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An Open Letter to the "Alt-Right" and Others
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Given the current federal government shut-down over funding of a border-wall and the continuing increase in Internet censorship and “deplatforming,” I’ve decided I might as well publish a lengthy note I’d privately circulated last year to a considerable number of individuals, many of whom were then prominently associated with the “Alt-Right” movement.

A few people had suggested at the time that I release it, but I felt I was much too preoccupied with my software work to involve myself in any resulting discussion. The heated reaction to my recent discussion of racial politics in California does indicate that these issues still deserve a wider audience.

Very little has happened in the last fifteen months that would cause me to reconsider any of my views.

A Confidential Note to Various “Alt-Right” People and Others
Dated: August 21, 2017

I’ve been very dismayed by the recent “political purge” being conducted by some of the largest Internet companies, in which numerous controversial websites of the “Alt Right” have suddenly been “disappeared,” and in which all sorts of basic Internet services such as PayPal have been terminated to many of the others on grounds of political ideology. Some of these sites might eventually come back, but I’d assume that others are gone forever.

This is a very disheartening development, and has enormous negative implications for freedom of thought on the Internet. I’m very busy with my own software work, but have already run or republished a number of highly critical articles of this purge on my website, and will certainly continue to do so in the future. I’ve also run numerous articles suggesting that the current excuse for this purge, namely the recent violence at Charlottesville, is being heavily slanted and misreported in the MSM.

There’s also a chance that some of the projects I’m currently working on might somewhat help somewhat mitigate this situation, though none of you should much count upon that for the immediate future.

However, that being said, I’d like to provide some very candid observations regarding what I think were some of the factors over the years that put all of you in this terrible predicament. Whether or not you decide to accept my conclusions is your own choice, but the sentiments I’m expressing are entirely sincere.

First, I’m sure that all of you realize that there are very powerful interests that are extremely hostile to your positions, and which are always looking for some means of shutting you down, one way or another. These groups possess enormous wealth, media power, and political connections and none of you have any of those things. Under such circumstances, I think that the “risky behavior” in which some of you have chosen to indulge has contributed to your situation.

I’d also like to emphasize that many of your opponents, whether in the commanding heights of power or in the form of “antifa”-associated radical activists, engage in all sorts of questionable and dishonest behavior as well, saying all sorts of things that are extreme or just aren’t true. But since their side almost entirely controls the distribution of information in the MSM and elsewhere, they can get away with these things while you yourselves cannot. That’s certainly not fair, but as the old saying goes “Life is Unfair.”

Now although I’m a software developer and live in the heart of Silicon Valley in Palo Alto, I’m really not part of the mainstream “tech community” and only very slightly know a few of the prominent figures in it. But I think I have a reasonably good sense of what’s going on and why they’re taking the absolutely unprecedented step of purging many of you from the Internet.

My strong impression is that most of the leading Silicon Valley people are generally pretty nice and reasonable, but are very politically unsophisticated. They’re totally focused on technology and business issues, and with a few exceptions here and there, don’t really pay any deep attention to politics or ideological matters, sub-contracting out those things to the same “mainstream” opinion-forming elites who provide that role for almost everyone else in our society. Just think of the leading Silicon Valley people as your pleasant, college-educated next door neighbors, who sporadically catch the regular news on TV, glance at the newspaper headlines, and regard that as the reality of the world.

As an example, when “everyone says” that Russia hacked our presidential election, well, then, I suppose that Russia must have hacked our presidential election. And pretty much the same applies to matters of race, ethnicity, and social policy.

Now most sensible people somewhat weigh the reality presented in the MSM against what they actually experience in their day-to-day lives, and if there’s a sharp divergence between the two, they may gradually become suspicious of the MSM, and begin turning to alternate sources of information, even including the sort of ideological views presented on your own websites. That’s obviously why your own readership has risen quite a lot over the last few years, and why Donald Trump stunned America’s elites by winning the presidency despite 99% opposition in the MSM. Maybe all the TV programs told working class whites in the Midwest or the South that things under Obama were great and Trump was horrible, but when they looked around themselves, they saw something totally different, so they decided the MSM was just lying and voted Trump.


But the problem that all of you face is that when people in Silicon Valley look around themselves, what they see reasonably matches the claims of the MSM, while if they ever visit Breitbart, let alone any of your own Alt-Right websites, you mostly come across like a bunch of total lunatics. Therefore, when the MSM recently claimed that you were all a bunch of violent, murderous madmen, they stampeded the Silicon Valley people into deciding to help shut all of you down as a public service to America.

Let’s take a few salient issues. Over the last year or two, I’d guess that 70% of the most visible and heated rhetoric coming from Donald Trump has involved ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general, and certainly that’s also been a major theme of his backers both in the Alt-Right and the Alt-Lite.

Now obviously, almost every mainstream/prominent figure in American politics and media, Democrat and Republican, has denounced these attacks in the strongest possible terms as “racist,” “bigoted,” etc. But that had no impact upon Trump’s support in e.g. West Virginia, since the people there watched FoxNews shows about Muslims conquering America and imposing Sharia law, and had become very fearful. The fact that ordinary West Virginians have almost no real life contact with Mexicans, Muslims, or immigrants left them open to such nonsense.

But Silicon Valley is a different story. One-third of the local population consists of Hispanic immigrants, mostly Mexican and a large fraction from an illegal immigrant background. There are huge numbers of other immigrants in the technology industry, and a noticeable slice of them are Muslims. Nearly all of these groups seem like perfectly fine people, very few are criminals, and virtually none are terrorists. Trump and Ann Coulter and others may talk about swarming hordes of “Mexican rapists,” but they just don’t seem to exist in real life. Rightwingers may claim that immigrant crime has been forcing affluent whites to barricade themselves inside gated communities, but Silicon Valley has no gated communities. For twenty years, Steve Jobs lived in an ordinary house sitting on an ordinary street, one which wouldn’t have seemed too out of place in the white-bread San Fernando Valley of the 1950s, and the same is true for many of the other top Silicon Valley execs.

Alt-Right people are always talking about the horrific future consequences of white Europeans becoming a minority, but they already became a minority decades ago in Silicon Valley, and these days are probably down to around 30% or so. Yet everything is perfectly fine here. Well, not perfectly fine since everyone is always complaining about traffic being terrible and housing prices ridiculously high, but these aren’t exactly the central concerns raised by the Alt-Right.

California overall is almost 40% Hispanic these days, heading towards an outright majority, and the top two leaders in the State Legislature are Hispanic, as are many of the other members. But although tearing down “racist” Civil War monuments has become the burning issue in the South and along the East Coast, there hasn’t been the slightest talk of doing anything to the various monuments or towns honoring various figures from the Mexican-American War or the annexation of California. Frankly, the whole notion would seem so ridiculous it would just be laughed out of court.

Admittedly, some of the renaming nonsense did recently spread to ultra-liberal Palo Alto. Some ultra-PC immigrant from Sweden was horrified to discover that two of the local middle schools, Terman and Jordan, were named after pro-eugenicist academics from the Stanford of a century ago, and despite opposition he stampeded the Palo Alto school board into voting to rename those schools, but although it’s ridiculous, it’s not exactly the same thing as what’s been happening with mobs attacking those those statues in New Orleans and elsewhere.

So the problem is that when people notice that many of the things your organizations are saying are absolutely 100% contrary to what they actually see in their ordinary lives, they quickly conclude that you’re just as crazy as your critics in the MSM always say you are, and they immediately dismiss all of your other claims and ideas. Perhaps that’s not entirely fair, but it’s what happens.

Meanwhile, certain other “alt-right”-type issues have very little daily resonance in Silicon Valley. For example, black behavior here is just as problematical as it is elsewhere, and blacks are responsible for a remarkably high fraction of all the serious local crime. But since there are very few blacks, it’s relatively easy for local “good-thinking” people to pretend not to notice the problem. Overall, California has by far the lowest black percentage of any large state, and for Silicon Valley, the figure is something like 3%, of which a relatively high fraction are middle-class engineers and such, while overall crime rates are too low for it to be much of an issue. Anyway, my impression was that Trump and his people were far too PC to ever talk much about black crime, instead focusing their concerns on the deadly threat of pro-Iranian terrorists and Islamic Shariah Law and all that sort of nonsense.

The bottom line is that some of the things the Alt-Right has been saying for years are generally true while other things are generally false. Your misfortune is that it is the falsehoods which have the most day-to-day presence in the lives of the Silicon Valley community, thus leading to their total dismissal of your entire message, and perhaps the blacklisting of most of your websites and organizations, thereby setting a very dangerous precedent for the future of the First Amendment in America.

At this stage, I’m really not sure that any of you can do anything, and anyway maybe the newly Neoconized Trump administration will get us all into some crazy nuclear war with Russia or China or both, rendering this whole website situation completely moot. But I thought I might as well provide you my honest appraisal of how you got into these difficulties.

Like I said, I’m very busy with my software work, so perhaps I shouldn’t have taken the time to send this note, but the overall Internet trends are so unfortunate, I decided to put together a few quick words on the matter.

Ron Unz
August 21, 2017

Related Reading:

The Hispanic Crime Series
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  1. Beautiful and touching essay Ron. We ought to be better than those Knee-jerk (((Breitbartards))) and must realize that although publications like those can blow a lot of hot smoke, they don’t really have a nuanced view of things like your webzine does (through people of a wide variety of opinions publish articles putting their take for all to see).

    Naturally, webzines like yours, with relatively intellectual people reading and commenting on it, are a much more serious threat to the powers that be. So have you considered about creating a backup of your TREMENDOUS archive?? And would it be possible to mirror it across different parts of the world lest things get, let’s say “interesting” in the US with a real crackdown on dissent?

    Regarding your other article, it did generate furious debate and of course a lot of fruitful discussion punctuated by sometimes funny, sometime crass ad-hominem attacks but such is life and people. Nonetheless, what made the conversation charged was your refusal to back down from your stand on immigration in California which is way more nuanced than can be presented in a mere comment. Which just shows how principled you are as a man, a most redeeming quality that seems to be fading out fast!

    Nonetheless please keep up the good work and may yours be a voice of reason and sanity, among the satanic insanity that seems to be have gripped the global elite. Their dark vision for the entire world is of a mongrelized monoculture of globo-homo, of barely human state approved bots parroting the politically correct state sponsored narrative. You are fighting the good fight. Whether we “win” or “lose” is secondary. What’s important is we tried and your webzine is indeed on the forefront of this effort! Kudos to you Mr. Unz!!

  2. Rational says:


    Thanks for the article, Sir. I think the people who are doing the internet censoring are not ordinary silicon valley engineers—they are the bosses at the top, such as the Saudis who own twitter, the Judaists who own FAcebook and Google, who are rabidly anti-American and anti-white.

    I am disappointed that the Republicans had control of both Houses and the White house in the last 2 years, but did not pass any law banning political censorship or political discrimination on the internet.

    I think the states should now take a lead. States should pass a law banning political discrimination by internet companies and payment processors by explicit legislation or declaring them as public utilities, etc.

    Ban a website for political speech (exc violence/porno)—1 million dollar fine per day.

    Every states in the US can pass this law.

    But even if ONE state only passes such a law, this problem will be solved, as it can acquire long arm jurisdiction over the entire company in the entire US, under the full faith and credit clause. People will flock to that state to sue Twitter, Paypal, Google, Facebook for banning them.

  3. On the other hand, the idea that all American wars are evil and wrong, that off-shoring is wrong, that reindustrialization is good, why these are true.

  4. gman says:

    I tend to agree with Peter Thiel’s characterization that politics in Silicon Valley is driven by fashion.

    In my view, Mark Zuckerberg’s support of Dreams, Black Lives Matter, Criminal Justice Reform and Marc Benioff’s threatening to pull Salesforce out of Indiana over Mike Pence’s ‘religious freedom’ bill indicate that tech leaders like socially (not economically) progressive ideas that are fashionable among elites. At some point, the tech leaders are tempted to purge to show solidarity with the fashionable views.

    • Agree: Simon in London
  5. Hail says: • Website

    At this stage, I’m really not sure that any of you can do anything

    This denouement really leaves much to be desired.

    I was expecting a punch-line, maybe a “try this one neat trick” lobbed at the reader.

    Very little has happened in the last fifteen months [i.e., Aug. 2017 to Dec. 2018] that would cause me to reconsider any of my views.


    To try to pull out some implied advice:

    when people notice that many of the things your organizations are saying are absolutely 100% contrary to what they actually see in their ordinary lives, they quickly conclude that you’re just as crazy as your critics in the MSM always say you are

    Alt-Right people are always talking about the horrific future consequences of white Europeans becoming a minority

    I don’t see the mainline Alt-Right (to coin a term) talking like this (i.e., ranting about “horrific” consequences of a less-White America). The implied advice, anyway, seems to be to avoid rhetorical excesses. Sound advice, in theory.

    certain other “alt-right”-type issues have very little daily resonance in Silicon Valley

    Dr. Greg Johnson, long himself resident in the Bay Area, is an example of an Alt-Righter who consciously makes appeals to Silicon Valley types and similar types nationwide.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  6. llloyd says: • Website

    Glad you said it. It’s the colour problem. In black communities that were or are not exposed to images of violence and rap music, violent crime is a rarity. The two together are a trigger to violent random events, usually not the slightest political. Sharia law threat to the West is a nonsense. Might even be a good thing if the Western world adopted Islam. Bill Cosby said, the best behaved black community in America were the black Moslems. Pity he wasn’t one himself.

  7. Substantially, I agree with most of what you say. The issue is what to do about it.

    More or less at random, the following thoughts come to mind.

    First, those of us who engage in thought crime of whatever form need an alternative web that is at least more difficult to shut down. As long as we’re at the mercy of mainstream censors, we’ll never get anywhere.

    Meantime, the issue is whether to appease or outrage. This always poses a quandary; I see it a lot in my own area of especial concern: Israel. Do you carefully assure everyone you agree Israel has a right to exist, dutifully decry ‘terrorism,’ avoid ever referring to ‘Jews,’ etc — and work yourself into a position of total impotence?

    Or do you rage about the disproportionate power, influence, and privilege of Jews, denounce Israel as essentially a Nazi state, argue that any measures against it are justified, and so on — and find yourself off in a corner with twelve other ‘anti-semites’, banned by all?

    This is a general problem. To take the path of moderation, and remain ‘legitimate’ at the risk if becoming innocuous — or call a spade a spade at the risk of being completely marginalized?

    Finally, which causes? Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others aren’t.

    Well, speaking for myself, they’re free to argue their case. They can knock themselves out. As far as I’m concerned, it’s like faith in Jesus, or belief in Kennedy assassination plots, or any one of a dozen such convictions I just don’t share. Have at it, though. It’s like golf. Of no interest to me, but don’t let me spoil your fun.

    The problem I see is that in plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with. Unz Review can have twelve interesting ideas that might actually gain traction with the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

    It’s like Obama birtherism, or 9/11 having all been staged, or any one of several such beliefs. It’s an immediate red flag that triggers a ‘shake your head and move on’ response from most people.

    Again, I’m not sure what to do about that. There’s little point in decrying mainstream censorship if we’re just going to muzzle ourselves. On the other hand…

    Well, that’s about it for now. Unz’s points are thought-provoking.

  8. Math is a universal language and the personality of those who are good at it is, in the great ocean of human variation, a near-uniform personality. In Silicon Valley, it doesn’t matter if only 1 in 1,000 blacks can program, it only matters that many of those who can, live there. But if Silicon Valley people are this easily deluded about how the other 99.9% of humanity works, their power needs to be vastly reduced. Hence the movement to break up Big Tech.

    • Replies: @Dave Bowman
    , @anon
  9. yurivku says:

    At this stage, I’m really not sure that any of you can do anything, and anyway maybe the newly Neoconized Trump administration will get us all into some crazy nuclear war with Russia or China or both, rendering this whole website situation completely moot

    Looking to all that from the Russian side I think yes, Trump administration will get us there and there is nobody but Americans can do spmething about it.
    But they won’t – too buzy with alt-rights and LGBT issues, poor things.

  10. CalDre says:

    there hasn’t been the slightest talk of doing anything to the various monuments or towns honoring various figures from the Mexican-American War or the annexation of California

    You seem unfamiliar with the radical La Raza groups (despite what they write on their website) and the “Reconquista” movement. Here’s a video from Costa Mesa about “Making America Mexican Again”.

    Not sure how you can be so wrong on this …..

  11. What’s the angle here Unz? What do you think are the major issues that concern people on the altright?

    Even if Latin Americans and muslims are A+ people that don’t commit more crime than average white Americans it doesn’t mean that we want or should want to be replaced by them in our communities.

    The opinion of tech titans and average tech employees is unimportant because they aren’t making the decisions. They are being bullied by the DoJ, ADL, and the press into censoring inconvenient opinions, not because they are untrue but because they interfere with the agenda.

    • Agree: Kemidov, Hail
  12. Anon[158] • Disclaimer says:

    Some on the Alt Right do raise alarm about Brown Violence, but ‘Latino’ crime isn’t their main worry. They believe that, even if all browns are good people, the demographic transformation will profoundly alter the national character of America. Also, even if most browns are rather nice and make okay neighbors, they supply votes for the globalist elites who, ensconced in power, wage more wars abroad, promote cultural decadence as the New Normal, and push economic policies that concentrate more power at the top. The effect of immigration in CA has been a one-party dictatorship with the biggest socio-economic inequalities and PC lunacy, especially when it comes to issues of ‘gender’.

    After all, Alt Right doesn’t believe Asians are criminals or terrorists but opposes Asian immigration too because, again, Too Many Asians alter the national character of America. Also, given that Asians tend to be servile to the Existing Power and obsessed with status, they are likely to become the managerial class for globalism, like Francis Fukuyama, Amy Chua, Nikki Haley, John Yoo, Sarah Jeong, etc. The result will be Jewish globalists lording over Asian upper-middle class as commissars over the white masses.

    Trump’s alarmist rhetoric about Mexican criminals and Muslim terrorists actually appealed more to Normie Conservatives. But then, Trump didn’t start this rhetoric. Hollywood has been making lots of movies featuring Muslims as terrorists. The SICARIO sequel begins with Muslims crossing the US-Mexican border and blowing up US shopping malls. In the 90s, the movie villains were usually South African ‘racists’ or Muslim Terrorists. And who can forget RULES OF ENGAGEMENT that is downright genocidal in its message toward Muslims over there. KILL THEM ALL. Even before 9/11, many white working class kids grew up watching Hollywood movies with evil Muslim villains. So, when they entered the military, they were more than happy to go over there and kill them ‘savages’.
    While some in the Alt Right like to pass around the Muslim Terrorist and Mexican Gang meme, this is much more the feature of Alt Light and God-and-Country Conservatism. The anti-Muslim stuff is actually a way to gain sympathy from Jews(and homos), i.e. Jews and homos(and even feminists) should side with the Right because Liberals don’t care about Muslims who want to wipe Israel off the map, enslave women, and throw homos from roofs. Alt Right cares far less about this line of argument because it cares far less about forging alliance with Jews, homos, and feminists. Alt Right’s position on Israel is ‘none of our business’. Some in the Alt Right cheer for Palestinians just to ‘return the favor’. Also, Alt Right believes that Jewish power and influence in US and EU are so baleful that alliance is near-impossible. And Alt Right thinks feminism is terrible and rejects the homo agenda. It is the Alt Light and ‘cuck’ Right that go for the “Liberals are the true anti-Semites, Homophobes, and misogynists because they don’t condemn Muslims” polemic.


    Also, even though Alt Rightists are aware of Muslim Terrorism(esp in Europe), most trace the problem between the West and Muslim World to Western invasion of Middle East & North AFrica(that angered and radicalized Muslims) and immigration policy controlled by Jews and globalists(that let in millions of Muslims into the West). So, while the Alt Light and Normie Cons tend to blame Muslims, Alt Right is more likely to blame the People behind the Invade/Invite Strategy that turned the Middle East and North Africa upside down and then ‘welcomed’ all the refugees and other riff-raff(pretending to be ‘refugees’) into the West. While Alt Right has its share of bozos and morons, its overall understanding of foreign policy tends to be more sophisticated than that of the Alt Light and Normie Conservatives who are stuck in ‘Liberals are the real racist’ mentality. Alt Right’s view of foreign affairs is probably closer to that of the Saker or Paul Craig Roberts even though neither is part of Alt Right.

    In Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson, we do see some Alt Right influence on their views of foreign policy… though, to be sure, one could trace their change of views to Paleo-Conservatism as well(of Pat Buchanan and Paul Gottfried) or Libertarianism(of Ron Paul). Both Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter waved the red, white, and blue during the Iraq War. Coulter’s warmongering fever was so out-of-control and hyperbolic — turn them ‘muzzies’ into Christians — that National Review let her go. It was the hope during the Bush II years that, if the American ‘Right’ does something spectacular in the Middle East and remakes the whole region into an oasis in which Israel will especially be safe, the American Jewish power will move over to the GOP. Never let a crisis go to waste, and 9/11 offered an opportunity for GOP Wasps(fast losing power) to make a move to recruit Jewish Power by doing the bidding of Neocons as middlemen power-brokers between GOP wasps and the larger Jewish Community. The idea seemed so tantalizing that even NYT and Liberal Zionist Media came to support the Iraq War based on WMD hoax. (The massive protests against the war probably had more to do with the trepidation that it might indeed be a great success and lend credibility to the GOP-Neocon Right.) But the whole thing blew up spectacularly, and Bush II ended his presidency as one of the worst presidents ever. The economy also collapsed. Still, the fact is the GOP and people like Coulter had tried so very hard to do whatever to win over the Jews. But most Jews went for Obama. Worse, feeling that the GOP as the white party was dead forever, Jewish Liberals(and even Neocons) began to show their true face and spew anti-white vitriol not unlike Tim Wise. The OBAMA CONQUEST Newsweek cover said it all.

    While ‘cuck’-servatives remained timid and servile, figures like Ann Coulter just about had enough. Even though she has always known that most Jews were on the ‘left’, she had no idea how much the great majority of the Jewish community really hated, hated, and hated the white goy majority. The anti-white rhetoric became ever more strident and boastful with sadistic glee at the prospect of White America’s demise. Jews, who’d been demanding that whites respect Jewish identity and support Israel, were gloating not only about the fall of White America but, incredibly, even the Islamo-Africanization of Europe, the ancient homeland of Europeans.

    Though neither Coulter or Carlson is Alt Right, their main concern was demography, not crime or terrorism. Sure, because it’s deemed ‘racist’ to defend the preservation of White America, people like Coulter and Carlson will tend to mention issues pertaining to social/economic costs of immigration, but their main worry is End of White America. They can’t and won’t say it(though Coulter flirts with outright racial consciousness), but it is where their views intersect with the Alt Right. Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson say it has nothing to do with color of the skin and only with values — the problem is not the race of the newcomers but the values they bring with them — , but Alt Right disagrees. Alt Right and Jared Taylor(not quite Alt Right) have an emotional or near-spiritual attachment to White/Western Civilization. Alt Right tends to see Jews as the Other, whereas Taylor wishes for Jews to be partners, but for them, Western Civilization isn’t merely about moral values and monetary value but about genetics and aesthetics: Western culture is an expression of European blood in both spirit and form. So, Western music is an expression of the white soul, and Western art depict the unique beauty of the white race. It’s not just about what’s in the head but what’s in the heart, face, body. This is why Faith Goldy opposes Asian immigration in Canada. Most Asians are not criminals. Many study and work hard and contribute to the Canadian economy. And because most Asians(especially from East Asia) tend to be bland and servile, they readily soak up the latest PC fashions in ‘Western Values’. They assimilate all-too-well to current fads and fashions of the West. But, they are still racially different, and too many of them will permanently alter the European character of Canada.

    Now, some white people don’t care about such things. They either see all peoples as just individuals/economic units OR believe that whites are so uniquely guilty of historical ‘sins’ that their nations deserved to be taken over by non-whites. (As for white elites, they figure their vaunted positions are secure and that newcomers will mainly serve them. Their main identity is ‘elite’ or ‘privilege’, not white. And, their idea of fighting ‘white privilege’ is not surrendering their own privilege but beating up on un-privileged whites as ‘racist’ for not being properly welcoming of mass-immigration to replace the white population and loyally serve the ‘progressive’ white elites.) Anyway, while one can argue with Alt Right ideas, one cannot argue with Alt Right passions. Ideas exist in the mind, passion exists in the heart. It’s like reason is a mind-thing, whereas religion is a faith-thing. Even though Alt Right is essentially a secular movement, it has ‘faith’ and soulful passion for European identity. It’s the same with Zionists, even secular ones. They can argue and debate about ideas and values, but the notion of Israel as a Jewish state is ‘sacred’ to them, a historical covenant. It’s a matter of the heart. It is non-negotiable. It is like a mother to them. Not for debate, not for sale, not for compromise. Israel MUST be a Jewish State to them.

    Now, in some ways, the debacle at Charlottesville wasn’t really unique. There was extreme violence in Berkeley(or was it UCLA?) when Milo was scheduled to speak. The violence was comparable to what happened in Charlottesville. And it took heavy police presence to allow Ben Shapiro — an ardent Zionist enemy of Alt Right — to speak at one of his college events. Even Charles Murray was attacked by a college mob.
    If Charlottesville got more attention, it was because the Alt Right guys were bolder and cockier. Gentlemen like Charles Murray seemed confused and flustered like Mr. MaGoo. Milo’s speech was scrapped. Ann Coulter also canceled her speech soon thereafter. And many college professors self-censor themselves out of fear of the NPC mob. Steven Salaita was fired from U of I for expressing rage about Israel’s attack on Gaza. Norman Finkelstein’s career at Depaul was derailed by Dershowitz and gang. And recently, a Palestinian-American female teacher was fired because she wouldn’t sign an anti-BDS pledge. Now, a worthless idiot like George Hawley, the so-called scholar of the Alt Right, will say all sorts of nasty things about ‘white supremacism’ and ‘racism’ but will not say ANYTHING about Jewish power and its abuses or how homo supremacist activists have destroyed lives and careers all across America. So, what happened to Alt Right guys at Charlottesville was part of a pattern, except that the hammer came down much harder because Alt Right didn’t back down as it burst on the scene. So, the only way to deal with the movement was to smash it like God destroyed the Tower of Babel. Especially because Populist Trump was seen as the bold unapologetic candidate who rode to victory on the Alt Right magic carpet, the Power decided to use Charlottesville as an opportunity to wipe the Alt Right off the political map. So, the Constitutional Rights of free assembly and free speech were denied by the powers-that-be in full collusion with the corrupt media.

    That said, the Unite the Right was a moral disaster as well. Spencer, filled with vanity as edge-lord 007 enfant-terrible hero, allied with some really loathsome characters. Many of us didn’t know then, but we know now. Chris Cantwell the Cantaloupe-Head is a deranged 14/88 clown. And Fat Matt Heimbach turned out to be not only a neo-nazi idiot but a perfect Jerry-Springer-show guest: “I fuc*ed my father-in-law’s wife.” The fact that Spencer allied with such idiots meant his brand of Alt Right, which got the most media attention, was scraping the bottom of the barrel than patiently building a new political and intellectual base. Ramzpaul saw the writing on the wall earlier at Hail-Gate(or Heil-Gate) when Spencer foolishly emboldened some of his minions to give the Hitler Salute. It’s likely that Spencer didn’t foresee the reaction, but it was an embarrassing moment for not only people like Ramzpaul and Jared Taylor but for Donald Trump and Steven Bannon. Being edgy is one thing, Nazi crap is another. The whole point of the Alt Right was to find a new path away from both Neoconservatism and KKK craziness, but Spencer the edge-lord, eager for bad boy notoriety, just couldn’t help himself. Not long after ‘Heil-Gate’, he was speaking seriously with Andrew Anglin. And it now seems his group was operating more in the manner of ANIMAL HOUSE or STRIPES than TAPS. (The misguided boys in TAPS fail, but they did put up a serious resistance.)

    That said, despite the unsavory character of some of the scheduled speakers at the Unite the Right rally, the fact is the fiasco was almost entirely due to the Jewish mayor and black police chief who shut down the event and pushed the UTR attendees into a gang of Antifa goons who were let alone to tear the city apart. So, if Spencer and others had really been smart, they would have done everything to shape the narrative. With cheap video technology, they could have made their own documentary on the subject. But all that opportunity was lost. As the story of Jesus shows, even defeat can be spun into victory. It all depends on who does the storytelling. Kubrick was half-wrong about SCHINDLER’S LIST when he said Holocaust was about failure whereas Spielberg’s movie is about success. True, the Holocaust was a tragic failure for Jews who were killed, but the Holocaust Narrative was a success that ‘sacralized’ Jewish victims while burdening Germans(and other Northern European racial cousins of Germans) with the Burden of Guilt forever. In the end, the story of the event matters more than the event itself.
    But for the most part, Spencer and others did little to shape the post-Charlottesville narrative. ONLY NOW, Spencer the fool is trying to run with the Charlottesville-as-moral-victory narrative. After Charlottesville, most Alt Right people were not deplatformed. It was Daily Stormer and few other sites. Spencer and his cohorts had many months to come up with their own narrative and hammer it home over and over. But they dropped the ball and focused on other matters.

    This is all too bad because if the Alt Right had remained more in the mode of Ramzpaul and Jared Taylor, it could have done so much more. After all, Ramzpaul(who has one foot in edgy politics and the other in Normie culture) and Ann Coulter/Tucker Carlson came to more-or-less same conclusion on the JQ though Coulter and Carlson can’t spell it out. Coulter feels betrayed not only by the Jewish community but by Neocons whom she had loyally served for so many yrs. She feels abused, like a sex slave. She feels that her kind did everything to wave the Israeli flag, vilify the enemies of Israel, and love Jews. Like John McCain, she growled at whatever Jews hated. But in recent yrs, she has stopped barking at Iran, Russia, Syria, Palestinians, and etc.
    Despite all that Coulter & co. had done over the years for Zionism and Jewish Prestige, what did Jewish Power finally give to America? Obama, Homo agenda, and endless push for Diversity to replace whites. Worse, it wasn’t just New York Times and CNN but Neocons and National Review as well. Even Neo-‘conservatives’ blasted Trump and called for white replacement. Coulter came to see Neocons as weasels and came to see most of GOP as spineless ‘paycheck conservatives’ who only do the bidding of oligarchs: Paul Ryan and etc. And that is why she was so invested in Trump, the only candidate who denounced foreign wars, the need for walls, and immigration reform. And he was the only GOP candidate who openly supported European nationalists and bemoaned Merkel’s decision to open the gates.

    So, there was a chance of greater convergence between some in the Conservatism Inc. and the Alt Right. But Spencer, too full of himself, decided to play politics like Mission Impossible. If he really wanted to be bold, he should have written a book on political philosophy than hold quasi-Nazi tiki-torch marches and make common cause with a psychopath like Cantwell and moron like Heimbach. As for guys like Mike Enoch, they have value as ‘shitlords’ targeting PC shibboleths on podcasts; they have no value as leaders. It’s like Howard Stern and Steve Dahl can make it as shockjocks but can’t be taken seriously as anything else. But somehow, Enoch took leadership position. Nazi larping can be ironic in a podcast, not in the streets when crowds gather in earnest to make a political statement. Give a nazi salute in that context, and it’s a political expression, not a joke or prank.

    As for people in Silicon Valley or other super-rich cities, they may not live in Gated Communities, but it’s safe to say that much of the area is like an Extensive Gated Community or Gated City(or Golden Gated City). The houses are not gated like rich homes in South Africa or Venezuela, but there are social and class barriers demarcating the super rich from the very rich from the rich from the middle and the rest. It’s like there is no gate around Hyde Park community in Chicago, but it is among the safest because most professors and students are white or Asian and also because there is super-heavy police presence to suppress black crime. Also, home prices make it impossible for most blacks to live within the community.
    Still, because there are no actual walls or gates to protect the rich from the hordes, it’s true enough that many affluent people may feel that all-is-well in America. Since they are ‘good’ and ‘intelligent’ people who’ve made it, everyone else who didn’t make it must be lazy or stupid. And yet, there is a contradiction in their attitude because, while they dismiss the problems of the white working class and underclass as products of their own failing, they employ PC rhetoric to gush about all those poor immigrants who must be given a chance. But if white losers have no one to blame but themselves, then aren’t non-white losers around the world also responsible for their own problems? Aren’t the brown losers in Mexico and Guatemala merely the ‘Latino’ counterparts of white losers in the US? Apparently not according to elite PC attitudes. While white working class and middle class(continually sinking) that voted for Trump are reviled and ridiculed as ‘populist losers’, the endless hordes of browns who want to break into America are romanticized as ‘dreamers’. Rich whites look down on whites who have less but idealize browns who have less. Instead of trying to boost the livelihoods of whites who have less, they focus on ‘saving’ the browns who want to start anew in America. Now, many rich whites didn’t feel this way in the past, so maybe it has something to do with who controls the media/academia. Or, maybe it’s just the sense among the rich that the poor immigrants are motivated to work harder(more compliant, less complaint) than working class whites who are now either too demanding or even downright degenerate. (The utter vulgarization of the white middle class and working class culture cheapened their moral capital. Tom Joad vs Jim Goad. One is a noble character, a champion of the meek and down-and-out, the other is a real-life punk personality who’s wallowed in depravity all his life. When the image of the working-class becomes Jerry-Springered and Jim-Goaded, it loses moral capital. Jim Goad is an interesting writer and a courageous enemy against PC, but what is he FOR? Freedom to do what? To act and talk like utter shit. Not that the elite image has been so great either, what with their mindless worship of anything homo and tranny. And given the vulgarization of Jewish Culture — Harvey Weinstein and Amy Schumer — , American Image has become sick and demented from top to bottom. And one of the problems of Trump is that he makes an odd hero of the people given his rather sordid life story of never-ending self-indulgence.)

    But then, there was also a contradiction within the Alt Right of Richard Spencer(who pretty much came to own the label after ‘Heil-Gate’). He grabbed it as MY TOY! Given the class split between white elites and white middle class/working class, the most natural priority for the Alt Right would have been to reach out to whites who feel stranded without leadership. This would have called for patient grass-roots activism. But Spencer, a spoiled boy of privilege, has a knee-jerk revulsion of the hoi polloi. His idea of white power is all about white elitism. He is fixated on personal power. His supremacism is more of the Anglo-Imperialist brand of Rudyard Kipling — White Man’s Destiny and Burden — than that of Nazis, but his head is so up in the clouds with dreams of power and glory that he is bored by real problems of the white masses who feel left out. They didn’t read Nietzsche and don’t understand the true philosophy of 007.
    Indeed, Spencer’s real problem with the current elites is not their hyper-elitism or super-privilege per se but that they are not his kind of people. Similarly, his problem with globalist neo-imperialism is not that it is globalist or imperialist but that it is controlled by Jews. His dream is not to end imperialism in favor of nationalism but to practice an even grander imperialism ruled by Anglos as the Faustian Race or something. Because Spencer’s mindset and outlook are so narcissistic and stuck-up, he’s been incapable of shaping the Alt Right into a movement that could actually mean something to masses of whites who feel like a body without a head. So, the burden of Alt Right grassroots fell to someone like Matt Heimbach the dummy whose idea of mass politics is swilling endless cases of beer, wearing a Nazi helmet, and bumbling around with his bubble-butt.

    If the problem of Paleo-Conservatism was it was filled with too many old people, the problem of Alt Right has been its youth. Youth is full of energy and optimism, but it’s also rash and impulsive. So, just like 60s Yippies and Black Panthers wasted their political capital on stupid shit, so did the members of the Alt Right. In a way, the failures of both the New Left and New Right were similar in kind. The New Left, liberated from the ‘stalinism’ of the Old Left, turned to sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. It burned out. (The members of the Left that did gain power tended to be humorless in their long march through the institutions. But did they really win? By the time they were in positions of power, communism/socialism had failed, Democratic Party had gone over to the ultra-rich oligarchs, and military-industrial-complex was stronger than ever. So, all they could do was compromise with the ultra-capitalists and settle for the Homo Agenda. It was just ‘subversive’ enough for radical vanity and sufficiently useful to the Rich Class that had no more use for politics of class struggle.)
    The new movement of the Alt Right, liberated from the organizational strictures of Conservatism Inc or grim humorlessness of White Nationalism 1.0, rushed into action like kids into summer break on the last day of school. It had energy but no organization, discipline, or hierarchy. Just like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Bill Ayers, and rest of them were not exactly Lenin, Trotsky, or Stalin, the leaders of the Alt Right weren’t exactly the Founding Fathers or even the National Socialists(who were pathological but had remarkable strategic sense). And Spencer, a spoiled rich kid who was showered with affection and all-the-toys from childhood, had this magical Harry-Potter mentality that wishes would turn into reality with the power of his Faustian will.

    • Agree: Kemidov
    • Replies: @joe webb
    , @ben tillman
  13. anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    First Let me thank you, your work is very effective and designed to increase its effectiveness over time. That you are a liberal and a jew and a 1% etc makes it all the more remarkable because you are in fact helping reactionaries conservatives nazis ethnats etc. Granted many of us were also once 1% liberalish cuckservtivish so theres that. You seem to have the same sort of soft spot for hispanics that i have for jews. Growing up in NYC one learns youre right hispanics are not nearly as dangerous as blacks, and even when they are they are not very big or smart, and yes they have a sort of charm. In a place like NYC you get to know all the races of the world and each has a charm and its downsides, in fact you get your own race reflected back at you in a place like NYC which gives one a certain humility. Wolf wasnt the first or last to portray the Irish in a way we recognixed.

    But regarding hispanics and jews i think we both miss a point.In the case of jews for instance i had to struggle against this red pilling on the JQ as we say,I like jews Im from an arty intellectual NYC family half of our friends are jews sure I grew up in the 60s listening to jews brag at cocktail parties about how they had been in on the early days of western deconstruction, i watched the front lines of the 60 mostly jewish radicals really start to burn down the west and i observed their mostly jewish directed march through the smouldering ruins of our institutions in the 80s and 90s. I was one of those oddball kids that though a long haired rebel in many ways i became a conservative in my teens. So while i certainly understood how deeply the jews were responsible for the march of leftism i never really held it against them, in fact like my whole generation I really had a very difficult time holding anything against a race no matter what they did, we sought explanations, blacks were destroyed by welfare and early southern racism, jews were only being defensive because hitler. The main thing was there was a sense we could afford this sort of bad behavior, after all NYC was one of the only places that had “other ” people. No one really realized what the 64 immigration bill was really doing, city people assumed it was just more of the stuff that had happened since the 1700s and the suburban and rural areas were isolated pre internet so they each thought of themselves as an anomaly the flooding continued for decades before the internet allowed us to compare notes and realize we had bee transformed without our consent.


    It doesnt really matter how jews came to own half the wealth and power with only 2% of the population, its simply unacceptable that they have it, its unacceptable that jews are now running the west to a large extent. The west is the europeans land and should be run for the preservation of our own culture and for the betterment of our own people. the problematic jews are actually about half “white” and since white is a range its fair to say jews are probably as white as say greeks and bulgarians compare to icelandic. so the problem isnt actually genetic particularly since theres so few.Culturally contra my ethnat friends theres some truth to this judeo christian cultural meme, jews have lived among europeans on nd off so long they do share a culture have contributed to and absorbed from us, so culturally we could say jews are half european.And yet its still such a problem for a couple thousand years neither of us can stop worrying about it and although i couldnt be redpilled on the jq by all the reactionaries and ethnats the process of trying to refute them led me to a dozen or two jews like yourself who ended up making me realize the jq is a real problem, of course this is exacerbated by the fact that my own peoples lands are in their death throes and its because of what jews have done whatever the reason.

    One of those things is the hispanic invasion youre so comfortable with.Im not convinced they are quite so non violent as you ionsist having had dozens of attacks by hispanics in NYC before i hit puberty and began to tower over them, and because i only need to look at the murder capitals of the world to note many are hispanic.But its true they are still somewhat manageable,they are a docile people, but like the jews thats all besides the point its simply not acceptable that western land particularly the western land that rules all the world should become a banana democracy. It not simply that as richwine has shown five generations later they are still mostly on the dole, that their average IQ is woefully inadequate for the world we are creating, that their crime rate is in fact much higher than whites. Its back to the fact that our nations are supposed to be for us and we have no where else to go and so will go the way of the wooly mammoth if they are not preserved. you want to compare white trash crime rates to hispanics, but what if the resources the jews have poured into non whites over the past 75 years had instead been poured into the left side of the white distribution and non whites kept out as the white liberals intended before being jewed? what if white wages were allowed to rise instead of massive third world the 60s good whites were doing marvels with the left half of the whites then jews redirected leftists to nonwhites and imported hundreds of millions ore and the results are abysmal, worse this has destroyed the progress on the poor whites.

    Of course like obama care the plan by jews was to do this because it cant be undone except by means too terrible to contemplate. Unfortunately I think this house of cards will come down anyway. It simply cant continue its predicated on massive debt expanding forever while greater and greater percentage of elite rulers become non whites and whites become increasingly demonized while expected to pay for it all, whites may not survive the century but neither will the west, and as goes the west so goes the human race.

    There is I think one way out, jews must become white. they must immediately put all the effort they have put into deconstructing the european project into building white ethno states and in the process erase themselves as culturally and genetically distinct they must help the nazis for lack of a better word they must encourage all white ethnicities to become chauvinist ans to transition peacefully to ethno states while engineering ways to erase jews from being able to identify themselves by methods such as in vitro fertilization, name changes, legal prohibitions of jews from certain occupations encouraging dilution of jewish genetics in euro nations, and the de jewification of our culture, by which we mean this constant culture of criticism and degenerate art, also christianity must go its a cuck religion

    its not that hispanics wouldn’t have been ok in very small numbers its that we have a situation where whites are losing our homelands and we can not survive without them, perhaps jews can survive always in exile whites are not jews we can not we need a nation to preserve a culture and a culture to preserve our people. If jews do not use their power to unwind their deconstruction project then theres going to be collapse and war and the hispanics will flee and the blacks will insist on being killed and jews will be scapegoated when we try and figure out why this terrible collapse and war happened and frankly they will deserve it because while cucks need hanging and good white liberals were misguided without the jews mischief it would never have gotten morbid

    • Replies: @Miro23
  14. My feeling is that while there are lots of elites who are actually hostile to Whites and proles, most are naïve and well meaning. As Ron points out, for a lot of these people, their own contact with Africans, Asians, Hispanics and Moslems is with educated and sophisticated people who bring exotic food and culture.

    What they don’t see, and can’t possibly imagine because they don’t feel it themselves, is that often even among this elite is a lot of rage and envy directed at Whites and western culture. I travel among the same circle of people and under the veneer of civility lies an intense hostility and sense of rivalry towards dominant and/or competing groups.

    And what everyone else is stuck with is not the educated elite but the lower class of that foreign group. It’s one thing to have a few nice Indian restaurants in town, quite another to have an entirely (formerly White) Bangladeshi neighbourhood filled with ignorant, hyper religious idiots who see the host nation, and its people, as something to be exploited and shat upon.

    • Replies: @Anon
  15. Alt-Right people are always talking about the horrific future consequences of white Europeans becoming a minority, but they already became a minority decades ago in Silicon Valley, and these days are probably down to around 30% or so. Yet everything is perfectly fine here

    Would you go further and argue that the entire United States would be ‘perfectly fine’ with whites at 30 per cent, bearing in mind that most of the remaining 70 per cent would hail from Third World countries which fall some way short of ‘perfectly fine’?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  16. guitarzan says:

    So these Siliconites are just useful idiots? Useful for sure, but they can’t all be brainwashed idiots, and know exactly what they are doing as they trample on free speech. I’d posit any blind spots they may have are more related to their paychecks than any thoughtful analysis of their actions.

  17. I’ve lived in Palo Alto, and it is a bubble. People living in bubbles generally can’t see outside them. No longer having employment that can sustain living in the bubble, I had to retreat to far away. My perspective is considerably different, although not alt-right. The difference is that the folks in the bubble have enormous political influence due to the control of communications technology and their vast wealth, as well as considerable hubris about their right to control discourse. There’s a sense among them that an enlightened oligarchy of meritocracy sanctioned by the success of wealth is superior to a populist rabble, that is, democracy. Or if there is a belief in democracy, it is that their own enclave, like the wider American belief in the right to rule the globe from its own democracy, has veto rights over any wider populism of “deplorables” that doesn’t share their own consensus.

    There’s no answer to this, except to create alternatives to what these elites control. It might take some sort of antitrust activity to prevent great wealth pre-empting viable alternatives.

  18. A key thing to note, is that the ‘alt-right’ etc does not really help itself all that much by pulling punches and ‘being moderate’

    In part because the Powers That Be intentionally promote extremist crazy-sounding versions of some perspectives, to set up ‘straw men’, a technique the intel agency propagandists call ‘poisoning the well’

    For example, look at some of the internet-popular alternative websites which generate a huuge amount of revenues – Jeff Rense, David Icke, Veterans Today … all 3 websites have troves of valuable, often unique articles, revealing genuine truth about all sorts of scandals and crimes

    And on all 3 sites, these articles are right next to pieces about space aliens from other planets amongst us, shape-shifting lizards etc

    This is by design and on purpose … CIA-Google promotes such sites, specifically for this reason … Want info on Scandal X? Well at top of search is that scandal info, on a site right next to space-alien lore … so the true stuff is ‘self-discredited’

    Gordon Duff of Veterans Today – chuckling as he calls himself a ‘self-hating Jew’ – has flipped this idea in reverse, admitting in a radio interview that some 30% of what is on his site is totally not true … he says that, this is what allows him to print the true material, without being murdered, by the US gov he still claims to serve in a few capacities

    It is sometimes suggested that the reason Andrew Anglin’s ‘neon-Nazi’ Daily Stormer gets so much free media – helping it to recover to 4 million viewers a month despite all the rolling censoring shutdowns – is precisely because of its role as being an ‘extreme’ version of alt-right themes, a perpetual ‘straw man’ … Ironically, Anglin’s main partner, site IT whiz Andrew Auernheimer aka Weev, was said by his mom to be Jewish, tho Weev says this is ‘Elizabeth Warren tier’

    Jewish Harvard Law prof & internet deception maven Cass Sunstein, openly advocates CIA-run web-trolling, in partnership with CIA-Google controlling internet search … and also the CIA’s Wikipedia, run by ex-pornographer and personal friend of Israeli Presidents, Jimmy Wales … Google and Wiki work to see to it that ‘reasonable’ websites are kept in the shade if not toe-ing the party line

    Ron Unz is to be congratulated for getting Unz to where it is today … but the Powers That Be do recognise that getting the rebel intellectuals corralled, and being able to read and share a little, is useful for the moment

    • Replies: @Fidelios Automata
    , @JLK
  19. Do a shot of tequila every time Unz says “I’m quite busy with my software work, and really didn’t have time to write this” and you’ll be over the legal limit in no time.

    • Agree: utu, Thomm
    • Disagree: Wizard of Oz
    • LOL: iffen
    • Replies: @SunBakedSuburb
    , @Thomm
  20. @Jack Highlands

    But if Silicon Valley people are this easily deluded about how the other 99.9% of humanity works, their power needs to be vastly reduced


  21. Did the Historic Native Born White American Working Class Majority consent to being murdered by Hindu “American” Sundar Pinchai?

  22. I reject the Euthanasia option…..resistance is not futile…I won’t be the Hindu “American’s” bitch…

    • Agree: MBlanc46
    • Replies: @Reuben Kaspate
    , @Anonymous
  23. Miro23 says:

    The issue is what to do about it.

    It’s a really difficult question, but probably any positive change is going to start locally, and deal with individuals. When US society starts to sort itself out (organize itself at county level?) it can embark on creating ground-up political systems that serve the public rather than the plutocracy.

    It’s still a complicated procedure. In the military, when dealing with hopeless disintegrating units, at least they have a chain of command and a mission. An effective leader can impose discipline, starting with a few basic things like “wear your helmet”, “clean and carry your rifle at all times”, “carry your ammunition right “etc. and gradually build up from there.

    Under a democracy (especially the US variety) it’s a lot more difficult. Democracy is a one way street. When it works correctly it’s fine, but it’s open to the special interest corruption of representatives, and the fatal laziness of the public. When it fails (as the US variant more or less has) it can’t be reconstructed at the national level – since Special Interests have an entirely different mission (feed themselves), and use their MSM and the administration power to form a set of interlocking plates to protect themselves and keep out outsiders.

    The possibilities I see are 1) a local, low level political movement, as far away from Washington as possible, taking back local affairs (and taxation) i.e. a US Federation, or 2) a military coup run by US nationalists that shuts down New York, DC and Hollywood or 3) a shooting civil war or 4) a world (nuclear) war.

    1) Would clearly be preferable, but who would provide the leadership? And while they organize, can they simultaneously face off Washington? What kind of local organization would shake individual Americans out of their stupor and get them to be politically active and change their lives?

    2) Unlikely, since the top military are thoroughly vetted and integrated into the Empire. Also, should it happen, the US would receive a new and unpredictable dictatorial elite for Special Interests to get to work on.

    3) Quite possible since the US is loaded with firearms, and the armed forces would probably show split loyalties (be reluctant to destroy American cities). At the end of it, the US would lie in ruins.

    4) More likely than it appears since the US is being highly provocative towards Russia, and backing them into a corner with regard to nuclear treaties, placement of short range nuclear weapons etc. (now also starting with China). This wouldn’t take more than a few days and would be TEOWAKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) given the power of modern nuclear weapons. The US could end up a depopulated and irrelevant wasteland.

    Of course there is still the last (and most likely), “do nothing” option, whereby the US continues its slide into a Zio-Glob dictatorship of the traditional kind with a controlled population, censorship, secret police, detention camps, across the board SJW indoctrination, media propaganda and an elite Nomenklatura.

  24. mikemikev says:

    “Alt-Right people are always talking about the horrific future consequences of white Europeans becoming a minority, but they already became a minority decades ago in Silicon Valley, and these days are probably down to around 30% or so. Yet everything is perfectly fine here.”

    LMAO. This is the place where they monopolise communications and ban anyone who criticises the anti-white zeitgeist?

  25. Indeed. It is not just in Silicon Vallley that Hispanic crime is disappointingly low. I make a point of asking about race relations with Latins everywhere I go, and ask friends in other places. DC, New York, Chicago{{Berwyn and Pilsen, for example–San Antonio, Houston, on and on. Nobody reports Breitbartian problems. Black crime, yes. My impression is that most of the alarmed, to include leaders of th Alt Right, have little or no experience of Latin America or Latinos.

  26. The White Liberal Greedy Cheating Class White Liberal Oligarchs of Silicon Valley…Jack Dorsey…Eric Schmidt…..Jeff Bezos….openly call for GENOCIDAL RACE-REPLACEMENT MURDER of The Historic Native Born White American Working Class Majority…..

    The Hindu “American” Oligarchs of Silicon Valley openly call for the GENOCIDAL DEMOGRAPHIC MURDER of The Historic Native Born White American Working Class Majority….

    Battery Acid Time can’t be too far away…..When the White Working Class revolts against this revolting scum……

  27. @Rational

    I think the states should now take a lead. States should pass a law banning political discrimination by internet companies and payment processors by explicit legislation or declaring them as public utilities, etc.

    Wake up man. They are passing laws, anti-BDS laws, that are totally against free speech, my state Georgia has one, Texas has one, many Democrat states have one, and they’re not done yet, they want to take it further, Israel demands your loyalty. Loyalty to a hostile foreign government, and the puppets in State and Federal govt. are more than happy to sell out their own nation and interests to give it to them.
    Good luck getting any of these puppets to protect free speech or any freedom for that matter, they’re all corrupt as hell.


    fight for …and die for during WW2?..To be taunted by the Hindu Foreigner Sundar Pinchai?

    I’d rather see California nuked and poisoned for centuries before the Hindus can lay claim to it…and America as a whole……The Native Born White American Working Class can burn America down……

  29. @Fran Macadam

    It will take violent class warfare and violent race warfare…..The basement of America is full to the brim with gasoline…the pouring started in 1965….

    What would the Han People in China do if only one elite Chinese Engineering University was colonized completely by the Hindus from India?….It would be over in a week….

  30. Arilando says:

    What software are you working on, Unz?

  31. Miro23 says:

    There is I think one way out, Jews must become White. They must immediately put all the effort they have put into deconstructing the European project into building White ethno states and in the process erase themselves as culturally and genetically distinct…

    Zero chance of this happening.

    The US and European national states will only be rebuilt when the ethnic leadership is first defined (i.e. who the house belongs to) by US Anglos and ethnic European nationalists. They can then decide who will be invited in on the basis of being either a guest or a worker, with all rights (if they pay taxes) other than nationality or political rights.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Rev. Spooner
  32. @Rational

    Simply extend anti-discrimination laws to include political ideology. In principle, I’m against government regulation of the Internet. But as long as the left has legal protection in place for its favored minorities, we need to extend that protection to the right.

    • Replies: @Marty T
  33. geokat62 says:

    Not sure if he has publicly declared his position one way or the other, but does anyone know where Ron Unz stands on the status of the Jewish-state – i.e. is he for that particular state having the right to remain an ethnostate or against it?

    It’d be nice to see if his views align with his support for mass immigration (both legal and illegal) for America.

  34. @Brabantian

    When I was active in the Libertarian Party, there were self-appointed pundits who kept saying we had to be “moderate” and avoid the appearance of radicalism. That got us nowhere. Even the overly cooperative LP gets denounced as “racist” and “fascist” these days. (Disclaimer: I’ve since renounced the beltway-centric party’s “open borders” rhetoric, so don’t dis me on that.) There’s something to be said for “in your face” radicalism. It’s what got Trump elected.

  35. @Colin Wright

    Yes! I appreciate Ron’s dedication to free speech, but the Holocaust denial thing does have a nasty taste to it. It’s a lot like Vox Day’s provocative inclusion of the notorious “Fourteen Words” in the Alt-Right manifesto — principled, but the wrong hill to die on, in my opinion. I’m OK with Ron providing denialist source material, but I’d recommend balancing it out with marginalized works on other Holocausts, such as the Armenian genocide and the Holodomor. The radical Zionists hate sharing their victim card almost as much as they hate having it denied.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
  36. wesmouch says:

    You might look at the work of Victor Davis Hanson who lives in the Central Valley and paints a much different picture of the deleterious effects of Mexican immigration. Is it possible that those in Silicon Valley are insulated from the downsides of unbridled immigration since the illegals cannot afford to live in their neighborhoods? One thing you did not mention is the fact that the Hispanic demographic change has turned California into a one party state. The long term consequences of the Democrats and public Unions having complete political hegemony are not good and anyone who dismisses the public pension fiasco that is unfolding in California is whistling past the graveyard. I am a European origin Hispanic immigrant (Cuban) and I see the rising tide of immigration as the end of the Golden Age of the USA. Increased immigration will lead to a polyglot society where people vote according to ethnic lines and the spoils are given out accordingly. If you are a white male your future in corporate America is not bright. You have ignored the role that Jewish intelligentsia played in this. The 1965 Immigration Act was orchestrated by Jews (Emmanuel Cellar, Jacob Javitts, Norbert Schlei) because Jews feel more comfortable in a polyglot society and have a certain antipathy to white Christians.

    • Replies: @fnn
  37. @CalDre

    Isn’t San Francisco removing – if they haven’t by now – the Pioneer Statue outside the Civic Center?

    Also I recall reading about a statue of William McKinley in Arcata(!) getting Talibanned.

  38. Ron Unz says:

    You seem unfamiliar with the radical La Raza groups (despite what they write on their website) and the “Reconquista” movement. Here’s a video from Costa Mesa about “Making America Mexican Again”.

    Not sure how you can be so wrong on this …..

    Well, look. CA has 40M people, so I’m sure you can find a few to say almost anything, including that the state should be renamed after Supreme UFO God. But it’s just not a serious issue and I doubt more than 1% have even heard about it.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @CalDre
  39. Hail says: • Website
    @Frederick V. Reed

    (1) This is a strawman. No one has constructed an entire case on the assertion that ‘Hispanic’ crime rates are x% higher than non-Hispanic crime rates (anyway, they are certainly higher than a “White, Vermont” baseline ideal to which the USA was once not far off).

    (2) There are many good ‘Hispanics’ just as there are many good Blacks, but in population terms they are a liability to a (post-)industrial White, Northwest-European-derived society. Our society becomes racially incoherent, culturally Latin Americanized.

    (3) The term we should be using is “Mestizos,” which may never catch on. A population with a substantial share of Amerindian ancestry will be a liability; true, non-euphemistic ‘White Hispanics’ much less so. The problem with the latter is they “go Vicente Fox” and become vectors of the Mestizo colonial enterprise in the USA.

    (4) Does anyone actually want a scenario by which there are more K-to-12-age Mestizos resident in the USA than White ethnic-core Americans (Northwest European), on target for circa the 2040s? Even if their crime rates were half those of the “White, Vermont baseline”?

    • Replies: @llloyd
    , @Old fogey
  40. Silocon Valley has implemented a de facto Native Born White Working Class Male Exclusion Act…..

    Time bring back the 1882 Han People Legal Immigrant Exclusion Act!!!!

    To mainland China….FUCK YOU…FUCK YOU…CALIFORNIA IS NOT FOR HAN CHINESE COLONIZATION…..WE WILL NOT BE YOUR BITCH…OR THE STREET SHITTERS FROM INDIA BITCH EITHER and if you want to settle this with thermonuclear war….a ok with me…

    The Han People Colonization of California….This is what you get with Jared Taylor’s IQ Test Score Nationalism….

    • Replies: @jack daniels
  41. Svigor says:

    I was alt-right before there was an alt-right. Basically the alt-right was created by less-crazy whites, like myself, entering the WN around the time (before and after) I came onto the scene in 2002-3 (I don’t want to try to date it more precisely because the fact is, I just don’t know). We brought in a less antisocial sensibility, more tech savvy, etc. And we were fighting constantly with the “old school” “purist” “hard core” types about optics, purity-spiraling, subculture (LARPing) vs. true dissident politics, etc. And we largely won.

    But, and this is a big but, instead of WN 2.0 replacing WN 1.0, there was a synthesis that resulted in the Alt-right; WN 3.0, if you will. Basically, instead of deleting the hard, psycho edge of WN 1.0, the alt-right played it for laughs/shitpoasting. I have to admit that it has proven much more successful with the youth than the drier kind of thoughtful WNism that I was advocating back then.

    And that’s the problem I have with Ron’s basic “you people sound like psychos” message; shitpoasting has proven very successful. Rebellion sells. WNism has grown dramatically since I joined right after 9/11. I’ve always been an advocate of multiple styles, so I’m certainly not saying the shitpoasting style is the One True Way. I’m sure there’s an optimum style for reaching the Silicon Valley intelligentsia. But shitpoasting has proven quite successful so far. It isn’t going anywhere.

    The Regime, the Judenreich, globo-homo-gayplex, doesn’t deserve respect, doesn’t inspire decorum. Let’s all try to keep that in mind.

  42. Svigor says:

    If Silicon Valley mopes want well-thought-out WNism, they can certainly find it online. There are plenty of print journals, featuring reams of content. There are plenty of podcasts like The Daily Shoah that have plenty of big-brained nibba explication. Shitty, policed social media isn’t the place for that. It’s a place to quickly tweet/shitpoast your disatisfaction with globo-homo-gayplex and signal to the Masters of the Universe that they have a serious and growing problem to deal with.

    Simply put, the regime sound like a bunch of faggots and shitpoasting draws healthy-minded kids in like flies to honey.

  43. AaronB says:

    Umm, for everyone who understands Ron as saying its merely a question of ‘rhetoric’, what he is actually saying is that it is a question of facts – and the alt right is not in possession of them on certain major issues that are directly perceivable by people in Silicon Valley.

    The alt right doesn’t need to pull its punches – it needs to get its facts straight.

    This interesting entry by Ron has cleared up certain confusions I’ve had about his overall long term agenda and strategy – its more intelligent than I thought.

    But I think he misunderstands the alt right. And I also think he takes them too seriously.

  44. MarkinLA says:

    I doubt the actions of Silicon Valley execs have anything to do with careful analysis of the media and what they see. It is just knee-jerk good think like the firing of James Damore and the memos and e-mails sneaking out of meetings where censorship of the right is being discussed by 25 year old kids who couldn’t find their asses with both hands.

  45. As usual, Mr. Unz, an insightful analysis. I’d just add one thing. The point you make about Silicon Valley applies generally to any area where the USA’s better off and more powerful citizens live, e.g., the so called new class and all other upper-middle class people. These folks are completely insulated from the usual reality of living in areas that are not overwhelmingly White. Any non-White, non native-born folks in their vicinity are either exceptionally high-functioning and functional or “the help”. People in these upper-middle and upper class enclaves are clueless and want to remain so. By the time they catch on it will be too late. Awareness of this situation fuels the desperation of the alt-right to get its message across. Unfortunately that desperation leads to the strategic and tactical errors that you discuss.

  46. Mr. Unz is a grouper swimming with sharks. He thinks “Hey, we are all fish, aren’t we? Can’t we all just get along? Yuo sardines (alt-right types) just need to be a little less stinky. Then these other fish will get along with you.” Maybe he is right. More likely is that he is nice, smart, and clueless. He simply does not see what is going on. Like way too many well-meaning types. If he is wrong on the National Question (as defined by Peter Brimelo), as I am pretty sure he is, he and his children will find out the hard way, and too late.

    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  47. Dutch Boy says:

    The Mexicanization of California coincides nicely with the steep decline in the quality of life here for the average American (certainly not for Silicon Valley magnates). One could be forgiven for believing that there is more than a coincidence at work here. Import Mexicans and you get Mexico, which is not a place most Americans would find congenial.

  48. In 1882…

    Denis Kearney

    Samuel Gompers

    Isidore Choyinski

    had the right idea…

    with regard to the Han Race…

  49. Hi Ron. Well said. Quite reasonable. You are basically correct on all points. But wait.

    Since ‘racism’ (expressing a racial preference in America when white) can bring about personal destruction–and just the allegation of ‘racism’ (like the allegation of ‘antisemitism’) is now used as a political weapon– a full, broader and more honest examination the impact of ‘illegal immigration’ is sorely needed. Yet it’s not there.

    Race, intelligence, class, physical appearance, temperment, drive, and personality do matter. Differences endure.

    The black experience in America tells us so.

    Diversity is not our strength. Commonality is our strength.

    Yet the ‘diversity-is-our-strength’ myth endures. And not by accident. This propaganda is a form of subterfuge.

    With that in mind, there is no good reason that the US should tolerate the unlawful entry of millions of Third World underachievers into our prosperous and orderly civilization. This is common sense talking. Wonderful ‘diversity’ is dividing our nation, not unifying it.

    This is the reasonable conclusion of many in the Alt-right. But they are denied a voice because these sentiments are declared ‘racist’.

    The resent-driven Left (with plenty of help from the ‘Hispanic community’ and our MSM) also refuses to acknowledge the economic and cultural downside (affecting millions of white Americans) that countless Spanish-speaking, MesoAmericans create by sneaking into the US and establishing poor, welfare-dependent enclaves that vote as ethnic blocks.

    There’s also the measurable political loss that occurs when whites become a minority inside their own country. These facts should require no explanation. But they do in the face of constant propaganda that surrounds the ‘undocumented immigrant’ question.

    We are at a tipping point. Why should white Americans continue along this path?

    Besides, the people of Mexico and Honduras and Guatemala already have their own countries. If we’re all ‘equal’ then shouldn’t these descendents of the Aztec and Mayan remain where they are and build up their own civilizations?

    Of course they should. This is common sense talking.

    Ironically, though ‘white advocacy’ in America has become taboo, it is needed more than ever.

    The opposition is uniting and organizing. The political heat is rising. But whites are paralyzed by accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacy’. Even Trump must adjust his rhetoric accordingly.

    At the same time, many ‘minorities’ are allowed to express racial solidarity and work openly to advance their ethno-racial interests.

    These toxic, politically-correct double-standard undermine the interests of millions of everyday Americans whose ancestors came from Europe and who settled and built this enviable civilization.

    But today, countless white Americans are being displaced by foreign nationals. And court-approved ‘affirmative action’ is making the problem worse. Far worse.

    Let the declaration be made:

    White continuity matters.

    White kinship matters.

    White interests matter.

    Acknowledging this is not evil. Acknowledging this is not ‘racist’. It is a fact of nature and humankind.

    Yet the common, collective interests of white Americans are being subverted by elites in our media, our government, throughout our courts, and within our universities. This is treason in slow motion.

    It is the inability of white Americans to openly discuss (and advocate for) white interests that drives many members of the Alt-right to resort to hyperbole concerning ‘immigrant crime’. On this point you are absolutely correct, Ron.

    Whites are nevertheless in a box, especially those on the lower socio-economic spectrum. Their voice is being thwarted.

    After all, would the Japanese allow a racial transformation inside Japan to occur that is similar to what’s happening inside America?

    No. It would be suicidal.

    Would the Chinese in China?


    Or the Jews in Israel?

    Of course not. So why should we?

    It is America’s new, adversarial establishment that is primarily to blame for this. Kevin MacDonald refers to them as ‘hostile elites’.

    Unfortunately, connecting the dots on this subject makes one a ‘white supremacist’ to our media gatekeepers. And it is they who control the megaphone and manage ‘mainstream’ political discourse. They tell us who the bad guys are. It’s us!

    Their politically-correct smears gives antifa thugs license to attack.

    After that, the police stand down.

    We saw this happen in Charlottesville.

    Lastly, the MSM prevaricates and distorts the events and the subsequent narrative. They win the propaganda war.

    Fact: America is a European-derived civilization. We want to keep it for our children and and our posterity. This goal is normal and natural; except that it’s expression is no longer tolerated.

    This is tyranny.

    • Agree: Miro23
  50. @Miro23

    1) Would clearly be preferable, but who would provide the leadership?

    I have a vague memory that there were 2 or 3 guys in the days before Charlottesville who said it was a bad set up and they pulled out. Does anybody else remember that? It would not be a bad minimum qualification for such a role. The converse might also be useful. Anybody who was foolish enough to show up to Charlottesville is out.

  51. Racism is a small factor. The anger is against mass immigration. If millions of poor, white, Ukrainians could flood into the US, the alt-right (aka working class Americans) would hate that too. Corporate American loves cheap, desperate labor that mass immigration provides. It hates higher minimum wages, so even in high-cost “liberal” California it will finally crawl up to just $12 in 2019, far below the inflation adjusted rate in the 1970s.

    This is not enough for a full-time worker to afford a studio apartment in most of the state. High wage people can’t afford homes because prices are outrageous driven up by mass legal and illegal immigration. Low wage immigrants pack two or more families into a home to survive, but his overwhelms schools and parking and city services. Middle class workers cannot afford healthcare unless the employer pays most, unless they are poor and get free Medicaid, that is provided to poor legal immigrants too. Immigrants legally bring over elderly parents who are dumped on Medicare and Medicaid and corporate America profits. Liberal California doesn’t give a damn, because this one party state controlled by the rich just selected a former lobbyist as head of the state assembly.

    Expressways are packed and homelessness grows. Residents of all races are angered at this population explosion but are told to shut up because they are racists! The problem is so bad that new immigrants openly call for abolishing ICE, a code word for open borders. Meanwhile, when hoards of immigrants march north to crash through the border because they think it’s their right, only President Trump tries to stop them, so he is called a racist. Native Americans (of all races) are angry, but if they express anger at this invasion, Corporate America deems them racist and bans their websites. Americans who think US citizens deserve priority over foreigners are deemed nationalists, and if they hold rallies, billionaire funded Nazi brown shirts dressed in black attack them while local police are instructed to stand down.

    The chaos will worse when California state income tax receipts are tallied in April. The state gets over one-third its money by taxing high-income workers up to 13%, and with the stock market down that tax revenue will fall sharply just like in 2009. Citizens suggest that removing a millions foreigners here on work visas, and a couple million illegals will help by reducing traffic, housing costs, education costs, social services costs, and boost wages. This logic is undeniable, so corporate media responds that such talk is — RACIST!

    Senior native California Victor Davis Hanson explains this well:

    • Replies: @Miro23
  52. Ron Unz says:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    Would you go further and argue that the entire United States would be ‘perfectly fine’ with whites at 30 per cent, bearing in mind that most of the remaining 70 per cent would hail from Third World countries which fall some way short of ‘perfectly fine’?

    Well, it all depends. Since California’s current population is around 40 million and probably not much above 30% white European these days, I’d say it constitutes a pretty reasonable test-case.

    Now I was born in CA and have lived here nearly all of my life, so I think I have a pretty solid sense of things. I’d strongly argue that over the last fifty years some things have gotten better and some things have gotten worse, in complicated ways.

    I’d say that most of the things that have gotten better have been due to broader trends such as technological advances, with computers and the Internet being among the most important. Obviously, those same things have gotten better everywhere else in the US and the entire world. Another positive development has been the elimination of the smog that had been such a huge problem in the LA of the 1960s. Health care has gotten better for the same reason, but also much more ridiculously expensive, so it’s a mixed bag, the same as everywhere else in the US.

    But if we’re looking as changes/trends that are different in CA than in the rest of the US, I’d say that most things have gotten worse, especially quality of life. Traffic is certainly much worse and housing is ridiculously expensive, with the former problem substantially due to the latter, as a large fraction of the state’s population has been pushed out into more distant and less desirable areas to live. These are universally recognized as two of the state’s biggest problems, and extreme housing costs have also led to very high (adjusted) poverty rates, another huge problem. All of this is pretty much what you’d expect to happen as the CA population doubled from 20M to 40M on the same land area. Some of these problems are especially severe in the Silicon Valley areas.

    For example, here’s a recent front-page SJ Mercury News story about a local immigrant family on the edge of homelessness because they can barely afford their rent of $1,900/month for a tiny apartment in one of the worst areas. Having only $1,900 for monthly rent would hardly be a problem almost anywhere else in America:

    Now immigration has obviously been a very large factor behind the doubling of the CA population, and since the latter has caused such a considerable decline in quality of life, it’s perfectly reasonable to blame immigration for many of those problems. Basically, if you pack too many people inside a nice bus, it gets to be a serious problem.

    But I just don’t see any evidence that the particular non-white racial skew of all those immigrants has been a major problem, at least over the last 15-20 years.

    Here’s an absolutely crucial point that summarizes much of my position on that issue. During the late 1960s/early 1970s, California was about 80% white European and these days it’s down to little more than 30%. Yet the degree of racially-tinged political conflict or violence back then was ***MASSIVELY*** greater than today. Indeed, I’d put it pretty close to zero in recent years. In fact, I’d say that the degree of racial/ethnic friction in 30% white CA might even be less than it was between Irish and Italians living in the Boston area 50-odd years ago.

    So one thing that has *enormously* improved in CA over the last couple of generations has been the almost total disappearance of the sharp racial conflict that used to be such a major problem here. That’s simply a fact and you’d have a very hard time persuading sensible people who grew up here otherwise. (Pretty much the same is true for the huge decline in crime rates across most of the state.)

    Now I’d certainly agree that US immigration has been much too high in the last decade or two and should be substantially reduced, which would help alleviate all sorts of important problems.

    But based on the major California example, arguing for such reduction on racial grounds seems about the weakest possible argument to make. Since that’s pretty obviously the underlying concern propelling so much of the agitated anti-immigration activists, perhaps that fact helps explain why they’ve had such total lack of success for decades.

    Also, given that over the last decade illegal immigration has been such a tiny sliver of total immigration (which is the real problem), Trump and the Republicans ranting about illegal immigrant being “killers and rapists” just sounds totally nutty to anyone sensible living in California.

    In 2018, the CA electorate was still 63% white, but the Trump/Republican immigration arguments didn’t do very well here. The Republicans lost half their remaining Congressional seats and are now down to just 7(!) out of 55, while the Democrats gained 3/4ths(!) majorities in both houses of the State Legislature. So the views of the top Silicon Valley people aren’t really all that totally different from the views of average CA whites.

    Suppose someone on the Internet was arguing that heavy immigration was causing all sorts of problems and should be reduced. Lots of people might say “Hmmm… Why do you think so?” But if the answer came back “Because lots of immigrants are actually werewolves and vampires!!!” I really doubt the fellow would have much success…

  53. Saxon says:
    @Frederick V. Reed

    Mestizo countries are probably the most violent and crime-ridden hellholes on the planet. Doubt you or Ron Unz would relish moving to live with the hoi polloi in Rio de Janeiro. You know what would be great? If the Fed gov was instead used a weapon against your type to settle a cross-section of Somalians in government-funded housing in your areas. See how well that goes for you.

    That’s the thing, though. Ensconced in a bubble of the Silicon Shtetl, you don’t need to see nor care about any of this. You still have enough wealth to pretend things are great by paying a premium to not live near the overwhelming majority of these non-Europeans and hey, maybe even some of the blacks and browns you live around are the talented 0.1% so aren’t misery to be around. Great for you. The reality of course is a lot different for the white masses. Ron Unz lives in a highly segregated area where alien elites (mostly east Asian and Brahmin Indians) still tolerate whites but will move to get rid of them and give nepotistic gigs to Sundar Pichai’s retarded cousin Pajeet who can’t stop asking to show bobs and vegana as soon as possible, if it’s not already happening.

    When whites are an absolute minority, we already know what we have to look forward to by looking at both South Africa today and what’s happening in our countries now. Increasing violence against us, more gradual dispossession, more anti-white race laws and policies, intensifying affirmative action, quotas, set-asides that use Orwellian terminology like “legacy majority” or “majority-minority” “race-conscious admissions) and whatever else they come up with to claim this state of affairs MUST continue indefinitely until the last white man has been murdered or made by the government deciding the winners and losers into an invisible loser unable to attract his own group’s women and then there are no more actual whites left, just as the jew writer Eric Kaufmann stated, a bunch of brown people who claim to be white and do a We Wuz The Founding Fathers, We Wuz Englishmen etc. mass of le 56% faces who “identify” with the people who actually created the now-decayed husk of a civilization.

    Worse is to come down the pipe, though. The various forms of redistribution from white to non-white can’t continue apace indefinitely. So eventually those somewhat pacified Mestizos you think are so peaceful won’t be getting as much free stuff to keep them in these better-than-where-they-came-from conditions and then it’ll be just like any other central or south American shithole, except that the whites forced to live near them by the government deciding the winners and losers in life won’t even be able to raise a finger in self-defense, and will be constantly chased down by government policies to forcibly “diversify” everywhere we live.

    I mean look at what’s happening now, lawfare-instituted struggle sessions in the courtroom because someone pointed out that this banana-in-a-noose thing was a hoax.

    Think things like this will get better or worse when we have less demographic power and worse than the no political representation we have now? The anti-white policies and rhetoric have been intensifying as we are ethnically cleansed, NOT softening. We have no reason to believe it will and if history is a barometer, every reason to believe it will reach violent genocide levels.

    In any case EVEN if–and we know this isn’t true, but for the sake of argument–even if these people were all wonderful and it wasn’t just wealth transfer from us to them and dispossession into racial genocide, what do we get out of this? Even if they were 100% the same as us and everything carried on, except without us, why is ethnic cleansing a moral good and what do we even get out of this? We know they aren’t equal to us in ability and that things won’t carry on, obviously, but no one can explain how we and our descendants somehow benefit from any of this. Did we and our ancestors give our blood, sweat and tears and toil away to hand it away to ungrateful foreigners who hate our guts, want us dead and to take our stuff? Probably not.

    • Agree: Kemidov
    • Replies: @Biff
    , @SafeNow
  54. Can’t wait for the water supply of Southern California to dry up…..where ever it comes from…

    The Chinese and Hindus in California=LOCUST…

  55. @Colin Wright

    Sigh, too true. – ..…the needle and the damage done – a little part of it in everyone…or I think of – – – – Freud’s Death Drive (no specifically Jewish – rather a human thing – and a universal pubertarian thing as well: Let’s make friends with the romantic losers, This is the End – My Only Friend, the End, no Laughter no Surprise Again, This is The End – – – – This is The Eeeeee-ee-nd..). The biggest kick comes from the greatest taboos. Sigh, sigh. In the end – what matters is to be alive ‘n’ kickin’ though – let the dead bury their dead – to be alive means, to make mistakes (without our mistakes, there’d be no progress, and no need for redemption and transcendence, either – – – – – – – Merry Christmas!

  56. geokat62 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Also, given that over the last decade illegal immigration has been such a tiny sliver of total immigration (which is the real problem), Trump and the Republicans ranting about illegal immigrant being “killers and rapists” just sounds totally nutty to anyone sensible living in California.

    Sensible? Don’t you mean “decent,” Ron:

    Most Californians view illegal immigrants as unwanted house guests. One very effective means of getting rid of such guests is to set your house on fire and burn it to the ground. This is Proposition 187′s solution to illegal immigration. It would be a financial and social disaster for California, and the worst moral disaster for our state since the internment of Japanese Americans. No decent Californian should support it.

  57. JLK says:

    For example, look at some of the internet-popular alternative websites which generate a huuge amount of revenues – Jeff Rense, David Icke, Veterans Today … all 3 websites have troves of valuable, often unique articles, revealing genuine truth about all sorts of scandals and crimes And on all 3 sites, these articles are right next to pieces about space aliens from other planets amongst us, shape-shifting lizards etc This is by design and on purpose

    It seems that way. I call them sites with built-in strawmen.

    The typical blogger is usually begging for money and hence probably pretty easy to influence, but some of the fancier high-traffic sites, including some of the ones you mentioned, look like carefully designed psy-ops.

    • Replies: @anon
  58. Senator John F Kennedy was directly involved in “airlifting” Barack Obama Senior into 90 percent Native Born White America…with a 100,000 dollar educational grant…

    You didn’t know this…did you……you god dam RETARD worshippers of JFK…

    What do you JFK worshippers glue your JFK pinup boy posters to the wall with? What precious bodily fluids do you use?

    This is why the Native Born White American Working Class was voted into a White Racial Foreigner and White Racial Minority within the borders of California….you can thank your pinup boy JFK for this….

    • Replies: @MBlanc46
    , @Anonymous
    , @Hans
  59. Miro23 says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Racism is a small factor.

    I would say it was more a question of power. Multiethnic societies can get along fine if the question of political power is resolved.

    For example, parts of Spain have societies that are 50% comprised of foreigners (North Africans, South Americans, British, French, Belgians, Scandinavians, Bulgarians, Rumanians, Russians etc.) who are working, and classed as “long-term foreign residents”. They pay taxes, get healthcare and schooling and have all rights apart from a passport and the right to vote. They live in more or less separate communities with little integration, but get along OK with few problems.

    The key point seems to be that they don’t have political power (nationality or the vote) and don’t care about it, if they can work and send money back to their respective countries + get the schooling and healthcare. They accept that Spain is Spanish.

    What friction there is, comes from wage competition (pushing wages down), but Spanish employers are the first to contract cheap immigrant labour (in for example in catering and construction), and they control the politics.

  60. MarkinLA says:

    The reason why Silicon Valley does what is does has nothing to do with some analysis of what they believe are lies and facts. It has more to do with their placating their workforce which is predominantly college brainwashed and woke. Like in the Damore case, the employees threatened a temper tantrum and the execs had to give in. The company is held hostage by the beliefs of the workforce just the opposite of the days of manufacturing being king where the execs fired you for being too extreme in your leftist views.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @dfordoom
  61. Tyrion 2 [AKA "Znu Nor"] says:

    Anyone else been limited to just one comment an hour?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  62. KenH says:

    But the problem that all of you face is that when people in Silicon Valley look around themselves, what they see reasonably matches the claims of the MSM

    That’s because the (((MSM))) is not honest and most MSM types live in gated communities far away from the black and brown hellscapes they think are so good for non-elite whites. That’s because liberalism is easy to believe the less contact with reality one has. Silicon Valley is just a bubble. And because of it’s vast wealth, is an outlier and not reflective of most parts of America that has been forcibly diversified against their wishes.

    while if they ever visit Breitbart, let alone any of your own Alt-Right websites, you mostly come across like a bunch of total lunatics.

    Each side has their “lunatics” but if the luminaries of Silicon valley ever visited HuffPo, Daily Kos or even watched MSNBC the left would come across like a bunch of totally unhinged lunatics to any reasonable person. That they come to that conclusion only about our side means their worldview trends leftist and they were already biased against our message.

    If Silicon Valley types think (((Tim Wise))), (((Rachel Maddow))), Morning Joe, and Don Lemon are the voices of truth and sanity then there’s little we can do to change their minds. Oriental Sarah Jeong said horrible things about white people yet she still has her Twitter account.

    In some ways Ron’s comments are a justication of Silicon Valley’s war against right of center political dissent with pro-white overtones, or wrong thinking. This is very disappointing.

    That we are witnessing an unprecedented intolerance for certain political creeds and viewpoints by the tech monopolies, usually under Jewish pressure, and tacitly supported by the federal government by their inaction and silence is the real issue.

    The other issue is that we are two nations, perhaps more, and we can’t relate to each other or don’t talk each other’s language anymore. Silicon Valley looks at mostly white, flyover America not as fellow Americans, but as the great unwashed and a serious problem to be dealt with.

    • Replies: @Nicholas Stix
    , @Stonehands
  63. Ron Unz says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Anyone else been limited to just one comment an hour?

    Thanks for alerting me. I think the problem’s now fixed.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  64. Svigor says:
    @Colin Wright

    Finally, which causes? Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others aren’t.

    Well, speaking for myself, they’re free to argue their case. They can knock themselves out. As far as I’m concerned, it’s like faith in Jesus, or belief in Kennedy assassination plots, or any one of a dozen such convictions I just don’t share. Have at it, though. It’s like golf. Of no interest to me, but don’t let me spoil your fun.

    Lol, this is a really bad comparison. Holocaust skepticism isn’t a belief – it’s the lack thereof. Santa Claus doesn’t exist until you disprove his existence; it’s the other way around. You’re actually the one with the faith-based belief.

    The Shoah goes in the “faith in Jesus” and “belief in Kennedy assassination plot” column, not in the column with skepticism and agnosticism. You’ve got witch-hunters in your camp, sharing your beliefs, lol. The Shoah correlates even more closely with religion when you consider how it’s enforced by law throughout Europe, the way Christianity was, centuries ago, or the way Islam is in many places today.

    What you’ve done in grouping agnosticism with Shoah-belief is to create status-quo and non-status-quo columns, or conformist and non-conformist columns, and then label them “rational” and “irrational,” which is just really shit-tier, for reasons that I hope are now obvious.

    The problem I see is that in plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with. Unz Review can have twelve interesting ideas that might actually gain traction with the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

    It’s the sort of high-risk, high-reward strategy that a minority of Jews have been pursuing for centuries, if not eons. If the roles were reversed, there’d be a vocal minority of Jews deconstructing the goyische Shoah narrative. Jews have never been as worried about being marginalized as they are about delineating the margins.

    Anyone else been limited to just one comment an hour?


    How ’bout we limit anons to 1 comment per ever?

  65. geokat62 says:

    … they are the bosses at the top, such as the Saudis who own twitter…

    Not quite.

    Excerpt from This Saudi prince now owns more of Twitter than Jack Dorsey does:


    A Saudi prince has increased his holdings in Twitter, making him the company’s second largest shareholder.

    Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, who in 2011 invested $300 million in the social network, now owns 34.9 million shares of Twitter’s common stock, according to a new regulatory filing (pdf).

    At nearly 5.2%, his stake in the company is now larger than that of Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s co-founder and newly re-minted CEO, whose 21.86 million shares give him 3.2% of the company, according to FactSet. (The prince previously had a stake of roughly 3%.)

    Twitter co-founder Ev Williams remains the company’s largest shareholder, with 46.56 million shares for a 6.9% stake.

    The investment might seem like a major stamp of approval for Dorsey, who was named Twitter’s permanent CEO on Oct. 5 and is tasked with turning around the company. (The prince’s updated holdings are as of Oct. 6.) But during Twitter’s CEO search, the billionaire prince was vocal about his opinion that Twitter needed a new CEO—i.e. someone other than Dorsey, who at the time was in the role on an interim basis.

    Alwaleed, who serves as majority owner and chairman of the Kingdom Holding Company, is also a significant investor in News Corp, Citigroup, and the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts.

  66. I have some minor quibbles with Mr. Unz’s piece (there are indeed many Mexicans in West Virginia and their arrival coincides with the fentanyl epidemic according to a WVA woman I know) but my main point is that anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, and even anti-black rhetoric is a “sublimation” of resentment of changes in society that are mostly the doing of Jews. Since it is too dangerous to criticize Jews there is a tendency to blame Muslims or other less powerful minorities e.g. only an already marginal commentator will raise the issue of a Jew complaining about a Christmas display but it’s acceptable to make a fuss about the rare Muslim who complains. After this habit gets ingrained people start to think that it really IS Muslims or Hindus who are responsible for ending the Christmas concert or banning CS Lewis books when it’s nearly always Jews.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  67. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    You’re welcome. Can you now let me know what sort of joke this letter is given your previous articles? Really, I’m confused.

  68. Ron Unz says:

    The reason why Silicon Valley does what is does has nothing to do with some analysis of what they believe are lies and facts. It has more to do with their placating their workforce which is predominantly college brainwashed and woke.

    That’s an interesting point, and I think it has some element of truth, especially on certain types of PC issues.

    But senior execs are obviously more willing to go along with the opinions of their workforce if they almost entirely agree with them privately.

  69. @Ron Unz

    Ron Unz—Thank you very much indeed for replying. I am English and have lived in England nearly all my life. I spent a few days in America many moons ago, visiting Seattle and Oregon, so I have no personal knowledge of present-day America.

    I was struck by the reduction you mention in interracial violence, which has gone hand-in-hand with a dramatic fall in the white population. In England, to the best of my knowledge, whites have always simply fled as non-whites have moved in, skipping the violent phase. What will happen when the English have nowhere left to flee to, time will tell.

    From the point of view of interracial violence, then, things in California and beyond are perfectly fine. I suppose what I was really hinting at, though, are the long-term prospects for America remaining perfectly fine when it becomes a majority Third World territory, given that, to date, only Europeans have been able to build the European civilizations which the rest of the world finds so attractive. Will America become Mexico with nukes?

    Heartfelt thanks for your Review, one of the last homes of genuine free speech.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  70. renfro says:

    The alt Right needs some marketing lessons. They make it too easy for the liberals to call them racist.
    Now that they have aroused people to the immigration issue and the anti white men agenda they need to soft pedal the race aspects and turn to arguments that will increase their numbers….bring in people who would otherwise not want be known as alt right.
    There are other hot buttons they need to add that will install some fear about uncheck immigration than just brown and black hordes.

    by way deception as they say

    • Replies: @Miro23
    , @MarkinLA
    , @dfordoom
    , @Anon
  71. anon[199] • Disclaimer says:

    Therefore, when the MSM recently claimed that you were all a bunch of violent, murderous madmen, they stampeded the Silicon Valley people into deciding to help shut all of you down as a public service to America.

    that’s not it Ron. All these people know damn well what they’re doing – from Zuckerberg at Facebook to Jack whats his name at Twitter to Brin and Page at Google. They’re engaged in partisan censorship, deplatforming, and pushing their fake news and biased spin on reality, to the detriment of all. They’re not innocent.

  72. @llloyd

    “In black communities that were or are not exposed to images of violence and rap music, violent crime is a rarity.”

    No such black communities exist, and rap music does not cause black violent crime, but is the expression of black violence.

    • Agree: Bubba
    • Replies: @Southie Mossback
  73. I will make a second criticism of Mr. Unz’s piece: Alt Right websites or youtube videos do display lots of “over the top” comments but when analyzing the significance of this one needs to remember the 1960s (perhaps Mr. Unz is too young.) In the late 60s it was very common for young people to join or defend explicitly Communist parties, call police “pigs”, refer to government officials and establishment commentators as “Fascist pigs”, and speak openly about the need for violent revolution in the United States. Some popular chants of the day included “Off the pigs” (“off” = “kill”), “2 4 6 8 organize and smash the state”, “the only direction is insurrection, the only solution is revolution”, “Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, Dare to struggle, dare to win!” and various sayings of Mao Zedong (e.g. “power grows out of the barrel of a gun”) and Che Guevara. Being outrageous/ trolling is a declaration of defiance that, according to Saul Alinsky, is more important and effective than reasoned argument. What you see on Alt Right websites doesn’t always brand the author as a “lunatic” but merely a rebel, intent on breaking taboos and outraging the establishmentarian. What is striking is how much self-censorship is required from the rightists compared to what their parents’ generation got away with. It shouldn’t take great subtlety to see this, which undermines the claim that Silicon Valley executives are reacting naturally and reasonably to what they see. Having said that, I admit that a lot of people on the Alt Right are nuts or worse, as were a lot of sixties radicals.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @propagandist hacker
    , @gT
  74. anon[199] • Disclaimer says:

    Lol, this is a really bad comparison. Holocaust skepticism isn’t a belief – it’s the lack thereof. Santa Claus doesn’t exist until you disprove his existence; it’s the other way around. You’re actually the one with the faith-based belief.


  75. MBlanc46 says:

    So now one can’t make an Agree and a comment within the same hour? That’s pretty draconian.

  76. @Svigor

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s extremely common to equivocate between rational/irrational and status quo/ non-status-quo or conformist/non-conformist.

    I think David Irving has established by now that the Nazis did indeed kill millions of Jews, but I don’t know what the status of the gas-chamber argument is, nor do I know the status of the claim that the Soviet communists had earlier killed millions other than via the famine.

    • Replies: @L.K
  77. @Frederick V. Reed

    Per Hispanic crime rates, we are told people are fleeing Honduras because of high-crime rates. The US State Department warns:

    “Since 2010, Honduras has had one of the highest murder rates in the world. Credit card skimming is common. Many people report receiving threatening phone calls or extortion attempts, especially during Christmas and Easter holidays. Gangs are not reluctant to use violence and specialize in murder-for-hire, carjacking, extortion, and other violent street crime. They are also known to control some of the taxi services. Violent transnational criminal organizations also conduct narcotics trafficking and other illicit commerce.”

    So who thinks crossing the US border makes them all saints? Wanted criminals are wise to head north to cross the US border. Those released from prison have records and face police harassment and employment problems, so heading north also makes sense. Any immigrant who arrives penniless will steal what they can to survive. That’s why a focus on Hispanic crime rates is misleading. Stats on impoverished illegal immigrant crimes rates of any race would be shocking, but are not publicized for that reason.

    If you want a graphic display of Hispanic crime, just look at the current LAPD most wanted list to learn why whites fear Hispanic crime.

    As President Trump noted, illegal immigrants are not the best from Latin American nations, but the worst, the unwanted. Latin American nations have shipped their unwanteds to the USA for decades. Our media ignored the recent “caravans” from Central America arrived at the USA on chartered buses, paid for by Mexicans. They are furious that North Americans want this dumping stopped. So is Mr. Reed, who doesn’t want these surplus people filling the streets in his nice Mexican retirement town where he lives like king off his monthly government checks from the USA.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Patricus
  78. @Miro23

    Given the inertia (perhaps we should spell it as INERTIA to differentiate it from the Newtonian variety) that underpins human societies, your conclusion stated in the last para of your post is what I would bet my money on. But I’d up my bet size if the order of occurrences was framed differently, proceeding from the most likely to the least likely. That order I see as being: media propaganda and an elite Nomenklatura (aren’t we almost already there?); across the board SJW indoctrination (we are heading there at supersonic speed); secret police (this one too has been showing itself more and more); censorship (exactly what political correctness is all about); detention camps (not very likely because unnecessary if the preceding have succeeded); slide into Zio-Glob dictatorship (not likely because who needs ugly dictatorships when you can dispense Soma to calm the unwashed masses). Furthermore, SJW indoctrination, media propaganda, and an addiction to Soma (in the shape of TV, professional games, etc.) makes it very likely that DO NOTHING is what will come to pass.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  79. anon[199] • Disclaimer says:

    >For example, look at some of the internet-popular alternative websites which generate a huuge amount of revenues – Jeff Rense, David Icke, Veterans Today

    It seems that way. I call them sites with built-in strawmen.

    The typical blogger is usually begging for money and hence probably pretty easy to influence, but some of the fancier high-traffic sites, including some of the ones you mentioned, look like carefully designed psy-ops.

    the day after Trump announced he will remove the troops from Syria, Rense had Gordon Duff on from VT and both seemed to be against it, acting like Trump was crazy and Duff even advocated for removing Trump under the 25th Amendment and replacing him with “the respected” Al Gore, lol

  80. My work brings me into contact with a lot of Latinos, many illegal I suspect. They seem perfectly nice and don’t make me nervous. I do find myself nervous around some of the blacks, though in general they seem more pleasant than blacks of 50 years ago. White liberals must accept a good part of the blame for black anger, which they incent in many ways.
    It’s not surprising that Latinos vote Democrat, given their economic status. As a social conservative I wish we had a populist party that was socially conservative, libertarian on speech, and economically friendly to the working class.

    • Replies: @Saxon
    , @dfordoom
  81. Ron Unz says:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    I am English and have lived in England nearly all my life…I was struck by the reduction you mention in interracial violence, which has gone hand-in-hand with a dramatic fall in the white population…From the point of view of interracial violence, then, things in California and beyond are perfectly fine.

    Well, in America the rarely-admitted truth is that virtually all interracial violence involves blacks, and that was absolutely the case in the high racially-charged California violence of the late 1960s/early 1970s.

    These days, a pretty remarkable fraction of all the adult black males in CA are already in prison, already dead from past violence or drug use, or sometimes pushed out to other states with lower housing costs. That’s been a huge factor behind the decline.

    Furthermore, since a large fraction of state’s electorate is Hispanic or Asian, they’re much less cowed by MSM denunciations if they support local crackdowns on the black criminals who remain around.

    Also, the decline in the white population of CA really shouldn’t be exaggerated. About 50 years ago, the state had 20M people and was around 80% white. Now it has 40M people and is 30-35% white. So there’s only been a small decline in white numbers. It’s just that the Hispanic and Asian numbers have grown so rapidly.

  82. A great article from Ron, very perceptive and thought provoking. However, instead of making a case for “self-censorship”, why not make a case for “Choose your battles wisely”? The Alt-right definitely needs crash courses in Political Strategy 101 and Political Tactics 101. Both Mao and Lenin were “way over the top” but they succeeded because they engaged in the right battles at the right times.

  83. @Svigor

    Excellent points, Svigor.

    In argumentation, the ‘burden of proof’ lies with those making the claim. Well said!

  84. peterAUS says:


    The only point of (minor) disagreement is the last sentence in:

    3) Quite possible since the US is loaded with firearms, and the armed forces would probably show split loyalties (be reluctant to destroy American cities). At the end of it, the US would lie in ruins.

    I’d change it into: some parts of US would lie in ruins.

  85. How can Trump be a neocon (or even a neo-neocon) if he is pulling out of Syria?

  86. @Ron Unz

    Do you think some of what you are saying is due to a selection bias? Many of the people who were against illegal immigration voted with their feet once the courts overruled propositions voted at the ballot box meant to curtail the deluge. So there is less opposition and more a sense of unity as those folks have been replaced by immigrants. So now you just have relatively small wealthy White/Asian communities that are immune to social issues and non-wealthy Hispanic populations that have become a large majority and have shaped the state in their image. Thus the apparent peace. But at what cost? California is now lost to old stock Californians – the Okies and other mid-century dreamers (heh!).

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  87. @KenH

    Tim Wise is not a Jew. I know he’s lied about it, but he’s not. Besides, what doesn’t he lie about?

    Aside from that and your mistaken belief that the Juden unser Unglück sind, your comment was excellent.

  88. MBlanc46 says:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    I’m guessing that there aren’t a lot of JFK worshippers around here.

  89. @Ron Unz

    Ron Unz—Thank you for the clarification, I thought you meant black-white violence. Black crime is at a similar level in England. This newspaper report was published in 2010:

    ‘The reality of violent inner-city crime is indicated today by statistics obtained by The Sunday Telegraph.

    The official figures, which examine the ethnicity of those accused of violent offences in London, suggest the majority of men held responsible by police for gun crimes, robberies and street crimes are black. Black men are also disproportionately the victims of violent crime in the capital. The statistics, released by the Metropolitan Police, permit an informed debate on a sensitive subject for the first time.

    The data provide a breakdown of the ethnicity of the 18,091 men and boys who police took action against for a range of violent and sexual offences in London in 2009-10. They show that among those proceeded against for street crimes, 54 per cent were black; for robbery, 59 per cent; and for gun crimes, 67 per cent. Street crimes include muggings, assault with intent to rob and snatching property.

    Just over 12 per cent of London’s 7·5 million population is black, including those of mixed black and white parentage, while 69 per cent is white, according to the Office for National Statistics.’

  90. @Ron Unz

    Dear Mr. Unz,

    Like a true racist, you publish statistics to bolster an argument that brown people represent and advance a specific political ideology. You folks reading this material should realize by now that our government tailors their socialist campaigns to appeal to minority segments, while our leaders are well aware of the impropriety and unconstitutional nature of their exploitation of blacks, Hispanics and women. Again, history bears out the effectiveness of creating political factions to advance socialism. The results are always the same. LOOK AT VENEZUELA!!!!! Read the history of Chavez and his efforts to instill the socialist mindset among his subjects (Then you can research the reason why his daughter is a billionaire…….) This is a PROCESS. But more importantly, it is historically the chosen means for tyrants to gain power.

    What was Hitler’s Political Party designation? National SOCIALISTS.

    • LOL: Ron Unz
  91. Miro23 says:

    The alt Right needs some marketing lessons. They make it too easy for the liberals to call them racist.

    Maybe they should make it easier.

    Working on the principle that’s it’s best to rectify a mistake as soon as it’s identified, the Hart-Celler Immigration and Naturalization Act (1965) is now acknowledged as a failure. At the time it was claimed that it wouldn’t alter the demographic mix of the United States – but it did.

    Rectification would involve annulling it, with revised citizenship being based on being a citizen in 1965 or being the direct descendent of a person who was a citizen in 1965.

    Citizenship (and voting rights) would then more or less revert to the mix in 1965, with non-qualifying current citizens having their status changed to “long term resident” without voting rights – but all their other rights untouched as long as they paid taxes.

    It’s an open question which political figure would have the power to introduce the legislation, but they would need to be quick, and dive into the nearest bunker to handle the massive Liberal/ Globalist/ SJW/ Jewish incoming.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Svigor
  92. Franz says:

    Fine food for thought from Mr. Unz. Much appreciated.

    My first reaction, actually the only reaction, is that all this is a fine argument for devolution.

    If Silicon Valley, not to mention Portland, Oregon and Taos, New Mexico and Sedona, Arizona are so radically unaware of West Virginia (et al.) why, really, should we pretend they are the same nation?

    It’s all there in the Anti-Federalist Papers which are not hard to find. What’s difficult is which one of those ancient lads was more prophetic than the other.

    Silicon Valley, as a Crown Colony of the Federal Reserve (and Global Tech corporations more generally), could and should remain as it is. As for the rest of us…

    Just take one issue and unwrap it, and the whole becomes clear. Try the bogus opioid epidemic.

    The details are unnecessary for us to get into (especially since there’s been a suicide epidemic accelerating since 2008). They spun it in such a way as to (a) turn all legitimate pain sufferers into “addicts” by cutting them off from legitimate relief, and (b) increased the power of at least three federal agencies (FDA, DEA, CDC) so that every trip to the doctor, from now on, will be a visit to the Security State.

    So the effect was? Obvious and quick. A fifty-ish fellow with severe permanent degenerative pain from an industrial accident long ago was cut off cold here in flyover country, same as war veterans with similar injuries… among many others.

    But the fifty-ish fellow made a 2+2=5 deduction immediately. He is convinced this was a totalitarian, coordinated move to create customers for Afgan heroin he’s certainthe CIA is flying into the country by the ton every day.

    People in pain have every reason to believe the worst about those who dole it out and those who add to the misery. I cannot blame the fellow.

    And that’s only one topic.

    As a libertarian from the late 70s I can relate all the stories of “unintended consequences” but this one looks intentional. Some individuals or groups, very high up, want to ratchet up the fear and anger quotient down below. Drugs, race, sex, income… it goes across the board. Those of us in industrial security see bits of all of it. Not getting better since Trump.

    An economic devolution first, gradually moving to self-sufficiency till political seperation becomes necessary (flags always follow money). A peaceful possibility and in accordance with self-determination as the Founders intended.

    If the old Soviet Union could do it there is no reason why we cannot. From “Evil Empire” to normal and natural nations. From “Great Satan” to a swath of truly independent countries between Canada and Mexico. Each deciding its own fate and following its own destiny.

    Why not?

  93. peterAUS says:

    Pretty much.

    Just a little addition:
    Detention camps: true, but plenty of other forms of physical control, from wearing a device, through home detention and short term country jail(s) to “proper” prisons.And, there will definitely be hard life term incarceration (think that guy in Norway or Hanssen) , even death penalty here and there, for those really stepping out of line.

  94. Ron Unz says:

    Working on the principle that’s it’s best to rectify a mistake as soon as it’s identified, the Hart-Celler Immigration and Naturalization Act (1965) is now acknowledged as a failure. At the time it was claimed that it wouldn’t alter the demographic mix of the United States – but it did.

    Look, for the MILLIONTH time I really do wish that anti-immigration activists would get their basic historical facts straight.

    The 1965 Immigration Act didn’t OPEN the doors to massive Latin American immigration, it CLOSED the doors.

    Prior to 1965, America allowed UNLIMITED immigration from Latin America (and the Caribbean). For the first time, the 1965 Act imposed strict quotas.

    As I’ve said before, just do a bit of research and I think you’ll be absolutely shocked to discover I’m correct about this crucial factual matter.

    And if you do find that I’m correct about this and all of your anti-immigration activist sources have been mistaken for all the years you’ve been reading them, well then, maybe you should take some of my other claims a little more seriously…

  95. @Svigor

    ‘Lol. This is a really bad comparison…’

    Have it your way, then. Holocaust Denial is the rational, demonstrably true belief and belief in the reality of the Holocaust is logically indefensible.

    You’re magnificently missing the point. My point was:

    ‘…The problem I see is that in plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with…’

    …and that is indubitably true. Think of it as akin to arguing for a New World with huge temples in 800 AD. You’d be right — but at the same time, you wouldn’t exactly be convincing people of your sanity.

    You gotta think about what you’re in this for. Are you trying to demonstrate your wisdom and intellectual integrity to yourself — or do you want to change people’s minds about the issues that matter right now?

    • Replies: @Svigor
    , @Curmudgeon
  96. @Ron Unz

    ‘Well, in America the rarely-admitted truth is that virtually all interracial violence involves blacks…’

    Meh. That’s somewhat exaggerated. If we got rid of all blacks, things would be massively improved — but they wouldn’t become all sweetness and light.

    In the eighties, I taught in a high school that went from about 80% Hispanic/20% Asian to about 60% Hispanic/40% Asian over the four years I was there.

    There was a fair amount of inter-racial tension and violence including at least one shooting. Nothing like what would have gone on if blacks had been one of the groups, but it wasn’t all peaceful harmony.

    In general, while I side with you in your distaste for the more virulent forms of anti-Hispanic bigotry, I think you go overboard in the opposite direction. They’re not perfectly assimilable (sp?), and particularly not in the quantities that they’ve been arriving in.

    I’ll even go so far as to speculate that you tend to defend them because first, they don’t threaten you personally in any way — you’d sing a different tune if you were a carpenter! Second, they are indeed hard-working, (literally) small and non-threatening, and usually docile and respectful of (your) wealth and power. These aren’t criticisms of you so much as suggestions that perhaps your attitude inevitably owes something to your position — as is true of all of us.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  97. Ron Unz says:

    Do you think some of what you are saying is due to a selection bias? Many of the people who were against illegal immigration voted with their feet once the courts overruled propositions voted at the ballot box meant to curtail the deluge.

    Probably, but only to a very limited extent. A considerable portion of the white working-class has been driven out to other states by economic competition from immigrants, and lots of higher-paid workers left after the collapse of the aerospace industrial after the end of the Cold War. Housing is so ridiculously expensive that lots of younger whites have to move away to other states to buy homes, and older whites eventually sell their small homes here for a million or two million and retire elsewhere.

    But as I pointed out upthread, the total white CA population has only declined by 15-20% over the last half century, hardly any sort of “mass exodus.”

    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @Svigor
  98. Hail says: • Website
    @Ron Unz

    the decline in the white population of CA really shouldn’t be exaggerated. About 50 years ago, the state had 20M people and was around 80% white. Now it has 40M people and is 30-35% white.

    White non-Hispanics in California:
    – 1970 census: 15.2 million
    – 1990 census: 17.0 million
    – 2000 census: 15.8 million
    – 2010 census: 15.0 million
    – 2017 Census Bureau estimate: 14.6 million

    A significant population loss, near 20% by one possible measure. By 2017, California should have had 18 million Whites if its population growth were exactly in line with nationwide average White population growth of 1990 to 2017 (+5%). California is now on track for <14.5 million Whites for the 2020 census to be taken in a year and a half.

    The total USA White non-Hispanic population in 1990 was 188.1 million and 2017 is estimated at 197.3 million, a figure now also in absolute decline (national peak year: 2015 at 197.5 million).

    Fixing each at 1990=100:

    USA, White population (absolute)
    1990: 100
    2017: 105

    California White population (absolute)
    1990: 100
    2017: 86

    This significant population loss since 1990 seems to me to be a case of Whites voting with their feet, anti-endorsing the multiracial California model.


  99. The media is dominated by Jews. Even Jews acknowledge that fact. What Jews won’t acknowledge is the fact that they’ll control the narrative. It’s no accident that Google, Facebook and other social network websites are culling free speech, and targeting “Alt-Right” web pages for dismissal. What should be discerned by the gentry is the strange relationship between supposedly ultra-conservative luminaries such as Limbaugh and Prager with these social network operators. In case you haven’t noticed, Limbaugh ‘presided’ over two Clinton Presidencies, two Obama Presidencies, Gay Marriages, Partial-Birth Abortions, Moonbeam II and other liberal campaigns coming to fruition. If you desire to hear a full accounting of Israel’s efforts to (again..) employ American Military Forces to fight their battles, tune-in to the surviving “Alt-Right” channels for the latest pep talk. Conservatives no longer exist within politics, the media or on the web. If you believe for one minute that the aforementioned “Alt-Right” pundits do not serve in a capacity as cheerleaders for Israel, then you might as well resign your Conservative Party membership.

  100. @Nicholas Stix

    Tim Wise is NOT Jewish? I think that you are mistaken about this. I had an exchange with Tim Wise and he says he’s Jewish and I believe him. Considering his typical (((opinions))), Wise would probably have broader appeal and more credibility if indeed he was not a Jew. Thus I cannot see a reason why he would lie about his ethnic background. Here’s my article (and exchange) with Tim Wise.

  101. You successfully convinced me that racial diversity works best when everyone has a six figure job and expensive real estate.

    • Replies: @wow
  102. JLK says:

    I stopped self-defining as a “conservative” of any type a long time ago and started trying to analyze issues one by one. The left/right single-dimension axis tends to be used to herd people into uncritically accepting certain positions without thinking too much.

    With that said, those who accept the label “Alt-Right” have already ceded rhetorical ground to the Bill Kristol crowd. The “Alt-Right” is traditional conservatism. It doesn’t need a new name. It is the neoconservatives who are the splinter group, deserving the qualifier.

    As far as censorship in Silicon Valley is concerned, extreme elements of the far right are being used (and no doubt impersonated) as bogeymen for justification, but the real targets and motivations of the crackdown can be gleaned from Google’s handbook for search evaluators:

    On page 108 of the search evaluator quality guidelines, Google gives a glimpse into the type of reference information they bury, including “Pages that directly contradict well-established historical facts (e.g., unsubstantiated conspiracy theories), unless the query clearly indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.”

    I’d imagine those well established historical facts include the official 9/11 and Holocaust narratives, both of which have steadily been losing ground, especially among millennials.

    More clues from Google’s “Good Censor” memo:

    Page 66: “The American Tradition” (free speech) vs. the “European Tradition (dignity over liberty).” When you consider that the CIA largely created that “European Tradition,” and controls the narrative of their press, the issue becomes clear: Given the information-porous borders, we can’t give ordinary Americans a platform to undermine our foreign propaganda.

    There’s no doubt that Google works closely with the government. There have been racist and anti-semitic sites on the Internet from the beginning. They have little impact other than being useful scarecrows to motivate ADL and SPLC contributors.

    They’re a lot more frightened about some of the whoppers they were used to getting away with in the pre-Internet age being exposed, or perceptive foreign policy analysis that will hurt their misdirection tactics.

  103. @Svigor

    [You have already been told that bizarre use of unorthodox grammar or spelling (e.g. u, u’re, urself), especially in content-free rants, will greatly reduce the likelihood of your comments being published. This is your final warning.]

    With “Colin Wright” “Alt-right (Or Anyone) Doesn’t Need Enemies, Suckers

    Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others aren’t.

    What?–first of all, it’s holohoax, nothing else. And WHO would be “convinced” holohoax “happened substantially as advertised…”?–absolutely NO ONE, but a satanic liar, that’s who, the purpose being to besmirch heroic German people who fought so brilliantly against Jew-Bolshevik murderers, which Jew-bolsheviki had already shown themselves as mass-murderers in Ukraine in 1932-3, before NSDAP took power and which heroic German people really were mass-exterminated by Jews, Eisenhower (who was a Jew), and their satanic suck-alongs of the West, Jew S A, and UK.


    Think about it–anyone who’d lie about holohoax, as above quote, would probably deny millions of Germans were mass-murdered, as by starvation and disease during and after WWII, according to evidence by James Bacque, deny the holodomor of Ukraine, and deny the Armenian mass-murders by the Donmeh crypto descendents of Jew messiah, Sabbatai Zevi, who’d taken control of Turkey–they’d also deny that holohoax is deliberately pushed by Jews-media and public edjumacation establishment as way of masking and justifying the ethnic cleansing of Palestine–as well as everywhere else, presently, in Western world. Good gravy.

    Seriously: just ask urself what sort of psychopathic, lying filth would blithely say such thing (quoted, above)?

    But that’s not the end, next we get this gem:

    plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with. Unz Review can have twelve interesting ideas that might actually gain traction with the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

    Isn’t it OBVIOUS that there’s alternative to the idiot suggestion of the quote?–that calling spade spade, and that holohoax is simply satanic lying, is really and truly simply standing up for truth and against satanic lying?

    Observe how the moron drones blithely on,

    …but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

    No sucker, only one who’d do that would be purest, most worthless COWARD, suck-along w. satanists and Jews, Jews the REAL problem, the worst enemies of all humanity, justly hated by all races and cultures, all throughout history.

    So we see Unz, the Jew, setting things up for such cowardly, craven, satanic lies, like holohoax, and gross, utter COMPROMISE for those whom Unz patronizingly pretends to want to “helping” or advising, or counseling–good grief. For with people like “Colin Wright,” whose probably either Jew or homosexual (or both), no Christian or “alt-right” or any gentile of any self-respect needs enemies.

    So this is what Unz’s website is all about, is it?–the compromising and subverting of the general patriot, “nationalist” movement?–by means of moronic crap like this fm “Colin Wright”?

    Comrades, if we’re ANY kind of self-respecting humans, we must stand for TRUTH, the original Christian ideal (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–and holohoax is dead give-away for the very most deadly SATANIC problem and affliction, this putrid, namby-pamby, limp-wristed sort of lying and corruption as “Colin Wright,” who imagines humanity is soooo stupid as to just let it pass by–like Unz does, we see.

    Unz, u fool, don’t u realize “Colin Wright” has exposed u?–compromised u?–absolutely reduced u to abject, comical, and moronic absurd? U censor an honest person like me, but u blandly publish this complete dweeb, “Colin Wright,” and expect it to just get along?

    Now we get to the REAL Unz, don’t we?–for what kind of person, in the first place, is willing to be known as “Jew,” Unz, tell us–especially w. the OBVIOUS Talmudic connection and implications. Don’t tell us u’re not “religious,” Unz, as this idiot “atheism” (or whatever) is well-known and classic stratagem, which atheism itself is mere religion all its own–no one can or ever has PROVEN there’s no God, sucker. And yet to insist there isn’t (any God) w. the sort of emotion and steadfastness atheists (almost always Jews) typically display is just an analogous kind of religious conviction and comportment.

    For if u’re truly “atheist,” then why would u call urself “Jew”? Isn’t ur racial association quite “religious” in itself? U’re willing to be known as Jew–even though so many people hate Jews?–Jews notorious objects of hatred, revulsion, fear, suspicion, question, etc.

    We gentiles and Christians have ALWAYS hated Jews, Unz–can’t u finally figure that out? Christian religion is necessarily anti-semitic as Judaism and Talmud are blatant ANTI-THESIS, even in the classic Hegelian style, to Christian truth ideal. Even before the Christians, u Jews were particularly hated by gentiles, including esp. the Greeks in their rationalist tradition, who also held TRUTH as foremost ideal.

    Even if u pretend u’re atheist and “not religious,” fact remains u, simply as Jew, preach tolerance of those Talmudistics of ur racial/genetic relation WHO ARE “religious.” So u can’t get away fm the problem of ur hypocrisy, on the one hand not willing to own to the Talmud, yet pretending it’s okay to be related genetically, not regretting the Talmud–because u KNOW it would be TREASON to ur people, including the religious–which repudiation u’re not willing to assume. By calling urself “Jew,” Unz, u repudiate humanity.

    Unz: face the hard facts, buddy: if u’re Jew, u’re no friend or even fellow of any gentiles or human beings. Regardless anything else, u’re simply a “Trojan Horse,” an “ice-breaker,” as it were, for fellow Jews who ARE “religious” and Talmudic, even if it were possible u weren’t–u can’t deny it–not in reason or truth. Entertaining “Colin Wright” is too much of a travesty and joke.

  104. MarkinLA says:

    People always say this but never with an example of what should be done and any thought as to how it would work. We can’t say that Hispanics don’t succeed academically because somebody will trot out Jaime Escalante and his (mostly exaggerated) success. Besides if we just spent more of whitey’s money on another program, that should do it. Can’t talk about higher welfare use because whites use the most welfare (even if their rate of use is lower). Can’t talk about affirmative action for people who just hopped the fence (white privilege and all that).

    How do you argue for less Hispanic immigration when the only thing you are allowed to say is how wonderful they are?

    Please put one thing out there that will get any response other than people sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming “racist” until you go away.

    Let’s not forget that the “debate” is juvenile because that is the only debate the left will allow on the issue.

  105. Ron Unz says:
    @Colin Wright

    ‘Well, in America the rarely-admitted truth is that virtually all interracial violence involves blacks…’

    Meh. That’s somewhat exaggerated. If we got rid of all blacks, things would be massively improved — but they wouldn’t become all sweetness and light.

    Well, I was only slightly exaggerating. If you haven’t already, you might want to take a look at my big Race/Crime article from a few years ago:

    One of my most remarkable findings was that when you analyze the violent crime rates across all of America’s cities over the last 25 years, you discover that the correlation with the percentage of the black population closely approaches unity, ranking it as among the highest correlations ever found in the social sciences. Put another way, to a good approximation the only factor that determines an American city’s violent crime rate is the relative size of the local black population:

    Several of America’s most eminent social scientists were absolutely stunned by my finding, which I’d been casually aware of for many, many years.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @Martin Luther
  106. anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

    So basically Unz’s whole point is SV is against Alt-right because they are much more multicultural and do not see the threat.

    I don’t think Unz is being honest here. The real issue here is SV has been taken over by Jews just like Wall Street, Hollywood, K Street, DNC, the media, academia and judiciary. Jews go whole hog embracing multiculturalism because it benefits them in at least 3 ways, 1) in a nation of all Christian whites, Jews are at the bottom of the totem pole, but when surrounded by all non-whites, they are suddenly “white” by comparison, 2) they are no longer the only out group, hence “safer”, and 3) they like cheap labor.

    When Jews take over an institution/industry, they invariably run it to the ground through their greed, dishonesty and lack of self-restraint, and the best way to hide all that moral degeneracy is through loud virtue signaling. The book Brotopia talks about the drugs, sex, and moral degeneracy of SV approaching the level of Hollywood. We can even see this through the shows produced by Netflix and Amazon, SV and Hollywood are converging. And with the hiring of Obama admin people and financing by Wall Street run private equity, SV is converging with Hollywood, DC and Wall Street. This always happens when Jews are in charge. Hitting out at alt-right is just virtue signaling to cover up their own moral degeneracy.

    In addition, cheap labor is the lifeblood of the tech industry. Tech plantation owners from Gates to Zuckerberg, Bezos to Jewgle to Tim Cook need their cheap code coolies. Even though they hire no more than 5,000 blue badge employees a year between these top 5 firms, they employ hundreds of thousands of contingent staff through consulting agencies like Infosys, TCS, Wipro, who hire all their code coolies from India, China, Philippines and elsewhere. Trump’s “America First” agenda could put a hamper on that cheap code coolie pipeline, though Trump’s been all talk and no walk on this front and has done nothing to stop the H1b, OPT, L1, B1 hirings, we know Jews are a paranoid lot. Zuckerberg and Jewgle guys need a few more billions to keep up with Bezos.

    One must ask why white males in the tech industry who are increasingly losing jobs to cheap foreign workers willingly join in on this assault of the alt-right, against their self-interest. My experience from hanging out with them is they are either so dumb they bought in on all this virtue signaling, or are part of the large stock holder class and want to profit off the cheap labor themselves, or both.

    • Replies: @CalDre
  107. Dear Sir: I often times read/listen/view the opinions of some of the FEW ill-labeled ALT-Right media. I even listen to Dr David Duke, althought one may find some of his ideas objcetonable nevertheless HE is not the evil incarnation that the MSM make him out to be. In fact Dr. Duke seems a reasonable intellectual worthy of debate, attention,etc. I would bet you that IF the PUBLIC were allowed to make their OWN choices as is their Constitutional democracy in the FREE market of ideas Dr. Duke would be one of the leading voices of American political debate. I do not think for a minute that allowing Dr. Duke, Dr. Kevin McDonald, and even mainstream moderates like Hanson Davis, Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson, and other that may be calssified as alt right voices would in any way cause a racial civil war quite the contrary, any topic debated openly, reasonable, UNcensored debate allows reasonable people, even deplorables to speak, write, analyze the issues and I am convinced that ultimately some shades of truth will emerge and charlatans both in the MSM/ALtRight will be dismissed and people as often the case will move towards the middle, center. modera positions. Sometimes what cause violence is CENSORSHIP, and what the MSM, Antifa, LEFT<dem academics are doing is outright FASCISM, totalitarian idelogical dictatosrhip…Unfourtunately ALL voices are under threat from the Kosher Inquistion, ANTIsemitism is the nuclear trigger that silences ALL debate…why??? And please not everything is well in placid California, poverty, homelessness, intraracial conflicts (schools), Most people in California are not part of the Sillicon Valley Elite earning millions, quite able to secure their standards of living in healtl education, POLICING, etc. And will postponed the dabte surrounding LIBERAL racism…they love minorities BUT not in their neighborhoods, equipped with video surveillances, drones, private patrols,…whatvere we think of the ALT Right as lunatics, conspiracy theotries well they MUST be given their space as other are also IF MSM tolerares pornographers, pedo advocates, same sex toilets, public (adult/child) nudity, legalizing drugs, atheists, satanists, eugenicists, why not the ALT/TRight?????? will that be the end of the world?

  108. anon[694] • Disclaimer says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    If you want a graphic display of Hispanic crime, just look at the current LAPD most wanted list to learn why whites fear Hispanic crime.

    Awesome. Now Unz can shut up about Hispanics being wrongly blamed for crimes.

  109. Ron Unz says:
    @jack daniels

    I have some minor quibbles with Mr. Unz’s piece (there are indeed many Mexicans in West Virginia

    Well, I’ll admit I was being a little rhetorical. But according to the Census, West Virginia is only 1.6% Hispanic and California is almost 40%, meaning we have about 500x as many. So I do think it’s just a small exaggeration to say that most people in WV have “almost no contact” with Mexicans.

    but my main point is that anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, and even anti-black rhetoric is a “sublimation” of resentment of changes in society that are mostly the doing of Jews. Since it is too dangerous to criticize Jews there is a tendency to blame Muslims or other less powerful minorities e.g. only an already marginal commentator will raise the issue of a Jew complaining about a Christmas display but it’s acceptable to make a fuss about the rare Muslim who complains. After this habit gets ingrained people start to think that it really IS Muslims or Hindus who are responsible for ending the Christmas concert or banning CS Lewis books when it’s nearly always Jews.

    LOL!! I’d never realized that the Foxtards had now started blaming Muslims for America’s 50-year “War on Christianity,” but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised and your social analysis is exactly correct.

    One of the really amusing aspects is that Muslims actually consider Jesus as the Holy Prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, and regard insults against him as the worst form of blaspheme, which Islamic Fundamentalists would probably punish by death. Muslims even accept the Virgin Birth. Meanwhile, Jews regard Jesus as about the vilest man who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity suffering in a boiling vat of excrement.

    Another similar example of this “sublimation” even more relevant to this thread is the ridiculous way most rightwingers discuss crime. Based on all available evidence, Hispanics have approximately the same crime rates as whites of the same age, while black crime rates are so horrifically high they almost entirely determine the overall crime rates of any American city or locality (see my other comment upthread).

    But since discussing black crime is “racist” and will get you banned from the media, nearly all rightwingers are too scared to touch it with a ten-foot pole and instead make up the most ridiculous sort of nonsense about Hispanic or immigrant crime. That’s where all the Ann Coulter/Donald Trump nonsense about “killers and rapists” swarming across the border comes from. Meanwhile, to prove he wasn’t “racist,” Trump just endorsed that bill apparently letting huge numbers of serious criminals out of American prisons.

  110. @Ron Unz

    what is the “correlation” between or among factors like POVERTY, income levels, UNemployment and crime with the fact of being BLACK???? DEM black cities? FAILED schools???what is the correlation between crime and IMMIGRATION status within the “hispanic” population…will and ILLegal latino (deportation) commit as much crime as a legal/USA BORN latinos? IF you were an illegal Latino working in the USA to support your family back in your home country would you commit crimes???? AND be extremely careful intragenerational factors fro ALL populations???

  111. @Brian Reilly

    that’s about it.

    Unz is a righteous Jew, and thus can “get along” with Whites.

    the Sanhedrin, however, has other ideas. Encapsulated by

    Sontag’s “White Race is the Cancer of human History”,

    a perspective since shared by many other public Jews: Wattenberg, Ignatiev, Wise, Soros, etc. etc.

    (((they))) intend to extinct us, and

    are doing so by collapsing the White birthrate (legalized abortion, porn, sexperv, and Judeo-feminism)

    and Judeo-globalist open-borders ethnorc insourcing.

    @Unz: where does it end? When Whites are down to 30%? 20%? 10%? or 0% of the population?

    if organized Jewry continues to have its way, it ends at…0%.

  112. KenH says:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Tim Wise is not a Jew. I know he’s lied about it, but he’s not. Besides, what doesn’t he lie about?

    By his own admission he considers himself Jewish and based on his professed animus towards whites and anti-white activism I’ll take him at his word. Moreover, I’m not aware of any prominent Jews or Jewish groups who have challenged his claim, so it would appear they consider him one of their own as well.

    Obviously with your good work acknowledging and documenting black on white crimes you are an exception and the anti-Tim Wise. As is Ron Unz with this site and for being one of the most tolerant and possibly the most tolerant moderator on the internet.

  113. @apollonian

    “Holocaust Denial” is an incendiary term that will justify the unleashing of the Jewish SMR (Scalded Monkey Routine) response to such heresy and hatred. Many Jews “Deny the Holocaust”, and even a scintilla of scrutiny applied toward that topic opens up an entire chapter revealing its origins: War Atrocity Propaganda. As the Holocaust Industry slowly dispenses with the most ridiculous elements of that event, such as Human Soap, a leftover from WWI, along with lampshades made from Jewish Skin, Holocaust historians must feverishly revamp their published volumes and lecture content to keep up with the changes. Hilberg, for example, deleted references to his “Hitler Orders to Exterminate the Jews” published in his standard reference work “The Destruction of the European Jews” after confessing his inability to produce those orders during his testimony at the Zundel False News Trial in Canada. What goyim should know is that, during Zundel’s Appeal Trial, NONE of the witnesses, historians or prosecution experts would appear and testify under oath.

    (Can you say “Perjury”?…….)

    Truly, Holocaust Revisionism is akin to shooting Gefilte fish in a barrel, which is why the Industry has shifted their efforts toward government sanction and protection of that fairy tale.

    • Agree: apollonian
    • Replies: @Andre Citroen
  114. @mark green

    Time Wise is Jewish in the paternal line.

    he ID’s as a Jew,

    and his murderously anti-White stance

    is definitively Jewish.

    • Replies: @Alden
  115. anon[199] • Disclaimer says:

    lol, good rant

    • Replies: @apollonian
  116. anon[199] • Disclaimer says:


    looks like we on the right actually shamed the state of Texas into labeling the beaners on their Ten Most Wanted Criminals as “White (Hispanic)” now instead of the usual Gomez’s, Gonzalez, Ramirez etc being called “White”

    notice 8 out of 10 hispanic, 9 out of 10 non-white

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  117. @Ron Unz

    I myself will shortly be leaving Mexifornia: in Santa Barbara, my current domicile (and a B’nai Brith/ADL-ruled sanctuary city) c. 2/3 of the population no longer speaks English…or shares my values. So it is now a mass


    and it’s accelerating rapidly.

    the White population of Mexifornia will be c. 25% by the mid-2020’s

    and thereafter decline precipitously.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  118. anon[694] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jack Highlands

    Bravo. It’s sad but it’s how liberals think, because they are all heart and no brain. I know of family members who casually know of a Muslim or two and instantly came to the conclusion that all Muslims are good people. They went hysterical over Trump’s “Muslim ban” because, gosh darn, “We have Muslim friends!” Even though they really don’t know a damn thing about said friend, he could be a wife beater, or have several wives, fund Al Qaeda, have family members who joined ISIS, they wouldn’t know. But they know all Muslims are good people because Muhammad always says hello at the water cooler.

    • Replies: @jbwilson24
    , @anon
  119. @anon

    Thanks, buddy–I must be careful how I spell, hoho ho ho. I hope people will tell Unz he’s not being accurate about grammar, or “content-free,” and he’s obviously just setting-up excuse for his censorship–which censorship is precisely what he pretends to be speaking against in this thread, notice? Take care.

  120. Anonymous [AKA "Jack C"] says:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    There is a substantial difference between worshiping JFK and recognizing Israel’s responsibility for his murder.

  121. llloyd says: • Website

    I was wanting to bring up that point. White Hispanics may as young men get up to some mischief, even serve time. But they are working class young white and Asian men’s rituals everywhere in the world. That is manageable. But of course one would rather working class Hispanics were not in large numbers living in the non Mexican historic areas. Can’t really hold it against them for living in the Mexican historic areas. It’s the Mestizo problem. I am sure but don’t know if you checked the racial descent of the vicious Hispanic gangs and random violence actors, you would see maybe even entirely they are Mestizos. The Caribean Hispanics are the black problem and should not be included with the American Hispanics. Of course, there are lovely Mestizos. But I think a good male Mestizo unless he is very intelligent must have an institutional support such as a Church.

  122. The piece is very….naive.
    Where to begin?
    You say that Alt-right figures exaggerate what it will be like when whites become a minority?
    And you cite California to support your thesis?
    Where to begin?
    I was robbed at gunpoint by mexican gang members.
    My car was totaled by a mexican illegal who gave me false information at the accident scene.
    My building was tagged up, “HATE WHITE PEOPLE HATE BLUE EYES.”
    I was fired from my job (by mexicans and blacks) and cheated out of my pension.

    But Ron says there is nothing to be worried about when whites become a minority.
    Thanks for the heads up.

  123. The hq of Apple is located in a city that has almost exactly 1/10th the proportion of Hispanics as does its enclosing California.

    Apple Park is the corporate headquarters of Apple Inc., located at 1 Apple Park Way in Cupertino, California

    Cupertino city, California [2017]
    Hispanic or Latino, percent … 3.9%

    California [2017]
    Hispanic or Latino, percent … 39.1%

  124. niceland says:

    It isn’t only the Alt-right suffering censorship on the web. Anti War voices, people reporting alternative views on the middle east conflict have been censored. Anyone seriously questioning the “west’s” narrative on Russia is painted as Russian troll these days. The EU pushing forward draconian legislation regarding copyright law. Perhaps this is just more of the same; the rules of the MSM being pushed on the big web companies.

    Remember Amazon dropping hundreds of book titles recently. John Pilger can no longer publish articles in his old stomping grounds in “The Guardian”. Seymour Hersh is an outlaw these days and self proclaimed socialist Chris Hedges enjoys shelter on R.T.

    Yes, perhaps the final decisions about disappering sites or blogs are made in Silicone Valley but I find it unlikely the personal experiences of the people running these companies makes much difference. After all they are running multi billion dollar enterprises laying golden eggs and at the same time are under serious political pressure both in the U.S. and abroad. They have a lot to loose if they don’t play ball and since the business model for most of them is harvesting private information from the public to sell to their advertisers – ideological issues like free speech are hardly high on the priority list. Disappering few bad apples mumbling about controversial issues is just the cost of doing business.

    As for the “Alt-Right” – I honestly don’t get it after year on If Charlottesville is any indication the “Alt-Right” is a dead horse. A political impossibility not realizing – when in a hole – stop digging. As a movement it needs total reform. Red-pilling the rest of the population about ww2 or some long passed historical issues isn’t going to work. New plan is needed – but the real question is – does the ALt-Right really deserve sympathy? I am not sure about that.

  125. Saxon says:
    @jack daniels

    The point is they’re foreign people who vote against the interests of the host population, which is proof positive that the entire stack of rhetoric and propaganda this all was sold on was lies. No one voted to bring these people in or consented to bringing them in, yet those worst affected receive no sympathy. Deaths from despair, literally the biggest ongoing genocides in history if this continues. No political representation whatsoever, either.

    When I think of white liberals you talk of but the hyperatomized libertarian LARP crowd really aren’t much different from, I think I can understand things like public executions and cheering crowds in the not-so-distant past for crimes of treason. No sense of the past, present or future. No solidarity with your own kind. No real investment in the future. Purely treasonous and mercenary. Whatever gets you the most money in the here and now, future costs be damned.

  126. Saxon says:
    @Ron Unz

    Let’s be real here. Every single demographic except for SOME east Asians commits significantly more crime (as in multiples) of the white rate. Central and South American countries have some of the highest murder rates in the world. They are utter hellholes. The fact that the US government calls Mestizos and every other non-European they can “White” for the purpose of obfuscating the crime rates in the US doesn’t change this fact. It doesn’t matter that blacks are overall generally the worst.

    Letting these people in is more crime that can be prevented by not letting them in. In any case, they all have their own countries. If they’re really as great as you claim they are, why are their countries all such toilet bowls?

    • Replies: @CalDre
    , @Ron Unz
  127. @apollonian

    I’m hated and vilified by the Holocaust Deniers.

    Oh what to do, oh what to do?

    • Replies: @anon
  128. Anonymous[978] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Thank you once again Ron for keeping a laser like focus on the perils of legal immigration along with that of illegal immigration, which most people just discount as something innocuous. Replacing the upper middle class and the elite class of this country with someone from a low trust, dog eat dog culture like India and China will irreversibly change the character of our country as well as the direction it is going in. We see the terrible repercussions of importing high IQ and extremely low trust (with goyim out-groups) ashkenazi folk today.

    Granted China is miles ahead of India (which is way way more ethnocentric due to it’s myriad castes and competing groups treating eat other as out-groups) but still it is way too different from a Saxon perspective that provides Anglo-Saxon Europe and Anglo Saxon derived derived nations such high quality of life which is based on a high trust society

    Though we do differ on the role Hispanic or rather (to be precise) Mestizos are going to play in the country, there are at least agreements on the perils of legal immigration that you seem to understand well. That’s positive

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  129. anon[199] • Disclaimer says:
    @Colin Wright

    Oh what to do, oh what to do?

    stop pretending to be Alt-Right?

    • LOL: apollonian
    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  130. Biff says:

    If the Fed gov was instead used a weapon against your type

    “Danger” liberal ahead.

    • Replies: @Saxon
  131. Anon[206] • Disclaimer says: • Website

    No. While you’re probably right about the SV reaction to the alt-right, there is no direct line from that reaction to agreeing to censor content as per the direction of the ADL, the SPLC, and the Weekly Standard. Your argument doesn’t begin to compute. And your ‘blame the victim’ game is transparent and completely wrong. The censorship now is overt and draconian, and it’s time to begin thinking of some way to combat it ….. if one exists.

    Note: I’ve commented before but I forgot my screenname.

  132. fnn says:

    Among other things, Hanson says there is a big theft problem where he lives in the Central Valley. He has experienced it often on his farm and even century-old public buildings have their ornamentations stolen. Hanson also says he sometimes finds the mangled corpses of the losers of last night’s Pit Bull fights on his property. Remember, besides being a professor of Classics, he has Mexicans in his extended family.

  133. CalDre says:
    @Ron Unz

    I wrote “Not sure how you can be so wrong on this” because in general you strike me as a solid researcher. Maybe you have a blind spot on this issue as you seem to be super pro-Hispanic immigration? I gave you some research ideas (La Raza and Reconquista), I’m sure if you set your mind to it and research it objectively you will find it is far, far more than your “Supreme UFO God” anecdote. I don’t follow it in great detail but there was a quite big deal about this during the 2006 pro-immigration protests, with countless La Raza protesters in the US waving Mexican flags and walking the walk. Although I generally don’t like Human Events, some of that activity is summarized there.

    No, the Latinos are an invading force, there is no doubt in my mind. They are smart enough not to rock the boat while the minority, but they will soon be the majority, and you will see more power be exercised. I don’t claim every Latino is anti-European, but virtually every Latino identifies with Latinos, not with Europeans. I have lived all over both metropolitan and rural California, not just the utterly unrepresentative Silicon Valley, and I quite know what I am writing about here. When push comes to shove, and the Latino leader comes along, they will follow him, not you, and not Whitey.

  134. As an example, when “everyone says” that Russia hacked our presidential election, well, then, I suppose that Russia must have hacked our presidential election.

    The fundamental problem is not that Russia hacked our election, but that we would be far better off she they did than if she didn’t.

    That’s our leadership situation. That’s why we elected a casino owner.

  135. Svigor says:

    The alt Right needs some marketing lessons. They make it too easy for the liberals to call them racist.

    The trick to dealing with accusations of racism is to act like you’ve just been accused of…something irrelevant. When you start sputtering denials, they win. When you ignore the accusation, or hurl it back, and move on quickly to your next talking point as if nothing significant has happened (because nothing has), you’re starting to “get” it. If need be, you can start enumerating all the ways that the left is racist against Whites*. If you don’t know many, go hone your rhetoric, you aren’t ready for advocacy.

    *This is not DR3. DR3 is faggot boomers claiming the left are the real racists against non-whites.

  136. Svigor says:
    @Colin Wright

    Have it your way, then. Holocaust Denial is the rational, demonstrably true belief and belief in the reality of the Holocaust is logically indefensible.

    You’re magnificently missing the point. My point was:

    ‘…The problem I see is that in plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with…’

    No, I got your point, but you larded it with some really shitty talking points that I wanted to correct.

    Yes, you’re right, a lot of normies are repelled by Shoah revisionism. A lot of normies are also worthless shytes (far too “respectable”) who will never join us until it’s totally obvious which way the wind is blowing, and by then we won’t need them anymore.

    Not saying there’s no middle ground, but that was part of my point; many styles for many audiences. There are a LOT of very rational white guys out there who, frankly, don’t give a good flying goddamn what the herd thinks and are instead rather fond of doing their own thinking. They’re the audience for Shoah revisionism. IOW, I think there’s room for both styles.

    You gotta think about what you’re in this for. Are you trying to demonstrate your wisdom and intellectual integrity to yourself — or do you want to change people’s minds about the issues that matter right now?

    IMO there’s no One True Way. Not in terms of optimal systems of gov’t, and not in optimal systems of advocacy. E.g., to your left there are guys kvetching about how aunty-semytizm is holding us back. And to their left, guys kvetching about racism. Etc. I happen to know from experience that treetopping counter-semitism right from the start can turn guys into WNs, because I’m one of those guys. My philosophy is to just shoot straight and not try to hard to tailor stuff to the listener, at least online. Give the facts, and let people make of them what they will.

    P.S., I happen to have a very unique approach to “revisionism” that actually doesn’t constitute “denial.” Only skepticism. I happen to find it a lot more defensible and persuasive than the hard-core denial methods I see others using. The fact is, I’m not a scholar, and I don’t know enough about the subject to really hold forth, one way or the other. On the other hand, I absolutely know that the orthodox narrative stinks. I mean really stinks. That is undeniable, and I can easily prove it. But truth be told, I don’t know for certain what happened. But to each his own.

  137. @niceland

    Do you even know what the Alt Right stands for? I don’t think you do…yet you criticize a movement you give no indication of understanding.

    SYSTEM wants 1)War with Christian Russia…..2)coast to coast demographic shift….3)homo-pederast norming of American Society…..The Alt Right is a revolt against this….perhaps you support 1)…2)….3)…?

    The SYSTEM is obviously very terrified of the Alt Right….that’s why it wages Police State repression against the Alt Right…… But why is the SYSTEM terrified of the Alt Right?

  138. Svigor says:
    @Ron Unz

    But as I pointed out upthread, the total white CA population has only declined by 15-20% over the last half century, hardly any sort of “mass exodus.”

    LOL, different strokes, I guess. Because I call that a mass exodus.

    (Especially when talking about the best real estate on the planet)

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  139. dfordoom says: • Website

    indicate that tech leaders like socially (not economically) progressive ideas that are fashionable among elites.

    They like socially progressive ideas because they’re terrified of economically progressive ideas. If they keep pushing socially progressive ideas they hope that no-one will notice the ever-increasing economic inequality.

    They support the Cultural Left enthusiastically because they have nightmares that an actual Economic Left might arise and force them to give up a few of their billions.

    It’s all about class but the alt-right is incapable of understanding such complicated subjects.

    It’s really amusing to see alt-righters rabbiting on about IQ when their own comprehension of the world is so pathetically unsophisticated and naïve.

  140. Svigor says:
    @mark green

    I could see a Caucasoid anti-white racist in the anti-white racism business claiming to be Jewish to fit in.

  141. @anon

    ‘stop pretending to be Alt-Right?’

    Are you saying I’m not really one of the faithful?

    • Replies: @anon
  142. CalDre says:

    1) in a nation of all Christian whites, Jews are at the bottom of the totem pole, but when surrounded by all non-whites, they are suddenly “white” by comparison

    lol, Jews did quite well in Europe during the Middle Ages, when all but Jews were forced to convert to Christianity (i.e., they were the only “minority”), and are still doing quite well there now. And by doing quite well, I mean, the average Jew was vastly better off than the average Christian.

    2) they are no longer the only out group, hence “safer”

    It’s quite true that Jews have ruthlessly exploited other minorities – notably African-Americans in the US – to advance their own identity politics, but, I don’t see how that makes them safer. Aggressive, domineering, aberrational behavior can you get in trouble anywhere at any time, and Jews are notorious for absolutely refusing to assimilate – indeed that is their defining characteristic (Jews have always been free to assimilate wherever they have lived, whether in Christian or Muslim countries, it’s just that unlike everyone else, they adamantly refuse because of their belief in their own superiority, which is precisely the belief which gets them in “trouble” over time).

    3) they like cheap labor.

    Right, as if White and Black America weren’t flocking to Walmart (the China distribution center) in the 80s and 90s while America was being de-industrialized. Everyone likes cheap labor, i.e., everyone likes “more”.

    When Jews take over an institution/industry, they invariably run it to the ground through their greed, dishonesty and lack of self-restraint

    I don’t see how this is a peculiarly Jewish trait. What have Europeans done with their institutions? What has the Catholic Church done? What of the crimes of the nobility during feudalism, which mirror those of slavery? What rulers who have great power don’t abuse it? The only thing I would note that is particularly Jewish about the US corruption is that Jews put themselves above criticism with their “anti-Semitic” bullshit, which is enough reason to hate every single Jew who uses that epithet to advance Jewish power and corruption (which, unfortunately, is a quite large majority of self-identified Jews).

    We can even see this through the shows produced by Netflix and Amazon

    Of course the Christians pay for this degeneracy. It’s hardly fair to blame those who produce trash, when they get rich off it, and absolve those who buy it, thus creating the demand and reward. Note in this and virtually every other case of degeneracy, the First Amendment (as interpreted by the Black Robed Satanic Dictatorship) is the enemy of decency and edification.

    they hire no more than 5,000 blue badge employees a year between these top 5 firms

    I don’t know where you get this stat, but the fact is programming is an international language. If you had two equally competent employees, one demanding $150,000 per year and another $15,000 per year, who would you hire (imagine doing it now, with your money). I’ve been in that position myself, I never minded hiring foreign programmers (though I generally chose Eastern European ones). Again, this has nothing whatsoever to do with Jews; even if there were not a single Jew in the US or the world, this would be happening in the internet world.

  143. @Haxo Angmark

    The reason for the decline you cite will not be due to White Flight. Liberals are waving illegals into the country who not only vote, but they attach themselves to social programs, and bring with them the attitudes and political ideologies that made their own countries toilets. Mr. Unz ran for Governor of California (Actually, I would have voted for him!) His opposition to Proposition 187, which in part would have relieved Californians from underwriting funding to support illegal aliens, seems like a dichotomy, due to support for that measure coming in large part from Mexican Americans who went through the process of legally attaining U.S. Citizenship. There’s another dichotomy apparent among the liberal camp, as they campaign to increase the illegal alien population: They cite a very famous farm worker named Cesar Chavez as their poster child for these struggling people. Like everything else in the Puffy Lip environment, they didn’t realize Chavez himself despised illegal aliens. (You have to chuckle when Abraham Lincoln is canonized by liberals for freeing the black slaves. Lincoln wanted those people out of the U.S. His political campaign speech could have been the original Ku Klux Klan Manifesto.)

    Our state needs sane and competent leadership. It is unfortunate that we don’t have enough sane and competent voters to elect them.

  144. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Colin Wright

    There’s little point in decrying mainstream censorship if we’re just going to muzzle ourselves.

    As long as you cling to liberal concepts like freedom of speech you will lose.

    As Steve Sailer has pointed out what matters is who controls the Megaphone. And that’s a matter of power. If you want power you have to be prepared to not worry too much about ethical niceties. You have to focus on winning rather than on being virtuous.

    Political movements that have successfully gained power have usually purged themselves of the idiots who cause them more harm than good. If you want to have a serious shot at gaining at least a small taste of real power then you’re probably better off without the Holocaust deniers and the 9/11 truthers and the idiots who still carry on about Obama’s birth certificate.

  145. Svigor says:
    @mark green

    Hahaha I’m only halfway through but I’m really enjoying watching you curb-stomp that little shit. He’s such a duplicitous, sniveling little shit pile.

  146. CalDre says:

    Every single demographic except for SOME east Asians commits significantly more crime (as in multiples) of the white rate.

    What technically is “White” to you? Arabs are White, yet many Whites (despite denying Arabs are White) consider them to be especially violent (rightly or wrongly).

    Also, how do you measure murder rates? Consider WW II, which, at least in the European theater, was a war entirely between Whites in which 30 million or more were killed. How many years would it take S. America, with its current crime rates, to catch up to that tidy sum? Think of all the prior European wars, and the violence of feudalism.

    Perhaps if you tried to adjust for poverty and other factors you would find that these elements are more critical to crime rates than race. As a data point, consider crime rates in Russia during the Yeltsin years versus now, after economic stability has been restored, and consider the economic conditions in the high-crime Latin American areas. Indeed, go a step further, and compare Latin American crime rates over time against economic conditions for the lower classes over time.

    Here is another perspective: how many non-Whites have Whites murdered, if you count all of the wars and colonizations by White people? How many Native Americans, who greeted Columbus with flowers and gifts, were murdered and enslaved by him and his greedy criminal allies?

    Perhaps it can be said, that Whites are much more likely to commit collective, organized violence than other races?

    Anyway, I don’t have all the answers, I just do know your comment is way over-simplistic.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Saxon
    , @foolisholdman
  147. @War for Blair Mountain

    Post-1965 America is a gargantuan filthy stinking coast-to-coast toilet bowl….California is an ecological disaster area…especially Southern California….something’s gotta-gonna snap….collapse…implode……

    I recommend a Cordon Sanitare Policy for Southern California….Let the Gooks and Hindus kill of all the the mega-fauna…endangered plant and endangered bird species in California….let them use up of all the H20….Let the Southern California Ec0nomy crash…or perhaps you believe the laws of physics and ecology don’t apply to California’s Economy……

    Post-1965 California is magical thinking writ large….

    I suppose the game-plan for end-state malignant tumor California is Governor half-breed-Kraut-Mexican Spic Governor Scharzenegger…….

  148. Benefits enjoyed today acquired through subservient labor will be paid by future generations. Addiction to flattery is a vice that destroys man and culture.

  149. Anonymous[267] • Disclaimer says:

    Ron, your arguments here are pretty intellectually lazy.

    Yes, it’s certainly true that there are a lot of Trump supporters in West Virginia who don’t have personal experience with Mexicans, but what about the reverse? Do white people who live in Central Valley, or Arizona, or Texas (et. al) not have experience with Mexicans? These are all places that voted for Trump too.

    Also, you can turn these lazy/facile heuristics on their head: what do you make of the fact that white people in Vermont (or Marin County) are way more pro Mexican immigration than white people in Texas (or San Diego County)? New Mexico has the most hispanics of any state, how are things going there (in terms of education, poverty, violent crime, overall social welfare)?

    Another point: try thinking in terms of ceteris paribus, not whether things are better now than they were in 1970. If you want an argument as to why immigration matters, go look up standardized test scores for whites and hispanics in California.

    By the way, I actually agree with you on a lot of things including the hispanic crime thing, and hispanic disease thing. I also think that immigration generally doesn’t lower native wages substantially, since immigrant labor complements native labor.

    P.S. Can you write about the Vela Incident?

  150. anonymous[666] • Disclaimer says:

    Can someone (Ron?) put forward a theory as to why Hispanics have similar violent crime rates to non-Hispanic whites in the U.S., while in the Latin American countries from which they’re drawn, they have the highest intentional homicide rate in the world, exceeding even the most violent African countries?*

    El Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela top the list of countries by homicide rate, exceeding the U.S. figures by over ten fold. Mexico exceeds the US by almost four fold. (The American figure being mostly made up of Blacks and Hispanics, itself).

    Why do Hispanics behave differently in the U.S. than they do in Latin America? Will this persist even after they achieve a critical mass? (Btw, what research into critical mass effects in Demographics have been done?)

    * But, the African figures may be somewhat questionable.

  151. @Anonymous

    competing groups treating eat other as out-groups

    You win the Sigmund Award for Best Typo of the Day!

    • Replies: @LostHopeless
  152. dfordoom says: • Website

    The company is held hostage by the beliefs of the workforce just the opposite of the days of manufacturing being king where the execs fired you for being too extreme in your leftist views.

    LOL. You’d still get fired if you tried expressing actual leftist views. Try working at one of these tech companies and suggesting that the tech monopolies should be broken up, that the banks should be nationalised, that the means of production should be in the hands of the proletariat. They’d fire you in about three nanoseconds.

    But there’s no danger of that because neither the execs nor the employees in Silicon Valley hold left-wing views.

    Hint: believing in homosexual marriage does not make you a leftist.

  153. wierdo says:

    Whites could be more persuasive if they focus on some failings among their own bottom 10% at the moment, and try to help them rise up from drugs, tattoos, out-of-wedlock-births, and “the life”.

    The Charlottesville pictures were awful: damned fools waving Nazi-stuff, and a few nuts were sporting Klan-clothing. I remember your average white in a collared shirt and khakis back in the eighties, seemingly trying to dress and comport themselves in emulation of their social superiors, not trailer-park-hate-attire.

    The alt-right should focus on immigration-reduction first, but then charity and boosterism amongst their fellow whites. If a local polity wants to pull down some statues, and the majority of the voting populace in that area supports it, then so be it. All tussles with antifa are going to be covered by the media as white violence.

    I do have an idea at how to stab at the white left’s underbelly however. If you are a white in a hopeless political district, you could register as a democrat and always vote for the minority candidate in the democratic primaries. The more white democrats that realize that they have no place in the party of color, and will not be elected no matter how much corporate money gets thrown at them, the more they will start to see things our way. If for instance in Ron Unz’s California, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, and Newsome all lost their primaries to Mexican-income-redistributionist-candidates in the next Democratic primaries because hordes of former white republican voters crossed lines and voted for them, the realization that they will not be running the future multicultural America will truly dawn on them.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Saxon
  154. dfordoom says: • Website

    There are other hot buttons they need to add that will install some fear about uncheck immigration than just brown and black hordes.

    There are certainly much stronger arguments against immigration that the racial ones.

    But the alt-right really needs to address other issues besides immigration. What is the point in “saving” our society from those black and brown hordes if we have a society that is so decadent and so degenerate that it’s not worth saving?

    And if the alt-right ever wants to gain significant support it might be a good idea to address economic issues. Trump won in 2016 by giving the appearance that on economic issues he was well to the left of Hillary Clinton. Economic populism with a left-wing tinge wins actual votes.

  155. dfordoom says: • Website
    @jack daniels

    As a social conservative I wish we had a populist party that was socially conservative, libertarian on speech, and economically friendly to the working class.

    There was a time when most Anglophone countries had such parties. Certainly in Australia up to the late 60s the Labor Party was generally like that. In fact up to the 50s the Australian Labor Party was very Catholic and very socially conservative.

    Such parties did exist in the past and there’s no reason they couldn’t exist today. In fact being left on economic issues and being conservative on social issues is a natural fit – the destruction of the family has been a catastrophe for the working class, as has the rising tide of drugs and sexual degeneracy. Old School leftists were very well aware of that danger.

    • Replies: @jack daniels
  156. Anonymous[409] • Disclaimer says:

  157. Deschutes says:

    Ron says-

    But Silicon Valley is a different story. One-third of the local population consists of Hispanic immigrants, mostly Mexican and a large fraction from an illegal immigrant background.

    It’s easy to overlook the fact that California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada were all first colonized by the Spanish, and that all of what is now the southwest United States was first claimed by Spain in the 1600-1700s. The Mexican Revolution for Independence from Spain in 1821 resulted in California becoming part of Mexico. Nobody spoke English, and all of the colonists were of Spanish descent. It was only after the Mexican-American war in 1848 that California finally became part of the USA, and up until this time vast majority of settlers spoke Spanish or were of Mexican heritage. This date was when the California Gold rush brought in hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Yankees from the eastern states.

    My point in mentioning this history is that most Americans don’t know the history of the American southwest, and that Mexicans were here first, well before Americans. All of the names are Spanish: San Francisco, Los Angeles, California, Colorado, El Paso, Santa Fe, etc. So they are not ‘immigrants’ in fact. The Spanish speakers were here first. English speakers came much later (and then fucked everything up).

  158. CalDre says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’d say that the degree of racial/ethnic friction in 30% white CA might even be less than it was between Irish and Italians living in the Boston area 50-odd years ago.

    This kind of violence is heavily repressed. Even “talk” of racial dislikes is extremely heavily repressed. It is true that you can keep people down with heavy totalitarian repression like California employs, but that doesn’t mean people don’t have racial or ethnic animus; it just means people are fearful. You can see what happens when the pressure cooker is removed in many instances in history, including, for example, the break-up of Yugoslavia.

    So one thing that has *enormously* improved in CA over the last couple of generations has been the almost total disappearance of the sharp racial conflict that used to be such a major problem here.

    This again depends on how you look at it. I find California to be amazingly segregated. You have Hispanics working in White businesses, but in general, not living with them. Integration is very poor. While I don’t sense a great hostility among the general population, there isn’t any great love either. You do not even see very many Hispanic-White couples – indeed, astoundingly few – despite the almost pervasive “economic integration” (meaning, Hispanics are constantly in contact with Whites due to work patterns).

    Again, it seems to me a lot of the conflict has been suppressed by California’s totalitarian Communist approach on any outward sign of “racism”, with the false “equality” dogma that Communists always use, which is perfectly displayed in SV itself.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  159. Anonymous [AKA "DizzyPizzy2"] says:

    My wife spent the past 4 years in West Virginia, working for a time in a meat processing plant. The notion that West Virginians never see immigrants is preposterous. Perhaps in your silicon valley bubble, you feel comfortable making blanket statements about West Virginia, but these big plants import tons of immigrants, mostly dark Africans, to work them.
    Before that my wife was a Californian, has rubbed elbows with some heavy hitters in tech, etc, but has watched as CA has become a collection of various ethnic city-states.
    Of course silicon valley sees us as kooks as they live in a bubble, but we can’t change the facts about the ramifications of race. The fact is, the middle and upper classes are not going to start a revolution because they are too invested in the current system. So what they think and feel is completely irrelevant. Those of us who have to deal with the consequences of multiculturalism will be the ones to fight. I myself work with many fine Hispanics, but the surrounding towns are crime-ridden. Rich towns have ways to keep things in check. Some places keep the rent high, Survivor me make sure the cops are complete scumbags to any poor person from out of town, etc.

  160. @anonymous

    Can someone (Ron?) put forward a theory as to why Hispanics have similar violent crime rates to non-Hispanic whites in the U.S., while in the Latin American countries from which they’re drawn,

    Is this question really being posed honestly? Surely, all you would need to do is think about the question for a few minutes to come up with a theory. Or more than one theory even.

    There are two obvious theories that aren’t even mutually exclusive.

    The first obvious theory is that the people committing most of the crimes in the countries of origin are not the ones emigrating to the U.S.

    That’s the simplest possibility. The other thing to consider is that crime, like most other human behavior, is situational. It occurs in a specific context. For example, it is well known that Lieutenant William Calley and the rest of Charlie Company entered a Vietnamese village called My Lai and massacred hundreds of villagers, mostly women and children.

    I am pretty sure that, by and large, these same people who did that, after returning to their home towns in the States, never committed such crimes again, or anything remotely similar.

    Is there some mystery there that needs explaining?

    The horrific violence in Central America is taking place in a specific context. There are specific conditions there that are not present in the U.S.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  161. @Anonymous

    That’s the kind of SATANIC FILTH!!!! that was very common on the Reagan Whitehouse according to a 1980 Washington Times front page news story…..And it was also going in the George W Bush Whitehouse…..

    Reagan-Bush Family Rule=HOMOSEXUAL PEDERASTY….

    This is how California was lost….rule by homosexual pederasts….

  162. anon[122] • Disclaimer says:

    Whites could be more persuasive if they focus on some failings among their own bottom 10% at the moment, and try to help them rise up from drugs, tattoos, out-of-wedlock-births, and “the life”.

    when you’re being flooded by illegal aliens because a treasonous govt refuses to secure the border, blame yourself

  163. anon[122] • Disclaimer says:

    How many Native Americans, who greeted Columbus with flowers and gifts…

    who told you that?

    • Replies: @CalDre
  164. anon[122] • Disclaimer says:

    it must be the magic dirt

  165. anon[122] • Disclaimer says:
    @Colin Wright

    aren’t you the one with a website “alternative right dot com”?

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  166. anon[122] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s easy to overlook the fact that California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada were all first colonized by the Spanish, and that all of what is now the southwest United States was first claimed by Spain in the 1600-1700s.

    claimed? that’s a cute word

    who did they steal it from?

    The Spanish speakers were here first. English speakers came much later (and then fucked everything up).

    by “fucked everything up” i presume you mean “built everything”

    if only the western U.S. was more like mejico the world would be a much better place, eh?

  167. Christo says:

    As I understood it from monitoring sand mining in the USA for the Commerce Dept., Silicon valley is there because there is high quality sand to make computer chips. That is not required for “tech giants” not in the hardware field of computer manufacture. As the software tech giants move away from there or simply have to expand to other areas, their employees will be relocating too. Perhaps they will see things different as they will have to live in not so “Silicon Valley” surroundings. I don’t know, never gave the issue of Silicon Valley being all that important to the culture wars currently going on.

  168. Christo says:

    Those “Spanish” were a lot different from the current “Hispanic” Indians, so different they have almost nothing in common except for those Mexican Indians learning a European language . Just as the ‘white Spanish” had nothing to do with the Indians running around Mexico other than kill and enslave them. Sure the “Spanish” were in California first, but those Spanish were white people and they don’t exist in California anymore and have not for hundreds of years. Simply put Mexicans are not Spanish so to claim they have some sort of ethnic precedent right to takeover California ain’t there.

  169. geokat62 says:
    @mark green

    Great exchange, Mark. Thanks for brining it to our attention.

    Speaking of bringing things to people’s attention, at the very end of your email exchanges it indicates that you are the editor of the book, Persecution, Priviledge & Power.

    Here is the Product Description on Amazon:

    “PERSECUTION, PRIVILEGE & POWER” is a controversial but compelling collection of articles that critically explores the impact and influence of organized Zionism on American life and global politics. In one volume, thirty contributing editors weigh in on the hottest and most taboo subject in the Western world; namely, the overpowering reach and influence of organized Jewish groups towards directing policies in Washington that are favorable to the State of Israel or the perceived well-being of Jews world-wide. The taboo against critically exploring the downside of these tribal machinations is cast aside in this searing and informative anthology. Among the distinguished commentators found in “PERSECUTION, PRIVILEGE & POWER” are: James Petras, Charlie Reese, Alison weir, Ray McGovern, Kevin MacDonald, Stephen Lendman, John V. Whitbeck, Israel Shamir, Mark Weber, Richard Curtiss, Gilad Atzmon, Joseph Sobran and others. Throughout this volume, Israel’s dubious role as an American ‘asset’ goes under the microscope, as does that nation’s favored status with whatever Party rules Washington. The writing is direct and penetrating and the conclusions are often explosive. Domestic politics–even world history–will never quite be the same after reading this incisive compilation of web-based analysis. “PERSECUTION, PRIVILEGE & POWER” is a fast read that also makes a provocative and memorable gift.

    I think as many Unzers as possible should make a point of purchasing your book.I know I will be.

    • Replies: @mark green
  170. Here is how the game is being played:

    America created by European People………The Pakistan Muslim “Americans”….Korean “Americans”….Hindu “Americans”…..Han People “Americans”…SCREAM:NATIVE AMERICANS GENOCIDED BY EUROPEANS!!!….now hand the keys for America’s LIVING AND BREEDING SPACE over to US…the highly racialized majority nonwhite Democratic Party Voting Bloc….don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…..and flushed down the toilets of the PUNJAB….goes the sewage about the AMERICAN INJUN….America now belongs to OUR RACIAL TRIBE NOW!!!….


  171. Dear Mr. Unz,

    I really appreciate your website and the opportunity it offers for airing a diversity of viewpoints. That said, it seems to me that your criticism of “Alt-Right” commentary suffers from the very same faults which you find so objectionable.

    For example: “70% of the most visible and heated rhetoric coming from Donald Trump has involved ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general…” Seriously, it’s you who need to get your facts straight. First let’s delete the unnecessary judgmental adjectives “heated rhetoric” and “ferocious” — these are propaganda words which apparently represent your opinion and, by the way, are in conformity with the prevailing leftist, anti-Trump narrative. Here’s a statistical analysis of Donald Trump’s Tweets which reveals the truth: Please show me the “ferocious attacks.”

  172. utu says:

    One comment per hour? Then no comments at all? How have I sinned?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  173. @Deschutes

    It was only after the Mexican-American war in 1848 that California finally became part of the USA

    If California were still a province of Mexico today, they would all want te emmigrate, and Trump would promise to build a wall on the California border.

    Given all the millions of illegals who escape Mexico to come here, you would think that they would wish America had annexed all of Mexico instead of just part of it.

  174. @anonymous

    Whitey runs the government, the police, and the prisons here. In Latin America, the natives run those institutions.

  175. @Ron Unz

    I have an enormous amount of respect for Ron Unz, but on this issue you are just plain worng.

    New York State keeps detailed crime statistics broken down by race, except for ht efac they lump in Arabs, Indians, and the rest of the lighter skinned browns as “white people”. And yet still the most recent statitics read as below.

    QUOTE : The race/ethnicity of known Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects mirrors the victim population with Black (61.7%) and Hispanic (27.0%) suspects accounting for the majority of suspects. White suspects account for (7.7%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects……..

    Rape suspects are most frequently Black (49.5%) or Hispanic (33.4%). White suspects account for (11.2%) of all Rape suspects………..

    The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (67.0%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (26.5%) of the suspect population. White suspects account for (4.4%) of all Robbery suspects……..

    The race/ethnicity of known Shooting suspects is most frequently Black (74.7%). Hispanic suspects accounted for an additional (22.2%) of all suspects. White suspects (2.1%) and Asian/Pacific Islander suspects (0.8%) accounted for the remaining portion of known Shooting suspects……….. END QUOTE

    Source : New York Crime and Enforcement Activity, 2017.

    And it is not merely crime that is the problem. In my country, Canada, the place has been completely ruined by the invasion of the turd world. White people can no longer afford homes in the cities they created. Crime, pollution, housing costs, fuel , and every single indicator of a reduced quality of life has gone off the charts for every white Canadian.

    If you want to call me an “alt-right” I suppose I wouldn’t object. But no sane human should stand by while his racial group is holocausted. And I mean a real holocaust, not the fake one we all acknowledge was created out of whole cloth.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @David Baker
  176. While I agree with this piece by Ron Unz, he has in the recent past written columns that seem to me as crazy as the ones which he now criticizes. I refer in particular to his accusations that Gen. Bill Donovan murdered Gen. George Patton.

    • LOL: Ron Unz
  177. @anon

    Incredible. Brown as a sand dune, heavily Mexican features, and yet still they claim White with (Hispanic) in parenthesis.

    I wonder if these “White guys” would get turned down if they applied for MOB set asides on government contracts?

  178. Saxon says:

    Rabble rabble. More obfuscation by comparing wars to non-wartime. All of these people have their own countries. How about they go live in them and leave us alone. Surely they should be able to make something of them if they’re so wonderful. Surely they don’t need to ride our coat-tails and blood-suck us to death?

    Nobody is confused about who’s white. Everyone knows it means an unmixed EUROPEAN. The only time someone acts confused is when we make a positive claim on something that is ours. Then it suddenly becomes “what’s white?” Every other time when affirmative action and other punitive measures are the focus, everyone knows exactly who’s white and who’s not.

    • Agree: Trevor H.
  179. Saxon says:

    99% of the people at Charlottesville were wearing white polo shirts. You bought the propaganda hook, line and sinker, or you’re just being disingenuous on purpose, which is the more likely case.

    In any case the misfortunes of the bottom 10% of the white population are GREATLY exacerbated by anti-white race laws and policies. There’s not much you can do to help these people when the government decides the winners and losers in life and has marked them as the losers. There’s no logical reason outside of the government fixing the results that their lot in life should be so bad, as after all they test about as well as the top income bracket of blacks.

  180. vxxc says:

    As long as Mr. Unz continues to provide a platform for those censored he has done his duty.

    As for the perception that if it’s not happening in Silicon Valley it isn’t real – that’s merely human and must be forgiven and understood. Nothing is real until it happens to you.

    To return to censorship it’s a net plus: Perhaps now that the peasants aren’t even allowed to grumble they’ll realize we aren’t talking, blogging, meme-ing our way out of this – nor voting, nor alternative media platforms, nor prayer, nor Jesus.

    By all means do continue ineffective repression: it enrages without intimidating.

    Denying us voice narrows down the options.

    The options are: 1] possible peaceful neo-liberal collapse.
    2] War.

  181. Saxon says:

    Address the argument. You are ok with the government being used, clearly. You just don’t want the savage riff-raff in your locale. As long as it’s not putting up Section 8 and using HUD to throw them into your neighbourhoods you seem to be just fine with it. Out of sight, out of mind. Well maybe it should spread around evenly, and your neighbourhoods have quite the quota to meet.

    • Replies: @Biff
  182. Suddenly, it occurs to me what Ron Unz’s open letter reminds me of:

    I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling bullshitting is going on here!

    • Agree: Z-man
    • Replies: @Z-man
    , @Kevin Barrett
  183. wow says:
    @Bill Smith

    Exactly, life is great in communities with the top 0.01% IQ running the show.

  184. Ron Unz says:

    One comment per hour? Then no comments at all? How have I sinned?

    That’s very odd. There was a temporary bug in which leaving an opinion-comment prevented regular commenting for the next hour, but I fixed it yesterday. Any latency in the system should have long since expired.

  185. Ron Unz says:

    But as I pointed out upthread, the total white CA population has only declined by 15-20% over the last half century, hardly any sort of “mass exodus.”

    LOL, different strokes, I guess. Because I call that a mass exodus.

    Well, I don’t think an average white decline of 0.3% per year in CA over fifty years would be called a “mass exodus” by most people. Moreover, it helps to distinguish between two models.

    Some agitated people claim that whites are fleeing CA because of the horrors of living as a shrinking minority in a mostly non-white state.

    Meanwhile, I claim that whites have gradually been pushed out by outrageously expensive housing costs as well as terrible traffic and serious economic competition with immigrant workers.

    I’d say that a white decline of 0.3% per year seems to strongly support my analysis of the situation.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @CanSpeccy
  186. geokat62 says:

    An Open Letter to the “Alt-Right” and Others

    Given his political tendencies, rather than writing an OL to the Alt-Right, I would have expected Ron to have written a letter to the “Alt-Left” organizations, such as the SPLC and the ADL.


    At issue in particular is the media’s use of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to single out groups that should be targeted by tech companies for removal. Many on the right claim that the ADL and the SPLC are left-leaning organizations that use their list as a political cudgel against those they don’t agree with, like traditional Christian conservative organizations and others that oppose illegal immigration, unjustly lumping them together with white supremacist groups.

    So, Ron expects us Dumb Goyim to accept his thesis that like himself the leaders of Big Texh companies are simply too busy with their software development projects to realize who they’re getting in bed with – i.e., left-leaning organizations, such as the ADL and SPLC?

    That their views happen to perfectly align is just coincidental? They are mere babes in the woods who are being taken advantage of and duped by those sly leaders of the ADL and SPLC?

    Sure, Ron. Whatever you say.

    Since these Big Tech companies provide essential services to the American public, what The Dumb Goyim need to do is demand that they become regulated public entities, pronto.

    P.S. still waiting for your OL to the Alt-Left, Ron.

  187. Ron Unz says:

    Let’s be real here. Every single demographic except for SOME east Asians commits significantly more crime (as in multiples) of the white rate.

    No, you are entirely incorrect. I actually dealt with this issue at considerable length in a detailed analysis published almost a decade ago, and all the subsequent data has strongly supported my conclusions:

    You’ve simply fallen for a (rightwing) media hoax, matching the numerous ones on the Left.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  188. Ron Unz says:

    Can someone (Ron?) put forward a theory as to why Hispanics have similar violent crime rates to non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. while…El Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela top the list of countries by homicide rate, exceeding the U.S. figures by over ten fold….Why do Hispanics behave differently in the U.S. than they do in Latin America?

    Sure, as others have discussed upthread, it’s because of different social and governmental conditions.

    Take Germans, who are extremely law-abiding and have always had very low crime rates in the U.S.. But during the Thirty Years Wars, they massacred each other in such huge numbers that the killings and chaos reduced Germany’s population by something like 35-40%, a result orders-of-magnitude worse than anything seen in Central America.

    If you look at the reported homicide rates in Mexico and Central America, they’ve varied quite considerably over the last 50 years, so although they’re very bad now, they weren’t in the past.

  189. Ron Unz says:

    It’s easy to overlook the fact that California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada were all first colonized by the Spanish, and that all of what is now the southwest United States was first claimed by Spain in the 1600-1700s…My point in mentioning this history is that most Americans don’t know the history of the American southwest, and that Mexicans were here first, well before Americans…So they are not ‘immigrants’ in fact. The Spanish speakers were here first.

    That’s actually a considerable distortion. When America seized those territories (and Texas), they constituted roughly half of Mexico’s land area but were so thinly populated, they held only about 1% of Mexico’s population. With the exception of New Mexico, they were mostly empty desert filled with scattered Indian tribes. For example, there were only something like 7,000 Spanish speakers in California and maybe twice that in Texas. These tiny populations were quickly swamped and absorbed in the huge waves of American newcomers who flooded into the area.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  190. Ron Unz says:

    It is true that you can keep people down with heavy totalitarian repression like California employs, but that doesn’t mean people don’t have racial or ethnic animus; it just means people are fearful…Again, it seems to me a lot of the conflict has been suppressed by California’s totalitarian Communist approach on any outward sign of “racism”, with the false “equality” dogma that Communists always use, which is perfectly displayed in SV itself.

    Well, I think that you and I are living in different universes. Based on the voting patterns of white Californians, I think a large majority are living in mine.

    • Replies: @CalDre
    , @216
  191. anon[231] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Meanwhile, I claim that whites have gradually been pushed out by outrageously expensive housing costs…

    what could be causing that?

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Squarebeard
  192. @Ron Unz

    Ron, respecfully, as Stalin may have stated, it depends on who is doing the counting. A poster with the user handle ANON linked Texas’ Most Wanted, pointing out that only recently was the change made to include the term “Hispanic” attached to what Texas used to call white people. These are clearly Hispanic criminals, and yet STILL Texas calls them “white” in their description. See link below.

    Further supporting my statement , even the nutty left Young Turks devoted a segment to Texas calling Hispanic criminals “white” people.

    It difficult to square your figures with what we know about the malreporting of racial stats. Until recently, the FBI did not even have a category for Hispanics, and lumped them as white. Even now, (or at least the last time I checked) the FBI listed Hispanics as VICTIMS, but not as criminals.

    Please note that in the study of 16 million tickets undertaken by the local TV station KXAN, 4 out the top 5 last names Texas claimed where “white” people were Martinez, Hernandez, Garcia, and Rodrigez.

    You may have a point when you speak about war, but I am about as certain as I can be that the stats you used in your 2005 article are simply not correct. Hispanics commit multiple times more crimes than white people, particularly violent crimes .

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  193. Ron Unz says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    I have an enormous amount of respect for Ron Unz, but on this issue you are just plain worng.

    No. Although I don’t dispute your New York statistics, your analysis is completely mistaken. Among other things, I discussed the very noticeable regional variations in Hispanic crime rates in my major paper on the subject from years ago, which I would strongly encourage you to read:

    The high incarceration rate for these Caribbean Hispanics may partially explain general perceptions of Hispanic crime rates. A large proportion of America’s intellectual, media, and political elite lives in the Northeast, in cities like New York and Boston, and if the Hispanics traditionally living in those areas have unusually high rates of criminal activity, there would be a natural if mistaken tendency to assume that this same pattern also applied to Hispanic groups throughout the country.

    The factual evidence supporting my position is absolutely overwhelming.

    • Replies: @Patricus
    , @KenH
    , @JLK
  194. Patricus says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Thank you Carlton Meyer! Finally, a sensible comment on the variety of violent crime rates in the Americas. 5 murders per 100,000 in the US; 85 per 100K in El Salvador (it has been over 100); in other south of the border nations the rates vary from low 20s to 60s. God must work in mysterious ways when the unvetted migrants come across the border illegally yet become immediately more peaceful and law abiding than native whites. Another way to look at this question: never believe statements based on statistics even when compiled by apparently rational people like Ron Unz. If you feel the need to delude yourself just start playing with statistics.

  195. Ron Unz says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Ron, respecfully, as Stalin may have stated, it depends on who is doing the counting. A poster with the user handle ANON linked Texas’ Most Wanted, pointing out that only recently was the change made to include the term “Hispanic” attached to what Texas used to call white people.

    No, you are *entirely* mistaken. That really stupid “Wanted Poster” meme-nonsense has been floating around the Internet forever, and is based on a total misunderstanding of the relevant statistical data.

    It’s absolutely true that local police departments sometimes classify Hispanics as “white” and sometimes not, which is why their reported racial crime data (e.g. on Wanted Posters) is unreliable and cannot be used for anything. I discussed this problem at length in my article as I explained why I was using several different, far more reliable metrics.

    Look, you can believe whatever you want, but once you read my article, I suspect you may understand why you’re wrong and I’m right.

  196. @anon

    ” But they know all Muslims are good people because Muhammad always says hello at the water cooler.”

    That’s pretty much it. Inference based on a tiny, unrepresentative sample size. The nice Turkish guy (who grew up in Istanbul and who is relatively westernized) is now the exemplar of rural Syrians, Kurds, Afghans or Pakis. They are all the same, just people with slightly different beliefs and skin tones.

    I’ve actually had a fun time bonding with Muslims at work. I find a way to point out the overwhelming Jewish dominance in the tech sector, thereby signalling that I am not a typical leftie. Then follow with some comments about what Israel is currently doing.

    Many of the Silicon Valley muslims are seething at the way they have to be gay/trans/etc friendly at work, and even such indignities as having people bring dogs to work. All you have to do is start complaining about Jews and their perversion of morality and you’ll get to know the REAL Muhammed, Achmed or Kemal pretty quickly.

