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Fireworks scheduled to begin at 9:30am.

The latest headlines…

Wash Times: Nominees head to Senate

ABC: Senate Debates Bush’s Judicial Nominee

“华盛顿邮报”: Senate Talks Continue As Fight on Judges Nears

LA Times editorial: Nuke It, Already

Best places to watch/listen to the showdown…

– NRO’s latest new blog, 工作台备忘录.

The Daly Report. Beginning at 1pmEST, Kay Daly will be simulcasting the debate on the Senate floor and providing color commentary.

– Of course: C-SPAN

更新: Lotsa lotsa fili-blogging at Polipundit (see Lorie Byrd 此处 此处) 以及 ConfirmThem.com. 更多 来自露天看台, The Astute Blogger

更新二: 晚上 332 点。 Shutting down?



Washington Times’ Greg Pierce on a new offer

人类事件: Who is Priscilla Owen?

David Limbaugh: Judicial battle just got nastier

埃德·莫里西: The Byrd option starts today

Blogs for Bush: Interview with former Scalia clerk Ed Whelan

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 政治