130. @AP

    What do you think of Baldinini? My wife once got some fantastic boots from her mom as a gift.

    Replies: @Yahya

    What do you think of Baldinini?

    Never bought anything from them.

    Quality of their products looks good from the pictures I’ve seen.

    Some interesting materials and designs. I’m allured.

    Will have to visit their stores next time I travel.

  1131. A123 says: • Website

    The Euros don't have a plan and the Ukie refugees are not from MENA - I have not seen any, maybe there are some, but that is not the issue.

    You list four options, we may actually get pieces of all four - and the part about Ukraine becoming a failed state is almost certain. There is a 5th option: it is all blown up so the first four options are not too visible. You see, it would be too a Japanese harakiri, it would be seen as preferable to losing face.

    Replies: @A123

    Ukie refugees are not from MENA – I have not seen any, maybe there are some, but that is not the issue.

    Perhaps you are lucky. Or, possibly you are not recognizing what you are seeing. At least 1/3 of the migrants are MENA or sub-Saharan origin Muslims with forged Ukrainian documents. (1)

    Report: “Someone is Making a Fortune” Out of Giving Non-Ukrainian Migrants Fake Ukrainian Passports

    “Only a fraction are really Ukrainian refugees.”

    According to a report by German newspaper Bild, “someone is making a fortune” out of giving non-Ukrainian economic migrants fake Ukrainian passports so they can slip into western Europe and get free welfare.

    More than 50 migrants clashed on Saturday night during a riot at a refugee facility in Munich as chairs and paving stones were used as weapons, prompting a huge police response.


    It is pretty easy to look at that picture and count at least 8 of 20 (40%) as obviously not Ukrainian.

    There are many genuine Ukrainians in the mix, but if they never go home that creates other problems. While they can assimilate eventually, how long will that take? And what downward impact will it place on wages?

    PEACE 😇


  1132. @Yahya

    Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    Dmitry hasn’t heard of the arguments. He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic. He hasn’t really engaged with the literature. If he did, he’d know that most of the respected social scientists of our time, from Steven Pinker on the left to Charles Murray on the right, believe in the validity of IQ in predicting life outcomes. Then he wouldn’t be so causal in asserting that Pinker, Pomlin etc. are peddling pseudoscientific nonsense. Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal map I posted, asking me if “this map line is showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”. This is a comic book view of HBD.

    It’s only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    I stopped Arab-posting because very few people interacted with these posts. Only occasionally would people like Dmitry, HBD, APP etc. engage me on the topic, but interest would eventually ware out. Naturally, people here are more interested in Euro-centric discussions.

    I enjoy the sparring with Dmitry on HBD. I have a desire to convince him over to the dark side, for one reason or another (I don’t know), so will continue posting on the issue, even if it is repeating common talking points (I’d like to think I’m adding new insights meanwhile). If you don’t like it, there’s always the ignore button.

    I didn’t intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards ‘a white trash racist’…. whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you’ve internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.

    1) songbird is only minimally Anglo by ancestry, he just likes to larp as one on these forums.

    2) My strong antipathy towards him stems from AE times. I was actually on polite and friendly terms with him for a long time, as I am with anyone. But that changed when he, like you, inserted himself into one of my posts, presumed to criticize my personal behavior, and tried to dictate what I should or should not be posting on this forum. From then on he became my enemy and I insulted him in every way conceivable (except I never called him ‘white trash’, only a ‘mick’). I occasionally feel guilt for going overboard with the “retaliation”, and attempt to be friendly; but like I said before I take insults very personally, tend to hold a grudge, so it is difficult for me to not go back insulting him.

    3) Supremacism does not necessarily follow from HBD, as you’d have to put value first on certain qualities to define superiority. Now it just so happens that I do hold hierarchal notions of race, but that is because I have a strong personal view on what constitutes superiority, and it is clear to me that certain groups possess them more than others. I would like for the superior groups to maintain their level, as I believe strongly in the philosophy of supporting superiors (as opposed to envying and wishing for their leveling). But there was a point when I did not make value judgments, and therefore held a more egalitarian philosophy (which I’ve since abandoned). HBD and egalitarianism are perfectly compatible with each other.

    4) I do not extend my hierarchal worldview onto the personal plane. That is, even if I regard whites as racially superior to blacks, that doesn’t mean I’d hold any particular white as superior to any given black. The notion of Sean Hannity or Donald Trump being superior to Thomas Sowell or Denzel Washington is laughable to me. The individual shall be judged on his personal qualities and achievements. That applies to songbird. Your contention that my HBDist views are ironically contradictory to my insulting songbird as an inferior subhuman fails to grasp the key distinction between the racial and individual plane.

    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    You have to distinguish my acceptance of (what I view as) HBD facts from the hierarchal worldview. Again, the one does not necessarily follow from the other. For years I maintained an egalitarian “all men are equal in worth” outlook even after acknowledging the validity of HBD from a scientific point of view. It is only recently that I turned towards a hierarchal “some men are worthier than others” worldview. The shift occurred after I realized the civilizational benefits of adopting this position. To uplift humanity, one must first distinguish between what is higher and what is lower. It is folly to pretend everyone exists on the same plane. And this extends to race, ethnicity, class, and individuals.

    As for my situation vis-a-vis poor Egyptians, I don’t feel guilty about that since most of our family income comes from Saudi, as I mentioned several times over the years. Even if it were Egyptian, I don’t think I would’ve felt guilty unless the money was made in an illegal or immoral manner. That I inherited my position by virtue of parentage does not concern me in the least; in family-centric Arab society there is no stigma around nepotism (you won’t be hearing the term “nepo-baby” here).

    I believe strongly in the virtues of an aristocratic upper class which would increase in size geometrically throughout the ages, uphold high culture activities, and contribute to the political and social development of their respective nations. This is based on my study of Britain’s historical development into the most functional and accomplished nation on Earth. In Egypt we had a solid and formalized system of pashas which had produced many great and worthy Egyptians such as Saad Zaghloul (political), Ahmad Urabi (political), Mustafa Kamil (intellectual), Ezz El-Din Zulficar (filmmaker), Talaat Harb (banker), Ahmad Shawqi (poet), Mohammad Heikal (writer) and Ahmed Lutfi El-Sayed (intellectual). The established system has all but disappeared in modern Egypt, as with everywhere else in the world, and this is a great loss for human civilization imo.

    Egyptian poverty and dysfunction has many causes, but if one believes in the validity of heredity and HBD, as I do, then one must look towards the distribution of traits to explain the underperformance. I reject the Marxian notion that poverty is caused by exploitation And theft. The wealth must be produced for it to be stolen, and in the 3rd world this wealth has not been generated in the first place. The problem in its essence is that it is difficult to assimilate the gargantuan of knowledge needed to produce complex goods such as planes, smartphones, computer systems, TVs etc. Only a handful of countries possess the human capital needed to acquire and apply the skills necessary to produce these goods, much less innovate and invent new modes of production. Most of the rest have to contend with producing lower-end value goods, such as tourism and agriculture, which incidentally are Egypt’s two main economic engines.

    There are certain institutional and cultural changes which can be effected to improve Egyptian stock of human capital and societal performance, but you are naïve if you think Egypt will be operating anywhere near Japan’s level with the current distribution of traits. Something will have to give on the fertility side before Egypt can reach first world levels. The institutions and culture are also extremely difficult to change in a positive direction; if they were then everyone would’ve done them a long time ago. To some extent the direction of the culture is uncontrollable, because culture itself consists of many minute decisions being made on a micro-level, across millions of people, which cannot be controlled from the top-down. Institutions are more malleable, but again there are feedback effects from genetics and culture; you will not have a high-trust, non-corrupt government if you do not have a high-trust, non-corrupt people. Each nation gets the government it deserves; and the reason we have a despotic military in charge in Egypt is that the people cannot be trusted with the vote; they will elect Islamist/Salafist buffoons and other assorted retrograde garbage without secular elite power keeping them in check.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @silviosilver, @Dmitry

    He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic.

    But HBD’ers are pretty autistic in their own way about it. American blacks have an average IQ of 85 but anyone who has ever interacted with them can tell that they have a certain type of intelligence that the tests obviously just aren’t picking up. A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. Blacks also have a hard to quantify “body intelligence” that obviously can’t be tested for, but you know it when you see it.

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks

    • Replies: @Yahya
    @Greasy William

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks
    I didn’t even mention IQ in relation to blacks, you twit.

    YOU brought them up.

    I wonder why that is.

    A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. ——
    I am perfectly familiar with the creativity and charisma of many blacks.

    But these are separate traits, distinguishable from intelligence.

    You saying “IQ” doesn’t measure these traits is sort of idiotic.

    Of course it doesn’t - it’s not supposed to!

    Go back to being a Jewish supremacist anti-Persio-Lebanese racist.

    You were a lot more entertaining that way.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    , @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    This is an important topic related to the workings of the mind.

    Some birds can learn to speak, but they do not say anything.

    I suspect the charisma and creativity you mention are often not what they seem.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  1133. @Greasy William

    He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic.
    But HBD'ers are pretty autistic in their own way about it. American blacks have an average IQ of 85 but anyone who has ever interacted with them can tell that they have a certain type of intelligence that the tests obviously just aren't picking up. A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. Blacks also have a hard to quantify "body intelligence" that obviously can't be tested for, but you know it when you see it.

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks

    Replies: @Yahya, @QCIC

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks

    I didn’t even mention IQ in relation to blacks, you twit.

    YOU brought them up.

    I wonder why that is.

    A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. ——

    I am perfectly familiar with the creativity and charisma of many blacks.

    But these are separate traits, distinguishable from intelligence.

    You saying “IQ” doesn’t measure these traits is sort of idiotic.

    Of course it doesn’t – it’s not supposed to!

    Go back to being a Jewish supremacist anti-Persio-Lebanese racist.

    You were a lot more entertaining that way.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    I prefixed my statement with "no offense", so you aren't allowed to get angry about what came after those two words

    BTW, Iranians don't like being called Persian. They will get irritated if you call them that and will correct you. The only people who self describe as Persians are the Iranian Jews. Khamenei isn't even Persian

    Replies: @Yevardian

  1134. @Yahya
    @Greasy William

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks
    I didn’t even mention IQ in relation to blacks, you twit.

    YOU brought them up.

    I wonder why that is.

    A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. ——
    I am perfectly familiar with the creativity and charisma of many blacks.

    But these are separate traits, distinguishable from intelligence.

    You saying “IQ” doesn’t measure these traits is sort of idiotic.

    Of course it doesn’t - it’s not supposed to!

    Go back to being a Jewish supremacist anti-Persio-Lebanese racist.

    You were a lot more entertaining that way.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    I prefixed my statement with “no offense”, so you aren’t allowed to get angry about what came after those two words

    BTW, Iranians don’t like being called Persian. They will get irritated if you call them that and will correct you. The only people who self describe as Persians are the Iranian Jews. Khamenei isn’t even Persian

    • Replies: @Yevardian
    @Greasy William

    BTW, Iranians don’t like being called Persian. They will get irritated if you call them that and will correct you. The only people who self describe as Persians are the Iranian Jews. Khamenei isn’t even Persian
    Actually, it depends more on their individual political views, cultural values and even their current social surroundings, the diaspora and Iranian-born alike use both.

    Although generally, Iranian is (usually) more of a political/state identifier, whilst Persian is more a cultural one. In technical usage, Persians (from Fars province, originally Pars, but Arabs don't have "p") are subset of the many ethnic groups within Iran, including Armenians, or Turkic peoples like the Lur... they would be "Iranian" but "Iranic", whereas Tajiks would be Iranic but not Iranian. Then most Sorani-speaking (most Kurdish languages are in fact not mutually intelligible) Kurds would be both "Iranic" and "Iranian", but not Persian.

    Like Turkic versus Turkish, or Germanic versus German.. and so on. But I think most here already are aware.

    Replies: @Greasy William

  1135. Agree on the aristocracy being essential.

    On Nehru:


  1136. @Mr. XYZ

    but I am not aware of any evidence that the people of Iraq wished their country to be invaded as a way of being rid of Saddam,
    Well, there wasn't any other realistic way to get rid of Saddam. It's either invading Iraq and risking an Iraqi civil war afterwards or leaving Saddam Hussein in place. The Iraqis tried overthrowing Saddam Hussein by themselves back in 1991 and miserably failed to do so.

    Replies: @Sean

    Well, there wasn’t any other realistic way to get rid of Saddam

    Ukraine had no business deciding that invasion and war would be a net benefit for Iraq, which was in the other side of the worls and nothing to do with Ukraine, Let us be real, Ukraine participated in the invasion and suppression of resistance by Iraqis to to the invasion of their country not because it cared about Iraqis’ democratic freedom more than Iraqis continuing to live their lives in peace as they so fit, but because Ukraine was willing to do whatever America wanted Ukraine to do. Ukraine thought being in on the US invasion of Iraq, and in ever closer military understanding with America and the EU would provide Ukraine with security against being invaded itself, and result in having money thrown at it by the EU.
    Victoria Nuland, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, estimated in December 2013 that the United States had invested more than $5 billion since 1991 to help Ukraine achieve “the future it deserves.” As part of that effort, the U.S. government has bankrolled the National Endowment for Democracy. The nonprofit foundation has funded more than 60 projects aimed at promoting civil society in Ukraine, and the NED’s president, Carl Gershman, has called that country “the biggest prize.” After Yanukovych won Ukraine’s presidential election in February 2010, the NED decided he was undermining its goals, and so it stepped up its efforts to support the opposition and strengthen the country’s democratic institutions. When Russian leaders look at Western social engineering in Ukraine, they worry that their country might be next. And such fears are hardly groundless. In September 2013, Gershman wrote in The Washington Post, “Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents.” He added: “Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.”

    Gershman was incredibly stupid to say that did he think that Putin was like Saddam, a dictator who the West could overthrow and would be justified in doing so . Putin was elected, and his support has increased over the years. The decision to attack Ukraine has barely changed that . He was popular among Russians before and his support in the great mass of the population has remained solid.

    Russia doing nothing about Ukraine entering the American camp was predicated on Russia being too intimidated by US power, which back in the early 2000s it was (although Russia had strongly objected to NATO expansion since the mid 1990s, and also been saying it would not stand for Ukraine entering the Western camp since that time). But Russia’s relative lack of power two decades ago was a blip, and the leadership of Russia was not only extremely inexperienced and naïve back them, it was preoccupied with a domestic Jihadi terrorist threat. It is a fact that Putin–like Yeltsin before him–asked if Russia could join NATO!

    Putin came to power in a flawed democracy and his rule was fragile or at least CIA NED people like Carl Gershman seemed to think it was and might be overthrown in a Russian Color Revolution. A few years later Bush the Younger thought he could get Ukraine into Nato, and the scales fell from Putin’s eyes. He was domestically secure and had restored Russia’s ability to give a good military account of itself and so he was not going to accept Ukraine getting closer to the West. A Russian newspaper reported that in objecting to the 2008 proposal for Ukraine to join Nato Putin told Bush that were it to be proceeded with Ukraine would crease to exist. And a few months later Russia did invade Georgia, the other country proposed to be admitted to Nato with Ukraine.

    Does this mean the 2014 and 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine are morally better than Ukraine’s invasion of Iraq? Of course not. But there was no misunderstanding, Ukraine had its chance and made its choice. While it stood up to Russia thinking it was going to be more protected by America for acting in American interests than it actually has been, Ukraine has gained in cohesion. Russia too has come to know itself.

    • Replies: @AP

    Ukraine had no business deciding that invasion and war would be a net benefit for Iraq, which was in the other side of the worls and nothing to do with Ukraine, Let us be real, Ukraine participated in the invasion and suppression of resistance by Iraqis to to the invasion of their country
    1. Ukraine did not participate in the decision to invade

    2. Ukraine was not involved in the invasion, but rather the post-invasion occupation

    3. Ukrainian participation was unpopular in Ukraine (90% opposition), small scale, and fairly brief

    Replies: @Sean

  1137. @Emil Nikola Richard

    > scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.

    CRISPR & nanotechnology!

    Serious people who score really great on intelligence quotient tests believe it.

    This is only 19 days old and not a bad place to begin:

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Ivashka the fool

    Before we can genetically optimize any given population using genome-editing, we need to finish analyzing the inter-relationship between all the omics and the human population’s pangenome. Not done yet, probably won’t be completed in the next 20 years. Perhaps we might get there faster using AI, if it doesn’t destroy us prior to us getting ready for this task. Do we have a functional real time multiomics model of E. coli yet ? Why not ?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Ivashka the fool

    You seem to not appreciate how big numbers can be.

  1138. @Coconuts

    ugh, I posted that too quickly and failed to make my point clearly, which was intended to be that anti-egalitarianism and belief in a hierarchical society isn't the same as belief in racism of the northern European type and you can see that in Iberians, at least the Lusophone type.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    Anti-egalitarianism is simply realism by other name

    • Agree: Yahya
  1139. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    Dima didn’t answer my repeated questions about whether he cares at all about Russian
    I can see Soviet people with his loyalty test demands. We have this enough of this culture from Putin, it's not so healthy

    Also there is a difference between a normal discussion about Russia and demands of someone's ego. Your posting quality was probably not that high in the recent thread, while you greedily demand people give you the cookie.

    By the way, I enjoy many of your posts where you discuss your personal experiences etc. But think about difference of value between adding interesting new information, or asking people to give you cookies.

    Dima has written lately that Russia is a “thrash bin of history” type of place
    When I was young, I thought it was funny phrase. But looking backwards, it feels more like a scientific description.

    You know people from 1970s Moscow, not understanding this is kind of predictable. I think your situation of your generation is interesting, not realistic.

    ommented highly about Israel which he clearly likes as a country


    I'm sure you noticed, Israel for me, is not some kind of ruthless plan for additional citizenships or countries. I actually had better options, from this point of view. I don't want to exaggerate I am somekind of refugee. Israel is one of my hobbies and I enjoy discussing this topic.

    It's like reading someone says "why do you like talking about this girl in your school, why don't talk about your mother".

    Well, I am here for entertainment and my comments are mostly what I wanted to post about.

    that Dima is a (fine) Jewish young man
    One of the reasons I was enjoying your posts, was this view I am Jewish. I'm imagining some kind of mystical rabbi.

    But to not steal other peoples' identity, there is a difference between Jewish roots and Jewish people. For me, the Jewish person in my family is in the third generation, which is a grandfather. So, you talk about people from a different category.

    are about one’s homeland also has nothing to do with one’s place of residence. Mr Hack and AP live in US of A


    They are Americans. Their homeland is the USA, the country which they know and which creates them. It's not a comparable to our situation.

    For AP, it's more complicated also as I think his wife is from Moscow, or you would say she was part of the "noviops in Moscow".

    Replies: @AP, @Ivashka the fool

    Ну и зачем ты вообще всё это написал?

    Как после этого с тобой общаться?

    И главное зачем с тобой общаться…

  1140. @Greasy William

    I prefixed my statement with "no offense", so you aren't allowed to get angry about what came after those two words

    BTW, Iranians don't like being called Persian. They will get irritated if you call them that and will correct you. The only people who self describe as Persians are the Iranian Jews. Khamenei isn't even Persian

    Replies: @Yevardian

    BTW, Iranians don’t like being called Persian. They will get irritated if you call them that and will correct you. The only people who self describe as Persians are the Iranian Jews. Khamenei isn’t even Persian

    Actually, it depends more on their individual political views, cultural values and even their current social surroundings, the diaspora and Iranian-born alike use both.

    Although generally, Iranian is (usually) more of a political/state identifier, whilst Persian is more a cultural one. In technical usage, Persians (from Fars province, originally Pars, but Arabs don’t have “p”) are subset of the many ethnic groups within Iran, including Armenians, or Turkic peoples like the Lur… they would be “Iranian” but “Iranic”, whereas Tajiks would be Iranic but not Iranian. Then most Sorani-speaking (most Kurdish languages are in fact not mutually intelligible) Kurds would be both “Iranic” and “Iranian”, but not Persian.

    Like Turkic versus Turkish, or Germanic versus German.. and so on. But I think most here already are aware.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    My understanding is that the modern Iranian state is very self consciously "Iranian" as opposed to "Persian". Sort of like how Israel was self consciously "Jewish" as opposed to "Ashkenazic" even when the country's Jewish population was mostly Ashkenazic.

    Also, historically I don't believe Iranians ever referred to themselves as Persian. Persian is what people from outside Iran called them, the Iranians have always referred to themselves as "Iranian".

    Replies: @silviosilver

  1141. @Yevardian
    @Greasy William

    BTW, Iranians don’t like being called Persian. They will get irritated if you call them that and will correct you. The only people who self describe as Persians are the Iranian Jews. Khamenei isn’t even Persian
    Actually, it depends more on their individual political views, cultural values and even their current social surroundings, the diaspora and Iranian-born alike use both.

    Although generally, Iranian is (usually) more of a political/state identifier, whilst Persian is more a cultural one. In technical usage, Persians (from Fars province, originally Pars, but Arabs don't have "p") are subset of the many ethnic groups within Iran, including Armenians, or Turkic peoples like the Lur... they would be "Iranian" but "Iranic", whereas Tajiks would be Iranic but not Iranian. Then most Sorani-speaking (most Kurdish languages are in fact not mutually intelligible) Kurds would be both "Iranic" and "Iranian", but not Persian.

    Like Turkic versus Turkish, or Germanic versus German.. and so on. But I think most here already are aware.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    My understanding is that the modern Iranian state is very self consciously “Iranian” as opposed to “Persian”. Sort of like how Israel was self consciously “Jewish” as opposed to “Ashkenazic” even when the country’s Jewish population was mostly Ashkenazic.

    Also, historically I don’t believe Iranians ever referred to themselves as Persian. Persian is what people from outside Iran called them, the Iranians have always referred to themselves as “Iranian”.

    • Replies: @silviosilver
    @Greasy William

    I thought using "Persian" was a diaspora softener that avoids the associations people tend to have of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism and crazy mullahs who want to get nukes when they hear "Iranian."

    I met this half-Persian girl at a club once who I misheard as saying she's "half Asian." (When people just leave it at that, I assume the unstated half is Anglo-Australian.) She didn't look asian to me at all, and it's not as if I was gonna have kids with her, but I was disappointed to hear it all the same. Some time afterwards, I mentioned the 'half-Asian' thing and she corrected me, "no, half-Persian, not half-asian." I can only imagine she got the word from her father, or else was aware of the generally negative association people have to "Iranian.

  1142. @Yahya

    Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    Dmitry hasn’t heard of the arguments. He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic. He hasn’t really engaged with the literature. If he did, he’d know that most of the respected social scientists of our time, from Steven Pinker on the left to Charles Murray on the right, believe in the validity of IQ in predicting life outcomes. Then he wouldn’t be so causal in asserting that Pinker, Pomlin etc. are peddling pseudoscientific nonsense. Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal map I posted, asking me if “this map line is showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”. This is a comic book view of HBD.

    It’s only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    I stopped Arab-posting because very few people interacted with these posts. Only occasionally would people like Dmitry, HBD, APP etc. engage me on the topic, but interest would eventually ware out. Naturally, people here are more interested in Euro-centric discussions.

    I enjoy the sparring with Dmitry on HBD. I have a desire to convince him over to the dark side, for one reason or another (I don’t know), so will continue posting on the issue, even if it is repeating common talking points (I’d like to think I’m adding new insights meanwhile). If you don’t like it, there’s always the ignore button.

    I didn’t intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards ‘a white trash racist’…. whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you’ve internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.

    1) songbird is only minimally Anglo by ancestry, he just likes to larp as one on these forums.

    2) My strong antipathy towards him stems from AE times. I was actually on polite and friendly terms with him for a long time, as I am with anyone. But that changed when he, like you, inserted himself into one of my posts, presumed to criticize my personal behavior, and tried to dictate what I should or should not be posting on this forum. From then on he became my enemy and I insulted him in every way conceivable (except I never called him ‘white trash’, only a ‘mick’). I occasionally feel guilt for going overboard with the “retaliation”, and attempt to be friendly; but like I said before I take insults very personally, tend to hold a grudge, so it is difficult for me to not go back insulting him.

    3) Supremacism does not necessarily follow from HBD, as you’d have to put value first on certain qualities to define superiority. Now it just so happens that I do hold hierarchal notions of race, but that is because I have a strong personal view on what constitutes superiority, and it is clear to me that certain groups possess them more than others. I would like for the superior groups to maintain their level, as I believe strongly in the philosophy of supporting superiors (as opposed to envying and wishing for their leveling). But there was a point when I did not make value judgments, and therefore held a more egalitarian philosophy (which I’ve since abandoned). HBD and egalitarianism are perfectly compatible with each other.

    4) I do not extend my hierarchal worldview onto the personal plane. That is, even if I regard whites as racially superior to blacks, that doesn’t mean I’d hold any particular white as superior to any given black. The notion of Sean Hannity or Donald Trump being superior to Thomas Sowell or Denzel Washington is laughable to me. The individual shall be judged on his personal qualities and achievements. That applies to songbird. Your contention that my HBDist views are ironically contradictory to my insulting songbird as an inferior subhuman fails to grasp the key distinction between the racial and individual plane.

    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    You have to distinguish my acceptance of (what I view as) HBD facts from the hierarchal worldview. Again, the one does not necessarily follow from the other. For years I maintained an egalitarian “all men are equal in worth” outlook even after acknowledging the validity of HBD from a scientific point of view. It is only recently that I turned towards a hierarchal “some men are worthier than others” worldview. The shift occurred after I realized the civilizational benefits of adopting this position. To uplift humanity, one must first distinguish between what is higher and what is lower. It is folly to pretend everyone exists on the same plane. And this extends to race, ethnicity, class, and individuals.

    As for my situation vis-a-vis poor Egyptians, I don’t feel guilty about that since most of our family income comes from Saudi, as I mentioned several times over the years. Even if it were Egyptian, I don’t think I would’ve felt guilty unless the money was made in an illegal or immoral manner. That I inherited my position by virtue of parentage does not concern me in the least; in family-centric Arab society there is no stigma around nepotism (you won’t be hearing the term “nepo-baby” here).

    I believe strongly in the virtues of an aristocratic upper class which would increase in size geometrically throughout the ages, uphold high culture activities, and contribute to the political and social development of their respective nations. This is based on my study of Britain’s historical development into the most functional and accomplished nation on Earth. In Egypt we had a solid and formalized system of pashas which had produced many great and worthy Egyptians such as Saad Zaghloul (political), Ahmad Urabi (political), Mustafa Kamil (intellectual), Ezz El-Din Zulficar (filmmaker), Talaat Harb (banker), Ahmad Shawqi (poet), Mohammad Heikal (writer) and Ahmed Lutfi El-Sayed (intellectual). The established system has all but disappeared in modern Egypt, as with everywhere else in the world, and this is a great loss for human civilization imo.

    Egyptian poverty and dysfunction has many causes, but if one believes in the validity of heredity and HBD, as I do, then one must look towards the distribution of traits to explain the underperformance. I reject the Marxian notion that poverty is caused by exploitation And theft. The wealth must be produced for it to be stolen, and in the 3rd world this wealth has not been generated in the first place. The problem in its essence is that it is difficult to assimilate the gargantuan of knowledge needed to produce complex goods such as planes, smartphones, computer systems, TVs etc. Only a handful of countries possess the human capital needed to acquire and apply the skills necessary to produce these goods, much less innovate and invent new modes of production. Most of the rest have to contend with producing lower-end value goods, such as tourism and agriculture, which incidentally are Egypt’s two main economic engines.

    There are certain institutional and cultural changes which can be effected to improve Egyptian stock of human capital and societal performance, but you are naïve if you think Egypt will be operating anywhere near Japan’s level with the current distribution of traits. Something will have to give on the fertility side before Egypt can reach first world levels. The institutions and culture are also extremely difficult to change in a positive direction; if they were then everyone would’ve done them a long time ago. To some extent the direction of the culture is uncontrollable, because culture itself consists of many minute decisions being made on a micro-level, across millions of people, which cannot be controlled from the top-down. Institutions are more malleable, but again there are feedback effects from genetics and culture; you will not have a high-trust, non-corrupt government if you do not have a high-trust, non-corrupt people. Each nation gets the government it deserves; and the reason we have a despotic military in charge in Egypt is that the people cannot be trusted with the vote; they will elect Islamist/Salafist buffoons and other assorted retrograde garbage without secular elite power keeping them in check.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @silviosilver, @Dmitry

    At the risk of incurring your wrath with an unsolicited opinion on a post not directed to me (don’t want to spoil the good run I’ve had recently), I’d just like to say that, personally, I don’t mind your longer didactic posts at all, but I think ‘vardy is going to come away from reading that one (if he even makes it to the end) with the feeling you’ve followed him down the street insisting “but surely you must agree that…” 🙂

    Also, thank you for pointing out that drawing qualitative distinctions between groups in no way obliges you to esteem every member of that group. You’d think that would be too obvious for words, but it’s better to spell it out plainly than leave it to people’s imaginations – eg “how dare he address [Mr X] so rudely; doesn’t he realize he’s in the presence of greatness?” ah yeah okay bro.

  1143. @Greasy William

    My understanding is that the modern Iranian state is very self consciously "Iranian" as opposed to "Persian". Sort of like how Israel was self consciously "Jewish" as opposed to "Ashkenazic" even when the country's Jewish population was mostly Ashkenazic.

    Also, historically I don't believe Iranians ever referred to themselves as Persian. Persian is what people from outside Iran called them, the Iranians have always referred to themselves as "Iranian".

    Replies: @silviosilver

    I thought using “Persian” was a diaspora softener that avoids the associations people tend to have of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism and crazy mullahs who want to get nukes when they hear “Iranian.”

    I met this half-Persian girl at a club once who I misheard as saying she’s “half Asian.” (When people just leave it at that, I assume the unstated half is Anglo-Australian.) She didn’t look asian to me at all, and it’s not as if I was gonna have kids with her, but I was disappointed to hear it all the same. Some time afterwards, I mentioned the ‘half-Asian’ thing and she corrected me, “no, half-Persian, not half-asian.” I can only imagine she got the word from her father, or else was aware of the generally negative association people have to “Iranian.

  1144. @Dmitry

    If we believe PEW, we know Islam is net negative for religious switching in Europe including United Kingdom. More people in the West exit Islam, than enter Islam.

    So, we know it is not successful in Europe, in terms of converting new people relative to continuing its previous members. In America, it is more successful, as it is net 0, instead of net negative. In Europe, it is negative.

    Increase in the Islamic population is by immigration, higher fertility rates and younger population/demographic momentum.


    In discussion with Bashibuzuk, I was interested in the status of the immigrants, because historically it is usually changing religion by the elite.

    This situation of people from failed states or poor countries, carrying a religion to the successful state or wealthy country is different than e.g. how Christianity is carried to Russia. Maybe there is something similar with Catholicism in the USA.

    The increase in Islam in Europe, because Islamic world is a poor, failing region, while Europe is wealthy and successful region. For example, if Europe is a poor, failing region, while Islamic world is a successful wealthy region. Would importing gastarbaiters from Europe change the religion of the Middle East to Christianity. I would guess, only if the main power was also moved to the gastarbaiters.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    Increase in the Islamic population is by immigration, higher fertility rates and younger population/demographic momentum.

    Afaik, usually these ideas about future conversions are more related to the future, when the impact of migration and the different demographics has started to have a more appreciable effect. So maybe in around 20 years, when the UK is moving closer to having around a 1/5 of the population from a Muslim background; in France it will be higher.

    It could be hard to imagine what this will be like and what effect it will have (UK Muslim population is around 6% iirc and for decades it was much lower), if you know what areas of the UK which already have large Pakistani/Bangladeshi populations are like perhaps you can speculate how things might be.

    This situation of people from failed states or poor countries, carrying a religion to the successful state or wealthy country is different than e.g. how Christianity is carried to Russia. Maybe there is something similar with Catholicism in the USA.

    There is also the example of Christianity in the later Roman Empire, where barbarian peoples moving into the empire and settling was linked with the rise of Christianity, or the spread of Islam in the first Arab conquests.

    Here more marginal populations ended up modifying the composition of the elite and the culture. Sometimes the rise of Christianity is also explained in relation to a ‘first sexual revolution’, where Christianity restrained male socio-sexuality and practices like infanticide, giving the Christian groups higher fertility.

    Currently Islam and Muslim minorities do have friends among the non-Muslim elite (you can see significant parliamentary initiatives like trying to make Islamophobia or criticism of Muslimness a hate offensive in the UK, the same thing in France), and there is momentum behind raising members of the Muslim communities into the current elites. I think it’s uncertain what the overall effect of that will be.

    The increase in Islam in Europe, because Islamic world is a poor, failing region, while Europe is wealthy and successful region.

    Europe is wealthy but there seems to be some question about whether the European trajectory will continue to mean success in all respects. From the recent book ‘Feminism against Progress‘:

    In less material ways, many of us have done something analagous, as we invited ‘progress’ into the deepest parts of our relational lives. Many mourn traumatic experiences or irreversible decisions we made along the way, too, based on promises of mastery that turned out to be insubstantial.

    Talking about the links between body modifcation and other forms of liberation.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    UK which already have large Pakistani
    I've only met the upper class Pakistanis, who are like secular hipsters.

    We discussed in the earlier thread, in the United Kingdom the working class immigrants from Pakistan are mostly Mirpuris, which are villagers from the poorest region of Pakistan.

    The culture like the Mirpuris wasn't unrelated to the external conditions of Pakistan. So, I wonder how easily it can survive in a developed country?

    momentum behind raising members of the Muslim communities into the current elites


    Mainly Gulf Arabs, who are both Muslim and elites. A lot of funding in the Western institutions is from Gulf Arabs, also for the media, significant part of international businesses and new markets are for Gulf Arab countries.

    But the elites of some of the larger Muslim countries like Pakistan, are not so connected to religion.

    Also, I wonder if the future of Islamist Turkey and Iran, which are the historically most powerful Muslim countries, could be a secularization possibly. Turkey's population becomes less religious, even with Islamist government in some surveys.

    Europe is wealthy but there seems to be some question about whether the European trajectory will continue to mean success in all respects. From the recent book ‘Feminism against Progress‘:


    Even if you think Europe's trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.

    For example, German Reader will complain about the immigrants in Germany, bad organization of trains, or increasing price of cheese. If you use the same criteria, then Egypt has all these problems , more than Germany.

    There is an aspect in this forum, also in the Cold War, where if one country goes down, then there must be some better alternative. But in the world, better alternatives to the first world, are usually not in the second or third world. Better alternatives for problems in a first world country, will usually be only in another first world country.

    Replies: @Coconuts

  1145. @Mikel

    I would like Dmitry to outline the scenario in which Nigeria turns into Germany or Japan.
    Not so long ago, when Marxism-Leninism and national/social liberation movements were still in vogue, that was an easy question to answer. Capitalism had entered its final stage of Imperialism and could only survive by exploiting the people and resources of the Third World. Socialism would solve that problem.

    Ironically, I suspect that Dmitry's answer today would be the opposite. British imperialism in Nigeria wasn't thorough enough and they left before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :]

    Replies: @Beckow, @Dmitry

    Imperialism.. resources of the Third World

    This was Lenin’s 20th century version of the 19th century panslavism or Russian imperialism.

    In Soviet times, “imperialism” is everything in the external countries against the kremlin and “anti-imperialism” everything which supports it.

    before making sure that British law and institutions were solidly established :]

    Well, there is historical British imperialism, which is often exploitation of the colonized peoples.

    There was sometimes more informational transfer result of British imperialism, which installs British law, institutions etc. This is working today in Singapore, Israel, New Zealand, Australia etc.

    In second meaning, of course there is nothing which is theoretical that couldn’t scale places like Bermuda or Hong Kong to larger sizes.

    Although in general, the most successful countries have populations usually below around 10 million.

  1146. @silviosilver

    You think I secretly agree with you but somehow scared to say this because of social pressure.
    Not because of "social pressure," but because of a legitimate fear of seeing anti-immigration attitudes harden. It's why when the various horrors of mass immigration are being discussed (or more accurately, lamented), you interject with some banal observation that the immigrants are seeking higher wagers - as if there were anybody here unaware of that fact. But as you say: "But it’s surely not objective, as I am guest in another’s house. So for this reason, I can guess my opinion is not useful in this area." I don't mean to pick on you or make you feel bad (if anything, I feel guilty for even bringing it up), but yeah, you got that right.

    The change in the peoples’ perspective of seeing the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is unexpected. It’s almost like a “road to Damascus” for this topic. People were worrying about building’s lack insulation. But increasing insulation could help to kill the same people by carbon monoxide.
    I'll take my chances with more insulation, thanks. If it starts choking me, not in a million years would I expect, say, the Chinese to coming rushing to my aid. (Of course, I would be grateful for any aid - as would anyone who finds himself in dire straits - but I wouldn't expect it.)

    Replies: @Dmitry

    “social pressure,” but because of a legitimate fear of seeing anti-immigration attitudes

    I’ve noticed before you write like I’m secretly agreeing, just scared to say it. Have you thought about how your thinking is similar to someone in a religious cult?

    Just because you can have views which are unpopular in your context, doesn’t imply they are correct or people are secretly agreeing with you.

    If you feel like you are some missionary for your views, it’s possible you would benefit from talking to people with different views, not so you can try to change their opinion, but also because alternatives can also be interesting, true or false, or more likely partially true and false as in most discussion of the complex topics.

    ou interject with some banal observation that the immigrants are seeking higher wagers – as if there were anybody here unaware of that fact

    These are some of the main features of the system of world immigration. If you want to predict what will happen, change outcomes, it will be through these pathways, or related to them. It’s not banal to discuss, more than talking about weather will involve discussion of air pressures.

    For example, if the world becomes more economically equal, there would be less incentives for immigration, also vice-versa. If the world has less dysfunctional countries without human rights, there would be less incentives for immigration, also vice versa.

    You can also talk possible disincentives of the first world countries, like building walls, deportations etc. But the incentives are more powerful in many ways, so even countries which try a strict policy like Japan are having quite a few immigrants today.

    Other important parts of the system are connection to fertility rates, incentives of businesses to import labor, expand size of internal markets by population growth etc.

    If someone wants to reduce immigration, one of the main aspects is to accept positive aspects of reduction of population, which is not popular to talk about in this forum where a lot of people think the world will end if developed countries reduce their population.

    I’ll take my chances with more insulation, thanks. If it starts choking me, not in a million years would I expect, say, the Chinese to coming rushing to my aid. (Of course, I would be grateful for any aid – as would anyone who finds himself

    Because your experience has not been my one.

    If someone has almost been killed by the cold outside, they might become obsessed about insulating their building.

    If someone has almost been killed by the internal carbon monoxide leak, they might become obsessed about ventilating their building.

    To explain some of my change of attitude after 2022, it’s the experience of internal carbon monoxide leak. It’s when your government is more likely to be cause of your death and you are forced to see the ventilated border as possible to save your life.

    For this reason, the viewpoint has a lot of subjective change. You are talking to someone who could have been killed by the carbon monoxide poisoning if their building is not ventilated adequately.

    This doesn’t mean my viewpoint is incorrect, or I am secretly agreeing with you just worried about the social pressure. In the past I had views more for the filtered immigration, more similar to Navalny. But after 2022, if you need to think how to climb from Russia in an emergency, then the attitude to the visas and border guards is forced to change.

    As for the discussion about Islam in Europe etc, as I said the future size of the religion will be determined by Europe’s immigration policies and situation in the Islamic world. A concept of Europe converting to Islam is not likely with the current trend which Islam is not popular among the non-Muslims.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    I’ve noticed before you write like I’m secretly agreeing, just scared to say it. Have you thought about how your thinking is similar to someone in a religious cult?
    I'm not saying you agree with me. I'm saying you understand more about the realities of race than you let on. Like some shitlib sociology professor who deep down knows the score but hopes against hope that some environmental variables can be manipulated that will alleviate those social conditions and in the meantime is more than happy to lie through his teeth.

