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Bush-bashers have been in a 头晕 all weekend over the latest Rove revelations。 该 “华盛顿邮报” follows up; Pavlovian salivation 随之而来。

For a non-heavy-breathing perspective, read:

贝蒂·纽马克(Betsy Newmark) on the “scandalette.”

洛里·伯德(Lorie Byrd) at Polipundit on “Some Of The Worst ‘Reporting’ I Have Seen – And That’s Saying A Lot.”

Tom Maguire at 只需一分钟 plays editor and notes:

Eventually, an enterprising reporter will ask Matt Cooper whether some of the sources he is shielding are other journalists; his answer may provoke a bit more head-scratching.

And the Power Line team weighs in. 保罗·米伦戈夫 写道:

The media feeding frenzy will, indeed, be massive. But absent a serious claim of a statutory violation or perjury, it’s questionable whether anyone apart from liberal bloggers and other pre-existing Bush haters will partake in the media’s dog food.



莱昂 H. RedState 合计:

So let’s review – Wilson lied about how he got to Niger, he lied about seeing a report that didn’t even exist at the time, he lied about the conclusions of his own report(!), he lied about what the administration had been told, and his wife, Valerie Plame, specifically sent him on a mission to intentionally debunk a claim, not to find facts or perform inspections. I’d say the WaPo’s conclusion is pretty sound on this one.

Also, it certainly gives life to the question of why the heck these two lied so darn much in absence of a clear and compelling political agenda driving their every move. Let’s not rush to make these partisan hacks into saints – they attempted to cook the books against the administration and got busted for being the compulsive liars that they are. In the course of attempting to discredit the ludicrously false claims, someone in the White House (presumably Rove) told the press that Wilson was sent to Niger on dubious premises in the first place (the recommendation of his wife), without giving the name of Wilson’s wife, which Rove apparently did not know.

When this story first broke on the scene, I thought that Rove should properly be banished from the administration team, despite the fact that even at that time it was pretty clear that no crime took place. However, given the serial and politically motivated lies of Wilson and Plame, it’s clear that the fairy tale the liberals have constructed in which Plame was the heroic CIA agent unjustly outed by Arch-Demon Karl Rove is totally and completely false – and I won’t be shedding any more tears about either of their fates.

Regarding media coverage of Judith Miller’s imprisonment, 蒂姆·格雷厄姆 at The Corner calmly reminds:

Left out of almost all the media coverage of Judith Miller’s decision to go to jail rather than reveal sources to special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is the way the New York Times editorialists pounded the table for the special-counsel probe that boomeranged on them…

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 卡尔·罗夫