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亚瑟·切伦科夫 has the round-up of good news from Afghanistan.

In not-so-good news:

– Ousted Taliban thugs 斩首 10 Afghan policemen.

Four terror suspects escaped from Bagram, the main U.S. base in Kabul.

– The body of a fourth Navy SEAL–the last member of an ill-fated, four-man Special Forces unit that disappeared last month–was 发现 in Kunar province by a search and rescue team. Military officials said all indications were that he died in fighting; a purported Taliban spokesman had claimed that he was captured alive and beheaded.

——由数百家创建、维护和提供物联网(IoT)全球开放标准的公司所组成的 伦敦时报 over the weekend had a detailed story on the Navy SEALs’ mission, Operation Red Wing, and speculated that the commandos may have gotten too close to bin Laden.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 阿富汗