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比拉勒·侯赛因(Bilal Hussein)的女议员



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Rep. Louise Slaughter: Water carrier for AP and security detainee Bilal Hussein

The Associated (with terrorists) Press thinks it’s news that a Democrat congresswoman is recycling the suppressed-news organization’s talking points about Bilal Hussein, the AP photographer 美国军队在拉马迪的公寓里发现了一名据称是基地组织头目和武器藏匿处的人,他的爆炸物检测呈阳性:

A Democratic congresswoman cited the case of an Iraqi Associated Press photographer imprisoned by the U.S. military during debate Wednesday on a new prisoner treatment bill that she considers too harsh.

Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., referred to Bilal Hussein, who has been detained in Iraq for more than five months, in a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“He was accused of aiding and abetting the insurgency, but he has yet to be charged with any crime,” Slaughter said. She noted that the AP has demanded that Hussein either be released or charged so that he can be turned over to the Iraqi court system for trial.

Slaughter said she also planned to write to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about Hussein’s case.

Attention, GOP: Please educate yourselves about this story and get the facts out. AP isn’t going to do it.




AP-- 倡导出版社




• 类别: 思想 •标签: 比拉勒·侯赛因