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“ Man Up !:” Doddering Reid Wilts辩论有角



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In style and substance, Lady in Red Sharron Angle trounced the four-term Democrat Senate incumbent and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at tonight’s Las Vegas debate.

He preposterously called George W. Bush “his friend” (after infamously branding him a “失败者“), claimed credit for the 浪涌 in Iraq (after questioning General Petraeus’s competence and character), and became a new convert to the English First movement (after having voted against such a proclamation in 2006. In an instant-made-for-political-ad-classic, Angle challenged the entrenched incumbent’s wealth.

A miffed Reid referred to himself as a “fixed income” peon…who happens to live in the Ritz-Carlton.

And in the quotable quote of the night, Angle pricked Reid’s delusions about the teetering Social Security system with two terse words:


Hapless Harry relied on tired senatorial cliches and weasel words (“extreme,” “extreme,” ” my friend,” “extreme”); he resorted to condescension in response to Angle’s aggressive challenges on the shortcircuiting of the deliberative process in Washington overseen by Reid (she just “didn’t understand what goes on,” he sniffed cluelessly); and in the closing statement of his political life, he awkwardly shuffled his yellow notebook pages around before meekly arguing that Angle was offensive.

Angle smiled, channeling Reagan’s warrior optimism, and asked for Nevadans’ votes to restore prosperity and freedom and American exceptionalism. Without notes.

If this were an amateur boxing match, it would have been an RSC-O — referee stopped contest because the loser was outclassed. November 2 can’t come soon enough.

Can’t wait to be able to bid Harry Reid adieu and a hearty, finger-wagging DLTDHYOTWO*:

*Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Watch the debate on C-SPAN 点击此处.

Complete debate fact check 点击此处.

Angle’s countdown to victory blog 点击此处.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 里德