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反对Haditha被告人Lance Cpl的案件被驳回。 斯蒂芬·塔图姆
分页John Murtha ...



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The Marine Corps is dropping all charges against a lance corporal who was accused of involuntary manslaughter in a squad’s killing of 24 Iraqis in Haditha in 2005.

The Marines dropped the case against 26-year-old Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum on Friday as jury selection was about to begin for his court-martial at Camp Pendleton. He had also been charged with reckless endangerment and aggravated assault.

John Murtha was, as they say, unavailable for comment.

But we won’t let him rest.

更远 路透社:

The charges of involuntary manslaughter against Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum were dismissed “in order to continue to pursue the truth seeking process into the Haditha incident,” the Marines said in a written statement.

真主权威: “Exit question: If the charges against [Frank] Wuterich end up being dismissed too, is it time to revisit a House censure for Murtha?


倒叙:2007 年 XNUMX 月……贾森·马特拉 (Jason Mattera) 在哈迪萨 (Haditha) 污点上将逃跑的穆萨 (Murtha) 逼入绝路……


Everything you need to know is at 保卫我们的海军陆战队。

让自由之声 回顾Murtha Marine涂片时间表。


*收费下降 卢卡斯·麦康奈尔上尉

*建议收费下降 兰斯(Lance) 斯蒂芬·塔塔姆(Stephen B.Tatum)

*收费下降 兰斯下士贾斯汀·莎拉特

*收费下降 桑尼克·德拉克鲁兹中士

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 哈迪塞, 约翰·穆莎(John Murtha)