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In November, I filled you in on former White House communications director and Fox News-basher Anita Dunn’s young protégé and fellow Tom Daschle flack, 丹·菲佛.

Well, he’s playing the perfect Anita Dunn mini-me. In a 视频访谈 with the New York Times, he scoffs that Fox is “not a traditional news organization.”

As I said when Dunn stepped down, she and her attitude weren’t thrown under the bus. Just switching seats.


“They have a point of view; that point of view pervades the entire network,” he told The New York Times in a sit-down interview.

“We don’t feel the obligation to treat them like we would treat a CNN, or an ABC, or an NBC, or a traditional news organization, but there are times when we believe it makes sense to communicate with them,” he added, noting the White House’s decision to dispatch counter-terrorism chief John Brennan to Fox News Sunday after the Flight 253 attack was one example of that exception.

…Dunn eventually left her post in November — a departure she planned long before the Fox spat — but her most vocal critics still cheered her exit.

Still, Pfeiffer on Monday said Dunn’s approach remains in place, noting the White House would “interact with [the network] when it makes sense.”

… A Fox News spokesperson took issue with Pfeiffer’s remarks on Monday.

“Obviously new to his position, Dan seems to be intent upon repeating the mistakes of his predecessor. .. and we all remember how well that turned out,” the spokesperson told The Hill.

Commenter Hangfire. Heh: “I concur that Fox News is not a traditional news organization. It is capable of independent thought.”

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 媒体