    Btw, which religious cults claim that everybody already secretly agrees with them? Did you have an example in mind or did you just fall in love with the creativity of your accusation?

    These are some of the main features of the system of world immigration.
    More accurately, they are features of the "system" that you want to talk about. Other features of the "system," such as the plainly obvious fact that while Europe took on loads of Syrian "refugees," Israel - right next door, let's remember - managed to keep them out, you are not so keen to discuss.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1147. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Well, there wasn’t any other realistic way to get rid of Saddam
    Ukraine had no business deciding that invasion and war would be a net benefit for Iraq, which was in the other side of the worls and nothing to do with Ukraine, Let us be real, Ukraine participated in the invasion and suppression of resistance by Iraqis to to the invasion of their country not because it cared about Iraqis' democratic freedom more than Iraqis continuing to live their lives in peace as they so fit, but because Ukraine was willing to do whatever America wanted Ukraine to do. Ukraine thought being in on the US invasion of Iraq, and in ever closer military understanding with America and the EU would provide Ukraine with security against being invaded itself, and result in having money thrown at it by the EU.
    Victoria Nuland, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, estimated in December 2013 that the United States had invested more than $5 billion since 1991 to help Ukraine achieve “the future it deserves.” As part of that effort, the U.S. government has bankrolled the National Endowment for Democracy. The nonprofit foundation has funded more than 60 projects aimed at promoting civil society in Ukraine, and the NED’s president, Carl Gershman, has called that country “the biggest prize.” After Yanukovych won Ukraine’s presidential election in February 2010, the NED decided he was undermining its goals, and so it stepped up its efforts to support the opposition and strengthen the country’s democratic institutions. When Russian leaders look at Western social engineering in Ukraine, they worry that their country might be next. And such fears are hardly groundless. In September 2013, Gershman wrote in The Washington Post, “Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents.” He added: “Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.”

    Gershman was incredibly stupid to say that did he think that Putin was like Saddam, a dictator who the West could overthrow and would be justified in doing so . Putin was elected, and his support has increased over the years. The decision to attack Ukraine has barely changed that . He was popular among Russians before and his support in the great mass of the population has remained solid.

    Russia doing nothing about Ukraine entering the American camp was predicated on Russia being too intimidated by US power, which back in the early 2000s it was (although Russia had strongly objected to NATO expansion since the mid 1990s, and also been saying it would not stand for Ukraine entering the Western camp since that time). But Russia's relative lack of power two decades ago was a blip, and the leadership of Russia was not only extremely inexperienced and naïve back them, it was preoccupied with a domestic Jihadi terrorist threat. It is a fact that Putin--like Yeltsin before him--asked if Russia could join NATO!

    Putin came to power in a flawed democracy and his rule was fragile or at least CIA NED people like Carl Gershman seemed to think it was and might be overthrown in a Russian Color Revolution. A few years later Bush the Younger thought he could get Ukraine into Nato, and the scales fell from Putin's eyes. He was domestically secure and had restored Russia's ability to give a good military account of itself and so he was not going to accept Ukraine getting closer to the West. A Russian newspaper reported that in objecting to the 2008 proposal for Ukraine to join Nato Putin told Bush that were it to be proceeded with Ukraine would crease to exist. And a few months later Russia did invade Georgia, the other country proposed to be admitted to Nato with Ukraine.

    Does this mean the 2014 and 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine are morally better than Ukraine's invasion of Iraq? Of course not. But there was no misunderstanding, Ukraine had its chance and made its choice. While it stood up to Russia thinking it was going to be more protected by America for acting in American interests than it actually has been, Ukraine has gained in cohesion. Russia too has come to know itself.

    Replies: @AP

    Ukraine had no business deciding that invasion and war would be a net benefit for Iraq, which was in the other side of the worls and nothing to do with Ukraine, Let us be real, Ukraine participated in the invasion and suppression of resistance by Iraqis to to the invasion of their country

    1. Ukraine did not participate in the decision to invade

    2. Ukraine was not involved in the invasion, but rather the post-invasion occupation

    3. Ukrainian participation was unpopular in Ukraine (90% opposition), small scale, and fairly brief

    • Replies: @Sean

    1. Ukraine didn't really care, it along went with what the US decided on Iraq because it thought Superpower-America could do what it liked with Iraq. Whaterver Ukraine seems to have assumed about US power to help against Russia, the US is not going to get into direct combat with Russia over Ukraine.

    2. Ukrainian soldiers went to Iraq and backed by overwhelming us firepower remorselessly killed Iraqis in their own country for resisting the occupation of it.


    Ukrainian participation was unpopular in Ukraine (90% opposition),
    You are always citing opinion polls for the unpopularity of things that the Ukrainian government did as if those thing don't count as a consequence of the population not being entirely behind them. Is that supposed to mean Russia should not pay attention to those things as an indication of the international relations tack being taken by Ukraine, or hold Ukraine as a whole responsible for them subsequently?

    I think Ukraine complicity in the decimation of the Iraqi population may have been of the accessory after the fact type but it was discreditable. They know how those Iraqis felt now, eh? Doesn't mean the Iraqis are better than the Ukrainians or the Ukrainians are any worse in the Russians. Like I said that is just the way of the world, and every country considers itself hard done by and forgets its own trampling of others.
  1148. @Coconuts

    Increase in the Islamic population is by immigration, higher fertility rates and younger population/demographic momentum.
    Afaik, usually these ideas about future conversions are more related to the future, when the impact of migration and the different demographics has started to have a more appreciable effect. So maybe in around 20 years, when the UK is moving closer to having around a 1/5 of the population from a Muslim background; in France it will be higher.

    It could be hard to imagine what this will be like and what effect it will have (UK Muslim population is around 6% iirc and for decades it was much lower), if you know what areas of the UK which already have large Pakistani/Bangladeshi populations are like perhaps you can speculate how things might be.

    This situation of people from failed states or poor countries, carrying a religion to the successful state or wealthy country is different than e.g. how Christianity is carried to Russia. Maybe there is something similar with Catholicism in the USA.
    There is also the example of Christianity in the later Roman Empire, where barbarian peoples moving into the empire and settling was linked with the rise of Christianity, or the spread of Islam in the first Arab conquests.

    Here more marginal populations ended up modifying the composition of the elite and the culture. Sometimes the rise of Christianity is also explained in relation to a 'first sexual revolution', where Christianity restrained male socio-sexuality and practices like infanticide, giving the Christian groups higher fertility.

    Currently Islam and Muslim minorities do have friends among the non-Muslim elite (you can see significant parliamentary initiatives like trying to make Islamophobia or criticism of Muslimness a hate offensive in the UK, the same thing in France), and there is momentum behind raising members of the Muslim communities into the current elites. I think it's uncertain what the overall effect of that will be.

    The increase in Islam in Europe, because Islamic world is a poor, failing region, while Europe is wealthy and successful region.
    Europe is wealthy but there seems to be some question about whether the European trajectory will continue to mean success in all respects. From the recent book 'Feminism against Progress':

    In less material ways, many of us have done something analagous, as we invited 'progress' into the deepest parts of our relational lives. Many mourn traumatic experiences or irreversible decisions we made along the way, too, based on promises of mastery that turned out to be insubstantial.
    Talking about the links between body modifcation and other forms of liberation.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    UK which already have large Pakistani

    I’ve only met the upper class Pakistanis, who are like secular hipsters.

    We discussed in the earlier thread, in the United Kingdom the working class immigrants from Pakistan are mostly Mirpuris, which are villagers from the poorest region of Pakistan.

    The culture like the Mirpuris wasn’t unrelated to the external conditions of Pakistan. So, I wonder how easily it can survive in a developed country?

    momentum behind raising members of the Muslim communities into the current elites

    Mainly Gulf Arabs, who are both Muslim and elites. A lot of funding in the Western institutions is from Gulf Arabs, also for the media, significant part of international businesses and new markets are for Gulf Arab countries.

    But the elites of some of the larger Muslim countries like Pakistan, are not so connected to religion.

    Also, I wonder if the future of Islamist Turkey and Iran, which are the historically most powerful Muslim countries, could be a secularization possibly. Turkey’s population becomes less religious, even with Islamist government in some surveys.

    Europe is wealthy but there seems to be some question about whether the European trajectory will continue to mean success in all respects. From the recent book ‘Feminism against Progress‘:

    Even if you think Europe’s trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.

    For example, German Reader will complain about the immigrants in Germany, bad organization of trains, or increasing price of cheese. If you use the same criteria, then Egypt has all these problems , more than Germany.

    There is an aspect in this forum, also in the Cold War, where if one country goes down, then there must be some better alternative. But in the world, better alternatives to the first world, are usually not in the second or third world. Better alternatives for problems in a first world country, will usually be only in another first world country.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    Even if you think Europe’s trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.
    I think what I was writing about was more the idea of decadence or corsi e ricorsi, the possibility that Muslim communities represent the future because they have a lower educational level, a higher percentage marry their cousins, more family orientated, they are more clannish and ethnocentric etc.

    Here Islam would be considered a more adaptive belief system in the future of relative decline, because it is more simple and clear.

    People pick up on different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?

    You can see the gradual reappearance of anti-progress narratives among some Western elites which are secular but which track traditional pre-Enlightenment points of view, where the 'tragic vision' of human nature becomes more based in the study of psychology, biology and history than in religion. Feminism against Progress I quoted was one recent example of this.

    This might also be more like the 'reactionary vision of modernity' returning in an updated form due to pressure from the other political direction.

    In the past this was a more popular idea in Continental Europe than in the Anglosphere:

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @Dmitry

  1149. @Greasy William

    He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic.
    But HBD'ers are pretty autistic in their own way about it. American blacks have an average IQ of 85 but anyone who has ever interacted with them can tell that they have a certain type of intelligence that the tests obviously just aren't picking up. A white guy with an 85 IQ will sound like a retard, but a black guy with an 85 IQ will often be very charismatic, witty and creative. Blacks also have a hard to quantify "body intelligence" that obviously can't be tested for, but you know it when you see it.

    No offense, but you often come off like you have it out for blacks

    Replies: @Yahya, @QCIC

    This is an important topic related to the workings of the mind.

    Some birds can learn to speak, but they do not say anything.

    I suspect the charisma and creativity you mention are often not what they seem.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I suspect the charisma and creativity you mention are often not what they seem.
    That is a doofus point and I can't imagine it ever from a person who has spent any time inside a negro culture.

    Negroes who acquire the means to do so instantly move out of the 'hood with very rare exceptions.

    Replies: @QCIC

  1150. @Yahya

    Dmitry, or any other intelligent user here has not heard all of this before, ad nauseum at that.
    Dmitry hasn’t heard of the arguments. He dismisses IQ testing as nothing more than puzzles, on the same pseudoscientific level as “astrology”. This is a strong indication of him being NPC-ish on the topic. He hasn’t really engaged with the literature. If he did, he’d know that most of the respected social scientists of our time, from Steven Pinker on the left to Charles Murray on the right, believe in the validity of IQ in predicting life outcomes. Then he wouldn’t be so causal in asserting that Pinker, Pomlin etc. are peddling pseudoscientific nonsense. Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal map I posted, asking me if “this map line is showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”. This is a comic book view of HBD.

    It’s only worth pointing this out, because when you write about your cultural interests, native country or the broader Arab world, they are some of the more enjoyable posts to read here lately.
    I stopped Arab-posting because very few people interacted with these posts. Only occasionally would people like Dmitry, HBD, APP etc. engage me on the topic, but interest would eventually ware out. Naturally, people here are more interested in Euro-centric discussions.

    I enjoy the sparring with Dmitry on HBD. I have a desire to convince him over to the dark side, for one reason or another (I don’t know), so will continue posting on the issue, even if it is repeating common talking points (I’d like to think I’m adding new insights meanwhile). If you don’t like it, there’s always the ignore button.

    I didn’t intend to offend you in your argument with songbird (well, perhaps a little), but I thinking about it, I found that whole exchange darkly comical, watching someone get highly emotional towards ‘a white trash racist’…. whilst the whole HBD intellectual worldview you’ve internalised, brashly announces the inherent, inbuilt, free-will-minimising superiority of an Angl0-Irish (?) poster like him, over you, an Arab.

    1) songbird is only minimally Anglo by ancestry, he just likes to larp as one on these forums.

    2) My strong antipathy towards him stems from AE times. I was actually on polite and friendly terms with him for a long time, as I am with anyone. But that changed when he, like you, inserted himself into one of my posts, presumed to criticize my personal behavior, and tried to dictate what I should or should not be posting on this forum. From then on he became my enemy and I insulted him in every way conceivable (except I never called him ‘white trash’, only a ‘mick’). I occasionally feel guilt for going overboard with the “retaliation”, and attempt to be friendly; but like I said before I take insults very personally, tend to hold a grudge, so it is difficult for me to not go back insulting him.

    3) Supremacism does not necessarily follow from HBD, as you’d have to put value first on certain qualities to define superiority. Now it just so happens that I do hold hierarchal notions of race, but that is because I have a strong personal view on what constitutes superiority, and it is clear to me that certain groups possess them more than others. I would like for the superior groups to maintain their level, as I believe strongly in the philosophy of supporting superiors (as opposed to envying and wishing for their leveling). But there was a point when I did not make value judgments, and therefore held a more egalitarian philosophy (which I’ve since abandoned). HBD and egalitarianism are perfectly compatible with each other.

    4) I do not extend my hierarchal worldview onto the personal plane. That is, even if I regard whites as racially superior to blacks, that doesn’t mean I’d hold any particular white as superior to any given black. The notion of Sean Hannity or Donald Trump being superior to Thomas Sowell or Denzel Washington is laughable to me. The individual shall be judged on his personal qualities and achievements. That applies to songbird. Your contention that my HBDist views are ironically contradictory to my insulting songbird as an inferior subhuman fails to grasp the key distinction between the racial and individual plane.

    At the same time, I suspect the original appeal of this worldview was strongly related to your own wealthy/aristocratic family background, situated in a country where the vast majority of people are extremely poor and all government services utterly dysfunctional.
    You have to distinguish my acceptance of (what I view as) HBD facts from the hierarchal worldview. Again, the one does not necessarily follow from the other. For years I maintained an egalitarian “all men are equal in worth” outlook even after acknowledging the validity of HBD from a scientific point of view. It is only recently that I turned towards a hierarchal “some men are worthier than others” worldview. The shift occurred after I realized the civilizational benefits of adopting this position. To uplift humanity, one must first distinguish between what is higher and what is lower. It is folly to pretend everyone exists on the same plane. And this extends to race, ethnicity, class, and individuals.

    As for my situation vis-a-vis poor Egyptians, I don’t feel guilty about that since most of our family income comes from Saudi, as I mentioned several times over the years. Even if it were Egyptian, I don’t think I would’ve felt guilty unless the money was made in an illegal or immoral manner. That I inherited my position by virtue of parentage does not concern me in the least; in family-centric Arab society there is no stigma around nepotism (you won’t be hearing the term “nepo-baby” here).

    I believe strongly in the virtues of an aristocratic upper class which would increase in size geometrically throughout the ages, uphold high culture activities, and contribute to the political and social development of their respective nations. This is based on my study of Britain’s historical development into the most functional and accomplished nation on Earth. In Egypt we had a solid and formalized system of pashas which had produced many great and worthy Egyptians such as Saad Zaghloul (political), Ahmad Urabi (political), Mustafa Kamil (intellectual), Ezz El-Din Zulficar (filmmaker), Talaat Harb (banker), Ahmad Shawqi (poet), Mohammad Heikal (writer) and Ahmed Lutfi El-Sayed (intellectual). The established system has all but disappeared in modern Egypt, as with everywhere else in the world, and this is a great loss for human civilization imo.

    Egyptian poverty and dysfunction has many causes, but if one believes in the validity of heredity and HBD, as I do, then one must look towards the distribution of traits to explain the underperformance. I reject the Marxian notion that poverty is caused by exploitation And theft. The wealth must be produced for it to be stolen, and in the 3rd world this wealth has not been generated in the first place. The problem in its essence is that it is difficult to assimilate the gargantuan of knowledge needed to produce complex goods such as planes, smartphones, computer systems, TVs etc. Only a handful of countries possess the human capital needed to acquire and apply the skills necessary to produce these goods, much less innovate and invent new modes of production. Most of the rest have to contend with producing lower-end value goods, such as tourism and agriculture, which incidentally are Egypt’s two main economic engines.

    There are certain institutional and cultural changes which can be effected to improve Egyptian stock of human capital and societal performance, but you are naïve if you think Egypt will be operating anywhere near Japan’s level with the current distribution of traits. Something will have to give on the fertility side before Egypt can reach first world levels. The institutions and culture are also extremely difficult to change in a positive direction; if they were then everyone would’ve done them a long time ago. To some extent the direction of the culture is uncontrollable, because culture itself consists of many minute decisions being made on a micro-level, across millions of people, which cannot be controlled from the top-down. Institutions are more malleable, but again there are feedback effects from genetics and culture; you will not have a high-trust, non-corrupt government if you do not have a high-trust, non-corrupt people. Each nation gets the government it deserves; and the reason we have a despotic military in charge in Egypt is that the people cannot be trusted with the vote; they will elect Islamist/Salafist buffoons and other assorted retrograde garbage without secular elite power keeping them in check.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @silviosilver, @Dmitry

    Dmitry was also quite confused by the Hajnal.. showing some division of Europe between Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people?”

    In the forum, we all know the map and it’s been discussed many times before.

    This reminds me of Bashibuzuk above, who believes I don’t know about Galkovsky, just because I don’t want to import the terminology of someone whose has historical “theories” which even Joe Rogan would need more drugs to be able to discuss without laughing.

    My point is your map of Europe to explain why Russia and Ukraine don’t have good development, have autocracy, is another way of dividing between the “Aryans vs. Slavs + brown people”. It’s the same map they used in Germany in a certain historical “epoch”.

    The idea all slavic countries will be primitive and undeveloped because of this map, is bypassed by good development process in Czech Republic, Slovakia, to some extent also now Poland.

    In brown parts of the map, Southern Spain is not a centre of autocrac since Abba’s second album, Sicily was more resisting Mussolini, than supporting dictatorship.

    your sentence construction is rather peculiar (evidently you are relatively new to the English langauge), so sometimes I misinterpret

    To be fair, I can write perfect English if I have opportunity to re-read the text and edit it. But apologies, I’m often lazy or not able to complete the task within the 5 minute edit limit in this forum.

    population groups exhibit differing distributions of intelligence, and could natural selection have played some causal role

    It’s possible, but we didn’t isolate the variables, and it’s not our explanation for the development differences and problems e.g. India, Russia, China etc.

    I know, we already had the discussion where said e.g. 99% of Indians would be genetically stupid lentil farmers etc. But in history, the ratio of the lentil farmers in the society is not determined by genetic limits, it’s the change from agricultural society to the industrial society.

    IQ and national prosperity is still fairly strong (r = 0.733)

    If you “cherry pick” one time slice, which would have no more priority than another time slice. (Also there is problem the data for “national IQ” was a fake one). If the model shows causal relations, then it would backtest or hindcast. For example, the 20th century wealth of China, would backtest from its standardized test levels in the 18th century etc.

  1151. @AP

    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc
    We were talking about being richer and you change the subject.

    Your people are a lot poorer but have more free time and better food. The food is better because they are Central Europeans with a different food culture. Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe


    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites (even in the center) got money they bought cars en masse and sit in traffic that is worse than in most of the USA. I asked one of them why, she said she just loved being in her own private space before and after work, listening to the radio, rather than on the metro. I’d prefer the metro, in Moscow.

    But automobiles are better than busses or trams in small cities, such as in your country.

    You are just relatively poor and your statements amount to sour grapes.

    Maybe you will next explain how it is better to live in a cramped apartment than in large private house. Less solitary?

    We have cars (not as many), but don’t live for them, or “in them”. You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful


    More sour grapes.

    Weren’t you posting from California? Working for some Indian? That is funny.

    The adage that ‘more you drive, less intelligent you are’ holds true.
    So the people relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    You have gone from lying about the sizes of metro areas to lying about being poor being better.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Dmitry

    you have better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc

    but we are were talking about being richer

    We learned two things about you:

    You don’t seem to understand what living a rich life means. Hint: it is not electronic symbols that are neither here nor there, and nobody really knows what they would mean outside of your made-up virtual world – how they would be enforced, what is it exactly that you are peddling. Living a rich life simply means how you live your – the collection of good food, good times, comfort and ease, etc…

    At least when we used to collect gold or some tangible assets, you had something of permanent value. What it is exactly that you boast about today would not be understood by our ancestors, symbols, claims on others’ work that are really not enforceable in a crisis. Well, you can try. If you live a miserable, stressed life full of fear of bosses, hiding in your “car” and in wooden plywood-with-plastic houses, counting your electronic devices and cheap Chinese shirts – well, that is not “rich”. But you won’t get it, we are wasting time.

    You also don’t know anything about me, about the size of my house. You silly Calif-with-Indians speculation is way off, you are confusing me with someone else. Why do you make a fool out of yourself so earnestly here? Is it the pain of losing the war and possibly losing your beloved Ukieland? And knowing that it is mostly self-inflicted?

    • Replies: @AP

    We learned two things about you:

    You don’t seem to understand what living a rich life means.
    Don't lie again, we were discussing material wealth, which is quantifiable.
  1152. @Greasy William

    There is probably some of that
    No there isn't. Even though I generally disagree with antisemitic sentiments, I usually think they have at least some connection with reality. Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement, however, is one of the more ridiculous antisemitic conspiracy theories I've ever heard. The Jews hated that place even when we still lived there and I have literally never heard a Jew express any desire to have anything remotely to do with that region ever again.

    In fact, I would wager that the majority of secular, American Ashkenazic Jews don't even know what the Pale of Settlement was. I had never heard about it until I was in my 20's and my Boomer parents were both unaware that such a place had ever existed.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @QCIC

    …No there isn’t.

    Are you sure? Just because you yourself don’t know anything about it, that proves nothing. Conceptually it is not such a far fetched idea, and people have been known to have crazier plans. They still do. I think it is a mirage, but don’t pretend that you represent everything, that you know all that has been discussed over maps after Georgetown dinners. You don’t and I don’t either.

    Thou protest too much…:)

    But somehow it is accepted by ‘some‘ in the West that Russia wants to occupy Bretagne and maybe even Sicily – you can read fantasies like that almost daily in the free Western press. Which idea is more stupid?

  1153. @Greasy William

    There is probably some of that
    No there isn't. Even though I generally disagree with antisemitic sentiments, I usually think they have at least some connection with reality. Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement, however, is one of the more ridiculous antisemitic conspiracy theories I've ever heard. The Jews hated that place even when we still lived there and I have literally never heard a Jew express any desire to have anything remotely to do with that region ever again.

    In fact, I would wager that the majority of secular, American Ashkenazic Jews don't even know what the Pale of Settlement was. I had never heard about it until I was in my 20's and my Boomer parents were both unaware that such a place had ever existed.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @QCIC

    Greasy wrote:

    Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement…[is an interesting question].

    Text in brackets added by me.

    I bring this up occasionally. Why, you ask?

    Because having Jewish oligarchs and Jewish Presidents actively aligned with and supporting actual paramilitary NeoNAZI groups in Ukraine is one of the weirdest public alignments in modern history and begs to be explained! Until that happens, the “New Pale” notion is one of the less crazy theories.

    Remember, everyday Jewish people, often secular or at least not reactionary, do not shape the world of power. Often they are putzes like the rest of us. On the other hand, Talmudic, Kabbalistic and reactionary Jews seem to have different priorities.

    • Replies: @Greasy William

    The center of Kabbalah is Safed and Jerusalem. Jews who wanted to learn Kabbalah historically left the Pale of Settlement to go to those cities. The only example I can think of where Kabbalists have any interest in that region is when Breslovers go on their trip to Uman to visit Rabbi Nachman's grave.

    In fact, Israel has repeatedly requested that the graves of past great sages like the Vilna Gaon be uprooted and transferred to Israel and it is the governments of Poland and Lithuania who have blocked this.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  1154. @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    This is an important topic related to the workings of the mind.

    Some birds can learn to speak, but they do not say anything.

    I suspect the charisma and creativity you mention are often not what they seem.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I suspect the charisma and creativity you mention are often not what they seem.

    That is a doofus point and I can’t imagine it ever from a person who has spent any time inside a negro culture.

    Negroes who acquire the means to do so instantly move out of the ‘hood with very rare exceptions.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I don't know what you mean and I don't have much to add. I mostly prefer to monitor the race-HBD conversations as subtle and painful as they can be.

    I think the question of how the average sub-Saharan African IQ is ~ 70 yet simultaneously African basic verbal communication skills are not hopeless as they might be for a person with a similar IQ from a different race is an interesting one. I don't know what this implies, but it doesn't mean the IQ results are invalid.

    I think a lot of what passes for charisma and creativity in the USA are really the result of lowered cultural standards which accept a more childish perspective in a lot of areas. That is not true for everything and doesn't apply to all people, but is a powerful cultural trend which seems to have been created as part of the dumbing down of the culture. This may be a cultural side-effect of the loss of meritocracy. The downsides of this are pretty obvious, maybe there are upsides as well.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

  1155. @Ivashka the fool
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Before we can genetically optimize any given population using genome-editing, we need to finish analyzing the inter-relationship between all the omics and the human population's pangenome. Not done yet, probably won't be completed in the next 20 years. Perhaps we might get there faster using AI, if it doesn't destroy us prior to us getting ready for this task. Do we have a functional real time multiomics model of E. coli yet ? Why not ?

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    You seem to not appreciate how big numbers can be.

  1156. @AP

    First of all my people mostly live on a daily basis much better then most Americans: better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc
    We were talking about being richer and you change the subject.

    Your people are a lot poorer but have more free time and better food. The food is better because they are Central Europeans with a different food culture. Traditionally, most Americans considered bland food to be virtuous (Puritan and Quaker values).

    On the narrower issue of transportation, no sane human will prefer to sit in traffic (30 minutes or few hours) to the comfort of the clean, functional, fast and pleasant public transport in Central Europe


    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites (even in the center) got money they bought cars en masse and sit in traffic that is worse than in most of the USA. I asked one of them why, she said she just loved being in her own private space before and after work, listening to the radio, rather than on the metro. I’d prefer the metro, in Moscow.

    But automobiles are better than busses or trams in small cities, such as in your country.

    You are just relatively poor and your statements amount to sour grapes.

    Maybe you will next explain how it is better to live in a cramped apartment than in large private house. Less solitary?

    We have cars (not as many), but don’t live for them, or “in them”. You have bought the lifestyle that is solitary, boring, uncomfortable, and stressful


    More sour grapes.

    Weren’t you posting from California? Working for some Indian? That is funny.

    The adage that ‘more you drive, less intelligent you are’ holds true.
    So the people relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    You have gone from lying about the sizes of metro areas to lying about being poor being better.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @Beckow, @Dmitry

    relatively poor and your statements amount to sour

    Relative incomes isn’t an explanation for why America cannot build modern transport infrastructure like high speed rail.

    It’s a complicated topic Part of the problem for America, seems the land is too expensive.

    Also you are talking to Beckow who lives in the EU, in Czech Republic. These countries have access to the EU funding, that transfers free money from rich countries to poor countries, to build modern infrastructure.

    This is why taxpayers of Germany and France, are paying for the building of hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure in the poor countries like Poland. As a result, some poor EU countries with lower incomes like Poland can have actually more modern infrastructure investments in those areas, than higher income countries like Germany.

    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites

    It’s not true, I feel like you didn’t visit so places except America or Moscow. Just visit cities in e.g. Spain and you can see the maximum practical investment in public transport, with support of the taxpayers of the EU. When there is high speed trains.

    For example, in Japan, people would drive between cities only to reduce the transport costs. The faster transport between cities in the train, even if you were driving in the maximum speed in a Maserati you would arrive later.

    relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    I’ve talked with CEOs of multinational companies who use the public transport to go into the office.

    In more civilized and equal countries people don’t always need to drive in a car to show their high status, or they had more developed ways to show the social status. The idea, rich people need to drive in a car, is part of the commercial effects in the 20th century American status culture and unfortunately exports in the 21st century to second world status obsessed cultures now like Russia or Brazil, where the government also doesn’t want to invest adequately in alternatives.

    • Replies: @AP

    "relatively poor and your statements amount to sour"

    Relative incomes isn’t an explanation for why America cannot build modern transport infrastructure like high speed rail.
    Americans generally don't value cities, they prefer to live in suburbs and to have cars. In this climate, cities and public transportation are generally for poor people, whom Americans don't want to fund.

    There are exceptions but even there, Ubers are preferable. So public transportation is sort of a (relatively poorly funded) charity.

    Geography and history play a role - there is plenty of space, and America was settled recently so there are not a lot of densely populated pre-automobile cities around. Krakow, Vienna, Munich are worth living in. Some place built in the 1950s, not so much.

    elying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    I’ve talked with CEOs of multinational companies who use the public transport to go into the office.
    In Europe, I wouldn't doubt it.
    , @John Johnson

    In more civilized and equal countries people don’t always need to drive in a car to show their high status, or they had more developed ways to show the social status. The idea, rich people need to drive in a car, is part of the commercial effects in the 20th century American status culture and unfortunately exports in the 21st century to second world status obsessed cultures now like Russia or Brazil, where the government also doesn’t want to invest adequately in alternatives.

    You have clearly never lived in a Democrat managed city.

    It has nothing to do with status. In fact there are urban Democrats that would love to feel smug for riding high speed rail.

    The problem is that even Democrats don't trust Democrats to build anything expensive.

    Pick an existing light rail in a Democrat city and go ride it at night. Then read about how much it cost and the projected vs actual ridership.

    Then ask yourself if you want to hand these people a few billion dollars.

    I'm not a fan of Republicans but Democrats have become the feelings first party and they have a long list of public works projects they have botched in the last 10 years. If you would trust the Diversity before Merit party to build something that goes 200 mph then by all means send them a check. Ironically there is a high speed rail line going in Florida.

  1157. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I suspect the charisma and creativity you mention are often not what they seem.
    That is a doofus point and I can't imagine it ever from a person who has spent any time inside a negro culture.

    Negroes who acquire the means to do so instantly move out of the 'hood with very rare exceptions.

    Replies: @QCIC

    I don’t know what you mean and I don’t have much to add. I mostly prefer to monitor the race-HBD conversations as subtle and painful as they can be.

    I think the question of how the average sub-Saharan African IQ is ~ 70 yet simultaneously African basic verbal communication skills are not hopeless as they might be for a person with a similar IQ from a different race is an interesting one. I don’t know what this implies, but it doesn’t mean the IQ results are invalid.

    I think a lot of what passes for charisma and creativity in the USA are really the result of lowered cultural standards which accept a more childish perspective in a lot of areas. That is not true for everything and doesn’t apply to all people, but is a powerful cultural trend which seems to have been created as part of the dumbing down of the culture. This may be a cultural side-effect of the loss of meritocracy. The downsides of this are pretty obvious, maybe there are upsides as well.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I suppose I was not crystal clear. I meant that Greasy William's point was doofus--not yours. As to the situational negro amiability, they are highly socialized. This has little to do with tasks which require human intelligence. Dog packs and beehives are smooth social systems.

  1158. @QCIC
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    I don't know what you mean and I don't have much to add. I mostly prefer to monitor the race-HBD conversations as subtle and painful as they can be.

    I think the question of how the average sub-Saharan African IQ is ~ 70 yet simultaneously African basic verbal communication skills are not hopeless as they might be for a person with a similar IQ from a different race is an interesting one. I don't know what this implies, but it doesn't mean the IQ results are invalid.

    I think a lot of what passes for charisma and creativity in the USA are really the result of lowered cultural standards which accept a more childish perspective in a lot of areas. That is not true for everything and doesn't apply to all people, but is a powerful cultural trend which seems to have been created as part of the dumbing down of the culture. This may be a cultural side-effect of the loss of meritocracy. The downsides of this are pretty obvious, maybe there are upsides as well.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard

    I suppose I was not crystal clear. I meant that Greasy William’s point was doofus–not yours. As to the situational negro amiability, they are highly socialized. This has little to do with tasks which require human intelligence. Dog packs and beehives are smooth social systems.

    • Thanks: QCIC
    • LOL: songbird
  1159. @QCIC
    @Ivashka the fool

    It's great that you two got everything sorted out!


    In the USA, over the next 30 years there might be some weird resurgence in Christianity as second and third generation Hispanics (illegal immigrants) turn to some form of Catholicism.

    Replies: @RadicalCenter

    Just a guess, but they’re more likely to join evangelical Protestant churches, as millions of Latinos have done in Brazil and the USA, for instance — or convert to Islam.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Time will tell. I think the Catholic church might have more respectability for these people, even if their ancestors were not Catholic. In other words it could be a sign of upward mobility. However, I would not be surprised if some syncretic version of the religion evolves, incorporating pagan aspects. I wonder if such blended churches already exist in Mexico and Central America? The Vatican keeps getting weirder, maybe they would put up with it.

  1160. @Mr. Hack

    How did you know?

    Here's a photo of our little пупцик:

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard, @RadicalCenter

    Good response, my Federal friend.

    I think I saw you guys in DuPont Circle the other day 😉

  1161. @RadicalCenter

    Just a guess, but they're more likely to join evangelical Protestant churches, as millions of Latinos have done in Brazil and the USA, for instance -- or convert to Islam.

    Replies: @QCIC

    Time will tell. I think the Catholic church might have more respectability for these people, even if their ancestors were not Catholic. In other words it could be a sign of upward mobility. However, I would not be surprised if some syncretic version of the religion evolves, incorporating pagan aspects. I wonder if such blended churches already exist in Mexico and Central America? The Vatican keeps getting weirder, maybe they would put up with it.

  1162. @Beckow
    @AP have better food, easier lives, more travel and time off, etc

    but we are were talking about being richer

    We learned two things about you:

    You don't seem to understand what living a rich life means. Hint: it is not electronic symbols that are neither here nor there, and nobody really knows what they would mean outside of your made-up virtual world - how they would be enforced, what is it exactly that you are peddling. Living a rich life simply means how you live your - the collection of good food, good times, comfort and ease, etc...

    At least when we used to collect gold or some tangible assets, you had something of permanent value. What it is exactly that you boast about today would not be understood by our ancestors, symbols, claims on others' work that are really not enforceable in a crisis. Well, you can try. If you live a miserable, stressed life full of fear of bosses, hiding in your "car" and in wooden plywood-with-plastic houses, counting your electronic devices and cheap Chinese shirts - well, that is not "rich". But you won't get it, we are wasting time.

    You also don't know anything about me, about the size of my house. You silly Calif-with-Indians speculation is way off, you are confusing me with someone else. Why do you make a fool out of yourself so earnestly here? Is it the pain of losing the war and possibly losing your beloved Ukieland? And knowing that it is mostly self-inflicted?

    Replies: @AP

    We learned two things about you:

    You don’t seem to understand what living a rich life means.

    Don’t lie again, we were discussing material wealth, which is quantifiable.

  1163. AP says:

    relatively poor and your statements amount to sour
    Relative incomes isn't an explanation for why America cannot build modern transport infrastructure like high speed rail.

    It's a complicated topic Part of the problem for America, seems the land is too expensive.

    Also you are talking to Beckow who lives in the EU, in Czech Republic. These countries have access to the EU funding, that transfers free money from rich countries to poor countries, to build modern infrastructure.

    This is why taxpayers of Germany and France, are paying for the building of hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure in the poor countries like Poland. As a result, some poor EU countries with lower incomes like Poland can have actually more modern infrastructure investments in those areas, than higher income countries like Germany.

    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites
    It's not true, I feel like you didn't visit so places except America or Moscow. Just visit cities in e.g. Spain and you can see the maximum practical investment in public transport, with support of the taxpayers of the EU. When there is high speed trains.

    For example, in Japan, people would drive between cities only to reduce the transport costs. The faster transport between cities in the train, even if you were driving in the maximum speed in a Maserati you would arrive later.

    relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.


    I've talked with CEOs of multinational companies who use the public transport to go into the office.

    In more civilized and equal countries people don't always need to drive in a car to show their high status, or they had more developed ways to show the social status. The idea, rich people need to drive in a car, is part of the commercial effects in the 20th century American status culture and unfortunately exports in the 21st century to second world status obsessed cultures now like Russia or Brazil, where the government also doesn't want to invest adequately in alternatives.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    “relatively poor and your statements amount to sour”

    Relative incomes isn’t an explanation for why America cannot build modern transport infrastructure like high speed rail.

    Americans generally don’t value cities, they prefer to live in suburbs and to have cars. In this climate, cities and public transportation are generally for poor people, whom Americans don’t want to fund.

    There are exceptions but even there, Ubers are preferable. So public transportation is sort of a (relatively poorly funded) charity.

    Geography and history play a role – there is plenty of space, and America was settled recently so there are not a lot of densely populated pre-automobile cities around. Krakow, Vienna, Munich are worth living in. Some place built in the 1950s, not so much.

    elying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.

    I’ve talked with CEOs of multinational companies who use the public transport to go into the office.

    In Europe, I wouldn’t doubt it.

  1164. @Dmitry

    “social pressure,” but because of a legitimate fear of seeing anti-immigration attitudes
    I've noticed before you write like I'm secretly agreeing, just scared to say it. Have you thought about how your thinking is similar to someone in a religious cult?

    Just because you can have views which are unpopular in your context, doesn't imply they are correct or people are secretly agreeing with you.

    If you feel like you are some missionary for your views, it's possible you would benefit from talking to people with different views, not so you can try to change their opinion, but also because alternatives can also be interesting, true or false, or more likely partially true and false as in most discussion of the complex topics.

    ou interject with some banal observation that the immigrants are seeking higher wagers – as if there were anybody here unaware of that fact
    These are some of the main features of the system of world immigration. If you want to predict what will happen, change outcomes, it will be through these pathways, or related to them. It's not banal to discuss, more than talking about weather will involve discussion of air pressures.

    For example, if the world becomes more economically equal, there would be less incentives for immigration, also vice-versa. If the world has less dysfunctional countries without human rights, there would be less incentives for immigration, also vice versa.

    You can also talk possible disincentives of the first world countries, like building walls, deportations etc. But the incentives are more powerful in many ways, so even countries which try a strict policy like Japan are having quite a few immigrants today.

    Other important parts of the system are connection to fertility rates, incentives of businesses to import labor, expand size of internal markets by population growth etc.

    If someone wants to reduce immigration, one of the main aspects is to accept positive aspects of reduction of population, which is not popular to talk about in this forum where a lot of people think the world will end if developed countries reduce their population.

    I’ll take my chances with more insulation, thanks. If it starts choking me, not in a million years would I expect, say, the Chinese to coming rushing to my aid. (Of course, I would be grateful for any aid – as would anyone who finds himself


    Because your experience has not been my one.

    If someone has almost been killed by the cold outside, they might become obsessed about insulating their building.

    If someone has almost been killed by the internal carbon monoxide leak, they might become obsessed about ventilating their building.

    To explain some of my change of attitude after 2022, it's the experience of internal carbon monoxide leak. It's when your government is more likely to be cause of your death and you are forced to see the ventilated border as possible to save your life.

    For this reason, the viewpoint has a lot of subjective change. You are talking to someone who could have been killed by the carbon monoxide poisoning if their building is not ventilated adequately.

    This doesn't mean my viewpoint is incorrect, or I am secretly agreeing with you just worried about the social pressure. In the past I had views more for the filtered immigration, more similar to Navalny. But after 2022, if you need to think how to climb from Russia in an emergency, then the attitude to the visas and border guards is forced to change.

    As for the discussion about Islam in Europe etc, as I said the future size of the religion will be determined by Europe's immigration policies and situation in the Islamic world. A concept of Europe converting to Islam is not likely with the current trend which Islam is not popular among the non-Muslims.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    I’ve noticed before you write like I’m secretly agreeing, just scared to say it. Have you thought about how your thinking is similar to someone in a religious cult?