  197. @Genrick Yagoda

    Jews are racists. Israel is a cauldron of Jewish Supremacist attitudes applied toward Palestinians, Ethiopians and East European Women, who are lured to Israel with legitimate job offers. When these women arrive, they’re forced to work as sex slaves within Israel’s thriving brothel industry. On a regional scale, they’re attempting to subjugate neighboring nations using U.S. Military Forces and/or U.S. Military Hardware. Ethiopian women in Israel are forced to be sterilized by injections, and their males are regarded as second class citizens. Jews are an insular tribe, whose pernicious greed, mendacity and treachery have combined to cause their ouster from each nation in which they’ve assembled in significant numbers. Israel is a safe house for Jews. Herzl understood the need to provide a refuge for the tribe. Unfortunately, Jews picked the wrong location to set up shop in the Middle East.

  198. @Ron Unz

    “So one thing that has *enormously* improved in CA over the last couple of generations has been the almost total disappearance of the sharp racial conflict that used to be such a major problem here.”

    California might be able to sustain this trend for a while, but I wouldn’t extrapolate the same trend to other jurisdictions.

    The odd thing about humans is that we are still animals. Animals, including primates, behave very differently in situations of resource scarcity than they do when they are constantly satiated. Orangutans, gorillas and other primates will be absolutely lethal to members of other groups when they are competing for food, but they will tolerate incursions by outsiders when they have sufficient resources.

    California has a ton of debt and a ton of poorer people, but on the whole it is not a particularly poor part of the world. (Hence the large numbers of immigrants). Given its massive economic output, it seems to be able to sustain large deficits, for now.

    Can every jurisdiction operate like California? Can we pack massively diverse populations into every corner of the planet and expect some tech utopia to emerge?

    I wager not. Throw in a depression, disruptions to food/energy/communications infrastructure, etc etc. We’ll see a lot of these diverse areas change rapidly, because human nature will come back into play.

    People tolerate differences as long as they have what they need, but as soon as they have to compete for resources they quicky find that being individualistic is suboptimal, and they gravitate towards people in their identity group.

    • Replies: @Anon
  199. Rich says:
    @Colin Wright

    I grew up mostly in Queens, NY (a very Jewish borough), was taught all the “holocaust” stuff, had neighbors who claimed to have lost relatives in it and believed it was essentially true. Until I found it it was banned in many countries to research it or to even question it. This made absolutely no sense to me, you can question how many people died in the Irish Potato Famine, the Black Plague, under Bolshevism, but this single event must never be questioned. To my mind, this means something is wrong with the numbers, the incident, or the people passing these laws. The more I read about it, the more convinced I became that the whole story must be a lie. If it had actually happened, all research would lead to the same conclusion, clear eyed scrutiny would prove the “deniers” wrong. Instead, governments throughout the world imprison scholars for investigating with an open mind. Why?

  200. BlackFlag says:

    The principles of the Alt Right as articulated by Mark Green are clear and indisputable even in SV (maybe especially in SV). Look at the demographics that Unz himself stated. Also look at the suppression of free speech – I doubt it would have happened if SV was 90% White techies.

    Types of Whites in SV:
    – bugmen with no connection to history or their people.
    – ambitious conformists who will sacrifice their people in order to advance their careers.
    – futurists who see technology as ending all traditional human concerns.

    Then of course there are the non-White SV types:
    – mildly to extremely hostile to Whites. Mainly Jews but a smattering of others as well.
    – comformists, don’t care about Whites. Mainly Asians but some Jews and others as well.

    • Agree: Thomm
    • Replies: @SunBakedSuburb
  201. @dfordoom

    ‘As Steve Sailer has pointed out what matters is who controls the Megaphone. And that’s a matter of power. If you want power you have to be prepared to not worry too much about ethical niceties. You have to focus on winning rather than on being virtuous…’

    On the other hand, what does that lead to? The Bolsheviks and Nazis won power — but what did they wind up doing with it?

    Revolutionaries can be not merely just as bad as the ancien regime — they’re usually worse. At least the old regime was constrained by a need to at least appear to be honoring the constitutional and religious niceties — nothing the Tsars ever did came close to the barbarities of the Soviets, and the same was true for the Kings of France versus the Revolutionary Terror. Wilhelmine Germany was an ethical paradise compared to the Third Reich.

    So if you’re going to throw all ethical considerations overboard in your pursuit of victory, what will you have left to offer once you do win? Won’t you just be the same fist — but without the velvet glove?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  202. @Ron Unz

    Of course social and governmental conditions have effects on group behavior, but am i wrong to conclude from your Hispanic crime essay that with regard to blacks, it’s different?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  203. Patricus says:
    @Ron Unz

    There have been multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-lingual populations throughout history. They live more or less peacefully when there are barracks full of soldiers ready to break up the inevitable conflicts. Empires and nations always accumulate unsustainable debts and eventually can’t afford the policing. That’s when the ethnic slaughters begin. I fear that outcome in the US.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  204. peterAUS says:

    So if you’re going to throw all ethical considerations overboard in your pursuit of victory, what will you have left to offer once you do win? Won’t you just be the same fist — but without the velvet glove?

    I feel you are definitely onto something here.

    Having said that it wouldn’t be the same fist I am afraid.
    You left race/ethnicity out.

    How about the same fist based on race/ethnicity and you are the “other” with no power vs you are “ours” and we have power?

    Choices, choices…..

  205. nickels says:

    Ron Unz provides a somewhat linear historical argument from the past to a fair rough characterization of the present, and then extrapolates a linear path into the future.
    But the future will likely be one of abrupt nonlinearities and great overturnings. The current situation is unstable and ready to blow at any moment.
    My personal bet is on left totalitarianism and death to those on the right, but, obviously, I would welcome other alternatives.
    I find the historical complacency of the hosts take a bit bourgeoisie for reality, but who knows.
    I would agree that AR cannot win using the race card, yet, I think they accurately predict their own racial persecution under the historical realities of multiculturalism.

  206. @Rich

    Something did happen to Jews in Europe: A despot named Hitler gained power as the Chancellor of Germany. His goal was to purify the population of his country. Jews were among the undesirables Hitler vowed to send packing, and he cooperated with Zionists to effect that ouster of Jews. Many Jews took up the offer, and they emigrated to Palestine. Many Jews did not comply with Der Fuhrer’s scheme, and when Zionists burned their bridges with a Declaration of War against Germany, in conjunction with a worldwide boycott of German goods. those Jews became enemies of the state. They were heartlessly rounded up and forced to live in concentration camps as laborers. The allied campaign to decimate German transportation systems sealed the fate of those camp occupants, who gradually starved to death, or succumbed to several diseases that spread through Europe during the war, as supply chains were disrupted during the chaotic period preceding the defeat of Germany. What we’re shown as a deliberate effort by Germans to annihilate the Jews was actually the result of allied bombing and tactical missions to cripple the German transportation system.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @jilles dykstra
  207. This feels like it was addressed much more to the concerns of the Alt-Lite. The Alt-Right, certainly by 2017, was much more concerned about Jewish control of the country, ie was primarily anti-Semitic, and saw non-white immigration et al as secondary issues arising from control of the country by a hostile elite.

  208. BlackFlag says:

    Great point.
    For instance, Ryan Dawson doesn’t rail against Latino crime. The only offensive things he does are to criticize Israel/US foreign policy and question the Holocaust and 9/11 in as far as I can tell a very even-handed way.
    Is this the kind of thing that looks insane to people in SV and why he’s been purged from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.?

    • Replies: @niceland
  209. Thomm says:

    The US Census Bureau has, in fact, reclassified Hispanics as ‘White’, and thus arrives at a situation where California is 72% ‘white’. It does have a separate line for Hispanics (39%) and for white non-Hispanics (37%), but the topline number combines most Hispanics into ‘white’ to arrive at ‘72% white’ :

  210. @Ron Unz

    Ron, that is not a “stupid meme” That link directly to the Texas dept of Safety, current as of todays date, December 25, 2018. Note the dot gov address. It is not any sort meme at all, it is how Texas categorizes Hispanics as White RIGHT NOW.

    Our disagreement is not with your conclusions. Our disagreement is whether the data sets you are using are accurate. I don’t believe they are, and it would seem that government sources support my conclusion. Including the last post from Thomas re: census bureau data, and how the US Census combines Hispanics and whites to come to a conclusion of “white alone” at 72.4% in California, when the real proportion is half that.

    And on that note, I withdraw. Your site and your work is too important to get stuck on this issue.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  211. CalDre says:

    Columbus’ diaries. There’s lots of works on them. Short summary at but I basically just searched for 2 seconds and posted the first link I found. Easy enough to research though.

  212. Ron Unz says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Ron, that is not a “stupid meme” That link directly to the Texas dept of Safety, current as of todays date, December 25, 2018. Note the dot gov address. It is not any sort meme at all, it is how Texas categorizes Hispanics as White RIGHT NOW.

    No, you’ve gotten everything totally mixed up. For almost 50 years, the Census has classified Hispanics as an “ethnicity,” which may be of any race, and the reported race has varied over time. That’s why “whites” are always more properly defined as “non-Hispanic whites.” Naturally all my calculations utilize this distinction, and you really should read my article.

    I can’t really blame you for your huge errors since I think you said you’re Canadian, but I really do know this stuff very, very well. I certainly would be very careful to avoid saying such ridiculous things about Canadian society.

    Including the last post from Thomas re: census bureau data

    Believing a single word that “Thomm” fellow says is a serious mistake since he seems to be an ignorant and (probably) dim-witted Hindu immigrant dishonestly claiming to be a “native-born white American.”

    Indeed, he’s so utterly, *utterly* ignorant of American history and society that he’s previously claimed that Irish and Polish people were not considered white in American society until around 1965. I really do hope that Canadians such as yourself don’t start believing such total nonsense.

    • Replies: @Thomm
    , @Thomm
  213. CalDre says:
    @Ron Unz

    “different universes” – SV (technology) and other “power centers” (Hollywood – movies; New York – advertising/finance; D.C. – politics) are indeed a different universe. Even though they have an enormous impact on the rest of the world, they are an extremely tiny portion of the world. They are representative of nobody.

    ” Based on the voting patterns” – Voting patterns means nothing. Don’t tell me you believe we live in a “democracy”. I have traveled far and wide in California and while I hardly discuss the topic with everyone, I have scarcely met people who approve of the state’s “sanctuary law” or that agree with “open borders”, yet, based on “voting patterns”, you would conclude an overwhelming majority of Californians support both policies.

    “Voting patterns” in China indicate the Communist Party is hugely popular. So did “voting patterns” in USSR until 1991 – when suddenly the “voting patterns” changed. Voting patterns are a statistic. And you know what they say about eyes and statistics ….

    Fundamentally where we disagree, is that I believe there is such a thing as “human nature”, call it “instinct”, and a very, very primal aspect of human nature is that people much prefer those who are similar over those who are dissimilar. No matter how much Communist propaganda the State throws at it, this does not change – because, it is human nature.

    Open borders and sanctuary laws violate the most basic aspects of human nature (as does, for example, gay marriage).

    Also I think this is why Californians are so miserable – because the more the propaganda departs from human nature, the more alienated people become from their inner selves, the unhappier people become.

    I have no doubt California, as its current form of State, is going to fail miserably, as it is a miserable experiment in totalitarian thought control, just like every other Communist effort before it.

    And please don’t start with the “Californians are enlightened” line. Look at the “polls” on how Californians feel about “Russian interference in the election” and other data, it is obvious Californians are just bleating sheep regurgitating the propaganda they are fed daily, just like everyone else. In fact Californians are particularly submissive sheep, they swallow the Bolshevik propaganda (whether it be trans-, “gay”, “immigration” or anything else) quicker than any other group I can think of. If the State ever collapses, you will learn extremely quickly what a fraudulent fig leaf this “manufactured consensus” is. It does not reflect reality but a deep fear of speaking “out of line” and being labeled and denounced.

    Back to the immigration point: there are the “statistics” (voting patterns) and then there is reality. As I have noted, although about 40% of the State is White and 40% Hispanic, you rarely if ever see White-Hispanic couples (or even friends or business partners for that matter – certainly they are far far fewer than half of these relationships, which an unbiased selection would yield). That tells you all you need to know. Deeds are always more powerful than words or “statistics”.

    • Replies: @Hail
  214. Ron Unz says:

    Of course social and governmental conditions have effects on group behavior, but am i wrong to conclude from your Hispanic crime essay that with regard to blacks, it’s different?

    Actually, on that point you should read my subsequent Race/Crime article, which analyzes that contentious topic much more directly:

    I emphasize my provide no direct hypothesis, but merely suggest that the proper formulation of a hypothesis requires an accurate understanding of the underlying data. As I mentioned, several of America’s most eminent social scientists were quite stunned by my quantitative findings.

  215. anon[376] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    Many Jews did not comply with Der Fuhrer’s scheme, and when Zionists burned their bridges with a Declaration of War against Germany, in conjunction with a worldwide boycott of German goods. those Jews became enemies of the state.

    odd that it took so long between worldwide Jewry declaring war on Germany in 1933 and for example Kristallnacht – 1938

    suspect we haven’t been told the complete history

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Zumbuddi
  216. Thomm says:
    @Ron Unz

    Believing a single word that “Thomm” fellow says

    Except I provide a Census Bureau link that corroborates what I said.

    • Replies: @Alden
  217. @geokat62

    Hi Geo. Thank you! Yes, the JQ is such a complex matter that it takes dozens of essayists to decipher and analyze its opaque protocols and devious machinations.

  218. Thomm says:
    @Ron Unz

    that he’s previously claimed that Irish and Polish people were not considered white in American society until around 1965.

    No, I didn’t. You need to provide a link as proof.

    But at the same time, do you deny that Jews are not considered white by White Nationalists, even to this day? Or do you think that they are?

  219. @Ron Unz

    No, you are *entirely* mistaken. That really stupid “Wanted Poster” meme-nonsense has been floating around the Internet forever, and is based on a total misunderstanding of the relevant statistical data.

    Uhh, Ron… the dude you’re talking to does not care!

    Look, you can believe whatever you want, but once you read my article, I suspect you may understand why you’re wrong and I’m right.

    He doesn’t care!

    Really, I find your lack of situational awareness quite amazing. You keep arguing with all these characters as if they actually care about what is factually true or not!

    They don’t!

    Well, that said, I have to admit that it has also taken me, in retrospect, a very very long time to realize this and similarly basic things. So what I say is hardly even that much of a reproach really…

    Oh, and while I’m at it, I might as well point out that the reason the mainstream media (a.k.a. American Pravda) gets so many things wrong is most certainly not “laziness” or “incompetence”, as you always claim in your articles. Well, it would be if their real job was to find out the truth about whatever topic and inform us of it.

    But it is not!

    The main purpose of the mainstream media is not to tell the truth about anything any more than the purpose of the so-called “Justice” system is to impart justice.

    Their primary role is to uphold the Establishment narrative. Granted, they might tell the truth about a few things along the way, but that is almost incidental, kind of like the “Justice” system might actually impart some justice once in a while.

    I have wondered at times whether high IQ and high levels of formal, academic education and such actually impede people from understanding such basic things about the world in which they live.

  220. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    Where you seemingly erred is majority that white cities, like Indianapolis and Columbus, that you used to favorably compare to majority Hispanic cities also have serious problems with black violent crime which artificially spiked the overall rate. The majority Hispanic cities also had much smaller black populations, so it really wasn’t an apples to apples comparison.

    You would need to extract the black crime rate from the majority white cities then re-compare to the majority Hispanic cities.

    If you did that I doubt the violent crime rates would be similar as you conclude in your analysis, and thus, “the myth of Hispanic crime” wouldn’t be a myth at all. Perhaps not chicken little levels of crime but definitely much higher than the white rate on a per capita basis.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  221. Ron Unz says:

    that he’s previously claimed that Irish and Polish people were not considered white in American society until around 1965.

    No, I didn’t. You need to provide a link as proof.

    My sincerest apologies! I did a quick search and you’re entirely correct that I was mistaken. Since it was back in 2017, I’d gotten things a little garbled in my mind, and here’s what you’d actually said:

    I explained it clearly. But since White Trashionalists have Negro IQs, you did not understand.

    In 1900, Irish were not considered white. In 1950, Italians, Jews, and Poles were not considered white.

    Totally ignorant Hindu immigrants pretending to be “native born white Americans” do say the most hilarious things…

    • LOL: utu
    • Replies: @LostHopeless
    , @Thomm
  222. @anon

    Hope sprang eternally among Zionists, who had already campaigned for decades to frighten, cajole, convince and connive their European brethren to occupy their new Homeland. If Jews have one overriding characteristic, it is their tenacity. Notice each time a car engine backfires, Jewish Congressional Representatives drag out their now-yellowed Gun Control Legislation forms for immediate consideration? These people have been trying to disarm Americans for decades, but only recently have these (rather convenient…) mass shootings occurred in such frequency that we’re all expected to march our weapons to the nearest police station for confiscation. One other trait of Jews can be discerned here: They tend to exaggerate.

  223. @Jonathan Revusky

    You really should provide some evidence that I “don’t care” about facts.

    There is nothing to indicate that I “don’t care” about facts, since Iam referring to and providing links to government sources. Ron believes I am wrong about the issue. Who knows, I may be confused about my interpretation, but one thing I won’t do is lie, particularly when I am communicating with someone I respect.

    Having said that, get stuffed, Shlomo.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  224. Ron Unz says:

    Where you seemingly erred is majority that white cities, like Indianapolis and Columbus, that you used to favorably compare to majority Hispanic cities also have serious problems with black violent crime which artificially spiked the overall rate.

    No, very high black crime rates are only slightly distorting the picture.

    The key point is that when you examine those city-by-city comparisons, you notice that an increase of e.g. 3 points in the black percentage seems to have approximately the same impact on crime rates as an increase of (say) 25 points in the Hispanic percentage. Obviously if Hispanics had the rather high crime rates you and others believe, this wouldn’t be the case.

    Obviously, this is a rather crude comparison methodology, but all the much more rigorously quantitative techniques I apply produce exactly similar conclusions.

  225. @Patricus

    ‘There have been multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-lingual populations throughout history. They live more or less peacefully when there are barracks full of soldiers ready to break up the inevitable conflicts….’

    They also live peacefully when there is a clear pecking order. See the Roman Empire, the Ottomans, Latin America, and the pre-Civil Rights South.

    As I’ve said with what is becoming monotonous regularity, you can have equality or diversity; not both at once.

  226. niceland says:

    I see the “right” is very unhappy about the censorship situation but my impression is they are far from being alone in this regard. Anti establishment, anti war, writers of all sorts are also suffering. Just recently Patreon and Paypal dropped some youtube guy “Sargon of Akkad” and his sin seems to be having used the N-word in conversation where he was arguing against racism. Here is a video explaining the situation a little bit and judging from this Sargon wasn’t of the right wing variety.

    Here is article from Caitlin Johnstone who is primarily anti-war writer (and would fit nicely along with Philip Giraldi here on the Unz Review) about facebook purge of hundreds of sites. At least some of them had nothing to do with the right or A.R.

    Finally here is interesting article from Matt Taibbi

    Short quote from Matt:

    Many of the banned pages look like parodies of some paranoid bureaucrat’s idea of dangerous speech.

    A page called “Black Elevation” shows a picture of Huey Newton and offers readers a job. “Aztlan Warriors” contains a meme celebrating the likes of Geronimo and Zapata, giving thanks for their service in the “the 500 year war against colonialism.”

    And a banned “Mindful Being” page shared this, which seems culled from Jack Handey’s Deep Thoughts bit:

    “We must unlearn what we have learned because a conditioned mind cannot comprehend the infinite.”

    Facebook also wiped out a “No Unite The Right 2” page, appearing to advertise a counter-rally on the upcoming anniversary of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

    Facebook was “helped” in its efforts to wipe out these dangerous memes by the Atlantic Council, on whose board you’ll find confidence-inspiring names like Henry Kissinger, former CIA chief Michael Hayden, former acting CIA head Michael Morell and former Bush-era Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff. (The latter is the guy who used to bring you the insane color-coded terror threat level system.)

    So while I basically agree with Ron in his article I still think the personal views of the S.V. ceo’s doesn’t play much role in this game anymore. The stakes are too high.

    With all this going on it seems to me the U.S. is ripe for new political movement. Granted my knowledge of U.S. politics limited but I think it’s possible to reach wide spectrum of followers from left to right on basic common sense issues. Like raining in the war machine, easing up on Israel support and creating more sensible foreign policy, fighting for free speech, tightening up the immigration situation, perhaps limiting corporate and banking power in Washington and so forth. Needless to say this requires compromise but the outcome could be very good in comparison to status quo for most Americans.

    Perhaps the only possibility is doing this within the framework of the two party system. At least I see no option but to operate within the MSM and/or the big social media companies where the public grazes. The Alt-Right cant even get it’s running shoes on before it’s kicked off the public race track. I just can’t imagine how such movement can rally public support or gain influence. Let alone it’s primary focus on racial issues. How many voters want to see their political end-game play out in todays America?

    • Replies: @anon
  227. The internet by nature will always contain opinions which are way outside the mainstream. So if that’s supposedly the problem then Ron is right — nothing can be done about it.

    But if uncoordinated fringe websites can’t get traction, then the real problem is that there is no coordinated, intelligent movement to “redpill” the “normies.”

    Quite a lot could be done on that front. For example, folks with persuasive skills, techical know-how, and hopefully some financial wherewithal, could be brought together into a Common Front with a uniform mission — to fight the toxic forces of anti-white racism and cultural marxism.

    It would be a sort of high-tech mirror image of the Leftist Common Front of the 1930s. The point would be to put aside ideological disputes on the Right and focus instead on uniting conservatives, libertarians, and non-ideolical “pragmatists” in rejecting and reversing the creeping SJW rot.

    It could be done. In addition to saving Western Civilization it could frankly be a lot of fun.

    • Replies: @Anon
  228. Anon[407] • Disclaimer says:

    Very high average IQ of workers in the “good areas”, matched by earnings.

  229. peterAUS says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    You keep arguing with all these characters as if they actually care about what is factually true or not!
    They don’t!

    For around 90 % of “Internet forums” communication, correct, of course.

    The main purpose of the mainstream media is not to tell the truth about anything…

    Their primary role is to uphold the Establishment narrative.

    Pretty much.

    As for

    I have wondered at times whether high IQ and high levels of formal, academic education and such actually impede people from understanding such basic things about the world in which they live.

    Not necessarily.
    That applies to majority of people. Genetics I guess. Followers.
    Being follower or leader has nothing to do with that in paragraph. Mostly genetics with occasional cases of experience, even traumatic experience. Interesting topic I guess. Didn’t O’Brien speak about that in 1984, for example?

    In any group you have natural sheeple/followers, leaders and anarchists (for a lack of better word).
    Probably 90/8/2 ratio.
    And among leaders you have ..I’d say…..80 % sociopaths and psychopaths around. The rest are those “noblesse oblige”.

    So…if you were a current TPTB all you have to do is recognize those anarchists and “noblesse” and, ahm, take care of them. Carrot and stick, in that order.
    Isn’t that the name of the game as we speak?

    My take anyway.

    • Replies: @Anon
  230. Anon[407] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Lol. The normal engages in the three tasks that are

    1) Acquisition, and mantainance, of material resources
    2) Acquisition, and consolidation, of social ranking
    3) Acquisition, and preservation, of a sense of personal worth.

    As it happens, parroting (outerly, and in one’s inner monologue, innerly) the bullet list of truths designed publicized and given the semblance of being the consensus belief by the relevant part of the Chiefs’ workforce is instrumental to 1) 2) and 3), and particularly so for the demographics your comment focuses upon.

    Generally, nearly the totality of truth and truths, professed or even just known, is the tallest obstacle to the three healthy pursuits.
    If you so much as glance over psychiatry’s and psychology’s maintream texts, you’ll see natural effortless unconscious pretence championed as the quintessence of psychological health. (Of course all of it stated in tortuous duplicitous speak: the speakers are as healthy as the spoken-to.)
    And boy, are they right… I know what life is like when you can’t pretend and deceive (you can’t reproduce, for starters, because even the woman oddly head over wheels for you will wind up loathing proximity to you lol).

    The choice, going back to politics, is between alternative packs of untruths and élite groups.
    It is immaterial whether one side starts by championing truths.
    If 200 million Americans read the entire American Pravda series, got it and trusted it, the current order would be overturned, but once a new equilibrium would be reached, it’s not truth and truth champions that you’d have in charge, rather a new narrative weaved (and waved) by a new army of lying population managers.

  231. @Bragadocious

    I don’t believe that “software work” business for a minute. I think he smokes weed and masturbates all day. Oh wait that’s me.

  232. Anon[407] • Disclaimer says:

    Common front?
    Soon as one character on the right, say Jordan Peterson, gains some cred among a wider-than-usual public you see other wanna-be-popular characters on the right demented by jealousy.

    There is only a way to form a common front: enforced unity. This happens when one of the competing ambitious speakers manages to rise to dictatorial status, or when all the speakers are dependent on the same puppet masters.

  233. @Ron Unz

    Hispanics do a lot of unsavory things that they don’t actually get arrested or prosecuted for, hence they never show up in the official crime statistics; yet these things form part of the unofficial definition of that which, to a suburban White person, would likely constitute breaches of public order. There is a lot of petty dime-bag dealing, a lot verbal and physical harassment, a lot of graffiti, a lot of littering, disrespect for private and public property, drunken fistfights in the street at 2 AM because somebody screwed somebody else’s wife—things of that nature.

    Then there’s also the fact that many Hispanics work in cash-and-carry businesses where they do not pay taxes, drive without valid licenses or insurance, skip out on their hospital bills, and can conveniently self-deport to Mexico in order to avoid serious trouble, where they are seldom pursued. They are adept at exploiting the technicalities of the legal system to engage in smarmy business deals. The emergence of a cholo rentier class with high-brow money and barrio tastes is one of the more revolting developments to ensue from this phenomenon.

    In general, Hispanics are well positioned to take advantage of the system. They reap the benefits of the local polity without having any stake in that polity or any enforceable responsibilities thereto. They are like the spoiled bastard children of a rich man who are free to do what they please with daddy’s money, while the legitimate son and heir (White people) must bear the weighty burdens of upholding the family honor and protecting the family fortune.

    Much of this stuff is not prosecutable in any practical sense; some of it is not even illegal; but that doesn’t make it right. It still violates everyone’s basic sense of fair play and creates the impression that Hispanics are getting away with something. The whole essence of public order is founded on the reciprocal rights and duties that the individual has vis-a-vis the commonwealth. Hispanics are cheating in this arrangement and everyone knows it, whether it is considered “crime” or not.

    • Agree: Hail
  234. Anon[407] • Disclaimer says:

    Percentage of socio- and psychopaths among the leaders bearing testimony to the inclinations and tastes of the followers. (Which seems too sour or too red of a pillow to swallow.)

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  235. @BlackFlag

    “… futurists who see technology as ending all traditional human concerns”

    That’s the subset that concerns me.

  236. Ace says:

    Trump’s ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general? So far as I can recall, Trump’s objection has been to foreigners presuming to enter the U.S. over uncontrolled borders and becoming a burden on U.S. taxpayers. It’s invariably leftists who love to flog the false theme that whites/conservatives/knuckledraggers hate “immigrants” which is a ridiculous position. Hate uncontrolled immigration and job theft? You bet.

    The threat of having Sharia law imposed is hardly something that can be casually sloughed off.

    I can’t seem to figure out how to post a photo here but I have one of a bunch of Muslims holding such signs as “Shariah for the Netherlands” and “Islam will dominate the world.” I see no reason to discount these Muslim sentiments or to assume they are some kind a fringe element of Muslims worldwide. Those in the picture are quite unlike those smiling, accommodating Silicon Valley engineers.

  237. AaronB says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    According to the reigning philosophy of this website, HBD, crime is genetic and not situational.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  238. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Colin Wright

    Revolutionaries can be not merely just as bad as the ancien regime — they’re usually worse.

    That does tend to happen. But not always. I think Franco’s regime was infinitely preferable to the Spanish Republic. But Franco was a reactionary revolutionary, aiming not for radical change but to undo and prevent radical change. Pinochet’s coup in Chile was probably a net positive.

    Of course I’m a reactionary so naturally I think reactionary counter-revolutions are a good thing.

    The big difference is that progressive/liberal/marxist/anarchist/globalist revolutionaries have grand plans based mostly on wishful thinking. Reactionary revolutionaries want to go back to the old ways that were proven to work.

    At least the old regime was constrained by a need to at least appear to be honoring the constitutional and religious niceties — nothing the Tsars ever did came close to the barbarities of the Soviets, and the same was true for the Kings of France versus the Revolutionary Terror. Wilhelmine Germany was an ethical paradise compared to the Third Reich.

    Precisely. Which to me is a powerful argument in favour of reactionary counter-revolution.

    So if you’re going to throw all ethical considerations overboard in your pursuit of victory, what will you have left to offer once you do win? Won’t you just be the same fist — but without the velvet glove?

    A valid point, but if you lose you have nothing to offer at all. And the struggle for power is not a cricket match. If you know the other side is going to cheat there’s no umpire to complain to. You either lose or you learn to cheat as well. The struggle for political power is a dirty nasty business.

  239. @Genrick Yagoda

    You really should provide some evidence that I “don’t care” about facts.

    (Yawn.) As the bard said: “The lady doth protest to much.”

    I spent (misspent) a couple of years on this very site interacting with people of your ilk and I’ve come to understand the corrupted intellectual process by which you guys operate. Basically, you have some narrative in your head that you’re emotionally committed to and then you hunt around looking for facts or data that support what you want to believe.

    There is nothing to indicate that I “don’t care” about facts, since Iam referring to and providing links to government sources.

    Well, sure, you rummage around in the official data but it has nothing to do with any pursuit of the truth. You decide what you believe and then go cherry pick some data to support that.

    It’s a very corrupted intellectual process.

    My own approach is the opposite. What I do when I research a question about which I have some prior beliefs or suspicions is that I try my best to find facts or data to prove to myself that I’m wrong. This sometimes causes me to modify my views but if what I already thought about the topic holds up, then I feel my belief is increasingly well founded.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  240. @Ron Unz

    For what its worth, you are correct, Ron. I live in W.Va. and seldom see Hispanics. And I live in a “city” (at least by W.Va. standards).

  241. KenH says:

    When 2-3 of the majority white cities in your study have almost three times as many blacks as most of the majority Hispanic cities that makes more than a marginal impact on the crime rate of the majority white city given the huge disparity between the white and black crime rates.

    Obviously if Hispanics had the rather high crime rates you and others believe, this wouldn’t be the case.

    Again, I’m not claiming that Hispanics have apocalyptic levels of crime, only that it is higher than the white crime rate.

    The fact that Hispanics comprise 23% of the U.S. prison population while being only 16-17% of the U.S population pretty much proves the point:

    Whites are underrepresented in the U.S. prison system by a factor of 2. So Hispanic crime rates are roughly 2.75 times higher than those of whites when adjusted for percentages based on the demography of the prison population.

    If Hispanics only comprised 9-10% of the prison population then you might have a point.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  242. @AaronB

    According to the reigning philosophy of this website, HBD, crime is genetic and not situational.

    Yeah, I know. That’s the theory and if you have data that doesn’t match the theory, then the data must be wrong.

    That’s the scientific method in action…

    • Agree: AaronB
    • Replies: @L.K
  243. CalDre says:
    @Ron Unz

    Obviously if Hispanics had the rather high crime rates you and others believe, this wouldn’t be the case.

    Granted I find your research interesting, but you keep taking very select cases in particular circumstances and, it seems, generalizing way beyond their confines.

    For example, do you deny that Hispanic cities like Los Cabos, Acupulco and Tijuana in Mexico, Caracas in Venezuela, Natal and Fortalez in Brazil, etc. (indeed, the 12 most dangerous cities in the world are entirely Hispanic cities, and if you look at the top 50, the vast majority are Hispanic, the rest are due to Black inhabitants) are vastly more violent than, say, Munich Germany, Rijeka, Croatia or Basel Switzerland (indeed, in the list of safest cities, there are a number from the Middle East, Europe and Japan, but only a single Hispanic city, Mérida, Mexico).

    So will ask again: do you have any real evidence that your assumption that prison population statistics are accurate is true? Have you gone to randomly selected prisons and compared actual Hispanic inmate numbers versus reported Hispanic inmate numbers? Or do you have a (scientific) explanation for why Hispanics in Latin America are the most violent people on the planet, yet suddenly when illegally crossing the border they become the most law abiding?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Trevor H.
    , @Tyrion 2
  244. peterAUS says:

    Percentage of socio- and psychopaths among the leaders bearing testimony to the inclinations and tastes of the followers. (Which seems too sour or too red of a pillow to swallow.)

    I feel you are onto something there. Especially that in the brackets.

  245. @Intelligent Dasein

    Hispanics do a lot of unsavory things that they don’t actually get arrested or prosecuted for,

    “They stink and they make me wanna puke!”

  246. Hail says: • Website

    I can’t seem to figure out how to post a photo here

    Ron’s software makes this counter-intuitively easy. The only issue is it has no be already hosted online somewhere. Just post the bare URL on its own line in the comment box and usually it will convert to visual form automatically.

    Here is one I think you reference, making the rounds since circa mid-2000s:

    original URL is

    rashmanly.files.wordpress dot com slash [such and such] islam-will-dominate-world_gr.jpg

    • Replies: @Ace
  247. CalDre says:

    I have one of a bunch of Muslims holding such signs as “Shariah for the Netherlands” and “Islam will dominate the world.”

    There are radicals of every stripe. The fact that a few radicals hold up a poster, that bigoted people paste anywhere they can, does not make for a movement. Heck, the Muslim Brotherhood can’t even gain power in Egypt, let alone UAE or Kuwait. Let that sink in.

    You face a far greater risk from ethnic/tribal/racial extremists than Muslim ones.

    The single greatest risk comes from the psychopaths in power, who are leading us straight to WW III with their greed, violence, intolerance and hate.

    • Replies: @Ace
  248. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Jonathan Revusky

    I have wondered at times whether high IQ and high levels of formal, academic education and such actually impede people from understanding such basic things about the world in which they live.

    I’ve wondered the same thing. I think the trouble is that high IQ/academically educated people are very attracted by impressive-sounding theories. They like the idea that the world can only be explained by theories so complex that only high IQ/academically educated people can understand them.

    Average IQ/non academically educated people don’t care about theories. They just look at the real world.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  249. @Ace

    The threat of having Sharia law imposed is hardly something that can be casually sloughed off.

    Uhh, actually, the threat of having Sharia law imposed is something that can be casually sloughed off.

    (Like… on account of said “threat” being nonexistent…)

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @CanSpeccy
    , @Ace
  250. Ron Unz says:

    The fact that Hispanics comprise 23% of the U.S. prison population while being only 16-17% of the U.S population pretty much proves the point:

    Look, if you weren’t so *totally* lazy and had actually read my article, you’d realize that you obviously needed to adjust incarceration rates for *age*. Youngish males commit vastly more serious crime than older people, and Hispanics and whites have *entirely* different age-distribution curves. Once you take that into account along with a few similar factors, the bulk of the difference in incarceration rates completely disappears.

    Despite what Revusky claims upthread, I think that innumeracy and extreme laziness are the main problems with most of the commenters on this thread.

    I suspect that most of you have gotten so used to getting their information from stupid cartoon “memes” on 4chan or 140 character Tweets, they’ve totally forgotten how to read any serious text…

    Maybe you should just go back to just looking at all the cartoon frogs on 4chan…

  251. @Nicholas Stix

    Bill Cosby has been alleged to have provided funds for the defense of the Zebra killers. And the idea of “safe” Black Moslem areas is the most deluded cuck sentence I’ve ever read. Is this person unaware of The Zebra Killers, Beltway Snipers, Yahweh Ben Yahweh, etc? And their internecine battles like Malcolm X being killed,the DC massacre of 1/73 and resultant Hanafi Siege of DC in 3/77? Wow. Peaceful Black Muslims like George Jackson?

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Nicholas Stix
    , @Alden
  252. Ron Unz says:

    So will ask again: do you have any real evidence that your assumption that prison population statistics are accurate is true? Have you gone to randomly selected prisons and compared actual Hispanic inmate numbers versus reported Hispanic inmate numbers?

    Look, racially-based prison-gang violence is a *huge* problem in California and most other big states. Properly classifying prisons by their race/ethnicity is a life-and-death issue, and carelessly putting Hispanics in with whites can lead to killings, massive MSM coverage, and prison officials getting fired.

    Therefore, racial classifications in prisons are the absolute gold-standard for that sort of thing.

    Furthermore, all my other methodologies, many of them based on Census data, came to exactly similar conclusions.

    I discussed all this at considerable length in my article, and if you’re just too illiterate or lazy to bother reading it, maybe I should just trash all your future comments…

    • Replies: @CalDre
  253. @mark green

    I haven’t yet read all of your exchange with Wise, but I got a little bit past this self-misrepresentation of his:

    “I am an anti-Zionist jew and always have been.”

    There are only two ways to be a Jew: 1. By being born to a Jewish mother; or 2. Converting.

    Neither is the case with Wise, who has stated that his connection to Judaism is via a Jewish paternal grandfather.

    He’s not a Jew. He is a genocidal anti-Semite (“anti-Zionist”).

    I have no idea why he would lie about being a Jew (to cover for his genocidal anti-Semitism?), and don’t really care. I deal with all kinds of liars, day and night, every day.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  254. Anon[306] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    You seem in quite an amused mood today Unz. Happy holidays, and may the next year be as special for you as this was.

    More and more people get degrees and what they still cheekily call “PhDs”, but whenever the chance arises it shows that they have never carefully read a text. They have learned some by rote memory, which is another thing altogether, but never read one.

    This said, some memes are admittedly clever (and communicative), and there has been a higher character limit for tweets for some time now.
    (Also, you seem not so good at understanding what the reach of even intelligent yet within normal levels of intelligence minds is like.)

  255. utu says:
    @Southie Mossback

    Beltway Snipers – most like a psy-op to put pressure on Congress to give Bush and the neocons the green light for Iraq War legislation.

  256. @Jonathan Revusky

    I see, it’s not actually me that “doesn’t care”, it’s some fantasy you have in your head. But I am just representative.

    There are 3 government sites I linked, 1) New York Crime and Enforcement Activity 2017,

    2) Texas Dept of Safety Most Wanted,

    and 3) US Census, California

    2 Of these sites I did not “rummage around for” , rather I used sites that other posters referred to in this thread.

    How about if you show everyone what I misrepresented in any way shape, or form.
    Or at least be enough of an adult to shut the hell up. I know already that an apology is too much to ask for from an infant, so I will spare us both the indignity of suggesting you offer one.

  257. @Southie Mossback

    Very well-informed comment.

    I couldn’t find anything on Cosby and the Nation of Islam Zebra Killers–that would be explosive–but the media have for years protected the NOI. David Horowitz once dubbed the original Black Panthers “Black Murder, Inc.,” but that moniker fits the NOI much better.

  258. dfordoom says: • Website

    I can’t seem to figure out how to post a photo here but I have one of a bunch of Muslims holding such signs as “Shariah for the Netherlands” and “Islam will dominate the world.”

    Which proves Muslims are dangerous and violent.

    Of course you could easily find a photo of white neo-nazi nutters (or neo-Nazi LARPers), Which proves that white people are dangerous and violent.

    Every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every political movement has its extremists and its nutters.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  259. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Jonathan Revusky

    The threat of having Sharia law imposed is hardly something that can be casually sloughed off.

    Uhh, actually, the threat of having Sharia law imposed is something that can be casually sloughed off.

    (Like… on account of said “threat” being nonexistent…)

    Unfortunately you’re correct. Personally I think Sharia law would be a major improvement for countries like Britain that are currently wallowing in moral filth and degradation. But sadly Sharia law for places like Britain is a very very remote prospect. There is zero chance of it in the U.S., which is even more unfortunate.

  260. JLK says:
    @Ron Unz

    The high incarceration rate for these Caribbean Hispanics may partially explain general perceptions of Hispanic crime rates. A large proportion of America’s intellectual, media, and political elite lives in the Northeast, in cities like New York and Boston, and if the Hispanics traditionally living in those areas have unusually high rates of criminal activity, there would be a natural if mistaken tendency to assume that this same pattern also applied to Hispanic groups throughout the country.

    It might also be a mistake to assume that non-Caribbean Hispanics will exhibit the same crime pattern. The most violent countries in Central America seem to correspond to the highest rate of Mayan ancestry.

    I’m not an expert on the region, and for all I know the Mayans may be the victims rather than the victimizers. My area of the country doesn’t get as many Hispanic immigrants as California, but I’ve noticed quite a few squat body types when shopping at Wal-Mart the past few years.

    Most of the Caribbean Hispanics in my region are Puerto Ricans. I don’t know what their crime rate is, but they’ve been here for several generations and (with some exceptions, of course) are not following the same pattern of upwardly mobility that other groups of Southern European origin have.

    Costa Rica is a Latin American success story. It has a pretty good government and relatively low levels of crime, but expats and tourists are still advised not to walk around San Jose flashing cameras or expensive jewelry. However, its credit card rates aren’t that much lower if at all from what they are in Mexico, with rates ranging from 24% to 50.4% annually. This suggests high perceived risk and default rates. I posted a few graphics on your other thread about Latino student loan default rates in Los Angeles. If this is more than just a transient pattern, it will ultimately harm our banking system and lower access to credit for everyone. We won’t be able to securitize the problem and export it to our vassal countries indefinitely. In the meantime, 400 million middle class Chinese are wearing sweaters in the winter instead of turning the heat on to save a few more yuan. Their saving rate is astronomical compared to the rest of the world. If it continues, their banks are ultimately going to have a lot more capital to invest than ours.

    In summary, I agree that Trump has overstated the issue of Hispanic crime, but there are broader issues that we should be studying in considering the wisdom of allowing unchecked immigration from Latin America. The tendency to defer gratification or not is probably highly underrated, and like intelligence may not be entirely cultural.

  261. @Ron Unz


    Thomm is quite the kind of arrogant, pompous know-it-alls from (mostly)India and the subcontinent that legal immigration has brought upon us today! The trope of the arrogant argumentative Indian is quite the reality! You don’t realize the kind of toxic poisonous culture they come from unless you work with their likes on a day to day basis and they are a majority (in the office) .

    I must admit they have certain qualities that enable them to raise moderately successful children in stable families. But such an upbringing creates conformists, which is why they have so many mediocre “engineers” but rarely a genuine genius who can think outside of the box. To their credit, very few (or no) drug junkies and homeless folks among their ranks in the US

    Chinamen on the other hand are verbally not that loquacious and have been conditioned to keep it down. Although of late I am seeing some arrogance from some of them as well., it fades in comparison to those of the subcons! Some of them actually believe that they are a doing us a favor by bringing their skills here (along with their entire extended family) that we should be grateful for!!! The chutzpah!!

    I see and deal with quite a few characters like them on an hourly basis. It just sucks. If you work in tech, you CANNOT escape them, no matter how far away from SV. Parts of Overland park(KS) is stuffed to the brim with them! And Memphis is following suit. 🙁

  262. Biff says:

    It was only after the Mexican-American war in 1848 that California finally became part of the USA, and up until this time vast majority of settlers spoke Spanish or were of Mexican heritage. This date was when the California Gold rush brought in hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Yankees from the eastern states.

    Keep in mind, in 1848, it was easier to get to California from Australia than it was from Boston – more than just a few wallabies chased gold too.

  263. @Ron Unz

    One wrinkle I might add to the Hispanic crime question, is whether Hispanic crime has increased the White crime rate.

    In particular, I am thinking of the role that mass Mexican heroin distribution played in the American opioid epidemic, as documented by Sam Quinones in Dreamland.

    Basically, a whole new business model for retail heroin distribution — sort of like a franchise-based Dominos-style delivery service for heroin — was introduced by rural Mexicans (mostly from one from the rural Xalisco region). They deliberately avoided big cities where violent Black gangs already controlled the trade. Instead, they targeted small and mid-size, mostly white, American cities in the middle of the country that were virgin territory.

    The Mexican workers operated in small groups filling phone orders from their handlers. They were just employees working for an hourly or daily wage and had no interest in watering down the product or haggling about price. They were totally non-violent and the whole point was to create a non-threatening, user-friendly mobile delivery service that was attractive to whites who would never think of driving into a ghetto to buy drugs.

    For every dealer nabbed and deported there must have been hundreds of junkies created, each of whom likely went on to commit scores of minor, and not so minor, crimes due to their new status. Apparently, this change in opioid trafficking patterns was so huge that (along with the rampant over-prescription of legal opioids), it has likely shifted the country’s crime patterns significantly.

    Interestingly, although no one seems to dispute the well-documented facts of Quinones’ book, this massive Mexican drug operation seems not to have gotten much play by Trump or the anti-immigration movement. (And, of course, for predicable reasons it is never mentioned in the MSM.)

    In fairness though, the organizers and workers in these metastasizing drug distribution cells were not “immigrants” per se, but recruits sent straight from rural Mexico to do a job and then eventually return to spend their money back home.

  264. Biff says:

    Well maybe it should spread around evenly, and your neighbourhoods have quite the quota to meet.

    My neighborhood is probably thee most ethnically homogeneous cities on the planet, and “they” would like to keep it that way – I don’t get to vote, and far lefties need not apply.

  265. Trevor H. says:

    a (scientific) explanation for why Hispanics in Latin America are the most violent people on the planet, yet suddenly when illegally crossing the border they become the most law abiding?

    Thanks. I’d like to see this too.

  266. Trevor H. says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    The emergence of a cholo rentier class with high-brow money and barrio tastes is one of the more revolting developments to ensue from this phenomenon.

    I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Woe indeed to the traditional ‘Anglo’ neighborhood which sees a wealthy Mexican widow move in. One of the houses will suddenly look like a circus attraction, only with more decorative debris.

  267. Anonymous [AKA "Whitey Cabron"] says:

    @Ron Unz

    At my public high school in the late 1970s in Orange County, CA, there were about 30 gangster thugs of Mexican descent who terrorized white male students with what are now called hate crimes. The beat-downs of white boys were traumatic and occasionally necessitated an emergency room visit. My school had a bad reputation, but I knew many other white males in San Diego, LA, Ventura/Oxnard, and Santa Barbara County who had the same experience in the 1970s and 1980s. This is not some outlier. Surely you must have heard of similar events–unless you lived a very sheltered existence or were lucky.

    The white victims of this racial violence almost never went to the authorities. The threat of being gravely injured or murdered for snitching kept us quiet and living in fear–kind of like what you probably have seen in prison shows. These hate crimes never hit the statistical records, and I’ll bet that these crimes still largely go unreported. Half the country has been so dumbed down by PC indoctrination that many foolish white liberals rationalize their own victimization.

    In fairness, the hate crimes were perpetrated by a fraction of the school’s Mexican and Mexican American population. It’s worth noting that there were no violent hate crimes by white people against the Mexicans or Mexican Americans at my high school.

    You need to dig deeper than reading crime stats to get the whole picture of ethnic crime and racial hostility. Racial harmony in California is often superficial outside of the corporate walls of Silicon Valley. In your region, I suggest that you take a look at the videos of violence against white Trump supporters in San Jose the night of the Trump rally. The perps were local “cholos”. The victims were all white. Supporting Trump wasn’t the cause of the violence. It was a convenient pretext for the violence. On another night it would have been a different excuse for violence–for instance, they didn’t like a guy’s cowboy boots or whatever.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  268. @Frederick V. Reed

    Does anyone actually want a scenario by which there are more K-to-12-age Mestizos resident in the USA than White ethnic-core Americans (Northwest European), on target for circa the 2040s?

    The Los Angeles Unified School District has had less than about 15% White (at least at the High School level) for what seems like forever. Basically, Whites send their kids to the local elementary school but when they get to Jr. High (which is bused/integrated), it’s off to private or parochial school. Of course this applies even (especially) to the most liberal Whites. It’s a huge expense on top of the already insane property taxes.

    But aside from this (not small) problem, the Hispanisizing of LA has not been the end of the world.

    Hispanics may not be world-beaters in terms of motivation and ability but they really aren’t that offensive either. They come from a mostly Europeanized Christian culture, they aren’t resentful of whites, and they genuinely like American culture for the most part. We could do way worse — like the Africans and Muslims pouring into Europe.

    Edit: Actually, one big problem I forgot. Hispanics do vote party-line for Democrats out here.

    • Replies: @ThisIsFine
  269. SafeNow says:

    The theme of the Unz essay is that nothing has unraveled. But I live in S. California and every day I see time and again that life has unraveled; don’t get me started. This will get much worse. And, the decline will be contagious, affecting many pre-replacement people. This will beset the entire country. It will be fast. I must disagree with Saxon about “take our stuff” – -it won’t be all stuff — the replacement people will still want us to keep our seats in the airline cockpit.

  270. @Reg Cæsar


    Considering that we must pay homage to our (((betters))) as is mandated by law here, change that to Sigmund Freud (Fraud??) award, to make it that much more explicit!

    By the way, you have a good knack on puns as you seem to recreate puntastic punabrations of seemingly ordinary events. You’d make a good stand up comedian. Just don’t make fun of our (((leaders))) and you can start raking in the dough! A good (short term) career choice especially when you come from the hindoo capital of america, Edison NJ 😉 Not to mention all the dot pussy you’d be smashing considering how beta most of their men are. I dunno if you’d dig that though 😉

    [you DO come from NJ don’t ya? What with your vast knowledge of their gods and godesses, the “housing scene” in the “garden” state etc]

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  271. Alden says:

    <Most of the statues and monuments are Spanish soldiers and priests. Every once in a while some Hispanics go on a rant against Juniperro Serra whose statues are all over the state.

    Maybe the Spanish names protect them. I don’t think there are any monuments to Dennis Kearney of the Chinese exclusion act, or Kit Carson.

  272. Alden says:
    @Southie Mossback

    The 12 or so victims of the San Francisco black Muslim Zebra killers were just the killings that became known. The California AG’s office estimated that in the early and mid 70s 271 Whites in California were randomly murdered by organized Black muslims.

  273. CalDre says:
    @Ron Unz

    Properly classifying prisons by their race/ethnicity is a life-and-death issue

    Maybe so, but not having been in a maximum security prison in California, I have no way to know whether what prison officials put on paper has any bearing on what they do in practice. Indeed, numerous courts have ruled California’s racial/ethnic segregation to be unlawful, so there actually is an incentive to misreport prison population data to make things seem more integrated than they are. I don’t know the answer one way or another, yet you seem entirely certain; my question was whether this certainty of yours has been subjected to scientific inquiry or not. Your response seems to be, “question my methodology and get thrown off my website?” Strange, Ron, that response seems beneath you (or any social scientist).

    The reason I am not convinced by your results is again based on the rather quixotic result that Hispanics, south of the border, are the most violent people on the planet, and somehow, when unlawfully crossing the border, they are the most docile. Perhaps you can give that some thought and either (a) find a scientific explanation for that, or (b) accept the fact that this creates an inconsistency that people will find troubling.

    if you’re just too illiterate or lazy to bother reading it, maybe I should just trash all your future comments

    Fair enough, I will find other places to spend my time. In general, though, it’s not considered necessary to read someone’s “book” to engage in an informal discussion with them. This isn’t a Hispanic Crime Conference filled with those who spend their life studying these things. If I were debating you on such a panel your critique would be justified; in this forum, it’s just hostile.

  274. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    You’re absolutely right that crime is a young man’s occupation. And it explains the difference in incarceration rates.

    On the other hand, California is now officially the least educated state. We have the highest percentage of adults who didn’t graduate from high school and the highest percentage of adults who didn’t finish 9th grade.

    That’s because of the Hispanics. Some demographics drop out of school to go into a life of crime and perpetual unemployment. The Hispanics go into re food industry from planting and picking construction janitor etc.

    If they later get a GED they get affirmative action government jobs

    2014 to 2016 I had to go to the Santa Clara main courthouse in downtown San Jose several times a year. Virtually every man working in the courthouse except for the attorneys was Asian a few blacks and mostly Hispanics. Most were White hispanics but it’s the last name that got them the affirmative action job.

    We can’t all be theoretical physics geniuses or landlords who don’t have to beg HR gestapos for jobs.

    My only objection to non White immigration is that between affirmative action and skilled and unskilled cheap labor it doesn’t matter if a White, especially a White man is a Dr or dishwasher; the motto of America is no Whites need apply .

    • Replies: @SafeNow
  275. Hail says: • Website

    although about 40% of the State is White and 40% Hispanic, you rarely if ever see White-Hispanic couples

    Do we have any data on this?

  276. indocon says:

    The power of Silicon Valley comes from it’s near monopoly status in 2 important areas of American economy namely enterprise software and digital advertisement. The red America has powers in itself to counter both of these if it wants. On advertisement, it’s pretty straight forward. Boycott products you see advertised on a platform like FB, red America is probably close to 50% of the buying power in this country and counts a lot, I bet FB comes to its knees in no time. On enterprise software its little tricky, the buyers are spread all over the country but the decision makers in corporate IT debts tend to be real liberal hard asses. Maybe a movement could be started to boycott a company at a time, starting with small and medium sized companies where the owners have more influence and control. The good thing in enterprise software is that almost every company has competition located outside of SV, unlike digital advertisement, while they may not be raging righties, they are not as loony lefties of SV either. Also unlike digital advertisement, none of these enterprise software companies have monopolies.

  277. Ron, you know I love you, but you really gotta get out more and see the rest of our great nation. Your letter reminds me of the Boy in the Bubble wondering what all the fuss is about foods other than his mom’s nutrition cookies.

    If I never left SE Michigan, it would be perfectly natural for me to see Muslims as perfectly good neighbors, teetotalers, keeping tidy homes and nuclear families, engaging in no street crimes or graffiti. Dearbornistan is as threatening as Frankenmuth – but with muezzin instead of glockenspiel. We have relatively very few mesoamerican invaders and those we do have are all seemingly employed. By comparison to the mini-Congo of Detriot, our mesoamericans are splendid neighbors who speak two languages more fluently than the Africans speak just one.

    But our nation isn’t Silicon Valley or Metro Destroyit. These are extreme outliers in fact. Destroyit was the Silicon Valley of the 20th century and much of its vast wealth remains (although moved to Oakland, Macomb, and Washtenaw counties). You essentially live in post-Depression Detriot except your negro problem is across the Bay rather than across 8 Mile Rd. You live in a bubble.

    You correctly see that the African is our most troublesome demographic, but because you’re so insulated from the trials and tribulations of the average white person in say Miami, you don’t appreciate what it means to become a stranger in your own land. You don’t have to learn a foreign language just to get a job as a retail store clerk or work in a warehouse.

    I’m glad you wrote this because it does provide a great insight into the worldview of the Silicon Valley elites who now govern so much of our lives. When you don’t see a problem it’s terribly easy to believe that there is no problem. And if you don’t see it despite the fact that most of your columnists/bloggers and 99% of your commenting community laments it daily, think how oblivious your peers/neighbors are.

    Take a sabbatical. Do the Linh Dinh thing and spend some time as an average Ron in the rest of the country or just live in LA or the Central Valley for a while. You don’t see how atypical Silicon Valley is until you see it contrasted to the rest of the nation. As for your neighbors, I have zero hope they’ll ever get their eyes opened because unlike you they aren’t even interested in anything outside their bubble.

    • Agree: mark green
    • Replies: @Counterinsurgency
  278. bucky says:

    So true. The best insight: scapegoating Mexico and Hispanics is itself a form of political correctness.

  279. Alden says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    I think he’s doing it for money. First time I heard of him his speeches were advertised in Jewish community newspapers.
    He claimed to be s former neoNazi heavily involved in plans to kill Rabbis and burn down Jewish buildings. He repented and was now atoning for his sins by warning Jews about the coming Nazi takeover. His speeches weee sponsored by ADL
    It was a total lie of course. But millions of Jewish dollars poured into ADL

  280. From the other side of the Atlantic it is not easy to see or understand quite well what’s going on in the USA.
    That I was shocked when I read the wiki story about how in Charlotteville someone drove into a crowd of demonstrators makes this clear.
    What exactly Alt Right is, I just have a vague idea.

    But I did notice in 2004 or so in Florida how the USA there differs from the USA in the north, that is from Seattle to Minneapolis.
    Speaking english in Miami leads to being ignored by spanish speaking people.
    The USA of course began, after the original inhabitants had disappeared, one way or another, as a white colony, that later made itself independent of especially GB.
    The USA aristocracy consists of those related to anyone on the Mayflower.
    Having a far away ancestor who also signed the Declaration of Independence also makes you a real American.

    This white supremacy now is challenged, by those of immigrant background, and those who, I suppose, expect to get political advantages through diminishing white influence.
    Of course, the whites who see this happening, and foresee what will happen, resist.
    There in fact is, in my opinion, not much diffference with the Hutu Tutsi conflict, the Algerian war, where the pied noirs had to flee, or the Tsjechs driving out the Sudeten Germans.
    Where all this will lead to, I wonder.

    Here in Europe more and more people understand how w’re losing our cultures, but, as in the USA, the Open Society Gutmenschen still are quite busy in keeping doors open, or even opening more doors, Marrakech.

    About media

    Now most sensible people somewhat weigh the reality presented in the MSM against what they actually experience in their day-to-day lives, and if there’s a sharp divergence between the two, they may gradually become suspicious of the MSM, and begin turning to alternate sources of information,

    My doubts about our quality media began around 1994, the Rabin murder.
    Until then I was behind the holocaust survivors, who clearly needed an own country, who had to defend themselves against Paletinians, just blood thirsty Arab terrorists.
    But the murder of Rabin, after the Oslo peace accords, by an orthodox jew, 1994 or so, made me wonder ‘do these jews want peace ?’.
    So indeed I turned to alternate sources, and discovered how I had been fooled for many decades.
    Sept 11 was the next shock, by now the ideas I had before 1994 about history since, say 1870, have been turned upside down

    We whites grew up in a world where white supremacy was not challenged, we felt so sure of ourselves that opening our countries for non white, and/or non christian immigrants, was the right thing to do.
    Guilt feelings fed into the Germans since 1945 caused that the concept Gutmensch is a German concept.
    Germans can be pardoned for their sins by receiving large numbers of immigrants.

    From feelings of superiority, and ideals of a better world, to understanding that w’re under siege, is a near impossible change in mindset.
    Yet, in my opinion, only this change can save European civilisation.
    But, if the six percent whites can succeed in maintaining themselves, I’m not sure they can on their own.

    • Replies: @Counterinsurgency
    , @Alden
  281. @dfordoom

    Since reading recently
    Gustave E. von Grunebaum, ‘Medieval Islam, A Study in Cultural Orientation’, Chicago, 1946, 1971
    I concluded that Islam is incompatible with western societies.
    Before reading this book I was not so negative about Islam.
    Islam, as judaism, completely controls each individual life.

    There is a weird consequence, in my opinion, the Islam as described in the mentioned book is a great help for us to withstand Islam.
    Islamic society is static, as anything is already n the Quran, including science, Islamic society cannot adapt itself to changing circumstances.

    Around 1900 the Ottoman empire began to change, industrialisation etc, but far too late.
    Christianity was not much better than Islam, but the great advantage of christianity was and is all the different interpretations of what christianity is, in other words, we were used to debate, and forming our own ideas.

    Yet, until Galileo christianity also succeeded in resisting change, scientific change.
    The great misunderstanding about the Renaissance is that there never was a renaissance of technical change.
    As far as I know there was far less technical development in Islamic societies.

    Thorkild Schioler, ‘Roman and Islamic water lifting wheels’, Odense University Press 1973 describes ancient Islamic irrigation systems.
    Driving in India in the mid seventies we could see all the described methods still in use.
    It is fair to add that in the absence of cheap energy it of course was difficult to find new methods.
    Nevertheless, the western urge to improve seems far less in Islamic societies.

    • Replies: @Ace
  282. @Ron Unz

    Allow me to use your reference to the innumeracy problem as a hook to grab your attention.

    Mostly so I can mention again Peter Thiel and his Australian lawyer (apparently my neighbour) Aron D’Souza as possible allies for you in the fight against deplatforming. Yours is a very big country and I was sorry to have to believe that even with your record you mightn’t be given the time of day by a Mark Zuckerberg or his senior executives. I hope you will consider Thiel as possibly a credible and welcoming alternative ally. (A silly idea maybe, but if I had D’Souza’s address I could probably knock on his front door and be let in…).

    The numeracy hook that I mentioned followed from my lifelong, and undiminishing, amazement at the innumeracy of people who are supposed to be quite intelligent affecting almost everything important in the public sphere and almost as often in the private. Nothing to do with being humbled (as I was at 12) by reading about the young Carl Friedrich Gauss but just the problem with numbers and simple concepts like compound interest extending in my speculative view to the failure e.g. for Australian politicians and associated goodthinkers to ask elementary questions about why it is supposed to be a good idea to make the country with the world’s cheapest caseload power into just about the most expensive….

    My speculative “Just So Story” is that our ancestors, for 200,000 years of growing up Sapiens didn’t need numbers. I remember reading of primitive tribes today – in Africa and Amazonia I think – who only count 1, 2, Many – though I can imagine they would sometimes flash their fingers to indicate “about 5″ or ” about 10″. I am not sure that it is a useful insight, even if it is a true one, but it should at least add strength to battles to counter innumeracy as if it were a fault as deep seated as Original Sin.

  283. TheBoom says:
    @Frederick V. Reed

    Good points. All Mexicans are open to Mexico being a Chinese and Indian country. They are not affilicted by the racism of whites.

  284. TheBoom says:

    Ron is right that it is evil for people to safeguard their culture. People need to view themselves as interchangeable otherwise they are nazis. Likewise, the desire to not prevent the destruction of the middle and working classes is a sign of racism. California has shown that the future is wealthy and poor classes. The middle and working classes better get out of the way because they are on the wrong side of history

  285. @dfordoom

    It is not understanding, it is living in a different world.
    Long ago, at the age of 18, any Dutch boy was examined for being fit for compulsory military service.
    How the selection was made for those to appear as a group on a certain day, no idea.
    But I remember quite well that I was shocked, shocked by what must have been a more or less representative selection of the Dutch population.
    I met others who had had the same experience.
    Living among the, say top three percent, according to IQ, population distorts your views.

  286. @Ron Unz

    I suspect that most of you have gotten so used to getting their information from stupid cartoon “memes” on 4chan or 140 character Tweets, they’ve totally forgotten how to read any serious text…

    Maybe it is a consolation that Thilo Sarrazin, ‘Deutschland schafft sich ab, Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen’, München 2010 writes that ‘hardly anyone nowadays can read an article of a few pages with intellectual content’.
    In my opinion it is not ‘forgotten’, remember quite well how shocked my university professors were in 1963 about political interference with the education level.
    A far higher % of students had to pass the exams.

    The consequences we now see, my opinion, in the intellectual level of Dutch politicians.
    What makes it even worse is Gresham’s law ‘bad money drives out good money’.
    The three intellectuals among our 150 members of parliament are hated.
    This recently led to critisising one of the three with the single word ‘bullshit’.
    What made this even worse is that the man who used this strong argument had written a ph d thesis in physics.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  287. @Nicholas Stix

    My definition of a jew is ‘anybody who has the jewish identity’.
    This identity is little more than ‘eternal innocent victims’.
    My definition is not so unusual, the society of atheistic jews defines an atheistic jew as something like ‘he who feels he’s a part of jewish culture’.
    The problem of ‘what is a jew’ is one of the problems about the six million figure.

    • Replies: @Alden
  288. @David Baker

    His goal was to purify the population of his country.

    His goal was to undo the Versailles injustice.

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  289. @Ron Unz

    There was no Germany during the Thirty Years war.
    It was created in 1871.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Mitleser
  290. Art says:

    California overall is almost 40% Hispanic these days, heading towards an outright majority, and the top two leaders in the State Legislature are Hispanic, as are many of the other members.

    The clear problem is that Mexicans vote in mass, for one party. California is already a one-party state. Mexico was controlled by one party for 50 or more years – NEVER well. The Indian Mexicans voted for the elite whites who suppressed them, for over 50 years straight. Something is major wrong, something that America does not need.

    One party is no way to run a democracy. In fact, one party rule is not a democracy. That is a sure way to a becoming a dysfunctional dictatorial state.

    Between the Jew MSM, an education system that refuses to teach America history, and the college educated white elite establishment – the Mexican immigrants are ill informed.

    Look around the world – not every group of people can function in a democracy. It takes a select group of independent minded individuals with a fairness mentality to achieve democracy.

    The American independence minded culture is worthy of saving. If it is swamped with unassimilated immigrants, it will fail.

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Saxon
  291. Tyrion 2 says:

    Ron Unz says that Trump style immigration restrictionism with very regular loud appeals to Americans of all colours and the occasional mention of proven higher ethnic crime statistics loses you Presidential elections but Hitler apologia, Holocaust denial and allegations that the Jews did 9/11 are the ultimate winning formula; especially among the Silicon Valley elite!

    …he’s trolling you…

    • Replies: @Fourier
  292. Tyrion 2 says:

    BOJ stats say Hispanics are incarcerated way out of proportion of their numbers..

  293. swamped says:

    …a year and a half old and letter already seems dated. e.g. “maybe the newly Neoconized Trump administration will get us all into some crazy nuclear war with Russia or China or both”; fortunately not. Hopefully, maybe Syria withdrawal may be sign of a newly un- Neoconized Trump administration; see if it’s followed up in Afghanistan.
    Meanwhile, Silicon Valley-type issues have very little daily resonance in much of the rest of the country. Most other areas probably don’t want to become “almost 40% Hispanic… heading towards an outright majority.” However, it may be true that “Trump and his people were far too PC to ever talk much about black crime”, instead passing the First Step Act bill. And focusing their concerns on “some deadly threat of pro-Iranian terrorists and Islamic Shariah Law” is probably nonsense. But it’s unlikely that either Silicon Valley or the “alt-Right” fully “resonates” with the lived experience of much of the rest of the country. So you’re both probably talking right past us.

  294. @Ron Unz

    The *primary* problem is that Silicon Valley companies are slaves to the media and other pressure groups that target their advertisers/companies they sell their product or services to–basically, *outside* money that works to damage business interests if they do not toe the line.

  295. @Ron Unz

    In 1960 after existing for almost 200 years with the doors wide OPEN to Latin American immigration the Latin American pop in the US was about 6 million.

    After having CLOSED the door to Latin American immigration in 1965 the Latin American pop of US ballooned to over 50 million in just 55 years.

    Maybe we should OPEN the doors again?

  296. Rob McX says:

    Alt-rightists don’t want whites to become a minority in America. For them, the race of immigrants is a hundred times more important than their IQ or criminality. If people like Ann Coulter scare people with stories that exaggerate Hispanic criminality, I don’t think that bothers people on the alt-right too much.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  297. Renoman says:

    It’s too bad academics are such goofs, I guess no one gets a full deck. Good essay Ron, let us know if you find a cure!

  298. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Average age is about 40. Same as average white age and much higher than Hispanic.

    I already told you.

  299. With all due respect to Ron Unz this is a total misreading of the issue.

    The alt-right doesn’t base it’s opposition to 3rd world immigration on crime statistics. Rather the altright argument is that white people are a racial collective and as such their interests are not served by replacing themselves in their own countries with people of another race.

    Mainstream conservative media like Breitbart base their opposition to hispanic immigration on the issue of crime because even admitting that white people are a collective with their own collective self interest is evil, nazi, racism.
    The “third rail” of American politics.

    Does Mr. Unz think that there are any valid arguments against massive Latin American immigration to the US?

    • Agree: CanSpeccy
    • Replies: @Evergreen
  300. Anonymous[270] • Disclaimer says:

    The bottom line is that some of the things the Alt-Right has been saying for years are generally true while other things are generally false.

    The globalist White Genocide Project is real. It’s beyond obvious to anyone with eyes to see and many of the culprits are gleefully admitting it in public. Knowing that, it’s impossible to overestimate the importance of revealing the plan and fighting back. The white race will either fully wake up or reach an existential event horizon within a decade or two.

    Almost all the global Internet monopolies (Google, FB etc) have been set up from the start to monitor, guide and, if necessary, force globalist narratives on the goyim. Many of them have outright bought the competition or poured endless billions in the loss-making years in order to reach that monopoly status. You suggestion that the top brass in those companies – and the people behind them – are politically naive because their own surroundings are multicultural, rich and physically safe is… ridiculous. This might be true for most of the lower ranks and cubicle monkeys in the Silicon Valley but it’s completely wrong at the top.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  301. Anonymous [AKA "Ant_Powder"] says:


    It’s like Obama birtherism, or 9/11 having all been staged, or any one of several such beliefs.

    9/11 clearly, irrefutably was ‘staged’. Denial of such indicates either stupidity, denial, or deliberate deception.

  302. fnn says:

    Well, neocon and civic nationalist VDH actually lives in a Hispanic supermajority county. Arguably, what he is he describing is a failure of governance by the progressivist/cultmarxist state:


    My sleepy hometown of Selma, California, is in the dead center of all this. The once rural San Joaquin Valley community has grown from 7,000 to nearly 20,000 in a mere two decades, as a result of mostly illegal immigration from Mexico. Selma is now somewhere between 60 and 90 percent Hispanic. How many are U.S. citizens is either not known or not publicly disclosed: but of all those admitted legally from Mexico to the United States since 1982, only 20 percent had become citizens by 1997. Some local schools, like the one I went to two miles from our farm, are 90 percent first-generation Mexican immigrants. At the service station a mile away, I rarely hear English spoken; almost every car that pulls in displays a Mexican flag decal pasted somewhere.

    To contrast the Selma I live in today with the Selma I grew up in will doubtless seem hopelessly nostalgic. But the point of the contrast is not merely that 40 years ago our community was only 40 or 50 percent Mexican, but rather that the immigrants then were mostly here legally. Crime was far rarer: the hit-and-run accidents, auto theft, drug manufacturing and sale, murders, rapes, and armed robberies that are now customary were then nearly nonexistent. Fights that now end in semi-automatic-weapon fire were settled with knives then.

    I used to worry over the theft of a tractor battery. Yet in the last decade, I have run off at gunpoint three gang members trying to force their way into our house at 3 am. Last year, four patrol cars—accompanied by a helicopter whirling overhead—chased drug dealers in hot pursuit through our driveway. One suspect escaped and turned up two hours later hiding behind a hedge on our lawn, vainly seeking sanctuary from a sure prison term. When a carload of thieves tried to steal oranges from our yard, I soon found myself outmanned and outgunned—and decided that 100 pounds of pilfered fruit is not worth your life.

    It is a schizophrenic existence, living at illegal immigration’s intersection. Each week I pick up trash, dirty diapers, even sofas and old beds dumped in our orchard by illegal aliens—only to call a Mexican-American sheriff who empathizes when I show him the evidence of Spanish names and addresses on bills and letters scattered among the trash. So far I have caught more than 15 illegal dumpers, all Mexican, in the act. In the last 20 years, four cars piloted by intoxicated illegal aliens have veered off the road into our vineyard, causing thousands of dollars in unrecompensed damage. The drivers simply limped away and disappeared. The police sighed, “No license, no insurance, no registration” (“the three noes”), and towed out their car.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  303. Anonymous[270] • Disclaimer says:

    Not sure how you can be so wrong on this

    Me neither. This gaping blind spot in his analysis reminds me of his claim that Bush and Cheney were uninvolved in the 9/11 false flag.

    He’s a smart guy so this is perplexing.

  304. mcohen says:

    Ron it is simple

    No Internet online porn or online hate sites in 2019.They must be shut down to protect the new generation of kids using the Internet

    Stop making excuses about freedom of speech.

    2019 no more online porn or hate.Spread the word

  305. I grew up in Florida, if you weren’t black you were white. Hispanics did not exist until the court order making Hispanics a protected class. I have known far too many people who can’t get a job because they can’t speak Spanish. Once you get a critical mass of Latino’s both legal and illegal they refuse to deal with non Spanish speakers. This is something the black community has been complaining about for decades in the Miami area. I have been told many times I need to learn Spanish. I work with a lot of refugees. Nice people and very aggressive. They had to be to get here. They want my job and they will work as a group until they get one of their people in. They will work as group to get politicians eating out of their hands all the while complaining about the white racists. My property taxes go about 10% a year. In Texas that is mostly for education and it prevents me from retiring. A lot of the money goes to teaching kids English or for school lunch programs programs that go on year round. For the schools to pass EEOC muster so many Hispanics and so many blacks have to pass. This means the Non-Minorities get short changed.

    I not against immigration because of the people involved, it is because they are taking money out of my pocket and preventing me from enjoying the fruits of my labors.

    I could go on for while but I want to point out that while I am considered White my parents weren’t, they were Irish who grew up in New England. They had to contend with ” No Irish Need Apply” signs. My mother couldn’t get into the Sorority she wanted to because she had the freckled skin. I work with a large number of people of Mexican descent, and a lot of them consider themselves white and don’t like be called hispanic and they don’t want the illegals here either because they destroy the neighborhood.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  306. @Ron Unz

    Despite what Revusky claims upthread, I think that innumeracy and extreme laziness are the main problems with most of the commenters on this thread.

    Well, my comments above do not pertain specifically to this thread. They are based on several years of participating in these discussions off and on.

    In that period, I finally came to the realization that most of these highly ideological people do not care about factual truth the way I do. They mostly care about crafting some narrative that gives them emotional satisfaction. If the facts get in the way of that, then so much for the facts.

    Basically, I can tell you, based on my extensive experience here, that your assertion is wrong. I can say with absolute confidence:

    The willful obtuseness that you are running into in these sorts of conversations is not primarily the product of “laziness”.

    I reckon you could save yourself a lot of aggravation by realizing this at long last.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  307. TheBoom says:

    Forget the specifics. Why should whites want to live in Mexico Norte?

  308. @jilles dykstra

    Allow me to point out pedantically that you are using Gresham’s Law in the lazy popular way. Let’s keep it for what Gresham identified and prefer some other popular clichéd for what might be called “A race to the bottom”.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  309. Jake says:

    “Admittedly, some of the renaming nonsense did recently spread to ultra-liberal Palo Alto. Some ultra-PC immigrant from Sweden was horrified to discover that two of the local middle schools, Terman and Jordan, were named after pro-eugenicist academics from the Stanford of a century ago, and despite opposition he stampeded the Palo Alto school board into voting to rename those schools, but although it’s ridiculous, it’s not exactly the same thing as what’s been happening with mobs attacking those those statues in New Orleans and elsewhere.”

    The above quoted paragraph tells a most important truth that I have stressed with people since well back in to the last century: the problem always starts with white Liberals and Radicals, and white Libs and Rads always make non-whites, even the leaders of non-white radicalism, worse. Always.

    Steve Sailer sees it very much as whites playing virtuous oneupsmanship: I am the most moral and virtuous because I care most about uplifting the poor, victimized, nearly helpless blacks and browns (these whites stopped caring about red people a long time ago and now must move around desires to blame bad yellows for harming their beloved pet blacks and browns).

    Anybody who thinks there would be even a whiff of a movement to tear down Confederate statues or remove Confederate flags if all white Libs and Rads were removed is at best an ignoramus.

  310. @the Watcher

    “No Irish Need Apply”

    Unless you are a 90 year old WASP from New Hampshire how could your parents have experienced that?

  311. @Intelligent Dasein

    Environment > Genetics > Culture > Institutions > Politics > Society.

  312. @Wizard of Oz

    Gresham seems to me far a better analogy than ‘race to the bottom’, an expression I never understood.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  313. Ron Unz says:

    Well, neocon and civic nationalist VDH actually lives in a Hispanic supermajority county. Arguably, what he is he describing is a failure of governance by the progressivist/cultmarxist state:

    Well, after suffering through a decade of VDH’s cheer-leading for the Iraq War and ranting about Saddam, I’d say he’s just about the least credible individual who comes to mind, except maybe Bill Kristol.

    And his ranting about Mexican illegals is totally anecdotal and non-quantitative. As it happens, he lives in one of the poorest and most miserable areas of California, basically our Appalachia, so the problems there don’t entirely surprise me. But when I looked up the crime stats for his small city, they don’t really seem all that horrifying:

    Over the last decade, homicides have averaged less than one per year, not exactly Baltimore or Chicago. And the robbery rate seems pretty comparable to that of Beverly Hills, hardly an urban hell-hole.

    When one of America’s most notoriously lying propagandists makes vague, non-quantitative allegations about something, it’s always a good idea to check the facts…

    • Replies: @Alden
  314. Evergreen says:

    Forgive me as I offer a different opinion;
    My first observation, is that long before most people even heard of the “alt right”, Facebook and Silicon Valley were busy trying to get Obama elected. Not because they rejected the alt right they never heard of and not because they objected to the platform McInsane was running on, but because they are marinaded in left-wing extremism, and have a false sense of their own intelligence, due to accomplishments that have been awarded with unfathomably disproportionate amounts of money.

    Silicon Valley took their first hard look at themselves after Brexit.
    But it wasn’t until November8th, 2016, that they all joined in lockstep to make bazillions of dollars in illegal in- kind political donation, via selective censorship. Oh and by and deviation from formerly unbiased algorithms for search results and search prompting.

    While there seems to be no laws that protect free speech in the internet public square, I wish and hope that Silicon Valley is forded to surrender billions for their unfair competition. As many of, if not ALL websites, and political opinions being censored, are actually businesses being unfairly and unlawfully discriminated against.

    The Robinson-Patman Act and other anti trust laws protect business from this discrimination. Both for card processors – paybuddy type services and advertisement revenue services. While the strict wording of the law only applies to physical commodities , the courts have upheld that less tangible things are commodities.

    • Replies: @mark green
  315. Z-man says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Yeah, lol, I was waiting for a punch line, tips on the stock market, sage advice to the censored but got nothing.

  316. @Jonathan Revusky

    not primarily the product of “laziness”.

    What’s in a name ?
    Rearranging, with bringing in new, and deleting old, the contents of one’s head, in my experience is quite a job.
    Far easier not to change anything.
    Sept 11 for me is THE example, realising that the Bush story is nonsense has as consequence reconsidering the whole of USA history since FDR.
    Laziness may not be the right word for refusing to do this, but it has something to do with a great intellectual effort.
    Of course there are other, more or less understood, consequences, herds want consensus, dissidents run risks.

  317. Evergreen says:

    My observation is that many of the comments from the “alt right” are more about “culture”, than race.
    And many more comments are about disagreeing with the Republican swamp. Most often this disagreement is about wars, or never ending spending, or free trade.
    And of course Israel.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  318. Ron Unz says:
    @Rob McX

    Alt-rightists don’t want whites to become a minority in America. For them, the race of immigrants is a hundred times more important than their IQ or criminality. If people like Ann Coulter scare people with stories that exaggerate Hispanic criminality, I don’t think that bothers people on the alt-right too much.

    Well, personally I think that an Alt-Right political/media strategy of relying upon outrageous, inflammatory lies has severe weaknesses. Maybe you can get away with something like that if you totally control the MSM and the Internet or have unlimited funding, but if you don’t, it’s a real problem.

    After all, why are most of you commenting on my website? Basically, it’s because you’ve been banned or deplatformed almost everywhere else. Many of the people deplatforming you claim you’re spreading lies and you reply “Yes, indeed! But telling ridiculous lies is a central part of our brilliant political strategy!” I’m not sure that’s the best way to appeal to the politicians or judges whose support you need.

    The point I was making in my letter is that if you decide to tell totally ridiculous lies, it’s also probably better not to use lies that almost 100% of the people in Silicon Valley know are totally ridiculous lies. At least I wouldn’t do that if I were you. But you’re the ones getting thrown off the Internet, so do what you want.

  319. pyrrhus says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron, I have never lived in CA, though my kids do, but I have been visiting there for exactly 50 years, and Caliifornia has gotten a lot worse during that period, pretty much across the board…It has gotten worse financially, politically, educationally and environmentally…e.g.Beautiful areas on the south coast have been overrun by developers..California schools, both secondary and University, have been overrun by cultural Marxists..Most cities are facing bankruptcy due to the costs of pensions, healthcare, and the flocks of illegals and homeless who have been invited in by your politicians..I don’t see any area, apart from the jobs created by software development, that has not deteriorated…Please explain to me why I am wrong….

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Ron Unz
  320. @llloyd

    Sharia law threat to the West is a nonsense.

    No, it’s not. There is virtually no resistance at the top to the imposition of shari’a on us. Consider this incident, in which a Muslim professor at the University of Connecticut demanded that students take their shoes off before entering his office and that they say “Bismillah”:

    That would have been unthinkable when I was young, either because our elites were Christian and resented anything non-Christian or because they were secularists who strongly believed in the separation of religion and state. Today, it can happen because resistance to anything Islamic is very weak among our elites.

    It is easy enough to imagine that twenty years from now, things will be even worse, that there will be immense pressure for everyone to convert. “It’s the least you can do after all the oppression our country has inflicted on Islamic lands.”

  321. @jack daniels

    american white males are too intimidated by the police state and potential imprisonment and prison rape to be really revolutionary …french white males are not as cowardly…see e.g., the recent yellow vest riots where french white males rolled out mock guillotines, effectively telling their elites ‘obey or die’…americans are so bound down by fear of the legal system, they are powerless…they even fear to subvert the race preferences system by claiming nonwhite ancestry, something they could do without fear of reprisals….but they are like domesticated livestock…

    me, I say that elites must hang from ropes…it is not illegal to say that ….in order to be illegal it must be specific and imminent…and that is not the case here…

    I agree that many modern revolutionaries are not near the center of the bell curve with respect to mental hygiene…so what? They have less to lose and they have suffered many frustrations….so therefore are more likely to rebel…

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  322. gT says:
    @jack daniels

    In Ireland, there seems to have been 2 or more kinds of IRA (Irish Republican Army) freedom fighters / terrorists. The one was the genuine kind created to free all of Ireland of British rule and the other kind was created by the British themselves to draw support from the original organization and so nullify the actual threat; to subdue, subvert, confuse, divide and rule so to speak. It really seemed like there were SAS missions in support of all the different IRA’s at different times, very confusing.

    So now you have the right wing and the alt-right. The alt-right was created by the powers that be to draw support from the right wing proper, to subdue, subvert, confuse, divide and rule all those who might lean to the right wing proper. So its the alt-right’s job to sprout some right wing proper views every now and then, but its also their job to come across as being nuts and over the top, like clowns, very entertaining, very distracting, so that no-one will take any traditional right wing viewpoint seriously.

    So the alt-right is just counter revolutionary tactics.

  323. @War for Blair Mountain

    Perhaps, you prefer to be the bitch of a big black bubba…

  324. wayfarer says:

    If we don’t make earnest moves toward real solutions, then each day we move one day closer to revolution and anarchy in this country. This is the sad, and yet potentially joyous, state of America.


    Trump Stops Giving a Damn, Says Shutdown Will Continue Until Wall Funding

    • Replies: @schrub
  325. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    Look, if you weren’t so *totally* lazy and had actually read my article, you’d realize that you obviously needed to adjust incarceration rates for *age*.

    I read it awhile ago and it’s so long and meandering I’m not going to torture myself again. While it has its moments it’s pretty clear you have an agenda you’re trying to promote and prove that black is white. Well, brown is white.

    Youngish males commit vastly more serious crime than older people, and Hispanics and whites have *entirely* different age-distribution curves.

    That’s not really a revelation, but the typical white American doesn’t give a crap about age distribution curves. When Hispanics bring higher crime, gang activity and drug trafficking to a white locale the locals don’t console themselves with your article and the fact that the brown interlopers will likely outgrow it in twenty years. And even if they do outgrow it they reproduce and the crime cycle starts all over again.

    I could prove that black crime rates are approximate to white crime rates but would have to pull an Unz age distribution curve sleight of hand and throw out all crime committed by blacks in the age ranges of 12-50.

    Maybe you should just go back to just looking at all the cartoon frogs on 4chan…

    I’ve never been on 4chan but apparently you have.

    I recommend readers rely on Jared Taylor’s The Color of Crime which is far more credible than anything you’ve written on the subject.

  326. @Ron Unz

    Why lying at all ?
    Of course, there can be mistakes, new facts may lead to different insights, but deliberately writing lies, very stupid, in my opinion, descending to the moral level of most opponents.
    European culture to a large extent is making the experiment the arbiter of truth.
    Experiment is not just dropping a feather and a piece of lead in a vacuum flask.

    Experiment also is looking at facts in society and history.
    When Europeans are blamed for atrocities, why deny them ?
    They did happen, as you read in books as
    Ian Hernon, ‘Britain’s Forgotten Wars, Colonial Campaigns of the 19th Century’, 2003, 2007, Chalford – Stroud
    Hugh Thomas, ‘Rivers of Gold, The Rise of the Spanish Empire’, London 2003
    Stan Hoig, “The Sand Creek Massacre’, Oklahoma, 1961, 1982
    Adam Hochschild, ‘De geest van koning Leopold, en de plundering van de Congo’, ( King Leopold’s Ghost. A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa, 1998), 1998, 2003, Amsterdam

    The Dutch writer Douwes Dekker in the 19th century under the nom de plume Multatuli severely criticised Dutch rule in what now is Indonesia.
    There is no reason to be proud on how we ruled there at the time.
    But fact is also that our rule there at the time was nothing unusual.

  327. Liza says:

    The commie/liberal-leftist/rightwing liberal (neocon) bunch took over this country without worrying that they were telling lies or behaving like lunatics. What’s this – follow the 10 Commandments and all will be well?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  328. For the Anglo-Saxons (and all white Christians), the questions are these: whatever happened to the country our forefathers fought for and built? How did the Middle Eastern Jew came to control the country? How did a negro become president? How two dotheads became heads of two of the biggest tech companies? How did the chinamen came to dominate Caltech? How did Spanish became the second language? How did we lose Florida to the Caribbeans? How come we don’t give billions in aid to poor White-Christians in Europe instead to Israel? How did millions of Muslims snuck in? But most of all, how do we take it all back without firing a single shot? We’re thinking!

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Jake
  329. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    Many of the people deplatforming you claim you’re spreading lies and you reply “Yes, indeed! But telling ridiculous lies is a central part of our brilliant political strategy!”

    You just told a (((big lie))). Who on the racialist right admitted they are telling lies as part of some broader political strategy? If someone did they are speaking only for themselves.

    In almost every case the deplatforming has occurred because the left is losing the argument and the facts presented by the racialist and anti-semitic right can’t be contradicted except with lies, distortions, shadow banning and deplatforming.

    Silicon Valley’s claim that they are simply banning “ridiculous lies” or “hate” is just a flimsy pretext to persecute and punish the political opposition. It’s pretty easy to create fake narratives and win the argument when you have no opposition and that’s what Silicon Valley is doing.

    Leftists are lying their asses off and promoting hatred and genocide of whites yet they haven’t been deplatformed by Silicon Valley and in fact are being rewarded and promoted in many cases.

    • Agree: apollonian, geokat62
  330. @Stan d Mute

    Ron Unz
    And if you do take a sabbatical and try to live in an ethnic neighborhood, try to engage a native guide. My daughter (now PhD, NYU) tried living in Harlem, and was chased out for calling the police when one of the people in her building had a medical emergency. She was lucky to make it out in one piece. My advice is: don’t rely on luck. Have a local show you around, and if possible accompany you until you can make informed decisions.

    No joke.


  331. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’ve never been banned from any site. I’ve fillowed Steve Sailor for 20 years. That’s how I discovered this site.
    What I like about unz is the variety of subjects.

    What I don’t like about the conservative and White Nationalist sites are the endless anti abortion bible stuff; constitution quotes by people who have no knowledge of constitutional law, never taken even a business or real estate law class and are all aghast and astonished to discover that judges can make and overturn laws and other things, such as we can fight a tank battle with our hunting rifles.

    I see that about 350 comments came in overnight. I think I’ll skip reading them.

    Living in California I definitely agree with you Ron that the replacement of blacks with Hispanics is all good. The best thing isn’t the crime stats. The best thing is the replacement of disfunctional surly black government workers by competent polite Hispanics

    I got so used to government black’s dysfunction I was astonished at how things improved when affirmative action preference decreed Hispanic government workers.

    I’m a White Nationalist who wants only one thing, the restoration of 14th amendment equal rights to Whites so we can compete on an equal basis with non Whites.

    That will never happen. The best thing White Goyim can do is “sauve qui peut “ Dave yourself if you can. The White elites want us dead and gone. The White allegedly educated middle class are brainwashed fools who want themselves dead and fine along with us deplorables.

    There is no viable White Nationalist movement. Conservatism has never been able to help Whites.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Tyrion 2
    , @dfordoom
  332. @Ron Unz

    After all, why are most of you commenting on my website? Basically, it’s because you’ve been banned or deplatformed almost everywhere else.

    Well, I haven’t been banned or deplatformed anywhere, because all I am is a reader who stumbled upon your wonderful work here a few years ago.

    Immigration became a bigger, more public issue at about that same time. I have always said that I am not a trendsetter but an ordinary man who tends to discover things at just the time that they are about to become big. That is what happened.

    My argument is that I would like to see all forms of immigration into the United States reduced — and to see foreign imports similarly curtailed.

    Why do I think this way? Well, I have seen the population of my country go from below 200 million to way above 300 million from the time I was in middle school. I remember the ZPG Zero Population Growth idea; I earned extra credit in 7th grade math class by plotting and projecting population into future decades. The teacher put my hyperbolic graph on the wall for everyone to see, and I earned the highest number of grade points that year.

    Whatever you call the Alt-Right would do well to just focus on total immigration as part of global population management, quality of life, and environment. My personal, anecdotal view is that the additional 60%, more than 100 million people, of American population has not improved my life at all. Everywhere I have inhabited is more crowded and more expensive.

    At the same time, products are increasingly foreign made, so that when I purchase them, I am not helping my neighbors at all, unless they happen to be the wealthy ones here in Fairfield County, CT who manufacture and import things from East Asia. (I have known one or two of those.)

    The dialectic here on UR can help us all work this out, I think. Let’s all be open to debate and to changing our minds. Thank you for your letter, and may you enjoy a healthy New Year of free speech.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  333. onebornfree says: • Website

    The “alt right” is just yet another manifestation of the Hegelian dialectic scam.

    You know, the old”divide and conquer” routine. It still works very well, obviously :-).

    It [ the “alt-right”] assumes government solutions to problems; that is, to problems originally caused by government itself.

    The excuse given boils down to “it was all the fault of the bad democrats”, so we now need “good” Republicans to fix everything the bad democrats did – and Trumps the guy to do it.

    This just in:

    there are no government solutions to _any_ problem, regardless of whether its “left wing” “right wing”, or “alt. right”!

    Why? : “Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be “reformed”,”improved”, nor “limited” in scope, simply because of their innate criminal nature.”

    See: “The World’s Biggest, Most Dangerous Scam Is……..”:

    regards, onebornfree

  334. @jilles dykstra

    He didn’t drive his car into a crowd. Under US law, the rule of thumb is that your life is threatened when you are in a car and an assailant breaks the physical barrier (a car window for example) that separates the two of you. By the same token, a mob is a deadly threat to life, the more so if it’s actively assaulting you. People under deadly threat are considered likely to be panicked and try to blindly flee, in which case they aren’t even guilty of homicide, as both intent and control are absent.

    The Left mobbed the man’s car, one of them broke a window. The man pushed the accelerator (to flee a deadly threat) and was blocked by yet _another_ mob filling the street in violation of local law, and this mob also attacked. He braked and then backed up. A person in the second mob died of a heart attack, apparently from the excitement.

    So: Man is subject to deadly force, flees, is subject to second deadly force, flees again, one of the second assaulting mob dies from heart attack (apparently without contacting the car), and _the victim of assault is convicted of murder 1. And you’re told he “drove his car into a crowd”.

    One has to watch out for Big Lies. If the media says that the sky is blue and water is wet, well, check to see whether there is a blizzard just now (white sky, water a solid).


  335. Alden says:
    @Reuben Kaspate

    The reason blacks Jews Asians and Hispanics have taken over is that White male presidents judges congress men and business men from Ford & Gates to mom&pop little restaurants wanted it that way.

    The White male elites did this to us.

  336. @KenH

    Re: age curve.

    Ken has a point. Saying that things will be OK in a decade or two sometimes just doesn’t cut it. The more so if your kids are being beat up in school.

    “Be calm, oh our king
    and calm all your fears.
    The Oobleck will go in just 500 years”
    _Bartholemew and the Oobleck_

    Which actually isn’t that bad a book about immigration. That and the “Sourcerer’s Apprentice” myth.


  337. M Edward says:

    Where to start ? ….uhhg.

    First of all, the so-called “alt-Right”….. the leaders are all either Israeli or Russian operatives. Most are Jews. Their purpose is to brand those who aren’t communists (or socialists as modern communists like to sell themselves) as Nazis. Pretty simple, no thinking required.

    The U.S. has had a MAJOR illegal immigration problem for decades. Most from Mexico. These are unskilled, low-IQ, very unhealthy and untrainable men and pregnant women, also low-IQ, unskilled and unhealthy, many already have children, and young thuggish gangster wanna-be’s. Sure, a small percentage are not, but that is a VERY small percentage.

    As a native Californian, born in 1963, I can tell you that the people of California used to be intelligent people who were fair minded and possessed a high level of integrity. That is no longer the case. Most Californians are now stupid degenerates. Granted, this has been largely due to vaccines and the communistic education system. Hollywood is largely to blame. Most Californians are TV zombies who’s entire lives evolve around the filth produced by Hollywood Jews.

    California is now a complete disaster. Just look at the numbers. Do your own research. This a direct result of communist/globalist policies and illegal immigration from MEXICO.

    Honestly, there is too much to address here without writing a lengthy article. So I’ll say that these ‘leftists’ are the bigots, racists and misandrists.

    All one need do is observe all the hatefulness directed at European-American men whom are lumped in with Jewish-American men just because we are “white”. Can you say Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jeffery Epstein…. ?

    “White” means nothing. There is no “white” race. There are white people all over the world. Israel, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, the list goes on and on. None of the afore mentioned are of European descent.

    The U.S. is a colony of Israel and the Soviet Union (dba Russia)….. Thanks to people like Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Lyndon Johnson and Franklyn Rosenfeld (Roosevelt in Dutch).

    Place the blame where it belongs. We European men are really sick of being blamed for the actions and crimes of communists and Jews.

    • Agree: wayfarer
    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @Corvinus
  338. @Buzz Mohawk

    Well, I haven’t been banned or deplatformed anywhere,

    I, all over the world.
    Discussion is less and less posssible.
    Though, maybe in the last year, more and more dissident websites appear.

  339. Alden says:

    Whites have been banned from the Silicon Valley which we created. We still control construction and real estate. And that’s where the real money AND security is. An employee can be fired at anytime.

    It’s time for Whites to forget the whole bourgeois work hard learn a skill, follow the rules and you’ll be all right. The employers private and government just don’t want us anymore.

  340. jhan says:

    pretty soon they won’t have to shut down websites, because they won’t be found in the first place:

    • Replies: @BlackFlag
    , @SZ
  341. Alden says:

    It’s save yourself if you can.

  342. FvS says:

    1. With regard to the Mestizo crime debate, it is my opinion that others have successfully challenged your position. Yet, you continue to double down for some reason. Mestizo crime rates in the U.S. are typically 2-3 times higher than white rates. It wouldn’t be a slight on you to admit that you were wrong, it happens to everyone. You have done great work elsewhere, especially with creating this site which allows us to discuss such things. However, your error has, to some degree, given fuel to the anti-white forces of the world. Unfortunately, many of the following links can’t be accessed any longer.

    2. All white peoples around the world are threatened by simple biological extinction due to loss of homelands where we can securely live and breed, competition from non-white invaders, hybridization with non-whites, and outright predation by non-whites. Does anyone in their right mind think that Japan would be better off if 40% of its population was Mestizo? For all the talk about Jews and Blacks, the Mestizo invasion is by far the most immediate threat to white demographics in this country. That you seem to deliberately minimize this threat is very disconcerting. You may have some good Mestizo friends or maybe a Mestizo partner, but that can’t bias your work.

    3. Aside from crime, Mestizos have lower IQs (or at least score far lower than whites on SATs, ACTs, PISA, etc.), vote Democrat in high percentages, and consume a disproportionate amount of welfare.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @Corvinus
  343. American Citizen 2.0 [AKA "American citizen"] says:
    @Ron Unz

    1Mr. Unz,

    You write, “For example, here’s a recent front-page SJ Mercury News story about a local immigrant family on the edge of homelessness because they can barely afford their rent of $1,900/month for a tiny apartment in one of the worst areas. Having only $1,900 for monthly rent would hardly be a problem almost anywhere else in America.”

    This is an incredibly ignorant statement. We know you’ve made it and have some money, as do your friends, but don’t for one second believe $1,900 a month rent is something easily attainable.

    This is your Mitt Romney moment. Remember the time Mitt challenged somebody to a $10,000 bet? This solidified for many just how elitist and out of the touch the guy is.

    You don’t know many poor people, do you?

    • Replies: @BrownBear
    , @Ron Unz
    , @Alden
  344. anon[340] • Disclaimer says:

    “But if Silicon Valley people are this easily deluded about how the other 99.9% of humanity works, their power needs to be vastly reduced”

    How? We tried that with campaign finance reform and the Supreme Court struck it down. The American government also seems to be in no mood to reign these people in through anti-trust legislation and enforcement as they profit from these monopolies through bribery (campaign contributions). I honestly think that despite common misconception, the American government is among the most corrupt in the world. We don’t see it due to all the money in the system, but it is definitely there.

    I don’t think there is anything that can realistically be done except perhaps some campaign to reduce their profit margins so foreign competition can come in. Perhaps this could start at the state level. Example: let the Chinese sell mobile phones here under certain circumstances (use of open source operating systems), although that would be difficult to sneak by the federal government. Alternatively, we might consider right to repair laws at the state and local level targeting Apple. We could also encourage local and state governments to require payment processors and banks to deal with people and not discriminate based on legally protected speech.

    P.S. I skimmed through Ron’s article. I disagree with the few points I did see. I may read the article and prepare a longer rebuttal later depending upon what else is in the article.

    • Replies: @Counterinsurgency
  345. I always wondered why Ron allowed speech that he clearly disagrees with. I never really believed that he did so out of a love of free speech, and I still don’t. He could be tracking and reporting, but I wouldn’t know that. I guess he just thinks he’s allowing us to make fools of ourselves in public. In that case, I have to say that he is at least as out of touch with much of America, as he claims members of the “alt-right and others” are.

    I seriously doubt that Ron knows anything about West Virginia, West Virginians, or the impact of immigration upon small towns in red states. I don’t know much about West Virginia, either, but the South and Midwest have been flooded with immigrants, right down to the smallest of towns, and they apparently aren’t the types of immigrants that Ron claims are in silicon valley. The impact is mostly increased crime, worsening of schools, destruction of neighborhoods, increased welfare, introduction/reintroduction of infectious diseases, etc.

    I’m sort of confused about what Ron claims, since much of the news coming out of California these days is bad, and much of it is related to immigration. Is it not true that California schools are now among the worst in the nation? The penal system that was supposedly a model in the 70s is now a wreck. Housing that was once a great buy for average families is now outrageous. The identity politics and radicalism coming from California seems as insane to outsiders as the reaction from others seems to you. Is it not true that the massive increase in population in the West and SW over the last 50 years, much due to immigration, has had a very negative environmental impact? If most or all of the bad news is really true, and it appears to be true, the good news that Ron speaks of is that a few ultra-wealthy people have managed to create a bubble in a small area, and ignore the welfare and wishes of their fellow citizens in other areas of the nation. How good is that?

    The truth is that everyone knows that all the power is aligned in one direction. Who is supposed to be surprised by that? We all know that we are being tracked and recorded. That is no big surprise. It’s also no big surprise that there are many traitors who put the interests of foreigners above those of traditional Americans. (Ron is ignoring the anti-White politics of the Left, in order to paint the alt-right, and others as crazy). Everyone knows what the political situation is, and I seriously doubt that the pure minded, superior intellects of Silicon Valley are blind themselves–they seem to be driving the identity politics, and their immigrant lackeys understand as much. Do you even listen to them?

  346. Anonymous [AKA "Pavel85"] says:


    On a serious note, which issues do you think the alt-right should prioritize? I would love an open discussion on black crime but we all know no one will touch it.

  347. @FvS

    Of course Ron is wrong. Hell, the Feds even blur the issue of who is white to hide the problem.

    I’m sure that Ron knows far more about statistics than I do, but how do you have reliable stats for hispanic males when nobody knows how many are in the nation, or can reliably document who they are? White males are easily tracked and documented.

    I don’t know a thing about Silicon Valley, but I have never seen a neighborhood that didn’t decline significantly after hispanics took over from whites. Either way, why does Ron support demographic and cultural change? What’s wrong with allowing whites to keep their culture, nation and demographics? Immigrants are not Americans, and I don’t have to hate them or wish them harm to say that they belong elsewhere.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  348. anastasia says:

    “Alt-Right?” In my opinion, they are agent provocateurs. I have listened to Richard Spencer. He doesn’t make a lick of sense, and seems to have no ideas or knowledge of the real issues. I don’t know who he is and where he came from, but it would not surprise me if he worked for one of the security agencies. What happened in Charlottesville was nothing short of ridiculous. It all looked pre-arranged.

    There is in fact an American Nazi Group in the United States. They are composed of 1,000 members. One Thousand people out of 320,000,000. What does that mean? That means there are no Nazis in America, except fake Nazis like Richard Spencer and Frank Collin.

    Ron Unz may be right. Richard Spencerd his so-called Alt Right may very well be responsible for taking away our lst amendment rights, but it may all be deliberate.

    No serious thinking person who has any idea of the world he is living in would do what Spencer did in Charlottesville or elsewhere. Whoever doesn’t have his antennae up about Richard Spencer is not thinking at all.

  349. Alden says: • Website
    @Ron Unz

    Are you all discussing Victor Davis Hanson? He’s such a hypocrite. He’s a Central Valley farmer. So were his parents grandparents and probably great grandparents.

    Of all the groups responsible for bringing low skill Hispanics to California it’s farmers. It’s like Detroit auto company CEOs complaining that the blacks they recruited for their factories ruined Detroit.

    He has a completely false anecdote on today’s, 12-26 Free Republic. He claims he was at Walmart and saw a young woman struggling to put a large screen TV in her car. He went to help her and saw she was holding an EBT card in her hand. So he scolded her for buying the TV with food stamps.

    The story is obviously false for several reasons

    1 Woman have purses. Even if we don’t put cards away in our wallets we can drop them in the purse if we’re dealing with shopping carts packages kids etc.

    2 She was struggling with a large screen TV. How is it possible for a woman struggling with a large screen TV to also carry a small card in her hand?

    3. I’ve never shopped at a Walmart but generally stores have someone help customers put large objects in their cars.

    4 He scolded her for using the food stamp card to buy the TV. FYI Victor, the EBT card which you claimed you saw has 2 accounts on it.

    One is for cash welfare benefits. The other is for food only. The cash is to use for anything they choose: from paying the gas and electricity bill shoes for the kids and yes a large screen TV.

    Virtually every household in the US has a TV.

    Hanson made the whole thing up. Women have small hands and Hispanics have smaller hands than Whites and short fingers. How could anyone try to put a large screen TV in a car and hold a card at the same time?

    He’s as bad as the liberals who make up the stories about their 6 year olds crying about how Trump wants to kill their black best friend st school.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @Anon
  350. Corvinus says:

    “All white peoples around the world are threatened by simple biological extinction due to loss of homelands where we can securely live and breed, competition from non-white invaders.”

    This statement is not even remotely true. White people are still having children. and there is no systematic effort on the part of a government that calls for open season this race. Moreover, whites have not experiencing a “loss of homelands”.

  351. @M Edward

    “White” means nothing. There is no “white” race. There are white people all over the world. Israel, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, the list goes on and on. None of the afore mentioned are of European descent.

    White in the USA I interpret as being culturally European.
    Race is a hazy concept, as Houston Chamberlain admits.
    Yet he was of the opinion that Europaan success, world domination, could be explained by race.
    The, in my opinion right explanations, just use geophysical and evolutionary facts.
    Houston Stewart Chamberlain, ‘Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts’, 1898- 1907, München
    Felipe Fernández-Armesto, ‘Civilisations’, London, 2000
    William H. Calvin, ‘De opkomst van het intellect, Een reis naar de ijstijd’, Amsterdam 1994 (The Ascent of Mind. Ice Climates and the Evolution of Intelligence’, 1990)

  352. Corvinus says:
    @M Edward

    Wow, have you ever been bamboozled and flim-flammed!

  353. The Situation of the USA and EUROPE is not comparable and Silcon Valley where YOU live is not representative of California ..and definitely NOT the USA . Just think of Los Angeles … or Oakland .. to name both South n North of the State where You live …. Your Article could have been boiled down to a simple Statement : STICK TO REALITY and TRUTH ….. I would have liked a completely different Article … An Article about : HOW TO BEAT THE CENSORSHIP … a REALITY which only BLIND & DEAF can deny .. Mr Unz .. as much as I cherish Your web site.. which exactely is such an effort … the Focus should be ( IF ..You want to HELP … as You state ) …. the Means and Tactics counteracting that megalomaniac tiny group of socalled “Elites” who are destroying the fabric of OUR WESTERN SOCIETIES … for POWER , WEALTH …and some Messianic PHANTASIES

  354. Jim says:

    Overall an excellent article. Thank you for your writing and your webzine. I agree that the alt-right is doomed and that engaging in self destructive behavior won’t help. I particularly appreciated your characterization of the, “…very politically unsophisticated” nature of the Lords of Silicon Valley. In my view this describes substantially all of the US population. In fact, leftist white politicians who cheer immigrants as potential voters are putting themselves out of business. Immigrants will likely vote for their own kind. The example of the Irish in the big cities might be of interest in this regard.

    As one who has tried, for the last fifty years, to understand history, economics, finance, war and civilization, or lack of same, I have concluded that we humans will continue to blunder into the future, riding the cycles of history until the end of time. For years I carried hope that we could learn, but there is little evidence that humanity, which will keep doing the same thing over and over, can attain a different outcome.

    I will say that watching my white race be replaced makes me sad, even though we blew the chance to make a fresh republic work and are not good stewards of the legacy of western thought, technology and civilization and deserve what we are going to get. You indicate that the white worry about being replaced is overblown. I personally disagree and great thinkers including Walter Williams and Ludwig von Mises have noted that multicultural societies are unstable. We are certainly going to find out by the greatest more-or-less peaceful population mixing experiment ever.

    There is one other nit I want to pick with the article. A vast difference exists between the behavior of a few high-performing Muslims and Islam itself. Please pick up a copy of the book, “Catastraphic Failure” by Patrick Coughlin and visit the cspipublishing. com website for analysis.

    Thanks again for your work. I plan to support your webzine and recommend it at every opportunity.

  355. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    After all, why are most of you commenting on my website? Basically, it’s because you’ve been banned or deplatformed almost everywhere else.

    Haha, it’s not that bad, yet. Personally, I comment because I like your webzine and its (mostly) free-speech comment section. You can shut it down tomorrow and people will just adapt and move on. They might even use the opportunity to create real life political networks.

    The Net, like its old-school MSM print, radio and TV cousin, can’t shut down the truth completely and still retain credibility and power. The more they squeeze – the more it slips through the fingers.

    • Replies: @Jett Rucker
  356. Jake says:
    @Reuben Kaspate

    Well, the starting point is to face the fact that WASP culture is the finalized product of a Judaizing heresy, which also spurred people to start the slow process of rediscovering pagan Germanic ancestry, which means that, generally, WASP culture is, and always has been, a vanguard against anything to do with Christendom and against all white peoples perceived to be more orthodoxly Christian and/or more culturally conservative than the WASPs, the Modern English.

    More specifically, because of the Protestant Judaizing that was a major feature of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism (which survives most obviously today in the form of ardently Zionist Evangelicals), certainly the elites of WASP culture have always acted to facilitate Jewish interests at the expense of the vast majority of whites ruled by those WASPs.

    It is the opposite of an inexplicable accident that the entire Anglosphere is filled with Jews of super wealth and status who openly despise almost all white ethnic groups and whose group makes even the wealthiest WASP Elites dance to the specifically Jewish tunes.

    Until that is understood, nothing said or done about any of the other specifics about which you ask is better than spitting into the wind.

  357. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Either way, why does Ron support demographic and cultural change? What’s wrong with allowing whites to keep their culture, nation and demographics?

    Bingo! Why are we even discussing which particular non-white tribe should replace us in our own countries? There’s not a single non-white country in the world mulling over this particular suicide path for their people in the age of automation. Not a single one.

  358. Ron Unz says:

    Ron, I have never lived in CA, though my kids do, but I have been visiting there for exactly 50 years, and Caliifornia has gotten a lot worse during that period, pretty much across the board…It has gotten worse financially, politically, educationally and environmentally…e.g.Beautiful areas on the south coast have been overrun by developers..California schools, both secondary and University, have been overrun by cultural Marxists..Most cities are facing bankruptcy due to the costs of pensions, healthcare, and the flocks of illegals and homeless who have been invited in by your politicians..I don’t see any area, apart from the jobs created by software development, that has not deteriorated…Please explain to me why I am wrong….

    Well, as I recounted at length in the comment to which you’re replying, I think some things have gotten better in CA, but more things have gotten worse. Probably the biggest negative factors have been due to the doubling of the state’s population, which obviously explains many of your complaints.

    However, CA is actually doing pretty well fiscally right now, with gigantic budget surpluses (though everyone knows those will disappear once the Dot Com 2.0 bubble bursts). I’d guess CA is better off than most, maybe almost all of the other large states.

    But the local city pension problems are mostly due to the political clout of the (mostly white) police and fire unions, whose political endorsements are enormously influential with both white and non-white voters. That leads politicians to give away the store. For example, in the Silicon Valley area, large numbers of police/fire employees earn $250K or even almost $300K per year in wages and benefits, which is just totally ridiculous. The newspapers are always denouncing this scandalous situation, but few voters read newspapers. It’s a major problem but I just don’t see what it has to do with immigrants, illegal or otherwise.

    • Agree: Jett Rucker
  359. BrownBear says:
    @American Citizen 2.0

    I think you read that wrong.

    He didn’t state that rent was ONLY $1900. He stated they ONLY had $1900 for rent.

    Outside of CA or Eastern Megalopolis if say, I only have $1900 for rent, folks are going to be incredulous, as $1900 can secure you a large home in some areas or respectable rental in others.

  360. @Ron Unz

    After all, why are most of you commenting on my website? Basically, it’s because you’ve been banned or deplatformed almost everywhere else.

    I’ve never been deplatformed anywhere else.

    Many of the people deplatforming you claim you’re spreading lies and you reply “Yes, indeed! But telling ridiculous lies is a central part of our brilliant political strategy!”

    The Alt-Right does tell a lot of ridiculous lies. HBD, Heartistian game theory, and the idea that 9-11 was a false flag perpetrated by the US Deep State and/or Israel are all ridiculous lies. Virtually anything predicated on an underlying acceptance of modern Neo-Darwinian theory or genetics is ipso fact0 a ridiculous lie. The malevolent omnipotence attributed to Jews by connoisseurs of the JQ is a ridiculous lie (and therewith is most of your own “American Pravda” series). And the fact that the “mainstream” treatments of these same topics are also ridiculous lies does not excuse the lies told by the Alt-Right.

    But the tragedy is not that Alt-Right is consciously lying as part of some Machiavellian political strategy; the tragedy is that the Alt-Right really believes all this bullshit.

    The so-called Alt-Right is making a gong show out of a necessary reactionary political movement that cannot afford to fail. That is the reason I comment here. I am here to put race realism, nationalism, and the traditional ordering of society on a sound metaphysical foundation. I am here to uphold the cross of Christ and the Holy Catholic Church as the sole means of combating the degradation of our culture. I am here to make straight the way of the Lord and of the Caesar, who wields not the sword in vain. I am here not to praise the West but to bury it, for all that is of the Left is “Western” now, and those old bottles cannot hold the new wine.

    And I am here mostly because I can do nothing else. This is where fate has placed me and this is where I must stand or fall. Even if I had been deplatformed elsewhere, that would be irrelevant. The truth must make do, and can make do, with or without platforms. All that matters as far as the individual is concerned is making good use of the means available. Better he could not do.

  361. schrub says:

    This poster gives me a sense of deja vu. He reminds me of all the guys who used to work at all the now-defunct video stores.

    Could somebody tell this guy to immediately button up his shirt before making his appearances here if he wants us to take him seriously?

    Not that I am offended by low necklines just as long as they are on adequately endowed, twenty-something females. This guy just comes off as slightly creepy.

    Why do I get the impression that this guy lives either by himself or with a male roommate? Because no non-trailer dwelling female that I know of would allow her husband/housemate to put all that crap up all over “her” walls.

    Note to posters who post here with a picture of themselves: if you really want to be taken seriously get all the bachelor crap out of the background and try to dress vaguely neat and presentable. A suit and tie also work wonders. (Ryan Dawson, take note).

    BTW I am also very curious as to what the flag is on his right. Full picture, please.

    • Replies: @BrownBear
    , @Alden
  362. Jake says:

    It’s entirely possible. There are two things that those in the know have long accepted that point to at least a number of the ‘alt-right’ lightning rods being on the payrolls of either a US government agency or a Leftist group with deep pockets or both. One is that the vast majority of the most openly violent Irish nationalists (the ones who called for expelling all Protestants, for example) were paid by the British Empire. The other is that at least half of the truly incendiary KKK-types in the US after WW2 were paid by government.

  363. I’m glad Unz provides a platform for pundits wiser than himself.

  364. wayfarer says:

    Instead of noblemen, let us have noble villages of men.

    Unchecked illegal immigration into the U.S. is accelerating the artificial creation of a feudal system. A social trajectory is clear, simply examine San Francisco California, inevitably there will be two discrete classes in America, the rich and the destitute.

    Rothschild Zionists are taking their golden-wrecking-ball to western civilization. Blinded by an inordinate pathological greed, what they don’t realize is that it will eventually swing back, crushing their comfortable insulated world, with the cold kiss of death.

    Migrant Mob Smashes through Mexico Border

  365. Jett Rucker says: • Website

    It’s a shame the blatant falsehoods put about in such a plenitude by other agitators (e.g., defenders of the Holocaust Mythology) aren’t held against them to such devastating effect as seems to be the case for Alt-Rightists.

  366. L.K says:
    @jack daniels

    I think David Irving has established by now that the Nazis did indeed kill millions of Jews

    He has NOT. Irving is not even a specialist on this matter, none of his many books being about the holohoax.

  367. Ron Unz says:

    I read it awhile ago and it’s so long and meandering I’m not going to torture myself again. While it has its moments it’s pretty clear you have an agenda you’re trying to promote and prove that black is white.

    Okay, I guess all my “numbers & stuff” just make your head spin, so I won’t bother citing them.

    The problem that you and so many other commenters have is that you tend to rely upon pundits like Victor Davis Hanson and Ann Coulter, who are basically just dishonest propagandists. People like them just say things that will (A) maximize their personal revenue while (B) minimizing their risk of getting purged. The combination of those two goals sometimes produces truth, but more often dishonesty.

    Since you’re obviously a real hard-core rightwinger, let me suggest you spend a couple of weeks exploring a far less dishonest media source, namely the (Neo-Nazi) Daily Stormer. As you probably know, the Stormer has suffered the world’s most severe deplatforming, yet still has far greater traffic than all the other Alt-Right websites combined. And since it’s already been so totally purged, it doesn’t need to be dishonest.

    Now the Stormer doesn’t exactly like Hispanics or other non-white immigrants, and it absolutely loves focusing on non-white crime, especially against whites. But when I’ve occasionally gone there, I’ve noticed that stories about serious black crime are about 5-6x more frequent than stories about Hispanic crime. And I really, really doubt that the Stormer is being bribed by La Raza or otherwise covering up Hispanic crime. They’d love to have more stories about horrible Hispanic crimes, but just can’t find very much, aside from a wife stabbing her cheating husband or that sort of thing.

    Since the Hispanic population is almost 50% larger than the black population, that suggests that blacks have something 7-8x the serious crime rates of Hispanics. By an absolutely astonishing coincidence, that’s pretty much what all my “numbers & stuff” also indicates. So don’t take my namby-pampy wimp-nerd word for it—trust the Stormer instead!

  368. @Liza

    Maybe they should just abide by our Constitution That would help.

  369. wayfarer says:

    Instead of noblemen, let us have noble villages of men.


    Unchecked illegal immigration into the U.S. is accelerating the artificial creation of a feudal system. A social trajectory is clear, simply examine San Francisco California, inevitably there will be two discrete classes in America, the rich and the destitute.

    Rothschild Zionists are taking their golden-wrecking-ball to western civilization. Blinded by an inordinate pathological greed, what they don’t realize is that it will eventually swing back, crushing their comfortable insulated world, with the cold kiss of death.

    Migrant Mob Smashes through Mexico Border

  370. Ron Unz says:
    @American Citizen 2.0

    don’t for one second believe $1,900 a month rent is something easily attainable.

    This is your Mitt Romney moment.

    No, you misunderstood my statement, which probably wasn’t sufficiently clear.

    My point was that housing costs are insanely high in Silicon Valley, which is why an immigrant family that can “only” afford to pay $1,900/month is on the brink of homelessness.

    I’d think that $1,900 per month could get you a nice, large apartment in most of America, or even an actual house.

    • Replies: @MikeatMikedotMike
  371. @Anonymous

    Try spending two weeks in Juarez.

  372. Jett Rucker says: • Website

    So far, I’ve been banned on the (((History News Network))) and the Independent Institute, probably for Holocaust “denial.” That wouldn’t soon be a reason for getting banned here.

  373. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    CA is actually doing pretty well fiscally right now

    though everyone knows those will disappear once the Dot Com 2.0 bubble bursts

    This reminds me of Sweden – where the government is borrowing fiat to subsidise non-white squatters to stay within “reasonable” rape-and-pillage parameters – for now.

    Historically, white European nations have banded together and survived virtually every calamity known to man.

    In contrast, in 2018, French non-white squatters burned cars and looted stores when France won the World (soccer) Cup. You can’t make this shit up – as they say.

  374. @Ron Unz

    “Things have gotten better in California”. Is that a Gated Community perspective? The river I fish regularly is fringed by shores lined with homeless tents. Lately, the city has forced those people out of view from the river, so tourists aboard excursion boats won’t witness your nirvana during their cruise. You don’t even have to reach the water to see how Moonbeam’s Economic Miracle has created caravans of RV occupants who live in their vans and motor homes. Try venturing to Fresno’s South Side, where the warehouse district streets are crowded with tents and ramshackle shelters for several blocks. If you’re averse to travel, right up the road is San Francisco, where the burgeoning homeless population defecates in the streets, and hypodermics are discarded in the gutters. Yes, things have gotten better in California, because all those people and businesses moving out of the state have made room for more of your ‘improvements’.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  375. @Fran Macadam

    I am not sure why it hasn’t posted. But I did respond to your comments on at TAC concerning honoring heroes.


    I was perfectly fine with the leadership of the “best and the brightest” until, it has becoming very evident that class, wealth, influence, power, elite education nor popularity are indicators of the best or the brightest.

  376. Art says:

    This is very sad – I lived in California when it was “American Graffiti” – those were good times – it was a 1,000 times better place to live then it is today. The cars were hot, the music the best, love was alive, and optimism ruled. Then came an assassination, a war, and liberalism.

    I wonder how a white American can complain about the loss of his culture and his sovereignty without being shut down and called a racist?

    It is rational to believe that something of great value has gone away, never to reappear.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  377. the problem with mr. unz’s premise, i.e., the alt-right’s hyperbolic flourishing is off-putting to decent, ordinary californians/americans , is merely one of statistical demographic reality.

    in our quaint, antiquated “democracy”, once those minority factions reach majority voting status all bets are off. once minnesomalia reaches majority muslim status, sharia law will be imposed. once a province, parish, or populace becomes majority african, white disenfranchisement, a-la, south africa, will commence; see ray nagin’s chocolate city demographics/policies if you remain incredulous.

    “assimilation” in america means biding one’s time until one is the majority voting bloc and then unleashing retributive hell on the unsuspecting indigenous population. ocasio-cortez is a prime example of such. no one that pathetically stupid could get elected except in a district in which the primary voting bloc was minority.

    furthermore, mr. unz’s premise presupposes that times will always be tranquil. the watts/l.a. riots should awaken even the most egalitarian lifeforms to the fact that when the merde hits the proverbial fan the atavistic proclivities of minority inhabitants is to inflict vengeance upon their white cohabitants.

    given the chance blacks kill whites, muslims kill christians, gentiles kill jews, jews kill christians/gentiles, northerners kill southerners, the strong kill the weak. this has been ongoing since time immemorial. the u.s. has been blessed with 160 years of peace and prosperity. this is an anomaly, historically speaking, and when times revert to a more historically representative model, the prosaic life of silicon valley techies will quickly resemble the steppes of outer mongolia just before genghis khan’s sanguinary arrival upon the scene.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  378. Tyrion 2 says:

    Being content with the restoration of the 14th Amendment for white people (and a moderate immigration policy along the lines of the vast majority of countries in the world) does not make you a “white nationalist”. It makes you normal. Potentially a normal liberal even. It is bizarre that the fools, firebrands and frauds have made you think any otherwise.

    • Replies: @Saxon
  379. Hans says:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    Sorry, but Obama had no genetic input into the creation of Bathhouse Barry. His mother came under the sway, probably frequently, of commie Frank Marshall Davis.

    More on Davis-Obama –

    The Kennedys were sufficiently anti the jew agenda to get taken out, so trying to lay blame for the open borders plan doesn’t work.

    • Replies: @Art
  380. @Ron Unz

    Give away the store? Really? How about taxing the new robber barons? Why can’t Brin and Bezos pay for the Silicon valley to be safe for them to billions more? And while we’re at it, pay the teachers more too!

  381. @vincenzo lapazzi

    “In our quaint, antiquated ‘Democracy’…” It’s NOT a ‘democracy’, it’s a Constitutional Republic. Useful Idiots have supplanted the ‘Democracy’ ruse in order to justify the government expanding their size/scope/cost/authority to administer social programs demanded by a voting majority (You know, those ‘voters’ with headstones for addresses, and others who need Spanish Language Ballots?)

  382. Art says:

    There was a program on C-Span yesterday that featured Francis Fukuyama speaking about identity in America.

    He never once used the word “Jew.” How can this be? It is Jews who have used group identity as a political ploy to gain power in America. It is Jews who have divided us and conquered us with identity politics.

    Sorry but Mr. Francis Fukuyama was being dishonest – he knows better – he was misleading his audience.

    Of course, he is like every other intellectual in America – his tongue is tied – he must mislead his audience – because if he is honest about the cause of identity politics in America, he would be banned.

    It is 100% for certain, if we talk about identity and immigration in America, the Jew MSM will castigate us as racists.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  383. Old fogey says:

    I live in a suburb of NYC which has over the past 30 years seen a drastic demographic change. The local schools were famous for their scholarship when we moved here. Today there are more non-English speaking students in the elementary and high schools than native English speakers, so much so that at my grand-daughter’s graduation the principal spoke in Spanish.

    It is true that the Hispanics moving here are in the main soft-spoken and law-abiding people, but their presence – and their natural desire to be close to others of their own nationalities – has changed life in my community greatly for everyone. Our local library newsletter, for example, now comes with a Spanish translation. How does that help build a stronger community?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  384. BrownBear says:

    This is Styxhexenhammer666 on youtube. He has about 332K followers.

    • Replies: @RobinG
  385. @Art

    “a war, and liberalism.” Liberals get us into wars. Do you think W. Bush was a conservative? Do you actually believe his Jewish Neo-Con PNAC Authors were opposed to Partial Birth Abortions, or Affirmative Action? Americans must awaken to the reality that we’re embroiled in Global Conflicts, Global Trade, Global Governments etc. because we’re under the yoke of L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S!

  386. This case study on race and California is interesting in and of itself, but I don’t see how it is a response to the Alt Right’s main arguments. It isn’t really relevant to the conversation those in the Alt Right are trying to foster.

    The big issue of our time, from a demographics standpoint, is forced migration on a massive scale. I.e. what we see blighting Sweden, Germany, France, England, and other Western European nations. In these countries, as Douglas Murray points out in his book The Strange Death of Europe, the native peoples have voted overwhelmingly, generation after generation, to restrict immigration. The elites do not care and force it upon the people anyway. This is only happening in [first world = white] countries. Couple this with the extreme animosity towards whites in the media, the double standards, the interracial crime, and a host of other societal changes and it should be pretty clear to an observant white person what the underlying pattern in all of this is, and what their choices are. Either go along with it like a good little goy and see your people wiped out, or do something. Mexicans and Muslims not being as violent as blacks is not only obvious to everybody, but irrelevant to the greater picture from the white perspective. The recent UN Migration Pact makes the agenda about as blatant as it can be – so which way, western man?

    The bottom line is that the event-space of world history is spanned by competing wills. If your willpower is strong enough, maybe you can change the world. If a large group of people want to will something to be, that’s powerful. And so, we have this idea of the white ethnostate. It’s unavoidable now, the genie is out of the bottle. We are still in the information-spreading phase, and we need to push to make this idea a greater part of the zeitgeist. Regardless of what the dissident Jew Ron Unz has to say about crime statistics in California, enough white people are soon going to realize that they are the only ones who don’t get to choose whether or not they get to live in a society where other people share their own culture and values, and enough of them are going to care about this to do something about it. It doesn’t matter whether in California there’s relative peace or not, as there are enough people that wouldn’t choose that scenario anyway and aren’t going to go along with globalization and forced migration.

    The biggest problem I see with using California as your example of a multikulti utopia is that it isn’t demographically homogeneous yet. Many whites who would harbor more nationalist leanings have already fled the state, and others are concentrated in the rural areas. The minority of whites who live in the uber-liberal areas like Palo Alto are too far gone ideologically and can’t be helped. They aren’t having large enough families to maintain their percentage of the population anyway.

    Any sincere discussion of Charlottesville or the Alt Right must also include talk of false flags, even though it immediately disenfranchises the subset of people who are bad at entertaining novel ideas and unlikely scenarios – the ones who scoff at 9/11 truthers for example, even though these black swan events have been drivers of history for centuries. I’ve seen no direct evidence that Heather Heyer died as a result of the Dodge Challenger impact, and I have seen no evidence that James Fields was the driver. All of the photographs of the scene show the profile of a different man. Similarly, many of the leaders of the Alt Right are controlled opposition, like the fed Richard Spencer. The true Alt-Right needs to maintain its fidelity to the core idea to combat these deceptions, and the movement is going to need to weather some necessary growing pains, relabeling, and remorphing. Anything that doesn’t further the goal of the white ethnostate is of secondary importance.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  387. peterAUS says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    Good comment, overall.

    Especially (with some quibbles):

    The so-called Alt-Right is making a gong show out of a necessary reactionary political movement that cannot afford to fail. That is the reason I comment here. I am here to put race realism, nationalism, and the traditional ordering of society on a sound metaphysical foundation.

    Some people focus on that “metaphysical”. Some other on something else.

    And I am here mostly because I can do nothing else.

    Ah…well……I guess that some people can do something else. Teamwork, if you will.

    The truth must make do, and can make do, with or without platforms. All that matters as far as the individual is concerned is making good use of the means available. Better he could not do.

    Last two sentences, pretty much.

  388. Art says:

    Sorry, but Obama had no genetic input into the creation of Bathhouse Barry. His mother came under the sway, probably frequently, of commie Frank Marshall Davis (real father???).

    Interesting – on the internet there was a picture of Barack Obama being held by his mother as a small boy. In no way did Barack look like the African senior Obama.

    I wonder is AI computer simulations could project the father from those early photos?

  389. utu says:

    (1) Ron Unz age adjusted crime stats are useful as a counter argument to HBD/IQ narrative on the right.

    (1a) While I have no reason to believe that Ron Unz did not do his best when writing his paper (Razib Khan was involved iirc) the paper has no status of a scientific paper. AFAIK nobody went through the raw data used in the paper. Nobody has seen the age demography used in the paper. In the previous discussion on the paper the age demography I could find did not replicate Ron Unz’s results, i.e., after age correction male Hispanics criminality in California was still higher than that of Whites.

    (2) Perception and real impact of crime is proportional to raw crime stats not age adjusted stats. That there are x times more Hispanics in the criminogenic age group than Whites is no solace to people impacted by the crime. Crime rate in the state of California would be lower if the fraction of Hispanic population was smaller. Having older population is good not only because of lower crime.

    (3) The concentration on crime by the alt-right might be a part of Zionist designed strategy with objective to legitimize Israel Wall and approval of Israel treatment of non Jews. That’s why the Wall on Mexican border became the chief slogan of Trump and the alt-right so the issue of security, criminals, rapists and so on was emphasized. If Trump and the alt-right really wanted to solve the illegal immigration they could advocate penalization of employers under the current laws and they could advocated, which is even more important, change in the legal immigartion policies.

    (4) That SV is not perceptive to anti-immigration rhetoric is not because the alt-right makes outrageous and silly claims but because SV depends heavily on immigrant labor and many top executives are immigrants. So telling the alt-right by Ron Unz to be less stupid will not change anything. That’s why his open letter was disingenuous.

    (5) American workers real income did not increase since late 1970s or so. This is the true cost and the worst impact of immigration. If America existed to benefit its citizens population growth would be limited and development of technology would lead to improved quality of life. America was never a destination in itself. It was a vehicle for the global change already present in the mind of its Founding Fathers. If the alt-right or whatever will come after them are concerned with the direction where America is going they must address fundamental economic and political issues which most likely they are incapable of because too many of them were lobotomized by a hefty dose of libertarianism.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  390. Saxon says:

    Assimilation is a fantasy and in any case the type preached by most of the immigrant and immigrant-descended pseudo-intellectuals is one of genocide by genetic mixture. They expect us to mix ourselves with them until we’re gone, essentially them looting our genes on top of everything else.

    The brick wall reality of group interests makes multiracialism inherently unworkable. Lee Kuan Yew figured this out in running Singapore. It was already bad enough that even with a 3/4 Chinese population that authoritarian measures were required to hold it together.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @dfordoom
  391. And not having any mainstream media representation or financial backing hasn’t stopped our ideas from spreading so far. I don’t see it as a primary concern, it’s a temporary hurdle if a painful one. The mainstream media is slowly dying, and the cracks are beginning to appear in big tech’s monopoly. Eventually a parallel network of alternative tech companies will emerge based on free speech and more libertarian ideals, and the dissident right will have a home there. We already have Gab, sites like this, and there is an effort going on to create a new Patreon-like site without heavy-handed censorship. The main thing our world needs, across pretty much all institutions, is decentralization – Michael Krieger has done some good writing on this. There is no way for the Judeo-left to stamp out all trace of ideas they don’t like without getting rid of the internet as it currently looks (see: Soros’s change of stance on Facebook).

  392. Saxon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    The fact that the 14th amendment as well as any other ostensibly neutral law is never enforced equally shows how inherently unworkable multiracialism is.

  393. RobinG says:

    Styx is a creepy jerk, i.e. internet persona. That’s why he has so many followers.

  394. 216 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Your state’s tax rates and firearms laws are downright tyrannical.

    The decline of the legacy population would be called ethnic cleansing were it occurring to any other group of people. As a basic matter of fairness, white conservatives should be receiving affirmative action and VRA protected districts in California.

    We have the right to self-determination regardless of what some worthless hacks in the judiciary say.

    When the tech bubble pops, it will all come crashing down. And we will take back our Alsace-Lorraine.

  395. Ron Unz says:
    @David Baker

    You don’t even have to reach the water to see how Moonbeam’s Economic Miracle has created caravans of RV occupants who live in their vans and motor homes.

    Look, in my “open letter” I describing outrageously expensive housing as one of the biggest problems in CA, and repeated that point over and over and over again in many of my comments.

    There’s a huge line of RVs parked all along El Camino Blvd. right across from Stanford because many working-class people can’t afford to pay local rent, and the same thing is true in many, many other locations in Silicon Valley. It’s not exactly a deep, dark secret—there have been numerous front-page stories in all the local newspapers, and I think all the polls show that housing is considered the #1 problem in the state. When only being able to pay $1,900/month in rent means you’re on the edge of becoming homeless, things are totally ridiculous.

    As for the unemployed/drug-addicted homeless living in tents or on the street all around CA, I think that’s a somewhat different issue. I think Steve Sailer or one of his commenters once claimed that many of them are drug-addicts imported into California from the Midwest by drug-addiction clinics as nice revenue sources, then turned out on the street once their federal money ran out.

    Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know anything about that issue, so perhaps some of the people on this thread who live in LA or OC where that’s a major problem can provide their insight.

  396. Robjil says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    911 was a US/Israel creation. It is what it is. No matter how much wants to deny it. Read Solving 911 by Christopher Bollyn. It was created for wars for Israel. After 911, there was not one attack against the “911” patsy “doers”. Wesley Clark mentioned the plan after the attacks. It was “Destroy seven nations in five years”. This lovely and sophisticated idea comes from Deuteronomy :1-2. The same exact reason for doing it now is pushed, that is, for Yahweh’s Israel.

  397. Saxon says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    The fact that a lot of these things offend your moral and aesthetic priors doesn’t make them lies. Evolutionary biology created subspecies-level differences that explain much of anything and people of your sort never offer any kind of counter-argument against this. You just squirt out endless squid ink in the form of long meandering posts where you pretentiously reference things you’ve read as if that means you’re somehow right.

  398. MarkinLA says:

    (3) The concentration on crime by the alt-right might be a part of Zionist designed strategy with objective to legitimize Israel Wall and approval of Israel treatment of non Jews. That’s why the Wall on Mexican border became the chief slogan of Trump and the alt-right so the issue of security, criminals, rapists and so on was emphasized. If Trump and the alt-right really wanted to solve the illegal immigration they could advocate penalization of employers under the current laws and they could advocated, which is even more important, change in the legal immigartion policies.

    They don’t do that? I think they do but like ALL arguments against immigration, none of them get any traction in the MSM. Numerous people have called for immigration moratoriums and commented on the flat wages and declining living standards. However, even the Democrats are against employer sanctions because they know that enforcing employer sanctions will mean a loss of jobs for illegals and they would lose their ability to stay in the US and won’t be here when the amnesty comes.

    The focus on crime is simply because the media cannot as easily hide when someone has been killed or maimed by an illegal and it more easily shines a light on Americans being treated as second class citizens in their own country by the elite. Notice all the illegals being pardoned or given slaps on the wrist by judges to shield them from deportation.

  399. @Ron Unz

    I was not discussing your town, Mr. Unz. I am discussing my town, which is now hosting throngs of homeless people, with a crime rate that is rivaling Detroit. Your praise of Moonbeam’s Economic Acumen is devoid of factors which impoverish Californians in order to balance budgets bursting with largess and graft. Gambling is one example. Drug Legalization is another. Forcing Californians to underwrite the costs of illegal aliens has burdened taxpayers and businesses alike, to the point where those folks are leaving in droves to escape this sinking ship. ‘Tell you what, when those RVs are being burned by thieves within view of your living room window, then we can talk about your improving conditions in California.

  400. Ron Unz says:

    In the previous discussion on the paper the age demography I could find did not replicate Ron Unz’s results, i.e., after age correction male Hispanics criminality in California was still higher than that of Whites.

    Hmmm… Let me quote from my own 2011 Hispanic Crime article:

    If we normalize the incarceration rate to the number of males aged 15-34, California Hispanics are imprisoned at 9 percent above the local white rate

    As I further pointed out in our past discussion, if you use one of my other age-normalization ranges, the CA Hispanic incarceration rate may be up to 26% higher. All of this accords very closely with the results separately obtained by the PPIC analysis, and also the violent crime arrest rates from 2015, the most recently published.

    Basically, you’re seconding my own findings, and then making that a point of criticism.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  401. Bill P says:

    I get along fine with most of the Mexicans I know, and neither fear nor revile them. Lots of them are for all intents and purposes white, too. Not a majority, but quite a few. Some of the women are very attractive, most of the men do their jobs well enough, and in some ways they behave better than Anglos (e.g. their women don’t seem to have fully gotten on board with the feminist program, although that may be changing as they Americanize). I also happen to like Mexican cuisine quite a bit, so I taught myself to cook it, which was both easy and rewarding.

    However, I’m against immigration anyway. First because of economic issues (housing and wages), secondly because of quality of life (not a fan of overcrowding), and lastly because of cultural/ethnic/racial issues. Although I have no racial animosity toward Hispanics (or anyone, really), ethnic diversity causes ethnic competition and raises tensions, and it causes people to lose focus on other big problems, such as income inequality, social atomization, and concentration of power in the hands of the few. There’s a reason that conquerors have consistently broken up homogeneity wherever they find it. It’s a proven way to keep people from organizing and demanding a better deal.

    Although if I had to choose immigrants, and they could not be directly from Europe, Latin Americans would be my next choice. They just seem a lot more easygoing and normal than the strivers from Asia. They’re also Christian, which means they share the same basic moral and philosophical code as most Americans, which makes things much easier (I’ve lived in Asia, so I know how important that is).

    I guess I agree with Unz that white nationalists and alt-righters should stop making wild accusations against Hispanics, but I see no reason they should welcome more immigrants. We have enough people, and we have more than enough diversity. More is not better. Shut off the flow and let the Hispanics already here (legally) have some time to Americanize.

  402. @Saxon

    Assimilation is ill defined. Balkanization more accurately describes immigrant behavior.

    • Replies: @Saxon
  403. Anonymous [AKA "SorryGuys"] says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    But the tragedy is not that Alt-Right is consciously lying as part of some Machiavellian political strategy; the tragedy is that the Alt-Right really believes all this bullshit.

    A surprisingly accurate comment. Of course the Alt Right believes stupid stuff. That’s the stuff that attracts people to the Alt Right in the first place. What do you do if the world doesn’t adhere to your chosen philosophy? You can’t be expected to revise your views based on the state of the world. You must concoct stories and conspiracies that explain why your preferences are so disliked, even shunned.

    But Intelligent Dasein here, despite his ability to see through some of the BS, is still mired in the “race realism” nonsense. Unz himself buys the Holocaust denial bullshit, but for some weird reason doesn’t go for the anti-Hispanic stuff. The Alt Right is just a bunch of weird dudes picking what they want from the Hate and Stupidity Buffet )All you can eat for just $14.88).

    In the real world, crime rates have been falling significantly for a couple decades even while the country is far less white. Sure you can scare up some fear with your caravan charades and bemoan the dominance of hip-hop, but the lizard brain stuff doesn’t work on most people.

    So what can you do? Nothing. Most people–even most conservatives–don’t like you. The fact that your movement is awash is conspiracy theories is just another sign of its impotence. The battle was lost a long time ago and what you’re feeling now are the death pangs. Sure, you can start doing terrorism–I’m sure a few commenters here will murder someone eventually–but that will only hasten your demise.

    Take solace in the fact that you can still be racist and make the people around you slightly annoyed.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @MarkinLA
    , @anon
  404. peterAUS says:


    This case study on race and California….


    …and aren’t going to go along with globalization and forced migration.

    couldn’t agree more.

    And from the last two paragraphs with:

    Anything that doesn’t further the goal of the white ethnostate is of secondary importance.

    Now, out of curiosity, why do you believe that Spencer is a Fed?

  405. @LostHopeless

    You’d make a good stand up comedian.

    Absolutely not. I’m wired to be an ad-libber, and that’s all. Interestilngly, George Carlin, one of the most successful stand-ups, confessed that he could not ad-lib at all.

    I’d be more the genial professor type, who could only speak before a crowd on a subject he has down cold. He can toss in a joke now and then, but doesn’t have to.

    you DO come from NJ don’t ya?

    No, but a bunch of the guys who qualify me for the Sons of the Revolution are. “Crossroads of the Revolution”, you know. So I do defend Jersey at times.

    Jersey and Connecticut should have listened to New York on the drinking age, and vice versa on the state income tax. Unfortunately, the opposite happened.

  406. @mark green

    I think you can blame the situation you describe on the globalists, the proponents of the Plan for the New American Century. They run the US MIC and the CIA, who between them have made it their business to overthrow every would-be progressive, patriotic government in the Americas and replace it with one more to their taste. The results are so dire, that large numbers of Latinos want to follow their money to the USA, and who can blame them?
    These people (the PNACs) are of the same tribe that want the white/Christians out of existence, by dilution or anyhow else. They are the principal problem. As Mao wrote in his article called “On Contradiction”; in any situation you find yourself in, you will be facing a number of problems. (He called them ‘contradictions’.) One of them will be the most important problem, which will underlie many of the problems facing you, and until you can resolve that, the principle problem, you will not be able to solve most of the problem facing you. When you do solve it, many of your minor problems will solve themselves. I think that it is quite clear after reading only a part of the Unz Review, what the principle contradiction, in terms of this discussion, is.

  407. Saxon says:
    @David Baker

    None of the proponents of this will even tell us what we supposedly get out of this. And of course assimilation is ill-defined but if you try to nail down a conglomeration of the ill-defined responses you get it comes to mean pressured, coerced and forced genetic mixture and moral pronouncements that in the future, there won’t be white people (and that’s a good thing).

    • Replies: @David Baker
  408. L.K says:
    @Ron Unz

    Hello Mr. Unz.

    Do you have any theories as to why black americans have such high violent crime rates?

    I mean, poverty alone would not account for it, since many immigrants into the US are likely much poorer?


    • Replies: @Saxon
  409. L.K says:
    @Bill P

    Finally a good post!

    One filled with good reasons to be against never ending mass immigration & open borders:

    However, I’m against immigration anyway. First because of economic issues (housing and wages), secondly because of quality of life (not a fan of overcrowding), and lastly because of cultural/ethnic/racial issues. Although I have no racial animosity toward Hispanics (or anyone, really), ethnic diversity causes ethnic competition and raises tensions, and it causes people to lose focus on other big problems, such as income inequality, social atomization, and concentration of power in the hands of the few.

  410. @Old fogey

    Wait’ll they start identifying as transgender/trans-species people with green hair. Venture out to the Left Coast to learn how to interact properly with those types. (Or else…….)

    • Replies: @Old fogey
  411. @dfordoom

    Yeah! Sure! Join up with the people who are willing to accept the USG’s account of 9/11. They should be a great help!

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  412. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    I don’t think you have made a case for saying that he made it all up** and is thus an unscrupulous liar but you probably (I assume you are correct) have nailed him on the use of the EBT card.

    **Most people don’t just make up stories like that as whole cloth lies. They are more often careless about details that they don’t think critical. E.g. it wouldn’t be subjectively dishonest if he was telling in the first person something he thought he remembered pretty accurately from his wife or a local pastor.

    • Replies: @Alden
  413. L.K says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    that 9-11 was a false flag perpetrated by the US Deep State and/or Israel are all ridiculous lies.

    Idiot. There are people from VARIOUS political viewpoints, from the left to the right & all in between, and from various nationalities who have figured out that the IDIOTIC US government conspiracy theory, the one you fanatically believe in( or pretend to), does not have a leg to stand on.

  414. @CalDre

    Does anyone know how the rate of committing crimes varies with income? I have no data on the subject but maybe someone in this pretty well-informed forum has?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  415. Polynikes says:

    Because the people you deride fundamentally understand game theory better than you. Hook your wagon to the Marxists and see what happens.

  416. peterAUS says:

    Good post.

    I am sure that your target audience will swallow it, hook and sinker. They do appear to be the lost cause there.
    Not so sure about some other people, though.

    Now…if we do a slight edit:

    The battle was lost a long time ago and what you’re feeling now are the death pangs. Sure, you can start doing terrorism–I’m sure a few commenters here will murder someone eventually–but that will only hasten your demise.

    Take solace in the fact that you can still be nationalist and make the people around you slightly annoyed.

    and even:

    The battle was lost a long time ago and what you’re feeling now are the death pangs. Sure, you can start doing terrorism–I’m sure a few of your gang will murder someone eventually–but that will only hasten your demise.

    Take solace in the fact that you can still be nationalist and make the people around you hostile to you and out you to us in a second.

    That’s how it worked, before the fall of The Wall, from Poland to Bulgaria.
    We know what that caused and how it has been unraveling since. Including as we speak.

    It will be interesting to see, when it happens, properly, again, how your target audience will (re)act.

  417. @David Baker

    “Truly, Holocaust Revisionism is akin to shooting Gefilte fish in a barrel, which is why the Industry has shifted their efforts toward government sanction and protection of that fairy tale.”

    I’ve never heard it put better. Brilliant! LOL

    • Agree: anarchyst
    • Replies: @David Baker
  418. MarkinLA says:

    In the real world, crime rates have been falling significantly for a couple decades even while the country is far less white.

    And the prison population is higher than ever. So high that jail and prison overcrowding is a problem everywhere and they are being let out now. Let’s see what happens once the jails and prisons are emptied.

  419. @Ron Unz

    In many parts of the Western World, the price of housing has gone up and up. It is bound to do so because of bank policy.

    • Replies: @anon
  420. Zumbuddi says:

    “Suspect we haven’t been told the complete history.”


  421. @LostHopeless

    Ironic – Ron pens a Hallmark card decrying our political diviseness over immigration, and the first comment outta the gate is a string of ad hominem insults (between lotsa blowing smoke up Ron’s ass).

    This is hands down the new best site on the ‘Net, but all his political life Ron hasn’t understood the concept of national borders. If Juan down the block hasn’t murdered someone today all is good in Paradise. Never mind that placing 85-IQ personnel in key infrastructure positions renders a country on a par with Mexico.

    Jews and immigration … they’ll never get it.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  422. @jilles dykstra

    I’ll happily give up on “race to the bottom” – maybe I’ll never even quote it again for any purpose – but I can’t understand your attraction to metaphorically making the good unavailable because people understand it’s superior value and hoard it.

  423. L.K says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    According to the reigning philosophy of this website, HBD, crime is genetic and not situational.

    Yeah, I know. That’s the theory and if you have data that doesn’t match the theory, then the data must be wrong.

    That’s the scientific method in action…


    I considered the notion that crime could be genetic for a while, but I have found a lot of holes in it.

    At the very least, a lot of it is situational.

    Take Russia, for instance; After the fall of the Soviet Union, we saw a steep decline in the population’s standard of living, tremendous inequality, all the great benefits of a dog eat dog, super-neoliberal capitalist model. Murder rate in Russia skyrocketed to levels similar or even higher to those found in Mexico. After Putin, the murder rate has sharply declined.

    In Brazil, a country where the population has not changed much racially since the early 60s, when the mostly European immigration period begun in the 19th century ended, markedly changing the country’s demographics in the southeastern/southern regions, one can notice wild fluctuations internally, but in general, a steep rise of murder rate overall in the last 30 years.
    But in the southeastern state of São Paulo, the most populous in the country, the murder rate fell from a high 33,1 in 2002 to 7,4 in 2018.

  424. Zumbuddi says:
    @jilles dykstra

    David Baker should be required to provide accurate evidence / scholarship to support the quoted assertion; that is the heart of the matter: that people argue badly.

    “His goal was to undo Versailles I justice” has far more scholarly legitimacy and can be defended persuasively, with elegance and strength.

    Above, someone wrote something like, “holocaust denial and 9/11 are the wrong hill to die on.”

    What is the right hill on which to take a stand?

    I, for one, think that defending “White” is a losing proposition. I believe more traction can be gained by Opposing special privilege for Any group, based on victimology, including foremost Jewish privilege as well as what I believe is instrumentalized-by–Jews BLM. A principled case can be made that privileging any such group fundamentally offends Constitutional principles.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Saxon
  425. Being rich makes up for a lot.

  426. @anon

    Why I should pander to your laziness is a good question, but no, I’m not.

    • Replies: @anon
  427. Alden says:
    @American Citizen 2.0

    Homeowners in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties can get $1,5000 a month for renting out a small 10 by 10 bedroom to someone. The 12 by 12 master bedroom with attached bath can get $1,900 sometimes.

    The familie’s lucky they have a place at $1,900. And their own kitchen such luxury.

  428. @Ron Unz

    Another possible reason why the alt right in the US is struggling is because alt right attitudes to economic issues don’t resonate with working class whites, who are the people who are most likely to be attracted to nationalism and populism. Trump’s red hat movement has attracted a fair number of anxious lower middle class whites but there are still lots of working class whites who have no interest in voting for tax cuts for Wall Street Bankers (incidentally, only about 63 percent of whites in the US vote, which is the lowest percentage in any western country).

    The more high brow end of the US alt right comes across as an online revolt by upper-middle class curmudgeons who (rightly or wrongly) have some cultural hang ups about modern liberalism but aren’t really experiencing any economic pain from high immigration or economic globalism. A more working class white nationalist movement also exists but appears to be riddled with oddballs, wannabe thugs, and over the top anti-Semites.

    In Europe the alt right is more of a real world movement which is steadily attracting working and lower-middle class natives who are suffering from the twin effects of high immigration and neo-liberal economic policies. It doesn’t waste much time on fringe cultural issues or debating whether or not there was a Jewish holocaust.

    If the alt-right in the US expects to have an serious political influence, it needs to become more of a populist movement, with its leaders reasonably well-versed in the economic impact of globalisation, not a fringe movement for middle-class eccentrics and underclass ex-cons.

    • Agree: RadicalCenter
    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @dfordoom
  429. Ron Unz says:

    People with political experience know that struggles are often decided by “competing incompetence,” so here’s my metaphor for the current immigration debate, so hotly disputed on this comment-thread.

    I assume that there are government regulations limiting the number of passengers on a commercial bus. But suppose the bus companies all got together and after doing some market research, decided they could make more money if they packed their passengers in like sardines.

    So they hired some thinktankers and consultants to start an “Open Doors” movement, denouncing the horrifying unfairness of closing bus doors to passengers who wanted to get on. Indeed, they viciously attacked their opponents as being “anti-people” since they were trying to prevent more people from getting on buses.

    Naturally, their opponents fought back. Their loudest activists claimed that if you let more people on a bus, they’d all turn into werewolves and a massive wave of brutal killings would result.

    Under such a scenario, I think the “Open Doors” side would probably win, especially if they had so much more money for bribing politicians and buying media ads.

    In my opinion, I’d say that 95% of the commenters on this thread are totally confused about certain important quantitative issues that I have investigated in considerable detail. But I’d be the first to admit that your main opponents on the “Open Borders” side of the immigration debate are totally insane.

    For example, here’s a link to a discussion of a televised “Intelligence Squared” debate in NYC I did on the topic a few years ago. Guess which side I was on!!

    And for those interested, the entire debate is now conveniently available on YouTube:

    • Replies: @Tusk
    , @geokat62
    , @niceland
    , @Miro23
  430. BlackFlag says:

    People arguing for the following things are being deplatformed and fired:

    Ethnostates(ie. self-determination of peoples).
    Biological basis of race.
    Differences between races in traits such as IQ.
    Stating govt statistics on crime distribution by race.
    The violence against Whites in South Africa.
    Conflict in multiethnic countries.
    Biological basis of sex.
    The influence of the Jewish lobby in American politics.
    Questioning the Holocaust.
    Israel’s foreign policy.
    Mestizo immigrant crime wave (actually I don’t know anyone who’s been unpersoned for this but maybe there have been some).
    The failure of democracy and exploration of alternative methods of govt.
    The intolerance, violence, and incompatibility of Islam.

    Do these positions come across as crazy to people who matter in SV?

  431. @Ron Unz

    ‘…For example, there were only something like 7,000 Spanish speakers in California and maybe twice that in Texas. These tiny populations were quickly swamped and absorbed in the huge waves of American newcomers who flooded into the area…’

    It’s also to be noted that at least some of those Mexicans were less than enamored of Mexican rule.

    For example, before we annexed the disputed portion of Texas, we polled the affected population: would you rather continue to be part of Mexico or become part of the US?

    They voted to be annexed by the US. Personally, I think it would have worked out a lot better for all concerned if we’d just annexed all of Mexico rather than those bits that didn’t contain many Mexicans anyway.

    With a relatively small population, they’d all have been assimilated long ago, and in any case, with good government, the joyous tide of European immigration would have submerged them as well.

    We’d all be about 2% more Indian and a lot bigger, but otherwise, about as we are now minus an impoverished Mexico endlessly overflowing next door.

  432. mcohen says:

    You all know squat.

    When we squatted it was almost always all brown.We were all equal.

    We are squatters on this earth.

    The white man with all his great white technology has poisoned the earth with his great white chemicals.We have all benefitted so we cannot complain.

    Now when we squat it has plastic in it.We are extinct.

    • Replies: @wow
    , @anon
  433. Alden says:

    How’s your your uncle’s garden shed now it’s in the low 50s st night? Hope you have a good sleeping bag.

  434. @Bill P

    ‘…Lots of them are for all intents and purposes white too…Shut off the flow and let the Hispanics already here (legally) have some time to Americanize…’

    Yeah. Here I’m reminded of a Hispanic High School English teacher I knew who fit into the ‘for all intents and purposes white too’ category. In fact, it took me some time to realize she was Hispanic, and I only did so when I noticed that she moved the same way the girl students did.

    She was descended from the wave of Mexicans that moved up here to escape the Mexican Revolution and associated bloody and interminable chaos. She once remarked that ‘we were just like the Italians or the Jews — only in our case more Mexicans kept coming after us.’

    …and it’s true. Mexicans do assimilate nicely — like anyone else, once they’ve been here a few generations.

    It’s just that more Mexicans keep coming. So I’ve no objection to letting the ones already here legally stay — but let’s turn off the tap.

    Please. Now.

    • Replies: @RobertinMn
  435. Anonymous [AKA "Immigrant"] says:

    Ron, you’re missing it. The problem with immigration, not just illegal, is that it changes the culture. There is real, measurable difference in how whites, asians and latinos vote. And it matters not whether it’s due to race or other factors. The fact that the average asian or latino is to the left of the historically white US population, at best shows that there is no assimilation happening on this most important aspect. So it is a cultural suicide to import more immigrants, poor or otherwise.

  436. geokat62 says:
    @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    Jews and immigration … they’ll never get it.

    They get it, alright. See Israel’s immigration policy.

    It’s only for Western countries that they advocate for open borders. Very consistent, huh?

    • Replies: @Art
  437. @foolisholdman

    It’s not just the rate of committing crimes you should expect to vary but the kind of crime as well (nobody worried about being mugged by Bernie Madoff) and of course the likelihood of being caught and tried.

  438. @Saxon

    “Pressured”. “Coerced”. “Forced”. You mean GOVERNMENT. (And, if you’re addressing media liberals putting their two cents in, you’re probably aware that the government and media have ‘assimilated’…) If society were left to its own devices, immigration would be a snap. My point is that we don’t need immigrants. Perhaps back when the Transcontinental Railroad was being built, it was necessary to import labor. Today, there aren’t enough jobs available for American citizens, thanks to Bubba Clinton and other liberals who pushed NAFTA/GATT through congress.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  439. @Deschutes

    Okay–it is really hard to read the nonsensical assertions being made here in this thread which are touted as history and have no basis in history. Neither Mexico nor Spain ever owned all of modern day California. California’s entire Northern half was controlled by the UK and Russia prior to 1848. There were a nominal number of pure Spaniards living in the Southern half and virtually no “Mexicans”. Those Spaniards sided with the Americans in their revolt against all three countries as they saw Mexico as a backward, corrupt nation going no where fast. America was on the rise. The UK saw the inevitability of The Monroe Doctrine and voluntarily ceded their territories of Washington, Oregon and Northern California to the US. Russia likewise ceded it’s California holdings to the US and sold us Alaska.

    The rest of the Southwest was sparsely populated and also contained very few if any “Mexicans”. The indian tribes in those areas had been killing off any Mexicans that came north for centuries–that includes evidence of Aztec cannibals who were wiped out by Apaches. Mexico has been a pain in our backside for 200 years now. We used to routinely send US army in to the northern area to clean out the detritus that was crossing the border and inflicting the US territory with crime.

    • Replies: @anon
  440. @Andre Citroen

    It’s not that Jews weren’t treated horribly during WWII, they were. However, there was no plan by Hitler to exterminate the tribe. Wars kill people. If you don’t want people killed, then don’t start wars.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  441. wow says:

    White countries are actually cleaner now than they were just 40 years ago…the air, the water, the forests….the 3rd world crap holes we open our borders to are the actual cesspools. i.e. poisoned….dirty water, plastic everywhere, smog, body odor!

    Strayed off a resort once in the Dominican Republic….what a dump…garbage everywhere, people sitting around doing nothing about it, immediately had zero sympathy for their plight. Even little food stands were surrounded by mounds of litter, no one including the owner gave a crap. There weren’t even garbage cans. Everyone sitting around, no direction, expecting someone else to pick the garbage up….of course, that never happens until a white Christian group ventures down there to save the day like the cucks they are. Help able bodied people pick up their own garbage….

  442. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:

    Facebook was “helped” in its efforts to wipe out these dangerous memes by the Atlantic Council, on whose board you’ll find confidence-inspiring names like Henry Kissinger, former CIA chief Michael Hayden, former acting CIA head Michael Morell and former Bush-era Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff.

    4 for 4?

  443. Anonymous[395] • Disclaimer says:

    There is constant hectoring that whites have to acquiesce to diversity.

    There is no moral shaming or guilt tripping of non-whites that express disgust towards the GOP.

    Should it be socially acceptable to say “the GOP doesn’t have anyone that looks like me” ?

    Or: “the GOP only cares about old white men”?

    Is it really that much to ask non-whites that express ethnocentric sentiments to join a political party made up of (mildly) ethnocentric whites?

    Is ethnic bloc voting Anti-American? If so, most immigrants have proven they are not Americans.

    Ron, doesn’t really care about the GOP or conservatism. His criticism otherwise, he is entitled by dint of ancestry to an Israeli passport should things go to hell here.

  444. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:

    Of course the Alt Right believes stupid stuff.

    like what?

    • Agree: apollonian
  445. Alden says:

    Hanson wrote that he, personally, not his wife or pastor, offered to help a woman put a large TV in her car while carrying an EBT card in her hand
    How did she open the car door with a large TV and a card in her hands?

    If you’re a man ask some women you know about the advantage of being able to dump change and credit cards in a purse if we don’t want to take the 30 seconds to put it in the wallet in the purse. Think about it. 2 hands are necessary to carry a large TV. How would a person carry a card in one hand
    And a large TV

    Try it. Carry a credit card in one hand and pick up something the size and shape of a TV. Maybe a box fan a chair anything 2 ft by 2 ft. Try it and see if it works. Then carry it out of your house to the street holding both the box fan shaped object and a credit card. See if you could do it across a big parking lot.

    Maybe you have professional basket ball player sized hands but women don’t.

    He made the story up. If he’d said he was behind her at checkout and saw her pay for a large TV with a welfare card the story would have made sense. But carrying a large TV and a welfare card at the same time across a big parking lot is ridiculous.

    Hanson is a farmer. Every year they bring more and more illegal immigrants to California to plant and pick. And last years illegals go on welfare because the farmers bring more workers in every year

    In about 6 weeks the cries will go out.
    There’s no one to plant. The fields will lie fallow. There aren’t hundreds of thousands of able bodied men loitering the Central Valley able to plant. And first of April the strawberries are rotting in the fields because we can’t import pickers from Central America

    I’m not prejudiced against Hanson. I’m
    post judiced against him because of all his silly false anecdotes over the years.

    The Central Valley has one of the highest number of people on welfare in the country. Instead of hiring them the farmers just bring in more illegals every year.

    • Replies: @Anon
  446. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:

    i’m not a big fan of spencer but linking to an article on thernovich? lol

  447. @gman

    The fact that elites in Silicon Valley are disconnected from the reality in much of the rest of the country is just one example of elites everywhere being out of touch. And it is not a new problem either. Our “intellectual” elites have been out of touch with regular Americans for decades. Just ask Pauline Kael.

    The problem with trying to silence an opinion that the masses may agree with is that by doing so you implicitly confirm it as true in the minds of those same people. That is why the move towards the right by the deplorables in fly-over-country is likely to continue regardless of what Silicon Valley or the MSM thinks.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @CanSpeccy
  448. The reason why California whites (and people like Unz here) prefer the brown hoards is because, like all liberals, blacks terrify them. Tom Wolff made this clear with his first best seller more than 45 years ago which illustrated very nicely the cowardice of the liberal elite. Mr. Unz hints at the reason for his preference without actually admitting it—Mexicans engage in rampant ethnic cleansing and are the reason blacks have left California.

    When even the SPLC writes about it, you know it’s “bad”. Just google “ethnic cleansing L.A.” and you should come up with 1000’s of hits.

    Even here in “flyover country” the liberal whites openly admit (openly amongst themselves in safe company) they “feel safer” around the seemingly obedient and passive browns than they do the scary and “belligerent and angry black people”. This metro area is second only to NYC in the number of museums and theaters per capita, was in 1925 the wealthiest city per capita in the world and, according to Steve Sailer, the highest IQ population in America.

    They don’t commit crime?

    Oh yes they do–and lots of it. They especially like to “el rapo” 12-14 year old girls. Now that we have a significant population of them here, every time you turn around there is another one in the news. Not to mention the usual assortment of gang banger crimes. Oh–and no insurance so, lots and lots of hit and runs………..

    Mr. Unz–you make the claim that the US allowed mass migration from Mexico until 1965–could you please explain Presidents Truman and Eisenhower rounding up Mexican illegals and deporting them in post WW2 America? I know that “pickers” were rounded up here (2,500 acre dairy farm in the 30’s and 40’s that required at least 100 bodies to harvest the corn prior to mechanization) at Thanksgiving where the harvest was complete or not and sent back south busses till the next fall. When I asked ,my dad why, he responded “because they cause trouble when they’re not working–alcoholism and knife fights– it’s a long winter up here. So, I think you are greatly mistaken in this area–yes, they were allowed in as temporary workers, but not as citizens with voting rights. Suggest you see “Operation Wetback” for starters and then the LA riots during WW2 that drew white servicemen from as far as Texas.

    • Replies: @Crimson2
    , @David Baker
  449. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:

    i’ve heard people claiming that the Mexican govt invited whites to come down to Texas to help deal with the Comanches. Also, after the war, the Mexican govt whined to the U.S. govt to do something about the Apaches

    noble savages

  450. @Colin Wright

    Uhh, no they don’t. They have higher dropout rates than the blacks do and that’s well into their fourth generation here. They also, like blacks, view education as a “gringo” thing and not to their liking. High rates of illegitimacy, etc. Scroll down to Minnesota–a state with a high white majority and (according to Steve Sailer) the highest average IQ in the country and see the drop out rate–they can’t cut the proverbial mustard here–at all. California, meanwhile, has an education system that is second only to like Alabama in how rotten it now is.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  451. @David Baker

    To say “there was no plan by Hitler to exterminate the tribe” is to use weasel words to excuse not putting together the multiple pieces of evidence to establish his moral guilt.

    Read Mein Kampf for his views on Jews and their place in the Reich. Consider his actions when in power to assess whether killing people gave him angst. And remember that he was a politician with multiple objectives and constraints who certainly knew that his extreme views on Jews and what he wanted to do with them would be opposed by many Germans. Being able to blame others was always one of his crude effective tactics and the fact that he was happy to extort money from Jews and export them to Palestine is no more an argument against his responsibility for the Nazi Holocaust that Himmler largely administered than any excuses you might think up for shipping large numbers of Jewish women, children and old people from their homes throughout Europe to concentration camps.

  452. biff21 says:


    You’ve spent a lot of time arguing with people who don’t get that the current Hispanic crime rate in the U.S. is not that much (maybe only 10-25%) higher than that of similar aged whites. That must be frustrating. Believe it or not, a lot of us do understand that Hispanics aren’t nearly as likely to be crime prone as Blacks under current circumstances in the U.S.

    However, how do you account for the huge disparity in crime rates between Mexico and the U.S.? Why is the crime rate so much higher in Tijuana than in San Diego (they are cities with similar population sizes and very close to one another geographically, but couldn’t be more different in so many ways)?

    You seem to believe that things are basically still pretty good in CA, despite a lot of CA based commentators (myself included) arguing otherwise from personal experience. CA can still function with a 35% white population that is the de facto ruling class. The elites may actually prefer to trade Trump-prone middle/working class whites for a servile brown population whom they are generously “helping” in their minds. But how do you think CA will function a few more decades out, when whites are down to say around 10-15% of the population, or similar to the current demographics of Mexico, especially given current trends in automatation that will increasinbly obviate the low-skilled jobs that immigrants from Mexico/Central America and their descendants primarily do?

  453. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    You may be right about Hanson having a record and I can understand that would influence your view. But maybe you haven’t considered historical fiction and TV dramas where some events are elided as examples of people producing stuff where they don’t think for a moment they are distorting essential truths but which can make some readers and viewers quite cross because e.g. Mary Queen of Scots is treated as no real threat to Elizabeth’s throne by ignoring the Great number of her treasonous communications and the fact that she could find people to help her send them.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  454. Tusk says:
    @Ron Unz

    Thank you Ron,

    I often think that most ‘supporters’ of the movement reflect a largely cointelpro tier mass of people. Though I may find myself traditionally thinking along similar thought patterns I cannot help but regard most leaders or talking heads in these movements as stark raving mad. Focusing on arbitrary and explosive concepts that do not reflect the reality that most of us deal with. I can’t help but be reminded of warmongers pushing for the continued war in the Middle East, these so called ‘Alt-right’ leaders and supporters ramp up into a frenzy over focus points that divert attention from where it needs to be.

    It would clearly be better to present arguments that may actually be successful rather than polemic and fundementalist. Racialists use one set of data to present reasoning behind their views but then discard others that don’t fit, or require them to revamp their initial position ie. your Hispanic crime data. I believe this leads to people being disinfranchised from the overall basis of the movement and clearly corrodes it.

  455. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Your pedantry is not even to the point. The land of the Germans, variously called German is, Deutschland and other names makes sense of what Ron was saying.

  456. @Wizard of Oz

    There was no such thing as “the nazi holocaust”, and you have absolutley no evidence for your claims.

    Stating that Jews had no place in Germany has no bearing on any imaginary “holocaust”. The third Reich and the Zionists worked together to effect the Ha’avara agreement, and this agreement did not involve extorting anything.

    Jews declared themselves to be enemies to the German state. So many of them were placed in camps. The same thing happened to Japanese and Germans and Itailans in the US and Canada that happened to Jews in Europe, except North America did not experience war.

    And you’ve already answered one of your questions about this imaginary “holocaust”. If the Germans were trying to kill them, why would they put them on trains, ship them all over Euope, feed and medicate them and provide them with camp money, commisaries, kitchens, theatres, art supplies, etc? It doesn’t make a lick of sense, and no sentient being would believe such complete whoppers.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  457. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    international jewry declared war on Germany in 1933

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  458. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:

    is it bank policy or supply and demand?

    flood the country with fake refugees and illegal aliens and the demand for apartments and housing goes thru the roof

  459. Art says:

    Jews and immigration … they’ll never get it.

    They get it, alright. See Israel’s immigration policy.

    It’s only for Western countries that they advocate for open borders. Very consistent, huh?

    The Talmudic Jews in Ted Kennedy’s senate office gave us our immigration troubles of today.

    In another ten years – our country will be a one party state just like California is.

    Texas, Florida, and Nevada will be tipped to the Democrats for a whole generation by Latin immigration.

    America will never recover until there is a total crash.

    Think Peace — Art

    • Agree: apollonian
  460. peterAUS says:
    @unpc downunder

    In Europe the alt right is more of a real world movement which is steadily attracting working and lower-middle class natives who are suffering from the twin effects of high immigration and neo-liberal economic policies.

    If the alt-right in the US expects to have an serious political influence, it needs to become more of a populist movement, with its leaders reasonably well-versed in the economic impact of globalisation,…


  461. anon[265] • Disclaimer says:

    Above, someone wrote something like, “holocaust denial and 9/11 are the wrong hill to die on.”

    What is the right hill on which to take a stand?

    i like to say “we don’t have to be nazis to demand our govt secure the border and enforce immigration law”

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  462. anon[393] • Disclaimer says:
    @Colin Wright

    its not that i’m lazy its just that you’re not that interesting

    • Troll: Colin Wright
  463. anon[907] • Disclaimer says:

    The white man with all his great white technology has poisoned the earth with his great white chemicals.We have all benefitted so we cannot complain.

    and yet they do again and again and again

  464. Saxon says:

    Blacks have similar violent crime rates in their own countries where they are much poorer. Even rich blacks in the US commit over 2x as much murder as the poorest whites. It’s genetic predisposition towards behaviours. They also have a much higher incidence of the MAOA “warrior” gene if you want to dive into subject.

    This is also why I don’t believe this idea that other groups with enormous crime rates in their own countries magically become less so by dint of setting foot in a European country. There is undoubtedly book-cooking going on here. The same people who lie about everything else and undemocratically bring them in are also caught covering up crimes. Why in the world should we trust much of anything they say?

    We talk about the crime rates because these are horrendous conditions of life put upon us by the mass immigration of these other people we never consented to allowing into our countries, and because it’s an additional argument against the hyper-atomized and just simply those with racial animosity towards Europeans who will disingenuously claim that somehow not wanting to be replaced is alone somehow “bigoted.”

  465. @obwandiyag

    Well, in a desperate bid to turn the tide, that has now also become the policy of the criminal ‘elite’ (mafia) which controls the West. What they now most likely want (in the US) is something not unlike (their) fascism in the 30s in Europe.

    It seems likely Trump was their first choice after all, and the mafia used its propaganda machine, both the half-lying CIA controlled ‘Alt-Right,’ which directly promoted Trump, and the discredited regular (CIA) media which by demonizing him just as much promoted Trump indirectly.

    [since the 1953 coup d’états – when they managed to subvert the Soviet Union & Marxism-Leninism – until about Putin’s Munich speech, they had a policy of subversion (keep them from rising) towards the whole world, including the overwhelming majority of Americans]

  466. Mr. Unz:

    Thank you for your assessment of the State of California. I take your point about crime rates among Hispanics. However, we must look at who they are voting for. Most of the people they elect are hard-core progressives who wish to expand government, restrict liberties and impose more taxes and regulations on the people. With the upcoming session in the California Legislature, I would be surprised if they do not do as they have done in the last 20 years and that is vote for such things.

  467. @Genrick Yagoda

    As I have noted Hitler was not stupid about the politics and persuasion involved in getting people, even Germans, to cooperate in some of the more lethal and cruel programs. Just pause a moment to think what the result would have been if, throughout France, Holland, Belgium, and Hungary notices had gone up to say “we are about to solve your Jewish problem by shipping them East so that you will never have to see any of them again”. And that’s without spelling out any grisly details.

  468. Zumbuddi says:

    You may like to say that but it would be a stupid argument.

    Why persist in “internalizing the demands of your oppressor” buy adopting the Oppressor’ s propaganda?

    Ron seems to think the Oppressor class has an unassailable set of advantages, and he’s close to correct, the situation does look dire.

    But Gandhi prevailed, and persistent drops of water can turn a boulder into a bowl.

    Consider the success that NSDAP did achieve.
    Study NSDAP policies & practices cooly and carefully.
    Recognize that the 24/7 vilification of Nazees, 70+ years after their demise, suggests that “the Hitlerites” were, for a short time, able to mount a non-violent, successful counter to the concentrated wealth and media dominance of the Anglo – Zionist combine.

    Study NSDAP for its successes, rather than erode your own strength by capitulating to the demonizi g propaganda of the adversary.

  469. Saxon says:

    “Defending white” is literally the only way we survive as a people with genetic integrity. May as well just kill ourselves now if we’re not willing to do that. It doesn’t matter if you try to end affirmative action–once they have enough demographic clout they’ll put it back in even if you’re successful. It’s already been tried anyway and it’s already been upheld even where whites are an absolute minority.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  470. @RobertinMn

    ‘Uhh, no they don’t. They have higher dropout rates than the blacks do and that’s well into their fourth generation here…’

    Meh. Fourth generation?

    Moreover, those sort of statistics can be illusory. When the ‘C average’ rule came into effect in the LA schools — excluding students from any extra-curricular activities if they didn’t maintain at least a
    C average, etc — about 18% of the students at white schools fell victim, about 18% of the students at black schools, and 50% of the students at Hispanic schools.

    This wasn’t, of course, evidence that blacks were performing at parity with whites, What was happening was that while white kids were doing their white kid thing, black kids got at least a ‘C’ if they showed up and didn’t bite the teacher. Hispanics would study — but only if you channeled Genghis Khan when it came to grading time. I’d often fail up to 50% of my students, and there was one woman who’d completely lost it who used to fail 80%.

    Mexican parents, as a rule, only fretted if their kids failed. Ergo, you could get work out of them — but only if you graded like a Tartar.

    So grades — and graduation rates — don’t necessarily prove what you might think they prove. I doubt if low Hispanic graduation rates actually extend unto the fourth generation, and before that? Well…

  471. @anon

    There is a difference between verbal and metaphorical war and war with violence. More important the Nazis had given every reason for Jewish communities in America to mobilise (metaphorically) and oppose the Nazis by the time of the “declaration of war” you refer to. Apart from having made their policies very clear before 1933 the Nazis moved very quickly against those they deemed enemies and created an opposition free dictatorship very quickly.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @David Baker
  472. dfordoom says: • Website

    My observation is that many of the comments from the “alt right” are more about “culture”, than race.

    That’s true in a few cases. But mostly the alt-right seems to be obsessed with HBD and IQ and an awful lot of their arguments on immigration come down to a contempt for low IQ people (they naturally consider themselves to be high IQ people). So there’s a lot of biological determinism in their views. The typical alt-right argument would be that Somalians have low IQs and that can only be caused by genetics because, well just because. Therefore we must avoid being contaminated by those awful low IQ riff-raff.

    There’s also oddly enough the alt-right hysteria about Muslims. I say oddly enough because you might think that being Muslim is entirely a cultural thing. You’re not a Muslim because you carry the Islamic Gene. But none of that matters to alt-righters. They consider Muslims to be low IQ people because they consider anyone that they disapprove of to be low IQ.

