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我的朋友 迈克尔·斯梅尔科尼什, Philly talk show host and columnist, has a soon-to-be “纽约时报” bestseller coming out this week on the p.c. perils of airport security. His important book is called 盲目飞行 and government officials are already 攻击 Smerconish for advocating common-sense profiling. Department of Transportation spokesman Brian Turmail told the 波士顿先驱报 in response to Smerconish’s critique:

Anyone who would argue that we’d be better off by discriminating against anyone based on race has got a woefully warped sense of American values.

This overly simplistic and naive view of threat profiling is revealing. Even more disturbing, as we prepare to mark the third anniversary of Sept. 11, is Turmail’s contempt for Americans such as Michael Smerconish who are raising serious questions about the failures of government to protect us from the ongoing threat of Islamofascists in our midst.

More on Smerconish’s work is 此处. His book tour info is 此处.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 航空保安