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Arizona GOP Gov. Jan Brewer outlines the relationship between Barack Obama, his open-borders Big Labor buddies at the SEIU/UFCW, and Democrat gubernatorial candidate and SEIU water-carrier Terry Goddard.

I call it the No Illegal Alien Union Dues-Paying Democrat Voter Left Behind Alliance.

Brewer adds:

The SEIU and UFCW actively supported President Obama in 2008 and have endorsed Terry Goddard for Governor in 2010. In a speech to the SEIU membership as a candidate for President, Obama revealed the closeness of his relationship admitting “your agenda is my agenda,” adding that he consults with SEIU on immigration issues and pledged the passage of “comprehensive immigration reform” to a resounding cheer from the crowd. Terry Goddard has announced that he supports President Obama’s immigration reform plan and refuses to reject the endorsement of the SEIU or UFCW despite their boycott of the state.

The truth behind the boycott and the support of the SEIU from Obama and Goddard is revealed in what “reform” really means to them. In June of 2009, former International Executive Vice President and current International Secretary-Treasurer, Eliseo Medina, laid out the SEIU’s view of comprehensive immigration reform as a way to generate eight million “progressive” voters to support their efforts.

了解更多 www.StoptheBoycottCartel.com

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 移民与签证, SEIU