    Of course it’s possible that they’re right about all this but my feeling is that the scientific basis for our understanding of human intelligence is very very sketchy.

    I don’t think there’s anything truly scientific about the alt-right’s view. It’s mostly unproven and somewhat ambiguous science turned into a cult.

    I’d prefer to have no immigration at all but I don’t think you’ll ever win that argument by relying on HBD or IQ.

  473. @Ron Unz

    “I’d think that $1,900 per month could get you a nice, large apartment in most of America, or even an actual house.”

    Or shucks Ron, just buy another 750ml bottle of Louis XIII!

    If you’re trying to convince us that you’re not out of touch with the unwashed masses, that last statement isn’t helping.

    Perhaps you should rent a one room apartment in a 50 unit complex in Pacoima, CA. It’s usually a 6 month lease but you could probably negotiate a 2 month stretch. It would give you a real opportunity to interact with all of those mestizos you seem to enjoy from afar.

    Heck, you could even meet Steve Sailer and David Cole for lunch on occasion. (you’re buying).

  474. Alden says:

    Love the shirt, like the hair. We need more people under the age of 60 in the site.

  475. @dfordoom

    It’s interesting that you apparently failed to anticipate the objection that 1) social mobility is strongly correlated with race, exhibiting particularly high levels in Northern European countries and particularly low levels throughout the Third World and 2) that even the 5th percentile in the United States is inarticulably better off than the 80th percentile in Venezuela. And that last relationship, the much-less-than 50th percentile in majority-white countries living vastly more plentiful existences than some greater-than 50th sh**holian percentile, holds true across the near entirety of the Global South.

    You accuse the dissident right of unsophisticated naivete as you monomaniacally try to nail every identifiable human problem with your plastic Marxist class hammer. But it should be smashingly obvious that class, a manifestation of Marxist hobgoblin inequality, is not the single engine of every social woe. The “real economic left” froths at the chance to rev that engine past the red line until its noise cancels out all else. In Venezuela — smoldering experiment in Real Economic Leftism that it is — it’s true that class is all important. If you’re in the 1 percent, you eat. If you’re in the underclass you die. Well done. On the other hand, however bad a Gini Coefficient of 50 may look, it doesn’t stack bodies. The Marxist confuses the symptom for the disease, adding to his blood-soaked record of deadly malpractice.

    And to dismiss a large and well-developed body of thought, wholesale, with the line “it’s all about X” is close to the Webster’s definitions of both unsophisticated and naive.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  476. Alden says:
    @jilles dykstra

    How about letting Jews define themselves?

  477. @Jonathan Revusky

    Unz and Revusky are right. The achilles heel of the alt-right is unreflective, misinformed racism. Or should we just call it “racist bullshit.”

    Revusky, by the way, has been crusading against racist bullshit here and elsewhere for quite some time. Give the dude some credit!

    Unz is spot-on in this article. The alt-right should dial down its racial obsessions, especially the completely insane ones, and go about demolishing the neoliberal consensus using truth, not lies. There are plenty of explosively subversive truths lying around waiting to be picked up and lobbed at the Establishment. Political correctness, in particular, can be annihilated for fun and profit without resorting to counterproductive racist bullshit.

    People who feel the need to indulge in white pride style racial politics should focus on the positive aspects of European heritage, and downplay or eliminate negative claims about other groups, especially when those claims are demonstrably untrue (i.e. most bashing of Mexicans, immigrants, Muslims, etc.)

    Avoiding egregiously stupid racism removes the leading justification/excuse for censorship. It is also a good political strategy for winning new converts.

  478. poop says:

    I already know I am wasting my time here, but screw it.

    Not that Ron needs anyone to validate his stats, observances, and opinions, but as a 4th generation(rare here) Northern Californian (central valley, not Bay Area, which is an important distinction in CA) I largely concur with Mr. Unz’s assessment of the Mexican/Asian dynamic in CA. I have worked in the agriculture and construction industries, as well as 7 years in education (high school shop). My wife worked for years in social services before becoming a teacher. I own guns, I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, I hate the Zio-Empire. I think there is an immigration problem, but only a simpleton would think “The Wall” will fix it. I am not a leftie-snowflake or sheltered in a tech-driven economic bubble world. I have seen some shit. And some of the absolute crap I have seen posted here, particularly regarding Mexican immigrants in CA, needs addressing. I can’t speak to non-Mexican Hispanics in other states, as we have few here. Unlike many here, I only spout off about what I know. Not that you’ll listen, but, again screw it:

    Myth 1: “They” (Mexican Illegals) come here to get on welfare
    No. They come to work, and they come to work in by far the most laborious, lowest paying jobs. And they bust ass. They’re not even qualified for welfare benefits, anyway.

    Myth 2: “They’re taking Americans’ jobs!”
    Have you been shut out of the lucrative profession of picking strawberries for minimum wage (and no overtime pay at time and a half)? Or moving solid-set sprinkler pipe across a melon field? Or pruning an Almond orchard? Well, then I guess then you’ve been shut out. CA is the number 1 agricultural state in the US, because of soils and climate conducive to growing high value commodities, which require a substantial amount of hand labor. Do you propose we replace hard-working Mexicans with lazy-ass Native Born American Millennial Teenagers hand-picked from the shopping mall? If so, will you be willing to pay double or triple the price for produce?

    Myth 3: “They drive down wages”
    This one is partially true, especially in construction. However, pickins’ get slim when you have white derelict druggies or lazy millennials as alternative workers. I blame the “everyone needs to go to college” education system, demise of trade unions, drug use, and general American physical laziness more than opportunistic Mexican immigrants for this phenomenon, although I would tend to agree that they are willing to work harder for less money, and that does drive down non-union wages to a certain extent. However, that doesn’t exclude non-druggie, hard working Native Born Americans from that line of employment. They are just hard to find. Supply and demand, you know.

    Myth 4: “They’re criminals”
    Ron has statistical evidence to back my anecdotal observations: its fake news. When I taught high school, the sub-group I had the least behavioral problems with were Mexican kids of (likely) illegal-immigrant parents. Certainly, the parents were first-generation immigrants.

    Myth 5: “They’re gonna destroy our culture”
    First, what culture? The Zio-fed NY-Hollywood one? I can only hope. Most Mexicans (insert racial stereotype here) are really just brown, Spanish speaking Okies. They like beer and bbq. They’re family oriented and Christian (mostly Catholic, I suppose that’s a problem for some). And their food is fucking awesome. Their kids learn English. They are far more culturally compatible than some of the other non-white immigrant groups.

  479. notanon says:

    1) unlimited mass immigration to turn every national white population on the planet into a minority

    2) forced integration of every white community within those nations to ensure every white child is a minority in school

    3) media incitement and covering up of massive teenage gang violence, particularly sexual violence, inflicted on white children in those now minority white schools


    inflicting conditions of life intended to destroy a racial or national group

    aka genocide.


    the central banking mafia have been plotting this genocide since Hitler closed down the German branch of the central bank in the 1930s.

    • Replies: @anon
  480. JLK says:
    @Ron Unz

    However, CA is actually doing pretty well fiscally right now, with gigantic budget surpluses (though everyone knows those will disappear once the Dot Com 2.0 bubble bursts). I’d guess CA is better off than most, maybe almost all of the other large states.

    Zero Hedge had an article up today about California’s future fiscal prospects:

    Even as its teachers consider going out on strike, the Los Angeles Unified School District’s budget clearly is in crisis. The problem is so big it might wipe out whatever surplus the roaring California economy might generate in 2019 – and then some. The LAUSD just released its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. As I have been predicting, the LAUSD’s new CAFR doubled the size of its negative Unrestricted Net Position (UNP), the best number I’ve found for judging financial soundness. The reason was, for the first time, municipalities are now required to include unfunded liabilities for retiree medical care on their balance sheets. The unrestricted net deficits for 2016 and 2017 were $10.5 billion and $10.9 billion, respectively. For 2018 it is $19.6 billion, or 80 percent higher! That’s what a $15 billion obligation will do when it’s recognized.

    California, as home to Silicon Valley and Hollywood, lives and dies with capital gains taxes. In bull markets, when lots of stocks are rising and tech startups are going public, the state is flush. But in bear markets capital gains turn into capital losses and Sacramento’s revenues plunge. Put another way, the state’s top 1% highest-income taxpayers generate about half of personal income taxes. When their incomes fall, tax revenues crater.

    Admittedly, immigrants don’t have much to do with either LAUSD retiree medical care, or Silicon Valley capital gain revenues. But they do strain the budget in other ways.

    I take the long term view in assessing the issue. A lot can change in a few decades, even more in a century. Silicon Valley may fall to earth with the rise of China. The same thing might happen to Wall Street, which is the economic driver of an area that would otherwise have problems supporting its poor. The day will eventually arrive when the USD is no longer the world’s reserve currency, which is going to make the US economy less bulletproof. We might not even be able to reliably borrow in our own currency at some time in the future. History teaches us that society can fracture along ethnic lines when times get bad.

  481. poop says:

    A couple other points:

    The IQ question: The advocates of an IQ based immigration policy… want more Jews and educated third worlders to take the best jobs instead of Mexicans picking crops for minimum wage?

    The voting question: You think voting in America still matters? And if so, as Ron has asserted multiple times, you are driving these people to the Left even though they are NOT by nature pulled that direction. The outright racism skewers their political framework, and I can’t really blame them even if I don’t agree, which makes me a small minority nowadays in CA.

    • Replies: @Anon
  482. poop says:

    How about Libertarian Gary Johnson’s 2016 proposal to fix the illegal immigration problem in an intelligent, realistic, compassionate way?

    Note that the Left does NOT want this issue solved as it prefers to let the right consume itself over it like a snake eating its own tail.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @MarkinLA
  483. geokat62 says:
    @Ron Unz

    And for those interested, the entire debate is now conveniently available on YouTube:

    Interesting debate, Ron. Thanks for sharing.

    I was viewing your debating skills with particular interest and as I was eagerly awaiting to see the arguments you were putting forward against the motion that Let Anyone Take A Job Anywhere, I was struck by the remarks you made starting @ 21:33:

    Now, is it entirely coincidence that forty years of economic stagnation for ordinary American workers is the same forty years that has seen one of the highest rates of foreign immigration to the US in our history?

    Now, help me out here, Ron. Haven’t you been scolding us for characterizing Hart-Cellar as an “Open Doors” immigration policy? How do you square that with your remarks above that “the same forty years that has seen one of the highest rates of foreign immigration to the US in our history”? I’m struggling to see how this could be characterized as “Closed Doors.”

  484. Crimson2 says:

    …like all liberals, blacks terrify them. Tom Wolff made this clear…

    Like all alt right arguments, the support here is entirely fictional.

    That and complete lies. Of course, it makes the far right feel brave to make up these stories of terrified liberals. But, trust me, liberals are laughing at you. You’re calling the cops on black people grilling in the park, but WE’RE the scared ones? LOL.

  485. [Well, if you continue to stubbornly cling to your “alternative spelling” all your future comments will be trashed.]

    Unz’s Article Is Mere Fabric Of Lies, Falsehoods, Tendentious Opinion, Etc.

    Here, I propose to present a brief and simple analysis of Unz’s above article, “An Open Ltr….” The entire article amounts to lies and lying by the Jew Unz–this lying is absolutely demonstrable and undeniable, so the chances this analysis of mine will be censored by Unz the Jew are very high–but that’s ok, as it will just appear somewhere else.

    (Unz lies and says I “mis-spell” words, but I merely practice a slight alternative spelling, close to simple abbreviation, with which I’m perfectly consistent. Unz also says I use bad-grammar which is total lie, and Unz gives no examples, typical of Jew liars, like Unz. Then Unz lies and says I use “totally off-topic religion,” which is a lie, and a typical tactic of Jews who insist any literary or philosophic allusions fm Christian New Test. are automatically “religion,” and exclusively “religious”–which New Test. Jews understandably hate, even when perfectly appropriate for telling quotations. I told the Jew, “religion” is often mere literary vehicle and outward style–of genuine philosophy, but the Jew just (typically) ignores that simple fact. I challenged the Jew to let the readers decide, and naturally he ignores that too. Ho ho ho–then the Jew gives me his ominous “final warning.”)

    * * * * * * *


    1. First of all, Unz the Jew pretends to lament the “sad situation” (ho ho ho) that “silicon valley” is “de-platforming,” censoring, and “disappearing” free speech in general, and then specifically the “alt-right,” which “alt-right,” u’ll notice, Unz NEVER DEFINES and never IDs any particular individuals or items spoken by this hazy “alt-right.” Unz merely indulges in “crocodile tears,” patronizing, gloating, and lying, which he imagines fools will over-look.

    2. Specifically, Unz pretends to speak for the “big-tech” of “silicone valley,” giving false explanations and descriptions, imagining the goyim readership will just accept it as if it’s true. Unz forgets he’s Jew, and most people here at his site know it.

    3. Thus Unz essentially concludes:

    “Your misfortune is that it is the falsehoods [alleged by Unz to be spoken by “alt-right,” which he doesn’t really specify, and which “alt-right,” and particular members thereof, he doesn’t really ID] which have the most day-to-day presence in the lives of the Silicon Valley community, thus leading to their total dismissal of your entire message [but don’t diff. people, even within “alt-right” have somewhat diff. ‘msgs”?], and perhaps the blacklisting of most of your websites and organizations, thereby setting a very dangerous precedent for the future of the First Amendment in America.”

    Finally at the very end, Unz appends:

    “But I thought I might as well provide you my honest [ho ho ho] appraisal of how you got into these difficulties.”

    But actually, Unz just lies about “silicon valley,” how they are, how they think and do things–all of this merely Unz’s self-serving opinion, which I here show is EASILY demonstrable.

    So let’s go through his exposition as briefly as possible and demonstrate my above-noted theses:

    Unz starts off,

    “…websites of the “Alt Right” have suddenly been “disappeared,” and in which all sorts of basic Internet services such as PayPal have been terminated…”

    Yes, Unz–it’s blatant CONSPIRACY, and the conspirators are easily ID’d, including such as fellow Jew, Soros, notorious INSIDER for the “deep-state,” Soros actually being mere henchman/operator.

    The conspiracy consists of ILLEGAL MONOPOLIZATION and restraint-of-trade practices by companies, like especially Google and others, who rec’d substantial gov. and tax-payer funds to getting started, became prominent and powerful in the industry, enjoying substantial competitive advantages, and who now pretend to being “private-property,” ho ho ho ho. But these monopolies really are “common-carriers,” like u-tube, enjoying subsidization and gov.-granted privileges, at least in their beginnings.

    The proof of the conspiracy is the obvious and necessary connections w. the very topmost monopoly, the central-bank (US Federal Reserve), which is blatant criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, exclusively issuing the fiat-currency, beginning w. “creation of credit,” un-Constitutionally forced upon the people by means of “legal-tender” laws. Of course, subject of simple MONEY is quite abstract subject-matter which is easily confused in minds of the mass of goyim fools and suckers, so it all gets by them. But it (the central-bank) is, in the end, blatant MONOPOLY, indisputably connected closely and certainly w. “big-tech,” Big Pharma, and the notorious “mainstream” Jews-media, among all the other monopolies controlled by the master-monopoly at the top, the afore-mentioned central-bank.

    Next Unz tells us,

    “I’ve also run numerous articles suggesting that the current excuse for this purge, namely the recent violence at Charlottesville, is being heavily slanted and misreported in the MSM.”

    And this ref. to “Charlottesville” is the ONLY ref. in the entire article Unz gives for “alt-right.” This “Charlottesville” incident was a TOTALLY staged psy-op of deep-state, no less than Sandy-hoax and other staged hoaxes, well analyzed and proven (see works of James Fetzer who’s written books on these psy-ops–see and Of course MSM (the well-named, “Jews-media”) uses such hoax/psy-ops as pretext for it’s lies–no less than totally fictitious “Gulf of Tonkin” incident was pretext for Vietnam war of 1960s.

    Unz says,

    “…I’d like to provide some very candid observations regarding what I think were some of the factors over the years that put all of you in this terrible predicament. Whether or not you decide to accept my conclusions is your own choice, but the sentiments I’m expressing are entirely sincere.”

    Have Jews ever failed for “sincerity” when telling their lies? “[T]errible predicament”?–well this is always how Jews want to hold the goyim. But this is the start of Unz’s lies and lying, as he pretends to describing “silicon valley.”

    Unz says,

    “These groups [who want to shut-down “alt-right”] possess enormous wealth, media power, and political connections and none of you have any of those things. [Of course we don’t, Unz–for we’re the “people,” the goyim, right?] Under such circumstances, I think that the “risky behavior” [like speaking truth, which is “anti-semitic”] in which some of you have chosen to indulge has contributed to your situation.”

    Next Unz the Jew starts in with the real, heavy lying:

    “…[M]ost of the leading Silicon Valley people are generally pretty nice and reasonable, but are very politically unsophisticated. [Thus Unz begins his strategic lying–these “people” are “sophisticated” enough, u may be sure–the tops ones know they need to listen to the Jews and Jew money-men.] They’re totally focused on technology and business issues, and with a few exceptions here and there, don’t really pay any deep attention to politics or ideological matters [this is a lie–they “pay attn.,” and if they don’t, they lose–they KNOW they must “pay attn.”], sub-contracting out those things to the same “mainstream” opinion-forming elites who provide that role for almost everyone else in our society. Just think of the leading Silicon Valley people as your pleasant, college-educated next door neighbors [smug, little geeky scum who are sure they’re sooooo clever, “advanced” and “progressive,” ho ho ho], who sporadically catch the regular news on TV, glance at the newspaper headlines, and regard that as the reality of the world. [So what?–they know the same Jews and Jewwy suck-alongs remain in charge, eh?]

    Unz goes on:

    “Donald Trump stunned America’s elites by winning the presidency despite 99% opposition in the MSM.”

    Actually Trump was backed by the leading neo-con zionist Jews of Israel, pretending to the “right,” against the leftist, “atheist”-style “globalist” Jews of “deep-state,” Trump backed by such as “Mike Savage” and Ajax Jewns of Thus Trump pretends to “rightist” “nationalism” vs. “leftist” “globalism.” And the purpose of it all (Trump’s election) seems to be setting-up for a big war and strike against such as Iran–which will be no mean feat, requiring false-flags, etc.

    Next, Unz “sincerely” tells us:

    “…Democrat and Republican, has denounced these attacks in the strongest possible terms as “racist,” “bigoted,” etc. But that had no impact upon Trump’s support….”

    Unz doesn’t think to realize “racism” is VIRTUE of loyalty to people, ancestors, and culture, and that everyone is necessarily racist, ESPECIALLY Jews. “Bigoted” is just a buzzword used by people who don’t agree w. someone else, hohohoho–comes fm expression, “by God.”

    Unz lies:

    “…[T]he people there [in W. Virginia] watched FoxNews shows about Muslims conquering America and imposing Sharia law, and had become very fearful. The fact that ordinary West Virginians have almost no real life contact with Mexicans, Muslims, or immigrants left them open to such nonsense.”

    Muslims are foreigners, aliens, and enemies of West and Christians, not to mention Europeans–all history and reality confirms–it IS NOT “nonsense,” u filthy, lying Jew. And even if there’s a passive musselman to be spotted, it doesn’t mean the rest are soooo “innocent,” Unz–they’re aliens, foreigners, and enemies, esp. as there gets to being more and evermore of the scum who continue pouring into the country. Basic NATURE of human life is WAR, Unz, u stupid Jew liar, and not only does Homer confirm this in ancient Illiad and Oddysey, foundations of Western Culture, u ignorant Jew, but New Test. confirms humans are SINNERS. Ur filthy Talmud is literally a war plan and strategy against all humanity, u brainless Jew liar. See,, and for definitive expo.

    The rest of Unz’s lies and lying in his article, above, is substantially same and similar to the above demonstrable lies and lying, as I’ve noted and analyzed, folks–there’s no need to make this analysis longer than it is. Unz’s article is half-gloating, half-patronizing fabric of lies, gross-distortions, and mis-representations. Q.E.D. NONE of it (Unz’s article) should be taken seriously except as just more Jew and Jewwy lies and lying–Good job, Unz–u certainly are a Jew, for sure.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Truth
  486. Alden says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Mayflower descendants aren’t Aristocrats at all. We’re very ordinary people. There are around 25 million of us. Both my 13th great grandparents came on the Mayflower. Go back that far how many other 13th great grandparents do I have? Thousands??? I don’t even know an easy way to figure it out.

    The only way the Mayflower descendants are known is because we kept better records than other early immigrants

    Unlike aristocrats Mayflower descendants don’t stick together and help each other. We’re WASPS. We’re supposed to make it in our own. Some of us are black I’m sure some have Hispanic names. Must be some Indians. Most of us are White and affirmative action is cutting us out of most jobs and opportunities because were White.

    In another 100 years American Whites will be like the Irish when it was an English colony

    Descendants of the founders aren’t Aristocrats as far as I know either. Nor are are descendants of most Presidents.
    America’s a dog eat dog society. Nothing lasts

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  487. Anonymous [AKA "SL"] says:

    The implication here is that the Alt-Right is concerned about and manipulated by a bunch of imaginary or grossly exaggerated problems, mainly immigration and impending white minority status. It’s as if the Alt-Right are looking into an unpredictable future and predicting disaster, while saner heads know better.

    The problem is that we are not looking into an unpredictable future. There are nations in which white people are the minority in a sea of angry brown people. There are nations where Muslims have expanded through mass migration and have come into demographic and political power. There are entire nations of Central American people, acting in the ways that come natural to them.

    The Alt-Right seems to simply consist of people like myself who say, “Look. We do not know precisely what will happen if we change the demographics here. The best thing we can do is look at examples where particular demographic mixes exist and assume our results will be similar. If we do not like the results, we should not permit demographic change by a bunch of reckless elites.”

    • Agree: Genrick Yagoda
    • Replies: @CheapSpeech
  488. poop says:

    For those outside of CA wondering where Mexican immigration ranks on the state political radar… its really a non-starter until it comes to the Federal level. We have a lot of issues:

    Ron has mentioned housing prices and commuter traffic. These are interlinked and have much more to do with concentrated wealth in Silicon Valley/SF/Hollywood than immigration.

    Water: A complete and absolute political cluster-fuck regarding water storage, conveyance, usage, and costs.

    Needless “cutting edge” garbage: CA loves regulations and carbon-caps without regard to common sense. That is why industry has left the state, and middle/working class jobs are harder to come by, not Mexicans. We are the poster child for outsourcing.

    Incompetent state governance: for those concerned about “demographic trends” I would argue voting-wise that Mexicans have been driven to the Democratic party in CA rather than the Democrats actually doing anything to bring them there. Unfortunately, we have the most leftist Democrats in the country who do nothing but fuck us all over, and we are way too left. I see it as more of an out-of-touch urban white population in the bay area and so-cal than Mexicans.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
  489. poop says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Yes, I agree. They undermine their own (legitimate) arguments and observations with the racist tangent about Mexicans and Muslims. Stop bombing Muslims and… they won’t feel the need to leave and come here.

  490. @poop

    If I may respond on Myth 5, they are destroying the culture by electing Latinos who are scoring perfect 100 percent ratings on legislation supported by Planned Parenthood and Equality California. They are also supporting gun control legislation as well. They may be “hard workers” but they are also pulling the levers to elect statist and anti-liberty candidates. They seem anti-clerical to the core.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @poop
  491. JLK says:

    Do you propose we replace hard-working Mexicans with lazy-ass Native Born American Millennial Teenagers hand-picked from the shopping mall? If so, will you be willing to pay double or triple the price for produce?

    We should have had a formal guest worker program decades ago, with the details (birthright citizenship, etc.) spelled out by Congress after a public debate. Among other advantages, the workers wouldn’t be afraid to go to the police when they are victimized by unscrupulous employers and other predators.

    • Agree: Negrolphin Pool
    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Counterinsurgency
    , @poop
  492. Anon[395] • Disclaimer says:

    1. You can get welfare benefits and work, in fact it is quite worthwhile. The California legislature has explicitly allowed non-citizens to get access to Medicaid.

    2. Agriculture has a legal process to gain an unlimited number of workers. I have no sympathy to their excuses. And I don’t consider the imported mob to be praiseworthy, given that their highest areas of concentration (Central Valley, Imperial County) are the poorest areas of the state and even the country.

    3. I agree with most of this, but I must repeat “Who Sells the Drugs?” Is every dealer a white Hells Angels member? I’ve got my doubts.

    4. The “crime problem” has always focused on that of Mexican cartels. That the cartels are disciplined enough to keep the violence on the other side of the border is not persuasive. Homicides committed in the US could easily have the bodies transported and counted on the Mexican side.

    5. California is not electing GOP Governors or Senators. The immigrant population engages in ethnic bloc voting. As whites are the only group that does not, they are at a disadvantage despite occupying a position of moral authority. I must ask why you want to be an enabler of this?

    Does it ever occur to you to morally shame non-whites into voting GOP, with the same virulence that you attack your own side?

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @renfro
    , @poop
  493. dfordoom says: • Website
    @propagandist hacker

    american white males are too intimidated by the police state and potential imprisonment and prison rape to be really revolutionary

    American white males still believe in democracy. The French on the other hand have seen regimes come and go, Since the establishment of the American Republic the French have been though several monarchies, two empires and five republics.

    The French still have at least a hazy memory of the notion that you can overthrow a regime by taking to the streets and manning the barricades. They’re also not unfamiliar with the concept of the coup d’état. The French do not consider any regime to be permanent. Americans think their regime was ordained by God and is everlasting.

    The Brits are pretty similar. They haven’t had regime change since the Glorious Revolution of 1688. They don’t conceive of it as a possibility.

  494. @poop

    Glad your experience has been good. Will you please keep them in California!

    And if they don’t commit more crimes why do they make up such a large percentage of prisoners?

    • Replies: @anon
    , @poop
  495. Old fogey says:
    @David Baker

    My grand-daughter tells me that this nonsense has already started, both in high school and the local college that she now attends. Students are given the floor by teachers to talk about their “gender issues” while the course’s subject-matter is neglected. Anyone daring to criticize this use of class time is accused of “racism” or “sexism” (whatever that is).

  496. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Apart from having made their policies very clear before 1933 the Nazis moved very quickly against those they deemed enemies and created an opposition free dictatorship very quickly.

    kristallnacht didn’t happen until 1938 and also i was listening to a podcast today and the claim was made that jews still owned over half the property in Germany as late as 1942 – if true the Germans weren’t moving very quickly on this

    • Replies: @GoyimYisrael
    , @Anon
  497. dfordoom says: • Website

    Conservatism has never been able to help Whites.

    Because what we call conservatism is actually liberalism. It’s amusing to hear conservatives talk about their cherished principles like free markets and free speech. All their principles are liberal principles.

    Conservatives love capitalism. But capitalism is not conservative. Capitalism has done more than any other single factor to destroy traditional values and beliefs and traditional institutions. Capitalism is radical liberalism on steroids.

    Conservatives love democracy. Democracy is a liberal concept. Democracy is also, in practice, mob rule.

    Conservatives love the U.S. Constitution, which is liberal.

    There has been no viable conservatism in the Anglosphere for a couple of centuries.

    • Agree: Intelligent Dasein, Liza
    • Replies: @Stonehands
  498. SafeNow says:

    I would add an additional objection to immigration and affirmative action, besides the exclusion of whites from jobs: The replacement workers are less proficient, conscientious, and fastidious. Therefore, another motto of America, besides “Whites need not apply”: “It’s basically okay— good enough.” That’s the new work standard. And it can be contageous. I note that this lowered standard also harms those 2nd-generation immigrants who have worked hard to take training and first-rate apprenticeships. They are ready to work to the old, White standard; but that standard is gone.

    • Replies: @Counterinsurgency
  499. Anon[395] • Disclaimer says:

    Hispanics have never given a GOP candidate for President a majority. Even under amnesty supporting Bush, Bush and McCain. Hispanics are not some group of culturally conservative people that vote Dem because they like labor unions and want their cousins to be legalized. They have a revealed preference for socialism dating back for at least a century if not two.

    No conservative party has ever won a majority of the vote in Mexico. Conservatives in Latin America tend to be among the (white) elite, which doesn’t emigrate unless a country goes Communist. Spain is also one of the most left-wing countries in Europe.

    Hispanic GOP candidates tend not to attract “favorite son” votes from otherwise Dem-leaning Hispanics. Being from California, the name Abel Maldonado must be familiar to you.

    “Racist GOP voters” is not a plausible explanation of why Hispanics “moved left”. There was a limited shift due to the Bush housing bubble that indicated a small group of “Bush Democrats”.

    Would you and Ron claim that “GOP anti-semitism” is why Jews don’t vote Republican? Of course not.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @poop
  500. @dfordoom

    How can you say it’s all about class when Mark Zuckerberg and the Google Jews are 100% Jewish tribalists? Google even hosted the Israeli spy school Techion in Google’s NYC headquarters, until the Cornell Technion campus was opened.

    Jewish supremacist tribalists laugh at your simplistic idea that “it’s all about class”.

    • Replies: @Marty T
  501. @Ron Unz

    How do you type and rub your tricky hands together at the same time? The Latino population was like 2-3% up until you Jews took control of immigration policies.

    Now it’s like 14-15% and you don’t think that’s sufficient.

  502. Anon[395] • Disclaimer says:

    The agricultural industry is allowed to import an unlimited number of workers under a visa known as “H-2A”. They dislike it because of “muh bureaucracy”, they also dislike that the visas are temporary and not continuing.

    Given the subsidies and other protections that Ag receives, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for them. Farm helots were only made overtime-eligible in California last year, and this has not been extended to federal law (to be fair, this is the GOP’s fault).

    • Replies: @Alden
  503. Alden says:

    What are you talking about? Go read what Hanson wrote. He said he met a woman trying to put a large screen TV into a Honda while holding an EBT card in one hand. He wrote that in 2012 and some one posted it on freerepublic today the 26th.

    You must be stoned or tweaking or something to think the conflict between Mary Queen of Scotland and Elizabeth Queen of England has anything to do with Hanson’s ridiculous lie about the TV and EBT card.

    And you must be a retard if you think Mary committed treason against Elizabeth. Mary was a Scot. She was not English. She was a foreigner. The definition of treason is treachery betrayal against one’s own country government or ruler.

    Whatever you think of Mary Queen of Scotland she was not English and only English people can commit treason against the English government and ruler.
    Now I suppose you’ll start an argument about the meaning of treason

    Sleep it off.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
    , @Anon
  504. Anon[395] • Disclaimer says:

    I prefer Socialist AMLO’s plan to fix the immigration problem by promoting development in Mexico.

    No Third World immigrant population has ever voted more conservative than the natives in a single western country. Dozens of ethnic groups, about 15 or so “rich countries”, and the pattern repeats itself over and over. There is some indication that Second World immigrants do vote more conservative than natives due to anti-communist sentiments, but this is mostly a figment of the past unless we were to admit more CN/SEA immigrants (and we’d be getting espionage alongside them).

    There’s no shortage of people posting opinions just like yours in the UK, CAN, AUS, France, Germany, etc. Claiming that Arabs, South Asians and Africans have “strong family values” and are “hard workers”. And then those same people proceed to vote for the leftist parties by huge margins. The same people will claim that David Cameron and Theresa May “pander to racists”, and that the “legacy of Enoch Powell” is why BAME vote Labour.

    Not everything is best viewed through your victim-blaming of the right-wing.

    • Replies: @Counterinsurgency
    , @poop
  505. Bruno says:

    Open letter summary :

    « Alt right, the dice have been rolled against you. The silent giants of’ the internet have sealed your fate. Your near future is extinction. »

    That’s sad.

    But if Alt-right is right, the prophecy would be more like :

    « the future is sealed. When the time will come, where most white people in occident will have prospects like Afrikaans have now, they will rise up in full hubris, and the world will be shaken by the total race war. Unz, remember that Genocide is a second nature for Homo sapiens. And, the north-east Yamnaya, who brought our languages while destroying all former Europeans, will strike again. They daughters and sons will wipe out the earth. »

    That’s also scary. I’d rather have everything continuing the same as it is now …. where it’s all speculation and not much action.

  506. niceland says:
    @Ron Unz

    We have an old saying here in Iceland:”Laun heimsins eru vanþakklæti” Rough translation is “you are punished for your good deeds” reading your critics here is the reason this comes to mind.

    Perhaps the real problem with the so called Alt-Right is it’s members are so utterly confused they are incapable of recognizing friend from foe. Don’t buy into their myths – you are an enemy. Even if you supply platform for them when no one else will. And yo push forth policies generally in their favor.

    If it was clear you were pulling your punches in this debate but you still won. Open borders -in the long run – result in equal living standards for wast majority of people. The 1% benefits. Why would America or any well off country expose it’s citizens to this situation against the wast impoverished people of the 2.nd and third world? Like you correctly pointed out GDP does’t translate into maximizing the standard of living for a population. Far from it actually.

    With the two dimensional left-right scale so terribly distorted I hesitate to place your views on this scale. But in this debate you clearly demonstrate you are on the side of the wast majority – and even the lowest class. You would probably make great Scandinavian centrists. (in U.S terms this probably means left wing)

    Great job Ron, you are a rare voice of reason. Thanks!

  507. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:

    Hispanics have never given a GOP candidate for President a majority. Even under amnesty supporting Bush, Bush and McCain. Hispanics are not some group of culturally conservative people that vote Dem because they like labor unions and want their cousins to be legalized. They have a revealed preference for socialism dating back for at least a century if not two.

    poop is pushing the same old lie – “they’re natural conservatives dont ya know?”

  508. joe webb says:

    Anon 158: great piece in general. You seem to have been following matters from outside, although maybe not. I have followed matters Alt-Right from more or less inside, until I outsided myself due to nazi chatter and weird personalities.

    “The whole point of the Alt Right was to find a new path away from both Neoconservatism and KKK craziness, but Spencer the edge-lord, eager for bad boy notoriety, just couldn’t help himself.”

    I put together a list of about two dozen White Nationalist sites a couple years ago….almost all of them were national socialist.

    Your characterization quoted above is insufficient to the reality of all of these sites I remarked.

    My time around some of the folks on the smarter and saner of the species of White Nationalism has been just a few years, while I was around the intellectual Left for much longer, and I can claim to know the lefty synapses better than the WN. You appear to distinguish the WN folks from the alt-right folks. What is the difference?

    Your comment seems truncated. Was there an ending to it? I saw no conclusion.

    I am 77. I look at the current Lefty (vanity as you cleverly put it, for some, ) but you overlook the serious Disorder of Blacks, Antifas , and Resistance types who are as crazy as the New/Old Left ever was, and far more numerous, more or less making up the Bernie Brigades of the Dem Party, that is, where did this come from? This is not Vanity.

    I find myself muttering to …myself, How Did This Happen? The several- fold failures of The Revolution: Socialism/Communism, Race Equality Ideology (particularly now with all the science of Genetics and Behavioral Genetics in particular, IQ studies, and the Programs of Uplift for Blacks of the last half-century… this the Great Hitting of the Wall of Failure of our Times?

    I think so. So then the Counter-Revolution has begun. The first wave of revolt probably has to be vexed by holdovers from the past that are not useful. and the usual human failings as well.

    Spencer is a drunk, many of us are adult juvenile delinquents, we got transgressives, homo and otherwise, and marginals, picked up by a marginal time. Never mind the Jews.

    So, why don’t you continue your themes and finish your thoughts on what seems to me to be anunfinished piece. Thanks. Joe Webb

  509. @Kevin Barrett

    Kevin Barret is a nice guy, and a geniune warrior. He has paid a heavy price for standing up for truth, far more tham most of us who post anonymously in fear of being deplatformed in real life.Kevin Barret has done 1,000 times more in the real world than I ever will, and for that I am grateful.

    Having said that, I couldn’t disagree more profoundly with Kevin’s Cumbaya BS. Yes, many Hispanics are nice people. Yes, many Muslims are nice. NO, 1,000,000 times NO does this mean we should welcome them and learn to live with them.

    The evidence is clear and obvious all around us. White nations, all of them, are being destroyed by Diversity. The suicide rate and lack of fertility among white people, in addition to the complete pending destruction of the white middle class are catastrophic indicators of what is to come.

    South Africa is a country create by white people. They permitted blacks into the country to pick their crops, and today we have black politicians openly calling for the mass murder of white people.

    I have a lot more to say about the subject, but I’ll end here with a few links to a man who I know is an ally of Unz, so I assume that I won’t be challenged with squeals about “wacciss”.

  510. Alden says:

    That’s true. The Hispanic politicians are puppets of the White Democrat politicians. They are a lot more obedient to the liberals than the blacks ever were.

    The Hispanic school administrators police chiefs and other government management types are very competent as far as I can see.

    When my Seattle relatives come to both S. and N. California they marvel at the abscence of potholes excellent public transit fast flowing traffic and fewer crazy homeless lurking about.

  511. Alden says:

    I have no sympathy for farmers at all, especially farmers like Hanson who complain about the behavior of their farm workers.

  512. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:

    that seems about right to what i would have guessed – blacks are 6x the rate of whites, beaners at 3x

    if NE asians were listed, my guess is ~1/2x the rate

  513. APilgrim says:

    MQOS was executed for treason.

    Your sophistry does not alter her sentence, or set aside her execution.

    She remains undeniably dead.

    • Replies: @Alden
  514. Marty T says:
    @Fidelios Automata

    This would also protect people who are pro-life or for traditional marriage from being fired (as they have been before). And it’s feasible, at least in red states.

  515. @niceland

    It’s very easy to be Utopian and condescending from an Arctic island with 99.9% racial homogeneity.

    No equatorial, low IQ, primitive racial tribalists want to live in Iceland. Otherwise you would be quickly conquered, patting yourself on the back until it’s too late.

    When it comes to immigration and ethnic nationalism, Unz is only concerned with his own scalp. Unz would rather set the stage for full-blown white genocide as long as it starts after he dies.

    Fighting back against the one-sided race war against whites might negatively affect Unz during his own life, which is all he really cares about. What happens to the US after Unz dies is of no concern to him. His Jewish people didn’t build this civilization, and at some core level this still makes Unz bitter.

    Bitter enough to help in the white genocide project.

    And if it happened to Iceland, with your new Chabbad Lubbitvich invaders already scheming to do so, you will support it right up until the point where it’s too late.

    • Agree: apollonian
    • Replies: @anon
  516. Marty T says:

    Zuckerberg is a globalist turd but I wouldn’t say he’s a jewish “tribalist” as he didn’t even marry a jew

    • Replies: @GoyimYisrael
    , @dfordoom
  517. Anon[395] • Disclaimer says:

    There are more Nigerians born every week than the total population of your country.

    And don’t think that there are not people lined up to relegate your people into a small minority to eventually be blurred out of existence.

    Ron has spent a quarter century engaging in victim-blaming of the Right, which is now near-death in California. Sure he has done many helpful things along the way, but his general crux is towards being pro-immigration. In a certain way, this site actually harms the Alt-Right because it opens it up to exposure and criticism, there is no quality control imposed on poasters.

    Perhaps this may not be apparent to all, but we consititute an ethno-cultural group with the right of self-determination. Liberals have no right to speak for us, ever, because by their nature they oppose any exclusion on our part.

  518. niceland says:

    You guys can continue to kid yourselves but the Alt-right is dead. As a force against immigration it’s worthless. In the political reality you lost. More of the same and you will continue to loose. Time for a new plan – Ron is trying to explain this to you with limited luck. Stop shooting the messenger.

  519. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    You’re right about the restrictions on Latins and Caribbeans in the 65 act.


  520. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    I’d guess that 70% of the most visible and heated rhetoric coming from Donald Trump has involved ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general, and certainly that’s also been a major theme of his backers both in the Alt-Right and the Alt-Lite.

    If your going to talk about the visible and heated rhetoric coming from Donald Trump [is rhetoric ever visible?] you might give examples, rather than offering some flapdoodle about your guess as to 70% of the rhetoric coming from Donald Trump. If you did so, you’d find your argument falling apart before you’ve got anywhere with it. Trump has said that there are criminals, drug couriers, and rapists coming across the US border illegally, which is a fact, but that does not constitute a “furious attack on Muslims, Mexicans and immigrants in general.” At no time, has trump attacked either Mexicans or Muslims. He has talked only of the danger of Islamic terrorists and of illegal immigrants coming into the US from Mexico.

    Anyway, my impression was that Trump and his people were far too PC to ever talk much about black crime, instead focusing their concerns on the deadly threat of pro-Iranian terrorists and Islamic Shariah Law and all that sort of nonsense.

    Pro-Iranian or otherwise, there have been terrorists from the Islamic world in both Europe and America, which is obviously a reasonable matter for concern. Moreover, talking of Shariah law is not nonsense, it is what some Muslim immigrants to the West demand and what they have in Britain, for example. Islam is not some inconsequential cultural feature. It’s both a religious and political system. Importing Muslims is a very dangerous game unless you want to become a Muslim. Take a look at this guy, Justice Minister in the British Government of Tony Blair. He’s demanding and predicting a Muslim takeover of the British Parliament. And indeed the next British Prime Minister may well be the Muslim, Savid Javid.

    So, no, concern about Muslim immigration is not nonsense. But it is consistent with globalist plans to destroy Western civilization, a task for which Islam is well suited. So we now have Ron Unz clearly pegged as either a globalist dupe or a globalist troll targeting the Trump nationalist constituency.

    • Agree: apollonian
    • Replies: @anon
  521. @Marty T

    Even Zuckerberg marrying a Chinese woman was good for the Jews. So was Zuckerberg hiring the Jewish ADL to set free speech guidelines. So was meeting with Shimon Peres with a big proud Jewish smile on his face. So was hiring Sheryl Sanderberg to be his right-hand Jew.

    Just look at Phil Weiss from Mondoweiss. He married a “shiksa” but he lives and breathes Jewish tribalism/exceptionalism all day every day.

    Just look at Ron Unz here pretending that becoming a minority in their own countries will be good for white people. That comes from a place of Jewishness, despite Unz being a situational iconoclast on other issues.

    • Replies: @Alden
  522. nsa says:

    “We have an old saying here in Iceland….”
    You have not the slightest idea of the diversity and immigration madness going on here in the former USA. Would like to export a couple thousand of our precious jooies to your island so you too could enjoy the endless multi-culti bullshit first hand. Within twenty years, you would have school history books showing Viking ships being rowed by a diverse crew of africans, mexicans, and hindus in horned helmets, and captained by that fierce trannie, Erica the Red.

    • LOL: geokat62
    • Replies: @niceland
  523. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:

    When it comes to immigration and ethnic nationalism, Unz is only concerned with his own scalp. Unz would rather set the stage for full-blown white genocide as long as it starts after he dies.

    Fighting back against the one-sided race war against whites might negatively affect Unz during his own life, which is all he really cares about. What happens to the US after Unz dies is of no concern to him. His Jewish people didn’t build this civilization, and at some core level this still makes Unz bitter.

    eh, you don’t know any of this

    bringing up chabad lubavich is always good for a laugh though

  524. @anon

    Kristallnacht was a Jewish false flag attack, similar to the Israeli terror operations against Jews in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Egypt after Israel was created.

    Or the recent Israeli bomb threats against 100+ Jewish community centers across the US after Trump got elected.

    • Troll: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @cassandra
  525. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:

    the central banking mafia have been plotting this genocide since Hitler closed down the German branch of the central bank in the 1930s.

    let’s do it here and see what happens

    • Replies: @notanon
  526. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    poop agrees with you

  527. @RobertinMn

    I’m an American Indian, so it’s not a factor what color you are as long as you don’t shove your race in my face, or enjoin the government to arrange for your ilk to gain special protections or a preferred status. My best friend was a black ex-gang member from South Central Los Angeles. My wife is Vietnamese, and my nephew is Jewish (Not technically, because his mother was my sister, who was Catholic. He identifies as being Jewish from his father.) I am 100% for Multi-Cultural populations with that one proviso I mentioned.

    • Replies: @RobertinMn
  528. @poop

    In Detroit prior to the ruinous NAFTA there were plenty of Italian and Polish tradesmen to power the construction business. But of course they formed unions and having a Jimmy Hoffa in California would not do, because behind the hippie Left Coast facade Big Business has to own all the profits in your state.

    Much like the Latin America that you so resemble, importing a load of Latin Americans to do the heavy-lifting might have resulted in a bunch of homeless peons but that is fine because everyone lives behind high-walls hacienda-style and there was never much of a pretense of a middle class in California.

    As for Hispanics destroying schools, they are not as destructive as blacks but they do bring gangs and drugs into public schools. Perhaps there is less rape and genuine endangerment to the lives of white students than Detroit or Baltimore, but please don’t tell me that Hispanic kids improve the school system.

    Nor can you compare the endless flow of Latin illegal refugees to some dustbowl farmers during the Depression.

    • Replies: @poop
  529. anon[408] • Disclaimer says:

    good post

    his constant defense of hispanic illegal aliens is tiresome

  530. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    To write aggressively and immodestly like that you must have a very high opinion of your own intellect and judgment and I can’t help wondering how someone could pass through even a mere 12 years of education without learning from some of your brighter contemporaries that you are actually pretty dim.

    • Replies: @anon
  531. Notice that Unz published this 2017 brain fart on Christmas Eve. It’s not a coincidence.

    Christmas is the saddest time of the year for Jews, because they feel left out/”otherized” and inadequate for not being normal, regular Christian goyim.

    It’s no cohencidence that Israel bombed Syria on Christmas, and it’s no cohencidence that Unz chose to publish this anti-goyim brain fart from 2017 on Christmas Eve.

    Just think of all those childhood Christmases when young Ron Unz felt left out, like a Jew bastard, while his gentile friends celebrated Christmas.

    ‘You’re gonna pay, goyim’, is what Unz is saying in his little Christmas present to us all.

    Just like all the Jewish bosses who announce to their employees that there will be no Christmas bonus, while bragging about how much money they made this year.

    Bah humbug, goyim. You too will learn what it’s like to be a minority who feels left out. Just like young Ron Unz on Christmas, stabbing Mongolian Beef with his chopsticks in a Chinese restaurant.

    • LOL: apollonian
    • Troll: L.K
  532. renfro says:

    Myth 5: “They’re gonna destroy our culture”

    I agree that’s a myth.
    Its not Hispanics that have changed our culture.
    They don’t run Hollywood or the press or the media ….society’s main influencers.

    Hispanics are by and large all the things their critics demand immigrants should be and do….they are mostly religious, large number of Catholics, family oriented, hardworking and ‘assimilate” into American culture.

    The numbers of all immigration are currently too high imo but Hispanics aren’t responsible for cultural changes.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @poop
  533. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    Why not stop and think before spilling out undigested rubbish. Kristallnacht 1938 – so what? Jews (No more than 1 per cent of the population even in 1933) “owned half the property” in Germany!! Now if someone wrote that half the real estate owned by Jews in Germany in 1933 still hadn’t been transferred out of their names by 1942 that could just about be plausible…. but irrelevant.

  534. @Anon


    1. Mestizos run up huge hospital bills for birth deliveries, which few of them are able to pay. And because so many of them work off the books and never paid taxes, they wont have a pension plan. Not that anybody will, but they never paid into FICA. So in old age they become wards of the state. Also, what money they can send in remissions goes back to Mexico, not into the local economy.

    3. Mexico is run (And ruined) by narco-terrorism. That is not a good sign for California or eventually the rest of the US. Look at what happened to Miami in the eighties.

    Italians and Hell’s Angels did not bring nearly the amount of violence and guns into society that cartel-back drug-dealing Mexican gangs do.

    Also, to someone from another part of the country, Washington and parts of California are like a Grateful Dead concert. Everyone is stoned all the time after the age of 14 or so. No shock that Mexicans can take the blue-collar jobs and Indians and Asians take the white-collar ones. The Caucasians are all down at the beach smoking a doob.

    4. Crime problem. Mestizo are the worst of all worlds. The poor Aztec ones are primitives capable of the same savagery as ghetto blacks. The paler elite running the cartels at the top are Mediterraneans like Italians with the same “Friends of Frank Sinatra” cunning and organizational capabilities. If people thought a few middle-aged graying Italian racketeers sitting around a two-bit strip club are bad, wait until the cartels get more of a foothold in the US. These people have FIGHTER PLANES for Pete’s Sake. They control the Mexican military.

    • Replies: @Negrolphin Pool
  535. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    Obviously too many people are skipping your comments so you remain uncontradicted and are becoming so confident that you presume to lecture us on what is legally treason just off the top of your head. Ever heard of Lord Haw Haw (the Irishman William Joyce)? It could give some people pause before bloviating.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  536. Alden says:

    She was executed. Treason is treachery or betrayal of ones own government country or ruler.

    Scotland was her country, not England. The English government was not her government. Elizabeth was not her ruler. England and Scotland had been at war off and on for at least 500 years when she was executed.

    And I really really don’t understand why anon refuted Hanson’s story about the TV and the EBT card with Mary Stuart movies and books

  537. @niceland

    Who lost what? I wonder how many people who oppose immigration care one bit about Richard Spencer or the other so-called alt-right leaders. My guess is few.

    If you wish to call the Right in the U.S. a leaderless movement, that’s fair, since most of the politicians we elect (Trump included!) refuse to represent us after taking office. But calling us followers of Richard Spencer, Fox News, Daily Stormer, etc. is stupid. And the only person I’ve ever met who mentioned Sharia Law taking over is a white Leftist lady from Michigan.

    I’m not sure how to reverse the political situation, but taking advice from someone who hopes to see you fail doesn’t seem like a very good idea to me. Besides, doesn’t Ron have a losing record as a politician?

    FWIW, didn’t Iceland have an issue a few years back over a UN plan to resettle refugees from the ME and Africa in Iceland? If I remember correctly, the idea was shelved due to domestic opposition.

    • Replies: @anon
  538. @Alden

    My visits to the USA, being a guest of USA citizens, impressed on me the Mayflower and Declaration importance.

  539. Alden says:

    This is what Hanson told Emily Smith in an interview. “ Let me give you an example he says.”

    Hanson was in the parking lot of a Walmart one day when he saw a young woman struggling to move a big screen
    television into her Honda. When he went to help her he noticed she was holding an EBT card, a government debit card for cash and food stamps.

    Hanson told her “ You shouldn’t be using the food card to buy a big screen TV “. She told him to mind his own business.
    Those were Hanson’s words nothing about hearing the story from his wife or local pastor.

    See if you can hold a credit card in one hand while carrying s big object around and opening your car door.

    No one could carry a credit card a big TV open a car door with just 2 hands
    And every store I’ve every shopped in has an employee help customers who buy large objects

    • Replies: @Anon
  540. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    My point in mentioning this history is that most Americans don’t know the history of the American southwest, and that Mexicans were here first, well before Americans. All of the names are Spanish: San Francisco, Los Angeles, California, Colorado, El Paso, Santa Fe, etc. So they are not ‘immigrants’ in fact. The Spanish speakers were here first. English speakers came much later (and then fucked everything up).

    Its not about right and wrong, its about power. The dominant group rules. The Mexicans, by whom I take it you mean the Spanish were not “here first.” The Amerindians were first, he Spanish second, the Euro-Americans third, and now due to the treason class to which Ron Unz belongs, the Mexicans are back in the ascendant.

    The Treason Class are the employers of illegal immigrant labor and the Democrat politicians promoting the illegal immigration of Democrat voters who have subverted the will of the former majority. Mass immigration is always contrary to the interests of the existing inhabitants and is therefore fundamentally anti-democratic.

    Whose side Trump is on is hard to say. But there is no doubt that Trump’s populist appeal is due to his claimed nationalism and his insistence that immigration should be permitted only in accordance with the law established by elected legislators.

    • Replies: @Curmudgeon
  541. PeterMX says:

    As a resident of San Jose for 24 years, of course I have met and worked with many immigrants, including many Latin Americans, some of whom I befriended and I often find to be nice people. I have also spent the last 3 years in Ecuador, South America where I also met many nice people. There, they have high walls everywhere. Anybody that owns anything needs to protect it. While there are many nice and decent people there, poverty is widespread and so is petty crime. My understanding is virtually all of South America is like this and the three most prosperous countries in Latin America are those that had the largest European populations (Chile, Argentina and Uruguay), I’m currently in eastern Europe where there is a lot of petty crime too and I had some things stolen recently, but they don’t have walls around everything. They have beautiful cities.

    Many people on the Alt-Right have moved way beyond a discussion of how to make sure we bring good and decent people into the US and not criminals. “Breitbart” would never publish their views. They are concerned that a deliberate plan to wipe the various European peoples out (including USA, Canada and Australia) is well on its way to success if something isn’t done soon – like now. Anyone that visits western Europe today can see how these once, virtually 100% white countries, have been altered forever, with significant minorities in major cities. And the minorities often have far more children than Europeans, which have virtually no children. Africa is reproducing at a rate far higher than any other continent and if Europe does not come up with a plan, the European peoples will be wiped out within 50 to 75 years.

    This is what many on the Alt-Right are concerned about. They don’t want Europeans (whites) eradicated and oppose those that strongly advocate for that today. The advocates of this, and some with detailed plans originated shortly before WW II and continued thru the war with various plans on how to wipe the Germans out, Then, after the war this was extended to the victors. The justification is the Germans were “NAZIS” and the English and French were “racist” colonizers, and Americans were slave owners. While Ron Unz is by all accounts a good and decent man, it is the Jews that have led this effort and continue to push for it today. The Alt-Right is fighting for the survival of the white peoples of the world.

    Every year a European receives one of the most prestigious prizes Europe offers. It often goes to a leader of a country or some other high ranking official. It’s called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize and it is named after a half Austrian, half Japanese diplomat that advocated altering Europe by having Europeans marry and have offspring with each other and with non-Europeans to make Europeans less white. He also appears to have been fond of Jews and envisioned them not being exposed to this race mixing, seeing them as the future leaders of Europe.

    Here is a scholarly article on the man and his plan.

  542. notanon says:

    social media are attempting to shut down the alt-right because the alt-right has been winning the argument.

    the attempted shut down has greatly accelerated this process because neutrals could plainly see openly anti-white media pundits acting with impunity while those calling them out for it are being banned.

  543. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Ron Unz

    Meanwhile, I claim that whites have gradually been pushed out by outrageously expensive housing costs as well as terrible traffic and serious economic competition with immigrant workers.

    Have whites been pushed out or have they merely been dying off? Apparently the latter. Europeans, generally, have below replacement fertility rates. Mass immigration, by creating competition for employment and housing contributes to the decline in European fertility rates. The combination of sub-replacement fertility and mass immigration leads to progressive elimination of Europeans from their former homelands. The Unz program for mass immigration of Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners etc. is thus in fact a program for white European genocide.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  544. tanabear says:

    I’ve been very dismayed by the recent “political purge” being conducted by some of the largest Internet companies, in which numerous controversial websites of the “Alt Right” have suddenly been “disappeared,” and in which all sorts of basic Internet services such as PayPal have been terminated to many of the others on grounds of political ideology.

    The problem is not Silicon Valley, big corporations or the Fake News media. The problem is the Left. Any institution or society that is dominated by the Left will eventually veer towards totalitarianism. Our higher educational establishment has been dominated by the Left for decades and it is replete with speech codes, censorship and witch hunts against undesirables. Now that the Left controls Big Tech it has power the commissars only dreamed of. I think that is the best way to describe their policies, commissarship. Wherever the Left is in power there you will find totalitarianism; whether it be countries(Eastern Bloc), higher education, the media, Silicon Valley etc…The best way to preserve liberty to is remove the Left from power.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  545. notanon says:

    that would solve most of the world’s problems (or at least create the conditions that would allow them to be solved over time).

  546. renfro says:

    The “crime problem” has always focused on that of Mexican cartels. That the cartels are disciplined enough to keep the violence on the other side of the border is not persuasive. Homicides committed in the US could easily have the bodies transported and counted on the Mexican side.

    The Mexican cartels are small potatoes now. The drug trade is now huge global partnerships partnering and cooperating many times in shipping drugs to countries..
    The Japanese, Israeli, East European, Russia drug mafias are in South America and around the world.

    Police in Costa Rica hunt Israeli drug baron accused of being behind …
    Aug 23, 2018 – POLICE in Costa Rica were last night hunting an Israeli drug baron accused … behind a seized €10million cocaine shipment bound for the Kinahan cartel. … who were sending cocaine from Costa Rica to the US and Europe….

  547. CanSpeccy says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Uhh, actually, the threat of having Sharia law imposed is something that can be casually sloughed off.

    (Like… on account of said “threat” being nonexistent…)

    Really. How, then, explain this UK newspaper headline:
    No one talks about the fact that in sharia courts, British Muslim women have fewer rights than women in Islamic countries

  548. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Almost all the global Internet monopolies (Google, FB etc) have been set up from the start to monitor, guide and, if necessary, force globalist narratives on the goyim. Many of them have outright bought the competition or poured endless billions in the loss-making years in order to reach that monopoly status. You suggestion that the top brass in those companies – and the people behind them – are politically naive because their own surroundings are multicultural, rich and physically safe is… ridiculous. This might be true for most of the lower ranks and cubicle monkeys in the Silicon Valley but it’s completely wrong at the top.

    Yes, that’s the reality that the Unz Review, like the MSM seeks to obscure, and it is presumably the reason that Ron Unz publishes rubbish about evolution and refuses to publish an informed rebuttal. Once you understand evolution you understand how to commit genocide by manipulation of migration rates, fertility rates and the cultural factors that drive fertility rates.

  549. Alden says:

    I doubt Zuckerberg approached ADL.
    The professional Jews have as much power over normal Jews as they have over congress.

  550. anon[668] • Disclaimer says:

    Turn it up, cobber.

    You can research any President who left issue, and all his descendants will be found to be 1%ers heavily involved in the Climate Change scam.

  551. Anonymous[198] • Disclaimer says:

    This is a thoughtful and well-reasoned article, something the alt-right could (but won’t) learn from.

    But physician, heal thyself. If the Unz Review wants to be taken seriously as journalism, and if Ron Unz wants to be taken seriously as an activist, it needs to dump the low-brow conspiracy crap. 9/11 Trutherism? Holocaust revisionism?! I know this stuff probably draws a lot of readers, but seriously, even the more intelligent neo-Nazis don’t indulge in this kind of thing. It has a coarsening effect on the whole site too, as can be seen in the comments sections which have devolved into a virtual truck-stop bathroom wall for the obviously deranged and other assorted mental defectives.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  552. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Intelligent Dasein

    The so-called Alt-Right is making a gong show out of a necessary reactionary political movement that cannot afford to fail.

    That’s a pretty accurate statement. The fact that the Alt-Right is going to achieve nothing doesn’t matter. What does matter is that they’ve discredited saner voices.

    It’s now going to be incredibly difficult to establish an effective anti-immigration socially conservative nationalist movement. In the U.S. probably impossible.

  553. dfordoom says: • Website

    Assimilation is a fantasy and in any case the type preached by most of the immigrant and immigrant-descended pseudo-intellectuals is one of genocide by genetic mixture.

    I think assimilation is evil. It is as you say genocide, but it’s not just white genocide. It will ultimately mean the genocide of all races and all cultures. Only the Borg will be left.

    And miscegenation is racist.

    • Agree: CanSpeccy
  554. dfordoom says: • Website

    Yeah! Sure! Join up with the people who are willing to accept the USG’s account of 9/11. They should be a great help!

    Once you go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole there’s no escaping. You just keep believing more and more bizarre conspiracy theories.

    The Alt-Right is made up of lots of Fox Mulders. They Want To Believe. And they will believe.

    And the harsh fact is that if you start talking about Holocaust Denial or 9/11 Truthism or the Jew Question people start backing away from you, being careful to avoid eye contact. Next time they see you they’ll cross to the other side of the street to avoid you. They’ll start refusing your invitations to dinner. They won’t return your phone calls. When you suggest meeting up somewhere for a drink they’ll suddenly remember another appointment.

    That’s the reality. You end up being treated like those crazy homeless people who talk to themselves out loud.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  555. dfordoom says: • Website
    @unpc downunder

    If the alt-right in the US expects to have an serious political influence, it needs to become more of a populist movement, with its leaders reasonably well-versed in the economic impact of globalisation,

    The Alt-Right doesn’t confront economic issues because they’re afraid they would then have to consider that class interests might be important. They don’t want to do that because (1) anyone who talks about class is a goddamn pinko commie and (2) it distracts them from the two issues with which they’re obsessed, race and the international Jewish conspiracy.

    They also don’t want to confront economic issues because they don’t understand them.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  556. dfordoom says: • Website

    That is why the move towards the right by the deplorables in fly-over-country is likely to continue regardless of what Silicon Valley or the MSM thinks.

    My impression is that they voted against Hillary Clinton because she was too right-wing. She was assumed (correctly) to be concerned only with the interests of bankers and billionaires.

    The election of Trump was a move to the Left.

  557. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Negrolphin Pool

    You accuse the dissident right of unsophisticated naivete as you monomaniacally try to nail every identifiable human problem with your plastic Marxist class hammer. But it should be smashingly obvious that class, a manifestation of Marxist hobgoblin inequality, is not the single engine of every social woe.

    And nor is race the single engine of every social woe.

    One major difference is that talking about class might get you labelled as a marxist but talking about race will get you labelled as a nazi. And being labelled as a nazi means no-one will ever listen to you.

    Using economic arguments against immigration and against the elites means there’s at least a small chance that some of the normies might listen to you. Most ordinary people do understand on some level that immigration has negative economic effects and most ordinary people are at least vaguely aware that the elites hate them. So you have something on which to build.

    Using race arguments against immigration means that people simply switch off when you start talking.

    And while class is not the single engine of every social woe it certainly is responsible for a massive share of our social woes. And it’s directly responsible.

  558. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    here in Iceland

    I love your country and people but most of you are hopelessly naive about other races. Your multi-culti views come from glossy advertising brochures and shiny, Hollywood Wakanda movies.

    Did you hear about the two Scandinavian women who went on a hiking trip in Morocco, befriended some locals, and got (raped and) butchered? No? It happened just before Christmas.

    The vibrants filmed one of the killings. It’s out there on the internet and I’ve seen it. It’s hard to see but I suggest you see it too. She’s calling for her mother as they cut into her neck. At the end of the video she’s completely decapitated.


    • Replies: @anon
    , @Rurik
  559. @Wizard of Oz

    The Nazis were dupes, who aided Zionists in their quest to compel Jews to emigrate to Palestine. Prior to the Third Reich, Jewish publications were constantly claiming 6,000,000 of their tribe were being hated and exterminated. None of these ploys convinced European Jews of the need for their departure–they did convince many people to donate to the Zionist cause, though. European Jews were doing quite well, with thriving businesses and cultural acceptance within several countries, including Germany. Zionists saw in Hitler the true “Anti-Semite” (They’re not Semitic..) who would take drastic action against Jews, and they had a field day conjuring up atrocity stories and other propaganda to portray Der Fuhrer as the Devil Incarnate.

    Hitler did heartlessly exploit war refugees as forced laborers, packing these hapless people off to camps to work for the German War Machine. This short sighted scheme resulted in the horrible deaths of those refugees from diseases and starvation as the German Supply Lines were cut.

  560. @anon


    Simple enough. I once attended a meeting of the American Academy of Science, security section, as a representative of a high prestige organization. This was back about a decade. One of the informal themes of the meeting, generated from the attendees, was the fear (yep, fear) that the general public would be so badly hurt by the information taken from it that the general public would abandon the Internet entirely. These were security people, of course, and perhaps they over-emphasized. The other theme, informal, was that “there is no such thing as perfect security”, which I interpreted on considerable evidence to mean “there is no such thing as security”.

    OK, so why do people give out this information? Well, trust. The sort of trust that makes black people trust black people, white people trust white people, Han trust Han, and so forth, _even when you can show that the people being trusted are a serious threat to those doing the trusting_.

    The way to destroy Silicon Valley is to eliminate trust. This process is already well underway. First, general societal trust is dropping. The large number of white looking people on TV saying that whites should be excluded from society is part of it, but strains within the POC coalition are another large part. The transmogrification of fun and games social sites / information sites to scenes of digital lynching (career destruction and various other forms of real world harm) ensure that the societal drop in trust is extending to digital systems. Should a future US election use that digital information to arrest people on political grounds, that trust will become strong distrust. Of course, political arrests for internet speech are already common in the PRC and UK.

    There is also technological obsolescence. The interest in distributed systems that extract trust from partially untrustworthy nodes through dint of sheer computational muscle, and can be used for real world commercial transactions, is in large part due to lack of trust in social institutions. It is far cheaper to use a central database than a distributed system _if_ you trust the database administrator. If you don’t, then pretty much anything (or even no service) would be better than a central database. That’s why distributed trust generating networks are used, and why centralized blockchain based systems seem a bit pointless. Same thing with smart contracts based on trust generating networks are of interest.

    (I haven’t discussed ways of preserving anonymity in distributed trust generating systems, but they exist and are generally effective. OTH, the area is still developing. )

    Put them all together, they describe an unstable pedestal for the current Silicon Valley giants.


  561. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Marty T

    Zuckerberg is a globalist turd but I wouldn’t say he’s a jewish “tribalist” as he didn’t even marry a jew

    Most of these “Jewish tribalists” seem to be atheists. And they don’t seem to have much of a Jewish identity at all. An actual Jewish tribalist would not consider marring a non-Jew.

    On the other hand one thing that is noticeable about the elites is that they marry other members of the elite. Every single time.

    It’s almost as if they define themselves mostly by their class identity rather than their ethnic identity.

    But of course only a goddamn pinko commie Marxist would suggest such a thing.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @CanSpeccy
  562. dfordoom says: • Website

    Kristallnacht was a Jewish false flag attack, similar to the Israeli terror operations against Jews in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Egypt after Israel was created.

    I don’t think the Troll button is adequate for this. Ron, we need a “This is Total Lunacy” button.

    • Agree: JLK
  563. @poop

    California under the Spanish Empire was sparsely populated. Southern Cal is pretty much desert, and Northern Cal is far away from much of anything back then. California cities (the present US West Coast) in the late Spanish and early American period were re-settle by sea borne immigrants from the US, with Yankee traders and Jewish merchants being the most highly influential members of the cities. The hinterland, however, was settled overland, from the East, by a non-Yankee population. So: the cities are much like those of New England and the New York area (traders both), while the hinterland was, until recently, a mix from various parts of the US in the mid-AD 1800s, and is now that same mix plus a considerable number of immigrants from El Norte in Mexico.
    Explanation is my undertanding of Collin Woodward; _American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America_; Penguin Books; September 29, 2011;

    That’s why California cities are like New York and New England, while the hinterland is like the US outside of those two areas. It’s also why, quite likely, the cities arranged for large scale Mexican immigration.

    Sufi story:
    Once upon a time there were three Sufis, who had only one loaf of bread between them. They agreed that the Sufi with the most miraculous dream would get the bread. So, they slept and dreampt. Next morning, the first Sufi described marvelous dream: he had seen the entire Earth, and understood it. The second Sufi described a more marvelous dream: he had seen Paradise, talked with Allah, understood religion. The third Sufi said “Gentlemen, you dreams are indeed miraculous, but you have no physical proof of your dreams. I do. Last night I dreampt that I arose and at the loaf. And, lo, the loaf is gone!”
    Actions beat words, especially if the audience is gullible. Even in California, even if the acting party is a Federal judge.


    • Replies: @poop
  564. @JLK

    Double or triple the price for produce?!?!? Are you kidding? Produce is such a minor expense I don’t even break it out! It’s dwarfed by my expenditures on security!!! And I wouldn’t have even needed the security a few decades back!!! And I don’t want it now!!

    Look, drop the immigration and I’ll pay quadruple for produce. How’s that?

    Next you’ll be bringing up lawn care.


  565. @SafeNow

    Yep. Corporations replaced the old Robber Barons in the US during WW II. You hear about small businesses generating the most jobs — they also fail, thus destroying the most jobs. Corporations, 30 year average lifespan and all, still dominate the US economy, and are favored in practice and in law.
    They have problems, however. One is the Pareto distribution, which (roughly) implies that a corporation supporting n employees will have square root of n contributing employees. This further implies that the bulk of employees in a large corporation don’t have to be competent. Stir in some genuinely incompetent people in patronage jobs, especially management patronage jobs, and incompetence becomes mandatory lest the patronage employees complain to their political sponsors.
    This has always been true, _but_ is now worse in the US as the Federal Government (the political sponsors) have effectively unlimited money to subsidize the patronage workers. Social incompetence is mandatory and enforced. It can, and apparently does at times, chase out the Sqrt[n] contributing employees (the GE failure, perhaps? They made some pretty bad moves.). Chase out enough enough, bad things happen to the basic economy of the host country.


  566. @Anon

    Han, at least, tend to be gamesmen who believe in social order and in their ability to exploit it. Of course they prefer socialism — more organization, better prospect for a gamesman within the socialist system. Why in the world would they want anything else?

    Supposedly young party cadres are sent to remote villages and those who raise village income the most are returned to civilization. Image a gamesman in that position. That’s been suggested as how the famines under Mao occurred. Same thing happens here, of course. US Army reports became worthless during the latter stages of the Vietnam War, those who didn’t lie being removed. Still, gamesmanship seems to be more intense in China.

    Gamesman: a person who is skilled at manipulating events and circumstances to gain or maintain personal advantage, especially in business or politics.


  567. @niceland

    Your argument is from Utilitarianism: greatest good for the greatest number (that’s a problem operations research still hasn’t solved, by the way, but let’s forget that for the nonce).
    To answer your argument directly: consider what happened in the former Rhodesia: proficient farmers ejected on basis of race, farms looted, farms not productive, starvation, farmers invited back but capital base destroyed.
    Now, imagine that world wide. Capital looted, destroyed, killed and eaten. No food, mass famine. And YOU did it. You personally. From your conceited attempts to impose your _daydreams_ on the world. And all the tears you can shed won’t save you from the memory.
    Why not change your mind and avoid all that? Or at least think things through, maybe get some fresh data. You’re not cut out to be a mass murderer, just an Icelandic citizen who wants to avoid social strife in a very harsh environment. The rest of the world isn’t like that, it really isn’t. Travel, try living with the natives (cautiously) for a year or so, including supporting yourself from the local economy.


  568. Biff says:

    Time for a new plan – Ron is trying to explain this to you with limited luck.

    Negative luck, as no good deed goes unpunished.

  569. The article explains in my view why so many authors advocating for easing border restrictions cannot and should not be trusted and there are many supposed — nationalists on the same page.

    Notice the peculiar rhetoric about crime which can only be trues if you consider crossing the border as a noncriminal offence. It is not a mere “jaywalking” it is a violation of federal law. These people are undermining the US economy at the expense of citizens. Every single one of the 20 million plus here illegally is engaged in that theft every day. And Yet, the talk is how to replace all blacks because 3% or couple of percentage points more are engaged in breaking the law. Now that is something hispanics and whites have successfully engaged in from Texas to California, up threw Colorado and Washington state and Louisiana.

    For one simple reason, unlike blacks who will have expectations of treating equally, in accordance with e law — people here illegally will generally an d can generally go along to get along — and that provides whites with every opportunity to tout there so called beneficence as “a code of honor” amongst the entire population. It explains the growing expressed animosity by hispanics from Secretaries balling out black instructors for some because they went to some incorrect admin office by mistake and expecting that instructor to behave like a servant in response. I was embarrassed for that instructor, to know end. It’s hispanic white VP screaming at some new african american instructor a female , who newly arrived for work, that day as she drove into the parking lot – it’s a very bizzarre twist of the game. To think is one is one thing, But to see it full in play —

    I suspect that these same illegals and their supporters foisted into positions of power are engaged in manufacturing all manner of hurdles for blacks — and that gambit is why no one who is a citizen on either side of the aisle should trust anyone, who panders to the illegal immigrant push. The double standard to ethos is troubling to say the least.

    I generally stay away from these traps and innuendos as they are deeply nefarious ploys advocated by people who have wide ranging support and admiration, despite the obvious calumny of their advocacy.

    The worst criminal who is a US citizen ranks and demands more than the sweetest smartest Hispanic woman, whose vile intent is hidden underneath her polite demeanor. I taught as local community college here in which two hispanic students dared me to give their papers failing grades despite the fact that both papers were written by the same student. And yet the hispanic community is being planted in all manner of positions requiring integrity — if a community and in this it laid bare — is willing to violate the law and ethics to get a buck (and justify the same) it’s a clear sign that what constitutes moral integrity is short hand for no respect for law or ethics — as would be claims for the value of Catholicism.

    When foreigners come here and start spouting nonsense about citizens based on their limited travel experience and myopia view of reality at the same time they support violating US treaty agreements —

    That’s all Derrida at his best. And Basel I, II, and III are born out of the hispanic view of ethics, law, and financial management – which subtley deconstructs how to conduct financial management — dismantling the rules about how to loan, how much to loan, who can invest in what —-

    The consequences for the US are as plain as could be — yet the march goes on. It’s a strange dynamic once you see it.

    • Replies: @anon
  570. @Kevin Barrett

    …focus on the positive aspects of European heritage, and downplay or eliminate negative claims about other groups, especially when those claims are demonstrably untrue

    The “other groups” seeking to evacuate their shitholes and come to live in white nations proves their point.

  571. anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    your odds are about right, unfortunately the same odds seem to apply to white nationalism becoming popular enough to sweep into power,We fool ourselves that a lot of the populism green shoots we see is white nationalism. frankly its socialism for the most part, and while immigration labor pressure and other anti volk effects of capitalism make a socialist reaction understandable and possible something to leverage temporarily politically, its not any more of a solution than it ever was when the jews used it to destroy russia.
    we hope whites hit a point of self preservation, that it must be inevitable any animal will eventually fight. But this is far from clear whites in africa are cucked to this day. The vast majority of reactionary right wont even explicitly admit the answer is ethno state. The poz is deep, And this is just theory. How many would be left supporting what would actually need to be done, loading millions on cargo planes?
    So we tell ourselves well it will all collapse economically, and from affirmative action stupidity. Then they will have no choice but to fight and that will remove the moral culpability they will only be choosing to survive. It far from clear we could even win, we tell ourselves all the guns are in the hands of right wing men but actually thats not true theres a study out there that shows in reality we have about 15 % of the private guns. and what will russia china etc be doing if we re in a civil war?

    Sure these are my preferences that we imply rise up and restore, I just see no sign of it and personally have found it next to impossible to really racially red pill anyone no matter how deeply conservative they were, people who really really hate the gubmint will get christian or constitutional hackles up if the racial talk gets beyond vague immigration issues of legality. And any ethno state is going to have to go so much farther women will have to be disenfranchised, its hard to imagine how art media etc will not have to be controlled at least for a generation. various groups that have all been given status like trannys and gays will all have to lose that status. And the economic privations will be immense.
    I hate to admit it (((moldbug))) is right that the easy way is to flip the elites and do it peacefully in stages, and that means getting the jews to change sides. This may not be as hard as we think, jews are being discovered as the ultimate privileged white which they are, they are trying to prop up the victim status buts its seems absurd to the browns.simultaneously jews have been assimilated a lot in the past several decades yet been more resilient to the self hate. They are smart enough to see the writing on the wall and might decide its best to jump off this train and cut the best deal they can with a white restoration. They must see if this continues no matter which side wins they lose, and that a white ethno state will be more pleasant.They will also assume they can eventually subvert us all over again.
    They are not really a threat to us genetically 2% of the population and 50% euro blood and obviously the orthodox would be shipped to israel because they would not go along with assimilation so more like less than 1% the problem is that they can identify themselves and work as a separate nation, and that they feel what is good for the jews is to weaken the whites. but i dont think theres many of these jews left that seriously give a shit about their religion or communism their interests are really typically welitist at this point. in other words we are having the same problem with the episcopalians hell at this point the catholics as well and the cynical nouveau riche. They all n eed to be made to understand while its not going to be economic socialism it is going to be individualism/capitalism subordinated to culture/biology and so elites interests are in making themselves useful to the nation/volk.
    To make them see that this ethno state can happen without anarchy ot much sufferring that in stages first illegal immigrants then we legally find that 70% of the legal immigrants broke the law in some way on the naturalization which is true then we also find that the amnesties were themselves illegal we work ourselves back peacefully to legacy slaves who are de radicalized and made to understand how lucky they are and that any black criminal will not be imprisoned here but in africa. and the black elites will again be held responsible for black behavior and given the means to enforce it until the are winnowed away

    • Replies: @Miro23
  572. @dfordoom


    Blacks are physically strong high-T group and Jews are generally intelligent. Muscle and grease.

    White working class people have to worry about their kids getting beaten by blacks in public schools, because they cannot afford private school. They have to worry about rape and street crime, because they often cannot afford to live in the safest neighborhoods. They have to worry that blacks will get their kids hooked on crack cocaine and turn them into hopeless burglars and street prostitutes. Rich people will always find a way to keep a gun in their house, but black crime and illegal guns put pressure on the government to take firearms away from ordinary white people in the country who might actually need one.

    Jews are not going to come into their house and steal their television. But they control their perspective through ownership of the media. Jews can also exploit them through banks and lending.

    These are the bookends that whites deal with.

  573. conatus says:

    Regarding what Silicon Valley experiences vs what the Alt Right proclaims: it comes down to the critical mass various of minority populations. The Alt right extrapolates out existing population trends and the Silicon Valley guys don’t.
    It is critical mass of the demographics. Hispanics might be 40% of California now and not particularly active politically(according to Sailer) and their somnolent ways are seem pretty benign at this time. But wait until the economy shrinks materially and see if this critical mass of HISPANICS awakens and exerts its demographic heft.
    Same with the Muslims.

    This guy breaks down the increasing activism and influence upon Infidels, non-Muslim populations, as the demographic numbers of Muslims increases.

    This idea applies loosely to all minority groups as they change from minority to majority. Look at South Africa now, the once powerless Blacks are in control and their government has recently voted to take land from White farmers without compensation. The Blacks have the critical mass of population to control the politics.

    So things will be fine as long as we economically continue to borrow from and impoverish future generations but when the music stops, then Race will reassert itself with a capital ‘R’ as the organizing principle.
    As Disraeli said thru his character Sidonia, “All is race, there is no other truth”

    Everything is fine as long as our modern economy keeps humming along at 1-2% growth but if there is a hiccup…watch out! The Alt right extrapolates but the Left lives in the nonce.

  574. Fran says:

    @559 dfordoom

    Once you go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole there’s no escaping. You just keep believing more and more bizarre conspiracy theories.

    Surprisingly, there are people who can weigh up evidence, and make informed conclusions about events, particularly when said events are riddled with contradictions and miraculous coincidences.

    Rabbit holes are for rabbits, only.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  575. dfordoom says: • Website

    Have whites been pushed out or have they merely been dying off? Apparently the latter. Europeans, generally, have below replacement fertility rates.

    Whites have to accept responsibility for our own fate. We chose feminism, degeneracy, porn and consumerism over having children. We did that ourselves.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @anon
    , @AaronB
  576. Anon[251] • Disclaimer says:

    You must associate only with very pedantic anal types. I have just listened on an extension to a highly intelligent and literate person close to me regale a friend with a highly imaginative account of events I knew to be a lot less entertaining than made to seem in the free ranging account. That’s real people.

  577. @renfro

    When neighborhoods change to Latino, the local culture also changes. At least that’s what I’ve seen over and over, and it’s why people move away from them.

  578. Bruno says:

    Criticizing the guy who provides the platform is quite dumb. The alt-right needs to gain the backup of two or three billionnaires. That’s the only way forward. There is already plenty of doctrine and a welt anschaung. There need to be a high IQ charismatic leader able to get the money and harness the project on the ground. Unite the right was a show of’stenght when there were no real strength yet. It came to early. Ill prepared. A pragmatic person is what is needed.

    For example, in Catalunya, Puigdemont is extra-ordinarily motivated, clever and pragmatic. Yet he is still struggling. It takes enormous talent and dedication to grow a movement that can change the state.

  579. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    Okay, I guess all my “numbers & stuff” just make your head spin, so I won’t bother citing them.

    LOL. No, it was pretty straightforward stuff as I recall. I just got the whiff of a political agenda that is absent in most of your other work, but I could be wrong.

    First, the alt-right are damnable liars but in the case of The Daily Stormer it’s a paragon of truth? I can barely keep up with your ever shifting narrative about the wicked alt-right, but it’s good you have a high opinion of the Stormer. There’s still hope for you.

    Breitbart is a civnat site, not alt-right. They do lead their readership to believe that America is awash in Hispanic illegal alien crime while mostly ignoring the high crime rates of blacks which is far worse and much more of a threat than Hispanic crime in many cases.

    The available evidence proves that on a per capita basis whites have low crime rates while Hispanics have higher crime rates than whites while blacks have significantly higher crime rates than both whites and Hispanics. This is borne out by the prison statistics which is the only reliable source since local, state and federal authorities conceal data or resort to shell games and often times count Hispanic offenders as white as demonstrated by other posters.

    Now if we put some of the data through the Unzian spin cycle along with a sprinkling of Reedian subterfuge we can claim that whites and Hispanics have comparable crime rates and conclude that Hispanics are simply brown skinned Swedes contrary to what some doomsayers on the racialist right say. So let em all in and breed with them since they’re really……us!

    Even if, for the sake of argument, you and Fred Reed are correct it wouldn’t matter because whites have a right to exist as whites and exclude whomever they wish from their nations and societies for any reason. Hispanics vote for the anti-white Democrats anywhere from 65% to 72% and polls consistently show majorities of them support bigger government (which means taxing whitey), restrictive gun laws and speech codes. There’s other reasons.

    So we are not the same people and it’s most definitely not in our racial interests to have such a large and growing population of Hispanics within our borders.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  580. @CanSpeccy

    Really. How, then, explain this UK newspaper headline:

    Well, you are confusing different phenomena.

    There are ultra-religious communities that want to run their own internal affairs by their own religious laws. Not just orthodox Muslims. For example, in the case of Judaism, you can find some very closed community of Hasidic Jews that wants to run their own internal affairs, like marriage and divorce and such according to Jewish religious law.

    However, Hasidic Jews just want to live according to their own religious law in their own community. They are not trying to impose their own religious laws on non-Jews or even less religious Jews. Nor are the Amish or originalist Mormons trying to impose their own religious law on people who are not part of their collective. It’s crazy to think they are.

    And it’s about as crazy to think that ultra-orthodox Muslims are trying to impose Sharia on non-Muslims.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @jilles dykstra
    , @peterAUS
  581. @dfordoom

    No lunacy at all, though Kristallnacht is no more than circumstantial evidence.
    René d’Argile, etc., Das Geheimnis um die Ursachen des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Wiesbaden 1958 ( Les Originals Secrêtes de la Guerre 1939 – 1945, Paris 1958).
    But especially zionist terror against Egypt is well documented.
    For Iraq, google Giladi.
    Syria, the Moshe Dayan confessions in an Israeli newspaper.
    Yemen, never read anything about it.

    • Replies: @anon
  582. @PeterMX

    Every year a European receives one of the most prestigious prizes Europe offers. It often goes to a leader of a country or some other high ranking official. It’s called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize

    Europeans do not exist, the continent has some 28 different cultures.
    Europe is a continent, the EU may offer prizes, if they are prestigious, I wonder, if more than one in thousand citizens of EU member states have any clue about Coudenhove-Kalergi, I would be surprised.
    The names have something to do with old EU illusions, that is all I know.

    • Replies: @RobertinMn
  583. Mr. Ed says:


    You are correct; our host reveals his liberalism by implicitly claiming that Hispanics have a “right” to become American citizens as long as their crime rate is comparable to American whites’ (which it really is not, as you show); I don’t believe Mr. Putin would be convinced that you or I have a “right” to live in Russia just because we are not criminals.

  584. utu says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Hasidic Jews just want to live

    Yes, at expense of everybody else around. Most obnoxious neighbors one can have. And once they set their eyes on town to begin the ethnic cleansing of it you are doomed.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  585. Wally says:
    @Colin Wright

    “It’s like Obama birtherism, or 9/11 having all been staged, or any one of several such beliefs. It’s an immediate red flag that triggers a ‘shake your head and move on’ response from most people.”

    Not so.

    Polls have shown that at least 50% of Americans reject the government’s ludicrous conspiracy theory.

    Polls have shown that huge numbers do not believe Obama was born in the US.

    • Troll: Colin Wright
  586. Wally says:
    @Colin Wright

    “Finally, which causes? Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others aren’t.”

    Is that why you cannot present any proof of your curiously beloved “holocaust”?

    Is that why you were so seriously trounced in the comments section here? : American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz: :

    No alleged human remains of millions in allegedly known locations to be seen, no ‘holocaust’.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  587. @Anonymous

    it needs to dump the low-brow conspiracy crap. 9/11 Trutherism? Holocaust revisionism?! I know this stuff probably draws a lot of readers, but seriously, even the more intelligent neo-Nazis don’t indulge in this kind of thing.

    I’d say even dumb jews do not make statements like this any more.
    Alas, the trouble with propaganda is that those who fabricate it after some time believe it themselves.

  588. @Jonathan Revusky

    And it’s about as crazy to think that ultra-orthodox Muslims are trying to impose Sharia on non-Muslims.

    Alas, nothing crazy about this.

  589. Rurik says:

    The bottom line is that some of the things the Alt-Right has been saying for years are generally true while other things are generally false. Your misfortune is that it is the falsehoods which have the most day-to-day presence in the lives of the Silicon Valley community, thus leading to their total dismissal of your entire message, and perhaps the blacklisting of most of your websites and organizations, thereby setting a very dangerous precedent for the future of the First Amendment in America.

    So all the Alt-Right has to do to win over the executives at Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, et al.. to be more scrupulous about the reasons they’re (I’m) pessimistic about an America permanently ruled by the likes of Hillary?


    I doubt that.

    Rather, I suspect that the reason the Alt-Right is being de-platformed and censored is specifically because their message resonates with most sane people, not because they’re considered lunatics. If they were easily dismissed as vile and irredeemable ‘racists’ and liars, then Google would be doing all it could to bullhorn that message to every corner of the cyber-sphere, in order to universally discredit them.

    Being carefully circumspect when reporting on immigrant crime is not the way to win over Jewish supremacists like Mark Zuckerberg. No. Not hardly.

    Consider the case of Russia.

    Who deludes themselves that telling the truth about Russia, (something the Alt-Right is uniquely known for), is going to win over the Zionists at Google or CNN or the NYT?

    It’s laughable, really.

    They don’t care about the truth. All they care about, all they’ve ever cared about – is The Agenda.

    And that Agenda means codifying absolute power for themselves – and to keep a boot planted firmly on the face of the Alt-Right (and Palestine and Iraq and Libya and Iran and Syria, and Europe and Russia, etc.. ad infinitum).

    It is written.

  590. @jilles dykstra
    This (former) Muslim can only leave his house with guards.
    Muslims want to kill him

  591. @Ron Unz

    Having to resort to citing an extreme 400-year-old outlier as evidence that European countries are just as prone to civic dissolution as Amerindian societies amounts to using the exception to confirm the rule, little different than pointing to Emmit Till as evidence of the persistence of lynch mobs. When it comes to Mestizo LatAm countries, the real challenge is in finding significant time periods over the last 500 years in which a single country was not embroiled in homicidal mayhem.

    Europe has fought many fratricidal wars. But after war comes peace, often protracted. On the other hand, the deposition of one vicious caudillo is followed by the bloody coup of another, with all the low-level victims, lifelong vendettas and general collapse of already tenuous social capital that go with it.

    It’s tough to build a cohesive society containing a million bucolic Simon Wiesenthals and Adolf Eichmanns, especially when the assigned role changes based on the person asked.

  592. Miro23 says:

    The poz is deep, And this is just theory. How many would be left supporting what would actually need to be done, loading millions on cargo planes?

    No need for this. Nothing would need to change at all day to day – just revise the law on citizenship.

    When it’s accepted that the political immigration promises made in 1965 turned out to be false, then return the situation to 1965 by revising citizenship and voting rights to only include those who were citizens in 1965 or who are their direct descendants.

    “Long-term foreign resident ” status would cover non-citizens, who would retain all their other rights – for example to start businesses, receive healthcare and pensions etc. in return for paying taxes, although only citizens would be allowed (required?) to do military service.

    And any ethno state is going to have to go so much farther women will have to be disenfranchised, it’s hard to imagine how art media etc will not have to be controlled at least for a generation. various groups that have all been given status like trannys and gays will all have to lose that status. And the economic privations will be immense.

    Questions like this would need to researched and voted on by citizens (male, female, homosexual and transsexual) on an issue by issue basis. Switzerland does it like this, and, for example, citizens voted by a small margin to allow homosexual marriage but not the adoption of children by homosexual couples.

    They all need to be made to understand while it’s not going to be economic socialism it is going to be individualism/capitalism subordinated to culture/biology and so elites interests are in making themselves useful to the nation/volk.

    To get this to work, it needs a solid wall separating government and corporations (even socially). The government works for the interests of citizens and protects the rights of guest workers and long term residents, and corporations work to innovate and maximize their profits, and keep out of politics.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  593. MarkinLA says:

    Do you propose we replace hard-working Mexicans with lazy-ass Native Born American Millennial Teenagers hand-picked from the shopping mall? If so, will you be willing to pay double or triple the price for produce?

    Another stupid comment to justify illegal alien labor. There is a labor market and that means two sides. If you can’t find anybody at the extremely low wages you want to pay then go out of business and do the rest of us a favor. We don’t need to subsidize worthless almond growers who’s contribution to the states GDB is ridiculously low and who wouldn’t be missed if they were gone. That cheap labor is undercutting the use of automation on those farms. I don’t know anybody who is losing sleep over the extra 50 cents a week it would cost for salads. People are willing to pay 2 dollars for 10 cents worth of salad at the store if it is already cut and bagged.

    As for crime, as many others have pointed out, the low level petty crime committed in large part by Hispanics do not result in a lot of arrests or jail time. The town I grew up in now has a gang unit and graffiti abatement crew that works with the gang unit to identify tags. Every now and then there is some gang related murder by some punk trying to act the part of Scareface. They took down a whole gang for drug dealing a number of years ago in an operation lasting at least two years. Of course during all that time they had to let the gang operate with impunity to gather information.

    • Replies: @poop
  594. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    judging by your word choice, you don’t sound too bright yourself

    • Replies: @Anon
  595. @David Baker

    Of course you are–that’s why the first thing you did was virtue signal by letting us know you are a “native American”–which you aren’t. There was no “american nation” before my ancestors invented it. We created this nation as an English construct for Englishmen and those who could fit into it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike amerindians–I dislike purported victims who, for the most part, were mired in the stone age and incapable of getting out of it on their own. As I like to point out to those who hate the white man–“then get a teepee and go live on the great american plains and freeze your ass off every winter and die at 30 years of age due to tooth decay.” Tooth decay killed more indians than the white man’s diseases. Likewise, the redman’s diseases have killed millions of europeans. Syphilis killed millions before antibiotics were discovered and millions more from tobacco related diseases.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  596. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Whites have to accept responsibility for our own fate. We chose feminism, degeneracy, porn and consumerism over having children. We did that ourselves.

    Bit like saying Hitler’s Jews should have taken responsibility for their own fate. Who do you think runs the porn business and uses it to corrupt our children? Mainly Jews, and they are proud of it. Likewise, Jews are prominent among feminists, for example the Georgetown University Professor who wants to castrate all white males and feed their genitals to swine.

    The trouble with the Europeans is that they are docile, gullible and apparently unwilling to fight for anything, even their own miserable put-upon lives.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @dfordoom
  597. MarkinLA says:

    You mean something along the line of Reagan’s amnesty? How did that work out? Maybe something like the Gang of Eight bill where an illegal could be convicted of identity fraud up to two times and still be eligible for amnesty?

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @poop
  598. onebornfree says: • Website

    This Just In: There Are No Government Solutions To Any Problem!

    No different from any other political affiliation today, left, right or whatever, the so-called”alt-right” is about assumed political [i.e. government] solutions to various social problems.

    The problem is, there are no government solutions to any problem that involve more laws, more agencies, hiring the “right” people, more money etc. etc. – never have been, never will be.

    Look Around, It’s In Your Face!

    This should be an “in your face” fact for anyone past the age of, say, 35, who has their eyes/ ears open, their brain intact and their wits about them. Just for a few examples:

    The war on [some] drugs= total failure
    The war on poverty = total failure
    Wars on other countries/cultures = total failure
    Government “healthcare” = total failure
    Government “education” = total failure


    The list is endless. So why would anyone with a functioning brain seriously believe that some new messiah is going to make either new or existing government programs [including a wall] magically work?

    This is simply delusional, or possibly a symptom of a child-like naivete.

    No different from any political group, the alt- right is all about assumed political solutions to problems originally created by government itself, that it now expects the government to “fix”.

    But it won’t, no matter what Trump [ or some other new messiah] claims.

    Any “fix” that Trump or anyone else proposes that involves more spending, more agencies, more laws etc. etc. must ultimately fail , and fail spectacularly, just as the “fixes” in my all too brief list above have failed and will continue to fail as long as government is running them all.

    “…Once we realize that government doesn’t work, we will stop asking what
    government should do, and notice instead that government can’t do the things
    we want:

    We may want government regulation to protect us from fraud, but the truth is that government doesn’t protect us from fraud.

    The savings and loan crisis, every class-action law suit, and every financial scandal are testaments to the government’s inability to shield us from fraud or incompetence.

    We may think crime control is a proper function of government, but the truth is that government doesn’t control crime. Our cities are war zones. At most, the government promises only to look for the person who robs, rapes, or murders you.

    We may like to think that government sets the rules of the marketplace and acts as the referee, but in reality the government’s rules are arbitrary, ambiguous, and constantly changing. And the “referee” always seems to side with the team with the greatest political influence.

    Once we realize that government doesn’t work, we will stop dreaming that this or that social problem can be solved by passing a law — or by creating a new government program — or by electing someone who will make Washington more efficient or cost-conscious…….”

    See: The World’s Biggest, Most Dangerous Scam Is……..

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @geokat62
  599. @jilles dykstra

    Naww, europeans don’t exist–not at all. They just have distinct haplo groups that exist no where else on earth except for the places they colonized–like North America.

    How wonderfully “racist” of you to claim we as a people do not exist. Isn’t that the third or is it the fourth phase of genocide? It’s getting harder and harder to draw a line on that genocide curve these days, what with everyone calling for the destruction of European culture and it’s historic peoples in their historic lands–which include the U.S.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  600. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    Who lost what? I wonder how many people who oppose immigration care one bit about Richard Spencer or the other so-called alt-right leaders. My guess is few.

    its true

    Spencer spends most of his time trying to impress people with his higher education but the ideas he talks about are mostly irrelevant to the problem we face – the immivasion

  601. @Miro23

    You say “ They can then decide who will be invited in on the basis of being either a guest or a worker, with all rights (if they pay taxes) other than nationality or political rights” in reply to another.
    You are living in a fool’s paradise. The world is too large and too complicated for these simplistic solutions.It has already changed and genocide is not an option for most of us.

  602. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    Whites have to accept responsibility for our own fate. We chose feminism, degeneracy, porn and consumerism over having children. We did that ourselves.

    you’re right, social engineering had nothing to do with it

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @dfordoom
  603. niceland says:

    LOL, that was funny – thanks. Actually your description is not too far from reality already. 1000 years of Christianity didn’t actually help the reputation of the vikings, and the sjw. are taking care of the rest. And we have plenty of immigration and our society is changing fast. This is why I am here.

    I guess you didn’t watch the video where Ron argued *against* the idea that anyone should be able to work anywhere. Within the limitation of the discussion – that was not about immigration per se – he went straight into the heart of the matter and explained the negative economical side of mass immigration for the existing labor force. This group happens to be majority in most if not all societies. So this is rather powerful stuff actually.

    So there we have strong argument that can be used against immigration even in the most politically correct circles and SJW infested waters because it has nothing to do with political bad thinking like racism and so forth. It can appeal to the majority of the population including recent immigrants! Anyone wanting to limit immigration -for whatever reason – should take note. I did – did you?

    Since I have no intension of starting a revolution in Iceland and it’s clear rallying political support on ideas that can’t be published anywhere is impossible. I am searching for ideas that can work within the political reality. IMHO Ron is one of the few who is actually delivering.

    For obvious reasons and laziness I haven’t really dug into his crime statistics but it seems people are having really hard time poking holes in his Hispanic crime numbers. It follows that putting Hispanic crime in the forefront of anti-immigration battle seems like a bad idea. However he has indicated his results did surprise even experts in the field and perhaps the general consensus in America is very different. If so there might be some political gun-powder in this but absolutely not enough to make serious political changes in immigration policy. I think Donald Trump might agree on this one.

  604. @utu

    Let me get this straight. Are you claiming that Hasidic Jews are trying to force non-Jews to live according to Talmudic law?

  605. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    Most of these “Jewish tribalists” seem to be atheists. And they don’t seem to have much of a Jewish identity at all.

    and yet most of them are leading the way in trying to destroy white Christian countries

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  606. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    it seems like every incident in history where the jew is the victim is blown way out of proportion

    and then incidents where the goyim are the victim like in the Holodomor, we never even hear of it

  607. @MarkinLA

    Maybe something like the Gang of Eight bill where an illegal could be convicted of identity fraud up to two times and still be eligible for amnesty?

    And how do you even compile statistics on hispanics when you don’t even know who they are in many cases, or how many are here? Can you compile reliable statistics with unknown or unreliable sample groups? The Feds don’t help, either, when they purposely classify many hispanics as white for crime stats. Does that still happen?

    I’ve had my identity stolen before, and judging by the area where my identity was used, it is a good bet that the thieves were hispanic.

  608. @jilles dykstra

    And it’s about as crazy to think that ultra-orthodox Muslims are trying to impose Sharia on non-Muslims.

    Alas, nothing crazy about this.

    Uhh, let’s have a quick reality check on this. You live in Holland, right? Wikipedia says there are 850,000 Muslims living in Holland. Sounds about right. That’s like 5% of the population. About the same as the country where I reside, Spain.

    In the last decade or so, how many times have you been approached by Muslim missionaries? How many times have you even seen Muslim missionaries?

    My own answer to both the above questions is: ZERO.

    Meanwhile, I have run into Mormon missionaries and Jehovah’s Witness missionaries here and there. Sometimes, they ring at my door or they’re passing out literature in the street. Regardless, it’s not exactly a very big social problem anyway.

    Given this, how is anybody supposed to react if somebody tells them that the Muslims are trying to convert them to Islam and make them live under Sharia law? I mean, if that were the case, surely, they’d have some ongoing missionary effort. Well, maybe they do, but it’s pretty minimal for me never to have seen any signs of it after so many years.

    Unz’s basic point on this sort of thing is quite valid. When you guys go on about some conspiracy to impose Sharia law on everybody and other such nonsense, you just come across as totally unhinged cranks to most ordinary people. And you really should finally try to get it through your skull that there is no rape epidemic going on in Sweden or Germany. It’s just more wingnut nonsense. The people who actually live in these countries know this perfectly well.

  609. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    The worst criminal who is a US citizen ranks and demands more than the sweetest smartest Hispanic woman, whose vile intent is hidden underneath her polite demeanor.


  610. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    The trouble with the Europeans is that they are docile, gullible and……

    gullible is the worst, we trusted (((these people)))

    also, we didn’t used to be this way until their media programming

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  611. AaronB says:

    I appreciate that you are trying hard to push the alt right in a sane and intelligent direction, but you cannot do it. The human quality is too low. Nothing significant can be made of these people. I’ve seen you comment at Karlins blog – do you really think the commenters there can be fashioned into anything of value? The best of them end up being far less intelligent than they seem at first and emotionally on an extremely low level. And the rest, have zero “spark” at all.

    And if we go to Steve Sailers or Derbyshire’s blog, the level drops again, and if you want to go several levels further down, go to Vox Day’s blog. Then you have alt-right characters like Bruce Charlton who pretend to be somewhat decent but who reveals what he is really about when he declares Vox Day his favorite blogger.

    That is also why I think Ron Unz is wasting his time trying to “defang” the alt right out of his fear of a white nationalist revival – these people do not need to be defanged, they are simply on too low of an emotional and intellectual level to constitute any kind of threat.

    The most charitable thing to do for them is provide them a space to let off steam – and perhaps that is what this site is really about, and why Ron simply gets off with a slap on the wrist writing stuff that would get others into serious trouble. It is understood what he is doing.

    Perhaps I shouldn’t say these things, but alt righters are too stupid to understand what you tell them to their face.

    I have also noticed that Ron’s tone has shifted recently to a kind of “patiently putting up with idiots” kind of paternalism – gone is the razor sharp intellectual level of his earlier writings. His writing is significantly dumbed down – of course this has escaped notice among the alt right.

    My point is, wasting time on these people is pointless – not everyone who sees the problem with our situation is on your side. Superficial similarities may hide an abyss of unsympathetic differences.

    If you really want to change things, you have to find decent human quality at least on the higher levels – and efforts should be directed towards that end.

  612. @PeterMX

    Every year a European receives one of the most prestigious prizes Europe offers. It often goes to a leader of a country or some other high ranking official. It’s called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize

    No, you stooge. It’s called the Charlemagne Prize and Kalergi was the first recipient of it in 1950, not the originator of it. There is no such thing as the Kalergi Prize.

    And furthermore, it’s not prestigious at all. It’s just another one of countless phony and made-up honorifics that high society types dole out to each other and to their chosen wards, just like the Nobel Peace Prize has become. The average person knows and cares nothing about these things.

    Kalergi himself was an utterly irrelevant human being and is probably about as known to the average European as William Henry Harrison is to the average American. Anybody who quakes in his boots about the Kalergi Plan is boxing with shadows.

    • Replies: @PeterMX
    , @CanSpeccy
  613. MarkinLA says:

    Water: A complete and absolute political cluster-fuck regarding water storage, conveyance, usage, and costs.

    Most of the problems related to water are due to 100 year old regulations that allocate the lions share of the water to agriculture. Are you advocating reducing their share?

    I would argue voting-wise that Mexicans have been driven to the Democratic party in CA rather than the Democrats actually doing anything to bring them there.

    Really? So how does the GOP get their vote, by promising more free shit than the Democrats? Why I’d glasdly vote for more free shit for Mexicans if I could just win an election. Every problem in the Hispanic community has one solution – more free money from whitey. Hispanics are poor then subsidize their meals at school even if they throw most of it away. Enough Hispanics don’t go to college, don’t worry just give every Hispanic a Pell grant to go to a JC. How do solutions like that make sense to conservative voters?

    • Replies: @RobertinMn
  614. @niceland

    For obvious reasons and laziness I haven’t really dug into his crime statistics but it seems people are having really hard time poking holes in his Hispanic crime numbers. It follows that putting Hispanic crime in the forefront of anti-immigration battle seems like a bad idea. However he has indicated his results did surprise even experts in the field and perhaps the general consensus in America is very different. If so there might be some political gun-powder in this but absolutely not enough to make serious political changes in immigration policy. I think Donald Trump might agree on this one.

    You just have to experience the change that hispanics bring to understand the situation, and Iceland isn’t the place from which to do that. You also have to understand that government stats on hispanics are suspect because, in many cases, the government purposely classifies hispanics as white in crime stats to cloud the issue. There is also no way of knowing how many hispanics are in the U.S., since so many are illegal, and there is no way of reliably identifying vast numbers of the ones who are here, especially the ones who wish to operate outside the system.

    I get being pragmatic, but I don’t see Ron’s political advice as a way to win, either.

    From the Urban Institute:

    This agrees with my point about the uselessness of the crime data on hispanics, though they likely take it all in a different direction due to different politics.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  615. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    what was odd to me is that as the girl was laying face down, after she had presumably been raped, she still didn’t seem to understand that they were her enemy because she seemed somewhat surprised when the one started cutting on her neck

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  616. @Jeff Stryker

    And because so many of them work off the books and never paid taxes, they wont have a pension plan. Not that anybody will, but they never paid into FICA. So in old age they become wards of the state.

    Has anyone crunched the numbers on what 15-30 million illegal immigrants are likely to do to the public hospital system as they age into their ER superuser years?

    Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen brought up the potentially fatal strain that naturalized immigrants could put on Social Security. At the lower income levels, Social Security is heavily subsidized. And the median age of naturalization is 39, meaning the median legal immigrant is probably only paying FICA for around 30 years.

    This gives them nearly the full 35 year income-indexing period, which gives them nearly full benefits for their already-subsidized income level. Hispanics have a median per capita income of around $15,000, meaning their lifetime expected benefits far outweigh their contributions. For those who only work 30 years, rather than the normal 49 between the age of 18 and 67, the disparity between benefits and contributions widens much further.

    The upshot is that if the entire system were made up of the median naturalized immigrant FICA payer, benefits would need to be immediately reduced by more than half.

    In Mexico, their meager social insurance program stays solvent by outright excluding about the poorest half the population — safety nets are for closers. But in the United States, crazed leftists may be tempted to enact mass amnesties, which could detonate the entire Social Security system with one stroke of the pen.

    • Replies: @Negrolphin Pool
    , @renfro
  617. @Jonathan Revusky

    Unz’s basic point on this sort of thing is quite valid. When you guys go on about some conspiracy to impose Sharia law on everybody and other such nonsense, you just come across as totally unhinged cranks to most ordinary people. And you really should finally try to get it through your skull that there is no rape epidemic going on in Sweden or Germany. It’s just more wingnut nonsense. The people who actually live in these countries know this perfectly well.

    Still denying the obvious? The people who benefit from denying the obvious will tell you it’s nonsense, just like with interracial rape and crime stats in the U.S. The ones who live with it and pay the price tell a different story. I know both types of Europeans and Americans.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  618. e says:

    Over the last year or two, I’d guess that 70% of the most visible and heated rhetoric coming from Donald Trump has involved ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general,

    Only the MSM and people not used to hearing a politician say something non-pc would characterize Trump’s “rhetoric” as involving “ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general.

    Consider the writings and speeches and lectures of Victor Davis Hanson, that most genteel of gentlemen. His comments about illegals and migrants and “immigrants in general” are the same as Trump’s. It’s Trump’s style that bothers folks, evidently, or at least his style that they conclude represents some kind of barbarism whereas they would never accuse Hanson of such. They’d just call him wrong, I guess.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  619. MarkinLA says:

    Ron is trying to explain this to you with limited luck.

    Except like everyone else who agrees with him – they have no actual plan. Again I ask, given the discussion the left will allow, how do you argue for less immigration when all you can say are wonderful things about immigrants?

    The Sierra Club has been bought off on ecological damage. The wage thing comes down to stupid rednecks too dumb to compete with illiterate Mexicans. The media does actively hide immigrant academic underacheivement or tosses out some Chinese kid or the 1 in a million smart black girl.

    One thing I have learned in my job as an engineer is that criticism of somebody else is always easy. Creating a new system on your own is damn hard.

  620. e says:

    Take a look at CA prison population, Mr. Unz. Yes, we know, the government doesn’t publish stats on who is Hispanic v. white and who is an illegal Hispanic from who is a legal Hispanic but are you going to sit there at your keyboard and pretend your senses aren’t working?

    (BTW, offspring of Mexican and Central American gangs are in our schools and yes, they cause big trouble.)

  621. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    For obvious reasons and laziness I haven’t really dug into his crime statistics but it seems people are having really hard time poking holes in his Hispanic crime numbers.

    if you lived here in california you’d know that unz is FOS on hispanic crime

  622. geokat62 says:

    No different from any political group, the alt- right is all about assumed political solutions to problems originally created by government itself, that it now expects the government to “fix”.

    Sorry, OBF, the government didn’t create these problems we’re currently facing. Just listen to what this rabbi has to say about who is responsible for our problems:

    Here’s the transcript:


    As with almost any historical development, there is usually… there are usually a number of causes for any particular development or process that we see unfolding before our eyes. And yet one can and one should point out specific causes for such developments. Here, I wish to discuss one particular aspect of this issue. And that is the belief on the part of many white people of European dissent, both in North America and in Europe as well as in other countries such as Australia. The belief of people of European stock that their nations, their countries and their cultures, their civilizations are essentially on the chopping block. That their way of life – their values, the societal norms and systems to which they’re used and under which they wish to live and that they wish to hand down to the children and grandchildren… they believe, and I would agree with them, they believe that their way of life, their identity as people of European stock and people of European descent and, therefore, the inheritors of European Western civilization and society… they believe all this is in peril. The reason so many people of this background feel this way is of course a direct result of the mass and entirely irresponsible immigration policies of many countries, particularly European countries. As we know, particularly from 2015 onwards, Europe has been inundated with Third World immigrants. But, in fact, this process has been going on for many decades. It began in the UK in the 60s, it began in Australia in the early 70s. Till that time, Australia had what was known as the “While Australia” policy, whereby immigration was limited to people of European background. This policy was very foolishly abandoned in the early 70s. A decision taken by then prime minister, Gough Whitlam. And this has also been the case in North America, for many years now. In Europe, in particular, this has accelerated and become a truly enormous crises for those who wish to see European nations remain exactly what they are, European nations – that is to say, the homelands and the societies for European peoples who wish to remain European, who identify as European, who wish to maintain their cultural heritage, etc. They feel threatened and again I reiterate, they are correct to feel so. They are absolutely 100% correct, in my view. I think it is a massive crime on the part – I would say even a treasonous act – on the part of many politicians in the West for allowing and facilitating such uncontrolled and massive immigration of Third World immigrants into these countries. It is also a massive historical act of folly. As a result of this apprehension, many people of European background are looking for those who are responsible, who wish to blame, find the people they can blame and attack for what has been going on over in some cases for decades and in other cases more particularly over the last few years. And it is true, unfortunately, and I think this needs to be frankly admitted by Jews all over of the world, that there are without doubt Jews involved in those movements and those organizations, very often NGOs, etc., who promote this phenomenon of Third World immigration into the Western countries. And the conclusion of these Europeans and Americans is that the Jews are behind this policy. That this is some kind of Jewish conspiracy to water down white American or white European societies or to inflict irreparable damage on these societies and in some cases I’ve seen claims made by such people that the Jews are doing this deliberately as an act of revenge against the European nations who discriminated against the Jews for not just for centuries but actually one could actually say for millennia in response to pogroms and massacres and inquisitions, etc. against the Jewish people throughout history, that the Jews are now taking their revenge. And this is exactly the problem. This reading of recent events and also events going back even a hundred years or more, going back to the Russian revolution and before. This reading of historical developments is entirely, absolutely misunderstood and mistaken. It is a miscomprehension of the true desire and will and purpose of the Jewish people. It is not in anyway desirable from the perspective of authentic Torah Judaism that people from the Third World be allowed to inundate Western societies and essentially turn them into Second World and eventually into Third World countries. That is an absolutely false and pernicious claim. The reason many people are reaching these kinds of conclusions is because they see many Jews involved in these movements, many Jews who promote these kinds of agendas. And one cannot deny that is technically so. There are many people who are biologically and even Halachaly Jewish. That is to say, they are Jewish from the perspective of Jewish Law. But in no other sense, in no meaningful sense are they Jewish. These people have almost without exception have been brought up in homes that were bereft of any Jewish content. These Jews down to a man and down to a woman, are assimilationist. In other words, their aim is to assimilate into white gentile society. That of course is the opposite of what authentic Torah-based Judaism preaches. According to the Torah, the Jewish people are a unique people and must have always been and must remain a separate people as the verse states in the Torah [Hebrew spoken] “this is a nation that will dwell alone.” This has always been the case. It was only when certain Jews who had already gone far down the path of assimilation – I’m talking now about the 18 century and the 19 century, when a certain critical mass of such Jews began to appear in Europe and they did not any longer wish to identify as Jews, they began to search for ways they began to seek ways and modalities that would allow them to be absorbed into the general society around them. And they found
    that because of an ingrained antisemitism that existed in their host countries, not their homelands – because according to the Torah no other country on earth except Eretz Israel, except for the Land of Israel, is the homeland of the Jewish people or an individual Jew, for that matter. It is only an assimilated Jew who feels that he is Hungarian or Russian or British or American. A Jew who feels that way is really admitting that he has lost any meaningful contact with his true Jewish identity. But, for such people, one can understand from their warped perspective that the increase of immigration and the weakening of the forces of nationalism within their host countries is to their benefit. This works to increase the likelihood that they will be accepted as part of the fabric of their host societies. But this must be understood to be what it is. This is an assimilationist policy of certain Jews who are no longer Jewish in any meaningful way. This has nothing to do with Judaism and has nothing to do with the Jewish people. This is all about confused Jews who wish to cease being Jewish in any meaningful way. This is all about Jews who know nothing about their Jewish heritage, Jewish culture and civilization, Jewish history and religion. Such people do not represent the Jewish people – such people, the historical Jewish people, the entity that we refer to in Hebrew as [Hebrew spoken] the historical people of Israel who have existed for nearly 4,000 years. They do not represent us. They represent their own particular, subjective concerns and goals. And therefore they belong to all kinds of movements, social fads, and philosophies. Essentially, we’re talking about post-modernist Cultural Marxism, which of course is based on, amongst other things, the essential concept that human beings should not identify according to their nationality or their national, cultural background and inheritance. But rather human beings should identify according to their according to all communist theory, economic communist theory they should identify according to their class so here they belong to the proletariat or to the bourgeoisie. People should belong to a class and consider themselves brothers and sisters of all other people who belong to that same economic class throughout the world, without distinction. It is not by accident, it is not a coincidence that the anthem of communism and socialism is the well known anthem known by the term, The International. In other words, the main thrust of this warped and pernicious ideology, this evil philosophy, is that human beings should tear down the concept of nationhood and individual cultures and peoples and feel themselves to belong to some sort of internationalist community. This was the basis of Marxist philosophy, which originally took on an economic form. In other words, it related to and wished to view things through the prism of economics. Later, other people having seen the complete lack of success of this ideology – to bring about any kind of real revolution in the world – changed the focus of Marxism and they developed something called Cultural Marxism, which refers to an intellectually driven philosophy which seeks to convince people, not by force but by propaganda, by so-called education – that is to say brainwashing of people over a period of generations – to abandon all kinds of basic ideas and values that nations, that peoples, that families held dear, have always held dear, from time immemorial, to abandon all those ideals and to adopt other notions and other ideas. And one of the terms, and one of the essential terms and essential concepts that were used for this purpose was the term “racism.” In other words, they trained people, they brainwashed people – in the schools, in the newspapers, in the media, through Hollywood films, through films created elsewhere outside Hollywood, in the universities – they brainwashed people to subscribe to the notion that all cultures are equivalent. That all peoples are the same. There are no differences between nations, between ethnic groups, and that the most desirable, utopian reality that could be hoped for in human affairs would be a complete admixture of the nations, of ethnic groups, and of the cultures. There’s much more to be said about this. I do not wish to address all the various aspects of this issue at this moment. What I wish to emphasize at this moment is that these movements exist not because Jews invented them. It is true that there were quite a number of people of Jewish background or Jewish descent involved in these movements and these philosophies, and in these social and intellectual movements and bodies that promoted these ideas over the many decades, going back to the 1930s. But that does not mean that it is in anyway a Jewish philosophy. This does not mean that it is anyway in concert with true Jewish concepts and aims. The true aims of the Jewish people are to see every nation, as I’ve pointed out in previous discussions, according to the Torah, nations should be defined according to their language, shared common language and history and culture and heritage. And, according to the Torah, humanity naturally should and inevitably will be divided into nation states. Not the concept of the “melting pot” which was so so very popular in the 1960s and 70s. That is precisely the opposite of what both the Torah and reason and experience have shown us. The Jewish concept of the proper format and mode of existence for humanity is to be divided into those ethnic groupings. Each in their own territory. Where each is allowed and able to develop its culture and its talents, based on its own inherited values and ideologies and beliefs. This is true for the Jewish people and this is true for all peoples. The idea, the suggestion that there is some kind of Jewish conspiracy to bring about the opposite of what I have just described is inane. This is, in fact, the very opposite of what Judaism preaches. The fact that a person who is of Jewish descent may subscribe to such ideas, does not make it a Jewish philosophy, a Jewish outlook in any way, shape, or form. This is simply a Jew who has lost his way and has joined many other people, some Jews and some non-Jews, who believe in this kind of vision for humanity. It is therefore a most tragic and lamentable state of affairs that today many people of European descent in different parts of the Western world have either reached the conclusion – I have been convinced by others, some of whom may have antisemitic agendas and leanings – that the Jews, as a Jewish people, are responsible for and advocate and promote the dilution of the Western world into some kind of Second, eventually Third World “melting pot.” This is not the Jewish vision for humanity. This is quite the opposite. I would agree entirely with those people in the West that the Western World should raise its borders and strengthen their borders against illegal immigration. Immigration policy should be reversed. And the indigenous peoples of the various Western nations should be allowed to live in their own homelands, according to their traditional cultures and societal structures, and belief systems. That is what should be done for the people in Europe. That is what should be done for the people of Africa. That is what should be done for all nations. The Jews are not responsible for the internationalist, Cultural Marxist, post-modernist agenda of these liberal so-called self-appointed know-alls who believe that they will bring about a utopian future for humanity. Judaism is in fact opposed to all that these people represent.

  623. @Negrolphin Pool

    Apologies for typo correction, but it’s material. “The upshot is that if the entire system were made up of the median naturalized immigrant FICA payer” should read, “…median Hispanic naturalized immigrant FICA payer…”

  624. As a white millennial who has been following the “alt-right” internet scene for some time, I thought I’d share a couple observations.

    For white nationalists, preserving white European identity is a goal in and of itself; they see white Europeans as a distinct “volk” worth preserving, both genetically and culturally, and thus desire the state to recognize this, in contrast to the current zeitgeist which favors mass migration and aggressively anti-white social engineering. They consider the “browning” of America to be a slow form of ethnic cleansing. Pointing out that Hispanic immigrants are not violent would be like suggesting Tibetans should accept being colonized and replaced with Han Chinese because the latter are high IQ and nonviolent. I think the alt right is somewhat correct and sympathetic in this regard, especially when you consider that only white people are subjected to this treatment. According to this view, it’s actually the highly functional immigrant groups who are the most dangerous, and not the ones who are violent, low IQ, and hard to assimilate.

    On the other hand, you are absolutely correct in that the alt right has made a number of decisions that needlessly repel normal people, and in this regard I think you don’t go nearly far enough. Embracing the Trumpian tactic of overstating the crime committed by Mexican immigrants is only the tip of the iceberg

    When it comes to repelling Silicon Valley types, I think a much more egregious issue is the alt right tactic of tying white nationalism and white identity politics with an extremely militant, authoritarian type of social conservatism. One issue which illustrates this, in my opinion, is the attempt by certain alt right thinkers to make fighting homosexuality a central tenet of the alt right. For example, in 2017 Richard Spencer endorsed a series of articles by Andrew Joyce essentially arguing that the alt right should be aggressively anti-gay, and arguing essentially that all gay people should be aggressively purged from the movement. I think many people at the time who were otherwise sympathetic were kind of repelled by this sort of thinking. Even people who are not happy with the gay movement thought this was going much too far and recognized the political danger in turning the alt right into “Focus on the Family 2.0.”

    For whatever reason, I’ve noticed that this tends to bring out a lot of obsessive, mentally unhinged people in the alt right, and have often thought this similarly would repel “normies” and in particular Silicon Valley types that it might otherwise be useful to have as sympathizers. My understanding is that Silicon Valley tends to have a disproportionate number of homosexuals and transgender people to begin with, for some reason. But I think even most people who are not sympathetic to the LGBT++ movement would probably be put off by alt right rhetoric that areas like San Francisco are essentially dystopic hellholes because of both immigrants and gay people. I think many rank and file alt right types seem to be under the impression that daily life in such cities is literally comprised of nonstop gay pride parades, and that the worst aspects of gay culture are “forced” on all its inhabitants in a way that doesn’t actually match up to reality.

    This of course is just one issue, and I don’t mean to belabor the gay issue, but in my opinion the broader issue is that the alt right was originally trendy and subversive but then it increasingly became dominated by vitriolic, authoritarian social conservatives and people who wanted to turn it into Republican Party 3.0 and a more militant version of “Focus on the Family.” The alt right then became relatively echo chambered and many typical alt right bloggers tend to now resemble the worst aspects of the far-left SJW in terms of being relatively humorless, inflexible, hyper-emotional and irrational.

  625. utu says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    They do not proselytize among gentiles. They will spit on you and throw stones. Being proselytizes is not the worst thing that may happen. I understand that you being Jewish have particular phobias and being proselytized to is one of them. But being proselytized is like extending and invitation that you are worthy that you are like one of them.

  626. macilrae says:

    I’m an outsider, looking in, and although I did once upon a time live in Palo Alto (when there were orchards and strawberry fields around and transistors were still largely discrete) I am long out of touch. Despite this, with a few tweaks to the narrative. everything said in the article coincides with what I find in the UK, Australia and Canada. It’s noteworthy that in these countries, while Hispanics are far fewer, blacks are becoming quite numerous and their contribution to violent crime statistics is as substantial as in the US – this is particularly true in Canada, for God’s sake, where they are practically worshiped and are offered all the possible opportunities for betterment of a socialistic society. Their culture, of course, drags them down as everywhere else – their genes they cannot help.

    The triumph of Donald Trump was definitely for the reasons given – and those who voted for him had their eyes open and the best of intentions. What a tragedy he didn’t turn out to be a better sort of human being – even though the alternative was even more deplorable. I fear that future voters will be more cautious when they consider departing from what the media tell them they must do.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  627. JLK says:

    I appreciate that you are trying hard to push the alt right in a sane and intelligent direction, but you cannot do it. The human quality is too low.

    The term “Alternative Right” was coined by Taki’s Magazine around 2008. There’s nothing unintelligent about Taki and his magazine, no matter what you think of his views. He probably preferred “Alternative Right” to “Paleocon,” a term coined by mainstream pundits that was itself pejorative, suggesting atavistic views. They wanted Fox News and the Weekly Standard to tell self-defining conservatives what to think.

    A few years later “Alternative Right” was hijacked by Richard Spencer and his white nationalist views, with the full assistance of the people who have the “megaphone.” Then came the attacks by agents provocateurs. There are many, many, loony posts on the comment-threads of this website that don’t fit the writing style that is typical of the far right.

    I don’t define myself as a conservative or liberal, because I prefer to think for myself and not be led by the nose. It is just an observation that once again, traditional conservatives are left without a home, and it does not appear to be an accident.

  628. geokat62 says:

    So there we have strong argument that can be used against immigration even in the most politically correct circles and SJW infested waters because it has nothing to do with political bad thinking like racism and so forth.

    Racism? WTF? Why is it that only European and European-derived countries are accused of being RACIST for wanting to keep their countries European-majorities? Is anyone accusing the Chinese of RACISM because their immigration policies are crafted to keep their country Han-majority? Is anyone accusing the Japanese of RACISM because their immigration policies are meant to keep their country Japanese-majority? Is anyone accusing the Nigerians of RACISM because their immigration policies are designed to keep their country Nigerian-majority? And, finally, is anyone accusing the Israelis of RACISM because their immigration policies are engineered to keep their country Jewish-majority? If there is, they are only doing so to point out the hypocrisy of condemning European and European-derived countries for wanting the same thing for themselves.

    Just watch the video of the rabbi I posted in comment #627 explaining these things to the dumb goyim.

  629. @AaronB

    I don’t really know much about the people or groups that are being called the “Alt-Right” in this article and comment section, but I seriously doubt that they are any less intelligent or crazier than the idiots on the Left, or many of the powerful people who are supposedly so sane and rational that they are screwing up everything they touch.

    I don’t know that the “Alt-Right” can bring the system down or win politically, but I also doubt that the other side can do much more than destroy the system, create chaos and enrich themselves at everyone else’s expense. My guess is that only favored groups and beneficiaries will view our current masters favorably over time, which is one reason our rulers want a new people.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  630. Miro23 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Excellent video debate and highly recommended.

    Some random observations would be:

    Ron usefully shows the contrast between the interest of US corporations and the interest of the US public on immigration. Corporate interests and public interests are often in conflict ( a fact hidden by supporters of the motion), and he makes the point that US wages in real terms have been stagnant for decades while US wealth inequality has reached spectacular proportions.

    Open borders and uncontrolled outsourcing makes corporate elites still richer and the remaining 99% poorer.

    Also, Prof. Brian Caplan makes an unconvincing Mother Teresa.

  631. Rurik says:

    we have plenty of immigration and our society is changing fast

    Icelanders are about to find out just how disgustingly racist they’ve been all along! they just didn’t want to admit it before.

    Soon you’ll have Affirmative Action to make up for your racist privilege, and if an Icelandic girl is raped and murdered by a numinous victim of Iceland’s endemic racism, it will be ho-hummed as just one, when there are hundreds of thousands of Icelanders!!

    What kind of racist cares about ONE little Icelander?! Are you going in impugn the character of the thousands upon thousands of diversity immigrants descending upon “your” island because of ONE brutally raped and murdered Icelandic girl?!

    IMHO Ron is one of the few who is actually delivering.

    In many ways, I certainly agree with you there!

    However he has indicated his results did surprise even experts in the field and perhaps the general consensus in America is very different.

    Well, for many of us, ‘just one’ raped and murdered American girl is one too many, especially if we’re one of the majority who simply don’t see all the joys of multiculturalism and diversity, that we’re all supposed to be celebrating! as our ‘greatest strength’ !

    We just don’t appreciate the joys of diversity enough to understand that a few raped and murdered girls, (or other crime victims), are ‘worth it’, when looking at the larger picture – demographically replacing white folks and ethnically cleansing them out of “their” lands. (From Miami to California; where whites went from being 92% in 1960 to less than 40% today).

    That’s quite a trajectory, and it’s gaining momentum with every year.

    Are the places where white, ‘Christian’ people allowed themselves to be demographically replaced any indication of what looms here?



    South Africa?

    Is America (or Iceland) uniquely impervious to anti-White sentiments and actions?

    Or, are those sentiments and actions (Affirmative Action, ubiquitous media/academia/government bias) all just a long-overdue comeuppance for all the racism and oppression and evils that the congenitally evil white people have perpetrated on POC from time immemorial?

    If Icelanders didn’t know just how malignantly evil (and racist and homophobic and misogynistic), they’ve been all along… well then strap in niceland, because you’re about to find out.

  632. @OilcanFloyd

    Still denying the obvious?

    Yeah, it’s so bloody obvious that women are getting raped all over the place in Sweden and Germany that, when you actually talk to somebody from one of those countries and bring up the topic, they don’t know WTF you’re talking about!

    But anyway, where were we? Oh, yeah, the Muzzies are all trying to convert us to Islam and make us live under Sharia law.

    So, fine, let’s compare notes. How many Muslim missionaries have you run into?

  633. @Rich

    Something to hide: That’s why I switched my ‘Hoax views from agnostic to MSM BS.

  634. renfro says:
    @Negrolphin Pool

    Has anyone crunched the numbers on what 15-30 million illegal immigrants are likely to do to the public hospital system as they age into their ER superuser years?

    Yes, that is a problem. A friend is a OBGYN and gets called for emergency room duties. He has to deliver babies of illegals when they show up at the emergency room…..they don’t have medical records so the doctors have no information on any medical conditions they might have that mght complicate delivery.
    This is a huge problem as it adds to sky high insurance cost for hospitals as well as other cost that usually are never paid by the patient.
    But they aren’t the only ones, all uninsured are a problem in raising hospital cost.
    In case you wondered why bandaides cost $5 each state has a insurance entity, in my state its BlueCross, that figures how much ‘markup’ a hospital has to charge to cover the cost of the uninsured who generally never pay off their hospital bill.
    So the insured are basically paying for the cost to hospitals of treating the uninsured.
    That’s a reason why there should be some sort of ‘mandatory’ insurance coverage for the masses imo.

  635. peterAUS says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    And it’s about as crazy to think that ultra-orthodox Muslims are trying to impose Sharia on non-Muslims.

    Why don’t you visit Muslim controlled part of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
    Take a look around; speak with people. I suggest trying to peek at those Saudi sponsored outfits there.

    Then, visit Serb controlled part.

    Last, but definitely not the least, visit Croat controlled part.Western Herzegovina. Have a couple of chats with people there. I suggest having a drink with a local priest here and there.

    B.T.W. get a good minder in all of them. A local fellow, street wise etc. Two even better.
    Have fun.

  636. @Ron Unz, have you considered interviewing Greg Johnson, the editor of I find him to be one of the few more intelligent and thoughtful thinkers in this movement and has analyzed some of the failures of the “alt right.”

    The “alt right” as an actual movement is dead at this point, as even some of its former leaders will attest. If the alt right was driven by intelligent, thoughtful people they would have tried to make it a much more sensible one issue political movement. Like any activist movement, the goal should have been creating a movement that reached out to as many segments of the white population as possible, including “liberals” and typical blue state whites, while of course remaining as sympathetic as possible to non-whites. It should have ignored typical wedge issues that social conservatives and liberals over.

    Instead idiotic leaders and fools such as Andrew Joyce and Richard Spencer ensured it would stay a toxic, fringe “far right” movement. I think a huge mistake, which might have looked like it made sense at the time to the typical alt righter, was taking the fact that the mainstream media and “establishment” would remain extremely hostile to their views no matter how they were presented, and then mistaking this for a license to ignore any sense of political strategy and become as repulsive to normal people as possible. In any case, it’s a good thing if the current remnants of the alt right continue to implode, so a more successful identitarian movement has a chance to take its place.

  637. Anonymous[419] • Disclaimer says:

    I’m sure she realised what’s gonna happen before. People often react weirdly when faced with mortal danger or imminent death.

    The tragedy is that the girls were naive (brainwashed) enough to walk into this situation willingly.

    ‘I think they met with the girls in the square and started speaking in English, and that’s how they met. They were outside the hotel and didn’t come in.

    ‘Once they had changed, the girls packed their backpacks and left with the guys.

    They never had a chance and their blood is on the hands of the globalist brain-washers. This is the kind of stuff Marend Ueland used to share on the Net:


    …while the other one, Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, was warmly described as “inclusive” by her ex.

    • Replies: @anon
  638. onebornfree says: • Website

    This guy says: “..The reason so many people of this background feel this way is of course a direct result of the mass and entirely irresponsible immigration policies of many countries, particularly European countries. As we know, particularly from 2015 onwards, Europe has been inundated with Third World immigrants. But, in fact, this process has been going on for many decades. It began in the UK in the 60s, it began in Australia in the early 70s. Till that time, Australia had what was known as the “While Australia” policy, whereby immigration was limited to people of European background. This policy was very foolishly abandoned in the early 70s. A decision taken by then prime minister, Gough Whitlam. And this has also been the case in North America, for many years now. …”

    So what are you saying, that those policies [” entirely irresponsible immigration policies”] were/are not government enforced in the various countries he names? What’s your point? What am I missing here?

    Regards onebornfree

    • Replies: @geokat62
  639. renfro says:

    Whites have to accept responsibility for our own fate. We chose feminism, degeneracy, porn and consumerism over having children. We did that ourselves

    If you’re an adult that’s true.
    However it is a fact that the human brain is not fully developed/mature until the age of 21…..which means the media, Hollywood and etc. propaganda that children and teenagers are exposed to can affect them into adulthood.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  640. peterAUS says:

    Americans won’t, can’t, do the ethnostate. Or, at least, definitely won’t start it. It’s waste of time speaking with them about the matter.
    All they need to do is not do anything when some other people start doing it. Simple.

    The thing will start, again, in Europe. Most likely Eastern Europe. That’s where the focus, even effort, should be.
    The focus, or effort re Americans should be only on keeping them out of the thing. “Do..not…get…involved. Leave……us…..alone.”

    When the thing gets settled there then, and only then, some Americans could, perhaps, use that as a starting point for their own effort. Perhaps.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @Miro23
  641. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Once you go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole there’s no escaping. You just keep believing more and more bizarre conspiracy theories.

    That’s the reality. You end up being treated like those crazy homeless people who talk to themselves out loud.

    Which doesn’t alter the fact that the Twin Towers were brought down with explosives, however much the stupid, the dishonest and the complicit smear you. And now the evidence is to be considered by a Federal grand jury.

  642. @Mark_Throwaway

    You are ignoring the radical side of the Left and the homosexual agenda. The hatred and bile they spew at the rest of us from their urban and coastal enclaves was bound to get a reaction, and they are too dishonest and cowardly to accept they they are largely responsible for the distaste with which they are held by much of the nation.

    Seriously, the image that homosexuals and the Left put forth is repulsive and toxic, and not all that intelligent. Marxism and leather parades is not a winning combination, yet that’s largely what the “elites” are standing behind. Traditional culture and demographics seem sane by comparison, and are only deemed unhinged because the “elites” want something else. Without an increasing vote from ignorant and venal immigrants, the Left coalition would have been destroyed at the voting booth long ago.

    • Replies: @Mark_Throwaway
  643. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    The problem with trying to silence an opinion that the masses may agree with is that by doing so you implicitly confirm it as true in the minds of those same people. That is why the move towards the right by the deplorables in fly-over-country is likely to continue regardless of what Silicon Valley or the MSM thinks.

    And here’s where you can get your yellow jacket, only $6.95 Canadian.

  644. Rurik says:

    She’s calling for her mother as they cut into her neck. At the end of the video she’s completely decapitated.

    oh geeze

    here we go again..

    For God’s sake it was just TWO racist, infidel whores!*

    Do you know how many Dutch and Norwegian girls there are? Millions man!

    What the hell is this big stink over just TWO raped and butchered young women?


    The irony of that celebration of diversity was that it happened in Marrakech, Morocco, just as the world was voting on the Marrakesh agreement; that would allow for 'massive migrations of third world people into Europe and Scandinavia, where a tiny few! more young women might be similarly introduced to the joys of diversity.

    But then if those racist, privileged bitches hadn't been dropping bombs on Muslim nations, then maybe there wouldn't be so much hostility towards racist, privileged white whores!*

    From what I've read the diversity orcs even sent photos of one of the butchered girls to her mother's Facebook page.


    *My genuine sympathies to the loved ones of these beautiful young women. (and the victims of the (((Eternal Wars)))- that these girls had nothing to do with).

  645. PeterMX says:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    It is awarded to many of the most powerful people in Europe, you stooge. Here is Macron after he received it, surrounded by other top leaders, including Merkel of Germany, Poroshenko of Ukraine and Martin Schultz of the European Parliament, so it’s important enough that leaders from other countries (Poroshenko) to travel to Aachen, Germany from their own countries to honor the recipient. It’s only unimportant to you, you stooge.

    “The average person knows and cares nothing about these things.” That would not be surprising, ignoramus. That is the case with many things. Top leaders are recieving a prize for advancing the cause of eradicating the European peoples and replacing them with a new race, a mixed race, and they know nothing about it?. That makes it important, stooge.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  646. peterAUS says:

    I guess you are onto something here.

    Having said that, I do feel you are overestimating intellectual and underestimating emotional element re social change.A lot.
    No mention of will either.

    How good was intellectual level of Pol Pot and his “team”? How intelligent, educated and sophisticated was Hutu leadership in 1994?

    On a, say, positive side, can you recollect any member of Romanian National Salvation Front in ’89?
    Or any Baltic states thinkers when gaining their independence?
    How about Balkans? People who provided intellectual foundation for the new independent states, who were they?

    I could go on but you get my drift I am sure.

    It’s fine to be very intelligent, educated etc. For this game it’s not enough. And, sometimes, it is an impediment for a real change.
    Hehe…very intelligent and educated guys tend to, how to put it, overthink and hesitate sometimes. Makes them indecisive….slow. Not good for the real game. Not good at all.

    My 2 cents.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  647. utu says:

    I have been convinced by others, some of whom may have antisemitic agendas and leanings – that the Jews, as a Jewish people, are responsible for and advocate and promote the dilution of the Western world into some kind of Second, eventually Third World “melting pot.” This is not the Jewish vision for humanity. This is quite the opposite.

    Not Jewish vision for humanity. Really?

    “The exact term “melting pot” came into general usage in the United States after it was used as a metaphor describing a fusion of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities in the 1908 play of the same name.”

    “In The Melting Pot (1908), Israel Zangwill combined a romantic denouement with an utopian celebration of complete cultural intermixing. The play was an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, set in New York City. The play’s immigrant protagonist David Quixano, a Russian Jew, falls in love with Vera, a fellow Russian immigrant who is Christian. ”

    And more recently Barbara Lerner Spectre

    “I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @dfordoom
  648. Anonymous[419] • Disclaimer says:

    You also have to understand that government stats on hispanics are suspect because, in many cases, the government purposely classifies hispanics as white in crime stats to cloud the issue.

    It’s important to note that the clouding effect is doubled with this approach since it’s lowering the stats for Hispanics and raising the white stats at the same time. A group with, say, twice as many criminals can be equalised with a 25% “swap”.

  649. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Most of these “Jewish tribalists” seem to be atheists.

    What’s believing in that sadistic, vain, ignorant old bastard Yahweh got to do with being a Jew? Its the culture that counts.

    And they don’t seem to have much of a Jewish identity at all. An actual Jewish tribalist would not consider marring a non-Jew.

    Why should marrying out result in the loss of Jewish identity. Your spouse can convert, like Ivanka Trump.

    It’s by selective breeding and sloughing off unsuccessful members of the clan that a group can maintain its claim to superior intelligence.

    Judaism is not some dumb religion, its an well thought out way of life, which seems to have some resemblance to the code of the Thugs of India, who murdered and robbed travelers but spared good-looking children who they brought up as members of the gang.

  650. Art says:

    While we beat each other up over Mexican crime rates, the left is going after the real power – the vote.

    The real crime against America is that with the help of the immigrant Mexicans, the left is stealing our democracy. Poor Mexicans vote for a “one party state” every time.

    The left owns California. With the help of Mexican immigration, California has become an invincible one party political state.

    The Nazis had a one party state – the Russian commies had a one party state – the Chinese have a one party state – California has a one party state.

    A one party democracy means no democracy. Eventually one party leads to dictatorship!

    Wake up! In today’s politics, “tribal identity numbers” matter the most – NOT right and wrong. The left has its eye on the prize. When the left takes Texas, Florida, and Nevada through identity politics – they will own America. Look at California, there will be no going back and forth between Republicans and Democrats presidents. We will have a succession of Democrat presidents – just like California has all Democrat elected officials.

  651. @Jonathan Revusky

    We have one Muslim missionary on Unz who has tried to convert me. Otherwise, I have no idea what you are getting at, since Muslim conversion isn’t my issue.

    I have friends and inlaws in Scandinavia, and they tell me that there is quite a bit of trouble with Muslims, and I’ve seen it myself. I also know people who have their heads in the sand for political reasons. My guess is that you just don’t care about the crime and dysfunction.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  652. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    we didn’t used to be this way until their media programming

    Not just media programming. It’s school sex “education”, police enforced anti-racism, etc.

    There are far more non-Jews than Jews complicit in the genocide of the European peoples. This will remain true as long as the Western states operate as welfare regimes where most moderately intelligent and moderately educated people, i.e., university graduates, work for government and are thus entirely subordinate to government control.

    For the West to survive, we need a real right wing revival and a trashing of most government. Then we’d redirect most of the more or less intelligent people into the creative and productive economy. That would give us a chance to survive the competition that’s coming our way from China and the rest of Asia.

    As it is now, the West, whatever its racial composition, or its religion is doomed to humiliation and subjugation. The globalist dream of Western global empire is just that, a dream, a fantasy, a totally insane policy incapable of fulfillment. It’s time the traitors pushing it come to their senses.

  653. renfro says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Let me get this straight. Are you claiming that Hasidic Jews are trying to force non-Jews to live according to Talmudic law?

    That not what he said.
    Hasidic Jews don’t just want to live their lives, they want to take over others communities……which is exactly what they have been doing.
    They are a dirty, crime ridden bunch that reproduces like cockroaches and is known for their welfare frauds.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  654. Rurik says:

    I don’t really know much about the people or groups that are being called the “Alt-Right

    I would describe it as paleo-conservatism without the kneejerk fealty to right-wing Christianity and with a total repudiation of the cucks at the GOP/neocons/Bush-Clinton era of perfidy and war crimes.

    Yes to America- (of all creeds and colors) -first nationalism .

    No to massive immigration.

    No to Affirmative Action.

    No to homo-mania.

    No to radial feminism.

    No to (((Eternal Wars)))

    No to Hillary / McBloodstain [RIH]

    No to Soros and ((CNN/NYT, et al)))

    Yes to celebrating our traditions and heritage, and that includes Christmas and the Confederate States honoring their fallen heroes and their proud, rebel spirit.

    Yes to the Rule of Law

    No to identity politics. (If the Democrat left forces [white] America down that road, then be careful what they wish for)

    No to Marxism

    No to Total Government/corporate surveillance

    No to crony capitalism.

    No to ever believing anything “all sixteen intelligence agencies all agree on..”

    No to the narratives of the World Wars

    No to the narratives of the post 9/11 Eternal Wars (for Israel)

    Yes to the Wall (if for no other reason than the symbolism)

    Yes to deportations

    No to dual citizens in high places (or anywhere else) If you swear allegiance to America and its Constitution, then there can be zero conflicts of interest.

    No to agents of AIPAC hissing about ‘Russian meddling in our elections’.

    No to anchor babies or extended relative immigration*


    At least that's how I sort of see it (admittedly subjectively) in a nutshell.

    *And no, not only ("racist") white men feel this way. A large swath of women and blacks and browns also want the floodgates closed off.

  655. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Intelligent Dasein

    No, you stooge. It’s called the Charlemagne Prize

    Actually, its called the Treason Prize and goes to those who have done most to mongrelize the Europeans as advocated by Coudenhove-Kalergi. Hence Merkel is among recent winners.

    • Agree: utu
  656. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Only the MSM and people not used to hearing a politician say something non-pc would characterize Trump’s “rhetoric” as involving “ferocious attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants in general.

    Putting that more directly, it’s a lie.

  657. geokat62 says:

    What am I missing here?

    Clue: it’s all about feeling “comfortable”:

    1. Chapter 7, Culture of Critique, Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy

    2. How and Why Sweden Became Multicultural

    3. Excerpt from Roche Motel Revisited: The Comfort of an Atomized Society:

    Abolishing Britain

    What more need be said? On Planet Muir, that is the end of the matter. But Roche was happy to reveal her true feelings about “diversity”:

    Friday rush hour. Euston station [in London]. Who’s here? Who isn’t. A kaleidoscope of skin colours. The world in one terminus. Barbara Roche can see it over the rim of her cup of Americano coffee. “I love the diversity of London,” she tells me. “I just feel comfortable.” (Hideously Diverse Britain: The immigration ‘conspiracy’, The Guardian, 2nd March 2011)

    Why does Barbara Roche “love” an atomized society? Why does she feel “comfortable” there? I’d suggest that it’s because she doesn’t stand out as a minority and so doesn’t feel paranoid. In the stale pale Britain of the past, there were periodic outbreaks of inexplicable and irrational anti-Semitism, from the expulsion of Jews by Edward I in 1290 to the “pogrom” that swept the Welsh valleys in 1911.

    Barbara Roche obviously feels that such uncomfortable events are much less likely in an atomized Britain. As the late Larry Auster put it in an American context: “it is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.”

    Regards geokat62

  658. @Jonathan Revusky

    There is no sane person in Sweden that is denying this, and those who attempt to speak out are muzzled by the ZOG that owns Sweden. The police in Sweden recently warned women not to go out alone at night, and admitted that they covered up mass rapes by non whites.

    A Swedish police chief Peter Springare raised the alarm and stated that migrants are responsible for massive crime waves in Sweden, and normal swedes are running to his defense after he was attacked by the Swedish “government”

    As in the US, you don’t have the faintest idea of what you are talking about. Your commitment to “anti-wacciss” has rendered you completely delusional.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  659. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    and if you want to go several levels further down, go to Vox Day’s blog

    At least Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day, writes better and more amusingly than Unz.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  660. anarchyst says:

    You are correct. Hasidic jews not only take over communities, but drive out those not of the “chosen”. Most Hasidic are on some type of “public assistance” while still being “filthy rich” (hiding their income) due to their underhanded scheming and criminality.
    These jews are so brazen in their attitudes, they openly ignore ALL civil-rights laws and anti-discrimination laws that the rest of us are expected to live by.
    They run “public schools” that are open to JEWS ONLY. No gentiles will be admitted. Open housing non-discrimination laws are a joke to them, as, if you are a gentile, you will not be allowed to purchase a home that is deemed available to JEWS ONLY.
    If I had my way, every last one of them would be deported…despite living here, they are not Americans…

    • Replies: @David Baker
  661. @Jonathan Revusky

    Which Jews force every ounce of food and drink consumed by the rest of us to be marked kosher? I’m beginning to think that that little kosher mark is the true Mark of the Beast, and I can only imagine what would happen if most food items were marked with crosses.

    • Replies: @renfro
  662. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    And Beale has a post today that deals with exactly the question that Unz has raised in order, it would seem to obscure it. Worth a read if you want to know what is actually happening to the European peoples.

  663. renfro says:

    wasting his time trying to “defang” the alt right out of his fear of a white nationalist revival – these people do not need to be defanged, they are simply on too low of an emotional and intellectual level to constitute any kind of threat.

    They do not articulate the anti white threat the way it needs to be explained but they sense it.As a white man I am not one of those in fear of being replaced but I do see what is going on in the country. You would have to be blind not to see the avalanche of attacks, subtle and overt, against white and traditional America.

    Raphael Lemkin was the man who coined the term genocide in 1943..he defined it as follows:

    “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.”

    This is what is happening. The alt right or whatever groups fighting it just need to be better at culling the crazies out of it and bringing in more sophisticated patriots.

    Whether this genocide of the white traditional USA is deliberate and one conspiracy or whether the ‘different actions’ are ‘tactics’ of the political parties doesn’t really matter, the results are the same .

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @anonymous
  664. anarchyst says:

    Monika Schaefer…
    Ursula Haverbeck…
    Two grandmothers who are serving hard time in German maximum-security prisons for questioning certain aspects of the so-called jewish “holocaust”…
    Need I say more?

    • Replies: @jack daniels
  665. geokat62 says:

    I guess Ron would like us all to embrace the ADL’s tagline: Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength just as fervently as Joe Biden has:

    Flashback – Joe Biden: “[We want] unrelenting immigration, non-stop. Whites will be an ABSOLUTE minority in America – that’s a source of our strength.”

    The rapid influx of immigrants – both legal and illegal – has added to a growing demographic shift in the United States, and progressive Democrats like former Vice President Joe Biden encourage this mass migration, insisting that it’s a good thing for the nation despite the fact that we already have our own citizens in many communities that are underfed and jobless.

    In an old clip of Biden speaking from the White House, the former VP gushes about his love of immigration and goes on to explain that white people will be an “absolute minority” in the U.S. and that this is a great thing.

    The clip begins with then-Vice President Biden discussing a “wave” of immigrants that continue to pour across our borders, stating that “it’s not gonna stop”, adding “nor should we want it to stop.”

    “As a matter of fact,” Biden starts, “[immigration] is one of the things we should be most proud of.”

    Biden then touches on, as he puts it, the “unrelenting stream of immigration”, which he says will be “nonstop”. Biden then goes on to say the most absurd thing of his entire press conference:

    “Folks like me, who are caucasian of European descent, for the first time, in 2017, will be an ABSOLUTE MINORITY in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white, European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”

    • Troll: L.K
    • Replies: @renfro
  666. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    And no, not only (“racist”) white men feel this way. A large swath of women and blacks and browns also want the floodgates closed off.

    Especially in their own homelands …. Israel, South Africa, China etc.

    And really, why should the world have free access to the homelands of the Western nations.

    Isn’t South America big enough for the Hispanics?

    Isn’t Africa big enough for the Africans?

    And isn’t Syria at 185,000 km^2 large enough for the Syrians?

    Why do the English with only 130,000 km^2 and three times the population have to move over to make way for Syrians?

    If all those young males from the ME went home they could fight their own wars, which would save NATO and the white nations the trouble and expense.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  667. Alden says:

    Read the definition of treason. Only citizens/ subjects can commit treason against their country. So you saw some historical dramas and think you know what the law of treason was in England in 1580?

    Whatever Lord Cecil wrote in that warrant Mary a citizen and Queen of Scotland didn’t commit treason against England. She was a foreign leader trying to overthrow the sovereign of England.
    And how did you segue from Hanson’s wife and pastor telling him a story about a TV and EBT card to some movie about Elizabeth and Mary to a discussion about the definition of treason and then Lord Haw Haw????

    You’re jumping all over the place just to start a ridiculous argument I wonder what nonsense you’ll come up with next
    Benedict Arnold?

    Treason is disloyalty or treachery against the government or ruler of one’s own country.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  668. @Jonathan Revusky

    Pity you did not read the article about the discussion the burgomaster of Amsterdam Femke Halsema had wit a salafist leader in Amsterdam.
    She warned him that with us there is freedom of religion, but within Dutch democratic laws.
    He was so angry he hardly could control himself.
    In twelve years time the Muslim population will be 40%.
    We, the real Dutch, then have two possibilities, wait until we are a minority, or start a civil war.
    There is no conspiracy whatsoever, Muslims are of the opinion that their rules have priority over ours.
    Conversion, why ?
    Under Muslim rules we can be second class citizens.
    This is how Muslim states functioned, and still do, I suppose.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  669. Alden says:

    Get back on topic to your first claim that Hanson’s wife or pastor told him the story about the TV and the EBT card

  670. @RobertinMn

    “Virtue Signal”? That term describes the tactics of liberal hypocrites. I am no liberal. I am descended from an American Indian Tribe on my mother’s side. If you examine each of my military personnel forms, or my applications for government or other employment, “Native American” or “American Indian” are checked in the ethnicity section. I have maintained my stand on Multicultural Societies . I am for multiculturalism as long as people recognize that we’re all in the same boat, and minorities, women, homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, etc. are no more deserving of government recognition, preference or protection than anyone else.

    May I ask what you position is on Trump’s Border Wall Program?

  671. @utu

    And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place

    Must, why ?
    Because jews want it ?

    They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”

    What they see as the survival of Europe we see as the destruction of Europe.
    Weird people, jews, crazy, in fact.

    But it reminds me of the Weimar Republic, there also jews had the illusion they had a leading role.

    • Replies: @anon
  672. peterAUS says:

    Re “Alt-Right” and ethnostate:

    Some excerpts:

    It seems that the majority of the Alt-Right, “Jew-wise” or not, is afflicted by a very large blind spot concerning biologically-European people who loathe our race, nations and civilisation. Surely this blind spot arises from the conventional ideology of ethnonationalism, which takes as its ideal the unity of elites and people based on a common ethnicity, and has made the common ideological mistake of parleying this ideal into a dubious “primordial fact”. Having taken this fateful step, ethnonationalism as we know it simply lacks the analytical tools to explain hostile elitism by ethnic “compatriots” except in terms of 1) inexplicable mental afflictions and 2) the intrigues of rival ethnic tribes.

    ….ethnonationalism directs its focus onto other races while ignoring the role of enemies within our own race, and concentrates on the maxim “know thine enemy” to the point of seriously neglecting to “know thyself”.

    Ethnonationalism, due to its ideal of social harmony based on common ethnicity, shares many unfortunate demotist fictions with liberal democracy. The common people are placed in the driving seat of society, as they embody the race and its collective interests, and they generate representative elites who serve these interests more or less competently. This leads to an extremely naïve view of the white masses, whose deus ex machina “awakening” (in response to foreign provocations or civilisational collapse) has been just around the corner for at least twenty years.


    A couple of guys here could take a look. You’ll find it interesting.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  673. @PeterMX

    Schultz has complety disappeared, the west wants Poroshenko to step down, Macron has no idea what to do now, Merkel is on her way out.
    What they have created is a mess, indeed.
    They alas had the power to do this.

    • Replies: @PeterMX
  674. @dfordoom

    “Kristallnacht”, eh? Why dwell on ancient history? Why don’t you cite Iran?

  675. @Mark_Throwaway

    ” preserving white European identity is a goal ”
    There is no such thing as European identity.
    There are some 28 European identities.

  676. @geokat62

    It may not be the jewish vision, I’m quite willing to believe that there is no such thing as THE jewish vision.
    Alas there is a jew Soros, who does anything to create his Open Society, the destruction of the European cultures.
    He’s proud on having 226 followers in EP.
    He deplores, he says, of having so many enemies.
    What is driving him to create more and more enemies, I wonder.

  677. @RobertinMn

    How wonderfully “racist” of you to claim we as a people do not exist.
    Who here is we ?
    You pretend that there is a European culture ?
    I’m Dutch, you think I see any cultural resemblance with for example Poles ?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  678. Rurik says:

    A large swath of women and blacks and browns also want the floodgates closed off.

    Especially in their own homelands …. Israel, South Africa, China etc.

    Well, you’re right about Israel/Palestine, as I suspect the native born inhabitants are also exasperated with the new immigrants and their entitled attitude.

    South Africa is somewhat more complicated, as both whites and blacks deserve to live there, but then again, like Israel, many of the blacks of South Africa are also genocidal scum.


    But there is a lesson for Americans in both Israel and South Africa. If you allow (often hostile) foreigners to overtake your lands, beware the results.

    Isn’t South America big enough for the Hispanics?

    Isn’t Africa big enough for the Africans?

    Yes, but they’re hopelessly corrupt. And a tiny minority own the vast percentage of the land and wealth. So most of the people are desperately poor, and would like to get to whitey land for a better life. Especially since whitey has fallen victim to the eternal antics of the tribe and has become spiritually castrated.

    Why do the English with only 130,000 km^2 and three times the population have to move over to make way for Syrians?

    because the tribe is trying to destroy the entire Western world, not just a nation here and there. And so they blame the British working class for waging wars on Syria, and then expect the British working class to move over to accommodate Syrians and everybody else, all as part of their historic and contemporary “guilt”.

    It’s a win/win for the Zionists, who can deflect blame for their Eternal Wars in the Middle East, and destroy England and Western Europe too!


    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  679. @Wizard of Oz

    I can’t make it any clearer: There was no plan by Hitler to exterminate the Jews. Your version of weasel wording does not define any plan. Hitler was working with Zionists to effect the mass-emigration of Jews from Europe to Palestine. There were ships transporting Jews from German Ports to their new Homeland. These operations were specified in the agreement between Zionists and the Third Reich. Germany complied with their obligations. If you’re going to dwell on Hitler’s position, at least acknowledge the Jewish Declaration of War on Germany. Jews also would arrange a Worldwide Boycott of German goods to cripple their struggling economy.

  680. geokat62 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You pretend that there is a European culture ?

    Fair question, jiles.

    I have a question of my own: Do you think there is such a thing as Western civilization?

    And if so, do you think Western nations, such as the Netherlands and Poland, share in the traditions of Western civilization?


    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  681. @Hypnotoad666

    the Hispanisizing of LA has not been the end of the world.

    Are you aware of how moronic is that statement? Even if the worst alt righter’s fears come to fruition – LA becomes Mexico DF or Sao Paulo – it won’t either be the end of the world. Hello? Plenty of people living comfortably there. You will just adapt and, like in the meme of the dog in the house in flames, tell to yourself “this is fine”. And same for Europe. A few million more Africans in ten years? not the end of the world. This is fine. Say the autistic morons like yourself and Mr Unz.

    Ron Unz’s next ridiculously out of touch, although very much acclaimed essay: The myth of Hispanic crime… in Latin America.

    Repeat with me idiot: US cities becoming Sao Paulo is not the end of the world. The US becoming an extension of Latin America is not the end of the world. This is fine.

    • Replies: @Hypnotoad666
  682. Truth says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Well, technically it’s “Noahide Law”, of which you ask…

  683. @David Baker

    The plan was deportation of all jews after the war to Madagascar, where they would have to live in isolation, taking care of themselves, no parasitic behavious possible.
    The WWII camps, just a temporary stay, working.
    Therefore, my idea, the Auschwitz sign ‘Arbeit macht frei’, ‘labour liberates’, from parasitism, I suppose.

    Hans Jansen, ‘Der Madagaskar Plan, Die beabsichtigte Deportation der europäischen Juden nach Madagaskar’, München 1997
    The book was written by a Dutch theologican, connected to the Brussels Wiesenthal Institute.
    In the meantime the original Dutch also was published, maybe an English translation too.
    For a short time after WW even the British government favoured the plan.
    They feared losing Palestine.

    In the beginning of the war Eichmann cooperated with zionists in smuggling jews to Palestine via the Donau and the Black Sea.
    Yitshaq Ben-Ami, ‘Years of wrath, Days of glory Memoirs from the Irgun’, New York, 1982
    This stopped after a ship with several hundred jews sank in the Black Sea, who did it has never been established.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @anon
  684. @anarchyst

    You just described Israel. Jews are an insular tribe. Wherever they ‘set up shop’, you’ll discern that trait.

  685. MarkinLA says:

    That was funny Truth. That idiot beats all your other attempts at being a comedian.

    • Replies: @Truth
  686. @Rurik

    Please don’t post “Bush” and “Conservative” in the same sentence. All those issues you’ve mentioned would not be of concern to true conservatives if they did not prompt the expansion of government size/scope/cost/authority in the process of implementing those programs and benefits. Every liberal program in existence would end today if liberals were forced to underwrite the costs of those programs.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  687. anonymous[538] • Disclaimer says:

    “Defending white” is literally the only way we survive as a people with genetic integrity.

    “White” is a nebulous concept.

    Is Spain “white”? If so, Hispanics are White.

    Are Italians as White as Anglos?

    Are Germans as White as Italians?

    Are Greeks as White as Irishmen?

    The varied peoples of Western AND Eastern Europe — Greeks, Italians, Germans, French, Poland, Russia, Spain, etc., have distinctively different cultures that share some roots and origins, but that diverged in specifically adaptive ways.

    Moreover, it is some Whites — mainly, imo, British Isles/English/Anglos — who are most likely to support those who are the ((( dominant supporters of multiculti))), while other European ethnics — particularly Germans as well as Italians– have been brainwashed by Anglo Zionists into denying their own cultural identity.

    Further, imo, “United States of America” has no cultural identity. If it does, name it; name its epic, its unique language, its unique music — John Philip Sousa?? gawd.

    Thus, I support the notion of re-assertion of ethnic European identity and pride.

    Melting German, French, Italian, Irish, etc. ethnic cultural identity into “white” is not that much different from melting all into a global melting pot.

  688. There is indeed a great philosophical divide, but it has little to do with racism, anti-semitism, liberal vs conservative, or any of the MSM canon of approved dichotomies and quarrels.

    It is actually about libertarians vs authoritarian collectivists. The key to eliminating libertarian thoughts is to smear libertarian thinking as racism, sexism, homophobia, dandruff, poor hairdos, anti-semitism – in short, any and all ugly attributes – and to do this without ever actually mentioning any fundamental libertarian beliefs.

    That is how Ron Paul was marginalized. It is how Alex Jones has been culturally deleted. The key to seeing what is happening is to see that the desire for freedom is, as always, under hysterical attack by the parasitic authorities (or do I repeat myself) and the parasites are beginning to lose the battle.

    Thus their hyperventilating rhetorical war on liberty that must never mention liberty for fear that their audience will awaken. They are ever in a hunt for words that will promote tyranny while appearing to promote altruism. It’s a tough assignment, trying to sound reasonable when all you’re after is more power.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @MarkinLA
  689. @geokat62

    The problem with the word civilisation is that it is ordinarily used in a positive way, such as Churchill ‘the higher civiliation has the better weapons’.
    Civilised means behaving well.

    Ancient Carthage had child sacrifices, the Maya had them, civilisations ?
    The world culture in neutral, king Assad of the Assyrians was one of the most sadistic and cruel rulers ever, the Assyrian culture simply was so, do I call the Assyrian culture a civilisation, scientifically yes, morally, no.

    There were, still are, European cultures.
    Compared with Carthage, Mayas and Sargon I’d say yes, there was and is a European civiliation, despite Inquisition and things like that.
    As Europe, the area ending at the Ural mountains, was christian, one can indeed say there was or is a European civilisation.

    Nevertheless, we in the Netherlands see Poles mainly as drunk drivers, devout catholics, not too bright.
    Brexit had a lot to do with British resenting Polish immigration.
    There are no absolutes in culture or civilisation.

    I’m Frysian, from the north of the country, do I feel at home south of our rivers, no.
    Different mentality there, if this mentality explains the high crime rates there, maybe.

    But I wonder why the question.
    The EU and euro illusions have as big mistake that a European culture exists, or existed, or can be created.
    But, again a but, within the continent Europe, in my opinion cultural differences are less than between European cultures and Islam.

    The now disappearing politicians, those of the prizes, this mutual admiration club, created a mess that will take decades to rectify, I wonder if it is possible without civil war.
    Last but not least, the EU has as cornerstone the evil Germans.
    Germans as victims, impossible.

  690. onebornfree says: • Website

    geokat62 said : “Clue: it’s all about feeling “comfortable”…..:

    Sorry, but I still don’t get your point. I had said government is incapable of correcting problems it initially caused.

    You then responded : “Sorry, OBF, the government didn’t create these problems we’re currently facing. …” , and then posted a video + with a too long transcript where the speaker specifically says:

    “..The reason so many people of this background feel this way is of course a direct result of the mass and entirely irresponsible immigration policies of many countries, particularly European countries. As we know, particularly from 2015 onwards, Europe has been inundated with Third World immigrants. But, in fact, this process has been going on for many decades. It began in the UK in the 60s, it began in Australia in the early 70s. Till that time, Australia had what was known as the “While Australia” policy, whereby immigration was limited to people of European background. This policy was very foolishly abandoned in the early 70s. A decision taken by then prime minister, Gough Whitlam. And this has also been the case in North America, for many years now. …”

    ….which only confirms my initial point- the problem[s] were caused by government[s] in the first place.

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @geokat62
  691. Anonymous[171] • Disclaimer says:

    Your enthusiasm has sparked a search for wisdom, if only the wisdom of crowds and “Was Mary Queen of Scots guilty of treason” found me this

    inter alia.

    So she had a trial in which she was allowed to defend herself. (No counsel as usual but she was a bright girl – actually a mature antifeminist Catholic matron to be more accurate). The court found her guilty of treason. Surely, Justice Alden, you observe judicial comity in the colonies.

    • Replies: @Alden
  692. @jilles dykstra

    Herzl pondered several locations. Madagascar was among the more likely choices. He knew Palestine was not an ideal choice, for reasons which today are a vindication of his concerns. Zionists would override those concerns, citing Palestine as being where these Jews originated (Even though this tribe converted to Judaism, and was not descended from Hebrews, Semitic Populations, etc.) If Herzl had gotten his way, none of these controversies would have arisen.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @renfro
  693. @anonymous

    That is ridiculous. White people are bonded by genes, not by some small cultural differences. White people in Holland, Poland, Sweden, France, Germany share the same genetic makeup, and all of them build and create things, not destroy.

    Africans, on the other hand, can only destroy. This is true wherever they live. They can inherit already built countries, like Haiti, and within a short time they turn the place into ruins.

    Mestisos are only marginally better, and what I suppose are referred to as “white Hispanics” are better still, but if they are capable of building and maintaining things in their own lands, then that is EXACTLY where they should be.

    You don’t see white people illegally invading any of these countries built by “hispanics” or blacks in order to improve their lives. But you DO see blacks and “hispanics” invading white countries.

    Why is that, do you wonder?

  694. Anonymous [AKA "asbestos"] says:

    he told you why, they are engineers that live in their own bubble within their own time zone. they lift their heads up,look out the window, see a blue bird and miss the feral cat below it. then one day they look out the window and wonder what happened to the blue bird and blame it being gone on everybody that’s not an engineer.

  695. @John Howard

    Libertarians push ideologies existing among organizations such as NAMBLA, a group which seeks to legalize pederasty. If you boil down the salient elements of the libertarian agenda, they would define creeping anarchy and implied Globalism.

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @John Howard
  696. Rurik says:
    @David Baker

    Please don’t post “Bush” and “Conservative” in the same sentence.

    OK, well in fairness, I did say cucks like Bush were and are the worst enemies of true conservatives and of this republic and indeed, our very civilization.

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

  697. Truth says:

    He was talking to the baby.

  698. @David Baker

    Hitler could hardly have contemplated the extermination of the Jews of Europe in 1933 but persecuting them in Germany to get them to leave Germany was a clear aim, not hidden, before the so called declaration of war by some American Jews. With many problems to deal with it made sense for Hitler to pursue his aims wrt German Jews by makingvthem pay to cover the cost of getting them to Palestine (where, more than incidentally, it would stir up trouble for the British with the Arabs). Up to the point where the Madagascar solution became impossible, no doubt that too had the advantage of not upsetting the consciences of as many Germans as anything more lethal would have but the deportations of non workers in 1943 and 1944 simply can’t be related to the Madagascar solution. And let me point out to those who make something of the relative lack of documentary evidence for a planned genocide: you would have expected much reference to a Madagascar Plan as a respectable explanation for deportations of non workers to the Polish camps but there doesn’t appear to be a word (and indeed it would have been nonsensical by 1942).

  699. @jilles dykstra

    Pity you did not read the article about the discussion the burgomaster of Amsterdam Femke Halsema had wit a salafist leader in Amsterdam.

    Well, it’s kinda hard to read any article you are talking about, seeing as you never provide a link.

    In twelve years time the Muslim population will be 40%.

    In twelve years, eh? From 5% to 40%?

    You didn’t answer my question. How many Muslim missionaries have you run across in Holland?

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Willem
  700. geokat62 says:

    … and then posted a video + with a too long transcript where the speaker specifically says:

    The speaker also specifically says:

    I have been convinced by others, some of whom may have antisemitic agendas and leanings – that the Jews, as a Jewish people, are responsible for and advocate and promote the dilution of the Western world into some kind of Second, eventually Third World “melting pot.” This is not the Jewish vision for humanity. This is quite the opposite.

    And the links I provided support the rabbis statement.

    which only confirms my initial point- the problem[s] were caused by government[s] in the first place.

    Well, you can’t blame me for trying.

    Regards, geokat62

    • Replies: @onebornfree
  701. @Ron Unz

    I’m reading this again and wonder if I’ve missed something. If the age adjusted incarceration rate for Hispanics is 26 per cent higher than for (other) whites isn’t that a big deal in a way that 9 per cent is not?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  702. MarkinLA says:
    @John Howard

    Libertarians are for open borders. The Alt-Right is against open borders.

    “Freedom” means different things to different people. The businessman wants the freedom to bring in anybody from anywhere else in the world and let him work for as little as they will accept. He then wants the state to use it’s resources to protect the money he made by not hiring members of the community.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @John Howard
  703. @Wizard of Oz

    Judea Declared War on Germany on March 24, 1933. Hitler became chancellor on January 30, 1933.

    So 6 -7 weeks after Hitler became chancellor, Jews had openly declared war on Germany. And yet despite this fact, more than 150,000 Jews or half Jews served in Germany’s military, per Israeli historian Bryan Mark Brigg’s book Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers.

    If you were trying to prove this nonsense about a “holocaust”, you are failing miserably.

    • Replies: @Anon
  704. @jilles dykstra

    Interesting topic.

    The dictionary defines civilization (the verb) as “the act or process of bringing out of a savage or uneducated state” – implying therefore, the outcome as a noun: “non-savage and educated”. That is too broad for our purposes.

    One could argue that European/Western “civilization” has christian philosophy as the unifying principle, at least as an ideal if not in practice. But we run into a problem if we extend that to imply that Christianity is the core, as then most South Americans would have to be included in that grouping.

    So, we fall back to racial collections – but that is problematic, if we articulate the race as “white”: which whites? Are the Norwegians the same group of whites as, say, the Italians? How about Aryans? Well, that would include the Iranians, who are not even in Europe.

    How about cultural groupings? Is the culture in Iceland the same as Germany, or even similar? You take affront at your Dutch culture being the same as Polish culture.

    In the final analysis, the only grouping that makes sense to me is that of a “nation state”. But, what defines a nation state?

    – It is not a religion
    – It is not a race
    – It is not a color

    I think it boils down to a social structure of purpose and behavior sculpted from a shared philosophy: a constitution.

    That is what makes the USA a nation – and why uncontrolled immigration is a problem (regardless of origin). That is why decimating the constitution as we have been doing for a while, results in the destruction of our nation.

    – If you bring in an uncontrolled mass of immigrants, it limits the natural process of assimilation and causes it to be overwhelmed to the point where the original binding philosophy disintegrates.
    – If you allow the rise of a 5th column that focuses its resources on the betterment of another nation rather than the one it inhabits, the constitution ceases to glue its population together.
    – If you allow entangling alliances (and enmities) to take precedence over the strengthening and perfecting of the union (in its generic sense, not just the union of states), then the ties that bind cease to be.

    So, my conclusion is that the solution to our problems (and those of every country) is the maximization of nationalism, something whose meaning has been deliberately perverted. I think that most Americans will agree with me, and it is *one* of the reasons that Trump has appeal to many, despite not having delivered on that promise.

  705. CanSpeccy says:

    Yes, but they’re hopelessly corrupt.

    Then they should have a revolution and clean things up like any other self-respecting people, not impose their troubles on others.

  706. onebornfree says: • Website

    OK, for sake of argument let’s assume you are correct, the problem was not caused by government[s].

    Fine by me.

    Regardless, government will not, and cannot correct the problem for you, nor for anyone else.

    Government “solutions” [whatever they may be] never work. Never have, never will. Just look around you. For example, see the original short list given in my 1st post in this thread, post no. 603.

    “Everything government touches turns to crap” Ringo Starr

    “The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic”

    The World’s Biggest, Most Dangerous Scam Is……..The “Government Solutions Work” Scam:

    You need to come up with better plans that do not depend on government to “fix” things – it can’t, it won’t.

    Regards, onebornfree

  707. geokat62 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    But I wonder why the question.

    As you know, George Soros and his Open Society Foundations has been on a mission to promote the acceptance of migrants, especially into European and European-derived countries (but for some mysterious reason, they never apply the same pressure on the Jewish-state to open its borders).

    Most of the Visigrad countries are pushing back against this initiative. Populists in Italy and Bulgaria have also received a big chunk of the vote share.

    The more these Western countries band together, the better chance they have to withstand the onslaught. In other words, the higher the likelihood they’ll succeed in the fight to safeguard Western civilization.

  708. @OilcanFloyd

    You are correct about this toxic, artificial culture. But focusing too much on restoring “traditional culture” by the barrel of a gun is similarly toxic. There’s no rolling back the clock to the 1950s, and the traditions and gender roles of the 1950s didn’t provide any protection from subversion and demographic change in the first place. (((Social conservatism))) didn’t work with the resources of the Republican party behind it, and coupling it to the pro-white movement, as the now-failed alt-right tried to do, will only doom both.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @dfordoom
  709. @War for Blair Mountain

    I agree about Jared Taylor’s IQ-obsessed formulation of nationalism. What we want is to preserve or rather recreate the sort of society we had in the 1950s, not to turn America into a “meritocracy” of multi-ethnic money-grubbing techies from all corners of the earth. Taylor’s formulation allowed him to lead a semi-comfortable existence in Noo York City but intellectually it’s mostly a scam.

  710. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:

    Which word(s)? Short term memory problem?

    Maybe you are calling the rather obvious accidental omission of “suggests” a choice of words. If so, better to remain anonymous and hide the extent to which you are dumb, careless or ill educated.

    • Replies: @anon
  711. @dfordoom

    Thanks for the info. I agree completely. The billionaires who control both parties make sure that we always have to choose between professed socially liberal corporatism and stealth socially liberal corporatism! But maybe that will change.

  712. @Genrick Yagoda

    There is no sane person in Sweden that is denying this, and those who attempt to speak out are muzzled by the ZOG that owns Sweden. The police in Sweden recently warned women not to go out alone at night, and admitted that they covered up mass rapes by non whites.

    I just looked at the link you provided and it’s a news item about what transpired in one small town, Ostersund, population 45,000, a place I had never heard of before. The news item is not about Sweden in general and it is from March 2016, nearly 3 years ago.

    Apparently, the cops in Ostersund did say that women shouldn’t go out at night, but were roundly criticized, as I see it, because it seems to have been an overreaction.

    Anyway, since you claim to be so interested in facts, could you verify the answer to these questions:

    How many rapes is it being claimed actually took place in Ostersund, Sweden?

    I mean, now that nearly 3 years have transpired since all this, how many people were caught and tried and convicted for actually raping somebody?

    Of course, the real question is why are why are you misrepresenting this news item about what happened in one small town as if it refers to Sweden as a whole? Don’t you have something better than this?

  713. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    Do get with it. It should surely be a commonplace by now that DNA research has shown Ashkenazi Jews to be about half Semitic and the rest nearly all miscellaneous European. Visit Greg Cochran’s Westhunter website….

  714. renfro says:

    Just shoot me please if Joe “I am a Zionist’ Biden is ever President.
    He is as absolutely as useless as they come. He’s spent his entire life in government jobs, never ever spent a day earning a living, always lived on government pay checks from taxpayers.

    • LOL: Cloak And Dagger
  715. @Thomm

    You’re off script here. This is the point where you are supposed to accuse Ron Unz of being a low IQ WN whigger and that Indians are living rent free in his head. And don’t forget the reference to year 1994.

    • LOL: KenH
  716. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    You didn’t answer my question. How many Muslim missionaries have you run across in Holland?

    mooslims don’t go around asking you to convert, when they have the numbers you will begin to see the handwriting on the wall and you’ll have a few choices, the best option being to leave

  717. @Rurik

    For God’s sake it was just TWO racist, infidel whores!*

    Do you know how many Dutch and Norwegian girls there are? Millions man!

    What the hell is this big stink over just TWO raped and butchered young women?

    (Yawn.) You know, frankly, I don’t think this really sells.