    I’m not saying you agree with me. I’m saying you understand more about the realities of race than you let on. Like some shitlib sociology professor who deep down knows the score but hopes against hope that some environmental variables can be manipulated that will alleviate those social conditions and in the meantime is more than happy to lie through his teeth.

    Btw, which religious cults claim that everybody already secretly agrees with them? Did you have an example in mind or did you just fall in love with the creativity of your accusation?

    These are some of the main features of the system of world immigration.

    More accurately, they are features of the “system” that you want to talk about. Other features of the “system,” such as the plainly obvious fact that while Europe took on loads of Syrian “refugees,” Israel – right next door, let’s remember – managed to keep them out, you are not so keen to discuss.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    who deep down knows the score but hopes against hope.. everybody already secretly agrees with them?
    It's does feel like talking to a Mormon missionary, someone not really interested in discussing the views.

    By the way, the discussion was about the future size of the Islamic population in Europe. As I said, it will be determined by immigration, not religious switching.

    Whether this means you will feel more pro-immigration or anti-immigration, it's your decision.

    More accurately, they are features of the “system” that you want to talk about.
    They are just main features of the system in reality. It's like wondering why hundreds of millions of humans are trying to move country, including myself.

    while Europe took on loads of Syrian “refugees,” Israel – right next door, let’s remember – managed to keep them out, you are not so keen to discuss.
    Israel is in war with Syria, with one of the world's most military borders there. I've been on the border, there are tanks, mine fields and an UN army between Israel and Syria.

    But Israel's border with Egypt is also a military one, but with less militarization and the Bedouin smugglers. As a result, there are 40,000 African illegal immigrants in South Tel Aviv who climbed over the border with Egypt, so they could live in Israel.

    A lot of the schools, most of the children who are born in some of the hospitals, in South Tel Aviv are from the illegal immigrants. It is a country with a lot of illegal immigration.

    Israel's Jewish population is also majority third world immigrants. The Muslim population is almost 20% with dystopian national conflict, terrorist attacks etc.

    Some of the popular stars in Israel are African from Senegal. etc.

    Although I think Israel is example of highly controlled immigration policy, it's an constant immigrant society.

    It's not the kind of example of the anti-immigrant, mononational etc, policy which is discussed in Hungary etc.
  1165. @AP

    Ukraine had no business deciding that invasion and war would be a net benefit for Iraq, which was in the other side of the worls and nothing to do with Ukraine, Let us be real, Ukraine participated in the invasion and suppression of resistance by Iraqis to to the invasion of their country
    1. Ukraine did not participate in the decision to invade

    2. Ukraine was not involved in the invasion, but rather the post-invasion occupation

    3. Ukrainian participation was unpopular in Ukraine (90% opposition), small scale, and fairly brief

    Replies: @Sean

    1. Ukraine didn’t really care, it along went with what the US decided on Iraq because it thought Superpower-America could do what it liked with Iraq. Whaterver Ukraine seems to have assumed about US power to help against Russia, the US is not going to get into direct combat with Russia over Ukraine.

    2. Ukrainian soldiers went to Iraq and backed by overwhelming us firepower remorselessly killed Iraqis in their own country for resisting the occupation of it.


    Ukrainian participation was unpopular in Ukraine (90% opposition),

    You are always citing opinion polls for the unpopularity of things that the Ukrainian government did as if those thing don’t count as a consequence of the population not being entirely behind them. Is that supposed to mean Russia should not pay attention to those things as an indication of the international relations tack being taken by Ukraine, or hold Ukraine as a whole responsible for them subsequently?

    I think Ukraine complicity in the decimation of the Iraqi population may have been of the accessory after the fact type but it was discreditable. They know how those Iraqis felt now, eh? Doesn’t mean the Iraqis are better than the Ukrainians or the Ukrainians are any worse in the Russians. Like I said that is just the way of the world, and every country considers itself hard done by and forgets its own trampling of others.

  1166. @Dmitry

    UK which already have large Pakistani
    I've only met the upper class Pakistanis, who are like secular hipsters.

    We discussed in the earlier thread, in the United Kingdom the working class immigrants from Pakistan are mostly Mirpuris, which are villagers from the poorest region of Pakistan.

    The culture like the Mirpuris wasn't unrelated to the external conditions of Pakistan. So, I wonder how easily it can survive in a developed country?

    momentum behind raising members of the Muslim communities into the current elites


    Mainly Gulf Arabs, who are both Muslim and elites. A lot of funding in the Western institutions is from Gulf Arabs, also for the media, significant part of international businesses and new markets are for Gulf Arab countries.

    But the elites of some of the larger Muslim countries like Pakistan, are not so connected to religion.

    Also, I wonder if the future of Islamist Turkey and Iran, which are the historically most powerful Muslim countries, could be a secularization possibly. Turkey's population becomes less religious, even with Islamist government in some surveys.

    Europe is wealthy but there seems to be some question about whether the European trajectory will continue to mean success in all respects. From the recent book ‘Feminism against Progress‘:


    Even if you think Europe's trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.

    For example, German Reader will complain about the immigrants in Germany, bad organization of trains, or increasing price of cheese. If you use the same criteria, then Egypt has all these problems , more than Germany.

    There is an aspect in this forum, also in the Cold War, where if one country goes down, then there must be some better alternative. But in the world, better alternatives to the first world, are usually not in the second or third world. Better alternatives for problems in a first world country, will usually be only in another first world country.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    Even if you think Europe’s trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.

    I think what I was writing about was more the idea of decadence or corsi e ricorsi, the possibility that Muslim communities represent the future because they have a lower educational level, a higher percentage marry their cousins, more family orientated, they are more clannish and ethnocentric etc.

    Here Islam would be considered a more adaptive belief system in the future of relative decline, because it is more simple and clear.

    People pick up on different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?

    You can see the gradual reappearance of anti-progress narratives among some Western elites which are secular but which track traditional pre-Enlightenment points of view, where the ‘tragic vision’ of human nature becomes more based in the study of psychology, biology and history than in religion. Feminism against Progress I quoted was one recent example of this.

    This might also be more like the ‘reactionary vision of modernity’ returning in an updated form due to pressure from the other political direction.

    In the past this was a more popular idea in Continental Europe than in the Anglosphere:

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
    • Replies: @Another Polish Perspective

    I think what I was writing about was more the idea of decadence or corsi e ricorsi, the possibility that Muslim communities represent the future because they have a lower educational level, a higher percentage marry their cousins, more family orientated, they are more clannish and ethnocentric etc.
    I see someone else here has read Giambattista Vico...nice ;)
    Of course we are entering ricorso now, but the future does not belong to Pakistan et fellow cousin lovers. Without Western medicines, the average life expectancy there will fall to what was before 1950's, namely twenty something years for all these cousins etc. Plus, the green revolution feeding those lands will implode after the onset of peak oil and peak gas. It is hard to replace ICE vehicles with electric ones, and will we replace artificial fertilisers with human manure...?

    In future, the population explosion in the Near Eastern Muslim community will implode under the weight of both harmful genetics and availability/prices of food.

    Before the 20th century, unlike, let's say China, the Near East wasn't really perceived as populous.
    , @Dmitry

    represent the future because they have a lower educational level,
    I would say it is a probably kind of orientalism, because the rulers of Pakistan go in the opposite direction. Upper class represent peoples' preferences when they have optional choice of lifestyle.

    When Pakistan people have optional choice of lifestyle i.e. millions of dollars, they are becoming secular hipsters, with culture more like Italians. So, the Islamic culture is more common for people from the village lifestyle of Pakistan.

    If remember the argument of Donald Trump with Sadiq Khan, first Muslim Mayor of a large European city. The argument is originally related to Islam and Trump's travel ban from Muslim countries.

    Islam is the one of the world's more conservative ideologies, while Trump is a relatively liberal person from New York.

    However, it was actually argument between Trump representing American conservatives vs. liberal Mayor of London.

    I would say Islamic identity of Sadiq Khan, seems more marketing for liberals, than someone who cares about following policies of the Quran. E.g. this "Islamic ruler of London" is a supporter of LGBT rights.

    different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?


    If the West really declined to the film "Idiocracy". I could imagine the future religions which would begin, would be more like situation in Russia already, with almost religious cult of "Wagner". While the FSB controlled traditional religions become empty decoration of the official state power.

    Muslim areas could be like Kadyrov's zone, where Islam is identity politics exploited by the rulers of spiritually and nationally broken people of Chechnya.

    The reason this would feel like the more realistic dystopian situation, is because the trend of power of state and companies in the West is actually increasing. There would be less possibility for installing traditional lifestyle of villages from the third world in the future, compared to now.

    Replies: @Coconuts

  1167. @Coconuts

    Even if you think Europe’s trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.
    I think what I was writing about was more the idea of decadence or corsi e ricorsi, the possibility that Muslim communities represent the future because they have a lower educational level, a higher percentage marry their cousins, more family orientated, they are more clannish and ethnocentric etc.

    Here Islam would be considered a more adaptive belief system in the future of relative decline, because it is more simple and clear.

    People pick up on different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?

    You can see the gradual reappearance of anti-progress narratives among some Western elites which are secular but which track traditional pre-Enlightenment points of view, where the 'tragic vision' of human nature becomes more based in the study of psychology, biology and history than in religion. Feminism against Progress I quoted was one recent example of this.

    This might also be more like the 'reactionary vision of modernity' returning in an updated form due to pressure from the other political direction.

    In the past this was a more popular idea in Continental Europe than in the Anglosphere:

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @Dmitry

    I think what I was writing about was more the idea of decadence or corsi e ricorsi, the possibility that Muslim communities represent the future because they have a lower educational level, a higher percentage marry their cousins, more family orientated, they are more clannish and ethnocentric etc.

    I see someone else here has read Giambattista Vico…nice 😉
    Of course we are entering ricorso now, but the future does not belong to Pakistan et fellow cousin lovers. Without Western medicines, the average life expectancy there will fall to what was before 1950’s, namely twenty something years for all these cousins etc. Plus, the green revolution feeding those lands will implode after the onset of peak oil and peak gas. It is hard to replace ICE vehicles with electric ones, and will we replace artificial fertilisers with human manure…?

    In future, the population explosion in the Near Eastern Muslim community will implode under the weight of both harmful genetics and availability/prices of food.

    Before the 20th century, unlike, let’s say China, the Near East wasn’t really perceived as populous.

  1168. @QCIC
    @Greasy William

    Greasy wrote:

    Thinking that the Jews want anything to do with the old Pale of Settlement...[is an interesting question].
    Text in brackets added by me.

    I bring this up occasionally. Why, you ask?

    Because having Jewish oligarchs and Jewish Presidents actively aligned with and supporting actual paramilitary NeoNAZI groups in Ukraine is one of the weirdest public alignments in modern history and begs to be explained! Until that happens, the "New Pale" notion is one of the less crazy theories.

    Remember, everyday Jewish people, often secular or at least not reactionary, do not shape the world of power. Often they are putzes like the rest of us. On the other hand, Talmudic, Kabbalistic and reactionary Jews seem to have different priorities.

    Replies: @Greasy William

    The center of Kabbalah is Safed and Jerusalem. Jews who wanted to learn Kabbalah historically left the Pale of Settlement to go to those cities. The only example I can think of where Kabbalists have any interest in that region is when Breslovers go on their trip to Uman to visit Rabbi Nachman’s grave.

    In fact, Israel has repeatedly requested that the graves of past great sages like the Vilna Gaon be uprooted and transferred to Israel and it is the governments of Poland and Lithuania who have blocked this.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
    @Greasy William,_Dnipro

    Some sources declare it to be the biggest multifunctional Jewish community center in Europe[1] or in the world.
    Financed by Ihor Kolomoyskyi. You maybe heard of this fellow.
  1169. @Greasy William

    The center of Kabbalah is Safed and Jerusalem. Jews who wanted to learn Kabbalah historically left the Pale of Settlement to go to those cities. The only example I can think of where Kabbalists have any interest in that region is when Breslovers go on their trip to Uman to visit Rabbi Nachman's grave.

    In fact, Israel has repeatedly requested that the graves of past great sages like the Vilna Gaon be uprooted and transferred to Israel and it is the governments of Poland and Lithuania who have blocked this.

    Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard,_Dnipro

    Some sources declare it to be the biggest multifunctional Jewish community center in Europe[1] or in the world.

    Financed by Ihor Kolomoyskyi. You maybe heard of this fellow.

  1170. Да гранаты у Пригожина не той системы.

  1171. @Coconuts

    Even if you think Europe’s trajectory is not success, the Islamic countries (excluding some wealthy oil states) are usually going to less success in the same aspects.
    I think what I was writing about was more the idea of decadence or corsi e ricorsi, the possibility that Muslim communities represent the future because they have a lower educational level, a higher percentage marry their cousins, more family orientated, they are more clannish and ethnocentric etc.

    Here Islam would be considered a more adaptive belief system in the future of relative decline, because it is more simple and clear.

    People pick up on different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?

    You can see the gradual reappearance of anti-progress narratives among some Western elites which are secular but which track traditional pre-Enlightenment points of view, where the 'tragic vision' of human nature becomes more based in the study of psychology, biology and history than in religion. Feminism against Progress I quoted was one recent example of this.

    This might also be more like the 'reactionary vision of modernity' returning in an updated form due to pressure from the other political direction.

    In the past this was a more popular idea in Continental Europe than in the Anglosphere:

    Replies: @Another Polish Perspective, @Dmitry

    represent the future because they have a lower educational level,

    I would say it is a probably kind of orientalism, because the rulers of Pakistan go in the opposite direction. Upper class represent peoples’ preferences when they have optional choice of lifestyle.

    When Pakistan people have optional choice of lifestyle i.e. millions of dollars, they are becoming secular hipsters, with culture more like Italians. So, the Islamic culture is more common for people from the village lifestyle of Pakistan.

    If remember the argument of Donald Trump with Sadiq Khan, first Muslim Mayor of a large European city. The argument is originally related to Islam and Trump’s travel ban from Muslim countries.

    Islam is the one of the world’s more conservative ideologies, while Trump is a relatively liberal person from New York.

    However, it was actually argument between Trump representing American conservatives vs. liberal Mayor of London.

    I would say Islamic identity of Sadiq Khan, seems more marketing for liberals, than someone who cares about following policies of the Quran. E.g. this “Islamic ruler of London” is a supporter of LGBT rights.

    different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?

    If the West really declined to the film “Idiocracy”. I could imagine the future religions which would begin, would be more like situation in Russia already, with almost religious cult of “Wagner”. While the FSB controlled traditional religions become empty decoration of the official state power.

    Muslim areas could be like Kadyrov’s zone, where Islam is identity politics exploited by the rulers of spiritually and nationally broken people of Chechnya.

    The reason this would feel like the more realistic dystopian situation, is because the trend of power of state and companies in the West is actually increasing. There would be less possibility for installing traditional lifestyle of villages from the third world in the future, compared to now.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    When Pakistan people have optional choice of lifestyle i.e. millions of dollars, they are becoming secular hipsters, with culture more like Italians.


    I think a question about wealthy Pakistanis from the elite is to what extent they still marry cousins, remain more ethnocentric and family orientated, just with the elite version of these values. Even some of the old Western European elites are still somewhat like this.

    There may also have some elite version of more liberal Islam, something I seem to see about the old Western elite from an aristocratic background is that they are relatively more attached to some religious traditions than people in general now, even if they are not likely to be fundamentalists.

    I would say Islamic identity of Sadiq Khan, seems more marketing for liberals, than someone who cares about following policies of the Quran. E.g. this “Islamic ruler of London” is a supporter of LGBT rights.
    Recently there was the saga about the ex-mayor of Keighley in Yorkshire who had to resign when he became trapped between supporting his own religious community and supporting the LGBT+ faction. 

    In that case the tensions in the intersectional alliance became too open and strong, they must be something Sadiq has to manage carefully. At the same time Trump personally is like a 80s liberal and has these older generation American liberals and libertarians in his movement as well as more conventional conservatives. In this respect Sadiq vs. Trump would be closer to post-modern politics.

    Muslim areas could be like Kadyrov’s zone, where Islam is identity politics exploited by the rulers of spiritually and nationally broken people of Chechnya.

    The reason this would feel like the more realistic dystopian situation, is because the trend of power of state and companies in the West is actually increasing. There would be less possibility for installing traditional lifestyle of villages from the third world in the future, compared to now.

    I had something closer to this in mind myself. Looking at the Muslim communities in the UK (also probably in France but some of the effects are likely not as large) they still have higher levels of cousin marriage, are more ethnocentric/clannish and more family orientated than the white groups. They also tend to have lower incomes, but at the same time they are still in a developed society and avoid the Third World standards of living. 

    I've also heard French sociologists talking about new forms of Islamic practice and identity coming into being among younger French people from Muslim backgrounds, and it was causing debate around their ideas on secularisation theory. 

    There are parts of the white British population that share certain of these tendencies (Northern Irish population would be one example, but they are generally more common among the old working class), and these social groups seemingly have higher fertility than the middle classes.

    Together with the Muslims groups their children they may make up a larger percentage of the future population. 

    Lastly, as economic and technological power concentrates in the hands of smaller numbers, the likelihood that the state will take on a 'control apparatus of the masses' form does seem higher. 

    This combination of elements would provide some of the arguments for the 'black pill'/declinism conjectures about the future, renewed interest in Vico's New Science is probably inspired by these sorts of observations.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1172. @silviosilver

    I’ve noticed before you write like I’m secretly agreeing, just scared to say it. Have you thought about how your thinking is similar to someone in a religious cult?
    I'm not saying you agree with me. I'm saying you understand more about the realities of race than you let on. Like some shitlib sociology professor who deep down knows the score but hopes against hope that some environmental variables can be manipulated that will alleviate those social conditions and in the meantime is more than happy to lie through his teeth.

    Btw, which religious cults claim that everybody already secretly agrees with them? Did you have an example in mind or did you just fall in love with the creativity of your accusation?

    These are some of the main features of the system of world immigration.
    More accurately, they are features of the "system" that you want to talk about. Other features of the "system," such as the plainly obvious fact that while Europe took on loads of Syrian "refugees," Israel - right next door, let's remember - managed to keep them out, you are not so keen to discuss.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    who deep down knows the score but hopes against hope.. everybody already secretly agrees with them?

    It’s does feel like talking to a Mormon missionary, someone not really interested in discussing the views.

    By the way, the discussion was about the future size of the Islamic population in Europe. As I said, it will be determined by immigration, not religious switching.

    Whether this means you will feel more pro-immigration or anti-immigration, it’s your decision.

    More accurately, they are features of the “system” that you want to talk about.

    They are just main features of the system in reality. It’s like wondering why hundreds of millions of humans are trying to move country, including myself.

    while Europe took on loads of Syrian “refugees,” Israel – right next door, let’s remember – managed to keep them out, you are not so keen to discuss.

    Israel is in war with Syria, with one of the world’s most military borders there. I’ve been on the border, there are tanks, mine fields and an UN army between Israel and Syria.

    But Israel’s border with Egypt is also a military one, but with less militarization and the Bedouin smugglers. As a result, there are 40,000 African illegal immigrants in South Tel Aviv who climbed over the border with Egypt, so they could live in Israel.

    A lot of the schools, most of the children who are born in some of the hospitals, in South Tel Aviv are from the illegal immigrants. It is a country with a lot of illegal immigration.

    Israel’s Jewish population is also majority third world immigrants. The Muslim population is almost 20% with dystopian national conflict, terrorist attacks etc.

    Some of the popular stars in Israel are African from Senegal. etc.

    Although I think Israel is example of highly controlled immigration policy, it’s an constant immigrant society.

    It’s not the kind of example of the anti-immigrant, mononational etc, policy which is discussed in Hungary etc.

  1173. It’s does feel like talking to a Mormon missionary, someone not really interested in discussing the views.

    I feel the same way. To me, you are the Mormon.

    Israel is in war with Syria, with one of the world’s most military borders there.

    The point is there was a will to keep them out and the means were employed to ensure it. And as we saw with covid restrictions, when there is the will, immigration numbers can be drastically reduced – something immigration boosters constantly clamor is “impossible.”

    The simple fact is western countries aren’t even trying to keep people out. You live in complete denial of this most obvious fact and instead babble incessantly about the pull factors (higher wages) that even children already understand.

    s a result, there are 40,000 African illegal immigrants in South Tel Aviv who climbed over the border with Egypt, so they could live in Israel.

    And even that paltry total has already catalysed efforts to remove them.

    It is a country with a lot of illegal immigration.

    A lot or a little are relative terms. Compared to Europe and the Anglosphere, it is a country with “some” illegal immigration (and extremely few avenues for non-jewish legal immigration).

    The Muslim population is almost 20%

    They are not the product of immigration so I have no idea why you think this is relevant.

    It’s not the kind of example of the anti-immigrant, mononational etc, policy which is discussed in Hungary etc.

    Hard LOL.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    I feel the same way. To me, you are the Mormon.
    I would guess, because like someone in a religious cult, you feel people expressing a different view than your own, is a threat, in the same way I would feel someone trying to change my view.

    For example, I have zero interest in changing your views. I'm just writing sharing my own opinion. As I said, because of my situation in the last year, my view is quite nonobjective. It represents my unusual situation as an immigrant.

    I'm not expecting you should have the same view as I. It wouldn't even been healthy, if you are a Westerner, who has some responsibility for choosing policy by voting, although a very small portion of responsibility.

    will to keep them out and the means were employed to ensure it. And as we saw with covid restrictions, when there is the will, immigration numbers can be drastically reduced


    It's possible to create a military situation in the border, but I don't see states doing this, except in the situation where there is a military conflict in the border.

    Maybe you have a better example. But Syria and Israel are an active warzone, with military operations of the countries every month. It's like Armenia and Azerbaijan or North and South Korea. It's not the relevant example for borders between most countries.

    You live in complete denial of this most obvious fact and instead babble incessantly about the pull factors (higher wages) that even children already understand.
    Because in this world, not idealistic world, the pull factors are mainly determining the result from what we can see.

    You can criticize that "children already understand this". But then, everyone will forget in the next post. If I was predictor or forecaster, these are the factors I would look at.

    I wonder if you believe discussing on the internet forum, will have some change in the world immigration patterns. I'm sure we are both people without much power or influence, so as an observer this is one of the main areas determining the situation.

    And even that paltry total has already catalysed efforts to remove them.


    The number stabilized after they build a fence, so it could be support for the Trump point of view. On the other hand, they aren't removed and become quite a veteran population. Also, it's a large number relative to the population, the same as 1,5 million immigrants in America.

    In terms of Tel Aviv, around 10% of the population.

    Israel has a growing population, but the business interest in Tel Aviv, mainly restaurants, catering, were pressuring to keep the population. On the other hand, the working class local residents were protesting against them.

    In terms of other illegal immigrants, I've talked to a lot of Ukrainians there.

    They are not the product of immigration so I have no idea why you think this is relevant.


    They were mainly immigrants in pre-state development time.

    It's relevant talking about size of Islamic population in the West. Israel is the example with the highest ratio Muslims in the potentially Western countries, unless you include Turkey or Bosnia as another Western country.

    Again, whether this example means you are more or less happy about having larger Islamic minority in the West, it's your decision.

    I'm not a Westerner, so it's honest (not in some banal sense, also legally - I cannot vote) not my right to give opinion about these topics. In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.

    Hard LOL.


    Israel is an example which used controlled immigration to manage the state-building. It's also becoming a first world country. In terms of Cold War, also things like legal system, it is part of the West.

    But the country is a majority third world origin immigrant country.

    My impressions from being in Israel, are not "this country is a dream Orban has for Hungary".

    The impression of Israel, and it's the impression most people will have, something like "maybe it is possible to create a developed liberal democracy with multiracial third world origin immigrants".

    Because, it's not secret the population are like third world origin people.

    Israel's tasks are going to state-building with base population which is like this And you will see the religious divisions will be more important there than ethnic ones.

    So, it's not useful for discussing immigration policy of Poland or Japan. Israel is more similar to USA or Brazil. I feel Israel could solve the multiethnic situation, but it won't solve the multireligious conflicts.

    Replies: @Yevardian, @Yahya

  1174. @Dmitry

    represent the future because they have a lower educational level,
    I would say it is a probably kind of orientalism, because the rulers of Pakistan go in the opposite direction. Upper class represent peoples' preferences when they have optional choice of lifestyle.

    When Pakistan people have optional choice of lifestyle i.e. millions of dollars, they are becoming secular hipsters, with culture more like Italians. So, the Islamic culture is more common for people from the village lifestyle of Pakistan.

    If remember the argument of Donald Trump with Sadiq Khan, first Muslim Mayor of a large European city. The argument is originally related to Islam and Trump's travel ban from Muslim countries.

    Islam is the one of the world's more conservative ideologies, while Trump is a relatively liberal person from New York.

    However, it was actually argument between Trump representing American conservatives vs. liberal Mayor of London.

    I would say Islamic identity of Sadiq Khan, seems more marketing for liberals, than someone who cares about following policies of the Quran. E.g. this "Islamic ruler of London" is a supporter of LGBT rights.

    different things pointing to this possibility for the future. I guess it is something like this that Bashi has in mind, as well as the Buddhist prophecies?


    If the West really declined to the film "Idiocracy". I could imagine the future religions which would begin, would be more like situation in Russia already, with almost religious cult of "Wagner". While the FSB controlled traditional religions become empty decoration of the official state power.

    Muslim areas could be like Kadyrov's zone, where Islam is identity politics exploited by the rulers of spiritually and nationally broken people of Chechnya.

    The reason this would feel like the more realistic dystopian situation, is because the trend of power of state and companies in the West is actually increasing. There would be less possibility for installing traditional lifestyle of villages from the third world in the future, compared to now.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    When Pakistan people have optional choice of lifestyle i.e. millions of dollars, they are becoming secular hipsters, with culture more like Italians.

    I think a question about wealthy Pakistanis from the elite is to what extent they still marry cousins, remain more ethnocentric and family orientated, just with the elite version of these values. Even some of the old Western European elites are still somewhat like this.

    There may also have some elite version of more liberal Islam, something I seem to see about the old Western elite from an aristocratic background is that they are relatively more attached to some religious traditions than people in general now, even if they are not likely to be fundamentalists.

    I would say Islamic identity of Sadiq Khan, seems more marketing for liberals, than someone who cares about following policies of the Quran. E.g. this “Islamic ruler of London” is a supporter of LGBT rights.

    Recently there was the saga about the ex-mayor of Keighley in Yorkshire who had to resign when he became trapped between supporting his own religious community and supporting the LGBT+ faction. 

    In that case the tensions in the intersectional alliance became too open and strong, they must be something Sadiq has to manage carefully. At the same time Trump personally is like a 80s liberal and has these older generation American liberals and libertarians in his movement as well as more conventional conservatives. In this respect Sadiq vs. Trump would be closer to post-modern politics.

    Muslim areas could be like Kadyrov’s zone, where Islam is identity politics exploited by the rulers of spiritually and nationally broken people of Chechnya.

    The reason this would feel like the more realistic dystopian situation, is because the trend of power of state and companies in the West is actually increasing. There would be less possibility for installing traditional lifestyle of villages from the third world in the future, compared to now.

    I had something closer to this in mind myself. Looking at the Muslim communities in the UK (also probably in France but some of the effects are likely not as large) they still have higher levels of cousin marriage, are more ethnocentric/clannish and more family orientated than the white groups. They also tend to have lower incomes, but at the same time they are still in a developed society and avoid the Third World standards of living. 

    I’ve also heard French sociologists talking about new forms of Islamic practice and identity coming into being among younger French people from Muslim backgrounds, and it was causing debate around their ideas on secularisation theory. 

    There are parts of the white British population that share certain of these tendencies (Northern Irish population would be one example, but they are generally more common among the old working class), and these social groups seemingly have higher fertility than the middle classes.

    Together with the Muslims groups their children they may make up a larger percentage of the future population. 

    Lastly, as economic and technological power concentrates in the hands of smaller numbers, the likelihood that the state will take on a ‘control apparatus of the masses’ form does seem higher. 

    This combination of elements would provide some of the arguments for the ‘black pill’/declinism conjectures about the future, renewed interest in Vico’s New Science is probably inspired by these sorts of observations.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    a question about wealthy Pakistanis from the elite is to what extent they still marry cousins, remain more ethnocentric and family orientated


    I wonder as well. But they seem to like drugs, alcohol etc.

    By the way, in the Titanic submarine accident this week, it was an example of a wealthy British Pakistani family. It's an example from Pakistan which seem probably quite secular and they funded groups like SETI. "In February 2020, he was a keynote speaker on a panel at the United Nations on gender equality in agriculture."

    more family orientated than the white groups.
    In the older data I found, the fertility rates of the immigrants were already half of the fertility rate in Pakistan in the same time. But the Hindu rates were converged already.

    It still indicates a significant difference between the immigrants' lifestyle and the local population.

    In Bangladesh, it is not below replacement fertility, so it would be interesting to see the more recent data for the immigrants from these countries in Europe.

    There is possibility sometimes, when the immigrant community can be more traditional and conservative, than their origin country. For example, this is possible with some of the Chinese immigrants in e.g. San Francisco.

    Also, relating to the social class. So, working Mexican workers in America would be more conservative, than the middle class urban Mexicans in the large cities.

    forms of Islamic practice and identity coming into being among younger French people from Muslim backgrounds, and it was causing debate around their ideas on secularisation theory.
    In the postsoviet space, the examples of secularization could be Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

    Under dictatorship, any more religious kind of Islam, is replaced with a very strong secular nationalism there.

    But the population was already mostly secularized in the Soviet Union. In the 1990s, the leaders were more threatened by possibility of thread of imported Islamism, partly funded by Gulf Arab states.

    Kazakhstan still continues with a lot of old customs like bride-kidnapping. But in Azerbaijan, the family relations more like Europe.

    economic and technological power concentrates in the hands of smaller numbers, the likelihood that the state will take on a ‘control apparatus of the masses’ form does seem higher.

    This combination of elements would provide some of the arguments for the ‘black pill’/declinism conjectures about the future
    From most of the peoples' views, this is something dystopian.

    But just from the narrow topic of "immigrant assimilation", the trend of increasing limitation of liberty and increasing possibility of increased control by state or large companies, would mean it is easier for a state to control and converge the immigrants. Unless, it is cults which really reject technology like Amish or Haredi, likely some forms of Islam are like this.

    Replies: @Coconuts

  1175. @silviosilver

    It’s does feel like talking to a Mormon missionary, someone not really interested in discussing the views.
    I feel the same way. To me, you are the Mormon.

    Israel is in war with Syria, with one of the world’s most military borders there.
    The point is there was a will to keep them out and the means were employed to ensure it. And as we saw with covid restrictions, when there is the will, immigration numbers can be drastically reduced - something immigration boosters constantly clamor is "impossible."

    The simple fact is western countries aren't even trying to keep people out. You live in complete denial of this most obvious fact and instead babble incessantly about the pull factors (higher wages) that even children already understand.

    s a result, there are 40,000 African illegal immigrants in South Tel Aviv who climbed over the border with Egypt, so they could live in Israel.
    And even that paltry total has already catalysed efforts to remove them.

    It is a country with a lot of illegal immigration.
    A lot or a little are relative terms. Compared to Europe and the Anglosphere, it is a country with "some" illegal immigration (and extremely few avenues for non-jewish legal immigration).

    The Muslim population is almost 20%
    They are not the product of immigration so I have no idea why you think this is relevant.

    It’s not the kind of example of the anti-immigrant, mononational etc, policy which is discussed in Hungary etc.
    Hard LOL.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    I feel the same way. To me, you are the Mormon.

    I would guess, because like someone in a religious cult, you feel people expressing a different view than your own, is a threat, in the same way I would feel someone trying to change my view.

    For example, I have zero interest in changing your views. I’m just writing sharing my own opinion. As I said, because of my situation in the last year, my view is quite nonobjective. It represents my unusual situation as an immigrant.

    I’m not expecting you should have the same view as I. It wouldn’t even been healthy, if you are a Westerner, who has some responsibility for choosing policy by voting, although a very small portion of responsibility.

    will to keep them out and the means were employed to ensure it. And as we saw with covid restrictions, when there is the will, immigration numbers can be drastically reduced

    It’s possible to create a military situation in the border, but I don’t see states doing this, except in the situation where there is a military conflict in the border.

    Maybe you have a better example. But Syria and Israel are an active warzone, with military operations of the countries every month. It’s like Armenia and Azerbaijan or North and South Korea. It’s not the relevant example for borders between most countries.

    You live in complete denial of this most obvious fact and instead babble incessantly about the pull factors (higher wages) that even children already understand.

    Because in this world, not idealistic world, the pull factors are mainly determining the result from what we can see.

    You can criticize that “children already understand this”. But then, everyone will forget in the next post. If I was predictor or forecaster, these are the factors I would look at.

    I wonder if you believe discussing on the internet forum, will have some change in the world immigration patterns. I’m sure we are both people without much power or influence, so as an observer this is one of the main areas determining the situation.

    And even that paltry total has already catalysed efforts to remove them.

    The number stabilized after they build a fence, so it could be support for the Trump point of view. On the other hand, they aren’t removed and become quite a veteran population. Also, it’s a large number relative to the population, the same as 1,5 million immigrants in America.

    In terms of Tel Aviv, around 10% of the population.

    Israel has a growing population, but the business interest in Tel Aviv, mainly restaurants, catering, were pressuring to keep the population. On the other hand, the working class local residents were protesting against them.

    In terms of other illegal immigrants, I’ve talked to a lot of Ukrainians there.

    They are not the product of immigration so I have no idea why you think this is relevant.

    They were mainly immigrants in pre-state development time.

    It’s relevant talking about size of Islamic population in the West. Israel is the example with the highest ratio Muslims in the potentially Western countries, unless you include Turkey or Bosnia as another Western country.

    Again, whether this example means you are more or less happy about having larger Islamic minority in the West, it’s your decision.

    I’m not a Westerner, so it’s honest (not in some banal sense, also legally – I cannot vote) not my right to give opinion about these topics. In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.

    Hard LOL.

    Israel is an example which used controlled immigration to manage the state-building. It’s also becoming a first world country. In terms of Cold War, also things like legal system, it is part of the West.

    But the country is a majority third world origin immigrant country.

    My impressions from being in Israel, are not “this country is a dream Orban has for Hungary”.

    The impression of Israel, and it’s the impression most people will have, something like “maybe it is possible to create a developed liberal democracy with multiracial third world origin immigrants”.

    Because, it’s not secret the population are like third world origin people.

    Israel’s tasks are going to state-building with base population which is like this And you will see the religious divisions will be more important there than ethnic ones.

    So, it’s not useful for discussing immigration policy of Poland or Japan. Israel is more similar to USA or Brazil. I feel Israel could solve the multiethnic situation, but it won’t solve the multireligious conflicts.

    • Replies: @Yevardian

    Zero interest in joining this recurring debate (the most palatable argument to ordinary Westerners is to oppose mass-immigration on Leftist economic grounds and ignore race/culture), but on the subject of mass (Jewish) 3rd-World Immigration to Israel during its early years, Yahya and perhaps some others might be interested in watching this 1973 Israeli film about the topic.

    Also has curiosity for any Hispanophones, as much of the film's dialogue is in the now nearly-extinct Jewish dialect of Ladino, that retains many archaic features of Mediaeval Spanish.

    I generally just watch films directly by searching them on Yandex, picking through the site results until I find a working stream of decent quality.. depending on how obscure (or alternatively, extremely recent) the film is, this searching process can take a few seconds to a few minutes.

    , @Yahya

    In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.
    Dmitry, you are one of the smartest people here, and write many interesting posts. But sometimes you are ambiguous about your positions, or are not writing clearly enough for us to grasp your positions. So I’d like to ask you some pointed questions about your views on race, migration and demography.

    If by 2100, and please play along here, RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; how would you feel about such a scenario?

    Is is it a cause for concern from your POV? Do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level?

    Please elaborate on why you would think it better/worse/neutral.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1176. @Coconuts

    When Pakistan people have optional choice of lifestyle i.e. millions of dollars, they are becoming secular hipsters, with culture more like Italians.


    I think a question about wealthy Pakistanis from the elite is to what extent they still marry cousins, remain more ethnocentric and family orientated, just with the elite version of these values. Even some of the old Western European elites are still somewhat like this.

    There may also have some elite version of more liberal Islam, something I seem to see about the old Western elite from an aristocratic background is that they are relatively more attached to some religious traditions than people in general now, even if they are not likely to be fundamentalists.

    I would say Islamic identity of Sadiq Khan, seems more marketing for liberals, than someone who cares about following policies of the Quran. E.g. this “Islamic ruler of London” is a supporter of LGBT rights.
    Recently there was the saga about the ex-mayor of Keighley in Yorkshire who had to resign when he became trapped between supporting his own religious community and supporting the LGBT+ faction. 

    In that case the tensions in the intersectional alliance became too open and strong, they must be something Sadiq has to manage carefully. At the same time Trump personally is like a 80s liberal and has these older generation American liberals and libertarians in his movement as well as more conventional conservatives. In this respect Sadiq vs. Trump would be closer to post-modern politics.

    Muslim areas could be like Kadyrov’s zone, where Islam is identity politics exploited by the rulers of spiritually and nationally broken people of Chechnya.

    The reason this would feel like the more realistic dystopian situation, is because the trend of power of state and companies in the West is actually increasing. There would be less possibility for installing traditional lifestyle of villages from the third world in the future, compared to now.

    I had something closer to this in mind myself. Looking at the Muslim communities in the UK (also probably in France but some of the effects are likely not as large) they still have higher levels of cousin marriage, are more ethnocentric/clannish and more family orientated than the white groups. They also tend to have lower incomes, but at the same time they are still in a developed society and avoid the Third World standards of living. 

    I've also heard French sociologists talking about new forms of Islamic practice and identity coming into being among younger French people from Muslim backgrounds, and it was causing debate around their ideas on secularisation theory. 

    There are parts of the white British population that share certain of these tendencies (Northern Irish population would be one example, but they are generally more common among the old working class), and these social groups seemingly have higher fertility than the middle classes.

    Together with the Muslims groups their children they may make up a larger percentage of the future population. 

    Lastly, as economic and technological power concentrates in the hands of smaller numbers, the likelihood that the state will take on a 'control apparatus of the masses' form does seem higher. 

    This combination of elements would provide some of the arguments for the 'black pill'/declinism conjectures about the future, renewed interest in Vico's New Science is probably inspired by these sorts of observations.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    a question about wealthy Pakistanis from the elite is to what extent they still marry cousins, remain more ethnocentric and family orientated

    I wonder as well. But they seem to like drugs, alcohol etc.

    By the way, in the Titanic submarine accident this week, it was an example of a wealthy British Pakistani family. It’s an example from Pakistan which seem probably quite secular and they funded groups like SETI. “In February 2020, he was a keynote speaker on a panel at the United Nations on gender equality in agriculture.”

    more family orientated than the white groups.

    In the older data I found, the fertility rates of the immigrants were already half of the fertility rate in Pakistan in the same time. But the Hindu rates were converged already.

    It still indicates a significant difference between the immigrants’ lifestyle and the local population.

    In Bangladesh, it is not below replacement fertility, so it would be interesting to see the more recent data for the immigrants from these countries in Europe.

    There is possibility sometimes, when the immigrant community can be more traditional and conservative, than their origin country. For example, this is possible with some of the Chinese immigrants in e.g. San Francisco.

    Also, relating to the social class. So, working Mexican workers in America would be more conservative, than the middle class urban Mexicans in the large cities.

    forms of Islamic practice and identity coming into being among younger French people from Muslim backgrounds, and it was causing debate around their ideas on secularisation theory.

    In the postsoviet space, the examples of secularization could be Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

    Under dictatorship, any more religious kind of Islam, is replaced with a very strong secular nationalism there.

    But the population was already mostly secularized in the Soviet Union. In the 1990s, the leaders were more threatened by possibility of thread of imported Islamism, partly funded by Gulf Arab states.

