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Last week, I reviewed AFL-CIO boss and new Obama BFF Richard Trumka’s sordid, violence-promoting history.

It’s no surprise that the man who told his goons to “kick the s**t out of” workers who crossed the United Mine Workers reveled in Democrat hardball tactics to get Obamacare passed.

热空气的埃德·莫里西 spotlights a video of Trumka gloating about how Speaker Nancy Pelosi “drove it down the Republicans’ throats and out their backsides.”

Remember: Armed with an $88 million campaign war chest and a mob of Marxist zealots, Trumka’s coming to your “neighborhoods, churches, schools and voting booths to prevent a Republican takeover of Congress in November and begin building a new permanent coalition to fight for a progressive agenda.”

Watch your backs — and your backsides.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 保健, SEIU, 工会