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Hat tip to reader M. for this Bloomberg dispatch on the old tyrant’s election day 喊出来 对巴拉克奥巴马:

Cuba’s former president, Fidel Castro, said U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama is the “more intelligent” choice though he cautioned that the Democratic senator isn’t concerned with the world’s biggest problems.

Castro, who handed governing authority over to his brother this year after ruling the communist country for 49 years, noted that Obama plans to cut taxes for the middle class and increase taxes for the rich. U.S. voters will decide between Obama and Republican candidate John McCain in today’s election.

“He’s without a doubt more intelligent, refined and even- handed than his Republican adversary,” Castro wrote in a “reflection,” which was sent via e-mail. “McCain is old, belligerent, uncultivated, unintelligent and in poor health.”


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 古巴