    Kazakhstan still continues with a lot of old customs like bride-kidnapping. But in Azerbaijan, the family relations more like Europe.

    economic and technological power concentrates in the hands of smaller numbers, the likelihood that the state will take on a ‘control apparatus of the masses’ form does seem higher.

    This combination of elements would provide some of the arguments for the ‘black pill’/declinism conjectures about the future

    From most of the peoples’ views, this is something dystopian.

    But just from the narrow topic of “immigrant assimilation”, the trend of increasing limitation of liberty and increasing possibility of increased control by state or large companies, would mean it is easier for a state to control and converge the immigrants. Unless, it is cults which really reject technology like Amish or Haredi, likely some forms of Islam are like this.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    It’s an example from Pakistan which seem probably quite secular and they funded groups like SETI. “In February 2020, he was a keynote speaker on a panel at the United Nations on gender equality in agriculture.”
    There is this issue:

    At the moment white boomers and Gen X still possess very significant quantities of wealth compared to other groups in the world. If wealth creates cultural influence, it wouldn't be as surprising to see the wealthy elites originating in poorer nations copying some of the ideas of the leading elites.

    When the home nations of white Gen X and their inheritors start to transition demographically (and I guess the wealth starts to flow into non-white, non-European origin groups), will the Gen X values retain hegemony?

    There is possibility sometimes, when the immigrant community can be more traditional and conservative, than their origin country.
    From what I can remember the last birth statistics I saw from the UK, (maybe they were from after 2015?) showed the Pakistanis at a level closer to 2005. Possibly because of brining wives from Pakistan?

    Afaik, the book by Ed Husain 'Among the Mosques' about the British Muslim community did suggest they were more conservative in some respects than their country of origin.

    But just from the narrow topic of “immigrant assimilation”
    This is possible, as authoritarian governments seem more able to bring about ethnogenesis.

    But the general pictures would be a minority, powerful elite inculcating beliefs into a population majority made up of the descendants of lower income, low educational level people of today.

    I think this could be seen as a dystopian conclusion to Progress similar to the switch of Europe to Islam.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1177. @Dmitry

    I feel the same way. To me, you are the Mormon.
    I would guess, because like someone in a religious cult, you feel people expressing a different view than your own, is a threat, in the same way I would feel someone trying to change my view.

    For example, I have zero interest in changing your views. I'm just writing sharing my own opinion. As I said, because of my situation in the last year, my view is quite nonobjective. It represents my unusual situation as an immigrant.

    I'm not expecting you should have the same view as I. It wouldn't even been healthy, if you are a Westerner, who has some responsibility for choosing policy by voting, although a very small portion of responsibility.

    will to keep them out and the means were employed to ensure it. And as we saw with covid restrictions, when there is the will, immigration numbers can be drastically reduced


    It's possible to create a military situation in the border, but I don't see states doing this, except in the situation where there is a military conflict in the border.

    Maybe you have a better example. But Syria and Israel are an active warzone, with military operations of the countries every month. It's like Armenia and Azerbaijan or North and South Korea. It's not the relevant example for borders between most countries.

    You live in complete denial of this most obvious fact and instead babble incessantly about the pull factors (higher wages) that even children already understand.
    Because in this world, not idealistic world, the pull factors are mainly determining the result from what we can see.

    You can criticize that "children already understand this". But then, everyone will forget in the next post. If I was predictor or forecaster, these are the factors I would look at.

    I wonder if you believe discussing on the internet forum, will have some change in the world immigration patterns. I'm sure we are both people without much power or influence, so as an observer this is one of the main areas determining the situation.

    And even that paltry total has already catalysed efforts to remove them.


    The number stabilized after they build a fence, so it could be support for the Trump point of view. On the other hand, they aren't removed and become quite a veteran population. Also, it's a large number relative to the population, the same as 1,5 million immigrants in America.

    In terms of Tel Aviv, around 10% of the population.

    Israel has a growing population, but the business interest in Tel Aviv, mainly restaurants, catering, were pressuring to keep the population. On the other hand, the working class local residents were protesting against them.

    In terms of other illegal immigrants, I've talked to a lot of Ukrainians there.

    They are not the product of immigration so I have no idea why you think this is relevant.


    They were mainly immigrants in pre-state development time.

    It's relevant talking about size of Islamic population in the West. Israel is the example with the highest ratio Muslims in the potentially Western countries, unless you include Turkey or Bosnia as another Western country.

    Again, whether this example means you are more or less happy about having larger Islamic minority in the West, it's your decision.

    I'm not a Westerner, so it's honest (not in some banal sense, also legally - I cannot vote) not my right to give opinion about these topics. In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.

    Hard LOL.


    Israel is an example which used controlled immigration to manage the state-building. It's also becoming a first world country. In terms of Cold War, also things like legal system, it is part of the West.

    But the country is a majority third world origin immigrant country.

    My impressions from being in Israel, are not "this country is a dream Orban has for Hungary".

    The impression of Israel, and it's the impression most people will have, something like "maybe it is possible to create a developed liberal democracy with multiracial third world origin immigrants".

    Because, it's not secret the population are like third world origin people.

    Israel's tasks are going to state-building with base population which is like this And you will see the religious divisions will be more important there than ethnic ones.

    So, it's not useful for discussing immigration policy of Poland or Japan. Israel is more similar to USA or Brazil. I feel Israel could solve the multiethnic situation, but it won't solve the multireligious conflicts.

    Replies: @Yevardian, @Yahya

    Zero interest in joining this recurring debate (the most palatable argument to ordinary Westerners is to oppose mass-immigration on Leftist economic grounds and ignore race/culture), but on the subject of mass (Jewish) 3rd-World Immigration to Israel during its early years, Yahya and perhaps some others might be interested in watching this 1973 Israeli film about the topic.

    Also has curiosity for any Hispanophones, as much of the film’s dialogue is in the now nearly-extinct Jewish dialect of Ladino, that retains many archaic features of Mediaeval Spanish.


    I generally just watch films directly by searching them on Yandex, picking through the site results until I find a working stream of decent quality.. depending on how obscure (or alternatively, extremely recent) the film is, this searching process can take a few seconds to a few minutes.

  1178. @Dmitry

    a question about wealthy Pakistanis from the elite is to what extent they still marry cousins, remain more ethnocentric and family orientated


    I wonder as well. But they seem to like drugs, alcohol etc.

    By the way, in the Titanic submarine accident this week, it was an example of a wealthy British Pakistani family. It's an example from Pakistan which seem probably quite secular and they funded groups like SETI. "In February 2020, he was a keynote speaker on a panel at the United Nations on gender equality in agriculture."

    more family orientated than the white groups.
    In the older data I found, the fertility rates of the immigrants were already half of the fertility rate in Pakistan in the same time. But the Hindu rates were converged already.

    It still indicates a significant difference between the immigrants' lifestyle and the local population.

    In Bangladesh, it is not below replacement fertility, so it would be interesting to see the more recent data for the immigrants from these countries in Europe.

    There is possibility sometimes, when the immigrant community can be more traditional and conservative, than their origin country. For example, this is possible with some of the Chinese immigrants in e.g. San Francisco.

    Also, relating to the social class. So, working Mexican workers in America would be more conservative, than the middle class urban Mexicans in the large cities.

    forms of Islamic practice and identity coming into being among younger French people from Muslim backgrounds, and it was causing debate around their ideas on secularisation theory.
    In the postsoviet space, the examples of secularization could be Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

    Under dictatorship, any more religious kind of Islam, is replaced with a very strong secular nationalism there.

    But the population was already mostly secularized in the Soviet Union. In the 1990s, the leaders were more threatened by possibility of thread of imported Islamism, partly funded by Gulf Arab states.

    Kazakhstan still continues with a lot of old customs like bride-kidnapping. But in Azerbaijan, the family relations more like Europe.

    economic and technological power concentrates in the hands of smaller numbers, the likelihood that the state will take on a ‘control apparatus of the masses’ form does seem higher.

    This combination of elements would provide some of the arguments for the ‘black pill’/declinism conjectures about the future
    From most of the peoples' views, this is something dystopian.

    But just from the narrow topic of "immigrant assimilation", the trend of increasing limitation of liberty and increasing possibility of increased control by state or large companies, would mean it is easier for a state to control and converge the immigrants. Unless, it is cults which really reject technology like Amish or Haredi, likely some forms of Islam are like this.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    It’s an example from Pakistan which seem probably quite secular and they funded groups like SETI. “In February 2020, he was a keynote speaker on a panel at the United Nations on gender equality in agriculture.”

    There is this issue:

    At the moment white boomers and Gen X still possess very significant quantities of wealth compared to other groups in the world. If wealth creates cultural influence, it wouldn’t be as surprising to see the wealthy elites originating in poorer nations copying some of the ideas of the leading elites.

    When the home nations of white Gen X and their inheritors start to transition demographically (and I guess the wealth starts to flow into non-white, non-European origin groups), will the Gen X values retain hegemony?

    There is possibility sometimes, when the immigrant community can be more traditional and conservative, than their origin country.

    From what I can remember the last birth statistics I saw from the UK, (maybe they were from after 2015?) showed the Pakistanis at a level closer to 2005. Possibly because of brining wives from Pakistan?

    Afaik, the book by Ed Husain ‘Among the Mosques’ about the British Muslim community did suggest they were more conservative in some respects than their country of origin.

    But just from the narrow topic of “immigrant assimilation”

    This is possible, as authoritarian governments seem more able to bring about ethnogenesis.

    But the general pictures would be a minority, powerful elite inculcating beliefs into a population majority made up of the descendants of lower income, low educational level people of today.

    I think this could be seen as a dystopian conclusion to Progress similar to the switch of Europe to Islam.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    wealth creates cultural influence,
    It's a question if you think wealthy people have these values, just because other wealthy people have these values?

    Or wealthy people have postenlightenment European values, because they are the more preferable values, when people have options?

    I think of course the second.

    Why wealthy educated people, would choose Islamic ideology, carried by the gastarbaiters from the village in the third world where the countries have been dying for centuries and this religion itself is dying among the educated or middle class.

    It's possible to explain a little with Gulf Arabs, as Islam is a native culture of the Arabian peninsular and their wealth rapidly arrived from oil/gas exports, without time for internal changes to match the wealth.

    Afaik, the book by Ed Husain ‘Among the Mosques’ about the British Muslim community did suggest they were more conservative in some respects than their country of origin.


    Although slow compared to India and Bangladesh, Pakistan is still going to the demographic transition quite fast, if you think their fertility rate is the same as the peaks of 1960s USA which was the wealthiest and most technologically advanced society in the world.

    Like India and Bangladesh, they are going to arrive in demographic transition before significant industrialization, economic development.

    In the 20th century, people would say demographic transition is result of development and early industrialization. Nowadays, countries going to demographic transition before they are close to economically developed. I'm not sure if you want to interpret this optimistically or pessimistically.

    From the internal economic point of view, perhaps it could be pessimistic, if some of these countries like Bangladesh could begin aging populations before they attain industrialization.

    Replies: @Coconuts

  1179. If wealth creates cultural influence, it wouldn’t be as surprising to see the wealthy elites originating in poorer nations copying some of the ideas of the leading elites.

    There is a secondary argument here made by some of the reactionary feminists; extending liberal feminism means extending the sexual marketplace and men at the top of the status/wealth hierarchy benefit the most from the liberal sexual marketplace. The argument is that these men have most sexual access to women during their most fertile years within this sort of system.

    In Submission one of the arguments Houellebecq presents for Islam is the way it can institutionalise and introduce some regulation into this reality through polygamy and divorce. The French characters who are medium level members of the elite are converted to Islam via the offer of a number of desirable young brides.

  1180. @Dmitry

    I feel the same way. To me, you are the Mormon.
    I would guess, because like someone in a religious cult, you feel people expressing a different view than your own, is a threat, in the same way I would feel someone trying to change my view.

    For example, I have zero interest in changing your views. I'm just writing sharing my own opinion. As I said, because of my situation in the last year, my view is quite nonobjective. It represents my unusual situation as an immigrant.

    I'm not expecting you should have the same view as I. It wouldn't even been healthy, if you are a Westerner, who has some responsibility for choosing policy by voting, although a very small portion of responsibility.

    will to keep them out and the means were employed to ensure it. And as we saw with covid restrictions, when there is the will, immigration numbers can be drastically reduced


    It's possible to create a military situation in the border, but I don't see states doing this, except in the situation where there is a military conflict in the border.

    Maybe you have a better example. But Syria and Israel are an active warzone, with military operations of the countries every month. It's like Armenia and Azerbaijan or North and South Korea. It's not the relevant example for borders between most countries.

    You live in complete denial of this most obvious fact and instead babble incessantly about the pull factors (higher wages) that even children already understand.
    Because in this world, not idealistic world, the pull factors are mainly determining the result from what we can see.

    You can criticize that "children already understand this". But then, everyone will forget in the next post. If I was predictor or forecaster, these are the factors I would look at.

    I wonder if you believe discussing on the internet forum, will have some change in the world immigration patterns. I'm sure we are both people without much power or influence, so as an observer this is one of the main areas determining the situation.

    And even that paltry total has already catalysed efforts to remove them.


    The number stabilized after they build a fence, so it could be support for the Trump point of view. On the other hand, they aren't removed and become quite a veteran population. Also, it's a large number relative to the population, the same as 1,5 million immigrants in America.

    In terms of Tel Aviv, around 10% of the population.

    Israel has a growing population, but the business interest in Tel Aviv, mainly restaurants, catering, were pressuring to keep the population. On the other hand, the working class local residents were protesting against them.

    In terms of other illegal immigrants, I've talked to a lot of Ukrainians there.

    They are not the product of immigration so I have no idea why you think this is relevant.


    They were mainly immigrants in pre-state development time.

    It's relevant talking about size of Islamic population in the West. Israel is the example with the highest ratio Muslims in the potentially Western countries, unless you include Turkey or Bosnia as another Western country.

    Again, whether this example means you are more or less happy about having larger Islamic minority in the West, it's your decision.

    I'm not a Westerner, so it's honest (not in some banal sense, also legally - I cannot vote) not my right to give opinion about these topics. In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.

    Hard LOL.


    Israel is an example which used controlled immigration to manage the state-building. It's also becoming a first world country. In terms of Cold War, also things like legal system, it is part of the West.

    But the country is a majority third world origin immigrant country.

    My impressions from being in Israel, are not "this country is a dream Orban has for Hungary".

    The impression of Israel, and it's the impression most people will have, something like "maybe it is possible to create a developed liberal democracy with multiracial third world origin immigrants".

    Because, it's not secret the population are like third world origin people.

    Israel's tasks are going to state-building with base population which is like this And you will see the religious divisions will be more important there than ethnic ones.

    So, it's not useful for discussing immigration policy of Poland or Japan. Israel is more similar to USA or Brazil. I feel Israel could solve the multiethnic situation, but it won't solve the multireligious conflicts.

    Replies: @Yevardian, @Yahya

    In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.

    Dmitry, you are one of the smartest people here, and write many interesting posts. But sometimes you are ambiguous about your positions, or are not writing clearly enough for us to grasp your positions. So I’d like to ask you some pointed questions about your views on race, migration and demography.

    If by 2100, and please play along here, RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; how would you feel about such a scenario?

    Is is it a cause for concern from your POV? Do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level?

    Please elaborate on why you would think it better/worse/neutral.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    There are cities in Russia with both franchises of Islamic State and Taliban, in the same city. There is also large flow of opium drugs from Central Asia, which is main vector for the HIV epidemic. Logically, you would think we should support "closed borders"?

    But there is the irony of history, so in 2022, there is war with Ukraine, mobilization. It will save more lives, for Russian men, if the border is open, than closed. More open border, can even save lives of emigrants also, if they return in an incorrect time.

    On balance, it's a lot better for the borders to be open, than closed, even the low level of border control has saved thousands of lives already. It's like worrying about the cold from opening windows, when there is a carbon monoxide leak in your building.

    So, if you were mobilized to be part of war which is morally wrong, is it correct to worry about whether a country in 2100 will have 80% of whatever demographic level for some life you will not have?

    It's not even knowable questions , when we can't predict the politicians' choice next year. We can only say in the short term, it's now better the border is more open, history has showed it's choice here.


    As for people in a different situation. Let's say you are Norwegian. Norway seems a very safe and successful country. Should Norwegian want to change the country, change the recipe it was already successful using? I would guess if I was Norwegian, probably not, as it seems relatively utopian there. But that is a fantasy.

    'm not Norwegian, from a utopian country. I'm not going to say Norway should close borders, as I'm on the incorrect side of the border in relation to Norway. This is decision for Norwegians to assess without listening to us. If we are not entering such dreamworld, just if we are lucky they would give visas to Russians, Egyptians etc.

    Replies: @Yahya

  1181. @Yahya

    In relation to Russia or Israel, I would say those interethnic relations are no utopia.
    Dmitry, you are one of the smartest people here, and write many interesting posts. But sometimes you are ambiguous about your positions, or are not writing clearly enough for us to grasp your positions. So I’d like to ask you some pointed questions about your views on race, migration and demography.

    If by 2100, and please play along here, RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; how would you feel about such a scenario?

    Is is it a cause for concern from your POV? Do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level?

    Please elaborate on why you would think it better/worse/neutral.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    There are cities in Russia with both franchises of Islamic State and Taliban, in the same city. There is also large flow of opium drugs from Central Asia, which is main vector for the HIV epidemic. Logically, you would think we should support “closed borders”?

    But there is the irony of history, so in 2022, there is war with Ukraine, mobilization. It will save more lives, for Russian men, if the border is open, than closed. More open border, can even save lives of emigrants also, if they return in an incorrect time.

    On balance, it’s a lot better for the borders to be open, than closed, even the low level of border control has saved thousands of lives already. It’s like worrying about the cold from opening windows, when there is a carbon monoxide leak in your building.

    So, if you were mobilized to be part of war which is morally wrong, is it correct to worry about whether a country in 2100 will have 80% of whatever demographic level for some life you will not have?

    It’s not even knowable questions , when we can’t predict the politicians’ choice next year. We can only say in the short term, it’s now better the border is more open, history has showed it’s choice here.

    As for people in a different situation. Let’s say you are Norwegian. Norway seems a very safe and successful country. Should Norwegian want to change the country, change the recipe it was already successful using? I would guess if I was Norwegian, probably not, as it seems relatively utopian there. But that is a fantasy.

    ‘m not Norwegian, from a utopian country. I’m not going to say Norway should close borders, as I’m on the incorrect side of the border in relation to Norway. This is decision for Norwegians to assess without listening to us. If we are not entering such dreamworld, just if we are lucky they would give visas to Russians, Egyptians etc.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    But there is the irony of history, so in 2022, there is war with Ukraine, mobilization. It will save more lives, for Russian men, if the border is open, than closed. More open border, can even save lives of emigrants also, if they return in an incorrect time.
    Dmitry, I specified that my question relates to 2100, not the present-day, because I wanted to hear your views on the long-term implications of migration.

    I understand and agree that on some level, it is irrational to worry about the state of things after our lifetime. But my personal view is that we have a moral obligation towards our descendants, and that any decision made regarding migration should keep the long-term picture in mind. Again, my medieval and anceint ancestors probably had good short-term economic reasons for importing the slaves they did, but it wasn’t very good for their descendants over the long-run (not to mention the immorality of slavery). We all live in the world created by our ancestors, therefore I believe have an obligation towards the future, just as those in the past had an obligation towards us. But these are subjective opinions, I don’t begrudge those who don’t agree.

    Thanks for trying to answer my question, but I have to say I found it frustrating to read. You are avoiding a clear-cut answer to my question by focusing on present-day considerations, such as Central Asia being a safety valve for Russian draft dodgers. Even if you do not care about the future beyond your lifetime, you can still make an objective statement whether a majority Muslim+African Russia is better/worse/neutral than 80% ethnic Russia. Your last bit about Norway, and your hesitance to say they should have closed borders, because you are “on incorrect side of border in relation to Norway” is just another diversion from my question. Are you not capable of putting your personal situation aside to make statements about objective reality? I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban. Again, my question was pertinent to Russia, not Norway, because here you do have the right to express an opinion.

    So to repeat,

    If by 2100, RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level?

    It shouldn’t be difficult to give a clear-cut answer to this question.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1182. @Coconuts

    It’s an example from Pakistan which seem probably quite secular and they funded groups like SETI. “In February 2020, he was a keynote speaker on a panel at the United Nations on gender equality in agriculture.”
    There is this issue:

    At the moment white boomers and Gen X still possess very significant quantities of wealth compared to other groups in the world. If wealth creates cultural influence, it wouldn't be as surprising to see the wealthy elites originating in poorer nations copying some of the ideas of the leading elites.

    When the home nations of white Gen X and their inheritors start to transition demographically (and I guess the wealth starts to flow into non-white, non-European origin groups), will the Gen X values retain hegemony?

    There is possibility sometimes, when the immigrant community can be more traditional and conservative, than their origin country.
    From what I can remember the last birth statistics I saw from the UK, (maybe they were from after 2015?) showed the Pakistanis at a level closer to 2005. Possibly because of brining wives from Pakistan?

    Afaik, the book by Ed Husain 'Among the Mosques' about the British Muslim community did suggest they were more conservative in some respects than their country of origin.

    But just from the narrow topic of “immigrant assimilation”
    This is possible, as authoritarian governments seem more able to bring about ethnogenesis.

    But the general pictures would be a minority, powerful elite inculcating beliefs into a population majority made up of the descendants of lower income, low educational level people of today.

    I think this could be seen as a dystopian conclusion to Progress similar to the switch of Europe to Islam.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    wealth creates cultural influence,

    It’s a question if you think wealthy people have these values, just because other wealthy people have these values?

    Or wealthy people have postenlightenment European values, because they are the more preferable values, when people have options?

    I think of course the second.

    Why wealthy educated people, would choose Islamic ideology, carried by the gastarbaiters from the village in the third world where the countries have been dying for centuries and this religion itself is dying among the educated or middle class.

    It’s possible to explain a little with Gulf Arabs, as Islam is a native culture of the Arabian peninsular and their wealth rapidly arrived from oil/gas exports, without time for internal changes to match the wealth.

    Afaik, the book by Ed Husain ‘Among the Mosques’ about the British Muslim community did suggest they were more conservative in some respects than their country of origin.

    Although slow compared to India and Bangladesh, Pakistan is still going to the demographic transition quite fast, if you think their fertility rate is the same as the peaks of 1960s USA which was the wealthiest and most technologically advanced society in the world.

    Like India and Bangladesh, they are going to arrive in demographic transition before significant industrialization, economic development.

    In the 20th century, people would say demographic transition is result of development and early industrialization. Nowadays, countries going to demographic transition before they are close to economically developed. I’m not sure if you want to interpret this optimistically or pessimistically.

    From the internal economic point of view, perhaps it could be pessimistic, if some of these countries like Bangladesh could begin aging populations before they attain industrialization.

    • Replies: @Coconuts

    Or wealthy people have postenlightenment European values, because they are the more preferable values, when people have options?
    I am thinking that the most developed form of post-enlightenment European values held by the wealthy would be the current Woke version that has been embraced by Western elites. The view of Islam and Muslims there is generally positive:

    'the debate on this topic (wearing of the hijab in France) was 'a great moment of liberation for racist speech' against an Islamic society wrongly imagined by Westerners as 'misogynist, anti-democratic, repressive, bellicose and cruel', Islamic sexism being a construction generated by democratic societies in support of their neo-colonial strategies.'
    With what seem to be unresolved tensions within it about the place of non-Western/Christian cultures and religions.

    Generally I think wealthy people will tend to prefer values which are conducive to maintaining the status they have, or improving it, competition between these tendencies should mean their values continue to evolve.

    Why wealthy educated people, would choose Islamic ideology, carried by the gastarbaiters from the village in the third world where the countries have been dying for centuries and this religion itself is dying among the educated or middle class.
    At the same time in literal terms those countries aren't dying, in a number of cases they are larger and more youthful than most Western ones (and the youthfulness and dynamism of Western countries is partly sustained by imports of people from them). Afaik Pakistan and some of the others are still growing just at a slower rate?

    And the direction of thinking among the most advanced Western middle classes is towards LGBTQ+ combined with a more positive attitude to Islam. So as they secularise and approximate Western norms, Islamic countries should be becoming both more pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-Christian/Hindu.

    As well as being consciously aware from the example of Western countries that this is a Historical stage on the way to the disappearance of both (all) religions?

    Possibly the strange thing will happen in Western countries where the white part of the population is already disproportionately wealthy. The inheritance norms and the shrinking white population should mean this wealth becomes even more concentrated than it is at the moment, with hereditary factors like wealth transfer having a growing influence on power and status.

    Nowadays, countries going to demographic transition before they are close to economically developed. I’m not sure if you want to interpret this optimistically or pessimistically.
    There is the example of France, Songbird and Yahya have both posted a recent blog post from a French economist about the French demographic transition that started in the mid-18th century, before industrialisation. I would agree that it is hard to say what this will mean for them, even why it is happening (the population in Bangladesh is as large as it can get for the territorial and resource base they have?).

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1183. @Dmitry

    There are cities in Russia with both franchises of Islamic State and Taliban, in the same city. There is also large flow of opium drugs from Central Asia, which is main vector for the HIV epidemic. Logically, you would think we should support "closed borders"?

    But there is the irony of history, so in 2022, there is war with Ukraine, mobilization. It will save more lives, for Russian men, if the border is open, than closed. More open border, can even save lives of emigrants also, if they return in an incorrect time.

    On balance, it's a lot better for the borders to be open, than closed, even the low level of border control has saved thousands of lives already. It's like worrying about the cold from opening windows, when there is a carbon monoxide leak in your building.

    So, if you were mobilized to be part of war which is morally wrong, is it correct to worry about whether a country in 2100 will have 80% of whatever demographic level for some life you will not have?

    It's not even knowable questions , when we can't predict the politicians' choice next year. We can only say in the short term, it's now better the border is more open, history has showed it's choice here.


    As for people in a different situation. Let's say you are Norwegian. Norway seems a very safe and successful country. Should Norwegian want to change the country, change the recipe it was already successful using? I would guess if I was Norwegian, probably not, as it seems relatively utopian there. But that is a fantasy.

    'm not Norwegian, from a utopian country. I'm not going to say Norway should close borders, as I'm on the incorrect side of the border in relation to Norway. This is decision for Norwegians to assess without listening to us. If we are not entering such dreamworld, just if we are lucky they would give visas to Russians, Egyptians etc.

    Replies: @Yahya

    But there is the irony of history, so in 2022, there is war with Ukraine, mobilization. It will save more lives, for Russian men, if the border is open, than closed. More open border, can even save lives of emigrants also, if they return in an incorrect time.

    Dmitry, I specified that my question relates to 2100, not the present-day, because I wanted to hear your views on the long-term implications of migration.

    I understand and agree that on some level, it is irrational to worry about the state of things after our lifetime. But my personal view is that we have a moral obligation towards our descendants, and that any decision made regarding migration should keep the long-term picture in mind. Again, my medieval and anceint ancestors probably had good short-term economic reasons for importing the slaves they did, but it wasn’t very good for their descendants over the long-run (not to mention the immorality of slavery). We all live in the world created by our ancestors, therefore I believe have an obligation towards the future, just as those in the past had an obligation towards us. But these are subjective opinions, I don’t begrudge those who don’t agree.

    Thanks for trying to answer my question, but I have to say I found it frustrating to read. You are avoiding a clear-cut answer to my question by focusing on present-day considerations, such as Central Asia being a safety valve for Russian draft dodgers. Even if you do not care about the future beyond your lifetime, you can still make an objective statement whether a majority Muslim+African Russia is better/worse/neutral than 80% ethnic Russia. Your last bit about Norway, and your hesitance to say they should have closed borders, because you are “on incorrect side of border in relation to Norway” is just another diversion from my question. Are you not capable of putting your personal situation aside to make statements about objective reality? I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban. Again, my question was pertinent to Russia, not Norway, because here you do have the right to express an opinion.

    So to repeat,

    If by 2100, RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level?

    It shouldn’t be difficult to give a clear-cut answer to this question.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    moral obligation towards our descendants, and that any decision made regarding migration
    If there are not surprising improvements in the future including with ecology, pollution and political system, I would hope my descendants are not living in Russia.

    Of course, if the border closes at the wrong time, there could have been even nontrivial probability I would not have descendants.

    should keep the long-term picture in mind.


    The long-term picture was important in terms of the people designing institutions of the revolutionary states, like constitution of the USA.

    I don't see how your opinions now will influence a long-term future, for things like immigration, created by technology revolution, change balance of power between countries, possibly soon also ecological changes in the middle 21st century.

    the future beyond your lifetime, you can still make an objective statement whether a majority Muslim+African Russia is better/worse/neutral than 80% ethnic Russia.
    I'm old enough to know about the irony of history.

    If I can't predict the future from two years ago, to what would be the much more dangerous problems today, I'm not going to predict the future for 80 years in the future.

    You know, the possibilities of the future start to mutiply. A Muslim+African Russia which "avoids the nuclear war of 2109" etc.

    After 100 years, the history was unpredictable enough that even British historians are writing it would be better if Germany wins First World War.

    I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban


    It's a meaningless comment, unless you would follow this talking with some real actions. I.e. ban yourself from the USA. If you don't, it implies you are a virtue-signaller without virtue.

    Your last bit about Norway, and your hesitance to say they should have closed borders, because you are “on incorrect side of border in relation to Norway” is just another diversion from my question. Are you not capable of putting your personal situation aside to make statements about objective reality?


    When you are older, you will understand it's not your right to talk about the decisions of the citizens in another country. It's also probably often not your knowledge level as someone who doesn't know the country. I've read enough opinions of people about Russia, to see how high the error rate of foreigners when they discuss a country which is not their own.

    We have right to talk from our own position, e.g. in my situation, I am gastarbaiter so my views are probably quite nonrepresentative.

    The reason I choose Norway, because it seems like a very obvious example. It's like "if I had the wealth of Elon Musk, I'm sure I would spend it better than he does". But I didn't earn the right to talk about the Norwegian policy, it's their discussion, just like I didn't earn the wealth of Elon Musk.

    I thought I have the right to talk about Russian policy, which I did many times in the past. In this particular topic, history just reversed the logic in a funny way though, so my legitimate opinions also had a very rapid shelf-life.

    Replies: @Yahya

  1184. @Yahya

    But there is the irony of history, so in 2022, there is war with Ukraine, mobilization. It will save more lives, for Russian men, if the border is open, than closed. More open border, can even save lives of emigrants also, if they return in an incorrect time.
    Dmitry, I specified that my question relates to 2100, not the present-day, because I wanted to hear your views on the long-term implications of migration.

    I understand and agree that on some level, it is irrational to worry about the state of things after our lifetime. But my personal view is that we have a moral obligation towards our descendants, and that any decision made regarding migration should keep the long-term picture in mind. Again, my medieval and anceint ancestors probably had good short-term economic reasons for importing the slaves they did, but it wasn’t very good for their descendants over the long-run (not to mention the immorality of slavery). We all live in the world created by our ancestors, therefore I believe have an obligation towards the future, just as those in the past had an obligation towards us. But these are subjective opinions, I don’t begrudge those who don’t agree.

    Thanks for trying to answer my question, but I have to say I found it frustrating to read. You are avoiding a clear-cut answer to my question by focusing on present-day considerations, such as Central Asia being a safety valve for Russian draft dodgers. Even if you do not care about the future beyond your lifetime, you can still make an objective statement whether a majority Muslim+African Russia is better/worse/neutral than 80% ethnic Russia. Your last bit about Norway, and your hesitance to say they should have closed borders, because you are “on incorrect side of border in relation to Norway” is just another diversion from my question. Are you not capable of putting your personal situation aside to make statements about objective reality? I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban. Again, my question was pertinent to Russia, not Norway, because here you do have the right to express an opinion.

    So to repeat,

    If by 2100, RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level?

    It shouldn’t be difficult to give a clear-cut answer to this question.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    moral obligation towards our descendants, and that any decision made regarding migration

    If there are not surprising improvements in the future including with ecology, pollution and political system, I would hope my descendants are not living in Russia.

    Of course, if the border closes at the wrong time, there could have been even nontrivial probability I would not have descendants.

    should keep the long-term picture in mind.

    The long-term picture was important in terms of the people designing institutions of the revolutionary states, like constitution of the USA.

    I don’t see how your opinions now will influence a long-term future, for things like immigration, created by technology revolution, change balance of power between countries, possibly soon also ecological changes in the middle 21st century.

    the future beyond your lifetime, you can still make an objective statement whether a majority Muslim+African Russia is better/worse/neutral than 80% ethnic Russia.

    I’m old enough to know about the irony of history.

    If I can’t predict the future from two years ago, to what would be the much more dangerous problems today, I’m not going to predict the future for 80 years in the future.

    You know, the possibilities of the future start to mutiply. A Muslim+African Russia which “avoids the nuclear war of 2109” etc.

    After 100 years, the history was unpredictable enough that even British historians are writing it would be better if Germany wins First World War.

    I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban

    It’s a meaningless comment, unless you would follow this talking with some real actions. I.e. ban yourself from the USA. If you don’t, it implies you are a virtue-signaller without virtue.

    Your last bit about Norway, and your hesitance to say they should have closed borders, because you are “on incorrect side of border in relation to Norway” is just another diversion from my question. Are you not capable of putting your personal situation aside to make statements about objective reality?

    When you are older, you will understand it’s not your right to talk about the decisions of the citizens in another country. It’s also probably often not your knowledge level as someone who doesn’t know the country. I’ve read enough opinions of people about Russia, to see how high the error rate of foreigners when they discuss a country which is not their own.

    We have right to talk from our own position, e.g. in my situation, I am gastarbaiter so my views are probably quite nonrepresentative.

    The reason I choose Norway, because it seems like a very obvious example. It’s like “if I had the wealth of Elon Musk, I’m sure I would spend it better than he does”. But I didn’t earn the right to talk about the Norwegian policy, it’s their discussion, just like I didn’t earn the wealth of Elon Musk.

    I thought I have the right to talk about Russian policy, which I did many times in the past. In this particular topic, history just reversed the logic in a funny way though, so my legitimate opinions also had a very rapid shelf-life.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    Sorry Dmitry, but silviosilver is right, you are simply incapable of facing the implications of racial/ethnic differences, so you bury your head in the sand and avoid tackling the issue head-on. Two comments in and you haven't addressed the question except to say the future is unpredictable, something we already know. The whole point of a hypothetical is to put aside the question of future uncertainty, and focus specifically on the variable outlined (this case, demography), to brainstorm on what that hypothetical scenario would look like, if all other factors were held equal. The point is not to reach a “correct” answer, but to sound out people’s thoughts on specific factors.

    Your diversions into Norway, draft-dodging, your personal circumstances etc. are all irrelevant. Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.

    In a scenario where RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level by 2100?

    Shouldn’t be difficult.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

  1185. @Dmitry

    moral obligation towards our descendants, and that any decision made regarding migration
    If there are not surprising improvements in the future including with ecology, pollution and political system, I would hope my descendants are not living in Russia.

    Of course, if the border closes at the wrong time, there could have been even nontrivial probability I would not have descendants.

    should keep the long-term picture in mind.


    The long-term picture was important in terms of the people designing institutions of the revolutionary states, like constitution of the USA.

    I don't see how your opinions now will influence a long-term future, for things like immigration, created by technology revolution, change balance of power between countries, possibly soon also ecological changes in the middle 21st century.

    the future beyond your lifetime, you can still make an objective statement whether a majority Muslim+African Russia is better/worse/neutral than 80% ethnic Russia.
    I'm old enough to know about the irony of history.

    If I can't predict the future from two years ago, to what would be the much more dangerous problems today, I'm not going to predict the future for 80 years in the future.

    You know, the possibilities of the future start to mutiply. A Muslim+African Russia which "avoids the nuclear war of 2109" etc.

    After 100 years, the history was unpredictable enough that even British historians are writing it would be better if Germany wins First World War.

    I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban


    It's a meaningless comment, unless you would follow this talking with some real actions. I.e. ban yourself from the USA. If you don't, it implies you are a virtue-signaller without virtue.

    Your last bit about Norway, and your hesitance to say they should have closed borders, because you are “on incorrect side of border in relation to Norway” is just another diversion from my question. Are you not capable of putting your personal situation aside to make statements about objective reality?


    When you are older, you will understand it's not your right to talk about the decisions of the citizens in another country. It's also probably often not your knowledge level as someone who doesn't know the country. I've read enough opinions of people about Russia, to see how high the error rate of foreigners when they discuss a country which is not their own.

    We have right to talk from our own position, e.g. in my situation, I am gastarbaiter so my views are probably quite nonrepresentative.

    The reason I choose Norway, because it seems like a very obvious example. It's like "if I had the wealth of Elon Musk, I'm sure I would spend it better than he does". But I didn't earn the right to talk about the Norwegian policy, it's their discussion, just like I didn't earn the wealth of Elon Musk.

    I thought I have the right to talk about Russian policy, which I did many times in the past. In this particular topic, history just reversed the logic in a funny way though, so my legitimate opinions also had a very rapid shelf-life.

    Replies: @Yahya

    Sorry Dmitry, but silviosilver is right, you are simply incapable of facing the implications of racial/ethnic differences, so you bury your head in the sand and avoid tackling the issue head-on. Two comments in and you haven’t addressed the question except to say the future is unpredictable, something we already know. The whole point of a hypothetical is to put aside the question of future uncertainty, and focus specifically on the variable outlined (this case, demography), to brainstorm on what that hypothetical scenario would look like, if all other factors were held equal. The point is not to reach a “correct” answer, but to sound out people’s thoughts on specific factors.

    Your diversions into Norway, draft-dodging, your personal circumstances etc. are all irrelevant. Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.

    In a scenario where RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level by 2100?

    Shouldn’t be difficult.

    • Agree: silviosilver
    • Replies: @silviosilver

    Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.
    I was going to say "good luck" when you originally posted the hypothetical, but I held off lest it gave him an (additional) excuse to duck the question.

    If' I'm going to be bullshitted, I prefer Beckow's approach - mercifully brief and occasionally artful - to Dmitry's monotonous prevarications.

    That's not to say he lacks novelty:

    It’s a meaningless comment, unless you would follow this talking with some real actions. I.e. ban yourself from the USA. If you don’t, it implies you are a virtue-signaller without virtue.
    Here he is going for a moral outrage angle, something I hadn't expected. Bizarre, but at least funny.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    , @Mr. XYZ

    In a scenario where RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level by 2100?
    It would be better for the Muslims and Africans (they'd likely gain more political power) and worse for the Russians.
  1186. @Yahya

    Sorry Dmitry, but silviosilver is right, you are simply incapable of facing the implications of racial/ethnic differences, so you bury your head in the sand and avoid tackling the issue head-on. Two comments in and you haven't addressed the question except to say the future is unpredictable, something we already know. The whole point of a hypothetical is to put aside the question of future uncertainty, and focus specifically on the variable outlined (this case, demography), to brainstorm on what that hypothetical scenario would look like, if all other factors were held equal. The point is not to reach a “correct” answer, but to sound out people’s thoughts on specific factors.

    Your diversions into Norway, draft-dodging, your personal circumstances etc. are all irrelevant. Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.

    In a scenario where RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level by 2100?

    Shouldn’t be difficult.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.

    I was going to say “good luck” when you originally posted the hypothetical, but I held off lest it gave him an (additional) excuse to duck the question.

    If’ I’m going to be bullshitted, I prefer Beckow’s approach – mercifully brief and occasionally artful – to Dmitry’s monotonous prevarications.

    That’s not to say he lacks novelty:

    It’s a meaningless comment, unless you would follow this talking with some real actions. I.e. ban yourself from the USA. If you don’t, it implies you are a virtue-signaller without virtue.

    Here he is going for a moral outrage angle, something I hadn’t expected. Bizarre, but at least funny.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I have asked him two simple questions: 1) whether he sees Russians as his people and 2) whether his pacifism extends to the Tsahal. Had a completely bizarre and confused answer about me being a Sovok. Whatever...


