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***update: 黑五 reports: “I received the original video “Hodji Girl” (that was the title) back in early March from a Corpsman who thought that Corporal Joshua [Belile] was hilarious. I sent it around to my friends with the caveat not to post it so [Belile] wouldn’t suffer the wrath of the humorless asshat sycophants in charge of the military or suffer the unbelievable media bias that is now occurring. I’m certain that Joshua and the Sweater Kittenz will be fine through this…there are probably agents all over them now to get a deal. But if this goes down badly for Joshua, I say we start a defense fund for the guy.”

驴的缺点 clues the MSM into the “Team America” reference.

又来了 with the latest Haditha-related hyperventilation: a song called “Hadji Girl” performed by a singer who appears to be an American service man ***。


Allah blogged it earlier today and links to the video at 热气. He reports: “I’m reliably informed that the video was shot at Al-Asad air base (which has a Marine air wing) on March 2nd or 3rd.”

[更新: We’ve put up a clean, Flash version of the video.]

查尔斯在 LGF has more and hosts a sharper version of the video. He writes:

The mainstream media have really gone too far this time, in their smarmy rush to smear US troops, because their vile claims, based on information fed to them by an Islamist front group, can be checked.

CAIR 和他们的 同伙 gnash their teeth over Marines singing songs about killing “innocent civilians” and “children,” everyone else should calm down and get the facts. As I noted, “neither the CAIR release nor the 英国广播公司的故事 report the full lyrics and the context of the ‘Iraqi civilians’ ambushing the character in the song with AK-47s.”

The Marine Corps has capitulated in the face of CAIR’s yapping. CAIR, of course, is still not satisfied and is calling for a full-scale witch hunt:

“We welcome the Marine Corps statement, but we also expect that those who participated in this incident will be identified and disciplined appropriately,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. Awad added that he hoped Congress would conduct hearings on this and similar incidents.

去借 Ilario Pantano’s phrase, the self-flagellationists win again.


杰夫·G。 weighs in as only Jeff G. does.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: CAIR