    It’s missing a certain je ne sais quoi.

    I GOT IT!

    What you really need, man, is some babies!

    Why don’t you say that the Muzzie savages were bayoneting Belgian babies? That’s an oldie, but it’s a goodie. (Or how about…. “Incinerating Icelandic infants”)

    Or how about this… they went to a hospital, and found some incubators with some babies in them and they chucked the babies out of the incubators! (Don’t worry about explaining WHY they did that. They did it… it’s the kind of shit they do….)

    But…. you see…. atrocity propaganda without the babies is like… I dunno… a cheeseburger without the cheese….


    • Replies: @Rurik
  718. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    The plan was deportation of all jews after the war to Madagascar, where they would have to live in isolation, taking care of themselves, no parasitic behavious possible.

    that would make a great reality show – jews jewing each other on Madagascar

  719. renfro says:
    @David Baker

    The Zionist in the end picked Palestine so Judaism’s many calls for ‘ a Israel’ or return would ensure the support of most Jews.

  720. dfordoom says: • Website

    Surprisingly, there are people who can weigh up evidence, and make informed conclusions about events, particularly when said events are riddled with contradictions and miraculous coincidences.

    The problem is that once they go down that rabbit hole people get a conspiracy theory mindset. They focus on evidence, no matter how tenuous, that seems to support their crazy theory. And they ignore evidence that doesn’t fit the theory. If they don’t find evidence they assume it’s because there’s been a Deep State cover-up. If they find strong evidence that contradicts the theory they assume it’s CIA misinformation.

    Of course everyone does these things to some extent. We decide what to believe and then we look for evidence that backs up that belief. The original decision on what to believe is usually based on pure emotion. The trouble with the conspiracy theory mindset is that it allows people to take that natural human tendency to extremes.

    It’s easy to become like Mulder, where your first impulse on encountering anything even slightly unusual is to assume it’s aliens that are behind it.

    • Replies: @Squarebeard
  721. @MarkinLA

    Wrong–the current water situation is a product of the FDR administration which turned Okees into millionaires over night. However, the real problem is over population–all fed by immigration due to greedy assholes in the agriculture business and the housing industry. Those who want continued expansion of exhurbs so they can line their pockets building cheap, disposable housing, know that for every 15 immigrants that move into an area, 10 native born leave.

    • Replies: @MarkinLA
  722. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    What they see as the survival of Europe we see as the destruction of Europe.
    Weird people, jews, crazy, in fact.

    they don’t see it as saving Europe either, they see it as the dilution of an old enemy

    they say it to mock you and they think most of you are dumb enough to believe them

  723. renfro says:
    @David Baker

    Libertarians are almost as crazy as the liberals.
    The want to return to the Wild Wild West where local sheriffs are the government and the law.
    The liberals want to return the Stone Age with no nations or boarders where tribes roam freely and have picnics, swap meets and sing alongs with each other.
    They are all crazy.

  724. dfordoom says: • Website

    The trouble with the Europeans is that they are docile, gullible and apparently unwilling to fight for anything, even their own miserable put-upon lives.

    So what you’re saying is that Europeans need to take responsibility for their docility, gullibility, cowardice and tendency to wallow in self-pity? I’d agree with that.

  725. @OilcanFloyd

    I have friends and inlaws in Scandinavia,

    Man, you are such a bloody phony. Nobody who is for real would talk like this. They’d say they know people in Stockholm or in Oslo or some specific place. They wouldn’t just say they know people in Scandinavia.

    It reminds me of this obvious shill who was going on about how he was a pilot and knew that what the (alleged) hijackers had (allegedly) done on 9/11 was real easy. I asked him where he got his pilot’s license. He said the U.S. I asked him which state and he got all evasive and started bullshitting.

    You have friends and inlaws in “Scandinavia”. Like, dude, that’s four different countries! Each one of them is not that small a place either.

    and they tell me that there is quite a bit of trouble with Muslims, and I’ve seen it myself.

    Yeah, you saw all this trouble with Muslims yourself. What specifically did you see? Nobody who is for real who really saw anything would ever talk in this kind of vague way, that he saw “something” himself “somewhere” in “Scandinavia”….

    This gets so déjà vu, man. I now ask you where this was and what you actually saw and then you disappear. Like the jerk who got a pilot’s license somewhere in the U.S. but won’t tell you where he did the pilot training or took the test. Just the U.S. Yeah, right.

    Well, okay, you’re full of shit. Time for you to exeunt stage right.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  726. @Cloak And Dagger

    nice circular thinking there. According to you, the only people on earth who cannot point to a common culture and race are “white people”. All the easier to steal their lands and destroy a culture that doesn’t exist.

    What’s really fascinating is how you completely ignore Western Philosophy’s 3,500 year old roots. Amazing that one. Perhaps you can explain to us how it was that only Europeans ever conceived of the possibility of “freedom” in the first place. Or who it was that created an art form which has survived, due to it’s beauty, for more than 3,000 years. Or how the advent of realistic, 3 dimensional art came along. Who was that invented all of those instruments that comprise a symphony orchestra and then wrote the astoundingly beautiful and “God like” symphonies for those orchestras to play. While you’re at it, maybe you can explain the beauty of ballet and tell us why the chinese or africans never came up with it.

    Damn, and there I was being educated in the “Classical Western” way–developed by the ancient greeks and carried forward by the Romans who in turn bequeathed it to western Europe and could see this long string of humanity rising up out of the people of Europe and now you tell me that we don’t really exist.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  727. dfordoom says: • Website

    Whites have to accept responsibility for our own fate. We chose feminism, degeneracy, porn and consumerism over having children. We did that ourselves.

    you’re right, social engineering had nothing to do with it

    There was social engineering certainly, but it wasn’t exactly done secretly. And we (white people) did nothing to stop it. We continued to vote for the very governments that were doing the social engineering. Even now we STILL vote for those same parties.

    We saw radical and dangerous social changes being made but we were too busy shopping to worry about it.

    And the social engineering was done mostly by white people. We suffered the same social experiments in Australia as the U.S. but we can’t blame the Jews – in Australia the damage was all done by white Australians.

    Liberalism is the enemy and that’s something that European and North American civilisation devised back in the 18th century. It was the creation of white men. There’s no way you can blame Jews or Mexicans or Muslims for that.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @geokat62
    , @notanon
  728. @Jonathan Revusky

    Poor boy. The swedes were burning down refuge centers a few years ago to keep the muzzies out. I guess you missed that one. Or the “no go” zone of Malmo.

    • Replies: @Alden
  729. Ron Unz says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I’m reading this again and wonder if I’ve missed something. If the age adjusted incarceration rate for Hispanics is 26 per cent higher than for (other) whites isn’t that a big deal in a way that 9 per cent is not?

    Well, it’s a matter of opinion, and I don’t regard that sort of difference as being too significant.

    (1) It’s just for California. Meanwhile, in various other states, Hispanics actually have somewhat lower age-adjusted incarceration rates than whites. For example, in Texas, whites are about 15% more likely to be incarcerated. Presumably, part of the reason is that so many blue-collar whites have been pushed out of CA, and young men from white-collar families are less likely to commit street crime.

    (2) There’s actually very large regional variation in white incarceration rates. For example, whites in TX are around 200% more likely to be incarcerated than whites in Minnesota, though much/most of the difference is surely due to the harshness of the local judicial system.

    (3) Almost everywhere in the country, blacks are 400-600% more likely to be incarcerated than whites, so a 10% or 20% white-Hispanic gap seems pretty small by comparison.

    Here’s a chart that reflects (1) and (3):

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @Wizard of Oz
    , @Anon
  730. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Don’t you know about Himmler’s telephone call to Hitler, late 1941 along the lines of “Every move we make East we’ve got more f’ing Jews to deal with. Shooting women and children isn’t good for our boys and there aren’t enough locals we can count on to help. You’ve said yourself Madagascar just isn’t on as far ahead as we can see but I have some ideas I wouldn’t like to hear discussed on the BBC”. Hitler “I rely on you Himmler: I’m sure you’ll manage”.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
    , @anon
  731. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    The Hasidism in Los Angeles have a big outreach program to the secular Jews. It’s a return to your roots type thing

    One of the things they do is pair a secular Jew with a Hasidic family for regular Friday night dinners. The women make an effort to show that a modestly dressed Hasidic woman doesn’t have to look like a pile of dirty laundry.

    It’s not very successful

  732. @Jonathan Revusky

    Apparently you did not read the links because if you had you would have understood that the police in Stockholm admitted to covering up turd world rapes.

    tell me, how much accurate data do you suppose I should be able to provide when the cops admit they are covering up turd world crimes? And when a single police chief speaks out and is charged by the state with a “thought crime”?

    Why not demand that I provide a count of fish in the Pacific Ocean while you are at it?

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  733. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Yellow Vests to run as political party in France? Why not the US, Britain, and Canada too?

    Meantime, Muslim leader in Italy says polygamy a “civil right” and demands representation in government for two million non-citizen Muslims. No harm in that, obviously.

    Maybe that sour-looking woman with the “Alt-Right is Wrong” sign at the head of this post should move to Italy and raise some Muslim kids.

    • Replies: @Squarebeard
  734. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Ron Unz

    Meanwhile, in various other states, Hispanics actually have somewhat lower age-adjusted incarceration rates than whites.

    Americans are replacing themselves with more law-abiding people than themselves. So that’s great then. The great Cucking is nothing to worry about at all.

    • Replies: @Truth
  735. @RobertinMn

    What’s really fascinating is how you completely ignore Western Philosophy’s 3,500 year old roots. Amazing that one. Perhaps you can explain to us how it was that only Europeans ever conceived of the possibility of “freedom” in the first place.

    I think you should reread what I wrote. Our constitution is built on and extends the concept of liberty, so I include that in the social construct of what makes us a nation. My thesis is that what makes a nation is the adherence to a common philosophy – and our constitution is just that. My family lineage spans whites across the expanse of Europe. That is not my identity. Being American is.

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @Anon
    , @dfordoom
  736. Alden says:

    Jonathan doesn’t make comments.

    He just attacks every comment hoping to start a big fight that splatters off into anything and everything. Remember the insanity about the San Francisco flight attendant who was on one of the planes that crashed into the WTC.??

    He was claiming her parents and siblings never existed and started squabbling with people who live in San Francisco about the location of the non existent woman’s high school

    Best to ignore him

  737. @Anon

    No, I am not familiar with that. Bletchley Park recently declassified all their intercepts from WWII and I have heard nothing like this, so I highly doubt it happened as you claim. If it did, it would be paraded around like a captured Yeti in every newspaper in the world.

    It is true though that the Germans abandoned plans to ship the Jews to Madagascar during the war.

    • Replies: @Anon
  738. dfordoom says: • Website

    and yet most of them are leading the way in trying to destroy white Christian countries

    One of the problems is that we don’t have white Christian countries any longer. We ditched Christianity in favour of “sexual freedom” and consumerism. We did that ourselves.

    The abandonment of Christianity in the West began as early as the 18th century. By the beginning of the 19th century the European elites may have still paid lip service to Christianity but that’s all it was, lip service. Over the course of the next two centuries Christianity lost its hold over the other social classes as well.

    And there’s no way we can hold Jews, Muslims or Mexicans responsible for this. We undermined our own civilisation.

    The West today is post-Christian. That’s why western societies are now just collections of alienated atomised individuals slowly drifting to nowhere. There aren’t any white Christian countries to destroy.

    And we have spread the disease that is killing us to every other culture on the planet. Including the Jews. The Jews used to be a close-knit religious community bound together by a strong faith. By the 20th century they had been infected by contact with us the virus of liberalism and were on their way to becoming rootless cosmopolitans with a more and more tenuous sense of their own identity.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Wizard of Oz
  739. dfordoom says: • Website

    I think a much more egregious issue is the alt right tactic of tying white nationalism and white identity politics with an extremely militant, authoritarian type of social conservatism.

    Social liberalism is what turned us into societies of dysfunctional emotionally incontinent depressed losers. It’s what made us so vulnerable to stuff like mass immigration. It weakened our society to the point where we are unwilling to make the slightest effort to save ourselves.

    Social conservatism is a much more important issue than immigration. If you lose the culture war and you collapse into degeneracy and decadence then it’s inevitable that you’re going to end up losing your country. In fact you’ll give it away without a fight, which is what we’re doing.

    If you want a society capable of offering actual resistance to threats like immigration you need a strong healthy society. You’re not going to get a strong healthy society by embracing sexual degeneracy and the destruction of the family.

  740. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    There was social engineering certainly, but it wasn’t exactly done secretly. And we (white people) did nothing to stop it. We continued to vote for the very governments that were doing the social engineering.

    that’s cute how you twist it back around on the victim again. most people have no idea they are the focus of a social engineering campaign and its not being done by whites either – it goes back to the Frankfurt School

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  741. @Ron Unz

    Well that does tend to put things in perspective. Thank G for the blacks!

  742. geokat62 says:

    We suffered the same social experiments in Australia as the U.S. but we can’t blame the Jews – in Australia the damage was all done by white Australians.

    That’s what I assumed to be the case until I came across these passages from How Sweden Became Multicultural:

    In his exhaustive study of how Australia became multicultural in 1978 Lopez identifies Walter Lippmann, leader for the Jewish congregation in Melbourne, as the most influential actor. As early as 1960 Isi Leibler, who for several decades was the leader of Australia’s Jewish congregation and later vice-chairman of the World Jewish Congress, expressed how important it was for Jewish interests that Australia became multicultural in his yearly report to the Jewish congregations board:

    I believe it is essential for Jews to join with other groups in Australia in promoting the philosophy of a pluralistic society which unlike totaIitarianist regimes implies unity in a common end without uniformity in culture, religion, or communal organisation… The Jewish community must be at the forefront and willing to co-operate with elements from left and right who are dedicated to the concept of an open society without which pluralism and a full Jewish life is impossible.

    Leibler is simultaneously a vocal opponent to the implementation of multiculturalism in Israel:

    This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews.

    This approach underlines how advocacy in favour of multiculturalism in states where Jews are a minority is motivated by a specific ethnically Jewish interest.

    Even Levey stresses Lippman’s leading role as the architect for Australian multiculturalism but at the same time he somewhat misleadingly emphasizes how only a handful of Jews were behind Australia’s transformation. Although true, there were only a handful of people who were actively working for this policy change in the first place, and several of them were Jewish. Levey himself remarks on the disproportionate number of Jews who were active in this political process and gives examples of “The Jewish community’s commitment to multiculturalism”, how “[…] Jews had led the effort to have laws prohibiting racial vilification at the state and federal levels in Australia”, and “have been leading advocates for anti-discrimination legislation.”

    Furthermore, the first politician who brought up multiculturalism as a political issue in Australia was the Jew Malcolm Fraser during his time as the opposition’s spokesperson on Immigration. It was also Fraser who in 1978, during his time as Australia’s Prime Minister, officially declared that the country was multicultural.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  743. MarkinLA says:

    When they built those damns they did give outsized allocations to the farming families downstream. Those families still have those rights.

  744. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    Don’t you know about Himmler’s telephone call to Hitler, late 1941 along the lines of “Every move we make East we’ve got more f’ing Jews to deal with.


  745. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    hey fellow whites everything is really our fault, while our countries are being overrun its really the jews that are the victims

    • Replies: @Stonehands
  746. renfro says:

    Some companies are dropping out of the kosher stamp scam.
    Here is one of latest…its the largest bread company in the US

    Bimbo Bakeries USA confirms dropping of kosher … –;

    Dec 6, 2018 – Consumers may have initially thought that these were isolated business decisions or cost-cutting measures to use one kosher certifying agency rather than another. … Credit: Bimbo Bakeries. … “To enable more efficient operations, we’ve made the decision to remove kosher …
    Oroweat®, Entenmann’s®, Thomas’®, and Boboli®. In 2009, Grupo Bimbo purchased the remaining U.S. fresh baked goods business of George Weston Ltd., adding brands such as Arnold®, Brownberry®, Freihofer’s®, Stroehmann, SaraLee….

    Kosher is a scam historically run by greedy Rabbis, there are 5 of them in the US.
    Even in Israel producers and shopkeepers and etc. are getting tired of being ripped off.
    kosher has also always ben riddled with tax dodging and money laundering.

    Nationwide, that adds up to about 2.8 billion shekels ($730 million) a year, accounting for 2.2 percent of turnover in the hotel industry and as much as 2 percent of all food services, according to a draft report by Israel’s Finance Ministry.
    Israel’s State Comptroller, an official watchdog, issued a report in 2014 saying that “hundreds of millions of shekels” are changing hands among those smaller groups not to mention the main one. It described frequent tax avoidance and even cases of suspected money laundering.
    The Tax Authority has promised to crack down, issuing a warning earlier this year that it would seek out this hidden revenue,‮ ‬and has already begun its intelligence gathering.

    I am waiting for a rabbi to tell me why my tin foil is stamped kosher. lol

  747. @Ron Unz

    I’m glad you agree with my “sublimation” idea. I was thinking one could write an article about the parallel between sublimation and Gresham’s Law. Issues that are less threatening to talk about are generally less worth talking about but get talked about in preference to the latter because they signal the same general outlook to the same audience at lower cost to the speaker. Another example I noticed in the 90s is the Republican politician who fears to take a strong pro-life stance and tries to make up for it by taking a strong stance in favor of the death penalty (ironically enough!)

  748. @dfordoom

    I don’t dismiss your fears as groundless. After all most people’s minds have always been a jungle of irrational beliefs and if it isn’t well organised by religious teaching and preaching it is likely to be noxious.

    On a point of chronology. The historical trend you trace did not apply equally to all Christian sects. Clearly Catholic teaching about sex related matters had influence for at least two generations longer than for say Episcopalians or Unitarians. That is why there are disproportionate numbers of Catholics on a number of countries’ highest courts today. Large Catholic families where all had to pursue careers continued long after WASPs were having just two or three children.

    • Replies: @Alden
  749. renfro says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    My thesis is that what makes a nation is the adherence to a common philosophy – and our constitution is just that.


  750. dfordoom says: • Website

    If you’re an adult that’s true.
    However it is a fact that the human brain is not fully developed/mature until the age of 21…..which means the media, Hollywood and etc. propaganda that children and teenagers are exposed to can affect them into adulthood.

    Of course, which means adults have a responsibility to act to ensure that children are not exposed to propaganda and perversity.

    There was a time when white adults actually took such responsibilities seriously. Back in the early 30s it was noticeable that Hollywood was becoming steadily more degenerate and steadily more brazen in churning out cultural poison. Organisations like the Catholic League of Decency fought back, and won. Hollywood had to introduce the Production Code and had to significantly clean up its act.

    But white adults gradually lost interest in taking responsibility to protect kids from cultural filth. By the beginning of the 60s Hollywood was able to quietly drop the Production Code and within a decade they had unleashed a tidal wave of sex, violence and perversity. And this time nobody fought back. White people had stopped caring.

  751. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    A made up quote of course to enlarge your imagination which is otherwise enclosed by dogma. But, if you have done any homework, what do you make of David Irving’s discovery of a letter written by Goebbels which clearly seems to acknowledge the extermination program?

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  752. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    Which word(s)? Short term memory problem?

    Maybe you are calling the rather obvious accidental omission of “suggests” a choice of words.

    i don’t pretend to be high IQ but i can tell you’re nothing special either

    If so, better to remain anonymous and hide the extent to which you are dumb, careless or ill educated.

    pot, kettle

    only one us doesn’t go around accusing others of being stupid, doesn’t accuse others of hiding behind anon while being an anon

    • Replies: @Anon
  753. @anarchyst

    Jews need to speak out against this or take the blame for it. E.g. Noam Chomsky. Is he okay with this or not? If not he needs to condemn it in no uncertain terms.

  754. Alden says:

    She was accused of treason, found guilty and executed for treason.

    She was Queen of Scotland. At the time
    Scotland was not a colony of England

    Not was Scotland united with England in the UK 1707 under Mary’s great great granddaughter the sovereign Queen of English Queen Anne Stuart.

    Mary was not an English subject she was a Scottish citizen and treason can only be committed against ones own country

    Mary didn’t commit treason against England because she was Scott’s, not English no matter what Elizabeth and Cecil claimed.

    Another Wikipedia ignoramus.

    And exactly why do you think you can refute Hanson’s story about the TV and the EBT card with Mary Queen of Scots ? Your silly argument started out with your ridiculous attempt to link the TV and EBT card with Mary Queen I’d Scots. Mixing such irrevelant subjects is a sign of dementia.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  755. Ace says:

    Thank you kindly. I was baffled.

    Yes. That’s the exact type of photo I have in mind. There are variants for whatever Western country you want to name.

  756. notanon says:

    I haven’t really dug into his crime statistics but it seems people are having really hard time poking holes in his Hispanic crime numbers.

    it’s annoying to get into the weeds on this because hispanics are often counted as white in the stats but logically it’s easy enough

    1) a disproportionate percentage of a population’s total crime rate is committed by young males – especially violent crime.

    2) immigration is disproportionately young male and illegal immigration is overwhelmingly young male

    ergo even if a population B had exactly the same total population crime rate as population A an immigrant population (i.e. disproportionately young male) from B would have a higher crime rate than A.


    there is a caveat here as most ethnic groups in the USA have a similar crime rate to the average for their source region (i.e. whites and the average for Europe, east asian / east asia, black / west Africa etc) but hispanics have a much lower crime rate than central America.

    it might be there is an element here of a less violent selection of people trying to escape from the insane levels of violence that seem to be normal in that part of the world in a similar way to how the first black people moving into a white area were often decent people trying to escape.but then their nephew got out of jail and needed a place to stay…

    if so it’s only a matter of time before turning a blind eye to gangs like MS-13 will bring the US hispanic violent crime rate – already higher than the US white rate – up to the insane levels of central America.

  757. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    insulting Islam and insulting Mohammed are both punishable by death under sharia law.

    are you saying that aspect of sharia law is not currently being imposed on the West?

  758. Alden says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Best to ignore Jonathan. He’s only here to start arguments and splatter any discussion off in a thousand irrelevant directions

    He’s totally unhinged about sex assaults of any kind. remember the mass grabbing and pawings in Germany New Years a couple years ago?. He spent hours pouring over whatever videos he could find and triumphantly announced that the victims witnesses and police were wrong, he, Jonathan the genius found no evidence of any assault

    Try to ignore him

    • Agree: Genrick Yagoda
  759. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    In the last decade or so, how many times have you been approached by Muslim missionaries? How many times have you even seen Muslim missionaries? My own answer to both the above questions is: ZERO.

    it happens a lot in the vicinity of Muslim enclaves – mostly directed at children and females.

  760. @Wizard of Oz

    You’ve repeated what I’ve said all along: Hitler was a Zionist DUPE. It took that megalomaniac commencing his purification of Germany to complete the agenda of Zionists to convince European Jews, who were reluctant to abandon their homes and businesses to populate Palestine–a barren and disputed region–that the time had come for their tribe to leave Europe, and establish their Homeland.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  761. Ace says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Yup. Nothing to worry about. Fine fellows.

  762. Ace says:
    @jilles dykstra

    The Pope did not oppose Galileo’s ideas. He sanctioned Galileo’s writings and asked only that he identify his ideas as theories. I don’t know if Galileo complied with that request but the character in his writing he constructed to represent the pope portrayed the pope as a fool. His subsequent difficulties had everything to do with his wanting to ridicule the pope.

  763. notanon says:

    When it comes to repelling Silicon Valley types


    promoting diversity and the multicult supports mass importation of H1b workers.

    mass importation of H1bs keeps tech wages stagnant which puts billions of dollars in the pockets of people like Zuckerberg.

    maybe that’s just a coincidence.

  764. renfro says:
    @Ron Unz

    After all, why are most of you commenting on my website? Basically, it’s because you’ve been banned or deplatformed almost everywhere else.

    I’ve never been banned from any site in 17 years of ranting on a multitude of sites about Israel, politicians, etc. etc…..except for The American Conservative for posting Eisenhower’s letter about Gen Lee in respond to a writer calling him a traitor…they took offense at my putting down of their author.
    I started off commenting at Steve Clemons Washington Note 17 years ago and moved to mondoweiss when Steve closed it for his new gig at the Atlantic. I’ve commented at The Forward, emptywheel, Col Langs, NYT, Foreign Policy, many others…you name it I’ve been there on my web journey to help break up the US-Isr relationship and schemes in the ME.

    However I don’t ever knowingly lie and usually provide creditable sources for what I say. …so that probably kept me off the banning list.

    So no, not all of us are here as the result of being banned elsewhere.

    What I like is the freedom to challenge others ideas without fear of censorship.

  765. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    How many Muslim missionaries have you run into?


    you find them in the same places you find sharia patrols

    (but you’re partially correct in that they generally don’t tend to go further afield than the direct vicinity of Muslim enclaves)

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  766. dfordoom says: • Website

    Americans won’t, can’t, do the ethnostate. Or, at least, definitely won’t start it. It’s waste of time speaking with them about the matter.
    All they need to do is not do anything when some other people start doing it. Simple.

    You mean mind their own business? When have they ever done that?

    In fact Americans can’t do that. They believe they’re the chosen instruments of God or Fate and that they have a sacred duty to impose their values and their culture on the rest of us.

    All we can do is hope that the U.S. declines in power to the point where it’s incapable of doing so much harm. And perhaps that China becomes powerful enough to exercise an effective veto on American lunacy.

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @Jeff Stryker
    , @Biff
  767. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:

    You haven’t a clue have you? But of course
    res ipsa loquitur.

  768. notanon says:

    any position which ignores the global influence of US media, government and finance is wrong.

  769. dfordoom says: • Website

    It’s fine to be very intelligent, educated etc. For this game it’s not enough. And, sometimes, it is an impediment for a real change.
    Hehe…very intelligent and educated guys tend to, how to put it, overthink and hesitate sometimes. Makes them indecisive….slow. Not good for the real game. Not good at all.

    Yes, I strongly agree.

    And there really are ideas so stupid that only an educated person can believe them. Ideas that are so esoteric, so theoretical, so detached from reality than a person with an average IQ and moderate education would dismiss them as utter nonsense. But a high IQ college graduate will believe these ideas BECAUSE they are esoteric, theoretical, detached from reality and too fiendishly complex for the proles to understand.

    In fact you have high IQ and lots of higher education you pretty much have to believe in wildly complicated theories. If you simply accepted commonsense explanations you might start thinking that you’d wasted a lot of time and money going to college. Or if you accepted commonsense explanations you might lose status among your peers.

    IQ and education are like most things. They’re good in moderation, disastrous in excess.

  770. peterAUS says:

    All we can do is hope that the U.S. declines in power to the point where it’s incapable of doing so much harm.

    Exactly that.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  771. JLK says:

    All we can do is hope that the U.S. declines in power to the point where it’s incapable of doing so much harm.

    That’s a hell of a thing to hope for. I’m hoping for a stronger America with policies that keep deceit to a minimum and utilize our strengths, and those of our genuine, natural allies in Europe.

  772. dfordoom says: • Website

    In The Melting Pot (1908), Israel Zangwill combined a romantic denouement with an utopian celebration of complete cultural intermixing.

    The really interesting thing about this is that if you’re a real Jew with a strong sense of Jewish identity, a reverence for your cultural traditions and a strong faith in your religion then the very idea of being dumped into a melting pot to be turned into unrecognisable sludge would be anathema to you. You would see it, absolutely correctly, as cultural genocide.

    On the other hand if you’re a Jew who has abandoned your religion and your traditions and your identity and has embraced the essentially substitute religion of secular liberalism and a substitute artificial identity as a member of the elite then you’re not going to be worried by this. In fact you might welcome the destruction of everything that reminds you of the Jewish identity that you’ve abandoned and betrayed.

    Secular liberal Jews are certainly a menace. But all secular liberals are a menace. Secular liberal Jews are not a menace because they’re Jewish. They’re a menace because they’re no longer Jewish in any meaningful sense.

    If you want to find the root cause of the problem it’s the rise of religious scepticism in the 18th century which soon morphed into outright militant atheism and extreme materialism.

    • Replies: @utu
  773. poop says:

    Agreed. Please see my comment regarding Libertarian Gary Johnson’s plan. I found it remarkably sensible and is the reason I voted for him over Trump, despite knowing he had no shot. Speaking of shot, you would have had to shoot me before I even cast a symbolic ballot for Hillary.

    • Replies: @Anon
  774. notanon says:

    the thing about the legal definition of genocide: “imposing conditions intended to destroy etc” is “intent.”

    1) it’s logically possible this is all about big business bribing politicians to give them cheaper labor combined with liberals in the media covering up the negative consequences for PC reasons e.g. anti-white gang violence in the schools, so if it’s unintentional and big business was made aware their policy was leading to the extinction of the original population they would stop doing it and if they carried on doing it after they were made aware then that would prove intent.

    1a) or if the media carried on covering it up to prevent big business changing their cheap labor policy that would show genocidal intent of the media at least.

    2) i find it more plausible – given that the central banking mafia are a parasitic out growth of the need to have a money supply – that the banking mafia are acting like a parasite in nature and are trying to create the best possible environment for their poisonous business model i.e. a planet of 85 IQ slave cattle – and as a result are responsible for promoting both the (false) benefits of cheap labor to big business and buying up the media to gaslight everyone on the negative consequences of this policy.

    in which case i think it fits the definition of genocide if you accept that genetically mutilating an existing population is effectively the same as destroying them.

    3) a third possibility is the multicult was originally genuinely designed solely as a survival mechanism for a minority population without malicious intent towards the majority – although continuing with the policy after the consequences are pointed out makes it become intentional.

    4) fourth is straight up stealth tribal warfare with genocidal intent from the beginning.

    personally i think it’s mostly (2) with a bit of (3)

  775. @Wally

    I meant to mark this post of yours as ‘trolling.’


  776. @dfordoom

    In that case China would become an ominous presence off the waters of Australia. Up to now, Australia has been able to focus on internal standards and not worry about geopolitics because the US has been guarding its waters against China.

    Once the US was gone-and I quite agree with you that it should reduce its military and leave Europe and other Western countries to their own defenses-China would begin to look towards Australian waters.

    Chinese have already taken over parts of Sydney economically. Creating colonies that price out white Australians. So whether through force or business, you may be taken over by Asians anyhow.

  777. @peterAUS

    You can expect China to show up in your waters without the US naval presence. But I agree with you. The US has spent billions guarding the waters of Australia so that Australia itself could focus on providing a superior standard of living for its citizens.

    Leave Australia to the Chinese and focus on our problems. Since they are taking over your country economically to some degree, it really makes no difference.

    We agree there.

    • Replies: @sb
    , @dfordoom
  778. poop says:

    This is a fair and well reasoned comment, and I won’t try to argue it outright. However, I am of the opinion, much like Ron Unz, that Mexican-descent voters in CA have been pushed toward the Democrats rather than pulled. They see them as the lesser of two evils. I do not for one second believe they are natural allies of the left. They mainly are afraid of the right, and, given some of the history and rhetoric which Ron has laid out in numerous columns, I can’t really blame them. To me, it is not at all dissimilar from the blowback in middle-America from the anti-white rhetoric of the left that led to the election of Trump. Remember that they are people, too, and have electoral priorities just like us.

    By the way, kudos to you for a respectful, articulate criticism of my comment. This furthers the discussion of real, legitimate topics rather than delving into insults and illogical diatribes. It is appreciated whether or not we agree.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @KenH
  779. @Rurik

    This comment section is all Jewed up with shills pretending that your common sense list of complaints is for low IQ goyim from flyover wasteland.

  780. Truth says:

    Americans are replacing themselves with more law-abiding people than themselves. So that’s great then.

    Geez, finally, someone understands the genius of Mr. Unz and Mr. Reed.

    Mr. Unz, it took a few years, but it sunk in.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  781. poop says:

    1) I am talking strictly of direct welfare (money for not working) payments, not Medicaid. So, I guess in some regard you are correct here… but I would argue this:

    Not providing some sort of health care not only borders on immoral, which can be debated, but also creates a public health hazard, which is not. These people are here, whether you want them to be or not. It is a reality, a fact, and wishing it away won’t change it. Neither will a wall.

    2) You are conflating where prisons are located with where the prison population comes from. CA has essentially made it an unspoken policy to put prisons in poor areas that its other economic policies have fucked over to create jobs in Corrections. Yes, they incarcerate Mexican gang-bangers. Shouldn’t they? As far as agricultural workers go, give us an alternative.

    3) Well, we do have blacks.

    4) OK

    5) “My own side”. Trust me, and I don’t give a shit if you do, I am far to the right of most white CA voters. I am only trying to provide an honest, realistic assessment of what I see. Most Whiteys here in CA would view me as a redneck lunatic. Yes, CA is out of touch with most of the rest of the country. But I am neither an “enabler” nor do I want to play the identity politics game, as that is the game of the oppressors, and a losing cause. As a bloc, yes, Mexican-descent voters tend to vote Democrat because they’ve been pushed there, rather than pulled. And just so you know, not that it matters or even if you believe me, I was on the losing end in virtually every statewide ballot measure or candidate in 2018 that I voted for.

  782. @Rurik

    When I think of Paleos, I think of Sam Francis, who I think wasn’t particularly religious. I agree with pretty much all of the views that you attribute to the Alt-Right, but they are instinctual, so I never took any interest in any of the leaders.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  783. poop says:

    I have no plans to participate in the exportation of Mexicans to other parts of the US, but I am sad to say that I have no control over this. Though, I am not opposed to states’ rights and their ability to keep unwanted guests out. If I had the chance to do that in CA, however, I would start with expelling white leftists and not the Mexicans, just so you get the lay of the land where I’m coming from. All I can do is give my own experiences and assessments.

  784. utu says:

    Are you for real? Are you that naive? Do you really believe that the objective of Zangwill play The Melting Pot was to promote assimilation for Jews?

    The following is from Samuel Roth interview with Zangwill:

    Now and Forever — A Conversation with Israel Zangwill (New York: Robert M. McBride & Co., 1925)
    “What is it America wants from the Jews that we have refused her? Our money? We spend it freely. Our skill? Do we keep back anything, we who are accused of always advancing in every trade and profession beyond our welcome? Our Jewishness? That we cannot contribute except communally through American-Jewish institutions–and that is precisely what he does not like. Our communal individuality does not please him, and he dictates: “For the Jew, it is either the Melting Pot or the Ghetto.” He forgets, evidently, that the Melting Pot is itself an invention of the Jewish genius, that your copyright on it is still good in Washington. We are the only ones who really know how to operate the Melting Pot, and I submit to Dr. Gibbons that we cannot stir the Melting Pot and be boiled in it at the same time.

    Do you also believe that Emma Lazarus contributed her poem The New Colossus because she held universalist views and it was for the benefit of humanity? She did not give a damn about the Statue of Liberty and what it symbolized and what was its original purpose. She was totally devoted to the cause of Jews in Russia and when it was pointed out to her that she could help Jews under the flag of liberty she agreed to contribute her poem. She gave it for free as a part of fundraising for the structural framework for the statue.

    Fundraising for the statue had begun in 1882. The committee organized a large number of money-raising events.[82] As part of one such effort, an auction of art and manuscripts, poet Emma Lazarus was asked to donate an original work. She initially declined, stating she could not write a poem about a statue. At the time, she was also involved in aiding refugees to New York who had fled anti-Semitic pogroms in eastern Europe. These refugees were forced to live in conditions that the wealthy Lazarus had never experienced. She saw a way to express her empathy for these refugees in terms of the statue.

    • Agree: geokat62
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  785. Ron Unz says:

    This is a fair and well reasoned comment, and I won’t try to argue it outright. However, I am of the opinion, much like Ron Unz, that Mexican-descent voters in CA have been pushed toward the Democrats rather than pulled.

    Yes, I think there’s an enormous amount of evidence in support of that position. For example, here’s a quote from one of my articles from a few years ago:

    Although Hispanic and Asian numbers had been growing steadily for years, their support for Republicans had been growing as well, and by the early 1990s, a GOP candidate could regularly expect to receive around one-third or more of the Hispanic vote and half that of the Asian. For example, Pete Wilson’s narrow 1990 gubernatorial victory over Dianne Feinstein, which significantly relied upon his criticism of “racial quotas,” was achieved with 53 percent of the white vote, 47 percent of the Hispanic vote, and 58 percent of the Asian vote according to the prestigious California Field Poll used by the New York Times, though others placed his ethnic totals lower.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Anon
    , @Anonymous
  786. @David Baker

    Zionist dupe? I think you ignore the views Hitler held long before Zionism took off properly after WW1 or any Jew would have thought it worth giving him the time of day. If you read Mein Kampf (and there is plenty more evidence) he regarded the Jews as parasites on the Aryan German nation, and dangerous Bolsheviks, and responsible for the undermining at home of General Eric Ludendorf and his armies on the Western front. So he wasn’t going to take the task of purifying Germany lightly or as easy. It made a lot of sense to start by inflicting the JP on others.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @anonymoys
  787. Anonymous[261] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Unfortunately, Silicon Valley life bathed in wealth, with immigration being primarily legal immigration of valedictorians from Asia, is hardly representative of the issues facing much of the rest of the US. Or even the rest of California. You should check out some of Victor Davis Hanson’s takes on what illegal immigration is doing to life in his stretch of California.

  788. @Jonathan Revusky

    Man, you are such a bloody phony. Nobody who is for real would talk like this. They’d say they know people in Stockholm or in Oslo or some specific place. They wouldn’t just say they know people in Scandinavia


    You use the word bloody, and then accuse me of being a phony! I wouldn’t make up a story of being married to a Finn to entertain you. I wouldn’t write a book to please you, but typing on my phone is often very slow.

    I have no idea about someone claiming to be a pilot. I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t see through him.

    You have friends and inlaws in “Scandinavia”. Like, dude, that’s four different countries! Each one of them is not that small a place either.

    Scandinavia can be as many as five or as few as three countries, depending on how you view Iceland and Finland. I’ve been to all of the countries except for Iceland, and I have in-laws and friends in Finland and friends in Sweden.

    There’s no convincing you of anything you don’t want to believe, and I’m not going to try to do so, since you’ll just claim that I’m making everything up, or that anything you disagree with is a conspiracy against Muslims. I knew that when I addressed you.

    I admit it! I addressed you because I like watching you turn into Comic book Guy. I didn’t make anything up, but I knew what your reaction would be. The irony of seeing you call anyone unhinged and abnormal was too much to pass up. Deja vu all over again!

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  789. anon[369] • Disclaimer says:

    Everyone seems to suffer from the Gell-Mann amnesia effect:

  790. @Anon

    Do you mean the translation of Goebbels’ diaries, where Goebbels wrote that on a particular shipment there would be “not much remaining of the the Jews”? That was one transit, and Irving referred to it as ominous sounding. But there is no indication ever as to what happened to them.

    Is it possible they were Mai- Lai’ed? Sure, there were some small scale massacres that occured. It was war time after all. But that is not a “holocaust”. A real holocaust would be what happened in Hamburg, Dresden, Florsheim and dozens of other German cities.

    And you still have provided no evidence for this fantasy phone call you referred to earlier.

    You are not very good at this. Most of the holocaustians I’ve run into are much better steeped in the basic tenants of the faith than you.

  791. Anonymous[419] • Disclaimer says:

    Dfordoom is a depressed, weirdo black-piller or a shill. Mock or ignore.

  792. @Ron Unz

    Let me repeat a tiny, peripherally relevant, piece of anecdotage which also relates to your pointing to differences in age adjusted crime rates in Texas. I was talking in 1995 on a flight across the Pacific to a 45 ish Surgeon from Texas. He was a divorced and remarried Catholic to add the little more I remember about him. He expressed enthusiasm for Hispanic immigration because it brought in people with good (he may have even referred to Catholicism) family values and, specifically, offset the blacks.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  793. @renfro

    I hope that’s so, but the kosher racket goes beyond food producers. My wife used to do research for a chemical company that produces additives that can be used in food, and she had to sit through a meeting with rabbis to get the kosher seal. The marketing manager for her company, a usually very calm and tactful man, came out of the meeting cursing the rabbis as con artists.

    I’ve noticed that most cooking shows on television make a big deal out of calling for kosher salt in their recipes. It just never stops. I guess kosher salt is the Jewish contribution to world cuisine. They seem to have given up on felafel and hummus lately.

  794. anon[369] • Disclaimer says:

    i have a good muslim (well, not really, he’s secular but of pakistani origin) deported and i still support the muslim ban because i live in a neighborhood where they had to add arabic to the public school’s “sign your kid up for kindergarten” sign. i’m totally sure muhammed, eyasu, javier, and aiden get along just fine…

  795. sb says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Well I disagree .
    Whatever the US has done in terms of it’s Pacific naval presence it has done 100% for what it perceives as US interests .
    And it’s primary interests have always been in the North Pacific – not particularly near Australia

    The formal US Australia agreement ( ANZUS Treaty ) is very very soft-only requiring each party to consult the other in the event of invasion . US has many stronger security arrangements .
    Furthermore the trade relationship is overwhelmingly in the US’s favour

    Plus Australia has more Americans than there are Australians in the US . It is, I think , the only country which is in this position vis a vis the US

    Didn’t I read somewhere in one of your ( many repetitive ) posts that you are a failed applicant for Australian immigration ?

    The Australia China relationship is another matter entirely . It could, of course, well prove disastrous but Australia has historic form in implementing policy which has proved sensible for Australia . It hasn’t just been ,as the detractors ( like you ? ) claim , luck

    Actually I ( rather sadly ) doubt the US of the very near future will think of Australia as anything else but a racist xenophobic selfish place . You get a lot of this type of commentary now and with US demographics being what they are this view will become the norm .
    So your wish for increasing the distance between the two countries will almost certainly be the case

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  796. @Wizard of Oz

    Hitler made no secret of his opinions about Jews. The ‘Secret” was that his solution to the so-called “Jewish Question” dovetailed with the Solution (Actually, Herzl coined the term “Final Solution”) of Zionists to establish the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Jews were not wiling to pull up stakes and emigrate to Palestine until Der Fuhrer booted them out.

  797. poop says:

    Hello MarkinLA,

    I believe we’ve “spoken before.”

    Where to start with your highly-informed, intellectual comments. Perhaps “Scareface.” I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt there, and assume you meant “Scarface.”

    Don’t try me on agriculture, especially since you apparently are “in LA”. There is plenty of mechanization in CA agriculture, including nut crops, such as Almonds. They have shaker machines that knock the almonds to the ground. Then they have “sweepers” that mechanically windrow the nuts for a pickup machine to literally pick up nuts and feed them into a cart, pulled by a tractor, where they are loaded onto trucks and go for further processing (de-hulling, drying, sorting, then packaging) unless the operation is large enough to do its own. Essentially all the almonds produced in the US come from CA. Look it up.

    So if you don’t care about agriculture, as many morons don’t, consider all of the white people that will lose their jobs as a result of the fallout:

    Commercial seed/nursery industry
    Fertilizer/chemical industry
    Equipment dealers
    Irrigation districts
    Sales and service for various parts and equipment
    Custom manufacturing/fabrication
    Mechanical repair
    Processing/distribution facilities
    Agricultural Finance

    You see, 10% of jobs in CA come from agriculture, even if they are secondary degrees of separation from direct production. It doesn’t provide the amount of wealth that other CA industries do, like Silicon Valley or Hollywood, but does provide a larger number of total jobs than either of these two entities do. Supposedly, you should want this, and I personally have a number of white friends and family members who either are or were employed in this industry, and the notion that cutting off a Mexican labor pipeline would prove either practical or economically beneficial is laughable. Now, I would agree that it should be a better pipeline (I give Gary Johnson’s idea as a guideline), but the idea that its ok for these entities to go out of business because you don’t like brown people is absurd.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @MarkinLA
    , @MarkinLA
  798. @Mark_Throwaway

    But focusing too much on restoring “traditional culture” by the barrel of a gun is similarly toxic. There’s no rolling back the clock to the 1950s, and the traditions and gender roles of the 1950s didn’t provide any protection from subversion and demographic change in the first place.

    I didn’t mention killing anyone, but enough people on the left talk about celebrating the coming demise of whites that it’s clear that whites who speak of settling the issue with violence are reacting to an obvious threat.

    History is full of population transfers, so the immigrant invasion could definitely be reversed, and whites could also be genocided. I don’t know that that will happen, but I know which side I would be on if things would spin out of control. Human nature being what it is, and out elites being the hostile, greedy, inept, and out of touch group that they are, I can’t see them managing our trick future very well.

    Do you think the U.S. is stable long-term?

  799. @poop


    Out-of-state homelessness

    In the Midwest, druggies are endlessly hassled by local police who know them all by name and where they live. Many of them opt to leave Wisconsin or Indiana where they are busted again and again to move to California. This was true even of the hardcore potheads.

    When you move to California with a few thousand dollars in your pocket and some vague fantasy of becoming a movie star, it is not difficult to end up under a bridge.

    Minnesota is as cold as mars half the year so if you are going to be a homeless drug addict than LA or San Fran is a better place to be.

    It is not just the druggies who move to California to carry on undesirable activities. If you are going to be a street prostitute, you’ll be busted over and over again in the Bible Belt. Especially gay male prostitutes. San Francisco is more friendly towards rent boys than Southern Illinois.

    A good proportion of the homeless in California are probably from out-of-state.

    • Replies: @poop
  800. @KenH

    “In some ways Ron’s comments are a justication of Silicon Valley’s war against right of center political dissent with pro-white overtones, or wrong thinking. This is very disappointing…”

    Man, hard to believe. Our guy Ron is living in cloud cuckoo land just like the rest of his brethren.

    Here’s a case against IQ- which Unz has plenty of; but the lack of red- bloodedness- after all the heart informs the brain-in spite of the intellect in this case.

  801. poop says:

    Anyone convicted of a felony while an illegal immigrant should serve out their sentence and be deported to their country of origin upon conclusion of said sentence, never permitted to enter the US again, period.

    Don’t waste my time with taxpayer dollars at this point; we waste plenty already.

  802. Anonymous[419] • Disclaimer says:

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  803. dfordoom says: • Website

    Melting German, French, Italian, Irish, etc. ethnic cultural identity into “white” is not that much different from melting all into a global melting pot.

    Precisely. It’s still cultural genocide.

  804. dfordoom says: • Website

    Libertarians are for open borders.

    And legalised dope.

    Which is logical. If you smoke enough weed you can start to convince yourself that libertarianism makes sense. But you do need a lot of weed.

  805. @sb

    The last huge influx of Americans into Australia was in 1981 when the Ronald Reagan broke the Air Trafficking control unions and thousands of American air traffic controllers moved to Australia at a time when there was a huge demand in that industry.

    Also Argyle got a good number of mining industry personnel from the US declining coal industry and parts of Perth got the nickname “Little Appalachia” as a result.

    Queensland received a small number of Floridian white-collar people who liked the climate but did not like the crime of Florida.

    Australia is a cleaner, safer country with a higher wage in general so more Americans are going to move there then Australians are going to move to the US.

    More ominously, some Italian-American criminal syndicates relocated to Melbourne to form alliances with Italian mobsters there.

    There are far more Mexicans in the US than Americans in Mexico, for example, to comment on that ratio.

    As for my own personal application, Australia has a few rough suburbs and once in a while you hear of a crime like Anita Cobby but in general the country is safe, clean and has a high standard of living compared to Detroit. Sadly, my degree was not a niche profession needed at the time.

    For whatever reason, you preferred Lebanese and Sudanese who could not speak English to an American with a graphic arts degree.

    If an American is willing to pick fruit, he will get a visa. But at the time I was in the middle of my career and unwilling to change over to this profession.

  806. poop says:

    Jesus Christ help me. Its not a victim -blaming of the right-wing thing. Fuck David Cameron and Theresa May. Fuck the globalists. There is a difference between Mexico (right on our border with a long history of immigration to the US) and the Afro-Arab invasion of Europe, largely because of Zio-Imperial policies destroying their countries and essentially forcing those people out as refugees as the result of endless war.

    Do you think it was the Jews who commanded Pancho Villa to execute cross-border raids into Southern California in the early 1900’s to fulfill the dream of a greater Zion? Not all the dots connect. Please stop. It discredits those of us trying to rectify the situation.

  807. @Wizard of Oz

    There were millions of Irish Catholics and Italians Roman Catholics in the US prior to the arrival of Hispanics.

    As for “offsetting the blacks” you probably refer to the capability of Hispanic street gangs for more organized violence who are backed by Mexican cartels and flooding the streets more directly and thoroughly with narcotics and guns than small-time black thug crackheads.

    When California has to cope with paramilitary narco-terrorism, I’m not sure this will be a good exchange.

  808. poop says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Fair enough. We do have a massive hobo problem here, and, much to the chagrin of many on this site, it has nothing to do with Mexicans. While I can’t validate your explanation, it seems plausible as I have advocated for my city to send our hobos to SF so they can deal with them. Common sense, you know. Let the lefties who created this mess clean it up, or look at it every day, at least.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @notanon
  809. PeterMX says:
    @jilles dykstra

    @jilles dykstra

    Those in power removed the video from my post, saying it isn’t allowed on this website. Maybe they don’t want it to become known either.

  810. dfordoom says: • Website

    There’s no rolling back the clock to the 1950s, and the traditions and gender roles of the 1950s didn’t provide any protection from subversion and demographic change in the first place.

    By the 50s most of our traditions had been quietly abandoned. Christianity was fading fast. The new religion was consumerism. Traditional gender rôles had been undermined, women were moving into the workforce thus setting in motion the collapse of the family. The drug culture was already beginning to take root. Sexual morality was on the downslide.

    The 50s wasn’t really Ozzie and Harriet or Leave It To Beaver. Cracks started appearing in western society as early as the 19th century. Social collapse was well under way by the 1920s.

    The subversion of traditional society and traditional gender roles began in the 18th century with the Enlightenment, the rise of liberalism, the Romantic Movement and the French and American Revolutions.

    Rolling back society to the 50s would be a good start but there’s a lot of earlier damage that would also have to be undone.

  811. Wierdo says:

    Dear Alt-Right:

    Focus on anti-drug efforts. Opiod Crisis being numero uno. Convince followers to becone mega successful and infiltrate/initiate media companies. Whites need to be clean living, very likeable, and successful. Defy the stereotypes the media would hang on our necks.

    • Replies: @anon
  812. Anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    Very well. A disavowal is fine. However, it is unfortunate that this disavowal was not accompanied by their supporting scripture / Talmud tracts that support this man’s assertions.

    Especially in light of the scriptural tracts that can be cited for motivation for Jewish support of Cultural Marxism.

    Especially in light of high-level and recorded Rabbinical statements that support the opposite of his assertions as they pertain to the Jewish master-slave messianic period that is the core of their religion:

    JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

    “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.

    Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

    “With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.

    This Rabbi has a rough current to battle against.

    He will need to somehow magically explain away the quotes of other Rabbis with more authority than he as well as describe, in detail, their beliefs in regard for their Messianic period that otherwise look like de facto world slavery for non-Jews (Cultural Marxism specifically being slave morality).

    I’ll be especially interested to read or hear the fine specifics in regard to the Sabbath no-work symbolism in regard to the Messianic period, and what that means for non-Jews in that period.

    He will also need to explain how the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Congress, with their support for Cultural Marxism and de facto open borders, only represents a wayward subsection of Jews. Good luck with that.

    Perhaps that will all be included in a follow-up video? I won’t hold my breath.

    Judaism needs to start being extremely transparent in regard to their deepest beliefs. Lip service toward any political position needs to be accompanied by a much deeper discussion of and rock solid proofs for those beliefs.

    • Replies: @anon
  813. dfordoom says: • Website

    that’s cute how you twist it back around on the victim again. most people have no idea they are the focus of a social engineering campaign and its not being done by whites either – it goes back to the Frankfurt School

    Here in Australia we have seen the same social engineering that you’ve seen in the U.S. – and I can assure you that it’s being done (and done enthusiastically and energetically) by white people. White gentiles.

    Social engineering is not a Jewish project. It’s an Elite Project. And in Australia it’s not being pushed by the Jewish-controlled media because our media isn’t Jewish-controlled. And, surprise surprise, our media is just as toxic as yours.

    We’re facing disaster because white gentile elites have turned against us. White gentile elites hate us and want us to die.

    So the major part of the blame rests on the shoulders of white people who have put their own class interests ahead of everything else.

    But I still stand by my point that the social engineering was done openly and that whites, for the most part, decided they didn’t care.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @anon
    , @peterAUS
  814. Anon[552] • Disclaimer says:

    Libertarianism is a replacement invention for nationalist politics, an essential nature that it shares with “Neoconservatism”. This part of its nature makes it a gatekeeping operation in favor of communism, as communism will fill the power vacuum whenever nationalist politics abandons the political space. Libertarianism simply does not incubate the political power required to stop it. No individualists can stop it, because by definition they are anti-cooperative and thus cannot build power.

    See the post WWII period in the United States for details.

    It follows that you will need to forgive us for not being impressed with your unsophisticated choice in candidate (to put it politely).

  815. cassandra says:

    Kristallnacht was a Jewish false flag attack, similar to the Israeli terror operations against Jews in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Egypt after Israel was created.

    My first reaction is to dismiss this as pointless ranting, but I might be missing something. So, letting my curiosity come to the fore, I ask, why do you think Kristallnacht was a false flag?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  816. dfordoom says: • Website

    Mary was not an English subject she was a Scottish citizen and treason can only be committed against ones own country

    Charles I was convicted of treason, even though a king can hardly commit treason against himself.

    The explanation of these conundrums is pretty simple. The criminal justice system is about power, not justice. Elizabeth I in practice had the power to get away with a judicial murder of the sovereign of a foreign country. She saw Mary (no doubt correctly) as a threat to her power. It was an assassination, dressed up to look respectable. From Elizabeth’s point of view it no doubt appeared to be an absolutely necessary assassination. Mary had a legitimate claim to the English throne. If you take the view (which Mary took and many of Elizabeth’s Catholic subjects may have taken) that Elizabeth was a bastard as well as a heretic then Mary’s claim was far stronger.

    Which is the key. Elizabeth didn’t care very much what Mary did in Scotland. That was Mary’s country and Mary’s business. But she did care that Mary could and very likely would (given the chance) make a serious attempt to grab the English throne. From that point of view the charge of treason starts to make a kind of sense – it may not have been technically treason but it was a threat to forcibly overthrow the government and the monarch of England so treason was probably the only
    viable charge that could have been made.

    The alternative would have been to see Mary’s plotting as an act of war but you can’t really go around executing foreign monarchs for acts of war. And Elizabeth had decided that Mary had to be liquidated.

    Mary would no doubt have dealt with Elizabeth just as ruthlessly had she been given the opportunity.

  817. Alden says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I always thought the disproportionate representation of Catholics in the law. judiciary and congress was due the superior separate catholic school system.

    But it makes sense that just the bigger number of 50 to 70 year old Catholics in accounts for it.

  818. Anon[271] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Whites” isn’t a racially meaningful term. Its an integration term and a wholly modern term.

    To illustrate, there are some Minnesota type Whites in Texas, but most Southern Whites are remarkably different from Northern Whites racially speaking. They aren’t bad, not by a long shot (and especially when being compared to most other races), but they aren’t the same in terms of the large group.

    Now complicate that fact with the fact that individuals with any amount of European admixture will often claim to be White (for example, half Pakistani / half European individuals). It tends to be a form of status in their nations. They can be defensive about it. I imagine that it holds true for mixed Mexicans as well. The short of it is that you simply can’t derive reliable stats for low percentage crime in mixed regions for the racially pure “White” group due to how the stats will include a significant number of non-White individuals.

  819. @Cloak And Dagger

    What makes a nation state ?
    Do not consider myself an expert here, and I wonder if they exist.
    Suppose you can fill a library with books about the phenomenon.
    For me language is an important factor.

    Long, in Europe, the educated spoke latin with each other.
    But they were all bilingual, they also spoke the language of the common people.
    When these became literate, a group came into existence.

    Natural borders are of importance, the Holland of the 17th century had the North Sea, the Rhine and the Meuse, and the marshes where now the border with Germany is.

    Then there were unifying men, Napoleon created present France.
    And one sees how even competely artificial states, such as the 1916 Sykes Picott creations, Syria and Iraq over time become nation states.

    Let us not forget religion, Germany was created in 1871, but until today the S catholic part differs from the N protestant part.

    Even now the Netherlands is culturally divided between the S catholic part, and the N protestant part.

    Belgium, a nation state that does not exist, created mainly by outside political forces, but in fact two nations originally under one king, this king maybe the only unifying factor until now.

  820. Alden says:

    Thanks I wrote down the names and I’ll buy them Sara Lee cheesecake isn’t very good but the kids love cheesecake so I’ll but it Bimbo has some delicious cinnamon cookies.

  821. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Jeff Stryker

    You can expect China to show up in your waters without the US naval presence. But I agree with you. The US has spent billions guarding the waters of Australia so that Australia itself could focus on providing a superior standard of living for its citizens.

    Leave Australia to the Chinese and focus on our problems. Since they are taking over your country economically to some degree, it really makes no difference.

    If the choice is being an American vassal or a Chinese vassal I’ll take being a Chinese vassal.

    It’s a choice of evils, and (sadly) at this point in time the U.S. is the greater evil.

  822. Anon[736] • Disclaimer says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    My thesis is that what makes a nation is the adherence to a common philosophy

    Your “thesis” is stupid, ahistorical, apolitical, unoriginal, tired, dated, disproven, destructive, and thus wrong.

    Its a thought experiment that our communities, families, lives, cultures, and nations should have never been gambled over.

    Those who promoted that gamble and are responsible for its losses will one day be held fully responsible.

    Its obvious that increasing multi-racialism leads to ever disintegrating national unity due to large scale and correctly perceived individual group political interests that differ from those of other groups. Your theory cannot overcome that reality.

    To put it in the broadest terms: the needs of Blacks, Latinos, Whites, Asians, and Jews will always differ and incur a demand for allocation of finite resources and political currency that no one group will ever be happy with. Thus, the lack of a “nation” in this context.

    You calling such a menagerie a “nation” is like labeling “up” as “down” or categorizing a rock as a person (something that the multi-racialists are unironically driving toward). In other words, your theory proclaims the precise opposite of a “nation” to be a nation.

    I take comfort in the fact that the toothpaste is out of the tube and we will not be reverting to the opiate-overdose like coma of your false theory. State it all that you wish. We are now driving toward a different synthesis.

  823. Anon[395] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    It’s sort of silly to imagine that a lower-income population will behave in any such fashion other than to demand redistribution. And California has the highest income inequality of any state.

    The full swing of naturalizations of the 1986 amnesty were not complete until some years later. Wilson being anti-black in 1990 is debateable as a strategy in the present day (BLM riots mysteriously stopped after Trump was elected).

    The voters “pushed” rather than “imported” were the white moderates, some of whom were later pushed out of the state. The GOP has desired to whack the unions, in order to lower the ruinous tax burden, but also spent considerable capital in the 90s and 2000s pushing abortion restrictions. The Hispanic/Asian changes has less to do with GOP alienation, and more to do with their increase in the voter population that amplified their existing leftist inclinations. The Asian bloc in particular comes from different source countries than it did in 1990.


    You know, the Kaiser didn’t change the demographics of Alsace-Lorraine to ensure it would never be French again. You revel in the changes that will make California never able to be Middle America again, barring of course the solution that the French found to get back the lost departments.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  824. Miro23 says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    One could argue that European/Western “civilization” has Christian philosophy as the unifying principle, at least as an ideal if not in practice. But we run into a problem if we extend that to imply that Christianity is the core, as then most South Americans would have to be included in that grouping.

    So, we fall back to racial collections – but that is problematic, if we articulate the race as “white”: which whites? Are the Norwegians the same group of whites as, say, the Italians? How about Aryans? Well, that would include the Iranians, who are not even in Europe.

    How about cultural groupings? Is the culture in Iceland the same as Germany, or even similar? You take affront at your Dutch culture being the same as Polish culture.

    In the final analysis, the only grouping that makes sense to me is that of a “nation state”. But, what defines a nation state?

    – It is not a religion
    – It is not a race
    – It is not a color

    I think it boils down to a social structure of purpose and behavior sculpted from a shared philosophy: a constitution.

    It’s not just a Constitution either. I would go for it being a mixture of all these things in varying proportions, with the emphasis on Christianity.

    It’s not so obvious now, but for its formative centuries, the European West (and East) was “Christendom” (the dominion of Christ) with Christianity being an integral part of daily life and an indispensible ally of temporal power.

    Also, the Pilgrim Fathers who arrived in North America in 1620 were pilgrims (being devout Christians from a sect of Puritanism).

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
    , @Alden
  825. Anon[264] • Disclaimer says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    So, we fall back to racial collections – but that is problematic,

    No it isn’t. Not within a defined genetic spread for any one nation.

    if we articulate the race as “white”:

    No one in their right mid would do that before the modern liberalism took hold, though race isn’t binary. There are fine racial gradations between closely connected tribes. Those tribes can often effectively cooperate because their differences in political interest can be lesser than between themselves and sharply racially divergent groups.

    which whites?

    Whichever had the longest history of civilization in the region. If you are speaking about the USA, we can predate to just before the mass Jewish integration of the 1800’s. I’m not a fan of the Iberian Irish nor the Italians either, but this nation is large enough that we can regionally segregate.

    Are the Norwegians the same group of whites as, say, the Italians?

    What a ridiculous question, even if it is rhetorical. Absolutely not. However, the “Norwegian race” has a long history in Italy and thus shares a fair amount of genetics within it. Italy is simply too outbred and mutli-racial to be considered as a functional nation as defined by its geography. Historically it never was, and today we can view its relative resulting dysfunction as a result of that forced mixed nationhood. Which occurs both regionally and racially.

    How about Aryans?

    I’ll eat a hubcap if you can accurately define this term in terms of race.

    Well, that would include the Iranians, who are not even in Europe.

    No it wouldn’t. Your historical ignorance and possibly you IQ are showing.

    How about cultural groupings? Is the culture in Iceland the same as Germany, or even similar?

    Relevance? None. Race is the only true relevance to politics, because it is the only crucial factor in building cooperation and thus political power.

    In the final analysis,

    You completely lack the ability to analyze, which isn’t helped by your lack of historical knowledge .

    the only grouping that makes sense to me is that of a “nation state”.

    True, absent a racialized religion, but a nation state is only a geographic border meant to separate differing peoples for the purpose of political space. Peoples are always racially defined because race is the core of all political power and thus the core of all politics (and politically effective sociopolitics).

    But, what defines a nation state?

    – It is not a religion
    – It is not a race
    – It is not a color

    See above.

    I think it boils down to a social structure of purpose and behavior sculpted from a shared philosophy: a constitution.

    Ahistorical, stupid, etc. Your analytical ability is underdeveloped.

    • Troll: Cloak And Dagger
  826. Anon[264] • Disclaimer says:

    What type of racial conflict do you expect when the Southern region of CA, and especially Los Angeles, has mostly purged itself of high crime Blacks and is made up only of a caste system of rich Jews, a minority of relatively rich gentile Whites who work through the Jewish systems, and a massive Hispanic working class?

    Race conflict tends to occur at the geographic racial transition points between relatively high functioning and low functioning groups. That largely doesn’t exist in California anymore. There is no White working class to conflict with the Hispanics, and few Blacks to conflict with either. The Hispanics live apart in the valleys. The rich Jews and Whites live in or close to the hills or hug the coastline.

    Take Paul Krugman and Bill Kristol seriously when they imply that White people are outmoded in this nation according to their views on the racial future of the United States. California tends to represent the Jewish ideal that is largely bereft of non-Jewish Whites that aren’t their largest moneymakers.

    That’s your alleged key to racial harmony: the successful Jewish society that is racially sculpted by them.

  827. What suprises me here in these discussions about immigration from the south is how crime seems to be the main issue.
    I know next to nothing about these immigrants from the south, but I did have an experience already in 1982 on the LA Disneyland camping, a talk with the man in the RV next to us.
    He told me he was, or had been, adjusting canning machinery in Mexico, he did this each year, he said, because the Mexicans cannot do it themselves.

    I happened to know a Dutch engineer, specialised in adjusting weighing installations, he made a trip in Syria each year.

    Philip J.Klass, UFO’s The Public Deceived, 1983, Buffalo New York mentions a prize given to an Iranian jet fighter pilot for trying to shoot down a UFO.
    Klass explains that the Iranians could hardly fly and maintain their USA jets, that some bungling was hidden by a UFO encounter, in order not to anger the shah.

    That third world countries can hardly maintain modern weapons was long ago explained to me by the Dutchman resposible for spare parts for jets, as he said ‘if you have ten of them, you can be happy if eight can fly, if you’re a third world country you are happy with three’.

    After this long introduction, the German Sarrazin wrote a book about Germany destroying itself by importing large numbers of migrants with low IQ’s, who produce many children, also with low IQ’s, intelligence is to a large degree hereditary.
    Thilo Sarrazin, ‘Deutschland schafft sich ab, Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen’, München 2010
    I do not know if a similar book could be written about the USA, but if, than it seems to me that this is far more important than crime figures.

  828. @anon

    Neoliberal capitalism.

    • Replies: @anon
  829. Miro23 says:

    Americans won’t, can’t, do the ethnostate. Or, at least, definitely won’t start it. It’s waste of time speaking with them about the matter.

    All they need to do is not do anything when some other people start doing it. Simple.

    The thing will start, again, in Europe. Most likely Eastern Europe. That’s where the focus, even effort, should be.

    The focus, or effort re Americans should be only on keeping them out of the thing. “Do..not…get…involved. Leave……us…..alone.”

    When the thing gets settled there then, and only then, some Americans could, perhaps, use that as a starting point for their own effort. Perhaps.

    The problem is that the US is running out of control.

    There has been a massive rise of Jewish power since Russia’s 1917 Bolshevik coup, which, since the end of ww2, has grown to dominate the US and Western Europe (although fading in Russia and Eastern Europe). International Jewry has never held the power that it does at present (especially in the Anglo world), and this strange rule by a small ethnic and religious minority is producing bizarre distortions, wars, and now, push back from the repressed native populations who are starting to realize what is happening.

    Basically they are realizing that they have fake collaborationist governments who send them off to fight (and pay) for $ trillion wars in the Middle East and pick fights with Russia. How this works out is anyone’s guess but it doesn’t look good.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  830. @CanSpeccy

    Meantime, Muslim leader in Italy says polygamy a “civil right” and demands representation in government for two million non-citizen Muslims. No harm in that, obviously.

    It is only a matter of time before the backwards Italian courts are brought in line with enlightened CultMarxist/IslamoCommie dogma…and before you know it the Sahriah will be law of the land and pizza will be banned as a haram relic of the infidel degenerates who still cling to power in the soon-to-be first Islamic state of Eurabia!

  831. anon[858] • Disclaimer says:

    Could be both.
    A troll with a very similar turn of phrase first showed up on some high traffic Australian blogs a few years ago, initially presenting as a sufferer of Mental Illness and then shilling for Race Mixing.

  832. @poop

    I own guns, I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, I hate the Zio-Empire. I think there is an immigration problem, but only a simpleton would think “The Wall” will fix it.

    Right on, Only a simpleton would think walls can fix trespassing problems. Do the walls of your house keep trespassers out? Do you have locks on your doors? Would you have a problem with burglars and squatters, if they were to find out you do not?

    Flash news: walls do *really* work to keep trespassers out. Yes, having a sealed border would help with the immigration problem as it does in Israel, Saudi Arabia and so many other countries

    # 1: “They” (Mexican Illegals) come here to get on welfare
    No. They come to work, and they come to work in by far the most laborious, lowest paying jobs. And they bust ass. They’re not even qualified for welfare benefits, anyway.

    This is a strawman that proves how dim-witted you are, because judging by your writings I do not thing you are consciously using sophistry, you simply did not understand what is being said, which is that the overwhelming majority of Latin American immigrants are not net contributors to the US tax revenue system, but a burden. They use the schooling system, healthcare and even get food stamps. Yes even illegals get food stamps for their anchor babies. So this is the reality. The overwhelming majority extract more than they put in, being as they are working on low paid, unqualified jobs.–Squeezed-middle-increasingly-dependent-state.html

    Not to talk about the ones engaged in fraud. How many? difficult to say, because obviously there is no data.

    Myth 2: “They’re taking Americans’ jobs!”
    Have you been shut out of the lucrative profession of picking strawberries for minimum wage (and no overtime pay at time and a half)? Or moving solid-set sprinkler pipe across a melon field? Or pruning an Almond orchard? Well, then I guess then you’ve been shut out. CA is the number 1 agricultural state in the US, because of soils and climate conducive to growing high value commodities, which require a substantial amount of hand labor. Do you propose we replace hard-working Mexicans with lazy-ass Native Born American Millennial Teenagers hand-picked from the shopping mall? If so, will you be willing to pay double or triple the price for produce?

    This is again the lazy, uninformed moron in you spouting ignorant nonsense. I am in Europe, and Ive met several *college educated* Spaniards (yes Europeans) going to the South of France to pick *by hand* wine grapes for the annual harvest, and to sell fish in Norway, and clean toilets and wait tables in the UK… now are you suggesting Americans are lazier than Spaniards, the creators of the concept mañana? dont make me laugh. If the often touted as lazy Spaniards do it Americans also would if the pay would be worth it.

    Flash news #2 Yes they work cheaper and they put up with more, and they undermine trade unions leverage. What leverage have the trade unions left with an unlimited supply of cheap laborers again? Have you heard about César Chávez?

    Yes they take Americans jobs, including many “Latino” Americans. Welcome to the real world.

    Myth 3: “They drive down wages”
    This one is partially true, especially in construction. However, pickins’ get slim when you have white derelict druggies or lazy millennials as alternative workers. I blame the “everyone needs to go to college” education system, demise of trade unions, drug use, and general American physical laziness more than opportunistic Mexican immigrants for this phenomenon, although I would tend to agree that they are willing to work harder for less money, and that does drive down non-union wages to a certain extent. However, that doesn’t exclude non-druggie, hard working Native Born Americans from that line of employment. They are just hard to find. Supply and demand, you know.

    Again uninformed, lazy bullshit arguments. First, you have a flood of drugs in great part because the border is open and illegals are used as mules. Seal the border and crack down on pushers and prices will go up, and people will use less because there is less available. Second, an unlimited supply of cheap illegal labor contributed *considerably* to the demise of the trade unions. Again, I’ve met college educated Spaniards and Italians – again, Europeans- housekeeping, cleaning toilets and serving tables in the UK and handpicking wine grapes in southern France. Can you believe that you uninformed idiot? There are *many*. But hey, Americans are way lazier. Maybe. Says “Mr poop” on a internet forum?

    Flash news #3: Yes a flood of drugs drives the price of drugs down in the same way a flood of cheap products from China drives the price of those same products down. In the same manner, yes, a flood of low qualified (or qualified) immigrants drives wages down for low qualified (and qualified) jobs. Not “partially true” but *totally true*

    Myth 4: “They’re criminals”
    Ron has statistical evidence to back my anecdotal observations: its fake news. When I taught high school, the sub-group I had the least behavioral problems with were Mexican kids of (likely) illegal-immigrant parents. Certainly, the parents were first-generation immigrants.

    Again idiocy unadulterated, and a strawman. They are not criminals right. They are poor people coming from the most violent countries on Earth. But hey, the criminals stay down there you know? crime simply pays more in Central American shitholes. They all become model citizens right after crossing the border. Maybe. Maybe down there everyone is not a criminal? Of course not, most people are law abiding. Still criminality and murders are high. Mmmmmh… and so goes the idiocy with this amazing “mystery”. I understand you cannot follow my reasoning but it is literally unbelievable reasonably intelligent people like Unz cannot either.

    Flash news #4 There are some criminals among the law abiding people. The number of police is not everything in the equation. Culture matters.

    Myth 5: “They’re gonna destroy our culture”
    First, what culture? The Zio-fed NY-Hollywood one? I can only hope. Most Mexicans (insert racial stereotype here) are really just brown, Spanish speaking Okies. They like beer and bbq. They’re family oriented and Christian (mostly Catholic, I suppose that’s a problem for some). And their food is fucking awesome. Their kids learn English. They are far more culturally compatible than some of the other non-white immigrant groups.

    Why, a “what Anglo culture?” pathetic moron. Believe me, working class Latin Americans are different from working class Anglos. The work culture is different. The level of corruption in Latin American institutions and permeating the whole society is way higher, and people grown there see things differently. Of course most are good people, or are they? it is way more complicated than that. But the same happens with Englishmen and Spaniards, or Germans and Turks. Or Spaniards and Morokkans. They are not the same.

    Flash news #5 The work culture, the principles are *on average* different. Do not try to spin it as if they are. It is called cultural relativism, and it is pathetic. No lefty SJW snowflake? you became one right there.

    And this list of idiotic and autistic claims, half truths and strawmen deserved a “golden frame”? How could Unz agree with so many idiocies? because most probably he does not grasp yet the complexity of Hispanic crime and culture in Latin America, because he is too busy with his “software work” to do a serious analysis, including some hands on field work. And even less able to foresee the *barely noticeable* but inexorably worsening situation the US will suffer if it becomes an extension of Latin America.

    . Again, if the US becomes Latin America, in the worst fear mongering scenario, it will be not the end of the world. Yes you have many Freed Reeds living very happy lives in Latin America. Yes it is not that bad in Latin America. But flash news#6: most Americans, including Latinos will be worse off *guaranteed*

    And because it will take a long time, sometimes the situation will seem to improve or not change at all. Those are called normal fluctuations, and make it difficult to see the general trend. So maybe it actually is too early to smugly and stupidly claim: This is fine!?

  833. @notanon

    you find them in the same places you find sharia patrols

    Holy shit! That’s like saying that you find the leprechauns in the same places as you find the unicorns.

    Regardless, I never ran into any Muslim missionaries in Europe over the last couple of decades and I never saw any “sharia patrols” either, so telling me that one can be found in the same place as the other is really not very helpful!

  834. @OilcanFloyd

    Scandinavia can be as many as five or as few as three countries, depending on how you view Iceland and Finland.

    Well, that’s just grist to the mill. Given that “Scandinavia” is apparently not even that well defined, no normal person would talk the way you do, saying: “I know people in Scandinavia.” or “I saw things in Scandinavia”. They would say “Sweden” or “Norway” or whichever country it actually was.

    I’ve mentioned at various times that I reside in Spain. At times I might be more precise than that, but you would never hear me saying: “I live on the Iberian peninsula.” People don’t talk like that. You’re a total phony, man.

    Anyway, déjà vu time… You say that you saw the problems with Muslims yourself in Scandinavia (LOL) with your own two eyes.

    What specifically did you see? Where did you see it?

    Going,…. going…. gone….

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  835. @cassandra

    In 1938 relations in Germany between German jews and the Hitler regime had become quite stable.
    What the murderer of the German diplomat in Paris did in the weeks before the murder could never be established exactly.
    René d’Argile, etc., Das Geheimnis um die Ursachen des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Wiesbaden 1958 ( Les Originals Secrêtes de la Guerre 1939 – 1945, Paris 1958).
    So, a deliberate provocation cannot be ruled out.
    My suspicion is that yesterday such a provocation failed, Syrian defences did not shoot down two airliners.
    Jews are not bad in provocations, as Moshe Dayan explained in an interview with a local Israeli newspaper ‘95% of all incidents at the Syrian border were deliberately provoked’.
    The Egypt provocation has been exposed, bombs in libraries, for example.
    Iraq, see the book by Giladi.

    • Replies: @cassandra
  836. @ThisIsFine

    The East Coast and Midwest always had Polish and Italian tradesmen to fuel construction, and it is not as if the industry shut down because there no Mexicans (Prior to NAFTA you rarely saw an illegal in the Upper Midwest).

    The difference is that they were paid the going wage. California has always been about big business with a huge division between rich and poor and a bunch of squirming landless peasants outside the haciendas of the rich. Kind of like Latin America.

    As for cartels and gangs, one need only look at what the other Latinos known for crime did to the North Jersey to get an idea of the sort of narco-economy California will eventually become…and they were a bunch of middle-aged Italians sitting outside a sausage place! At the rate things are going the cartels will simply get the Mexican military they own to roll over the border in cocaine-packed tanks.

    California has always been awash in junkies from the Hollywood nose-bleeder to the homeless San Francisco junkie defecating in public on the needle-strewn sidewalks.

    Hispanics are not as dangerous to other students as black teenagers are to white girls, but a school full of roving MS-13 does not make public schools that competitive either.


  837. @dfordoom

    It’s almost like people who believe that conspiracies are the driving force behind elite power and societal change have never heard of cognitive biases.

    Before the prevalence of the internet and “social” media, a person who constructed simplistic or fantastic scenarios to explain major events and happenings in the world, while willfully resisting more sound, rational and plausible explanations, used to be called “crazy” or “unhinged”…but today this virulently anti-intellectual brand of magical thinking is practiced by millions of people across the political spectrum and it’s the evidence-backed thinkers who are out of favor.

    The west is succumbing to a pathological solipsistic individualism that is rapidly doing away with the concept of a shared, common reality that objectively exists independently of one’s personal beliefs and opinions. Using reason and logic to make sense of the world, people and human societies is becoming a fringe activity. It is being replaced by the emotionally driven, confirmation-bias riddled delusions of people who can barely follow simple logic and reject, as a matter of principle, any POV they don’t already agree with 100%. It is not uncommon to see these people shouting down anyone who presents an opinion or fact that challenges their own worldview as a CIA/Mossad/MI6 sock puppet.

    Western civilization has traded away its sense of spirituality, community, and the bonds they nourish, away for the hollow illusions of unlimited personal freedom in a society that worships the market and endless competition as the pinnacle of human progress. Everything is for sale, nothing is sacred and the crassest type of sociopathic greed and lust for power (hello Jeff Bezos,!) are encouraged and elevated as virtues. Meanwhile, hard working people are denied the opportunity for social advancement and condemned by design to relative poverty and endless debt peonage so that a new aristocracy of venal overlords never have to share their stolen and unearned wealth with the rest of society.

    A decadent society of isolated individuals with no sense of shared purpose, history, faith or collective responsibility is doomed to destroy itself. A society that reduces the “good life” to compulsive consumption (of goods, sex, drugs etc.) and fighting for social status chokes off the lifeblood that makes civilizations thrive. Social bonds are weak and easily broken. Every friend is also a competitor who you might stab in the back for a chance at attaining a coveted “middle class lifestyle”, every partner can be traded up if a more desirable model comes along. Family is a luxury or an unaffordable burden, so you can forget that, but on the bright side if you are a man who decides at age 60 that he is really a woman, or an ewok, and want to “adjust” your sex and gender accordingly, a bunch of elitist academics and ruling class propagandists will shower you with their approval and, if you’re really lucky, they may even advocate on your behalf.

    That is where we are heading as a society. Unfortunately the masses are, at present, caught up in a wild goose chase hunting down an endless parade of demonized outsiders who are loudly blamed for all of our society’s ills while we let ourselves get raped, beaten and robbed by deviant sociopathic liars – and their technocratic enablers – who have appointed themselves as our lords and masters. A passive, paranoid and miserably ignorant and self-loathing citizenry manipulated and controlled by a venal aristocratic minority is what we are becoming. We have let the internet break our ability to concentrate, reflect and reason and many of us have even become convinced that the source of our crisis of civilization isn’t how we are living “at home” and how we are interacting with the wider world…but that it is a cast of foreign outsiders who are determining our fate.

    A society of confused, angry and frightened victims demanding nothing of ourselves and begging our sadistic masters to save our wretched lot by destroying the imaginary barbarian bogeymen and super villain “others” who we imagine are to blame for our inability to run a functional society.

    God help us…

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @dfordoom
  838. @Genrick Yagoda

    Apparently you did not read the links because if you had you would have understood that the police in Stockholm admitted to covering up turd world rapes.

    Look, the first link you provided was this one:

    That article is about something that happened (though, as far as I can see, not a whole hell of a lot actually happened anyway) in a small town of 45,000 people called Ostersund. Based on some reports of sexual assaults (that, as far as I can tell, were not full-blown rapes, and possibly didn’t even happen at all) the police advised women not to go out alone at night. The mayor of the town disavowed what the police had said and various people publicly ridiculed the notion that this small town Ostersund was dangerous at all.

    In any case, that article is not at all about anything going on in general in Sweden. It more supports my view that all of this is panic mongering and the way it gets echoed on all these right-wing sites.

    Now, the article does link to another article with the text about the Stockholm police covering up rapes or something, but actually, if you follow this up and try to verify it in any serious way, you quickly realize that there is no there there. Basically, the whole thing has been debunked. Here is an article from a paper in Ireland about this:

    I’m pretty sure this is the same story. It refers to Bråvalla, Sweden’s largest annual music festival, being canceled because of reports of sexual assaults. (It’s not clear what counts as a sexual assault in Sweden. I don’t think these are full-blown rapes by any means.) And then, various people on social media started saying that it was migrants. Muslim migrants, I suppose. However, that aspect of the story appears to just be storytelling on social media and repeating (and probably embellishing) the story.

    There was an earlier story about a music festival in 2016 and there were 35 reported sexual assaults and there were arrests (not sure how many people) and a total of 2 (!) of the people arrested (though I don’t know if any charges were proven) were of an immigrant background. Here is the appropriate text from the article I link above:

    It was not the first time that there were similar rumours about a Swedish festival. In 2016, police in the Varmland region initially claimed that alleged assaults at another festival had been carried out by “foreign young men”, saying that young asylum seekers had been involved. Soon afterwards, the statement was taken down and retracted when it emerged that a total of two of the people arrested for the 35 reported assaults were immigrants.

    So, the real story is that 2 teenage boys of an immigrant background (and untold numbers of white bread Swedes) in a crowded rock festival maaaybeee copped a feel of some girls titties. That’s about it maximally. There was no rape by any sane definition. And it doesn’t appear that any of the accusations are proven anyway.

    This is what’s going on. You have this utter chickenshit stuff that gets into this sort of rabid echo sphere and goes round and round and suddenly the Muzzie savages are raping Swedish girls all over the place.

    But you see, all of this is just more of what Unz was talking about in his “open letter”. All this wingnut hysteria about imaginary rape epidemics just tends to discredit you guys. And, of course, all the people repeating this malicious nonsense are just asking to get their websites shut down and stuff. It’s one thing to want to restrict immigration, that’s a valid position, but you really can’t go around screaming that people are rapists when they’re not, like creating some massive moral hysteria because a couple of teenage boys of a certain background were feeling up some girls in a rock festival.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @Alden
  839. anonymoys says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    You just need to know where the money that saved NSP and put Hitler into power came from to know that Hitler was indeed a “zionist “‘dupe.” (see David Irving).

    There’s no way that “the best” of the “chosen people” would accept to leave Europe to Palestine w/o a catastrophe in Europe. Hitler wasn’t in fact a “zionist dupe”. It is more correct to see him as a “zionist agent” all along. The mistakes he made are too many to be considered just …mistakes.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  840. @Jonathan Revusky

    There is more than enough information about no go areas in Stockholm, Malmö and Göteborg.
    As bad as the French banlieues.
    Why do you think the pro migration party, that had a majority for decades, lost that majority to a new populist party ?
    The phenomenon of the no go areas one even finds in Swedish fiction, the popular Beck detective series.
    Who, and why, tries to deny what is obvious, I wonder.
    Paid EU propagandists ?

    • Replies: @Rurik
  841. Rurik says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    What the hell is this big stink over just TWO raped and butchered young women?



    So a few Muslim men decide to gang rape and then cut the heads off some girls. I’m pretty sure that’s what most Norwegian men want to do to their women, they just don’t have the nerve to actually carry it out. Who hasn’t thought of slicing the head off a pretty young Norwegian girl? (especially if she rebuffed your advances!)

    I mean just look at how many Norwegian men cut the heads off young women! It happens every day! And none of these racists ever say a word about it. It all gets hushed up!

    When’s the last time you read about a Norwegian man cutting the head off a college girl?

    Exactly! they hush that news up!

    And then when some Muslims decide to slice the heads off some girls, (after a little fun time, hehehe), it’s all over the news. God damn racists! Cherry picking stories!

    If you have a daughter or girlfriend or whatever, and she goes to a music festival, are you going to get your panties all in a twist just because some immigrants decide to help themselves to her titties a little bit?

    There are millions of Scandinavian women, and only *two* got their head’s sliced. And yet these Alt-Righters act like it’s somehow news. Fuck’n racists!


    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  842. What “untold number of whitebread Swedes”? Did you mean ZERO, and you really trying to blame white people and excuse turd worlders?

    Your entire post is full of speculation and claims that the police don’t know who is committing these crimes. Pack sexual attacks by turd worlders is common. And when they do arrest turd worlders, you claim it’s really white people who are at fault, with no evidence to support your fantasies.

    The previous poster was right. You are a waste of time, and best ignored. That is advice that I will follow from this point forward.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  843. @Squarebeard

    It is conveniently overlooked that in EEC times we did not have the present problems.
    The sovereign states were perfectly capable of solving their problems, and of cooperation.
    Since EU and euro the misery began, and continues to increase.

  844. geokat62 says:

    Social engineering is not a Jewish project.


    • Replies: @Rurik
  845. @anonymoys

    Hitler was indeed a “zionist “‘dupe.” (see David Irving).

    In which book of Irving we see this ?
    And what is ‘zionist dupe’ ?

    • Replies: @anonymoys
  846. @ThisIsFine

    Again, I’ve met college educated Spaniards and Italians – again, Europeans- housekeeping, cleaning toilets and serving tables in the UK and handpicking wine grapes in southern France.

    What kind of college education have or had these people ?
    German and Dutch employers do anything to get capable employees.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  847. Rurik says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Why do you think the pro migration party, that had a majority for decades, lost that majority to a new populist party ?

    because of racists!


    Who, and why, tries to deny what is obvious, I wonder.

    what is obvious is that only a racist cares about a few no-go areas.

    So what if the Muslims want to set up certain areas of Sweden as their own? Sweden is full to the brim with white supremacists! Just look at the recent elections if you don’t believe me.

    Who can blame these poor put-upon immigrants if they want some succor from the ravages of Swedes?

    Would you want to assimilate into Swedish society?

    ~ ‘Hell no!’


  848. Anonymous[201] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Sailer strategy is a better bet for Republicans

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  849. Rurik says:

    Hey Geo,

    I also noticed this gem from the same comment:

    because our media isn’t Jewish-controlled.

    And am reminded of the ‘dueling puppets’ video, where we get to see just how un-Jewish supremacist-controlled Canada and Australasia media and governments really are.

    And this is all salient and on topic to this discussion, because from the perspective of the Alt-Right, what menaces the West, is the near absolute domination of our civilization by the ((((moneyed powers))) – who can create trillions of dollars out of thin air on a whim, ( to buy politicians and consolidate media and tech and Wall Street corporations) to accomplish their Satanic Agenda:

    Eternal wars for Israel

    Massive immigration of Third World, (often hostile) non-Westerners into the West.

    Heaping opprobrium on the character of the people of the West, demonizing their ancestors and heritage and culture, and mainlining spiritual sewage into the souls of their children via the media and government schools.

    ripping apart the fabric of their societies with pathological insanities like ‘gender is an imposed construct of the (evil, racist, white male) Patriarchy to enslave people to a false narrative’.

    Did I mention Eternal War for Israel?

    Total government and corporate ((tech)) surveillance?

    And so much more! 😉

    • Replies: @geokat62
  850. FvS says:

    Here are some links that challenge Unz’s position on mestizo crime. Keep in mind that the government data is opaque in many cases when it comes to who is white or not. This is done purposefully to hide the issue. Another point is that Asians generally have lower crime rates than whites, but this does not mean it would be a good thing for whites in the U.S. to be displaced by Asians.

    All white peoples around the world are threatened by simple biological extinction due to loss of homelands where we can securely live and breed, competition from non-white invaders, hybridization with non-whites, and outright predation by non-whites. Whites are decreasing as a precentage of the total population in almost all of their countries. Only a few Eastern European countries have made an effort to preserve their people. Yes, whites are still having children, but you can’t outbreed mass immigration, especially when the immigrants have higher birthrates. Not to mention the government welfare services that subsidize their breeding…



    Jason Richwine

    Mathew Roberts and Steve Burton

    Steve Burton

    Ed Rubenstein

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  851. Rurik says:

    attribute to the Alt-Right, but they are instinctual, so I never took any interest in any of the leaders.

    If the Alt-Right has a leader today, it’s probably Vladimir Putin, because he’s actually accomplishing what most Alt-Righters would agree with:

    Stop the Eternal Wars for Israel.

    Reinvigorate your people with dignity and spiritual health.

    Stomp radial Islamic head slicers.

    Bolster the middle class.

    Men act like men and women like women. Vive la difference!

    Enforce borders.

    Protect your citizens.

    Indeed, here is Putin perhaps expressing the very core of what it means to be Alt-Right

    Perhaps that case displays the ultimate divide between the Alt-Right and their naysayers.

    As a putative sympathizer with the Alt-Right, I’d have made an example of that rapist. Iran does it right, and hangs men who rape boys from cranes. Perhaps that’s a little too generous.

    So yea, the Alt-Right has leaders, I suppose, but not self-appointed. They’re just the people our ((media)) call “far-right wing” leaders, like Victor Orban, or Marine Le Pen. In other words any leader who is sane and nominally interested in the welfare of their nation and their citizens.

  852. anonymoys says:
    @jilles dykstra

    In which book of Irving we see this ?

    Not book but here:

    According to OED, Dupe is a victim of deception.

    Hitler wasn’t a “zionist dupe”…but German people was duped by Hitler and the zionists.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  853. anon[259] • Disclaimer says:

    they both looked stupid and naive to me in their photos, like they’d never had a mean word said to them in their lives

  854. anon[259] • Disclaimer says:

    Whites need to be clean living, very likeable, and successful. Defy the stereotypes the media would hang on our necks.

    whites are already too likeable, that’s how we got here

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  855. @Jonathan Revusky

    People travel abroad or get married every single day. There’s no need to make up a story about either. I suspect you would still call me a liar if I provided copies of my marriage certificate and passport stamps.

    I’ve given you the names of towns, villages, neighborhoods, and even the name of a lake next to one of the villages in the past, as well as links to articles in local newspapers to back up incidents told to me by friends and relatives. I’ve told you of my personal experiences, and your response is that everything is a lie. Just don’t complain about others denying reality or trying to shape reality for everyone else.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  856. anon[259] • Disclaimer says:

    Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

    ahh yes, israel’s favorite racist rabbi

  857. anon[259] • Disclaimer says:

    Social engineering is not a Jewish project. It’s an Elite Project.

    look up the Frankfurt School and the authoritarian personality, see what they have been up to since the 1930’s at least, when they were forced to flee Germany. (((They))) do this without the people’s permission because they regard you as nothing more than cattle

    And in Australia it’s not being pushed by the Jewish-controlled media because our media isn’t Jewish-controlled.

    who owns the Australian media? would you be surprised to know that the same old (((1%))) owns Sweden’s media. The faces you see will often be goyim but who is putting shekels in their pocket?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @dfordoom
  858. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Americans are replacing themselves with more law-abiding people than themselves. So that’s great then.

    Except that the migrants are mostly illegals leaching off the taxpayer funded public services.

    Still it improves the corporate bottom line, for which the extinction of the white American is a small price to pay. And if you disagree, hey just look at those low IQ niggers. Now they’re real criminals.

  859. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    the notion that cutting off a Mexican labor pipeline would prove either practical or economically beneficial is laughable.

    But it would end the progressive genocide of the white American, which some sentimental fools might think a good thing.

    Anyhow, Europeans manage a massive horticultural industry without a pipeline of illegal Mexican immigrants. Sure they have a bunch of immigrants, but few of those have any intention of doing manual labor other than picking pockets or fiddling bank machines.

    And elimination of illegal cheap labor would provide the stimulus to further agricultural mechanization. Artificially intelligent robots performing low-end manual labor will surely be cheaper than immigrants, crime-free or otherwise.

  860. geokat62 says:

    what menaces the West, is the near absolute domination of our civilization by the ((((moneyed powers)))… to accomplish their Satanic Agenda:

    Hey, Rurik. I get a kick out of people like Dfordoofus who are still doing their outmost to put The Dumb Goyim back to sleep. They remind me of King Sisyphus who was doomed to repeatedly roll a massive bolder to the top of a hill only to have it roll back down… What they fail to realize is that a growing number of the Dumb Goyim Know. And, ineluctably, with each and every passing day, more of them are waking up. The pendulum has swung.

    The sooner they accept this reality the better. There is evidence that some are becoming aware of this. A good example is the long interview where the rabbi acknowledges the damage secular Jews have inflicted on Western countries through their poisonous ideologies and intellectual movements. But, I’m afraid he might be the exception. The leaders of the Jewish people need to do the responsible thing and SHUT IT DOWN!

    As I’ve repeatedly stated, you don’t have to be a Nostradamus to figure out where things are headed if they keep at it.

    So, let me repeat, SHUT IT DOWN!

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Anonymous
  861. anon[231] • Disclaimer says:

    if by “neoliberal capitalism” you mean unlimited illegal immigration, yes i agree

  862. trav777 says:

    This is fact- and evidence-based Ron Unz writing this??!

    C’mon now.

    Ron, um…you are extrapolating no consequence to immigration because ok things look great in your tiny little bubble? That’s argument by anecdote, dude…you don’t do that.

    Is this out of some misplaced desire to be seen as acceptable given this website’s airing of dissidents?

    Hispanic crime runs at a multiple of white. Hispanic nations are shitholes. Name one that isn’t.

    You’re whistling past the graveyard. Hispanic societies have created no silicon valleys, neither have indian or even chinese ones.

    Is this point here that it’s ok to be a minority as long as it’s a huge one and you have effective monetary and political control…like, really, a “we’ll be ok with apartheid” argument?

    Someone please look Ron up and make sure he hasn’t fallen off the wagon…

    • Replies: @bucky
  863. @OilcanFloyd

    I’ve given you the names of towns, villages, neighborhoods, and even the name of a lake next to one of the villages in the past,

    When was that? Surely, you realize that there is a complete electronic record of all these discussions. So, if the above is true, it is surely a very simple matter to provide a link to where you provided this information.

    I don’t think you ever did, but regardless, you did claim that you had seen things (Muslims behaving badly or whatever) and I asked you what you saw and where you saw it and you did not give me a straight answer.

    So, again, what specifically did you see and where did you see it?

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  864. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Couldn’t agree more.

  865. bucky says:

    Hispanic societies have their flaws, but they can be substantially improved. Many of the problems stem from Catholicism. As has been alluded many times here, the idea is to displace the black underclass with a Hispanic working class.

    Make no mistake: the primary problem in America are blacks. Blacks commit the majority of the crime, much more than Hispanics. They are often used as foot soldiers for the culture warriors in the academy–how many times did you hear arguments comparing gay marriage to interracial marriage? Their music is not aesthetically appealing, and neither is their culture. Hispanics are far superior and preferable all around.

    • Replies: @FvS
    , @anon
  866. @Genrick Yagoda

    What “untold number of whitebread Swedes”?

    I provided the link. Here it is again:

    At a music festival somewhere in Sweden in 2016, there were 35 reported sexual assaults and a number of young men were arrested. I’m not sure how many. Maybe you can investigate this and find out. Two of the people arrested were of an immigrant background. That means that all the others (and that’s why I said “untold number”) were ethnic Swedes.

    Your entire post is full of speculation and claims that the police don’t know who is committing these crimes.

    Dude, I’m just paraphrasing some articles that appeared in what look to be some real news sources.

    As best I can infer, all these “crimes” at the various music festivals are just curious teenage boys copping a feel in a crowded place. There is also no reason to believe that this is being done primarily by people of a Muslim or immigrant background. In one case, it appears that they arrested a number of people (again, I don’t know exactly how many) and two of them were of an immigrant background. And therefore, the rest weren’t. (That’s “speculative”?)

    So let me ask. Are these two arrested teenagers the entirety of your “Muslim rape epidemic”?

    Well, I suppose you can dig up a few other things, but when you drill down, you’ll see that it’s all just similar chickenshit. I can tell you that I’ve researched this as best I can and can say with utter confidence that there is no “Muslim rape epidemic” going on in Sweden.

    You really ought to be relieved to know that.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @jilles dykstra
    , @L.K
  867. MarkinLA says:

    I know that almond growers use shakers and other mechanization. However, almond growing is a crop that is something completely unnecessary and largely useless to everybody but the almond growers. They use an inordinate amount of water to grow what is basically an export crop.

    I have no use for them and neither does most of America. If they cannot raise their prices high enough to hire Americans then they can go out of business and move out of the state like a lot of Americans whos jobs have been lost to illegals have been forced to do. There are better uses for all that water. Europeans seems to feed themselves without illegal alien workers.

    The work that was being done by UC Davis in the 80s to mechanize farming was largely abandoned because of cheap illegal labor. Getting rid of illegals and raising wages will force the market to respond. If robots can build microelectronics that need precision to 1/100 of an inch, then they can pick strawberries. The problem, of course, is that a machine and it’s maintenance costs a lot more than using Mexicans who have to wade through a field of pesticides and who are dumped onto the publics dole when the illegal needs medical care.

    Most of what California grows are large highly wasteful crops like fruit and vegtables which are so cheap they mostly rot in somebodies refridgerator and get thrown out unless they are purchased by the canning companies or frozen. We could do with a big reduction in these crops and nobody outside the farmers would care.

    You obviously are one of those big L libertarians who view the country as one giant job fair where employers are free to create their own immigration system and dump their costs onto society regardless of how it affects everybody else.

    but the idea that its ok for these entities to go out of business because you don’t like brown people is absurd.

    Sad pathetic attempt to use the race card. Businesses go under all the time because of labor problems. If I need a PhD in chemistry I have to pay what it takes to get one. Granted we have stupid H-1Bs that might allow me to get one from overseas (and I am against all labor related visas) but if there aren’t any available I have to continue to offer more until I find one. If he turns out to be a dud I have to fire him and get another. I don’t get my own special immigration policy that nobody else has.

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  868. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Spain and Italy suffer from massive youth unemployment and general austerity. It’s not unusual to see university graduates, in their thirties, living with parents because they never found work in their chosen profession.

    But don’t worry – millions of rubber-boat nig-nogs are disembarking to save the day and provide skills. “Europe will not survive” otherwise.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  869. Rurik says:

    The leaders of the Jewish people need to do the responsible thing and SHUT IT DOWN!

    what are the chances Geo?

    This is going to be the issue of the century, (literally)

    Will the Zionist, Jewish supremacists prevail in their existential war against the West.

    Will the West fall, and assume the roll of effectively living as Palestinians.

    I’ve always considered South Africa as a kind of ‘canary in the coal mine’. It will be interesting to see how that all unfolds.

    The world’s Jewish supremacists have it better than any demographic in existence. They’re richer and more privileged and pampered than a Russian Czar. And yet they’re driven half-mad because the goyim are just too god dammed happy!

    It seems they will never, ever relent in their seething rage as long as a Christian Gentile somewhere on the planet is contented.

    Better to force a nuclear war with Russia, than accept a world in which (evil, Nazi, anti-Semite!) Gentiles stubbornly refuse to be their slaves.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  870. @CanSpeccy

    The Amerindians were first, he Spanish second…

    If the Amerinds were “here” first, as in California, Nevada, and Arizona, how does that align with the “red haired giants” that the Piutes claim to have been present when they arrived and later annihilated. Red hair has never been associated with Amerinds.
    The truth of the matter is that we know virtually nothing about ancient migrations. We have, however, been force fed a lot of theories where evidence is fitted to the theory even if it doesn’t fit. If it is obvious that it won’t fit, it is stuffed down the memory hole.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  871. @Jonathan Revusky

    Of course I understand that there is an electronic record of our past interactions? That’s exactly why I’m not recounting it for you. Believe what you want.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  872. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Excellent point. There’s time and place for niceties but more and more whites are getting in touch with their intolerant side.

    And it’s glorious. Who would have thought that intolerance was one of the best species survival techniques on the planet.

  873. utu says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Take your meds and stop trolling, Revusky.

    • Troll: Jonathan Revusky
  874. @anonymoys

    I listened to what Irving said.
    Hitler’s party at the time collected money wherever it could.
    The problem is why the money was given.
    Contrary to what most people suppose by 1937 relations between Hitler’s regime and German jews had stabilised.
    Bribing politicians was normal among jews, for thouands of years

    Irving was quite young, when he spoke.
    What he then knew, I do not know.
    In my copy of Hitler’s War Irving still believed in the gas chambers, in later editions these references have been removed.
    Irving’s method also raises questions, as is described in his first book, on Milch, he tried to write from the point of view of the subject of the book.
    He cross referenced, but backgrounds such as by Frans Kurowski on the air forces are lacking.
    So I wonder if the letter meant much.

    An unknown Hitler jewish cooperation is vaguely mentioned in
    Stürmer, Teichmann, Treue ‘Striking the Balance Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. A family and a Bank’, London 1994
    Oppenheim was Hitler’s secret emissary to Sweden, if besides Hitler and Oppenheim anyone knew, I doubt it.
    The bank still exists, Kissinger is or was on the board.
    Günther W.Gellermann, ‘Geheime Wege zum Frieden mit England…, Ausgewählte Initiativen zur Beëndigung des Krieges 1940/1942’, Bonn 1995
    describes in detail Oppenheim’s travels to Sweden.
    Do not remember any zionist connection or purpose, just trying to get peace.

    Interesting though is Times influence on Churchill’s memoirs.
    If Times editing did a good job, I wonder.
    I read the memoirs in the 70ties, when in general I knew very little.
    Yet the memoirs made the impression ‘too good to be true’.
    If without Times editing they would have been even ‘better’, I of course do not know.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  875. @Anonymous

    Sociology and politicology ?
    What makes people choose studies hardly anyone is interested in, I wonder.
    The second point I do not understand is why they do not try to work in something quite different ?
    Unilever long ago had theologicans as marketing experts.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  876. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    The faces you see will often be goyim…

    Even that is old news for the US and the globalist networks:

  877. peterAUS says:

    We’re facing disaster because white gentile elites have turned against us.

    As that guy in those links pointed to very well.
    Hehe….and….you (him) won’t get much traction here with that assertion.

    As you can see with the article and almost all the comments, that element simply doesn’t enter their minds.

    Well, at least for now.

    When that happens we’ll know the proper timing for change is getting close.
    Till then….. “blabbing time/online therapy”.
    Still, more blabbing, more people will have that moment of clarity and take a proper pill. Will that make much of a difference, well, one way to find out.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  878. FvS says:

    Blacks are worse than mestizos, but the black population isn’t increasing like the mestizo population is. Mestizos are bad enough, and they are the greater threat to white demographics. The criminals in their home countries are comparable in savagery to ISIS. Their music is not appealing (those trumpets should be used as torture) and neither is their culture of corruption and mediocrity.

  879. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Not gonna happen. They’ll die on this hill.

  880. Ron Unz says:

    Sailer strategy is a better bet for Republicans

    No, that political strategy is very unlikely to be successful as I explained in considerable detail some years ago:

    • Replies: @David Baker
  881. @renfro

    This is great news!

    • Agree: Rurik
    • Replies: @renfro
  882. @Miro23

    It’s not just a Constitution either. I would go for it being a mixture of all these things in varying proportions, with the emphasis on Christianity.

    Christianity, too, is a philosophy, and the constitution embraces many of its tenets.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  883. @Jonathan Revusky

    No problems with foreigners in Sweden, great.
    Alas they exist in Germany
    The interesting thing is that two reports of the same assault on a young woman are quoted, just in the second one the word ausländischen can befound.
    The word means foreigner.
    The conclusion must be the other way round, in my opinion, the government does anything, in complicity with MSM, to prevent that the truth gets (more) known.
    But it is difficult to hide that even in medium sized German towns women stay home after dark.

  884. @Rurik

    If you have a daughter or girlfriend or whatever, and she goes to a music festival, are you going to get your panties all in a twist just because some immigrants decide to help themselves to her titties a little bit?

    Well, it’s true that that doesn’t have much cachet. If they could at least get their pussies grabbed by Donald Trump, that would be something at least.

    But, okay, that incident in Morocco is, on the other hand, a serious matter. I guess it’s some sort of false flag terrorist psy-op, but I don’t know for sure. It’s been attributed to ISIS, so… what does that tell you? I do know that this is not at all typical of Morocco, which is a very safe place to travel in generally. Well, whatever the case is with that, it has nothing to do with immigration really, since it happened in Morocco.

    Of course, the various groping at the Swedish music festivals, it looks like most of that was done by white Swedish guys anyway, so it also has nothing to do with any debate on immigration either. And, of course, aside from neither incident having anything to do with immigration, they don’t have any relationship with one another…

    At one point, I had a higher opinion of you because you seemed pretty good on a handful of issues, like 9/11, for example, but really you are such a hopeless wingnut crank. Like, this way you grab onto these different things that have nothing to do with one another, and then it’s woven into some grand rant. I’m surprised you didn’t somehow work in some mention of white farmers in Zimbabwe or something, It’s really something so tedious to deal with, so mentally squalid.

    As for the whole question of the alleged “rape epidemic” in Sweden and the no-go zones and all that utter bullshit, why don’t you actually just go take a trip to Sweden and find out for yourself? Just walk around the various neighborhoods. Go to some bars and cafes and talk to people in these various neighborhoods and get a feel for what life is like and see if the people there tell you that there is some massive rape epidemic going on. See what they say.

    Anybody I talk to about this stuff — I mean, people who really would know — just tell me this is ridiculous. A friend of mine was at some parties full of German people in my area and was asking them about the Muslim rape epidemic and he told me that these people didn’t even know what he was talking about!

    It makes perfect sense to oppose mass immigration, but to get so emotionally overwrought about some rape epidemic that is just the product of these Zionist-controlled propaganda sites and their shills like Paul Joseph Watson, that’s really not a good thing.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Alden
  885. Ron Unz says:

    Here are some links that challenge Unz’s position on mestizo crime.

    Actually, nearly all your links are from around the time that I originally published my 2010 Hispanic Crime article, and I responded to all of them in considerable detail, with some of the critical pieces being quite substantive and others generally worthless. All of those, along with my responses, are already listed and linked in my “Guide to the Debate” column, though since one of the websites has since disappeared, thanks for locating the corresponding links:

    In my own very considered opinion, the whole issue was settled many years ago, and my initial findings were proven almost completely correct, while being further backed by all the more recent data. However, I’ll take a quick look at the one or two new pieces you noted.

  886. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Sociology and politicology ?

    Not entirely. Southern Europe was deliberately de-industrialised, put into debt-bondage and shafted. Europe as a whole has a catastrophic ~20% youth unemployment rate – almost all of it concentrated in the south.

    So, those young Europeans are reluctant to form families and make babies for some inexplicable reason. Imagine my shock.

    I’m only glad that (((Barbara))) can show us the way…

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  887. @ThisIsFine

    I understand you cannot follow my reasoning but it is literally unbelievable reasonably intelligent people like Unz cannot either


    Well said. What people, who can’t follow, refuse to see is that an illegal is a criminal. Federal laws have been broken. It is irrelevant that they may be “nice people”. It is ironic that California’s Cesar Chavez Day (March 31 official holiday) and the road named after him, have been turned into an excuse for sanctuary cities. Chavez was President of the National Farm Workers Association and a strong advocate for better working conditions of migrant farm workers, almost all of whom were Hispanic or Mexican. He was however, opposed to illegal immigration, and so were his members. They understood that any gains they made would be wiped out by large scale immigration, but large scale illegal immigration in particular.
    The “lazy White people” argument infuriates me, because it is followed with immigrants doing jobs “Whites won’t do”. We are surrounded by the myth of “the market” in every part of our lives, yet if Whites turn down arduous jobs with shitty wages and working conditions, they are “lazy”. The disconnect from “market conditions” is astounding. If, for example, farm workers were being paid $40 an hour, the queue of Whites lining up to do the work would be endless. They aren’t lazy, they just aren’t prepared to do the work at slave wages. The people coming to “White” countries think $10 an hour is a small fortune compared to the pittance paid in their home countries.
    I really don’t care if they are “nice” or “hard working”. Their presence lowers the standard of living for all but the wealthy. They need a place to live, which drives up housing prices. They produce human waste and garbage, which degrades the environment at a faster rate, and costs more to remedy. Their water consumption, in all forms, stresses available resources. Remittances take money out of the economy. There is much, much more.
    The most efficient economies are those in which a large majority of the population can participate at a high level. Immigration is the reserve army of capital, and used by the elites, to suppress the large majority of the population. Immigration, irrespective of its source, should serve the needs of the majority, not the few. Microsoft would have you believe that there are not (or no) Americans qualified to be software engineers. If, in fact, there is a shortage of qualified software engineers, what does that say about the educational system? I have no doubt that many of the blacks working in Silicon Valley to whom Mr. Unz refers, are imports.
    This is all about controlling your life by lowering your expectations while gaining mor control by making obscene profits, particularly in the rigged casino on Wall Street.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  888. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Re: the red-haired cannibal giants.


  889. @OilcanFloyd

    Of course I understand that there is an electronic record of our past interactions? That’s exactly why I’m not recounting it for you.

    Well, fine. There’s no need to recount it. If you did provide all that information before, then you should be able to just provide a link to where you did.

    Well, but of course, you can’t do that, because… as I know, and as you know, and as everybody following this conversation knows, you’re lying. You never did provide any of that information.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  890. peterAUS says:

    How this works out is anyone’s guess but it doesn’t look good.

    Depends on a definition of “good”.

    What people here desperately want to believe is that the real change can happen without violence.
    “Never happened so far, but this time it will” because…….and you can get swamped by eloquent explanations.

    Things will have to get much worse for US middle class, and they will, to create a proper environment for the change.
    The thing, of course is, will it be too late.

    There is a scenario, or two, where the outcome could be positive: the ethnostates in Europe, maybe even in “colonies”.
    Of course, there is a scenario, or two, where the outcome could be simply horrific.
    And a couple of outcomes in between.

    You appear to know, judging from comments here, how those things worked out (and still working out, as in Ukraine as we speak) in Eastern Europe.
    My take is simple: with decreasing, for any reason imaginable, US capability, or will, to project power overseas, we’ll have same scenarios repeated there.

    Just this recent “blip” with Kosovo (armed forces) could initiate the process.
    Scenario: Kosovars try to take over that northern Serb enclave->local Serbs resist by force of arms->KFOR/whatever get involved->”help” from Serbia proper gets involved->Americans do NOT, this time, get involved. Now………..things could start getting interesting, and not only there but in wider region(s).
    Or Americans get involved and that enclave disappears with consequent ethnic cleansing of Serbs there.
    Just one possibility. One spark.

    The proper conflict (say, use of local armed forces) will create ethnostates here and there.And, it can spread westwards. Even into “colonies”.
    That’s “positive” a? The amount of death and devastation there will be…well..I guess you can guestimate it with ease.
    The “negative”: M.A.D.
    And a couple of outcomes in between.

    Any way you cut it, violence, death and devastation.

    Or…hehe…no…not this time. Because…….we are so smart now, much smarter than people from 20, 50, 100 years ago. We are so…..better ..than them.
    Or whatever.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  891. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    You obviously are one of those big L libertarians who view the country as one giant job fair where employers are free to create their own immigration system and dump their costs onto society regardless of how it affects everybody else.

    The Unz view in a nutshell. And really what’s another genocide when the profits of nut growers and the geniuses of Silicon Valley are at stake.

    And to cap it, Unz wants to double the minimum wage, just to be certain that millions of law-abiding native-born Americans can’t compete with the illegals.

    • Agree: utu
    • Troll: L.K
    • Replies: @utu
    , @Anonymous
    , @Wizard of Oz
  892. L.K says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Hello Jonathan,

    I agree that the Muslim rape epidemic in Europe is largely BS. That said, it is almost certain that those countries receiving most of the immigrants(Muslims and non-Muslims) do experience some increase in several types of crimes… considering many of these immigrants are very poor, unskilled, and presently coming into an European economy which largely cannot absorb them.

    Re Sharia law being a threat to the ‘West’; again largely BS, though in Europe there are small Salafist groups that preach this stuff, particularly to Muslim communities. I have no idea the potential for spreading their radical views in such communities, but I’d guess there is some danger of that. Specially since nearly all Muslims in Europe are Sunnis. Even a few ethnic Europeans get radicalized… following the war in Syria from the start, I’ve seen cases of ethnic Germans, Italians, Irish, Bosniaks, etc, ending up as fighters with the Nusra Front and ISIS. Very few obviously, but still…

    The irony is that the countries that fund Salafism in the world, including in Europe, are the ZUS’s and NATO good Gulf allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar… and the American and European intel services all know about this.
    A couple of examples of those small but noisy Salafist groups, in Germany and Belgium:
    A look at Germany’s growing Salafist Islamic community

    Sharia Showdown Looms in Brussels

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  893. KenH says:

    They mainly are afraid of the right, and, given some of the history and rhetoric which Ron has laid out in numerous columns, I can’t really blame them.

    The “rhetoric” has been mostly against illegal aliens and not legal Hispanic immigrants. But many legal hispanics have taken offense since since they are racially conscious and more loyal and sympathetic to hispanic illegal aliens then they are to the people of the nation they emigrated to.

    The other thing is that as the hispanic population has been increasing whites can’t help but notice that they have higher rates of crime, poverty, gang participation, high school dropout and welfare dependency which has changed and/or ruined an increasing number of neighborhoods, towns and cities across America. As hispanics move in whites tend to move away if they can for the reason cited.

    So the rhetoric hasn’t been based on blind racial hatred or for who hispanics are but for what they are doing.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @anon
  894. AaronB says:

    This is your problem. When a movement arises that addresses the issue of why white elites turned against their own culture then it will be serious.

    And this began in the 18th century. White elites started hating Western civilization at that time, and it just grew and grew until today. For people who supposedly care so much about Western civ the alt rights ignorance of most of its major writers is astonishing.

    But they are in a serious quandary – the alt right is too stupid to understand second order effects or unintended consequences, so they cannot understand how something positive and good like logic and science can have led to a world view that and a way of life that caused white elites to hate their own culture.

    Moreover, the alt right worships power and dominance – so they are constitutionally incapable of accepting that anything that gives tremendous power can be a double edged sword.

    Its a rich subject, but stated simply, the problem with the West is that it went too far on one direction – and is now swinging to the opposite extreme. The alt right favors one extreme, and so cannot offer solutions.

    This is an internal dynamic that Jews merely rode the wave of, and are hardly powerful enough to have created – comprising so fewer smart people than whites.

    But all this is far too incomprehensible for the alt right to understand – its all genes and IQ and external enemies.

    Hitler succeeded, I suspect, because Jews pitted themselves against the white elite, out of too much arrogance – realizing that is a battle they cannot win, Jews now cooperate with and join the white elite, forming a power block that will never be challenged.

    And not just Jews, most of whom are not the enemy – a trans racial super elite is forming along class lines, and ethnic divisions are a distraction, not the main issue.

    • Replies: @AaronB
    , @peterAUS
    , @Art
  895. @poop

    “It has nothing to do with Mexicans.” Really? Mexicans don’t take jobs those ‘hobos’ could be working at? Mexicans don’t vote for liberals who jack up our taxes/fees/fines/foibles (Gambling, Alcohol, Pot, Tobacco, Pornography.) and funds to the point where businesses can’t make a profit in California, and they move out of state or shut down? Mexicans aren’t involved in the drug trade, hooking citizens on their potions, increasing crime and human misery? Mexicans don’t have gangs who maraud through cities killing citizens or cops to earn their ‘Bones’ for promotions? Mexicans don’t get welfare, food stamps, free healthcare , education or under-the-table wages , which means they don’t pay taxes, and add to the burdens of taxpayers who are already living paycheck to paycheck?

    I want those people out of our country. If our government will not enforce the law and deport illegal aliens, it’s time to get a new government.

  896. AaronB says:

    IQ, genes, and HBD are the stupid mans philosophy – it appeals to people who cannot think in a complex multi-factorial way.

    Therefore it is not a philosophy that will ever attract widespread support among the cognitive elite, who demand more of their theories about our complex world than “its entirely factor x!”.

    HBD also completely lacks s moral dimension, further distancing its connection to reality for most sensitive, intelligent people.

    So the alt right will always remain a fringe movement for lower human quality people.

    And yet that is significant. Often the first people to perceive something is seriously wrong are the marginal people. They are not the people to reform the culture, but they are weathervanes, often.

    What this means is that the leadership class and the cognitive and moral elite, that part of it that is also I’m happy with the current system, have not yet stirred.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  897. @Ron Unz

    If the ethnic/racial categories are murky at best, how can you say high hispanic crime rates are a myth? (Yes, I read “The Myth of Hispanic Crime.)

    It seems that Hispanics are frequently categorized as White, but “White non-Hispanics” never are categorized as Hispanic.

    Want evidence? Go to the US Bureau of Prisons website ( Select “Inmates”, “Find an Inmate” and “Find by Name”. This shows all current and released inmates. Type in any random Hispanic name such as Juan Gonzalez. There are so many, you have to choose a middle initial to limit the search.

    Juan A Gonzales, 28 total, 2 black, 26 white, none hispanic
    Juan B Gonzalez, 3 total, all white, none hispanic
    Juan C Gonzalez, 32 total, all white, none hispanic
    Juan D Gonzalez, 3 total, all white, none hispanic
    Juan E Gonzalez, 3 total, 2 white, 1 black, none hispanic
    Juan F Gonzalez, 7 total, 6 white, 1 black, none hispanic
    You can search random names forever with the same results.

    If you used Bureau of Prison records or data derived from their records, I believe your data sets are corrupt.
    Related: Many cities have their arrest reports online. Some have State/Country of Birth, Citizenship and Race. In the few cities I’ve checked, even those who were born in Mexico and have hispanic names are “white” on their arrest reports.

  898. peterAUS says:

    If, for example, farm workers were being paid $40 an hour, the queue of Whites lining up to do the work would be endless.

    Pretty much.
    But, then, those at the top couldn’t have all those mansions, villas, yachts etc.

    All roads lead to……anyway.

  899. Rurik says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    some immigrants decide to help themselves to her titties a little bit?

    If they could at least get their pussies grabbed by Donald Trump, that would be something at least.

    there is a profoundly significant difference between grabbing a woman’s pussy who’s offering it to you, and grateful for the accommodation..

    vs. some sub-human incel (of any race) taking what isn’t offered by force.

    I’d personally beat the snot out of such a human shitstain, if he did that to my gal, (or daughter or whatever), and any self-respecting man or woman would cheer the pummeling.

    So try to keep that in mind. If a woman offers you her pussy to grab, and is glad for the attention, then that is not only OK, it’s even laudable. Trump is obviously a generous and thoughtful man.

    Whereas a human shitstain, who is offered nothing willingly, but who considers it OK to take, what no woman would give him, is worthy only of a severe beating and a few months in the hospital.

    Glad to clear that up.

    Well, whatever the case is with that, it has nothing to do with immigration really, since it happened in Morocco.

    you’re wrong, because what it says about men from stone age cultures, with a raging antipathy for Western woman, (who no doubt rebuff them at every turn), is that inviting throngs of these young men into your communities might not always be a good idea.

    At one point, I had a higher opinion of you because you seemed pretty good on a handful of issues, like 9/11, for example, but really you are such a hopeless wingnut crank.

    Wow, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

    Right back at ya JR!

    white farmers in Zimbabwe or something, It’s really something so tedious to deal with, so mentally squalid

    What’s mentally squalid is the idiotic and deliberate pretense that what’s happening in Zimbabwe is unconnected to what’s happening in South Africa, or Rotherham, or Sweden. Where yes, crime and rape are all up due to immigration. Duh.

    You like to pretend that one thing has nothing to do with the other, when we all know they’re interconnected and all a consequence of the ((globalists)) who’re foisting all these insanities upon the Western world. Duh.

    Just like the video I just posted of the Dueling Puppets, or Putin lambasting the Austrian courts for exonerating a child rapist, all of these things are inter-related, and it’s ‘mentally squalid’ to pretend otherwise.

    And speaking of mentally squalid, how else can you characterize the transparent duplicity of constantly harping on a “Muslim rape epidemic”, as if women were being raped in the streets al la the Red Army Rapists.

    It’s nothing like that. And I assume the women of South Africa are far more menaced by a real rape epidemic than what’s going on in Europe.

    But this is the thing JR, for a (racist, xenophobic) fellow like myself, even one rape (or murder or shitstain grabbing my daughter’s breasts when she’s tying to have a good time at a music festival), is one too many. And I’d have zero problem with an absolute moratorium of all non-Western immigration into my country until every last POS who feels entitled to assault the women of the country who had the gracious generosity of letting them in, is unceremoniously tossed out on their collective arses.

    I don’t care if it means I’d have to live in a world without eating falafel ever again.

    But that’s just me, and I don’t enjoy falafel enough to justify even one girl being assaulted at a concert by even one sub-human shitstain.

    I guess my priorities are terribly skewed, huh?

  900. @Ron Unz

    Good point. The introduction of Marxist principles have rendered Republicans as ogres, who take government funded food from the mouths of children and seniors, and they eat babies. Any liberal can suggest what political tack a candidate can take to optimize their chance to be elected, but a Republican only has the Constitution and the limitations established for prudent government functions to offer their constituents.

  901. peterAUS says:

    This is your problem.

    You mean: “because white gentile elites have turned against us.”

    When a movement arises that addresses the issue of why white elites turned against their own culture then it will be serious.

    Couldn’t agree more.

    Its a rich subject, but stated simply, the problem with the West is that it went too far on one direction – and is now swinging to the opposite extreme. The alt right favors one extreme, and so cannot offer solutions.

    Agree, save “cannot”. I’d add “for now”.

    … trans racial super elite is forming along class lines, and ethnic divisions are a distraction, not the main issue.

    “Class” lines!?!. Oh my goodness. You just said “no, no” word in Alt-Right sphere. Shame on you. And me.

    Now…what to do about it could be an interesting question. One day.

    • Agree: AaronB
  902. peterAUS says:

    Often the first people to perceive something is seriously wrong are the marginal people. They are not the people to reform the culture, but they are weathervanes, often.

    What this means is that the leadership class and the cognitive and moral elite, that part of it that is also I’m happy with the current system, have not yet stirred.

    At least not in West. I am sure there are plenty of cognitive and moral elite in Eastern Europe who have stirred. A lot.

  903. utu says:

    The Unz view in a nutshell. And really what’s another genocide when the profits of nut growers and the geniuses of Silicon Valley are at stake.

    “big L libertarians” is one of the most toxic ideologies. Who do we owe it: von Mises, Ayn Rand (Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum), Murray Rothbard.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  904. Miro23 says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Christianity, too, is a philosophy, and the constitution embraces many of its tenets.

    Except that people don’t “live” a Constitution in the way that Christendom lived Christianity. It was integrated into daily life in a similar way that Islam (still) enters into daily life in the Middle East.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  905. @tanabear

    “Any institution or society that is dominated by the left will eventually veer toward totalitarianism”. Correct. Communism, Socialism, or any variations of those schemes are to tyrants as candy is to a child molester. The concepts induce vulnerable, ignorant, gullible populations to cede their liberties, rights, religious freedoms, traditions, sovereignty, economies and their cultural processes to a perceived form of beneficent government. Government is not beneficent.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  906. @Rurik

    So try to keep that in mind. If a woman offers you her pussy to grab, and is glad for the attention, then that is not only OK, it’s even laudable. Trump is obviously a generous and thoughtful man.

    That had me rolling on the floor with laughter! Very un-PC of me!

    • Replies: @David Baker
  907. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:

    As has been alluded many times here, the idea is to displace the black underclass with a Hispanic working class.

    would you like dogshit or catshit?

    how about neither

    • Replies: @bucky
    , @Anonymous
  908. Miro23 says:

    You appear to know, judging from comments here, how those things worked out (and still working out, as in Ukraine as we speak) in Eastern Europe.

    I don’t know how it will work out, but I do know that social polarization can only go so far, and the US is exploring the limits, with its billionaire elite and minimally paid service workers.

    Louis XVI among others, discovered the downside of this system. “Let them eat cake” or calling them “Deplorables” didn’t/doesn’t go down too well.

  909. cassandra says:
    @jilles dykstra

    I wish I were fluent in other languages well enough to examine your intriguing recommendations, but, alas!

    So, a deliberate provocation cannot be ruled out.

    That’s often the case, but I was wondering if there were some “smoking gun” in this situation.

    My suspicion is that yesterday such a provocation failed, Syrian defences did not shoot down two airliners.

    We’ve arrived at the same conclusion. This technique is now so common it’s immediately recognizable. The recent Russian spy plane incident and MH17 both appear to be the same sort of trick, and I expect to see more like these. It’s militarily effective, and can generate favorable political repercussions. To morally deficient psychopaths, or to hard-line followers of the Talmud, what’s not to like?

    Jews are not bad in provocations.

    Indeed not: they’re famously ruthless, though their arrogance sometimes creates difficulties for them, as with the Hotel David and the Liberty incidents. (Sometimes too clever by half: I can’t help thinking of the comedy The Producers in many of these cases.) But media control usually sweeps anomalies under the carpet of public opinion, as was (is?) the case for 911, for instance.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  910. cassandra says:
    @North Carolina Resident

    If you used Bureau of Prison records or data derived from their records, I believe your data sets are corrupt.

    Thanks for this obviously important observation. Not that this settles the issue, but your point definitely merits consideration.

  911. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:

    The “rhetoric” has been mostly against illegal aliens and not legal Hispanic immigrants.

    there are almost no legal hispanics since prob 90% of them or their parents snuck over the border

    there’s no reason for Americans to even respect them since they don’t respect your laws

    • Replies: @KenH
  912. @Anonymous

    Europe as a whole has a catastrophic ~20% youth unemployment rate – almost all of it concentrated in the south.

    Correct, result of the euro.
    In the good old days the S countries could devaluate, and were competitive again all of a sudden.
    Now it takes ten years before wages are adjusted enough downwards.
    The only way out for France economically for me is devaluation, but in order to do that they must re introduce the franc
    This Brussels will try to prevent at any price

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  913. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:
    @North Carolina Resident

    you can tell unz this a thousand times but he won’t care until he’s a victim of hispanic crime himself

    just like he doesn’t care about higher apartment rental prices because it doesn’t affect him

  914. @Cloak And Dagger

    LOL! I can’t help but wonder why women, who claim to be born leaders who are top-notch CEOs, Astrophysics Professors who teach fighter pilots how to engage enemies, and who are capable of defeating four linebackers in hand-to-hand combat, are STILL advertising in a plethora of lonely hearts websites, online hookup threads, mail order bride threads and newspapers to snag some poor schlep who’ll marry them, and cart them off to luxury resorts and four star restaurants in exchange for a lifetime of bliss. There is a rather significant disconnect between the Jewish Media depiction of women and reality.

  915. geokat62 says:

    what are the chances Geo?

    What did the chances look like for those enduring the darkest period of the Weimar years? As I mentioned, the pendulum has reached the peak of its upward trajectory and it has just begun its downward path. We are at the beginning of the end.

    This is going to be the issue of the century, (literally)

    Will the Zionist, Jewish supremacists prevail in their existential war against the West.

    Will the West fall, and assume the roll of effectively living as Palestinians.

    Now, there are two options available. They can heed my advice and resolve things peacefully or they can double down and go for broke. While I’m advocating the former path, if they choose the latter it should be crystal clear to them that there are those in the wings who are prepared to take things to the next level. For example, here is what former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, PCR, had to say about the recent developments taking place in Paris:

    I’m not advocating violence. I’m simply saying that it looks like the only solution… because everything else we tried doesn’t work. Elections? What good do they do? They don’t do any good. Whoever gets elected is not as powerful as the oligarchs….

    I’ve always considered South Africa as a kind of ‘canary in the coal mine’. It will be interesting to see how that all unfolds.

    That canary fell off its perch a long time ago. But the word still hasn’t gotten around.

    Have you had the chance to view this video by RamzPaul about the “rainbow nation”?

    Oh, I almost forgot. I really enjoyed viewing the video you posted about the dueling puppets. It reminded me of that famous quote by William Shakespeare, “All the world’s a stage.”

    Given how things have transpired since he penned those words, I think this famous phrase should be updated by appending the following words: “All the world’s a stage… and Jewish supremacists are the scriptwriters.”

  916. @macilrae

    Based on numerous references in The Iliad, Homer/ the Greeks valued cultural borrowings from the Ethiopians.

  917. Okechukwu says:

    At its core, the alt-right is a white supremacist movement. Modern white supremacism tends to attract the lowest of the low, the dumbest of the dumb. So the alt-right’s primary problem is the low intelligence level of its adherents. These people often have a 4 year old’s appreciation of the physical world, of science and of history.

    As a corollary to that, the alt-right tries to establish in the 21st century ideas that saw their final death throes with the collapse of Nazi Germany. The entire world saw the German “ubermensch” out-thought, out-planned, out-fought and out-engineered by the so-called sub-humans and mongrels. The notion of superior and inferior races is an idea doomed utterly to fail, particularly when those espousing their own superiority represent the very dregs of humanity.

    You want immigration restrictions? Fine, but couching your appeals with reference to dodgy IQ data and other absurd and easily refuted pseudoscientific claims serve only to strengthen the advocacy for increased immigration. The notion that some races or nationalities are genetically pre-wired for stupidity, criminality and dysfunction is going to be rejected en masse every time. And it’s going to be rejected by the people in position to enact policy. But, alas, the alt-right is itself too dumb to figure that out.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Anonymous
    , @Anon
    , @mr meener
  918. @Jonathan Revusky

    It’s all in the Unz archives. I don’t care if you think I’m a liar. If it matters to you, look it up yourself.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  919. @Anon

    “Income Inequality”. That term makes Capitalism sound like the bane of society. “Inequality” has nothing to do with Capitalism. The efforts of individuals to forge their OWN security, and make their OWN way through life requires simply that their government keeps their borders secure, their laws enforced, their infrastructure functioning and their taxes at a minimum, so citizens can afford to circulate their hard earned wages by purchasing goods and services. Capitalism works if it IS Capitalism. Unfortunately, the concept has been hijacked by liberals to create their nirvana of non-competitive markets, where industries are controlled from state and federal capitols.

  920. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:
    @North Carolina Resident

    others at BOP:

    98 Juan Gomez – 94 white, 4 black, 0 hispanic

    maybe they don’t have a category for hispanic or brown – probably by design

  921. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:

    At its core, the alt-right is a white supremacist movement. Modern white supremacism tends to attract the lowest of the low, the dumbest of the dumb. So the alt-right’s primary problem is the low intelligence level of its adherents.

    you sound like an expert on low intelligence

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
    , @David Baker
  922. @ThisIsFine

    First, you lack basic reading comprehension. I didn’t say Hispanic immigration was a good thing, just that it “isn’t the end of the world.”

    But you disagree because . . . Well, you don’t say, but you have a little cartoon.

    One of the reasons the alt-right is easy for others to dismiss is that it is full of inarticulate, low-IQ haters, like you.

    • Replies: @anon
  923. geokat62 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    About violence…Pictures like this are not shown by MSM

    How ironic that the words of JFK should come back to haunt them:

    “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  924. Okechukwu says:

    How ironic that the words of JFK should come back to haunt them:

    “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

    I bet you didn’t say that whenever black people took to the streets. You’d just accuse them of thuggery, with a genetic inclination toward violence.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  925. Okechukwu says:

    you sound like an expert on low intelligence

    Further to my first post, this is Exhibit A.

    • LOL: Wizard of Oz
  926. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:

    First, you lack basic reading comprehension. I didn’t say Hispanic immigration was a good thing, just that it “isn’t the end of the world.”

    it may not be the end of the world but it will eventually be the end of your country

  927. Ron Unz says:
    @North Carolina Resident

    It seems that Hispanics are frequently categorized as White, but “White non-Hispanics” never are categorized as Hispanic.

    Want evidence? Go to the US Bureau of Prisons website ( Select “Inmates”, “Find an Inmate” and “Find by Name”. This shows all current and released inmates. Type in any random Hispanic name such as Juan Gonzalez. …If you used Bureau of Prison records or data derived from their records, I believe your data sets are corrupt…Juan A Gonzales, 28 total, 2 black, 26 white, none hispanic

    Ha, ha, ha… Well, I’ve never previously gone to that website, but perhaps you might have noticed that NONE of the obviously Hispanic inmates you found were listed as Hispanic. Nor would any other Hispanic names be listed as Hispanic. Indeed, if you look at the Race field, it only contains Amerind, Asian, Black, and White as options, with no Hispanic category. If there’s no Hispanic category, you probably won’t find too many inmates labeled as Hispanics.

    Presumably, that’s because the Federal Government does not consider “Hispanic” as a racial category, but an ethnicity. For example, “whites” are more officially defined as “non-Hispanic whites.”

    Naturally, all the Census data and racial/ethnic prison data that I and all other researchers have used always separate out the Hispanics as an “ethnic” category.

    Look, I can’t blame you too much. Until fairly recently North Carolina had very few Hispanics, so I assume you’ve just watched a lot of FoxNews or read Breitbart or something, and it’s always difficult to admit you’ve been taken in by a hoax…

    • LOL: L.K
  928. geokat62 says:

    Why all this hate for so-called Alt-Righters. Aren’t today’s Alt-Righters yesterday’s patriots who stood for self-determination for all peoples? Who would’ve guessed that in a few decades these patriotic people would be derided as “racists”?

    George Orwell had it right about doublespeak!

  929. @OilcanFloyd

    A poster much wiser than I pointed out that there is little benefit in communicating with this one. He’ll just ignore what you stated and claim you stated the exact opposite.

    If you have never read my favorite Hitler quote about arguing with Jews, I’m reproducing it below. Ask yourself if this does not describe a certain poster to a “T”.

    QUOTE The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

    Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

    I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. END QUOTE

  930. bucky says:

    Then you get to enjoy grappling with black anger for the next 50 years. It has been obvious for a decade now, since The Atlantic elevated Mr. Coates, that black anger over the past is deep and intractable.

    And blacks do have a high birthrate. The white population has shrunk, the Hispanics and Asians have increased. The black population has risen slightly.

    Over the past 50 years, all of the major riots in America were caused by blacks. all of the major cities ruined by them. Even the worst anti-Semitic pogrom on American soil–blacks. The Crown Heights riots are why Jews are so deferential to them.

    • Replies: @anon
  931. geokat62 says:

    I bet you didn’t say that whenever black people took to the streets.

    Everyone is welcome in the struggle against Jewish supremacy:


  932. Rurik says:

    They can heed my advice and resolve things peacefully or they can double down and go for broke

    Well Geo, I think we both know where this is all headed.

    I see only one way out, and that is a repudiation of the dollar by the rest of the world.

    Somehow the nations of the planet have to muster the wherewithal to defang the Fiend, but as long as the dollar, (the power behind their Satanic evil), is the world’s reserve currency, we’re all going to get more and more of the same.

    There is only one way out, and that is though the Fed.

    • Replies: @L.K
  933. Rurik says:

    Hey Ken,

    I’m pleased to see you were honored at the Chateau!

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @KenH
    , @Miro23
    , @Anonymous
  934. anon[168] • Disclaimer says:

    Even the worst anti-Semitic pogrom on American soil–blacks.

    OMG, how many victims were there?

    if i piss a swastika in the snow, does that count for a pogrom? or just a hate crime?

  935. Rurik says:
    @Ron Unz

    Until fairly recently North Carolina had very few Hispanics,

    from the looks of this website, it seems they have plenty now

    here’s last month’s tally



    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @L.K
    , @CanSpeccy
  936. @anon

    If this egalitarian, cosmopolitan social issue scribe would read about liberal racism, and how Democrats led the KKK, administered and enforced Jim Crow Laws and Slavery, he might just emphasize which ‘whites’ are supremacists. While he’s at it, he could quote a few lines from the Talmud for comparison, and peruse Abraham Lincoln’s Campaign Speech to gain some perspective on this topic.

  937. L.K says:
    @Ron Unz

    I find the whole US “racial” categories pretty weird.

    As I understand it, it has been ‘upgraded’, and now has broader options then when I lived in the US.

    ‘Hispanic’, or even ‘latino’ seem quite silly.

    When in the US I met, for instance, Cubans who were white, some who were black, others who were different types of mixes. How is ‘Hispanic’ meaningful then?

    Brazilians perhaps do not fall under ‘Hispanic’ but I think under ‘Latino’.
    The country has the second largest German diaspora after the US.
    I suppose that someone like Cintia Dicker is a latina instead of just a white woman, and this just bc she was born in Latin America.

    A half black, half white mix such as Obama is… Black! An artificial black race created which includes people who, in some cases, are more European than Negro.

    Why not just have a multiracial category? Perhaps even with additional info for different types of mixes?
    Well, I hear this is the case now, though supposedly the multiracial category is not used much?

    I get the feeling that, at least in the case of mulattoes, way back when the one drop rule was instituted, authorities feared that perhaps some very light mulattoes might cross into the white side? Which in many cases happened anyway.

    “…for many base wretches amongst us take up with negro women, by which means the country swarms with mulatto bastards, and these mulattoes, if but three generations removed from the black father or mother, may, by the indulgence of the laws of the country, intermarry with the white people, and actually do every day so marry. Now, if instead of this abominable practice which hath polluted the blood of many amongst us, we had taken Indian wives in the first place, it would have made them some compensation for their lands…. We should become rightful heirs to their lands and should not have smutted our blood….”
    (The Reverend Peter Fontaine of Virginia, 1757 – Tilton, Robert S. Pocahontas: The Evolution of An American Narrative. Cambridge University Press, 1995)

  938. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    big L libertarians” is one of the most toxic ideologies.

    Yes, Libertarianism is the name for an ideology that the rich and ignorant think justifies their antisocial impulses. In fact, only an ignoramus can be a rich libertarian.


    Libertarians consider freedom the highest value and government the greatest restraint on freedom, from which they conclude that government is an evil to be eliminated.

    But given human nature, the variability of human desires and the scarcity of resources to satisfy those desires, human existence in the absence of government, or in what Hobbes called a state of nature, will degenerate into a war of all against all:

    … there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain, and consequently, not culture of the earth, no navigation, nor the use of commodities that may be imported by sea, no commodious building, no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.’br.
    Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan

    This fact, libertarians can never grasp, for if they did, they would not be libertarians.

    To deny the miserable lack of freedom under a condition of anarchy, libertarians make claims about rights as though such pious talk would tame the will of those intent on a course that infringes the liberty of others. That their rights, God-given or otherwise, can nowhere be exercised freely except where they are enshrined in law and enforced by government seems beyond libertarian comprehension.
    Read More
    And: The Libertarian Delusion
    And: Libertarianism: the Ideology of Fuck-You Capitalism

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  939. geokat62 says:

    Contrasting CH’s proposals on immigration with those put forward by Ron in his Grand Bargain is akin to tweaking versus taking a sledgehammer to the issue.

    Since we’re on the subject, CH once again will clarify its stance on the National Question:

    All illegals and their anchor babbies should be deported.

    The Wall should be built to prevent future waves of foreign invasion.

    Birthright citizenship should be ended.

    There should be a 60 year immigration moratorium, followed by (if wanted) immigration quotas that favor NW Euro countries.

    The White Christian population should be restored to 80%+ of the total US pop.

    If the latter is impossible, America should — correction, WILL — in time separate into distinct ethny- and race-based geopolitical entities. It is inevitable.

  940. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    And really what’s another genocide when the profits of nut growers and the geniuses of Silicon Valley are at stake.

    Good point. In a very real sense, the US never fully recovered from not picking its own fucking cotton.

    I’m not joking. Any meagre financial savings that might have been realised back then are dwarfed by the consequences. You save a buck, and pay with endless, hostile, family trees of foreign ghetto trash.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  941. renfro says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    pepsi posted good one…the world is slowly but surely catching onto Israel……things will go even faster now against Israel…..the strength of BDS is not in the personal boycotting of Israeli settlement goods…but in the worldwide attention it attracted that has resulted in large entities like HSBC singling out Israeli companies for punishment.

    British Bank To Divest From Israeli Arms Maker Over ‘Human Rights’ Issues

    (JTA) — Europe’s largest bank, the London-based HSBC, said it will divest from Israeli defense contractor Elbit over “human rights” issues.

    HSBC sources confirmed to the Jerusalem Post that the bank, said to be the seventh largest financial institution in the world, had divested from Elbit, one of Israel’s largest defense companies, the newspaper reported Thursday.

    The decision comes one month after the global vacation rental website Airbnb decided to delist sites in West Bank settlements.

    HSBC “strongly supports observance of international human rights principles as they apply to business,” a spokesperson told the Post in connection with the divestment. But HSBC does “not take positions on political issues,” the spokesperson added.

    Bank sources would not reveal when the divestment would occur, or what percentage of investments were to be divested, the Post report also said.

    In a statement posted on its website, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), an pro-BDS organization in Britain, claimed “banking giant HSBC divests from Israeli arms manufacturer following pressure from human rights campaigners,” writing “HSBC confirmed to campaigners that it has fully divested from Israeli drone manufacturer Elbit Systems, which sells weapons to the Israeli military used in attacks on Palestinians.”

    The banking firm HSBC, established in 1865 with offices in Hong Kong and Shanghai, had an operating income of almost $15 billion in 2017, according to an annual report released on its website.

    Read more:

  942. L.K says:

    When( if?) the world finally wakes up and ditches your painted paper, which gives the ZUS a huge advantage over every other nation on earth, the US standard of living will drop precipitously.

    It certainly will be a good day for the rest of mankind though.

    • Replies: @Miro23
    , @Rurik
  943. @Miro23

    Except that people don’t “live” a Constitution in the way that Christendom lived Christianity. It was integrated into daily life in a similar way that Islam (still) enters into daily life in the Middle East.

    Not so sure about that. My claim to Christianity comes from having been born in a Christian family, but I am not sure that it affects my philosophy unduly since I have been an atheist from my teens when I stopped accompanying my parents to Sunday services. I do like to think that I lead an honest and moral life, and Christian beliefs have contributed to that – but other philosophies have contributed to my worldview as well, including the constitution. The latter explains why I post on fora such as UR when I see that document getting shredded by our Israeli controlled government.

    • Agree: renfro
  944. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    Communism, Socialism, or any variations of those schemes are to tyrants as candy is to a child molester. The concepts induce vulnerable, ignorant, gullible populations to cede their liberties, rights, religious freedoms, traditions, sovereignty, economies and their cultural processes to a perceived form of beneficent government.

    Let’s not fool ourselves. Nominally Capitalistic societies in the West are suffering from this exact affliction as we speak.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  945. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Good point. The whites are getting displaced in their own countries and that’s unacceptable.

  946. geokat62 says:

    from the looks of this website…

    I enjoyed reading the quote by TR posted at the top of this webpage:

    “In the first place, we should insist that, if the immigrant, who comes here in good faith, becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet, an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    President Theodore Roosevelt – 1907

    Could you imagine any American president today uttering those same words, especially the bolded ones?

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
    , @utu
    , @Rurik
  947. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    The thing with carpets is that they always have a limited size. Eventually, you have to stop pretending and do a full spring cleaning.

    • Replies: @cassandra
  948. @renfro

    Israel needs to fend for itself. The U.S. should not have its leaders fretting about protecting that country. If they (Israel) wish to engage in hostilities with their neighbors, they can have at it without our military being the chip on their shoulders.

    • Agree: anarchyst
    • Replies: @anon
  949. L.K says:

    Since you hate having Mexican, Central American & Latin American immigrants come into your country, possibly you guys should try learning the following basic facts:

    The United States Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power

    The United States government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows the elected government. Marine General Smedley Butler told us this as have many others. There is no doubt about it.

    Currently Washington is trying to overthrow the governments of Venezuela and Nicaragua and has bought off the Ecuadorian government with oil purchases and the usual personal bribes. Evo Morales government in Bolivia is also targeted by Washington. The Obama regime succeeded in removing the reform governments in Honduras, Argentina, and Brazil. ….

    The Monroe Doctrine has always been glorified in US textbooks as warning European colonialists away from Latin America. The Americans intended it for themselves and succeeded in keeping Latin America as a colony. The Organization of American States has always been in Washington’s pocket and remains there today. Latin America accepts its colonized existence and does not come to the aid of those democratic governments that Washington targets for overthrow. Latin America is impotent, because its leaders are paid off, blackmailed, or threatened by Washington.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  950. @geokat62

    Now, there are two options available. They can heed my advice and resolve things peacefully or they can double down and go for broke.

    I admire your willingness to forgive and forget and turn over a new page. Very Christian of you. I contend, however, that the time for rapprochement has passed and the time for retributions has arrived. They have done such a good job of stirring hatred in the world that the repercussions cannot be blunted at this late stage. Just look at the bile and venom that spews from the pens of the many Israeli apologists on this forum.

    Not only are they doomed, but they will take non-Israeli jews down with them into the pits of Hades. My sincere advice to non-Israeli jews is to hasten the process of increasing the distance between them and these evil people. With a few exceptions, most of them have either supported Israeli carnage or have been silent bystanders when their voices could have mattered. I think they will need to redouble their very vocal attack on both Israelis and the Israel-firsters in our midst loudly and publicly. If they don’t, they will be lumped in with the rest of the jews.

    They can ignore my warning at their own peril. Sorry, no Christian charity from me as the clock chimes the final hour. The jaws of Hades are opening for them.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @renfro
  951. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Modern white supremacism tends to attract the lowest of the low, the dumbest of the dumb.

    White supremacism is almost entirely fake news. White nationalism, on the other hand, is a growing tsunami of best and the brightest. Where’s your swimming suit, Okechukwu?

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  952. @renfro

    Yes, it is too late for Israel and its apologists and supporters. The trickle is about to unleash a flood. The only negative is that Israel becomes a hole in the ground, their elites will escape and land in my backyard.

    How do you get rid of fleas?

    • Replies: @renfro
  953. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    You save a buck, and pay with endless, hostile, family trees of foreign ghetto trash.

    Well maybe they’re trash, or maybe they’re just good people pursuing their own legitimate economic interest. But the thing is, no sovereign state is obliged to open its doors to all or any immigrants, moreover, there is no democratic state in the World where the people would actually vote for open borders. Those who argue for cheap immigrant labor are thus demanding abrogation of the democratic will of the citizens of their own country.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  954. @geokat62

    Hear! Hear! This is exactly what I have been saying. It is being American that makes us a nation – not race, color, religion, etc.

    Having said that, we need to greatly reduce further immigration into the US and assimilate those who are already here.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  955. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    from the looks of this website, it seems they have plenty [of Hispanic immigrants] now

    Ron Unz returns repeatedly to trash those foolish enough to be wrong about trivialities. He takes care, however, to avoid discussing the turd lying upon the table.

    Taunt him as you may, I doubt you will engage him with the fundamental issue, since that would mean acknowledging that the turd lying upon the table is actually his own foetid position.

  956. @jilles dykstra

    Your stuff about Times editing is totally obscure. Please elaborate and explain.

  957. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    the time for rapprochement has passed and the time for retributions has arrived

    I feel the same. The end of the rope.

  958. @CanSpeccy

    My first job involved working closely with a deeply sceptical person who was also the most observant and perhaps the most learned person I’ve ever met so I was well primed for reading Hayek a few years into the real adult world – not von Mises or Rothbard but the person who made me see that honest markets, price signals and so on were a way of dealing with the uncertainties of the world, including the uncertainties about what values should prevail (actually not “prevail” is better – but “be taken seriously”). I have myself added an extension of that thinking to say that trying to maintain a free market is like upholding the rule of law in the important sense of getting personal selfish advantage out of the decision making process.

    So libertarianism I understand to be just a simple minded unjustified over extension of such thinking into limiting dogmatism.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  959. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Well maybe they’re trash, or maybe they’re just good people pursuing their own legitimate economic interest.

    As a “good” white person in my own white country, I’d like to pursue my own legitimate economic interests for a change. Is that too much to ask?

    91% of the globe is non-white. Can I, please, have my own ghetto-free homelands?

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  960. But Silicon Valley, with all of its diversity, isn’t Middle America. All the money in Silicon Valley makes diversity work very well. Places where people depend on government public assistance are happy and work well only where there is a Monoculture. Just look at Norway and Sweden, formerly happy with their generous subsistence providing money to all until North Africans came to stay.

  961. @CanSpeccy

    Unfair to Ron Unz I think because – come in here please Ron – I am sure he gave attention to enforcement by law and circumstances. As I recall it his original higher minimum wage proposal actually arose from his seeking answers to the illegal immigration problem (and maybe excess legal immigration:I forget) so how it would work in practice had to be of concern.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  962. @L.K

    Or what about “What is your identity group?) with 25 alternatives, including mixtures, offered plus “Other (please describe)” and “No Identity Group” and “Just American”?

  963. @Ron Unz

    Error Report. I’ve just tried emailing a Comment and got an error message. I have recently used the function successfully after you fixed it.

    A suggestion. It would be useful if you could make it possible to send a Comment to several recipients at the same time…. As it is one has to send it first to oneself and then forward it which, apart from being a deterrent to bothering to do it, reduces the introductions to UR that might be achieved by sending a Comment which will create a favourable impression of the website from which it came.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  964. mr meener says:

    although Ron does some good work exposing jews he just cannot suppress his jewish DNA . no matter how hard he tries it overwhelms him and he goes back to the basic Bolshevik plan. destroy the white Christian race

    • Replies: @David Baker
  965. geokat62 says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    It is being American that makes us a nation – not race, color, religion, etc.

    Hey, C&D. You realize that this is exactly what The Lobby has been pushing for decades – i.e., that America is a “propositional nation,” defined by such principles as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They reject the tradional definition of what constitutes a nation – race, religion, language, etc. – so they could justify their Coup de grâce, passage of the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act.

    When TR made his remarks in 1907, the US was overwhelmingly comprised of citizens from European stock. As all the immigration laws that were passed by congress before 1965 demonstrated, the people’s representatives were very keen on preserving the racial composition of the country. It was the work of the AJC, the ADL and other members of The Lobby that pushed dubious concepts of melting pot, cultural pluralism, and diversity that managed to get the 1965 Immigration Act passed.

    What makes America great is not the dirt on the ground, but its people. And for the past centuries, it was America’s European-majority that made the country what it is. But, as Joe Biden proudly informed his audience, the US is now officially majority-minority. If these trends continue and the US becomes another Brazil, you can kiss your propositional nation good-bye. That’s why Hart-Cellar needs to be repealed, immediately. While no one is saying the US has to be 100% European, it is crucial that it return to being a European-majority country.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  966. utu says:

    The sentiments of this speech might been the reason why Israel Zangwill wrote The Melting Pot. Teddy Roosevelt loved the message of the play: immigrants and Jews in particular will assimilate. Also Americans in the Midwest bought into it that Jews will assimilate. But not Jews in NYC. Jews did not plan to be subjected to the melting process. As Samuel Roth said to Zangwill:

    “…the Melting Pot is itself an invention of the Jewish genius, that your copyright on it is still good in Washington. We are the only ones who really know how to operate the Melting Pot, […] that we cannot stir the Melting Pot and be boiled in it at the same time.’

  967. utu says:

    Mollie Tibbetts’s mother has opened her home to illegal immigrant teen who lived with and is a distant relative of her daughter’s accused killer

  968. What would the US be like now if, since 1965 there had been only a third as much legal Hispanic/Latino immigration and a tenth as much illegal immigration and negligible numbers of anchor babies? In particular what would it look like to WNs, white working class, Trump voters?

    Subsidiary questions: what happened to Detroit? What happened because of outsourcing to China? Etc.

  969. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Cloak And Dagger

    My thesis is that what makes a nation is the adherence to a common philosophy – and our constitution is just that.

    I find it impossible to imagine building a nation on something so abstract and so bloodless.

    And what happens when people cease to believe in that common philosophy? I think it’s reasonable to say that most of the present-day inhabitants of the United States do not believe in the philosophy that inspired the Constitution. And this has nothing to do with race – I think you’ll find that most white Americans no longer believe in that philosophy.

    So when people stop believing the philosophy does that mean the nation vanishes?

    And how do you explain nations that have managed to survive much longer than the U.S. without this common philosophy? Do the Japanese have a common philosophy? What about the Swiss? They seem very successful but they don’t seem to have that common philosophy thing.

  970. KenH says:

    Thanks for the heads up as I wouldn’t have known otherwise. CH is a great site that I need to visit more often. I hope you’re doing well.

  971. Art says:

    And not just Jews, most of whom are not the enemy – a trans racial super elite is forming along class lines, and ethnic divisions are a distraction, not the main issue.

    Sorry but anyone who labels himself a Jew is part of the separation regime found in the Talmud. This separation ploy between Jews and Gentiles allows the Jew to be dishonest and coercive.

    This new class (really a moneyed class) is an unequal arrangement. All the Gentiles are coerced. “Suck up to the Jew” or you do not play.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  972. mr meener says:

    remember the old Lon Chaney werewolf movies where during the day he was a nice guy but when the full moon came no matter how hard he fought it he became a werewolf. that is Ron Unz sometimes acting like a nice regular guy but then turning into a radical inbred rabbi unable to fight it off

  973. @geokat62

    While no one is saying the US has to be 100% European, it is crucial that it return to being a European-majority country.

    Well, the way to do that is to start out-procreating the non-whites. So, if you want us to remain the majority, all our white brothers and sisters need to get busy in bed and start pushing out a higher rate of white babies! (Does that sound incestuous?) We do need to curtail immigration so that we are not fighting a losing battle, but I am not a proponent for kicking out the ones who have been here for several generation, irrespective of race or national origin. If they are assimilated, they are as American as I am. If not, then they need to leave.

    As for the AIPAC BS, they can’t have their cake and eat it too. As TR says, in order to be American, you have to be 100% American, with one flag, one language, and one constitution. There is no room for dual loyalties or putting the priorities of a foreign nation above those of ours. The lobby fails on all counts. My tax money needs to stay and improve my home, not subsidize Israel.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  974. dfordoom says: • Website

    Before the prevalence of the internet and “social” media, a person who constructed simplistic or fantastic scenarios to explain major events and happenings in the world, while willfully resisting more sound, rational and plausible explanations, used to be called “crazy” or “unhinged”…but today this virulently anti-intellectual brand of magical thinking is practiced by millions of people across the political spectrum and it’s the evidence-backed thinkers who are out of favor.

    What worries me is that on the right conspiracy theory thinking often goes hand-in-glove with an insane degree of wishful thinking. People believe that there’s going to be a massive spontaneous popular uprising by the silent majority that will sweep away the evil commies – that sort of thing. Or Civil War 2.0 will begin any day now and will end in a glorious victory for the Right.

    It makes sense that these things go together. They’re both forms of what you quite rightly describe as anti-intellectual magical thinking and they’re both encouraged by the distorted view of reality that people get from the internet.

  975. geokat62 says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    … but I am not a proponent for kicking out the ones who have been here for several generation, irrespective of race or national origin. If they are assimilated, they are as American as I am. If not, then they need to leave.


  976. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Outrage After Swedish TV Downplays Gruesome ISIS Beheadings, Threatens Prison For Sharing Video

    Swedish state broadcaster SVT has outraged viewers after they ran an article claiming that the gruesome ISIS-inspired murder of two Scandinavian girls in Morocco “had nothing to do with Islam,” before warning Swedes that sharing a graphic beheading video of the incident could result in up to four years of imprisonment.

  977. @dfordoom

    You raise some valid points – just a common philosophy is insufficient to sustain the survival of a nation. While a common philosophy provides the framework for the resolution of disputes within the in-group, longevity does depend on defensible borders to protect the nation from attacks by the out-group(s).

    And what happens when people cease to believe in that common philosophy?

    I would argue that when the common philosophy falls apart, the nation weakens, and barring other forces, falls apart. A nation continues because the population that it comprises desires the preservation of whatever holds it together, all other factors being equal. This is one reason that empires always fail, because by definition an empire grows by annexing other peoples and cultures, and when the rate of accumulation of diverse philosophies exceeds the rate at which the annexed can be assimilated, the empire fails.

    I think it’s reasonable to say that most of the present-day inhabitants of the United States do not believe in the philosophy that inspired the Constitution

    You may be right, I have no way to confirm that. I see that as our failure. We have allowed our government to circumvent the constitution, and render it quaint. So, the belief in the constitution has declined and with each passing day, it becomes less of a power in our daily lives. I think you make my point, however. Because that common philosophy has been weakened, our country has weakened. What binds white Americans if not the constitution? We fight each other violently between the “left” and “right”, both artificial constructs, to what end? Where is the glue if not the constitution?

    Do the Japanese have a common philosophy?

    I think they do, even if it cannot be articulated in a constitution. They share commonality of social constructs and are surrounded by water that has made for enforceable borders. I don’t know if you could call xenophobia a philosophy, but that has helped them sustain a mono culture. There are other contributions: strong family units, reverence for elders, a hierarchical (and paternal) social structure, and until recently, an authoritarian ruling structure.

    What about the Swiss?

    That is harder to explain. They are certainly as xenophobic as the Japanese, with significant land boundaries. They have somehow managed to stay neutral in all wars. Two thirds of them are Germanic while a quarter are of Latin origin (French, Italian and Romansh) so one can’t really argue cultural homogeneity. I am not sure what could be described as their common philosophy.

    Meanwhile, despite being majority white, the EU is failing to remain united. One could postulate that it is due to the strife caused by the influx of recent immigrant refugees, but it was fraying at the edges even before that. There really isn’t a common philosophy that binds the European nations together – and increasingly many European people don’t want to be part of it, although that is probably due to economic reasons. I am not an expert on European politics.

    • Replies: @anonymoys
    , @dfordoom
  978. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    As a “good” white person in my own white country, I’d like to pursue my own legitimate economic interests for a change.

    You are not alone, but you are probably outa luck. The Western elites, like Ron Unz, have mostly enrolled in the Treason Party and, like Angela Merkel, the former East German Communist, are openly demanding that the nation states of the world give up their sovereignty, which means giving up control over their borders.

    But you could get a yellow vest. The idea might catch on big time, in which case who knows how things will turn out.

  979. @Anonymous

    I have no way of knowing if this was a false-flag, but it would be a terrific one if it was. Maximum outrage, minimum effort and expense. Who do we know that does war by deception?

  980. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    So libertarianism I understand to be just a simple minded unjustified over extension of such thinking into limiting dogmatism.

    As with Humpty Dumpty, for some people words mean whatever they want them to mean. But the Libertarian Party of the United states, for one, is by no means so wishy washy. They explicitly deny the right of the United States Government to tax the people or “dispose of the lives of individuals.” At they same time they demand the right to life, free speech and the ownership of property. How these rights are to be protected if the government cannot impose taxes or dispose of anyone’s life, a murderer’s for example by putting him in gaol, they do not say.

    The fact is, libertarianism posits an unattainable world. Certainly it has nothing to do with free market capitalism, which can exist only if government (a) protects property, as necessary by force, and (b) controls the market by, for example, breaking up monopolies, and preventing price fixing.

    • Replies: @RobRich
  981. dfordoom says: • Website

    Social engineering is not a Jewish project. It’s an Elite Project.

    look up the Frankfurt School and the authoritarian personality, see what they have been up to since the 1930′s at least

    So are you arguing that non-Jewish elites are not interested in social engineering? Are you arguing that non-Jewish elites are not interested in all the other disastrous agendas that have afflicted us in the post-WW2 period?

    The point I was trying to make is that these agendas suit the purposes of the elites as a whole. Of course in some places Jews are very very heavily over-represented among the elites. But my view is that it is membership of the elite that is the most significant factor, not Jewishness as such. The non-Jewish members of the elite seem to hate us every bit as much as the Jewish members of the elite do.

    Seeing it as a Jewish Question oversimplifies and distorts things, and arguing for the Jewish Question as the key to everything is a losing proposition. And when you can see that a particular political strategy is a guaranteed losing proposition I see no reason why anyone would want to pursue it. To me it makes more sense to try to persuade ordinary people to recognise that bankers and billionaires are deadly threats to society, and that bankers and billionaires are evil because they’re bankers and billionaires, not because some of them are Jewish.

    • Agree: CanSpeccy
  982. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    As I recall it his original higher minimum wage proposal actually arose from his seeking answers to the illegal immigration problem (and maybe excess legal immigration:I forget) so how it would work in practice had to be of concern.

    Well obviously if you raise the minimum wage you increase the incentive to hire illegal immigrants at below minimum wage in the untaxed black economy. So if Ron Unz’s proposal for a higher minimum wage arose from his seeking answers to the illegal immigration problem he failed miserably.

    Basically, Unz’s idea of economics is that water flows uphill.

  983. niceland says:

    What about the Swiss? They seem very successful but they don’t seem to have that common philosophy thing.

    Sorry to jump in to this discussion, but since you mention Swiss;

    Their democratic system (not sure if this is the correct term) is unique. From districts to states to federal it’s designed to distribute power and they hold referendums on all levels. They have citizen initiatives and so forth. IMHO their system is amazing and should be a model for the rest of the world.

    It would be fantastic to have articles and following serious discussion about it and how it works. Ron Unz – please take note!

  984. mr meener says:

    those two girls were told by the jewish media since they learned how to read the women can do anything a man can do they don’t need men do not have any kids go out into the world and explore. so instead of raising beautiful blond haired kids which is really the goal of the jews they were gang raped butchered and beheaded. one of them on her social media page played an commercial that is aired in I think Sweden where a blond woman is walking her kid and a bearded large dangerous looking muslim is walking by her with a backpack. she stops thinking he has a bomb. a car pulls up with 4 cops get out and start running towards the muslim. they run by him and TACKLE A WHITE GUY WITH A BOMB. then the muslim sees his daughter and kids and they are hugging away and smiling. that is the jew brainwashing they have seen since kindergarten

    • Replies: @Anon
  985. anonymoys says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    “I am not sure what could be described as their common philosophy.”

    Semi-direct democracy. The Swiss are not spectators. Their system isn’t about electing a bunch of criminals every 4 years. The yellow vest movement is a struggle against powerlessness.

  986. @niceland

    IMHO their system is amazing and should be a model for the rest of the world.

    Perhaps (I don’t know anything about it). I do wonder, however, if a system that applies to a total population of about 9 million in a tiny landmass would scale to fit a population of 328 million in a country the size of the US. I would very much like to hear your description of the system, nonetheless.

    • Replies: @niceland
    , @Miro23
  987. anonymoys says:

    Very good idea…And if Ron decides to accept your suggestion, he should ask Mr Olivier Meuwly to write an article.

  988. Ron Unz says:

    Well, it’s a very pleasant surprise to see we’ve now passed 1,000 comments on this article and are still going strong, an especially welcome result since I hadn’t been sure my Alt-Right letter from 2017 was even interesting enough to bother publishing. A big thanks to everyone who made this possible!

    Casually glancing over some of the recent comments, it’s clear they reinforce my conviction that ideological movements, especially extremist ones, tend to attract individuals of a strongly “religious” temperament, who begin shrieking when they periodically discover that the quantitative data reflecting reality severely challenges their own fragile world-view. This certainly seems to be the case with so-called “SJW” activists and is equally true of their arch-foes among the WNs.

    In honor of reaching over 1000 comments in near-record time, here’s an interesting chart from one of my papers of a few years ago:

    It displays twenty-five years of weighted cross-correlations between the ethnic composition of all major cities in America and their violent crime rates. The link provides a collection of several similar charts for different groups of cities and different types of crime rates.

    The ethnic composition is based upon Census demographics, so there’s no silly issue of Hispanic criminals being misreported as white or anything like that, and a couple of my charts are based upon homicide rates, in which crime reporting is close to 100%.

    As you’ll notice, the Hispanic and white correlation lines are quite close together. If Hispanics had the far higher crime rates that many of you believe, I think such results would simply be impossible. If commenters think otherwise, perhaps they should explain their reasoning. And no, Tweeting out a few cartoon frogs would not constitute an effective quantitative argument.

    I fully expect to hear much additional shrieking by those who fear that their “religious” world-view stands a real risk of being shattered.

    Amusingly enough, if the SJW-types happened to see these charts, I wouldn’t be surprised if they might also began shrieking at the top of their lungs as their own “religious” beliefs came under equally severe quantitative challenge.

    So maybe the WN-types should invite their good friends the SJW-types to come over for a joint shriek-fest…

    • LOL: niceland
  989. @mr meener

    The Bolsheviks worked to extinguish any vestige of the Russian Royal Family and their minions. Christians–indeed ANY religious sect, with the exception of Judaism–were marginalized or eliminated under the Communist Doctrine. Notice please how Christians are marginalized in the U.S., while that 40 foot Menorah towers above the White House Lawn during Hanukkah?

  990. Fourier says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Not presidential elections, he’s just talking about shifting the opinions of SV elites.

    SV left-wing elites are mostly crazy, they don’t believe in basic facts like black crime regardless of the amount of evidence you give them. Just check out hacker news, people there refuse to believe reality and the mods are quick and swift with their banhammers. Agreeing with their view on hispanic crime will not change much.

    Despite admitting to not being an expert, Ron comes to sweeping conclusions regarding events like the holocaust, one of the most sacred events in modern western society. Even open minded people willing to look into alternative explanations quickly find that the denial debunkers are far more convincing that him. Ron even links crazy people like Nicholas Kollerstrom who believes in the batshit “paul is dead” conspiracy theory. Ron maybe trolling sometimes, but a lot of his writing and the writing from other authors on this site is good and worth sharing. Unfortunately it’s hard to share now.

  991. AaronB says:
    @Ron Unz

    So maybe the WN-types should invite their good friends the SJW-types to come over for a joint shriek-fest…

    The alt right explicitly models itself on the extreme left and has chosen as a conscious policy to mimic many if it’s tactics, so this isn’t surprising.

  992. Biff says:

    In fact Americans can’t do that. They believe they’re the chosen instruments of God or Fate and that they have a sacred duty to impose their values and their culture on the rest of us.

    That’s merely a symptom of the larger disease, which is exploitation ala habitualitis.

    America was founded on the mindset of exploiting everything around them, and eventually the mindset went global. At some point the corporate structure found a new exploitable sub-set of people – the American working class. A victim of their own success. Nonetheless, imposing their value structure on other populations helps with the exploitation process.

  993. Anon[145] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    The ethnic composition is based upon Census demographics, so there’s no silly issue of Hispanic criminals being misreported as white or anything like that,

    Ron, what makes you think that Census numbers are immune to miscategoriztion of race across large numbers?

    Race is self reported in the Census. It follows that the Census is the premiere repository of false race statistics. Why would it not follow that the groups who false report (Arabs, Latinos, other non-traditional “White” groups) but who have statistically higher crime rates in most areas would not account for statistically higher rates in the White Group?

    The only saving grace for your argument would be to look to significant but relatively isolated Northwestern European White groups / populations and try to find crime statistics that surpass those of a significant Mestizo / Black mixed Latino population anywhere in the World. If what you state is true, that should not be a problem. If you have trouble completing that task, then assuming statistical taint due to the nature of our multicultural hellhole would be reasonable. Good luck.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  994. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:
    @mr meener

    No much to do with Jews. Just idiotic Swedes who believe their own bullshit.

  995. niceland says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    This is really off topic discussion in relation to Ron’s letter to the Alt-Right. I hope we get articles here on the Unz Review to take take it further.

  996. @Ron Unz

    Sorry to be either dim or pedantic but your par beginning “The ethnic composition….” leaves a gap in my understanding of your point. So we know reliably the absolute and proportional Hispanic and white populations of the cities. But what eliminates the “silly issue of Hispanic criminals being reported as white”?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  997. Ron, I’ve been reluctant to do this, but I have to ask. You chart shows white males as having a higher instance of crime than Hispanic males in cities above 250,000. For 6 solid years from 2005 to 2011.

    I lived in several places in the US in those years, including Huntington Beach(Orange Couty), Denver, and Seattle. All of these cities /counties had a population greater than 250,000 and I can absolutely guarantee the number of white violent criminals did not exceed Hispanic violent criminals.

    In fact, I’d be shocked if you can name one single city in the US larger than 250,000 people where white violent criminals exceeded Hispanics, with some sort of evidence for this.

    As I stated earlier, I’m not doubting your math, I am seriously skeptical about the data you are using. If there is some magic city in the US full of white violent criminals I’d sure be impressed if you could let us know where, and with some sort of proof of this.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  998. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Cloak And Dagger

    I would argue that when the common philosophy falls apart, the nation weakens, and barring other forces, falls apart. A nation continues because the population that it comprises desires the preservation of whatever holds it together, all other factors being equal.

    Apart from being abstract a common philosophy is also a rather arid intellectual construct. The sort of thing that appealed to the Enlightenment intellectuals who had such a huge influence on the American Revolution.

    But ordinary people don’t much care about intellectual constructs. They care about stuff that reaches them emotionally. A shared culture, a shared history, a shared religion. Blood and soil.

    You can also unite people around loyalty to a king, or even an emperor. The Habsburgs were pretty successful at doing that, even with a multiplicity of ethnicities, religions, languages and cultures. People tend to have a lot more faith in kings than in elected leaders, and loyalty to a king is much more emotionally and thus much more powerful than loyalty to an elected politician. It’s much more difficult for a king to betray you – if he trashes his own kingdom he stuffs things up for himself and his successors. And people feel this emotionally – that kings have a genuine attachment to the nation.

    Of course I’m talking about real kings, not the absurd constitutional monarchs of modern Europe.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  999. Anon[145] • Disclaimer says:

    At its core, the alt-right is a white supremacist movement.

    Where is your foundation for your assertion? Cite your reasoning. I’d be shocked if you could correctly define supremacism. Doubly so if you could cite evidence for widespread alt-right beliefs that would fall under the definition of supremacism.

    A demand for ethnic distance and separation is not supremacism but nationalism. Supremacists don’t wish that their competitors would adopt nationalist desires for space while offering them room to adopt similar independence and self determination. Supremacists have a desire to subsume the other under a second tier standard of law; the extreme result of which is slavery. Who promotes that ideal? Not the alt-right but their Jewish competitors who hate the nationalism that the alt-right stands for.

    You’re either ironically (to your accusations) low IQ or simply ill informed. Third option: you’re here just to make noise.

    Modern white supremacism tends to attract the lowest of the low, the dumbest of the dumb. So the alt-right’s primary problem is the low intelligence level of its adherents. These people often have a 4 year old’s appreciation of the physical world, of science and of history.

    Did you seriously just attempt to accuse low IQ while relying on a series of rhetorical fallacies to make your point? What’s next, illustrating your supposedly high IQ by publishing incorrect math equations? Back to the troll farm with you, Gomer. You apparently escaped their special education class.

    As a corollary to that, the alt-right tries to establish in the 21st century ideas that saw their final death throes with the collapse of Nazi Germany.

    You claim final defeat of racial separation, but that isn’t holding up is it? Every day the acts and outcomes of your “equal races” remind the world of the nature of the Neoliberal lie.

    Every day the civilized world is required to ignore the results of those races to the cost immense tragedy and dysfunction. The dual headed Bolshevick onslaught of the World Majority of against the Good that will always be in the Minority in the world may have bought time, but it can never turn lies into Truth. That fact will be your final undoing that you can never avoid. The realization of the truth is as inevitable as the Sun that rises tomorrow. What you are seeing now is it breaking on the horizon after the Long Night. The communist cult of the godless machines can not defeat God nor his Good.

    The entire world saw the German “ubermensch” out-thought, out-planned, out-fought and out-engineered by the so-called sub-humans and mongrels.

    You mean over-run by printed money and low quality numbers? The “out-engineered” part was especially funny.

    The notion of superior and inferior races is an idea doomed utterly to fail, particularly when those espousing their own superiority represent the very dregs of humanity.

    Unsupported statements, as the world literally watches your “equal races” terrorize the modern West as they tear it down.

    You want immigration restrictions? Fine, but couching your appeals with reference to dodgy IQ data and other absurd and easily refuted pseudoscientific claims serve only to strengthen the advocacy for increased immigration.

    Nowhere can you (especially you) “easily refute” IQ. Your kind can’t even allow the argument to openly occur, without retribution, lest you be overwhelmingly defeated in having it. You make the argument verboten. That isn’t the sign of an argument that is “easily won” by you in the face of “pseudoscience”. That’s the sign of fear based oppression whose time is always limited.

    Moreover, how does that “strengthen the advocacy for increased immigration”? Be very specific. I suspect that your hostility toward the IQ concept derives from your obvious shortage in that department.

    The notion that some races or nationalities are genetically pre-wired for stupidity, criminality and dysfunction is going to be rejected en masse every time.

    Until it isn’t. You predict no limit to the tolerance for Western social and civilizational dysfunction. I’m here to tell you that you are wrong. Remember that when you are proven so. At the time when that tolerance is completely spent, trust me when I state that what the “mass” rejects or accepts will not matter. It will simply be too dysfunctional to do anything about it.

    And it’s going to be rejected by the people in position to enact policy.But, alas, the alt-right is itself too dumb to figure that out.

    It seems that you are “too dumb” to realize that you don’t have the security clearance to know what is actually occurring in the world today, what its aims are, what the historical context is for it, or what the steps down the road will be to enact it. How do you know that the rise of the Alt-Right isn’t part of a design? Ask yourself if you believe that the leaders of the long and reasonably racist White West one day just decided to cede their government and lands to Niggers and every other foreign community. Does that make sense to you? Again, you might wish to check your lectures on IQ to avoid being laughed at for no other reason than your propensity to make sweeping assertions that you have no hope of offering a reasonable foundation for.

  1000. This table 3 from the city of Seattle for example, shows Hispanic more than twice as likely to be violent criminals over the same time period as whites. And Seattle is overwhelmingly white.

    But then something magical and odd happens. Only a page or two later, using data from WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Hispanics have completely disappeared. Hispanics have been holocausted from the statistics entirely, and now only black, white, American Indian and Asian are listed.

