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The Washington Post prints a typical, racial bean-counting piece on how the Republican Party is too “white.”

Yes, the leftists want to see more minorities in the Republican Party — so they can immediately proceed to tear them apart as race traitors and sellouts who are acting, you know, “white.”

这件作品是 此处 if you must read it.

Funny, I haven’t seen any 2,000-word stories on how white the convention protest population is (a phenomenon I witnessed and reported on first-hand in Denver and which holds in the Twin Cities.)

And as is usually the case with liberals moaning about how colorless the GOP and conservative movement are, the diversity-mongers are better at preaching than practicing.

倒叙: “Diversity” in Howard Dean’s Democrat Party

倒叙: 《纽约时报》的种族统计


Commenter BayStateRepublican: “Why should they bother counting when the ones they do see ‘don’t count’?”


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 媒体偏见, 种族关系, “华盛顿邮报”