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What’s next? Assemblies with fake ID manufacturers? Gym classes with coyotes?

达琳点击this L.A. Daily News report on a 4th-grade public school field trip to a local illegal alien day labor site:

It wasn’t your typical field trip that Danielle Quinto took her fourth-grade class at Our Community School in North Hills on last week.

Her 25 students – all from lower- to middle-class working families – didn’t go to the Los Angeles Zoo or Travel Town.

Instead, they went to see men whom they said scared them, men they thought were dangerous and stole things.

Quinto took her class of 9-year-old children on a field trip to a city-funded, day-labor work site in North Hollywood near a Home Depot.

“It was a little weird taking the kids on a field trip like this, but it turned out to be a teacher’s dream,” the young, charter school teacher said Monday.

After the children returned to the classroom, the teacher put them right to work…as little, pro-illegal immigration lobbyists:

“It was cool talking to them, not scary,” the 9-year-old said. “We all left wanting to tell their story to other kids so we can help them.”

And that’s Part 2 of Danielle Quinto’s magical field trip.

When they got back to school, the kids began working on a news release they sent to every media outlet in Los Angeles.

It asked for help getting the message out about learning about people before judging them.

The kids also want to raise some money to help the day laborers improve their job-site center and buy the tools they need to do their jobs as masons, painters, carpenters, landscapers and a host of other manual labor jobs.

It’s California tax dollars at work twice over–funding illegal alien labor open-borders indoctrination in the public schools.


More about the school 相关信息.

政治评论员 also weighs in: Hanging out with the illegals.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 教育, 移民与签证