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Just like you can’t be a little bit pregnant, you can’t be a little bit nutroots. If you are going to throw your lot in with the MoveOn/MediaMatters mob, you do it all the way. Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer appears to have some misgivings 关于 粉碎冲刺 表达。

First, he talks the macho talk:

A resolution introduced by 20 Democrats urges the House to condemn the “unwarranted slur” made by Mr. Limbaugh, though it does not condemn the broadcaster himself.

Their push, not coincidentally, comes after House and Senate Republicans maneuvered some Democrats into voting to condemn an advertisement by MoveOn.org in The New York Times last month that referred to Gen. David H. Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” Representative Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland and the House majority leader, said Tuesday.

But then, this:

House Democratic leaders still had not decided Tuesday whether they would bring up the resolution denouncing Mr. Limbaugh’s comments, which is likely to spark a partisan free-for-all on the floor.

Mr. Hoyer, despite his goose and gander view, was not so sure that House members should get into the business of unleashing a resolution of disapproval each time they encounter something of which they disapprove.

“I think, frankly, I would like to see us restrain ourselves in condemning through resolutions all of that with which we disagree,” Mr. Hoyer said. “I have a zillion resolutions that I could think of pursuing that objective.”

Buck up, Steny. There’s no turning back.

The unhinged moonbats await.


必读: 汤姆·马奎尔 deconstructs the moral equivalence and trademark sloppy journalism behind the NYTimes story.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: MoveOn组织, 拉什林博