    Replies: @Dmitry

  1187. @Dmitry

    wealth creates cultural influence,
    It's a question if you think wealthy people have these values, just because other wealthy people have these values?

    Or wealthy people have postenlightenment European values, because they are the more preferable values, when people have options?

    I think of course the second.

    Why wealthy educated people, would choose Islamic ideology, carried by the gastarbaiters from the village in the third world where the countries have been dying for centuries and this religion itself is dying among the educated or middle class.

    It's possible to explain a little with Gulf Arabs, as Islam is a native culture of the Arabian peninsular and their wealth rapidly arrived from oil/gas exports, without time for internal changes to match the wealth.

    Afaik, the book by Ed Husain ‘Among the Mosques’ about the British Muslim community did suggest they were more conservative in some respects than their country of origin.


    Although slow compared to India and Bangladesh, Pakistan is still going to the demographic transition quite fast, if you think their fertility rate is the same as the peaks of 1960s USA which was the wealthiest and most technologically advanced society in the world.

    Like India and Bangladesh, they are going to arrive in demographic transition before significant industrialization, economic development.

    In the 20th century, people would say demographic transition is result of development and early industrialization. Nowadays, countries going to demographic transition before they are close to economically developed. I'm not sure if you want to interpret this optimistically or pessimistically.

    From the internal economic point of view, perhaps it could be pessimistic, if some of these countries like Bangladesh could begin aging populations before they attain industrialization.

    Replies: @Coconuts

    Or wealthy people have postenlightenment European values, because they are the more preferable values, when people have options?

    I am thinking that the most developed form of post-enlightenment European values held by the wealthy would be the current Woke version that has been embraced by Western elites. The view of Islam and Muslims there is generally positive:

    ‘the debate on this topic (wearing of the hijab in France) was ‘a great moment of liberation for racist speech’ against an Islamic society wrongly imagined by Westerners as ‘misogynist, anti-democratic, repressive, bellicose and cruel’, Islamic sexism being a construction generated by democratic societies in support of their neo-colonial strategies.’

    With what seem to be unresolved tensions within it about the place of non-Western/Christian cultures and religions.

    Generally I think wealthy people will tend to prefer values which are conducive to maintaining the status they have, or improving it, competition between these tendencies should mean their values continue to evolve.

    Why wealthy educated people, would choose Islamic ideology, carried by the gastarbaiters from the village in the third world where the countries have been dying for centuries and this religion itself is dying among the educated or middle class.

    At the same time in literal terms those countries aren’t dying, in a number of cases they are larger and more youthful than most Western ones (and the youthfulness and dynamism of Western countries is partly sustained by imports of people from them). Afaik Pakistan and some of the others are still growing just at a slower rate?

    And the direction of thinking among the most advanced Western middle classes is towards LGBTQ+ combined with a more positive attitude to Islam. So as they secularise and approximate Western norms, Islamic countries should be becoming both more pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-Christian/Hindu.

    As well as being consciously aware from the example of Western countries that this is a Historical stage on the way to the disappearance of both (all) religions?

    Possibly the strange thing will happen in Western countries where the white part of the population is already disproportionately wealthy. The inheritance norms and the shrinking white population should mean this wealth becomes even more concentrated than it is at the moment, with hereditary factors like wealth transfer having a growing influence on power and status.

    Nowadays, countries going to demographic transition before they are close to economically developed. I’m not sure if you want to interpret this optimistically or pessimistically.

    There is the example of France, Songbird and Yahya have both posted a recent blog post from a French economist about the French demographic transition that started in the mid-18th century, before industrialisation. I would agree that it is hard to say what this will mean for them, even why it is happening (the population in Bangladesh is as large as it can get for the territorial and resource base they have?).

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    larger and more youthful than most Western ones
    Having younger population, doesn't mean the country is in a healthy or nondying situation, generally it's indication of the opposite.

    For example, median age of Gaza strip is 18 years old, in Niger it's 15 years old, in Uganda it's 16 years old - does this mean they will inherit the future? Except in some unusual example like late 20th century China where population growth gives some multiplication of the national power, usually not.

    It seems more often, like having too many people on the boat to navigate correctly, unmanageable population that can cause the ship to fall over.

    Afaik Pakistan and some of the others are still growing just at a slower rate?
    Pakistan will still be growing in this generation, Bangladesh and India already falling (depending on infant mortality rate).

    Islamic world in general will likely switch to the below replacement fertility. They are the countries with the highest falls in the fertility in the recent years. But it will be a generation later.

    One of the things, which could be negative from their view, is that it is happening before industrializing.

    I.e. Pakistan will have aging population before it becomes wealthy, industrialized country.

    about the French demographic transition that started in the mid-18th century, before industrialisation. I would agree that it is hard to say what this will mean for them, even why it is happening (the population in Bangladesh is as large as it can get for the territorial and resource base they have?).
    Electronic media is also creating effect of people being desynchonized historically from their country.

    In Russia already a lot of young people have the confusion of imagining internally like they are Americans, while living in Russia.

    For people in third world countries, this could be even more desynchonization.

  1188. @silviosilver

    Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.
    I was going to say "good luck" when you originally posted the hypothetical, but I held off lest it gave him an (additional) excuse to duck the question.

    If' I'm going to be bullshitted, I prefer Beckow's approach - mercifully brief and occasionally artful - to Dmitry's monotonous prevarications.

    That's not to say he lacks novelty:

    It’s a meaningless comment, unless you would follow this talking with some real actions. I.e. ban yourself from the USA. If you don’t, it implies you are a virtue-signaller without virtue.
    Here he is going for a moral outrage angle, something I hadn't expected. Bizarre, but at least funny.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    I have asked him two simple questions: 1) whether he sees Russians as his people and 2) whether his pacifism extends to the Tsahal. Had a completely bizarre and confused answer about me being a Sovok. Whatever…


    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    1. Obviously Russians are my people, as you know already. But notice how find other Russians online, ask them questions you already know answer for repetitively, as a creepy loyalty test. In real life, I would find this pretty strange behavior.

    2. I'm not pacifist.

    I would support Israel's army if it is a just war, not support if it was unjust war (i.e. we discussed Lebanon 1982 in this forum last year). But I wouldn't be some kind of disloyal citizen there.

    I would support the Red Army 1941, do not support Russian army in 2022.

    3. Obviously you are soviet man, not sure why would be controversial to notice obvious things.


    As for Yahya/silviosilver, it's not a "moral outrage". I'm not outraged in those views.

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would "support USA banning Muslims", if you wouldn't ban yourself from the USA.

    Otherwise your "support" is empty virtue signalling. You don't have responsibility for those large decisions, but you have responsibility for following actions consistent to your supposed "support".

    This is also as I'm trying to explain to you, I'm not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @silviosilver

  1189. Sorry Dmitry, but silviosilver is right, you are simply incapable of facing the implications of racial/ethnic differences…

    I can sort of see why given Dmitry’s age and nationality. He has more direct/immediate risk of being caught up in the consequences of national divisions.

    At the moment, even if HDB is accurate there is no way of persuading many people of the fact. It’s one of those topics where knowledge will only spread as a result of mass scale testing of the counter theories.

    Similar with the Islam thing we have been discussing, given the demographics in European countries and the immigration policies that are currently in place it will be tested sooner or later.

  1190. @Ivashka the fool

    I have asked him two simple questions: 1) whether he sees Russians as his people and 2) whether his pacifism extends to the Tsahal. Had a completely bizarre and confused answer about me being a Sovok. Whatever...


    Replies: @Dmitry

    1. Obviously Russians are my people, as you know already. But notice how find other Russians online, ask them questions you already know answer for repetitively, as a creepy loyalty test. In real life, I would find this pretty strange behavior.

    2. I’m not pacifist.

    I would support Israel’s army if it is a just war, not support if it was unjust war (i.e. we discussed Lebanon 1982 in this forum last year). But I wouldn’t be some kind of disloyal citizen there.

    I would support the Red Army 1941, do not support Russian army in 2022.

    3. Obviously you are soviet man, not sure why would be controversial to notice obvious things.

    As for Yahya/silviosilver, it’s not a “moral outrage”. I’m not outraged in those views.

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would “support USA banning Muslims”, if you wouldn’t ban yourself from the USA.

    Otherwise your “support” is empty virtue signalling. You don’t have responsibility for those large decisions, but you have responsibility for following actions consistent to your supposed “support”.

    This is also as I’m trying to explain to you, I’m not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.

    • Replies: @Ivashka the fool

    И года не прошло.

    I was 18 when Soviet Union crumbled. I lived half my life in the West. You still think I am a Soviet person? What does this make you then when you are 50 ?

    Anyway, there is nothing special about being an immigrant. I've been an immigrant before getting the citizenship. You will get the citizenship and settle down and have a normal life in the West if that's what you simply for. Stop writing about it as if it was some traumatizing experience. Mom and dad probably pampered you a bit too much, now it's the normal life, that's all. It's not as if you were some Harraga, having to dumpster dive and steal ladies' purses.

    Расслабься и получай удовольствие.

    And yeah, can't think about a just Israeli war. That would be an oxymoron.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    , @silviosilver

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would “support USA banning Muslims”, if you wouldn’t ban yourself from the USA.
    You need to read more carefully. You are not replying to what he wrote. Yahya said he acknowledges that it would "make sense" for America to ban muslims, even though he'd be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about "supporting" a ban or not supporting it.

    I’m not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.
    That sounds to me as though you're saying if you were going to say something, you'd say something negative, but you're afraid that would make you seem like a hypocrite, so you figure it's better to say nothing.

    I don't think it would really make you a hypocrite though. You could simply say immigration is a bad policy, but as long as that policy exists, I am going to take advantage of it - eg perhaps because if I don't, my competitors will; if or when immigration is restricted, then neither I nor my competitors will be able to take advantage.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Another Polish Perspective

  1191. @Coconuts

    Or wealthy people have postenlightenment European values, because they are the more preferable values, when people have options?
    I am thinking that the most developed form of post-enlightenment European values held by the wealthy would be the current Woke version that has been embraced by Western elites. The view of Islam and Muslims there is generally positive:

    'the debate on this topic (wearing of the hijab in France) was 'a great moment of liberation for racist speech' against an Islamic society wrongly imagined by Westerners as 'misogynist, anti-democratic, repressive, bellicose and cruel', Islamic sexism being a construction generated by democratic societies in support of their neo-colonial strategies.'
    With what seem to be unresolved tensions within it about the place of non-Western/Christian cultures and religions.

    Generally I think wealthy people will tend to prefer values which are conducive to maintaining the status they have, or improving it, competition between these tendencies should mean their values continue to evolve.

    Why wealthy educated people, would choose Islamic ideology, carried by the gastarbaiters from the village in the third world where the countries have been dying for centuries and this religion itself is dying among the educated or middle class.
    At the same time in literal terms those countries aren't dying, in a number of cases they are larger and more youthful than most Western ones (and the youthfulness and dynamism of Western countries is partly sustained by imports of people from them). Afaik Pakistan and some of the others are still growing just at a slower rate?

    And the direction of thinking among the most advanced Western middle classes is towards LGBTQ+ combined with a more positive attitude to Islam. So as they secularise and approximate Western norms, Islamic countries should be becoming both more pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-Christian/Hindu.

    As well as being consciously aware from the example of Western countries that this is a Historical stage on the way to the disappearance of both (all) religions?

    Possibly the strange thing will happen in Western countries where the white part of the population is already disproportionately wealthy. The inheritance norms and the shrinking white population should mean this wealth becomes even more concentrated than it is at the moment, with hereditary factors like wealth transfer having a growing influence on power and status.

    Nowadays, countries going to demographic transition before they are close to economically developed. I’m not sure if you want to interpret this optimistically or pessimistically.
    There is the example of France, Songbird and Yahya have both posted a recent blog post from a French economist about the French demographic transition that started in the mid-18th century, before industrialisation. I would agree that it is hard to say what this will mean for them, even why it is happening (the population in Bangladesh is as large as it can get for the territorial and resource base they have?).

    Replies: @Dmitry

    larger and more youthful than most Western ones

    Having younger population, doesn’t mean the country is in a healthy or nondying situation, generally it’s indication of the opposite.

    For example, median age of Gaza strip is 18 years old, in Niger it’s 15 years old, in Uganda it’s 16 years old – does this mean they will inherit the future? Except in some unusual example like late 20th century China where population growth gives some multiplication of the national power, usually not.

    It seems more often, like having too many people on the boat to navigate correctly, unmanageable population that can cause the ship to fall over.

    Afaik Pakistan and some of the others are still growing just at a slower rate?

    Pakistan will still be growing in this generation, Bangladesh and India already falling (depending on infant mortality rate).

    Islamic world in general will likely switch to the below replacement fertility. They are the countries with the highest falls in the fertility in the recent years. But it will be a generation later.

    One of the things, which could be negative from their view, is that it is happening before industrializing.

    I.e. Pakistan will have aging population before it becomes wealthy, industrialized country.

    about the French demographic transition that started in the mid-18th century, before industrialisation. I would agree that it is hard to say what this will mean for them, even why it is happening (the population in Bangladesh is as large as it can get for the territorial and resource base they have?).

    Electronic media is also creating effect of people being desynchonized historically from their country.

    In Russia already a lot of young people have the confusion of imagining internally like they are Americans, while living in Russia.

    For people in third world countries, this could be even more desynchonization.

  1192. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    1. Obviously Russians are my people, as you know already. But notice how find other Russians online, ask them questions you already know answer for repetitively, as a creepy loyalty test. In real life, I would find this pretty strange behavior.

    2. I'm not pacifist.

    I would support Israel's army if it is a just war, not support if it was unjust war (i.e. we discussed Lebanon 1982 in this forum last year). But I wouldn't be some kind of disloyal citizen there.

    I would support the Red Army 1941, do not support Russian army in 2022.

    3. Obviously you are soviet man, not sure why would be controversial to notice obvious things.


    As for Yahya/silviosilver, it's not a "moral outrage". I'm not outraged in those views.

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would "support USA banning Muslims", if you wouldn't ban yourself from the USA.

    Otherwise your "support" is empty virtue signalling. You don't have responsibility for those large decisions, but you have responsibility for following actions consistent to your supposed "support".

    This is also as I'm trying to explain to you, I'm not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @silviosilver

    И года не прошло.

    I was 18 when Soviet Union crumbled. I lived half my life in the West. You still think I am a Soviet person? What does this make you then when you are 50 ?

    Anyway, there is nothing special about being an immigrant. I’ve been an immigrant before getting the citizenship. You will get the citizenship and settle down and have a normal life in the West if that’s what you simply for. Stop writing about it as if it was some traumatizing experience. Mom and dad probably pampered you a bit too much, now it’s the normal life, that’s all. It’s not as if you were some Harraga, having to dumpster dive and steal ladies’ purses.

    Расслабься и получай удовольствие.

    And yeah, can’t think about a just Israeli war. That would be an oxymoron.

    • Replies: @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    still think I am a Soviet person
    Lol someone says "I grew up in reactor 4 of Chernobyl, you think I have a dose of radiation?". "Don't worry about my green skin, I was only there the first 18 years".

    Have full dose from the capital of the USSR, when it was most mature and developed and you were developing and plastic.

    It's also not all of the radiation has disappeared from the land even after 32 years, there is enough for another few centuries.

    What does this make you then when you are 50 ?


    I think you know the answer for this question more than I. I'm enough years already when I receive reverse culture shocks.

    writing about it as if it was some traumatizing experience. Mom and dad probably pampered you a bit too much, now it’s the normal life, that’s all. It’s not as if you were some Harraga, having to dumpster dive and steal ladies’ purses.
    Well, I didn't received money from my parents as an adult, always earn myself with working, also true for my siblings, not so much of pampering.

    As for trauma of the country, of course I am privileged to avoid it and to live as an immigrant, also you I guess. Just like Yahya is probably avoiding some of the traumas in Africa. There is some of the issue if you ask the privileged immigrants write the denunciations against the 99% nonpriveleged immigrants.

    We are in a subcategory of the privileged immigrants and from the humanitarian view, we probably have even less justification for ourselves than the other 99% of the immigrants or people which want to become immigrants. Also from the unpopular countries.

  1193. @Dmitry
    @Ivashka the fool

    1. Obviously Russians are my people, as you know already. But notice how find other Russians online, ask them questions you already know answer for repetitively, as a creepy loyalty test. In real life, I would find this pretty strange behavior.

    2. I'm not pacifist.

    I would support Israel's army if it is a just war, not support if it was unjust war (i.e. we discussed Lebanon 1982 in this forum last year). But I wouldn't be some kind of disloyal citizen there.

    I would support the Red Army 1941, do not support Russian army in 2022.

    3. Obviously you are soviet man, not sure why would be controversial to notice obvious things.


    As for Yahya/silviosilver, it's not a "moral outrage". I'm not outraged in those views.

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would "support USA banning Muslims", if you wouldn't ban yourself from the USA.

    Otherwise your "support" is empty virtue signalling. You don't have responsibility for those large decisions, but you have responsibility for following actions consistent to your supposed "support".

    This is also as I'm trying to explain to you, I'm not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.

    Replies: @Ivashka the fool, @silviosilver

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would “support USA banning Muslims”, if you wouldn’t ban yourself from the USA.

    You need to read more carefully. You are not replying to what he wrote. Yahya said he acknowledges that it would “make sense” for America to ban muslims, even though he’d be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about “supporting” a ban or not supporting it.

    I’m not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.

    That sounds to me as though you’re saying if you were going to say something, you’d say something negative, but you’re afraid that would make you seem like a hypocrite, so you figure it’s better to say nothing.

    I don’t think it would really make you a hypocrite though. You could simply say immigration is a bad policy, but as long as that policy exists, I am going to take advantage of it – eg perhaps because if I don’t, my competitors will; if or when immigration is restricted, then neither I nor my competitors will be able to take advantage.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    you’d say something negative
    It's funny you still think I secretly agree with you, which I don't. When I had views to support closed borders, I had written those.

    My views have changed compared to 1,7 years ago, so I don't agree with those old posts.

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world's sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don't know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.

    In relation to my view of Europe, this is change of view 90°. I don't change from viewing A, to viewing not-A. I just feel like I can only say the string A or not-A.


    In relation to the earlier, not so related discussion, about relation of "IQ and GDP" which is why I think you and Yahya become so interested about me.

    If you find a correlation in the present time slice between the "national IQ data" (which was apparently not real, but we can ignore this) and the GDP per capita , why doesn't the model backtest or hindcast? If it doesn't hindcast, why would it forecast?

    If there is an important causal relation in history, then we have thousands of years of experiment's results to backtest from.

    At least looking just superficially, there are a lot of the results like e.g. China having lower GDP per capita than Egypt in the 20th century, while having culture of standardized testing in the 18th century.

    “make sense” for America to ban muslims, even though he’d be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about “supporting” a ban or not supporting it.
    He writes exactly, "I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban"

    So, he behaves in way which is opposing the rule which would be better for Americans, in his view. This is not Kant.

    Either he doesn't believe this or he is behaving a selfish immigrant, disobeys rules which he says would help the people he immigrates to. Which is personally something I know I dislike, although probably I am from the same category and have similar behavior in other ways.


    By the way, you are from a relatively successful country (Italy?). You talk for views about immigration policy, to immigrants me, Yahya your "based brown person" and Bashibuzuk ("soviet man of Cold War" that carries ideology about "decaying West" to the "decaying West") who are immigrants from relatively failing societies and carry as our culture, the seeds of the failure, which we can probably repeat in a new country if we are not careful and self-reflecting people. It's like rich person, asking for opinion about financial markets from the beggers outside the bank.

    On one hand, we could say "ban people from our countries", where we would be empty virtue-signals like Yahya because we don't follow it. On another hand, we could say "don't ban people from our countries", which would be just an honest also selfish view, without much meaning.

    My own view is not very complicated and esoteric. I used to support the Navalny view in a country I have right to be part of the discussion. I wrote about need for electric border fence with Kazakhstan. Now, this was inverted in a way which involved dangers for our real life.

    Replies: @Yahya

    , @Another Polish Perspective

    I don’t think it would really make you a hypocrite though. You could simply say immigration is a bad policy, but as long as that policy exists, I am going to take advantage of it – eg perhaps because if I don’t, my competitors will; if or when immigration is restricted, then neither I nor my competitors will be able to take advantage.
    I suppose a word better describing problem than "hypocrisy" would be "integrity". You would lack integrity behaving like that.

    As a philosophical afternote, this is also a good example how relying on nominalism can be misleading especially when people have limited vocabulary - you end endlessly quarrelling about some notions because they do not describe correctly your moral intuitions.
    And yes, we are living in the world based on nominalism. We are even celebrating "the word of the year" and such.

  1194. @silviosilver

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would “support USA banning Muslims”, if you wouldn’t ban yourself from the USA.
    You need to read more carefully. You are not replying to what he wrote. Yahya said he acknowledges that it would "make sense" for America to ban muslims, even though he'd be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about "supporting" a ban or not supporting it.

    I’m not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.
    That sounds to me as though you're saying if you were going to say something, you'd say something negative, but you're afraid that would make you seem like a hypocrite, so you figure it's better to say nothing.

    I don't think it would really make you a hypocrite though. You could simply say immigration is a bad policy, but as long as that policy exists, I am going to take advantage of it - eg perhaps because if I don't, my competitors will; if or when immigration is restricted, then neither I nor my competitors will be able to take advantage.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Another Polish Perspective

    you’d say something negative

    It’s funny you still think I secretly agree with you, which I don’t. When I had views to support closed borders, I had written those.

    My views have changed compared to 1,7 years ago, so I don’t agree with those old posts.

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world’s sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don’t know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.

    In relation to my view of Europe, this is change of view 90°. I don’t change from viewing A, to viewing not-A. I just feel like I can only say the string A or not-A.

    In relation to the earlier, not so related discussion, about relation of “IQ and GDP” which is why I think you and Yahya become so interested about me.

    If you find a correlation in the present time slice between the “national IQ data” (which was apparently not real, but we can ignore this) and the GDP per capita , why doesn’t the model backtest or hindcast? If it doesn’t hindcast, why would it forecast?

    If there is an important causal relation in history, then we have thousands of years of experiment’s results to backtest from.

    At least looking just superficially, there are a lot of the results like e.g. China having lower GDP per capita than Egypt in the 20th century, while having culture of standardized testing in the 18th century.

    “make sense” for America to ban muslims, even though he’d be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about “supporting” a ban or not supporting it.

    He writes exactly, “I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban”

    So, he behaves in way which is opposing the rule which would be better for Americans, in his view. This is not Kant.

    Either he doesn’t believe this or he is behaving a selfish immigrant, disobeys rules which he says would help the people he immigrates to. Which is personally something I know I dislike, although probably I am from the same category and have similar behavior in other ways.

    By the way, you are from a relatively successful country (Italy?). You talk for views about immigration policy, to immigrants me, Yahya your “based brown person” and Bashibuzuk (“soviet man of Cold War” that carries ideology about “decaying West” to the “decaying West”) who are immigrants from relatively failing societies and carry as our culture, the seeds of the failure, which we can probably repeat in a new country if we are not careful and self-reflecting people. It’s like rich person, asking for opinion about financial markets from the beggers outside the bank.

    On one hand, we could say “ban people from our countries”, where we would be empty virtue-signals like Yahya because we don’t follow it. On another hand, we could say “don’t ban people from our countries”, which would be just an honest also selfish view, without much meaning.

    My own view is not very complicated and esoteric. I used to support the Navalny view in a country I have right to be part of the discussion. I wrote about need for electric border fence with Kazakhstan. Now, this was inverted in a way which involved dangers for our real life.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    4 comments in, and still no answer.

    Your worries about being a hypocrite are unfounded. I’m not asking you if you support a ban on immigration. I’m asking you to give a prognosis on what 2100 RusFed would look like under my scenarios.

    There is a distinction between description and prescription.

    My comment on Muslim ban was a description viz. it would objectively be beneficial to implement one from an American POV. That is quite distinct from saying “America should ban Muslims from entering”, which is a prescription.

    I’m not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, since I’m not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.

    But all of this is just hair-splitting. My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.

    By the way, you are from a relatively successful country (Italy?). You talk for views about immigration policy, to immigrants me, Yahya your “based brown person” and Bashibuzuk (“soviet man of Cold War” that carries ideology about “decaying West” to the “decaying West”) who are immigrants from relatively failing societies
    I'm not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.

    silviosilver is an Australian of Balkan background, not an Italian.

    If you find a correlation in the present time slice between the “national IQ data” (which was apparently not real, but we can ignore this) and the GDP per capita , why doesn’t the model backtest or hindcast? If it doesn’t hindcast, why would it forecast?
    A) I've already explained to you several times; population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Please read these two posts I wrote to you again:

    Your assertion that the "model should backtest", is presupposed on the assumption that median intelligence is fixed - which it is not. But again, I've already referenced the empirical literature, and provided technical details to back-up my assertions, but you just hand-waved the findings away as is typical, with seemingly no desire to engage with any notion which contradicts your strongly-held beliefs.

    We don't have any good data on national intelligence before the 20th century, so any demand for backtesting before that is unreasonable.

    B) You are engaging in that fallacy again where you cherry-pick one or two countries ("but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to "prove" your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and predictively useful?

    For every China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan etc. and many other European and East Asian nations which were ahead of Egypt throughout most of the 20th century (see the Maddison dataset for comparisons. Egypt was at $1,400 per capita during the 50s, while most of the rest were in the $4000-20,000 range). You cannot zoom in on one outlier, make a quick two-nation comparison, and call it a day. The sample size must always be as large as possible.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1195. @silviosilver

    My point ,is you are wasting time writing you would “support USA banning Muslims”, if you wouldn’t ban yourself from the USA.
    You need to read more carefully. You are not replying to what he wrote. Yahya said he acknowledges that it would "make sense" for America to ban muslims, even though he'd be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about "supporting" a ban or not supporting it.

    I’m not going to write some idle comments which are opposite to how I am acting as an immigrant in real life.
    That sounds to me as though you're saying if you were going to say something, you'd say something negative, but you're afraid that would make you seem like a hypocrite, so you figure it's better to say nothing.

    I don't think it would really make you a hypocrite though. You could simply say immigration is a bad policy, but as long as that policy exists, I am going to take advantage of it - eg perhaps because if I don't, my competitors will; if or when immigration is restricted, then neither I nor my competitors will be able to take advantage.

    Replies: @Dmitry, @Another Polish Perspective

    I don’t think it would really make you a hypocrite though. You could simply say immigration is a bad policy, but as long as that policy exists, I am going to take advantage of it – eg perhaps because if I don’t, my competitors will; if or when immigration is restricted, then neither I nor my competitors will be able to take advantage.

    I suppose a word better describing problem than “hypocrisy” would be “integrity”. You would lack integrity behaving like that.

    As a philosophical afternote, this is also a good example how relying on nominalism can be misleading especially when people have limited vocabulary – you end endlessly quarrelling about some notions because they do not describe correctly your moral intuitions.
    And yes, we are living in the world based on nominalism. We are even celebrating “the word of the year” and such.

  1196. @Ivashka the fool

    И года не прошло.

    I was 18 when Soviet Union crumbled. I lived half my life in the West. You still think I am a Soviet person? What does this make you then when you are 50 ?

    Anyway, there is nothing special about being an immigrant. I've been an immigrant before getting the citizenship. You will get the citizenship and settle down and have a normal life in the West if that's what you simply for. Stop writing about it as if it was some traumatizing experience. Mom and dad probably pampered you a bit too much, now it's the normal life, that's all. It's not as if you were some Harraga, having to dumpster dive and steal ladies' purses.

    Расслабься и получай удовольствие.

    And yeah, can't think about a just Israeli war. That would be an oxymoron.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    still think I am a Soviet person

    Lol someone says “I grew up in reactor 4 of Chernobyl, you think I have a dose of radiation?”. “Don’t worry about my green skin, I was only there the first 18 years”.

    Have full dose from the capital of the USSR, when it was most mature and developed and you were developing and plastic.

    It’s also not all of the radiation has disappeared from the land even after 32 years, there is enough for another few centuries.

    What does this make you then when you are 50 ?

    I think you know the answer for this question more than I. I’m enough years already when I receive reverse culture shocks.

    writing about it as if it was some traumatizing experience. Mom and dad probably pampered you a bit too much, now it’s the normal life, that’s all. It’s not as if you were some Harraga, having to dumpster dive and steal ladies’ purses.

    Well, I didn’t received money from my parents as an adult, always earn myself with working, also true for my siblings, not so much of pampering.

    As for trauma of the country, of course I am privileged to avoid it and to live as an immigrant, also you I guess. Just like Yahya is probably avoiding some of the traumas in Africa. There is some of the issue if you ask the privileged immigrants write the denunciations against the 99% nonpriveleged immigrants.

    We are in a subcategory of the privileged immigrants and from the humanitarian view, we probably have even less justification for ourselves than the other 99% of the immigrants or people which want to become immigrants. Also from the unpopular countries.

  1197. @Dmitry

    you’d say something negative
    It's funny you still think I secretly agree with you, which I don't. When I had views to support closed borders, I had written those.

    My views have changed compared to 1,7 years ago, so I don't agree with those old posts.

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world's sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don't know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.

    In relation to my view of Europe, this is change of view 90°. I don't change from viewing A, to viewing not-A. I just feel like I can only say the string A or not-A.


    In relation to the earlier, not so related discussion, about relation of "IQ and GDP" which is why I think you and Yahya become so interested about me.

    If you find a correlation in the present time slice between the "national IQ data" (which was apparently not real, but we can ignore this) and the GDP per capita , why doesn't the model backtest or hindcast? If it doesn't hindcast, why would it forecast?

    If there is an important causal relation in history, then we have thousands of years of experiment's results to backtest from.

    At least looking just superficially, there are a lot of the results like e.g. China having lower GDP per capita than Egypt in the 20th century, while having culture of standardized testing in the 18th century.

    “make sense” for America to ban muslims, even though he’d be disadvantaged by that policy. There was nothing there about “supporting” a ban or not supporting it.
    He writes exactly, "I would personally be harmed by a ban on Muslims from entering the US, but I have no issue saying it would be better from an American POV if they implemented such a ban"

    So, he behaves in way which is opposing the rule which would be better for Americans, in his view. This is not Kant.

    Either he doesn't believe this or he is behaving a selfish immigrant, disobeys rules which he says would help the people he immigrates to. Which is personally something I know I dislike, although probably I am from the same category and have similar behavior in other ways.


    By the way, you are from a relatively successful country (Italy?). You talk for views about immigration policy, to immigrants me, Yahya your "based brown person" and Bashibuzuk ("soviet man of Cold War" that carries ideology about "decaying West" to the "decaying West") who are immigrants from relatively failing societies and carry as our culture, the seeds of the failure, which we can probably repeat in a new country if we are not careful and self-reflecting people. It's like rich person, asking for opinion about financial markets from the beggers outside the bank.

    On one hand, we could say "ban people from our countries", where we would be empty virtue-signals like Yahya because we don't follow it. On another hand, we could say "don't ban people from our countries", which would be just an honest also selfish view, without much meaning.

    My own view is not very complicated and esoteric. I used to support the Navalny view in a country I have right to be part of the discussion. I wrote about need for electric border fence with Kazakhstan. Now, this was inverted in a way which involved dangers for our real life.

    Replies: @Yahya

    4 comments in, and still no answer.

    Your worries about being a hypocrite are unfounded. I’m not asking you if you support a ban on immigration. I’m asking you to give a prognosis on what 2100 RusFed would look like under my scenarios.

    There is a distinction between description and prescription.

    My comment on Muslim ban was a description viz. it would objectively be beneficial to implement one from an American POV. That is quite distinct from saying “America should ban Muslims from entering”, which is a prescription.

    I’m not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, since I’m not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.

    But all of this is just hair-splitting. My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.

    By the way, you are from a relatively successful country (Italy?). You talk for views about immigration policy, to immigrants me, Yahya your “based brown person” and Bashibuzuk (“soviet man of Cold War” that carries ideology about “decaying West” to the “decaying West”) who are immigrants from relatively failing societies

    I’m not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.

    silviosilver is an Australian of Balkan background, not an Italian.

    If you find a correlation in the present time slice between the “national IQ data” (which was apparently not real, but we can ignore this) and the GDP per capita , why doesn’t the model backtest or hindcast? If it doesn’t hindcast, why would it forecast?

    A) I’ve already explained to you several times; population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Please read these two posts I wrote to you again:

    Your assertion that the “model should backtest”, is presupposed on the assumption that median intelligence is fixed – which it is not. But again, I’ve already referenced the empirical literature, and provided technical details to back-up my assertions, but you just hand-waved the findings away as is typical, with seemingly no desire to engage with any notion which contradicts your strongly-held beliefs.

    We don’t have any good data on national intelligence before the 20th century, so any demand for backtesting before that is unreasonable.

    B) You are engaging in that fallacy again where you cherry-pick one or two countries (“but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to “prove” your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and predictively useful?

    For every China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan etc. and many other European and East Asian nations which were ahead of Egypt throughout most of the 20th century (see the Maddison dataset for comparisons. Egypt was at $1,400 per capita during the 50s, while most of the rest were in the $4000-20,000 range). You cannot zoom in on one outlier, make a quick two-nation comparison, and call it a day. The sample size must always be as large as possible.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.
    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.

    For example, if I am selling a health product and I believe my work is not best interest of the other people's health, then there is a moral problem to continue with the behavior of selling the health product.

    I can't say "it's bad for people in a country I am guest in, so I don't have no obligation to the people in this country".

    "I'm not American, so I have no obligation to follow self-interest of the customers in America".

    In your example, I think it's a young person who is trying to virtue signal ("even I as a brown person"),could accidentally go to anti-virtue signal in the subsequent comments. It's a game it's better not to play.

    My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.
    I answered about four times. I don't know the answer for the question.

    If you asked me 1,7 years in the past about closing the border in Russia, I would say yes. And ask me a few months later, I was 180° incorrect. Then you want to ask something about Russia in about 2100.

    In traditional Russian wisdom, you're not supposed worry about the future, there is enough in the present. When we say there is enough in the present, this can be understatement, as the current situation of Russia in 2023 is already probably worse than we think.

    I’m not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.


    So, there should be less reason for you to ask immigrants about immigration. Although we need to wait for the next war or revolution in Egypt, and then we can discuss you view about banning people from Muslim countries to the USA, or theoretical extension of this ban to people from Muslim countries like Egypt to all developed countries.

    population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Read these two posts
    So you said model can't hindcast, because the genetics which you believe determine the "national IQ test score", which you believe determine the GDP per capita of the country, can be changing rapidly between every few generations.

    Therefore, "national IQ test score" might not forecast, as it's tracking something can change rapidly in a few generations. To what extent?

    cherry-pick one or two countries (“but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to “prove” your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? ... China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore
    I'm not sure what this class in statistics you have been to. As precondition, I would ask you to know arithmetic.

    China has population 50% larger than Europe in the 18th century. We are discussing a third of the world's population. It's very far from concept of "outlier".

    ? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and useful?


    Is this how they learn in social science?

    You are trying to talk about lawlike relations of "IQ scores" and "national development". Lawlike relations has to be explain exceptions. In this example, the "exception" is larger than the correlation. How the social scientists would understand this, they would have to write there isn't a correlation in this example.

    By the way, I'm not saying the future of the countries' or their development cannot be predicted. But as minimum we could say, you would need a lot better, more complicated models.

    Replies: @Yahya, @silviosilver

  1198. @Yahya

    4 comments in, and still no answer.

    Your worries about being a hypocrite are unfounded. I’m not asking you if you support a ban on immigration. I’m asking you to give a prognosis on what 2100 RusFed would look like under my scenarios.

    There is a distinction between description and prescription.

    My comment on Muslim ban was a description viz. it would objectively be beneficial to implement one from an American POV. That is quite distinct from saying “America should ban Muslims from entering”, which is a prescription.

    I’m not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, since I’m not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.

    But all of this is just hair-splitting. My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.

    By the way, you are from a relatively successful country (Italy?). You talk for views about immigration policy, to immigrants me, Yahya your “based brown person” and Bashibuzuk (“soviet man of Cold War” that carries ideology about “decaying West” to the “decaying West”) who are immigrants from relatively failing societies
    I'm not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.

    silviosilver is an Australian of Balkan background, not an Italian.

    If you find a correlation in the present time slice between the “national IQ data” (which was apparently not real, but we can ignore this) and the GDP per capita , why doesn’t the model backtest or hindcast? If it doesn’t hindcast, why would it forecast?
    A) I've already explained to you several times; population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Please read these two posts I wrote to you again:

    Your assertion that the "model should backtest", is presupposed on the assumption that median intelligence is fixed - which it is not. But again, I've already referenced the empirical literature, and provided technical details to back-up my assertions, but you just hand-waved the findings away as is typical, with seemingly no desire to engage with any notion which contradicts your strongly-held beliefs.

    We don't have any good data on national intelligence before the 20th century, so any demand for backtesting before that is unreasonable.

    B) You are engaging in that fallacy again where you cherry-pick one or two countries ("but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to "prove" your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and predictively useful?

    For every China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan etc. and many other European and East Asian nations which were ahead of Egypt throughout most of the 20th century (see the Maddison dataset for comparisons. Egypt was at $1,400 per capita during the 50s, while most of the rest were in the $4000-20,000 range). You cannot zoom in on one outlier, make a quick two-nation comparison, and call it a day. The sample size must always be as large as possible.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.

    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.

    For example, if I am selling a health product and I believe my work is not best interest of the other people’s health, then there is a moral problem to continue with the behavior of selling the health product.

    I can’t say “it’s bad for people in a country I am guest in, so I don’t have no obligation to the people in this country”.

    “I’m not American, so I have no obligation to follow self-interest of the customers in America”.

    In your example, I think it’s a young person who is trying to virtue signal (“even I as a brown person”),could accidentally go to anti-virtue signal in the subsequent comments. It’s a game it’s better not to play.

    My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.

    I answered about four times. I don’t know the answer for the question.

    If you asked me 1,7 years in the past about closing the border in Russia, I would say yes. And ask me a few months later, I was 180° incorrect. Then you want to ask something about Russia in about 2100.

    In traditional Russian wisdom, you’re not supposed worry about the future, there is enough in the present. When we say there is enough in the present, this can be understatement, as the current situation of Russia in 2023 is already probably worse than we think.

    I’m not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.

    So, there should be less reason for you to ask immigrants about immigration. Although we need to wait for the next war or revolution in Egypt, and then we can discuss you view about banning people from Muslim countries to the USA, or theoretical extension of this ban to people from Muslim countries like Egypt to all developed countries.

    population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Read these two posts

    So you said model can’t hindcast, because the genetics which you believe determine the “national IQ test score”, which you believe determine the GDP per capita of the country, can be changing rapidly between every few generations.

    Therefore, “national IQ test score” might not forecast, as it’s tracking something can change rapidly in a few generations. To what extent?

    cherry-pick one or two countries (“but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to “prove” your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? … China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore

    I’m not sure what this class in statistics you have been to. As precondition, I would ask you to know arithmetic.

    China has population 50% larger than Europe in the 18th century. We are discussing a third of the world’s population. It’s very far from concept of “outlier”.

    ? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and useful?

    Is this how they learn in social science?

    You are trying to talk about lawlike relations of “IQ scores” and “national development”. Lawlike relations has to be explain exceptions. In this example, the “exception” is larger than the correlation. How the social scientists would understand this, they would have to write there isn’t a correlation in this example.

    By the way, I’m not saying the future of the countries’ or their development cannot be predicted. But as minimum we could say, you would need a lot better, more complicated models.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    You are trying to talk about lawlike relations of “IQ scores” and “national development”. Lawlike relations has to be explain exceptions.
    Where the f*ck have I said IQ predicts national development in a "lawlike" manner?