    Perhaps the Hispanics weren’t jail, and instead gassed and burned with their ashes thrown into the air?

    How can you trust data like this, when there are such glaring discrepancies in reporting directly from the police departments?

  1001. FvS says:

    What do you make of these?


    Also, Eric Rasmusen wrote a comment on your “Race and Crime in America” article. Does he have a point here?

    It would be better to do regressions here than to use correlation coefficients, as I’ll explain. What the correlation coefficient measures is the correlation, which is the extent to which crime goes up when hispanic percentage goes up. High correlation means they move together. But, crucially, it doesn’t mean that changes in the hispanic population explain most crime changes.

    Let me use an example. Suppose that when crime increases in a city, the Armenian population for some reason also increases, though no city has more than 2% Armenian population. Crime would then be perfectly correlated with Armenian population, a correlation coefficient of 1. Yet Armenians can only be a tiny part of crime.

    On the other hand, suppose there are lots of things that cause crime to increase. Suppose in truth that when the black population rises 10%, crime rises by 20%, on average. The correlation coefficient could be tiny, because whereas black population has a big effect on crime, so many other things also affect crime that black population is an unreliable predictor for any one city.

  1002. cassandra says:
    @Ron Unz

    Naturally, all the Census data and racial/ethnic prison data that I and all other researchers have used always separate out the Hispanics as an “ethnic” category.

    Greatly appreciative of this important clarification (a bit embarrassed too).

  1003. Anon[145] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Sometimes is makes sense to zoom-out in the context of a debate that is well into-the-weeds.

    To that end I would ask this question:

    Why is it that White people, specifically, are beset with the rest of the World’s viciously-defended desire to be in proximity with them and to participate in their systems?

    That desire is at the center of this mess. Most other pseudo-arguments seem to be noise in comparison.

    White opponents, White civilizational usurpers, and even the jihadists, all of whom are defined by those who desire proximity and integration, tend to use every manner of strategy toward effecting this desire.

    Sometimes they cite racism.

    This remark seems to be contradicted by the fact that Whites are targeted for proximity and integration while no one else is. Targeting only Whites for these efforts is racically motivated and thus racist.

    Sometimes they cite an essential equality with Whites

    This remark also seems to be contradicted by the fact that only Whites are targeted for proximal living and integration. If only Whites are targeted, this strongly implies that they have qualities that are not possessed by other groups.

    These groups can not even tolerate a complete transfer of land and a mirroring of our systems for them. They can not tolerate White relocation and segregation. They would riot if Whites were to mostly opt out of their nations while leaving them with intact systems.

    That essential fear of White abandonment is irrationally behind the motivations of those who accuse supremacy.

    These same people demand participation by Whites. They would absolutely try to follow us if we left, to the ends of the Earth.

    They demand our unique proximity while accusing us of Supremacism. This seems akin to a form of captivity, with the cultural and racial slave-masters accusing the slaves of slaving.

    What White people need to translate all claims of “supremacist”, “racist”, “bigot”, and other accusations is as “don’t leave us or otherwise make us live apart from you”.

    This essential protest is likely to be an essential subtext subtext the widespread non-White protest against the rational White demand for a law enforcement border wall.

    It likely represents a widespread non-White recognition of an implied White rejection of them, in the context of their deep desire for White proximity.

    This needs to be revealed as the subtext of most arguments within this general topic.

    This is so that more signal than noise can begin to shine through.

    This would be toward the avoidance of the inevitable dead-ends that we obviously continuously arrive at when not uncovering and discussing the true foundational motivation for the essential conflict.

    In this light, I fail to see what relevance Latino crime rates have to either side. The essential argument is group self-determination. That needs to remain at the core of all arguments if any non-violent progress is to be made for any group.

    *this wasn’t meant to be a reply to any of Ron’s posts, specifically. The @Ron marker was an irreversible mistake of my use of the software.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1004. ideological movements, especially extremist ones, tend to attract individuals of a strongly “religious” temperament,

    Maybe internet, the world wide pub, made one thing crystal clear, homo sapiens, completely wrong.
    My impression is that say 99% of these supposedly knowing animals know next to nothing, and do not want to know anything contrary to what already has been stored in their heads.
    Homo sapiens, a herd animal, consensus within the group is the most important thing there is.

    Even among real scientists, (astro)phycicists, this is the case, as both Hoyle and Penrose write.
    Both wonder if the lack of fundamental progress in science is caused by easy world wide communication nowadays, internet, conferences.
    As Hoyle writes, progress always came from dissidents, he does not write this, but ‘dissidents not belonging to the herd’.

    Kennan, when his Marshall Aid had been organised, lectured, also to USA academics.
    He literally writes ‘their herd mentality surprised me’.
    What Kennan explained in his famous ‘long telegram’ he had been explaining since the mid thirties, but just after the Berlin blockade his words fell into fertile soil.

    Those here who read my comments know that in more than fifteen years I read hundreds of books, mainly history and politics.
    I sometimes wonder if I’m the only on in the world who changed his mainstream view of ‘Germans, Japanese and Muslims, perpetrators’, to ‘Germans, Japanese and Muslims, victims’.

    Fred Hoyle, ‘Home Is Where the Wind Blows, Chapters from a cosmologist’s life’, Mill Valley 1994
    George F. Kennan, ´Memoirs 1925 – 1950’, New York 1967, 1972

  1005. MAGAman says:


    I hope you’ll also take a look at the response from CH. It doesn’t seem like you’ve really responded directly to these comments (CH has a great summary of many of the comments here—most of which are not so concerned about crime statistics, but holistic impact of becoming a Latin American country demographically.)

    The vast majority of us are grateful that you host iSteve and Derb and now AE. Your American Pravda series is awesome and didn’t earn you any friends with the establishment. So it’s genuinely puzzling for us that you seem to think there’s no real problem in the U.S. becoming majority hispanic in the not too distant future.

  1006. RobRich says: • Website

    John Howard– Looks like soyboy-seeming David Barker and MarkinLA make your point for you. They distort Libertarianism then blame it for the bad acts it is against. They hate what it is at least politically: Militant Bill of Rights, and a world of growing free trade, movement, and tolerance like the internal USA. BTW I would trade the lusty gun-toting boys of the Revolution who married whom and traveled where they pleased with the Alt-Right crypto-Feminazi soyboys repeating Commie propaganda that infest the comment pages here any dang day.

    The Alt-Right is a phony opposition created by the far-left to demonize national survival while smuggling in Communist traps. Higher ages of consent and calls for border control are Communist positions. They hope to create infantilistic populations and control their movements. They want smart high-IQ whites fixated on Walls instead of what the Libertarians say: Men, get busy in the bedroom and creating a population explosion of an expanding USA. Libertarians are doing it, but who is the conservative Alt-Right spokesman? Some loopy Commie gay guy.

    The Libertarians are right. They ARE the wall.

    • Replies: @MarkinLA
  1007. RobRich says: • Website

    The Libertarians have created a similar to Switzerland but superior system in Florida: High localism, no income-small home tax/draft, Green policies, ground zero for easing the right to bear arms, and direct democracy on the Constitution. Florida has quadrupled in size since the Libertarians got started and become a wealthy republic (wealthier adjusted for prices etc. than Switzerland) with 16% libertarian voters. They’re putting in Libertarian policies via direct democracy bit-by-bit.

    That is why the rally cry of stage-2 libertarian-directionism is now ‘a world of Floridas.’

  1008. Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:

    Commentariat, (Ron), am I reading these wrong, or does table 8 show that Hispanics of all age groups, on a per capita basis, are more than 2x as likely as non-Hispanic whites to be in federal prison?

    For example, in 2013, on a per capita basis, 115/100,000 white males aged 18-19 were in federal prison, 2,805/100,000 blacks and 412/100,000 Hispanics. I.e., Hispanics were, on a per-capita basis, 3.58x as likely to be in prison as whites in that age group, and blacks 24.39x as likely.

    A similar pattern exists in every age group. E.g., for 60-64 year olds, Hispanics are 2.83 times as likely to be in federal prison as non-Hispanic whites of that same age, per capita.

    You can also look at all the studies linked here, which show basically the same thing

    Assuming I’m interpreting these tables correctly, I’d be interested to understand why Ron’s reporting age cohort effects that would seem to contradict this.

    If Ron has already debunked this, it would be useful to have a link to a specific passage of a specific article, (which are numerous and long, and sometimes a little dry).

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1009. RobRich says: • Website

    RE Libertarians.

    *How these rights are to be protected if the government cannot impose taxes or dispose of anyone’s life, a murderer’s for example by putting him in gaol, they do not say.

    They do say, namely voluntary endowments, intelligent use of the commons, and moving many costs. There’re numerous examples, and exactly 5 minutes of GOOGLE research will give you a host of more-voluntary options..

    *Certainly it has nothing to do with free market capitalism, which can exist only if government (a) protects property, as necessary by force, and (b) controls the market by, for example, breaking up monopolies, and preventing price fixing.

    This isn’t even good US law, which at no point supposes Government has anything to do necessarily with protecting rights. SCOTUS even recently re-affirmed this. Libertarians point out monopolies, price fixing etc. are coercive government phenomena.

    One may disagree with the vast L/libertarian literature and accomplishments. parroting far-leftist Libertarian Denialism that pretends it isn’t there doesn’t wash.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @MarkinLA
  1010. Willem says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    The answer to that question is: none. And yes, the situation you mention is the same in the Netherlands as in Spain.

    I did not see the discussion between burgemeester Halsema and a Muslim leader, but know that the MSM in the Netherlands ran wild about it. They always do when they can scapegoat a minority population while at the same time make all other people scared and dumb at the same time.

    Halsema was an opposition leader at time of the 2003 war in Iraq. She and her party kind of opposed that war and the war in Afghanistan, not because of the attrocities we made there, but because it was ‘too dangerous’ for Dutch soldiers to be sent to Afghanistan or Iraq. She is that kind of leader, seemingly sincere, but in reality an opportunist and a hypocrite. And now, when she talks to a Muslim leader, she is suddenly the ‘good one’. Anyway I did not see that conversation, maybe she was, who cares?

    Here is my advice: if you want to know Muslims, and how different they are from you, visit an asylum center (there are plenty in the Netherlands) or to a (super)market (also plenty in the Netherlands, and surprise surprise: Muslims need food) and talk with ‘a Muslim’. If you do, like I did, you will find out that they are not different from you. They will never tell you (since it seems unkind to say) that the only reason why they come to a country like the Netherlands, is that the West has made countries in the Middle East and Africa into hellholes. They will talk about their children, hoping that they get a good life, better than they have, and about their family that they had to leave behind. And they talk about football, jobs, and all other kinds of things people talk about. They are not aliens.

    The idea that ‘they’ would take over the Netherlands, even though it sounds ludicrous to my ears, is not terrible IMO, as Muslims are not different from me, a white guy who was born and raised in the Netherlands.

    Terrible is being led by money, market spirits, and the protestant work ethic as the Dutch have done since they started the VOC. True, can be worse, but I have no reason to assume that worse will come from ‘Muslims’ or other alienated populations.

  1011. Miro23 says:

    That’s an interesting image from the article. I don’t know if it will show:

    It looks like happy working class (Anglo) America on top of the world after WW2. The problem from their POV was that the world rebuilt and turned much more competitive 20 years later + the Zio-Glob arrived on the scene.

    Could the people in the photo handle this?

    In other words, were they ready to get into education the same way as the N.E.Asians did, and were they politically active and aware enough to protect their Democracy from special interest corruption – or were they more into having a good time?

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1012. Miro23 says:

    When( if?) the world finally wakes up and ditches your painted paper, which gives the ZUS a huge advantage over every other nation on earth, the US standard of living will drop precipitously.

    It certainly will be a good day for the rest of mankind though.

    It will certainly be a good day if the US doesn’t go absolutely berserk at that that point, rather than regularly crazy as a present.

  1013. Miro23 says:
    @Cloak And Dagger


    IMHO their system is amazing and should be a model for the rest of the world.

    Perhaps (I don’t know anything about it). I do wonder, however, if a system that applies to a total population of about 9 million in a tiny landmass would scale to fit a population of 328 million in a country the size of the US. I would very much like to hear your description of the system, nonetheless.

    Sorry to butt in – I found out most about Swiss Democracy from a little, quick to read book from British academic/local politician Kenrick Jones. He contrasts Swiss Democracy with British Democracy.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  1014. utu says:
    @Ron Unz

    Are you really sure it is not a mistake to put on the table one of the greatest brain farts you made? But it might be worse. If it is not a brain fart then it must be manipulation and deception. You know perfectly well that your correlation plots do not convey quantitative information. You purposefully lost that information form the data set that contained it. You could have calculated criminality factors from the data set you had with multivariate regression but you opted for correlations. You realize that black criminality drives these plots. To make any analysis relevant you need to remove black stats form the data and this you can do only by means of multivariate regression. The reason Latinos have low correlation in negative regions is because their population anti correlates with blacks and as we know everybody has lower criminality than blacks. If you did the data analysis correctly you would find that Latinos criminality is at least 2 times higher than that of Whites before any age corrections would be applied.

  1015. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Now that‘s a great article.

  1016. @dfordoom

    I stopped reading since all they seem to be interested in these days is re-living the Cold War (led by that funny cuck with the Mexican name)

  1017. @L.K

    I agree that the Muslim rape epidemic in Europe is largely BS.

    Well, of course it’s BS. But the important thing to realize is that it’s not regular organically occurring BS. It’s very clearly an orchestrated defamation campaign. Some kind of weird psy-op. Like any defamation campaign against Muslims, you can pretty easily guess who is behind it. You see these people like Paul Joseph Watson and Tommy Robinson, who are obviously Zionist shills, pushing all this narrative.

    Actually, it occurs to me that you might not realize that I recently did a radio show with Kevin Barrett, where we talked about this stuff.

    That said, it is almost certain that those countries receiving most of the immigrants(Muslims and non-Muslims)

    Yeah, well, just today, I came across a statistic that looked like it came from a credible source and sounds reasonable, which is that 10% of the people in prisons in Germany are of a Russian background. You know, typically people with some German ancestry who got in via a “right of return” or whatever. But, as you know, they’re basically Russians! So, you know, even independently of the whole Islam question (which is mostly synthetic IMO) if you have a lot of immigration, sure, you’ll have groups that have a hard time integrating and will have higher crime rates and other social problems.

    do experience some increase in several types of crimes… considering many of these immigrants are very poor, unskilled, and presently coming into an European economy which largely cannot absorb them.

    Yeah, that’s all fair enough, but that’s very far removed from this deranged “Muslim rape epidemic” narrative, which is just nonsense. In any case, I’ve written a few hundred thousand words on this website and I don’t recall saying that mass immigration was a great thing. Actually, if I were just some regular German or Swedish guy, I would tend to be against it, but not because there’s some Muslim Rape army running around! Because that’s just bullshit!

    What’s funny about it is that they put out all this nonsense and when you make any attempt to drill down in it, you end up seeing what nonsense it is. Like, this business with the loutish behavior at outdoor music festivals in Sweden. You look into this and you see that there is no sign at all that this is something being done particularly by Muslim immigrants. That kind of thing is a longstanding problem that has existed forever basically, like every year there are reports of sexual harassment and even outright rapes at Oktoberfest or at the San Fermines in Spain. So, what happens is that on these right-wing sites they start screaming that this is the Muslims and then if the authorities don’t bother to deny it, then it’s true. And then if the authorities do deny it, they are covering it up and…. it’s just ridiculous… Surely, common sense tells you that, by and large, recent arrivals from the Middle East don’t go to Swedish pop music concerts anyway because they don’t follow those groups! They listen to whatever Arab pop music from their own part of the world! The whole story just doesn’t make any sense!

    And then if you try to look at whatever official statistics there are, it’s just there’s not much there. I ran across this recently on quora and this is a woman who does not seem to talk out of her ass:

    Well, that’s Germany now, not Sweden. She provides the links to official data and apparently there were 7345 reported sexual assaults in 2014 and 7919 reported in 2016. That’s like an 8% rise but it’s not clear that this was on account of the refugees Merkel let in. It appears, actually, that the actual refugees tend to be pretty well behaved because they know that getting mixed up in any criminal activity will kill their chances of being granted asylum. Again, common sense tells you that.

    The funny thing about all this is this alleged “Muslim rape epidemic” in Europe is a much better illustration of Unz’s basic point above, that the white nationalist types just tend to discredit themselves by committing themselves to this kind of BS. I mean, for starters, at least the U.S. is a country that does have some tangible problem with crime, certainly compared to most places in Europe. The raw fact of the matter is that countries like Germany and Sweden are incredibly safe countries! (As is Spain, where I live…) The whole notion that German women are terrified to go out at night and all this is just a bloody joke. A friend of mine who speaks fluent German told me that, for a while last Summer, he was asking all the Germans he met around here (in Spain) about all this rape epidemic and they didn’t even know WTF he was talking about! They don’t read Breitbart and all that, so they just don’t know that there is this horrible rape epidemic going on all around them! LOL.

    A look at Germany’s growing Salafist Islamic community

    Well… that kind of thing is a very small minority of the people in question anyway. But, of course, then some of it is just weird BS too. I remembered some conversation about this stuff from a few years ago under one of Anatoly Karlin’s idiotic pieces. Like, look at this:

    The head of the “Sharia patrol” is some Muslim by the name of Sven Lau. His “mentor” who converted him to Islam is some guy named Pierre Vogel!

    So these white boy converts run around being hard-core and telling regular Muslim ethnics to obey Sharia and all that. And then the actual Muslim community leaders tell them to stop because they are “hurting Islam”.

    Probably all these people are Intel agency assets anyway.

    Well, anyway, the notion that I point out that all this stuff is bullshit because I am some great advocate of immigration or some great Islamophile, that’s not the case at all really. I point out that all this stuff is bullshit because it just is! It’s just bullshit! And all the white nationalist leaders like that Tommy Robinson jerkoff in England who repeat all this bullshit, these guys are Zionist shills who almost certainly repeat all this BS in order to discredit the ethnonationalist position.

    Surely, that’s the case, no? Is all this rocket science?

  1018. Miro23 says:

    The general idea of Swiss Democracy is to drive real political decision making (with the necessary funding and organization) down to the lowest level possible, which in their case is the Commune and Canton.

    In US terms, this would mean that Democracy happens at County/State level.

    Each citizen would be obliged by law to participate, and receive time off work, and financial compensation, apart from issue by issue explanatory research material with “for” and “against” arguments around each issue, They would study this prior to each community meeting (compulsory attendance), debate and vote. The votes would cover local and national issues and the results would be communicated upwards to be enacted in new legislation.

    Another aspect would be that 80%+ of US taxes would be raised and spent locally with local communities making their own decisions about education, healthcare, policing etc.

    Also, all male citizens would be required to complete military service in an area of the United States outside their home region, and then become part of a permanent military reserve with refresher courses, and each reservist keeping part his unit’s weapons in his own home (a home which by law would incorporate a basement nuclear blast proof bunker with air filters etc.).

    The first step would be to drag the La-Z-Boys away from their beer and TV sports.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Alden
  1019. @L.K

    I suppose that someone like Cintia Dicker is a latina instead of just a white woman, and this just bc she was born in Latin America.

    Well… as the Bard said: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

  1020. mr meener says:

    people I power reject mostly everything the people want. there would be no white supremacist movement if they listened to the people.

  1021. @Rurik

    So try to keep that in mind. If a woman offers you her pussy to grab, and is glad for the attention, then that is not only OK, it’s even laudable. Trump is obviously a generous and thoughtful man.

    Yeah, but what about the cases where she offers it and you take what she’s offering and then she screams that you raped her?

    Well, anyway, I’ve made a point of looking into these stories that you love to link, that come from Breitbart and all these other “news sources” and it’s really quite striking how many of these things turn out to be hoaxes. A lot of the hoaxes are incredibly crude, like this whole story that Muslims are going to Swedish music festivals and groping women en masse. You have to be pretty foolish not to smell something funny in that story…

    Anyway, here’s a sexual assault at a festival in Germany that was caught on camera.

    I have to admit that I have a hard time getting too excited about this stuff, but maybe that video will give you your daily adrenalin fix.

    I’d personally beat the snot out of such a human shitstain, if he did that to my gal, (or daughter or whatever), and any self-respecting man or woman would cheer the pummeling.

    Uhh, dude, let’s have a little reality check here. The fact is that you are such a little coward that you are terrified of even signing your name to anything you write here. If you don’t even show your face or sign your name to what you write, what you’re doing is just like spraying some graffiti slogans on a wall or something. Or pissing in the snow.

    So, you’re this little terrified coward, pissing in your pants in fear of what they might do to you if you just openly showed your face. (They won’t do anything to you because you’re such an insignificant little worm, of course.) And then you’re write this pathetic shit preening yourself that you’re some kind of manly man who is there to protect white womanhood from the swarthy savages. (Or whatever silly cartoon that is in your head and constitutes reality for you.)

    I mean to say, you’re just such a pathetic clown. And then you also pose as somebody who is so anti-Zionist but then you read Breitbart and all these other Zionist controlled fake news sites and believe everything they say there, like the flower of white womanhood is being defiled by the Muslim savages in the European heartland. And blah blah. So your very consciousness is largely Zio occupied territory.

    You guys have some fantastical idea of yourselves that you constitute some sort of axis of resistance but really, the hard fact of the matter is that you and the rest of the pathetic keyboard warrior cowards like you are just a bunch of whack jobs, and you pose less than zero threat to the powers that be. That, by the way, is why all the obvious shills on the site were great supporters of you in a conflict with me. They love you. You’re their kind of dumbass white boy.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Alden
  1022. Mitleser says:
    @jilles dykstra

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1023. Ron Unz says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Sorry to be either dim or pedantic but your par beginning “The ethnic composition….” leaves a gap in my understanding of your point. So we know reliably the absolute and proportional Hispanic and white populations of the cities. But what eliminates the “silly issue of Hispanic criminals being reported as white”?

    That’s because there’s no reference to the race/ethnicity of the criminals; only the total urban crime figures are being used. What this chart demonstrates is that the white or Hispanic percentage of an urban population has essentially no impact on the crime rate.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1024. Ron Unz says:

    The ethnic composition is based upon Census demographics, so there’s no silly issue of Hispanic criminals being misreported as white or anything like that,

    Ron, what makes you think that Census numbers are immune to miscategoriztion of race across large numbers?…Race is self reported in the Census. It follows that the Census is the premiere repository of false race statistics. Why would it not follow that the groups who false report (Arabs, Latinos, other non-traditional “White” groups) but who have statistically higher crime rates in most areas would not account for statistically higher rates in the White Group?

    I think you’re saying that considerable numbers of Latinos (or Arabs) may be claiming to be white on Census data, and if so, I don’t think your argument makes any sense.

    Take 700K El Paso, which has rather low crime rates. The Census claims it’s 81% Hispanic and 13% white. Are you arguing it’s actually 85% Hispanic and 9% white? Since the crime rates are so low, wouldn’t that hurt your case about Hispanics having high crime rates?

    Or take 330K Santa Ana, which also has fairly low crime rates. It’s allegedly 77% Hispanic and 9% white. If the true Hispanic percentage is higher, wouldn’t that once again support my overall argument, rather than yours?

    Or take 1M San Jose, near where I live and for the last twenty-odd years has often been described as the safest big city in America. The Census claims its 32% Hispanic and only 26% white, but if many local Hispanics are mis-reporting themselves on the Census and the true Hispanic percentage is far higher, wouldn’t that further strengthen my case?

    In my original Hispanic Crime article, I did quite a number of these individual city comparisons, for example noting that Seattle, the whitest big city in America—now 65% white and only 6% Hispanic—has considerably higher crime rates than San Jose.

    My urban cross-correlation chart merely makes all these urban comparisons systematic by summarizing them across all the larger American cities.

    But here’s a final example. Huge Los Angeles is now almost 50% Hispanic and only 28% white, yet by some measures the serious crime rates are back down to roughly what they were in the late 1950s, when the city was 80% white and 10% Hispanic. How does this make sense in your framework?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1025. Ron Unz says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Ron, I’ve been reluctant to do this, but I have to ask. You chart shows white males as having a higher instance of crime than Hispanic males in cities above 250,000. For 6 solid years from 2005 to 2011.

    I lived in several places in the US in those years, including Huntington Beach(Orange Couty), Denver, and Seattle. All of these cities /counties had a population greater than 250,000 and I can absolutely guarantee the number of white violent criminals did not exceed Hispanic violent criminals.

    In fact, I’d be shocked if you can name one single city in the US larger than 250,000 people where white violent criminals exceeded Hispanics, with some sort of evidence for this.

    As I stated earlier, I’m not doubting your math, I am seriously skeptical about the data you are using. If there is some magic city in the US full of white violent criminals I’d sure be impressed if you could let us know where, and with some sort of proof of this.

    No, you’re misunderstanding the nature of the chart. It doesn’t show criminality rates, but instead correlations with local urban crime rates.

    Over the later few years, the Hispanic and white lines are fairly close together and both have fairly small correlations. Therefore, they provide *no* solid indication about whether Hispanics have higher or lower crime rates than whites, and indeed, other data, which I discuss in detail, generally suggests that Hispanics have somewhat *higher* crime rates than whites, including during the period in question, perhaps 30%, 40%, or even 50% higher (prior to age-adjusting).

    On the other hand, I think the closeness of the white/Hispanic correlations (with the white lines being noticeably “worse”) would tend to completely rule out the notion that Hispanics have crime rates far, far higher than whites (maybe 2-3x higher), that various people have foolishly claimed.

    • Replies: @Sowhat
  1026. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    32.2% are Hispanic.

    The average age of inmates is 40.

    Only 6.5% are in for immigration related offences, like human trafficking.

    Therefore, Hispanics are vastly over-represented in prison; especially once age is adjusted for and even if serious immigration related offences are excluded.

  1027. Ron Unz says:

    Commentariat, (Ron), am I reading these wrong, or does table 8 show that Hispanics of all age groups, on a per capita basis, are more than 2x as likely as non-Hispanic whites to be in federal prison?…If Ron has already debunked this, it would be useful to have a link to a specific passage of a specific article, (which are numerous and long, and sometimes a little dry).

    Yes, briefly right near the beginning of my original Hispanic Crime article, and over and over and over again subsequently in considerably more detail. Almost all ordinary crimes are prosecuted in state courts, so including federal incarceration data (heavily skewed by immigration violations and border drug-smuggling and such) makes no sense:

    Further repeating myself to anonymous commenters who never bothered reading even just a few paragraphs into my original 2010 article seems ridiculous. On many other websites, your comment would probably have been trashed without a hearing.

  1028. Anonymous[261] • Disclaimer says:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    People keep talking about how much wealthier Asians in the US are than whites usually as a sign of Asian superiority based on earnings. I’ve seen average numbers commonly as $10k more/yr. But what’s forgotten is that Asians are far more likely per capita to live in big coastal cities than whites. That makes a huge difference, in fact probably enough that the real difference if cost of living is factored in may be actually in the other direction with whites still earning more in real spending power. It’s obscenely expensive to live in places like LA, Manhattan, SF. $10k boost in salary is not enough to make up for that. Not to mention that small city/ suburbs are actually better places to live by most standards- quieter, more peaceful, lower crime, better places to raise kids, etc.

  1029. Ron Unz says:

    I think I’ll also recapitulate a comment I made very early in this thread…

    Totally ignorant Alt-Right people are endlessly ranting and raving about the 1965 Immigration Act, which allegedly “opened our borders” to massive non-white immigration.

    But they’ve got the facts entirely BACKWARDS. The 1965 Immigration Act didn’t OPEN our borders, it CLOSED our borders to hitherto UNLIMITED Latin American (and Caribbean) immigration.

    Check into the facts, and you’ll discover I’m correct. And once you do, maybe you should start asking yourself whether you can trust absolutely ANYTHING said by people who are so incompetent that they’ve gotten such a basic and important fact entirely BACKWARDS for the last 20-25 years…

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @jilles dykstra
  1030. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    you accept that young males are responsible for a hugely disproportionate percentage of any ethnic group’s crime rate?

    if so then if an immigrant population is disproportionately young males they would be certain to have a higher crime rate than their home population (because the home population would contain a higher percentage of females, elderly, children etc) so logically the only way a disproportionately young male hispanic population in the US could have a similar crime rate to the white US population is if the hispanic (whole population) base crime rate was significantly lower than the US white (whole population) base crime rate.

  1031. notanon says:

    We do have a massive hobo problem here, and, much to the chagrin of many on this site, it has nothing to do with Mexicans.

    unless supply and demand applies to everything except wages and housing costs then mass immigration -> increased supply of labor and increased demand for housing -> downward pressure on wages and upward pressure on housing costs.

    downward pressure on wages + upward pressure on housing costs = squeezed disposable income

    (if all else equal) mass immigration -> increased homelessness

    direct causal link

    this being so obvious and yet denied by the entire western political-media class shows how badly our society has been corrupted by lies.

  1032. utu says:

    Another aspect would be that 80%+ of US taxes would be raised and spent locally with local communities making their own decisions about education, healthcare, policing etc.

    This is the most important aspect. Swiss constitution mandates how much must be spent locally. Once you have it people will get more interested and more involved in active democracy.

  1033. Anonymous[351] • Disclaimer says:

    Great point.

    It looks like he’s (triumphantly) retreating into the data that’s actually contradicting the conclusions in the “open letter”. Whites getting replaced in their own countries with other cultures/races is bad no matter what. Pretending that it’s OK if the replacements are less prone to violence than blacks is… satire? If anything, they’re more dangerous long-term because the frog is getting boiled more slowly.

    The article/letter itself is filled with gaping logic/strawman holes. Why should whites suicide themselves at all? Why are Muslims and Latinos bundled together? Why are cash-soaked Potemkin Willages used as an example for the world? Since when is Sharia law non-existent in the West? Since when is Google censoring according to its, perfectly justifiable, “feels”? Why should anyone sane sheepishly comply?

  1034. @Mitleser

    What are you trying to say ?
    In my view indeed Germany exists since 1871, the king of Prussia declared emperor of the unified Germany in Versailles.

  1035. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    You’re obfuscating. While it did nothing to immigration from the Western hemisphere, the Act disinhibited South and East Asian immigration and greatly relaxed the strong restrictions on African immigration.

    America’s historic openness to the rest of the Americas seems to be a legacy of your country’s previous demographic momentum and that it would naturally grow to incorporate the rest, not the other way around.

  1036. notanon says:

    if cheaper labor created prosperity the third world would be rich.

    it doesn’t work and it can never work cos wages = revenue and as you drive wages down you drive revenue down (with a time lag caused by savings and borrowings).

    this time lag where profits increase in the short-term due to lower labor costs while revenue temporarily remains unchanged (cos savings and borrowing) is what blinds greedy sociopaths to what they’re doing, which is creating a downward spiral to economic stagnation and eventual collapse.

    greedy sociopaths destroying civilization – again.

  1037. Tom Rogers says: • Website

    Unz has written a series of article exposing others. With the publication of this letter, he finally outs himself, and if his further posts in the comment section are anything to do by, he completely lacks self-awareness about it.

    • Replies: @notanon
    , @peterAUS
  1038. notanon says:
    @Tom Rogers

    bear in mind it’s quite possible the official stats do say what he says they do but the stats themselves are rigged

    (like immigration related crime stats always are).

  1039. @Ron Unz

    ” Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.
    However, in the years 1971–1991, immigrants from Hispanic and Latin American countries made 47.9 percent of immigrants (with Mexico accounting for 23.7 percent) and immigrants from Asia 35.2 percent.
    Not only did it change the ethnic makeup of immigration, but it also greatly increased the number of immigrants—immigration constituted 11 percent of the total U.S. population growth between 1960 and 1970, growing to 33 percent from 1970–80, and to 39 percent from 1980–90.[21]
    The elimination of the National Origins Formula and the introduction of numeric limits on immigration from the Western Hemisphere, along with the strong demand for immigrant workers by U.S. employers, led to rising numbers of illegal immigrants in the U.S. in the decades after 1965, especially in the Southwest.[22]
    Policies in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 that were designed to curtail migration across the Mexican-U.S. border led many unauthorized workers to settle permanently in the U.S.[23] These demographic trends became a central part of anti-immigrant activism from the 1980s leading to greater border militarization, rising apprehension of migrants by the Border Patrol, and a focus in the media on the criminality of immigrants.[24] ”

    From wiki above, bold by me, blockquotes below first Unz, second wiki
    Difficult to reconcile with

    The 1965 Immigration Act didn’t OPEN our borders, it CLOSED our borders to hitherto UNLIMITED Latin American (and Caribbean) immigration.

    In total, as I read it, in %, European immigration reduced from 68% to approx 18% ! on top of this, an absolute increase in immigration numbers

    However, in the years 1971–1991, immigrants from Hispanic and Latin American countries made 47.9 percent of immigrants (with Mexico accounting for 23.7 percent) and immigrants from Asia 35.2 percent.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1040. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Whites are targeted for proximity and integration while no one else is.

    Nothing difficult to understand about this.

    White nations, are not only rich and decadent, and thus prime targets for those intent on rape and pillage, but are controlled by a treason class that has opened the borders to mass immigration of cheap brains and labor thereby not only to “solve the servant problem,” as the now thankfully dead George H.W. Bush put it, but more importantly, to swell the profit margins of both California nut growers and Silicon Valley tech companies.

    No doubt you’d see the same rush to immigrate into Japan, China, South Korea, and many other rich or beautiful countries if the native population were similarly betrayed.

  1041. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    I think you’re saying that considerable numbers of Latinos (or Arabs) may be claiming to be white on Census data, and if so, I don’t think your argument makes any sense.

    What’s “considerable” is a matter of opinion. In any case, it’s a reality and a contributing factor that you’re choosing to ignore. You’ve also chosen to ignore immigrant-friendly political pressures in California that will also influence crime numbers across the board (considerably?). This can add-up.

    At the end of the day, you’ve already conceded that, crime-wise, Latinos are worse that whites. This, frankly, should have been the end of the “crime” discussion but now we’re supposed to ignore all these add-up factors because they’re not “considerable”.

    But why are we even talking about this?

    Should whites volunteer to be genocided/replaced by foreigners? No.

    Should whites volunteer to be genocided/replaced by foreigners who are less overtly abrasive than blacks? Hell no.

  1042. notanon says:

    one of the tragic ironies of crime stats is it’s theoretically possible for an immigrant population to have the same crime rate back home as US whites but for the immigrant population itself to have a higher rate (cos larger percentage of young males ) but then as a result of the media being innumerate they pressure the police to cover it up which leads the police to back away from dealing with immigrant crime which leads to it getting worse than it otherwise would have been.

    i wouldn’t be surprised if a significant part of the migrant rape epidemic in Europe is caused by the men involved knowing others who got away with and who might otherwise have been scared of the consequences.

    for example say you have population A and B and both have 10 dudes who want to commit a rape but are scared of the consequences. one dude from population A does it anyway and gets caught and locked up by the police – dissuading the other 9. then one guy from population B does it but because of the media’s enforcement of PC the police turn a blind eye – so the other 9 dudes from population B see this and know they can commit rape with impunity (as long as the girls are white and from from the poorer classes).

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1043. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    They do say, namely voluntary endowments, intelligent use of the commons, and moving many costs.

    You deal with lawbreakers by force or you have no law.

    One may disagree with the vast L/libertarian literature and accomplishments. parroting far-leftist Libertarian Denialism that pretends it isn’t there doesn’t wash.

    I’m actually parroting Adam Smith who no one here, beside myself, has actually read. If you take a month or two to read the complete works and make notes as you go, you will see why what you say is drivel.

  1044. geokat62 says:

    You could have calculated criminality factors from the data set you had with multivariate regression but you opted for correlations.

    FvS made essentially the same point up thread at #1017:

    Also, Eric Rasmusen wrote a comment on your “Race and Crime in America” article. Does he have a point here?

    It would be better to do regressions here than to use correlation coefficients, as I’ll explain. What the correlation coefficient measures is the correlation, which is the extent to which crime goes up when hispanic percentage goes up. High correlation means they move together. But, crucially, it doesn’t mean that changes in the hispanic population explain most crime changes.

    Let me use an example. Suppose that when crime increases in a city, the Armenian population for some reason also increases, though no city has more than 2% Armenian population. Crime would then be perfectly correlated with Armenian population, a correlation coefficient of 1. Yet Armenians can only be a tiny part of crime.

    On the other hand, suppose there are lots of things that cause crime to increase. Suppose in truth that when the black population rises 10%, crime rises by 20%, on average. The correlation coefficient could be tiny, because whereas black population has a big effect on crime, so many other things also affect crime that black population is an unreliable predictor for any one city.

    I think it’s encumbent upon Ron to address these challenges to his methodological approach.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1045. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Amusing that even on the minor point that Unz is willing to debate he’s wrong.

    As for the larger point as to whether it is justified to displace the native majority by immigrants of a different race and culture merely for the benefit of the servant-dependent and share-owning class, and in total opposition to the wishes of the majority, Unz remains absolutely silent, which seems to confirm his membership in the Treason Class.

  1046. APilgrim says:

    Phil Giraldi is a former CIA Case Officer and Army Intelligence Officer who spent twenty years overseas in Europe and the Middle East working terrorism cases. He holds a BA with honors from the University of Chicago and an MA and PhD in Modern History from the University of London. In addition to TAC, where he has been a contributing editor for nine years, he writes regularly for He is currently Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest and resides with his wife of 32 years in Virginia horse country close to his daughters and grandchildren.

    And Phil Giraldi is a somewhat heavy-handed censor. IMHPO

  1047. MarkinLA says:

    Have you ever considered how stupid this whole scenario is? Here you have million dollar farmers, truck drivers making 25-30 dollars an hour, and equipment salesman making 100K all supported and even dependent on a much smaller number of illegal aliens making shit wages.

    10% of Calkifornia is approximately 4 million people. How many illegal alien farm hands are needed? Is it 250,000, is it 1 million either way you have this ridiculous business model where one illegal alien making shit wages is supporting not only himself but more than 4 Californians making many times what he makes. Something seems really wrong here.

    In a sound business model you have a large number of people making relatively low wages compared to the much fewer people at the top of the pyramid.

    Obviously, if you could only hire Americans they would quickly realize the economic clout they have and unionize to get living wages and health insurance for their families. How can the saintly farmer prevent that loss of his income (and have to buy the Mercedes E class instead of the S class)? He virtue signals to everybody how much he cares about these Mexicans against all the dirty racists to hide his own racially based contempt for these people since he constantly schemes to pay them as little as possible.

    • Agree: utu
  1048. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    A demand for ethnic distance and separation is not supremacism but nationalism. Supremacists don’t wish that their competitors would adopt nationalist desires for space while offering them room to adopt similar independence and self determination. Supremacists have a desire to subsume the other under a second tier standard of law; the extreme result of which is slavery. Who promotes that ideal? Not the alt-right but their Jewish competitors who hate the nationalism that the alt-right stands for.

    Well said.

  1049. Rurik says:

    Since you hate having Mexican, Central American & Latin American immigrants come into your country

    well, since every single one of them are going to get automatic advantage over my sons when it comes to jobs and promotions and university slots, etc.., I think I’d have to be an asshole to want to see my sons fucked over so as to hand all the opportunities to non-whites, including Latin immigrants.

    If you want to make a case for massive and transformational immigration into all white lands, perhaps you should start by ending Affirmative Action, eh?

    Because as long as it exists, (and it does ; ), anyone who both supports immigration and Affirmative Action is an anti-White asshole.

    For the record.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @L.K
  1050. Rurik says:

    Zio-Glob arrived on the scene.

    Could the people in the photo handle this?

    …– or were they more into having a good time?

    they (and the rest of the planet) were doomed when Wilson handed the keys of the US Treasury over to the Fiend.

    There wasn’t anything these people could do about that. We were all betrayed by Woodrow Wilson.

    May as well make the best of it, and it looks like that’s what they were doing.

  1051. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    If you do, like I did, you will find out that they are not different from you. They will never tell you (since it seems unkind to say) that the only reason why they come to a country like the Netherlands, is that the West has made countries in the Middle East and Africa into hellholes.

    Can anyone, possibly, make a more retarded statement than this?

    Let me get this straight. This is what this (alleged) Muslim immigrant told you:

    “You and other infidels like you – are responsible for all the death, destruction and poverty in my country – but now I’m here (and my cousins, brides, brides’ cousins etc.) so we should mingle.”

    Joke? Are you making a bad joke?

  1052. MAGAman says:

    Ron freely admits that a higher population has made CA unaffordable. However, I think he’s missing the greater point. The main affordability issue is getting into neighborhoods that are majority white. If all the immigrants had been Swedes instead of Mexican, that wouldn’t be a concern.

    The following is the first entry from Wikipedia when one looks up “average price of home in Los Angeles”:

    “In order to afford to purchase the median-priced home in Los Angeles, you’d need to earn $96,513 a year, according to, a mortgage information website. The median home price in Los Angeles is $570,500, according to the real estate website,”

    However, I can tell you from my personal experience that the price to be in a majority white neighborhood in a thoroughly average house (no two story mansion) is going to be closer to 3 times that number.

    Most of the schools in LA are 90%+hispanic and black. With few exceptions, white/East Asian parents would rather move somewhere else (including out of state/country) than leave their kids in this environment. So, in practice, there’s a huge amount of segregation. That just wouldn’t happen if the immigrants were Swedes.

    For myself, if I could comfortably live in another part of LA (as the Bush family used to live in Compton) my house would likely have cost half as much, and I would be debt free (with a much lower property tax) instead of now struggling to pay a 7 figure mortgage on a low 6 figure salary. In other words, the identity of the immigrants changes everything, so overcrowding itself is not the primary issue.

  1053. Rurik says:

    your painted paper,

    OH, it’s my painted paper, eh?

    I’ve been participating on Mr. Unz’ site for a while now, and I really don’t think anyone has been more tenacious in condemning the evils of the Fed than myself.

    You calling it ‘my’ painted paper is like telling Paul Craig Roberts that the world is fed up with *his* foreign policy.

    which gives the ZUS a huge advantage over every other nation on earth

    Working class white men are dying in droves in the ZUS. They are not benefiting from all that ‘quantitative easing’ and assorted financial chicanery. It’s the one percent that are enjoying a boon, and that goes for Dubai or Singapore or Brazil.

    The working class white man is on the bottom of the global totem pole, dude. He isn’t the one printing dollars and dropping bombs. Hardly. Only butt-hurt losers blame the working class white man for all of their miseries and failures.

  1054. Rurik says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    you are such a little coward

    you are terrified

    you’re this little terrified coward, pissing in your pants

    you’re such an insignificant little worm

    you’re just such a pathetic clown

    you and the rest of the pathetic keyboard warrior cowards like you are just a bunch of whack jobs

    dumbass white boy.


    ‘the lady doth protest’ !

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1055. peterAUS says:
    @Tom Rogers

    Unz has written a series of article exposing others. With the publication of this letter, he finally outs himself, and if his further posts in the comment section are anything to do by, he completely lacks self-awareness about it.

    That’s an interesting thought.

    What’s even more interesting is that a lot of commentators, apparently, have no problem with whites being replaced by Hispanics.
    Actually, not interesting. Funny. “Authority figure” combined with “groupthink” working nicely together, as always. It would be pathetic if it wasn’t expected.

    On the positive and actually surprising side, the “authority” does allow contrary opinions and even engages with them in civil manner. Now, the real motive could be something else but, let’s leave it out for now.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  1056. utu says:

    I made this point before in comments directly to RU initially thinking that he would make corrections or at least acknowledge validity of my arguments. But he keeps returning to the argument that the correlations for Latinos and for Whites are similar thus Latinos=Whites which is fallacious. He is smart man who knows math so the only explanation left for his stubbornness and recidivism is that he does it in bad faith. I used to take his arguments on a face value. Not any more.

    I was not familiar with the Rusmussen guy. Thanks for binging it up.

  1057. @Willem

    I did not see the discussion between burgemeester Halsema and a Muslim leader, but know that the MSM in the Netherlands ran wild about it.

    Well I completely missed that Dutch MSM ran wild about it, had some difficulty finding the discussion.
    But this was the essence: Halsema had written a letter to this salafist imam.
    He blamed her, ‘shaking with anger’, that she set aside the Muslims.
    She asked him what was wrong in the letter, if he answered, alas not in the article.
    Halsema then stated that she protected orthodoxy, but within Dutch democratic law.
    What this is about, I fear, is that salafists do not accept secular rules above the Muslim religious laws.
    This, for me, is the problem.

    They do not want to convert us, they just want us to live under Muslim rules, rules that determine daily life for Muslims from minute to minute.
    With an increasing % of Muslims, unless they leave the mosques, as we left the churches, the clash seems inevitable to me.
    Muslims are completely different from me, a Frysian born in Fryslân, in WWII.
    Gustave E. von Grunebaum, ‘Medieval Islam, A Study in Cultural Orientation’, Chicago, 1946, 1971

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1058. geokat62 says:

    Ron fiddles (Hispanic Crime Rate) while Rome (Western civilization) burns!

  1059. @Anonymous

    Willem is completely right of course.
    What he does not state is that they do not like us, to put it mildly.
    Remember the fuss in the USA about some 3000 deaths, two collapsed buildings and four passenger planes ?
    Estimates of Iraqi casualties because of the USA attack go up to one million, then there is a destroyed country, and 2000 tons of uranium burned, cancers the next five billion years.

  1060. Rurik says:

    we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    imagine if a politician said that at a meeting of AIPAC?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1061. MarkinLA says:

    namely voluntary endowments

    Until one guy decides to screw everybody.

    Libertarians point out monopolies, price fixing etc. are coercive government phenomena.

    Pure hogwash. The libertarian has some moronic belief that there can never be a monopoly or cartel because when prices become so high there MUST be somebody willing to step into the market. That might work for low cost entry industries but not for high cost industries where the established players can strangle the competitor in it’s crib. That is why Airbus needed the resources of 4 European countries and 17 years to develop into a profit making corporation.

    Somehow they concoct some scenario where without government there could be no cartels or monopolies. However, American business history is full of men trying to monopolize an industry when government had no almost nothing to do with the economy. It was the government that had to step in to keep the monopolies from forming. That is the natural order of things – wanting to make as much money as possible with a little effort as possible. The best way to do that is to create a monopoly or cartel and fix prices.

    Libertarianism is a denial of basic human nature.

    • Agree: CanSpeccy, Rurik, dfordoom
  1062. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    Excellent point. Sometimes, it’s important just to stand back and challenge the fucking entitlement.

    Yes, I have fences, doors and locks guarding my property so that I can keep it and eventually leave it to my own. No, I’m not an asshole because of it but I will be if challenged.

  1063. @notanon

    you accept that young males are responsible for a hugely disproportionate percentage of any ethnic group’s crime rate?

    Well, you’re talking to Ron Unz, not me, and I really ought to leave it to Unz to answer you, if he wants, but I can’t resist answering….

    First of all, OBVIOUSLY, YES, Unz is saying that young males are responsible for a hugely disproportionate percentage of the crime which is PRECISELY why you have to correct for that statistically when comparing the crime rates of different groups!

    But man…. seriously, you are posing the above question after the 1000 comments mark in this discussion? Like… dude….


    Did your momma do a lot of drugs or heavy drinking when she was pregnant with you?

    Did you play a lot of football back when? (I mean, without NO HELMET ON….)

    Has there been a lot of incest in your recent family tree?

    I’d have to think that it was all of the above and then some, because otherwise, how could a person be so INSUFFERABLY STUPID?


    • Replies: @notanon
  1064. Anon[247] • Disclaimer says:

    I have to wonder, Ron, how you can simultaneously believe that immigration isn’t a problem for Whites in California and yet your own article pointed-out that Whites are fleeing the state in droves. Perhaps it is an upper-class of Whites that benefit from immigration and live among their ethnic counterparts skewing perception of the issue?

  1065. @notanon

    i wouldn’t be surprised if a significant part of the migrant rape epidemic in Europe is caused by…

    There is no rape epidemic taking place in Europe.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1066. Tyrion 2 says:

    I’ve been surprised by it. It has been amazing to me, in fact!

    Do these people actually have “will” or are they just putty waiting for the next real individual to imprint whatever nonsense they feel like on them?

  1067. MarkinLA says:

    You do realize you are a nut, don’t you? This is why most people laugh at libertarians, they post drivel like you.

  1068. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    ‘the lady doth protest’ !

    Revusky is just trying to get his slot back at

  1069. @Anonymous

    Let me get this straight. This is what this (alleged) Muslim immigrant told you:

    Actually, Willem said that they specifically don’t say that. See that part where he says: “They will never tell you…”

  1070. @jilles dykstra

    They do not want to convert us, they just want us to live under Muslim rules, rules that determine daily life for Muslims from minute to minute.

    What??? They do not want to convert you to Islam but they do want you to live in under Muslim rules????

    Does that make any sense at all? (Isn’t that like saying that the local homos don’t want you to become a homosexual but they do want you to engage in gay sex?)

    Regardless, have any local Muslims ever told you that they want you to live under Sharia law? Or is this just something you heard on the TV or read on Breitbart?

    Another puzzling thing is that you seem to believe that the Muslims are raping white girls all over the place. I looked it up recently and Sharia law says that rape is punishable by death. So all these Muslim rapists want to impose Sharia law which would impose the death penalty on them, right?

    Well, if that is the case, then surely we have a situation that will automatically resolve itself, no? The Muslim Rape Army imposes Sharia law and Sharia law says that rapists get put to death. And….

    Well, the whole thing makes my head spin, frankly. I’ll have to think about this some more.

    Though, actually, I think you’ll have to think about this some more too….

  1071. Ron Unz says:

    you accept that young males are responsible for a hugely disproportionate percentage of any ethnic group’s crime rate?…if so then if an immigrant population is disproportionately young males they would be certain to have a higher crime rate than their home population… so logically the only way a disproportionately young male hispanic population in the US could have a similar crime rate to the white US population is if the hispanic (whole population) base crime rate was significantly lower than the US white (whole population) base crime rate.

    Your general argument is certainly correct, but the specifics don’t apply to the US.

    (1) For various sociological reasons, Hispanic immigrants tend to have much lower crime rates than American-born Hispanics. All the leading anti-immigration researchers would confirm this empirical fact, though the exact magnitude of the difference isn’t entirely clear.

    (2) These days, the overwhelming majority of Hispanics in their high-crime years are American-born. Obviously, American-born Hispanics have the same gender-ratio as any other group.

    (3) Therefore, the substantial male-skew of Hispanic immigrants has very little impact upon Hispanic crime rates.

    (4) My vague impression is that you’ve at some point or another indicated that you’re European, perhaps British. If so, it’s not surprising that you’re somewhat unfamiliar with the details of American immigration issues, and may be assuming that the very different situation in Europe applies here as well.

    • Replies: @Thomm
    , @notanon
    , @David Baker
  1072. renfro says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    I contend, however, that the time for rapprochement has passed and the time for retributions has arrived.

    I agree. For several reasons.
    First……..the history of how the tribe has behaved in a hostile manner in other countries for 3000 years.
    Second….their present day behavior which is exactly the same as their historical behavior.

    Consider that despite what the US and Europe has done for the Jews, which is x million times more then the world has ever done for a group of people, that instead of gratitude they respond to us with insults, blame, deception, parasitism and their tradition of ‘Court Jews’ behind the scenes of rulers and governments for the purpose of subverting others interest and welfare and enriching the Jews and now their ‘homeland of Israel.

    You cannot convert or reform them because their culture, part of which is Judaism’s creed of the non Jewish world as enemies, keeps reproducing the same mentality and habits.

    The only thing they react to is punishment and even then they use punishment for their transgression to reinforce the blame ‘others’ inbred anti semitism and their own innocent victimhood.

    They aren’t going to change, They really do need to live separated from all others. And that means totally separated, no commerce or dependence or ventures with the non Jewish world. If the Jews demands for “separation’ had been real separation we wouldn’t have the Israel problem.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1073. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Do these people actually have “will” or are they just putty waiting

    Who are you referring to?

  1074. renfro says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    How do you get rid of fleas?

    Maybe by using the same skunk juice the IDF uses to spray on the Palestines?
    Or at least by very obviously treating them as skunks at every garden party.

    • LOL: Cloak And Dagger
  1075. geokat62 says:

    imagine if a politician said that at a meeting of AIPAC?

    After what they did to JFK, no one’s got the balls to do it. No one except perhaps that formidable anti-Zionist, Joe Biden, that is.

  1076. Rurik says:

    the only reason why they come to a country like the Netherlands, is that the West has made countries in the Middle East and Africa into hellholes.

    Well, that’s certainly true of Kosovo.

    And since you’re on Africa, did the West also turn Zimbabwe into a hellhole? Just as South Africa is about to descend into a hell on earth, did the West do that too?

    Here’s a clue:

    All the people on the planet are today being menaced by a fiend on the world’s stage. This fiend uses a counterfeiting machine ((the Fed/ECB)) to ‘print’ as much lucre as is necessary to corrupt all the governments of the West and beyond, into serving its nefarious agenda of Eternal Wars for Israel and crony capitalism and deliberate strife, horrors and misery the world over.

    It is this fiend that has destabilized Ukraine.

    It is this fiend, whose handmaidens we call the deepstate here in the ZUS of A, that is apoplectic right now over Trump’s disengagement in Syria.

    When Hillary gloated about the torture/lynching of Gadhafi, she was doing so as an eager and willing quisling in the service of the Fiend. Insofar as she served the Fiend, she was hand’s down, the most treasonous enemy of the American people on the planet. Just as Tony Blair was not only a liar and traitor and execrable war criminal, but he was also the biggest enemy of the British people, hand’s down.

    No one has done more to harm England recently, or America, respectively, than Tony Blair of the Clinton crime family. The only runners up are David Cameron or the Bush crime family.

    So our leaders over here in the dying ((murdered)) Western world, are the most intractable, genocidal enemies that we in the West have. That they’re also war criminals responsible for untold deaths and miseries and horrors writ large, are simply more reasons why they should be tried and hanged at the Hague.

    But that will never happen, because as I said, the planet is under the demonic thrall of the Fiend.

    Let’s just all hope that Trump continues to disengage in the illegal and immoral wars all over the planet. And builds the Wall, and spreads prosperity to even those places ravaged by the netherworld evil of the ((moneyed powers)).

  1077. L.K says:

    Boy, you can be a dishonest PRICK when you want to be one.

    I am against mass immigration.

    I most certainly do not support affirmative action, at least racially/ethnically based affirmative action.

    So why the F*ck are u saying this shit to me? Because you are a fucking dishonest nutcase, that’s why.

    Same thing with the “white working class” & the us dollar comment you made… pure dishonest crap, since u would have to be a total idiot to think that I meant the white working class was responsible for your painted paper.

    Now, some news to you; there are studies that show that US imperialism after WW2 did indeed benefit both the middle class and even the working class in Zamerica for a while… until it didn’t.
    Zamerican imperialism takes many shapes, including mainly economic imperialism, you might want to take a look at Michael Hudson’s “Super Imperialism: The The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance”.

    Anyway, my point by mentioning the words of P.c. Roberts was pretty basic but I’ll be fully explicit:

    Your country has exploited and raped Latin America blind for over 120 years.
    That sort of thing obviously increases poverty and those like the Mexicans and Central Americans, close to the US, attempt to escape such a situation by immigrating into the US, much like poverty and wars made huge numbers of Europeans immigrate to different parts of the new World not that long ago… or why the fuck do you think so many Europeans left Europe?

    So one important thing that would help diminish Mexican, etc immigration into the US is a change in zamerican policies in Latin America.
    This would benefit you guys who don’t want any more Mexicans around and would also benefit Mexico, Central American countries, Latin America in general.
    The US Deep State does not wish nor will it stop its exploitative policies toward Latin America though.

  1078. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Tyrion 2

    Do these people actually have “will” or are they just putty waiting for the next real individual to imprint whatever nonsense they feel like on them?

    That they are wide open to manipulation by the political propagandists is exactly what you would expect given what I understand to be the state of American education.

    From K to 12, teachers are denied the means to exercise effective discipline; everyone from moron to genius must proceed in lockstep; the curriculum is carefully controlled for political correctness, as are the books; and, not of least importance, teachers are themselves products of the brain-deadening system over which they preside.

    Then there’s the university, where so-called professors shun contact with students — understandably since with the current mass intake, many students are of noticeably below average ability; instruction is by overpriced, PC textbooks, the study of which is supervised by below-minimum wage adjuncts; evaluation is by frequent so called mid-terms, i.e., multiple choice tests of short-term memory; and grades are inflated to insure that all the graduates are above average.

    Given such an education, why would you expect the average American to know anything useful about politics, philosophy or economics, or more importantly, to be aware of their own ignorance, or capable of reasoning things out from the evidence of their own senses?

  1079. Thomm says:
    @Ron Unz

    BTW, Heartiste has destroyed Ron Unz here :

    • Replies: @LostHopeless
  1080. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    i’ll take that as a “yes.”

  1081. Thomm says:
    @Ron Unz

    In 1900, Irish were not considered white. In 1950, Italians, Jews, and Poles were not considered white.

    a) I stand by this comment, and this is a well-known fact. Italians point this out themselves. How many times do I have to school you about basic US history?

    Corvinus says the same thing. Why? Because it is true.

    BTW, White Nationalists don’t consider Jews to be white. Get over it.

    Then again, I am speaking to a ‘Republican’ who advocates the ultra-socialist policy of a $12 minimum wage.

    b) I am not an Indian. To believe this displays your ignorance and misdirected rage. None of the half-dozen Indian commenters here thinks I am Indian.

    Get a clue, muchacho.

    • LOL: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @anon
    , @FvS
  1082. Ron Unz says:
    @jilles dykstra

    The elimination of the National Origins Formula and the introduction of numeric limits on immigration from the Western Hemisphere, along with the strong demand for immigrant workers by U.S. employers, led to rising numbers of illegal immigrants in the U.S. in the decades after 1965, especially in the Southwest.[22]…In total, as I read it, in %, European immigration reduced from 68% to approx 18% ! on top of this, an absolute increase in immigration numbers

    Yes, the whole issue of the 1965 Immigration Act is quite counter-intuitive, and I don’t blame you for getting confused.

    Basically, the 1965 Act CLOSED the door to unlimited Latin American immigration, while REOPENING the doors to heavy European immigration. Nonetheless, European immigration sharply declined afterward, while Latin American immigration rose enormously. That’s why 99% of the immigration-activists have been confused on its legal aspects for the last couple of decades.

    The key fact is that Mexico and most of the rest of Latin America had traditionally been under-populated, so there was relatively little pressure to immigrate to the US, even though anyone who paid something like $18 could legally do so. On the other hand, far more people would surely have come from over-populated, impoverished Europe during 1924-1965 if they could have done so.

    However, by 1965, Europe’s population had stabilized and the region had become prosperous during the post-war boom, so there was little post-1965 pressure to immigrate. Meanwhile, a huge population boom had begun in Mexico and the rest of Latin America, causing massive immigration even though the 1965 Act actually made it much more difficult. For example, Mexico’s population increased by almost 200% during that period, and by over 300% if you include all the Mexicans living in the US.

    America’s Hispanic population grew by almost 50M during 1965-2015. But if not for the 1965 Act, I’d guess it probably would have grown by 100M or more.

    What presumably happened is that some immigration-activist 25-30 years ago was careless and got confused about the legal details of the 1965 Act, and that mistake then got into widespread circulation. Since that time, many thousands of other immigration-activists have quoted and requoted the same initial mistake, so that I’d bet that something like 99% of people on the Internet have the facts upside down.

    I’m sure it was an absolutely honest mistake, but the fact that it’s still so widespread after so many years suggests the rather unreliable quality of most anti-immigration websites on the Internet…

  1083. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    people like yourself who covered up the rape epidemic in Europe are responsible for a significant portion of it as the pressure they applied on the police lead the police to hold back which encouraged more attacks.

    • Troll: L.K
    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1084. Thomm says:
    @Ron Unz

    BTW, Corvinus said it today itself (among many other instances) :

    Quote from Corvinus :

    WASPs considered the Irish, the Italians, and the Poles, for example, to be beneath them racially and culturally.

    Now go ahead and tell Corvinus that he is some ‘Hindu’ or something for knowing well-established facts about US history.

    • Replies: @ZOGged
  1085. Miro23 says:

    Another aspect would be that 80%+ of US taxes would be raised and spent locally with local communities making their own decisions about education, healthcare, policing etc.

    This is the most important aspect. Swiss constitution mandates how much must be spent locally. Once you have it people will get more interested and more involved in active democracy.

    I agree. The general principle is that you can know and trust your neighbours better that “representatives” (and their friends) in Washington.

    And while you’re at it, counties and states could have their locally owned news media, plus their own independent journalists (and cut the MSM news feeds).

  1086. @Rurik

    “And builds the Wall…” Puffy Lips (Liberals) so predictably project hypocrisy and ignorance, it’s as if none of them grew up past the fourth grade. They’re kicking and screaming about Trump’s border wall, but they’ll suddenly morph into virtue signalling Israel Sucks when the wall on the West Bank is cited for comparison. They’ll increase the decibel level of their whining when the wall in Southern Mexico is brought up for discussion. Sovereign borders need to be recognized and guarded against intruders. The notion that we’re all part of the Global Family who are forced to live within the confines of artificial limits is a ploy of Globalists. Once those limits are breached, our ‘family’ will be vulnerable to despots, tyranny and be ruled from distant empires.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1087. Anonymous[184] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    I have one question about this: wouldn’t the National Origins Formula in and of itself have stopped unlimited Latin American immigration in later years, simply due to hitting the percentage quota? I don’t see anything that says the formula did not apply to Latin America, your comment merely implies that it was just not reached.

    I mean, technically you appear to be correct, but I have not seen this quibble brought up or answered.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1088. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    I contend, however, that the time for rapprochement has passed and the time for retributions has arrived.

    I agree.

    A recurring weakness one finds in Gentiles is an inability to engage in nuanced rhetoric and nuanced thought.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @renfro
  1089. renfro says:
    @North Carolina Resident

    If you used Bureau of Prison records or data derived from their records, I believe your data sets are corrupt.

    Here is what the BOP shows:

    Under Ethnicity

    Ethnicity # of Inmates

    % of Inmates Hispanic 58,041 32.2%
    %Non-Hispanic 122,376 67.8%

    Under Race

    Race # of Inmates % of Inmates
    Asian 2,670 1.5%
    Black 68,727 38.1%
    Native American 4,104 2.3%
    White 104,916 58.2%

    * The census bureau classifies Hispanics as white so they would come under white in the race chart. To settle the crime rate re whites and Hispanics you have to compare their population numbers to the percentages.

    • Replies: @anon
  1090. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    I am not an Indian.

    LOL, you silly, silly brown incel.

    Don’t, ever, stop posting.

  1091. @dfordoom

    Apart from being abstract a common philosophy is also a rather arid intellectual construct.

    More excellent thoughts from you. I submit, however, that philosophies enshrined in instruments such as our constitution transform from being abstract intellectual constructs into physical laws with consequences. For the longest time we defined ourselves as a nation of laws, rather than of men.

    Where things fall apart is when the process of enacting laws becomes corrupt as it has in our legislature due to external influences. The “anti-BDS bill” is an example of that.

    In addition, if the enforcement of those laws also becomes corrupt, then they no longer have teeth. The FBI being forced to drop its spying charges against members of AIPAC is an example of that. Toothless laws result in cynicism.

    Finally, corruption in the judiciary to ensure that laws are consistent with the articles of the constitution means the philosophy and its manifestation in reality are no longer consistent. “Citizens United” is an example of that.

    The framers of our constitution thought that the check/balance principle would prevent the corruption described above, but did not envision a nation where all three would become corrupt.

    Here in the Silicon Valley, we have zillions of tech companies that are microcosms of countries (I know that it is not a perfect analogy, but supports your “kingdom” example). The population of these companies is made up of diverse races, creeds, and colors from a multitude of national origins. There are strict corporate laws that are enforced (e.g. sexual harassment, racial discrimination, etc.) and violations result in expulsion from the company and sometimes worse. The mission of the company (not just profits, usually innovations and solutions) is the common philosophy and everyone is expected to strive towards that and attracts people who are impassioned by the company’s goals (something very true for a techie such as I). The incentive for doing so, besides the paycheck, is typically a sharing in the profits, usually as stock options, and pride of accomplishment and satiation of passion. Successful companies also invest in the lives of their employees (I use mine as an example), and help with work/life balancing, including paternity leaves, etc. because it contributes to maximizing profits, albeit indirectly.

    All management decisions are expected to be for the betterment of the company (maximization of profits and driving company goals) and treasonous behavior such as diverting company resources to improve another company without benefit to this one result in instant termination and worse.

    I see parallels between successful corporations and successful nations, even as a weak analogy. Some corporations also become corrupt (e.g. Facebook) and become unsuccessful as a result.

  1092. peterAUS says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I’ve been surprised by it. It has been amazing to me, in fact!

    I see.
    Well, I haven’t, much. A bit. “Alt-Right” does tend to attract critical and independent thinkers, but, people are people. Genetics. Emotions. The need to belong.As soon as you have that “belong” you have a group. And group, since caveman, operates on certain iron laws, leader and followers in particular. Each needing the other.

    Do these people actually have “will” or are they just putty waiting for the next real individual to imprint whatever nonsense they feel like on them?

    The later.

    And, that applies to wider society as well, obviously. That’s why TPTBs know what they must control the narrative. You change the narrative, a “normie” changes his belief system.
    Say, “we” have, for just 6 months, access as TPTBs have to mass media; I am absolutely positive that the same people who believe in all this “diversity” will scream for deportations, assimilation, hard border control etc.

    Hehe…I guess you are about to (re)asses that first “T” in METT-T regarding, ahm, “our”, say, “struggle”. Troops. Own forces. Us. Have, say, a more…realistic measure. Hence, a more realistic measure of possible tactics, even strategy. Even, oh my, can we win at all.

    • Agree: Tyrion 2
    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @Miro23
  1093. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Yes, the whole issue of the 1965 Immigration Act is quite counter-intuitive, and I don’t blame you for getting confused.

    The confusion was generated by you with this bullshit:

    Totally ignorant Alt-Right people are endlessly ranting and raving about the 1965 Immigration Act, which allegedly “opened our borders” to massive non-white immigration.

    But they’ve got the facts entirely BACKWARDS. The 1965 Immigration Act didn’t OPEN our borders, it CLOSED our borders to hitherto UNLIMITED Latin American (and Caribbean) immigration.

    …which is now:

    Basically, the 1965 Act CLOSED the door to unlimited Latin American immigration, while REOPENING the doors to heavy European immigration. Nonetheless, European immigration sharply declined afterward, while Latin American immigration rose enormously.

    What exactly are you trying to achieve here, on your own website?

  1094. anon[138] • Disclaimer says:

    BTW, White Nationalists don’t consider Jews to be white. Get over it.

    how many times do you have to be told – JEWS ARE THE ONES WHO SAY THEY AREN’T WHITE

    WN merely take their word for it

    the reason jews say this? maybe because they are the supremacists they accuse everyone else of being

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Thomm
  1095. @Evergreen

    You raise very important points. Well said. Virtue-signaling oligarchs in Silicon valley are shutting down dissident speech and causing widespread economic harm as well. The courts should intervene and prohibit this abuse.

  1096. anon[138] • Disclaimer says:

    sounds like 58k hispanics and only 47k whites in BOP custody

    • Replies: @renfro
  1097. Rurik says:

    PRICK when you want to be one.

    I’m sort of returning the favor L.K.

    Since you hate having Mexican

    Saying I “hate” having them come, is hyperbolic, and dishonest. I don’t “hate” it, but I do hate the all-pervasive lies and hatred and demonizing of people who look like me as the fount of all the world’s problems, who’re guilty and ‘privileged’ and need to be forced to fund their own replacements to end ‘racism’. I do sort of hate all that.

    So why the F*ck are u saying this shit to me?

    because you say things like “your painted paper”. Which is hyperbolic and dishonest and mean-spirited and down right disgusting.

    That’s why.

    idiot to think that I meant the white working class was responsible for your painted paper.

    Oh! I see. It isn’t the white working class, but myself personally. I gotcha.

    Just call me Rurik de Rothschild.

    Your country has exploited and raped Latin America blind for over 120 years.

    ‘my’ country eh?

    On second thought, maybe you should call be Stephan

    here’s a clue:

    since I’ve been alive, “my” country has done all it can to fuck over people like me. No matter how poor a white man in this nation is, he’s to blame for EVERYTHING! ‘He (we) uses his racism to hold down the blacks, when he isn’t shooting them for walking down the street. His racism is the reason for the performance gap between whites and Hispanics and blacks. That’s why “my” government instituted Affirmative Action, because of the endemic racism of working class white guys who stubbornly refuse to be gay or sufficiently genuflect to all the minorities they owe for all the historic crimes they’ve committed against everyone. (it’s beyond insufferable)

    And so living under such a government, that basically considers my type to be congenitally deplorable and irredeemable, then we get to get lectured on “our’ crimes by denizens the world over, because of all the things “we’ve” done to others.

    This would benefit you guys who don’t want any more Mexicans around

    look, I like Mexicans, OK?

    I’ve worked with and hired and partied with lots of Mexican (and Cubans and Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics) over the decades, and I find them a good-humored and pleasant people to be around, OK?

    My problem isn’t with Mexicans or Latins or Muslims or anyone else. Rather, my problem is with the narrative that all white nations are endemically racist and evil and must, with all due haste, be flooded and replaced and blended with non-whites so as to mollify the fears of Jewish supremacists and secure their absolute domination of the planet.

    That’s my problem.

    I consider the Jewish supremacist agenda of inundating and destroying the Western world – as a terrible folly, and something I’d prefer didn’t happen. Whether it’s in Sweden or Germany or Minnesota.

    • Agree: anarchyst
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @L.K
  1098. renfro says:

    I most certainly do not support affirmative action, at least racially/ethnically based affirmative action.

    I believed that we needed some sort of mechanism to prevent people from not hiring blacks just because they are black.
    I also don’t mind giving people ‘a leg up’ so to speak.

    But it has gone wrong…it has become more than a ‘boost’, it has become a ‘forever thing’….where minorities and ethnics are ‘entitled’ forever.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @L.K
  1099. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    Renfro already offered a “nuanced” explanation. You’ve chosen to ignore it because “Gentiles can’t do nuanced rhetoric and thought”.

    This is priceless. You’re afraid but you still refuse to see the future, right?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1100. Miro23 says:

    Another aspect would be that 80%+ of US taxes would be raised and spent locally with local communities making their own decisions about education, healthcare, policing etc.

    This is the most important aspect. Swiss constitution mandates how much must be spent locally. Once you have it people will get more interested and more involved in active democracy.

    And there’s an interesting racial side to this.

    In a place like Jefferson County, Mississippi (86% Black African), they would need to use their limited resources to arrange their own education, healthcare, policing etc. which would be a challenge for them, but not impossible.

  1101. niceland says:

    Is the immigration tide turning around via the souther borders or do other S-Americans (none Mexican) make up the difference. How many “net” immigrants does the U.S. receive from S-America?

    Year One-year change in Mexican immigrant population
    2011 – 38,484
    2012 – 109,245
    2013 21,603
    2014 129,512
    2015 – 71,191
    2016 -69,618
    2017 -303,767

  1102. @Anonymous

    When a Capitalist country allows liberal elements into government offices, media and Pressure Groups, “Capitalism” becomes Fascism.

  1103. renfro says:

    A recurring weakness one finds in Gentiles is an inability to engage in nuanced rhetoric and nuanced thought

    Gentiles, much to their credit, don’t do Jewish Pilpul

    What Is Pilpul , And Why Should I Care About It?

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  1104. Rurik says:
    @David Baker

    They’re kicking and screaming about Trump’s border

    this is on Drudge right now

    They’ll increase the decibel level of their whining

    check out the shitlib at about three minutes in..

    Once those limits are breached, our ‘family’ will be vulnerable to despots, tyranny and be ruled from distant empires.

    Seems to me we’re already ruled by a distant empire in Tel Aviv.

    isn’t it amazing that the ((exact same people)) demanding more walls and security in order to have a pure race of Jewish supremacists in Israel, are the exact same people demanding open borders to the Western world?

    Sheldon Adelson perhaps most notable of all. But it runs virtually the entire length and breath of the Zionist, Jewish supremacist (and their Gentile lackey) population the world over.

  1105. The “Twilight Zone” series featured an episode called “Ir’s a Good Life”. In that installment, an pre-adolescent brat with telekinetic and telepathic powers rules with an iron fist over a hapless group of adults, who will not be allowed to think any thoughts contrary to what the child demands. If there was ever a more valid demonstration of a Liberal mindset, I’d like to see it.

  1106. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    the overwhelming majority of Hispanics in their high-crime years are American-born. Obviously, American-born Hispanics have the same gender-ratio as any other group.

    but not age ratio – 2nd generation immigrants are disproportionately young and the demographic in question here is young male not just male.

    for example say you have a population A with 5% males aged between 14-24 while population B has 15% males aged 14-24 then all else being equal you’d expect B to have a substantially higher crime rate.

    if population B had a similar crime rate despite having a much higher percentage of young men that would be odd – especially if population B comes from the region with the highest homicide rates in the world.

    (alternatively the powers that be – who support mass immigration – might be lying)


    although on a separate note, now you mention it the age distribution could explain this

    Hispanic immigrants tend to have much lower crime rates than American-born Hispanics

    if peak crime age was say 14-24 while peak immigration age was 21-30 then 1st generation immigrants would be missing half the critical age range so it wouldn’t be surprising if the 2nd generation was worse than the 1st in this regard.

  1107. @utu

    This is the most important aspect. Swiss constitution mandates how much must be spent locally. Once you have it people will get more interested and more involved in active democracy.

    That is an excellent point. If I had control over how my tax “donations” were spent, I would be more active at the voting booth. Now, I fund wars that I have no stake in.

  1108. JLK says:

    One reason that Mexican immigration is attractive to New York bankers and industrialists alike is that they’re perceived to be hard workers who are used to economic inequality and aren’t going to make trouble over it like the pesky ethnic white labor leaders of the past.

    It remains to be seen whether they’re right on this when the initial gratefulness about being in the United States wears off. They probably aren’t going to be happy living in RVs and crowded group houses for many generations. Some Sandinistas may also be trickling in as of late.

    As far as crime is concerned, illegal immigrants who are looking over their shoulder all the time for ICE probably are more inclined to play it safe than natives.

    I read an interesting idea on a Chinese message board the other day to the effect that the Western globalists don’t like effective governments that can quickly adjust to and crack down on new financial schemes. It said this is why they purport to promote Democracy, because it is easier to muck up and render ineffective. Their worst fear is that a strongman will come to power like in Germany in the 1930s, slash through the Gordian knot with laws having real teeth and post-facto confiscate ill-gotten wealth.

    Multiethnic Democracies are even easier to control and freeze into gridlock than homogeneous Democracies, which makes them ideal to maintain elite control and stave off populist reform.

    This theory very well could explain a lot about what we have been seeing in the US and Europe for the past few decades.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1109. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    Great post.

  1110. Ron Unz says:

    I have one question about this: wouldn’t the National Origins Formula in and of itself have stopped unlimited Latin American immigration in later years, simply due to hitting the percentage quota? I don’t see anything that says the formula did not apply to Latin America, your comment merely implies that it was just not reached.

    I mean, technically you appear to be correct, but I have not seen this quibble brought up or answered.

    No. As far as I know, prior to the 1965 Act there were no quotas of any type on Western Hemisphere countries, which were sometimes called “quota free” for that reason. I’m not a “link person”, but here’s a couple of sentences one the 1924 Act from the State Dep. website:

    This put the total number of visas available each year to new immigrants at 350,000. It did not, however, establish quotas of any kind for residents of the Western Hemisphere.

    What had happened was that the anti-immigration groups afterward tried to extend the 1924 Act to cover Latin America, but they were easily defeated by the Southwestern business interests, which desired access to plentiful Mexican immigrant labor.

    Interestingly enough, during the 1920s there was a big population boom in Quebec and huge numbers of French Canadians began pouring down into New England, an immigration wave which was greatly resented by the local Americans. But since the law allowed unlimited immigration from Canada, there was nothing they could do about it, and obviously the local business interests were happy that wages were being driven down.

    Here’s one further irony. As I recall, the strict Latin American quotas included in the 1965 Act were supposedly added by the *pro-immigration* side as a very minor sop to the anti-immigrationists, though no one much cared one way or the other.

  1111. @renfro

    From that article;

    What is most unfortunate about pilpul — and this is something that will be familiar to anyone who has followed the controversies involving Israel and Palestine — is that, since the rational has been removed from the process, all that is left is yelling, irrational emotionalism, and, ultimately, the threat of violence.

    How true! Take a look at some of the commenters on this forum!

    • Agree: renfro
  1112. FvS says:

    Irish, Italians, Poles, and Jews were definitely considered white because they could become U.S. citizens right from the founding of the country. That doesn’t mean all whites are equal. For example, Southern Italian (specifically Sicilian) involvement in organized crime did nothing to enhance their reputation. However, the categorization as Jews as white was probably one of the worst mistakes in U.S. history, along with the African slave trade and the ongoing “immigration” fiasco with Central America.

    • Replies: @Thomm
  1113. Anon[308] • Disclaimer says:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    I think you are hitting on one of the main concerns Whites have with importing non-Eurooeans: they have a strong group preference while Whites are not allowed that. The inevitable consequences of this imbalance are not to be desired.

  1114. @Ron Unz

    Basically, the 1965 Act CLOSED the door to unlimited Latin American immigration, while REOPENING the doors to heavy European immigration.

    Have not read the law, so can just accept your statement.

    However, by 1965, Europe’s population had stabilized and the region had become prosperous during the post-war boom, so there was little post-1965 pressure to immigrate.

    Cannot remember ever having met or known about any Dutch who emigrated to the USA, let us say since I went to gymnasium, 1955.
    First time I visited the USA was in 1978, it struck me how Dutch living in the USA still had the idea that we in the Netherlands were poor.
    Though visiting the USA at the time was expensive for us, it surprised me that waiting for the plane at Chicago some Dutchman going to visit relatives in the Netherlands heard me and my friend talk Dutch, and asked ‘are you coming from a ship ?’.
    That we had been on holiday was incomprehensible to him.
    Hope nobody is insulted, but even in 1978 the USA did not make a prosperous impression on me, just the cars were oversized.

    So it may well have been possible that, when the act was passed, it was based on ideas that were correct until maybe the early fifties.
    The last item no longer rationed, could be bought freely, was coffee, 1952 or so.
    Economic resurrection, after the war, in hindsight, went fast, in Germany called Wirtschaftswunder, economic miracle.
    My father could buy his first car in 1949, I suppose, though I must add, it was used mainly for his job.

  1115. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    Renfro already offered a “nuanced” explanation. You’ve chosen to ignore it because “Gentiles can’t do nuanced rhetoric and thought”.

    This is priceless. You’re afraid but you still refuse to see the future, right?

    Perhaps the chief manifestation of this weakness is the difficulty shown in making compelling moral arguments.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1116. Rurik says:

    I believed that we needed some sort of mechanism to prevent people from not hiring blacks just because they are black.

    by using a mechanism that prevented people from hiring white men just because they were white?

    If someone didn’t hire a black person just because they were black, then that person would fail in the business world, because his competitor would hire the best qualified candidate regardless of race.

    The whole idea is that white America is endemically racist and that’s why black men were not at economic parity with whites, because as we all know, there is absolutely ZERO differences between the races, and so any and all evidence of blacks languishing behind whites in any metric, was and is prima facie proof of the evidence of white racism in action.

    So they codified racism into law to fuck over poor white men in favor of all other races.

    Now when Obama’s daughter applies for the same opportunity as a poor white girl from Appalachia, Obama’s daughter will be given preference because of all the privileges enjoyed by the poor girl who happens to be white.

    It’s such a mockery of the Constitution’s guarantees of ‘equal protection’, and every tenet and principle of fairness known to mankind, that it makes a vile mockery of the very notion of ‘the rule of law’.

    I also don’t mind giving people ‘a leg up’ so to speak.

    that sounds nice, but not so much when that ‘let up’, is a zero-sum game. And it is given at the direct expense of someone else.

    If the proponents of Affirmative Action said that they themselves would defer a job or promotion out of a wish to see others advanced, then that would be hunky-dory. But they didn’t, did they? Instead they selected others to be their scape goats. The powerless and the poor. Toss those working class white men under the bus, who cares about them anyways?

  1117. geokat62 says:

    the reason jews say this? maybe because they are the supremacists they accuse everyone else of being


  1118. Ron Unz says:

    Incidentally, since so many of the agitated rightwingers here believe that I’m a dreadful liar about all sorts of immigration things, someone pointed me to a different source that some of you may find much more credible.

    That Andrew Anglin fellow runs the Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer, which despite being totally deplatformed still gets more traffic than all the other Alt Right websites in the world combined. And maybe for that reason, he can be much more candid than most other rightwingers. He just had a lead editorial in which he ridiculed the whole “Build the Wall” nonsense, and correctly pointed out all the talk about it was because of the totally brainwashed stupidity of most anti-immigration rightwingers:

    We currently have a million people coming in every year through the various “legal” methods who do not leave and are often given citizenship…People are stupid in general, and most simply do not understand that the real threat to America is legal immigration…

    The wall is largely a symbolic gesture in the larger scheme of things, and speaks to the absolutely brainwashed nature of the mass of conservatives who believe that legal immigration is “okay.”

    I remember before Trump having these conversations in Columbus, Ohio, and hearing people say “it’s the illegals that’s the problem” and replying “well what about all these Somalians?” People would look confused for a minute and then say “aren’t they illegal?”

    Hearing them talk about “I just want it to be legal” is infuriating, as they do not have any clear explanation as to why they believe this, and the fact that there is virtually no difference between the two allows liberals to exploit their inability to explain a difference and make them look stupid.

    Since I’ve been saying pretty much the same thing in lots of my recent columns and comments, maybe that Anglin fellow has been reading them. Ha, ha. ha…

  1119. @Ron Unz

    I absolutely believe that legal immigration is a far worse problem than the trickle of illegal immigrants (which should be stopped as well, since it is “illegal”). I am appalled by the number of H1B engineers that flood SV, who are then granted renewals, allowing them to satisfy the residency requirement to then get green cards, and eventually, citizenship.

    The H1B was intended to address temporary shortages in qualified personnel, and now has become a permanent fixture in corporate employment – almost none of them Hispanic, however.

    Blame the likes of Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and all the companies that have to compete with them. They either play the same game or perish from disparate employee costs. Unchecked capitalism also allows these companies to outsource American jobs to foreign shores without any direct consequences.

  1120. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    But Ron, aren’t you in favor of high levels of legal immigration, while this commentary oppposes it?

  1121. @Rurik

    And since you’re on Africa, did the West also turn Zimbabwe into a hellhole?

    There it is! Zimbabwe!

    As J.R. in Dallas was wont to say: “The opera ain’t over ’till the fat lady sings.

    I think this should be revised no to: “The conversation hasn’t gone full wingnut until Rurik brings up Zimbabwe.

    Some of those Muslim savages were groping girls’ asses in a music festival somewhere in Sweden!!!

    WHAT? C’mon, haven’t you got something better than that? That’s such pathetic chickenshit, man!



    I was thinking maybe a good stock answer to this would be:


    I think this could be the key to having some very enriching discussions, don’t you think?

  1122. @Ron Unz

    Yes, quite weird that the word Marrakech is not mentioned here.
    The USA did not sign, but most European countries did.
    It is making migration legal worldwide, obliging any country to provide the same social care for any migrant as for anyone having been a citizen his whole life.

    But maybe stupidity in Europe, that is the continent, is deminishing.
    On the popular level we have the Yellow Vests, not just in France, but also in the Netherlands and Belgium.

    Right now 24 retired Dutch academics warned against the CO2 reduction plans:

  1123. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    He’s right. No doubt about that.

    Illegal immigration can be curbed by simply enforcing sane immigration laws – like any other wall-less country. You can land in Japan/Hungary/Russia/Korea but that’s not a path to gibs and citizenship.

    Legal immigrant status in white countries should be re-examined – three generations deep – for fraud/dependency and the trash removed (bribed to leave if we have to).

  1124. L.K says:

    Hey Renfro.

    Yes. Personally, I could never support a policy that might directly hurt me or my family.

    Besides, from the various examples where race/ethnicity based affirmative action has been implemented, the results seem quite poor…

    I read in a book written by a black US economist, forget his name now, that it backfired badly in a black African country, I think Nigeria. The country is home to dozens of ethnic groups and the institution of quotas supposedly created even more conflict.
    Seems to be just a bad idea overall. There must be different, better ways to address these issues.


    • Replies: @renfro
  1125. L.K says:

    Sigh. A pretty incoherent rant, particularly since you seem to be most lecturing me about stuff you already know we are broadly in AGREEMENT. Then again, you have done so in the past.
    For instance, you write:

    I consider the Jewish supremacist agenda of inundating and destroying the Western world – as a terrible folly, and something I’d prefer didn’t happen. Whether it’s in Sweden or Germany or Minnesota.

    We are in agreement here… I’d just add that Organized Jewry and the other parties involved( since it is not just them) probably don’t aim at destroying the West, but rather to have atomized, balkanized societies, which would be even easier to control/exploit than what we have today. Though some of the Jewish supremacists do indeed hate our guts. Susan Sontag comes to mind.
    Oh, BTw, thanks for not using Zimbabwe this time around, hahaha.

    But listen, NONE of the things you said have any bearing on US imperialism, including the havoc it has been causing Latin American countries for so long and how this is inevitably linked to immigration. It would be helpful if more anti-immigration Americans knew & cared about this. Here is another good book that’ll add further perspectives in this regard:

    “Empire’s Workshop
    by Greg Grandin

    The British and Roman empires are often invoked as precedents to the Bush administration’s aggressive foreign policy. But America’s imperial identity was actually shaped much closer to home. In a brilliant excavation of long-obscured history, Empire’s Workshop shows how Latin America has functioned as a proving ground for American strategies and tactics overseas. Historian Greg Grandin follows the United States’ imperial operations from Jefferson’s aspirations for an “empire of liberty” in Cuba and Spanish Florida to Reagan’s support for brutally oppressive but U.S.-friendly regimes in Central America. He traces the origins of Bush’s current policies back to Latin America, where many of the administration’s leading lights first embraced the deployment of military power to advance free market economics and enlisted the evangelical movement in support of their ventures.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1126. MarkinLA says:
    @Ron Unz

    Of course legal immigration is a serious problem, maybe even more so than illegal immigration. However, if the government won’t stop illegal immigration, what chance do we have of stopping all immigration? You have to do things step by step. If illegal immigration is stopped, employer sanctions are put in place and the economy doesn’t collapse, then we have a better chance of an immigration moratorium.

    • Agree: Tyrion 2
    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @Ron Unz
  1127. L.K says:
    @Ron Unz

    Mr. Unz,

    Thanks for the clarification re the 65 Act and the other thoughtful posts.

    Keep up the good work( American Pravda series ).

  1128. Rurik says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    “Some of those Muslim savages were groping girls’ asses in a music festival somewhere in Sweden!!!”

    if you’re going to imply a ‘quote’ from me, use the apostr0phe key so as not to imply it’s something I actually said, eh?

    now, since I don’t have a crayon, I’ll try to write this in very simple language so that even you can try to comprehend it.

    Zimbabwe is a nation that has fallen into ruin because of the disease that has spread around the formerly functional Western world.

    If you have a potentially malignant cancer, it’s going to start somewhere on your body. When you discover it, that is the time to take action. Not when the cancer has metastasized and you’re going to die.

    So it would behoove those in South Africa (for instance) to study Zimbabwe to discover what they should not do, you see?

    Zimbabwe was a kind of canary in the coal mine of Western civ. When it was tossed under the bus, it was a telling sign for the rest of us as to what loomed.

    England did not go to the assistance of its ethnic brethren when the racist Marxists started slaughtering them and stealing their lands. This was evidence of the rot that had infected the body politic of the Western world.

    I know this is very complicated for you JR, but do try to crunch up your eyes and try to think. I know it’s hard. I know it probably hurts even, but if you can make those two neurons vibrate just ever so slightly, then perhaps you can have an epiphany!, and finally at long last comprehend a nuanced concept.

    Right now many people are curious about how events are going to unfold in South Africa, (the next canary in the coal mine)

    Yes, yes I know South Africa is far away, and on an entirely different continent! but it is still very salient to the people of (disarmed) England, for instance, because if the blacks of South Africa do actually carry out their threats to start slaughtering the whites, and England and the West do nothing to assist them, or even allow them refugee status, then that would bode very ominous for the white residents of England proper, because as it is, immigrant men are allowed to rape their British school children with near impunity, so a certain concern for the trajectory of the anti-white hatred in England’s pedophile ruling class, could be very alarming.

    When Putin vexes that Austria exonerated an immigrant man who brutally raped a ten year old boy, he isn’t lamenting the state of mind of the judge who did so. No, rather he’s lamenting the astonishing rot that has metastasized in Europe and is eating away at the West’s very will to exist.

    These things are all interconnected, but it’s nuanced, and perhaps that is far, far beyond your capacity to comprehend.

  1129. @Jonathan Revusky

    In case you missed it earlier

    QUOTE First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. ……………

    I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. END QUOTE

  1130. renfro says:

    I basically agree with that but don’t know as much as others do probably because I’ve never had a job or ever even applied for a job. Not that I didn’t work for 42 years but I had my own businesses since college.

    I think there needs to be a expiration date on Affirmation Action. I am sure whites have been passed over for “diversity’. In fact I had a secretary once who before she applied to me applied for a office job at a food production company and was told she had to be able to speak Spanish to qualify (because so many employees were Mexican). This was back in 1994. So its gotten to the point in even smaller local environs you are disqualified by the larger corps there if you cant speak Spanish?

    Where I see the most objectionable AA is in government hiring, local, state and federal….they have the largest collection of unqualified for their jobs blacks and now other minorities who can barely speak English… useless and just collecting paychecks.

    I think now blacks have ruined themselves and things for other blacks with BLM and the militant attitudes and ass showing the past several years……so I think some employers might be leery of young blacks unless they know enough about them to know they aren’t in the militant crowd.
    In my business I hired as much on “attitudes” as experience because the job can be taught but a bad attitude can affect the job.

  1131. Anon[710] • Disclaimer says:

    So basically Siliconitwit elites are powerful, well-meaning putzes who just don’t get out much?

    Interesting. That makes ’em sorta like Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, and the other Ancien Regime rogues and roués. How’d things turn out for them?

    Zucky and others can snark “Let them eat cake!” all they want. Unless they wake up, put on brakes, and redirect their cyber-juggernauts, a tipping point WILL be reached.

  1132. Alden says:

    This thread is like a 5 day fireworks explosion with comments splattering all over the place.
    Congratulations Ron on getting a lot of comments

    • LOL: Ron Unz
  1133. SZ says:
    @jhan gives many results that google hides. FYI.

  1134. Rurik says:

    Yes, I’d happily agree that we agree on most issues, and your contributions to this site have been a pleasure to read.

    But listen, NONE of the things you said have any bearing on US imperialism, including the havoc it has been causing Latin American countries for so long and how this is inevitably linked to immigration.

    I suspect that most of the havoc that ZUS imperialism has wreaked south of the border, has been largely the work of Goldman Sach-type of vulture capitalism. Loaning money at interest, and then using that leverage to loot the wealth and resources.

    Right now Venezuela is reeling. I suspect in large part due to ZUS treachery. But I put that down to Venezuelan politicians being outspoken against the ruling scum of the ZUS regime. They’re being made an example of, as a warning to the next Latin American rulers who might feel tempted to question the Eternal Wars, or droning weddings in Third World nations.

    But I confess I don’t know for sure all the intrigues and forces at work down there.

    The only thing I’m absolutely certain of, is that the suffering in Venezuela is not the fault of your typical American working schlep.

    As for the ZUS causing all the immigration with it’s ravages south of the border, I can tell you I’ve been to several Latin American countries and Caribbean countries and I’ve seen the abject poverty and the corruption.

    What those people need is Norplant and a guillotine for their corrupt ruling classes.

    As long as they’re desperately poor, and their countries are hopelessly corrupt, they’re going to want to leave. And I don’t blame them. But it isn’t the fault of the typical American on the street that things are the way they are.

    IOW I suspect I have far more contempt for the rulers of the ZUS than even you do. It’s true they didn’t drone my wedding, but they drone other people’s in my name, and do all manor of evil and perfidy with my taxes and under the cloak of my country’s (now utterly negated) ‘moral authority’.

    I hate it that my nation is rightly and understandably hated the world over. But few people I’m aware of hate the ZUS government more than I do.

    • Replies: @Art
  1135. Art says:

    you accept that young males are responsible for a hugely disproportionate percentage of any ethnic group’s crime rate?

    Identity politics will destroy America’s governments. We are headed for identities vs. the whole.

    Crime committed by Mexican immigrants is a side issue. The real issue is defending American democracy against the Jewish led left. Mexicans vote for only one party. Identity politics is not about doing right and wrong – it is about raw voting numbers and power over government.

    California is a one-party state – Mexicans have tipped voting to where no Republican can hold office.

    The federal government is next! When Mexicans turn Texas, Florida, and Nevada over to the Democrats, we will have no democracy. A one-party state is not a democracy. America will only elect Democrat presidents.

    Do not be side tracked – the problem is real.

  1136. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:


    South Africa is just one of the many canaries in the coal mines. Every no-go zone in a white country is a gentle sign of what’s to come if we don’t wake up fully, soon.

    • Agree: Rurik
  1137. Gee Mr. Unz, do not let us take you away from your ‘software work’. Methinks that you are one more aging pseudo-white guy (jews are not white) who fears losing his cushy sinecure on the Interwebs and who fears he has tread too far outside The Jew Matrix’s Narrative and who does not want to be marginalized from the Internet by his younger and clueless fellow Tribesmen. Thus your little screed about us evil white Alt-Righters–you know, the guys whose fore-fathers founded, tamed, and built America and who went to war to do Israel’s and the jews’ dirty work in WWI, WWII, and the Mid-East hell-holes. But, do not let us take you away from your software work.

  1138. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    Identity politics will destroy America’s governments. We are headed for identities vs. the whole.

    Interestingly enough, that’s virtually impossible in racially homogeneous countries.

    Ask Soros. He’s getting kicked-out from every nation that supports nationalism.

  1139. geokat62 says:

    … if the blacks of South Africa do actually carry out their threats to start slaughtering the whites, and England and the West do nothing to assist them, or even allow them refugee status, then that would bode very ominous for the white residents of England proper…

    Why, the kosher-approved PM is ready to assist them the best she can. Just watch:

    Theresa May backs ANC land grab in South Africa

    In the dispute over land reform in South Africa, British Prime Minister Theresa May has backed the government. Britain stands behind the land grab in South Africa, she told the ANC government.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
    , @Rurik
  1140. dfordoom says: • Website

    A demand for ethnic distance and separation is not supremacism but nationalism.

    It’s true that in theory at least demands for ethnic distance/separation do not necessarily imply a belief in the superiority of one race over another.

    But if you spend more than 30 seconds at any website frequented by alt-righters or white nationalists or similar political subcultures you’re going to discover that a great many (not all but a great many) of the proponents of ethnic separation base their arguments on a belief in the superiority of the white race. You’ll encounter comments about ugly low-IQ mestizos and inbred low-IQ evil Muslims and you’ll encounter claims that the problems faced by blacks are entirely due to their genetic inferiority.

    There are perfectly respectable arguments that can be made in favour of ethnic separation, ethnostates, etc. Even using calm reasoned non-offensive arguments it would be a monumentally difficult argument to win. Once your supporters start throwing crude racial, ethnic and religious insults around your credibility goes out the window, people dismiss you as a lunatic or a Nazi and stop listening to you and the chances of winning your argument decline to approximately zero. And it becomes impossible even for much more moderate arguments to get a hearing.

    Whether the objectives of the alt-right or the white nationalists are desirable or realistic is not the point. The point is that their political strategies have been catastrophically stupid. They have played into the hands of our enemies. They have made a bad situation much worse. They have made it very difficult for any sensible nationalist movement to gain allies.

    Whether they are white supremacists or not a lot of these people sound like white supremacists, and that’s all our enemies need. If you want to lose keep talking about HBD and IQ, keep talking about how pathetic and dumb and ugly you think non-white people are, and final defeat is just about guaranteed. If you want to make it certain, keep talking about how much you hate Jews and how how Hitler did nothing wrong.

  1141. Art says:

    I suspect that most of the havoc that ZUS imperialism has wreaked south of the border, has been largely the work of Goldman Sach-type of vulture capitalism. Loaning money at interest, and then using that leverage to loot the wealth and resources.

    No doubt that the above is true – a past leader of Venezuela supported the Palestinians. Now all must starve.

    The mendacious Jews are all about payback – they have no empathy for the poor people of Venezuela.

    A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. In his pathological mind, he is always separate, paranoid, and superior to all the rest of humanity. This frees him to do wrong. He revels in victimhood.

  1142. Thomm says:

    There is a distinction between what the Govt. considered eligible for citizenship and voting, and what was socially and culturally believed.

    From Wikipedia :

    In certain parts of the South during the Jim Crow era, Southern Italians “occupied a racial middle ground within the otherwise unforgiving, binary caste system of white-over-black.” Though Italians were viewed as white for purposes of naturalization and voting, their social standing was that they represented a “problem at best.” Their racial status was impacted by their appearance and that they did not “act” white, engaging in manual labor ordinarily reserved for blacks. The trial of nineteen Italian immigrants for the murder of New Orleans police chief David Hennessy in 1890, which ended in the lynching of eleven of them by a white vigilante group, sparked debate in the press over Italians supposed racial characteristics. Italians continued to occupy a “middle ground in the racial order” through the 1920s.[82]:55–62

    More recent Finns were on several occasions “racially” discriminated against[76] and not seen as white, but “Asian”. The reasons for this were the arguments and theories about the Finns originally being of Mongolian instead of native European origin due to the Finnish language belonging to the Uralic and not the Indo-European language family.[77]

    Again, this is from Wikipedia. I wouldn’t put it past Runzie Baby to make a sweeping condemnation of all of Wikipedia based on it containing facts that he is in denial of.

  1143. Thomm says:

    how many times do you have to be told – JEWS ARE THE ONES WHO SAY THEY AREN’T WHITE

    WN merely take their word for it

    Tell this to Runzie Baby, not me. He is the one desperate to believe that Jews are seen as ‘white’.

    It doesn’t matter to me at all.

  1144. Anon[710] • Disclaimer says:

    >”they need to soft pedal the race aspects and turn to arguments that will increase their numbers”

    Yes, yes! ‘Cuz soft-pedaling is how Jeb got to be prez and not balls-to-the-wall Trump.


  1145. @dfordoom

    They must also accept the fact that Asians and Jews have a slightly higher IQ on average and this is a hard pill to swallow.

  1146. Thomm says:

    Whether the objectives of the alt-right or the white nationalists are desirable or realistic is not the point. The point is that their political strategies have been catastrophically stupid. They have played into the hands of our enemies. They have made a bad situation much worse. They have made it very difficult for any sensible nationalist movement to gain allies.

    Bingo. This is why I am so brutal on the idiots you mention, who should be referred to as ‘White Trashionalists’, given how they exemplify Dunning-Kruger in the extreme, and have very leftist economic views (as all untalented moochers do).

    They have done so much damage to the cause of mainstream whites, and are so lacking in the admirable traits that functional whites possess, that from an HBD perspective, they should fairly be seen as a defective subrace that has nothing in common with the functional white race (80%). They lack any and all desirable traits found in functional white people (brains, looks, character, ethics, wisdom).

    Regarding this defective subrace, the men become the White Trashionalists you refer to. The women become the fat bluehaired feminists.

  1147. Miro23 says:

    The real issue is defending American democracy against the Jewish led left. Mexicans vote for only one party. Identity politics is not about doing right and wrong – it is about raw voting numbers and power over government.

    This is a very important point, and it’s working away in the background, every year until Anglo America is permanently out. Permanent Hillary type rule of the “Deplorables” would likely target them much more intensively than at present, and they would have no political, MSM or legal defense (the Constitution has already proved itself to be worthless).

    The idea is to keep things running along until ethnic demography works its electoral magic.

    Tim Wise explains what he has in mind in his “Open Letter to the White Right”

    • Replies: @Art
  1148. Thomm says:

    Do a shot of tequila every time Unz says “I’m quite busy with my software work, and really didn’t have time to write this” and you’ll be over the legal limit in no time

    It all makes sense when you realize that moderation duties at TUR is this much-ballyhooed ‘important software work’.

  1149. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Whether they are white supremacists or not a lot of these people sound like white supremacists, and that’s all our enemies need. If you want to lose keep talking about HBD and IQ, keep talking about how pathetic and dumb and ugly you think non-white people are, and final defeat is just about guaranteed.

    That’s the whole point of, isn’t it? And to smear the opponents of white genocide as anti-Semites too. But where’s Wally, now we need an idiot to prove the point.

  1150. @Rurik

    You Europeans would be better looking at Detroit or other “rust-belt cities”.

    The Jews usually leave first. Their business are burned down in the riots and their kids do not want to run these businesses anyhow, having become doctors or lawyers.

    Next the middle-class white engineers and businessman leave. This happened in Detroit in the seventies.

    The Polish, a deeply entrenched urban white group, have more difficulty getting out. Their entire history is intertwined with a Detroit or Flint and their house is worth nothing. And often the older retirees cannot sell their houses, not worth much.

    But at that point, black crime is so high that any white WHO WANTS TO LIVE must move or they will be killed.

    So they move 40 miles away. Inner-city blacks have little initiative or money so whites need only move an hour away and they are safe. To drive from North Chicago to South Chicago is to drive from Zurich to Haiti.

    Because of impulse control problems and concubinage, black elected officials will embezzle money and public works money disappears. So the infrastructure collapses.

    Eventually, a city returns to the wild like Detroit.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1151. JackOH says:

    Well said, dfordoom. I believe affirmative action and Black Supremacism are identifiable evils in American society, and their ill consequences for everyone ought to be exposed through description and arguments that I’m foolish enough to believe are mainstreamable. But, indiscriminate Black- and Jew-bashing just isn’t helpful, and repels potential supporters in the major parties.

  1152. renfro says:

    Look at the numbers again. If we want to compare the ‘crime rate’ of the two groups..which I think is the point to be made.

    There are according to BOP 58,041 Hispanics in prison out of a US population of 58,000,000 million.
    There are 122,376 non Hispanic Whites in prison out of a US population of 197,285,202 million.
    So the incarceration or crime rate as percentage of their populations is lower for whites

    Then again there is that famous court system that does give whites who can hire lawyers more of the breaks, so who knows…..could be a lot of unpunished criminals running around…I only worry about the ones in Washington and Wall Street.

    • Replies: @anon
  1153. dfordoom says: • Website

    Say, “we” have, for just 6 months, access as TPTBs have to mass media; I am absolutely positive that the same people who believe in all this “diversity” will scream for deportations, assimilation, hard border control etc.

    Pretty much. The hardcore SJWs might not but that doesn’t matter. The power of the SJWs and the globalists comes from the fact that most regular folks go along with whatever the media and social media tells them is right and (more importantly) popular. If what the media and social media tells them is right and popular suddenly changes them most people’s views will change instantly to keep in step.

    And even the hardcore SJWs are driven to a very large degree by self-interest. Being a loyal SJW means you get to keep your job, you have a chance of promotion, you have status. If the scenario you outline came about then most of the fanatically SJW schoolteachers, university lecturers, bureaucrats, journalists, etc would immediately become fanatically anti-SJW.

  1154. notanon says:

    This theory very well could explain a lot about what we have been seeing in the US and Europe for the past few decades.

    also possibly of interest when looking at the collapsed empires of the past.

  1155. Alden says:

    Whoever repulsky is, he firmly believes that any arab, African or Muslim man in Europe has the absolute right to paw. Grab grope and vaginally, anally and orally rape any European man woman girl or boy from new born to 100 years old they can grab.

    In Repulsky’s opinion all European women from 9 months to 90 years dress like sluts even in January in Sweden and thus deserve to be raped and even murdered because the dress like sluts ( That’s also the opinion of most of the elderly conservative codgers on the site.)
    Repulsky claims every European male raped and or groped and pawed is gay and invites it.

    Repulsky holds the Muslim male view that men are helpless to control their sex impulses when confronted with the sight of toddlers children and adults in swim suits.

    Try and ignore him. Maybe he’ll go away

  1156. notanon says:

    Perhaps the chief manifestation of this weakness is the difficulty shown in making compelling moral arguments.

    this is just a possibility to consider – maybe their moral arguments are compelling but not to sociopaths – maybe they roll right off those dudes.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1157. dfordoom says: • Website

    However, if the government won’t stop illegal immigration, what chance do we have of stopping all immigration? You have to do things step by step.

    Sadly you’re totally and completely wrong about that. Take a look at Australia. Our government did stop illegal immigration. And all the cucks and all the anti-immigrationists cheered and cheered. And immigration ceased to be a political issue. It just disappeared from the political agenda.

    While these poor saps were busy cheering the same government was busy going full speed ahead with massive levels of legal immigration. Our current immigration levels are terrifying. They make U.S. immigration levels seem modest.

    And nobody talks about immigration here any more. It’s a non-issue.

    In this case doing things step by step is a recipe for certain defeat.

    • Replies: @MarkinLA
    , @anon
  1158. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    since so many of the agitated rightwingers here believe that I’m a dreadful liar


    1) immigrant populations have a higher crime rate than their home population cos disproportionately young male is the only thing necessary to make a purely arithmetical, non-racial point).

    2) the liberal-left media-political class, either through being innumerate or actively dishonest refuse to accept the truth and put pressure on the police to deny reality.

    3) senior police officers don’t want their careers destroyed by media accusations of racism for doing their job – so they stop doing their job.

    4) every police station in the western world which covers a high immigration area eventually gets a sergeant whose sole job is to downgrade crime reports: aggravated assaults to assaults, simple assaults to the trash bin etc.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @Ron Unz
  1159. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    Daily Stormer

    the DS is a strange beast – originally i thought the tone was designed to drive people away from the right wing but it seems to do the opposite (unless their audience is mostly Jews going to feed their paranoia?)

    i wonder if this is because young white kids are being immunized to overt racial animosity by the anti-white hatred they get from their SJW teachers in school?

    The wall is largely a symbolic gesture in the larger scheme of things

    he’s clearly correct that stopping one avenue of easy illegal immigration will not solve the problem of excessive immigration via many other avenues but the symbolic battle over the wall is the venue for the battle of ideas on this issue.

    • Replies: @JLK
  1160. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    one day white farmers in California will get the same treatment as white farmers in Zimbabwe.

    in fact i’d expect the idea to start leaking out of the more extreme multicult circles within the next few years.

  1161. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Who cares whether immigrants are more or less criminal than the indigenous population. South Africa a black country with a high crime rate nevertheless treats its relatively law abiding European population with contempt, and is successfully driving Europeans abroad.

    The important issue to most Americans is whether they wish a radical change in the racial composition of the population as the result of immigration. The answer, from a large majority is, pretty certainly (has anyone relevant poll data), no, as is the case in, for example, Britain where multiple opinion surveys over many years have shown a huge majority against large scale immigration.

    • Replies: @notanon
    , @Miro23
  1162. notanon says:

    Crime committed by Mexican immigrants is a side issue.

    right and people can end up going down a single tracked rabbit hole on it but the issue can also be used to point out that the media-political class lie about everything related to race and immigration which when you ask “why are they all lying?” eventually leads to the core issue(s).

    (which imo are a combination of cultural Marxist brain-washing from the “Left” and big money corruption from the “Right”)

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Ron Unz
  1163. JLK says:

    the DS is a strange beast – originally i thought the tone was designed to drive people away from the right wing but it seems to do the opposite (unless their audience is mostly Jews going to feed their paranoia?)

    It’s currently ranked #6760 in the US according to Alexa, not exactly a juggernaut. Unless they’re lying.

    Link: Everything is Fake

    • Replies: @notanon
  1164. @Colin Wright

    Holocaust denial is a pejorative term based in mysticism. You could just as easily be called a Holocaust promoter.
    Aside from the fact that there is not one iota of forensic evidence to support the narrative, any factual challenge to the narrative quickly exposes the impossibility of the narrative. The late Robert Faurisson’s decades old challenge – “Show me or draw for me a homicidal gas chamber” has never been met.
    I would encourage you to read the transcripts of the Zundel trials and in particular, the cross examination of Holocaust “survivors”, like Rudolf Vrba, the serial perjurer whose hearsay evidence was the basis of the judicial notice at Nuremberg, and “experts” like Raul Hilberg. They and their ilk were completely discredited. On the other hand two Jews testified for Zundel saying therewere no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, and Charles Biedermann of the ICRC produced documentation of camp inspections and testified that the ICRC delivered packages to Jews in the camps. Hilberg refused to testify at Zundel’s second trial, and made several revisions to his book after his discrediting.
    My father and four uncles were in the RCAF during WWII. An aunt was an Army OR nurse. I grew up with kids whose fathers served, and some of them were POWs. None of them bought into the narrative. The only one of that generation that I met who believed it, was a grade 11 history teacher, who was a drunk.
    Think about it Colin. Why would Elie Wiesel’s father be in a hospital if the “death camps” were there to kill all the Jews? Why would Wiesel and his father choose to go with the “murdering” camp guards rather than be “liberated” by the Soviets? Why was there a library, theatre, and brothel for prisoners at a “death camp”? Your leap of faith is admirable, but illogical.

    • Agree: Miro23
    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @anarchyst
  1165. anon[335] • Disclaimer says:


    There are perfectly respectable arguments that can be made in favour of ethnic separation, ethnostates, etc.

    Such as?

    • Replies: @Miro23
    , @dfordoom
  1166. MarkinLA says:

    Our government did stop illegal immigration. And all the cucks and all the anti-immigrationists cheered and cheered. And immigration ceased to be a political issue. It just disappeared from the political agenda.

    Nobody can know who is wrong or right. Austrailia isn’t the US so that proves nothing. At least start with illegal immigration instead of doing nothing.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1167. I just recently read Wiesel’s book about his stay in the Auschwitz camps.
    Flabbergasted about how he’s a holocaust denier, in fact.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Anonymous
  1168. notanon says:

    Who cares whether immigrants are more or less criminal than the indigenous population

    sure, being replaced is the key issue and being replaced by a higher crime or a lower crime population comes to the same thing in the end.

    the value in the debate is in showing how our corrupt media-political class lie about everything connected to race and immigration.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1169. notanon says:

    it’s not really my thing so i don’t know – though i could easily imagine the entire US media reading it daily

  1170. Miro23 says:

    Say, “we” have, for just 6 months, access as TPTBs have to mass media; I am absolutely positive that the same people who believe in all this “diversity” will scream for deportations, assimilation, hard border control etc.

    I also believe that, but see it more as self interest than stupidity (although I have met some dopes who have lectured me about the serious problem of “Russian hacking”).

    Self interest in day to day interactions is very important. People are social, and exclusion impacts everything from work to relationships. If it’s necessary to say that the Moon is Made of Cheese, 95% of people will comply if it gets them ahead in work or socially, and it turns into a meaningless ritual.
    Having spoken to people who went through the Soviet education system (very good), they hated the obligatory classes on Marxism, but laughed about them in private, while they tuned in to Western music stations.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @Anonymous
  1171. @Deschutes

    ‘…My point in mentioning this history is that most Americans don’t know the history of the American southwest, and that Mexicans were here first, well before Americans. All of the names are Spanish: San Francisco, Los Angeles, California, Colorado, El Paso, Santa Fe, etc. So they are not ‘immigrants’ in fact. The Spanish speakers were here first. English speakers came much later (and then fucked everything up).’

    This is incredibly ignorant. It’s depressing that you’ve been led to believe this bears any resemblance to the truth.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1172. @Anon


    Where is your foundation for your assertion? Cite your reasoning. I’d…’

    Arguing with Okechukwu is like trying to reason with a barking dog.

    It’s a pointless activity. He’s really stupid.

  1173. @jilles dykstra

    If you meant Wiesel’s book, “Night”, you may wonder why in the original edition of that book, Wiesel did not mention Gas Chambers at Auschwitz. Instead, he claims Jews were thrown alive into flaming trenches. (Jewish babies were furnished with their own pyres.) Folks may not have heard that an Auschwitz Jewish inmate was in the process of revealing Wiesel as an impostor . He states he knew the Jewish man who was tattooed with the number Wiesel claimed was his identification. Wiesel never revealed his tattoo.

  1174. @Curmudgeon

    Since the Zundel Trial and appeal, Holocaust officials have refused to debate learned revisionists on the topic. Instead, they’re working with U.S. Federal and International Agencies to outlaw Revisionism, and jail anyone who “Denies” the Holocaust. (All this occurs while their ADL/ACLU/Supreme Court Jews campaign to Separate Church and State….)

  1175. Miro23 says:

    The important issue to most Americans is whether they wish a radical change in the racial composition of the population as the result of immigration. The answer, from a large majority is, pretty certainly (has anyone relevant poll data), no, as is the case in, for example, Britain where multiple opinion surveys over many years have shown a huge majority against large scale immigration.

    The problem is in converting the national will into action. Trump was elected to do something about it, and it was the decisive issue in the Brexit referendum vote, but both are being blocked by high level deception and interference (and maybe the main actors themselves – Trump and May) + a tame and hostile MSM.

  1176. anon[380] • Disclaimer says:


    And nobody talks about immigration here any more. It’s a non-issue.

    Because no public figure is game to make it an issue for fear of being shouted down, doxxed, and having their career destroyed.
    The last public figure to question the levels of Asian immigration to Australia was Professor Geoffrey Blainey of the University of Melbourne, in 1984.
    The result was:

    Blainey and his family were subject to threats of violence, prompting him at the police’s request to remove his name and address from the public telephone book and organise security for his home. According to fellow historian Keith Windschuttle: “The immediate consequence of all this was that Blainey, easily Australia’s best and most prolific living historian, was effectively silenced from speaking at his own university…. This violation of academic freedom, clearly the worst in Australian history, provoked no protest at all from the university’s academic staff association, nor from the university council, let alone his own departmental colleagues.
    From Wikipedia

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @anon
    , @dfordoom
  1177. Miro23 says:

    There are perfectly respectable arguments that can be made in favour of ethnic separation, ethnostates, etc.

    Such as?

    To use a metaphor:

    A street of private houses, each one with a family living in it. They say “Good Morning”, some neighbours are more friendly that others, but they generally respect each other and pay taxes to keep the street tidy and have the rubbish collected.

    Sometimes one family will socially visit another in their home, or through marriage a family member may move permanently into another house.

    What they don’t do is, 1) break in through a back door and squat in a neighbour’s house until the neighbour’s family accept them in desperation 2) go on a visit and decide that it’s such a nice house that they’re going to stay there permanently 3) enter the house on the invitation of a dissident teenager who aims to throw out his own parents.

  1178. Willem says:

    Interesting comment.

    A) you misquoted me
    B) you think I am a Muslim immigrant

    Ad A) please read what was written and do not misquote me
    Ad B) Don’t you know that you do not know me, and that your simple allegation: ‘person talks with Muslims and doesn’t speak ill of them, ergo this person must be a Muslim immigrant’, speaks volumes about who you are and what you think?

    Some free advice
    1) ‘We are what we pretend to be, so we better be careful what we pretend to be’ (that was the lovely Kurt Vonnegut)
    2) Put your prejudice to the test, talk with Muslims, make up your own mind as to whether they are as awful as you think they are, or if this idea of you that you have aboutyslims is just an illusion that makes you scared and stupid.
    3) Listen to what Roger Hogdson has to tell you, in the following song

    Just listen to Hodgson, and then call me whatever.

  1179. dfordoom says: • Website

    Austrailia isn’t the US so that proves nothing. At least start with illegal immigration instead of doing nothing.

    Politicians are the same everywhere. And a good con will work just as well in one country as another. The whole “let’s focus on illegal immigration” thing is a three-card trick and the suckers fall for it every time.

  1180. peterAUS says:

    ….but see it more as self interest…

    Well…I don’t. I’d prefer that for sure, but, I believe the problem is worse.

    They ….do….not….think……or, at least, they, majority, don’t think about issues, concepts…anything abstract. Their thinking is all about material world, status, stuff like that. For those higher things, they have somebody else to think for them and tell them what and how to think.

    Ages ago I stopped speaking with those types about such issues. Takes me, no false modesty based on experience, around 3o seconds to get who I am speaking with, in real life. It’s simple: you say something abstract about society, economy, whatever…and you see eyes glazing and the person instantly changing topic. Sometimes almost as you said nothing.

    And….the best part. Education and/or status/position have nothing to do with it. You can have PhD as drone and semi literate peasant as a wise man.

    So, to reiterate: with those people it’s not about understanding and calculated response. It’s about soaking up the prevalent perception and living based on it.

    That’s why TPTBs are so careful about preserving their hold on mass media. Hehe…they know people better than we do, apparently.
    Makes you think, a?

    Anyway, my take on the topic.

  1181. @Colin Wright

    Edward H. Spicer, ‘Cycles of Conquest, The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States of the Southwest’, 1533 – 1960′, Tucson, 1962, 1970

    Cannot see that english speakers fucked up more than spanish speakers.
    And of course the spanish speakers were not first, the Southwest was inhabited already.

  1182. dfordoom says: • Website

    There are perfectly respectable arguments that can be made in favour of ethnic separation, ethnostates, etc.

    Such as?

    Diversity. If you want actual cultural diversity you need to have separate countries for separate cultures. If you insist on mixing people of different cultures together you end up with a single culture and that culture will be basically the dominant U.S. culture. So if you want Mexicans to be able to enjoy their own rich culture they are better off staying in Mexico. If you want Somalians to enjoy their own fabulous vibrant culture then you need to keep them out of the U.S. where their culture will be swamped. We need to discourage people from other cultures from coming to our country but we need to discourage them for their own good, to save their cultural heritages.

    I think that argument has a better chance of being listened to than, “I think we should keep Mexicans out because they’re dirty and smelly and ugly and really dumb.”

    Another argument is social cohesion. All cultures are equally fabulous and equally valid and equally virtuous but some are just not compatible with each other. That causes tensions and it hurts everybody. To save Mexicans/Somalians/whatever from being hurt by these cultural tensions they should be encouraged to stay in their own countries.

    I think that argument is more likely to be listened to than, “I think we should keep Mexicans out because they’re all thieves and murderers and rapists.”

    So there’s two arguments to start with.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  1183. Alden says:

    You really don’t know the history of the Southwest at all you ignoramus.

    Texas was part of Mexico for only 16 years, New Mexico. Arizona, Nevada and California were part of Mexico for only 26 years. That’s too short a time for any revanchist claims.

    All the Hispanic Mexicans living in the southwest in 1836 and 1848 including the Mexican viceroy , most Mexican government officials and military and their descendants stayed in the southwestern American states.

    Again, you are an ignoramus. Even Wikipedia is more informed than you.

  1184. Alden says:

    Spain held the area for 200 years before the very very ill advised, ( and British instigated) 182o revolution against Spain.

    Your argument leads to the revanchist right of White European Spain, not Hispanic Indians to take over the south west.

    During the same time Spain colonized the south west, it ruled Sicily, southern Italy. What’s now belgium, parts of the Netherlands and big parts of what’s now Germany

    From 1519 to 1554 Spain ruled all of Italy but the Popes territories around Rome and Venice, Hungary Austria slovokia Czech Republic most of what’s now Germany NetherlandsSwitzerland, Belgium part of Denmark bits of Northern and southern France ; pretty much all of continental Europe but France Poland and Russia

    Should Spain get those countries back because it once ruled them???? Should Spain get its former American colonies back because they once ruled them? ???

    Should France get Canada back because France once ruled Canada???? Should Britian get their 13 American colonies back??? Should Spain get Florida back??? Should America England and Spain fight over the 1/3 if America that was once the Louisiana territory of France, then split between Spain and England then the southern section back to France and then to America ??

    By your logic, 1/3 of America should go back to France because France was there first.

  1185. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    Well maybe they’re trash, or maybe they’re just good people pursuing their own legitimate economic interest.

    True enough. There’s no good reason to disparage immigrants as being “trash.”

  1186. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    This separation ploy between Jews and Gentiles

    What precisely is the “ploy”?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1187. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    Having spoken to people who went through the Soviet education system (very good), they hated the obligatory classes on Marxism, but laughed about them in private, while they tuned in to Western music stations.

    Western music is trash.

  1188. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    sure, being replaced is the key issue and being replaced by a higher crime or a lower crime population comes to the same thing in the end.

    Why does “being replaced” matter, as long as it is done non-violently?

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @notanon
  1189. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    I just recently read Wiesel’s book about his stay in the Auschwitz camps.
    Flabbergasted about how he’s a holocaust denier, in fact.

    Which book? What did he write that denied the Holocaust?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1190. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    when you ask “why are they all lying?” eventually leads to the core issue(s).

    What is that pathway exactly?

    • Replies: @notanon
  1191. Alden says:

    Nixon’s original 1970 executive order creating the Hispanic affirmative action category and subsequent EEOC regulations and court rulings specifically excluded Portugul and its former colonies from the Hispanic adfjrmatuve action category.

    EEOC regulations and court orders decided that Hispanic means anyone with a Spanish last name.

    This includes the Danish German English French King of Spain, black African Panamanian descendants of Carribean islanders recruited to work on the canal , and Moroccan Arab Berber or black who has a Spainish last name all
    Indians metizos and Whites of Latin America with a Spanish last name and any woman who squires a Spanish last name thru marriage. Decades ago some women born with Spanish last names made a fuss about White women aquiring Spanish last names thru marriage but the EEOC ignored it

    Do some non internet research before blathering away about White hispanics and metizos. All the EEOC and judicial
    genicidal anti White rapists care about is the last name.

    Portugual and it’s former colonies were excluded from the Hispanic category in 1970. In practice, few know the difference especially the black EEOC workers.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Alden
  1192. Bukowski says:

    Amazon engages in censorship despite the claim by Jeff Bezos when he started the company that he was open to all points of view.

  1193. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The Jews usually leave first. Their business are burned down in the riots and their kids do not want to run these businesses anyhow, having become doctors or lawyers.

    Are you saying that Jews are the glue that holds the society together? Once they leave, things go to pot.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1194. Anonymous[339] • Disclaimer says:

    Whether they are white supremacists or not a lot of these people sound like white supremacists, and that’s all our enemies need. If you want to lose keep talking about HBD and IQ, keep talking about how pathetic and dumb and ugly you think non-white people are, and final defeat is just about guaranteed.


    But dfordoom, what alternative do you suggest? What positive advice do you have?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1195. Miro23 says:

    Crime committed by Mexican immigrants is a side issue. The real issue is defending American democracy against the Jewish led left. Mexicans vote for only one party. Identity politics is not about doing right and wrong – it is about raw voting numbers and power over government.

    And there’s a historic aspect to Jewish pro-immigration activism.

    For centuries, European Jews lived as a minority in closed religious communities with specific rights and prohibitions within Gentile host societies.

    Their main historic residence was the extensive Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where they undertook money lending, estate management, commerce, tax collection and inn keeping, finding a social position somewhere between the gentry and the peasantry (not greatly loved by either), but there was a general acceptance of the situation, and respect for differing roles. From the Jewish POV it was “Po-lin” (“Here you shall rest”).

    The October 1917 Russian Bolshevik coup changed everything, and was a watershed moment.

    Jews realized that they could (through deception) take power over a Gentile majority, and to worldwide Jewish celebration, the Bolsheviks ferociously attacked the ethnic Russian and Ukrainian population. In fact, it was so inspirational, that it led to copycat Jewish led coups in Germany (1919 Rosa Luxemburg, Berlin, “Spartacist” uprising + 1919 Eugen Levine, Munich, “Bavarian Soviet Republic”). In the event these failed, but Bela Kun’s (Kohn) Hungarian coup succeeded ( at least for 133 days) and he instituted the 100% Jewish led “Hungarian Soviet Republic” which launched the Red Terror against the Hungarians. He was defeated (by Romanian military intervention), and fled to the Ukraine, where he joined Bolshevik colleagues in the Crimea, and with his lover Rozalia Zemliachka personally participated in the sadistic murder of 50,000 White officer prisoners (with Lenin’s approval). Apart from other inventions, they were tied in pairs to planks and burned alive in furnaces; or drowned in barges (source, “Stalin and his Hangmen: The Tyrant and Those Who killed for Him” by Donald Rayfield – a useful well researched book).

    The point is, that Jews in a society, with a primary loyalty to their own Jewish community, can either opt for “Po-lin” (peaceful minority co-existence) or Bolshevism (try for absolute power through deception – cemented by state violence).

    The question is, which variant are Jewish nationalists (Zionists) operating in the US?

    Zionists may not be the majority of American Jews, but the influential Neocon minority are Zionists, and the evidence is that they want to politically take control of the United States. It can be done by deception and control of the power structure (Congress, FED, MSM etc), but also Democratically by permanently excluding the (current) Anglo-European majority from power using the lever of mass Latino immigration.

    In other words they are opting to take the Bolshevik variant.

  1196. Alden says:

    Just thought of something. The king and queen of Spain are not eligible for Hispanic classification in the United States. Because their last name is French.

  1197. @Jonathan Revusky

    And you really should finally try to get it through your skull that there is no rape epidemic going on in Sweden or Germany

    Hahaha… Got any evidence for this assertion, or just unhinged vitriol?

    Most of the evidence points to the contrary regarding violent crime (including presumably rape) even from the xenophillic BBC

    “Bar a blip in the mid-2000s, overall crime has been decreasing in Germany since the early 1990s.

    But that changed in 2015 – about the same time hundreds of thousands of refugees began entering the country.”

    The clue is in the cover up…

    Oh… and as for talking to the inhabitants about how doubleplusgood life is, the Google Analytics for searches on acquiring flare guns and other weapons says otherwise.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1198. @Anonymous

    Elie Wiesel, ‘La Nuit’, 1958, 2007
    Main things:
    He writes that he never saw a gas chamber, just saw the chimneys of the Birkenau crematoria.
    He acknowledges the autonomous camp management, that ate well, so well that they always were in good health.

  1199. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Go mastrubate by yourself and stop inflicting your fantasies about women begging to be raped by you.

    You’re too shy and cowardly to get in line at a crowded place and do some grabbing and rubbing so you fantasize about doing it

    • Troll: Jonathan Revusky
  1200. Alden says:

    So you want a lot of Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana blacks in your state?????

    I don’t want them in mine.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  1201. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Rape rape rape rape rape rape that’s all you ever post about. Go jack off in private or on the play ground of the nearest school but stop posting your rape fantasies.

  1202. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Now I understand why there’s 1,100 plus comments on this thread. Half are Repulsive’s rape rape rape rape comments

  1203. Alden says:

    The pilgrims weren’t Christians. The basis of Christianity is that Jesus is both God and man and the son of the mean old Jewish god the father and the human mother the Virgin Mary

    The pilgrims always firmly denied the virgin conception and birth and that Jesus was god The pilgrims considered Jesus to be 100 percent human conceived by a human man and woman in the normal way

    The pilgrims ignored Jesus, hated Mary and worshipped only the mean old jehovah of the Jews.

    I know all about my 13th great parents wanna be Jew religion

    You don’t

    Post all the links you want. The pilgrims weren’t Christians and were proud of it. They left both England and Netherlands because they hated Christianity so much.

  1204. @Monolith351

    And you really should finally try to get it through your skull that there is no rape epidemic going on in Sweden or Germany

    Hahaha… Got any evidence for this assertion, or just unhinged vitriol?

    Look, first of all, in a sane world, the onus of proof is on the people saying there is a rape epidemic to prove that there is, not for me to prove that there isn’t. Like, people can tell any ridiculous story and it’s true if I can’t disprove it. No dice.

    But, look, it’s perfectly clear that there is no rape epidemic. There is a pretty good poster on quora from Germany who went through the official data and provided the links here:

    There were 7,345 sexual assault and rape cases reported in all of Germany in 2014 and there were 7,919 reported cases in 2016. Okay, that’s an increase, but it’s probably within the range of random variations that could occur year to year for a variety of imponderable reasons. By no reasonable definition does that constitute a “rape epidemic”.

    In 2017, the overall crime statistics in Germany (not just rapes and such, but everything, I guess) was at a multi-decade low, the lowest it had been since 1992.

    So, in Germany, a country that never was a high crime place anyway (at least not in my lifetime!) crime levels are currently at a 25-year low. At least according to all the official statistics…

    Okay, I anticipate that this is how the conversation develops from here. I anticipate you’ll say that there really is a crime wave and raping all over the place and the authorities are covering it all up. Yeah, sure, Germany is such a corrupt country that the local police are covering up the crime wage everywhere. Well, I don’t think so, but fine, then what next happens is that I’ll ask you what your proof of the story is…

    And then…. your proof of the story will be to repeat the story.

    That’s how this always develops and I figure I can just save us both time by outlining it in advance. We can just pretend that we already had the above conversation and save the time… you know… spend some more quality time with our kids… whatever…

    Ron Unz says that you guys don’t know these things because you are “lazy”. I say it’s because you don’t care about the truth anyway. I mean, you guys just don’t care. You guys just talk shit and don’t care whether it’s true or not.

    Well, maybe I’m wrong about that and Ron Unz is right, it’s just “laziness”. Okay, fine. At the end of the day, what does it matter anyway?

  1205. @Jonathan Revusky

    Yeah, sure, Germany is such a corrupt country that the local police are covering up the crime wage everywhere. Well, I don’t think so, but fine, then what next happens is that I’ll ask you what your proof of the story is…

    What is corrupt ?
    There is little doubt that German border control at the Austrian border was orally given orders to let any immigrant through.
    How does one prove the oral orders ?

    Who does not follow Merkel’s orders is fired immediately, such aa the member of the Board of the Bundesbank Sarrazin, when his book was published in which he argues how immigration destroys Germany.

    Same with rape and assault by Muslims in Germany.
    All of a sudden this kind of news disappeared, except in articles of small circulation, and on some websites, such aa Die Achse des Guten, where also Sarrazin writes articles.

    As you see, the perfidious Dutch even organise fake demonstrations against fake assaults on women in Rotterdam..

    You seem to have no idea, or deny, the influence of authorities, on what is published, on what is recorded.
    Here in the Netherlands it was denied that statistics existed about crime by immigrants.
    Just by suing the police they had to admit they had the facts, ‘but they were recorded in a separate system’, nevertheless, the newspaper, Telegraaf, got them.

    The ruling oligarchy hates Telegraaf.
    In France something similar, the Yellow Vests trying to storm BFM tv headquarters for under reporting numbers of demonstrators.

    So, what exactly is the truth, w’ll never know
    But there is little doubt for me that Muslim behavious towards unaccompanied women differs much in the different European countries with Muslims.
    It is the same as in Muslim countries, but there women never are on the street unaccompanied.

  1206. Anonymous[223] • Disclaimer says:

    Haha. Well said.

  1207. @Ron Unz

    Of course, just given the assumption that you were making a logically valid point…. Can AA still advance me to Grade 8 in 2019 please? Steve S tells me that’s all I need to stay on track for the first in family jock scholarship 😉

  1208. Anwar says:

    “Saudis who own twitter…” Saudis don’t control it. If the Kashoggi murder is any indication, the Saudis were grilled on all social platforms with almost the same intensity, including Twitter. You got to refine your thoughts a little further. I hope you don’t also subscribe to Alex’s Jones “Saudis control Hollywood” notion. The Kashoggi affair put all that to rest.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1209. @Anonymous

    Once the inner-city merchants leave, things go to pot, be these merchants Koreans or Jews or Indian.

    To some degree the merchants bring it on themselves for behaving with utter contempt and racism towards blacks while taking their money.

    The worst relationship was probably between blacks and Koreans.

  1210. @Jonathan Revusky


    What is overlooked is that crime in Germany ebbed a bit after the huge US bases were dismantled. US GI’s always committed their fair share of petty, and sometimes serious, crime.

    Jeffrey Dahmer, for instance, raped two fellow soldiers in Germany and may have committed several homicides while stationed in Germany as combat medic.

    The worse offenders were black GI’s.

  1211. @anon

    It was indeed shocking the way that relative pygmies at a top university bullied their internationally esteemed colleague Prof Geoffrey Blainey but far from this having a lasting effect of silencing people it may even help to build up resistance against the lefties. Certainly there have been several high profile figures calling for a reduction in net legal immigration of about one third. One former permanent head of the Treasury and National Party Senator Jihn Stone has been one of them. The populist Pauline Hanson is another.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @dfordoom
  1212. Ron Unz says:

    4) every police station in the western world which covers a high immigration area eventually gets a sergeant whose sole job is to downgrade crime reports: aggravated assaults to assaults, simple assaults to the trash bin etc.

    But that’s exactly why I emphasize that the analysis of homicide statistics is so helpful. It’s certainly possible for the authorities to suppress other types of crime reports and rape statistics are notoriously unreliable. However, dead bodies lying in the street have to be reported and hauled away. And the homicide rates in very heavily Hispanic/immigrant urban areas are just as low as all the other serious crimes.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1213. Ron Unz says:

    right and people can end up going down a single tracked rabbit hole on it but the issue can also be used to point out that the media-political class lie about everything related to race and immigration which when you ask “why are they all lying?” eventually leads to the core issue(s).

    But that’s exactly the point of my piece. In the case of these crime issues, the evidence is absolutely overwhelming that it’s the “Alt Right” which is lying (or more likely just confused about the facts). So the impact is just as devastating as you suggest, but it hits the *critics* of the media-political class leading sensible people to stop believing them about anything else, including matters where they might have a point.

    Given the overwhelming power of the Establishment, its critics are much less able to absorb such devastating defeats.

    My impression is that you’re a pretty smart and sensible guy, but I also have the impression that you’re European or British, so you may have a very distorted view of American reality. So although your generic-type arguments have some plausibility, they just don’t apply in this particular situation.

    Assuming you’re a foreigner, here’s a useful experiment I had already suggested upthread. The neo-Nazi Daily Stormer which you apparently visit regularly is obviously not PC and is ferociously hostile to immigrants, especially Hispanic ones. But they only very rarely have stories about Hispanics committing serious crimes, simply because these events are so unusual. I’d guess black criminals are featured 5-6x as frequently in major crime stories, which pretty roughly matches my own quantitative data.

    So those silly rightwingers accusing me of being a pro-Hispanic shill should probably level the same charges at the neo-Nazi Stormer.

  1214. @Jonathan Revusky

    Okay, that’s an increase

    7,919 rapes / 7,345 = +7.8%

    1 million refugees / population of Germany (82.67m) = +1.2%

    So, refugees increase the population by 1.2%, and rapes increase by 7.8%

    Stastistics are on the ‘pro’ side of the debate. Epidemic doesn’t have a defined numerical threshold. Maybe you would only be allowed to complain if there had been 10 million refugees and rapes increased by 78%

  1215. utu says:

    We all agree that the devil is not so black as he is painted but only Revusky and Ron Unz will conclude from it that he is not a devil.

  1216. Bob says:
    @Ron Unz

    How do you explain that the slope of the line for White in your graph almost exactly mirrors in reverse the slopes of the lines for Hispanic and Hispanic-Asian?

    The White Violent Crime Rate line is level when theirs are level and goes up when theirs go down and down when theirs go up. That looks like a possible, even probable, category error. As more Hispanic and Hispanic-Asians are categorized as White, White crime rates goes up while Hispanic and Hispanic-Asian crime rates go down.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1217. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Why does “being replaced” matter, as long as it is done non-violently?

    Tell us more about yourself Anonymous [339]. Your race; nationality; skin color; family status — do you have kids, is your spouse, if you have one, the same race as your own; and your education — do you for example see your own racial group, whatever it may be, as having a great cultural tradition, literary, artistic, scientific, or whatever., or do you see your own group as crap that might as well be flushed down the historical sewer. Tell us all that and we may have a better idea why you are indifferent to genocide so long as it is non-violent.

    You might also tell us how non-violent genocide can occur. I mean won’t anyone oppose it. And if there is no violent opposition, how is such a genocide possible without massive deception, and if there is massive brainwashing and deception is that itself a great evil?

  1218. IstvanIN says:

    I have been reading this site for quite sometime now and this is my first comment. The gist of the article is that our demographic displacement is OK? I am speechless.

  1219. @Hippopotamusdrome

    7,919 rapes / 7,345 = +7.8%

    1 million refugees / population of Germany (82.67m) = +1.2%

    So, refugees increase the population by 1.2%, and rapes increase by 7.8%

    Well, this is all pretty shoddy really. First of all, it has not really been demonstrated that the 7.8% increase is attributable to the refugees. Numbers can vary from year to year for imponderable reasons.

    But aside from that, your back of the envelope calculations are off. The number bandied about is that Merkel let in 1.6 million refugees, so that is more like +2% more or less.

    BUT… then a serious analysis has to take into account that the 1.6 million refugees are disproportionately young males compared to the German population as a whole, so probably, in terms of the age/gender demographic that has a propensity to commit these crimes, the increase in that population from the refugees was much more than 2%.

    I looked for data on this earlier as well and there was a leaked police report in early 2016, which I assume is valid.

    The report said that the refugees were 2% of the population but accounted for 3.6% of the “sex crimes”. (Not full-blown rapes. I don’t know the exact definition of “sex crime”.) So, on the face of it, they were doing 80% more of it relative to their numbers than the general German population was, but this is uncorrected for the age and gender composition of the refugees.

    My best guess, from those raw numbers, would be that the refugees are not committing sexual assaults or rapes at a higher rate than native Germans, if you correct for age/gender.

    Stastistics are on the ‘pro’ side of the debate. Epidemic doesn’t have a defined numerical threshold.

    Well, granted, there’s no exact numerical threshold, but people are claiming that Germany has become so dangerous that women are afraid to go out and stuff. Does that narrative correspond to a single digit percentage rise in the rate of these crimes?

    That doesn’t make any sense. Just think about it… Look, let’s say for the sake of argument that Germany, an extremely safe country, is 10x as safe as the United States. (Don’t quote me on that, it’s just a way of focusing the issue at hand…) Now, let’s suppose that the crime rate (rapes, whatever…) goes up by a whole 10%.

    Well, in that scenario, Germany is now “only” 9x as safe as the United States.

    Maybe you would only be allowed to complain if there had been 10 million refugees and rapes increased by 78%

    Well, hey, we live in a post-truth world. Why not say there are 100 million refugees and rapes increased by 780%? Why not say anything at all?

    Well, I guess the real problem is that you guys end up discrediting yourselves. The fact remains that any serious examination of the available data tells you that there is no crime wave taking place in Germany. Crime rates, generally, are at multi-decade lows apparently.

    Granted, most ordinary people don’t know the official statistics. They just go about their daily lives, right? But if you’re some regular German person who goes about his or her daily life and people are screaming that there is some rape epidemic or crime wave going on, and there is just no sign of it at all, what are you going to conclude?

    It’s like when people scream that the Muslims want to convert everybody to Islam but they have never been approached by a single Muslim missionary. When you’re pushing a narrative that just completely runs counter to what people see with their own two eyes, aren’t you putting yourself in a ridiculous position?

  1220. @CanSpeccy

    Tell us more about yourself Anonymous [339]. Your race; nationality; skin color; family status — do you have kids, is your spouse, if you have one, the same race as your own;

    Since you pose this question to others, I guess you have no trouble answering this yourself. What is your personal contribution to the perpetuation of the white race? How many white progeny have you gifted the world? (I mean, that you know of, obviously…)

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1221. Anonymous[332] • Disclaimer says:

    Right, and it’s much worse when we add up vibrants with a German passport. Some time ago, I’ve seen an official German crime stats report where half the Female Genital Mutilation cases came from

    It means that Mama Merkel can air-drop ten million passports on German cities and bring down immigrant crime rates to zero. Problem solved.

  1222. AaronB says:

    I was thinking earlier of the example of Japan. For instance, they generally appreciate white people, but they want to keep their Japanese identity.

    What reasons do they give themselves?

    Interestingly, their main reason is not practical. They have a mystical belief in their special identity.

    A secondary reason is social cohesion and a way of life that is hard to master, which are practical reasons.

    In the West only rational reasons carry any weight. Rational human beings cooperate for rational reasons. Ethnicity or culture do not create social cohesion. Reason does.

    A way of life is based on people following rational principles. Anyone can master this. It is not based on unconsciously absorbed culture that’s hard to master.

    IOW, Enlightenment cultures cannot justify immigration restriction except by rational and practical considerations, like crime.

    Because any rational person can join any society, culture and ethnicity can be celebrated because they are not important. They add color. Diversity is OK because ethnic and cultural identity don’t affect a persons ability to rationally join any society.

    IOW, Enlightenment cultures must undergo serious modification in favor of appreciating the granular “texture” of reality before they can understand a social model that takes into account ethnicity and culture.

    So right now there is a bind.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  1223. peterAUS says:

    The gist of the article is that our demographic displacement is OK?

    The only real game in all this world of politics. Demographics is destiny. Plus democracy, of course. Those two will, rather soon, make voting truly pointless experience for all “deplorables”.

    What happens when they realize that could be interesting. Most likely nothing, but you never know.

    I am speechless.

    Well, if you take it as a good learning experience, all good.

  1224. AaronB says:

    The alt-right is firmly in the Enlightenment tradition, and HBD and IQ are classic Enlightenment ideas.

    It is often forgotten that Nazism was very much an Enlightenment movement.

    So what we have is two Enlightenment derived movements opposed to each other – the mainstream and SJWs and the alt-right.

    Both are blind to the granular texture of reality and believe in abstract ideas – as Nassim Taleb has recently said, both globalism and nationalism are two sides of the same coin, for substituting uniform abstractions for textured reality.

    There is no way out of the trap without the Enlightenment losing its dominant hold on the culture, although there is no need for it to be abandoned entirely.

    But there is no sign of that happening yet. Our cultures seems to reprising past conflicts without moving to the next stage. So an intelligent man must be patient and wait.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @peterAUS
  1225. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    Good post.

    But let’s not pretend that the genocide is not violent even now. Whites in Europe are getting raped, butchered and blown-up on a regular basis. The unspoken truth is that – unless we fix it – the violence will escalate into full-blown race wars. So we can act now (peacefully but firmly) – or be acted upon (butchered) in the near future.

    And it will be near future. All those graphs showing steady, peaceful fading out of the white race hundred years from now are fake news. They’re meant to put us in a docile stupor while parts of our homelands are already lost (the areas that white women and kids can’t visit unattended are not Europe anymore).

  1226. @Ron Unz

    I never understood how mentioning facts has anything to do with political views.
    I wonder if it no longer taught that in discussions there are but two entities: facts and preferences.
    Facts are facts, they’re independent of political views, moral judgements, in my opinion there is hardly any difference between a political view and moral judgments.
    About political preferences, moral judgements, etc., no discussion is possible.
    Just can be discussed if the total of preferences, moral judgement, is consistent.
    So, if Hispanics have no abnormal crime rate, then they have no abnormal crime rate.
    Stating this does not mean that one likes the Hispanics

    • Agree: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @L.K
    , @Miro23
    , @notanon
  1227. peterAUS says:

    I feel you are over complicating the issue.

    Australia, for example:
    Let’s imagine no borders->10 million Indonesians and 30 million Chinese can flood in, what, 3 years.
    It would change the way of life for most Australians, dramatically. Nothing metaphysical or philosophical there. The only question is….do they want it?
    I guess not.

    USA: no borders->the flood from the South will change the way of life for most of Americans in, at least, third of states there. Again, the only question is: do they want it?

    Europe, the same.
    Does majority of Italians want to change their way of life, for example?

    No need to over think and over complicate simple, fundamental and crucial issues.

    Simple as that.
    And for worse for most of the society. Only the very top and the “managerial” class would benefit there. Only them. All the rest would suffer.
    I guess they wouldn’t want it.

    FOCUSING on that is the key in all this, so, I do agree with you on that IQ, crime, whatever.
    Pay would go down, property prices up, harder to get a job, easier to lose it, all services overstretched and overcrowded, the (violent) crime would rise up, etc, etc for all save those, say, 15 %.
    It’s all so simple: 15 % versus all of us.

    Or, not so simple, apparently. Most don’t get it.

  1228. @Anonymous

    Whites in Europe are getting raped, butchered and blown-up on a regular basis.

    Yeah, I guess it would have to be in that order. They first get raped, and then butchered, and then they are blown up for good measure. I mean, to do things in the opposite order just wouldn’t work, would it now? (I reckon it took the low IQ darkies a few iterations to figure out the right order to do things in, but they finally got it right, eh?)

    On a regular basis, eh? What’s that? Like every afternoon at 4 o’clock sharp?

    • Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome
  1229. anarchyst says:

    There is NOT ONE DOCUMENT outlining any extermination plan for jews or others. In fact, prominent Zionists collaborated with the German government and formulated plans at the highest level of the German government for the transfer of jews to what was then known as Palestine. Absolutely nothing about extermination.

    Official International Red Cross figures for all camp deaths total around 731,000-NOT 6 million. In fact, population totals pre-WW2 and post-WW2 show an INCREASE in the jewish population in post-WW2 Europe immediately after the cessation of the war.


    If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD IT KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would it build camps hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical, recreational and other ancillary facilities? Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? Why would they expend massive effort on logistical movement utilizing their limited energy resources if the goal was extermination? Things do not add up.

    Something BIG stinks in this whole jewish holocaust deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made deals with the German government in order to make life uncomfortable for jewish Germans. In fact, it was jewish Zionist leaders who first proposed that all jews wear the yellow Star of David armband so that they could be easily identified. German jews considered themselves Germans first and had no desire to emigrate.

    The establishment of a homeland along with the 6,000,000 figure was a Zionist dream since the 1800s. Many periodicals of the day starting with the 1800s touted the “six-million” figure.

    What better way to encourage emigration to a foreign land than to make things difficult for the cream of German society (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish holocaust is out . . .

    As cremation of ONE human body takes hours, the amount of time claimed by holocaust promoters is a physical, scientific and statistical impossibility. Their claims also do not account for the “downtime” that crematoria require for maintenance, etc. In addition, there are no mass burial sites that are commensurate with the claims of “six-million” or even “one-million”. There is also a jewish prohibition on excavation of claimed possible burial sites. WHY?? Because THEY DO NOT EXIST. There is even a prohibition on the use of ground penetrating radar to search for burial sites. WHY?? If millions were gassed and cremated, the activities would have lasted well into the 1950s.

    The so-called jewish holocaust has been turned into a de-facto religion in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish holocaust truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the tribe that FEAR the real truth of the jewish holocaust being exposed is evident. A questionable judicial “trick” used in holocaust trials is that of “judicial notice” in which TRUTH CANNOT BE USED AS A DEFENSE OR ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE IN THE KANGAROO COURTS THAT PROSECUTE THOSE WHO DARE TO INVESTIGATE THIS HISTORICAL EVENT. Judicial notice, once invoked against a defendant, disallows the introduction of evidence that does not conform to “commonly accepted beliefs” about the “holocaust ™”, EVEN IF THE EVIDENCE EXPOSES THE HOLOCAUST LIES AND FABRICATIONS THAT CAN EASILY BE DEBUNKED. A question for you holocaust promoters-why are there laws that criminalize the search for truth?? What are you afraid of??

    When the truth about this historical event comes out, it will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a cash cow that keeps on giving. . . there’s NO business like SHOAH business. Zionist complicity in this event is carefully covered up.

    A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question official jewish holocaust orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the official jewish holocaust story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to all things holocaust. Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment.

    The latest vicitms of holocaustianity are Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer, both 80 plus-year-old grandmothers who have been prosecuted and sentenced to maximum-security prison in Germany for incorrect thoughts.

    If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the chosen) to engineer the jewish holocaust, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish holocaust was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many holocausts of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish holocaust is the only one that counts . . . It is interesting to note that the term holocaust to mean mass extermination was never used during or immediately after WW2, only coming to vogue in the 1960s, when it was noted that guilt could be assigned and reparations could be procured.

    Look at the commercialization of the so-called jewish holocaust while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish holocaust survivors, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean camp numbers) on their children and grandchildren. In addition, jewish psychologists have come up with a new concept, and disease-holocaust transference syndrome. You see, children and grandchildren of jewish holocaust survivors are infected with this disease and should also be considered holocaust survivors, eligible for holocaust reparations. According to these jewish psychiatrists, even unrelated individuals can be “infected” with this “malady”.

    Since the Zionist jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a homeland Israel. It is interesting to note that the German boycott of jewish businesses lasted for one day, whil the jewish boycott (actually the jews declaration of war on Germany) started in 1933 and lasted until the summation of WW2.

    Zionists have been predicting a jewish homeland for the last two-hundred years while predicting a holocaust of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures). The International Red Cross had full access to all of the camps for the duration of the war, yet reported NOT ONE INSTANCE of extermination or mass murder.

    Regarding that holocaust showplace Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called gas chambers. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called gassing took place. There is a gas chamber chimney that is not connected to anything. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the operators of these supposed gas chambers. As Germans were excellent engineers, it is difficult to observe the glaring engineering errors that presently exist in these camps.

    American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported gas chambers, had them tested and published his results. The absence of Prussian blue (ferricyanide) in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the gas chambers did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing. In fact, the chimney for the supposed gas chamber does not connect to anything.

    Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH with his professional and personal character assassination by those of the tribe. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts law for practicing engineering without a license-a law which had never been used vindictively before or since. . .After his report was published, he was harassed by Israeli “deep state” types (mossad) who he successfully “outed”.

    It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to create the death camps for propaganda purposes. Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. The prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.

    It is interesting to note that, before the camps were liberated by the allies, the camp occupants chose to flee with the German troops, rather than be liberated by the Russian allies.

    It is said that the light of day is the best disinfectant in the search for truth Unfortunately this quote does not apply to all things holocaust. It appears that there are those”holocaust promoters who are afraid of the TRUTH. Hence the prosecution and incarceration of those who dare question aspects of this historical event.

    I urge all holocaust believers to check these things out for yourselves IF YOU DARE. You will not like what you find.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1230. Anonymous[261] • Disclaimer says:

    A number of points in this article don’t really match up with the facts. For instance it’s been already empirically found by multiple studies (by leftist researchers even!) that more diversity leads to breakdown of community, contributions to charities, volunteerism, public activities, etc as well as turning people towards being less likely not more likely to prefer the close presence of ‘others’. This is true in both liberal and conservative communities. Also there was a recent computer simulation that demonstrated that ethnocentric-based government worked best. All around the world the majorities of people subjected to these multicultural experiments are recognizing what a colossal failure that multiculturalism is. This is not a case of everyone just suddenly coming down with a case of raving lunacy.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1231. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    Could you please cite the regulations that state this?

  1232. @Anonymous

    The “Ploy” is explained in the Talmud, and the Communist Manifesto.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1233. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    The gist of the article is that our demographic displacement is OK? I am speechless.

    It is evidently possible now for Ron Unz to promote white genocide for greater corporate profit and, though unstated, Jewish hegemony in America. It is doubtful, however, that such advocacy will be long tolerated. Rather, it will surely soon come to be viewed as equivalent to the anti-black hate speech of the KKK. Indeed, in its contempt for black Americans, may be extreme relative to the present-day Klan. The United States has spent billions, no trillions, to make the Middle-East safe for Israel. I suggest that Unz move his operation there. It would certainly be interesting to see how his advocacy of national destruction for corporate profits would be received in that country.

  1234. @Ron Unz

    My impression is that you’re a pretty smart and sensible guy

    You don’t really mean that, do you? Surely, this is some sort of formality, like when the British Members of Parliament address one another as “the Right Honourable so-and-so”.

  1235. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    “Saudis who own twitter…” Saudis don’t control it.

    Who controls it?

    • Replies: @Anwar
  1236. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    So we can act now (peacefully but firmly) – or be acted upon (butchered) in the near future.

    It seems to be past time for a peaceful solution. Paris is already burning.

    It now clear to everyone that the anti-immigrant majority are not right wing fascists. It is the Unzites for white genocide, lower wages, greater corporate profits, and global governance who are the far-right extremists.

    That the political parties of the supposed left are in the vanguard for fascism is no surprise. They are made up largely of climbers and opportunists, Blairite war criminals and psychopaths from Arkansas, the outhouse of America, as H.L. Mencken described the home state of the Clintons. The so-called right, on the other hand, tends still to have some sense of moral responsibility for the community as a whole, having been, for the most part, raised in privileged circumstances.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1237. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    So, refugees increase the population by 1.2%, and rapes increase by 7.8%

    Refugees also tend to come from an age and gender demographic that is typically responsible for the commission of rapes. What you are blaming on immigrants may be more appropriately attributed to age and gender.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @notanon
  1238. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    The gist of the article is that our demographic displacement is OK? I am speechless.

    As long as it happens peacefully, what is so wrong about it?

    • Replies: @anon
  1239. Anonymous[261] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’d disagree with your numbers on Hispanic crimes but your more
    general point that they do commit much fewer crimes than black Americans is clearly true. They are also less of a general nuisance than blacks- in terms of things like homelessness, random harassment of others, rudeness, delusional social demands, etc. ( though from personal experience they do seem to keep up neck in neck with black people when it comes to loud parties and operating around BPT time, and the data on social welfare expenditures seem to suggest they do dig their hands into the public coffers even more than blacks).

    But these sorts of discussions about average criminality and the like do seem to question why someone, if they cared about the well-being of the country, would want to support the status quo immigration stances which are replacing whites with ‘almost as good’ Hispanics. Whites seem to be the only group being eliminated by the immigration onslaught.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1240. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    A number of points in this article don’t really match up with the facts. For instance it’s been already empirically found by multiple studies…

    Hey don’t confuse us with facts. We have a global empire to build and the instigators are gonna get rich, very rich and very powerful. But first we gotta fuck whitey and eliminate the cohesive, creative, and still immensely powerful Western nation states.

  1241. @Ron Unz

    Baloney. Women commit crimes on par with the rate of males in the U.S. Women are actually more likely to abuse children, and will proportionally incite violence in relationships more often than males. The Jewish media hides female criminal activity. In fact, they even rub male noses in the advantages women enjoy in criminal court sentencing for crimes similar to those committed by males. (“Snapped”, a reality show about female criminals and the process of investigations and prosecutions for their crimes, invariably concludes their episodes with the conviction of their female subjects being of lesser severity, after plea deals were reached, or the flow of mascara down the powdered cheeks of weeping women defendants pulled at the heart strings of judges and juries.) Sugar and Spice has morphed into Murder and Vice.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Alden
  1242. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Since you pose this question to others, I guess you have no trouble answering this yourself.

    Has Unz given you your slot back, or are you still sucking? Since your still trolling, I guess your still sucking.

    • Troll: L.K
    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1243. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    About political preferences, moral judgements, etc., no discussion is possible.
    Just can be discussed if the total of preferences, moral judgement, is consistent.

    Do you have a citation?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1244. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    Simple as that.

    Not if they assimilate. And most foreigners who come here love America and American culture–that’s why they are here!

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1245. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    There is NOT ONE DOCUMENT outlining any extermination plan for jews or others.

    What about the Wannsee Conference minutes?

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  1246. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    Where in the Talmud is the ploy explained?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1247. anon[228] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    without U.S. bribery, every single one of israel’s neighbors hates them

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1248. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:


    Poachers break into Paris zoo and kill a rhino for its horn

    supposed left

    The “Left” in the West is pro killing brown people in their ME homeands and pro killing white people in their homelands… by the surviving brown people from the ME (or anyone else, really).

    Need I say more?

  1249. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    will proportionally incite violence in relationships

    What does it mean to “incite” violence in a relationship?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1250. @L.K

    I am against mass immigration.

    I most certainly do not support affirmative action, at least racially/ethnically based affirmative action.

    So why the F*ck are u saying this shit to me?

    Well, he does this over and over again. Not just to you. He does it to me as well. I think I figured it out finally.


    I remember a long time ago, I used to hang out with a French guy, actually French Canadian. Québécois. The guy spoke English pretty much accentlessly because he had some Irish ancestry and he grew up with some English in the house. His grandma came from Ireland, I recall. County Cork or someplace, I forget… However, I came to realize that his English wasn’t really that good. But it was deceptive because it was natural sounding with no obvious foreign accent.

    Anyway, he had some weird mannerisms. You’d be talking with him about something, like politics or whatever. And he’d just say some totally weird shit. Like this:

    Bats in the belfry, eh?

    He had a few things like this in his repertoire, but somehow that is the one I remember best. He’d say this weird (and rather archaic) shit like that (probably something his grandma from County Cork used to say) and you’d be taken aback because you didn’t know what on earth that had to do with what you just said.

    It took me a long time (I forget exactly how long) to realize why he did this. He did it because he didn’t understand what you just said and that was what he did in those spots. I think I finally verified this to myself by deliberately saying meaningless gibberish in conversations and then he would reply:

    Bats in the belfry, eh?

    Or some other weird-ass shit… But I swear, it took me so long to figure out that he did this when he simply had lost the thread of the conversation.

    It finally dawned on me that there is something similar going on with this Rurik character. He’ll just accuse you out of the blue of being an advocate of mass immigration. WTF? Of course, you’re not and I’m not either. But what’s worse is that it’s typically irrelevant. Since I’m just focused on factual questions mostly, it’s actually irrelevant whether I support immigration or not, because the answer to a factual question is the same anyway.

    It’s like if you say that there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz and somebody accuses you of being a Nazi. I mean, it’s a factual question, right? Whether there is a rape epidemic going on in Germany is also a factual question.

    Because you are a fucking dishonest nutcase, that’s why.

    Well, yeah, but if you want to understand the mechanisms here, you need to delve a bit more finally. (Though admittedly, that might be diving deep in shallow water too…)

    You see, the thing about this Rurik jerkoff is that he doesn’t really know anything. I mean, not really. Like he’ll keep bringing up Zimbabwe in these spots. What on earth does Rurik actually know about Zimbabwe? Like, okay, he has some comic book narrative floating around in his head that might resemble reality a bit. Or not… I really don’t know, because I don’t really know anything about Zimbabwe. At least, by my standards of knowing shit, I don’t know anything about it. If I were going to get into the question, I’d get some books written by serious people with different perspectives, and read them, and contrast and…

    It’s like that pathetic jerk “German Reader” or Anatoly Karlin saying that “Holocaust revisionists are all idiots” or something. I mean, those guys don’t really know anything about the topic! If you or I talk to these guys, it becomes readily obvious that they have a comic book understanding of World War 2 history.

    I mean, all these guys are basically running a bluff. So, this Rurik nutcase, what he does is that he inserts himself into all these conversations on this forum, and, you know, since he is such a lightweight, he quickly gets out of his depth and it’s like that guy I knew back when:


    Except with him, it’s:


    Or he starts giving you some utterly tedious canned lecture based on the assumption that you are an advocate of mass immigration (when OBVIOUSLY you’re not…) And, aside from that his rant has no real relationship to the logical flow of the discussion.


    Properly understood, it’s a sort of gambit to channel the conversation towards one of his canned rants or something. He has a bunch of canned rants that give him emotional satisfaction.

    Actually, to give him his due, some of his rants about 9/11 or the Fed or any of that are not that bad. They’re probably still mostly at a comic book level of understanding but…. I have to admit that, initially, like 3 years ago or more, he had me sort of conned. Like, I thought this guy was a serious thinker or something. I had some private correspondence with the guy at one point and he was doing this “bats in the belfry” stuff, I think, but I didn’t exactly catch on to it. I started realizing the guy was an idiot, but I didn’t catch on to the whole “bats in the belfry”/Zimbabwe shtick.

    So, you know, if you push the conversation in a direction where he’s out of his depth, it’s “ZIMBABWE!” Or accusing you of wanting to destroy the white race! Or a couple of other utterly tedious things…

    Same thing with the “white working class” & the us dollar comment you made… pure dishonest crap, since u would have to be a total idiot to think that I meant the white working class was responsible for your painted paper.

    Well, you see, he was getting out of his intellectual depth so you could figure that he would start screaming about Zimbabwe soon. Or some other shit in his repertoire. The fat lady was getting ready to sing, I guess.

    One funny aspect of all this is that Zio shills on this site love Rurik. I mean, somebody who is emotionally unbalanced like that and not really very smart, they can manipulate him pretty easily. Also, he does repeat a lot of bullshit Zio narratives in the end, despite supposedly being anti-Zionist.

    The Zio shills also love that Talha guy. They love him to death, because in the end, with his “I’m such a sweet Muzzie” Omar Sharif wannabe shtick, he’s basically reinforcing their narratives constantly.

    Talha is actually smarter than Rurik, I think, but not smart enough to really think…. “Hold on, if these Zio shills love me so much, maybe I’m doing something wrong.”

    It’s like when people so much love playing poker with you that….

    Meanwhile, all the obvious shills here really hate my guts. It’s a bit disconcerting at times, but one has to take it as a sign that one is doing something right, no?

  1251. Ron Unz says:

    How do you explain that the slope of the line for White in your graph almost exactly mirrors in reverse the slopes of the lines for Hispanic and Hispanic-Asian?

    The White Violent Crime Rate line is level when theirs are level and goes up when theirs go down and down when theirs go up. That looks like a possible, even probable, category error. As more Hispanic and Hispanic-Asians are categorized as White, White crime rates goes up while Hispanic and Hispanic-Asian crime rates go down.

    No, I think you’re a little confused. First, the Census treats Hispanic and Race as completely separate/orthogonal categories, and there’s absolutely no evidence that significant numbers of Hispanics are claiming not to be Hispanic. Whether or not they also say they’re “white” is completely irrelevant, since I’m defining “white” as “non-Hispanic white.”

    Regarding the correlation trends, the key point is that both the white/crime and Hispanic/crime correlations are actually pretty small, especially in recent years, while the black/crime correlation is so extraordinarily high, it completely dominates the results. To a reasonable approximation, the entire crime rate of an urban area is determined by the size of its black population.

    I think that may be the underlying factor behind the shifts in the white and Hispanic lines over the 25 years. Basically, as Hispanics move into a city, they often tend to gradually push out the blacks, which causes a huge drop in the crime rate. So to the extent that the presence of Hispanics is anti-correlated with the presence of blacks, the Hispanic/crime correlation curve has recently dropped below the white/crime correlation curve.

    Indeed, this is exactly what happened in the South-Central LA, or closer to home, in East Palo Alto, right next to where I live. Overwhelmingly black EPA actually had the highest per capita murder rate in the US back in 1992, but as Hispanics moved in and gradually pushed out the blacks, the murder rate has dropped by something like 97%. As I point out in my article, lots of the top Tech CEOs live in Palo Alto, and since they’d not stupid people, I strongly suspect that they’re (quietly) aware of what happened and very pro-immigrant/pro-Hispanic as a consequence. Indeed, in my article I argue that much of the pro-immigration positions of American elites is probably due to this same unvoiced phenomenon.

    Anyway, one of the agitated commenters here has been complaining that I only provided the weighted cross-correlations and not the multivariate regression results, so I suppose I should try to dig out my old data from 5 or 6 years ago and see about providing the latter as well.

    • Replies: @KenH
  1252. peterAUS says:

    I believe this guy nailed it, around……95 %. Good enough I think. We already know who those remaining 5 % are.


    There is more in related articles, but those two above are quite enough.
    For starter.

  1253. @CanSpeccy

    Has Unz given you your slot back, or are you still sucking? Since your still trolling, I guess your still sucking.

    Dude, I was just asking you the same questions you asked somebody else. If that constitutes trolling, then you were trolling when you asked the guy those questions.

    I have to infer, from your response (lack thereof) that you have not done your duty in terms of propagating the white race. Because if you had, you would just answer the question surely. Anyway, it’s really problematic to be asking people personal questions and then be unwilling to answer those very same questions yourself.

    As for getting my “slot” back, I never had any “slot”. I just submitted a total of six articles over a period of about 2 years and he published them. That’s that. Anything I wrote was always pretty popular, typically the most commented piece (or one of them) in the week or month it appeared. But never mind that…

    I suppose you take me for MacMurphy, the Jack Nicholson character in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, trying to break back into the looney bin.

    • LOL: CanSpeccy
    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1254. @anon

    Herzl tried to dissuade Zionist zealots from campaigning to annex Palestine for their Homeland. He knew what would happen when a tribe that had previously met with hostility in each nation they had assembled in significant numbers came waltzing into the Middle East with the notion that they were exercising their right of Aliyah. Few leaders within that region bought-in to such a ruse.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1255. L.K says:
    @jilles dykstra

    I never understood how mentioning facts has anything to do with political views.
    I wonder if it no longer taught that in discussions there are but two entities: facts and preferences.
    Facts are facts, they’re independent of political views, moral judgements, in my opinion there is hardly any difference between a political view and moral judgments.

    So, if Hispanics have no abnormal crime rate, then they have no abnormal crime rate.
    Stating this does not mean that one likes the Hispanics

    Agreed, good post.

  1256. anon[228] • Disclaimer says:

    As long as it happens peacefully, what is so wrong about it?

    as long as i enter your house peacefully and help myself to your food and your wife, what’s so wrong about it?

  1257. @Anonymous

    And most foreigners who come here love America and American culture–that’s why they are here!

    Actually, precisely 92.38% of all the people who ever immigrated to America did so for economic reasons, NOT for “American culture”.

    Come to think of it, most of them would have been flabbergasted by the very idea. “Culture? What culture?”

    • Agree: dfordoom
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1258. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re absolutely right, and Ron is absolutely wrong, on this subject.

    Many commenters have already posted this basic (why should we perish?) question and received no reply from our host.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1259. anon[228] • Disclaimer says:

    yes, i didn’t mention the per capita but i thought most would get the gist

    also, those numbers seem low – roughly only 1 in 1,000 hispanics and 1 in 1,500 whites in prison, suspect there are other prisons in the U.S. that are not under BOP. Whether that’s state or federal or something else, i dont know.

  1260. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    Do you have a citation?

    What about the Wannsee Conference minutes?

    Where in the Talmud is the ploy explained?

    Are you a bot?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1261. anon[228] • Disclaimer says:

    and who was behind it?

    (((the same old crowd)))

  1262. Miro23 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    So, if Hispanics have no abnormal crime rate, then they have no abnormal crime rate.

    Stating this does not mean that one likes the Hispanics.

    In my dealings with Latinos, I’ve personally found them friendly and hardworking and don’t have any problem with them at all.

    But saying that, still doesn’t mean that Latinos in the U.S. won’t be used as a demographic lever by the Zionist/Globalist/SJW Deep State crowd (who are trully dangerous) to permanently enable a Democratic majority (and permanently exclude the “Deplorables” (U.S. Anglos).

    The Deplorables would then be defenseless against a hostile administration/ legal system/ MSM and Zionists generally, and no doubt Latinos would be carefully looked after and promoted with a rediscovery of historic Latino rights etc.

    The South African example may not be so farfetched. If Anglos were dispossessed of their middle American farms on some fabricated legal pretext, would the MSM stand up for them or even report it?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1263. Alden says:

    Rape is wrong and bad and any increase in rape is wrong and bad.

    And Hispanic young men increase the rape rate.

    Rape is also bad for the environment as all those women restaurant , retail hospital and other workers getting off work st night drive cars instead of virtuously taking buses and subways to help crazy liberals save Mother Earth

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @David Baker
  1264. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Jonathan Revusky

    You description of the author seeking publication in the Unz Review is amusing if not entirely apt.

    As for my progeny, I’d send you pictures of my grandchildren, except that I have to respect their privacy.

    The low fertility of the Western nations is certainly an aspect of the ongoing genocide, but to advocate immigration as the solution is like prescribing cyanide as an antidote to food poisoning.

    Immigration lowers wages and raises the cost of housing, both major factors in delaying household formation and hence suppressing national fertility.

    Also, when people of an alien race and culture take over neighborhood, it destroys community. The consequent demoralization speeds constitutes a direct form of oppression of the indigenous by the settler immigrant.

    Incidentally, do you deny the Rotherham grooming scandal and related cases in which Muslim immingrant gangs have been convicted and jailed for exploiting and raping under-age British girls?

  1265. KenH says:

    there’s no reason for Americans to even respect them since they don’t respect your laws

    Nor our history, culture and traditions. Even many of the mestizos who’ve immigrated legally still harbor some degree of racial animus and historical grudges against the white majority. That’s a big reason why the vote Democrat in such large numbers.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1266. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    But I agree withRevusky that white people who wish to preserve their race and culture had better get on and have children, and more of them than the current generation of parents whose fertility is well below the replacement rate.

    However, it has to be understood that the fertility rate has been deliberately suppressed by government brainwashing. School sex “education,” for example, serves chiefly to teach that the only form of sexual vice is reproduction, and that in particular teen pregnancy is an abomination, whereas of course, it has until now, always been the basis of human reproduction. Bullshit about climate change is another factor in the brainwashing of the Western nations into a condition of self-induced infertility.

    And there is obviously much more. Roe versus Wade killed millions of Americans over the last several decades. The availability of no fault divorce drives women to prefer careers to motherhood, and idiotic tax regimes and welfare systems ensure that the stupidest reproduce most abundantly.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Alden
  1267. @Ron Unz

    The purpose of the Alt-Right is not to primarily oppose the Hispanic immigrants. It is centered around a specific set of grievances and outlook towards the world.
    Primarily, the judiciary and legislature has repeatedly affirmed the idea of group rights through its doctrine of diversity. That beings the case, the government and those in authority should not look down on those who do not agree with the current interpretation of group rights and want to change this way of organizing society. Everyone cannot be equally welcome everywhere. Perhaps the tax system should be made simpler so that it is easier to create your own organization. Perhaps they should universally validate the AFQT. What is going on is absurd. People have a right to preserve their heritage, it has been universally recognized as one of the pathways to political legitimacy.

    Also, see that Heartiste blogged about you:

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1268. @Anonymous

    Good question. Do you know if President Trump is of the Jewish Faith?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1269. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    Inciting violence is a matter of opinion.

    Inciting is not committing. Inciting violence means person W does something that causes or incites person M to commit violence

    So what you’re saying is that woman does or says something that causes man to commit violence on her.

    Until about 1970 men committed most of the child abuse and murders of children because they lived in the same home as their children.

    What with expanded welfare and acceptance of single motherhood more children don’t live with their fathers so it’s the mothers who abuse and occasionally murder man slaughter children because there’s no man around to do it.

    Black women have an extremely higher rate of crime than Hispanic and White women. It’s muc h higher than the ratio of male black versus other races crime rate.

    You developed your opinion of women’s crime rate from TV shows.

    I developed mine from being a probation officer for 27 years in a county with an 11 percent black population. The convicted, not just arrested and charged but convicted criminals were about 97 percent black out of an 11 percent population.

    Blacks committed virtually all the physical and physical child abuse as well. Almost all sexual abuse of children is committed by men, mostly black men by the way.

    You need to check the definitions of incite and committ. And stop believing what you see on TV

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1270. Ron, if you truly believe Sharia is not a threat, you haven’t been to Europe and opened your eyes and looked around.

    The stereotype of a tech nerd is utter cluelessness to social cues.

    Kind of figures.

    Go to the Gare du Nord railroad station in Paris any night.

    And try convincing yourself you’re not in Sudan.

    BTW, don’t you think that average house rental prices in Silicon Valley that start at $4000 a month function as a “virtual” gated community?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1271. @Anonymous

    Women start fights, and most women start fights by striking their opponents. Other women employ verbal assaults to provoke males to lash out at them. (Afterward, they dial 911, then they contact lawyers who’ll arrange a nice financial settlement for their ‘victims’.) Have you never encountered a violent or fight provoking woman? According to the Jewish Media, women are capable of fighting men twice their size, and we’re regularly shown how those women conduct their scuffles.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1272. @epochehusserl

    Uh…okay. How ’bout this: There is a concerted effort to form factions within societies which are confronted by points of contention with opposing factions. This environment not only affords the government unlimited opportunities to expand beyond their established parameters in order to mediate and settle disputes, it also means the population is distracted with social issues while said government bankrupts the country, embroils their nation in foreign conflicts, installs their friends and relatives into positions of power, and dismantles any charter provisions which empower the populace to address such malfeasance.

  1273. Alden says:

    I learned all this between 1970 and 1977 by reading Nixon’s original executive order, EEOC regulations and judicial findings on affirmative action lawsuits.

    I did it all long before the internet. You can do the same.

    You can probably find references to Nixon’s executive order on the internet.

    But you might not find the actual executive order. I’ve noticed that the internet and Wikipedia write a lot about laws, administrative regulations, court cases and findings but never cite the text of the law, name of the court case judicial findings and orders that become law or any useful information

    If you know any attorneys you could ask to use their passwords to get into the court data bases. Then you can read all the plaintiff and respondent filings and the judge’s findings and orders that come law.

    If you live near a federal courthouse you can probably use their computers to search the entire federal court data base.

    When a lawsuit is filed, the clerks make a list of all the attorneys and their firms involved. So as the responses and further filings come in over the years the clerks can send everything out to all the attorneys involved.

    Looking at the attorneys lists on the anti White side of every affirmative action law suit was a revelation to me. About 90 percent of the attorneys on the anti White side in affirmative action, school desegregation and school bussing law suits had obviously Jewish names and I didn’t even count names like Klein and Becker as Jewish.

