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人口普查 + 左翼合作伙伴 = 更多 OBAMACORN!



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Photoshop 信用:Leo Alberti

Fox News reports that ACORN will be one of a plethora of left-wing groups “helping out” with the Census.


The U.S. Census is supposed to be free of politics, but one group with a history of voter fraud, ACORN, is participating in next year’s count, raising concerns about the politicization of the decennial survey.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States — currently believed to be more than 306 million people.

A U.S. Census “sell sheet,” an advertisement used to recruit national partners, says partnerships with groups like ACORN “play an important role in making the 2010 Census successful,” including by “help[ing] recruit census workers.”

The bureau is currently employing help from more than 250 national partners, including TARGET and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), to assist in the hiring effort.

But ACORN’s partnership with the 2010 Census is worrisome to lawmakers who say past allegations of fraud should raise concerns about the organization.

The question is: Will the worriers just worry — or will they do something about it? The Bush White House kept the taxpayer pipeline open for eight years. John McCain spoke at an ACORN/shamnesty event. Hoping for change? Not bloody likely.

Laugh line of the day:

“The Census (Bureau) is a nonpartisan, non-political agency and we’re very dedicated to an accurate account,” bureau spokesman Stephen Buckner told FOXNews.com. “We have a lot of quality controls in place to keep any kind of systemic error or fraudulent behavior to affect the counts.”

• 类别: 思想 •标签: ACORN手表, 人口调查