    I already stated my position, in several posts which you read, that national intelligence is highly correlated with economic development, when the global sample is taken as a whole, but that it doesn't account for 100% of the variation (other pertinent variables include culture, institutions and geography). Highly correlated in this case meaning r = 0.733, as per Griffe du Lion. That is different from saying r = 1, which is the strawman you are arguing against.

    To repeat:

    2) As I wrote previously in my India post, there are 4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ depending on national circumstance (i.e. in today’s North Korea, the institutional factor predominates. In Saudi Arabia, the geographic component is most salient); but across the worldwide sample as a whole, the genetic variable is the most critical factor. This is the HBD argument.

    3) One example does not suffice in refuting the validity or reliability of IQ in predicting economic outcomes. Even when there is a correlation of 0.9; a few exceptions will stand out from the general curve. Picking out these outliers (as you are doing) does not refute the hypothesis. You would need a regression analysis of a larger sample size to make any confident assertions regarding the correlation of IQ with economic outcomes. Griffe du Lion’s analysis is more rigorous than your method, he employs the regression method to arrive at a correlation of 0.733. In the social sciences, any value above 0.5 is considered a significant outcome.


    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.


    We have different conceptions of morality.

    I can’t say “it’s bad for people in a country I am guest in, so I don’t have no obligation to the people in this country”.


    I'm not a guest in America, so your point is moot.

    Although we need to wait for the next war or revolution in Egypt


    I've already lived through a revolution, hyperinflation, an Islamist takeover, and a military despotism.


    China has population 50% larger than Europe in the 18th century. We are discussing a third of the world’s population. It’s very far from concept of “outlier”.
    The independent variable here is national intelligence, not population size.

    China only functions as one datapoint in providing a national intelligence score.

    One of 200.

    It is an outlier.

    Therefore, “national IQ test score” might not forecast, as it’s tracking something can change rapidly in a few generations. To what extent?


    That's a good question.

    The genetics does not shift substantially within a century, so we can backtest under that timeframe.

    If you backtest current racial IQ scores, tested under first world conditions, to 1920 (viz. a century hence), you'd still find a significant correlation with national development, given that most countries which were ahead then are still ahead now (i.e. United States, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Japan etc.)

    But going back 500-3,000 years is not a good idea. The genetics has shifted too much.

    We can make reasonable predictions on the trajectory of the intelligence distribution for any given group by looking at fertility trends by class or educational attainment.

    , @silviosilver

    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.
    The Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries' rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles. This is the position Yahya takes.

    In contrast, you talk the Kantian talk, but don't actually walk the Kantian walk:

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world’s sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.
    So whether an immigration policy is good or bad is defined by your perception of how it affects your own personal interests at a given time. Seems like all your lofty talk about "almost the definition of morality" is simply self-interest masquerading as principle.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don’t know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.
    Well, you could have stipulated that your answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever changing your opinion again, lol.

    "Q. Hey, who do you think will win tonight, LA or Boston?

    A. Well, that game is going to take place in the future, and I don't actually KNOW what is going to happen in the future.

    Q. Yeah, that's okay, I know you don't "know." No one does. But what you THINK?

    A. I actually made a prediction once, but it wasn't very good. I still remember it today. I've changed my mind since then, and I wouldn't make a prediction the same way today.

    Q. Well what do you think for this game, based on the way you make predictions nowadays?

    A. Which side wins depends on which side has the better players, but also on how they play in that game. And how they play is affected by various random factors, which are inherently unpredictable.

    Q. ?!? Okay bro... [walks away]"

    Replies: @Yahya, @Dmitry

  1199. @Dmitry

    not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.
    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.

    For example, if I am selling a health product and I believe my work is not best interest of the other people's health, then there is a moral problem to continue with the behavior of selling the health product.

    I can't say "it's bad for people in a country I am guest in, so I don't have no obligation to the people in this country".

    "I'm not American, so I have no obligation to follow self-interest of the customers in America".

    In your example, I think it's a young person who is trying to virtue signal ("even I as a brown person"),could accidentally go to anti-virtue signal in the subsequent comments. It's a game it's better not to play.

    My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.
    I answered about four times. I don't know the answer for the question.

    If you asked me 1,7 years in the past about closing the border in Russia, I would say yes. And ask me a few months later, I was 180° incorrect. Then you want to ask something about Russia in about 2100.

    In traditional Russian wisdom, you're not supposed worry about the future, there is enough in the present. When we say there is enough in the present, this can be understatement, as the current situation of Russia in 2023 is already probably worse than we think.

    I’m not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.


    So, there should be less reason for you to ask immigrants about immigration. Although we need to wait for the next war or revolution in Egypt, and then we can discuss you view about banning people from Muslim countries to the USA, or theoretical extension of this ban to people from Muslim countries like Egypt to all developed countries.

    population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Read these two posts
    So you said model can't hindcast, because the genetics which you believe determine the "national IQ test score", which you believe determine the GDP per capita of the country, can be changing rapidly between every few generations.

    Therefore, "national IQ test score" might not forecast, as it's tracking something can change rapidly in a few generations. To what extent?

    cherry-pick one or two countries (“but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to “prove” your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? ... China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore
    I'm not sure what this class in statistics you have been to. As precondition, I would ask you to know arithmetic.

    China has population 50% larger than Europe in the 18th century. We are discussing a third of the world's population. It's very far from concept of "outlier".

    ? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and useful?


    Is this how they learn in social science?

    You are trying to talk about lawlike relations of "IQ scores" and "national development". Lawlike relations has to be explain exceptions. In this example, the "exception" is larger than the correlation. How the social scientists would understand this, they would have to write there isn't a correlation in this example.

    By the way, I'm not saying the future of the countries' or their development cannot be predicted. But as minimum we could say, you would need a lot better, more complicated models.

    Replies: @Yahya, @silviosilver

    You are trying to talk about lawlike relations of “IQ scores” and “national development”. Lawlike relations has to be explain exceptions.

    Where the f*ck have I said IQ predicts national development in a “lawlike” manner?

    I already stated my position, in several posts which you read, that national intelligence is highly correlated with economic development, when the global sample is taken as a whole, but that it doesn’t account for 100% of the variation (other pertinent variables include culture, institutions and geography). Highly correlated in this case meaning r = 0.733, as per Griffe du Lion. That is different from saying r = 1, which is the strawman you are arguing against.

    To repeat:

    2) As I wrote previously in my India post, there are 4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ depending on national circumstance (i.e. in today’s North Korea, the institutional factor predominates. In Saudi Arabia, the geographic component is most salient); but across the worldwide sample as a whole, the genetic variable is the most critical factor. This is the HBD argument.

    3) One example does not suffice in refuting the validity or reliability of IQ in predicting economic outcomes. Even when there is a correlation of 0.9; a few exceptions will stand out from the general curve. Picking out these outliers (as you are doing) does not refute the hypothesis. You would need a regression analysis of a larger sample size to make any confident assertions regarding the correlation of IQ with economic outcomes. Griffe du Lion’s analysis is more rigorous than your method, he employs the regression method to arrive at a correlation of 0.733. In the social sciences, any value above 0.5 is considered a significant outcome.


    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.

    We have different conceptions of morality.

    I can’t say “it’s bad for people in a country I am guest in, so I don’t have no obligation to the people in this country”.

    I’m not a guest in America, so your point is moot.

    Although we need to wait for the next war or revolution in Egypt

    I’ve already lived through a revolution, hyperinflation, an Islamist takeover, and a military despotism.


    China has population 50% larger than Europe in the 18th century. We are discussing a third of the world’s population. It’s very far from concept of “outlier”.

    The independent variable here is national intelligence, not population size.

    China only functions as one datapoint in providing a national intelligence score.

    One of 200.

    It is an outlier.

    Therefore, “national IQ test score” might not forecast, as it’s tracking something can change rapidly in a few generations. To what extent?

    That’s a good question.

    The genetics does not shift substantially within a century, so we can backtest under that timeframe.

    If you backtest current racial IQ scores, tested under first world conditions, to 1920 (viz. a century hence), you’d still find a significant correlation with national development, given that most countries which were ahead then are still ahead now (i.e. United States, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Japan etc.)

    But going back 500-3,000 years is not a good idea. The genetics has shifted too much.

    We can make reasonable predictions on the trajectory of the intelligence distribution for any given group by looking at fertility trends by class or educational attainment.

  1200. independent variable here is national intelligence, not population size.

    China only functions as one datapoint in providing a national intelligence score.

    One of 200.

    Lol there isn’t independent variable here, maybe in some social science.

    As for China, I can arbitrary divide it into 200 regions and draw a different picture, with many of these failures for the hindcasting. How would you decide which is the correct way to divide it?

    In my multi-region picture, I would have no correlation.

    You would need weigh the countries by the population size. Otherwise you would have to say something meaningless to the historians, “the theory hindcasts for the 20th century, if you ignore the largest country, third of the world’s people etc.”

    It is an outlier.

    “Third of the world’s people are an outlier, less than third world of the world’s people are not an outlier”. There is some material for comedy.

    Where the f*ck have I said IQ predicts national development in a “lawlike” manner?

    I already stated my position, in several posts which you read, that national intelligence is highly correlated with economic development, when the global sample is taken as a whole, but that it doesn’t account for 100% of the variation

    The correlation is for determining probabilities the data is evidence to support or reject the theory.

    The theory is about lawlike relations. For example, if we argue eating fat increases risk to heart disease.

    The data from the epidemiology will be a correlation, which you could try to interpret as a probability of support for the theory. The data is not lawlike, but we interpret it as evidence to support probability of truth of the hypothetical lawlike relation, in which the eating fat is increasing risk of heart disease.

    In this population there can be many people who eat a lot of fat, while they don’t develop heart disease. But these people still have to be explainable within the theory we try to accept or reject. I.e. it could be data error, or maybe they are protected by a third mechanism etc.

    In your claim, you want to say there is a correlation which is consistent to the hindcast, if you ignore the largest country, third of the world. There would need to be explanation in the theory for why it fails to predict some of the most important data.

    Although the easier way to answer this, is notice there wouldn’t be a correlation for that time.

    global sample is taken as a whole, but that it doesn’t account for 100% of the variation (other pertinent variables include culture, institutions and geography). Highly correlated in this case meaning r = 0.733, as per Griffe du Lion. That is different from saying r = 1, which is the strawman you are arguing against.

    This is completely different claim. There can be lawlike relations, it doesn’t mean you have perfect positive correlation. For example, even proving of Newtonian mechanics from data of astronomy, will include a lot of measurement errors.

    As for this website which says the “national IQ” and GDP per capita are r = 0.733. It doesn’t weigh by population, so Fiji is viewed as important as China . GDP is also time slice of 1998, while the “national IQ” data is from mix of different years (if we ignore the are articles saying this data was fake).

    You would need to weigh by population, then hindcast this for the different time slices. This is assuming the data is reliable. For GDP, at least this is less problem.

    In terms of access for information about standardized testing results, for hindcasting, ironically for this discussion, China would probably have the most reliable data for past centuries.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    Lol there isn’t independent variable here, maybe in some social science.


    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean?

    You don't know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables, one of them is independent (cause) and the other dependent (effect)? In this case, we are trying to measure the correlation between national intelligence (independent) and economic development (dependent).

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    None of these expert researchers have adjusted for population, because that is irrelevant to the question we are trying to address. Your demands for population adjustments is just some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don't even know the basics like correlations, outliers, dependent variables and independent variables.

    All throughout this discussion we've been having, going back weeks now, you've cited zero articles from the empirical literature, no books, no technicals, no experts - nothing. Just your own hand-waving and unsubstantiated arguments (filled with condescension and mighty self-assurance).

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject (and don't even bother to cite from those who do)?

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1201. @Dmitry

    not morally obligated to follow through on my prognosis with action, not American and under no duty to perform what’s in their best interests.
    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.

    For example, if I am selling a health product and I believe my work is not best interest of the other people's health, then there is a moral problem to continue with the behavior of selling the health product.

    I can't say "it's bad for people in a country I am guest in, so I don't have no obligation to the people in this country".

    "I'm not American, so I have no obligation to follow self-interest of the customers in America".

    In your example, I think it's a young person who is trying to virtue signal ("even I as a brown person"),could accidentally go to anti-virtue signal in the subsequent comments. It's a game it's better not to play.

    My question was fairly straightforward and there was no need to head down these paths, if you had simply answered it forthrightly.
    I answered about four times. I don't know the answer for the question.

    If you asked me 1,7 years in the past about closing the border in Russia, I would say yes. And ask me a few months later, I was 180° incorrect. Then you want to ask something about Russia in about 2100.

    In traditional Russian wisdom, you're not supposed worry about the future, there is enough in the present. When we say there is enough in the present, this can be understatement, as the current situation of Russia in 2023 is already probably worse than we think.

    I’m not an immigrant, I live in my home country of Egypt. I was fairly clear about this.


    So, there should be less reason for you to ask immigrants about immigration. Although we need to wait for the next war or revolution in Egypt, and then we can discuss you view about banning people from Muslim countries to the USA, or theoretical extension of this ban to people from Muslim countries like Egypt to all developed countries.

    population genetics is not fixed, and can shift rapidly within a few generations. Read these two posts
    So you said model can't hindcast, because the genetics which you believe determine the "national IQ test score", which you believe determine the GDP per capita of the country, can be changing rapidly between every few generations.

    Therefore, "national IQ test score" might not forecast, as it's tracking something can change rapidly in a few generations. To what extent?

    cherry-pick one or two countries (“but why was China poor for previous few centuries, if they are so smart! ) to try to “prove” your point. Have you not taken a class on statistics? ... China there is a Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Norway, Singapore
    I'm not sure what this class in statistics you have been to. As precondition, I would ask you to know arithmetic.

    China has population 50% larger than Europe in the 18th century. We are discussing a third of the world's population. It's very far from concept of "outlier".

    ? Do you understand the meaning of correlation? The idea of outliers? The concept that a variable need not explain 100% of a phenomena for it to be statistically valid and useful?


    Is this how they learn in social science?

    You are trying to talk about lawlike relations of "IQ scores" and "national development". Lawlike relations has to be explain exceptions. In this example, the "exception" is larger than the correlation. How the social scientists would understand this, they would have to write there isn't a correlation in this example.

    By the way, I'm not saying the future of the countries' or their development cannot be predicted. But as minimum we could say, you would need a lot better, more complicated models.

    Replies: @Yahya, @silviosilver

    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.

    The Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries’ rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles. This is the position Yahya takes.

    In contrast, you talk the Kantian talk, but don’t actually walk the Kantian walk:

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world’s sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.

    So whether an immigration policy is good or bad is defined by your perception of how it affects your own personal interests at a given time. Seems like all your lofty talk about “almost the definition of morality” is simply self-interest masquerading as principle.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don’t know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.

    Well, you could have stipulated that your answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever changing your opinion again, lol.

    “Q. Hey, who do you think will win tonight, LA or Boston?

    A. Well, that game is going to take place in the future, and I don’t actually KNOW what is going to happen in the future.

    Q. Yeah, that’s okay, I know you don’t “know.” No one does. But what you THINK?

    A. I actually made a prediction once, but it wasn’t very good. I still remember it today. I’ve changed my mind since then, and I wouldn’t make a prediction the same way today.

    Q. Well what do you think for this game, based on the way you make predictions nowadays?

    A. Which side wins depends on which side has the better players, but also on how they play in that game. And how they play is affected by various random factors, which are inherently unpredictable.

    Q. ?!? Okay bro… [walks away]”

    • Agree: Yahya
    • Replies: @Yahya

    So whether an immigration policy is good or bad is defined by your perception of how it affects your own personal interests at a given time. Seems like all your lofty talk about “almost the definition of morality” is simply self-interest masquerading as principle.


    Nevermind that mass immigration might very well destroy Western civilization as we know it; Dmitry is only concerned about coming off as hypocritical for saying something negative about it.

    He thinks his moral obligation is to not speak negatively about migration, because he benefited personally from open borders. The long-term welfare of his host and home nation doesn't concern him in the least; as long as he can sleep at night knowing he is not a hypocrite.

    , @Dmitry

    I'm enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it's not as interesting as you seem to believe.

    The part of discussion which was with you, I already "won", so I'm not sure how you will continue to argue.

    This is because just 1,7 years ago I was writing Germany should build an electrocuted fence for its immigration.

    Obviously, my view actually changed, it's not something related to social pressure, as I was writing that before the war.

    Why it changed, I think even Westerners know the events of last year. If I had to explain, it has gone 90°, not 180° in most areas. The views go something like although not in some interesting way, but according to a boring mix of experience and logic.

    Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries’ rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles.
    But I don't recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.

    It's other countries which are saving Russians, especially men of my generation, to extent mediated by the local liberals, including in Central Asia and transcaucasia. You could guess what this would imply.

    I'm not sure you understand how ironic is this, in relation to discussion of previous decade, including of Russian liberals who were always asking to close the border to Central Asia. For example, we could probably have this kind of discussion if German Reader is rescued at least in some theoretical way from the death prepared by German imperialists, by opening of border of Germans to Syria. He could be allowed to change opinion about this topic after such events or accept the paradox.

    As for self-interest, I'm relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don't think this is a question of self-interest.

    our answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever
    I can answer the forthrightly. In alternative situation of 2023, where I am less privileged, have different education and career journey, also would not have opportunity for Israel. I could sheltering now in Tashkent or Dushanbe, depending on the kindness to immigrants of the Muslims like hundreds of thousands of the compatriots of my gender and generation.

    So, like already discussed, you talk to someone where the danger was revealed as carbon monoxide leak, after they had been previously complaining about too much ventilation.

    Again, I used to write those kind of arrogant comments about immigrants in old times. I now disagree with my previous comments, for quite objective and unemotional reasons.

    Thousands of the men of my generation is being saved, by the kindness of those "uncivilized" countries. There is one of the features for you of being a Westerner from a stable country, there is low chance you will have this external reversal by your country of previous political views.

    I'm not saying I have any special wisdom or Enlightenment. It's an ordinary experience and logic which reversed the views, just like the person who learns the danger for them in this lifetime carbon monoxide leaks, not loss of heat by ventilation.

    That doesn't mean my view is correct for your country. It's just the reality for my generation, in our internally dangerous building.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @silviosilver

  1202. @Dmitry

    independent variable here is national intelligence, not population size.

    China only functions as one datapoint in providing a national intelligence score.

    One of 200.
    Lol there isn't independent variable here, maybe in some social science.

    As for China, I can arbitrary divide it into 200 regions and draw a different picture, with many of these failures for the hindcasting. How would you decide which is the correct way to divide it?

    In my multi-region picture, I would have no correlation.

    You would need weigh the countries by the population size. Otherwise you would have to say something meaningless to the historians, "the theory hindcasts for the 20th century, if you ignore the largest country, third of the world's people etc."

    It is an outlier.


    "Third of the world's people are an outlier, less than third world of the world's people are not an outlier". There is some material for comedy.

    Where the f*ck have I said IQ predicts national development in a “lawlike” manner?

    I already stated my position, in several posts which you read, that national intelligence is highly correlated with economic development, when the global sample is taken as a whole, but that it doesn’t account for 100% of the variation
    The correlation is for determining probabilities the data is evidence to support or reject the theory.

    The theory is about lawlike relations. For example, if we argue eating fat increases risk to heart disease.

    The data from the epidemiology will be a correlation, which you could try to interpret as a probability of support for the theory. The data is not lawlike, but we interpret it as evidence to support probability of truth of the hypothetical lawlike relation, in which the eating fat is increasing risk of heart disease.

    In this population there can be many people who eat a lot of fat, while they don't develop heart disease. But these people still have to be explainable within the theory we try to accept or reject. I.e. it could be data error, or maybe they are protected by a third mechanism etc.

    In your claim, you want to say there is a correlation which is consistent to the hindcast, if you ignore the largest country, third of the world. There would need to be explanation in the theory for why it fails to predict some of the most important data.

    Although the easier way to answer this, is notice there wouldn't be a correlation for that time.

    global sample is taken as a whole, but that it doesn’t account for 100% of the variation (other pertinent variables include culture, institutions and geography). Highly correlated in this case meaning r = 0.733, as per Griffe du Lion. That is different from saying r = 1, which is the strawman you are arguing against.
    This is completely different claim. There can be lawlike relations, it doesn't mean you have perfect positive correlation. For example, even proving of Newtonian mechanics from data of astronomy, will include a lot of measurement errors.


    As for this website which says the "national IQ" and GDP per capita are r = 0.733. It doesn't weigh by population, so Fiji is viewed as important as China . GDP is also time slice of 1998, while the "national IQ" data is from mix of different years (if we ignore the are articles saying this data was fake).

    You would need to weigh by population, then hindcast this for the different time slices. This is assuming the data is reliable. For GDP, at least this is less problem.

    In terms of access for information about standardized testing results, for hindcasting, ironically for this discussion, China would probably have the most reliable data for past centuries.

    Replies: @Yahya

    Lol there isn’t independent variable here, maybe in some social science.

    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean?

    You don’t know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables, one of them is independent (cause) and the other dependent (effect)? In this case, we are trying to measure the correlation between national intelligence (independent) and economic development (dependent).

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    None of these expert researchers have adjusted for population, because that is irrelevant to the question we are trying to address. Your demands for population adjustments is just some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations, outliers, dependent variables and independent variables.

    All throughout this discussion we’ve been having, going back weeks now, you’ve cited zero articles from the empirical literature, no books, no technicals, no experts – nothing. Just your own hand-waving and unsubstantiated arguments (filled with condescension and mighty self-assurance).

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject (and don’t even bother to cite from those who do)?

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean? ou don’t know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables,
    Because from your comment, I could see your knowledge is from maybe an undergraduate or high school social science class, which was disappointing for me also. I'm not talking with any real Egyptian scientists here. While we used to have some real researchers in the forum to talk with.

    We are not talking about variables in a formula, but hypothesis you have about two variables which are two sets of data you believe are causally related. We don't know which is the independent variable. We haven't touched inputs. To prove the hypothesized independent variable, we would need to change the "IQ of the country" and measure if there is effect on the wealth of this country as a dependent variable, or vice-versa, we would change GDP as independent variable, and measure if there is effect on the "national IQ" as dependent variable. Note it would be in both example hypothesis of independent variable before beginning the experiment, as otherwise you would beg the question.

    For your discussion about GDP, it is observational, there is no manipulation of inputs, so it is question whether there is significant association, not proof of causal relationship. You have correlation of two variables, the list of the countries by "national IQ" that was published in 2002 and the list of the GDP per capita PPP in 1998. We don't yet know which of these is independent or dependent variable, as this would be circular. You hypothesize "national IQ" is the independent variable.

    The question is whether this is consistent with the data (we can't prove anything without changing the inputs, which is difficult for social science). You said there is "r = 0.733". However, this is correlation of time slice of 1998 for GDP per capita PPP and mix of 20th century surveys for the national IQ data (which some say is faked data

    My question is whether this is only for the particular time slice (1998 against mix of the 20th century survey), or does it hindcast or backtest for different time slices?

    This is a question you said you answered because "genetics changes rapidly", or "third of world population of 18th century China can be circled as outlier", even when the source you were promoting is using a correlation giving equal weight to countries with thousand of times smaller populations than China like Fiji. This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.

    some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations


    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world's population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of "no statistical expertise, don't even know the basics like correlations, outliers."

    This is like a racist stereotype of Arab culture? You begin writing silly comments using terminology you don't understand, when someone more knowledgeable or reflective tries to discuss views with you.

    I'm sure you believe ignoring third of world's population is related to the concept you learned of "outlier", because of your "statistical expertise".

    I'm sure you are not that unreflective or unable to think. Although I can see you learned some Western words without reflecting about them.


    Let's say we have data for what we describe as two variables. Proportion of fat in diet and levels of heart disease by country.

    We don't know there is independent variable, as we don't touch the inputs and we don't know the direction of causation, if there is any. This is, we can hypothesize the proportion of fat in diet is an independent variable, but we only have data of the two variables, and question is whether this is consistent with the hypothesis about the relationship (it's question of consistency, not proving of hypothesis which requires changing the inputs).

    We have data for Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and China. All look like they correlate, but not China, which you circle China as "outlier".

    The data from Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, was measured from 20 million people, while the data from China was measured for 1400 million people (in case of GDP this is actually how it works, as it measured from everyone in a country).

    Is China the outlier, or is it the majority of our observations? In this example, of course China is the majority of the observations or the data points. You can't circle it as an "outlier", as it is the majority of the observations about the relation between eating fat and heart diesease.

    If there is no correlation between eating fat and heart disease for China, then there would be no correlation in the majority of our observations.

    Also we would want to see if this correlation is only in 1998, or was it predictive for other time slices. For example, is there association between eating fat and heart disease in 1930, or 1830, to the extent there is data available.

    If we want to prove a relations, instead of just indicating something an association, we would finally change the inputs experimentally, to see if increasing or decreasing our hypothesized independent variable (eating fat) will effect the levels of heart disease.

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    I'm not sure why you think those resources were relevant to what we were discussing, whether this correlation would backtest or hindcast.

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject


    I don't think I know better than everyone else on this issue. But in this forum, for many years, we've discussed all of these points this many times, usually at a bit more advanced level.

    I seem to have triggered you by asking a few of my simple questions about those views, which indicates you don't know the answers and ego is involved. It's a good opportunity for you. You can think about why the theory wouldn't backtest or explain history for large part of the world.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yahya, @John Johnson

  1203. @silviosilver

    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.
    The Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries' rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles. This is the position Yahya takes.

    In contrast, you talk the Kantian talk, but don't actually walk the Kantian walk:

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world’s sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.
    So whether an immigration policy is good or bad is defined by your perception of how it affects your own personal interests at a given time. Seems like all your lofty talk about "almost the definition of morality" is simply self-interest masquerading as principle.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don’t know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.
    Well, you could have stipulated that your answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever changing your opinion again, lol.

    "Q. Hey, who do you think will win tonight, LA or Boston?

    A. Well, that game is going to take place in the future, and I don't actually KNOW what is going to happen in the future.

    Q. Yeah, that's okay, I know you don't "know." No one does. But what you THINK?

    A. I actually made a prediction once, but it wasn't very good. I still remember it today. I've changed my mind since then, and I wouldn't make a prediction the same way today.

    Q. Well what do you think for this game, based on the way you make predictions nowadays?

    A. Which side wins depends on which side has the better players, but also on how they play in that game. And how they play is affected by various random factors, which are inherently unpredictable.

    Q. ?!? Okay bro... [walks away]"

    Replies: @Yahya, @Dmitry

    So whether an immigration policy is good or bad is defined by your perception of how it affects your own personal interests at a given time. Seems like all your lofty talk about “almost the definition of morality” is simply self-interest masquerading as principle.

    Nevermind that mass immigration might very well destroy Western civilization as we know it; Dmitry is only concerned about coming off as hypocritical for saying something negative about it.

    He thinks his moral obligation is to not speak negatively about migration, because he benefited personally from open borders. The long-term welfare of his host and home nation doesn’t concern him in the least; as long as he can sleep at night knowing he is not a hypocrite.

  1204. @silviosilver

    Of course, you are under moral duty to perform what you view as in the best interest of other people, to include this as part of your behavior. This is almost definition of morality.
    The Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries' rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles. This is the position Yahya takes.

    In contrast, you talk the Kantian talk, but don't actually walk the Kantian walk:

    My old view was to close borders with Kazakhstan. Now, open border with Kazakhstan is one of the world’s sanctuary for men in my generation My old view was incorrect, 180°, almost in an ironic way, so the open border is a blessing for people of my generation.
    So whether an immigration policy is good or bad is defined by your perception of how it affects your own personal interests at a given time. Seems like all your lofty talk about "almost the definition of morality" is simply self-interest masquerading as principle.

    However, if you ask my view about Russia in 2100, I don’t know the correct answer. My predictions are not good, just read my old posts about the border with Kazakstan.
    Well, you could have stipulated that your answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever changing your opinion again, lol.

    "Q. Hey, who do you think will win tonight, LA or Boston?

    A. Well, that game is going to take place in the future, and I don't actually KNOW what is going to happen in the future.

    Q. Yeah, that's okay, I know you don't "know." No one does. But what you THINK?

    A. I actually made a prediction once, but it wasn't very good. I still remember it today. I've changed my mind since then, and I wouldn't make a prediction the same way today.

    Q. Well what do you think for this game, based on the way you make predictions nowadays?

    A. Which side wins depends on which side has the better players, but also on how they play in that game. And how they play is affected by various random factors, which are inherently unpredictable.

    Q. ?!? Okay bro... [walks away]"

    Replies: @Yahya, @Dmitry

    I’m enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it’s not as interesting as you seem to believe.

    The part of discussion which was with you, I already “won”, so I’m not sure how you will continue to argue.

    This is because just 1,7 years ago I was writing Germany should build an electrocuted fence for its immigration.

    Obviously, my view actually changed, it’s not something related to social pressure, as I was writing that before the war.

    Why it changed, I think even Westerners know the events of last year. If I had to explain, it has gone 90°, not 180° in most areas. The views go something like although not in some interesting way, but according to a boring mix of experience and logic.

    Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries’ rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles.

    But I don’t recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.

    It’s other countries which are saving Russians, especially men of my generation, to extent mediated by the local liberals, including in Central Asia and transcaucasia. You could guess what this would imply.

    I’m not sure you understand how ironic is this, in relation to discussion of previous decade, including of Russian liberals who were always asking to close the border to Central Asia. For example, we could probably have this kind of discussion if German Reader is rescued at least in some theoretical way from the death prepared by German imperialists, by opening of border of Germans to Syria. He could be allowed to change opinion about this topic after such events or accept the paradox.

    As for self-interest, I’m relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don’t think this is a question of self-interest.

    our answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever

    I can answer the forthrightly. In alternative situation of 2023, where I am less privileged, have different education and career journey, also would not have opportunity for Israel. I could sheltering now in Tashkent or Dushanbe, depending on the kindness to immigrants of the Muslims like hundreds of thousands of the compatriots of my gender and generation.

    So, like already discussed, you talk to someone where the danger was revealed as carbon monoxide leak, after they had been previously complaining about too much ventilation.

    Again, I used to write those kind of arrogant comments about immigrants in old times. I now disagree with my previous comments, for quite objective and unemotional reasons.

    Thousands of the men of my generation is being saved, by the kindness of those “uncivilized” countries. There is one of the features for you of being a Westerner from a stable country, there is low chance you will have this external reversal by your country of previous political views.

    I’m not saying I have any special wisdom or Enlightenment. It’s an ordinary experience and logic which reversed the views, just like the person who learns the danger for them in this lifetime carbon monoxide leaks, not loss of heat by ventilation.

    That doesn’t mean my view is correct for your country. It’s just the reality for my generation, in our internally dangerous building.

    • Thanks: Mr. XYZ
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    I’m not sure you understand how ironic is this, in relation to discussion of previous decade, including of Russian liberals who were always asking to close the border to Central Asia. For example, we could probably have this kind of discussion if German Reader is rescued at least in some theoretical way from the death prepared by German imperialists, by opening of border of Germans to Syria. He could be allowed to change opinion about this topic after such events or accept the paradox.
    Maybe the equivalent of this could be black Liberia hypothetically opening its doors wide open to German men fleeing the draft during WWII? Or during WWI, for that matter? Though black Ethiopia can also apply in the WWI case.
    , @silviosilver

    But I don’t recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.
    But I wasn't talking about your views, I was talking about Yahya's views and correcting your mischaracterization of them as unprincipled.

    I’m enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it’s not as interesting as you seem to believe.
    It's not your views I find interesting, it's your attempts to weasel out of answering the hard questions put to you that amuses me.

    As for self-interest, I’m relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don’t think this is a question of self-interest.
    You've got to be kidding. Your self-interest is virtually all you've been talking about. You don't for a second take into account the interests of the host society. Just read your own paragraphs subsequent to the above.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1205. @Yahya

    Sorry Dmitry, but silviosilver is right, you are simply incapable of facing the implications of racial/ethnic differences, so you bury your head in the sand and avoid tackling the issue head-on. Two comments in and you haven't addressed the question except to say the future is unpredictable, something we already know. The whole point of a hypothetical is to put aside the question of future uncertainty, and focus specifically on the variable outlined (this case, demography), to brainstorm on what that hypothetical scenario would look like, if all other factors were held equal. The point is not to reach a “correct” answer, but to sound out people’s thoughts on specific factors.

    Your diversions into Norway, draft-dodging, your personal circumstances etc. are all irrelevant. Please focus on the hypothetical, and answer it in a straightforward manner.

    In a scenario where RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level by 2100?

    Shouldn’t be difficult.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Mr. XYZ

    In a scenario where RusFed demography becomes composed of 35% ethnic Russians/Slavs, 45% Central Asian Muslims, and 20% sub-Saharan Africans; do you feel it would be better, worse, or neutral compared to a scenario in which ethnic Russians maintain their 80% demographic level by 2100?

    It would be better for the Muslims and Africans (they’d likely gain more political power) and worse for the Russians.

  1206. @Dmitry

    I'm enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it's not as interesting as you seem to believe.

    The part of discussion which was with you, I already "won", so I'm not sure how you will continue to argue.

    This is because just 1,7 years ago I was writing Germany should build an electrocuted fence for its immigration.

    Obviously, my view actually changed, it's not something related to social pressure, as I was writing that before the war.

    Why it changed, I think even Westerners know the events of last year. If I had to explain, it has gone 90°, not 180° in most areas. The views go something like although not in some interesting way, but according to a boring mix of experience and logic.

    Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries’ rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles.
    But I don't recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.

    It's other countries which are saving Russians, especially men of my generation, to extent mediated by the local liberals, including in Central Asia and transcaucasia. You could guess what this would imply.

    I'm not sure you understand how ironic is this, in relation to discussion of previous decade, including of Russian liberals who were always asking to close the border to Central Asia. For example, we could probably have this kind of discussion if German Reader is rescued at least in some theoretical way from the death prepared by German imperialists, by opening of border of Germans to Syria. He could be allowed to change opinion about this topic after such events or accept the paradox.

    As for self-interest, I'm relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don't think this is a question of self-interest.

    our answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever
    I can answer the forthrightly. In alternative situation of 2023, where I am less privileged, have different education and career journey, also would not have opportunity for Israel. I could sheltering now in Tashkent or Dushanbe, depending on the kindness to immigrants of the Muslims like hundreds of thousands of the compatriots of my gender and generation.

    So, like already discussed, you talk to someone where the danger was revealed as carbon monoxide leak, after they had been previously complaining about too much ventilation.

    Again, I used to write those kind of arrogant comments about immigrants in old times. I now disagree with my previous comments, for quite objective and unemotional reasons.

    Thousands of the men of my generation is being saved, by the kindness of those "uncivilized" countries. There is one of the features for you of being a Westerner from a stable country, there is low chance you will have this external reversal by your country of previous political views.

    I'm not saying I have any special wisdom or Enlightenment. It's an ordinary experience and logic which reversed the views, just like the person who learns the danger for them in this lifetime carbon monoxide leaks, not loss of heat by ventilation.

    That doesn't mean my view is correct for your country. It's just the reality for my generation, in our internally dangerous building.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @silviosilver

    I’m not sure you understand how ironic is this, in relation to discussion of previous decade, including of Russian liberals who were always asking to close the border to Central Asia. For example, we could probably have this kind of discussion if German Reader is rescued at least in some theoretical way from the death prepared by German imperialists, by opening of border of Germans to Syria. He could be allowed to change opinion about this topic after such events or accept the paradox.

    Maybe the equivalent of this could be black Liberia hypothetically opening its doors wide open to German men fleeing the draft during WWII? Or during WWI, for that matter? Though black Ethiopia can also apply in the WWI case.

  1207. @LatW

    You dislike and trash Poles and other Eastern Euros yet you bar crawl in Poland, probably in search for easy women. Wow.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    He probably wants to get his hands on a Polish woman who looks like Joanna Krupa.

  1208. Dmitry says:

    Lol there isn’t independent variable here, maybe in some social science.


    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean?

    You don't know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables, one of them is independent (cause) and the other dependent (effect)? In this case, we are trying to measure the correlation between national intelligence (independent) and economic development (dependent).

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    None of these expert researchers have adjusted for population, because that is irrelevant to the question we are trying to address. Your demands for population adjustments is just some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don't even know the basics like correlations, outliers, dependent variables and independent variables.

    All throughout this discussion we've been having, going back weeks now, you've cited zero articles from the empirical literature, no books, no technicals, no experts - nothing. Just your own hand-waving and unsubstantiated arguments (filled with condescension and mighty self-assurance).

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject (and don't even bother to cite from those who do)?

    Replies: @Dmitry

    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean? ou don’t know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables,

    Because from your comment, I could see your knowledge is from maybe an undergraduate or high school social science class, which was disappointing for me also. I’m not talking with any real Egyptian scientists here. While we used to have some real researchers in the forum to talk with.

    We are not talking about variables in a formula, but hypothesis you have about two variables which are two sets of data you believe are causally related. We don’t know which is the independent variable. We haven’t touched inputs. To prove the hypothesized independent variable, we would need to change the “IQ of the country” and measure if there is effect on the wealth of this country as a dependent variable, or vice-versa, we would change GDP as independent variable, and measure if there is effect on the “national IQ” as dependent variable. Note it would be in both example hypothesis of independent variable before beginning the experiment, as otherwise you would beg the question.

    For your discussion about GDP, it is observational, there is no manipulation of inputs, so it is question whether there is significant association, not proof of causal relationship. You have correlation of two variables, the list of the countries by “national IQ” that was published in 2002 and the list of the GDP per capita PPP in 1998. We don’t yet know which of these is independent or dependent variable, as this would be circular. You hypothesize “national IQ” is the independent variable.

    The question is whether this is consistent with the data (we can’t prove anything without changing the inputs, which is difficult for social science). You said there is “r = 0.733”. However, this is correlation of time slice of 1998 for GDP per capita PPP and mix of 20th century surveys for the national IQ data (which some say is faked data

    My question is whether this is only for the particular time slice (1998 against mix of the 20th century survey), or does it hindcast or backtest for different time slices?

    This is a question you said you answered because “genetics changes rapidly”, or “third of world population of 18th century China can be circled as outlier”, even when the source you were promoting is using a correlation giving equal weight to countries with thousand of times smaller populations than China like Fiji. This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.

    some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations

    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world’s population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of “no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations, outliers.”

    This is like a racist stereotype of Arab culture? You begin writing silly comments using terminology you don’t understand, when someone more knowledgeable or reflective tries to discuss views with you.

    I’m sure you believe ignoring third of world’s population is related to the concept you learned of “outlier”, because of your “statistical expertise”.

    I’m sure you are not that unreflective or unable to think. Although I can see you learned some Western words without reflecting about them.

    Let’s say we have data for what we describe as two variables. Proportion of fat in diet and levels of heart disease by country.

    We don’t know there is independent variable, as we don’t touch the inputs and we don’t know the direction of causation, if there is any. This is, we can hypothesize the proportion of fat in diet is an independent variable, but we only have data of the two variables, and question is whether this is consistent with the hypothesis about the relationship (it’s question of consistency, not proving of hypothesis which requires changing the inputs).

    We have data for Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and China. All look like they correlate, but not China, which you circle China as “outlier”.

    The data from Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, was measured from 20 million people, while the data from China was measured for 1400 million people (in case of GDP this is actually how it works, as it measured from everyone in a country).

    Is China the outlier, or is it the majority of our observations? In this example, of course China is the majority of the observations or the data points. You can’t circle it as an “outlier”, as it is the majority of the observations about the relation between eating fat and heart diesease.

    If there is no correlation between eating fat and heart disease for China, then there would be no correlation in the majority of our observations.

    Also we would want to see if this correlation is only in 1998, or was it predictive for other time slices. For example, is there association between eating fat and heart disease in 1930, or 1830, to the extent there is data available.

    If we want to prove a relations, instead of just indicating something an association, we would finally change the inputs experimentally, to see if increasing or decreasing our hypothesized independent variable (eating fat) will effect the levels of heart disease.