    EEOC regs mostly came from the federal government print shops. I don’t know if it still exists. Before the internet every federal building has a book store with all sorts of useful pamphlets. You could go to them and order all the administrative regulations of every federal department

    That’s what I did and you’re welcome to do the same. I’m sure not going to do it all over again.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1274. @Alden

    “You developed your opinion of women’s crime rates from TV shows”. No, I lived with such a woman. She was a drug addict and prostitute who, during one of her many drug binges, locked her three children in a closet for two days, and went out to find her drug dealer. After she scored her stash, and downed her potions with cheap beer, she collided her car with a sedan holding a family with two children, killing all four occupants. When she lived with me, she regularly invited her drug suppliers and users to my home while I was at work. I would hear about their escapades from neighbors the next day.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1275. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:
    @Charlesz Martel

    Good post. I really like most of his other work and the website but this “open letter” is wrong on every level imaginable.

    Maybe he’s an intelligent, California gated community shut-in, who’s good at connecting the dots – unless the dots throw unflattering light on his Latino maid, masseuse, gardener and his Muslim cable guy.

  1276. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    Herzl tried to dissuade Zionist zealots from campaigning to annex Palestine for their Homeland.

    Where did Herzl want to locate his “Judenstaat”?

  1277. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Actually, precisely 92.38% of all the people who ever immigrated to America did so for economic reasons, NOT for “American culture”.

    The American economy is tied up with the perceived culture: land of opportunity, American Dream, economic freedom, pursuit of happiness, liberty. Not easy to disaggregate.

  1278. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re absolutely right, and Ron is absolutely wrong, on this subject.

    Please formulate a question that you consider salient and pose it directly to Ron in this thread. I bet he will respond.

  1279. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    They are damn good questions. Answers to them–or the lack thereof–would be illuminating to the discussion.

  1280. Okechukwu says:

    White supremacism is almost entirely fake news. White nationalism, on the other hand, is a growing tsunami of best and the brightest.

    These rebranding schemes are hilarious. It’s sort of like the sojourn from racism to race-realism to HBD. We eagerly await with bated breath the next fresh euphemism.

    In actuality, there isn’t the minutest sliver of daylight between white nationalism and white supremacy. It’s all the same bullshit.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @anon
    , @Anonymous
  1281. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    And young White and Hispanic men provoke 3-5 on 1 attacks by 3-5 young black men simply by existing.

    And men are so emotionally fragile and sensitive they can’t cope with bitching and nagging or running out of mustard except by beating their women up.

    Sounds like some mean old judge made you support your children boo hoo. Better you and other divorced men support your kids than me through my taxes

  1282. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    The Deplorables would then be defenseless against a hostile…

    Your rhetoric is defeatist and defeating. Please choose a term other than “Deplorables”.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  1283. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    And Hispanic young men increase the rape rate.

    Okay, so maybe everybody should have fewer children, at least fewer male children?

    • Replies: @anon
  1284. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    Nor our history, culture and traditions. Even many of the mestizos who’ve immigrated legally still harbor some degree of racial animus and historical grudges against the white majority.

    There aren’t historical grudges. It is part envy and part fear. They rightly fear a highly talented and cohesive majority group.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @KenH
  1285. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:

    The availability of no fault divorce drives women to prefer careers to motherhood

    How does it do that?

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1286. Anonymous[996] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    It is my understanding that Judaism is not his faith tradition.

  1287. @Alden

    Agreed. However, women need to understand the mentality of rapists. First, they should know that their manner of dress and behavior renders them vulnerable to male sexual predators. Skirts hiked up to their crotches will draw attention from men (AND Women…) to those regions. Though that is the reason why women attire themselves in that manner, a rapist isn’t going to be interested in the preliminaries of acceptable courting rituals. Hence, when the opportunity presents itself, a rapist will strike like a snake to satisfy their sexual urges, and not feel any regret for their aggression. By and large, rapists will justify their brutality by claiming women are asking for it.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  1288. KenH says:
    @Ron Unz

    As I point out in my article, lots of the top Tech CEOs live in Palo Alto

    Palo Alto is just another bubble and not really representative of what’s going on in the rest of the nation with regards to hispanic immigration and their impact on local communities. Per the latest census data for Palo Alto hispanics only comprise 7% of the population which is well below the national average, so you’re not exactly up to your neck in hispanics and the cost of living is beyond reach for many of them elsewhere in the state to move in. That percentage is unlikely to increase barring forced integration which I think would be good for someone like you who lives in an ivory tower of charts, graphs and statistical data.

    Indeed, in my article I argue that much of the pro-immigration positions of American elites is probably due to this same unvoiced phenomenon.

    So based on your specious claims the elites favor Latin American immigration because they are less violent and crime prone than American blacks. That means they are using hispanics to ethnically cleanse blacks which makes them super duper racist which they tell us they aren’t and can’t be since only flyover country white people and white nationalists are capable of racist attitudes and buffoonery.

    But whites are less crime prone and less violent then hispanics so if less crime was truly the reason for elite support of more immigration and tolerance of illegal immigration then they should demand it from all over the white world and not Latin America and other third world nations. And we all know that aren’t clamoring for that.

    This is also the same (((elite))) who metes out punitive punishment such as loss of position, social status and economic ruination to any white person who dares to call attention to the crime data showing just how staggeringly high black crime rates are compared to everyone else.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @geokat62
    , @Alden
  1289. Art says:

    The idea is to keep things running along until ethnic demography works its electoral magic.

    Of course biological identity is the lowest form of politics – it is just naked tribalism – it is gang think, devoid of any intellectual ideals – it is a step out of the cave.

  1290. anarchyst says:

    The Wannsee conference had absolutely no references to “extermination”, but was concerned about the progress of the “Transfer Agreement” that both the German government and jewish zionist leaders signed on to. In fact, there is a “challenge coin” (commemorative coin) that was issued showing the Swastika on one side and the Star of David on the reverse. So much for claims of “extermination”.
    Let’s not forget that “world jewry” declared (economic) war on Germany in 1933-yes, 1933.

  1291. dfordoom says: • Website

    And nobody talks about immigration here any more. It’s a non-issue.

    Because no public figure is game to make it an issue for fear of being shouted down, doxxed, and having their career destroyed.

    It was a huge issue in the 2013 election. The illegal immigration issue was the main reason Labor lost that election. The LNP made an enormous song and dance about stopping illegal immigration if they were elected. They did stop illegal immigration. And they’ve since flooded the country with an immense tidal wave of legal immigration.

    Which was what they always intended to do. If a politician makes a lot of noise about stopping illegal immigration you can be absolutely certain that they are in favour of very high levels of legal immigration.

    So for example if a politician promises a Wall it’s a safe bet that what he really cares about is making sure there’s a Big Beautiful Door. And that Big Beautiful Door will be let wide open.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @anon
    , @CanSpeccy
  1292. Alden says:

    CRoe vs wade killed millions of black and brown enemies of Whites.

    It’s ridiculous for Whites who think all Hispanics and their anchor babies should be deported and blacks should be segregated and strictly policed to fulminate against abortion that is the only thing that keeps those population down to a manageable level

    Every black brown and Asian baby born in this country is entitled to affirmative action jobs contracts business and home mortgage loans business set asides and college admissions which are denied to Whites.
    In addition to all the affirmative action privileges, blacks and Hispanic babies are far more likely to grow up to be criminals who prey on Whites.

    If you want more White babies born, find a White woman, marry her and have 6 babies with her. I don’t know what you do for a living, but presumably you can support the mother and 6 kids.

    Of course when they grow up affirmative action will make it very difficult for your kids to find a job of any kind. So be prepared to support them till you die

    FYI there were far more abortions before 1960 than after Roe vs Wade because until 1960 the birth control pill and 1972? The IUD there was no reliable birth control

    Black and brown women take care of abortions all by themselves and Whites don’t have to do a thing. I hope liberals never notice the statistics about black and brown abortions. When they do they’ll probably forbid abortions for blacks and browns.

    Your post is why I despise conservatives and have always been an anti affirmative action White Nationalist, instead of a fuddy duddy fretting about tattoos and black and brown abortions.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1293. Miro23 says:

    Your rhetoric is defeatist and defeating. Please choose a term other than “Deplorables”.

    I don’t mind at all being a “Deplorable” and don’t feel in any way defeated or defeatist. It immediately identifies me as an enemy of corrupt Hillary Clinton and the SJW Red Guards..

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1294. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    Well said.

  1295. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    Of course biological identity is the lowest form of politics

    Yes – for the white race – officially. Some white people are already getting jailed in the West for disputing that.

    Meanwhile, every other race has been, openly and officially, bankrolled by Soros and white taxpayer jew-gold to embrace their non-white identity.

    • Replies: @Art
  1296. anon[156] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz


    Certainly there have been several high profile figures calling for a reduction in net legal immigration of about one third. One former permanent head of the Treasury and National Party Senator Jihn Stone has been one of them. The populist Pauline Hanson is another.

    Former permanent head of the Treasury and National Party Senator Jihn Stone‘s career in the Senate started in 1987 and ended in 1990. He is now 90 years old, and hasn’t been prominent since then.
    Pauline Hanson won a Seat in Federal Parliament in 1996 due to statements she made critical of the level of Chinese immigration. She went to water when challenged and was defeated in 1998.
    Though she returned to Parliament in 2016, she’s the sort of faux Populist who announces a position today, then folds at the first sign of pushback, and claims victimhood.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1297. Miro23 says:

    So you want a lot of Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana blacks in your state?????

    I don’t want them in mine.

    Give them a welcome, and when you do your training in Alabama they’ll welcome you.

  1298. geokat62 says:

    In actuality, there isn’t the minutest sliver of daylight between white nationalism and white supremacy. It’s all the same bullshit.

    White supremacy? Look, don’t get confused by thinking Jewish supremacy is white supremacy. Jews don’t self-identify as whites. To them it’s Jews or Goyim.

    If the Western world was truly run by white supremacists, why would they be implementing policies (like mass immigration) that will lead to their demise? There is no such thing as white supremacy. But Jewish supremacy is as real as it gets. Just read their Talmud, if you don’t believe me.

    The Dumb Goyim simply want what they had before the Jewish supremacists implemented their diabolical policies to stamp out AS, once and for all. We want all Western countries to remain just that, Western countries… populated by European-majority peoples. This is not white supremacy. Are the Chinese, Bangladeshi, Japanese, and Nigerians supremacists for wanting their countries to be populated by their peoples? No, they’re not. Neither are we. This is simply propaganda being spewed by the ADL/SPLC to achieve their goal, the displacement of whites in their own homelands. They’re the ones accusing those that have the temerity to speak out of being white supremacists who propagate “hate.” But for some strange reason if anyone speaks out to defend the wall, deportations of black Africans, sniper shootings of unarmed protesters, the “hate” word disappears.

    So, again, don’t confuse Jewish supremacy for white supremacy. The former is real, the latter doesn’t exist.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1299. geokat62 says:

    So based on your specious claims…

    Looking forward to Ron’s response to your excellent comment.

  1300. Alden says:

    Palo Alto is lower middle class compared to Morgan Hill, Los Gatos, Loa Altos Atherton and Woodside and probably some other Santa Clara towns.

    The $100,000 and a bit more average Santa Clara income is no higher than other Bay Area suburban counties

    What will bring those counties average incomes down down down is the continual invasion of Hispanics.

    In 1950 mostly White Los Angeles county had one of the highest average incomes in the country because
    1 The population was almost all level White

    2 Food, construction, medical. Janitor clerical and service jobs were done by Whites paid a living wage. Instead of Hispanics who can’t even feed and house themselves and their kids without welfare

    Los Angeles is now one of the poorest counties in the country due to 100 welfare Hispanics for every worker paid a decent or better wage.

    Ron, do you know how the Indian’s wages are figured? It is the money paid to the slave broker agency divided by the number of workers?
    Or is it the meager pay checks paid by the agency after transportation to the USA, numerous fees, housing and the muni buses that take them to work and other outrageous fees are deducted by the slave broker agency?

    If it’s what they get after all those fees is factored into average SV income the average will go down down down.
    People who don’t live in California shouldn’t comment about California.

    I don’t understand the obsession with SV either. 1960 to about 1978 it was a good place to work. In fact in the 60s early 70s the programmers and engineers there I knew worked 40 hour weeks for 40 hours pay.

    Then came the 78 early 80s NASA and it’s contractor lay offs. That gave the capitalist scum to opportunity to bring in Chinese who were happy to work 95 hours a week for 40 hours pay. The computer coolies bring sleeping bags so they can catch a few hours sleep at work.

    The reason for the 90 hour week is because the capitalist scum can get 1 worker to do the work of 2.

    What’s the hourly wage of someone who makes $104,000 a year never takes vacation or sick leave and works 95 hours a week for 52 weeks?

    • Replies: @Alden
  1301. Art says:

    Meanwhile, every other race has been, openly and officially, bankrolled by Soros and white taxpayer jew-gold to embrace their non-white identity.

    It is not only tribal identity, it is also feminism and gender – all those things are biological in nature – they say nothing about the ideas that created America – they are the opposite of what created America.

    The Jew tribe is taking America down from the highest intellectual perch of idealism, to lowest form of governance.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1302. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    If the Western world was truly run by white supremacists, why would they be implementing policies (like mass immigration) that will lead to their demise?

    Good question.

    So, again, don’t confuse Jewish supremacy for white supremacy. The former is real, the latter doesn’t exist.


  1303. dfordoom says: • Website

    But dfordoom, what alternative do you suggest? What positive advice do you have?

    You want arguments against immigration? Arguments that people might actually listen to and that are less likely to get you dismissed as a Nazi loon?

    1) The environmental argument. Further population growth in the developed world will inevitably increase carbon emissions and will lead to all sorts of environmental degradation. We must stop immigration for the sake of the forests and the rivers! To make this argument you’ll have to pretend to believe in climate change, but it’s an argument women will go for and it’s tricky for liberals to argue against it without admitting that climate change is a scam.

    2) The overcrowding argument. Our cities are already overcrowded, we already have major traffic congestion, overcrowding increases stress and is bad for everybody’s health, both physical and mental. Especially the children! Overcrowded cities are no place to raise children. And even small towns will suffer from overcrowding since they do’t have the infrastructure to absorb high population growth. High population growth degrades our quality of life. Especially for the children!

    3) The social cohesion argument. Even though all cultures are equal and equally fabulous mixing together people of different cultures causes stress and this stress can encourage evils like racism.

    4) The diversity argument. The Melting Pot ends up destroying every culture, including the incredibly wondrous cultures of immigrants. The immigrants end up losing their sense of identity and their culture. If they are encouraged to stay in their own countries they won’t lose their identity. Diversity is good, and only separate countries can protect diversity.

    5) The economic argument. Immigration lowers wage rates. That’s the idea of immigration – to reduce wages so that everybody (including immigrants) ends up working for starvation wages. Everybody suffers. Especially the children!

    The key is to make your arguments on an emotional level and appeal to the instinct for virtue-signalling. We’re not against immigration because we’re Nazis, we’re against immigration for the sake of the forests, and the children, and because we have so much respect for other cultures.

  1304. Ron Unz says:

    Of course legal immigration is a serious problem, maybe even more so than illegal immigration. However, if the government won’t stop illegal immigration, what chance do we have of stopping all immigration?

    I realize it’s rather counter-intuitive, but I think you may be completely mistaken about this. I was very surprised myself when I discovered the political/ideological dynamics a few years ago.

    Basically, I was involved in a project that caused me to have private discussions with a number of CA’s top-ranking mainstream-liberal media elites on various political issues. I mentioned that legal immigration was much too high and should be sharply reduced, and I was totally surprised how completely open they were to the idea, based on exactly the same sort of arguments I’ve been making for the last decade or so.

    On the other hand, I don’t have the slightest doubt that if I’d attacked or denounced illegal immigration, I would have been met with icy hostility. After all, net illegal immigration has already been at very low levels since around 2009, and therefore attacking illegal immigrants seems like a totally cynical and dishonest political ploy, partly because that’s exactly what it is.

    So I actually think greatly reducing legal immigration is actually pretty doable, at least probably much more doable that building that ridiculous wall Trump and his friends are always talking about.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Anonymous
  1305. Okechukwu says:

    Where is your foundation for your assertion? Cite your reasoning. I’d be shocked if you could correctly define supremacism. Doubly so if you could cite evidence for widespread alt-right beliefs that would fall under the definition of supremacism.

    You see, in the real world we deal in facts. Humans learned a long time ago that the statements of other humans cannot be trusted. That’s why we developed courts as a means by which to ferret out the truth, using the rules of evidence. That you will deny being a supremacist or a racist is a given. But it’s also entirely meaningless and irrelevant. We use the facts to make our judgments, not your words.

    A demand for ethnic distance and separation is not supremacism but nationalism.

    It’s an impossible demand. Why do alt-right dimwits focus on the impossible rather than the practical and achievable? How exactly are you going to achieve ethnic distance and separation? You’re going to break up families, friends and communities? How? By force? Wouldn’t it make infinitely more sense for you and those like you to separate yourselves, since you don’t exactly speak for white people as a whole, many of whom are perfectly comfortable with diversity, and indeed prefer it. You could easily pool your money together and buy an uninhabited island somewhere and create your shangri-la there.

    Supremacists don’t wish that their competitors would adopt nationalist desires for space while offering them room to adopt similar independence and self determination

    Oh, really? Then why are white supremacists generally in love with the idea of preserving or otherwise setting up new white ethno states smack dab in the middle of black Africa? It’s these sorts of contradictions make your entire ideology into a joke.

    Did you seriously just attempt to accuse low IQ while relying on a series of rhetorical fallacies to make your point?

    What are my rhetorical fallacies? You want to debate seriously? Let’s go.

    You claim final defeat of racial separation, but that isn’t holding up is it? Every day the acts and outcomes of your “equal races” remind the world of the nature of the Neoliberal lie.

    One of the main items of evidence supporting the stupidity of the alt-right, and white supremacism generally, is this near total lack of awareness that equality and inequality are judged on an individual rather than a group basis. It’s stunning that you can’t figure this out.

    Every day the civilized world is required to ignore the results of those races to the cost immense tragedy and dysfunction.

    Yeah, the world watched as an all-white Europe nearly destroyed itself in two world wars. Even before the Nazis, the world watched as Weimar Germany had running gun battles on the streets, where you needed suitcases of cash to buy a loaf of bread.

    Yet another aspect of alt right stupidity is your total blindness to historical perspective, your blindness to any context whatsoever. So it can be argued that Europe (Western Europe in particular) has enjoyed much more peace, comity, progress, stability and affluence coincident with increased diversity.

    You mean over-run by printed money and low quality numbers? The “out-engineered” part was especially funny.

    Well your Great Aryan Army had a tendency to rely on horses and mules against the mechanized “sub-humans” and “jewified” and “negrified” mongrels. They were out-engineered in the sense that simplicity has its virtues. The T-34 was vastly more reproducible, reliable and effective than any of the over-engineered monstrosities the Nazis fielded. The allies had better planes, guns and the long range bombers that the Nazis were never able to produce. Ultimately, the allies were smarter. The Nazis were some of the most inept military tacticians the world has ever seen.

    But the Nazi reliance on Aryan supremacy mythology is what ultimately did them in. When you believe that your opponents are sub-humans who will scatter and run or surrender en masse, you certainly don’t come up with a Plan B.

    Nowhere can you (especially you) “easily refute” IQ. Your kind can’t even allow the argument to openly occur, without retribution, lest you be overwhelmingly defeated in having it.

    But if racist pseudoscience were real and valid, it wouldn’t matter what I think. It wouldn’t matter what any opponent thinks or says or does. For racist pseudoscience would be able to triumph against all opposition arrayed against it. If, for example, you were smarter than me, and smarter than every black person in existence, then racist pseudoscience would be totally unimpeachable. But as intelligence varies within groups and overlaps between groups, racist pseudoscience is simply a ridiculous ideology that is never going to gain mainstream currency.

    Moreover, how does that “strengthen the advocacy for increased immigration”? Be very specific.

    It’s very simple. Reasonable, rational people don’t want to make common cause with white supremacists. If anti-immigrationism becomes associated with white supremacists, which they support with very harsh, very ugly and very pseudoscientific rhetoric, normal people who otherwise support restrictions on immigration will be disincentivised, not wanting to be under the same tent as white supremacists. Furthermore, normal people will be energized in opposition to the entire alt-right political platform since everything Nazis and white supremacists are against must necessarily be a good thing.

    Until it isn’t. You predict no limit to the tolerance for Western social and civilizational dysfunction. I’m here to tell you that you are wrong. Remember that when you are proven so. At the time when that tolerance is completely spent, trust me when I state that what the “mass” rejects or accepts will not matter. It will simply be too dysfunctional to do anything about it.

    Again, stop focusing on the impossible. People are not going to divorce their spouses and kill their mixed-race children to satisfy the desires of deranged white supremacist pinheads. There are even Afro-Russians in Russia. The Russians aren’t going to round them up and shoot them for you. Focus on reality and what is doable. An island, my friend. That’s your best option.

    Ask yourself if you believe that the leaders of the long and reasonably racist White West one day just decided to cede their government and lands to Niggers and every other foreign community.

    Yeah, you’re a glowing example of alt-right intellectual depth. You’re an idiot, actually. In your mind-numbing stupidity, you guys actually unwittingly work for our side. Remember the massive clusterfuck that was the Unite the Right rally and its aftermath. That set your “movement” back at least 50 years. And your diatribes on sites like Unz, which are perused far and wide, serve only to reinforce the gains made against you.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @ben tillman
  1306. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    There aren’t historical grudges.

    apparently they are taught in their schools down there that the western half of the U.S. belongs to them and it was stolen by us – even some of their maps in school show the western half of the U.S. as belonging to them. I’m not surprised if (((a certain group))) is behind this so that the beaners feel no guilt or shame while they try to steal what our people built.

  1307. Ron Unz says:

    You want arguments against immigration? Arguments that people might actually listen to and that are less likely to get you dismissed as a Nazi loon?

    Actually, since this is my own website, I’d assume you’ve probably read some of my lengthy articles on exactly that sort of issue. But just in case not, here are a couple of the links:

  1308. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    In actuality, there isn’t the minutest sliver of daylight between white nationalism and white supremacy. It’s all the same bullshit.

    okechobee realizes if he can’t get access to white people, its big trouble for him

  1309. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    The availability of no fault divorce drives women to prefer careers to motherhood

    How does it do that?

    Use your imagination, Junior. I was just setting things out on broad lines, not writing a thesis.

  1310. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    Certainly there have been several high profile figures calling for a reduction in net legal immigration of about one third.

    Reducing immigration by one-third is just boiling the frog a bit more slowly. It’s a defeatist argument that ultimately does more harm than good.

    • Replies: @anon
  1311. @CanSpeccy

    As for my progeny, I’d send you pictures of my grandchildren, except that I have to respect their privacy.

    Look, in my exchanges with people, I really do try to maintain a certain standard of discourse, for example, in terms of not trucking in obvious logical fallacies, like beg-the-question and straw-man and all that. Or, more generally speaking, I just try to be HONEST.

    Already, what you say above is dishonest. I never asked you for any pictures of your children or grandchildren. I simply asked you how many of them there were. If you answered “3” or “27” or whatever, that does not violate their privacy! So, your refusal to answer the question is NOT based on respect for anybody’s privacy.

    Now, of course, I don’t really care how many kids or grandkids you have. I never would have asked you but since you took the liberty of asking somebody else, I was curious whether you would answer your own question! It’s not specifically you, but I find this kind of behavior sort of decadent somehow. It’s just this kind of reflexive, sleazy dishonesty that people engage in. And that sort of cultural decadence may be related to the failure to reproduce that you deplore.

    The low fertility of the Western nations is certainly an aspect of the ongoing genocide, but to advocate immigration as the solution is like prescribing cyanide as an antidote to food poisoning.

    Okay, well, another rule of HONEST discourse is that you answer somebody based on what they actually said, not some straw-man version of what they are saying. I’ve never written anything advocating immigration.

    Well, it’s true that I never wrote any anti-immigration rants either, but basically, most everything I end up saying on these forums is centered around questions of factual truth. The reason I do not believe the 9/11 official story is because it is physically impossible. And since I do not believe in miracles, that is not what happened.

    In terms of this “Muslim rape epidemic” narrative in Germany, for example, the centerpiece of all of that is the alleged events in or around Cologne central railway station of almost exactly 3 years ago. It is quite obvious to me that hundreds of women were not sexually assaulted because it is impossible for that to happen in a Grand Central Station environment on a New Year’s Eve without at least a few of the HUNDREDS of incidents being caught on camera. Maybe that’s not physically impossible on the same level of Building 7 going straight down at free-fall speed from office fires, but, for all practical purposes, I think it might as well be.

    So, that narrative is untrue. It did not happen. That has nothing to do with Islam or being pro or anti immigration or any of it. If something is not possible, it simply did not happen. And that’s that.

    Incidentally, do you deny the Rotherham grooming scandal and related cases in which Muslim immingrant gangs have been convicted and jailed for exploiting and raping under-age British girls?

    Okay, first of all, the above question is irrelevant. I never said anything about Rotherham in any of this conversation. What you are asking me is based on an implicit straw-man really, which is the notion that I was claiming that people of a Muslim background never commit any crimes at all.

    But, fine, even though the question is basically irrelevant and really, in a way dishonest, I’ll answer it. But I feel that, if I then ask you a question, you have incurred an obligation to answer a question of mine. Or put it this way…

    If I answer your question (as I am about to) and pose a legitimate question of my own and you walk away, then I think I’ll just put you in my twit filter because the whole thing is just too aggravating, you see.

    You might not care about that, granted, but it’s your choice.

    So now I answer your question….

    No, I do not deny the Rotherham thing. It looks pretty clear that it happened. Besides, why would I deny it? As I said, I deny the 9/11 story and I deny the Cologne story and a bunch of other things because the narrative is simply not possible! What they say happened in Rotherham is quite possible. Also, I never said that Muslims never commit crimes. That would be ridiculous.

    Now, I would point out that there are 1.2 MILLION Pakistanis in the U.K. more or less. (I looked it up.) And those Pakistani ethnic criminals in Yorkshire is maybe a couple of dozen guys, so okay, it happened, but I don’t read that much into it either. It’s not a question of wanting to give those guys a pass. I’m quite glad those guys are in prison. I’m sure they’re not having a very good time there. I hear child molesters have a hard time in the joint. I’m not losing any sleep over that either and probably basically none of the 1.2 MILLION Pakistanis in the U.K. are either.

    Well, basically, I don’t read all that much into it because I’m not innumerate. I take as a given that once you get into the millions of people, a few of the people will be criminals, nasty folks. A few. I never said, by the way, that, of the 1.6 million refugees that Merkel let in, not a single one is a violent criminal or rapist. A few are, I’m sure, but probably not that many. The whole notion that German women can’t walk out the door because there are all these refugees raping women all over the place… that’s obviously nonsense…

    Okay, now I will answer the question. It admits a simple yes/no.

    Do you believe it is possible for hundreds of women to be sexually assaulted in an environment like Cologne central railway station on a New Year’s Eve and for there to be ZERO visual record consistent with the narrative?

    Just to help you out here, there’s no need even to think about the women being white or the guys being Arabs or any of that. Just think about the question abstractly. Actually, I did pose a more abstract generalization of the question here, comment #279:

    You could answer that one too. It’s not really a separate question anyway. Essentially, it’s the same question in deep structure. Note that I posed the question to Ron Unz and he simply walked away. And nobody else was willing to answer that question either. I think people refused to answer because the answer is kinda too devastatingly obvious…

  1312. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    CRoe vs wade killed millions of black and brown enemies of Whites

    .Got any actual facts on abortion rates by racial group?

    No, thought not.

    And if as you say “Black and brown women take care of abortions all by themselves” then the legality or otherwise of abortion doesn’t affect the abortion rate in these communities. Furthermore, it means that all 60 million abortions since Roe versus Wade have been of white Americans.

    Your post is why I despise conservatives and have always been an anti affirmative action…

    My post is why you have always been an anti affirmative action… you mean by “always,” for the last two minutes? Or do you simply not understand the English language very well.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1313. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    True. We’re getting attacked on every possible front.

    But we’re still gaining ground. Isn’t it amazing? It’s almost like the darkness never had a chance.

    • Replies: @Art
  1314. Alden says:

    It’s $10.48 an hour. $10.48 an hour is less than the $11.00 California minus wage.

    Another reason the capitalist scum of SV won’t hire Americans is that in California, ALL workers who are not managers with the title, functions and responsibilities of managing other workers are entitled to time and a half paid overtime for every half hour over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. The Chinese and Indians dints know this. So the capitalist scum can get away with not paying them for the extra 55 hours a week.

    The HR gestapi will tell Californians that professional and clerical employees are not entitled to overtime pay if they work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.

    Not true. The State Labor Relations Board doesn’t tolerate any HR blathering that a professional or clerical employee is a manager not entitled to overtime. If the HR gestapo can’t prove the worker had the title functions and responsibilities of managing other workers the worker gets all the unpaid overtime which is usually years of unpaid overtime

    The aeronautical and astronautical engineers I went to college with went right over to NASA in Mountain View, bought houses in Mountain View for the short commute and started at about $18,000 a year working 40 hours a week with paid overtime if they had to work longer in 65 66.

    All through the 80s and 90s Microsoft paid the engineers programmers and computer designers and architects overtime for those 100 hour weeks. I don’t know if the still do it for the Chinese and Indians who are hired because they don’t know about Washington state labor laws.

    $10.48 an hour when minimum wage is $11.00.

    Now that I’ve pissed off the anti abortion morons and “I’m a professional and love the capitalist scum I work for and would never lower myself to the prole level of a mechanic or construction worker to demand the over time I’m entitled too by law” anti labor union and all the rest of the be nice and maybe the liberals browns and blacks won’t kill all Whites and; not me but other Whites should all have 6 children fuddy duddy conservatives I’ll sign off.

  1315. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    I don’t mind at all being a “Deplorable” and don’t feel in any way defeated or defeatist. It immediately identifies me as an enemy of corrupt Hillary Clinton

    Yeah, absolutely. If I were an American I would bear the title with similar pride. It goes with “scum of the earth,” the Duke of Wellington’s description of the English troops with which he defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, and the “Old Contemptibles,” the men of the World War 1, British Epeditionary Force in France who are memorialized along with Kings, Queens, Shakespeare and most recently Stephen Hawking in England’s Westminster Abbey, next door to the Houses of Parliament. What’s more, if America’s incumbent globalist elite is ultimately defeated you can be sure that the mass of people who rose up against them and made victory possible will be proudly remembered as the Deplorables.

    • Agree: Miro23
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1316. Okechukwu says:

    In the dispute over land reform in South Africa, British Prime Minister Theresa May has backed the government. Britain stands behind the land grab in South Africa, she told the ANC government.

    It appears May is smart enough to recognize that land reform is a good thing that Britain itself has employed to its immense advantage. After all, vast tracts of British land are no longer owned by nobles and aristocrats lording it over the peasant classes.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @geokat62
  1317. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Of course biological identity is the lowest form of politics

    And if you don’t fight for your biological identity, you won’t have an identity of any kind, because you’ll have gone the way of the Passenger Pigeon and the Great Auk.

  1318. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Already, what you say above is dishonest. I never asked you for any pictures of your children or grandchildren.

    For a moment, Revusky, I thought you might be a rational person with whom one could communicate. But obviously you nothing by a long-winded troll. Good luck with a new assignment in the loony bin.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1319. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    It appears May is smart enough to recognize that land reform is a good thing that Britain itself has employed to its immense advantage. After all, vast tracts of British land are no longer owned by nobles and aristocrats lording it over the peasant classes.

    What the Hell are you talking about? There have been no systematic land seizures in England since about 1066, unless you count Henry VIII’s seizure of the monasteries. And of course there are still vast tracts of British land owned by by both nobles and ignobles, although there are essentially no peasants in Britain, let alone classes of peasants, since barely one percent of the whole population are engaged in agriculture.

  1320. geokat62 says:

    It appears May is smart enough to recognize that land reform is a good thing that Britain itself has employed to its immense advantage.

    land reform (expropriation with compensation): yes
    land grab (expropriation without compensation): no

    Here’s the UK example:

    United Kingdom
    There have been many land reformers in the United Kingdom, but most actual land reform has taken place in Scotland rather than England and Wales.[citation needed] Advocates of land reform in Britain have included the 17th-century Diggers, John Stuart Mill, Alfred Russel Wallace, and Jesse Collings. Currently the Labour Land Campaign promotes the case for a land value tax, one of the results of which would be some land reform. The Green Party of England and Wales and the Scottish Green Party support land value tax.

    In the 21st century, land reform in Scotland has focused on the abolition and modernisation of Scotland’s antiquated feudal land tenure system, security of tenure for crofters and decentralisation of Scotland’s highly concentrated private land ownership. Scotland’s land reform is distinct from other contemporary land reforms in its focus on community land ownership, with the Land Reform (Scotland) Acts of 2003 and 2016 establishing the Community Right to Buy, allowing rural and urban communities first right of refusal to purchase local land when it comes up for sale. Crofting communities are granted a similar Right to Buy though they do not require a willing seller to buy out local crofting land. Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, Scottish ministers can grant a compulsory sale order for vacant or derelict private land or land which, if owned by the local community, could further sustainable development.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1321. Okechukwu says:

    What the Hell are you talking about? There have been no systematic land seizures in England since about 1066, unless you count Henry VIII’s seizure of the monasteries. And of course there are still vast tracts of British land owned by by both nobles and ignobles, although there are essentially no peasants in Britain, let alone classes of peasants, since barely one percent of the whole population are engaged in agriculture.

    The British landed gentry were taxed and regulated out of existence. In other words, land reform.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1322. anon[156] • Disclaimer says:


    It was a huge issue in the 2013 election. The illegal immigration issue was the main reason Labor lost that election. The LNP made an enormous song and dance about stopping illegal immigration if they were elected.

    You weren’t talking about illegal Immigration when you made the comment :

    And nobody talks about immigration here any more. It’s a non-issue.

    The 2013 Election was fought on a number of issues, mostly to do with the waste, incompetence, and prissyness of the then Australian Labor Party Government but the rate of [legal] Immigration wasn’t one of those issues.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1323. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    So for example if a politician promises a Wall it’s a safe bet that what he really cares about is making sure there’s a Big Beautiful Door. And that Big Beautiful Door will be let wide open.

    Is this the best you and Ron can offer in the way of intelligent comment?

    What any sanely governed democratic country requires is a population policy that: (1) achieves a rationally determined population level; (2) prevents genetic deterioration; and (3) aims to preserve the nation in perpetuity.

    The first objective depends largely on national security strategy, a hugely complex issue. Specifically, the question is what population must the US have in order to either dominate the world, or retain its independence in a world where the US is no longer the dominating power.

    The second objective requires reversing the current negative relationship between intelligence and fertility, a fairly simple problem, although quite possible beyond the effective intelligence of the American elite.

    The third, objective means restoring the fertility of the existing population to at least the replacement rate, and severely restricting immigration, or ending it, until that objective is achieved.

    Of courser none of these things will be done. The Euro American nation will die and its death will be attributable to terminal stupidity induced by a criminal elite, and the world will probably heave a sigh of relief as the Americas revert to a backward region dominated by Amerindians living amidst the ruins of once great cities built by an alien race that committed suicide.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @dfordoom
    , @Anonymous
  1324. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    The British landed gentry were taxed and regulated out of existence.

    But they weren’t. There are still plenty of aristocrats who own ten thousand acres of the finest farm land, not to mention the likes of the Duke of Sutherland who owns hundreds of square miles of farms, grouse mores, and deer forests.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1325. Okechukwu says:

    Why are you so exercised over land reform in South Africa when historically land reform has been a tool used extensively in Europe and around the world to redress inequalities in land ownership? Often the land owners received no compensation at all and often would get a bullet to the head instead. Was the Soviet Union or China worse off for their (often violent) land reforms? I think not.

    Giving land to the people releases tremendous pent up economic energy and fosters social harmony. In racist Rhodesia only white tobacco growers sold tobacco at the auction houses. Now in Zimbabwe, the sellers are primarily black.

    Tobacco farming: Land reform success story

    I’m sure the Rhodesian white supremacists had convinced themselves that black people couldn’t grow and sell tobacco.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @anon
    , @anon
    , @notanon
  1326. anon[156] • Disclaimer says:


    Reducing immigration by one-third is just boiling the frog a bit more slowly. It’s a defeatist argument that ultimately does more harm than good.

    How is it that it ultimately does more arm than good?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1327. dfordoom says: • Website

    The 2013 Election was fought on a number of issues, mostly to do with the waste, incompetence, and prissyness of the then Australian Labor Party Government but the rate of [legal] Immigration wasn’t one of those issues.

    It’s absolutely true that the rate of legal immigration wasn’t an issue. But the rate of illegal immigration was a big issue. Illegal immigration was made a big issue so we wouldn’t notice that we were going to be swamped by a tidal wave of legal immigration.

    It’s called misdirection. Every good sideshow grifter and every good con-man knows how to do it. And the marks always fall for it.

    In this case the grift worked so well that it pretty much eliminated legal immigration as a political issue. We’re being destroyed by insanely high levels of legal immigration but nobody worries about it because Hooray! We stopped the illegal immigrants!

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @ben tillman
  1328. anon[156] • Disclaimer says:


    The key is to make your arguments on an emotional level and appeal to the instinct for virtue-signalling. We’re not against immigration because we’re Nazis,

    The Nazi’s propaganda to the German people was based on appealing to their emotions rather than their rationality.
    But you’re saying
    ”Use cynical Nazi style propaganda, and you won’t be accused of being a Nazi.”

    You wouldn’t be Trolling, by any chance?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1329. @CanSpeccy

    For a moment, Revusky, I thought you might be a rational person with whom one could communicate. But obviously you nothing by a long-winded troll. Good luck with a new assignment in the loony bin.

    Bats in the belfry, eh?

    Well, I guess you realized that you were getting cornered in the discussion.

    And getting exposed….

    Uhh…. you don’t have any kids or grandkids… right?

    • Troll: CanSpeccy
  1330. geokat62 says:

    Giving land to the people releases tremendous pent up economic energy and fosters social harmony.

    I’m cool with land reform, I just don’t support land grabs. Do you?

    If you do, is it ok if your government were to confiscate your property without compensating you?

    What’s the saying again? Something like “two wrongs don’t make a right.”

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1331. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    Why are you so exercised over land reform in South Africa…..

    is that what your kind are calling theft these days?

    here’s a clue for you, when the whites arrived in southern Africa in the 1600’s there were no subsaharan negroes like the zulus etc, there were some nomadic bushmen called khoi-san. All these central african negroes who made their way south with their hands out have no claim on what whites built

    if they were really serious about going after the real money they would be going after the (((De Beers))) diamond mines but for some reason that doesn’t happen

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1332. geokat62 says:

    … Americas revert to a backward region dominated by Amerindians living amidst the ruins of once great cities built by an alien race that committed suicide.

    Committed suicide or genocided? The good rabbi made a strong case for the latter.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1333. anon[156] • Disclaimer says:


    In this case the grift worked so well that it pretty much eliminated legal immigration as a political issue. We’re being destroyed by insanely high levels of legal immigration but nobody worries about it because Hooray! We stopped the illegal immigrants!

    As I said earlier, the rate of [legal] Immigration is a huge issue that’s been excluded from Australia’s blinkered Media, and no prominent individual has been prepared to raise it because their career prospects would be ended.
    What gets printed in Australian newspapers and on Australian blogs doesn’t reflect what’s happening in Australia.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1334. Ron Unz says:
    @Ron Unz

    Actually, to expand a little on my story…

    At one point, I was meeting with the longtime Editorial Page Editor of one of CA’s biggest newspapers, and casually explained why legal immigration was causing all sorts of problems and should be drastically reduced.

    He was a little shocked at my remarks, and he said that I sounded more like a liberal Democrat rather than any sort of Republican or conservative. Since he himself was a mainstream liberal Democrat, that wasn’t exactly an insult.

    A different journalist I spoke to at another large newspaper seemed a little confused by my claims, which she’d obviously never previously encountered in any political circles. She said “But don’t we need lots of immigration to keep the economy strong?” and vaguely cited some Cato study to that effect.

    And you also might want to take a look at the amusing details of that televised “Open Borders” debate I had in NYC a few years ago:

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1335. dfordoom says: • Website

    Of courser none of these things will be done.

    They’re not overly practical suggestions.

    (1) The idea of basing your population policy on the numbers required for world domination is dangerous since it’s going to encourage the idea that very very high population growth is a great idea. Because the bigger the population the more dominant you will be.

    Maybe instead try to persuade Americans to accept the idea of just being an ordinary country instead of having to control the world?

    (2) “Reversing the current negative relationship between intelligence and fertility, a fairly simple problem.”

    This is more IQ fetishism which will never gain you any traction at all. And what is your fairly simple solution?

    (3) “restoring the fertility of the existing population to at least the replacement rate”

    An admirable objective, but how are you going to do it?

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1336. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    And Hispanic young men increase the rape rate.

    >Okay, so maybe everybody should have fewer children, at least fewer male children?

    why blame everyone for what mostly black and brown do?

  1337. geokat62 says:

    We’re being destroyed by insanely high levels of legal immigration but nobody worries about it because Hooray! We stopped the illegal immigrants!

    Why must this be an either/or proposition. Haven’t the Israelis taken measures to address both issues? Why can’t we?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1338. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:

    Giving land to the people releases tremendous pent up economic energy and fosters social harmony.

    there is no land to give – what you mean is stealing land

  1339. dfordoom says: • Website

    Reducing immigration by one-third is just boiling the frog a bit more slowly. It’s a defeatist argument that ultimately does more harm than good.

    How is it that it ultimately does more arm than good?

    Because it creates the illusion that the problem is being dealt with so the public can be assured that they don’t need to worry abut it any more. Meanwhile demographic replacement can proceed without interference.

    Politics is all about creating the illusion that governments are addressing problems which they have no intention of actually addressing.

    • Replies: @anon
  1340. Okechukwu says:

    I’m cool with land reform, I just don’t support land grabs. Do you?

    It depends on how fresh in the mind the initial land grab is. Many of the claimants against the initial land grabs are still alive. Or the institutional memory of it is still alive.

    It also depends on how the land originally grabbed is being used. No country would countenance vast tracts of land that serve no useful purpose being kept as a store of wealth while countless numbers of people live in overcrowded ramshackle conditions. These are the same people who originally were evicted from those lands in the first place, and without compensation.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1341. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    Your ignorant opinions about rape caused by the way women dress comes from your own frustrated unfulfilled sexual desires and hatred of women

    My expertise about rapists and rape victims comes from being a probation officer for 27 years and having the rape and child molestation caseload dumped on me for all those years. It’s a small population county so there was just one rape caseload.

    Rapists don’t rape because of short skirts and décolletage. They rape because if you’re bug and mean and have a gun it’s a much easier and cheaper way to get sex than meeting women.

    Women are raped because their job or something else means they are out after dark. Hospital workers are often raped in the hospital parking lot if it’s in a black neighborhood. Rapists often drive out to residential neighborhoods at night park near a bus or subway stop and rape a woman after she walks home.

    Rapists rape women in the dead of winter in N Europe and the northern parts of America. Sweden is the rape capital of the world and winter in Scandinavia starts the middle of October and does tend till the first of May. So 7 1/2 months of the year Swedish women are covered from toes to the top of the head in boots pants long bulky (not tight) coats hoods gloves and scarves. The only things that show are nose eyes and mouth.

    Women in NYC, Cleveland Milwaukee Chicago Detroit Flint Philadelphia, any American city with a black population over 10 percent get raped all winter long while covered head to toe in hoods hats scarves gloves bulky long coats pants and boots.

    Men don’t rape women because of short skirts and décolletage. They rape women because rapists are hunters and go after women when they’re alone and can be easily grabbed.

    College women don’t get raped because they’re young and attractive. They’re raped because women walking alone in college campuses and near college campuses

  1342. @peterAUS


    Vietnamese immigration did change Perth. You have the US to thank for that. It was mostly due to the Vietnam war, whose social cost was absorbed by Oz.

    Melbourne was also changed considerably by Italian and Greek immigration.

    Neither of these groups are as dangerous Mestizos and a body of water tends to separate people from their previously cultures.

    But people like Paula the Chip Shop owner did object to immigration.

  1343. @Jonathan Revusky

    On a regular basis, eh? What’s that? Like every afternoon at 4 o’clock sharp?

    Lately in the mornings.

    Christmas in Sweden…

    Unknown arranged explosion in an apartment building in Sweden
    December 25, 2018

    Unknown detonated an explosive device in a residential building in the Swedish city of Anderstorp in the County of jönköping on Tuesday morning.

    *Anderstorp population 4,965

    There’s even a wikipedia page titled List of grenade attacks in Sweden

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1344. geokat62 says:

    It depends on how fresh in the mind the initial land grab is. Many of the claimants against the initial land grabs are still alive. Or the institutional memory of it is still alive.

    Initial land grab? According to this source, it appears the land was initially purchased, not grabbed:

    In many regions of South Africa, the Afrikaners have been around longer than the Bantus and have a stronger claim on the land, having purchased it from Khoisans. On the other hand, traditionally Bantu land was conquered from other Bantu tribes or taken by the Bantus from the Khoisans.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1345. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Committed suicide or genocided?

    I was considering genocide by their own elite as a form of suicide. But, I suppose the elite expect somehow to escape the consequences of their own evil actions, and supposing the do, then you are right to make the distinction.

  1346. dfordoom says: • Website

    The Nazi’s propaganda to the German people was based on appealing to their emotions rather than their rationality.

    Every single successful political party in history has based its success on appealing to the people’s emotions rather than their rationality. No candidate has ever been elected to a high political office by appealing to the voters’ rationality. It’s the way politics works.

    But you’re saying
    ”Use cynical Nazi style propaganda, and you won’t be accused of being a Nazi.”

    No, I’m saying we should accept the reality that success in politics is about having a a political package that is saleable and then selling it as effectively as possible. Every political party and every political regime employs propaganda. If you want to win you have to be able to market your ideology or your candidate effectively. And you don’t make a sale by relying on rationality. You make a sale by convincing the customer that buying your product will make him feel better, more successful and more virtuous.

  1347. notanon says:

    Why does “being replaced” matter

    genocide is illegal

    and the people actively engaged in an attempted stealth genocide should be put on trial.

    there are other reasons of course
    – selfish gene, for the population being targeted
    – Fermi paradox for everyone else
    – etc

  1348. dfordoom says: • Website

    We’re being destroyed by insanely high levels of legal immigration but nobody worries about it because Hooray! We stopped the illegal immigrants!

    Why must this be an either/or proposition. Haven’t the Israelis taken measures to address both issues? Why can’t we?

    You misunderstand me. I was arguing against the idea of focusing on illegal immigration as a priority because I think, for reasons I’ve explained, that it’s a loser move.

    To argue against immigration you need to make a case that all immigration is unnecessary and in fact harmful. All immigration. Which naturally includes illegal immigration as well.

    So yes, of course you can address both issues. What you can’t do, unless you enjoy losing, is to address illegal immigration on its own.

  1349. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    (1) The idea of basing your population policy on the numbers required for world domination is dangerous since it’s going to encourage the idea that very very high population growth is a great idea.

    I mentioned the alternative objective, of merely retaining independence, if like me, that is what you prefer.

    (2) “Reversing the current negative relationship between intelligence and fertility, a fairly simple problem.”

    This is more IQ fetishism

    Not at all. I think IQism is bollocks. I am referring to the inverse relation between income and fertility, on the assumption that intelligence is more less well related to income. The relationship is old established. Adam Smith mentioned it, and explained how it was a vital factor in maintaining national coherence, but I don’t have the energy to explain that here where I will automatically be misunderstood and abused for the misconceptions that others bring to the discussion (and no I don’t mean you specifically).

    (3) “restoring the fertility of the existing population to at least the replacement rate”

    An admirable objective, but how are you going to do it?

    Glad we agree on this. The solution is easy, as I explained earlier or maybe on another thread. It has to do with things like abortion law, no fault divorce, tax breaks for children (that benefit only those paying tax, particularly those paying a lot of tax at the highest rates), DNA identification of the fathers of welfare mothers’ kids and enforcement of payment of paternal child maintenance, etc.


    I think I am going to sign off here. I am sick of looking at that sour woman’s armpit every time I log on.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @dfordoom
  1350. notanon says:

    What is that pathway exactly?

    two pathways (which partially overlap)

    1) the central banking mafia are legalized counterfeiters with a parasitic business model which over time leads them to behave like a parasite in nature – one aspect of this is security, the population can potentially wake up to the scam at any time (and nearly always do after one of the periodic banking mafia created economic crises) so they promote divide and rule and “diversity” is simply rebranded divide and rule.

    the Roman empire had colonia

    the banking mafia’s empire has refugee resettlement.

    2) a population rightly or wrongly associated with the banking mafia will get it in the neck after every banking mafia created economic crisis so over time develop a paranoid xenophobia which we can euphemize as “cultural Marxism.” Cultural Marxist influence in media and academia promotes divide and rule for the same reason – desire for security.

    2.5) the overlapping part is : since the complete triumph of the banking empire in the West (which i’d say wasn’t fully complete till the 1980s) they fund and promote the cultural Marxist version of “Left” while undermining the economic Left.

  1351. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    I College students aren’t raped because they’re young and attractive. They are raped because they are walking around alone on those large campuses with lots of open space and the neighborhoods near campuses. They are easy to grab in secluded spaces. It’s the same reason workers and customers are grabbed in huge parking lots

    I never really spoke with the rapists. I just told them I’d recommend the maximum state prison sentence with no parole. Then I’d enjoy watching the scum whine and plead.

    Men are the best rape investigators because it’s easier for men to get confessions. All the detectives, DA investigators and DAs had to do was sit down with the suspect, do a little macho huffing and puffing about short skirts and décolletage and how men have the right to rape women because all women want it.

    Then the POS scum start bragging and adding details about the rape. It’s all on tape and pretty soon they’re happy to sign a confession ( that’s what happens when the criminal demographic has IQs in the 60 to 75 range)

    When they start blathering they will often brag to the investigators about other crimes they’ve committed. They’re proud of their crimes and love to brag about them.

    I’m good friends with a DA who spent years prosecuting rapists We made a great team. He always talked to the rapists. He did the macho huffing and puffing about short skirts what do they expect thing and the rapists blathered on and on.
    There was one who grabbed a woman out of a big commuter bus parking lot before she could get to her car. He bragged that he picked her because she wanted it.

    My friend replied that you had to break her wrist and nose to get her to hold still, how can you say she wanted it? Rapist replied she did want it she just pretended to fight. He also bragged/confessed to 4 other rapes
    during that conversation.

    BTW, rapists never say she asked for it by the way she dressed. If you knew anything about the subject you’d know they always say I could tell she wanted it.

    You are not a rapist. You’ve never spoken with a rapist about what he did. You’ve never spoken with a police officer investigator detective prosecutor defense attorney judge probation or parole officer jail guard prison guard prison counselor or psychiatrist or psychologist or anyone who has to listen and deal with rapists.

    So shut the fuck up about a subject of which you know nothing.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1352. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    Thanks Anon.

  1353. @dfordoom

    LOL. Wouldn’t work.

    Being against immigration automatically makes you a racist or Nazi regardless of your reasons.

    You could use the same arguments as Cesar Chavez and you will be lampooned on Southpark … Dey Terk Er Jerbs.

    Mainstreaming Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Movement in the U.S. []

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1354. @Jonathan Revusky

    QUOTE Look, in my exchanges with people, I really do try to maintain a certain standard of discourse, for example, in terms of not trucking in obvious logical fallacies, like beg-the-question and straw-man and all that. Or, more generally speaking, I just try to be HONEST. END QUOTE

    This is coming from a hysterical insane nitwit that claimed not once, but THREE times that I did not care about facts. With no evidence to support such a claim.

    I read only the first sentence or so the post I am replying to. I expect most posters here do not even that much of your wall of nonsense, because they realize that you are a waste of 1’s and 0’s.

    I know I shouldn’t reply and hopefully you will just go away, but perhaps other posters can read how you launched yourself into this thread attacking me personally. They can then make up their own minds about how you try to be HONEST.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
    , @Alden
  1355. notanon says:

    China is taking over southern Africa.

    • Replies: @LostHopeless
    , @Okechukwu
  1356. @Art

    That should be a campaign slogan … “Step out of the caves!”

  1357. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    based on exactly the same sort of arguments I’ve been making for the last decade or so.

    Do you have a link to something that lists or summarizes these arguments?

  1358. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s an impossible demand. Why do alt-right dimwits focus on the impossible rather than the practical and achievable?

    What is practical and achievable?

    • Replies: @ben tillman
    , @Okechukwu
  1359. anon[156] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re not making a lot of sense.
    If Australia’s Immigration numbers were cut by one third, that would mean 100,000 less people/year, hardly an illusion, and would put a big hole in the ”demographic replacement”.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1360. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    In actuality, there isn’t the minutest sliver of daylight between white nationalism and white supremacy. It’s all the same bullshit.

    Why do you object to Whites remaining a majority in the United States and Europe?

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1361. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    Yeah, absolutely. If I were an American I would bear the title with similar pride.

    It has too many negative connotations. It has a butthurt vibe to it. It is an admission of powerlessness, a plea for mercy from the weak to the strong.

    Choose something positive.

  1362. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    The second objective requires reversing the current negative relationship between intelligence and fertility, a fairly simple problem,

    How could the United States solve it?

  1363. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    In this case the grift worked so well that it pretty much eliminated legal immigration as a political issue. We’re being destroyed by insanely high levels of legal immigration but nobody worries about it because Hooray! We stopped the illegal immigrants!

    How would you begin to advocate to Australians to end legal immigration. What would you say to them?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1364. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    no prominent individual has been prepared to raise it because their career prospects would be ended.

    How? Why?

    Are there not arguments they can make?

    • Replies: @anon
  1365. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    and casually explained why legal immigration was causing all sorts of problems and should be drastically reduced.

    Just reiterating here the request made a moment ago for a good summary of the problems you see with legal immigration.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1366. notanon says:

    right, even without genetic or cultural differences between populations mass immigration will increase rape disproportionately due to the disproportion of young males within immigrant populations.

    however on top of that the media’s refusal to accept this reality and their 50-year bullying of the police into covering up the excess crime that inevitably goes alongside disproportionate young male immigration causes those immigrants on the border line between criminal and law-abiding to commit crimes which they otherwise wouldn’t have committed for fear of the consequences.

    so in effect the filthy lying corrupt media are responsible for a significant portion (i’d say the majority) of the 100s of thousands of immigration related gang rapes that have been committed in the West over the last 40 years.

  1367. notanon says:
    @jilles dykstra

    So, if Hispanics have no abnormal crime rate, then they have no abnormal crime rate.

    a disproportionately male population having a “normal” crime rate is abnormal.

  1368. Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:

    I mentioned the alternative objective, of merely retaining independence, if like me, that is what you prefer.

    How is it a factor in “retaining independence”?

  1369. dfordoom says: • Website

    The solution is easy, as I explained earlier or maybe on another thread. It has to do with things like abortion law, no fault divorce, tax breaks for children (that benefit only those paying tax, particularly those paying a lot of tax at the highest rates), DNA identification of the fathers of welfare mothers’ kids and enforcement of payment of paternal child maintenance, etc.

    I’d agree with most of that.

    If you want to restore fertility rates you need to give society a massive dose of social conservatism. That’s why I see social conservatism as being more urgent than immigration. You cannot save a society from being replaced by immigrants/invaders/conquerors if that society has such a strong death wish that it has ceased to reproduce.

    Liberalism is the disease. Immigration is merely a symptom. Social conservatism is the cure.

  1370. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    your generic-type arguments have some plausibility

    it’s possible for a disproportionately young male population to have a crime rate similar to the US white whole population rate if they come from a region where the base rate is much lower than US whites e.g. Japan.

    so the two options are:

    1) the hispanic base crime rate is much lower than US whites so a disproportionately young male slice of that population has a higher rate than their own base but similar to US whites

    2) senior police rig the stats to avoid their career being destroyed by the media and have been doing so for 40+ years.

    you could potentially prove to yourself it’s (2) by talking to beat-level cops in private (if they didn’t think it was a trick to get them in trouble).

    (also it’s not just the stats being rigged after the fact – the police avoid policing those neighborhoods to avoid crimes getting reported in the first place)

  1371. @anonymous

    Is Spain “white”? If so, Hispanics are White.

    95% of “Hispanics” are mixed-race, and many of the 5% who are white are not Spanish.

  1372. dfordoom says: • Website

    Being against immigration automatically makes you a racist or Nazi regardless of your reasons.

    Not really. The reason that anti-immigrationists get labelled as racist and/or Nazi is that there are so many idiots in the anti-immigration camp who seem to go out of their way to make themselves look like racist Nazis, or kooks, or racist Nazi kooks.

    To have a chance of succeeding you pretty much need to gain support from a segment of the elite class. They control the Megaphone. You need to split the elites, or at least split off a small fragment of the elites. You can’t do that if your movement appears to be heavily dominated by people whose views conform to the mainstream’s stereotype of racist Nazi kooks.

    You need to win the support of people whose support can be useful. So far movements like the alt-right have been very good at winning the support of guys who live in their Mom’s basement.

    Arguing that we’re going to be labelled as Nazis anyway so we might as well welcome it is more defeatist than anything I’ve ever proposed. It’s bit like deciding that girls are never going to want to go out with you so you might as well look as much like a scruffy creepy loser as possible.

    • Agree: Ron Unz, Talha, Tyrion 2
  1373. @poop

    How can you not grasp that the “water” issue is redundant of the “Mexican immigration” issue?

  1374. @Anon

    Some on the Alt Right do raise alarm about Brown Violence, but ‘Latino’ crime isn’t their main worry. They believe that, even if all browns are good people, the demographic transformation will profoundly alter the national character of America.

    That’s an unsophisticated interpretation. The correct concern is that immigration reduces the quantity and quality of our life, possibly all the way to zero.

    Immigrants dilute the value of our share of the country, and they obtain voting rights that enable to assist in our dispossession while whites slowly wake up to what is going on. They also interbreed with whites, thereby decreasing the population absolutely as well as relatively.

    We need territory to survive, and immigration deprives of us that. It’s not about national character; it’s life or death.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1375. Ron Unz says:

    Just reiterating here the request made a moment ago for a good summary of the problems you see with legal immigration.

    Sure, just read the article linked in the comment to which you’re replying or watch my NYC debate from a few years ago. An even more detailed explication is provided in my long articles which I linked in this other comment:

    But, no, I won’t try to summarize my analysis in 140 characters. If you want that sort of thing, you should get in touch with the Cartoon Frog people…

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1376. dfordoom says: • Website

    You’re not making a lot of sense.
    If Australia’s Immigration numbers were cut by one third, that would mean 100,000 less people/year, hardly an illusion, and would put a big hole in the ”demographic replacement”.

    The trouble is that it would convince people that the problem has now been solved so there’s no longer any need to bring up the issue of immigration ever again. And it would allow our elites to go on quietly replacing us year in and year out whilst telling us that they were being Tough On Immigration.

    Reducing the numbers in the short term is like realising that the ship has been holed below the waterline in several places, plugging one of the leaks, and not worrying about the others. So what you have is a ship that is still sinking but you’re so busy celebrating because you’re not sinking so quickly that you forget that whether you sink slowly or quickly doesn’t matter.

  1377. dfordoom says: • Website

    How would you begin to advocate to Australians to end legal immigration. What would you say to them?

    I’d use the arguments that I outlined earlier. Environmental degradation, overcrowding, social cohesion, preservation of actual cultural diversity, cheap labour driving down wages, declining quality of life.

    These are, believe it or not, things that people in the real world worry about.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @utu
  1378. @notanon

    And the scores of wifeless Chinese bachelors (with barely enough Chinese women for only around 70% of the men there due to the one child policy) are getting it on with the prettiest and most nubile women in southern Africa.

    The african elites are A-OK with this too! Their IQ pool increases, they get genuine investment as these men would want to make the place better for their families while the lonesome Chinese men get the best african women to mate with. Talk about win win buddy 😉

    Of course the men are fuming but they can’t do nuffin about it. Here’s something for you Mister: Chinese businessman finds love in Africa.

    The Chinese tend to age pretty well. So this woman must have been like 10-12 years his junior. So not only are they owning the land, they are picking up your youngest, most prettiest and most nubile women

    You better get your shit together or else not only will the Chinese own the place but they’ll take up all of your pretty women!! It’s one thing to work in a Chinese factory while quite another to have your youngest, most nubile women taken up by a foreign race!! All in your own country!

    • Replies: @Truth
  1379. @Thomm

    Heartiste talks about the Hajnal line ( as well.Guess what. India isn’t a part of that place!

    And he does NOT consider Indians [dot or feather] white by any definition of the word. Which also means he is a race realist and for him, you and your kind (the H1B indians) are a problem that needs to be solved. He is AGAINST legal immigration and he is big, BIG with race whereas you dismiss race! So you better quote heartiste at your own peril!!

    So suck it shiva! No matter how hard you try, you cannot get either Ron Unz or Heartiste to accept you as “white”. “Sux” to be you! Both Unz and Heartiste are against indiots like yourself coming in by the drove and (re)creating the ganges every now and then across the US

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Thomm
  1380. @dfordoom

    It’s true that in theory at least demands for ethnic distance/separation do not necessarily imply a belief in the superiority of one race over another.

    They do not ever imply that belief.

  1381. It is quite obvious to me that hundreds of women were not sexually assaulted because it is impossible for that to happen in a Grand Central Station environment on a New Year’s Eve without at least a few of the HUNDREDS of incidents being caught on camera

    Having read, it is now years ago, what happened it is quite obvious to me how it could happen.
    Well described in German media, the main factors were that there hardly was any police present, Germany not used to this kind of organised mass asssaults, that it is a large square, not many cameras, and it was organised, by migrants.
    Police had no chance.
    But here is someone who did not read what happened, but does know that what happened could not have happened.

    But this is not the only irrationality here.

    Politicians are blamed for appealing to emotions.
    But aside from facts, such as does more CO2 raise temperatures, politics is emotion.
    We in western Europe were proud on our social democratic countries, with income re distribution made posible by a progressive income income tax, up to more than 50% of income, USA politicians speak with contempt about ‘European nanny states’.
    This is nothing but emotions, we care for the poor, there are people who do not care.
    Nothing rational about it, just emotions.
    Then we have long and emotional discussions here about racism, without defining it, immigration and crime perpetrated by immigrants.

    The real issue is hardly mentioned: in almost all western countries, culturally European societies, we allowed large scale immigration of people we failed to asimilate, or who did not want to assimilate.
    Nothing new, in the 19th century it was expected that jews would disappear through assimilation after getting equal rights.
    It did not happen, antisemitism was the consequence.

    What also did not happen was a discussion about why assimilation failed.
    Still less a discussion about, this failure of assimilation being a fact, what to do, or accept the situation, with the prospect of European cultures disappearing in a few decades.
    France and the Netherlands the only countries, as far as I know, where deportation is not a taboo subject, though, I must admit, maybe in the meantime in the Netherlands it became taboo.

    One of the few books I know where circumstances are described that necessitate an enormous change in morals is Wyndham’s 1957 Day of the Triffids science fiction novel.
    Described is a situation in which the leading thought was ‘how do humans survive as a species’, without seeing the usual morals as something that could not be abolished.

    In my opinion, if we want to preserve European culture, the culture that gave us progress from the steam engine to the fission reactor, harsh decisions are necessary.
    Those who did not assimilate hate us, or, in the best case, are not interested in us.
    In any case, they reject our rule, cannot see how they’re be prepared to pay for installations as CERN at Geneva.

    The problem in understanding our position is caused by western rule being the accepted situation is that this situation exists since around 1500, when Columbus left on his voyage.
    No better demonstration, in my opinion, than the opposing views when it was half a milennium since he sailed: in the west, one of the greatest things in history was celebrated, by many all over the world, especially in South America, one of the worst things that ever happened.

    Whites, those of the European cultures, most of hem, are unable to see that from world wide rulers we have become an endangered species.
    Endangered, most by ourselves, by the irrational among us.
    I mentioned Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids, Well’s The Island of the Blind shows our future, I fear, unless rational analysis of our situation becomes common.

  1382. @dfordoom

    Our problems have absolutely nothing to do with the people you malign for making the wrong arguments and everything to do with the people who prevent the right arguments from being heard and repeated by the people you malign for being ignorant.

    Their ignorance is a result of a deliberate campaign to keep them ignorant. You’re attacking the victims and abetting the victimizers.

    And I say this as someone who frequently corrects people when they make the wrong arguments, but only to allow them to make the right arguments in the future.

  1383. @Art

    Of course biological identity is the lowest form of politics – it is just naked tribalism – it is gang think, devoid of any intellectual ideals – it is a step out of the cave.

    To the contrary, “biological identity” is the only identity that can be justified by the intellect.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @Art
  1384. @Anonymous

    LOL. I had the same question.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1385. @Okechukwu

    How exactly are you going to achieve ethnic distance and separation? You’re going to break up families, friends and communities? How? By force?

    By the absence of force, i.e., choice, you nitwit.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @dfordoom
  1386. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    And the homicide rates in very heavily Hispanic/immigrant urban areas are just as low as all the other serious crimes.

    i’m avoiding discussing hispanics specifically because of the issue with them often being counted as white in the stats but let’s say it’s true the hispanic homicide rate in the US is similar to US whites

    that leads to an interesting unanswered question of given that most US sub-populations have a homicide rate similar to the average for their source region (whites/europe, blacks/west africa, east asians/east asia etc) why the US hispanic homicide rate is vastly lower than the homicide rates for central America (which are the highest in the world)?

    according to this list Mexico has the 20th worst homicide rate in the world and if i counted right 17 of the top 20 are either in south America or the Caribbean.

    some possibilities:

    1) the “natural” crime rate among hispanics is very low but there is some regional factor currently making their homicide rate the highest in the world and this factor doesn’t apply in the US.

    2) hispanic immigrants to the US have up to now been drawn disproportionately from the least psycho slices of their base population.

    if it’s (2) then if this selection filter is no longer applied the hispanic homicide rate will gradually trend to the Central American average (highest in the world).


    my general arithmetical point is that disproportionately young male populations will always have a higher crime rate than their base population (with exceptions for certain specific subsets e.g. medical students) so if they don’t then either:

    a) there’s some kind of selection filter in place (maybe accidental) so they’re being drawn from a less crime-prone segment of the base population

    b) someone is fiddling the stats.


    homicide rates in very heavily Hispanic/immigrant urban areas are just as low as all the other serious crimes

    this is a more general point about the use of homicide as a metric for all crime which on the surface seems like a good idea (and mostly is) but i’d say there are two wrinkles in it

    1) the level of actual homicide resulting from shootings/stabbings is partially related to medical factors, particularly paramedics. homicides going down in the West doesn’t necessarily mean violent crime is going down (and in my experience violent crime went up while actual deaths went down).

    2) i don’t think all crime is precisely correlated. impulsivity / stupidity is a factor in both theft type crimes and violent crimes but apart from that factor i think theft type crimes are mostly a combination of greed combined with low empathy (generally or just to out-groups) whereas (apart from the impulsive/stupid part) violent crimes are mostly the product of “killer” genes (for want of a better word) which were common among our hunter-gatherer ancestors but since gradually selected out by agriculture – hence why east asians for example can have a much lower homicide rate than their non-violent crime rate.

    (if true then the “hispanic” violent crime rate could show extreme variation from region to region with long time farmer sub-populations having a much lower violent crime rate than populations with more hunter-gatherer ancestry and their average homicide rate is disguising it.)



    • Troll: L.K
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1387. Anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:
    @ben tillman

    We need territory to survive, and immigration deprives of us that. It’s not about national character; it’s life or death.

    What would you say to Whites to persuade them it is important for Whites to survive as a distinct group? What would you say to Ron Unz to persuade him of the same?

    • Replies: @ben tillman
    , @Truth
  1388. Anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Thank you. Yes, the request was really just for something that you’ve written or said previously that you consider to be on the mark.

  1389. Anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you. What would be your opening line or lines, literally? Is there some thesis sentence or paragraph that would grab their attention while not alienating them or causing them to shut their ears to you?

  1390. anon[803] • Disclaimer says:

    you say:

    How? Why?

    Are there not arguments they can make?

    In a Utopia, yes.
    In real world Australia, the only prominent people are sportsmen, Media personalities, and politicians.
    Sportsmen and Media personalities are particularly vulnerable to pressure from advertisers, that leaves politicians.
    They survive only with the endorsement of their Party.
    Start a national conversation about the level of Immigration, and they can say goodbye to their Party endorsement.
    Geoffrey Blainey was the last Academic to raise the Immigration issue, in 1984.
    He got no support from his colleagues, and not much elsewhere.
    Like Stalin was reputed to have said: ”Politics is all about cadres.” ”How many divisions has the Pope got?”
    The people in Australia pushing Immigration for the last 70 years have got cadres.
    The vast majority who’ve never been given a say on Immigration are one out.

  1391. notanon says:

    agree – apart from the impulsive/stupid (or temporarily so due to alcohol) rapists have a predatory mind-set

    they’re a diluted version of serial killer.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1392. Anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:

    So suck it shiva! No matter how hard you try, you cannot get either Ron Unz or Heartiste to accept you as “white”. “Sux” to be you! Both Unz and Heartiste are against indiots like yourself coming in by the drove and (re)creating the ganges every now and then across the US

    This kind of rhetoric needlessly antogonizes nonwhites and their White friends and relatives. It likely isn’t an element of a winning political coalition. It likely will go further and mobilize opposition to you.

    Are you an agent provocateur?

    • Replies: @ZOGged
  1393. Anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    In my opinion, if we want to preserve European culture, the culture that gave us progress from the steam engine to the fission reactor, harsh decisions are necessary.

    I hazard that the focus needs to be more on your premise, “if Europeans (and others?) want to preserve European culture”? You must first convince people that European culture should be preserved, before moving to a discussion of means. How do you propose to persuade people of that?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @dfordoom
  1394. @Jonathan Revusky

    “There were 7,345 sexual assault and rape cases reported in all of Germany in 2014 and there were 7,919 reported cases in 2016. Okay, that’s an increase, but it’s probably within the range of random variations that could occur year to year for a variety of imponderable reasons. By no reasonable definition does that constitute a “rape epidemic”.”

    By historical standards, there _is_ a rape epidemic of middle easterners attacking German women. That is what the alt-right has been mostly saying Considering this number would have been zero, or generously only slightly above for most of the last 1000 years.

    And then Cologne happened.

    I am not going to roll around in the mud with you and argue whether sexual assault is more abhorrent when conducted by an ethnic European or a by a rapeugee, however there is clearly an increase in these type of events. Do you understand that?

    The official alt-right position (if there is such a thing) is that there has been a drastic increase in sexual assaults on German women, by non European men. You’ve strawmanned only the first part of the claim, then are congratulating yourself on “disproving” a truncated portion of the statement.

    *slow clap*

  1395. Thomm says:

    er…. Except that I am not Indian, you stupid buttfuckaroni.

    The latest commenter here to figure out and confirm that I am not Indian is Johann Ricke :

    I realize that a 70-IQ WN wigger like you can’t understand simple concepts (such as how, under HBD realities, you are not a functional member of the white race, and are really just the wastematter that the rest of the white race is expelling as part of the evolutionary mechanism). At least you had the candor to include the term ‘Hopeless’ in your name, because that is what you are.

    Get off my lawn, faggot!

    Heh heh heh heh

    • Replies: @ZOGged
  1396. @anon

    Not that it affects my point that there are plenty of people in the public eye who don’t have a problem arguing for lower immigration but you denying, effectively, my description of John Stone as high profile since his retirement from the Senate in 1990 is incorrect. Even now you would find that anything, article or letter, he proffered to Quadrant, The Spectator, the IPA Review or The Australian would be published, and many have been. After he retired he was in effect (or actually) a Fellow of the IPA for quite a time in Melbourne where he also chaired a company with strong Packer and Liberal Party connections. He was also one of the founders, and active in, the Samuel Griffith Society, the HR Nicholls Society, and, I think the Bennelong Society and Lavoisier Group though maybe not as co-founder. Mind you I don’t think his reasons would have much to do with those of the Greens.

    • Replies: @anon
  1397. @ben tillman

    See how Turkey and Greece did it around 1921

  1398. @Monolith351

    North Africans seem to be the worst
    A Dutchman I knew, spoke fluent arabic, knew the ME quite well, was of the opinion that sexual crimes did not happen there.

    • Replies: @niceland
  1399. @Anonymous

    Why should, who decides about desirability of preserving cultures ?
    For me it is important that the European cultures remain, no desire to go back to inquisitions, auto da fé’s, stoning, confessions by torture, life expectancy of forty years, hunger, cold, slavery, religion(s), endless theological debates, and maybe for me most important, losing scientific knowledge.

    This to me is the main immigration problem, letting in people not at all interested in European cultures, stupid people, unable to see that they’re killing the chicken with the golden eggs.
    But, if for example black South Africans want to go back to Hottentot and Zulu conditions, I’d deplore that, but it is their decision.
    If Muslims want to live according to Quran rules, let them be happy with a stagnating society.
    Who wants to believe in voodoo, their decision.

  1400. utu says:

    Environmental degradation, overcrowding, social cohesion, preservation of actual cultural diversity, cheap labour driving down wages, declining quality of life.

    This is pretty much Hitler plan. He was big on environment and hated overcrowding that’s why he looked for Lebensraum. He increased wages, beefed up workers rights, basically eliminated unemployment and there was unprecedented quality of life increase in 1933-1939. He was able to pull it off. Everything that you desire. You however are chiefly concerned with the ” look like racist Nazis, or kooks, or racist Nazi kooks” and think this would be the greatest obstacle. You are wrong. You can accomplish it only if you are a Nazi kook.

    You propose a plan:

    To have a chance of succeeding you pretty much need to gain support from a segment of the elite class. They control the Megaphone. You need to split the elites, or at least split off a small fragment of the elites.

    which might be a good plan. You must decide however which segment of elite can be split or perhaps which segment of elite would be the most hostile to your plan. You want to take the media Magaphones from them but:

    You can’t do that if your movement appears to be heavily dominated by people whose views conform to the mainstream’s stereotype of racist Nazi kooks.

    Again all you care here is about the looks. God forbid if they see me wearing Hugo Boss label.

    Perhaps like Hitler you should focus on Jewish elite. They control very big Megaphones. In Australia Jews constitute only 0.5% of population but they are very powerful and influential:

    5 of the 7 wealthiest people in Australia are Jewish

    Perhaps you should reconsider Hitler tactics: concentrate on Jews. Vilify them. Scare shit out of them. Only then they might be willing to consider your proposal.

    But I wonder if you really are concerned with immigration at all. When somebody proposed to reduce immigration to Australia by 1/3 you objected to it and found excuses:

    Because it creates the illusion that the problem…

    The trouble is that it would convince people that the problem has now been solved so there’s no longer any need to bring up the issue of immigration ever again.

    Which makes me think that you may not want to do anything about immigration that perhaps you are a useful idiot or a Jewish troll. Just like Revusky here or even more like AaronB who will troll us about the incurable malaise white society suffers form. It can’t be fixed because they are stupid which is proven by their susceptibility to Nazi ideations and predilections for Hugo Boss label. Did you take this one from AaronB:

    That’s why I see social conservatism as being more urgent than immigration. You cannot save a society from being replaced by immigrants/invaders/conquerors if that society has such a strong death wish that it has ceased to reproduce.

    So you are saying: do not reduce immigration Australia by 1/3 because it will give false impression. Concentrate on fixing society and their minds and forget about immigration. We will deal with it after we cure the last white moron from his death wish malaise and Nazi ideations.

    Yep, you are an useful idiot and/or Jewish troll.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1401. @dfordoom

    It’s absolutely true that the rate of legal immigration wasn’t an issue. But the rate of illegal immigration was a big issue. Illegal immigration was made a big issue so we wouldn’t notice that we were going to be swamped by a tidal wave of legal immigration.

    Yes, indeed.

  1402. @Jonathan Revusky

    It is quite obvious to me that hundreds of women were not sexually assaulted because it is impossible for that to happen in a Grand Central Station environment on a New Year’s Eve without at least a few of the HUNDREDS of incidents being caught on camera.

    How many cameras were there, and how long did it take you to watch all the videos for the period in question? How did you gain access to the videos?

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1403. @Anonymous

    Whites don’t have to survive as a group (as Jews say they must), but whites have to survive.

    It’s self-evident that living things have an interest in living. Everyone knows this. Persuasion is therefore impossible.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1404. Ron Unz says:

    (if true then the “hispanic” violent crime rate could show extreme variation from region to region with long time farmer sub-populations having a much lower violent crime rate than populations with more hunter-gatherer ancestry and their average homicide rate is disguising it.)

    Frankly, I find this totally generic ev-bio explanation of crime rates extremely doubtful. There’s obviously a genetic component but there’s just as obviously a sociological component. The exact relationship of the two components is simply an empirical question.

    For example, over the last couple of decades the Mexican homicide rate has fluctuated by more than a factor of 2. I doubt Mexican genetics have changed over that same period.

    Supposedly, a huge fraction of Mexican victims are involved in the drug industry. I’d be curious about the homicide rate among “civilians” and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not all that high. If the Mexican government hadn’t made all sorts of mistakes in handling the issue and if US demand didn’t foster the trade, I’d assume the problem would be much less severe. Maybe someone can locate the homicide rate 40-50 years ago, and I’d assume it was much lower.

    Those problematical factors don’t apply to the 40+M Mexicans living in the US, so we shouldn’t be totally surprised that their crime rates are very different. The empirical data is their those rates are roughly the same as whites of the same age. Looking at empirical data is better than relying upon generic HBD arguments.

    Pretty much the same seems to also be true of Central Americans as far as I can tell. Large numbers of them have been living in CA for decades, and I’ve never heard anything about their having unusually high crime rates. For all the lurid talk of MS-13, I think they’ve been accused of committing something like a couple of dozen murders each year, almost entirely within their own community. Meanwhile, America has 15,000 annual homicides, so it’s just an invisible drop in the bucket. The liberal MSM does the same thing with their endless stories of the horrible threat of the KKK.

  1405. @Ron Unz

    MR UNZ

    I think the situation is more comparable to that of North Jersey than the spontaneous and random crime of US inner-city blacks.

    A high number of East Coast Italian-American males have been victims of homicide or disappeared like Jimmy Hoffa.

    All of them were in some way connected to the mafia, obviously.

    If one were to consider the number of homicides of Italian-American middle-aged males in North Jersey or Brooklyn, the number would be staggering. But since all of these homicides were mob-related, it is sort of irrelevant to the general population.

  1406. @Hippopotamusdrome

    Unknown detonated an explosive device in a residential building in the Swedish city of Anderstorp in the County of jönköping on Tuesday morning.

    I looked at that.

    Dead: 0
    Injured: 0

    There’s even a wikipedia page titled List of grenade attacks in Sweden

    A decade’s worth of that stuff does not amount to a single busy night in a single American city.

    • Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome
  1407. @ben tillman

    How many cameras were there,

    You mean CCTV cameras and smartphone cameras on a New Year’s Eve in the middle of a city like Cologne?

    I don’t know exactly. Hundreds, probably thousands… The Wikipedia page mentions the police examining 1100 hours of video footage:

    In total, the police evaluated 1,100 hours of video footage taken from CCTV cameras and witnesses

    That’s here:

    Since the peak time in which all this supposedly went down is just a couple of hours, I think, say it’s 3 hours max, then to have 1100 hours of video footage, you need hundreds of cameras. Of course, the typical smartphone camera footage might only be a few minutes, so…. Well, again, I don’t know exactly. It’s hundreds, if not thousands of distinct cameras, so from all kinds of different angles.

    and how long did it take you to watch all the videos for the period in question?

    Don’t be silly. Of course, I didn’t watch all 1100 hours of footage. I don’t even know where to find it. I can tell you that any search on the internet for even a single minute of video footage that actually shows anything is in vain.

    How did you gain access to the videos?

    Dude, you’re just talking nonsense now. Obviously, there’s nothing to look at. It’s all just storytelling.

    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1408. @Monolith351

    The official alt-right position (if there is such a thing) is that there has been a drastic increase in sexual assaults on German women, by non European men.

    Well, it certainly seems to be the alt-right position. Official or unofficial. The problem is that it’s false. There simply hasn’t been a drastic increase in sexual assaults on German women.

    At some point, hoax narratives are past their shelf date. There are now official crime statistics up through 2017 and they show that there is no rape epidemic. To keep repeating this nonsense in this insistent manner when people point you to the hard data is just to self-identify as a wingnut crank.

    Eventually people figure things out. Granted, it takes them varying amounts of time. I it took Ron Unz 17 years to figure out 9/11 but he finally figured it out. (Well, it took me more than half of that, about ten years, so…)

    • Replies: @notanon
    , @Monolith351
  1409. ZOGged says:

    Bwhahahahaha Thomm thom!!!

    Your heartiste schtick backfired methinks! And you seem to be getting a lot more popular in these parts!

    BTW your new buddy Truth doesn’t seem to know where you stand vis-a-vis blacks in the states and back home in India (where they are openly mocked and violently attacked for the slightest hint of a provocation of any kind!). If he knew your opinion on the brothas (which he can by searching through your comment-pile) he’d know just what you think of blacks!

    For me, I don’t mind a halle berry type sistah or a denzel washington type brodah around in small numbers. But those hood rats are a nuisance and not just for us. for them as well and should be mercilessly dealt with, the Russian way. The spics are taking care of them anyways as they are way more loaded with bling and weaponry for the poor brothas to hold their ground. Either way we are screwed. At least the spics have better food while quite a few of their women are quite doable

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Truth
  1410. @Alden

    My expertise about rapists and rape victims comes from being a probation officer for 27 years

    Yeah, right. I would wager that you were not even born 27 years ago.

    Sweden is the rape capital of the world and winter in Scandinavia starts the middle of October and does tend till the first of May.

    Oh, so, rape is a winter sport, eh? Well, the Scandinavian countries do excel at the winter sports, I gather. I think they should lobby for raping to be included in the next Olympic Games so that they can take home some more medals.

    • LOL: Truth
    • Replies: @Anon
  1411. ZOGged says:

    This kind of rhetoric needlessly antogonizes nonwhites and their White friends and relatives. It likely isn’t an element of a winning political coalition. It likely will go further and mobilize opposition to you.

    Do you still harbor an illusion of a fix coming in from within the system? Even after seeing everything from bush 41 through to W all the way to the Donald with all the circus trash in between? A decade and whites are a done deal in most of the states that matter (for now) – CA, TX, GA, NY etc

    Better to start preparing and provoking for an honorable wexit (white exit) and hold your ground there instead of participating in this slow genocide perpetrated by the (((usual suspects))) and their foot soldiers (both illegal and legal). Audacious epigone has been a great addition to this webzine and he frequently brings that topic up. The system is beyond repair and it’ll be a disaster not only for us but for many a different nation on the face on this planet as long as this charade continues. All it does is invade destroy invite and displace.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Alden
  1412. @Genrick Yagoda

    This is coming from a hysterical insane nitwit that claimed not once, but THREE times that I did not care about facts. With no evidence to support such a claim.

    There’s plenty of evidence in this very discussion. You provided a link claiming that this said that the Swedish police had told women not to go out at night. I looked at it and the link only pertained to a single small town, Ostersund, population 45,000, where the police had said something and were roundly ridiculed by the mayor of the town and others. That was here:

    I pointed out to you in #719 above that the article did not say ANYTHING about the general situation in Sweden. I said this:

    Of course, the real question is why are why are you misrepresenting this news item about what happened in one small town as if it refers to Sweden as a whole? Don’t you have something better than this?

    You did not concede the point or respond in any way.

    Your behavior in the exchange there (and plenty of other places) is utterly consistent with that of a person who is indifferent to factual truth.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1413. @jilles dykstra

    Having read, it is now years ago, what happened it is quite obvious to me how it could happen.
    Well described in German media, the main factors were that there hardly was any police present,

    Well, you didn’t even make a sufficient effort to understand the argument I was making. I was NOT arguing that the mass sexual assaults as described were themselves impossible. (Though they are highly implausible!)

    What I was arguing is that such a mass event could not occur without leaving any visual record.

    So, as regards that basic point, it is actually irrelevant how many or how few cops were present. The events still would have left a visual record because the area was utterly dense with CCTV cameras and people’s smartphones.

    As for the rest of your response, it is simply incoherent blather. I recall you mentioned having been born in WW2, so you are a gentleman of a certain age, so I’m aware of that and have been nicer to you than I might be otherwise, but this is really getting to a point that is ridiculous.

    Like, don’t you have a better way of spending your holidays? (Granted, who am I to talk, eh?)
    You should be a patriarch, surrounded by adoring grandchildren, singing Christmas carols, carving a turkey or whatever shit they eat in Holland at this time of year…. BUT, instead, you’re here “debating”. Except, at no point in any exchange with me have you ever debated. You make no real effort to understand the other person’s argument in a discussion and you make no argument of your own.

    All you do is repeat idiotic right-wing talking points, like this deranged idea that the Muslims in Europe are out to impose Sharia law on us. Surely, only some isolated old crank who spends a lot of time alone reading right-wing crank bullshit believes stuff like that.

    Why don’t you get out a bit? As your fellow Dutchman Willem said, go to the supermarket and talk to some actual Muslims and try to figure out whether they want to impose Sharia law on you. Or go farther afield, cross the border into Germany, go into a cafe or bar and talk to people and see whether there is a rape epidemic going on.

    I mean, to say, pull your head out of your ass, old man. Get a clue. I can’t do anything for you. Turn off the TV and the computer and walk out the door and engage with reality.

    That’s my advice, anyway. That’s the last advice I’ll give you and, I think, it’s actually the last thing I’m ever going to say to you.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @Alden
  1414. AaronB says:

    7Peter, the alt rights position is very shaky on the practical side. Dfordoom’s practical reasons don’t seem very convincing and they don’t create a sense of urgency.

    You yourself admit things are not so bad from a practical point of view – life has not gotten significantly worse with immigration and it is likely they will never get really bad, with modern technology making life so comfortable.

    The pro-immigration side has an inspiring and uplifting moral message, against which the alt right pits a practical objection that is dubious and uncertain at best, and alarmist and insane at worst.

    In my longish commenting history on this site, I have always tried to awaken people to the vital importance of the intangible side of life, the moral side of life, something the left understands so well – time and again I have found the alt right unable to understand anything but practical concerns and to be morally deaf, if not cretinous.

    It is futile, and you cannot change people. It is why the alt right is irrelevant. Dfordoom is just one more alt righter who seemed to get it but turns out not to.

    Even if things get really terrible, when things calm down the pro side will just gain the upper hand again with their moral message.

    Ya can’t win without a morally inspiring message and without understanding the intangible side of life.

    But I have been repeating myself for the past few years, and the most charitable thing is to allow the alt right a place to blow off steam.

    If reform comes, it will, as always, come from within the elites, not the alt right, and it will focus on the moral and intangible side of life, as always.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1415. @ZOGged


    When California turns into the next Mexican narco-state Americans are going to miss a bunch of crackhead Crips doing half-assed driveby shootings or irascible pot-bellied middle-aged Italian men sitting around a strip club like Tony and Silvio.

  1416. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    That’s true but the Anon is too confident in extrapolating his local experience. Many Muslims are conditioned to attack scantily clad women for religious reasons.

    • Replies: @notanon
    , @Alden
  1417. JLK says:
    @Ron Unz

    Those problematical factors don’t apply to the 40+M Mexicans living in the US, so we shouldn’t be totally surprised that their crime rates are very different. The empirical data is their those rates are roughly the same as whites of the same age.

    I haven’t seen you point out that most Mexican immigrants to the US live in warm weather climes. This would help your thesis, because it is pretty well established that fewer murders and so forth happen during the winter when more people are indoors.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Jeff Stryker
  1418. Anwar says:

    Well, we can make some educated guesses. The Chosen People Inc would be my top candidate. My point is that just because the Saudis have invested in Twitter does not NECESSARILY mean they control the ebb and flow of it. Twitter took MBS to the cleaners and was probably the most vicious of all social platforms in the Kashoggi affair.

  1419. utu says:

    Climate corrected crime statistic is even better idea than the age correction done by Ron Unz. We can reduce Latino crime rate even further. Just divide Mexico crime by two as they do not have winters or divide it by average temperature and we can demonstrate that Mexico crime rate is lower than that of Minnesota.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1420. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Perhaps you should reconsider Hitler tactics: concentrate on Jews. Vilify them. Scare shit out of them. Only then they might be willing to consider your proposal.

    The more you scare them, the less willing will they be to consider your proposal.

  1421. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:
    @ben tillman

    Whites don’t have to survive as a group (as Jews say they must), but whites have to survive.

    It’s self-evident that living things have an interest in living. Everyone knows this. Persuasion is therefore impossible.

    It isn’t self evident that immigration into the United States and Europe is a net survival threat to the individuals there who happen to be White.

    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1422. @Jonathan Revusky

    So, as regards that basic point, it is actually irrelevant how many or how few cops were present. The events still would have left a visual record because the area was utterly dense with CCTV cameras and people’s smartphones.

    I wonder if you understand that the Netherlands borders on Germany, that many Dutch at least have a basic understanding of German, the languages have a resemblance, that visits to Germany by Dutch are quite common, that any Dutch tv set can be tuned to many German channels, and that, in my case, my German is nearly fluent.
    Let me repeat for the last time, what happened in Germany was reported and discussed extensively in the media.
    The area was not dense with CCTV cameras.
    What smartphones could have done, I do not know.
    Young women were surrounded by gangs of migrants, and then assaulted, nothing to be seen from outside the gang.
    Why you try to persuade me that you know better than I what happened is beyond my comprehension.
    And, as I also stated before, this kind of migrant behaviour continues, with one difference, the German government doing now anything they can to prevent that words as migrant or Ausländer, foreigner, are used.

    • Replies: @notanon
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  1423. Anonymous[184] • Disclaimer says:

    You know, the people who ask Ron Unz to outright say he is not OK with white genocide or white replacement or what have you are baffling to me for two reasons.

    1) Do they not realize that is no different from a purity test? Last I checked, purity tests are the domain of social leftist agitators.

    2) Doesn’t advocating for a reduction in “all” immigration, which is the primary driver of the apparent replacement, speak for itself?

    Are they fishing for damning statements to exploit for PR purposes or foolish? I legitimately cannot tell.

    • Replies: @anon
  1424. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Do you still harbor an illusion of a fix coming in from within the system?

    Yes, a fix can come from within the system. No one said that politics was easy.

  1425. notanon says:

    yes, i meant westerners – some other cultures encourage sexual violence against women who go outside the house on their own as a form of social control.

  1426. anon[211] • Disclaimer says:

    2) Doesn’t advocating for a reduction in “all” immigration, which is the primary driver of the apparent replacement, speak for itself?

    what kind of reduction – 5%?

    big whoop

    i advocate NO IMMIGRATION

  1427. @JLK



    New York?

    St. Louis?

  1428. Truth says:

    What would you say to Whites to persuade them it is important for Whites to survive as a distinct group?

    Well, I’m not an expert on the subject but let me take a shot:

    “Hey guys, stop using your pension from all those years working at GM on a plane ticket to Bangkok every three months to stick your sthutz into 14 y/o piefaces. And especially, don’t bring one of their 18 year old sisters back to Columbus to marry. Instead, be satisfied with Mabel, your 58 year old contemporary from Des Moines, yes, she’s a little heavy, your age, and has gray hair, but all this is counterbalanced by what is really important…She’s white.”

    Give it a shot for a few months, tell me how it works.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1429. Truth says:

    And the scores of wifeless Chinese bachelors (with barely enough Chinese women for only around 70% of the men there due to the one child policy) are getting it on with the prettiest and most nubile women in southern Africa.

    Wait a minute, Sport you guys keep moving the goalposts, I thought non-whites could NEVER be attracted to African broads?!?!

    Not only was he “attracted” he has three sons to prove it, and is married to her.

    So not only are they owning the land, they are picking up your youngest, most prettiest and most nubile women

    not only will the Chinese own the place but they’ll take up all of your pretty women!! It’s one thing to work in a Chinese factory while quite another to have your youngest, most nubile women taken up by a foreign race!! All in your own country!

    This reeks of a little, well, projection here, Bud. Are you sure you’re really talking about the Chinese in Africa?

  1430. peterAUS says:
    @ben tillman

    You guys got it skewed there.

    A person is obese and unfit, doesn’t care, but you do and you want to know what’s “practical and achievable” to make him/her slim down and get fit.
    Nothing is practical and achievable.

    Same with all this. Plenty of things will be practical and achievable when an average person has enough.
    Bombing Dresden wasn’t practical and achievable in 1939. Hiroshima wasn’t achievable in 1940.

    On more practical level, “relocating” around 14 million Germans wasn’t practical and achievable in 1938 either.
    Hehe…on the opposite side, having Jewish state wasn’t practical and achievable for quite some time.

    The only important question is: when it will happen.Motivation, the will.
    Actually, will it happen at all.

    In meantime you,we, whoever, can write till you, whoever drop dead. Granted, helps maintaining sanity, feels good, but won’t make any difference in real world.

  1431. Truth says:

    BTW your new buddy Truth doesn’t seem to know where you stand vis-a-vis blacks in the states and back home in India (where they are openly mocked and violently attacked for the slightest hint of a provocation of any kind!). If he knew your opinion on the brothas (which he can by searching through your comment-pile) he’d know just what you think of blacks!

    Well now, not exactly, Big Buddy.

    You see, I came across one of the lasting influences on my life when I was in the 8th grade. I read a story about Robert E. Lee and Ulysses Grant. I have been unable to find the story anywhere even with the internet so I have to paraphrase.

    Anyway, the civil war has been over for some years now and a reporter is sitting down with Lee doing a long feature on his life. He’s coming close to the end. He is recounting his rivalry with Grant at West Point, and their battles and strategies in the CW, etc.

    At one point he asks Lee, “so what are your feelings about Grant?” And again, this is a paraphrase of a great story so I have to apologize in advance.

    Lee does not hesitate. “Ulysses Grant was a brilliant student, and excellent general and an outstanding President of the United States, my superior in many ways…”

    The reporter was flabbergasted, he says; “Mr. Lee, you are aware that Mr. Grant takes every opportunity he is given to belittle you and your skills and abillites, don’t you?!?!”

    To which Lee responds; “You asked me about my opinion of Ulysses Grant, you did not ask me about his opinion of me…”

    • Replies: @ZOGged
  1432. Truth says:

    BTW Ron

    If I was you I would go-head and just brea The Big Rev-OO off the 10-racks y’all beefin over from y’all wager. As a Khazar, y’een feelin gainin’ a reputation as no Welch over chump change, nah-mean?. On these streets a nigga word is bond and all he got. Just my 2-cents Big Homie.

    (Linh, go ahead and translate for all of the Philistines.)

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1433. cassandra says:

    Eventually, you have to stop pretending …

    I wish it were so, but this is like saying “Justice will prevail.” It’s an admirable sentiment, but only a hope. I keep hearing William Casey’s words: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

    The question of whether we’re moving toward enlightenment or increased suppression is moot. Contemporary developments provide no reason for optimism, much less complacency.

  1434. geokat62 says:

    [Huge masses of text lacking all spacing are much less likely to be published]

    To counterbalance Ron’s OL to the Alt-Right and Others, I thought it only fair to post Red Ice host, Henrik Palmgren, Open Letter (of sorts) to the Authoritarian Leftists and Others:

    For those who prefer the written word, I transcribed the most pertinent segment of his speech:


    Merry Christmas, Good Yule and Happy New Year. Hope you’re having a great time with friends and family. We’ve taken a few much-needed days off… spend some time with family, enjoying not researching, not looking at news and not working on shows and videos. We rarely do it, but decided we should do it this year. Of course we have more coming: weekend warrior, more shows after this. I just wanted to let you know make a video about this here that we received “Strike Two” on our YouTube channel on December 23rd… just a little Christmas gift from the good folks at YouTube who are bending to the wishes of the authoritarian leftists and others who don’t like what we do and I don’t like that we tell the truth. I’m talking about those who don’t like free speech and they don’t like people being able to talk about what concerns them, even if they were factually wrong. We know that we are not, but even if we were, they don’t like this. They certainly don’t like criticism and examination of the establishment and those who hold power. They claim they do, but since their views are more or less shared by those who do hold power, they don’t think we should be able to question them nor criticize their policymaking, because when we do it just makes too much sense. Now, what’s interesting about the video that received this most recent strike is that it gives you the impression that they don’t want us to fight against the rape of women, as long as it doesn’t benefit their agenda to do so. So, when it’s, for example, the Me Too movement, they go overboard in supporting it, as long as it’s criticizing white conservatives or people on the right. But when it’s criticism that connects the dots with migration as the primary, not the sole, but the primary driver then they don’t want you to be able to speak about that. They call it “hate speech,” although it’s statistically the truth. They only defend women against rape when it benefits them politically and it’s being used as a weapon against their political enemies. That’s when they talk about it. The “replacement agenda” trumps everything else, so they look the other way. So, on YouTube we shall not be able to defend women getting raped and we shall not try to stop those things that are leading to the rape of women, of girls, and of the under aged. Take a Rotherham, for example. They don’t want you to know about that kind of stuff because this is what the video was about: the rape of a girl in Germany. A native girl in Germany, by a migrant, by an opportunistic migrant who was let into Germany. And then the main focus was about the utter travesty of the father of this girl who has all of his protective instincts pretty much bred out of him. Who after the rape went on to set up a fundraiser for migrants. Incidentally, the father is a EU politician and that really symbolizes the mentality and why we have fallen so far in Europe under the rule of these ethno-masochists. They hate themselves, they hate their own people, they even have their own families. If it leads to replacement, then they are for it. No matter the cost, no matter the collateral damage. They don’t want us to be able to stand up in defense of our girls and our women. Now, the myth of Europa is that she’s abducted and raped by Zeus who was taken the shape of a bull. Now, Europe is being raped, but not by a primordial, archetypal God, but by criminals. And we have guardians of Europa, many who are unelected leaders, by the way, who consequently raise funds for the rapists who commit the crime and look the other way when the root of the problem is addressed, so that it continue. Instead, they attack the messenger and blame them, calling it “hate speech.” Although, we don’t talk about this because we hate someone else. It’s out of the love of our own and the protection of our own that we speak about this. And it’s natural and morally right to defend the innocent and those who are getting hurt by a political agenda, by policy. And this policy is driven by megalomaniacs who favour globalism instead of nationalism. The West has become a sick society and the fact that the morality of those dictating society are trying to shame us into thinking that we are the immoral ones. It’s an indicator just how sick they are. And it tells me that we are doing something right, too. When the contorted morality police attack you for standing up for what is right. Now, I would never want to be doing anything they gave me the praise of these people, those who hold power, those who are in charge. The very fact that they object tells me I’m on the right track, considering the sick and perverted nature of these authoritarians. Being well adjusted to a sick society is not an achievement. If we don’t get criticized, if we don’t get attacked, it means we’re not doing something right. Now, we want to have freedom. We want freedom to live our lives the way we want to. And we want to plot the course of our own nations. Be in charge of the destiny of a country… so when it’s time to handover the baton of responsibility to our children, we’re handing over a country to them that is functioning, that is safe, that is better than the one that we were handed. That we did a great job and held tyranny at bay and that we continue to build just like our fore bearers, a tribe, a nation, that have them, our children, in mind, primarily. Not sidelining them for some political pipe dream of a globalized world. We want to do what’s right and what’s good for them, ultimately. So, I really see it as a badge of honor to know that they are out to get us, out to take us down. We know that we are right and we know that they are wrong. Now, the video that received a second strike really was a reflection of the travesty of this event and the death of the natural male instinct on behalf of the father who through propaganda and brainwashing is going against his natural instincts to defend his own daughter and wanting justice for this crime. Who, instead, directs his focus to worry about the potential political outcome of the situation that he would be used by someone who doesn’t favor this replacement, the open borders and migration, as a human right, as this UN Global Compact is trying to make it out to be, now. He’s been fooled into thinking that his instincts are wrong and that doing the counterintuitive thing is the right thing to do. It’s all upside down. So, the video was really just a casual commentary on just one example of what has happened to one woman in Europe and what caused the father to not want to defend his own daughter, who was subjected to the worst humiliating and potentially life destroy, certainly life-altering sexual crime that there is, rape. Now, we don’t cover these kinds of stories, over and over. Some do, and that’s good. People need to know and it’s been covered up so many different ways by the establishment. So it’s a vital service to highlight this new wave of sexual crimes that’s running rampant in our societies, in the West. But we, frankly, don’t cover these kinds of stories much at all because it’s, frankly, it’s depressing, it’s black pilling, it’s demoralizing. Now, I know that it takes shock and anger in that regards to wake a lot of these sleeping people up from their slumber. But we highlight many other aspects of the multicultural experiment. Others cover these outraged stories with a increased frequency and they do it well. So, occasionally, though, we do decide to cover some of these cases to remind people that it’s there, it’s still going on, it’s pervasive and it’s disturbing, and you should be mad. But when we cover it, we’re not directing this anger or hatred towards the criminal, to the perpetrator. It was actually not about him. It was more about the reaction or the lack of actions on the part of the father and the relatives to the girl. This is what was worth commenting on tin his case. Because it points to something which suggests how we ended up in this situation to begin with. Pathological altruism whatever you wanna call it it’s something worrying in the spirit and the soul of Western man… or lack of something that maybe something that’s been pulled out of us with the aid of propaganda indoctrination and moral programming. We also commented on the reactions and demonization of healthy individuals who still have a survival instinct and protective instinct… and who want to do the right thing by speaking up against the society that these individuals are creating. Its those who are protected and want to stop this behavior who voice concern about this travesty who are considered the problem, today. According to the largest video platform out of San Francisco, if you speak up about this rape, you are committing the “hate speech.” And “hate speech” is a loaded term that can be applied to anyone or anything that they don’t like. Anyone who dissents against the power structure. Because, it’s not defined in the terms of services. It’s not discussed within the culture of what it really is. The act of raping someone is not then diagnosed as “hate.” It’s the speech pointing it out that’s the hate. And those trying to figure out how to stop this are the problem. Now, whatever they call it, it’s wrong not to speak out against it. And it’s wrong not to want to understand why it’s happening with increased frequency in the countries that are being forcefully diversified, without the people’s consent. It’s wrong not to want to stop it. And we will never be able to stop it if we can’t talk about it and recognize that it is a problem that is happening. So, what is our crime? Well, we want to make sure the girls and young women learn to have awareness, discernment, and, when the time comes, not be afraid to discriminate when they need to, when they should. So, they don’t end up like the Swedish and the Danish girl who were raped and beheaded in the most brutal, monstrous way in Morocco, recently. So, yes. We want to try to prevent those kinds of things. Yet, we are the problem. Think about that logic for a while. For the sake of diversity and peace, we should just shut up, sit down, and let it happen. Allow more girls and women to be raped as the diversity advocates point out like Robert Putnam who studied this. “Yes it’s difficult now but in the end it will be peace and harmony.” So, the collateral damage, the ruined lives of these women? Well, that’s all worth it. So that every country built and founded by Europeans can end up looking like Brazil. Now, check the crime stats on that country, too by the way, if you’re interested in the truth that is coming your way. This doesn’t mean that everyone in Morocco is like those who cut up and raped the Scandinavian women. But the fact is that when the borders are wide open, we don’t know who is coming into our countries from places like Morocco or who you’ll encounter when you travel to Morocco. We don’t want to play Russian roulette with young women’s lives. Why should your suicidal tendencies to play Russian roulette be imposed on everyone else? Because that is the dictating attitudes in the West and most European countries right now. In the meantime, while all of this is going on, the establishment lie and they lie to young girls about violent crimes in for cultures and countries to make it seem that they are all equal… that we are all equal, when this is clearly not the case. What makes some countries riddled with violent crime and rape? What makes some countries, at least when they were homogenous, some of the most safe places on earth like Scandinavia used to be, for example? At least Sweden used to be. Norway, Denmark, Finland still pretty good in comparison. Is it a system of government that they have? A set of rules or is it something in the quality, in the temperament, in the mentality of the stock in those countries? Now, is that not a discussion worth having? Should we not be able to argue the truth about that? Well, I think so because I want to know. But in the current climate and the online world, and on social media primarily, we are discouraged from having that conversation. And when we talk about science, statistics, and facts, these are “hate facts.” We are blocked, we’re shadow-banned, we’re censored and we have our accounts terminated. They think it’s better if you just shut up and go along with the globalists playing Russian roulette with your daughters and sons lives and sons lives. While they, of course, and their children are secluded, they’re protected, they’re behind gates and walls with security guards, while they argue for a way of life that they will never in most cases even encounter much less see up front and understand. So, naive trust and no suspicion of “the other,” whatsoever? If you have that, then what happened in Morocco to those two girls is what can happen to you. We are not allowed to educate our own about what could happen when you visit foreign cultures, when we invite them into ours. Obviously, I’m not saying that it happens every time because it’s not. That’s just not the truth. But, it’s more likely that it happens between foreign groups that do not have and do not share our in-group loyalty. It’s just a fact. It’s statistically true. Internally, we certainly have our own issues already and problems… nobody was arguing that it was perfect in European countries before migration. But, no one could argue with a straight face that it’s gotten better after the mass migration agenda, imposed by the globalists. Our countries are less safe, women are more likely to get raped, tax pressures are higher, and things are getting more and more expensive so that we can afford to pay for this failed multicultural experiment. Also conditions for the working class has gotten worse, wages are driven down by the importation of a class that can accept far lower wages than the native working class. Violence and crime is on the rise. Realty is more expensive than ever. Lack of housing is leading young adults not being able to move out from their parents house, start families of their own. Our elderly and sick are getting neglected in favor of taking care of the needs of the new incoming population. This is the truth, whether you like it or not. So, the establishment is asking us – Europeans, white people – to go against our instinctual discrimination that every group has as a survival mechanism… that’s how it was developed… so we won’t hurt the feelings of someone who is by default an “outsider.” They are willing to risk rape and the loss of life and crime of girls that they don’t care about for the sake of not hurting the feelings of someone who is not part of our own group, anyway. And put inclusivity first with death, torture, and rape being the potential outcome for some. Again, obviously, not for all. But for some, it is. They’re playing Russian roulette. And, as the oligarch Boris Berezovsky said, “you want to take a risk?” If you walk home late at night, you see a gang further down the streets and you get a dodgy feeling about it. Why does that happen? Well, because we can read signals. We can pick up more than just words and looks and even actions. We have learned to sense these kinds of things with our instincts. We learn to discriminate… this is a good thing. But instead of you listening to that instinct and taking a different route or crossing the street to take another way home, we are asked to have zero engagement with a part that tells us instinctively that something is wrong and that things could go bad in this situation and that you should not put yourself first. It’s like the feelings of others hurt actually trumps lives being saved. Now, for the more trust and respect, as we should know, it’s something that is earned, it’s not just something that you give to someone who you don’t know. Now, to complicate things even further reading these signs and signals of behavior and body language that I mentioned earlier, gets even more difficult when you encounter groups and individuals not of your own culture and ethnicity. Those of our own group we can decode a little bit easier, we’re accustomed to that, we’ve been around these people longer, we have that to a certain extent in our genes. Now, you’ve probably have had encounters with people that you can almost immediately know that you can’ trust, and this is a good thing. That you can detect odd and strange behavior. We have developed this ability and to a certain extent it has been selected in nature in order for us to survive. It’s good if your daughter or son have a strong connection to this ability …to this instinct… in order to prevent something bad from happening to them and survive. So, is it not worth the potential cost of having a good-hearted and sincere individual getting emotionally hurt by not receiving instant trust? As opposed to having a person robbed, raped or worse killed, because they didn’t discriminate. The Scandinavian girls who went to Morocco to get murdered and raped or nothing bout sacrifices on the altar of multiculturalism and relativism, to a certain extent. Now, did anyone tell them that it can be dangerous to go to a country that is known for violence… and violence against women, in particular? Did someone tell them that the country in general is more unsafe than the countries that they came from? Well, perhaps someone warned them. But, having grown up being shaped by liberal morality, they obviously didn’t heed the warning. The stupidity and naivety among our population is staggering… and the reality is that it’s leading to the collapse of our countries. Few are willing to recognize the realities of our world. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. And, certainly, there are many good things happening… but there’s also a harsh, raw reality of brutality in the world… and I feel that these girls were not told about that. Where were their fathers? Where were their families? And what role did society play by not being able to equip these women with how to deal with reality… and not see the world as some fantasy, as they want it to be, instead of as it actually is…

    • Replies: @anon
  1435. niceland says:
    @jilles dykstra

    …sexual crimes did not happen there.

    Icelandic woman staying in hotel in Turkey last year got raped by one of the hotel staff. He broke into her room, they fought and she lost and he raped her. During the struggle some damage was done to the hotel room.

    After she raised “hell”, called the police and demanded investigation she met only hostility and contempt. Instead of helping her as a victim of a crime they threw her in jail for destruction of property. After some diplomacy Icelandic police went to Turkey and got her home. No rape investigation, nothing.

    So at least this sexual crime didn’t happen in Turkey, I wonder if the situation is very different in the middle-east in general?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @jilles dykstra
  1436. peterAUS says:

    My approach is simple:
    I take a look where the similar thing worked, draw comparisons and make conclusions.

    The closest to all this is the recent collapse of Communism with consequent rise of nationalism and ethnic strife.
    Winners there did not win by:

    ..morally inspiring message and without understanding the intangible side of life.

    And their will to execute the change did not come from:

    …moral and intangible side of life….

    I do know that for Westerners, Americans in particular, that approach (learning from historical examples) doesn’t work. Why is that I”ll leave out of this.

    I also believe that the Westerners, Americans in particular are more than likely to lose. That the outcome will, most likely, be “Brasilisation” of their societies. Wouldn’t exclude M.A.D. either.

    One of the reasons, probably, as you said:

    ….it is likely they will never get really bad, with modern technology making life so comfortable.

    I’d just change it into:

    ….it is likely they will never get really bad, with modern technology making life so comfortable for just enough people there. The surveillance “progressive” state will make the rest compliant enough.

    Having said all above, people are interesting creatures. Best plans of mice and men. Miracles happen.

    I am sure that a lot of people here are smug enough to say they saw the collapse of 1991 Soviet coup d’état with ease. I didn’t.
    What created that synchronicity between people jumping on armored vehicles with crews not opening fire?

    What created the environment, setup, with the recent coup d’état in Turkey? It was much worse there: BTW, I am positive that probably not more than two guys commenting here, tops, analysed events on that bridge.

    Similar examples in Maidan.

    Oh, wait, no practical relation to West, USA in particular. Boring. Move on.

  1437. Anonymous[160] • Disclaimer says:

    Haha. Nice one.

  1438. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    There simply hasn’t been a drastic increase in sexual assaults on German women.

    hypothetically: say you have a population of 80 million with 10% men between the ages of 18-30 that would be 8 million.

    if in the course of a year you added another million men aged 18-30 then if all else equal you’d expect rape to increase in the ballpark of 1/8 or 12.5%, right?


    over time, whether the rate was lower or higher than the natives in the beginning, the pressure from the media-political class and their SJW minions to cover it up eventually leads the police to turn a blind eye which makes the men in the protected group lose any fear of the consequences thus greatly increasing the number of victims.

    for example i doubt the number of victims in this case would have cracked 50 if the police had been allowed to do their job but instead it was 1500 and rising.

    the people who try to cover up the epidemic of sexual violence in Europe are responsible for 90% of that sexual violence.

  1439. notanon says:
    @jilles dykstra

    What smartphones could have done, I do not know.

    there was lots of smartphone footage at the time but it was very dark so you couldn’t see much – just lots of women screaming.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1440. Anonymous[160] • Disclaimer says:

    This was not an isolated incident. Different races and nations are not interchangeable, despite what your local (((MSM))) might be saying.

  1441. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Truth are you advocating that we should encourage, or at least permit without judgment or sanction, men to leave their wives for younger women? Is that good for society?

    • Replies: @Truth
  1442. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Please translate this, Truth.

  1443. Ron Unz says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    A suggestion. It would be useful if you could make it possible to send a Comment to several recipients at the same time….

    I’ve now added this feature. All you need to do is put in a list of recipient emails, separated by semicolons. Let me know if you encounter any problems.

  1444. @Jonathan Revusky

    Did you even read my post, brah?

    Also, it seems you think Cologne was a hoax?

    We are hitting levels of delusion here that shouldn’t even be possible.

    I’ve seen some videos which also counteracted the assertion that the migrants only attacked single women. I’d say that you haven’t found anything because you simply do not want to see anything which could damage your fragile weltanschauung.

    Almost all on YouTube have been blocked of course (let me guess… censorship of conservatives and alt-right channels doesn’t exist either)

    Either pay attention or keep looking.

    Here in Australia, only the Victorian state police collected data by country of origin. Strictly speaking, public dissemination of these is illegal, but the 2012 stats show is that Sudanese immigrants are over represented 700% for rape. Of course the overall rape rate is dropping, but it makes sense that getting more Sudanese will result in more rapes, given the predilection for it.

    Doing the jobs that Australians won’t!

  1445. Okechukwu says:

    here’s a clue for you, when the whites arrived in southern Africa in the 1600′s there were no subsaharan negroes like the zulus etc, there were some nomadic bushmen called khoi-san. All these central african negroes who made their way south with their hands out have no claim on what whites built

    Cute fake history.

    Here’s the real history:

    The Empty Land Myth

    The Empty or Vacant Land Theory is a theory that was propagated by European settlers in nineteenth century South Africa to support their claims to land. Today this theory is described as a myth, the Empty Land Myth, because there is no historical or archaeological evidence to support this theory. Despite evidence to the contrary a number of parties in South Africa, particularly right-wing nationalists of European descent, maintain that the theory still holds true in order to support their claims to land-ownership in the country.

    • Replies: @anon
  1446. Okechukwu says:

    Initial land grab? According to this source, it appears the land was initially purchased, not grabbed:

    Don’t quote from Zero Hedge in a serious debate. You lose all credibility.

    • Replies: @gT
  1447. Okechukwu says:

    China is taking over southern Africa.

    Here we go again with this nonsense.

    Okay, you asked for it:

    Dozens of Chinese crime suspects deported from Angola

    Ghana deports thousands in crackdown on illegal Chinese goldminers

    Nigeria To Deport Chinese Migrants Engaged In Illegal Trading

    Chinese immigrants deported from Zimbabwe

    Chinese duo caught with rhino horn and ivory fined and deported from South Africa

    A Zimbabwe politician says all the Chinese in his country should be deported

    Chinese deported for eating up endangered Zimbabwean wildlife and household pets

    Some takeover, eh?

    • Replies: @Monolith351
  1448. Okechukwu says:

    What is practical and achievable?

    An island.

    Private Islands for Sale Worldwide

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1449. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Okay, fine. Regardless of the sincerity of your island proposal, aside from people’s migrating to tiny islands, what is your vision of the future? More to the point, how can European-derived people preserve themselves and keep from going extinct?

  1450. cassandra says:
    @Ron Unz

    For all the lurid talk of MS-13, I think they’ve been accused of committing something like a couple of dozen murders each year, almost entirely within their own community.

    Mr. Unz,

    MS-13 is important, but it is just one Hispanic gang out of many:
    To flesh out this weak objection, I was able to find a few facts.

    The overall rate of (total) gang-related homicides (including all ethnicities) 2007-2012 is actually about 13%:
    Unsurprisingly, most of the homicides occur in larger cities, like Chicago and Los Angeles.

    Furthermore, it’s unclear how well gang-related homicides represent gang-related crimes. One might guess that gangs would be more involved in lower-level, lower-profile crimes than in the general populace: unnecessary violence might be proscribed as being bad for business.

    Much like the immigrant Jewish and Italian gangs of the early 20th century, a Hispanic immigrant community could also provide gangs with a recruitment pool.

    The presence of gangs is a factor to be considered in crafting immigration policy. While I’m genuinely sympathetic to Mexicans as a people wishing to come to the US (especially following the events of 1846!), I think that the impact of border policies on organized criminal activities is something to consider up front. This should be obvious, but is likely instead to be shouted over by less thoughtful political screaming, possibly even with the help of gang-paid lobbyists. Paranoid? I dunno,; if I can think of it, does anyone think they haven’t?

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  1451. Okechukwu says:

    Why do you object to Whites remaining a majority in the United States and Europe?

    I really don’t care. And even if I did care, there’s nothing I can do about it. We each have, if we’re lucky, about 80 years to live on this planet. Change is both inevitable and inexorable, and those changes that happen outside of our timeline are none of our business.

    Europe is in no danger of becoming minority white even in the very, very distant future. America will, assuming Hispanics aren’t counted as white. But so what? America was never a white country per se. America assimilates newcomers, Europe not so much. It’s not unusual for second or third generation non-white Europeans to be asked constantly where they’re from. But in America, even immigrants are presumed to be natives until further notice.

    All this hue and cry over Hispanic immigration is funny. I’ve never known a second or third generation Hispanic that can speak passable Spanish. Nor do they retain any vestige of the manners and mores of their mother countries. The same is true of every immigrant class, including African ones. So you people really have nothing to worry about, assuming your objections aren’t actually rooted in naked race hatred.

    If we imagine a future of very long time horizons — deep time — then, sure, anything’s possible. No nation on earth will be recognizable to us. The balance of power and prosperity may very well shift such that it’s European boat people trying to get into Kenya or Nigeria.

    None of that is any of our business. We would have had our time and would have long since passed from the scene. We have no idea of the values future generations will hold. If this Unz site were to survive as some sort of digital artifact, future generations may in fact be aghast at the primitiveness of the discourse here. The things that seem so important, which many here cling to for dear life, may be so alien to their experience as to be comical and horrifying at the same time.

    • Agree: Bliss
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1452. @niceland

    Do not consider Turkey ME, neither did my ME expert.
    Turks do not speak arabic.
    Been there several times, the country is full of the remains of ancient towns, very few are visited.
    About female tourists in Turkey, it is an Islamitic country,
    Nevertheless, female tourists there go shopping in not much more than bikinis.
    Do not think they would go on the street like that at home.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1453. KenH says:

    There aren’t historical grudges. It is part envy and part fear. They rightly fear a highly talented and cohesive majority group.

    Many Mexican school children are taught that America “stole” the Southwestern U.S. from them and that Anglos can’t be trusted which are facts even Fredrico Reed admitted many years ago in one of his columns.

    While whites are extremely talented they are the least cohesive racial group in America compared to everyone else. We would need to vote Republican at 66-70% to match the cohesion of hispanics and Asians and 90% to match the cohesion of blacks instead of the 59% we see in presidential elections.

  1454. @Ron Unz

    Ha! What? Your “numbers and stuff” do not prove that Whites and Hispanics have essentially the same crime rates. What’s worse is that you know this, and are just being dishonest. Your “big point” appears to be that if you account for age differences in the two populations, the difference in incarceration rates goes away. That’s nonsense, and you know this, as well. As has been pointed out by another poster, the average age of a currently incarcerated prisoner is 40. Moreover, grade school and middle school kids (where one sees the huge demographic bulge in the Hispanic population) aren’t exactly prime age for “criming,” as the kids say.

    Further, on a personal note (yeah, I’m sure you’ll love that), as a prosecutor in Los Angeles, I can tell you that it is rare for me to have a defendant who does not have a Spanish surname. Moreover, ask any cop here, and they’ll tell you the same. LA County is only 1/2 Hispanic. Are you really asserting that the 16-25 year-old male population of LA County is 90% Hispanic. It isn’t and you know this, as well. (And, if it makes a difference to you, I am not a White Nationalist. Rather, I’m married to a Hispanic immigrant and have a Hispanic child. Were you to try to sell this “Hispanic have the same crime rate as Whites” nonsense to my Hispanic in-laws, they would laugh at the “pinche gringo.”)

    In other words, you are not just wrong, you are being dishonest. Why? At the end of the day, you have no less of an agenda than the “alt-Right.” You have some sort of fascination with Hispanic immigrants and laudably want them to become Americans. That was apparent in 94, and, as I say, that is a laudible goal. But, just as you accuse those on the Right of being dishonest for political purposes, you surely are being dishonest for your own political purposes.

    Essentially, your main point seems to be that Hispanic crime rates are much lower than Black crime rates. Fred Reed and David Cole also love to bang on about this obvious fact. It is is both true and irrelevant. No group in America has anywhere near the crime rate of Blacks. So what? If you’re actually putting forth the proposition that Blacks are being replaced by Hispanics, you are simply wrong. The Black population is stable and is slowing growing. Whites are being replaced by Hispanics, and have a higher rate of crime. If this is an attempt to get Whites to relax about becoming a minority in America, you should try a different tack.

    • Replies: @Bliss
    , @Ron Unz
    , @Jeff Stryker
  1455. Truth says:

    Now my friend; I wrote that one in English, 1448 is the one I penned in ebonics.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1456. @Okechukwu

    “Take over” is to extert undue influence.

    You essentially proved this by posting a series of links illustrating what problems African authorities are having with Chinese nationals.

    Arguably the occurrence of these types of incidences are increasing over time on a broad time span.

  1457. Bliss says:
    @Roberto D'Aubuisson

    If you’re actually putting forth the proposition that Blacks are being replaced by Hispanics, you are simply wrong. The Black population is stable and is slowing growing. Whites are being replaced by Hispanics, and have a higher rate of crime. If this is an attempt to get Whites to relax about becoming a minority in America, you should try a different tack.

    Unz is using that false proposition to soften up the white racists of the alt-right, who will agree to anything that is bad for blacks. Even if, as in the case of California, it is much worse for whites in the long run.

  1458. dfordoom says: • Website
    @ben tillman

    To the contrary, “biological identity” is the only identity that can be justified by the intellect.

    Whether something can or cannot be justified by the intellect is irrelevant. We are creatures of emotion, not intellect. What matters is whether people feel it or not.

    The overwhelming majority of white people (we’re talking 99 percent here) do not feel any white biological identity. Other races and ethnic groups do experience such an identity on an emotional level, but whites don’t.

    • Replies: @Miro23
    , @Anonymous
    , @notanon
  1459. dfordoom says: • Website
    @ben tillman

    How exactly are you going to achieve ethnic distance and separation? You’re going to break up families, friends and communities? How? By force?

    By the absence of force, i.e., choice, you nitwit.

    So what are you going to do if people don’t make this choice voluntarily?

    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1460. dfordoom says: • Website

    I hazard that the focus needs to be more on your premise, “if Europeans (and others?) want to preserve European culture”? You must first convince people that European culture should be preserved, before moving to a discussion of means. How do you propose to persuade people of that?

    First of all there’s no such thing as European culture. There are many European cultures. European culture is a vague abstraction that no-one will ever care about.

    You need to convince people that Italian culture needs to be saved. And French culture. And Spanish culture. And Danish culture. These are real things. You can point to concrete examples.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1461. anon[194] • Disclaimer says:

    for a second i thought he had a yarmulka on his head, lol

  1462. anon[194] • Disclaimer says:

    where did the zulus and bantus come from? south africa or further north?

    how many tribes did the zulus exterminate?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1463. anon[150] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz


    Not that it affects my point that there are plenty of people in the public eye who don’t have a problem arguing for lower immigration …

    You didn’t make that point in your original comment.
    You mentioned John Stone, a 90 year old who retired from politics in 1990 after a 3 year career [LOL], and who the vast majority of Australians have never heard of, and Pauline Hanson, who is well known, but hasn’t been able to defend, let alone expand upon, any position she’s ever taken, whether it was gibs for Abos, Chinese Immigration, Muslim Immigration, or, lately, the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
    Here’s your chance:
    Name some people in the public eye in Australia who don’t have a problem arguing for lower immigration.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1464. Miro23 says:

    The overwhelming majority of white people (we’re talking 99 percent here) do not feel any white biological identity. Other races and ethnic groups do experience such an identity on an emotional level, but whites don’t.

    Maybe because if the context (background) is white, it is taken for granted. Other races and ethnic groups feel an identity because they’re different and a minority.

    It also works the other way. A Nigerian won’t feel black in Nigeria, but a white in Nigeria will be aware of a white identity since they are obviously different and a minority.

    If the traditional black majority of Nigeria faced domination by a small white minority (e.g. as happened in Rhodesia or South Africa) they would no doubt support freedom fighters and toss out the white elite.

  1465. Alden says:

    The big Hispanic gangs in California are the Surenos and Norternos. Didn’t spell them right. Means north and south. The California district attorneys association was writing reports about themas early as the mid 1960s. They started in the state prisons and kept together as organized crime when they got out.

    That illegal alien farm worker who killed a police officer at 1 am Christmas Day was a Sureno. He was quickly caught because he and his friends and relatives were in every gang and criminal database all over the state.

    One thing I know about about is a Sureno operation in the pretty little Ventura county town of Santa Paula. The Chief of police, Spanish name of course had to bring in the FBI organized crime unit to deal with the hold the Surenos had on the town.

    Mostly they preyed on huspanics. They would go to a Hispanic home and with torture and guns force the family to sign over cars trucks and even transfer title to the house. Business or ranch to the Surenos. They were also doing the standard mafia thing of forcing people to turn over part of their paycheck every pay day. They did the protection racket for businesses as well. And many of the businesses in the valley are owned by Hispanics This was in the 90s

    Fillmore and Santa Paula are historic towns. That’s where the Sunkist citrus cooperative started. The packing sheds and railroad sidings have been sending California oranges all over the world since the 1870s.

  1466. Ron Unz says:
    @Roberto D'Aubuisson

    What’s worse is that you know this, and are just being dishonest…In other words, you are not just wrong, you are being dishonest…But, just as you accuse those on the Right of being dishonest for political purposes, you surely are being dishonest for your own political purposes.

    The agitated commenters endlessly accusing me of dishonesty are really making themselves look ridiculous. All I’ve done is reasonably analyze the official data. If you don’t like the official data, well, just make up your own numbers, and claim that God told them to you.

    Isn’t your handle the name of one of Latin America’s most notorious death-squad leaders, who supposedly assassinated the local Catholic archbishop and ordered the rape and murder of all those American nuns? Is that the sort of handle which would be selected by a dispassionate critic of my analytical framework for estimating relative crime rates?

    Further, on a personal note (yeah, I’m sure you’ll love that), as a prosecutor in Los Angeles, I can tell you that it is rare for me to have a defendant who does not have a Spanish surname.

    Well, maybe you are and maybe you aren’t. As for me, I haven’t lived in LA for around 35 years, and my knowledge largely comes from the public datasets. Since you claim to be part of the local criminal justice system, if the data is all fraudulent, then people like you are to blame.

    Moreover, ask any cop here, and they’ll tell you the same. LA County is only 1/2 Hispanic. Are you really asserting that the 16-25 year-old male population of LA County is 90% Hispanic.

    Let’s think things through a bit. LA County is about 50% Hispanic, 26% white, and 15% Asian. Everyone knows Asians have unusually low crime rates, and the overwhelming majority of CA whites are older and past their high-crime years. Naturally, I used the Census age-distribution for LA when I did my calculations back in 2010, but I’m not going dig them out again just because some Latin American death-squad leader insults me. However, it wouldn’t surprise me if while the overall H/W LA ratio is just 2-to-1, the ratio among crime-age males is more like 4-to-1. In support of this estimate, the H/W ratio at LAUSD is 7-to-1 (I do realize that many whites probably attend private schools).

    Here’s something else to consider. I think there aren’t many blue-collar/working-class whites left in LA—over the last couple of generations they’ve been pushed out by immigrant job-competition. And obviously, youngish males from blue-collar families commit far more street crimes than those from affluent families such as the ones living in Bel Air or Beverly Hills.

    Just based on these sorts of simple demographic factors, I’d have expected the H/W crime ratio in LA to be something like 7 or 8-to-1, along with very few Asians. The only real surprise is your apparent claim that LA’s 10% black population commits almost no street crime. Maybe you’re lying, or maybe all the crime-age black males are already dead or in prison.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Hippopotamusdrome
    , @FvS
  1467. dfordoom says: • Website

    Name some people in the public eye in Australia who don’t have a problem arguing for lower immigration.

    Dick Smith.

    • Replies: @anon
  1468. Alden says:

    Every person resident in Texas Arizona New Mexico California Nevada Colorado and any other Mexican territory in 1848 when the USA won the war stayed including the Mexican governors military and Mexican government officials They didn’t go home because home was in what’s now the American south west

    It wasn’t as though the British want to back to India. The Portuguese back to Angola, Germans back to Kalingrad Oblast, Turks back to Mongolia.

    The Mexican citizens subjects were already there and they stayed.
    There was no expulsion of Mexicans.

    Maybe the descendants of Mexicans living in Mexico in 1848 want to move to the USA but that not any kind of revanchism. It’s just economic immigration

    Repeat repeat repeat. Of all the claims to the American south west; Mexico has the weakest claim of all. With the exception of Texas the American Southwest was Mexican territory for a mere 26 years, 1822 to 1848. Texas was only 14 years, 1822 to 1836. Before that it belonged riv Spain

    If any country has revanchist claims to the American Southwest and Mexico as they had it for 300 years.

    google Spanish conquest of Mexico and American south west. The history is not Mexican but Spanish. Evil White people

    Spain claimed California in 1530 and started to settle it in 1769. The pirate Sir Francis Drake claimed Marin county CA for England in 1570 something

    If any country has revanchist claims to the American south west it’s Spain. But Spain has no interest.

    Repeat repeat repeat the Mexican invaders are not descendants of Mexicans living in the American Southwest in 1848. They are descendants of Mexicans living in Mexico in 1848 and have no more right to invade America than Europeans or Chinese do.
    You read newspapers magazines and watch NPR don’t you? Too bad, everything they’ve told you is dead wrong about Mexico and the south west. If you want the south west to be overrun with Hispanics recruit them in Spain which held the territory f0r 300 years instead of Mexico’s pathetic 26 years.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
  1469. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Okay then, how do you convince people that Italian or English or Spanish or German culture should be saved?

    And what of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand?

  1470. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    The overwhelming majority of white people (we’re talking 99 percent here) do not feel any white biological identity. Other races and ethnic groups do experience such an identity on an emotional level, but whites don’t.

    Aren’t you overlooking the incentive structure? What happens to White people who express a racial identity? (Ask our Australian friend in this thread.) Whilst, what happens to Blacks, Indians, Koreans, Chinese, and Jews who express a group identity?

    And not just punishment, but reward. Are there Jewish institutions that promote specifically Jewish interests?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1471. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    Ron, what are you agreeing with specifically in agreeing with this comment?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1472. Art says:

    True. We’re getting attacked on every possible front.

    But we’re still gaining ground. Isn’t it amazing? It’s almost like the darkness never had a chance.

    Like your attitude – we are going to win!

    US troops withdraw from first base in Syria – report
    Published time: 29 Dec, 2018 14:41
    Edited time: 30 Dec, 2018 10:34

    Turkish media says the US Army troops have abandoned a base in north-eastern Syria, in the first reported case of the Donald Trump-announced general pullout going ahead.

  1473. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    I really don’t care. And even if I did care, there’s nothing I can do about it. We each have, if we’re lucky, about 80 years to live on this planet. Change is both inevitable and inexorable, and those changes that happen outside of our timeline are none of our business.

    It seems what you are proposing is a framework for nihilism. What, if anything, is important to you in your own life? What are your values? If you have a wife and children, why did you bother having children?

    Do you object to White Americans discriminating against Blacks? Jews discriminating against Palestinians? If so, on what basis?

  1474. anon[150] • Disclaimer says:

    Dick Smith is a publicity hound, and he isn’t taken seriously.
    Can you name any others?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1475. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:

    It probably comes as not a big surprise to you, Truth, but I understand very little Ebonics. Please provide a better explanation.

    • Replies: @Truth
  1476. Talha says:
    @Ron Unz

    Since you claim to be part of the local criminal justice system, if the data is all fraudulent, then people like you are to blame.

    This, my friends, is called “checkmate”.


  1477. Ron Unz says:

    Ron, what are you agreeing with specifically in agreeing with this comment?

    Well, pretty much the whole thing. As I’ve pointed out on numerous occasions, the MSM provides a very distorted view of the acquisition of the Southwestern US from Mexico.

    Including TX, America did indeed grab roughly half of Mexico’s territory, but it contained only 1% of Mexico’s population. With the exception of New Mexico, it was almost entirely empty wilderness, dominated by a few fierce Indian tribes. For example, I think there was only something like 7,000 Spanish-speakers in all of CA, and maybe twice that in TX.

    Once all the empty land became part of the US, there was a huge inflow of American settlers, who quickly swamped and absorbed the tiny number of existing Mexicans. The latter certainly weren’t massacred or expelled. Indeed, some of new Anglo elite intermarried with the leading Mexican families, many of whom had never much liked the distant Mexican government. As 19th century conquests go, it was hardly a horrific war-crime.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1478. Anonymous[707] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Interesting. Thank you.

  1479. ZOGged says:

    Well that was nice. By the way, you sound like a sensible conservative black. My (limited) experience with conservative blacks (and I believe there are quite a few) tells me that they are quite a different story than your ghetto punks. They are decent, law abiding, mild mannered and well spoken. To top it off they are way more religious and hate the nauseous decadence being perpetrated in the name of PC, you know gender fluidity, promotion of faggotry and the likes.

    The sad part is, they are not even like a sprinkling of salt in an otherwise bland dish (just not enough in numbers). Or may be they aren’t vocal enough to rein in those punks. Have you ever thought about this? Do you think the (((elites))) wish you well when they promote thugs and punks as the role models for the youth, black or not? Do you think they tolerate the violence because they are genuinely trying to make blacks feel emboldened? Do you think this dystopia will continue forever?

    Since you sound sensible enough (notwithstanding your take on the moon landings), do you think all this is for some greater good for the PoC??

  1480. @Ron Unz

    I’d be curious about the homicide rate among “civilians” and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not all that high.

    Well, there is the occasional ‘collateral damage’.

    Killings of 43 Mexican students bad for business, Chicago cartel boss said

    List of journalists and media workers killed in Mexico … This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

    2011 San Fernando massacre
    Not to be confused with the 2010 San Fernando massacre, the killing of 72 illegal immigrants


    On 6 April 2011, Mexican authorities exhumed 59 corpses from eight mass graves By 7 June 2011, after a series of multiple excavations, a total of 193 bodies were exhumed from mass graves in San Fernando.

    Authorities investigating the massacre reported numerous hijackings of passenger buses on Mexican Federal Highway 101 in San Fernando

    Reports mentioned that female kidnapping victims were raped and able-bodied male kidnapping victims were forced to fight to the death with other hostages

    The kidnapped victims were forced to fight to the death with other victims. Men were given knives, hammers and machetes, and were ordered at gunpoint to fight for their lives like a “gladiator-style contest.” The winners were ordered to go on suicide missions and shoot at rival drug cartel members elsewhere.

    Another survivor stated that heavily armed men would stop buses at roadblocks, and then force women and young girls at gunpoint, “strip them naked, rape them,” and then drive away in trucks, leaving the passengers traumatized.

  1481. Truth says:

    Post #1458; in response to how do we convince white males to want to form an inclusive society: Convince them to find white women more attractive than Asian ones.

    Post #1448 is in regard to a supposed wager over the knightly sum of 10,000 into which Monsieurs Revulsky and Unz allegedly entered some years ago. The quarrel herewith concerns remuneration for said wager, as do, generally disputes over wagers. Mr. Revulsky if my memory serves to it’s general point of pinpoint accuracy, believes that his response to Mr. Unz’s challenge satisfies the conditions of the wager, ergo placing Mr. Unz in a position of fiduciary debt to Mr. Revulsky, which has heretofore been unresolved. Mr. Unz, predictably disagrees, vociferously with both the validity of the evidence that Mr. Revulsky had introduced as to cement his position on the matter, and thus, his claim upon the bounty, and the general argument introduced by Mr. Revulsky itself…

  1482. @anon

    I don’t think you are being serious because, wherever you are in the world you could Google something like “who in Australia is arguing for lower immigration” and you would find plenty such as Tony Abbott, Bob Carr and Dick Smith. And, BTW, Dick Smith counts as an answer to your challenge even if he is publicity hungry and you and your peers don’t take him seriously. I would guess that he is at least listened to by a majority of the under 30s who listen to anything serious, and if he utters a factual statement that needs to be considered he would have some effect on many more. Perhaps the real point is that everything important about the issue and it’s discussion in Australia has little to do with American issues and politics.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @David Baker
  1483. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    For all the lurid talk of MS-13, I think they’ve been accused of committing something like a couple of dozen murders each year, almost entirely within their own community.

    i’d suggest looking into the forced prostitution aspect – that’s where the media’s cover up of reality is at its most evil.

  1484. Anon[926] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    OMG the Great Revulsky’s back – and so ego centric and careless that he doesn’t recognise anon [257] as one Ron has described as of mature years (or something equivalent) and of old settler stock – maybe “Alden” the descendant of Mayflower pilgrims. She comments often, and while she can get cross and pernickety, she is worth conversing with.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  1485. notanon says:

    The overwhelming majority of white people (we’re talking 99 percent here) do not feel any white biological identity.

    i think there is some truth to this (the result of the 1000 year ban on close cousin marriage?) but white flight disproves the do not feel any part.

    they might feel it less than other groups maybe

    (although i’d partially dispute this as well as a lot of what appears to be ethnic cohesion among other groups is actually familial cohesion i.e. they are very nepotistic within a wide extended family but this is combined with a dog eat fog attitude between those extended families).

    also some of the difference is related to being a majority or a minority – minority groups will tend to stick together more.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1486. @anon

    The Boers going north met the Zulus and other Bantus coming South and it shouldn’t be forgotten that, if the Bantu hadn’t multiplied their population many times over (partly with the help of modern medicine) there wouldn’t be a problem of the land not supporting them and white farmers well – thanks not least to modern agriculture. Mind you the Boers were pretty good breeders too so there was bound to be a bit of primitive Hitler style thinking about Lebensraum.

  1487. @Alden

    In any case, if Trump signed a treaty and gave California back to be Annexed by Mexico, the citizens of the Mexican California would just want to escape and immigrate to the rump USA.

    Or would they? We know that the USA has the good mojo that makes them want to come here, and that Mexico has all the bad mojo that makes them want to escape, but where does the mojo come from? If it resides in the dirt, then all will be well, as Mexico can evacuate it’s population from it’s cursed, mojoless dirt in Mexico to its new California territory.

    But, what if the mojo resides in the United States of America? Then Hispanics in California will just be back in Mexico again, and they will need to sneak over the border a second time in pursuit of the mojo.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1488. FvS says:
    @Ron Unz

    What do you make of the data I posted at comment #1017?

    Faulk says:

    Happily, the US incarceration data is better than its arrest data. The DOJ does a good job differentiating Whites and Hispanics in its prisoner population reports. As can be seen below, said report not only show that Hispanics have a higher crime rate than Whites, but show that this remains true even when only comparing young males of each ethnicity, thus falsifying the myth that Hispanic crime rates are caused by ethnic differences in median age and/or sex ratio..

    Also, did that other commenter have a point about regressions being more useful than correlation coefficients in that case?

  1489. @Anonymous

    How would one test dfordoom’s proposition? Certainly it would help to ensure the circumstances for all were comparable: majority/ minority, old traditional society/modern global metropolis etc. But what about class? I guess many white commenters here would give important preferences to the Indian professor or Chinese doctor and their families over uncouth lower class whites without hesitation.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @dfordoom
  1490. Anonymous[303] • Disclaimer says:

    i think there is some truth to this (the result of the 1000 year ban on close cousin marriage?) but white flight disproves the do not feel any part.

    Don’t White women still prefer White men as reproductive partners, despite massive propaganda that ridicules or demonizes White men and a societal system that actively discriminates against them?

    • Replies: @notanon
  1491. @Jonathan Revusky

    The Police in Ostersund are in fact Swedish Police. Sweden does not have a national police force. And the only person who suggested any such thing is you. So you are argiung with yourself, and then flinging up your arms in victory at having bested yourseself.

    You are an impossibly stupid, bloviating infant, intoxicated with your own flatulance.

    If you wonder why I did not respond to your nonsensical blather, I again refer you to Hitler about arguing with Jews.

    First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
    Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

  1492. Anonymous[303] • Disclaimer says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    You are an impossibly stupid, bloviating infant, intoxicated with your own flatulance.

    Please cool it with the personal insults.

    I actually think Revusky is a pretty good commenter here.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1493. Alden says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Rape victim was not out on the street shopping in a bikini. She was inside her hotel room and the rapist broke in.

  1494. Alden says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Not me.

    Chinese and indian immigrants go out of their way to avoid using White professionals buying from White businesses and when they get their affirmative action job as director of nursing or any kind of management job they forego standard hiring practices in favor of hiring their own.

    There’s a big difference between class and profession. Class is inherent . Profession is a job.

  1495. Alden says:

    There’s such ignorance about the whole Mexican fake revanchist thing. When Mexico ruled California and Texas the Spanish named people called themselves Californios and Tejanos and Texicans Mexicans.

    Read the Wikipedia article about General Vallejo the viceroy of Alta California For various reasons he felt that it was best that California become part of the USA. He was with American Generals Fremont and Kearney fighting the Mexican army. That’s why the victory was so easy and fast. The civilian Californios either didn’t care or were mildly pro becoming part of the USA. And most of the Mexican military and government officials stayed in Calufornia instead of going back to Mexico

    • Replies: @mark green
  1496. anon[147] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz


    Perhaps the real point is that everything important about the issue and it’s discussion in Australia has little to do with American issues and politics.

    The background is the same in Australia and the U.S..
    That is to say, the public have never been offered a choice at any Election since 1945 between Immigration and a moratorium on Immigration.
    Polling in the U.S. always shows a clear majority of voters strongly opposed to Immigration, yet the Media remain firmly pro Immigration.
    Media ownership is far more concentrated in Australia, where they keep parroting the line that Australia’s Post War migration program has been a success, but they neglect to detail what that success consists of. People here have eyes and ears, they can judge this ”success” for themselves, and they do.

    I see you haven’t been able to name any serious people who have taken a stand against Australian Immigration levels, either.
    Whatever Tony Abbott says on any subject can be taken with a grain of salt, you might remember he was elected in 2013 with a clear mandate to to repeal parts of S.18 of the Racial Discrimination Act [1975], yet once he was in a position to do that he went to water.
    Bob Carr is a retired Labor politician with close links to the Chinese Government.
    Like Abbott, anything he said would be taken by the average person with a grain of salt.

    Anybody else you can think of, or are you prepared to admit reality, that Immigration is unpopular in Australia, just as it is everywhere else, and that the Media have closed ranks to deny that reality.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @peterAUS
  1497. Alden says:

    Aristocrats are aristocrats

    Gentry are Gentry

    There is a huge difference. A very few upper aristocrats survived as landowning aristocrats. The Gentry and lower aristocrats didn’t survive as landowners. They were taxed like 90 percent inheritance tax.

    All those EU subsidies helped the landowners big and small.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1498. Alden says:

    There are numerous sites with the abortion statistics. It’s hispanic then black then White. I’ve been against affirmative action for 45 years.

    Why are you weeping and wailing about black and brown women aborting babies that will take our jobs through affirmative action and are way way over represented in crime and the welfare that devours our taxes?

    Did you get a black or Hispanic women pregnant and she got an abortion? Do you even know any black or Hispanic women? Go preach to them about abortion. Get yourself into a higher tax bracket so you can support more black and brown welfare babies

    And why preach about abortion on a 90 percent White male site.? White men can’t get abortions. If you don’t approve of abortion find some black and Hispanic women to preach about it. Or picket planned parenthood

  1499. Alden says:

    I agree completely with you. It’s being nice that’s got us into this prelude to genocide. Be as nasty to them as they are to us. As my friend Nancy says, when in doubt, be offensive

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1500. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    So that’s why you hate women and fantasize about women in short skirts being raped. You made a bad choice and you blame other women because you stayed with that one and her 3 kids by another man.

    Unfortunate that you hate all women because you, you, picked a terrible woman and stayed with her.

  1501. gT says:

    Geokat62 is using the old trick of putting a little lie into a bundle of truth. Its true that the Blacks in South Africa come from central Africa, from West Africa to be exact. Its also true that the whole of Southern Africa, not just South Africa, was Khoisan previously. The Whites advancing from the Western coast of South Africa met the Blacks for the first time in about the middle of South Africa, before that the whites had only encountered Khoisan.

    Where the lie comes in is this business about the Whites having purchased the land from the Khoisan, that is absolute BS, by and large the majority of the land was taken by force from the Khoisan, by both the Whites and the Blacks, just like most of the land in Palestine has been taken by force from the Palestinians to create Israel. Just look at what happens to the few Palestinians who actually sold their land to the Jews.

    It is also untrue that the Black numbers only increased relatively recently. All during Apartheid the Blacks statistics were constantly understated. An indication of the number of Whites versus the number of Blacks can be found at the battle of Blood River, where a few hundred whites faced off against over 10’000 Blacks, and the Whites won that one by the way, but this time round the Blacks will ALL have guns as well 😉

  1502. @Roberto D'Aubuisson


    You are Italian and we both know that crime rates and prosecution reflect racial reality and IQ, not actually ethnic propensity towards crime.

    The average Gotti or Tony Soprano living quietly in his North Jersey McMansion orders 100 homicides before Rico takes him down in middle age. He actually commits many more crimes than the average black offender because he is 50 years old by the time the Feds lock him up or he himself is killed.

    Sicilians are more cunning and intelligent than blacks so they stay on the street longer. Several mafia dons have had genius-level IQ’s.

    The whites that do get locked up are not Italian-American career criminals. They are trailer trash morons who keep their crystal meth and stolen property in their vehicle at all times so that whenever Deputy Dog pulls them over on a “faulty tail light” he is guaranteed to have a bust; or they are chronic DUI who will keep driving plastered until they win the Three Strikes lottery.

    New Jersey police know full well that the Sicilian riding in the back of the limousine has ordered 100 homicides. They know that if they pull him over not only will they find nothing wrong but his lawyer will talk to their chief and they might lose their job.

    Additionally, there is some reverse racism. When a black is gunned down, he is nineteen years old and the television shows him in his graduation cap and gown. When the Italian mobster is found dead on a road in Atlantic city with a dead rat shoved in his mouth, the television news shows a glowering Joe Spinnell/Willie Ci Ci pockmarked imposing Guinea scowling from a mugshot. The public does not care.

    My point is that Italians and Hispanics don’t get caught as often as blacks or white trash. They don’t commit the same stupid crimes on the spur of the moment like stealing a steak for the third time from a supermarket and going away on a Three Strikes beef.

    White petty criminals are more or less an extinct species after Polly Klaas. They’ve either been locked up for life or stopped committing crimes because blacks make prison torturous for whites.

    I’m rambling but you see my point. Crime is Darwinism in action. You get a cunning and shrewd Sicilian or Russian mafia don every ten years. You get blacks every day.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1503. @Genrick Yagoda

    The Police in Ostersund are in fact Swedish Police. Sweden does not have a national police force. And the only person who suggested any such thing is you.

    The above is completely dishonest, so you are simply proving my point. In #663 above, here: you wrote:

    The police in Sweden recently warned women not to go out alone at night, and admitted that they covered up mass rapes by non whites.

    The above is your own words. The police in Sweden…

    You are referring to some statements made by police in one little town, Ostersund, and saying “The police in Sweden…”

    That is utterly dishonest! There is clear intent to deceive, giving the impression that this is some generalized thing in Sweden. It would be as if I took some statement made by some local police in the town of 100,000 where I live about something entirely local and said “The Police in Spain said that…”

    Well, I imagine you would come back with some Clintonesque nonsense about how it depends what the meaning of the word “the” is. But I would suggest you spare everybody that.

    Anyway, what you did there was completely dishonest and it’s not the only case obviously, but you asked for proof and that should be enough. That was completely dishonest and I called you on that in a response and your reaction was not to concede the point or anything like that. You simply resorted to ad hominem, which is what chronically dishonest people such as yourself typically do in that spot.

    Okay? So are you going to stop? Have you had enough now?

    If you need any more spanking, I really can’t be doing it for free. At least I should get the going rate, no?

  1504. @Alden

    I can’t argue with your experience, but it is not mine.

    As to your remarks about class and professions I wonder if you are saying, by class is “inherent”, that it is inherited – presumably because of the way one’s parents have chosen or have been forced to spend their money. That model is easy to understand and perhaps accept if your paradigm case is the parents and children who might be called the school community of a prestigious private school. But I would suggest that the upper middle middle and upper middle classes are what one would be thinking of if a lawyer or doctor whose profession one wasn’t sure of was described as a professional.

  1505. @Anon

    OMG the Great Revulsky’s back – and so ego centric and careless that he doesn’t recognise anon [257] as

    I gave up on trying to keep track of the various anon[XXX] commenters long ago. Or actually, come to think of it, I probably never even tried to do that.

    Trying to keep track of the various individual numbered anons in my mind would (a) require a huge mental effort, (b) I would probably fail at it, and (c) even if I could keep them straight in my head, it would not provide me anything of value.

    The whole numbered anon thing is obviously a terrible idea. Probably the only people who think that it is a good idea are Ron Unz and the various trolls and professional disrupters themselves.

    “Alden” the descendant of Mayflower pilgrims. She comments often, and while she can get cross and pernickety, she is worth conversing with.

    I don’t think “Alden” and Anon[257] are the same person. I have a distinct memory of the “Alden” entity and he/she/it is a more sophisticated, higher end troll. As for whether the person (or possibly persons…) behind that screen name is elderly, female, or whatever, that could be, but there is no particular reason to think that anything that person says is truthful.

    She comments often, and while she can get cross and pernickety, she is worth conversing with.

    That has not been my experience.

  1506. @anon

    Have a look at this

    It has both the PM and the Premier of NSW supporting lower immigration against the Greens and multicultural lobby who fear it will cut down the kind of immigration that commenters on UR would Probably say was Jewish inspired diluting of the dominant culture.


    The SMH article noted that the PM expressed his view based on lagging infrastructure. One could say that it was precisely because the MSM hasn’t obscured public reservations about levels of immigration.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @notanon
  1507. @gT

    Geokat62 is using the old trick of putting a little lie into a bundle of truth.

    I’ve had various run-ins with the Geokat62 entity. I am convinced that this is a professional disinfo agent. A lot of these people have, as a big part of their shtick, this thing of presenting themselves as strongly anti-Zionists. That jerkoff “OilcanFloyd” is another case in point.

    This constellation of “angry white man” right-wing Islamophobe sites that the Zionists control (Breitbart etc.) is pushing this “white genocide in South Africa” narrative and we see this Geokat entity pushing that here.

    In some private email, some months ago, this topic came up and I was flabbergasted. I am not a left-wing ideologue who worships Nelson Mandela and all that and I don’t idealize the ANC government in South Africa, but the notion that they are planning to “genocide” all the white people in South Africa just strikes me as total wingnut stuff. I tried to investigate the question somewhat, trying to narrow in on some information sources that struck me as basically honest.

    I came to the following conclusion:

    The “upcoming white genocide” thing is a synthetic narrative being put out by the same people who put out all the Islamophobic stuff. (You know who…) It’s not to say there are no problems in SA but the notion that the blacks are fixin’ to do an Adolf H on the whites (for real this time!) is just nonsense. It is completely outside the range of anything that is reasonable to believe.

    My best guess is that the narrative is a sort of Zionist narrative by analogy. If you believe that the darkie savages are planning to exterminate all the white people in South Africa, you’ll extend the analogy to Palestine and think the Arabs are planning to kill all the Jews. And then you support the increasingly savage policies of the Israeli state, thinking they have no other choice.

    Something like that… In many cases, I don’t think it’s that subtle even. If you were to look at the writings of Ilana Mercer on this very site…

    • Replies: @FvS
    , @geokat62
    , @JLK
  1508. @Alden

    It’s being nice that’s got us into this prelude to genocide.

    Prelude to genocide… is that one of the Chopin preludes?

    That would be piano music though. I think the violin would be the more appropriate musical instrument.

    And then when the Zyklon B starts seeping into the gas chamber, the fat lady sings…

  1509. @notanon

    there was lots of smartphone footage at the time but it was very dark so you couldn’t see much –

    Oh, there was a lot of footage, but they took it down, eh? Or the dog ate it, I dunno…

    There’s a lot of video footage available of me making love with Julia Roberts. But unfortunately (or fortunately, whatever…) it’s very dark and you can’t see much.

    just lots of women screaming.

    Oh, really, any other sound effects? Spooky music?

    Like the other guy said, there is lots of footage but they took it all down.

    But, hold on… It’s like you guys are confusing two different talking points.

    A. There’s footage but it was too dark and that’s why you can’t see anything.

    B. There’s footage that shows what happened but they managed to take it all down and now you can’t look at it.

    But… hold on… why did they take all the videos down if they’re so dark that you can’t see anything? Why bother? It has to be A or B but not both, right?

    I had sex with Julia Roberts and there is video footage but her lawyers forced me to take down all the footage.

    I had sex with Julia Roberts and there is video footage but you can’t identify Julia in the video because it’s too dark. (But you can hear Julia screaming.)

    You see, at some point, it’s just a question of finally being able to figure out when things are just storytelling. Any careful examination of this Cologne thing and the whole “Muslim rape epidemic” narrative generally shows that it’s just storytelling.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1510. @jilles dykstra

    I wonder if you understand that the Netherlands borders on Germany, blah blah

    Oh, you wonder if I know that the Netherlands borders on Germany, eh?

    I don’t think so. As profoundly stupid a person as you are, I think you know perfectly well that I know where Holland is. It’s just some snotty passive-aggressive attempt to insult me.

    Regardless, of course I know where Holland is but it’s utterly irrelevant. It’s ridiculous… Once you’re, I dunno… a hundred miles from the place where something happens, you don’t know any better what happened there than somebody who is thousands of miles away! Somebody who was living in some town in upstate New York on 9/11 had no better information on what really happened than somebody in Europe or in Australia. If you weren’t actually there, you just saw what was presented on TV like everybody else!

    Now, to give proper credit, as far as I can see, your argument that you know what happened better than I do because you live in Holland and Holland borders Germany…. this is your own bullshit. You came up with this yourself. Congratulations. Most of your BS is just you repeating things that you read on whatever wingnut crank website, like that the Muslims in Holland want to impose Sharia law and that kind of idiocy.

    Let me repeat for the last time, what happened in Germany was reported and discussed extensively in the media.

    So what you know is just what comes from the media. In what way, then, does Holland being next to Germany give you any advantage?

    Okay, if you knew a lot of German people and talked to them about conditions in Germany, but obviously you don’t, because if you did, you would know perfectly well that there is no rape epidemic in Germany and German women are not afraid to go out. All that information comes from the right-wing crank sources that you rely on and you could just as well read that stuff and believe that if you were some redneck living in Oklahoma or some place.

    The area was not dense with CCTV cameras.

    Well, I did say CCTV cameras and smartphone cameras. I don’t know in what relative proportions. Just cameras generally. The official version of events (which is what you get on Wikipedia) says:

    In total, the police evaluated 1,100 hours of video footage taken from CCTV cameras and witnesses.

    That is here:

    If the area was not dense with cameras, where did the 1100 hours of video footage come from? They pulled it out of their asses?

    No, I think not. Actually, your statement that there were not cameras was pulled out of YOUR ass! Like your argument that you know what happened because Holland borders Germany…

    Young women were surrounded by gangs of migrants, and then assaulted, nothing to be seen from outside the gang.

    So they form the circle around the victim instantaneously and none of the process is ever caught on camera?

    Or what about the immediate aftermath, when the gang disperses? There should be some photo or video of some sobbing girls with torn clothes, no?

    How can the overall mass event with HUNDREDS of victims leave ZERO visual record?

    Even somebody as unintelligent as you only has to think about this seriously for a few minutes to realize that it’s impossible.

    Why you try to persuade me that you know better than I what happened is beyond my comprehension.

    Dude, it takes two to tango. In our conversation, my comments and yours are interwoven. I could just as well pose the same question.

    In any case, it is your behavior that is incomprehensible. You seem to really think that you are “debating” with me. However, all you are doing to “prove” this story is just to repeat the story.

    This is what a religious fundamentalist does when you ask him for proof of whatever bible story. They just repeat the story. Or they say it’s in the Bible. Except with you, it’s the story you got from whatever media.

    I tell you the story is impossible because it’s impossible for this to happen without ANY of it being caught on camera, and then you just repeat the story. Or you say there weren’t cameras around, when there was supposedly 1100 hours of video footage for the cops to examine. 1100 hours of video footage when the entire mass event surely only lasted for a few hours at most! So… hundreds of cameras!

    Anyway, you’ve completely discredited yourself. A long time ago. Like, when you claimed that the Muslims in Holland want to make you follow Sharia law. Stuff like this. If your intention was to completely discredit yourself, then you did a great job and now you deserve a break. Well done! Now, go out and take a walk and get some fresh air.

  1511. FvS says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    And that is what makes whites different from everyone else and what makes them uniquely vulnerable. Non-white immigrants don’t have to justify their conquest of the United States. They don’t have to explain why they want their numbers to grow at our expense. They know instinctively that it’s good for them, and that is all they need to know.

    The same is true for Third-World immigrants to Europe. They don’t have to justify conquest. No, it is Europeans who would have to justify even the most basic steps necessary to assure their survival.

    It should be no more necessary to explain why whites have the right to a future than to explain why it is better to live than to die. But that is the dilemma we face. Slowly, slowly, both in America and in Europe, we are waking up to this dilemma. – Jared Taylor

    As long as whites continue to avoid and deny their own racial identity, at a time when almost every other racial and ethnic category is rediscovering and asserting its own, whites will have no chance to resist their dispossession and their eventual possible physical destruction. Before we can seriously discuss any concrete proposals for preserving our culture and its biological and demographic foundations, we have to address and correct the problem we inflict on ourselves, our own lack of a racial consciousness and the absence of a common will to act in accordance with it. – Sam Francis

    All white peoples around the world are threatened by simple biological extinction due to loss of homelands where we can securely live and breed, competition from non-white invaders, hybridization with non-whites, and outright predation by non-whites. – Greg Johnson

    White displacement, white replacement, white genocide, or whatever you want to call it, is very real. Some people say that Jews are the biggest problem, while others say it’s Muslims. Some people say that blacks are the biggest problem, while others say it’s mestizos/Amerindians. However, these things aren’t mutually exclusive. All nonwhites do not belong in white countries.


    Ditto for Canada and Australia. Keep in mind that the Europe graphic only takes into consideration Muslims, not included were non-Muslim Africans.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @CanSpeccy
  1512. geokat62 says:

    Geokat62 is using the old trick of putting a little lie into a bundle of truth.

    Woah, woah, woah…. hold up there. A “little lie”?

    Let me start off by making one thing very clear: Geokat62 doesn’t lie.

    If you go back to my comment, you’ll see how I operate:

    Initial land grab? According to this source, it appears the land was initially purchased, not grabbed:

    Notice how I prefaced the comment with the phrase “According to this source, it appears…”

    Now, I put those words in there for a reason. If you go over my close to 4,000 comments, you’ll notice a pattern. In virtually all cases, I try to back up my assertion with a source. You’ll also notice that my sources are from generally reputable experts in their respective fields. For example, Profs. Mearsheimer & Walt in FP, Prof. Kevin MacDonald on the JQ, and NASA scientist Ryan Mackey on 9/11.

    This time, when I entered into an exchange with Okechukwu, I did a quick search and came up with an article on the topic of South Africa land dispute written by someone named Tyler Durden. Since I never heard of him before, I felt it necessary to include the disclaimer “According to this source, it appears…”

    Now, when Okechukwu challenged the source or more accurately the website ZH, I looked a little deeper into the author’s sources upon which he relied to write the article.

    Here is the bibliography he included at the end of the article:

    Farmlands: A South African Documentary

    “In South Africa, New Leadership Won’t Fix Old Problems”

    “South Africa: A State With Many Nations”

    “The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid”

    Interview with John McDermott, the Africa bureau chief for The Economist who lives in Johannesburg, South Africa

    Now, I tried following-up with each of his written sources but I couldn’t find anything that backed-up his claim that: “In many regions of South Africa, the Afrikaners have been around longer than the Bantus and have a stronger claim on the land, having purchased it from Khoisans.”

    As a result, here’s what I’m prepared to do. I will try and obtain the author’s contact info and follow-up with him directly to see if he can substantiate his claim. If I succeed in doing so, I will share his originally source for making this claim with others.

    In the meantime, in light of the foregoing, I think it only fair that you retract your statement that I “used an old trick of putting a little lie into a bundle of truth.”



    • Replies: @gT
  1513. @dfordoom

    So what are you going to do if people don’t make this choice voluntarily?

    What do you mean? We know people will make this choice voluntarily. They already do it to the extent they can.

  1514. @Anonymous

    It isn’t self evident that immigration into the United States and Europe is a net survival threat to the individuals there who happen to be White.

    Yes, it is. The issue isn’t “persuading” or convincing, it’s focusing their attention.

  1515. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    I’ve had various run-ins with the Geokat62 entity. I am convinced that this is a professional disinfo agent.

    If Revulsky claims I’m a professional disinfo agent, it reassures me that I’m on the right track.

    This constellation of “angry white man” right-wing Islamophobe sites that the Zionists control (Breitbart etc.) is pushing this “white genocide in South Africa” narrative and we see this Geokat entity pushing that here.

    Let’s see… you must have missed the RamzPaul video I linked to up thread… you know the one in which one of the leaders was leading the crowd in a dance, chanting “shoot to kill, pow, pow… shoot to kill, pow, pow”? You should watch it, it’s very entertaining:

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1516. @Jonathan Revusky

    Wow, that was a fantastically stupid comment. You didn’t look at the video that you cited as evidence. Instead, you rely on the public statements of people who are incentivized to conceal such evidence. That’s really stupid stuff.

  1517. JLK says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    My best guess is that the narrative is a sort of Zionist narrative by analogy. If you believe that the darkie savages are planning to exterminate all the white people in South Africa, you’ll extend the analogy to Palestine and think the Arabs are planning to kill all the Jews. And then you support the increasingly savage policies of the Israeli state, thinking they have no other choice.

    They’re ginning up the same fears among liberal Jews by hyping the white nationalist movement that is probably largely their creation. As well as exaggerated stories of Muslim atrocities in Europe, and immigrant crime in the US.

    You have to wonder just what Netanyahu has planned for the Palestinians, and when. There are news stories of poor sanitation in Gaza because the water supply is depleted. Maybe they’re due for an “epidemic.”

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1518. gT says:

    Ok, I’m retracting my statement that “Geokat62 is using the old trick of putting a little lie into a bundle of truth” in favour of “Geokat62 is referencing an article that uses the old trick of putting a little lie into a bundle of truth”.

    Meanwhile, here is link to what some of the Khoisan seem to be up to these days

  1519. Swedish TV reports that after their in depth study of rape conviction. fully half are newly arrived turd worlders. No information on how many other “swedes” are actually turd worlders that have citizenship.

    Swedish TV also reports that their study reveals that 80% of all stranger rapes are turd worlder on white.

    A leaked document shows that German officials know that the 2,000 men attacking white women in Germany are turd worlders but that they covered this up.

    But certain Repulsive lying anti-wacciss vermin claim that these are all lies, and that it’s really white people doing this.

  1520. peterAUS says:

    …they forego standard hiring practices in favor of hiring their own.

    Oh yes.
    And in small businesses they use their own, imported, business practices. Especially when dealing among themselves. And those, small/medium ones, with immigration, are increasing in numbers.

    Not that the class Wizard himself belongs to cares about.

    At least not for now.

  1521. peterAUS says:


    As for

    ….are you prepared to admit reality….

    Maybe he belongs to that group, “15 %”, which doesn’t mind the reality. All they need is to keep “managing” the “proles” so they don’t get too restive too soon. Time is on “their” side.

    While you, we, are…ahm…debating the issue the process isn’t skipping a beat.
    Or, while we keep talking they keep working.

    Perhaps….when we get ready to start working it will just be too late.

  1522. Talha says:

    White displacement, white replacement, white genocide, or whatever you want to call it, is very real…others say it’s Muslims.

    Islam is not a racial identity; it is completely possible for a society to be fully White and fully Muslim. Ask the people of the Caucasus.

    I met a brother recently on Twitter who was an ex neo-Nazi AtomWaffen fanboi…he dropped that because it was a spiritual dead end. Now he’s looking to get married and start a family. So yeah, he’s doing something practical (as a Muslim) about White replacement.


    • Replies: @Alden
    , @FvS
  1523. @Alden

    Well said. And it should be recognized that Mexico didn’t deserve or rightfully own what’s become the American Southwest any more than the Yankees/gringos who snatched it from them through war.

    This sparsely-settled land was historically inhabited by ‘Native Americans’ (indians) who saw themselves as entirely distinct from Mexicans of any racial background.

    The stone age residents of what became the United States referred to themselves Navajo, Apache, Chumash etc.

    The European and MesoAmerican ‘citizens’ of Spanish-speaking, white-ruled Mexico had no greater moral claim to the land (now called Texas or California) than did Andrew Jackson or Sam Houston. Historically speaking, it was indian land.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1524. @Wizard of Oz

    Immigration on its face is an issue that people of a particular nation must consider wisely. In my opinion, nations only need immigrants when their populations are unable to accomplish major projects such as dams, canals, railroad and highway construction with an available native labor force. Wars, too, create the need for foreigners to fight alongside a nation’s armies. (Mercenaries) America at this juncture does not need immigrants for any of these purposes. (The ‘purpose’ they’re fulfilling today is their value as a voting block for liberals.) We’re the folks who have to live alongside these people, who may have objectionable attitudes and tendencies that manifest themselves in our neighborhoods: A few of those tendencies I’ve described in a previous post. Elites hold up in well guarded, gated communities, blithely unaware of such activities. Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) sits behind doors guarded zealously by several uniformed Highway Patrol officers, and you aren’t going to see him unless you’re subjected to several security measures. As I’ve noted, foreign born citizens gravitate toward their own kind, forming ghettos, where their traditions, cultures, music, cuisine and religious elements provide comfort and familiarity for their people. Leaders of nations have little if any authorization to open their borders to such elements, and as native born and naturalized Americans, we should have much more input on the subject of just who we’re allowing to settle among us.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1525. Anonymous claims I “Hate Women”. I’ve lived with a woman since 1990, and I don’t hate her. How come other men get divorces? Why do organizations such as MGTOW and Men’s Rights outfits conduct their campaigns? You sound like a Jew. If someone opposes your viewpoint, HATE is their motivation. Women today are guided by their innate herd mentality to adopt the feminist mindset of liberation and equality. If they weren’t so preoccupied with projecting such images of themselves, they would understand that “Equality” is not gained by government edict, or the coercing cajoling and awarding of companies to hire women in order to gain government contracts. Do you think Mr. Unz attained his skills and knowledge by parading into government offices to demand his credentials? The man worked his butt off to learn the ropes of physics, computer technology and government administration . He didn’t shove a vagina in the faces of companies with the demand that he WILL be hired, or else. He didn’t have special classes for men to be subjected to behavioral limitations, then sign agreements that they’ll observe and adhere to “Special” protocols mandated by feminists for their conduct toward female employees. Feminism is one among several elements that guide a nation toward SOCIALISM. Please study the results of that ideology now taking place in nations such as Venezuela, where women were liberated and given the vote. Those women are now chasing former house pets to eat. Maybe they’re just now realizing what “Equality” truly entails.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Alden
  1526. @geokat62

    you must have missed the RamzPaul video I linked to up thread…

    So, let me get this straight. You are citing Ramsey Paul as your information source on South Africa? You see, in the last message that you were replying to, I wrote:

    I tried to investigate the question somewhat, trying to narrow in on some information sources that struck me as basically honest.

    You see that part about “information sources that struck me as basically honest”. Obviously, on South Africa, that would not be Ramsey Paul, because, even if you are more aligned with his political stance than I am, he’s obviously not an information source on South Africa. Also, he does not strike me as “basically honest”, any more than Sailer or Derbyshire on this site. Those guys, I assume, also know nothing about South Africa.

    But, okay, we have different epistemological approaches, so, when you seek to get informed about some faroff place like South Africa, you go look at what an alt-right American ideologue, like Ramsey Paul has to say. My approach, on the other hand, would be to seek out people who actually might know something about the topic. Well, I suppose Ilana Mercer knows quite a bit about South Africa, but she does not strike me as “basically honest”.

    As for the cherry-picked video segments of a few South African political figures singing what is, I guess, some apartheid-era resistance song about “kill whitey” basically… well, I really don’t think it means that much. In terms of it being proof that the blacks in South Africa are plotting “white genocide”, it falls pretty far short of what I would want as proof of such a proposition.

    One problem with the “white genocide” narrative is that the transition from Apartheid was nearly 30 years ago and there has not been a “white genocide” so it is hard to understand why we should think there is going to be a white genocide all of a sudden. There has been plenty of violence, sure, but not genocide, which is basically a systematic murder of an entire group of people for being of whatever ethnic/racial background. Also, it seems that, while there is a lot of crime and violence in South Africa, the levels have been dropping steadily over the last fifteen to twenty years. So, again, it’s not clear where the “white genocide” narrative is coming from.

    One of the things I did to try to get informed about the situation in SA was to look at social media, where you get people who actually live in the country talking about it. Quora has some pretty good discussions.

    One thing that struck me when I tried to find the views of white people living in South Africa about this whole land reform and the “expropriation without compensation” topic was how unconcerned people seemed to be about it. I mean, even people who expressed views did not seem so excited about it. I think I figured out why that is.

    Mostly, it is because the white population of South Africa, even if they were originally settler farmers back when, is like, I dunno, I’d have to look it up again, but something like 97% urban. Well, I guess the people hanging out on discussions on social media might be 99% urban, so all the talk about farmland just doesn’t affect them that much. I guess it’s like talking to New York city people about farmland getting redistributed in Tennessee or someplace. So, I thought that was an interesting fact about all this: for some reason, some American guy like Ramsey Paul is much more excited about land reform in South Africa than well over 90% of white South Africans.

    I’m not saying that that makes it right or anything. I’m just sharing the results of my own investigations, which is that the vast majority of whites in South Africa are not affected by this because they’re city people.

    The other thing I realized is that this is about a constitutional amendment because the SA constitution says that you can’t expropriate land without compensation, but as far as I can tell, the constitution has still not been amended, so it is still unconstitutional to expropriate land without compensation in South Africa. However, even if the constitution is changed, it doesn’t mean that they are suddenly grabbing land all over the place. It just means that a land reform law that proposes expropriating some land with no compensation is not unconstitutional any more. But no such law has been tabled yet, because, for the moment, it is unconstitutional.

    That was my understanding of the situation when I looked into it a few months ago. It is not clear which land they are talking about. My honest impression was that the ANC government is not planning to expropriate the land of small farmers who actually work the land themselves. I think it is mostly directed at absentee landowners who own large expanses of land and, in many cases, are not even farming it. Or in other cases, blacks have moved onto the land and are farming it and the plan would be to give them title and not compensate the absentee landowners — who may be rich whites (or maybe rich JEWS) or faceless corporations.

    But the last paragraph I wrote, I’m not too sure about because it seems hard to get really reliable information. I think the problem there is that no concrete land reform legislation that expropriates without compensation has been tabled because, for now, it is still unconstitutional.

    The above is my approximate state of understanding of the situation because I took an interest a few months ago in this. However, whatever the exact facts about the land reform thing is, it does not mean that the blacks are planning a “white genocide”, which is something else entirely. A bit of video of some people shouting Apartheid era slogans is not proof of that either.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1527. @Nicholas Stix

    Rachel Maddow isn’t Jewish, either ( Catholic). Same goes for Jamie Dimon(Greek), Joy Behar (born Josephine Occiuto) and more than a few others assumed to be Jewish by those with confirmation bias. In this area, Type 1 errors abound.

  1528. @JLK

    They’re ginning up the same fears among liberal Jews by hyping the white nationalist movement that is probably largely their creation.

    Well, possibly, but I kinda doubt it’s accurate to say that the white nationalist movement is their creation. I think it’s more accurate to say that that movement (like practically any oppositional movement) is heavily infiltrated and even controlled by them.

    This has a lot of implications that Ron Unz doesn’t seem to understand. (Or there’s no sign that he does, anyway.) What it means is that a lot the people he is addressing in this “open letter” telling them that they are making these mistakes, are not making any mistake at all! They’re doing their job. Ron is right that a lot of what they are doing is hurting their own interests, but it is not out of any miscalculation. It is deliberate sabotage from within.

    Really, it’s just too obvious that a lot of the prominent “white nationalist” and “alt-right” people are Zionist shills. For example, that Tommy Robinson character in England is utterly obvious. But not just him. The best litmus test for that would be that they’re pushing Zio narratives, in particular this demented Islamophobic stuff. Also, the refusal to understand that all these “Islamic terrorism” incidents are really false flags should raise warning flags for sure.

    On the topic of infiltration, I actually submitted this piece to Unz a few months ago, but he did not run it.

    Well, he did not even respond to the submission at all. I assume he did not decline to run the piece for being excessively long!

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger, JLK
    • Replies: @JLK
    , @anonymoys
  1529. @Ghost of Bull Moose

    “Rachel Maddow isn’t Jewish…”. Okay, please tell us what event occurred during the 12th and 13th anniversaries of Rachel Maddow’s birth?

    • Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose
  1530. @David Baker

    I might add one more point to my reply to Anonymous. Female Jewish Women, who emigrated from Ethiopia to Israel, are forced to be sterilized by injections. They are not allowed to marry white Jews, and are regarded by native Israelis as second class citizens. Eastern European young women are lured to Israel with legitimate job offers. When those women arrive in Israel, they’re beaten, their passports are confiscated, and they’re forced to work as Sex Slaves within Israel’s thriving brothel industry. Those women are openly bought and sold by Jewish pimps. If you’re so concerned about “Hatred” of that gender, then why aren’t you parading back and forth at the U.N. Building in protest of those atrocities?

