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“Here’s where I look like my Jewish cousin!”

In case you hadn’t 已经 seen it, here’s Halle Berry’s dumb little joke mocking Jewish noses on the Jay Leno show last night…except you wouldn’t know she had made the “Jewish” jibe if not for the 纽约邮报:

Halle Berry was apologizing last night after she’d made an apparent anti-Semitic joke while taping “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” Friday afternoon.

The Oscar-winning star, on the show to promote her movie “Things We Lost in the Fire,” was showing Leno and his audience images of herself on her computer using the Mac program Photo Booth, which distorts images like a carnival fun-house mirror.

According to one audience member, “She introduced the first photo by saying, ‘Here’s where I look like my Jewish cousin!’ – it was a picture of her with a huge, distorted nose. No one laughed, and Jay nervously said, ‘I’m glad you said that and not me.’ When the show aired, they cut out her ‘Jewish’ comment and added a laugh track to the bit.”

How fortunate to be a beautiful Hollywood starlet with sycophants like Jay Leno willing to help cover up your politically incorrect gaffes.

黛比·施卢塞尔 lambastes the liberal double standard (see, for example, HuffPo):

Where are all the Ann Coulter critics who are so concerned with Anti-Semitism? I guess a bigoted, liberal (half)Black actress gets a pass where a conservative, blonde, white commentator does not. What was that which George Orwell said about all the animals in the barnyard being equal, but some being more equal than others?

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 霍莉韦德