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    I’m not sure why you think those resources were relevant to what we were discussing, whether this correlation would backtest or hindcast.

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject

    I don’t think I know better than everyone else on this issue. But in this forum, for many years, we’ve discussed all of these points this many times, usually at a bit more advanced level.

    I seem to have triggered you by asking a few of my simple questions about those views, which indicates you don’t know the answers and ego is involved. It’s a good opportunity for you. You can think about why the theory wouldn’t backtest or explain history for large part of the world.

    • Troll: Yahya
    • Replies: @Yahya

    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world’s population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of “no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations, outliers.”
    You don't understand the concept of correlation, because you comically keep using mono-examples and two-country comparisons to prove your point, time after time, instead of citing regression models and statistical treatments. This is going all the way back, when you interjected into of of my posts to Ivashka, where I said genetic engineering could help Egypt develop better, with some typically condescending and sarcastic remark about "flying carpets" ( Remember that you triggered this discussion, not me, with an impolite comment no less. I was forbearing enough to put that aside and responded with a polite statement of my arguments. But you have since doubled-down on the condescension and hand-waving self-assurance, and I am fed up with it (hence my recent sharp comments).

    When will you understand that one or two counterexamples are insufficient to dismiss a hypothesis, but merely diminish the correlation? You first claimed that the "garbage border between Russia and Norway", and their diverging economic levels, were sufficient to dismiss the HBD argument (, not even knowing that these two countries had different historical breeding patterns. Then you pointed to North Korea. Then to Argentina. One mono-example after another, not once taking into account the whole worldwide sample.

    You now claim that China is a sufficient datapoint because of its population size; and demand any statistical treatment include a population adjustment. But you previously kept citing medium sized nations to prove your point, so it's clear you never had a good idea of what a statistically representative sample is. You are merely using the population factor as a convenient excuse to continue cherry-picking; disingenuously making up arguments so you can double-down on your selected outliers.

    This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.
    The economic development variable we are measuring for is per capita, not "GDP". Per capita GDP figures cancels out the population size factor, therefore no adjustments for population is needed. That's why none of the multiple research studies I cited felt the need to adjust for population; yet you presume to know better than the experts who are trained in the field.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    , @Yahya

    Dmitry, this conversation has gotten unnecessarily nasty.

    I think we are both at fault for not keeping it polite, or at least we should think of it that way, for the sake of peace.

    So I will apologize for playing a role in escalating the argument into the personal territory.

    I hope you can do the same.

    I’m not interested in continuing the argument about intelligence and economic development.

    You have your views, I have mine. Let’s just leave it at that.

    , @John Johnson

    I have a question for our defender of the third world immigration.

    Will India eventually have their own Benjamin Franklin equivalent? When will that occur?

    Note that the US had 1 million people in the time of Ben.

    So why hasn't Indian with their 1.5 billion people created a Benjamin Franklin? That's 1,500 times more people and with higher education level than Americans in 1750.

  1209. @Dmitry

    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean? ou don’t know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables,
    Because from your comment, I could see your knowledge is from maybe an undergraduate or high school social science class, which was disappointing for me also. I'm not talking with any real Egyptian scientists here. While we used to have some real researchers in the forum to talk with.

    We are not talking about variables in a formula, but hypothesis you have about two variables which are two sets of data you believe are causally related. We don't know which is the independent variable. We haven't touched inputs. To prove the hypothesized independent variable, we would need to change the "IQ of the country" and measure if there is effect on the wealth of this country as a dependent variable, or vice-versa, we would change GDP as independent variable, and measure if there is effect on the "national IQ" as dependent variable. Note it would be in both example hypothesis of independent variable before beginning the experiment, as otherwise you would beg the question.

    For your discussion about GDP, it is observational, there is no manipulation of inputs, so it is question whether there is significant association, not proof of causal relationship. You have correlation of two variables, the list of the countries by "national IQ" that was published in 2002 and the list of the GDP per capita PPP in 1998. We don't yet know which of these is independent or dependent variable, as this would be circular. You hypothesize "national IQ" is the independent variable.

    The question is whether this is consistent with the data (we can't prove anything without changing the inputs, which is difficult for social science). You said there is "r = 0.733". However, this is correlation of time slice of 1998 for GDP per capita PPP and mix of 20th century surveys for the national IQ data (which some say is faked data

    My question is whether this is only for the particular time slice (1998 against mix of the 20th century survey), or does it hindcast or backtest for different time slices?

    This is a question you said you answered because "genetics changes rapidly", or "third of world population of 18th century China can be circled as outlier", even when the source you were promoting is using a correlation giving equal weight to countries with thousand of times smaller populations than China like Fiji. This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.

    some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations


    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world's population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of "no statistical expertise, don't even know the basics like correlations, outliers."

    This is like a racist stereotype of Arab culture? You begin writing silly comments using terminology you don't understand, when someone more knowledgeable or reflective tries to discuss views with you.

    I'm sure you believe ignoring third of world's population is related to the concept you learned of "outlier", because of your "statistical expertise".

    I'm sure you are not that unreflective or unable to think. Although I can see you learned some Western words without reflecting about them.


    Let's say we have data for what we describe as two variables. Proportion of fat in diet and levels of heart disease by country.

    We don't know there is independent variable, as we don't touch the inputs and we don't know the direction of causation, if there is any. This is, we can hypothesize the proportion of fat in diet is an independent variable, but we only have data of the two variables, and question is whether this is consistent with the hypothesis about the relationship (it's question of consistency, not proving of hypothesis which requires changing the inputs).

    We have data for Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and China. All look like they correlate, but not China, which you circle China as "outlier".

    The data from Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, was measured from 20 million people, while the data from China was measured for 1400 million people (in case of GDP this is actually how it works, as it measured from everyone in a country).

    Is China the outlier, or is it the majority of our observations? In this example, of course China is the majority of the observations or the data points. You can't circle it as an "outlier", as it is the majority of the observations about the relation between eating fat and heart diesease.

    If there is no correlation between eating fat and heart disease for China, then there would be no correlation in the majority of our observations.

    Also we would want to see if this correlation is only in 1998, or was it predictive for other time slices. For example, is there association between eating fat and heart disease in 1930, or 1830, to the extent there is data available.

    If we want to prove a relations, instead of just indicating something an association, we would finally change the inputs experimentally, to see if increasing or decreasing our hypothesized independent variable (eating fat) will effect the levels of heart disease.

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    I'm not sure why you think those resources were relevant to what we were discussing, whether this correlation would backtest or hindcast.

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject


    I don't think I know better than everyone else on this issue. But in this forum, for many years, we've discussed all of these points this many times, usually at a bit more advanced level.

    I seem to have triggered you by asking a few of my simple questions about those views, which indicates you don't know the answers and ego is involved. It's a good opportunity for you. You can think about why the theory wouldn't backtest or explain history for large part of the world.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yahya, @John Johnson

    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world’s population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of “no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations, outliers.”

    You don’t understand the concept of correlation, because you comically keep using mono-examples and two-country comparisons to prove your point, time after time, instead of citing regression models and statistical treatments. This is going all the way back, when you interjected into of of my posts to Ivashka, where I said genetic engineering could help Egypt develop better, with some typically condescending and sarcastic remark about “flying carpets” ( Remember that you triggered this discussion, not me, with an impolite comment no less. I was forbearing enough to put that aside and responded with a polite statement of my arguments. But you have since doubled-down on the condescension and hand-waving self-assurance, and I am fed up with it (hence my recent sharp comments).

    When will you understand that one or two counterexamples are insufficient to dismiss a hypothesis, but merely diminish the correlation? You first claimed that the “garbage border between Russia and Norway”, and their diverging economic levels, were sufficient to dismiss the HBD argument (, not even knowing that these two countries had different historical breeding patterns. Then you pointed to North Korea. Then to Argentina. One mono-example after another, not once taking into account the whole worldwide sample.

    You now claim that China is a sufficient datapoint because of its population size; and demand any statistical treatment include a population adjustment. But you previously kept citing medium sized nations to prove your point, so it’s clear you never had a good idea of what a statistically representative sample is. You are merely using the population factor as a convenient excuse to continue cherry-picking; disingenuously making up arguments so you can double-down on your selected outliers.

    This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.

    The economic development variable we are measuring for is per capita, not “GDP”. Per capita GDP figures cancels out the population size factor, therefore no adjustments for population is needed. That’s why none of the multiple research studies I cited felt the need to adjust for population; yet you presume to know better than the experts who are trained in the field.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    impolite comment no less. I was forbearing enough to put that aside and responded with a polite statement of my argument
    You seemed like you didn't understand independent and dependent variable. So, I explain in the above comment, why you don't have independent variable and you respond "troll".

    Re-read my comment above. If ego is a problem, imagine it is written for someone else. Then reflect about what I explained, I'm sure there is something you can learn from even if you believe you have explanation for that.

    will you understand that one or two counterexamples are insufficient to dismiss a hypothesis, but merely diminish the correlation?
    If you want to explain history of the economic development, because there is correlation in 1998 GDP per capita of some selected countries and the list of the national IQ

    Then I ask why it wouldn't seem to hindcast (maybe it would, but this is my impression) for a century earlier. You then write China is "outlier", even though was third of the world or third of the observations in centuries we would want to hindcast. Again, this is third of total observations for some centuries.

    Let's say, we have an association between what we call two variables for 1998, you said it was significant association. Then we want to explore if there is causal relationship in this association. We can't change the inputs, as it is just observation of an association, so we can't prove the causality. One of the ways we could argue for suggestion of causal relationship, with the direction you want, would be hindcasting.

    You would want to find association in the different historical times. But the association wouldn't indicate direction of causation. So then, one way we could argue for causal relationship, would be try to hindcast, as this could be evidence of direction of causation (if high levels in the tests, would be predicting higher economic level subsequently).

    and demand any statistical treatment include a population adjustment. But you previously kept citing medium sized nations to prove your point, so it’s clear you never had a good idea of what a statistically representative sample is


    I was feeling you continue to add the word "statistical" to the sentence like it is a magic carpet.

    I guess I'll explain, you have two pieces of data. You can write them as variable "national IQ", other variable is the GDP of the different countries.

    We don't know the relation between the two variables, if one is dependent or independent in relation to the other. GDP per capita is set of observations from total population. For example, in China it is large sample of observations, in Fiji it is a small set of observations. I explained above with the analogy of observational study of heart disease.

    “garbage border between Russia and Norway”, and their diverging economic levels, were sufficient to dismiss the HBD argument (,
    I'm pretty sure in Russia we are not covering the border with Norway with garbage for genetic reasons. Although I admit it is a funny or creative point of view to explain our problems, like we have some genes which prevent us to have a normal democracy. You can imagine the genetic explanation for antidemocratic views of AnonfromTN, Bashibuzuk and Gerard, because of too much cousin marriage in the ancient centuries. My relatively more democratic views could be result of an "outlier" family not so often marrying a cousin or something like this.

    now claim that China is a sufficient datapoint
    You seem to miss the point. I am asking why it wouldn't hindcast. If the relationship is causal, then as necessary condition at least there would be association not only in e.g. 1998. If it wouldn't also associate in other time-slices in history, there is a probably problem for the theory.

    economic development variable we are measuring for is per capita, not “GDP”. Per capita GDP figures cancels out the population size factor, therefore no adjustments for population is needed.


    So if you find benzene is not associated with cancer in a group of small sample with a few people, but we find benzene is associated with cancer in a thousand times larger sample. Let's go drink some benzene.

    By the way, if you want to think in terms of sampling, the per capita is literally, just sample from total population. So the sample size depends on population of the country.

    presume to know better than the experts who are trained in the field.


    Who are the experts, I would ask them also how they are working with issues like hindcasting etc. I would also ask if World Bank, etc are asking for their forecasting.

    I think we are both at fault for not keeping it polite, or at least..

    So I will apologize for playing a role in escalating the argument into the personal territory.

    Well, thanks, and I apologize for condescending comments about magic carpets, with reference to nationality, or something negative in relation to social science, which I think is social science is an interesting. I agree we should write polite comments, like we are in 18th century French salons.

    I also appreciate you had added effort to explain this topic to me in the earlier discussion, you added a lot of references etc.

    But when I talk about the magic carpiet, I'm interested about your views of Egypt specifically, not about Russia or America etc. People know more about their country, than about other countries.

    In wider context I'm not writing condescending, as you know I'm originally from Russia, where we created a garbage border with Norway. There is no position for condescending when we are from garbage border origins.

    When I imply you are doing cargo-culting of the half-understood Western culture, well this is history of Russia. I'm from the same.

    Russian problems are a bit different than Egypt, but probably not smaller. I'm interested in discussing the question why the country is always driving from the tracks.

    You said now, Egypt's problem because you "import too many slaves". But I also wonder how this predicts the outcomes in the Arab world. Egypt is in better situation, including even per capita GDP than those Arab countries with populations more like European like Lebanon and Syria. For Arab GDP, the worst countries are Yemen and Syria.

    Lebanon had higher GDP for a time, but it was a kind of financial pyramid. Even without the information for a few years, in 2020 they were already below Jordan or Egypt.

    Replies: @Yahya

  1210. @Dmitry

    I'm enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it's not as interesting as you seem to believe.

    The part of discussion which was with you, I already "won", so I'm not sure how you will continue to argue.

    This is because just 1,7 years ago I was writing Germany should build an electrocuted fence for its immigration.

    Obviously, my view actually changed, it's not something related to social pressure, as I was writing that before the war.

    Why it changed, I think even Westerners know the events of last year. If I had to explain, it has gone 90°, not 180° in most areas. The views go something like although not in some interesting way, but according to a boring mix of experience and logic.

    Kantian principle here would be to not only restrict the immigration of incompatibles to your own country, but to recognize other countries’ rights to restrict the immigration of incompatibles.
    But I don't recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.

    It's other countries which are saving Russians, especially men of my generation, to extent mediated by the local liberals, including in Central Asia and transcaucasia. You could guess what this would imply.

    I'm not sure you understand how ironic is this, in relation to discussion of previous decade, including of Russian liberals who were always asking to close the border to Central Asia. For example, we could probably have this kind of discussion if German Reader is rescued at least in some theoretical way from the death prepared by German imperialists, by opening of border of Germans to Syria. He could be allowed to change opinion about this topic after such events or accept the paradox.

    As for self-interest, I'm relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don't think this is a question of self-interest.

    our answer is based on your understanding of the way the world works as that understanding stands right now, in mid-2023. I promise you, answering the question forthrightly would not have debarred you from ever
    I can answer the forthrightly. In alternative situation of 2023, where I am less privileged, have different education and career journey, also would not have opportunity for Israel. I could sheltering now in Tashkent or Dushanbe, depending on the kindness to immigrants of the Muslims like hundreds of thousands of the compatriots of my gender and generation.

    So, like already discussed, you talk to someone where the danger was revealed as carbon monoxide leak, after they had been previously complaining about too much ventilation.

    Again, I used to write those kind of arrogant comments about immigrants in old times. I now disagree with my previous comments, for quite objective and unemotional reasons.

    Thousands of the men of my generation is being saved, by the kindness of those "uncivilized" countries. There is one of the features for you of being a Westerner from a stable country, there is low chance you will have this external reversal by your country of previous political views.

    I'm not saying I have any special wisdom or Enlightenment. It's an ordinary experience and logic which reversed the views, just like the person who learns the danger for them in this lifetime carbon monoxide leaks, not loss of heat by ventilation.

    That doesn't mean my view is correct for your country. It's just the reality for my generation, in our internally dangerous building.

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ, @silviosilver

    But I don’t recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.

    But I wasn’t talking about your views, I was talking about Yahya’s views and correcting your mischaracterization of them as unprincipled.

    I’m enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it’s not as interesting as you seem to believe.

    It’s not your views I find interesting, it’s your attempts to weasel out of answering the hard questions put to you that amuses me.

    As for self-interest, I’m relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don’t think this is a question of self-interest.

    You’ve got to be kidding. Your self-interest is virtually all you’ve been talking about. You don’t for a second take into account the interests of the host society. Just read your own paragraphs subsequent to the above.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    attempts to weasel out of answering the hard questions put to
    You already lost this argument, as less than two years ago I was writing about Germany building electrocuted border fences.

    I now don't agree with those comments and I don't know the answer for the future. I consider my views are probably wrong, but I don't have a correct answer.

    As for my previous comments about fences. I'm happy to revisit family in Russia, when there is insurance of the low quality of border control, so fate was adding an ironical for my old comments.

    You’ve got to be kidding. Your self-interest is virtually all you’ve been talking about. You don’t for a second take into account the interests of the host society.
    That's not true. It's important for me the interests of the host society, one of which is to not lecture host society how to manage their country. I'm a guest in their country.

    As for change of views to the low certainty, not being exactly self-interest, Muslim hosts in Tashkent or Dushanbe are saving a lot more young people in Russia than "patriots" of the government. I won't be sitting in Tashkent or Dushanbe anytime soon, so it's not directly my self-interest. But there was a potential closeness to my life, which I guess changed my perspective.

    Replies: @silviosilver

  1211. @Dmitry

    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean? ou don’t know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables,
    Because from your comment, I could see your knowledge is from maybe an undergraduate or high school social science class, which was disappointing for me also. I'm not talking with any real Egyptian scientists here. While we used to have some real researchers in the forum to talk with.

    We are not talking about variables in a formula, but hypothesis you have about two variables which are two sets of data you believe are causally related. We don't know which is the independent variable. We haven't touched inputs. To prove the hypothesized independent variable, we would need to change the "IQ of the country" and measure if there is effect on the wealth of this country as a dependent variable, or vice-versa, we would change GDP as independent variable, and measure if there is effect on the "national IQ" as dependent variable. Note it would be in both example hypothesis of independent variable before beginning the experiment, as otherwise you would beg the question.

    For your discussion about GDP, it is observational, there is no manipulation of inputs, so it is question whether there is significant association, not proof of causal relationship. You have correlation of two variables, the list of the countries by "national IQ" that was published in 2002 and the list of the GDP per capita PPP in 1998. We don't yet know which of these is independent or dependent variable, as this would be circular. You hypothesize "national IQ" is the independent variable.

    The question is whether this is consistent with the data (we can't prove anything without changing the inputs, which is difficult for social science). You said there is "r = 0.733". However, this is correlation of time slice of 1998 for GDP per capita PPP and mix of 20th century surveys for the national IQ data (which some say is faked data

    My question is whether this is only for the particular time slice (1998 against mix of the 20th century survey), or does it hindcast or backtest for different time slices?

    This is a question you said you answered because "genetics changes rapidly", or "third of world population of 18th century China can be circled as outlier", even when the source you were promoting is using a correlation giving equal weight to countries with thousand of times smaller populations than China like Fiji. This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.

    some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations


    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world's population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of "no statistical expertise, don't even know the basics like correlations, outliers."

    This is like a racist stereotype of Arab culture? You begin writing silly comments using terminology you don't understand, when someone more knowledgeable or reflective tries to discuss views with you.

    I'm sure you believe ignoring third of world's population is related to the concept you learned of "outlier", because of your "statistical expertise".

    I'm sure you are not that unreflective or unable to think. Although I can see you learned some Western words without reflecting about them.


    Let's say we have data for what we describe as two variables. Proportion of fat in diet and levels of heart disease by country.

    We don't know there is independent variable, as we don't touch the inputs and we don't know the direction of causation, if there is any. This is, we can hypothesize the proportion of fat in diet is an independent variable, but we only have data of the two variables, and question is whether this is consistent with the hypothesis about the relationship (it's question of consistency, not proving of hypothesis which requires changing the inputs).

    We have data for Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and China. All look like they correlate, but not China, which you circle China as "outlier".

    The data from Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, was measured from 20 million people, while the data from China was measured for 1400 million people (in case of GDP this is actually how it works, as it measured from everyone in a country).

    Is China the outlier, or is it the majority of our observations? In this example, of course China is the majority of the observations or the data points. You can't circle it as an "outlier", as it is the majority of the observations about the relation between eating fat and heart diesease.

    If there is no correlation between eating fat and heart disease for China, then there would be no correlation in the majority of our observations.

    Also we would want to see if this correlation is only in 1998, or was it predictive for other time slices. For example, is there association between eating fat and heart disease in 1930, or 1830, to the extent there is data available.

    If we want to prove a relations, instead of just indicating something an association, we would finally change the inputs experimentally, to see if increasing or decreasing our hypothesized independent variable (eating fat) will effect the levels of heart disease.

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    I'm not sure why you think those resources were relevant to what we were discussing, whether this correlation would backtest or hindcast.

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject


    I don't think I know better than everyone else on this issue. But in this forum, for many years, we've discussed all of these points this many times, usually at a bit more advanced level.

    I seem to have triggered you by asking a few of my simple questions about those views, which indicates you don't know the answers and ego is involved. It's a good opportunity for you. You can think about why the theory wouldn't backtest or explain history for large part of the world.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yahya, @John Johnson

    Dmitry, this conversation has gotten unnecessarily nasty.

    I think we are both at fault for not keeping it polite, or at least we should think of it that way, for the sake of peace.

    So I will apologize for playing a role in escalating the argument into the personal territory.

    I hope you can do the same.

    I’m not interested in continuing the argument about intelligence and economic development.

    You have your views, I have mine. Let’s just leave it at that.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool
  1212. @Dmitry

    relatively poor and your statements amount to sour
    Relative incomes isn't an explanation for why America cannot build modern transport infrastructure like high speed rail.

    It's a complicated topic Part of the problem for America, seems the land is too expensive.

    Also you are talking to Beckow who lives in the EU, in Czech Republic. These countries have access to the EU funding, that transfers free money from rich countries to poor countries, to build modern infrastructure.

    This is why taxpayers of Germany and France, are paying for the building of hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure in the poor countries like Poland. As a result, some poor EU countries with lower incomes like Poland can have actually more modern infrastructure investments in those areas, than higher income countries like Germany.

    Moscow’s public transit is probably the best in the world but when Muscovites
    It's not true, I feel like you didn't visit so places except America or Moscow. Just visit cities in e.g. Spain and you can see the maximum practical investment in public transport, with support of the taxpayers of the EU. When there is high speed trains.

    For example, in Japan, people would drive between cities only to reduce the transport costs. The faster transport between cities in the train, even if you were driving in the maximum speed in a Maserati you would arrive later.

    relying on busses in the USA are the most intelligent ones in the country? Lol.


    I've talked with CEOs of multinational companies who use the public transport to go into the office.

    In more civilized and equal countries people don't always need to drive in a car to show their high status, or they had more developed ways to show the social status. The idea, rich people need to drive in a car, is part of the commercial effects in the 20th century American status culture and unfortunately exports in the 21st century to second world status obsessed cultures now like Russia or Brazil, where the government also doesn't want to invest adequately in alternatives.

    Replies: @AP, @John Johnson

    In more civilized and equal countries people don’t always need to drive in a car to show their high status, or they had more developed ways to show the social status. The idea, rich people need to drive in a car, is part of the commercial effects in the 20th century American status culture and unfortunately exports in the 21st century to second world status obsessed cultures now like Russia or Brazil, where the government also doesn’t want to invest adequately in alternatives.

    You have clearly never lived in a Democrat managed city.

    It has nothing to do with status. In fact there are urban Democrats that would love to feel smug for riding high speed rail.

    The problem is that even Democrats don’t trust Democrats to build anything expensive.

    Pick an existing light rail in a Democrat city and go ride it at night. Then read about how much it cost and the projected vs actual ridership.

    Then ask yourself if you want to hand these people a few billion dollars.

    I’m not a fan of Republicans but Democrats have become the feelings first party and they have a long list of public works projects they have botched in the last 10 years. If you would trust the Diversity before Merit party to build something that goes 200 mph then by all means send them a check. Ironically there is a high speed rail line going in Florida.

  1213. @Dmitry

    lmao, what the f is this sentence supposed to mean? ou don’t know that when you want to measure the correlation between two variables,
    Because from your comment, I could see your knowledge is from maybe an undergraduate or high school social science class, which was disappointing for me also. I'm not talking with any real Egyptian scientists here. While we used to have some real researchers in the forum to talk with.

    We are not talking about variables in a formula, but hypothesis you have about two variables which are two sets of data you believe are causally related. We don't know which is the independent variable. We haven't touched inputs. To prove the hypothesized independent variable, we would need to change the "IQ of the country" and measure if there is effect on the wealth of this country as a dependent variable, or vice-versa, we would change GDP as independent variable, and measure if there is effect on the "national IQ" as dependent variable. Note it would be in both example hypothesis of independent variable before beginning the experiment, as otherwise you would beg the question.

    For your discussion about GDP, it is observational, there is no manipulation of inputs, so it is question whether there is significant association, not proof of causal relationship. You have correlation of two variables, the list of the countries by "national IQ" that was published in 2002 and the list of the GDP per capita PPP in 1998. We don't yet know which of these is independent or dependent variable, as this would be circular. You hypothesize "national IQ" is the independent variable.

    The question is whether this is consistent with the data (we can't prove anything without changing the inputs, which is difficult for social science). You said there is "r = 0.733". However, this is correlation of time slice of 1998 for GDP per capita PPP and mix of 20th century surveys for the national IQ data (which some say is faked data

    My question is whether this is only for the particular time slice (1998 against mix of the 20th century survey), or does it hindcast or backtest for different time slices?

    This is a question you said you answered because "genetics changes rapidly", or "third of world population of 18th century China can be circled as outlier", even when the source you were promoting is using a correlation giving equal weight to countries with thousand of times smaller populations than China like Fiji. This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.

    some BS you are making up, because you have no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations


    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world's population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of "no statistical expertise, don't even know the basics like correlations, outliers."

    This is like a racist stereotype of Arab culture? You begin writing silly comments using terminology you don't understand, when someone more knowledgeable or reflective tries to discuss views with you.

    I'm sure you believe ignoring third of world's population is related to the concept you learned of "outlier", because of your "statistical expertise".

    I'm sure you are not that unreflective or unable to think. Although I can see you learned some Western words without reflecting about them.


    Let's say we have data for what we describe as two variables. Proportion of fat in diet and levels of heart disease by country.

    We don't know there is independent variable, as we don't touch the inputs and we don't know the direction of causation, if there is any. This is, we can hypothesize the proportion of fat in diet is an independent variable, but we only have data of the two variables, and question is whether this is consistent with the hypothesis about the relationship (it's question of consistency, not proving of hypothesis which requires changing the inputs).

    We have data for Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and China. All look like they correlate, but not China, which you circle China as "outlier".

    The data from Fiji, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, was measured from 20 million people, while the data from China was measured for 1400 million people (in case of GDP this is actually how it works, as it measured from everyone in a country).

    Is China the outlier, or is it the majority of our observations? In this example, of course China is the majority of the observations or the data points. You can't circle it as an "outlier", as it is the majority of the observations about the relation between eating fat and heart diesease.

    If there is no correlation between eating fat and heart disease for China, then there would be no correlation in the majority of our observations.

    Also we would want to see if this correlation is only in 1998, or was it predictive for other time slices. For example, is there association between eating fat and heart disease in 1930, or 1830, to the extent there is data available.

    If we want to prove a relations, instead of just indicating something an association, we would finally change the inputs experimentally, to see if increasing or decreasing our hypothesized independent variable (eating fat) will effect the levels of heart disease.

    These are the two pertinent variables involved. Multiple studies my multiple researchers have established the significant correlation between national intelligence and alternative metrics for economic development (GDP pc, productivity, economic welfare etc.)

    I'm not sure why you think those resources were relevant to what we were discussing, whether this correlation would backtest or hindcast.

    You really think you know better than everyone else on this issue, when you have zero knowledge or training on the subject


    I don't think I know better than everyone else on this issue. But in this forum, for many years, we've discussed all of these points this many times, usually at a bit more advanced level.

    I seem to have triggered you by asking a few of my simple questions about those views, which indicates you don't know the answers and ego is involved. It's a good opportunity for you. You can think about why the theory wouldn't backtest or explain history for large part of the world.

    Replies: @Yahya, @Yahya, @John Johnson

    I have a question for our defender of the third world immigration.

    Will India eventually have their own Benjamin Franklin equivalent? When will that occur?

    Note that the US had 1 million people in the time of Ben.

    So why hasn’t Indian with their 1.5 billion people created a Benjamin Franklin? That’s 1,500 times more people and with higher education level than Americans in 1750.

  1214. Dmitry says:

    Yes asking about prediction for third of the world’s population and in that time more than third of the world economy, is indication of “no statistical expertise, don’t even know the basics like correlations, outliers.”
    You don't understand the concept of correlation, because you comically keep using mono-examples and two-country comparisons to prove your point, time after time, instead of citing regression models and statistical treatments. This is going all the way back, when you interjected into of of my posts to Ivashka, where I said genetic engineering could help Egypt develop better, with some typically condescending and sarcastic remark about "flying carpets" ( Remember that you triggered this discussion, not me, with an impolite comment no less. I was forbearing enough to put that aside and responded with a polite statement of my arguments. But you have since doubled-down on the condescension and hand-waving self-assurance, and I am fed up with it (hence my recent sharp comments).

    When will you understand that one or two counterexamples are insufficient to dismiss a hypothesis, but merely diminish the correlation? You first claimed that the "garbage border between Russia and Norway", and their diverging economic levels, were sufficient to dismiss the HBD argument (, not even knowing that these two countries had different historical breeding patterns. Then you pointed to North Korea. Then to Argentina. One mono-example after another, not once taking into account the whole worldwide sample.

    You now claim that China is a sufficient datapoint because of its population size; and demand any statistical treatment include a population adjustment. But you previously kept citing medium sized nations to prove your point, so it's clear you never had a good idea of what a statistically representative sample is. You are merely using the population factor as a convenient excuse to continue cherry-picking; disingenuously making up arguments so you can double-down on your selected outliers.

    This is especially a problem, as the GDP variable is actually composite of every citizen in the country, the number of observations in the hypothesized dependent variable is sample of the complete population.
    The economic development variable we are measuring for is per capita, not "GDP". Per capita GDP figures cancels out the population size factor, therefore no adjustments for population is needed. That's why none of the multiple research studies I cited felt the need to adjust for population; yet you presume to know better than the experts who are trained in the field.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    impolite comment no less. I was forbearing enough to put that aside and responded with a polite statement of my argument

    You seemed like you didn’t understand independent and dependent variable. So, I explain in the above comment, why you don’t have independent variable and you respond “troll”.

    Re-read my comment above. If ego is a problem, imagine it is written for someone else. Then reflect about what I explained, I’m sure there is something you can learn from even if you believe you have explanation for that.

    will you understand that one or two counterexamples are insufficient to dismiss a hypothesis, but merely diminish the correlation?

    If you want to explain history of the economic development, because there is correlation in 1998 GDP per capita of some selected countries and the list of the national IQ

    Then I ask why it wouldn’t seem to hindcast (maybe it would, but this is my impression) for a century earlier. You then write China is “outlier”, even though was third of the world or third of the observations in centuries we would want to hindcast. Again, this is third of total observations for some centuries.

    Let’s say, we have an association between what we call two variables for 1998, you said it was significant association. Then we want to explore if there is causal relationship in this association. We can’t change the inputs, as it is just observation of an association, so we can’t prove the causality. One of the ways we could argue for suggestion of causal relationship, with the direction you want, would be hindcasting.

    You would want to find association in the different historical times. But the association wouldn’t indicate direction of causation. So then, one way we could argue for causal relationship, would be try to hindcast, as this could be evidence of direction of causation (if high levels in the tests, would be predicting higher economic level subsequently).

    and demand any statistical treatment include a population adjustment. But you previously kept citing medium sized nations to prove your point, so it’s clear you never had a good idea of what a statistically representative sample is

    I was feeling you continue to add the word “statistical” to the sentence like it is a magic carpet.

    I guess I’ll explain, you have two pieces of data. You can write them as variable “national IQ”, other variable is the GDP of the different countries.

    We don’t know the relation between the two variables, if one is dependent or independent in relation to the other. GDP per capita is set of observations from total population. For example, in China it is large sample of observations, in Fiji it is a small set of observations. I explained above with the analogy of observational study of heart disease.

    “garbage border between Russia and Norway”, and their diverging economic levels, were sufficient to dismiss the HBD argument (,

    I’m pretty sure in Russia we are not covering the border with Norway with garbage for genetic reasons. Although I admit it is a funny or creative point of view to explain our problems, like we have some genes which prevent us to have a normal democracy. You can imagine the genetic explanation for antidemocratic views of AnonfromTN, Bashibuzuk and Gerard, because of too much cousin marriage in the ancient centuries. My relatively more democratic views could be result of an “outlier” family not so often marrying a cousin or something like this.

    now claim that China is a sufficient datapoint

    You seem to miss the point. I am asking why it wouldn’t hindcast. If the relationship is causal, then as necessary condition at least there would be association not only in e.g. 1998. If it wouldn’t also associate in other time-slices in history, there is a probably problem for the theory.

    economic development variable we are measuring for is per capita, not “GDP”. Per capita GDP figures cancels out the population size factor, therefore no adjustments for population is needed.

    So if you find benzene is not associated with cancer in a group of small sample with a few people, but we find benzene is associated with cancer in a thousand times larger sample. Let’s go drink some benzene.

    By the way, if you want to think in terms of sampling, the per capita is literally, just sample from total population. So the sample size depends on population of the country.

    presume to know better than the experts who are trained in the field.

    Who are the experts, I would ask them also how they are working with issues like hindcasting etc. I would also ask if World Bank, etc are asking for their forecasting.

    I think we are both at fault for not keeping it polite, or at least..

    So I will apologize for playing a role in escalating the argument into the personal territory.

    Well, thanks, and I apologize for condescending comments about magic carpets, with reference to nationality, or something negative in relation to social science, which I think is social science is an interesting. I agree we should write polite comments, like we are in 18th century French salons.

    I also appreciate you had added effort to explain this topic to me in the earlier discussion, you added a lot of references etc.

    But when I talk about the magic carpiet, I’m interested about your views of Egypt specifically, not about Russia or America etc. People know more about their country, than about other countries.

    In wider context I’m not writing condescending, as you know I’m originally from Russia, where we created a garbage border with Norway. There is no position for condescending when we are from garbage border origins.

    When I imply you are doing cargo-culting of the half-understood Western culture, well this is history of Russia. I’m from the same.

    Russian problems are a bit different than Egypt, but probably not smaller. I’m interested in discussing the question why the country is always driving from the tracks.

    You said now, Egypt’s problem because you “import too many slaves”. But I also wonder how this predicts the outcomes in the Arab world. Egypt is in better situation, including even per capita GDP than those Arab countries with populations more like European like Lebanon and Syria. For Arab GDP, the worst countries are Yemen and Syria.

    Lebanon had higher GDP for a time, but it was a kind of financial pyramid. Even without the information for a few years, in 2020 they were already below Jordan or Egypt.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    you respond “troll”.
    The "troll" was more related to your racist comments related to my ethnic background, and the passive-aggressive tone (which sadly you've continued in this comment), rather than the substance.

    But when I talk about the magic carpiet, I’m interested about your views of Egypt specifically, not about Russia or America etc. People know more about their country, than about other countries.


    That's exactly what I was doing, talking about my country, diagnosing its problem and outlining my proposed solution to Ivashka, when you interjected with your condescending comment about "flying carpets". So you write that "people know more about their country", but then you dismiss what people have to say about their native country. It's a good idea to reflect on one's own behavior before lecturing others.

    Then I ask why it wouldn’t seem to hindcast (maybe it would, but this is my impression) for a century earlier. You then write China is “outlier”, even though was third of the world or third of the observations in centuries we would want to hindcast. Again, this is third of total observations for some centuries.


    I already agreed that we should backtest the model (, but brought up some issues with genetic shifts and lack of pre-20th century data. Ultimately it is only possible to backtest to 1920, given that we have data for 20th century nations, and the population genetics has not shifted significantly much during the previous century.

    The issue I had with you is not with backtesting, but that you kept mentioning one nation - China - as the subject of the backtesting. Previously you were being selective in choosing datapoints which confirmed your position, and making two-nation comparison (such as Russia vs Norway, North Korea vs South Korea, China vs Egypt) instead of looking at the entire global sample, as every expert does when discussing the relationship between national intelligence and economic development (see R.W. Haffer, 2017; Weede and Kampf, 2002; Jones and Schneider, 2006; and Rindermann, 2008a; from the links I posted).

    This is called cherry-picking:

    Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally.[2]
    Then you gave an ad-hoc explanation of your selection of China by saying it made up "a third of world population". First, in the period we outlined for backtesting, China's population percentage fluctuated between 18%-24% of the world's population. China in 1928 had a population of 475 million, which comes to 24% ( Today the Chinese make up 18.64% of the world's population.

    No researcher I've seen has ever adjusted for population size when measuring the correlation between national intelligence and economic development (again, see the links I cited for evidence). But you, insist, quite confidently, that "you would need weigh the countries by the population size". Now why would anyone go along with the opinion of an amateur who has likely never published a research paper on the subject, over trained experts in the field?

    Even if we go along with your idea of population being the unit of measurement, do you think it's good practice to focus on 24% of the world population, and ignore the other 76%?

    I could’ve just as easily brought up India, which had a population of 238 million in 1921, and compared its performance to Germany over the past 100 years, just like you did with China and Egypt. Then i'd say "the backtest confirmed the HBD hypothesis, since German national intelligence is substantially higher than India’s, and Germany has maintained a per capita economic lead over India for all of the past century."

    That is what you did with the China-Egypt comparison ( But selectively focusing on one or two nations is still cherry-picking, unless the countries in question make up 100% of the total sample.

    Since you are the one demanding a population adjustment, then perhaps you should do the weighted regression? If you don’t know how to conduct a regression analysis, then you can cite someone who does. If you have no citation, then why demand everyone conform to your ideas about how a statistical analysis should be conducted?

    like we have some genes which prevent us to have a normal democracy. You can imagine the genetic explanation for antidemocratic views of AnonfromTN, Bashibuzuk and Gerard, because of too much cousin marriage in the ancient centuries. My relatively more democratic views could be result of an “outlier” family not so often marrying a cousin or something like this.


    Strawman. Point to where I said "genes which prevent [Russians] to have a normal democracy".

    You said now, Egypt’s problem because you “import too many slaves”. But I also wonder how this predicts the outcomes in the Arab world. Egypt is in better situation, including even per capita GDP than those Arab countries with populations more like European like Lebanon and Syria. For Arab GDP, the worst countries are Yemen and Syria.
    I wasn't referring to economic performance when I made the statement about Egypt, but about "racial quality", which is quite distinct and more of a reference to population traits, which encompasses 1) intellect, 2) phenotype, 3) toughness, 4) refinement. Read my post carefully:

    You still haven't grasped my point about "4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ depending on national circumstance (i.e. in today’s North Korea, the institutional factor predominates. In Saudi Arabia, the geographic component is most salient); but across the worldwide sample as a whole, the genetic variable is the most critical factor. This is the HBD argument."

    Note here that "most critical factor" doesn't imply it explains 100% of the variation between national economic performance, nor even of 50%+. It just means that out of all the factors, which include economic freedom (e.g. trade and property rights), geography (e.g. mineral resources and proximity to markets), politics (e.g. rule of law and peace); the human capital (e.g. cognitive ability) component will the largest explanatory power for economic development (when the global sample is taken into account, not cherry-picking a few countries).

    From Heiner Rindermann's Cognitive Capitalism: Human Capital and the Wellbeing of Nations:

    It is possible for nations with "better genetics" like Syria and Lebanon to fall back behind Egypt if there's civil war or issues related to state capacity. Here the institutional factor is predominating. But you are again tunnel-visioning on a select few nations, instead of looking at the worldwide sample. I could also make a comparison between Sudan + Somalia and Egypt; show that their economic outcomes are in-line with standard HBD assertions. Or make a comparison between England and Egypt, and again confirm the HBD hypotheses. So on and so forth. But that would be cherry-picking.

    The only rigorous method is to take the entire global sample into account.