    • Replies: @niceland
  1531. @Alden

    Last time I heard about it there were (some thought) outrageously large exemptions from inheritance tax for farm land. Was that temporary, or just too late? Mind you most inheritance taxes are arbitrary and capricious as well as excessive and unlikely to have an impact on billionaires..

    • Replies: @Alden
  1532. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    The above is my approximate state of understanding of the situation because I took an interest a few months ago in this.

    Fascinating comment, Jon. One question, though: do you agree that it is highly unlikely you would pen a 1,000 word comment to your interlocutor, if he were a “disinfo agent,” a professional one, no less? LOL

    btw – I’m really enjoying your exchange with Genrick Yagoda on the alleged sexual assaults occurring in Europe, especially Cologne, Germany. Really looking forward to your response to his latest comment, #1539, especially his reference to a leaked document showing that German officials knew that the 2,000 men attacking white women in Germany are migrants, but covered it up.

  1533. Art says:
    @ben tillman

    Of course biological identity is the lowest form of politics – it is just naked tribalism – it is gang think, devoid of any intellectual ideals – it is a step out of the cave.

    To the contrary, “biological identity” is the only identity that can be justified by the intellect.

    Oh my – so well said, by a another died in the wool keyboard barbarian. Any thought of transcending the cave is stupid. Stepping beyond biological organization is impossible.

    What fool aspires to idealism – who is idiotic enough to think mankind can product a better more cooperative life?

    Think Peace — Art

  1534. @Ghost of Bull Moose

    From two Jewish news sources;

    QUOTE Mr. Dimon was born in New York of a family of immigrants from Greece. He is Jewish, married and has three daughters END QUOTE

    Judit Kent is Dimon’s wife QUOTE They were married by a rabbi, as the Kents are Jewish. END QUOTE

    Perhaps like Stalin he might or might not not be Jewish. But everyone around Stalin, including his wives, were Jews. Same with Jamie Dimon.

  1535. peterAUS says:
    @David Baker

    …We’re the folks who have to live alongside these people, who may have objectionable attitudes and tendencies that manifest themselves in our neighborhoods: A few of those tendencies I’ve described in a previous post.


    Elites hold up in well guarded, gated communities, blithely unaware of such activities.

    Unaware?! Hahaha….now, that’s…..anyway.

    …foreign born citizens gravitate toward their own kind, forming ghettos, where their traditions, cultures, music, cuisine and religious elements provide comfort and familiarity for their people.

    And, in time (NUMBERS) they’ll want, demand, more.

    …as native born and naturalized Americans, we should have much more input on the subject of just who we’re allowing to settle among us.


    In time there is a chance those “native born and naturalized Americans” will realize they have even less and less input.
    After they realize that they’ll, perhaps, get that they’ll need to do something about it.
    And, after that they’ll start doing something about it. Maybe.

    I just have a feeling it will be too late then.

  1536. niceland says:
    @David Baker

    Female Jewish Women, who emigrated from Ethiopia to Israel, are forced to be sterilized by injections. They are not allowed to marry white Jews, and are regarded by native Israelis as second class citizens.

    Why did Israel accept them as immigrants in the first place if they “had” to resort to such draconian measures? Do you have credible source for this?

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Alden
  1537. @Genrick Yagoda

    Take a hinge at Nancy “Oim Not Jewish!!” Pelosi’s bio. In her own words, she attended every Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Baltimore, but then, she’s not Jewish. Israel fans of the D’Alesandro clan, Pelosi’s maiden handle, named a soccer field in the Holy Land after her father. But, she’s NOT Jewish! Remember Albright’s ‘shock’ when she learned of her pedigree? I think we’re getting the drift here….

    • Replies: @Alden
  1538. @niceland

    Please look up the Jewish “Law of Return”.

    • Replies: @niceland
  1539. utu says:
    @Ghost of Bull Moose

    Rachel Maddow: Her paternal grandfather was from a family of Eastern European Jews (the original family surname being “Medwedof”) who self-identified as Polish and Russian at the time of their arrival in the United States

    • Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose
  1540. cassandra says:

    We’re talking somewhat at cross purposes here. I can’t imagine why you’d think I’m advocating some sort of revanchism. In fact, I’ve no dispute with any of the legal points you made, so you’re preaching to the choir.

    My expression of sympathy re the Mexican-American War had only to do with the consequent separation of families, ala “We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.” (Perhaps a more neutral analog would be sympathies for ethnic Hungarians now having to adapt to a more nationalist atmosphere in West Ukraine.) Although my knowledge on Hispanic families is anecdotal, I personally know several separated families living in New and old Mexicos.

    By contrast, my attitude toward Islamic migrants is more cautious than sympathetic. For that group, my attitude follows the concerns expressed in Douglas Murray’s Strange Death of Europe.

    I bring up these points up because they involve group behavior. It seems to me that the largest impact of migration on society will involve social groups, rather than relatively isolated individuals on whose behavior most attention is focused.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1541. Alden says:
    @mark green

    You’re right it was Indian land but that’s not germane to Mexican fake revanchism

    Spain 300 years
    Mexico 26 years
    except for Texas 14 years
    USA 171 years

    It really wasn’t brave Californios revolting against a cruel Mexican government.

    It was President Polk who finished the Washington Jefferson founding fathers plan for a USA sea to sea and Canada to Mexico. The founders also has plans for Canada and Cuba becoming part of the USA

    Polk sent Generals Fremont and Kearney and Kit Carson overland to California through the desert to stir up trouble in California and it worked.

    Landowner and General Vallejo the Mexican governor of Alta California joined the invaders. He’d been thinking California would be better off with USA for a sometime. There was no reason for Mexicans to migrate to California

    But Europeans were coming to America and Americans were moving west. Vallejo was right. Even without Sutter’s gold Americans Chinese and Europeans would have come to California as they were coming to Oregon and Washington State.

    The boundaries of Mexico went from Guatemala to Oregon and Kansas. That was just too much land for the small population.

    A lot of Mexicans poured in during the gold rush. There was no attempt to stop then or anyone else.

    With Governor General Vallejo turned traitor and siding with the Americans there wasn’t much resistance by the Mexican military.
    Kit Carson and a few men paddled canoes over from Marin at night and landed in the Mexican military headquarters the Presudio at night
    They atracked next AM. The Mexicans didn’t put up much of a fight because they were actually Californios. Changes of government didn’t mean much in those days.

    What really wiped out the Hispanics wasn’t cheating corrupt land grabs but a ferocious drought for about 8 years during the 1860s. The big cattle ranchers had to shoot and bury their cattle by the thousands. Not to say the Americans didn’t do a lot of crooked land grabs including burning down some county clerk offices

    Before the gold rush the big industries weee agricultural. The ranchers raised cattle for the hides which was the big cash crop and major export.

    The other half was the missions. The Spanish priests brought saplings seeds animals poultry agricultural equipment and great expertise. They started California agriculture

    The agreement between the Spanish government was that the Padres would plant the orchards, dig the irrigation systems and get agriculture started.

    Then, in 1833 the mission land would be turned over to civilians. It happened during the Mexican administration. The priests didn’t like it and the American invaders and Californio revolutionaries let it be known that the mission lands would be returned to the monasteries if the revolution succeeded.t The priests even planted cotton in Kern county With proper irrigation, there’s enough water in Kern county for cotton. Kern county Ca is now one of the biggest cotton growing places in the world
    That’s how it happened.

    • Agree: utu, mark green
  1542. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    Well, her husband’s family was always a powerful business political clan long before her husband was born. Her husband’s brother Ron married into the even wealthier and more powerful Newsome clan.

    Ron was a county supervisor for a long time but never went further than that. When Ron retired from politics Nancy took his place.

    Her big power long before she was made chairman of the northern division of the California Democratic Party was an amazing ability to fund raise for every Democrat not just in California but nation wide. That started as soon as she moved to California

    I’m not surprised her father went to Bar Mitzvahs. When he was Mayor and congress critter that’s what politicians did. They and or the wives and aides showed up at every event.

    She may be a crypto Jew. She’s basically a politician Her father was right with the Klan, cultivated them for votes and was a strict segregationist

    Jerry Brown the worst governor California ever had, ran against Carter in the 1975 primary. He won the Maryland primary due to Nancy’s father and Nancy’s fundraising.

    She’s a politician. This mother who took her 5 children to church and communion every Sunday had no problem backing gay marriage and transgenders to stay au courant with liberalism She’s a politician. Crypto hew or not.

  1543. I personally think Madeline Halfbright must have known her family was Jewish when they stole the paintings and silverware of the German Harmer family whose house and possesions they were given after the war.

  1544. anon[253] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz


    One could say that it was precisely because the MSM hasn’t obscured public reservations about levels of immigration.

    The MSM mentioning the results of a Poll on page 94 in which one of the questions is about Immigration levels in Australia is just window dressing.
    Has the MSM in Australia editorialised on the subject, other than to keep repeating mantras like:
    Australia’s Post War Immigration Program has been a success, and Australia’s success as a Multicultural Nation is the envy of the world?
    Not really.
    Judith Sloan has written articles in The Australian suggesting that consideration should be given to cutting the annual rate by 100,000 because infrastructure can’t keep up.
    That very moderate suggestion has received no support from anywhere, yet if you asked the next 10 people you passed on the street for their opinion, they’d tell you Immigration needed to stop years ago.

  1545. niceland says:
    @David Baker

    I did and it explains why they let them in. Found this article in the Guardian that supports your claim.

    Should gynaecologists need to be told not to give women contraceptive injections without establishing fully informed consent? Of course not. But that is what has happened in Israel after it was revealed in a report by a women’s rights organisation that Ethiopian women have been given injections of Depo-Provera without sufficient understanding of the purpose or side effects of the drug. Some Ethiopian women in transit camps were refused entry to the country if they refused the injection, and others wrongly believed they were being inoculated against disease. While Israeli demographers discuss the need to “preserve a clear and undisputed Jewish majority among Israel’s total population”, it may seem anomalous that women in the Jewish Ethiopian population are forced or coerced into using this highly effective contraceptive method.

    However, the conclusions of the report, written by Hedva Eyal, are that the injections given to Ethiopian women are “a method of reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor”.

    Like they say, you can’t make this shit up.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1546. @geokat62

    You don’t have to go as far as Germany to experience government/media cover-ups of turd worlder on white violence. The Mardi Gras riots in Seattle were 100% race based attackls on white people by blacks. Blacks would single out young white women on the edges of the crowds and rape or sexually assault them. The young white men they would brutally beat, and many of these beatings and attacks happened right in front of the cops.

    The controlled media refused to say anything abut these black on white attacks, in spite of the fact that many of the people who were there would call in to talk shows, write letters etc about these race based attacks.

    Finally, a local left leaning paper began to publish a series of these articles about the attacks. This was pretty courageous for them, since their readers were mostly counter-culture hippies. One is linked below, but you can also search out a few of the articles mentioned in the text of this story.

    But if you really want to see cover-ups, spend some time at Colin Flaherty’s video channel. Cops from all across the country send him content, nd so do local victims.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
    , @Alden
  1547. Alden says:

    There was absolutely totally no seperation of families deportation or expulsion of Mexican californios during and after the 1848 war. How many times do I have to write that,??????

    A year later in 1849 when the world invaded California citizens of Mexico were one of the biggest nationalities to arrive because they were just across the border

    Where in the world did you get the idea that Mexican Californio families were separated and deported to Mexico after the 1848 war? Even most of the military and government people stayed included the governor of N. California Vallejo and S California Pico.

    I’m really interested to know where you got the idea that Mexican families were separated and deported in 1848. Please respond.

    So you personally know descendants of families who were separated in 1848. What are they now. 9th cousins???

    In the 19th and early 20th century there was nothing at all to prevent Mexicans and other Latin Americans from moving to the United States until the 1965 immigration act. Plentiful of Mexicans crossed the border during that time.

    The biggest mass immigration was during that horrible 1910 to 1930 civil war revolution anarchy bandit warlord mess that was worse in northern Mexico. Those Mexicans just walked over the border and settled in southwest America.

    Your friends 9th cousins could have just sold up in Mexico and walked across the border any time between 1848 and 1965 without any problem. Maybe they had no reason to emigrate.

    • Replies: @cassandra
  1548. JLK says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Well, possibly, but I kinda doubt it’s accurate to say that the white nationalist movement is their creation. I think it’s more accurate to say that that movement (like practically any oppositional movement) is heavily infiltrated and even controlled by them.

    Infiltrating and weakening political movements is a criminal civil right violation if it rises to the level of “intimidation,” “threats” and/or “oppression.” See 18 USC 241:

    18 USC 241: If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same…..— They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    Plenty of federally guaranteed rights come into play under a scenario like you describe in the Darthard Perry story, including freedom of speech (which includes the right to speak and receive information without interference), freedom of assembly and a number of additional rights secured under the Voting Rights Act and other laws. There are First Amendment cases that explain an underlying policy of the people being sovereign, i.e. anything that interferes with their ability to exchange and process information enough to to make an educated vote is a violation (When you think about it, the entire lock-step MSM to the extent that it is “oppressive” could amount to a massive civil rights crime that could put them all away for ten years).

    It should and could be ten years in prison for anyone conspiring with others to oppress political speech by mucking up message board(s) with interspersions that poison dialogue, or to set up “roach motel” websites to attract people holding a particular point of view with the ultimate goal of discrediting them by association with ugly sock puppets or scaring them away with disgust. Attempts of doxxing could also easily be construed as “intimidation” under the law. If a Heather Heyer type figure would die as a result of such machinations because they pushed a fragile or an emotionally disturbed reader over the edge, they could face the ultimate penalty. I wonder how often these schemes go awry and are swept under the rug.

    If you’re reading this and it describes you, please get lost for your own good. If you work for the government, run it by legal, although you’ll probably find some John Yoo-like figure who will sign off on anything.

    This has a lot of implications that Ron Unz doesn’t seem to understand.

    I’d love to hear Ron Unz’s impression of Richard Spencer, who apparently overlapped with him at The American Conservative for at least several months. He has the smell of a Pied Piper to me.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1549. dfordoom says: • Website

    Dick Smith is a publicity hound, and he isn’t taken seriously.
    Can you name any others?

    He’s a public figure.

    The media has tried very very hard to discredit him because he insists on ignoring the Narrative on both free trade and immigration. But he’s still a public figure and he annoys the political establishment because his arguments against immigration are entirely non-racial.

    He is definitely a public figure. A man who achieved enormous success in business. He’s rich. So he is in fact a member of the elite who has changed sides and now attacks the destructive policies of the elites.

    Which is basically what we want – to split off elements of the elites. I’m not sure why you think he isn’t important?

  1550. ZOGged says:


    Despite pretending to be top tier virtue-signalling SJWs, most Indians [dot] and quite a few Chinese are very very in-group strategizing ethnocentric folks. The Chinese are still relatively more open but as for the Indians, they are totally outta this world. The not only have inter-group strategies to favor their own, they also have myriad intra-group strategies to try to boost their own sub-group/sub-caste standing. We are too naive to understand just how foolish we are to invite their folks to become the new elite here. Too bad we can’t do a thing about it. Too bad we focus too much on immigrants but forget who is driving this madness at the top.

  1551. Alden says:

    Because I read Jewish publications. I’m very familiar with that. It was nothing more than a propaganda/ fundraiser by AIPCAC, ADL AJC WZC and the rest of American Jews. They discovered some Christian Ethiopians whose sect had some Jewish aspects or so they claimed it was in the 1970s and 80s.

    They hastily produced those history channel shows about the Ark of the Covenant being taken by Jews to Ethiopia by Jews at some point. The Jewish publications were full of stories about how the Ethiopian Jews were in danger and they must be saved from the coming holocaust and genocide.
    The Israeli government wasn’t enthusiastic at all. The professional Jewish organizations successfully triggered the obedience cells in the Jewish brains. American Jews poured a billion or so into the bank accounts of the professional Jews.

    Some of the money was spent conning Ethiopians into leaving Ethiopia. The rest was used for the enormous salaries and perks of the professional Jews

    As soon as that ended the professional Jews discovered long lost tribes of Jews among Spanish surname Catholics in the American south west

    And and !! !! long lost tribes of Jews in guess where???? Afghanistan of all places. Then the Revolution against the communist government of Afghanistan began around 1980? And the professional Jews forgot about the long lost tribes of Afghanistan.

    After the professional Jews saved the Russian non Jews of Russia in the 1970s they turned to saving the non Jews of Ethiopia

    The rabbis of Israel were dead against the Ethiopian non Jews. The government of Israel was not enthusiastic.

    I hate NGOs except for hospitals. By law 89 , percent of the budget goes for administration meaning salaries. By law, only 11 percent need go to the objects of their benevolence.

    NGOs are sales people selling themselves using charity and education as a front. I loathe and despise them.

    If you feel like getting on the internet making a list of Jewish community newspapers and reading all those 1970-90 articles about saving the long lost tribes from Afghanistan to Arizona USA
    you can read all about it including the objections of the rabbis.

  1552. @geokat62

    One question, though: do you agree that it is highly unlikely you would pen a 1,000 word comment to your interlocutor, if he were a “disinfo agent,” a professional one, no less? LOL

    No, I don’t agree with that. On occasion, I’ve written long responses to people that I have assumed to be disinfo agents as a kind of public service. At times, I’ve thought it important to reply to their bullshit.

    In any case, whether you are a professional disinfo agent or not, you really do suck. I mean, Ramsey Paul as your go-to guy on what is happening in South Africa! Sheesh…

    a leaked document showing that German officials knew that the 2,000 men attacking white women in Germany are migrants, but covered it up.

    Well, he never provided a link to said leaked document, I don’t think. Just some article that said there is said document. It really hardly matters. 2,000 men attacking women in wide open public spaces and there is no photographic evidence of any of this at all! That’s just not possible in 2015/2016.

    But, the German government had a special commission to look into all this that eventually produced a 1352 page report. That can be found here, BTW:

    By the way, that 1352 page report is almost exactly the same length as the Warren Commission report (880 pages) and the 9/11 Commission report (450 pages) combined! It’s in German, of course, which I can read haltingly but it is very time consuming for me. I enlisted the help of a native speaker of German to help me go through it.

    We’ve made a careful study of it, and…. it’s all fluff really. Nothing significant happened. Just about the typical level of stuff that happens on New Year’s Eve and other public festival occasions in Germany.

    So, you see, I’ve studied all this quite deeply and I’m working on some more articles on the topic. In fact, the plan now is that the articles will be chapters in a book that will appear later this year at some point. I believe I have a publisher.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Alden
  1553. @Genrick Yagoda

    You don’t have to go as far as Germany to experience government/media cover-ups of turd worlder on white violence. The Mardi Gras riots in Seattle were 100% race based attackls on white people by blacks. Blacks would single out young white women on the edges of the crowds and rape or sexually assault them. The young white men they would brutally beat, and many of these beatings and attacks happened right in front of the cops.

    Well, you don’t grasp that you are simply reinforcing my basic argument. You see, my argument is that nothing of a large scale in a public space full of people can happen without leaving a visual record. Certainly not in recent years. On New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne, everybody had a smartphone in their pocket, so some of it would have been caught on camera.

    Of course, video cameras were much less common in 2001, when the riots in Seattle that you mention happened, yet there is still video footage to look at.

    Now, that’s 2001, just about a decade before Smartphones were that common, I would say, yet we still have some visuals. If the same event had happened in 2015, you can only imagine how much footage we’d have.

    Yet we have nothing for New Year’s Eve 2015, Cologne.

    Why is that? My answer is simple. The event did not happen.

    Do you have an alternative explanation for the lack of photographic evidence?

  1554. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    But what about class? I guess many white commenters here would give important preferences to the Indian professor or Chinese doctor and their families over uncouth lower class whites without hesitation.

    OMG you used the c-word!

    Of course you’re right. One of the many reasons there’s no such thing as white identity is that middle and upper class whites have an absolutely poisonous hatred for poor white people.

    White flight is more about class than race. Middle class whites move away from awful nasty poor people. The fact that in the U.S. the poor people are likely to be non-white is not what matters. What matters is not living next to por people.

    Or middle class whites will move into an area inhabited by nasty smelly poor people (including poor whites) and drive them out. We call that gentrification. Gentrification is not ethnic cleansing, it’s class cleansing.

    In both cases the objective is the same. Middle class whites want to live among “people like us” but they define “people like us” primarily in class terms, not racial terms.

  1555. @JLK

    I’d love to hear Ron Unz’s impression of Richard Spencer, who apparently overlapped with him at The American Conservative for at least several months. He has the smell of a Pied Piper to me.

    Well, yeah, he gives off some smell or other. That’s for sure.

  1556. Alden says:

    It’s Arab and African black Muslims and black Africans of other religions who really are a serious rape and harassment problem in Europe. The White Turk Muslims in Germany leered and pawed more than is customary in Germany but they didn’t rape more than the Germans as far as I know.

    They were rural peasants. At home their women wore mid calf skirts and long sleeves baggy tops. But the Turks didn’t go in a rape rampage at the sight of above the knee skirts, sleeveless tops in summer and belts.

    I’ve always wondered what Muslims and Orthodox Jews have against the waist and hair. A man may think a woman ha pretty hair, but how can hair be
    If Spanish and Italian Catholics working in Germany and France committed a way way disproportionate number of rapes they would be hated

    • Replies: @Talha
  1557. peterAUS says:

    ….One of the many reasons there’s no such thing as white identity is that middle and upper class whites have an absolutely poisonous hatred for poor white people.

    Well, “absolutely poisonous hatred” is a BIT over the top. I’d say “contempt”, at the moment. If threatened in their status then a mixture of fear and hatred.

    Middle class whites want to live among “people like us” but they define “people like us” primarily in class terms, not racial terms.

    Save, say, 2 % tops who are racially aware.

    And THAT is the most important problem whites have. If/when, if ever, that gets solved whites could expect some measure of success.

    Doesn’t look good.

    Actually, wait….if we can only inform those middle class whites, educate them, tell them the truth. Package and market our message better, find a way to reach them and wake them up.


    • Replies: @Alden
  1558. @geokat62

    Malcolm Fraser was most decidedly not Jewish though his maternal grandfather seems to have been Jewish married to a non-Jew.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1559. Anonymous[710] • Disclaimer says:


    What does this mean?

  1560. Thinking says:

    While a lot of what Ron Unz has to say here is absolutely correct (I found his correlation between black population/white conservatism amazing), some of it is quite frankly wrong.

    Silicon Valley has no gated communities because silicon valley IS a gated community. Mr. Unz mentioned house prices – does he think that the average low class mestizo or black could afford to live where he does?

    Hence we get to the real problem, the mass importation of a racial foreign underclass has essentially turned California into a south american country. A white overclass lording over a vastly poor and unintelligent brown underclass. Poor and middle class whites have either fled or been driven out. Mestizos may not racially “trigger” whites the same way blacks do, but there is no doubt that most whites aren’t going to live in 90% mestizo neighborhoods or send their kids to 90% mestizo schools. California might be heading towards Colombia status, but after that it will be Bolivia, and then Venezuela.

    You can’t maintain elite control in a democracy forever, and when the mestizo hordes figure out that yes, they can indeed vote for people who look like them and promise to give them all of rich whitey’s stuff, they will.

    The future of California isn’t Gavin Newson, it’s Evo Morales and then Nicolas Maduro, which is what I feel Mr. Unz doesn’t quite understand.

  1561. geokat62 says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Malcolm Fraser was most decidedly not Jewish though his maternal grandfather seems to have been Jewish married to a non-Jew.

    Your right, Wiz. But here is what the Telegraph wrote for his obituary:

    Malcolm Fraser, Australian premier – obituary
    Progressive and long-serving prime minister of Australia who won his people’s votes, if not their hearts

    Malcolm’s mother, Una, had a Jewish father, a fact which probably influenced her son’s commitment to multiculturalism.

  1562. Alden says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    In the 1930s there was a terrible agricultural depression in Britain. That finished off a lot of farmers big and small. After WW2 the labor governments imposssed monstrous taxes on the big aristocratic estates.

    The survivors incorporated themselves as corporations which helped.

    The labor government announced their purpose was to destroy the aristocratic estates. They destroyed a lot of other farmers in the process.

  1563. Alden says:

    You’ve never lived through an upper class Chinese invasion of an upper class White neighborhood like the San Francisco’s Sea Cliff outer Richmond district have you?

    Or the middle class Indian invasion of middle class of Cupertino Ca either.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1564. utu says:

    Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve

    2,000 men ‘sexually assaulted 1,200 women’ at Cologne New Year’s Eve party

    Time for the facts. What do we know about Cologne four months later?
    Today, we know that 1,168 police reports were filed in Cologne regarding incidents on New Year’s Eve. A total of 492 women reported incidents of sexual assault, a category encompassing sexual harassment, assault, and rape.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1565. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    In any case, whether you are a professional disinfo agent or not

    I see doubts starting to creep in. LOL

    I mean, Ramsey Paul as your go-to guy on what is happening in South Africa! Sheesh…

    Hardly, I’m still looking for my go-to guy for SA… someone who is a real truth-teller, along the lines of a M&W, KMac, or Ryan Mackay.

    I haven’t found him yet, but when I do… you’ll know.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1566. Alden says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    I read about the Seattle Mardi Gras rapes on amren CofCC as daily stormer

    I asked my sister who lives in Seattle about them. They subscribed to the city newspaper. She read it every day. She’d never heard of it. That’s how throughly it was covered up

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1567. Okechukwu says:

    California might be heading towards Colombia status, but after that it will be Bolivia, and then Venezuela.

    Yeah, right. CA is a beacon for the best and brightest of all races from around the world. Were is just white bread it wouldn’t be anywhere as successful.

    As you can see, CA compares very favorably to the whitest states in the union (West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, Kentucky, etc). As does TX, which is also heavily Latino or Hispanic. If fact these two brownish states financially support the relatively moribund “white states”. New York State is also brownish as it is only 65% white. Remove these three states and the United States instantly becomes a second rate power.

    • Replies: @LostHopeless
    , @JLK
    , @FvS
    , @notanon
  1568. @Okechukwu

    SV is also the place where third world thievery, naked ethnic nepotism and con have become the norm, which virtue signalling SJWs NEVER talk about

    Today in the hallowed halls of SV:

    An african-american tech veteran, all of 51 years was fired by an H1B abusing Indian [dot] company, HCL technologies, as he tried to stop the harassment of an H1B Pakistani at the hands of her Hindu Indian bosses!!

    A pakistani muslim woman being harassed by her hindu bosses, an old black man tries to help and is duly fired. No one dare shout DISCRIMINATION now. Not the feminists, not the so called black panthers none nada!! The hypocrisy is thick with this one!

    So MUCH diversity! Yayyyy!!! Such are the joys of multiculti that we get to sample, only in CA!! This is why I left that hyped hellhole. Too bad these dotheads have reached the shores of KS too. Overland park is drowning with these MFs as well and memphis is not too far behind to sample this most “model” minority

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Thomm
  1569. JLK says:

    As you can see, CA compares very favorably to the whitest states in the union (West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, Kentucky, etc). As does TX, which is also heavily Latino or Hispanic. If fact these two brownish states financially support the relatively moribund “white states”. New York State is also brownish as it is only 65% white.

    There’s more than one way to look at things:

    The states with heavy black and Hispanic concentrations clearly have more credit problems than the whiter states (California would almost certainly be the color of Texas without its Asian population).

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1570. anonymoys says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    ” Really, it’s just too obvious that a lot of the prominent “white nationalist” and “alt-right” people are Zionist shills.”

    You forgot to add that “black nationalist” and”brown” nationalist” people are also zionist poodles.

    I’d respectfully suggest that your belief that Ron -and other people, I presume -don’t get your powerful insight, is nonsense.

    Those who are reasonably well informed know that “any oppositional movement is heavily infiltrated and even controlled by them.”

    But it’s just a fact that most people don’t know that because most people are sold lies as information and most people would believe everything that someone in position of AUTHORITY tells them.

    I guess that Ron wrote that “open letter” for the same reason that you have a website, you “debate” people that you know perfectly well they are not interested in truth.

    Ron and you belong to the chatter class. You have time, plenty of time and you want to convince, to convert, to educate, to enlighten, to spread the truth. You’re both naîve.

    Thank you for the link but I didn’t listen to Mr Perry”s interview.

    You see, there’s nothing Mr Perry’s can say that will be surprising or shocking for me.

    Once you know that nature,structure, values, practice of zionist power is the same than mafia you know everything you need to understand your century and past centuries.

    It’s because you still believe that crap about “rule of law”, “democracy”, etc…that you’re shocked.

    What’s there to be shocked after a former Italian President -Francesco Cossiga- told us that Operation Gladio was the work of western secret services who killed “their own people” -like that monster Assad-, to achieve their political objectives ? (Assad killing his own people is of course a big lie.)

    “On the topic of infiltration, I actually submitted this piece to Unz a few months ago, but he did not run it.”

    Curiosity: your submission was before or after you wrote that article where you said that Ron reminds you of Hunter S. Thompson’s famous quip about Richard Nixon ?

    If I may, I’d like to say that you’re completely wrong.

    Wrong because you admit that you don’t know the man (Ron) so your opinion is by definition just that opinion and completely irrelevant therefore you should keep it to yourself.

    You’re wrong to compare Ron to Chomsky. Chomsky is a buffoon.He believes all the official narrative that zio-mafia sell to the proles. Ron, even if he took him 17 years, doesn’t believe those lies anymore. Chomsky and his disciple -Norman Finkelstein- still believe them.

    I am not of course defending Ron. That would be ridiculous. He can do it himself.

    If I’m wasting my time with and telling you that you got THAT wrong is because I believe you’re interested in truth. You got it right in what refers to “mass rape” in Europe and genocide in SA.

    Of course I might be wrong and you’re as much interested in truth as some religious fundamentalist you’re “debating” here. Hope not.

  1571. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    Did you marry the criminal drug dealer drug addict child abuser prostitute you lived with for years?

    You have a lot of emotional problems and anger around women. This isn’t a group therapy website. Find a therapist to talk about it.

    My major interest is affirmative action.
    The 1968 affirmative action law was pushed through an all White male senate and 90 percent White male Congress by a White male president. A White make president set up the then all White male EEOC to discriminate against Whites. That same White male president created the aristocratic affirmative action Hispanic race by executive order just in time for the 1970 census. An all White male Supreme Court created more discrimination against Whites laws in the Griggs abs Kaiser cases.

    It was in the Griggs case it was a White male Chief Justice Brennan May he burn in hell forever and ever of the Supreme Court who pronounced the death sentence on American Whites

    “ disproportionate representation is in and of itself clear and present evidence of discrimination”

    It was the all White male board of directors and executives of the Ford and Carnegie foundations who funded, creates and directed the women’s movement and hired Jews Buffalo Bella Abzug Steinem Freidan and the rest.

    The entire thing was a project of the White male capitalist scum and their White male servile accomplice White male presidents Johnson Nixon Ford Carter and Reagan, White male Judges legislators and above then every business and corporation in America who wanted an endless supply of cheap cheaper and cheapest docile non White and female labor

    It was White men who did it all, may they burn in hell forever and forever.

    But you don’t know all that do you?

    You’re just a mentally ill women hater who was stupid enough to live with a criminal drug addict child abuser prostitute for 3 years and blame all women for your stupidity in staying with her.

    Find a more suitable place for your therapy

  1572. Anonymous[360] • Disclaimer says:

    You’ve never lived through an upper class Chinese invasion of an upper class White neighborhood like the San Francisco’s Sea Cliff outer Richmond district have you?

    Or the middle class Indian invasion of middle class of Cupertino Ca either.

    What is it like?

    • Replies: @Alden
  1573. @Thinking

    Not only will Hispanics vote for people who look like them, they’ll install people who are related to them in official positions. One other facet of the Hispanic vote, particularly illegal alien voters, vindicates the old saw: “Conservatives Work for a Living. Liberals Vote for a Living”.

  1574. Alden says:

    SV is a hellhole for computer coolies living 25 to a 4 bedroom house with carport.

    It’s really not a fit and proper place for White people either in working conditions living conditions or pay which is often less than minus wage

    But the computer coolies don’t know that they are entitled by law to time and a half pay for every half hour over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week

    Why do you think the capitalist scum hire only foreign coolies?????

    Workers of the world unite against the capitalist scum.

    I wonder what would happen if some attorney firm would troll around SV and find just one computer coolie willing to be the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit to recover the 40-50 overtime hours a week accrued for decades by the computer coolies.

    That happened at Nordstrom department stores. Nordstrom informed their sales clerks that they were not clerks but associates and shopping consultants. The clerks didn’t know any better but after decades some clerks figured it out.

    Nordstrom insisted that associates were management not entitled to overtime. The labor boards disagreed and Nordstrom paid millions in overtime owed.

    I’d love to see it in SV.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Anonymous
  1575. FvS says:

    Islam is not a racial identity; it is completely possible for a society to be fully White and fully Muslim. Ask the people of the Caucasus.

    True, but typically when most people speak of “Muslims” they are referring to nonwhite Muslims. Sort like of like how people often use “Hispanic” when they are referring to nonwhite Hispanics, even though “Hispanic” includes whites. Islam is another Semitic cancer that does not belong in the West, and in my opinion, white Muslims are borderline traitors. The people of the Caucasus would be better off without Islam.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1576. FvS says:

    GDP is a crap statistic, but if you are intent on using it, GDP per capita is better.

    • LOL: JLK
    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1577. @geokat62

    Here is one quote (among many) from the article I linked.

    QUOTE Officials have linked the sexual assaults to the influx of refugees. “There is a connection between the emergence of this phenomenon and the rapid migration in 2015,” Holger Münch, president of the German Federal Crime Police Office, told Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Many suspects had originally come to Germany from North African countries rather than Syria, officials said.

    He also predicted that many of the New Year’s Eve perpetrators will never be convicted. “We have to presume that many of those crimes will never be fully investigated.” Germany has relatively low CCTV coverage, which makes it more difficult for investigators to identify suspects. END QUOTE

    Got it? So the president of the German Federal Crime Police office states it happened, and there are few CCTV cameras, and what does the resident halfwit Repulksy then claim?

    “Duhhhhuuuhhh, it didn’t happen”

    At first, they counted on the stupidity of their adversary. When that didn’t work, they themselves played dumb………..

  1578. @Alden

    I lived in a town just north of Seattle at the time. I didn’t hear a word until years later, and only then because I was listening to an internet radio show talking about the cover-up.

    But everyone except the media and city officials agree that these were racially motivated attacks.

  1579. Ron Unz says:

    While a lot of what Ron Unz has to say here is absolutely correct (I found his correlation between black population/white conservatism amazing), some of it is quite frankly wrong.

    Silicon Valley has no gated communities because silicon valley IS a gated community.

    But that just isn’t correct, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out.

    Silicon Valley is probably close to 30% Hispanic, mostly working-class from recent immigrant backgrounds. But let’s focus on Palo Alto, home to the CEOs of Apple, Google, Facebook, and many other top tech companies.

    It’s right next to East Palo Alto, which used to have the highest per-capita murder rate in America, which obviously made people nervous. Occasionally EPA residents wandered over here to rape or kill, which made people even more nervous. But then a huge wave of Hispanic immigrants swept into EPA, the homicide rate dropped by something like 97%, and since land was cheap EPA now has all sorts of nice new regional shopping centers, fancy office buildings, and a Four Seasons hotel. But it’s still overwhelmingly immigrant Hispanic working-class and non-white, though they are gradually being pushed out by e.g employees at Facebook, which is right on the border.

    In fact, since such a huge fraction of non-tech P.A. workers are Hispanic, anyone walking around P.A. during the day or going into shops or restaurants would think the city was 30-40% Hispanic.

    The whole notion of P.A. or most other elite parts of S.V. being a “gated community” is just totally ridiculous. Well, I suppose you could say that about Atherton, even though it doesn’t have any actual gates, but it’s very much the exception and only about 7,000 people live there.

  1580. Anonymous[360] • Disclaimer says:

    Ron and you belong to the chatter class. You have time, plenty of time and you want to convince, to convert, to educate, to enlighten, to spread the truth. You’re both naîve.

    What is so naive about them?

    Once you know that nature,structure, values, practice of zionist power

    Could you please describe the nature, structure, values, and practice in order to enlighten (assuming you are right) the rest of us and save us time in deciphering the world?

    • Replies: @anonymoys
  1581. Anonymous[360] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    But then a huge wave of Hispanic immigrants swept into EPA, the homicide rate dropped by something like 97%

    Where did the EPA residents they displaced move to?

  1582. @dfordoom

    I clicked on your website, and spent the next 2 hrs on your dec 28 blog and the referral to James Lawrence’s concise breakdown of Sam Francis’ Leviathan
    I ordered this tome 3 months ago and it sits unread- due to the lack of quality reading time availability.

    James Lawrence states (In a nutshell) alt right tactics are easily dissipated by lack of focus.

    The managerial revolution exercises power through “control” not through ownership- dispersing power across as much universal suffrage ( that is dependent on them) as possible. While this elite is in fact composed of aliens, it is largely Aryan.
    These elites should be engaged through rejectionism, so we can give white nationalists something positive to engage in.

    A very public rejection of tv, movies, globohomo music – and not going in to debt for higher education and housing are my area of expertise and can be done by anyone who separates themselves from worldly mores.

    Again, thanks for the links! I will be taking detailed notes on Francis’ managerialism, so as to speak with more precision to our immediate enemies within.

    Surely the aliens can’t continue their global juggernaut without the acquiescence of Aryan elite traitors.

  1583. Alden says:

    Well, if the kids go to public school, they’re the only blue eyed kids in the school. Every useful little business on Clement street turns into yet another Chinese restaurant so you don’t have a hardware store barber even a Walgreens anywhere near. The gas station is now run by crooked Koreans and fixes the pumps so you’re charged for 12 gallons of gas instead of the 10-1/2 you get.

    They may be wealthy business owners but they crowd 20 people into a house. They take over every hospital and practice in town. Because of their Ibarra criminal crookedness there’s no guarantee they are competent. From Chinatown through the Richmond to the ocean the district is full of brothels full of slaves. They aren’t out on the street like black prostitutes but you know they’re there.
    The Chinese business people are very rich. But they slaughter and prepare chickens in the floor of the garages. Every once in a while you see an emaciated hunched over middle aged man who’s one of the slaves in the chicken slaughter or garment factory garages.

    And they buy every house on the market. They rent and sell only to their own kind and pretty soon they are no Whites in sight. 1

    Even if the 20 people sharing a house are all restaurant workers paying off their smuggling debt, 20 coolies can pay 10 times more rent than an American couple or 3 roommates can pay.

    They don’t commit street crime against Whites like the blacks do

    American business owners canno compete with turd owner business owners who pay far below the minimum wage evade taxes and all regulations lie cheat and steal every minute of the day and because they are not White are loaded with government contracts, tax breaks government loans and benefits denied to White business people because we are White.

    I’ll tell you about the house on Russian Hill we looked at. 10 rooms counting the kitchen and 2 bathrooms and 37 bunk beds 74 beds 74 people sleeping in that house. They may have been sleeping in shfits That’s another wonderful Chinese custom. There was one middle aged woman to show us around and about 20 young men sleeping and hanging out. The only furniture other than the beds was a kitchen table and chairs. Their belongings were kept in garbage bags

    It was a beautiful pre earthquake house.

    The Asian invasion is why there are so many homeless in San Francisco

    That’s the future the capitalist scum and their running dog* judges and politicians want for us.

    * a running dog is a servile accomplice.

    • Agree: Futurethirdworlder
  1584. notanon says:

    yes plenty of evidence for implicit white identity, explicit white identity is currently weak at least partly due to massive cultural pressure from the media to make it as weak as possible.

    (EGI exists mathematically speaking but the mechanism for it’s explicit physical expression is weak or localized without cultural scaffolding to reinforce it and the current cultural hegemony actively undermines that scaffolding for whites while promoting it for other groups.)

    (nb i think part of this hostile cultural hegemony is “suicidal” in that it comes from within and stems from the reaction to WWI where Europeans had developed destructive technology to the point where inter tribal war had become massively dysgenic and needed some kind of cultural adaptation to tone it down and partly it’s genocidal – consciously or unconsciously promoted by people who see as in their interest for various reasons: cheap labor, cheap votes, divide and rule, ethnic hostility, sexual jealousy and competition etc.)

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1585. Talha says:

    they are referring to nonwhite Muslims

    Sure. I guess this will simply take some time.

    in my opinion, white Muslims are borderline traitors

    Traitors to what, “Whiteness”? Why do you not like Whites who are raising stable families and having children?

    The people of the Caucasus would be better off without Islam.

    I guess so that their TFRs could plummet like all other White people around them.


    • Replies: @FvS
  1586. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    I remember East Palo Alto. When I was in college the liberals wanted us to go over there and tutor their children. The profs were always talking about how oppressed and miserable the mopes of EPA were. “ Right here in Palo Alto!!!”

    Mopes Most Oppressed People Ever

  1587. Talha says:

    The White Turk Muslims in Germany leered and pawed more than is customary

    They shouldn’t be leering or pawing – period. Muslim men are not supposed to be looking lustfully at women or touching them; Germany should fine or punish them for this behavior.

    I’ve always wondered what Muslims and Orthodox Jews have against the waist and hair.

    Can’t speak for Jews, but we Muslims have nothing against women’s waists or hair. God has mandated that they dress modestly in public and cover their hair; we simply comply because second-guessing your Creator, once you have determined what He expects of you, is inane.

    However, none of the above was my point. My points were that:
    1) Being Muslim and White are not mutually exclusive
    2) The Alt-Right should not fall into the trap that is being set to make “Muslim” a brown ethnic identity as is desired by moneyed elitist interests:
    3) The Alt-Right needs to figure out a spiritual component to their outlook or vision to be viable for the long-term – perhaps this is why neo-paganism is on the rise in Europe:


  1588. notanon says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    One could say that it was precisely because the MSM hasn’t obscured public reservations about levels of immigration.

    the media covers up the negative consequences of mass immigration until it’s too obvious to ignore.

  1589. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Oh, there was a lot of footage, but they took it down, eh?

    i saw them at the time. i have no idea if they’re still up.

    one clip was of some girls being chased into a bar and the doorman threatening the guys to stay back.

    another was too dark to see any details, just a mob of people scuffling and women screaming.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1590. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Yeah. A self publisher. The books will be printed bound and shipped to you. The cartons will sit in your house forever.

    Exactly what’s your interest in the New Year’s rapes and assaults anyway???

    Do you think OJ was innocent ? Or John Wilkes Booth survives became a cowboy and died in Tucson in 1905,

    27 years a probation officer dealing with rapists I’m getting some sex offender vibes from you. Or maybe you’re just insane. Or both.

  1591. @Ron Unz

    The police are paid to maintain security a much higher fee than they would in other zip codes.

    A body can lie on the road in Detroit for two hours before the cops come.

    In PA there would probably be cops there the second a shot was fired.

    And moreover, there is a constant police presence.

    This is not to say that the Indians do not illegally extort from one another-holding others passports and demanding sexual favors from lower caste female immigrants or torturing their maids-this all happens.

    But it does not happen to whites or Hispanics, who would kick their asses.

    So Indians adopt their caste system games to the hiring and firing process.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1592. Alden says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Do you think the guy who murdered Polly Klass is a petty criminal?

  1593. @Alden

    Even SFO Air Traffic Controllers qualified for food stamps if they lived in the Bay Area. I worked at a company whose transportation head was one of the fired controllers from SFO Tower. I also worked with a fired controller at a DoD Flight Operations Office. They both complained that costs of living in the Bay Area necessitated their commuting long distances to and from their workplace. My wife’s friend had a son in San Jose who was ‘lucky’ enough to find a room to rent. We drove down there to help him move his furniture and other household items to his new abode: It looked literally like an abandoned outhouse. It was the most he could afford.

  1594. Alden says:

    What’s the criteria for scanty? A long sleeved jacket a blouse and knee length skirt? Pants and short sleeved top?

    Scanty is in the opinion of the beholder.

  1595. notanon says:

    One of the many reasons there’s no such thing as white identity is that middle and upper class whites have an absolutely poisonous hatred for poor white people.

    a lot of this antipathy is caused by media gaslighting:

    1) the negative consequences of mass immigration were initially almost entirely dumped on the poorest whites with the upper middle and middle class mostly immune

    2) the media covered up these negative consequences and blamed the hostile reaction of the poorest whites to the harm being inflicted on them entirely on ignorance and “racism”

    3) the media promoted “racism” as the ultimate sin/heresy/taboo

    and as a result that portion of the white upper middle class who were previously most concerned with the welfare of the working class were gas-lit by the media into developing an active moral hatred of those same people.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1596. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Jilles saw the visual evidence on the TV news. He speaks and understand. German as well as his English which is excellent. He’s not right wing He seems to be a standard European moderate socialist. He has grandchildren and teaches them math and useful home handyman skills.

    You on the other hand are offensive and insane. Now you’re back you’re going to ruin any discussion.

    Why do you want to disprove the New Years rapes happened? What’s your interest other than being pro rape for some insane reason?

    • Replies: @utu
  1597. Okechukwu says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    In terms of this “Muslim rape epidemic” narrative in Germany, for example, the centerpiece of all of that is the alleged events in or around Cologne central railway station of almost exactly 3 years ago.

    There were sexual assaults. Mostly groping, grinding and “lascivious remarks.” At the time Germany had very lax sexual assault laws, which prior to this incident placed the onus on the victim to resist an attack in order for the attack to be considered an assault. I sort of can understand the reasoning behind this. Some women willingly engage in sex and then cry rape later. But if they resist, then there can be no question as to what happened.

    Germans don’t have a prudish, puritanical attitude toward sexuality. If you go to their spas you’ll see people walking around naked like it’s nothing. I don’t mean just in the saunas either, I mean everywhere. In Germany, groping women at work isn’t an activity that would instigate lawsuits and terminations. It’s a different place, which I think people ought not to view through an American prism.

    Anyway, in Cologne there were some migrants among the attackers but not all the attackers were migrants. Although Cologne is relatively diverse compared to the rest of Germany, it is still largely white ethnic German. So it’s implausible that only migrants decided to show up at this New Year’s event. Besides, the migrants in question aren’t necessarily the “usual suspects” that are often vilified here and elsewhere. The contingent includes Poles, Russians, Greeks, Bulgarians, along with some from Iraq and Syria.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1598. Alden says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Jon Repulsive is indeed a hysterical insane ding bat nit wit.

    I remember one thread about 9/11. He claimed it never happened and the buildings are still there.

    • Troll: Jonathan Revusky
  1599. cassandra says:

    There was absolutely totally no seperation of families deportation or expulsion of Mexican californios during and after the 1848 war…
    …I’m really interested to know where you got the idea that Mexican families were separated and deported in 1848. Please respond.

    Sigh. Where in the world did you get the idea that I had the idea that I was even thinking of deportation or expulsion?

    The separation I was referring to was not by forced marches or something, but by the appearance of a new geographical border, much in the way that families with branches in both Ukraine and Russia are now separated by politically-hardened borders. It’s a separation by circumstances rather than intent.

    Your friends 9th cousins could have just sold up in Mexico and walked across the border any time between 1848 and 1965 without any problem. Maybe they had no reason to emigrate.

    Some had reason to remain where they were, some had reason to emigrate, and the families are indeed extended enough for this to pose a problem. Those of us who have family members dispersed over continental America might imagine a similar situation if half the US seceded from the other, with adult lives established and younger lives in flux in each area.

    The biggest mass immigration was during that horrible 1910 to 1930 civil war revolution anarchy bandit warlord mess that was worse in northern Mexico. Those Mexicans just walked over the border and settled in southwest America.

    Yes: some went, some didn’t. The extended family didn’t move en masse. As it becomes necessary to make the border less porous, it will necessarily make informal movements between remainers and emigrants more difficult.

    I do have the feeling I’m missing some unintended point of contention.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1600. Okechukwu says:

    The states with heavy black and Hispanic concentrations clearly have more credit problems than the whiter states (California would almost certainly be the color of Texas without its Asian population).

    Ha ha ha. Credit scores. If you make $20k a year but have perfect credit, good luck to you. Oftentimes it’s the risk-takers who go all in to achieve success and create wealth that end up having credit problems. You know there are a lot of multi-millionaires with atrocious credit.

    Nonetheless, if the inane theories bandied about here had any validity, I shouldn’t expect a state that is only about 50% white to have more or less the same average credit score as states that are over 90% white.

    I notice the Northern Plains states (that are mostly white) all have scores over 700. Well, they also very small populations. Extrapolate their respective populations to about 40 million residents to get to the level of California and not only will you have blood baths and total dysfunction, but their average credit ratings will decline precipitously.

    • Disagree: JLK
  1601. @Alden

    I’m told that a preparatory branch of one of our most famous private schools has 27 new entrants next year of whom 23 are Chinese (whatever that means exactly). Chinese money has already made sure the new swimming pool is up to scratch. May be good for the school’s academic results and orchestra in time but I doubt that there will be much success at football or cricket, or any more Head of the River wins!

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1602. Okechukwu says:

    GDP is a crap statistic, but if you are intent on using it, GDP per capita is better.

    You sure you wanna go there? California checks in with a GDP per capita of $75,000. How are Idaho and West Virginia doing?

    • Replies: @FvS
  1603. notanon says:

    CA is a beacon for the best and brightest of all races from around the world.

    you’re right silicon valley is currently slowing California’s descent into the third world but it won’t stop it.

    the general case:
    – import cheap labor to do low productivity work
    – lower average productivity, shrinking middle class, over use of existing infrastructure
    – maintaining the infrastructure at the same level requires either an overt immigration tax on the remaining middle class or letting the infrastructure slowly decay (or a bit of both)
    – higher taxes and decaying infrastructure both shrink the remaining middle class even faster eventually leading to a third world income distribution with a very small, very wealthy minority and a very large, very poor majority.

    eventually there is not enough middle class people left to tax and you either get a socialist govt who taxes the wealthy people originally responsible for opening the borders (who then leave) or a corrupt govt who maintain small islands of good infrastructure surrounded by a sea of favelas i.e. the two faces of south America.

    (the cost of housing in the nice islands is the immigration tax in another form)

    California’s case is the same except it’s currently subsidized by Silicon valley but at best the end result will be slightly larger islands of relative prosperity containing the IT workers surrounded by favelas (and there’s no guarantee that people like Zuckerberg won’t keep importing more IT workers until they’re paid the same as fruit pickers) and the most likely outcome is either the level of taxes will get too high or the level of infrastructure too low and Silicon valley will simply move.

    • Agree: geokat62
    • Replies: @Alden
  1604. @niceland

    Like others say, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet”. Read about Israeli Organ Harvesting. The Israeli Vice Consul-General in Brazil was running a Child Prostitution Ring on the premises, procuring underage boys and girls for sexual liaisons with Jewish tourists. He was being considered for a post in another country after he fled Brazil.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1605. Anonymous[658] • Disclaimer says:

    This paki woman here is a perfect candidate for an attorney firm but winning against the globo-homo in their home turf is near impossible, even for a client that putatively checks all the right boxes; muslim woman of color being harassed by hostile boses would have made for great news had the bosses been white. The exploiters are not white, so no deal. Additionally, a black man is nothing more than a stick by which to beat whitey. Actual productive black men standing up for what is right disturbs their agenda too much and sows confusion way before they actually want confusion and chaos to rule the day.

    OTOH, A solid case against TCS in Oakland, CA was dismissed by the Jury, because it would have helped keep these tech leechs in line and they don’t want it.

    Despite Strong Case, U.S. Tech Workers Lose Tata Discrimination Suit

    This case that you talk about, would be similarly thrown out. If you haven’t noticed, the new hierarchy is
    chosens > hindus > asians > “lower” browns > blacks > good whites > bad whites

    so as per this, this woman and the black man BOTH are expendable for the “greater good”. To top it off this is CA, one of the ground zeros of our current dystopia

  1606. utu says:

    Why do you want to disprove the New Years rapes happened? What’s your interest

    (1) He is a part of re-reconquista plan of bringing back Jews and Muslims to Spain and Europe. He is already there in Spain. Spain since 1492 was happily Judenfrei and Arab free. Not any more since Revusky showed up in Catalonia.

    (2) Seriously I do not know what is Revusky’s angle. He pretty much believes that bad things do not happen organically but rather they are either synthetic events organized by governments or they do not happen and are just media hoaxes. And obviously there is some basis for this belief but he goes overboard probably because he is mentally unhinged and also because just like Ron Unz he feels contempt for people who harbor opposite to his beliefs. This might be typically Jewish contempt for rubes and peasants and a need to place themselves in the leadership role (like Bolsheviks or Trotskyists) to guide the rubes in their thinking and actions. While Ron Unz is constructive when he does not paint himself into a corner like in the case of Hispanics and California, Revusky just likes to argue for ever. He is a destructive force.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1607. @notanon

    Oh, there was a lot of footage, but they took it down, eh?

    i saw them at the time.

    Oh, you did? Well, of course you’re lying… but it is interesting… I note that the higher end professional trolls like an utu, say, take care not to tell such a blatant lie.

    i have no idea if they’re still up.

    Oh, you have no idea… presumably because you didn’t even check. Well, okay, right. I mean, everybody just automatically trusts the word of an anonymous commenter on the Internet, so there would be no need to actually go look for the videos to show them to anybody. You just tell people you saw them and…. everybody will believe you…

    one clip was of some girls being chased into a bar and the doorman threatening the guys to stay back.

    That’s interesting. I think you’re referring to the (false) testimony of one of the crisis actors who was present. The door man is this crisis actor Ivan Jurcevic who told some story along these lines. He’s an aspiring actor. here is his IMDB page:

    Here is a reel of his acting highlights that is still up on youtube.

    Pretty lame, eh? I mean, the guy has been in a few German B films or TV dramas. Usually a little role as a heavy, a tough guy. So he had some blatantly obvious crisis actor testimony where he protected these German girls from the Muzzie savages. There is no video of that or any corroborating testimony I ever found, i.e. anybody who says they witnessed this. Here is his testimony:

    If you believe anything this guy says, there is something seriously wrong with you. But the video is heavily promoted. It’s up various places and must have millions of views combined.

    Oh, also, he was fired from the 5-star hotel in Cologne where he was working security. The right-wingers are screaming that this shows what cucks the Germans are. This guy protected the flower of white womanhood and look what he got in return! Of course, to anybody with a grain of sense who reads between the lines, you see that he got fired because he’s a liar, a false witness, and, even in our decadent current-day society, there are people who just don’t like liars.

  1608. @Okechukwu

    There were sexual assaults. Mostly groping, grinding and “lascivious remarks.”

    Well, maybe a bit, but only on the scale that always happens on New Year’s Eve and other public outdoor festival days in Germany. The unprecedented mass event that was described is clearly a mediatic hoax.

    The easiest way to realize this is just to think about it and realize that it really is totally impossible for hundreds of women to be assaulted in that space and for there to be no visual evidence.

    Oh, and there were some petty thieves, like pickpockets working the train station, it seems. And, yes, they probably were mostly of an Arab background, but they were criminal elements who were already in Germany. They weren’t recently arrived refugees. But more importantly, they aren’t sex offenders. If they groped somebody’s ass, it was to find where they keep their money or iPhone or whatever. So, there were a few genuine cases of that nature that had no sexual meaning, but were later spun as being “sexual assaults”.

    The whole mediatic hoax is quite worthy of study actually. You can dig down and look at it. Some of the stuff is outright fabrication, like the false testimony of that crisis actor Jurcevic. But then you have some things that really did happen getting woven into the narrative, like the stuff with the pickpockets. But that stuff was already occurrring.

    The whole idea that, suddenly some unprecedented mass event happened on that date, that is clearly a synthetic hoax.

  1609. @utu

    2,000 men ‘sexually assaulted 1,200 women’ at Cologne New Year’s Eve party

    We keep going round in circles on this. I forgot what your explanation of the lack of any photographic or video evidence for this was.

    My explanation for the lack of visuals, of course, is that the event didn’t really happen. What is yours?

    Oh, and as for this thing…

    Time for the facts. What do we know about Cologne four months later?

    Actually, I came across this very article some months ago and it contains a passage that is quite interesting:

    We meet Alexander Schoen, who in October 2015 founded the Hauptbahnhof-Engel (the ‘Train Station Angels’), a group of volunteers who roam the station at night offering free food, drink, and assistance to refugees and others in need. On some nights, he tells us, more than 100 refugees arrive here by train, exhausted from the long journey and often without a follow-up plan.

    Schoen was here on New Year’s Eve and spent hours walking around the station with other volunteers. “The station was packed,” he recalls. “A lot of people seemed drunk.” The mood was aggressive and agitated. He saw two women crying at the front desk of the police station inside the building. Schoen emphasizes that he doesn’t want to cast doubt on the victims’ accounts, he just didn’t personally witness any sexual offences or muggings.

    He spent hours walking around the station at the time this was going on and didn’t see ANYTHING???!!!!

    This is similar to Marcia Adair, who was there, but not for hours, and didn’t see anything.

    Actually, it’s quite striking how little credible eyewitness testimony there is to any of this. There’s this guy Ivan Jurcevic, who is so obviously a false witness, it’s crazy, but aside from that…

    But, again, the real killer is the utter lack of visual evidence that ought to exist for an event of this scale.

    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1610. @Talha

    The White Turk Muslims in Germany leered and pawed more than is customary

    They shouldn’t be leering or pawing – period. Muslim men are not supposed to be looking lustfully at women or touching them; Germany should fine or punish them for this behavior.

    Hey, Uncle Talha, I asked you this before, but I never got much of an answer. Why do you go along with every slander and calumny against Muslim people?

    Why don’t you do what I do, which is to demand actual proof that any of this happened?

    You see, people like you are obviously a key part of the problem. You possess the language skills, the rhetorical skills, to stand up for your own people against all these lies, but you don’t!

    I’ve observed your behavior off and on over the past few years and drawn some very negative conclusions. I consider you to be a moral degenerate, somebody completely lacking in backbone. However, it’s worse than just that. You are that, but you also preen yourself as this highly spiritual, moral person and it’s just sickening to observe.

    Your behavior is not that of a man, more like a weasel. Why don’t you adopt the New Year’s resolution of trying to improve on this?

    • Troll: Cloak And Dagger
  1611. This is the bigger deal about the alt right. The larger point is preserving your identity not hispanic crime. What does Ron Unz think about this (Chris Langan’s view on identity politics).

    My view on identity politics is that it can be justified only if everyone of any ethnicity is entitled to participate, in which case it is necessary for all (because failing to assert it, as when White people of European ancestry fail to assert it lest they be branded as “racists”, means leaving oneself and one’s group defenseless against competition for resources and opportunity). Alternatively, lest any group be denied its identity while others assert their own, group identity must be equitably denied to everyone.

    Human identity is stratified, and thus has both individual and group levels. Accordingly, we can (and sometimes must) reason in terms of group identity. But when group self-identification is officially granted to some groups yet denied to others against which they compete, this can only result in imbalance and injustice. For example, when some overpopulating groups which have overtaxed their own resources by reproductive incontinence and homegrown oligarchy are allowed to migrate into the sovereign territories of worldwide ethnic minorities – e.g., people of European descent – and enjoy special “oppressed” status whereby they reap special benefits such as free food, free housing, free education, free healthcare, affirmative action, reproductive subsidies, and special treatment under the law, and are even credited with moral superiority due to their alleged “oppression”, this can result in the destruction of the national, cultural, and ethnic identity of the hosts, leading ultimately to their extinction. Incoming groups which assert their own collective identities while denying their hosts any reciprocal right of political group cohesion thus amount to noxious, invasive, and ultimately lethal socioeconomic parasites. Obviously, any governmental authority which enforces or encourages such asymmetry – e.g., the European Union – is illegitimate.

    Bear in mind that once we cease to treat individuals as individuals per se, thus allowing members of their respective groups to assert their ethnic, cultural, or religious (etc.) identities against their “oppressors”, their group properties and statistics are automatically opened to scrutiny and comparative analysis. For example, if after several generations of special treatment in the educational sphere (compulsory school integration, special programs, modifications of educational procedure, racially defined college admission preferences, etc.), a particular “oppressed” group fails as a whole to outgrow these measures, its members are no longer entitled to exemption from objective characterization in terms of associated group statistics; if one wants to enjoy the social benefits attending ethically loaded group-defined properties like “belonging to an oppressed group”, one must submit to rational policies formed on the basis of not just individual assessment, but empirically confirmed group-defined properties such as “belonging to a group exhibiting a relatively low mean IQ and a tendency to violently disrupt the educational environment”. Continuing to pursue racially parameterized measures of human worth and achievement can only lead to personal injustice, social degradation, and biological degeneration (because such measures inevitably supplant any rational form of social, economic, and reproductive selection).

    In short, identity politics should either be shut down immediately, or the majority populations of Europe and North America should be encouraged to assert their own ethnic and cultural identities and group interests with full force. Any governmental, academic, religious, or media authority which tries to prevent it is clearly unworthy of respect and obedience.”

    • Agree: ben tillman
    • Replies: @notanon
  1612. ZOGged says:

    You’ve been identified as a woman by long time posters here. If it really is so, then I’m glad that you at least acknowledge the fact that most men rape to get free sex from women without the effort needed ti woo them to your bed

    A lot of feminists would have us believe these rapists rape women because they hate their “freedom” or some such junk. Similar to those neocons shouting at the top of their lungs about how those terrorists hate us for our “freedoms” LOL. Thereby misleading many naive women to dress like total sluts with their lady parts all hanging out for all to see. Of course this does infuriate and titillate the more barbaric among us until some of them snap.

    Yes there are some sick bastards within our ranks who get turned on by children. Those must be seem as an exception and be put to permanent sleep for their own good (and ours). But they are undoubtedly an exception

    So rape is a crime of opportunity AND a crime of uncontrolled passion but to put it as a crime against women’s freedom is as phony as the US WoT (if not more)

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @notanon
  1613. Alden says:

    Hard for me to believe Repulsive is Jewish. I’ve been around Jews all my life and I’ve never encountered one so deranged as Repulsive. His drop a bucket of water off the roof and see where it splatters style of thought bizarre

    If he’s a Jew who approves of the Muslim takeover of Europe that explains his rants that Muslims aren’t raping European women. I thought that was just a sexual perversion. Or maybe he fantasizes about being a rapist.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @notanon
  1614. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    The Argentine police just closed down another one The tourists were guys just released from the military. Going abroad for drugs drink and debauchery is standard when they get out of the military. India used to be the favorite destination till the Indians started enforcing laws about drugs drinking in public etc

    Source. The Los Angeles Journal

    • Replies: @Anon
  1615. @anonymoys

    ” Really, it’s just too obvious that a lot of the prominent “white nationalist” and “alt-right” people are Zionist shills.”

    You forgot to add that “black nationalist” and”brown” nationalist” people are also zionist poodles.

    No, I most certainly did not forget to add that. I said:

    I think it’s more accurate to say that that movement (like practically any oppositional movement) is heavily infiltrated and even controlled by them.

    Obviously, when I say “any oppositional movement” that includes the whole gamut — from left to right, from KKK to Black Panthers… In any case, that’s not terribly relevant because the people that Unz’s “open letter” are addressed to are the alt-right, white nationalist types. That other groups are (of course) also infiltrated and controlled opposition is true, okay, AND I SAID THAT REALLY, but it’s still just a tangent basically.

    I guess that Ron wrote that “open letter” for the same reason that you have a website, you “debate” people that you know perfectly well they are not interested in truth.

    Well, above I pointed out to Ron that the people he was arguing with were not interested in factual truth. In comment #253 above, Unz wrote:

    Despite what Revusky claims upthread, I think that innumeracy and extreme laziness are the main problems with most of the commenters on this thread.

    In your opinion, which one of us was basically right? Me, when I say that the problem is that the people don’t care about the truth? Or Unz, when he says the main problems are “innumeracy and extreme laziness”?

    I am not of course defending Ron. That would be ridiculous.

    No? You could have fooled me. But you’re right that it’s ridiculous. Objectively, anything I have said in public about Ron Unz is extremely mild, certainly compared to things he has said in public about me. There is no comparison!

    In any case, all of this just proves my point. When I said that the Unz worship on the right looked similar to the Chomsky worship on the left, I did not mean that Chomsky and Unz are all that similar really. The similarity is in the respective behavior, the willingness of the people to give their idols a pass on some absolutely egregious behavior.

    In any case, the whole idea of fawning over a guy for finally telling the truth about 9/11 17 years after the event…

    WTF is this? The Special Olympics or what?

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @anonymoys
  1616. ZOGged says:

    You stupid Incel, there was and still is a social hierarchy among whites just as you hindus have a much better defined hierarchy now dontcha??

    How does that make them non white?? Your boast of a high reasoning ability and your obsession with white trash, fecal sex and pepperoni (buttfuckaroni??? 😀 ) tells us a lot about your deep seated sexual desires than you’d care to admit

    Add to that your frequent pleadings about ‘ massively increasing legal immigration from India and your frequent references to how many white women you’ve bedded paints a rather sorry picture about you, you silly desi incel

  1617. @David Baker

    I don’t know, Confirmation? She’s always been precocious.

  1618. @Genrick Yagoda

    You might not believe this, but Jewish news sources can be wrong.

    Ethnics frequently misidentify famous people as theirs. Bernie Kosar used to get invited to Jewish events when he quarterbacked the Browns, even when they found out he wasn’t Jewish. As they said, “he looks.

    It’s a bit like gay people who just know (insert handsome actor or pretty actress) is secretly just like them.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1619. Alden says:

    I’m sorry, really I don’t like being a bitch and contradicting everyone.
    But I know California pretty well and have a lot of political construction and SV and Bay Area construction connections.

    California is not dependent on SV taxes
    It provides a lot of jobs for companies that pay lots of taxes. For instance construction; not residential and mini malls but the massive high rises and convention centers from San Francisco to San Jose and all over the Easr Bay
    The money from that is enormous and a big tax base for everyone from suppliers to architects engineers contractors the very well paid union workers in those projects .

    For instance the highest building west of the Mississippi, the Salesforce tower in San Francisco employed hundreds of contractors and and at least a thousand very well paid like $80,00o to $130,000 a year workers who all paid taxes plus the gasoline taxes for their 150 mile round trip from home to work.

    SV maybe a nasty place to work but generates a lot of money.

    Agriculture was our first industry and will always be here. Shipping is a very big industry as well. Immigration destroys jobs but it’s a major boon for construction real estate and landlords

    About over regulation of business. It’s very true but it’s really easy to avoid regulations and many laws and regulations in California because enforcement is lax. The affirmative action moron civil service is very lax.

    Maybe that’s why every turd world crook in the world wants to come to California to open a small business

    I know many people hope California will just explode but it won’t. I think we’re now the 5th largest economy in the world that might be due to the insane cost of real estate I’m not an economist so I don’t know.

  1620. FvS says:

    You sure you wanna go there? California checks in with a GDP per capita of $75,000.

    I commented on the nature of the GDP statistic, nothing more.

    But since you brought it up, where are you getting the $75,000 statistic for California? I’m showing California at $70,000. North Dakota is higher than California, and Wyoming is right there with them. West Virginia and Idaho rank at the bottom of U.S. states in terms of GDP per capita but are similar to France, Belgium, U.K., New Zealand, Israel, etc. Keep in mind that for a racially diverse state like California, it is possible that one racial group is producing the lion’s share of the wealth. It’s also possible that a relatively small segment of the population produces most of the wealth.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @utu
    , @Okechukwu
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1621. FvS says:

    Traitors to what, “Whiteness”?

    Western Civilization. Their culture. Their heritage. Their ancestors that died fighting off the Muslim hordes.

    Why do you not like Whites who are raising stable families and having children?

    It’s not worth the cost. White racial consciousness can rise again without Islam. It already is rising without it.

    I guess so that their TFRs could plummet like all other White people around them.

    There are non-Muslim Eastern European countries that have chosen to defend their people. You can’t outbreed mass immigration. And technically, Islam is just as universalist as Christianity in terms of race.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @dfordoom
  1622. Alden says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    The San Francisco Bay Area private schools are really holding the line against the Asian Invasion They try to keep it about 1/4 1/3 Asian. Thanks be to God.
    The SV White zillionaires are madly subsidizing the private high schools in southern San Mateo county north of SV

    For instance one all Boys school , Junipero Serra in the city of San Mateo has a scholarship fund of 40 million dollars 40 million for scholarship in just one high school. So the SV zillionaires subsidize the education of hundreds of middle class White boys the most endangered species in America But when those boys finish school I doubt they will ever get a job in SV because of the No Whites Need Apply policy

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1623. anonymoys says:

    “What is so naive about them?

    If you don’t understand why they are so naîve, it will be a waste of time telling you. You won’t understand.

    “Could you please describe the nature, structure, values, and practice in order to enlighten (assuming you are right) the rest of us and save us time in deciphering the world?”

    Again, there’s no point in saying more than I’ve already said because you won’t understand, even if one pretends that you’re really interested in knowing more, which obviously you are not.

    I’m not so naîve to want to enlighten you or anyone else, to decipher the world for you or for anyone else. If you’re really interested, I’m afraid you will have to walk that path on your own.

    Concerning zio-mafia’s nature, structure of power, I said it’s same than mafia.

    Is there really any need to add something ?

  1624. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    A psychiatrist reading Repulsive’s babbling would diagnose Repulsive’s babbling as loggerhea and scizophasia in a manic presentation of of bi polar affective disorder

    They are symptomatic of psychosis and schizophrenia.

  1625. Alden says:

    Please do not equate normal men turned on by women to rapists . It has nothing to with being turned into a rapist by a short skirt. It’s just an easy way to get sex and fit in with black culture. I’m sure you see a lot of things you want or need but can’t afford to buy. Would you steal those things if it could be easily done? No.

    Human men aren’t animals in breeding season. Saying normal men turn into rapists because of a short skirt is insulting to men.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1626. utu says:

    I’ve been around Jews all my life and I’ve never encountered one so deranged as Repulsive.

    They have plenty of meshuggeneh and shoteh among them. They suffer less from alcoholism and some drug abuse so they are less visible but have higher rate of schizophrenia and phobias.
    The study did find that Jews suffer from certain mental illnesses at higher rates, including major depression, dysthymia, schizophrenia and simple phobia, but had lower rates of others, including alcoholism.

    Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia

  1627. Anon[209] • Disclaimer says:

    You mean to say they don’t give those kids who have been practising their sniper skills oh Gaza civilian protesters sensitivity and civilian social etiquette training before they discharge them?

  1628. anonymoys says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    “In your opinion, which one of us was basically right? Me, when I say that the problem is that the people don’t care about the truth? Or Unz, when he says the main problems are “innumeracy and extreme laziness”?”

    I’m sure you know that is a dumb question.

    ” Objectively, anything I have said in public about Ron Unz is extremely mild, certainly compared to things he has said in public about me. There is no comparison!”

    I won’t give you a piece of advice but I don’t resist telling you that if you really care about the truth, form is also important.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1629. Anonymous[710] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    But it does not happen to whites or Hispanics, who would kick their asses.

    So Indians adopt their caste system games to the hiring and firing process.

    How does that follow?

  1630. Alden says:

    170 years later and they still have contact with 9th cousins?

    • Replies: @cassandra
  1631. APilgrim says:

    Is Philip Giraldi the most openly anti-Israel, anti-Ashkenazim, pro-Muslim contributor to UNZ? In 2012 director Philip Giraldi wrote a column titled “Why I Dislike Israel”, which criticized the U.S.–Israel relationship and alleged that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “meddling” in the 2012 U.S. presidential race.

    Philip Giraldi is th3 executive director of CNI. Giraldi has stated that CNI has 12,000 members.The Council for the National Interest (“CNI”) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan advocacy group in the United States. It is aligned with The Council for the National Interest Foundation (“CNIF”), an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. CNI was founded in 1989 by former Congressmen Paul Findley (R-Ill.) and Pete McCloskey (R-Calif.). Its first executive director was ten-term congressman John B. Anderson (R-Ill.), who ran as an Independent candidate in the 1980 presidential election.


    For a number of years CNI has been known in the Middle East for organizing regular “political pilgrimages” to promote dialogue among American citizens, including many former officials, and Arab leaders, many of whom are on the United States “political terrorism” list or the unofficial persona non grata list. These have included Hezbollah’s Naim Qassim, Nawaf Ammar and Ibrahim Mousawi and Lebanon’s Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, Michel Aoun, Walid Jumblatt and Sheik Abed al Karem Obeid. In Spring 2006 CNI members, including Edward Peck, conducted a fact-finding tour of the Middle East region, meeting with heads of state and acting as international observers in the Palestinian election process. Three were former U.S. diplomats who met in Lebanon with Hassan Nasrallah leader of Hezbollah.

    Abdurahman Alamoudi, a member of the CNIF Board of Directors, stated at a rally on October 28, 2000, against Israel in Lafayette Park, across from the White House: “‘Hear that, Bill Clinton! We are all supporters of Hamas. I wish they add that I am also a supporter of Hizballah.” Both Hamas and Hizballah are designated as terrorist groups by the United States, Israel, Japan, Canada and others. In 2004, Alamoudi pleaded guilty to financial and conspiracy charges related to terrorism and was subsequently sentenced to 23 years in prison. Eugene Bird explained that at the time he joined CNI Alamoudi was a highly regarded Muslim spokesperson who worked with the United States Department of State. As soon as Alamoudi was convicted, CNI asked him to leave its board.

    In September 2017, Valerie Plame encountered massive criticism on Twitter when she retweeted Giraldi’s Unz Review column “America’s Jews are Driving America’s Wars”, and it was pointed out she had retweeted his previous column “Why I Dislike Israel” among other articles he has written critical of Israeli influence in American foreign policy. In the article, Giraldi ties certain media figures and lobbying organizations (of Jewish ancestry) to increased calls for military interventions in the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, which he believes pose no direct threat to the U.S., but are viewed by Israel and its allies as enemies. In April 2018, Giraldi wrote that “Israel’s fingerprints are all over American interventionism, reflecting Jewish power in the United States and the presence of a plethora of well-funded Israel-centric lobbies, think tanks and media outlets” and that “Israel is not at all shy about what it wants to happen, namely a war in Syria targeting both Damascus and Tehran, leading to a much bigger war with the Iranians.”

    Public sources & links are readily available to support these assertions, and with respect to the somewhat queer perspectives of Philip Giraldi, given his inclusion as a regular contributor.

  1632. utu says:

    Where did the success of California come from? Pacific WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War were conducted from California. Aerospace industry and Hollywood because of climate.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @MarkinLA
  1633. Alden says:

    Our commenter Jeff Stryker has poisonous contempt and hatred for all Rural Whites including my brother the retired dairy farmer and the millions of multi millionaire farmers and ranchers in America.

    He was raised in Ann Arbor and Detroit left America when he finished college has never lived in rural America yet spews contempt and hatred for White rural Americans in every comment

  1634. utu says:

    If the US conducted 50 years of wars against Canada then North Dakota and Maine would be the most developed states in the US.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1635. Ron Unz is a funny guy. He will never tell the story of how his people, the Jews, came to America and systematically set out to destroy it just like they did in Russia. Instead he talks about how great diversity is working in Cali, tech giants, blah,blah.
    Wow. Yeah, the Alt Right looks scary. Right. Wanna see scary? Watch Cali collapse under its debt. Watch the Fed destroy the Trump economy with rate hike after rate hike.
    Unz lacks any ability for lateral thinking. He is a programmer. He doesn’t understand what is happening in the U.S. at all. Trump is trying to undo decades of destructive policies, immigration being one of the most egregious.
    When Arabs are jumping the wall in Israel and pose an existential threat to Jews his tune would change. Somehow Israel would be different.

    Hard to believe anyone even reads an Unz essay
    Ron is so full of matzo it’s unbelievable.

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @Truth
  1636. Talha says:

    Western Civilization.

    They wouldn’t have flipped if they didn’t consider what Western Civilization has become to be toxic to their own interests and survival.

    Their ancestors that died fighting off the Muslim hordes.

    Uh hunh…you mean those ancestors that adopted the other “Semitic cancer” and fought their previous ancestors for being pagan. This kind of stuff happens over time.

    White racial consciousness can rise again without Islam.

    “White racial consciousness”? What does that even mean? When has Europe simply considered itself to be some unified “White” continent? Let’s be honest; the reason people might even cling to “White racial consciousness” is because many Europeans have already had regional, tribal, clan affiliations so removed out of their identity over centuries, that they have to find something (anything) to replace it. This is what happens when you tout hyper-individualism. Do the Scots still take their clans seriously? They used to.

    The specific racial consciousness being touted now is all based on materialist assumptions – which is fine if that works for you, but the converts I interacted with found it to be an empty, meaningless void. Plus, Islam has never even been against distinct identity down to to the tribal level (in fact, this is what we often get criticized for in the West) – go ask people in Iraq, they can still trace their lineages back to pre-Islamic tribes like Bani Tamim. I can trace mine back to Bani Hashim. How far back can you trace the ancestors you are talking about?

    Religions (ones that are serious) absorb various races/ethnicities into their wider brotherhood because it gives people a bigger purpose – that is how major religions spread. If people in a society are finding more purpose in race/ethnicity than their religion, then you are dealing with a religion on the ropes.

    Look, go ahead and turn your back on God in order to save your people…let’s see what He does.

    It already is rising without it.

    Agreed – watch that video I posted.

    There are non-Muslim Eastern European countries that have chosen to defend their people.

    Yup and their TFRs are still abysmally in the toilet and they still don’t know how to get out of the rut.

    Islam is just as universalist as Christianity in terms of race.

    Darn right, but when you aren’t as susceptible to Zionist propaganda and are having your own babies there is no worry – traditional Muslims certainly don’t worry about being outbred. Plus, God takes credit for the differences in human beings, why would we want one mixed up singular race/ethnicity?:
    “And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge.” (30:22)

    “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing and All-Aware.” (49:13)


    • Replies: @FvS
  1637. @Ghost of Bull Moose

    I agree that that does happen. However, in the case of Dimon, Jewish wife, Jewish kids, married by a rabbi, and surrounded 24/7 by Jews. I suspect he already has the “right of return” to israel in the event someone tries to Marc Rich him.

    And like Marc Rich, I would suspect there is a pardon pre-printed with his name on it.

    • Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose
  1638. @dfordoom

    Of course you’re right. One of the many reasons there’s no such thing as white identity is that middle and upper class whites have an absolutely poisonous hatred for poor white people.

    I have never encountered any such thing anywhere except Internet discussion boards, where the most extreme positions are always vastly overrepresented. And I say this as someone who has lived in, and known people of all classes, in New England, the Middle Atlantic, the Southeast, and Texas.

    In the real world, the attitudes of 95+% of middle- and upper-class whites toward lower-class whites people range from affinity and sympathy to indifference to contempt. Hatred is a rare outlier, with “absolutely poisonous hatred” being rarer still

    Tens of millions of middle-class whites either were lower-class at another time in their lives or have family members on the other side of the class divide. You’re offering a gross exaggeration.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  1639. peterAUS says:

    ….stems from the reaction to WWI where Europeans had developed destructive technology to the point where inter tribal war had become massively dysgenic.

    Part of it.
    Bigger part was WW2. Or, better, Nazi regime …ahm….approach to race. The emotional investment in, or from, all that death and devastation.
    Gets better, IMHO. I guess we could agree that nationalism leads to wars between nation states. With nukes that gets at suicidal level.

    The problem with all this is that we, humans, are apparently given to fuck up even the best ideas.
    Left, from trying to offset excesses of capitalism got into this homo/diversity thing.
    War scarred idealists got us into this globalization.
    Hehe….one could assume what “alt-right” idealists would get us into given a chance.

    Why is that and what, if anything, can be done about it could be an interesting discussion.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1640. @Jonathan Revusky

    We keep going round in circles on this. I forgot what your explanation of the lack of any photographic or video evidence for this was.

    Objection: Presumes facts not in evidence.

    As far as we know, there is a figurative mountain of video evidence. You’re just dishonestly presuming a premise to enable you to dishonestly construct a valid but probably unsound argument.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1641. JLK says:

    Unz lacks any ability for lateral thinking. He is a programmer.

    He’s a high-aptitude iconoclast. He’s dabbling outside his field of training in a lot of his articles, which accounts for some of the divergence from groupthink, but he does his homework and has the mental candlepower to be effective at it.

    I don’t fully agree with all of his conclusions, but the articles here that he writes himself are a breath of fresh air compared to almost everything else on the Internet.

  1642. @ben tillman

    If Repulsky had read the link he would know that as of the date of the link 2 Muslims had already been convicted, and 180 other turd worlders had been identified. This would not be possible withour video evidence, given that the chief of police stated it would not be possible to prosecute the 1800 others given the lack of CCTV evidence.

    Repulsky does not merely assume facts not in evidence, he outright ignores or is too stupid to look at the evidence.

    In other words, to quote a certain insane nitwit who flew into the thread screeching at me

    “the dude you’re talking to does not care!

    He doesn’t care!

    Really, I find your lack of situational awareness quite amazing. You keep arguing with all these characters as if they actually care about what is factually true or not!

    They don’t!”

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1643. @utu

    True. When WWII broke out, California was slowly recovering from the Depression, and folks like my father and uncles were going to be employed by the War Department, along with tens of thousands of Californians. My uncles enlisted in the Army and Navy. My father, who had a bad leg, would be employed by the Army Depot at San Bernardino as a civilian radio technician. The economy in the state grew quickly, as money poured in to improve the infrastructure, transportation and communication systems. The residual effects of the post war economy would be the availability of cheap gasoline (It was rationed during the war, along with many other staples.) surplus military aircraft, which were bought by airlines and cargo companies–you could buy a surplus, factory new P-51 Mustang for $125.00! You’re absolutely correct that wars herald an economic boom. Today, the DoD operates on budgets which supposedly are audited and trimmed where feasible. But we still hear about TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS missing from Pentagon Coffers. Maybe these banana wars we’re fighting are beneficial for a select few…

    • Replies: @utu
  1644. Okechukwu says:

    But since you brought it up, where are you getting the $75,000 statistic for California?

    A GDP of $3 trillion dollars divided by 40 million people.

    North Dakota is higher than California, and Wyoming is right there with them.

    If North Dakota and Wyoming were a country they would be a top 10 oil and gas producer. Yet they have a combined population of only about 1.4 million people. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but without oil and gas they would join the ranks of West Virginia and Idaho. Unlike racially diverse TX and CA (#1 and #3 US oil producers respectively) which have dynamic and diversified economies, ND and WY are one-trick ponies.

    Keep in mind that for a racially diverse state like California, it is possible that one racial group is producing the lion’s share of the wealth. It’s also possible that a relatively small segment of the population produces most of the wealth.

    Well, prove it. It’s pretty obvious from the data that all races in CA contribute to the state’s economy. We’re talking about averages after all. Some are wealthy and some are poor. But the middle class is responsible for most of the output and most of the wealth.

    • Replies: @FvS
  1645. cassandra says:

    170 years later and they still have contact with 9th cousins?

    I was following your hyperbole. To be technically accurate, I should have typed “lotsa” instead of “9th”. I stand corrected.

    The size of the extended family (given the counterexample of my own “lost” first cousins) depends on how important it is for peoples to maintain contacts over the generations. It seems that in some cases they do. But we’re both devolving into hypothetical and anecdotal BS, and, as I mentioned, I can’t even figure out exactly what point you’re trying to make. Sorry.

  1646. Okechukwu says:

    If the US conducted 50 years of wars against Canada then North Dakota and Maine would be the most developed states in the US.

    Ridiculous. There would be no need to move industry to a cold, frigid, icy and virtually unpopulated part of the country just to fight a war with little ol’ Canada.

    Besides, a state of peace with Canada is vastly more lucrative. The flow of goods and services between the northern states and Canada is responsible for a large chunk of their economies.

  1647. @Alden

    Women entice males with those “Short Skirts”, along with their demeanor, various cosmetics, perfumes, hairstyles and physical enhancements employed to draw attention to their attributes. It is programmed into female DNA to attract men for sex, conception, gestation, birth , feeding and nurturing of offspring. Rapists simply aren’t interested in the female desire for relationships and courting rituals. I feel sad for women these days, as Jews cajole them to dispense with the very purpose for which they exist, terminating their pregnancies to make a statement about their ‘reproductive rights’, following the herd to their eventual doom. Now women are superfluous, childless, disillusioned and unable to maneuver males to ‘commit’. The “Me Too” craze has made employers wary of hiring women, and those who do have armies of lawyers surrounding their companies ready to sue at the drop of a garter belt. There’s an agenda to cull billions of people from the world population, and women would be the first to go. (Example: China’s One Child Policy prompted millions of birth mothers to drown their female newborns in buckets of water.) Perhaps their innate intuition has influenced them to hike up their garments for old time sake.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1648. FvS says:

    A GDP of $3 trillion dollars divided by 40 million people.

    I think the statistics I posted are more accurate.

    If North Dakota and Wyoming were a country they would be a top 10 oil and gas producer. Yet they have a combined population of only about 1.4 million people. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but without oil and gas they would join the ranks of West Virginia and Idaho. Unlike racially diverse TX and CA (#1 and #3 US oil producers respectively) which have dynamic and diversified economies, ND and WY are one-trick ponies.

    You can’t just pick and choose what industries not to include. After all, California is a beneficiary of its favorable location. And again, GDP is a trash statistic because it includes government spending. California has serious debt issues.

    Well, prove it.

    I just said it’s a possibility.

    It’s pretty obvious from the data that all races in CA contribute to the state’s economy. We’re talking about averages after all. Some are wealthy and some are poor. But the middle class is responsible for most of the output and most of the wealth.

    They all contribute, but do they contribute equally? That’s not so obvious. It’s perfectly possible that California’s GDP would be even higher with a more homogeneous white population. How are the Hispanics that make up the 40% of California’s population represented in the middle and upper classes?

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1649. @anonymoys

    “In your opinion, which one of us was basically right? Me, when I say that the problem is that the people don’t care about the truth? Or Unz, when he says the main problems are “innumeracy and extreme laziness”?”

    I’m sure you know that is a dumb question.

    No, I’m sure you know that it is not a dumb question. Regardless, you can’t just answer by saying it’s a dumb question. At the very least, you’d have to explain WHY it’s a dumb question.

    But no, it’s not a dumb question. In fact, I think it’s quite the contrary. It’s a key question. In his “American Pravda” series, Unz repeatedly refers to the “laziness” and “incompetence” of the mainstream media. I don’t think the MSM is lazy or incompetent. They are both hard-working and highly competent at their job, which is upholding the Establishment narrative.

    If you seriously believe that the job of the news media is to find out the truth and report it honestly to us, then I suppose Unz is right, that they are “lazy” and “incompetent”. But I don’t believe that any more.

    Do you?

    Well, I suppose that, seeing as you’re too much of a chickenshit to answer that sort of basic question, you could again resort to saying that it’s a “dumb question”. If that’s your answer, then I’ll ask you:

    Why is it a dumb question?

    • Agree: L.K
    • Replies: @JLK
    , @anonymoys
  1650. utu says:
    @David Baker

    Ask now the question why Colorado is doing so well? Population growth and getting more progressive and so on. Look at military and strategic investments. Denver has the highest number of federal/military employee after Washington DC and San Diego. These are the questions that Americans are taught not to ask because they are being indoctrinated away from Keynesian understanding of economy. They are told that no, no, planning and gov investments do no work, leave economy to the free market forces. But obviously it is BS. The Keynesian model works and California and Colorado are its examples

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1651. @Genrick Yagoda

    [Too much totally off-topic debate about Cologne 2015 is cluttering up this thread. Additional comments are much less likely to be published.]

    If Repulsky had read the link he would know that as of the date of the link 2 Muslims had already been convicted, and 180 other turd worlders had been identified. This would not be possible withour video evidence, given that the chief of police stated it would not be possible to prosecute the 1800 others given the lack of CCTV evidence.

    I cannot even fathom what argument you think you’re making. FWIW, I never said that absolutely nothing happened in Cologne on the New Year’s Eve in question. Cologne is a large city and these public festival days can be raunchy. So a baseline of things always happens. Most likely New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne was not very different from New Year’s Eve 2014 or 2013.


    The claim is that there was some sort of unprecedented mass event and your proof for that is that 2 (LIKE, WOW!) people, apparently of a Muslim background, were convicted for something or other. That datum is consistent with my position, not yours. I’m saying no mass event occurred. The main proof of that is that it a mass event of the described scale can’t really occur in this day and age without there being any visual evidence. Even the riot in Seattle back in 2001 that you brought up (even though it’s utterly IRRELEVANT) supports MY position, because you can find video of it pretty much immediately searching with Google. Anything similar in 2015 would have produced far more video. The alleged Cologne mass event produced no visual record. ZERO. NOTHING.

    If you read between the lines, you can see that the narrative makes no sense. In the current version of the story on Wikipedia, they say that the cops looked over 1100 hours of video footage. Fine, and they could find 2 people to convict of a crime. Probably a couple of the pickpockets who work the area, which is a longstanding well known problem.

    That is simply not consistent with any mass event, hundreds, even thousands of sexual assaults, having occurred. 1100 hours of video for for something that (allegedly) happened within the space of a few hours at most, so there were hundreds of cameras, and there is footage from all sorts of angle. And there is nothing to look at!

    You see, it’s quite irrelevant whether the alleged assailants were immigrants or the alleged victims were white girls or any of it. No event of the scale described could happen in 2015 in a crowded place without leaving ANY visual record.

    So it didn’t happen. And that’s that. Coming up with moronic arguments, like something else happened in Seattle in 2001 (which DID leave a video record) and therefore this event happened… these arguments are basically tantamount to conceding the debate. It means you have no argument.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1652. utu says:

    I am ready to join the International Brigade to liberate UK. While I do not care that much for Brits as I do not care that much for Franco still I believe that fighting with Franco against the Bolsheviks and anarchists in Spain was a right thing so fighting with Brits against the same mutated forces must be a right thing to do.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1653. BADmejr says:

    I cannot read all the comments here, so perhaps my sentiment has already been expressed, but comparing the diversity of Silicon Valley to the diversity elsewhere in terms of the flows of Arab/black Moslems and (mestizo) Hispanics is disingenuous. Just as we know that not all Sub-Saharan blacks are of a 70 IQ, it is possible through selective migration to get high performing ones that are the exception to the rule in a single location, such as the example of Nigerians in London. Silicon Valley is an EXTREMELY poor example of what “diversity” (or the push of formerly white majority nations to majority black/brown nations) will do. Virtually any Alt Right advocate (I would not include Alt Lite here) would call BULLSHIT on this comparison as used in Unz’ article. Yes, I can understand why Silicon Valley types might look at us as raving lunatics for predicting such doom, but these people do not live in the real world. If one wants to see the real world, look at what’s happening in (West) Europe with the Moslem invasion. Look at Detroit. Look at Haiti. Look at most Central/South American nations. Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, etc.

    Regardless of if one wants to believe that one group is “better” than another, there should be no reasonable argument that whites (those with majority European ancestry) should not be able to maintain their own nations with supermajorities in which they control their own destinies. I haven’t much issue with the Japaneses as far a civilizational capability, but that doesn’t mean I want to be replaced (as a white man) by them either, even if they do commit less crime and have marginally higher IQs than whites. Likewise, if civilized whites were to overwhelm Japan with so many numbers that in several generations the Japanese would be minorities in their own lands, then Japan would cease to be Japanese. The slow (by “normie” standards) genocide of an entire macro-race of people is no laughing matter, and the Alt Right/White Nationalist/Neon-Nazi (WTFE) groups are the only ones worrying in a realistic manner about what whites marching off this impending cliff really means. Anyone who wishes to preserve the diversity of the various peoples of this planet will NOT support the mass migration of the third world occurring now into the civilized world. This is ultimately destroying this racial/cultural diversity. I don’t even really care about that, although it is a valid argument. I care about the future of my children and posterity. Saying I don’t deserve to have one because there is some means of making some portion of diversity get along ok, such as Silicon Valley, is complete BS from someone who lives too closely to that area.

    • Agree: utu
  1654. MarkinLA says:

    Not just that but semiconductor industry technology was boosted significantly by military spending. The military through DARPA dumped a ton of money into all sorts of high tech industries in California. They had a program for radiation hardening of ICs, a Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Program, and DARPA money was used to develop the DARPAnet which later became the basis for the Internet.

    • Agree: utu
  1655. peterAUS says:

    ….comparing the diversity of Silicon Valley to the diversity elsewhere in terms of the flows of Arab/black Moslems and (mestizo) Hispanics is disingenuous.

    Don’t say.

    Virtually any Alt Right advocate (I would not include Alt Lite here) would call BULLSHIT on this comparison as used in Unz’ article.

    Well, you know, maybe the very purpose of the article was/is to see who gravitates to which group.

    … the Alt Right/White Nationalist/Neon-Nazi (WTFE) groups are the only ones worrying in a realistic manner about what whites marching off this impending cliff really means.


  1656. FvS says:

    They wouldn’t have flipped if they didn’t consider what Western Civilization has become to be toxic to their own interests and survival.

    The amount of whites that have converted to Islam is infinitesimally small.

    Uh hunh…you mean those ancestors that adopted the other “Semitic cancer” and fought their previous ancestors for being pagan. This kind of stuff happens over time.

    Doesn’t make it a good thing. Nor does it mean that Christianity and Islam are equal.

    “White racial consciousness”? What does that even mean?

    Racial consciousness means racial loyalty. It means viewing your race as an almost extended family and looking out for the interests of your race. All non-white groups instinctively pursue their own interests, and legitimately so. It is only whites who have been taught that it is immoral to take even the most basic steps to ensure their survival.

    When has Europe simply considered itself to be some unified “White” continent? Let’s be honest; the reason people might even cling to “White racial consciousness” is because many Europeans have already had regional, tribal, clan affiliations so removed out of their identity over centuries, that they have to find something (anything) to replace it. This is what happens when you tout hyper-individualism. Do the Scots still take their clans seriously? They used to.

    Ethnicity only takes priority among racially similar peoples. When other races are introduced, race takes priority again. At least, that’s the tendency as I see it. Egalitarianism and science denial are more to blame than individualism (which has to be one of the most misunderstood ideas ever). Thinking Jews are white was another huge mistake.


    The specific racial consciousness being touted now is all based on materialist assumptions – which is fine if that works for you, but the converts I interacted with found it to be an empty, meaningless void. Plus, Islam has never even been against distinct identity down to to the tribal level (in fact, this is what we often get criticized for in the West) – go ask people in Iraq, they can still trace their lineages back to pre-Islamic tribes like Bani Tamim. I can trace mine back to Bani Hashim. How far back can you trace the ancestors you are talking about?

    I don’t need to know specific names. What’s more important is that they left behind a civilization much superior, in my opinion, to any Islamic or Semitic one. Race is biological fact. “Materialist” assumptions are the only ones proven to exist in this world. Prove to me that your God exists.

    Look, go ahead and turn your back on God in order to save your people…let’s see what He does.

    What is your God doing to help your Muslim brethren in China or Burma?

    Religions (ones that are serious) absorb various races/ethnicities into their wider brotherhood because it gives people a bigger purpose – that is how major religions spread. If people in a society are finding more purpose in race/ethnicity than their religion, then you are dealing with a religion on the ropes.

    More universalist nonsense. How do you think the Jews got so much power? They are extremely loyal to their own. Would you side with an atheist Arab over a Muslim African?

    Yup and their TFRs are still abysmally in the toilet and they still don’t know how to get out of the rut.

    They know how to do it, they just refuse to. It’s not really complicated. Also, the TFR is not the end all and be all, or maybe we should just skip the Islam conversions and start behaving like Sub-Saharan Africans.

    Darn right, but when you aren’t as susceptible to Zionist propaganda and are having your own babies there is no worry – traditional Muslims certainly don’t worry about being outbred.

    All Muslims have going for them is that they’re Jew wise.

    Plus, God takes credit for the differences in human beings, why would we want one mixed up singular race/ethnicity?:

    You may not want it, but you’re not opposed to it. Sorry, I can’t be converted. I love bacon too much.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1657. Anonymous[311] • Disclaimer says:

    Regardless of if one wants to believe that one group is “better” than another, there should be no reasonable argument that whites (those with majority European ancestry) should not be able to maintain their own nations with supermajorities

    Okay, so what’s the reasonable argument that whites SHOULD have a supermajority in a nation?

    I care about the future of my children and posterity. Saying I don’t deserve to have one

    Isn’t this a straw man though? Few if any people are asserting that you don’t deserve to have children (or that your children don’t deserve to have children). You can have those things even as Whites are gradually blended out through intermarriage, or gradually become a minority as a result of immigration and intermarriage.

  1658. @utu

    States that tax the crap out of their residents, establish casinos on every vacant lot, operate lotteries, get their citizens hooked on drugs, cigarettes (While claiming to discourage same….) booze, pornography and social program stipends, while enjoining the federal government in the revenue stream do indeed operate in the black, as long as people are able to afford the costs of living in those states. Debt based economic systems fail when the interest levels exceeds the tax revenues. The ONLY people who make out on those “Keynesian” schemes are corporation big wigs, who are “Too Big to Fail”, and their contemporaries in government. What you’re describing is SOCIALISM. That panacea of liberal beneficent government models has failed miserably wherever it was implemented.

    • Replies: @utu
  1659. JLK says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    I don’t think the MSM is lazy or incompetent.

    Al Neuharth was a rural South Dakota guy who rose from a lowly staff reporter to the highest echelon of American print media (Chairman of Gannett, founded USA Today) by simply outworking the others. According to his autobiography (which I read several decades ago), he was overproducing his story writing “quota” by a factor of ten before he was promoted to management.

    They are both hard-working and highly competent at their job, which is upholding the Establishment narrative.

    The MSM narrative is a sausage of corporate/government/ethnofavoritism propaganda that the “thought leader” publications like the NYT, WSJ, WaPo synthesize, and they are very skilled at it. It is enforced top-down by the editorial staff. Their reporters weren’t all academic superstars, but are quick enough to learn what is in fashion and probably have a better work ethic on average than the ones at the small market papers.

  1660. Okechukwu says:

    I think the statistics I posted are more accurate.

    My GDP figure reflects projected 2018 numbers. But you’re right, we’re in the same ballpark of between $70k-$75k.

    You can’t just pick and choose what industries not to include. After all, California is a beneficiary of its favorable location.

    I don’t begrudge any state or country for how they make their living. I’m just stating a fact. ND and WY combined produce nearly as much oil as Nigeria, with a population just over a million people. There is virtually nothing else there besides oil and gas. That’s why the inevitable bust cycles hit them particularly hard. People flee. Real-estate collapses. New construction ends. Homes are abandoned. Cars and trucks are abandoned on the roads. Bars, restaurants, strip joints and other businesses close, etc.

    GDP is a trash statistic because it includes government spending

    CA gives more to the government than it gets back.

    California has serious debt issues.

    California isn’t even in the top 10 in debt to GDP ratio.

    And North Dakota is just below California at #15.

    Your budget impact by race graphic is a canard and a laughable one too. The US government keeps no such stats.

    They all contribute, but do they contribute equally? That’s not so obvious.

    Of course they contribute equally. Every active member of a community contributes otherwise the community couldn’t function. The masters of industry in Silicon Valley rely on a wide and varied assortment of workers without whom they would be absolutely useless. When I walk into my office building I notice all the building staff and engineers milling around without whose contributions I wouldn’t be able to sit in my penthouse suite and perform my own role.

    It’s perfectly possible that California’s GDP would be even higher with a more homogeneous white population.

    No, it wouldn’t have a higher GDP as a homogeneous white state. There’s a significant percentage of non-whites in the world who are better and brighter than a significant percentage of whites, and California attracts some of these people. Moreover, there simply aren’t enough white STEM graduates to fill the void. And the trend lines point to more and more non-whites filling these roles.

    How are the Hispanics that make up the 40% of California’s population represented in the middle and upper classes?

    According to Pew Research Center, 42.3 percent of Latino eligible voters in California make a household income of $75,000 or more. Some are even entering the upper class. I find that in the Los Angeles area, Latinos comprise 7 percent of the top 1 percent of income earners. Many are middle and upper-class pioneers: they are the children of poor or working-class immigrants and some are influencing California’s political present and future by aligning themselves with the interests of the poor and working class.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @MarkinLA
    , @FvS
  1661. @FvS

    Why do all those European countries give their citizens on average a better standard of living than American’s? I presume it is down to better K-12 public school education, better public health services, much less money wasted on health care and military expenditure, lower incarceration and homicide rates…..???

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @FvS
    , @Truth
  1662. Talha says:

    infinitesimally small.

    And growing…these things take time. And the demographics will change since converted Whites tend to have nice sized families; I know plenty White converts and they all have 3-4 kids. And with other Whites checking out and not bothering to have kids…well this is simply mathematics.

    It is only whites who have been taught that it is immoral to take even the most basic steps to ensure their survival.

    By who? Certainly not by Islam. As I mentioned, Islam has nothing against looking out for your people even at a tribal level. We recently went over the rules of zakat distribution according to the Hanafi school; it is preferred (by the recommendation of the Prophet [pbuh]) to distribute zakat in one’s locality and among one’s extended family. There is nothing wrong with loving people of your own background or preferring their company (as marriage partners, friends, etc.) or culture over that of others.It’s when you help your people in wrong-doing or oppression or consider yourself to be arrogantly superior to others that is impermissible.

    When other races are introduced, race takes priority again.

    Yup – the only reason there is such a thing being touted as “White racial consciousness” is because there are blacks and browns around. It is a reactionary identity.

    I personally think the Alt-Right needs some kind of a spiritual prgoram or methodology, but to each his own.

    Race is biological fact.

    I didn’t argue otherwise. I’m talking about prioritization.

    Prove to me that your God exists.

    Not in the market to; you can have a nice chat with Him about how you thought He was fictional when you meet Him.

    What is your God doing to help your Muslim brethren in China or Burma?

    Ah yes, haste. Give it time, one of the Divine Attributes is “As-Saboor”* (The Most Patient). Right now the post-Mao, atheist, ethno-nationalist government of China is being given leash to provide evidence against itself in the public sphere. These things take a while.

    Another factor is that this is a reflection of our failures to live up to our religion; He reserves the right to humiliate us at the hands of others until we fix ourselves. The Muslim world has plenty of failures; immorality, greed, division, etc. What’s the Muslim world doing other than simply watching the oppression happen?
    “…Verily Allah does not change a people’s condition until they change what is in themselves…” (13:11)

    When we started to get stupid in the past, we also got mauled over by the Mongol hordes and had our lands overrun by European imperial projects for many, many decades. One has to look at the long view of history, eh?

    Would you side with an atheist Arab over a Muslim African?

    I’m not an Arab, but yes, I would side with a Muslim African any day as my brother (assuming the Muslim guy didn’t commit a crime or something against the atheist guy, in which case I’d side with the atheist guy to get his rights) – doesn’t mean I’d invite him to live with me in my house. I totally get you prioritization; racial purity is the primary objective, everything else fits in based on its ability to accommodate that primary goal. This makes sense.

    You can only serve one master.

    It’s not really complicated.

    OK – so why haven’t high-IQ societies been able to get it back on track – even the Eastern Europeans who are blocking immigration?

    All Muslims have going for them

    We like stable families and kids too. We also have transcendental purpose in our lives – that’s what these guys converted for. The family and baby thing is simply part of the package.

    You may not want it, but you’re not opposed to it.

    Yeah, I’m neither pro-race mixing or anti-race mixing – both positions seem fairly silly to me.

    Sorry, I can’t be converted.

    Hey, no sweat, like I mentioned, you “master” slot is already filled – doesn’t make a difference to me – it’s your (after)life.


    *Note: And also “Al-Muntaqim” (The Avenger)…

  1663. Anonymous[311] • Disclaimer says:

    Moreover, there simply aren’t enough white STEM graduates to fill the void.

    There would be, if seats in university and tech jobs hadn’t been take by non-Whites.

  1664. @Wizard of Oz

    My family is just about to organise a memorial scholarship and there is some argument as to whether it should be means tested. I think the school in question does have an informal quota, a bit like I remember reading that Harrow had in 1945 when the Jewish proportion hit 15 per cent. I don’t anticipate any rights or discrimination asserting activism. At this point the parents are, I have no doubt, wanting their kids to get the advantages the best private and selective public high schools have allegedly provided to the white natives. I’m not sure what they make of the selective public high schools which are now I believe often majority Asian. On the whole the parents would tend to be the aspirational rather than rich ones.

  1665. Thomm says:

    I read the article. The person who claimed harassment is a MAN, you fool!

    It takes a special type of stupid to get that sort of detail wrong. White Trashionalists once again prove themselves too inept for the mantle they presume to take up.

    Which, incidentally, proves Ron Unz’s article up top to be correct.

    Haha! (my sides, my sides)

    • Replies: @ZOGged
  1666. @Jonathan Revusky

    [Too much totally off-topic debate about Cologne 2015 is cluttering up this thread. Additional comments are much less likely to be published.]

    You know, Ron, Julius Caesar famously said that “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion”. He meant that, not only must she not be unfaithful, but the very idea must be unthinkable.

    The position of a moderator in a debate is supposed to be unbiased… neutral….

    That you step into a debate to shut it down when I have finally cornered my interlocutor and am administering a final coup de grâce to the idiot in question gives the impression at the very least that you are hardly a neutral moderator.

    This impression is enhanced by the fact that you never stepped in and said anything when people made blatantly ridiculous, illegitimate arguments, bringing in all sorts of off-topic non-sequitirs. A couple of iterations ago, my interlocutor (“Genrick Yagoda”) started talking about a riot that occurred in Seattle in 2001. Apparently that was not off-topic. At least, he was never admonished for that. The idiotic Dutchman Jilles Dykstra argued that he knew what happened in Cologne better than I because “Holland borders on Germany”. Now, obviously, he resorted to such transparent nonsense because he was utterly cornered in the “debate” but would not concede. The senile old fool was never admonished for that. I guess that was “on-topic” as well.

    Maybe the above are innocent lapses, and you are a scrupulously objective moderator. However, do remember that “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion.”

    • Replies: @Alden
  1667. @Talha

    I’m not an Arab, but yes, I would side with a Muslim African any day as my brother (assuming the Muslim guy didn’t commit a crime or something against the atheist guy,

    This is blatantly phony posturing, Uncle Talha. There is a clear record here that you do not defend your Muslim brothers against false accusations. I guess you rely on people like me, who are not Muslims at all, to do it.

    People continually repeat baseless calumnies against your fellow Muslims on this site and you do nothing to challenge them.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1668. Anonymous[311] • Disclaimer says:

    doesn’t mean I’d invite him to live with me in my house. I totally get you prioritization; racial purity is the primary objective, everything else fits in based on its ability to accommodate that primary goal. This makes sense.

    You can only serve one master.

    What do you mean?

    • Replies: @Talha
  1669. anarchyst says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    That’s easy. European countries have almost NO military expenditures, being covered by the American “nuclear umbrella”. To add insult to injury, America PAYS “rent” on facilities and bases all throughout Europe as well as providing military “manpower” at no cost to the host countries.
    This is a primary reason why Europe can spend so much on its “social welfare” programs.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @L.K
    , @dfordoom
  1670. MarkinLA says:

    CA gives more to the government than it gets back.

    Only recently due to defense industries largely moving out of CA.

  1671. @Alden

    I accidentally answered this with a reply to myself – see a long way down…. maybe #687

  1672. Talha says:

    I thought I was pretty clear.

    Let’s go back to what one believes are primary purpose, goals and objectives. If one believes keeping one’s racial purity is tantamount and cannot be compromised and that anything that may allow for that possibility is to be rejected, then one follows that to its natural conclusions.

    So for instance, this person will reject any religion that allows race mixing because it clashes with their already-identified primary objective. It’s actually very similar to a religion in and of itself actually.

    So perhaps this person doesn’t care what their potential son-in-law might be as long as he’s White; pagan, atheist, Christian, etc. doesn’t matter. As long as the racial purity is kept intact, the philosophy is of secondary value.

    Now keep in mind, this person might consider someone a “traitor” for taking on a belief that would allow for (not encourage, but even allow for) the possibility of some level of potential race mixing. This is how one defines apostasy or takfir.

    I can tell a religion when I see it.

    You can only serve one master.

    Well, if you’ve come to a conclusion on racial purity (as I outlined above) and that there is no compromise on it and along comes God telling you that He deems it fit for people to marry within their own people if they want or marry someone outside of their people if they so want – then one of you is wrong, correct?

    My personal feeling is that most of the Alt-Right are not racial purist ideologues – just like most Muslims aren’t Daesh ideologues that commit takfir on anyone whose beliefs aren’t “pure” according to them.

    I think the Alt-Right is sound in figuring that something is seriously wrong with the way society is going. There have been many good recommendations in the article and the comments. My addition would be that one needs to ground the movement in some belief that is spiritual and coherent beyond simply “blood and soil”. Now if one doesn’t like Islam, OK – but there are other options (like maybe returning back to a more traditional form of Christianity, etc.). I personally liked some of the recommendations of dfordoom – one needs to be wise in their approach an not alienate so many people as to make one’s movement an army of one.


    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Ron Unz
  1673. ZOGged says:

    Given your “side’s” rock solid thirsty “reputation” (send bobs and vagene??), it is no wonder anyone hearing Indian and harassment in the same sentence comes to the same conclusion!

    • Replies: @Thomm
  1674. pyrrhus says:

    Ron, I had access to decades of Chicago Police crime statistics..They are consistent. Summary–Whites and Asians commit almost no violent crimes, hispanics are several times as violent, and blacks are many times more violent than hispanics. No wonder that Central America and Africa are the most violent places on the planet…You should also understand that the Left is extremely violent, and has no interest in compromise or bipartisanship, as seen in the Spanish Civil War and a number of civil wars that broke out in Europe after WW2….Calls for the death of white people are now routine.

    So this is what is coming, as even Dreher is starting to comprehend…..

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Ron Unz
  1675. utu says:
    @David Baker

    And you react like typical American Pavlovian dog that was conditioned to bark when hearing words: socialism, Keynes, debt.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1676. Anonymous[254] • Disclaimer says:

    Well said.

  1677. @anarchyst

    Well I listed military expenditure as one reason Americans are worse off than they needed to be after 1990. But you have used a very broad brush in trying – by using the word “primary” (even as “a primary reason”) and off the top of your head exaggeration – to paint an over simple picture. In fact both France and the UK maintain vastly expensive nuclear deterrents on top of conventional arms and deployment expenditure. The other differences I mentioned are huge – especially the fact that average US health care is no better than average European and costs twice as much. (Yes I will concede that Europeans don’t pay as much for American invented drugs as most Americans do – a measurable but small detail). How much, BTW, do you think it costs the US to keep, by its great financial commitment, NATO allies lined up antagonisticallt against Russia?

  1678. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

  1679. dfordoom says: • Website

    One of the many reasons there’s no such thing as white identity is that middle and upper class whites have an absolutely poisonous hatred for poor white people.

    a lot of this antipathy is caused by media gaslighting:

    Some of it certainly is. But the hatred of middle/upper class people for poor whites goes back quite a long way. You can see signs of it in popular culture as far back as the 30s.

    It may have started with paranoia about Bolshevism. The wealthy classes feared that Bolshevism might spread and that rich bankers and capitalists everywhere might find themselves lined up against a wall and shot. So the already existing contempt for the poor was strengthened by a large dose of fear. The working class was now a very real threat.

    It’s always worth remembering that middle and upper class people support socialism as long as it doesn’t involve actual socialism. But when it involves an actual threat to their own class interests they forget everything else except their fear and their hatred of the poor.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @notanon
  1680. @utu

    Would you prefer if I reacted like the typical Venezuelan Dog, who runs from people trying to catch him in order for them to eat? They (Venezuelans) tried your scheme, and now their inflation rate is roughly 27,000%.

  1681. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    China’s been killing girl babies for about 6 thousand years. You are a normal man who wants to have sex with women

    But for some reason you are ashamed of your normal sex drive and blame women for enticing you by their hair styles clothes make up etc

    If you are attracted to clothes make up and hair instead of the woman herself I think that’s kind of weird. Do you ever look at the woman or just obsess about her hair and clothes??

    Whatever, you lived with a criminal drug dealer child abusing drug addict low level shank prostitute and her 3 kids by another man and it obviously scarred you

    Go find a therapist to deal with the trauma that caused you

    When I read your first post about her I assumed you were her pimp. When prostitutes live with a man it’s almosr always her pimp. The legal term is
    “ living off a women’s Immoral earnings” and procuring

    Find a support group and therapist

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1682. Ron Unz says:

    I suppose I might as well…

    Ron, I had access to decades of Chicago Police crime statistics..They are consistent. Summary–Whites and Asians commit almost no violent crimes, hispanics are several times as violent, and blacks are many times more violent than hispanics.

    For the sake of argument, I’ll assume you’re being honest and that both your recollection and your information were correct.

    Nationwide, Caribbean Hispanics are a small fraction of the total, but until fairly recently they were the overwhelming majority in Chicago. As I noted in my original Hispanic Crime article, Caribbean Hispanics have far higher crime rates than Mesoamerican Hispanics, perhaps by as much as a factor of two or so. Combine that with the difference in the white/Hispanic age-distribution curves, and your claims seem fairly plausible to me, and not too different from what I noted in my own article, including in various charts.

    However, across the country and especially in the Southwest, Mesoamerican Hispanics are the overwhelming majority, and their crime rates seem to be pretty low.

    (1) The two most heavily Hispanic cities in America are El Paso and Santa Ana, each about 80% Hispanic. They have fairly low crime/homicide rates. The same is true for most of the other heavily or substantially Hispanic cities around the country. If your ideas were correct, how could this be possible?

    (2) Around 50-odd years ago, LA was 70+% white and 10% Hispanic and now it’s 50% Hispanic and maybe 25% white. Yet the crime/homicide rates are roughly similar. How would this be possible in your mind?

    (3) A huge wave of immigrant Hispanics moved into neighboring East Palo Alto, which is now overwhelmingly Hispanic. The homicide rate has dropped by something like 97%, and crime/homicide rates are now pretty low. What’s your explanation?

    (4) I’ve calculated 25 years of weighted cross-correlations across all the major cities in America, and they tend to show that the presence of whites and Hispanics have approximately similar impacts upon urban crime rates? What’s your theory about why the numbers happened to come out that way?

    I’ve already made most of these points at considerable length in my articles, which I’ve repeatedly cited and linked upthread. Maybe you’d benefit from actually reading them.

    It’s obviously very, very difficult for people to admit they’ve been taken in by a hoax or an “urban legend.” I’m sure leftists are just as stubborn in refusing to admit that some of their most cherished beliefs are just plain wrong…

    • Replies: @FvS
    , @L.K
    , @Bliss
  1683. FvS says:

    I don’t begrudge any state or country for how they make their living…Bars, restaurants, strip joints and other businesses close, etc.

    Fair enough.

    CA gives more to the government than it gets back.

    That may be true, but it’s irrelevant to what I said.

    California isn’t even in the top 10 in debt to GDP ratio.
    And North Dakota is just below California at #15.

    A link for you.

    Your budget impact by race graphic is a canard and a laughable one too. The US government keeps no such stats.

    Another link. Includes Hispanics.

    Of course they contribute equally….

    Then why aren’t they paid the same? Does an entrepreneur that starts his own business and creates jobs for other people contribute an equal amount to the economy as a field worker picking vegetables?

    No, it wouldn’t have a higher GDP as a homogeneous white state.

    I think it would, given that whites test better than mestizos.


    There’s a significant percentage of non-whites in the world who are better and brighter than a significant percentage of whites, and California attracts some of these people.

    Only the case for some East Asians. Surely, you know how bell curves work. But how exactly are these other countries supposed to improve (thinking of India) if all their best and brightest leave ? Brain drain and all that.

    Moreover, there simply aren’t enough white STEM graduates to fill the void.
    And the trend lines point to more and more non-whites filling these roles.

    Yes there are, but there is also virtue signaling to be had, diversity quotas to fill, and foreign workers to be paid (less). An American corporation’s first loyalty should be to Americans.

    According to Pew Research Center, 42.3 percent of Latino eligible voters in California make a household income of $75,000 or more. Some are even entering the upper class. I find that in the Los Angeles area, Latinos comprise 7 percent of the top 1 percent of income earners. Many are middle and upper-class pioneers: they are the children of poor or working-class immigrants and some are influencing California’s political present and future by aligning themselves with the interests of the poor and working class.

    Looks like they are underrepresented in the middle and upper classes compared to whites, which I think everyone already knew. And if California is so great, why are so many people fleeing the state? Some more links.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1684. Anonymous[261] • Disclaimer says:

    Not to mention that its throwing away our birthright. Our ancestors built this place. We build and maintain this place. And we’re just supposed to step aside and let whoever wants come in and take and take and crap all over it, turn it into a festering pesthole? Not only are we supposed to just let them come in and take, we’re supposed to put ourselves, and our children behind them in line? And to celebrate it- to celebrate our dispossession, our replacement. To celebrate the desecration of our ancestors’ memorials, our ancestors’ history. Celebrate leaving our children a hated minority in an debt ridden 3rd world pesthole that is no longer a home to them.

    Who but whites are expected to be treated this way, to celebrate this madness? And for what, because our ancestors achieved more than others, were more generous than everyone else?

  1685. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    1 Tahla is not insane like you

    2. He never defends crimes committed by Muslims. He just writes that not all Muslims are criminals.

    3 He also writes about Muslim religion and culture in a general way. Instead of your insane incoherent rants.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  1686. Alden says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    We all read Jilles post. He understands German very well and he watched and heard the German TV coverage including many videos.

    He’s not an idiot either. You are the idiot and insane

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1687. dfordoom says: • Website

    Traitors to what, “Whiteness”?

    Western Civilization. Their culture. Their heritage. Their ancestors that died fighting off the Muslim hordes.

    You have to be kidding. You think white people give a damn about their heritage or their culture? Western civilisation, as something worth caring about and worth preserving, is gone.

  1688. L.K says:

    Oh, poor Zamerica…

    Your post is crude US propaganda.

    In Germany and Italy alone, many businesses suffered badly because these countries were pushed to follow stupid US sanctions on Russia and Iran.

    Let’s see how the ZUS will do when it loses the tremendous advantage of having its painted paper used as the world’s reserve currency.

    You should take a look at Paul Craig Robert’s “The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism”.
    In the preface of the German edition, Johannes Maruschzik writes:

    Apart from its military engagement in Arab states, America is fighting an economic war against the rest of the world – especially against Europe. At stake is the U.S. dollar’s role as reserve currency and as anchor currency of the world financial system. It is a matter of financing the global power, the thirst for consumption, and the debt of the United States. With the U.S. dollar as anchor currency of the world, the United States has been in a very comfortable position since the middle of the 20th century: The U.S. can pay for its imports with its own currency. The U.S. does not have to earn foreign currencies by exporting in order to import. While the trade partners are delivering real goods like industrial products and crude oil, they receive fiat money in return, much of which is then converted into U.S. government bonds [….]

    … in close cooperation with the Federal Reserve and the U.S. financial oligarchy, the U.S. government obviously wastes almost no opportunity to intervene against the euro in the global financial markets. The objective is clear: The weaker the euro appears, the surer and stronger the U.S. dollar appears, and the more likely investors are to buy U.S. Treasury debt and, thus, to finance the wars and budget deficit of the United States.

    US bases & troops are in Europe – and elsewhere – for Empire, not for the defense of any European country. Europe can do just fine without them.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Alden
    , @Rurik
  1689. FvS says:
    @Ron Unz

    See my comment #1017.


    Many large cities, such as New York and Chicago, and some states, such as California, do record arrest rates in a way that differentiates non Hispanic Whites from Hispanics. The relevant data was compiled in a recent report published by the New Century Foundation. The results show that Hispanics have a much higher crime rate than non-Hispanic Whites.

    The DOJ does a good job differentiating Whites and Hispanics in its prisoner population reports. Said reports not only show that Hispanics have a higher crime rate than Whites, but show that this remains true even when only comparing young males of each ethnicity, thus falsifying the myth that Hispanic crime rates are caused by ethnic differences in median age and/or sex ratio.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1690. geokat62 says:

    To celebrate the desecration of our ancestors’ memorials, our ancestors’ history. Celebrate leaving our children a hated minority in an debt ridden 3rd world pesthole that is no longer a home to them.

    But, hey, look at the bright side, Ron says that the Hispanic crime rate is not materially higher than that of Whites. Doesn’t that feel reassuring?

  1691. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    But the hatred of middle/upper class people for poor whites goes back quite a long way. You can see signs of it in popular culture as far back as the 30s.

    Examples needed.

  1692. dfordoom says: • Website

    European countries have almost NO military expenditures

    That’s because they have no actual enemies.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1693. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    He’s not an idiot either. You are the idiot and insane.

    Please try to refrain from this kind of nasty name calling.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1694. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    Let’s see how the ZUS will do when it loses the tremendous advantage of having its painted paper used as the world’s reserve currency.

    What do you think will happen? Play out the sequence of events for us.

  1695. L.K says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’m sure leftists are just as stubborn in refusing to admit that some of their most cherished beliefs are just plain wrong

    I began to notice years ago that, while these alt-right groups frequently claim, in many cases correctly, that the left engages in intellectual dishonesty & fraud, they themselves often do the exact same thing.

    Even the best of them do so on occasion.

    It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
  1696. dfordoom says: • Website

    Not to mention that its throwing away our birthright.

    And white people just don’t care. In fact throwing it all away makes them feel good.

    White people care about the latest shiny consumer goodies. They care about the latest Hollywood blockbuster. They care about preserving their access to porn. They care about being popular. Being popular means liking what everyone else likes, believing what everyone else believes. If you no longer have any meaningful family ties or community ties all that is left is popularity. You might live all alone and cry yourself to sleep every night but as long as you have lots of Likes on Facebook you’re OK.

    And when that doesn’t work there are always antidepressants.

    An essential part of being popular is being virtuous. If you don’t understand what virtue is don’t worry. Just log on to Facebook. Virtue is what gets you Likes on Facebook.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1697. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you for the thoughtful reply. Do you think the “alt right” could ground itself in Islam? Or what do you mean by “spiritual grounding”? (You’ve earlier described belief in racial continuity as itself a kind of religion.)

    Well, if you’ve come to a conclusion on racial purity (as I outlined above) and that there is no compromise on it and along comes God telling you that He deems it fit for people to marry within their own people if they want or marry someone outside of their people if they so want – then one of you is wrong, correct?

    For the sake of argument (I am not taking a position on the value of racial continuity), I guess I don’t see that these two beliefs (race and Islam) are necessarily in conflict as a practical matter. If I understand you correctly, racial continuity practices would be permissible under Islam. A group that values them could mesh perfectly well under Islam. Perhaps it is analogous to a Constitution being the ultimate authority but permitting local governments a range of permissible regulatory choices in certain spheres.

    • Replies: @Truth
    , @Talha
  1698. Talha says:

    Not worth it – abort.


  1699. notanon says:

    A lot of feminists would have us believe these rapists rape women because they hate their “freedom” or some such junk.

    some cultures – primarily those built on close cousin arranged marriages where by definition women don’t get a choice of who they marry – do promote the rape of uppity women i.e. women who go out alone without a male family member as escort.

    feminists lie about this while pretending it exists among Westerners.

    (banning close cousin arranged marriages requires a higher level of female freedom so any kind of “rape culture” that existed in the West in the past has been selected against over time)

  1700. notanon says:

    My view on identity politics is that it can be justified only if everyone of any ethnicity is entitled to participate,

    exactly – a dominant culture which promotes identity politics for every group except one is simply stealth tribal warfare against that group.

  1701. Thomm says:

    One truly has to marvel at the epic stupidity and obsessive homosexuality of a commenter (‘ZOGed’ in this case), who changed his handle for the fourth time just to make creepy homosexual overtures to me (as all can see, he has made only 11 comments so far, almost all of which are to me). To be this desperate for attention from his betters is something we don’t see every day.

    This is this faggot’s fourth handle in 60 days. If anything deserves intervention from the moderator, it is this.

    How pathetic that he is so obsessed with Indians, yet he fixates on the person who is not an Indian (me), and cannot identify and harass the 5-6 known Indian commenters here.

    It seems that an entire colony of Indians lives inside this sicko’s head, which means they are shitting inside his head every day (to his immense delight). This proves everything I say about White Trashionalists being a defective subrace of genetic wastematter.

    Heh heh heh heh

    At any rate, BLOCKED. That means ZOGed will have a new handle as of tomorrow (the fifth one in the last 60 days).

  1702. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    That’s because they have no actual enemies.

    What about Israel?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1703. anonymoys says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    ” I don’t think the MSM is lazy or incompetent. They are both hard-working and highly competent at their job, which is upholding the Establishment narrative.”

    You”re right and you’re wrong.

    An example of laziness and incompetence from the MSM: 9/11 BBC reported the building had collapsed before it had done so.

    And when BBC was asked for the original tapes their answer was :

    “We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy)”.

    If that isn’t “laziness and incompetence”, I don’t know what is laziness and incompetence.

    “upholding the Establishment narrative.” is a piece of cake because THE Establishment is THE AUTHORITY and 99% of proles will believe anything the authority tell them.

    That’s why “false flags” are always a success for the establishment.

    “If you seriously believe that the job of the news media is to find out the truth and report it honestly to us…”

    No one believe that anymore…Even the proles…Until the next false flag operation.

    If people want to “debate” Ron, at least they should read his essay. It takes some time to read Ron so you can’t be lazy…It also helps to know a little bit about statistics.

    Ron is wrong because the debate about immigration isn’t a rational debate.

    In fact there isn’t any subject in American “democracy” that can be debated rationally.

    There isn’t simply no space and conditions for rational debate in the USA.

    There is moral posturing, lies, half-lies, propaganda, hate etc…etc…but no debate.

    To debate issues and try to take rational decisions, you need a country to be CIVILIZED.

    Civilized like Switzerland is.

  1704. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    White people care about the latest shiny consumer goodies. They care about the latest Hollywood blockbuster. They care about preserving their access to porn. They care about being popular. Being popular means liking what everyone else likes, believing what everyone else believes. If you no longer have any meaningful family ties or community ties all that is left is popularity. You might live all alone and cry yourself to sleep every night but as long as you have lots of Likes on Facebook you’re OK.

    And when that doesn’t work there are always antidepressants.

    An essential part of being popular is being virtuous. If you don’t understand what virtue is don’t worry. Just log on to Facebook. Virtue is what gets you Likes on Facebook.

    I read this and can reasonably conclude that the cause is not “White people” but the societal incentive structure. What are the imposed societal virtues that lead to rewards?

    You comment about antidepressants actually supports the interpretation that this behavior, these life style choices, are not necessarily innate. If they were innately satisfying, why the need for the chemical cure?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1705. notanon says:

    it’s possible he’s an anti-zionist Jew who thinks the rape epidemic in Europe (and some parts of the US) is being made up by the counter-jihad faction to defame muslims as part of a pro-zionist operation.

    and maybe they are but it’s also true

    mass immigration for cheap labor
    -> mass demand for ultra cheap prostitution
    -> forced prostitution of mostly very young girls (cos they’re small and and easier to hold down)

    Islam may or may not be a contributing factor on top of this but mass immigration of any population for cheap labor -> mass forced child prostitution aka mass child rape.

  1706. Anonymous[254] • Disclaimer says:

    Latest news from Mexico:

    Mayor Of Mexican Town Assassinated During His First Day In Office

    Holding elected office in Mexico is a perilous task. According to one figure, 175 politicians were murdered between September 2017 and August 2018. Aparicio Santiago wasn’t the only NRM member to be murdered over the past week: On Sunday, María Ascención Torres Cruz was murdered in the state of Morelos.

  1707. notanon says:

    Bigger part was WW2. Or, better, Nazi regime …ahm….approach to race.

    in terms of total impact yes but in terms of internal vs external forces i’d say the cultural reaction to WW2 has been heavily manipulated by genocidally anti-white cultural forces whereas the reaction to WW1 was mostly “natural.”

    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1708. AaronB says:

    The alt right and extreme left are mirror images of each other.

    Neither are sane.

  1709. @FvS

    It is indeed interesting. Thanks. Given the appalling waste in the US such as its militaristic foreign policy causes and allows, and the costly health care system(s) it leads to the question why the average American is not relatively worse off. I suppose the huge single market with one language is still a big part of it (despite much state based restriction of competition and ease if entry) and the “exorbitant privilege is another. How much of the latter then adds the ability to postpone funding future entitlements? How should one calculate the (large) impact of criminality and incarceration? And so on.

    I note that China and the tiny percentage of miners and other primary producers are looking after Australia well. (And Canada). I trust that our massive immigration will keep up our IQ and enterprise levels….. That way we might just be able to be an outsize Switzerland in 25 years time.

  1710. @Anonymous

    Which part of the culture are you concerned about? In particular which correlate with voting patterns in a way that isn’t sexplicable by SES.

    And which of the cultural differences are static and likely to remain so? Please recall how quickly birth control technology and Vatican ‘ll chance sexual mores and how same sex marriage became conceivable and indeed PC almost over night.

  1711. notanon says:

    Some of it certainly is. But the hatred of middle/upper class people for poor whites goes back quite a long way. You can see signs of it in popular culture as far back as the 30s.

    agreed but my point was the segment of the upper middle class which was originally least hostile to the working class became the most hostile due to the media gas-lighting them over the negative aspects of mass immigration and this shifted the average upper middle class opinion massively towards the hostile end of the spectrum.

    (say in the past the spectrum of upper middle class opinion on the proles ranged from -5 to +5 with an average position of zero; i’m saying the media’s gas-lighting over the negative consequences of mass immigration has shifted the range to -5 to -1 with an average of -3)

  1712. Ron Unz says:

    See my comment #1017…Many large cities, such as New York and Chicago, and some states, such as California, do record arrest rates in a way that differentiates non Hispanic Whites from Hispanics…The DOJ does a good job differentiating Whites and Hispanics in its prisoner population reports.

    (1) For decades, NYC Hispanics have been overwhelmingly Caribbean, so the high arrest figures don’t particularly surprise me. Indeed, I emphasized this in the text of my article. Admittedly more Mexicans have recently arrived there, but I very much doubt they have anything like the same crime rates.

    (2) For California, notice the drastic decline in the relative arrest rates of Hispanics just between 2002 and 2013. I think that the 2015 numbers were even lower. When you adjust for age, much of the remaining difference disappears.

    (3) Note the *huge* relative H/W difference between NYC Hispanics and CA Hispanics, which is generally a factor of 2 or more, and even a factor of 5(!) for homicide. This is *exactly* what I was telling you about the difference between Caribbean Hispanics and Mesoamerican Hispanics.

    (4) Your source is entirely correct that racial incarceration statistics are generally very accurate, which is why I rely so heavily upon them in my own analysis. However, it’s a HUGE error to include federal prisons, which totally throw off the results. Half of all federal arrests are for immigration violations, and a large fraction of the remainder are non-resident aliens caught drug-smuggling at the border or that sort of thing. After all, almost all ordinary crimes—homicide, robbery, rape, assault, burglary, arson—are prosecuted in state courts and send criminals to state prisons. That’s why you need to focus on the state incarceration statistics.

    And when we restrict ourselves to state prisons/jails and adjust for age, Hispanics and whites have *roughly* the same nationwide incarceration rates. This is certainly NOT true in New York or Massachusetts, where the Hispanic rates are 3-4x higher than whites even *after* adjusting for age, which is why I say that Caribbean Hispanics have unusually high crime rates.

    Indeed, as I pointed out, our political and intellectual elites are concentrated in NYC/MA/DC, where most of the Hispanics have always been Caribbean. This is the reason they sometimes quietly believe that Hispanics have high crime rates (though they’d never publicly admit it).

    I discussed all this at considerable length in my original article and also time and again upthread.

    It’s obviously important to get good data. But it’s also important to be able to *understand* the data and what it’s actually telling you.

    As for the very high black crime rates masking the impact of white or Hispanic differences in the correlations, that’s absolutely true and I’ve emphasized it over and over again. The correlation between urban crime rates and the size of the black population is pretty close to unity, among the highest correlations ever found in sociology, so to a reasonable approximation, the *only* factor that influences urban crime rates is the size of the local black population. Several of America’s most eminent social scientists were stunned by my findings.

    Offhand, I’d think that same huge masking effect would obviously impact the accuracy of regressions just as much as it would correlations. But since various people are complaining, maybe I’ll dig out my old data and see about calculating the regressions as well.

    However, given the time I’ve now taken to reply to your question and clarify the correct meaning of the data you provided, I think it’s only fair that you should actually bother to read both my Hispanic Crime and Race/Crime articles, in which I had already discussed most of these issues at considerable length. If you’re just too lazy to do so, maybe you should depart this website and go back to Tweeting out cartoon frogs to all your friends.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @MarkinLA
    , @FvS
  1713. @geokat62

    Forgive me not refreshing my rusty maths but how likely is it that the correlation would be tiny if crime went up 20 per cent if the black population went up 10 per cent? What would be the imaginable conditions under which that would be plausible?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1714. dfordoom says: • Website

    That’s because they have no actual enemies.

    What about Israel?

    You think there’s a chance Israel might invade Germany?

    When I said no enemies I meant no conventional military threat. Obviously if you’re going to consider other kinds of non-military threats, cultural threats, that kind of thing, then maybe the Europeans do face such threats. But no amount of military spending would help in countering those sorts of threats.

    Every nation on Earth for example is menaced by cultural threats from the U.S. but spending more on tanks or fighter aircraft isn’t going to help.

    But nobody is going to launch a conventional military invasion of Germany or any other western European nation so military spending is pretty much just money flushed down the toilet.

  1715. @Genrick Yagoda

    He’s the exception to the old joke, ‘Greeks are Jews without money.’

  1716. Miro23 says:
    @ben tillman

    In the real world, the attitudes of 95+% of middle- and upper-class whites toward lower-class whites people range from affinity and sympathy to indifference to contempt. Hatred is a rare outlier, with “absolutely poisonous hatred” being rarer still.

    This seems about right and also applies to the UK.

    In fact, in the UK, some parts of the middle class now envy the working class freedom from middle class restraints (no P.C. , free to insult, etc.) and actually hide their identities while they join them in out of control partying/drinking binges in places like Magaluf (Mallorca, Spain).

    • Replies: @Miro23
  1717. A self indulgent reflection if ever there was one. Silicon valley, Silicon valley what else is there.
    If you don’t get on with Silicon valley it’s all your own fault and you get what you deserve .

    You see >> “”the problem that all of you face is that when people in Silicon Valley look around themselves, what they see reasonably matches the claims of the MSM, while if they ever visit Breitbart, let alone any of your own Alt-Right websites, you mostly come across like a bunch of total lunatics.””

    I am too busy and important as I told you to challenge the progressive totalitarian establishment .

  1718. @Alden

    China did not have a female infanticide rate during your time span remotely as prodigious as they did when their “One Child Policy” was in effect. I did mention that the babies being drowned were females. Can you explain the reasons why that gender of newborns were singled out for death?

  1719. Miro23 says:

    Political Correctness seems to be more of a middle class thing because it requires:

    1) a higher level of speech discipline.

    2) controlled emotional reactions

    3) less drunkenness

    4) a sense of guilt and duty to others

    5) concern for fairness

    6) acceptance of authority

    7) religious type obligation to the “disadvantaged”.

  1720. @Anonymous

    Exactly. I alluded to that fact with my “Little Red Hen” analogy.

  1721. dfordoom says: • Website

    I read this and can reasonably conclude that the cause is not “White people” but the societal incentive structure. What are the imposed societal virtues that lead to rewards?

    You comment about antidepressants actually supports the interpretation that this behavior, these life style choices, are not necessarily innate. If they were innately satisfying, why the need for the chemical cure?

    They’re certainly not innate, but it’s a societal illness that has had a couple of centuries to do its damage.

    By the late 18th century the European elites had largely abandoned Christianity, and the new emerging intellectual class was actively hostile. Scepticism became more and more the norm.

    The Industrial Revolution led to insanely high levels of urbanisation which dissolved old bonds of family and community.

    Capitalism reduced everything to a monetary value. Nothing else mattered.

    The result of all this was a society based on hyper-individualism. We became, all of us, rootless and disconnected, alone and alienated, lonely and selfish.

    And we did it to ourselves and it took centuries to complete the work of destruction but we kept at it. We took western civilisation and we utterly trashed it, turned it into something not merely empty but poisonous. Poisonous to ourselves, and poisonous to every culture we come in contact with.

    We are a plague society.

    • Replies: @notanon
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1722. @Talha

    Hey Talha, that sure looks like a pedo symbol on that pagan video! But that’s the problem with paganism isn’t it? Unbridled sexuality… orgies… vomitoriums.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1723. Bliss says:
    @Ron Unz

    Caribbean Hispanics have far higher crime rates than Mesoamerican Hispanics,

    The overwhelmingly mestizo Mesoamerican nations El Salvador and Honduras have the 2 highest murder rates on the planet. How do you reconcile that with your narrative?

  1724. Alden says:

    Who made you moderator??

    Repulsive’s comments are symptomatic if his psychosis. Truth is truth and facts are facts.

  1725. Alden says:

    The problem with Robert’s statement about the USA attacking the Euro is that the dollar is almost always down against the Euro and has usually been since the Europe was created. All those years of the USD attacking the Euro have been futile as USD is usually down against the Euro

    I’m no economist and don’t know the correct correct terms. But I do know how to type in USD and Euro in those currency value websites. Before that we looked in the currency value lists in the financial pages of the local paper.

    Over the years it’s usually something like USD .90 Euro. $1.10. One Euro is worth 20 cents more than one USD

    Right now the USD is up against the Euro it’s true. But over the years USD has usually been down against the Euro.

    The USD attacks against the Euro must have not been very successf

  1726. I thought of just leaving this lie, but I want to point out something that is directly on topic.

    The whole German thing began and is valid as a way of pointing out my main concern with the figures you use. Which is that a motivated government and media have ways of hiding and fudging statistics so that the stats don’t provide valid information. As they did in Germany, or during the Seattle Race Riots. Which weren’t really “race riots” at all, this was simply yet another daily occurence of black on white murder, violence, and mayhem.

    I concede you are a lot more skilled than I in math calculations. But I have yet to see how the data you are using is accurate. And yes, I did read your other article. There is no evidence at all that the raw data is accurate, and given the fact that WA state Police Chiefs can make Hispanics disappear, or Texas DOJ calls obvious negroes “white Hispancs” there is plenty of evidence that the data is not accurate.

    Lastly, I agree with many of the posters that Repulsky is completely batshit insane. I’ll do my best to simply ignore him from this point forward. Would that there would be a mute function on this board.

  1727. @Ron Unz

    Ron, I hope this thread, starting with advice to people about credibility and how to be heard and taken seriously, is a suitable one for a comment I would have liked to add to your Holocaust Denial thread which was closed last October.

    I am thinking of three aspects that I would like you to deal with before I forward your piece as authoritative and persuasive without obvious weaknesses.

    One is the actual figuring of which Anatoly Karlin gave a good though limited sample.

    Another counters what I would agree is your understandable surprise at how slowly the Holocaust story came to the fore. It is notorious that the statistically equally disastrous Irish Famine was treated as if it was a matter of shame and hardly discussed for many years after it occurred. Apart from Jews having other things to do after 1945 I don’t find it hard to believe there was uncertainty, not only about the full facts, but how to treat the subject, and also shame and wondering “how could they (we) have not done something about it?”.

    Perhaps weightiest is the need to explain why women, children and old people were transported from Holland, Belgium, France and Hungary long after the idea that they might have been sent to holding camps for the Madagascar solution was impossible.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
    , @notanon
  1728. Truth says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Anyone who has EVER been around Europe a bit knows that that is not the case. A middle class white American has a better lifestyle than probably 90% of white Europeans.

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1729. Truth says:

    For the sake of argument (I am not taking a position on the value of racial continuity), I guess I don’t see that these two beliefs (race and Islam) are necessarily in conflict as a practical matter. If I understand you correctly, racial continuity practices would be permissible under Islam. A group that values them could mesh perfectly well under Islam.

    No, Old Sport, I’m not sure you understand at all…

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1730. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    I do not care that much for Franco still I believe that fighting with Franco against the Bolsheviks and anarchists in Spain was a right thing so fighting with Brits against the same mutated forces must be a right thing to do.

    Agree. Franco though brutal, was vastly to be preferred over some West European Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot or Ceausescu. I traveled in Spain during the Franco era. Neither police nor military made their presence felt. Franco preserved traditional Spain, which was materially poor but culturally rich. And the food was excellent, much better than today’s North American diet.

    Civil war in Western Europe today seems unlikely. The globalist Thereasonites are well prepared to fend off the people, each country having its own version of America’s Homeland Security. Only if the Yellow Vests form a political party and take the government in an election have they a hope of preserving the nation. Then, if the military takes the side of the globalists, civil war will ensue.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1731. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Perhaps weightiest is the need to explain why women, children and old people were transported from Holland, Belgium, France and Hungary long after the idea that they might have been sent to holding camps for the Madagascar solution was impossible.

    How is that inconsistent with the theory that the intention was simply to remove them to Eastern Europe, but not kill them?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1732. Rurik says:

    [Cluttering up comment-threads with stupid GIFs and images is very bad commenter practice, especially when the text is totally off-topic ranting. If you want to do this sort of thing, go away and spend your time on some Cartoon Frog Internet forum.]

    Good God Geo, it doesn’t even appear to be human. It’s even embarrassing to watch.

    Like Karl Rove ‘Hip-hopping’


    when WWII came to its bloody commence, three men got together and decided the fate of hundreds of millions.

    Millions would be summarily sent to their deaths. Millions would be enslaved, millions would languish under the very kind of system they were willing to kill or die to prevent.

    And all of it decided by three men (Stalin, FDR and Churchill) and their (((advisors))).

    This is how Western civilization works, (or doesn’t work, if you were one of the men Keelhauled at Yalta or the millions destined to live as slaves under the Soviet iron boot).

    The West is controlled by a central power. It used to be the monarchs of Europe who ruled their subjects, but after WWII, it was Rothschild’s central banks who ruled the West. Which is why Israel rose out of the ashes of Europe in 1948. It’s why all ‘leaders’ (quislings) of the West genuflect in servile abasement to Israel in all things. It’s why everything that we witness happening daily in our lives and the world – are the way they are. Because Rothschild won WWII, and the people of the West lost – big.

    Duh, right?

    So this is all simply to point out the obvious. That the entire West (as in the Dueling Puppets video) is controlled in absolute terms by Rothschild and his central banks, (assorted Zionists and Jewish supremacists). So if New Zealand decides that it wants to do business with Russia or Iran, then that’s just a no-no. It wouldn’t be ‘good for the Jews’ to have New Zealand going around acting like it’s a sovereign nation.

    As a UN Member State, New Zealand is bound by the UNSC’s decisions. We implement sanctions imposed by the UNSC in regulations made under the United Nations Act 1946

    While we don’t have standalone legislation to impose our own sanctions independently of the UNSC, we can impose other measures such as travel bans on people entering our country. Examples include travel sanctions on specific individuals linked to the Ukraine crisis which were introduced in 2014 ..

    Because Putin invaded Ukraine and shot down the plane and forcibly annexed Crimea!!!’

    And so it goes…

    Rhodesia and now South Africa had to give up their hard-earned countries and hand them over to racist, Marxist savages. Because ‘racism’ is ‘wrong!’ And all while this is happening, the exact same UN handed over a brown people’s land and country in Palestine over to the world’s most vicious, murderous, white supremacists assholes on the world’s stage.

    The glaring, grating double standard is so in-your-face as to be farcical were it not so inhumanly, murderously tragic.

    But most people shuffle along in bovine insouciance as if this state of affairs had any legitimacy whatsoever. (clue: It doesn’t!)

    But even more appalling is how deceitful assholes go around and act like England is acting in England’s own best interests. Or Canada or Rhodesia or South Africa or the ZUSA, as if they were sovereign nations looking out for the interests of their citizens. When all of those countries are committing ethnic and cultural suicide in humiliating slavish fealty to the ((moneyed powers)), otherwise known as ((Globohomo)), (or as I colloquially refer to it, as the Fiend).

    Is anyone that f’n stupid that they don’t understand how the West operates today?!

    Who believes for one second that MH17 was shot down by Putin? Or that ‘Putin invaded and seized Crimea’. Or that Assad gassed his own people? Or that Iran is a threat to the USA?

    It’s all zio-lies all day every day, and the Western world cringingly bows down as one slave.

    (is there anything more insulting than the daily talk of [non0existant] ‘Russian meddling’ in our elections, from members of AIPAC?, and their assorted stooges?)

    so yea, anyone who pretends, (or really is that amazingly stupid) not to understand that the Western world is unilaterally controlled and dominated by Zionist, Jewish supremacist$ – whose hatred for Palestinians is only eclipsed by their Satanic hatred for Christendom / Westerners..

    .. is sort of beyond the Pale of good faith debate.

    ‘what does Zimbabwe have to do with England or South Africa?!?!?!!’

    ‘they’re different countries you cowardly white boy!!!!’

    From the blood-stained trenches of Verdun, to the horrors of the Holodomor, to the thousands upon thousands of women and children burned alive in Dresden, to the soul-crushing Gulag Archipelago .. and on to Palestine, where supremacists are taking human misery to new heights, these things are *all* interconnected. Just as the Eternal Wars and sable rattling at Russia and Iran are all a direct consequence of the Fiend dominating the West with an unilateral boot stamping on its face.

    And that includes the motivation of Sheldon Adelson and co. to demand mass-immigration into California and the dying ((murdered)) West in general.

    The war and strife in Ukraine is no more isolated from the rapes in Rotherham..

    .. than the words I’m tying with my right hand are removed from what my left hand is typing.

    And that includes the mass migrations of Third World peoples into the West, whether it’s Germany or Sweden or California. Just as it includes the rapes of British and Swedish girls and children.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1733. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:

    Talha wrote:

    As I mentioned, Islam has nothing against looking out for your people even at a tribal level. We recently went over the rules of zakat distribution according to the Hanafi school; it is preferred (by the recommendation of the Prophet [pbuh]) to distribute zakat in one’s locality and among one’s extended family. There is nothing wrong with loving people of your own background or preferring their company (as marriage partners, friends, etc.) or culture over that of others.

    Well, if you’ve come to a conclusion on racial purity (as I outlined above) and that there is no compromise on it and along comes God telling you that He deems it fit for people to marry within their own people if they want

  1734. Rurik says:

    that the left engages in intellectual dishonesty & fraud, they [these alt-right groups] themselves often do the exact same thing.

    Even the best of them do so on occasion.

    It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    Here is a concise expression of exactly what it is that motivates the Alt-Right types you seem to be denigrating.

    As white people, despite still a majority in Western countries, have already lost free speech and other rights, what prospects do they have when they become a minority?

    Have the corrupt and traitorous politicians in Europe and North America who multiculturalized the Western countries set the stage for the genocide of whites?

    Indeed, already white people’s (often horrific) murders are brushed under the media rug like so much worthless debris.

    Their lives are worth the same as a Palestinian. Nothing. (contrast Travon’s media, presidential treatment with Channon Christian’s)

    They’re treated as second-class citizens in their own countries, and have different laws that apply to them, just like Palestinians. IOW it’s not just perfectly OK to discriminate against white people, but it’s even encouraged across the board to do so!

    And if a white person complains?

    “It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black”


  1735. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Apart from Jews having other things to do after 1945 I don’t find it hard to believe there was uncertainty, not only about the full facts, but how to treat the subject, and also shame and wondering “how could they (we) have not done something about it?”.

    Did new evidence of the Holocaust in fact come to light 20-25 years later?

    Is there evidence in statements and deliberations that Jews were shy about pressing WW2 grievances during and soon after the war?

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1736. JLK says:

    A middle class white American has a better lifestyle than probably 90% of white Europeans.

    My take on the Germans that I’ve met while visiting is that they lead more fulfilling lives than the average American. There are better social benefits, including free university education, more vacation, a richer culture, higher quality cars and appliances. There seems to be less ignorance in general, and a stronger sense of community.

    Many middle class Americans lead rootless, transient lives, growing up in sterile suburbs that aren’t a traditional hometown, changing jobs and having to make new friends every few years. The lucky ones have a spouse or kids around after they retire, but a lot of them end up old and lonely.

    • Replies: @Truth
  1737. Rurik says:

    In Germany and Italy alone, many businesses suffered badly because these countries were pushed to follow stupid US sanctions on Russia and Iran.

    Let’s see how the ZUS will do when it loses the tremendous advantage of having its painted paper used as the world’s reserve currency.

    the people of the ZUS benefit from sanctions on Russia and Iran just as much as the people of Germany or Italy. IOW not at all, and quite the contrary, as it’s the people of the ZUS who’re forced to pay for the Eternal Wars with blood and treasure.


    How much do you suspect we like dying or paying tribute in billion$ for Greater Israel, L.K.?

    How much do you suppose we like acting as the world’s murderous goon on the world’s stage, eh?

    Most Americans are duped and ignorant, it’s true, but I don’t know of one person who wants to keep troops in Syria or Afghanistan or elsewhere. All the screeching you’re hearing about ‘Trump’s treason in pulling out of Syria!!’ is all coming from the traitorous minions of the Fiend. Lindsey Graham and the rest of the execrable zio-scum.

    There is a existential chasm between what motivates men like Graham, vs. the American people.

    He wants zio-wars everywhere, at all times. We don’t want any wars at all.

    We voted for Trump to get us out of these immoral, evil wars, and that’s what we’re very pleased he’s finally doing.

    There is a transcendental difference between the American people vs. the Deepstate – with (((its painted paper))). One is the absolute, genocidal enemy of the other, and the victim, powerless side doesn’t even know it has an enemy or is even at war.

  1738. @L.K

    I began to notice years ago that, while these alt-right groups frequently claim, in many cases correctly, that the left engages in intellectual dishonesty & fraud, they themselves often do the exact same thing.

    Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be primarily a left or right thing. However, it actually goes beyond simply dishonesty, I’ve come to realize. Or maybe you could say it’s a different category of dishonesty.

    Like, regular garden variety dishonesty, type I dishonesty if you will, is just that you say something that you know isn’t really true for whatever reason. Right? We understand that, we get it…

    What you have on display on this very page (though it pervades this site) is something that goes beyond that. One thing that is symptomatic of that is that people (highly ideological people typically) do not respect the fact that there is such a thing as real knowledge.

    For example, I would never go up against Ron Unz on this Hispanic crime statistics topic because, whatever I think generally of Unz nowadays, I do respect the fact that the man knows his stuff on that topic. I wouldn’t even attempt to debate him on that topic. Well, unless I actually first studied it seriously like he has. (Of course, then the issue is that I probably would end up drawing roughly the same conclusions he has and would have no inclination to debate him anyway.)

    But the point is, he has real knowledge on that topic. I can’t just google a bit for five minutes and then go up against somebody who possesses real knowledge about something! Right? Whatever it is… I can’t get into a debate with Linh Dinh about Vietnamese literature, say. If I start lecturing Linh about Vietnamese literature and culture, I’d just be making an ass of myself.

    But we have this sort of thing going on because the Internet has sort of flattened the traditional hierarchies, so some ignoramus can just show up and tell somebody who has high-level expertise on something that he is full of shit. “I spent five minutes on Google and I know more than you!” There’s all this rhetoric around here about “free speech” and how valuable it is, but I have to say that I see little value in that.

    But anyway, the above is not what I called type I dishonesty because, as I’ve come to realize, many of these people barely have any concept of what real knowledge about anything even is. Like that “Geokat62” character, as low an opinion as I already had of he/she/it, I was kinda shocked when he started talking about South Africa for some reason (something his puppet masters want him to talk about maybe?) and he links a Ramsey Paul video! Isn’t that bloody extraordinary? But of course there are these discussions about Mexico with Fred Reed and you have people saying “Ann Coulter says such and such.”

    For crying out loud! I mean, Fred Reed actually knows something about Mexico. He’s lived there for ages and has a Mexican wife and…

    What Fred Reed knows absolutely nothing about, on the other hand, is 9/11 Truth. So he thinks he can write an article ridiculing 9/11 Truth without reading any of the actual literature or researching it sufficiently to even know what the main lines of argument are.

    Well, that’s another kind of dishonesty, maybe type II dishonesty, representing that you actually know about a topic that you don’t really know anything about. But, I mean to say, the funny thing about that is that a lot of the people here, in their own minds, don’t even think they are engaging in dishonesty, because to them, you can spend five minutes on Google and then argue with Ron Unz about Hispanic crime statistics, because they don’t understand that there is such a thing as real knowledge. So, for example, that moron “Genrick Yagoda” gets so enraged that I say he’s not honest. In that entity’s own mind, maybe he really thinks this is honest behavior! Later, in some discussion with me, he gets on Google for a few minutes and finds some article where the police in a small town in Sweden said something. And then he cites that as “The Swedish Police said…” That’s completely dishonest behavior really, but my sense is (though I am hardly sure) that in that person’s mind, he is not even being dishonest!

    Or then you have that pathetic old fart Dutchman, Jilles Dykstra, saying that he knows what happened in Cologne because he lives in Holland and Holland borders Germany. So that means he possesses real knowledge about the topic… And then he just repeats the story he got from the MSM again…

    Well, I mean, the problem here is this, I think… All the Unz fanboys around here and Unz himself scream about how great this site is because there is “free speech”.

    Well, okay, yes, it’s good that people can express themselves without being censored, but really, it is of very limited value if you don’t address these sorts of problems in a serious way. “Free speech” as a be-all-end-all value is not going to get you very far if you don’t have a corresponding commitment to factual truth and honesty. And that, in turn, implies that there has to be some respect for the fact that some people possess knowledge about topics and other people do not. And so on…

    (And then you have the problem that you have all these participants who only are here to disrupt any worthwhile discussion.)

    Well, anyway, I thought to get that off my chest finally.

    Now, maybe Ron Unz really believes that “free speech” is this absolute value that transcends everything else, and that there is no need for any commitment to factual accuracy or intellectual honesty or… Maybe he also believes that the problem with these ideological type people is just “laziness” or that is also why the MSM misinforms us about all sorts of things. Just laziness…. So, I guess if that’s your diagnosis of the problem, you can just exhort the people to be less lazy, I guess… (though it’s not even clear why that would work, come to think of it…)

    But the problem is not that these people are “lazy”, not primarily anyway. And, actually, the problem we have is not solely a lack of free speech, though that is a problem. There is this kind of post-truth mental world cultural malaise such that simply providing a platform where people can say what they want is not going to really be all that helpful.

    Not that I have a full solution to prescribe, but you at least have to start with a correct diagnosis of the problem.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
  1739. Talha says:

    Do you think the “alt right” could ground itself in Islam?

    Islam means submission, it doesn’t do time-sharing with other ideologies/philosophies. The people (converts) I was speaking about were Alt-Right, they quit being Alt-Right and became Muslim because it superseded what they were looking for from the Alt-Right in the first place. There is overlap with Muslim goals and some Alt-Right goals (when these can be well defined); for instance, many Muslims in the West would like a return to a more traditional and patriarchal society (some Alt-Right would agree). On other items; we would have to agree to disagree.

    Or what do you mean by “spiritual grounding”?

    What I mean is that what Dostoevsky stated:
    “For the mystery of man’s being is not only in living, but in what one lives for. Without a firm idea of what he lives for, man will not consent to live and will sooner destroy himself than remain on earth, even if there is bread all around him.”


    You’ve earlier described belief in racial continuity as itself a kind of religion.

    Yes, it is LARPing at a religion, but it doesn’t deal with the inevitable – none of what different breeds of hominids do on some outer planet on the edge of one of 200 billion galaxies makes a whit worth of difference since everything will eventually end in heat-death.

    I don’t see that these two beliefs (race and Islam) are necessarily in conflict as a practical matter.

    They aren’t in conflict at all; I’m a practicing Muslim and I have no problem recognizing the idea of biological genetic differences that can be summed up as “race”. The idea of “racial supremacy” and Islam are on a collision course however as well as anything that denies the idea of a universal spiritual brotherhood of man:
    “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His signs that you may be guided.” (3:103)

    If I understand you correctly, racial continuity practices would be permissible under Islam.

    Bro, we don’t even need to take it out to level of race – tribal and ethnic continuity practices are permissible under Islam (in fact, many take it way overboard by doing far too much cousin marriage) – it may be said the Muslim world has the opposite problem. Like I said, if the people of Bani Tamim are happy marrying among each other and prefer not to marry outside their own tribe, it is completely permissible if that is what they want to do. Same with the Baloch people in Pakistan; if they only want to marry within the Balochi people and not marry Punjabis, Sindhis or Kashmiris – that is their prerogative.

    The Chechens (for instance) have a unique system; they tend to marry within the tribe, but marry outside their specific clan by custom.

    What is not fine is to consider it haram or immoral for some Balochi to marry a Punjabi. I’ll copy a part of an earlier post I made a while back of a conversation I had with a Bosnian brother:
    Recently, I spoke to a Bosnian brother in my Sufi Order a few nights ago at a fundraiser. The subject came up about him trying to find a husband for his young daughter. He said he is taking trips with her to Bosnia to his old village to find someone since they know the families and there are good pious men there – he doesn’t like too many of the Bosnian men he has seen around here. I asked him; well, there are also Albanians around here – so what about one of them? He said; yeah, but the culture is different as well as the language, and they couldn’t be confident about being able to do real good background check on the guy and his family.
    There was no air of ethnic superiority nor did I feel at any point he was being prejudiced – at all. Nor did I feel any distance from him as his brother in faith. All of his concerns were valid concerns from a father’s perspective. It makes total sense – of course one prefers familiarity when it comes to marriage; the similar culture, language, food, etc. make for a more stable marriage – there is no racism involved – I mean, he wasn’t interested much even in (neighboring) Albanians.

    A group that values them could mesh perfectly well under Islam.

    Exactly – as long as they don’t consider themselves superior or consider it to be a haram practice (because God makes the rules about what is or is not allowed, not you). Anybody can simply do it for whatever reason they want, even; I like my blue eyes, freckles and red hair so I want to keep them alive in my family line – it’s a matter of taste.

    It is interesting, but perhaps what we are seeing in the Western world (along with the individualism) is the result of centuries of concerted effort at breaking down these particular social kinship bonds:
    “For this, Westerners have the Catholic Church to thank. In the early days of Europe’s darkest age, the Church waged a tireless war against the clans of Western Europe. The first step was broadening the doctrinal definition of incest to include marriage to almost all kin relations. Starting with the Synod of Agde in 517 AD, more than 15 synods on the subject were held in France, Spain, and Northern Italy over two centuries.

    In kingdoms where the Church was strong, kings were eager to incorporate the new Catholic understanding of marriage and incest into their laws. By the end of the seventh century, legislation against incestuous marriages was written into the Merovingian, Visigothic, and Lombard legal codes. No one, however, was as active a promoter of the new understanding as Charlemagne. He decreed that all prospective spouses must undergo interviews by local bishops or priests before they were allowed to marry. These churchmen would investigate the family relations of both parties; if they were found to violate Church statutes, Charlemagne’s decrees empowered authorities to end the marriage. The power of the clans was being destroyed one marriage at a time. What followed was one of the greatest social transformations in European history: Western Europeans stopped thinking of themselves as kinsmen and started thinking of themselves as neighbors.”

    Perhaps it worked too well?


  1740. @Alden

    Nowadays I try to make a rule of not replying to obvious trolls, but I’ll make an exception this once.

    2. He never defends crimes committed by Muslims. He just writes that not all Muslims are criminals.

    I did not criticize Talha for not defending crimes actually committed by Muslims. The issue is his failure to defend his people when they are falsely accused.

  1741. Talha says:

    Hey Stonehands,

    Good to hear from you. One of the most interesting things will be to observe what happens to Europe if paganism gains more sway. This is an unprecedented event; what kind of paganism arises of a society that left it a long time ago and has been Christian for centuries??!!

    Will they return to the actual pagan ways of old including some of the stuff you mention, plus blood sacrifices, witchcraft, etc.? Or will they retain a Christian sensibility under the veneer? And which of the old gods; the Norse, the Celtic, the Greek, etc.? Will it be the berserker-Viking kind or more like:

    Interesting times…I know we Muslims are certainly paying attention:

    Many blessings to you and yours in the new year.


    • Replies: @Truth
  1742. Rurik says:

    Cluttering up comment-threads with stupid GIFs and images is very bad commenter practice,

    fair enough. Note taken..

    especially when the text is totally off-topic ranting.

    Perhaps, but let me ask you, do you consider the fact (good or bad or neutral) that white folks went from a vast majority in California to minority status, as an isolated event, or is it possible that it’s related to the general trends lamented in this short article by Paul Craig Roberts?

    I confess I do tend to look more at a macro-world view of many seemingly local events, but if you’d prefer to limit this thread to the perspective of respective Hispanic crime rates, then of course that’s ok by me. (As it is your website! ; )

    But then your letter was to the Alt-Right, and I suspect that much of the ‘ranting’ I was doing in that post was an undercurrent of the very things the Alt-Right are coalescing over.

    IOW I don’t think they’re lying about Hispanic crime, so much as vexing over an ineffable, noxious momentum (of wars and more wars and second class citizenship and declining birth rates and being generally marginalized and replaced), but are not able to sufficiently articulate what’s happening, and so they parrot the news about some girl murdered by an illegal alien, and wonder why their world is coming to an end.

  1743. Ron Unz says:

    along comes God telling you that He deems it fit for people to marry within their own people if they want or marry someone outside of their people if they so want

    Well, I have to admit that I’m somewhat skeptical that He actually exists, but if He does, He seems to have some pretty reasonable views on various things….

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1744. @Anonymous

    There was “new evidence”about the Holocaust that put into question many aspects of the event. The census of world Jewry taken after WWII reflected a modest increase of the Jewish population from the previous census taken during 1930s. Ridiculous death machinery claims, such as pedal powered head bashing machines, were slowly being dropped from the railroading Nuremberg Tribunal transcripts. (A nuclear device that could zap 20,000 Jews out of existence, and not leave a trace of their remains, was also mentioned at Nuremberg. That claim has also been discarded.) Today, each element of the Holocaust, from Nuremberg hyperbole to witness statements being examined and refuted, have collectively and effectively debunked the Holocaust. Adjusted death tolls at such camps as Auschwitz vindicates Holocaust revisionists and actual inmate claims that those camps were not designed to exterminate Jews. There is ample evidence to prove there was a WAR in Europe during World WAR II, but none of the evidence proves a Holocaust occurred.

  1745. Truth says:

    There are better social benefits, including free university education, more vacation

    Obama/Biden ’20!

    Let’s change the constitution.

  1746. Truth says:

    Will they return to the actual pagan ways of old including some of the stuff you mention, plus blood sacrifices, witchcraft, etc.

    Practically everyone who is wealthy, powerful, or famous; “successful” as one might say, already engages in these practices in one form or another. “success” and occultism are very well correlated. This is the case in the US and everywhere.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1747. Ron Unz says:

    Well, here I was arguing for the widespread stupidity/dishonesty of both the Alt-Right and also their SJW enemies, and this morning’s SF Chronicle provided a perfect example…

    There’s a big headline story about the California epidemic of police shootings involving Latino and Black men, focused especially on the former.

    “Latinos account for nearly half of 172 people killed by police in California in 2017”

    Apparently, they passed a 2015 state law requiring very careful collection of such racial statistics, and absolutely horrifying results of Latino victimization just came out.

    I’m sure all the dimwitted/dishonest anti-immigrant activists are eagerly passing around this story, and maybe Trump will even Tweet it out as yet another argument for building the Wall.

    Now it’s certainly a tragedy that almost half the men shot dead by the police in CA are Latinos. But since Latinos are *also* almost half the state’s population, maybe it’s not so totally surprising.

    Here’s a very simple chart I just put together showing the ratio of police shootings/killings to the total population

    Unsurprisingly, Asians are very, very unlikely to be shot by the police. But notice that the Latino and White ratios aren’t really so very far apart, while there’s another dramatic outlier not mentioned in the headlines.

    Furthermore, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, Latinos and White in CA have entirely different age-distribution curves, with the former being far more likely to be in their high-crime years. Regardless of everything else, 50-year-olds are much less likely to get shot by the police than 25-year-olds.

    In fact, once you adjust for age, I’d guess that the Latino and White shooting/killing ratios are probably extremely close. What a total, total coincidence!

    This further demonstrates that the WN-types and the PC MSM tend to have fully parallel interests on all sorts of racial issues, and the former regularly rely upon the distortions and dishonesty of the latter…

    • Agree: JLK
  1748. Talha says:

    “success” and occultism are very well correlated.

    Agreed – with the bizarre rituals that these secret-society groups do, things like Bohemian Grove, etc. nothing surprises me anymore. Oliver Stone’s son converted to Islam a few years back and has a few videos about the occult rituals he witnessed in Hollywood.

    The Iran thing may simply be a political game or it may have some grounds – it’s always difficult to tell when politics and governments get involved.


  1749. Sowhat says:

    I get the impression from Mr. Unz’s article that he thinks most of the Right are the Alt-Right, a VERY few of whom are outright Nazis and are there because they have a faint voice of VERY few web sites that see the 1st Amendment as more important than Censorship.

    Of course he is careful not to actually say this; however, his advice is that you right-wingers are a threat to The American Republic and are vastly outnumbered and out-funded by those on the Left, many of whom are actually the outright Censoring Nazis that control all of the MSM (and, if they could, would shut down anything Pro-Trump and Pro-Constitution.

    So, my advice is go ahead and continue to attempt to silence us Constitution-Loving, Country-Loving Conservatives that don’t even want the Government or the MSM in our lives every minute of every day. Those that support this nonsense are the truth threat to our Republic. It’s not over yet.

  1750. Okechukwu says:

    A link for you.

    California is unsustainable? What exactly does that mean? California is going to cease functioning as a viable entity? Maybe in a fantasy world. The only realistic threat to California is some sort of cataclysmic natural disaster like the San Andreas Fault going nuts.

    The regulatory environment in California is no more onerous than that of any other state. It does have state income tax. But those states that don’t have income tax like Texas have a suite of creative ways to get your money regardless. Compare property taxes in TX vs CA, for instance. And reduced or shabby services have real monetary and quality of life impacts.

    Another link. Includes Hispanics.

    This isn’t evidence, it’s a white nationalist blog. If you introduced it in a court of law you’d be laughed out of the building. One could easily assert that the cost of white America would encumber every American with millions of dollars in debt. The Wall Street and banking scams alone are worth trillions of dollars in losses.

    Then why aren’t they paid the same?

    Some are. There are millionaires and billionaires among blacks and Hispanics.

    Does an entrepreneur that starts his own business and creates jobs for other people contribute an equal amount to the economy as a field worker picking vegetables?

    I never made that claim.

    I think it would, given that whites test better than mestizos.

    Sure. But how is that relevant?

    Only the case for some East Asians.

    Are you suggesting that only East Asians are capable of being smarter than whites? Well the real world doesn’t recognize that silly proposition, including the East Asians themselves. Can you identify ONE SINGLE credible East Asian scientist, scholar or academic anywhere in the world who will agree with you that East Asians are innately more intelligent than Africans? Good luck.

    But how exactly are these other countries supposed to improve (thinking of India) if all their best and brightest leave ? Brain drain and all that.

    Brain drain doesn’t pertain to raw smarts, it pertains to educated professionals. But even with regard to educated professional, there is not a finite supply in India or Africa or anywhere else.

    Yes there are, but there is also virtue signaling to be had, diversity quotas to fill, and foreign workers to be paid (less). An American corporation’s first loyalty should be to Americans.

    No, bruh. Americans are majoring in philosophy. Or they’re trying to go into investment banking and all these other high profile, high salary occupations. STEM doesn’t actually pay well. Research grants are notorious for nickeling and diming grantees. The presumption is that they’re in it for the science and not the money. It’s actually true that if a PhD wants to make real money, they have to get a real job.

    Foreign STEM workers are not paid less. If they’re doing research they’re usually paid via a grant. Or they’re hired by some private or public sector institution. The terms of employment will stipulate the salary for that position. It makes no difference if the employee is from Boston or from Beijing. The salary is the same.

    Btw, you’re linking to Amren and Breitbart? LOL.

    Looks like they are underrepresented in the middle and upper classes compared to whites, which I think everyone already knew.

    Just like the Italians and Greeks and Irish before them. These are people whose parents were, in some cases, illegal immigrants who came here with virtually nothing. Adjusted for those factors they’re actually out-performing whites to a very large degree.

    And if California is so great, why are so many people fleeing the state?

    I don’t work for the California tourism bureau. I just thought I’d correct some misconceptions about the state. The state has found its way into white supremacist talking points as evidence of the horrors of immigration. Obviously, white supremacists cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Nonetheless, there are many reasons why people leave the state. Some are afraid of earthquakes. Some are afraid of North Korean nukes. Some leave for the same reason other Americans relocate to the developing world — because their money goes further there. In some parts of America you can buy a house with acres and acres of land for a fraction of what you’d pay in California. So what? It’s a lifestyle choice, not a value judgement.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @FvS
  1751. Sowhat says:
    @Ron Unz

    Perhaps his crime figures came from the same sources that prompted Judicial Watch to suit California a couple of times AND WIN.

  1752. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    In fact, once you adjust for age, I’d guess that the Latino and White shooting/killing ratios are probably extremely close. What a total, total coincidence!


    One variable I don’t believe you’ve accounted for in all your analyses is group power. Would Hispanics behave differently as their relative demographic or political power increases? Would they behave differently when they are “top dog”? How about other groups?

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1753. @Ron Unz

    Dear Mr. Unz,

    All the graphs and statistical analysis in the world will not apply when your friend’s car, parked in front of your house, is broken into by a Hispanic Gang banger in broad daylight, and items are stolen from that vehicle. Neighbors who witness the theft are afraid to report the incident for fear of gang retaliation. As many folks have pointed out in this thread, you live in a high income location which is well guarded, and none of your residents will be exposed to such activity. When you “Walk the Walk” of people who live among Hispanic, gang infested neighborhoods, you’ll understand what us “Alt Right” ‘bigots’ are telling you.

  1754. peterAUS says:

    One variable I don’t believe you’ve accounted for in all your analyses is group power.

    Don’t say…

    Would Hispanics behave differently as their relative demographic or political power increases? Would they behave differently when they are “top dog”?

    The real problem is that a lot of people on alt-Light believe they would not.

    What’s the reason for that suicidal delusion is interesting. I have, rather non-flattering, theory but let’s leave it out for the moment.

  1755. @Okechukwu

    You are a liberal. So, Hillary, a “White Supremacist” if ever one existed, was lying when she claimed her entourage was under sniper fire during their arrival in Bosnia? Hmm. I wonder why the Blue State Brigade would even consider placing such a mendacious and racist bigot into the Oval Office?……….

  1756. Rurik says:
    @Ron Unz

    Well Sir, not that you asked for it, but from a putatively Alt-Right sympathizer .. what this looks like to me is a hyperbolic treatment of police shootings rhetorically skewed to make the shootings seem to be all racially motivated murders.

    I’m shocked, shocked ! by that.

    absolutely horrifying results of Latino victimization


    Is it automatically assumed that if a cop shoots a man, that the man was innocent and posed no threat?

    (Actually I don’t know if you’re being facetious or not).

    But the main thing I think this story encapsulates, is that in states where whites become a minority, they aren’t going to be given any hosannas for their social justice demographic surrender, but are rather going to be further castigated and demonized as vile racists and murderers, even as they become a shrinking shadow of their former vigor.

    IOW, when Latinos are more like 60% and whites are down to 6% of the population, then I suspect the Headlines to screech that ‘An absolutely horrifying result of Latino victimization! Over half! of the men shot by police in 2022 were men of Latino descent!’

    Which I know is the theme you’re already mocking (and rightly so) from the PC MSM, but what I’m more baffled about is why you hang that grotesquely myopic one-sidedness on the victims of PC MSM madness – the Alt-Right (yellow vesters, Brexiters, nationalists, conservatives, or whatever you’d like to call them/us).

    Crime or no crime, police shootings or not, they/we consider the demographic trends that see white people as a shrinking minority in their historic lands.. as alarming, and potentially disastrous.

    From a subjective view, are they/we necessarily dimwitted/dishonest for thinking that way?

    Is it stupid or dishonest to consider South Africa today, as we ponder Europe/North America tomorrow?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1757. Miro23 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    So, I guess if that’s your diagnosis of the problem, you can just exhort the people to be less lazy, I guess… (though it’s not even clear why that would work, come to think of it…)

    Apart from the lazy and uninformed, the supposed academic “experts” are themselves often no more than political propagandists.

    My own experience of a degree in Economics from a leading university was an entirely politicized process explaining why neo-liberal frontier less globalization was vital for the West (the efficiency of outsourcing, creating space for higher valued work, the modern post-industrial economy, move to higher skills, advance economies = service economies etc. etc.).

    The professors were certainly intelligent people, but they were there to push a corporate globalist agenda – not to impartially investigate the reality of the situation. At the time, I had an unfocused feeling for the ideas presented in (for example) the book “Producing Prosperity, Why America needs a Manufacturing Renaissance” or Andre Groves’ great Bloomberg article “How the US Can Create Jobs”, but got the message that this was a non-issue that had already been resolved.

    In the presence of heavy political agendas, Unz type free speech does seem the best option despite the offensive and misinformed junk (including my own).

