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昨天,我注意到 anti-Stupak Tea Party Express protests scheduled today through Sunday in Michigan — and the Gallup poll reporting the anti-incumbency backlash.

Yesterday, Stupak was still insisting he’d run again.

Today? Looks like the winds of change have prevailed. 政治 reports the pro-life sellout isn’t going to wait for voters to retire him. His press conference is scheduled for 12:30pm Eastern. Stupid votes himself out:

Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who had a central role in the health reform fight as the leader of anti-abortion Democrats, plans to announce Friday that he will not run for reelection, a Democratic official said. Without Stupak on the ballot, the seat becomes an immediate pickup opportunity for Republicans.

“Now with health care done, he’s retiring,” a friend said. “He has thought about retiring for the last three cycles, but was always talked into staying: to elect John Kerry to help end the war, to elect a Democratic majority to get health care done.”

President Barack Obama called Stupak on Wednesday and asked him not to retire. Stupak, 58, also resisted entreaties from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), the dean of the Wolverine State delegation.

Republicans immediately attributed Stupak’s decision to step down as a direct consequence of his health care vote.

Too bad Stupak couldn’t have said no to Obama’s entreaties the first time around.

Betrayal has consequences.


(Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.)


WaPo’s Right Now: The Tea Party movement claims rightful victory.

更新: Stupak’s full farewell letter is 相关信息.

更新: Stupak’s press conference statement was heavy on the Demcare cheerleading, silent on his pro-life views.

That was left to his wife, who introduced him by stating: “His word is his bond.”

A bond of Silly Putty.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 流产, 保健