    Btw, Syria and Lebanon were ahead of Egypt for most of the 20th century (, so your backtest would fail.

    Replies: @Dmitry

  1215. @silviosilver

    But I don’t recognize it for both Russia and not for other countries.
    But I wasn't talking about your views, I was talking about Yahya's views and correcting your mischaracterization of them as unprincipled.

    I’m enjoying this obsession about my views by you, Yahya and Bashibuzuk, but it’s not as interesting as you seem to believe.
    It's not your views I find interesting, it's your attempts to weasel out of answering the hard questions put to you that amuses me.

    As for self-interest, I’m relatively privileged, or at least my danger reduced compared to people of my generation for a few different reasons. So, I also don’t think this is a question of self-interest.
    You've got to be kidding. Your self-interest is virtually all you've been talking about. You don't for a second take into account the interests of the host society. Just read your own paragraphs subsequent to the above.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    attempts to weasel out of answering the hard questions put to

    You already lost this argument, as less than two years ago I was writing about Germany building electrocuted border fences.

    I now don’t agree with those comments and I don’t know the answer for the future. I consider my views are probably wrong, but I don’t have a correct answer.

    As for my previous comments about fences. I’m happy to revisit family in Russia, when there is insurance of the low quality of border control, so fate was adding an ironical for my old comments.

    You’ve got to be kidding. Your self-interest is virtually all you’ve been talking about. You don’t for a second take into account the interests of the host society.

    That’s not true. It’s important for me the interests of the host society, one of which is to not lecture host society how to manage their country. I’m a guest in their country.

    As for change of views to the low certainty, not being exactly self-interest, Muslim hosts in Tashkent or Dushanbe are saving a lot more young people in Russia than “patriots” of the government. I won’t be sitting in Tashkent or Dushanbe anytime soon, so it’s not directly my self-interest. But there was a potential closeness to my life, which I guess changed my perspective.

    • Replies: @silviosilver

    You already lost this argument, as less than two years ago I was writing about Germany building electrocuted border fences.
    There's no "argument" taking place here. I'm simply observing that you have been evading answering the question put to you - and done so with flimsiest of dodges. But if you want to pretend you've been engaging in open, forthright debate, well okay, whatever.
  1216. Yahya says:

    impolite comment no less. I was forbearing enough to put that aside and responded with a polite statement of my argument
    You seemed like you didn't understand independent and dependent variable. So, I explain in the above comment, why you don't have independent variable and you respond "troll".

    Re-read my comment above. If ego is a problem, imagine it is written for someone else. Then reflect about what I explained, I'm sure there is something you can learn from even if you believe you have explanation for that.

    will you understand that one or two counterexamples are insufficient to dismiss a hypothesis, but merely diminish the correlation?
    If you want to explain history of the economic development, because there is correlation in 1998 GDP per capita of some selected countries and the list of the national IQ

    Then I ask why it wouldn't seem to hindcast (maybe it would, but this is my impression) for a century earlier. You then write China is "outlier", even though was third of the world or third of the observations in centuries we would want to hindcast. Again, this is third of total observations for some centuries.

    Let's say, we have an association between what we call two variables for 1998, you said it was significant association. Then we want to explore if there is causal relationship in this association. We can't change the inputs, as it is just observation of an association, so we can't prove the causality. One of the ways we could argue for suggestion of causal relationship, with the direction you want, would be hindcasting.

    You would want to find association in the different historical times. But the association wouldn't indicate direction of causation. So then, one way we could argue for causal relationship, would be try to hindcast, as this could be evidence of direction of causation (if high levels in the tests, would be predicting higher economic level subsequently).

    and demand any statistical treatment include a population adjustment. But you previously kept citing medium sized nations to prove your point, so it’s clear you never had a good idea of what a statistically representative sample is


    I was feeling you continue to add the word "statistical" to the sentence like it is a magic carpet.

    I guess I'll explain, you have two pieces of data. You can write them as variable "national IQ", other variable is the GDP of the different countries.

    We don't know the relation between the two variables, if one is dependent or independent in relation to the other. GDP per capita is set of observations from total population. For example, in China it is large sample of observations, in Fiji it is a small set of observations. I explained above with the analogy of observational study of heart disease.

    “garbage border between Russia and Norway”, and their diverging economic levels, were sufficient to dismiss the HBD argument (,
    I'm pretty sure in Russia we are not covering the border with Norway with garbage for genetic reasons. Although I admit it is a funny or creative point of view to explain our problems, like we have some genes which prevent us to have a normal democracy. You can imagine the genetic explanation for antidemocratic views of AnonfromTN, Bashibuzuk and Gerard, because of too much cousin marriage in the ancient centuries. My relatively more democratic views could be result of an "outlier" family not so often marrying a cousin or something like this.

    now claim that China is a sufficient datapoint
    You seem to miss the point. I am asking why it wouldn't hindcast. If the relationship is causal, then as necessary condition at least there would be association not only in e.g. 1998. If it wouldn't also associate in other time-slices in history, there is a probably problem for the theory.

    economic development variable we are measuring for is per capita, not “GDP”. Per capita GDP figures cancels out the population size factor, therefore no adjustments for population is needed.


    So if you find benzene is not associated with cancer in a group of small sample with a few people, but we find benzene is associated with cancer in a thousand times larger sample. Let's go drink some benzene.

    By the way, if you want to think in terms of sampling, the per capita is literally, just sample from total population. So the sample size depends on population of the country.

    presume to know better than the experts who are trained in the field.


    Who are the experts, I would ask them also how they are working with issues like hindcasting etc. I would also ask if World Bank, etc are asking for their forecasting.

    I think we are both at fault for not keeping it polite, or at least..

    So I will apologize for playing a role in escalating the argument into the personal territory.

    Well, thanks, and I apologize for condescending comments about magic carpets, with reference to nationality, or something negative in relation to social science, which I think is social science is an interesting. I agree we should write polite comments, like we are in 18th century French salons.

    I also appreciate you had added effort to explain this topic to me in the earlier discussion, you added a lot of references etc.

    But when I talk about the magic carpiet, I'm interested about your views of Egypt specifically, not about Russia or America etc. People know more about their country, than about other countries.

    In wider context I'm not writing condescending, as you know I'm originally from Russia, where we created a garbage border with Norway. There is no position for condescending when we are from garbage border origins.

    When I imply you are doing cargo-culting of the half-understood Western culture, well this is history of Russia. I'm from the same.

    Russian problems are a bit different than Egypt, but probably not smaller. I'm interested in discussing the question why the country is always driving from the tracks.

    You said now, Egypt's problem because you "import too many slaves". But I also wonder how this predicts the outcomes in the Arab world. Egypt is in better situation, including even per capita GDP than those Arab countries with populations more like European like Lebanon and Syria. For Arab GDP, the worst countries are Yemen and Syria.

    Lebanon had higher GDP for a time, but it was a kind of financial pyramid. Even without the information for a few years, in 2020 they were already below Jordan or Egypt.

    Replies: @Yahya

    you respond “troll”.

    The “troll” was more related to your racist comments related to my ethnic background, and the passive-aggressive tone (which sadly you’ve continued in this comment), rather than the substance.

    But when I talk about the magic carpiet, I’m interested about your views of Egypt specifically, not about Russia or America etc. People know more about their country, than about other countries.

    That’s exactly what I was doing, talking about my country, diagnosing its problem and outlining my proposed solution to Ivashka, when you interjected with your condescending comment about “flying carpets”. So you write that “people know more about their country”, but then you dismiss what people have to say about their native country. It’s a good idea to reflect on one’s own behavior before lecturing others.

    Then I ask why it wouldn’t seem to hindcast (maybe it would, but this is my impression) for a century earlier. You then write China is “outlier”, even though was third of the world or third of the observations in centuries we would want to hindcast. Again, this is third of total observations for some centuries.

    I already agreed that we should backtest the model (, but brought up some issues with genetic shifts and lack of pre-20th century data. Ultimately it is only possible to backtest to 1920, given that we have data for 20th century nations, and the population genetics has not shifted significantly much during the previous century.

    The issue I had with you is not with backtesting, but that you kept mentioning one nation – China – as the subject of the backtesting. Previously you were being selective in choosing datapoints which confirmed your position, and making two-nation comparison (such as Russia vs Norway, North Korea vs South Korea, China vs Egypt) instead of looking at the entire global sample, as every expert does when discussing the relationship between national intelligence and economic development (see R.W. Haffer, 2017; Weede and Kampf, 2002; Jones and Schneider, 2006; and Rindermann, 2008a; from the links I posted).

    This is called cherry-picking:

    Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally.[2]

    Then you gave an ad-hoc explanation of your selection of China by saying it made up “a third of world population”. First, in the period we outlined for backtesting, China’s population percentage fluctuated between 18%-24% of the world’s population. China in 1928 had a population of 475 million, which comes to 24% ( Today the Chinese make up 18.64% of the world’s population.

    No researcher I’ve seen has ever adjusted for population size when measuring the correlation between national intelligence and economic development (again, see the links I cited for evidence). But you, insist, quite confidently, that “you would need weigh the countries by the population size”. Now why would anyone go along with the opinion of an amateur who has likely never published a research paper on the subject, over trained experts in the field?

    Even if we go along with your idea of population being the unit of measurement, do you think it’s good practice to focus on 24% of the world population, and ignore the other 76%?

    I could’ve just as easily brought up India, which had a population of 238 million in 1921, and compared its performance to Germany over the past 100 years, just like you did with China and Egypt. Then i’d say “the backtest confirmed the HBD hypothesis, since German national intelligence is substantially higher than India’s, and Germany has maintained a per capita economic lead over India for all of the past century.”

    That is what you did with the China-Egypt comparison ( But selectively focusing on one or two nations is still cherry-picking, unless the countries in question make up 100% of the total sample.

    Since you are the one demanding a population adjustment, then perhaps you should do the weighted regression? If you don’t know how to conduct a regression analysis, then you can cite someone who does. If you have no citation, then why demand everyone conform to your ideas about how a statistical analysis should be conducted?

    like we have some genes which prevent us to have a normal democracy. You can imagine the genetic explanation for antidemocratic views of AnonfromTN, Bashibuzuk and Gerard, because of too much cousin marriage in the ancient centuries. My relatively more democratic views could be result of an “outlier” family not so often marrying a cousin or something like this.

    Strawman. Point to where I said “genes which prevent [Russians] to have a normal democracy”.

    You said now, Egypt’s problem because you “import too many slaves”. But I also wonder how this predicts the outcomes in the Arab world. Egypt is in better situation, including even per capita GDP than those Arab countries with populations more like European like Lebanon and Syria. For Arab GDP, the worst countries are Yemen and Syria.

    I wasn’t referring to economic performance when I made the statement about Egypt, but about “racial quality”, which is quite distinct and more of a reference to population traits, which encompasses 1) intellect, 2) phenotype, 3) toughness, 4) refinement. Read my post carefully:

    You still haven’t grasped my point about “4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ depending on national circumstance (i.e. in today’s North Korea, the institutional factor predominates. In Saudi Arabia, the geographic component is most salient); but across the worldwide sample as a whole, the genetic variable is the most critical factor. This is the HBD argument.”

    Note here that “most critical factor” doesn’t imply it explains 100% of the variation between national economic performance, nor even of 50%+. It just means that out of all the factors, which include economic freedom (e.g. trade and property rights), geography (e.g. mineral resources and proximity to markets), politics (e.g. rule of law and peace); the human capital (e.g. cognitive ability) component will the largest explanatory power for economic development (when the global sample is taken into account, not cherry-picking a few countries).

    From Heiner Rindermann’s Cognitive Capitalism: Human Capital and the Wellbeing of Nations:

    It is possible for nations with “better genetics” like Syria and Lebanon to fall back behind Egypt if there’s civil war or issues related to state capacity. Here the institutional factor is predominating. But you are again tunnel-visioning on a select few nations, instead of looking at the worldwide sample. I could also make a comparison between Sudan + Somalia and Egypt; show that their economic outcomes are in-line with standard HBD assertions. Or make a comparison between England and Egypt, and again confirm the HBD hypotheses. So on and so forth. But that would be cherry-picking.

    The only rigorous method is to take the entire global sample into account.

    Btw, Syria and Lebanon were ahead of Egypt for most of the 20th century (, so your backtest would fail.

    • Replies: @Dmitry

    was more related to your racist comments related to my ethnic background, and the passive-aggressive tone
    There were no racist comments about you. People explaining concepts to you it seemed like you didn't understand are not being racist. Maybe there isn't cultural explanation for paranoia about racism and it is just idiosyncratic.

    outlining my proposed solution to Ivashka, when you interjected with your condescending comment about “flying carpets”
    I'm sure I'm responsible for interrupting the project to genetically engineer the Egyptians, probably also the reason for your carpet is not flying.)

    researcher I’ve seen has ever adjusted for population size when measuring the correlation between national intelligence and economic development


    If this was true which is difficult to believe, then the researchers follow different methodology than in normal topics, which would not be optimistic about their research.

    If you observe the populations of several small villages in Egypt to see the number of people with cancer and their exposure to asbestos, with no correlation.

    Then we repeat the observations with 10 million people in Cairo. The larger number of observations in Cairo determines if there is correlation or not, because most of the observations would be from Cairo. It's called the "number of observations" in statistics.

    If you talk about seeing if there is significant value between two random variables, we don't know the relation of these variables. One of these is GDP per capita, this is composite of larger or smaller number of observations, depending on how many people you are dividing income by. The number of observations of the person's income or GDP per capita will be the number of people in the country when we are trying to see if this is associated with the test results (which although test results in this example were in comparison not large numbers of observations, but just underpowered samples of test results).

    period we outlined for backtesting, China’s population percentage
    It would be more than a third of the world in 19th century. The idea of hindcasting, would be if you find the correlation, would be to try to then indicate causal relation forecast of future from the past. Why would you predict from past-past to past-future to argue about causality, if you find an association. Because we can't see a relation of the variables by changing the inputs. In this situation where we can't touch inputs, then we have to use more creative methods to argue. Likely you could try to argue using conditional elimination inference, using the hypothesized correlation to infer a conditional distribution, then estimate what would be the probability of the data about the past-future in relation to the conditional distribution.

    on one or two nations is still cherry-picking, unless the countries in question make up 100% of the total sample.


    Lol in concept of "cherry-picking", a very large "cherry", which would constitute a third of the size of the orchard. We need a few tractors to pick this cherry. Of course, results in a third of the observations would be likely enough observations to remove or not the significance of a correlation of the two variables in the time slice.

    grasped my point about “4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ


    While this is good you are adding more variables, you can see this is in relation to your argument. It's not just "there is a correlation of test results with GDP". You say what is measured by test result has causal relation to determine the GDP. With the end result quite extreme like a necessary condition, "Egypt needs genetic engineering to cause it to become a developed country".

    Syria and Lebanon were ahead of Egypt for most of the 20th century (, so your backtest would fail.


    You mean there would be a correlation in the 20th century (with the tests if we have this information), but not a correlation in the 21st century. You are talking about correlations existing or not in different times. The backtest or hindcast method is predicting from past-past to past-future.

    Replies: @Yahya

  1217. @Yahya

    you respond “troll”.
    The "troll" was more related to your racist comments related to my ethnic background, and the passive-aggressive tone (which sadly you've continued in this comment), rather than the substance.

    But when I talk about the magic carpiet, I’m interested about your views of Egypt specifically, not about Russia or America etc. People know more about their country, than about other countries.


    That's exactly what I was doing, talking about my country, diagnosing its problem and outlining my proposed solution to Ivashka, when you interjected with your condescending comment about "flying carpets". So you write that "people know more about their country", but then you dismiss what people have to say about their native country. It's a good idea to reflect on one's own behavior before lecturing others.

    Then I ask why it wouldn’t seem to hindcast (maybe it would, but this is my impression) for a century earlier. You then write China is “outlier”, even though was third of the world or third of the observations in centuries we would want to hindcast. Again, this is third of total observations for some centuries.


    I already agreed that we should backtest the model (, but brought up some issues with genetic shifts and lack of pre-20th century data. Ultimately it is only possible to backtest to 1920, given that we have data for 20th century nations, and the population genetics has not shifted significantly much during the previous century.

    The issue I had with you is not with backtesting, but that you kept mentioning one nation - China - as the subject of the backtesting. Previously you were being selective in choosing datapoints which confirmed your position, and making two-nation comparison (such as Russia vs Norway, North Korea vs South Korea, China vs Egypt) instead of looking at the entire global sample, as every expert does when discussing the relationship between national intelligence and economic development (see R.W. Haffer, 2017; Weede and Kampf, 2002; Jones and Schneider, 2006; and Rindermann, 2008a; from the links I posted).

    This is called cherry-picking:

    Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally.[2]
    Then you gave an ad-hoc explanation of your selection of China by saying it made up "a third of world population". First, in the period we outlined for backtesting, China's population percentage fluctuated between 18%-24% of the world's population. China in 1928 had a population of 475 million, which comes to 24% ( Today the Chinese make up 18.64% of the world's population.

    No researcher I've seen has ever adjusted for population size when measuring the correlation between national intelligence and economic development (again, see the links I cited for evidence). But you, insist, quite confidently, that "you would need weigh the countries by the population size". Now why would anyone go along with the opinion of an amateur who has likely never published a research paper on the subject, over trained experts in the field?

    Even if we go along with your idea of population being the unit of measurement, do you think it's good practice to focus on 24% of the world population, and ignore the other 76%?

    I could’ve just as easily brought up India, which had a population of 238 million in 1921, and compared its performance to Germany over the past 100 years, just like you did with China and Egypt. Then i'd say "the backtest confirmed the HBD hypothesis, since German national intelligence is substantially higher than India’s, and Germany has maintained a per capita economic lead over India for all of the past century."

    That is what you did with the China-Egypt comparison ( But selectively focusing on one or two nations is still cherry-picking, unless the countries in question make up 100% of the total sample.

    Since you are the one demanding a population adjustment, then perhaps you should do the weighted regression? If you don’t know how to conduct a regression analysis, then you can cite someone who does. If you have no citation, then why demand everyone conform to your ideas about how a statistical analysis should be conducted?

    like we have some genes which prevent us to have a normal democracy. You can imagine the genetic explanation for antidemocratic views of AnonfromTN, Bashibuzuk and Gerard, because of too much cousin marriage in the ancient centuries. My relatively more democratic views could be result of an “outlier” family not so often marrying a cousin or something like this.


    Strawman. Point to where I said "genes which prevent [Russians] to have a normal democracy".

    You said now, Egypt’s problem because you “import too many slaves”. But I also wonder how this predicts the outcomes in the Arab world. Egypt is in better situation, including even per capita GDP than those Arab countries with populations more like European like Lebanon and Syria. For Arab GDP, the worst countries are Yemen and Syria.
    I wasn't referring to economic performance when I made the statement about Egypt, but about "racial quality", which is quite distinct and more of a reference to population traits, which encompasses 1) intellect, 2) phenotype, 3) toughness, 4) refinement. Read my post carefully:

    You still haven't grasped my point about "4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ depending on national circumstance (i.e. in today’s North Korea, the institutional factor predominates. In Saudi Arabia, the geographic component is most salient); but across the worldwide sample as a whole, the genetic variable is the most critical factor. This is the HBD argument."

    Note here that "most critical factor" doesn't imply it explains 100% of the variation between national economic performance, nor even of 50%+. It just means that out of all the factors, which include economic freedom (e.g. trade and property rights), geography (e.g. mineral resources and proximity to markets), politics (e.g. rule of law and peace); the human capital (e.g. cognitive ability) component will the largest explanatory power for economic development (when the global sample is taken into account, not cherry-picking a few countries).

    From Heiner Rindermann's Cognitive Capitalism: Human Capital and the Wellbeing of Nations:

    It is possible for nations with "better genetics" like Syria and Lebanon to fall back behind Egypt if there's civil war or issues related to state capacity. Here the institutional factor is predominating. But you are again tunnel-visioning on a select few nations, instead of looking at the worldwide sample. I could also make a comparison between Sudan + Somalia and Egypt; show that their economic outcomes are in-line with standard HBD assertions. Or make a comparison between England and Egypt, and again confirm the HBD hypotheses. So on and so forth. But that would be cherry-picking.

    The only rigorous method is to take the entire global sample into account.

    Btw, Syria and Lebanon were ahead of Egypt for most of the 20th century (, so your backtest would fail.

    Replies: @Dmitry

    was more related to your racist comments related to my ethnic background, and the passive-aggressive tone

    There were no racist comments about you. People explaining concepts to you it seemed like you didn’t understand are not being racist. Maybe there isn’t cultural explanation for paranoia about racism and it is just idiosyncratic.

    outlining my proposed solution to Ivashka, when you interjected with your condescending comment about “flying carpets”

    I’m sure I’m responsible for interrupting the project to genetically engineer the Egyptians, probably also the reason for your carpet is not flying.)

    researcher I’ve seen has ever adjusted for population size when measuring the correlation between national intelligence and economic development

    If this was true which is difficult to believe, then the researchers follow different methodology than in normal topics, which would not be optimistic about their research.

    If you observe the populations of several small villages in Egypt to see the number of people with cancer and their exposure to asbestos, with no correlation.

    Then we repeat the observations with 10 million people in Cairo. The larger number of observations in Cairo determines if there is correlation or not, because most of the observations would be from Cairo. It’s called the “number of observations” in statistics.

    If you talk about seeing if there is significant value between two random variables, we don’t know the relation of these variables. One of these is GDP per capita, this is composite of larger or smaller number of observations, depending on how many people you are dividing income by. The number of observations of the person’s income or GDP per capita will be the number of people in the country when we are trying to see if this is associated with the test results (which although test results in this example were in comparison not large numbers of observations, but just underpowered samples of test results).

    period we outlined for backtesting, China’s population percentage

    It would be more than a third of the world in 19th century. The idea of hindcasting, would be if you find the correlation, would be to try to then indicate causal relation forecast of future from the past. Why would you predict from past-past to past-future to argue about causality, if you find an association. Because we can’t see a relation of the variables by changing the inputs. In this situation where we can’t touch inputs, then we have to use more creative methods to argue. Likely you could try to argue using conditional elimination inference, using the hypothesized correlation to infer a conditional distribution, then estimate what would be the probability of the data about the past-future in relation to the conditional distribution.

    on one or two nations is still cherry-picking, unless the countries in question make up 100% of the total sample.

    Lol in concept of “cherry-picking”, a very large “cherry”, which would constitute a third of the size of the orchard. We need a few tractors to pick this cherry. Of course, results in a third of the observations would be likely enough observations to remove or not the significance of a correlation of the two variables in the time slice.

    grasped my point about “4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ

    While this is good you are adding more variables, you can see this is in relation to your argument. It’s not just “there is a correlation of test results with GDP”. You say what is measured by test result has causal relation to determine the GDP. With the end result quite extreme like a necessary condition, “Egypt needs genetic engineering to cause it to become a developed country”.

    Syria and Lebanon were ahead of Egypt for most of the 20th century (, so your backtest would fail.

    You mean there would be a correlation in the 20th century (with the tests if we have this information), but not a correlation in the 21st century. You are talking about correlations existing or not in different times. The backtest or hindcast method is predicting from past-past to past-future.

    • Replies: @Yahya

    If this was true which is difficult to believe,
    Well you are free to cite a researcher who has adjusted for population.

    If you can’t, consider that you, an amateur with no training or past record of publishing research papers, might just be wrong; and the experts with training in the field are correct in their approach.

    The idea of hindcasting, would be if you find the correlation, would be to try to then indicate causal relation forecast of future from the past.
    I already told you I agreed with the need to backtest and hindcast.

    I objected to your cherry-picking approach. Even a datapoint which constitutes a third of world population is cherry-picking - there’s still another 2/3 which you have ignored. (And all the research papers I’ve read treated China as a single data point out of 194, rather than adjusting for its population size. Again, see my links for evidence. You are of course welcome to cite one which hasn’t). Further, when you say “China was poor in the 19th century”, that is a relative statement. Poor compared to whom? India? Cambodia? SS Africa? The statement needs to be tested against all countries, not just one. That is why your technique of comparing China to Egypt is still cherry-picking. Only a regression would give a definitive answer.

    There’s also the issue of backtesting to the 19th century, when population genetics would’ve been different (see Ron Unz on China’s historical breeding pattern: And we don’t even have reliable data on GDP per capita figures for 19th century China (or much of the rest of the world for that matter). Some sources (i.e. Pomeranz, The Great Divergence) say China was as developed as Europe on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Others disagree.

    But I have already touched upon many of these points.

    I think the issue is that neither I nor you have the training to conduct a proper regression analysis using the world sample. So all this arguing over the correct approach is useless since neither one of us will ultimately carry out the analysis. Your technique of cherry-picking a few nations for comparison is not rigorous. I propose therefore to stop the debate here, unless you can find a research paper which addresses the question raised.

    While this is good you are adding more variables, you can see this is in relation to your argument.
    I’m not “adding” the variables; they were already there. The paragraph I copied was from a month ago. I’m merely re-stating my position, because you don’t seem to have grasped it well, and constantly argued against the strawman of r=1 instead. Some HBDers take the maximalist stance of asserting the all-importance of genetics (i.e. r=1), but that is not either my position or the sources I referenced to you (Karlin, Griffe, Rindermann). They allow for a multi-varied explanation, while maintaining the importance of genetics as a variable. For example, this is from Rindermann’s book Cognitive Capitalism:

    And if we have found an effective determinant, how important is it in the context of other, frequently related factors? One confirmed factor will not be the single one explanatory factor for all country differences across regions and time. Stressing one factor and neglecting others may be motivated by ideology. From an epistemic view, a narrow one-factor view is insufficient:

    ‘Das Wahre ist das Ganze.’ – ‘The truth is the whole.’ (Hegel, 1999/1807, p. 19)
    Rindermann also addresses the question of causality in Chapter 2:

    But what influences what? Longitudinal studies at the level of countries can disentangle IQ-wealth correlations by distinguishing cognitive ability from wealth effects.4 So far it has been shown analysing cross-lagged effects in longitudinal studies that the impact of cognitive ability on produced wealth is slightly larger than the impact of given wealth on cognitive ability. In such studies cognitive ability was measured by student achievement in the late 1960s and early 1970s vs. 1995 to 2007 and wealth by GDP per capita in 1960s and 1970 vs. 1998 to 2000. As control variables economic freedom, democracy, rule of law or political liberty were considered. Across those six analyses the impact of cognitive ability on wealth was βCA → GDP = .27 and the impact of wealth on ability βGDP → CA = .24 (N = 17 countries, mean of six analyses in Rindermann, 2008a, 2008b, 2012). Including newer data, the effect sizes are βCA → GDP = .27 vs. βGDP → CA = .25 (N = 17, seven analyses).

    The difference in effect sizes was more accentuated using years of education as proxy for cognitive ability and having a larger country sample of 79 to 94 countries: βEd → GDP = .37 vs. βGDP → Ed = .04 (mean of five analyses from the same papers). There is a positive effect of wealth on national intelligence development as measured by tests but the cognitive human capital (CHC, ability and education averaged) effect on wealth production is larger (averaging both, ability and education studies: βCHC → GDP = .32 vs. βGDP → CHC = .14). But a negation of a positive wealth effect would be wrong.
    Based on an aggregation of longitudinal studies, he finds that cognitive ability has more effect on economic development than vice-versa. There is a range of estimates for the magnitude, but the data is consistent in showing the preponderance of the CA->GDP direction over the GDP->CA direction. I recommend reading the book for more comprehensive information.

    In fact I recommend we stop this conversation altogether, and you can just read the various sources I mentioned over the past month (Clark, Murray, Cochran, Pinker, Plomlin, Rindermann), instead of pointlessly arguing with me. There’s a whole body of serious scholarship on the question of intelligence, heritability, and its impact on economic outcomes. None of the arguments I made were mine, they were always based on the works I’ve read.

    Your attitude so far has been dismissive of anything related to IQ as mere “pseudoscience”, but I don’t feel you’ve read any of the books I mentioned (correct me if I’m wrong). I find it strange that someone would dismiss heavyweight scholars like Steven Pinker, Charles Murray, and Robert Plomlin as peddling in pseudoscience, if they have actually read their work. These people are orders of magnitude more knowledgeable than you or I; they are trained in the field, and have achieved prominence for their work; while you and I argue pointlessly on an obscure forum. That’s why I think you should just read them instead of arguing with me. And for the love of God, keep an open mind. You can’t take this dismissive “I know better than the experts” attitude when you haven’t engaged with their works, don’t really cite anyone but yourself and your ad-hoc arguments.

    I for one am giving up on convincing you; I should’ve stopped a long time ago tbh. It was clear to me (and others like Mikel) from the beginning that you were obstinately opposed to any notion that genetics may play an important role in producing different societal outcomes; perhaps because it would contradict your deeply-held worldview. But whatever the reason, the obstinate refusal is evident. I don’t think I’ll be interacting with you much anymore either; it frustrating to debate with someone who thinks his assertions are authoritative, without bothering to back them up with citations; doesn’t write proper grammatical sentences, and accuses his opponents of reading comprehension failures, when his writing is less legible than a high school student. Engages mostly in hand-waving and straw-manning instead of arguing against his interlocutor’s stated position; thinks he knows better than trained experts, even when his knowledge is deficient; and worst of all, presumes to lecture on proper conduct without following his own advice.

    Perhaps the most unpleasant conversation I’ve had so far on Unz. A shame because we got along well before, but this conversation has really reduced my opinion of you. So farewell and good luck.
  1218. @Dmitry

    attempts to weasel out of answering the hard questions put to
    You already lost this argument, as less than two years ago I was writing about Germany building electrocuted border fences.

    I now don't agree with those comments and I don't know the answer for the future. I consider my views are probably wrong, but I don't have a correct answer.

    As for my previous comments about fences. I'm happy to revisit family in Russia, when there is insurance of the low quality of border control, so fate was adding an ironical for my old comments.

    You’ve got to be kidding. Your self-interest is virtually all you’ve been talking about. You don’t for a second take into account the interests of the host society.
    That's not true. It's important for me the interests of the host society, one of which is to not lecture host society how to manage their country. I'm a guest in their country.

    As for change of views to the low certainty, not being exactly self-interest, Muslim hosts in Tashkent or Dushanbe are saving a lot more young people in Russia than "patriots" of the government. I won't be sitting in Tashkent or Dushanbe anytime soon, so it's not directly my self-interest. But there was a potential closeness to my life, which I guess changed my perspective.

    Replies: @silviosilver

    You already lost this argument, as less than two years ago I was writing about Germany building electrocuted border fences.

    There’s no “argument” taking place here. I’m simply observing that you have been evading answering the question put to you – and done so with flimsiest of dodges. But if you want to pretend you’ve been engaging in open, forthright debate, well okay, whatever.

    • Agree: Ivashka the fool, Yahya
  1219. Yahya says:

    was more related to your racist comments related to my ethnic background, and the passive-aggressive tone
    There were no racist comments about you. People explaining concepts to you it seemed like you didn't understand are not being racist. Maybe there isn't cultural explanation for paranoia about racism and it is just idiosyncratic.

    outlining my proposed solution to Ivashka, when you interjected with your condescending comment about “flying carpets”
    I'm sure I'm responsible for interrupting the project to genetically engineer the Egyptians, probably also the reason for your carpet is not flying.)

    researcher I’ve seen has ever adjusted for population size when measuring the correlation between national intelligence and economic development


    If this was true which is difficult to believe, then the researchers follow different methodology than in normal topics, which would not be optimistic about their research.

    If you observe the populations of several small villages in Egypt to see the number of people with cancer and their exposure to asbestos, with no correlation.

    Then we repeat the observations with 10 million people in Cairo. The larger number of observations in Cairo determines if there is correlation or not, because most of the observations would be from Cairo. It's called the "number of observations" in statistics.

    If you talk about seeing if there is significant value between two random variables, we don't know the relation of these variables. One of these is GDP per capita, this is composite of larger or smaller number of observations, depending on how many people you are dividing income by. The number of observations of the person's income or GDP per capita will be the number of people in the country when we are trying to see if this is associated with the test results (which although test results in this example were in comparison not large numbers of observations, but just underpowered samples of test results).

    period we outlined for backtesting, China’s population percentage
    It would be more than a third of the world in 19th century. The idea of hindcasting, would be if you find the correlation, would be to try to then indicate causal relation forecast of future from the past. Why would you predict from past-past to past-future to argue about causality, if you find an association. Because we can't see a relation of the variables by changing the inputs. In this situation where we can't touch inputs, then we have to use more creative methods to argue. Likely you could try to argue using conditional elimination inference, using the hypothesized correlation to infer a conditional distribution, then estimate what would be the probability of the data about the past-future in relation to the conditional distribution.

    on one or two nations is still cherry-picking, unless the countries in question make up 100% of the total sample.


    Lol in concept of "cherry-picking", a very large "cherry", which would constitute a third of the size of the orchard. We need a few tractors to pick this cherry. Of course, results in a third of the observations would be likely enough observations to remove or not the significance of a correlation of the two variables in the time slice.

    grasped my point about “4 key variables which determine economic outcomes: genetic, cultural, institutional, geographic. The emphasis of each variable will differ


    While this is good you are adding more variables, you can see this is in relation to your argument. It's not just "there is a correlation of test results with GDP". You say what is measured by test result has causal relation to determine the GDP. With the end result quite extreme like a necessary condition, "Egypt needs genetic engineering to cause it to become a developed country".

    Syria and Lebanon were ahead of Egypt for most of the 20th century (, so your backtest would fail.


    You mean there would be a correlation in the 20th century (with the tests if we have this information), but not a correlation in the 21st century. You are talking about correlations existing or not in different times. The backtest or hindcast method is predicting from past-past to past-future.

    Replies: @Yahya

    If this was true which is difficult to believe,

    Well you are free to cite a researcher who has adjusted for population.

    If you can’t, consider that you, an amateur with no training or past record of publishing research papers, might just be wrong; and the experts with training in the field are correct in their approach.

    The idea of hindcasting, would be if you find the correlation, would be to try to then indicate causal relation forecast of future from the past.

    I already told you I agreed with the need to backtest and hindcast.

    I objected to your cherry-picking approach. Even a datapoint which constitutes a third of world population is cherry-picking – there’s still another 2/3 which you have ignored. (And all the research papers I’ve read treated China as a single data point out of 194, rather than adjusting for its population size. Again, see my links for evidence. You are of course welcome to cite one which hasn’t). Further, when you say “China was poor in the 19th century”, that is a relative statement. Poor compared to whom? India? Cambodia? SS Africa? The statement needs to be tested against all countries, not just one. That is why your technique of comparing China to Egypt is still cherry-picking. Only a regression would give a definitive answer.

    There’s also the issue of backtesting to the 19th century, when population genetics would’ve been different (see Ron Unz on China’s historical breeding pattern: And we don’t even have reliable data on GDP per capita figures for 19th century China (or much of the rest of the world for that matter). Some sources (i.e. Pomeranz, The Great Divergence) say China was as developed as Europe on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Others disagree.

    But I have already touched upon many of these points.

    I think the issue is that neither I nor you have the training to conduct a proper regression analysis using the world sample. So all this arguing over the correct approach is useless since neither one of us will ultimately carry out the analysis. Your technique of cherry-picking a few nations for comparison is not rigorous. I propose therefore to stop the debate here, unless you can find a research paper which addresses the question raised.

    While this is good you are adding more variables, you can see this is in relation to your argument.

    I’m not “adding” the variables; they were already there. The paragraph I copied was from a month ago. I’m merely re-stating my position, because you don’t seem to have grasped it well, and constantly argued against the strawman of r=1 instead. Some HBDers take the maximalist stance of asserting the all-importance of genetics (i.e. r=1), but that is not either my position or the sources I referenced to you (Karlin, Griffe, Rindermann). They allow for a multi-varied explanation, while maintaining the importance of genetics as a variable. For example, this is from Rindermann’s book Cognitive Capitalism:

    And if we have found an effective determinant, how important is it in the context of other, frequently related factors? One confirmed factor will not be the single one explanatory factor for all country differences across regions and time. Stressing one factor and neglecting others may be motivated by ideology. From an epistemic view, a narrow one-factor view is insufficient:

    ‘Das Wahre ist das Ganze.’ – ‘The truth is the whole.’ (Hegel, 1999/1807, p. 19)

    Rindermann also addresses the question of causality in Chapter 2:

    But what influences what? Longitudinal studies at the level of countries can disentangle IQ-wealth correlations by distinguishing cognitive ability from wealth effects.4 So far it has been shown analysing cross-lagged effects in longitudinal studies that the impact of cognitive ability on produced wealth is slightly larger than the impact of given wealth on cognitive ability. In such studies cognitive ability was measured by student achievement in the late 1960s and early 1970s vs. 1995 to 2007 and wealth by GDP per capita in 1960s and 1970 vs. 1998 to 2000. As control variables economic freedom, democracy, rule of law or political liberty were considered. Across those six analyses the impact of cognitive ability on wealth was βCA → GDP = .27 and the impact of wealth on ability βGDP → CA = .24 (N = 17 countries, mean of six analyses in Rindermann, 2008a, 2008b, 2012). Including newer data, the effect sizes are βCA → GDP = .27 vs. βGDP → CA = .25 (N = 17, seven analyses).

    The difference in effect sizes was more accentuated using years of education as proxy for cognitive ability and having a larger country sample of 79 to 94 countries: βEd → GDP = .37 vs. βGDP → Ed = .04 (mean of five analyses from the same papers). There is a positive effect of wealth on national intelligence development as measured by tests but the cognitive human capital (CHC, ability and education averaged) effect on wealth production is larger (averaging both, ability and education studies: βCHC → GDP = .32 vs. βGDP → CHC = .14). But a negation of a positive wealth effect would be wrong.

    Based on an aggregation of longitudinal studies, he finds that cognitive ability has more effect on economic development than vice-versa. There is a range of estimates for the magnitude, but the data is consistent in showing the preponderance of the CA->GDP direction over the GDP->CA direction. I recommend reading the book for more comprehensive information.

    In fact I recommend we stop this conversation altogether, and you can just read the various sources I mentioned over the past month (Clark, Murray, Cochran, Pinker, Plomlin, Rindermann), instead of pointlessly arguing with me. There’s a whole body of serious scholarship on the question of intelligence, heritability, and its impact on economic outcomes. None of the arguments I made were mine, they were always based on the works I’ve read.

    Your attitude so far has been dismissive of anything related to IQ as mere “pseudoscience”, but I don’t feel you’ve read any of the books I mentioned (correct me if I’m wrong). I find it strange that someone would dismiss heavyweight scholars like Steven Pinker, Charles Murray, and Robert Plomlin as peddling in pseudoscience, if they have actually read their work. These people are orders of magnitude more knowledgeable than you or I; they are trained in the field, and have achieved prominence for their work; while you and I argue pointlessly on an obscure forum. That’s why I think you should just read them instead of arguing with me. And for the love of God, keep an open mind. You can’t take this dismissive “I know better than the experts” attitude when you haven’t engaged with their works, don’t really cite anyone but yourself and your ad-hoc arguments.

    I for one am giving up on convincing you; I should’ve stopped a long time ago tbh. It was clear to me (and others like Mikel) from the beginning that you were obstinately opposed to any notion that genetics may play an important role in producing different societal outcomes; perhaps because it would contradict your deeply-held worldview. But whatever the reason, the obstinate refusal is evident. I don’t think I’ll be interacting with you much anymore either; it frustrating to debate with someone who thinks his assertions are authoritative, without bothering to back them up with citations; doesn’t write proper grammatical sentences, and accuses his opponents of reading comprehension failures, when his writing is less legible than a high school student. Engages mostly in hand-waving and straw-manning instead of arguing against his interlocutor’s stated position; thinks he knows better than trained experts, even when his knowledge is deficient; and worst of all, presumes to lecture on proper conduct without following his own advice.

    Perhaps the most unpleasant conversation I’ve had so far on Unz. A shame because we got along well before, but this conversation has really reduced my opinion of you. So farewell and good luck.

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