  1758. @Rurik

    What disturbs me about these “Alt Right” luminaries is their uniform support for Israel, particularly that nation’s campaign to involve U.S. Forces in their subjugation of Iran. Americans need to repair our economy and security. We don’t need to add the burden of foreign conflicts to the considerable list of remedial measures required to balance our budgets, and halt the wholesale invasion of our country from our borders and oceans, or allowing box cutter wielding, Middle East terrorists to cavort around our airports. Sovereignty means self sufficiency. Our country can be made self sufficient, so we don’t need foreign energy supplies, raw materials, food, labor or defense treaties to sustain our republic. Trade is fine as long as what we trade does not place the hands of cartels and other nefarious elements around the throats (Or other regions…) of our citizens, businesses and government officials.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1759. @Anonymous

    I was picking up on points made by Ron in his August Holocaust denial article in which he noted how long the Holocaust story took to become a common place item of supposed knowledge.

    David Baker’s reply to you suggests to me that their might have been embarrassment too at what were evidently early changers and fantasists.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1760. utu says:
    @Ron Unz

    There was a paper just couple years ago showing that police shooting are the same between races (W,H, B) if normalized by number of arrests for each population. This implies that chances of being killed by police are the same for all three races except that some of races have more interruptions with police than others.

    Presenting the issue of police shooting in the US as a racial issue by BLM and others is a red herring which let’s American police off the hook. The number of shooting are 20-70 times higher than in Europe and this issue should be addressed. Police should be taught different rules sof engagement and deescalation techniques. Policemen who show some restraint end up being fired:

    The paper: Miller et al. “Perils of police action: a cautionary tale from US data sets” (2016) in Inj Prev 2016;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/

    • Replies: @notanon
  1761. @Ron Unz

    C’mon Ron! “if he does”!!

    You’ve let yourself in for my enlisting you in my quest to find how highly intelligent people I know and have known do not resist believing in the possibility of an Abrahamic God – particularly in one whose ideas, suggestions or commands should matter to us (as your “pretty reasonable views” makes reference to). I can never get anything but cute clever quips – like yours e.g. – when I point out that the eternal, omniscient, omnipresent Creator God of Abraham who communicates with mankind from time to time is supposed to care about us and what we do. Is it logically possible for such a being to exist given the multiple failures even to give the Abrahamics a consistent message and the total failure with Hindus, Buddhists, Animists etc.? (Presumably 18th century Deists preserved the Creator bit because they hadn’t had the benefit of Hawking and Mlodinov’s book). BTW once you get to “made in His image” you absolutely know that there have to be trillions of multiverses…..

  1762. @Wizard of Oz

    Folks should read about the laughable testimonies and exhibits presented at Nuremberg (Shrunken Heads? Human Soap?!) Now that the gassing baloney has been given scrutiny, and witnesses to gassing operations were debunked in a court of law, Jews have no other recourse than to exercise their considerable political and financial influence to formulate laws and penal statutes to criminalize revisionism. The model for “Hate Crime Laws” now in effect in several nations where Jews have concentrated can be examined among the historical archives of the Soviet Union, where laws forbidding so-called “Anti-Semitic” (They’re not Semitic…) speech would be enforced with the Death Penalty.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1763. @Ron Unz

    The law that is linked in the SFChronicle article is intersting. Even though as you point out around 1/2 the population is Latino, probably another 25% blacks, asians, and mystery meat, the law begins by stating QUOTE “This legislation proclaims that, “racial or identity profiling is a practice that presents a great danger to the fundamental principles of our Constitution and a democratic society. It is abhorrent and cannot be tolerated.”7 The legislation included requirements intended to help identify, address, and eliminate racial profiling. END QUOTE

    And continues with the form the cops must fill out listing;


    1. Perceived Race or Ethnicity
    2. Perceived Age
    3. Perceived Gender
    4. Perceived to be LGBT
    5. Limited or No English Fluency
    6. Perceived or Known Disability END QUOTE

    So I guess there is some protection there for whitey. If you are old, a fruit and in a wheelchair.

    Other than that, whitey is certainly abhorrent and cannot be tolerated.

  1764. @Anonymous

    1. To apply the deniers’ favourote argument: where was the documentation to support this? Where, in what numbers, with what support etc etc.
    2. Because it was a hopeless irrational enterprise by then. Why use precious resources to move non working people East after Barbarossa failed unless reason is overcome with fanaticism? If it had been 13 year old German children as suicide bombers that would have been one kind of mad fanaticism – but at least aimed at stopping the Red Army: deporting Jewish non workers was, unambiguously, another.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1765. @Truth

    That seems to me a pretty good example of handwaving with a touch of “point and splutter” from someone who does not convince me he knows much about Europe’s 360 million or whatever people in many different countries – or even about how to define America’s middle class. Anyway, what about America’s huge classes of poor people?

    • Replies: @Truth
    , @Truth
  1766. Truth says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    BTW there are 741 Million Europeans.

  1767. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    and witnesses to gassing operations were debunked in a court of law

    Citation needed.

  1768. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    1. To apply the deniers’ favourote argument: where was the documentation to support this? Where, in what numbers, with what support etc etc.

    I don’t grasp the point you are trying to make here.

    2. Because it was a hopeless irrational enterprise by then. Why use precious resources to move non working people East after Barbarossa failed unless reason is overcome with fanaticism? If it had been 13 year old German children as suicide bombers that would have been one kind of mad fanaticism – but at least aimed at stopping the Red Army: deporting Jewish non workers was, unambiguously, another.

    This seems like a legitimate question. However, wouldn’t irrationality (and, alternatively, rationality) be explanatory of any of the theories? Use precious resources to separate ethnic groups into different territories. Use precious resources to keep people alive in camps. Use precious resources to kill people in camps. Use precious resources to transport people 1000s of miles, rather than kill them close to where they are. Use precious resources simply to move people who could be a source of local unrest to a periphery?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1769. @Anonymous

    Zundel trial, Arnold Freidman. He claimed he could tell whether polish or Hungarians Jews were being burned that day, because of the color of the smoke.

    There is not one single one of these “eyewitnesses” whose tale is not a gut busting whopper. So the Jews won’t put “survivors” on the witness stand any longer where they could be cross-examined.

  1770. @LostHopeless

    Not at all what I expected from Unz. He enjoys the economic segregation of Palo Alto – while the rest of us are picked off at the margins of purple cities.

    Of course silicon valley types think we’re nuts. For those who can’t flee to white burbs,,, it’s kill or be killed time.

    All those “harmless” Muslims in silicon valley are breeding like bot flies… knowing and hoping they can distance themselves from the worst of Sharia law they are advancing…

    And as to the Mexicans … they are NOT tagging the buildings in his neighborhood, but for those who travel hours to clean the shit off his toilets.

    All in all, I am stunned that THIS is the host of such a wonderful gathering place for the likes of Kevin MacDonald and even dedicated RACISTS, XENOPHOBES and ANTI SEMITES – like me.

    No apologies. I take my Jews and darkies on a need to basis….. I expect the worst, and am happily surprised if they rise to the absolute minimum I require in comportment.

    • LOL: Ron Unz
  1771. Rurik says:
    @David Baker

    What disturbs me about these “Alt Right” luminaries is their uniform support for Israel,

    I’ve heard of them, but I dismiss any so-called ‘leader’ of the Alt-Right as a charlatan.

    There is no leader wanted or needed. Just as with Brexit and the Yellow Vests, the Alt-Right are simply a grass-roots alternative (literally) to the perfidious scum masquerading as our leaders today in the West. Only they don’t want any association with the progressive-leftist, insanely anti-White – SJW, radical feminism, Globohomo, PC MSM, ad nauseam… shitlibs. (for obvious and myriad reasons).

    Nor, for that matter do they want any association with the other side of the rotten coin of the filthy realm; Conservative Inc. Also known as Cuckservaties, TAC, CFR, PNAC, Karl Rove, the Bush crime family, Lindsey Graham, McBloodstain [RIH], Mitt Romney, or the rest of the cowardly, sniveling treasonous scum. No.

    The way I see them is the flag bearers of the old Ron Paul Revolution. Paul had sympathies to libertarianism, but wasn’t one of the insane True-Believers, who want to do away with borders. Ron Paul knew borders were essential. But mostly he was against the Eternal Wars and for sound money. The latter of which is why the ((PTB)) sabotaged his campaign.

    So yes, the Alt-Right are against the Eternal Wars for Israel. They’re against massive and transformational immigration, they’re against the shitlib lunacies and ‘no such thing as gender’ and all the rest of the puerile bullshit we all have to suffer relentlessly, including the high treason in the West from Canada to New Zealand.

    They are for The Rule of Law and nationalism and peace.

    Just those things make them existential enemies of the (((PTB))), and hence their ubiquitous demonization. However, I’d like to make it clear Mr. Unz in no way represents the PTB as far as I can tell. Quite the contrary, his antipathy for the Alt-Right is motivated by something else, I’m not quite sure what yet, but I’m working on that. 😉

    Perhaps it is just an exasperation with too many people from the Alt-Right getting the Hispanic crime figures wrong. IDK.

    I generally agree with the rest of your comment.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1772. @Anonymous

    Citation: Zundel “False News Trial” that took place in Canada, circa 1985/1988. Arnold Friedman, Prosecution witness and Holocaust Survivor, who claimed he witnessed Jews being gassed at Auschwitz. When confronted with the inconsistencies of his testimony, he confessed that he merely repeated what he was told about gassing. Rudolph Vrba, world famous Holocaust survivor and author of the book “I Cannot Forgive”, admitted during his testimony that his recollections were embellished, invoking the Latin version of “Poetic License”, which prompted a boisterous rebuke by the prosecuting attorney. Raul Hilberg, author of the standard reference work “The Destruction of the European Jews”, could not produce the vaunted “Hitler Orders to Exterminate the Jews” cited in his book, when asked to do so by Zundel’s defense attorney. He subsequently deleted references to those orders in his revised edition. It was discovered during the trial that Hilberg had never examined a single Concentration Camp, nor had he examined or seen a Gas Chamber. The 1988 Zundel Appeal trial commenced with NONE of the witnesses from the first trial, or any other Holocaust witnesses. The prosecution relied on a professor named Browning, who was so thoroughly trounced by the defense team, he shrank two sizes until he confessed his empirical knowledge of the event was impugned.

  1773. @David Baker

    Fair point.

    But even without NAFTA or any other free-trade / managed-trade agreement, automation will continue to reduce the need for many lower-skilled and even semiskilled workers.

    Which makes your point even stronger: we definitely do not need to import people to do jobs that largely will cease to exist. Especially when so many of our existing citizens, of whatever racial background, persistently lack good-paying job opportunities for which they’re qualified.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @David Baker
  1774. @anon

    I live in the city of Philadelphia- all of the white “men” here are virulent supporters of the democrat party and all the filth and degeneracy that it entails. As the managerial class in this city; this peer system exists to torment and extract tribute from victims who are not “made men” in the government mafia cabal- and above all else- to protect it’s rice bowl.

  1775. @Anonymous

    1. Surely you are aware of the deniers’ standard “there isn’t one document that those notoriously meticulous Germans kept which shows etc.” If the transports – especially from Hungary – were just preparatory to settling the Jews in the Soviet Union then there would surely have been documentation.
    2. There is more and less explicable irrational behaviour. The SS aim of exterminating Jews after getting as much work out of them as possible is a much more probable explanation than just getting them ready for now impossible resettlement.

    • Replies: @JLK
  1776. dfordoom says: • Website

    Then, if the military takes the side of the globalists, civil war will ensue.

    If the military takes the side of the globalists the civil war will be all over in an afternoon.

    The last thing anyone should hope for is a civil war. Franco won his civil war because he had the army on his side. If you don’t have the army on your side your chances of winning a civil war are close to zero.

    Mao won his civil war, but he had a vast organisation including an army built up over decades.

    Only if the Yellow Vests form a political party and take the government in an election have they a hope of preserving the nation.

    Le Pen got 33% of the vote and that was under incredibly favourable circumstances against Macron, the most absurd and unelectable candidate in French history.

    The numbers are not on our side.

    The best hope is to do what the Yellow Vests have done and try to destabilise the situation and hope that the elites lose their nerve or make a major miscalculation.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @Talha
  1777. JLK says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Surely you are aware of the deniers’ standard “there isn’t one document that those notoriously meticulous Germans kept which shows etc.”

    I don’t see the lack of a written order from Hitler as strong evidence for either proposition. He signed off on the T-4 euthanasia of mental patients and caught a lot of grief over it from the Catholic Church and the public. I’m sure he learned a lesson from that.

    If the transports – especially from Hungary – were just preparatory to settling the Jews in the Soviet Union then there would surely have been documentation.

    The Hungarian transports certainly go to the heart of the matter because there were a lot of new prisoners to assimilate. They seem to have most of the train records for prisoners arriving at Auschwitz, but a lot of the outgoing records have been “lost.” There are many known instances of prisoners being transferred out from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Some were sent to hospital camps, like Anne Frank. Others were sent back to Germany, actually living in the factories while being used as slave labor. A lot of them died in bombing raids.

    The SS aim of exterminating Jews after getting as much work out of them as possible is a much more probable explanation than just getting them ready for now impossible resettlement.

    There were a lot of Auschwitz survivors in January 1945, and most of them chose to go on a long, hard march with the retreating Germans rather than be liberated by the Soviets. Including Elie Wiesel. Here are some of the guards:

    What does your gut tell you?

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1778. @RadicalCenter

    Part of the effort to restore American Sovereignty will involve energy industry jobs, alternative energy research, manufacturing of durable staple products such as vehicles, aircraft, computers and other electronics. Manufacturing those items requires labor, so jobs will reappear. Remove our ‘visitors’, and many more Americans will join the labor force. Remove minimum wage restrictions, and you’ll see how the Free Market adjusts to such conditions. (My wife’s sister-in-law set up a business in a local mall, which costed her $3,000.00 per month just for renting the space. Her business failed. That same mall is begging for her to return at the rental rate of $1,500.00 per month, and they’re going to waiver other expenses, now that their anchor stores are shutting down.) Market environments do not need the government sticking their big noses into every facet of their hiring, operations or profit margins. Red Tape reductions would go a long way toward making America a prosperous, self sufficient nation.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1779. geokat62 says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Forgive me not refreshing my rusty maths but how likely is it that the correlation would be tiny if crime went up 20 per cent if the black population went up 10 per cent? What would be the imaginable conditions under which that would be plausible?

    Good question, Wiz. To be perfectly honest, my maths is just as rusty, if not more. That said, from what I seem to recall from the graduate econometrics course I took over thirty years ago, there could be a number of underlying factors that could undermine what seems to be clear cut conclusions about the relationship between two or more variables. The laundry list of items could include items such as autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, kurtosis is, etc.

    That’s why it’s important for Ron to produce the results of his regression analysis to see if they corroborate the results of his correlation analysis.

  1780. @JLK

    Nazis were brutal and cunning warriors. They did, however, observe the protocols of the Geneva Convention, and they petitioned nations for peaceful resolutions to conflicts before hostilities ended. It is quite evident that their leader, Der Fuhrer, became enamored with his authority. When Hitler ordered the rounding up of war refugees to exploit them as laborers, it was indicative of the despotic attitudes he developed during his reign.

  1781. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Like that “Geokat62″ character, as low an opinion as I already had of he/she/it…

    Character? If anyone befits the epithet “character,” it’s you.


    Low opinion? High high an opinion would you have of someone who threatened to dox another commenter on this forum and actually lied about how events unfolded, and then apologized but later reneged on the apology? Yeah, this exemplary behaviour leaves no doubt in people’s minds that you’re the epitome of an honorable man!

    I was kinda shocked when he started talking about South Africa for some reason (something his puppet masters want him to talk about maybe?) and he links a Ramsey Paul video! Isn’t that bloody extraordinary?

    Shocked? I was shocked, shocked, I tell you! Listen, what’s bloody extraordinary for most people would be the content of the video and not the fact that a certain individual posted it online. I chose to link to it b/c it clearly shows one of the leaders of SA leading a frenzied crowd in a dance, chanting the words: shoot to kill, pow… pow, shoot to kill, pow… pow! Pretty frightening stuff if you happen to be among the white farmers they’d presumably like to “shoot and kill, pow…pow.” You’d think this story would have made international headlines in the major media outlets. If it had, I would have referenced it from one of these more reputable sources, but, alas, I had no choice but to rely on RamzPaul, instead. The nerve.

    But you choose to focus on the name RamzPaul? Bloody extraordinary, indeed!

  1782. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Jonathan Revusky

    There is this kind of post-truth mental world cultural malaise such that simply providing a platform where people can say what they want is not going to really be all that helpful

    You have the problem that in any modern political “debate” both sides start from the assumption that the other side is lying. So there’s no need to listen to the other guy’s argument because he’s either a lying goddamn pinko commie cultural marxist or he’s a lying evil racist neo-nazi.

    And both sides are inclined towards conspiracy theories so neither side will listen to evidence because they assume that any evidence is probably faked or that the real evidence is being covered up.

    People have always assumed that professional politicians lie as a matter of course but today it is generally assumed that absolutely everybody – politicians, generals, bureaucrats, journalists, scientists, economists, businessmen, doctors and even the average person you might meet in the street – lies as a matter of routine.

  1783. dfordoom says: • Website

    I live in the city of Philadelphia- all of the white “men” here are virulent supporters of the democrat party and all the filth and degeneracy that it entails.

    That raises an interesting question. Let’s say the extreme alt-right wins and all non-white immigrants are deported.

    What are you going to do with the whites who’ve married non-whites?

    What are you going to do with the mixed-race people?

    And most importantly what are you going to do with all those white race traitors? What are you going to do with the white liberals, who will immediately start agitating for non-white immigration to be resumed? Those white liberals are still going to be liberals. They’re going to continue doing everything they can to trash your society. They’re going to continue with their destructive agendas like feminism, homosexual activism, transgender madness, slut culture, etc.

    You’re going to have to find a way to deal with them. You could establish GULAGs of course.

  1784. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    The last thing anyone should hope for is a civil war.

    No one has expressed a hope for civil war. Utu merely said on which side he would be prepared to fight in the event a civil war occurred.

    If the military takes the side of the globalists the civil war will be all over in an afternoon.

    That would seem likely, although it is not certain. For example, the military leadership might find itself on the opposite side to the troops when the latter are called upon to act against their own people, just as the civil authorities in France now find themselves on a different side to the police, who are displaying yellow vests in the windows of their cars, and threatening a strike in in solidarity with the protesters.

    In addition, there are forces other than the regular army, Homeland Security forces or their equivalent, for example, military contractors, and foreign troops acting as “volunteers,” as with Russsians in Ukraine.

    Moreover, where, as in Spain, the conflict is between the military and the civil government, the civil government will have considerable resources with which to raise a loyal force to combat the rebel army. Spain, for example,had over 600 tons of gold that it exchanged for Soviet weapons, the latter including, in the first shipment, which arrived at Cartagena on October 4, 19136: 150 machine guns, 240 grenade throwers, 100,000 grenades, 20,000 rifles and 15.4 million bullets, and six howitzers with 6000 shells. Three days later 50 Soviet-made light tanks arrived with “volunteer” tank specialists, to be followed shortly by a batch of Tupolov SB-2 bombers. Aid was also forthcoming from both Germany and Italy. So the outcome of the war was not a forgone conclusion.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @dfordoom
  1785. dfordoom says: • Website
    @David Baker

    Part of the effort to restore American Sovereignty will involve energy industry jobs, alternative energy research, manufacturing of durable staple products such as vehicles, aircraft, computers and other electronics. Manufacturing those items requires labor, so jobs will reappear.

    Those jobs will mostly disappear due to automation.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Miro23
  1786. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    The aid from Germany and Italy, was of course, on the side of the Fascists, not the Republicans.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1787. MarkinLA says:
    @Ron Unz

    However, it’s a HUGE error to include federal prisons, which totally throw off the results.

    I think you might not know that most drug distribution related convictions are ending up in federal prisons because it saves the state money and federal sentences are tougher and there is no parole so local cops are happy to hand it off to them. In many cases, you also have the extra federal charges of moving drugs across state lines and felons in possession of a gun. When they are going after a gang they almost always bring in the FBI and DEA.

    Just some examples of drug busts in 2018 that result in federal time:

    Or when it is a large bust like when this gang was taken down in 2011 – everybody got federal charges.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1788. notanon says:

    And we did it to ourselves

    no we didn’t

    it was done to us, primarily by the central banking mafia and their control of mass media

    We are a plague society.

    we are a deliberately poisoned society.

  1789. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    And the case of Novorossiya proves that the army may not prevail over a civilian insurrection even if the army remains loyal to its officers.

  1790. notanon says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    One is the actual figuring…

    there are a lot of sources for a mass migration of Jews from the countryside to the big cities after 1917 and there were massive civilian casualties in the sieges of those cities

    it would be interesting to see someone calculate the actual numbers but for example say 80% of Jews lived in the cities by 1941 and say 30% civilian deaths in the cities that would be 24% of the soviet Jewish population or one in four – that’s pretty much a holocaust if not in the way we’ve been led to believe.

    reminds me a bit of the black death with Jews being mostly wiped out due to being mostly urban except in Poland where the plague didn’t reach.

    Perhaps weightiest is the need to explain why women, children and old people were transported from Holland, Belgium, France and Hungary…

    iirc the UK only interned the adult males of “enemy” nationals but i think the USA interned the whole family (e.g. Japanese), not 100% sure. i imagine it varied from country to country.

  1791. Ron Unz says:

    Since nearly all commenters are unidentified, they can freely make all sorts of grandiose claims about their knowledge. But sometimes such individuals later reveal themselves to be totally incompetent.

    For example, our good friend “utu” apparently claims to be some sort of expert on statistics, and in the past I think he’s endlessly challenged hereditarians using all sorts of complex statistical methodology I’ve never bothered to try to understand.

    I freely admit my own knowledge of statistics is very rudimentary, given that I’ve never taken a single class in that subject or even read a single textbook. However, I think I do understand simple ratios and even correlations, so I presented several graphs in my Race/Crime article providing 25 years of racial-crime correlations for America’s cities. Here’s one of them:

    I noted that since the black-crime correlation approaches unity and the white/Hispanic correlations are clustered fairly close together, these results make it quite unlikely that Hispanics have a crime rare far above whites, thus reinforcing all the other existing evidence I had provided. I also repeatedly emphasized that since the black numbers were so remarkably high, the relative correlations for the white and Hispanic numbers themselves are pretty meaningless.

    At this, “utu” flew into a rage, producing a long series of comments insulting me and accusing me of being a fraud and a deceiver. Here are just a few of his insults and accusations:

    I heard several false notes in this article. I am afraid that Ron Unz is not entirely honest here. His real motive is still hidden.

    Your method whether by design or not obfuscates. Why haven’t you done it correctly in the first place?

    It was then I realized that your method while somewhat nouvelle was deficient. That having your data set one could extract much more information if doing it correctly. At that time I did not know why you did not do it in the correct way but now I began to suspect that you opted for correlations not from laziness, as I suspected first, but because you wanted to hide the quantitative rates of criminality for different ethnic groups.

    But as far his methodology I know what I am talking about. If I had access to the data I would do it correctly.

    And the most recent:

    Are you really sure it is not a mistake to put on the table one of the greatest brain farts you made? But it might be worse. If it is not a brain fart then it must be manipulation and deception. You know perfectly well that your correlation plots do not convey quantitative information. You purposefully lost that information form the data set that contained it. You could have calculated criminality factors from the data set you had with multivariate regression but you opted for correlations. You realize that black criminality drives these plots. To make any analysis relevant you need to remove black stats form the data and this you can do only by means of multivariate regression.

    Basically, I had provided a 25-year sequence of urban race-crime correlations, and “utu” says I should have provided multivariate regressions instead. Since I didn’t provide such regressions, he claimed I was deliberately attempting to deceive everyone and hide the huge rate of nationwide Hispanic criminality which such regressions would surely reveal.

    I pointed out the very obvious fact that since the black-crime correlation is so close to unity, it would obviously mask any Hispanic or white crime information, whether in correlations or in regressions. Even someone as ignorant of statistics as myself can understand that simple fact, though apparently “utu” does not.

    Anyway, given all these insults and accusations of dishonesty, I dug out my old 2013 data and ran multivariate regressions on all the crime statistics of the last two years, 2010 and 2011, and here’s what I got:

    Now in multivariate regressions, a high P-Value indicates that the particular result is meaningless and very possibly due to statistical noise. I think most analysts tend to discard any result with a P-Value above 0.10. Note that *every single* P-Value for white or Hispanic urban crime-correlations is above 0.10, and the vast majority of them are many times that large.

    It’s certainly true that Hispanics do have a somewhat higher crime rate than whites, and that difference probably helps to explains the relative size of the crime regression coefficients in those two groups. But the results simply lack any statistical significance and the H/W crime ratio can only be estimated by the other measures I had employed in my papers.

    Basically, the multivariate white and Hispanic results are almost totally meaningless, just like I said they surely would be. It’s really quite remarkable that such a vastly knowledgeable statistics expert like our own “utu” didn’t realize the same thing.

    This reminds me of a previous dispute on Hispanic crime, in which “utu” had also accused me of being incompetent or perhaps a liar and a fraud for covering up the apparently massive rate of Hispanic criminality in West Virginia. Once I checked, I noticed his astonishing incarceration statistics had included a federal prison located there:

    I really do think it’s important to be fairly confident of your facts before you repeatedly accuse someone of being a fraud and publishing “brain farts”…

    I wasted several hours digging up my old 2013 data, locating a multivariate regression package, and then running a dozen cases to produce results I fully expected to be meaningless, and also totally ill-suited to display in a 25-year-chart. That’s the reason for the extreme length and angry tone of his comment.

  1792. @JLK

    What’s my gut tell me? These guys know where to get food and my gut says it’s starving.

    “Better the devil you know”.

    “Well I don’t believe Gretchen when she says she’s sorry my Mum died but I do believe her when she says she needs someone now to say a good word for her and also I worry that she’s right that the barbarians from the East aren’t going to be nice because you’re thin and say you are Jewish”.

    BTW why do you bring up written orders from Hitler? I didn”t and, as you say, he had probably learned his lesson – which is what we seem to agree is a pretty good reason for not expecting to find documents which locate the guilt for acts generallt regarded as morally outrageous. But it is precisely something mildly exculpatory that one would expect to find if the exculpatory version was remotely plausible and thought of. E.g. if you were Eichman’s Catholic assistant deputy whose older brother was a priest and expressing concern about your job wouldn’t you at least write letters home and keep copies or a diary which said “I worry about the welfare of the old and of children who are sent on these long journeys. I hope it is right that they will soon be able to be resettled in the new territories”.

    • Replies: @JLK
  1793. FvS says:
    @Ron Unz

    1.) I think Burton responded well to most of these points back in the day, especially about leaving out the federal statistics.

    2.) A point made by a commenter from the American Conservative that I thought was relevant.

    I think you miss the big picture which is that ANY immigrant involved criminal incident that takes place is a crime that didn’t need to occur. So it’s like “extra crime.” If an illegal immigrant murders a cop…it’s a result of negligence and something that never needed to happen.

    Also the reason why people believe that Hispanics are more likely to commit crimes is from common sense personal experience. Your statistics cite incarceration rates, but most of us who live in or have lived in predominantly Hispanic areas know that it’s the abundance of small time petty criminals that is the real dealbreaker. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve had my bicycle stolen or my car broken into or witnessed all the lame graffiti culture when in these Phoenix neighborhoods. These types of crimes are mostly unreported, but people have the good sense to know their origins, and that’s why attitudes and stereotypes are what they are..

    3.) One problem when dealing with mestizo crime rates and trying to analyze the data based on race is that the racial makeup of mestizos can vary wildly. I would bet that the tendency is, the more European DNA a mestizo or castizo has, the more intelligent and well-behaved they are.

    4.) There is also the issue of how crime prone Central Americans are in their home countries vs. in the U.S. It is possible that the mestizos/Amerindian immigrants to the U.S. aren’t a proper representation of their native populations. Selection bias and all that.

    However, the debate isn’t really about crime rates. It’s whether whites should become a minority in their own country. I say no. You say yes.

  1794. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    mass child rape all across the poorest neighborhoods of Europe (and some parts elsewhere in the West)

    with 90% of the victims the result of people like you in the media covering up the truth and pressuring the police to ignore the problem which led to men on the border line of criminality to commit crimes they otherwise wouldn’t have committed for fear of the consequences.

    they do it because they know they can get away with it because of people like you.

    i know you are genetically incapable of caring about this unless the victims come from your ethnic group – this comment is for everyone else.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  1795. @Ron Unz

    Bravo Ron, and really quite restrained for one who has had to find, download and use a new package. Now, while your maths and stats are firing would you care to disembowel that bombastic blusterer Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Actually I look forward to the You Tube of you and JD or RK, GC or BS (aka GC) taking apart NNT and some lefty sociologist in debate….

    • Replies: @utu
  1796. notanon says:
    @Ron Unz

    Furthermore, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, Latinos and White in CA have entirely different age-distribution curves, with the former being far more likely to be in their high-crime years. Regardless of everything else, 50-year-olds are much less likely to get shot by the police than 25-year-olds.

    wouldn’t that mean people’s lived experience of a much higher latino crime rate (at least in blue collar neighborhoods) is correct but it’s due to the age and gender effects of mass immigration rather than fundamental ethnic cultural/genetic differences?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1797. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re going to have to find a way to deal with them.

    What alternative do you propose?

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1798. Talha says:

    I don’t believe Westerners have studied the Iranian Revolution enough and how it became successful. Possibly because the powers that be have kept it in the mythos of the enemy-that-shall-not-be-seen-as-anything-but-evil. It could really have been a bloodbath, but the people were able to convince most of the army to back down. This did not happen through violence, otherwise the army would have responded in kind.

    It also reminds me of a piece of advice I had for the Alt-Right a while back, after the Charlottesville rally – seems like a good time to mention it again:
    You cannot rush these things, they will have their own momentum once they reach critical mass levels. What is critical right now to the Alt-right is women – they need to convince their women about the correctness of their goals – their women control the next generation. Otherwise this is all nonsense.

    There is an exchange I was told by a Shiah friend between Khomeini and the Shah when he was being sent into exile. The Shah laughed at him for being powerless and mocked him, “where is your army?” and he replied, “they are nursing at the breasts of their mothers.”


  1799. notanon says:

    Presenting the issue of police shooting in the US as a racial issue by BLM and others is a red herring which let’s American police off the hook.

    constant media propaganda like this is what leads the police to back off high crime populations – which makes crime within those populations ten times worse.

    the media have a crazy amount of blood on their hands and through gas-lighting the public they to a large extent have also gas-lighted themselves to how evil they are.

    • Replies: @utu
  1800. @dfordoom

    “led to insanely high levels of urbanisation” is a bit of s giveaway. You sound like Bartholomew Augustine Santamaria who I number amongst the (now dead) highly intelligent Catholic fathers of 8 or 9 of my acquaintance that I celebrate for countering the West’s DIY dysgenics for a generation or two and who, in his case, wanted to multiply Catholic small farmers when he wasn’t writing ruthlessly realistically about politics and Popes. If only the pill and the internet had been invented in 1850, Popes and Ayatollahs silenced, and missionaries to Africa and China had preached birth control we could all enjoy low rise garden villages surrounded by fields and forests.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1801. FvS says:

    California is unsustainable? What exactly does that mean?…Compare property taxes in TX vs CA, for instance. And reduced or shabby services have real monetary and quality of life impacts.

    California ranks last in quality of life. It’s in the article. The other issues are all discussed there too.

    This isn’t evidence, it’s a white nationalist blog. If you introduced it in a court of law you’d be laughed out of the building. One could easily assert that the cost of white America would encumber every American with millions of dollars in debt. The Wall Street and banking scams alone are worth trillions of dollars in losses.

    All the data is linked in the post. Unless you think sites like are white nationlist blogs.

    Some are. There are millionaires and billionaires among blacks and Hispanics.

    But not equally represented relative to their populations.

    I never made that claim.

    Yes, you did.

    Are you suggesting that only East Asians are capable of being smarter than whites?

    No, I’m talking averages here. Surely you’ve heard of The Bell Curve?

    Well the real world doesn’t recognize that silly proposition, including the East Asians themselves. Can you identify ONE SINGLE credible East Asian scientist, scholar or academic anywhere in the world who will agree with you that East Asians are innately more intelligent than Africans? Good luck.

    The Chinese aren’t hampered by things like white guilt.
    And they have a word for diversity loving, PC whites.

    Brain drain doesn’t pertain to raw smarts, it pertains to educated professionals. But even with regard to educated professional, there is not a finite supply in India or Africa or anywhere else.

    If it’s good for the U.S. that they come here, it’s bad for the country in which they left.


    No, bruh. Americans are majoring in philosophy. Or they’re trying to go into investment banking and all these other high profile, high salary occupations. STEM doesn’t actually pay well. Research grants are notorious for nickeling and diming grantees. The presumption is that they’re in it for the science and not the money. It’s actually true that if a PhD wants to make real money, they have to get a real job.

    Foreign STEM workers are not paid less. If they’re doing research they’re usually paid via a grant. Or they’re hired by some private or public sector institution. The terms of employment will stipulate the salary for that position. It makes no difference if the employee is from Boston or from Beijing. The salary is the same.

    Btw, you’re linking to Amren and Breitbart? LOL.

    Guess you didn’t read the links. As for the sites, if Trump said 2+2=4 would you disagree with him?

    Just like the Italians and Greeks and Irish before them. These are people whose parents were, in some cases, illegal immigrants who came here with virtually nothing.

    Italians, Greeks, and Irish are white. And their home countries are run much better than most of the non-white immigrants’ countries are. Yes, even Greece. The U.S. was founded for White Europeans by White Europeans. It is a white country.

    Adjusted for those factors they’re actually out-performing whites to a very large degree.

    No, they aren’t.

    I don’t work for the California tourism bureau. I just thought I’d correct some misconceptions about the state. The state has found its way into white supremacist talking points as evidence of the horrors of immigration. Obviously, white supremacists cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Nonetheless, there are many reasons why people leave the state. Some are afraid of earthquakes. Some are afraid of North Korean nukes. Some leave for the same reason other Americans relocate to the developing world — because their money goes further there. In some parts of America you can buy a house with acres and acres of land for a fraction of what you’d pay in California. So what? It’s a lifestyle choice, not a value judgement.

    Muh white supremacy. And I’m sure immigration has had nothing to do with why people are leaving. It must be those earthquakes and North Korean nukes.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1802. notanon says:

    There is no leader wanted or needed.


    the “leaders” are the anons who have come up with the best memes that week

  1803. notanon says:

    the most ambitious people are the most willing to conform to the dominant culture to get ahead.

    already senior police didn’t suddenly switch to being ultra PC – 30+ years ago the most ambitious junior cops became ultra PC because doing so was necessary for them to get to the top.

    • Replies: @Stonehands
  1804. notanon says:

    Those white liberals are still going to be liberals.

    paycheck liberals will conform to the new dominant culture overnight

    NPCs will conform to the new ideology the same way they did to the old one – although updating their code might take a year or two

    genuine liberals are not motivated by equality per se; they are motivated by unfairness in the distribution of harm and this motivation has been distorted through being indoctrinated into belief in the blank slate ideology so they see unequal outcomes as evidence of unfair distribution of harm.

    back when liberals believed in heredity they were the biggest proponents of eugenics i.e. the exact same motivation producing exactly opposite ideological positions due to being fed dishonest data.

    if/when genuine liberals go back to accepting the reality of genetics they’ll go back to the way they were before the cultural Marxist takeover of academia i.e. pro eugenics.

    (a significant element of the alt-right are ex-liberals who already made that switch)

    • Agree: ben tillman
  1805. @dfordoom

    Automation has dominated manufacturing, but humans are required for other functions. No machine can build an entire vehicle from scratch, or any other complex device, for that matter. Research and development of newer energy resources will not be performed by machines. You should watch a Twilight Zone episode entitled “The Brain Center at Whipple’s”. The subject of automation sidelining workers was being discussed decades before modern automation was developed.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1806. @dfordoom

    “That raises an interesting question. Let’s say the extreme alt-right wins and all non-white immigrants are deported.”

    Well if normal people “win” that will be the result of violent payback – therefore there won’t be a whole lot of liberals espousing their insanities anymore.

    As far as mixed marriages -foreign spouses have permanent worker status, never any franchise.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1807. Miro23 says:

    Part of the effort to restore American Sovereignty will involve energy industry jobs, alternative energy research, manufacturing of durable staple products such as vehicles, aircraft, computers and other electronics. Manufacturing those items requires labor, so jobs will reappear.

    Those jobs will mostly disappear due to automation.

    OT but the existing leading manufacturing countries are also the leaders in the adoption of robotics. The US only seems to be seriously in the game with regard to its auto industry.

    It would have helped greatly if the US had made a real national effort to retain the world manufacturing lead that it held in the 1950’s.


    The top 10 most automated countries in the world are: South Korea, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, USA, Italy, Belgium and Taiwan. This is according to the 2017 World Robot Statistics, issued by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).

    “Robot density is an excellent standard for comparison in order to take into account the differences in the automation degree of the manufacturing industry in various countries,” says Junji Tsuda, President of the International Federation of Robotics. “As a result of the high volume of robot installations in Asia in recent years, the region has the highest growth rate. Between 2010 and 2016, the average annual growth rate of robot density in Asia was 9 percent, in the Americas 7 percent and in Europe 5 percent.”


    The development of robot density in China was the most dynamic in the world. Due to the significant growth of robot installations, particularly between 2013 and 2016, the density rate rose from 25 units in 2013 to 68 units in 2016.

    Today, China’s robot density ranks 23rd worldwide. And the government intends to forge ahead and make it into the world’s top 10 most intensively automated nations by 2020. By then, its robot density is targeted to rise to 150 units. Furthermore, the aim is to sell a total of 100,000 domestically produced industrial robots by 2020 (2017: 27,000 units from Chinese robot suppliers, 60,000 from foreign robot suppliers).

    Worldwide, the Republic of Korea has by far the highest robot density in the manufacturing industry – a position the country has held since 2010. The country’s robot density exceeds the global average by a good eight-fold (631 units). This high growth rate is the result of continued installations of a high volume of robots particularly in the electrical/electronics industry and in the automotive industry.

    Singapore follows in second place with a rate of 488 robots per 10,000 employees in 2016. About 90 percent of robots are installed in the electronics industry in Singapore.

    Japan ranked fourth in the world: In 2016, 303 robots were installed per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry – following Germany ranking 3rd (309 units). Japan is the world´s predominant industrial robot manufacturer: The production capacity of Japanese suppliers reached 153,000 units in 2016 – the highest level ever recorded. Today, Japan´s manufacturers deliver 52 percent of the global supply.


    Robot density in the United States increased significantly to 189 robots in 2016 – the country ranks seventh in the world. Since 2010, the necessary modernization of domestic production facilities has boosted robot sales in the United States. The main driver of this growth was the ongoing trend to automate production in order to strengthen American industries on the global market and to keep manufacturing at home, and in some cases, to bring back manufacturing that had previously been sent overseas. The automotive industry still leads as the main customer of industrial robots with about 52 percent of total sales in 2016. Robot sales in the United States will continue to increase between 2017 and 2020 by at least 15 percent on average per year.

    Robot density in Canada has been on the rise and reached 145 units in 2016 (ranking 13th worldwide). Growth was mainly driven by installations in the automotive industry.

    Mexico is predominantly a production hub for car manufacturers and automotive parts suppliers that export to the United States and increasingly to South America. The automotive industry in Mexico is by far the main robot customer with a share of 81 percent in 2016. Robot density is at 33 units, which is still far below the world average of 74 units, ranking 31st on the global scale.

    International Federation of Robotics

  1808. utu says:

    We should address the real issue here. Why did you generate the correlation plots? What did you want to convey? I assume that you knew there is no quantitative information in these plots. The yellow (H) and magenta (W) curves are close to each other and most of the time are on the negative side while blue (B) curve has large positive values. This is the only qualitative information. You are not warning the reader about statistical validity, confidence level and p-values because you wanted to create a gestalt message out of individual fragments that on their own are really meaningless. What message mathematically unsophisticated reader did get from the image? That Hispanics are like Whites! This must be so because the curves are so close together and what is more important they are far away from Blacks. You did not warn readers that the plots did not imply that crime rates for H and W are similar. You did not tell readers that correlations are insensitive to crime rates that actually Hispanics may have 2 times higher crime rates than Whites and these plots do not know about it You did not tell the reader that negative correlation contrary to what we know about correlation in this case does not imply that Hispanics reduce crime. I would not be surprised if some of your readers concluded that more Hispanics means less crime.

    You could have included the plots for puppies and pussy cats for even a bigger effect. The pussy cat curve would be close to the curve for Hispanics. That would warm the image of Hispanics even more: Hispanics are really pussy cats.

    One does not have to be an expert in statistics, which I am not and never claimed otherwise to realize that publications of these plots was either a serious mistake or a purposeful manipulation. That I imputed the latter was because I share your opinion of yourself that you do not make silly mistakes.

    The rudimentary regressions analysis you did showed that in the data do not have much information about the crime rates for Hispanics and Whites because (1) Black crime rate dominates, (2) Crime rates are not the same from city to city and (2) There might be some cities that are huge outliners. The result that there is no statistical significance to the crime rates of White and Hispanics is an additional argument to not use this data to make conclusions about Hispanic and White criminality including the gestalt conclusion you have tried to push.

    In what units is the Coef=44.47? Is it 44.47 per 100,000 or 1,000,000? I would not give up on the data yet. I would look at residuals and got rid of outliers and also I would try weighted versus unweighted fits and next I would try to use robust non-parametric regression that can tolerate many outliers. Also I would not use homicide data alone because there are too few of them. Your results show that regressions for all “Violent Crime” are already in more reasonable category. Combining 2010 and 2011 data would also improve results.

  1809. Ron Unz says:

    wouldn’t that mean people’s lived experience of a much higher latino crime rate (at least in blue collar neighborhoods) is correct but it’s due to the age and gender effects of mass immigration rather than fundamental ethnic cultural/genetic differences?

    I’m really not sure whether too many people outside the Internet and FoxNews actually have a perception of higher Latino crime rates. That certainly doesn’t seem to be the case in most of CA or other areas with large Latino populations have have been around for a while.

    As far as I can tell, Trump’s message about hordes of violent Latinos crossing our border did very well in states like WV without any Latinos and very badly in states like CA where they actually exist in real life.

    People aren’t totally stupid. If they notice that most Latinos are in their 20s and act pretty much like whites in their 20s (i.e. wilder than people in their 50s), they don’t say “Latinos are wild.” Instead, they say “people in their 20s are wild.”

    Human beings have evolved to notice such things in real life, though the MSM can often trick them.

    • Replies: @FvS
    , @Rurik
    , @JLK
  1810. utu says:

    Let me make myself clear. I would be on the side of BLM if they dropped the B. The culture of trigger happy cops killing civilians with impunity should stop. Impunity – only 0.3% cops involved in shootings face any consequences. If there was no B in BLM I am sure that Whites would support the measures to change police rule sof engagement and their culture. The BLM by turning it to a racial issue made any solution impossible. Whites are killed at about the same rate as Blacks.

    • Agree: Bliss
  1811. FvS says:
    @Ron Unz

    Many of the California whites that would have been favorable to Trump’s message started voting with their feet long before he came along. California has become a magnet for the self-hating, diversity fetishist types. Types that would say, “He deserves it because of my white privilege,” as the mestizo thief made off with their purse.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1812. Rurik says:
    @Ron Unz

    As far as I can tell, Trump’s message about hordes of violent Latinos crossing our border did very well in states like WV without any Latinos and very badly in states like CA where they actually exist in real life.

    My impressions from Florida are different. Even some of the Cubans I know are exasperated with the assorted negative consequences of mass immigration. Including crime.

    We all remember the Mariel crime wave and the cocaine funded endemic criminality. Today Miami is a festering shithole of crime and corruption. It didn’t used to be back in the day when whitey was there, but he’s been run out on a rail.

    An interesting tidbit from a Cuban I know well. – If you drive thought an Hispanic neighborhood, one of the things that are striking, is the proliferation of iron bars on the windows and ornamental steel doors at the entrance of the homes. This is a nearly uniform cultural characteristic of Hispanic neighborhoods in Florida. As any local can tell you. Not all the homes of course, but a noticeable percentage.

    But what I didn’t know, and what now seems intuitively accurate, is why those bars are on the windows. Because at first glance, it looks like a preventative measure against burglaries or home invasions. But as my friend explained, that’s not why they’re there. Rather, the reason for the precautionary bars and steel doors are not to keep anyone out. But to keep the teenage daughters in.

    I remember laughing out loud when he explained that to me, perhaps mostly, because it rings true!

  1813. @Ron Unz


    Blacks show up on statistics because they get caught every time they commit a crime.

    A Whitey Bulger or Jeffrey Dahmer has a high IQ and gets away with their offenses for years. Decades, even.

    • Replies: @Futurethirdworlder
  1814. JLK says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    What’s my gut tell me? These guys know where to get food and my gut says it’s starving. “Better the devil you know”. “Well I don’t believe Gretchen when she says she’s sorry my Mum died but I do believe her when she says she needs someone now to say a good word for her and also I worry that she’s right that the barbarians from the East aren’t going to be nice because you’re thin and say you are Jewish”.

    There weren’t that many thin people at Auschwitz. Try a quick Google, there are plenty of images available.


    The photos of emaciated prisoners were mainly typhus victims from Belsen and other camps that were physically in Germany. Belsen was a hospital camp, where many of the prisoners having typhus (like Anne Frank) were sent. Even mainstream scholars agree the German camps were not extermination camps. A lot of them lost electricity near the end, which meant the water pumps didn’t work. They were drinking out of puddles and creeks.

    I’m not saying there wasn’t intentional extermination, but the better part of the evidence suggests that it didn’t happen in the Auschwitz main camps. If they were killing people in the Auschwitz area, it makes much more sense for various reasons that they were doing it surreptitiously somewhere out in the countryside so the other prisoners whom they were counting on for labor wouldn’t know.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1815. @FvS

    Diversity is not the problem. GOVERNMENT ADMINISTERING DIVERSITY is the problem Rather than allowing a given society the leeway to adjust to different cultures, lifestyles and ideologies, the government sticks their big noses (Literally, California’s main players in government are Jewish) into the process, and expands accordingly. Nay, exponentially. Government seeks to expand, and any excuse they can think of to grow their size/scope/authority/discretion will suffice to tack on more issue-specific offices, while increasing taxes/fees/fines/foibles and funds.

  1816. @JLK

    Auschwitz was abandoned as the Red Army advanced toward the camp. Inmates were given the option to be ‘liberated’ by the Russians, or journey to camps in Germany. Little Anne Frank would be among those who would transfer to Bergen-Belsen, where she would succumb to typhus. After Russians overran the camp, they reconfigured the buildings to make the facility appear as a Death Camp. The Auschwitz “Gas Chamber” shown to tourists today was actually a fabrication.

  1817. Anonymous[370] • Disclaimer says:
    @David Baker

    Automation has dominated manufacturing, but humans are required for other functions.

    Less humans for less functions. Don’t you get it? The whole point of automation is to employ less people and spend less on wages overall.

    There’s no equilibrium. Imagine what will happen when every driver, builder and waiter becomes redundant. Yes, a few can be employed to oil the robot replacements but what about the rest?

  1818. @JLK

    We both seem to be bona fide truth seeker, but well meaning unfanatical partly informed amateurs who haven’t had a chance to do even Ron’s catchup reading. From that limited base let me contribute the fact that Auschwicz-Birkenau was three vast sprawling camps. So I don’t see the need for workers in one camp to be shielded ftom what was taking place in buildings well out of sight. However, if there eas a camp where, basically , mothers ofvyoung children, children and the elderly were killed as useless then why was there any significant accommodation there at all?

    It would be wrong to expect strict rationality, uniformity, or consistency. But all sorts of questions are worth asking. Eg. what rationales were expressed for expelling Jews like the Franks from Holland? Was a distinction made netween Dutch Jews and Germans, as the Franks were I think. If so what distinction with what rationale. Those who were refugees might be regarded as prima facie enemies, but , so what if they were a family like the Franks hiding in an attic?
    Then there is the hospital treatment of a prisoner like Ann Frank. It occurs to me that it might be that they had and used the capacity for keeping the workforce alive. Also, they might have had mostly prisoners as hospital staff and having some prisoners as patients could be designed to motivate them to do their jobs.

    I don’t underrate the sheer pressure of straitened circumstances because my father was a POW near Braunschweig and came out about 55 per cent of his prewar weight.

    • Replies: @utu
  1819. Anonymous[161] • Disclaimer says:

    There’s no equilibrium. Imagine what will happen when every driver, builder and waiter becomes redundant. Yes, a few can be employed to oil the robot replacements but what about the rest?

    Services. Functions that people previously did themselves or didn’t do for themselves at all.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1820. CheapSpeech says: • Website

    what you’re sayng seems like a much more generally applicable characterisation of the ordinary people associated with the tag ‘alt-right’.

    Unz makes his political argument against overheated rhetoric. “There are few really salient problems, hence this crazy rhetoric is harming your own cause. Part of the right’s problem is that they are failing to distinguish between what is or is not a problem.” On this thread there is some dispute about which problems are or are not currently evident. I’m not knowledgeable enough to judge. From what I have seen around me here in Canada, people are very peacefully getting along, working together. However, I also notice the kinship bonds among ethnic groups are some of the strongest, longest lasting political alliances despite all of this.

    When things go bad, your basic loyalty is not to your software development or accounting firm.

    Suppose, for the sake of argument, things are statistically quite peachy with a dwindling predominance of white people. Peoples and nations moral value is statistical, and so long as TOO many people don’t get hurt, we can be rid of the whites or the jews, whatever. In other words, I’ll assume we don’t particularly care if our descendants are white Americans. So we’ll say things are fine now for Americans as they arem, and if their political dominance is eclipsed by migrants, we’d never notice it. (Note: I’m not asserting this is Unz’s view, and I don’t know if Unz cares if there are Jews in the future.)

    Even with these assumptions, the surface tranquillity is not a very reliable guide to the effect of migration. Unz points out, a lot of violence IS situational. However, if my very limited knowledge of military history is correct, national, religious and ethnic lines become very important in terms of who is fighting whom. So even if we make these assumptions heterogeneity is still a very serious long term problem. Of course, there really is no such thing as a long term problem if we don’t care about genetic relatedness.

    Unz discusses ethnic or religious conflict on a time scale which explains the political failures of the various right wing groups. We should pay attention. However, it is also missing the point. The discussion of ‘ethnicity’ is inherently inter-generational, not on the scale of election cycles. The concerns of the alt-right have to do with their descendants. Religious eschatology relates to very long term ambitions – and Islam is nothing if not relentless.

    • Replies: @CheapSpeech
    , @Anonymous
  1821. CheapSpeech says: • Website

    I posted a draft above with numerous mistakes and it was very unclear. I Just want to apologise for including the assertion that unz says there are few really salient problems. That was unfair on my part. He’s really mostly trying to distinguish between what can and can’t be proved about the present severity of the situation.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1822. @notanon

    mass child rape all across the poorest neighborhoods of Europe (and some parts elsewhere in the West)

    Mass child rape all across the poorest neighborhoods of Europe??!!!

    The article you linked refers to that notorious case in Rotherham, a town in Yorkshire, in England, that has a population of about 100,000 people, I think. There are 66 million people in the United Kingdom, so Rotherham is 0.15% of the population of the UK, and at most 0.03% of the European population, if that.

    So what is this about “all across Europe”? WTF are you talking about? It’s quite extraordinary where I write about the utter dishonesty of some of the people here and you reply with this nonsense that just proves my point!

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @notanon
  1823. Okechukwu says:

    California ranks last in quality of life. It’s in the article. The other issues are all discussed there too.

    No, California most definitely does not rank last in quality of life. That’s merely the opinion of one ultra-rightwing contributor to Forbes. It’s based neither on the facts or on reality.

    Here are some alternative opinions:

    Too Bad, Trump — California Is the Nation’s Most Popular State

    Here’s How California Ranks Among Best Places To Live

    51 Reasons California Is America’s Best State

    In actuality, California offers one of the best lifestyles in the world. The climate is generally agreeable and enjoyable, particularly if you’ve had the misfortune of being landlocked in one of the more dreary, wintry or humid parts of the United States. The beaches are world class, and the vistas coming around the bend on PCH are as beautiful as any in the world.

    All the data is linked in the post. Unless you think sites like are white nationlist blogs.

    This is called statistical malpractice, something alt-right types are notorious for. Given the same exact data sets a rational and non-ideological person would come to a radically different interpretation.

    No, I’m talking averages here. Surely you’ve heard of The Bell Curve?

    Okay, identify just ONE SINGLE credible East Asian researcher, scientist, thinker, geneticist or academic who believes or postulates that East Asians are ***ON AVERAGE*** intrinsically or genetically more intelligent than Africans. Good luck.

    The Chinese aren’t hampered by things like white guilt.

    Your link states that Chinese anthropologists are more amenable than American and Polish anthropologists to the concept of distinct human races. Okay, now what? How do you draw from that an inference that the Chinese believe some races are superior or inferior?

    Which leads to another bit of alt-right idiocy — the notion that if there are identifiable human races, then it must follow that there are hierarchies among said races.

    Oh, let’s hear from a leading Chinese geneticist:

    And they have a word for diversity loving, PC whites.

    You conducted a poll of all 1.4 billion Chinese, did you?

    From your own link:

    The question has received more than 400 answers from Zhihu users, which include some of the most representative perceptions of the ‘white left’. Although the emphasis varies, baizuo is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”

    Zero Hedge is a ridiculous alt-right blog. This kind of thoughtless sophistry and jumping to conclusions that satisfy your biases are among the myriad reasons your ideology is in the toilet.

    If it’s good for the U.S. that they come here, it’s bad for the country in which they left.

    The United States simply provides an environment more conducive than their home countries. It’s the same reason Europeans fled their various shitholes for the United States.

    Italians, Greeks, and Irish are white.

    They are now but they weren’t then.

    And their home countries are run much better than most of the non-white immigrants’ countries are.

    As a snapshot in this particular time, perhaps. But the fact that they fled their various basketcase countries for the United States ought to make it obvious to you that economic, cultural and civilizational circumstances don’t remain fixed in time for all eternity.

    The U.S. was founded for White Europeans by White Europeans. It is a white country.

    Even if that were true, that would exclude the vast majority of whites in the United States, probably including you. There are no Italian, Greek, Irish, Russian or even Swedish signatories of the Declaration of Independence. These ethnicities became “white” only in the 20th century.

    Muh white supremacy. And I’m sure immigration has had nothing to do with why people are leaving.

    Not when the states they’re moving to also harbor immigrants, illegal or otherwise. A common move is from CA to TX. Well, TX has its fair share of both legal and illegal immigrants. And Harris County is more liberal, more progressive and more diverse than Los Angeles County. So immigration isn’t the reason people relocate from one state to another. If they wanted to avoid immigrants they’d move to Mississippi, Montana, Idaho, West Virginia, The Dakotas, etc. But those states aren’t exactly attracting a great influx of new residents.

    • Replies: @FvS
  1824. Anonymous[161] • Disclaimer says:

    Peoples and nations moral value is statistical,

    What do you mean?

    Of course, there really is no such thing as a long term problem if we don’t care about genetic relatedness.

    Is that entirely true? Assuming ethnocentrism in other groups, and that ethnocentricity could be expressed in mating and resource discrimination, and in violence, aren’t remaining Whites in ever increasing danger as their numbers dwindle?

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1825. Thomm says:

    They are now but they weren’t then.

    Correct. They were considered ‘white’ for citizenship and voting, but NOT socially and culturally. Irish became ‘white’ after 1900, and Italians more like after 1950.

    I have had to correct no less than RUnzie Baby himself about this in this very thread (and many times before), by citing Wikipedia and other sources that corroborate this fact about American history.

  1826. Anonymous[370] • Disclaimer says:

    Like what? What non-automated service exactly are you missing in you life that only a couple of truck drivers can fulfil? What fraction of your income are you prepared to pay them and how you’re gonna keep that income when millions of them start competing for your position?

  1827. Thomm says:

    Now, in quasi-defense of RUnzie Baby, the question of Hispanic (specifically Meso-American Hispanic) crime is almost a moot question, partly due to the very high intermarriage rates between Mexicans and whites in America.

    These charts are from 2010-15 data. Fast forward to today, and each state is probably 3-4 percentage points higher than in the chart, making CA 25%+.

    The two populations are substantially merged, and are becoming more so each year. If crime is done by males aged 16-25, the babies born in 2010-15 are not too many years away from being in that age band (with more to follow).

    Among other points :

    i) The narrative that whites are ‘vanishing’ from California would greatly diminish if all the half-white children are counted. Since most of the 22% of babies that are interracial in CA are half-white, counting the half-white components of each leads to a higher number of aggregate whites in CA.
    ii) As the typical Mexican is 40% white, the offspring of a Mexican and a white American is going to be 70% white, 30% AmerIndian. Appearance-wise, such a person would just look like at Italian or a Univision Spaniard.
    iii) If not the the continuous topping of of new Hispanics and Asians, both populations would just vanish into the white population through interbreeding.

    • Replies: @FvS
  1828. @David Baker

    Those who seek freedom are child molesters. Got it, moron.

    Those who see freedom want lawless chaos. Got it, moron.

    Those who seek freedom want to be ruled by globalists. Got it, moron.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1829. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    He’s [Unz] really mostly trying to distinguish between what can and can’t be proved about the present severity of the situation.

    Actually, I think he’s trying to prove that the demise of the European peoples as distinct racial and cultural entities doesn’t matter, or rather is a good thing. cf. Darwinism in the Service of White Genocide

    Genocide is really the Jewish way: read the Torah. It just makes Jews really mad when someone turns the tables on them.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1830. @MarkinLA

    You, of course, know how much others should trade their labor for, so they should not be allowed to trade without consulting your first, right moron?

    • Replies: @MarkinLA
  1831. utu says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    But all sorts of questions are worth asking.

    Before I have learned there was something called a Holocaust denial even as a child in early 1960’s when I was meeting the so called survivors (the term was not used then) and when I heard stories and read memoirs I always had a feeling that the story of Auschwitz was somehow unbalanced or incomplete. At that time there was a shame associated with being in Auschwitz because if you survived it implied you were the scum because the good people died there and you survived at their expense. Perhaps you were a kapo.

    In my family I had people who died there as well as who survived including one (sister of my grandmother) who was released form it still during the WWII who came back home and has never mentioned of any gassing chambers as far as I know.

    Right after the end of WWII several memoirs were written. Recently I got original copies of first printings of three memoirs published in 1945 and 1946. The three women did not have first hand experience of witnessing the gassings but they talk about it. The stories are very similar and one may have a feeling that they appear in their memoirs as deus ex machina like I wrote already six chapters of me living there and surviving and now I must take a break and write one mandatory chapter about the extermination and then will be back to my story which is more interesting.

    More recently reports of intelligent officer Witold Pilecki who volunteered to Auschwitz to gather information and organize resistance there and who escaped from there during the WWII were published for the first time. I am not quite sure where the manuscript was kept for all those years but again gassings are mentioned there as a matter of fact and somehow seem compositionally odd. Pilecki was executed by the communist after the WWII and has report was unknown for many years.

    But the report is a good source on information how condition were changing (actually improving) in Auschwitz after some interventions in Berlin concerning beatings and maltreatment. You can learn about SS officers who were punished for abuse of prisoners by spending time in the same hole incarceration that regular inmates were sent to for punishments. You can learn about food packages you could get daily but very small because they were supposed to be consumed immediately to prevent hoarding to avoid vermin.

    In one of the memoirs you can learn about disinfections procedures when the whole women sub camp had to get naked and stay naked for the whole day as their clothings and mattresses went to chambers with the Zyklon B. Also you hear how easy it was to escape from work detail and also that the ones recaptured were not always executed.

    So we know a lot about the life in the camps minus the extermination process. The narrative we get in media, films and books usually emphasize the extermination process of which we know very little and de-emphasize the day to day life of inmates.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1832. @Ron Unz

    For example, our good friend “utu” apparently claims to be some sort of expert on statistics, and in the past I think he’s endlessly challenged hereditarians using all sorts of complex statistical methodology I’ve never bothered to try to understand.

    Well, I reckon that utu’s expertise on statistics comes from having taken his remedial basket-weaving classes in the building next to where the Statistics classes were.

    Seriously, though, the problem is not whether the utu entity actually has any knowledge about statistical inference. The problem is simply that this is not an honest person. Anybody could look at some of my exchanges with him to realize that.

    As for statistical inference, most of what I have encountered in discussion here is simply that people try to burn the candle on both ends. If you present them official statistics that show that what they’re saying is wrong, i.e. there is no ongoing rape epidemic taking place in Germany, say, then they say that the authorities are covering up the problem, i.e. the statistics are falsified.

    Of course, in parallel, they try to dig up whatever official statistics they can to support their position. So, whatever they can dig up that seems to support their position, those statistics are correct, but anything you show them that shows the contrary, the data is obviously falsified. That’s literally how they operate!

    Given this kind of tendency to argue in a blatantly dishonest manner, whether people have more or less knowledge about statistical inference is hardly the point, is it?

    I wasted several hours digging up my old 2013 data, locating a multivariate regression package, and then running a dozen cases to produce results I fully expected to be meaningless, and also totally ill-suited to display in a 25-year-chart. That’s the reason for the extreme length and angry tone of his comment.

    Ron, frankly the above reminds of the Spanish saying:

    Quien con niños se acuesta meado se levanta.

    (He who sleeps with children gets up having been peed on.)

    A more sanitized version is: “Quien con niños se acuesta mojado se levanta.

    (He who sleeps with children gets up wet.)

    The more nasty version is: “Quien con niños se acuesta cagado se levanta.

    (He who sleeps with children gets up with shit on him.)

    Above, you describe how you invest energy in a “debate” with an obviously dishonest person and then end up having wasted a bunch of time. And then you are peeved about it. Of course, the basic mistake you made was that you should never have put in any effort to respond to this guy with a bunch of statistical analysis and stuff. You should have simply challenged him to do the work to demonstrate something. And then he would disappear, since these sorts of trolls never do any heavy lifting intellectually.

    For all your erudition, can’t you realize that their whole agenda is just to get you to waste your time, so to willingly waste your time like this and then complain about it…. Cry me a river, Ronnie…

    Well, look on the bright side. At least you didn’t spend your time going through some years of early 1970’s high school yearbooks looking for the elusive Betty Ong or any of her siblings who supposedly attended that same school. That was a bit different from the above-described interaction, since I did that as a result of a challenge by you, not some anonymous troll on this site. So, a priori, there was a higher expectation that, after your issuing the challenge, if I did finally get the information, you would engage in the discussion of my findings honestly.

    Well, finally, I only have myself to blame, I suppose. Quien con niños se acuesta cagado se levanta.

    • Agree: L.K
  1833. peterAUS says:

    Assuming ethnocentrism in other groups, and that ethnocentricity could be expressed in mating and resource discrimination, and in violence, aren’t remaining Whites in ever increasing danger as their numbers dwindle?

    Assuming? Given.

    It’s amusing, all this polite skirting around the problem. Not quite sure, yet, how much of that is idiotic naivety and how much is, let’s say, something else. Of that something else, a major part is, I feel, overconfidence. A minor part is iron agenda.

    All in all, looks……not quite optimistic. For working and middle classes whites, that is.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1834. peterAUS says:

    ….he’s trying to prove that the demise of the European peoples as distinct racial and cultural entities doesn’t matter, or rather is a good thing.

    No ! It simply can’t be. It’s….just…inconceivable

    Or…hehe…is it?

  1835. @utu

    It’s always best to read history first hand contemporaneously written documents. All the documents we have, including the recently declassified Bletchly Park intercepts, confirm that the only orders that went out from command to camps was to take every effort to REDUCE the death tolls in the camps.

    Most people don’t know it, but prior to modern wars more soldiers died from disease, particularly Typhus than from actual combat. The fumigation chambers, Zyklon B, and crematoria were efforts to SAVE lives, not take them. In the bizarro world of Jewish hollywood, we now have people thinking these disinfection treatments were to snuff jews, and the fact that control of Zyklon- B was administered by the camps department of hygeine was something sinister.

    Personally, my favorite wartime document was entered into the court case of Ernst Zundel by witness Emil Lachout, who was a member Military Police Service in Austria in 1948, attached to the Allied War Crimes Commission. Lachout prepared a document for his boss, Mueller, and witnessed him signing the document. The order tells Jews to shut the f*ck up and quit lying about gas chambers or they would be arrested. That order is reproduced below.

    Military Police Service Copy

    Circular Letter No. 31/48 Vienna, 1 Oct. 1948 10th dispatch

    1. The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.

    In those cases, it has been possible to prove that confessions had been extracted by tortures and that testimonies were false.

    This must be taken into account when conducting investigations and interrogations with respect to war crimes.

    The result of this investigation should be brought to the cognizance of former concentration camp inmates who at the time of the hearings testified on the murder of people, especially Jews, with poison gas in those concentration camps. Should they insist on their statements, charges are to be brought against them for making false statements.

    2. In the C.L. (Circular Letter) 15/48, item 1 is to be deleted.

    The Head of the MPS Müller, Major” Certified true copy: Lachout, Second Lieutenant

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @utu
  1836. dfordoom says: • Website

    The last thing anyone should hope for is a civil war.

    No one has expressed a hope for civil war.

    I’m not accusing any individual here of doing that, but spend some time in the alt-right blogosphere and you’ll encounter lots of people hoping for civil war.

    Moreover, where, as in Spain, the conflict is between the military and the civil government, the civil government will have considerable resources with which to raise a loyal force to combat the rebel army. Spain, for example,had over 600 tons of gold that it exchanged for Soviet weapons

    A right-wing insurrection today is not going to get any assistance from outside powers. Which is the only thing that can give you a chance of winning if you don’t have the army onside.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1837. Anonymous[161] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s amusing, all this polite skirting around the problem. Not quite sure, yet, how much of that is idiotic naivety and how much is, let’s say, something else. Of that something else, a major part is, I feel, overconfidence. A minor part is iron agenda.

    What is “the problem”?

    And what is “iron agenda”?

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1838. dfordoom says: • Website

    You’re going to have to find a way to deal with them.

    What alternative do you propose?

    I’m not the one proposing a white nationalist ethnostate. I’m merely pointing out some of the reasons that such an idea is impractical.

    Because there is no way to deal with the White Liberal Problem without understanding that class is more important than race. Alt-righters/white nationalists and similar think they’re fighting a race war but the globalists know that it’s really a class war.

    Assuming that white people are all going to be on the same side because they’re white is ludicrously naïve.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1839. Anonymous[161] • Disclaimer says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Where can one obtain this document?

  1840. dfordoom says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    You sound like Bartholomew Augustine Santamaria

    Which I’ll take as a compliment.

    Unfortunately they don’t make Catholics like that any more.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  1841. utu says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    I looked into Emil Lachout document and am very skeptical of it. I think it is a forgery. Good one technically but flawed historically.

  1842. peterAUS says:

    What is “the problem”?

    And what is “iron agenda”?

    Fair questions. Glad you’ve asked.

    More than keen to answer them in minute detail, after you answer two questions of mine:
    1. Why should I spend my time and energy (I can spend fishing, for example) in answering those questions ?
    2. Are you over 16 ?

  1843. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    A right-wing insurrection today is not going to get any assistance from outside powers.

    Says you. Maybe not what Putin says, or Trump, or Xi.

    None of those gentlemen seem keen on a Money Power dominated global empire, against which what you call a right-wing insurrection might be raised. In fact, I don`t see that right-wing versus left-wing is a useful way of discussing the issue. Its nationalism versus plutocratic global oligarchy that`s the issue.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @dfordoom
  1844. dfordoom says: • Website

    Well if normal people “win” that will be the result of violent payback – therefore there won’t be a whole lot of liberals espousing their insanities anymore.

    That sounds a bit…ominous.

  1845. FvS says:

    The narrative that whites are ‘vanishing’ from California would greatly diminish if all the half-white children are counted. Since most of the 22% of babies that are interracial in CA are half-white, counting the half-white components of each leads to a higher number of aggregate whites in CA.

    Except half-whites aren’t white by definition.

    As the typical Mexican is 40% white, the offspring of a Mexican and a white American is going to be 70% white, 30% AmerIndian. Appearance-wise, such a person would just look like at Italian or a Univision Spaniard.

    With 30% Amerindian blood, Americoid features would still be visible. Italians and Spaniards are pure Caucasoid. Here is a picture for reference. Carlos Santana is probably close to what you’re talking about.

    If not the the continuous topping of of new Hispanics and Asians, both populations would just vanish into the white population through interbreeding.

    No, you would still have “pure” mestizos and pure whites. There would just be a segment of the population that was trending towards castizo.

  1846. JackOH says:

    Ron, I’ve only sketchily followed UR the past few weeks, but allow me a judgment on your open letter. I’d rate it as an important effort at political housekeeping written by an important constituent in an important state—if it were written within the context of a political movement that had at least a rough idea of what it was about. Maybe I’m missing something, but I’m not seeing a movement.

    Would a presidential bid by you or someone you’re willing to endorse clarify whatever it is we’re talking about, or offer a sense of forward movement? How about publication of a limited Unzian political platform whose planks stand a chance of gaining serious attention from both major parties, plus the Greens and Libertarians?

    • Agree: Rurik
  1847. @notanon

    “the most ambitious people are the most willing to conform to the dominant culture to get ahead…”

    These puppets are more accurately described as knavish.

  1848. FvS says:

    No, California most definitely does not rank last in quality of life. That’s merely the opinion of one ultra-rightwing contributor to Forbes. It’s based neither on the facts or on reality.

    U.S. News did the ranking.

    This is called statistical malpractice, something alt-right types are notorious for. Given the same exact data sets a rational and non-ideological person would come to a radically different interpretation.

    No, it isn’t, and no, you couldn’t. Those are all from official sources.

    Okay, identify just ONE SINGLE credible East Asian researcher, scientist, thinker, geneticist or academic who believes or postulates that East Asians are ***ON AVERAGE*** intrinsically or genetically more intelligent than Africans. Good luck.

    C’mon, you can’t be that naive. I gave the link on how Chinese anthropologists view the existence of race. I would bet money that most of them view their race to be more intelligent than Africans. Especially judging by how they treat them. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find Asian scientists openly talking about the issue of race. The video you posted tells us nothing about how they view current races, just how that one scientist views humanity’s origins.

    Zero Hedge is a ridiculous alt-right blog. This kind of thoughtless sophistry and jumping to conclusions that satisfy your biases are among the myriad reasons your ideology is in the toilet.

    You need to get over your childish refusal to look at the sources that are linked in the articles.

    The United States simply provides an environment more conducive than their home countries. It’s the same reason Europeans fled their various shitholes for the United States.

    Okay, that has nothing to with what I said though.


    They are now but they weren’t then.

    Yes, they were. That’s why they could become citizens right from the founding of the country. That doesn’t mean all whites are equal or that they were treated equally. However, they were definitely considered to be white.

    As a snapshot in this particular time, perhaps. But the fact that they fled their various basketcase countries for the United States ought to make it obvious to you that economic, cultural and civilizational circumstances don’t remain fixed in time for all eternity.

    I don’t see Central America improving much any time soon unless something drastic were to happen like the ending of the Drug War.

    Even if that were true, that would exclude the vast majority of whites in the United States, probably including you. There are no Italian, Greek, Irish, Russian or even Swedish signatories of the Declaration of Independence. These ethnicities became “white” only in the 20th century.

    Wrong, as explained above. You believe in a myth.

    Not when the states they’re moving to also harbor immigrants, illegal or otherwise. A common move is from CA to TX. Well, TX has its fair share of both legal and illegal immigrants. And Harris County is more liberal, more progressive and more diverse than Los Angeles County. So immigration isn’t the reason people relocate from one state to another. If they wanted to avoid immigrants they’d move to Mississippi, Montana, Idaho, West Virginia, The Dakotas, etc. But those states aren’t exactly attracting a great influx of new residents.

    • Troll: Okechukwu
  1849. JLK says:
    @Ron Unz

    Here’s a study I found with state IQ juxtaposed with “violent crime” and “government effectiveness” indices.

    It doesn’t look particularly good for California.

    By the way, the IQ data comes from nationwide tests of eight and twelve year olds. I thought it was interesting because it may be predictive of how the IQ landscape is going to look when universal Internet access diminishes the rural/urban gap.

  1850. @Jonathan Revusky

    That rate would be higher, except that the whites have already moved out.

    Inevitably, what happens is that lower class white proles who are too uneducated or drunk to sell their property end up stuck in a city that disintegrates into a non-white ghetto. The film GRAND TORINO where Eastwood played a stubborn retired Polish autoworker who refused to leave Detroit focused on this theme.

    In UK, it is not Polish but lower class whites whose daughters are sexually bullied or wooed into the hands of Pakistani pimps.

    This is largely because their parents are poor white proles and terrible parents who simply allow them to fend for themselves and are on welfare.

    When whites are poor, they are in harm’s way of other racial groups.

    On the macro-level, the blue-collar Boers represent the nadir of this peril in South Africa. But it repeats itself with Polish-Americans in Detroit or Flint, low class English in the UK, white rednecks menaced by Mexicans in the Southwest.

  1851. utu says:

    I don`t see that right-wing versus left-wing is a usefu

    Exactly. The movement must be populist that folds the left and right together against the cosmopolitan middle that consists of the economic neoliberal right and the cultural left. The nationalism must be its glue and the enemy (there always must be an enemy) the financial international elite. Anyway you cut it will be some sort of fascism.

  1852. dfordoom says: • Website

    In fact, I don`t see that right-wing versus left-wing is a useful way of discussing the issue. Its nationalism versus plutocratic global oligarchy that`s the issue.

    Left-wing/right-wing means very little except that people like alt-righters have chosen (probably foolishly) to define themselves as being on the right.

    It’s elites versus non-elites. I think that’s the way to formulate it if you want to win converts. Nationalism won’t get you very much traction. People are unsure how they feel about nationalism. But if they’re not members of the elites then they know that they hate the elites with a burning white-hot hate. Make it a struggle against the bankers and billionaires. You don’t even have to qualify it by saying the evil bankers and billionaires. The evil part can just be assumed. Whoever heard of a non-evil banker?

    That’s if you want to win converts among ordinary people.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1853. dfordoom says: • Website

    The movement must be populist that folds the left and right together against the cosmopolitan middle that consists of the economic neoliberal right and the cultural left.

    Ideally. If you can find a way to do it. I’ve always thought that economic leftism and social conservativism were a perfect fit and would be politically unstoppable. Certainly more politically viable than the alt-right.

    The nationalism must be its glue and the enemy (there always must be an enemy) the financial international elite.

    As long as you have your enemy you have your glue. And you couldn’t pick a more suitable enemy. How hard is it to persuade people to hate bankers?

    Anyway you cut it will be some sort of fascism.

    Yeah, basically. It’s about the only viable political style at the moment.

  1854. anonymoys says:

    “Anyway you cut it will be some sort of fascism”

    You don’t know, but fascists are already in power.

    “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” – Benito Mussolini

  1855. @dfordoom

    It was entered into evidence at the Zundel Trial. One of Zundel’s lawyers Barbara Kaluska wrote a book abut the trial, summarizing the testimony and evidence. You can read Barb’s book at IHR. I’ll link below.

    @ utu–Whether you are skeptical or not, the trial in Canada followed normal rules of evidence. In the discovery phase, Zundel’s team was required to submit a list of witnesses, and what their testimony and evidence would be.

    Every single holocaustian on the planet knew who Emil Lachout was before he entered the courtroom. If they were able to challenge his testimony and the documentary evidence they would have done so in court.

    But they didn’t. Because it is not a forgery. It is a genuine document that has withstood a court challenge, and withstood cross examination by the HolyCo$t industry. It’s only after the fact that they try to fill your head with Heifer Dust.

  1856. I am sorry, I forgot the link to the book. This should be required reading or everyone interested in the subject. Real courtroom evidence.

  1857. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    It’s elites versus non-elites.


    It’s the genocidal maniacs for globalization versus those opposed to the destruction of their own people.

    That’s why it’s nationalists versus the globalist cucks. Elites versus non-elites is a non-starter. The elites will always win. But the elites are not monolithic anymore than the rabble. There are good elites and there are Treason-Party elites.

    What people have to understand is on which side members of the leadership stands — with the ugly mothers or with their own people, nationalists against genocide.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @Anonymous
  1858. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Anyway you cut it will be some sort of fascism.

    I think it is incorrect to define nationalism as a form of fascism.

    Fascism as exemplified by the founder of Fascism, Mussolini, was not based on an ideology about race, and was thus fundamentally different from German National Socialism, or today’s South African anti-white racist government.

    Fascism, as conceived by Mussolini, was essentially top-down rule for increased efficiency, productivity, and the glorification of the ruling elite. That is how globalization under the Money Power looks to me. Therefore, I would say that today’s anti-genocidal nationalism is fundamentally anti-Fascist (cf. The Facist New World Order)

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1859. Anonymous [AKA "Michael B."] says:

    Countering propaganda while searching for truth is the only journey worth making.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1860. @John Howard

    Why waste your time responding to morons? Why don’t you apply your incredible intellect toward more useful pursuits, like inventing an artificial appendix? In any case, your assessment of my intelligence betrays your stupidity , and lack of perception.

    • Replies: @Truth
  1861. @Anonymous

    I got it. If America could vastly reduce the number of undocumented humans, the indigenous populations could find more work, and reduce homelessness and poverty in our country. Unfortunately, Puffy Lipped (Liberal) Parasites in government have enlisted those visitors to be their go-to voting blocks, and gerrymander their districts to compile sufficient numbers of those people to sustain their presence elective offices.

  1862. MarkinLA says:
    @John Howard

    Keep posting. Most people don’t know how stupid libertarians are, you are providing an education to them.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1863. @RadicalCenter

    NAFTA, GATT, TPP, CAP&Trade, Global this and Global that all reveal the efforts of very powerful and influential people to erase sovereign borders, and corral huge, disaffected populations under the yoke of International Organizations and Governing Bodies. It is vitally important to instill in the minds of Americans the knowledge that we function under a Constitutional Republic, with defined borders, designated leadership, Individual Rights and Limitations imposed upon our government. When the government unilaterally decides to eschew their obligation to abide by those restrictions, it is imperative that all measures provided for the removal of those elements be exercised.

  1864. @MarkinLA

    “Stupid”? “Libertarian”? Hmm, so why is the Hildebeast not occupying the Oval Office?

    • Replies: @MarkinLA
  1865. geokat62 says:

    More fake news about Muslim Rape Epidemic.

    No pictures or CCTV video… so must be synthetic.

    Excerpt from Finland Shocked by Migrant Grooming Gangs Assaulting Girls as Young as 10:

    A series of sexual attacks against teenage and even preteen schoolgirls, with the suspected involvement by migrants from the Middle East, has shaken Finland, prompting condemnation from top-ranking politicians including Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and President Sauli Niinistö.

    A series of sexual attacks against teenage and even preteen schoolgirls, with the suspected involvement by migrants from the Middle East, has shaken Finland, prompting condemnation from top-ranking politicians including Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and President Sauli Niinistö.

    A group of eight immigrants suspected of brutally raping and sexually assaulting schoolgirls over a prolonged period of time have been arrested in the Finnish town of Oulu. According to the police all the men came to Finland as asylum seekers or refugees, some from the Middle East, national broadcaster Yle reported.

  1866. @Jeff Stryker

    The opposite is true.

    Blacks are less likely to be caught and convicted of a crime because the crimes they commit are more random and because blacks have a no snitching culture.
    Only 25% of murders in Chicago result in a conviction for example.

    Jeffrey Dahmer and Whitey Bulger are very uncommon criminals which is why you’ve heard of them. Most murders commited by white people are crimes of passion and are usually quickly solved.

    • Agree: mark green
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1867. @Alden

    Whatever you say, Sigmund. (Wasn’t he Jewish?) I’m much too old to be ‘analyzed’ by amateur psychiatrists. Please stop practicing medicine without a license. That would prompt your arrest.

  1868. Truth says:
    @David Baker

    Did you mean his assessment of your intelligence “betrays” his stupidity or “confirms” it?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1869. @geokat62

    No pictures or CCTV video… so must be synthetic.

    Seems plausible to me – or were you being sarcastic?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1870. @Truth

    Either would be applicable. Liberals spout ad hominem reflexively. They have no defense of their positions on issues: Those positions being a default expansion of government to administer issues they embellish.

  1871. geokat62 says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Hey, C&D. 100% plausible. I was just teasing our resident synthetic specialist. LOL

    Let see him debunk this one. Given where things are heading, Revulsky will be spending every waking minute of every single day debunking these events. He’s gonna be a very busy man!

    • Troll: L.K
  1872. dfordoom says: • Website

    That’s why it’s nationalists versus the globalist cucks. Elites versus non-elites is a non-starter. The elites will always win. But the elites are not monolithic anymore than the rabble. There are good elites and there are Treason-Party elites.

    Maybe you could point out to us some of these good elites?

    There’s no question that the most likely way to get regime change is through a split in the elites, or the emergence of new elites. In the past decades we have seen the emergence of a new elite, the Silicon Valley elite. The problem is that the old and the new elites are absolutely united in their commitment to globalism and to social justice as a means of distracting the masses.

    Do you really see signs of an impending split among the elites? I don’t. They’re looking fairly monolithic at the moment.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1873. dfordoom says: • Website

    I think it is incorrect to define nationalism as a form of fascism.

    I think utu was suggesting that a successful modern nationalist movement (as distinct from the unsuccessful ones such as the alt-right and failures like the Sweden Democrats and the AfD) will probably be somewhat fascist in nature. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. Mussolini was a pretty smart guy and his ideas are worth a second look.

    But if I’m misinterpreting utu I apologise.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @utu
  1874. Anonymous[408] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s elites versus non-elites.


    It’s the genocidal maniacs for globalization versus those opposed to the destruction of their own people.

    That’s why it’s nationalists versus the globalist cucks.


    It’s invasive, genocidal tribes versus those opposed to the destruction of their own people. It’s tribal warfare. It’s nationalists defending themselves against invasive, genocidal nationalists and those they genocidal nationalists have duped into being “globalists.”

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1875. Anonymous[408] • Disclaimer says:

    What do you mean? Please explain the relevance of your comment to what we are discussing and how it looks in practice.

  1876. Anonymous[408] • Disclaimer says:

    Most murders commited by white people are crimes of passion and are usually quickly solved.

    Are black crimes mostly crimes of passion, too?

    • Replies: @Truth
  1877. MarkinLA says:
    @David Baker

    Not sure what your point it. Trump was no libertarian and they usually take votes away from Republicans. The Greens take it away from the Dems.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @David Baker
  1878. Str5 says:

    I work here and your characterization of tech people is 100% wrong. They all know what is going on in politics. They are naive in many, many big ways, but knowledge of the news and the political sides is not one of them. They are all liberal to leftist, and consciously so. There are about 400,000 Jews in the San Francisco Bay area, Jews are in charge of everything here public and private, and they drive the culture. Jews suffer mental illness, and they select for mental illness in others.

    It’s true this area is not a Camp of the Saints dystopia (yet), but we live on a small peninsula measuring about 10 miles x 50 miles directly on the ocean which keeps out almost all on the basis of the cost of living. To live on the peninsula, you basically must be hand-selected by an employer who was also hand-selected. This isn’t a city of random individuals. People are on the same Jew-created wavelength in all things. This is not America, and all of them are aware of that on some level. They suppress the knowledge there is an entire civilization of people not like them on the rest of the continent because 1) everyone here, and I mean everyone, has a touch or more of mental illness 2) self-deception keeps hope alive 3) they really, really feel entitled to have their beliefs dominate over other people. Mental illness gives them the energy to create, perform and earn, but it also degrades their moral faculties and makes them agitated and maniacal to some degree or other.

    TL;DR version: There are no normies here who are evaluating the sides fairly if ignorantly. They are squelching right-wing opposition simply because they are quite literally crazy.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1879. Truth says:

    No, they’re cunning matters of geopolitical espionage which entail the use of foreign languages, enhanced European automobiles and fluctuations in the global economy.

    Black people don’t have passion, they are all cold, calculating cunning.

    • Replies: @Thomm
  1880. Anonymous[408] • Disclaimer says:

    There are about 400,000 Jews in the San Francisco Bay area, Jews are in charge of everything here public and private, and they drive the culture.

    Even if that estimate were true, it would mean that Jews are only a minority of the people there. By what mechanism are they able to “drive culture”? What evidence do you have that they do so?

    People are on the same Jew-created wavelength in all things.

    What is that wavelength? Also, you keep saying that a lot of people in the Bay Area suffer mental illness? Like what? Name an illness.

  1881. Thomm says:

    See my comments #1852 and #1854.

    These introduce wrinkles of considerable complexity to this issue. Even RUnzie Baby himself is hesitant to consider these nuances.

  1882. @geokat62

    No pictures or CCTV video… so must be synthetic.

    Well, no, not necessarily. If the events were alleged to have happened in a wide open space with thousands of people around and there was no photographic evidence, then you can say with complete confidence that it is a hoax. Like, this stuff they’ve been pushing about the music festivals in Sweden, you can say with complete confidence that it’s just storytelling for the simple reason that it’s in a wide open space and there’s no visuals.

    In this case, it is best to reserve judgment. It might or might not be like one of the following stories that were widely reported and then later turned out to be hoaxes:


    The funny thing, though, is that when these things do turn out to be hoaxes (not ALL of them, mind you, but very many…) you guys always manage not to know about it.

    In any case, you guys keep going when you’ve conceded the debate. For example, I asked you what the best evidence was for the official 9/11 story, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda and all that and you simply refused to answer. So, by any reasonable standard, you conceded. Of course, when you don’t obey the ground rules of an honest discussion, you can just keep going forever, I guess.

    Similarly, I repeatedly ask the morons here to explain to me why there is ZERO photo evidence for the alleged mass event in Cologne of 3 years ago. They simply refuse to answer the question. Their answer is simply to repeat the story. Fine, repeat the story, but that doesn’t explain how hundreds of women can be sexually assaulted in a wide open space and for it not to produce any visual record at all.

    But again, as for what the case is with this thing in Finland that you bring up, well, that’s another case, and I reserve judgment. Based on prior experience with these stories, if one had to bet money on this, the smarter way to bet would probably be that it is some sort of hoax. But again, I don’t know for sure.

    THe bottom line is that if you really can’t see that all this stuff about Muslim sex crimes is mostly an orchestrated propaganda narrative put out by… you-know-who…. then you’re pretty blind. Of course, a propaganda narrative can have some real events woven into it. When there are millions of people of whatever background, a few of them are rapists by the law of large numbers, but not that many really. So they mount a lot of hoaxes too.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1883. @MarkinLA

    To tell you the truth, I don’t know what political affiliation Trump is. If he intends to honor his campaign promise to make America sovereign, and bring our jobs back from foreign countries, the last thing he should do is travel to Israel and bang his head on the Wailing Wall.

  1884. @MarkinLA

    One other glaring indication of liberal hypocrisy entails a virtually unanimous chorus of protests from that ilk about Trump’s plan to bring our troops home from the Middle East. If that doesn’t make believers out of Americans who refuse to attribute our bellicose foreign policies in that region to Democrats, nothing else will.

  1885. CanSpeccy says: • Website


    It’s invasive, genocidal tribes

    Oh yeah? And who invited in the genocidal tribes?

    Do try to think before you post.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1886. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Do you really see signs of an impending split among the elites? I don’t. They’re looking fairly monolithic at the moment.

    Well you can interpret it in several ways, but when the Democrats are calling for the impeachment of “the motherfucker” some might detect a slight falling out among the elite class.

    In fact, Trump appears to be doing exactly what he promised, which is to reverse the effect of the off-shoring of jobs, i.e., a reversal of globalization. Maybe its a clever con, but slumping unemployment rates for whites, blacks and karkhis seems to support Trump’s claim to be anti-globalist. The rising workforce participation rate leads to the same conclusion. Meantime, China’s economy is, by some reports, tanking, suggesting that the US is getting back in the game as a manufacturing powerhouse.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1887. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    I think utu was suggesting that a successful modern nationalist movement (as distinct from the unsuccessful ones such as the alt-right and failures like the Sweden Democrats and the AfD) will probably be somewhat fascist in nature. …But if I’m misinterpreting utu I apologise.

    Certainly, no need for apologies. But my point was that the essence of nationalism is a concern with the nation, its perpetuation and well-being, the nation being an interbreeding population of longstanding that constitutes a race, whereas Fascism, whatever exactly constitutes that form of government, is not focused on, or even necessarily concerned in any way with, the nation as a racial entity.

    Thus, I would say that whereas countries such as Britain and Germany are fascistic, i.e., they are ruled by an arrogant elite that is determined to bully and brainwash the people into accepting racial miscegenation and multiculturalism against the wishes of the great majority, countries such as Hungary and Austria, where the ruling party defends the national group from alien invasion and cultural disintegration, are nationalist.

    Since the sovereign, democratic nation state stands in the way of global governance, fascism in its current manifestation is globalist, whereas nationalism is inevitably anti-globalist and, to use the fascistic hate-speech, criminally racist, or as the nationalists would put it, opposed to the genocide of their own people.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1888. dfordoom says: • Website

    Well you can interpret it in several ways, but when the Democrats are calling for the impeachment of “the motherfucker” some might detect a slight falling out among the elite class.

    Republicans were calling for the impeachment of Bill Clinton but there was no real divide among the elites. It was mostly theatre. I think the Trump thing is mostly theatre.

    What are the things that really drive the insane hatred of Trump? Well firstly there’s his antisemitism, which is in fact nonexistent. He’s a rabid zionist. Secondly there’s his racism, which is also nonexistent. Thirdly there’s his opposition to immigration, although Trump is in fact strongly pro-immigration. Fourthly there’s the one-man Trump War on Women which is too silly even to comment on. Fifthly there’s the fact that he’s supposedly an extreme social conservative even though he’s actually an extreme social liberal. Sixthly there’s the Wall, which is an irrelevance.

    So it’s mostly theatre. The only issue on which he’s threatened to wander off the reservation is trade. So it’s not entirely theatre, but mostly.

    Trump represents one member of the elite who has demonstrated a very slight tendency toward political unreliability. If he had an actual party or political movement behind him it would be a lot more hopeful. It is true that there are a couple of other members of the elite who have demonstrated slight tendencies toward political unreliability. There’s Bernie Sanders, who got thoroughly stomped for it. And there’s Jeremy Corbyn, who could be interesting (he could also be disastrous but since Britain is doomed anyway it doesn’t matter).

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @Miro23
  1889. dfordoom says: • Website

    whereas Fascism, whatever exactly constitutes that form of government, is not focused on, or even necessarily concerned in any way with, the nation as a racial entity.

    Fascism (as in Mussolini’s Fascism) was very very focused on nationalism. That was in fact the defining quality of Fascism. Mussolini was a socialist who decided that the future belonged to anyone who could combine socialism with nationalism.

    He was not very interested in racial questions which he no doubt considered (no doubt correctly at the time) to be entirely irrelevant. He was however very interested in culture. Mussolini-style Fascism therefore has considerable potential today whereas race-based nationalisms are pretty much non-starters.

    And we know that liberal democracy leads to disaster. Some revival of nationalist fascism may end up being one of our few options.

    What’s weird about the modern world is that we’ve moved towards an internationalist fascism whereas fascism in the 20s and 30s was a total and complete rejection of internationalism.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @David Baker
  1890. @Jonathan Revusky

    You said “On a regular basis, eh?”. I gave you a bombing story that occured just 5 days before your post.

  1891. Anonymous[427] • Disclaimer says:

    Oh yeah? And who invited in the genocidal tribes?

    The genocidal nationalists (the invasive, genocidal tribes) and the people they have duped into being “globalists.”

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1892. Okechukwu says:

    Exactly. The movement must be populist that folds the left and right together against the cosmopolitan middle that consists of the economic neoliberal right and the cultural left. The nationalism must be its glue and the enemy (there always must be an enemy) the financial international elite. Anyway you cut it will be some sort of fascism.

    I’m convinced that some of you clowns are posting from psychiatric hospitals.

    It’s pretty good comedy anyway.

  1893. @LostHopeless

    What a confused comment! You live down to your moniker!

    ” Their dark vision for the entire world is of a mongrelized monoculture of globo-homo, of barely human state approved bots parroting the politically correct state sponsored narrative. ”

    Ummm … what do you think is the driving power behind the realization of this “dark vision”? Let’s see … that demographic warfare mechanism known as mass immigration, perhaps? I, too, am a native Californian a bit older than Unz. I recall when CA was solidly “Reagan Country”. OK, actually, it was always a swing state, but the point is that it was one in which the GOP routinely won statewide elections. Between Govs. Deukmajian and Wilson, we had 16 straight years of GOP gubernatorial rule in the 80s-90s (not to forget the Gipper in the 60s-70s; and even RINO “Ahnold” in the 00s). During most of that time, until 1992, the state went GOP in the Electoral College, too.

    Can anyone, including the typically intelligent, but atypically honest and aboveboard, but nevertheless still immigration-invasion-exculpationist Jew, Ron Unz, imagine that CA will ever again elect a GOP Governor? Why not? What changed about the CA electorate over the past 50 years? Were we all indoctrinated by our Marxist education factories (yes, to some extent)? Or was the electorate itself changed via the importation since 1970 of 22+MILLION nonwhite alien settler-colonialists, who everywhere vote between 4-8/1 Democrat over Republican? Even Unz knows the answer, though he still pretends that post-1965 immigration is not THE greatest disaster ever to befall White Christian America (aka “America”). I have fought that invasion since the mid 1970s.

    There is ZERO “nuance” on immigration.

  1894. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    In any case, you guys keep going when you’ve conceded the debate. For example, I asked you what the best evidence was for the official 9/11 story, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda and all that and you simply refused to answer. So, by any reasonable standard, you conceded. Of course, when you don’t obey the ground rules of an honest discussion, you can just keep going forever, I guess.

    There you go again, accusing me of being dishonest.

    You must have missed my previous comment that clearly demonstrates how honest you are. (I can’t blame you if you missed it as Ron or one of his moderators decided to hide it by inserting the “more” tag to conceal its contents).


    In case you have forgotten, I took a two-step approach in responding to your killer question:

    Step 1 – after you’d disclosed you held Rep Ron Paul in very high regard, I mentioned to you that even RP is on record backing the official narrative.

    Step 2 – after you quickly dismissed the RP quote (you had this innate sense that he wasn’t sincere, he had to puppet the official line… or else), I responded, thusly:

    “Maybe it wasn’t OBL & AQ who did it. Maybe it was the Mossad that orchestrated it all… and the 19 hijackers were merely patsies. I really don’t know. Neither do any of you.”

    So, quit lying about my not having answered your killer question.

    Having dealt with these housekeeping items, let’s turn to the heart of your latest response.

    Now, every commenter on Unz has a unique writing style, including their tone… and you’re no exception. I think most would agree that your trademark word is the capitalized “obvious” or OBVIOUS. When you’re really feeling it, you will sometimes use the word OBVIOUS repeatedly in the same comment. Why, if I’m not mistaken, you might even write, “It is obviously OBVIOUS!” Regarding tone, I think the word “strident” may be an understatement to describe it. Your preferred approach is the try and intimidate your interlocutor by repeatedly asking the same question and lacing your comments with profanities.

    But, when I read your latest comment, your trademark word and the strident tone are OBVIOUSLY missing.

    Let me give some examples, by the use of bolding:

    1. The funny thing, though, is that when these things do turn out to be hoaxes (not ALL of them, mind you, but very many…)

    2. But again, as for what the case is with this thing in Finland that you bring up, well, that’s another case, and I reserve judgment. Based on prior experience with these stories, if one had to bet money on this, the smarter way to bet would probably be that it is some sort of hoax. But again, I don’t know for sure.

    3. The bottom line is that if you really can’t see that all this stuff about Muslim sex crimes is mostly an orchestrated propaganda narrative put out by… you-know-who…. then you’re pretty blind. Of course, a propaganda narrative can have some real events woven into it. When there are millions of people of whatever background, a few of them are rapists by the law of large numbers, but not that many really. So they mount a lot of hoaxes too.

    Pretty impressive, huh?

    The contents of your latest response reminded me of that debate between the two titans, Christopher Hitchens and George Galloway. You know, the one commonly referred to as “the Grapple in the Big Apple.”

    Here is the killer line Galloway dropped on Hitchens to win the debate:

    “Mr Hitchens was once an elegant butterfly, but he had now done something unique in natural history: he is responsible for the first ever metamorphosis of a butterfly back into a slug.”

    Based on the number of qualifiers, equivocations, and weasel words embedded in your latest comment, I think most Unzers would agree with me that the Great Revulsky has gone, akin to Hitchens, from being a roaring lion to a meowing pussycat.

    • Replies: @L.K
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  1895. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Trump represents one member of the elite who has demonstrated a very slight tendency toward political unreliability.

    No, Trump does not show “a slight tendency to political unreliability.” Trump’s policies are diametrically opposed to those of the globalist Treason Party that embraces most US Republicans and Democrats alike. Here’s why:

    First, borders: The issue of borders is quite different from the issue of immigration. Trump wants immigration law enforcement so that immigration can be controlled for maximum benefit to the US, i.e., immigration should be selective to achieve eugenic improvement and economic advantage. This Trump has clearly stated. Trump’s opponents want uncontrolled immigration which will have the opposite effect to that of a controlled selective immigration policy. It will be dysgenic, and economically damaging, but it serves the globalist objective of eliminating national differences and hence the need for the nation state, as opposed to a global government.

    Second, trade: Trump wants to protect American industry and promote investment in US manufacturing and the related R and D. This is the opposite of the globalist goal which is to have complete freedom to move labor, capital, goods, profits, environmental impacts wherever profits will be greatest and taxes lowest. This difference in policy has huge implications for national independence and prosperity.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1896. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Fascism (as in Mussolini’s Fascism) was very very focused on nationalism. That was in fact the defining quality of Fascism. Mussolini was a socialist who decided that the future belonged to anyone who could combine socialism with nationalism.

    Oh yeah. Perhaps you’d back that up with some evidence.

    He was not very interested in racial questions

    Whereby you contradict yourself. You cannot be a nationalist without being concerned with the nation as a racial entity.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1897. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Oh yeah? And who invited in the genocidal tribes?

    The genocidal nationalists (the invasive, genocidal tribes) and the people they have duped into being “globalists.”

    LOL. You think some think people like Phony Blair and Barack Obama are manipulated by poverty-stricken nobodies in shit-hole countries like Pakistan or Honduras?

    Obama, being of mixed race has, like many of mixed race, a hatred of those of unmixed race. This was true of Coudenhove-Kalergi author of the plan to mongrelize Europe, who was of German and Japanese origin. But whatever personal feelings members of the Treason Party may have, they are chiefly motivated by the Money Power which pays them for subservience to their globalist plan by (a) election campaign funding, and (b) after-office payoffs in the form of multi-million dollar book contracts for rubbish memoirs that end up being remaindered and pulped, and most importantly, corporate directorships and appointments to quasi governmental bodies that provide plenty of all-expenses-paid corporate-jet travel, comfy hotel accommodation, and free lunches.

  1898. @notanon

    Exactly. A crucial distinction.

  1899. @Stonehands

    I live in the city of Philadelphia- all of the white “men” here are virulent supporters of the democrat party and all the filth and degeneracy that it entails.

    Are you saying that my cousin who lives just south of Rittenhouse Square is not a man? Or are yousaying he is not a “man” (whatever that means)? In any event, he voted for Trump.

    • Replies: @Stonehands
  1900. L.K says:

    On several subjects, such as 9-11, you are dishonest.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1901. geokat62 says:

    On several subjects, such as 9-11, you are dishonest.

    I may be wrong, but never dishonest. Important distinction that should be observed by all fair-minded people.

  1902. @dfordoom

    Mussolini applied the altruistic balm of socialism to convince his gullible populations to forgo projecting any semblance of opposition to his rapidly expanding police state and autocratic leadership style. He was an “In Your Face” fascist who strutted arrogantly wherever he appeared. Nationalism in America would not produce such a stuffed shirt, egotistical leader. Our Constitution imposes limitations upon government officials which disallows such authoritarianism. That is why a concerted effort to dismantle our national charter is underway by crypto-fascists, who project elements of socialism to convince voters to elect them. As long as our citizens are able to confront those tyrants with our Bill of Rights to inhibit their efforts, we will remain free from a Mussolini-type government.

  1903. @Anonymous

    “Less humans, less functions.” You know of course that such a sentiment was adopted by globalists during one of their strategy huddles? You’re correct, of course, but culling the human population would be necessary to prevent wholesale pogroms of humans who are wealthy, employed and ‘connected’ by those who aren’t. Armies of homeless people are being formed as I write, and they’re not going to stand still while globalists suggest that they be eliminated. Automation is a rather short sighted scheme which actually is self defeating. If no one is working to assemble products, no one will be able to purchase same. Unemployed citizens will not have the funds, so those factories festooned with gadgets cranking out products to sell would have to shut down. Illegal alien laborers are starting to get uppity, particularly in California. Fairly soon, their ‘Under the Table’ wage arrangements will not save money over automated processes. They’ll have to go.

    Funny thing, here. None of this is new. Potentates and tyrants have ALWAYS sought to erase their dead wood, and useful idiots.

  1904. While there have not, as far as I know, been organized campaigns to remove the statues of Fr. Junipero Serra in California*, there seems to be a coordinated effort to desecrate and/or destroy these statues, even on private property. The statue in front of the Mission in Santa Barbara was decapitated and doused with red paint. The one in front of the San Gabriel Mission was subjected to an attempt at decapitation and was covered in red paint. In 2015, Serra’s grave as well as statues of Serra were vandalized at Mission San Carlos in Carmel. Vandalism also occurred on the statue at Monterey’s Lower Presidio Historic Park and San Fernando Mission. The vandalism of the grave site in Carmel was shortly after the Pope announced canonization of Serra. The attacks in several other locations seem to have taken place in the context of the events in Charlottesville in 2017. The Santa Barbara Mission itself was vandalized this past Columbus Day, 2018. Santa Barbara city council got rid of Columbus Day and replaced it with Indigenous Peoples/Italian Americans Day. Other CA cities have long ago switched Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples day, starting with Berkeley in 1990.

    *It appears there has been a campaign targeting the Serra statue in front of Ventura City Hall.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1905. @ben tillman

    You know what l mean, don’t be an asshole.

    • Replies: @ben tillman
  1906. dfordoom says: • Website

    First, borders: The issue of borders is quite different from the issue of immigration. Trump wants immigration law enforcement so that immigration can be controlled for maximum benefit to the US, i.e., immigration should be selective to achieve eugenic improvement and economic advantage. This Trump has clearly stated.

    Like I said, Trump is pro-immigration. He wants a Wall with a Big Beautiful Door that will be wide open all the time. It’s like installing bars on the windows in your home and then going out leaving the front door wide open. So as far as immigration is concerned, it’s theatre.

    You’ll get flooded by uncontrolled legal immigration instead of uncontrolled illegal immigration. At the end of the day you still lose your country.

    On trade you may have a point. We’ll have to wait and see.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1907. @Stonehands

    You seem to mean that my cousin is a filthy Democrat, which is false and suggests that you are kind of crazy . . . and an asshole.

  1908. @Aimee Smith

    I don’t understand why Puffy Lips aren’t tearing down the Lincoln Memorial. He was a racist who would have sent blacks packing . As it was, he campaigned on the issue of forbidding blacks from being educated or employed by/elected to government positions. Liberals are also apparently ignorant of Mr. Chavez, and his distaste of illegal alien laborers. Oh well, at least ALGORE gave us the Internet…….

  1909. dfordoom says: • Website

    He was not very interested in racial questions

    Whereby you contradict yourself. You cannot be a nationalist without being concerned with the nation as a racial entity.

    You can’t be a nationalist without being concerned with national identity but national identity doesn’t have to be narrowly defined by race. Racially there’s not a huge difference between the English and the French, or between the Dutch and the Germans, but they used to have very different national identities. Culture is more important than race.

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1910. No. Just your cousin and l are the exception- which never disproves the rule; which is:
    Philly is a one- horse commie sanctuary city.

  1911. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Like I said, Trump is pro-immigration.

    You still are unable to discriminate between legal, selective immigration and uncontrolled illegal immigration of all and sundry. If you cannot acknowledge that you were wrong or even recognize that you were wrong, I see no point in continuing the discussion.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
    , @David Baker
  1912. CanSpeccy says:

    You can’t be a nationalist without being concerned with national identity but national identity

    You are just endlessly wrong. The issue is race. If your race is wiped out your national identity will be of no fucking use to you or anyone else.

    Or are you trying to convince the world that Sweden without any Swedes will still be the national homeland of the Swedes because somehow the African vodooists and imperialistic Muslims or whoever have taken the place of the Swedes have somehow adopted the Swedish national identity. If so, you’re either an incompetent troll or an imbecile.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1913. utu says:

    No, you are misinterpreting. I agree with your arguments you use with CanSpeccy whom I would ignore here became he is trying to be difficult for its own sake concentrating on pointless semantics. Unfortunately people often go off target when terms like nationalism or fascism are used.

  1914. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    You can’t be a nationalist without being concerned with national identity but national identity

    You are just endlessly wrong. The issue is race. If your race is wiped out your national identity will be of no fucking use to you or anyone else.

    Or are you trying to convince the world that Sweden without any Swedes will still be the national homeland of the Swedes because the African vodooists and imperialistic Muslims or whoever have taken the place of the Swedes have somehow adopted the Swedish national identity and thereby become members of the Swedish race?

    If so, you’re either an incompetent troll or an imbecile.

  1915. dfordoom says: • Website

    You still are unable to discriminate between legal, selective immigration and uncontrolled illegal immigration of all and sundry.

    The end result is the same – population replacement.

    Of course with legal selective immigration lots of middle-class people will lose their jobs to cheaper foreign competition. Take a look at the IT sector now. So in that respect legal immigration is preferable if you’re hoping to see the middle class get just as comprehensively screwed as the working class.

    Legal immigration and illegal immigration are different. Legal immigration is worse.

    • Replies: @ZOGged
  1916. @CanSpeccy

    America is not in need of immigrants. We don’t have jobs for them. Indeed, there aren’t enough jobs for our current population. Opening the floodgates would be counterproductive, especially when most immigrants–legal or illegal–would rely on social services.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1917. dfordoom says: • Website

    Or are you trying to convince the world that Sweden without any Swedes will still be the national homeland of the Swedes because somehow the African vodooists and imperialistic Muslims or whoever have taken the place of the Swedes have somehow adopted the Swedish national identity.

    Of course not. You either haven’t understood what I’ve been saying or you’ve chosen to ignore it.

    Culture is all-important. The new Sweden filled with non-Swedes will not be the slightest bit Swedish because Swedish culture will have been erased.

    Race sometimes plays a role but sometimes it doesn’t. Culture is always crucial.

    Do you think Britons who fought the Germans in WW2 were tying to defend their racial purity? Racially they were virtually identical with the Germans. They fought to defend their way of life, which is to say their culture.

    Do you think the Chinese fought the Japanese for control of China to defend the Chinese race? Chinese and Japanese are racially pretty much identical. The Chinese did not want to be ruled by Japan because Japan was a foreign culture.

    Making an argument based on race mostly doesn’t make sense. There is no Swedish race.

    And it’s a guaranteed losing strategy.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @notanon
  1918. Miro23 says:

    And there’s Jeremy Corbyn, who could be interesting (he could also be disastrous but since Britain is doomed anyway it doesn’t matter).

    I’ve spent some time thinking about this variant. He’s Alt-Left rather than Alt-Right.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1919. notanon says:

    there is no way to deal with the White Liberal Problem without understanding that class is more important than race

    obviously not true

    liberals used to believe race (heredity) is real and it matters – they were tricked into believing the opposite and their current behavior is based on that false data.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1920. Talha says:

    Race sometimes plays a role but sometimes it doesn’t. Culture is always crucial.

    Agree. If the native Swedes end up being replaced, it won’t be because their race magically changed, but the culture of Sweden now is not what the culture of Sweden used to be. If their culture retained its traditional strengths, there would be no replacement problem. The older culture would never have settled tons of immigrants into Sweden.


    Note: This thing hits home with me because right now, my wife and her sister (who both converted) together have more kids than all the rest of her cousins in the US or Sweden combined (mashaAllah). Her (non-Muslim) side of her Swedish family is going to implode and be cut by more than half within the next generation. None of them are married and any kids have been with partners. What changed on that side? Culture. Her grandparent’s generation were getting married and having around 2-3 kids.

  1921. notanon says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    that notorious case in Rotherham

    i could link to the dozens of other trials in dozens of other towns that have taken place in the UK since the story first broke through the media’s 30 year wall of silence but if you cared about the truth you’d know already.

    instead i’ll explain again what has been happening.

    1) mass immigration of cheap labor -> mass demand for ultra cheap prostitution

    2) ultra-cheap prostitution = forced prostitution

    (mostly of children or retarded women as they’re easier to control)

    3) the resulting mass child-rape and forced prostitution takes two forms

    a) populations that practice arranged cousin marriages (mostly but not exclusively Muslim) have very strict controls on their young females to stop them falling for and eloping with non-cousins so it’s hard for gangs from those populations e.g. Pakistanis in UK, Moroccans in Holland, Algerians in France, Somalis in Minnesota etc to get hold of young girls from their own populations so they prey on girls from the native population.

    b) populations who don’t practice arranged cousin marriage (most non-Muslims) get their victims from their own ethnic group back home because it’s easier to hide i.e. Nigerian gangs traffic Nigerian girls, Mexican gangs traffic Mexican girls etc.

    i.e. the same mass child-rape and forced prostitution in both cases but different ethnicity of the victims.

    (there may be additional ethnic/cultural factors on top but they’re not actually needed to make an argument that even the most gas-lit liberal ought to be able to understand)

    the cover up by the media and their SJW minions is responsible for 90% of the total number of victims – hundreds of thousands over the last 20-30 years – because the police held back due to fear of the media so the men doing it realized they could rape with impunity as long as they mainly targeted girls from the poorest families.



    the media and their SJW minions have blood on their hands up to the elbows.

    • Troll: Jonathan Revusky
  1922. notanon says:

    There is no Swedish race.

    sure there is – the word “race” is currently mostly used to label continental scale population structure but population structure exists at all scales including the national scale and heredity (race) is real and it matters at all scales.: family, extended family, region, nation, continental race, species.

    • Replies: @dfordoom
  1923. notanon says:

    i figured out the hispanic thing – it was obvious really but threads like this do help joggin the noggin.

    it’s perfectly possible for a non-white population to have a lower base crime rate than the US white population e.g. east Asians, and even if immigrant populations are almost always disproportionately young males and disproportionately young male sub-population almost always have a higher crime rate than their base population if that population’s base crime rate is lower than US whites then that population’s young male crime rate might still be lower – alternatively if the population’s base crime rate was the same as US whites then the higher immigrant crime rate experienced by people living in blue collar neighborhoods is easily explained by the immigrant sub-population being disproportionately young male – so far so good.

    the odd thing with the hispanic crime rate (as most ethnic groups in the US have similar rates to their source region) is the disparity between the rate in the US and the vastly higher rates in central America.

    two possible explanations for this came up earlier:

    1) some factor that exists in central America but not the USA (connected to the drug trade maybe)


    2) hispanic immigrants to the US are drawn from less criminal sub-populations

    and i now realize one obvious explanation for (2) is the constant deportation of criminal hispanics.

    what would the US black homicide rate be like if black gangbangers were constantly being deported to Liberia and taking a year or two to get back – 20%?

    if you could figure out the proportion of serious criminal to petty criminal to non-criminal deportations and the average time it took for them to get back into the US you could probably figure out what the hispanic crime rate would be like if ICE was disbanded.

    something close to the average for central America?

    (nb much worse than US blacks – which explains how easily they cleansed the black population)

  1924. anonymoys says:

    “The older culture would never have settled tons of immigrants into Sweden.”

    I would like to suggest, with all due respect, that your’re wrong.

    The “older culture” didn’t have a formidable enemy called “globalization” or to be more exact, when the “older culture” existed, international mafia, using international “law”, blackmail, brute force etc..didn’t exist. It was another world.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1925. M_Young says:

    Actually, there has been a movement to tear down monuments in California, and the only reason you don’t hear about it is that there is no opposition. For example, CSU Long Beach (the 49er) recently moved its ‘Prospector Pete’ statue to a virtual hiding place on campus (the alumni building) from its prominent place in front of the campus, and did away with the Prospector Pete mascot. The LA Times even carried an editorial to replace the ‘Bear Flag’. While these are ripples today, no doubt they will grow.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1926. Talha says:

    From my perspective, the old Swedish culture gave the average Swede some sort of purpose. Out of my wife’s family, her grandparents married in a church and now none of her cousins are married – marriage is no longer a thing. This would be going on with or without immigration and, frankly, Sweden was part of internationalization from the beginning; look up Dag Hammarskjöld. When I last visited my in-laws in Sweden, they were quite proud of how high they were ranked in taking in immigrants from other countries. Now, granted, they were also proud of how relatively well they had done in converting these people into Swedes with Swedish values…now maybe that has changed since I last visited over 10 years ago. If your culture doesn’t already give you purpose; someone will come along and fill that hole for you with their message:

    But the hole has to be there in the first place. For example, one of my wife’s cousins is a 40+ year old man. He’s a bright guy and very personable, but he has had his same job at the local movie theater since after high school (or whatever they call it over there). Doesn’t have a woman in his life and spends his spare time playing video games with his other buddies (who are likely in the same situation). Globalization has little to do with his lack of purpose. This probably had more to do with the fact that his father cheated on his mother, tore the family apart and sent the mother into a crisis that she was only able to get out of by volunteering for Doctors Without Borders in third world countries. And he takes pills like so many other of her cousins and Swedes in general:

    From where I’m standing, it’s a cart-before-the-horse thing to talk about race-replacement as being the primary cause of the situation. Of course, I could be wrong – either way, Swedes need to change some things around in their current culture.

    It is a very sad situation. I have a great respect for Swedes, they are a wonderful people. I just wish they wanted to stick around as much as someone like me would like them to.


    • Replies: @utu
    , @anonymoys
  1927. geokat62 says:

    From where I’m standing, it’s a cart-before-the-horse thing to talk about race-replacement as being the primary cause of the situation. Of course, I could be wrong – either way, Swedes need to change some things around in their current culture.

    Hi, Talha.

    From where I’m standing, since there’s been a long march through the major institutions (family, church, school, media, etc.), there must be a long march back.

    As such, there must be a two-pronged approach to recover our homelands:

    1. Long march back through the institutions; and
    2. Close the borders to mass immigration

    Pursuing one at the expense of the other will not succeed.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1928. Talha says:

    Definitely. I’m not a proponent of mass immigration so I have no problems with this. To me, closing the borders is a stop-gap – and perhaps and important one – but the cultures need to get back on track eventually for the same reason as Dostoevsky outlined in my post #1763.


  1929. Okechukwu says:

    Agree. If the native Swedes end up being replaced, it won’t be because their race magically changed, but the culture of Sweden now is not what the culture of Sweden used to be

    Maybe so, but it won’t be replaced by Islam. Religion is dead in the West. In Europe church bells still ring but the churches are empty. Church bells aren’t going to be replaced by the muezzin.

    All these ancient belief systems are marked for extinction as they are incompatible with modernity. It’ll take longer for Islam to die in the Middle East, but eventually it will die even there. Don’t count on your children or grandchildren maintaining your Islamic tradition.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1930. utu says:

    they were quite proud of how high they were ranked in taking in immigrants

    Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall

  1931. @M_Young

    No one among the liberal camp has responded to my assertion that Abraham Lincoln was a racist, and his monument in Washington should be torn down. Any graven tribute to Cessar Chavez should also undergo the wrecking ball, since he was opposed to illegal aliens taking jobs from Americans and legal Mexican Immigrants, while lowering wages. Martin Luther King was a womanizing plagiarist, who played the ladies wherever he traveled, despite his marriage obligations. Hence, his likeness should get the same treatment by liberals. (All those boulevard signs with his handle will be changed, of course…) JFK had his hands groping around under so many women’s skirts, it’s a wonder he had time to sign anything. Bubba Clinton was similarly occupied, and he was frequently accused of rape and sexual harassment. But their statues are still intact.

    One thing about liberals, they truly illustrate what hypocrites they are without shame.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1932. Okechukwu says:
    @David Baker

    No one among the liberal camp has responded to my assertion that Abraham Lincoln was a racist, and his monument in Washington should be torn down.

    Abraham Lincoln was an electoral racist, at least by today’s standards. He appealed to the racist vote like many politicians do even today. An abolitionist was never going to become president in 1860.

    Lincoln’s personal racial attitudes are more mixed and nuanced. His actions, such as electing to be guarded by black soldiers, indicate very progressive racial views. And of course there is the Emancipation Proclamation. That should tell you everything you need to know.

    Martin Luther King was a womanizing plagiarist, who played the ladies wherever he traveled, despite his marriage obligations. Hence, his likeness should get the same treatment by liberals.

    Per J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI. Yeah, that’s really a great source. LOL. But even if MLK is guilty as charged, I can think of many mass murderers and genocidists whose monuments are still up.

  1933. @geokat62

    In case you have forgotten, I took a two-step approach in responding to your killer question:
    Step 1 – after you’d disclosed you held Rep Ron Paul in very high regard, I mentioned to you that even RP is on record backing the official narrative.

    Well, what’s this nonsense about a “two-step approach”? I asked you what the best available evidence for the official story was. Ron Paul saying something is not proof of… well…. anything…


    Okay, Ron Paul is pretty honest…. for a politician… but still, some politician saying something is not proof of anything. That’s just ridiculous.

    Step 2 – after you quickly dismissed the RP quote (you had this innate sense that he wasn’t sincere, he had to puppet the official line… or else), I responded, thusly:

    it doesn’t matter whether Ron Paul was being sincere or not. Public figures pretty much invariably express their belief in these things and we have no way of knowing whether they believe what they are saying. It’s simply not proof of anything.

    Well, the problem is that you’re talking like you don’t really have any concept of what would constitute proof of something. Like, that there is a video snippet of some Black politicians in South Africa singing some Apartheid era resistance song about “kill whitey” is not proof that they are planning a “white genocide”.

    “Maybe it wasn’t OBL & AQ who did it. Maybe it was the Mossad that orchestrated it all… and the 19 hijackers were merely patsies. I really don’t know. Neither do any of you.”

    Well, the point is that I asked you what the best evidence for this was, that OBL & AQ did it. I didn’t ask you whether you could say with certainty that OBL & AQ did it or not. I simply asked you what was, in your opinion, the strongest available evidence for this story. Period.

    If the answer is (as I am pretty sure is the case) that there really is no proof, then that should be your answer, that there is no proof. Or, if there is some proof, then tell us what it is. Just getting into these irrelevant distractions like Ron Paul said whatever…. It’s just not honest behavior. Constant evasion of about the most basic and legitimate question in the whole matter. What specifically is the proof of this story? Is there any?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1934. anonymoys says:

    ” Sweden was part of internationalization from the beginning..”

    And there isn’t nothing wrong about that. Sweden was and still a very rich country.

    In the 50’s 60’s,70’s The Swedish saw themselves as privileged, lucky and they went around helping those who were less lucky: they went to Africa, Asia, Latin America etc…and they helped the best they could.
    Olof Palme and Dag Hammarskjöld’s Sweden was respected and admired all around the world.
    At the time it wasn’t about bringing immigrants to Sweden. It was about helping them in their own country.

    “If your culture doesn’t already give you purpose; someone will come along and fill that hole for you with their message:”

    Everything is subject to change in this life. Culture is certainly not an exception.

    Swedish culture did change, but swedish people certainly would disagree with you. Their culture still give them a “purpose”.

    The “hole” that exists, and it exists in all cultures -ask the chinese – can be explained, by presence of international forces wrongly called globalization, that Sweden, as a small country, is too weak to fight against although I’m sure there are lots of people in Sweden that are against the forces of destruction aka globalization.

    Families are being destroyed. Yes, we can explain that because the swedish culture “now” is weak, w/o purpose but that isn’t the main reason.

    Without wars provoked and sold by the main shareholders of globalization, we wouldn’t have mass immigration to sweden or anywhere else.

    I am not suggesting that “race-replacement” is “the primary cause of the situation”.

    I’m trying to say that powerlessness, new “values” sold by international propaganda, destruction of the swedish economic system …can explain a little bit better what’s sweden is going through than crisis in the “new” swedish culture.

    By the way, something similar is happening in france.

    The yellow vest movement is essentially a struggle against powerlessness. Although people might not know it, but this is what they are fighting against.

    Men need power. Not power over other men but power to give meaning to their life.

    And that power comes from taking decisions that are important for your own life and your loved ones. And culture is part of that…

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @peterAUS
    , @dfordoom
  1935. Talha says:

    Thanks for your opinions on the subject.

    All these ancient belief systems are marked for extinction as they are incompatible with modernity.


    From what I can see, (post)modernity seems incompatible with humanity – any place that takes on modernity seems to generally collapse the family structure and cause the demographics to go into a nosedive and maybe that is the goal for certain people – in which case modernity is a great framework to replace religion for that society.

    The fundamental assumption in your position is that these religions are simply made up and so human beings have no need for them any more. From your perspective, it makes sense; there is no God out there – or He doesn’t really care – and thus, sure religion will simply fall by the way side. If the initial supposition is correct, I have little doubt in your conclusion.

    Now either you are right or I am.

    The metaphysics underlying my outlook are different; there is a God and He very much has a say in the matter. I don’t know the details of the future, but the Qur’an is fairly clear on how this eventually plays out:
    “He it is, Who has sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion. And Allah suffices as a Witness.” (48:28)

    Now, if I’m right – and God holds an opinion on the matter – then a society turning their backs on Him doesn’t go unnoticed. If they decide they don’t need Him, He may decide He doesn’t need them – and then exactly who do you think gets to call how it plays out:
    “…And Allah is free of all need, and it is you that are destitute. If you turn away, He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be the likes of you.” (47:38)

    He’s done this plenty of times before; His world, we just live in it for a bit.

    Don’t count on your children or grandchildren maintaining your Islamic tradition.

    I simply teach them the tradition and pray that God keeps them firm on their faith. Rest is up to Him.


    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1936. Talha says:

    Olof Palme and Dag Hammarskjöld’s Sweden was respected and admired all around the world.

    Agreed. I’m certainly not saying all international relations are bad. Count Folke Bernadotte was killed by Zionists for the role he was playing in negotiations over Palestine.

    Swedish culture did change, but swedish people certainly would disagree with you. Their culture still give them a “purpose”.

    If you know Swedes better than I do, that’s fine – I’ll defer to your assessment. From what I can see, many of them don’t seem to have a serious purpose in life.

    Without wars provoked and sold by the main shareholders of globalization, we wouldn’t have mass immigration to sweden or anywhere else.

    Can’t disagree there.

    can explain a little bit better what’s sweden is going through than crisis in the “new” swedish culture.

    Not sure. I think the rot had started earlier and that the new values simply filled a vacuum. That’s OK – we can agree to disagree regarding this chicken and egg scenario.

    And that power comes from taking decisions that are important for your own life and your loved ones. And culture is part of that…

    I get that, but I’ve traveled through parts of the third world and in places where people have very little power over their lot in life, whether due to horrible corruption, living under a military dictatorship, etc. and they honestly seemed to have more purpose in life (many were genuinely content or even happy). But, again, that’s just my observation.


    • Replies: @Talha
    , @anonymoys
  1937. peterAUS says:

    Men need power. Not power over other men but power to give meaning to their life.

    And that power comes from taking decisions that are important for your own life and your loved ones.

    You could be onto something important here.

    Now, do you really think that the majority of (voting) mass in developed countries really want to have responsibility re “taking decisions”?
    I don’t.

    My take is simple (and I repeat it every now and then for which I, sort of , apologize):
    Good living made people in developed world, men in particular, soft
    No amount of intelligence, education and even hard work can help there.
    All the rest is simply result of that softness.

    How to fix it is another story. Maybe even impossible.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @dfordoom
    , @anonymoys
  1938. @Okechukwu

    Lincoln campaigned specifically on the issues of denying blacks education, equality with whites, while barring blacks from attaining elective office or being posted to government positions. He also preferred to send the freed slaves packing. Your addressing Mr. Hoover’s report on Martin Luther King is yet again a demonstration of liberal hypocrisy. Hoover was gay, and that sect has been designated as an Endangered Species by liberals. HATE CRIME LAWS protect gays, so your hateful description of Hoover’s lack of veracity and misuse of his official status should compel the liberal ilk to take down YOUR monument.

    Keep going. You’ll only dig a deeper hole each time you respond.

  1939. Talha says:

    From what I can see, many of them don’t seem to have a serious purpose in life.

    I’ll actually qualify this a bit. Many of them seem to have a purpose in life, but one that serves someone else’s interest…going back to the what-came-first scenario…

  1940. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @David Baker

    America is not in need of immigrants.

    That’s a rather broad statement. But if you subscribe to the idea that America should be, if not the world’s hegemon, at least a great power, or at least a power able to protect its own interest in competition with the rising great powers of Asia, then probably America does need more people. And if the fertility of Americans remains well below the replacement rate, then America does need immigrants.

    We don’t have jobs for them. Indeed, there aren’t enough jobs for our current population.

    Maybe the official jobs stats are a lie, but what the official stats show is that America is verging on the non-inflationary unemployment minimum. In any case, mostly the US economy is about people taking in each others laundry, so more people will mean more people taking in each others laundry to create a greater economy.

    Opening the floodgates would be counterproductive, especially when most immigrants–legal or illegal–would rely on social services.

    If by opening the floodgates, you mean inviting in all and sundry, they you seem to be articulating Trump’s stated policy, which is to make immigration selective. It should be understood, however, that even a selective immigration policy will dilute the European population of America as there are no more European emigrants, the Europeans in their own homelands being a dying race.

    If, however, you oppose immigration by anyone at all, but you also believe that America should retain its great power status and can do so only with a growing population, then you must advocate for an increase in America’s fertility rate. The latter objective could easily be achieved by means of welfare reforms and tax breaks, thereby to increase and generally upgrade the population in both health and intelligence. But that is obviously a pipe-dream, America’s elite being far too corrupt and decadent to engage in constructive policy making.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1941. Talha says:

    Good living made people in developed world, men in particular, soft

    Don’t worry, it’s all cyclical…


    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1942. dfordoom says: • Website

    And there’s Jeremy Corbyn, who could be interesting (he could also be disastrous but since Britain is doomed anyway it doesn’t matter).

    I’ve spent some time thinking about this variant. He’s Alt-Left rather than Alt-Right.

    Yes, but definitely interesting. The rank-and-file Labour Party members who elected him leader were motivated by the same emotions as the rank-and-file Republicans who voted for Trump in the primaries – a burning rage against the existing leadership of their own parties. The rage against the Blairite scum was the same as the rage against the Republican establishment.

    • Agree: Miro23
  1943. dfordoom says: • Website

    liberals used to believe race (heredity) is real and it matters – they were tricked into believing the opposite and their current behavior is based on that false data.

    I don’t want to rain on your parade but liberals are not the least bit interested in data. They are interested in feelings. And social status of course. You’re surely not suggesting that if only we presented liberals with different data that they would suddenly change their opinions?

    Liberals (which means about 90 percent of the white population) believe that race isn’t real because believing that race is real is not nice. Only nazis believe stuff like that. And you are not going to change that – you can accumulate all the data you want but no-one is going to listen to you. You’re going to be taken about as seriously as people who think Elvis is still alive, or that Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings.

    The Overton Window ain’t never gonna move enough to accommodate your race-based arguments. All you’re doing is discrediting people trying to make viable arguments.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1944. peterAUS says:


    Hard times create real men.
    Real men create good times.
    Good times create weak men.
    Weak men create hard times.

    At the moment we are in:
    Good times create weak honkies.
    Hard times create hard Kikes.

    Not quite sure what happens next.

    War. As long as it’s under control should do the trick.

  1945. dfordoom says: • Website

    There is no Swedish race.

    sure there is – the word “race” is currently mostly used to label continental scale population structure but population structure exists at all scales including the national scale and heredity (race) is real and it matters at all scales.: family, extended family, region, nation, continental race, species.

    Using race in that manner makes it meaningless. In fact you’ve made an argument against white nationalism and indeed against nationalism. Why should I want anything to do with your nation state? My people are the people of my village. We’re not the same race as the people of your village. What’s this Sweden thing you’re talking about? I’m a Gotlander! Race is real. I belong to the Gotlander race.

    Your argument could be used to justify the abolition of nation states altogether.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1946. dfordoom says: • Website

    The “hole” that exists, and it exists in all cultures -ask the chinese – can be explained, by presence of international forces wrongly called globalization, that Sweden, as a small country, is too weak to fight against although I’m sure there are lots of people in Sweden that are against the forces of destruction aka globalization.

    I’m sorry but that really is nonsense.

    The hole that exists in most cultures today is caused by the embrace of materialism. It’s caused by capitalism, which reduces people to objects of consumption or units of labour. It’s caused by socialism, which is an attempt to correct the evils of capitalism without tackling the root causes.

    The hole is caused by hedonism and sexual degeneracy and the collapse of the family, all inevitable results of the embrace of materialism. Short-term pleasure is all that matters because there is nothing else.

    The hole is caused by loneliness and misery, inevitable results of the embrace of materialism.

    The hole is caused by the destruction of traditional cultural institutions and traditional aesthetic and artistic norms and this is also caused by materialism. Once you embrace materialism everything old becomes useless and worthless and needs to be replaced by shiny new things.

    The hole is caused by the abandonment of all morality because there is no place for morality in a materialist worldview. Morality is replaced by virtue-signalling. What matters is not doing the right thing, but doing the popular socially approved thing. All moral questions can be easily resolved by a popular vote.

    Sweden and the entire West were being thoroughly eaten away from the inside long before globalisation became a thing. China is going the same way, having abandoned Confucianism firstly for the evil of communism and then for the much greater evil of capitalism.

    • Replies: @anonymoys
  1947. peterAUS says:

    The hole that exists in most cultures today is caused by the embrace of materialism. It’s caused by capitalism, which reduces people to objects of consumption or units of labour. It’s caused by socialism, which is an attempt to correct the evils of capitalism without tackling the root causes.

    The hole is caused by hedonism and sexual degeneracy and the collapse of the family, all inevitable results of the embrace of materialism. Short-term pleasure is all that matters because there is nothing else.

    The hole is caused by loneliness and misery, inevitable results of the embrace of materialism.

    The hole is caused by the destruction of traditional cultural institutions and traditional aesthetic and artistic norms and this is also caused by materialism. Once you embrace materialism everything old becomes useless and worthless and needs to be replaced by shiny new things.

    The hole is caused by the abandonment of all morality because there is no place for morality in a materialist worldview. Morality is replaced by virtue-signalling. What matters is not doing the right thing, but doing the popular socially approved thing. All moral questions can be easily resolved by a popular vote.

    Pretty much.

    At the other hand we’d want some material wealth; not easy to live by spiritually alone. Then, there is tricky matter of modern medicine etc. Let alone the “other guy” having better and/or more weapons.

    The trick is the proper balance.
    It appears we can’t do it. Balance I mean. We simply MUST swing from one extreme to another.
    I blame genetics. Or the Creator.

  1948. dfordoom says: • Website

    Now, do you really think that the majority of (voting) mass in developed countries really want to have responsibility re “taking decisions”?
    I don’t.

    Of course not. The whole idea that people want to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their own lives is bizarre. A society based on such an idea would collapse very quickly.

    What people actually want is a benevolent paternalistic government to tell them what to do.

  1949. @CanSpeccy

    America does not need immigrants. People who wish to be US. citizens by and large cannot find work in their own country, or they’re political refugees who seek asylum from persecution. In either case, it should not be incumbent upon the U.S. Government to grant them citizenship. Many of those immigrants depend upon taxpayer funded social services; agencies already overburdened with current citizens trying to stay afloat in our crippled economy. Unless there is some compelling need to import refugees-economic or political–I would suggest that we take care of our own citizens for the time being.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1950. dfordoom says: • Website

    If the native Swedes end up being replaced, it won’t be because their race magically changed, but the culture of Sweden now is not what the culture of Sweden used to be. If their culture retained its traditional strengths, there would be no replacement problem.

    We need to remind ourselves that European civilisation is really a series of civilisations having little in common. The European civilisation of 1914 bore no resemblance to the European civilisation of 1514. And the European civilisation represented by modern Sweden bears no resemblance whatsoever to the European civilisation of 1914.

    European civilisation is a process rather than a thing. It is a process whereby everything that has been proven to work and to produce good results is trashed in favour of something new that may or may not work. European civilisation is a constant search for novelty. It’s the sort of civilisation that might be produced by a society of precocious toddlers, constantly hurling their old toys out of the pram whilst crying for new ones.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1951. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Well, the problem is that you’re talking like you don’t really have any concept of what would constitute proof of something.

    Look, we’ve covered this ground, repeatedly.

    Your best available evidence that it was controlled demolition are the arguments put forward by David Ray Griffen, your go-to guy on 9/11. My best available evidence that it wasn’t controlled demolition are the arguments put forward by Ryan MacKay, my go-to guy on 9/11..

    Let’s just say I think Mackay did a stellar job, in his 300-page white paper, refuting the key issues raised by your go-to guy.

  1952. notanon says:

    liberal motivation + belief in blank slate


    liberal motivation + belief in heredity

    as already proven by the positions they held before and after the cultural Marxist infiltration of media/academia.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1953. notanon says:

    Using race in that manner makes it meaningless.

    it makes it clearer that “race” is about relatedness and that is why it matters.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @dfordoom
  1954. @geokat62

    David Ray Griffen, your go-to guy on 9/11.

    I don’t know where you get this nonsense from. I don’t recall ever referring to David Ray Griffin as some authority on the topic above others. Though I do know how to spell his name at least….


    The official story is simply not physically possible for a host of reasons. David Ray Griffin is simply one of the various writers who has done a good job of breaking this down for anybody who cares to know. However, I do not correspond this person any special status in my mind as my “go-to guy”. That is some nonsense that you pulled out of your keister.

    Ryan MacKay, my go-to guy on 9/11..

    Well, if Ryan Mackey is your go-to guy, you might do well to learn how to spell his name as well.

    Let’s just say I think Mackay did a stellar job, in his 300-page white paper, refuting the key issues raised by your go-to guy.

    I admit that I cannot prove this, but I do not believe that you even read the 300 page paper in question. At least I see no reason to believe that you did. But fine, if you did, could you write a precis of it and summarize what arguments he made that you found so convincing?

    Frankly, on every iteration of this discussion, I find you ever more convincing. You are convincingly full of shit.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1955. @geokat62

    Do not think I can find it any more, besides, it is in German and not an easy matter, but on the German KenFM site a German phycisist demonstrated, in my opinion beyond any reasonable doubt, that it was controlled demolition.
    But for me such a detailed analysis was superfluous, just compare Sept 11 rubble pictures with ME rubble pictures.
    See any similarity ?
    No, ME rubble is the result of ordinary explosives, the Sept 11 demolition was by thermite, developed especially for detroying reinforced concrete, such high temperatures that the steel melts completely.
    On top of this, the collapse was faster than gravity can explain.
    Alas, the mental switch to a government that massacres 3000 of its own civilians in order to have a pretext for war, not easy.
    Yet, Pearl Harbour was essentially the same.
    And what do you know about the Bikini ‘mistake’ ; or the Liberty ?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1956. Talha says:

    European civilisation is a constant search for novelty.

    This certainly seems to be the case and this is not always bad in all spheres of life. Shaykh Said Nursi (ra) praised this aspect of Europeans as explorers and innovators. It is a unique gift and blessing from God to these particular set of people (and God sees it fit to bestow His bounty in any manner and proportion as He desires) – not all of them mind you, certain Europeans have different aptitudes and motivations in this regard; one could contrast the Irish with Spaniards with Poles with Germans, etc.

    Shaykh Nursi (ra) praised that aspect of them, that they were curious and wanted to push the envelope in certain things like science and medicine. However, what translates to a boon in one sphere may not be applicable in another. Discarding things like moral values, principles, traditions may not be a great thing (Shaykh Nursi [ra] criticized them for this in the same writing) – perhaps some things should remain firm.

    Shaykh Nursi (ra) also addressed the Muslim world and mentioned there was a lot of benefit that had come out of Europe in the praiseworthy aspects and that the Muslim world could learn from them in this regard, but that the other route they were taking was dangerous and we should be vigilant about adopting those norms.

    By the way you made an excellent point about the Gotlanders. The nation states that are around today resulted in a lot of regional loss of culture and unique language patterns in Europe. It is good that you point this out as an arbitrary historical point to choose to define an identity. And, as I’ve pointed out before, Europe has never defined itself by race historically and parts only seem to be doing so with the presence of non-European immigrants.

    Your other post reminded me of something C.S Lewis said; that what we call human history is just the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.


  1957. Alden says:

    Lincoln wasn’t guarded by soldiers or any sort of organized body guards. When he left the White House grounds he was accompanied by city of Washington police.

    Washington always had s large black population. During the civil war blacks enlisted or were drafted into the union armies. They were free blacks living in the union held states. Some were stationed in Washington and nearby areas.

    They did not guard Lincoln. Soldiers did not guard Lincoln. Refuting your nonsense is such s waste of time.

    • Replies: @Okechukwu
  1958. Talha says:

    it makes it clearer that “race” is about relatedness and that is why it matters.

    Race is about relatedness and so are other aspects; religion (spiritual brotherhood), class (shared economic status and issues), etc.

    He’s just making the point that other points of relatedness may be more powerful and meaningful. You believe race to be the sticking point.

    It’s OK – we’re all adults here, we can agree to disagree.


  1959. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @David Baker

    ….Unless there is some compelling need to import refugees-economic or political–I would suggest that we take care of our own citizens for the time being.

    That’s the issue you don’t address. Do you accept America’s massive relative decline in global power relative to the rising Asian giants of India and China, countries each with four times America’s population and where GDP has been doubling every ten years or so, versus the US where GDP, honestly measured, has virtually stagnated?

    But in any case, whether American decline is acceptable to you or not, the US elite have decided that America must compete, which means population growth, providing for more disposable soldiers, more drones whose incomes can be skimmed to pay for an every growing military establishment, and more brains to devise increasingly ingenious ways of killing people.

    So the only question that may be debatable is to what extent America’s existing population will be represented in succeeding generations. Only by upping their fertility can the existing American population, whatever its racial or cultural origins, hope to have much in the way of a racial posterity.

    But since you and most other Americans will never grasp this basic biological reality, the demand of Silicon Valley, California agriculture, US manufacturing and Ron Unz for mass immigration of cheap labor will prevail.

  1960. @notanon

    There are some liberals who actually believe a government can be trusted, altruistic and beneficent. The Founding Fathers were well aware that these qualities would not define leadership which would maintain their functions without established parameters. The Constitution was ratified on the premise that it would inhibit the more undesirable tendencies of officials to expand the authority of their positions. Great care was given to define what capacity our elected and appointed leadership would function within. In case anyone failed to notice, our government has attained authority far beyond those capacities, and seeks to further erode our Civil Rights to quell dissent and simple redress of citizens who invoke those restrictions. Obama quite handily earned his nickname “MaoBama”, but he was not alone.

    Americans must insist that the oaths of office each government official is sworn to protect and abide by will be enforced, or we must collectively exercise our right to remove them from office.

  1961. @CanSpeccy

    “..Global Power”. You DO know our country is hated around that globe? Rather than seek some international status as an ad hoc world police force, our bankrupt, socially dysfunctional, unguarded and decaying republic should pull in our reins, and focus on our self sufficiency, economic health and sovereignty. Trump was elected because he articulated those issues. Let’s give him the benefit of a doubt, along with some citizen prodding and critique, and restore our nation to a symbol of prosperity and freedom for its citizens.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @CanSpeccy
  1962. Okechukwu says:

    I’m certainly not going to have a religious argument with you. As a child I used to get on my knees and pray every night. So I know what it’s like to have religious convictions. I don’t begrudge you your faith, I’m just saying that your faith will die sooner or later. Maybe not in a hundred years. Maybe not even in a thousand years. But eventually it will peter out and die.

    Other great religious traditions, with adherents just as devout as you are, were replaced. People were once fanatically devoted to Inanna. They prayed fervently to her and made sacrifices. She was reputed to be a very faithful goddess who listened to prayers and granted them. Such is the nature of faith and belief. The next and last replacement agent will be atheism. Or more charitably, agnosticism.

    From what I can see, (post)modernity seems incompatible with humanity – any place that takes on modernity seems to generally collapse the family structure and cause the demographics to go into a nosedive and maybe that is the goal for certain people.

    The family unit undergoes adaptive permutations over time. There was a time when multi-generational households were normative. Now families are more splintered. It’s not the death of the family unit, it’s just a different structure.

    The fundamental assumption in your position is that these religions are simply made up and so human beings have no need for them any more. From your perspective, it makes sense; there is no God out there – or He doesn’t really care – and thus, sure religion will simply fall by the way side. If the initial supposition is correct, I have little doubt in your conclusion.

    Well, obviously religions are man-made. It’s in the nature of all humans to try to make sense of the physical world and to fill in gaps in knowledge by invoking a deity figure. If any aspect of humanity is universal, it is this.

    To investigate the alleged divinely inspired origins of the two most widely practiced religions (Christianity and Islam), which are essentially Jewish sects, it’s necessary to examine the origins of the precursor Judaism. Well we know that Judaism was created by scribes working out of Babylon who borrowed heavily from Zoroastrianism, with syncretization with Babylonian and other prevailing pagan cosmologies. Few of their “historical accounts” have ever been vindicated by anthropologists and their descriptions of the natural world and natural processes are inconsistent with what science would later reveal. All in all, therefore, it’s man-made.

    Now, if I’m right – and God holds an opinion on the matter – then a society turning their backs on Him doesn’t go unnoticed. If they decide they don’t need Him, He may decide He doesn’t need them – and then exactly who do you think gets to call how it plays out:

    If there is a God, I don’t believe he is engaged in the minutia of human events. After all, he would have a vast universe to tend to. But you’re falling into the old “God works in mysterious ways” or “God is angry at our lack of faith” tropes to explain away why evil exists and prayers go unanswered.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @David Baker
  1963. Talha says:

    People were once fanatically devoted to Inanna.

    Yeah, well, praying to false gods doesn’t get one very far.

    The next and last replacement agent will be atheism.

    But all polls and data point to atheism dying out. A rise in atheism causes population collapse. How many atheists do you kn0w that have 3 or more kids?

    It’s not the death of the family unit, it’s just a different structure.

    A different structure which is proving itself incapable of being sustained at the current rate. Family structures that reproduce children perpetuate themselves, those that don’t simply die off. You can change structures, but you can’t change to one that is detrimental to survival. Well, you can, but…you know…

    Well, obviously religions are man-made.

    Nothing obvious about it. If there is a Creator, He can communicate His expectations to human beings. There is nothing illogical about this premise. Some religions can be man made, but it does not follow that all must be.

    which are essentially Jewish sects

    This is your take on it (which makes sense if you don’t believe in Divine revelation in the first place, this would account for the similarities). Islam never claims to be Jewish – it specifically claims not to be – it claims to be the original unadulterated and primordial transcendental-monotheist tradition (called the “Hanifs”) simply having come full circle.

    In fact, of the three, it is on record as claiming that Divine revelation was sent to all nations and that prophetic guidance is NOT the monopoly of the Semitic people.

    All in all, therefore, it’s man-made.

    If we depended on the Jews for legitimacy, you would have a point because we also believe a corruption of their texts occurred.

    I don’t believe he is engaged in the minutia of human events

    You have underestimated our concept of God; the entirety of existent down to the most basic building blocks of matter are only given substantiation due to Him willing them to have existence. For Him to not be engaged for a moment would wipe out existence as we know it because it has no ontological independence from the Divine will.

    he would have a vast universe to tend to

    It takes Him the same non-effort to tend to it as it took Him to create it. You seem to have some concept of God as some souped-up comic book figure with Zeus-on-steroids-super-powers – we reject that as nonsensical. He is the only Being that truly necessarily Exists in the perfection of that meaning; independently, uniquely and without co-sharing in that attribute. All besides Him inhabits the category of contingent, imperfect existence – imperfect because its very being/existence is contingent upon Him willing it to be so.

    why evil exists

    Why wouldn’t evil exist in a world specifically designed to be imperfect?

    prayers go unanswered

    Depends on who one calls upon and the nature of “being answered”. If one is upset at God because He hasn’t given them everything they ever desired, then be my guest – throw a tantrum and deny His existence, see what He does about it.

    Feel free to accept or reject anything I’ve just posted, but it’s probably not best to take this too much further since this is not really a forum for (nor is the thread about) fine Islamic theological/doctrinal debates.


    • Replies: @Alden
  1964. @Okechukwu

    It is important to ponder the existence of God. Frankly, I believe the Bible is spot on . No one likes Jews, which is why they’re arranging for Hate Crime Laws to protect their tribe, similar to those they arranged in Bolshevik Russia. The world is embroiled in all kinds of conflicts, with weapons now capable of destroying entire nations poised at the ready. If I were you, I would place my hopes in redemption and rapture, rather than resign yourself to the eventual unleashing of those weapons, while you await your incineration at the hands of tyrants.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1965. @David Baker

    The USA is not hated around the globe.
    What is hated is USA foreign policies and wars.
    I for one, people as the Bushmen, Cheney, the Clintons, Bolton, their propaganda media, CNN, Washpost, New York Times, Soros, the Koch brothers, and so on and so forth, in fact those who exploit and keep poor the greater part of the USA citizens, for their own power and money games.
    And, of course, organisations as AIPAC and AEI.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1966. Okechukwu says:

    Lincoln wasn’t guarded by soldiers or any sort of organized body guards. When he left the White House grounds he was accompanied by city of Washington police.

    LOL. Is that right?

    Previous to the enlistment of the 7th Independent Calvary, President Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, had begun insisting that Lincoln employ some sort of presidential guard. After a few days in Washington D.C., the members of the 7th Independent Calvary learned that they had been assembled to serve as a mounted escort and guard force for President Lincoln.

    They did not guard Lincoln. Soldiers did not guard Lincoln. Refuting your nonsense is such s waste of time.

    Well, yeah they did. Lincoln was reluctant on matters of personal security. But his security detail was augmented by a cavalry escort. And in war zones, there were soldiers tasked with his security. On at least one occasion those soldiers were black. It was a symbolic gesture. Nothing more.

    • Replies: @Alden
  1967. @CanSpeccy

    That’s the issue you don’t address. Do you accept America’s massive relative decline in global power relative to the rising Asian giants of India and China, countries each with four times America’s population and where GDP has been doubling every ten years or so, versus the US where GDP, honestly measured, has virtually stagnated?

    Living in the very small Netherlands, what is your problem ?
    Weird ideas

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1968. @jilles dykstra

    Those foreign policies are dictated by Israel and Globalists. Sovereignty of governmental functions, secure borders, Constitutional Currency (No more Fed..) and emphasis upon our self sufficiency will restore America from a crumbling Empire to a nation of free and prosperous citizens.

  1969. Okechukwu says:

    That’s the issue you don’t address. Do you accept America’s massive relative decline in global power relative to the rising Asian giants of India and China, countries each with four times America’s population and where GDP has been doubling every ten years or so, versus the US where GDP, honestly measured, has virtually stagnated?

    That’s because the USA is already developed, while those other countries are developing. Go off to an uninhabited island and start a country. You’ll have exponential GDP growth.

    But in any case, whether American decline is acceptable to you or not, the US elite have decided that America must compete, which means population growth, providing for more disposable soldiers, more drones whose incomes can be skimmed to pay for an every growing military establishment, and more brains to devise increasingly ingenious ways of killing people.

    America’s dominance isn’t going to last forever. Nonetheless it is economically, militarily and culturally without peer right now, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

    So the only question that may be debatable is to what extent America’s existing population will be represented in succeeding generations.

    You should be concerned with maintaining America’s status. Its racial composition is bound to change.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1970. ZOGged says:

    Since most people who are otherwise opposed to illegal immigration take the bait when it comes to ‘skilled’ (which is quite debatable but let’s just go with it) immigration, I think whites really do not have a future in the US and other western nations. They are OK as long as schlomo in the feral govt wants to replace them with brown skinned apus and changs and make these new “skilled” immigrants the managerial elite. In other words being serfs in their own land is OK with them, because you know “muh skillz’, “muh IQ” and lets not forget “muh free market”. I can bet my ass on it that as we move forward, the changs would be the techno elite while the apus would increasingly become more and more dominant in law, economics and then later politics. A truly multiculti united states of mexchindia run by schlomo the grand overlord from TelAviv

    I work in tech and seen the wholesale replacement of whitey so much so that most whites have been loathe to be a part of big tech for like 15 years now. I’d rather have the whole corporate tech industry move wholesale to India/China if that is what it’d take to keep those passive aggressive folks out

    • Replies: @Truth
  1971. Ah, Unz and his immigration. Where to begin… the idea that all is well in Silicon Valley which he asserts has no walls. I dunno Unz… could you say that a place that has real estate that pretty much begins at 1.5 million dollars might be said to have walls? Some houses probably need security fences… but the mere price keeps the riff raff, butt ugly immigrants somewhere else… until they come to clean the toilet.
    And the nice rag headed software slave labor coder for your companies!! They are so nice… they are lovely dovey… because you own their H1B visas, son.

    You go live in Detroit… you are gonna find a lot less nice of a muslim immigrant there boy.. the kinds that probably don’t like your religion and call Trump a motherfker.

    Same goes with the Banlieus in Europe… you might not like that sort of immigrant muslim.

    But you know one upside of your religions usual support of Open Borders…you are supporting the mass migration from the muslim world. They aren’t going to be supporting Israel in the future. We can then extricate ourselves from defending your favorite country.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1972. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @David Baker

    You DO know our country is hated around that globe?

    As a foreign spectator, I am certainly no great admirer of your country. However, insofar as America is hated, it is surely desirable from an American point of view, that it also be strong, since otherwise it will be mercilessly crushed by the world’s rising powers.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1973. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Go off to an uninhabited island and start a country. You’ll have exponential GDP growth.

    Uninhabited islands have zero economy by definition. China, which is no uninhabited island has been growing its economy exponentially for some time. America, which has a larger land base than China, plus access to the resources of both Canada and Latin America is rather lightly populated compared with China. Therefore both in space and material resources America has scope for continued growth in both population and GDP at least as rapid as that of its rivals.

    America’s dominance isn’t going to last forever. Nonetheless it is economically, militarily and culturally without peer right now, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

    With China threatening to sink American aircraft carriers, with Russia deploying superior strategic weapons to those of America’s outdated arsenal, your claim of America’s present and foreseeable military superiority is highly questionable.

    You should be concerned with maintaining America’s status. Its racial composition is bound to change.

    You may, like the South Africans, be hoping to see the extinction of Whitey, but there’s nothing certain about it, and means to redress the racial balance in America are certainly nothing beyond the scope of intelligent policy.

  1974. dfordoom says: • Website

    Using race in that manner makes it meaningless.

    it makes it clearer that “race” is about relatedness and that is why it matters.

    Sure, but that understanding of relatedness makes race insignificant. If there’s crucially important relatedness/hereditary stuff at the level of family, and extended family, and local community, and region, and nation, and larger geographical areas then that suggests that all these relatednesses are equally important. Or equally unimportant. It suggests that the relatedness at the level of nation or continent or “white race” is no more significant than the relatedness at the level of village.

    Which is fine by me because I’m not interested in making a racial argument. I’m just surprised that someone who does want to put race at the centre of things would use an argument that makes race so vague and abstract.

    I do care about relatedness but to me it’s a cultural thing.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1975. geokat62 says:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Frankly, on every iteration of this discussion, I find you ever more convincing. You are convincingly full of shit.

    Look who’s talking… why it’s none other than our resident international spelling bee champ! LOL

  1976. CanSpeccy says: • Website
    @jilles dykstra

    Weird ideas

    As someone from one of Europe’s nations most desperately intent on racial self-genocide, it may seem weird to you that Americans might wish to prolong the age of American global dominance, rather than experience forthwith the shallows and miseries of an empire in decline.

    But Americans, I suspect, although fairly far gone in self-destruction, are not quite as insane as the Dutch, who with a fertility rate barely two-thirds of the replacement rate, enthusiastically welcome highly philoprogenitive people from elsewhere, people like these — good people, no doubt, and certainly less weird than the suicidal Dutch.

  1977. Alden says:

    So where were these guards the night he was murdered?

    That night, as usual he was guarded by one city of Washington police officer who escorted him to the theater and then left to go drinking leaving the door to the box unguarded for Booth to enter the box and kill Lincoln.

    Ohio is hundreds of miles from DC. It was a solid union state. His non existent Calvary guard must have been in Ohio that night.

    American presidents had no official body guards until the presidential body guard of the secret service was formed

    A Calvary escort is not a body guard detachment. For one thing, they can’t bring their horses inside. Calvary escorts are purely ceremonial for purposes of flash and dash, similiar to the military band.

    If Lincoln had any military body guards they would have gone with him on personal excursions in DC. The Calvary escort was purely for ceremonies. Personal excursions were not ceremonies.

    There is a big difference between a ceremonial escort for parades and public appearances and real body guards. The DC city police were the body guards.

  1978. Anonymous[408] • Disclaimer says:
    @Stonewall Jackson

    But you know one upside of your religions usual support of Open Borders…you are supporting the mass migration from the muslim world. They aren’t going to be supporting Israel in the future. We can then extricate ourselves from defending your favorite country.

    Don’t get giddy so fast my boy, mass immigration from the Muslim world is a lot more to Europe than to the US and that still hasn’t changed the grovelling to the special country there; simply because these immigrants never make it to power that actually matters. They are being brought in by the overlords to keep the sparks flying on the ground as more important people up in those shiny new buildings can take decisions away from the public gaze

    Even if they did, they wouldn’t be allowed to dictate policies vis-a-vis Israel. They sure will be able to do that for the local white populations though. If they really were a threat to the (((special country))), do you think (((whites))) like Barbara spectre would be so keen to have them there? So you see whites get the short end of the stick both ways. More non white immigration and continued support for our “bestest” ally in the middle east. Sajid Javid being mayor of London hasn’t changed the tone of UK politicos vis-a-vis Israel or Syria but it sure has made multi-culti crime more “acceptable”, the worst of both worlds.

    houses probably need security fences… but the mere price keeps the riff raff, butt ugly immigrants somewhere else… until they come to clean the toilet.
    And the nice rag headed software slave labor coder for your companies!! They are so nice… they are lovely dovey… because you own their H1B visas, son.

    First of all, most of those code coolies are apus and changs with a few achmeds sprinkled in. Second, they do not always remain code coolies. They become citizens and those with a cunning mind and a gifted tongue (mostly the apus and some changs and achmeds) can climb the political ladder pretty fast (look at haley, jaypal and tlaib) which they then use to bring in more of their kind while grovelling to the special people and the special country continues apace. So there is no light at the end of this immigration tunnel except us becoming serfs alongside the mestizos and chiggers ruled by a managerial class of apus and changs, a truly multiculti united states of mexchindia, or as they say “new Brasil”

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1979. geokat62 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    … a German phycisist demonstrated, in my opinion beyond any reasonable doubt, that it was controlled demolition.

    Biggest issue I have with the CD hypothesis is: why go through all of the trouble to wire the TT for a top-down demo to give the illusion the planes brought them down, then give up the illusion and bring down bldg 7 in classic CD fashion? Makes no sense.

    • Replies: @MarkinLA
  1980. Alden says:

    How many thousand years have Indian and China been rising?? 7? 8? 9? thousand years? Why are they always rising but never succeeding in creating a stable mature economy?

    Mottoes of both countries should be
    Always rising, never succeeding

  1981. @CanSpeccy

    I’m sure it doesn’t occur everyday in your country when 19 hijackers fly your airliners into buildings, or blow up your planes in flight, beat the crap out of the burnt corpses of your military forces, and burn your flags in protest. One country recently threatened to attack us with nuclear missiles. Go to France, and get an earful of what they think of the USA There are very few nations in the world which favor the U.S., but I always say: “The best friend I ever had was trying to sell me a car.” Whatever we’re selling, most countries aren’t buying it.

  1982. Alden says:
    @David Baker

    How is it possible to dislike Jews and believe in the Bible, especially the Jewish part of the Bible?

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1983. scumbag says:

    Dear whites,

    You can become the new elite by making being successful a life priority, and instilling an ethnic value in your children (proud to be successful, productive members of society who prepare their offspring to do the same).

    Create the white privelege we are going to be accused of anyway. ………And buy media.

  1984. Alden says:

    This atheist has 4 children and 8 grandchildren.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1985. Talha says:

    Congrats! May God protect and preserve them all for many generations to come!

    Two questions:
    1) were you an atheist when you were having those kids? Or did you have the kids and opt out of religion in your later years?
    2) among your atheist friends, are you the outlier?


  1986. peterAUS says:

    So there is no light at the end of this immigration tunnel except us becoming serfs alongside the mestizos and chiggers ruled by a managerial class of apus and changs, a truly multiculti united states of mexchindia, or as they say “new Brasil”

    Something like that.

  1987. Alden says:

    There’s also RICO which can be applied to just about every crime. So 5 carjackers and 1 chop shop operator can be deemed an organized criminal racket. So the low level common criminals who do the car thefts go to federal prison along with the organized crime higher ups Raising illegal marijuana in national forests is a federal crime and weed is still illegal in federal law.

    RICO mostly destroyed the motorcycle gangs so they went to federal prison. Organized car thefts and forged titles have always been a federal crime because usually the stolen cars are sent across state lines.

    Forged and stolen checks are often cashed or deposited across state lines thus a federal crime.

    RICO can be stretched to make a lot of common crimes federal crimes.

  1988. dfordoom says: • Website

    Do you accept America’s massive relative decline in global power relative to the rising Asian giants of India and China

    America’s relative decline in global power will be a very good thing for everyone in the long run, including Americans.

    If America declines enough it might have a chance of becoming an ordinary country instead of the world’s schoolyard bully.

  1989. @Alden

    ‘Cause they ain’t Jews. They’re Ashkenazim, That tribe has been kicked out of every country they’ve settled in significant numbers. The Bible warns of these people claiming to be Jews, describing their Hall of Worship as a “Synagogue of Satan”. You don’t have to take my word for it. Read what’s happening to Jews around the world, particularly in France and Russia.

  1990. Art says:

    Who’s in charge – clearly not Trump – he said troops out in 30 day – that was thirty days ago – Hmm?

    Hmm – Trump, in abject fear of the Jew MSM, refused to tell the truth tonight – he didn’t say it’s all about the Dem elites wanting to out-vote the middle class whites with indigent immigrants.

    Schumer’s Jews control America.

  1991. @CanSpeccy

    That’s the issue you don’t address. Do you accept America’s massive relative decline in global power relative to the rising Asian giants of India and China, countries each with four times America’s population and where GDP has been doubling every ten years or so, versus the US where GDP, honestly measured, has virtually stagnated?

    NO speecy, most muricans would rather live a stable peaceful middle class life than play chicken with these rising powers if left to their own devices (aka outside the pale of the feral govt and their alphabet agencies). The sooner the empire dies, the better for everyone, the middle easterner, the latin american AND for Joe sixpack. We are sick and tired of the continued welfare and warfare state, of continuous immigration pressure both illegal and legal, of arrogant self entitled immigrants some of whom come to steal while others come to spit in our faces and ask us to be grateful for their “skillz and IQ”

    US tech can relocate wholesale to India for all I care (even though it’ll hurt me the most in the short term as I work in it), if that is what it would take to keep these apus in bangalore/calcutta and make India great (again??). As for China, they already own most of our debt so that’s a no brainer. The goons in the govt are gonna let the country go belly up anyways. Why not do it while the demographic balance is STILL somewhat OK?

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
  1992. notanon says:

    Sure, but that understanding of relatedness makes race insignificant.

    it means there’s a sliding scale of significance which under different conditions might make race in the usual sense relatively insignificant compared to other factors (especially closer relatedness e.g. with nation, family etc) but never completely so.

    but the significance of race in that context is mostly general interest stuff – the significance of race in the current political context is white people are being collectively targeted as a racial group for extinction.

  1993. anonymoys says:

    “Now, do you really think that the majority of (voting) mass in developed countries really want to have responsibility re “taking decisions”?

    Yes, I do. The best example is probably Switzerland. Semi-direct democracy works very well in Switzerland and there is no reason it wouldn’t work in other developed countries.

    In fact one of the main demands of yellow vest movement in france is RIC (référendum d’initiative citoyenne/referendum proposed by citizen’s initiative) and it is inspired by the swiss political system.

    Needless to say that the swiss political system is incompatible with monsters that the international mafia want to create : United States of Europe, and other global institutions.

    It is of course incompatible with that monster the founding fathers created…

    All this was known before the monsters were created.

    Lots of people were against those who were planning to create which is now an undeniably monster: the USA…As lots of people were against the creation of the European union, because they knew at the time, what is the main objective of the elite.

    Yes the living standard for the proles living under what is clearly pseudo democracies can even be very good but powerlessness, lack of purpose in life (Talha’s main point) and loss of freedom is the price the proles must pay.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1994. anonymoys says:

    “I get that, but I’ve traveled through parts of the third world and in places where people have very little power over their lot in life, whether due to horrible corruption, living under a military dictatorship, etc. and they honestly seemed to have more purpose in life (many were genuinely content or even happy). But, again, that’s just my observation”

    It’s than a paradox that thousands and thousands of those people will do everything, give everything to get into Sweden and other developed countries where, people have no “purpose” in life. Yes, I know, they don’t know what the swedish are suffering from. But I’d like to suggest to you that even if they knew what you know that wouldn’t change their objective: reach Sweden or another rich country.

    Yes, you have a point. Lots of people, not just in Sweden, have no purpose in life…but you’re wrong when you believe that is because of the “new culture”.

    You are wrong as the fools(I’m not talking about you) are wrong in believing that the main problem facing sweden, the usa, the western world is the mass immigration, the invasion of barbarians.

    Mass immigration is just a consequence.

    The problem of lack of purpose in life is a serious one and is related to what I said before : need for power. But instead of inelegantly paraphrasing a well know “terrorist” but a brilliant mind let me quote him so you can I understand where I’m coming from and what I’m trying to tell you.

    You should of course read him. Reading the following paragraphs you will recognize some of problems facing the swedish and other people in developed countries.

    Luckily you will understand also the cause(s).

    ” Human beings have a need (probably based in bio-logy) for something that we will call the power process.This is closely related to the need for power (which is widely recognized) but is not quite the same thing. The power process has four elements. The three most clear-cut of these we call goal, effort and attainment of goal.(Everyone needs to have goals whose attainment requires effort, and needs to succeed in attaining at least some of his goals.) The fourth element is more difficult to define and may not be necessary for everyone. We call it autonomy and will discuss it later.

    Consider the hypothetical case of a man who can have anything he wants just by wishing for it. Such a man has power, but he will develop serious psychological problems. At first he will have a lot of fun, but by and by he will become acutely bored and demoralized. Eventually he may become clinically depressed. History shows that leisured aristocracies tend to become decadent.
    This is not true of fighting aristocracies that have to struggle to maintain their power. But leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized, even though they have power. This shows that power is not enough. One must have goals toward which to exercise one’s power.

    Everyone has goals; if nothing else, to obtain the physical necessities of life: food, water and whatever clothing and shelter are made necessary by the climate. But the leisured aristocrat obtains these things without effort.Hence his boredom and demoralization.

    Non attainment of important goals results in death if the goals are physical necessities, and in frustration if non-attainment of the goals is compatible with survival.Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression.

    Thus, in order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort, and he must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his goals.”

    • Replies: @Talha
  1995. anonymoys says:

    “The hole that exists in most cultures today is caused by the embrace of materialism. ”

    By now, I’d have thought that someone would have told you that there is no spiritual life w/o materialism. You realize that w/o “materialism” you couldn’t have read my post and I couldn’t reply to yours.?

    You have a shelter, you eat food, drink water, wear clothes etc…Materialism?

    One of the great spiritual leaders (Dalai Lama) travels a lot…thanks to materialism.

    I agree with most of what you said. You didn’t read my post correctly otherwise you would know that we agree about the “hole”.

    Now that I’m here, let me just tell you where you are also completely wrong.

    “China is going the same way, having abandoned Confucianism “…

    Believe me. Romanticizing the past, isn’t the solution. And I would respectfully suggest to you that the chinese elite know perfectly well the pros and cons of confucianism .

    And confucianism was not abandoned. The chinese ruthless meritocratic system (which can explain, in part, the “success” story that is “modern” china) is still, confucian.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  1996. Talha says:

    that wouldn’t change their objective: reach Sweden or another rich country.

    I would agree with you with some details.

    There are a few archetypes of people (at least from the Muslim countries) that would want to move into Sweden:
    1) cultural or ethnic Muslims; these guys just want gibz and a better material life and they will likely end up adopting the maladies in Sweden or becoming even much worse since they don’t have a strict culture keeping them in check. If push come to shove, these people will “do everything, give everything” to stay even if it means leaving Islam.
    2) serious Muslims; these guys want greener pastures – who doesn’t – and have come to Sweden for a more prosperous life, but do not want to adopt Swedish culture and the “no purpose” ailment that comes with it. If push come to shove, these people won’t even think twice about going back in order to preserve Islam in their families – no amount of material gain could ever justify loss of faith for these people.
    3) refugees; these guys could be from either of the above categories, they just want to get their kids out of a war zone ASAP and will take whatever they can get.

    Mass immigration is just a consequence.

    Totally agree here.

    Thanks for the quote, there is a good amount of wisdom in it. The last paragraph was key. I don’t think people realize how much religion has historically done to mitigate human frustration by giving people spiritual goals to attain. In absence of such, only material goals become desirable or attainable and that is where it becomes a zero sum game, keeping up with the Jones and when one can’t have what the bling-bling people are constantly shown to have, then a collapse of the spirit due to the inability to attain a fleeting goal.

    I think one of the huge failures of materialist culture has been its inability to provide a way for people to live dignified, purposeful lives even in poverty.


  1997. MarkinLA says:

    What doesn’t make any sense is bringing the buildings down at all. If the whole idea was a false flag op to get us into the Iraq war then why did it need to start with the Taliban and morph into Iraq based on lies.

    Why not just subdue the hijackers on the plane (if they bring it down into the ocean so much the better), stage a fake escape to shoot them so they don’t squeal, “find” a huge paper trail pointing back to Iraqi secret services and Hussein.

  1998. peterAUS says:

    Yes, I do.

    Well, then we’ll agree to disagree, and move on.

  1999. Truth says:

    I think whites really do not have a future in the US and other western nations.

    Hey, we’d love to have you in Africa, the rumor is that the area around your thighbones tastes especially good, basted in zebra blood, with a fava bean and a fine palm wine.

  2000. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    US tech can relocate wholesale to India for all I care (even though it’ll hurt me the most in the short term as I work in it), if that is what it would take to keep these apus in bangalore/calcutta and make India great (again??). As for China, they already own most of our debt so that’s a no brainer.

    There are stupid people. There are imbeciles. Then there are the commenters here on Unz.

  2001. Johan says:

    “My strong impression is that most of the leading Silicon Valley people are generally pretty nice and reasonable, but are very politically unsophisticated. They’re totally focused on technology and business issues, and with a few exceptions here and there, don’t really pay any deep attention to politics or ideological matters, sub-contracting out those things to the same “mainstream” opinion-forming elites who provide that role for almost everyone else in our society. Just think of the leading Silicon Valley people as your pleasant, college-educated next door neighbors, who sporadically catch the regular news on TV, glance at the newspaper headlines, and regard that as the reality of the world.”

    Mr Unz is rather nice. I work in the IT sector myself, for a year or seventeen. What we have is a sector which has been taken over by commercialism, obsessive commercialism, to the point of lunacy. What we have is cults and hypes, and an influx of a gigantic amount of ‘brainwashed’ or ideologically traind clueless people, hip media trained tech-zombies, ideologically trained by the ubiquitous media. ‘College educated’ in that sense has become intensive brainwashing (not ‘Bildung’). The higher education types consists now of intensive brainwashing to the point that almost every institution of higher education should have a warning on its doors ‘Beware, enter at your own risque..’.
    Additionally, the Silicon Valley companies and other tech companies have created masses of smart-phone and screen zombies, a massive dumbing down (in despite of the intelligence which is about data analysis and information, a form of intelligence, and a limited one).
    Additionally, with these screens, smart-phones, virtual realities and social media, they are playing on the primitive ‘ape’ in man, and they are exploiting it to the max by means of all this technology using every trigger possible, and they are making huge amounts of money out of it. The Scientology church also migrated to Silicon Valley recently, a clever move, as the whole of Silicon Valley at large actually is a popular Scientology Church.

    Basically, Silicon Valley is not about intelligent educated people, depending on ones standards of what ‘intelligent educated’ of course, it is the glamour of technology which lends actual barbarism of our societies an air as if it where societies which are highly advanced.
    Basically, the Western world, with Silicon Valley leading, is working towards a techno-communist utopia, like China, the difference being that in absence of top down control like in China, the proceedings are slower, and an illusion of a free society has to be maintained to some degree. Which means that the proceedings have to be accompanied by events which legitimize greater and greater control.

    When shit hits the fan so to speak, we will see how nice and reasonable they are, or whether appearances can be very deceptive. For Google, I am gonna place a bet, that Google will become our worst nightmare..

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  2002. @anonymoys

    Greed’s more like it. Mankind needs food, shelter, water, air and the mobility to seek these staples. How do think America’s burgeoning homeless population survives? They live in makeshift structures and tents, with buckets for toilets. (In San Francisco, the gutters serve that purpose.) The earth provides for our basic sustenance. What we do to improve our lot determines our standards of living. If you wish to indulge in crime, drug use, sloth or offering excuses for not participating in our economic system, then you’ll revert to the basic forms of survival.

  2003. peterAUS says:

    I work in the IT sector myself, for a year or seventeen. What we have is a sector which has been taken over by commercialism, obsessive commercialism, to the point of lunacy. What we have is cults and hypes, and an influx of a gigantic amount of ‘brainwashed’ or ideologically traind clueless people, hip media trained tech-zombies, ideologically trained by the ubiquitous media. ‘College educated’ in that sense has become intensive brainwashing (not ‘Bildung’). The higher education types consists now of intensive brainwashing to the point that almost every institution of higher education should have a warning on its doors ‘Beware, enter at your own risque..’.
    Additionally, the Silicon Valley companies and other tech companies have created masses of smart-phone and screen zombies, a massive dumbing down (in despite of the intelligence which is about data analysis and information, a form of intelligence, and a limited one).

    Pretty much.

    ….with these screens, smart-phones, virtual realities and social media, they are playing on the primitive ‘ape’ in man, and they are exploiting it to the max by means of all this technology using every trigger possible,…

    True. At the other hand, that “ape” isn’t complaining. On the contrary, demands more and more.

    Can’t look at the mirror, spend some time and effort on introspection, self-reflection and simple basic honesty.
    Things are what they are for a reason. And it’s not only “them”. It’s, mostly actually, “us”.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  2004. @peterAUS

    If you examine the plots of such shows as “Revolution”, you’ll discern the drawbacks of over-reliance upon gizmos. My personal research into that branch of science entails studying aircraft accidents. Pilots are getting very cozy with gadgets, and that’s fine. Automated systems are becoming quite capable of fully operating aircraft flight controls, integrated navigation systems, engine power schedules and each segment of flight merely by crews programming computers to perform those chores. Some recent accidents have me scratching my head, though. One fatal mishap occurred in Houston, Texas, when a plane flown by a 400 hour pilot somehow wound up in a spin during the third failed landing attempt at that town’s Hobby Field. There was a similar fatal event at San Antonio. The crash at California’s Santa Ana, John Wayne airport involving a twin engine Cessna also piqued my curiosity.

    My research has brought me to the conclusion that pilots can’t fly their damned planes when the computers fail, or are disengaged. In IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) this phenomenon is readily apparent. Of course, human reliance on computers not only effects aviation. Try getting a store clerk to calculate your change from a purchase without a computer-based cash register…….

  2005. Ron Unz says:

    Well, I’ll admit I haven’t been recently keeping up with this extremely long comment-thread, but I thought I’d mention something.

    Someone (here or elsewhere) happened to mention the revised 2016 Color of Crime report published by Jared Taylor’s organization, and I just got around to reading it. Here’s are links to the HTML and PDF versions:

    Overall, I thought it was excellent both in coverage and detail, and generally quite consistent with my own previous findings in my 2010 Hispanic Crime article and my 2013 Race/Crime analysis.

    However, I think I found one significant error. There’s a small section estimating “illegal immigrant” crime and incarceration, and the numbers seemed suspiciously high to me. When I checked the referenced GAO report, I discovered the source of confusion. The crime/incarceration statistics are for “criminal aliens,” namely non-citizens who commit crimes, rather than “illegal aliens,” namely undocumented non-citizens, and the base population of the former is 150% larger than the latter.

    The confusion presumably came about because the bulk of the “criminal aliens” are probably “criminal legal aliens,” which obviously sounds very odd. Anyway, taking that into account reduces the per capita crime/incarceration rates of non-citizens by about 60%, which produces much more plausible totals.

    Also, we discover that the non-citizens are something like 400% more likely to be held in federal prisons than state/local ones, which tends to suggest that they mostly being held on immigration violations or as non-US resident drug-smugglers caught at the border, and their inclusion would greatly distort the ethnic domestic crime estimates.

    And since this comment-thread has gotten so enormously long and become very slow to load, I think I’ll now close it.

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