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This one is no surprise: AP reports this morning that Obama national security adviser James Jones will announce his resignation today. He had been 预期 to bolt by year’s end amid controversy over his tough 批评 of Team Obama in Bob Woodward’s latest book.

His replacement? Carter/Clinton operative Thomas Donilon:

Mr. Donilon began as young political operative for President Jimmy Carter and later was chief of staff for Secretary of State Warren Christopher in the Clinton administration. He has long operated in the area between politics and national security. He coached Mr. Obama on foreign policy for his debates during the 2008 presidential campaign.

As deputy national security adviser, he has urged what he calls a “re-balancing” of American foreign policy to rapidly disengage American forces in Iraq and to focus more on China, Iran and other emerging challenges. In the Afghanistan-Pakistan review, he argued that the United States could not engage in what he termed “endless war,” and has strongly defended Mr. Obama’s decision to declare that troops will begin leaving Afghanistan next summer.

Culture of Corruption readers know Donilon from his crony ties to Chicago subprime queen Penny Pritzer. 他也是 top Fannie Mae lobbyist and consultant to financial giants Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 政治, 战争